Three Ideas for Infusing Joy in the Classroom

assignment joy

By: Michelle C. Hughes

Students—and teachers—are more creative and open to learning when our classrooms are joyful

As societal pressures intensify and expectations push educators to improve achievement rates, create emotionally healthy environments, and make safety a priority, there is an increasing need to infuse joy into the classroom. Reflecting on these concerns throughout my 29 years in education, I am prompted to consider joy and its relationship to my life and work.

Joy, defined as a noun, is an expression of emotion, display of great delight or keen pleasure. I recognize and feel great joy when I am out in nature, when I engage in activities and laughter with family, when I accomplish a task, and when I see others experience delight. Thinking about joy in these contexts inspires me to ask:  when do I feel, experience, and share joy in my own classroom?

Recent brain research reveals that the brain is increasingly open to learning when learning is joyful. When we feel delight, we release endorphins that produce a joy-filled response (Costa & Kallick, 2014). A positive classroom climate is built through everyday teacher and student connections and interactions (Badley, 2012). These moments are not just brief warm fuzzies; they reap positive results on an individual’s health, both physically and psychologically (Costa & Kallick, 2014).

Reflecting on joy has revealed three areas of joy in my classroom: the first is when students have that light-bulb or “ah-ha” moment. My heart actually races faster when I see a student discover and grasp a new concept, complete a project, and “get it!” I am filled with immense joy when an engaged student asks a thoughtful question; furthermore, when joy emerges, student curiosity grows.

In addition to the “ah-ha” moment, I am filled with immeasurable joy when I hear laughter in the classroom. When a student says something funny, I can choose to stop and pause, to laugh with or laugh alongside the student. I find that I also need to pause and laugh at myself when teaching. When I am tongue-tied or when I make a mistake delivering instruction, the space is optimal for me to pause and laugh a little. Laughter can diffuse an awkward situation and increase the level of classroom joy.

Additionally, when I am able to laugh at myself, I am able to reveal a playful side of my personality to students. Research suggests that playfulness and creativity elicit joy that positively impacts student and teacher attitudes in the classroom (Sherman, 2013; Silver, Berckemeyer, & Baenen, 2015). I find that when there is laughter in my classroom—my students and I laugh together—joy multiplies! Classroom laughter fosters joyful space, for both students and teacher, to learn and grow.

Another avenue for joy is when I observe students working together. I am filled with joy and satisfaction when a lesson clicks and learning happens. When students engage in meaningful work, it is joyful to observe (Sherman, 2013; Silver, Berckemeyer, & Baenen, 2015, p. 93). When students collaborate and progress together in academic goals, they become eager sponges engaging in joyful learning.

Practically speaking, I offer three suggestions for infusing joy into your classroom:

Invite joy into the classroom!  When you feel joy, dive into it, embrace it, and welcome it. An invitation is a literal request and summons for participation. Teachers can invite students to embrace joy in the classroom to build community and create ownership. Students will cling to joy and this can alter your classroom ethos.

Build on the student-teacher relationship!  When a teacher intentionally builds trust and rapport with students, she creates a safe place and space for joy to emerge. Birky (2012) writes of modeling joy in the classroom to create joyful results. When a teacher creates assignments where students can share ideas and infuse laughter, joy multiplies.

Be joyfully intentional!  Carefully consider what elicits joy in your teacher-self: name it, repeat it, and practice it. With great intention, capitalize on joyful moments. Joy is contagious. Infusing joy with purpose can decrease student and teacher stress, foster community, and help students feel a greater sense of belonging. A teacher can actively create moments for joy and rejoicing in the classroom; by doing so, the teacher shares the gift of herself with her students (Wineberg, 2012).

As classroom responsibilities, pressures, and expectations grow, teachers can make an increased effort to invite joy into the classroom, build on the student and teacher relationship, and purposefully share joy. Tomlinson suggests that when hard working teachers embrace creativity in their personal and professional lives, they seek joy and opportunities for laughter and learning (2016, p. 93).

Will you intentionally cultivate joy in your classroom? Will you allow joy to emerge into your work and lessons? Will you make an effort to demonstrate joy? Let’s commit to lean into joy and watch our classrooms fill with joy!

Badley, K. (2012). Metaphors and models of faith learning integration. In Badley, K. & Van Brummelen, H.V., (Eds.),  Metaphors we teach and live by, how metaphors shape what we do in classrooms , (p. 139-157). Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock.

Birky, G. D. (2012). Joy. In Dee, A. L. & Tiffin, G., (Eds.),  Faithful education, these and values for teaching, learning and leading , (p. 19-41). Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publication.

Costa, A. L. & Kallick, B. (2014).  Dispositions: Reframing teaching and learning . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Silver, D., Berckemeyer, J. C., & Baenen, J. (2015).  Deliberate optimism, reclaiming the joy in education . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Sherman, S. M. (2013). Let’s lighten up! Play and important roles in learning.  Virginia Journal of Education, 4 , 13-15.

Tomlinson, C. A. (2016). Caring for teachers.  Educational Leadership, 73 (8), p. 92-3.

Wineberg, T. (2012). Metaphors for teaching and learning. In Badley, K. & Van Brummelen, H., (Eds.),  Metaphors we teach by, how metaphors shape what we do in Classrooms , (p. 32-51). Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock.

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The Science of Joy: How Positive Transformation Impacts Well-Being

the science of joy

In a world where daily stresses often loom large and negative emotions can weigh us down, it’s essential to explore the science of joy and how it can be a powerful catalyst for well-being. Joy is more than just a fleeting feeling; it’s a key component of positive psychology and emotional balance that can positively impact your mental and physical health. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the science of joy and its profound effects on well-being, shedding light on why it’s worth prioritizing in our day-to-day lives.

Understanding the Science of Joy

woman holding joy text

The Essence of Joy

At its core, joy is a positive emotion that brings light and warmth to our lives. Positive emotions like joy, happiness, and gratitude are integral to our overall well-being. Research shows that individuals who experience more joy tend to lead happier lives and report a higher quality of life.

Positive Psychology: The Key to Well-Being

Positive psychology, a branch of psychology dedicated to studying human flourishing, plays a significant role in understanding the science of joy. It focuses on harnessing positive emotions to improve well-being. This approach examines how positive emotions can be cultivated to lead a more fulfilling life. Embracing the principles of positive psychology can help us find joy even in challenging life circumstances.

Emotional Balance for Well-Being

One crucial aspect of well-being is emotional balance. It involves experiencing a wide range of emotions but not letting negative emotions overwhelm us. By cultivating joy and positive emotions, we can better manage negative emotions and enhance our overall well-being. Joy is like a high-energy form of happiness that activates the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and lowering blood pressure.

The Benefits of Joy for Mental and Physical Health

benefits of joy

Boosting Mental Health

Experiencing joy in our daily lives is closely linked to better mental health. When we feel joy, our self-esteem improves, and we’re more likely to experience a positive outlook on life. Research shows that people who regularly experience joy are less prone to anxiety and mood disorders.

Enhancing Physical Health

The benefits of joy extend beyond mental well-being to our physical health. Studies have revealed that joyous individuals tend to live longer, possibly due to lower stress levels and a stronger immune system. The wonder and contentment that joy brings can act as a shield against grief and suffering, helping individuals explore life with a sense of lightness and laughter.

The Science Behind Joy

Joy as a momentary experience.

Joy is often thought of as a momentary experience, a fleeting but potent burst of positive emotion. Ingrid Fetell Lee, a designer and author, has extensively researched the science of joy and found that even small, everyday moments can evoke profound feelings of happiness. These moments can be as simple as noticing a friend’s smile or a beautiful flower, and they contribute to our overall well-being.

Hardwired for Joy

The human brain seems hardwired to seek joy and happiness. While negative emotions serve an essential evolutionary purpose, our brains are naturally inclined to focus on positive emotions. Joy and happiness activate regions of the brain associated with pleasure and reward, making them an integral part of our lives.

Finding Joy in the Little Things

Joy is not limited to life-altering events or extravagant experiences. It’s often found in the small, everyday occurrences, such as a good conversation, a delicious meal, or a breathtaking sunset. These moments are like silver linings in our day-to-day lives, reminding us that joy can be uncovered in the ordinary.

Practical Steps to Cultivate Joy

the science of joy

Gratitude and Positive Thinking

One way to find joy is through practicing gratitude and positive thinking. Taking a moment each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for can significantly boost your well-being.

Spreading Joy

Joy isn’t a passive experience; it can be actively shared with others. Engaging in acts of kindness, making friends smile, and focusing on the joy of others can amplify your own sense of joy and well-being.

Living in the Present

Living in the moment and being mindful can help you find joy in the present rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Mindfulness techniques can help you notice and appreciate the beauty in the world around you.

Joy and Happiness: The Most Reassuring Things in Life

The pursuit of joy and happiness is one of the most reassuring things we can engage in. While life can be filled with challenges, stress, and negative emotions, the science of joy offers a path to peace, contentment, and well-being. By exploring joy, we can laugh in the face of anxiety, elevate our mood, and experience awe in the world around us.

Embracing Active Joy in Your Day-to-Day Life

Happy Affectionate Family

Active Joy: A Catalyst for Well-Being

In our pursuit of happiness, it’s essential to understand that joy isn’t merely a passive state of being, but an active force that can transform our lives. Active joy involves conscious efforts to seek and create moments of joy in our own lives. This form of joy is more than just reacting to external stimuli; it’s about actively shaping our experiences.

Incorporating active joy into your day-to-day life can lead to a deeper sense of well-being. When we take an active approach to joy, we become the architects of our happiness. By making deliberate choices and practicing behaviors that spread joy, we can positively impact our mental and physical health.

One way to embrace active joy is by engaging in activities that you’re passionate about. Pursuing your interests and hobbies, whether it’s painting, dancing, hiking, or any other activity that brings you joy, can activate the sympathetic nervous system, the body’s stress response system. This activation can have a profound impact on your well-being by reducing stress and promoting a sense of contentment.

Spreading Joy: A Ripple Effect in Day-to-Day Life

One of the most beautiful aspects of joy is its contagious nature. When we experience joy, it’s only natural to want to share it with others. This act of spreading joy can create a ripple effect in our day-to-day lives, positively impacting not only our well-being but also the well-being of those around us.

The act of spreading joy can be both active and passive. Active joy involves intentional efforts to make others smile and feel joyful. Acts of kindness, such as helping a friend in need, volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about, or simply offering a warm and genuine smile to a stranger, can activate the sympathetic nervous system not only in the recipient but also in yourself, contributing to a mutual sense of happiness.

Passive joy, on the other hand, involves sharing joy through your own contentment and positive energy. When you radiate joy, those around you can’t help but feel its effects. Your happiness activates the mirror neurons in others, leading to a greater sense of well-being in your social circles and day-to-day interactions.

The beauty of spreading joy is that it creates a cycle of positivity. As you actively and passively spread joy in your day-to-day life, you’ll notice that joy is not a finite resource but an ever-expanding one. The more joy you spread, the more joy you’ll experience, and the more joy will find its way back to you.

Final Thoughts: The Science of Joy

The science of joy is a vital component of well-being that science shows is worth embracing in our lives. Joy and happiness are not elusive or unattainable; they are woven into the fabric of our existence. By prioritizing joy, we can live happier, healthier lives filled with moments of wonder and contentment.

Remember that joy is not a finite resource but a boundless treasure that can be shared with others. In the end, the pursuit of joy is a journey worth taking, and the science of joy is a guide that can lead us to a more fulfilling and well-balanced life. So, why not start your own happiness podcast and spread the joy today? After all, there’s a whopping half of the year left to explore the world of joy and well-being, and it’s waiting for you to embrace it.

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The Joy of Computing using Python

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How to Write the “What Brings You Joy” Essay for Columbia

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Vinay Bhaskara and Joseph Recupero in a CollegeVine Livestream. You can watch the full Livestream for more info.

What’s Covered:

  • How to Approach This Prompt

What Brings You Joy?

Proofreading, how to approach this prompt.

Columbia asks its candidates several questions about a range of topics to better assess if they are a good fit beyond their academics, extracurriculars, and test scores. This prompt is a perfect example of how the admissions officers are specifically trying to get to know you better, not only as a candidate, but as a person. 

Among the litany of short responses you’ll need to write this admissions season, essay number six, or the What Brings You Joy essay, is arguably the most simple – but that also makes it complicated for students. As you get increasingly used to answering questions about your academic and career goals or your extracurricular accomplishments, this question may bring you pause. 

Philosophically, this essay serves as a sort of palate cleanser, a chance to write about something that’s purely fun. You can think of it as an opportunity to showcase a side of yourself that isn’t as readily understandable through your larger application, or captured cleanly through your extracurriculars. 

In one word, your approach to this essay should be quirky. Generic activities such as listening to music should be avoided as many students are likely to choose this as a topic.

The goal is to almost embarrass yourself with how personal you get – if you feel vulnerable, that’s a good sign! While you should never share anything you’re not comfortable with a stranger reading, you should aspire for a level of granularity that can be achieved only by you.

Think about what you do in your spare time, things you enjoy doing without documenting them on social media or thinking about how they will look on a college application. And then go deeper – make it even more personal to you and include details that only you can include based on your unique life story. 

Perhaps you have your grandmother’s old pair of knitting needles and you enjoy making baby socks for your cousins while watching Never Have I Ever . Or, maybe seeing if you can swing higher than your sister at your local park is what you love to do while also catching the sunset. Or maybe sniffing and ranking all the different seasonal soap and lotion scents at Bath and Body Works is your favorite holiday tradition. Whatever the case may be, don’t hold back, and show why this activity is so important to you.

Just because you’re writing a ‘fun’ essay, however, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t put care into this response. In fact, because you are writing only about two sentences in response to this, the quality or lack thereof of your writing will stand out even more than it does in a longer essay.

It’s important to take the time to ensure each word is well thought out and that your response is cohesive, punchy, and comprehensive all at the same time.

After writing your essay, read it out loud and check it over several times to ensure there are no grammatical mistakes. It should flow smoothly off of your tongue and you should be able to hear your voice within the words. Ask yourself if your essay adequately conveys your joy – and see if you can feel a glimmer of it each time you read your response.

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Christian Plays and Skits by Frederick Passmore

Assignment: Comfort And Joy!

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2 Corinthians 1:3-5 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

“ Assignment: Comfort And Joy!” (Shorter 2015 Version) written by Frederick Passmore copyright 2011 Sheep Laughs Publications

A lonely Christian radio DJ is working the night shift on Christmas Eve. As he plays music and shares a Christmas story he has written, we see an suicidal woman in a hotel room as she tunes in. An angel responsible for getting them together has his hands full as the DJ faces an unbeliever harassing him at the station and a stalker that threatens to harm the woman. The framework play is 34 minutes, with the embedded 18-minute skit titled “Stormy Night, Holy Night” bringing to life the DJ’s story which he reads on the air, for a total of 52 minutes.

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PLEASE NOTE: After some consideration, I decided to rework this script, which has been posted for a couple of years already. Although it has been performed by many churches, I felt that the original 80-minute performance time was too long for some, with too many characters, so I cut out some elements (which are now offered separately as short stand-alone scripts on this site under the titles “The Ultimate Gift” and “The Junk Man’s Christmas Dinner”). The more compact script now includes a completely new drama-within-a-drama entitled “Stormy Night, Holy Night.” This script is also available for separate performance, with its own soundtrack.

assignment joy

This soundtrack is enhanced by three songs by two-time Grammy Award nominee singer-songwriter Archie Jordan. The composer of such famous songs as “What A Difference You’ve Made In My Life” and “It Was Almost Like A Song,” Archie is the recipient of seven gold and three platinum albums, as well as fifteen ASCAP awards. I am blessed and thankful to be able to use his music on this soundtrack, the songs “He’s The Hand On My Shoulder,” “Someone,” and “When Your World Turns Dark.” The writer sings the songs that accompany and underscore scenes, so your performers do not have to sing.

Length of play:  52 minutes. Number of cast : Ten; there are four main parts, the rest are smaller supporting roles. Category:  Christmas, Dramatic, Full-Length Play, Holidays, No Lines To Learn Price of PDF script & MP3 Skit Trax:   Instant download :  $19.99  Add To Cart Price of PDF script & Physical CD:   $24.99 plus shipping  Add To Cart

Main Characters for Framework Play:  the Angel, Afriel. The DJ, Steven Carter. Suicidal Woman, Diane Warren. Other DJ, Donald Shanker. (Smaller parts: Program Director Theresa Page; Diane’s friend, Susan; the Stalker, and The Presence of the Lord.)

Characters for Embedded Skit:  “Stormy Night, Holy Night.” A teen girl and her father. (See  this script  for the notes on it.)

Settings and Props:  Hotel room: An end table with lamp, a couple of chairs, a small table. A radio. A small tabletop Christmas tree and box of small ornaments. A Bible, in a small gift-bag. A plastic sword, Roman-type, for the angel. A scroll (which can be as simple as a piece of rolled-up construction paper, or it can be two dowels connected by a piece of white cloth, which can be rolled up. The radio station needs an office chair, a folding chair, and a table with some sound equipment to simulate a station; like a sound mixer, a PC with screen, an office or desk phone. A binder with pages in it. Several wrapped presents. A trash bag filled with crumpled paper. A Christmas wreath. The radio station set is on one side, the living room hotel set on the other. A bottle of “pills,” (M and M’s) a notepad and pen, a bottle of water.

Costume elements:  Santa hat and beard. A white robe with gold sash for the angel Afriel, a white robe and red sash for the Lord. You may need a wig and beard for Jesus unless your actor already has this; but most costume wigs and beards look bad. No other special costumes needed, just dress each character appropriately.

Soundtrack:  This script is completely dependent on the recorded soundtrack. The pre-recorded CD already has all of the narration, music and sound effects already mixed. Every single line that you read in the script below (except for the stage directions, of course) is on the soundtrack, performed by professional voice artists, mixed with movie-quality background music and sound effects. Idea: Order extra copies of the CD for only $5 each to hand out to your main players to take home and get familiar with between rehearsals! Also as a backup. Call me if you have any questions about this play or the soundtrack that this page does not answer, call me at the number given on the Contact Page.

Story Outline

(Here is a general description of the script; not all details or scenes are here, but it gives you an overall picture of what it is like.)

The play opens in a cemetery at dusk on Christmas Eve, where the main character Steven Carter is placing flowers on his wife’s grave.  (A simple stone down in front of the stage, on the level of the audience. ) He is observed by the narrator of the play, the angel Afriel, who is assigned to him to watch over him. The unseen angel serves as the storyteller, who relates the events of the play to the audience. As Steven prays, in deep despondence, the presence of the Lord appears to him and puts a hand on his shoulder, comforting him. We hear part of the song “He’s The Hand On My Shoulder” by Archie Jordan during this scene.

When Steven leaves, the Lord beckons to the angel to join Him, and when he does, the Lord gives him a scroll that contains all the details of his new assignment. Afriel is charged with helping someone else in need to come to salvation by helping her be exposed to Steven’s radio ministry, and protecting her from a threat to her life.

assignment joy

The next scene takes place at a local motel where the next important character is introduced.  (This part of the set is one the left side of the stage.)  Diane Warren is coming back into her room after some Christmas shopping with an old friend. Diane has been living in a big city, but a recent divorce from a husband that had been unfaithful, and was involved in some shady deals, caused her to come back to her small hometown and try to reconnect with her past and possibly find some peace. Her old school friend had come to visit her, and as they bring in the shopping bags they talk about other old friends, and they set up a table-top Christmas tree as  they catch up on what has been happening to them since she left. Her friend suggests that she call her old boyfriend Steven, who is now working at a local Christian radio station. But his faith, and his seemingly small life goals, were part of what caused her to drop him, to pursue a more exciting and prosperous life in the big city. Now, with all that has happened, she is reconsidering many of her life choices. She turns down an invitation from her friend to come eat Christmas dinner with her family, as she wants to be alone to think. After her friend leaves, she settles in to watch some Christmas movies on TV and try to relax. But her thought and feelings begin to lead her down a dark path, one that the angel will have to try to influence her to leave.

At the radio station where Steven works, we see him come on for his evening shift.  (This set is on the far right side of the stage.)  Although it is Christmas Eve, he has volunteered to work so that others can be home with their families. He relieves the previous shift’s worker, who is also the station’s program director. After he gives her a small gift, a binder containing some of his original fiction, she encourages him to share with the listeners some of his Christmas stories that he has written but never tried to have published. He considers it, although he doesn’t have much self-confidence about his  writing ability. After she leaves, Steven gets to work lining up his music selections for the evening. As he does, we see a stealthy intruder in a Santa hat and beard sneaking into the studio. It is his co-worker Donald Shanker, from across the hall at the secular sister station, out to heckle Steven some more over his beliefs. Surprising Steven and startling him, the ersatz Santa dumps the contents of a big trash bag all over Steven, inundating him in paper trash, then laughing hysterically over the joke. After needling him some more, the guy leaves.

Back at the motel side of the stage, we see Diane absently watching TV as she thinks. The angel Afriel, tasked with getting her to listen to the story that Steven is preparing to read, tries to suggest the radio to her on a subconscious level but she isn’t open to it. Finally, he interrupts the TV signal and she turns to the radio for some background noise. After tuning, she stops on the right station. But the angel senses in his spirit that there is some danger to Diane, from outside of her room. Checking it out, the angel sees a suspicious man lurking in the shadows watching her window. doing some research on his scroll, which as access to all of Heaven’s records, he discovers that the man has been paid by Diane’s ex-husband to intimidate her into into being too frightened to testify against him in his upcoming trial.  The criminal outside was given the word to use violence against her if need be, and was just waiting for the chance to do so. Intent on watching the stalker, the angel is missing the background action that Diane is going through, as she lays out a handful of pills on the table and gets some water, then starts writing a note. The angel is finally alerted to the inside danger she is posing to herself, and he hurries to her side, desperately trying to get through to her and stop her. The thoughts he is suggesting to her aren’t getting through in her mental state, and she picks up the handful of pills… only to pause when she hears the voice of her old boyfriend on the station. Intrigued by what he is saying, she puts down the pills and leans back to listen as he begins reading the story that he has written.

(The next section is performed in the center of the stage. It depicts the events in the story that Steven is reading, entitled “Stormy Night, Holy Night,” brought to life in Diane’s imagination. You can read more details about this 18-minute  scene in  the stand-alone version here , as well as preview some script page and listen to several soundtrack audio previews. it is part pf this script package, however.

The story in brief:  A father and teen daughter take refuge in their basement from a coming storm. The storm building in the young girl’s mind and heart, stemming from the loss of her mother over a year ago, coincides with the tornado that hits the town. Featuring another powerful song written and sung by songwriter Archie Jordan, this easy-to-do mini-play needs only two actors, yet is full of drama and has a touching end that will move you.

Back to the main story, we are back in the motel room as Diane has been listening to the story read by Steven on the radio. The events in the story, which were based on Steven’s actual experiences to a large degree, also reflect how she has been feeling, and the turbulence in her life and the emotional storms she has been going through. The Spirit of the Lord was working in her heart, and as Steven explains the path of salvation and leads his listeners in praying the sinner’s prayer, Diane kneels beside her chair and opens her heart to the Lord. As she does, we hear the vocals to the song “I Surrender All” to underscore the powerful scene.

Rejoicing in her salvation, and another mission accomplished, the angel is now free to act on her behalf to protect her from the stalker, who has begun to move closer to break into her room. Going outside, and appearing to the lurker in his true form with a drawn sword, the angel frightens the man into holy terror, and he flees off haphazardly into the night, running into the path of the police car, which begins to give chase (this is related by sound effects and narration).

Back at the radio station, Steven is finishing reading the story on the air when the other DJ comes back in to heckle him some more. Donald belittles Steven’s belief that he is here for a reason, and says that the only reason that exists is to earn a paycheck. Just then a knock is heard at the studio door, and Donald lets in Diane, who has come to see Steven. Ignoring Donald, she moves to see her old flame, and begins to share with him how his story saved her life, and cause her to come to the Lord. She felt that telling him face to face would let him know how the Lord was using him where he was. She also wants to take some copies of Steven’s writings and share them with the publisher for whom she works. Steven is affected by finding out first hand that the Lord is using he and his talents, and as the scene progresses they begin to sense the attraction they once had for each other again. She gives him a gift, the table-top Christmas tree given to her by her friend, and together they begin to decorate it. During this scene, we hear the song “Someone” by Archie Jordan which underscores the reconnection they are beginning to feel.

After the song, Donald comes back into the room and confesses that hearing how Steven was making a difference in people’s lives prompted him to do some reconsidering, and he apologizes to Steven, telling him that he has a lot to think about now, and wanted to wish his a Merry Christmas, now that he is seeing things differently. Diane takes a call on her cell phone, and then she reveals that she had called her old school friend, whom they both knew, and asked her to bring some of the leftovers from her Christmas dinner, and she is now outside waiting to be let in. She comes in, and Donald helps her with the bags of food, and Diane and Steven set up the break room table with the dinner items. Shortly they all sit down to eat, and Steven relates his thankfulness to the Lord for the miraculous events of the evening, and how everything turned out for the good of all involved. As he leads in prayer, we hear a reprise of the song from the beginning, “He’s The Hand On My Shoulder,” and we see the Presence of the Lord come in and stand behind Steven as he prays, with a hand on his shoulder as before. After a wrap-up by the narrating angel, we leave the scene as a blessed Christmas Eve dinner is enjoyed by all, with the Lord Jesus as an unseen Guest.

assignment joy

Read some of the testimonials about the script from just a few of the many users:

Mr. Passmore,

We did your play “Assignment: Comfort And Joy!” this past December at our church in DeFuniak Springs, FL.

It was great! I thank you for writing it and putting it out there for us. I have received feedback from manyl people that it ministered to them in all areas of the play (scenes). With such a large cast I was concerned about how many people that would be in the audience, but we had a FULL house! I also had more people step up and join our drama team ?

Thanks again, -Michelle Hibbs, WEO Church

We have been doing your “No Lines To Learn” plays for a number of years now, every one of them that you have posted so far, and we love them! The audience does too, and our attendance has grown each year as word of mouth has spread about the amazing plays we have been doing. It’s easier to get actors, and for them to learn their parts, with your CD soundtrack format, and the audience has no trouble hearing lines like other plays. I have seen our actors break down and cry, and crack up with laughter, many times just during the rehearsals, the material is so powerful. I loved seeing the audience reactions when we did your latest script, “Assignment: Comfort and Joy,” they had such a good time, and I heard many compliments for weeks afterward. Please keep writing these kind of scripts and making new CDs, so we can keep “wowing” the audience each year!

-Kathy Sanders, Collins Full Gospel Church. Collins, GA

Okay, if you liked the story breakdown, and enjoyed the Skit Trax previews, and were encouraged by the testimonials of those that have done it, buy the complete script and soundtrack here! 

assignment joy

Questions before ordering? Call me at 912-347-9579!


Dramatic Plays: Our plays range from 20 minutes all the way up to 80 minutes. They are written to engage the viewer, make them think, to impact the emotions, and present the Gospel in such a way that they perceive it as meeting the needs of their life. The aim is to bless the believer, and give the person that has never made a decision for Christ a desire to invite Him into their life.

Comedic Skits: Our skits range in length from 5 minutes up to 20 minutes. While most are comedic in nature, using humor to impart a perspective that may not have been considered, the laughs are all tied into the message, and there is always a resolution that leads the viewer into consideration of the Truth contained in it. The humor can be enjoyed by all ages.

Soundtracks: The soundtracks that we make to accompany the scripts add drama and emotional impact to the script’s performance. There are two different kinds offered; the type that is played at certain times during the performance to add the music and sound effects called for in the script; and second, the type that supplies all the narration, music and effects mixed together to play as the actors perform, with no lines to learn.

Christmas ,  Dramatic ,  Full-Length Play ,  Holidays ,  No Lines To Learn       angels ,  Christmas ,  grief ,  loneliness ,  suicide

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Assignment: Joy

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The assignment was to write about joy. Sure, I can do that. I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, after all. 

And then I sat down, opened my Bible and looked up verses about joy, lifted the lid of my laptop, and stared at the blank document. Prayed and stared some more. 

What in the world? I mean, I understand joy. I know that I can have joy in any circumstance and that the joy of the Lord is my strength, so why am I stumped? 

The hard work of finding joy

Well, I believe I know why to some degree…because life has been difficult for a long time, and although I still feel joy, I can’t write about it in the way I want to.

I want to write a funny and happy blog about finding joy in unexpected places or a beautiful day blowing bubbles or picnicking by the river. But, for me, the verse that keeps coming to mind is James 1:2. Not quite the fun one I was hoping for.

[verse reference=”James 1:2″] “Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds.” [/verse]

It fits though, because today was almost 9 hours without power as an electrician tried to figure out the wonky wiring in my house. The reality is that it’s an expense I didn’t count on and I’m trying to find joy in it. So, I’m sitting here thanking God for my house not burning down. (Count it all joy… one.)

The future is very up in the air at the moment on lots of fronts and I honestly have no idea what God wants me to do. Earlier today I took a walk and stopped to talk to some friends down the road. One of them said, after asking me about job plans, “There really are so many options!” In my head I thought, “I don’t know what you are talking about, but I’m thankful for your optimism!” So, I’m thanking God for friends who are encouragers with a vision for the future. (Count it all joy…two.)

While trying to work on this blog, my youngest daughter wanted help with summer job applications. She pulled up a chair beside me and began asking questions. At first I was annoyed because I have a deadline and I can’t get a coherent idea to save my life. But then, we started talking and I shared some of the blogs I’ve written about her. We laughed and reminisced. It was wonderful and just what I needed. So, I’m thanking God for sweet memories, unexpected time to love on my daughter, and interruptions that remind me what the most important things are. (Count it all joy…three.)

What a beautiful reminder to me that my circumstances don’t bring joy, my God does.

What a beautiful reminder to me that my circumstances don’t bring joy, my God does. He is the source of true joy.

Even in the hard, I can trust that God loves me and His purposes for me are good. I’m realizing that in any situation, I can look for joy and find it! (Count it all joy…always.)

Sue Birdseye

Sue Birdseye is an author and communicator who shares the adventures she has on her unexpected journey of single parenting. She went from the typical “picket fence” kind of life to being a single mom to five beautiful children. She has learned what it means to be totally dependent upon the Lord and how beautiful that dependence is. Her change of life circumstances has led to a passionate desire to encourage and bless other moms no matter their life circumstances. She has been active in her community as a foster/adoptive mom and public school teacher. She has also been part of her church’s worship, discipleship, women’s, and children’s ministries. She is an avid book reader, a game night hoster, and an early morning writer. Her book “When Happily Ever After Shatters” is the story of how God stepped into her life and the lives of her children just when everything seemed to be falling apart. She hopes that her writing will encourage, bless, and maybe even make someone smile.

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A fun filled whirlwind tour of 30 hrs, covering everything you need to know to fall in love with the most sought after skill of the 21st century. The course brings programming to your desk with anecdotes, analogies and illustrious examples. Turning abstractions to insights and engineering to art, the course focuses primarily to inspire the learner's mind to think logically and arrive at a solution programmatically. As part of the course, you will be learning how to practice and culture the art of programming with Python as a language. At the end of the course, we introduce some of the current advances in computing to motivate the enthusiastic learner to pursue further directions.

Introduction The Joy of Computing using Python

📌 INTENDED AUDIENCE : Any interested audience

📌 PREREQUISITES : 10th standard/high school

📌 INDUSTRY SUPPORT : Every software company is aware of the potential of a first course in computer science. Especially of a first course in computing, done right.

📌 COURSE TYPE : Elective

📌 COURSE LEVEL : Undergraduate/Postgraduate


  • Motivation for Computing
  • Welcome to Programming!!
  • Variables and Expressions : Design your own calculator
  • Loops and Conditionals : Hopscotch once again
  • Lists, Tuples and Conditionals : Lets go on a trip
  • Abstraction Everywhere : Apps in your phone
  • Counting Candies : Crowd to the rescue
  • Birthday Paradox : Find your twin
  • Google Translate : Speak in any Language
  • Currency Converter : Count your foreign trip expenses
  • Monte Hall : 3 doors and a twist
  • Sorting : Arrange the books
  • Searching : Find in seconds
  • Substitution Cipher : What’s the secret !!
  • Sentiment Analysis : Analyse your Facebook data
  • 20 questions game : I can read your mind
  • Permutations : Jumbled Words
  • Spot the similarities : Dobble game
  • Count the words : Hundreds, Thousands or Millions.
  • Rock, Paper and Scissor : Cheating not allowed !!
  • Lie detector : No lies, only TRUTH
  • Calculation of the Area : Don’t measure.
  • Six degrees of separation : Meet your favourites
  • Image Processing : Fun with images
  • Tic tac toe : Let’s play
  • Snakes and Ladders : Down the memory lane.
  • Recursion : Tower of Hanoi
  • Page Rank : How Google Works !!

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  • Python 91.2%
  • Jupyter Notebook 2.8%

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Swayam Solver

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NPTEL The Joy of Computing using Python Jan-2024 Week 12 | Swayam

1. programming assignment | week 12.

X i ​  corresponds to the element  X [0] in the list  X . We have used zero-indexing here.

Write a function named  pearson  that accepts two vectors  X  and  Y  as arguments and returns the Pearson correlation coefficient between them.

To help you with the computation, some functions have already been defined in the prefix code. You can write the entire function by just using the pre-defined functions. This is an important exercise that will help you in future projects when you start working with libraries.

You do not have to accept the input from the user or print output to the console. You just have to write the function definition.

2. Programming Assignment | Week 12

A square metal plate in 2D space is the setup we are going to work with. The spatial extent of the metal plate is given by:

0 ≤  x , y  ≤ 5

The temperature at any point ( x , y ) on the plate is given by the following equation. The temperature is measured in Celsius and can be negative:

f ( x , y ) = 30 +  x 2  +  y 2  − 3 x  − 4 y

A micro-organism lives on the surface of the metal plate. It occupies only those points on the plate where both the coordinates are integers. The organism cannot survive in high temperatures and instinctively moves to regions of low temperature that are less or equal to a threshold  T . If no such region is found, it can't survive. The terms high and low are used in a relative sense and should be compared with respect to the threshold.

Write a function named  survival  that accepts the value of  T  as argument and returns  True  if the organism can survive on the metal plate, and  False  otherwise.

You do not have to accept input from the user or print the output to the console. You just have to write the function definition.

3. Programming Assignment | Week 12

Here,  X i ​  refers to the element  X [ i ] in the list and  X  refers to the arithmetic mean of the numbers in  X . Try to use list-comprehension wherever possible. However, we won't be evaluating you on this.

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