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Speech on National Integration

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The spirit of national integration is the most distinguishing feature of a vast and heterogeneous country like India with an awesome diversity of cultures. It leads to dissolution of all parochial differences. It has helped India build a national identity and national character, promoting a feeling of unity, solidarity and cohesion despite socio-cultural, regional, religious, linguistic and economic diversities. There are various occasions that require you to speak on the deeply meaningful theme of National Integration. Here, we are providing you two speeches to help you deliver a powerful speech on National Integration.

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Speech on National Integration – 1

A very Good Morning to all present here! I am standing here to present a speech on the topic – ‘National Integration’. It is a very significant aspect as it has a deep bearing on the country’s unity and integrity.

What exactly does National Integration mean? It means the realization of collective identity among the natives of a country. It signifies that even though we all belong to diverse religions, regions, castes and speak different languages; we must always feel that we all are one. Such feeling of oneness is very crucial for building a prosperous and strong nation. The real meaning of integration is the existence of multifarious identities with a unifying thread.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin – “National integration is the assimilation of the entire people of a country to a common identity.”

India has a vast land and people from diverse communities, cultures and castes inhabit the space. It seems almost impossible to hold all of them together and it was owing to these religious and cultural differences that the country lost its independence in the past. Now that our country is free, it should be our first and foremost responsibility to preserve its integrity and honour from external threats and internal dissension.

National Integration not only helps in the formation of a strong country, but also encourages the development of its people. In India, the period from 19 th November to 25 th November is celebrated as the National Integration Week to raise awareness about the subject matter among the common public.

The idea of National Integration has also led to the obliteration of social and religious differences. So, if people of our country stand in unity, many societal issues can be eradicated. People of different faith and communities who used to uphold their religion over others are gradually realizing the importance of oneness and are standing in support of the country’s unity and honour.

National integration has led to the formation of an invisible thread of unity which binds different parts of the country. It has certainly added to the country’s strength. During the struggle for Independence also, people of our country came together to win freedom from the unjust foreign rule.

In the end, I would like to say that we as Indian citizens must stand united for protecting national security. There is a famous citation by Emanuel Cleaver on National Integration which says that “There is more power in unity than division”. Hence, we must always remain united irrespective of all our social, linguistic and religious differences.

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Speech on National Integration – 2

National integration has led to the formation of an invisible thread of unity which binds different parts of the country. It has certainly added to the country’s strength. During the struggle for Independence; people of our country came together to win freedom from the unjust foreign rule.

Speech on Nation Integration – 3

Hello All! Greetings of the Day!

Thank you for taking your time out and being a part of this occasion. By seeing such an enthusiastic and intelligent audience, I feel honoured to have got the privilege to address you all.

Today, I would like to draw your attention towards the reason for the survival and progress of the nation since time immemorial: ‘National Integration’ or ‘Rashtriya Akhandata’.

As laymen, what we understand from the word ‘Integration’ is that, it is an amalgamation of diverse or different things in a single hole. So, what does ‘National Integration’ mean? It is simple: it is the integration or feeling of togetherness among followers of diverse religions, regions and ethnic backgrounds.

Thus, National Integration is the meeting-point of diverse cultures and traditions, etc of a nation. It is a positive aspect that rides over the differences as well as inequalities among people or citizens of the country.

National integration or unity of a country can be defined as the process which brings together the culturally and socially diverse groups into a single territorial entity and leads to the establishment of a national identity.

For a nation to prosper and develop it is important to be integrated and united from within. It is very important for a country to preserve its national integration. The feeling of oneness and togetherness among the citizens of a nation is very important for its overall stability and growth. We all should understand that collective are precisely more efficient than separate efforts. People should feel and live with unity within a nation and make the national identity a unifying power.

National integration is a sentiment which particularly binds people together into one common bond of a nation despite differences in terms of religions, castes, social and economic backgrounds or languages.

A nation should be capable of dealing with all the hurdles that come in the way of oneness. These hindrances are very common; we have seen so many casteists, religious and linguistic clashes from time to time. These issues make the country look weak, and thus may prompt anti-India forces to weaken our national integration, which we should never allow to happen.

A country’s citizens should be synthesized into a unified whole, they should live with harmony and must ensure to be recognized as one entity. These traits help to build a positive consciousness and identity of the country. And, yes each one of us has an important role to play in this task.

I, as a citizen, understand that each one of has something to contribute for strengthening the national unity. If we focus on our thoughts and guide our actions towards the acceptance of every other person like ourselves; we will always be a contributor towards the integration of diverse beliefs, cultures, castes and traditions of our country. Our thoughts make or break us. Our thought of oneness will enable us to get things together and ensure the obliteration of vast differences into one entity.

Please inculcate positive thoughts in yourself and support the integration of different aspects of our nation and help in promoting the ‘National Integration’.

Thank You!!

Speech on National Integration – 4

Respected Chief Guest, Members of the Faculty and Friends,

I feel honoured to speak here today on the subject that is close to all our hearts. The issue of national integration is central to our very life. Our nation, which is our motherland, is what provides us sustenance. In its absence what would our life be? We belong to India and India’s irrevocable unity and integrity is what means everything to us.

In unity lies strength. We observe this in Nature. We see herds of elephants, for instance, moving about in jungles, protecting their young ones, trumpeting in the event of danger and feeding together. Likewise, we see gregarious birds, like the mynas, sparrows and babblers that fly about, feed and roost together.

Through unity and togetherness come strength, power and the resistance to destruction. Unity and integrity form the very quintessence of a nation’s existence, prosperity and power.

National integration for India gains significance due to the immense diversity that characterizes it. While we take joy in the fact that diverse faiths, traditions and customs define our population, we are equally proud that we are united as a country with strong nationalistic fervour.

Every Indian is proud of the national spirit shared by the people of the nation. That indeed is the integrating foundation.

The people come together in defending the unity and integrity of the nation. When it comes to safeguarding our territory, the braveheart Indians will go to any extent to put their own lives at peril for the cause. We are ready to face any hardship to protect the country and its heritage. Our nation’s natural wealth and cultural heritage, safety and pride, unity and integrity, are all for us to protect. And we would never be willing to lose any of it at any cost. Isn’t it?

What is it that binds us all in this noble and valorous task? It is our strong, abiding and unifying love of India. At all times it is the nation that comes first. And this shared hope, destiny and passion of the Indian people makes for national integration.

National integration is really an irrevocable unity of the people. It is the people who strengthen the glorious idea of national integration. Indeed, the contrary holds true too. Disintegration stems from separatist tendencies in the people, and that fosters only weakness. A united nation becomes invincible. And that makes for the safety and security of the land and its people.

It is tolerance and harmony that can bind the people together in a spirit of common brotherhood and peace. And peace and harmony always foster progress and prosperity of the nation. National integration forms the basis for a strong, wealthy and powerful country. It creates economic power, promotes social vibrancy and protects cultural diversity.

As Indians we all stand together to uphold the noble and lofty ideas and ideals of our great nation’s forebears and to keep the Indian flag flying high always.

Speech on the Importance of Unity for National Integration in India – Speech 5

Respected Vice Principal, Beloved Teachers and My Dear Students – Good Morning One and All!

National Unity is an integral part of our country as it integrates our country despite its diversity. Being the Principal of this school, I take immense pleasure to sensitize you all about the importance of unity for national integration in India.

India attained independence in the year 1947 and the first challenge that came to the mind of our leaders was national integration. They feared that partition had created fault lines among various communities and if it was not healed at the appropriate time, India would have fallen apart. The fear was further strengthened in 1956 when various states in India demanded their division on the basis of language. Thus, national integration has been the objective of our government since the time of independence.

To understand the concept of national integration, we need to understand history. In earlier times, religion played an important role in uniting people and our country. Common past and history created the feeling of togetherness among the people. The essence of unity was destroyed when foreign rulers who came from a distinct land introduced new languages and cultures which created intense diversification. This needs to be explained as it gives you an insight in our history.

Spirits of separation, jealousy started rising which destroyed the social fabric of our society. Britishers too followed the “Divide and Rule” policy which further deepened the issue of separation among native communities. Earlier, people who were united to the core, started fighting with each other and the reason behind this was false political projections which created feelings of hatred of one community against the other. The differences created between Hindus and Muslims by Britishers was deliberated to be the greatest setback to national integration. Despite all their efforts, we achieved independence due to our national unity.

After independence, the Government of India established our constitution which favored tolerance, secularism and national integration. You should understand the concept of equality before law, which is embedded in our constitution as a supreme element. This constituent provides equal opportunities to its people despite caste, religion, class etc. There were also certain obstacles which destroyed our national unity which involved casteism, communalism, and regionalism. They are still considered as a threat to our national unity.

Therefore, assimilation of our identities can only be made possible when we collectively come together as a nation and recognize as well as respect the diversity amongst us. Social dogmas and superstitions need to be curbed so that we all function in the right path.

Education is one such factor which can change the mindset of people regarding the concept of religion. Parental education too should be monitored as you all have heard about a famous phrase as “Education begins at home”. Initially you get influenced more through values imparted by parents and at the latter stage is the school which helps you in motivating your personality.

National integration is a harmonious situation which binds the people of the country together; as a nation is built by its people and so, we must live in unity for the development of our country. Communalism is the greatest challenge and that needed to be reduced which will only happen when we change our mentality. This will not only increase solidarity and commonality but will also promote national integration. You students, as youth of our country can initiate the national integration process which in turn would strengthen unity of our country. I hope I have been able to promote the need for unity in India.

Speech on Challenges to National Integration – Speech 6

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Teachers and My loving students – Warm Greetings to all of you!

Today I, Mrs. Anupama Arora, the class teacher of XII (A ) would like to deliver a speech on a topic which is very appropriate for the current scenario, which is “Challenges to National Integration”. Being a teacher of the humanities section I have always taught my students about the relevance of national unity which has been one of the most important pillars of the Indian democratic system.

India is a diverse country which consist of several different religions, communities, castes, class and languages. Due to these aspects, there have been various hindrances in the national integration of our country. These challenges not only restrict the feeling of togetherness amongst us but are also responsible to curb the essence of “National Unity”.

You might be wondering that the driving force of our country since independence has been “Unity in Diversity”, then how in any manner can our national unity be threatened? There are various factors which endanger the Unity of India directly and in certain instances, indirectly:

  • Communalism : India being a multi religious country has coerced difference of opinion among members of different religions. Each religion interprets the other religion as dissimilar. Political leaders have projected one religion against the other. This in turn has led to mistrust, differences, and communal clashes. You all have read the story of partition and how communalism played a major factor in dividing religions. Illiteracy and superstition has intensified and garnered the feeling of communalism.
  • Economic Inequalities : Economic standard of individuals in any country mainly depends on the fertility of land, resources available and manpower supervision. All the states are not equal on these parameters, which has led to economic backwardness of certain classes. There is no proper distribution of wealth in our country which impacts equality and leads to rich becoming richer and poor becoming poorer. This causes conflict and tension.
  • Caste Rigidity : Caste has played a major role in the politics of our country. In earlier times, caste boundaries were deliberated to be rigid. Hindus, Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishya’s and Shudras considered themselves separate from each other. This led to formation of a hierarchical structure where no other caste intermingled with each other. “Shudra community” was placed at the lowest rank and suffered exploitation of different kinds. To restrict exploitation against them by upper castes, the concept of affirmative action came to the forefront which mainly implies reservations for Schedule Castes, Tribes and Other Backward Castes in jobs, education sector etc. This in turn has led to the feeling of empowerment among them.

Many people forget national interest before the interest of a particular caste and this creates a feeling that the rights of the deprived community are being ignored. In many places dominance of a particular caste is generally maintained and in employment the people of that caste are given preference against others.Thus many things are being done on the basis of caste identities and national integration is not possible, unless the attitude of caste preferences is discarded.

  • Multiculturalism : There are various sub cultures in our country in terms of ethnicity. Each community is divided in various sub parts which are often termed as “Ethnic communities”. Their rights have been ignored since decades by the state as well as by individuals like us. Their demanding of their rights has initiated problems among other communities.

Therefore, there are many programmes and plans for eliminating these hindrances. Education can become a powerful instrument to restrict these challenges or national unity provided that it is implemented and enforced in the right manner by the government of our country.

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FAQs on Speech on National Integration

What is national integration in india.

National Integration in India refers to the process of fostering unity, harmony, and a sense of belonging among the diverse cultures, religions, languages, and regions of the country.

Why is National Integration important in India?

National Integration is crucial in India to maintain social cohesion, prevent conflicts, and promote a sense of oneness among its diverse population.

What are the challenges to National Integration in India?

Challenges to National Integration in India include religious and communal tensions, regional disparities, linguistic diversity, and socio-economic inequalities.

How can National Integration be promoted in India?

National Integration can be promoted through education, cultural exchange programs, inclusive policies, and efforts to bridge gaps between different communities and regions.

What role does the government play in National Integration?

The government plays a significant role in National Integration by implementing policies that promote equal opportunities, cultural preservation, and social harmony among diverse groups.

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Importance of National Integration for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of national integration.

National Integration is the bond and togetherness between people regardless of their caste, creed, religion or gender . It is the feeling of oneness, brotherhood and social unity under communities and society in a country. National Integration helps to keep the country unified and strong from within despite the diversities. So, the importance of national integration can be from the fact that the nation which remains integrated. It will always progress on the track of development and prosperity.

importance of national integration

What is the Importance of National Integration?

National integration plays a dynamic role in making the country as one. This happens only by uniting every section of society. It provides an equal opportunity for each citizen. It also offers an equal platform in terms of social, cultural and economic development .

National integration also helps to unite the minorities as well as gives them the freedom to live their life in their way without any interference. Thus National integration is also essential for the country’s development. Because the country with national unity will always flourish and develop.

Aims of National Integration

National integration principally aims at providing a better environment for the people of a country. Thus they can develop themselves in all the aspects. It also aids to bind multi-racial and multilingual country like India, which has people with diverse culture and tradition. It also multiplies the union of brotherhood amongst communities, societies and the people.

National integration also helps in keeping the stability of a country and adds up to its whole development. It supports to nurture communal harmony and fights casteism, regionalism, and linguism, etc. National Integration improves the feeling of loyalty and fraternity towards the nation. It unites the people in case of any national emergency.

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How to Promote National Integration?

As national integration demonstrates a crucial part in the development of a country, it becomes important to develop the feeling of national integrity among its citizens. Therefore, focus on all the sections of society and making them financially dependent will promote national integration.

This will help to promote economic integrity. This is one of the most important factors in promoting national integration. Tolerance and respect for other caste or religion also support to promote national integrity. Education, social and cultural unity, equality among people also helps to teach the feeling of national integration.

Advantages of National Integration

National integration plays a very important role in the political, economic, cultural and social dimensions of a country. It helps the country in the following ways:

  • Promotes Social Harmony

National integration makes the people of a country be present in harmony. This works only by strengthening the social bond between them. It indorses brotherhood, peace, and tolerance among them.

  • Unites the Nation

National integration aids to unite people of different race, caste, creed or thoughts and makes the country as a single entity. it strengthens the country and makes it powerful on the international platform.

  • Increases Economic Growth

It is a well-known fact that the country has less internal matters and problems. They will always prosper and develop. The country which is united will always have fewer problems as compared to the country which is socially unstable.

  • Promotes Loyalty for the Nation

National integration indorses loyalty of the citizen for the country. It aids to make people join hands and stand for the advancement of the country forgetting their petty issues.

Significance of National Integration in Modern Era

National integration plays a more significant role in modern times. Hence it has challenges like communalism, regionalism, linguism, etc. Global terrorism is also one of the major threats to national integration. While few people with radical thoughts convince the population and brainwash them. They provoke them against their motherland.

In the era of technological advancements and the accessibility of social media. It is very easy to get deceived. National integration helps to ignore these situations. It makes people intellectually mature and tolerant.

National integration is very significant for a country because it is seen many times in the history of mankind that the integrity of a nation fell in danger. It had confronted major challenges from within and also became a victim of foreign assaults. Hence national integration plays a significant role in making of a nation. It keeping it alive in history with sustained development.

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National Integration Speech | Speech on National Integration for Students and Children in English

September 2, 2020 by Prasanna

National Integration Speech: The meaning or the main focus of national integration is to remain united as a nation and solve all the problems which cause the division of the nation in communities, religions, castes, etc.

To solve this problem, our first Prime Minister in India, Jawaharlal Nehru formed a council for national integration in India. National integration is very important for a nation because it unites the citizens irrespective of their caste, class, religion and community.

National integration is very important to remain united as a nation to fight any problems which are generated from a different nation to break our unity.

Long And Short Speeches on National Integration for Kids And Students in English

A long national integration speech of 500 words and a short national integration speech of 150 words are provided to the students so that they could prepare a speech form this topic.

With both long and short speech, it will help them to prepare for a long and short speech. Ten lines on this topic are also being provided so that they can develop an idea on this topic.

A Long Speech on National Integration is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on National Integration is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On National Integration 500 Words In English

Good morning to all my respected teachers and seniors,

Today I would like to present a speech on national integration.

Integration means to bring people together in a united manner on the basis of a common promise and fulfilling that promise and maintaining the unity.

Integration on a national basis means to unite the people of the nation irrespective of their caste, class, religion, community and unite them as one single nation. This national integrity keeps the people of the country united.

This integrity provides equality to all the country people. It does not differentiate on any basis. The main aim of national integrity is the development of the country. A country like India requires national integrity so that there are no differentiations made on the basis of any factor other than nationality.

Though India is a secular country, there are a lot of divisions and subdivisions among the people on the basis of religion, caste, class, community and many more. It is very difficult to unite the people at times like communal riots. But there are times when the country unites with its entire people together.

National integrity is very important to fight issues like international terrorism or similar problems like that. When a country faces a hard time because of problems on international basis, the country needs to face the problem in a united manner so that it is easier for the country people.

This national integrity unites the people for the development of the country. Many of the problems are solved on national basis like economy of the country.

It is also very important to respect each religion and treat all the people of the different caste and class equally. For maintaining national integrity, it is important to respect each religion, caste and class so that the people can understand each other well as it is important to understand each other before uniting with one another.

National integration plays a very prime role in solving political, social and economic issues of the country. It also reduces problems related to different religions, castes and classes. And it fights or wars among the country people.

It changes people’s thoughts which differentiate among the people living in the same country. It helps in building a very powerful nation that is difficult to break. This increases patriotism among the country people on a larger basis.

People who intend to break the bonds between the country people so that they country suffers, or promote radical ideas to a particular religion so that the people of the same religion unite and forget their duty towards their country, is a large threat as it intends to manipulate people into betraying one’s country.

If national integrity is strong in the minds of people, it will not let the country people diverge into different ideas. It is the duty of the national leaders to inspire the people of the country to unite together and remain integrated nationally.

Short Speech On National Integration 150 Words In English

Short Speech On National Integration 150 Words In English

Hello and welcome to all our special guests gathered here.

Let me present a speech on national integrity to you.

National integrity tends to bind the people of the country to each other. It unites all the people of the country together and it does not see any difference between the people on the basis of caste, class or religion.

National integrity helps to solve global problems on a larger basis. It generates patriotism among the people of the country. It helps the people to be dutiful towards one’s country.

It teaches the country people to respect all the religions equally and treat people from different castes and classes equally and be just to them. This concept of national integrity broadens the mind of the people towards each other.

This also reduces civil wars. When people try to break the bond between the people of the country, it is the national integrity which stops the severe break.

10 Lines On National Integration Speech In English

  • National integration unites the citizens of the country on a national basis excluding the barriers of religion, caste and class.
  • National integration helps in the development of the country.
  • The freedom fighters were the first people who introduced national integration in our minds. They were the ones who taught us to be patriots.
  • The celebration of all the national festivals shows India to be in national integrity.
  • National integration reduces communal riots and civil wars among the people of the country.
  • This concept broadens the mind of the people to be respectful to each other’s religions and religious practices among the people of the country.
  • National integration helps the nation to progress towards being a powerful nation.
  • National integration helps the people of the country to fight terrorism in a united manner.
  • It is the responsibility of the national leaders to explain the true meaning of national integration so that the people understand this concept.
  • To build a strong nation in the whole world, it is very much important to have a strong sense of national integration.

10 Lines On National Integration Speech In English

FAQ’s On National Integration Speech

Question 1. Who founded the first National Integration Council in India?

Answer: Our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru founded the first National Integration Council in India in 1961 to strengthen the unity among the people of the country.

Question 2. Why is National Integration considered to be so important?

Answer: It is very important for a secular country like India to have national integration so that the people of the country are not differentiated among each other on the basis of religion, caste and class.

Question 3. How is it possible to develop national integration among the country people?

Answer: The development of national integration is possible if the national leaders promote this concept in a correct manner so that the people could understand the true meaning of it and act accordingly.

Question 4. Which date is considered as the National Integration Day?

Answer: The date 19 th November is celebrated as National Integration Day.

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speech on national unity and integration

National Unity Integration


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about national unity integration. Enjoy the class!

National Unity Integration

National unity and integration imply a situation where every Nigerian can work as a team to achieve a common goal irrespective of their cultural background. The need for unity is being stressed because of the multi-ethnic nature of Nigeria as a nation. Cooperation and teamwork are needed to forge ahead as a nation. Every element of nepotism, tribalism, and ethnicity must be removed if we must progress.

 Need for national unity and integration

The following are some of the strong reasons why national unity and integration are needed by Nigeria.

  • Multi-ethnic structure of the country: Nigeria has over 300 ethnic groups with different languages. No economic development can be achieved except there is unity among them.
  • Pre-amalgamation experience: Until 1914 when the Northern and Southern protectorates were amalgamated to form the nation Nigeria each society that makes Nigeria today had its own method of administration. Therefore, for any meaningful progress to occur as a nation, they have to be totally integrated as one indivisible nation.

Importance of national unity and integration

National unity and integration are important in the following ways:

  • They promote peace: In a nation where there is unity, peace and tranquillity will reign. Unity will prevent tribalism, nepotism which can cause conflict in society.
  • They promote economic development: When there is unity everyone will do his best to do things that will make the economy grow. The absence of conflict will produce a peaceful environment, which encourages foreign and local investors to set up industries. The existence of industries will lead to the creation of more jobs, revenue and increase in per capita income.
  • They promote political stability: National unity and integration will bring about political stability because a change in the government resulting from the struggle for power by all the tribes will stop. Anyone one that is elected through credible election will be supported and assisted to rule for the benefit of others. Those elected also will see themselves as representing every Nigerian rather than their tribe or family. Such leaders will not exhibit tribalism, or ethnicity in the course of discharging their duties.
  • Promote our image abroad: A nation with good leadership, peace and economic development will be respected among the committee of nations. Other nations will like to associate with her in terms of trade, politics sports and so on.
  • Prevent all forms of corruption: Embezzlement of funds, bribery, electoral fraud will disappear in a country where there is unity.

In our next class, we will be talking about the Physical Environment.   We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On National Integration In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about national integration. When a country is as culturally, religiously, and linguistically varied as India, those two simple words—believe me when I say they are the most potent force advancing a nation—come into their own.

There is an old Indian proverb that states, “Kos kos pe badle pani, char kos pe badle wani,” which translates as, “Water in India changes flavor every 200 meters, language every 800 meters.” The people of India are united and uphold a single constitution despite their great variety. Purely speaking, this is a problem of national integration. For the nation to continue moving forward and prospering, national integration is also crucial.

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Essay on Importance of National Integration

A bond of togetherness between people irrespective of their caste, creed, religion and gender is national integrity. This is a feeling of oneness and brotherhood in a country where diversity is the main ethos. National Integration keeps the entire country tote and strong, despite the differences in culture, language, and main livelihood. An integrated nation will always progress towards development and prosperity.

Aims of National Integration

A country like India has people from different cultures, languages and races and national integration not just aims to bind them together but also aims at giving them a better environment to live and prosper. 

National Integration helps in keeping the stability of the country and helps in its development. 

It nurtures communal harmony and fights casteism, regionalism and linguistic differences. 

It improves the feeling of loyalty towards the nation and aims at uniting people in case of emergency.  

National integrity focuses on all the sections of the society, thereby making them financially independent. 

Through it, the State aims to promote economic integration too. 

No foreign assault can ever break the back of a nation that is united in a true sense. 

Education, social and cultural unity, and equal access to all basic rights and amenities foster a sense of integrity in the citizens of a country.

Importance of National Integration

National integration plays a crucial role in the political, economic, cultural and social dimensions of a country. It helps the country in the following ways:

Promotes Social Harmony 

Due to national integration, the social bond between people strengthens in the country, thereby endorsing brotherhood, peace and tolerance among them.

Unites the Nation 

This unites people from a different race, caste, creed or thoughts, and makes the country a single entity, thereby strengthening the country and making it internationally powerful.

Increases Economic Growth

Since this country has the least internal matters and problems, the economic growth will prosper and develop.

Promotes Loyalty for the Nation

National Integration endorses the loyalty of the citizen to the country. It aids to make people join hands and stand for the advancement of the country forgetting their petty issues.

Significance of National Integration in Modern Era

National Integration plays a crucial role during modern times and challenges communalism, regionalism, linguism, etc. However, global terrorism is a major threat to national integration. Only a few people with radical thoughts convince the population and brainwash them. They provoke them against their motherland.

In the era of technological advancements and the accessibility of social media, it is very easy to get deceived. National integration helps to ignore these situations. It makes people intellectually mature and tolerant.

National integration is very significant for a country because it is seen many times in the history of mankind that the integrity of a nation fell in danger. It had confronted major challenges from within and also became a victim of foreign assaults. Hence, national integration plays a significant role in the making of a nation. It keeps the history of the country sustained with development.

National Integration in India is critical for increasing unity among all segments of society in a country like India, which is rich in diversity in many aspects of life. This article explains the role of the school system, film, individuals from the middle class, people from the working class, intellectuals, various multinational corporations, and the media in fostering national integration.

What is the role of education in national integration?

Education is important because it alters our views and ideas. Fortunately, India has had excellent educators both before and after independence. School instructors have an important role in developing the brains of the country's young children. Throughout history, several historical figures like Rani Laxmi Bai and Lal Bahadur Shastri, as well as iconic phrases such as 'Inquilab Zindabad,' have infiltrated our collective psyche.

 The syllabus developed by NCERT with the assistance of famous academics has also played an important role in developing the concept of India. Furthermore, students frequently relocate to other areas of the country to pursue further education at various colleges.

This has enabled young minds to think beyond their areas, castes, and religions. Universities around the nation, such as Delhi University, Jamia Millia Islamia, and Osmania University, to mention a few, have students from all over the country who, in a short period, acquire a pan-Indian mindset that transcends any cultural or ethnic boundaries. Unfortunately, our student enrollments in higher education institutions remain very low, with only about 12-13 percent of our population having access to higher education, whereas, in the United States, it is about 87 per cent, in Europe, it is more than 50 per cent, and in China, it is about 25 per cent.

 Thus, one may anticipate that shortly, with the establishment of private universities and government initiatives, higher education will not only become more accessible, but student enrollments in these institutions will also increase.

People from various cultural groups, as well as marginalized groups such as minorities, women, tribal groups, and so on, who had previously been alienated from the national mainstream, have gradually aligned themselves with the mainstream, owing largely to the efforts of an inclusive education system. "Right education available to everybody is arguably the primary solution for most of our maladies," said Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

What is the purpose of national integration?

The goals of national integration are as follows:

Boost the sense of camaraderie.

Reduce religious, regional, racial, and cultural disparities.

Active and energetic dissemination of the ideals for which our country stands, particularly tolerance and peace.

Mobilize constructive societal forces in the interest of national unity and solidarity, and provide them with leadership, encouragement, and articulation.

Reduce homicides, massacres, and riots, among other things.

Contribute to the nation's development. Increase people's togetherness.

Middle-class, intellectual, and working-class contributions

It is vital to highlight that none of these classes can afford to be confined to a certain place. The middle class, for example, is a highly mobile society that regularly moves across states for business, school, or job opportunities. People from many cultural and regional origins have settled in cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, and Calcutta, among others, and made these cities their homes. 

This segment of the middle class may readily relate to the concept of India. In Mumbai alone, one may see individuals from all across India, many of them have come there in pursuit of better possibilities. Although individuals transferring from smaller cities to larger ones encounter a variety of challenges, one of which is being classified as "outsiders."

Their will to stay and overcome the obstacles, on the other hand, reflects their faith in the notion of India. The same may be said about the working class. Similarly, intellectuals, by their liberal character, do not confine themselves to caste, class, religion, or location. They oppose the concept of competing values and instead work for the collaborative upliftment of humans and humanity. 

Since the emergence of consciousness of rights and oneness, there have been several instances where the whole intellectual community has spoken out against the state's arbitrary acts against people' creative expression, regardless of caste, creed, religion, or location. This creates room for diverse expressions within a unified India.


FAQs on Importance of National Integration Essay

1. What function does education play in promoting national integration?

Contributions to the formation of habits, attitudes, and character characteristics that would enable its residents to undertake the obligations of democratic citizenship and to confront all those fissiparous tendencies that impede the establishment of a wide, national, and secular worldview. National integration is a psychological and pedagogical process that involves the formation of a sense of togetherness, solidarity, and cohesiveness in the hearts of people, as well as a sense of shared citizenship and allegiance to the nation. It is intellectual integration that education may achieve.

2. What is the purpose of national integration?

 Boost the sense of camaraderie.

3. What is the role of the Constitution in National Integration?

Three features of the Constitution aided greatly in establishing national integration. The Preamble, which began with the letters "We the people of India," i.e. Bharat. Then there are the Fundamental Rights, which are established in the constitution and provide equal rights to all people, regardless of religion, region, caste, gender, creed, etc. The Directive Principles of State Policy, which direct states to take actions toward achieving equality, justice, and liberty for everyone. The Preamble's ideals will be formed through the Directive Principles of State Policy. When taken together, these three aspects of our Constitution strive to create conditions for an equal society in which individual liberties are protected.

4. What is the role of the Planning and Finance commission in National Integration?

National integration was aided by the Planning Commission, Finance Commission, Election Commission, UPSC, CAG, SC, HC, and other commissions. In addition, there are PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings) where staff from various regions of the country are picked through competitive tests. One may discover a mini-India in the residential townships of PSUs like SAIL, BHEL, NTPC, and others. They have had a significant impact in subverting regional sentiments. Recently, the Planning Commission, which has been superseded by the NITI Aayog, has expanded the notion of cooperative federalism, which strives to increase state engagement in nation-building. The Central Government, in its recent 14th Finance Commission proposals, devolved a larger portion (42 per cent) of the divisible pool of taxes to states, allowing them additional budgetary freedom. This demonstrates the Central Government's increased confidence in the role of states in nation-building.

5. What exactly is the significance of national integration?

National integration contributes to the stability and prosperity of the country. It promotes communal cohesion while combating casteism, regionalism, and linguistic distinctions. It fosters a sense of patriotism and strives to bring people together. In a country like India, people of all cultures, languages, and races coexist, and national integration attempts not only to bring them together but also to provide them with a better environment in which to live and develop. National integration is highly important for a country since the integrity of a nation has been threatened numerous times throughout history. It has faced significant internal obstacles as well as external assaults. As a result, national integration is crucial in the formation of a nation. It keeps the country's past alive via growth.


Speech On National Integration

In a vast and heterogeneous country like India with a large diversity of cultures, the feeling of national integration is one of the most distinctive features. This helps to put an end to all narrow differences. National integration has helped in making India a national identity and national character. It has promoted the spirit of unity, solidarity and harmony in spite of social, cultural, regional, religious, linguistic and economic diversity. There are many occasions when there is a need to talk about the deeply meaningful subject of national integration.

Table of Contents

Short and Long Speech on National Integration in English

Greetings from my side to all the gentlemen present here! Today I am here to deliver a speech on the topic of ‘National Integration’. This is a very important subject as it has a deep impact on the unity and integrity of the country.

What is meant by national unity? It refers to the collective identity of the residents of a country. It shows that even though we all belong to different religions, regions, castes and speak different languages, we should always feel that we are all one. This sense of unity is very important for building a prosperous and strong nation. The real meaning of integration is the existence of multiple identities with unified threads.

According to the words of Benjamin Franklin – “National unity means the unification of the people of the whole country to a common identity.”

India is a vast landmass inhabited by people belonging to different communities, cultures and castes. It seems almost impossible for the people of all the provinces to live together here and due to these religious and cultural differences, our country became the slave of the British in the past. Today, when our country is independent, our first and foremost responsibility is to preserve its integrity and honor from external threats and internal discontent.

National integration not only helps in the formation of a strong country but also encourages the development of its people. In India, from November 19 to November 25, is celebrated as National Integration Week to raise awareness in the interest of the general public.

The idea of ​​national unity has also worked to destroy social and religious differences. So if the people of our country stand with unity then many social issues can be ended. People of different faiths and people of different communities who used to say their religion better than the religions of others are slowly realizing the importance of unity and standing in support of the unity and respect of the country.

National integration has led to the formation of an invisible thread of equality that harmonizes different parts of the country. It certainly boosts the strength of the country. Even during the freedom struggle, the people of our country stood together to get freedom from the unjust foreign rule.

In the end I would like to say that we Indian citizens should unite to protect the national security. A famous sentence said by Emanuel Klever on national unity is “There is more power in unity than in division”. That is why we should always remain united in spite of all social, linguistic and religious differences.

Greetings from my side to all the gentlemen present here! I am here before you all to deliver a speech on the theme of ‘National Integration’. This is a very important aspect as it has a profound effect on the unity and integrity of the country.

What is meant by national unity? It means the attainment of collective identity among the residents of a country. It shows that even though we all belong to different religions, regions, castes and speak different languages ​​we should always feel that we are all one. It is very important to have this sense of unity to build a prosperous and strong nation. The real meaning of unity is the existence of a plurality of identity with a unifying thread.

Some of the precious words of Benjamin Franklin on this subject are as follows – “National unity is the unification of the people of the whole country for a common identity.”

India is a vast region and people of different communities, cultures and castes live together here. It is almost impossible to tie people of all communities together in a thread of unity. Due to these religious and cultural differences, our country became the slave of the British. Now that our country is free from external threats and internal discontent, it is our first and foremost responsibility to preserve its integrity and honor.

National integration not only helps in the formation of a strong country but also encourages the development of the people. In India, the period from November 19 to November 25 is celebrated as National Integration Week to raise awareness about the general public.

The idea of ​​national unity has also led to the destruction of social and religious differences. So if the people of our country stand in unity then many social issues can be ended. People of different religions and communities, who earlier said their religion is better than the religion of others, are slowly realizing the importance of unity and standing in support of the unity and respect of the country.

National integration has led to the formation of an invisible thread of equality that binds the country in different parts. This definitely increases the strength of the country. During the freedom struggle, the people of our country came together to gain freedom from the unjust foreign rule.

In the end I would like to say that all of us Indian citizens should unite for the national security of the country. A famous sentence said by Emanuel Klever on national unity is “There is more power in unity than in division”. That is why we should always remain united in spite of all social, linguistic and religious differences.

Thank you all for being here by taking out your precious time to be a part of this occasion. It is my privilege to have the privilege of addressing an enthusiastic and intelligent audience like you.

Today I want to draw your attention to ‘National Integration’ or ‘National Integration’ for the survival and progress of the nation.

As layman, by the word ‘integration’ we understand that it is a mixture of various or dissimilar things. So what is meant by ‘national integration’? It means: It is a sense of unity among followers of different religions, regions and ethnic backgrounds.

Thus, national unity is the amalgamation of diverse cultures and traditions of a nation. This is a positive aspect that depends on the differences as well as inequalities between the people or citizens of the country.

National integration or country integration can be defined as the process that brings together culturally and socially diverse groups into a regional unit and establishes a national identity.

It is more important for a nation to be prosperous and developed than it is to be integrated from within. It is very important for any country to preserve its national integration. The feeling of unity among the citizens of a nation is very important for its overall stability and development. We all should understand that collective action is more effective than individual efforts. People should realize that they should live in unity within the country and become the unifying force of national identity.

National unity is a feeling that binds people in a particular sense of nation identity despite differences in terms of religion, castes, social and economic background or languages.

Any country should be able to deal with all the obstacles that come in the way of its unity. These obstacles are very common. We have seen so many casteism, religious and linguistic riots from time to time. These issues make the country look weak and thus may signal the anti-India forces to undermine our national unity which we should never allow to dominate ourselves.

The citizens of the country should be synthesized as a whole, they should live in harmony and they should ensure their identity as a unit. These traits help in creating a positive consciousness and identity of the country. We all have an important role to play in this work.

As a citizen, I understand that every individual should contribute to strengthen the national unity. If we pay attention to our thoughts and guide our actions towards the acceptance of every other person then we will always be a contributor towards the integration of the different beliefs, cultures, castes and traditions of our country. Our thoughts make and break us. Our idea of ​​unity enables us to have things together and ensures the forgetfulness of the vast differences in a unit.

Please encourage positive thoughts in yourself and support the integration of different aspects of our nation and help in promoting ‘National Integration’.

Respected Principal, Vice-Principal, Teachers and fellow students are warmly welcome to all of you in today’s program.

As you all know that today on the special day of 19th November, we all have gathered here in the courtyard of our school to celebrate the program of National Unity Day. When we think about national integration, many thoughts come to our mind, but out of this, the first thing that comes to our mind is the unity and integrity of our country.

Many of us may already know this thing, but still let me tell you all about this special day of National Unity Day celebrated on the birthday of Smt. Indira Gandhi, considered one of the greatest Prime Ministers of our country. Who sacrificed her life to maintain the unity and integrity of the country and knowing that her decisions would threaten her life, she stood firm on her decisions and before her assassination on 30 October 1984 In his last speech in Bhubaneswar, he said, “I am here today, I may not be here tomorrow. I am not worried whether I should be alive or not.

My life has been good and long and I am proud that I have spent my whole life in the service of the people of my country. I will keep doing this till my last breath and when I die every drop of my blood will work to strengthen India”. Dedicated to the commendable work done.

This day of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas reminds us that for the progress and security of our country, it is very necessary to have the spirit of national unity. Only through this one can maintain the national unity and integrity of our country. National unity is that feeling which works to keep us united in spite of having all kinds of diversity like linguistic, ethnic, religious, cultural in our country. We can say that the spirit of our national unity is our biggest strength and the basis of our country’s progress, by promoting it, we can not only advance our country on the path of progress but also make it a global power. Can also be installed as The root of our national unity is also contained in our national anthem, in which we salute the heritage of our national unity from East to West and Punjab to Bengal.

In the present scenario, it is very important to have a sense of national unity in us because our country is surrounded by enemies from all sides and efforts are always made by them to create instability in our country. Apart from this, many organizations are also active within our country to break the unity and integrity of our country, which is more dangerous than external enemies for the security of our country. Most of these organizations are organizations with Maoist and extremist terrorism ideas, which are financed economically and strategically by external powers and their only objective is to break Indian unity and integrity.

For this, they take the help of many methods such as misleading the youth, inciting people to revolt against the government, carrying out planned violent incidents to increase religious hysteria and enmity, violent incidents to weaken the government. To execute etc. is the most important of these.

These plans of destroyers of the country can be defeated only by us because the students and youth of the country are the people whom these anti-national forces carry out their plans by luring or brainwashing them. If we will be aware of these subjects and understand the spirit of unity of our country, then no matter how hard any power or organization may try, it can never succeed in trying to break the national unity of our country.

So let’s take an oath together that not only will we be aware of the issue of unity and integrity of our country, but we will also try our best to bring awareness to this subject in others because the unity and integrity of our country is fighting against the forces of our country. Former Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi had also sacrificed her life for the sake of the country and her great sacrifice inspires us that if we have to sacrifice our lives for the unity of the nation, then we should not back down. .

I hope you all liked my speech, thank you all for listening so patiently to my speech!

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speech on national unity and integration

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas: History, significance and inspiring quotes by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

National Unity Day or Rashtriya Ekta Diwas is celebrated on October 31 every year to mark the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

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Rashtriya Ekta Diwas: History, significance and inspiring quotes by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

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What is National Integration in India?

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What is National Integration in India

India is diverse, making it a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-lingual country. It allows its citizens to practice any religion, and the Preamble of India also talks about being Secular. But in 1961, it was not the case since communalism, casteism, regionalism, linguism, and narrow-mindedness still prevailed. Therefore, the erstwhile Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru convened the National Integration Conference from September to October in 1961. Furthermore, the outcome of the conference was the formation of the National Integration Council (NIC) in 1962. Read on to learn more about the 4 Obstacles and National Integration Day in India.

speech on national unity and integration

What is National Integration?

National Integration is the act of bringing together the diverse communities and people of the nation to imbibe a sense of unity and belonging in people. 

  • It aims to encourage harmony and cooperation among people from different regions, languages, religions, and cultures. 
  • National integration fosters a strong, unified nation where diverse citizens with equal rights and opportunities respect each other’s beliefs and traditions.
  • Thus, promoting unity and working towards shared goals for a stable and prosperous country.

Also Read: National Constitution Day

4 Obstacles to National Integration

In addition, the 4 Obstacles to National Integration are as follows: 


Communalism is the preference for one’s religious community over national interests, usually harming other religious groups. It originated during British rule with the Government of India Acts of 1909, 1919, and 1935, which introduced communal representation.

In addition, Communalism has grown due to the politicization of religion as seen in:

  • Religious Political Parties: Examples include the Akali Dal, Muslim League, and Shiv Sena.
  • Religious Pressure Groups: Such as the RSS, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, and Jamaat-e-Islami.
  • Communal Riots: Conflicts in cities like Varanasi, Mathura, Hyderabad, and Amritsar.
  • Religious Structure Disputes: Notably, the Ram Janmabhoomi issue in Ayodhya.

Moreover, factors sustaining Communalism include religious orthodoxy, the influence of Pakistan, Hindu chauvinism, government inaction, political manoeuvring, communal media, and socio-economic issues.


Regionalism refers to a strong loyalty to a specific region or state over the country as a whole. It can also extend to sub-regionalism, where loyalty is directed to a particular area within a State.

In India, Regionalism comes in different forms:

  • Secessionist Movements: Regions like Khalistan, Dravid Nadu, and certain areas in Mizoram and Nagaland seek independence from India.
  • Demand for Separate Statehood: Areas such as Bodoland, Vidarbha, and Gorkhaland push for their own statehood.
  • Union Territories Seeking Statehood: Union Territories like Puducherry and Delhi seek to become full States.
  • Inter-State Disputes: Conflicts arise over boundaries (e.g., Chandigarh and Belgaum) and river waters (e.g., Cauvery, Krishna, Ravi-Beas).
  • Sons of the Soil Theory: This concept advocates for prioritizing local residents for jobs and opportunities, with slogans like “Assam for Assamese” and “Maharashtra for Maharashtrians.”

Casteism is prioritising one’s caste over national interests, thereby stemming from caste-based politics. It manifests in several ways:

  • Formation of caste-based political parties (e.g., Justice Party, Republican Party, Bahujan Samaj Party).
  • Creation of caste-based pressure groups (e.g., Nadar Association, Harijan Sevak Sangh, Kshatriya Mahasabha).
  • Allocation of election tickets and ministerial positions along caste lines.
  • Caste conflicts between higher and lower castes or among dominant castes in states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.
  • Additionally, violent disputes over reservation policies.

State politics often feature caste group rivalries, such as Kamma vs. Reddy in Andhra Pradesh, Lingayat vs. Vokkaliga in Karnataka, and Jat vs. Ahir in Haryana.

Linguism, the love for one’s language and its speakers, is a result of political processes similar to regionalism and communalism. It has two main aspects which are reorganizing states based on language and determining the Union’s official language.

The creation of Andhra Pradesh in 1953 led to a nationwide push for states to be reorganized by language, hence resulting in the 1956 reorganization. 

  • Despite this, India’s political map continued to change due to popular agitations, leading to further state divisions.

The 1963 Official Languages Act, designating Hindi as the official language, sparked anti-Hindi protests in South India and West Bengal. 

  • To address this, the government guaranteed that English would remain an associate official language. 
  • The three-language formula for schools (English, Hindi, and a regional language) has not been implemented in Tamil Nadu, thus preventing Hindi from becoming the national lingua franca.

Therefore, linguism intensified with the rise of regional parties like the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), Asom Gana Parishad (AGP), and Shiv Sena.

Also Read: National Solidarity Day

National Integration Day in India

National Integration Day is celebrated on the 19th of November every year, This is done in honour of India’s first female Prime Minister , Indira Gandhi. Additionally, the purpose behind celebrating National Integration Day in India is to promote unity, peace, love, and brotherhood among the country’s citizens.

Common principles of national integration are common citizenship, unity in diversity, freedom of religion, secularism, equality, socioeconomic and political, and fraternity among all communities.

The key objective of National Integration Day in India is to remind people about integrity, brotherhood, and peace among themselves. 

The National Integration Council was established by the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to address the problems of communalism and regionalism in India. 

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National unity and integration: Nigeria is made up of many ethnic groups who rule themselves through various means based on kinship. The Hausa/Fulanis had Emirs and Sarkis as their kings, the Yorubas/Edos have Obas while the Igbos were ruled by elders and village assembly.

National unity has now brought us together as brothers and sisters, most ethnic groups in Nigeria inter-marry, this brings about unity despite our differences.

Integration: this is the process of bringing together people of different ideas and cultural backgrounds to have common interests and pursue common goals. Nigeria is made up of over 300 ethnic groups therefore there is need for integration in order to promote peace, understanding and progress in the society.

Cultural integration can take the following forms

  • Religious tolerance
  • Inter-ethnic trade
  • Inter-ethnic marriage
  • NYSC Scheme – All these are the institutions that the Nigerian government have put in place to promote integration.

Institutions that promote national unity.

  • National Youth Service Corp (NYSC)
  • Inter-Ethnic Trade and marriages
  • Making use of common national symbols like National anthem, pledge, flag, currency, common language and religion.

Need for national unity and Integration

  • It enhances understanding among drivers ethnic groups in Nigeria.
  • It promotes oneness
  • It promotes political stability
  • It enhances social and economic growth .
  • It promotes peace and tranquility.
  • It enables us to provide a common force against our foes.

Problems of national unity and integration

  • Cultural diversity: there are over 300 cultural groups in Nigeria.
  • Ethnicity: there has always been ethnic preferences in our interactions with each other.
  • Statism: The division of the country into different states makes national unity difficult.
  • Catchment area: the use of quota system and zoning makes some people gain undue advantage over others.
  • Identify any four problems of national unity and integration
  • What 3 institutions promotes national unity and integration.






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Sunday, april 30, 2017, national integration speech.

NATIONAL INTEGRATION SPEECH ============================ A very Good Morning to all present here! I am standing here to present a speech on the topic – ‘National Integration’. It is a very significant aspect as it has a deep bearing on the country’s unity and integrity.

What exactly does National Integration mean? It means the realization of collective identity among the natives of a country. It signifies that even though we all belong to diverse religions, regions, castes and speak different languages; we must always feel that we all are one. Such feeling of oneness is very crucial for building a prosperous and strong nation. The real meaning of integration is the existence of multifarious identities with a unifying thread.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin – “National integration is the assimilation of the entire people of a country to a common identity.”

India has a vast land and people from diverse communities, cultures and castes inhabit the space. It seems almost impossible to hold all of them together and it was owing to these religious and cultural differences that the country lost its independence in the past. Now that our country is free, it should be our first and foremost responsibility to preserve its integrity and honour from external threats and internal dissension.

National Integration not only helps in the formation of a strong country, but also encourages the development of its people. In India, the period from 19th November to 25th November is celebrated as the National Integration Week to raise awareness about the subject matter among the common public.

The idea of National Integration has also led to the obliteration of social and religious differences. So, if people of our country stand in unity, many societal issues can be eradicated. People of different faith and communities who used to uphold their religion over others are gradually realizing the importance of oneness and are standing in support of the country’s unity and honour.

National integration has led to the formation of an invisible thread of unity which binds different parts of the country. It has certainly added to the country’s strength. During the struggle for Independence also, people of our country came together to win freedom from the unjust foreign rule.

In the end, I would like to say that we as Indian citizens must stand united for protecting national security. There is a famous citation by Emanuel Cleaver on National Integration which says that “There is more power in unity than division”. Hence, we must always remain united irrespective of all our social, linguistic and religious differences.

Thank You! ========================= Shailesh Ramanuj

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National Integration Speech

The spirit of national integration is the most distinguishing feature of a vast and heterogeneous country like India with an awesome diversity of cultures. It leads to dissolution of all parochial differences. It has helped India build a national identity and national character, promoting a feeling of unity, solidarity and cohesion despite socio-cultural, regional, religious, linguistic and economic diversities. There are various occasions that require you to speak on the deeply meaningful theme of National Integration. Here, we are providing you two speeches to help you deliver a powerful speech on National Integration.

Speech on National Integration

A very Good Morning to all present here! I am standing here to present a speech on the topic – ‘National Integration’. It is a very significant aspect as it has a deep bearing on the country’s unity and integrity.

What exactly does National Integration mean? It means the realization of collective identity among the natives of a country. It signifies that even though we all belong to diverse religions, regions, castes and speak different languages; we must always feel that we all are one. Such feeling of oneness is very crucial for building a prosperous and strong nation. The real meaning of integration is the existence of multifarious identities with a unifying thread.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin – “National integration is the assimilation of the entire people of a country to a common identity.”

India has a vast land and people from diverse communities, cultures and castes inhabit the space. It seems almost impossible to hold all of them together and it was owing to these religious and cultural differences that the country lost its independence in the past. Now that our country is free, it should be our first and foremost responsibility to preserve its integrity and honour from external threats and internal dissension.

National Integration not only helps in the formation of a strong country, but also encourages the development of its people. In India, the period from 19 th November to 25 th November is celebrated as the National Integration Week to raise awareness about the subject matter among the common public.

The idea of National Integration has also led to the obliteration of social and religious differences. So, if people of our country stand in unity, many societal issues can be eradicated. People of different faith and communities who used to uphold their religion over others are gradually realizing the importance of oneness and are standing in support of the country’s unity and honour.

National integration has led to the formation of an invisible thread of unity which binds different parts of the country. It has certainly added to the country’s strength. During the struggle for Independence also, people of our country came together to win freedom from the unjust foreign rule.

In the end, I would like to say that we as Indian citizens must stand united for protecting national security. There is a famous citation by Emanuel Cleaver on National Integration which says that “There is more power in unity than division”. Hence, we must always remain united irrespective of all our social, linguistic and religious differences.

Speech on National Integration – 2

National integration has led to the formation of an invisible thread of unity which binds different parts of the country. It has certainly added to the country’s strength. During the struggle for Independence; people of our country came together to win freedom from the unjust foreign rule.

Speech on Nation Integration – 3

Hello All! Greetings of the Day!

Thank you for taking your time out and being a part of this occasion. By seeing such an enthusiastic and intelligent audience, I feel honoured to have got the privilege to address you all.

Today, I would like to draw your attention towards the reason for the survival and progress of the nation since time immemorial: ‘National Integration’ or ‘Rashtriya Akhandata’.

As laymen, what we understand from the word ‘Integration’ is that, it is an amalgamation of diverse or different things in a single hole. So, what does ‘National Integration’ mean? It is simple: it is the integration or feeling of togetherness among followers of diverse religions, regions and ethnic backgrounds.

Thus, National Integration is the meeting-point of diverse cultures and traditions, etc of a nation. It is a positive aspect that rides over the differences as well as inequalities among people or citizens of the country.

National integration or unity of a country can be defined as the process which brings together the culturally and socially diverse groups into a single territorial entity and leads to the establishment of a national identity.

For a nation to prosper and develop it is important to be integrated and united from within. It is very important for a country to preserve its national integration. The feeling of oneness and togetherness among the citizens of a nation is very important for its overall stability and growth. We all should understand that collective are precisely more efficient than separate efforts. People should feel and live with unity within a nation and make the national identity a unifying power.

National integration is a sentiment which particularly binds people together into one common bond of a nation despite differences in terms of religions, castes, social and economic backgrounds or languages.

A nation should be capable of dealing with all the hurdles that come in the way of oneness. These hindrances are very common; we have seen so many casteists, religious and linguistic clashes from time to time. These issues make the country look weak, and thus may prompt anti-India forces to weaken our national integration, which we should never allow to happen.

A country’s citizens should be synthesized into a unified whole, they should live with harmony and must ensure to be recognized as one entity. These traits help to build a positive consciousness and identity of the country. And, yes each one of us has an important role to play in this task.

I, as a citizen, understand that each one of has something to contribute for strengthening the national unity. If we focus on our thoughts and guide our actions towards the acceptance of every other person like ourselves; we will always be a contributor towards the integration of diverse beliefs, cultures, castes and traditions of our country. Our thoughts make or break us. Our thought of oneness will enable us to get things together and ensure the obliteration of vast differences into one entity.

Please inculcate positive thoughts in yourself and support the integration of different aspects of our nation and help in promoting the ‘National Integration’.

Thank You!!

Speech on National Integration – 4

Respected Chief Guest, Members of the Faculty and Friends,

I feel honoured to speak here today on the subject that is close to all our hearts. The issue of national integration is central to our very life. Our nation, which is our motherland, is what provides us sustenance. In its absence what would our life be? We belong to India and India’s irrevocable unity and integrity is what means everything to us.

In unity lies strength. We observe this in Nature. We see herds of elephants, for instance, moving about in jungles, protecting their young ones, trumpeting in the event of danger and feeding together.  Likewise, we see gregarious birds, like the mynas, sparrows and babblers that fly about, feed and roost together.

Through unity and togetherness come strength, power and the resistance to destruction. Unity and integrity form the very quintessence of a nation’s existence, prosperity and power.

National integration for India gains significance due to the immense diversity that characterizes it. While we take joy in the fact that diverse faiths, traditions and customs define our population, we are equally proud that we are united as a country with strong nationalistic fervour.

Every Indian is proud of the national spirit shared by the people of the nation. That indeed is the integrating foundation.

The people come together in defending the unity and integrity of the nation. When it comes to safeguarding our territory, the braveheart Indians will go to any extent to put their own lives at peril for the cause. We are ready to face any hardship to protect the country and its heritage. Our nation’s natural wealth and cultural heritage, safety and pride, unity and integrity, are all for us to protect. And we would never be willing to lose any of it at any cost. Isn’t it?

What is it that binds us all in this noble and valorous task? It is our strong, abiding and unifying love of India. At all times it is the nation that comes first. And this shared hope, destiny and passion of the Indian people makes for national integration.

National integration is really an irrevocable unity of the people. It is the people who strengthen the glorious idea of national integration. Indeed, the contrary holds true too. Disintegration stems from separatist tendencies in the people, and that fosters only weakness. A united nation becomes invincible. And that makes for the safety and security of the land and its people.

It is tolerance and harmony that can bind the people together in a spirit of common brotherhood and peace. And peace and harmony always foster progress and prosperity of the nation. National integration forms the basis for a strong, wealthy and powerful country. It creates economic power, promotes social vibrancy and protects cultural diversity.

As Indians we all stand together to uphold the noble and lofty ideas and ideals of our great nation’s forebears and to keep the Indian flag flying high always.

Speech on the Importance of Unity for National Integration in India – Speech 5

Respected Vice Principal, Beloved Teachers and My Dear Students – Good Morning One and All!

National Unity is an integral part of our country as it integrates our country despite its diversity. Being the Principal of this school, I take immense pleasure to sensitize you all about the importance of unity for national integration in India.

India attained independence in the year 1947 and the first challenge that came to the mind of our leaders was national integration. They feared that partition had created fault lines among various communities and if it was not healed at the appropriate time, India would have fallen apart.  The fear was further strengthened in 1956 when various states in India demanded their division on the basis of language.  Thus, national integration has been the objective of our government since the time of independence.

To understand the concept of national integration, we need to understand history. In earlier times, religion played an important role in uniting people and our country. Common past and history created the feeling of togetherness among the people. The essence of unity was destroyed when foreign rulers who came from a distinct land introduced new languages and cultures which created intense diversification. This needs to be explained as it gives you an insight in our history.

Spirits of separation, jealousy started rising which destroyed the social fabric of our society. Britishers too followed the “Divide and Rule” policy which further deepened the issue of separation among native communities. Earlier, people who were united to the core, started fighting with each other and the reason behind this was false political projections which created feelings of hatred of one community against the other. The differences created between Hindus and Muslims by Britishers was deliberated to be the greatest setback to national integration. Despite all their efforts, we achieved independence due to our national unity.

After independence, the Government of India established our constitution which favored tolerance, secularism and national integration. You should understand the concept of equality before law, which is embedded in our constitution as a supreme element. This constituent provides equal opportunities to its people despite caste, religion, class etc. There were also certain obstacles which destroyed our national unity which involved casteism, communalism, and regionalism. They are still considered as a threat to our national unity.

Therefore, assimilation of our identities can only be made possible when we collectively come together as a nation and recognize as well as respect the diversity amongst us. Social dogmas and superstitions need to be curbed so that we all function in the right path.

Education is one such factor which can change the mindset of people regarding the concept of religion. Parental education too should be monitored as you all have heard about a famous phrase as “Education begins at home”. Initially you get influenced more through values imparted by parents and at the latter stage is the school which helps you in motivating your personality.

National integration is a harmonious situation which binds the people of the country together; as a nation is built by its people and so, we must live in unity for the development of our country. Communalism is the greatest challenge and that needed to be reduced which will only happen when we change our mentality. This will not only increase solidarity and commonality but will also promote national integration. You students, as youth of our country can initiate the national integration process which in turn would strengthen unity of our country.  I hope I have been able to promote the need for unity in India.

Speech on Challenges to National Integration – Speech 6

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Teachers and My loving students – Warm Greetings to all of you!

Today I, Mrs. Anupama Arora, the class teacher of XII (A ) would like to deliver a speech on a topic which is very appropriate for the current scenario, which is “Challenges to National Integration”. Being a teacher of the humanities section I have always taught my students about the relevance of national unity which has been one of the most important pillars of the Indian democratic system.

India is a diverse country which consist of several different religions, communities, castes, class and languages. Due to these aspects, there have been various hindrances in the national integration of our country. These challenges not only restrict the feeling of togetherness amongst us but are also responsible to curb the essence of “National Unity”.

You might be wondering that the driving force of our country since independence has been “Unity in Diversity”, then how in any manner can our national unity be threatened? There are various factors which endanger the Unity of India directly and in certain instances, indirectly:

  • Communalism : India being a multi religious country has coerced difference of opinion among members of different religions. Each religion interprets the other religion as dissimilar. Political leaders have projected one religion against the other. This in turn has led to mistrust, differences, and communal clashes. You all have read the story of partition and how communalism played a major factor in dividing religions. Illiteracy and superstition has intensified and garnered the feeling of communalism.
  • Economic Inequalities : Economic standard of individuals in any country mainly depends on the fertility of land, resources available and manpower supervision. All the states are not equal on these parameters, which has led to economic backwardness of certain classes. There is no proper distribution of wealth in our country which impacts equality and leads to rich becoming richer and poor becoming poorer. This causes conflict and tension.
  • Caste Rigidity : Caste has played a major role in the politics of our country. In earlier times, caste boundaries were deliberated to be rigid. Hindus, Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishya’s and Shudras considered themselves separate from each other. This led to formation of a hierarchical structure where no other caste intermingled with each other. “Shudra community” was placed at the lowest rank and suffered exploitation of different kinds. To restrict exploitation against them by upper castes, the concept of affirmative action came to the forefront which mainly implies reservations for Schedule Castes, Tribes and Other Backward Castes in jobs, education sector etc. This in turn has led to the feeling of empowerment among them.

Many people forget national interest before the interest of a particular caste and this creates a feeling that the rights of the deprived community are being ignored. In many places dominance of a particular caste is generally maintained and in employment the people of that caste are given preference against others.Thus many things are being done on the basis of caste identities and national integration is not possible, unless the attitude of caste preferences is discarded.

  • Multiculturalism : There are various sub cultures in our country in terms of ethnicity. Each community is divided in various sub parts which are often termed as “Ethnic communities”. Their rights have been ignored since decades by the state as well as by individuals like us. Their demanding of their rights has initiated problems among other communities.

Therefore, there are many programmes and plans for eliminating these hindrances. Education can become a powerful instrument to restrict these challenges or national unity provided that it is implemented and enforced in the right manner by the government of our country.

Related Information:

National Integration

National Integration Day

Essay on National Integration

Paragraph on National Integration

Quami Ekta Week

Challenges to National Integration in India

Youth and National Integration in India

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Monday, October 25, 2021

National unity day speech in english for students, speech on national unity day (400 words).

National Unity Day Speech In English For Students, National Unity Day Speech In English, National Unity Day Speech, Speech on National Unity Day, Speech on National Unity Day In English

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Speech on National Unity Day

 “Unity is Strength”

We all are well aware of this famous proverb. This phrase means that if we stick together, we’ll be stronger and more capable of dealing with almost any problem. In every phase of life, unity is very important. Not only in life, unity plays a vital role in the growth and success of a country. To highlight the importance of unity, India celebrates 31 st October as National Unity Day. To know more about this day, let us discuss National Unity Day in detail.

Speech on National Unity Day in English

Here, we are presenting various speeches on National Unity Day in word limits of 100 Words, 200 Words, 300 Words, and 500 Words. The provided speeches will serve as a useful resource for students to deliver effective speech on National Unity Day.

10 Lines Speech on National Unity Day

1) Good morning everyone present here.

2) I am Swati Patil of class 1 ‘A’.

3) Today we are celebrating National Unity Day.

4) Every year we celebrate this day on 31 st October.

5) National Unity Day is the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.

6) He was the first Deputy Prime Minister of India.

7) This day highlights the contributions of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.

8) It also promotes national integration and unity.

9) Different events and programs are held on this day.

10) On this occasion, let’s pay tribute to our ‘Iron man of India’. Thank you.

Speech on National Unity Day – 1 Minute Speech (100 Words)

Good Morning everyone! My name is Sunil Dhawan and I study in class 3 ‘A’. Today is 31 st October and we are here to celebrate National Unity Day. This day is celebrated to commemorate the contributions of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel toward the nation. After our country got its independence in 1947, there were more than 500 princely states. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s clear strategy brought these princely states into one country. To remember Sardar Patel, in 2014 Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced his birthday to be celebrated as National Unity Day or Rashtriya Ekta Diwas. So let’s get united and make India proud. Thank you!

Speech on National Unity Day – 2 Minute Speech (200 Words)

Good Morning everyone! I am Samita Jaiswal of class 5 ‘B’. Today, we all are present here to celebrate National Unity Day. It is a day when we all come together as one country, putting aside our differences and celebrating our common identity. National Unity Day reminds us of how important it is for our country to be united and how much power and progress it gives us. On this day, we remember Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, our first Deputy Prime Minister. He believed in the power of unity and worked hard to bring together the different princely states to make India one country. India is the only place where people of different religions, communities, and groups live together in peace. Our country is strong because of all the different kinds of people who live here. Sardar Patel’s work has made all of this possible. So in order to honor his work, his birth anniversary is observed as National Unity Day. On this auspicious occasion, let us promise to stick together and work together to make our country’s future brighter and better. With these words, now I would like to end my speech. Once again Happy National Unity Day!

Speech on National Unity Day – 3 Minute Speech (300 Words)

A warm welcome to everyone present here. Respected Principal sir, director sir, chief guests, teachers, and my dear friends. My name is Anchal Shukla and I’m from class 9 th . As you all know, today is National Unity Day. On this important day, I would like to say a few words in front of everyone. I really hope you enjoy this speech and that it motivates you in some way.

India celebrates Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, also called National Unity Day, on October 31 every year. This is to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel. His amazing vision and tireless efforts to bring our diverse country together is a source of motivation for everyone. As a strong supporter of unity, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel played an important part in bringing together more than 500 princely states to form independent India. Our country came together because of his strong belief in unity. On October 31, 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared National Unity Day as a way to honor Sardar Patel. On October 31, 2014, the 139th anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s birth, the first Unity Day was held. National Unity Day is important because it represents our united history and upcoming future. The goal of National Unity Day is to support a sense of national harmony, integrity, and unity among the people who live there. Let’s try to make every day National Unity Day by appreciating and protecting our shared history and putting aside differences to build a peaceful and prosperous India. National Unity Day urges each of us to support unity in our everyday lives. We should try to make a place where everyone feels accepted and respected, which will help the progress and growth of our country as a whole. At this point I would like to conclude my words. Thank you and have a nice day.

Speech on National Unity Day – 5 Minute Speech (500 Words)

Good Morning! Respected Principal sir, director sir, teachers, chief guests, and my dear friends. I am Jyoti Rani Dhar and I study in class 10 th . For me, it is an honor and a huge pleasure to be standing here. Today, on this special occasion, I would like to deliver a short speech in front of everyone. I request you all to pardon my mistakes and correct me if I am wrong.

Today, on National Unity Day, we honor Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, who was one of the most important people in bringing our country together. Sardar Patel was an important lawyer and politician from India. From 1947 to 1950, he was India’s first Deputy Prime Minister and first Home Minister. He was one of the most significant figures in the country’s fight for freedom. Sardar Patel’s skill as a leader and his unshakable belief in unity were key factors in bringing together more than 500 princely states to form independent India. His intelligent ways of dealing and his strong will made it possible for us to live in a united and prosperous country today. In 2014, the Government of India decided that National Unity Day should be held every year on October 31 (birth anniversary of Sardar Patel). On National Unity Day, many events are held all over the nation. People pay respect to Sardar Patel by putting flowers on his statue. The government also puts on events like the oath-taking ceremony, the march past, and the “Run for Unity” marathon all over the country. In schools and colleges, many culture programmes are organised.

However, it is very important that we learn what National Unity Day is all about. It’s not just a day to remember our unity; it’s also a day to think about ourselves and our communities and bring back the spirit of unity. It tells us that we are stronger, more powerful, and able to reach great heights when we work together. On this day, we should try to get over the differences between us, whether they are based on religion, caste, language, or area. Let’s celebrate diversity and see it as a valuable tool that makes our society stronger. National Unity Day is a chance for everyone in India to celebrate the country’s many different cultures. It’s a day to show that we care about, understand, and value our fellow citizens. By celebrating our shared values, traditions, and history, we show that we are all, in the end, part of one big Indian family. On National Unity Day, let’s remember the great Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel by making a new promise to unity and peace. Let us pledge to put aside our differences and work together to make India a better place for present as well as future generations.

With these words, I would like to end my speech. Thanks a lot to everyone for listening me so patiently. Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!

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Speech on National Integration (Rashtriya Ekta)

National Integration is nothing but a feeling of unity and togetherness among the citizens of a country. It plays a significant role in the progress of the nation and also its security against the threats.

Short and Long Speech on National Integration in English

I have given below three speeches on national integration (Rashtriya Ekta) of varying lengths for my readers. You can select and use any one of them as per your choice and need:

National Integration Speech 1

Good Morning everyone! Very special greetings to respected Principal Sir and teachers. Last but not least – a very loving hi to all my dear friends out there.

I am thankful to my teachers and Principal Sir for giving me the opportunity to address you all by giving a speech on national integration.

Those are just two small words but believe me it is the most powerful force behind the progress of a nation; more so, if the nation is as culturally, religiously, and linguistically as diverse as India.

National integration may be easily understood as national unity. It is a condition when the people of a country stay united for a single cause, despite their differences.

India is a perfect and most practical example of national integration. India’s diversity has always surprised the world. There is even an old Indian saying – “Kos kos pe badle pani, char kos pe badle wani” meaning that, In India the taste of water changes every 200 meters, and on every 800 meters the language to gets changed. Despite such huge differences, the people of India stay united and religiously obey one constitution. This is nothing but national integration.

I think I was able to explain the true meaning of national integration in the simplest way possible. Thank you all for being such patient listeners. Jai Hind!

Step by Step National Integration Pencil Sketch Drawing

National Integration Speech 2

Good Morning Respected Principal Sir, honored guests, teachers, and all dear friends. Today, I am given the opportunity of giving a speech on national integration. I am grateful to Principal Sir and my teachers for the same.

Friends; national integration is something that binds the people of our country despite hundreds of their demographic divisions. People will entirely different cultures, religions, and ethnicity, follow one law of the land, and are extremely loyal to their motherland. When there is a threat to the motherland, they all stand united to protect each other and the land, oblivious of their differences – this is what national integration is!

National integration is nothing but a sense of common citizenship among the otherwise different citizens of a country. It is only when the people are united that they get loyal to their country. When the people of a country are not united, it can’t remain one or secure its borders for long. We can say that in the absence of national integration among its citizens, a nation is bound to disintegrate.

The importance of national integration is also into keeping the country progressive and thriving. India is the world’s largest and most diverse democracy, only because its people are united. People of India have a common feeling of unity despite their differences. This is the most fundamental factor behind the democratic setup of India and its success.

National integration fosters the feeling of unity among each and every citizen of India and makes them loyal to their motherland. It is one of the main strengths of India and has been successful in keeping the external threats out and nipping the internal threats in bud.

This is all that I have to say about national integration. There is much more, but the time doesn’t allow me to have that liberty. Anyways, I think what I have said today is well understood by my audience. Thank You!

How to Draw National Integration Day Quick Pencil Drawing

National Integration Speech 3

Good Morning Respected Principal Sir, teachers, and my dear friends. I sincerely hope to find you all in good health. I am here to give a speech on National Integration. It is indeed a significant subject especially for a country as culturally and religiously diverse as India.

Let us start with a basic understanding of what is national integration. National Integration is the sense of unity among the citizens of a nation, despite all existing differences of religion, caste, ethnicity, and culture between them.

People speaking different languages, having totally different cultures and beliefs, live in brotherhood and unity – this is called national integration.

Now I guess, you must have got a clear idea as to what national integration is. Many world leaders have stressed on the essentiality of national integration among the people of the nation, for their growth and security.

It is a feeling that dwells in the heart of every citizen fostering a sense of unity and common citizenship towards others. This further makes the citizens develop a sense of loyalty towards their nation and to keep it safe from external as well as internal threats.

Believe me, national integration is very important to keep up the democratic sanctity of a country and also to protect it against external intrusion.

There could be no better example of national integration and its significance, than our own country India. India is home to people of six different religious groups; at least 645 distinct tribes; more than 19, 500 native languages spoken throughout the country; the culture, ethnicity and food changes from state to state; yet people live with an unwavering sense of unity among themselves as well as loyalty towards their country.

This cultural diversity of India has taken centuries to build up. We have gracefully accepted other cultures that have traveled to our land. With the due course of time, they became an integral part of our own Indian culture.

It is very clear that India would have not been as it is today had there not been a sense of national integration or unity among its citizens. It would rather be broken into thousands of small groups with their own unique language and culture.

Thankfully, this is not the case and today we stand united as a mountain, ready to face any threat, head-on. Apart from the unity and security of the nation, there are also other benefits of national integration.

It plays an essential role in preserving democratic principles of India as well. People, both culturally and religiously, different backgrounds, exercise their franchise, to form a single government, with a unified objective of the progress of India. Would it have been possible in the absence of national unity? No, absolutely not! Had there not been national unity among our citizens the whole democratic setup would have collapsed.

Through national integration comes growth and prosperity, as the people strive to together achieve the economical milestones. As I have said before that national integration also plays a significant role in keeping national threats out. Nobody dares to challenge or intrude a nation whose people stand united to protect their motherland.

I think the true beauty of India lies in the unity of its people and the feeling of national integration that exists between them. As long as we the people of India stay united we would be free from any kind of threat, either external or internal.

I think I had said enough on the subject; sincerely hoping that I was able to make you understand the meaning and importance of national integration and increase infest the same in your heart. Thank You!

National Integration Day/Rashtriya Ekikaran Diwas Pictures Drawing

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On radio day, practitioners call for unity in diversity, national integration.

Picture of Guardian Nigeria

  • February 26, 2024

speech on national unity and integration

Proclaimed in 2011 by the member states of UNESCO and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as an International Day, February 13 became World Radio Day (WRD).

According to the United Nations, radio is a powerful medium for celebrating humanity in all its diversity and constitutes a platform for democratic discourse.

Similarly, African Union Media Fellow from Morocco, Meriyem Kokaina, described radio as a cornerstone of communication in Africa, weaving a rich narrative of entertainment, education, and empowerment.

To Kokaina, “in celebrating one hundred years of radio, we’re reminded of the medium’s historical journey and unmatched ability to unify, educate, and inspire communities amid an ever-evolving digital landscape. Let’s honour the legacy and future of radio in Africa, celebrating the diverse voices that have enriched this medium and the innovative paths it will carve for generations to come. Here’s to more milestones in radio’s journey of innovation, unity, and cultural celebration!”

In Nigeria, radio broadcasting evolved from the British colonial re-diffusion centre of 1937 through federal and state government-controlled enterprise to a dynamic industry with strong private sector participation.

Currently, there are over 135 licensed radio stations, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) with individual stations, state-owned stations (on AM & FM bands), privately owned stations, campus radio and community stations.

“It is all the more true today: despite the growing influence of the Internet and social networks, radio continues to be a prime source of information and entertainment – it is estimated that over 4 billion people listen to it. Radio is also the medium that reaches places others do not: while almost a third of the population did not have a decent Internet connection in 2023, a proportion that rises to half of the population in rural areas, radio is more inclusive and accessible, particularly in crisis situations.

“As we see it, radio is more than a technical means of broadcasting: it embodies a certain idea of information, cultural diversity and education for all; we could go so far as to say that radio can and must be a humanist medium. Today, February 13, may we once again acknowledge the road travelled by radio, and the power of its airwaves to build – to “broadcast” – the possibility of a better world.”

In an interview with The Guardian, Kayode Awojobi of OOU Radio 92.1FM said radio broadcasting has been accredited as the medium with the highest capability for effectiveness due to the fact that it has the highest reach as it penetrates to a large portion of the country including areas where television or internet access is restricted.

Without mincing words, he added radio is a powerful force for unity and national integration by embracing diversity, promoting understanding, and fostering a sense of shared identity among the citizens of a country.

He stated, “in disseminating information, radio has been a primary source of information, reaching even remote and underserved areas. It has played a vital role in disseminating news, educational content, agricultural information, health awareness and government initiatives. Access to timely and relevant information empowers individuals and communities, contributing to their socio-economic well-being. In the same vein, the role of radio over the years in the aspect of education and Literacy cannot be over-emphasized as radio has been used as an educational tool, particularly in regions with limited access to formal schooling. Educational programmes on radio has enhanced literacy, provide vocational training, and disseminate knowledge about health, agriculture, and various skills and this has helped in contributing to human capital development across the world.

Speaking further, Jimoh added, “a study I conducted way back showed that public service broadcasting has progressively dwindled and yielding spaces to crass commercialism. “Radio occupies a unique place in the process of development especially in developing societies like Nigeria. One of the most unique attributes of radio is the fact that it can break the literacy bias to deliver messages to the unlettered folks in rural areas unlike other agencies of the mass media.”

On her part, multimedia journalist/ Researcher, Yemisi Lanre-Idowu, said radio continues to be a timeless symbol of communication, reaching people all over Nigeria, regardless of background or educational attainment, by overcoming obstacles to literacy and infrastructure.

To her, “because of its accessibility and ease of use, it can be a very effective tool in helping our diverse society achieve national integration and unity. Radio is still a dependable information source in Nigeria, where many people still struggle to obtain electricity.

“It conveys messages that have the power to change people’s lives for the better. Its reach fills communication gaps and guarantees that reaching both distant rural areas and urban centres leaves no one behind.

“A language that speaks to all Nigerians’ hearts and minds can be communicated through radio. By broadcasting content in simple and inclusive language, radio can effectively engage with the entire spectrum of the population, from the highly educated to those with limited formal education.

Guardian Nigeria

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Secretary Antony J. Blinken At the 2024 Pride Month Convening on U.S. Foreign Policy: National Security, Inclusive Development, and the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons

Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State

Burns Auditorium

Washington, D.C.

June 27, 2024

SECRETARY BLINKEN:   Thank you, everyone.  Good afternoon.  Please, have a seat.  First let me say to my friend Katherine Tai welcome, welcome.  Thank you, Katherine, for being here with us today.  We’re all looking forward to hearing from you.

Now, I’m usually the one who gets called out by Jessica.  (Laughter.)  So this was a great moment to actually get to return the favor.  (Laughter.)  But I have to tell you, and I think pretty much everyone in this room knows it, we have an extraordinary force of nature in Jessica leading our efforts around the world.  I couldn’t be more grateful for it.  The difference that she and her team are making every day in ways big and small is incredibly powerful, and I get a chance to see that up close.  And you’ll be hearing more about that through the course of this afternoon, but Jessica, to you, to the entire team, thank you, thank you, thank you.  (Applause.)

And for so many in this room I could say the same thing, because this is an extraordinary community of people who are working every day – not just on this day but every day – to make a real difference.

On his first day in office – and you heard the letter from the President, but on his very first day in office President Biden issued an executive order stating that, and I quote, “All human beings should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear, no matter who they are or whom they love.”

It’s as simple as that.  LGBTQI+ rights are human rights.  And our government has a responsibility to defend them, to promote them – here and everywhere.

Upholding these rights is crucial to safeguarding and accelerating our renewal at home.  Our ability to stand up for human rights and democracy internationally is also tied directly to whether we’re strong on these fronts here in our own country.  So much of what we do, we see the connections between what we’re doing and how we’re doing at home, what we’re doing and how we’re doing abroad.  And this is no different.

It’s also profoundly in our national interest – and vital to our national security, which gets us to what Jessica shared with you earlier; really, the focus that we’re bringing today.  But it’s in our national security interest to stand up for LGBTQI+ persons around the world.

When nations came together 75 years ago, they affirmed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights respect for “the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family.  [That’s] the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.”

And we see that here at the State Department every single day.  Countries that respect the rights of every individual tend to be more stable, more healthy, more democratic, more prosperous.  Those that discriminate against LGBTQI+ persons tend to be less free and tend to be less equal.  The correlation is as clear as day.

Sixty-four countries currently criminalize consensual sex, same-sex conduct, between adults.  In 11 of them, having same-sex relations is punishable by death.

Last year – you all know this – Uganda enacted a law further criminalizing consensual same-sex conduct with penalties that included imprisonment, including life imprisonment.  People convicted of so-called “aggravated homosexuality” face the death penalty.

In Hungary, the government is smearing, scapegoating, stigmatizing LGBTQI+ persons – vilifying them with degrading labels, denying them equal rights, normalizing violence against them.

Two months ago, Iraq’s parliament passed legislation that punishes same-sex relations with up to 15 years in prison.  Anyone who engages in so-called promotion of homosexuality can be imprisoned for ten years.

In Indonesia, the parliament passed a new criminal code banning extramarital sex.  In a nation where same-sex couples cannot marry, these laws effectively make all same-sex conduct illegal and they undermine privacy for all Indonesians.

Since 2021, the State Department has helped lead a whole-of-U.S. Government effort to ensure that every person, everywhere, can live free from violence and discrimination, with their equal rights respected.

We’re defending and promoting LGBTQI+ rights around the world, and we’re doing it in several key ways.  And that’s what I wanted to just spend a few minutes highlighting for you today.

First, we’re applying diplomatic pressure to urge governments to reverse discriminatory laws and practices.  Seven nations have decriminalized consensual same-sex conduct over the past two years.  Greece, Liechtenstein, Thailand voted to legalize marriage equality this year.  More countries are banning so-called “conversion therapy.”

Now, first and foremost, these achievements are possible because of incredibly courageous human rights defenders and government partners on the ground.  But I believe America’s support is indispensable.  When we engage – sometimes publicly, sometimes privately, sometimes both – when we share our own knowledge and experience, we can and we do achieve change.

Second, where human rights abuses are carried out against LGBTQI+ persons, we hold the perpetrators accountable.  When Uganda enacted its Anti-Homosexuality Act, we redirected U.S. Government assistance so that it doesn’t go to those carrying out this abusive policy, while at the same time increasing aid to Ugandan people who need it more than ever before in the LGBTQI+ community.  We sanctioned Ugandan officials who were involved in gross human rights violations.  We ended Uganda’s eligibility for beneficial trade status under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act until – until – it repeals the legislation and addresses its human rights situation.

We remain committed to partnering with the people of Ugandan, as we’ve done for years with investments in improving healthcare and education, expanding economic opportunity, strengthening accountability and the rule of law.  We’ll make sure that our resources continue to lift up the Ugandan people – not enable their repression.

Third, we’re increasing protections for vulnerable LGBTQI+ persons, and we’re doing that, again, around the world.  We’ve expanded access here in the United States to the Refugee Admissions Program.  We’ve got new options like NGO referrals and sponsorship by individuals and organizations, and we’re also providing financial and settlement support.  We’ve increased access to mental and physical health services for refugees, including from the LGBTQI+ community.  We’ve strengthened training for refugee and asylum officers to better serve those communities.

Precisely at a time when this community is increasingly vulnerable, it’s important – urgent – that we step up to provide the support, the help, the assistance that we can and to do that in a very deliberate way.

We’re also strongly supporting LGBTQI+ human rights organizations, and we’re doing it on the ground, where every single day these organizations are acting at tremendous risk and showing through their actions what can actually be accomplished.  We’re proud to administer the Global Equality Fund.  This provides essential aid to the work of groups in more than a hundred countries around the world.

Finally, we’re doubling down on our efforts to bring LGBTQI+ rights and perspectives to the fore in multilateral and regional organizations.  For example, in the UN Human Rights Council, we brought our strong support to the first-ever UN resolution to condemn and combat discrimination against – and violence against intersex persons.  Forty-seven countries from every part of the world actually co-sponsored the resolution.  The council adopted it in April without a single “no” vote.  That’s – that result is actually the product of roll-up-your-sleeves diplomacy that our team engaged in in Geneva, and I’m very proud that we got it.

Today, I’m announcing that the United States is updating our own interpretation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.  This is one of the key treaties committing nations to upholding universal rights.  That means that, starting from now, the United States considers sexual orientation and gender identity as covered by this treaty.  (Applause.)  In our regular reporting to the council on human rights, we will continue to include incidents of discrimination or abuse committed against LGBTQI+ persons, now with the clear framework of this well-supported interpretation.  That will further empower our efforts.

We’ve come a long way, here at home and in our advocacy for rights around the world.  But you heard it from Jessica, you know it, you live it every day:  We also continue to face a long road ahead.  This community knows better than most, maybe better than anyone, change doesn’t happen overnight, and don’t expect attitudes and laws to transform in one fell swoop everywhere.  But here’s what we do know, here’s what you know better than anyone:  Our voice, our partnership, our experience can help make a difference, can help accelerate change, can literally help to save lives.

That’s why I am so proud of the work that we do, proud of the work that you do.  It’s why I’m grateful that all of you are here today, this afternoon, for what I think is an important moment, an important conversation, because ultimately, any movement is only as strong as the people who make it up.  That’s all of you and so many others that you work with and represent.

And as I’m looking around this room, and knowing folks who are also tuning in, and as I look around the world and get to hear from so many people that I meet with the extraordinary privilege of helping to represent the country around the world, what I see above all else is strength, resilience, determination.

From our diplomatic colleagues, who know that none of this gets done alone; from our State Department team, many of whom are with us today, whose members show almost superhuman stamina in their own advocacy; leaders from the private sector, from academia, from international organizations, who are teaming up with us to deliver – to deliver – a better future; and especially from the activists on the frontlines, who are indispensable to the safety and security of LGBTQI+ around the world, and you know undertake their work at extraordinary personal risk – each of you is an inspiration.  Each of you is a motivation.  Each of you, in so many ways, is our conscience.

Activists, all of our civil society partners:  You know how much work remains to achieve full equality and full rights.  But our promise is this:  We will be with you every step of the way.  We’ll persevere with you.  We’ll listen to you.  We’ll learn from you.  We’ll help resource and support your fight.  And we’ll bring our strength together with yours so that finally together we can build a world where all people are genuinely free – free to be who they are, free to love who they love.

Thank you and have a great afternoon.  (Applause.)

U.S. Department of State

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S.Africa President Ramaphosa announces cabinet of unity government

Monday, 01 Jul 2024

FILE PHOTO: South Africa's president elect Cyril Ramaphosa interacts with a group on the day of his inauguration ceremony for his second term as South African president, in Pretoria, South Africa, June 19, 2024. REUTERS/Alet Pretorius/File Photo

LONDON (Reuters) -South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Sunday a cabinet of the country's government of national unity following weeks of protracted and at times acrimonious negotiations.

Ramaphosa retained the African National Congress' Enoch Godongwana as finance minister and appointed former opposition leader John Steenhuisen as minister of agriculture, bringing the Democratic Alliance and other parties into his new coalition cabinet.

Below are analysts' reactions to the announcement:


"The Finance Minister’s re-appointment was widely expected. It is positive insofar as we have always viewed him and his team as strongly committed to the fiscal consolidation plan that they tabled.

"The portfolios focussed on priority areas for the policy reform agenda include several improvements and some strong appointments. This strengthens our long-standing optimism around the positive impact of the traction with policy reform supported by Operation Vulindlela (the policy implementation unit of the presidency and national treasury) – although the structural reforms are by nature protracted, complex and difficult."


"This is good for continuity. Godongwana - and Treasury under his leadership - have shown solid commitment to fiscal consolidation under difficult circumstances.

"As far as I'm concerned the onus is on the rest of government to get growth up sustainably in order for Treasury to have more wiggle room with the budget. If government has more revenue to work with, then they are able to sort out debt issues which has been the overhang threatening South Africa's fiscal sustainability.”


"The reappointment of Enoch Godongwana introduces an element of continuity in the Finance Ministry, which is positive for confidence in financial markets. The inclusion of a DA deputy minister adds to the checks and balances of that portfolio and allows the DA to make a more meaningful contribution to policymaking."


"President Ramaphosa's new cabinet includes ministers from the opposition in key portfolios that could help drive structural reform and lift growth. Strategically, all opposition ministers are closely marked by ANC deputies, and the president was also careful not to leave out the left​-​leaning segments of his voter base.

"On the whole, the fact that the DA was offered some key ministries where the injection of fresh ideas and the implementation of important structural reforms could help lift the economy on to a higher growth path is likely to be taken positively by markets. The fact that the EFF was not offered any position will likely be perceived positively too."


"There will be a palpable sense of relief that Mr Ramaphosa has finally named his executive following protracted and often terse negotiations with his new coalition partners. Working in silos is simply not an option for the incoming government and finding agreement on sticky issues will be of great importance.

"With the new Cabinet finally unveiled and most of the uncertainty out of the way, the government can finally get on with the task at hand. Although it remains to be seen whether the GNU will be able to address South Africa's economic issues, we consider this is a business-friendly outcome.”


"In our view, the cabinet outcome resulting from elections one month ago likely points to policy continuity, in particular a continued fiscal consolidation with the primary surplus likely to rise from 0.5% of GDP in FY23/24 to 1% of GDP in FY24/25 (in line with existing plans). This view is reinforced by the reappointment of Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana. Given the multi-party arrangement in the new government, we see some upside potential for reforms, which could accelerate given greater accountability/oversight that could translate into improved policy implementation.

"Set against this, however, are greater political risks given potential disagreement within the coalition that could impede the effectiveness of government. From a market perspective, we view the latest developments as positive as the market is likely to price out lingering short-term uncertainty over the past several weeks of coalition/cabinet negotiations."


"Ramaphosa made several changes. For example, the energy and mining ministries have been separated.

"Crucial state-owned entities such as national power utility Eskom and freight rail and port authority Transnet will now be under the management of the energy and transport ministries respectively. The integration of Eskom and Transnet into the relevant government departments will also likely take several weeks and how the new ministers manage this new role will be a key watch point."

(Reporting by Karin Strohecker, Bhargav Acharya and Kopano Gumbi, editing by Emelia Sithole-Matarise)

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    10 Lines Speech on National Unity Day. 1) Good morning everyone present here. 2) I am Swati Patil of class 1 'A'. 3) Today we are celebrating National Unity Day. 4) Every year we celebrate this day on 31 st October. 5) National Unity Day is the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.

  23. Speech on National Integration (Rashtriya Ekta)

    National Integration is the sense of unity among the citizens of a nation, despite all existing differences of religion, caste, ethnicity, and culture between them. People speaking different languages, having totally different cultures and beliefs, live in brotherhood and unity - this is called national integration.

  24. On Radio Day, practitioners call for unity in diversity, national

    In her speech, Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, said, "on this World Radio Day, we celebrate not only the history of radio, but also its central role in our societies, now and in the years to come. ... Radio is the cheapest and most available mass medium. In fostering unity and national integration, radio can provide a platform for ...

  25. NYSC, indispensable entity of national integration

    Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq of Kwara state has described the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) as a vital belt to the unity of Nigeria.Speaking during the swearing-in ceremony of the 2024 ...

  26. ECOWAS Parliament First Ordinary Session: Speaker Calls For ...

    The first ordinary session of the ECOWAS Parliament for 2024 officially opened in Abuja, Nigeria as the new Speaker, H.E. Mrs Hadja Memounatou Ibrahima called for more collaboration for better ...

  27. Ramaphosa to announce new National Executive on Sunday night

    Reading Time: 3 minutes President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to announce members of his new National Executive this evening. This comes nearly over two weeks after Ramaphosa was sworn into office for a second term following the May 29 elections and his elections by members of the National Assembly on June 14.. According to the Presidency: "The new National Executive will constitute the 7th ...

  28. Secretary Antony J. Blinken At the 2024 Pride Month Convening on U.S

    But it's in our national security interest to stand up for LGBTQI+ persons around the world. When nations came together 75 years ago, they affirmed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights respect for "the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family. [That's] the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the ...

  29. President Articulates Vision That Resonates With Hope, Progress

    In a momentous speech delivered to the Central Committee on Thursday, President Mnangagwa articulated a vision that resonated with hope, progress and unity for the nation.The address was marked by ...

  30. S.Africa President Ramaphosa announces cabinet of unity government

    LONDON (Reuters) -South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Sunday a cabinet of the country's government of national unity following weeks of protracted and at times acrimonious ...