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Thesis statement facts for kids

In an essay or research paper, a thesis statement is a statement at the start or the end of an introduction that shows the reader the argument of the essay. A thesis statement gives concise information about what the whole essay is about, including the topic of the paper. It is usually just one sentence but it may have more than one sentence. The thesis statement is explained further using body paragraphs. Thesis statements are not obscure, because obscurity happens when a "writer is himself not quite sure of his meaning. He has a vague impression of what he wants to say, but has not, either from lack of mental power or from laziness, exactly formulated it in his mind, and it is natural enough that he should not find a precise expression for a confused idea.” ( W. Somerset Maugham ). Clarity and unity of a thought in an essay flows from a good thesis statement. Rubrics of a good essay involve good sentence development and formation acceptable to grammatical standards and relevant word choices organized in forms of phrases, clauses and sentences.


The thesis statement is developed, supported, and explained in the course of the paper by means of examples and evidence . Thesis statements help organize and develop the body of the writing piece. They let readers know, what the writer's statement is and what it is aiming to prove. A thesis statement does not necessarily forecast organization of an essay which can be more complex than its purpose.

The thesis statement will reflect the kind of paper being written. There are three kinds of papers: analytical, expository, and argumentative. The structure of a thesis statement depends upon the nature of controlling essay type. In simple terms, first a thesis statement will have a main topic sentence formed from questioning the topic, then the writer's statement regarding the topic sentence, and finally ends with the specific supporting points detailing the writer's statement for justifying its relation with the topic sentence. In general, it should have a supportable opinion (specific/focused) and clear intent for the essay.

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How to Teach Children to Write a Thesis Statement

Shandi stevenson.

Learning how to write a thesis statement can give students confidence in writing.

By helping students to understand the purpose of a thesis statement, how it is put together and where it belongs in a composition, you can equip them with a skill that will make writing faster and easier. The ability to write an effective thesis statement makes it easier for students to write good papers and develops skills such as summary, organization and argumentation that will be valuable for the rest of their lives.

Explore this article

  • Purpose of a Thesis Statement
  • Good and Bad Thesis Statements
  • Methods for Writing the Statement
  • Practice Writing Thesis Statements

1 Purpose of a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is usually the last sentence of the first paragraph of a composition. It states the topic of the paper and the argument the author will make about the topic . It also outlines, in order, the points the paper will make to construct that argument. The first paragraph of the composition should provide an introduction to the paper's topic and its importance. The thesis statement then provides the specific approach to the topic the author will take. The succeeding body paragraphs refer back to and develop the points mentioned in the thesis statement. For example, the thesis statement, "School lunch reform is important, because it makes students healthier, helps students learn better and saves schools money," should be followed by one body paragraph discussing the health benefits of lunch reform, one discussing the academic benefits and one discussing the financial benefits.

2 Good and Bad Thesis Statements

Once students understand what a thesis statement's basic function is, it is helpful to have students practice recognizing effective and ineffective thesis statements. Use a page of thesis statements, some of which are correct and others which are not, have students practice recognizing which sentences meet the requirements of a good thesis statement and which do not. Students can then explain and discuss their reasoning. Allowing students to work on this in small groups can be a helpful way for them to grasp the skill quickly. Have students work individually or in groups to rewrite and improve poor thesis statements. The two most important concepts for students to grasp about the thesis statement are that it must state an opinion or an argument , rather than a fact and that it must be as specific as possible . Most students begin by writing thesis statements that are much too broad and must learn to narrow the focus.

3 Methods for Writing the Statement

Students may find it helpful to first write thesis statements for existing compositions, of which only the thesis statement has been left out or covered up. Students identify the essay's argument and its main points and draft a thesis statement to reflect them. This allows students to practice writing a thesis statement without having to plan and organize an argument at the same time. Students can also compare their thesis statements with other students', and with the original; this allows them to recognize that there is no one right way to phrase a thesis statement, yet every thesis statement must include certain elements.

Some students may then find it helpful to practice writing their own thesis statements using a fill-in "template," such as: " ** is important because of ** , ** and ** __," or "Martin Luther King Jr. changed America in three important ways: _, _ and ____." This exercise helps students make the transition to generating and organization their own arguments, while still getting a little help structuring and wording the thesis statement.

4 Practice Writing Thesis Statements

Once they have mastered the basic concept and structure of the thesis statement, students will benefit from practicing the skill as often as possible, and from plenty of feedback on how they can improve their thesis statements. It can take a long time for the skill to become second nature. In addition to requiring students to include thesis statements in all their compositions, consider using other games and activities for extra practice, such as letting students submit thesis statements to a contest and vote on the winner, working as a class to write a "thesis statement" for a math, science or social studies lesson on the board and letting students write thesis statements about things that interest them.

  • 1 Indiana University Writing Center: Thesis Statements
  • 2 Slide Share: Thesis Statement Power Point
  • 3 University of Michigan: Templates
  • 4 Teachers Net: Using Spongebob to Teach Thesis Statement
  • 5 Gustavus Adolphus College: Tips on Writing a Thesis Statement

About the Author

Shandi Stevenson is a teacher, tutor and author whose work has appeared in national and international publications including "Shibboleths," "Homeschooling Today," and "Resort Living." She holds a Bachelor of Arts in literature in English and a Master of Arts in humanities.

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  • When & How to Write a Thesis

I. What is a Thesis?

The thesis (pronounced thee -seez), also known as a thesis statement, is the sentence that introduces the main argument or point of view of a composition (formal essay, nonfiction piece, or narrative). It is the main claim that the author is making about that topic and serves to summarize and introduce that writing that will be discussed throughout the entire piece. For this reason, the thesis is typically found within the first introduction paragraph.

II. Examples of Theses

Here are a few examples of theses which may be found in the introductions of a variety of essays :

In “The Mending Wall,” Robert Frost uses imagery, metaphor, and dialogue to argue against the use of fences between neighbors.

In this example, the thesis introduces the main subject (Frost’s poem “The Mending Wall”), aspects of the subject which will be examined (imagery, metaphor, and dialogue) and the writer’s argument (fences should not be used).

While Facebook connects some, overall, the social networking site is negative in that it isolates users, causes jealousy, and becomes an addiction.

This thesis introduces an argumentative essay which argues against the use of Facebook due to three of its negative effects.

During the college application process, I discovered my willingness to work hard to achieve my dreams and just what those dreams were.

In this more personal example, the thesis statement introduces a narrative essay which will focus on personal development in realizing one’s goals and how to achieve them.

III. The Importance of Using a Thesis

Theses are absolutely necessary components in essays because they introduce what an essay will be about. Without a thesis, the essay lacks clear organization and direction. Theses allow writers to organize their ideas by clearly stating them, and they allow readers to be aware from the beginning of a composition’s subject, argument, and course. Thesis statements must precisely express an argument within the introductory paragraph of the piece in order to guide the reader from the very beginning.

IV. Examples of Theses in Literature

For examples of theses in literature, consider these thesis statements from essays about topics in literature:

In William Shakespeare’s “ Sonnet 46,” both physicality and emotion together form powerful romantic love.

This thesis statement clearly states the work and its author as well as the main argument: physicality and emotion create romantic love.

In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne symbolically shows Hester Prynne’s developing identity through the use of the letter A: she moves from adulteress to able community member to angel.

In this example, the work and author are introduced as well as the main argument and supporting points: Prynne’s identity is shown through the letter A in three ways: adulteress, able community member, and angel.

John Keats’ poem “To Autumn” utilizes rhythm, rhyme, and imagery to examine autumn’s simultaneous birth and decay.

This thesis statement introduces the poem and its author along with an argument about the nature of autumn. This argument will be supported by an examination of rhythm, rhyme, and imagery.

V. Examples of Theses in Pop Culture

Sometimes, pop culture attempts to make arguments similar to those of research papers and essays. Here are a few examples of theses in pop culture:

FOOD INC TEASER TRAILER - "More than a terrific movie -- it's an important movie." - Ent Weekly

America’s food industry is making a killing and it’s making us sick, but you have the power to turn the tables.

The documentary Food Inc. examines this thesis with evidence throughout the film including video evidence, interviews with experts, and scientific research.

Blackfish Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Documentary Movie HD

Orca whales should not be kept in captivity, as it is psychologically traumatizing and has caused them to kill their own trainers.

Blackfish uses footage, interviews, and history to argue for the thesis that orca whales should not be held in captivity.

VI. Related Terms

Just as a thesis is introduced in the beginning of a composition, the hypothesis is considered a starting point as well. Whereas a thesis introduces the main point of an essay, the hypothesis introduces a proposed explanation which is being investigated through scientific or mathematical research. Thesis statements present arguments based on evidence which is presented throughout the paper, whereas hypotheses are being tested by scientists and mathematicians who may disprove or prove them through experimentation. Here is an example of a hypothesis versus a thesis:


Students skip school more often as summer vacation approaches.

This hypothesis could be tested by examining attendance records and interviewing students. It may or may not be true.

Students skip school due to sickness, boredom with classes, and the urge to rebel.

This thesis presents an argument which will be examined and supported in the paper with detailed evidence and research.


A paper’s introduction is its first paragraph which is used to introduce the paper’s main aim and points used to support that aim throughout the paper. The thesis statement is the most important part of the introduction which states all of this information in one concise statement. Typically, introduction paragraphs require a thesis statement which ties together the entire introduction and introduces the rest of the paper.

VII. Conclusion

Theses are necessary components of well-organized and convincing essays, nonfiction pieces, narratives , and documentaries. They allow writers to organize and support arguments to be developed throughout a composition, and they allow readers to understand from the beginning what the aim of the composition is.

List of Terms

  • Alliteration
  • Amplification
  • Anachronism
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Antonomasia
  • APA Citation
  • Aposiopesis
  • Autobiography
  • Bildungsroman
  • Characterization
  • Circumlocution
  • Cliffhanger
  • Comic Relief
  • Connotation
  • Deus ex machina
  • Deuteragonist
  • Doppelganger
  • Double Entendre
  • Dramatic irony
  • Equivocation
  • Extended Metaphor
  • Figures of Speech
  • Flash-forward
  • Foreshadowing
  • Intertextuality
  • Juxtaposition
  • Literary Device
  • Malapropism
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Parallelism
  • Pathetic Fallacy
  • Personification
  • Point of View
  • Polysyndeton
  • Protagonist
  • Red Herring
  • Rhetorical Device
  • Rhetorical Question
  • Science Fiction
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  • Synesthesia
  • Turning Point
  • Understatement
  • Urban Legend
  • Verisimilitude
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Why Thesis Statements Are Important for Kids


Should you teach thesis statements? If so, in what grade should you teach thesis statements? Hey, are thesis statements even important?

Most people don’t really understand what a thesis statement is, and even the people who do understand what a thesis statement is don’t really understand why it is important. Until a few years ago, I didn’t really get them. I didn’t think they were important. I always thought a thesis statement was just a word that English majors liked to use.

When getting my teaching credential I did get straight A’s, and I can honestly say that I never once thought about the term thesis statement . When getting my undergraduate degree, getting good grades was just one of my many interests, so I am quite sure that I cared even less about thesis statements back then. Don’t worry—I did just fine. So, how important are thesis statements if all of this is possible? Do thesis statements really help create good writing? Are thesis statements really an essential element of good writing?

Do We Really Need to Teach Thesis Statements in Elementary School and Middle School?

The California State Writing Standards for 5th grade states this:

Grade 5 Writing Strategies 1.0 – Students write clear, coherent, and focused essays.

Technically, and by definition, an essay has a thesis statement. Okay, so thesis statements may be important. However, when elementary and middle school students are struggling with paragraphs and grammar, thesis statements can SEEM quite unimportant.

In fact, when one considers Piaget’s constructivist learning theory , thesis statements can seem like a waste of time for students who still struggle with a variety of simple writing concepts. Do you want to spend valuable class time teaching students concepts that may not help them just yet? And surely you don’t want students to become so overwhelmed with writing that they think, “Okay, I admit it—I don’t understand writing… and I never will.” Thesis statements can have that effect. So should you or shouldn’t you teach them?

THESIS THINKING: The Real Reason Thesis Statements are Important

What I have now come to see is that you can use thesis statements as a tool for achieving many different writing and reading comprehension results.

Thesis statements have become a coat rack on which I hang many concepts. I’ve come to the conclusion that the most important thing about thesis statements is the THESIS THINKING that goes along with them.

John Truby, a screenwriting teacher, had this to say about story premises. The way he uses the term premise is what I have learned to teach my students about thesis statements.

The very first step in creating a good script is to figure out a great premise. Your premise is your story stated in a single line. It’s probably the most important element in any script, because if it’s not a good premise, there is very little that you can do to make the overall script work—make the overall script something that people will want to read. So it’s very important that you start with a good core idea. –– John Truby –– Screenwriting Teacher

Thesis is very closely related to premise. Let’s substitute thesis for premise and essay for script and see how it reads.

The very first step in creating a good essay is to figure out a great thesis. Your thesis is your essay stated in a single line. It’s probably the most important element in any essay, because if it’s not a good thesis, there is very little that you can do to make the overall essay work—make the overall essay something that people will want to read. So it’s very important that you start with a good core idea.

Put simply, THESIS THINKING is important in all kinds of writing. THESIS THINKING also helps with reading comprehension. In fact, thesis statements and THESIS THINKING help students in all these areas:

•     Write powerful topic sentences that put forth important main ideas. •     Find main ideas in text. •     Write whole compositions with a purpose. •     Master the different modes of writing. •     Summarize a text. •     Narrow or broaden a topic. •     Develop clear and concise thinking and clear and concise writing. •     Understand the purpose behind each of the different types of essays. •     Write and read stories that contain a larger meaning and that communicate a larger message—i.e., stories that have a premise. •     And many more!

Back to Piaget—Do Students Really Need to Understand Thesis Statements?

Beginning writers and struggling writers do need to understand thesis statements. However, they are not going to really understand them until they master a variety of foundational skills—skills that will make the concept of thesis statements have real meaning. Piaget certainly would not approve of demanding that students include thesis statements when students don’t understand the following basic concepts and when students don’t possess the following foundational writing skills:

Writing Foundation A: Students must understand and internalize two levels of beginning, middle, and ending:

1.     Beginning, middle, and ending in paragraphs. 2.     Beginning, middle, and ending in whole compositions.

Writing Foundation B: Students must be able to write basic whole compositions (essays, reports, narratives etc.) quickly and easily. They must own a method for breaking down writing topics and writing prompts and for organizing their thoughts. They must have a method for getting to work and finishing their work.

Writing Foundation C: Students must be in complete control over the paragraph and how paragraphs connect together within an essay. Students must also to be in complete control over the relationship that paragraphs have with the introduction and conclusion.

Parts to Whole: Create a True Foundation for Thesis Statements

As discussed before, thesis statements are, in one sense, the entire essay stated in a single sentence. The thesis statement represents the whole .

Unfortunately, students are taught parts—parts, parts, parts.  Students learn that they must be able to write just one good sentence—then just one good paragraph. Then all of a sudden, completely out of the blue, some teacher jumps to the top-down approach. This teacher starts with the whole—i.e., thesis statements.

Students learn parts—and then students learn wholes. But they never have the entire process constructed for them in a way that makes sense. Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay is the foundation that makes sense. You will create Writing Foundation A, B, and C, all of them, quickly and easily.

One homeschooling parent had this to say when she found the Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay program:

A kind lady on this board put me on the trail of a writing program that I downloaded last night and I think it is revolutionary – I finally ‘get’ it.

A 7th grade teacher had this to say:

I was describing it to a colleague a little while ago as, ‘the basics made clearer.’  I have taught many of these ideas but not as an organized structure. I had no formal way of getting the ideas to be part of my students’ natural writing process. Thank you for this opportunity to enjoy teaching my students writing.

Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay is the only writing program I know of that is truly constructivist parts-to-whole essay teaching. That’s why it works! That’s why it makes sense to students, parents, and teachers! If you teach elementary school, or if you have a few struggling middle school writers, be sure to take a serious look at the program on the homepage!

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  • I wrote my thesis on literacy strategies for boys .
  • Her main thesis is that children need a lot of verbal stimulation .
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Other forms: theses

A thesis is the most important or foundational idea of an argument. If the thesis of your paper is that chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla, you'll need to back that up with plenty of sundae-based research.

The noun thesis has more than one important sense to it. One definition of thesis is that it is the most important or foundational idea of an argument, presentation, or piece of writing. But it can also mean a large work of art, criticism, or scientific research that represents original research and is generally the final requirement for an academic degree.

  • noun an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument see more see less type of: assumption , premise , premiss a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
  • noun a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree synonyms: dissertation see more see less type of: tractate , treatise a formal exposition

Vocabulary lists containing thesis

A thorough survey of various textbooks, assignments, content area standards, and examinations yields the following list of words compiled by Jim Burke . You cannot expect to succeed on assignments if you do not understand the directions.

Persuade yourself to study this list of words related to argumentative writing. You'll learn all about making claims, supporting arguments with evidence, and maintaining an objective tone. It's no fallacy that reviewing these words will improve your credibility as a writer.

To improve your fluency in English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR), learn this academic vocabulary list that includes words selected from the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) state standards.

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: a long piece of writing on a particular subject that is done to earn a degree at a university

: a statement that someone wants to discuss or prove

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thesis noun

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What does the noun thesis mean?

There are seven meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun thesis . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

thesis has developed meanings and uses in subjects including

Entry status

OED is undergoing a continuous programme of revision to modernize and improve definitions. This entry has not yet been fully revised.

How common is the noun thesis ?

How is the noun thesis pronounced?

British english, u.s. english, where does the noun thesis come from.

Earliest known use

Middle English

The earliest known use of the noun thesis is in the Middle English period (1150—1500).

OED's earliest evidence for thesis is from before 1398, in a translation by John Trevisa, translator.

thesis is a borrowing from Greek.

Etymons: Greek θέσις .

Nearby entries

  • thesaurus, n. 1823–
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  • Theseid, n. 1725–
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  • these-like, adj. 1644–
  • thesial, adj. 1654
  • thesicle, n. 1863–
  • thesis, n. a1398–
  • thesis-novel, n. 1934–
  • thesis-play, n. 1902–
  • thesmophilist, n. 1644–
  • Thesmophorian, adj. 1891–
  • Thesmophoric, adj. 1788–
  • thesmothete, n. 1603–
  • thesocyte, n. 1887–
  • thesp, n. 1962–
  • Thespian, adj. & n. 1675–
  • Thespianism, n. 1914–

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Meaning & use

Pronunciation, compounds & derived words, entry history for thesis, n..

thesis, n. was first published in 1912; not yet revised.

thesis, n. was last modified in December 2023.

Revision of the OED is a long-term project. Entries in which have not been revised may include:

  • corrections and revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
  • new senses, phrases, and quotations which have been added in subsequent print and online updates.

Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into thesis, n. in December 2023.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1912)

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OED Second Edition (1989)

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Thesis Definition

The thesis is one of the most important concepts in college expository writing. A thesis sentence focuses your ideas for the paper; it's your argument or insight or viewpoint crystallized into a single sentence that gives the reader your main idea. It's not only useful for the reading audience to understand the purpose of the essay; this purpose is also useful for you as a writer, as it indicates the type of support that will follow in the paper and may indicate a logical structure or order for that support. Thus, you need to have a good grasp of the concept of thesis in order to proceed.

The thesis identifies two basics:

  • what your ideas are about, and
  • what your ideas are (i.e. what you will be trying to prove).

There are two parts to a thesis sentence that reflect these basics.

  • The topic in the thesis tells what you are writing about.
  • The angle in the thesis tells what your ideas are about the topic (again, what you are trying to prove).

For example:

  • All successful college students have certain basic characteristics. [The main topic is about college students, while the idea or angle about the topic is that successful students share certain characteristics. The thesis indicates the type of support needed--discussion of those characteristics that contribute to college success.]
  • For most adult students returning to college, the problems that they face along the way are outweighed by their achievements. [The main topic is about adult college students, while the idea or angle about the topic is that problems are outweighed by achievements. The thesis indicates the type of support needed and the order of that support--an explanation of the problems first and then an explanation of achievements second.]
  • Adult students returning to college make up a higher percentage of entering students than they did twenty years ago because of a number of statistical, economic, and social reasons. [The main topic is about adult students returning to college, while the idea or angle about the topic is that there are reasons for the higher percentage of adults returning to college. The thesis indicates the type of support needed and the order of that support--an explanation of the statistical reasons first, economic reasons second, and social reasons third.]

Do you understand the basic topic and angle concept? If so, then there are a few more things to consider about the thesis. (And if not, now's the time to start asking a learning coach for assistance, so Email [email protected] ). It's important to investigate additional thesis characteristics at this point to make sure that you'll be creating a working thesis sentence that is workable and appropriate for college essays.  In addition to knowing what a thesis is, you need to know what a thesis is not. A thesis sentence's angle should NOT be:

  • Too broad. For example, the following thesis really doesn't pinpoint a specific insight about the topic:  Adult students returning to college have a hard time. In what ways do adult students have a hard time? You'd need to identify a more specific insight in this angle.
  • Too narrow a statement of fact. For example, the following thesis really cannot be developed into a full essay because the angle doesn't contain the writer's own thoughts or insights about the subject:  Adult students returning to college read an average of 7.5 books per term. A reader may respond by saying, "So what?" A narrow statement of fact does not contain your own personal analysis, argument, or interpretation of the topic--that all-important angle which a thesis must have.
  • An announcement. For example, the following really is not a thesis at all because it lacks an angle that gives the writer's own insight into the topic: My topic is the adult student returning to college. Again, "So what?" What's the reader's idea here?

Once you create a working thesis, you should assess it to make sure that it fulfills thesis characteristics.  Make sure it has a clear topic (indication of what the thesis is about) and angle (what your own ideas are about the topic, i.e. what you are trying to prove). Make sure that the angle is not too broad, too narrow, a statement of fact, or an announcement. Work with the angle to make it indicate the order of your support, if you choose to do that for yourself or for your reading audience. And realize that the thesis is a working thesis until you finalize the essay (it's okay to revise the thesis as you go along, just as long as you retain important thesis characteristics.)

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Why is everyone on TikTok suddenly obsessed with demure? A very mindful explainer of the trend

TikTok is suddenly inundated with people embracing "demure."

On TikTok, many people are being “very mindful” of their actions. They’re acting “very cutesy.” 

In fact, you could say they’re “very demure.”

Those three phrases — but “demure” specifically — have consumed the platform in recent weeks after a creator who goes by Jools Lebron began using them this month to explain to viewers how she handles a wide variety of daily situations: from being “very mindful” when she’s on vacation to being “very demure” while waiting to board a plane. It’s unclear how many followers Jools Lebron, who also goes by @joolieannie, gained since the trend went viral (she has 1.3 million followers on TikTok), but 50,000 posts on the platform have used the term “demure.” 

“See how I come to work? Very demure. I do my makeup. I do my wig. I do a little braid. I flatiron my hair. I do chi-chis out. I do viral vanilla,” Lebron, who is transgender and uses she/her pronouns, said in what appears to be the first video in which she used the word "demure." In the video she sprayed herself with perfume in her car before going on to say she is being, “Very demure. Very mindful. Let’s not forget to be demure, divas.”

The terms are the latest verbal trend to overtake TikTok and other parts of social media, where inside jokes and slang can rise and fall so quickly that only those who spend a considerable amount of time online can keep up. Some of those terms have entered a more common lexicon, like “ OK Boomer ” (a dismissive retort to an older person), while others have remained relatively niche, like “ Goblin Mode ” (a person who is messy). Last year, “Rizz” (short for charisma) came out of the internet ether to be named “Word of the Year” by Oxford . 

Even social media’s youngest users, Gen Alpha, have developed hyper-online styles of speech, sometimes referred to as “ brainrot ” that can make language derived from the internet seem unintelligible to those who don’t use it.

“Demure,” for now, has its own momentum. The first video of Jools Lebron using the term has been viewed 3.9 million times. The second video she posted about being “demure,” “cutesy” and “mindful” has more than 13.8 million views. As she continued posting videos with the term, she continued wracking up tens of millions of views. 

“Demure” means reserved or modest, according to Merriam-Webster .

Lebron did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 

Initially, Lebron made content like “get ready with me” videos and product review videos. After what appears to be the earliest videos of Lebron using her now-iconic phrase on Aug. 2, she continued to post about what she called “demurity” and how to be “demure.” 

“You see how I do my makeup for work? Very demure, very mindful,” she says in a video posted on Aug. 5. “I don’t look like a clown when I come to work. I don’t do too much, I’m very mindful while I’m at work.”

The audio attached to that Aug. 5 video has been used more than 7,000 times on TikTok by major accounts lip-synching along to it, including “RuPaul’s Drag Race” star Bob the Drag Queen , who has more than 3 million followers, and lifestyle vlogger Monet McMichael , who has more than 3.8 million followers.

Other major TikTok stars have used the term sarcastically. Influencer Haley Kalil , who goes by @haleyybaylee on TikTok and has more than 10 million followers, made her own video saying she was blocking her ex-boyfriend, but doing so in a very “demure” way. 

“Do you see how I block my ex? Very demure. Very mindful. I don’t go blocking my ex all crazy and insane. No, no. We keep it very cutesy,” Kalil says, imitating the way Lebron speaks in her videos — before appearing to have a not-so-demure breakdown. 

Users have even proclaimed that the seasons are transitioning from “ Brat” summer to “ demure fall ” — although others are calling it “ mindful autumn .” 

In a video posted Tuesday , Lebron described how the “demure” trend has changed her life. 

“Maybe you should make the videos because one day I was playing cashier and making videos on my break,” Jools Lebron said in the video. “And now I’m flying across the country to host events, and I’m going to be able to finance the rest of my transition.”

 Of course, because she is cutesy and mindful, she hashtagged the video “#demure.”

thesis definition kid dictionary

Kalhan Rosenblatt is a reporter covering youth and internet culture for NBC News, based in New York.

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A black-and-white photo of Peggy Moffitt, a young woman with short dark hair, wearing a bathing suit without a top. Her forearms are covering her breasts, and both hands rest on her right cheek.

Peggy Moffitt, 86, Dies; Defined ’60s Fashion With a Bathing Suit and a Bob

She became famous for posing in the fashion designer Rudi Gernreich’s topless swimsuit. But she saw herself more as a performer than as a model.

The model Peggy Moffitt was photographed in 1964 by her husband, William Claxton, wearing a topless bathing suit designed by Rudi Gernreich. The world took notice. Credit... William Claxton, via Demont Photo Management & Fahey/Klein Gallery Los Angeles

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Marisa Meltzer

By Marisa Meltzer

  • Published Aug. 13, 2024 Updated Aug. 15, 2024

Peggy Moffitt, a model and muse who famously posed in the designer Rudi Gernreich ’s topless bathing suit, and whose bob and heavy eye makeup helped define the look of the 1960s, died on Saturday at her home in Beverly Hills, Calif. She was 86.

Her son, Christopher Claxton, said the cause was complications of dementia.

Ms. Moffitt started working with Mr. Gernreich as a fitting and show model in 1962. “I entertained myself and the audience by regarding the collection as a play, with each outfit a new act or a new character,” she wrote in “The Rudi Gernreich Book” (1991), a collaboration with her husband, the photographer William Claxton , who took the topless photo. “In fact, I didn’t really model the clothes so much as perform them.”

She met Mr. Gernreich when she was working at a small boutique in Beverly Hills that was known for its unusual and avant-garde clothes. Ms. Moffitt was drawn to the humor in his designs.

She was initially hesitant about posing for a photo in his topless suit, but she decided to do it as long as some conditions were met: that she never wear it in public and that Mr. Claxton, who was best known for his portraits of jazz musicians, shoot it.

The suit, made famous by Mr. Claxton’s 1964 picture, made international news when it was banned in some countries and denounced by the Soviet newspaper Izvestia; it said in its criticism that the American way of life “is on the side of everything that gives the possibility of trampling on morals and interests of society for the sake of ego.”

The photo continued to follow her for decades, and in the process became somewhat of a nuisance. “Think of something in your life that took one-sixtieth of a second to do,” she said in 2012. “Now, imagine having to spend the rest of your life talking about it. I think it’s a beautiful photograph, but, oh, am I tired of talking about it.”

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    The meaning of THESIS is a dissertation embodying results of original research and especially substantiating a specific view; especially : one written by a candidate for an academic degree. How to use thesis in a sentence. Did you know?

  3. Thesis Facts for Kids

    Kids Encyclopedia Facts. A thesis (plural: 'theses') is a document written in support of an idea that is presented for discussion or disputation. In modern usage it usually refers to a document presented as a requirement for an academic degree or professional qualification. It presents the author's research and findings.

  4. Student Dictionary for Kids

    Student Dictionary for Kids Search an online dictionary written specifically for young students. Kid-friendly meanings from the reference experts at Merriam-Webster help students build and master vocabulary.

  5. Thesis statement Facts for Kids

    Kids Encyclopedia Facts. In an essay or research paper, a thesis statement is a statement at the start or the end of an introduction that shows the reader the argument of the essay. A thesis statement gives concise information about what the whole essay is about, including the topic of the paper. It is usually just one sentence but it may have ...

  6. How to Teach Children to Write a Thesis Statement

    By helping students to understand the purpose of a thesis statement, how it is put together and where it belongs in a composition, you can equip them with a skill that will make writing faster and easier. The ability to write an effective thesis statement makes it easier for students to write good papers and develops ...

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    For kid-friendly definitions and example sentences for older children, try Wordsmyth's Word Explorer Children's Dictionary, containing over 14,000 entries, each with human-voiced audio pronunciations. The dictionary also includes synonyms and antonyms, word histories, geographical entries with maps, and abundant illustrations.

  8. Thesis: Definition and Examples

    Clear definition and great examples of Thesis. This article will show you the importance of Thesis and how to use it. The thesis, also known as a thesis statement, is the sentence that introduces the main argument or point of view of a composition (formal essay, nonfiction piece, or narrative).

  9. thesis

    The meaning of thesis. Definition of thesis. English dictionary and integrated thesaurus for learners, writers, teachers, and students with advanced, intermediate, and beginner levels.

  10. THESIS

    THESIS definition: 1. a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher…. Learn more.

  11. THESIS Definition & Meaning

    Thesis definition: a proposition stated or put forward for consideration, especially one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained against objections. See examples of THESIS used in a sentence.

  12. Why Thesis Statements Are Important for Kids

    Grade 5 Writing Strategies 1.0 - Students write clear, coherent, and focused essays. Technically, and by definition, an essay has a thesis statement. Okay, so thesis statements may be important. However, when elementary and middle school students are struggling with paragraphs and grammar, thesis statements can SEEM quite unimportant.

  13. THESIS STATEMENT Definition & Meaning

    Thesis statement definition: a short statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, etc., and is developed, supported, and explained in the text by means of examples and evidence.. See examples of THESIS STATEMENT used in a sentence.

  14. THESIS

    THESIS meaning: 1. a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher…. Learn more.

  15. Thesis Definition & Meaning

    Thesis definition: A proposition that is maintained by argument.

  16. Thesis

    thesis: 1 n an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument Type of: assumption , premise , premiss a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn n a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree Synonyms: dissertation Type ...

  17. Thesis

    Full Definition of THESIS. 1. a (1): the unstressed part of a poetic foot especially in accentual verse (2): the longer part of a poetic foot especially in quantitative verse b: the accented part of a musical measure : downbeat — compare arsis. 2. a: a position or proposition that a person (as a candidate for scholastic honors) advances and ...

  18. Kids.Net.Au

    Definition of Thesis Notice: Trying to get property 'num_rows' of non-object in /var/www/kidsnetau/dictionary_content.txt on line 149 Similar Words: dissertation Derivational Morphology: discourse, dissertate Anagrams: Thetis, Shiite, theist

  19. thesis, n. meanings, etymology and more

    There are seven meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun thesis. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

  20. THESIS definition and meaning

    7 meanings: 1. a dissertation resulting from original research, esp when submitted by a candidate for a degree or diploma 2. a.... Click for more definitions.

  21. Thesis Definition

    Thesis Definition. The thesis is one of the most important concepts in college expository writing. A thesis sentence focuses your ideas for the paper; it's your argument or insight or viewpoint crystallized into a single sentence that gives the reader your main idea. It's not only useful for the reading audience to understand the purpose of the ...

  22. Why is everyone on TikTok suddenly obsessed with demure? A very mindful

    "See how I come to work? Very demure. I do my makeup. I do my wig. I do a little braid. I flatiron my hair. I do chi-chis out. I do viral vanilla," Lebron, who is transgender and uses she/her ...

  23. thesis

    a statement or proposition put forward and supported by proof or argument. : an essay or dissertation, esp. one based on research or critical study, submitted as a requirement for an advanced academic degree. : the opening of a dialectical argument or process, followed by antithesis and resolved in synthesis.... See the full definition

  24. Very Demure, Very Mindful: The TikTok Trend, Explained

    Callie Holtermann Every few weeks, a new word starts getting repeated ad nauseam online in ways that only sort of relate to its original definition.Last week, that word was "brat." This week ...

  25. Peggy Moffitt, 86, Dies; Defined '60s Fashion With a Bathing Suit and a

    Peggy Moffitt, a model and muse who famously posed in the designer Rudi Gernreich's topless bathing suit, and whose bob and heavy eye makeup helped define the look of the 1960s, died on Saturday ...