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14 Tips for Test Taking Success

Worried about getting through your next big exam? Here are 14 test taking strategies that can help you do your best on your next test.

Mary Sharp Emerson

From pop quizzes to standardized tests, exams are an important part of the life of every high school student.

The best way to ensure that you’ll get the grade you want is to understand the material thoroughly. Good test taking skills, however, can help make the difference between a top grade and an average one. Mastering these skills can also help reduce stress and relieve test-taking anxiety. 

In this blog, we’ve divided our tips for test taking into two categories: seven things you can do to prepare for your next exam and seven things you should do once the test begins. We’ve also included four strategies that can help with test taking anxiety.

We hope these test taking tips will help you succeed the next time you are facing an exam, big or small!

Seven Best Strategies for Test Prep

You’ve probably heard the quote (originally credited to Alexander Graham Bell): “Preparation is the key to success.”

When it comes to test taking, these are words to live by. 

Here are the seven best things you can do to make sure you are prepared for your next test.

1. Cultivate Good Study Habits

Understanding and remembering information for a test takes time, so developing good study habits long before test day is really important. 

Do your homework assignments carefully, and turn them in on time. Review your notes daily. Write out your own study guides. Take advantage of any practice tests your teacher gives you, or even create your own. 

These simple steps, when done habitually, will help ensure that you really know your stuff come test day. 

2. Don’t “Cram”

It might seem like a good idea to spend hours memorizing the material you need the night before the test.

In fact, cramming for a test is highly counterproductive. Not only are you less likely to retain the information you need, cramming also increases stress, negatively impacts sleep, and decreases your overall preparedness.

So avoid the temptation to stay up late reviewing your notes. Last minute cramming is far less likely to improve your grade than developing good study habits and getting a good night’s sleep.

3. Gather Materials the Night Before

Before going to bed (early, so you get a good night’s sleep), gather everything you need for the test and have it ready to go. 

Having everything ready the night before will help you feel more confident and will minimize stress on the morning of the test. And it will give you a few extra minutes to sleep and eat a healthy breakfast.

4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

And speaking of sleep…showing up to your test well-rested is one of the best things you can do to succeed on test day.

Why should you make sleep a priority ? A good night’s sleep will help you think more clearly during the test. It will also make it easier to cope with test-taking stress and anxiety. Moreover, excellent sleep habits have been shown to consolidate memory and improve academic performance, as well as reduce the risk of depression and other mental health disorders. 

5. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Like sleeping, eating is an important part of self-care and test taking preparation. After all, it’s hard to think clearly if your stomach is grumbling.

As tough as it can be to eat when you’re nervous or rushing out the door, plan time in your morning on test day to eat a healthy breakfast. 

A mix of complex carbohydrates and healthy protein will keep you feeling full without making you feel sluggish. Whole wheat cereal, eggs, oatmeal, berries, and nuts may be great choices (depending on your personal dietary needs and preferences). It’s best to avoid foods that are high in sugar, as they can give you a rush of energy that will wear off quickly, leaving you feeling tired.

And don’t forget to drink plenty of water. If possible, bring a bottle of water with you on test day.

6. Arrive Early

Arriving early at a test location can help decrease stress. And it allows you to get into a positive state of mind before the test starts. 

Choose your seat as soon as possible. Organize your materials so they are readily available when you need them. Make sure you are physically comfortable (as much as possible). 

By settling in early, you are giving yourself time to get organized, relaxed, and mentally ready for the test to begin. Even in a high school setting, maximizing the time you have in the test classroom—even if it’s just a couple of minutes—can help you feel more comfortable, settled, and focused before the test begins. 

7. Develop Positive Rituals

Don’t underestimate the importance of confidence and a positive mindset in test preparation. 

Positive rituals can help combat negative thinking, test anxiety, and lack of focus that can easily undermine your success on test day. Plan some extra time to go for a short walk or listen to your favorite music. Engage in simple breathing exercises. Visualize yourself succeeding on the test. 

Your rituals can be totally unique to you. The important thing is developing a calming habit that will boost your confidence, attitude, and concentration when the test begins.

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Seven Best Test-Taking Tips for Success

You have gotten a good night’s sleep, eaten a healthy breakfast, arrived early, and done your positive test-day ritual. You are ready to start the test! 

Different types of tests require different test taking strategies. You may not want to approach a math test the same way you would an essay test, for example. And some computerized tests such as SATs require you to work through the test in a specific way.

However, there are some general test taking strategies that will improve your chances of getting the grade you want on most, if not all, tests. 

1. Listen to the Instructions

Once the test is front of you, it’s tempting to block everything out so you can get started right away. 

Doing so, however, could cause you to miss out on critical information about the test itself.

The teacher or proctor may offer details about the structure of the test, time limitations, grading techniques, or other items that could impact your approach. They may also point out steps that you are likely to miss or other tips to help improve your chances of success. 

So be sure to pay close attention to their instructions before you get started.

2. Read the Entire Test

If possible, look over the entire test quickly before you get started. Doing so will help you understand the structure of the test and identify areas that may need more or less time. 

Once you read over the test, you can plan out how you want to approach each section of the test to ensure that you can complete the entire test within the allotted time.

3. Do a “Brain Dump”

For certain types of tests, remembering facts, data, or formulas is key. For these tests, it can be helpful to take a few minutes to write down all the information you need on a scrap paper before you get started. 

Putting that important information on paper can relieve stress and help you focus on the test questions without worrying about your ability to recall the facts. And now you have a kind of “cheat sheet” to refer to throughout the test!

4. Answer the Questions You Know First

When possible, do a first pass through the test to answer the “easy” questions or the ones you know right away. When you come to a question that you can’t answer (relatively) quickly, skip it on this first pass. 

Don’t rush through this first pass, but do be mindful of time—you’ll want to leave yourself enough time to go back and answer the questions you skipped. 

* It’s important to remember that this technique is not possible on some tests. Standardized computer-based tests often do not allow you to skip questions and return to them later. On these types of tests, you will need to work through each problem in order instead of skipping around. 

5. Answer the Questions You Skipped

Once you’ve done a first pass, you now have to go back and answer the questions you skipped.

In the best case scenario, you might find some of these questions aren’t as challenging as you thought at first. Your mind is warmed up and you are fully engaged and focused at this point in the test. And answering the questions you know easily may have reminded you of the details you need for these questions.

Of course you may still struggle with some of the questions, and that’s okay. Hopefully doing a first pass somewhat quickly allows you to take your time with the more challenging questions.

6. Be Sure the Test is Complete

Once you think you’ve answered all the questions, double check to make sure you didn’t miss any. Check for additional questions on the back of the paper, for instance, or other places that you might have missed or not noticed during your initial read-through.

A common question is whether you should skip questions that you can’t answer. It’s not possible to answer that question in a general sense: it depends on the specific test and the teacher’s rules. It may also depend on the value of each individual question, and whether your teacher gives partial credit.

But, if you’re not penalized for a wrong answer or you are penalized for leaving an answer blank, it is probably better to put something down than nothing.

7. Check Your Work

Finally, if you have time left, go back through the test and check your answers. 

Read over short answer and essay questions to check for typos, points you may have missed, or better ways to phrase your answers. If there were multiple components to the question, make sure you answered all of them. Double check your answers on math questions in case you made a small error that impacts the final answer. You don’t want to overthink answers, but a doublecheck can help you find—and correct—obvious mistakes.

Four Ways to Cope with Test-Taking Anxiety

Nearly every student gets nervous before a test at some point, especially if the exam is an important one. If you are lucky, your pre-test nervousness is mild and can be mitigated by these test taking tips. 

A mild case of nerves can even be somewhat beneficial (if uncomfortable); the surge of adrenaline at the root of a nervous feeling can keep you focused and energized.

For some students, however, test taking anxiety—a form of performance anxiety—can be debilitating and overwhelming. This level of anxiety can be extremely difficult to cope with. 

However, there are a few things you can do before and during a test to help cope with more severe stress and anxiety:

1. Take a Meditation or Sitting Stretch Break

Take a minute or two before or even during a test to focus on your breathing, relax tense muscles, do a quick positive visualization, or stretch your limbs. The calming effect can be beneficial and worth a few minutes of test time. 

2. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones

Learn to recognize when your brain is caught in a cycle of negative thinking and practice turning negative thoughts into positive ones. For example, when you catch yourself saying “I’m going to fail”, force yourself to say “I’m going to succeed” instead. With practice, this can be a powerful technique to break the cycle of negative thinking undermining your confidence.

3. Mistakes are Learning Opportunities

It’s easy to get caught up in worrying about a bad grade. Instead, remind yourself that it’s ok to make mistakes. A wrong answer on a test is an opportunity to understand where you need to fill in a gap in your knowledge or spend some extra time studying. 

4. Seek Professional Help

Test taking anxiety is very real and should be taken seriously. If you find that your anxiety does not respond to these calming tips, it’s time to seek professional help. Your guidance counselor or a therapist may be able to offer long-term strategies for coping with test taking anxiety. Talk with your parents or guardians about finding someone to help you cope.

Following these test taking tips can’t guarantee that you will get an A on your next big test. Only hard work and lots of study time can do that. 

However, these test taking strategies can help you feel more confident and perform better on test day. Tests may be an inevitable part of student life, but with preparation and confidence, you can succeed on them all!

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About the Author

Digital Content Producer

Emerson is a Digital Content Producer at Harvard DCE. She is a graduate of Brandeis University and Yale University and started her career as an international affairs analyst. She is an avid triathlete and has completed three Ironman triathlons, as well as the Boston Marathon.

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How to Prepare for a Critical Thinking Test: Effective Strategies and Tips

how to prepare for a critical thinking test

Preparing for a critical thinking test can be challenging, as it requires you to use your intellectual skills to critically analyze evidence and reach logical conclusions. Critical thinking tests, sometimes known as critical reasoning tests, are often used by employers to evaluate how a candidate makes logical deductions after scrutinizing the evidence provided, while avoiding fallacies or non-factual opinions.

Understanding the fundamentals of critical thinking tests and familiarizing yourself with the types of questions you may encounter can greatly improve your chances of success. Additionally, consistent practice, mastering the art of deduction, and learning how to evaluate evidence effectively will also help you perform well on a critical thinking test.

Key Takeaways

  • Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals and types of questions in a critical thinking test.
  • Practice regularly and hone your deduction and evidence evaluation skills.
  • Understand the relevance and application of critical thinking tests in various sectors.

Understanding Critical Thinking

Critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking is the ability to scrutinize evidence using intellectual skills and reflective abilities to reach clear, coherent, and logical conclusions, rather than just accepting information as it is provided 1 . It involves a range of logical skills that are essential for effective decision-making and problem-solving. Some of the key critical thinking skills include:

  • Analyzing and evaluating information : Breaking down complex ideas, evaluating the quality of the information, and determining the relevance of various pieces of information.
  • Identifying arguments and assumptions : Recognizing the structure of an argument, identifying hidden assumptions, and evaluating the strength of the underlying premises.
  • Logical reasoning : Applying rules of logic and reasoning to make valid inferences and deductions based on provided information.
  • Creative problem-solving : Thinking out of the box and using non-conventional methods to find new solutions to problems.
  • Open-mindedness : Being willing to consider alternative perspectives and approaches, and resisting confirmation bias by questioning your own beliefs and assumptions.

Strategies to Enhance Critical Thinking Ability

Developing strong critical thinking skills requires practice and active engagement. Here are a few strategies to enhance your critical thinking abilities:

  • Question everything : Cultivate curiosity by asking questions about what you read, hear, and observe.
  • Practice active listening : Pay attention to the speaker and try to understand their perspective.
  • Be aware of cognitive biases : Familiarize yourself with common biases and consciously try to avoid them.
  • Develop reflective thinking : Reflect on your thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions to understand how they shape your decisions and actions.
  • Exercise your brain : Engage in activities that challenge your mind, such as solving puzzles, learning new skills, or reading widely.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can improve your critical thinking skills to better prepare for critical thinking tests and be more effective in decision-making and problem-solving scenarios.

  • Psychometric Success – Critical Thinking Tests ↩

Fundamentals of Critical Thinking Test

Evaluation of arguments.

Critical thinking tests assess an individual’s ability to evaluate arguments from various perspectives. Candidates are often required to decipher underlying assumptions, identify logical inconsistencies, and draw accurate conclusions from the provided information. A well-prepared candidate can understand the evidence and draw logical and coherent conclusions, rejecting any false or misleading information.

Types of Critical Thinking Tests

There are different types of critical thinking tests available online, covering a range of question formats and testing methods. Some tests focus on analyzing written passages, while others present the information in diagrams or charts. Most tests evaluate an individual’s ability to:

  • Identify, understand, and evaluate assumptions
  • Draw inferences and determine the validity of conclusions
  • Evaluate the strength and relevance of arguments

Regardless of the test format, candidates need to be familiar with the structure and know how to approach each question type effectively.

Importance of Critical Thinking Tests for Employers

For employers, critical thinking tests play a vital role in the application process. Employers use these tests to assess a candidate’s ability to scrutinize evidence, make logical deductions, and avoid fallacies or non-factual opinions. This evaluation is essential in deciding whether an individual is suitable for a role that requires complex decision-making, troubleshooting, or problem-solving skills.

Overall, the fundamentals of critical thinking tests revolve around the ability to evaluate arguments, understand various test types, and recognize their significance in the employment process. Aspiring candidates should sharpen their critical thinking skills and acquaint themselves with different question formats to excel in these tests.

Guidelines to Prepare for the Test

Assessing and recognizing assumptions.

Before taking a critical thinking test, it’s essential to understand the importance of recognizing underlying assumptions in various scenarios. An argument may seem valid on the surface, but assumptions that have not been justified can weaken it. To prepare, practice identifying assumptions by evaluating different arguments and assessing the logical connections between them. Recognizing assumptions is crucial for making logical decisions during the test.

Drawing Logical Conclusions

A critical component of critical thinking is drawing logical conclusions based on the information provided. To master this skill, begin with analyzing different scenarios and identifying the relevant details. This process involves making inferences and connecting multiple pieces of information to arrive at a sound conclusion. Engage in activities that challenge your interpretation and decision-making abilities, as these skills will be beneficial on assessment day.

Implementing Problem Solving Techniques

Problem solving is an integral part of critical thinking tests. To strengthen your problem-solving capabilities, start by working on various multiple-choice questions that require analytical thinking. Identify the best course of action and always consider the possible consequences. Additionally, practice working under a time limit to become more efficient and precise in your methods. Establishing a systematic approach to problem solving will greatly enhance your performance on the test.

Sharpening Deduction Skills

Deduction is the process of making specific conclusions based on general principles. To improve your deduction skills, practice working on exercises that involve multiple-choice questions and scenarios where you must draw logical connections. Focus on understanding the fundamental principles and reasoning behind each situation. This will enable you to make informed and logical decisions during the test.

In conclusion, enhancing your critical thinking skills requires diligent practice and an understanding of key principles. By following the guidelines above, you can confidently prepare for the test and emerge with a strong foundation in critical thinking.

Critical Thinking Tests in Different Sectors

Critical thinking in the legal sector.

In the legal sector, critical thinking tests play a significant role in assessing job applicants. One popular test used for this purpose is the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal . This test evaluates a candidate’s ability to think logically and analytically while avoiding subconscious biases.

Lawyers are often expected to efficiently analyze complex situations and make logical deductions based on the evidence they gather. This skill is invaluable for law professionals, which is why companies prefer administering critical thinking skill tests for hiring purposes.

Critical Thinking in the Banking Sector

The banking sector similarly places great importance on critical thinking abilities. SHL Critical Reasoning Battery is commonly utilized in the banking industry to assess candidates’ logical reasoning and decision-making skills. You can practice critical thinking tests here .

Banks need employees who can make well-founded decisions and effectively handle intricate financial scenarios. Assessing critical thinking skills during recruitment ensures that companies hire professionals with the ability to make rational choices and excel in their roles.

In both sectors, it is crucial for candidates to undergo critical thinking tests to demonstrate their ability to think logically and analytically, contributing to the overall success of the organization.

Relevant Psychometric Assessments

When preparing for a critical thinking test, it is important to familiarize yourself with relevant psychometric assessments that employers might use to evaluate your cognitive abilities. Two widely known assessments are the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal and the SHL Critical Reasoning Battery .

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal is a popular psychometric test that measures an individual’s ability to interpret, analyze, and evaluate information. This test helps employers assess a candidate’s critical thinking skills, which are essential for problem-solving and decision-making in various roles.

The Watson Glaser test covers five main areas:

  • Recognition of assumptions
  • Interpretation
  • Evaluation of arguments

By understanding these categories and practicing relevant questions, you can effectively prepare for the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal and showcase your ability to think critically.

SHL Critical Reasoning Battery

Another important test to be aware of is the SHL Critical Reasoning Battery . This assessment evaluates a candidate’s aptitude for logical reasoning and analysis, focusing on their ability to identify alternative interpretations and make well-informed decisions.

The SHL Critical Reasoning Battery typically includes three types of assessments:

  • Verbal reasoning
  • Numerical reasoning
  • Inductive reasoning

Each type of assessment measures different cognitive abilities, making it necessary for candidates to practice and develop their skills in all three areas to perform well during the test.

In conclusion, preparing for a critical thinking test requires understanding the relevant psychometric assessments, such as the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal and the SHL Critical Reasoning Battery. By focusing on the specific categories and cognitive abilities assessed in these tests, you can improve your critical thinking skills and increase your chances of success in the recruitment process.

Approach to Sample Questions

Interpreting information.

When preparing for a critical thinking test, it is essential to practice interpreting information. This skill involves the ability to understand and analyze the given data in order to draw logical conclusions. To enhance your interpretation skills, consider different question formats as well as various types of data, such as charts, tables, and passages. By exposing yourself to diverse information, you’ll improve your capability to discern what is relevant and make informed decisions.

Evaluating Arguments

Another critical component of preparing for a critical thinking test is evaluating arguments. This process requires analyzing an argument’s structure, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. In particular, focus on the argument’s premises, conclusions, and underlying assumptions. In order to develop the necessary evaluation skills, practice dissecting various arguments and maintain a neutral, objective mindset. This will enable you to discern whether the argument is valid, sound, or flawed.

Recognizing Assumptions

Recognizing assumptions is a crucial aspect of critical thinking, as it involves identifying biases, values, and beliefs underlying the presented information. Make a habit of questioning assumptions and considering alternative viewpoints. As you practice recognizing assumptions, challenge yourself to consider counterarguments and explore different perspectives. Developing this skill will enable you to approach sample questions with a more open mind and balanced judgment.

Practice Tests

Taking practice tests is an invaluable method of preparing for critical thinking exams. Practice tests expose you to a variety of question types, allowing you to get a feel for the format and structure of the test. Furthermore, practice tests provide you with the opportunity to identify areas for improvement and monitor your progress. By dedicating time to practicing test questions and analyzing your results, you can enhance your critical reasoning skills and better prepare yourself for the actual exam.

Remember, your raw score will be compared to a norm group to determine your relative performance in higher education or employment settings. By following these guidelines for interpreting information, evaluating arguments, recognizing assumptions, and taking practice tests, you will be well-equipped to excel in critical thinking tests, demonstrating your ability to make sound judgments.

Preparing for a critical thinking test involves a combination of honing your intellectual and reflective skills. One key aspect is to practice regularly with different test assessments to familiarize yourself with the format and question types.

When working on test questions, focus on understanding the context and read the given information thoroughly. Be particularly attentive to the question’s phrasing, as misinterpretation could lead to incorrect answers. Remind yourself to be cautious of assumptions, and check for logical fallacies in both the presented information and your own thought process.

Develop a habit of staying organized and ensuring your reasoning is coherent. In cases where creative problem-solving is needed, balance cold logic with out-of-the-box thinking. Self-awareness and a neutral, clear mindset can significantly improve your critical thinking abilities .

Lastly, persistence and dedication are crucial in refining your critical thinking skills. Be prepared to invest time and effort into this process, and do not become disheartened if you face difficulties along the way. Remember to learn from your mistakes, adapt your strategies, and you will undoubtedly see progress in your critical thinking capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements to focus on while practicing.

To prepare for a critical thinking test effectively, it’s important to focus on a few key elements while practicing. These include evaluating arguments, assessing evidence, understanding the structure and logic of an argument, and ensuring that emotions or personal opinions do not influence conclusions. Along with these elements, improving one’s problem-solving skills is crucial for success in the test.

How can one improve problem-solving skills?

Improving problem-solving skills involves breaking down complex problems into manageable components, identifying the root cause of a problem, and developing a systematic approach to find the solution. Practicing brain-teasers, puzzles, and logical reasoning questions can help sharpen these skills, making it easier to tackle critical thinking problems on the test.

What are the best sources for critical thinking test samples?

The best sources for critical thinking test samples are reputable websites and platforms that offer practice tests and resources tailored to the specific critical thinking test format. Some examples include Psychometric Success , Practice Aptitude Tests , and Practice4Me . These platforms offer sample questions, tips, and techniques to help candidates familiarize themselves with the test format and content.

How essential is time management in critical thinking tests?

Time management is an important aspect of critical thinking tests, as candidates are often required to solve problems and analyze situations within a limited timeframe. Developing efficient time management skills can help test-takers allocate appropriate time for each question, avoid spending too long on a single problem, and ensure that they have enough time to complete the entire test.

What strategies can be employed to enhance logical reasoning?

To enhance logical reasoning capabilities, candidates can practice understanding relationships between different statements, identifying assumptions and premises, and deducing conclusions from given information. Engaging in activities such as solving puzzles, participating in debates, and analyzing deductive and inductive reasoning can also help to further develop logical reasoning skills.

How can one effectively analyze arguments during the test?

Analyzing arguments effectively during a critical thinking test involves evaluating the evidence presented, understanding the structure of the argument, determining the validity of the argument, and identifying potential fallacies or biased reasoning. To achieve this, test-takers should practice critically analyzing various types of arguments, focusing on the logical and evidentiary components, and maintaining a neutral and objective viewpoint throughout the process.

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6.3 Test Taking

Questions to Consider:

  • What are the differences between test prep and taking the actual test?
  • How can you take a whole person approach to test taking?
  • What can you do on test day to increase your confidence and success?
  • What should you know about test anxiety?

Once you are practicing good study habits, you’ll be better prepared for actual test taking. Since studying and test taking are both part of learning, honing your skills in one will help you in the other.

Probably the most obvious differences between your preparation for an exam and the actual test itself is your level of urgency and the time constraints. A slight elevation in your stress level can actually be OK for testing—it keeps you focused and on your game when you need to bring up all the information, thinking, and studying to show what you’ve learned. Properly executed, test preparation mixed in with a bit of stress can significantly improve your actual test-taking experience.

Preparation vs. Actual Test

You can replicate the effective sense of urgency an actual test produces by including timed writing into your study sessions. You don’t need all of your study time to exactly replicate the test, but you would be well served to find out the format of the exam in advance and practice the skills you’ll need to use for the various test components. On one early exam in history, Stuart learned the prof was going to include several short-answer essay questions—one for each year of the time period covered. Stuart set up practice times to write for about 15 to 20 minutes on significant events from his notes because he estimated that would be about how much time he could devote out of the hour-long testing session to write one or two required short-answer questions. He would write a prompt from his notes, set a timer, and start writing. If you’re ready and you have practiced and know the material, 20 minutes is adequate to prepare, draft, and revise a short response, but you don’t have a lot of extra time.

Likewise, in a math exam, you will need to know what kinds of problems you will have to solve and to what extent you’ll need to show your computational work on the exam. If you are able to incorporate this sort of timed problem-solving into your study time, you’ll be more prepared and confident when you actually come to the exam. Making yourself adhere to a timed session during your study can only help. It puts a sense of urgency on you, and it will help you to find out what types of problems you need to practice more than ones that perhaps you’re more comfortable solving.

Leveraging Study Habits for Test Prep

In your mind, you probably know what you need to do to be prepared for tests. Occasionally, something may surprise you—emphasis on a concept you considered unimportant or a different presentation of a familiar problem. But those should be exceptions. You can take all your well-honed study habits to get ready for exams. Here’s a checklist for study and test success for your consideration:

Read this list with each separate class in mind, and check off the items you already do. Give yourself one point for every item you checked. If you always take the success steps—congratulations! They are not a guarantee, but doing the steps mindfully will give you a nice head start. If you do fewer than five of the steps—you have some work to do. But recognition is a good place to start, and you can incorporate these steps starting now.

As strange as this may sound, you can find some interesting research articles online about using the taste or smell of peppermint to increase memory, recall, and focus. Read more at: http://naturalsociety.com/mint-scent-improve-brain-cognition-memory. While sucking on a peppermint disk won’t replace studying, why not experiment with this relatively easy idea that seems to be gaining some scientific traction?

Whole Person Approach to Testing

Just because you are facing a major exam in your engineering class (or math or science or English class) doesn’t mean everything else in your life comes to a stop. Perhaps that’s somewhat annoying, but that’s reality. Allergies still flare up, children still need to eat, and you still need to sleep. You must see your academic life as one segment of who you are—it’s an important segment, but just one aspect of who you are as a whole person. Neela tries to turn off everything else when she has exams coming up in her nursing program, which is pretty often. She ignores her health, puts off her family, tries to reschedule competing work tasks, and focuses all her energy on the pending exam. On the surface, that sounds like a reasonable approach, but if she becomes really sick by ignoring a minor head cold, or if she misses an important school deadline for one of her children, Neela risks making matters worse by attempting to compartmentalize so strictly. Taking care of her own health by eating and sleeping properly; asking for help in other aspects of her busy life, such as attending to the needs of her children; and seeing the big picture of how it all fits together would be a better approach. Pretending otherwise may work sporadically, but it is not sustainable for the long run.

A whole person approach to testing takes a lot of organization, scheduling, and attention to detail, but the life-long benefits make the effort worthwhile.

Establishing Realistic Expectations for Test Situations

Would you expect to make a perfect pastry if you’ve never learned how to bake? Or paint a masterpiece if you’ve never tried to work with paints and brushes? Probably not. But often we expect ourselves to perform at much higher levels of achievement than that for which we’ve actually prepared. If you become very upset and stressed if you make any score lower than the highest, you probably need to reevaluate your own expectations for test situations. Striving to always do your best is an admirable goal. Realistically knowing that your current best may not achieve the highest academic ratings can help you plot your progress.

Realistic continuous improvement is a better plan, because people who repeatedly attempt challenges for which they have not adequately prepared and understandably fail (or at least do not achieve the desired highest ranking) often start moving toward the goal in frustration. They simply quit. This doesn’t mean you settle for mediocre grades or refrain from your challenges. It means you become increasingly aware of yourself and your current state and potential future. Know yourself, know your strengths and weaknesses, and be honest with yourself about your expectations.

Understanding Accommodations and Responsibilities

As with so many parts of life, some people take exams in stride and do just fine. Others may need more time or change of location or format to succeed in test-taking situations. With adequate notice, most faculty will provide students with reasonable accommodations to assist students in succeeding in test situations. If you feel that you would benefit from receiving these sorts of accommodations, first speak with your instructor. You may also need to talk to a student services advisor for specific requirements for accommodations at your institution.

If you need accommodations , you are responsible for understanding what your specific needs are and communicating your needs with your instructors. Before exams in class, you may be allowed to have someone else take notes for you, receive your books in audio form, engage an interpreter, or have adaptive devices in the classroom to help you participate. Testing accommodations may allow for additional time on the test, the use of a scribe to record exam answers, the use of a computer instead of handwriting answers, as well as other means to make the test situation successful. Talk to your instructors if you have questions about testing accommodations.

Prioritizing Time Surrounding Test Situations

Keep in mind that you don’t have any more or less time than anyone else, so you can’t make time for an activity. You can only use the time everyone gets wisely and realistically. Exams in college classes are important, but they are not the only significant events you have in your classes. In fact, everything leading up to the exam, the exam itself, and the post-exam activities are all one large continuum. Think of the exam as an event with multiple phases, more like a long-distance run instead of a 50-yard dash. Step back and look at the big picture of this timeline. Draw it out on paper. What needs to happen between now and the exam so you feel comfortable, confident, and ready?

If your instructor conducts some sort of pre-exam summary or prep session, make sure to attend. These can be invaluable. If this instructor does not provide that sort of formal exam prep, create your own with a group of classmates or on your own. Consider everything you know about the exam, from written instructions to notes you took in class, including any experiential notes you may have from previous exams, such as the possibility of bonus points for answering an extra question that requires some time management on your part. You can read more about time management in Chapter 3 .

Get Connected

Which apps can help you study for a test, increase your memory, and even help you overcome test anxiety?

Personal Zen is a free online gaming app clinically proven to reduce stress and anxiety. The games retrain your brain to think more positively, reducing stress to help you focus on the experiences around you.

Games like solitaire, hangman, and Simon Says all build on your memory, keeping it sharp and active. There are loads of fun, free online memory games you can use to make time wasting a little less wasteful. For more than 250 options, visit the Memory Improvement Tips website.

Study Hall might be able to help you dig into a research topic or find additional content to help you if you’re struggling with a course. Their library of free lectures and content is created by expert instructors across a number of course areas.

Once you get to the exam session, try your best to focus on nothing but the exam. This can be very difficult with all the distractions in our lives. But if you have done all the groundwork to attend the classes, completed the assignments, and scheduled your exam prep time, you are ready to focus intently for the comparatively short time most exams last.

Arriving to class:

Don’t let yourself be sidetracked right at the end. Beyond the preparation we’ve discussed, give yourself some more advantages on the actual test day:

  • Get to the testing location a few minutes early so you can settle into your place and take a few relaxing breaths.
  • Don’t let other classmates interrupt your calmness at this point.
  • Just get to your designated place, take out whatever supplies and materials you are allowed to have, and calm your mind.

Taking the test:

Once the instructor begins the test:

  • Listen carefully for any last-minute oral directions that may have changed some detail on the exam, such as the timing or the content of the questions.
  • As soon as you receive the exam sheet or packet, make a quick scan over the entire test.
  • Don’t spend a lot of time on this initial glance, but make sure you are familiar with the layout and what you need to do.
  • Using this first review, decide how you will allocate your available time for each section.
  • You can even jot down how many minutes you can allow for the different sections or questions.

Then for each section, if the exam is divided this way, be sure you read the section directions very carefully so you don’t miss an important detail. For example, instructors often offer options—so you may have four short-answer questions from which to choose, but you only need to answer two of them. If you had not read the directions for that section, you may have thought you needed to provide answers to all four prompts. Working on extra questions for which you likely will receive no credit would be a waste of your limited exam time. The extra time you spend at the beginning is like an investment in your overall results.

Answer every required question on the exam. Even if you don’t complete each one, you may receive some credit for partial answers. Whether or not you can receive partial credit would be an excellent question to ask before the exam during the preparation time. If you are taking an exam that contains multiple-choice questions, go through and answer the questions about which you are the most confident first.

Read the entire question carefully even if you think you know what the stem (the introduction of the choices) says, and read all the choices. Skip really difficult questions or ones where your brain goes blank. Then you can go back and concentrate on those skipped ones later after you have answered the majority of the questions confidently. Sometimes a later question will trigger an idea in your mind that will help you answer the skipped questions.

And, in a similar fashion to spending a few minutes right at the beginning of the test time to read the directions carefully and identify the test elements, allow yourself a few minutes at the end of the exam session to review your answers. Depending on what sort of exam it is, you can use this time to check your math computations, review an essay for grammatical and content errors, or answer the difficult multiple-choice questions you skipped earlier. Finally, make sure you have completed the entire test: check the backs of pages, and verify that you have a corresponding answer section for every question section on the exam. It can be easy to skip a section with the idea you will come back to it but then forget to return there, which can have a significant impact on your test results.

After the Test

As you leave the exam room, the last thing you may want to think about is that particular test. You probably have numerous other assignments, projects, and life obligations to attend to, especially if you pushed some of those off to study for this completed exam. Give yourself some space from this exam, but only for the duration of the time when your instructor is grading your exam. Once you have your results, study them—whether you did really well (Go, you!) or not as well as you had hoped (Keep your spirits up!). Both scenarios hold valuable information if you will use it.

Thandie had a habit of going all-out for exams before she took them, and she did pretty well usually, but once the instructor passed back the graded tests, she would look at the letter grade, glance half-heartedly at the instructor’s comments, and toss the exam away, ready to move on to the next chapter, section, or concept. A better plan would be to learn from her exam results and analyze both what she did well and where she struggled. After a particularly unimpressive exam outing in her statistics class, Thandie took her crumpled-up exam to the campus tutoring center, where the tutor reviewed the test with her section by section. Together they discovered that Thandie did particularly well on the computational sections, which she admitted were her favorites, and not well at all on the short-answer essay questions that she did not expect to find in a stats class, which in her experience had been more geared toward the mathematical side of solving statistical problems.

Going forward in this class, Thandie should practice writing out her explanations of how to compute the problems and talk to her instructor about ways to hone this skill. This tutoring session also proved to Thandie the benefit of holding on to important class papers—either electronically or in hard copy, depending on the class setup—for future reference. For some classes, you probably don’t need to keep every scrap of paper (or file) associated with your notes, exams, assignments, and projects, but for others, especially for those in your major, those early class materials may come in very handy in your more difficult later undergraduate courses or even in grad school when you need a quick refresher on the basic concepts.

Test Anxiety

Test anxiety is very real. You may know this firsthand. Almost everyone gets a little nervous before a major exam, in the same way most people get slightly anxious meeting a new potential date or undertaking an unfamiliar activity. We second-guess whether we’re ready for this leap, if we prepared adequately, or if we should postpone this potentially awkward situation. And in most situations, testing included, that reasonable level of nervous anticipation can be a good thing—enhancing your focus and providing you with a bit of bravado to get you through a difficult time.

Test anxiety, however, can cause us to doubt ourselves so severely that we underperform or overcompensate to the point that we do not do well on the exam. Don’t despair; you can still succeed if you suffer from test anxiety. The first step is to understand what it is and what it is not, and then to practice some simple strategies to cope with your anxious feelings relative to test taking. Whatever you do, don’t use the label test anxiety to keep you from your dreams of completing your education and pursuing whatever career you have your eyes on. You are bigger than any anxiety.

Understanding Test Anxiety

If someone tries to tell you that test anxiety is all in your head , they’re sort of right. Our thinking is a key element of anxiety of any sort. On the other hand, test anxiety can manifest itself in other parts of our bodies as well. You may feel queasy or light-headed if you are experiencing test anxiety. Your palms may sweat, or you may become suddenly very hot or very cold for no apparent reason. At its worst, test anxiety can cause its sufferers to experience several unpleasant conditions including nausea, diarrhea, and shortness of breath. Some people may feel as though they may throw up, faint, or have a heart attack, none of which would make going into a testing situation a pleasant idea. You can learn more about symptoms of test anxiety from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America that conducts research on this topic. 12

Back to our minds for a minute. We think constantly, and if we have important events coming up, such as exams, but other significant events as well, we tend to think about them seemingly all the time. Almost as if we have a movie reel looping in our heads, we can anticipate everything that may happen during these events—both sensational results and catastrophic endings. What if you oversleep on the test day? What if you’re hit by a bus on the way to campus? What if you get stung by a mysterious insect and have to save the world on the very day of your exam?

How about the other way? You win the lottery! Your screenplay is accepted by a major publisher! You get a multimillion-dollar record deal! It could happen. Typically, though, life falls somewhere in between those two extremes, unless you live in an action movie. Our minds, however, (perhaps influenced by some of those action movies or spy novels we’ve seen and read) often gravitate to those black-and-white, all-or-nothing results. Hence, we can become very nervous when we think about taking an exam because if we do really poorly, we think, we may have to face consequences as dire as dropping out of school or never graduating. Usually, this isn’t going to happen, but we can literally make ourselves sick with anxiety if we dwell on those slight possibilities. You actually may encounter a few tests in your academic careers that are so important that you have to alter your other life plans temporarily, but truly, this is the exception, not the rule. Don’t let the most extreme and severe result take over your thoughts. Prepare well and do your best, see where you land, and then go from there.

Using Strategies to Manage Test Anxiety

You have to work hard to control test anxiety so it does not take an unhealthy hold on you every time you face a test situation, which for many of you will last well into your careers. One of the best ways to control test anxiety is to be prepared for the exam. You can control that part. You can also learn effective relaxation techniques including controlled breathing, visualization, and meditation. Some of these practices work well even in the moment: at your test site, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and smile—just bringing positive thoughts into your mind can help you meet the challenges of taking an exam without anxiety taking over.

The tests in the corporate world or in other career fields may not look exactly like the ones you encounter in college, but professionals of all sorts take tests routinely. Again, being prepared helps reduce or eliminate this anxiety in all these situations. Think of a presentation or an explanation you have provided well numerous times—you likely are not going to feel anxious about this same presentation if asked to provide it again. That’s because you are prepared and know what to expect. Try to replicate this feeling of preparation and confidence in your test-taking situations.

Many professions require participants to take frequent licensing exams to prove they are staying current in their rapidly changing work environments, including nursing, engineering, education, and architecture, as well as many other occupations. You have tools to take control of your thinking about tests. Better to face it head-on and let test anxiety know who’s in charge!

  • 12 Reteguiz, Jo-Ann. “Relationship between anxiety and standardized patient test performance in the medicine clerkship.” Journal of general internal medicine vol. 21,5 (2006): 415-8. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1497.2006.00419.

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  • Authors: Amy Baldwin
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: College Success
  • Publication date: Mar 27, 2020
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/college-success/pages/1-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/college-success/pages/6-3-test-taking

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Critical Thinking test

By 123test team . Updated May 12, 2023

This Critical Thinking test measures your ability to think critically and draw logical conclusions based on written information. Critical Thinking tests are often used in job assessments in the legal sector to assess a candidate's  analytical critical  thinking skills. A well known example of a critical thinking test is the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal .

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Score higher on your critical thinking test.

The test comprises of the following five sections with a total of 10 questions:

  • Analysing Arguments
  • Assumptions
  • Interpreting Information

Instructions Critical Thinking test

Each question presents one or more paragraphs of text and a question about the information in the text. It's your job to figure out which of the options is the correct answer.

Below is a statement that is followed by an argument. You should consider this argument to be true. It is then up to you to determine whether the argument is strong or weak. Do not let your personal opinion about the statement play a role in your evaluation of the argument.

Statement: It would be good if people would eat vegetarian more often. Argument: No, because dairy also requires animals to be kept that will have to be eaten again later.

Is this a strong or weak argument?

Strong argument Weak argument

Statement: Germany should no longer use the euro as its currency Argument: No, because that means that the 10 billion Deutschmark that the introduction of the euro has cost is money thrown away.

Overfishing is the phenomenon that too much fish is caught in a certain area, which leads to the disappearance of the fish species in that area. This trend can only be reversed by means of catch reduction measures. These must therefore be introduced and enforced.

Assumption: The disappearance of fish species in areas of the oceans is undesirable.

Is the assumption made from the text?

Assumption is made Assumption is not made

As a company, we strive for satisfied customers. That's why from now on we're going to keep track of how quickly our help desk employees pick up the phone. Our goal is for that phone to ring for a maximum of 20 seconds.

Assumption: The company has tools or ways to measure how quickly help desk employees pick up the phone.

  • All reptiles lay eggs
  • All reptiles are vertebrates
  • All snakes are reptiles
  • All vertebrates have brains
  • Some reptiles hatch their eggs themselves
  • Most reptiles have two lungs
  • Many snakes only have one lung
  • Cobras are poisonous snakes
  • All reptiles are animals

Conclusion: Some snakes hatch their eggs themselves.

Does the conclusion follow the statements?

Conclusion follows Conclusion does not follow

(Continue with the statements from question 5.)

Conclusion: Some animals that lay eggs only have one lung.

In the famous 1971 Stanford experiment, 24 normal, healthy male students were randomly assigned as 'guards' (12) or 'prisoners' (12). The guards were given a uniform and instructed to keep order, but not to use force. The prisoners were given prison uniforms. Soon after the start of the experiment, the guards made up all kinds of sentences for the prisoners. Insurgents were shot down with a fire extinguisher and public undressing or solitary confinement was also a punishment. The aggression of the guards became stronger as the experiment progressed. At one point, the abuses took place at night, because the guards thought that the researchers were not watching. It turned out that some guards also had fun treating the prisoners very cruelly. For example, prisoners got a bag over their heads and were chained to their ankles. Originally, the experiment would last 14 days. However, after six days the experiment was stopped.

The students who took part in the research did not expect to react the way they did in such a situation.

To what extent is this conclusion true, based on the given text?

True Probably true More information required Probably false False

(Continue with the text from 'Stanford experiment' in question 7.)

The results of the experiment support the claim that every young man (or at least some young men) is capable of turning into a sadist fairly quickly.

  • A flag is a tribute to the nation and should therefore not be hung outside at night. Hoisting the flag therefore happens at sunrise, bringing it down at sunset. Only when a country flag is illuminated by spotlights on both sides, it may remain hanging after sunset. There is a simple rule of thumb for the time of bringing down the flag. This is the moment when there is no longer any visible difference between the individual colors of the flag.
  • A flag may not touch the ground.
  • On the Dutch flag, unless entitled to do so, no decorations or other additions should be made. Also the use of a flag purely for decoration should be avoided. However, flag cloth may be used for decoration - for example in the form of drapes.
  • The orange pennant is only used on birthdays of members of the Royal House and on King's Day. The orange pennant should be as long or slightly longer than the diagonal of the flag.

Conclusion: One can assume that no Dutch flag will fly at government buildings at night, unless it is illuminated by spotlights on both sides.

Does the conclusion follow, based on the given text?

(Continue with the text from 'Dutch flag protocol' in question 9.)

Conclusion: If the protocol is followed, the orange pennant will always be longer than the horizontal bands/stripes of the flag.

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Critical Thinking Tests

  • 228 questions

Critical thinking tests, sometimes known as critical reasoning tests, are often used by employers. They evaluate how a candidate makes logical deductions after scrutinising the evidence provided, while avoiding fallacies or non-factual opinions. Critical thinking tests can form part of an assessment day, or be used as a screening test before an interview.

What is a critical thinking test?

A critical thinking test assesses your ability to use a range of logical skills to evaluate given information and make a judgement. The test is presented in such a way that candidates are expected to quickly scrutinise the evidence presented and decide on the strength of the arguments.

Critical thinking tests show potential employers that you do not just accept data and can avoid subconscious bias and opinions – instead, you can find logical connections between ideas and find alternative interpretations.

This test is usually timed, so quick, clear, logical thinking will help candidates get the best marks. Critical thinking tests are designed to be challenging, and often used as part of the application process for upper-management-level roles.

What does critical thinking mean?

Critical thinking is the intellectual skill set that ensures you can process and consider information, challenge and analyse data, and then reach a conclusion that can be defended and justified.

In the most simple terms, critical reasoning skills will make sure that you are not simply accepting information at face value with little or no supporting evidence.

It also means that you are less likely to be swayed by ‘false news’ or opinions that cannot be backed with facts – which is important in high-level jobs that require logical thinking.

For more information about logical thinking, please see our article all about logical reasoning .

Which professions use critical thinking tests, and why?

Typically, critical thinking tests are taken as part of the application process for jobs that require advanced skills in judgement, analysis and decision making. The higher the position, the more likely that you will need to demonstrate reliable critical reasoning and good logic.

The legal sector is the main industry that uses critical thinking assessments – making decisions based on facts, without opinion and intuition, is vital in legal matters.

A candidate for a legal role needs to demonstrate their intellectual skills in problem-solving without pre-existing knowledge or subconscious bias – and the critical thinking test is a simple and effective way to screen candidates.

Another industry that uses critical thinking tests as part of the recruitment process is banking. In a similar way to the legal sector, those that work in banking are required to make decisions without allowing emotion, intuition or opinion to cloud coherent analysis and conclusions.

Critical thinking tests also sometimes comprise part of the recruitment assessment for graduate and management positions across numerous industries.

The format of the test: which skills are tested?

The test itself, no matter the publisher, is multiple choice.

As a rule, the questions present a paragraph of information for a scenario that may include numerical data. There will then be a statement and a number of possible answers.

The critical thinking test is timed, so decisions need to be made quickly and accurately; in most tests there is a little less than a minute for each question. Having experience of the test structure and what each question is looking for will make the experience smoother for you.

There are typically five separate sections in a critical thinking test, and each section may have multiple questions.

Inference questions assess your ability to judge whether a statement is true, false, or impossible to determine based on the given data and scenario. You usually have five possible answers: absolutely true, absolutely false, possibly true, possibly false, or not possible to determine.


In this section, you are being assessed on your ability to avoid taking things for granted. Each question gives a scenario including data, and you need to evaluate whether there are any assumptions present.

Here you are given a scenario and a number of deductions that may be applicable. You need to assess the given deductions to see which is the logical conclusion – does it follow?


In the interpretation stage, you need to read and analyse a paragraph of information, then interpret a set of possible conclusions, to see which one is correct. You are looking for the conclusion that follows beyond reasonable doubt.

Evaluation of Arguments

In this section, you are given a scenario and a set of arguments that can be for or against. You need to determine which are strong arguments and which are weak, in terms of the information that you have. This decision is made based on the way they address the scenario and how relevant they are to the content.

How best to prepare for a critical thinking test

The best way to prepare for any type of aptitude test is to practice, and critical thinking tests are no different.

Taking practice tests, as mentioned above, will give you confidence as it makes you better understand the structure, layout and timing of the real tests, so you can concentrate on the actual scenarios and questions.

Practice tests should be timed. This will help you get used to working through the scenarios and assessing the conclusions under time constraints – which is a good way to make sure that you perform quickly as well as accurately.

In some thinking skills assessments , a timer will be built in, but you might need to time yourself.

Regular practice will also help you to identify if there are any sections of the critical thinking test that you need to work on. Most tests will provide an explanation to each answer, as in the examples above.

Publishers of critical thinking tests

The watson glaser critical thinking test.

The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA) is the most popular and widely used critical thinking test. This test has been in development for 85 years and is published by TalentLens .

The W-GCTA is seen as a successful tool for assessing cognitive abilities, allowing recruiting managers to predict job success, find good managers and identify future leaders. It is available in multiple languages including English, French and Spanish.

The test itself can be used as part of an assessment day or as a screening assessment before an interview. It consists of 40 questions on the 5 sections mentioned above, and is timed at 30 minutes. Click here for more information on Watson Glaser tests .

SHL critical reasoning test

SHL is a major aptitude test publisher, which offers critical thinking as part of its testing battery for pre-employment checks.

SHL tests cover all kinds of behavioural and aptitude tests, from logic to inference, verbal to numerical – and with a number of test batteries available online, they are one of the most popular choices for recruiters.

Cornell critical thinking test

The Cornell critical thinking test was made to test students and first developed in 1985. It is an American system that helps teachers, parents and administrators to confidently predict future performance for college admission, gifted and advanced placement programs, and even career success.

Prepare yourself for leading employers


5 Example critical thinking practice questions with answers

In this section, you need to deduce whether the inferred statement is true, false or impossible to deduce.

The UK Government has published data that shows 82% of people under the age of 30 are not homeowners. A charity that helps homeless people has published data that shows 48% of people that are considered homeless are under 30.

The lack of affordable housing on the sales market is the reason so many under-30s are homeless.

  • Definitely True
  • Probably True
  • Impossible to Deduce
  • Probably False
  • Definitely False

The information given does not infer the conclusion given, so it is impossible to deduce if the inference is correct – there is just not enough information to judge the inference as correct.

The removal of the five-substitution rule in British football will benefit clubs with a smaller roster.

Clubs with more money would prefer the five-substitute rule to continue.

  • Assumption Made

Assumption Not Made

This is an example of a fallacy that could cause confusion for a candidate – it encourages you to bring in any pre-existing knowledge of football clubs.

It would be easy to assume the assumption has been made when you consider that the more money a club has, the more players they should have on the roster. However, the statement does not make the assumption that the clubs with more money would prefer to continue with the five-substitute rule.

critical thinking tests

All boys love football. Football is a sport, therefore:

  • All boys love all sports
  • Girls do not love football
  • Boys are more likely to choose to play football than any other sport

In this section we are looking for the conclusion that follows the logic of the statement. In this example, we cannot deduce that girls do not love football, because there is not enough information to support that.

In the same way the conclusion that all boys love all sports does not follow – we are not given enough information to make that assumption. So, the conclusion that follows is 3: boys are more likely to choose football than any other sport because all boys like football.

The British Museum has a range of artefacts on display, including the largest privately owned collection of WWII weaponry.

There is a larger privately owned collection of WWII weaponry in the USA.

  • Conclusion Follows

Conclusion Does Not Follow

The fact that the collection is in the British Museum does not make a difference to the fact it is the largest private collection – so there cannot be a larger collection elsewhere.

The Department for Education should lower standards in examinations to make it fairer for less able students.

  • Yes – top grades are too hard for lower-income students
  • No – less fortunate students are not capable of higher standards
  • Yes – making the standards lower will benefit all students
  • No – private school students will suffer if grade standards are lower
  • The strongest argument is the right answer, not the one that you might personally believe.

In this case, we need to assess which argument is most relevant to the statement. Both 1 and 4 refer to students in particular situations, which isn’t relevant to the statement. The same can be said about 2, so the strongest argument is 3, since it is relevant and addresses the statement given.

critical thinking test taking

The tests were well suited to the job that I’ve applied for. They are easy to do and loads of them.

Critical Thinking Tests FAQs

What are the basics of critical thinking.

In essence, critical thinking is the intellectual process of considering information on its merits, and reaching an analysis or conclusion from that information that can be defended and rationalised with evidence.

How do you know if you have good critical thinking skills?

You are likely to be someone with good critical thinking skills if you can build winning arguments; pick holes in someone’s theory if it’s inconsistent with known facts; reflect on the biases inherent in your own experiences and assumptions; and look at problems using a systematic methodology.


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Critical Thinking Tests Tips

The most important factor in your success will be practice. If you have taken some practice tests, not only will you start to recognise the way questions are worded and become familiar with what each question is looking for, you will also be able to find out whether there are any parts that you need extra practice with.

It is important to find out which test you will be taking, as some generic critical thinking practice tests might not help if you are taking specific publisher tests (see the section below).

2 Fact vs fallacy

Practice questions can also help you recognise the difference between fact and fallacy in the test. A fallacy is simply an error or something misleading in the scenario paragraph that encourages you to choose an invalid argument. This might be a presumption or a misconception, but if it isn’t spotted it can make finding the right answer impossible.

3 Ignore what you already know

There is no need for pre-existing knowledge to be brought into the test, so no research is needed. In fact, it is important that you ignore any subconscious bias when you are considering the questions – you need logic and facts to get the correct answer, not intuition or instinct.

4 Read everything carefully

Read all the given information thoroughly. This might sound straightforward, but knowing that the test is timed can encourage candidates to skip content and risk misunderstanding the content or miss crucial details.

During the test itself, you will receive instructions that will help you to understand what is being asked of you on each section. There is likely to be an example question and answer, so ensure you take the time to read them fully.

5 Stay aware of the time you've taken

This test is usually timed, so don’t spend too long on a question. If you feel it is going to take too much time, leave it and come back to it at the end (if you have time). Critical thinking tests are complex by design, so they do have quite generous time limits.

For further advice, check out our full set of tips for critical thinking tests .

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Reviews of our Watson Glaser tests

What our customers say about our Watson Glaser tests

Jozef Bailey

United Kingdom

April 05, 2022

Doesn't cover all aspects of Watson-Glaser tests but useful

The WGCTA uses more categories to assess critical thinking, but this was useful for the inference section.

April 01, 2022

Just practicing for an interview

Good information and liked that it had a countdown clock, to give you that real feel in the test situation.

Jerico Kadhir

March 31, 2022

Aptitude test

It was OK, I didn't understand personally whether or not the "cannot say" option was acceptable or not in a lot of the questions, as it may have been a trick option.

Salvarina Viknesuari

March 15, 2022

I like the test because the platform is simple and engaging while the test itself is different than most of the Watson Glaser tests I've taken.

Alexis Sheridan

March 02, 2022

Some of the ratios were harder than I thought!

I like how clear the design and layout is - makes things very easy (even if the content itself is not!)

Cyril Lekgetho

February 17, 2022

Mental arithmetic

I enjoyed the fact that there were multiple questions pertaining to one passage of information, rather than multiple passages. However I would've appreciated a more varied question type.

Madupoju Manish

February 16, 2022

Analytics are the best questions

I like the test because of its time schedule. The way the questions are prepared makes it easy to crack the original test.

Chelsea Franklin

February 02, 2022


I haven't done something like this for ages. Very good for the brain - although I certainly experienced some fog whilst doing it.

[email protected]

January 04, 2022

Population/exchange rates were the hardest

Great test as it felt a bit time pressured. Very different types of questions in terms of difficulty.

faezeh tavakoli

January 02, 2022

More attention to detail + be more time conscious

It was asking about daily stuff we all deal with, but as an assessment it's scrutinising how we approach these problems.

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Critical Thinking Test: Sample Questions with Explanations (2024)

Employers value and seek candidates who demonstrate advanced critical thinking skills. They often administer critical thinking tests as part of their hiring process. Critical thinking tests can be very difficult for those who don’t prepare. A great way to start practicing is by taking our critical thinking free practice test.

What Does The Critical Thinking Test Include?

The Critical Thinking Test assesses your capacity to think critically and form logical conclusions when given written information. Critical thinking tests are generally used in job recruitment processes, in the legal sector. These tests measure the analytical critical thinking abilities of a candidate.

Why Is Critical Thinking Useful?

Critical thinking is put into action in various stages of decision-making and problem-solving tasks:

  • Identify the problem
  • Choose suitable information to find the solution
  • Identify the assumptions that are implied and written in the text
  • Form hypotheses and choose the most suitable and credible answers
  • Form well-founded conclusions and determine the soundness of inferences

What is Watson Glaser Test and what Critical Thinking Skills it Measures?

The most common type of critical thinking test is the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA). Typically used by legal and financial organizations, as well as management businesses, a Watson Glaser test is created to assess candidates’ critical thinking skills.

The test consists of 10 questions to be answered in 10 minutes approx (although there is no timer on the test itself). Our test is slightly harder than the real thing, to make it sufficiently challenging practice.

You need to get 70% correct to pass the test. Don’t forget to first check out the test techniques section further down this page beforehand.

Questions          25

Pass percentage          70%.

The test is broken down into five central areas:

  • Assumptions
  • Interpretation

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The Five Critical Thinking Skills Explained

1. recognition of assumption.

You’ll be presented with a statement. The statement is then followed by several proposed assumptions. When answering, you must work out if an assumption was made or if an assumption was not made in the statement. An assumption is a proclamation that an individual takes for granted. This section of the tests measures your ability to withhold from forming assumptions about things that are not necessarily correct.

  • 1: Assumption Made
  • 2: Assumption Not Made

Although the passage does state that Charlie’s fundraising team is doing its best so that the charity event can meet its goal, nowhere did it state that their team is leading the event.

2. Evaluation of Arguments

You will be presented with an argument. You will then be asked to decide whether the argument is strong or weak. An argument is considered strong if it directly connects to the statement provided, and is believed to be significant.

No, participation awards should not be given in every competition because studies have shown that this would cause the participants to put in less effort because they will get a prize no matter what the outcome is.

  • 1: Strong Argument
  • 2: Weak Argument

This is a strong argument as it provides evidence as to why participation awards should not be given in every competition

3. Deductions

In deduction questions, you will need to form conclusions based solely on the information provided in the question and not based on your knowledge. You will be given a small passage of information and you will need to evaluate a list of deductions made based on that passage. If the conclusion cannot be formed for the information provided, then the conclusion does not follow. The answer must be entirely founded on the statements made and not on conclusions drawn from your knowledge.

In a surprise party for Donna, Edna arrived after Felix and Gary did. Kelly arrived before Felix and Gary did.

  • 1: Conclusion Follows
  • 2: Conclusion Does not Follow

For questions like this, jot down the clues to help you out. Use initials as a quick reference.

K | F&G | E

Looking at the simple diagram, “K”, which stands for “Kelly,” arrived before Edna “E” did. The answer is A.

4. Interpretation

In these questions, you are given a passage of information followed by a list of possible conclusions. You will need to interpret the information in the paragraph and determine whether or not each conclusion follows, based solely on the information given.

A number of students were given the following advice:

“The use of powerful words is a technique, which makes you a better writer. Your choice of words is very important in molding the way people interaction with the article. You should use powerful words to spice up your article. Power words should be used liberally to enhance the flavor of what you write! ”

In the fourth sentence, it is stated, “Power words should be used liberally to enhance the flavor of what you write!”

Thus, if you were to write an essay, using powerful words can give more flavor to it.

5. Inferences

An inference is a conclusion made from observed or supposed facts and details. It is information that is not apparent in the information provided but rather is extracted from it. In this section, you will be provided with a passage of information about a specific scene or event. A list of possible inferences will then be given, and you will need to decide if they are ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘possibly true’, ‘possibly false’, or whether it is not possible to say based on the information provided.

With the advancement of technology, the need for more infrastructure has never been higher. According to the plan of the current U.S. Administration, it aims to put a $1 trillion investment on improving infrastructure, a portion of which will include priority projects and technologies that can strengthen its economic competitiveness such as transportation, 5G wireless communication technology, rural broadband technologies, advanced manufacturing technologies, and even artificial intelligence.

It stated that it expects to work with Congress to develop a comprehensive infrastructure package, which is expected to have a budget of $200 billion for certain priorities.

  • 2: Probably True
  • 3: Not Enough Information
  • 4: Probably False

Although it was mentioned in the passage that the U.S. government is to allocate $200 billion on certain priorities, it did not specify if these certain priorities were for ‘transportation, 5G wireless communication technology, rural broadband technologies, advanced manufacturing technologies, and artificial intelligence’ or if the aforementioned priorities will have a different allocation.

What we can be sure of, however, is that at least a portion of the $1 trillion infrastructure budget will be used on the mentioned priorities regardless, meaning that there is a chance that $200 billion will be used on those aforementioned areas.

Improve Your Score with Prepterminal’s Critical Thinking Course

The Critical Thinking test is difficult, but not impossible to overcome with practice. At PrepTerminal our psychometric test experts have developed a critical thinking preparatory test to provide you with the material you need to practice for your critical thinking test. Prepare with us to increase your chance of successfully overcoming this hurdle in the recruitment process.

Prepterminal’s preparatory critical thinking course features a structured study course along with critical thinking practice tests to help you improve your exam score. Our course includes video and text-based information presented in a clear and easy-to-understand manner so you can follow along at your own pace with ease.


Created by: Matt

Psychometric tutor, prepterminal test expert, 414 students, 4.7 , 73 reviews.

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Online Critical Thinking Basic Concepts Test

Assessing the Understanding of Basic Critical Thinking Concepts and Principles Developed by Dr. Linda Elder, Dr. Richard Paul, and Dr. Rush Cosgrove

The test is a t hree -p art, 100 -i tem t est . The test can be used at the high-school level and above, and it takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

Click Here to Purchase the Full Test Click Here to Try the Sample Test

The test is based on the substantive approach to critical thinking developed by Dr. Paul and his colleagues at the Foundation for Critical Thinking over decades of work. It is the only critical thinking test that approaches critical thinking as a trans-disciplinary system of interconnected concepts, principles, and understandings.  It focuses on the five essential dimensions of critical thinking: 1.   The analysis of thought. 2.  The assessment of thought. 3.  The dispositions of thought. 4.  The skills and abilities of thought. 5.  The obstacles or barriers to critical thought.

The test is designed for use at the high school level (grade 10) and above (college, university, and graduate level). Our online testing software has been custom-developed by the Foundation for Critical Thinking to provide comprehensive grading and reporting for both the student and teacher. The test measures the extent to which students, faculty, or, indeed, any persons understand the fundamental concepts embedded in critical thinking. A high score provides evidence of the person having done some critical thinking about critical thinking. It implies that the person is more likely to think critically than someone scoring low on the test. It measures, in other words, the necessary understandings for thinking critically . Of course, the test cannot guarantee that persons with basic critical thinking understandings will use them effectively in their lives. No critical thinking test can. The Online Critical Thinking Basic Concepts Test can assist faculty in determining the extent to which they are succeeding (or not succeeding) in helping students develop the understandings which will enable them to think critically - through course content and through problems and issues they will face in their lives. Most importantly, use of the test, especially when combined with other effective critical thinking assessment approaches, has a high degree of consequential validity . In other words, proper use of the test will lead to greater emphasis on the fundamentals of critical thinking.  For a richer understanding of assessment in critical thinking, see our white paper: Consequential Validity: Using Assessment to Drive Instruction . In this paper, we focus on the primary purpose of assessment in instruction - improvement. The purpose of assessing instruction for critical thinking is to improve the teaching of discipline-based thinking (historical thinking, biological thinking , sociological thinking , mathematical thinking, and so on). It is to improve students’ abilities to think their way through content, problems, and issues using disciplined skill in reasoning. The more particular we can be about what we want students to learn about critical thinking, the better can we devise instruction with that particular end in view. Nothing is more important in this process than our conceptualization of critical thinking, which is why we advocate a substantive, robust, trans-disciplinary conception of critical thinking. Use of this test can be an important part of the critical thinking assessment process, in providing faculty with data illuminating the extent to which students are learning or have learned the fundamentals of critical thinking. The test may also be used by administrators - for example, in connection with accreditation processes - to assess faculty understanding of critical thinking basic concepts and principles, and therefore readiness to foster critical thinking. The test provides statistical group data on the test as a whole, as well as on essential critical thinking understandings. It may be used in a pre/post format, and students may retake the test up to eight times with no additional charge per student over a four-year period. Home study teachers or companies wishing to use the test to assess employee understandings of critical thinking may also benefit from use of the test. This test is licensed for use only on this website (www.criticalthinking.org). It may not be copied, nor may it be utilized through other distribution methods. The Foundation for Critical Thinking reserves the right to modify the test in any way it deems fit and at any time.

How Is the Test Packaged and Licensed? This test is sold on a per-student basis, not per test. Each student may take the test up to 8 times over 4 years. We believe that this test is a valuable assessment, learning, and development tool when taken multiple times. Online test results are analyzed and compared over time to show one's progress in understanding core concepts of critical thinking, and to assist in the development of that understanding. We suggest a testing schedule of 2 to 4 times per year in a pre/post test format. How to Purchase the Test The test is licensed for Groups and Institutions starting with a minimum of 10 licenses per purchase. There is no setup fee for this test. An administrative account is automatically created upon purchase. Please note the total number of licenses purchased should include one license for the Administrator (e.g. if you have 50 students, you need to purchase 51 licenses in total - one for the Administrator, and one for each student.)

License orders paid by credit card are activated immediately. Payment by other methods, such as purchase order or check,  will delay activation of the test account until payment is received by the Foundation for Critical Thinking.

Please note that there is a no-refund policy on our online tests.  We therefore highly recommend that you take the sample test before purchasing the full version.

Test Administration and Features When you purchase test licenses, you are provided a set of tools in your web account to manage your students. The Group Administrator (the account that purchases the test licenses) has access to student rosters, group statistics, and the ability to customize what students can see after taking the test (allowing it to be used for assessment purposes or as online learning tool, depending on the administrator's preference). A student enrollment link is provided for the group administrator to distribute to students, along with a group password. Students are guided through a simple account setup process and then taken directly to the test.

Choosing What Students Can See After They Take the Test  

critical thinking test taking

Despite the various customization options offered, administrator and student accounts are easy to set up and use.

Key Guides and Tips for Critical Thinking Tests

Critical thinking tests are  recruiting tools commonly used by companies in the legal or banking sectors.  These tests evaluate candidates’ multiple cognitive skills like decision-making, reasoning, analyzing, etc. Therefore, they can be used for different positions, especially for executives and managers.

This article will cover the most basic information about critical thinking tests, from their question types, and popular test names, to tips for preparation.

Table of Contents

What are critical thinking tests?

Critical thinking tests are psychometric tests evaluating one’s competency in multiple cognitive areas. A critical thinking test often includes around 40 to 80 multiple-choice questions under a time limit of 30 to 60 minutes. Candidates are required to choose an answer that best evaluates a statement or conclusion based on provided texts.

These tests are widely used for jobs that need good skills in evaluating, judging, and analyzing. Therefore, positions that need to take these tests are often leading roles (chief executives, managers, representatives, etc.). Furthermore, companies that use these tests the most are usually in the legal or banking fields. 

Five types of questions in a critical thinking test

There have reportedly been 5 question types, or sub-tests, in a critical thinking test. None of the types require technical knowledge in any field , however, it is still beneficial to have a prior look at them before taking the tests.

This question type contains a statement and an argument, and your job is to evaluate whether the argument is strong or weak. A strong argument needs to have a concrete relation to the statement and directly counter or support it. If the argument focuses on information that is insignificant or not mentioned in the statement, it is considered weak.

Here is an example of this type of question:

critical thinking test taking

Source: Test Partnership

Answer: E or F

Explanation: The argument is unable to address the statement (in this case, the question) because it doesn’t have any valid ideas to support its point. It doesn’t clearly say what the “other methods” are. In other words, it only raises an opinion and fails to persuade readers to believe it.


In this part, you will be provided with a passage and an assumption. Your task is to decide whether this assumption is concluded from the passage or not. To do this, you need to identify the passage’s main point and supporting evidence(s), then reflect them to the assumption to see how they correlate to each other. If the correlation is not strong or doesn’t exist, then the assumption is not made based on the passage.

Let’s look at an example for a better understanding:

Statement: Frank had plenty of time before his job interview. He decided to walk rather than drive so that he had time to think about the questions that he might be asked while he walked through the peace and quiet of the park.

Argument: Frank finds it hard to think about other things when he is driving.

A. Assumption made

B. Assumption not made

Source: Cappfinity

Answer:  B


The main point of the passage:  Frank walked to his job interview because he wanted to spend time thinking about the questions that he might get asked.

Supporting evidence: “He decided to walk rather than drive  so that he had time to think  about the questions that he might be asked”.

The assumption is not made because it talks about something that is not mentioned in the passage. The passage states that Frank wanted to walk because it would give him  time to think.  That does not necessarily mean Frank had difficulty thinking while driving. 

The deduction question type provides you with a set of statements and a conclusion. Your task is to decide whether the conclusion follows the statements or not. You need to keep in mind that all statements provided are true by default and no external knowledge can be applied to find the right answer.

Here is an example of a deduction question:


In a particular class, we have:

  • All girls like learning Latin
  • All students like learning Latin and also like History
  • Some boys like learning History

Conclusion: Some boys like learning Latin.

 A. Conclusion follows

 B. Conclusion does not follow

Explanation: The statements only say that if a student likes Latin, he/she would also like History, not the otherwise. So there is still a possibility that there is no boy interested in Latin.


The task in this type is somewhat similar to the Deduction type: you will be g iven a passage and a conclusion to determine whether the latter follows the former. However, the difference lies in the approach. While the previous type evaluates how well you infer from given information, this type focuses more on testing your reading comprehension and how you understand verbal information.

Let’s look at an example of this question type:

critical thinking test taking

Answer: Conclusion does not follow

Explanation: The passage doesn’t mention whether multivitamin supplements are taken daily or not.

Making inferences

This question type provides you with a passage and a statement (inference). Your job is to judge the inference on different levels from “Definitely true“ to “Definitely false“ . There can also be an option of “Insufficient information” for the inference that is not at all related to the passage. A tip is to look at the key information in the inference first and then look for those keywords in the passage since it can be lengthy. 

critical thinking test taking

Explanation: The first sentence of the passage (The Thames Tideway Tunnel (TTT), at an estimated cost of £4.2 billion [...]) is the key to the answer. The term “estimated cost” is equivalent to “assumed cost”. 

Common mistakes in critical thinking tests

We notice that there are patterns of mistakes made by candidates when taking critical thinking tests. These mistakes mostly come from the lack of caution or misunderstanding of the tests’ purpose. Let’s look at the 4 most common errors that one might make in critical thinking tests.

Use external knowledge

The questions in critical thinking tests normally provide candidates with all the information they need to know to reach the answer. Candidates can easily make mistakes if they forget that the test aims to see how they think, not what they know. To avoid this mistake, you need to develop an open mind and the ability to understand the logic behind given information.

Fail to filter noise information

A passage can be used for several questions, so not everything included in a passage is relevant to particular questions. You need to identify where to put your focus and not waste time on insignificant information. A tip on how to do this is to find clues in the conclusions or statements and work on the passages based on them.

Ignore supporting evidence

This mistake is easy to avoid yet common. You can prevent it by reading the information in a structural method. Start reading the passage with the topic sentence, and then down to evidence relevant to the statements or conclusions.

Make false correlations

Questions in critical thinking tests can confuse candidates to misunderstand the relationships between the statements/passage and the argument/conclusion. This is called a fallacy and is an obvious sign of a lack of critical thinking. To cope with these ambiguous questions, you need to draw clear lines between real possibilities and illusions.

critical thinking test taking

Four popular critical thinking tests

There are currently more than one critical thinking tests that you might face when applying to your dream companies. Therefore, it is better to have research on every kind of test to expect. Here we will introduce the 4 most used critical thinking tests to help you have a better understanding

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA)

This is the most popular critical thinking test on the market right now and is used widely by big companies like Clifford Chance, Simmons & Simmons, BCAT, etc. It is available in 5 languages and can be taken both online or on paper. After finishing the test, you will be given your result with both an overall score and a detailed development report.

To know more about this famous test, check out our detailed post on the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal.

critical thinking test taking

Source: Pearson Talentlens

Cappfinity Critical Reasoning Test

This is a critical thinking assessment developed by Cappfinity with a format similar to the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. However, its main focus is on problem-solving. It is mostly used in legal sectors and other big companies like Deloitte and Ernst & Young. This test is typically taken online.

critical thinking test taking

Test Partnership Concepts Critical Thinking Test

This test is produced by Test Partnership with familiar question types to the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. It is an online test with 24 questions and a time limit of 24 minutes. This test can be customized and applied for different levels of recruitment from apprentices to executives.

critical thinking test taking

Tips to prepare for a critical thinking test

1. Read carefully

No matter how cliche it may sound, reading the questions carefully is still the most important thing in critical reasoning tests. Many candidates lose points for underestimating skimming for details and only staying at scanning for main ideas. Misreading can lead to fallacies and mistakes that can totally be avoided.

2. Time control

It is a big challenge to make reasonable decisions under a tight time restraint, and that is what the critical reasoning tests want you to do. A tip on how to cope with this is to read the passages carefully. A single passage is often used for multiple questions, so you only need to read the long text only once if you do it attentively the first time.

3. Solve puzzles or brain teasers

One way to train your brain for critical thinking is to play with puzzles or brain teasers. Although the critical thinking tests are advanced analysis assessments and puzzles may not help much with practicing, frequent exposure to logical exercises is beneficial for building a critical mindset.

Here are some puzzle games that you might be interested in:

Although critical thinking tests don’t require any expert knowledge, you should still prepare for them to achieve the best result. Below are some tips that may be useful for you in doing these tests.

  • Train your Brain
  • Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles
  • Brainilis - Brain Games
  • Skills - Logic Brain Games

4. Practice with all question types

Although you don’t need any specific knowledge to ace these tests, practicing still helps you enhance your skills and mindset for them. You should become familiar with all of the listed question types by using practice questions similar to them.

For the deduction type, you can check out our Deductive Reasoning Test package for numerous practice questions and detailed explanations.

There are also free sample tests from the test providers themselves. You can access them here:

  • Free Cappfinity Critical Reasoning Test
  • Free Sample of Test Partnership Concepts Critical Thinking Test

Scoring in the McKinsey PSG/Digital Assessment

The scoring mechanism in the McKinsey Digital Assessment

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What is the Critical Thinking Test?

Critical thinking practice test, take a free practice critical thinking test, practice critical thinking test.

Updated November 16, 2023

Edward Melett

The Critical Thinking Test is a comprehensive evaluation designed to assess individuals' cognitive capacities and analytical prowess.

This formal examination, often referred to as the critical thinking assessment, is a benchmark for those aiming to demonstrate their proficiency in discernment and problem-solving.

In addition, this evaluative tool meticulously gauges a range of skills, including logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and the ability to evaluate and synthesize information.

This article will embark on an exploration of the Critical Thinking Test, elucidating its intricacies and elucidating its paramount importance. We will dissect the essential skills it measures and clarify its significance in gauging one's intellectual aptitude.

We will examine examples of critical thinking questions, illuminating the challenging scenarios that candidates encounter prompting them to navigate the complexities of thought with finesse.

Before going ahead to take the critical thinking test, let's delve into the realm of preparation. This segment serves as a crucible for honing the skills assessed in the actual examination, offering candidates a chance to refine their analytical blades before facing the real challenge. Here are some skills that will help you with the critical thinking assessment: Logical Reasoning: The practice test meticulously evaluates your ability to deduce conclusions from given information, assess the validity of arguments, and recognize patterns in logic. Analytical Thinking: Prepare to dissect complex scenarios, identify key components, and synthesize information to draw insightful conclusions—a fundamental aspect of the critical thinking assessment. Problem-Solving Proficiency: Navigate through intricate problems that mirror real-world challenges, honing your capacity to approach issues systematically and derive effective solutions. What to Expect: The Critical Thinking Practice Test is crafted to mirror the format and complexity of the actual examination. Expect a series of scenarios, each accompanied by a set of questions that demand thoughtful analysis and logical deduction. These scenarios span diverse fields, from business and science to everyday scenarios, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your critical thinking skills. Examples of Critical Thinking Questions Scenario: In a business context, analyze the potential impacts of a proposed strategy on both short-term profitability and long-term sustainability. Question: What factors would you consider in determining the viability of the proposed strategy, and how might it affect the company's overall success? Scenario: Evaluate conflicting scientific studies on a pressing environmental issue.

Question: Identify the key methodologies and data points in each study. How would you reconcile the disparities to form an informed, unbiased conclusion?

Why Practice Matters

Engaging in the Critical Thinking Practice Test familiarizes you with the test format and cultivates a mindset geared towards agile and astute reasoning. This preparatory phase allows you to refine your cognitive toolkit, ensuring you approach the assessment with confidence and finesse.

We'll navigate through specific examples as we proceed, offering insights into effective strategies for tackling critical thinking questions. Prepare to embark on a journey of intellectual sharpening, where each practice question refines your analytical prowess for the challenges ahead.

This is a practice critical thinking test.

The test consists of three questions . 

After you have answered all the questions, you will be shown the correct answers and given full explanations.

Make sure you read and fully understand each question before answering. Work quickly, but don't rush. You cannot afford to make mistakes on a real test .

If you get a question wrong, make sure you find out why and learn how to answer this type of question in the future. 

Six friends are seated in a restaurant across a rectangular table. There are three chairs on each side. Adam and Dorky do not have anyone sitting to their right and Clyde and Benjamin do not have anyone sitting to their left. Adam and Benjamin are not sitting on the same side of the table.

If Ethan is not sitting next to Dorky, who is seated immediately to the left of Felix?

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Critical Thinking Test Practice ▷ Free Critical Reasoning Samples & Tips 2024

Start Preparing for Your Critical Thinking Test.  This page features a brief introduction, followed by question examples with detailed explanations, and a free test sample.

Table of Contents :

✻  What is a Critical Thinking Test ?

✻  Sample Questions

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✻  Free Critical Thinking Practice Test

✻  Watson Glaser Practice Test

What Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking, also known as critical reasoning, is the ability to assess a situation and consider/understand various perspectives, all while acknowledging, extracting and deciphering facts, opinions and assumptions. Critical thinking tests are a sub-type of aptitude exams  or psychometric tests used in pre-employment assessment for jobs reacquiring advanced analytical and learning skills.

The Skills You Will Be Tested On

Critical thinking tests can have 5 major sections or sub-tests that assess and measure a variety of aspects.

1) Inference

In this section, you are asked to draw conclusions from observed or supposed facts. You are presented with a short text containing a set of facts you should consider as true.

Below the text is a statement that could be inferred from the text. You need to make a judgement on whether this statement is valid or not, based on what you have read.

Furthermore, you are asked to evaluate whether the statement is true, probably true, there is insufficient data to determine, probably false, or false.

For example: if a baby is crying and it is his feeding time, you may infer that the baby is hungry. However, the baby may be crying for other reasons—perhaps it is hot.

2) Recognising Assumptions

In this section, you are asked to recognise whether an assumption is justifiable or not.

Here you are given a statement followed by an assumption on that statement. You need to establish whether this assumption can be supported by the statement or not.

You are being tested on your ability to avoid taking things for granted that are not necessarily true. For example, you may say, "I’ll have the same job in three months," but you would be taking for granted the fact that your workplace won't make you redundant, or that you won’t decide to quit and explore various other possibilities.

You are asked to choose between the options of assumption made and assumption not made.

3) Deduction

This section tests your ability to weigh information and decide whether given conclusions are warranted.

You are presented with a statement of facts followed by a conclusion on what you have read. For example, you may be told, "Nobody in authority can avoid making uncomfortable decisions."

You must then decide whether a statement such as "All people must make uncomfortable decisions" is warranted from the first statement.

You need to assess whether the conclusion follows or the conclusion does not follow what is contained in the statement. You can read more about our  deductive logical thinking test resources here. 

4) Interpretation

This section measures your ability to understand the weighing of different arguments on a particular question or issue.

You are given a short paragraph to read, which you are expected to take as true. This paragraph is followed by a suggested conclusion, for which you must decide if it follows beyond a reasonable doubt.

You have the choice of conclusion follows and conclusion does not follow.

5) Evaluation of Arguments

In this section you are asked to evaluate the strength of an argument.

You are given a question followed by an argument. The argument is considered to be true, but you must decide whether it is a strong or weak argument, i.e. whether it is both important and directly related to the question.

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Critical Thinking Question Examples

As there are various forms of critical thinking and critical reasoning, we've provided a number of critical thinking sample questions.

You can take our full Critical Thinking Sample Test to see more questions.

critical thinking sample questions

Example 1: Argument Analysis

Read the following:

In a recent study, anthropologists surveyed 250 adults who own pets and 250 adults who do not own pets on their interpersonal capacities. The questions asked of both those who own pets and those who do not own pets included tests for 'computational requirements', that is, tuning in to all the little signals necessary to operate as a couple. While members of each group displayed outstanding interpersonal capacities, in general, the adults who own pets were much more empathetic than those who do not own pets. This indicates that people who are especially empathetic are more likely to adopt a pet in spite of the personal sacrifice and the occasional inconvenience than people who are less empathetic.

Which of the following is true?

  • Most of the people surveyed, whether they own pets or do not own pets, displayed outstanding interpersonal capacities.
  • The adoption of a pet involves personal sacrifice and occasional inconvenience.
  • People with high degrees of empathy are more likely to adopt pets than people with low degrees of empathy.
  • Interpersonal capacities entail tuning in to all the little signals necessary to operate as a couple.
  • A person's degree of empathy is highly correlated with his or her capacity for personal sacrifice.

The correct answer is C

Answer explanation: In a question of this type, the rule is very simple: the main conclusion of an argument is found either in the first or the last sentence. If, however, the main conclusion appears in the middle of an argument, it will begin with a signal word such as thus, therefore, or so. Regardless of where the main conclusion appears, the rest of the passage will give the reasons why the conclusion is true or should be adopted. The main conclusion in this passage is the last sentence, signaled by the words, 'This indicates that people who are especially empathetic are more likely to adopt a pet than people who are less empathetic'.

Example 2: Argument Practice

A: No. Differential bonuses have been found to create a hostile working environment, which leads to a decrease in the quality and quantity of products .

This argument is:

The correct answer is A (Strong)

Schema of the statement: Differential cash bonuses (productivity↑) → workplace↑

Explanation: This argument targets both the action and the consequences of the action on the object of the statement. It states that the action (implementing differential cash bonuses) has a negative effect on the workplace (a decrease in the quality and quantity of products). Therefore, it is an important argument, one that is relevant for the workplace. Note that this argument does not specifically target differential cash bonuses. Still, they are considered a sub-group of the subject of the argument (differential bonuses).

Example 3 – Interpretations 

Proposed assumption: Vicki and Bill encountered a personal battle because they couldn’t come to terms with their disease.

A. Conclusion follows

B. Conclusion does not follow

The correct answer is B (Conclusion does not follow)

It is plausible that the reason people who suffer from sleep apnoea encounter a personal battle is because of an inability to come to terms with this disease. However, since the passage does not provide an actual reason, you cannot reach this conclusion without reasonable doubt. 

The most common type of Critical Thinking Assessment is the Watson Glaser .

Difficult and time-pressured, the Watsong Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) takes a unique testing approach that breaks away from more traditional assessments. To see examples, check out our free Watson Glaser practice test .

Our expertly curated practice programme for the Watson Glaser will provide you with:

  • A full-length diagnostic simulation
  • Focused practice tests for the different test sections: inferences, assumptions, deductive reasoning, interpretations, and arguments.
  • 3 additional full-length simulations
  • Interactive tutorials

Or learn more about the Watson Glaser Test

Critical Thinking Tests FAQs

What are critical thinking tests

What critical reasoning test am I most likely to take?

Very Likely the Watson-Glaser test

Another popular critical thinking assessment, Watson-Glaser is a well-established psychometric test produced by Pearson Assessments.

The Watson-Glaser test is used for two main purposes: job selection/talent management and academic evaluations. The Watson-Glaser test can be administered online or in-person.

For Watson Glaser practice questions,   click here !

What skills do critical reasoning test measure?

Critical Thinking can refer to various skills:

  • Defining the problem
  • Selecting the relevant information to solve the problem
  • Recognising assumptions that are both written and implied in the text
  • Creating hypotheses and selecting the most relevant and credible solutions
  • Reaching valid conclusions and judging the validity of inferences

Pearson TalentLens condenses critical thinking into three major areas:

  • R ecognise assumptions – the ability to notice and question assumptions, recognise information gaps or unfounded logic. Basically not taking anything for granted.
  • E valuate arguments – the ability to analyse information objectively without letting your emotions affect your opinion.
  • D raw conclusions – the ability to reach focused conclusions and inferences by considering diverse information, avoiding generalisations and disregarding information that is not available.

These are abilities that employers highly value in their employees, because they come into play in many stages of problem-solving and decision-making processes in the workplace, especially in business, management and law.

Why are critical thinking tests important to employers?

Critical thinking, or critical reasoning, is important to employers because they want to see that when dealing with an issue, you are able to make logical decisions without involving emotions.

Being able to look past emotions will help you to be open-minded, confident, and decisive—making your decisions more logical and sound.

What professions use critical thinking tests?

Below are some professions that use critical thinking tests and assessments during the hiring process as well as some positions that demand critical thinking and reasoning skills:

Preparation Packs for Critical Thinking & Critical Reasoning AssessmentsThe Critical Thinking PrepPack™ provides you with the largest assembly of practice tests, study guides and tutorials.Our tests come complete with straightforward expert explanations and predictive score reports to let you know your skill level as well as your advancement.By using our materials you can significantly increase your potential within a few days and secure yourself better chances to get the job.

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  • How to apply critical thinking in learning

Sometimes your university classes might feel like a maze of information. Consider critical thinking skills like a map that can lead the way.

Why do we need critical thinking?  

Critical thinking is a type of thinking that requires continuous questioning, exploring answers, and making judgments. Critical thinking can help you: 

  • analyze information to comprehend more thoroughly
  • approach problems systematically, identify root causes, and explore potential solutions 
  • make informed decisions by weighing various perspectives 
  • promote intellectual curiosity and self-reflection, leading to continuous learning, innovation, and personal development 

What is the process of critical thinking? 

1. understand  .

Critical thinking starts with understanding the content that you are learning.

This step involves clarifying the logic and interrelations of the content by actively engaging with the materials (e.g., text, articles, and research papers). You can take notes, highlight key points, and make connections with prior knowledge to help you engage.

Ask yourself these questions to help you build your understanding:  

  • What is the structure?
  • What is the main idea of the content?  
  • What is the evidence that supports any arguments?
  • What is the conclusion?

2. Analyze  

You need to assess the credibility, validity, and relevance of the information presented in the content. Consider the authors’ biases and potential limitations in the evidence. 

Ask yourself questions in terms of why and how:

  • What is the supporting evidence?  
  • Why do they use it as evidence?   
  • How does the data present support the conclusions?  
  • What method was used? Was it appropriate?  

 3.  Evaluate   

After analyzing the data and evidence you collected, make your evaluation of the evidence, results, and conclusions made in the content.

Consider the weaknesses and strengths of the ideas presented in the content to make informed decisions or suggest alternative solutions:

  • What is the gap between the evidence and the conclusion?  
  • What is my position on the subject?  
  • What other approaches can I use?  

When do you apply critical thinking and how can you improve these skills?   

1. reading academic texts, articles, and research papers.

  • analyze arguments
  • assess the credibility and validity of evidence
  • consider potential biases presented
  • question the assumptions, methodologies, and the way they generate conclusions

2. Writing essays and theses

  • demonstrate your understanding of the information, logic of evidence, and position on the topic
  • include evidence or examples to support your ideas
  • make your standing points clear by presenting information and providing reasons to support your arguments
  • address potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints
  • explain why your perspective is more compelling than the opposing viewpoints

3. Attending lectures

  • understand the content by previewing, active listening , and taking notes
  • analyze your lecturer’s viewpoints by seeking whether sufficient data and resources are provided
  • think about whether the ideas presented by the lecturer align with your values and beliefs
  • talk about other perspectives with peers in discussions

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Thinking, Memorizing, and Test Taking

Types of thinking.

  • Memorizing and Retaining
  • Strategies and Tips

Thinking is an essential cognitive process that allows individuals to analyze and solve problems, understand information, and make decisions. There are a variety of types of thinking employed by different people. Critical thinking involve analyzing and evaluating information, while creative thinking entails developing original ideas.

When it comes to test-taking, many students believe that success is solely based on memorization. However, thinking critically is just as important. Instead of simply memorizing information, students should also focus on understanding and analyzing the material. This means breaking down complex concepts into smaller pieces and using logical reasoning to connect them.

While memorization may help in some cases, it can also hinder a student's ability to think critically during a test. Relying solely on memorized information may cause a student to panic if they encounter a question that requires more than just regurgitation of facts. By developing critical thinking skills alongside strong memory recall abilities, students will be better equipped to handle any type of question that comes their way.

Overall, successful test-taking involves both memorization and critical thinking. Students who prioritize both skills are likely to perform well on exams and retain information for the long-term rather than simply cramming for short-term results.

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Memorizing & Test Taking

Radical thought means challenging norms and questioning conventional beliefs, and even the simple act of thinking aloud or in a group, as in brainstorming, can serve as a strategy to find the best decisions for any scenario. Brainstorming is a group technique for creating new ideas. All forms of thinking can play a vital part in the learning process and should be seen as essential skills both academically and beyond. While planning for college or pursuing an online degree , you will be challenged to think critically and take many tests to obtain your bachelorette diploma.

Thinking Critically

Critical thinking refers to the practice of systematically analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information to form reasoned judgments based on evidence. Critical thinking is an invaluable skill that enables individuals to solve complex problems and make sound decisions in many spheres of life: education, career advancement, and personal relationships. However, it should not be treated as an inborn talent, but instead developed through training and practice.

Critical thinking's origins can be found in ancient Greece, where philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle emphasized its value through questioning and reasoning, leading to a great period of learning. Later, in the 20th century, educational theorists such as John Dewey and Robert Ennis developed a framework for critical thinking that includes competencies such as analysis, interpretation, inference evaluation, and explanation as core concepts needed for effective reasoning. These are known as components of critical thinking.

However, critical thinking requires more than the components alone; it also relies on certain dispositions, or mental habits, that contribute to its execution. These include open-mindedness, intellectual humility, curiosity, and skepticism. When fostered, these can enable individuals to evaluate evidence objectively while considering different points of view.

Numerous educational methods have been demonstrated to develop critical thinking abilities. One such technique is dialogue, an active and respectful communication method aimed at reaching mutual understanding. Another approach is anchoring instruction, which integrates critical thinking tasks into meaningful contexts such as real-world problems. And mentorship, in which experienced individuals instruct learners in critical thinking, has also proven itself effective.

However, critical thinking remains controversial, particularly its generalizability across domains. Critical thinking skills required in one field may not readily transfer to others, potentially leaving minority perspectives unconsidered. Furthermore, some experts argue that critical thinking differs significantly from creativity or other forms of thinking and should instead be seen as part of an integrated skill set.

Radical Thinking

Thinking is not a singular activity; rather, we use different kinds of thinking skills depending on our current circumstances including critical, reflective, radical thinking, and more. One form that deserves special mention is radical thinking.

Radical thinking involves deviating from traditional or conventional thought and challenging long-held assumptions and beliefs. It encourages us to question the status quo and seek novel, inventive solutions to problems. Radical thinking may often be necessary when faced with situations requiring extreme transformations or change, or when testing long-held assumptions.

History provides numerous examples of radical thinking leading to positive results. Consider the Civil Rights movement in the US during the mid-20th century: radical thinkers challenged the belief that white people were superior to people of color and campaigned for equal rights. Their non-violent activism eventually produced significant progress and helped to foster an equitable society.

Radical thinking has long been at the core of scientific progress. Galileo Galilei sparked an astonishing revolution when he disproved of the widespread belief that Earth was at the center of everything by proposing instead that its orbit centered around sun; his groundbreaking theory opened new fields of scientific study and exploration.

Fostering radical thinking in yourself is vital in today's ever-evolving world, especially given how fast things change. To achieve this goal, one must remain open to new ideas and perspectives, challenge their own assumptions as well as those of others, and take risks to discover innovative solutions to problems. All of these are essential steps toward developing radical thought in oneself.


When used correctly, brainstorming can be an invaluable asset in problem-solving. Brainstorming consists of gathering new ideas and solutions for an issue while encouraging creative thinking and innovative approaches in a group format. This is an integral component of many projects and should not be underestimated.

Brainstorming allows individuals or groups to think outside the box and come up with creative, innovative solutions they might otherwise not consider. By cultivating an environment that fosters open-mindedness, teams can achieve what might have seemed impossible before.

There are various techniques for brainstorming, but three of the more popular are free-writing, mind-mapping, and group brainstorming sessions. Free-writing allows individuals to quickly write down any thoughts that come to them without restriction or limitations, mind-mapping provides visual visualizations to explore all potential connections among ideas, and group brainstorming sessions allow individuals to share their perspectives, leading to collaborative solutions from more diverse sources.

When conducting a brainstorm session, it's essential to set clear goals and guidelines to maximize its efficiency and effectiveness. Participants should be encouraged to contribute, regardless of perceived viability and all ideas must be welcomed regardless of perceived viability; any form of negativity or criticism must be avoided as these can hinder idea generation and potentially stifle creativity.

Thinking Like a Genius

Thinking like a genius involves more than simply being book smart; it involves adopting specific habits and techniques used by highly intelligent individuals when approaching problems or tasks. Genius thinking requires an unconventional method for analyzing and solving issues compared to regular thinking techniques. This usually involves the use of one or more forms of advanced thinking.

One of the hallmarks of genius thinking is challenging assumptions. When approaching challenges, highly intelligent individuals tend to question assumptions taken for granted by others, asking themselves "why" and "what if?" to get to the root of any issue or difficulty they encounter. By questioning assumptions, you are more likely to create unique and innovative solutions for complex issues.

Genius thinking often involves approaching challenges from multiple angles. Instead of doing things in the same manner every time, you should look at issues from various perspectives to find optimal solutions. Don't fear experimenting and trying something new, even if it means taking risks!

Geniuses don't fear new ideas and remain open-minded to feedback and criticism. They aren't fixed in their ways and willing to consider different points of view. Famous geniuses, such as Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, are widely respected for their unique problem-solving capabilities. Einstein was known to approach issues from multiple angles, while Hawking had the unique skill of challenging assumptions and looking beyond what was already known.

Memorizing and Retaining Information Strategies

Memorizing and retaining information are both vital parts of achieving excellent grades on exams, but there are numerous proven and efficient strategies to make memorizing and retention simple and stress-free. Flashcards and mnemonic devices can help people to easily remember facts and dates by providing the information in an engaging but repetitive fashion. A flashcard may present facts in an easy, enjoyable format, while using creative or humorous phrases can also aid memorization efforts. Study sessions and routines are essential in helping us retain information as they keep the mind organized and focused. Acronyms help condense long phrases into shorter, more memorable ones, while using rhymes adds an element of creativity. Review tools of all kinds can be effective. Here are some options that may come in handy:

Perhaps one of the oldest review tools, flashcards allow you to condense information into manageable chunks. Creating flashcards by hand using index cards or various online tools is straightforward and using them regularly and actively will yield optimal results. Instead of passively looking through each card, flip it over and recall its information before flipping back over when finished to check answers.

For those struggling to memorize lists or sequences, mnemonics can be an effective memory aid. Mnemonics are memory tricks that make recalling information easy by linking it with an easy-to-recall phrase or image. For instance, to remember the order of our solar system's planets you could use "My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nachos" as a mnemonic (which corresponds with Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune).

When it comes to learning, group collaboration can often be a helpful approach. Join a study group for joint reviews of material, quiz each other, discuss difficult concepts, and compare notes as needed - just make sure the group stays on task by not getting too distracted by socializing! This solution will not work for everyone as some people study better on their own and can become distracted by others in a group.

Like mnemonics, acronyms help condense complex information into an easy-to-remember phrase. Acronyms can be especially effective at helping us recall long lists as each letter corresponds with an item from that list. For instance, you might remember using "ROYGBIV" (for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) as an acronym to help remember the order of the rainbow when you were young!

For optimal use of these review tools, it's crucial to utilize them regularly and actively. Don't wait until the night before an exam to start studying. Instead, regularly review material throughout the semester using these tools as reinforcement mechanisms. By doing this, you'll increase retention of information and perform better on tests.

Test-Taking Strategies and Tips

Exam anxiety can be a source of great discomfort for students. To address this challenge, there are various test taking strategies and tips available that can help you tackle test day more confident and prepared; from organizing materials and managing anxiety levels, to reviewing tools for true/false multiple choice and short answer exams, we’ll cover various techniques designed to prepare you for exams, as well as strategies that can improve your test taking abilities, whether you're studying for a big exam or just hoping to improve them further.

How to Prepare for a Standardized Test

Standardized tests are exams designed to measure academic proficiency in an objective way. They play an essential role in monitoring students' academic development and foretelling future success in school. While regular exams assess performance during any given school day, standardized exams track how a student has improved over time, thus giving standardized exams greater weight compared to regular tests. Obtaining maximum results from standardized tests require that crucial preparation take place.

To succeed on a standardized test, it's essential to employ effective and efficient study strategies. A good way to do so is through practice tests. Practice exams provide a glimpse of the test format and question types, and they allow time management skills development, which is often an aspect of taking standardized exams that may prove challenging. You can obtain practice tests from teachers or online resources.

Creating a study schedule is another effective strategy that can help you prepare for standardized exams. Sticking to your study plan and seeking clarity from teachers when something becomes challenging are essential parts of successful exam prep.

Organizing your study materials is another key to properly preparing for a standardized test. Staying organized ensures you won't misplace or mislay key notes. You can create a study folder or use an online storage service like Drobox to store all your notes and practice tests. This way, your materials stay together so you have all the necessary resources at hand when studying!

Preparing for a standardized test can be stressful, and the anxiety surrounding test taking can have a devastating impact on performance. To manage test anxiety effectively, it's essential to take good care of yourself by getting enough rest, eating well, and exercising. Deep breathing techniques, visualization, and positive self-talk may also be useful if you’re feeling anxious. You can arrive early at your test site to reduce rushing which increases anxiety levels further.

Optimizing test-taking efficiency is of utmost importance when taking a standardized exam. Time management is vital, and understanding your allotted time per question should not be overlooked. For maximum efficiency, you can answer easy questions first and go back over the more difficult questions later.

Overcoming Test Anxiety

Students often struggle with exam anxiety. Unfortunately, this can have a devastating impact on their performance during exams, leading to lower grades and a loss of faith in their abilities. However, there are strategies available that can help combat such test anxiety when preparing, especially for memorization-based exams.

Establishing a study schedule is one effective strategy. Doing so allows students to avoid the stress associated with last minute studying, while digesting information more slowly and increasing retention rates. Students looking to boost memorization should utilize study tools like flashcards and mnemonics or rhymes in their studies. Flashcards can help students quickly memorize vocabulary or formulas while mnemonics help students recall longer phrases more easily. All these tools can easily fit into an individual study plan as they're easily adaptable for different learning styles.

You should also take breaks during your studying process to prevent burnout. Prolonged study sessions without rest can lead to fatigue, stress, and decreased performance. Exercise can also help alleviate anxiety; physical activity releases endorphins, which act as natural mood boosters that can ease anxiety levels. And, on test day, it’s crucial to arrive early to avoid last-minute stresses like traffic or delays.

True/False Test Tips

True/false tests are an increasingly popular testing format utilized by schools and universities. Though initially appearing simple, true/false tests require more than mere recognition - you must analyze and understand what question(s) are really being posed to you to do well on these exams. Here are some strategies to improve performance on true/false tests.

Begin by carefully reading each question. True/false tests are designed to challenge you, so don't rush through them. Take your time analyzing what each question really requires of you - sometimes such queries contain double negatives, which require extra attention when answering.

Before beginning an exam, it can be helpful to review all its questions to gain an overview of its subject matter and to prepare mentally for taking it. Furthermore, doing this may give you confidence when one question comes up that is familiar, giving a boost for taking the rest of the test. Additionally, there may be words or phrases that jog your memory as a whole, allowing you to do better on the test.

As with most tests, it's also essential not to spend too much time on any one question. If unsure about an answer, move on immediately as true/false tests tend to be timed; don't get stuck on one and run out of time before answering all the questions!

Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Exams Tips

Multiple choice tests are an integral component of many standardized exams such as the SAT, ACT, and GRE exams, with these exams often considered pivotal in shaping one's career goals and creating significant amounts of stress for test takers who lack adequate strategies to address them. With the right strategies in place, however, anyone can improve their scores and increase their chance for success.

First, it’s essential to understand how multiple-choice questions work. These types of tests typically start off with a question providing context, then a list of options from which test takers may select one correct answer. Incorrect choices will be presented alongside the correct options, which will mislead those who are unsure about the right response. This makes developing specific strategies for dealing with multiple choice tests essential.

First, read questions carefully. Pay special attention to the question, paying close attention for keywords like "never", "always", "most", "least", or "except". Next, eliminate any obviously incorrect answers quickly; this often leaves only two or three choices from which to select an answer.

Another strategy is to look for clues in other questions. Sometimes, multiple questions cover similar content and one could give an indication as to what answer will apply in another question. But be careful; don't assume all answers will be similar, use critical thinking and evaluation techniques to arrive at an accurate solution.

Focusing on keywords can help. Sometimes, a single word in a question can make all the difference; if you're uncertain of an answer, try replacing each option with its corresponding keyword until one makes more sense than others.

If all else fails, educated guesses may be the only solution. When faced with no clear-cut solutions and being left uncertain of your choice, don't leave the question unanswered. Use your intuition and any remaining clues in the question to make an educated guess. However, make sure your time management skills are still in play; otherwise, you could miss crucial points elsewhere.

Short Answer Tests Tips

For success on short answer tests, each question must be approached carefully and thoughtfully. Take your time reading over each question carefully, paying special attention to any details mentioned or requested within it. Highlighting or underlining can help narrow your focus and ensure you don't overlook key information.

Answer the questions directly and succinctly, using specific keywords relevant to the topic at hand. Provide clear, accurate, and detailed descriptions so that you can obtain full credit for your answers. Often, short answer tests grade responses according to accuracy, so it’s wise to pay close attention when wording answers.

Make sure that you use proper punctuation and grammar in your responses, even if you know the answers to a question. Your instructor might not understand if your message doesn't adhere to standard sentence structure, so taking time to craft well-written responses will enhance the clarity of your answers and get you credit where due.

Critical Thinking Assessment: 4 Ways to Test Applicants

Post Author - Juste Semetaite

In the current age of information overload, critical thinking (CT) is a vital skill to sift fact from fiction. Fake news, scams, and disinformation can have a negative impact on individuals as well as businesses. Ultimately, those with finer CT skills can help to lead their team with logical thinking, evidence-based motivation, and smarter decisions.

Today, most roles require critical thinking skills. And understanding how to test and evaluate critical thinking skills can not only help to differentiate candidates but may even predict job performance .

This article will cover:

What is critical thinking?

  • Critical thinking vs problem-solving
  • 5 critical thinking sub-skills
  • The importance of assessing critical thinking skills
  • 4 ways to leverage critical thinking assessments

Critical thinking is the process of analyzing and evaluating information in a logical way. And though a valuable skill since as far back as the early philosophers’ era, it is just as vital today. For candidates to succeed in the digital economy , they need modern thinking skills that help them think critically.

Whether we realize it or not, we process tons of data and information on a daily basis. Everything from social media to online news, data from apps like Strava – and that’s on top of all the key metrics in relation to our professional role.

Without a shadow of a doubt, correctly interpreting information — and recognizing disinformation — is an essential skill in today’s workplace and everyday life. And that’s also why teaching critical thinking skills in education is so important to prepare the next generation for the challenges they will face in the modern workplace.

Critical thinking isn’t about being constantly negative or critical of everything. It’s about objectivity and having an open, inquisitive mind. To think critically is to analyze issues based on hard evidence (as opposed to personal opinions, biases, etc.) in order to build a thorough understanding of what’s really going on. And from this place of thorough understanding, you can make better decisions and solve problems more effectively. Bernard Marr | Source

Today, candidates with CT skills think and reason independently, question data, and use their findings to contribute actively to their team rather than passively taking in or accepting information as fact.

Why are critical thinking skills important?

In the workplace, those with strong CT skills no longer rely on their gut or instinct for their decisions. They’re able to problem-solve more effectively by analyzing situations systematically.

With these skills, they think objectively about information and other points of view and look for evidence to support their findings rather than simply accepting opinions or conclusions as facts.

When employees can turn critical thinking into a habit, it ultimately reduces personal bias and helps them be more open to their teammates’ suggestions — improving how teams collaborate and collectively solve problems.

Critical thinking vs. Problem solving – what’s the difference?

Let’s explore the difference between these two similar concepts in more detail.

Critical thinking is about processing and analyzing information to reach an objective, evidence-based conclusion. Let’s take a look at an example of critical thinking in action:

  • A member of the team suggests using a new app they’ve heard about to automate and speed up candidate screening . Some like the idea, but others in the team share reasons why they don’t support the idea. So you visit the software website and look at the key features and benefits yourself, then you might look for reviews about it and ask your HR counterparts what they think of it. The reviews look promising, and a few of your fellow practitioners say it’s worked well for them. Next, you look into the costs compared to the solution your team is already using and calculate that the return on investment (ROI) is good. You arrive at the conclusion that it’d be worth testing the platform with the free trial version and recommend this to your team.

On the other hand, problem solving can involve many of the same skills as critical thinking, such as observing and evaluating. Still, it focuses on identifying business obstacles and coming up with solutions. So, let’s return to the example of the candidate screening software and see how it might work differently in the context of problem-solving :

  • For weeks, the talent acquisition team has complained about how long it takes to screen candidates manually. One of the team members decides to look for a solution to their problem. They assess the team’s current processes and resources and how to best solve the issues. In their research, they discover the new candidate screening platform and test out its functionality for a few days. They feel it would benefit the team and suggest it at the next meeting. Great problem solving, HR leader!

Problem-Solving Skills: 5 Ways to Evaluate Them When Hiring

What are the 5 sub-skills that make up critical thinking?

the sub skills of critical thinking competency

Now that we’ve established what CT is, let’s break it down into the 5 core sub-skills that make up a critical thinking mindset .

  • Observation : Being observant of your environment is the first step to thinking critically. Observant employees can even identify a potential problem before it becomes a problem.
  • Analysis : Once you’ve observed the issue or problem, you can begin to analyze its parts. It’s about asking questions, researching, and evaluating the findings objectively. This is an essential skill, especially for someone in a management role.
  • Inference : Also known as construct validity, is about drawing a conclusion from limited information. To do this effectively may require in-depth knowledge of a field. Candidates with this skill can contribute a lot of value to a startup, for instance, where initially, there may be little data available for information processing.
  • Communication : This pertains to expressing ideas and your reasoning clearly and persuasively, as well as actively listening to colleagues’ suggestions or viewpoints. When all members of a team or department can communicate and consider different perspectives, it helps tasks (and, well, everything) move along swiftly and smoothly.
  • Problem solving : Once you begin implementing a chosen solution, you may still encounter teething problems. At that point, problem solving skills will help you decide on the best solution and how to overcome the obstacles to bring you closer to your goal.

What is a critical thinking assessment test?

Though there are a few different ways to assess critical thinking, such as the Collegiate Learning Assessment, one of the most well-known tests is the Watson Glaser™ Critical Thinking Appraisal .

Critical thinking tests, or critical reasoning tests, are psychometric tests used in recruitment at all levels, graduate, professional and managerial, but predominantly in the legal sector. However, it is not uncommon to find companies in other sectors using critical thinking tests as part of their selection process. This is an intense test, focusing primarily on your analytical, or critical thinking, skills. Source

These tests are usually timed and typically include multiple choice items, short answers or short scenario-based questions to assess students or prospective candidates. They test candidates’ ability to interpret data without bias, find logical links between information, and separate facts from false data .

Critical thinking example questions from the Watson-Glacer test rubric

But how do these tests measure critical thinking?

In addition to educational and psychological testing, many employers today use critical thinking tests to assess a person’s ability to question information — to ask What , Why , and How of the data. A standard critical thinking test breaks down this aptitude by examining the following 5 components:

  • assumption – analyzing a scenario to determine if there are any assumptions made
  • deduction – the ability to choose which deductions are logical
  • evaluating evidence – in support of and against something
  • inference – conclusions, drawn from observed facts
  • interpretation – interpreting the accuracy of a stated conclusion (based on a scenario)

Why is it important to assess critical thinking skills during the recruitment process?

Critical thinking skills may be considered a soft skill , but it’s become a prerequisite in certain industries, like software, and for many roles. Marketing managers, project managers, accountants, and healthcare professionals, for example, all require a degree of CT skills to perform their roles.

The kinds of businesses that require critical thinking include technology , engineering , healthcare , the legal sector , scientific research, and education . These industries are typically very technical and rely on data . People working in these fields research and use data to draw logical conclusions that help them work smarter and more efficiently.

In the hiring process, test takers with good critical thinking skills stand out . Why? Because they are able to demonstrate their ability to collaborate, problem-solve, and manage pressure in a rational, logical manner. As a result, they’re more likely to make the right business decisions that boost efficiency and, ultimately, a business’s bottom line.

Critical thinking assessment template for evaluating candidates

Examples of jobs that rely on critical thinking skills

Critical thinking is not rocket science, but it is an important skill when making decisions — especially when the correct answer is not obvious. Here are a few examples of job roles that rely on critical thinking dispositions:

  • computer programmers or developers : may use critical thinking and other advanced skills in a variety of ways, from debugging code to analyzing the problem, finding potential causes, and coming up with suitable solutions. They also use CT when there is no clear roadmap to rely on, such as when building a new app or feature.
  • criminologists : must have critical thinking abilities to observe criminal behavior objectively and to analyze the problem in such a way that they can be confident in the conclusions they present to the authorities.
  • medical professionals : need to diagnose their patients’ condition through observation, communication, analysis and solving complex problems to decide on the best treatment.
  • air traffic controllers: need a super clear, calm head to deal with their high-stress job. They observe traffic, communicate with pilots, and constantly problem-solve to avoid airplane collisions.
  • legal professionals : use logic and reasoning to analyze various cases – even before deciding whether they’ll take on a case – and then use their excellent communication skills to sway people over to their reasoning in a trial setting.
  • project managers : have to deal with a lot of moving parts at the same time. To successfully keep projects on time and budget, they continually observe and analyze the progress of project components, communicate continually with the team and external stakeholders and work to solve any problems that crop up.

What are the risks of not testing for critical thinking?

By not evaluating critical thinking beforehand, you may end up hiring candidates with poor CT skills. Especially when hiring business leaders and for key positions, this has the potential to wreak havoc on a business. Their inaccurate assumptions are more likely to lead to bad decisions , which could cost the company money .

Weak critical thinking can result in a number of issues for your organization and justifies the expense or added effort of asking your candidate to complete critical thinking tests in the hiring process. For example, poor CT skills may result in:

  • making mistakes
  • not being able to take action when needed
  • working off false assumptions
  • unnecessary strain on work relationships

4 ways to assess critical thinking skills in candidates

Now that we’ve seen how important it is for most candidates today to have strong critical thinking skills, let’s take a look at some of the assessment instruments the talent acquisition team can use.

#1 – A homework assignment

A homework assignment is a task that assesses whether test takers have the right skills for a role. If critical thinking is essential for a particular job, you could provide candidates with a homework assignment that specifically tests their ability to:

  • accurately interpret relevant evidence
  • reach logical conclusions
  • judge information skeptically
  • communicate their own viewpoint and others’ backed by facts

Top tips to enlarge those brains

Tip : use Toggl Hire’s skills screening tests to easily filter out the good candidates first and speed up your hiring process.

#2 – Behavioral and situational interview questions

Ask the candidate to provide examples of situations when they used CT for solving problems or making a decision. This can provide insight into the candidate’s ability to analyze information and make informed decisions. For example:

Critical thinking example questions:

  • Tell me about a time when you had to make a really difficult decision at work.
  • What would you do in a situation where your manager made a mistake in a presentation or report?
  • How would you respond if a colleague shared a new idea or solution with you?
  • How do you evaluate the potential outcomes of different actions or decisions?
  • Can you describe a situation where you had to think on your feet and come up with a creative solution to a problem?
  • How do you ensure that your decision-making is based on relevant and accurate information?

30 Behavioral Interview Questions to Ask Candidates (With Answers)

#3 – Discuss the candidate’s critical thinking skills with their references

Additionally, the hiring manager can ask the candidate’s references about how the candidate demonstrated CT skills in the past.

  • Can you recall a time when (the candidate) had to convince you to choose an alternative solution to a problem?
  • Tell me about a time when (the candidate) had to solve a team disagreement regarding a project.

#4 – Critical thinking tests

Ask the candidate to complete a critical thinking test and score against critical thinking rubrics. You can then share feedback on their test scores with them and explore their willingness to improve their score, if necessary. Or compare their score to other applicants, and prioritize those with higher scores if the role truly requires a critical thinker.

Create your next critical thinking assessment with Toggl Hire

Assessing critical thinking skills is becoming a key component in the hiring process, especially for roles that require a particularly advanced skillset. Critical thinking is a sign of future performance. Candidates that clearly demonstrate these skills have a lot to offer companies, from better decision-making to more productive relationships and cost savings.

If your team needs help automating the screening process, and creating custom skills tests based on specific roles, try Toggl Hire’s skills test questions engine or the Custom Test Builder to create the exact questions you want from scratch.

Juste Semetaite

Juste loves investigating through writing. A copywriter by trade, she spent the last ten years in startups, telling stories and building marketing teams. She works at Toggl Hire and writes about how businesses can recruit really great people.

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The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

What Is the Watson Glaser Test?

Who uses the watson glaser test and why, why is it so important to be a critical thinker, what is the watson glaser red model, how to pass a watson glaser test in 2024, how to prepare for a watson glaser critical appraisal in 2024, frequently asked questions, the watson glaser critical thinking appraisal.

Updated November 20, 2023

Amy Dawson

Modern employers have changed the way that they recruit new candidates. They are no longer looking for people who have the technical skills on paper that match the job description.

Instead, they are looking for candidates who can demonstrably prove that they have a wider range of transferrable skills.

One of those key skills is the ability to think critically .

Firms (particularly those in sectors such as law, finance, HR and marketing ) need to know that their employees can look beyond the surface of the information presented to them.

They want confidence that their staff members can understand, analyze and evaluate situations or work-related tasks. There is more on the importance of critical thinking later in this article.

This is where the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test comes into play.

The Watson Glaser critical thinking test is a unique assessment that provides a detailed analysis of a participant’s ability to think critically.

The test lasts 30 minutes and applicants can expect to be tested on around 40 questions in five distinct areas :



The questions are multiple-choice and may be phrased as true/false statements in a bid to see how well the participant has understood and interpreted the information provided.

Employers around the world use it during recruitment campaigns to help hiring managers effectively filter their prospective candidates .

The Watson Glaser test has been used for more than 85 years; employers trust the insights that the test can provide.

In today’s competitive jobs market where every candidate has brought the best of themselves, it can be increasingly difficult for employers to decide between applicants. On paper, two candidates may appear identical, with a similar level of education, work experience, and even interests and skills.

But that does not necessarily mean both or either of them is right for the job.

There is much information available on creating an effective cover letter and resume, not to mention advice on making a good impression during an interview.

As a result, employers are increasingly turning to psychometric testing to look beyond the information that they have.

They want to find the right fit: someone who has the skills that they need now and in the future. And with recruitment costs rising each year, making the wrong hiring decision can be catastrophic.

This is where the Watson Glaser test can help.

It can provide hiring managers with the additional support and guidance they need to help them make an informed decision.

The Watson Glaser test is popular among firms working in professional services (such as law, banking and insurance) . It is used for recruitment for junior and senior positions and some of the world’s most recognized establishments are known for their use of the test.

The Bank of England, Deloitte, Hiscox, Linklaters and Hogan Lovells are just a few employers who enhance their recruitment processes through Watson Glaser testing.

Critical thinking is all about logic and rational thought. Finding out someone’s critical thinking skill level is about knowing whether they can assess whether they are being told the truth and how they can use inferences and assumptions to aid their decision-making.

If you are working in a high-pressure environment, having an instinctive ability to look beyond the information provided to the underlying patterns of cause-and-effect can be crucial to do your job well.

Although it is often thought of concerning law firms and finance teams, it is easy to see how critical thinking skills could be applied to a wide range of professions.

For example, HR professionals dealing with internal disputes may need to think critically. Or social workers and other health professionals may need to use critical thinking to assess whether someone is vulnerable and in need of help and support when that person does not or cannot say openly.

Practice Watson Glaser Test with JobTestPrep

Critical thinking is about questioning what you already know . It is about understanding how to find the facts and the truth about a situation or argument without being influenced by other people’s opinions .

It is also about looking at the bigger picture and seeing how decisions made now may have short-term benefits but long-term consequences.

For those working in senior managerial roles, this ability to think objectively can make a big difference to business success.

As part of the critical thinking assessment, the Watson Glaser Test focuses on the acronym, 'RED':

  • R ecognize assumptions
  • E valuate arguments
  • D raw conclusions

Put simply, the RED model ensures you can understand how to move beyond subconscious bias in your thinking. It ensures that you can identify the truth and understand the differences between fact and opinion.

To recognize assumptions , you must understand yourself and others: what your thought patterns and past experiences have led you to conclude about the world.

Evaluating arguments requires you to genuinely consider the merits of all options in a situation, and not just choose the one you feel that you ‘ought’ to.

Finally, to draw an accurate and beneficial conclusion you must trust your decision-making and understanding of the situation.

Watson Glaser Practice Test Questions & Answers

As mentioned earlier, the Watson Glaser Test assesses five core elements. Here, they will be examined in more depth:

This part of the test is about your ability to draw conclusions based on facts . These facts may be directly provided or may be assumptions that you have previously made.

Within the assessment, you can expect to be provided with a selection of text. Along with the text will be a statement.

You may need to decide whether that statement is true, probably true, insufficient data (neither true nor false), probably false or false.

The test looks to see if your answer was based on a conclusion that could be inferred from the text provided or if it is based on an assumption you previously made.

Watson Glaser Practice Test

Example Statement:

500 students recently attended a voluntary conference in New York. During the conference, two of the main topics discussed were issues relating to diversity and climate change. This is because these are the two issues that the students selected that are important to them.

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

Many people make decisions based on assumptions. But you need to be able to identify when assumptions are being made.

Within the Watson Glaser test , you will be provided with a written statement as well as an assumption.

You will be asked to declare whether that assumption was made in the text provided or not .

This is an important part of the test; it allows employers to understand if you have any expectations about whether things are true or not . For roles in law or finance, this is a vital skill.

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Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

As a core part of critical thinking, 'deduction' is the ability to use logic and reasoning to come to an informed decision .

You will be presented with several facts, along with a variety of conclusions. You will be tasked with confirming whether those conclusions can be made from the information provided in that statement.

The answers are commonly in a ‘Yes, it follows/No, it does not follow’ form.

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Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

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Critical thinking is also about interpreting the information correctly. It is about using the information provided to come to a valuable, informed decision .

Like the deduction questions, you will be provided with a written statement, which you must assume to be true.

You will also be provided with a suggested interpretation of that written statement. You must decide if that interpretation is correct based on the information provided, using a yes/no format.

A study of toddlers shows that their speech can change significantly between the ages of 10 months and three years old. At 1 year old, a child may learn their first word whereas at three years old they may know 200 words

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

Evaluation of Arguments

This final part requires you to identify whether an argument is strong or weak . You will be presented with a written statement and several arguments that can be used for or against it. You need to identify which is the strongest argument and which is the weakest based on the information provided.

Should all 18-year-olds go to college to study for a degree after they have graduated from high school?

Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

There are no confirmed pass/fail scores for Watson Glaser tests; different sectors have different interpretations of what is a good score .

Law firms, for example, will require a pass mark of at least 75-80% because the ability to think critically is an essential aspect of working as a lawyer.

As a comparative test, you need to consider what the comparative ‘norm’ is for your chosen profession. Your score will be compared to other candidates taking the test and you need to score better than them.

It is important to try and score as highly as you possibly can. Your Watson Glaser test score can set you apart from other candidates; you need to impress the recruiters as much as possible.

Your best chance of achieving a high score is to practice as much as possible in advance.

Everyone will have their own preferred study methods, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.

However, there are some basic techniques everyone can use, which will enhance your study preparation ahead of the test:

Step 1 . Pay Attention to Online Practice Tests

There are numerous free online training aids available; these can be beneficial as a starting point to your preparation.

However, it should be noted that they are often not as detailed as the actual exam questions.

When researching for online test questions, make sure that any questions are specific to the Watson Glaser Test , not just critical thinking.

General critical thinking questions can help you improve your skills but will not familiarize you with this test. Therefore, make sure you practice any questions which follow the ‘rules’ and structure of a Watson Glaser Test .

Step 2 . Paid-for Preparation Packs Can Be Effective

If you are looking for something that mimics the complexity of a Watson Glaser test , you may wish to look at investing in a preparation pack.

There are plenty of options available from sites such as JobTestPrep . These are often far more comprehensive than free practice tests.

They may also include specific drills (which take you through each of the five stages of the test) as well as study guides, practice tests and suggestions of how to improve your score.

Psychologically, if you have purchased a preparation pack, you may be more inclined to increase your pre-test practice/study when compared to using free tools, due to having invested money.

Step 3 . Apply Critical Thinking to All Aspects of Your Daily Routine

The best way to improve your critical thinking score is to practice it every day.

It is not just about using your skills to pass an exam question; it is about being able to think critically in everyday scenarios. Therefore, when you are reading the news or online articles, try to think whether you are being given facts or you are making deductions and assumptions from the information provided.

The more you practice your critical thinking in these scenarios, the more it will become second nature to you.

You could revert to the RED model: recognize the assumptions being made, by you and the author; evaluate the arguments and decide which, if any, are strong; and draw conclusions from the information provided and perhaps see if they differ from conclusions drawn using your external knowledge.

Prepare for Watson Glaser Test

Nine Top Tips for Ensuring Success in Your Watson Glaser Test

If you are getting ready to participate in a Watson Glaser test, you must be clear about what you are being asked to do.

Here are a few tips that can help you to improve your Watson Glaser test score.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Critical thinking is a skill that should become second nature to you. You should practice as much as possible, not just so that you can pass the test, but also to feel confident in using your skills in reality.

2. The Best Success Is Based on the Long-Term Study

To succeed in your Watson Glaser test , you need to spend time preparing. Those who begin studying in the weeks and months beforehand will be far more successful than those who leave their study to the last minute.

3. Acquaint Yourself With the Test Format

The Watson Glaser test has a different type of question to other critical thinking tests. Make sure that you are aware of what to expect from the test questions. The last thing you want is to be surprised on test day.

4. Read the Instructions Carefully

This is one of the simplest but most effective tips. Your critical thinking skills start with understanding what you are being asked to do. Take your time over the question. Although you may only have 30 minutes to complete the test, it is still important that you do not rush through and submit the wrong answers. You do not get a higher score if you finish early, so use your time wisely.

5. Only Use the Information Provided in the Question

Remember, the purpose of the test is to see if you can come to a decision based on the provided written statement. This means that you must ignore anything that you think you already know and focus only on the information given in the question.

6. Widen Your Non-Fictional Reading

Reading a variety of journals, newspapers and reports, and watching examples of debates and arguments will help you to improve your skills. You will start to understand how the same basic facts can be presented in different ways and cause people to draw different conclusions. From there, you can start to enhance your critical thinking skills to go beyond the perspective provided in any given situation.

7. Be Self-Aware

We all have our own biases and prejudices whether we know them or not. It is important to think about how your own opinions and life experiences may impact how you perceive and understand situations. For example, someone who has grown up with a lot of money may have a different interpretation of what it is like to “go without”, compared to someone who has grown up in extreme poverty. It is important to have this self-awareness as it is important for understanding other people; this is useful if you are working in sectors such as law.

8. Read the Explanations During Your Preparation

To make the most of practice tests, make sure you read the analysis explaining the answers, regardless of if you got the question right or wrong. This is the crux of your study; it will explain the reasoning why a certain answer is correct, and this will help you understand how to choose the correct answers.

9. Practice Your Timings

You know that you will have five sections to complete in the test. You also know that you have 30 minutes to complete the test. Therefore, make sure that your timings are in sync within your practice, so you can work your way through the test in its entirety. Time yourself on how long each section takes you and put in extra work on your slowest.

What score do you need to pass the Watson Glaser test?

There is no standard benchmark score to pass the Watson Glaser test . Each business sector has its own perception of what constitutes a good score and every employer will set its own requirements.

It is wise to aim for a Watson Glaser test score of at least 75%. To score 75% or higher, you will need to correctly answer at least 30 of the 40 questions.

The employing organization will use your test results to compare your performance with other candidates within the selection pool. The higher you score in the Watson Glaser test , the better your chances of being hired.

Can you fail a Watson Glaser test?

It is not possible to fail a Watson Glaser test . However, your score may not be high enough to meet the benchmark set by the employing organization.

By aiming for a score of at least 75%, you stand a good chance of progressing to the next stage of the recruitment process.

Are Watson Glaser tests hard?

Many candidates find the Watson Glaser test hard. The test is designed to assess five different aspects of logical reasoning skills. Candidates must work under pressure, which adds another dimension of difficulty.

By practicing your critical thinking skills, you can improve your chances of achieving a high score on the Watson Glaser test .

How do I prepare for Watson Glaser?

To prepare for Watson Glaser , you will need to practice your critical thinking abilities. This can be achieved through a range of activities; for example, reading a variety of newspapers, journals and other literature.

Try applying the RED model to your reading – recognize the assumptions being made (both by you and the writer), evaluate the arguments and decide which of these (if any) are strong.

You should also practice drawing conclusions from the information available to you.

Online Watson Glaser practice assessments are a useful way to prepare for Watson Glaser. These practice tests will give you an idea of what to expect on the day, although the questions are not usually as detailed as those in the actual test.

You might also consider using a paid-for Watson Glaser preparation pack, such as the one available from JobTestPrep . Preparation packs provide a comprehensive test guide, including practice tests and recommendations on how to improve your test score.

How long does the Watson Glaser test take?

Candidates are allowed 30 minutes to complete the Watson Glaser test . The multiple-choice test questions are grouped into five distinct areas - assumptions, deduction, evaluation, inference and interpretation.

Which firms use the Watson Glaser test?

Companies all over the world use the Watson Glaser test as part of their recruitment campaigns.

It is a popular choice for professional service firms, including banking, law, and insurance. Firms using the Watson Glaser test include the Bank of England, Hiscox, Deloitte and Clifford Chance.

How many times can you take the Watson Glaser test?

Most employers will only allow you to take the Watson Glaser test once per application. However, you may take the Watson Glaser test more than once throughout your career.

What is the next step after passing the Watson Glaser test?

The next step after passing the Watson Glaser test will vary between employers. Some firms will ask you to attend a face-to-face interview after passing the Watson Glaser test, others will ask you to attend an assessment center. Speak to the hiring manager to find out the process for the firm you are applying for.

Start preparing in advance for the Watson Glaser test

The Watson Glaser test differs from other critical thinking tests. It has its own rules and formations, and the exam is incredibly competitive. If you are asked to participate in a Watson Glaser test it is because your prospective employer is looking for the ‘best of the best’. Your aim is not to simply pass the test; it is to achieve a higher score than anyone else taking that test .

Therefore, taking the time to prepare for the Watson Glaser test is vital for your chances of success. You need to be confident that you know what you are being asked to do, and that you can use your critical thinking skills to make informed decisions.

Your study is about more than helping you to pass a test; it is about providing you with the skills and capability to think critically about information in the ‘real world’ .

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Critical Thinking Test

A Critical Thinking test, also known as a critical reasoning test, determines your ability to reason through an argument logically and make an objective decision. You may be required to assess a situation, recognize assumptions being made, create hypotheses, and evaluate arguments. What questions can I expect? Questions are very likely to be based on the Watson and Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal model, which contains five sections specially designed to find out how good an individual is at reasoning analytically and logically. The five sections are: Arguments: In the argument section you are tested on your ability to distinguish between arguments that are strong and arguments that are weak. For an argument to be strong, it must be both important and directly related to the question. An argument is weak if it is not directly related to the question, of minor importance, or it confuses correlation with causation (which is incorrectly assuming that just because two things are related, they are the cause of each other). Assumptions: An assumption is something we take for granted. People make many assumptions which may not necessarily be correct; being able to identify these is a key aspect of critical reasoning. An assumption question will include a statement and a number of assumptions. You are required to identify whether an assumption has been made or not. Deductions: In deduction questions you have to draw conclusions based on only the information given in the question and not your own knowledge. You will be provided with a small passage of information and you will need to evaluate a conclusion made based on that passage. If the conclusion cannot be drawn from the information given, then the conclusion does not follow. Interpretation: In these questions you are given a passage of information followed by a proposed conclusion. You are to regard the information you are given as true and decide whether the proposed conclusion logically and beyond doubt follows. Inferences: Inference is a conclusion drawn from supposed or observed facts. It is information that does not appear directly in the given information, but is drawn from it. If, for instance, we go to a public restroom and find the door locked, we will assume/make the inference that it is occupied. Where are Critical Thinking tests used? These tests are used in graduate, professional, and managerial recruitment. They are very common in the legal and banking sector.

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Thinking Skills for Tests: Upper Elementary

Developing test-taking skills for standardized testing.

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All standardized tests measure the ability to think carefully and critically. This easy-to-use, fun 220-page book teaches students how to use highly-effective critical thinking skills and other strategic test-taking skills to improve their test scores. Unlike most practice tests that lack vital instruction in test-taking skills, Thinking Skills for Tests teaches and provides essential practice with thinking skills that form the base of both verbal and nonverbal reasoning and logic. It also includes solutions with helpful explanations. In the process of learning and practicing these thinking skills, students will have the opportunity to practice listening and following directions. They will also discuss answers so you can assess their thinking and assure them that they're thinking carefully. This book also teaches them to answer questions even when their answer is uncertain or the question is difficult. This practice can build confidence, reduce anxiety, and remove obstacles that can hinder students from performing their best on tests. Reading               •  Vocabulary      •  Understand the Main Idea      •  Answer Multiple Choice Questions      •  Give Written Answers      •  Use Clues to Infer Answers      •  Use Your Thoughts and Feelings to Infer Answers Math      •  Estimate the Correct Answer      •  Solve Complicated Word Problems      •  Use Different Units of Measure in Word Problems      •  Estimations in Word Problems

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Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Tests

Complex and challenging critical thinking tests, including the Watson-Glaser, are used mostly by law firms.

Page contents:

About critical thinking tests and how they work, free practice critical thinking tests, the watson glaser critical thinking appraisal, what is measured by a watson glaser critical thinking test, what should i know before taking a watson glaser critical thinking test, major publishers' critical thinking tests, advice for all critical thinking tests, assessmentday's practice tests can help you to prepare for a critical thinking test, one final point, other test publishers.

Updated: 08 September 2022

Critical thinking tests, or critical reasoning tests, are psychometric tests used in recruitment at all levels, graduate, professional and managerial, but predominantly in the legal sector. However, it is not uncommon to find companies in other sectors using critical thinking tests as part of their selection process. This is an intense test, focusing primarily on your analytical, or critical thinking, skills. Some tests are still conducted by paper and pen, but, just like other psychometric tests, critical thinking tests are mostly administered online at home or on a computer at a testing center.

The questions are multiple choice, and these choices and the style of questions are explained in more detail further down the page. The tests will often follow these two common timings:

  • 30 questions with a 40 minute time limit
  • 80 questions with a 60 minute time limit

Critical Thinking can be defined in many ways and an exact description is disputed, however, most agree on a broad definition of critical thinking, that 'critical thinking involves rational, purposeful, and goal-directed thinking...by using certain cognitive skills and strategies.' An absence or lack of critical thinking skills at times may lead us to believe things which aren't true, because we haven't sufficiently analysed and criticized the information we've received or used this to formulate and independently test our own theories, arguments and ideas. These are all examples of critical thinking skills put into practice. Glaser (An Experiment in the Development of Critical Thinking, 1941) stated that to think critically involved three key parts:

  • An attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems and subjects that come within the range of one's experiences
  • Knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning
  • Some skill in applying those methods

Note: AssessmentDay and its products are not affiliated with Pearson or TalentLens. Our practice tests are for candidates to prepare for the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal; we do not sell tests for employers to select candidates.

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Free Critical Thinking Test

Here, we have a full critical thinking test for you to practice for free. You can dive straight in and practice the full test (in blue at the bottom), or tackle each individual section one at a time.

All answers and explanations are included at the end of the test, or alternatively you can download the Solutions PDF. Each test has been given a generous time limit.

Critical Thinking Test 1

  • 40 questions

Critical Thinking Test 2

Critical thinking test 3, critical thinking test 4.

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TalentLens' Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) is the most common critical thinking test. You can visit their official site here: Watson Glaser . Most other critical thinking tests are based on the Watson Glaser format. More than 90 years' of experience have led to many modifications and improvements in the test.

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal is widely regarded as a good predictor of work productivity and at identifying candidates with a good potential to become managers and occupy other positions as a senior member of staff. The latest edition of the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test has improved its validity, appealed more to businesses by focusing on business-relevant topics, switched to the Item Response Theory (IRT) for its scoring, updated norm groups, and integrated anti-cheat measures by having an online retest, which can be used to validate results.

Developed by Goodwin Watson and Edward Glaser, the Watson Glaser test is favored by law firms , keen to measure people's abilities to reason, reach conclusions and know when leaps in logic have been made. Skills which are required in the legal sector. The questions in each of the 5 sections aims to evaluate the candidate's ability to:

  • 1. Arrive at correct inferences
  • 2. Identify when an assumption has been made
  • 3. Use deductive reasoning
  • 4. Reach logical conclusions
  • 5. Evaluate the effectiveness of arguments

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Did You Know

The most recent revision of the W-GCTA was published in 2011 with notable improvements being better face validity and business-relevant items, scoring based on Item Response Theory (IRT), updated norm groups, and an online retest which can be used to validate a paper and pencil test result.

A Critical thinking tests assesses your ability in 5 key areas mentioned above; assumptions, arguments, deductions, inferences and interpreting information. Often in this order. A short paragraph of text a few sentences long or a single sentence is used as a starting point. This passage will contain information which you will base your answer to the question on. Another sentence is then presented to you and you will be asked to judge something about this sentence based on the information in the short paragraph. The five sections are explained in more detail here:

  • Assumptions - You are being asked to state whether the information in the second set of text you are presented is an assumption made in the first paragraph. Quite a tricky concept to get your head around at first. In a nutshell, when people speak or make arguments, there are underlying assumptions in those arguments. Here you are presented with some assumptions and are asked to judge if that is being made in the original statement. For example in the statement "only people earning a high salary can afford a fast car," what's being assumed is that fast cars are expensive because only people who are earning a lot of money can buy one, however, what's not being assumed is that people without high salaries aren't legally allowed to buy a fast car. You are asked to choose whether an assumption has been made or has not been made.
  • Arguments - You are presented with an argument, such as "Should college fees be abolished?" Regardless of your own opinions and thoughts on the argument, you are then presented with statements related to this original argument. You are asked to say whether the responses to the original argument of "Should college fees be abolished?" make for strong or weak arguments. Arguments are considered strong if they are related to the topic such as, "Yes, many people who would benefit from a college education do not because they cannot afford it. This hurts the country's economic growth." The argument presented is sound, related to the original question. Compare this with a weak argument, "No, I do not trust people who read a lot of books." It is clear that the second argument bears very little relation to the subject of the abolition of college tuition fees. This is not to say that an argument against the original argument will always be a weak one, or that an argument in favor will always be a strong one. For example, "Yes, I like people that read books," is in favor of the abolition as indicated by "yes," but that person's like or dislike of others that read books isn't related, or hasn't been explained how it's related to removing the fees. Carefully considering what is being said, remove it from your own personal opinions and political views to objectively analyse what someone else has put forward.
  • Deductions - A few sentences of information are presented to you. Another separate short statement will also be shown to you, which is supposed to represent a conclusion that someone has reached. You will have to determine whether this conclusion logically follows from the information given to you. Can the statement be deduced from the information available>? If so, and without a doubt, then the conclusion follows, if not, then the conclusion does not follow. Your decision must be based on the information given and not from your own knowledge.
  • Inferences - A short scenario is described to you, followed by possible inferences. The inferences are short statements. Imagine that these are what people have said is inferred from the scenario. Use your judgement and the short scenario to assess whether what's being said has actually been inferred from the passage and the likelihood of this inference. You are asked to rank each inference as either 'true,' 'false,' 'possibly true,' 'possibly false.' For some proposed inferences there isn't enough information to say either 'true' or 'false' so a fifth option is included; 'more information required.' You can only select one option from the five.
  • Interpreting Information - Following a similar format to the previous four sections, a short passage of information and then a series of statements are shown to you. You are asked to judge whether the information in the passage can be interpreted as the statements suggest. The answer options are straightforward here; you either select 'conclusion follows,' or 'conclusion does not follow,' depending on whether or not you believe that the statement can be logically reached from the information given. Again, for this section and all others, you are to base your choice of answer on what you're given, not on any specialized knowledge you might have.

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If a watson glaser critical thinking test is used in the early stages of the application process it's likely to be used as a screening tool. This puts some pressure on candidates to meet a minimum pass mark, which will allow them to be selected to go on to the next stage of the selection process. If it's used at a later stage in the process, the results from this will be combined with performance in other assessments, tests, exercises and interviews. All the information you need to answer the questions will be in the test. Below the details of a few companies' critical thinking tests are pointed out.

Here is a list of critical reasoning tests on the market at present, which candidates may be likely to encounter for recruitment, selection or development.

  • W-GCTA - The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal as it is formally called is the most ubiquitous critical thinking test out there. This is the one that you are most likely to encounter.
  • GMAT - The general management aptitude test, used by business schools and colleges test students' critical thinking ability. The critical thinking questions are written in a business or finance context.
  • SHL - SHL have produced the Critical Reasoning Test Battery composed of 60 critical reasoning questions with a strict time limit of 30 minutes.
  • Cornell - Cornell have developed a critical thinking test to be used in educational environments. The two levels, X and Z, are aimed at children and adults, respectively.
  • Area-specific - There are tests which focus on either numerical critical reasoning skills and verbal critical reasoning skills. These tests will ask only numerical or only verbal questions to assess your skills in a specific area.

Here is some general advice to help you perform to the best of your ability for your critical reasoning test.

  • No prior knowledge - The key point here is that critical reasoning tests are measuring your ability to think, or the method that you use to reach a conclusion. You should therefore not rely on prior knowledge to answer the question. Questions will be written so that you do not need to know any specialist knowledge to answer the question. For example, you will not be expected to know mathematical formulas or laws of nature and to answer questions with that information. If you are given the formula and its description in the questions, you are expected to use that information to reach the answer.
  • Carefully read the instructions - There are 5 sections to most critical thinking tests and each will assess a slightly different skill. Make sure you have read the instructions and understand what it is you are expected to do to answer the questions for this section. There is quite a difference between the Assumptions section and the Deductions section for example. Applying the rules of one to the other would lead to just guessing the answers and making many mistakes.
  • Keep your eye on the timer - These tests are complex. You might find yourself fixated on answering one question and taking up a lot of the time you are allowed. Checking how much time you have every so often can help you to more evenly distribute your time between the questions. This is done to avoid spending too much time on one question when that time would be better spent answering more or checking your answers. This time management applies to all tests, but is particularly important with Critical Thinking tests, as many people believe they have such a large amount of time, but underestimate the number of questions they have to answer.
  • Logical fallacies - Identifying logical fallacies is key to many parts of this test, and researching the difference between sound and fallacious logic will prove helpful in a critical reasoning test. A fallacy is an error in reasoning due to a misconception or a presumption, and an argument which employs a formal fallacy, logical fallacy or a deductive fallacy in its reasoning becomes an invalid argument. Researching the different types of fallacy (i.e. red herring argument, straw man argument, confusing correlation and causation etc.) can help you spot these in the test and correctly answer the question.

The practice tests that we have cover all of the sections of the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test and these overlap with many of the variations in Critical Thinking tests produced by major publishers. practice helps to increase your confidence, gives you a chance to learn from your mistakes in a risk-free environment, and can reduce stress before an exam.

The best place to get advice on taking a critical thinking tests is the test publisher's website, for example this one for the Watson Glaser .

If you have already successfully passed a few initial stages of the application process, it's unlikely that companies will focus solely on your results in the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking test when deciding whether or not to hire you. This type of selection by results on one test is more likely if it is part of the early stages of the process. However, towards the later stages the company will look at your results across interviews, group exercises, other aptitude tests and your résumé and will collate all of this information before reaching a decision. If you have been invited to undertake a critical reasoning test then the organisation clearly has an interest in hiring you, let that fact inspire confidence and perform to the best of your ability on your test, good luck!

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  3. 6.3 Test Taking

    Taking the test: Once the instructor begins the test: Listen carefully for any last-minute oral directions that may have changed some detail on the exam, such as the timing or the content of the questions. As soon as you receive the exam sheet or packet, make a quick scan over the entire test.

  4. Critical Thinking Tests: A Complete Guide

    Most Common Critical Thinking Tests in 2024 Watson Glaser Test. Watson Glaser is the most commonly used test publisher for critical thinking assessments and is used by many industries.. When sitting a Watson Glaser test, your results will be compared against a sample group of over 1,500 test-takers who are considered representative of graduate-level candidates.

  5. Critical Thinking test

    This Critical Thinking test measures your ability to think critically and draw logical conclusions based on written information. Critical Thinking tests are often used in job assessments in the legal sector to assess a candidate's analytical critical thinking skills. A well known example of a critical thinking test is the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal.

  6. Critical Thinking Test Assessment

    20 tests. 228 questions. Critical thinking tests, sometimes known as critical reasoning tests, are often used by employers. They evaluate how a candidate makes logical deductions after scrutinising the evidence provided, while avoiding fallacies or non-factual opinions. Critical thinking tests can form part of an assessment day, or be used as a ...

  7. Critical Thinking Test Tips: 5 Top Tips to Pass

    Tip 4 - Attempt Practice Papers. Once you have a good idea about the tools you need to be a good critical thinker and pass the critical thinking test, find some practice tests and take them under timed conditions. This will improve your ability to read and evaluate arguments under time constraints. In turn, you'll be better prepared for the ...

  8. Free Critical Thinking Test: Sample Questions & Explanations

    Critical thinking tests can be very difficult for those who don't prepare. A great way to start practicing is by taking our critical thinking free practice test. ... The most common type of critical thinking test is the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA). Typically used by legal and financial organizations, as well as ...

  9. Online Critical Thinking Basic Concepts Test

    Assessing the Understanding of Basic Critical Thinking Concepts and PrinciplesDeveloped by Dr. Linda Elder, Dr. Richard Paul, and Dr. Rush Cosgrove. The test is a three-part, 100-item test. The test can be used at the high-school level and above, and it takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

  10. Key Guides and Tips for Critical Thinking Tests

    Critical thinking tests are psychometric tests evaluating one's competency in multiple cognitive areas. A critical thinking test often includes around 40 to 80 multiple-choice questions under a time limit of 30 to 60 minutes. Candidates are required to choose an answer that best evaluates a statement or conclusion based on provided texts.

  11. Critical Thinking Test: Free Practice Questions

    PRT Critical Thinking Test: question 1 of 3. Six friends are seated in a restaurant across a rectangular table. There are three chairs on each side. Adam and Dorky do not have anyone sitting to their right and Clyde and Benjamin do not have anyone sitting to their left. Adam and Benjamin are not sitting on the same side of the table.

  12. Critical Thinking Test Free Practice 28 Questions + Score Report

    Critical thinking, also known as critical reasoning, is the ability to assess a situation and consider/understand various perspectives, all while acknowledging, extracting and deciphering facts, opinions and assumptions. Critical thinking tests are a sub-type of aptitude exams or psychometric tests used in pre-employment assessment for jobs ...

  13. How to apply critical thinking in learning

    Critical thinking is a type of thinking that requires continuous questioning, exploring answers, and making judgments. Critical thinking can help you: analyze information to comprehend more thoroughly. approach problems systematically, identify root causes, and explore potential solutions. make informed decisions by weighing various perspectives.

  14. Thinking, Memorizing, and Test Taking

    Critical thinking involve analyzing and evaluating information, while creative thinking entails developing original ideas. When it comes to test-taking, many students believe that success is solely based on memorization. However, thinking critically is just as important. Instead of simply memorizing information, students should also focus on ...

  15. Critical Thinking Assessment: 4 Ways to Test Applicants

    A standard critical thinking test breaks down this aptitude by examining the following 5 components: assumption - analyzing a scenario to determine if there are any assumptions made. deduction - the ability to choose which deductions are logical. evaluating evidence - in support of and against something.

  16. Thinking Skills for Tests Series

    This practice can build confidence, reduce anxiety, and remove obstacles that can hinder students from performing their best on tests. Thinking Skills for Tests presents essential thinking skills that form the base of both verbal and nonverbal reasoning and logic: Early Learning (Gr. PreK-2) • Listen. • Classify Objects and Concepts.

  17. The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test: 2024 Guide

    The Watson Glaser critical thinking test is a unique assessment that provides a detailed analysis of a participant's ability to think critically. The test lasts 30 minutes and applicants can expect to be tested on around 40 questions in five distinct areas: Inference. Assumptions. Deduction.

  18. Manipulating Critical Thinking Skills in Test Taking

    Fundamental success: A course review applying critical thinking to test taking. USA: F. A. Davis Company. International Journal of Education ISSN 1948-5476 2012, Vol. 4, No. 1

  19. Ultimate Critical Thinking Test & foundations of critical thinking

    Both are about taking some information and processing it in a way that simplifies a problem and lets one create a solution. But this isn't enough. ... When a question has a wrong answer using system 1, finding the right answer using system 2 is a test of critical thinking. The famous cognitive reflection test ...

  20. Critical Thinking and Study Skills

    If you are already a good student, you will learn new study skills and testing skills that will help you get even better. If you struggle in school, this course will give you the Success Mindsets, study skills, and testing skills to perform at new levels. This half-credit course teaches the ACE test-taking method, which will assist students in ...

  21. Critical Thinking Test

    Try a free Critical Thinking Test. This test is a short practice test, the test contains 10 test questions and has a time limit of 6 minutes. Would you like to improve your test score? Practice smart with a Test Prep Account. Practice on 150 950 verbal aptitude questions with detailed description and score statistics.

  22. Critical Thinking Guide

    Critical thinking is the term given to the thinking skills used when analyzing client issues and problems. These thinking skills include interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference and explanation. ... Using test taking strategies can help you read a test item critically, enhancing your chance of selecting the correct option. Scenario. The ...

  23. Thinking Skills for Tests: Upper Elementary

    This easy-to-use, fun 220-page book teaches students how to use highly-effective critical thinking skills and other strategic test-taking skills to improve their test scores. Unlike most practice tests that lack vital instruction in test-taking skills, Thinking Skills for Tests teaches and provides essential practice with thinking skills that ...

  24. Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Free Practice Tests

    The best place to get advice on taking a critical thinking tests is the test publisher's website, for example this one for the Watson Glaser. One final point. If you have already successfully passed a few initial stages of the application process, it's unlikely that companies will focus solely on your results in the Watson Glaser Critical ...