• Support Sites

Extended Essay Support Site

extended essay grade boundaries 2019

Welcome to this free Support Site on the Extended Essay for the IB Diploma Programme . The content, created by  Brad Philpot  and John Royce, provides coordinators, supervisors, teachers and students access to student samples, writing tips, guidance and discussion groups. This site is developed independently from the IB.

Feel free to browse this Support Site as much as you need - a subscription is not needed. Please contact us for questions: [email protected]

  • About the authors

Getting started

This section offers you a quick guide to the guide and some tips on how to get started. It is not presented as a replacement for the official guide, which can be found here .  Rather this section captures the essentials of the guide for students and supervisors who are looking to start this journey. 

  • The journey
  • Common misconceptions
  • DOs and DON'Ts of the EE
  • Topic, subject, question and title
  • Interdisciplinary essays
  • Approaches to learning

The Extended Essay is externally assessed by IB examiners. The following pages provide you with the assessment criteria , the grade boundaries , the TOK / EE matrix and tips on how to unpack the criteria. "Begin with the end in mind," as Stephen Covey famously said. It is recommended that you practice assessing extended essays, using these criteria, before writing an essay or submitting predicted grades to the IB. See the section with example essays. 

  • Assessment criteria
  • TOK / EE matrix
  • Grade boundaries
  • Criteria quiz


The Extended Essay is written under supervision, meaning that every student has a supervisor . Supervisors are usually subject teachers of the subject in which the essay is registered. What are the roles and responsibilities of the student and supervisor ? What kinds of expectations can be set? What do realistic deadlines and timelines look like? This section explores the supervision process and the relationship between the supervisor and student. 

  • Agreements and contracts
  • Allocating supervisors
  • EE Coordinator

The Extended Essay is an exercise in 'inquiry'. Inquiry is the art of identifying knowledge, framing questions and finding answers. It is a skill. One of attributes of an IB learner is being an 'inquirer'. The pages below focus predominantly on the early stages of research, in which you are identifying your aims, writing your research question and considering your methodology . 

  • Research question
  • EE proposal
  • KWL diagram
  • Methodology
  • Unpacking questions
  • Models of inquiry

The Extended Essay is a research paper. But what does 'research' look like? Where does it happen? How can you get good at doing research? Answers to these questions may be different for everyone. But some research skills are useful to all Extended Essays, such as the ability to gather data, organise notes and evaluate sources. These pages provide you with tips and activities to develop good research skills for your Extended Essay.  

  • How research is assessed
  • Primary and secondary sources
  • Designing a search
  • Research habits
  • Evaluating sources
  • Annotated bibliography

After hours of research and reflection, it's time to write the Extended Essay. This, however, is easier said that done. Most often notes evolve into paragraphs, outlines evolve into headings and quotations evolve into arguments. First drafts are often rough and you may stumble upon game-changing ideas late in the process. Here are few pages to guide you through the writing and reviewing processes. 

  • Essay structure
  • The introduction
  • Coherent paragraphs
  • Concise writing
  • Connectives
  • Presentation
  • Citing sources

It is recommended that students maintain a Researcher's Reflection Space ( RRS ) or journal as they engage in inquiry, conduct experiments, take notes or build a bibliography. After submitting the essay, each candidate must complete and submit a Reflections on Planning and Progress Form ( RPPF ). The pages below offer candidates and supervisors guidance on the RPPF . The RRS is explored in the section on research. 

  • RPPF questions
  • Useful RPPF phrases
  • An RPPF with examiner comments

Example essays

To better understand the scope and nature of Extended Essay, it helps to read a few examples. Each example below is accompanied by a list of tips to consider when writing about the subject under which is was registered. Mark an example essay from your subject area, applying the assessment criteria , before reading the examiner's comments and marks that are provided. 

  • History - Khmer Rouge
  • Visual art - Klee
  • Biology - Smoking

Course Dashboard

Sir Wilfrid Laurier C.I. Library & Learning Commons

The Predicted Grade

Predicted grades.

So, nailing down the Predicted grade can seem rather daunting. Evaluating the paper is more about adherence to the “rules and regulations” from I.B. and the ability to meet the criteria than it does on how a paper “feels”. As it should, of course.

Now with the change to a “Best Fit Approach” and markbands, the E.E. assessment procedure is a little more natural than it used to be.


We’ve taught our kids well. They know the perils of plagiarism and what can happen to them if they cross the line and find themselves on the wrong side of the law. But sometimes, kids make really bad decisions.

You’ll be equipped with the Turnitin similarity report, which will hopefully  show you what was taken from other sources. If you are at all uncertain about the authenticity of a student’s work, you need to address it ASAP. Hopefully that’s already been handled before the Final Submission Deadline, as the I.B. doesn’t take too kindly to plagiarism.

Based on the readings I’ve done; if the I.B. Evaluator believes there is any chance of plagiarism, the essay is kicked up the foodchain. This includes inconsistent or inadequate citation or referencing.

If an essay is reasonably suspected of being plagiarized, we may be faced with the decision to not submit the E.E. for assessment. That would be most awkward, but less awkward than submitting the paper knowingly and being questioned by the I.B.

Basically; if you think there’s a chance that the paper is not the authentic work of your student; please contact me immediately so we can determine next steps.

Changing the Way We Think About a “Pass”

Basically, when you’re predicting the grade it is still important that you remove yourself from the role as mentor. You know this essay well. You’ve seen it through through conception to its maturation, and you are firmly rooting for your student.

The person grading that Extended Essay though, does not share this philosophy. They are a drive-by reader. So, it’s important to look at the The Extended Essay Assessment Criteria and only that to arrive at a P.G.

Remember that to pass the E.E. , 50% of the total marks available isn’t the target. A pass is a D, which works out to about 22% of all available marks. A 50% on the E.E., would work out to a “C”, so it’s important than when evaluating you’re “Speaking IB.”

Extended Essay Grade Boundaries (Old Curriculum)

Mark Range0-78-1516-2223-2829-36

Does that Mark Reflect Upon Me as a Mentor?

No. It really doesn’t.

It doesn’t.

The Extended Essay is the student’s work; not yours.

Also, I.B. worldwide grades on the Extended Essay show that “A”s are very rare. Not exactly a Unicorn; but not far off.

Most of the E.E. grades fall into the B’s and C’s with D’s also representing a large amount. I’ll work on getting you updated global data to support that.

If you want an idea of how we performed last year…

Sir Wilfrid Laurier CI Performance on Extended Essay (May 2016)

Percentage of Total Essays1.47%20.59%42.65%29.41%5.88%

And these are the worldwide results.

I.B. Worldwide Performance on Extended Essay (May 2016)

 EDCBAGrand Total
Amount of Essays in each Grade Boundary1368167182882017499891474003
As percentage of the total1.84%22.59%38.94%23.64%12.04%

Variances… When my Predicted A comes back as a D

Variances will happen. It’s still valuable to look at the variance between our Predicted Grades and the I.B. grades too. To be clear, that variance is not an indicator of your effectiveness as a mentor.

If you’d like to take a look at your past Predicted Grades cross-referenced with the I.B. Grades, I’d be happy to discuss in person.

In the chart that follows, variance for the 2014-2015 year indicates how many Grade Boundaries of variance there are; not how many marks.

2014-20152014-20152014-20152014-2015 2015-20162015-20162015-20162015-2016 2016-20172016-20172016-20172016-2017
SubjectPredicted GradeIB Scaled MarkVariance SubjectPredicted GradeIB Scaled MarkVarianceSubjectPredicted GradeIB MarkVariance
BIODC (17)1ENG A (29)
B (24)-5MAT 14217
BIOCC (22)0ENG A (28)B (26)-2ECON 2018-2
CHEMBC (21)-1ECON A (29)C (19)-10
ECON 3116-15
CHEMCB (25)1ENG A (29)C (20)-9BIO 2719-8
ECONAC (16)-2ENG A (30)B (23)-7ENG 3031+1
ECONCD (11)-1ENG A (30)B (23)-7ENG 25272
ECONCD (14)-1ECON A (30)C (19)-11PHY 2013-7
ECONCD (8)-1ECON A (30)C (22)-8PSY 1810-8
ECONDE (5)-1MUSICA (30)C (21)-9PHY 2811-17
ECONBD (10)-2PSY A (30)C (19)-11ENG 2021+2
ECONBC (16)-1PSY A (30)C (16)-14ENG 20244
ECONBD (8)-2ECON A (31)C (18)-13PSY 21309
ECONAD (14)-3ENG A (31)C (21)-10PSY 2922-7
ECONBD (10)-2PSY A (31)D (14)-17PHY 256-19
ECONBD (11)-2ENG A (32)B (24)-8ENG 3330-3
ECONBC (16)-1ECON A (32)D (10)-22ENG23230
ECONBC (21)-1PHY A (32)D (15)-17ECON 2316-7
ECONCD (10)-1ENG A (33)C (17)-16PSY 3119-12
ECONCC (17)0ENG A (34)C (17)-17MAT 2220-2
ECONBD (11)-2ENG B (24)C (21)-3ECON 21210
ECONDD (15)0ENG B (22)C (17)-5BIO 2421-3
ENGBC (21)-1PHY B (23)C (18)-5MAT 2423-1
ENGAC (18)-2ECON B (23)D (14)-7ECON 2117-4
ENGBC (18)-1ECON B (23)D (12)-11PHY 2018-2
ENGBC (21)-1MAT B (23)D (11)-12PSY 2422-2
ENGBC (18)-1ENG B (24)C (17)-7ECON 20244
ENGBB (28)0HIST B (24)C (21)-3ENG 15150
ENGAB (25)-1ECON B (24)D (15)-9ECON 2615-11
ENGCD (13)-1PSY B (26)D (14)-12FRE 20222
ENGAB (24)-1ENG B (27)C (22)-5ENG 26293
ENGAA (33)0ECON B (27)D (8)-19ENG 2726-1
ENGBC (20)-1BIO B (28)B (26)-2ENG 2425+1
ENGBC (22)-1PSY B (28)C (16)-12ENG 22231
ENGBC (16)-1PSY B (28)D (12)-16PSY 2520-5
ENGBC (21)-1FREC (16)C (18)+2FRE 3027-3
ENGBC (22)-1CHEMC (16)D (10)-6PSY 15238
ENGCD (13)-1ECON C (16)D (14)-2ENG 2015-5
FREBB (23)0ECON C (16)D (12)-4CHE 2218-4
FRECC (19)0MAT C (17)C (16)-1PSY 3016-14
MATCD (13)-1ENG C (18)C (17)-1ENG 3024-6
MATBD (12)-2PSY C (18)C (17)-1PSY 15172
MUSICBB (26)0ENG C (20)C (22)+2ENG 2523-2
PHYBC (17)-1ECON C (20)D (15)-5CHE 2511-14
PSYBD (12)-2PSY C (20)D (12)-8PSY 2315-8
PSYCA (29)2PSY C (20)D (10)-10ENG 3126-5
PSYCB (27)1PSY C (20)D (13)-7HIS 25283
PSYCC (22)0ECON C (21)C (19)-2ENG 22275
PSYBC (17)-1ECON C (21)D (12)-9FRE 2210-12
PSYAB (24)-1ECON C (21)D (10)-11HIS 2719-8
PSYCC (19)0FRE C (22)C (18)-4PSY 2414-10
PSYAB (25)-1PSY C (22)D (10)-12MAT 24262
PSYAA (30)0ECON D (14)D (9)-5ENG 23252
PSYBD (11)-2PSY D (14)C (16)+2ECON 2715-12
ECON D (15)D (13)-2ECON 19267
BIO D (16)D (9)-7ECON 2720-7
FRE 2614-12
ENG 2619-7
MAT 2114-7
ENG 16226
PHY 2110-11
MAT 2117-4
MAT 2826-2
ENG 2523-2
ECON 2316-7
HIS 2722-5
CHE 2417-7
CHE 2619-7

If you’re ever unsure of what to do with a Predicted Grade on the E.E., please come see me in the Library. We can go over it together and my goal is to ensure the mentor is as confident as can be expected about their Predicted Grade.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Predicted score calculator, welcome to ib predict, last updated may 14, 2024.

Getting into the university of your dreams won't be easy, but IB Predict is here to help you along the way. IB exams are hard for a reason. They separate the skilled from the unskilled, the prepared from the unprepared, and the knowers from the throwers. In many cases, teachers are more than willing to inflate their students' predicted grades, deluding them into a dangerous state of overconfidence. The IB Predict calculator absolutely does not lie. It uses grade boundary data from past IB examinations to ensure precision. With IB Predict, you'll know exactly what is needed in order to score a 4, 5, 6, or 7. No more, no less.

I have updated the site with November 2023 grade boundaries. Compared to M23 and N22, N23 boundaries have somewhat increased.

  • There have been significant point increases in the following major subjects: SL/HL English LAL, SL/HL English Lit, SL/HL Math AA, HL Math AI, SL Physics, ESS, SL/HL SEHS, SL Visual Arts, SL BM, SL Economics, SL Geography, SL/HL Global Politics.
  • There have been significant point decreases in the following subjects: SL/HL Dance.
  • Extended essay boundaries were raised by 1 point to pre-covid levels.

Take this information with a grain of salt. The N23 cohort only had about 20k candidates, as opposed to the approximate 120k candidates during M23. Due to the small sample size, it may be the case that N23 exihibited relatively higher signs of intelligence. N23 boundaries therefore should not be taken as a strong indicator of M24 boundaries - use M23 instead.

extended essay grade boundaries 2019

Please report all errors and concerns to [email protected] or join the Discord Server. Thank you and good luck to all M24 candidates!

Individual Grade Calculators

Upcoming May 2024 Syllabus Changes (old syllabuses archived as of April 9)

Select the grade boundary.

Select the timezone.

Subject Awarded Mark
Points NaN / 45
Diploma Awarded? NO
TOK undefined
EE undefined
Core Points undefined

Group 1: Studies In Language And Literature

Please provide more details, group 2: language acquisition, group 3: individuals and societies, group 4: sciences, group 5: mathematics, group 6: the arts, theory of knowledge.

Theory Of Knowledge Essay

Weight: 67%

Theory Of Knowledge Exhibition

Weight: 33%

Extended Essay

Weight: 100%

extended essay grade boundaries 2019

EE Assessment Explained

On this page....

You are provided with summary information regarding the assessment of the EE

By navigating to the offical IB resources you can directly access the IB EE Handbook for more information

Total Points

The EE is graded out of 34 points; broken into five mains sections.

A: Focus and method [6 points]

B: Knowledge and understanding [6 points]

C: Critical thinking [12 points]

D: Presentation [4 points]

E: Engagement [6 points] 

Criteria A to D is for your Extended Essay, whilst E is for the 500 word reflection.

Letter Grades

From IBO.org

All extended essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IB. They are marked on a scale from 0 to 34.

The score a student receives relates to a band. The bands are:

A – work of an excellent standard.

B – work of a good standard.

C –work of a satisfactory standard.

D – work of a mediocre standard.

E – work of an elementary standard.

Grade Boundaries

Previous years tend to have used these boundaries:

A = 27 - 34

B = 21 - 26

C = 14 - 20


Remember that the Extended Essay in Combination with the Theory of Knowledge Grade make up a total of 3 bonus points towards the IB Diploma. 

The matrix on the right shows how the points can be combined from TOK and EE to earn the points. 

*If you do not complete or fail either TOK or the EE you are not eligible to receive an IB Diploma. 

extended essay grade boundaries 2019

A: Focus & Method

This criterion focuses on the topic, the research question and the methodology. It assesses the explanation of the focus of the research (this includes the topic and the research question), how the research will be undertaken, and how the focus is maintained throughout the essay.

click the document to see the full description

B:Knowledge & Understanding

This criterion assesses the extent to which the research relates to the subject area/discipline used to explore the research question, or in the case of the world studies extended essay, the issue addressed and the two disciplinary perspectives applied, and additionally the way in which the knowledge and understanding is demonstrated through the use of the appropriate terminology and concepts.

C: Critical Thinking

This criterion assesses the extent to which critical-thinking skills have been used to analyse and evaluate the research undertaken.

D: Presentation

This criterion assesses the extent to which the presentation follows the standard format expected for academic writing and the extent to which this aids effective communication.

E: Engagement

This criterion assesses the student’s engagement with their research focus and the research process. It will be applied by the examiner at the end of the assessment of the essay, and is based solely on the candidate’s reflections as detailed in the RPPF, with supervisory comments and extended essay itself as contex

Grade Descriptors

This two page doc is extracted from the IB Booklet titled Grade Descriptors . 

The IB EE Guide clearly states...

"The extended essay is externally assessed, and as such, supervisors are not expected to mark the essays or arrive at a number to translate into a grade. Predicted grades for all subjects should be based on the qualitative grade descriptors for the subject in question. These descriptors are what will be used by senior examiners to set the boundaries for the extended essay in May 2018, and so schools are advised to use them in the same way." 

extended essay grade boundaries 2019

Unpacking the Criteria

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IB EE examples for all subjects

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Get the Reddit app

This is the unofficial subreddit for all things concerning the International Baccalaureate, an academic credential accorded to secondary students from around the world after two vigorous years of study, culminating in challenging exams. This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. Note that the subreddit is not run by the International Baccalaureate.

May 2019 Results Megathread

This is the thread to discuss items related to the May 2019 results. Feel free to discuss your score here. Furthermore, please use the comments section of this post to discuss remarks, rather than creating individual posts.

General Info

On July 6, 12:00 PM (GMT) at https://candidates.ibo.org , you should be able to access your results. If you forgot your login details, email your IB coordinator (or check ManageBac for them). Note that your IB coordinator will already have your grades by that point, as they can access them at July 5th 12:00 PM (GMT). Results are released in 15-minute intervals from 12:00 (GMT) based on the timezone of your school. Please mind that most likely everyone is hitting IB's servers at the same time so be patient! Hopefully everyone gets the grades they want. Good luck and don't forget to change your flair! Feel free to share your feelings and/or score.

A complete and comprehensive guide to understand your IB Scores, written by our partner, the IB Worldwide Facebook group, is available HERE , take some time to check it out.

Timeline (GMT)

July 5 12:00 PM - IB coordinators get everyone’s grades and can request services (such as remarks)

July 6 12:00 PM - You finally can get your grades

July 7 12:00 PM - Release of component marks and grades to coordinators (ask your coordinators for them if you want them)

July 9 12:00 PM - Release of school, global statistics and results CSV files to coordinators

July 12 12:00 PM - Release of IA feedback to coordinators

September 15 - Last date for requesting enquiries (remarks and such) upon results

Diploma Requirements

As a reminder, here are the diploma pass requirements from the general regulation document :

CAS requirements have been met.

The candidate’s total points are 24 or more.

There is no “N” awarded for theory of knowledge, the extended essay or for a contributing subject.

There is no grade E awarded for theory of knowledge and/or the extended essay.

There is no grade 1 awarded in a subject/level.

There are no more than two grade 2s awarded (HL or SL).

There are no more than three grade 3s or below awarded (HL or SL).

The candidate has gained 12 points or more on HL subjects (for candidates who register for four HL subjects, the three highest grades count).

The candidate has gained 9 points or more on SL subjects (candidates who register for two SL subjects must gain at least 5 points at SL).

The candidate has not received a penalty for academic misconduct from the Final Award Committee.

Enquiry upon results

Please contact your IB coordinator if you want to request an enquiry upon results, they are the ones who will communicate with the IB for the requested action (and back to you with IB’s reply). There are 5 EUR categories, however only 3 deal directly with one candidate and thus are the most relevant to you. The following are:

“Category 1 re-mark: The re-mark of externally assessed material for an individual candidate” “Category 1 report: A report on a category 1 re-mark for an individual candidate “ “Category 2B: The return of externally assessed material by subject/level for an individual candidate” - This means you can get a digital version of your examination scripts. This may be useful if you want to keep them or first want to see how it was marked in order to decide if it is worth it to go for a Category 1 re-mark.

Please note the following:

"A fee is payable for each of the above categories (except when a grade is changed as a consequence of a category 1 re-mark)."

"A request for a category 1 report must be preceded by a category 1 re-mark, and must be requested within one month of receipt of the result of the category 1 re-mark. None of the above categories can be requested more than once for the same subject/level."

To get more information regarding remarks, getting scripts back and other things relating to results please read the Diploma Programme Assessment Procedures document (pages 196-221). If you have any question regarding your IB results you can PM me if you want.

Our partner, the IB Worldwide Facebook group has put together this survey for the results on this exam session, please take a couple of minutes to fill it up!

Also they've provided this spreadsheet which you (everyone) can edit with information you see on your Detailed Results screen when you get your results. No trolls please You also can check past Grade Boundaries HERE .

Some other useful posts

General results advice by u/FifthRom

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Extended Essay Writers

extended essay blog

Latest Extended Essay Requirements Updates for the Years 2023/2024

Choosing a research question is the heart of your extended essay path.

Luke MacQuoid

The extended essay — those two words that either thrill you or send shivers down your spine. You’re probably here because you want to stay ahead of the curve. In my experience, nothing spells success like being prepared. The extended essay requirements are guidelines and a gateway to academic growth. Thus, being in the know is crucial. So, let’s dig into what’s new and what remains timeless for the extended essay in the coming academic years .

The Basics: What Hasn’t Changed

While updates are significant, let’s remember the enduring aspects of the extended essay that remain the same. These unalterable elements serve as your steady footing in the ever-shifting landscape of IB criteria. Knowing what hasn’t changed is just as vital as understanding what has. So, without further ado, let’s tackle the basics here to stay.

The Core Structure

Here’s the good news: the basic framework of the extended essay hasn’t been overhauled. According to general IB criteria, you’ll still be working with the tried-and-true formula of an introduction, body, and conclusion. Adhering to this core structure is your first step to crafting an impressive extended essay. Now, let’s talk about components to include:

  • Introduction . Your opening should clearly outline your research question and the scope of your investigation.
  • Body . This is where the magic happens. Your arguments, evidence, and analysis go here.
  • Conclusion . Wrap up your ideas and state the implications of your findings.

Now, you might think this is pretty straightforward, and it is! However, how you fill in this structure makes all the difference.

Assessment Criteria

Furthermore, let’s talk about what you’re being graded on. While the extended essay requirements may get updated, some things remain constant. You’re still judged on a range of criteria, from the strength of your argument to how well you can organize your thoughts. Believe me, these aren’t just arbitrary rules; they are the core skills you need to develop not just for the IB but for academic pursuits beyond. Here are all the criteria you need to keep in mind:

  • Focus and Method . It refers to how well you have defined your topic and the quality of your research question.
  • Knowledge and Understanding . It measures how well you grasp the issue you’re writing about.
  • Critical Thinking . Examiners consider how well you analyze, synthesize, and evaluate your topic.
  • Presentation . It includes your essay’s layout, organization, and citation of sources .
  • Engagement . This relatively new addition examines your engagement with the research process.

In sum, while the updates are essential to take into account, remember that the essence of the extended essay remains rooted in rigorous research, structured argumentation, and original thought. From my experience, mastering these core elements is the key to success.

Significant Updates: What You Need to Know

Alright, let’s shift gears and focus on the new changes. While the foundation of the extended essay remains robust, the IB is open to tweaking the details. And they are not just cosmetic; they can significantly impact your score. Let’s break down these recent updates and why they’re essential.

Updated Formatting Rules

The devil is in the details, they say, and nowhere is this truer than in the formatting of your extended essay. New rules have emerged, affecting how you cite your sources and even how your title page should look:

  • Citation Styles . Pay attention to changes in citation guidelines. Whether using APA, MLA, or Chicago, ensure you’re up-to-date.
  • Title Page Layouts . Previously, title pages had more flexible guidelines, but recent updates have standardized this more.
  • Page Margins and Fonts . A minor but crucial aspect that’s often overlooked. The guidelines might specify particular fonts or margin sizes you must adhere to.

Remember to consider these changes; they can impact your score.

Changes in Subject Availability

For those who relish variety, there are changes in the subjects available for the extended essay. Some topics entered the arena, while others quietly bowed out. Here are all the critical aspects to consider:

  • New Subjects . Find out what’s new on the menu. It could be an opportunity to explore a fresh area of interest.
  • Removed Subjects . Just as crucial, make sure your chosen subject is still available.
  • Altered Guidelines . Sometimes, the subject stays, but the rules change. Keep an eye on that as well.

As someone who has been through this, I know that consulting the latest extended essay guide for subject availability is a non-negotiable step.

Topic and Research Question Guidelines

Now, this is the meat and potatoes of your extended essay. The topic and research question are your guiding lights. From what I’ve seen, the recent updates place an even greater emphasis on framing a research question that doesn’t just pique your curiosity but also meets the IB’s stringent academic criteria. So, let’s talk about some areas to focus on:

  • Question Specificity . The more specific your issue, the better. A focused question allows for in-depth analysis.
  • Alignment with Subject Guidelines . Make sure your question fits the guidelines for your particular subject.
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches . Consider a multidisciplinary question that spans multiple areas if your issue allows it.

In conclusion, while the basics give you a stable foundation, understanding the significant updates in requirements equips you with the latest tools to excel. It’s like having an old recipe but with new spices — you’re taking something proven and adding your contemporary flair. Happy writing!

Subject-Specific Changes: A Closer Look

These changes are like those special spices; each subject has unique requirements that can make or break your essay. Let’s dig into how these changes impact your choice of subject.

According to general IB criteria, your teachers and supervisors are invaluable assets.

Humanities and Social Sciences

Ah, the ever-fascinating fields of History , Economics, Psychology, and the like. For instance, historical research now demands more primary sources than before, or economics emphasizes real-world applications. So, what to watch for:

  • Primary Sources . Especially in History, the emphasis on original documents or eyewitness accounts has increased.
  • Current Events . In subjects like Economics or Politics, incorporating current affairs might now carry more weight.

From my experience, these subjects often have specialized criteria that might surprise you.

Natural Sciences

For those of you inclined towards the empirical and the logical, subjects like Biology , Chemistry , and Physics have also seen notable updates:

  • Experimental Design . Recent guidelines might demand more stringent controls in your experiments.
  • Ethical Considerations . Especially in Biology, ethical considerations for experiments involving living organisms have tightened.

These changes often revolve around research methods. Some older techniques might be out, and new, more reliable ways are in.

As for the creatively inclined, fields like Visual Arts and Music have also seen their fair share of updates. If you’re a budding artist or musician, you’re in for exciting changes. For instance, there may be more emphasis on the contextual study of artworks or the integration of theory and practice in Music :

  • Portfolio Requirements . The need for a portfolio, complete with process journals or sketchbooks, might have been updated.
  • Contextual Analysis . New guidelines may require you to relate your work to broader themes or social issues.

As always, I advise reading the fine print for your chosen subject. It’s like reading the recipe before cooking; you’ll have something more palatable.

The Assessment: What Examiners Are Looking For

Finally, let’s tackle a vital aspect often glossed over—the assessment criteria. This is where the proverbial rubber meets the road; knowing what the examiners want can spell the difference between a middling and an outstanding essay. So, let’s take a moment to decode the essentials.

Understanding the Rubric

I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to familiarize yourself with the grading rubric. It doesn’t just tell you what to include; it tells you what is valued most:

  • Research Question . A well-framed question can set the stage for the entire essay.
  • Methodology . How you plan to tackle your research question is often as important as the findings.
  • Organization and Structure . Yes, how well your essay flows can indeed impact your score.
  • Originality and Insight . Examiners love to see a new angle or fresh perspective on a topic .

Many students underestimate its importance, thinking it’s just a box-ticking exercise. But believe me, this is your roadmap to success.

extended essay grade boundaries 2019

Need help with your IB extended essay?

From research and analysis to structuring and editing, our skilled mentors will be by your side, helping you craft an exceptional extended essay that not only meets the wordcount and stringent IB criteria but also reflects your passion for selected IB group .

Past Students’ Experiences

You know what they say — the story often repeats itself. It holds for extended essays as well. Past essays can be a goldmine of do’s and don’ts. From my experience, essays that hit the mark often share some common characteristics, like clear arguments, robust evidence, and a compelling narrative:

  • Clarity of Argument . A well-articulated thesis that is supported throughout the essay.
  • Strong Evidence . Use reputable sources to back up your claims.
  • Cohesive Structure . Logical flow from the introduction to the conclusion.
  • Engaging Narrative . The ability to weave a fascinating story around your facts and findings.

The best way to meet the requirements is to understand them inside out. It’s akin to reading the rules before playing a new board game — the more you know, the better your chances of winning. So, whether you’re just starting or in the middle of your extended essay adventure, remember these pointers to align with what the examiners seek. And, of course, make it a fun learning experience!

Conclusion: Your Roadmap to Success

Knowing the extended essay Requirements can make or break your IB experience. Keep an eye on these updates, consult regularly with your supervisors, and give yourself plenty of time to research and write. Lastly, numerous guides and tools can help you along the way. Seek them out and use them to your advantage.

I’ve covered the updates in extended essay requirements as comprehensively as possible while keeping it engaging. Happy essay writing , future scholars!

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Luke MacQuoid has extensive experience teaching English as a foreign language in Japan, having worked with students of all ages for over 12 years. Currently, he is teaching at the tertiary level. Luke holds a BA from the University of Sussex and an MA in TESOL from Lancaster University, both located in England. As well to his work as an IB Examiner and Master Tutor, Luke also enjoys sharing his experiences and insights with others through writing articles for various websites, including extendedessaywriters.com blog

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Extended Essay General Rubric Grade Boundaries and Percentages

Extended Essay General Rubric

Extended Essay General Rubric

Grade Boundaries and Percentages Grade E D C B A Mark Range 0 -7 8 -15 16 -22 23 -28 29 -36 % Awarded Grade E D C B A 6. 41% 27. 62% 38. 88% 16. 5% 10. 59% Extended Essay

A: Research Question Achievement Level Descriptor 0 The research question is not stated in the introduction or does not lend itself to a systematic investigation in an extended essay in the subject in which it is registered. 1 The research question is stated in the introduction but is not clearly expressed or is too broad in scope to be treated effectively within the word limit. 2 The research question is clearly stated in the introduction and sharply focused, making effective treatment possible within the word limit.

B: Introduction Achievement Level 0 Descriptor Little or no attempt is made to set the research question into context. There is little or no attempt to explain the significance of the topic. 1 Some attempt is made to set the research question into context. There is some attempt to explain the significance of the topic and why it is worthy of investigation. 2 The context of the research question is clearly demonstrated. The introduction clearly explains the significance of the topic and why it is worthy of invesitigation.

C: Investigation Achievement Descriptor Level 0 There is little or no evidence that sources have been consulted or gathered, and little or no evidence of planning in the investigation. 1 A range of inappropriate sources have been consulted, or inappropriate data has been gathered, and there is little evidence that the investigation has been planned. 2 A limited range of appropriate sources has been consulted, or data has been gathered, and some relevant material has been selected. There is evidence of some planning in the investigation. 3 A sufficient range of appropriate sources has been consulted, or data has been gathered, and relevant material has been selected. The investigation has been satisfactorily planned. 4 An imaginative range of appropriate sources has been consulted, or data gathered, and relevant material has been carefully selected. The investigation has been well planned.

D: Knowledge and Understanding of the Topic Studied Achievement Level 0 Descriptor The essay demonstrates no real knowledge or understanding of the topic studied. 1 The essay demonstrates some knowledge but little understanding of the topic studied. The essay shows little awareness of an academic context for the investigation. 2 The essay demonstrates an adequate knowledge and some understanding of the topic studied. The essay shows some awareness of an academic context for the investigation. 3 The essay demonstrates a good knowledge and understanding of the topic studied. Where appropriate, the essay successfully outlines an academic context for the investigation. 4 The essay demonstrates a very good knowledge and understanding of the topic studied. Where appropriate, the essay clearly and rpecisely locates the investigation in an academic context.

E: Reasoned Argument Achievement Level 0 Descriptor There is no attempt to develop a reasoned argument in relation to the research question. 1 There is a limited or superficial attempt to present ideas in a logical and coherent manner, and to develop a reasoned argument in relation to the research question. 2 There is some attempt to present ideas in a logical and coherent manner, and to develop a reasoned argument in relation to the research question, but this is only partially successful. 3 Ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner, and a reasoned argument is developed in relation to the research question, but with some weaknesses. 4 Ideas are presented clearly and in a logical and coherent manner. The essay succeeds in developing a reasoned and convincing argument in relation to the research question.

F: Application of Analytical and Evaluative Skills Appropriate to the Subject Achievement Descriptor Level 0 The essay shows no application of appropriate analytical and evaluative skills. 1 The essay shows little application of appropriate analytical and evaluative skills. 2 The essay shows some application of appropriate analytical and evaluative skills, which may be only partially effective 3 The essay shows sound application of appropriate analytical and evaluative skills. 4 The essay shows effective and sophisticated application of appropriate analytical and evaluative skills.

G: Use of Language Appropriate to the Subject Achievement Level 0 1 2 Descriptor The language used in inaccurate and unclear. There is no effective use of terminology appropriate to the subject. The language used sometimes communicates clearly but does not do so consistently. The use of terminology appropriate to the subject is only partially accurate. The language used for the most part communicates clearly. The use of terminology appropriate to the subject is usually accurate. 3 The language used communicates clearly. The use of terminology appropriate to the subject is accurate, although there may be occasional lapses. 4 The language used communicates clearly and precisely. Terminology appropriate to the subject is used accurately, with skill and understanding.

H: Conclusion Achievement Level 0 Descriptor Little or no attempt is made to provide a conclusion that is relevant to the research question. 1 A conclusion is attempted that is relevant to the research question, but may not be entirely consistent with the evidence presented in the essay. 2 An effective conclusion is clearly stated; it is relevant to the research question and consistent with the evidence presented in the essay. It should include unresolved questions where appropriate to the subject concerned.

I: Formal Presentation Achievement Level 0 1 2 3 4 Descriptor The formal presentation is unacceptable, or the essay exceeds 4, 000 words. The formal presentation is poor. The formal presentation is satisfactory. The formal presentation is good. The formal presentation is excellent.

J: Abstract 1. States research question, 2. Explains how investigation was undertaken, and 3. Conclusion Achievement Level Descriptor 0 The abstract exceeds 300 words or one or more of the required elements of an abstract (listed above) is missing. 1 The abstract contains the elements listed above but they are not all clearly stated. 2 The abstract clearly states all the elements listed above.

K: Holistic Judgment Achievement Level 0 1 2 3 4 Descriptor The essay shows no evidence of such qualities. The essay shows little evidence of such qualities. The essay shows some evidence of such qualities. The essay shows clear evidence of such evidence. The essay shows considerable evidence of such qualities.

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  1. Extended essay: Grade boundaries

    Grade boundaries. After marks are awarded for all five assessment criteria, they are converted into letter grades using 'grade boundaries'. Grade boundaries are not subject specific. In theory these boundaries can change from year to year. In practice they usually stay the same. The following boundaries can be applied to sample Extended Essays.

  2. IB Extended Essay Grade Calculator

    Calculate your IB Extended Essay grade! See historical grade boundary data, course descriptions, and more. ... November 2019: 0: 7: 14: 21: 27: November 2020: 0: 7: 14: 21: 27: May 2021: 0: 6: ... M21, N21, M22, N22 grade boundaries were artificially low due to COVID. There were also NOTE: Beware of using outdated grade boundaries. Many ...

  3. Extended essay: TOK / EE matrix

    TOK / EE matrix. Marks from the EE are turned into grades, using the grade boundaries. The EE grade is combined with the TOK grade to determine the number of bonus points awarded, using the following 'matrix'. If you do not submit your extended essay on time (NS = Not Submitted) , or you do not submit your TOK essay on time you will not be ...

  4. PDF Assessment grade descriptors for the extended essay

    Assessment grade descriptors for the extended essay. Unpacking the. mark the essays or arrive at a number to translate into a grade. Predicted grades for the extended essay should be based on the qualitative grade descriptors for the extended essay. These descriptors are what will be used by senior examiners to set the boundaries.

  5. Course: Extended Essay Support Site

    The Extended Essay is externally assessed by IB examiners. The following pages provide you with the assessment criteria, the grade boundaries, the TOK / EE matrix and tips on how to unpack the criteria. "Begin with the end in mind," as Stephen Covey famously said.

  6. The Predicted Grade

    The person grading that Extended Essay though, does not share this philosophy. They are a drive-by reader. ... Extended Essay Grade Boundaries (Old Curriculum) Grade E D C B A; Mark Range: 0-7: 8-15: 16-22: 23-28: ... November 2019; October 2019; September 2019; May 2019; April 2019; March 2019; February 2019; December 2018;

  7. PDF Overall grade boundaries

    a topic for which there was sufficient information available. Unsuitable approaches: An essay on a historical topic. An essay on a future event. An essay on the performance of a whole economy. An essay on the effect of a major event, without specifying the effect on what. In several cases, candidates expressed their topics as "An analysis of ...

  8. IB Grade Calculator

    I have updated the site with November 2023 grade boundaries. Compared to M23 and N22, N23 boundaries have somewhat increased. ... Extended essay boundaries were raised by 1 point to pre-covid levels. ... November 2019. November 2020. May 2021. May 2022. November 2022. May 2023. November 2023. Select the timezone.

  9. November 2019 Examination Session Results Thread : r/IBO

    This is the thread to discuss items related to the November 2019 results. Feel free to discuss your score here. ... There is no grade E awarded for theory of knowledge and/or the extended essay. There is no grade 1 awarded in a subject/level. There are no more than two grade 2s awarded (HL or SL). ... Grade boundaries seemed pretty stable in my ...

  10. EE at ISB

    Criteria A to D is for your Extended Essay, whilst E is for the 500 word reflection. Letter Grades. From IBO.org. All extended essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IB. They are marked on a scale from 0 to 34. ... Grade Boundaries. Previous years tend to have used these boundaries: A = 27 - 34. B = 21 - 26. C = 14 - 20.

  11. Extended Essay Grade Boundaries : r/IBO

    I found this table under extended essay marking criteria. Are they still accurate? Extended Essay Grade Boundaries. Grade Mark Range. E 0-7. D 8-15. C 16-22. B 23-28. A 29-36.

  12. IB EE examples for all subjects

    EE Biology A. Fast track your coursework with mark schemes moderated by IB examiners. Upgrade now 🚀. Promoted. Advertise with Clastify. To what extent do phytochemicals such as resveratrol, glyceollin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) possess comparable antibacterial effects against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to a non-prescription ...

  13. May 2019 Results Megathread : r/IBO

    May 2019 Results Megathread ... There is no grade E awarded for theory of knowledge and/or the extended essay. There is no grade 1 awarded in a subject/level. There are no more than two grade 2s awarded (HL or SL). ... No trolls please You also can check past Grade Boundaries HERE. Some other useful posts. General results advice by u/FifthRom.

  14. PDF GCSE Grade boundaries June 2019

    In the third section, notional component grade boundaries are also presented but these are for illustrative purposes only. Note that for the two GCSE Combined Science specifications (8464 and 8465), the notional component grade boundaries for the Higher tier grade 3s are actually notional grade 4-3 boundaries. A guide to notional component ...

  15. 2023/2024 Extended Essay Requirements: A Student's Guide

    Latest Extended Essay Requirements Updates for the Years 2023/2024. The extended essay — those two words that either thrill you or send shivers down your spine. You're probably here because you want to stay ahead of the curve. In my experience, nothing spells success like being prepared. The are guidelines and a gateway to academic growth.

  16. Extended Essay General Rubric Grade Boundaries and Percentages

    A: Research Question Achievement Level Descriptor 0 The research question is not stated in the introduction or does not lend itself to a systematic investigation in an extended essay in the subject in which it is registered. 1 The research question is stated in the introduction but is not clearly expressed or is too broad in scope to be treated effectively within the word limit. 2 The research ...

  17. PDF Assessment grade descriptors for the extended essay

    grade. Predicted grades for all subjects should be based o. thequalitative grade descriptors for the. r the extended essay in M. and so schools are advised touse them in the same way.Grade ADemonstrates effective research skills resulting in a well-focused and appropriate research question that can be explored within the scope of the chosen ...

  18. Results, Grade Boundaries and PRS

    Results, Grade Boundaries and PRS. This section provides information regarding results including grade boundaries, post-results services and appeals. VTQ results for 2024 and beyond. Results Dates and Guides.

  19. Extended Essay Grade Boundaries May 2019

    Extended Essay Grade Boundaries May 2019 - The Black Male College Explorers Program is a progressive intervention program designed specifically to prevent black males from dropping out of high school; facilitate their admission to college; and significantly increase their chances of earning a college degree.

  20. PDF Overall grade boundaries

    It is important in the early stages of the essay process to use all of the resources available for guidance especially the appropriate pages of the Extended Essay Guide. The majority of essays submitted were appropriate for Language B. However, less successful essays took the form of a descriptive report rather than an organized

  21. Preschool Worksheets Letter I

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