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Best 5 Paraphrasing Exercises

Read on to see our helpful paraphrasing exercises and tips in this article to get you started.

One of the most important skills you can hone as a student or writer is to paraphrase the words of other academics and experts effectively. Since new knowledge is built upon that which is already known, it makes sense that you’d want to reference the ideas of others in your work. However, this is often easier said than done. Paraphrasing, especially if you want to do it well, can be challenging.

Fortunately, as is the case with most other skills in life, you can improve your ability to paraphrase through practice. For instance, you can improve this skill by regularly doing paraphrasing exercises. As I was an academic for a long time in my life, I thought it might be helpful to those who have little or no experience in paraphrasing if I provided a list of paraphrasing exercises. If you’re such a person, I hope that this article will get you started on your journey toward mastering the art of paraphrasing. Your academic or writing career will undoubtedly be better off for it when you do.

The Art of Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing exercises and activities to help you master the skill, 1. broaden your vocabulary, 2. create a word map, 3. paraphrase in small chunks, 4. ways to paraphrase shorter and easier sentences, 5. imagine you’re explaining the source material to someone, helpful tips, 1. avoid plagiarism, 2. summarizing is not paraphrasing, 3. changing word order is not paraphrasing.

Although paraphrasing is an essential skill when writing papers, essays, or articles, it’s one that many find challenging to master. To paraphrase the words of others, you need first to comprehend their meaning, and then you need to express this meaning in your own words. To do this effectively requires a broad and sophisticated range of vocabulary and advanced grammar skills.

As stated in the introduction, you can improve your paraphrasing skills through paraphrasing exercises. Doing this will help you construct meaningful and original paraphrased sentences and increase the speed at which you work. Especially when you’re a student, reading, and paraphrasing the words of other scholars and experts can form a big chunk of your work. Learning how to paraphrase well and at a quick pace will enhance your academic experience and will open up your schedule for other activities, such as sports or parties.

Our paraphrasing vs. summarizing guide might be helpful.

Now that you know the importance of paraphrasing, let’s dive right in and look at some exercises and activities that can help you improve. Remember, as is the case when learning any other new skill, you need to engage with these exercises regularly.

Broaden your vocabulary

Since you cannot paraphrase appropriately without a decent range of vocabulary, it makes sense to aim to add more words to your vocabulary bank constantly. Of course, if you’re an academic, you’ll want to focus on improving your academic vocabulary in your specific field. However, since academic language has a formal tone, you can add general terms to your vocabulary bank to help you express yourself more sophisticatedly. Examples of such words, for instance, are verbs such as “theorize,” “opine,” “constitute,” and “approximate.”

There are various ways in which you can enrich your academic vocabulary. These include:

  • Keeping a word journal: A great way to learn new words is to carry a little book along with you, in which you can write down words that you don’t know. You can write down the word and then look up the meaning when you have time. It can also be helpful to construct your sentence with the word once you’ve jotted down its definition.
  • Highlight words in texts: Whether you’re working with a physical copy of a text or a digital version, it’s good to highlight or underline words that you don’t know. You can then either write a definition of the words in the margin or, if you’re working with a digital copy, you can add a comment. Another good tip is to write by hand – people learn better when writing something by hand than if they typed the same information.
  • Read as much as you can: Although this may be obvious, the best way to improve your vocabulary is to read as many books and articles as you can fit into your schedule. Even if you don’t have the time to look up the meaning of each word that you don’t understand, just seeing the word pop up in different contexts will help you work out the meaning for yourself over time. Apart from reading, you can also listen to podcasts or watch documentaries and news channels.

If you’re battling to paraphrase an original paragraph or sentence into your own words, it can be helpful to create a word map. You can, for instance, write a few complex words or phrases down on a piece of paper. Next, draw a box around each word or phrase, and leave enough space around each so that you can draw and link other boxes. As a next step, you can draw boxes in which you write the synonym of each word. You can also write down the definition of each word if you’re unsure of its meaning.

Next, you need to clarify the relationship between these words or terms. Draw arrows between them indicating patterns, correlation, or cause and effect. You can also add boxes between the original words or phrases in which you add other words, such as verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, or adjectives. Doing so can help you further explain the terms or link them meaningfully. Once you’ve added all the information you can think of, try to create a paraphrased sentence or paragraph from your word map.

A valuable way to learn how to paraphrase when you’re a beginner is to break sentences into smaller parts. For example, instead of paraphrasing a long and complex sentence, which can become overwhelming if you’re not used to this process, you can focus on shorter phrases. Let’s take a look at an example. Here, for instance, is a long and complex sentence:

“ Many impacts are unavoidable and will hit the world’s most vulnerable populations hardest, it warns — but collective action from governments to both curb greenhouse-gas emissions and prepare communities to live with global warming could yet avert the worst outcomes. “

You may find it challenging to paraphrase this sentence as a whole. However, breaking it into smaller chunks makes the task more doable. You can break this sentence up in the following way:

  • Many impacts are unavoidable
  • And will hit the world’s most vulnerable populations hardest, it warns
  • But collective actions from governments
  • To both curb greenhouse-gas emissions
  • And prepare communities to live with global warming
  • Could yet avert the worst outcomes

Remember, the sentence structure of your paraphrased version can and often will look different from the source. This means that you can form two or multiple sentences if this helps you create a meaningful paraphrased version, even if the original is one sentence.

If you want to practice your paraphrasing skills, you can do so by paraphrasing a sentence in two or three different ways. You can practice finding different synonyms, grammar, and sentence structures while retaining the meaning across all versions.

If you have time, you can do this exercise with longer sentences. However, it may be good to start by paraphrasing shorter sentences. Doing so will allow you to focus on finding multiple synonyms and different ways to write the same sentence.

Here’s an example:

“ Scientists know that bees are dying from a variety of factors. “

Paraphrased version 1:

“Experts maintain that the future of bees is in danger due to multiple causes.”

Paraphrased version 2:

“There are many different reasons why bees are going extinct, according to scientists.”

A helpful way of practicing paraphrasing while reading through articles or research papers is to recite your paraphrased version of some more complex sentences. Since the first step of paraphrasing is to ensure that you’ve correctly understood the source, repeating what you’ve just read in your own words can help you grasp the meaning of the source material.

You don’t need to use formal academic language and complex terms when doing this paraphrasing exercise. Instead, the aim is to repeat what you’ve read in plain and simple terms. Also, since you don’t need to write anything down for this paraphrasing exercise, it’s something you can regularly do while you’re reading through the source material.

It’s vital that you understand what you’re reading and that all the information is not just going over your head. Doing this exercise, primarily when you find yourself drifting off or having problems grasping a sentence, will ensure that you’ve understood the section you’ve read. At the same time, you get to practice your paraphrasing skills.

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind while paraphrasing.

Even though you’re not using direct quotes when paraphrasing but rather stating another author’s ideas in your own words, you still need to reference their work. Failing to do so amounts to plagiarism, a serious offense, whether you’re producing academic work or an article for a web page.

The format you have to use when citing the work of others varies. For instance, in academic writing, you need to provide in-text citations and a list of references at the end of your essay, article, or thesis. The precise way you’ll write your in-text citations and list of references will be determined by the formatting style, whether this is APA , Harvard , Chicago , or MLA .

Although both tools or techniques involve using your own words to describe somebody else’s text, they are different. You need to retain the original work’s meaning with both techniques while using your own words. When you’re summarizing a work , you’re selecting only the most essential points of the text and rewriting these in your own words. This means that you provide a short overview of what a text is about.

It would be best to remain far more loyal to the source material with paraphrasing. You refer to specific ideas an author has provided to incorporate these into your work. To ensure that you’re not changing the original version too much or skewing the meaning the author intended to bring across, you have to rewrite actual sentences and paragraphs. You can’t just write a summary of large chunks of text.

Although this is a “technique” employed by lazy students, you should be aware that merely swapping around the word order of an original text does not constitute paraphrasing. It’s also not good enough to merely change a sentence from passive voice to active voice or vice versa.

Using either of these as your only paraphrasing method when rewriting somebody else’s words can amount to plagiarism since you’ve not used your own words or demonstrated your understanding of the source material. In such instances, you’d be better off simply rewriting the author’s exact words and placing these in quotation marks.

To learn more, check out our guide on paraphrasing vs. plagiarism .

paraphrasing simple exercise

Bryan Collins is the owner of Become a Writer Today. He's an author from Ireland who helps writers build authority and earn a living from their creative work. He's also a former Forbes columnist and his work has appeared in publications like Lifehacker and Fast Company.

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paraphrasing simple exercise


paraphrasing simple exercise

What is ‘paraphrasing’? A paraphrase is a restatement of someone else’s thoughts and/or ideas in your own words. Paraphrasing can be used to express complex ideas using simpler, more easily understood language. For example, if you are a medical student and are explaining the effects of a drug to a non-specialist reader, a paraphrase would be much easier to read and understand than a quotation. You can also use paraphrasing to help you understand difficult and complex ideas in a source in your own words. If you can express the same ideas in your own words, then you have understood them. Expressing other people’s ideas in your own words shows that you have understood your sources, and it also helps you to avoid plagiarism. Paraphrasing is a difficult skill. Therefore, you should only try to paraphrase something that you are sure you have understood. In addition, it is best to paraphrase short passages—a sentence or two at most. Avoid paraphrasing large paragraphs and large sections of your sources.

Six Strategies for Paraphrasing There are a number of strategies you can use to paraphrase words and/or ideas.

paraphrasing simple exercise

The interactive tasks in this exercise will teach you how to paraphrase from sources and provide you with strategies, tasks and models in order to build your paraphrasing skills.

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paraphrasing simple exercise

You have learned that when you are paraphrasing an author’s idea, you must rewrite the ideas in your own words without changing the meaning. However, there may be some words in the original that cannot be rephrased without creating awkwardness. It is important for you to be aware of this and to be able to determine which words in an original passage will be unchanged in your paraphrase.

Here are some examples of categories of words that are difficult to paraphrase, especially if they are essential to the main idea of the passage.

*Specific numbers (Note: See the information elsewhere about paraphrasing statistics.)

*Proper names : including geographical locations, e.g. the Yangtze River , Himalayas , Hong Kong , the Philippines , etc.

*Organizations, e.g. the United Nations , Greenpeace , the FBI , etc.

*Names of (famous) people , e.g. President H. K. Chang , Jackie Chan etc. (Note:     If a person is famous and has a title, it is possible (but not required) to rephrase one by using the other. For example, “ Xi Jinping ” can be rephrased as “ the President of   the PRC ”, or vice-versa.)

*Specific dates, e.g. 4th June 1999 . (Note: When a date is not specific, it can often be paraphrased. For example, the sentence “I finished university in 1988 ” can be rewritten as “I graduated from university 10 years ago .”

*Nouns (Note: In general, nouns are harder to paraphrase than verbs and adjectives because so many nouns refer to technical terms within a field or to common, concrete objects for which few or no synonyms exist.

*Terms within a field: e.g. environmental terms ( greenhouse effect, acid rain ), chemical terms ( carbon dioxide ), computer components ( mouse, printer ), medical terms ( open-heart surgery, coma ), political terms ( president, prime minister, socialism ), economic terms ( interest rate, stock market )

*Common concrete objects: This is a difficult category as you must have a fairly large vocabulary in order to determine which words have synonyms and which do not. For example,   the words that describe such concrete, everyday objects such as ‘bed’, ‘chair’, ‘grass’, and   ‘book’ have very few common synonyms, while others, such as ‘couch’, ‘store’ and ‘rain’do   ( couch : ‘sofa’, store : ‘shop’, rain : ‘precipitation’, building : ‘block’).

(Note: While the individual words “bed” and “chair” may be awkward if paraphrased, it is possible to provide a generalization if both words are present in a passage, since “bed and chair” can be rephrased as “pieces of furniture.”)

Keep practising as you will find that the more you do it, the easier paraphrasing becomes, and the more your English writing and vocabulary improves, too!

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Exercise 4: Paraphrasing

Read this paragraph by Miller (2014) and decide which of these paraphrases of smaller sections are acceptable (paraphrases 1-3 below).

When you have done that, use the paragraph to practise your own paraphrasing. Show your results to someone else and compare your version with the original. Is there anything you need to change?

Original paragraph

Many researchers have proved that chocolate improves language learning because it contains sugar and stimulates serotonin levels in the brain, making learners happier. Leche and Melk (2001), for example, assessed 300 students and established that those learning a language often needed to increase their sugar levels. The majority of students in their study (80%) indicated that chocolate was their main source of sugar when they were studying. They benefitted more from dark chocolate than from milk chocolate, and each student required on average 50g of chocolate per thirty minutes of study time. A later study (Leite, 2008) involved 500 university students of Japanese, each of whom was given 100g of milk chocolate every fifteen minutes for three hours. This study was unsuccessful, however, as although these students derived much pleasure from the study few of them actually proceeded to submit their essays, as they were too full of chocolate to complete their assignments. A more recent study of English language students (Amargo, 2013), financed by a chocolate maker, found varying results. Those students who had eaten 100g of dark chocolate daily during the week long study responded to the questionnaire at the end of the study period, but those who had eaten 1kg of white chocolate daily failed to respond, and it was assumed that they were feeling too sick to continue the research. Since dark chocolate is linked to increased serotonin levels those students who ate dark chocolate in the study may have become happier and more motivated. From all these studies it can therefore be assumed that moderate amounts of dark chocolate may be beneficial to study, but that larger amounts of chocolate, particularly milk or white chocolate, may be harmful to general health.

Paraphrase 1 yes no   

The above research indicates that too much white or milk chocolate may be unhealthy, but that small quantities of dark chocolate may lead to more productive work.

Answer to paraphrase 1

This is a good paraphrase. Compare it to the original:

From all these studies it can therefore be assumed that moderate amounts of dark chocolate may be beneficial to study, but that larger amounts of chocolate, particularly milk or white chocolate, may be harmful to general health.

The original information is there, but words have been changed when possible and the order of the ideas has been changed.

Paraphrase 2 yes no   

Many researchers have proved that chocolate is good for language learning because it boosts serotonin levels in the brain and makes learners more cheerful. Leche and Melk (2001), for instance, researched 300 students and found that those learning a language often needed more sugar.

Answer to paraphrase 2

This is not acceptable. The writer has changed only a few words (highlighted in red). They should also state the original source:

Many researchers have proved that chocolate is good for language learning because it boosts serotonin levels in the brain and makes learners more cheerful . Leche and Melk (2001 , as cited in Miller, 2014 ), for instance , researched 300 students and found that those learning a language often needed more sugar .

Paraphrase 3 yes no   

Five hundred students learning Japanese at university ate 100g of milk chocolate four times an hour for three hours.

Answer to paraphrase 3

This is partly acceptable, because the writer has paraphrased the sentence. However, they have not given the source of the study or of the writer they are paraphrasing:

A later study (Leite, 2008 , as cited in Miller, 2014 ) involved 500 university students of Japanese, each of whom was given 100g of milk chocolate every fifteen minutes for three hours.

There are some words in the original sentence that cannot be replaced ( 100g, milk chocolate, three hours ), so the writer is allowed to keep them in their paraphrase. The more technical your writing, the harder it will be to replace words. If you are in any doubt about how much to paraphrase, check with your lecturer.


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Five Steps to Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing tips, paraphrasing padlet exercise, article excerpt.

Step 1  Read the passage several times to fully understand the meaning.

Step 2  Note down important concepts

Step 3  Write your version without looking at the original

Step 4  Compare your paraphrased text with the original one. If you find it too similar, make changes.

Step 5  Cite the source

  • Start the sentence at a different point from the original one.
  • Use synonyms. Make use of a thesaurus if you can’t think of any.
  • Change the sentence structure. Try to change the voice from active to passive and vice versa.
  • Break up longer sentences or combine shorter ones
  • Padlet Paraphrasing Exercise Read the passage and use the 5 steps to paraphrasing and tips to paraphrase two to three sentences from the excerpt.

The need to understand patterns of mental health problems among college students is important. Around 1/3 of college freshmen endorses problems with mental health in the previous 12 months, and our data also suggest that mental health problems are directly associated with lower academic performance. Low academic performance, in turn, is associated with dropout in the short-term and loss of human capital for societies in the longer term (Freudenberg & Ruglis, 2007). This means that emotional problems among college students are not just a theoretical, clinical, or educational problem but also a societal problem (Bruffaerts et al., 2018, p. 102).

Bruffaerts, R., Mortier, P., Kiekens, G., Auerbach, R. P., Cuijpers, P., Demyttenaere, K., Green, J. G., Nock, M. K., & Kessler, R. C. (2018). Mental  health problems in college freshmen: Prevalence and academic functioning. Journal of Affective Disorders, 225 , 97–103.

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Paraphrasing Practice

IELTS writing task 2 paraphrasing practice exercise. To get a good mark in IELTS writing task 2 for the criterion of vocabulary, you need to be able to paraphrase. The exercise below is a chance for you to practice your paraphrasing skills.

The answers for this exercise have now been posted below. No more writing should be posted for this lesson. But you can still learn from completing the exercise on your own and checking your writing with the answers provided.

Paraphrase the words in this paragraph using the words in the box below. Only paraphrase a word if you are sure it is appropriate to do so.

Many people, when driving their cars, go over the speed limit in city centers. As a way of solving this, the government should put more speed cameras on major streets to put people off  speeding. If this is done, more people who speed will be caught and this problem will eventually be solved.

Paraphrasing Options

You do not need to use all the words. You must decide which words to use and which words not to use.

town         an answer            the law           install         motorway         stop        humans         put away         authorities               exceed               deter  from         directly          riding        ought to            key             by doing this            arrested       vehicles               resolved             citizens            large            caught red handed             speed prevention             increasing       urban

Answers and Advice

Please see the answers given below:

Many people, when driving their cars, exceed  the speed limit in urban centers . As a way of solving this, the authorities ought to install more speed cameras on major streets to deter people from  speeding. By doing this , more people who speed will be caught and this problem will eventually be resolved .

Common Mistakes and Explanations

  • Collocation: drive a car, not ride a car. We use the verb “ride” with bicycles.
  • A town is not a city.  You can write “city center” or “urban center”. A town is much smaller and this essay is not about small towns and villages.
  • The government can usually be paraphrased with the word “authorities”.
  • The word “should” can be paraphrased as “ought to”. This is a common paraphrase.
  • If you are writing about setting up or putting up equipment, you can use the word “install”.
  • “to deter” is used to put people off committing a crime or an offence. It is actually a better word to use than “put off” for formal essay writing.
  • “By doing this” and “As a way of solving this” both have the same meaning in this context. You can’t write “As an answer for solving this” – it isn’t correct English even though the meaning is the same.
  • “people” are people. We rare use the word “citizen” in an essay about transport. However, it would be acceptable to use it in the second sentence which refers to the government.
  • “people” cannot be paraphrased as “humans” except in one context – please watch the video below to learn. Any student making this mistake is not studying effectively. The video below explains this very clearly so you should not be making this mistake.
  • “caught red handed” must be written as it is shown. You can never write “caught red”. There are three words in this idiom. However, this expression is mainly for theft or other crimes in which a person is caught face to face by the police. It can’t be used for speed offences caught by camera.
  • “vehicles” is used when we don’t know what type of transport is being written about or when we refer to different types. This essay is about cars only which means you can’t use the word “vehicle”.
  • This paragraph is about “streets”. This is not the same as a “motorway”. A motorway is a very large road outside a city which contains two or three lines in both directions for heavy traffic.

Results and Advice

  • If you had one mistakes, it is acceptable for band 7 or 8.
  • If you have two or three mistakes, it is around band 6.
  • More Mistakes = Lower Score
  • You need to learn both the use and meaning of a word.
  • Don’t aim for range until you can achieve accuracy.
  • When you learn a noun or verb, learn the full collocation.
  • When you learn a word, learn when you can and cannot use it.
  • When you learn an idiom, learn if the words can be changed or not.

Best Writing Posted:

Well done to Esmaeil Bahmyari ! You wrote very well indeed but don’t avoid using the word “people”, it is the correct and most appropriate word to use for this essay. You have the potential to well with your level of English.

To all other students, I hope you learn to be careful when paraphrasing. Try to avoid making errors. You can see that a band score 9 student does not paraphrase continuously.

I hope you benefited from this lesson. I will put similar lessons up in the future if you found it useful.

Video: Paraphrasing Tips

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Majority of people, while driving their cars in city centers, exceed their speed limit. To tackle this problem, the government need to mount lots of speed cameras on the main streets to scare, and capture people driving beyond the speed limits, which in turn puts an end to the problem.

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I don’t usually comment because I don’t offer feedback, but I will say “good but be careful of your language”: 1. The majority of people 2. the government need S 3. to scare = to deter 4. to deter people from driving over the speed limit Take more time thinking about your language to avoid getting a lower score.

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Many people when driving their vehicles exceed the speed limit in city centers. As a way of resolving this, the authorities should install more speed cameras on major streets to deter people from speeding. By doing this, more people who speeds will be caught and eventually this problem will be resolved.

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The authorities ought to install more cameras in urban centers to prevent the exceeding the speed limit by a large number of drivers. By doing this the authorities will manage to resolve the problem and deter motorists from speeding.

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Hello Liz, Greetings from Cameroon and thank you for the tips it’s really help me. I would like to know what’s appropriate concerning the writing section American or British english for example the word center (American) and centre (British) which form is correct ? Thanks a bunch.

You can find your answer on this page: . Look at question 5 of the test info section and review all other sections.

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Lot of peaple go over the speed when they are driving in the urban cities. So govenment thoght putting more camaras in the street can be cought the person who drive more speed and they think problem will be resolved eventualy.

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Establishing more speed monitoring systems such as speed cameras would be integral for the authorities, since more people are getting over the speed limits while driving. As more violators will be caught if more monitoring exhibits, less and less people will be willing to cross the limits.

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Exceeding speed limits while driving is commonly seen in city centres. The government installing more speed cameras on the streets can be seen as a solution to this problem. This will ensure that more violators are punished and will prevent over speeding in urban areas.

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Sometimes drivers exceed legal speed in towns. Because of the possible dangers, authorities should install more control cameras in the streets. Preventing predicted consequences could happen by arresting citizens who do not respect speed limits.

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the people, when driving vehicles exceed the speed limit in urban centers, Authorities resolved this by installing speed cameras on streets to deter drivers from the law. By doing this, a large number of people have been arrested and this can be a good solution for this problem.

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Most residents may ignore limitation of speed and surpass it. One way to defeat this problem is that governments should impose a limitation on speed. This goal having been achieved by checking speed with cameras at the road of cities.

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Majority of drivers nowadays go beyond the implemented speed limits inside premises of cities, hence, it is expected that the ruling body should install speed cameras on major streets to demotivate such act and eventually solving the current issue.

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Over speeding while driving is considered a problematic issue mostly in city centres. It is often suggested that in order to solve this issue, authorities should install more speed cameras on major streets to catch offender drivers and decrease over speeding in urban areas.

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A large number of people exceed their speed limit while driving their cars. One possible solution to resolve this issue could be that the higher authorities should install more speed detection devices, especially on main roads to slow down people’s driving speed. By doing this, humans can be caught red-handed, and finally, the issue would be minimized.

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I trust you are doing well. I wrote my test yesterday and I’d like to thank you immensely for the wealth of knowledge and information on this website and in particular, your Ideas for IELTS Essay book. I purchased it 5 days before my actual test and had to burn the midnight candle to go through all the topics. It was indeed an invaluable resource.

My task 2 topic : some people think that there is less communication between family members these days compared to the last few years. Do you agree/disagree. Give your opinion.

Task 1 topic: You just got an international job, write a letter to your former boss/ex-employer requesting for a reference letter.

A tip for everbody- on test day, I’d advise you tackle the task 2 essay first because it carries more marks and the time moves INCREDIBLY FAST!

Good luck with your results 🙂

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Owing to the problem, those who drive cars over the limit at high speed in city centers, which is usually a rushy area. Despite a warning by the government, people considered it a casual way of driving, whereas putting more cameras is the most effective solution in consequences by which speedy drivers can be caught very easily.

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Lot of people, cross the speed limit while driving their cars in urban centers. One of the way to solve this issue is that authorities should install more speed cameras on major streets to deter people from over speeding. With the help of this, more people exceeding the speed will be caught and this problem eventually will get resolved.

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Personally I think “cross the speed limit” is not correct, it should be “exceed the speed limit”. Moreover, “to speed” means move quickly; so no need to use “over speeding”. The word “issue” is not appropriate in this paragraph, I suppose. Maybe “bad situation” is a better one, or just keep the word “problem”. 🙂

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An attempt to solve speeding problems in downtown areas it is expected from the authorities to install an additional number of speed cameras on the most significant streets which, if done correctly will result in higher number of speed offenders to be captured and a gradual solution to this problem.

It would mean a lot if Miss Liz (or anyone) can point out any error if there’s any.

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Two possible paraphrases I have managed to come up with:

1. Government should install many surveillance devices to discourage speeding automobiles since there are high number of people who cross the speed limit at the central town. Perhaps, this would enable law enforcement bring down those in speed violation and at the end put a full stop for this problem.

2. Towards solving the problem of speeding vehicle, the government should installing several surveillance devices, which acts as a harbinger of the consequences, because there are several people who have drove their automobiles over the speed limit in the central town. Implementing this, enables law enforcement to bring down those in violation, and at the end put an end to this problem.

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Citizens,when driving their cars,go over the speed limit in city centers,In other way of solving this, the authorities should put more speed cameras on major streets for speed prevention and this issue will eventually be solved.

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More often, many citizens while driving their car through the city, exceed the speed limits. To have a check over, speed cameras should be installed on the major streets of the cities. By doing so, the speed limits of the cars will be regulated, as the cameras would catch the rash drivers red handed.

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I have just started surfing around, on your website and I am aiming for 7.5 band score of writing section in time period of 3 months (I got TOEFL IBT few year ago). This is really brilliant how you explained the answer for this example. Can I find more of this example somewhere? I am also wondering if there exists ”writing task correction” service available on your website which students can buy? .

I’m glad this was helpful 🙂 You can use the red menu bar to find what you need on this site. This site contains over 300 pages of free lessons, tips etc. Sorry, I don’t offer a marking service. I only offer Advanced Writing Task 2 lessons as extra:

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Most people while driving in city centers exceeds the permitted limit for speed.This issue can be addressed by installing speed cameras on most popular streets to inhibit provocation .This will enable the authorities to capture evidence and penalize the violators of the law.

I need feedback .

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Thank you Liz, your materials are helpful

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this is mine. hope you correct me.

people often break the speed limit when driving their in the centre of a city. as an attempt to solve this. the ministry should install more trafic enforcement camera on the main street, to prevent people from speeding. if everything is set up. this will rise the number of people who get caught when they speed up. And this problem will be solved.

thank your for readding

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Hello Liz, Kindly let me know, these four Linking word have same meaning “Due to, Owing to, By the virtue of, On account of. For instance, I must go to office today due to short of attendance.

Regards Khan

We don’t use “by virtue of” any more. Otherwise, they have the same meaning – but this doesn’t mean you can use them in the same way. Always review how the grammar structure changes.

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Speeding while driving cars, which has become a problem in the city centres, can be curtailed by using speed cameras on motorways. By the installation of cameras, the people who exceed the speed limit will be caught. This will ultimately help authorities to resolve this problem.

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While some “Commentators” believe…., other “analysts” defend the idea.

Is Using Commentators and Analysts in spite of People correct? Are they accurate synonyms of people?

It is not normal to use such language in IELTS essays. I would avoid it. The opinions are from people – not analysts. And the word “commentators” is an inappropriate word to use. There are many words you can paraphrase in your essay- the word “people” isn’t usually one of them. Please watch the video above again which explains about being more careful with paraphrasing.

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Ought to exceeding the speed limit in urban cities by large number of drivers, the government can maintain this issue by installing cameras in main roads as a result, people who doing this can be arrested, which in turn this problem can be gradually solved.

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Usally in city areas, people drive their car faster han in village areas. The government can solve this problem by installing more speed cameras on the major streets. Realizing that that the drivers are being constantly monitored, they will start driving slowly eventually.

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Increasing number of people speed up their cars while driving in city centers. To overcome this problem, authorities ought to install speed cameras on major streets to keep drivers under the speeding limit. By doing this, overspeeding drivers will be caught and this problem will eventually be resolved.

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Most of the people are exceeding their speed limits while driving their vehicles. As a result, the local authorities should take charge to shut down the rash drivers by keeping speed sensors and cameras in the major areas. If they accomplished the above idea ,then we can see the reduction in this problem .

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These days, numerous shows related to the crime are broadcasted on the television. As a consequence lot of violence taking place giving birth to numerous criminal activities. Therefore, it is said that such a program should not be telecast. I strongly agree with this statement and will discuss in upcoming paragraphs.

First and foremost, nowadays, the most people more time to spend in mass media. It is responsible for framing through a human process. Therefore, it should be banned. Mostly young ones follow serials on television and its effects adversely on their mindset. For instance, in India, there is a program called Crime Patrol which talks about the different crimes and how those crimes are committed by criminals. Definitely, after watching this kind of telecast, the youngster may become delinquent, feeling that they would also appear on television if they do something of that sort.

Furthermore, some people instead of considering such serial as the part of an awareness program. programs grasp various ways and misuse them getting templated result in diverting them towards the path of crime. Although, it is a source whichever provided with a solution by watched shows. People adopt certain techniques and strategies come out of various problems an encounter ever in life. Yet, it is a total time wasting because of this type of show just a part of the entertainment. Overall, I strongly agree with this statement these programs should be stopped, it is less fruitful and more drawbacks. Moreover, it does not provide a particular knowledge of awareness.

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I tried practice on writing tasks. But there is grammatical errors, plz guide me. How to improve it.

Your problem relates to your English language, not your exam skills. This means you need an English language website or a local teacher. Google online to find English language websites.

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Many driver have tendency to do overspeeding in urban center while driving car. it is thought by some people that key way to overcome this is to install more speed cameras on major street by government. This will certainly result in catching more overspeeding drivers.

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Urban drivers,overspeed their cars in city centers.To solve it, officials have to keep an eye on them through installing speed cameras on main streets to keep them under speed limit.This way whoever will speedup their cars will be arrested and problem will be resolved.

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Majority of people, while driving cars, Saturate the speed limit in urban centre. To overcome this problem management should install possible number of speed cameras on streets.

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mostly people living in the urban arease drive carelessly beying the exceeding limits. to overcome this problem, authorities should take control by putting some laws and rules like speed camers over the main areas of the town. if it is to be done than the law breakers can be eaily caught red handed and peope will automatically follow the rules.

liz can u check my parapharse sentence.. i am writing again and again but u r not replying me plz reply me

I do not offer a marking service.

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We have to paraphrase in General IELTS essay as well. I am asking this because in one of the video you said that this is for academic. Kindly clear my doubt.

There is no difference between the GT and Academic writing task 2 techniques. You write the essays in exactly the same way. If you want to learn more about essay writing for IELTS, purchase my advanced lessons:

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Hi Liz Your lessons are very helpful Please can “the amount of meat” be paraphrased as “the quantity of meat” ?

Yes, that’s fine 🙂

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Hi liz, please can we use individuals as a synonym for people.

Synonyms must be used in the right context and in the right way. Individuals is certainly a synonym that can be used, but you must learn when and how to use it.

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While driving in the busy parts of city, many people drive their cars at such speed which is usually well above the authorized speed limit. To encounter, authorities must install more speed cameras to monitor the drivers effectively. Consequently, more violators will be be caught that will eventually resolve the issue of over speeding.

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Over-speeding is a major problem in cities as many drivers tend to drive above the allowed speed limits. A possible solution to this problem is the installation of surveillance cameras on the highways in order to apprehend offenders. This will deter people from over-speeding and will eventually solve the problem on the long run.

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I read the list of uncountable nouns. Isn’t tea is the countable noun? I am confused. Regards Sonia.

No, it is uncountable. You can have “a cup of tea”. When people say “would you like a tea?”, it is informal and the full meaning is “would you like a cup of tea?”.

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my l/r/w was on 2/12/2017. A true false not given question was: The railway company owns 18,000 wagons. In the passage it was just mentioned in “all 18,000 wagons are washed every 28 days”. as it was not mentioned that the company owns it or if they are on lease. I answered Not Given. your views please

For this question, you need to refer to the whole paragraph or at least the five or six sentences surrounding that statement. It is common in IELTS that your answer will not be found in one sentence only and references might be made in other sentences.

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Morning Liz,what is the difference between highways and motorways. Also,kindly check if highways is acceptable for my paraphrasing: Authorities ought to install speed cameras on the major roads because majority of the people tend to over speed along the main highways. Placing these cameras would make offenders caught,and thus resolving the issue

There difference is US English and UK English. For writing, you need to choose one only. For speaking, it is fine to have a mixed accent as long as pronunciation is easy to understand.

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Several people, drive above the stipulated speed limit when driving their vehicles.As a method of combating this,there should be more speed cameras installed on major streets to stop people over speeding.More people will be apprehended when this takes effect and thus leads to an end to over speeding.

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Citizen mostly exceed speed limits while riding their personal vehicle in the motorways. This can be put to end, by installing surveillance / monitoring camera in major streets and some other strategic locations where over-speeding can be monitored and noticed by the authority.

Wao. Have realized my mistakes.

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To combat the problem of overspeeding in city centres, government should install more surveillance cameras on big streets, which will help to catch offenders and alleviate the menace.

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In order to restrict people from driving cars above the speed limit, the government should impose strict rules such as installing speed cameras on busy streets which will be an incentive to overcome the consequences of speedy cars.

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Hey, Liz I have paraphrased the above question as- In order to avoid over-speeding, which is very common in city centers, the Government has decided to install more speed cameras to qualify people from over-speeding. The authorities believe that after the installation of speed cameras the problem will be abated and in my opinion, the Government will get the desired results and the problem will be resolved.

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Thanks Liz, informative and good for learning and introspection!

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Hi Liz. I enjoyed watching your lessons and the same time I learn a lot about the Ielts exam. Actually my exam is on 14 October 2017. Im a little bit nervous. Writing essay task1 and task2 is the hardest part. Any advise please. Thank you.

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hi liz, My name is Vishwas from India, My question is, is there any prescribed structure for IELTS task 2 writing part which guarantee the high band. please reply. Thanking you in anticipation.

No. Most essays will have either two body paragraphs or three. But it depends on your main points and what you want to say. The examiner is marking you on logic – so organise logically.

Thanks Liz. Tomorrow is my LRW pray for me

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Thanku liz for such paraphrasing practice.please upload more such videos. Thanks.

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Thank you ma’am for this lesson.I have really learnt a lot today.

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Its a wonderful exercise , would you be kind enough to provide more exercises like this or share any link , where I can do more practice.

Sure, I’ll try to put more lessons like this up. Thanks for letting me know it was useful 🙂

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Yes please do it…so usefu. Thank you

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Hello Liz, I watched your video “how to write introduction” and have a question. If we are asked ” discuss this view and give your own opinion”, background statement and thesis statement in our introduction is the same ?

Yes, it’s the same technique. Paraphrase the essay question for the background and write your opinion as the thesis.

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Hai mam, during speaking test , if I can’ t hear or understand the question, requesting for repeating the question may affect my score..??

It won’t affect your score. It is fine to say “Could you repeat that, please”.

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Hi Liz, can I use highways for major streets? Thanks

You will need to check in a dictionary. It is American and I’m British.

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Hello, liz im adithya should we write both “BACK GROUND STMT” and “THESIS STMT” in the introduction or any one is enough ?

Watch this free video lesson about writing introductions:

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Hello Liz, I am sadiya, Can you please check my errors in below writing task 2. so that I can rectify my mistakes. i will be thankfull

The relative importance of main aim of advertising the various product on television to attract teenagers has been targeted should be prohibited. which can not be fully agreed, has now become more controversial. The substantial influence of the different advertisements of various products included in different categories has sparked the controversy over the potential impact of this advertising trend in this recent can be argued that it has some advantages on advertisements, but it has some drawbacks as well. This essay will elaborate both the positive and negative impact of advertisements resembling two sides of the single coin. Which usually runs in parallel and then will lead’s to the logical conclusion. At the outset, there are numerous ways to benefit the young children. The most conspicuous one is advertisements of various products which are used in daily life to improve the health as well standard of living according to status. Firstly, coming to improve or save the economic cost by spending on the product which is worth full in daily life. Like some branded products helpful in the kitchen with latest options as the technology has been fully developed. ex: which reduces the time spent in the kitchen for cooking, watching utensil, cleaning floors. Secondly, various health conscious product is known which help of advertisement, to cure the various minor diseases like cough syrup, pain reliefs painkillers, and healthy shakes so on.Thirdly, advertisements are beneficial to choose the good and cost effective product at less cost. The fourth one, the people are getting educated with these various adds in various ways, one of them is to maintain their personality lifestyle modification. Finally, people are knowing their rights to select the product and getting educated about the product before they are going to buy it,Products working status and its benefits has been compared with another. nevertheless, there remain some disadvantages, which can certainly, overwhelm the potential influence of advertisement on teenagers. But the most alarming one lies in the fact that the children are getting affected with advertisements via improper adds before their mindset has not well developed. There may chance of learning bad habits changing their social lifestyle.ex; smoking, chewing gutka, and other than this learning bad habits. Secondly, few adds are not proper for teenaged children like naked adds, getting addicted to television. from what has been discussed above it can be concluded that the impact of the advertising on children 70% is around beneficial and remaining 30% can be well handled by educating the children regarding good thing like having the proper diet, lifestyle modifications, learning how to improve the economic cost, learn the consumer rights.

Sorry, I don’t comment on writing. Make sure your introduction is only two sentences long. See the videos on this page to learn:

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Hi Liz! Thank you for your videos. They’re very informative. I need your help though. Could you check if what I did was correct??

Q: Prevention is better than cure. Do you agree or disagree that out of the country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventive measures.

A: The eradication of diseases is the focus of many countries in terms of health. However, disease prevention through health education is the lesser concern. In my view, the government should equally support both of these programs in terms of finances to create a better and healthier community.

This is my introduction. it took me almost 10 mins to formulate this one. What do you think??

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What is the maximum limit of words for both task and can i use persnl words..?

Your answers are on this page:

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Can you please post more lessons of this kind. thank you.

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I am a student of Ielts. now i want to sit for exam but my hand writing is not up to mark i have problem on Grammer and spelling, what will i do?

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Hi Liz, Thanks very much for all your ielts tip,they are very useful. I just checked my results now and i got the required bands listening-7.5,Reading-8.0,Writing-7.0,Speaking-8.5. Once again thank you very much. Beatrice

Overall band score 8 – excellent!! A very good score which you should be proud of. I hope you can now go forward with confidence and achieve your future goals. Thanks for letting me know 🙂 Liz

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Hllo liz I have required a great practice material, for improve my band score. My target was to achieve minimum 7 band score overall. But, i scored only 5.5 band as on 27 june, 2015. S- 5 L-5.5 R- 6 W- 4.5 now i again fill my exam that will be on 8 oct. so now i want want to attain best score. I really thankful to you, if you give me some help to attain my goal.

All my lessons and tips are on this blog. To get band score 7, you will need to develop your level of English. Students getting around band 5 in speaking and writing are making too many mistakes to be awarded band 6. You now have just under 3 months to improve your English language. Go to google and look for English language websites. All the best Liz

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Thanks a lot for the great tips and lessons. I just got my result and I was able to increase my writing score to 6.5. However, I need to score minimum 7 in writing, so I will give it another try as soon as possible.

Best regards.

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Hi Teacher,

My name is Santhosh and I would like to improve my writing skills very much to attain a band score of 7+. First of all, I would like to thank you very much that, your online videos were very helpful for me.

I took IELTS GT exam for 3 times to get a band score of 7+ in each modules and below are the score that I got:

L8, S7, R6.5, W5 L7, S7, R6, W6.5 L7, S6.5, R6, W6.5.

As you can see my writing is not upto the mark. Kindly provide an effective method to reach my goal and also I would like to do some practice exercise for planning and paraphrasing also, the link provided for paraphrasing practice is not available.

Thanks, Santhosh.

All lessons are listed on this blog. I don’t have extra lessons. All the best Liz

Thank you teacher,

While going through all the lesson’s and writing topics that you had provided in the website, I think it is sufficient enough for practice.

Thanks for providing good materials for the exam.

Thanks Santhosh

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Hi, Liz. First of all, I would like to thank you for all of the amazing resources you have created. I watched many of your video lessons and used them to prepare for my IELTS Academic test. I got my results this week and they were: Listening 6.5, Reading 8, Writing 6.5, and Speaking 9. I’ve got nothing to complain about the Listening part because I got distracted during the first track and didn’t hear the exact words and also because I also had trouble with another conversation about giving directions in a building. I’m not good at giving and getting directions. Not even in my native language, so I know I must work on that. However, I am puzzled at my writing score. I am pretty sure I made no grammar nor spelling mistakes. I felt I did well on Writing Task 2 but perhaps my graph analysis was rather simple. I’ve read about other examinees complaining about having a hard time to score higher than 6.5 in the writing section. Any thoughts on this? What would you suggest to improve this score? Thanks.

Thanks a lot, Liz. I just emailed you my writing samples.

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Hello liz…. M planning to appear fr ielts in the coming 2 weeks, the only problem I feel with me is with speaking part…. I have no problem with speaking English or framing sentences but then I use the word umm… aa…. Quite often while thinking about the next sentence which I can say… Will that affect my bands??

Yes, that will affect your score for the criterion of fluency. However, it won’t affect your score for grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation. All the best Liz

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I want to check my writing mam could you please provide any link for that to caliculate. Because I don’t have any idea about my standard in writing english.

Try this page: All the best Liz

Thank you so much mam

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Hello Liz, I have one question for you. Currently, just I am preparing my self to take IELTS exam in the first week of August. Always I wonder on time management. So, to manage my time in relation to my experience, what if I do the written exam in the following order. 1. Listening 2. Writing 3. Reading Thank you for your consideration, and I eagerly awaits your response. Kind regards,

Don’t change the order of doing the skills. In fact, I’m not sure that you can. The time management is during the skill. For example, sticking with only 20 minutes for each reading passage and spending no more than 20 mins on writing task 1. All the best Liz

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Large no of people while driving their cars overshoot the speed limit in city centres. To avoid this , governent should place extra cameras on major streets . This will ensure that people who overshoot would be caught .

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hi liz teacher ,thank you so much to teach us beneficial points i really confuse in paraphrases but i learn alot of things from your lessons

I’m glad the lessons are useful 🙂 Liz

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mam,i am very weak in task 2. Becoz,when i strat essay to cofuse, what i write

You will need to develop ideas for topics, learn how to organise ideas and also improve your level of English. In your message above, you made two spelling mistakes and also grammar mistakes. This means, to get over band 5, you will need to be able to write more accurately. Here’s a link to my writing lessons: . For English will need either a teacher or to find a website to help you. You can google that. All the best Liz

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A number of people exceed the speed limit, while they are crossing in the urban areas. To solve this problem the authorities have to install speed cameras in main junctions To deter people from speeding. By doing this, many people who are driving crazily will be coughed and the problem will disappear.

This lesson is now closed. You will find the answer above in the lesson. Liz

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Thank you Liz for your valuable instructions. I doubted in using “citizens” , but at last I used it. Regards

You did really well. 50% of your writing is based on your grammar and vocabulary. That means you will do well in those criteria. You should focus now on coherence & cohesion and task response. Good luck Liz

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hello Liz my name is Anna :-Certain individuals used to exceed their vehicles speed limit in urban centers.Futhermore,authorities ought to overcome the issue by increasing the quantity of cameras on main streets to deter drivers from speeding.As a result ,people will stop to drive fast and the problem will be resolved completely.

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A lot of car drivers exceed in speed when riding their vehicles in urban centers, going over the mandatory limits. One way to face this issue could be an increase in number of speed cameras installed by authorities in the main streets. By doing this, citizens will be deterred from driving too fast by the risk of being caught handed out and, consequently, the problem will probably be solved.

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Increasing number of people exceed the speed limit while driving in city centers. The only key to the problem is to install speed cameras on major streets by the government deterring people from speeding. By doing this, speed can be prevented and those who break the law will be caught red handed.

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Many citizens, when driving their vehicles, exceed the speed limit in urban areas. In order to resolving this, the authorities should install speed cameras in motorways to deter from speeding. By doing this, more individuals who speed will be arrested and this issue will be solved.

Can you tell me please, if it is correct. Thank you.

I will post the answer at 5pm UK time. Liz

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It’s almost 7 pm UK time

The answers have been posted. Please look above in the lesson. Thanks Liz

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Many people, when driving cars, exceed the speed limit in city centers. To stop this, the government authorities should put more speed cameras on major streets to put people off speeding. If this is done, more people who speed will be caught red handed and this problem will eventually resolved.

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A large number of people,when riding their vehicles,exceeds the speed limit in city centres. As a way of speed prevention, authorities should install more cameras on major streets to deter from speeding.By doing this,more people who speed will be arrested and this problem will directlly be resolved

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Some people exceed the speed limit while driving their vehicle in town centers. In order to resolve the problem, authorities ought to install large number of speedy cameras on motorways to prevent from increasing speed as by catching citizen red handed on cameras that in consequent deter directly the motor speed in urban areas.

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Many citizens, when riding their vehicles, exceed the speed limit in city centers. As an answer for this, the authorities ought to install more speed prevention cameras on motorways, to deter people from speeding. By doing this more humans who put the law away will directly be arrested and this problem will eventually be resolved.

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An increasing number of people riding their vehicles in urban areas, exceed the speed limit. As an answer to speed prevention, the authorities ought to install more speed cameras on motorways to deter people from speeding. By doing this, more people who speed will be arrested and the problem will be resolved.

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Large number of peopl, when driving their car, exceed speed limit in urban centers. In order to resolve this, authorities ought to install more speed cameras on motorway to deter them from speeding. Doing this, citizens who speed will be arrested and the problem will eventually be solved.

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Please read my paragraph and advice. Thanks Meenakshi

Some people exceed the speed limit while driving in the town.To deter citizens from speeding, authorities ought to install more cameras on the motorways.By doing this, more people will be caught red handed which will eventually resolve this problem.

I will post my answer for all students at 5pm UK time. All the best Liz

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A big number of drivers break the admitted legal speed when they are driving in urban areas. As a solution for this problem, the authorities should install surveillance cameras on main streets to deter drivers using exceed speed. By doing that, a large number of citizen would be caught red handed and this issue finally be resolved.

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A large number of people, when driving their vehicles,exceed the speed limit in urban centers .As an answer of this ,the authorities ought to install more speed camers on motor ways to deter citizens from speeding.By doing this ,more citizens who speed will arrested and this problem will be resolved directly

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Many citizens in urban areas exceed their speed limit when driving their vehicles.The authorities ought to install more speed cameras on motorway to deter from speeding.By doing this, humans who caught red will be directly handed to authorities to resolve this problem.

Many citizens in exceed their speed limit when driving their vehicles.The authorities ought to install more speed cameras on motorway to deter from speeding.By doing this,humans who caught red will be directly handed to authorities to resolve this problem.

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In town, when people driving their cars, exceed the speed limit in city centers. Inorder to solve this,authorities should install more speed cameras on major roads to put people off speeding. By doing this, more people who speed will be caugth and the problem will eventually be solved.

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Large number of citizens in urban areas exceed their speed limits when driving. As a way of prevention the authorities ought to install more speed cameras on motorways to reduce citizens from speeding.By doing this, citizens who speed will be put away and situation solved .

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Owing,this problem many citizens while riding a vehicals in the urban aerea they exceeds the speed,There are number of solution to handle this situation.motor way officials should install some extra speed catching camera in street,by taking this step many people would go off the speed either,panalies or punished in the large number city.finally,this way could be overcome the problem/situation.

Hope for comments.

You must use the words given in the box. Don’t change the paragraph in any other way. Liz

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In urban areas, many citizens exceed the speed limit when riding their cars. To deter from this problem, the authorities are ought to put more speed cameras on major motorways to put humans off speeding. By doing this, more people , who drive speedly will be caught red handed and finally this problem will be resolved.

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Hi…. am from india. When i write the phase 2 in writing. .. it takes lot of time to complete the essay… And my vocabulary is ok i think. ..

The large number of citizens exceed their speed while driving their vehicles in the urban areas. To this problem be resolved,the authorities ought to install more speed cameras on main routes and motorways to make them reduce their speed.By doing this,more people, who drive speedly, will be caught red handed and finally this issue will be tackled.

Many citizens, when driving their vehicles, exceed the speed limit in urban areas. As a way of solving this, the authorities ought to install more speed cameras on major streets to deter citizens from speeding. By doing this, more citizens who speed will be caught and this problem will eventually be resolved.

Hello Teacher, In essay i write one introduction and thesis statement two body paraghraph and it ok?

The thesis statement is part of the introduction – it is not separate. Please watch my video about writing an introduction. The rest of the paragraph structure is fine. Liz

Yes,teacher it is. After introduction i could write only two paragraph and conclusion,in my test.

Thanks teacher forbreply. Regards.

That’s right. Although it is possible to have three body paragraphs. It depends on the number of main points you have. Liz

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Many citizens, when driving their vehicles, exceed the speed limit in urban areas. As a way of speed prevention, the authorities ought to install more speed cameras on main motorways to deter people from speeding. By doing this, more citizens who speed will be caught red handed and this problem will eventually be resolved.

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Exercise : Intermediate-level Paraphrase Exercises

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Paraphrase Exercise

  • Please read the following passages carefully and paraphrase it. “In the United States, about six out of ten students in graduate schools are women. The same is true of today’s young adults who already have a degree beyond college. As a result, the Census Bureau expects that more women than men will hold professions such as doctors, lawyers and professors.” (Women Edge Past Men in Getting Doctorates, Voice of America,
  • “The Human Relations Commission (HRC) was established by the City of West Lafayette to protect the rights of our citizens and to ensure that West Lafayette remains a fair and inclusive community.” (What is the Human Relations Commission?, City of West Lafayette Indiana,
  • “The years after World War One were an important turning point in the making of the American nation. The country turned away from the problems of Europe. Now it would deal with problems of its own.” (American History Series: The United States Turns Inward After World War One, Voice of America, learning

Summary Exercise

Please read the following passage carefully and write a summary for them.

  • “Business is the most popular subject for international students in the United States. At last count, 21% of foreign students at American colleges and universities were studying business and management.” (Business English Speakers Can Still be Divided by a Common Language, Voice of America,
  • “There were more victories for supporters of the Tea Party movement. This movement centers on cutting taxes and government spending. It brings together conservatives and libertarians -- strong believers in individual liberty.” (More Wins for TEA Party Activists, but Will They Win in November?, Voice of America,
  • “In the years after World War I, new technologies changed America. Technology made it possible for millions of people to improve their lives. It also brought great changes in American society.” (Movies Become Big Business in the 1920s, Voice of America,

English Exercises: paraphrasing

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Simple fitness, cancer testing and cravings: The week in Well+Being

paraphrasing simple exercise

You are reading our weekly Well+Being newsletter. Sign up here to get it delivered to your inbox every Thursday.

Happy National Exercise Day! This week we’re writing about simple fitness and cancer testing, and we’ve got our weekly “joy” snack. But before that …

This week’s must-reads:

  • How to revive hair that thins, grays or gets out of control as you age
  • Anxious about your first mammogram? Here’s what I learned.
  • Medical Mysteries: Years of hives and fevers traced to a startling cause
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  • Why loneliness is associated with food cravings in some women

How to simplify your fitness routine

National exercise guidelines can be intimidating. Each week, adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

But you don’t have to don spandex and schedule 30 minutes of exercise a day to meet your fitness goals. Fitness can happen throughout your day in surprisingly simple ways.

In fact, gym rats who dutifully exercise every day for 30 minutes only to spend the rest of the day in front of a computer aren’t doing themselves any favors. Studies show that if you exercise but also sit for the rest of the day, it’s almost as if you haven’t worked out at all. So if you have adopted a morning workout routine — keep it up. But make sure you’re engaging in small bursts of movement throughout your day.

Here are some tips for making daily exercise a little easier:

Pick up the pace: Hurrying through chores and moving with gusto just a few times a day is linked to a 40 percent lower risk of premature death in adults. Adding a little intensity to our lives pays big dividends for our health, without requiring extra equipment, instruction, gym memberships or time, writes our Your Move columnist Gretchen Reynolds. “Hurry to the bus stop. Rush up the stairs. Play tag with your kids. Romp with the dog. Vacuum the living room with a little extra zing,” she advises.

To learn more, read: To live longer, pick up the pace just three minutes a day

Just walk (but forget 10,000 steps): The latest science suggests fewer daily steps may be the sweet spot for many of us, depending on our age, fitness and health goals. In a major review of step research on almost 50,000 adults, researchers found that the optimal number of daily steps is less than 10,000 for many people. In general, the pooled data showed that for men and women younger than age 60, the greatest relative reductions in the risk of dying prematurely begin with 8,000 steps a day. For people older than age 60, the threshold was a little lower. For them, the sweet spot in terms of reduced mortality risk came at between 6,000 and 8,000 steps a day.

To learn more, read: 7 surprising tips for step counters

Try 2-minute bursts of exercise: Scientists call these short bursts of movement “exercise snacks.” Take a 20-second jaunt up and down the stairs at work. Do some jumping jacks or chair squats at your desk. Make a brisk lap around your office several times a day. In one study, healthy college students rapidly climbed and descended three flights of steps, three times a day — in the morning, at lunchtime and again in late afternoon — almost every day for six weeks. They did not otherwise work out. But after six weeks, they had gained significant amounts of aerobic fitness and leg strength.

To learn more, read: These 2-minute exercise bursts may be better than your regular workout

Make exercise fun: When you do schedule time for exercise, make sure you pick something you enjoy doing. We’ve got advice for:

How to start rock climbing

How to start boxing

How to start curling

How to start tai chi

Getting your blood tested for cancer

When her husband was undergoing cancer treatment, Cindy Perez of Southwest Ranches, Fla., learned about a new blood test that could help find early cancers. The 50-year-old said she felt fine, but her husband urged her to take the test anyway.

To her surprise, the blood test — called Galleri — came back positive. Scans revealed a small tumor in her groin and a diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma, a rare but aggressive form of cancer. She was treated, and now, two years later, she’s in remission. “For me, the test was a miracle,” she said. “A real big miracle.”

Many experts believe that such tests, which analyze substances in the blood that might indicate cancer, represent a remarkable new chapter in cancer detection. These new cancer-detection blood tests — about 20 are in various stages of development — measure cancer “signals,” which are biological substances shed by cancers such as fragments of tumor DNA.

Some can even identify the organ or tissue involved. The tests may be especially useful in finding “silent” cancers — such as pancreatic or ovarian cancer — which often don’t cause symptoms until the disease is advanced and more difficult to treat.

“It opens up a whole new world,” said Eric Klein, a scientist at the health-care company Grail who developed Galleri , a multi-cancer detection test. “It’s the unmet need we face in cancer.”

To learn more, you’ll want to read our fascinating report from science writer Marlene Cimons.

More young people are getting cancer. Can I lower my risk?

I know someone who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She’s in her 40s and totally healthy. Why do people like her get cancer?

Cancer rates among people younger than 50 — called early-onset cancer — have been on the rise worldwide since 1990. Men and women in their 40s represent the largest portion of those diagnoses.

While early-onset cancer rates are rising for many kinds of cancers — including breast, uterine, colorectal and prostate — they’re still relatively infrequent. In 2019, early-onset colorectal cancer occurred at a rate of 5.7 per 100,000 people (up from 3.5 in 1990), and breast cancer occurred at a rate or 13.7 per 100,000 people (up from 9.6 in 1990) worldwide.

This is why asking family members about their health history is crucial — it will affect when your physician recommends you get your first mammography or colonoscopy, and whether you may need more genetic testing. About a quarter of patients with early-onset colorectal cancer, for instance, have a family history that would have warranted screening earlier than age 45 — a missed opportunity to catch or even prevent those cancers early.

To learn more, read the full answer from Trisha S. Pasricha, an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School. And she’s ready to answer your questions! Use our Ask a Doctor form to submit a question, and we may answer it in a future column.

Find your joy snack!

Here are a few things that brought us joy this week.

  • These banana pecan muffins are a naturally sweet start to your day
  • What to do if you find a bird nest near your home
  • He spent 20 years trying to buy back his grandma’s ‘Passionate Pink’ Mustang
  • Enjoy this fun romp through New York street fashion
  • Sasha Velour sashays into the culture wars
  • He built a ‘fantasy world’ in his apartment. It’s now a historic site.
  • 7 ways to use wallpaper — without covering a whole room

Want to know more about “joy” snacks? Our Brain Matters columnist Richard Sima explains. Y ou can also read this story as a comic .

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Breaking news, biden gave iran yet another win by pressing israel to go easy on the terrorist state.

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The Biden administration gave Iran a victory after urging Israel to to limit its retaliation, according to Post columnist John Bolton.

With Israel facing overwhelming pressure from President Biden, its Friday retaliation against Iran was an exercise in minimalism.

Jerusalem did cross one important Iranian red line, at whose mere mention the Biden administration has quailed.

Bibi Netanyahu’s war cabinet authorized an overt attack against a target on the soil of Iran, which Israel had previously attacked only covertly.

Point therefore made, albeit one that should have made many years ago.

Beyond that, there is little to celebrate.

Jerusalem’s riposte to Tehran’s massive April 13-14 missile-and-drone attack on Israel has solved nothing else substantive. Iran continues closing its “ring of fire” around Israel, which will likely now refocus on finishing Hamas.

It is frivolous to say, as some do, that Israel has established “escalation dominance” over Iran, having struck the first and last blows.

In fact, the parties exchanged a few glancing blows, with no material change in their capabilities.

Nonetheless, there were winners and losers from the exchange. Consider these:

Biggest winner. Beyond dispute, Biden wears the largest smile, his administration having all but broken Netanyahu’s arm to force Israel’s limp reaction.

The White House did not operate on a strategic plane here, except for demonstrating yet again its limitless deference to Iran.

Instead, the administration was playing domestic American politics and achieved two potentially critical objectives.

By saving Iran from a meaningful Israeli response, Biden has at least postponed the prospect of further increases in international oil prices and their inevitable consequence of increasing gasoline’s price at the pump in the United States.

And Biden forestalled intensified criticism from progressive Democrats who oppose his Middle East policies (such as they are) and could sink his prospects in November merely by staying home in key states like Michigan and Nevada.

Second biggest winner. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his regime literally dodged the bullets that Israel never fired.

The mullahs carefully watched Biden make Israel knuckle under, and they will not hesitate to exploit that lesson militarily and diplomatically as their ring-of-fire strategy continues unfolding.

Their near-theological hold on Biden’s administration, as on Barack Obama’s, continues to thrive, and Khamenei and his advisers sense the palpable political fear emanating from the White House.

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More than six months into the current war against “the little Satan,” Iran has still suffered no measurable damage on its home turf. In the psychological-warfare contest with America, it is unfortunately Iran that has “escalation dominance.”

Biggest losers. The security of the American and Israeli peoples suffered the most.

Biden muscled Israel’s war cabinet but bent his knee to our mutual adversaries in Iran, revealing by this unforced error crippling weakness in the White House.

On one hand, he was dismayed by Israel’s successful April 1 attack in Damascus against leaders of Iran’s Quds Force.

On the other, he asserted embarrassingly that just staying alive after Iran’s missile-and-drone barrage was an Israeli “win” requiring Jerusalem to rest on its laurels and not retaliate.

Israel, however, is struggling to escape living under the gun of Iran and its terrorist proxies, not celebrate it.

Our global adversaries, especially Moscow and Beijing, must have marveled at Biden’s sophistry, which sadly rises to the level of Lenin’s scorn for “useful idiots.”

And the basis of Biden’s overconfidence may well be wrong.

Israeli and US missile defenses were not as fully tested as first thought.

Largely unnoticed, The Wall Street Journal and CBS reported that half of Iran’s 120 ballistic missiles failed, either at liftoff or before being shot down.

If true, out of 320 Iranian projectiles, Israel’s missile defenses faced only around 60 ballistic missiles, plus 30 cruise missiles and 170 much-slower drones.

Iran’s failures do not detract from Israel’s missile-defense successes, including Jordanian and Saudi participation.

They do, however, underscore that if Iran launches more properly functioning missiles next time, we may not be so successful.

And the irony is heavy. Biden strongly opposed George W. Bush’s 2002 withdrawal from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which opened the floodgates of knowledge on all types of missile defenses, bearing fruit today.

Washington is reportedly readying sanctions against an Israeli army battalion for alleged human-rights violations.

If true, this news reveals Joe Biden’s real direction. So much for restraint.

John Bolton was national security adviser to President Donald Trump, 2018-19, and US ambassador to the United Nations, 2005-06.

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