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the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood book review plot summary synopsis recap discussion spoilers

The Love Hypothesis (Review, Synopsis & Summary)

By ali hazelwood.

Book review and synopsis for The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood, a delightful rom-com about a fake relationship between a biology Ph.D. student and a professor.

In The Love Hypothesis , Olive is a third-year biology Ph.D. candidate who shares a kiss with a handsome stranger in order make her friend think that she's in a relationship. She's horrified when she realizes the "stranger" is Dr. Adam Carlson, a prominent professor in her department who is known for being a hypercritical and moody tyrant.

She and Adam each have reasons for needing to be in a relationship, and they agree to pretend to date for the sake of appearances. Of course, as she gets to know Adam, it's only a matter of time before she starts feeling something for him, and it becomes clear that her little experiment in fake-dating just might combust...

(The Full Plot Summary is also available, below)

Full Plot Summary

Three years prior, Olive Smith talks to a guy when she's in the bathroom fixing her contacts (and can't see) after her Ph.D. candidate interview. She tells him about her passion for her research. She doesn't catch his name but remembers the conversation distinctly and wonders about the guy she met.

In present day, Olive is a biology Ph.D. student researching early detection methods for pancreatic cancer. She kisses a guy randomly in order to trick her best friend into thinking she's dating someone (so that her best friend Anh won't feel bad about dating Olive's ex). That guy turns out to be Dr. Adam Carlson , a young, handsome and highly-respected tenured faculty member in her department. He's also known for being hypercritical and moody.

Meanwhile, Adam's department chair is worried that he's planning on leaving for another university and has frozen some of his research funds. So, Adam he agrees to pretend to be in a relationship with Olive in order to give the impression he's putting down "roots" here, in hopes they will unfreeze the funds.

As Olive and Adam fake-date, they get to know each other. Olive sees that Adam is demanding and blunt towards his students, but not unkind or mean. Olive confides in him about her mother getting pancreatic cancer, which is why she's doing her research.

Olive soon realizes that she has feelings for Adam, but she's afraid to tell him. When he overhears her talking about a crush, she pretends it's about someone else. Olive also hears someone else refer to a woman Adam's been pining after for years and is surprised at how jealous she feels.

In the meantime, Olive needs more lab space and has been talking to Dr. Tom Benton for a spot at his lab at Harvard. When Tom arrives in town, it turns out he's friends with Adam. Adam and Tom are friends from grad school, and they have recently gotten a large grant for some joint research that Adam is excited about. After Olive completes a report on her research for Tom, he offers her a spot in his lab for the next year.

Olive and Adam's relationship continues to progress until they attend a science conference in Boston. Olive's research has been selected for a panel presentation, while Adam is a keynote speaker. There, Olive is sexually harassed by Tom, who makes advances on her. When she rejects him, he accuses her of someone who sleeps around to get ahead. He also says that he'll deny it if she tells anyone and that they won't believe her.

While Olive does finally sleep with Adam at the conference, she soon tearfully breaks things off since she doesn't want to complicate things with Adam's joint research project with Tom. Adam is also in the process of applying for a spot at Harvard.

Olive is certain no one will believe her about Tom until she realizes that the accidentally recorded the conversation where he made advances and threatened her. Meanwhile, Olive's roommate Malcolm has started seeing Dr. Holden Rodriguez, a faculty member who is a childhood friend of Adam's. Olive and Malcolm turn to Holden for advice, who encourages them to tell Adam about the recording. He points out that he thinks the main reason that Adam is considering a move to Harvard is because Olive is supposed to be going there.

Olive finds Adam and shows him the video. He is incensed at Tom and reports it to their faculty. When Adam returns from Boston, he reports that Tom has been fired. Meanwhile, Olive has been reaching out to other cancer researchers for spots at other labs, and she's gotten promising responses. Olive tells Adam that she loves him and that she never liked anyone else. Adam admits that he remembered her from the day he met her in the bathroom and that she's the one he's been interested in for years.

Ten months later at the anniversary of their first kiss, Olive and Adam re-create the kiss to mark their anniversary.

For more detail, see the full Chapter-by-Chapter Summary .

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Book Review

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood came out a few months ago, and I didn’t really pay much attention to it. However, people seem to really be enjoying this book, and after reading The School for Good Mothers , I was really in mood for something light and fun.

In the Love Hypothesis, Olive is a third-year biology Ph.D. student at Stanford who ends up fake-dating a young and handsome tenured professor in her department. All the usual rom-com shenanigans ensue.

The Love Hypothesis is an unapologetically cheesy rom-com novel — with an upbeat attitude, meet cutes, fake-dating tropes, etc. — but it’s also a genuinely fun and often funny book. It hits a lot of familiar notes if you’re familiar with this genre, but somehow Ali Hazelwood has arranged them in a way that ends up being delightful and entertaining.

The book is super melodramatic at parts, uses so many tropes I couldn’t even list them all here if I was inclined to do so and is predictable in the way that rom-coms are always kind of predictable. That all said, I still had a fantastic time reading it and it flew by.

This is a short review because honestly it’s not that complicated to explain that this book is super cheesy and super fun.

the love hypothesis deutsch zusammenfassung

Read it or Skip it?

If you like “chick lit” and rom-coms, you should definitely look into this book. I tend to be a little hypercritical of books in this genre, but I really enjoyed The Love Hypothesis . I found myself smiling and chuckling quite a bit as I read it.

This book is a straight-up cheesy rom-com — it is funny, melodramatic and fun as hell. I thought it was great.

See The Love Hypothesis on Amazon.

The Love Hypothesis Audiobook Review

Narrated by : Callie Dalton Length : 11 hours 8 minutes

I listened to about half of this on audiobook. I think the audiobook is solid. The narrator is easy to listen to and does a good job with it.

Hear a sample of The Love Hypothesis audiobook on

Book Excerpt

Read the first pages of The Love Hypothesis

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Bookshelf -- A literary set collection game

As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn't believe in lasting romantic relationships--but her best friend does, and that's what got her into this situation. Convincing Anh that Olive is dating and well on her way to a happily ever after was always going to take more than hand-wavy Jedi mind tricks: Scientists require proof. So, like any self-respecting biologist, Olive panics and kisses the first man she sees.

That man is none other than Adam Carlsen, a young hotshot professor--and well-known ass. Which is why Olive is positively floored when Stanford's reigning lab tyrant agrees to keep her charade a secret and be her fake boyfriend. But when a big science conference goes haywire, putting Olive's career on the Bunsen burner, Adam surprises her again with his unyielding support and even more unyielding...six-pack abs.

Suddenly their little experiment feels dangerously close to combustion. And Olive discovers that the only thing more complicated than a hypothesis on love is putting her own heart under the microscope.

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Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe thx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Love Hypothesis

Von ali hazelwood 4,6   sterne bei 225 bewertungen, neue kurzmeinungen.

Nicht ganz realistisch, aber vermutlich deshalb umso niedlicher. Eine süße Geschichte für zwischendurch, die ich sehr empfehlen kann.

DIE RomCom für Wissenschaft-Nerds ♥

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  • 5 Sterne 156
  • 4 Sterne 53
  • 3 Sterne 12

Die Biologie-Doktorandin Olive gerät in eine ungewöhnliche Situation, als sie in einer Art Kurzschluss-Reaktion den Professor Adam Carlsen küsst. Um das Liebesleben ihrer Freundin nicht zu beeinflussen, gehen Adam und sie eine Fake-Beziehung ein. Das hört sich vielleicht etwas konfus an und in Olives Kopf fahren die Gedanken auch Achterbahn, aber die aus dieser Situation resultierenden Verwicklungen sind sowohl urkomisch als auch emotional. Mit diesem Roman hat Ali Hazelwood mich aufs Neue restlos begeistert und sich damit einen festen Platz in meiner Liste der Lieblingsautorinnen gesichert. Ihr humorvoller Schreibstil und die sarkastischen Bemerkungen scheinen so etwas wie ihr Markenzeichen zu sein. Ich habe den Roman auf Englisch gelesen und muss zugeben, dass einige wissenschaftliche Begriffe womöglich an mir vorbei gegangen sind, aber das tut der Geschichte insgesamt keinen Abbruch. Die Charaktere sind liebevoll ausgearbeitet, Adam war mir trotz seines Rufes sofort sympathisch und Olive weiß die chemische Reaktion zwischen ihnen lange Zeit nicht richtig einzuschätzen. In dieser Rom-Com werden aber auch ernstere Themen angesprochen und das gibt nochmal einen weiteren Pluspunkt. Insgesamt ist dieser Roman absolut empfehlenswert für alle, die nach einer charmanten Liebesgeschichte suchen.

"HYPOTHESIS: When given a choice between A (a slightly inconveniencing situation) and B (a colossal shitshow with devastating consequences), I will inevitably end up selecting B." (S. 9)

Biologie-Doktorandin Olive ist einfach eine echt gute Freundin. Ansonsten würde sie wohl kaum den nächstbesten Fremden küssen, der ihr im Labor über den Weg läuft, nur um ihrer besten Freundin Anh zu beweisen, dass sie über ihren Ex hinweg ist und sie ihn daten kann. Dumm nur, dass der nächstbeste Fremde ausgerechnet ein sehr überrumpelter Dr. Adam Carlsen ist, der Schrecken aller Doktorand:innen, der schon einige mit seiner ungeschonten Kritik zum Aufgeben oder zumindest Weinen gebracht hat. Doch statt Olive wie erwartet wegen sexueller Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz anzuzeigen, schlägt Adam ihr verblüffenderweise vor, eine Fake-Beziehung zu führen, bis Olives Freundin von der Echtheit ihrer Gefühle überzeugt ist. Unter Einhaltung strenger Fake-Beziehungsvorschriften, natürlich. Was soll da schon schief gehen?  

Meine Güte, was habe ich dieses Buch verschlungen!!! Nie war Fake-Dating unterhaltsamer, nie waren Witze nerdiger und eine RomCom trotz ihrer vorhersehbaren Entwicklungen fesselnder ♥ Die Geschichte über Wissenschaftlerin Olive, die sich auf eine Scheinbeziehung einlässt und dabei ihr Herz verliert, hat mich herrlich amüsieren und ins Schwärmen bringen können. Zuletzt war es Wallbanger von Alice Clayton, welches mir dieses Lesegefühl verschafft hat, und auch wenn es da bedeutend mehr zur Sache ging, war der Vibe doch der gleiche. Es war mir ein Fest!

Das Leben von Doktorand:innen der Naturwissenschaften ist nicht leicht, wie ich in meinem eigenen Bekanntenkreis feststellen musste. Viel Arbeit, wenig Geld, viel Druck. In diesem Setting ist The Love Hypothesis angesiedelt. Olive arbeitet als Doktorandin der Biologie im dritten Jahr an ihrer Dissertation, ernährt sich von Ramen Nudeln und Chips aus dem Pausenraum-Automaten und verbringt die meiste Zeit im Labor. Wie gut, dass sie eh keinen Wert auf ein Privatleben oder eine Beziehung legt, denn dafür bliebe kaum Zeit. Doch all das ändert sich, als sie eines Abends aus der Not heraus Dr. Adam Carlsen küsst...

Ich liebe das Trope, welches hier bedient wird: quirlig trifft auf reserviert, tollpatschig auf kontrolliert. Olive und Adam scheinen wie Feuer und Wasser zu sein und trotzdem merkt man beim Lesen natürlich sofort, dass sie sich eigentlich perfekt ergänzen. Nur leider kann niemand in Olives Umfeld verstehen, wie sie mit jemandem wie "Dr. Carlsen" zusammen sein kann, der als Tyrann des Labors gilt und dessen Hobby es zu sein scheint, den noch so kleinsten methodischen Mangel in Forschungsprojekten bloßzustellen. Natüüürlich ist Adam aber nicht das herzlose, arrogante Ekel, für das ihn die meisten halten, und so konnte ich genau wie Olive nicht verhindern, dass ich langsam mein Herz an den schweigsamen Wissenschaftler verloren habe.

The Love Hypothesis ist eine ganz klassische, herrliche RomCom, mit jeder Menge kluger, witziger Dialoge und Zufallsbegegnungen, die Olive und Adam mehr Nähe aufzwingen, als sie in den Regeln für ihre Fake-Beziehung eigentlich festgelegt haben. Ich habe mich köstlich über den Humor von Ali Hazelwood amüsiert, der teilweise schon etwas speziell ist, da er viele Anspielungen aus dem wissenschaftlich-statistischen Kontext hat (wie z.B. warum der Dozent einen verächtlich anstarrt, wenn man den Mittel- statt des Modalwerts nutzt). Da Statistik einen großen Teil meines Psychologie-Studiums dargestellt hat, musste ich doch einige Male über mich selbst schmunzeln, weil ich genau wusste, worüber sie reden und ich über die nerdigen Statistik-Witze lachen konnte :-D

Wenn Olive doch einmal Freizeit hat, schaut sie gerne RomCom Filme mit ihrem Mitbewohner, weshalb ihr natürlich auch schnell klar wird, dass ihre Fake Beziehung mit Adam genau solch eine Richtung einschlägt. Und so nimmt die Autorin ihre Geschichte oftmals selbst auf die Schippe:

"HYPOTHESIS: Approximately two out of three fake-dating situations will eventually involve room-sharing; 50 percent of room-sharing situations will be further complicated by the presence of only one bed." (S. 204)

Obwohl Romantik und Humor hier ganz klar im Fokus stehen, spricht die quietschbunte Geschichte aber auch einige ernste Aspekte an, wie fehlende Chancengleichheit in der wissenschaftlichen Karriere, Erfolgsdruck und Missbrauch. Das Ganze lässt die Autorin aber so gekonnt einfließen, dass die Geschichte nie von ihrer heiteren Grundstimmung verliert.

Mein Fazit: The Love Hypothesis ist eine herrliche Feel-good Liebeskomödie, die mich total an die Seiten gefesselt hat. Olive und Adam dabei zuzusehen, wie sich ihre Fake Beziehung zu mehr entwickelt, war sooo lustig, romantisch und süß, dass ich unbedingt noch mehr von der Autorin lesen will. Ich kann euch The Love Hypothesis nur absolut begeistert ans Herz legen! Und für alle die lieber auf Deutsch lesen, habe ich noch eine gute Nachricht, denn schon im März erscheint die Geschichte in der Übersetzung als "Die theoretische Unwahrscheinlichkeit von Liebe" beim Aufbau Verlag. Also los, lesen und genießen!

"The Love Hypothesis" 

Es ist ein fesselnder Liebesroman, der von Ali Hazelwood geschrieben wurde. Die Geschichte dreht sich um Olive, eine Doktorandin in Physik, und Adam, einen anerkannten Professor. Als Olive sich entschließt, eine gefälschte Beziehung mit Adam einzugehen, um ihre Karriere zu retten, entwickelt sich zwischen ihnen jedoch etwas viel Tieferes. 

Das Buch ist voller Humor, Romantik und Chemie zwischen den Charakteren. Es ist eine süße und unterhaltsame Geschichte, die dich von Anfang bis Ende mitfiebern lässt. Die Charaktere sind gut entwickelt und die Dialoge sind witzig und clever. Wenn du nach einem Buch suchst, das dich zum Lachen bringt und gleichzeitig eine herzerwärmende Liebesgeschichte erzählt, ist "The Love Hypothesis" definitiv eine gute Wahl!

Der Schreibstil der Autorin ließ sich meiner Meinung nach sehr angenehm lesen und die Hypothesen zu Beginn jedes Kapitels fand ich ziemlich cool.

Geschrieben ist die Geschichte in der Er-/Sieg-Perspektive aus Olives Sicht, was definitiv nicht mein präferierte Erzählform für Romance-Bücher ist.

Olive ist intelligent und merkt es anscheinend nicht. Sie hat dieses Graue-Maus-Syndrom, was mich mittlerweile absolut nervt. Alle anderen sind ja ach so toll und sie hat das alles ja gar nicht verdient. Und was sieht Adam bloß in ihr? Seufz! 

Adam. Ja, Adam.. Zu ihm kann ich eigentlich nicht allzu viel sagen. Außer dass er groß ist. Sehr groß. Alles an ihm ist groß. Seine Hände, sein Körper und... anscheinend auch sein Mund. Like... How is this even possible? (Mund + Brust = häh?) Und er ist beschützend und ziemlich intelligent. Im Grunde habe ich diesen grumpy guy irgendwie gemocht.

Die Geschichte war ganz süß, keine Frage, und definitiv unterhaltsam. Und die Message in Bezug auf Vorurteile gegenüber Frauen in der Wissenschaft hat mir wirklich gut gefallen.

Aber... Ich habe das Fake Dating - auch wenn es an sich Spaß gemacht hat - nicht wirklich verstanden. Warum das Ganze? Meiner Meinung nach, hat das doch alles, die ganzen Gerüchte und Vorurteile doch nur schlimmer gemacht. Oder nicht?

Die Geschichte war süß, stellenweise romantisch und emotional, alles in allem aber nur eine nette Geschichte für zwischendurch, die man definitiv nicht unbedingt lesen muss.

Von mir gibt es 2,5-3 Sterne. 

"He turned to look at her, and there were entire worlds in his eyes."

Aus unerfindlichen liegt dieses Buch schon länger auf meinem SuB, und ich hatte es jetzt erst für meinen Urlaub dabei. Ich kann euch sagen, es im Hinflug zu lesen und dann einige Tage warten zu müssen, bis man weiterlesen konnte, war DAS SCHLIMMSTE!

"The Love Hypothesis" ist absolute Perfektion. Hands down, 10 outta 10. Mein letztes Highlight war schon einige Zeit her, und dann kam dieses Buch. Es ist witzig, romantisch, absolut emotional, herzzerreißend, motivierend und so viele andere Dinge! Es war mein erstes Buch mit STEM-Setting, und da Ali Hazelwood bekannte Autorin für dieses Setting ist, habe ich mir danach alle ihre restlichen Bücher gekauft. Das sagt glaube ich alles aus, in welcher Beziehung ich zu dem Buch und dem Setting stehe.

Erstmal - Dr. Adam Carlsen, neuer Bookboyfriend. Er ist Mister Grumpy, von der Studentenschaft gehasst für seine nofilter-Aussagen, groß, hot und intelligent. Der Beste in seinem Fachgebiet. Aber er ist so viel mehr, was erst durch Olive zum Vorschein kommt. Er ist witzig, sarkastisch geradezu, empathisch, ehrlich und liebt mit seinem ganzen Sein. Packen wir Olive dazu, die gerade ihren Doktor macht, oft Selbstzweifel hat und nun quasi aus Versehen eine Fake-Dating-Beziehung mit Adam eingeht. Mister Grumpy und Miss Sunshine, auf diesen Trope gehe ich ja immer total ab. Die Gefühle zwischen beiden sind so raw, so ehrlich, voller Feuerwerk und gegenseitige Unterstützung. Ich würde sterben, um dieses Buch und ihre Beziehung noch einmal ohne Vorwissen lesen zu können.

Dazu gibt es so viele süße Szenen zwischen beide, die mich im Flugzeug nur dumm grinsen lassen haben, die Schmetterlinge in meinem Bauch waren absolut ecstatic! Es ist aber nicht nur die Beziehung zwischen Olive und Adam, die das Buch zu einem Jahreshighlight werden lassen haben, sondern auch die Freunde von den beiden Protas waren super greifbare Charaktere mit eigenen Geschichte, die den Plot rund gemacht haben. Dazu das wissenschaftliche Setting mit Laborarbeit und der Stress der Studierenden und all die ganzen anderen kleinen Dinge, die das Buch einfach perfekt gemacht haben. Ich habe wirklich gar nichts auszusetzen, war vom ersten Satz an voll dabei und habe jede Seite inhaliert. Das Buch ist ich und das Buch bin ich.

"The Love Hypothesis" bekommt natürlich volle 5/5 Sterne und eine dicke fette Leseempfehlung!

Ich lese sehr selten englische Bücher, da ich befürchte nicht alle Zusammenhänge zu verstehen. Dieses Buch ist auf meiner 23 für 23 Liste und ich war sehr neugierig darauf, da ich bereits viel Gutes gehört habe und wollte es nun endlich lesen. Zuerst war ich erstaunt, wie viel ich verstehe, obwohl viele naturwissenschaftliche Fachbegriffe vorkommen, so dass ich gut in die Geschichte gestartet bin. Der Schreibstil, der Humor und die Ideen von Ali haben dann dazu geführt, dass ich in dem Buch versinken bin und erst dann wieder aufgetaucht bin, als das Buch beendet war. Ich liebe einfach den Humor in dieser Geschichte, ich musste oft laut lachen oder schmunzeln. Allgemein ist die Chemie zwischen Olive und Adam von Anfang an zu spüren, macht die Handlung spannend und man fiebert mit den Beiden mit. Eingerahmt wird die Geschichte mit den engen Freunden von Olive und Adam sowie dem naturwissenschaftlichen Uni Setting. Dieses macht das Buch für mich einzigartig und besonders. Eine RomCom ganz nach Olives Geschmack. Ich bin begeistert und freue mich schon darauf die weiteren Bücher von Ali zu lesen.

Ich habe mich in das Buch einfach nur verliebt. Ich wusste eigentlich gar nicht so recht, worauf ich mich da einlasse, da ich es aus dem Affekt mitgenommen habe, nachdem ich es online so oft gesehen habe. Aber ich habe es keine Sekunde bereut. 

Die Geschichte von Olive und Adam war einfach zuckersüß und angenehm zwischendurch. Es wurden auch ernste Themen behandelt, was ich gut fand, aber größtenteils war es einfach eine schöne Liebesgeschichte mit viel Humor und Charme. 

Den Schreibstil fand ich sehr angenehm, daher bin ich auch so gut durchs Buch gekommen. 

Olive und Adam habe ich beide einfach nur geliebt. Beide waren wundervolle Persönlichkeiten, die mir mit ihren Eigenheiten gut gefallen und mich oft zum Schmunzeln gebracht haben. Auch die Freunde der beiden fand ich super schön integriert und möchte jeden auf seine Art gerne.

Meiner Meinung nach ist es dem Hype absolut gerecht gewor den. 💕

In dem Buch geht es um Olive, die als Biologie-Doktorandin an der Stanford University forscht. Um Ihre beste Freundin davon zu überzeugen, dass sie nicht mehr auf deren Schwarm steht, lässt sie sich eine Notlüge einfallen und küsst im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes den erstbesten Typen der ihr über den Weg läuft. Als sie jedoch danach richtig hinschaut sieht sie, dass sie soeben den am Campus unbeliebten Professoren Adam Carlsen geküsst hat. Zu Ihrer Überraschung, lässt sich Adam auf eine Fake-Beziehung ein, doch die anbahnenden Gefühle machen diese immer komplizierter. "Die theoretische Unwahrscheinlichkeit von Liebe" war mein erstes Buch der Autorin. Der Schreibstil ließ sich flüssig und schnell lesen. Ich wollte immer wissen wie es weiter geht und konnte deshalb das Buch kaum aus den Händen legen. Ich fand den Bezug auf Biologie in dem Buch total interessant und es war auch nicht zu unverständlich geschrieben. Allgemein war es eine sehr schöne Geschichte mit humorvollen Charakteren. Ich kann das Buch sehr empfehlen!

„Love Hypothesis“ von Ali Hazelwood hat mir als Taschenbuch gut gefallen. Ich habe es bereits Anfang 2023 gelesen, rezensiere es jedoch jetzt zum ersten Mal.

Olive ist ein guter Mensch. Und damit sich ihre Freundin Anh auf eine neue Liebe, genauer gesagt Olives Exfreund, einlassen kann, ist sie zu einer außergewöhnlichen Tat in der Lage. Sie küsst jemanden, den sie gar nicht kennt und ahnt nicht, dass es sich dabei um einen Professor ihrer Universität handelt. Den jungen, gut aussehenden, leicht umstrittenen Adam. Was folgt ist eine Lüge, die nach und nach echte Sympathie weckt und noch mehr … 

Das Buch habe ich mir vor dem großen Hype gelesen, da mir das Cover gut gefallen hat und es einen Rabatt auf englische Bücher bei Thalia gab :) 

Ehrlich gesagt kann ich die übergroße Begeisterung leider nicht teilen. Zugegeben, die Geschichte ist gut geschrieben, teils witzig und die Grundidee auf jeden Fall toll.

Aber schon nach kurzer Zeit wirkte Olive sehr bedürftig auf mich, so als habe sie kaum eigene Stärke, obwohl sie doch schon als Studentin viel erreicht hat und mehr als nur eine gut aussehende Partymaus ist. 

Adam wirkte von Beginn an auf mich sehr abweisend, was so auf jeden Fall gewollt war. Auch er hatte schließlich ein Motiv, warum er Olive an seiner Seite gesehen haben wollte. 

Als sie Sympathie und schließlich Verliebtheit dazu kam hat mir die Magie gefehlt, das Knistern, die Tiefe in den Gesprächen und auch das Ende hätte noch schöner sein können. 

Ein Buch, dass dem Hype der dann folgte nicht vollends gerecht wird, sich dennoch solide lesen lässt. 

Olive hat ein riesen Problem: ihre beste Freundin Anh hat sich in Olives' Ex Jeremy verliebt. Für Olive an sich kein Problem, doch Anh möchte ihrer Liebe nicht nachgeben, da sie denkt, Olive würde immer noch an ihm hängen (was sie nicht tut, sie war eher aus Langeweile mit ihm ausgegangen). Um Anh zu beweisen, dass sie über Jeremy hinweg ist, küsst sie den nächst besten Typen vor Anhs Augen. Blöd nur, dass sie damit einen der renommiertesten und wohl gemeinsten Professoren, nämlich Adam Carlsen, erwischt hat.

Ich habe mir das Buch gekauft, da ich Fake-Dating mit einer Prise Enemies-to-Lovers nicht widerstehen konnte, und ich muss sagen: es hat sich absolut gelohnt, so sehr mochte ich ein Buch schon lange nicht mehr.

Dieses Buch beinhaltet so viel Humor und Comedy, dazu aber auch so viel Vertrauen, Zuneigung und Liebe, so etwas können nur wenige Autor*innen. Noch dazu wurden wichtige Themen angesprochen und nicht alles war purer Sonnenschein. 

Die Charaktere fand ich persönlich super, besonders die Freundschaft zwischen Olive und Anh. Adam ist natürlich auch ein super Typ, aber irgendwie war er dann wieder so gutaussehend und nett zu Frauen, dass mein Männer-Standard ganz weit nach oben gestiegen ist und ich deswegen vermutlich als alte Jungfer mit 20 Katzen ende. Natürlich trotzdem schön, dass zumindest "fictional men" meinen Standards entsprechen.

Alles in allem klare Kaufempfehlung an alle, ich habe es auch direkt schon einer Freundin aufgedrückt. Dieses Buch ist einfach nur perfekt, Kritikpunkte habe ich gar keine!

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Das Debut von Ali Hazelwood wird gerade nicht ohne Grund in der englischen Book community gefeiert. Ich kann es nicht glauben, dass hier mit mir nur zwei Leserinnen das Buch gelesen haben. Es ist wirklich fantastisch geschrieben!

Ja oder! Ich konnte es nicht aus der Hand legen!

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Die theoretische Unwahrscheinlichkeit von Liebe: Roman | Die deutsche Ausgabe von »The Love Hypothesis« (German Edition)

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Ali Hazelwood

Die theoretische Unwahrscheinlichkeit von Liebe: Roman | Die deutsche Ausgabe von »The Love Hypothesis« (German Edition) Kindle Edition

Die Unvernunft der Liebe.

Biologie-Doktorandin Olive glaubt an Wissenschaft – nicht an etwas Unkontrollierbares wie die Liebe. Dank ihrer Freundin Anh sieht sie sich plötzlich gezwungen, eine Beziehung vorzutäuschen, und küsst in ihrer Not den erstbesten Mann, der ihr über den Weg läuft. Nicht nur, dass dieser Kuss eine Kette irrationaler Gefühle auslöst – der Geküsste entpuppt sich zudem als Adam Carlsen: größter Labortyrann von ganz Stanford. Schon bald droht nicht nur Olives wissenschaftliche Karriere über dem Bunsenbrenner geröstet zu werden, auch ihre Verwicklung mit Carlsen fühlt sich mehr nach oxidativer Reaktion als romantischer Reduktion an, und Olive muss dringend ihre Gefühle einer Analyse unterziehen …

“Ein echtes Einhorn in der Welt der Liebesgeschichten – die unmöglich scheinende Verbindung von zutiefst schlau und herrlich eskapistisch.” Christina Lauren, New-York-Times-Bestsellerautorin.

  • Print length 449 pages
  • Language German
  • Sticky notes On Kindle Scribe
  • Publisher Aufbau Digital
  • Publication date 12 Feb. 2022
  • File size 1044 KB
  • Page Flip Enabled
  • Word Wise Not Enabled
  • Enhanced typesetting Enabled
  • See all details

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Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09LWSY9GX
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Aufbau Digital; 2nd edition (12 Feb. 2022)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ German
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 1044 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 449 pages
  • 2,447 in Romance in German
  • 30,392 in Romantic Comedy (Kindle Store)
  • 33,956 in Women's Romance Fiction

About the author

Ali hazelwood.

Ali Hazelwood is a multi-published author—alas, of peer-reviewed articles about brain science, in which no one makes out and the ever after is not always happy. Originally from Italy, she lived in Germany and Japan before moving to the U.S. to pursue a Ph.D. in neuroscience. She recently became a professor, which absolutely terrifies her. When Ali is not at work, she can be found running, crocheting, eating cake pops, or watching sci-fi movies with her two feline overlords (and her slightly-less-feline husband).

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The Love Hypothesis

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Dem Autor folgen

Ali Hazelwood

The Love Hypothesis Taschenbuch – 14. September 2021

  • Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe 400 Seiten
  • Sprache Englisch
  • Herausgeber Penguin Publishing Group
  • Erscheinungstermin 14. September 2021
  • Abmessungen 13.92 x 2.69 x 20.83 cm
  • ISBN-10 0593336828
  • ISBN-13 978-0593336823
  • Alle Details anzeigen

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Chapter One

Hypothesis: When given a choice between A (a slightly inconveniencing situation) and B (a colossal shitshow with devastating consequences), I will inevitably end up selecting B.

In Olive's defense, the man didn't seem to mind the kiss too much.

It did take him a moment to adjust-perfectly understandable, given the sudden circumstances. It was an awkward, uncomfortable, somewhat painful minute, in which Olive was simultaneously smashing her lips against his and pushing herself as high as her toes would extend to keep her mouth at the same level as his face. Did he have to be so tall? The kiss must have looked like some clumsy headbutt, and she grew anxious that she was not going to be able to pull the whole thing off. Her friend Anh, whom Olive had spotted coming her way a few seconds ago, was going to take one look at this and know at once that Olive and Kiss Dude couldn't possibly be two people in the middle of a date.

Then that agonizingly slow moment went by, and the kiss became . . . different. The man inhaled sharply and inclined his head a tiny bit, making Olive feel less like a squirrel monkey climbing a baobab tree, and his hands-which were large and pleasantly warm in the AC of the hallway-closed around her waist. They slid up a few inches, coming to wrap around Olive's rib cage and holding her to himself. Not too close, and not too far.

It was more of a prolonged peck than anything, but it was quite nice, and for the life span of a few seconds Olive forgot a large number of things, including the fact that she was pressed against a random, unknown dude. That she'd barely had the time to whisper "Can I please kiss you?" before locking lips with him. That what had originally driven her to put on this entire show was the hope of fooling Anh, her best friend in the whole world.

But a good kiss will do that: make a girl forget herself for a while. Olive found herself melting into a broad, solid chest that showed absolutely no give. Her hands traveled from a defined jaw into surprisingly thick and soft hair, and then-then she heard herself sigh, as if already out of breath, and that's when it hit her like a brick on the head, the realization that- No. No.

Nope, nope, no.

She should not be enjoying this. Random dude, and all that.

Olive gasped and pushed herself away from him, frantically looking for Anh. In the 11:00 p.m. bluish glow of the biology labs' hallway, her friend was nowhere to be seen. Weird. Olive was sure she had spotted her a few seconds earlier.

Kiss Dude, on the other hand, was standing right in front of her, lips parted, chest rising and a weird light flickering in his eyes, which was exactly when it dawned on her, the enormity of what she had just done. Of who she had just-

Fuck her life.

Fuck. Her. Life.

Because Dr. Adam Carlsen was a known ass.

This fact was not remarkable in and of itself, as in academia every position above the graduate student level (Olive's level, sadly) required some degree of assness in order to be held for any length of time, with tenured faculty at the very peak of the ass pyramid. Dr. Carlsen, though-he was exceptional. At least if the rumors were anything to go by.

He was the reason Olive's roommate, Malcolm, had to completely scrap two research projects and would likely end up graduating a year late; the one who had made Jeremy throw up from anxiety before his qualifying exams; the sole culprit for half the students in the department being forced to postpone their thesis defenses. Joe, who used to be in Olive's cohort and would take her to watch out-of-focus European movies with microscopic subtitles every Thursday night, had been a research assistant in Carlsen's lab, but he'd decided to drop out six months into it for "reasons." It was probably for the best, since most of Carlsen's remaining graduate assistants had perennially shaky hands and often looked like they hadn't slept in a year.

Dr. Carlsen might have been a young academic rock star and biology's wunderkind, but he was also mean and hypercritical, and it was obvious in the way he spoke, in the way he carried himself, that he thought himself the only person doing decent science within the Stanford biology department. Within the entire world, probably. He was a notoriously moody, obnoxious, terrifying dick.

And Olive had just kissed him.

She wasn't sure how long the silence lasted-only that he was the one to break it. He stood in front of Olive, ridiculously intimidating with dark eyes and even darker hair, staring down from who knows how many inches above six feet-he must have been over half a foot taller than she was. He scowled, an expression that she recognized from seeing him attend the departmental seminar, a look that usually preceded him raising his hand to point out some perceived fatal flaw in the speaker's work.

Adam Carlsen. Destroyer of research careers , Olive had once overheard her adviser say.

It's okay. It's fine. Totally fine. She was just going to pretend nothing had happened, nod at him politely, and tiptoe her way out of here. Yes, solid plan.

"Did you . . . Did you just kiss me?" He sounded puzzled, and maybe a little out of breath. His lips were full and plump and . . . God. Kissed. There was simply no way Olive could get away with denying what she had just done.

Still, it was worth a try.

Surprisingly, it seemed to work.

"Ah. Okay, then." Carlsen nodded and turned around, looking vaguely disoriented. He took a couple of steps down the hallway, reached the water fountain-maybe where he'd been headed in the first place.

Olive was starting to believe that she might actually be off the hook when he halted and turned back with a skeptical expression.

"Are you sure?"

"I-" She buried her face in her hands. "It's not the way it looks."

"Okay. I . . . Okay," he repeated slowly. His voice was deep and low and sounded a lot like he was on his way to get ting mad. Like maybe he was already mad. "What's going on here?"

There was simply no way to explain this. Any normal person would have found Olive's situation odd, but Adam Carlsen, who obviously considered empathy a bug and not a feature of humanity, could never understand. She let her hands fall to her sides and took a deep breath.

"I . . . listen, I don't mean to be rude, but this is really none of your business."

He stared at her for a moment, and then he nodded. "Yes. Of course." He must be getting back into his usual groove, because his tone had lost some of its surprise and was back to normal-dry. Laconic. "I'll just go back to my office and begin to work on my Title IX complaint."

Olive exhaled in relief. "Yeah. That would be great, since- Wait. Your what?"

He cocked his head. "Title IX is a federal law that protects against sexual misconduct within academic settings-"

"I know what Title IX is."

"I see. So you willfully chose to disregard it."

"I- What? No. No, I didn't!"

He shrugged. "I must be mistaken, then. Someone else must have assaulted me."

"Assault-I didn't 'assault' you."

"You did kiss me."

"But not really ."

"Without first...


  • Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Penguin Publishing Group; 1. Edition (14. September 2021)
  • Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
  • Taschenbuch ‏ : ‎ 400 Seiten
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0593336828
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0593336823
  • Abmessungen ‏ : ‎ 13.92 x 2.69 x 20.83 cm
  • Nr. 100 in Adressbücher
  • Nr. 4,195 in Fremdsprachige Bücher

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Ali hazelwood.

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Your Book Corner

The Love Hypothesis Summary & Review – Where Heart and Science Unite

  • Author: Ali Hazelwood
  • Originally published: September 14, 2021
  • Page Count: 383 pages, Paperback
  • Genres: Romance , Contemporary , Fiction

the love hypothesis deutsch zusammenfassung

In the enchanting world of romance literature, where love stories flourish like wildflowers in spring, one novel has taken the genre by storm – “The Love Hypothesis” by the talented wordsmith, Ali Hazelwood. With hearts aflutter and pages turned eagerly, readers have been swept away by this delightful tale of love, science, and a charmingly flawed heroine. As the buzz around this book continues to crescendo, we embark on our own journey through its pages, armed with a commitment to honesty and fairness. This review aims to provide a comprehensive yet unvarnished analysis of “The Love Hypothesis,” a book that has captured the hearts of many and left us pondering both its triumphs and its trifles. Join us as we delve into the world of this captivating romance, exploring its strengths, weaknesses, and everything in between.

Table of Contents

The Love Hypothesis Summary

In the bustling world of academia, Olive Smith, a dedicated PhD candidate with a penchant for equations rather than emotions, finds herself at the center of an unexpected experiment – one involving love. “The Love Hypothesis,” penned by Ali Hazelwood, introduces us to Olive, a brilliant physicist focused on her career, until her path crosses with the notorious and charismatic Professor Adam Carlsen. Sparks fly, but not of the romantic kind, as Olive and Adam engage in a unique “relationship” born out of a scientific hypothesis.

As the story unfolds, we witness Olive’s journey from skepticism to curiosity and eventually, to an unexpected entanglement of the heart. With her pragmatic approach to life and love, Olive provides a refreshing perspective on the trials and tribulations of modern romance. And Adam, a character with secrets of his own, adds layers of complexity to their evolving connection.

What sets this story in motion is the intriguing premise of testing the hypothesis that a fake relationship can scientifically lead to real love. The book navigates the unpredictable waters of romance with humor, intelligence, and a touch of vulnerability. Yet, will this love experiment yield the expected results, or will it defy the very laws of nature it seeks to explore? Without giving away any of the story’s twists and turns, we invite you to embark on this journey with us as we delve deeper into “The Love Hypothesis” to uncover its charms and complexities.

Writing Style and Narrative

Ali Hazelwood’s writing style in “The Love Hypothesis” is a masterful symphony that weaves emotions and intellect together, creating a tapestry that draws readers into the hearts and minds of her characters. With a deft hand, Hazelwood employs vivid imagery that brings the academic setting to life, making lecture halls and research labs feel like tangible spaces where emotions flourish.

Dialogue, a vital tool in romance storytelling, is where Hazelwood truly shines. The banter between characters is both sharp and heartwarming, revealing hidden layers of wit and vulnerability. The interactions between Olive and Adam are particularly noteworthy, ranging from playful sparring to moments of unexpected tenderness. Each exchange feels authentic, adding depth to their connection and making their journey all the more captivating.

Hazelwood employs a distinctive narrative technique by alternating between Olive and Adam’s perspectives, granting readers insight into their individual struggles, desires, and hesitations. This approach enhances the reading experience by allowing us to witness the gradual transformation of their relationship from multiple angles. The intimate glimpses into their thoughts foster empathy, making us root for their happiness while acknowledging their flaws.

While the writing style skillfully captures emotions and relationships, some readers might find the occasional scientific jargon a hurdle. Although these elements contribute to the story’s authenticity, they can momentarily disrupt the flow for those less familiar with technical language. Despite this, the overall writing style enriches the narrative by immersing us in a world where romance and science coexist.

Ali Hazelwood’s writing not only paints a picture of the characters’ internal struggles but also transports readers to the emotional landscapes they traverse. Through eloquent prose and engaging dialogue, the writing style becomes an instrument of connection, drawing us into the story’s heart and encouraging us to invest in its outcome.

Character Development

In “The Love Hypothesis,” Ali Hazelwood’s characters are not just ink on paper; they are living, breathing souls with depth and complexity that gradually unfurl as the story unfolds. Olive Smith and Adam Carlsen, the protagonists of this romantic tale, embark on journeys of self-discovery and personal evolution that resonate with readers.

Olive, a brilliant scientist consumed by logic and equations, is a character of multifaceted layers. Her pragmatism, while admirable, also becomes a shield against vulnerability. As the narrative progresses, we witness her struggle to reconcile her rational approach with the unpredictable world of emotions. Her transformation is marked by moments of introspection, hesitation, and ultimately, courage. However, some readers might find certain aspects of Olive’s growth abrupt, with shifts in her mindset occurring relatively quickly.

Adam Carlsen, on the other hand, is introduced as the charismatic, enigmatic professor. His enigmatic facade gives way to reveal a man burdened by his past and striving for redemption. As his connection with Olive deepens, we witness his own journey towards healing and forgiveness. This growth is intricately woven into his interactions with Olive and his responses to challenges that arise.

While both characters display captivating development, there are instances where their actions and decisions might leave readers yearning for more context. Certain reactions or choices appear slightly disconnected from their established traits, introducing moments of inconsistency in their portrayal.

Despite these occasional inconsistencies, the characters’ evolution is a testament to Hazelwood’s ability to craft relatable human experiences. Their emotional authenticity draws readers in, allowing us to empathize with their struggles and celebrate their victories. The imperfections in their development, while noticeable, do not overshadow the overall impact of their growth, making Olive and Adam protagonists worthy of our investment.

Through intricate character development, “The Love Hypothesis” reminds us that growth is a nonlinear journey, fraught with uncertainty and complexity. The imperfections in their development, much like the flaws within us all, only serve to enhance the richness of the story.

Themes and Messages

Within the pages of “The Love Hypothesis,” Ali Hazelwood deftly weaves a tapestry of themes that resonate deeply with readers. Beyond the surface of romance, the story delves into layers of ambition, personal growth, and the complex interplay between logic and matters of the heart.

Love, of course, takes center stage as the book’s primary theme. The exploration of love as a force that defies scientific quantification provides an intriguing backdrop. The book navigates the different facets of love – from the unanticipated blossoming of emotions to the vulnerability that accompanies it. The story captures the raw essence of love’s unpredictability and challenges us to embrace its uncertainties.

Ambition, embodied by Olive’s dedication to her academic pursuits, is another theme interwoven with the narrative. The juxtaposition of Olive’s scientific precision with the enigmatic nature of love reflects the tension between the rational and the emotional. This theme prompts readers to reflect on the balance between pursuing one’s passions and opening oneself to emotional connections.

Personal growth emerges as a thread that binds the characters’ arcs. As Olive and Adam navigate their feelings and pasts, they undergo transformations that mirror the complexity of real-life evolution. The narrative effectively portrays the struggles and breakthroughs they experience, albeit with occasional instances of pacing that may affect the impact of their growth.

The themes come alive through Hazelwood’s skillful prose, inviting readers to reflect on their own experiences and emotions. Yet, there are moments when the messages might appear slightly overt, leaving little room for interpretation. This directness, while occasionally detracting from subtlety, ensures that readers grasp the intended takeaway.

Ultimately, “The Love Hypothesis” imparts messages of embracing vulnerability, embracing change, and recognizing that love often transcends the bounds of reason. The themes encourage readers to consider the interplay between intellect and emotion, and the value of taking risks in matters of the heart. As we immerse ourselves in these thematic currents, we’re reminded that love and growth are beautifully intertwined, creating a melody that resonates with the human experience.

Criticism & Room for Improvement

While “The Love Hypothesis” undeniably charms its readers, it’s essential to recognize that no book is without its imperfections. Let’s take a closer look at some aspects that may have left certain readers wanting more.

Firstly, pacing is an element that occasionally presents challenges in the story’s flow. While the narrative is generally engaging, there are moments when the pace feels uneven. The transitions between scenes and character developments can, at times, occur abruptly, which may disrupt the overall reading experience.

Additionally, the book’s reliance on scientific jargon might be a double-edged sword. While it adds authenticity to the academic backdrop, it could pose a hurdle for readers less familiar with such terminology. Striking a balance between maintaining realism and accessibility is a delicate task, and some may feel that the book leans a tad too heavily towards the former.

Character choices and reactions, while authentic in many instances, may also leave room for critique. Some readers have noted moments when character decisions appeared inconsistent with their established personalities, causing a slight disconnect between actions and motivations.

Critics have occasionally observed that the story’s central romance, while undoubtedly sweet, leans towards familiar tropes within the genre. While this familiarity can be comforting, it might leave readers craving a more unique twist or exploration of unconventional dynamics.

However, it’s important to remember that these critiques don’t overshadow the book’s merits. “The Love Hypothesis” has earned its accolades for a reason. Its ability to blend humor, intelligence, and vulnerability remains a commendable feat, and the characters’ authenticity shines through despite occasional inconsistencies.

In summary, the book’s pacing, use of scientific terminology, character choices, and reliance on familiar tropes are aspects that may have garnered criticism. These observations, however, are part of the broader conversation surrounding the book’s reception and don’t diminish its overall appeal. The beauty of literature lies in its subjectivity, and what one reader views as a critique, another may see as an endearing quirk.

In the delightful world of “The Love Hypothesis,” Ali Hazelwood has crafted a tale that marries science and emotion, intellect and heart. The book’s strengths lie in its vivid characters, sharp dialogue, and the intricate dance between logic and love. While pacing and minor inconsistencies exist, they don’t overshadow the book’s unique charm.

Embrace the journey of Olive and Adam, two souls navigating the uncharted territories of academia and matters of the heart. As you turn each page, you’ll be drawn into their captivating story, replete with moments of humor, vulnerability, and growth. “The Love Hypothesis” invites you to ponder the mysteries of love, personal evolution, and the sparks that ignite when reason meets emotion.

While opinions on books are as varied as the colors of a sunset, the invitation remains: Discover for yourself the magic woven within these pages. The world of “The Love Hypothesis” beckons with its own hypothesis – that beneath every critique lies a story waiting to be felt, a connection waiting to be made. Venture forth and experience the unique symphony of romance and science that Hazelwood has masterfully composed.

About the Author

the love hypothesis deutsch zusammenfassung

Ali Hazelwood, the creative force behind “The Love Hypothesis,” is a captivating storyteller known for her knack for blending romance and wit. With a background in engineering, Ali’s unique perspective infuses her writing with a touch of intellectual charm. She masterfully weaves relatable characters, heartfelt emotions, and scientific curiosity into her stories, making them both engaging and thought-provoking. Ali’s passion for exploring the intersection of logic and love shines through in her work, captivating readers with her ability to meld intricate plotlines with genuine emotion. As a rising star in the romance genre, Ali Hazelwood continues to enchant readers with her distinctive voice and her uncanny ability to spark both laughter and introspection.

“As we conclude this journey through “The Love Hypothesis,” we extend an open invitation to you, our cherished readers. Your thoughts and perspectives matter, and we’d love to hear your take on the book. Have you found resonance in its themes? Do you share our observations, or do you see the story from a different angle? Feel free to leave your comments below; this space is a platform for your voice.

Moreover, sharing is caring, and if “The Love Hypothesis” has touched your heartstrings or ignited your curiosity, don’t hesitate to share this review with fellow book enthusiasts. Whether it’s through your favorite social media channels, book clubs, or discussions with friends, your sharing can introduce others to a world of captivating emotions and intellectual intrigue.

As we celebrate the power of storytelling, we look forward to the vibrant conversations that will undoubtedly unfold. Your insights enrich not only our understanding of the book but also the collective experience of literature. So, let’s embark on a journey of words and feelings together, as we explore the pages of “The Love Hypothesis” and the myriad thoughts it sparks. ” – Your Book Corner

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Synopsis of The Love Hypothesis

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Published: April 23, 2023 | Updated: March 24, 2024

Synopsis of The Love Hypothesis

“The Love Hypothesis” by Ali Hazelwood is the focus of our post today. This novel, which belongs to the contemporary romance genre, intertwines the rigor of academic life with the unpredictability of human emotions, creating a compelling narrative that captivates readers from the first page. The purpose of this post is to familiarize you with the essence and charm of Hazelwood’s story without spoiling the delightful journey the book offers.

My discussion will proceed as follows: First, I provide an extended summary of the novel, laying the groundwork for understanding the plot and setting. Next, I discuss the characters in detail, diving into their backgrounds, motivations, and the dynamics that drive the story forward. To wrap up, I’ll offer some thought-provoking book club questions designed to spark engaging conversations and deeper reflections on “The Love Hypothesis,” its themes, and its place within the broader context of romantic literature.

“ The Love Hypothesis ” by Ali Hazelwood is a delightful blend of romance, humor, and academic life, focusing on the unexpected relationship between Olive Smith, a third-year Ph.D. candidate, and Adam Carlsen, a distinguished professor known for his stringent standards and demanding presence in the lab. Set against the backdrop of Stanford University, the narrative propels us into a world where science and emotions intertwine in unexpected ways.

Olive Smith, deeply immersed in her research and skeptical about the concept of lasting love, finds herself in a predicament that challenges her beliefs. Her best friend, Anh, is a firm believer in love and happy endings, leading Olive to concoct a story about being in a relationship to satisfy Anh’s concerns. This lie quickly spirals out of control when Olive, in a moment of panic, kisses the first man she encounters to provide “proof” of her non-existent relationship. This man happens to be Adam Carlsen, a professor known not only for his academic brilliance but also for his aloof and intimidating demeanor.

Synopsis of The Love Hypothesis

Photo: Amazon

To Olive’s astonishment, Adam agrees to play along with her fabricated story, entering into a fake relationship to help her maintain the facade. This arrangement is driven by their mutual benefit: Olive gets to appease her friend’s worries, and Adam has his reasons, which initially remain opaque, adding an element of mystery to their agreement.

As the story unfolds, Olive and Adam find themselves entangled not just in a web of pretense but also in the complexities of their feelings for each other. Their interactions, initially marked by awkwardness and a business-like agreement, gradually evolve into a deeper connection. This change is catalyzed by a series of events, including a crucial science conference that puts Olive’s career and research in jeopardy. Adam’s unexpected support during these trials reveals a different side to him, challenging Olive’s preconceived notions about him and stirring emotions she had not anticipated.

The fake relationship trope, a popular theme in romance literature, is explored with a fresh perspective in “The Love Hypothesis.” The setting of academia adds a unique flavor to the narrative, highlighting the pressures and challenges faced by those in the scientific community. Olive’s journey is not just about navigating her feelings for Adam but also about confronting her own doubts and fears regarding love, relationships, and her future in science.

Throughout the story, Hazelwood weaves in elements of comedy, the struggles of academic life, and the exhilaration of discovering love where one least expects it. Olive’s character development is central to the narrative, as she evolves from a woman determined to rely solely on empirical evidence to someone willing to explore the uncertainties of the heart.

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The Love Hypothesis Characters

Here are the main characters in the novel:

  • Olive Smith : A third-year Ph.D. candidate at Stanford, Olive is pragmatic, intelligent, and deeply committed to her scientific research. She’s skeptical about the lasting nature of romantic relationships, a viewpoint that is put to the test as she navigates the complexities of her unexpected involvement with Adam Carlsen. Olive’s journey is one of personal and emotional growth, as she challenges her own beliefs about love, relationships, and her future in academia.
  • Adam Carlsen : Known for his groundbreaking research and strict demeanor, Adam Carlsen is a young and highly regarded professor at Stanford. Behind his professional facade lies a complex individual who surprises Olive by agreeing to her scheme of a fake relationship. Adam’s character unfolds as both supportive and tender, offering a contrast to his initial portrayal and playing a crucial role in Olive’s evolving understanding of love.
  • Anh : Olive’s best friend and fellow Ph.D. candidate, Anh is optimistic, caring, and a firm believer in the power of love. Her concern for Olive’s happiness sets the plot in motion, highlighting the strength of their friendship. Anh’s character embodies the warmth and support that are foundational to the story, influencing Olive’s decisions and growth.

The story also features an array of supporting characters. These include:

  • Fellow Ph.D. Students : These characters represent the broader community of graduate students, sharing the highs and lows of academic life, and occasionally offering comedic relief.
  • Academic Faculty : Various professors and academic staff who interact with Olive and Adam, influencing their professional and personal journeys.
  • Conference Attendees : The scientific conference is a pivotal event in the story, bringing together characters from various backgrounds and serving as a backdrop for significant plot developments.

Synopsis of The Love Hypothesis

Book Club Questions

Here are some thought-provoking questions to spark conversation:

  • Character Analysis : Olive Smith and Adam Carlsen are complex characters with distinct personalities and growth arcs. How do their backgrounds and careers in academia influence their initial perceptions of each other and their relationship’s development?
  • Themes of Love and Science : “The Love Hypothesis” intertwines the themes of love and scientific inquiry. In what ways does the book use scientific metaphors and concepts to explore the nature of relationships? How does this blend affect your reading experience?
  • Fake Relationship Trope : The fake relationship is a common trope in romance literature. How does Ali Hazelwood refresh this trope with her storytelling? Discuss the dynamics and evolution of Olive and Adam’s fake relationship and its impact on both characters.
  • Friendship and Support Systems : Anh plays a crucial role in Olive’s life, both personally and within the plot’s development. Discuss the importance of friendship and support systems in the book. How do these relationships contrast with or complement the romantic elements?
  • Character Development : Olive’s skepticism towards love is a central aspect of her character. How does her relationship with Adam and the events of the book challenge and change her beliefs? Discuss Adam’s character development as well.
  • Setting and Atmosphere : The academic setting is more than just a backdrop; it influences the characters’ lives and the story’s progression. Discuss how the pressures and culture of academia are portrayed in the book. What role does this setting play in the development of the narrative?
  • Humor and Tone : “The Love Hypothesis” balances emotional depth with humor. Discuss how the author uses humor to develop characters and advance the plot. How does this balance affect your engagement with the story?
  • Supporting Characters : Beyond Olive and Adam, the book features a cast of supporting characters who enrich the narrative. Which supporting character did you find most compelling, and why? How do they contribute to the main story?
  • Conflict and Resolution : Discuss the main conflicts in the book, focusing on both external challenges and internal struggles faced by the characters. How are these conflicts resolved, and what do they reveal about the characters?
  • Themes of Authenticity and Self-Discovery : In what ways does the theme of authenticity—being true to oneself in both personal and professional spheres—play out in the book? Discuss how Olive and Adam’s journey towards self-discovery and honesty impacts their relationship and individual growth.

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Final thoughts

To conclude, I hope that you have found this short review of “The Love Hypothesis” interesting. Ali Hazelwood’s novel is a refreshing mix of contemporary romance and academic wit, creating a narrative that is as intellectually stimulating as it is heartwarming. If you have not already read it, I highly recommend diving into this story of unexpected love in the meticulous world of science.

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Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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The Love Hypothesis

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48 pages • 1 hour read

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Prologue-Chapter 3

Chapters 4-6

Chapters 7-8

Chapters 9-11

Chapters 12-13

Chapters 14-15

Chapters 16-19

Chapter 20-Epilogue

Character Analysis

Symbols & Motifs

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Different Types of Intelligence

Through the representation of academia , Olive’s difficulty to parse her emotions, and the differences between Olive and Malcolm , The Love Hypothesis shows how there are different types of intelligence. Olive, Adam, and others within the Stanford community possess intelligence, as evidenced by the fact they work in academia. Many of Olive’s thoughts about her experiment show how she understands the material and is always seeking new information with which to supplement what she already believes. Tom’s insults in later chapters reveal just how intelligent Olive is. While Tom also possesses a level of intelligence to remain in the field, even if that intelligence is only enough for him to copy and add to the work of others, his jealousy and view of Olive as a threat shows just how intelligent her thought processes are.

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'The Love Hypothesis' won Amazon's best romance book of 2021, has a near-perfect rating on Goodreads, and is all over TikTok. Here's why it's such a unique love story.

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  • " The Love Hypothesis " grabbed the attention of romance readers everywhere in 2021.
  • It was named Amazon's Best Romance Novel of 2021 and was nominated for a Goodreads Choice Award.
  • This book checks off all my boxes for a great romance read and is definitely worth the hype.

Insider Today

This year, Amazon named " The Love Hypothesis " by Ali Hazelwood the best romance book of the year. Even though it was only recently published in September 2021, "The Love Hypothesis" has quickly become a fan-favorite, with 88% of Goodreads reviewers giving it four- or five-star-level praise .

It was also nominated for a Goodreads Choice Award and is hugely popular amongst Book of the Month members , with only 1% of readers giving it a "disliked" rating.

the love hypothesis deutsch zusammenfassung

"The Love Hypothesis" is about Olive Smith, a third-year Ph.D. candidate studying pancreatic cancer at Stanford. In an attempt to convince one of her best friends that she's moved on from an old crush, she impulsively kisses Dr. Adam Carlsen, the department's notoriously brutal (but undeniably attractive) professor. After the kiss, Adam and Olive agree to fake a relationship so she can prove to her friend that she's happily dating and he can convince their department that he isn't planning to leave anytime soon.

I'm a little picky about my romance novels , so giving this read every bit of a five-star review didn't come lightly. My standards are high because the best romance novels have the potential to expose readers to authentic and imperfect relationships and offer new topics of discussion without making us feel like it's a story we've already read. 

With all the hype surrounding this new romance read, I couldn't resist picking it up.

Here's why "The Love Hypothesis" is one of my favorite recent romance books:

1. the story focuses a lot on olive and adam's lives outside their romance, making their love story more believable and interesting..

Romance novels tend to fall into a few popular tropes such as " enemies-to-lovers " or "forbidden love." "The Love Hypothesis" combines two of the most popular tropes right now, "Fake dating" and "grumpy/sunshine," really well — I loved the contrast between Adam's serious attitude to Olive's bright and sugary one. 

But despite following these tropes, the story feels fresh because it's also largely about Olive's work and its meaning to her. The only other romance book I've read featuring a STEM heroine is "The Kiss Quotient" , so I loved seeing that representation and learning about something new. 

The story honestly reflected the challenges Ph.D. candidates face in academia and that authenticity — deepened by the author's personal experiences — brought the characters, the settings, and the romance to life even more as Olive and Adam faced challenges with funding, time-consuming research, and questioning their sense of purpose.

2. The steamier scenes are also awkward and realistic, which made them even better.

In romance books, there are a few different levels of how graphic a steamy scene can get , from little-to-no detail to explicitly outlined movements. (I personally prefer mine to "fade to black.")

There was only one chapter with adult content, and it was definitely graphic. While I made a ton of ridiculous faces while reading and tried to skim past the parts that made me audibly gasp, I loved that it wasn't a movie-made, perfect sex scene with graceful movements and smooth dialogue. The scene was a little awkward, imperfect, and full of consent and conversation, making it refreshingly real.

3. The book deals with other topics besides the main love story, making it a much deeper read.

While it's wonderful to get swept up in the magic of a romantic storyline, having a secondary plot that addresses real issues is what makes a romance novel truly great . 

Mild spoilers and content warnings ahead: While "The Love Hypothesis" is a fun romantic read, it also addresses the pain of familial death, power differentials, intimacy challenges, and, most prevalently, workplace sexual harassment. 

Love is beautiful, fun, and amazing, but "The Love Hypothesis" takes the opportunity to also include conversations about serious issues. While these topics may be tough for some readers, I think these plot points, hard conversations, and complicated emotions take "The Love Hypothesis" to the next level and make it a five-star read. 

The bottom line

"The Love Hypothesis" has everything I personally look for in a romance novel: A unique storyline, authentic characters, and an important message. If you're looking for a perfectly balanced romance read, "The Love Hypothesis" is worth the hype and definitely one of the best romance books to come out in the past year.

the love hypothesis deutsch zusammenfassung

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Amy's Bookshelf

The Love Hypothesis Book Review

the love hypothesis deutsch zusammenfassung

Title: The Love Hypothesis Author: Ali Hazelwood Type: Fiction Published: 2021 Pages: 384 TW: Cancer, Sexual Assault, Loss of a Loved One

“I’m starting to wonder if this is what being in love is. Being okay with ripping yourself to shreds, so the other person can stay whole.”

The Love Hypothesis centres on Olive Smith, a PhD student who is determined and headstrong. Then after a series of mishaps, she winds up fake dating the university’s most hated professor – Adam Carlsen. But keeping up the pretence is hard work and suddenly there are more complications, and the future of her research is at stake. As both of them come to realise their feelings aren’t what they first thought – should they risk it all for love?

Even more than the romance, this book was amazing in the way in portrayed the importance of friendship. Olive’s friends and the way they supported each other was really quite wonderful and I love the book for being more layered than just a cut and dry romance.

Now on to Olive and Adam… having almost exclusively read romance in February, I had very recent familiarity with love-t0-hate romances and I really did enjoy this one. Both characters felt three dimensional and with their own history and reasons for feeling one way or another. I think with all books in this genre, they’re most enjoyable if you don’t try and pick them apart, and overall I very much enjoyed watching their relationship blossom. I also appreciated that the sole reason for the third act drama wasn’t just miscommunication, and again it was more layered and had depth.

the love hypothesis deutsch zusammenfassung

I think by this point, just about everyone has probably read this book, but just in case you haven’t and you’re looking for a cute, love-to-hate romance with a science-y twist, and strong female characters, then get yourself a copy of this!

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  2. The Love Hypothesis

  3. The Love Hypothesis

  4. The Love Hypothesis

  5. The Love Hypothesis By Ali Hazelwood

  6. Adam Carlsen & Olive Smith


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    Ali Hazelwood is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Love, Theoretically and The Love Hypothesis, as well as a writer of peer-reviewed articles about brain science, in which no one makes out and the ever after is not always happy. Originally from Italy, she lived in Germany and Japan before moving to the US to pursue a PhD in neuroscience. When Ali is not at work, she can be found ...

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  18. Summary of "The Love Hypothesis" by Ali Hazelwood.

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    Get unlimited access to SuperSummaryfor only $0.70/week. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "The Love Hypothesis" by Ali Hazelwood. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

  21. Review: Why 'the Love Hypothesis' Is Such a Hit Romance Novel

    Here's why "The Love Hypothesis" is one of my favorite recent romance books: 1. The story focuses a lot on Olive and Adam's lives outside their romance, making their love story more believable and ...

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    The Love Hypothesis centres on Olive Smith, a PhD student who is determined and headstrong. Then after a series of mishaps, she winds up fake dating the university's most hated professor - Adam Carlsen. But keeping up the pretence is hard work and suddenly there are more complications, and the future of her research is at stake.