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  • A New Year's Speech for Students in English


As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, New Year's Eve emerges as a magical moment on December 31st. Picture the joy as the clock strikes midnight, giving a fresh year of endless possibilities. For kids and students, we've crafted captivating speeches about the wonders of the New Year and resolutions. Whether curious about the magic of this night or seeking inspiration for resolutions, read on. These speeches are perfect for school presentations, adding an extra dash of enthusiasm to your New Year celebrations!

Happy New Year's Eve, dear students! Today, let's embark on a journey together, exploring the significance of this special day, understanding what makes it remarkable, and uncovering ways to make the most of the exciting year that awaits us – 2024.

Also Check: Essay on New Year's for Students in English

New Year's Eve: A Night of Celebration and Reflection

New Year's Eve is not just a date on the calendar; it's a celebration of time itself. It marks the end of one year and the birth of another, offering us an opportunity to reflect on our experiences, appreciate the lessons learned, and set our sights on new adventures.

As the clock ticks towards midnight, the world unites in joyous anticipation. Fireworks light up the night sky, laughter fills the air, and people exchange warm wishes for a Happy New Year. It's a magical moment that transcends borders and brings people together in a shared sense of hope and renewal.

Happy New Year 2024: Wishing you a Year of Possibilities

Happy New Year 2024 ! As we step into this new chapter, let's embrace the excitement and promise it holds. May this year be filled with laughter, friendship, and moments that take our breath away. Let's welcome the challenges as opportunities to grow and celebrate the victories, both big and small.

To each one of you, my dear students, I extend heartfelt wishes for a year ahead that surpasses your expectations. May you find success in your studies, happiness in your friendships, and the courage to pursue your dreams with unwavering determination.

New Year's Eve Resolutions: A Promise to Ourselves

New Year's resolutions are like promises we make to ourselves – a commitment to personal growth and positive change. Students, this is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and think about the things we'd like to achieve in the coming one.

So, what are your New Year's resolutions for 2024 ? Maybe it's dedicating more time to your studies, being kinder to yourself and others, or discovering a new hobby. Whatever it is, let your resolutions be a roadmap guiding you towards becoming the best version of yourself.

Now, without further ado let’s get into the speech on new year’s:

New Year Speech for Kids in English

Happy New Year! Today, let's talk about why we are so excited about this special day. The New Year is like a giant reset button on the calendar. It's when we say goodbye to the old year and welcome a brand new one with open arms. It is like getting a fresh start in your favourite storybook.

But why do we celebrate it? We celebrate it as it's time for big smiles and joy because it's a chance to think about all the good things we have done and the fun times we have had. We cheer and shout "Happy New Year" to share our happiness with everyone around us.

The New Year is super important because it's not just about parties and colourful fireworks. It's a time when we can make little promises to ourselves called "resolutions." These are like goals that help us grow and be even more amazing every day. So, let's celebrate this wonderful day, full of laughter, love, and exciting adventures waiting for us in the new year.

Here's to a year filled with giggles, learning, lots of new friends, and exciting little stories !  Happy New Year, Everyone!

New Year Speech for Students in English

Hey there, amazing students and teachers! As we stand on the threshold of a brand new year, let's take a moment to explore the magic of New Year's and understand why it's such a big deal. Buckle up for a journey into the world of celebrations, hope, and exciting beginnings!

What's the Buzz about New Year's?

First things first, what on Earth is New Year's, and why do we go all out to celebrate it? Well, imagine it's like hitting the reset button on a giant clock. New Year's is the moment when we say goodbye to the old year and welcome a brand new one. It's like having a birthday for the entire world!

But why January 1st, you might ask? That date has been chosen for centuries, going back to ancient times. The Romans dedicated this day to Janus, the god of beginnings, transitions, and doors. Janus had two faces – one looking back at the past and another gazing into the future. So, when we celebrate New Year's, we're a bit like Janus, reflecting on what's gone by in the past and looking ahead to the exciting adventures waiting for us in the future.

Why do we Celebrate?

Celebrating New Year's isn't just about throwing confetti and watching fireworks (although those are super fun!). It's a time to appreciate the journey we've been on, the lessons we've learned, and the friendships we've made. It's like a giant 'Well done!' for making it through another year, with all its ups and downs.

Think of New Year's as a giant pat on the back for all the hard work, growth, and achievements – big or small. It's a chance to acknowledge the awesome things we've accomplished and to set the stage for even more awesomeness in the year to come.

The Significance of New Year's for Us

Now, why is New Year's so significant for us? Well, besides being a fantastic excuse to party, it's a symbol of hope and fresh starts. Imagine you have a notebook, and each year is a new page waiting to be filled with your adventures, dreams, and accomplishments.

New Year's is the moment when we get to decide what we want to write on that fresh page. It's a chance to think about the kind of person we want to be, the goals we want to achieve, and the fun we want to have. It's like having a superpower – the power to shape our own story!

Interesting Facts about New Year’s

Okay, let's hear some mind-blowing facts about New Year's to make it even more interesting:

1. The First New Year's Celebrations: The ancient Babylonians were some of the first people to celebrate New Year's over 4,000 years ago. They even had resolutions, promising to repay debts and return borrowed stuff. Sound familiar?

2. Time Zones and Celebrations: Did you know that New Year's is celebrated at different times around the world? Thanks to time zones, people in Sydney, Australia, are among the first to shout "Happy New Year!" while folks in New York City get to celebrate a bit later.

3. Making Noise to Ward Off Evil: Ever wonder why we make so much noise at midnight? Well, ancient cultures believed that loud noises scared away evil spirits. So, go ahead, bang those pots and pans – it's for a good cause!

In a nutshell, New Year's is like a giant, global birthday party for the whole planet. It's a time to celebrate, reflect, and dream big. So, as we countdown to the stroke of midnight, let's embrace the excitement, set some awesome goals, and get ready for the fantastic journey that is 2024! 

Happy New Year, my fellow students! May your year be filled with laughter, growth, and unforgettable adventures. Here's to you and the amazing story you're about to write on the blank pages of the coming year. Cheers!

New Year Resolution Speech for Students in English

Happy New Year, dear friends!

As we stand on the edge of a brand new year, let's talk about something exciting – New Year's resolutions! Now, I know resolutions might sound like a big, grown-up word, but trust me, it's all about making awesome promises to ourselves.

This year, let's make resolutions that are like secret superpowers. Imagine if your superpower was kindness – spreading smiles like confetti and making everyone feel special. Or, what if your superpower was curiosity – unlocking the mysteries of the world one question at a time?

So, here's the deal: think about something you want to get better at or try for the first time. Maybe it's reading more books, being a great friend, or learning a funky dance move. Your resolution is like a cool quest, and every little step you take gets you closer to being the superhero version of yourself.

But here's the super-secret trick – resolutions aren't about being perfect. Nope, they're about trying, learning, and having fun along the way. If you stumble, no worries – superheroes stumble too. What matters is getting back up and giving it another go.

As we dive into this new year, let's unleash our inner superheroes together. Let kindness, curiosity, and all our fantastic resolutions light up our days. Here's to a year of exciting adventures, epic discoveries, and becoming the most awesome versions of ourselves. Happy New Year, superheroes in the making!

Short Speech on New Year

Happy New Year, dear students!

As we gather on this joyous occasion, let's take a moment to uncover the magic of the New Year. You see, New Year is like a fresh start – a brand-new beginning filled with hope and possibilities. It's the time when we say farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with open arms.

But why do we celebrate it? Well, it's more than just changing dates on a calendar. New Year's is a chance to reflect on the adventures we've had, the lessons we've learned, and the friendships we've made. It's like pressing the reset button, giving us an opportunity to set new goals and dream new dreams.

Imagine it as a giant door swinging open to a world of opportunities. Whether it's doing better in our studies, making new friends, or trying something completely different – the New Year is our chance to make it happen.

So, what's the big deal about this midnight countdown and fireworks? It's not just about staying up late or the colorful bursts in the sky; it's about celebrating the gift of time. As the clock strikes twelve, it's like a collective cheer from everyone around the world, shouting, "Hey, we made it! Here's to another year of adventures, laughter, and growing a bit more."

In conclusion, New Year is our chance to hit the refresh button on life. So, let's embrace it with open hearts, set some exciting goals, and get ready for a year filled with new experiences, friendships, and opportunities.

Happy New Year, everyone! May it be a year of joy, growth, and amazing surprises!


FAQs on A New Year's Speech for Students in English

1. When is New Year's Eve?

New Year's Eve is on the 31st of December. It's the night we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one.

2. What happens on New Year's Eve?

On New Year's Eve, people celebrate with joy and excitement. There are fireworks, parties, and a countdown to midnight. It's a magical night of new beginnings.

3. Why is New Year's Eve special?

New Year's Eve is special because it marks the end of one year and the start of another. It's a time for reflection, joy, and looking forward to all the possibilities the new year brings.

4. What are New Year's resolutions?

New Year's resolutions are promises we make to ourselves for the upcoming year. It could be about learning something new, being kinder, or setting personal goals to improve ourselves.

5. Can I use the speeches for school presentations from Vedantu?

Absolutely! The speeches about New Year and resolutions are designed for kids and students. Feel free to use them to add excitement and inspiration to your school presentations about the New Year!

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New Year’s Eve Speech – Check Different Speech Sample here!

Last updated on February 14th, 2023 at 02:33 pm

New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration and reflection. As the old year comes to a close, people around the world gather with friends and family to celebrate the start of a new year. Many people hold parties and gatherings, while others prefer to spend the evening quietly at home. Some people make resolutions for the new year, promising to make positive changes in their lives. Others simply look back on the past year with gratitude and look forward to the future with hope. No matter how you choose to spend New Year’s Eve, it is a time to celebrate new beginnings and the endless possibilities that a new year brings. Read the article below and discover the new years eve speech here!

Table of Contents

10 Lines Speech on New Year’s Eve

  • New Year’s Eve is a time to celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new.
  • It is a time to reflect on the past year and to set goals and resolutions for the year ahead.
  • Many people celebrate New Year’s Eve by attending parties, watching fireworks, and making resolutions.
  • The most common New Year’s resolution is to be healthier, either by exercising more or eating better.
  • Some people also make resolutions to save money, learn a new skill, or travel more.
  • New Year’s Eve is also a time to celebrate with friends and family, often by attending parties or hosting dinners.
  • In many countries, the New Year is also marked by the singing of Auld Lang Syne, a traditional Scottish song.
  • Many cultures also have their own traditions and celebrations for the New Year, such as the Japanese custom of ringing a bell 108 times to symbolize the release of 108 human sins.
  • New Year’s Eve is a time to look back on the past and look forward to the future with hope and optimism.
  • Here’s to a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year for us all!

Short Speech on New Year’s Eve

Happy New Year, everyone!


As we gather here tonight to ring in the new year, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for all that the future holds. The past year has been filled with its ups and downs, but as we look ahead, we can’t help but feel hopeful for what’s to come.

One of the things I love about New Year’s Eve is the opportunity it gives us to reflect on the past year and all that we’ve accomplished. Whether it’s personal achievements or the milestones we’ve reached as a community, it’s important to take a moment to appreciate all that we’ve done.

But of course, New Year’s Eve is also a time to look forward and set new goals for ourselves. Whether it’s resolving to exercise more or vowing to spend more time with loved ones, it’s always a good idea to have something to strive for in the coming year.

So as we raise our glasses and count down the final seconds of the year, let’s take a moment to reflect on all that we’ve achieved and all that we have yet to accomplish. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year for us all!

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Long Speech on New Year’s Eve

Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone!

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, it is natural to look back on the past year and reflect on all that has happened. For many of us, the past year has been filled with joys and accomplishments, as well as challenges and setbacks.

But no matter what the past year has brought, it is important to remember that every day is an opportunity for growth and change. As we welcome the new year, let us embrace the promise of a fresh start and the chance to make a positive impact on the world around us.

One of the most common ways that people celebrate New Year’s Eve is by making resolutions. These are often personal goals that we set for ourselves in order to improve our lives or make a positive impact on the world. Some common New Year’s resolutions include getting in shape, saving money, learning a new skill, or volunteering our time and resources to help others.

But while it is important to set goals and strive for self-improvement, it is also important to be realistic and to remember that change takes time. Rather than setting unrealistic goals that we may not be able to achieve, let us focus on making small, achievable changes that can add up to big improvements over time.

In addition to making resolutions, many people also celebrate New Year’s Eve by attending parties or gatherings with friends and family. These celebrations can be a great way to bring people together and create memories that will last a lifetime.

As we ring in the new year, let us also remember to be grateful for all that we have. No matter what challenges we may face, there is always something to be thankful for. So let us take a moment to appreciate the people and experiences that have enriched our lives and look forward to all the new year has in store.

Here’s to a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year for us all! May we all find the strength, courage, and determination to pursue our goals and make the most of every day. Happy New Year!

FAQs on New Year’s Eve Speech

New Year’s Eve is the last day of the year, December 31st, in the Gregorian calendar. It is a time for celebration and reflection as people around the world gather to welcome in the new year.

There are many ways to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Some people hold parties and gatherings with friends and family, while others prefer to spend the evening quietly at home. Many people make resolutions for the new year, promising to make positive changes in their lives.

New Year’s Eve is not a public holiday in most countries. However, it is a widely recognized and celebrated event around the world.

New Year’s Eve is a time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the future with hope. It is a time to celebrate new beginnings and the endless possibilities that a new year brings.

Yes, different cultures celebrate New Year’s Eve in different ways. In some countries, New Year’s Eve is a more low-key and intimate celebration, while in others it is a grand and elaborate event. In some cultures, New Year’s Eve is a time to honor ancestors and pay respect to the past, while in others it is a time for partying and celebration.

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By Gauri Malik

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Speech on Happy New Year for Students, Children, and Party

Speech on Happy New Year for Students, Children, and Party 2022

In this post you will read Speech on Happy New Year for Students and Children. You give this new year greeting speech in school, college, party, celebration.

Table of Contents

Speech on Happy New Year 2022 for Parties and Outside celebrations (800 Words)

Ladies & gentlemen, New Year, is another chance for us to get it right, and we are just a few hours away from that fresh chance. Things don’t always go the way we want but don’t get disheartened, stand up and march ahead.

A New Year brings fresh opportunities to start over, ride on it and make resolutions to achieve all the dreams you and your family/friends/loved ones saw. 

In this speech on a new year, allow me to welcome all you guys for the ‘XYZ’s’ 2020 New Year Party. XYZ has arranged this fantastic carnival to welcome this New Year, and I pray to God that this year will bring all the happiness in your life. So, let all be excited about this event and celebration. 

Hello, family and friends. It is a New Year eve once again, let us take this eve as an opportunity to thank and appreciate each other. We ignore this in our daily life; we get targets, deadlines, and assignments to achieve. In all this, we forget to look around and appreciate those who keep us running. 

New Year is praised everywhere worldwide with extraordinary energy and fun. It is a remarkable day for the general population, and they welcome up the coming year in their particular way. On this specific day, people buy clothes, endowments and various other things from shops.

Shops on this day are loaded with the swarm. 1 st January is a celebration of New Year in India and is fun-packed with ceremonies, skip and sustenance. People praise it with songs and dance. Children are joyful on this day as they get great nourishment and endowments to appreciate.

In our country, distinct group commends this day on various dates as showed by their log-book. It is a celebration that showed a joy in individuals by spreading euphoria all over the place. 

This year, let us make resolutions to acknowledge them who stand behind us no matter what who loves us unconditionally. On this Eve of New Year celebration, I would like to thank my family, loved ones, especially my wife, who not only take care of home and kids, preferably has a successful career too.

I am proud of you (Name). I don’t know how you manage it. I think I need to take two management lessons from you. I would also like to thank all my friends who stood behind me when I was going through financial issues. Thank you, guys. So, raise the toast for all of us and welcome the New Year. 

There are days which are embossed in our memory, buying a dream home, wedding, first child, our graduation, etc. Let us do something different this time; let us make this New Year ever a memory for a lifetime. A New Year brings new goals, objectives, and desires, so let us not forget extra challenges too.

Forget the past failures; this coming year is a unique opportunity to get started over again. Let us find confidence in ourselves and create a possibility to achieve all that you can your family always dreamed of. 

Remember, a New Year signifies a new opportunity to start over. Forget the failures, backlashes and aim towards excellence. Lets always be with our near and dear ones on the journey towards success. I am fortunate to find myself among such a beautiful family, friends, and colleagues. Let us grow together. I hope this year will bring success and happiness in all our lives. 

Let me break this event for you people. We have planned the heck lot of activities for today’s party such as dance, music, show, and fashion show. Foodie guys are serving delicious food today and also are making exotic cocktails for you guys.

At 11:59 PM we will start the countdown on this big screen and will welcome the New Year. And you know what happens after that. Enjoy the dance and music till you drop. Sounds interesting, right? 

Ok, now allow me to welcome Mr. ‘ABC’ M.D Group on the stage. People will be in a good mood on New Year Eve, and make good use of the opportunity to thank, acknowledge and appreciate their loved ones, it will make their day.

They will leave the event with a big smile on the face. You can also share previous year performance and New Year plans with us. Try not to have negative discussions; there is a whole year to take care of that. So, keep it fun and light. 

Now, we will proceed towards our first activity, and that is a fashion show. Woohhh. Guys, give it up for the fantastic contestants. We are just five minutes away from the moment for which we are here today. Let’s gather near the screen (At 11:59:50) Count with me, 10…9…8….3…2……1 Happy New Year to all. Please welcome Mr ‘ABC’ from the ‘XYZ’ group e wish you an auspicious New Year again. I hope this New Year brings us all happiness and success in your life. I would like to thank Mr ‘QPR’ to give me the chance to meet you amazing people. I would also like to thank our arrangement and sponsors team. 

Thank You all…

Also read – Essay on Happy New Year

Speech on Happy New Year Celebration for Students and Children

These days, every school and college celebrate New Year. So, being the Principal, I want to share my last year’s achieves and plans for the next year. Allow me to wish you a happy New Year first.

2020 was a successful year for us. We won several national level competitions. Some of our students got selected in the national team in various categories, kudos to them. 

I am delighted to tell you that all of the teachers are now ‘ABC’ certified. Our school is recognized for quality education, and we ensure that we are not just up to date somewhat also ready for the future too. We are planning to welcome 2020 with new digital courses for students.

There is wonderful news, these courses are free for scholarship students, and on completion of this course and they will get credit points. We are planning to improve the sports facilities too. So, we encourage the sport along with academics. 

Being the principal of the ‘XYZ’ College; as we start a new year and a new semester, I would like to extend my warm welcome to our students and faculty members. They have contributed to making ‘XYZ’, the vibrant center of intellectual, cultural and sporting activity that it is all year round. 

A New Year always brings a sense of renewal, of collective commitment and purpose to excel in research, learning, teaching, and service to our community. With this comes the firm resolution to achieve desired results and meet deliverables.

Also read- 60+ New year resolution

I am enthused by many exciting initiatives for our campus are in pipelines. We intend these to meet the tertiary educational requirements of our students and support further advancement and development of our region and country.  

We are actively pursuing opportunities to develop new programs and also expand existing programs. We have also been channelling our energy into the development and establishing a world-class school. 

This thought of establishment won’t happen overnight but will take place through persistent and diligent effort. We not only require having the courage to pursue our goals but also need to be persistent and dedicated to overcoming difficulties and obstacles.

Success depends on persistence, and persistence comes from belief. Many have set wonderful examples of being brave and persistent in ways we hope our students will strive to emulate.

These characters overcame opposition and difficulties and in specific and go beyond and above the desire to save one more. These feats were believable because of the ethical beliefs held by individuals. 

We not only render our students with skills, knowledge and useful jobs, instead also encourage all-round growth in the areas of morality, well-being, experience, and ability. We fight to oppose fickle societal trends and vulgar and put the aim to cultivate ethical and moral students as our most crucial goal.

It is our belief and mission to develop a student’s dedication, self-discipline , integrity, and responsibility. This is our major goal, but hard to achieve as we are faced with selfishness and materialism all around us.

But we must stick to our principles and adhere to our practices even under pressure. The reason we dare to choose this goal and be able to preserve until today is to rely on our beliefs to cultivate more outstanding students. 

In this New Year, we will welcome a team of distinguished evaluators who will conduct a site visit as part of the process for institutional accreditation. As the most extensive education institution in India, we engage in the process and launch its candidacy for institutional accreditation.

It is a historic moment for us because we view this not only as a demonstration of our commitment to maintain a superior standard and engage in continuous quality improvement, slightly also as an investment to enhance the competitiveness of our campus for the future. 

Within the regional financial and challenging national context, we remain firm in our drive to build a more sustainable and robust campus. I am pleased that we could settle the negotiations with many university groups before the end of last year and I remain hopeful that the other unions represented on the campus could solve within the remit set shortly.

We hope to render a massive number of bursaries to our needy students this year and initiatives. It has played a pivotal role in supporting our fundraising efforts. It is just one of several creative ways in which the campus continues to work towards meeting the needs of our students.

This New Year, I look forward to seeing many of our good wishers at many special events that have become a landmark in the national carnival calendar. This year, we paid more attention to the student’s overall quality, and many played an active role in developing a student’s leadership ability.

To cultivate perseverance and team spirit, our students taken part in many challenges. They were very successful in these events and won the championship. Further, our student associations actively organised many wells-received activities and were named excellent association. 

While the past year tested us as a campus, we have remained resilient and forging ahead with renewed vigour to achieve our strategic objectives. 

I want to close my speech on new year by once again congratulating every student and teacher on a very prosperous Happy New Year. God bless you all.

Also read: 60+ Best New Year Resolution Ideas list for the year

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Welcome Speech in English: Best Samples, Examples & Tips

Why are welcome speeches necessary.

Most of the gatherings and ceremonies are held with a purpose. They are either planned events or spontaneous gatherings. In both cases, it is important to know how to organize such events. We must prepare ourselves to conduct the event properly.

Let us imagine that you are hosting a gathering. You have prepared everything, including food, drinks, decorations, etc., and even set up the stage. However, you forgot one thing – a welcome speech. What happens next? Do you start talking immediately without waiting for everyone to arrive? Of course not!

The same goes for a meeting. How many times did you attend meetings where people didn’t introduce themselves? Or worse, they talked about themselves too much during the meeting. In addition, some speakers talk directly to the audience without introducing themselves. This makes it difficult for the attendees to comprehend the event’s process and connect with its objectives.

So why is a welcome speech in English needed? To begin with, it is necessary to give a brief overview of the topic. Secondly, it helps to provide information about the organization and its history. Thirdly, it allows us to highlight our achievements. And finally, it creates a good impression on guests. Otherwise, they might ask questions like “Where is this event going?”.

Significance of welcome speech

The significance of the welcome speech won’t be apparent without understanding what makes up the history of an event. An event can be defined as a sequence of activities carried out over a period of time. These activities are usually organized into stages, each with a specific purpose. For example, an event may start with opening remarks, followed by a keynote address, and finally concluded with closing remarks. Each stage of an event has a different set of responsibilities.

In the case of a welcoming ceremony, the welcome speech is considered to be one of the most important parts of the whole gathering. In fact, it is the most crucial aspect of the entire event. This is because the welcome speech serves several purposes.

First, it introduces the guests to the host. Second, it provides information regarding the upcoming program. Third, it creates a positive impression among the attendees. Fourth, it helps in creating a sense of unity among the participants. Fifth, it helps in establishing good relations between the hosts and the guests. And finally, it ensures that the guest feels comfortable during the occasion.

Objectives of a Welcome Speech in English

The objective of a welcome speech in English is to introduce yourself and the rest of the attendees at the event. This is done through a short introduction about who you are, what you do, why you’re attending, etc. The following are the objectives of a welcome speech:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Provide Information regarding the event
  • Create a positive impression among attendees
  • Establish good relations between hosts and guests
  • Ensure guests feel comfortable during the event
  • Help build unity among participants
  • Explain the purpose of the meeting/event
  • Set up the agenda for the meeting/event
  • Make introductions
  • Give background info about the organization
  • Highlight achievements (if any)

Welcome Speech Samples in the Education Field

There is a number of school gatherings that require welcome speeches, be it an official school gathering or an informal event. In this segment, we’ve sorted samples according to the typical events organized in schools. Take note of each paragraph and determine its purpose. You’ll be able to create a workable framework or basis for your current and future speech requirements.

Welcome Address in English For Students

It’s natural for attendees of any event to expect an introductory speech, which sets the tone for the occasion. A host can easily command attention with an effective welcome. Even the longest speeches have the capacity to hold an audience’s interest when delivered in a catchy and impressive manner.

A short opening speech for a commencement ceremony

To everyone present, good morning. A very warm welcome to our respected faculty, our remarkable parents, and our dear students. Special recognition is due for our Chief Guest (name of chief guest). It’s a true honor to have such a successful alumnus (or state the chief guest’s job title). We express our biggest gratitude for accepting our invitation to deliver today’s keynote speech.

I’m standing here as a lucky witness to our dear students’ academic journey. Our school is very proud of everything you have accomplished and your small but not minor contributions to society. You’ve brought prestige to our name and deserve the title of one of our school’s most successful and dedicated batch of students.

With your teachers’ guidance and parents’ support, you’ve reached remarkable heights. I’d like to take this time to extend my gratitude to our faculty and our parents, for understanding, encouraging, and nurturing our students.

Graduates, you are about to start another chapter in your life. An exciting yet scary period. From now on, you will face more challenges, but I am confident that you’re adequately equipped to face any tribulation that comes your way. Remember that with conviction and self-belief, no mountain is too high to climb. The laurels you’ve brought back to our school are only the beginning. I am genuinely excited to see the astonishing feats that your futures hold.

A long opening speech for a commencement ceremony

Good morning everyone! I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our esteemed faculty, astounding parents, and our dear students. I’m honored to open our commencement ceremony and stand here where many of our accomplished alumni who I look up to once stood.

I extend a particularly warm welcome to our Chief Guest (name of chief guest), who as one of our outstanding alumni, has really set the standard for exemplary accomplishments.

(enumerate key achievements of chief guest)

Her/his professional and philanthropic endeavors attest to their upbringing and the values she/he lives by. We want to thank you for responding positively to our invitation to be the keynote speaker on today’s auspicious occasion.

As another academic year reaches its end, I’m sure that our dear students are anxious and also filled with hope and excitement. This is their final school event in our renowned school/college/university (name of school). But hopefully, it won’t be their last awarding ceremony.

We are extremely fortunate to have such a talented and passionate group of graduates who have earned laurels in honor of our school, adding to its distinction and great reputation. The amazing encouragement and unconditional support of our parents throughout the school year have been extraordinary. They have stood by their children in every school event. Our teachers and staff are truly thankful for the trust you’ve given us. Your children’s journey wouldn’t have been a huge success without your guidance and nurture.

It’s been a remarkable experience to witness the passion and commitment our students have exhibited in all their undertakings. I am filled with certitude that you will achieve whatever goal you’ve set your mind on. Adulthood is going to be jammed with more trials you’ve never imagined before. I am kidding. Maybe. Joking aside, you will win as long as you work hard and believe in yourself.

Remember that you are valuable and take every challenge you face as an opportunity to prove your worth and get better. Also, surround yourselves with people who are good for your well-being and treat them the way you’d like to be treated.

Maintain your sense of humor because not much else will get you through when the going gets rough. Life can be very special and you can truly make a mark, which doesn’t always need to have global proportions. Be accountable for your mistakes and learn from them. Keep nurturing your passions and remain as driven, bright, and astonishing as you are today. You are all wonderful and I can’t wait to see your future accomplishments, because they will be great.

Thank you and do us proud!

Welcome Speech for a College Function

(General greeting, i.e. good morning/afternoon/evening) to all (the audience attending the event, e.g. the parents, teachers, students, etc.) and our respected Principal (name of principal). It’s with great pleasure that I welcome everyone to (name of school)’s (name of event or ceremony).

Our college nurtures the ideologies of discipline and pride in one’s work and aims to hone our students as responsible and productive members of society. It is in this spirit that we celebrate today.

To commence our festivities, allow me to introduce one of our most esteemed alumni. Our Chief Guest (title and name of chief guest) has embodied the values fostered by our prominent and respected college. (Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest). We honor you for your contributions to society and our city, most especially, which future generations will surely benefit from. With your hard work, dedication, and charitable spirit, you have set the goalposts we aspire to reach in order to make the world a much better place than we’ve found it.

(Initiate a round of applause)

Welcome Speech for a Yearly Function

(General greeting, i.e. good morning/afternoon/evening to all)

Honorable Chief Guest (name of guest), our beloved Principal (name of principal), our amazing faculty and staff members, our dearest parents and fellow students, and to everyone present, I welcome you all to (name of school/college/university)’s annual function.

My name is Lakshmi Gupta, a student of the Information Technology Department, and also the president of our school’s Cultural Exchange Organization and founder of the Languages Club.

It is with tremendous pride that I announce our prestigious school’s Silver Jubilee anniversary. We’re gathered today to celebrate 25 years of estimable service and success. The remarkable accomplishments of our elite school since its foundation won’t be possible without its long history of dedicated and respected teachers and passionate students, its tireless staff, and the unconditional support from our parents.

It’s also a great honor to introduce our Chief guest and keynote speaker. Any introduction won’t do justice to the extraordinary achievements she/he has attained throughout her/his career. (Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest). She/he is truly one of the most treasured and incredible alumni our school has produced. Without further ado, let’s give a round of applause to (title and name of chief guest).

Welcome Speech for the School Principal

Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning!

I’m truly pleased and honored to welcome our new principal (title and name of principal). He has previously worked for 5 years at Lumos International as principal and has succeeded in revitalizing their academic standing and programs, especially in English and Cultural Studies.

I have gotten to know her/him over the last few days during the transition phase and found her/him to be a brave and progressive intellectual, with a great ideology and vision for the future of (name of school), our beloved school.

On behalf of the current administration, our board of trustees, the faculty, the staff, and our student body, we wholeheartedly extend a great welcome to you (title and name of principal).

We hope that with your leadership, energy, and enthusiasm, we shall start a new era of learning and reach greater excellence.

Congratulations and welcome!

Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

Good morning! We welcome everyone today who is here to celebrate this annual event for their beloved teachers. We don’t always get to thank our teachers, but on this day, we pay tribute to our second parents.

They have provided guidance and given their light to educate and lead us to a journey of wonder, discovery, and knowledge. For their efforts, they deserve the greatest of honors and our utmost respect.

Our steadfast yet affectionate teachers should be our role models. They inspire us daily and motivate us to reach our greatest potential. They impart wisdom so that we don’t only excel academically, but as good people and responsible members of our society.

So on Teacher’s Day, it’s all about them and giving them the honor that many take for granted. Thank you, dear teachers!

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day

Good morning everybody!

Today we extend our appreciation and the warmest embrace to our beloved students to celebrate Children’s Day!

It’s been a blessing to be a part of nurturing children’s sense of wonder and imagination. These are qualities we often lose as we grow up, and it’s awesome to witness them happen every day.

Children’s innocence and love are incomparable and difficult to resist. Their smile is the closest thing to heaven that we can glimpse in the world.

School is your children’s second home, and we teachers are their second parents. We thank you for the opportunity to take care of and guide your little angels.

Join us to celebrate our students and make this day as eventful and fun as it can be!

Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

Welcome everyone to our Fresher’s party!

We’ve all gathered here today to celebrate the gift of possibilities and commence the experience of a new beginning.

It’s of utmost pleasure to welcome everyone, especially all my freshers to today’s festivities. I extend my deepest gratitude to all my teachers and everyone who helped make this event a reality. Look at this place, it’s amazing!

University or school life isn’t just about getting a higher education – brace yourself for the adventure of a lifetime! This is the period to create good memories and meet people who can be a permanent part of your academic and later professional lives. May you develop the relationships and acquire the necessary skills to succeed in life.

But for now, let’s leave our worries and cares out in the hall. Let’s celebrate your wise decision to matriculate in our institution. Our college has prepared special events and an entertainment program highlighting some of our talented students.

The next few hours will be memorable and exciting! Thank you for listening and let’s get on with it!

Have a good time!

Welcome Speech Samples for Business

Much like in academic settings, there are more formal events that happen in professional contexts. Some may need a welcome address to introduce special guests or welcome the attendees of a conference. Some are informal events that welcome those who are invited to special occasions at the office and the people they’re honoring. Note down the key phrases and objectives of the samples below and use the same structure in your own welcome or introduction speech in English.

Sample of Welcome Speech for a Goodbye Get-together

Good evening everyone!

Welcome to my farewell party. I know, I know. You all said you’re sorry to see me go, but that you all would need food and entertainment first to deal with your sadness. So here we are. I shall deliver.

As the Semisonic song goes “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” And so it is with great gratitude that the VP in Japan decided to retire early, so the end of his role can mark the beginning of mine. To Toni Takitani, thanks for deciding you’ve had enough!

Kidding aside, I’d like to thank my friends who made this very corporate event a huge success. Look at this, my goodness!

Most importantly, I want to impart my profound gratitude to my boss (name of the boss). Without you, this party won’t have a band. I couldn’t ask for a better mentor. Or I could, but none of them would have changed my life as positively as you have. It saddens me to leave you the most, but it comforts me that you were my biggest source of encouragement to go. Or it may have been your plan all along. Genius!

So to everyone who came, thank you. I’ll have time to thank you properly later, but for now, let’s eat!

Welcome Speech Sample for a Business Conference

Good morning to everyone who came out to join us here today. My name is Julius Kaizer and I’ll be hosting today’s events.

Before anything else, I’d like to take this moment to thank Merville & Posque Inc., their CEO Mr. Hyori Asano and his team for putting this event together in record time. It won’t be possible without your tireless dedication and contributions. I also want to thank everyone who came, our remarkable associates from Osaka, Chiang Rai, and Quezon, our wonderful clients who have stuck with us through thick and thin, and our amazing consultants in various fields of energy conservation. Your interest and patronage are very much appreciated.

A great welcome to all our extraordinary employees and staff members, some of whom have worked and grown along our company’s 23-year history. A big welcome, too, to our interns who have recently joined and brightened our corporate offices.

Today marks the 15th annual MPBC and it’s an honor to be a host in this glorious congress. I myself will be staying for the conference’s entirety to learn what I can about sustainable energy systems and their various implications and impact on the future of our planet.

The activities today will include an overview of all the forums, seminars, and exhibits around the MPBC complex. Second, we will have the inauguration of the new bio-dome on the grounds where we will also honor this year’s retirees. The afternoon’s seminars will kick off after lunch, and I encourage you to attend the discussions and learn about our future plans and projects. Finally, I’d like to encourage everyone to help yourselves to the snack stations in the hallway. Refreshments and sandwiches are on us for the duration of the conference.

I won’t keep you long and let’s begin the day. I wish all of you a valuable and wonderful time! Thank you.

Welcome Speech for a Business Workshop

Good afternoon everyone!

I am so pleased to see you all here. Welcome to my workshop, or should I say “our” workshop. I am truly overjoyed and excited about learning together and helping you reach a breakthrough in industry-scale coding practices.

This workshop aims to cover new software and the importance of earning certificates in several computer applications such as VM Suite, Landscape 5.0, and NF Tech.

I hope you’ll learn a lot in the next few hours and I promise to try to make our activities as engaging and hands-on as possible. Good luck and thanks again for participating in our workshop.

Welcome Speech for Office Events

My name is (your name), the (position in the company), and your host for this meeting. To our CEO (title and name of the CEO), (next are the dignitaries for the company hierarchy if any), all the staff members and their loved ones, and our beloved employees. I welcome you all to the (name of the event) of (name of company).

We are here today to honor our employees’ achievements in their respective fields and departments. Your efforts to attain and sustain the standards we keep aren’t unnoticed. This awarding ceremony seeks to remind us about the value and pride we should have in our accomplishments, and the significance of collaboration and teamwork. It is our spirit of community and faith in our abilities that represent the vision of (name of company). May we continue to grow through hard work, accountability, and cooperation.

To start off with our first award, let’s call up (title and position of the presenter), (name of the presenter).

Welcome Speech Samples for Family Functions

Huge family events often have speeches: weddings, birthdays, farewell parties, funerals, anniversaries, and so on. Some of these events normally have hosts and esteemed guests. Here are some tips and samples to inspire you.

Tips on Welcoming the Chief Guest?

If you’re searching for tips on how to make a welcome speech for guest, here are some things you can do:

  • When drafting your speech, do the research.
  • Highlight the key qualities that are worth mentioning in an opening welcome speech for event.
  • Take note of the welcome address speech sample in this article and create a framework from them.
  • Look up welcome speech quotes and choose the best one to use somewhere in your speech.
  • Greet the chief guest at the event personally and introduce yourself if you don’t know each other.
  • Extend your hard for a handshake and smile to express that they are honored and welcome to the event.
  • Smile and suggest they are being welcomed.
  • Address them formally with the usual Miss or Mr.
  • Escort the chief guest before you assume host duties.

Welcoming the Chief Guest with a Short Speech

It’s a great honor to welcome our Chief guest and tonight’s keynote speaker. I was worried at first about how to introduce (title and name of Chief guest) because any introduction would pale in comparison to the reality and immensity of her/his accomplishments.

(Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest).

She/he is the ultimate inspiration for young professionals everywhere who want to succeed in the field of international trade. Here to inspire us with her career journey and all the experiences she accumulated along the day, join me in giving a round of applause to (title and name of chief guest).

Welcoming the Chief Guest (Longer Version of the Speech)

Introducing our next attendee is a great pleasure of mine. When she/he accepted our invitation to be tonight’s Chief guest and keynote speaker, I almost jumped for joy. Then I realized I would naturally receive the task of introducing her/him. At first, this gave me great anxiety. How would I be able to pull it off and deliver an introduction that would give her background justice? Then I thought, no introduction would ever compare, so it was foolish to aim for success when failure is guaranteed. So I decided to just do it. Our chief guest has accomplished the following, to name a few:

As I looked at her/his professional and personal successes, I realized here is a woman/man who was faced many times with the certainty of failure but had given her circumstances a grad twist by attaining success against all odds. Then I thought, perhaps I should aim for success in this speech, after all.

She/he is an inspiration to many, not only for all the fields of expertise she has earned and the extreme success that went with the process, but she/he has also set the benchmark for philanthropy and good deeds. She/he has done this quietly, too, and she/he might strangle me for revealing it to the public. I didn’t even know half of the wonderful things she/he has done for our community before my research.

Without further ado, and here to inspire us with her wisdom and grand skill, join me in welcoming our Chief guest (title and name of chief guest).

Welcome Speech for Parents

Hi everyone!

As host and brother of the groom, I’d like to take this time to introduce the parents of the bride. Without them, my brother wouldn’t be the lucky and happy man he is today. More than that, I have witnessed how they accepted my brother and treated him as a son long before the engagement. I often tag along on family trips and have spent hours of wonderful conversations with them. Apart from my own parents, they are two of the most affectionate and hospitable people I’ve ever met. If I could meet a woman whose parents are just like them, I’d consider myself half as lucky as my brother.

Let’s give a round of applause for (names of the bride’s parents). Thank you for embracing my brother into the fold.

Welcome Speech Samples for National Holidays

Below is a sample of a welcome speech typically delivered during Annual Day. Substitute the appropriate details to match your information and use the framework in other speeches reserved for national holidays.

Welcome Speech for Annual Day

I am overjoyed to have this chance to welcome all of you to our elite institution’s 25th Annual Day. Today’s children are the hope of the next generation. All these graduates we see today, receiving awards for their achievements will go on to lead successful lives. Let them live up to the expectations set before them.

I am very happy to be a member of such an elite school where we learned from such great professors who teach us beyond the boundaries of the ordinary classroom. They’re also the minds and hands behind such a big event every year. I’d like to use this chance to organize such a wonderful event this year. It’s also a great pleasure of mine to introduce our Chief Guest.

Welcome speeches are necessary at events. They usually set the tone or expectations of the people who attended or participated in the occasion. There are many ways in going about delivering a welcome address speech. Review the samples in this article and do your due diligence to craft an outline, framework, or skeleton from the contents that you can use in welcome speeches of your own.

Frequently Asked Questions

A good welcome speech has the following qualities: * It is sincere. * It can hold the attention of the audience. * The ideas don’t ramble. * Welcome address quotes are used. One for a short welcome speech, and 2 for a longer one. Never 3, unless the speaker is trying to be funny. * The contents are relevant to the event. * It has an impressive anecdote. * The length doesn’t exceed 5 minutes.

The last segment of this article contains tips on welcoming chief guests, esteemed guests, or guests of honor. The tips contained here can be divided into things to consider while drafting the welcome speech, and things to do at the event itself when meeting the chief guest.

A simple thank you would suffice. Make sure you reiterate your gratitude. Some welcome speeches can end with a line that welcomes the guest of honor.

Depending on the context, a welcome speech doesn’t always need to be impressive. In some situations, a straightforward introduction is all you need. However, in some circumstances like commencement ceremonies, farewell parties, dinners, and some others, the audience is prepared to listen to long speeches. In this case, the speech needs to catch the attention of the attendees and maintain their interest. An impressive welcome speech often has an emotional element. Not just parroting big words to describe a person’s achievements or flatter them. Try to use humor if you’re funny by nature or if you can deliver the punchline well. Use popular quotes in your speech. Tell anecdotes relevant to the attendees. Or reveal an epiphany. These are how you should draft a welcome speech set to impress.

Make sure that it is relevant to the content of your welcome speech or the point you’re making. You can use phrases such as the following: * According to… * As the old saying goes… * There’s a quote that has always stuck with me… * Events like this always remind me of one of my favorite quotes… Try to find quotes that are unique and not cliche. You can find some in the lyrics of contemporary music, or lines and dialogues from books and movies, and so on.

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William Landry

William is a professional English and ESL teacher with over 15 years of experience. He has taught students of all ages, from children to business executives, and has worked with ESL learners from all over the globe. With a degree in English Education, William has developed curriculum for learners of all levels and interests. He is passionate about helping people learn English effectively and shares his knowledge with the LillyPad community. When he’s not teaching or writing, William enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.

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welcome speech in english for new year celebration

To The Point at Work

7 tips  for a memorable New Year speech.

7 tips  for your New Year speech.

New Year is one of those pivotal moments. This is an ideal opportunity to stop, leave a bad things behind, reinforce beliefs, (re)unite people, and reenergize for the future. No matter if you are CEO of a large corporation, coach of your son’s football team, or granddad to an abounding offspring, if you are a leader, you are expected to say something. So, you’d better seize this golden opportunity and say something memorable.

Everyone has their own style and every talking opportunity is different. There are no fixed rules, but here are a few tips for your New Year speech. I’d appreciate if you let me know how it went.

7 tips for your New Year speech

  • Prepare to be short
  • Tell them what they know
  • Focus on why
  • Make it personal
  • Sprinkle with emotion
  • Be memorable
  • Do it with style

1. Prepare to be short

You need at least 3 minutes to get a message across, and boredom will strike if you talk longer than 10. Accept that people will only remember 2-3 things of what you say, and even less if you talk longer.

Being short requires preparation and hard work. So, prepare well. Think about the one thing you would like to achieve with your New Year speech. What do you want them to remember? What is your key message? Structure your talk, find some anecdotes, a metaphor, quote or joke. Possibly write out your speech but make sure to use your own honest words; not some kind of formal, wooden language.

“If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now.”― Woodrow Wilson, 28th president of the United States from 1913-1921

2. Say what they already know

Unless you are getting married or if you’re 6 weeks pregnant, the end-of-year season is not the moment to announce something totally new. People are in festive mode, and potentially under the influence of a drink or two. Therfore, avoid announcing new things that require their full attention or a substantial effort.

A New Year speech is a moment to reinforce things. Reinforce the values, the team spirit, the positive vibes,… And don’t be afraid to repeat yourself. We all like to hear familiar things that we agree with. Children all love to hear the fairy-tales they already know. And grown-ups are only tall children, especially after a drink or two.

You can simply start by enumerating what happened last year, how that impacted us, and how that made you feel… You will see and hear the Yeaahhh’s in the room. It will get them in a positive and agreeable mood.

3. Focus on the why

People don’t believe in you because of what you do, but because of why you do it. It is not the product that unites the employees of a company, but their love for innovative technology, their creative pride, or their dedication to the customer. It is not Uncle Phillip’s new Ferrari that will make his nephews adore him, but his love for Italian design and technology, his craving for speed, or his success as a business man. In fact, the Ferrari is merely a metaphor, or a shiny but superficial expression of a far deeper drive.

So, focus on why you do what you do. Why do you get up in the morning? Why are you in business? Why do you feel like one big family? Why are you different compared to others? It is all about purpose, belief, vision, feeling, drive, values or fundamental happiness. That is what your New Year speech should be about.

4. Make it personal

Your story is about you and the others. So talk about others, but don’t omit to talk about yourself.

Most things in life only become meaningful when in relationship to others: business, sport, family, success and even money. Without others they are meaningless. So, talk about your colleagues, your customers, your suppliers, your children, your parents, your opponents,… And thank them. The worthiest people always give credit to the others. Especially talk about your audience and how much you appreciate them. Put individuals in your audience in the leading role of your anecdotes.

But people will only believe you when they feel the words come from your authentic self, right from your heart. So don’t avoid speaking about yourself either. Tell them how you feel about what you’ve achieved, why you are proud… There is nothing as arrogant as fake humility.

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To-the-point presentations, impactful, time-saving, clear, and concise, 5. sprinkle with emotion.

Emotion moves people. It makes them think. It makes them decide. It makes them change, and most importantly it makes them remember. It is the emotion you evoke that will make your words stick in their minds.

Evoking emotion can be done in many different ways. It is partly in what you say, and partly in how you say it, in letting them feel your own emotion. How you do this is highly dependent on the culture and the occasion.  You can openly express your emotions or just vaguely suggest them. Here are a few things to consider.

Don’t avoid the negative. There can’t be ups without downs. There can’t be positive without negative emotions. Expressing negative emotions rids us of their negative effects. So don’t avoid the things that went bad last year. Name them and honestly tell your audience how it made you feel. At the same time show that you can put things in perspective and see the positive things in the most negative experiences.

Be positive overall. Your audience wants to be left with a positive feeling. They want to see that you are positively, happily, confidently looking towards the future. Give them that. Make sure that the positive moments in your talk outweigh the negative ones.

Have fun. Since beginning of mankind, jesters and clowns helped us forget misery. People who laugh more, live longer. We laugh when we are happy, and laughing also makes us happy. Even if you’re not a born joker, use a funny anecdote, or a funny metaphor. Just make sure it is appropriate for the occasion and for your relationship to the audience. If you feel unsure about it, test it with someone beforehand. At least try to laugh and make them laugh. It will make your talk memorable:

welcome speech in english for new year celebration

Super article! Thank you

Sinta Soemiarno

Very valuable tips! Thank you

Tika DC

Wow really supperb..!!✨ Thank you soo much..!!

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50+ different ways to say welcome to your guests

By:  Susan Dugdale  

The challenge of a welcome speech is to find alternate ways to express yourself sincerely without resorting to a string of undifferentiated "same-old, same-old" words and phrases that have become meaningless through overuse to greet your guests with.

And there's an additional question to answer. Is the event formal or informal? Your response will guide the language choices you make.

What's on this page?

  • help to decide whether you need formal or informal language
  • examples of informal and formal welcome speech openings
  • 50+ different ways to say welcome 
  • 28 example sentences  

Do you need to use formal or informal language?

Is the welcome speech you're preparing formal or informal?  

There are major differences. The words you use in an informal speech will be entirely out of place in a formal one. You need to know what is right for the occasion if you want your speech to be a success.

The video below explains the difference and provides six example speech openings to illustrate: three formal and three informal.

How to avoid repetition making your speech boring!  

Repetition of a familiar word is easy to do and totally understandable.

Sometimes we can't find the words we want, and we get stuck in a vocabulary rut, using the same phrase or word over and over, and over again, trying to make it cover multiple and/or different situations.

Image: retro woman giving a welcome speech,and repeating the word "welcome" a lot.  Text: Repetition can be very boring! Text in s

And yet we know, words are just like clothes. One size does does not fit all.

What's the solution?

Here's three suggestions to individualize or tailor your words to fit your event a little better. And they'll be more interesting for the audience to listen to!

With care you'll find most will adapt either formal or informal use.

1. Add an adjective to the word welcome

Try working in an adjective to describe the quality of your welcome more fully.

I've provided an example sentence or two alongside each adjective to show how it could be used in context.

I know some examples are much more successful, (smooth to say and read), than others.

Some, quite frankly, clunk a little. (I say this with a wry smile ☺!) 

If you decide to use the feature word in those that do, perhaps you'll find a way to use it more eloquently!  

What sort of welcome are you offering?

It could be a(n):

  • warm  welcome " Luckily the weather is on our side today! The sun and I are pleased to offer you a warm welcome."
  • hearty  welcome  "Here's a hearty welcome, big and warm enough to encompass you all! To say we are thrilled to see you is an understatement."
  • cheerful  welcome "It's my pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to you all! Your presence makes us very happy."
  • cordial  welcome "Fellow members, please join me in giving our guests the most cordial of welcomes."
  • sociable  welcome "Let's hear it for a sociable welcome! On the count of three, turn to your neighbor and say 'hello'. There are no strangers here, only  friends we are yet to meet."
  • genial  welcome "It's my pleasant duty to bid you all a genial welcome."
  • convivial  welcome "On behalf of my colleagues, I wish you all a convivial welcome. We are going to have a merry and enjoyable time together."
  • agreeable  welcome "The flags are flying. The balloons are ready for release. It's a great day, one we've been planning and waiting for. I'm sure you'll concur, this is an agreeable welcome."
  • pleasing  welcome "It's gratifying to look around and see so many familiar faces. That's a pleasing welcome to what I know is a going to be a great  conference ... "

Or maybe it's a(n):

  • glad  welcome "It's a glad welcome we bring to you this morning, filled with the desires, hopes and dreams we all share."
  • hospitable  welcome "We're delighted to offer the most hospitable welcome we can."
  • amiable  welcome "Dear guests, look around you! An amiable welcome full of friendship is yours."
  • gracious  welcome "Our desire is to extend a gracious and inclusive welcome to all of you. For now let's put aside our differences and instead celebrate what brings us together!"

What about a(n):

Image -young retro salesman. Text: What sort of welcome words  do you want? We've got cheerful, hearty, warm (the classic) and delighted.

Then there's a:

  • pleasant  welcome "You know what's great about these events? You are always assured of a pleasant welcome. This is feel-good central and we aim ..."
  • companionable  welcome "Looking around I can see many familiar faces - peers, past and present colleagues. What a companionable welcome! It's great to see you all here ..."
  • grateful  welcome "Many of you have made a huge effort to join us today. On behalf of us all, we are deeply appreciative and offer you our most grateful welcome."
  • friendly  welcome "Today is the day we begin to learn to look through the eyes of others; to find out and experience what the world is like for them. It is also the day we grow bigger than our differences and offer to everyone regardless of historical rights and wrongs, a friendly welcome, an outstretched hand."

Perhaps a(n):

  • appreciative  welcome "Wow, what a gathering we have here tonight. We've got dignitaries, celebrities, fans, and organizational members all brought together for one cause. Ours. Here's an appreciative welcome to you all."
  • superb  welcome "Ladies and gentlemen, the room is ready. The tables are set. The band is playing our theme song. And the waiting staff are preparing to take your orders. This is a superb welcome, fit for royalty, and that's what you are to us."
  • delighted  welcome "To our special guests; look around. See the smiles of everyone's faces? We are truly delighted to welcome you here today."
  • favored  welcome "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have stars in the sky, and on stage. We are favored to welcome some the brightest the world has seen."
  • honored  welcome "I look around the stage and am in awe with the collected expertise gathered here. We are deeply honored to welcome you."
  • big  welcome "Here's to a big welcome for our guests; Lady Amelia Thistledown and Sir Roger Godfrey!"
  • huge  welcome "Ladies and gentlemen, please give a huge welcome to ..."
  • rapturous  welcome "Do you hear the applause? The audience joins me in a rapturous welcome! We are thrilled to have you with us today."

2. What about the guests you want to welcome?

Think about the guests you want to welcome as part of your speech. What sort of guests are they?  Is there a word, or two, you could use to describe them more fully?

Accurate descriptions of the people coming to the event, either as especially invited guests, or as members of the audience, helps build credibility and trust.

The care you take to find the right words is an excellent investment for everybody involved.

Image: hand drawn crowd figures. Text: Honor your guests by using words to help them stand out from the crowd.

Could your guests be better described as:

  • esteemed  guests?
  • brilliant  guests?
  • celebrated  guests?
  • dear  guests?
  • admired  guests?
  • acclaimed  guests?
  • cherished  guests?
  • respected  guests?
  • revered  guests?
  • wonderful  guests?
  • popular  guests?
  • much-loved  guests?
  • famous  guests?
  • expert  guests?
  • distinguished  guests?
  • honored  guests?
  • valued  guests?
  • appreciated  guests?
  • remarkable  guests?
  • renowned  guests?
  • knowledgeable  guests?
  • treasured  guests?

3. What about the word "guests"?

Image: cross section of an audience. Text: Who, exactly, is your audience? Are these people your peers, colleagues, customers, work mates ...

Who are you talking to? Yes, everybody in the audience is a guest to your event but what could they be more accurately called? 

Are these people your:

  • colleagues?
  • associates?
  • classmates?
  • co-collaborators?
  • fellow-travelers, nurses, teachers ... ? (insert the appropriate descriptor)
  • affiliates?
  • conspirators?
  • companions?

And lastly, have fun experimenting!

Do try mixing and matching your words and phrases to fit the occasion. After all there are more flavors to "welcome" than vanilla!

Related pages:

  • How to write a welcome speech - with a sample speech
  • How to write a speech - step by step help - a good beginning point if you've never prepared a speech before.
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Sample Welcome Speech - Let the Party Begin

A sample welcome speech - one less thing to worry about as you plan your amazing party celebration!

sample welcome speech

Your guests will expect a welcome speech and they will be pleasantly surprised... and grateful... if you focus on the quality and not the quantity of your words. 

So, prepare a simple, short and effective welcome wish - and then focus on planning all the other great party celebrations - music, excellent food, creative decor, dress code and the theme!

A warm welcome - done!

Let's party!

Good Evening,

A warm word of welcome to everyone tonight as we celebrate [ insert event or occasion ].

Tonight is a exceptional evening -  I am so glad that so many special  people have been able to join us this evening.

As, always, to absent friends - we still miss you.

But, tonight is all about celebrating!

It brings to mind the all too true words, that at times, we should "dance like no-one is watching"!

And tonight is one of those nights!

Let's capture some magical moments, let's create happy memories and let's surround ourselves with laughter and friendship as we celebrate this special occasion.

Have fun, thank you for joining us and go on…dance a no one is watching!

An example of a welcome speech for a party - short, to the point and most importantly... welcoming !


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How to Write a Welcome Speech

Last Updated: July 29, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,624,589 times.

Are you on welcome speech duty for an upcoming program or event? You’ve got nothing to worry about—with the right format and tone, it’s super easy to write and present a welcome speech for just about any occasion. We’ve outlined everything you need to know, from your opening greetings and acknowledgments, to establishing the right tone and nailing your closing remarks. You’ve got this in the bag!

Greeting the Audience

Step 1 Welcome the audience using serious language for a formal occasion.

  • Keep the tone more serious if it's an important occasion. Use more formal language and don't crack any inappropriate jokes. For example, at a wake, you might say, "We're so glad to have you all here tonight. We appreciate your presence at this difficult time."

Step 2 Greet guests informally by using light-hearted language.

  • For an event with close friends and family, more informal language might be appropriate. Include a few jokes and keep your speech more lighthearted.

Patrick Muñoz

Patrick Muñoz

Grab your audience's attention with a strong opening. Start with a loud voice and a strong presence that welcomes everyone and gets them involved. Ask a question they can respond to or tell a joke — anything to connect with the audience. Do something that grabs their attention and excites them and makes them thrilled about the event.

Step 3 Add individual greetings for any special guests.

  • Special guests include any people of honor, those that may play a particularly important part in the event, or those who have traveled a long way to be there.
  • Make sure that you practice all of names, titles, and pronunciations of the special guests before your speech.
  • For example you could say, "We'd like to extend a special welcome to our guest of honor, Judge McHenry, who will be speaking later tonight."
  • Alternatively to welcome a group of people you might say, "While we're excited to have you all here tonight, we'd especially like to say welcome to the students from Johnson Middle School."

Step 4 Introduce the event itself.

  • For an informal event such as a birthday party, you could say, "We're so happy to have you here tonight to eat, drink, and celebrate another year of Jessica's life. Now, let's get to it."
  • For a more formal event such as one run by an organisation, you could say, “We are so excited to have you all here to participate in our 10th annual pet’s day, organised by the Animal Rescue Group.”

Forming the Body of the Speech

Step 1 Acknowledge those who have played an important part in the event.

  • An example of acknowledging individual people is saying, “We couldn’t have pulled off this fundraiser without the hard work and dedication of Grace and Sally, who worked tirelessly from day 1 to make today a reality.”
  • Avoid reading off a long list of people or sponsors, as your audience will begin to get bored. Stick to just a handful of highlights.

Step 2 Mention any parts of the event that are of special importance.

  • For instance, at a conference, you might point out when the dinner will be held, or where particular sessions will take place.
  • At a wedding reception, you might note when dancing will start or when the cake will be served.

Step 3 Reiterate your welcoming line.

  • Alternatively, you could end the body of your speech during an informal gathering by saying, “I can't wait to see you all out on the dancefloor!”

Ending the Speech

Step 1 Say that you hope the audience enjoys the event, if applicable.

  • You could also say that you hope that the audience takes something away from the event. For example, “I hope that today inspires ideas and discussions around the ways that we can make our city a better place!”

Step 2 Introduce the next speaker if necessary.

  • At a formal event, you might say, "Now, for our speaker. Rebecca Roberts comes here from Montreal, Canada, and she is a leading expert in the study of the human brain. She'll be speaking tonight on what drives humans to make decisions. Let's welcome her."
  • For a more informal event such as a party, you could say, “Next up is Sam, who has been Kyle’s best friend for 10 years strong. He has a decade of embarrassing stories about Kyle to share with us tonight!"

Step 3 Thank the audience for attending.

  • Alternatively you might say, “Thank you again to everyone for being here tonight to celebrate Joe and Kathleen’s 50th wedding anniversary! Let the celebrations begin!”

Step 4 Keep your speech within a suitable time limit.

  • If you are unsure, ask the organiser or host what an appropriate length of time for your speech will be.

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Patrick Muñoz

To write a welcome speech, start with a greeting to your audience that’s appropriate to the situation. For example, you could try “Good evening ladies and gentlemen” if you’re introducing a formal event, or “Thank you everyone for coming on this sunny day” for a more relaxed occasion. After you’ve finished the greeting, introduce the event by talking about who organized it and what its purpose is. In the main body of your speech, acknowledge 2 or 3 people who played important parts in organizing the event. You should also emphasize special parts of the event that people should pay attention to, such as where dinner will be or where a conference session will take place. When you’re ready to conclude your speech, tell the audience to enjoy the event by saying something like “I hope you all enjoy the exciting speakers to come.” Finish your speech by thanking the audience for attending. For tips on how to introduce people at a special occasion, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Welcome Speech for an Event in English

welcome speech in english for new year celebration

Table of Contents

Welcome Speech for an Event: A welcome speech is a great way to set the tone for an event. It sets the tone for the event and can make attendees feel more comfortable and welcome. Additionally, a well-crafted welcome speech can help to promote the event to those who may not be familiar with it. Finally, a good welcome speech can help to build excitement and anticipation for what is to come.

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A good English speech topic for an event can help to build rapport with the audience, and it can give the audience a sense of what the event is going to be about. Moreover, it should be short, engaging, and to the point. We have come up with this article to help our readers craft the best welcome speeches. Welcome speech for an event, whether it’s a corporate event, school event, college event, or a social event – all the probable speech topics have been covered in a simple and easy-to-understand manner here.

Long and Short Welcome Speech for an Event in English

Here are both short welcome speech , including the long welcome speeches for an event; hence covering all the possible nature of such speeches. You can use this welcome speech for school, So what are you waiting for? Simply visit our website and experience the magic of our content!

Welcome Speech for an Event – Speech 1

Good morning, I extend a warm welcome to all those gathered here today, including our esteemed teachers, parents, and students. I’d like to express our gratitude to our Chief Guest, XYZ, for joining us. We feel privileged to have such a successful writer and businessperson in our midst.

Before we kick start today’s program, I – Abhinav Sharma – the assistant manager of ABC Group in our company and your host for today would like to welcome each and every one of you to this special event. I am extremely pleased to welcome those who have been serving our company for a long time and those as well who have recently joined.

This day, as I am sure most of you would know, marks the 11 th annual group meeting and it is a proud moment for all of us that our company could host this meeting at this spectacular place with all of us.

Secondly, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all my colleagues who were always more than ready to lend their support in making this event a success. It is not possible to take the names of all, so I want to thank everyone who contributed in some or the other way towards this event. It wouldn’t have been possible without the support of you all.

In today’s event, our focus would be all those new volunteers who have recently joined us. Do you know why you all have been appointed by your respective managers? Of course, it’s because you displayed mutual passion and a spirit to work for a company in close association with everyone. Your passion for work helps us to come together and unite the energy that we have in order to realize our goals at both personal and professional levels. Everyone needs everyone here to be able to work towards the growth of the company and that’s why it calls for a celebration that we could have all the like-minded people under one roof.

In the coming months, you will be taught different initiatives with the help of planned seminars, activities, and special events where you (the new volunteers) will be invited and given hands-on expertise. I hope this chain of events will help you grow and become more productive as well as smarter than your present capacity.

I hope I am not taking too much of your time and now without any further ado, I would like to call on stage my manager to let you know about our upcoming projects/activities. Please be ensured that today will be a lot of fun and packed with learning.

Besides, any one of you can come on stage and join me to share your valued suggestions and ideas, including sharing your doubts, questions, etc. Also, you all are requested to collect your food coupons after 12 and before 1 in order to avoid any hassles afterward.

Thank you for being such a wonderful audience and let us give a huge round of applause for my manager/the next speaker.

Hope you have a wonderful day ahead!

Also Read: Welcome Speech for Chief Guest

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Welcome Speech for an Event – Speech 2

To our Hon’ble Directors, Principal, Vice Principal, Colleagues, and Our Lovely Students – Warm Greetings to all of you!

Welcome to the 21 st annual award event in our XYZ School. I – Mrs. Payal Singh, the English Teacher of the higher secondary classes, feel extremely privileged to have been given the opportunity to kick start today’s prestigious award ceremony. This day couldn’t have been more special as our chief guest, Mr. ……….. – The famous author of fiction is amongst us to grace the event.

I, on behalf of the entire school, welcome you Sir and express our gratitude for accepting the invitation and taking time out of your packed schedule for our school. We really acknowledge your kind gesture. Secondly, huge congratulations on the publication of your yet another book… We sincerely hope that it does really well and touch the cord of the masses. I would like to call upon stage our Hon’ble principal to felicitate our guest today, with a bouquet of flowers and a memento. Let us give a huge round of applause for them everyone!

As we all know that this award ceremony is conducted every year to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work, sincerity, and dedication of our working staff as well as students. Clearly, the growth of this school wouldn’t have been possible without the proactive efforts of our administration as well as our highly educated as well as experienced faculty members. Of course, the dedicated efforts of our principal as well as vice principal top it all as since the time of their appointment we can witness a steady growth of our school. We have now become known everywhere and our school is now well-equipped with every necessary infrastructure as well as facilities required for the smooth running of our school.

There is greater contentment in all our working staff and the enthusiasm among our students is higher. Our students are now getting exposed to more and more opportunities whether it’s in academics or other co-curricular activities. In state and national level competitions, we are observing a rising level of our students which is getting reflected in their performances. As a result of which they are able to bag more awards for themselves as well as our school.

However, today we have gathered to acknowledge this year’s achievement of our students and our teachers. This year has been very special for all of us in terms of academic and non-academic achievements. Even more special is the fact our school got listed amongst the top 5 schools of …….. Area by a leading daily newspaper. This is indeed a matter of great pride for all of us and hence calls for celebration.

Now, without any further ado let us commence the award ceremony. The first category is for our teachers and the second category is for our students. I would request all the winners to come backstage and get ready for their names to be called out.

I rest my speech here, thank you!

Also Read: Welcome speech for corporate event

Welcome Speech for an Event – Speech 3

Hon’ble Chief Guests, Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Professors, Dear Friends, and a Lovely Audience – Warm Greetings to all of you!

I – Aakash Sinha and Akanksha Gaur from the humanities stream (3 rd year), welcome everyone to the 10th annual event in our college. It feels great seeing the overwhelming audience and their contagious enthusiasm. Before we kick start the celebration, please allow me to felicitate our chief guest with a small gesture, i.e. bouquet and a gift! For this, I will request our respected principal to come on stage and do the honors.

Everyone let’s put our hands together for a huge round of applause. Now, I would request our chief guest to say a few words to our students and share your personal life experiences, which will I am sure will be a great morale booster.

Now before our Principal Ma’am comes on stage to say a few words, I on behalf of the entire school wish to express my gratitude for paying a visit to our college and giving us such an inspirational speech. I am sure everyone enjoyed your speech as much as I did. Now, may we please call on stage our ma’am to address our students and their parents on this auspicious day?

It was very nice listening to our principal ma’am and she always wins our hearts through her motivating stories and the warmth that she expresses. Now friends, as the ritual goes for our annual college fest, we will first have all our cultural programs followed by the award ceremony and lunch. So brace yourself to the seats and get ready for unlimited fun.

We also have participants from other colleges and I want to specially welcome them and thank them on behalf of our college for coming here in order to showcase their talent. I am sure this is further going to raise the entertainment quotient and will give us unlimited fun. There are going to be 12 performances in total, some of them are dance performances – both classical and western, some singing performances, some will include instrument playing and some would be the dramatic enactment. All the students have worked with a lot of dedication and sincerity so that they can shine through in their performances and make their college proud.

Other than these cultural programs, there would also be a special session dedicated to underprivileged children as well as children with special needs. In this session, our principal ma’am would enlighten all of us about the association which is actively working for these children and how our college is contributing towards this noble cause. So everyone is requested to attend the session and make their contribution in whatever manner they could. This is all I want to say!

Now here I rest my speech and call upon the stage the very first group of performers, i.e. Aarohi Group! Please welcome them with a huge round of applause.

Thank You and Cheers!

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Welcome Speech for an Event – Speech 4

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen – I warmly welcome everyone to my yet another fashion event!

I, Neeta Sehgal – have been a fashion designer for 7 years; co-partnered with ABC Group, feel extremely glad to have you all here. My happiness in fact knows no bound today at seeing the success of my brand as well as my partners at the ABC Group. I owe my success to all my clients who have helped me reach where I am today and this is the reason why my brand has become a name in the industry. Secondly, I would also like to give credit to my partners who have always given me fair opportunities to grow and showcase my talent. They have given me the platform to perform and reach out to a worldwide audience which otherwise would have taken me years and years in building such a client base.

I sincerely hope that I continue to be a solid support to my partner company as well as serve my clients by delivering 100 percent client satisfaction. It is very important to remain consistent in our performance and continue raising benchmarks in order to excel in our own personal capacities otherwise it would result in stagnation, and stagnancy is very detrimental to growth.

Now friends, before I take you to my newly furnished store which houses some of my fresh spring and summer collections, I would like to deliver a short Fashion speech on the importance of fashion and why it is so important in our lives. What comes to your mind, when I say the very word – “Fashion”! Fashion according to me instantly brings to mind a pop of colors with a dash of glamour.

I am sure every single person has got that innate desire to look good and be accepted in his/her respective social group. Fashion differs from person to person – for some fashion means simplicity, for some it means a dash of class, style and glamour and for some it simply means comfort.

Of course, when it comes to women – fashion constantly evolves and they are in fact the lead runner in this entire game as they constantly experiment with different styles, looks and textures. Fashion plays a crucial role in an individual’s life as it is meant to be a medium of self-expression. Isn’t it!? The attires and accessories which men and women don help them shape their personalities and to get identified with a group – in terms of lifestyle, religion, profession as well as attitude. Therefore, the very term ‘fashion’ is equated with the overall development of a nation as well.

Various factors help in the growth of fashion as a whole. It is a widely accepted phenomenon that the elite and famous class, the royalty as well as political figures dominate the fashion industry in a big way by becoming the trend setters. Next comes the advertising media, which contributes effectively in informing us about the daily style updates. Therefore, all these things combined help us in designing such outfits which garner appreciation and rewards.

On this note everyone, I would like to rest my speech and would like to take you through the store and take note of your valuable suggestions.

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Also Read: Farewell Speech for Colleague in English

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Welcome Speech for an Event FAQs

How do you start a welcome speech.

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman – I warmly welcome everyone to my yet another fashion event! I, Neeta Sehgal – have been a fashion designer for 7 years; co-partnered with ABC Group, feel extremely glad to have you all here.

Write a welcome speech for guest in english?

Hello everyone and welcome. We are so happy to have you all here with us today. First, let me introduce myself. My name is _______ and I am the host of today's event. It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to our event. I would like to take a moment to thank you all for coming. Your support means so much to us. I would also like to introduce our special guests. We are honored to have _______ with us today. _______ is a _______ and has been a great supporter of our cause. Thank you all for being here. I hope you enjoy the event.

What is a welcome speech in school?

Welcome, parents! We are so excited to have you here with us today. This is a special day for our school community, and we are so glad you could be a part of it. Thank you for supporting your child's education and being involved in their school life. We know that together we can make a positive difference in their future. Thank you again for being here and we look forward to working together to provide the best for our students.

How to write a welcome speech for an event?

Good Afternoon Everyone – Hope you are doing well! Before we kick start today’s program, I – Abhinav Sharma – the assistant manager of ABC Group in our company and your host for today would like to welcome each and every one of you to this special event. I am extremely pleased to welcome those who have been serving our company since a long time and those as well who have recently joined.

Write a welcome speech in English for students?

Hon’ble Chief Guests, Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Professors, Dear Friends and a Lovely Audience – Warm Greetings to all of you! I – Aakash Sinha and Akanksha Gaur from Grade 10, welcome everyone to the 21st annual award event in our XYZ School. It feels great seeing the overwhelming number of audience and their contagious enthusiasm.

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    New Year Speech for Students in English 200 Words. The commencement of a new year symbolizes an opportunity for individuals to leave behind adverse experiences and embrace a fresh start. It's a time when hopes soar for happiness, health, and prosperity for oneself and loved ones. Across the globe, diverse customs and traditions mark the ...

  6. Short Speech on New Year in English for Students

    New Year has not many fixed or uniform rituals and people from different cultures tend to innovate and enjoy in their own unique ways. Thus, it allows diversity and freedom to express your joy. People can exchange gifts, host dinner parties, wear new clothes or just spread New Year cheer and help extend the holiday spirit.

  7. Anchoring Script for the New Year Celebration in English

    Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of the old; make a way in the wilderness, river in the desert, and become lovers of truth. To you be glory and honor, in this year, and forever. (At 11:59) Ladies and gentlemen, count with me, 10, 9, 8, …. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  8. 7 Tips for a memorable New Year speech

    At least try to laugh and make them laugh. It will make your talk memorable: 6. Be memorable. You don't want to go through the hassle and stress of delivering a New Year speech, just to let your words be washed away with a champagne surrogate. You want to create something more enduring than a brief moment of laughter.

  9. Anchoring Script for New Year Celebration [With PDF]

    It is said a new day is a burst of new sunshine. Forget about the past and move forward towards a life more precious. Good morning to all our respected teachers, and dear students present here. Happy new year to all of you. It is always wonderful to see many of our students gather this morning and celebrate the first day of the year.

  10. Happy new year speech on wishes & messages in English

    I wish you a warm and happy new year. May the new year bring a lot of progress. May your life be full of fun and enjoyment in the new year. Happy new year… (2024—mention the year.) to you, your friends, your relatives, and your family members! May God bless you with happiness, prosperity, and sound health.

  11. New Year Welcome Speech for Church • Church Letters

    New Year Welcome Speech for Church. Good morning! As we gather together on this first Sunday of the new year, I want to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each and every one of you. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to worship with you and to be a part of this wonderful church community. As we look back on the past year, we can see ...

  12. How to write a welcome speech in 3 steps (with sample speech)

    The welcome speech opening a specialist conference will affirm its principal purpose: the coming together of people with mutual interests to meet and share new knowledge. Or if a welcome speech is given to newcomers in a workplace, club or educational setting, its purpose is to give an introductory overview of how things work to help them feel ...

  13. Phrases for welcome speeches : how to say welcome uniquely

    glad welcome. "It's a glad welcome we bring to you this morning, filled with the desires, hopes and dreams we all share." hospitable welcome. "We're delighted to offer the most hospitable welcome we can." amiable welcome. "Dear guests, look around you! An amiable welcome full of friendship is yours." gracious welcome.

  14. Sample Welcome Speech and Speech Welcome for a Party

    A warm welcome - done! Let's party! WELCOME SPEECHES FOR PARTIES. Good Evening, A warm word of welcome to everyone tonight as we celebrate [ insert event or occasion ]. Tonight is a exceptional evening - I am so glad that so many special people have been able to join us this evening. As, always, to absent friends - we still miss you.

  15. Short Welcome Speech

    Welcome speeches are mostly used in school events, church events, wedding events, or any type of event that a lot of people attend too. The Importance of Welcome Speeches. One of the most important things to remember when making welcome speeches is the fact that this is your way of captivating your audiences.

  16. How to Write a Welcome Speech: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

    Ask a question they can respond to or tell a joke — anything to connect with the audience. Do something that grabs their attention and excites them and makes them thrilled about the event. 3. Add individual greetings for any special guests. Include the names of special guests that are part of the audience.

  17. Anchoring Script: New Year

    New Year Anchoring Script Example #1. Introduction. Good evening, esteemed guests, and welcome to our New Year's Eve Gala! As we stand on the cusp of a brand-new year, filled with dreams and possibilities, I am [Your Name], delighted and honored to be your host tonight.

  18. Welcome Speech for an Event in English

    Welcome Speech for an Event - Speech 3. Hon'ble Chief Guests, Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Professors, Dear Friends, and a Lovely Audience - Warm Greetings to all of you! I - Aakash Sinha and Akanksha Gaur from the humanities stream (3 rd year), welcome everyone to the 10th annual event in our college.

  19. 55+ Short Welcome Speeches for an Event

    Let's give [him/her] a warm welcome! 23. Good morning! We have an inspiring morning lined up. It is my honor to introduce [speaker name], who will share [speech topic summary]. [He/She] brings an incredible amount of wisdom and experience around [speaker's expertise] that I know you will find valuable.

  20. Celebration Speech

    3. Learn to group the paragraphs of your speech. This is for you not to be confused on where you are at making your own speech. Always remember the three basic sections: introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction is your chance to get the attention of the listeners.

  21. Welcome Speech Samples & Examples for Students in English

    Welcome Speech: A welcome speech is a short expression of words which is delivered at the starting of any event, meeting, gathering, celebration or program. It is a statement which includes greeting to all the audience, special guests, participants, delegates or whoever is present for the occasion.

  22. Welcome Speech in English

    Welcome Speech in English by student Prashan Anjana Balagae in the Sinhala and Tamil New Year 2021 Celebrations in Adelaide Australia organized by the Adelai...