
Entertainment Speech

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what is entertainment speeches

An entertainment speech is a type of speech designed primarily to amuse, engage, and captivate the audience. Unlike speeches that aim to inform, persuade, or instruct, the primary goal of an entertainment speech is to provide enjoyment and create a pleasant experience for the listeners. This type of speech can be delivered in various settings, such as social gatherings, celebratory events, or professional environments where the mood needs to be lightened or the audience needs to be energized.

What is Entertainment Speech?

An entertainment speech is a type of presentation designed to captivate and amuse an audience. Unlike informative or persuasive speeches, its primary goal is to provide enjoyment, lift spirits, and engage listeners through humor, storytelling, and engaging delivery.

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Entertainment Speech Format

1. introduction.

Greeting : Start with a friendly and engaging greeting. Example : ā€œGood [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone!ā€ Ā  Attention Grabber : Use a joke, funny anecdote, or surprising statement to capture attention. Example : ā€œI once tried to write a song about a tortilla, but it turned out to be more of a wrap.ā€
Main Points : Develop your main points through engaging and entertaining content. Ā  Storytelling : Share funny or interesting stories. Ā  Humor : Incorporate jokes and witty remarks. Ā  Relatable Content : Discuss common experiences or popular culture references that the audience can relate to.

3. Transitions

Smooth Flow : Use transitions to maintain the flow and keep the audience engaged. Ā  Example : ā€œSpeaking of unexpected moments, let me tell you about the timeā€¦ā€

4. Conclusion

Memorable Closing : End with a strong, memorable punchline or a heartfelt message. Ā  Example : ā€œRemember, life is like a cameraā€”focus on whatā€™s important, capture the good times, and if things donā€™t work out, take another shot.ā€

5. Thank the Audience

Gratitude : Thank the audience for their time and attention. Ā  Example : ā€œThank you all for being such a wonderful audience!ā€

Entertainment Speech Example

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! Itā€™s a pleasure to be here tonight, and Iā€™m excited to share a few laughs with all of you. Now, letā€™s start with a little confession: I once tried to write a song about a tortilla, but it turned out to be more of a wrap. Ā  Speaking of wraps, let me tell you about my first attempt at cooking. I was about 12 years old, and my parents decided it was time for me to contribute to the family barbecue. My job was to grill the hot dogs. Simple enough, right? Well, letā€™s just say I managed to set the grill on fire and nearly invited the fire department to our family gathering. Now, whenever we have a barbecue, my only job is to bring the napkinsā€”much safer that way! Ā  But life is full of these little moments that make for great stories later on. Like the time I was late for an important meeting. I rushed out the door, hopped in my car, and of course, the car decided it was the perfect time to have a flat tire. There I was, in my best suit, trying to change a tire on the side of the road. By the time I got to the meeting, I looked like I had just run a marathon. Ā  Or how about the time I finally got to the front of the line at my favorite coffee shop, only to realize I had left my wallet at home. I had to sheepishly tell the barista, “Iā€™ll be right back,” and then sprint back to my apartment. When I returned, the barista greeted me with, “Welcome back, Usain Bolt!” Ā  Weā€™ve all been thereā€”those moments when life throws a curveball and all you can do is laugh. And thatā€™s what makes life so entertaining. Itā€™s these shared experiences, these little hiccups, that remind us weā€™re all in this together. We all have our own unique stories, and those stories are what connect us. Ā  You know, thereā€™s a saying that life is like a camera. Focus on whatā€™s important, capture the good times, and if things donā€™t work out, take another shot. Itā€™s a reminder to not take ourselves too seriously, to find humor in the everyday mishaps, and to cherish the moments that make us smile. Ā  So, as we enjoy this evening together, letā€™s remember to laugh at the little things, share our stories, and most importantly, have fun. Life is too short to be anything but entertained by its unpredictability. Ā  Thank you all for being such a wonderful audience. Have a fantastic evening!

Short Entertainment Speech Example

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! It’s wonderful to see all of you here tonight. Let’s kick things off with a little humor: I once tried to write a song about a tortilla, but it turned out to be more of a wrap. Ā  Life is full of these funny little moments. Take my first attempt at cooking, for instance. I was supposed to grill hot dogs at a family barbecue. Simple, right? Well, I managed to set the grill on fire. From that day on, my only job at barbecues is to bring the napkinsā€”much safer! Ā  Or how about the time I rushed to an important meeting, only to have my car get a flat tire? There I was, in my best suit, trying to change a tire on the side of the road. By the time I got to the meeting, I looked like I had just run a marathon. Ā  These mishaps are what make life so entertaining. They remind us not to take ourselves too seriously and to find joy in the unexpected. Ā  Remember, life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important, capture the good times, and if things donā€™t work out, take another shot. Ā  Thank you all for being such a fantastic audience. Enjoy the rest of your evening!
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How to Write Entertainment Speech

1. start with a greeting.

Capture the audienceā€™s attention immediately.

Example: ā€œGood [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone!ā€

2. Open with Humor

Begin with a joke, funny anecdote, or surprising statement.

Example: ā€œI once tried to write a song about a tortilla, but it turned out to be more of a wrap.ā€

3. Engage with Relatable Content

Share personal stories or experiences that the audience can relate to.

Example: ā€œLet me tell you about my first attempt at cooking. It was a disaster, but now itā€™s a great laugh.ā€

4. Incorporate Transitions

Smoothly move from one point to the next to maintain flow.

Example: ā€œSpeaking of unexpected moments, let me share another storyā€¦ā€

5. Use Creative Elements

Include imaginative language, unexpected twists, or vivid descriptions.

Example: ā€œI once tried to change a tire in my best suitā€”imagine the scene!ā€

6. Build to a Memorable Conclusion

End with a punchline, heartfelt message, or inspiring thought.

Example: ā€œRemember, life is like a cameraā€”focus on whatā€™s important, capture the good times, and if things donā€™t work out, take another shot.ā€

7. Thank the Audience

Express gratitude for their attention and engagement.

Example: ā€œThank you all for being such a wonderful audience!ā€

Tips for Entertainment Speech

  • Know Your Audience : Tailor your content to the interests and preferences of your audience.
  • Start with a Bang : Use a joke, funny anecdote, or surprising statement to grab attention.
  • Be Relatable : Share personal stories and experiences that the audience can connect with.
  • Use Humor : Incorporate jokes, witty remarks, and light-hearted humor throughout your speech.
  • Keep it Engaging : Use dynamic delivery, expressive body language, and varying tone to keep the audience interested.
  • Include Transitions : Smoothly move from one point to another to maintain a natural flow.
  • Be Creative : Use imaginative language, unexpected twists, and vivid descriptions to keep the content fresh.
  • End on a High Note : Conclude with a memorable punchline, a heartfelt message, or an inspiring thought.
  • Practice : Rehearse your speech multiple times to become comfortable and confident in your delivery.

Uses of Entertainment Speech

  • Comedy Shows : Comedians use entertainment speeches to deliver stand-up routines. These speeches are crafted to evoke laughter through jokes, anecdotes, and humorous observations about everyday life, politics, culture, and human behavior.
  • Award Ceremonies : Hosts and presenters at award ceremonies use entertainment speeches to engage the audience, introduce award categories, and celebrate the achievements of recipients. These speeches often include witty commentary, light-hearted jokes, and memorable stories about the nominees.
  • Weddings : At weddings, the best man, maid of honor, and even the newlyweds often deliver entertainment speeches. These speeches are filled with humorous stories, heartfelt anecdotes, and well-wishes, making the celebration more enjoyable and memorable for all attendees.
  • Corporate Events : During corporate events, entertainment speeches can be used to lighten the atmosphere, foster team spirit, and make the event more enjoyable. These speeches might include humorous reflections on the workplace, motivational stories, or entertaining observations about the industry.
  • Fundraising Events : Entertainment speeches at fundraising events can help engage the audience, making the event more enjoyable and encouraging donations. Speakers might share inspiring and amusing stories related to the cause, helping to connect emotionally with attendees.
  • Social Gatherings : At parties, reunions, and social gatherings, entertainment speeches can be used to entertain guests and enhance the overall experience. These speeches often include humorous anecdotes, personal stories, and playful commentary on shared experiences.
  • After-Dinner Speeches : After-dinner speeches at banquets and formal dinners are often entertaining. These speeches aim to amuse the guests with humorous anecdotes, witty observations, and light-hearted reflections on the event or the organization hosting it.
  • Talent Shows and Competitions : Hosts of talent shows and competitions use entertainment speeches to introduce acts, fill time between performances, and keep the audience engaged. These speeches are typically lively, humorous, and designed to maintain the energy of the event.
  • Festivals and Cultural Events : During festivals and cultural events, entertainment speeches can introduce performances, celebrate traditions, and engage the audience with stories and humor. These speeches help set a festive tone and enhance the overall experience.
  • Public Speaking Events : In public speaking events, motivational speakers and entertainers use entertainment speeches to captivate their audience. By combining humor, storytelling, and engaging content, they can make their messages more impactful and memorable.

How do you start an entertainment speech?

Start with a catchy hook or anecdote to grab the audience’s attention and set the tone for your speech.

What are common topics for entertainment speeches?

Common topics include personal stories, humorous events, celebrity anecdotes, and popular culture references.

How do you make an entertainment speech engaging?

Use humor, vivid descriptions, relatable stories, and interactive elements to keep the audience engaged.

What role does humor play in entertainment speeches?

Humor lightens the mood, makes the speech enjoyable, and helps connect with the audience.

How long should an entertainment speech be?

An entertainment speech typically lasts between 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the occasion and audience.

What is the purpose of an entertainment speech?

The purpose is to entertain, engage, and sometimes inform or inspire the audience through storytelling or humor.

How do you choose a topic for an entertainment speech?

Choose a topic you are passionate about and that will resonate with your audience, making them laugh or think.

What is the best way to end an entertainment speech?

End with a memorable punchline, a thought-provoking statement, or a call to action that leaves the audience satisfied.

How do you incorporate anecdotes in an entertainment speech?

Incorporate anecdotes by sharing personal or humorous stories relevant to your topic, making them relatable and entertaining.

Can entertainment speeches be informative?

Yes, entertainment speeches can inform while entertaining by blending humor with valuable information or insights.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

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Stand Up, Speak Out

Understanding entertaining speeches, learning objectives.

  • Understand the purpose of entertaining speeches.
  • Explain the four ingredients of a good entertaining speech.

Be Prepared

Be adaptive to the occasion.

  • You are the maid of honor giving a toast at the wedding of your younger sister.
  • You are receiving a Most Valuable Player award in your favorite sport.
  • You are a sales representative speaking to a group of clients after a mistake has been discovered.
  • You are a cancer survivor speaking at a high school student assembly.

Be Adaptive to Your Audience

Be mindful of the time, key takeaways.

  • Entertaining speeches are speeches designed to captivate an audienceā€™s attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a clear message. Speakers engage in entertaining speeches generally at special occasions (e.g., weddings, funerals) or are asked to deliver a keynote address.
  • Entertaining speeches should include four key considerations: preparation, adaptation to the occasion, adaptation to the audience, and mindfulness of the time. As with all speeches, speakers need to prepare the speech. Second, speakers need to think about the specific occasion. Third, speakers need to adapt their speeches to the specific audience. Lastly, speakers need to think about how long they should speak.
  • Type in the word ā€œroastā€ into YouTube and watch a few minutes of a roast. Did the speaker clearly exhibit the four clear ingredients of an entertaining speech?
  • Watch several toasts and acceptance speeches on YouTube. Can you identify specific ways in which each speaker adapts the speech to the occasion and the audience?

Licenses and Attributions

Cc licensed content, shared previously.

  • Public Speaking: Practice and Ethics. Authored by : Anonymous. Provided by : Anonymous. Located at : https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/public-speaking-practice-and-ethics/ . License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

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43 18.1 Understanding Entertaining Speeches

Learning objectives.

  • Understand the purpose of entertaining speeches.
  • Explain the four ingredients of a good entertaining speech.

what is entertainment speeches

In broad terms, an  entertaining speech  is a speech designed to captivate an audienceā€™s attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a message. Like more traditional informative or persuasive speeches, entertaining speeches should communicate a clear message, but the manner of speaking used in an entertaining speech is typically different. Entertaining speeches are often delivered on special occasions (e.g., a toast at a wedding, an acceptance speech at an awards banquet, a motivational speech at a conference), which is why they are sometimes referred to as special-occasion speeches. However, they can also be given on more mundane occasions, where their purpose is primarily to amuse audience members or arouse them emotionally in some way. Remember, when we use the word ā€œentertain,ā€ we are referring not just to humor but also to drama. The goal of an entertaining speech is to stir an audienceā€™s emotions.

Of all the types of speeches we come in contact with during our lives, the bulk of them will probably fall into the category of entertainment. If you spend just one evening watching a major awards show (e.g., the Grammys, the Tonys, the Oscars), youā€™ll see dozens of acceptance speeches. While some of these acceptance speeches are good and others may be terrible, they all belong in the category of speaking to entertain.

Other speeches that fall into the entertaining category are designed to inspire or motivate an audience to do something. These are, however, different from a traditional persuasive speech. While entertaining speeches are often persuasive, we differentiate the two often based on the rhetorical situation itself. Maybe your school has hired a speaker to talk about his or her life story in an attempt to inspire the audience to try harder in school and reach for the best that life has to offer. You can imagine how this speech would be different from a traditional persuasive speech focusing on, say, the statistics related to scholastic achievement and success later in life.

Entertaining speeches are definitely very common, but that doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t require effort and preparation. A frequent trap is that people often think of entertaining speeches as corny. As a result, they donā€™t prepare seriously but rather stand up to speak with the idea that they can ā€œwing itā€ by acting silly and telling a few jokes. Instead of being entertaining, the speech falls flat. To help us think through how to be effective in delivering entertaining speeches, letā€™s look at four key ingredients: preparation, adaptation to the occasion, adaptation to the audience, and mindfulness about the time.

Be Prepared

First, and foremost, the biggest mistake you can make when standing to deliver an entertaining speech is to underprepare or simply not prepare at all. Weā€™ve stressed the need for preparation throughout this text, so just because youā€™re giving a wedding toast or a eulogy doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t think through the speech before you stand up and speak out. If the situation is impromptu, even jotting some basic notes on a napkin is better than not having any plan for what you are going to say. Remember, when you get anxious, as it inevitably happens in front of an audience, your brain doesnā€™t function as well as when you are having a relaxed conversation with friends. You often forget information. By writing down some simple notes, youā€™ll be less likely to deliver a bad speech.

Be Adaptive to the Occasion

Not all content is appropriate for all occasions. If you are asked to deliver a speech commemorating the first anniversary of a school shooting, then obviously using humor and telling jokes wouldnā€™t be appropriate. But some decisions about adapting to the occasion are less obvious. Consider the following examples:

  • You are the maid of honor giving a toast at the wedding of your younger sister.
  • You are receiving a Most Valuable Player award in your favorite sport.
  • You are a sales representative speaking to a group of clients after a mistake has been discovered.
  • You are a cancer survivor speaking at a high school student assembly.

How might you adapt your message and speaking style to successfully entertain these various audiences?

Remember that being a competent speaker is about being both personally effective and socially appropriate. Different occasions will call for different levels of social appropriateness. One of the biggest mistakes entertaining speakers can make is to deliver one generic speech to different groups without adapting the speech to the specific occasion. In fact, professional speakers always make sure that their speeches are tailored for different occasions by getting information about the occasion from their hosts. When we tailor speeches for special occasions, people are more likely to remember those speeches than if we give a generic speech.

Be Adaptive to Your Audience

Once again, we cannot stress the importance of audience adaptation enough in this text. Different audiences will respond differently to speech material, so the more you know about your audience the more likely youā€™ll succeed in your speech. One of our coauthors was once at a conference for teachers of public speaking. The keynote speaker stood and delivered a speech on the importance of public speaking. While the speaker was good and funny, the speech really fell flat. The keynote speaker basically told the public speaking teachers that they should take public speaking courses because public speaking is important. Right speech, wrong audience!

Be Mindful of the Time

The last major consideration for delivering entertaining speeches successfully is to be mindful of your time. Different entertaining speech situations have their own conventions and rules with regard to time. Acceptance speeches and toasts, for example, should be relatively short (typically under five minutes). A speech of introduction should be extremely briefā€”just long enough to tell the audience what they need to know about the person being introduced in a style that prepares them to appreciate that personā€™s remarks. In contrast, commencement speeches and speeches to commemorate events can run ten to twenty minutes in length.

Itā€™s also important to recognize that audiences on different occasions will expect speeches of various lengths. For example, although itā€™s true that graduation commencement speakers generally speak for ten to twenty minutes, the closer that speaker heads toward twenty minutes the more fidgety the audience becomes. To hold the audienceā€™s attention and fulfill the goal of entertaining, a commencement speaker would do well to make the closing minutes of the speech the most engaging and inspiring portion of the speech. If youā€™re not sure about the expected time frame for a speech, either ask the person who has invited you to speak or do some quick research to see what the average speech times in the given context tend to be.

Key Takeaways

  • Entertaining speeches are speeches designed to captivate an audienceā€™s attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a clear message. Speakers engage in entertaining speeches generally at special occasions (e.g., weddings, funerals) or are asked to deliver a keynote address.
  • Entertaining speeches should include four key considerations: preparation, adaptation to the occasion, adaptation to the audience, and mindfulness of the time. As with all speeches, speakers need to prepare the speech. Second, speakers need to think about the specific occasion. Third, speakers need to adapt their speeches to the specific audience. Lastly, speakers need to think about how long they should speak.
  • Type in the word ā€œroastā€ into YouTube and watch a few minutes of a roast. Did the speaker clearly exhibit the four clear ingredients of an entertaining speech?
  • Watch several toasts and acceptance speeches on YouTube. Can you identify specific ways in which each speaker adapts the speech to the occasion and the audience?

Elements of Public Speaking Copyright © by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Public Speaking Superhero’s Journey
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  • Speaking Palooza! 2019
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Types of Speeches: The Entertaining Speech

In the context of this series, an entertaining speech is one whose sole purpose is to have the audience enjoy the presentation. The purpose of an entertaining speech is not to educate, inform or inspire … it is to make the audience smile, relax, enjoy and maybe even laugh their heads off. (Figuratively, of course … real heads falling off would cause a nasty mess!)

Types of Speeches: The Entertaining Speech

If you decide to become a professional speaker or use speaking as an integral part of your marketing strategy, itā€™s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the various types of speeches you might be asked to give. In this series of posts, Iā€™ll give you the basics of a variety of types of presentations you can prepare. At the end of this post, Iā€™ve listed previous articles in this series.

Let’s be honest here, entertainment truly is in the eye of the beholder. What one person finds entertaining, another may find duller than dishwater. So, you really have to know your audience in order to entertain them.

But what does that mean?

Although many — if not most — entertaining speeches are funny, they do not need to include humor to be entertaining. Dramas are entertaining but not funny, right? Here are some tips for creating an entertaining speech:

How to write an entertaining speech

There are many ways to entertain an audience. You can:

  • tell funny stories
  • dramatize an anecdote
  • tell a scary story

When it comes right down to it … there are probably as many ways to entertain as there are entertainers … and audiences.

That said, there are some guidelines for creating an entertaining speech.

  • Chose an appropriate topic: You don’t want the topic to be too dense, complicated or heavy. Remember, you’re not trying to give your audience a greater understanding of anything. You’re there to help them have a good time.
  • Enjoy yourself: Believe it or not, it is hard for an audience to enjoy your presentation if it looks like you are not enjoying presenting it!
  • Keep it simple: Your presentation should be easy to follow. Don’t make it hard for your audience to keep up with you mentally … or in any other way.
  • Make it visceral: Use vivid word pictures. This is not the type of presentation where you can be lazy in your descriptions. Make your words pop with strong images that pop in their minds.
  • Say it like a roller coaster, baby! Add unexpected twists and turns to your presentation. When you surprise your audience with where your story is going, that adds to the entertainment factor.

Resources for developing entertaining speeches:

  • List of Funny Speech Topics
  • How to Write an Entertaining Speech for Any Occasion
  • How To Make An Entertaining Speech/Presentation

Did you miss these?

Here are the previous posts in this ā€œType of Speechesā€ series:

  • The Keynote Address
  • The Training Session
  • The Motivational Speech

The next post in this series is The Demonstration .

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About the author

Carma Spence, is author of Public Speaking Super Powers. She is fiercely committed to guiding women to Owning their Superpowers and turning their knowledge and interests into a profitable business. She is masterful at helping her clients see what is possible for them and supporting them on the journey from where they are to where they want to be, releasing the Mind Goblins of self-doubt, self-sabotage and second-guessing that keep them stuck.

With 20+ years experience in marketing communications and public relations, natural intuitive skills and certification in using some of the most effective transformational coaching tools available, Carmaā€™s mission and commitment is to unleash the inner power every woman entrepreneur possesses so they can boldly go out into the world, transforming the fabric of peopleā€™s lives in meaningful and positive ways.

You can find her on Facebook , Twitter , Google+ and LinkedIn . Her website is CarmaSpence.com .

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Chapter 18: Speaking to Entertain

The nature of entertainment.

A man entertaining a crowd on the street

Alan Bell – Entertaining – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Often the speaking opportunities life brings our way have nothing to do specifically with informing or persuading an audience; instead, we are asked to speak to entertain. Whether you are standing up to give an award speech or a toast, knowing how to deliver speeches in a variety of different contexts is the nature of entertaining speaking. In this chapter, we are going to explore what entertaining speeches are; we will also examine two specific types of entertaining speeches: special-occasion speeches and keynote speeches.

Stand up, Speak out Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Types of Public Speaking ā†’

Types of Public Speaking: Entertaining Speaking


Public speaking is an essential skill that allows individuals to captivate and influence their audience, and entertaining speaking is a particularly effective method of achieving this.

As one of the five primary types of public speaking, this enjoyable approach not only educates but also amuses listeners, leaving a lasting impression. In this blog post, weā€™ll dive into the fascinating world of entertaining speaking by discussing its purpose, characteristics, various forms such as humorous speeches and storytelling performances, and indispensable techniques for delivering impactful messages with flair.

Key Takeaways

  • Entertaining Speaking is a type of public speaking that aims to amuse and engage the audience through humor, storytelling, music or performance art while still conveying an important message.
  • Successful entertaining speeches possess good communication skills , evoke different emotions in listeners, maintain perfect timing and offer memorable and unique content.
  • Different types of entertaining speaking include humorous speeches, storytelling speeches, inspirational speeches and even musical and poetry performances.
  • Essential techniques for effective entertaining speaking include knowing your audience, practicing your delivery, using humor and emotion effectively and engaging your audience through compelling storytelling techniques.

What IsĀ Entertaining Speaking?

Definition and purpose of entertaining speaking.

Entertaining speaking is a type of public presentation that aims to captivate, engage, and delight an audience, often by evoking their emotions or appealing to their sense of humor.

This form of oral communication focuses on delivering messages in an enjoyable and memorable manner while still maintaining the intended messageā€™s core essence.

The purpose of entertaining speeches goes beyond simply amusing or captivating the listeners; it also creates connections between the speaker and the audience. By tapping into shared experiences or sparking laughter through clever jokes , entertaining speakers are able to build stronger relationships with those theyā€™re addressing while reinforcing key points within their presentations.

Characteristics Of A Successful Entertaining Speech

To deliver a successful entertaining speech, certain characteristics should be present. Firstly, the speaker must possess good communication skills and have an excellent stage presence to engage their audience fully.

They should also evoke different emotions in their listeners by using humor, anecdotes, or other storytelling techniques.

Secondly, timing is critical when giving an entertaining speech. Speakers must time their jokes or humorous statements to perfection to ensure that they land effectively on the audience.

Thirdly, memorable and unique content creates impact in entertaining speeches.

Finally, creativity plays a crucial role in delivering an entertaining message; entertainers who think outside of the box come up with ideas for delivering speeches creatively tend to leave lasting impressions on their audiences.

In summary, masteringĀ effective communication skillsĀ along with possessing strong creativity ensures success as an entertainer giving speeches captivating your audiencesā€™ attention through emotion-evoking delivery techniques resulting in memorable performances leaving them wanting more.

Different Types Of Entertaining Speaking

Entertaining speaking comes in many forms, including humorous speeches, storytelling speeches, inspirational speeches, and even musical and poetry performances.

Humorous Speeches

Humorous speeches are a type of entertaining speaking that focuses on making an audience laugh. Humor can be used to break the ice and establish a connection between the speaker and their listeners, making it easier for them to absorb the message being delivered.

A good humorous speech is not just about telling jokes but also involves creating funny situations, using irony or sarcasm, and incorporating personal experiences into the narrative.

As an entertaining public speaker, itā€™s crucial to know when humor is appropriate and how much of it should be included in a speech. Too many jokes or poorly placed ones can detract from the primary message of the presentation.

Storytelling Speeches

Storytelling speeches are a popular type of entertaining speaking that hinges on the power of narrative. In this kind of speech, the speaker shares personal or fictional stories with their audience in order to convey an important message or emotion.

Storytelling speeches can take many forms, from humorous anecdotes to moving tales of overcoming adversity.

A great example of a storytelling speech isĀ  Steve Jobsā€™ 2005 Stanford commencement address , in which he shares three stories from his life to inspire and motivate his audience.

Through these stories, he imparts valuable life lessons about following your passions and embracing change.

Inspirational Speeches

Inspirational speeches aim to motivate and uplift listeners, encouraging them to strive for greater heights. They are often delivered by keynote speakers at important events such as graduations or corporate conferences.

A successful inspirational speech should tap into the audienceā€™s emotions, leaving them feeling empowered and ready to take action. For example, a famous example of an inspiring speech is Steve Jobsā€™ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address in which he shared three stories from his life that taught him valuable lessons about following oneā€™s passion and persevering through tough times.

Musical And Poetry Performances

Musical and poetry performances are great ways to add an entertaining element to your public speaking. These types of speeches involve using music or poetry to convey a message or evoke emotions from the audience.

For instance, reciting a poem can be used as a way to tell a story or illustrate complex ideas in an easy-to-understand manner.

One famous example of musical performance in public speaking is theĀ  ā€œI Have A Dreamā€ speech by Martin Luther King Jr. , where he incorporated his words with lyrics from various spirituals and hymns.

By doing so, he was able to engage his listeners on both intellectual and emotional levels, creating an unforgettable experience for everyone present.

Essential Techniques For Effective Entertaining Speaking

To effectively entertain your audience, it is crucial to know who you are talking to, practice your delivery beforehand, use humor and emotion strategically, and engage them through compelling storytelling techniques.

Knowing Your Audience

To deliver an entertaining speech, it is essential to know your audience. Understanding their interests, backgrounds, and perspectives can help you tailor your message to capture their attention and keep them engaged.

Itā€™s also helpful to consider the setting and context of your speech. Are you speaking at a formal or casual event? Is the audience expecting a certain type of performance or presentation? By taking these factors into account, you can adjust your delivery style and content accordingly.

Practicing Your Delivery

In order to deliver an entertaining speech successfully, it is crucial to practice your delivery. This involves rehearsing your speech multiple times in front of a mirror or with friends or family members who can provide constructive feedback.

Additionally, practicing allows you to identify areas that might need improvement such as intonation, pacing, or body language.

Remember that the more prepared you are, the better equipped you will be to connect with your audience through storytelling techniques and keep them engaged throughout your presentation.

Using Humor And Emotion Effectively

One of the key elements of effective entertaining speaking is using humor and emotion in a way that resonates with your audience. A well-timed joke or personal anecdote can help break the ice and put your listeners at ease, while strong emotions can inspire them to action or move them in unexpected ways.

For example, if youā€™re delivering an entertaining speech about procrastination, you might start by sharing a humorous story about the time you waited until the last minute to finish a project for school.

This could help demonstrate your point while also engaging your audience on a personal level.

The key is to be authentic in your use of humor and emotionā€”donā€™t try too hard to be funny or overly sentimental. Instead, focus on what works for you as an individual speaker and what connects most strongly with your specific audience.

Engaging Your Audience Through Storytelling Techniques

Engaging your audience through storytelling is an essential technique for any entertaining speaker. A well-told story can capture their attention, connect with them on an emotional level, and leave a lasting impression.

To effectively engage your audience, start by knowing who they are and what kind of stories will resonate with them.

Itā€™s important to practice delivering your story in a way that engages the audience from beginning to end. Use pacing and tone changes to build suspense or add emphasis where needed.

Incorporating descriptive language helps paint vivid mental images for listeners as you transport them into your world or experience.

An example could be a comedian using personal anecdotes about everyday life situations like getting lost while driving but adding humorous exaggeration may have people laughing out loud with recognition at their own similar experiences!

Overall, when done correctly, engaging storytelling techniques are one surefire way to captivate your audience throughout the duration of speech delivery whether for informative public speaking or for entertainment purposes only!

Conclusion: The Importance Of Entertaining Speaking In Captivating Your Audience

In conclusion, Entertaining Speaking is a type of public speaking that aims to captivate the audienceā€™s attention and stir their emotions. It involves different techniques such as humor, storytelling, music, and poetry performances.

Knowing your audience, practicing your delivery and engaging them through effective usage of humor and emotion are essential for delivering an impactful entertaining speech.

Entertaining Speaking has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to amuse and delight audiences while also conveying important messages effectively.

1. What is entertaining speaking?

Entertaining speaking involves delivering speeches or presentations that are designed to captivate and engage audiences through the use of humor, storytelling and other creative techniques.

2. How do I prepare for an entertaining speech?

To prepare for an entertaining speech, itā€™s important to identify your audience, determine their interests and preferences, and tailor your material accordingly. You might also want to consider incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, images or music into your presentation.

3. What are some common topics used in entertaining speaking?

Some common topics used in entertaining speaking include personal anecdotes, pop culture references, current events or social trends. The key is to find a subject that resonates with your audience while showcasing your unique personality and style.

4. Can anyone become an entertaining speaker?

While there is no single formula for becoming an effective entertainer speaker, anyone can develop the skills necessary to engage and connect with audiences over time through practice and refinement of their presentation skills ā€“ including delivery techniques such as pacing, tone of voice or body language ā€“ while honing their content creation skills through research & experimentation until they find what works best based on context & audience preferences.

what is entertainment speeches

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Entertaining Speech Topics [195 Ideas To Keep Audience Engaged]

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

entertaining speech topics

You need to offer persuasive speech that is informative with a specific purpose that will bring the event to life. Above all, to be an entertaining speaker, you need an interesting  and unique speech topic or even impromptu speech (though that is difficult to achieve) that will last more than a few minutes and engage the audience with an interesting story/stories. There are a lot of topics you can cover that will be entertaining, such as funny speech topics , informative speech topics , or even demonstrative speeches , but make sure you consider your audience before you choose one.

In this article:

How To Develop An Entertaining Speech Topic

How to deliver an entertaining speech, entertaining speech ideas.

There are many ways to write and develop a topic for a speech to entertain. And there are lots of fails to report.

My main objective is to make you aware if the fact that you  do not pretend to by the nice and humorous girl or guy . Nope, better is to set up a flat face and deliver the lines dry with an English stiff upperlip ā€“ that is why I used the word pokerfaced ā€¦ A trick I have learned from my masters ā€¦

Use this speechwriting checklist for every issue of your choice.

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

It is possible to bring a serious message with funny proven techniques listed below. Like these examples of serious/funny entertaining speech topic chapter. And stay to that theme. My main advice is: just talk on a specific theme.

  • Consider your entertainment topic from different points of view.
  • Choose for an unusual or strange angle of approach.
  • Wonder what the reason is for some habits or daily grind.
  • Give a normal issue, subject or topic a personal, dramatic twist.
  • List xx ways to ā€¦
  • Perform dialogues and metaphores.
  • Tell a story about a personal experience, interrelate the humorous anecdote in the main theme.
  • Give mocking comments on perfectly ordinary things, persons, places, values or thoughts.
  • Ridiculize large organizations or institutions. But do not offend.
  • Laugh at and ridiculize professional jargon or dialogues.
  • Find similarities between opposing subjects. That can be a very humorous and entertaining for your audience.
  • Ask:  What If and press the possibilities till it becomes ridiculous, funny and amusing.

My five additional rousing tips for further development are:

  • Organize and structure your diverting text in a way your presentation will flow just right; try to work to some sort of a climax.
  • Establish your speechwriting goal or purpose. Thatā€™s no problem if you talk about one theme.
  • If you tell funny or humorous things about some individuals in your public: donā€™t insult and be sensitive.
  • Try to deliver your public speaking speech topics extemporaneously as much as you can. So practice a lot. Ask a friend if it is witty enough.
  • And practice on the timing the smooth flow of your entertaining speech topic:
  • The Worst Joke I Ever Heard
  • The First Time I Got Caught
  • Why Did the Chicken Actually Cross the Road
  • How I Got My Nickname
  • How to Get a Toddler to Go the Sleep in 383 Easy Steps
  • The Funniest Thing My Kid Ever Said
  • Deep Fried Oreos and Dieting
  • My Worst Date
  • That Time I Shot Milk Out of My Nose
  • My Favorite Misheard Song Lyric
  • How to Embarrass Your Teenager
  • A Middle Aged Mom Figures Out Snapchat
  • Pick Up Lines that Will Never Work
  • The Key To Being Successful at Watching Television
  • How to Live in Your Momā€™s Basement
  • My Biggest Pet Peeve
  • Things a T-Rex Canā€™t Do with Its Little Arms
  • How to Ruin a Date
  • How to Stay a Bachelor
  • What Not to Do On a Blind Date
  • Why Pineapple Is Not a Pizza Topping
  • How to Fail a Driverā€™s Test
  • Ways to Take the Worst Passport Picture Possible
  • The Worst Ideas for Halloween Costumes
  • My Biggest Auto Correct Fail
  • How to Trick Your Dog into Going to the Vet
  • The Time I Laughed at a Completely Inappropriate Time
  • Something That Made Me Laugh So Hard, I Cried
  • Lost in Translation
  • My Dinner with My Favorite Video Game Character
  • That Thing I Shared on Facebook that Maybe I Shouldnā€™t Have
  • The Right Way to Lie
  • My Most Embarrassing Childhood Memory
  • The Worst Haircut I Ever Had
  • My Life Motto
  • How My Cat Will Take Over the World
  • How to Be the Center of Attention
  • How to Freak out Your Roommate
  • Passive Aggressive Ways to Get Your Spouse to Do the Dishes
  • Alternatives to Cleaning
  • The Best Dad Jokes of All Time
  • Skinny Jeans or Where Have All the Men Gone?
  • Why does Halloween Have to Be the Only Holiday We Wear Costumes For?
  • Horrible How To Instructions
  • Going Out Versus Going to Sleep at 9 pm on a Saturday
  • My Worst Traffic Violation
  • That Time I Sent the Email to the Wrong Person
  • How To End a Bad Date
  • Why I Make the Best Pancakes
  • Nutella: Why I Just Canā€™t
  • How To Survive Your Brotherā€™s Wedding
  • Why Iā€™m Still Single
  • How to Fall In Love in 308 Easy Steps
  • An Argument for Leaving Your Christmas Tree Up All Year
  • Horrible Valentineā€™s Day Cards
  • I Love to Say I Told You So
  • My Biggest Fashion Mistakes
  • How To Act Like a Dude
  • Worst Twitter Mistakes
  • How to Lose Your Mind in 10 Days
  • Ten Dumb Things Iā€™ve Done So You Donā€™t Have To
  • Things Iā€™ve Only Told My Therapist
  • How I Knew I Didnā€™t Get the Job
  • Getting To Know the Little Voice in the Back of My Head
  • When To Give Up
  • How To Pretend to Have It All
  • Donā€™t Touch the Thermostat: My Rules for Surviving Winter
  • Sleeping with the Fan On Just for the Noise
  • How to Make the Worst of a Best Situation
  • Lies I Told Myself
  • Why I Sleep with Five Pillows
  • Hogging Your Side of the Bed: My Strategy to Sleep Alone
  • Why My Dog is My Best Friend
  • Why Nothing Rhymes with Orange
  • The Worst Color in the World
  • How to Ruin a Marriage: My Trip to Ikea
  • Why Hipsters Are the Worst
  • There Is No Such Thing as Too Much Caffeine
  • My Worst Hair Dye Experience
  • The Ugliest Facial Hair Iā€™ve Ever Seen
  • The Case for Bubble Baths
  • The Worst Life Hack Iā€™ve Ever Tried
  • That Time I Got Arrested
  • My Funniest Online Dating Story
  • How I Lost My Pants
  • The Worst Habit I Know I Have
  • The Worst Thing I Ever Smelled
  • That Time I Was a Hypochondriac
  • My Worst Experience with Rain
  • How to Make Sure He Doesnā€™t Call
  • How to Be Patient When You Just Canā€™t
  • Shoe Size: Does It Matter?
  • Why I Love You Anyway
  • The Worst Sound in the World
  • The Best Thing about Being Me
  • The Worst Song Lyric I Ever Heard
  • How to Be Lame
  • Times When Ice Cream is Appropriate
  • How Not to Decorate a Cake
  • Where Do All the Missing Socks Go?
  • Ten Things That Are Better Than Doing the Dishes
  • The Worst Chore Iā€™ve Ever Had to Do
  • The Worst Punishment I Ever Had as a Kid
  • How I Knew I Was Done Having Children
  • Why I Donā€™t Bother Keeping Up with the Joneses
  • How to Pretend to Be Interested
  • How Not to Be Subtle
  • Why Are Horses the Only Animal We Ride?
  • What Your Dog Really Thinks about You
  • Best Reasons to Quit Your Job
  • The Best Thing I Ever Ate
  • The Coolest Thing Iā€™ve Ever Seen
  • Why I Canā€™t Even
  • My Real Life Superpower
  • How to Win at Life
  • How to Cheat at Cards
  • How Not to Make Friends
  • Popcorn Is Underrated
  • Making the Least of Your Time
  • If I Were Invisible
  • Why I Still Use a Nightlight
  • Leaping Before You Look
  • What I Learned from High School
  • How to Be Awesome
  • Socks and Sandals Are Okay
  • If I Had A Million Dollars
  • How to Get Fired
  • When to Do the Grand Gesture
  • How to Panic
  • Relaxation Techniques that Havenā€™t Worked For Me
  • Reasons to Be Scared of the Dark
  • Why I Make My Bed Every Morning
  • The Perks of Being the Life of the Party
  • Changing My Mind, Again
  • My Guilty Pleasure
  • Best Places to Nap
  • Something I Thought I Knew
  • My Biggest Regret
  • The Invention of Lying
  • When I Knew I Wasnā€™t a Kid Anymore
  • The Kidā€™s Toy I Still Love to Play with
  • My Childhood Imaginary Friend
  • Hobbling Across the Finish Line
  • Finger Painting: Not Just for Kids Anymore
  • Why we donā€™t win the lottery.
  • Excuses for every occasion.
  • How to buy condoms discreetly.
  • Most stupid labels.
  • I am new in this place, entertain me!
  • IQ tests revealed.
  • How to impress a woman.
  • Crime does pay.
  • Breaking up isnā€™t hard.
  • Comparisons that wonā€™t hold.
  • Grandchildrenā€™s phrases.
  • Stereotypes of college students can generate lots of speech topics.
  • How to slowly drive your girlfriend crazy.
  • The male guide to selecting an outfit for a high school prom.
  • Crazy things to do in a final that doesnā€™t matter.
  • Chinese proverbs explained.
  • What to do when you are bored on a lazy Sunday.
  • Donā€™t say this to a police officer.
  • Things men would never say.
  • Extreme golf courses in the world.
  • Freudian slips of the tongue.
  • Test your popularity.
  • Marriage advice and strange counseling assistance.
  • Why Santa Claus is a woman.
  • About the French.
  • Things I learned from sports.
  • Things you wouldnā€™t know without watching films.
  • How to sing the blues from the heart.
  • Rare pronounciations of ordinary words and phrases.
  • The art of kissing.
  • Bad hair day solutions.
  • Shopping guide for a man.
  • Problem solving in an entertaining way.
  • Funny facts of life are popular topics for an entertainment speech.
  • Golfing at night or in the snow.
  • Lawyers and the truth.
  • Creative marriage proposals.
  • How to play the singing saw.
  • Gift wrapping tips for men.
  • How to photograph a puppy.
  • Are you ready for children?
  • Strange dress codes.
  • A manā€™s dilemma: beer or women?
  • Clean your house in 30 minutes.
  • Stages of a hard working employee.
  • Office work rules up side down.
  • Insults from famous people.
  • Basic rules for driving in ā€“ fill in a big city.
  • Things your mom would never say.
  • Explain baseball or football to a foreigner.
  • Applicant speaks in job letters is a great material-oil well too.

Types of Public Speaking

136 Speech Topics About Animals [Persuasive, Informative]

5 thoughts on “Entertaining Speech Topics [195 Ideas To Keep Audience Engaged]”

How useful your school stationeries can be for survival!! (e.g. permanent marker can be used as lightening)

Noice topics!

Things you don’t say to your husband!

Hi, I’m Lila. I have to write a speech and I am completely stuck! I would like a entertaining speech, but still informative. I am so stuck on the topic I should do! Do you have any ideas what to do?

How to play apex legends

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what is entertainment speeches

8 Types of Speeches to Captivate Any Audience

  • The Speaker Lab
  • May 8, 2024

Table of Contents

Words have power. In a speech, words can shift mountains, sway opinions, and light the fire for change. For anyone stepping up to the mic, knowing what kind of speech to deliver makes all the difference in winning over listeners. From informative talks to persuasive pitches, each type of speech serves a unique purpose and requires a specific approach. In this post, we’ll explore the 8 essential types of speeches you need to know to become a master communicator:

  • Informative speeches
  • Persuasive speeches
  • Demonstration speeches
  • Entertaining speeches
  • Special occasion speeches
  • Impromptu speeches
  • Debate speeches
  • Acceptance speeches

Let’s get started!

Types of Speeches to Master for Success

Every single day people across the world stand up in front of some kind of audience and speak. While the core purpose of any speech is to deliver a message to an audience, the type of message and manner in which it’s delivered helps us distinguish a given speech from others. As a result, we can categorize speeches based on four main concepts: entertaining, informing, demonstrating and persuading. Let’s take a look at each.

Informative Speech

In an informative speech, the presenter will share information about a particular person, place, object, process, concept, or issue by defining, describing, or explaining.Ā The primary purpose of informative presentations is to share one’s knowledge of a subject with an audience. Reasons for making an informative speech vary widely.

For example, you might be asked to report to a group of managers how your latest project is coming along. Similarly, a local community group might wish to hear about your volunteer activities in New Orleans during spring break, or your classmates may want you to share your expertise on Mediterranean cooking.

Persuasive Speech

A persuasive speech proposes to change a person’s beliefs or actions on a particular issue. The presenter takes a side and gives his/her opinion with factual evidence to support their viewpoint. The topics tend to be debatable and the speech itself should have a convincing tone.

Demonstrative Speech

As the name suggests, a demonstrative speech is the type of speech you want to give to demonstrate how something works or how to do a certain thing.Ā A demonstrative speech utilizes the use of visual aids and/or physical demonstration along with the information provided. Some might argue that demonstrative speeches are a subclass of informative speeches, but they’re different enough to be considered two distinct types. Think of it as the difference between explaining the history and tradition of gumbo as opposed to actually teaching a crowd how to make gumbo.

Entertaining Speech

The core purpose of an entertaining speech is to amuse the audience, and obviously, entertain them. They’re usually less formal in nature to help communicate emotions rather than to simply deliver facts. Some examples include speeches given by maids of honor or best men at weddings, acceptance speeches at the Oscars, or even the one given by a school’s principal before or after a talent show.

Special Occasion Speech

Beyond the four main types of public speeches we mentioned, there are a few other different types of speeches worth exploring, namely, special occasion speeches. Often shorter than other types of speeches, special occasion speeches focus on the occasion at hand, whether it’s a wedding , funeral , awards ceremony , or other special event.Ā The goal is to connect with the audience on an emotional level and deliver a heartfelt message that resonates with the occasion. Personal stories, anecdotes, and expressions of gratitude are common elements in special occasion speeches.

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How to Deliver an Engaging Informative Speech

In an informative speech, the presenter will share information about a particular person, place, object, process, concept, or issue by defining, describing, or explaining.Ā An informative speech’s purpose is to simplify complex theories into simpler, easier-to-digest and less ambiguous ideas. In other words, the goal of this type of speech is to convey information accurately.

Choose a Specific Topic

The first step in delivering an engaging informative speech is to choose a specific topic. Trying to cover too much ground in a single speech can be overwhelming for both the speaker and the audience.Ā By narrowing your focus to a specific aspect of a larger topic, you can provide more in-depth information and keep your audience engaged. For example, instead of trying to explain the entire history of the internet, you could focus on the development of social media platforms.

Simplify Complex Concepts

One of the main goals of an informative speech is to simplify complex theories and concepts into more easily understandable ideas. This requires breaking down information into smaller, more digestible chunks.Ā Use analogies, examples, and visual aids to help illustrate your points and make the information more relatable to your audience. Remember, your goal is to provide a general understanding of the topic, not to overwhelm your listeners with technical jargon or minute details.

Engage Your Audience

Keeping your audience engaged is crucial for the success of your informative speech. One way to do this is by using storytelling techniques to make the information more interesting and memorable.Ā You can also ask rhetorical questions, encourage audience participation, and use humor when appropriate. By making your speech interactive and dynamic, you’ll be more likely to hold your audience’s attention and effectively communicate your message.

Use Visual Aids

Visual aids can be a powerful tool in an informative speech. They help to reinforce your message, clarify complex ideas, and make your presentation more engaging.Ā Some effective visual aids include charts, graphs, images, videos, and physical objects. Just be sure not to rely too heavily on visuals at the expense of your content.

Practice and Refine

As with any type of public speaking, practice is essential for delivering a successful informative speech. Rehearse your presentation multiple times, paying attention to your pacing, tone, and body language.Ā Consider practicing in front of a mirror, recording yourself, or presenting to a small group of friends or colleagues for feedback. Use their input to refine your speech and make improvements before the big day.

Mastering the Art of Persuasive Speaking

Speeches can be delivered to serve various purposes. A persuasive speech proposes to change a person’s beliefs or actions on a particular issue. Accordingly, the presenter takes a side and gives his/her opinion, supporting their argument with factual evidence.

Know Your Audience

The first step in crafting a persuasive speech is to know your audience. Understanding their beliefs, values, and concerns will help you tailor your message to resonate with them. In particular, consider factors such as age, gender, cultural background, and education level when analyzing your audience. This information will guide you in choosing the most effective arguments and examples to support your position.

Use Persuasive Language

The language you use in your persuasive speech can have a significant impact on how your audience receives your message. Use powerful, emotive words that evoke a strong response from your listeners.

Rhetorical devices such as repetition, metaphors, and rhetorical questions can also be effective in persuading your audience. However, be careful not to overuse techniques like pathos , as they can come across as manipulative or insincere if employed too frequently.

Provide Strong Evidence

To convince your audience to adopt your point of view, you need to provide strong evidence to support your claims. Use facts, statistics, expert opinions, and real-life examples to bolster your arguments. In addition, be sure to cite credible sources and present the information in a clear, logical manner. Finally, anticipate potential counterarguments and address them proactively to strengthen your position.

Inspire Positive Change

The goal of this type of speech is not only to change minds but also to inspire positive action. Conclude your persuasive speech with a clear call-to-action, urging your audience to take specific steps towards implementing the change you advocate for. In addition, paint a vivid picture of the benefits that will result from adopting your position, and make it easy for your listeners to understand how they can contribute to the cause.

Address Counterarguments

No matter how compelling your arguments may be, there will always be those who disagree with your position. To deliver a truly persuasive speech, you must anticipate and address potential counterarguments. That means acknowledging the validity of opposing viewpoints and then providing evidence to refute them. By demonstrating that you have considered alternative perspectives, you’ll come across as more credible and trustworthy to your audience.

Demonstrative Speeches: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’ve ever watched a cooking show or a DIY tutorial, you’ve seen a demonstrative speech in action. This type ofĀ speech is all about teaching your audience how to do something, step by step.Ā The key to a successful demonstrative speech is to be organized and concise. You need to break down the process into clear, easy-to-follow steps that your audience can grasp and replicate themselves.

Choose a Relevant Topic

When selecting a topic for your demonstrative speech, choose something that’s relevant and useful to your audience. It can be about anything that requires a demonstration, such as cooking a recipe, performing a science experiment, using a software program, or even tying a tie.

Consider your audience’s interests and needs. What skills or knowledge would benefit them the most? Choosing a topic that resonates with your listeners will keep them engaged and motivated to learn.

Plan Your Demonstration

Once you have your topic, it’s time to plan your demonstration from start to finish. Break down the process into logical, sequential steps. Consider the supplies or equipment you’ll need and any potential challenges or safety concerns.Ā Creating an outline can help you stay organized and ensure you don’t miss any crucial steps. Remember, your goal is to make the process as clear and straightforward as possible for your audience.

Prepare Your Materials

Gather all the necessary materials, props, or visual aids you’ll need for your demonstration.Ā Visual aids like props, slides, or even live demonstrations are incredibly helpful in illustrating your points. They can help your audience better understand and remember the steps you’re teaching them. During your speech, make sure everything is in working order and easily accessible.

A great demonstrative speech is not only informative but also engaging. You need to ignite a sense of enthusiasm and curiosity in your audience. Encourage them to ask questions and participate in the demonstration if possible.

In addition, use clear, concise language and maintain eye contact with your listeners. Inject some personality and humor into your delivery to keep things interesting and relatable.

Allow Time for Questions

After your demonstration, allow time for your audience to ask questions or seek clarification. This interaction can help reinforce their understanding and show that you’re invested in their learning.

At the end of your presentation, encourage your listeners to try out the skill or technique themselves. Finally, provide any additional resources or tips that can help them succeed. Remember, your ultimate goal is to empower your audience with new knowledge and abilities.

The Power of Entertaining Speeches

Sometimes, the best way to captivate an audience is simply to entertain them. An entertaining speech can range from a humorous anecdote at a conference to a moving story at a fundraiser. If you want to nail this type of speech, you need to engage your listeners and leave them with a memorable message.

As with any speech, understanding your audience is crucial for an entertaining speech. What kind of humor or stories will they appreciate? What tone and style will resonate with them?Ā Consider factors like age, background, and the event itself. A joke that lands well at a casual gathering might not be appropriate for a formal business meeting.

Use Humor Effectively

Humor is a powerful tool in entertaining speeches, but it must be used skillfully. A well-crafted joke can break the ice, lighten the mood, and make your message more memorable.Ā However, humor can also backfire if it’s offensive, inappropriate, or poorly delivered. Make sure your jokes are tasteful, relevant, and well-rehearsed. If you’re not confident in your comedic abilities, it’s better to err on the side of caution.

Share Personal Anecdotes

Personal stories and anecdotes can be incredibly effective in entertaining speeches. They help humanize you as a speaker as well as create a connection with your audience. As such, choose stories that are relevant to your message and that highlight your unique experiences or perspectives. Use descriptive language and engaging delivery to draw your listeners into the narrative.

An entertaining speech is all about engagement. You want your audience to be actively involved and invested in your message. In order to achieve this, use techniques like rhetorical questions, audience participation, or even props to keep your listeners engaged. Additionally, make eye contact, vary your tone and pace, and use gestures to emphasize key points.

End on a High Note

The conclusion of your entertaining speech is just as important as the beginning. You want to leave your audience with a positive, memorable impression. To accomplish this, consider ending with a call to action, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful quote. Tie your conclusion back to your main message and leave your listeners with something to ponder or act upon.

Captivating Your Audience with Special Occasion Speeches

Not all speeches are about imparting knowledge or persuading opinions. Sometimes, a speech’s primary purpose is to entertain, inspire, or commemorate a special event. This type of speech is known as a special occasion speech.Ā Whether it’s a wedding toast, a eulogy , or an acceptance speech, special occasion speeches require a unique approach. Here are some tips for crafting a memorable and impactful special occasion speech.

Understand the Occasion

Every special occasion has its own unique tone, purpose, and expectations. A wedding toast, for example, is typically light-hearted and celebratory, while a eulogy is more somber and reflective.Ā Before you start writing your speech, make sure you understand the nature of the occasion and the role your speech will play. This context will guide your content, tone, and delivery.

Special occasion speeches are often delivered to a specific group of people who share a connection to the event or honoree. As such, it’s crucial to tailor your speech to resonate with this particular audience. Consider their relationship to the occasion, their background, and their expectations. What stories, anecdotes, or insights will they appreciate and relate to?

Use Appropriate Humor

Humor can be a powerful tool in special occasion speeches, especially in celebratory situations like weddings or retirements. A well-placed joke or funny story can help break the ice, engage the audience, and create a warm, positive atmosphere.Ā However, it’s important to use humor appropriately and tastefully. Avoid jokes that might be offensive, insensitive, or ill-suited to the occasion. When in doubt, err on the side of caution.

Share Personal Stories

Special occasion speeches often revolve around honoring or commemorating a person, relationship, or milestone. By sharing personal stories or anecdotes, you can help bring your speech to life and create an emotional connection with your audience.Ā Choose stories that highlight the qualities or experiences you want to celebrate. In addition, use vivid details and descriptive language to help your audience visualize and engage with your memories.

Express Gratitude

Many special occasion speeches, such as wedding toasts or acceptance speeches, involve expressing gratitude to those who have supported or contributed to the occasion. Accordingly, take time to acknowledge and thank the people who have made the event possible or played a significant role in your life. Be specific in your praise and sincere in your appreciation.

Impromptu Speaking: Tips for Thinking on Your Feet

Imagine you’re at a meeting and your boss suddenly calls on you to share your thoughts on the project. Or maybe you’re at a networking event and someone asks you to introduce yourself to the group. These scenarios can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re not prepared. That’s where impromptu speaking comes in.

Impromptu speeches are delivered without prior preparation or planning. You’re given a topic or question on the spot and must quickly organize your thoughts to deliver a coherent speech. It’s an essential skill that tests your ability to think on your feet and communicate effectively in spontaneous situations.

Stay Calm and Focused

When faced with an impromptu speech, the first thing to do is stay calm. Take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand. Remember, the audience wants you to succeed, so don’t let nerves get the best of you.

Use a Simple Structure

To quickly organize your thoughts, use a simple structure like the P-R-E-P method: Point, Reason, Example, Point. Start with your main point, give a reason to support it, provide an example, and then reiterate your point. This structure will help you stay on track and deliver a clear message.

Draw from Personal Experiences

When you’re put on the spot, it’s easier to draw from personal experiences than to try to come up with something completely new. Share a relevant story or anecdote that supports your point. This will help you communicate emotions and connect with your audience.

Even though you’re speaking off the cuff, don’t forget to engage your audience. Make eye contact, use gestures, and vary your tone of voice. These techniques will help you capture and maintain your audience’s attention.

Practice Regularly

Like any skill, impromptu speaking improves with practice. Seek out opportunities to speak on the spot, whether it’s at work, in social situations, or even just with friends and family. The more you do it, the more comfortable and confident you’ll become.

Debate Speeches: Crafting Compelling Arguments

Debate speeches are a common type of speech, especially in school competitions. They involve presenting arguments and evidence to support a particular viewpoint on a topic. Whether you’re a high school or college student, mastering the art of debate can be a valuable skill.

Research Your Topic

The first step in crafting a compelling debate speech is to thoroughly research your topic. Gather facts, statistics, and expert opinions to support your argument. Make sure to use reputable sources and fact-check your information.

Develop Your Argument

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to develop your argument. Choose your strongest points and organize them in a logical manner. Use persuasive language and rhetorical devices to make your case more compelling.

Anticipate Counterarguments

In a debate, you must be prepared to defend your position against counterarguments. Anticipate what your opponent might say and have rebuttals ready. This requires critical thinking and the ability to think on your feet.

The language you use in your debate speech can make a big difference. Use strong, active verbs and vivid imagery to paint a picture in your audience’s mind. Rhetorical questions, repetition, and tricolons (a series of three parallel elements) can also be effective persuasive devices.

Deliver with Confidence

Finally, deliver your debate speech with confidence. Speak clearly, maintain eye contact, and use gestures to emphasize your points. Remember, your delivery is just as important as the content of your speech.

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Delivering Powerful Acceptance Speeches

Whether you’re accepting an award at work or being honored at a community event, an acceptance speech is your chance to express gratitude and share your story. Here are some tips for delivering a powerful acceptance speech.

First, express gratitude. Thank the organization presenting the award, as well as any individuals who have supported you along the way. Be specific in your thanks and show genuine appreciation.

Share a Personal Story

An acceptance speech is a great opportunity to share a personal story that relates to the award or honor you’re receiving. This could be a story of overcoming obstacles, learning an important lesson, or achieving a goal. Your story will help the audience connect with you on a personal level.

Inspire Your Audience

Use your acceptance speech to inspire your audience. Share the lessons you’ve learned or the wisdom you’ve gained. Additionally, encourage others to pursue their dreams and never give up. Your words have the power to motivate and uplift those listening.

Keep It Concise

While it’s important to express gratitude and share your story, it’s also important to keep your acceptance speech concise. Aim for a speech that’s no more than 3-5 minutes long. Be mindful of the time and the event schedule.

Practice and Prepare

Finally, practice and prepare for your acceptance speech. Write out your key points and practice delivering your speech out loud. This will help you feel more confident and prepared when the big moment arrives.

When it comes to rocking public speaking, getting a grip on the different types of speeches is the first step. Then you know whether to share info, sway opinions, show how it’s done, or just give your audience a good time. As a result, you can really make your speeches hit home and stick with your audience.

Remember, no matter what type of speech you’re giving, the key to success lies in understanding your purpose, knowing your audience, and adapting your message accordingly. With practice and persistence, you’ll soon be able to captivate any crowd, no matter the occasion.

So go forth, speak with confidence, and let your voice be heard. The world is waiting for your message!

  • Last Updated: May 7, 2024

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entertaining speech

Entertaining Speech: 6 Tips for Amusing your Audience

An entertaining speech is not a mere joke, itā€™s the art of delivering valuable information in an amusing and interesting way. Many people make the mistake of thinking of it as just another joke, while in fact, you could very well entertain people in all sorts of ways. Letā€™s start with a clear definition of an entertaining speechā€¦

This is one of our posts on the types of speech series, should you be interested in learning about other types of speeches, please click on of the links below when you are done reading this article. For now, let us dive into how to deliver a memorable and effective entertaining speech first.

Part II . 9 Tips for Writing and Amazing Informative Speech and 120+ Topic Ideas

Part VI. 6 Key Tips for a Memorable Entertaining Speech + Topics and Ideas

Part VII. Explanatory Speech: 7 Key Tips to Help You Deliver an Effective Speech

Part X. Public Speaking Contests: 7 Ways to Nail at Forensic Speech Competitions

Part XI. 80+ Impromptu Speech Topics & 7 Ways to Nail One

Part XIV. Eulogy Guide: How to Give a Heartfelt Funeral Speech (with 4 Eulogy examples)


Here are some tips to consider in giving an entertaining speech, 1. set the tone.

However, there is no one size fits all, your opening might not appeal to everyone in the room, but if you have a majority on your side, you are set. The fun energy will hopefully transfer to the other ā€œless-impressedā€ members of the audience as the speech goes on.


3. engage the audience.

When it comes to delivering entertaining speeches, its all about confidence. Your audience needs to see you as someone who is worth listening to. If you believe you have no confidence, then fake being confident when giving an entertaining speech, who knows? That confidence might stick you.


Use language and words that your audience will have no trouble understanding. You donā€™t want your audience trying to figure out what the words you are speaking mean instead of enjoying your speech. Avoid touchy subjects. An entertaining speech shouldnā€™t be used to advance any agenda your audience may not agree with. All in all, keep it simple.


6. a memorable ending is the way to go, entertaining speech topics.

Rules and principles aside, itā€™s important that you be yourself. Sincerity and honesty will always crack any audience, any day, anytime. Be sure to enjoy every moment of your speech and hopefully your audience will too. Draw upon your unique strengths and abilities in giving an awesome speech that your audience wonā€™t forget in a hurry.

Entertaining Speech Topics [195 Ideas To Keep Audience Engaged]

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what is entertainment speeches

18.1 Understanding Entertaining Speeches

Learning objectives.

  • Understand the purpose of entertaining speeches.
  • Explain the four ingredients of a good entertaining speech.

In broad terms, an entertaining speech Speech designed to captivate an audienceā€™s attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a clear message. is a speech designed to captivate an audienceā€™s attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a message. Like more traditional informative or persuasive speeches, entertaining speeches should communicate a clear message, but the manner of speaking used in an entertaining speech is typically different. Entertaining speeches are often delivered on special occasions (e.g., a toast at a wedding, an acceptance speech at an awards banquet, a motivational speech at a conference), which is why they are sometimes referred to as special-occasion speeches. However, they can also be given on more mundane occasions, where their purpose is primarily to amuse audience members or arouse them emotionally in some way. Remember, when we use the word ā€œentertain,ā€ we are referring not just to humor but also to drama. The goal of an entertaining speech is to stir an audienceā€™s emotions.

Of all the types of speeches we come in contact with during our lives, the bulk of them will probably fall into the category of entertainment. If you spend just one evening watching a major awards show (e.g., the Grammys, the Tonys, the Oscars), youā€™ll see dozens of acceptance speeches. While some of these acceptance speeches are good and others may be terrible, they all belong in the category of speaking to entertain.

Other speeches that fall into the entertaining category are designed to inspire or motivate an audience to do something. These are, however, different from a traditional persuasive speech. While entertaining speeches are often persuasive, we differentiate the two often based on the rhetorical situation itself. Maybe your school has hired a speaker to talk about his or her life story in an attempt to inspire the audience to try harder in school and reach for the best that life has to offer. You can imagine how this speech would be different from a traditional persuasive speech focusing on, say, the statistics related to scholastic achievement and success later in life.

Entertaining speeches are definitely very common, but that doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t require effort and preparation. A frequent trap is that people often think of entertaining speeches as corny. As a result, they donā€™t prepare seriously but rather stand up to speak with the idea that they can ā€œwing itā€ by acting silly and telling a few jokes. Instead of being entertaining, the speech falls flat. To help us think through how to be effective in delivering entertaining speeches, letā€™s look at four key ingredients: preparation, adaptation to the occasion, adaptation to the audience, and mindfulness about the time.

Be Prepared

First, and foremost, the biggest mistake you can make when standing to deliver an entertaining speech is to underprepare or simply not prepare at all. Weā€™ve stressed the need for preparation throughout this text, so just because youā€™re giving a wedding toast or a eulogy doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t think through the speech before you stand up and speak out. If the situation is impromptu, even jotting some basic notes on a napkin is better than not having any plan for what you are going to say. Remember, when you get anxious, as it inevitably happens in front of an audience, your brain doesnā€™t function as well as when you are having a relaxed conversation with friends. You often forget information. By writing down some simple notes, youā€™ll be less likely to deliver a bad speech.

Be Adaptive to the Occasion

Not all content is appropriate for all occasions. If you are asked to deliver a speech commemorating the first anniversary of a school shooting, then obviously using humor and telling jokes wouldnā€™t be appropriate. But some decisions about adapting to the occasion are less obvious. Consider the following examples:

  • You are the maid of honor giving a toast at the wedding of your younger sister.
  • You are receiving a Most Valuable Player award in your favorite sport.
  • You are a sales representative speaking to a group of clients after a mistake has been discovered.
  • You are a cancer survivor speaking at a high school student assembly.

How might you adapt your message and speaking style to successfully entertain these various audiences?

Remember that being a competent speaker is about being both personally effective and socially appropriate. Different occasions will call for different levels of social appropriateness. One of the biggest mistakes entertaining speakers can make is to deliver one generic speech to different groups without adapting the speech to the specific occasion. In fact, professional speakers always make sure that their speeches are tailored for different occasions by getting information about the occasion from their hosts. When we tailor speeches for special occasions, people are more likely to remember those speeches than if we give a generic speech.

Be Adaptive to Your Audience

Once again, we cannot stress the importance of audience adaptation enough in this text. Different audiences will respond differently to speech material, so the more you know about your audience the more likely youā€™ll succeed in your speech. One of our coauthors was once at a conference for teachers of public speaking. The keynote speaker stood and delivered a speech on the importance of public speaking. While the speaker was good and funny, the speech really fell flat. The keynote speaker basically told the public speaking teachers that they should take public speaking courses because public speaking is important. Right speech, wrong audience!

Be Mindful of the Time

The last major consideration for delivering entertaining speeches successfully is to be mindful of your time. Different entertaining speech situations have their own conventions and rules with regard to time. Acceptance speeches and toasts, for example, should be relatively short (typically under five minutes). A speech of introduction should be extremely briefā€”just long enough to tell the audience what they need to know about the person being introduced in a style that prepares them to appreciate that personā€™s remarks. In contrast, commencement speeches and speeches to commemorate events can run ten to twenty minutes in length.

Itā€™s also important to recognize that audiences on different occasions will expect speeches of various lengths. For example, although itā€™s true that graduation commencement speakers generally speak for ten to twenty minutes, the closer that speaker heads toward twenty minutes the more fidgety the audience becomes. To hold the audienceā€™s attention and fulfill the goal of entertaining, a commencement speaker would do well to make the closing minutes of the speech the most engaging and inspiring portion of the speech. If youā€™re not sure about the expected time frame for a speech, either ask the person who has invited you to speak or do some quick research to see what the average speech times in the given context tend to be.

Key Takeaways

  • Entertaining speeches are speeches designed to captivate an audienceā€™s attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a clear message. Speakers engage in entertaining speeches generally at special occasions (e.g., weddings, funerals) or are asked to deliver a keynote address.
  • Entertaining speeches should include four key considerations: preparation, adaptation to the occasion, adaptation to the audience, and mindfulness of the time. As with all speeches, speakers need to prepare the speech. Second, speakers need to think about the specific occasion. Third, speakers need to adapt their speeches to the specific audience. Lastly, speakers need to think about how long they should speak.
  • Type in the word ā€œroastā€ into YouTube and watch a few minutes of a roast. Did the speaker clearly exhibit the four clear ingredients of an entertaining speech?
  • Watch several toasts and acceptance speeches on YouTube. Can you identify specific ways in which each speaker adapts the speech to the occasion and the audience?

Entertainment Speech Maker

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šŸ’¬ What Is an Entertainment Speech?

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Do you have a pending entertainment speech assignment but arenā€™t sure how to write it well? No need to worry because our instant AI entertainment speech generator can help you with this critical school task.

You can use it to create the most entertaining and persuasive speeches. Try our free online entertainment speech maker today.

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Broadly, we can define an entertainment speech as one that seeks to captivate or entertain listenersā€™ attention while delivering a crucial message.

This speech exploits an audienceā€™s emotions and communicates to it in a manner that melts the ice of formalities.

Speakers often deliver entertainment speeches on special occasions.

These events include:

  • Award ceremonies
  • Conferences

Thatā€™s why entertaining speeches are also called special-event or occasion speeches. However, speakers give them in more mundane events, intending to amuse listeners. Remember, the main focus here is entertainment, which stirs an audienceā€™s emotions.

Entertainment speeches come in 3 main forms:

After-dinner speeches Here, speakers make serious speech topics that can either be . Orators take these moments and infuse their speeches with humor to remove the ā€œformal faceā€ that accompanies traditional speeches.
Ceremonial speeches Here, a speechā€™s specific contexts are its driving force. These types of speeches include toasts, , and introductions. For instance, a speaker can make an introduction speech to welcome a ceremonyā€™s guest speaker. Also, a friend or relative can eulogize a departed person at a funeral. In other settings, eventsā€™ context and not merely the desire to convince or inform usually determine these speeches and their purpose.
Motivational speeches Here, a presenterā€™s main goal is to inspire listeners. These speeches focus on emotions as the main tool for motivating an audience to change their lives towards a particular goal.

Do you want to master how to draft a long or short 3-minute entertainment speech? Here is a detailed explanation to make you a master speech writer.

Below are the steps to prepare an amusing entertainment speech.

  • Determine your speechā€™s purpose . Clarify what the aim of your speech is before embarking on its creation. While this speech is amusing, donā€™t confuse it with a stand-up comedy strip. Therefore, you should understand clearly why your audience has gathered before drafting a speech.
  • Identify your audienceā€™s laughter points . Research what makes your listeners laugh. This stage requires an in-depth understanding of your audience because what amuses you may not sound funny to your listeners.
  • Match your topic with your listeners . Do sufficient audience research and match your topic with it. Your title should be as simple as possible. Therefore, just include enough amusement in your speech to make it more palatable and drive your message home.
  • Avoid insults . Donā€™t make comments that could insult anyone, even if they sound funny. A safe choice is to make funny comments that make listeners laugh at you instead of saying things that make them feel you are insulting them.
  • Use plain language . Use plain everyday language everyone understands. Avoid all jargon and the ā€œbig wordā€ syndrome.
  • Be precise . Be precise and keep your presentation short and sweet.
  • Use your personal experiences . When possible, use the examples related to your life to illustrate your message.
  • Involve your listeners . Let your audience ask questions, answer questions, and make comments.
  • Be yourself . Draft your speech to portray the original you and not a clone. Remember, your listeners came to listen to you and want to see the real you.
  • Finish on a witty note . End your speech on a witty, amusing note.
  • My best joke.
  • My first day in marriage.
  • How I got my nickname.
  • My first lie.
  • My worst holiday.
  • Humour and jokes: whatā€™s so funny?
  • My first international visit.
  • The first day I boarded a plane.
  • Humor as a way to cope with stress .
  • The first day I swam alone in the ocean.
  • How to live with teenagers.
  • Humor in the workplace: does it help?
  • Maximizing the benefits of teenage period.
  • Optimizing your singlehood.
  • Different tastes of humor .
  • How to be the best employee.
  • Why truth is better than lies.
  • Comedy and humor in world literature .
  • My secret to happiness.
  • The best alternative to exams.
  • Sense of humor: how does it help?

Below are descriptions of entertainment speeches focusing on inspiration and acceptance.

Sandra Bullock - 2010 Oscar Acceptance Speech

Sandra Bullock delivered this acceptance speech in 2009 when she won an academy award in the Actress in a Leading Role category. She won it based on the role she played in the film The Blind Side. The emotionally charged speech appreciated all who helped her scoop the award.

Will Smith - The Best Things in Life Are on the Other Side of Fear

Will Smith made this speech while discussing why and how to face oneā€™s fears as the key to getting the best things lying beyond the comfort zone. The speechā€™s moral is that the best things in life arrive after you stop being afraid and move on.

Frances McDormand - 2018 Oscar Acceptance Speech

This speech focused on Francesā€™ quest for gender equality in the entertainment industry after accepting the Oscar for Best Actress at tonightā€™s Academy Awards.

Ray Lewis - The Two Sides of Pain

This speech focuses on Rayā€™s life story . He used it to share his inspiring childhood, where he learned the two sides of pain. He discussed suffering and examined what pain drives one to do. His moral is that success is the end of pain.

ā“ Entertainment Speech Maker FAQ

Updated: Oct 25th, 2023

  • Understanding Entertaining Speeches
  • How to Make an Entertaining Speech & Presentation
  • What is an entertainment speech?
  • When is an entertaining speech used?
  • 13 Main Types of Speeches (With Examples and Tips)
  • Organizing and Delivering An Entertainment Speech
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Entertaining Speech Topics

Barbara P

Entertaining Speech Topics for Your Next Debate

14 min read

entertaining speech topics

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Speech writing is an extremely boring task, but it becomes an interesting task if it includes humor. Usage of funny facts to have the audience agree with your point of view can go a long way in convincing them that you are right.

Here we have compiled a list of entertaining speech topics for anyone who wants to talk about casually odd, foolish, silly, or crazy fun stuff. Choose the one that suits the best for your audience and write a hilarious speech.

You can also modify them according to your target audience and get the best result out of them.

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is an Entertaining Speech?
  • 2. How to Choose an Entertaining Speech Topic
  • 3. Entertaining Speech Topics For Students
  • 4. Amazing Entertaining Speech Topics
  • 5. Tips for Writing a Hilarious Entertaining Speech

What is an Entertaining Speech?

An entertaining speech is designed to amuse the audience while delivering the message. These speeches are written to entertain the audience and make them laugh. Like other types of speeches , entertainment speeches should communicate a clear message. However, the manner of speaking is not the formal way and is slightly different from traditional styles.

Although entertainment and funny speeches follow the same speech format as other types of speeches, they can be really fun to write. People who have a fear of public speaking would also love to deliver an entertaining speech.

The entertainment speeches are delivered on specific occasions like entertaining debate competitions, a toast at a wedding, or an award acceptance speech , etc. Comedy films, theater plays, and comedy shows are a few examples of entertainment content.

How to Choose an Entertaining Speech Topic

When we say the word ā€œentertainment,ā€ we donā€™t refer to the ā€˜humorā€™ only but also the ā€˜dramaā€™ . Therefore, you need to choose a topic for an entertaining speech that brings joy to the audience and intrigues their emotions.

Here are some basic tips from experts to choose the best topic for a funny and entertaining informative speech:

  • Think of your interests and your inspiration so that you donā€™t get bored while delivering the speech. If that happens, your audience will lose interest immediately.
  • Think of your audience and things that interest them. Choose a topic that is interesting for both of you, i.e., you and your audience.
  • Conduct research and collect some humorous ideas that are unusual and unique
  • Pick up a normal issue or subject and give it a dramatic twist .
  • Tell a funny story about some personal experience.
  • Laugh at, and ridicule institutions and organizations but do not offend.
  • Ask what if? And show the possibilities until it becomes amusing. 
  • Decide what message you want to communicate with your speech.

If you use this checklist to choose a topic for an entertaining speech, you can easily deliver a serious message while making the audience laugh.

Entertaining Speech Topics For Students

Now that you know what aspects you need to consider while selecting an entertaining speech topic, letā€™s choose a topic for your speech. 

Entertaining Speech Topics for College Students

  • When I got caught cheating on my girlfriend?
  • Boys do more gossip than girls.
  • Everything that goes wrong with me is because of my horoscope.
  • When I took an ice bucket challenge for the first time?
  • A breakup insurance policy needs to be invented.
  • Explain baseball or football to a foreigner in an exciting way.
  • Who came first: The egg or the chicken?
  • How I met your mother?
  • A monkey snatched my bag. 
  • Boys should not wear skinny jeans.

Entertaining Speech Topics for High School 

  • My favorite misheard song lyrics.
  • How did I tell my best friend that I love her?
  • I have a personal experience of watching a ghost dancing on the terrace.
  • Higher education is a guarantee to be a successful person.
  • How to get a toddler to go to sleep in 595 easy steps?
  • My worst encounter with my ex?
  • Have you ever mixed a pina colada with coffee?
  • When nothing goes right, go left.
  • The worst date I ever had.
  • The day my mom figured out Snapchat.

Entertaining Speech Topics for Middle School

  • The funniest thing I did to my father
  • How to eat deep-fried Oreos in 259 easy steps
  • Once I shot milk out of my nose.
  • When I donā€™t want to go to school, I tell my mom that my stomach is hurting.
  • I popped in my pants on my first day at school.
  • I want to marry Cameron Diaz.
  • Donā€™t eat vegetables; they have feelings too.
  • Kids should have an hourā€™s break to watch cartoons in school.
  • I lied to my teacher about my grannyā€™s death.
  • Can I have jalapeno on my dark chocolate fudge cake?

Entertaining Speech Topics for Grade 8

  • Worst Twitter mistakes.
  • My most embarrassing childhood memory.
  • What are the major features of the city of the future?
  • The funniest thing Iā€™ve ever heard.
  • The most memorable childhood moment.
  • What is your favorite song?
  • Worst messages on a birthday card?
  • Funny informative speech topics.
  • What your favorite weather says about you.
  • Tallest basketball players of all time.

Entertaining Speech Topics for Grade 7

  • The most embarrassing moment in my life and what it taught me
  • A day in the life of my pet: adventures and misadventures
  • Epic dance moves and how I perfected them
  • Fashion trends that should never come back
  • Funny faux pas: my biggest social blunders
  • Lessons learned from my most hilarious mistakes
  • The day I tried to cook: a comedy of errors
  • My funniest family vacation: stories from the road
  • The perks and pitfalls of being a middle schooler
  • The ultimate guide to surviving an awkward school dance

Entertaining/Funny Speech Topics For Kids

  • The great pillow fight
  • The secret life of pets
  • Superhero fashion fails
  • The misadventures of a tooth fairy
  • Pirate problems
  • The case of the missing socks
  • Alien invasion
  • The wacky world of wizards
  • Dinosaur disco
  • The chronicles of silly science experiments

Entertaining Speech Topics For Grade 5

  • The adventures of a talking parrot
  • Superhero sidekicks
  • My magical time machine
  • Silly sports mishaps
  • The amazing world of animal acrobats
  • Time-traveling tacos
  • Space explorers and alien encounters
  • The mystery of the haunted school
  • Musical mayhem
  • The great candy caper

Amazing Entertaining Speech Topics

Here are some entertainment speech ideas across various categories. Review them to find the one that best suits your needs.

Easy Entertaining Speech Topics

  • The worst pickup lines.
  • Fashion trends and the embarrassing moments they create
  • How to lie efficiently?
  • Adults are a weird species.
  • How to tell someone to get lost without saying the word ā€˜get lostā€™?
  • You need to be young and stupid to get old and wise.
  • From disco fever to TikTok trends
  • Life should come with background music and pleasant air.
  • I donā€™t need to make notes; Iā€™ll remember everything.
  • Whenever I need expert advice, I talk to myself.
  • A day in the life of a fashion faux pas

Good Entertaining Speech Topics

  • How to become friends with a 3 years old baby?
  • A silent woman is more dangerous than an angry tiger.
  • How to win an argument when you know that you are wrong?
  • Lessons learned from fashion fails
  • I regret all those naps that I didnā€™t take as a child.
  • A manā€™s ā€œIā€™ll be there in 5 minutesā€ is the same as a womanā€™s ā€œIā€™ll be ready in 5 minutesā€.
  • How to control your laugh at a serious moment?
  • The day I tried to impress with my dance moves.
  • If you donā€™t like me, raise your standards.
  • How to keep your parent off of Facebook?

Motivational and Interesting Entertaining Speech Topics

  • Iā€™m not weird; Iā€™m just the limited edition.
  • My life seems to me like a test I didnā€™t study for.
  • People make mistakes, just to be sure.
  • Always keep smiling; it drives people crazy.
  • We should have a day every week in which we can be as useless as a ā€œPā€ in psychology.
  • If you donā€™t like me, no problem, everyone doesnā€™t have good taste.
  • Before you decide to marry someone, you should see how they react to traffic congestion.
  • Cinderella is proof that a pair of shoes can change your life.
  • There is a woman rolling her eyes behind every successful man.
  • How to love Mondays?

Informative Entertaining Speech Topics

  • The best things in life are not free.
  • We cannot live without the English language.
  • The new American dream is to balance work and social life.
  • Girls are beautiful, even without makeup.
  • Why we should not completely rely on autocorrect?
  • How to be the center of attention?
  • The correct way to lie?
  • The right way to make your spouse do the dishes?
  • How to make the best pancakes?
  • How to fall out of love in 508 steps?

Impromptu Entertaining Speech Topics 

  • Why Iā€™m still single?
  • My weekend plans mean that I want to stay at home, watch Netflix, and chill.
  • How to make a horrible Valentine's Day card?
  • Why do women treat their faces like a coloring book?
  • The biggest fashion fail of the year.
  • How to behave like a princess?
  • How to win an argument?
  • How to play with someoneā€™s feelings?
  • I canā€™t believe I got the job.
  • When to give up?

Entertaining Persuasive Speech Topics 

  • Most people are all bark, but no bite. 
  • Autocorrect can ruin your life.
  • Money does not talk, but it loves to say bye-bye all the time.
  • The good news is nothing lasts forever; the bad news is nothing lasts forever.
  • Worst Instagram mistakes that everyone should avoid?
  • How to pretend that you have understood everything?
  • How to pretend to be interested?
  • How to be patient when you just canā€™t?
  • The world has real superheroes.
  • Most of the famous people out there are crazy.

Demonstrative Entertaining Speech Topics

  • How to deliver a speech in the most funny way?
  • How to tell a lie and not get caught by your mother?
  • How to steal your professorā€™s glasses?
  • How to embarrass your childhood friend in 36 ways?
  • How to make fun of your brotherā€™s snickers?
  • How to get dumped by your girlfriend?
  • How to ruin your first date?
  • How to find the love of your life on a blind date?
  • How to blame your dog for ruining your prom night?
  • How to eat nachos with vanilla ice cream?

Unique Entertaining Speech Topics

  • The art of stand-up comedy: Making people laugh through laughter therapy.
  • The unbelievable history of magic and illusion: Secrets revealed.
  • From myth to reality: The science behind superheroes.
  • The world of competitive eating: Chomping records and chasing glory.
  • The language of memes: A new form of global communication.
  • Inside the world of extreme sports: Thrills, risks, and triumphs.
  • The mystery of unsolved mysteries: The art of investigation.
  • The evolution of video games: From Pong to virtual reality.
  • The power of laughter: How comedy can heal and bring people together.
  • The peculiar habits of famous inventors: Where genius meets eccentricity.

Entertainment Speech Topics About Love 

  • Why is it always the wrong person who seems like your perfect match?
  • Is chivalry truly dead, or are we just looking for it in the wrong places?
  • The science of love: Butterflies, breakups, and everything in between.
  • From Netflix and chill to forever and a day
  • Can social media actually help you find love, or is it just a recipe for disaster?
  • How to say "I'm sorry" and actually mean it.
  • Love languages: decoding the secret code to a happy relationship.
  • Funny first date stories
  • Is getting married a happily ever after, or just the beginning of the adventure?
  • To pet or not to pet? The surprisingly important role of animals in love.

Tips for Writing a Hilarious Entertaining Speech

Hopefully, you will have chosen the topic for your speech by now. Letā€™s compose an entertaining speech structure. The following tips will help you organize your speech:

  • Start the speech by introducing yourself.
  • Conduct research and collect some fun facts and details about the topic.
  • Craft an outline to organize your content logically.
  • Hit the audience with a humorous and attention-grabbing statement.
  • Give some reasons for the audience to listen to or agree with what is being said.
  • Include some funny and humorous things to make your speech interesting and entertaining.
  • You can use funny quotes and dialogue to make your speech effective.
  • Once you are done with the writing process, practice delivering it.
  • Practice as much as you can and try to include some funny gestures. 

To Sum it Up, 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can i make my speech more entertaining.

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To make your speech more entertaining:

  • Use humor and personal anecdotes.
  • Incorporate vivid descriptions and expressive body language.
  • Engage the audience with rhetorical questions or interactive elements.

What is the most famous entertaining speech?

One of the most famous entertaining speeches is "The Gettysburg Address" by Abraham Lincoln.

What is a fun way to start a speech?

A fun way to start a speech:

  • Start with a humorous or unexpected anecdote that relates to your topic.
  • Begin with a surprising fact or statistic to grab attention.
  • Use a relevant quote or a joke that sets the tone for your speech.

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Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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Croton Harmon's anti-harassment policies doesnā€™t prohibit free speech. It saves lives

Like many kids his age, my 5-year-old loves wearing nail polish. Sam makes me paint each fingernail a different color: a mint green, a sparkly navy, deep violet, and two different shades of pink. It astounds me that he's capable of sitting patiently at the dining table for a full 10 minutes while his nails dry. (He can keep still for 30 seconds during dinnertime.)

I donā€™t know who my son will love or how heā€™ll identify as he grows, but Iā€™m grateful both of my children live in Croton-On-Hudson, our small village in upper Westchester that largely supports the LGBTQ community. After learning about Pride at her elementary school last year, I asked my 8-year-old daughter what Pride is about, and she responded: ā€œItā€™s about being proud to be yourself.ā€

Last week, three parents within my childrenā€™s school district, Croton Harmon, filed a lawsuit ā€” with the support of the national anti-DEI organization, Parents Defending Education ā€” with the argument that their children have the right to not use the pronouns that transgender or nonbinary students identify with, claiming free speech violations.

This comes a year after the New York State Department of Education updated its guidance to protect gender-expansive studentsā€™ desire to be addressed by their correct pronouns. The guidance reads: ā€œThe student is in charge of their gender transition and the schoolā€™s role is to provide support.ā€

I first learned about the lawsuit when I ran into a fellow district parent who has a gender-expansive child.

ā€œDid you see this?ā€ she said, handing me her phone to read the headline. ā€œIā€™m a wreck about it.ā€

We were at a school function which should have been joyful.

ā€œIā€™m sure it will get thrown out of court," she askedm "but what if it intimidates the district?ā€

She, and several other parents, have been working hard to create a safe environment for LGBTQ youth in the schools.

Our district is not the first to be targeted by the organization, which has been filing lawsuits against various school districts across the country in the interest of further propelling the DEI backlash that has been dominating the public conversation nationwide.

The irony is that while the parents behind the lawsuit claim their efforts to ā€œdepoliticizeā€ the school district, in reality it will only create more division and polarization among the community ā€” and distract the students from what theyā€™re there for: to create a learning environment that is respectful and safe. It doesnā€™t feel unintentional that this lawsuit is being filed during Pride Month.

More importantly, what the parents behind this lawsuit havenā€™t considered are the dangerous consequences of their actions. Across the country, one in twenty young adults now identify as nonbinary or transgender. But bullying is still rampant across the country: In 2019, nearly half of transgender youth have been bullied on school property. Studies also show bullying and discrimination have a direct impact on their mental health. In 2021, over half of trans and nonbinary youth have considered attempting suicide.

But LGBTQ youth who had access to spaces that affirm their sexual orientation and gender identity report lower rates of attempting suicide. Trans and nonbinary youth who reported having their pronouns respected by all the people they lived with attempted suicide at half the rate of those who did not have their pronouns respected by anyone with whom they lived.So, the research is clear: using the correct pronouns for trans and nonbinary youth ā€” and respecting how they identify ā€” can protect their mental health and even save lives. Does allowing our children to bully their peers really trump the safety and lives of our young people?

Iā€™m thankful Croton Harmon School District isn't taking the bait. In their statement in response to the lawsuit, they said: ā€œ[W]e see schools as places where students feel comfortable in, and celebrated for, their own identity and are positioned to make positive contributions to our society. Speech that is harmful to students ā€¦ is not welcome in our schools, and does not align with our beliefs as a school district community. [W]e will not allow a lawsuit, or other extraneous political factors, to distract us from the work of making that vision into a reality for all of our students, staff members, and community.ā€

This is a stance to be proud of. And I feel safe knowing that as my kids grow up, they are learning in an environment where they are ā€œproud to be themselves.ā€ In other words, their humanity is accepted, and not endangered. Those are values we should all strive for for our children, and no bogus attempt to divide our beautiful and accepting community will take that away from us.

Vanessa Valenti is a media consultant and writer. She lives with her two children in Croton-on-Hudson.

This article originally appeared on Rockland/Westchester Journal News: Croton Harmon Districtā€™s anti-harassment policies save lives

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Biden is a threat to free speech. Trump should call him on it.

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Since his dystopian speech outside of Independence Hall in 2022, President Joe Biden has made " democracy is on the ballot " his campaign theme. Pundits have repeated the mantra, claiming that if Biden is not elected, American democracy will perish .

While some of us have  challenged these predictions , the other presidential candidates are missing a far more compelling argument going into this election. While democracy is not on the ballot this election, free speech is.

The 2024 election is looking strikingly similar to the election of 1800 and, if so, it does not bode well for Biden.

In my book " The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage ," released last week, I discuss our long struggle with free speech as a nation. It is an unvarnished history with powerful stories of our heroes and villains in the struggle to define what Justice Louis Brandeis called our "indispensable right."

One of the greatest villains in that history was President John Adams, who used the Alien and Sedition Acts to arrest his political opponents ā€“ including journalists, members of Congress and others. Many of those prosecuted by the Adams administration were Jeffersonians. In the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson ran on the issue and defeated Adams.

Government efforts to limit free speech are Orwellian

We are now seeing what is arguably the most dangerous anti-free speech movement in our history. President Joe Biden is, in my view, the most anti-free speech president since Adams. Under his administration, we have seen a massive censorship system funded and directed by the government.

A federal judge described the system as " Orwellian " in its scope and impact.

Biden has repeatedly called for greater censorship and accused social media companies of ā€œ killing people ā€ by not silencing more dissenting voices. Other Democrats such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts have pushed for restrictions on "unacceptable" speech.

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The Biden administration seeks to censor even true statements as disinformation.

For example, I testified before Congress last year on how Jen Easterly, who heads the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, extended her agencyā€™s mandate over critical infrastructure to include ā€œ our cognitive infrastructure .ā€ The resulting censorship efforts included combating ā€œmalinformationā€ ā€“ described as information ā€œbased on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.ā€

The left has picked up the cudgels of censorship and blacklisting once used against them. During the McCarthy period , liberals were called "communist sympathizers." Now, conservative justices are called  "insurrectionist sympathizers."

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Candidates should call out Biden on censorship

In this election, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Jill Stein, Donald Trump and Cornel West should talk about the threats against free speech at every debate and stump speech. They will have to overcome a news media that has been complicit in the attacks on free speech, but these candidates can break through by raising it as a key issue dividing Biden from the rest of the field.

Democrats and the news media have hammered away at cracking down on those accused of "disinformation." The public, however, has not been won over by those seeking to limit their right of free speech or the push to amend the First Amendment because it's too "aggressively individualistic."

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So far, the anti-free speech movement has flourished largely in the echo chambers of academia and the media. It is time for the public to render its judgment.

As discussed in my book, we are hardwired for free speech. It is in our DNA. Despite these periods of crackdowns on free speech, we have always rejected those who wanted to regulate the views of others. Jefferson called the Federalists ā€œ the reign of the witches .ā€ (Ironically, Jefferson would himself prosecute critics, though not to the same extent as Adams).

Attacks on free speech have returned with a vengeance before another presidential election. After fighting in the courts and in the public to expand censorship, Biden should now have to defend it with the voters. Let's have at it, as we did in 1800.

Free speech is again on the ballot. It is time for the public to decide.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University and the author of " The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage ."

You can read diverse opinions from our USA TODAY columnists and other writers on the Opinion front page , on X, formerly Twitter, @usatodayopinion and in our Opinion newsletter .

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: What should Trump say at the debate? Call out Biden about free speech

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Jonathan Majors addresses conviction in award acceptance speech: 'I reckon folks want to know about this last year'

The actor, who was honored at the Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards on Friday, also acknowledged his "shortcomings."

Emlyn Travis is a news writer at Ā Entertainment WeeklyĀ  with over five years of experience covering the latest in entertainment. A proud Kingston University alum, Emlyn has written about music, fandom, film, television, and awards for multiple outlets including MTV News,Ā  Teen Vogue ,Ā Bustle,Ā BuzzFeed,Ā  Paper Magazine ,Ā Dazed, andĀ NME. She joined EW in August 2022.

Jonathan Majors says that his faith was ā€œtestedā€ and ā€œstrengthenedā€ after being convicted in his domestic violence trial .

The former Marvel star, who is currently completing a 52-week in-person battererā€™s intervention program as part of his sentencing, delivered a 14-minute-long speech through tears as he accepted the Perseverance Award at the 2024 Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards on Friday. 

"I reckon folks want to know about this last year. As a Black man in the criminal justice system, I felt anger. I felt sadness, hurt, surprise. When they snatched me up out of my apartment in handcuffs, I didn't feel like all that," Majors said while standing onstage at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles. "I didn't feel like Jonathan Majors. Mr. Creed. Mr. Kangā€¦ I felt like a little scared, weak boy, despite the support and the evidence that was in my favor. I knew s--- was bad. It was bad because of who I was and what I am."

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The Creed III actor was found guilty of one count of assault and one count of harassment in relation to a domestic dispute with his then-girlfriend Grace Jabbari last December. He did not serve prison time for the convictions, but was ordered by a Manhattan court criminal judge to attend the intervention program as well as continue his mental health therapy.  

Majors admitted that he was fully aware of his own ā€œshortcomingsā€ during his speech. "We live in a world where men ā€”Ā Black men in particularĀ ā€” are propped up as either superheroes or super villains,ā€ he said. ā€œBut I've come to realize, me personally, I ain't none of that. It was fun, but Iā€™m just meā€¦ Iā€™m imperfect. I have shortcomings, I acknowledge them."

He noted that his ā€œfaith has been tested and has been strengthenedā€ over the last year. ā€œIā€™ll say this: there will be moments in your life where things get dark ā€” and I mean really dark ā€”Ā and Iā€™ve seen them depths. Iā€™ve seen that darkness in myself,ā€ Majors said. ā€œIā€™ve sat in that pitch black, and what I've learned is that when you catch a glimpse of light, you run as hard and as fast as you can towards it. And I will never take that light for granted again.ā€

The Loki alum also took a moment to thank his family, his girlfriend Meagan Good, and several other celebrities for their support, including Will Smith,Ā Tyler Perry, David Oyelowo, Whoopi Goldberg, and his Lovecraft Country costar, Courtney B. Vance.Ā 

ā€œDisappointment is a hell of a teacher,ā€ Majors said. ā€œIt teaches you what is divinely authorized cannot be edited or deleted. It demands that you move with a heightened discernment and confidently abstain from what does not serve you. It can also gift you with a bittersweet lesson of that acceptance.ā€

He added, ā€œI received this award not just as an acknowledgement that I have persevered, but as a command to be there for others and to help them when and if their trials come."

The Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards announced earlier this month that Majors would be the recipient of the Perseverance Award. The event, hosted by Tiffany Haddish, also honored Christian Louboutin with the Innovator Award, rapper Fat Joe with the Culture Award, and Cardi B with the Inspiration Award.

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'Nasty woman' and 'bad hombres' Remember these viral moments from past debates?

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Ever since the first televised presidential debate in 1960, face-offs between candidates have been more about their political performances and less about a platform for policy discussions. And few things make any performance, political or not, as impactful as memorable one-liners.

With 2024's first on-stage showdown between President Joe Biden and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump days away, here are some of the most unforgettable wisecracks , comical sound bites and searing retorts from more than 50 years of televised debates.

'There you go again': Carter v. Reagan, 1980

Some quotes have gone from post-debate fodder to permanent additions to the American political lexicon.

Chief among them is Republican Ronald Reagan's quip to his Democratic opponent, President Jimmy Carter, during their 1980 debate. In response to Carterā€™s criticisms that the former California governor campaigned against Medicare, Reagan remarked, "There you go again," a linguistic equivalent of an eye-roll.

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It was one of two quotable moments from the would-be Republican victor, along with his question to voters, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?ā€

'My opponent's youth and inexperience': Reagan v. Mondale, 1984

Reagan continued to deliver memorable one-liners during his 1984 campaign against Democratic opponent Walter Mondale.

By the second presidential debate, Reagan was 73 years old ā€“ already theĀ  oldest president Ā in U.S. history at the time. When asked if he was too old to be president, heĀ responded,Ā ā€œI will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponentā€™s youth and inexperience .ā€

By turning the question on its head, Reagan poked fun at his opponent and deflected attention from his advanced age.

'Job-sucking sound': Perot v. Bush v. Clinton, 1992

Ross Perot remains the first and only third-party candidate to qualify for the presidential debate stage. During a first-of-its-kind televised town hall format against Democratic nominee Bill Clinton and Republican President George H. W. Bush, Perot said Americans should expect a "job-sucking sound going south" as companies moved to Mexico to cut costs if Congress approved NAFTA.

The phrase morphed into ā€œ a giant sucking sound ,ā€ according to policy expert James M. Lindsay, and entered became a "pithy way" to summarize the case against free trade.

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'An ironclad lockbox':Ā Gore v. Bush, 2000

Though Vice President Al Gore was considered the more battle-tested candidate against Republican Governor George W. Bush, Gore's debate snafus did not instill the most confidence.

He was caught several times throughout the pair's three televised debates audibly sighing, rolling his eyes, or looking visibly exasperated. And during the first debate, Gore caught attention in other ways, repeating the words "lockbox" or "locked box" seven times when referring to Medicare and Social Security. "I think we need to put Medicare and Social Security in a lockbox," Gore said during the debate. "The governor will not put Medicare in a lockbox."

Saturday Night Live had a field day with "lockbox" shortly afterward.

'Youā€™re likable enough': Obama v. Clinton, 2008

A moderator's question about likeability resulted in one of the most withering responses from Obama during a 2008 debate against Sen. Hillary Clinton.

"What can you say to the voters of New Hampshire on this stage tonight who see your resume and like it but are hesitating on the likability issue, where they seem to like Barack Obama more?" the moderator asked Clinton.

"Heā€™s very likable. I agree with that," Clinton responded. "I donā€™t think Iā€™m that bad."

Obama's response: "Youā€™re likable enough, Hillary."

'Binders full of women': Romney v. Obama, 2012

Republican nominee Mitt Romneyā€™s most viral moment during the 2012 debates against President Barack Obama veered closer to comedy than critiques.

In response to a question about equal pay for women in the workforce, Romney said he was disappointed with the lack of women applying for jobs to join his cabinet as Massachusetts governor. He said he tried to recruit qualified women for the roles. I went to a number of women's groups and said, 'Can you help us find folks?' and they brought us whole binders full of women." The "binders full of women" sound bite exploded on social media platforms.

'The 1980s are calling': Obama v. Romney, 2012

In a different debate, Obama poked fun at Mitt Romney after the GOP challenger saidĀ Russia was the biggestĀ geopolitical foe facing the U.S. Obama went on the attack, claiming Romney said Russia, notĀ al-Qaida, was the country's biggest threat.

Fact-checks at the time differentiated between foe and threat, which the two briefly sparred over, but still led to the President's headline-grabbing zinger: ā€œThe 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold Warā€™s been over for 20 years," Obama said.

ā€˜Such a Nasty Womanā€™: Trump v. Clinton, 2016

The third presidential debate between Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump was memorable, with critics accusing Trump of stalking Clinton around the stage.

But one of the most significant lines came from the soon-to-be-president when he referred to Clinton as ā€œsuch a nasty womanā€ in response to her talking points on how to improve the Social Security program. It was widely seen as a sexist insult. However, the phrase took on new meaning and helped launch a feminist movement of self-proclaimed ā€œ nasty women ā€ rallying against Trump in the 2016 race.

'Bad hombres': Trump v. Clinton, 2016

Trump didn't stop with "nasty woman." In answering a question about how he would handle border security, Trump said his first priority in the White HouseĀ would be to get "drug lords" and other undocumented immigrants out of the country.

"Once the border is secured, at a later date, weā€™ll make a determination as to the rest. But we have some bad hombres here, and weā€™re going to get them out,ā€ he said, using the Spanish word for men.

The term was panned as racist in alluding to Latino men as dangerous or criminal. It was a continuation of language used by Trump throughout his candidacy, after kicking off his campaign by calling Mexicans entering the country "rapists" and drug dealers.Ā 

'Will you shut up, man?': Biden v. Trump, 2020

As far as debate chaos goes, Biden's debate against then-President Trump tops the list. As they discussed the open seat on the Supreme Court and the prospect of ending the filibuster, Trump repeatedly interrupted his opponent, leading to a jumble of the two talking over the other and the moderator attempting to take control of the conversation. The back-and-forth ended withĀ Biden finally saying: ā€œ Will you shut up, man ?ā€

Contributing: USA TODAY's Ledyard King, Rebecca Morin and Melissa Cruz

Kathryn Palmer is an elections fellow for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] and follow her on X @KathrynPlmr.


  1. (DOC) A Sample of an Entertainment Speech

    what is entertainment speeches

  2. Entertainment speech

    what is entertainment speeches

  3. How to Write an Entertaining Speech: Guide, Tips, and Example

    what is entertainment speeches

  4. How to Write an Entertaining Speech: Guide, Tips, and Example

    what is entertainment speeches

  5. Entertainment Speech Examples And Its Definition

    what is entertainment speeches

  6. Types Of Entertainment Speech The Introduction Speech Typically Names

    what is entertainment speeches



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  6. Entertainment speech


  1. 18.1 Understanding Entertaining Speeches

    Entertaining speeches are speeches designed to captivate an audience's attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a clear message. Speakers engage in entertaining speeches generally at special occasions (e.g., weddings, funerals) or are asked to deliver a keynote address. Entertaining speeches should include four key considerations ...

  2. 15.2: Understanding Entertaining Speeches

    15.2: Understanding Entertaining Speeches. In broad terms, an entertaining speech is a speech designed to captivate an audience's attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a message. Like more traditional informative or persuasive speeches, entertaining speeches should communicate a clear message, but the manner of speaking used in ...

  3. Entertainment Speech

    An entertainment speech is a type of speech designed primarily to amuse, engage, and captivate the audience. Unlike speeches that aim to inform, persuade, or instruct, the primary goal of an entertainment speech is to provide enjoyment and create a pleasant experience for the listeners. This type of speech can be delivered in various settings ...

  4. 18.1: Understanding Entertaining Speeches

    In broad terms, an entertaining speech is a speech designed to captivate an audience's attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a message. Like more traditional informative or persuasive speeches, entertaining speeches should communicate a clear message, but the manner of speaking used in an entertaining speech is typically different.

  5. Understanding Entertaining Speeches

    Entertaining speeches are speeches designed to captivate an audience's attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a clear message. Speakers engage in entertaining speeches generally at special occasions (e.g., weddings, funerals) or are asked to deliver a keynote address. Entertaining speeches should include four key considerations ...

  6. 43 18.1 Understanding Entertaining Speeches

    Entertaining speeches are speeches designed to captivate an audience's attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a clear message. Speakers engage in entertaining speeches generally at special occasions (e.g., weddings, funerals) or are asked to deliver a keynote address. Entertaining speeches should include four key considerations ...

  7. Types of Speeches: The Entertaining Speech

    Here are the previous posts in this "Type of Speeches" series: The Keynote Address. The Training Session. The Motivational Speech. The next post in this series is The Demonstration. Growing As a Person - Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of Personal Growth. Public Speaking Tip #29: Respecting Time Limits.

  8. Chapter 18: Speaking to Entertain

    Alan Bell - Entertaining - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Often the speaking opportunities life brings our way have nothing to do specifically with informing or persuading an audience; instead, we are asked to speak to entertain. Whether you are standing up to give an award speech or a toast, knowing how to deliver speeches in a variety of different ...

  9. Types of Public Speaking: Entertaining Speaking

    Entertaining speaking is a type of public presentation that aims to captivate, engage, and delight an audience, often by evoking their emotions or appealing to their sense of humor. This form of oral communication focuses on delivering messages in an enjoyable and memorable manner while still maintaining the intended message's core essence.

  10. Entertaining Speech Topics [195 Ideas To Keep Audience Engaged]

    Rare pronounciations of ordinary words and phrases. The art of kissing. Bad hair day solutions. Shopping guide for a man. Problem solving in an entertaining way. Funny facts of life are popular topics for an entertainment speech. Golfing at night or in the snow. Lawyers and the truth. Creative marriage proposals.

  11. PRDV008: Entertaining Speeches

    After-dinner speeches are first and foremost speeches. A ceremonial speech is a type of entertaining speech where the specific context of the speech is the driving force of the speech. Common types of ceremonial speeches include introductions, toasts, and eulogies. In each of these cases, there are specific events that drive the speech.

  12. How to Write an Entertaining Speech: Guide, Tips, and Example

    Write down all your ideas (even the weirdest) and then choose the best ones. 3. Make an outline. Your entertaining speech, like an essay, should be well structured. Compose an outline and think about smooth transitions between different parts of your entertaining speech. 4.

  13. 8 Types of Speeches to Captivate Any Audience

    An entertaining speech can range from a humorous anecdote at a conference to a moving story at a fundraiser. If you want to nail this type of speech, you need to engage your listeners and leave them with a memorable message. Know Your Audience. As with any speech, understanding your audience is crucial for an entertaining speech.

  14. Entertaining Speech: 6 Tips for Amusing your Audience

    An entertaining speech is a speech that delivers its message in a fun and amusing way. Entertaining speeches are usually delivered on special occasions; weddings, award shows, etc. An entertaining speech connects with the audience on an emotional level and keeps them engaged all the way through.

  15. What is an entertaining speech?

    Entertainment speeches, like other speeches, should convey a coherent point. However, the tone of voice deviates a little from classic forms and is not formal.

  16. Understanding Entertaining Speeches

    In broad terms, an entertaining speech Speech designed to captivate an audience's attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a clear message. is a speech designed to captivate an audience's attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a message. Like more traditional informative or persuasive speeches, entertaining speeches should communicate a clear message, but the manner ...

  17. 13 Main Types of Speeches (With Examples and Tips)

    Entertaining speech Entertaining speeches aim to amuse a crowd of people. Often less formal and shorter than traditional speeches, entertaining speeches communicate emotions rather than giving the audience facts and figures. Rather, they often include humor or funny stories. You can often find entertaining speeches at a birthday party or a wedding.

  18. How to Make an Entertaining Speech and Presentation

    An entertaining speech can be about nearly any topic under the sun. While storytelling is an element of the speech, simply telling a story with no topical or thematic focus will be insufficient.

  19. Entertainment Speech Maker + Topics, Examples, & Writing Tips

    This entertainment speech generator ensures you don't worry about getting the correct vocabulary for your task. It chooses the most appropriate language based on the topic of your presentation. šŸ¦„ Inspiring. This speech maker will help you effortlessly compose an entertaining speech, saving you from terrible writer's block. šŸŽÆ Specialized.

  20. 100+ Funny and Most Entertaining Speech Topics (2024)

    The entertainment speeches are delivered on specific occasions like entertaining debate competitions, a toast at a wedding, or an award acceptance speech, etc. Comedy films, theater plays, and comedy shows are a few examples of entertainment content. How to Choose an Entertaining Speech Topic.

  21. 20.1: Understanding Entertaining Speeches

    In broad terms, an entertaining speech is a speech designed to captivate an audience's attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a message. Like more traditional informative or persuasive speeches, entertaining speeches should communicate a clear message, but the manner of speaking used in an entertaining speech is typically different.

  22. What is an entertaining speech?

    Entertaining speeches can be a great way to engage an audience and keep them interested in what you have to say. There are many different techniques that can be used to make a speech more entertaining, and the best approach depends on the specific audience and the topic of the speech. However, some common techniques for making speeches more ...

  23. Entertainment speech

    1. ENTERTAINMENT SPEECH. 2. ENTERTAINMENT SPEECH The purpose of an entertainment speech is to amuse or entertain the audience. It's not intended to share information or to persuade the audience of a particular opinion. Because of this, entertainment speeches are often humorous and may include jokes or amusing anecdotes. 3.

  24. Croton Harmon's anti-harassment policies doesn't prohibit free speech

    Like many kids his age, my 5-year-old loves wearing nail polish. Sam makes me paint each fingernail a different color: a mint green, a sparkly navy, deep violet, and two different shades of pink ...

  25. Biden is a threat to free speech. Trump should call him on it.

    Since his dystopian speech outside of Independence Hall in 2022, President Joe Biden has made "democracy is on the ballot" his campaign theme.Pundits have repeated the mantra, claiming that if Biden is not elected, American democracy will perish. While some of us have challenged these predictions, the other presidential candidates are missing a far more compelling argument going into this ...

  26. Jonathan Majors addresses conviction in award acceptance speech

    Emlyn Travis is a news writer at Entertainment Weekly with over five years of experience covering the latest in entertainment.A proud Kingston University alum, Emlyn has written about music ...

  27. Charli XCX Responds To Fans Chanting Taylor Swift Hate Speech At Concerts

    Brat held a decent fight; however, by that following day, Swift's album returned to the top spot for its sixth week.This isn't the first time the "Fortnight" singer was criticized for ...

  28. Before Thursday's debate, a look back at viral presidential showdowns

    By turning the question on its head, Reagan poked fun at his opponent and deflected attention from his advanced age. 'Job-sucking sound': Perot v.

  29. Guy Fieri Gives Touching Speech at Son Hunter's Pickleball-Themed

    Entertainment. Celebrity TV Movies Music Country Awards Sports Theater Books Royals Lifestyle ... At the end of his speech, Guy spoke of what he expects for the couple's future. "I really don ...

  30. Angelina Jolie celebrates first Tony Award win with daughter ...

    This year's Tony Awards was a bit of a family affair for Angelina Jolie and her daughter Vivienne. The pair attended the event in support of "The Outsiders," a musical based on the beloved S ...