
200+ Biotechnology Research Topics: Let’s Shape the Future

biotechnology research topics

In the dynamic landscape of scientific exploration, biotechnology stands at the forefront, revolutionizing the way we approach healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability. This interdisciplinary field encompasses a vast array of research topics that hold the potential to reshape our world. 

In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of biotechnology research topics, understanding their significance and exploring the diverse avenues that researchers are actively investigating.

Overview of Biotechnology Research

Table of Contents

Biotechnology, at its core, involves the application of biological systems, organisms, or derivatives to develop technologies and products for the benefit of humanity. 

The scope of biotechnology research is broad, covering areas such as genetic engineering, biomedical engineering, environmental biotechnology, and industrial biotechnology. Its interdisciplinary nature makes it a melting pot of ideas and innovations, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

How to Select The Best Biotechnology Research Topics?

  • Identify Your Interests

Start by reflecting on your own interests within the broad field of biotechnology. What aspects of biotechnology excite you the most? Identifying your passion will make the research process more engaging.

  • Stay Informed About Current Trends

Keep up with the latest developments and trends in biotechnology. Subscribe to scientific journals, attend conferences, and follow reputable websites to stay informed about cutting-edge research. This will help you identify gaps in knowledge or areas where advancements are needed.

  • Consider Societal Impact

Evaluate the potential societal impact of your chosen research topic. How does it contribute to solving real-world problems? Biotechnology has applications in healthcare, agriculture, environmental conservation, and more. Choose a topic that aligns with the broader goal of improving quality of life or addressing global challenges.

  • Assess Feasibility and Resources

Evaluate the feasibility of your research topic. Consider the availability of resources, including laboratory equipment, funding, and expertise. A well-defined and achievable research plan will increase the likelihood of successful outcomes.

  • Explore Innovation Opportunities

Look for opportunities to contribute to innovation within the field. Consider topics that push the boundaries of current knowledge, introduce novel methodologies, or explore interdisciplinary approaches. Innovation often leads to groundbreaking discoveries.

  • Consult with Mentors and Peers

Seek guidance from mentors, professors, or colleagues who have expertise in biotechnology. Discuss your research interests with them and gather insights. They can provide valuable advice on the feasibility and significance of your chosen topic.

  • Balance Specificity and Breadth

Strike a balance between biotechnology research topics that are specific enough to address a particular aspect of biotechnology and broad enough to allow for meaningful research. A topic that is too narrow may limit your research scope, while one that is too broad may lack focus.

  • Consider Ethical Implications

Be mindful of the ethical implications of your research. Biotechnology, especially areas like genetic engineering, can raise ethical concerns. Ensure that your chosen topic aligns with ethical standards and consider how your research may impact society.

  • Evaluate Industry Relevance

Consider the relevance of your research topic to the biotechnology industry. Industry-relevant research has the potential for practical applications and may attract funding and collaboration opportunities.

  • Stay Flexible and Open-Minded

Be open to refining or adjusting your research topic as you delve deeper into the literature and gather more information. Flexibility is key to adapting to new insights and developments in the field.

200+ Biotechnology Research Topics: Category-Wise

Genetic engineering.

  • CRISPR-Cas9: Recent Advances and Applications
  • Gene Editing for Therapeutic Purposes: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Precision Medicine and Personalized Genomic Therapies
  • Genome Sequencing Technologies: Current State and Future Prospects
  • Synthetic Biology: Engineering New Life Forms
  • Genetic Modification of Crops for Improved Yield and Resistance
  • Ethical Considerations in Human Genetic Engineering
  • Gene Therapy for Neurological Disorders
  • Epigenetics: Understanding the Role of Gene Regulation
  • CRISPR in Agriculture: Enhancing Crop Traits

Biomedical Engineering

  • Tissue Engineering: Creating Organs in the Lab
  • 3D Printing in Biomedical Applications
  • Advances in Drug Delivery Systems
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine: Theranostic Approaches
  • Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in Biomedicine
  • Wearable Biomedical Devices for Health Monitoring
  • Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine
  • Precision Oncology: Tailoring Cancer Treatments
  • Biomaterials for Biomedical Applications
  • Biomechanics in Biomedical Engineering

Environmental Biotechnology

  • Bioremediation of Polluted Environments
  • Waste-to-Energy Technologies: Turning Trash into Power
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices Using Biotechnology
  • Bioaugmentation in Wastewater Treatment
  • Microbial Fuel Cells: Harnessing Microorganisms for Energy
  • Biotechnology in Conservation Biology
  • Phytoremediation: Plants as Environmental Cleanup Agents
  • Aquaponics: Integration of Aquaculture and Hydroponics
  • Biodiversity Monitoring Using DNA Barcoding
  • Algal Biofuels: A Sustainable Energy Source

Industrial Biotechnology

  • Enzyme Engineering for Industrial Applications
  • Bioprocessing and Bio-manufacturing Innovations
  • Industrial Applications of Microbial Biotechnology
  • Bio-based Materials: Eco-friendly Alternatives
  • Synthetic Biology for Industrial Processes
  • Metabolic Engineering for Chemical Production
  • Industrial Fermentation: Optimization and Scale-up
  • Biocatalysis in Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Advanced Bioprocess Monitoring and Control
  • Green Chemistry: Sustainable Practices in Industry

Emerging Trends in Biotechnology

  • CRISPR-Based Diagnostics: A New Era in Disease Detection
  • Neurobiotechnology: Advancements in Brain-Computer Interfaces
  • Advances in Nanotechnology for Healthcare
  • Computational Biology: Modeling Biological Systems
  • Organoids: Miniature Organs for Drug Testing
  • Genome Editing in Non-Human Organisms
  • Biotechnology and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Exosome-based Therapeutics: Potential Applications
  • Biohybrid Systems: Integrating Living and Artificial Components
  • Metagenomics: Exploring Microbial Communities

Ethical and Social Implications

  • Ethical Considerations in CRISPR-Based Gene Editing
  • Privacy Concerns in Personal Genomic Data Sharing
  • Biotechnology and Social Equity: Bridging the Gap
  • Dual-Use Dilemmas in Biotechnological Research
  • Informed Consent in Genetic Testing and Research
  • Accessibility of Biotechnological Therapies: Global Perspectives
  • Human Enhancement Technologies: Ethical Perspectives
  • Biotechnology and Cultural Perspectives on Genetic Modification
  • Social Impact Assessment of Biotechnological Interventions
  • Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

  • Machine Learning in Biomedical Data Analysis
  • Network Biology: Understanding Biological Systems
  • Structural Bioinformatics: Predicting Protein Structures
  • Data Mining in Genomics and Proteomics
  • Systems Biology Approaches in Biotechnology
  • Comparative Genomics: Evolutionary Insights
  • Bioinformatics Tools for Drug Discovery
  • Cloud Computing in Biomedical Research
  • Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostics and Treatment
  • Computational Approaches to Vaccine Design

Health and Medicine

  • Vaccines and Immunotherapy: Advancements in Disease Prevention
  • CRISPR-Based Therapies for Genetic Disorders
  • Infectious Disease Diagnostics Using Biotechnology
  • Telemedicine and Biotechnology Integration
  • Biotechnology in Rare Disease Research
  • Gut Microbiome and Human Health
  • Precision Nutrition: Personalized Diets Using Biotechnology
  • Biotechnology Approaches to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
  • Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Global Health
  • Biotechnology in Aging Research and Longevity

Agricultural Biotechnology

  • CRISPR and Gene Editing in Crop Improvement
  • Precision Agriculture: Integrating Technology for Crop Management
  • Biotechnology Solutions for Food Security
  • RNA Interference in Pest Control
  • Vertical Farming and Biotechnology
  • Plant-Microbe Interactions for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Biofortification: Enhancing Nutritional Content in Crops
  • Smart Farming Technologies and Biotechnology
  • Precision Livestock Farming Using Biotechnological Tools
  • Drought-Tolerant Crops: Biotechnological Approaches

Biotechnology and Education

  • Integrating Biotechnology into STEM Education
  • Virtual Labs in Biotechnology Teaching
  • Biotechnology Outreach Programs for Schools
  • Online Courses in Biotechnology: Accessibility and Quality
  • Hands-on Biotechnology Experiments for Students
  • Bioethics Education in Biotechnology Programs
  • Role of Internships in Biotechnology Education
  • Collaborative Learning in Biotechnology Classrooms
  • Biotechnology Education for Non-Science Majors
  • Addressing Gender Disparities in Biotechnology Education

Funding and Policy

  • Government Funding Initiatives for Biotechnology Research
  • Private Sector Investment in Biotechnology Ventures
  • Impact of Intellectual Property Policies on Biotechnology
  • Ethical Guidelines for Biotechnological Research
  • Public-Private Partnerships in Biotechnology
  • Regulatory Frameworks for Gene Editing Technologies
  • Biotechnology and Global Health Policy
  • Biotechnology Diplomacy: International Collaboration
  • Funding Challenges in Biotechnology Startups
  • Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Biotechnological Research

Biotechnology and the Environment

  • Biotechnology for Air Pollution Control
  • Microbial Sensors for Environmental Monitoring
  • Remote Sensing in Environmental Biotechnology
  • Climate Change Mitigation Using Biotechnology
  • Circular Economy and Biotechnological Innovations
  • Marine Biotechnology for Ocean Conservation
  • Bio-inspired Design for Environmental Solutions
  • Ecological Restoration Using Biotechnological Approaches
  • Impact of Biotechnology on Biodiversity
  • Biotechnology and Sustainable Urban Development

Biosecurity and Biosafety

  • Biosecurity Measures in Biotechnology Laboratories
  • Dual-Use Research and Ethical Considerations
  • Global Collaboration for Biosafety in Biotechnology
  • Security Risks in Gene Editing Technologies
  • Surveillance Technologies in Biotechnological Research
  • Biosecurity Education for Biotechnology Professionals
  • Risk Assessment in Biotechnology Research
  • Bioethics in Biodefense Research
  • Biotechnology and National Security
  • Public Awareness and Biosecurity in Biotechnology

Industry Applications

  • Biotechnology in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Bioprocessing Innovations for Drug Production
  • Industrial Enzymes and Their Applications
  • Biotechnology in Food and Beverage Production
  • Applications of Synthetic Biology in Industry
  • Biotechnology in Textile Manufacturing
  • Cosmetic and Personal Care Biotechnology
  • Biotechnological Approaches in Renewable Energy
  • Advanced Materials Production Using Biotechnology
  • Biotechnology in the Automotive Industry

Miscellaneous Topics

  • DNA Barcoding in Species Identification
  • Bioart: The Intersection of Biology and Art
  • Biotechnology in Forensic Science
  • Using Biotechnology to Preserve Cultural Heritage
  • Biohacking: DIY Biology and Citizen Science
  • Microbiome Engineering for Human Health
  • Environmental DNA (eDNA) for Biodiversity Monitoring
  • Biotechnology and Astrobiology: Searching for Life Beyond Earth
  • Biotechnology and Sports Science
  • Biotechnology and the Future of Space Exploration

Challenges and Ethical Considerations in Biotechnology Research

As biotechnology continues to advance, it brings forth a set of challenges and ethical considerations. Biosecurity concerns, especially in the context of gene editing technologies, raise questions about the responsible use of powerful tools like CRISPR. 

Ethical implications of genetic manipulation, such as the creation of designer babies, demand careful consideration and international collaboration to establish guidelines and regulations. 

Moreover, the environmental and social impact of biotechnological interventions must be thoroughly assessed to ensure responsible and sustainable practices.

Funding and Resources for Biotechnology Research

The pursuit of biotechnology research topics requires substantial funding and resources. Government grants and funding agencies play a pivotal role in supporting research initiatives. 

Simultaneously, the private sector, including biotechnology companies and venture capitalists, invest in promising projects. Collaboration and partnerships between academia, industry, and nonprofit organizations further amplify the impact of biotechnological research.

Future Prospects of Biotechnology Research

As we look to the future, the integration of biotechnology with other scientific disciplines holds immense potential. Collaborations with fields like artificial intelligence, materials science, and robotics may lead to unprecedented breakthroughs. 

The development of innovative technologies and their application to global health and sustainability challenges will likely shape the future of biotechnology.

In conclusion, biotechnology research is a dynamic and transformative force with the potential to revolutionize multiple facets of our lives. The exploration of diverse biotechnology research topics, from genetic engineering to emerging trends like synthetic biology and nanobiotechnology, highlights the breadth of possibilities within this field. 

However, researchers must navigate challenges and ethical considerations to ensure that biotechnological advancements are used responsibly for the betterment of society. 

With continued funding, collaboration, and a commitment to ethical practices, the future of biotechnology research holds exciting promise, propelling us towards a more sustainable and technologically advanced world.

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Top 50 Emerging Research Topics in Biotechnology

Trending Research Topics in Biotechnology

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

set of glass tube in lab

Table of contents

A. crispr and gene editing, b. synthetic biology, a. precision medicine, b. pharmacogenomics, a. nanoparticles in medicine, b. nanosensors and diagnostics, a. cancer immunotherapy, b. vaccine technology, a. bioremediation and bioenergy, b. agricultural biotechnology.

Biotechnology is a dynamic field that continuously shapes our world, enabling innovation, breakthroughs, and solutions to various challenges. As we move into the future, numerous emerging research areas promise to revolutionize healthcare, agriculture, environmental sustainability, and more. The top 50 emerging research topics in biotechnology are presented in this article.

1. Gene Editing and Genomic Engineering

an artist s illustration of artificial intelligence ai this image depicts how ai could assist in genomic studies and its applications it was created by artist nidia dias as part of the

Precision Medicine : Developing targeted therapies for various diseases using CRISPR/Cas9 and other gene-editing tools.

Ethical Implications : Exploring and addressing ethical concerns surrounding CRISPR use in human embryos and germline editing.

Agricultural Advancements : Enhancing crop resistance and nutritional content through gene editing of improved farm outcomes.

Gene Drive Technology : Investigating the potential of gene drive technology to control vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue fever.

Regulatory Frameworks : Establishing global regulations for responsible gene editing applications in different fields.

Bioengineering Microbes : Creating engineered microorganisms for sustainable production of fuels, pharmaceuticals, and materials.

Designer Organisms : Designing novel organisms with specific functionalities for environmental remediation or industrial processes.

Cell-Free Systems : Developing cell-free systems for various applications, including drug production and biosensors.

Biosecurity Measures : Addressing concerns regarding the potential misuse of synthetic biology for bioterrorism.

Standardization and Automation : Standardizing synthetic biology methodologies and automating processes to streamline production.

2. Personalized Medicine and Pharmacogenomics

green purple flower

Individualized Treatment : Tailoring medical treatment based on a person’s genetic makeup and environmental factors.

Cancer Therapy : Advancing targeted cancer therapies based on the genetic profile of tumors and patients.

Data Analytics : Implementing big data and AI for comprehensive analysis of genomic and clinical data to improve treatment outcomes.

Clinical Implementation : Integrating genetic testing into routine clinical practice for personalized healthcare.

Public Health and Policy : Addressing the challenges of integrating personalized medicine into public health policies and practices.

Drug Development : Optimizing drug development based on individual genetic variations to improve efficacy and reduce side effects.

Adverse Drug Reactions : Understanding genetic predispositions to adverse drug reactions and minimizing risks.

Dosing Optimization : Tailoring drug dosage based on an individual’s genetic profile for better treatment outcomes.

Economic Implications : Assessing the economic impact of pharmacogenomics on healthcare systems.

Education and Training : Educating healthcare professionals on integrating pharmacogenomic data into clinical practice.

3. Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine

thermometer on medical pills

Drug Delivery Systems : Developing targeted drug delivery systems using nanoparticles for enhanced efficacy and reduced side effects.

Theranostics : Integrating diagnostics and therapeutics through nanomaterials for personalized medicine.

Imaging Techniques : Advancing imaging technologies using nanoparticles for better resolution and early disease detection.

Biocompatibility and Safety : Ensuring the safety and biocompatibility of nanoparticles used in medicine.

Regulatory Frameworks : Establishing regulations for the use of nanomaterials in medical applications.

Point-of-Care Diagnostics : Developing portable and rapid diagnostic tools for various diseases using nanotechnology.

Biosensors : Creating highly sensitive biosensors for detecting biomarkers and pathogens in healthcare and environmental monitoring.

Wearable Health Monitors : Integrating nanosensors into wearable devices for continuous health monitoring.

Challenges and Limitations : Addressing challenges in scalability, reproducibility, and cost-effectiveness of nanosensor technologies.

Future Applications : Exploring potential applications of nanosensors beyond healthcare, such as environmental monitoring and food safety.

4. Immunotherapy and Vaccine Development

person holding syringe and vaccine bottle

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors : Enhancing the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors and understanding resistance mechanisms.

CAR-T Cell Therapy : Improving CAR-T cell therapy for a wider range of cancers and reducing associated side effects.

Combination Therapies : Investigating combination therapies for better outcomes in cancer treatment.

Biomarkers and Predictive Models : Identifying predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy response.

Long-Term Effects : Studying the long-term effects and immune-related adverse events of immunotherapies.

mRNA Vaccines : Advancing mRNA vaccine technology for various infectious diseases and cancers.

Universal Vaccines : Developing universal vaccines targeting multiple strains of viruses and bacteria.

Vaccine Delivery Systems : Innovating vaccine delivery methods for improved stability and efficacy.

Vaccine Hesitancy : Addressing vaccine hesitancy through education, communication, and community engagement.

Pandemic Preparedness : Developing strategies for rapid vaccine development and deployment during global health crises.

5. Environmental Biotechnology and Sustainability

person holding pine cone

Biodegradation Techniques : Using biotechnology to enhance the degradation of pollutants and contaminants in the environment.

Biofuels : Developing sustainable biofuel production methods from renewable resources.

Microbial Fuel Cells : Harnessing microbial fuel cells for energy generation from organic waste.

Circular Economy : Integrating biotechnological solutions for a circular economy and waste management.

Ecosystem Restoration : Using biotechnology for the restoration of ecosystems affected by pollution and climate change.

Genetically Modified Crops : Advancing genetically modified crops for improved yields, pest resistance, and nutritional content.

Precision Agriculture : Implementing biotechnological tools for precise and sustainable farming practices.

Climate-Resilient Crops : Developing crops resilient to climate change-induced stresses.

Micro-biome Applications : Leveraging the plant micro-biome for enhanced crop health and productivity.

Consumer Acceptance and Regulation : Addressing consumer concerns and regulatory challenges related to genetically modified crops.

The field of biotechnology is a beacon of hope for addressing the challenges of our time, offering promising solutions for healthcare, sustainability, and more. As researchers explore these emerging topics, the potential for ground-breaking discoveries and transformative applications is immense.

I hope this article will help you to find the top research topics in biotechnology that promise to revolutionize healthcare, agriculture, environmental sustainability, and more.

  • Drug delivery
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Gene editing
  • Genomic Engineering
  • Molecular Biology
  • Nanoparticles
  • Pharmacogenomics
  • Research Ideas
  • Synthetic biology

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

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Research Topics & Ideas

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

Research topics and ideas about biotechnology and genetic engineering

If you’re just starting out exploring biotechnology-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from recent studies.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan  to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Research topic idea mega list

Biotechnology Research Topic Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of biotech and genetic engineering-related research topics ideas. These are intentionally broad and generic , so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • Developing CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing techniques for treating inherited blood disorders.
  • The use of biotechnology in developing drought-resistant crop varieties.
  • The role of genetic engineering in enhancing biofuel production efficiency.
  • Investigating the potential of stem cell therapy in regenerative medicine for spinal cord injuries.
  • Developing gene therapy approaches for the treatment of rare genetic diseases.
  • The application of biotechnology in creating biodegradable plastics from plant materials.
  • The use of gene editing to enhance nutritional content in staple crops.
  • Investigating the potential of microbiome engineering in treating gastrointestinal diseases.
  • The role of genetic engineering in vaccine development, with a focus on mRNA vaccines.
  • Biotechnological approaches to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • Developing genetically engineered organisms for bioremediation of polluted environments.
  • The use of gene editing to create hypoallergenic food products.
  • Investigating the role of epigenetics in cancer development and therapy.
  • The application of biotechnology in developing rapid diagnostic tools for infectious diseases.
  • Genetic engineering for the production of synthetic spider silk for industrial use.
  • Biotechnological strategies for improving animal health and productivity in agriculture.
  • The use of gene editing in creating organ donor animals compatible with human transplantation.
  • Developing algae-based bioreactors for carbon capture and biofuel production.
  • The role of biotechnology in enhancing the shelf life and quality of fresh produce.
  • Investigating the ethics and social implications of human gene editing technologies.
  • The use of CRISPR technology in creating models for neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Biotechnological approaches for the production of high-value pharmaceutical compounds.
  • The application of genetic engineering in developing pest-resistant crops.
  • Investigating the potential of gene therapy in treating autoimmune diseases.
  • Developing biotechnological methods for producing environmentally friendly dyes.

Research topic evaluator

Biotech & GE Research Topic Ideas (Continued)

  • The use of genetic engineering in enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis in plants.
  • Biotechnological innovations in creating sustainable aquaculture practices.
  • The role of biotechnology in developing non-invasive prenatal genetic testing methods.
  • Genetic engineering for the development of novel enzymes for industrial applications.
  • Investigating the potential of xenotransplantation in addressing organ donor shortages.
  • The use of biotechnology in creating personalised cancer vaccines.
  • Developing gene editing tools for combating invasive species in ecosystems.
  • Biotechnological strategies for improving the nutritional quality of plant-based proteins.
  • The application of genetic engineering in enhancing the production of renewable energy sources.
  • Investigating the role of biotechnology in creating advanced wound care materials.
  • The use of CRISPR for targeted gene activation in regenerative medicine.
  • Biotechnological approaches to enhancing the sensory qualities of plant-based meat alternatives.
  • Genetic engineering for improving the efficiency of water use in agriculture.
  • The role of biotechnology in developing treatments for rare metabolic disorders.
  • Investigating the use of gene therapy in age-related macular degeneration.
  • The application of genetic engineering in developing allergen-free nuts.
  • Biotechnological innovations in the production of sustainable and eco-friendly textiles.
  • The use of gene editing in studying and treating sleep disorders.
  • Developing biotechnological solutions for the management of plastic waste.
  • The role of genetic engineering in enhancing the production of essential vitamins in crops.
  • Biotechnological approaches to the treatment of chronic pain conditions.
  • The use of gene therapy in treating muscular dystrophy.
  • Investigating the potential of biotechnology in reversing environmental degradation.
  • The application of genetic engineering in improving the shelf life of vaccines.
  • Biotechnological strategies for enhancing the efficiency of mineral extraction in mining.

Recent Biotech & GE-Related Studies

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in biotech, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual studies in the biotech space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of recent studies to help refine your thinking. These are actual studies,  so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Genetic modifications associated with sustainability aspects for sustainable developments (Sharma et al., 2022)
  • Review On: Impact of Genetic Engineering in Biotic Stresses Resistance Crop Breeding (Abebe & Tafa, 2022)
  • Biorisk assessment of genetic engineering — lessons learned from teaching interdisciplinary courses on responsible conduct in the life sciences (Himmel et al., 2022)
  • Genetic Engineering Technologies for Improving Crop Yield and Quality (Ye et al., 2022)
  • Legal Aspects of Genetically Modified Food Product Safety for Health in Indonesia (Khamdi, 2022)
  • Innovative Teaching Practice and Exploration of Genetic Engineering Experiment (Jebur, 2022)
  • Efficient Bacterial Genome Engineering throughout the Central Dogma Using the Dual-Selection Marker tetAOPT (Bayer et al., 2022)
  • Gene engineering: its positive and negative effects (Makrushina & Klitsenko, 2022)
  • Advances of genetic engineering in streptococci and enterococci (Kurushima & Tomita, 2022)
  • Genetic Engineering of Immune Evasive Stem Cell-Derived Islets (Sackett et al., 2022)
  • Establishment of High-Efficiency Screening System for Gene Deletion in Fusarium venenatum TB01 (Tong et al., 2022)
  • Prospects of chloroplast metabolic engineering for developing nutrient-dense food crops (Tanwar et al., 2022)
  • Genetic research: legal and ethical aspects (Rustambekov et al., 2023). Non-transgenic Gene Modulation via Spray Delivery of Nucleic Acid/Peptide Complexes into Plant Nuclei and Chloroplasts (Thagun et al., 2022)
  • The role of genetic breeding in food security: A review (Sam et al., 2022). Biotechnology: use of available carbon sources on the planet to generate alternatives energy (Junior et al., 2022)
  • Biotechnology and biodiversity for the sustainable development of our society (Jaime, 2023) Role Of Biotechnology in Agriculture (Shringarpure, 2022)
  • Plants That Can be Used as Plant-Based Edible Vaccines; Current Situation and Recent Developments (İsmail, 2022)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

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If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

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Top 50 Research Topics in Biotechnology

Table of Contents


Research in biotechnology can helps in bringing massive changes in humankind and lead to a better life. In the last few years, there have been so many leaps, and paces of innovations as scientists worldwide worked to develop and produce novel mRNA vaccinations and brought some significant developments in biotechnology. During this period, they also faced many challenges. Disturbances in the supply chain and the pandemic significantly impacted biotech labs and researchers, forcing lab managers to become ingenious in buying lab supplies, planning experiments, and using technology for maintaining research schedules.

At the beginning of 2022, existing biotech research projects are discovering progress in medicines, vaccines, disease treatment and the human body, immunology, and some viruses such as coronavirus that had such a destructive impact that we could never have expected.

The Biotech Research Technique is changing

How research is being done is changing, as also how scientists are conducting it. Affected by both B2C eCommerce and growing independence in remote and cloud-dependent working, most of the biotechnology labs are going through some digital transformations. This implies more software, automation, and AI in the biotech lab, along with some latest digital procurement plans and integrated systems for various lab operations.

In this article, we’ll discuss research topics in biotechnology for students, biotechnology project topics, biotechnology research topics for undergraduates, biotechnology thesis topics, biotechnology research topics for college students, biotechnology research paper topics, biotechnology dissertation topics, biotechnology project ideas for high school, medical biotechnology topics for presentation, research topics for life science , research topics on biotechnology , medical biotechnology topics, recent research topics in biotechnology, mini project ideas for biotechnology, pharmaceutical biotechnology topics, plant biotechnology research topics, research topics in genetics and biotechnology, final year project topics for biotechnology, biotech research project ideas, health biotechnology topics, industrial biotechnology topics, agricultural biotechnology project topics and biology thesis topics.

Look at some of the top trends in biotech research and recent Biotechnology Topics that are bringing massive changes in this vast world of science, resulting in some innovation in life sciences and biotechnology ideas .

  • Development of vaccine: Development of mRNA has been done since 1989 but has accelerated to combat the pandemic. As per many researchers, mRNA vaccines can change infectious disease control as it is a prophylactic means of disease prevention for various diseases such as flu, HIV, etc.
  • Respiratory viruses: More and more research is being done because understanding those viruses will assist in getting better protection, prohibition, and promising treatments for respiratory viruses.
  • Microvesicles and extracellular vesicles are now being focused on because of their involvement in the transportation of mRNA, miRNA, and proteins. But in what other ways can they give support to the human body? So many unknown roles of microvesicles and extracellular vesicles should be discovered.
  • RNA-based Therapeutics: Researchers focus on RNA-based therapeutics such as CAR T cells, other gene/cell therapeutics, small molecular drugs to treat more diseases and other prophylactic purposes.
  • Metabolism in cancers and other diseases: Metabolism helps convert energy and represent the chemical reactions that will sustain life. Nowadays, research is being done to study metabolism in cancers and immune cells to uncover novel ways to approach treatment and prohibition of a specific illness.

All of the ongoing research keeps the potential to bring changes in the quality of life of millions of people, prohibit and do treatment of illnesses that at present have a very high rate of mortality, and change healthcare across the world.

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Hot Research Topics in Biotech in 2022

trending research topics in biotechnology

The past few years years have seen leaps and strides of innovation as scientists have worked to develop and produce new mRNA vaccinations and made major developments in biotech research. During this time, they’ve also faced challenges. Ongoing supply chain disruptions , the Great Resignation, and the pandemic have impacted biotech labs and researchers greatly, forcing lab managers and PIs to get creative with lab supply purchasing, experiment planning, and the use of technology in order to maintain their research schedules.

“The pace of innovation specific to COVID to be able to develop both medicines related to antibodies as well as vaccines is just staggering. Those of us in the industry are in awe of the innovation we’re witnessing on a daily basis. We’ve been behind in the use of automation, software, and AI that can make our industry more efficient — that’s where we’re headed,” says Michelle Dipp, Cofounder and Managing Partner, Biospring Partners on the This is ZAGENO podcast .

At the start of 2022, current biotech research projects are exploring advancements in medicine, vaccines, the human body and treatment of disease, bacteria and immunology, and viruses like the Coronavirus that affected the globe in ways we couldn’t have anticipated.

Biotech Research Processes are Changing

As Michelle explained, the research that’s happening is changing, and so is the way that scientists conduct it. Influenced by both B2C ecommerce and the growing dependence on remote and cloud-based working, biotech labs are undergoing digital transformations . This means more software, AI, and automation in the lab, along with modern digital procurement strategies and integrated systems for lab operations.

Here are some of the top biotech research trends and recent biotech research papers that are changing the world of science and leading to innovation in life sciences.

Top 6 Biotech Research Topics for 2022

Science journals have never been more popular as they’ve been in the past several years. Resonating with the general public, biotech research papers have found their way into the hands and social media streams of interested citizens and scientists alike.

As we look to the most credible, peer-reviewed sources for recent innovations like PubMed , the Journal of Biotechnology , BioTech , and Biotechnology Journal , the trending themes in biotech research are in direct response to COVID-19, like vaccine development, respiratory virus research, and RNA-based pharmaceuticals. Additionally, there have been major advances in metabolism and the human microbiome, as well as further exploration in microvesicles.

All of the research happening has the potential to change millions of people’s quality of life, prevent and treat illnesses that currently have high mortality rates, and change healthcare around the world.

Here's what's happening in biotech research.

1. Vaccine Development mRNA vaccine development has been in the works since 1989 and was accelerated in recent years to combat the global COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers like Maruggi, Zhang, Li, Ulmer, Yu and their team believe that mRNA vaccines could change infectious disease control as we know it as a prophylactic means of disease prevention for diseases like HIV, Zika, and the flu.

Recent developments in mRNA research from Pardi, Hogan, and Weissman in 2020 explored the ways that mRNA vaccines can combat certain cancers and infectious pathogens that were previously resistant to existing vaccine options.

With new access to data from the 3.4 billion+ COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that have been administered worldwide, researchers have been able to determine the risks associated with mRNA vaccines , which brings forward new topics for research in the medical and pharmaceutical sides of the biotech industry. mRNA vaccines are faster to develop and can help prevent more diseases than traditional vaccine methods.

2. Respiratory Viruses Acute respiratory diseases (ARDs) like those caused by the SARS-CoV pathogen or the influenza virus lead to morbidity and mortality, and can lead to pneumonia, which can be fatal for immunocompromised or elderly patients — they represent a huge impact to human society.

Identifying the cause of ARDs and identifying viral infections from COVID-19 has become an issue of public health and safety, leading research groups like Zhang, Wang, and team to seek out more accurate and faster ways to detect respiratory viruses .

Understanding these respiratory virus mechanisms can help lead to better protection, prevention, and treatments for respiratory viruses, which have a mortality rate of up to 78% .

3. RNA-based Therapeutics RNA-based treatments like modified non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs), and others have been developed and studied by teams like Feng, Patil, et al (2021) to treat various diseases and conditions, including pancreatic cancer, acute renal failure, acute kidney injuries, diabetic macular edema, and advanced solid tumors.

In 2022, we expect to see further development of RNA-based therapeutics, like CAR T cells and other gene/cell therapeutics, therapeutic antibodies, and small molecular drugs to treat even more diseases and for prophylactic purposes as well.

4. Microvesicles + Extracellular Vesicles Microvesicles are coming to light due to their involvement in transporting mRNA, miRNA, and proteins — but how else might they support the human body? There are unknown functions of microvesicles and other extracellular vesicles that have yet to be discovered.

In 2020, Ratajczak and Ratajczak found that understanding microvesicles (or exosomes, microparticles) could mean understanding cell-to-cell communication , and their research showed that extracellular vesicles could transfer mRNA and proteins and modify stem cells ex vivo. This year, we look forward to seeing more research on what these tiny cell parts can do.

5. Metabolism in Cancers + Other Diseases Metabolism is the process of energy conversion in organisms and it represents the chemical reactions that sustain life. Recent research on metabolism in cancers and in immune cells has uncovered new ways to approach treatment and prevention of certain illnesses.

Take a look at Matsushita, Nakagawa, and Koike’s (2021) research on lipid metabolism in oncology and how recent advances in lipidomics technology and mass spectrometry have opened the door for new analysis of lipid profiles of certain cancers.

6. The Human Microbiome The human microbiome hosts bacteria, microorganisms, and other naturally-occurring flora that can help us and harm us. Diet, stress, drugs, and other factors shape the microbiome, leading to inflammation and an immune response of cytokines. Recent machine learning and statistical analyses of microbiome data , like that of Indias, Lahti, Nedyalkova, and team (2021) are getting smarter and smarter by removing variables and providing ways to test new hypotheses using statistical modeling.

With a deeper understanding of the microbiome, researchers like David Sinclair have shown that lifestyle changes can actually help people live healthier lives for longer . Sinclair’s lab is at the forefront of aging research and its impact on healthcare — and it’s all rooted in biotechnology and life science experiments.

Recent updates to ICD-11 and its classification of aging as a disease have led to debate, with Sinclair and colleagues advocating for the ongoing paradigm shift that biological age and chronological age are not synonymous. The implications for longevity and aging research from a funding perspective will be impacted by WHO and NIH decisions, and we anticipate seeing more biotech research on topics like epigenetics, metabolism, mitochondrial dysfunction, reproduction, and stem cell developments in the coming years.

Biotech research can change humankind, and lead to a better quality of life for generations to come. Subscribe to the ZAGENO blog to keep up with the latest topics in biotech and life sciences research and find the tech that supports biotech lab managers and PIs in their ongoing work.

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trending research topics in biotechnology

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Discover the Top 10 Trends in Biotechnology (2024)

How do emerging technologies impact the development of the biotech industry? Explore our in-depth research on 4351 bioTech startups & scaleups and get data-driven insights into solutions spanning gene editing, precision medicine, biomanufacturing, microfluidics & beyond!

Recent innovations in biotechnology are moving towards trends like artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and automation to optimize production. Consequently, there has been a rise in consumer biotech or biotechnology products targeted directly at customers instead of biopharma or healthcare businesses. Which trends in biotechnology have a big impact on the industry?

While the industry largely still focuses on medicine, startups are working on solutions ranging from food and materials to environmental monitoring. The COVID-19 pandemic really highlighted the far-reaching impact of the BioTech industry, with startups and companies biomanufacturing rapid testing kits, repurposed drugs, and vaccines. This report was published in March 2021 and updated in January 2024.

Top 10 Trends in Biotechnology (2024)

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Gene Editing
  • Precision Medicine
  • Gene Sequencing
  • Biomanufacturing
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Bioprinting
  • Microfluidics
  • Tissue Engineering

Innovation Map outlines the Top 10 BioTech Industry Trends & 20 Promising Startups

For this in-depth research on the top 10 trends in biotechnology and startups, we analyzed a sample of 4351 global startups & scaleups. This data-driven research provides innovation intelligence that helps you improve strategic decision-making by giving you an overview of emerging technologies in the biotech industry. In the Biotechnology Innovation Map below, you get a comprehensive overview of the innovation trends & startups that impact your company.

These insights are derived by working with our Big Data & Artificial Intelligence-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform , covering 3 790 000+ startups & scaleups globally. As the world’s largest resource for data on emerging companies, the SaaS platform enables you to identify relevant technologies and industry trends quickly & exhaustively.


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Tree Map reveals the Impact of the Top 10 Trends in BioTechnology on the Industry

Based on the Biotech Innovation Map, the Tree Map below illustrates the impact of the new advances in biotechnology. Startups and scaleups leverage AI, big data, and analytics to interpret the massive amounts of biological data available now to speed up innovation in the industry. Gene sequencing and gene editing technologies allow companies to understand genomes and engineer them for commercial purposes.

This facilitates applications in precision medicine and synthetic biology, with the latter employing DNA synthesis as well. Biomanufacturing enables sustainable and scalable manufacturing of a wide range of products. Lastly, startups utilize bioprinting, microfluidics, and tissue engineering to reinvent what a biotech product means – with offerings ranging from cultured meat and artificial organs to miniaturized labs.


Global Startup Heat Map covers 4351 BioTech Startups & Scaleups

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the global distribution of the 4351 exemplary startups and scaleups that we analyzed for this research. Created through the StartUs Insights Discovery Platform , the Heat Map reveals that the US is home to most of these companies while we also observe increased activity in Europe, particularly in France.

Below, you get to meet 20 out of these 4351 promising startups and scaleups as well as the solutions they develop. These 20 emerging technologies in biotechnology were hand-picked based on criteria such as founding year, location, funding raised, and more. Depending on your specific needs, your top picks might look entirely different.


Interested in exploring all 4000+ biotech startups & scaleups?

1. Artificial Intelligence

AI enables biotechnology startups to automate a wide range of processes, helping them scale up their operations. For instance, biopharma startups leverage AI to speed up the drug discovery process , screening biomarkers as well as scraping through the scientific literature to discover novel products. Image classification algorithms are employed for the swift detection of traits, such as symptoms of crop diseases in leaf images or cancer cells in medical scans.

Deep learning is another tool being utilized for microbiome analysis, phenotype screening, and rapid diagnostics development. Furthermore, AI finds application in environmental biotechnology for effective ecosystem monitoring and management.

Arpeggio Bio develops Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) platform

Arpeggio Bio is a US-based startup developing an RNA platform to guide therapeutic development. The startup’s solution uses AI to interpret RNA time series data for signaling pathway reconstruction. It turns RNA analysis data into visualizations that provide insights into how drugs affect RNA levels depending on dose, time, and tissue.

DeepTrait Identifies Genetic Markers

Swedish startup DeepTrait uses AI to identify genetic markers. The startup’s proprietary deep neural network architectures analyze genomic data to understand the genetic mechanisms of a trait. DeepTrait’s solution finds applications in plant and livestock breeding, novel drug design, and the development of diagnostics.

2. Big Data

In the realm of Biotechnology, a vast amount of data is now accessible, thanks to the expansion of omics technologies and the integration of sensors and IoT devices. This data abundance enables biotechnology startups to innovate by utilizing big data and analytics solutions. It allows biopharma companies to recruit patients for clinical trials more effectively . Startups and companies deploy bioinformatics solutions to develop better feed, improve crop and livestock varieties, and explore undiscovered microbes.

Fresh Wind Biotechnologies advances Cancer Treatment

US startup Fresh Wind Biotechnologies develops a platform that leverages vast biological datasets to inform and improve the development of personalized cancer treatments. The startup’s technology, Adoptive Cell Therapy (ACT) , enhances patients’ immune cells to target cancer effectively. It also specializes in Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte (TIL) therapy, which isolates, activates, and expands a patient’s T cells.

BioBox Analytics develops Genomic Data Analytics Platform

Canadian startup BioBox Analytics develops a genomic data analytics platform. It uses a data library to manage all models, samples, and data and runs bioinformatic pipelines in the cloud. The solution identifies gene enrichment, tissues/cell expression, and ontology. The startup also provides solutions to visualize insights and query papers, datasets, and genes.

3. Gene Editing

The evolution of genetic engineering has led to precise genome edits, moving away from random DNA insertions. Engineered nucleases and, more recently, CRISPR have enhanced gene editing efficiency, acting as molecular scissors. These advancements have broadened the scope of gene therapy, treating genetic disorders and other conditions by adding, replacing, or silencing specific genes.

Furthermore, targeted gene modification facilitates the creation of superior transgenic plants and animals. The pharmaceutical industry also employs gene editing to devise advanced therapies, particularly for cancer treatment.

iECURE advances In Vivo Gene Insertion Technology

US-based iECURE is developing gene-editing therapies to treat rare genetic liver diseases in children. It uses its in vivo gene insertion technology to deliver a healthy copy of the defective gene, independent of the underlying mutations. Its pipeline includes treatments for conditions like ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, citrullinemia type 1, and phenylketonuria.

Plastomics offers Chloroplast Editing

US-based startup Plastomics develops a next-generation delivery technology for chloroplast editing. Unlike nuclear traits, editing chromosomal traits leads to more effective trait integration, as well as speeds up time to market. This makes the startup’s solution suitable for applications such as modifying photosynthetic pathways and metabolic pathway engineering.

4. Precision Medicine

The declining costs of gene editing and sequencing have made these technologies more commonplace in clinical practice. This has given rise to precision medicine, a strategy that empowers physicians to determine effective treatment and prevention strategies for specific groups. It also facilitates personalized treatment for a variety of diseases, including cancers.

Biotechnology startups are capitalizing on precision medicine to uncover new drug targets, discover innovative drugs, provide gene therapies , and devise new drug delivery technologies. In the field of oncology, precision medicine enables tailored cancer treatments based on individual genetic mutations. This trend is also making waves in rare disease research, where unique genetic insights are leading to groundbreaking therapies.

iLoF offers Personalized Therapies

British startup iLoF offers a precise, patient-centric drug development platform. The blood-based platform finds biological nanostructures in liquid dispersions such as plasma. The platform is rapid and non-invasive and facilitates the development of precise and personalized therapies. The startup’s screening test classifies patients for clinical trials.

Dyno Therapeutics develops Gene Therapy

Dyno Therapeutics is a US-based startup developing AI-powered gene therapies. The startup’s CapsidMap platform optimizes adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors to improve targeting ability. The solution maps the synthetic AAV capsid sequence space to develop better gene therapy vectors.

5. Gene Sequencing

A significant drop in DNA sequencing costs has unlocked numerous industry applications. Whole genome sequencing now identifies pediatric disorders and enables personalized treatments. It also facilitates the establishment of large cohorts with comprehensive phenotyping . Rapid and affordable, sequencing detects microbes, from pathogens in clinical and dairy samples to beneficial soil microbes. Innovation thrives as biotechnology startups develop new sequencing technologies and explore fresh gene sequencing applications.

BioClavis offers Personalized Diagnostics

British startup BioClavis offers personalized diagnostics. The startup’s TempO-Seq platform enables quick and inexpensive high-throughput profiling of the protein-coding transcriptome. By using defined input sequences, the solution increases the efficiency and needs only 10 % sequencing reads as compared to RNA-Seq. The startup also develops a solution for the rapid and accurate identification of active COVID-19 infections.

BioSkryb provides Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) Workflow

Bioskryb is a US-based startup developing ResolveDNA , a whole-genome sequencing workflow. The startup’s workflow is compatible with single cells, multiple cells, and low-input DNA samples. BioSkryb also offers the BaseJumper Bioinformatics Platform , compatible with most sequencing platforms, for DNA sequencing analysis.


6. Biomanufacturing

Biomanufacturing utilizes biological systems for the production of medical products and therapies, biomaterials, food & beverages, and specialty chemicals. Startups are advancing different cell culture, fermentation, and recombinant production technologies to make biomanufacturing inexpensive and scalable.

The use of biological raw materials also makes it comparatively more sustainable as compared to other manufacturing paradigms. The industry’s production models are also adopting machine learning and automation. By integrating Industry 4.0 models, Biotechnology startups offer bioprocessing 4.0 to optimize each step of the production process.

Proteinea develops an Insect-based Production Platform

US-based startup Proteinea develops an insect-based production platform for next-gen biomanufacturing. The startup InsectaPro technology leverages mass-produced insect larvae as mini-bioreactors for recombinant production. It grows them in data-driven vertical farms, making the process predictable and environmentally sustainable. The solution enables a more scalable and robust alternative to conventional bioreactors.

Deep Branch offers Gas Fermentation

Deep Branch is a British startup that converts carbon dioxide from industrial emissions into high-value chemicals. It uses a proprietary gas fermentation process to turn captured carbon dioxide into Proton , a single-cell protein. Proton is optimized for use as animal feed and has high protein and vitamin content and an optimal amino acid profile.

7. Synthetic Biology

Unprecedented advancements in genome reading and writing accelerate product development in biotechnology. Synthetic biology ensures standardization and reproducibility, manipulating organisms at the gene network level.

Synthetic biology startups tackle diverse challenges, from computational drug design to cellular agriculture and microbiome solutions. Bacterial cell factories yield valuable biochemicals for pharma, materials, and food applications. Beyond microbes, mammalian synthetic biology solutions are emerging. The fusion of genetic engineering and computational design creates custom DNA sequences for specific applications.

LenioBio provides Cell-Free Protein Expression

German startup LenioBio develops plant-based, cell-free protein expression solutions. The startup’s ALiCE kit produces over 500 proteins with post-translational modifications at a high yield of 3 mg/ml. It simply requires the addition of a gene in a plasmid to the lysate, eliminating the need for multiple pipetting steps. The startup manufactures reporter proteins, antigens, antibodies, allergens, and hormones for use in BioTech and biopharma sectors.

Ribbon Biolabs offers DNA synthesis

Ribbon Biolabs is an Austrian startup developing new methods for DNA synthesis. The startup’s process combines biochemistry, algorithms, and automation to drive precise and multiplexed DNA synthesis. It synthesizes DNA for diverse applications in BioTech, biopharma, and agriculture by building entire genomes or developing libraries for antibody screening. Moreover, it also facilitates DNA-based nanotechnology and storing information or computing with DNA.

8. Bioprinting

Additive manufacturing in biotechnology has led to the emergence of bioprinting startups offering a plethora of materials and products. Bioprinters, working with bio-inks derived from bio-based materials or biomaterials, are utilized. Cells serve as substrates in medical applications, growing around a scaffold to develop bone, skin, or vascular grafts. This process enables the creation of personalized medicine using the patient’s own cells. Bioprinting also finds use in rapid prototyping and biopolymer development.

3D Biotechnology Solutions enables Biofabrication

3D Biotechnology Solutions is a Brazilian startup developing bioprinting solutions. Genesis , the startup’s bioprinter for 3D biofabrication, serves the needs of researchers working on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The startup also offers BioFDM , another printer that performs fused deposition modeling (FDM) with biocompatible polymers.

Prometheus offers Artificial 3D Tissues

Italian startup Prometheus offers 3D bioprinting of human tissues with high cell viability. The startup combines cells with biomaterials to create a bio-ink which is then printed layer by layer. The artificial 3D human tissue has a similar composition, functionality, and architecture to that of real human tissue. The startup also develops Ematik Ready , a veterinary patch that promotes wound healing in dogs and horses.

9. Microfluidics

The interest in microfluidics in the BioTech industry stems from the need for lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices. These miniaturized labs enable affordable, swift testing of infectious diseases, paving the way for point-of-care diagnostics. Paper-based microfluidics for diagnostics and environmental monitoring are being developed by startups. Organ-on-a-chip (OOC) devices , simulating organ physiology on small chips, find applications in drug screening and disease modeling.

Eden Tech offers Microfabrication Solutions

Eden Tech is a French startup leveraging microfluidics for microfabrication solutions. The startup provides a range of microfluidic equipment and accessories, as well as Flexdym , a biocompatible polymer. It develops high-volume artificial organs for use in the MedTech sector. For cleantech applications, the startup’s solutions use smart microchannel networks for ultra-efficient wastewater filtration.

Transition Bio develops a Droplet Microfluidics-based Drug Discovery Platform

US-based startup Transition Bio develops a proprietary drug discovery platform called Condensomics which leverages droplet microfluidics, cellular imaging, and machine learning. Its technology enables the study of biomolecular condensates, which are implicated in many diseases, with high precision. The startup harnesses microfluidics and cellular platforms to map condensates in molecular detail. Additionally, machine learning algorithms on proprietary datasets model spatiotemporal networks in cells for target discovery, validation, and drug design.

10. Tissue Engineering

Tissue engineering startups have grown sharply in number in recent years, thanks in large part to developments in bioprinting and microfluidics. It enables the creation of autologous tissue grafts for treating burns and organ transplantation and for regenerative medicine.

While traditionally focused on biomedical applications, tissue engineering now explores sustainable alternatives to animal products like meat or leather. However, achieving a scale that makes food products cost-comparable to animal-based products is necessary. Cardiac tissue engineering also offers potential solutions for heart disease treatments, addressing the shortcomings of traditional transplant methods.

Aleph Farms produces Cultured Meat

Aleph Farms is an Israeli startup that produces cultured meat. The startup isolates cells from healthy cows and grows them into an ethical and sustainable meat alternative. It produces indistinguishably real beef steaks without the need for slaughtering animals or producing carbon emissions. The startup’s process also offers a way to sustainably grow food in long-term space missions.

LyGenesis develops Organ Regeneration Technology

US-based startup LyGenesis develops an organ regeneration technology platform. It transforms lymph nodes into functioning ectopic organs, enabling the treatment of dozens of patients from a single donor organ. The startup transplants its cell therapy using outpatient endoscopic ultrasound, eliminating the need for surgery.

Discover all Biotechnology Trends, Technologies & Startups

These trends in biotechnology rapidly accelerate research in biomanufacturing, bioprinting, and precision medicine, among other upcoming applications. Moreover, the developments in the BioTech industry often percolate into the pharma industry. BioTech is essential to sustainability as well, providing eco-friendly alternatives to the production of materials and promoting a circular economy.

These new trends in biotechnology and startups outlined in this report only scratch the surface of trends that we identified during our data-driven innovation & startup scouting process. Identifying new opportunities & emerging technologies to implement into your business goes a long way in gaining a competitive advantage.

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trending research topics in biotechnology

Innovation Blog

5 biotechnology trends and innovations to watch in 2023 .

  • Published on: January 23, 2023
  • Author: masschallenge


Biotech is disrupting how we approach health, medicine, and agriculture. Even without the impact of COVID-19, several trends in biotech have propelled rapid innovation .

Industry expansion has followed such innovation. The global biotechnology market is currently valued at 752.8 Billion — and growing. The development of breakthrough health initiatives from biotech will transform our future as we tackle global problems including disease, environmental pollution, and food management.

Understanding these trends in biotechnology can help companies capitalize on the explosive growth potential of the industry. But before you can harness the potential of these new technologies and practices, it is essential to understand the context and challenges around biotech.

This article will cover the trends in biotech that are set to change the world.

What is Biotech?

Biotech is a field of technology that implements biomolecular and cellular processes in the creation of healthcare, food, and fuel products.

The usage of biological systems and organisms is not new — humans have relied on microorganisms for thousands of years to create items like yogurt, bread, alcohol, and cheese.

The 1970s ushered in an era of genetic engineering, giving rise to biotech based on DNA modification. As the demand for biotech advancements and genetic sequencing activity continues to expand, the industry projects a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.8% between 2021 and 2028.

There are three primary sectors of biotech:

Biotech in Medicine

Pharmaceuticals , therapies, genetics, and clinical research are all examples of medicinal biotech applications. These fields use nature’s organic “toolbox” to improve health outcomes for people. For example, there are now more than 250 biotechnology health care products available for previously untreatable conditions. Biotech in medicine can:

  • Reduce infectious disease rates
  • Change the probabilities of life-threatening conditions emerging for people around the world
  • Create treatments specific to the individual to minimize health risk
  • Help those with illnesses in the developing world

Biotech in Industry

Biofuels, paper, and chemicals are all examples of biotech used in industry. By utilizing biological processes, the energy and manufacturing sectors can leverage yeast, enzymes, microbes, and other biocatalysts to manufacture microscopic solutions. Biotech involves using these biocatalysts to:

  • Improve chemical manufacturing efficiency
  • Lower the cost of cleaning clothes through temperature reductions
  • Save money on manufacturing operation costs
  • Minimize industry reliance on petrochemicals
  • Reduce greenhouse gases via the use of biofuels
  • Lower water usage and waste

Biotech in Agriculture

Sustainable farming and crop insect-resistance are examples of biotech in agriculture. These applications rely on existing microorganisms to modify and enhance agricultural products, making them safer and more efficient to produce.

Worldwide, biotech in agriculture is anticipated to grow by $25.3 billion between 2021 and 2025. Agricultural biotech can help:

  • Produce more crop yield with fewer resources
  • Aid the environment by reducing the chemicals and runoff from crop production
  • Create more resilient crops without the use of pesticides
  • Alleviate vitamin and nutritional deficiencies to improve crops
  • Alter the oil content in food to reduce heart health risks
  • Create food without mycotoxins or allergens

New biotech innovations arise every day, and the industry will continue to grow as humans seek to surpass biological challenges with specific research-based solutions.

Trends in Biotech

Biotech is undergoing a global evolution. The most notable innovations in biotech involve personalized medicine, drug research, artificial intelligence, big data, and synthetic biology.

Let’s take a closer look at these growing trends in biotech.

Personalized Medicine

Personalized medicine is growing as a result of the reduced time and cost. The first genome sequencing project that began in 1990 took about 13 years — and $2.7 billion — to complete. Today, you can buy a quick at-home genome sequencing test for around $299.

With personalized biotechnology, medical professionals can analyze genetics to identify medical risks in patients. By basing medical innovation on genetic sequencing, doctors develop unique, tailor-made health solutions.

Another benefit of personalized medicine is that it uses data compiled from screened clinical trials, enabling medical professionals to create individual treatment and therapy from those insights. An increase in personalized therapy is advantageous for general treatment as it identifies medical issues at their source: the patient’s molecular and genetic profile.

For instance, personalized cancer treatment for leukemia (blood cancer) called CAR T-cell therapy targets immune cells, stimulating the immune system to target tumors.

Drug Research

Drug research is one of the most promising biotech trends due to advancements in smart technology. Traditionally, drug research faced challenges with getting enough participants for trials, and long production timelines that can run into years. Machine learning technology presents immense possibilities for drug research, as well as ways to improve and assess diagnosis and treatment with medications.

Just as telehealth provides a bridge over time and space to speed up triaging without patients having to physically visit a doctor, biotechnology accelerates drug production timelines without drugmakers having to actually get thousands of participants to complete clinical trials.

Biotech companies can quickly analyze data from current trials and revisit data from previous trials. This analysis and ability to combine vast datasets offers the insight needed to provide a more accurate diagnosis, and ultimately, devise enhanced medicines and treatment paths for patients.

A prime example is aducanumab, the medicine that many hope will cure Alzheimer’s disease. After a setback in March 2021, the drugmaker Biogen reported “a larger dataset for the EMERGE trial had become available, and that analysis of this dataset had shown a significant reduction in clinical decline.”

MRI scans and other in-patient monitoring devices provide medical professionals with more objective data that allows them to develop better drug treatments for patients. Biotech advances have made clinical trials less of a manual process, so drug manufacturers have lower costs when recruiting fewer in-person patients for trials.

With the digitization of clinical trials, biotech companies can combine genetic and biometric information to determine underlying causes of conditions such as heart disease.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to lend itself to a variety of industries, including biotech. According to StartUs Insights , AI is the leader among biotech trends in 2022.

Biotech companies have deployed AI to streamline a variety of operational processes via enhanced automation. For example, AI can identify biomarkers that have applications for the development of drugs and diagnostics.

AI algorithms also use image classification to detect traits of human diseases such as cancer cells, and the technology can locate crop diseases such as leaf coloration or decay. Other applications of artificial intelligence in biotech include phenotype screening and microbiome evaluation.

There is more data for biotech to analyze than ever before. Sensor integration and the internet of things (IoT) allow biotech researchers to fuel their innovation with unprecedented access to data.

One challenge facing the healthcare sector and big data is the storage and management of electronic medical records. The US Government is investing $19 billion to increase the adoption of electronic records in the healthcare industry. With patient information stored within a directory, the industry has a pool of data to work with to help improve diagnoses and treatments.

For example, Genetech has created a database of patients who underwent cancer treatment. Other organizations are accessing electronic records to match patients and clinical trials based on anonymized health data.

Big data can improve clinical trial recruitment, help scientists develop better crops, or help researchers understand newly encountered microbes.

Synthetic Biology

Synthetic biology applies to several sectors such as industry, agriculture, healthcare, and electronics. Examples of synthetic biology include biofabricated electronic film, cell engineering for therapy, and automated coronavirus testing using sequencing.

Twist Bioscience , for instance, manufacturers synthetic DNA that can be applied to silicon chips. The technology allows firms to store DNA for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). NGS profiles the genetics of various populations to help uncover the cause of diseases and streamline drug discovery.

With global interest in biotech development, the trends above are likely to continue as investments in the industry continue.

Challenges in Biotech

While biotech advancements promise to transform health, energy, and agriculture, innovation is a complex undertaking. Several challenges impede the growth of biotech and its implementation for the public:

Biotech Costs

Biotech research is costly and often takes several years. For instance, new drugs cost around $1 billion on average to develop. Firms must invest heavily in research, development, and regulatory approval before bringing a drug to market. As the pandemic continues to disrupt supply chains, product costs remain high, compounding the problem.

The lengthy process of developing and gaining approval for biotech solutions hurts bottom line profits, with 98% of biotech executives reporting revenue loss from regulatory changes. Biotech firms will continue to receive funding , but pricing will always be a pressing concern as firms balance profit and loss.

Regulatory Concerns

There are numerous regulations that apply to the biotech industry. While some restrictions were relaxed for COVID-19 research to reduce the compliance burden, biotech-friendly exceptions are unlikely to continue in the future.

91% of pharmaceutical firms think additional U.S. regulations will be implemented beyond 2022. Increased regulations threaten to create upward pressure on pricing and drug approval.

Because of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Europe also faces significant compliance issues surrounding private patient data.

Talent Shortage

The biotech industry must hire experts at the top of their fields. And as the coronavirus pandemic continues, the pressure for new therapies and vaccines escalates. But finding top talent is an ongoing challenge for biotech companies.

As demand for biotech expands, production lead times have increased to 16 months on average, and most life sciences companies are already at capacity with research projects. Training new and existing employees will test biotech firms’ abilities to keep up.

Building biotech teams is never easy, particularly with regards to finding executives who understand biotech and commercialization. The talent shortage has led to companies outsourcing work in addition to relying on in-house talent to meet demand.

Inadequate Technology

Biotech requires cutting-edge technology and also produces advanced technological solutions as its end product — but outdated systems or methods can interfere with innovation.

Top priorities for biotech companies include finding ways to increase automation, data accessibility, and speed. Technological inadequacy presents a complex hurdle when developing biologically effective solutions to pressing problems. As the biotech field grows, some challenges such as financing and regulation could be reduced and normalized, potentially leading to faster and more effective discoveries.

Final Thoughts

Biotechnology advancement is paramount if we hope to affect global change across the food, health, industry, and agriculture sectors. As the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted, the need for rapid response is crucial to combat disease, now more than ever.

Despite challenges, biotechnology continues to move forward. Last year saw over $26 billion in venture capital funding alone — the highest year ever for biotech investment. Biotech trends and initiatives present an excellent investment opportunity with significant ROI.

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trending research topics in biotechnology

Recent Trends in Food Biotechnology

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Biotechnology Research Paper Topics

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This collection of biotechnology research paper topics provides the list of 10 potential topics for research papers and overviews the history of biotechnology.


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Get 10% off with 24start discount code, 1. animal breeding: genetic methods.

Modern animal breeding relies on scientific methods to control production of domesticated animals, both livestock and pets, which exhibit desired physical and behavioral traits. Genetic technology aids animal breeders to attain nutritional, medical, recreational, and fashion standards demanded by consumers for animal products including meat, milk, eggs, leather, wool, and pharmaceuticals. Animals are also genetically designed to meet labor and sporting requirements for speed and endurance, conformation and beauty ideals to win show competitions, and intelligence levels to perform obediently at tasks such as herding, hunting, and tracking. By the late twentieth century, genetics and mathematical models were appropriated to identify the potential of immature animals. DNA markers indicate how young animals will mature, saving breeders money by not investing in animals lacking genetic promise. Scientists also successfully transplanted sperm-producing stem cells with the goal of restoring fertility to barren breeding animals. At the National Animal Disease Center in Ames, Iowa, researchers created a gene-based test, which uses a cloned gene of the organism that causes Johne’s disease in cattle in order to detect that disease to avert epidemics. Researchers also began mapping the dog genome and developing molecular techniques to evaluate canine chromosomes in the Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL). Bioinformatics incorporates computers to analyze genetic material. Some tests were developed to diagnose many of several hundred genetic canine diseases including hip dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). A few breed organizations modified standards to discourage breeding of genetically flawed animals and promote heterozygosity.

2. Antibacterial Chemotherapy

In the early years of the twentieth century, the search for agents that would be effective against internal infections proceeded along two main routes. The first was a search for naturally occurring substances that were effective against microorganisms (antibiosis). The second was a search for chemicals that would have the same effect (chemotherapy). Despite the success of penicillin in the 1940s, the major early advances in the treatment of infection occurred not through antibiosis but through chemotherapy. The principle behind chemotherapy was that there was a relationship between chemical structure and pharmacological action. The founder of this concept was Paul Erhlich (1854–1915). An early success came in 1905 when atoxyl (an organic arsenic compound) was shown to destroy trypanosomes, the microbes that caused sleeping sickness. Unfortunately, atoxyl also damaged the optic nerve. Subsequently, Erhlich and his co-workers synthesized and tested hundreds of related arsenic compounds. Ehrlich was a co-recipient (with Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov) of the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1908 for his work on immunity. Success in discovering a range of effective antibacterial drugs had three important consequences: it brought a range of important diseases under control for the first time; it provided a tremendous stimulus to research workers and opened up new avenues of research; and in the resulting commercial optimism, it led to heavy postwar investment in the pharmaceutical industry. The therapeutic revolution had begun.

3. Artificial Insemination and in Vitro Fertilization

Artificial insemination (AI) involves the extraction and collection of semen together with techniques for depositing semen in the uterus in order to achieve successful fertilization and pregnancy. Throughout the twentieth century, the approach has offered animal breeders the advantage of being able to utilize the best available breeding stock and at the correct time within the female reproductive cycle, but without the limitations of having the animals in the same location. AI has been applied most intensively within the dairy and beef cattle industries and to a lesser extent horse breeding and numerous other domesticated species.

Many of the techniques involved in artificial insemination would lay the foundation for in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the latter half of the twentieth century. IVF refers to the group of technologies that allow fertilization to take place outside the body involving the retrieval of ova or eggs from the female and sperm from the male, which are then combined in artificial, or ‘‘test tube,’’ conditions leading to fertilization. The fertilized eggs then continue to develop for several days ‘‘in culture’’ until being transferred to the female recipient to continue developing within the uterus.

4. Biopolymers

Biopolymers are natural polymers, long-chained molecules (macromolecules) consisting mostly of a repeated composition of building blocks or monomers that are formed and utilized by living organisms. Each group of biopolymers is composed of different building blocks, for example chains of sugar molecules form starch (a polysaccharide), chains of amino acids form proteins and peptides, and chains of nucleic acid form DNA and RNA (polynucleotides). Biopolymers can form gels, fibers, coatings, and films depending on the specific polymer, and serve a variety of critical functions for cells and organisms. Proteins including collagens, keratins, silks, tubulins, and actin usually form structural composites or scaffolding, or protective materials in biological systems (e.g., spider silk). Polysaccharides function in molecular recognition at cell membrane surfaces, form capsular barrier layers around cells, act as emulsifiers and adhesives, and serve as skeletal or architectural materials in plants. In many cases these polymers occur in combination with proteins to form novel composite structures such as invertebrate exoskeletons or microbial cell walls, or with lignin in the case of plant cell walls.

The use of the word ‘‘cloning’’ is fraught with confusion and inconsistency, and it is important at the outset of this discussion to offer definitional clarification. For instance, in the 1997 article by Ian Wilmut and colleagues announcing the birth of the first cloned adult vertebrate (a ewe, Dolly the sheep) from somatic cell nuclear transfer, the word clone or cloning was never used, and yet the announcement raised considerable disquiet about the prospect of cloned human beings. In a desire to avoid potentially negative forms of language, many prefer to substitute ‘‘cell expansion techniques’’ or ‘‘therapeutic cloning’’ for cloning. Cloning has been known for centuries as a horticultural propagation method: for example, plants multiplied by grafting, budding, or cuttings do not differ genetically from the original plant. The term clone entered more common usage as a result of a speech in 1963 by J.B.S. Haldane based on his paper, ‘‘Biological possibilities for the human species of the next ten-thousand years.’’ Notwithstanding these notes of caution, we can refer to a number of processes as cloning. At the close of the twentieth century, such techniques had not yet progressed to the ability to bring a cloned human to full development; however, the ability to clone cells from an adult human has potential to treat diseases. International policymaking in the late 1990s sought to distinguish between the different end uses for somatic cell nuclear transfer resulting in the widespread adoption of the distinction between ‘‘reproductive’’ and ‘‘therapeutic’’ cloning. The function of the distinction has been to permit the use (in some countries) of the technique to generate potentially beneficial therapeutic applications from embryonic stem cell technology whilst prohibiting its use in human reproduction. In therapeutic applications, nuclear transfer from a patient’s cells into an enucleated ovum is used to create genetically identical embryos that would be grown in vitro but not be allowed to continue developing to become a human being. The resulting cloned embryos could be used as a source from which to produce stem cells that can then be induced to specialize into the specific type of tissue required by the patient (such as skin for burns victims, brain neuron cells for Parkinson’s disease sufferers, or pancreatic cells for diabetics). The rationale is that because the original nuclear material is derived from a patient’s adult tissue, the risks of rejection of such cells by the immune system are reduced.

6. Gene Therapy

In 1971, Australian Nobel laureate Sir F. MacFarlane Burnet thought that gene therapy (introducing genes into body tissue, usually to treat an inherited genetic disorder) looked more and more like a case of the emperor’s new clothes. Ethical issues aside, he believed that practical considerations forestalled possibilities for any beneficial gene strategy, then or probably ever. Bluntly, he wrote: ‘‘little further advance can be expected from laboratory science in the handling of ‘intrinsic’ types of disability and disease.’’ Joshua Lederberg and Edward Tatum, 1958 Nobel laureates, theorized in the 1960s that genes might be altered or replaced using viral vectors to treat human diseases. Stanfield Rogers, working from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1970, had tried but failed to cure argininemia (a genetic disorder of the urea cycle that causes neurological damage in the form of mental retardation, seizures, and eventually death) in two German girls using Swope papilloma virus. Martin Cline at the University of California in Los Angeles, made the second failed attempt a decade later. He tried to correct the bone marrow cells of two beta-thalassemia patients, one in Israel and the other in Italy. What Cline’s failure revealed, however, was that many researchers who condemned his trial as unethical were by then working toward similar goals and targeting different diseases with various delivery methods. While Burnet’s pessimism finally proved to be wrong, progress in gene therapy was much slower than antibiotic or anticancer chemotherapy developments over the same period of time. While gene therapy had limited success, it nevertheless remained an active area for research, particularly because the Human Genome Project, begun in 1990, had resulted in a ‘‘rough draft’’ of all human genes by 2001, and was completed in 2003. Gene mapping created the means for analyzing the expression patterns of hundreds of genes involved in biological pathways and for identifying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that have diagnostic and therapeutic potential for treating specific diseases in individuals. In the future, gene therapies may prove effective at protecting patients from adverse drug reactions or changing the biochemical nature of a person’s disease. They may also target blood vessel formation in order to prevent heart disease or blindness due to macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy. One of the oldest ideas for use of gene therapy is to produce anticancer vaccines. One method involves inserting a granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor gene into prostate tumor cells removed in surgery. The cells then are irradiated to prevent any further cancer and injected back into the same patient to initiate an immune response against any remaining metastases. Whether or not such developments become a major treatment modality, no one now believes, as MacFarland Burnet did in 1970, that gene therapy science has reached an end in its potential to advance health.

7. Genetic Engineering

The term ‘‘genetic engineering’’ describes molecular biology techniques that allow geneticists to analyze and manipulate deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). At the close of the twentieth century, genetic engineering promised to revolutionize many industries, including microbial biotechnology, agriculture, and medicine. It also sparked controversy over potential health and ecological hazards due to the unprecedented ability to bypass traditional biological reproduction.

For centuries, if not millennia, techniques have been employed to alter the genetic characteristics of animals and plants to enhance specifically desired traits. In a great many cases, breeds with which we are most familiar bear little resemblance to the wild varieties from which they are derived. Canine breeds, for instance, have been selectively tailored to changing esthetic tastes over many years, altering their appearance, behavior and temperament. Many of the species used in farming reflect long-term alterations to enhance meat, milk, and fleece yields. Likewise, in the case of agricultural varieties, hybridization and selective breeding have resulted in crops that are adapted to specific production conditions and regional demands. Genetic engineering differs from these traditional methods of plant and animal breeding in some very important respects. First, genes from one organism can be extracted and recombined with those of another (using recombinant DNA, or rDNA, technology) without either organism having to be of the same species. Second, removing the requirement for species reproductive compatibility, new genetic combinations can be produced in a much more highly accelerated way than before. Since the development of the first rDNA organism by Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer in 1973, a number of techniques have been found to produce highly novel products derived from transgenic plants and animals.

At the same time, there has been an ongoing and ferocious political debate over the environmental and health risks to humans of genetically altered species. The rise of genetic engineering may be characterized by developments during the last three decades of the twentieth century.

8. Genetic Screening and Testing

The menu of genetic screening and testing technologies now available in most developed countries increased rapidly in the closing years of the twentieth century. These technologies emerged within the context of rapidly changing social and legal contexts with regard to the medicalization of pregnancy and birth and the legalization of abortion. The earliest genetic screening tests detected inborn errors of metabolism and sex-linked disorders. Technological innovations in genomic mapping and DNA sequencing, together with an explosion in research on the genetic basis of disease which culminated in the Human Genome Project (HGP), led to a range of genetic screening and testing for diseases traditionally recognized as genetic in origin and for susceptibility to more common diseases such as certain types of familial cancer, cardiac conditions, and neurological disorders among others. Tests were also useful for forensic, or nonmedical, purposes. Genetic screening techniques are now available in conjunction with in vitro fertilization and other types of reproductive technologies, allowing the screening of fertilized embryos for certain genetic mutations before selection for implantation. At present selection is purely on disease grounds and selection for other traits (e.g., for eye or hair color, intelligence, height) cannot yet be done, though there are concerns for eugenics and ‘‘designer babies.’’ Screening is available for an increasing number of metabolic diseases through tandem mass spectrometry, which uses less blood per test, allows testing for many conditions simultaneously, and has a very low false-positive rate as compared to conventional Guthrie testing. Finally, genetic technologies are being used in the judicial domain for determination of paternity, often associated with child support claims, and for forensic purposes in cases where DNA material is available for testing.

9. Plant Breeding: Genetic Methods

The cultivation of plants is the world’s oldest biotechnology. We have continually tried to produce improved varieties while increasing yield, features to aid cultivation and harvesting, disease, and pest resistance, or crop qualities such as longer postharvest storage life and improved taste or nutritional value. Early changes resulted from random crosspollination, rudimentary grafting, or spontaneous genetic change. For centuries, man kept the seed from the plants with improved characteristics to plant the following season’s crop. The pioneering work of Gregor Mendel and his development of the basic laws of heredity showed for other first time that some of the processes of heredity could be altered by experimental means. The genetic analysis of bacterial (prokaryote) genes and techniques for analysis of the higher (eukaryotic) organisms such as plants developed in parallel streams, but the rediscovery of Mendel’s work in 1900 fueled a burst of activity on understanding the role of genes in inheritance. The knowledge that genes are linked along the chromosome thereby allowed mapping of genes (transduction analysis, conjugation analysis, and transformation analysis). The power of genetics to produce a desirable plant was established, and it was appreciated that controlled breeding (test crosses and back crosses) and careful analysis of the progeny could distinguish traits that were dominant or recessive, and establish pure breeding lines. Traditional horticultural techniques of artificial self-pollination and cross-pollination were also used to produce hybrids. In the 1930s the Russian Nikolai Vavilov recognized the value of genetic diversity in domesticated crop plants and their wild relatives to crop improvement, and collected seeds from the wild to study total genetic diversity and use these in breeding programs. The impact of scientific crop breeding was established by the ‘‘Green revolution’’ of the 1960s, when new wheat varieties with higher yields were developed by careful crop breeding. ‘‘Mutation breeding’’— inducing mutations by exposing seeds to x-rays or chemicals such as sodium azide, accelerated after World War II. It was also discovered that plant cells and tissues grown in tissue culture would mutate rapidly. In the 1970s, haploid breeding, which involves producing plants from two identical sets of chromosomes, was extensively used to create new cultivars. In the twenty-first century, haploid breeding could speed up plant breeding by shortening the breeding cycle.

10. Tissue Culturing

The technique of tissue or cell culture, which relates to the growth of tissue or cells within a laboratory setting, underlies a phenomenal proportion of biomedical research. Though it has roots in the late nineteenth century, when numerous scientists tried to grow samples in alien environments, cell culture is credited as truly beginning with the first concrete evidence of successful growth in vitro, demonstrated by Johns Hopkins University embryologist Ross Harrison in 1907. Harrison took sections of spinal cord from a frog embryo, placed them on a glass cover slip and bathed the tissue in a nutrient media. The results of the experiment were startling—for the first time scientists visualized actual nerve growth as it would happen in a living organism—and many other scientists across the U.S. and Europe took up culture techniques. Rather unwittingly, for he was merely trying to settle a professional dispute regarding the origin of nerve fibers, Harrison fashioned a research tool that has since been designated by many as the greatest advance in medical science since the invention of the microscope.

From the 1980s, cell culture has once again been brought to the forefront of cancer research in the isolation and identification of numerous cancer causing oncogenes. In addition, cell culturing continues to play a crucial role in fields such as cytology, embryology, radiology, and molecular genetics. In the future, its relevance to direct clinical treatment might be further increased by the growth in culture of stem cells and tissue replacement therapies that can be tailored for a particular individual. Indeed, as cell culture approaches its centenary, it appears that its importance to scientific, medical, and commercial research the world over will only increase in the twenty-first century.

History of Biotechnology

Biotechnology grew out of the technology of fermentation, which was called zymotechnology. This was different from the ancient craft of brewing because of its thought-out relationships to science. These were most famously conceptualized by the Prussian chemist Georg Ernst Stahl (1659–1734) in his 1697 treatise Zymotechnia Fundamentalis, in which he introduced the term zymotechnology. Carl Balling, long-serving professor in Prague, the world center of brewing, drew on the work of Stahl when he published his Bericht uber die Fortschritte der zymotechnische Wissenschaften und Gewerbe (Account of the Progress of the Zymotechnic Sciences and Arts) in the mid-nineteenth century. He used the idea of zymotechnics to compete with his German contemporary Justus Liebig for whom chemistry was the underpinning of all processes.

By the end of the nineteenth century, there were attempts to develop a new scientific study of fermentation. It was an aspect of the ‘‘second’’ Industrial Revolution during the period from 1870 to 1914. The emergence of the chemical industry is widely taken as emblematic of the formal research and development taking place at the time. The development of microbiological industries is another example. For the first time, Louis Pasteur’s germ theory made it possible to provide convincing explanations of brewing and other fermentation processes.

Pasteur had published on brewing in the wake of France’s humiliation in the Franco–Prussian war (1870–1871) to assert his country’s superiority in an industry traditionally associated with Germany. Yet the science and technology of fermentation had a wide range of applications including the manufacture of foods (cheese, yogurt, wine, vinegar, and tea), of commodities (tobacco and leather), and of chemicals (lactic acid, citric acid, and the enzyme takaminase). The concept of zymotechnology associated principally with the brewing of beer began to appear too limited to its principal exponents. At the time, Denmark was the world leader in creating high-value agricultural produce. Cooperative farms pioneered intensive pig fattening as well as the mass production of bacon, butter, and beer. It was here that the systems of science and technology were integrated and reintegrated, conceptualized and reconceptualized.

The Dane Emil Christian Hansen discovered that infection from wild yeasts was responsible for numerous failed brews. His contemporary Alfred Jørgensen, a Copenhagen consultant closely associated with the Tuborg brewery, published a widely used textbook on zymotechnology. Microorganisms and Fermentation first appeared in Danish 1889 and would be translated, reedited, and reissued for the next 60 years.

The scarcity of resources on both sides during World War I brought together science and technology, further development of zymotechnology, and formulation of the concept of biotechnology. Impending and then actual war accelerated the use of fermentation technologies to make strategic materials. In Britain a variant of a process to ferment starch to make butadiene for synthetic rubber production was adapted to make acetone needed in the manufacture of explosives. The process was technically important as the first industrial sterile fermentation and was strategically important for munitions supplies. The developer, chemist Chaim Weizmann, later became well known as the first president of Israel in 1949.

In Germany scarce oil-based lubricants were replaced by glycerol made by fermentation. Animal feed was derived from yeast grown with the aid of the new synthetic ammonia in another wartime development that inspired the coining of the word biotechnology. Hungary was the agricultural base of the Austro–Hungarian empire and aspired to Danish levels of efficiency. The economist Karl Ereky (1878–1952) planned to go further and build the largest industrial pig-processing factory. He envisioned a site that would fatten 50,000 swine at a time while railroad cars of sugar beet arrived and fat, hides, and meat departed. In this forerunner of the Soviet collective farm, peasants (in any case now falling prey to the temptations of urban society) would be completely superseded by the industrialization of the biological process in large factory-like animal processing units. Ereky went further in his ruminations over the meaning of his innovation. He suggested that it presaged an industrial revolution that would follow the transformation of chemical technology. In his book entitled Biotechnologie, he linked specific technical injunctions to wide-ranging philosophy. Ereky was neither isolated nor obscure. He had been trained in the mainstream of reflection on the meaning of the applied sciences in Hungary, which would be remarkably productive across the sciences. After World War I, Ereky served as Hungary’s minister of food in the short-lived right wing regime that succeeded the fall of the communist government of Bela Kun.

Nonetheless it was not through Ereky’s direct action that his ideas seem to have spread. Rather, his book was reviewed by the influential Paul Lindner, head of botany at the Institut fu¨ r Ga¨ rungsgewerbe in Berlin, who suggested that microorganisms could also be seen as biotechnological machines. This concept was already found in the production of yeast and in Weizmann’s work with strategic materials, which was widely publicized at that very time. It was with this meaning that the word ‘‘Biotechnologie’’ entered German dictionaries in the 1920s.

Biotechnology represented more than the manipulation of existing organisms. From the beginning it was concerned with their improvement as well, and this meant the enhancement of all living creatures. Most dramatically this would include humanity itself; more mundanely it would include plants and animals of agricultural importance. The enhancement of people was called eugenics by the Victorian polymath and cousin of Charles Darwin, Francis Galton. Two strains of eugenics emerged: negative eugenics associated with weeding out the weak and positive eugenics associated with enhancing strength. In the early twentieth century, many eugenics proponents believed that the weak could be made strong. People had after all progressed beyond their biological limits by means of technology.

Jean-Jacques Virey, a follower of the French naturalist Jean-Baptiste de Monet de Lamarck, had coined the term ‘‘biotechnie’’ in 1828 to describe man’s ability to make technology do the work of biology, but it was not till a century later that the term entered widespread use. The Scottish biologist and town planner Patrick Geddes made biotechnics popular in the English-speaking world. Geddes, too, sought to link life and technology. Before World War I he had characterized the technological evolution of mankind as a move from the paleotechnic era of coal and iron to the neotechnic era of chemicals, electricity, and steel. After the war, he detected a new era based on biology—the biotechnic era. Through his friend, writer Lewis Mumford, Geddes would have great influence. Mumford’s book Technics and Civilization, itself a founding volume of the modern historiography of technology, promoted his vision of the Geddesian evolution.

A younger generation of English experimental biologists with a special interest in genetics, including J. B. S. Haldane, Julian Huxley, and Lancelot Hogben, also promoted a concept of biotechnology in the period between the world wars. Because they wrote popular works, they were among Britain’s best-known scientists. Haldane wrote about biological invention in his far-seeing work Daedalus. Huxley looked forward to a blend of social and eugenics-based biological engineering. Hogben, following Geddes, was more interested in engineering plants through breeding. He tied the progressivism of biology to the advance of socialism.

The improvement of the human race, genetic manipulation of bacteria, and the development of fermentation technology were brought together by the development of penicillin during World War II. This drug was successfully extracted from the juice exuded by a strain of the Penicillium fungus. Although discovered by accident and then developed further for purely scientific reasons, the scarce and unstable ‘‘antibiotic’’ called penicillin was transformed during World War II into a powerful and widely used drug. Large networks of academic and government laboratories and pharmaceutical manufacturers in Britain and the U.S. were coordinated by agencies of the two governments. An unanticipated combination of genetics, biochemistry, chemistry, and chemical engineering skills had been required. When the natural mold was bombarded with high-frequency radiation, far more productive mutants were produced, and subsequently all the medicine was made using the product of these man-made cells. By the 1950s penicillin was cheap to produce and globally available.

The new technology of cultivating and processing large quantities of microorganisms led to calls for a new scientific discipline. Biochemical engineering was one term, and applied microbiology another. The Swedish biologist, Carl-Goran Heden, possibly influenced by German precedents, favored the term ‘‘Biotechnologi’’ and persuaded his friend Elmer Gaden to relabel his new journal Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering. From 1962 major international conferences were held under the banner of the Global Impact of Applied Microbiology. During the 1960s food based on single-cell protein grown in fermenters on oil or glucose seemed, to visionary engineers and microbiologists and to major companies, to offer an immediate solution to world hunger. Tropical countries rich in biomass that could be used as raw material for fermentation were also the world’s poorest. Alcohol could be manufactured by fermenting such starch or sugar rich crops as sugar cane and corn. Brazil introduced a national program of replacing oil-based petrol with alcohol in the 1970s.

It was not, however, just the developing countries that hoped to benefit. The Soviet Union developed fermentation-based protein as a major source of animal feed through the 1980s. In the U.S. it seemed that oil from surplus corn would solve the problem of low farm prices aggravated by the country’s boycott of the USSR in1979, and the term ‘‘gasohol‘‘ came into currency. Above all, the decline of established industries made the discovery of a new wealth maker an urgent priority for Western governments. Policy makers in both Germany and Japan during the 1970s were driven by a sense of the inadequacy of the last generation of technologies. These were apparently maturing, and the succession was far from clear. Even if electronics or space travel offered routes to the bright industrial future, these fields seemed to be dominated by the U.S. Seeing incipient crisis, the Green, or environmental, movement promoted a technology that would depend on renewable resources and on low-energy processes that would produce biodegradable products, recycle waste, and address problems of the health and nutrition of the world.

In 1973 the German government, seeking a new and ‘‘greener’’ industrial policy, commissioned a report entitled Biotechnologie that identified ways in which biological processing was key to modern developments in technology. Even though the report was published at the time that recombinant DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) was becoming possible, it did not refer to this new technique and instead focused on the use and combination of existing technologies to make novel products.

Nonetheless the hitherto esoteric science of molecular biology was making considerable progress, although its practice in the early 1970s was rather distant from the world of industrial production. The phrase ‘‘genetic engineering’’ entered common parlance in the 1960s to describe human genetic modification. Medicine, however, put a premium on the use of proteins that were difficult to extract from people: insulin for diabetics and interferon for cancer sufferers. During the early 1970s what had been science fiction became fact as the use of DNA synthesis, restriction enzymes, and plasmids were integrated. In 1973 Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer successfully transferred a section of DNA from one E. coli bacterium to another. A few prophets such as Joshua Lederberg and Walter Gilbert argued that the new biological techniques of recombinant DNA might be ideal for making synthetic versions of expensive proteins such as insulin and interferon through their expression in bacterial cells. Small companies, such as Cetus and Genentech in California and Biogen in Cambridge, Massachusetts, were established to develop the techniques. In many cases discoveries made by small ‘‘boutique’’ companies were developed for the market by large, more established, pharmaceutical organizations.

Many governments were impressed by these advances in molecular genetics, which seemed to make biotechnology a potential counterpart to information technology in a third industrial revolution. These inspired hopes of industrial production of proteins identical to those produced in the human body that could be used to treat genetic diseases. There was also hope that industrially useful materials such as alcohol, plastics (biopolymers), or ready-colored fibers might be made in plants, and thus the attractions of a potentially new agricultural era might be as great as the implications for medicine. At a time of concern over low agricultural prices, such hopes were doubly welcome. Indeed, the agricultural benefits sometimes overshadowed the medical implications.

The mechanism for the transfer of enthusiasm from engineering fermenters to engineering genes was the New York Stock Exchange. At the end of the 1970s, new tax laws encouraged already adventurous U.S. investors to put money into small companies whose stock value might grow faster than their profits. The brokerage firm E. F. Hutton saw the potential for the new molecular biology companies such as Biogen and Cetus. Stock market interest in companies promising to make new biological entities was spurred by the 1980 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to permit the patenting of a new organism. The patent was awarded to the Exxon researcher Ananda Chakrabarty for an organism that metabolized hydrocarbon waste. This event signaled the commercial potential of biotechnology to business and governments around the world. By the early 1980s there were widespread hopes that the protein interferon, made with some novel organism, would provide a cure for cancer. The development of monoclonal antibody technology that grew out of the work of Georges J. F. Kohler and Cesar Milstein in Cambridge (co-recipients with Niels K. Jerne of the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1986) seemed to offer new prospects for precise attacks on particular cells.

The fear of excessive regulatory controls encouraged business and scientific leaders to express optimistic projections about the potential of biotechnology. The early days of biotechnology were fired by hopes of medical products and high-value pharmaceuticals. Human insulin and interferon were early products, and a second generation included the anti-blood clotting agent tPA and the antianemia drug erythropoietin. Biotechnology was also used to help identify potential new drugs that might be made chemically, or synthetically.

At the same time agricultural products were also being developed. Three early products that each raised substantial problems were bacteria which inhibited the formation of frost on the leaves of strawberry plants (ice-minus bacteria), genetically modified plants including tomatoes and rapeseed, and the hormone bovine somatrotropin (BST) produced in genetically modified bacteria and administered to cattle in the U.S. to increase milk yields. By 1999 half the soy beans and one third of the corn grown in the U.S. were modified. Although the global spread of such products would arouse the best known concern at the end of the century, the use of the ice-minus bacteria— the first authorized release of a genetically engineered organism into the environment—had previously raised anxiety in the U.S. in the 1980s.

In 1997 Dolly the sheep was cloned from an adult mother in the Roslin agricultural research institute outside Edinburgh, Scotland. This work was inspired by the need to find a way of reproducing sheep engineered to express human proteins in their milk. However, the public interest was not so much in the cloning of sheep that had just been achieved as in the cloning of people, which had not. As in the Middle Ages when deformed creatures had been seen as monsters and portents of natural disasters, Dolly was similarly seen as monster and as a portent of human cloning.

The name Frankenstein, recalled from the story written by Mary Shelley at the beginning of the nineteenth century and from the movies of the 1930s, was once again familiar at the end of the twentieth century. Shelley had written in the shadow of Stahl’s theories. The continued appeal of this book embodies the continuity of the fears of artificial life and the anxiety over hubris. To this has been linked a more mundane suspicion of the blending of commerce and the exploitation of life. Discussion of biotechnology at the end of the twentieth century was therefore colored by questions of whose assurances of good intent and reassurance of safety could be trusted.

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Investors are still likely to be risk-averse, however, and the consensus is that the bonanza seen during the pandemic is unlikely to return. But there are some ‘hot’ areas that are attracting investment because of recent successes such as obesity and neurology.

Roche finished 2023 with a $2.7 billion buyout of obesity biotech Carmot Therapeutics, which has a dual glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) agonist, ready for phase 2 development.

It’s aimed for treatment of obesity in patients with and without type 2 diabetes, and could be a direct competitor to Eli Lilly’s U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved Zepbound, (tirzepatide) which has the same mechanism of action, and Novo Nordisk’s GLP-1 Wegovy (semaglutide).

After around a decade of clinical trial failures, there has finally been progress in recent years with a new generation of Alzheimer’s drug – first with the FDA approval in 2021 of Biogen’s Aduhelm (aducanumab), and of Eisai’s Leqembi (lecanemab) in 2023.

Dr. Jörg-Thomas Dierks, chief executive officer (CEO) of specialist neurology pharmaceutical company Neuraxpharm, pointed out that these successes are just the tip of the iceberg as both drugs can only slow progression of the disease.

He said: “Trying to address the many unmet medical needs that still persist in this therapeutic area with new disruptive therapies like AI and cell and gene therapies require high investment and consequently high risk. Nonetheless, it is great to see that pre-pandemic investment flows have now recovered.”

In medtech, Anne Osdoit, partner at Sofinnova Partners, said that neurology is likely to attract investment in 2024, in line with the trend in pharmaceutical R&D.

She said: “Neurotechnology, particularly neurostimulation, is poised to reach record-high investments, driven by deals focusing on pivotal clinical trials. Orthopedics and cardiovascular (interventional heart failure specifically) investments have also seen robust activity.”

Osdoit was cautious over the prospects for investment in digital health and medtech.

“The tough investment environment we’ve been experiencing over the past 12 months means the deals that do happen involve the best scientific ideas, great engineering and resilient, experienced teams. The medtech sector experienced a 35% drop in investment, to $3.7 billion across 276 deals in the first half of 2023, a significant decline from the previous year. This contraction is attributed to a decrease in new investor-led financings, and a notable dip in large financings over $200 million,” she said.

Renée Aguiar-Lucander, CEO of rare disease biotech Calliditas Therapeutics, said capital markets will “remain difficult to navigate” for public biotechs in 2024.

She added: “For good data and significant catalysts, there is certainly an ability to raise capital.  The private market has been somewhat more resilient, but even there, it has been challenging for many companies over the last couple of years. Hopefully, as rates stabilize, there is more certainty around cost of capital, facilitating funding.”

Innovations in gene editing and rare diseases

But there has been progress with closely-watched technologies such as gene editing after the U.K. became the first country in the world to approve the first CRISPR treatment for a disease.

The country’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved Vertex/CRISPR Therapeutics’ Casgevy (exagamglogene autotemcel), for patients aged 12 and over for sickle cell disease (SCD) and transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia (TDBT).

This preceded a decision from the U.S. FDA, which approved Casgevy in December 2023, based on data from an ongoing single-arm trial in patients with SCD.

In 2024, clinical research into CRISPR-derived technologies, base editing and prime editing, is expted to gather pace. In late 2023, there were the first clinical results from Verve Therapeutics’ VERVE-101, a base editing therapy which permanently deactivates the gene PCSK9, and was the first therapy of this kind in the clinic in 2022.

This controls the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) “bad” cholesterol associated with heart disease – a readout from the company’s phase 1b trial in patients with high-risk heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH), established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and uncontrolled LDL levels on standard oral therapy.

Three patients out of 10 saw their LDL cholesterol levels cut but one patient experienced a myocardial infarction the day after receiving the treatment, considered potentially related to the dosing.

Another patient suffered a fatal cardiac arrest around five weeks after treatment, although this was determined to be caused by underlying ischaemic heart disease rather than the treatment.

The safety data were of concern to investors but the efficacy data has been seen as a proof-of-concept for this iteration of CRISPR gene editing.

Clinical trials of another CRISPR variant, prime editing, are also expected to begin in 2024, in the quest for gene editing therapies that are more accurate and with fewer or no off-target editing events.

Jean-Philippe Combal, CEO of gene therapy biotech Vivet Therapeutics, added that approved treatments for hemophilia A and B will generate “significant commercial momentum” for proven adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapy technology. 

AAVs are now well established as a gene therapy vector, and have proven to be safe and effective in the clinic, and have been on the market since 2017.

Their major drawback is they can only carry smaller genes (around 2,000 bases), although there are hopes this could be improved as the technology develops.

Combal added: “In Duchenne muscular dystrophy , Sarepta, Pfizer, Solid and RGNXBIO will lead the way for new clinical data, and in Wilson’s disease our own Gateway clinical trial is ongoing.”

Data for ocular, CNS and hearing loss disorder, AAV gene therapies could drive financing rounds, while refinements to the technology could improve manufacturing yield and reduce costs.

Overall, rare diseases will continue to attract clinical research in 2024, continuing a long-term trend, according to Calliditas’ Aguiar-Lucander, including genetic and pediatric diseases such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Alport syndrome and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

She said: “ Rare disease research has grown significantly over the last 15 years, and there seems to be an unabated interest and need for new medications for patients with rare diseases. Less than 10% of rare diseases have so far been addressed with medications, so there is a substantial unmet medical need.”

Investment and progress in cancer research : a key clinical trend in 2024

Oncology is an area that has always attracted research investment, with some arguing in the past that this came at the expense of other disease areas such as infectious diseases.

According to a 2023 analysis by contract research giant IQVIA, oncology trial starts are at historically high levels, and global spending on cancer medicines has increased annually by an average of 5% over the past five years. This is expected to continue in the coming years, according to IQVIA .

Mai-Britt Zocca, founder and CEO of IO Biotech, a specialist in cancer vaccines, added: “There’s no doubt the funding environment continues to be challenging, but companies with strong clinical data will be able to attract what they need to progress clinical trials and make regulatory submissions. However, I think it’s going to be harder for companies with early pipeline assets.”

Dr John Maher, chief scientific officer at cancer cell therapy biotech, Leucid Bio, said there was a surprising lack of funding for research into the area, despite a high profile success in the clinic from a group led by Franco Locatelli, in the Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù in Rome, Italy.

Maher said: “It surprises me that funding remains somewhat tight in the current climate. The transformational data achieved by the Locatelli group in solid tumor patients really should have translated into a large bounce for the field, but the message doesn’t seem to have quite permeated as yet.”

Leucid’s Dr Maher added that in the field of CAR-T Immunotherapy, where a patient’s T-cells are genetically manipulated to fight cancer, further progress will be made in solid tumors following the findings from the Italian study.

“I remain firmly optimistic that the field will continue to advance steadily, and we will see more impressive developments in 2024,” Maher said.

Elsewhere in cancer, Catherine Pickering, CEO of iOnctura noted progress in the first-line setting for many cancers, noting that some have a five year survival rate of 95% thanks to the latest therapies.

But she added: “A key trend in clinical research for 2024 will be a shifting focus to acquired and adaptive resistance.  More and more companies, iOnctura included, are focusing on characterizing the mechanisms behind this resistance using validated multi-omic approaches at the intersection of biology / immunology and computer science. As resistance mechanisms are uncovered, companies will be looking to intelligently combine different drugs to overcome them.”

IO Biotech’s Mai-Britt Zocca added that cancer vaccines could play a role in improving response rates to checkpoint inhibitors by modulating the tumor micro-environment and making it less immunosuppressive.

In 2024, IO Biotech expects an interim analysis of a phase 3 trial for its immune-modulating vaccine IO102-IO103, combination with U.S. based Merck & Co’s anti-PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor, Keytruda (pembrolizumab).

While new modalities are making the headlines, there has been a resurgence in interest in small molecules as cancer drugs.

They are often available as patient-friendly oral therapies that don’t require hospital visits to administer. 

There are other technical advantages as they can pass through cell membranes to reach targets within the cell. They tend to be cheaper to manufacture and can be easy to store without need for refrigeration.

Jerry McMahon, CEO of STORM Therapeutics, said: “Small molecules are back at the forefront, especially with novel chemistries that do not rely upon catalytic inhibition of the target. Inhibition or modulation of RNA represents a new frontier for small molecules.”

Recruitment challenges in clinical trials in 2024

After the continuing geopolitical turmoil in 2023, there are challenges with research regions affected by war and like many industries, pharma and biotech will be hoping for stability in 2024, as they search for places to recruit patients for clinical trials.

The ongoing issue of clinical trial recruitment will continue, according to industry experts.

Paul Little, CEO of Vesper Bio, a company which specializes in sortilin receptor biology and has its lead programme focused on frontotemporal dementia, outlined the challenges of trial recruitment for rare diseases.

He said: “Site visits can be challenging and upsetting for patients, so allowing patients to self-dose at home and minimize the need to interrupt their, and their caregiver’s day is important. To overcome this, it is critical to build a network of contract research organizations, key opinion leaders and patient groups, with whom you can work closely with, to optimize your clinical trial design, while always keeping the patient in mind.”

Meanwhile, iOnctura’s Catherine Pickering welcomed U.S. legislation contained in spending legislation (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023), aimed at increasing representation of groups on clinical trials who have been historically omitted from clinical research, such as women and ethnic minority patients.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and numerous other healthcare figures have raised concerns that decades of testing drugs primarily on white men, means there are gaps in knowledge about how drugs work in large parts of the population.

Pickering said: “[The] FDA will require diversity plans for all phase 3 clinical trials conducted in the U.S.. This will start to shape the clinical trial landscape in 2024. Historically, women and racial and ethnic minorities have been underrepresented in clinical trials .  It is a positive move that companies are being encouraged to address this.”

The rise of AI: a top trend in clinical research in 2024

Edward Kliphuis, partner at Sofinnova Partners, said artificial intelligence will continue to shape clinical research in 2024 and beyond, helping to interpret the vast amounts of health data that is emerging from various technologies.

At the same time, use of wearable devices will allow health monitoring to grow substantially, creating a far more personalized healthcare experience.

A key development has been the rise of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), which is capable of generating text, images or other media, Kliphuis said. This can be used to create a whole ecosystem of sophisticated, patient-centric health management tools, he added.

He said: “We expect the collaboration between tech companies and healthcare providers to deepen, leveraging GenAI to create more sophisticated, patient-centric health-management tools. This collaboration is expected to bridge the gap between data collection and practical healthcare delivery, making digital health solutions more integral to everyday healthcare practices.”

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