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Paul Gam

Paul J. Gam, President and CEO. Over 25 years in medical devices. Formerly St. Jude Medical (now Abbott) Vice President of International Development where he actively led and engaged in the assessment and acquisition of technologies and companies, and established strategic alliances. Founder and Legal Representative, China subsidiary and interim Managing Director, Asia Pacific operations; Medtronic divisional Finance Director and corporate Global Assurance Director. Leadership experiences include Trustee, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota; Chairman, Minnesota World Trade Center; and Advisor, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. CGMA, CPA (Inactive), MBA Strategic Management (University of Minnesota), Bush Leadership Fellow, Kellogg National Fellow, Salzburg Global Fellow, and National Association of Corporate Directors Governance Fellow.

Kin-Joe Sham

Kin-Joe Sham, Chief Operating Officer. Over 18 years in medical devices. Experiences include Founder, COO, and Vice President R&D at OrthoCor Medical; Director of Engineering & Manufacturing at Acuman Technologies; and Design Engineer at Boston Scientific. Oversaw 13 regulatory approvals/clearances in US and Europe. Numerous published patents, applications and scientific publications. Awards include Minnesota Cup (BioScience), Minnesota High Tech Association Tekne Award (Life Science), and New Technologies Showcase, Life Science Alley Expo. PhD Electrical Engineering and MBA (University of Minnesota), MSc. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Draper Laboratory Research Fellow, and Guidant Foundation Fellow.

Charles C. Chan

Charles C. Chan, Vice President of Sales & Marketing. Over 25 years in medical devices. Experiences include Business Development and International Marketing at St. Jude Medical; Market Development, Product Marketing and Field Engineer at Medtronic. Experienced in the optimization of distribution channels, including development of international distributor network and conversion to direct sales coverage. MSE Biomedical Engineering (Johns Hopkins University) and MBA Finance (Pepperdine University).

ETH Zurich Foundation, Precision Medicine

Shaping the future together

Precision medicine, for more precise diagnosis and more targeted treatments – the loop zurich.

Individuals differ – also in the way they become ill and recover. As well as genetic predispositions, several other factors play a role – for example, environmental influences, lifestyle, age, sex and concomitant diseases. In precision medicine, all this information is taken into account, as well as the patient’s clinical data.

This makes it possible to obtain a much more precise diagnosis and to tailor treatment to the individual patient.

“The LOOP Zurich – Medical Research Center” connects the fundamental biomedical research and bioinformatics of the two universities, ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, with the clinical research of four University Hospitals.

Dr Donald Tillman | ETH Zurich Foundation, Precision Medicine

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Extraordinary researcher honoured with Rössler-Preis

ETH Zurich Foundation, From concept to treatment

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Hope for brain disorders

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Main navigation, targeted therapies thanks to biomedical informatics.

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  • Precision Medicine

Arzt wertet medizinische Daten aus.

Patients differ. The more precise the diagnosis and the more targeted the therapy, the better the individual needs of patients can be met. This is the goal of The LOOP Zurich. The new translational research center wants to improve our basic understanding of diseases to develop therapies that are tailored to the individual. To this end, it combines basic research in biomedicine and bioinformatics from the University of Zurich (UZH) and ETH Zurich with clinical research from the University’s four hospitals – the UniversityHospital Zurich (USZ), the University Children’s Hospital Zurich (KiSpi), the University Hospital Balgrist and the University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich (PUK).

The hospitals’ unparalleled access to patients and the combined research infrastructures at UZH and ETH provide The Loop Zurich with a unique starting point. “We’re bringing together the best researchers in biomedical research, clinical research and bioinformatics to conduct innovative research together,” says Beatrice Beck-Schimmer, Vice President Medicine at UZH. Detlef Günther, Vice President for Research at ETH Zurich and Chair of the Executive Board of the University Medicine Zurich initiative, adds: “We have the basic research, innovative diagnostics and specialist knowledge in handling medical data to frame and answer excellent scientific questions together. If we can tap into the interdisciplinary potential of The LOOP Zurich, we will also succeed in bringing the benefits of innovation to patients in the clinics as quickly as possible.” The cooperation is expected to bolster precision medicine at the Zurich research hub.

Built on biomedical informatics

One of the new center’s core competencies is in biomedical informatics. To develop bespoke therapies for patients, the research center wants to use improved data analysis and data modeling to gain new insights in diagnostics, therapy and prevention.

The involved institutions have large data collections, but they don’t yet share the research infrastructure needed to exchange and benefit from this medical data in a suitable way. This is set to change with the center’s new biomedical informatics platform, which will be based on the standards of the Swiss Personalized Health Network, the Swiss government’s initiative to make health data interoperable and accessible for research. The new platform will make previously unused data available for use in clinical decision support systems. 

First focal points defined

The center recently launched the first two research consortia, each funded to the tune of CHF 5 million over the next five years (see below). The researchers involved will work hand in hand to develop novel precision therapies in the fields of oncology and neurorehabilitation. “The projects were chosen for their scientific excellence, and because Zurich has proven specialist knowledge in these areas. This allows us to take on an important role internationally,” explains Markus Rudin, Founding Director of The LOOP Zurich.

Patient im Ganglabor

Personalized rehabilitation for stroke and Parkinson’s patients

The research consortium StimuLOOP led by Professor Andreas Luft (UZH) and Professor Roger Gassert (ETH) explores motor rehabilitation in stroke and Parkinson’s patients. “We want to use personalized rehabilitation therapies to improve the patients’ movement in the long term,” says neurologist Andreas Luft.

Two clinical trials are planned, each with around 50 stroke or Parkinson’s patients testing new training and consolidation methods. The researchers intend to use virtual reality to correct deficits in the stroke patients’ gait, e.g. restricted flexion of the knees. This involves the subjects exploring virtual surroundings while on a treadmill and receiving targeted feedback to enable their movement to return to normal. In the second phase of the study, the patients’ newly acquired walking skills will be consolidated. This will be done by monitoring and modulating the subjects’ sleep, as previous studies conducted in Zurich have demonstrated that deep sleep improves patients’ consolidation processes. Here the researchers will use portable technology from the Sleep Loop, one of the University Medicine Zurich’s flagship projects.

In contrast, the training method for Parkinson’s patients relies on deep brain simulation through implanted electrodes. The study will allow patients to observe the targeted nerve signals in the lab in front of a computer, and to then learn how to influence these signals through neurofeedback. By specifically regulating their brain activity while awake, the patients can quickly improve their gait and mobility. As with the stroke patients, they too will consolidate their newly learned motor skills using sleep modulation. 

Some of the individual rehabilitation methods have already been tested in smaller studies. “We now have the opportunity to test them in a more comprehensive context that will give us a bigger picture,” says Andreas Luft. By collecting the same type of data for both groups of patients, it will be possible for the first time to compare the gait and learning processes of stroke and Parkinson’s patients.

The project brings together researchers and clinical therapists from UZH, ETH Zurich, USZ and KiSpi from a variety of fields, including neurosciences, neurorehabilitation, sleep research, medical informatics, biomechanics and neuroengineering. 


Precision treatments for blood cancer patients

From intensive chemotherapy to novel types of immunotherapy such as CAR T-cell therapy, a wide range of treatments is available to children or adults suffering from lymphoma, malignant lymphocytes in the lymph nodes or bone marrow, or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Thanks to these diverse treatment options, the outlook of patients suffering from these diseases has improved considerably. Unfortunately, in many cases the cancer may reappear because patients are not responding to the treatments sufficiently. It is not yet known exactly which cancer drugs are the right ones for each patient. There is thus a great need for researchers to optimize treatment selection for blood cancer patients. This is where the INTeRCePT research project co-led by UZH hematology professor Thorsten Zenz comes in.

The research consortia has mapped out a three-year observational study with around 50 patients who are being treated at KiSpi or USZ, and who have experienced a relapse of ALL or aggressive lymphoma. Before the patients’ treatments, the researchers will extract cancer cells and cultivate them in the lab. These cell cultures will be tested with the same medications that are given to the patients. The study will then compare the results from the lab with the patients’ clinical progress to develop a predictive method.

What’s new is that the scientists will investigate the biomolecular reactions in ultra-high resolution at the level of individual cells. “This will help us understand the heterogeneity of tumor and normal immune cells, and their interactions,” explains Thorsten Zenz. The goal is to use this method to test all approved cancer drugs for leukemia and lymphoma. Using computational analysis, the scientists will create a detailed map that illustrates which cells respond in which way to the drug’s active ingredients – and thus improve predictions about the effects of the drugs. A subsequent clinical study will then test the drugs with the best predictive scores with the aim of increasing their response rate by 50 percent.  “We hope that many other research groups will be able to benefit from our data,” says Thorsten Zenz.

The research project is highly complex and requires an interdisciplinary approach, with researchers from the fields of medical oncology and hematology, molecular biology, immunology, systems biology, bioinformatics, pediatric oncology in Zurich as well as experts from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) working closely together.

Nathalie Huber, Editor UZH News; Philip Isler, UZH Communications

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Further information.

  • The LOOP Zurich
  • University Medicine Zurich
  • ETH Zurich – health and medicine
  • Swiss Personalized Health Network


Zurich’s Life Sciences Cluster: Cutting-Edge Research in Healthcare

jsc zurich medical research center

Zurich’s universities make the city one of the most innovative development centers in the field of life sciences.

The ETH Zurich – the best university in mainland Europe according to the QS World University Rankings 2022  – sets the pace: together with the University of Zurich – Switzerland’s largest university – and the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences – with its application-oriented and academic competence in the spheres of teaching and research – it makes Zurich a major innovation center for life sciences.

For over 20 years, initiatives such as the Bio-Technopark Schlieren in the field of biotechnology or Smart Start and the Technopark Zurich in the sphere of medical technology have been creating a breeding ground to enable spin-offs from the universities to transpose their research findings into marketable products.

The business incubator, grow, Balgrist Campus, University Hospital Zurich, and the Empa research institute in Dübendorf also contribute towards the interaction between research, development, industry, and practice. As a result, the Zurich Greater Area presents itself as a dynamic innovation driver for life sciences in Europe. 

House of Lab Science, Hombrechtikon

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Targeted therapies thanks to biomedical informatics

The new “LOOP Zurich - Medical Research Center” promotes patient-focused therapies – for example in oncology and neuro-rehabilitation. To achieve its goals, the center brings together specialist knowledge in the fields of biomedicine, clinical research and bioinformatics from the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich as well as Zurich’s four university hospitals.

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Medical doctor in front of computer screens

Patients differ. The more precise the diagnosis and the more targeted the therapy, the better the individual needs of patients can be met. This is the goal of The LOOP Zurich . The new translational research center wants to improve our basic understanding of diseases to develop therapies that are tailored to the individual. To this end, it combines basic research in biomedicine and bioinformatics from the University of Zurich (UZH) and ETH Zurich with clinical research from Zurich's university hospitals – the University Hospital Zurich (USZ), the University Children’s Hospital Zurich (KiSpi), the University Hospital Balgrist and the University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich (PUK).

The hospitals’ unparalleled access to patients and the combined research infrastructures at UZH and ETH provide The Loop Zurich with a unique starting point. “We’re bringing together the best researchers in biomedical research, clinical research and bioinformatics to conduct innovative research together,” says Beatrice Beck-Schimmer, Vice President Medicine at UZH. Detlef Günther, Vice President for Research at ETH Zurich and Chair of the Executive Board of the University Medicine Zurich initiative, adds: “We have the basic research, innovative diagnostics and specialist knowledge in handling medical data to frame and answer excellent scientific questions together. If we can tap into the interdisciplinary potential of The LOOP Zurich , we will also succeed in bringing the benefits of innovation to patients in the clinics as quickly as possible.” The cooperation is expected to bolster precision medicine at the Zurich research hub.

Built on biomedical informatics

One of the new center’s core competencies is in biomedical informatics. To develop bespoke therapies for patients, the research center wants to use improved data analysis and data modeling to gain new insights in diagnostics, therapy and prevention.

The involved institutions have large data collections, but they don’t yet share the research infrastructure needed to exchange and benefit from this medical data in a suitable way. This is set to change with the center’s new biomedical informatics platform, which will be based on the standards of the Swiss Personalized Health Network , the Swiss government’s initiative to make health data interoperable and accessible for research. The new platform will make previously unused data available for use in clinical decision support systems. 

First focal points defined

The center recently launched the first two research consortia, each funded to the tune of CHF 5 million over the next five years (see below). The researchers involved will work hand in hand to develop novel precision therapies in the fields of oncology and neurorehabilitation. “The projects were chosen for their scientific excellence, and because Zurich has proven specialist knowledge in these areas. This allows us to take on an important role internationally,” explains Markus Rudin, Founding Director of The LOOP Zurich .

Personalized rehabilitation

The research consortium StimuLOOP led by Professor Andreas Luft (UZH) and Professor Roger Gassert (ETH Zurich) explores motor rehabilitation in stroke and Parkinson’s patients. “We want to use personalized rehabilitation therapies to improve the patients’ movement in the long term,” says neurologist Andreas Luft. 

virtual rehabilitation therapy

Two clinical trials are planned, each with around 50 stroke or Parkinson’s patients testing new training and consolidation methods. The researchers intend to use virtual reality to correct deficits in the stroke patients’ gait, e.g. restricted flexion of the knees. This involves the subjects exploring virtual surroundings while on a treadmill and receiving targeted feedback to enable their movement to return to normal. In the second phase of the study, the patients’ newly acquired walking skills will be consolidated. This will be done by monitoring and modulating the subjects’ sleep, as previous studies conducted in Zurich have demonstrated that deep sleep improves patients’ consolidation processes. Here the researchers will use portable technology from the Sleep Loop , one of the University Medicine Zurich’s flagship projects.

In contrast, the training method for Parkinson’s patients relies on deep brain simulation through implanted electrodes. The study will allow patients to observe the targeted nerve signals in the lab in front of a computer, and to then learn how to influence these signals through neurofeedback. By specifically regulating their brain activity while awake, the patients can quickly improve their gait and mobility. As with the stroke patients, they too will consolidate their newly learned motor skills using sleep modulation.  

By collecting the same type of data for both groups of patients, it will be possible for the first time to compare the gait and learning processes of stroke and Parkinson’s patients. The project brings together researchers and clinical therapists from UZH, ETH Zurich, USZ and KiSpi. 

Precision treatments for blood cancer patients

A wide range of treatments is available to children or adults suffering from lymphoma, malignant lymphocytes in the lymph nodes or bone marrow, or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). In many cases the cancer may reappear because patients are not responding to the treatments sufficiently. It is not yet known exactly which cancer drugs are the right ones for each patient. This is where the INTeRCePT research project co-led by UZH hematology professor Thorsten Zenz comes in.

Blood cells

What’s new is that the scientists will investigate the biomolecular reactions in ultra-high resolution at the level of individual cells. “This will help us understand the heterogeneity of tumor and normal immune cells, and their interactions,” explains Thorsten Zenz. The goal is to use this method to test all approved cancer drugs for leukemia and lymphoma. Using computational analysis, the scientists will create a detailed map that illustrates which cells respond in which way to the drug’s active ingredients – and thus improve predictions about the effects of the drugs.

This is a slightly abbreviated version of an article by Nathalie Huber, which appeared in UZH News.

Further information

  • external page call_made The LOOP Zurich – Medical Research Center
  • chevron_right ETH Zurich – health and medicine
  • external page call_made University Medicine Zurich
  • external page call_made Swiss Personalized Health Network

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  • Cooperations
  • Personalised medicine
  • Computer and information technology
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Welcome on the Website of the Center for Clinical Research (CCR) of the University of Zurich!

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Center for Preclinical Development

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The Center for Preclinical Development facilitates and supports experimental research for all Surgical Departments and related institutes. In particular, the center operates the experimental research operating theaters , checks experiment licenses and supports researchers in in-vivo experiments in close affiliation with the Central Biological Laboratory and the LASC. The Center further provides a 4.7T Bruker and a 7T Bruker  MRI and an EchoMRI system with specialist support. The dedicated immunohistochemistry service enables researchers at the Medical Faculty and associated departments citywide to conduct independent, timely, complex analyses without affecting the core business of the hospital’s pathology department. The managed labs also include laboratories of the Surgical Departments as well as the equipment pool, allowing for local state-of-the-art preparation and analysis (qPCR, ELISA, FACS etc.). Please contact our specialists or [email protected] for more information.

The Center’s  Photography and Graphics team is responsible for surgical and patient images of the Surgical and Internal Medical Departments. It supports researchers across the hospital with graphic design and, of course, the entire hospital with event and employee photographs.

The Center coordinates student rotations for the Surgical Departments and the Institute for Anesthesiology. Every year we host almost 200 Swiss and international medical students who total around 45 full-time positions in surgical and related departments and institutes, as well as an apprentice lab technician.

University of Zurich & University Hospital Zurich Sternwartstrasse 14 8091 Zurich Switzerland Phone: +41 44 255 87 46 [email protected]

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Annual report surgical research.

AnnualReport 2019_2020

Archiv Annual Reports Surgery Research

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  • Cardiac Surgery Research
  • Traumatology Surgery Research
  • Surgery & Transplantation
  • Reconstruction Research
  • Thoracic Surgery Research
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  • Surgical Intensive Care
  • Anaesthesia and Peri-Operative Pain Research

Together we work on research for the medicine of the future

Projects carousel.

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in CHF millions

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Discover Projects

Data in precision medicine.

New developments in medicine are coming thick and fast. Technological advances are increasingly making it possible to understand diseases and the processes taking place in the human body down to the level of individual genes and cells. This brings definite benefits for patients. The earlier an accurate diagnosis can be made and the more precisely a disease can be treated, the greater the prospects of a cure or an improvement in the patient’s quality of life. Nowadays, treatments can be tailored to individual patients more and more effectively. This is what is known as precision medicine and the pioneering field in this area is oncology. We now know that every tumor is unique. If we can analyze the genome of tumor cells, for example, we will have a better chance of making a targeted attack on their weak points.

Gene analyses of this kind and other modern diagnostic methods produce large volumes of data. Artificial intelligence makes it easier to evaluate these data and, for instance, to detect patterns that indicate why diseases occur. Therefore, the hope is that it will be possible in the future to prevent, diagnose and treat many diseases much more effectively than in the past.

The growing volume of data in the field of medicine must be used in order to achieve this. The central elements of this process are the interdisciplinary cooperation between researchers at the interfaces to medicine – for example from the fields of informatics, biomedicine and law – and the involvement of the patients, because we can only shape the medicine of the future by working together as a society. To gain a better understanding of the accompanying opportunities, we have shone a spotlight on different aspects of this subject. They range from a common platform for data sharing to groundbreaking new technologies and questions of ethics and data protection.

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ირაო საქართველოს სადაზღვევო ინდუსტრიის ერთ-ერთი ლიდერი კომპანიაა, რომელიც ამაყობს თავისი 19-წლიანი ისტორიით და წარმატებით ოპერირებს ქართულ ბაზარზე როგორც საცალო, ასევე კორპორაციული დაზღვევის სეგმენტში.

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სახლი, ანუ ჩვენ - კვადრატულობით.

ბოლო დროს სახლში ყოფნა მომიხშირდა. არა, მოგზაურობა, გამოფენებზე და სპექტაკლებზე სიარული ან მეგობრების ნახვა კი არ მომბეზრდა, უბრალოდ სახლიდან ვმუშაობ, ყოველდღე სავალდებულო გასვლა არ მიწევს

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ვიეტნამი - ზაფხულში გატარებული ზამთარი

ყველა ქვეყანა მოგზაურობის განსხვავებულ მიზეზს გვაძლევს: ზოგი თავისი სილამაზით, კულტურითა თუ ბუნებით გვიზიდავს, სხვები კულინარიით, სტუმართმოყვარეობითა და ცხოვრების სტილით იქცევენ ჩვენს ყურადღებას. რაც არ უნდა იყოს, ყველა ახალი გზა ახალ შთაბეჭდილებებს გვძენს და ალბათ ცოტათი უკეთესსაც გვხდის.

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Zurich Medical Research Center is Now Our Partner

Zurich Medical Research Center is Now Our Partner Zurich Medical Research Center has become IRAO’s official partner. IRAO customers now will benefit from 10% more coverage when applying for laboratory tests. Family members of the insured will also receive a 50% discount, regardless of the settlement and number of tests. To activate the discount, present […]

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IRAO Eco-Challenge for Employees

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Rehabilitation Centre Kinesis is IRAO's Official Partner

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Institute of Molecular Cancer Research

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We carry out cutting edge research on molecular mechanisms of DNA repair and replication stress. We study causes and consequences of genomic instability, a major driving force for tumorigenesis, and aim to identify new targets for cancer therapy.


We use animal models and organoids to study mechanisms of tumorigenesis and immune responses induced by pathogens or chronic tissue damage. We synergise with clinical researchers to explore potential clinical applications of our findings.


We train and educate the next generation of scientists in cancer biology by coordinating Master and PhD Programs and organising seminars with high-quality speakers.

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Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich

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The Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich develops and offers innovative clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. Taking part in a clinical trial allows our patients to benefit from novel diagnostic and therapeutic concepts and the latest research results.

Participation in clinical trials

Clinical trials test whether new approaches to treating diseases are safe, tolerable and effective. This allows new therapies and drugs to be developed. The aim is to improve patient care in the long term. Patients participating in a study receive treatment according to the latest scientific standards and gain early access to innovative treatment methods. Study participants undergo additional examinations beyond routine, are carefully monitored, and receive continued care even after the study concludes, with no costs incurred for them. As a patient, you are free to decide whether or not you wish to take part in a study. You can withdraw from participating in the study at any time without providing reasons, and this withdrawal will not result in any treatment disadvantages thereafter.

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Are you looking for clinical trials for children or adults with cancer? With the help of our “Study Finder” you can find all oncology studies of the university hospitals of Zurich and direct contact persons who will be happy to help you.

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Clinical trial program at the CCCZ

The CCCZ coordinates a comprehensive program for clinical studies in oncology. The CCCZ Clinical Trial Program forms the cornerstone of a comprehensive strategy aimed at providing access to clinical trials and innovative treatment methods to as many patients as possible. As part of the program, the translational, patient-centric research and the development of clinical trials at CCCZ are also intended to be promoted. Further measures include the standardization of administrative and operational processes, the establishment of digital platforms for study management, and the establishment of a CCCZ Study Center. Work is also underway to develop a Zurich study network aimed at expanding the range and scope of clinical studies in collaboration with surrounding hospitals. The CCCZ already works closely with the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK).

Contact via the central contact point

Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich University Hospital Zurich Rämistrasse 100 8091 Zurich

Monday – Friday from 8.00 – 11.30 a.m. and 12.30 – 5.00 p.m.

Responsible Department


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  2. Nino Zhgenti

    JSC "Zurich Medical Research Center" · Experience: JSC "Zurich Medical Research Center" · Location: Georgia · 130 connections on LinkedIn. View Nino Zhgenti's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.

  3. Global Guardian Named NASA's Medical Evacuation Partner for ...

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has appointed Global Guardian as its chosen International Medical Evacuation Services provider for Johnson Space Center (JSC)—the center ...

  4. Leadership

    Leadership Team. Paul J. Gam, President and CEO. Over 25 years in medical devices. Formerly St. Jude Medical (now Abbott) Vice President of International Development where he actively led and engaged in the assessment and acquisition of technologies and companies, and established strategic alliances. Founder and Legal Representative, China ...

  5. ციურიხის სამედიცინო კვლევითი ცენტრი • Zurich Medical Research Centre

    ციურიხის სამედიცინო კვლევითი ცენტრი • Zurich Medical Research Centre, Tbilisi, Georgia. 2,057 likes · 373 talking about this · 11 were here....

  6. Precision Medicine • ETH Zürich Foundation

    This makes it possible to obtain a much more precise diagnosis and to tailor treatment to the individual patient. "The LOOP Zurich - Medical Research Center" connects the fundamental biomedical research and bioinformatics of the two universities, ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, with the clinical research of four University Hospitals.

  7. Johnson Space Center

    The Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) is NASA's center for human spaceflight in Houston, Texas (originally named the Manned Spacecraft Center), where human spaceflight training, research, and flight control are conducted. It was renamed in honor of the late US president and Texas native, Lyndon B. Johnson, by an act of the United States Senate on February 19, 1973.

  8. Targeted Therapies thanks to Biomedical Informatics

    The LOOP Zurich is a medical center for translational research and precision medicine. It focuses on new approaches, improved diagnostics and novel therapies for the benefit of patients and society. During the first two to three years, The LOOP Zurich will provide office infrastructure and space for exchanging ideas and cooperation.

  9. Zurich's Life Sciences Cluster: Cutting-Edge Research in Healthcare

    Wyss Zurich. Thanks to Wyss Zurich, a center run by ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, innovations in regenerative medicine find their way into medical practices. Startups and global players make Zurich the Swiss hub for life sciences. Guided tours of laboratories and firms present the life sciences hub Zurich in a more tangible way.

  10. Targeted therapies thanks to biomedical informatics

    The new "LOOP Zurich - Medical Research Center" promotes patient-focused therapies - for example in oncology and neuro-rehabilitation. To achieve its goals, the center brings together specialist knowledge in the fields of biomedicine, clinical research and bioinformatics from the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich as well as Zurich's four university hospitals.

  11. Center for Clinical Research

    English Website ZKF . Welcome on the Website of the Center for Clinical Research (CCR) of the University of Zurich!

  12. Center for Preclinical Development

    The Center for Preclinical Development facilitates and supports experimental research for all Surgical Departments and related institutes. In particular, the center operates the experimental research operating theaters, checks experiment licenses and supports researchers in in-vivo experiments in close affiliation with the Central Biological Laboratory and the LASC.

  13. Precision medicine for children and adults with blood cancer

    Contact. Professor Thorsten Zenz MD. Chief of Service at the Department of. Medical Oncology and Hematology. at University Hospital Zurich. Professor in the Faculty of Medicine. of the University of Zurich. +41 44 255 37 82.

  14. Center for Rare Diseases Zurich

    The Center for Rare Diseases Zurich is an interdisciplinary collaboration between the University Children's Hospital Zurich, the University Hospital Zurich, Balgrist University Hospital and the Institute of Medical Genetics at the University of Zurich. Home page Navigation Content Search +41 44 255 11 11 ... Research Research . Clinical studies ...

  15. Cancer Research Areas & Groups

    CCCZ integrates and supports all cancer research activities of the UZH, USZ, Balgrist University Hospital and the University Children's Hospital Zurich. Scientists and physicians from around 65 research groups and clinical departments work closely together to improve the understanding of cancer and develop innovative treatment concepts. CCCZ ...

  16. Clinical Trials Center

    Our clinical research and pharmaceutical experts enable you to find the best possible solution for your research question. ... Clinical Trials Center University Hospital Zurich Moussonstrasse 2 (entrance terrace) 8044 Zurich. Tel. +41 43 253 02 43. Contact form. Raemistrasse . Clinical Research Ward University Hospital Zurich Rämistrasse 100 ...

  17. UMZH

    The LOOP Zurich - Medical Research Center: Project accomplished: COVID-19 Gender medicine Gender SARS-CoV-2 Long COVID COVID-19 Biobank: mTORUS: University of Zurich ETH Zurich University Hospital Zurich Balgrist University Hospital: Thomas M. Kessler Onur Boyman Martin J. Loessner: The LOOP Zurich - Medical Research Center: Research in progress

  18. Home

    Zurich Medical Research Center is Now Our Partner Zurich Medical Research Center has become IRAO's official partner. IRAO customers now will benefit from 10% more coverage when applying for laboratory tests. Family members of the insured will also receive a 50% discount, regardless of the settlement and number of tests. ... JSC (205023856) ...

  19. Zurich, Switzerland Clinical Research Trials

    University of Zurich (45) University Children's Hospital, Zurich (11) University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland (7) European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer - EORTC (5) University Hospital Inselspital, Berne (5) ETH Zurich (4) Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (4) University of Bern (4) Schulthess Klinik (3)

  20. Research at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich

    Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich Research Emergency 24h Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich. Overview Organ Centers Services ... Support medical progress Donate now! USZ newsletter Subscribe for free University Hospital Zürich Rämistrasse 100 8091 Zürich +41 44 255 11 11

  21. Institute of Molecular Cancer Research

    We carry out cutting edge research on molecular mechanisms of DNA repair and replication stress. We study causes and consequences of genomic instability, a major driving force for tumorigenesis, and aim to identify new targets for cancer therapy. ... University of Zurich Institute of Molecular Cancer Research Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 ...

  22. Clinical trials at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich

    The Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich develops and offers innovative clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. ... part in a clinical trial allows our patients to benefit from novel diagnostic and therapeutic concepts and the latest research results. Home page Navigation Content Search +41 44 255 11 11 ... Support medical progress Donate ...

  23. Zurich Medical Company Profile

    Zurich Medical has 5 employees at their 1 location. See insights on Zurich Medical including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives, subsidiaries and more at Craft.