Les saisons (The seasons)

Les saisons (The seasons) - SEASONS

Learn and practice about the seasons (Les saisons) in french: l’été (summer), l’hiver (winter), l’automne (fall), le printemps (spring)…

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Vocabulary : The seasons  

l’été summer
l’hiver winter
l’automne fall
le printemps spring
Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui? How is the weather today?
Il fait froid It is cold
Il fait chaud It is hot
Il fait du vent It is windy
Il fait du soleil It is sunny
Il fait frais It is fresh
Il fait doux It is mild
Il neige It is snowing
Il pleut It is raining
Il  pleut à verse It is pouring
En été il fait chaud In summer it is warm
En hiver il fait froid In winter it is windy
En automne il fait du vent In fall it is windy
Au printemps il fait du soleil In spring it is sunny

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The seasons –  Flashcards

The seasons of the year song.

The seasons of the year

The year is formed by four seasons:

Spring, Summer, Fall  and Winter.

We are going to learn what happen in each season. Spring is a season of the year, where it begins to get hot. Trees have leaves again, the fields turn green and the flowers bloom. In the forest, animals wake up and birds make noises. This is the perfect time to go out with our friends.

Summer is the hottest season of the year, so we have to wear light clothing. It’s vacation time so we can go out and go to the beach, swimming or sunbathing with our family and friends.

Autumn (fall) is the season where the leaves start to change colour, dried and fall to the ground.  It starts to rain more often and the wind blows too hard. Winter is coldest the season. The temperature is placed below zero degrees

and the snow covers everything. We have to wear big coats and we go out play with our friends by throwing snowballs to each others, skating on ice and ride our sleighs. Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall) and Winter are the four seasons of the year.

Saisons de l’année L’année est formée par quatre saisons: Printemps, été, automne et hiver. Nous allons apprendre ce qui arrive à chaque saison. Le printemps est une saison de l’année, où il commence à faire chaud. Les arbres ont de nouveau des feuilles, les champs deviennent vertes et les fleurs fleurissent. Dans la forêt, les animaux se réveillent et les oiseaux font des bruits. Ceci est le moment idéal pour sortir avec nos amis. L’été est la saison la plus chaude de l’année, nous devons donc porter des vêtements légers. Il est temps pour les vacances pour que nous puissions sortir et aller à la plage, nager ou se bronzer avec notre famille et nos amis. L’automne est la saison où les feuilles commencent à changer de couleur, se sécher et tombent sur le sol. Il commence à pleuvoir plus souvent et le vent souffle plus fort. L’hiver est la saison plus froid. La température est placé au-dessous de zéro degrés et la neige recouvre tout. Nous devons donc porter des gros manteaux et nous sortons jouer avec nos amis en lançant des boules de neige, faire du patinage  sur glace et monter nos traîneaux. Printemps, été, automne et l’hiver sont les quatre saisons de l’année.

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Visual Lesson of French Seasons Vocabulary

French Seasons – Les saisons

Parlons des saisons ! Let’s talk about the different seasons in French! What are they called and how do you use them? Here’s the guide!

The Seasons in French

In French, we generally talk about  four seasons , which correspond to  specific months of the year:

le printemps [pʀɛ̃tɑ̃] spring mars, avril, mai
l'été [ete] summer juin, juillet, août
l'automne [ɔtɔn] autumn septembre, octobre, novembre
l'hiver [ivɛʀ] winter décembre, janvier, février
  • All of the traditional four seasons are masculine (as are the months).
  • English-speakers should note that aut u mn has a slightly different spelling in French: it’s aut o mn e  with an O and an E. Its pronunciation is also slightly unexpected: in French, we  pronounce the N  instead of the M.
  • Hiver is also unusual because we do pronounce the final R (unlike with most French words ending in – er ).

When talking about something happening in a certain season, we use the following prepositions :

  • AU   for printemps This is because à + le  must contract to  au .
  • EN   for été , automne , and hiver This is because these three begin with vowel sounds. (The H in hiver is mute.) For  en , there’s also a noticeable liaison. So we need to pronounce the N when connecting the words.
En hiver, j'aime faire du ski. In the winter, I love skiing.
Il rêve d'aller au Japon au printemps pour voir les cerisiers en fleurs. He dreams of going to Japan in the spring to see the cherry blossom trees in bloom.

Other Regions, Other Seasons

In tropical countries with hot and wet seasons , there are also the following terms:

la saison sèche dry season
la saison des pluies,
la saison pluvieuse
rainy or wet season
la mousson monsoon season

Note that they are feminine.

For these terms, instead of au or en , we can use the prepositions  pendant or durant , which mean “during.” ( Pendant la saison des pluies. ..)

Going further

The seasons also inspire adjectives: things can be summery, wintry, etc. See the lesson on this topic right  here .

Mastered the French seasons   ? Looking for more basic French lessons?

Hey, we’ve all got to start with the basics ; there’s no shame in that! And the stronger your grasp of basic French, the easier the language will be. So shore up your French foundations HERE .

© French à la folie.

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How to Talk About Seasons in French

If you want to talk about the weather or time of year in French, knowing how to talk about the seasons is essential.

A season in French is translated as une saison , and there are four distinct seasons in France: le printemps (spring), l’été (summer), l’automne (autumn/fall) and l’hiver (winter).

Keep reading to find out how to talk about seasons in French, with the names of the seasons themselves, as well as plenty of season-related vocabulary!

The Basics: How to Say the Seasons in French

Vocabulary for l’hiver (winter).

  • Vocabulary for Le Printemps (Spring)

Vocabulary for L’été (Summer)

Vocabulary for l’automne (fall), how to practice seasons in french.

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Below is a look at the names of the seasons in French:

the winter
the spring
the summer
the autumn (also: fall)

To talk about the seasons themselves, use a direct article . For example:

L’hiver est froid. Winter is cold.

Ma saison préférée est l’automne. My favorite season is autumn.

On the other hand, using these seasons with the prepositions en   or au   gives them the meaning of “in the” or “during the.” These prepositions are useful if you want to talk about things that happen during a certain season:

in the spring
in the winter
in the summer
in the autumn (in the fall)

Note that printemps is the only season to take au (literally translated as “to the”). The other three seasons all take en (in):

Les canards reviennent au printemps. The ducks return in the spring.

J’irai en Europe en été. I will go to Europe in the summer.

Snow on the mountains

L’hiver in France typically consists of the months of janvier , février and mars   (January, February and March). This time of year is characterized by cooler weather and even snow in the northern or mountainous regions of the country.

Let’s check out some common vocabulary associated with l’hiver.

the cold
It is cold.
I am cold.
ice skating
to ski

To see these words in action, let’s use a couple of them in a few example sentences:

En hiver, je porte mes gants, mon chapeau et mon manteau. Il fait froid et il y a beaucoup de neige. Je fais du ski et du snowboard.

During the winter, I wear my gloves, my hat and my coat. It is cold, and there is a lot of snow. I ski and snowboard.

Vocabulary for L e Printemps (Spring)

Group of white and yellow flowers

Le printemps typically consists of the months of avril , mai and juin   (April, May and June). This is the time of year when the weather starts to warm up and plants begin to grow again, filling the landscape with green trees and beautiful flowers.

Here’s some common vocabulary associated with le printemps:

It is cool.
a raincoat

Now let’s use a couple of these words in a sample paragraph:

Au printemps, les oiseaux retournent du sud. Il fait frais et il y a beaucoup de pluie. Je porte un imperméable et j’adore toutes les fleurs.

During the spring, the birds return from the south. It is cool, and there is a lot of rain. I wear a raincoat, and I love all the flowers.

People relaxing on the beach in the summer

L’été typically consists of the months of juillet , août and septembre   (July, August and September). Like in North America, l’été is the hottest time of the year. As such, students are often on summer holidays, and people are social with lots of outdoor activities and parties.

Let’s look at some common vocabulary to celebrate l’été:

It is hot.
I am hot.
to swim
beach umbrella

Now, let’s set the scene for a hot and relaxing summer day:

En été, je vais souvent à la plage. Je porte mon maillot de bain, mes tongs et mes lunettes de soleil. J’aime nager et manger de la pastèque. 

During the summer, I often go to the beach. I wear my swimsuit, my flip-flops and my sunglasses. I like to swim and eat watermelon.

Leaves on the ground and autumn trees

L’automne typically consists of the months of octobre , novembre and décembre   (October, November and December). During this time of year, the leaves on the trees begin to change colors and fall, and the weather becomes cool again.

Some common vocabulary associated with l’automne is:

a pile of leaves
the changing color of the leaves
to carve a pumpkin
return to school
a windbreaker
apple pie

During the autumn, you might say the following:

En automne, on voit le changement de couleur des feuilles. Je mange la tarte aux pommes et du maïs. Je porte un coupe-vent et je taille une citrouille.

During the autumn, we see the changing of the leaves. I eat an apple pie and some corn. I wear a windbreaker, and I carve a pumpkin.

Here are some of the best practice resources available around the web:

  • To practice the months of the year in French, check out this interactive quiz from Digital Dialects .
  • Take this test with French Circles to practice seasons in French and their corresponding weather words. French Circles also offers a reading and video related to the seasons in French , plus digital flashcards for extra practice.
  • Sporcle offers a straightforward quiz that tests you on weather conditions and seasons in French . Simply translate the English word or expression into French before the timer runs out.

A good base of French vocabulary is always in season. Now go forth and use your newly-acquired vocabulary to talk about any season in French!

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Last Updated:  23 January 2024

The Seasons of the Year in France Explained

Like its neighbouring European nations, France is situated in the Northern Hemisphere and goes through a cycle of four distinctive seasons. Let’s look closely at the seasons of the year in France with some interesting facts…

🎥 Watch our short video about the seasons of the year in France:

What is a season in France?

The Earth revolves around the Sun for 365 days . The tilt of the Earth’s axis combined with the rotation of the Earth around the Sun produces an alternation of seasons .

These four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter) each last about three months .

These four periods of the year have approximately constant weather conditions.

The spring and autumn equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices mark the beginning of each season.

The Ancient Times and the seasons of the year in France

The notion of the season has been known since Ancient Times.

In the 3rd century BC, the astronomer and mathematician Eratosthenes calculated the inclination of the earth’s axis, the phenomenon responsible for the seasons.

Then, astronomer Hipparchus of Nicaea discovered the precession of the equinoxes in the 2nd century AD.

The seasons of the year in Greek mythology

The cycle of the seasons is also present in Greek mythology with the myth of Persephone .

Daughter of Zeus and Demeter, she married the god Hades, who held her prisoner in the underworld against her will.

Wanting to recover her daughter, Demeter, goddess of agriculture and harvests, stopped making the earth bear fruit.

To avoid letting the world die, a compromise was found between Zeus, Hades and Demeter: Persephone had to spend six months in the underworld and six months on Earth.

These two periods represent winter and summer.

The seasons of the year and French traditions

In French traditions, the seasons or the changes of seasons are marked by festivals . These celebrations sometimes go back to the dawn of time.

  • Winter: Christmas
  • Spring: Easter
  • Summer: Saint John’s Day , and much more recently, the Fête de la Musique (Music World Day).
  • Autumn: Toussaint (All Saints’ Day)

Some of these festivals had enormous social and religious importance in the rural world. Nowadays, the emphasis is more on their festive and/or commercial aspects.

Learn more about Holidays and Celebrations in France…

The dates of the four seasons in France

Here are the dates of the seasons of the year 2023, starting with the winter season:

  • Winter will end on March 20, 2023.
  • Spring will take place from 20 March to 21 June 2023.
  • Summer will take place from 21 June to 23 September 2023.
  • Autumn will take place from 23 September to 21 December 2023.

The seasons’ dates are based on the equinoxes and solstices provided by the Institute of Celestial Mechanics and Ephemeris Calculation.

Staggered seasons in question

As a result of recent observations, there seems to be a discrepancy between the official dates of the seasons and the weather.

A study carried out by the Weather Channel for the years 2000/2013 confirmed this fact by indicating that there would be a gap of about 20% about the dates on the calendar.

  • Winter would generally cover a period from 1 December to 28 February.
  • Spring would begin on 1 March and end on 31 May.
  • Summer would be between June 1 and August 31.
  • Autumn would begin on September 1 and end on November 30.

The seasons in France in French

Let’s learn about the 12 months and four seasons in France… in French, starting with winter.

Note that all seasons are masculine and are therefore preceded by the article le or l’ .


  • January = Janvier
  • February = Février
  • March = Mars


  • April = Avril
  • June = Juin


  • July = Juillet
  • August = Août [pronounced ‘out’]
  • September = Septembre


  • October = Octobre
  • November = Novembre
  • December = Décembre

The seven days of the week

In addition, here are the seven days of the week in French:

  • Monday = Lundi
  • Tuesday = Mardi
  • Wednesday = Mercredi
  • Thursday = Jeudi
  • Friday = Vendredi
  • Saturday = Samedi
  • Sunday = Dimanche

All weekdays are masculine and are preceded with the article le.

The four seasons of the year in France

Click on the images below to reach our dedicated pages on the seasons of France.

Winter – l’hiver


Spring – le printemps


Summer – l’été


Autumn – l’automne


Pictures of the seasons of the year in France

Here are more photos of the seasons of the year in France, starting with winter.

Want to see more photos of the four seasons in France?

Check out our French blog Mon Grand-Est :

  • Spring in Lorraine
  • Spring in Alsace
  • Winter in the French Alps 1
  • Winter in the French Alps 2

Get the ebook Holidays & Celebrations in France!

288 pages – 117 illustrations

In this book, Pierre reveals the secrets of French celebrations, from the most famous to the least known. It is a cultural journey into French customs and traditions that will satisfy those curious and lovers of France.


The Four Seasons in art

The seasons have always inspired artists such as painters and composers. The most famous musical illustration of the seasons is Antonio Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons .

Composed around 1716-1717, this grandiose universal hymn to nature is one of the significant works in the history of classical music. Indeed, it has been a huge worldwide success since its first performance in London and Paris in 1728.

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Holidays and Celebrations in France

Learn more about the seasons, celebrations and public holidays in France:

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About the author

Pierre is a French/Australian who is passionate about France and its culture. He grew up in France and Germany and has also lived in Australia and England. He has a background teaching French, Economics and Current Affairs, and holds a Master of Translating and Interpreting English-French with the degree of Master of International Relations, and a degree of Economics and Management. Pierre is the author of Discovery Courses and books about France.

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Hello! my son and I are researching how to move to FRANCE. I am in the U.S. if we want to stay longer should we get a student visa since working there right away would be difficult while looking for a place? Can you recommend a town? I AM FROM NEW YORK CITY ORIGINALLY.THANK YOU!

Bonjour Anna! Thank you very much for your comment. Although I do not have the answer to your enquiry about student visas, you might get some useful info on this forum dedicated to expats living (or wanting to live) in France: http://www.expatforum.com/expats/france-expat-forum-expats-living-france/ As for recommending a town, it’s a hard one to reply as there are so many towns (except Paris) that can be listed. Some of the favourite towns we’ve visited are Aix-en-Provence, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Annecy, La Rochelle, Tours… you might be interested in Nantes, Rennes, Toulouse, Nice, Avignon, Montpellier or Nancy. All the best!

Hello Pierre!

My name is Brittney. I am from Oklahoma City, OK, USA. I was wanting to elope in the french alps! This seasonal chart definitely helped! I was wondering, do the alps follow the same seasonal patterns? I was looking to get married in between January and April. What would your recommendations be? Also, can you give me some insight on resources I could look into for other things weather, hotel, wedding, travel related? Thank you! x

Bonjour Brittney. First I wanted to apologize for replying to your comment so late… I just didn’t see it coming through my wall! If you’d like to go to the Alps between January and April, it will definitely be Winter (and cold!). In April, places like Annecy are just wonderful with the coming of Spring. I highly recommend it. Annecy and its beautiful lake are surrounded by the snow-capped peaks of the Alps and are a perfect setting for a wedding! Check out our article for more info+photos: https://frenchmoments.eu/annecy/ . The Tourist Office of Annecy should be very helpful too: http://en.lac-annecy.com/ Contact them by email about your project and they should help you with a list of places to stay, etc. Personally, I know one or two places by the lake that are very popular for wedding celebrations: Hôtel L’Impérial (Annecy) http://www.hotel-imperial-palace.com/en and Hôtel de l’Abbaye de Talloires (Talloires) http://www.abbaye-talloires.com/en . Let me know if you need any more advise, I’d be happy to help. Have a great day. Pierre

hello I want to study in France, can you please recommend a university for me, thanks

Hi Miriam, I’d love to help you but this is a very general question as there are so many universities in France where you can study. It also depends on the destinations. Paris’ La Sorbonne is maybe the most famous one… but the rest of France has some great uni too: Strasbourg, Nancy, Montpellier, Lyon, Lille, Nantes, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Marseille, Nice… the choice is vast! 🙂

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Four Saisons: A Linguistic Journey Through Seasons in French

Explore the beauty of the French seasons with our complete guide — learn vocabulary, reveal cultural insights, and experience France in a new way.

Le Printemps — “Spring” in French

L'été — “summer” in french, l'automne — “autumn” in french, l'hiver — “winter” in french, season-related vocabulary, the bottom line.

Soren and Iggy are walking in the botanical gardens filled with vibrant blooming flowers. There is “Le Printemps” written in the high right corner.

The four seasons in French — le printemps (spring), l'été (summer), l'automne (autumn), and l'hiver (winter) — form a rhythmic backdrop to French life, influencing everything from cuisine to celebrations, fashion, and even idiomatic expressions.

Understanding how all seasons of the year are interlaced with the French language and culture not only broadens your vocabulary but deepens your cultural awareness.

Uncover the linguistic treasures of each saison , learn about French seasonal holidays, discover what constitutes each season in France, and soak in French phrases that beautifully encapsulate seasonal activities and trends.

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Le printemps in France typically spans from March to May, with the arrival of warmer weather and longer days. The word printemps itself comes from the Latin primo tempore , meaning "the first time."

During this season, flowers bloom, birds sing, the temperature gets milder, outdoor activities return, and new life emerges after the cold winter months.

Spring Vocabulary List

Here are some vocabulary words related to le printemps :

le printemps

au printemps

le papillon

le beau temps

good weather

Some French phrases related to spring are:

Cultural Insights

In France, spring is also associated with Pâques (Easter), a major religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Children go on egg hunts, and families gather for a traditional Easter meal, typically consisting of lamb and chocolate treats — oeufs en chocolate .

Some other spring holidays include:

Le 1er mai, la Fête du travail

Le 1er avril, Poisson d’avril

April Fools


Ascension Day

Other popular activities during this season include picnics, visiting parks and gardens, and enjoying outdoor concerts.

Benji, Pocky, Soren, and Iggy are at the seaside, chilling on the beach. There is “L'été” written in the high right corner.

L'été in France spans from June to August, with hot temperatures and abundant sunshine. The word été comes from the Latin aestas , meaning "heat."

This season is known for its warm weather, longer days, and vibrant energy.

Summer Vocabulary List

Here are some vocabulary words related to l'été :

la crème solaire

les lunettes de soleil

les vacances

vacation, holiday

Some French phrases related to summer are:

With its long days and sunny skies, summer is arguably France's favorite season. From June to September, the country comes alive with outdoor activities such as picnics, swimming, and pétanque — a popular French game similar to bocce ball.

In France, summer is also the ideal time for traveling and taking les vacances with family and friends. The country's coastline during la saison touristique becomes bustling with tourists enjoying the sun, sand, and sea.

Another popular activity during this season is attending music festivals like le Festival d'Avignon , which showcases a variety of performing arts.

The month of July also brings La Fête Nationale ( Bastille Day ) on July 14th, a national holiday commemorating the storming of the Bastille prison during the French Revolution. Fireworks displays and parades are common celebrations.

Pocky, Soren, and Iggy are at the fall farmers market, filled with huge pumpkins and apples. There is “L'automne” written in the high right corner.

L'automne in France spans from September to November, with cooler temperatures and the changing of leaves. The word automne comes from the Latin autumnus , meaning "to harvest."

This season is known for its crisp air, pumpkin-spiced everything, and cozy atmosphere from the point of view of countries in the Northern Hemisphere . During these months, farmers gather their crops and prepare for the winter season.

Autumn Vocabulary List

Here are some vocabulary words related to l'automne :

les feuilles

la châtaigne

les champignons

la citrouille

back to school season

Some French phrases related to autumn are:

As the leaves start to change colors, and the temperatures begin to drop, autumn brings a certain coziness to France. From September to December, it is common to see French people enjoying hearty meals and taking leisurely strolls through parks and forests, getting the most out of this beautiful season.

In France, l'automne is also associated with Halloween on October 31st, a holiday that has gained popularity in recent years and is followed by All Saints Day on November 1st. Traditional celebrations include costume parties and trick-or-treating.

One of the most iconic holidays celebrated during fall in France is la Fête des Vendanges , or the Harvest Festival. It's a time to celebrate the end of the grape harvest season and sample delicious wines from different regions.

La rentrée is also a significant event during this season, when children go back to school and adults return to work after summer vacations.

Soren, Pocky, Iggy, and Benji are ice skating at the park, decorated with Christmas lights and a Christmas tree. There is “L'hiver” written in the high right corner.

L'hiver in France spans from December to February, with the coldest temperatures and shorter days. The word hiver comes from the Latin hibernus , meaning "wintry."

This season is characterized by cold weather, shorter days, and the occasional snowfall. Winter is a time for cozying up by the fireplace, enjoying hearty meals, and celebrating the holiday season.

Here are some vocabulary words related to l'hiver :

le feu de cheminée

le chocolat chaud

hot chocolate

les vacances d'hiver

winter holidays

les cadeaux de Noël

Christmas gifts

Some French phrases related to winter are:

In France, l'hiver is also associated with Christmas and New Year's Eve, both widely celebrated holidays, so it is common to hear Joyeux Noël ( Merry Christmas ) and Bonne Année (Happy New Year) being exchanged between French speakers.

Families gather to exchange gifts, enjoy traditional meals like la bûche de Noël (yule log cake), and attend midnight mass. Winter is also the perfect time for outdoor activities like skiing in the French Alps or cozying up by a feu de cheminée with a hot cup of cocoa.

The month of January is also known as the soldes , where many stores offer discounted prices.

As you may have noticed, the word “season” can be used in many different contexts and French expressions. Below, we provide a list of the most common season-related words and phrases:

les quatre saisons

four seasons

la saison sèche

the dry season

la saison des pluies

the rainy season

la saison de la récolte

the harvest season

la saison touristique

the tourist season

les vêtements de saison

the seasonal clothes

la saison des soldes

the sales season

la saison d'une série

the season of a TV series

Iggy walks past several shop windows, all covered with signs like “-30%,” “-50%,” “-70%,” thinking to herself, “La saison des soldes.”

The four seasons in French not only represent changes in weather but also hold significant cultural and linguistic significance in France. From Easter celebrations to grape harvest festivals, there's always something special happening in France during every saison .

By learning about the vocabulary, holidays, and phrases associated with each season, you will not only expand your language skills but gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for French culture.

So, next time you find yourself speaking French with a native speaker, don't forget to bring up the current season and all its delights. Download our Langster app to find more examples of using this seasonal vocabulary in real-life contexts, and fully immerse yourself in the French experience. Happy learning!

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Ellis is a seasoned polyglot and one of the creative minds behind Langster Blog, where she shares effective language learning strategies and insights from her own journey mastering the four languages. Ellis strives to empower learners globally to embrace new languages with confidence and curiosity. Off the blog, she immerses herself in exploring diverse cultures through cinema and contemporary fiction, further fueling her passion for language and connection.

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french essay on seasons

Seasons in French: Vocabulary and example sentences

Examples of sentences using seasons in french, master french language with italki, the enrollment process at italki, frequently asked questions, seasons in french: how to talk about the colorful seasons.

Seasons determine the pace of our existence. They serve as a soothing reminder that in nature, everything is constantly renewed, and everything goes as intended, despite any challenges that may arise. It is no wonder that seasons hold great significance and symbolism in many cultures around the world. This article will help you learn the seasons in French and how you can use them in your conversations.

Explore different seasons in French

It is essential to learn French grammar, vocabulary, tense formation and sentence structuring to achieve fluency. In French, “season” is “saison” (plural “saisons”). In the table below, there are four major seasons in French:

Autumn / FallAutomne
The rainy seasonLa saison des pluies
The dry seasonLa saison sèche

Summer in French

France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, MonacoJune-September
CanadaJune- September
Été indien : Octobre
VanuatuNovember-April(Southern hemisphere)
Most of the French-speaking African countries — Around the equatorJuly-September with some variations
Most of the French-speaking African countries — Southern hemisphereNovember-March with some variations

French summer words

Flip flopsTongs

Learn French vocabulary related to summer season

Fall in French

France, Belgium,
Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco
Beautiful fall colors during the (October)
HaitiNo fall, per say
VanuatuNo fall, per say
Most of the French-speaking African countries — Around the equatorNo fall, per say
Most of the French-speaking African countries — Southern hemisphereNo fall, per say

French fall words

Cooling downRafraîchir
PumpkinCitrouille, potiron

Learning months in French can help you carry out basic conversations. You can also develop the confidence to inquire about changing weather conditions with the locals and prepare proactively for the extreme weather.  

Winter in French

France, Belgium,
Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco
CanadaDecember-March (later in Northern Québec)
VanuatuMay-October (Southern hemisphere)
Most of the French-speaking African countries — Around the equatorOctober-June with some variations
Most of the French-speaking African countries — Southern hemisphereApril-October with some variations

French winter words

FrostGivre, gel
SnowmanBonhomme de neige
Christmas treeSapin de Noël

Use French winter words in your conversations

You must also learn basic French greetings to make these seasons more exciting and memorable. For example, learning to say good night in French can allow you to get closer to the people you like and adore.

Spring in French

France, Belgium,
Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco
HaitiNo spring, per say
VanuatuNo spring, per say
Most of the French-speaking African countries — Around the equatorNo spring, per say
Most of the French-speaking African countries — Southern hemisphereNo spring, per say

French spring words

New lifeNouvelle ville
GardeningFaire le jardin
Sunny, but coolEnsoleillé mais frais

L’été (summer)

  • Dans ma région, l’été est chaud et humide (In my region, summer is hot and humid).
  • L’été est ma saison préférée. J’adore la plage ! (Summer is my favorite season. I just love the beach!).

L’automne (fall/autumn)

  • En automne, je vais souvent ramasser des champignons. (In fall, I often go mushroom picking).
  • Manges-tu des châtaignes en automne ? (Do you eat chestnuts in fall?)

L’hiver (winter)

  • Je trouve que la neige embellit toujours le paysage. (I think snow always makes the landscape nicer).

Le printemps (spring)

  • Quelle est ta fleur printanière préférée ? (What’s your favorite spring flower?)

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What are the names of the four seasons in French?

In French, the four seasons are “le printemps” (spring), “l’été” (summer), “l’automne” (autumn/fall), and “l’hiver” (winter). Each season brings its own distinct characteristics and is an integral part of the cultural and natural rhythm in France.

What are some seasonal foods in France?

Spring (le printemps) brings delicate flavors such as asparagus, strawberries, lamb, and fresh herbs like tarragon and chives. Summer (l’été) highlights vibrant produce like tomatoes, zucchini, peaches, and seafood such as oysters and mussels from coastal regions.

Autumn (l’automne) introduces hearty dishes featuring mushrooms, pumpkins, apples, and chestnuts, alongside game meats like venison and wild boar. Winter (l’hiver) offers rich indulgences such as truffles, root vegetables like turnips and parsnips, game birds such as duck and pheasant, and comforting stews like cassoulet and pot-au-feu.

How do the seasons affect tourism in France?

Spring (le printemps) attracts visitors eager to explore gardens in full bloom, historic landmarks, and cultural events with moderate weather and fewer crowds compared to peak summer months. Summer (l’été) sees a surge in tourism, especially in coastal resorts, major cities, and iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, with long sunny days and a bustling atmosphere.

Autumn (l’automne) appeals to wine enthusiasts embarking on vineyard tours and cultural travelers enjoying the tranquility of autumnal landscapes and local festivals celebrating regional heritage and culinary traditions. Winter (l’hiver) draws winter sports enthusiasts to the French Alps and Pyrenees for skiing and snowboarding adventures, while cities charm visitors with festive markets, cultural events, and holiday traditions.

The seasons in France offer a variety of experiences and activities throughout the year. Whether you enjoy the summer heat, autumn colors, spring blooms, or winter sports, there is always something to appreciate. Expand your vocabulary related to French seasons and feel free to talk about them with locals.

To achieve French fluency, book online lessons at italki and take interactive sessions at your desired schedule. 

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Learn to talk about seasons in French

Updated: March 13, 2021 by Mylene in French Vocabulary Array  ▪ English Français  

seasons french scenes winter spring fall summer

Learn the vocabulary related to seasons in French, along with their contextual use in the daily spoken French. In addition, you can listen to the audio recordings to hear how the seasons are pronounced in French.

In this post, you’ll learn:

  • The seasons of the year in French
  • How to pronounce seasons in French

Different seasons in different contexts

After all, learning the names of the seasons is a basic part of learning a new language, as featured in our beginner’s guide to learning French vocabulary . Now let us discover all the names of the seasons in French.

What are the seasons of the year in French?

You already know that a year has 4 seasons. A season is “une saison” in French. In the plural, a silent s is added at the end of the word. For example, les 4 saisons (the 4 seasons). Here is the list of the seasons of the year in French.

Le printempsSpring

Which months are in each season?

A quick reminder about the months in French . There are 12 months in a year:

  • Janvier (January)
  • Février (February)
  • Mars (Mars)
  • Avril (April)
  • Juin (June)
  • Juillet (July)
  • Août (August)
  • Septembre (September)
  • Octobre (October)
  • Novembre (November)
  • Décembre (December)

The winter is l’hiver. It lasts from December, January, February, and March.

Spring is le printemps. It includes the following months: March, April, May, and June.

Summer is l’été. Summer’s months are June, July, August, and September.

Fall is l’automne. The fall includes September, October, November, and December. This season is also known as the autumn season.

Quick tip: En vs. Au

Use the preposition “en” to say:

  • in winter: en hiver
  • in fall: en automne
  • in summer: en été

As for spring, use the preposition “au” as follows:

  • in spring: au printemps

Gender and seasons in French

The word “saisons” is masculine in French :

  • Le printemps, un printemps

When le is used before the seasons  in French, it’s reduced to l’ as the next letter is either a vowel or an -h:

Spring (Printemps)

Spring is the season when nature awakens. With the first blooms of the season, nature is colorful and flourishing.

Easter is in Spring and is celebrated in many ways. Besides religious traditions, kids will get their Chasse aux oeufs (hunt for eggs) and chocolate-lovers will get wonderful chocolate sculptures of eggs, fish, chickens, and rabbits, among others.

spring season with field full of flowers

Spring season translates to printemps in French. The season of spring is from March 21-June 21. 

Labor Day, La Fête du Travail ( check the video here ), another major public holiday in the French Calendar, is celebrated in France on the first of May.

Summer (Été)

By the sea or in the mountains, France is a great place to spend your summer vacation and, humbly, one of the most visited countries in the world.

Check the map of the  most visited countries in the world . C’est les vacances!!

lavendar field summer season in provence

Summer is from June 21 to September 21. It is called été in French. The sunny season is traditionally the right time to take well-deserved holidays.

For tourism, July and August are the summer’s high-season periods in France. In the middle of summer, France celebrates Bastille day on July 14th.

Vive la France!

Fireworks, military parades, concerts, and balls are how French people celebrate their national day.

If you’re learning about seasons in French, you’ll want to learn about asking and telling time in French .

Fall (Automne)

Temperatures tend to become moderate, but it is not unusual that days in September remain quite warm as part of what the French call an “Indian summer”.

After all, nothing signals the arrival of fall quite like the changing colors. Autumn’s colors are often various shades of yellow (jaune), orange (orange), purple (violet), and red (rouge). Read our article to learn more about colors in French .

tree leaves fall fall season with people in a parc

Fall (autumn) is from September 21-December 21 and it is the back-to-school season. In French, la saison d’automne means the fall season. 

As for the celebrations in France, Halloween is one of them accompanying All Saints’ Day on the first of November. 

Winter (Hiver)

Winter is the coldest time of the year in terms of temperature. Snow is usually expected in many regions of France and is a great time for winter sports lovers.

With hundreds of ski resorts in France, choosing which one to pick might not be easy.

eiffel tour winter with snow tree

Winter is called hiver in French. The season of winter is from December 21-March 21. 

Christmas is celebrated in France during the winter season. On January 1st, a new year is welcomed with a lot of hope and new resolutions. Valentine’s day on the 14th of February is an important celebration of love for couples in France as well as all over the world.

Find out how to improve your French this winter with Master Your French.

How to pronounce seasons in French?

Now that you know the French seasons, you can start the pronunciation exercise.

Below are the audio recordings of the names of the four seasons of the year in French.

Listen to learn then repeat to master the pronunciation of French seasons.

Click to listen to the audios:

In addition to seasons of the year in the context of the weather, “une saison”  in French can be used to describe a specific event that occurs over a defined period. Here are a few examples:

La saison des vendanges

La saison des fruits et des légumes, la saison touristique, la saison sportive.

Let’s see together the details of each season.

La saison des vendanges is the time when grapes are harvested. France is famous for its wine (vin). Different regions in France have different harvest times (saison des vendanges). I live in Bourgogne (Burgundy) so the harvest season typically falls between September and October. But why is it the best saison to harvest grapes? The time of harvest is determined by the ripeness of the grape, the weather…

La saison des fruits et des légumes is getting more traction since a few years. Nowadays, in France, we are encouraged to choose les légumes de saison (seasonal vegetables)  and les fruits de saison (seasonal fruits). So that we consume local vegetables and fruits!

During the summer (July, and August), we’re talking about “ la saison touristique ” in French (touristic season). If you want to visit the South of France, my only advice is to try to avoid the touristic season!!! Prices are often higher, compared to other times of the year, and there are so many people!!! If your lifestyle allows you to travel other times of the year you’ll be able to enjoy this beautiful region by yourself.

La saison sportive refers to the sports season. Many people are interested in different sports. if you’re interested in a or more sports, you know that there is a sports season for each Sport (Skating in Winter or Beach soccer in Summer, for example).

More seasons than you’ve imagined!

La saison des soldes . That means the sales season. In France, we usually have “la saison des soldes” in January and in July for 6 weeks.

Les vêtements de saison . In winter, people tend to wear warm clothes. Seasons define the way how people dress, and this is why we talk about seasonal clothes.

La saison d’une série . Episodes of a TV show that are released at regular intervals.

La saison des foins . The haymaking season. There is usually about a two-week “window” of time in which grass is at its ideal stage for harvesting hay.

Summary of the lesson

Although that one paragraph and a few lines about every season are never enough to describe a season, I hope that the explanations in this article will help you better understand the main characteristics of France’s unique seasons.

In this lesson, we reviewed the list of seasons in French. Let us recall what we have learned.

  • There are 4 seasons in a year: Hiver, Printemps, Eté, Automne.
  • We explored how the word season is used in different contexts in the French language.
  • You have access to the audio to learn how to pronounce months and seasons in French.

Now that you master the seasons in French, it’s important to keep improving your French level. As a next step, you can explore more French words as part of our French vocabulary list . 

And for more videos, check out Master Your French on  YouTube .

Common French greetings to learn and mistakes to avoid

illustration various french greetings words

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Everything you need to know about the four seasons in French!

We all know the four seasons: printemps (spring), été (summer), automne (autumn) and hiver (winter). Being able to talk about the weather and describe current conditions or knowing some popular sayings about the seasons are all significant assets for anyone who wants to learn French.

Everything you need to know about the four seasons in french

The seasons are a universal theme and the perfect way to spark a spontaneous conversation, helping you to improve your speaking skills and integrate more easily with French people. So, how do you talk about the seasons in French ? Why does the French Riviera’s climate make it the perfect location in which to learn French? Why is the theme of the seasons an important one for French people? What grammatical structures should you use when talking about the weather?

The seasons: not as trivial a topic as it might seem

The French attach huge importance to the weather, as proved by the popularity of weather forecasts and the success of special weather apps on smartphones. In common parlance, the expression “parler de la pluie et du beau temps” (literally “to talk about rain and good weather”) is used to refer to trivial small talk. However, climate change has completely shifted our priorities: now, talking about the seasons in French does not just mean talking about “everything and nothing” but discussing a topic of greater significance. 

Grammar and the seasons

From a grammatical point of view, the seasons – le printemps, l’été, l’automne and l’hiver are all masculine nouns, for example “Nous avons connu un bel automne cette année” (“We’ve had a lovely autumn this year”), “le printemps est pluvieux” (“spring is rainy”). In addition, remember to use “en” and “au” when talking about the four seasons in French: “Je pars toujours en vacances en hiver” (“I always go on holiday in winter”) “nous nettoyons la maison au printemps” (“we clean the house in spring”), “en été, les températures augmentent” (“temperatures rise in summer”) or “les vendanges ont lieu chaque année en automne” (“the grapes are harvested in autumn each year”). Additionally, you can use the pronoun “il” in descriptions – “il pleut” (“it’s raining”), “il neige” (“it’s snowing”), “il fait chaud” (“it’s hot”, etc.) – or the structure “il y a” – “il y a du verglas ce matin sur la route” (“there’s black ice on the road this morning”), “il y a beaucoup de vent cet après-midi” (“it’s really windy this afternoon”), etc. For temperatures, the verb “faire” is used: “Il fait moins cinq aujourd’hui” (“it’s minus five today”). So be careful when you’re talking about the four seasons of France in French!

The word “printemps” (“spring”) comes from “primu” meaning “first” and “tempus” meaning “time”. Using the word season in French implies that you are viewing the seasons from the point of view of countries in the Northern hemisphere. In this part of the world, spring falls in March, April and May. Spring (the adjectival form in French is “printanier”) is the season of buds and lily of the valley. Synonymous with youth, it marks the end of winter, the revival of nature and the time when we pick “primevères” (“primroses”), which herald beautiful weather. That is why, for many people, the best season in French is spring, even though it can still be cool at the beginning. After all, as the French saying goes, “en avril, ne te découvre pas d’un fil”, meaning that you shouldn’t trust warm weather in April (literally, “in April, don’t remove a thread [of clothing]”).  

Spring season in french

Summer is now associated with heatwaves, that very hot time when we just want to stay cool or slather on the sun cream and sunbathe. It’s the perfect time for a junior language stay in the South of France ! Your teenager will make quick progress thanks to French lessons in smaller groups, a wide range of sports and other activities, events and very comfortable accommodation. Unless you’d rather take advantage of the gorgeous weather and sign up for our French lessons with relaxation and meditation programme ? You’ll be delighted with this combination of interactive French classes and exclusive wellbeing activities.

Summer season in french

In France, autumn conjures up thoughts of the annual return to school in September. At this time of year, the days are getting shorter, the temperatures are starting to cool and the colours that dominate the natural world are changing. “When a sighing begins/In the violins/Of the autumn-song,/My heart is drowned/In the slow sound/Languorous and long” wrote Verlaine in Poèmes saturniens (Autumn Song, translation by Arthur Symons, 1902). With a little luck, you might enjoy an Indian summer or an “été de la Saint Martin” (“St. Martin’s summer”) when you take an intensive French course of 30 lessons per week in Antibes – a programme aimed at those who really want to make progress!

Autumn season in french

In France, in terms of the calendar, winter begins on 21 or 22 December. While winter is traditionally a time for hibernation, that’s not the case when it comes to learning French in France . Take advantage of low-season rates and the mild climate and come to the Centre International d’Antibes on the French Riviera. There’s no shortage of activities to keep you busy in our region in winter: flower battles in Nice, the Lemon Festival in Menton, the Chagall museum in Nice , hikes in the Estérel mountains and more.

Winter season in french

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Seasons in French / Les Saisons en Français

Seasons in French / Les Saisons en Français

  • Uncategorized
  • June 24, 2020 June 24, 2020
  • by FrenchArena

Salut mes amis, (Hello my friends)

J’espère que vous allez bien! (I hope you are well)!

Apologies for my lack of posts but I’ve been busy with my online course and work got in the way. But I’m back now! We start today off with the seasons in a year.

There are 4 major seasons in a year around the world as majority of us may know. Although in Nigeria we also have wet season and dry season.

Winter: L’hiver can be pronounced as Lee-verr.

french essay on seasons

Summer: L’été can be pronounced as Lay-tay.

french essay on seasons

Spring: Le printemps can be pronounced as Low-prawn-ton.

french essay on seasons

Autumn: L’automne can be pronounced as low-tonne. Imagine saying “glutton”.

french essay on seasons

Wet season is Saison humide can be pronounced as Sayzon humide

french essay on seasons

Dry season is Saison sèche which can be pronounced as Sayzon searsh. Imagine the word ‘search’ but with and sh and not ch .

french essay on seasons

Seasons in French: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Seasons in French: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Surely many of you use French tongue twisters to improve pronunciation but what about improving your French vocabulary?

Do you have the terms and phrases for seasons in French in your ‘personal dictionary’?

Do you know which words we typically use in summer or autumn?

When fall (or autumn) comes, people usually like to improve their skills and work on themselves mentally and physically.

Perhaps it has to do something with going back to school, the beginning of learning and achieving something bigger than just lying the whole day on a sofa.

So, this is an ideal opportunity to learn new French words.

In this post, we are going to introduce you to seasons in French and help you improve your vocabulary.

Also, you can download and print the vocabulary list with all these words in the end.

Now, prepare yourself and start taking notes.

Introduction to Seasons in French

The word for season in French is une saison.

This noun is feminine , so when you have to use it, you use articles une, and la.

Moreover, if you use adjectives with this word, adjectives also have to be in the feminine gender.

For example, if you want to say favorite season, you say it saison préférée. So, as you see, the adjective préférée is feminine.

For plural form the -s is added to the word so if you want to say seasons, you say les saisons

Seasons in French

As for the seasons in France, like in most parts of the world, there are four seasons: spring , summer, autumn, or fall, and winter.

Spring or le printemps is the masculine noun, like the other three seasons.

L’été or summer, l’automne or autumn/ fall, and l‘hiver or winter begin with vowels, so when adding the article you have to use the apostrophe.

Le Printemps (Spring)

Au printemps or in the spring, nature awakens.

Everything is full of colors, optimism, and positive thoughts.

This season consists of avril, mai, and juin, that is, April, May, and June.

Flowers bloom and trees are filling the landscape.

One of the popular holidays is celebrated au printemps. It is La Fête du Travail ( Labour Day).

Le Printemps Vocabulary

In the following lines, you can find some of the words which are associated with spring.

Il fait frais

It's cold


Le papillon , un imperméable , une abeille .

And now, here are some of the examples of the words we use in spring.

  • Au printemps, tout est coloré.- In spring, everything is colorful.
  • J'aime les fleurs et les arbres verts au printemps.- I like flowers and green trees in the spring.
  • Au printemps, les oiseaux retournent du sud. - In spring, the birds return from the south. 

L’ Été (Summer)

The word summer in French is été. 

July, August, and September or in French, juillet, août, and septembre are summer months.

Use warm and sunny weather and, en été ( in the summer) go to France on holiday.

Try organizing your vacation on July the 14th, the day when the French celebrate Bastille Day .

It is an ideal opportunity to improve your vocabulary and walk the streets with native speakers shouting Vive la France! ( Long live France!)

L’ Été Vocabulary

To be prepared for the summer in France, you have to boost your ‘summer vocabulary.’ Here are some of the common words.

Il fait chaud

It's hot

J'ai chaud

I'm hot

La canicule

La pastèque, la crème solaire.

Beach umrella

Le maillot de bain

Les lunettes de soleil, les vacances, les sandales.

And now, here are some examples.

  • En été, je vais souvent à la plage. - In summer, I often go to the beach.
  • J’aime nager et manger de la place-  I like to swim and eat ice-cream.
  • En été, il fait très chaud- In the summer it is very hot.

L’Automne (Autumn/ Fall)

In the end of September comes the new season, l’automne, or autumn.

Months en automne ( in the autumn/ fall) are octobre, novembre, and décembre, that is, October, November, and December.

Even though this season is not as warm as spring, there are, however, warm days filled with colors such as yellow, orange, purple, red, and brown or in French, jaune, orange, violet, rouge, and marron.

In case you don’t get to visit France in the summer, you should consider going en automne on Halloween , October 31st and on All Saints Day, November 1st.

L’Automne Vocabulary

Be prepared for l’automne with some specific words used in this season.

La citrouille

Return to school

La tarte aux pommes

Le changement de couleur des feuilles.

The changing colour of the leaves

Un couple-vent


Un tas de feuilles

A pile of leaves

Tailler une citrouille

To carve a pumpkin

Let’s take a glance at some examples:

  • En automne, j'adore faire une tarte aux pommes.- In the autumn I love to bake apple pie.
  • En automne, la citrouille est très populaire.- In the autumn pumpkin is very popular.

L’Hiver (Winter)

L’hiver or winter in France is ideal for winter sports lovers. 

Janvier, février, and mars or January, February, and March snow are usually expected in most regions in France.

En hiver (in winter), Christmas and New Year are celebrated, but let’s not forget the most romantic Valentine’s day February 14th.

  L’Hiver Vocabulary

To improve your vocabulary with l’hiver vocabulary, take a look at the following words:

Faire du ski

Il fait froid, j'ai froid.

I'm cold

La boule de neige

Le planche à neige.


Le bonhomme de neige

Le patin à glace.

Ice skating

And here are some of the examples:

  • En hiver je porte des gants.- In the winter I wear gloves.
  • En hiver, il y a beaucoup de neige.- In the winter there is a lot of snow.
  • Beaucoup de gens aiment le ski.- A lot of people like skiing.

Knowing the names of seasons in French is important.

And now you know them and much more. 

To further enhance your vocabulary, consider these interactive learning options: Babbel provides enjoyable lessons that are easy to fit into your daily activities. If you're seeking a thorough exploration of French, Udemy's extensive course offers in-depth coverage of essential to advanced content. If direct interaction is what you prefer, Lingoda's native speaker-led classes can significantly boost your speaking skills.

How to say seasons in French?

les saisons

how to say spring in French?

le printemps

how to say autumn in French?


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The Seasons in French With Audio Recordings

Author: Camille Chevalier-Karfis

How do you say the 4 seasons in French? Should you use Au or En ? Learn about the French season vocabulary as well as typical sentences used to talk about the seasons in French.

First, let’s learn the names of the four seasons and their correct French pronunciation .

What Are The Names Of The 4 Seasons in French?

Let’s learn the names for spring, summer, fall and winter in French:

This free French lesson – like many on French Today’s blog – features audio recordings. Click on the link next to the headphones to hear the French pronunciation.

  • Le printemps : spring
  • L’été (m): summer
  • L’automne (m): fall
  • L’hiver (m): winter

Note the seasons are all masculine singular in French.

Au / En For Seasons in French ?

Although all the seasons are masculine in French, to translate “in + season’s name”, we use two different prepositions : “au” and “en”.

  • Au printemps

Why Is It Au Printemps in French But En Hiver, En Été, En Automne?

Why do we use “au + season” or “en + season” in French? The preposition changes because of the sound: specifically the vowel (or silent h, hence vowel) which starts “été, automne, hiver”.

Try saying “au été”, “au automne”, “au hiver”… It’s not easy on the mouth! So at one point, the “au” became “en”…

With the strong liaison with the N of the “en” to start the vowel sound, it’s much easier to pronounce.

Listen to the audio recording again and repeat out-loud to see for yourself.

This is what I call a lazy mouth rule !

7 Examples of Sentences Using the Seasons in French

Now let’s see some sentences commonly used to talk about the seasons in French:

  • Mardi, c’était le premier jour du printemps Tuesday was the first day of spring.
  • Quelle est votre saison préférée ? What’s your favorite season?
  • Ma saison préférée est l’été My favorite season is summertime.
  • Quel temps fait-il en France au printemps ? What’s the weather like in France in the spring?
  • En été, je nage souvent dans la mer . In summer, I often swim in the sea.
  • Mon chien adore se rouler dans les feuilles en automne . My dog loves rolling in the leaves in the fall.
  • En hiver, il neige rarement en Bretagne . In winter, it seldom snows in Brittany.

Famous Saying About the Seasons in French

Here is a famous French saying about the seasons:

“En avril, ne te découvre pas d’un fil. Mais en mai, fais ce qu’il te plaît”

In April, don’t take a thread off (= don’t take your clothes of because it could still be cold). But in May, do whatever you’d like. (Dress light if you want because it should be warm enough)

And now for a fun practice, I invite you to listen to my recording and explanation of a French poem about Spring .

*Main picture: The 4 Seasons by Mucha. I love it, don’t you?

Camille Chevalier-Karfis

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany .

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Recorded at 3 different speeds + Study Guide + Q&A + Full Transcript

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Can You Understand Today’s Spoken French?

It’s not just slang. The French everybody speaks in France today is NOT the overly enunciated, extremely formal French usually taught to foreigners.


The French Corner

Les temps et les saisons / Weather & the Seasons

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Adjectives are given in masculine/feminine form

Vocab Words l’hiver=winter en hiver=in winter le printemps=spring au printemps=in spring l’été=summer en été=in summer l’automne=autumn en automne=in autumn quel temps fait-il=what’s the weather like dehors=outside dedans=inside faire beau=to be nice out faire mauvais=to be bad out pleuvoir=to rain il pleut=it’s raining neiger=to snow il neige=it’s snowing grêler=to hail il grêle=it’s hailing grésiller=to sleet il grésille=it’s sleeting tomber comme des clous=to be raining cats and dogs (Québec) la pluie=rain la neige=snow le soleil=the sun, sunshine le vent=the wind faire du vent=to be windy faire du soleil=to be sunny faire gris=to be gloomy out faire chaud=to be hot out faire frais=to be cool out faire froid=to be cold out éclaircir=to clear up obscurcir=to get dark un bonhomme de neige=a snowman une feuille=a leaf une boule de neige=a snowball une congère=a snowbank geler=to be freezing il gèle=it’s freezing la température=the temperature le brouillard=the fog un orage=a storm une tempête=a storm le météo=the weather forecast les prévisions=the predictions

Useful Expressions

Il neige en hiver. It snows in winter.

Ma saison préférée, c’est le printemps. My favorite season is spring.

Il faisait chaud hier. It was hot out yesterday.

Il pleuvra probablement demain. It will probably rain tomorrow.

Tu as vu les prévisions ? Qu’est-ce qu’on a dit ? Did you see the predictions? What did they say?

Je regarde le météo à 18h chaque soir. I watch the weather forecast at 6 o’clock every night.

Vive le vent d’hiver ! Hooray for the winter wind! (French Christmas song to the tune of “Jingle Bells”)

La température se mesure en Celcius en France. The temperature is measured in Celcius in France.

Enfin, il a éclairci un peu. At last, it cleared up a bit.

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

See all posts by David Issokson

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6.2 Les Saisons

Use the table below to review the vocabulary words related to the seasons . Listen to the French pronunciations using the following audio recording.

Les Saisons (feminine) / The Seasons
le printemps / au printemps spring / in the spring
l’été (masculine) / en été summer / in the summer
l’automne (masculine) / en automne fall / in the fall
l’hiver (masculine) / en hiver winter / in  the winter

Exercice 1: Quelle saison?

In what season do you do the activities below? Ask a neighbour and report back!

  • aller à la plage
  • faire du ski
  • aller à Paris
  • aller au cinéma
  • jouer au foot
  • planter des tulipes
  • manger un sorbet
  • acheter des livres scolaires

Exercice 2 : Quel temps fait -il?

Paying attention to the season and the location, determine what the weather is like in each of the places below.

Quel temps fait-il à Paris en été? A Paris en été, il fait très chaud et il y a du soleil.

  • à Los Angeles au printemps?
  • à Montréal en hiver?
  • au Mexique en été?
  • en Italie au printemps?
  • à Moscou en hiver?
  • à Costa Rica en été?
  • en Toronto en automne?
  • en Côte d’Ivoire en decembre?

Exercice 3: Quel temps fait-il en Canada aujourd’hui?

Using the weather map of Canada, complete the following chart.

On a weather map of Canada, the temperature is -1 in Iqaluit. In Regina, it's cloudy. It's sunny in Vancouver, and 14 degrees. In Victoria, there is both sun and cloud and its 14 degrees. It's raining in Toronto. There is a thunderstorm in Saskatoon.

Fill in the Blanks

The Weather Around Canada
[Blank 1] Il fait froid.
Regina [blank 2]
[Blank 3] Il fait beau.
Yellowknife [Blank 4]
Victoria [Blank 5]
[Blank 6] Il pleut.
Saskatoon [Blank 7]
[Blank 8] Il y a des nuages.

This section includes content derived from Liberté , originally released under CC BY-NC-SA

Introduction to French Copyright © 2017 by Rita Palacios is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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best fall 2024 boot trends

I Can’t Stop Thinking About These Chic Fall Boot Trends

Don’t mind me, just counting down the days until the change in seasons.

It only took one day of temperatures dropping below 80 degrees for me to start thinking about the fall 2024 boot trends. Even if it’s only a small tease of what’s to come, my mind is ready to switch over to the next season. And though transitional weather can be tricky to figure out, the best way to take it in stride is with a good pair of boots.

The Equestrienne

celine fall winter 2024 runway

If Bella Hadid is living her best horsegirl life , then so am I—sartorially speaking, at least. And if you were into spring’s prep school trend along with the undying love for all things tenniscore , consider this the next aesthetic to add to your playbook by way of Gucci and Celine. These polished boots will undoubtedly be a good investment for your fall wardrobe.

Slim Horsebit Boot

Gucci Slim Horsebit Boot

The Riding Leather Knee Boots

Toteme The Riding Leather Knee Boots

Penny Boot

Sam Edelman Penny Boot

Black Grunge Boots

The Row Black Grunge Boots

Leather Over-the-Knee Boots

Jil Sander Leather Over-the-Knee Boots

The thigh’s the limit.

thigh high boots runway trend

I was already predisposed to be obsessed with thigh-high boots (I love anything that lends itself to a leggy look)—but, to be honest, I’ve yet to incorporate the style into my closet. That said, it only took one read through our favorite overall fall shoe trends from the runways to ask myself, “Do I need thigh-high boots?” That question has been bouncing around my head since, and I think it might be time to finally get a pair, with Chloé, Chanel, Bally, Fendi, Stella McCartney’s fall 2024 runways (and so many more) serving as styling inspiration.

Eve Leather Over-The-Knee Boots

Chloé Eve Leather Over-The-Knee Boots

Over-the-Knee Leather Boots

Proenza Schouler Over-the-Knee Leather Boots

Whisper Over-the-Knee Boots

Nomasei Whisper Over-the-Knee Boots

Maryana Over-The-Knee Boots

Schutz Maryana Over-The-Knee Boots

Ruby Over the Knee Boot

Reformation Ruby Over the Knee Boot

fur boots runway

Fair warning: This is one fall shoe trend that is not for the faint of heart. But goddamn, when it’s done well, it’s done well . Just take a page from Luar, Duran Lantick, and Loro Piana to see what I mean. Not only does this look embrace the influx of fluff for the fall and winter, but it’ll sure be a conversation starter, too.

Les Arcs Shearling Snow Boots

Bogner Les Arcs Shearling Snow Boots

Black Fur Moccasin Boots

We11done Black Fur Moccasin Boots

LTrack Shearling Snow Boots

Moon Boot LTrack Shearling Snow Boots

Venture Daze Ultra Mini Bootie

UGG Venture Daze Ultra Mini Bootie

Luna Shearling and Leather Boot

Michael Kors Luna Shearling and Leather Boot

A moto edge, motorcycle boots runway.

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Brat girl summer may just be for the season, but fashion’s love affair with grunge—along with the brat girl mentality, of course—is forever. And if you need further proof, I point you in the direction of Miu Miu, Coach, and Versace. I can’t stop wearing my well-loved Frye boots, which have easily taken the place of my go-to cowboy alternatives, but anything distressed, buckled, and tough will be a great way to add an edge of cool to your looks.

Leather Harness Buckle Biker Boots

Miu Miu Leather Harness Buckle Biker Boots

Harness 12R Boots

Frye Harness 12R Boots

Campo Harness Biker Boots

Loewe Campo Harness Biker Boots

Brixton Motorcycle Boot

Steve Madden Brixton Motorcycle Boot

We The Free Beau Tall Rider Boots

Free People We The Free Beau Tall Rider Boots

Squared away.

louis vuitton square toe boots runway

If you ask me, there’s something so unexpectedly chic about a square toe. Maybe it’s the nod to ’90s fashion or the unique (and perhaps occasionally subversive trend) flair—especially if the design is coming from a label that veers towards the avant-garde, like Eckhaus Latta, but you could also go the more Western-inspired route à la Louis Vuitton. Either way, I’m into them—and they have the seal of approval from none other than Mrs. Prada. So let that be your sign to grab a pair.

Hedda Boot

Vagabond Hedda Boot

Gaia Square Toe Boots

Eytys Gaia Square Toe Boots

Bloc Stretch Leather Zip Ankle Booties

Bottega Veneta Bloc Stretch Leather Zip Ankle Booties

Le Stirrup Leather Boots

Burberry Le Stirrup Leather Boots

Este Boots

By Far Este Boots

Headshot of Dale Arden Chong

Dale Arden Chong is the senior fashion commerce editor at ELLE.com , where she edits and reports on the latest trends, labels, and designers in the fashion space to bring you the best items that will elevate your wardrobe. With a passion for great sartorial stories and getting dressed (as well as a knack for nerding out over the details), she has a robust knowledge of high-quality design, construction, and materials based on testing hundreds of products over her eight-plus years in the industry. So, if you ask her for a shopping recommendation, she’ll give you five picks plus her honest, unfiltered opinions. Outside of the style world, her hobbies include cooking, playing tennis, ceramics, and watching BTS dance videos on YouTube, among other things. Follow her on Instagram at @dalearden . 

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Sports. Honestly. Since 2011

Espn predicts knicks consecutive 50+ win seasons after 30 years.

  • August 24, 2024

Siddhant Jain

ESPN predicts the Knicks will win at least 50 games.

The last time the New York Knicks had back-to-back 50+ win seasons was in 1994-95. Coming off a 57-win season and a trip to the Finals in ’94, the Knicks won 55 games in 1995. And they haven’t done it since. They’ve had some close calls. They won 48 games in 2000-01, after winning 50 the year prior. They won 47 games in the 2022-23 season before cracking the elusive 50-win mark last season.

The Knicks’ return to glory started with the Jalen Brunson signing in the summer of 2022. The term “franchise-altering” should not be used unless it’s necessary, but that’s exactly what the Brunson signing was for the Knicks. The Knicks’ all-time win-loss % is 0.487. In Brunson’s two seasons with the Knicks, his number stands at 0.591. Amongst all-time Knicks with at least 100 games, he’s already 21st on the list. Change the benchmark to 140 games, he’s now 14th .

So, can the Knicks, led by Brunson repeat at 50+ win seasons?

 ESPN Predicts Knicks Consecutive 50+ Win Seasons After 30 Years

Keys to 50+ win season.

The biggest concern for the Knicks is their health. Mitchell Robinson and OG Anunoby are consistent red flags and have a history of missing around 20 games every year. Both of them missed games in the playoffs due to injury and were unavailable for the final game of the Knicks season. Julius Randle is coming off a shoulder injury that required surgery. He missed the last four months of the NBA season and is just on track to start the season healthy. Josh Hart had an abdominal injury in Game 6, and despite his questionable status before Game 7, tried to play through it. Jalen Brunson broke his hand midway through Game 7 and required offseason surgery to repair it.

The Knicks’ health concerns far outweigh any other issue on their team. If Mikal Bridges , Donte DiVincenzo , Josh Hart, Jalen Brunson, and Julius Randle can all play 60-ish games, the Knicks will coast through the regular season. Ideally, that shouldn’t be too hard. These guys simply don’t miss time.

Is ESPN’s Prediction Too Low?

A battered and bruised Knicks team won 50 games last season. They did so despite Robinson missing 60 games, Randle missing 35 games, and Anunoby playing just 23 out of a possible 50 games. Even then, they underperformed according to their expected W-L of 53-29.

Is it too much to say that they could win close to 56+ games? Anunoby, Brunson, and Randle went 11-2 when they were all together. The Knicks were +208 when Brunson and Randle were on the court together. The Knicks were a 61-win team when Brunson was on the court, and that was despite the numerous injuries that players suffered. It’s not impossible to believe that they can be the best team in the East. Kristaps Porzingis is out till December, and the center is the Celtics’ weak position.

The Last Word on ESPN’s Knicks Prediction

ESPN has a legitimate belief that the Knicks can go far this season. They were awarded the third most votes for coming out of the East and were top five in championship votes. But despite all this belief, their prediction could be fairly conservative if everybody is healthy.

Siddhant Jain

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Styles Group Chat

Batty Outfits, Sappy Romances: How ‘Emily in Paris’ Keeps You Coming Back for More

A Styles group chat on Season 4 of the Netflix series, with its Eurovision preparations, Claude Monet pond and cardigans included.

The character Emily Cooper dressed in a black and white stripped body suit with a giant cape at the waist and a large black hat and mask walks up a set of stairs.

By The Styles Desk

This article contains spoilers for “Emily in Paris” Season 4.

“Emily in Paris” is back with all of its absurd, campy charm — such as it is.

The show’s love triangle has metastasized into a love pentagon. There is a Eurovision plotline. There is a #MeToo plotline. And there is a character whose whole personality is “hot chef.” On top of it all, there’s a tense scene at Claude Monet’s water lily pond. The driving narrative question, of course, is, still, who Emily will date.

The first half of Season 4 was released on Netflix, and members of the Styles desk gathered to discuss the show, the characters and the battiest looks.

Callie Holtermann Zut alors! The show has returned with several cardigans I would not wish upon my worst enemy.

Madison Malone Kircher Stripes around the world are currently forming a class-action lawsuit against this season of the show.

Louis Lucero II Still, there are silhouettes and shrugs that have never before been seen in a workplace. Emily Cooper (Lily Collins) continues to innovate, no matter what anyone else wishes.

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    Learn to talk about seasons in French! This guide will teach you key French vocabulary words for spring, summer, fall and winter. Plus, you'll find useful vocabulary for talking about the weather, seasonal activities, clothing and much more. Read on to learn the most important French words for any time of year!

  4. The Seasons of the Year in France Explained

    Find out more about the four seasons of the year in France: winter, spring, summer, and autumn, including French vocabulary.

  5. Four Saisons: A Linguistic Journey Through Seasons in French

    The four seasons in French — le printemps (spring), l'été (summer), l'automne (autumn), and l'hiver (winter) — form a rhythmic backdrop to French life, influencing everything from cuisine to celebrations, fashion, and even idiomatic expressions.

  6. Seasons in French: How to talk about the colorful seasons

    This article will help you learn the seasons in French and how you can use them in your conversations. Seasons in French: Vocabulary and example sentences It is essential to learn French grammar, vocabulary, tense formation and sentence structuring to achieve fluency. In French, "season" is "saison" (plural "saisons").

  7. French Seasons of the Year

    The French seasons of the year are: le printemps (spring), l'été (summer), l'automne (fall, autumn) and l'hiver (winter). Post has pronunciation and examples.

  8. French Vocab: Weather and Seasons. La meteo et les saisons

    Learn French vocabulary related to weather and seasons with this comprehensive guide from Talk in French, perfect for language learners.

  9. Learn to talk about seasons in French

    Learn how to say the four seasons in French along with their pronunciation. Audio recordings are included with the related vocabulary to grow your French language skills.

  10. Seasons in French

    The word for seasons in french is saisons. In France, there are four seasons: winter or le hiver, spring or le printemps, summer or l'été and autumn or l'automne. To describe the weather or le ...

  11. The 4 seasons of france in French: everything you need to know!

    Everything you need to know about the four seasons in French! 01/04/2023. We all know the four seasons: printemps (spring), été (summer), automne (autumn) and hiver (winter). Being able to talk about the weather and describe current conditions or knowing some popular sayings about the seasons are all significant assets for anyone who wants to ...

  12. Seasons in French: How to Talk About Them in Colorful Detail

    In French, "season" is "saison" — plural "saisons". Pretty easy, right? Learn how to say the four seasons in French, cool seasonal vocab, & more!

  13. Seasons in French / Les Saisons en Français

    Although all the seasons are masculine in French, to translate "in+season's name" in French, (e.g In Summer) it will change to: Au printemps. En été. En automne. En hiver. This is done because of the vowel or silent h, which starts "été, automne, hiver". Examples of Sentences Using the Seasons in French.

  14. Seasons in French: Here's Everything You Need to Know

    Seasons in French. As for the seasons in France, like in most parts of the world, there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, or fall, and winter. Spring or le printemps is the masculine noun, like the other three seasons. L'été or summer, l'automne or autumn/ fall, and l'hiver or winter begin with vowels, so when adding the article ...

  15. The Seasons in French With Audio Recordings

    How do you say the 4 seasons in French? Should you use Au or En ? Learn about the French season vocabulary as well as typical sentences used to talk about the seasons in French.

  16. Les temps et les saisons / Weather & the Seasons

    Vocab Words l'hiver=winter en hiver=in winter le printemps=spring au printemps=in spring l'été=summer en été=in summer l'automne=autumn en automne=in autumn quel temps fait-il=what's the weather like dehors=outside dedans=inside faire beau=to be nice out faire mauvais=to be bad out pleuvoir=to rain il pleut=it's raining neiger=to snow il neige=it's snowing grêler=to hail il ...

  17. seasons

    French Seasons of the Year The four seasons in French are: le printemps (pronounced pʀɛ̃tɑ̃, l'été (pronouced ete), l'automne (pronounced ɔtɔn) and l'hiver pronounced (ivɛʀ). This post will cover the correct ways to pronounce the seasons, which prepositions to use, as well as example sentences and expressions.

  18. 6.2 Les Saisons

    Vocabulary Use the table below to review the vocabulary words related to the seasons. Listen to the French pronunciations using the following audio recording. 00:00 00:00

  19. Learn French

    Learn French - Les saisons et le temps (Seasons & Weather) | By Suchita | For classes +91-8920060461 Learn French By Suchita 261K subscribers Subscribed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ...

  20. Les Saisons

    TODAY'S LESSON SUMMARY: In this video, you will learn Les Saisons - Essay -French - Intrer 1 st year ( IPE) - Jumelage Textbook in French This video is very helpful for basic French learners ...

  21. Seasons

    Seasons. At times, you may want to discuss what you do in the seasons. l'été (summer) l'automne (fall, autumn) l'hiver (winter) le printemps (spring) To inquire and receive information about the season, use the following: Quelle saison est‐ce?

  22. essay on seasons in france in french

    Find an answer to your question essay on seasons in france in french

  23. A short 6 line paragraph on 'les saisons' ( the seasons in India) in French

    A short 6 line paragraph on 'les saisons' ( the seasons in India) in French See answers Advertisement suhanisharma Au printemps, il fait frais. le ciel est bleu. le soliel est brille.en ete il fait chaud. il fait du soliel. on boit du jus de fruits. on mange beacoup de galces. En automne, il fait du vent, les feuilles des arbres tombent. le ciel est gris. il pleut on porte un impermeable ou on ...

  24. Greenwood salvages a point for Marseille against Reims in the French

    PARIS (AP) — Mason Greenwood salvaged a point for Marseille with his third French league goal of the season in a 2-2 draw against Reims at the Vélodrome on Sunday.. Despite taking an early lead ...

  25. Eastern Conference Hopes for the Miami Heat

    The hope for Miami this season is to stay healthy and avoid missed time from their starters and key players. Otherwise, those hopes will see them right back in a play-in scenario. Miami would then face a much better team in the opening round of the playoffs for a second consecutive season. Miami has proved they can surprise and upset before though.

  26. 5 Best Fall 2024 Boot Trends

    Prepping your wardrobe for the new season? Read up on the best fall 2024 boot trends first. From thigh-high boots to grungey motos, these are the styles to get.

  27. Almanac

    everybody. >> cathy: kevin kling, one of our favorites. >> thanks, cathy, thanks, tane. so the philosopher michelle nico said nothing pleases a man more than hearing something he already knows.

  28. French Olympic Star Faces Financial Dilemma Over Sixers Move

    France power forward Guerschon Yabusele may have a second chance to play in the NBA, but it comes with a significant financial risk. The 28-year-old is set to return for a second stint in the NBA after agreeing to a one-year minimum deal with the Philadelphia 76ers worth $2.1 million, according to league insider Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN.. French Olympic Star Faces Financial Dilemma Over ...

  29. ESPN Predicts Knicks Consecutive 50+ Win Seasons After 30 Years

    Coming off a 57-win season and a trip to the Finals in '94, the Knicks won 55 games in 1995. And they haven't done it since. They've had some close calls. They won 48 games in 2000-01, after winning 50 the year prior. They won 47 games in the 2022-23 season before cracking the elusive 50-win mark last season.

  30. 'Emily In Paris' Is Back for Season 4, and You Can't Look Away

    A Styles group chat on Season 4 of the Netflix series, with its Eurovision preparations, Claude Monet pond and cardigans included. By The Styles Desk This article contains spoilers for "Emily in ...