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Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc. – Case Solution

This case study looks at the application of Database Marketing (DBM) for Harrah's. It looks into the objectives of the DBM program and whether it was effective or not for the company.

​Rajiv Lal and Patricia Martone Carrolo Harvard Business Review ( 502011-PDF-ENG ) October 25, 2001

Case questions answered:

Case study questions answered in the first solution:

  • What are the objectives of the various Database Marketing programs, and are they working for Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc.?
  • Why is it important to use the “customer worth” in the DBM efforts rather than the observed level of play?

Case study questions answered in the second solution:

  • What are the three key aspects of Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc.’s overall strategy that helped them differentiate from competitors?
  • Is Harrah’s IT strategy aligned with its business strategy? What compliments do they need to manage to achieve alignment?
  • Is their Strategy Sustainable? Explain.

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Harrah's Entertainment, Inc. Case Answers

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1. What are the objectives of the various Database Marketing programs, and are they working for Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc?

The objectives of various Database Marketing (DBM) programs in the case of Harrah are illustrated below:

Harrah's Entertainment, Inc.

Objectives of DBM

New Business Program

  • It is meant to encourage customers to take repeated trips by predicting customer worth and giving appropriate offers.

Loyalty Program-Frequency

  • It helps in identifying customers who gave only a small fraction of their spending to Harrah’s and incentivizing them to visit frequently.

Loyalty Program-Budget

  • This program was aimed to make Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc. the first choice while visiting multiple casinos.

Retention Program

  • It was targeted at customers who were regular visitors but showed differing patterns in visiting.

Opinion on DBM


  • Each month, Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc.’s witnessed…

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  • Harvard Business School →
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  • October 2012
  • HBS Case Collection

Harrah's Entertainment

  • Format: Print
  • | Language: English
  • | Pages: 22

About The Authors

harrah's entertainment case study solution

Paul A. Gompers

harrah's entertainment case study solution

Kristin W. Mugford

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Harrahs Entertainment

  • Harvard Case Studies

Harrahs Entertainment Case Study Solution & Analysis

In most courses studied at Harvard Business schools, students are provided with a case study. Major HBR cases concerns on a whole industry, a whole organization or some part of organization; profitable or non-profitable organizations. Student’s role is to analyze the case and diagnose the situation, identify the problem and then give appropriate recommendations and steps to be taken.

To make a detailed case analysis, student should follow these steps:

STEP 1: Reading Up Harvard Case Study Method Guide:

Case study method guide is provided to students which determine the aspects of problem needed to be considered while analyzing a case study. It is very important to have a thorough reading and understanding of guidelines provided. However, poor guide reading will lead to misunderstanding of case and failure of analyses. It is recommended to read guidelines before and after reading the case to understand what is asked and how the questions are to be answered. Therefore, in-depth understanding f case guidelines is very important.

Harvard Case Study Solutions

Harvard Case Study Solutions

STEP 2: Reading The Harrahs Entertainment Harvard Case Study:

To have a complete understanding of the case, one should focus on case reading. It is said that case should be read two times. Initially, fast reading without taking notes and underlines should be done. Initial reading is to get a rough idea of what information is provided for the analyses. Then, a very careful reading should be done at second time reading of the case. This time, highlighting the important point and mark the necessary information provided in the case. In addition, the quantitative data in case, and its relations with other quantitative or qualitative variables should be given more importance. Also, manipulating different data and combining with other information available will give a new insight. However, all of the information provided is not reliable and relevant.

When having a fast reading, following points should be noted:

  • Nature of organization
  • Nature if industry in which organization operates.
  • External environment that is effecting organization
  • Problems being faced by management
  • Identification of communication strategies.
  • Any relevant strategy that can be added.
  • Control and out-of-control situations.

When reading the case for second time, following points should be considered:

  • Decisions needed to be made and the responsible Person to make decision.
  • Objectives of the organization and key players in this case.
  • The compatibility of objectives. if not, their reconciliations and necessary redefinition.
  • Sources and constraints of organization from meeting its objectives.

After reading the case and guidelines thoroughly, reader should go forward and start the analyses of the case.

STEP 3: Doing The Case Analysis Of Harrahs Entertainment:

To make an appropriate case analyses, firstly, reader should mark the important problems that are happening in the organization. There may be multiple problems that can be faced by any organization. Secondly, after identifying problems in the company, identify the most concerned and important problem that needed to be focused.

Firstly, the introduction is written. After having a clear idea of what is defined in the case, we deliver it to the reader. It is better to start the introduction from any historical or social context. The challenging diagnosis for Harrahs Entertainment and the management of information is needed to be provided. However, introduction should not be longer than 6-7 lines in a paragraph. As the most important objective is to convey the most important message for to the reader.

After introduction, problem statement is defined. In the problem statement, the company’s most important problem and constraints to solve these problems should be define clearly. However, the problem should be concisely define in no more than a paragraph. After defining the problems and constraints, analysis of the case study is begin.

STEP 4: SWOT Analysis of the Harrahs Entertainment HBR Case Solution:

SWOT analysis helps the business to identify its strengths and weaknesses, as well as understanding of opportunity that can be availed and the threat that the company is facing. SWOT for Harrahs Entertainment is a powerful tool of analysis as it provide a thought to uncover and exploit the opportunities that can be used to increase and enhance company’s operations. In addition, it also identifies the weaknesses of the organization that will help to be eliminated and manage the threats that would catch the attention of the management.

This strategy helps the company to make any strategy that would differentiate the company from competitors, so that the organization can compete successfully in the industry. The strengths and weaknesses are obtained from internal organization. Whereas, the opportunities and threats are generally related from external environment of organization. Moreover, it is also called Internal-External Analysis.

In the strengths, management should identify the following points exists in the organization:

  • Advantages of the organization
  • Activities of the company better than competitors.
  • Unique resources and low cost resources company have.
  • Activities and resources market sees as the company’s strength.
  • Unique selling proposition of the company.


  • Improvement that could be done.
  • Activities that can be avoided for Harrahs Entertainment.
  • Activities that can be determined as your weakness in the market.
  • Factors that can reduce the sales.
  • Competitor’s activities that can be seen as your weakness.


  • Good opportunities that can be spotted.
  • Interesting trends of industry.
  • Change in technology and market strategies
  • Government policy changes that is related to the company’s field
  • Changes in social patterns and lifestyles.
  • Local events.

Following points can be identified as a threat to company:

  • Company’s facing obstacles.
  • Activities of competitors.
  • Product and services quality standards
  • Threat from changing technologies
  • Financial/cash flow problems
  • Weakness that threaten the business.

Following points should be considered when applying SWOT to the analysis:

  • Precise and verifiable phrases should be sued.
  • Prioritize the points under each head, so that management can identify which step has to be taken first.
  • Apply the analyses at proposed level. Clear yourself first that on what basis you have to apply SWOT matrix.
  • Make sure that points identified should carry itself with strategy formulation process.
  • Use particular terms (like USP, Core Competencies Analyses etc.) to get a comprehensive picture of analyses.

STEP 5: PESTEL/ PEST Analysis of Harrahs Entertainment Case Solution:

Pest analyses is a widely used tool to analyze the Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Environmental and legal situations which can provide great and new opportunities to the company as well as these factors can also threat the company, to be dangerous in future.

Pest analysis is very important and informative.  It is used for the purpose of identifying business opportunities and advance threat warning. Moreover, it also helps to the extent to which change is useful for the company and also guide the direction for the change. In addition, it also helps to avoid activities and actions that will be harmful for the company in future, including projects and strategies.

To analyze the business objective and its opportunities and threats, following steps should be followed:

  • Brainstorm and assumption the changes that should be made to organization. Answer the necessary questions that are related to specific needs of organization
  • Analyze the opportunities that would be happen due to the change.
  • Analyze the threats and issues that would be caused due to change.
  • Perform cost benefit analyses and take the appropriate action.

Pest analysis

Pest analysis


  • Next political elections and changes that will happen in the country due to these elections
  • Strong and powerful political person, his point of view on business policies and their effect on the organization.
  • Strength of property rights and law rules. And its ratio with corruption and organized crimes. Changes in these situation and its effects.
  • Change in Legislation and taxation effects on the company
  • Trend of regulations and deregulations. Effects of change in business regulations
  • Timescale of legislative change.
  • Other political factors likely to change for Harrahs Entertainment.


  • Position and current economy trend i.e. growing, stagnant or declining.
  • Exchange rates fluctuations and its relation with company.
  • Change in Level of customer’s disposable income and its effect.
  • Fluctuation in unemployment rate and its effect on hiring of skilled employees
  • Access to credit and loans. And its effects on company
  • Effect of globalization on economic environment
  • Considerations on other economic factors


  • Change in population growth rate and age factors, and its impacts on organization.
  • Effect on organization due to Change in attitudes and generational shifts.
  • Standards of health, education and social mobility levels. Its changes and effects on company.
  • Employment patterns, job market trend and attitude towards work according to different age groups.

case study solutions

case study solutions

  • Social attitudes and social trends, change in socio culture an dits effects.
  • Religious believers and life styles and its effects on organization
  • Other socio culture factors and its impacts.


  • Any new technology that company is using
  • Any new technology in market that could affect the work, organization or industry
  • Access of competitors to the new technologies and its impact on their product development/better services.
  • Research areas of government and education institutes in which the company can make any efforts
  • Changes in infra-structure and its effects on work flow
  • Existing technology that can facilitate the company
  • Other technological factors and their impacts on company and industry

These headings and analyses would help the company to consider these factors and make a “big picture” of company’s characteristics. This will help the manager to take the decision and drawing conclusion about the forces that would create a big impact on company and its resources.

STEP 6: Porter’s Five Forces/ Strategic Analysis Of The Harrahs Entertainment Case Study:

To analyze the structure of a company and its corporate strategy, Porter’s five forces model is used. In this model, five forces have been identified which play an important part in shaping the market and industry. These forces are used to measure competition intensity and profitability of an industry and market.

porter's five forces model

porter’s five forces model

These forces refers to micro environment and the company ability to serve its customers and make a profit. These five forces includes three forces from horizontal competition and two forces from vertical competition. The five forces are discussed below:

  • as the industry have high profits, many new entrants will try to enter into the market. However, the new entrants will eventually cause decrease in overall industry profits. Therefore, it is necessary to block the new entrants in the industry. following factors is describing the level of threat to new entrants:
  • Barriers to entry that includes copy rights and patents.
  • High capital requirement
  • Government restricted policies
  • Switching cost
  • Access to suppliers and distributions
  • Customer loyalty to established brands.
  • this describes the threat to company. If the goods and services are not up to the standard, consumers can use substitutes and alternatives that do not need any extra effort and do not make a major difference. For example, using Aquafina in substitution of tap water, Pepsi in alternative of Coca Cola. The potential factors that made customer shift to substitutes are as follows:
  • Price performance of substitute
  • Switching costs of buyer
  • Products substitute available in the market
  • Reduction of quality
  • Close substitution are available
  • the lesser money and resources are required to enter into any industry, the higher there will be new competitors and be an effective competitor. It will also weaken the company’s position. Following are the potential factors that will influence the company’s competition:
  • Competitive advantage
  • Continuous innovation
  • Sustainable position in competitive advantage
  • Level of advertising
  • Competitive strategy
  • it deals with the ability of customers to take down the prices. It mainly consists the importance of a customer and the level of cost if a customer will switch from one product to another. The buyer power is high if there are too many alternatives available. And the buyer power is low if there are lesser options of alternatives and switching. Following factors will influence the buying power of customers:
  • Bargaining leverage
  • Switching cost of a buyer
  • Buyer price sensitivity
  • Competitive advantage of company’s product
  • this refers to the supplier’s ability of increasing and decreasing prices. If there are few alternatives o supplier available, this will threat the company and it would have to purchase its raw material in supplier’s terms. However, if there are many suppliers alternative, suppliers have low bargaining power and company do not have to face high switching cost. The potential factors that effects bargaining power of suppliers are the following:
  • Input differentiation
  • Impact of cost on differentiation
  • Strength of distribution centers
  • Input substitute’s availability.

STEP 7: VRIO Analysis of Harrahs Entertainment:

Vrio analysis for Harrahs Entertainment case study identified the four main attributes which helps the organization to gain a competitive advantages. The author of this theory suggests that firm must be valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable and perfectly non sustainable. Therefore there must be some resources and capabilities in an organization that can facilitate the competitive advantage to company. The four components of VRIO analysis are described below: VALUABLE: the company must have some resources or strategies that can exploit opportunities and defend the company from major threats. If the company holds some value then answer is yes. Resources are also valuable if they provide customer satisfaction and increase customer value. This value may create by increasing differentiation in existing product or decrease its price. Is these conditions are not met, company may lead to competitive disadvantage. Therefore, it is necessary to continually review the Harrahs Entertainment company’s activities and resources values. RARE: the resources of the Harrahs Entertainment company that are not used by any other company are known as rare. Rare and valuable resources grant much competitive advantages to the firm. However, when more than one few companies uses the same resources and provide competitive parity are also known as rare resources. Even, the competitive parity is not desired position, but the company should not lose its valuable resources, even they are common. COSTLY TO IMITATE : the resources are costly to imitate, if other organizations cannot imitate it. However, imitation is done in two ways. One is duplicating that is direct imitation and the other one is substituting that is indirect imitation.  Any firm who has valuable and rare resources, and these resources are costly to imitate, have achieved their competitive advantage. However, resources should also be perfectly non sustainable. The reasons that resource imitation is costly are historical conditions, casual ambiguity and social complexity. ORGANIZED TO CAPTURE VALUE : resources, itself, cannot provide advantages to organization until it is organized and exploit to do so. A firm (like Harrahs Entertainment)  must organize its management systems, processes, policies and strategies to fully utilize the resource’s potential to be valuable, rare and costly to imitate.

STEP 8: Generating Alternatives For Harrahs Entertainment Case Solution:

After completing the analyses of the company, its opportunities and threats, it is important to generate a solution of the problem and the alternatives a company can apply in order to solve its problems. To generate the alternative of problem, following things must to be kept in mind:

  • Realistic solution should be identified that can be operated in the company, with all its constraints and opportunities.
  • as the problem and its solution cannot occur at the same time, it should be described as mutually exclusive
  • it is not possible for a company to not to take any action, therefore, the alternative of doing nothing is not viable.
  • Student should provide more than one decent solution. Providing two undesirable alternatives to make the other one attractive is not acceptable.

Once the alternatives have been generated, student should evaluate the options and select the appropriate and viable solution for the company.

STEP 9: Selection Of Alternatives For Harrahs Entertainment Case Solution:

It is very important to select the alternatives and then evaluate the best one as the company have limited choices and constraints. Therefore to select the best alternative, there are many factors that is needed to be kept in mind. The criteria’s on which business decisions are to be selected areas under:

  • Improve profitability
  • Increase sales, market shares, return on investments
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Brand image
  • Corporate mission, vision and strategy
  • Resources and capabilities

Alternatives should be measures that which alternative will perform better than other one and the valid reasons. In addition, alternatives should be related to the problem statements and issues described in the case study.

STEP 10: Evaluation Of Alternatives For Harrahs Entertainment Case Solution:

If the selected alternative is fulfilling the above criteria, the decision should be taken straightforwardly. Best alternative should be selected must be the best when evaluating it on the decision criteria. Another method used to evaluate the alternatives are the list of pros and cons of each alternative and one who has more pros than cons and can be workable under organizational constraints.

STEP 11: Recommendations For Harrahs Entertainment Case Study (Solution):

There should be only one recommendation to enhance the company’s operations and its growth or solving its problems. The decision that is being taken should be justified and viable for solving the problems.

Harrah's Entertainment Inc Case Study Solution Analysis

Harrah's Entertainment Inc Case Study Solution Analysis

by HBR Sixty Five

Harrah's Entertainment Inc Case Study Solution Analysis. Get Harrah's Entertainment Inc Case Study Analysis Solution. Contact us directly at buycasesolutions(at)gmail(dot)com if you want to order for Harrah's Entertainment Inc Case Solution, Case Analysis,... More

Harrah's Entertainment Inc Case Study Solution Analysis. Get Harrah's Entertainment Inc Case Study Analysis Solution. Contact us directly at buycasesolutions(at)gmail(dot)com if you want to order for Harrah's Entertainment Inc Case Solution, Case Analysis, Case Study Solution. Rajiv Lal, Patricia Martone Carrolo Less

Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Case Study Solution Analysis Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Case Study Solution Analysis. Our tutors are available 24/7 to assist in your academic stuff, Our Professional writers are ready to serve you in services you need. Every Case Study Solution & Analysis is prepared from scratch, top quality, plagiarism free. Authors: Rajiv Lal, Patricia Martone Carrolo Get Case Study Solution and Analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc in a FAIR PRICE!! Steps for Case Study Solution Analysis: 1. Introduction of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Case Solution The Harrah’s Entertainment Inc case study is a Harvard Business Review case study, which presents a simulated practical experience to the reader allowing them to learn about real life problems in the business world. The Harrah’s Entertainment Inc case consisted of a central issue to the organization, which had to be identified, analysed and creative solutions had to be drawn to tackle the issue. This paper presents the solved Harrah’s Entertainment Inc case analysis and case solution. The method through which the analysis is done is mentioned, followed by the relevant tools used in finding the solution. The case solution first identifies the central issue to the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc case study, and the relevant stakeholders affected by this issue. This is known as the problem identification stage. After this, the relevant tools and models are used, which help in the case study analysis and case study solution. The tools used in identifying the solution consist of the SWOT Analysis, Porter Five Forces Analysis, PESTEL Analysis, VRIO analysis, Value Chain Analysis, BCG Matrix analysis, Ansoff Matrix analysis, and the Marketing Mix analysis. The solution consists of recommended strategies to overcome this central issue. It is a good idea to also propose alternative case study solutions, because if the main solution is not found feasible, then the alternative solutions could be implemented. Lastly, a good case study solution also includes an implementation plan for the recommendation Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] Note: This article is just a sample and not an actual case solution. If you want original case solution, please place your order on the Email. Please do check Junk/Spam folder of your E-mail for our reply, if not in Inbox.

Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] strategies. This shows how through a step-by-step procedure as to how the central issue can be resolved. 2. Problem Identification of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Case Solution Harvard Business Review cases involve a central problem that is being faced by the organization and these problems affect a number of stakeholders. In the problem identification stage, the problem faced by Harrah’s Entertainment Inc is identified through reading of the case. This could be mentioned at the start of the reading, the middle or the end. At times in a case analysis, the problem may be clearly evident in the reading of the HBR case. At other times, finding the issue is the job of the person analysing the case. It is also important to understand what stakeholders are affected by the problem and how. The goals of the stakeholders and are the organization are also identified to ensure that the case study analysis are consistent with these. 3. Analysis of the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc HBR Case Study The objective of the case should be focused on. This is doing the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Case Solution. This analysis can be proceeded in a step-by-step procedure to ensure that effective solutions are found. In the first step, a growth path of the company can be formulated that lays down its vision, mission and strategic aims. These can usually be developed using the company history is provided in the case. Company history is helpful in a Business Case study as it helps one understand what the scope of the solutions will be for the case study. The next step is of understanding the company; its people, their priorities and the overall culture. This can be done by using company history. It can also be done by looking at anecdotal instances of managers or employees that are usually included in an HBR case study description to give the reader a real feel of the situation. Lastly, a timeline of the issues and events in the case needs to be made. Arranging events in a timeline allows one to predict the next few events that are likely to take place. It also helps one in developing the case study solutions. The timeline also helps in understanding the continuous challenges that are being faced by the organisation. 4. SWOT analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc An important tool that helps in addressing the central issue of the case and coming up with Harrah’s Entertainment Inc HBR case solution is the SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is a strategic management tool that lists down in the form of a Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] Note: This article is just a sample and not an actual case solution. If you want original case solution, please place your order on the Email. Please do check Junk/Spam folder of your E-mail for our reply, if not in Inbox.

Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] matrix, an organisation's internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats. It helps in the strategic analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Once this listing has been done, a clearer picture can be developed in regards to how strategies will be formed to address the main problem. For example, strengths will be used as an advantage in solving the issue. Therefore, the SWOT analysis is a helpful tool in coming up with the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Case Study answers. One does not need to remain restricted to using the traditional SWOT analysis, but the advanced TOWS matrix or weighted average SWOT analysis can also be used. 5. Porter Five Forces Analysis for Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Another helpful tool in finding the case solutions is of Porter's Five Forces analysis. This is also a strategic tool that is used to analyse the competitive environment of the industry in which Harrah’s Entertainment Inc operates in. Analysis of the industry is important as businesses do not work in isolation in real life, but are affected by the business environment of the industry that they operate in. Harvard Business case studies represent real-life situations, and therefore, an analysis of the industry's competitive environment needs to be carried out to come up with more holistic case study solutions. In Porter's Five Forces analysis, the industry is analysed along 5 dimensions. • These are the threats that the industry faces due to new entrants. • It includes the threat of substitute products. • It includes the bargaining power of buyers in the industry. • It includes the bargaining power of suppliers in an industry. • Lastly, the overall rivalry or competition within the industry is analysed This tool helps one understand the relative powers of the major players in the industry and its overall competitive dynamics. Actionable and practical solutions can then be developed by keeping these factors into perspective. 6. PESTEL Analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Another helpful tool that should be used in finding the case study solutions is the PESTEL analysis. This also looks at the external business environment of the organisation helps in finding case study Analysis to real-life business issues as in HBR cases. • The PESTEL analysis particularly looks at the macro environmental factors that affect the industry. These are the political, environmental, social, technological, environmental and legal (regulatory) factors affecting the industry. Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] Note: This article is just a sample and not an actual case solution. If you want original case solution, please place your order on the Email. Please do check Junk/Spam folder of your E-mail for our reply, if not in Inbox.

Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] • Factors within each of these 6 should be listed down, and analysis should be made as to how these affect the organisation under question. 7. VRIO Analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc This is an analysis carried out to know about the internal strengths and capabilities of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc . Under the VRIO analysis, the following steps are carried out: • The internal resources of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc are listed down. • Each of these resources are assessed in terms of the value it brings to the organization. • Each resource is assessed in terms of how rare it is. A rare resource is one that is not commonly used by competitors. • Each resource is assessed whether it could be imitated by competition easily or not. • Lastly, each resource is assessed in terms of whether the organization can use it to an advantage or not. • The analysis done on the 4 dimensions; Value, Rareness, Imitability, and Organization. If a resource is high on all of these 4, then it brings long-term competitive advantage. If a resource is high on Value, Rareness, and Imitability, then it brings an unused competitive advantage. If a resource is high on Value and Rareness, then it only brings temporary competitive advantage. If a resource is only valuable, then it’s a competitive parity. If it’s none, then it can be regarded as a competitive disadvantage. 8. Value Chain Analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc The Value chain analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc helps in identifying the activities of an organization, and how these add value in terms of cost reduction and differentiation. This tool is used in the case study analysis as follows: • The firm’s primary and support activities are listed down. • Identifying the importance of these activities in the cost of the product and the differentiation they produce. • Lastly, differentiation or cost reduction strategies are to be used for each of these activities to increase the overall value provided by these activities. Recognizing value creating activities and enhancing the value that they create allow Harrah’s Entertainment Inc to increase its competitive advantage. 9. BCG Matrix of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc The BCG Matrix is an important tool in deciding whether an organization should invest or divest in its strategic business units. The matrix involves placing the Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] Note: This article is just a sample and not an actual case solution. If you want original case solution, please place your order on the Email. Please do check Junk/Spam folder of your E-mail for our reply, if not in Inbox.

Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] strategic business units of a business in one of four categories; question marks, stars, dogs and cash cows. The placement in these categories depends on the relative market share of the organization and the market growth of these strategic business units. The steps to be followed in this analysis is as follows: • Identify the relative market share of each strategic business unit. • Identify the market growth of each strategic business unit. • Place these strategic business units in one of four categories. Question Marks are those strategic business units with high market share and low market growth rate. Stars are those strategic business units with high market share and high market growth rate. Cash Cows are those strategic business units with high market share and low market growth rate. Dogs are those strategic business units with low market share and low growth rate. • Relevant strategies should be implemented for each strategic business unit depending on its position in the matrix. The strategies identified from the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc BCG matrix and included in the case pdf. These are either to further develop the product, penetrate the market, develop the market, diversification, investing or divesting. 10. Ansoff Matrix of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Ansoff Matrix is an important strategic tool to come up with future strategies for Harrah’s Entertainment Inc in the case solution. It helps decide whether an organization should pursue future expansion in new markets and products or should it focus on existing markets and products. • The organization can penetrate into existing markets with its existing products. This is known as market penetration strategy. • The organization can develop new products for the existing market. This is known as product development strategy. • The organization can enter new markets with its existing products. This is known as market development strategy. • The organization can enter into new markets with new products. This is known as a diversification strategy. The choice of strategy depends on the analysis of the previous tools used and the level of risk the organization is willing to take. 11. Marketing Mix of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Harrah’s Entertainment Inc needs to bring out certain responses from the market that it targets. To do so, it will need to use the marketing mix, which serves as a tool in helping bring out responses from the market. The 4 elements of the marketing mix are Product, Price, Place and Promotions. The following steps are required to carry out a marketing mix analysis and include this in the case study analysis. Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] Note: This article is just a sample and not an actual case solution. If you want original case solution, please place your order on the Email. Please do check Junk/Spam folder of your E-mail for our reply, if not in Inbox.

Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] • Analyse the company’s products and devise strategies to improve the product offering of the company. • Analyse the company’s price points and devise strategies that could be based on competition, value or cost. • Analyse the company’s promotion mix. This includes the advertisement, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, and direct marketing. Strategies will be devised which makes use of a few or all of these elements. • Analyse the company’s distribution and reach. Strategies can be devised to improve the availability of the company’s products. 12. Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Strategy The strategies devised and included in the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc case memo should have a strategy. A strategy is a strategy that involves firms seeking uncontested market spaces, which makes the competition of the company irrelevant. It involves coming up with new and unique products or ideas through innovation. This gives the organization a competitive advantage over other firms, unlike a red ocean strategy. 13. Competitors analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc The PESTEL analysis discussed previously looked at the macro environmental factors affecting business, but not the microenvironmental factors. One of the microenvironmental factors are competitors, which are addressed by a competitor analysis. The Competitors analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc looks at the direct and indirect competitors within the industry that it operates in. • This involves a detailed analysis of their actions and how these would affect the future strategies of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc . • It involves looking at the current market share of the company and its competitors. • It should compare the marketing mix elements of competitors, their supply chain, human resources, financial strength etc. • It also should look at the potential opportunities and threats that these competitors pose on the company. 14. Organisation of the Analysis into Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Case Study Solution Once various tools have been used to analyse the case, the findings of this analysis need to be incorporated into practical and actionable solutions. These solutions will Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] Note: This article is just a sample and not an actual case solution. If you want original case solution, please place your order on the Email. Please do check Junk/Spam folder of your E-mail for our reply, if not in Inbox.

Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] also be the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc case answers. These are usually in the form of strategies that the organisation can adopt. The following step-by-step procedure can be used to organise the Harvard Business case solution and recommendations: • The first step of the solution is to come up with a corporate level strategy for the organisation. This part consists of solutions that address issues faced by the organisation on a strategic level. This could include suggestions, changes or recommendations to the company's vision, mission and its strategic objectives. It can include recommendations on how the organisation can work towards achieving these strategic objectives. Furthermore, it needs to be explained how the stated recommendations will help in solving the main issue mentioned in the case and where the company will stand in the future as a result of these. • The second step of the solution is to come up with a business level strategy. The HBR case studies may present issues faced by a part of the organisation. For example, the issues may be stated for marketing and the role of a marketing manager needs to be assumed. So, recommendations and suggestions need to address the strategy of the marketing department in this case. Therefore, the strategic objectives of this business unit (Marketing) will be laid down in the solutions and recommendations will be made as to how to achieve these objectives. Similar would be the case for any other business unit or department such as human resources, finance, IT etc. The important thing to note here is that the business level strategy needs to be aligned with the overall corporate strategy of the organisation. For example, if one suggests the organisation to focus on differentiation for competitive advantage as a corporate level strategy, then it can't be recommended for the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Case Study Solution that the business unit should focus on costs. • The third step is not compulsory but depends from case to case. In some HBR case studies, one may be required to analyse an issue at a department. This issue may be analysed for a manager or employee as well. In these cases, recommendations need to be made for these people. The solution may state that objectives that these people need to achieve and how these objectives would be achieved. The case study analysis and solution, and Harrah’s Entertainment Inc case answers should be written down in the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc case memo, clearly identifying which part shows what. The Harrah’s Entertainment Inc case should be in a professional format, presenting points clearly that are well understood by the reader. Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] Note: This article is just a sample and not an actual case solution. If you want original case solution, please place your order on the Email. Please do check Junk/Spam folder of your E-mail for our reply, if not in Inbox.

Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] 15. Alternate solution to the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc HBR case study It is important to have more than one solution to the case study. This is the alternate solution that would be implemented if the original proposed solution is found infeasible or impossible due to a change in circumstances. The alternate solution for Harrah’s Entertainment Inc is presented in the same way as the original solution, where it consists of a corporate level strategy, business level strategy and other recommendations. 16. Implementation of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Case Solution The case study does not end at just providing recommendations to the issues at hand. One is also required to provide how these recommendations would be implemented. This is shown through a proper implementation framework. A detailed implementation framework helps in distinguishing between an average and an above average case study answer. A good implementation framework shows the proposed plan and how the organisations' resources would be used to achieve the objectives. It also lays down the changes needed to be made as well as the assumptions in the process. • A proper implementation framework shows that one has clearly understood the case study and the main issue within it. • It shows that one has been clarified with the HBR fundamentals on the topic. • It shows that the details provided in the case have been properly analysed. • It shows that one has developed an ability to prioritise recommendations and how these could be successfully implemented. • The implementation framework also helps by removing out any recommendations that are not practical or actionable as these could not be implemented. Therefore, the implementation framework ensures that the solution to the Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Harvard case is complete and properly answered. 17. Recommendations and Action Plan for Harrah’s Entertainment Inc case analysis For Harrah’s Entertainment Inc, based on the SWOT Analysis, Porter Five Forces Analysis, PESTEL Analysis, VRIO analysis, Value Chain Analysis, BCG Matrix analysis, Ansoff Matrix analysis, and the Marketing Mix analysis, the recommendations and action plan are as follows: Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] Note: This article is just a sample and not an actual case solution. If you want original case solution, please place your order on the Email. Please do check Junk/Spam folder of your E-mail for our reply, if not in Inbox.

Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] • Harrah’s Entertainment Inc should focus on making use of its strengths identified from the VRIO analysis to make the most of the opportunities identified from the PESTEL. • Harrah’s Entertainment Inc should enhance the value creating activities within its value chain. • Harrah’s Entertainment Inc should invest in its stars and cash cows, while getting rid of the dogs identified from the BCG Matrix analysis. • To achieve its overall corporate and business level objectives, it should make use of the marketing mix tools to obtain desired results from its target market. Email us for Any Case Solution at: [email protected] Note: This article is just a sample and not an actual case solution. If you want original case solution, please place your order on the Email. Please do check Junk/Spam folder of your E-mail for our reply, if not in Inbox.

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Harrah s Entertainment Case Study Solution

Posted by John Berg on Feb-16-2018


Harrah s Entertainment Case Study is included in the Harvard Business Review Case Study. Therefore, it is necessary to touch HBR fundamentals before starting the Harrah s Entertainment case analysis. HBR will help you assess which piece of information is relevant. Harvard Business review will also help you solve your case. Thus, HBR fundamentals assist in easily comprehending the case study description and brainstorming the Harrah s Entertainment case analysis. Also, a major benefit of HBR is that it widens your approach. HBR also brings new ideas into the picture which would help you in your Harrah s Entertainment case analysis.

To write an effective Harvard Business Case Solution, a deep Harrah s Entertainment case analysis is essential. A proper analysis requires deep investigative reading. You should have a strong grasp of the concepts discussed and be able to identify the central problem in the given HBR case study. It is very important to read the HBR case study thoroughly as at times identifying the key problem becomes challenging. Thus by underlining every single detail which you think relevant, you will be quickly able to solve the HBR case study as is addressed in Harvard Business Case Solution.

Problem Identification

The first step in solving the HBR Case Study is to identify the problem. A problem can be regarded as a difference between the actual situation and the desired situation. This means that to identify a problem, you must know where it is intended to be. To do a Harrah s Entertainment case study analysis and a financial analysis, you need to have a clear understanding of where the problem currently is about the perceived problem.

For effective and efficient problem identification,

  • A multi-source and multi-method approach should be adopted.
  • The problem identified should be thoroughly reviewed and evaluated before continuing with the case study solution.
  • The problem should be backed by sufficient evidence to make sure a wrong problem isn't being worked upon.

Problem identification, if done well, will form a strong foundation for your Harrah s Entertainment Case Study. Effective problem identification is clear, objective, and specific. An ambiguous problem will result in vague solutions being discovered. It is also well-informed and timely. It should be noted that the right amount of time should be spent on this part. Spending too much time will leave lesser time for the rest of the process.

Harrah s Entertainment Case Analysis

Once you have completed the first step which was problem identification, you move on to developing a case study answers. This is the second step which will include evaluation and analysis of the given company. For this step, tools like SWOT analysis, Porter's five forces analysis for Harrah s Entertainment, etc. can be used. Porter’s five forces analysis for Harrah s Entertainment analyses a company’s substitutes, buyer and supplier power, rivalry, etc.

To do an effective HBR case study analysis, you need to explore the following areas:

1. Company history:

The Harrah s Entertainment case study consists of the history of the company given at the start. Reading it thoroughly will provide you with an understanding of the company's aims and objectives. You will keep these in mind as any Harvard Business Case Solutions you provide will need to be aligned with these.

2. Company growth trends:

This will help you obtain an understanding of the company's current stage in the business cycle and will give you an idea of what the scope of the solution should be.

3. Company culture:

Work culture in a company tells a lot about the workforce itself. You can understand this by going through the instances involving employees that the HBR case study provides. This will be helpful in understanding if the proposed case study solution will be accepted by the workforce and whether it will consist of the prevailing culture in the company.

Harrah s Entertainment Financial Analysis

The third step of solving the Harrah s Entertainment Case Study is Harrah s Entertainment Financial Analysis. You can go about it in a similar way as is done for a finance and accounting case study. For solving any Harrah s Entertainment case, Financial Analysis is of extreme importance. You should place extra focus on conducting Harrah s Entertainment financial analysis as it is an integral part of the Harrah s Entertainment Case Study Solution. It will help you evaluate the position of Harrah s Entertainment regarding stability, profitability and liquidity accurately. On the basis of this, you will be able to recommend an appropriate plan of action. To conduct a Harrah s Entertainment financial analysis in excel,

  • Past year financial statements need to be extracted.
  • Liquidity and profitability ratios to be calculated from the current financial statements.
  • Ratios are compared with the past year Harrah s Entertainment calculations
  • Company’s financial position is evaluated.

Another way how you can do the Harrah s Entertainment financial analysis is through financial modelling. Financial Analysis through financial modelling is done by:

  • Using the current financial statement to produce forecasted financial statements.
  • A set of assumptions are made to grow revenue and expenses.
  • Value of the company is derived.

Financial Analysis is critical in many aspects:

  • Decision Making and Strategy Devising to achieve targeted goals- to determine the future course of action.
  • Getting credit from suppliers depending on the leverage position- creditors will be confident to supply on credit if less company debt.
  • Influence on Investment Decisions- buying and selling of stock by investors.

Thus, it is a snapshot of the company and helps analysts assess whether the company's performance has improved or deteriorated. It also gives an insight about its expected performance in future- whether it will be going concern or not. Harrah s Entertainment Financial analysis can, therefore, give you a broader image of the company.

Harrah s Entertainment NPV

Harrah s Entertainment's calculations of ratios only are not sufficient to gauge the company performance for investment decisions. Instead, investment appraisal methods should also be considered. Harrah s Entertainment NPV calculation is a very important one as NPV helps determine whether the investment will lead to a positive value or a negative value. It is the best tool for decision making.

There are many benefits of using NPV:

  • It takes into account the future value of money, thereby giving reliable results.
  • It considers the cost of capital in its calculations.
  • It gives the return in dollar terms simplifying decision making.

The formula that you will use to calculate Harrah s Entertainment NPV will be as follows:

Present Value of Future Cash Flows minus Initial Investment

Present Value of Future cash flows will be calculated as follows:

PV of CF= CF1/(1+r)^1 + CF2/(1+r)^2 + CF3/(1+r)^3 + …CFn/(1+r)^n

where CF = cash flows r = cost of capital n = total number of years.

Cash flows can be uniform or multiple. You can discount them by Harrah s Entertainment WACC as the discount rate to arrive at the present value figure. You can then use the resulting figure to make your investment decision. The decision criteria would be as follows:

  • If Present Value of Cash Flows is greater than Initial Investment, you can accept the project.
  • If Present Value of Cash Flows is less than Initial Investment, you can reject the project.

Thus, calculation of Harrah s Entertainment NPV will give you an insight into the value generated if you invest in Harrah s Entertainment. It is a very reliable tool to assess the feasibility of an investment as it helps determine whether the cash flows generated will help yield a positive return or not.

However, it would be better if you take various aspects under consideration. Thus, apart from Harrah s Entertainment’s NPV, you should also consider other capital budgeting techniques like Harrah s Entertainment’s IRR to evaluate and fine-tune your investment decisions.

Harrah s Entertainment DCF

Once you are done with calculating the Harrah s Entertainment NPV for your finance and accounting case study, you can proceed to the next step, which involves calculating the Harrah s Entertainment DCF. Discounted cash flow (DCF) is a Harrah s Entertainment valuation method used to estimate the value of an investment based on its future cash flows. For a better presentation of your finance case solution, it is recommended to use Harrah s Entertainment excel for the DCF analysis.

To calculate the Harrah s Entertainment DCF analysis, the following steps are required:

  • Calculate the expected future cash inflows and outflows.
  • Set-off inflows and outflows to obtain the net cash flows.
  • Find the present value of expected future net cash flows using a discount rate, which is usually the weighted-average cost of capital (WACC).
  • If the value calculated through Harrah s Entertainment DCF is higher than the current cost of the investment, the opportunity should be considered
  • If the current cost of the investment is higher than the value calculated through DCF, the opportunity should be rejected

Harrah s Entertainment DCF can also be calculated using the following formula:

DCF= CF1/(1+r)^1 + CF2/(1+r)^2 + CF3/(1+r)^3 + …CFn/(1+r)^n

In the formula:

  • CF= Cash flows
  • R= discount rate (WACC)

Harrah s Entertainment WACC

When making different Harrah s Entertainment's calculations, Harrah s Entertainment WACC calculation is of great significance. WACC calculation is done by the capital composition of the company. The formula will be as follows:

Weighted Average Cost of Capital = % of Debt * Cost of Debt * (1- tax rate) + % of equity * Cost of Equity

You can compute the debt and equity percentage from the balance sheet figures. For the cost of equity, you can use the CAPM model. Cost of debt is usually given. However, if it isn't mentioned, you can calculate it through market weighted average debt. Harrah s Entertainment’s WACC will indicate the rate the company should earn to pay its capital suppliers. Harrah s Entertainment WACC can be analysed in two ways:

  • From the company's perspective, it can be analysed as the cost to be paid to the capital providers also known as Cost of Capital
  • From an investor' perspective, if the expected return on the investment exceeds Harrah s Entertainment WACC, the investor will go ahead with the investment as a positive value would be generated.

Harrah s Entertainment IRR

After calculating the Harrah s Entertainment WACC, it is necessary to calculate the Harrah s Entertainment IRR as well, as WACC alone does not say much about the company’s overall situation. Harrah s Entertainment IRR will add meaning to the finance solution that you are working on. The internal rate of return is a tool used in investment appraisal to calculate the profitability of prospective investments. IRR calculations are dependent on the same formula as Harrah s Entertainment NPV.

There are two ways to calculate the Harrah s Entertainment IRR.

  • By using a Harrah s Entertainment Excel Spreadsheet: There are in-built formulae for calculating IRR.

IRR= R + [NPVa / (NPVa - NPVb) x (Rb - Ra)]

In this formula:

  • Ra= lower discount rate chosen
  • Rb= higher discount rate chosen
  • NPVa= NPV at Ra
  • NPVb= NPV at Rb

Harrah s Entertainment IRR impacts your finance case solution in the following ways:

  • If IRR>WACC, accept the alternative
  • If IRR<WACC, reject the alternative

Harrah s Entertainment Excel Spreadsheet

All your Harrah s Entertainment calculations should be done in a Harrah s Entertainment xls Spreadsheet. A Harrah s Entertainment excel spreadsheet is the best way to present your finance case solution. The Harrah s Entertainment Calculations should be presented in Harrah s Entertainment excel in such a way that the analysis and results can be distinguished to the viewers. The point of Harrah s Entertainment excel is to present large amounts of data in clear and consumable ways. Presenting your data is also going to make sure that you don't have misinterpretations of the data.

To make your Harrah s Entertainment calculations sheet more meaningful, you should:

  • Think about the order of the Harrah s Entertainment xls worksheets in your finance case solution
  • Use more Harrah s Entertainment xls worksheets and tables as will divide the data that you are looking at in sections.
  • Choose clarity overlooks
  • Keep your timeline consistent
  • Organise the information flow
  • Clarify your sources

The following tips and bits should be kept in mind while preparing your finance case solution in a Harrah s Entertainment xls spreadsheet:

  • Avoid using fixed numbers in formulae
  • Avoid hiding data
  • Useless and meaningful colours, such as highlighting negative numbers in red
  • Label column and rows
  • Correct your alignment
  • Keep formulae readable
  • Strategically freeze header column and row

Harrah s Entertainment Ratio analysis

After you have your Harrah s Entertainment calculations in a Harrah s Entertainment xls spreadsheet, you can move on to the next step which is ratio analysis. Ratio analysis is an analysis of information in the form of figures contained in the financial statements of a company. It will help you evaluate various aspects of a company's operating and financial performance which can be done in Harrah s Entertainment Excel.

To conduct a ratio analysis that covers all financial aspects, divide the analysis as follows:

  • Liquidity Ratios: Liquidity ratios gauge a company's ability to pay off its short-term debt. These include the current ratio, quick ratio, and working capital ratio.
  • Solvency ratios: Solvency ratios match a company's debt levels with its assets, equity, and earnings. These include the debt-equity ratio, debt-assets ratio, and interest coverage ratio.
  • Profitability Ratios: These show how effectively a company can generate profits through its operations. Profit margin, return on assets, return on equity, return on capital employed, and gross margin ratio is examples of profitability ratios.
  • Efficiency ratios: Efficiency ratios analyse how efficiently a company uses its assets and liabilities to boost sales and increase profits.
  • Coverage Ratios: These ratios measure a company's ability to make the interest payments and other obligations associated with its debts. Examples include times interest earned ratio and debt-service coverage ratio.
  • Market Prospect Ratios: These include dividend yield, P/E ratio, earnings per share, and dividend payout ratio.

Harrah s Entertainment Valuation

Harrah s Entertainment Valuation is a very fundamental requirement if you want to work out your Harvard Business Case Solution. Harrah s Entertainment Valuation includes a critical analysis of the company's capital structure – the composition of debt and equity in it, and the fair value of its assets. Common approaches to Harrah s Entertainment valuation include

  • DDM is an appropriate method if dividends are being paid to shareholders and the dividends paid are in line with the earnings of the company.
  • FCFF is used when the company has a combination of debt and equity financing.
  • FCFE, on the other hand, shows the cash flow available to equity holders only.

These three methods explained above are very commonly used to calculate the value of the firm. Investment decisions are undertaken by the value derived.

Harrah s Entertainment calculations for projected cash flows and growth rates are taken under consideration to come up with the value of firm and value of equity. These figures are used to determine the net worth of the business. Net worth is a very important concept when solving any finance and accounting case study as it gives a deep insight into the company's potential to perform in future.

Alternative Solutions

After doing your case study analysis, you move to the next step, which is identifying alternative solutions. These will be other possibilities of Harvard Business case solutions that you can choose from. For this, you must look at the Harrah s Entertainment case analysis in different ways and find a new perspective that you haven't thought of before.

Once you have listed or mapped alternatives, be open to their possibilities. Work on those that:

  • need additional information
  • are new solutions
  • can be combined or eliminated

After listing possible options, evaluate them without prejudice, and check if enough resources are available for implementation and if the company workforce would accept it.

For ease of deciding the best Harrah s Entertainment case solution, you can rate them on numerous aspects, such as:

  • Feasibility
  • Suitability
  • Flexibility


Once you have read the Harrah s Entertainment HBR case study and have started working your way towards Harrah s Entertainment Case Solution, you need to be clear about different financial concepts. Your Mondavi case answers should reflect your understanding of the Harrah s Entertainment Case Study.

You should be clear about the advantages, disadvantages and method of each financial analysis technique. Knowing formulas is also very essential or else you will mess up with your analysis. Therefore, you need to be mindful of the financial analysis method you are implementing to write your Harrah s Entertainment case study solution. It should closely align with the business structure and the financials as mentioned in the Harrah s Entertainment case memo.

You can also refer to Harrah s Entertainment Harvard case to have a better understanding and a clearer picture so that you implement the best strategy. There are a number of benefits if you keep a wide range of financial analysis tools at your fingertips.

  • Your Harrah s Entertainment HBR Case Solution would be quite accurate
  • You will have an option to choose from different methods, thus helping you choose the best strategy.

Recommendation and Action Plan

Once you have successfully worked out your financial analysis using the most appropriate method and come up with Harrah s Entertainment HBR Case Solution, you need to give the final finishing by adding a recommendation and an action plan to be followed. The recommendation can be based on the current financial analysis. When making a recommendation,

  • You need to make sure that it is not generic and it will help in increasing company value
  • It is in line with the case study analysis you have conducted
  • The Harrah s Entertainment calculations you have done support what you are recommending
  • It should be clear, concise and free of complexities

Also, adding an action plan for your recommendation further strengthens your Harrah s Entertainment HBR case study argument. Thus, your action plan should be consistent with the recommendation you are giving to support your Harrah s Entertainment financial analysis. It is essential to have all these three things correlated to have a better coherence in your argument presented in your case study analysis and solution which will be a part of Harrah s Entertainment Case Answer.

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Yang, Y., Pankow, J., Swan, H., Willett, J., Mitchell, S. G., Rudes, D. S., & Knight, K. (2018). Preparing for analysis: a practical guide for a critical step for procedural rigour in large-scale multisite qualitative research studies. Quality and Quantity, 52(2), 815-828.

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Pierre Frankel in Moscow (A): Unfreezing Change Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Home >> Harvard Case Study Analysis Solutions >> Pierre Frankel in Moscow (A): Unfreezing Change

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Young and the future of French executive in global technology companies went to Moscow as deputy managing director of the subsidiary to turn Russia. He must report to the managing director of a subsidiary (a big reason unsatisfactory organization ) and corporate. In its first three months, he has taken the steps to prepare the organization for change. However, the absence of the more tangible results and left it open to criticism on the support staff, and pressure from corporate executives. How can a young executive to unfreeze the situation and get going? "Hide by Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Matthew Bird Source: Harvard Business School 11 pages. Publication Date: December 2, 2011. Prod. #: 312070-PDF-ENG

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    Moreover, the feedback loops in the level III have been indicating a gain in market intelligence, which is the decrease in gambling by younger generation. This actually demonstrates that Harrah Entertainment has been quite well equipped on Customer Value Funnel, level III.Harrah's Entertainment, Inc Case Solution. Customer Value Funnel ...

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  9. Harrah's Entertainment Case Study Analysis & Solution

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  13. Harrah's Entertainment Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

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    Harrah's Case Solution - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Harrah's integrated various marketing elements to deliver results beyond database marketing alone. Key changes included appointing a COO focused on marketing and customers. This led to developing a database management system and Total Rewards program to emphasize ...

  18. Harrah's Entertainment Case Study.docx

    MKMR 311 September 19, 2016 Harrah's Entertainment Case Study 1.) Harrah's Entertainment Inc. is a company that began as a bingo parlor back in 1937, but since then has transformed itself to one of the most recognized casino companies in the country. Harrah's now has 26 casinos employing 370,000 people and generating billions of revenue yearly.

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    Pierre Frankel in Moscow (A): Unfreezing Change Case Solution,Pierre Frankel in Moscow (A): Unfreezing Change Case Analysis, Pierre Frankel in Moscow (A): Unfreezing Change Case Study Solution, Young and the future of French executive in global technology companies went to Moscow as deputy managing director of the subsidiary to turn Russia. He

  21. Harrah's entertainment Inc case.docx

    Executive Summary Harrah's Entertainment Inc, was founded in 1937 by William Fisk Harrah. Harrah's entertainment Inc was well known within the gaming community. Harrah's Entertainment Inc operated 21 casinos in 17 different cities in America; these facilities included land based, dockside, riverboat and Indian casinos. The market trend has shifted and new casinos are now emphasizing the ...

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