It's a Wonderful Life Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. there’s not just one right answer..

  • If George Bailey had traveled the world and gone to Fiji and everything, do you think he would've actually enjoyed his life more? Would it have been even more wonderful?
  • Do you think that Mr. Potter also has a guardian angel? How would it change Mr. Potter's perspective, or is he just a lost cause?
  • Do you think it's actually better to do the stuff George dreams of doing—traveling the world, designing cities—or to humbly live the kind of life he does live?
  • Why is Mr. Potter such a jerk? What kind of things might have happened to him?
  • In the sequence where we see what life would be like if George hadn't been born, Mary turns out to be an "old maid" and a librarian, an implicitly horrible fate. Is this fair?
  • Did the movie's title reassure you while you were watching that things turn out OK for George?
  • Would the ending have been more satisfying if Potter got his comeuppance? Why do you think it was written as it was?

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SUBJECTS — U.S./1913 – 1945;

SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING — Male Role Model; Suicide; Breaking Out;

MORAL-ETHICAL EMPHASIS — Responsibility; Citizenship.

AGE : 10+; Not Rated (but suitable for all ages);

Drama; 1946; 130 minutes; B & W. Available from . (There is a colorized version which has been heavily criticized. We don’t recommend it.)

Benefits of the Movie Possible Problems Parenting Points Selected Awards & Cast

Helpful Background Discussion Questions Social-Emotional Learning

Moral-Ethical Emphasis Assignments and Projects Bibliography


TWM offers the following movie worksheets to keep students’ minds on the film and to focus their attention on the lessons to be learned from the movie.

Film Study Worksheet for ELA Classes ; and

Worksheet for Cinematic and Theatrical Elements and Their Effects .

Teachers can modify the movie worksheets to fit the needs of each class. See also TWM’s Movies as Literature Homework Project .


Set in upstate New York during the first half of the 20th century, “It’s a Wonderful Life” tells the story of a young man who wanted to travel, have adventures, go to college, and be an architect in a big city. But George Bailey’s responsibilities to his family and to his community kept him from leaving the small town where he grew up. He held down a responsible job, raised a family, treated people decently, and helped out whenever he could. One tumultuous Christmas Eve, Bailey is shown how much he has meant to those around him and that happiness can be found in family, friends and fulfilling a responsibility, right in your own home town.

This charming Hollywood classic is almost as fresh today as when it was released in 1946. Many think it’s a better Christmas story than A Christmas Carol . Many say it’s one of the greatest films ever made. If they’re wrong, they’re not off by much. The movie is suitable for viewing at any time of the year.


it's a wonderful life essay questions

Selected Awards: 1947 Golden Globe Awards: Best Director (Capra); 1947 Academy Awards Nominations: Best Picture, Best Actor (Stewart), Best Director (Capra), Best Film Editing, Best Sound. “It’s a Wonderful Life” is listed in the National Film Registry of the U.S. Library of Congress as a “culturally, historically or aesthetically significant” film. This film is ranked #11 on the American Film Institute’s List of the 100 Greatest American Movies of All Time (2006).

Featured Actors: James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell, Henry Travers, Beulah Bondi, Gloria Grahame, H.B. Warner.

Director: Frank Capra.


“It’s a Wonderful Life” teaches that everyone can make a difference by living a responsible, caring life. In addition, it presents the counterargument to the contention that young people should follow their own star, leave the community in which they grew up, and go out into the world. In the view of this film, a wonderful life depends upon family, friends and having an honest job that contributes to the community. Finding the right balance between self-fulfillment and dedication to others is a major developmental task, indeed, it is a challenge for all age groups.

This movie contains valuable lessons for the 21st century, especially in these days of rampant corporate and business greed. Bailey, as head of the town’s savings and loan association, keeps his own salary at a reasonable level. He makes sure that the S & L is operated for the benefit of its members and serves the interests of the community. He has a lifelong competition with the town’s richest businessman who, despite his vast wealth, will do anything to make another buck.


Minor. “It’s a Wonderful Life” posits a simplistic religious view of angels in heaven who look after individuals on earth and answer their prayers. This is not intended to be taken seriously. Perhaps a greater problem with the movie is that the villain, Mr. Potter, gets away with his greed and a serious crime, although he is denied any triumph over George Bailey.

Harry Bailey (George’s younger brother) playfully chases the black maid into the kitchen in a scene that would not be permitted today. George Bailey approves a loan from the S & L to a friend (hard not to do in such a small town). In theory and hopefully in practice, this transaction would not be accepted in today’s business environment.


Ask and help your child to discuss the issues raised in the Quick Discussion Questions.


Savings and Loans (S & Ls) developed from the building societies of Great Britain. Beginning in the late 1700s, groups of workingmen would make regular payments to the societies which would provide money to the members for use in building houses. When all members had homes,

the societies would disband. The idea spread to the U.S. in 1831, when a building society was started in Frankford, Pennsylvania. By the mid-1800s, permanent savings and loan associations had been established to serve the average citizen. They accepted savings from individuals and reinvested those funds by lending them to people who wanted to build or buy homes. By 1890, S & Ls could be found in all U.S. states and territories. At one point, savings and loans financed the purchase of more homes nationwide than any other type of financial institution. The term “building & loan,” used in the film, is a less frequently employed name for an S & L.

Most savings associations were mutual organizations, owned by those who had deposits. Account holders were called members and had the right to vote in the selection of directors as their representatives to operate the business. Originally, savings and loans restricted themselves to lending money for the purchase of houses.

During the Great Depression (1929 – 1940) the banking industry was very unstable. Banks were subject to “runs” in which many of their depositors demanded all of their deposits back. Banks that were unable to meet this demand failed. Banks and S & Ls made their money by lending their depositors’ funds to others. Thus, few banks or S & Ls could survive a mass withdrawal by their depositors.

The banking reforms of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal brought savings and loans under Federal supervision and insured the shares of their stockholders. This gave the public reassurance in the stability and safety of the industry. In 1989, deposits in S & Ls came to be insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the same agency that insures deposits in banks.

Deregulation of the S & L industry in the 1980s spawned abuses that almost wrecked the industry and cost the American taxpayers trillions of dollars. Today the S & L industry is but a shadow of its former self with commercial banks having taken over most of the residential lending market.

From 1918 – 1919 the world suffered a pandemic of influenza. Some 25 million people died of the disease. This was one of the worst worldwide sieges of illness ever suffered by humankind. Usually, flu seasons bring illness to millions but death only to people who have weak respiratory or immune systems. The strain of influenza prevalent in 1918 – 1919 was particularly lethal. It struck hardest at adults 20 to 40 years of age, a group which usually survives influenza. In the U.S. there were about 550,000 deaths. In India it is estimated that 12,500,000 people died from flu during the pandemic. The passing of Mr. Gower’s son at college from influenza is reminiscent of this tragedy.

One of the traditional and antiquated ways of reminding oneself to do something is to tie a string around your finger. The problem is that you have to remember what prompted you to tie the string on your finger.

it's a wonderful life essay questions

Some great lines from this film:

“Is it too much to have them work and live and die in two rooms and a bath?”

“Just remember this Mr. Potter, that this rabble you’re talking about, they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community… “

“Bread, that this house may never know hunger. Salt, that life may always have flavor. And wine, that joy and prosperity may reign forever…”


1. See Discussion Questions for Use With any Film that is a Work of Fiction .

2. How does the moral of this film apply to today’s more anonymous society in which we haven’t grown up with the people that we live near or work with and don’t know their families?

Suggested Response:

We still should treat people and responsibilities in the same way that George Bailey treated the people of his small town.

3. Compare the lessons of this film, that happiness lies in friends, family and a responsible job in your own hometown, to the contention that it is a good thing to leave your home and culture and develop your talents to the fullest, taught in such films as Billy Elliot , The Jazz Singer , October Sky , or Hoop Dreams .

4. Should George have taken the job that Potter offered him?

5. Compare the themes and plot structure of “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “A Christmas Carol.”

6. Drinking alcohol clouds a person’s judgment as well as their reflexes. Can you tell us how the effects of alcohol clouded George’s judgment on the Christmas Eve shown in the film?

Not staying at the bar so that his friends could have taken care of him; driving while intoxicated; seriously thinking about suicide.

7. What is a “run” on a bank?

8. Explain why many banks or S & Ls could not survive a run and how the Federal Deposit Insurance system protects against this.


1. Do you consider George Bailey to be a male role model? Tell us why.

2. Compare Potter with George and his father.

3. What does this film tell us about suicide?

4. What is the meaning of the scene in which George Bailey jumps into the river, not to commit suicide, but to save Clarence?


5. How should one balance self-fulfillment and dedication to others?


Discussion Questions Relating to Ethical Issues will facilitate the use of this film to teach ethical principles and critical viewing. Additional questions are set out below.


(Do what you are supposed to do; Persevere: keep on trying!; Always do your best; Use self-control; Be self-disciplined; Think before you act — consider the consequences; Be accountable for your choices)

1. This film is based upon the premise that everyone makes a difference, good or bad, and that people who live responsible, caring lives make a positive contribution to the lives of those around them. Is this true? What about the other characters in the film such as Uncle Billy, Violet, Mr. Gower, Ernie and Bert?

We really don’t know because the story doesn’t focus on them. The point is that everyone can make some difference in the world, as mother, father, son, daughter, in their profession, or by helping others etc.

[The Quick Discussion Questions above also relate to the pillar of Responsibility.]


(Do your share to make your school and community better; Cooperate; Stay informed; vote; Be a good neighbor; Obey laws and rules; Respect authority; Protect the environment)

2. Without good citizens like George Bailey and his father, what would have happened to Bedford Falls?

3. When this film was made, the development of housing projects was considered something good for the community. Now there is a different view toward the development of housing projects. What is it? What has caused the change?


  • See Assignments, Projects, and Activities for Use With Any Film that is a Work of Fiction .
  • Have students research the S & L scandal of the 1980s and early 1990s and write an essay on one of the discussion questions that relate to this aspect of the movie.

DVD: There is a DVD version with an excellent extra feature called “A Personal Remembrance” which includes clips of the director, Frank Capra, talking about the film. Another feature of the DVD, “Making It’s a Wonderful Life” gives inside anecdotes about the production which spoil the charm of the film. We suggest skipping this feature.


In addition to websites which may be linked in the Guide and selected film reviews listed on the Movie Review Query Engine , the following resources were consulted in the preparation of this Learning Guide:

  • An online article on “savings and loan association” Encyclopædia Britannica [Accessed October 12, 2002];
  • An online article on “influenza epidemic of 1918-19” Encyclopædia Britannica [Accessed October 12, 2002].

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it's a wonderful life essay questions

It’s a Wonderful Life Essay

It’s a Wonderful Life Essay

It’s a Wonderful Life is a favorite Christmas classic movie in the US. The movie is about redemption and hope as well as belief in the man goodness, and also belief in God. George Bailey features an almost non-profit form of capitalism and doesn’t really care about making money; in addition, George just wants to do the right things and tries to help people. He thinks that people need to build good organizations, and their main aim is not to have superior financial results, but to achieve the mission of making good to other people, given them a community-based mission. Furthermore, George is sure that “people are human beings” and not the cattle, they need to have faith in each other. According to George, the success is possible only when you have family, friends, and you can give them anything that they need. Without these things, George doesn’t regard people successful and wealthy. “My dad died wealthier than you could even imagine” In addition, George Bailey claims that everybody deserves a chance to have a better life. He is sure that when you want to build the country, you need to make loans to hard working Americans. Also, it should be mentioned that money can’t buy happiness; meanwhile good works are far more important than the consumerism itself. It is very interesting to mention that George considers his life to be poor and uninteresting, he even thinks about suicide until one moment when he is shown what the life in town without him would have been. And then he hears that he has already done a great number of good deals and everybody loves him and wants to help him if he needs. Yes, we can see that there are many things that he wanted to achieve but he couldn’t; however, he finally understands that he has a wonderful life and he doesn’t need to “throw away God’s greatest gift”. As Mr. Potter proposes him a great job, George is so shocked that he drops his cigar. He starts thinking how his life would be better: living in the nicest house in town, have the finest clothes for Mary, do a lot of business trips or vacations to New York, maybe he can even travel to Europe. Meanwhile, he isn’t afraid of the success as he has dreamt about it since he was a little boy “I wish I had a million dollars.”, but he can’t believe that he was offered such a great deal. However, by shaking hands, George starts to feel a physical revulsion as while having the physical contact with Mr. Potter, he realizes that this man couldn’t be ever associated with him. As a result, he refuses to work for him. Anyway, George has his own theory of success, according to which people should firstly think about helping each other and then about money.

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It's a Wonderful Life Movie Guide (PG - 1946) is a great resource to use along with this classic Christmas movie. Challenge students to learn life lessons through George Bailey's struggle with worldly value versus the value of family, relationships, goodwill and love.

Check the preview file for high resolution sample questions to see if this movie guide is suitable for your students. This resource consists of 15 high-level, short answer reflection and essay questions that will do more than just ask your students to regurgitate information. 

This product includes:

  • A student movie guide, PDF print version (5 pages)
  • A student movie guide, PDF digital fillable form version (5 pages)
  • A Google Forms & Slides Version of the Movie Guide
  • An answer key (5 pages) IS included with this movie guide, however many answers will vary as students are encouraged to construct their own meaning from the characters' dialogue and behavior.
  • A generic movie guide permission slip (1 page)
  • CCSS alignment indicating standards met, PDF (1 page - see also preview image)
  • CCSS Note: I’ve taken the liberty of aligning certain reading standards with the act of consuming content via the movie instead. Although students aren’t reading they are asked to perform the same cognitive functions on the content that they consumed from the movie.

Do you teach a film literature or analysis elective class?

A version of this movie guide is now featured in a full Film Literature Curriculum. Check it out on CurricuLimb's TPT store here : )

Distance Learning Tips:

  • Distribute the digital PDF file or the google forms version to each student
  • Use the screen sharing tool on your group call software to play the movie
  • Pause the movie at each question to give students time to write/discuss

General Tips for Using this Movie Guide:

  • Print one, double-sided movie guide for each student
  • Preview the next question on the movie guide as you complete each one, this can help students pay attention to important upcoming events.
  • Pause at the times designated on the movie guide, encourage students to debate, discuss and talk about their ideas before writing their answers.
  • Discourage students from simply copying answers.
  • Randomly choose a student to share their answer and defend it if necessary.
  • If time allows, feel free to rewind and show important parts of the movie again for additional analysis.
  • After completing the short answers, allow 5-10 minutes for each essay question at the end of the film.
  • On average, this movie guide will require about 45-60 minutes in addition to the length of the movie.

Digital PDF Version Tips

  • It is intended for a paperless, 1:1 tablet/iPad classroom
  • Ask students to download a PDF editor app if they don't already have one. It needs to have a save function as well. I used Foxit PDF.
  • Host the file. I used google drive to share a folder with students.
  • When complete, ask students to save the file in a designated google drive folder using a naming convention. (I use LastnameFirstnameMovieGuide.pdf)

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It's a Wonderful Life Film Summary & Analysis

It's a Wonderful Life by Frank Capra

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James Stewart stars in the film It's a Wonderful Life

How Well Do You Know 'It's a Wonderful Life'?

When director Frank Capra pitched James Stewart on a Christmas-themed film, Stewart replied, “If you want me to be in a picture about a guy that wants to kill himself and an angel comes down named Clarence who can't swim and I save him, when do we start?” Almost 75 years later, It's a Wonderful Life is still the richest film in town, a celebration of how “each man's life touches so many other lives.” There are so many great lines and classic scenes you may have seen more than once. But how well do you know It's a Wonderful Life ? Don't be a Mr. Potter! Take our quiz and challenge your family, friends and guardian angels to do the same!



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It’s a Wonderful Life Essay Example

It’s a Wonderful Life Essay Example

  • Pages: 5 (1196 words)
  • Published: June 26, 2016
  • Type: Analysis

Frank Capra’s movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” is one of the most remarkable movies which has ageless and timeless quality in its dramatic appeal to the audience as well has been classed as a masterpiece from the cinematic technique which was used to project the movie at the time.

It is master piece in aesthetic sense, to view the originality and the mastery of filming technique used at the time it was made in late forties. It truly reflects the American life and the values as well demonstrate the technological and original filming technique which surpasses the cinematic perfections of the time worldwide. It has turned out to be the most popular Christmas movie of the time.

The film editing technique used by the dir

ector Frank Capra at the time has been timeless and fluid, with brilliance in execution of the smallest details which are captured as an essence in the movie to bring out the storyline and the plot as well to develop the characters. It is this classic mastery of technique and cinematic precision which has made the movie appeal to masses for such a length of time.

The use of the moving camera in scenes especially in the scene where his aggression is shown in the darkest moments and the joy reflected in the lightest hours is remarkable. The ability of Capra to hold the chord of the narrative element and engage the audience is superb.

The range of emotions which are captured using the rapid editing approach which is appropriate and simple has contributed to the flexibility within the movie which has mas

appeal to the audiences. The editing and cinematic approach matches the intent of the director as well goes along with the storyline. The technique and the cinematic essence are in harmony with the humanistic approach of the movie and aims to integrate theme with the technique in superb balance.

The cinematic and aesthetic style is largely the effect of the editing technique which Capra has used very effectively as a source which involves many cuts between shots done with precision and appropriateness, which takes cares of any choppiness within the movie. Some of the key elements have been very precisely addressed with regard to the interest of the audience, who the audience wishes to see and what the anticipated response would be to the scene sequence.

Capra uses effective and subtle techniques in film editing to introduce the characters and the scene sequence which is quite refreshment for the audience of the time in 1946. His aesthetic approach is timeless. Most of the shots are pictured as medium shots which includes several characters at one time in the same frame with very selective close ups which are integrated only hen absolutely needed. This calculated and effective precision in adds to the aesthetic dimension of the movie. It also strengthens the impact of the close up sequences and also meets the expectations of he audience.

The aesthesis approach in filming used by Capra in 1946 can be evaluated under various technological and cinematic areas like placement on the stage (mise-en-scene); the movement of camera; the point of view and the effective use of lighting in accordance with the storyline and the character development.

style="text-align: justify;">Mise-en mise  is French term used for the expressive power of the film which can be evaluated based on the design elements used in the movie based on theatre and film production. This technique or aesthetic element is skillfully fulfilled in the movie in telling the story effectively and holding the narrative through skilful storyboarding as well as cinematographic technique.

The direction visually engages the audience from stage design and lyrical expression which enhances the direction of the movie. It enhances the cinematic effect and the use of camera as well the composition of the movie using the props, lighting, characters and other elements. The movement of the camera is another dimension which enhances the narrative by controlling the path of camera movement and the number of cameras used to project the particulars of the scene.

The movement of camera has been handled very smoothly with effective cut shots which are used in the film editing technique by Capra. The pauses are justified and the time is very well managed. The emphasis on the close up for effective dramatic purposes is enhanced through precise use of selective close up of the face, eyes and the scene.

The close ups are very effectively used with purpose and precision. Capra has been successful in achieving the smooth flow of the movie through editing and filming technique which is achieved through high quality camera movement. The scenes are put together very effectively and smoothly. The use of three cameras was quite a technical efficiency which requires mastery and technical knowledge of the cause and effect which matches the narrative element in the movie.

justify;">The lighting and the point of view is another dimension in which the aesthetic quality of the movie can be evaluated. The lighting and the use of well lit camera movement can aesthetically highlight the effect of direction by making the scene more practical and in harmony with the narrative of the plot. This would also improve the point of view and the vision of the direction depending upon the narrative mode and voice which has been a very effective tool in the delivery aspect of the movie at the time it was made.

The cinematic perspective has to match the plot and the storyline which adds to the perspective and the dimension of the movie from direction perspective. Capra has been very creative and adventurous in the use of  lighting and the camera movement  along with the narrative mode which connects the4 storyline very effectively until the end. In his own words “ You can light one camera; and if  you light two cameras, the problem is doubled; and if you light three cameras, your problem goes up geometrically.

The problem with three cameras are eight times what they are with one”(Capra and Poague). He at the end affirms in his directional role of the movie editing and managing the aesthetic balance of the movie that this complexity in the use f lighting, camera movement and point of view and staging is worth the effort as it adds to the scene perspective from three different angles which an be manipulated technically at will.

The impact which this movie has had on the audiences over the past 60 years has been phenomenal.

It has outstood any other classic movie made in centuries and has been admired for its cinematic, narrative and aesthetic techniques if editing and filming used.

It is comparative even from present standards and the effectiveness of this black and white movie is grand and rich with human values and technical and aesthetic qualities. The humanistic pitch of the movie has claimed it to be one of the most popular Christmas movies of the time, though that was not intended. It is a movie rich with tapestry of human values and morals which celebrate life.

Movie. “It’s a Wonderful Life”1946.

Capra, Frank and Poague, Leland A. Frank Capra: interviews; 2004.University Press of Mississippi.

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Essays on It's A Wonderful Life

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It's A Wonderful Life

By frank capra, it's a wonderful life quotes and analysis.

"You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down." George

George says this to Mary on their first date after the school dance. It shows that George has great hopes and dreams to fulfill. He is so confident in his ability to achieve his dreams that he suggests that he can lasso the moon and give it to Mary.

"Homesick? For Bedford Falls?" George

George screams this at Mary because he can't believe that anyone would choose to stay in Bedford Falls. He sees it as an old crummy town that he can't wait to get out of and see the world. He is also overcompensating trying to show Mary that he is not in love with her, even though he is very much in love with her.

"Better to get half than to get nothin'." Tom

Tom, one of the residents of Bedford Falls, tells this to the mob at the Building and Loan when he hears that Potter is offering fifty cents on the dollar for people to leave the Baileys' business and come to him. His statement embodies the panic that was sweeping over the entire nation during the Great Depression.

"Teacher says, 'Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.'" Zuzu

At the end of the film, George's daughter, Zuzu, notices that there is a bell ringing on the Christmas tree and delivers this line, which rings true for George, who just had a real live run-in with a guardian angel in search of some wings.

"My mouth's bleeding, Bert! My mouth's bleedin'!" George

George says this when he realizes that he is no longer in Clarence's hypothetical reality, but returned to his real life. While it seems like, logically, he ought to be concerned about his bleeding lip, he is actually overjoyed, as it signals to him that his life has returned to the way that it was.

"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?" Clarence

In the cemetery, Clarence says this to George in response to the fact that, were George to have never been born, his brother Harry would have died as a child. Clarence comments on the fact that, although George thinks the world would have been better without him, he has in fact touched so many lives and made them better.

"People were human beings to him. But to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle. Well in my book, my father died a much richer man than you'll ever be!" George

After George's father dies, the evil Mr. Potter wants to shut down his business, Bailey's Building and Loan. In an impassioned speech, George denounces Potter's greed and suggests that, even if his father wasn't a particularly successful businessman, he tried to help people and he believed in the little man, which made him far "richer" than Potter might ever hope to be.

"George Bailey, I'll love you 'til the day I die." Mary Hatch

As a young girl, Mary has a big crush on George. One day, while visiting him at his work at the drugstore, she whispers this line into his deaf ear. It is a sweet and heartwarming confession, but one that literally falls on a deaf ear.

"To my big brother George, the richest man in town!" Harry

At the very end of the film, George's younger brother Harry, a war hero, comes into his house, as everyone in town is donating money to help the Building and Loan company stay afloat. He raises a toast to his older brother and celebrates how much he has done for the town, and how he is a man rich in good fortune.

"Peter Bailey was not a business man. That's what killed him." Potter

Potter says this to George about his father, a rather heartless thing to say. He does not believe in the benevolence that Mr. Bailey exhibited towards his customers, and makes it sound pathological. This shows the extent to which Potter can only see the world in terms of money and profit.

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It’s A Wonderful Life Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for It’s A Wonderful Life is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

what happend to mr. gowers son

In May 1919, George returns to his job at Mr. Gower's drugstore, where he finds a telegram informing Gower that his son has died in the Spanish flu pandemic.

According to the narration, who is Mr.potter?

Mr. Potter is a banker. He is the wealthiest and meanest man in Bedford Falls.

What is troubling Mr. Gower so much ?

Mr. Gower is troubled by his son's death.

It reads: "We regret to inform you that your son, Robert, died very suddenly this morning of influenza stop. Everything possible was done for his comfort stop. We await instructions from you. EDWARD...

Study Guide for It’s A Wonderful Life

It's A Wonderful Life study guide contains a biography of Horatio Alger, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About It's A Wonderful Life
  • It's A Wonderful Life Summary
  • Character List
  • Director's Influence

Wikipedia Entries for It’s A Wonderful Life

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  2. It’s a Wonderful Life Essay Example

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  3. It's a Wonderful Life Trivia Quiz

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  4. It's a Wonderful Life Movie Guide

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  5. ⇉Analysis Of It's A Wonderful Life Essay Example

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  6. It's A Wonderful Life Film Analysis

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  1. Wonderful Life Acoustic Cover

  2. Its A Wonderful Life The Rest Of The Story part 2

  3. It's wonderful life (T-square 40th Anniversary Concert) 1080p

  4. It’s a Wonderful Life

  5. It's a Wonderful Life 1946 REACTION

  6. Opening to Its A Wonderful Life 2023 NBC Airing


  1. It's A Wonderful Life Essay Questions

    The Question and Answer section for It's A Wonderful Life is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. what happend to mr. gowers son In May 1919, George returns to his job at Mr. Gower's drugstore, where he finds a telegram informing Gower that his son has died in the Spanish flu pandemic.

  2. It's a Wonderful Life Questions

    What kind of things might have happened to him? In the sequence where we see what life would be like if George hadn't been born, Mary turns out to be an "old maid" and a librarian, an implicitly horrible fate. Is this fair? Did the movie's title reassure you while you were watching that things turn out OK for George? Would the ending have been ...


    IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. SUBJECTS — U.S./1913 - 1945; SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING — Male Role Model; Suicide; ... Have students research the S & L scandal of the 1980s and early 1990s and write an essay on one of the discussion questions that relate to this aspect of the movie.

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    'It's a Wonderful Life' is a 1946 classic Christmas film by director Frank Capra that examines how a man's life has benefited the people around him. This resource offers discussion questions about ...

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    It's a Wonderful Life is a 1946 American Christmas supernatural drama film produced and directed by Frank Capra. ... In a 2010 essay for Salon, Richard Cohen described It's a Wonderful Life as "the most terrifying Hollywood film ever made". In the "Pottersville" sequence, ...

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    Essay Questions. Order our It's a Wonderful Life Film Summary. ... character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of It's a Wonderful Life. Print Word PDF. This section contains 27 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) View a FREE sample Context Summary and Analysis Characters Themes

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    sent out the story to about 200 people in his Christmas cards in 1943. A film producer discovered. Stern' s work and bought the rights to the storyline from Stern. The author, composer, lyricist, and. The original story was made into film in 1946. It's a Wonderful Life premiered as a play.

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    Description. It's a Wonderful Life Movie Guide (PG - 1946) is a great resource to use along with this classic Christmas movie. Challenge students to learn life lessons through George Bailey's struggle with worldly value versus the value of family, relationships, goodwill and love. Check the preview file for high resolution sample questions to ...

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    The Question and Answer section for It's A Wonderful Life is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. what happend to mr. gowers son In May 1919, George returns to his job at Mr. Gower's drugstore, where he finds a telegram informing Gower that his son has died in the Spanish flu pandemic.

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    The Question and Answer section for It's A Wonderful Life is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. what happend to mr. gowers son In May 1919, George returns to his job at Mr. Gower's drugstore, where he finds a telegram informing Gower that his son has died in the Spanish flu pandemic.

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