Writing as a Hobby: Tips and Advice for Beginners

creative writing hobbies

We all need a way to express ourselves whether that be through a creative outlet like art or fashion. For others, it’s writing.

Creative writing allows self-expression, investigating varied worlds and characters, and serves as an escape from daily life. Writing as a hobby is not exclusive to just novelists and poets; anyone can participate as writing stories, articles, or keeping a journal presents a fulfilling opportunity to make the most of your downtime.

Now perhaps you’re just starting out on your writing journey, or you’re stuck on where to begin and are wondering, how do you start writing as a hobby?

Allow us to help – read on and find out more!

Is Writing a Good Hobby?

Writing is an art form that can be shared with others or kept totally private. It’s a way to escape the real world and make sense of it. Writing can allow you to relax and take stock away from your hectic modern lifestyle.

It’s completely free! All you need is some form of paper and a pen, your phone, or a word processor on your computer. Your imagination is the only thing that limits you from every possibility.

When we think of writing, we may think firstly of authors or journalists who are under pressure to meet deadlines and demands from editors. However, writing as a hobby comes with none of those pressures. You are free to work at your own pace, and however, you like.

Remember, creativity and self-expression have no rules. You are free to experiment with the genres you love, and come up with completely new ideas. Once you’ve written these down, they are there forever for you to look back on and cherish.

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creative writing hobbies

Tips for How to Start Writing as a Hobby

1. set up a comfortable writing space.

A hobby is meant to be enjoyable, right? So, it makes sense for the space you dedicate to that hobby to be comfortable. Dedicate a surface in your home, whether that be a desk space or your kitchen table. Grab yourself a comfy chair and a hot drink and get cozy!

Or perhaps you prefer to get outside. Find the perfect spot in your local park or your favorite coffee shop. Find somewhere that provides the inspiration you need.

creative writing hobbies

It’s also great to switch up your workspace. This can spark inspiration if you’re struggling for ideas. People watching, a new space and a different atmosphere can work wonders!

2. Remove Distractions

To make the most of your writing time, it’s important to set out a routine that works for you. Set aside time once a day or even once a week to sit down and write. This will keep you accountable for your new hobby.

Your writing time should also be a time away from the world where you can focus on yourself and your work. As we mentioned above, get yourself comfortable, and remove your phone or any other distractions.

3. Read as Much As You Can

Reading and writing are each other’s bread and butter. You won’t get one without the other.

Read books, magazines, screenplays, poetry, and blogs. If you expose yourself to a diverse range of writing, the more you’ll understand how that writing is structured and how to get the most out of your own work.

The benefits of reading include learning about the plot, characters, world-building and style, as well as how to engage a reader.

4. Experiment with Different Mediums

You may have your heart set on writing a particular format of writing. But even as a budding author or poet, it can be useful to experiment with other mediums.

Instead of diving straight into writing a novel, why not start with a short story?

By starting small, you’ll be able to quickly identify what you love about your writing and where you’d like to improve. You’ll also feel that sense of accomplishment a lot quicker.

creative writing hobbies

Want to write a screenplay? Start by writing a short film , before moving on to a feature.

Keen on poetry? Start with a haiku before moving on to your epic poem!

What if you’re not sure which type of writer you’d like to be? You don’t have an idea for a story just yet? Why not start journalling or blogging? Journalling is a fantastic first step, jotting down the events of your day or your inner thoughts.

As you continue to write, your journal entries or blog posts could then spark inspiration for a future novel or script!

Of course, you do not have to share your work with the world. The beauty of writing is that you can keep it just for yourself or share it when you’re ready.

Remember, you don’t have to stick to one particular medium. Try as many as you like!

5. Join a Writing Group

If you’d like to be held accountable for your writing or are open to receiving feedback on your work, joining a local group could help you along your way.

Writing groups are a priceless opportunity to meet fellow writers from different backgrounds and with diverse interests.

Google will be your best friend in finding such groups. Just type in your location and then ‘writing groups’. Facebook is also a brilliant resource for connecting with other writers in your local area and many groups will have dedicated pages there.

creative writing hobbies

6. Just Start Writing

This may seem like a pretty straightforward answer, but it is very easy to talk yourself out of writing. This could be for fear of not having any ideas, struggling to get your ideas down on paper, or your writing not turning out how you first imagined.

But the danger with this is that you’ll never get started. If it’s inspiration you need, you can find it anywhere: through your day-to-day life, through your favorite book, TV show or movie. Turn an existing story on its head or tell the story of a minor character from an existing IP.

The Benefits of Writing for Fun

Organize thoughts and ideas

Especially in modern society, we have a lot to think about. Writing can be a great tool to help us organize our thoughts or see the world through a different lens.

Many writers find they make sense of the world around them through their work. It forces them to be creative and connect ideas together. This is something you can do too!


As you begin to connect ideas and stories together, you will discover new perspectives. This can support you in becoming a better communicator all around, as you’ll be more aware of the range of lenses others see the world through.

With this new awareness, comes a better understanding.


Writing gives us the time and space to make sense of the world around us, as well as our own minds.

You can understand much about yourself and your thought processes by reflecting on what you’ve written, it’s all there in black and white. Our writing can reveal more about ourselves than we first thought or ever considered before.


Once you have honed your writing skills, you may wish to research selling your work. Whether you’ve written blog posts, a novel or a screenplay, there are countless avenues you can explore.

If you are looking to pursue a writing career or to sell your work, make sure you have a strong portfolio to draw from. You’ll also need to revisit and revise your work to make sure it’s the best it can possibly be.

Related Celtx Blog: How Much To Charge to Write a Script [By Script Type]

Promote yourself on social media or seek representation from a literary agent. Or perhaps you want to start a blog to share your work and attract businesses to sponsor you or advertise on your site.

You can also apply to writer positions such as copy or content writers, or perhaps you’d like to go freelance on a platform like Fiverr. There are so many opportunities ready and waiting!

Helpful Writing Tools

Dedicated pen and paper.

Ready yourself a notebook and pen specifically for your writing. That way everything is in one place and easily accessible. If you prefer to write on different pieces of paper, find a file or folder to keep everything in.

If you prefer to use technology, create a specific folder on your computer to store all your files in. Use free writing tools like Google Docs to write with or purchase a word processor like Microsoft Word.

If like us, screenplays are your speciality, try out a screenwriting software !

Support Tools

Nothing should stop you from being your most creative self. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and formatting can be a frustrating part of writing, so make sure to utilize online and downloadable tools, many of which are free or have free account options!

Here are some of our recommendations:

  • Celtx Screenwriting Software (for the screenwriters!)
  • Grammarly (spelling and grammar check program)
  • Clippings.me (a portfolio to share your work with the world)
  • Google Docs (free word processing tool)
  • Google Drive (free cloud-based storage solution for your writing files)
  • Stayfocsd ( Chrome extension to keep you, well, focused!)

There we have it! We hope we’ve opened your eyes to the joys and benefits of writing as a hobby. The most important thing is to get started and let your imagination lead the way.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Natasha Ferguson

Natasha is a UK-based freelance screenwriter and script editor with a love for sci-fi. In 2022 she recently placed in the Screenwriters' Network Short Film Screenplay Competition and the Golden Short Film Festivals. When not at her desk, you'll find her at the theater, or walking around the English countryside (even in the notorious British weather)

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Stupid Hobby

14 Hobbies That Involve Writing (And Encourage Creativity)

In case you are looking for hobbies that involve writing you have come to the right place. In this post, I will list some  unique hobby ideas that are related to writing.

Why you should write and how can writing help with your progress in your life? I have made some quick research and this is what I found out… Writing can make you happier and can help you with better thinking and communicating.

Writing is just another tool for expression, thinking, and encouraging creativity. Writing will help you remember your ideas, and could bring back old and forgotten memories.

Most Common Hobbies that Involve Writing

When I think about activities that involve writing, journaling, and creative writing first comes to my mind. After that, I run out of ideas.

But there are a lot more hobbies that involve writing, think about calligraphy, writing letters, copywriting, translating…Scroll down and find more.


Creating a scrapbook is a funny and relaxing way to put all your happy and good memories into the form of a book. It is also a hobby that involves writing since you can write your memories under the picture.

All photos and favorite notes and written souvenirs are in one place. You can use whatever color pencils and decorations you want to make this unique portrait of your feelings.

Journaling is an introspective and therapeutic hobby that you can do at home or elsewhere. When you start to journal just start writing, don’t overthink it, and go where the words take you.

It will help you practice gratitude, relieve feelings of anxiety, organize your thoughts, and let you think about your life. It’s a hobby that you can start with only a pen and a notebook.

Creative Writing

Creative writing is about expressing yourself using words, whether it be thoughts, feelings, or emotions. It can be in the form of poetry, fiction, or even creative nonfiction.

To become a good creative writer you will have to read a lot, so choose your favorite authors and start to examine their written work.

In case you need someone to teach you how to do creative writing you will find many good online courses as well.

Letter Writing

Following is one of my best hobbies that involve writing. With emails and social media, we can stay in touch all the time. So we don’t need to write letters very often, but this doesn’t mean that writing letters are useless.

No matter you are in the workspace , or in your personal life, there are still times when writing a letter is appropriate. It could be a great hobby as well, so find your pen friend and write a letter to him every week or month.

If you want to share your opinions, thoughts, and interest and put them on display then blogging is one way to do it. There are different blogging platforms available to start posting.

Of course, you will have to learn a thing or two about blogging but look at it this way. You will learn and master a very useful digital skill you can use on so many different levels and you will connect with other people across the world.

Making Videos

By vlogging, you can educate and entertain people, and if you are doing a good job you will make some extra cash as well. But don’t believe those who say that making videos is just a fun and easy way to earn money.

Vlogging is still a really fun hobby, but it requires a lot of devotion and work. In case you are inspired and want to start, think about the topics you’d want to cover and the theme of your channel. So, it is a hobby that involves writing as well.

Once you have all things needed, you need to make a script for a video, after you film it you need to do video editing. The whole process can take a while if you are still new to this complex hobby, but if you are passionate enough nothing is too difficult.

If you produce quality content frequently, everyone will notice you. Remember that making videos is a question of determination. Many vloggers who succeeded say that it took at least two years before seeing success.

What else to say, get a good microphone and camera. Make a video and upload it on various websites like YouTube or Facebook, after that start making another one.

The next one is a little different, but while coding you will write all the time. But you will have to know a different language. Knowing the coding language represents a skill that is surely appreciated.

If you have an interest in web development and want to learn about it, then start by learning all the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

That way you will start at the beginning and you will get to know the cradle of coding. For beginners, there are many different courses online too.

Writing Music

If you listen to music a lot and if you know how to play a musical instrument, you could try composing your original music. Because I practice music regularly this is my favorite hobby that involves writing.

There’s a whole bunch of resources online available to help you with writing music. Find some courses dedicated to composing and search for free software such as Sibelius First, MuseScore, or GarageBand.


You might think that with the digital age penmanship is becoming less appreciated, but many people still pick up calligraphy as a hobby.

This skill is applied in a lot of areas such as graphic design, logo design, or event invitations. If you decide to start with calligraphy you might surprise your friends with a beautiful signature when you sign your birthday card.

Knowledge is power and sharing it could be a great hobby, so If you know how to play the guitar or have any other skills, you can become a mentor.

Of course, you can charge for mentoring, but then it’s not going to be a hobby anymore. If you decide to keep this as a hobby it will help you make new friends, so being a mentor will give you a social boost as well.

If you are interested, promote your skills and let the students know that you can mentor them in a certain field.


This is for you in case you speak at least two languages. Translating is not just something people do for the money, it can be a passion and hobby as well.

While doing this hobby you will learn your first and second language even better and you will improve your focus.

Deciphering a message and writing it into another language is not easy but it can be exciting and fun. If you become really good at it you can consider a career in Translation as well.


Copywriting is another great hobby that involves writing but it’s a lot more than words. It comes in different forms; web pages, blog posts, advertisements, social media content, brochures, and many more.

A good copy should tell a compelling story, represent something, and trigger the decision-making process for anyone who reads your writing.

To master the skill of copywriting you don’t need specialized training or a degree. But if you need a little help to start your new hobby you will find a ton of great tutorials online.

Writing Reviews

Every day we buy new products or services, so if you are the kind of person that likes to share your experiences I suggest that you write service or product reviews. If you don’t know how and where to start, find some example reviews online and learn the basics from them.

Start simple, write the text in Google docs, or in Microsoft Word, after you are satisfied with the written work, post it on review-sites. You will find many websites (Amazon, eBay, Reddit, and many other forums) where you will be able to submit your thoughts.

Learning Foreign Language

If you travel a lot and want to talk with locals in foreign countries you should learn a foreign language, not only speaking but also writing. Being bilingual will make you a lot more valuable at your workplace.

If you decide to learn how to speak and write in a different language you will improve your memory, and become smarter. Start with languages that are used in multiple countries, such as Chinese, Spanish, or French.

What Do You Need To Consider If You Want To Find A New Hobby?

Think about the things you like to do, maybe it’s a good idea to make a list of hobbies and choose one.

Are you an active type of person or do you prefer being creative? Do you want tangible gains or you prefer escapism? Narrowing down your interests will make it easier to choose a hobby that’s suited you the best.

Maybe you need to dip back and search for the activities you used to enjoy as a kid, but for some reason don’t keep it up anymore. I am sure you had a passion for something, so check if you still enjoy it.

Consider if you want your new hobby to be similar to your existing ones. Do you want to find a hobby that complements your existing skills? Do you want to refresh and change the pace?

Did I overlook something?

These are just a few hobbies that involve writing. I am sure there are more hobbies where you will be able to write, and there are also hobbies that will make you a better writer .

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Writing as a Hobby

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on May 26, 2022

Categories Writing , Art , Inspiration , Self Improvement , Storytelling

Do you like to write? Or have you always wanted to start writing but don’t know where to begin? This post is for you! I’ll give you some helpful tips on how to get started writing, what to write about, and how to improve your writing skills. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced writer, you’ll find great advice here (not least because writing is my favorite hobby!)

Everyone Has a Hobby

Almost everyone has a hobby. It’s something we like to do in our free time, something that helps us relax and unwind. For some people, their hobby is writing. They enjoy sitting down at the computer or with pen and paper and letting their imagination run wild.

Creative writing can be a great way to express yourself, explore different worlds and characters, and escape from everyday life. And it’s not just novelists and poets who enjoy writing as a hobby – anyone can do it!

Whether you write stories or articles or just keep a journal, it’s a great way to spend your free time. So why don’t you give it a try? Maybe you’ll enjoy it!

Writing Is Cheaper Than Other Hobbies

For many people, hobbies are a way to spend their free time and have fun. But hobbies can also be expensive, costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get started.

So if you’re looking for a hobby that won’t break the bank, writing is a great option. You don’t need expensive equipment to start writing, just a pen and paper (or even just a laptop). And once you start writing, the only limit is your imagination.

Of course, you can spend money on your writing hobby if you want to. There are many books, courses, and other resources to help you improve your skills. But unlike other hobbies, you don’t have to spend money to enjoy writing. You can find many free resources on the Internet, from websites and blogs to online forums and social media groups.

And if you want to publish something, there are plenty of ways to do it without spending a dime. So if you’re looking for an affordable hobby that’s fun and rewarding, writing is definitely worth considering.

Writing Is a Low-Pressure Hobby

Writing is often seen as a stressful hobby that requires hours of non-stop work and full concentration. However, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Writing can be a low-stress hobby that’s perfect for busy people.

The key is to find a style and pace that fits your needs and lifestyle. For some people, that may mean setting aside an hour each day to write. Others may only have a few minutes a day to write, or they may prefer to write in spurts when they’ve time.

There’s no right or wrong way to pursue writing as a hobby.

The most important thing is to figure out what works for you and then stick with it. Over time, you’ll develop your own writing style and approach, and you’ll probably find that writing becomes more and more fun and relaxed.

So if you’ve been wanting to try your hand at writing but feel overwhelmed with the task, remember that you don’t have to jump in at the deep end with Michael Phelps. Writing can be a relaxing hobby that’s perfect for busy people.

Just find your own personal style and pace, and enjoy putting your thoughts into words.

Writing Can Be a Great Hobby for Parents

Writing can be a great hobby for parents. It can help you express yourself, explore your creativity, and connect with other parents who share your interests.

It’s also a great way to build a relationship with your kids and show them the importance of communication.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Choose a format that suits you . There are many different genres of writing, from fiction to nonfiction to poetry. Pick one that you enjoy and can realistically fit into your schedule.
  • Start small . Don’t try to tackle a novel right off the bat. Start with something shorter, such as a short story or an article for a parenting magazine. That way, you can get into the habit of writing regularly without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Set some ground rules . Decide how much time you want to spend writing each week and stick to it. Let your family know that this is important to you and that you need uninterrupted time to write. And don’t forget to give yourself a break now and then – it’s okay if you don’t reach your word count every day.
  • Join a writing group . There are many writing groups for parents, both in-person and online. Find one that meets your needs and join it. This will give you a chance to share ideas with other parents, get feedback, and keep yourself motivated.
  • Encourage your kids to write . Pick up a pen or tablet and start writing together. Talk openly with them about what you’re writing and why, and let them know they can write, too. You’ll be surprised how open they’re to it!

For you as a parent, writing is a great way to spend time with your kids. It can help you communicate and bond with them, and it can foster their love of language and literature.

If you’re a busy parent, it can also be a great way to step back from the hustle and bustle of your life and relax for a while.

Your Written Work Will Last Forever

You may not think about it often, but what you write has the potential to outlast you.

And if you’re lucky, your written work will be passed down from generation to generation, serving as a reminder of who you were and what was important to you.

Of course, not everything you write will be preserved forever. But there’s always the possibility that something you think is disposable may be of great importance to someone else. Who knows? Someday your great-great-grandchildren may find an old diary of yours and learn things about you that they never would have known otherwise.

That’s the beauty of writing – it’s the power to connect us across time and space in a way that nothing else can.

So the next time you sit down to write, remember that your words can leave a lasting impression long after you’re gone. And who knows? Maybe one day your words will inspire someone else to pick up a pen and write their own story.

A little story: when I was in my early teens, I took violin playing very seriously. I was director of the school orchestra and played in an amateur string quartet. I’ll always remember one of my violin teachers – Wilf Usher – saying to me when he saw me practicing in my spare time, “Every note will resonate through the universe until the end of time – so make it beautiful.” That stuck with me, and today I feel it applies to writing as well.

Writing as a Hobby Can Promote More Free and Creative Thinking

It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to make time for creativity. However, research has shown that writing as a hobby can promote free and creative thinking.

The act of writing forces you to slow down and think about what you’re saying, which can lead to more reflection and thoughtfulness.

Also, when you put your thoughts down on paper, they can become clearer and more concrete. Therefore, writing can be a powerful tool for fostering creativity.

So if you’re looking for a way to boost your creativity, consider writing as a hobby. You’ll be surprised by the results.

If You Like Writing, It’s a No-Brainer to Make It Your Hobby

If you love to write, making it your hobby is a no-brainer. Writing isn’t only a great way to express yourself, but also a great way to connect with others.

Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, there’s an audience for your work. Best of all, you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

When it comes to writing as a hobby, there are endless possibilities. You can write for fun or with the intention of getting your work published. You can write alone or join a writing group. You can even set up your own blog or website to share your work with the world.

No matter what your goals are, if you love to write, it’s a good idea to make it your hobby. You’ll never run out of topics to write about, and you’ll always have an outlet for your creativity. So what’re you waiting for?

What Are the Benefits of Writing as a Hobby?

There are many benefits to writing as a hobby. For one, it can help improve your communication skills. When you write, you’ve to think about how to express your thoughts and ideas clearly and in a way that the reader can understand. This can be a valuable skill in both your personal and professional life.

In addition, writing can be a great way to relieve stress and unleash your creativity. It can also be a form of therapy, as it gives you an outlet for feelings that you might otherwise have difficulty expressing.

Finally, writing can simply be fun. It can give you a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment and give you a sense of purpose and direction. So, pick it up as a new hobby if you’re not already knee-deep!

How Do You Get Started Writing as a Hobby?

There are many things you can do to start writing as a hobby. The most important thing is to just start writing! Write about anything that interests you, whether it’s a specific topic or just your thoughts and feelings. If you can, find something to write about that excites you. This can be anything from magazine articles to novels to blogs. You may find – as I did – that some form of meditation helps you identify these passions.

Once you start writing, you’ll quickly develop your own style and voice. If you don’t know what to write about, you can keep a journal. This can be a good way to explore your thoughts and feelings, and it can also provide material for future writing projects.

If you’re looking for more structure, you can take on a specific writing project, such as writing a short story or a poem. Once you get started, the possibilities are endless!

And remember, the best way to improve your writing is to just keep doing it. The more you write, the better you’ll get.

What Are Are Some Tips for Improving Your Writing Skills and Techniques?

Here are a few tips to become a good writer:

  • Read as much as you can . The more you read, the better your understanding of grammar and style will become. Also, reading can help you expand your vocabulary and get ideas for your own writing. So, settle in with a good book!
  • Write regularly . The best way to improve your writing is to practice it regularly. Take some time every day to write, even if it’s just a few minutes. As you write more, you’ll notice the areas where you can improve.
  • Get feedback from others . When you first start writing, it can be helpful to get feedback from friends or family members who’re willing to read your work. As you become more confident in your abilities, you can seek constructive criticism from other writers or editors.
  • Join a group of writers . Joining a group of like-minded people is a great way to get support and motivation for your writing habits. It’s also a great way for you to

What Should You Write About – Personal Experiences, Opinions, or News Stories/Events?

When it comes to writing as a hobby, there are essentially three options for what you can write about: personal experiences, opinions, or news/events.

Whether you’re writing a novel or a factual report, chances are your creative ideas will be based on one of these topics or a combination of them. Your imagination draws from the real!

Or you may decide to write directly in one of the three areas.

If you’re looking for a way to tell your own story and connect with others on a personal level, writing about personal experiences is a good choice. However, it’s important that you’re honest and open when writing about your personal experiences because readers will easily see any deception or bias.

On the other hand, if you’re more interested in sharing your thoughts and opinions about current events or pressing issues, writing about news or events is a great way to spark discussion and get people thinking. However, it’s important to be well-informed and consider both sides of the issue before sharing your opinion.

No matter what you write about, the most important thing is that you enjoy it and find a way to connect with your audience.

How Do You Share Your Writing With Others and Get Feedback?

When it comes to writing, one of the best things you can do is share your work with others and get feedback.

There are several ways to do this, and each has its own benefits.

One way is to join a writers’ group. These groups usually meet regularly to discuss their work and provide feedback. Another benefit of writers’ groups is that they provide a sense of community and support.

Another way to share your work with others is to post it online in a forum or blog. This can be a good way to get feedback from many people, including other writers. It can also be helpful to set up a profile on a website like Wattpad or Figment, which are specifically for readers and writers to share.

Finally, you can simply send your work to friends or family members and ask for their opinion.

No matter how you share your work, getting feedback is an important part of the writing process. It can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and get ideas for improvement. So don’t be afraid to ask for feedback – it can help you improve as a writer.

How Can Writing Be Used to Improve Other Areas of Your Life, Such as School or Work Projects?

Writing can also help you improve other areas of your life, such as your school or work projects.

Writing can help you organize your thoughts and ideas, and it can also help you communicate better. Writing also helps you learn new information more easily and remember important information better.

In addition, writing can help you improve your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Finally, writing can help you develop greater self-confidence and better understand yourself and others.

How Has Writing Helped You Connect With Other People or Learn More About Different Cultures and Lifestyles Around the World?

Writing is a great way to connect with others or learn more about different cultures and lifestyles around the world.

When you write, you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings with others and learn more about their perspectives on life.

In addition, writing can be a great way to discover new cultures and lifestyles. Reading about other cultures and lifestyles can help you better understand the world around you.

And by writing about your own experiences, you can help others learn about your culture and lifestyle.

In short, writing is a great way to connect with others and learn more about the world around you.

How Can You Find the Time to Write as a Hobby?

For many people, writing is more than just a hobby – it’s a passion. But finding the time to write in daily life can be a challenge, especially if you have a full-time job or other commitments.

Here are a few tips to help you make time for writing:

  • Set aside some time each day to write . Even if it’s just 20 minutes, that’s enough to get a few words down on paper. And if you’ve more time one day, you can use the extra time to edit or revise what you’ve written.
  • Take advantage of technology . There are many great apps and programs that can help you write faster and more efficiently. For example, a text expander feature lets you type common phrases with just a few keystrokes so you don’t waste time retyping them over and over again. Also, note that AI writing apps are becoming more and more sophisticated. Related: What Is Sudowrite?
  • Get organized . Take some time to plan out your writing project before you start. This will help you focus on what needs to be done and use your time as efficiently as possible.
  • Take advantage of breaks . When you’re waiting in line at the post office or sitting in the doctor’s office, take out your notebook and jot down some ideas. You’ll be surprised how productive you can be in small chunks of time.

Why Writing Is a Perfect Hobby for Travelers

For many people, traveling is the best way to learn about new ideas and cultures. It broadens horizons and provides a never-ending stream of new experiences.

However, as exciting as traveling is, it can also be exhausting. There are always new places to see and things to do, and it can be difficult to find time to process everything that’s happening.

This is where writing comes in. Writing is the perfect hobby for travelers because it gives you a chance to reflect on your experiences and process all the new information you’re taking in. It’s a way to slow down and really think about what you’re seeing and how it makes you feel.

Writing Is a Great Way to Keep Your Mind Sharp

Writing isn’t only a relaxing way to spend your time, but it can also be a great way to keep your mind sharp.

Writing requires you to think logically as well as creatively, and putting your thoughts into words can help you better understand and remember information. Also, writing can help you improve your critical thinking skills and your communication skills.

Whether you keep a journal or write fiction, writing as a hobby is a great way to exercise your mind.

How Can You Best Form a Writing Habit?

Writing can be a very rewarding hobby, but it can also be difficult to maintain a regular writing habit. Here are a few tips that can help you develop a writing habit that works for you:

  • Set realistic goals . Don’t try to write a novel in a week, but start with smaller goals that you can realistically achieve. Maybe set a writing goal for 30 minutes every day or write 500 words a week.
  • Make yourself comfortable. Choose a time and place where you’re sure you can write without distractions. If you tend to write in the morning, set up your workspace before you go to bed the night before.
  • Find your motivators. What helps you keep writing even on days when you don’t feel like it? Maybe it’s knowing that you have an audience waiting for your next post, or that you can reward yourself for reaching your goals. Whatever it’s, keep your motivators in mind when you start writing.
  • Get started . Sometimes the hardest part of writing is just getting started. Once you get started, the words often flow more easily. So don’t overdo it

How Can Writing Improve Your Self-Confidence?

We all know that writing can be therapeutic. It can help us process our thoughts and feelings, and it’s a great way to express ourselves.

But did you know that writing can also boost your confidence ?

When you write about your experiences, you put your thoughts and feelings into words. This can help you understand yourself and your situation better. It can also help you see your thoughts in black and white to gain a new perspective on things. Writing can also be a good way to solve problems because you examine always the underlying emotion of things.

When brainstorming on paper, you can try different solutions and find the one that suits you best.

Finally, when you share your writing with others, you give them a glimpse into your personality. This can help build trust and foster deeper relationships.

So the next time you’re feeling down, grab a pen and paper and start writing. You’ll be surprised how much it helps you.

Writing Can Help You Network

Many people think of writing as a solitary activity, but it can also be very social and even helpful when it comes to networking.

Writing about your hobbies, interests, and experiences can help you network with like-minded people from all over the world. Plus, sharing your work online can help you build a professional network. If you’re looking for a job or new clients, having a strong online presence can be very important. And writing can help you build that presence.

When you write regularly, you develop a voice that’s unique and recognizable. You’ll also gain valuable experience in writing messages and communicating with others. These are skills that are highly valued in today’s digital age.

So if you’re looking for a way to make new friends and contacts, or if you simply want to improve your career prospects, you should grab a pen and paper – or fire up your laptop – and start writing today!

What if writing is meant to be more than just a hobby?

Some writers are content to write as a hobby, while others want to make writing their profession, and engage in a writing career.

If you want your writing to be more than just a hobby, you need to treat it as such. This means that you should set aside time every day or every week to write, even if it’s just an hour or two.

It also means being disciplined in your approach to writing and not letting other things distract you.

Another important aspect of making writing your profession is developing a strong body of work. This means not only writing regularly but also revising and editing your work so that it’s of the highest possible quality.

Finally, you need to market your work to find publishers or clients interested in what you’ve to offer. This can be done through online platforms like social media and blogging, but also through more traditional methods like attending writers’ conferences and submitting cover letters.

Some forms of being a professional writer include:

  • Content writing
  • Being a freelance writer for agencies
  • Professional Bloggers

There are many reasons why I love writing stories.

First, it allows me to live out my imagination and create worlds that are limited only by my own creativity. I find great inspiration in these worlds, and reading about those of other authors. Also, I can set the pace of the story and determine how many details should be in each scene.

In addition, writing stories gives me the opportunity to practice my writing skills and improve my grammar and vocabulary. Writing is also a great way to relax and relieve stress after a long day. It’s a hobby I can do at my own pace and return to again and again, no matter how much time I’ve.

Ultimately, writing stories is a fun and enjoyable way for me to express my creativity. It’s a wonderful creative outlet that depends on no one and nothing aside from myself.

How do you keep writing when you’re working long hours?

Assuming you enjoy writing and want to keep writing despite your full-time job, there are a few things that can help.

First, try to set aside at least 30 minutes to an hour each day to write. It doesn’t have to be all at once- if you can only spare 10 or 15 minutes, that’s fine too. Just try to be consistent so it becomes a habit.

Second, use your lunch break or any other free time you’ve during the day. If you can’t write at work, maybe you can jot down some ideas or work on a scene during your lunch break.

Third, find a writing partner or join a writing group. It can be helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off and get feedback from.

Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day or two (or more). Life happens and sometimes it’s just not possible to fit everything in. The most important thing is to pick up where you left off and keep going.

What’re the possible downsides to writing as a hobbyist?

There are a few potential downsides to consider when taking up writing as a hobby.

First, it can be easy to get lost in your writing and forget about the world around you. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s important to take breaks and interact with the people and world around you.

Second, depending on what you’re writing about, it can be easy to get lost in research and spend hours looking for information instead of writing. Again, this isn’t bad per se, but it’s important to find a healthy balance so you can still enjoy your hobby and make progress on your writing goals.

Some people find that their writing evokes difficult feelings or memories. This can spark creativity, but it’s important to be aware of your triggers and take care of yourself, both mentally and emotionally, as you pursue your hobby.

Writing can be a very rewarding hobby, but it’s important to be aware of the potential downsides so you can avoid them and enjoy your writing time to the fullest.


How to Start Writing as a Hobby: 10 Tips to Help You Get Started

Last Updated on October 20, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Do you have a story to tell or a message you want to share? Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book but don’t know where to start. Well, you’re in luck! This blog post will give you ten tips to help you start writing as a hobby. Writing can be a great way to express yourself and connect with others, and it can be a lot of fun! So what are you waiting for? Start writing today!

How do I start writing as a hobby if I’ve never done it before?

Starting a writing hobby can seem daunting if you’ve never written before. However, it’s quite easy to get started – all you need is a pen and paper (or a laptop, if you prefer typing). Gone are those times when you were a frequent user of creative writing services like CustomWritings . From now on, you’re among those students who can help themselves! It just needs a little time and effort.

First, figure out what you want to write about. What are your interests? What do you want to share with the world? It could be anything from your favorite childhood memories to your thoughts on current affairs.

Once you’ve chosen a topic , the next step is to put your thoughts down on paper (or screen). Don’t worry too much about grammar or punctuation at this stage – write down whatever comes into your head.

Once you’ve got some material written, you can start to edit and polish it. This is the fun part, where you get to be creative and make your piece of writing your own.

There are no rules for writing, so feel free to experiment with different styles and formats. You might even want to try writing in a completely different genre from what you normally read.

Another great way to improve your writing is to read often. When you read, please consider the author’s style and how they use words to tell their story . This will help you when you start writing your own stories. Reading also helps expand your vocabulary, making your writing more interesting.

The most important thing is to enjoy yourself and have fun! Writing should be an enjoyable experience, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just take it one step at a time and see where your writing takes you.

What are the benefits of writing as a hobby?

There are many benefits to writing as a hobby, including:

  • It’s a great way to express yourself.
  • Writing can help you work through problems you’re having in your life.
  • It’s a fun and creative way to avoid boredom.
  • Many people find writing therapeutic and calming.
  • Writing can also be a great way to connect with others who share your interests.
  • You can earn money from writing if you pursue it as a career.

Whatever your reason for wanting to start writing, there are many benefits to this hobby. So go ahead and give it a try! You might find that you enjoy it more than you thought.

What should I write about if I’m not sure where to start?

creative writing hobbies

It can be challenging to know where to begin if you’re starting as a writer. Should you focus on fiction or non-fiction? Should you write short stories or essays?

The good news is, there’s no single “right” answer to these questions, and the most important thing is to start writing and to keep at it. With that said, there are a few things that first-time writers might want to keep in mind.

If you’re not sure what to write about, a great place to start is through journaling. This can be a great way to get your thoughts down on paper and practice your writing skills. Write about your day-to-day experiences, thoughts and feelings, and anything else.

As you create journal entries regularly, you’ll start to develop your unique voice and style. You can try writing other things, such as essays, short stories, or even poems. The important thing is to keep writing and see where it takes you!

If you’re unsure what topic to pick, why not try writing about your hobbies or interests? For example, you could write a blog post about your favorite recipes if you like baking. Or if you’re interested in fashion, you could write an article about the latest trends.

Another option is to write about something that’s happening in your life. This could be anything from a new job to a recent holiday. Writing about your experiences can be a great way to connect with others and share your thoughts and feelings.

If you’re still struggling to develop ideas, try doing some free writing. This is where you write down whatever comes into your head without stopping to edit or worry about grammar. This can be a great way to get your creative juices flowing and help you develop ideas for your next piece of writing.

Begin writing short stories if you’re looking for a creative outlet. Consider a topic or genre that appeals to you, and begin developing story ideas. Once you have a few ideas, start fleshing out the details and see where the story takes you. There’s no right or wrong way to approach writing, so go with what feels natural. The most important thing is enjoying the process and letting your creativity flow.

How can I make my writing more exciting and engaging for others to read?

This is a great question and one that all writers should ask themselves. No matter what your writing goals are-whether you want to write for fun or profit-making, your work being more enjoyable is critical to engaging readers.

Here are a few tips to make your writing more interesting:

  • Use strong verbs. Verbs are the action words in a sentence, and strong, precise verbs can liven up your writing. For example, instead of saying, “I walked to the store,” you could say, “I trudged to the store.”
  • Choose specific nouns. Nouns are a sentence’s people, places, things, or ideas. Using more particular nouns can help your writing feel more vivid and exciting. For example, instead of “I went to the store,” you could say, “I went to Walmart.”
  • Add sensory details. When you’re writing, try to include as many senses as possible. This will make your writing more immersive and interesting for readers. For example, instead of “The flowers were pretty,” you could say, “The flowers were beautiful and fragrant.”
  • Join a writing group: There are writing groups for writers, from novelists to poets to non-fiction writers. Joining a writing group can help you find feedback and support during the writing process.
  • Take a writing class: If you’re looking for more structure, taking a writing class can be a great way to improve your skills. Many community colleges offer writing classes, as well as online courses.
  • Set a goal: Having a goal in mind, whether writing a certain number of words per day or finishing the first draft by a specific date, helps you stay motivated and on track.
  • Find your voice: Try to find your unique voice as you write. This will make your writing more memorable and enjoyable for readers.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with your writing. Try new things and see what works for you.
  • Have fun: Writing should be enjoyable, so balance challenging yourself and having fun. If you’re not enjoying the process, it’ll be reflected in your work.

These are just a few tips to help you start writing as a hobby. Don’t be afraid to explore and experiment. That’s part of the fun! And, most importantly, write because you enjoy it. If you’re having fun, your readers will, too.

10 Tips To Get Started With Writing as a Hobby

Writing as hobbies is one way to start writing; you can do it at home or outdoors on the computer. It’s very creative and fun! Engaging in a hobby helps improve your productivity level. You can even become good at writing by picking up a few freelance writing jobs.

To help you get started with full motivation and passion, we’ve listed below the top 10 tips to begin writing as a hobby!

1 – Start A Blog

The blog is a simple yet powerful tool to share your writing with others, and it also acts as a guide on how to write well and at the same time be creative. A proper blog will help you promote your piece and provide content that can be used as material for a book. All blogs are listed on the internet, and so they become easy sources of promotion once books or essays get published.

2 – Select The Right Medium

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Find out how to manage your writer’s block; recognize when you don’t know what you’re writing about or describing, learn the writing tips that make a good book readable, use proper word spacing and punctuation while reading so as not to confuse readers. Many writers go through many drafts before they can publish their work successfully!

3 – Choose A Comfortable Space to Write

A computer allows you to pick up and write wherever you are! It doesn’t matter. You need a comfortable space, meaning somewhere quiet, so that reading or thinking can go on in your mind without being disturbed any time of the day/night. Even someone as busy as me finds one hour’s free time will help with initial planning and even terminology writing if it is done at night while drifting off into sleep; maybe another reason you may develop the habit of writing at night before going to sleep.

4 – Start From Short Stories or Poems

Try writing poetry first or even quotes. These are usually written down in some prose second, which is one reason you should write down your words the night before without fail, putting at least a few sentences/words as clues to quote ideas based on something with an ethereal feeling (the abstract) while also using previous literary references that can be continued later. Then, start composing a narrative and going back to previous lines, then create a consistent pace through the story where all details are equally important.

5 – Learn Vocabulary Daily

This is a very important element in creative writing where word usage and depiction of things around you are key to forming new concepts into readers’ minds from words they’ve experienced through reading.

Vocabulary building is the key to success in writing. Language can be understood by only a few people, while others don’t even know it exists. A large vocabulary will always help you feel confident with your language skills and expression ability because of its greater use as you write more creatively and express yourself effectively as an author under different situations. It also helps writers find new words they haven’t used before or never thought about before, making them sound smart when expressed on paper through their work.

6 – Write With Purpose – Activate Your Pen!

Nothing artificial or forced while learning tips, more often than not, something natural like the “5 W’s” usually taught as follows any time someone explains anything: Where did it happen? Who was there, when did it happen? What was their reaction to the event they’ve encountered while writing or, in this case, answering any question that anyone may have as a reader? One of everyone’s goals every time they go through learning material is surely succeeded and enjoy succeeding at anything with purpose – Making progress towards success before you get bored/frustrated should be your number-one goal before quitting…

One secret most writers fail to take advantage of. Then it becomes partly why some of them don’t even bother to write a single sentence and push start their laptops as if nothing existed other than opening files, typing words, then finding grammar-check/spell check/a few very redundant tools help writers attempt anymore.

So, set your purpose for writing every time you sit down at the computer.

7 – Get Inspiration From TV

It’s great to start writing as a hobby by telling you about the tv that inspires writers and why tv shows are important for artists. The tv may not only inspire us but also keep us entertained and inspired, which makes it very helpful in increasing our productivity level and reducing stress levels from work or other daily activities like school homework etc.

You can write down whatever ideas come your way while watching TV series or movies since they’re showing new material you can use as inspiration for your writing project. So don’t hesitate the next time you see an episode of a new TV series, assume it to be one of the best and most enthusiastic campaigns they would ever do because you may end up using that valuable piece of material somehow in your articles/books or whatever your purpose is to write/publish on such platforms like books, etc.

8 – Start Communicating With Email

Your brain needs something to latch on to and stick with, so you can start thinking about how the story will be organized and developed instead of writing it out piece by piece, just like if you were emailing some friends back home from an overseas vacation: one sentence at a time…

There are over 50 billion email messages sent in the world on any given day, and about 300 million messages are being written. The same helpful strategy that you can use to start writing your book, article, or blog post applies equally well to communicating through email.

9 – Understand Your Writing Style

Writing as a hobby can be very rewarding, but writing also has challenges to fulfill. You must understand your writing style and write what inspires you rather than what “is supposed to” look like.

Creative writing means something different for everyone: it could mean poetry, short stories, or novels; the thing we love in creative writing is getting away from everyday life by immersing myself in an imaginary story world where we can see everything happening around me.

10 – Reduce or Eliminate Distractions

Social media can be a real distraction while writing. You don’t have to quit social media altogether; you could block social media like in some professions. Put a lot of self-imposed rules and restrictions on your social media platforms or stay quiet during working hours. Failing at something is frustrating, but when you fail, it allows you to improve (you have one more opportunity.

Final Words

Writing can be a great hobby if you’re willing to put in the effort. Following the ten practical tips mentioned in this blog can smoothly help you get started on your writing journey. Do you have any feedback or advice to share? Let us know in the comments below!

Most Read Articles in 2023:

Sharon Baisil

Hi, I am a doctor by profession, but I love writing and publishing ebooks. I have self-published 3 ebooks which have sold over 100,000 copies. I am featured in Healthline, Entrepreneur, and in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology blog.

Whether you’re a busy professional or an aspiring author with a day job, there’s no time like now to start publishing your ebook! If you are new to this world or if you are seeking help because your book isn’t selling as well as it should be – don’t worry! You can find here resources, tips, and tricks on what works best and what doesn’t work at all.

In this blog, I will help you to pick up the right tools and resources to make your ebook a best seller.

4 thoughts on “How to Start Writing as a Hobby: 10 Tips to Help You Get Started”

Thank you. you have inspired me to start giving writing a serious thought! Bola

I’m so glad to hear that! Writing is an incredibly powerful tool and I’m glad I could be of help. Best of luck in your writing journey!

You are fine and doing well.

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The Writing Hobby: How to Start Writing as a Hobby and Its Benefits

Posted on January 10, 2024 |

the writing hobby

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding joy in simple pleasures can often make all the difference. One such source of joy is having a hobby that adds color to our lives and provides an escape from the stress and anxiety of work and our environment. A worthwhile hobby is like a sanctuary, a place we can retreat to for relaxation, rejuvenation, and personal fulfillment.

According to a longitudinal cross-country analysis involving 93,263 older adults across 16 countries, engaging in a hobby has been linked with various psychological benefits . This study suggests that having a hobby may potentially be associated with improved mental wellbeing, providing a compelling reason to cultivate a hobby that resonates with you.

If you’re someone who loves reading, there’s a good chance that this passion might evolve into a love for writing. Reading exposes you to diverse perspectives, ideas, and styles, enriching your understanding of language and narrative. This knowledge lays the foundation for your own creative expression, allowing you to transition from being a consumer of stories to becoming a creator of them.

Developing Writing Skills: From Reader to Writer

For avid readers, the transition to writing often feels like a natural next step. Reading is, in many ways, an apprenticeship for writing. It exposes you to different styles, structures, and techniques that successful authors use to craft their narratives.

When you read widely, you’re not just enjoying a story; you’re also learning how to tell one. You’re observing how authors use words to evoke emotions, paint vivid images, and captivate readers’ attention. You discover how they weave together plotlines, develop characters, and build suspense. Every book becomes a masterclass in storytelling.

This immersion in the world of literature gives you a deep appreciation for the written word. You begin to understand the power of language and the magic of storytelling. And, as you absorb these lessons, they start to influence your own writing.

As a reader-turned-writer, you already have a solid foundation. You’re familiar with the rhythm and flow of good writing, the importance of compelling characters, and the impact of a well-told story. Now, it’s time to use this knowledge to create your own narratives.

Getting Started with Writing as a Hobby

Taking up writing as a hobby is a creative and exciting journey of self-expression. Here are a few doable actions to get you going:

Find Your Writing Space

Creating a dedicated writing space can significantly enhance your productivity and motivation. This could be a peaceful outdoor area, a quiet nook in your house, or a nearby café. The secret is to locate a space that makes you feel inspired, at ease, and uncluttered.

Gather Your Writing Tools

Purchase the writing instruments that best fit your writing style. This could be a traditional notebook and pen for those who prefer handwriting , or a laptop for those who find typing more efficient. Other useful tools might include a dictionary, a thesaurus, or writing software like Scrivener.

Set Aside Regular Time

Consistency is vital to developing a writing habit. Consider allocating a specific period of time for writing every day or every week. Even if it’s just 15 minutes a day, regular practice will help you hone your skills and keep your creative juices flowing.

Experiment with Styles and Topics

Refrain from focusing on just one genre or look. Experiment with fiction, non-fiction, poetry, blogging, or personal journaling. Try your hand at different topics and formats to discover what resonates with you and helps you express your unique voice.

Join a Writing Community

Engaging with a community of writers can provide encouragement, feedback, and inspiration. Consider joining local writing groups, participating in online forums, or attending writing workshops. This interaction can enrich your writing journey and provide valuable insights.

Seek Guidance

Consider enrolling in writing courses or workshops. Learning from experienced writers can offer invaluable techniques, guidance, and inspiration to refine your craft. Online platforms like Coursera, Udemy , or MasterClass offer a wide range of writing courses that can guide you on your journey.

Finding Your Writing Niche

The beauty of writing lies in its diversity. It is a large canvas with lots of opportunities to convey your ideas, experiences, and thoughts. As you embark on your writing journey, finding your niche will help you focus your efforts and develop your unique voice. Here are some popular writing niches you can explore:

Fiction and Short Stories

If you have a vivid imagination and love creating characters and worlds, fiction writing could be your niche. Whether it’s science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, or drama, you can weave intricate plots and compelling characters that captivate readers.

Poetry is the art of using rhythmic, frequently metaphorical language to convey feelings and ideas. If you enjoy playing with words and have a knack for encapsulating complex feelings in just a few lines, poetry could be your calling.

Sharing your interests, knowledge, and experiences via blogging enables you to reach a larger audience. Whether your passion is technology, fashion, food, travel, or personal growth, you can connect with like-minded people and produce interesting content around it.

Writing in a journal is an effective way to reflect on oneself and advance personally. By documenting your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, you can gain deeper insights into your life and personal journey. It can be a private endeavor or shared with others through platforms like Medium or personal blogs.

Creative Non-Fiction

Creative non-fiction combines factual information with storytelling techniques. This genre includes memoirs, biographies, travel writing, and feature articles. If you enjoy researching and sharing real-life stories in an engaging way, this could be your niche.

Benefits of Writing as a Hobby

Embarking on a writing journey offers more than just the joy of crafting stories or expressing thoughts. It’s an enriching hobby that can have a profound impact on various aspects of your life. Making writing your pastime can have the following advantages for you:

Improved Communication Skills

Regular writing practice can significantly enhance your ability to articulate ideas and express yourself effectively. It helps you develop a keen eye for detail, a strong vocabulary, and the ability to communicate with clarity and precision.

Enhanced Creativity

You can explore new ideas and perspectives and think creatively when you write. It pushes you to imagine different scenarios, create compelling characters, and construct engaging narratives, thereby stimulating your creative muscles.

Personal Growth and Self-Reflection

Writing is a way to investigate oneself. It facilitates introspection and self-awareness by letting you explore your feelings, ideas, and experiences. Through introspective writing, you can gain deeper insights into your beliefs, values, and life experiences.

Sense of Achievement

There’s a unique sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from completing a piece of writing, be it a short story, a poem, or a blog post. This accomplishment can give you more self-assurance and inspire you to keep improving as a writer.

Stress Relief and Emotional Well-being

Expressing emotions through writing can be therapeutic. Whether you’re penning down your thoughts in a journal or crafting a fictional tale, writing helps to reduce stress and promote emotional well-being. It’s a form of catharsis that aids in emotional processing and healing.

Connection and Impact

Through your writing, you have the potential to connect with others on a deep level. You can share your experiences, inspire readers with your insights, or influence them with your ideas. Writing provides a platform to make your voice heard and to create a meaningful impact.

The Joy of Writing as a Hobby

The world of creative writing offers a vast landscape for exploration and innovation. Whether you’re penning a heartfelt poem, crafting a thrilling short story, or documenting your thoughts in a personal journal, writing provides an outlet for your creativity, emotions, and experiences. It is a celebration of the human spirit, a mindfulness practice, and a voyage of self-discovery. So let us get started with your guide to turning creative writing into a hobby if you are ready to embark on this thrilling journey.

Patricia Evans

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How to Make Writing One of Your Favorite Hobbies

Last Updated: February 26, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Alicia Cook . Alicia Cook is a Professional Writer based in Newark, New Jersey. With over 12 years of experience, Alicia specializes in poetry and uses her platform to advocate for families affected by addiction and to fight for breaking the stigma against addiction and mental illness. She holds a BA in English and Journalism from Georgian Court University and an MBA from Saint Peter’s University. Alicia is a bestselling poet with Andrews McMeel Publishing and her work has been featured in numerous media outlets including the NY Post, CNN, USA Today, the HuffPost, the LA Times, American Songwriter Magazine, and Bustle. She was named by Teen Vogue as one of the 10 social media poets to know and her poetry mixtape, “Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately” was a finalist in the 2016 Goodreads Choice Awards. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, several readers have written to tell us that this article was helpful to them, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 60,718 times.

Turning writing into a hobby takes determination. It may not seem so, but making time to write, finding things to write about and then remaining dedicated to seeing the entire piece through to its endpoint requires planning and self-discipline. Nevertheless, it's a great hobby to have and definitely worthwhile if you're keen to turn it into a favorite hobby.

Figuring Out Your Stationery Needs

Step 1 Find suitable ways to record your writing.

  • You could even try typing on an old typewriter if you'd like. Old typewriters can be found through online trade and auction sites. However, keep in mind if you choose this method that you'll also need a supply of typing ribbon and/or ink.

Step 2 Decorate your notebooks.

Finding Writing Inspiration

Step 1 Jot down ideas.

  • Consider carrying a small notebook and pen or having a note-taking app on your smartphone. Having at least one of these with you wherever you go will help you record those ideas as they come to you.

Step 2 Use photographs as inspiration.

  • Consider keeping a Pinterest or similar account filled with your favorite images as you find them. Keep the board secret if you don't want to share your writing inspiration.

Step 3 Listen to other people.

Writing as a Hobby

Step 1 Decide what sort of writing you're keen to do.

  • Set aside time-slots during your week just for writing. Keep these times as much as possible, seeing them as important for your hobby.

Step 3 Write somewhere you feel comfortable.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Don't underestimate your imagination and the passion you have for writing. It is endless, even though sometimes it may not feel this way. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

creative writing hobbies

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  • ↑ https://www.theguardian.com/books/2011/nov/03/creative-writing-better-pen-longhand
  • ↑ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/8-steps-to-starting-a-wri_b_4724235
  • ↑ https://medium.com/every-30-days/how-to-develop-a-daily-writing-habit-475732c2b026
  • ↑ https://writingcooperative.com/how-to-just-write-c1e613f48171

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5 Steps On How To Start Writing (As A Hobby)

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If you’re looking for tips on how to start writing as a hobby, you’ve come to the right place.

Many of us feel pressured to start something and make money right away from it. 

Instead, we should start by making it a hobby, truly enjoy it, enhance the skill and then market it as a service. This is something I did for years. 

Writing has always been a hobby to me, it was also one of the hobbies that helped me with my mental health. 

Whether you’re trying to become a freelance writer or author, you first need to make writing a hobby you enjoy. So how do you start writing for fun? You’ll find out in this article!

Writing Tips

How to become a freelance writer with no experience (the guide i wish i had), freelance writing for beginners: no investment needed, is writing a hobby.

While some people might find writing a chore, some people actually enjoy it and do it for fun. Writing is a hobby to many.

There is no pressure to be a writer that monetizes their content. You can always be a writer just for the fun of it. 

5 Steps On How To Start Writing As A Hobby.

how to start writing as a hobby

Read More Books

As cliche as it sounds, if you want to start writing, you’ll need to read more books . This is because reading helps you understand how to string words. 

They also help you learn new words and strengthen your vocabulary.

If you want to write stories as a hobby, reading books can help you with your imagination, plot and character building. 

And if you want to write more poetry, reading other poet’s works may help inspire you.

Reading and writing definitely goes hand in hand. You won’t be able to avoid one or another.

Related Article: Reading More Than One Book At A Time: Pros and Cons To Weigh

Set A Time To Write 

If you want to start writing as a hobby, you’ll first have to make it a habit. Easiest way to make it a habit is to fit it into a routine. 

This is something I’ve learned from James Clear’s Atomic Habits book .

Set a designated time to write. For example, after you have your morning coffee, before doing any work at your job, take 15 minutes to journal. This is also called habit stacking (mentioned in Atomic Habits as a way to build multiple habits)

Related: 30 Note-Worthy Atomic Habits Quotes By James Clear

Try Different Types Of Writing 

There are many different ways to start writing as a hobby.

Here are some writing hobby examples:

  • Journaling (recording parts of your day in a journal, or writing about certain favourite things, feelings that arise, and more. There’s many ways to journal)
  • Blog Writing (you can start a blog as a hobby and later decide if you want to make money from it)
  • Social Media Content Writing (writing and posting for yourself on Instagram, Linkedin and other platforms to share your thoughts and experiences)
  • Story Telling (writing a short story or a novel just because you have an idea or imagination you want to bring to live)
  • Poetry Writing

There are many more types of writing you can explore when you first start treating writing as a hobby.

Take Writing Courses 

how to start writing as a hobby

Here me out, I’m not asking you to take courses to improve your writing and ultimately monetize your work. 

I am asking you to be open to the idea of learning how to write from experts. You don’t need to take a course to learn something and make a monetary return from it. 

You can do the course as it is, just take the knowledge and guidance from an expert to teach you how to write better because you simply enjoy writing!

Some writing courses that I’ve taken to improve my writing: 

  • Come Write With Us (this also comes with a facebook group, great support for writers)
  • Freelance Blogging Course
  • Writer’s Website In A Weekend

Join Writing Groups 

Joining writing groups or following writing blogs can help you with being accountable. 

You can meet writers of different backgrounds and interests which may help you grow as a writer.

Some writing groups to network with other writers:

  • Writers Helping Writers
  • Writers Group
  • Words Work Creative Writers
  • Southeast Asian Writers & Poets

There are many writer facebook groups. Just type in the word “writer (your country)” and you should find some writing groups based on your location.

Some of my favourite writing blogs:

  • Come Write With Us

Benefits Of Writing As A Hobby

Now that you know how to start writing as a hobby, let’s take a look at some of the benefits from writing for fun/yourself.

Expands Your Vocabulary

No matter what language you write in, writing helps improve your command of the language you’re writing in. 

Helps You Cope With Negative Feelings

Writing gives you the opportunity to look inwards. Journaling is a way to explore emotions within yourself that does not usually arise (or you suppress them due to painful events/not having time to acknowledge these emotions).

Helps With Living Intentionally

Writing can help you live life intentionally. Through your words written on a page, you may learn that you want to do more of something or less of something else. With this information, you can live a more meaningful life.

You Can Monetize Your Writing In The Future

While writing may just be a hobby you’re interested in starting or you’re someone who already regularly writes for the fun of it, you can monetize your writing skills in the long-run. 

Writing is a skill in demand for many different types of business. 

Digital marketing is soaring and content marketing is huge. Your writing that was once a hobby can be turned into a copywriting or content writing job . 

Besides, being an author or poet is also something you can consider if you love creative writing.

Writing Can Help You Make Better Decisions

Literally, about anything.

Writing down how you feel gives you a clearer insight of the situation. When you’re caught between two options, writing down a pros and cons list will help. 

This has always helped me make a satisfying decision

Final Thoughts On Writing As A Hobby

Writing is a hobby that has to be something you want to genuinely do. Not everyone can be a writer because not everyone WANTS to be a writer. 

As long as you want it, you can do it. 

No matter how good or poor your writing is, a hobby is a hobby and do not let the fear of not knowing if your work is good enough stop you from doing what you truly enjoy.

I hope this post has helped you understand on how to get into writing as a hobby!

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8 Creative Hobbies That’ll Ignite Your Writing Inspiration

Author: Rafal Reyzer

The engine that drives writers’ creativity is an inspiration. Many renowned novelists offer great creativity tips to young writers.

Still, there are times when writers become uninspired and go through a creative dry spell. Look into unique and diverse pastimes to reignite your enthusiasm and breathe new life into your writing. These seven creative hobbies will serve as unexpected sources of inspiration, helping you get past writer’s block and inject fresh ideas into your work.

“Create. Not for the money. Not for the fame. Not for the recognition. But for the pure joy of creating something and sharing it.” ― Ernest Barbaric

Here are the top creative hobbies that will inspire you to write more:

1. sketching and drawing: illustrating imagination.

Visual arts such as sketching and drawing can be a writer’s greatest ally. Even if you’re not a skilled artist, doodling or quickly sketching scenes can help you visualize characters, settings, and significant moments in your writing. Draw character profiles, map out the locations in your made-up world, and create visual storyboards for your story. Graphically depicting your concepts can highlight previously missed details in your narrative. Free up more time for your hobbies by hiring professional writers to help with your academic assignments. You should buy online assignment only from reliable writing services. Make sure you pick one with a proven track record in academic writing.

Bring Your Words to Life:

Today, take a moment to sketch one of your characters or a pivotal scene from your story. Allow your sketches to be rough and spontaneous. This process can unlock new insights into your narrative and might just reveal new story angles you hadn’t considered.

2. Photography: Capturing Moments in Words and Images

Writing and photography work particularly well together. Gazing through a camera sharpens your observational sense of detail about the outside world. Capturing emotions in a photograph and framing a shot are skills that translate easily into writing vivid descriptions. When you first start taking photos, the subtleties of people’s expressions will inspire you, the way light and shadow play together, and the unspoken stories that each image holds. Utilize your snapshots as inspiration for your writing.

Develop Your Narrative Eye:

Grab your camera or smartphone and set out to capture ten intriguing photos—anything from the mundane to the magnificent. For each image, craft a one-sentence story. This practice sharpens your ability to notice and articulate the intricate details that bring a story to life.

male photographer holding a camera

Becoming a keen observer of the world will let you spot nuances that will make all the difference in your writing.

3. Cooking: A Culinary Journey of Flavors and Narratives

In addition to preparing meals, cooking is a sensory experience that involves taste, smell, and touch. Writing unexpected turns to your stories and stimulating your creative thinking can come from experimenting with flavors and ingredients. Create fictional universes centered around exotic foods, endow characters with unique culinary skills, or use the act of cooking as a creative process metaphor. Writing with a culinary theme can transport readers to a world where the words taste as good as the food they describe.

Flavor Your Fiction:

Experiment with a new recipe or culinary technique. As you engage with the process, take note of the sensory experiences and imagine how they could translate into your storytelling. Perhaps the blend of spices can describe a character’s complexity or the layers of a cake could symbolize the unfolding of your plot.

4. Dance: Movement as a Metaphor for Expression

Dancing is an expressive art form that transcends all language barriers. Dance’s rhythmic steps, emotional expression, and fluidity of movement can all be powerful metaphors in writing. Explore the world of dance by attending events or learning a new technique. If you can capture the passion and intensity of dance, your scenes and characters will come to life. Describe the grace of a hip-hop dancer’s sway or a pirouette to convey emotions that words might not adequately convey.

Choreograph Your Characters:

Watch a dance performance—live or online—and observe the emotional storytelling through movement. Afterward, write a scene where actions speak louder than words, letting your characters’ movements reveal their innermost feelings.

5. Gardening: Cultivating Ideas and Characters

Developing creative ideas is akin to tending to a garden. Taking care of a garden provides a quiet, reflective space to reflect on your writing pursuits. Draw parallels between the growth of your story arcs or characters and the process of planting seeds and watching them sprout. Descriptive language can be inspired by the colors, scents, and textures of flowers, and the cycle of growth and decay in a garden can mirror the ebb and flow of your story.

Plant Seeds of Story:

Spend some time with plants, either in your garden or a community space. Reflect on how nurturing a plant is similar to developing a storyline or a character. Use these thoughts to cultivate a plot point or grow a character’s arc in your writing.

female gardener taking care of her plants in a greenhouse

Gardening will make you live longer and enjoy your life, but nature is also a great source of inspiration for creative pursuits.

6. Music: Harmonizing Words and Melodies

Music has the power to evoke emotions and transport listeners to new locations. Explore the emotional landscapes evoked by a variety of musical genres as a writer by getting lost in them. Write scenes that are inspired by the mood of a song, explore the past of a fictional musician, or use the structure of a symphony to determine how quickly your story progresses. Alternatively, think about creating some instrumentals or lyrics to go along with your writing. Adding music and lyrics to your storytelling can enhance it and provide your audience with a multi-sensory experience.

Compose Your Prose:

Create a soundtrack that reflects the tone of your work in progress. Let the music guide your writing session, and see how the rhythms and moods of the music translate into the rhythm and mood of your prose.

7. Traveling: Exploring New Horizons

Traveling affords access to a diverse array of experiences, landscapes, and cultures, regardless of the destination. It exposes you to narratives and points of view that can elevate your writing. To broaden your artistic perspectives, engage with individuals from varied backgrounds, sample novel cuisine, and gain knowledge about regional customs. Write travel blogs that incorporate the sights and sounds of the places you visit. Alternatively, use travel as a metaphor to symbolize your characters’ journeys, both inward and outward.

Journey Beyond the Page:

Embark on a real or virtual trip to a place you’ve never been. Take detailed notes about everything you see, hear, taste, and feel. Use these vivid details to add authenticity and depth to the settings and cultures in your writing.

beautiful landscape and a map and compass on a table

Can you feel that yearning for adventure? Let travels inspire you!

8. Board Gaming: Strategy and Storytelling

Invite friends for a board game night and choose games that involve storytelling or character development. Pay attention to the game mechanics and the narratives that unfold. After the game, write a short piece inspired by the strategies you employed or the characters you encountered. This can translate into more dynamic writing, as you think about character motivations and plot developments in your stories.

Unleash Creativity on the Board:

Organize a board game session focused on storytelling or role-playing games. As you play, take note of the characters’ backgrounds, the unfolding plot, and the strategic decisions that change the course of the game. Afterward, reflect on the experience and jot down any story ideas, character quirks, or themes that emerged. Use these notes to add depth and intrigue to your writing, or to break through any creative blocks with fresh, playful insights.

Final Thoughts

Don’t restrict your search for writing inspiration to traditional methods. Engaging in diverse artistic and creative pursuits can reinvigorate your work by incorporating novel perspectives and unexpected nuance. Whether viewed through the lens of a camera, the rhythm of dancing, or the flavors of a well-prepared dish, these hobbies offer a wealth of inspiration that is just waiting to be found. Take advantage of the opportunity to explore and create, and let your newly found passions inspire your writing. Next up, you may want to explore a guide book publishers for first time authors .

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Rafal Reyzer

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started RafalReyzer.com to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here , and don't miss out on my AI Marketing Mastery online course.

Timothy Ross

How to Get Into Writing as a Hobby: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Seated comfortably on the couch, the person earnestly learns how to get into writing as a hobby, a pencil poised in hand, and a notebook waiting eagerly to capture the blossoming ideas and dreams taking shape on its pages

Writing can be a fulfilling and enjoyable hobby for anyone who loves to express themselves through words. Whether you’re looking to write fiction or non-fiction or simply want to keep a journal, there are many ways how to get into writing as a hobby. Writing can help you to explore your thoughts and feelings, improve your communication skills, and even boost your creativity.

One of the best ways to get into writing is to start small. Begin by setting aside a few minutes each day to write about whatever comes to mind. This could be anything from a description of your surroundings to a story about your day. Don’t worry too much about grammar or spelling at this stage; the important thing is to get your ideas down on paper. Over time, you can gradually increase the amount of time you spend writing and start to experiment with different styles and formats.

Another great way to get into writing hobbies is to join a writing group or take a class. This can provide you with valuable feedback and support from other writers, as well as the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques. You can also find a wealth of writing resources online , including writing prompts, tutorials, and forums where you can connect with other writers. With a little time and effort, anyone can develop their writing skills and discover the joy of expressing themselves through words.

Understanding the Basics of Writing

In a notebook adorned with a bulb on the left side symbolizing the spark of creativity, lies a simple pencil, the quintessential tool embodying the basics of writing as a hobby.

Why Writing?

Writing is a powerful tool that can help people express themselves, communicate their thoughts and ideas, and connect with others. Writing can also be a great hobby that provides a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Whether someone wants to write for personal enjoyment or to share their work with others, writing as a hobby can be a fun and rewarding activity.

Types of Writing

There are many different types of writing that people can explore as a hobby. Some of the most common types of writing include:

  • Fiction: This type of writing involves creating stories and characters from the writer’s imagination.
  • Non-fiction: This type of writing involves writing about real people, events, and ideas.
  • Poetry: This type of writing involves creating poems that use language in creative and expressive ways.
  • Journaling: This type of writing involves keeping a personal diary or journal to record thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  • Blogging: This type of writing involves creating a blog and writing posts on a variety of topics.

Each of these types of writing offers its own unique challenges and rewards. It’s important for writers to explore different types of writing to find what they enjoy most.

In conclusion, understanding the basics of writing is an important first step for anyone looking to get into writing as a hobby. By exploring different types of writing and finding what they enjoy most, writers can begin to develop their skills and create work that is both enjoyable and rewarding.

Finding Your Writing Style

A stylish pen on the side of a note, with the word "Style" adorning the cover, inviting the writer to explore their unique voice and creative flair in their writing style.

Writing is a personal and creative process that requires finding your unique voice and style. Whether you are interested in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or journalism, there are several ways to explore different genres and identify your writing style.

Exploring Different Genres

One way to find your writing style is to explore different genres. Reading widely and analyzing the style and structure of different authors can help you understand what type of writing resonates with you. It can also help you identify the elements of different genres that you enjoy and want to incorporate into your own writing.

For example, if you are interested in writing fiction, you may want to read different genres, such as romance, mystery, or science fiction, to see which one you enjoy the most. If you are interested in writing non-fiction, you may want to read different types of books, such as memoirs, biographies, or self-help books, to see which one you connect with the most.

Identifying Your Unique Voice

Another way to find your writing style is to identify your unique voice. Your writing voice is the way you express yourself through your writing. It is a combination of your personality, experiences, and writing style.

To identify your unique voice, you can start by writing about topics that interest you and experimenting with different writing styles. You can also ask for feedback from others to see what they think of your writing style and what makes it unique.

Once you have identified your unique voice, you can focus on developing it further by practicing writing regularly, experimenting with different writing techniques, and being open to feedback and constructive criticism.

In conclusion, finding your writing style is an important part of developing your writing skills and becoming a successful writer. By exploring different genres and identifying your unique voice, you can develop a writing style that is authentic and engaging.

Setting Up a Writing as a Hobby Routine

A hand gracefully moves through the air, tracing visible lines and patterns, symbolizing the disciplined and consistent writing routines that weave the threads of creativity into tangible words and stories

Creating a Writing Schedule

To get into writing as a hobby, it’s important to establish a writing routine. This means setting aside time each day or week to dedicate to writing. Creating a writing schedule can help writers stay on track and make writing a regular habit.

When creating a writing schedule, it’s important to be realistic about the amount of time that can be dedicated to writing each day or week. Writers should consider their other commitments and responsibilities when determining how much time they can realistically dedicate to writing.

It’s also important to set specific goals for each writing session. This could include a word count, a specific scene or chapter to complete, or even just a set amount of time to write. By setting specific goals, writers can stay focused and motivated during their writing sessions.

Finding a Writing Space

Another important aspect of setting up a writing routine is finding a dedicated writing space. This could be a home office, a coffee shop, or even just a quiet corner of the house.

When choosing a writing space, it’s important to consider factors such as noise level, lighting, and comfort. Writers should choose a space where they feel comfortable and inspired to write.

It’s also important to eliminate distractions in the writing space. This could mean turning off the phone or the internet or using noise-canceling headphones to block out background noise.

By creating a dedicated writing space and schedule, writers can establish a regular writing routine and make writing a consistent part of their daily or weekly routine.

Improving Your Writing Skills

With each graceful stroke, the hand weaves the words "practice makes perfect" in the air, symbolizing the dedication and determination required to hone one's writing skills through continuous and deliberate practice

Reading as a Writer

One of the best ways to improve your writing skills is to read as a writer. This means that you should read with an eye for how the author uses language, structure, and other elements to create a compelling story or argument. When you read as a writer, you can learn a lot about how to structure your own writing, how to use language effectively, and how to create engaging characters or arguments.

To read as a writer, start by choosing books or articles that are similar to the type of writing you want to do. As you read, pay attention to the structure of the piece, the language the author uses, and how they develop their characters or arguments. Take notes on what you find effective and try to incorporate those techniques into your own writing.

Writing Exercises

Another way to improve your writing skills is to practice regularly. Writing exercises can help you develop your skills and build your confidence as a writer. Here are a few exercises to try:

  • Write a short story or scene using only dialogue
  • Write a story or scene using only action and no dialogue
  • Write a story or scene in which the main character is a different gender or age than you are
  • Write a story or scene in which the main character has a different occupation or background than you do

When you do writing exercises, try to focus on one or two specific skills you want to improve. For example, if you want to work on character development, try to create a complex, three-dimensional character in your exercise. If you want to work on dialogue, focus on making your characters’ conversations feel natural and realistic.

Remember, improving your writing skills takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself, and keep working at it. With dedication and effort, you can become a skilled and confident writer.

Sharing Your Work

With a mixture of excitement and vulnerability, the man shares his created writing with his fellow, his words pouring forth like a cascade of emotions, bridging the gap between their hearts and minds

Feedback and Critiques

Once you’ve written something, it’s natural to want to share it with others. Getting feedback and critiques can help you improve your writing skills and gain confidence in your work. Here are some ways to get feedback on your writing:

  • Join a writing group or workshop: These groups can provide a supportive environment where you can share your work and get feedback from other writers. Look for groups in your local community or writing groups online .
  • Share your work with friends and family: They can provide a fresh perspective and give you honest feedback.
  • Hire a professional editor: If you’re serious about improving your writing, consider hiring a professional editor to give you feedback on your work.

When receiving feedback, it’s important to keep an open mind and be receptive to constructive criticism. Remember that everyone has different opinions and preferences, and not all feedback will be helpful. Take what resonates with you and use it to improve your writing.

Publishing Options

If you’re interested in sharing your writing with a wider audience, there are many publishing options available:

  • Self-publishing: With the rise of digital publishing platforms, it’s easier than ever to self-publish your work. You can publish your work as an e-book or print-on-demand book.
  • Traditional publishing: This route involves submitting your work to a publishing house or literary agent. If accepted, your work will be published by a traditional publishing house.
  • Online publishing: There are many websites and blogs that accept submissions from writers. This can be a great way to get your work in front of a wider audience.

When deciding on a publishing option, consider your goals and the type of writing you’re doing. Each option has its own pros and cons, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Staying Motivated

In the comfort of her writing space, the woman eagerly engages in a video call with her online writing group, the virtual gathering uniting passionate minds across screens, fostering inspiration, and kindling the flames of creativity

When it comes to writing as a hobby, staying motivated can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help keep the creative juices flowing.

Dealing with Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is a common obstacle for many writers, but there are ways to overcome it. One approach is to take a break and do something else for a while. This could be as simple as going for a walk, listening to music, or reading a book. Sometimes, taking a break from writing can help clear the mind and provide fresh inspiration.

Another strategy is to set small writing goals. This could be writing for a certain amount of time each day or aiming to write a certain number of words per session. Breaking down the writing process into smaller, more manageable tasks can help make it feel less overwhelming.

Joining a Writing Community

Joining a writing community can be a great way to stay motivated. This could be a local writing group, an online forum, or a social media group. Being part of a community of writers can provide support, encouragement, and valuable feedback on your work.

In addition to joining a writing community, it’s also important to read widely and learn from other writers. Reading books, articles, and blogs on writing can help improve your craft and provide new ideas and inspiration.

Overall, staying motivated as a writer requires discipline, creativity, and a willingness to try new things. By taking breaks when needed, setting small goals, and connecting with other writers, you can stay motivated and continue to grow as a writer.

In conclusion, for aspiring writers who want to get Into writing as a hobby, understanding the basics of writing opens up a world of creative expression and self-discovery. By exploring different genres, finding your unique voice, and establishing a writing routine with a dedicated schedule and space, you can enhance your writing skills and stay motivated on your writing journey. Remember to seek feedback, participate in writing exercises, and engage with a writing community to grow as a writer and overcome challenges like writer’s block.

With perseverance and a passion for storytelling, you can find fulfillment in sharing your work and exploring various publishing options to reach a broader audience. Embrace the joy of writing as a hobby for the long term that enriches your life and touches the lives of others through the power of words.

The images used came from Canva.com

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My name is Timothy, I am a professional Illustrator and real estate photographer. I create content for anyone who wants to learn more about being an artist or photographer.

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40 Creative Hobbies for Adults

Feeling bored? Check out this list of 40 creative hobbies you can start that are guaranteed to chase away boredom.

If you find yourself with a lot of extra free time, you may be wondering just how you should spend it. While Netflix and chill seem like a good idea for a while, you may want to find something more productive to do with your time.

Thankfully, there are many creative hobbies you can tap into to put your free time to good use. Many of these hobbies are hard work, but they end up creating beautiful art and practical items you can use in your daily life. Sometimes, there are even markets where you can sell the result of your creativity so that you can make money on your hobby.

If you are ready to embrace your hobby time and do something relaxing, creative, and potentially beneficial, here is a list of hobbies to consider.

40 Creative Hobbies to Consider for Your Free Time

1. crocheting, 2. scrapbooking, 3. cross stitching, 4. woodworking, 5. bullet journaling, 6. calligraphy, 7. flower arranging, 10. sculpting, 11. quilting, 12. candle making, 13. doodling, 14. painting, 15. soap making, 16. podcasting, 17. adult coloring books, 18. ceramics and pottery, 19. creative writing, 20. flower pressing, 21. graphic design, 22. upcycling, 23. art journaling, 24. card making, 25. dollhouses, 26. needle felting, 27. paper quilling, 28. foil embossing art, 29. decoupage, 30. origami , 31. fairy gardens, 32. cake decorating, 33. knitting, 34. glass etching, 35. photography, 36. dancing, 37. worldbuilding, 38. screen printing, 39. pyrography, 40. bonsai trees, why are outdoor hobbies more creative, are creative hobbies important.

Creative hobbies for adults

Crocheting everything from blankets to beanie hats can be a rewarding way to spend some free time. Crocheting uses a single needle with a hook at the end to create loops and stitches. Sites like Etsy give creative types a great place to sell their crochet creations. Local craft shows are always a good option too. This particular hobby has a large following if you can get good at it.

Scrapbooking gives you the chance to put paper crafting and journaling to work to preserve your memories. You can create beautiful books of the photographs and memorabilia you have taken or gathered for yourself or your family. 

This fun hobby has the benefit of archiving your memories for the future. If you’re going to explore scrapbooking, start saving memorabilia, like ticket stubs and brochures from places you go, so that you can compile those into scrapbooks.

Cross stitching involves following a pattern to make a picture predominantly using x-shaped stitches. Beginners can purchase cross-stitch patterns and kits online, while those with a deeper artistic flair and skill level can design their own. 

This type of needlework can be pretty relaxing, and in the end, you get your own beautiful piece of art to display in your home.


Woodworking includes everything from wood carving to building larger wooden constructions, such as furniture in a workshop. This art form has many practical uses because the items you create can be furniture or home decor items. 

It can also give you some physical activity because many types of woodworking are physically demanding. To embrace woodworking as your hobby, start simple and gradually get more complex with the items you create.

Bullet journaling is a form of journaling that uses small dotted lines to organize your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities. In addition, you can use bullet journaling to track other aspects of life, like your mood or even your food and water intake. 

This form of journaling is popular because it does not require you to write in full sentences but instead gives you a place to jot down ideas as quickly as possible. In addition, many people who do bullet journaling will embellish their journal(s) with decorative elements. 


The  art of calligraphy , drawing beautiful words using artistic pen strokes, is alive and well. All you need to get started is some calligraphy pens, paper, and a little bit of instruction. 

Calligraphy sees handwriting as art, and you can develop a very personal style as you learn to embellish your handwriting with this artistic technique. You can create beautiful lettering if you learn this hand lettering skill.

If you have ever purchased a bouquet of flowers, you know that there is more to flowers than simply cutting them and putting them in a vase. 

Beautiful arrangements take a skilled eye. You can learn flower arranging for yourself and enjoy creating floral works of art to display in your home.

Sewing allows you to make and mend clothes and decorative home items. You will also find that your skills as a tailor can be in high demand. 

Once you learn the basics of sewing, you can become quite creative with this art, crafting everything from clothing to stuffed toys. If you enjoy creating attractive things to wear and display, consider teaching yourself how to sew.

Working with clay to create a cute or beautiful sculpture can be a very relaxing hobby. You might be surprised at how easy it is to create clay sculptures with the right tools. 

You can also sculpt with stone and metal if you prefer, and you may find that you enjoy the variety of working with multiple mediums. You can even create colorful sculptures with simple polymer clay. 

The art of quilting is getting renewed interest. To quilt, you will sew layers of fabric together to create blankets. The quilt patterns are true works of art, and you will find a large world of dedicated quilters exists that you can enter into if you learn this skill as your new hobby.

Today’s quilters may practice their art by hand, or they may quilt using a machine. Either way, the finished blankets are works of love.

Do you love the look and smell of a burning candle? Learning to make them yourself, using high-quality ingredients, can be a great hobby. 

There is quite a bit to learn with this hobby, so take some time to study some tutorials about the process to determine the best techniques to use.

Surprisingly, doodling isn’t just something to do in class when you’re bored as a student. There are classes out there about doodling, and it is turning into an art form. 

Once you get skilled with doodling, you can start creating art, like comic books, that is a little more detailed. If you love to doodle, consider learning more about basic drawing skills to turn this into your new hobby.

Painting is one of the most popular creative hobbies. You can tap your creative side by learning watercolor, acrylic, or oil painting, or you can mix media to combine these into one artistic piece. Visit YouTube to see painting tutorials, and you may find that it’s easier than you think to create art with paint. 

You can even dip your hands into abstract painting techniques like pour painting that do not require classical drawing or painting skills but that do create beautiful, colorful pieces of art. 

Many commercial soaps are full of chemicals that can damage the skin, but soap making lets you create soap while controlling everything that goes into it. Y

You can experiment with different color patterns, smells, moisturizers, and more. The soap-making world has many different ways to create soap, so your opportunities for creativity are endless.

Do you have something you would like to share with the world? Podcasting gives you a platform to do it. With a little bit of recording and computer equipment, you can share your passions and ideas with the world. Just make sure you have a high-quality microphone before you launch your podcast. 

Not all creative hobbies require you to learn a new skill. You can embrace adult coloring books and simply sit back and color. You’ll find this to be quite a relaxing hobby.

You can learn about color theory and apply that to add some creativity to your coloring. Still, overall there aren’t any unique skills you need to explore this hobby idea that you didn’t already learn in preschool.

Whether you create an urn on a pottery wheel or fire some ceramics you formed in a mold, you might find this hobby to be an interesting one. 

Consider investing in the equipment to have at home if you are going to sell your finished pieces or join a class at a local pottery or ceramics studio. Either way, you can create interesting three-dimensional pieces, and then once they are complete, you can paint them to make them even more personal.

Putting ideas on paper is a great hobby, and many creative writers have gone on to publish their works and turn them into income. Even if your poems, stories, or books never see the light of day, this can be a great creative outlet. Exploring creative writing is also good for your mental health, giving you a place to express your emotions. 

While flower arranging can be relaxing, the downside is that fresh flowers will eventually wilt. Instead, consider preserving them longer by learning flower pressing or even learning flower pressing to preserve the arrangements after they are done. 

Pressed flowers can decorate everything from greeting cards to indoor artwork once you learn how to preserve blooms in this way. They also look great on canvases hung up in your home.

If your idea of relaxing downtime is spending time working on the computer, consider learning graphic design. You can create many different types and styles of images with Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Graphic design is one hobby that can quickly become an income stream, as people always need skilled graphic designers to help them create everything from logos to infographics. 

Upcycling involves taking old, unwanted items and transforming them into useful or more beautiful things to use around your home. When you upcycle an item, you don’t just re-use it. You actually take it to the next level to make it better and more valuable. This is a great creative outlet that comes with money-making potential.

Art journaling  combines journaling with doodling. In addition to writing down your ideas, feelings, and experiences, you add beautiful artwork around the letters to make the journal more visually engaging. 

Art journaling is a creative outlet and a way for you to protect your mental health with a safe place to express emotions.

Making your own greeting cards gives you the chance to put paper crafting, rubber-stamping, and designing to work in one place. Once you get good at card making, you’ll always have the perfect greeting when someone needs a pick-me-up or has a birthday.

Hand-made greeting cards make great gift ideas, too, because you can give beautiful cards to people that they can then use when special occasions arise. 

Decorating dollhouses is not just for kids. In fact, if you enjoy home decor but don’t have a large home to decorate, you can turn that passion into decorating a model home. Dollhouse decorating does not have to include dolls, but it does give you a place to show off your decorating skills on a miniature scale.

If you don’t have space for an actual dollhouse, you can decorate scale model rooms, like miniature living rooms or kitchens. 

Needle felting crafts give you the chance to stiffen and shape wool into a unique form by stabbing it with a needle. You can create realistic-looking fur to create stuffed animal figures using this technique. 

This particular creative hobby idea doesn’t require a lot of materials to start, and the resulting finished products are quite visually appealing. They also make great gifts.

Paper quilling, also known as filigree, uses rolled strips of paper glued to a surface to create three-dimensional art. 

Though this might sound like a child’s craft project, in reality, these artistic pieces are often quite intricate, giving you a great outlet for your creativity. You can start simple, then add intricate designs as you learn the craft.

Foil art allows you to create lettering and images using shiny gold or silver film. This technique is actually something you can learn to do at home to add interest to greeting cards, posters, and more.

You can purchase metallic foil sheets and card stock, then use an inkjet printer to transfer the foil onto the cardstock. It sounds technical, but it can be easy to learn with the right tools.

Decoupage lets you add colorful, decorative paper on an object using Mod Podge or a similar clear adhesive. This can turn simple frames or decorative items into colorful pieces of art. 

Be careful with this hobby, though. Once you learn it, you might be tempted to decoupage everything.


The Japanese art of paper folding continues to be a hobby people enjoy today. You can find simple patterns online and work your way up to more complex origami figures. 

The best part about this hobby is the only supplies you need are paper and some good tutorials, which you can easily find online. The better you get at it, the more impressive your creations will look to others.

Fairy garden creation combines horticulture with miniature decorations to create a whimsical design that makes you think of tiny fairies coming to your home. 

You can get quite creative decorating a planter or terrarium with plants and ornaments. Then, once you’re done, you can proudly display your creation in your home and hope for some of the wee folk to inhabit it.

Cake and cookie decorating is quite a creative art. There are many different techniques and strategies for decorating baked goods, and people will pay good money for beautiful cakes. 

Seeing how far you can stretch your creativity is definitely the fun part of this hobby. You can also enjoy a sweet treat after learning these techniques, and that is like the icing on the cake. 

Knitting is similar to crochet in that it uses yarn to make everything from hats to scarves. However, you use two needles to create various stitches when you knit. 

Quite a few creative stitching techniques can give your finished pieces some character, especially when combined with colorful or particularly thick yarns.

Glass etching creates exciting designs on the surface of a glass object. While once this was somewhat delicate work, requiring precision to etch the glass, today, etching cream and stencils make it simple. Just put the stencil on the glass, apply the etching cream, and let it do its job. 

You can etch dates onto glasses to give as gifts for anniversaries, etch glass vases to serve as decorative items, or etch ornaments to decorate for your favorite holiday.


If you are looking for a creative hobby that will get you out of the house, photography fits the bill nicely. Today you can start capturing images with nothing more than a cell phone that has a decent camera, or you could invest in high-quality photographic equipment. 

Photography extends its creativity to the computer after you’re done taking images. You can use photo editing software, like Photoshop, to manipulate the images and personalize them. In addition, stock image sites make it possible to sell photographs if you want to make some money off of your hobby.

Dancing is a creative outlet that allows you to be physically active. You can learn different dance styles by taking a dance class, or you can go online to teach yourself. 

Dancing is also a hobby that can help you make some social connections because you can attend dance parties or other dance events. Once you get good at one style, consider branching out and learning a different one.

Worldbuilding involves creating a fictional world or universe. This is something many fantasy authors must get good at. While it might sound simple, when you stop and think about all of the elements of society, including rules, language, and culture, you realize that it’s a complex task that can keep you creating for a long time. 

Write down the world you create, then consider how you can use it in writing or videography in the future.

Screen printing involves transferring ink onto a surface, often fabric, to make a shirt or other wearable item. To get started with this hobby, you will need the item you will print on, photo emulsion, screen printing ink, a squeegee, a glass, and a light. 

As you get better at screen printing, you may find yourself wanting to screen print everything. Invest in quality equipment, and consider selling shirts after learning the craft.

Pyrography is a specialized type of woodworking that involves burning designs onto a piece of wood. You can use a specialized pen to do this, and the temperature and time you apply the heat to the wood make different depths and colors. 

You can get some fascinating designs with this technique to create beautiful art for your home.

Bonsai Trees

Bonsai  is another Japanese art form that makes a great hobby. For example, you can use bonsai techniques to cultivate small trees that look like full-sized trees but in a miniature package. 

Bonsai does take time, dedication, and patience, but the resulting art is stunning if you are willing to put in the effort. Once you learn the techniques, you will become part of a growing community of enthusiasts who love this art form.

FAQs About Creative Hobbies

Outdoor hobbies give a significant opportunity to explore and discover new places and ideas. Particularly for children, outdoor pursuits encourage young learners to meet other children, and engage in challenges and activities they wouldn’t find at home. This goes hand in hand with the benefits of exercise and vitamin D from the Sun, which is also known to improve people’s moods.

Creative hobbies have been linked to improved mental and physical health benefits. For example, a rather undemanding hobby such as cross stitching is still a focused activity, but one that can reduce stress levels, while also challenging your brain and helping it to stay active. Equally, creative hobbies are a healthy outlet for self-expression and confidence building.

creative writing hobbies

Nicole Harms has been writing professionally since 2006. She specializes in education content and real estate writing but enjoys a wide gamut of topics. Her goal is to connect with the reader in an engaging, but informative way. Her work has been featured on USA Today, and she ghostwrites for many high-profile companies. As a former teacher, she is passionate about both research and grammar, giving her clients the quality they demand in today's online marketing world.

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Develop Good Habits

21 Creative Hobbies to Make Something Great

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I recently finished watching Maniac on Netflix and I was left wondering how in the world people come up with this stuff. 

Movie plots with twists and turns and television series that clearly have so much research behind them in addition to someone’s incredible imagination–it’s mind blowing. 

When it comes to creativity–whether it’s creative writing or doing some type of art– I suck. I actually suck. I do not consider myself to be creative even kinda sorta. 

But, it turns out we all have some type of creativity inside of us, and it’s actually a really important component to our development, as it encompasses doing things that are both meaningful and fulfilling.

In this article, we are going to look at 21 examples of creative hobbies that you can pick up to make something great. But first, let’s look a bit deeper into what creativity is and why it is so beneficial to our lives.

Table of Contents

What Does It Mean to Be Creative?

When we think about being “creative,” we often think about making art of some kind or coming up with something that has never been done before–writing a story, designing choreography, etc.

But creativity is so much more than that. It’s about doing things that couple invention with logic to make something meaningful.

This could mean inputting information into a spreadsheet or making a code for a computer program. The root of the word literally means to make something grow , so the opportunities for being creative are limitless.

Some of the results of creativity in this world are actually some of the most significant advancements of civilization, such as the invention of the wheel and the creation of our modern-day language. 

Creativity is what leads to innovation. Without it, you wouldn’t have the computer or smartphone that you’re using right now or really any other modern-day conveniences that have had a significant impact on how we function as a society today. 

But let’s back up for a second because creativity doesn’t always have to be something earth-shattering. We are creative as soon as we’re born–as infants, we find new ways to navigate through life and around obstacles and use our experiences as opportunities to learn.

Our creative minds expand our knowledge and give us new ways to solve problems, which is one of the reasons why being creative on a regular basis is so important. 

Secondly, as a leading theorist in happiness, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi explains that being creative is one of the principle sources of adding meaning to our lives because the things that we tend to find interesting and important are usually the result of someone’s creativity.

He further explains that when people engage in creativity, they feel a deeper sense of meaning than they do in everyday life and it can lead to a more fulfilling existence. 

So, without further ado, let’s look at some of the best hobbies to pick up if you want to boost your creativity or you need an outlet for inspiration. 

1. Write 

Whether you intend to publish a book or not, doing some creative writing is a great hobby to pick up because it lets you express your own perspective without any limitations.

You have an opportunity to explore topics and characters and create an entirely new work of fiction starting with a blank slate. Writing fiction allows you to discover and unveil any type of characters, settings, locations, and storylines you can imagine. 

While many question the benefits of creative writing, claiming it’s frivolous as it’s simply a matter of making up worlds and stories, there are actually a lot of benefits to having this hobby .

When you write, you’re stimulating your imagination and pushing your ideas outside of the box, allowing you to refocus your energy from your everyday life and become a better problem-solver as you learn to think in alternative ways.

Whether you’re a chemist or a salesman, creative writing will give you the creativity boost you need to think in innovative ways and push your current boundaries.

Resource : This book, The Emotional Craft of Fiction: How to Write the Story Beneath the Surface , will help you turn your story into a visceral and emotional experience for your readers.

As evidenced by an increase in pottery classes and the number of creations that people post on social media , pottery has become especially popular over the past few years.

One reason this may be true is because pottery is a hobby that is both creative and sustainable , which has become a hot topic in our wasteful era. Doing pottery requires concentration, accuracy, and patience, as one wrong move could ruin your work, bringing you back to step one.

But doing pottery forces you to be creative as you shape your ceramic in a unique way, and even more so once it’s time to paint your creation.

Working on pottery requires you to focus solely on your creation and your next move, and ends with a tangible item that can be functional in your life–such as a vase or a bowl. The creativity options are limitless.

Resource : Here are the best places to take ceramics classes around the U.S.

3. Collage Art

Do you ever feel like your art isn't quite as engaging or unique as you want? Sometimes you need to take a break to explore alternative methods of art that could potentially inspire ideas for new work, and one way to get your creative wheels into gear is to create a collage. 

This method of art is one of the easiest and most approachable ways to boost your imagination, whether you’re experiencing a creative block, want to explore something new, or you just want some innovative ideas for a piece you already have in mind.  

The history of collages may be inspiring in itself, as collages were originally made famous in the early 1900s by artists such as Pablo Picasso, who started to glue bits of paper and other items on his paintings.

This movement changed the course of abstract art by coupling real-world materials with traditional art, which welcomed any onlookers to come to their own conclusions about the meaning of the piece. 

Making collages allows for an astounding range of creativity because you can use a variety of mediums and materials. Plus, one of the really good things about making a collage is that you probably have everything you need already at home, so you may not need to buy a thing. 

Just grab some paper and some type of adhesive and gather materials to create a piece of art on a flat surface. Some items that people commonly use are:

  • Pictures from magazines
  • Photographs
  • Newspaper cut-outs
  • Pages from a book
  • Old tickets to movies or plane tickets
  • Embellishments like glitter, painting, or stickers 

Making collages is inexpensive and usually leads to a positive result that you can use to progress your artistic talent. You’ve created this unique and expressive piece of art based on your own ideas and the connections that you’ve made in your mind, which no one has come up with before. 

Resource : Here is an instructional YouTube video on how to make a collage. 

Think of the endless things you can do with your voice and the type of creativity you can use to either put your own spin on an existing song or even write a song yourself.

Even if you don’t feel like you’re necessarily the best singer ( you can learn how, though ), singing gives you an opportunity to really express yourself in a very unique way.

You can express all your emotions in the moment by freely singing. This allows you to use your creativity to naturally express anything you want.

And, whether or not you choose to perform, singing will give you an opportunity to connect with the meaning of the lyrics, in addition to the character that’s exemplified within the song.

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 As a singer, you can take on the persona of the music and consider the emotions behind the piece. Doing this gives you a unique insight into how other people may have viewed the world at the time of writing the song, which is a valuable element of creativity.

Resource : Here is the complete guide to singing better . 

5. Bullet Journaling

If you’re interested in bullet journaling , you’ve probably checked out some of the amazing creations people have come up with on Pinteres t. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this trend, bullet journaling is a method of personal organization that helps you keep your schedule, to-do list, ideas, goals, and other organizational notes all in one place.

This personally customizable planner helps you stay organized and boosts your creativity at the same time.

There is absolutely no right or wrong way to create a bullet journal , but no matter what, it can be home to all of your ideas and start you on a creative path that you can continue to expand upon as frequently as you want.

You can watch your ideas evolve over time–and if you notice something starting to go in a direction you don’t like, you can always back up a bit.

People often make their bullet journals creative and personal by practicing different hand lettering styles by “drawing” letters rather than just writing them.

This doesn’t mean that you need to be an expert in calligraphy, but focusing on the curves and lines of letters and how they work together to create a visual word is a type of art that many bullet journalers really enjoy doing.

As the pages of your bullet journal begin to fill up, you’ll notice your progress on your goals and you’ll have a collection of inspiration through the sketches and ideas you’ve written down.

Bullet journaling not only offers an immediate creative outlet, it also encourages long-term creative thinking. All you need to get started is a notebook and some colored writing implements!

Resource : Here are some suggestions for the best bullet journals on the market today , and here is a list of supplies you may want to consider having on hand.

If writing is not your thing, the video below profiles the 9 best gratitude apps that help with a gratitude journaling practice.

6. Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a popular hobby for creative adults, as it’s a fun and crafty way to keep a tangible collection of your memories with photos, ticket stubs, and other meaningful memorabilia. 

And, aside from giving you a creative outlet, it will also let you tidy up some of those drawers where you’ve stashed away things that you don’t want to get rid of but don’t really have a place for.

The process of scrapbooking will allow you to reflect on your past and feel thankful for your positive experiences. Taking the time to put your memories together in a creative way will give you a chance to relive those happy emotions as well.

Scrapbooking is dually beneficial as you get to be creative while also making some meaningful family albums to be admired for generations to come.  

Resource : Check out this beginner’s scrapbooking tutorial .

7. Draw In an Adult Coloring Book

Not only is drawing in these coloring books cathartic , it also gives you an opportunity to be creative with a bit of a guide. Choosing your colors and seeing your pictures come to life is a great way to focus while also expressing your creativity. 

Working through a coloring book lets you express yourself in a unique way because you can experiment all you want, which will give you a healthy mental boost.

As you may imagine, looking at different colors activates your brain in a variety of ways. In fact, studies have specifically shown that looking at green and blue both have significant impacts on boosting creativity and encouraging new perspectives. 

Resource: Here are some suggestions for some great coloring books .

8. Woodworking

Woodworking is a great creative hobby because it lets you design something that you can actually use–and you could even make some money on the side with this hobby. A few years ago, I designed my own dining room table and then had it made by a woodworker–and as it turned out, he told me he makes a lot of furniture for the restaurants around town and makes a very good living off of it. 

Creative hobbies that make money | best Creative hobbies | Creative hobbies for men

Of course, this could also be a “once in a while” hobby or something that you want to learn how to do to create one big piece for yourself. While you’re being creative in the woodworking process, you’re also able to put aside anything that’s on in your mind and focus solely on the craft at hand.

And this isn’t just because you don’t want to lose a finger–it’s also so you don’t make a mistake that sets you back to the beginning. Woodworking forces you to take your time and concentrate. 

If you do decide to sell some of your work, it will be rewarding to know that someone else respects your craft so much that they want to put it in their home. Furthermore, if people come to you with specific ideas in mind that you haven’t done before, it may spark your creativity even more. 

Resource : Here is YouTube’s total beginner’s guide to woodworking . 

9. Play Dungeons & Dragons

This multiplayer role-playing game puts your imagination to good use. If you’ve never played before, this video explains the rules of the game. 

If you’ve ever enjoyed getting lost in a book or watching a great movie, you’ve probably been able to become so entrenched in someone else's story that it actually makes you feel something. 

The thing with Dungeons and Dragons though is that you’re playing out your own story. You create your character and you’re in charge of what you look like, what your history is, how you act, and everything else about yourself. 

You let your story play out through the game, explaining both why and how things happen in your character’s life, which permits you to be whomever or whatever you want. D&D only involves your creative mind (and the minds of the other players) to make decisions and improv your way through a story.

Unlike in video games, the graphics here exist only in your imagination–and everyone at the table may be imagining the story differently. Because of this, the game will never become outdated like the graphics of other games can.

The possibilities are endless and your creativity is what makes this game interesting–and for many people, quite addicting. 

Resource : If you want, you can start by playing D&D online . 

10. Knitting

Knitting is one of the coziest indoor hobbies you can take up . Not only does knitting invite creativity, it can also be very relaxing. Use your artistry to select various colors and types of yarn to design and create clothing, blankets, gifts, and more.

There are a ton of benefits to knitting aside from just being able to design your own clothes, including:

  • You can knit on-the-go on your own terms– and you can knit while doing other things (like watching television or talking on the phone).
  • Knitting encourages mindful meditation because it’s relaxing and keeps you centered due to its repetitive rhythmic movements. This can help reduce stress and symptoms of depression, which can lead to a strengthened immune system. 
  • It can help improve your memory. Studies have shown that the horizontal eye movement that you do as you’re knitting increases the communication between the  hemispheres of your brain, which is important for the retrieval of certain memories.
  • You can go beyond just making clothes and create wall art.
  • You can create meaningful gifts.
  • You could start a business selling your knitted items on Etsy .

Plus, the process can be exciting as you explore the possibilities of what you can create using only your hands. Look through knitting materials to find what colors or styles interest or inspire you, and gather your vision from your unique lifestyle, focusing on things that excite you and make you happy. 

As you gain experience with the various types of yarns and fibers you can use, you will become more attuned to your own knitting creativity. 

Resource : Here is a New York Times article on how to start knitting and learn to love it.

creative hobbies to make | Screen Printing | Creative hobbies to do at home

11. Screen Printing

Digital technology has revolutionized graphic art with new techniques that enhance creativity in ways people probably never imagined possible. But despite the influence that digital technology has on today’s graphic design, we shouldn’t forget the traditional process of screen printing.

While new approaches to printing continue to emerge, screen printing is still among the most reliable methods and practicing it as a creative hobby has several advantages. 

Screen printing results in unique creations when compared to digital printing because the ink is deeply absorbed, making it both long-lasting and vibrant in color. In the process of screen printing, a mesh material is tightly stretched over a frame where ink is then rolled over a design and set aside to dry.

You can be creative in choosing your materials and colors to create whatever type of project you want. 

This technique is versatile in that you can use a wide variety of materials (such as fabric, glass, vinyl, foam board, metal, etc.) to decorate all types of projects like posters, t-shirts, mugs, and banners. The ink is durable, so anything that you create can last for several years without fading. 

Resource : Here is a YouTube video on the basics of screen printing.

12. Create a Vision Board

If you really want to let your creativity soar, making a vision board is the perfect hobby to pick up. Not only does this let you express your artistic creativity, it also lets you be creative when thinking about your future . 

When you’re designing your vision board, you’re creating your life using whatever materials you want, from markers and magazine cut-outs to glitter and stickers. You can follow a template or just do whatever feels right for you. There is no right or wrong way to create a vision board.

Plus, your vision board can (and should ) be an ongoing project. As your life progresses and your dreams for the future change, you can add to your board or start from scratch. This gives you room for limitless creativity.

Resource : If you want less mess, you can create a vision board online .

13. Create a Blog

Creating a blog can give you an ultimate creative outlet because it’s a true source of self-expression . Whatever you choose to write about on your blog directly reflects your thoughts and represents you as an individual.

You can focus your blog on whatever you want, whether it’s meant to teach other people about something that you’re passionate about or you want to use it as a platform to inspire people.

You can build your site from scratch and it will always be a work in progress. Your blog will give you endless opportunities to express your creativity through your content–but as a blogger, you’re also a photographer, innovator, and graphic designer.

You have to continuously come up with creative ideas for posts, take any relevant pictures that you want to add to your text, design graphics, and come up with methods of promoting your blog in order to gather a following.

And–another important part–you have to come up with a creative and memorable logo to make your blog stand out.

Resource : Here is a six-step guide to starting your blog . 

14. Scale Modeling

If you are detail-oriented, meticulous, and creative, this might be a great hobby for you. Scale modeling involves constructing a replica of an object or scene on a very small scale, such as a dollhouse, model trains, or Christmas villages.

People who have adopted this craft have really created a community around it, regardless of their personal appeal to the miniature world. There are many who simply have a passion for design, but don’t want to always have to make the real-life commitment.

Yet others enjoy the immediate gratification of creating an entire DIY house. Some even find the most satisfaction in the collection aspect and finding unique items to add to whatever type of model they’re making.

To understand this hobby a bit better, check out this blog , created by Christine Ferrara, who has been featured in the New York Times and on Oprah.

Resource : Here are 350+ ideas for DIY dollhouses. 

15. Cake Decorating

Baking cakes is a creative hobby in itself, but adding in the decoration aspect brings it to a whole new level. Decorating cakes is imaginative, enjoyable, and it gives you the opportunity to share your creations with people by passing along something everyone loves–cake!

Also, since it’s often the centerpiece of parties, you can really make someone feel special by creating a cake that’s tailored to them in a specific way.

Creative hobby ideas | creative hobbies to start | Creative hobbies to do at home

There are several elements involved in decorating cakes, including tools, baking skills, and the ability to create edible decor and frosting to make the cake look memorable.

This hobby can also be considered a technical activity that is a good creative outlet, and many find it to be enjoyable. In fact, “edible arts” is the 2nd most popular hobby in the U.S. , with 34% of people saying this is a hobby they have had in the past year. 

With the availability of all types of cake decorating tools in stores and online such as pre-made decorations, turntables, piping kits, and molds–plus easy access to online tutorials, it’s easy to see why decorating cakes is a popular creative hobby.

Resource: Here is a beginner’s tutorial on YouTube to decorating a cake.  

This is a hobby you can take up alone or with a partner– or both! Find a local dance school or community center that offers lessons, or go online to either find a class or just watch some tutorials. You don’t have to end up on Dancing With the Stars , you just need to be comfortable enough to have fun doing it. 

Some people find physical movement to be the easiest way to express themselves, and if you’ve never tried to be creative in this way, you may realize that this has been the outlet that you’ve needed all along.

It involves less of a commitment than writing or some other hobbies and can inspire a new sense of creativity that you’ve never explored before.

Sometimes it can be difficult to get into a hobby like this without some prompting, so putting yourself on some type of schedule for practicing or even just regularly going out to a club where there is a lot of dancing can help you make this hobby into a regular activity that’s creative and healthy (because you will be getting some exercise). 

Resource : Here is a website that offers over 600 dance classes that you can do at home.

17. Grow a Flower Garden

By maintaining a flower garden, your yard can look like it's professionally tended to and you can have access to fresh flowers any time they’re in season.

Use your creativity (and some research) to design your garden so you have the right flowers in the right places for optimal growth and to create the design that you’re going for. 

Gardening is also a good form of exercise and it can be very rewarding as you watch your little buds bloom into colorful flowers. This is also a good activity that you can get your children involved with so they can get their creative juices flowing as well. 

Resource : Here are some flowers that are easy to grow and don’t need a whole lot of upkeep.

Which leads me to…

18. Flower Arranging 

Once your garden is in bloom, you should make good use of your flowers in addition to allowing them to light up your yard. Are there many things that could be more rewarding than clipping colorful flowers and unique foliages from your own yards to create a masterpiece?

Combining creativity with a love for nature, flower arranging is a calming and relaxing hobby that can help bring you closer to your natural environment.

By picking out complementing colors and shapes from your own yard, you can either create arrangements for your home or you can make flower arrangements for friends and family as gifts to brighten up their environments. 

Resource : Here is a crash course in flower arranging.

19. Photography

Photography gives you the ability to freeze time and make precious moments last forever. It also helps you take a creative look at the world around you to find small things that inspire you or things that you just find to be beautiful. 

Interesting hobbies | Is reading a creative hobby | Creative hobbies for men

As a photographer, you can always look for unique angles and creative ways to view your subjects. Plus, it’s a practical hobby in that you can get feedback right away by viewing your digital images and adjusting your shot as needed to capture that perfect image.

You can then share your photography with friends and family, whether it’s to detail a recent trip you went on or just to show some small things around the city that you’ve captured in unique ways. 

Resource : Here is a TED talk explaining how photography can be used to connect people. | Learn how to take good photographs.

20. Theater

Do you ever dream of being on stage?

It’s ok if the answer is a resounding no . 

Theatre has influenced many people's lives, allowing creativity to flourish and the development of a means of self-expression. While participating in theater, you can benefit not only by exploring your ability to act and perform, but also by getting rid of any preconceived notions or anxieties associated with performing for others. 

Theater can influence all aspects of your life by stimulating your creativity and thought processes, making you more aware of various issues, and empowering you to express yourself. You may need to get out of your comfort zone, but it will improve your self-confidence .

Finally, as you learn about theater, you will learn more about arts and culture, which will help bring out your creativity. 

Resource : Check out this video that explains how you can be a good theater actor.

21. Make Videos

Making videos has become very popular in our age of social media and easy access to smartphones. You can learn more about video production by taking an official class, but many choose to start by creating a YouTube channel or sharing video content online through social media. 

Use your creativity to come up with your content–whether you’re making more technical “how to” videos or you’re just being creative and silly in your videos for your followers. This is another thing that you can make completely unique and personal to your own interests and personality.

Resource : Here is a YouTube video on… making YouTube videos!

Final Thoughts on Creative Hobbies

There are a lot of benefits to taking up creative hobbies–and in fact, one study showed that 88% of people agree that completing a creative project brings them a sense of joy.

Any of the hobbies in this article can help you cope with stress, create more structure in your day, and help your creative juices flow better in other areas of your life.

Pick the most interesting option you see that fits in with your budget and the amount of time you have available to dedicate to your new venture. Then let your imagination go and start thinking outside of the box.

If you're looking for more hobby ideas, check out these blog posts:

  • 15 Productive Hobbies to Make You a Successful Person
  • 11 Best Hobbies for People with Anxiety to Relax
  • 51 Fun Hobbies and Activities for Seniors During Retirement
  • 55 Hobbies for Men of All Ages

creative writing hobbies

Connie Mathers is a professional editor and freelance writer. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and a Master’s Degree in Social Work. When she is not writing, Connie is either spending time with her daughter and two dogs, running, or working at her full-time job as a social worker in Richmond, VA.

creative hobbies to start | Is reading a creative hobby | Creative hobbies that make money

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121 creative hobbies to try in 2024, and how to get started

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Looking for ways to boost your creativity in the upcoming year? Taking up a creative hobby is an excellent way to do so! 

To help you out, we’ve put together this comprehensive list of creative hobbies with handy tips and resources, including illustrated tutorials and guides, to get you crafting away in 2024.

You can use the jump links below to skip to specific hobbies that tickle your fancy or browse through the entire list. Not sure where to begin? Check out the latest  Tiny Workshops interviews  with creatives around the globe for inspiration!

Note:  This list of creative hobbies and crafts is very long. Like, e-book long. Bookmark it if you’re short on time, and come back on a rainy day!

Affiliate disclosure: Articles on Tiny Workshops may contain affiliate links.

Master list of creative hobbies

Art creative hobbies

Is Posca paint safe on skin?

Let’s start with one of the most obvious categories of creative hobbies and crafts: art and painting.

There’s far more to it than just buying a pencil, acrylic paints, or a canvas and hoping for the best. You will, of course, have to learn about a chosen medium, but what we’re interested in is what you’ll actually be creating!

Check out our suggested illustration guides and tutorials to help you get started, including information on the best art pens and supplies, watercolor for beginners , where to learn basic techniques, and more.

1. Botanical illustration

Botanical painting closeup mug watercolors

Botanical illustration is the depiction of living plants through drawing, sketching, or watercoloring. This subject matter is not only an inspiring starting point to explore your inner artist, but it’s also a unique way to get in touch with nature through a different lens.

To begin learning right away, we’ve listed the best botanical illustration courses for beginners and up, including Botanical Sketchbooking and Botanical Illustration with Watercolors .

2. Architectural drawing

Counter Roman arch drawing watercolors

Architectural drawing is a form of illustration that requires both creativity and technique. This type of illustration focuses on visual representations of all architectural-related objects, no matter how big or small. If you have a passion for urban sketching, building design, and drawing, this creative hobby is right up your alley. It’s also ideal if you enjoy creating maps or 2D drawings.

Our favorite courses to start are Architectural Drawing: From Imagination to Conceptualization and Architectural Sketching with Watercolor and Ink . Your go-to materials here will be fineliner pens , although a light box may be useful for tracing.

For more useful resources, look into these guides and tutorials for illustration creative hobbies !

3. Urban sketching

Urban sketching is a creative way to capture stunning cityscapes and the places you love through illustration. No matter where you are, whether it’s your hometown, vacation abroad, or your favorite city, all you need are a couple of materials and a good spot to start registering exciting urban sceneries. Grab a set of graphite pencils and a sketchbook , and start exploring your city on paper!

To learn more, check out the following online classes: Urban Sketching: Express Your World in a New Perspective and Urban Sketching: Create Expressive Cityscapes .

4. Comic and manga illustration

Comic books and manga illustrations might seem like they’re just for kids, but this is far from the truth. This art form is all about illustrating graphic novel and comic book characters, whether hand-drawn or digitally, and continues to inspire generations of storytellers and illustrators with a passion for Japanese or Western comics around the world. There are plenty of visual narratives to explore here, from epic space adventures to simple slice-of-life comic strips!

You’ll want to start with some storyboarding classes to lay things out, plus a more focused course like Manga Comics for Beginners: From Concept to Creation .

5. Children’s book illustration

Illustrating for children’s books is a creative way to apply imagination and transform enticing narratives into beautiful images that bring extra joy to storytelling. If you’re already an illustrator but want to try something new (and for a new audience!), this is a fantastic creative hobby to put your skills and technique to the test.

Whether you prefer traditional drawing tools such as graphite and coloring pencils or love watercolors and digital art, illustrating for children’s books is a great way to challenge yourself to new styles and approaches as an illustrator.

Check out our favorite children’s book illustration classes to get started!

6. Digital art and design

Digital art is a versatile creative hobby that allows you to build illustration, 3D modeling, and animation software skills. Some of the most popular software for this art form are Procreate, Adobe Illustrator , Krita, Artweaver, and Affinity Photo — but many free and paid-for options are available. You can apply your original designs to all kinds of creative projects, including posters, stickers, patterns for apparel, postcards, storyboards, marketing ads, and art printables!

The best way to start is with an iPad for Procreate and a few Procreate classes ! You may also want a drawing glove to prevent accidental touches.

7. Figure drawing

Figure drawing or figure sketching is the art of capturing real-life forms and features of the human body with pen and paper alone. You’ll learn how to use the human body as a reference for creative works, which can support your drawing process for comic books, video games, and animation projects.

Check out our picks for the best figure drawing classes to get started!

8. Fashion illustration

If you’re someone who loves clothing and the world of fashion, fashion illustration is a creative pastime you should definitely check out. You’ll learn how to sketch garments from start to finish, pick up crucial design techniques, and expand your horizons on building clothes for a brand or personal project.

To get started, check out our favorite fashion illustration classes and fashion design classes online.

9. Mapmaking

Creating fantasy or real-life maps for a novel, scrapbook, or tabletop game is the perfect way to dive into your imagination and make impressive art pieces. Artists, fantasy fans, and history buffs will love the challenge of creating new worlds! This hobby is also a good suggestion if you are an urban or architectural sketcher exploring new approaches to your work.

There are a few good map illustration classes online, but our favorite is Illustrated Map Creation: Reflecting a City’s Essence on Domestika.

10. Doodling and zentangle

Looking for an artistic hobby that’s a bit more freeform? Consider doodling and zentangle art! Whether you like to sit around the house with a sketchpad or visit your local cafe for some lattes, doodling is ideal for amateur artists who seek relaxation through rule-free art — doodles can be quick, detailed, abstract, or realistic. Zentangle art may require a little more technique, but is just as fun and meditative!

11. Sticker making

The sticker-making trend is no longer stuck in the 80s! However, finding cool stickers can be somewhat hard. So, why not make them yourself? With just a few very affordable supplies and some imagination, you can take custom sticker making by storm! Great for retro-loving hobbyists and parents with young children, this is the ideal pastime to enjoy from home.

Check out The basics of Homemade stickers to learn more.

12. Coloring books (for adults)

Who said coloring books are just for kids? As an adult, you can enjoy coloring books just as much! There is a world of themed coloring books available for adults that are complex and super satisfying to complete. This hobby is a great way to relax and get creative without the pressure of creating original works or perfecting complicated techniques.

It can also serve as a gateway to more complicated artistic creative hobbies for those with no artistic background.

13. Paint by numbers

Paint by numbers takes the headache out of painting, offering easy, step-by-step instructions to create art in a carefree, fun way. You don’t have to be an experienced artist or craft connoisseur to create beautiful pieces of artwork — all you’ll need is a paint-by-numbers kit! This is a fun and cheap creative hobby for adults and children alike.

14. Diamond painting

Diamond painting is a popular and meditative craft that allows you to make stunning pieces of shimmery art designs. All you have to do is refer to an easy-to-follow color code and place tiny diamonds on your canvas accordingly! Buying a set of diamond painting tools or a complete kit is ideal if you’re just starting out.

Luckily, there is a large variety of themed diamond painting kits you can find, no matter your age or skill level. Learn more about essential diamond painting tools in our guide!

DIY creative hobbies and crafts

Papercraft projects acrilic paint patterned paper scissors figures

In the era of creative go-getters, social media, and YouTube tutorials, the DIY trend continues to skyrocket and has become a part of our lives in one way or another.

If you love to get hands-on with fun, low-cost materials to create or transform something into beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces, check out some of the best DIY creative hobbies for some inspiration below!

15. Soap making

Soap making

The techniques to make soap are as old as time. If you’re new to the craft, you’ll need to learn the correct steps and what supplies to use, but we reassure you soap making can be as simple as following a recipe! Melt-and-pour soaps are ideal for starters, but there is so much you can try out with just the basics: vegan ingredients, essential oils, unique molds, and more.

Grab a soap making kit for your first attempt, then see where things go from there!

16. Resin molding

This creative craft consists of molding objects of different dimensions and forms to make multiple identical copies of that object. Doing so opens up a world of creative possibilities, from custom jewelry-making to creating paperweights, coasters, buttons, and more — and all from the comfort of your craft station . As you start to finesse your creations, you can also transition into experimenting with epoxy coating, polymer clay, and even glow powder!

17. Button making

Also known as pin-back buttons or badges, there was a time when button-making was an iconic marketing and political campaigning tool. But today, it’s one of the most enjoyable hobbies curious crafters of all ages can explore — and on a low budget.

While this is something you can do with just a few tools, a simple manual button making machine will get you a very long way.

18. Candle making

Like soap making, candle making is a great creative hobby for adults and kids alike. To start, you’ll need wax (made from soybeans or beeswax) and wicks. From there, the sky’s the limit when it comes to shapes, colors, aromas, and designs! Try embedding beads into your candle for eye-catching patterns, add glitter on top for extra flair, and numerous other techniques to make them your own!

Start with a simple candle making class or soy candle making kit , then you’ll be ready for more complicated projects.

19. Basket weaving

Yet another age-old craft, basket weaving or basket making, remains popular because it’s simple, inexpensive, and easy to learn. You’ll need only a few basic supplies to get started — wood or willow branches (or even bamboo), string or twine, and pliers. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can make round, square, triangular, or rectangular shapes.

Check out our favorite basket weaving classes online to get started!

20. Terrazzo

Terrazzo combines mixed bits of marble, glass, quartz, or porcelain with concrete or epoxy resin. Recognizable for its confetti-like effect, this is a great way to indulge in eco-friendly art (these pieces usually go unused) while making all kinds of design pieces, including coasters, soaps, bookends, incense holders, jewelry, furniture — the list goes on!

21. Sand art bottles

Sand art is a popular creative hobby that involves layering various colors of sand to create intricate designs in a bottle. Although colored sand is available in most craft stores, there are a number of DIY hacks you can experiment with, such as using food coloring to tint salt for the same effect! You can also adapt this art form for young children by using safer tools and vessels such as plastic bottles.

22. String art

String art consists of wrapping thread around nails or pins to create colorful geometric shapes and designs. All you need is a piece of wood, nails, string, and creativity! One of the advantages of this craft is that it’s pretty inexpensive and allows you to experiment with a world of themes and forms. And when inspiration runs out, you can find loads of downloadable printable string patterns online!

23. Perler beads

Perler beads (also known as Hama or Nabbi beads) are tiny plastic beads used to create patterns and designs, whether in 2D or 3D. These color-coded beads are laid out on a plastic board according to a design outline (pre-made or customized) and eventually melted down with an iron, fusing all of the pieces into a single, cohesive item.

Once you get the hang of things, you will be fusing colorful Perler beads to create just about anything, from pixel art to movie scenes — the options are endless!

24. Seed beading

If you’re a sucker for jewelry-making and have been wanting to try something a little different, seed beading will give you the inspiration you need! This process involves stringing beads onto a thread or wire to create beautiful patterns.

Although commonly associated with jewelry, this is also the perfect hobby for weavers and embroiderers looking for new approaches to their art. If you want to take the craft further, you can also learn more by beading with a loom — a great tool to test your technique and design skills.

25. Wreath making

Wreath-making doesn’t have to be a seasonal pastime. It’s about celebrating beautiful materials and assembling them into handmade masterpieces for any occasion all year round! In fact, the criteria for wreath-making is pretty similar to floral design. Whether you want to use greenery, pinecones, dried flowers, paper cocktail umbrellas, seashells, or ribbons, there is a world of resources you can use.

Being a pretty easy craft to take on, the secret to wreath-making is perfecting and defining style and aesthetic. Try Wreath Creation with Dried Flowers on Domestika and see where it leads.

Industrial creative hobbies

Industrial woodworking workshop

The next section on our list of creative hobbies and crafts will require a bit more of an investment, relying heavily on using machinery, hand, and power tools to build eye-catching pieces for aesthetic or functional purposes. The recurring materials used for industrial art projects are wood and (or) metal.

Although the realm of industrial art may be perceived as overly challenging and unconventional at first, it encompasses some of the most rewarding types of creative work an artist can experience. Here are some great industrial creative hobbies to try.

26. Woodworking

Woodworking hobbies plane featured

Although somewhat intimidating at first, woodworking has a lot to offer for all skill levels. This craft involves making decorative and functional items from wood. While this hobby may require using more elaborate machinery at times, there are countless projects you can make with simple, hand-held tools. When starting, go for smaller projects like birdhouses or cutting boards, and before you know it, you’ll be transitioning into more complex creations like coffee tables, cabinets, and step stools!

Check out our favorite woodworking classes for beginners , and start your kit with these 12 essential woodworking tools .

For more ideas, our guide on woodworking hobbies for all skill levels includes a lot of inspiring projects we’re sure you’ll enjoy!

27. Woodturning


Woodturning is an exciting hobby that allows you to make personalized wood art like bowls, pens, bracelets, and more. Woodturning is the process of turning wood on a lathe: a machine that spins a chunk of wood while you use chisels and other tools to shape it.

It can be cheaper than woodworking because the only tools you need are a lathe and some chisels. However, buying a lathe for personal use can get pricey (and make a huge mess), so check if you have local woodworking guilds or shops where you can access and rent this machine.

28. Wood burning (pyrography)

Wood burning pen mug

Wood burning is a fun woodworking alternative that takes a more decorative angle. You’ll be stenciling/burning designs onto wooden surfaces, embellishing everything from furniture and jewelry boxes to wall art, cooking utensils, and more. The star tool of this creative hobby is a burning pen, which can be purchased individually or as part of a wood-burning kit .

29. Glass blowing

Glass blowing

Glassblowing is a technique in which molten glass is inflated into a bubble with a blowpipe to create form. The craft is complex and does require lots of practice and skill, but once you get started, you’ll be unstoppable!

Although the tools needed for this art form are most likely not sitting around your house, attending local workshops is a great way to get started. And there is so much you can create! Vases, ornaments, cups, paperweights — all beginner projects!

30. Glass etching

Another glass art creative hobby is glass etching: creating designs/stenciling on a glass surface with etching cream and diamond ball burrs. Stenciled glass pieces have become a hit in the world of home décor and are spotted just about anywhere, whether on a set of wine glasses or a bathroom mirror.

The craft doesn’t demand a long list of tools or space, making it a low-maintenance creative hobby to take up from home.

31. Stained glass art

Stained glass art is another way to explore glass as a medium. Stained glass is a colored glass primarily used to create decorative items. Although you’ve most likely appreciated stained glass embellishments on church windows or Tiffany lamps, I assure you there are countless ways you can make your very own stunning creations with just a few stained glass classes under your belt: light catchers, lanterns, candleholders, door panels, and more!

Start with either Contemporary Stained Glass Design or Stained Glass with Pressed Flowers: The Tiffany Method , or grab a stained glass kit for your own designs.

32. Concrete molds

If decorative items with a raw, edgy, industrial aesthetic happen to be your cup of tea, learning how to make concrete molds is one of the industrial creative hobbies you should consider. This craft involves using molds of all dimensions to shape concrete into functional or decorative pieces.

The cool part is that you can use everyday household items such as plastic bowls, beverage bottles, or milk cartons as molds to make all kinds of incredible concrete designs. Just be aware that it can get messy.

33. Jewelry making

Jewelry making is one of the most popular creative hobbies, whether for personal gratification or at the heart of aspiring start-up businesses. The unique aspect of this craft is that it allows you to use your imagination while offering endless possibilities of wearable and sellable items.

You can use multiple techniques and materials for this craft, which make it extremely versatile. Here’s a great list of jewelry making classes online , but we think polymer clay classes are a good place to start for beginners.

34. Leather working

Leather kit featured

Also known as leather crafting, leather working is the art of transforming pieces of leather into aesthetic, functional items: handbags, footwear, book covers, jewelry, and more. Learning to condition, cut, design, and sew leather will require time and dedication, and some tools may be challenging to work with at first.

The best way to get started is by experimenting with small-scale projects like purses and bracelets. Check out our picks for the best leather working classes for ideas, or grab a leather craft kit and get started right away.

35. Metalworking and welding

Metalworking involves manipulating metal to shape it into functional tools, structures, or decorative items, and it usually includes welding. If you’re up for the challenge and putting in the time, you can create just about anything you can imagine.

The craft commonly demands lots of heavy equipment, so ensure you have access to the tools required before investing in this pastime, along with a good understanding of safety guidelines. Don’t wing it here, classes are a must!

36. Metal embossing

Embossing is a method used to create designs on metal surfaces through relief techniques. It’s the perfect creative hobby to try if you’re curious about working with metal but not up for all the bulky machinery metalworking commonly requires.

This craft uses thin metal sheets for embossing and a small number of tools — you can even use aluminum foil! This is the perfect introduction to the medium before getting into larger metalwork projects and offers the added perk of being a fairly cheap creative hobby you can enjoy from home.

37. Mosaics

Traditionally, mosaic making is the art of forming intricate designs of all sizes and shapes from bits and pieces of stone, glass, or ceramics. Learning old-school mosaic art is a great hobby to look into if you love ceramics and building structures with your bare hands.

However, the one-of-a-kind mosaic aesthetic also happens to be a great source of inspiration for works involving digital art, illustration, watercoloring, and collage projects. Taking a few online mosaic classes is a helpful and affordable way to expand your creativity and artistic style, no matter your preferred medium.

Sculpting and carving hobbies

Wood carving vase

Sculpting is the process of shaping three-dimensional objects or features out of various materials, including clay, marble, wood, bronze, glass, and ice, to name a few.

If you’re a fan of this timeless art form and would like to know what it’s like to walk in the shoes of a sculptor — you can!

Find out which of the sculpting creative hobbies below excites you the most to make your pick.

38. Sculpting

There are multiple facets to the art of sculpting, making it one of the most versatile creative hobbies you can try out. As an age-old art form, it’s only natural that sculpting has been subject to experimentation with all sorts of materials: marble, wood, bronze, ivory, paper maché — the list goes on!

As a starter, clay is your friend! Because it’s easy to mold, shape, carve, and scrape, I recommend jumpstarting your sculpting journey with this material before diving into more complex mediums. It’s also very easy to find and affordable, and there are tons of online sculpting courses you can take to learn.

39. Ice sculpting

This creative hobby consists of sculpting all kinds of objects and subject matter out of a large block of ice. As you might imagine, this may not be the most practical of creative hobbies for you to take on, as it does require generous workspaces, access to industrial tools, and lots of learning time. Working with snow before diving into larger ice block art is a good way to start!

40. Wood carving

Carving tray

Wood carving is a combination of sculpture and woodwork. Learning how to carve figures of all shapes and sizes does present its challenges, but no more than most creative hobbies requiring attention to detail and intricate sculpting techniques. Plus, it can be very affordable. You can create figures, spoons, and more with just a few carving tools, a block, or even an old piece of wood.

Wooden Spoon Carving on Domestika is an ideal place to start for complete beginners.

41. Pottery

Pottery Maria workshop

Pottery consists of forming vessels and objects with clay and other ceramic resources. These creations are then fired at high heat, transforming them into solid, durable works of art. It’s also one of the best creative hobbies for children as it puts them in touch with the realities of trial and error while allowing them to create something special with their own hands.

Although you can start learning pottery from home with the basics, at some point, you’ll want to take a pottery class and pick up a pottery wheel and a kiln for more refined results.

42. Soap carving

Soap carving resembles the wood carving process — but on a bar of soap instead! Since it requires a conveniently small list of supplies (most of which are easy to access or around the house), this is an inexpensive, practical pastime to share with family, friends, or children, no matter your artistic abilities. It’s also a great creative hobby for vegans since many soaps contain no animal products.

43. Sand sculptures and sandcastle building

If you’re intrigued by this type of art, the good news is you can try it out, whether or not you live by the beach. Supplies may not be the easiest to find, and learning will most likely be through trial and error. While sandcastle building can get pretty complex, once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you’ll be on your way to making impressive creations.

Printmaking creative hobbies

Printmaking creative hobbies

Printmaking is an art form in which designs from a template with ink are transferred onto another surface.

Need a visual? Just think of Rock band t-shirts and hipster tote bag prints. Pretty fun stuff!

Whether you want to explore this hobby for leisure or because you have a fashion project you’d like to bring to life, read on to learn more about printmaking and discover what medium will best suit your goals!

Before diving in, peruse our printmaking resources and guides ; we’ve provided a handy overview of the craft to help you get started.

44. Linocut printmaking

Linocutting is one of the most approachable block printing methods. You can make designs as simple or complex as you want by layering and using multiple colors, and you can print on both paper and fabric with the right ink.

And while the results are great, it’s the process that does it for me. There is something particularly gratifying about carving, layering, and imprinting your design meticulously, one step at a time. We’ve got a huge guide to linocut tools to help you get started!

45. Woodcut printmaking

Plywood block leaf woodcut in progress

While the technique is similar to linocutting, the star medium in woodcutting is, well, wood. These can range from simple designs to multi-layer prints like the classic Japanese Ukiyo-E that we all know and love.

Because wood demands some level of mastery and know-how to manipulate, carve, and shape, it might not be the best starting point for newbie printmakers when compared to linocut. Here’s a guide to the best wood for woodblock printing , and you’ll want a good set of carving tools like those made by Pfeil .

46. Screen printing

Also known as serigraphy or silk printing, screen printing consists of pressing ink through a stenciled mesh screen to print designs. This method has been highly popularized in the apparel industry and is applied to print bold logos and eye-catching images on clothing. Besides fabric, you can also create a world of screenprint art on posters and canvases.

There are different ways to screenprint from home, whether to make singular items or multiple copies of the same design. I’d recommend starting with a screen printing class or screen printing kit to get the hang of it.

47. Rubber stamping

Rubber stamping patterned paper

Ideal for all skill levels, rubber stamping is an extremely accessible creative hobby that requires very little when it comes to supplies. It consists of carving designs onto a rubber sheet which is then attached to a wooden base and pressed into an ink pad to stamp paper surfaces.

You’ll be stamping greeting cards, books, scrapbooks, and art journals, with just a few guidelines and practice! It’s more straightforward than the options above and a great creative hobby for kids, too. Grab a stamp making kit and get to work!

Needlecraft creative hobbies

Amigurumi crochet detail

Any list of creative hobbies and crafts wouldn’t be complete without needlecrafts. They are a cost-effective way to relieve stress, express creativity, and get in touch with an artistic side you might not have known existed.

This craft can range from more classic takes on needlework such as sewing, knitting, and embroidery to more out-of-the-box approaches like amigurumi and cosplay projects.

You’ll be amazed by just how much you can create with an online beginner’s course and a few hours of practice under your belt. If you’re up for the challenge, keep reading to discover which creative needlecraft hobbies are next in line for you!

Sewing is not just about hemming and fixing clothing (yes, we have all blushed at the dreadful sound of our own pants ripping). It’s also about creating items you can sell, gift, or wear! If you are hesitant to take on sewing, I reassure you there are zillions of beginner projects you can do with just the fundamentals: skirts, aprons, cardholders, tote bags, fabric pencil cases, and more.

This is also one of the most practical creative hobbies you can take up, because well, we all wear clothes every day of our lives! There are plenty of sewing classes and sewing kits available online.

49. Cosplay

The term “cosplay” is the combination of the words costume and play. So, basically, a cool kind of dress-up adults also enjoy! The trend originated in Japan in the late 80s/early 90s and soon spread throughout the globe.

Although this was initially related to manga and anime character representations, nowadays, cosplay is all about paying homage to your fantasy heroes no matter where they come from. Sewing, carving, prop design, and 3D printing are all useful skills for this creative hobby. You’ll also want a handheld sewing machine for emergency repairs at cons.

50. Embroidery

Embroidery with crochet edging

Embroidery is still one of the most popular creative hobbies today and consists of decorating fabric with a needle, thread, and, occasionally, fine wire. Many find this form of needlework a carefree, satisfying craft to make all kinds of embellishments and projects: clothing, socks, kitchen towels, cloth napkins, pillows, and more.

Check out our picks for the best embroidery classes and embroidery kits you can buy.

51. Cross-stitching

Counted cross stich

Cross-stitching is a form of sewing that comprises X-shaped stitches to form a design on open-weave fabric such as Aida or linen (the latter for more experienced crafters). If you’re familiar with paint-by-numbers, you could look at cross-stitching as its embroidery-inspired cousin.

The only real challenge here is interpreting a cross-stitch chart. As a beginner, getting a starter kit is recommended because you’ll be getting all of the necessary materials and guidelines within a single bundle. This is really one of the most accessible creative hobbies out there, which is why it’s endured for centuries.

Crewel embroidery is a form of embroidery that uses 2-ply wool thread instead of the counted thread norm applied in standard embroidery. Traditionally, this version of embroidery is woven on linen twill. However, you can play with other fabrics to experiment with textures such as velvet, silk organza, net fabric, and jute. Because wool is heavier and more difficult to sustain than most thread types, sturdy fabric and a specific needle are crucial in crewel embroidery.

53. Needle felting

This craft involves pushing a needle (more like jabbing, to be accurate!) into a piece of wool to give it shape and volume, creating adorable fuzzy critters and quirky representations of everyday objects. One of the upsides to needle felting is that it requires very few supplies and materials, all of which are pretty cheap.

Buying a needle felting kit and taking a needle felting class will be helpful to familiarize yourself with the craft and tools. Using finger protectors until you get the hang of things is also recommended. These needles are very sharp!

54. Quilting

Quilt kathy edited

The art of quilting holds a sentimental value different from other crafts because it’s commonly associated with intergenerational group activities such as blanket quilting. Quilting consists of sewing together fabric squares of different patterns, colors, and textures to create a single piece.

If the thought of having to purchase a sewing machine happens to be a concern, relax — you can perfectly well quilt by hand with a lot of patience. Do, however, buy quality materials such as 100% cotton fabrics no matter what you are quilting since you want your items to be durable, beautiful, and functional.

55. Crochet

Crocheting is undoubtedly one of the most commonly enjoyed creative hobbies ever because of its affordability, portability, and soothing process. And, of course, because of how satisfying it is to transform pieces of yarn into real-life items: clothes, beanies, toys, scarves, dishcloths — you get the picture.

Crochet is a type of needlework that uses one hook-like needle (contrary to knitting) to interlock looped stitches with a single thread. It’s also a cheap hobby to take on as long as you are not investing in more high-end materials and thread. Start with these crochet kits and crochet classes and see where you want to go next!

56. Amigurumi

Amigurumi crochet octopus needles detail

Amigurumi is the Japanese tradition of crocheting or knitting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures with cotton, wool, or acrylic yarns. The Japanese word derives from a combination of the words “ami” (meaning crocheted or knitted) and “nuigurumi” (meaning stuffed doll).

Because amigurumi are typically small and sweet, you might think they’re just toys for children. However, many teens and adults have become avid collectors of these dolls! They’re just so cute!

57. Knitting

As one of the most celebrated creative hobbies among crafters, knitting is a very soothing activity. Unlike crocheting, knitting is done with two straight needles to create more delicate stitches commonly found in fluffy sweaters and items made of chunky yarn.

However, getting started can be challenging — this is not the easiest pastime, so investing in learning time is crucial. Start with a knitting class or simple knitting kit . If you want to speed things up, remember that knitting machines are always an option

58. Arm knitting

If knitting has been on your “to-do” list, but you’ve had a hard time getting around to learning and practicing technique, arm knitting is a fantastic alternative! As the name suggests, arm knitting consists of using your arms instead of needles to weave thick, chunky yarn into stunning knitted pieces, from blankets and scarves to cowls, ear warmers, and more.

Unlike traditional knitting, arm knitting produces larger, looser stitches, making the process easier to learn and projects quicker to complete. This is the perfect creative hobby if you want to work with minimal tools and craft something impressive with just a little know-how under your belt.

59. Needlepoint

Needlepoint involves threading on a stiff even-weave canvas, contrary to, for example, traditional embroidery and cross-stitch, which use fabrics such as linen or cotton. This type of needlecraft also differs from cross-stitch because it uses diagonal stitches instead of the X-shaped patterns found in cross-stitch designs. Needlepoint uses silk, wool, or cotton thread types with different textures and colors, making for eye-catching results for home décor or personalized gifts.

Also, young children can enjoy this craft too! There are child-friendly tools available for needlepoint (blunt plastic needles and medium-weight yarn), making this a great creative hobby you can experience with the younger artists in your family!

Fiber arts hobbies

Macrame horizontal vs vertical half hitch knot

Have you ever wanted to try a new creative hobby that required little financial investment?

If so, fiber arts is one of the best creative hobbies you can throw yourself into. For those who enjoy fiber arts but don’t want to spend their free time concentrating on intricate patterns and stitches, there are countless beginner-friendly projects that you’re sure to love.

Once you’ve got the fundamentals down, you’ll be surprised by all the impressive creations you’ll be whipping up as second nature!

60. Visible mending

Visible mending is one of the cooler crafty pastimes people are turning to these days. The craft involves mending damaged or torn items (mostly clothing) in a purposefully evident and fashion-forward way. There are also trends within this craft, such as the Japanese stitching style sashiko, iconic for its use of white or red thread on blue fabrics to reinforce clothes with incredible geometric designs. Besides feeding imagination, visible mending aims to encourage upcycling fashion to reduce consumption and fast fashion.

61. Macrame

Chunkly necklace colored paper flowers

There has been a macrame boom in recent years. While grasping technique is key in learning how to construct macrame pieces, this art form is not hard to learn. It’s also relatively inexpensive. The fun side of macrame (aside from seeing knots transform into art!) is the different ways you can apply and adapt this craft: earrings , curtains , plant hangers, wall hangings , bags , belts , and more!

We have extensive guides to macrame supplies and macrame cord , but the best way to get started is with a macrame kit or macrame class .

Find all these resources and lots more in our macrame for beginners tutorials and guides !

62. Weaving

Weaving consists of interlacing yarns or threads to form fabrics or cloth. This process usually uses a loom: a device that helps manage threads (lengthwise thread held stationary) under tension to facilitate the interweaving of weft threads (transverse dynamic thread).

You can either buy the pieces to build a loom, create a DIY version with cheap household items, or purchase a complete weaving kit to get started. To learn, grab a book on weaving or this course: Hand Weaving Techniques for Beginners .

63. Rug tufting

Rug tufting gun in front of tufting frame

If you have never heard of rug tufting, it is a fairly simple craft that involves making tufts of yarn by stuffing them through a backing material to make custom rugs and textured objects. However, rug tufting does require some initial investment. Your main tool will be a tufting gun , which does all of the heavy lifting, allowing you to create your designs quickly and efficiently.

To learn everything you need to get started, check out our rug tufting guides and tutorials , including information on  essential tufting supplies ,  tufting yarn ,  tufting glue , and more.

Want to get started right away? I highly recommend this online course by Domestika:  Tufting Technique for Creating Rugs . 

64. Punch needle

Punch needle art is a form of embroidery that consists of using a large needle to punch loops of yarn into fabric to create textured, bold designs. Cushions, wall hangings, fashion accessories, and even full-size rugs are some of the popular items you can create through this craft.

Fun and easy to learn, punch needle requires a small number of supplies, making it a very budget-friendly and accessible creative hobby to pick up. To learn, checking out punch needle kits will get you started, but this Punch Needle for Rug Design course will open more door

65. Latch hook

Latch hooking consists of weaving short pieces of yarn through a gridded canvas to create pictures and designs. It’s similar to rug tufting but more manual. The best way to begin is with a latch hook kit : countless variations are available with different themes, difficulty levels, and fabric colors.

You can make rugs, wall hangings, pillows, and all kinds of colorful décor. You’ll be breezing through creations like paint-by-numbers, diamond painting, and cross-stitch once you learn how to read the color-coded pattern.

66. Lace making

Lacemaking consists of making an openwork fabric by working single or multiple threads by hand. There are two main forms of lacemaking: bobbin lace and needle lace. The first is done on a pillow using dozens of tiny bobbins to manipulate and secure multiple threads. The latter uses nothing more than a single thread and needle.

As a hobby, lacemaking can be challenging as it requires lots of trial and error and skill-finessing. But there are ways to make life easier. For example, practice with a larger thread size at first until you get the hang of things.

67. Dreamcatchers

Dreamcatchers are not only pretty to look at but add a touch of serenity to any setting. Historically, they are a symbol of Native American culture and are believed to catch bad dreams while you’re asleep. The fun part about this craft is that you can use a world of materials based on a preferred style.

If you want to enjoy this activity with children, there are many kid-friendly adaptations of the craft that incorporate easy-to-find household items. Macrame dreamcatchers have become very popular lately, so if you don’t know where to start, I suggest having a go at macrame dreamcatcher making!

Miniature creative hobbies

Miniature art hobbies

If the name Tatsuya Tanaka rings a bell, it’s probably safe to say you are familiar with miniature art.

This art form falls under one of the most imaginative creative hobbies and crafts you can experience, encompassing everything from sculpting, carving, and painting tiny-sized models and representations often made of metal or plastic.

Because this is such an intricate craft, I am not going to lie — this hobby will require time, technique, and tons of practice until you get it right. However, where is the fun in trying out a new hobby if you are not feeling even just a little bit challenged?

Learn more about some of the most popular miniature creative hobbies you can try out below, or visit our full list of miniature hobbies for even more options!

68. Model building

Model building requires top-notch skill and is not a hobby for the faint-hearted! This art form involves creating replicas of real-life objects and scenarios, from vehicles and airplanes to architectural buildings and extensive railroads. This is the ideal pastime if you don’t mind working at a slower pace, have an eye for detail, and have the patience to assemble tiny pieces one by one.

Since model building can get very complex, I recommend working from a simple kit at first. These metal model kits are a great start. Once you have some experience, you can work toward creating your own unique customizations and designs.

69. Painting miniatures

Warhammer 40k orks miniature hobbies

Miniature painting is the process of painting small-scale figures to make them look realistic when viewed up close. And what an art form it is! Although it is challenging in the sense that you do need some skill (no shaky hands here!), it’s a very refreshing way to brush up on painting techniques. It’s also a particularly great hobby for collectors — and photographers!

Whether for wargaming or display, you’ll want a nice set of paint for miniatures , and eventually an airbrush kit to speed things up.

70. Dollhouses

While you might be thinking that playing with dollhouses is a somewhat outdated activity for children, you’ll be surprised to know that the craft is mostly a pastime enjoyed by and marketed to adults.

This hobby consists of assembling and furnishing small-scaled houses with dozens of tiny replicas of anything you can find in your home: TV sets, beds, complete living areas, table doilies, wall art, and kitchen sinks — it truly is a one-of-a-kind passion project. Many people usually buy the dollhouse structure, but if you’re into woodworking, you can make one yourself!

For some inspo, check out this course: Design and Build Miniature Interiors .

71. Fairy gardens

Inventing miniature magical settings has become a beloved activity for adults and children alike and a fantastic way to put imagination and creativity to work. The concept was formed in the 1950s by Anne Ashberry, a nursery owner who wanted the elderly and disabled to enjoy an accessible gardening experience.

The main idea behind fairy gardens is to create an environment where fairies would potentially love to live! Add mini furniture, moss, miniature trees, soil, rocks, succulent plants, and anything more your heart desires! When starting, working from a smaller container before building up to larger projects is best.

Bonkei is a Japanese art form that uses miniature trees and rocks to create an entire scene. Meaning “tray landscape,” bonkei is a fun and rewarding activity for artists of all skill levels and makes a beautiful addition to any home or office. The best part? Anyone can do it!

Bonkei does require patience, but if you are a sucker for detail and miniature art, this is a refreshing hobby to explore. Typically there are three main components to Bonkei: a soil base, decorative rocks, and plants. Keep in mind that Bonkei is put together with dry materials and does not contain living material, in contrast to other Japanese art forms such as bonsai and saikei.

73. Diorama making

Also known as dioramic scenes or diorama displays, dioramas are miniature scale models of a landscape — somewhat similar to bonkei in concept. The main difference is that while bonkei art traditionally restricts displays to a tray or tray-like surface and dimension, dioramas can be built and displayed just about anywhere: tabletops, in fish tanks, and even walls! It can also explore other themes beyond landscapes, including interiors and cityscapes.

You can use loads of different materials for this, but a hot wire foam cutter will make your life a lot easier.

74. Putz houses and nativity scenes

Putz houses are a traditional holiday decoration inspired by Victorian-era European Winterland scenes. The name of these houses comes from the German term “putzen,” meaning “to clean” or “to decorate.” Classically, they are composed of clay or wood. However, there has been an evolution in the materials used to create and adorn these items.

As one of the oldest creative hobbies, crafting putz houses is not particularly time-consuming, but you need to find out what feels right for you, whether a kit or a custom design with household materials.

75. Lego MOC

Lego parrot plants

Lego MOC stands for “My Own Creation” and is used to describe intricate, personalized Lego designs and constructions. A MOC design is anything that falls under making a Lego structure from scratch, a combination of sets, or a variation on already existing sets.

While many don’t classify this hobby as an art form, the truth is that there is an immense online community of MOC enthusiasts who come up with mind-blowing creations every day. It’s a unique pastime enjoyed by everyone — especially those who lust for a little retro action.

We have loads of Lego guides for Lego Botanical sets , Architecture sets , Minecraft sets , and more, but MOC is all about making your own original works.

This Lego and alt brick guide contains lots of juicy resources for brick-building enthusiasts, including tips on more affordable Lego alternatives worth exploring!

Stationery and lettering hobbies

Watercolor effects_how to use Tombow brush pens

Stationery creative hobbies are easy to learn and a great way to enjoy downtime away from the computer screen.

The classic approach to stationery art revolves around using old-school tools and materials to create striking lettering and calligraphy works. And although it’s the purest form of handwritten art, many digital programs and software can be used for mixed media projects.

If you are a graphic designer, video editor, fashion designer, work in advertising, or a creative looking for new skills, learning some stationery art hobbies could be a way to boost skills both artistically and for professional purposes.

76. Calligraphy

Calligraphy is a decorative approach to handwritten lettering and may seem intimidating at first. But once the technique is down, you’ll have fun personalizing letters and creating all sorts of mixed-medium projects! There are also tons of online classes you can take to learn, most of which provide downloadable practice sheets to help you continue learning offline.

Because calligraphy is all about visual appeal and elegance, take your time! This is not a hobby to rush through or one of immediate gratification. If you’re new to typography and/or lettering, this is a great creative hobby to pick up to solidify your know-how in handwritten art.

Check out our favorite calligraphy classes to learn more, or pick up a calligraphy set or dip pen to get started right away!

77. Hand lettering

How to use Tombow pens_FEATURE

One could say that hand-lettering is a combination of calligraphy and modern fonts. Hand lettering is done with a brush-tipped pen and uses a more simplified, basic stroke technique than its fancy sibling calligraphy. As a newbie, all you need is a pencil, felt pen, and lined paper: no need to go all out on expensive stationery when starting. There are also a variety of fun projects you can look forward to — greeting cards, bookmarks, letters, and place cards for events, just to name a few!

For more ideas, check out Creative Doodling and Hand-Lettering for Beginners on Domestika and Hand-Lettering for Beginners on Craftsy.

78. Art journaling

Bold strokes with Tombow brush pens

If you have a hard time putting things into words, try art journaling! Art journaling is a visual diary that involves drawing, painting, collaging, or doodling as a form of expression. It has become one of the most popular creative hobbies for non-artists and an option for different reasons, whether as a carefree outlet for creativity, a way to document travel and memories, or an alternative to traditional journaling.

It’s also a creative way to inspire children to express themselves artistically! The best thing is that art journaling doesn’t call for specific rules and form — you can use all kinds of supplies, from watercolors, colored pencils, paint markers , pens, ink, crayons, etc.

To get an idea of where to start, check out Illustrated Life Journal: A Daily Mindful Practice , Art Journal Pages with Get Messy , and How to Make a Blank Art Journal .

79. Bullet journaling

Also known as BuJo, bullet journaling is a modern take on diary-writing and is a combination of a planner, sketchbook, and journal. Instead of your basic everyday lined notebook pages, bullet journals use dot journals, allowing much more room for customization. You can add multiple sections for daily to-do lists, calendars, fitness and mental health goals, appointments, personal thoughts, etc.

So where’s all the fun, you ask? BuJo’s are custom-made, making this the perfect hobby for you if you revel in a good journaling sesh. Use all kinds of stationery and accessories when creating your bullet journal, and keep in mind that you don’t have to overwhelm yourself with zillions of sections if you just want to focus on 2-3 items.

Check out Introduction to Illustrated Bullet Journaling and Bullet Journaling Ideas to get started.

80. Card making

Card making is one of those fun, timeless crafts everyone loves. With just a small set of materials and tools, you can make all kinds of creative greeting cards and notes for every occasion — on a budget!

Besides your typical paper cards, card making is a great way to explore other creative hobbies and crafts: diamond painting, lino cutting, embroidery, watercolors, etc. You can also find excellent cutter machines to create customized shapes and designs of your choice.

A simple card making kit will get you started, but you may also want some creative paper punch tools and punch boards for custom creations!

81. Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a beautiful way to preserve meaningful memories and create a work of art to be passed down for generations. As one of the oldest creative hobbies, scrapbooking consists of documenting and building a visual diary with everything from photos and memorabilia to note-taking, stickers, glitter, and more.

The goal behind scrapbooking is to register moments you cherish throughout time as a creative outlet. Since scrapbooking is a rule-free zone, it’s a perfect creative hobby for kids and adults alike.

Papercraft creative hobbies

Papercraft modeling flowers scissors mug acrilic paint

Hobbyists of all ages can relish a variety of papercraft projects which are not only super affordable activities but a great way to make impressive gifts for family and friends.

As implied in the name, papercraft creative hobbies use paper as the central medium to create art: origami, collages, paper mache, bookbinding, etc. Techniques can range from simple to very complex.

Other than the list below, our papercraft and origami guides and tutorials are another great place to search for more information and resources to get started!

82. Origami

Origami book crane

The Japanese paper-folding art of origami has been around since the 17th century and is a favorite for paper crafters around the globe. The upside to this hobby is that it only requires origami paper and your hands!

Origami is all about folding techniques and making the right creases. If you’re more of a visual learner, watching online tutorials or taking an online class can help perfect these skills. From then on, you’ll be creating everything from your classic origami crane to faux flowers, tissue holders, decorative origami hangings, and more!

Origami books and origami kits are the safe way to go, but we recommend getting a bone folder too for the cleanest creases.

83. Papercraft modeling

Papercraft flowers patterned paper

Papercraft modeling combines the fun and excitement of assembling delicate pieces of paper and transforming them into paper sculptures or models. If you are into design-related creative hobbies, papercraft modeling may be something you want to experiment with.

If you’re into collections, this is also a fun craft to whip up a unique line of paper models or to use in a stop-motion project. It’s also a creative alternative to decorative hangings, makes for an out-of-the-box gift for friends, and is an original way to decorate themed parties and even baby mobiles!

For this you’ll want a bone folder , but check out these two courses for basic techniques: Paper Sculpture for Set Design and Design Your Own Paper Lamp .

84. Paper quilling

Paper quilling is the art of taking paper strips and rolling them into different shapes with a quilling needle to create beautiful, dimensional paper designs. While you will need to work with a specific toolset, the most important is a quilling needle and paper quilling strips which can be easily purchased online. In a pinch, you can also use your fingers!

You can also buy a complete paper quilling kit to wiggle your way into the craft. As one of the oldest creative hobbies, paper quilling is appropriate for all ages of crafters who appreciate the potential artistry paper offers.

We put together a list of essential paper quilling tools to help you get started, and we also recommend checking out the Paper Quilling Art – Beginner to Advanced course for techniques and more.

85. Collage art

Collage art is the process of taking bits and pieces of all kinds of images, materials, and cut-outs to create a whole new body of art. It’s a craft that’s been around for over 100 years. Collages can come to life with a world of materials such as paper, canvas, magazines, hardcover books, posters, wrapping paper, aluminum foil, vinyl records, plastic bottles, wood panels — anything you can get your hands on!

This creative hobby is simple, creative, inexpensive, and appropriate for all ages. Since there aren’t guidelines or single methods for this type of work, you won’t have to worry about anything but making the most out of your imagination!

A few courses to get you started are Creative Collage: Telling Stories in Layers and Make a Geometric Paper Collage .

86. Paper making

Paper making is the process of creating paper from scratch. Different methods and complexity levels exist in making paper, but the most common process involves dipping a stretched screen into a pulp. The sheet is then transferred onto a surface, pressed, and dried.

This is a great hobby if you are an artist who incorporates paper into your artwork or simply love the idea of binding homemade paper for journaling. It’s also easy and inexpensive: you can make the pulp yourself and make a DIY screen with old picture frames.

The best way to get started is with one of these great paper making kits !

87. Bookbinding

Bookbinding is the perfect hobby for creatives who are passionate about papermaking and journaling. This craft consists of assembling individual pages or stacks of paper into a single volume to create a booklet. There are various techniques to this art form, and while nowadays there is technology to do the job, bookbinding is still widely enjoyed by artisans and DIY crafters.

There are different ways to approach bookbinding, whether through simple stitching with thread to more industrial processes. A good way to start this hobby is by learning the basics and practicing with a small, hardcover journal with fewer pages.

We have tons of guides here on Tiny Workshops to help you get started, including this compilation of bookbinding guides and tutorials for beginners .

Best book binding kits , book binding presses , book binding glues , and book binding tape are only a few of the articles you’ll find!

88. Pop-up making

Pop-up paper crafts originated in China and were used as graphical depictions of written stories. The craft involves transforming a two-dimensional sheet of paper into a physical, 3D piece. Using only paper, glue, and a pair of scissors to get started, it’s a very affordable and convenient hobby to learn from home.

Once you grasp fundamental folding techniques, you can begin to enjoy a world of projects that will look pretty impressive: pop-up flower cards, Kirigami (a variation of origami), pop-up letters, paper toys, and accordion cards are just a few ideas to give you an idea!

There are a few great classes out there, but our favorite is Pop-Up Book Creation and the follow-up Advanced Techniques for Creating Pop-Up Books . You may also want a card making kit for supplies!

89. Paper mache

Paper mache is the art of sealing an object with paste or glue and paper to turn it into a solid, sculpted-like structure. Creating a paste by mixing flour and water is considered a DIY classic for this craft, but you can also use a glue and water mix or purchase an all-in-one sealer if preferred. Either way, paper maché is an easy-to-learn and uber-cheap craft to take on from home.

There are also dozens of projects designed for toddlers, from abstract paper sculptures and bowls to paper mache animals, flowers, and faux plants. To get started, all you’ll need is strips of newspaper, water, flour, paints, and lots of imagination!

To get started, check out this Paper Mache for Beginners class.

Digital creative hobbies

Digital creative hobbies

Are you a tech aficionado but also an artsy soul? Digital art is a fantastic way to expand the mind and have an incredible time letting your creativity run wild!

There is so much you can play with: 3D art, illustration, animation, photography, stop motion, game development, and more.

Psst, we have an entire article dedicated to nerdy hobbies , including all of our favorites!

90. 3D printing

3D printing is the process of designing a 3D object with special software and having it printed and transformed into a physical, hand-held object! Morphi, BlocksCAD, and Leopoly are some of the best for beginners.

If you’re worried about the cost of a 3D printer, keep in mind that you can enjoy this hobby without owning a 3D printer. In fact, most designers don’t possess one themselves. If you are interested in printing, 3D printers are cheaper than ever, with starter models available for less than $500. Then, you can 3D print your own upgrades!

To learn more, check out the free 3D Printing Basics course.

91. Stop motion animation

If you’re a Ray Harryhausen and film fan, stop motion should definitely be on your creative hobbies list. Stop motion is the process of taking pictures of a subject frame-by-frame to create the illusion of movement.

Besides patience and creativity, you’ll need a camera with manual focus, a camera tripod, a solid surface to place your subject(s), and software such as Stop Motion Studio. And guess what? This software happens to be free! You won’t find a lower entry point into this fun, creative hobby.

A few courses we recommend are Stop Motion For Fun! , Introduction to Puppet Making for Stop Motion , and Stop Motion Animation with Needle Felting .

92. Graphic design

Graphic design is the process of communicating ideas visually through images, shapes, colors, and typography. Graphic designers create words and logos you find on computer screens, billboards, newspapers, magazines — well, just about anywhere!

Although there is an artistic approach and appeal to graphic design, it is commonly defined as a tool to communicate rather than an art form. Although digital software like Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are used for this activity, most graphic designers also have a passion and understanding of typography and other artistic endeavors.

93. Photo manipulation

Photo manipulation is the act of altering a photo to create an image that doesn’t exist in reality. Forms of photo manipulation include removing elements from an image, merging different images, changing lighting, adding filters, etc.

These manipulations can be intentionally evident and “surreal” or may translate into subtle improvements to maintain photos as realistic as possible. The most popular software for this work is Photoshop, and there is no shortage of online courses to learn.

94. Game development

Game development translates into using software and programming skills to create video games and world-building projects. Although this is one of the more demanding creative hobbies, game design and development are definitely worth learning if you’re an avid gamer.

Regarding software, you’re in luck because there are many free options or trial periods hobbyists can take advantage of — Unity and Unreal Engine 4, for instance. Basic scripting and programming know-how are always helpful, but many low-code alternatives, like RPG Maker, are available.

95. Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a cheap, credit-card-sized computer that can be plugged into a TV and a keyboard. And cheap means cheap, going for as low as $10 for the smallest version of the device! It’s a capable tiny computer that can be used in electronics projects and for many of the things that your desktop computer does.

Raspberry Pi is available to buy, and an easy-to-use computer (even though it looks like someone ripped R2D2 apart) that comes in a complete kit with everything you need on an SD card. If you’re into electronics and programming, exploring Raspberry Pi should definitely be on your to-do list!

Plant-related creative hobbies

Plant related creative hobbies

Plants, greenery, flowers, foliage — if these are things near and dear to you, plant-related creative hobbies are great pastimes to consider.

These creative hobbies encompass potted plants, floral arrangements, tree shaping, gardening, and more, and are commonly done with accessible, everyday household items.

Bonsai flower

Bonsai refers to the art of trimming, shaping, and essentially stunting the growth of trees and shrubs. You can either buy seeds to plant or purchase an already-grown tree. Because seeds will take years to transform into something you can trim, your best bet is to buy a full-grown shrub to start!

This hobby requires lots of patience and TLC, so keep in mind that this is more of an ongoing, meditative activity than something you’ll spend hours on daily.

97. Tree shaping (Pooktre)

Pooktre is an emerging tree-shaping art form founded by Australian tree experts Peter Cook and Becky Northey. Unlike Bonsai, Pooktre consists of shaping and training living trees (and other woody plants) to grow into forms that are both artistic and functional. This process is gradual as you are not stunting tree growth and shaping daily.

Pooktre is not only a heart-warming hobby for tree lovers but also an art form that designers, botanical illustrators, architects, and woodworkers are bound to appreciate and find intriguing.

98. Terrariums

Terrariums are self-sustaining mini gardens sealed in glass vessels: they rely solely on water, soil, sunlight, and air. The interaction between these elements forms an isolated ecosystem within the vessel, requiring near-zero maintenance or external intervention.

You can choose from different vessels, too, whether open or closed. Building a terrarium is the perfect, stress-free activity for novice gardeners and a fun project for children who display an interest in plants.

To get started, check out Plant Art: Create Your Own Open Terrarium and Terrarium Creation with the Tiffany Technique .

99. Aquascaping

Aquascaping is essentially the art of creating an underwater garden. This consists of arranging aquatic plants, stones, driftwood, and rocks within an aquarium to create a delightful underwater landscape. Many aquascapers also add fish to their projects for full-on displays.

Much like terrariums, aquascaping is all about recreating a self-contained environment that relies on natural elements to self-sustain. Decoration aside, this art form is a little more demanding than terrarium building as it does require frequent external intervention to maintain a balanced and healthy ecosystem.

100. Flower pressing

Pressing flowers is far from a new hobby and is a historical ritual dating back centuries. Many beautiful items are created and transformed by integrating pressed flowers into craft projects: mandala sun catchers, bamboo bookmarks, framed flower monograms, flower luminarias, glass coasters, pendants, and more!

You can also combine this activity with jewelry-making, scrapbooking, stationery, and calligraphy creative hobbies. Or, they can just serve as nice collection pieces for displaying in your home!

You can use a book, but grab a flower press kit and check out Centerpiece Design with Dried and Preserved Flowers and Stained Glass with Pressed Flowers: The Tiffany Method .

101. Flower arranging

As opposed to what you may think, this hobby is much more than just picking out flowers and putting them in a vase. Flower arranging is about incorporating greenery and decorative elements, and understanding flower types, seasonality, themes, and design.

Because it does require practice and flowers can get pricey, this hobby isn’t always the most affordable. The trick is to start small by making floral arrangements for loved ones or small social events. Buying in-season flowers at your local market instead of at flower shops or online retailers is a sustainable and budget-friendly way to pursue this hobby.

Check out some of our favorite floral design classes to get started

102. Topiary gardening

Topiary gardening is the process of pruning your plants in specific shapes, from spirals and balls to depictions of large-sized animals and humans! It’s an ancient art form that goes back to ancient Egyptians, who used this gardening style to create animal-inspired decorations.

It does, however, require some specific tools and techniques. It’s also a challenging craft that will prove difficult for beginner gardeners

103. Seed art

Seed art consists of making visual artwork by fixing vegetable matter — mostly seeds and grains — onto a surface. While your design can be abstract, it’s common for seed artists to draw their image first and use it as a guide for seed placing. Rice, corn, beans, sunflower seeds — feel free to work with whatever you find!

Because of the resources used, seed artworks tend to change color and form throughout time: green seeds will eventually turn brown! If you already have drawing skills and want to mix things up a bit, seed art is a relaxing hobby you might enjoy: all you need are seeds, cardboard paper, wood, glue, and creativity.

104. Rock gardening

Rock gardening involves the gardening and landscaping of rocks such as limestone, granite, sandstone, and gravel. There are several reasons why this is an excellent creative hobby, especially if you have outdoor areas you don’t know how to work around!

Rock gardens add beauty to lawns and landscapes and don’t demand watering — a great way to reduce your impact on the planet. Because you won’t be using plants, this type of gardening requires less maintenance and is far more inexpensive in comparison to traditional gardening.

Other creative hobbies and crafts

Other Creative Hobbies

Now and then, I hear someone state they aren’t the so-called “creative type.”

But what does that really mean?

I believe we all have some form of creative talent within us, whether that means the ability to paint huge canvases or use math to solve complex puzzles.

Not all creative hobbies need to fall under an “artsy” category. There are so many ways you can explore creative expression — it’s a matter of figuring out what that means for you! That said, sometimes, all you need to do is try out a few hobbies to discover new passions and talents. Here are a few ideas to get you inspired!

105. Puzzles

While it’s not the most obvious creative hobby that comes to mind, working on a puzzle is the perfect gateway to entertaining social gatherings and bonding with family and friends. On the other hand, puzzle-solving can also be a great solo pastime if you seek meditative moments and relaxation.

106. Sudoku

One can say Sudoku is a lot like chess: the rules may be simple, but playing well can be a challenge! This Japanese number-placement puzzle began to gain visibility between 1988-1989 when various daily newspapers started printing them for their readers.

Sudoku is played on a rectangular grid of nine by nine squares. The goal is to fill every square with numbers from one to nine such that each row, column, and 3×3 box contains all of the digits, with no repeated numbers inside any given region.

107. Crossword puzzles

Crossword puzzles never get old! Whether you’re a fan of the New York Times’ classic crossword puzzles or prefer crossword puzzle apps, this is a timeless hobby that helps stimulate the mind while teaching you some cool vocabulary!

The fact that filling in the gaps may take several days (or more!) makes this a particularly entertaining pastime for self-proclaimed grammar geeks and analytical thinkers.

108. Writing

Writing can be one of the most rewarding creative hobbies you can experience. Creative writing and using prompts to spark ideas is an excellent way to make the best out of your imagination — and get rid of writer’s block!

Being able to carry a notebook and jot down thoughts whenever inspiration strikes is an undeniable advantage for writers — this could never be possible as a sculptor or woodworker! If you lack the confidence to get started, sign up for a writing class!

A great place to start is Creative Writing for Beginners: Bringing Your Story to Life , but there’s certainly no shortage of options online and off.

109. Learning a foreign language

I can assure you that learning a new language is something you’ll never regret! It’s not only a fun, challenging hobby but a mind-opener to the world around you.

Whether you’re an avid traveler, love foreign films, or have moved to a new country, taking an online language class, joining a language-learning online community, and watching tutorials are great ways to get started. Remember, learning a language takes time and effort, but the outcome is oh-so-worth it!

110. Cooking

Whether you’re a natural Gordon Ramsay (minus all the swearing) or can’t fry an egg to save your life, cooking is such an incredible hobby everyone should try sooner or later. Like any other creative hobby, cooking requires skill, dedication, and lots of love!

That said, if you’ve repeatedly heard that cooking is difficult, it’s time to turn that thought around: if you can follow a manual to install an internet connection in your home, you can also follow a recipe for spaghetti bolognese!

Music-related creative hobbies are undoubtedly some of the most therapeutic, carefree, and inspiring you can experience. So, if you’re one of those people who believe they don’t have a natural knack for music, I guarantee you anyone can learn.

You might have to find what’s right for you, whether that may be playing a new instrument, singing lessons, music theory, or music production. No matter what you pick, there are great classes and tutorials online!

Introduction to Music Production on Domestika is a great place to start, but a subscription to Masterclass will unlock some great courses, including deadmau5 Teaches Electronic Music Production , Herbie Hancock Teaches Jazz , and Tom Morello Teaches Electric Guitar .

112. Photography

Today, all you need is a reasonably good cell phone to snap away professional-looking photos! However, true aficionados should check out more advanced mediums like digital and analog cameras. If you want to take it to the next level, you can also learn how to develop your own pictures.

There are plenty of courses online, but our favorites are Professional Photography for Instagram for smartphones and Beginner’s Photography: Basic Camera Use and Theory for everything else.

113. Dancing

Whether you attempt hip-hop moves in your kitchen, occasionally find yourself swaying in the supermarket, or are obsessed with dancing video games, taking up dancing as a hobby can really bring you joy. And there are so many styles you can learn: Contemporary, Ballet, Tap, Tango, Salsa, Jazz, Break Dance — you get the idea.

Besides in-person classes, social media has also become an accessible learning tool for dancers, especially YouTube and TikTok.

114. Sports

Today most people recognize fitness goes beyond going to the gym, lifting weights, and repeating monotonous workouts. Sports have increasingly become a popular alternative to conventional exercise as well as a fun pastime. You might need some equipment, but you can enjoy them with friends, and there’s no shortage of options to choose from.

115. Improv

Improvisational theater, also known as improv, is a form of acting in which most of what you perform is unplanned. Often, you’ll be given a prompt to set the scene. But from then on, you’re on your own! While improv may seem ideal for the outgoing and love-to-be-the-center-of-attention-type, improv is actually a surprisingly beneficial and fun hobby for introverts and shy creatives.

116. Nail art

Nail art has become a canvas for talented creatives who have found their passion in adorning nails with all kinds of designs, colors, and textures. While it’s obviously easier to get your nails done by a professional, why not challenge yourself to a little nail art magic?

Nail art is fun to get your creativity going, whether you worship Vietnamese manicurists or prefer a little glam rock action. If you’re an experienced painter or graphic designer, nail art can be a great medium to test your skills!

A few quick courses to get started are Nail Art: Colorful, Creative Designs to Paint and Share on Skillshare and DIY Nail Art on Creativebug

117. Baking

Like cooking, baking is one of the most beloved creative hobbies to enjoy because it’s all about playing with textures, ingredients, and flavors — and cake design and decorating galore!

While baking is a fun activity to enjoy with others, it’s also a great way to have some creative alone time. There’s an infinite number of projects you can do regarding cake design and baking. Blogs, YouTube tutorials, TV shows, and online learning platforms are great sources of inspiration

Try magic if you want a unique creative hobby to learn. There are all kinds of tricks to learn, and the more complicated, the more fun it gets! Lots of practice, accepting error and trial, and not giving up are crucial to becoming a magic wiz.

An aspect to consider is the cost of supplies. While there are tricks that will require only a few inexpensive items, more extravagant ones will likely demand costly props.

There are plenty of tutorials online, but Penn & Teller Teach Magic on Masterclass is a great place for more advanced tips.

119. Tarot cards

Whether presented on astrology-related Instagram profiles, YouTube tutorials, or as artwork on Pinterest, tarot cards have become a part of pop culture like never before — I mean, besides 15th-century pop culture.

Nowadays, tarot cards are sought-after by people with different interests and backgrounds. While many collect tarot cards to practice intuition, others buy these because of the stunning artwork. You can also, of course, design your own!

120. Card stacking

For those of you who didn’t know card stacking was a thing —it very much is! Card stacking is a low-cost hobby that takes little storage space, and that’s pretty much it.

All you need is a deck of cards, about an hour or so every other day, and the dedication and patience to learn what it takes to achieve that one elusive card stack. It all starts by stacking two cards on top of each other. From then on, you will need to learn essential techniques like Top Palm, L-Cuts, and Double Lift to take your stack to the next level.

121. Collecting

No matter your age or preferences, collecting has a wide range of benefits that may not be obvious at first. Actually, did you know that if you have three or more collectibles, this already qualifies as a collection?

Collecting is a stress-free hobby since it’s an ongoing experience and does not demand a set-in-stone outcome or expectation. Collections also inspire discovering more about topics that interest you: pop culture, history, music, fashion, etc. It’s a great gateway to educating yourself!

Feature image photo credits: Adobe Stock Images

Photos by: xavier gallego morel , Fxquadro , pressmaster , Daria Nipot , Narong Niemhom , amixstudio , Hector Pertuz

That’s it for this comprehensive guide to creative hobbies and crafts. Which one will you be trying out today? Let everyone know in the comments below!

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Creative Writing

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. Ernest Hemingway
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Creative writing is a hobby that allows you to express yourself and explore your imagination through words. It can help you improve your communication skills, enhance your creativity, and boost your confidence. To get started, you can choose a genre, a topic, or a prompt that interests you and write whatever comes to your mind. You can also join online communities, take courses, or read books to learn more about the craft.

Helpful content to start creative writing as a hobby

We aim to provide accurate information, but errors might be found. Always exercise judgment and discretion.

Short visual inspiration.

content placeholder image

Play an episode while exploring the page.

content placeholder image

The scariest moment is always just before you start. Stephen King

Basic lingo for orientation.

How to start creative writing as a hobby

First moves for getting acquainted and breaking the ice.

First, consider getting a notebook .

The next step depends on your personal preference and style. You can try one or more of the following options:

  • Write freely and spontaneously, without judging yourself or editing your work.
  • Use writing prompts to spark your imagination and generate stories.
  • Use writing exercises to practice specific skills and techniques.
  • Read creative writing guides to learn from experts and get tips and advice.
  • Read books, stories, poems, or any other forms of creative writing that inspire you or interest you.
  • Observe the world around you and pay attention to places, people, interactions, and details.
  • Take notes on your life experiences, thoughts, feelings, dreams, or anything else that matters to you.
  • Take courses online or offline to learn from instructors and peers and get feedback and support.

Get read(y).

The Making of a Story: A Norton Guide to Creative Writing

Creative writing can enrich your life and make it more meaningful. Writing can help you express yourself authentically, explore your identity and purpose, reflect on your past and present, and envision your future. It can also help you find joy and satisfaction in creating something original and valuable.

Step-by-step tutorials.

Further reading.

Go-tos for information.

  • Inkitt – The Reader-Powered Publisher
  • Wattpad – Where stories live
  • Writer’s Digest
  • Writing Excuses
A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people. Thomas Mann

Nothing like a film for inspiration.

content placeholder image

Get a clue.

Creative writing is any form of writing that expresses the writer’s imagination, feelings, thoughts or experiences. It can include fiction, poetry, drama, memoirs, essays and more.

The best way to improve your creative writing skills is to practice often and learn from others. You can also try different techniques and exercises that can challenge you and stimulate your creativity. Some examples are: using prompts , freewriting, rewriting, experimenting with different styles and genres, joining a writing group or workshop , reading aloud or sharing your work with others .

Try one or more of these:

  • Writing prompts .
  • Writing exercises .
  • Bouncing your thoughts and ideas of friends, family, strangers, or AI bots.
  • Taking classes .
  • Joining a writing group .
  • Joining a writer’s block-specific group .
  • Taking a break and letting go for a while.

Smart assistance.

Scrivener - Typewriter. Ring-binder. Scrapbook.

Essentials to have.

Moleskine Classic Notebook

  • Margaret Atwood Teaches Creative Writing | MasterClass
  • Creative Writing for All: A 10-Day Journaling Challenge | Emily Gould | Skillshare
  • Creative Writing | Coursera
  • COMPLETE Creative Writing – All Genres – THE FULL COURSE! | Udemy

Get together.

  • Creative Writing Classes Near You
  • Creative Writing Events Near You
  • Creative Writing groups | Meetup
  • Writer’s Block groups | Meetup
  • Writing | Meetup
Creative writing can enhance your cognitive skills, memory, and learning abilities. Studies have shown that creative writing can improve your verbal fluency, vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. It can also stimulate your imagination, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.


Subscribe for inspiration.

Additional advice for beginners.

  • Consider using a word-processing program and outliner designed for authors such as Scrivener . Scrivener is a non-linear writing software that makes it easier for writers to organize their ideas and manage more complicated writing projects1. It adapts to your writing processes and doesn’t force you to adapt your writing style.

Additional information

Goals and Ambitions

Last Updated: January 23, 2024

100 Creative Hobbies to Take Up This Year [Fun Art Hobbies]

Looking for new creative hobbies to take up this year? Check out this guide for a long list of 100 creative and artistic hobbies.

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Danny Newman


On the hunt for creative hobbies list? I hope this post helps!

Creative hobbies can have a tremendous impact on your health.

It’s true! Artsy hobbies boost our confidence , make us feel more connected to our community, and can help combat feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression.

Researchers have also discovered that those who regularly practice arts and crafts hobbies are less likely to develop dementia and other cognitive problems.

Bonus: art hobbies aren’t just good for you, they’re super fun too!

Are you looking for new craft hobby ideas to add to your repertoire? Check out this long list of creative hobbies to try this year.


Here we go, then: 100 long list of arts and crafts hobbies you must try!

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Traditional Arts and Crafts Hobbies

Just because it’s traditional doesn’t mean it’s boring! Let’s start with a list of tried-and-true creative hobbies that countless people around the world enjoy.

It’s been popular ever since cavemen first etched animals onto stone walls. All you need to get started is a sketch pad, a few sharp pencils, and your imagination.

2. Painting

Watercolours, pastels, oils, acrylics — the sky is the limit here. Choose your medium, grab an easel, and paint anything from a bowl of fruit to an abstract explosion of colours.

3. Creative Writing

Start with some simple prose or a poem. Self-reflect with some heartfelt journal entries. Or tackle that novel you’ve always wanted to write (but haven’t gotten around to starting yet).

4. Sculpting

Endless mediums, endless possibilities! Create a sculpture with simple polymer clay, or try your hand at stone or metal sculpting. If you live somewhere with cold winters, you could even attempt to make your own ice sculptures .

5. Photography

Thanks to our smartphones, we all have the ability to become instant photographers. Practice those basic skills like composition and lighting and then, when you’re ready, upgrade your equipment to include a real camera and maybe even a darkroom!

6. Gardening

Whether you have acres of land or a tiny patio, there are few things as healthy and rewarding as getting your hands dirty. Grow your own herbs to include in your favourite recipes or hone your skills at growing different types of flowers and shrubs.


You’ve got the moves? Then dancing is one of the creative hobbies you will surely enjoy!

One of the oldest creative hobbies and traditions on the planet, dance has been part of human society since the dawn of time! Sign up for classes to learn classics like ballroom dancing or ballet, or follow some online tutorials to learn the latest and greatest hip-hop moves.

If you like getting your hands dirty, why not sign up for a pottery class? You’ll get elbow-deep in clay while you learn to work the potter’s wheel and create cups, mugs, vases, and anything else you can think of.

9. Woodworking

Learn to craft your own wooden tools, furniture, and home decor with a woodworking workshop. If you’re more detail-oriented, consider a woodcarving class where you learn to carve tiny artistic details onto wooden objects.

Cookies, cakes, and brownies, oh my! Indulge your sweet tooth with basic recipes like blueberry muffins or chocolate chip cookies, or go wild and learn how to decorate wedding cakes or cupcakes a la The Great British Baking Show .

11. Flower Arranging

Let your creativity shine as you combine different varietals of flowers and greenery to form spectacular bouquets. Enjoy your handiwork around the home or turn your budding hobby (pun intended) into a profitable business.

12. Graphic Design

Creative hobbies aren’t limited to pen and paper — you can be wildly artistic in the digital world too! Experiment with programs like Photoshop or Adobe and learn to edit photos, design logos, or create digital drawings or paintings.

If you love working with plants but don’t have a large yard for gardening, why not try sculpting bonsai trees inside your home? Order a bonsai starter kit and get ready to shower that tiny tree with love as you carefully tend to it.

14. Model Building

For the most patient and detail-oriented among us, building models can be a wonderful addition to your list of creative hobbies. You’ll work slowly and meticulously to assemble and paint tiny aeroplanes, vehicles, railroads, or buildings.

15. Learn to Play an Instrument

Whether you’re 9 or 99, it’s never too early (or too late) to learn to play your favourite musical instrument. Piano, guitar, and flute are popular choices, or you could try other classics like the drums, the saxophone, or the violin.


Next up: List of creative hobbies for kids and teenagers!

Fun Craft Hobby Ideas for Kids & Teenagers

Looking to cut down on your kids’ screen time and get them excited about something new? Choose an activity from this list of creative hobbies that’s perfect for young people.

16. Cooking

Nearly 90% of parents agree that cooking is an important life skill, yet 60% have never taught their kids how to boil an egg. Choose some age-appropriate tasks and get your children involved in the kitchen — measuring, mixing, prepping, baking, frying, etc.

17. Nail Art

This is a fun, inexpensive hobby the kids are sure to love. Online tutorials will teach them how to paint intricate designs as well as how to add stickers and gemstones for that “wow” factor.

18. Origami

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Whatever shape or object you can imagine, you’d better believe there’s a way to fold paper to resemble it. Origami is an ancient art that’s been around for at least a thousand years, but it’s just as fun and family-friendly today.

19. Magic Tricks

Is there a budding magician in the house? Develop that art with some basics like coins, pencils, cards, and ropes — there are plenty of YouTube tutorials you can watch to learn classic (and more innovative) magic tricks.

20. Jigsaw Puzzles

Start with smaller puzzles that feature larger pieces for the younger kids. As they develop their skills and patience, you can gradually work up to larger, more complicated puzzles that have hundreds or even thousands of pieces to assemble.

21. Scrapbooking

Take those photos and memories out of the digital realm and create real albums you can cherish for years to come. Visit a craft store and stock up on colourful stock paper and stickers, then print some photos and assemble them into a scrapbook with mementoes like ticket stubs, maps, and postcards.

22. Jewellery Making

Who doesn’t love playing with shiny things? Medium choices are endless here, from beads and charms to strings, metal, resin, clay, and more. Start with basics like a charm bracelet and gradually expand to earrings, necklaces, body jewellery, and more.

23. Learn a Foreign Language

It’s challenging at first, but learning another language can open unlimited possibilities in your child’s future! Sign them up for classes at school, download language learning apps, or join a culture club in your area that focuses on immersion.


In search for Artsy hobbies for seniors?  The next section should help!

The Best Artsy Hobbies for Seniors

Art hobbies are ideal for seniors who want to have fun while keeping their hands limber and their minds sharp. Here are some craft hobby ideas that seniors (and everyone else) are sure to enjoy.

24. Collecting

The great thing about becoming a collector is you can collect absolutely anything you’re interested in! Common items include stamps, coins, and trading cards, but you could branch out to miniatures, vinyl records, antique furniture, or anything else you can think of.

25. Flower Pressing

Take a daily stroll through a park or garden, select a few fresh blooms, and press them to preserve their natural beauty. As you hone your skills, you can learn to press and preserve entire bouquets and turn them into greeting cards or interior artwork.

26. Soap Making

Why buy mass-produced soaps that are full of chemicals when you can make your own (healthier) version at home? All it takes is a few basic ingredients — oil, lye, and water — then you’re free to experiment with different fragrances, essential oils, colours, shapes, and more.

27. Crossword Puzzles & Word Search

Sharpen your vocabulary and your mind with language-based games like crossword puzzles or word searches. Buy an old-fashioned paper book or go online for the latest digital options like Wordle .

28. Basket Weaving

With just a few basic supplies like branches, twine, and pliers, you can bring this ancient art into your home. This is one of those creative hobbies that are very practical, too, since you’ll create items you can use (or sell) for storage, home decor, and more.

There’s no end to what you can create with needles and string. Seniors who enjoy working with their hands (but need an activity that’s not too physically taxing) may love the creativity that comes with sewing, knitting, quilting, crocheting, and embroidery.

30. Tai Chi

Flow through a series of gentle movements designed to help you feel relaxed, balanced, and at peace. All you need is a beautiful, quiet setting to practice in, like a garden, park, or your own backyard.


If you are looking for more new art hobbies to try, Check out these ones!

Unusual Art Hobbies

Still haven’t found the perfect new hobby for you? Then it’s time to think outside the box with some of these not-quite-traditional creative hobbies!

31. International Cooking

You may know how to prepare popular dishes from your home culture, but what about exploring cuisines from other parts of the world? Sign up for a cooking class or watch some YouTube videos to learn how to prepare curries, sushi, tamales, tartare, or other foreign foods.

32. Candlemaking

With some wax and wicks, all things are possible! Experiment with an endless variety of shapes, sizes, colours, and fragrances. You can even sculpt patterns into the candle wax or add “bling” like beads and glitter.

33. Mixology

Why settle for a boring old gin and tonic when there are literally countless combinations to explore? Today’s mixologists are experimenting with natural botanicals, fresh herbs, infused liquors, and so much more, so level up your at-home bar and get ready to shake, stir, and pour.

34. Comedy Improv

Do you love to make people laugh? Hone your skills with some acting classes that focus on improv, which is designed to help you think fast and come up with those witty comebacks.

35. Glass-Blowing

Invented by the Syrians, perfected by the Venetians, and beloved the world over, glassblowing is one of those easily overlooked but seriously awesome artsy hobbies. You’ll work with metal tools, melted glass, and fiery furnaces that reach up to 1300 degrees Celcius (2400 degrees Fahrenheit)!

36. Mapmaking

Discover your inner cartographer and dive into the exciting world of mapmaking! Create hand-drawn maps of your country, the world, or a fantasy realm of your choosing. Or go online and use digital tools to create a custom map of your travels or a land from your favourite fictional story.

37. Leather Crafting

Become a leatherworker and you’ll soon be able to make your own belts, boots, jewellery, handbags, book covers, and more. Along the way, you’ll learn how to condition, cut, sew, and design leather (don’t worry, there are even pleather options for vegans).

38. Cosplay

Remember how much fun you had as a kid dressing up for Halloween? Cosplay takes that idea to the next level. In fact, there are entire conventions dedicated to fans who design detailed, accurate costumes of their favourite fictional characters.

39. 3D Printing

If you can dream it, you can print it, thanks to one of the coolest inventions in recent decades. Build anything you can imagine in digital form — from a board game to a fishing boat — and watch in amazement as your 3D printer brings it to life.


The coming section has more of Artistic hobbies to try!

Bonus: 61 More Artistic Hobbies to Try

Feeling inspired? Add these bonus ideas to your creative hobbies list!

40. Beatboxing

41. Kite flying

42. Aquascaping

43. Card shuffling

44. Baton twirling

45. Pole dancing

46. Paint by numbers

47. Calligraphy

48. Ventriloquist

49. Making dreamcatchers

50. Metalworking

51. Online trivia games

52. Papier mache

53. Sommelier

54. Creating makeup tutorials

55. Computer coding

56. Dramatic acting

57. Weaving

58. Architectural drawing

59. Comic books/manga illustration

60. Bullet journaling

61. Make a terrarium

62. Digital animation

63. Cross-stitching

64. Pour painting

65. Tarot card reading

66. Singing

67. Meditation

68. Interior decorating

69. Start your own podcast

70. Adult colouring books


Interested in craft hobby ideas that can help a bit Mother nature? Upcycling is a great example!

71. Upcycling

72. Make your own greeting cards

73. Decorate dollhouses

74. Foil embossing

75. Decoupage

76. Cake decorating

77. Worldbuilding

78. Glass etching

79. Stained glass

80. Pyrography

81. Screen printing

82. Bead art

83. Bone carving

84. Beekeeping

85. Landscaping

87. Figure drawing

88. Fashion design

89. Diamond painting

90. Macrame

91. Make stuffed toys

92. Sand art bottles

93. Terrazzo

94. Tile mosaics

95. String art

96. Wreath making

97. Sandcastle building

98. Rubber stamping

99. Needle felting

100. Arm knitting

The Ultimate List of Creative Hobbies

So, which entries from this creative hobbies list appealed to you most?

Will you try woodworking? Mixology? Dancing? Soap making?

Remember: It doesn’t matter which creative hobbies you choose, as long as you’re having fun and expressing yourself.

Would you like to take your new hobby to the next level? Read this post to learn how to use your creative talent to make money online!


150+ Creative Hobbies You Can Try Today (Huge List of Ideas)

Great Creative Hobbies to Start

Creativity is the ability to use your imagination to come up with original ideas, create things, or solve problems.

Almost everything we enjoy today has been created by people who have had the foresight and drive to harness their creative powers. It is hard to imagine where we would all be if these people neglected their creativity.

As you will see, creativity cuts across all kinds of fields such as art, music, crafts, science, technology, and even nature . Therefore, no matter what your interests are, you have an opportunity to build your creativity.

But what are the benefits of developing your creativity? There are many exciting reasons why you should strive to awaken your creative genius. For starters:

  • Doing something creative is fun . There is nothing better than getting lost in something you enjoy. Plus, you become an interesting person to be around.
  • You learn how to train your brain to come up with original solutions to difficult problems.
  • You get to meet other creative people and expand your social circle.
  • You get to build highly useful skills that you can use to build a business or make money on the side.
  • Creative hobbies are great for adding to your resume and you can easily turn them into a career you will love.
  • You get the chance to work with your hands and your mind to create something beautiful that will benefit others.

So, how do you become a more creative person? The best way to train yourself to be creative is to do creative things. Everyone is born with the ability to be creative, but we lose most of it because we don’t practice how to be creative. Creativity is like a muscle, the more you use it the more it grows.

Unlock Your Creative Mastery

You now have a way to attain mastery in your creative hobbies without breaking the bank .

With Domestika Plus , you get access to over 1,000 high-quality courses for only $7.83 a month (o r $93.99 a year). You also get:

  • To try for free. You can try all 1,000+ courses for free for 30 days by creating a free account.
  • A wide variety of courses. Including photography, DIY, crafts, music, animation , and more
  • Certificates . You get a custom signed certificate on completing a course.
  • Expert tutors. Learn from top experts in the creative sector.

In this article, I will give you a huge list of 150+ creative hobbies and interests that you can start. These will help you to wake up your dormant creative muscles and give you a creative outlet.

You can do most of these hobbies in and around your home and they are great for both adults and kids. Many of them are also inexpensive and ideal for beginners.

You never have to run out of ideas for creative things to do.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Art

Art is a very broad term that encompasses all kinds of creative activities (see types of art ). In this section, I focus mainly on visual and decorative art hobbies.

Art hobbies are great hobbies to have because:

  • Most can be done from the comfort of your home and they are often inexpensive.
  • There is a wide variety of art-based hobbies. You will always have something to do or explore.
  • You get to create works of beauty that can have a strong impact on others.

Here are a few creative art hobbies you can start.

Getting good at drawing will lay a great foundation for many other artistic hobbies such as painting, design, and crafts. It is also an easy hobby to start because all you need is a pencil and paper.

2. Painting

Learning how to incorporate colors into your artwork is a step up from drawing and this will open up new opportunities to express your creativity.

3. Muraling

You can create intricate artwork on walls or ceilings by drawing inspiration from famous murals such as Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel mural. Start small by painting a feature wall at your home.

4. Airbrushing

This involves using an airbrush gun to spray paint onto a surface. It is a great way to create highly realistic artwork, and if you are just starting out, you can use stencils to create simple artwork.

5. LEGO Art

LEGOs are not just for kids. You can create sculptures, robots, dioramas, and even mosaic-like murals. LEGO art is also an activity that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Origami is a traditional Japanese art that uses paper folding techniques to create mini-sculptures. All you need to start is paper and a few simple origami designs that you can get online for free.

7. Quilling

In quilling, you create artistic designs by rolling, shaping, and gluing colored paper strips. You can use quilling to decorate all kinds of items including greeting cards and wall art.

8. Pyrography

This involves creating artwork by burning designs on materials like wood. You can use this technique to decorate wooden objects like tables, beds, and picture frames.

In etching, you create artwork by using acid to corrode metal. With this technique, you can create intricate designs on metal objects such as knives, pots, and vases.

10. Stained Glass Art

Stained glass can be used to create artwork for windows and has been used for centuries to decorate church windows. Often, you create stained glass by coloring molten glass with metal oxides.

11. Gilding

This involves decorating items using sheets of gold or gold leaf. You can decorate items such as furniture, jewelry, or utensils.

12. Collage

In collage, you create artwork by gluing items such as colored paper, photographs, or newspaper cuttings. This can be a great hobby to do with your kids, especially when they are young.

This involves creating artwork by sticking together small pieces of tile, glass, or ceramic. You can use mosaics to decorate floors, walls, or countertops.

Mosaic Tile Work

14. Carving

This involves creating sculptures by cutting or scraping materials like wood, marble, wax, or ice. Look at famous carvings such as the Venus de Milo to see what you can achieve with this hobby.

15. Modeling

In modeling, you create sculptures by working with malleable materials like clay or wax. Clay is cheap so this can be an easy way to get into making sculptures.

16. Calligraphy

This is the art of creating decorative handwriting. This is a great hobby to pick up if you are interested in graphic design or if you want to make items like greeting cards, certificates, or maps.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Music

If you enjoy listening to music or are inspired by talented musicians, you can consider taking up music as a hobby.

You can reap many of the benefits of music even if you don’t become a star or a great musician. For example, you can:

  • Creatively express your emotions, ideas, and values.
  • Expand your social circle by joining a band or a choir.
  • Build discipline by mastering a difficult instrument.

Here are some creative musical hobbies that you can easily get into.

17. Singing

This is a great way to get started in music because all you need is your voice. Even if you don’t intend to become a professional singer, training your voice can help you learn how to speak better, especially in public.

18. Playing a musical instrument

This is a step up from singing and if you want to take music seriously, mastering at least one musical instrument can be an advantage. You can start with popular instruments like guitar, piano, or flute.

19. Songwriting

Every song begins with songwriting and this is a powerful way to convey your emotions, ideas, and values. Also, you can make money from royalties even if you don’t do the singing yourself.

20. Rapping

If singing is too hard for you, consider rapping especially if you are good at rhyming words. You can draw inspiration from great rappers like Jay Z, Eminem, or Drake.

21. Beatmaking

This involves composing beats with chords, drums, or guitars. If you have a computer, there are plenty of software that can help you to easily get started with this.

22. Music Production

A music producer is involved in all aspects of creating a song including songwriting, beatmaking, mixing, and mastering. If you want to create and release songs for yourself or others, this is a hobby you can pick up.

A DJ plays music to entertain people. You can be a DJ at a club or you can throw epic parties at home. You can get started by installing DJing software on your computer to help you make your own mixes.

24. Busking

This involves playing music in the streets, often in return for a donation. This can be a great way for you to practice how to perform while making a bit of money.

25. Composing

A composer writes different kinds of music, especially for operas, orchestras, or film scores. This requires a deep understanding of music, but it is something you can work towards.

26. Conducting

A music conductor directs a musical performance (such as an orchestral concert) to ensure the correct tempo. This is a good hobby to explore if you have a musical ear and you enjoy managing large groups of musicians.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Crafts and DIY

Craft and DIY (Do It Yourself) projects are a great opportunity to be creative while making things that you need at home.

Some of the benefits of taking up a craft or DIY hobby are:

  • You can save a lot of money by making things you would have otherwise bought.
  • You can make some money by selling your creations offline (at fairs or markets) or online (at sites like Etsy ).
  • It gives you the freedom to make things exactly as you want them.

Here are some great creative crafts and DIY hobbies you can start.

27. Tapestry

Tapestries are woven artworks that often depict pictures rather than patterns. With this hobby, you can create wall hangings or coverings for your table or bed.

28. Needle Felting

This involves poking wool with special needles to make things like dolls, figurines, and animal toys. To see what is possible with needle felting, check out artwork by artists like Wakuneco (below), who makes hyper-realistic cat portraits.

29. Quilting

Quilting involves sewing layers of fabric together to make a quilt. If you have a sewing machine, quilting is relatively easy to do.

30. Knitting

Knitting isn’t just for grandmas, in fact, a lot of young people are getting into knitting as a way of dealing with stress. You can make sweaters, hats, socks, beanies, and many other items fairly easily.

31. Crocheting

Crocheting has also experienced a resurgence among young people, especially during the pandemic. You can find all kinds of patterns and tutorials online that you can use to go from a newbie to a pro.

32. Home Decoration

You can turn your home into a beautiful sanctuary for a fraction of the cost by learning home decoration techniques. You can watch TV shows on home décor to get inspired.

33. Pottery

With a pottery hobby, you can make pots, plates, vases , and many other earthenware products. The meditative aspects of pottery also make it great for dealing with stress and anxiety.

34. Woodworking

Learning how to make items out of wood is an extremely useful skill to have. It can also be used to support other hobbies like home decoration, upcycling, carpentry, and carving.

35. Glass Blowing

If you are feeling a bit adventurous, you can try glassblowing. Mastering this art can be difficult but if you do, you can make exquisite objects out of glass. A con of this hobby is that it requires a kiln and you need to be comfortable working with molten glass.

36. Macrame

This is a knotting technique that is used to make belts, bracelets, wall hangings, and ornaments. You just need to learn a few basic knots to start making some useful products.

37. Beading

In beading, you use colorful beads made out of plastic or seeds to make jewelry or decorate items like belts, bracelets, or hats. This hobby is easy and cheap to start, so it is ideal if you don’t have much time and money.

38. Jewelry Making

This hobby will teach you how to work with precious stones and metals to make adornments. If you do it well, it has the potential to earn you a decent amount of money.

39. Papier Mache

In papier mache, you use wet paper pulp to make various items such as sculptures, puppets, and masks. If you have kids, this can be a good hobby to do with them.

40. Tie and Dye

You can use this dyeing technique to give a new lease on life to your faded clothes and fabrics by creating unique colored patterns.

41. Upcycling

You don’t have to throw away your old furniture. With an upcycling hobby, you can re-purpose them into new, elegant items. Also, you help the environment by keeping items out of the dumpsite.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Writing

Writing is almost as old as humanity and it will likely remain relevant for centuries to come. It is therefore a skill that is worth putting the time and effort to master.

Some of the benefits of writing include:

  • You learn how to communicate your emotions, ideas, and feelings.
  • It can be therapeutic. You can use writing to sort through difficult emotions.
  • You can use writing to influence others. In fact, the writings of authors like Karl Marx have led to revolutions in countries.

Here are some creative writing hobbies you can try.

42. Writing Fiction or Non-fiction Stories

This is what usually comes to mind when people talk about writing. You can write novels, short stories, or novellas . With platforms like Amazon’s KDP, it is now quite easy to self-publish your work.

43. Blogging

Blogging allows you to get your writing to the masses without going through gatekeepers. You can start a blog for less than $70 and grow it to have a bigger audience than most mainstream media.

44. Journal Writing (Diarizing)

Take up this hobby if you need to capture your thoughts and ideas. This is especially important if you want to improve your creativity. Journalizing can also be quite therapeutic.

Poetry is one of the best ways to express your emotions and connect with your audience. It is also a great way to train yourself in wordsmithing.

46. Drama Writing

This involves writing scripts for theater plays or film and television productions. An excellent hobby to pick up if you wish to be in the entertainment industry.

47. Copywriting

Copywriting is the art of selling through writing. If you master this skill, you can become very wealthy. Study the works of great copywriters like Dan Kennedy , David Ogilvy, or Gary Halbert.

48. Journalism

Journalists get to travel to new places and meet interesting people. You can train yourself in journalism by submitting articles to newspapers or publishing them in your own blog.

49. Genealogy Writing

You can explore the history and rich traditions of your family and keep alive stories that would have otherwise been forgotten. This hobby combines creativity, curiosity, and detective work.

50. Biography Writing

You can write your life story or a story of someone you love. This is a great way to keep the memory of someone alive.

51. Speech Writing

Some of the greatest speeches in history such as Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream, were crafted through meticulous speech writing. This is a useful skill to master if you want to influence change in the world.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Design

Design is the art of arranging elements to achieve a particular style or look. Designing often requires that you consider both aesthetics and function. For example, when you design a chair, you want it to look good but be comfortable as well.

The benefits of taking up a design hobby include:

  • There is demand for great designers and you can make a great career out of it.
  • Design combines art and science making it a great way to supercharge your creativity.
  • You get the chance to create useful products that people will love.

Here are some creative design hobbies that you can try.

52. Graphic Design

Graphic design skills will help you fit into a variety of sectors including marketing, publishing, and software. With this skill, you can learn to design logos, posters, book covers , and many other products.

53. Interior Design

This hobby involves designing indoor spaces that are beautiful, comfortable, and functional. With this skill, you can turn your home into the sanctuary that you have always wanted.

54. Landscape Design

With this skill, you can create outdoor spaces (such as backyards, parks, or plazas) that are beautiful, therapeutic, and in harmony with nature. Impress your friends by turning your backyard into an oasis of beauty and peace.

55. Architectural Design

If you need a bit of a challenge, why not design your dream house from scratch and save yourself some money? With software with Revit, Autocad, or SketchUp, you can easily do this.

56. Game Design

If you enjoy playing video games, why not try your hand at designing one? This is a rewarding hobby that combines art, story-telling, and technical expertise.

57. Web Design

Designing websites requires that you learn how to combine layouts, colors, and fonts to create a website that is both appealing and functional. It is a hobby that is both financially and creatively rewarding.

58. UI/UX Design

This refers to user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. You can apply these skills in fields such as app, game, and software development to make products that are intuitive and user-friendly.

59. Fashion Design

You can design and make clothes, bags, shoes, and other fashion accessories for yourself or others. There are plenty of cheap courses online that can help you get started with this hobby.

60. Costume Design

Costume designers mainly make costumes for plays, movies, or TV. However, you can also use this skill to support other hobbies like cosplay, historical re-enactments, or dance.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Performing

If you want to test your creativity to the max, try performing in front of a live audience.

Here is why a hobby involving public performance can be beneficial.

  • The pressure of public performance can help you to learn how to conjure creative solutions on the fly.
  • Performing hobbies can help you to deal with the fear of performing in public.
  • Feedback is immediate which can lead to faster improvement.

Here are some creative hobbies that involve performing.

61. Performing Magic Tricks

This is a good hobby to get into especially if you have kids or work with kids. Basic coin and card tricks are easy to learn especially if you have the right learning materials.

62. Ventriloquism

This hobby involves speaking in a way that makes it seem like your voice is coming from somewhere else (often a dummy). To get started, you can study the works of famous ventriloquists like Jeff Dunham, Terry Fator, and Dan Horn.

63. Theatre

Theatre is a form of art that involves the live performance of plays. If you enjoyed being in your school play, this can be a hobby that you can explore further.

64. Public Speaking

Public speaking (Oration) is a great hobby to pick up if you want to learn how to effectively convey information to a live audience. A great way to practice public speaking is to join your local Toastmasters club.

65. Cosplay

Cosplay involves dressing up as your favorite movie, TV, or videogame character at parties or events such as the ComiCon . Fueled by social media, this hobby has become very popular in recent years.

66. LARping

Live Action Role Playing (LARPing) is a role-playing game where people dress up and act like their favorite characters. It is similar to Cosplay but here, you immerse yourself in role-playing your character and it goes beyond just dressing up.

67. Spoken Word

This is often defined as poetry that is meant to be performed. This can be a great way to bring your poetry to life and it can lead to other hobbies like rap and hip-hop.

Improvisation theater (Improv) is a form of theater where performers make up stories or jokes on the spot without a script. This hobby can help you learn how to go with the flow and live in the moment.

69. Karaoke

Karaoke often involves singing to pre-recorded tracks of popular songs. While this is a fun hobby to do at a bar or club, you can also do it at home if you want to improve your singing.

70. Acrobatics

This hobby combines the theatrics of performance with the athleticism of a sport. If the challenge of performing complicated maneuvers under pressure appeals to you, then this is the hobby for you.

71. Kite Flying

You can enthrall audiences at your local park with complicated kite flying tricks. This can be a satisfying hobby that combines the artistry of a flying kite with the creativity of making one.

Creative Hobbies That Are Healthy

Keeping healthy and fit is crucial if you want to keep diseases away and retain your strength in your old age. However, with our busy lives, it can be difficult to find time for exercise.

So, why not combine your creative activities with fitness? There are several benefits to this:

  • Working out becomes fun which means you are likely to stick with it.
  • You build functional strengths since you engage muscles that you would have neglected in a normal exercise routine.
  • You can engage in these hobbies together with others which can help with socializing.

Here are examples of creative hobbies that are also healthy.

72. Dancing

Dancing is a great way to keep fit and some forms of dance such as Zumba and Jazzercise have become quite popular for this. Dancing is also a great way to socialize.

73. Martial Arts

Although people get into martial arts to learn self-defense, various aspects of martial arts such as kata (for Karate), taolu (for Kung Fu), or pumsae (for Tae Kwon Do) feature creative performances that are inspiring to watch.

74. Acro Yoga

AcroYoga is an acrobatic form of Yoga that is often performed with a partner or in a group. It is a great way to burn calories while building strength and flexibility.

75. Jump Rope

You can incorporate tricks and routines into your jump rope sessions to make them more challenging and interesting.

76. Parkour

Parkour involves moving from one point to another while jumping, climbing, or vaulting over obstacles. This is a sport that combines artistry with athleticism and has been made popular by movies such as the Casino Royale.

77. Rhythmic Gymnastics

This is a form of gymnastics that incorporates dance, music, and calisthenics. Hoops, balls, or ribbons are often used to aid the performance. It can be demanding but also highly creative.

78. Synchronized Swimming

This is an Olympic sport where people perform choreographed swimming routines. It is sometimes called water ballet. Check out this hobby if you enjoy music, dancing, and swimming.

Diving involves jumping from a platform while performing acrobatic routines. It can help you to build strength, flexibility, and spatial awareness.

80. Artistic Skateboarding

This involves riding and performing tricks on a skateboard. It is a fairly easy hobby to get into because skateboards are cheap and many places have skate parks.

81. Artistic Ice Skating

This involves performing choreographed routines while on ice skates. It is a great hobby to pick up during winter or if you have an ice rink close by.

82. Artistic Roller Skating

This hobby involves performing artistic routines while riding roller skates. It is quite similar to ice skating with the advantage that it can be done where there is no ice.

83. Trapeze

This is a type of acrobatic performance that involves swinging from horizontal bars suspended high up in the air with ropes. If you are not afraid of heights, this is a hobby you can try.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Science and Tech

With everything going digital, science, tech, and computer-related skills will continue to be crucial for progress.

Some of the benefits of science and tech hobbies include:

  • You get to understand science and tech at a much deeper level. You can become incredibly smart when you immerse yourself in this world.
  • You can make lots of cool projects for yourself and others. If you are lucky, you can turn these projects into real money-makers.
  • You get to meet and interact with other smart people. You will be surprised at what you can learn by simply being around other smart people.

Here are some great examples of creative science and tech hobbies you can try.

Coding is a super skill that can help you get into all kinds of creative hobbies like software, web, apps, AI, and game development. Start by learning a programming language that you can apply in a variety of fields (such as Python).

You can use drones for all kinds of creative activities such as aerial photography, videography, mapping, and drone shows. Get yourself an affordable, quality drone, and let the fun begin.

86. Astrophotography

Taking photographs of stars, planets or galaxies can be a great way to spend your nights especially if you enjoy astronomy. The key to building a great astrophotography kit is to get yourself a decent telescope and camera.

87. Rocketry

The success of companies like SpaceX has led to a revival in rocketry. This hobby requires a lot of experimentation and innovation which makes it perfect for anyone with a curious mind.

88. 3D Printing

You can make wonderful sculptures using 3D printers but its value goes beyond making art. A 3D printer is essential for supporting hobbies like diorama making, scale models, RC, interior décor, and upcycling.

A Cricut is a machine that can cut various designs on materials like paper, vinyl, fabric, and even thin metals. It is popular with DIY enthusiasts because you can make professional-looking cards, signs, and branded merchandise at home.

The rise of generative AI models such as DALL-E and Midjourney has opened up new opportunities for people to create original art using AI. Try these tools and you will be amazed at what you will produce.

You can use CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) to create 3D images, animations, and special effects for movies, video games, and even architecture. You can start by learning how to use CGI software like AfterEffects, Blender, or Autodesk.

92. Electronics

If you have a good grasp of electronics, you can do all kinds of fun and creative projects, especially if you pair it with knowledge of coding and AI. Start by learning basic electronics and then explore the Internet of Things (IoT).

93. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AU)

You can supercharge your creativity by learning how to create immersive experiences and virtual worlds using VR and AR. This is an exciting cutting-edge field with plenty of opportunities for innovation.

94. Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi are small single-board computers that you can use to do all kinds of interesting projects in home automation, wildlife monitoring, and robotics. This is a great way to have fun while getting smart.

95. YouTube

YouTube is a great opportunity to experiment with various creative activities like filming, editing, lighting, graphic design, copywriting, set design, and persuasive speaking. Plus you can make a decent amount of money while you learn.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Food and Drink

The process of preparing food and drink can be quite creative if you choose to open your mind. There are some great reasons why you should try and be creative with your food.

  • It can open up a whole new world to you, one that is filled with new smells and flavors.
  • You can have a lot of fun experimenting with new ingredients, techniques, and culinary experiences.
  • It is one of the best ways to explore other people’s cultures and tap into creativity that has developed over the centuries.

Here are some great creative food and drink hobbie s you can try.

96. Cooking

Cooking is not just about making a meal to sustain you. You can bring creativity into your cooking by exploring different flavors, ingredients, and cooking styles. Cooking is also a great way to experiment and learn new ways of doing things.

Like cooking, baking can also be a highly creative activity. You can experiment by baking different kinds of foods (pastries, bread, pizza, etc) as well as different ways of decorating the end product.

98. Ice-cream Making

You can save quite a bit of money by making your own ice cream. Making creamy and delicious ice cream at home is now possible due to innovative products like the Ninja CREAMi.

99. Cake Decorating

If you want to take your baking skills to the next level, there is nothing better than learning how to decorate like a pro. It may seem intimidating, but it is actually a relatively easy skill to learn if you have the right resources.

100. Making Sugar Sculptures

You can make exquisite sculptures from sugar or sugar derivatives and you can use them as edible decorations during events or gift them as a work of art.

101. Latte Art

This hobby involves making various designs on coffee (mostly lattes and cappuccinos). If you love coffee or you plan to work as a barista, this is definitely a hobby you should try.

102. Fruit and Vegetable Carving

This is an awesome hobby to learn if you want to jazz up your food presentation skills and wow your friends at your next party. Some fruits that are great for carving include pumpkins, watermelons, apples, cucumbers, and oranges.

Pumpkin Carving

103. Bento Box Art

This is a type of art that originated in Japan and it involves creatively arranging food in a lunch box (bento box). You can make cute pictures of animals or manga/cartoon characters and surprise your kids when they go to school.

104. Mixology

Mixology is the art of mixing and serving cocktails and other drinks. This is a good hobby to pick up if you regularly host parties or if you intend to get a job as a bartender.

105. Food Photography

Learning how to be a great food photographer can open up opportunities in marketing, publishing, and retail. Plus you can re-use your photography skills to do other kinds of photography if you wish.

106. Wine Making

This is a great hobby to pick up if you want to make friends fast. Who doesn’t want a friend who can make good wine? Not to mention all the money you will save by making your wine at home.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Nature

Nature is the ultimate source of beauty so it makes sense to turn to nature if we want to elevate our creativity.

Here are some of the benefits of incorporating nature-related creative hobbies into your life.

  • Most nature hobbies are inexpensive and easy to implement as long as you have a bit of patience.
  • They are great for dealing with stress and mental health issues.
  • You can learn a lot about creativity by studying nature and this can spark great innovation.

Here are some great creative hobbies that involve nature.

107. Bonsai

Bonsai is a traditional Japanese art that involves growing miniature trees in containers. This meditative hobby will also teach you a lot about plants.

10 8 . Pooktre

Pooktre is the art of shaping trees and other woody plants as they grow. With this hobby, you can create intriguing living sculptures that will turn your garden into a unique art gallery.

109. Aquascaping

Aquascaping involves arranging aquatic plants, rocks, and wood to create an appealing design within an aquarium. If you are into fishkeeping, interior design, or ecology , this can be a good hobby to pick up.

110. Terrarium Design

A terrarium is a self-sustaining ecosystem that is often composed of small plants (like mosses or ferns) within a glass bottle or clear container. They can be a great way to decorate your house by introducing a bit of greenery.

111. Topiary

Topiary is the art of clipping and pruning trees and shrubs to create decorative shapes. You can create fascinating gardens using this technique. The Levens Hall Manor garden in England is a great example of what you can achieve with topiary.

Topiary Garden

112. Floral Design/ Flower Arrangement

Flowers can bring much-needed color into a space and learning how to cut, match, and arrange flowers in appropriate containers can transform your home.

113. Orchid Propagation

Orchids are beautiful yet delicate flowers and they can be difficult to grow. Learning how to correctly propagate them can open doors to a creatively rewarding hobby.

114. Rock Gardening

Rock gardening involves arranging plants around naturally occurring or artificially placed rocks to create a beautiful landscape. They can be a great way to add texture and diversity to your backyard.

115. Zen Gardening

A zen garden is a Japanese dry garden that is distinctive by its use of sand or gravel that is raked to mimic ripples in water. You can make a zen garden to create a peaceful oasis at your home.

116. Taxidermy

Taxidermy involves stuffing and mounting animal skins in a way that makes it seem like the animal is alive. It is an artistic hobby that can also be used in the scientific study of animals and birds.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Vehicles

A creative car hobby can give you an outlet for expressing your creativity while engaging in your passion for cars. Here are some good reasons for starting a car hobby.

  • You learn valuable skills that you can use to get a job.
  • You can easily turn car hobbies into profitable businesses.
  • By working on your car yourself, you save a lot of money that you would have spent on professionals.

Here are some creative car hobbies you can pick up.

117. Car Tattooing

If you have a boring, old car, you can jazz it up by painting designs and patterns on the exterior to give it a customized look. This hobby will help you to pick up other artistic hobbies like airbrushing, printing, and engraving.

118. Car Detailing

Car detailing involves cleaning a car with the aim of making it look brand new. To get started, you need to learn some of the detailing techniques such as washing, polishing, waxing, leather trimming, and paint correction. This is the hobby for you if you want to maintain a pristine-looking car.

1 19 . Car Restoration

This hobby involves restoring vehicles (mostly classic or vintage cars) to their original condition. Some of the activities you may have to do include mechanical repair, painting, and electrical work. Certainly not a hobby for the faint of heart.

1 20 . Car Customizing (Pimping)

You can customize the appearance or performance of your car to suit your preferences. This is a great way to express your personality and stand out from the crowd. This hobby goes well with other car hobbies on this list.

A Customized Car

121. Building Scale Car Models

You can make scale car models from kits or make your own. There are plenty of stores that sell diecast models that make it easy to assemble or create miniature vehicles.

122. Making RC Cars

You can make your own remote-controlled (RC) cars, either from a kit or from scratch. This hobby can teach you a lot of skills like electronics, soldiering, Arduino, design, and 3D printing.

123. Car Sound System Installation

If you have an ear for how music should sound, you can learn how to upgrade and customize car sound systems. This can be a good hobby for audiophiles who don’t mind getting technical.

124. Car Photography

You can take photographs of cars at motor shows, racing events, museums, or motor club gatherings. This is a great hobby to combine with other creative hobbies like blogging, journalism, and YouTube.

125. Automotive Design

With this hobby, you can design your dream car even if you will not get to build it. If you get really good at it, you can get a job at an automotive design firm or a company that deals with vehicle customization.

126. Car Staging

Car museums, motor shows, and exhibition events often require a designer who will help them stage their cars for maximum impact. This involves learning various stage design techniques such as working with lights and color.

127. Offroading Challenges

Participating in offroading challenges can be a great way to enhance your creativity by learning how to get out of difficult situations or surmount seemingly impossible barriers.

Creative Hobbies That Involve Pets or Animals

If you love animals or you have a pet, you can express your creativity through them.

Here are some good reasons to have a creative pet or animal hobby.

  • Animals make good companions, especially if you are alone and lonely.
  • Animals can help you deal with stress and anxiety. Some therapists even use pets to help patients deal with PTSD.
  • Having an animal like a dog as a pet can help you to be more physically active.

Here are some creative animal hobbies you can try.

128. Animal Photography

Photographing animals at home or in their natural environments can be a great way to showcase their beauty while learning more about animals.

129. Animal Art

You can make drawings, paintings, or sculptures of different kinds of animals. If you are good at it, you can display your work at museums or galleries.

13 0 . Bird Feeder Design

If you are into birding, you can learn how to design and make bird feeders that attract birds but also protect them against predators like cats.

131. Animal Training

Training animals like dogs, horses, or seals requires a willingness to be innovative and adaptable. You can train animals for protection, companionship, or entertainment.

132. Pet Grooming

Grooming is usually done to ensure that pets are clean and free of pets. But you can also groom your pet to make it look unique and turn it into a work of art through shaving, painting, and accessorizing.

Dog Grooming

133. Pet Rehabilitation

Pets, especially those involved in sports (like horses), often suffer injuries and ailments. You can use your creativity to nurse them back to health. You will need to learn various techniques like massage, joint mobilization, and aqua training among others.

134. Animal Prosthetics

To be good at making animal prosthetics, you need to be good at art but also have a deep knowledge of animal anatomy. Giving an animal the ability to be mobile again can be satisfying at many levels.

135. Animal Shelter Design

You can learn design skills that will help you design animal shelters and enclosures that are comfortable but also mimic their natural environment. This hobby can be useful if you intend to work or volunteer at a zoo or animal shelter.

136. Horsemanship

Skills that demonstrate good horsemanship (such as dressage or show jumping) require artistry, athleticism, and good bonding with your horse. You can learn these skills through dedicated practice.

137. Falconry

Falconry involves raising and training birds of prey (usually falcons) on how to hunt game. Experienced falconers gain a deep knowledge of birds that can be useful in fields such as breeding birds for conservation.

138. Recording Animal Sounds

Recording birds, bats, frogs, and other animals in their natural habitat can be relaxing. Such a hobby can also encourage you to spend more time outdoors.

Creative Hobbies That Relieve Stress

Modern life is full of challenges that can lead to stress, anxiety, and a host of other problems. Therefore, picking up hobbies that will help you deal with stress can be hugely beneficial, for example:

  • You become more productive because you can go back to work feeling refreshed.
  • They will protect you against stress-related diseases like high blood pressure and depression.
  • They will help you have better relationships with others because they teach you how to handle difficult emotions.

Here are some creative hobbies that can help you deal with stress.

139. Birdwatching

Watching birds is a fun and relaxing activity that can be done alone or with a group of friends. It also incorporates a variety of creative activities like bird photography, filming, and sound recording.

140 Learning Languages

Learning new languages can be a fun way to de-stress especially if you are doing it together with others. You can also learn by immersing yourself in pleasurable activities like movies, TV series, or comics.

141. Wilderness Survival

Being out in nature will give you a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Surviving out in nature also requires ingenuity and creative skills like foraging, orienteering, building a shelter, and making fire among others.

142. Adult Coloring

Coloring can be a great way to enter a meditative state and relax your brain. You can start by getting adult coloring books which often contain intricate patterns of flowers, animals, or mandalas that you can color.

143. Zentangle

Zentangle involves creating beautiful images by drawing intricate patterns. These patterns are often drawn on small pieces of paper (tiles) that can be assembled into a mosaic.

Zentangle Art

144. Comedy

Laughter is the best medicine. You can learn to make yourself (and others) happy by developing a sense of humor and not taking yourself too seriously.

145. Gardening

Gardening encourages you to be outdoors doing something physical. This can help you detach from your thoughts for a while. Plus you get to grow delicious and nutritious food.

146. Gaming

Playing video games often involves performing challenges that make your brain work. The engaging nature of video games makes them ideal if you want to bring some excitement into your life.

147. Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese art that brings harmony to a living space by the use of color, light, plants, and strategic furniture arrangement. Learning this art can help you create a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere at home.

148. Organizing

A disorganized workspace can lead to wasted time and frustration, especially when you can’t find something that you need. Having everything in its right place can make life much easier for you.

149. Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a craft that involves preserving memories through journaling and sticking memorabilia, photographs, or news clippings onto a book. As life becomes more digital, this is a hobby that can force you to slow down and appreciate what you have.

150. Puzzles

Games that engage your brain such as jigsaw or crossword puzzles can help you to relax while making you smarter. They can also be great for socializing or bonding with your family.

151. Whittling

Whittling involves trimming and shaving pieces of wood to make small sculptures or functional objects like spoons or ax handles. Whittling is great for fighting stress because it encourages focused relaxation.

Wrapping Up

If you are looking for a new hobby, you can’t go wrong by choosing a hobby that will help you to become more creative. I hope that this huge list of creative hobbies and interests has helped you to find something you can do.

If not, don’t give up. You cannot rush the creative process. Try different things and be patient with yourself. The benefits that you get from being more creative are worth the struggle.

Further Reading

If you need more hobby ideas, check out the following articles:

  • Ultimate List of 1,000+ Hobbies
  • Best DIY Hobbies
  • Hobbies That Will Make You More Productive
  • Best Hobbies for Introverts

creative writing hobbies

I'm a professional blogger and hobby enthusiast. I'm passionate about helping people find what they love to do and make a living from it.


Hobbies That Promote Writing And Storytelling Skills

Do you aspire to be a better writer and storyteller? Look no further than your own hobbies. Engaging in certain activities can help develop your writing and storytelling skills, allowing you to express yourself more effectively and creatively. Whether you enjoy writing alone or in a group, there are several hobbies that can help you become a better communicator.

Journaling and reflective writing are excellent ways to hone your writing skills. Writing down your thoughts and feelings on a daily basis can help you develop your voice and style , as well as improve your ability to communicate your ideas clearly.

Additionally, playing tabletop games and RPGs can help you develop your storytelling skills by allowing you to create and tell stories in a collaborative setting. These games can also help you develop your improvisational skills, which are essential for effective storytelling.

Table of Contents

Journaling and Reflective Writing

If you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to improve your writing and storytelling skills, you should definitely try your hand at journaling and reflective writing! These hobbies not only stimulate your creativity but also help you develop a deeper understanding of your thoughts and emotions.

Mindfulness meditation is an excellent tool to use before you start writing, as it can help calm your mind and focus your attention on the present moment. Once you’ve cleared your mind, you can begin writing about your experiences, feelings, and insights.

Personal essay writing is another form of journaling that can help you refine your writing and storytelling skills. This type of writing allows you to explore your own experiences and perspectives while also engaging with a broader audience. By sharing your personal stories and reflections, you can connect with others and inspire them to reflect on their own lives.

Whether you’re writing for yourself or for others, journaling and reflective writing are great hobbies that can help you grow as a writer and storyteller.

Playing Tabletop Games and RPGs

Engaging in tabletop games and RPGs enhances your ability to craft compelling narratives through interactive storytelling. These games require you to create characters and build their personalities, backgrounds, and motivations.

As you play, you’ll have to think on your feet and improvise your responses to the situations presented to you. This kind of improvisational storytelling is an excellent way to develop your imagination and hone your ability to create engaging characters and plotlines.

Tabletop games and RPGs also encourage collaboration and communication among players. You’ll need to work together to create a cohesive narrative and ensure that everyone has a chance to participate. This means that you’ll need to be able to listen to others, offer feedback, and build upon their ideas in a way that enhances the story.

By practicing these skills in a fun and engaging way, you’ll be better equipped to write stories and create characters that resonate with your audience.

Creative Writing and Fanfiction

Immersing yourself in the world of creative writing and fanfiction is like diving headfirst into a pool of endless possibilities. With this hobby, you can create your own world or characters and develop them however you want. It’s a great way to exercise your writing and storytelling skills while also having fun.

Character development and world building are essential aspects of creative writing and fanfiction. You have complete control over the characters’ personalities, their actions, and their motivations. You also have the power to create an entire world from scratch, complete with its own rules, history, and geography.

It’s a challenging and rewarding experience that can help you hone your imagination and writing skills. Whether you’re an aspiring writer or just someone who loves to tell stories, creative writing and fanfiction are hobbies that can help you grow and develop as a storyteller.

Photography and Visual Storytelling

With photography, you can capture moments and tell stories through visual mediums that transport you to a different world. As a writer, you can use your photography skills to enhance your storytelling abilities. By learning composition techniques and incorporating symbolism in your photographs, you can create captivating visuals that add depth to your writing.

Using visual aids, such as mood boards, can also be a helpful tool in developing your writing. Mood boards are a collection of images, colors, and textures that evoke a certain mood or tone. By creating a mood board for your story, you can better visualize the world you’re creating and use the images as inspiration for your writing.

Incorporating photography and visual storytelling into your hobbies can not only improve your writing skills but also allow you to explore new creative avenues.

Cooking and Recipe Writing


You can elevate your culinary creations by refining your cooking techniques and experimenting with new spices and ingredients, leading to a more sophisticated and impressive dining experience.

But did you know that cooking can also promote writing and storytelling skills? Recipe development is an art that involves creativity, precision, and attention to detail. By documenting your recipes and the process behind them, you can create culinary memoirs that tell the story of your culinary journey and share your passion for food with others.

Recipe writing is not just about listing ingredients and cooking instructions. It’s also about capturing the essence of a dish and sharing your personal connection to it. When you write about your recipes, think about the memories and emotions associated with them.

Was this dish inspired by a trip you took or a special occasion? Did you learn the recipe from a family member or a friend? By adding these personal touches, you can turn your recipes into unique and meaningful culinary memoirs that showcase your writing and storytelling skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common mistakes to avoid when starting a journal or reflective writing practice.

When starting a journal or reflective writing practice, common mistakes include overthinking and self-censorship. Don’t worry about being perfect – just write without judgment and let your thoughts flow freely.

How do tabletop games and RPGs specifically improve storytelling skills, as opposed to just general communication skills?

Tabletop game storytelling and RPG character development improve your ability to create compelling narratives, develop complex characters, and think on your feet. These skills are essential for crafting engaging stories and characters in any medium.

What are some tips for writing fanfiction that stays true to the original source material while also being creative and original?

Developing original characters is key in writing fanfiction that balances fan expectations with personal creativity. Stay true to the source material while adding your own unique touch, and don’t be afraid to take risks.

How can photography be used to tell a story, and what are some techniques for achieving this effectively?

You can effectively use photography to tell a story by using visual prompts and incorporating emotions. Capture moments that convey a message or feeling, and use techniques like composition, lighting, and color to enhance the storytelling aspect of your photos.

What are some key elements to consider when writing a recipe, beyond just the ingredients and cooking instructions?

When writing a recipe, consider your writing style and add a creative flair to engage readers. Beyond ingredients and instructions, include personal anecdotes, tips, and variations to make it unique and memorable.

Congratulations! You’re already on your way to becoming a better writer by exploring hobbies that promote writing and storytelling skills.

Journaling and reflective writing allow you to practice self-expression and develop your voice. Playing tabletop games and RPGs can help you build characters and create engaging plots.

Creative writing and fanfiction provide a platform for you to explore your imagination and experiment with different writing styles. Photography and visual storytelling teach you to convey a story through images. Cooking and recipe writing let you practice descriptive language and step-by-step instructions.

All of these hobbies not only improve your writing abilities but also provide a fun and creative outlet for your imagination. So, keep exploring new ways to improve your storytelling skills and never stop writing!

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60 Best Creative hobbies - Stoke your curiosity and creativity.

Home » Articles » 60 Best Creative hobbies - Stoke your curiosity and creativity.

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by Kyle Boureston | June 2nd, 2023

Kyle is the founder of Mantelligence, a relationship & dating coach, and a conversation & communication expert. His work has been featured on Marriage.com, Reader's Digest, Vice, Ask Men, and Refinery29. He ... Read Full Bio

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via: Depositphotos / Wavebreakmedia

With the many benefits of pursuing creative hobbies , from   benefiting your career to improving mental and physical health , you'd think everyone would have one, right? In fact, in one study, 88% of people agreed that  successfully completing creative project brought them joy.

By promoting flow , helping you structure your time, and assisting you in coping with stress , starting a new hobby is a great idea for just about   anybody!  As far as life benefits go, developing a creative hobby certainly beats watching Netflix or browsing social media.

So what is it that keeps you from branching out and exploring an exciting new interest in your life? Maybe you  feel stuck on the big question of finding the right hobby for you ?

Well, wonder no longer -- we've put together our ultimate list of hobbies guaranteed to stoke your curiosity and build your creative muscles . Use it to spend less time searching for a new activity, and  more time engaged in your new hobby!


6 Best Creative Hobbies

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via: Depositphotos / AndrewLozovyi

What makes these our best creative hobbies -- the ones that really stand out from the rest?

First and foremost, they are all  extremely accessible , with very few barriers to entry. This means that each of the hobbies listed here is widely available, has a minimal start-up cost , and has plenty of tutorials available online .

So what are you waiting for?  Get started today with one of our best creative hobbies.

1. Building Lego

For under $20, it's hard to find any hobby as ready-to-go as LEGO . Start with the instructions to build a set, then let your imagination run wild once you're warmed up!

Requiring nothing more than a pen or pencil and a notebook, drawing can even help relieve anxiety .

3. Cosplaying

If Halloween is your favorite holiday, cosplaying might be right up your alley . Costumes can range from ultra-simple to ridiculously complex, leaving plenty of room to grow into the hobby .

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via: Depositphotos / mandygodbehear

4. Bullet Journaling

More than just a note-taking method, Bullet Journaling can turn any notebook into a powerful tool for getting a grip on your life.

From cookies to cakes and so much more, baking is a creative hobby that's easy to share with friends and family.

6. Adult coloring

For the cost of a coloring book and pencils, you can have hours of relaxing and gently stimulating activity.

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via: Pexels / Burst

5 Creative Hobbies For Men

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via: Depositphotos / ArturVerkhovetskiy

All of these guy-centric hobbies have been chosen to let you work with your hands and your head -- a perfect combination for astute thinkers and doers . Better yet, call a couple of your friends to get a hobbies for men group going and  share your accomplishments.

7. Reviewing Gadgets

Do you love technology? Go ahead and start writing or making videos about your favorite gear, and it might turn into a good revenue source.

8. Knife making

Check for a blacksmithing class in your area, and you could walk away from a weekend with a hand-forged heirloom.

The sky's the limit with learning to code -- but even just a little bit can let you spruce up a web page.

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via: Depositphotos / REDPIXEL

10. BBQ and Grilling

Make yourself the star of summer get-together by learning how to masterfully marinade and cook meats.

11. Homebrewing

It's hard to find a group of guys that doesn't love beer. Start a brew of your own, and you could be drinking delicious ales and lagers for less than a dollar a bottle.

5 Creative Hobbies For Women

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via: Depositphotos / pikselstock

While women can absolutely take up any creative activity that a man can, hobbies for women in particular can help you develop a tight-knit social group while exercising your creative potentials.

12. Scrapbooking

With a small selection of supplies and photos, you can turn any memory into a beautiful keepsake to share or keep.

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via: Depositphotos / belchonock

13. Jewelry Making

If you enjoy wearing jewelry, then you already have a sense of what you might want to make for yourself, too.

14. Tarot Reading

Women are generally believed to be more intuitive than men -- making tarot reading a natural fit.

15. Cocktail Mixing

Because it never hurts to be able to whip up a perfect batch of margaritas when you have company over!

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via: Depositphotos / minervastock

16. Flower Arranging

Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging , can make for a beautiful and relaxing hobby to liven up your home.

5 Creative Hobbies For Couples

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Sharing hobbies as a couple can be a  powerful way to make close, long-lasting bonds -- making the search for hobbies for couples a very worthwhile thing for anyone in a relationship .

17. ballroom dancing

Why not combine a rhythmic activity with exercise to keep you both active together?

18. Wine Tasting

This way, you can get a little bit buzzed together while exploring and developing more sophisticated palates to show off to your friends!

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via: Depositphotos / karelnoppe

19. Bird Watching

Getting out into nature and looking closely becomes a great game for couples to share with each other, that also has  amazing health benefits.

20. Paintball

Are you already an active and fit couple? Try introducing some good-natured competition into the mix with paintball.

21. Foraging

Searching for edible plants is a perfect hobby to take up for any couple that loves the creativity of cooking or baking.

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via: Depositphotos / weerapat

5 Creative Hobbies That Make Money

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It seems like everybody has a side hustle these days -- making the search for hobbies that make money a popular (and lucrative!) pursuit.

22. Web design

If you have an eye for color and placement, web design can quickly become a way to earn extra income on the side.

23. Website flipping

Already tech savvy? Consider entering the marketing of buying, fixing up, and then selling websites.

24. Freelance writing

If you enjoy journaling, writing about your favorite hobbies and interests can be a great way to add to your monthly income.

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via: Depositphotos / Goodluz

25. Video Game streaming

It's true: Twitch has made it possible to get paid for being great at video games.

26. Be a Local tour guide

When you know your city like the back of your hand, it can be easy to land a paid gig telling tourists about it.

4 Creative Indoor Hobbies

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via: Depositphotos / SergeyNivens

Especially during the winter months, having indoor hobbies can keep you fresh and active even when you can't comfortably be outside .

27. cooking from a new cuisine

Learning to cook well is an essential skill for anyone -- but being able to cook from a variety of regions can make every meal more interesting.

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via: Depositphotos / DragonImages

28. Homebrewing

Since it takes 2-6 weeks to brew a beer, it's an ideal hobby to pick up for when you have plenty of time indoors.

29. Pet training

No matter what sort of animal you take care of, it's always worth investing in their development -- for your own ease of mind.

30. Play the guitar

Easy to learn, but hard to master, the guitar is an ideal instrument to pick up and put down as you have time.

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via: Depositphotos / NatashaFedorova

4 Creative Yet Cool Hobbies

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via: Depositphotos / gstockstudio

Looking for a hobby that can make you more interesting while you learn ? Look no further than this list of cool hobbies to inspire and motivate you.

31. Krav Maga

The Israeli self-defense art, Krav Maga can turn you into a certified badass while getting in shape.

32. Rube Goldberg Machine Building

If you're not familiar with these complex contraptions, you have to check out this video!

33. Metal detecting

There's nothing quite like a hobby that can help you discover hidden treasure right in your own backyard.


via: Depositphotos / Esbenklinker

34. Parkour

This French movement art can turn you into a real-life superhero (or at least let you look like one).

4 Creative Yet Fun Hobbies

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via: Depositphotos / gpointstudio

Creativity doesn't have to be all hard work and nervous inspiration -- and fun hobbies like the ones below will prove it!

35. Watercolor painting

Simple to get started with, working with watercolor can quickly turn into an obsession.

36. Axe Throwing

With the profusion of axe throwing bars popping up lately, it's easier than ever to try this hobby out.

axe throwing

via: Depositphotos / db-rus

37. Coffee Roasting

Did you know that you can buy your own coffee beans to roast? It lets you dial in the exact flavor you like best.

38. Antique collecting

Rummaging through thrift stores can feel like a hunt for hidden treasure!

4 Creative But also Unique Hobbies

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via: Unsplash / Max Berger

If run-of-the-mill hobbies just don't cut it for you , you'll need to find more unique hobbies to really capture your interest. Everything you'll find on this list is different, uncommon, and interesting.

39. Bone carving

Do you have a taste for the macabre? Decorative arts with animal bones could be your next big thing.


via: Depositphotos / Cornfield

40. Historical reenactment

Combining the best of history and acting, reenactment societies are popping up in cities all over the United States.

41. Sushi Making

A surprisingly deep field of study, learning to make sushi might just draw you into the whole of Japanese culture.

42. Photoshop

Learning how to manipulate photos could also turn into a lucrative side hustle!


via: Depositphotos / Krakenimages.com

5 Cheap but Creative Hobbies

60 Best Creative hobbies - Stoke your curiosity and creativity. - 5 Creative cheap hobbies

via: Pexels / Startup Stock Photos

Many of us don't have a huge amount of spare cash to spend on a hobby, which is why cheap hobbies are so popular. Doing an awesome activity shouldn't have to cost a lot of money, which is why it's always handy to have some ideas for creative cheap hobbies to try out.

Learning to do DIY can save you lots of money in the long run.

44. Writing a Song

If you're creative and love words, why not write songs or poetry? This is one of the cheapest hobbies there is but it's super fun and rewarding.

45. Learn Origami

Origami is one of the best creative cheap hobbies because all you need is some paper and a few tutorial videos to help you.

5 Creative cheap hobbies - Learn Origami

via: Unsplash / Carolina Garcia Tavizon

46. Baking/Pastries

Baking is a fun and inexpensive hobby because you're creating delicious food that will be eaten by you and your family. It is often cheaper to bake your own pastries and cakes than to buy them from a patisserie.

47. Nail art

Creative and beauty-conscious people might enjoy learning nail art and making intricate designs.

6 Creative but Interesting Hobbies

60 Best Creative hobbies - Stoke your curiosity and creativity. - 6 Creative but interesting hobbies

via: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska

Creative and interesting hobbies are the best kind - these are the most absorbing and unusual hobbies that you can really get stuck into. You might not know many people who enjoy these hobbies but you can certainly get lost in the experience yourself.

48. Flower pressing

You can create beautiful pictures and framed artworks when you press flowers.

6 Creative but interesting hobbies - Flower pressing

via: Unsplash / Jacek Dylag

49. Terrariums

Creating terrariums and watching the plants inside grow is a wonderful hobby to have.

50. Glass Art

There are lots of different types of glass art to enjoy from glass blowing to glass painting.

51. Wood Burning

Wood burning techniques use heat to create lovely patterns in wood which can be drawn freehand or created with the use of stencils.

6 Creative but interesting hobbies - Wood Burning

via: Pexels / Paula

52. Sand Art

You will definitely get a lot of questions when you tell people that you create sand art. You can use this fantastic natural material to create all sorts of sculptures and images.

53. Flower arranging

Flower arranging isn't just for the older generation - the art of creating floral displays is becoming very trendy with people of all ages.

7 Creative Expensive Hobbies

60 Best Creative hobbies - Stoke your curiosity and creativity. - 7 Creative expensive hobbies

via: Pexels / Snapwire

While many of us are happy to indulge in hobbies that we can enjoy locally and aren't very costly, some people really like to push the boat out . Expensive hobbies are perfect for people who have cash to splash and want to try something a bit out of the ordinary .

54. Ice sculpting

Sculpting blocks of ice is a super impressive activity and one that will set you back quite a bit more than a regular hobby.

55. Car racing

Although you probably won't get to race a Formula 1 car as a beginner, you can try your hand at other types of amateur racing such as drag and touring car racing.

56. Collecting cars

There aren't many more expensive hobbies than car collecting, especially if you opt for sports or vintage cars. If you plan to purchase cars for your collection just make sure that you have enough space for them in your garage.

7 Creative expensive hobbies - Collecting cars

via: Pexels / Pixabay

57. Hot air balloons

Hot air ballooning can quickly become an expensive hobby if you take lessons regularly. If you plan to have your own equipment someday, you'll need to make sure that you have the experience to be able to use it safely.

58. Scuba Diving

In order to become a scuba diver, you'll need to complete hours of lessons and might need to travel to a new country each time you want to get more experience.

59. Art or Paintings Collection

Collecting art is a super fancy hobby and one that is usually only reserved for the wealthiest people. You'll get to visit art galleries and auctions to see famous and expensive works of art that you can add to your collection.

60. Classic Car Restoration

Between equipment, car parts and labour you might find this a very expensive way to own a car, but it will certainly be rewarding.

7 Creative expensive hobbies - Classic Car Restoration

via: Pexels / Chevanon Photography

Downloadable and Printable List of Creative Hobbies


How To Pick the Best Creative Hobby

how to pick

When you're trying to find a new creative hobby that really interests you, keep these  three simple tips in mind:

1. Try, try, and try some more!

Anytime you're looking for a new hobby, try to test out as many different hobbies as you possibly can. When you find one that really interests you , it will obviously stick out from all the others that you've tried.

2. Think about what you feel like your life is missing

Creative hobbies can fill a gap that's left by whatever else is going on in your life. When picking out a new hobby , think to yourself: "What do I wish I had more of in my life?" Whether that's music, social opportunities, or money -- there's a hobby for that.

3. Don't be afraid to switch it up


via: Depositphotos / rcaucino

Maybe the best part about hobbies is that  you don't have to stick with them  if they don't interest you anymore. If a hobby last for two weeks or two years , it's done its job: Making your life more interesting , by engaging you with what you're interested in right then and there.

More Awesome Activities

Already have plenty of hobbies? Are you looking for things to do that you don't have to invest as much time in as a new interest? Sometimes it's better to look for one-time activities than a whole new field of study .

We've got you covered:

  • Amazingly, you can take your love of barbecuing with you year-round using these indoor grills .
  • When you just need a quick , cute activity, check out these sweet things to do with your girlfriend
  • Maybe it's activities to involve a whole group in that you're looking for? These ice breaker games are perfect for parties.

In Conclusion

With this curated selection of creative hobbies , we've presented the list of hobbies that have personally brought us joy, excitement, and fulfillment in life. It's our sincere hope that you can find a new hobby that really stokes your creative fires and brings you new and interesting experiences in life!

About The Author

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Kyle Boureston

Kyle is the founder of Mantelligence, a relationship & dating coach, and a conversation & communication expert. His work has been featured on Marriage.com, Reader's Digest, Vice, Ask Men, and Refinery29. He lives in Austin, TX with his loving wife and his energetic Border Collie.

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.

creative writing hobbies

creative writing hobbies

Geographical Features of Pollution of the Territory of Yakutia With Cesium-137

P. I. Sobakin, A. P. Chevychelov & Ya. R. Gerasimov

creative writing hobbies

Activity Concentration of Natural Radionuclides and Total Heavy Metals Content in Soils of Urban Agglomeration

Avoid common mistakes on your manuscript.


Contaminants migrate and accumulate in urban ecosystems under the impact of both natural and technogenic factors. The processes of technogenic migration of 137 Cs are most pronounced in radioactively contaminated territories. It was found in urboecological studies that the intensity of sedimentation of aerosol particles containing radionuclides and heavy metals is determined by the types of the surfaces of roofs, walls, roads, lawns, and parks and by their position within the urban wind field [ 12 , 26 ]. Traffic in the cities results in significant transport of dust and associated contaminants and radionuclides [ 15 , 24 ]. During decontamination measures in the areas of Chernobyl radioactive trace, not only the decrease in the level of contamination but also the possibility of secondary radioactive contamination because of the transportation of contaminated soil particles by wind or water, or anthropogenic transfer of transferring of ground were observed [ 5 , 6 ]. Rainstorm runoff and hydrological transport of dissolved and colloidal forms of 137 Cs can result in the accumulation of this radionuclide in meso- and microdepressions, where sedimentation takes place [ 10 , 16 ]. Different spatial distribution patterns of 137 Cs in soils of particular urban landscapes were found in the city of Ozersk near the nuclear fuel cycle works [ 17 ]. Natural character of 137 Cs migration in soils of Moscow forest-parks and a decrease in its specific activity in industrial areas have been revealed [ 10 ]. Determination of the mean level and parameters of spatial variations of 137 Cs in soils is one of primary tasks of radioecological monitoring of cities, including both unpolluted (background) and contaminated territories.

Emissions and discharges from numerous sources of contamination can cause the accumulation of a wide range of toxicants in urban soils: heavy metals (HMs), oil products (OPs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and other chemical substances. Soil contamination by several groups of toxicants is often observed in urban landscapes [ 20 , 23 ] because of the common contamination source or close pathways of the migration of different contaminants. A comprehensive analysis of contamination of urban soils by radionuclides and heavy metals has been performed in some studies [ 21 , 25 ]. The determination of possible spatial interrelationships between radioactive and chemical contaminations in urban soils is an important problem in urban ecology.

A radiation accident took place in the Elektrostal heavy engineering works (EHEW) in April 2013: a capacious source of 137 Cs entered the smelt furnace, and emission of radioactive aerosols from the aerating duct into the urban environment took place. The activity of molten source was estimated at about 1000–7000 Ci [ 14 ]. The area of contamination in the territory of the plant reached 7500 m 2 . However, radioactive aerosols affected a much larger area around the EHEW, including Krasnaya and Pervomaiskaya streets, and reached Lenin Prospect.

Geochemical evaluation of contamination of the upper soil horizon in the city of Elektrostal was carried out in 1989–1991. This survey indicated the anomalies of concentrations of wolfram, nickel, molybdenum, chromium, and other heavy metals related to accumulation of alloying constituent and impurities of non-ferrous metals in the emissions of steelmaking works [ 19 ].

The aim of our work was to determine the levels of specific activity of 137 Cs, concentrations of mobile forms of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, and Pb) and oil products in the upper soil horizons in different urban landscapes of the city of Elektrostal under the conditions of local radioactive and chemical contamination.

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Authors and affiliations.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow, Russia

D. N. Lipatov, V. A. Varachenkov, D. V. Manakhov, M. M. Karpukhin & S. V. Mamikhin

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Correspondence to D. N. Lipatov .

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The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

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Translated by T. Chicheva

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About this article

Lipatov, D.N., Varachenkov, V.A., Manakhov, D.V. et al. Spatial Variations of the Activity of 137 Cs and the Contents of Heavy Metals and Petroleum Products in the Polluted Soils of the City of Elektrostal. Eurasian Soil Sc. 55 , 840–848 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1134/S1064229322060072

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Received : 21 October 2021

Revised : 22 December 2021

Accepted : 30 December 2021

Published : 15 June 2022

Issue Date : June 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1134/S1064229322060072

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  • urban soils
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