Introductory essay

Written by the educators who created Covering World News, a brief look at the key facts, tough questions and big ideas in their field. Begin this TED Study with a fascinating read that gives context and clarity to the material.

At the newsstand, on our smartphones and while watching the evening news, we learn about faraway people and places from the journalists, stringers and correspondents who work for news agencies and other media outlets around the globe. Global news is everywhere — from the front page news read by a New Yorker on Madison Avenue to the government radio station broadcasting in Pyongyang.

However, it would be a mistake to consider this a completely new phenomenon or to overstate its pervasiveness. Many people tend to think that global news is both a recent phenomenon and one that we can credit to advances in technology. If we think of 'news' in terms of newspaper articles or television reporting, then news is only as old as the technologies of press and video, and dates back to the first newsletters that circulated in Europe in the 17th century.

But in reality, humans have shared information about current affairs within and across borders for thousands of years, starting with the news networks of the ancient Phoenicians. The historical record also describes merchants sharing political news along ancient trade routes, minstrels and other traveling artists whose fictional performances also carried information about social change, and criers in medieval town squares.

If news is not a product of modern technologies, it's nevertheless true that technological change has had a dramatic impact on how news is made and consumed: where once we had printed newsletters distributed twice a day, now we have Twitter feeds refreshed twice a minute, and carrying information from an ever-widening array of sources. We live, as media critics like Marshall McLuhan have argued, in a global village.

The trouble with this vision of 'global news' is that it's not nearly as complete as we imagine it to be. According to the World Bank, of the world's seven billion people, only 80% have access to electricity (or the gadgets like computer and televisions that depend on it), 75% have access to mobile phones, and a meager 35% to the Internet. Most people on the planet aren't connected to what we think of as the 'global media' at all. As Global Voices founder Ethan Zuckerman points out in his TED Talk, "There are parts of the world that are very, very well connected, [but] the world isn't even close to flat. It's extremely lumpy."

Just as critically, the content that makes up the 'global media' is still heavily focused on a few key centers of power. In her TED Talk, Public Radio International's Alisa Miller shares a powerful map of the news consumed by American audiences in 2008: most of it focused on the U.S., and to a lesser extent, on countries with which the U.S. has military ties. Ethan Zuckerman points out that this lack of global coverage is pervasive, whether it's at elite news outlets like The New York Times or on crowdsourced digital information platforms like Wikipedia.

Moreover, Zuckerman argues, it's not just about the stories that get made — it's about what stories we choose to listen to. Thirty years ago, Benedict Anderson made waves when he argued that political structures (like states) depend upon a set of shared values, the 'imagined community,' and that the media plays a key role in creating those values. Zuckerman, however, argues that in today's world the disconnect between what we imagine to be our community, and the community we actually live in, is a major source of global media inequality. We connect to the Internet, with its technological capacity to link up the whole world, and imagine that we live in a global village. But in practice, we spend most of our time reading news shared by our Facebook friends, whose lives and interests are close to our own. Zuckerman calls this 'imagined cosmopolitanism.'

Compounding the problem, the stories we do attend to can be heavily distorted, reducing whole countries or societies to a single stereotype or image. As author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie explains in her TED Talk about the 'single story,' when all the tales we hear about a country follow the same pattern, we begin to imagine that this pattern is all there is know. The 'single story' can affect all of us, rich and poor: Adichie talks of her own misconceptions about Nigeria's rural poor, of her surprise at encountering the diversity of life in Mexico, and of her college roommate's reductive vision of Africa as poor and underdeveloped. The difference, she argues, is that there are simply more stories out there about powerful countries than about less powerful ones, and that makes it harder for us to reduce those societies to 'single stories' in our minds.

What can we do?

First, we can tell different stories about the places that are prone to reduction. In her TED Talk, Yemeni newspaper editor Nadia Al-Sakkaf takes us to the Yemen she lives in — where terrorism and political upheaval are real problems, but far from the whole picture. Moreover, in her account, each image can tell many stories. A woman with a veiled face can represent the role of fundamentalist Islam in Yemeni society, but she argues that a look behind the veil shows us that many of these women are holding down jobs and earning income, and in so doing, changing their role within their own families and in Yemeni society more broadly.

Second, we can find ways to invest in journalism. As Alisa Miller argues, a major obstacle to a truly global news media is the cost of production, of keeping bureaus in every country and paying for journalists to produce deep, investigative stories. The great paradox of media economics in the digital age is that the Internet makes it possible for us to consume more content, but falling advertising revenues means that each piece of content must cost a little less to produce. That pushes news outlets, even wealthy ones, in the direction of gossip and regurgitated press releases that can be produced by a reporter who hasn't left her desk.

One way to break this cycle, Ethan Zuckerman argues, is to make small and targeted investments in local journalists in the developing world. He describes a blogger training program in Madagascar that became a newsroom overnight when world media outlets needed verified content from a country undergoing revolution. He highlights the critical work of professional curators like Amira Al Hussaini at Global Voices or Andy Carvin at the Associated Press.

At the heart of these recommendations is a shift in the way we understand the mission of journalists — or rather, a return to an old way of thinking about news.

Right up until the early 20th century, all journalists were assumed to be opinion writers. Reporters went places to report, made up their own minds about a topic, and wrote an account that included not only facts, but an argument for what position readers at home should take and what political actions might follow. George Orwell's colorful and opinionated essays from South East Asia, for example, were published as reportage.

Then the Cold War started, and in the democratic West, journalists began to strive for objective impartiality, to distinguish their work from the obvious, state-sponsored propaganda of the Soviet bloc. Many critics at the time questioned whether 'true' objectivity was possible, but no major western news organization disputed that it was the ideal.

Today, we're seeing a return to the older understanding of journalism, towards an acceptance that even independent reporting carries a viewpoint, shaped by the people who produce it. Moreover, contemporary journalists are increasingly coming to see this viewpoint as a strength rather than as a weakness, and using social media to be more transparent to readers about the values they bring to stories. New York University's Jay Rosen, for example, has argued powerfully that the 'view from nowhere' advocated by 20th century western reporters is dangerous because it can lead journalists to treat 'both sides' of a story equally even when one side is telling objective falsehoods or committing crimes.

Many of the speakers in Covering World News describe their journalism — whether it is Global Voices or the Yemen Times — as having an explicit moral and political mission to change our perceptions of under-covered regions of the world.

But no speaker is more passionate on this subject than TED speaker and photojournalist James Nachtwey, who credits the activist context of the 1960s for inspiring him to enter journalism, using photography to "channel anger" into a force for social change. Nachtwey's work has brought him, at times, into partnership with non-profit aid organizations, an alliance that is increasingly common in today's media world but would surely not have fit within the 'objective' media of a half-century ago. Nachtwey sees himself as a 'witness' whose place in the story is not to be invisible, but to channel his own humane outrage at war or social deprivation in order to drive social and political change: in one case, a story he produced prompted the creation of a non-profit organization to collect donations from readers.

This kind of work is a form of 'bridge building,' a theme that emerges in many of our talks. For while there may not be one 'global media' that includes all communities equally and reaches all parts of the globe, there are many individuals whose skills and backgrounds enable them to go between the connected and less connected pockets of the world, bridging gaps and contributing to mutual understanding. That, perhaps, is the way forward for international journalism.

Let's begin our study with Public Radio International CEO Alisa Miller, an ardent advocate for a global perspective in news programming. In her TEDTalk "The news about the news," Miller shares some eye-opening statistics about the quantity and quality of recent foreign reporting by American mainstream media organizations.

How the news distorts our worldview

Alisa Miller

How the news distorts our worldview, relevant talks.

The danger of a single story

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The danger of a single story.

Listening to global voices

Ethan Zuckerman

Listening to global voices.

My wish: Let my photographs bear witness

James Nachtwey

My wish: let my photographs bear witness.

See Yemen through my eyes

Nadia Al-Sakkaf

See yemen through my eyes.

Journalism History journal

Journalism History journal

Broadcast Essay: Live Television Changed the Way We Saw the World

TV news crews set up for a story. Photo in black and white.

How television changed the cultural landscape

A man crosses his arms and smiles

Television news started out as the bastard child of radio news and the film newsreel, and it was almost immediately disowned by those in the news business as superficial, trivial, and incomplete. Most print journalists either ignored or dismissed television news when it started its birth pangs in the late 1940s. 

Radio gave television news the concept of writing for the ear in a conversational, easy-to-understand manner so that anyone who heard it only once could remember it. Print users could read and re-read a story for as long as they wanted to. Listeners only heard the news once and had to absorb the information quickly.  Complicated sentences or concepts didn’t work. 

Newsreels were the model for a visual presentation and the first TV cameramen practically all came from the theatrical newsreels, which were quickly being replaced by the new television medium. The problem was newsreels were expensive and time-consuming to produce and seldom if ever employed for breaking news – the life blood of TV news.  When newsreels were not preoccupied with military stories (during wartime), they specialized in fluff: staged events, celebrity weddings, movie premieres, beauty contests, ship launches, animals doing silly things. 

Many of the early television program formats were based on network radio shows and did not take advantage of the potential offered by the new medium. Newscasters simply read the news as they would have during a radio broadcast.  Most of the time, the only visual was the newscaster reading on camera. Occasionally, there would be photos and limited video of news events.

Before the late 1950s and early 1960s, video TV cameras were too big and bulky to leave the sound stages. When cameras got smaller and lighter, television cameras moved into the local, county, state, and national communities and never looked back. Creating those smaller and lighter cameras was no easy feat. Broadcasters need equipment that is extremely rugged and versatile, can shoot in very low light and can handle wide temperature swings, day in and day out.

Today, one person with a camcorder or smartphone can write, direct, shoot and edit a video by deadline. Smartphone cameras have turned every citizen into a roving video reporter.  But 60 years ago, a camcorder or smartphone didn’t exist, and only futurists dreamed of such a possibility. 

In the middle of the 20th century, network news was something that great numbers of Americans relied upon and could share. It gave them a common set of facts upon which they could have discussions and debates.

Television brought major news events into the home, creating unforgettable moments that the public watched as one nation.

Television news was in its infancy when on April 8, 1949, Kathy Fiscus, a three-year-old girl in San Marino, CA, fell into an abandoned well. The way local stations covered the rescue effort became the blueprint for breaking news coverage that continues today. Until then, TV news was little more than “radio with a face.” Then came the 50-hour effort to rescue the child, 27 and a half hours of rescue efforts televised live by station KTLA in Los Angeles. There were few homes with television sets, so hundreds of people stood in front of store windows to watch the Fiscus rescue attempt on TV. 1

Television made an “instant family of the nation.” Several TV reporters were involved in the live coverage, but the most prominent was KTLA’s Stan Chambers, whose open-ended, uninterrupted reports from the scene captured everyone’s attention. Until then, TV was considered a novelty and not taken seriously. The telecast changed that forever. 

When the devastating news came that Kathy had died, the exhausted rescuers who had worked 50 straight hours openly wept. And a nation cried with them.  

 In 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, the four days of continuous coverage from Dallas – where he was assassinated – and Arlington – where he was laid to rest – proved that television was the only thing that mattered during a natural or man-made disaster. 

Later, the captured-live-on-television shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby created the “grisliest first of this new era of TV news.” Millions of Americans watched a murder happen live as they sat in their living rooms. 2   NBC was the only network to broadcast the live coverage, getting a scoop on an unforgettable moment of American history. 

NBC devoted almost 72 straight hours to the assassination and its aftermath. “The immediacy of live television and the ability to learn of breaking-at-this-minute news was something that had never been experienced by Americans before – and something which pushed radio and television news reporting to new heights,” wrote one historian. 3 An unbelievable 93 percent of American households with televisions were tuned in to watch the live coverage of the President’s funeral procession. 

Vietnam was the first war covered by television, and its impact was staggering. A seminal moment in that coverage came in 1965 when reporter Morley Safer reported on U.S. Marines burning the village of Cam Ne, a turning point in TV’s realistic coverage of a war. For the first time in American history, the news from the front lines was brought straight into the living room, and historians called Vietnam “the first television war.” 4

The 1969 landing on the moon of American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in Apollo 11 was watched by more than 700 million who marveled at the astounding, live images they were seeing. 5  

The SLA Shootout in May 1974 was one of the most intense firefights in Los Angeles Police Department history. The Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) was a radical group that had kidnapped newspaper heiress Patty Hearst and had gone on a robbery, bombing, and murder spree. “The gruesome drama of a real police story played open‐ended on live television for nearly two hours,” wrote a New York Times reporter. “A portable camera of Channel Two KNXT, a local CBS television station, brought the shootout with suspected SLA members in south central Los Angeles into millions of homes. KNXT shared its camera with the NBC and ABC Los Angeles stations, and the evening news was devoted to the siege. Network news programs were canceled and the coverage of the shootout, live and in color, went into living rooms across the country. “The chaos and vividness of a major police operation, viewed incongruously from living rooms, was bizarre. Viewers were able to experience all the action vicariously as they heard Bill Diaz and Bob Simpson, the KNXT reporters, describe how it felt to inhale tear gas and dodge bullets. At one point, the television picture scrambled as viewers heard the reporters relate how they had just recoiled when bullets ricocheted past them.” 6

The term ENG (Electronic Newsgathering or electronic journalism) was created by TV news departments who moved from film-based newsgathering to electronic field technology in the 1970s. It involved a single reporter with one video camera to an entire TV crew in a truck on location.

In 1986, the glory of America’s space program “turned into unfathomable heartbreak” when the Challenger shuttle exploded and broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing seven crew members including schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe. And millions watched it live. 7

The rescue of Baby Jessica in 1987 reminded viewers of the Kathy Fiscus tragedy, but this time the result was triumphant. The successful 58-hour effort to save trapped Texas toddler Jessica McClure from a backyard well was a defining moment for CNN as viewers tuned in for the around-the-clock cable news channel updates. 8

The from-behind-enemy-lines reporting of the Gulf War in 1991 by CNN’s Bernard Shaw, Peter Arnett, and John Holliman as bombs fell over Baghdad marked the beginning of live-TV war coverage. 9

TV cameras in the courtroom caught every minute of the stunning climax of the O.J. Simpson trial in 1995. The jury found the ex-football star accused of murder not guilty. Earlier, in 1994, the live coverage of a 45-minute slow-speed chase with a phalanx of police cars chasing Simpson’s white Bronco over California highways near Los Angeles was seen by 95 million viewers. 10

On September 11, 2001, two hijacked Boeing 767s slammed into the World Trade Center in New York City, and the horrific footage shocked a nation. TV reporters helped steady shaken viewers during the continuous coverage, but off camera they were weeping, too. It was one of the darkest moments in American history . 11

The coverage of news was changed forever when TV technically achieved the ability to cover the news live as it was happening. The internet has mostly replaced the excitement and immediacy of the live television news coverage on TV sets in the home that has dominated the news since the 1970s.

Smartphones and laptops are filled with live coverage from a variety of sources: professional newsgathering services, citizen journalists armed with smartphone and digital video recorders, special-interest videos that often send mis- or dis-information through video manipulation. 

But when a human-made or natural disaster takes place, TV is still the one unifying video and audio medium that dominates a nation’s thinking. We still huddle as one when a live event takes place that is beamed into our homes uncensored, unedited, and filled with the excitement that only a live news event can deliver to all of us.

About the author: Joe Saltzman is a professor of journalism and communication, and director of the Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture (IJPC), a project of the Norman Lear Center, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California. Saltzman was a senior documentary producer for the CBS owned-and-operated stations for more than a decade in the 1960s and 1970s and has taught at USC Annenberg for 55 years.

Featured photo : Kathy Fiscus

1. Terry Anzur, Inventing TV News: Live and Local in Los Angeles, 2022. 





7. Gunnar Matherly, The Challenger Disaster , History 153, August 19, 2015.


9. Barbie Zelizer, CNN, the Gulf War, and Journalistic Practice, Journal of Communication, Vol. 42, Issue 1, March, 1992. Pp. 66-82


11. Menahem Blondheim & Tamar Liebes, Live Television’s Disaster Marathon of September 11 and its Subversive Potential, Critical Studies in Innovation, Vol. 20, Issue 3, August 2010, pp. 271-276.

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Essay On Television: In 100 Words, 150 Words, 200 Words

essay on news channel in english

  • Updated on  
  • Sep 22, 2023

Essay On Television

Television, often referred to as the “idiot box” in its early days, has undergone a remarkable transformation since its invention . It has evolved into a powerful medium of entertainment, information dissemination , and education . This essay delves into the multifaceted role of television in our lives, exploring its history, impact, and the advantages and disadvantages it brings.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Television in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on Television in 150 words
  • 3 Essay on Television in 200 words

Essay on Television in 100 words

Television, a ubiquitous electronic device, has become an integral part of modern life. Its journey from being merely a source of entertainment to a medium of knowledge and connectivity has been extraordinary. With the advent of technology, television has evolved into high-definition screens and smart TVs, offering a plethora of channels and content. It serves as a window to the world, providing news, educational programmes, and entertainment for people of all ages. While television enriches our lives, it also presents challenges, such as the risk of addiction and exposure to inappropriate content. Nevertheless, when used judiciously, television remains a powerful tool for learning and relaxation.

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Essay on Television in 150 words

Television, originally known as the “idiot box,” has come a long way since its inception. Invented by John Logie Baird, it was initially designed solely for entertainment. Over the decades, technology has transformed it into a multifaceted medium. The word “television” itself reflects its essence, with “tele” meaning far-off and “vision” pertaining to seeing. It has become a device with a screen that receives signals, offering a wide array of channels and programmes.

Television is no longer confined to being a source of amusement; it’s a vital tool for education and information dissemination. News channels keep us informed about global events, and educational programmes expand our knowledge horizons. It’s also a source of inspiration, with motivational speakers and skill-building programmes motivating viewers.

However, television isn’t without its drawbacks. Inappropriate content, addiction, and the spread of misinformation are concerns. Yet, its advantages, including affordability and accessibility, outweigh the disadvantages when used responsibly.

Essay on Television in 200 words

Television, an electronic marvel, has evolved dramatically from its early days. Initially dubbed the “idiot box,” it was primarily a source of entertainment. However, with technological advancements, it has transformed into a versatile medium. The word “television” combines “tele,” meaning far-off, and “vision,” the act of seeing, reflecting its purpose as a device for receiving distant signals.

Television is now an indispensable part of modern life. It offers a multitude of channels and programs catering to diverse interests. News channels keep us updated on current events, while educational programs expand our knowledge in various fields. It’s also a source of motivation, with programs featuring inspirational speakers and skill development.

The affordability of televisions makes them accessible to a wide range of people. They provide a cost-effective means of entertainment and education, making them a valuable asset in many households.

Despite these advantages, television is not without its drawbacks. Inappropriate content can be easily accessed, posing risks to younger viewers. Excessive television watching can lead to addiction, resulting in reduced physical activity and social interactions. Furthermore, some programs spread misinformation, which can have lasting negative effects.

In conclusion, television, with its evolution and widespread use, offers a blend of entertainment, education, and information. Its benefits are immense, but users must exercise responsibility to maximize its potential while minimizing its drawbacks.

To improve your essay writing skills, practice regularly, read extensively, and pay attention to grammar and vocabulary. Additionally, seek feedback from peers or educators to identify areas for improvement.

A well-structured essay should have a clear introduction, a body with well-organized paragraphs, and a concise conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea, and there should be smooth transitions between them.

To make your essay more engaging, start with a captivating hook in the introduction, use descriptive language and examples, and maintain a clear and logical flow of ideas throughout the essay. Additionally, consider the reader’s perspective and aim to address their interests and questions.

We hope that this essay blog on Television helps. For more amazing daily reads related to essay writing , stay tuned with Leverage Edu .

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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Essay On Television | Television Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Veerendra

Essay on Television: Television has become one of the most common things in our day-to-day life and everyone has a television in their house. Television has become the main source of entertainment, news, and Information. Television has brought the whole world into our house within a small box. When we open a news channel on TV we get so much information about our locality, states, country, and also about the whole world. To get rid of headaches and boredom we open an entertainment channel like movies and cartoons. There are also some informational and learning channels that are there on television.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essay on Television for Kids and Students in English

In this article, we have provided a few sample essays on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Television, Importance Of Television topics. There is one extended essay of 500 words; a short essay of 100-150 words; and ten lines on the subject of Television.

Long Essay in English on the Topic Television 500 words

Such long essays are usually helpful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. They are asked to write these essays for assignments and exams.

Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of science and technology. Television has brought the whole world into our house. It is the main source of entertainment in today’s life. Also, we get vital information and can learn many new things from television. Nowadays TV is one of the most popular advertising platforms.

In England in 1878, a Scottish amateur scientist, John Loggie Baird, successfully transmitted the first TV picture, after years of hard work. This Television works with the help of the mechanical system. The size of the TV is very large, and a single person can’t take it from one place to another. The mechanical technology used in the television was quickly replaced by superior electronic television in the year 1927 when Philo Farnsworth successfully demonstrated electronic television in San Francisco.

In the early times’ television is not like today’s television. The old television frames are made of wood, and it comes with an antenna, and the TV gets channels by the radio wave. To catch the radio signal waves, one has to rotate the nob provided on the TV. In past days there are only some channels to watch on TV. Also, one can’t watch colorful programs on TV like today’s television. The shows on TV are black and white. There is a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) used in that TVs’. Not only in the black and white TVs’, but also there are many color TVs which come with a cathode ray tube. The black and white TV’s also cannot be controlled by the remote. If one wants to change the channels or wants to adjust the volume, they have to fix it by going near the TV. When colorful TVs’ comes in market cable lines are used to provide channels, and one can define the color of a thing with this TV. Scientists also thought about the problem of changing the channel by going in front of the TV and they invented a remote to control the TV from sitting at any place. The name of the first RCA color TV set is the CT -100.

But in recent times we have colorful TVs’ in our house with so many channels. These TVs’ are totally different from the old TV. These TVs’ are colorful and mounted on the wall with a big screen. There is no Cathode Ray Tube concept in these TVs’. Modern TVs’ use LCD and LED. These TVs come with a very smart look. Today we get so many channels on our TV like an informational channel, Entertainment channel, Kids channel, etc. We also can learn many things by watching TVs’. We can explore aquatic animals, forests, rivers, mountains, land animals with the shows on Television. We can know the news of the whole world on TV. A kid gets fun when they watch cartoon channels. When a man is depressed, they can get relief by watching movies and comedy shows on television. In one Word TV plays a vital role in our daily life by removing our fatigue, providing us information and entertainment.

Short Essay on Television in English 150 words

Essay On Television is useful for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of science and technology. Television has brought the whole world into our house. It is the main source of entertainment in today’s life. A Scottish scientist, John Loggie Baird invented the first television in the year 1878. This Television works with the help of the mechanical system and the size of the TV was very large. in the year 1927 electronic television was invented and it was a Black and white television it gets channels by using radio signals. After some time, color TV comes in the market and the name of the first RCA color TV set is the CT -100. Today we use smart LED TVs in our house with a cable connection. On the TV we can watch movies, cartoons, news, dance & drama, and listen songs on various channels. Today TV has become a part of our daily life.

10 Lines Essay About Television 150 words

  • In England in 1878, a Scottish amateur scientist, John Loggie Baird, successfully transmitted the first TV picture.
  • This television was quickly replaced by the electronic television in the year 1927 when Philo Farnsworth successfully demonstrated electronic television in San Francisco.
  • This TV gets channels by catching the radio wave with the help of the antenna and by tuning the nob. These TVs come with Cathode Ray Tube (CRT).
  • After this CRT color TV came on the market and replaced the Black & White TV.
  • The name of the first RCA color TV set is the CT -100.
  • Modern TV comes with LCD and LED technology with low power consumption.
  • We can watch programs on TV by taking the cable or dish connection
  • On the TV we can watch movies, cartoons, news, dance & drama, and listen to songs on various channels.
  • We can explore, learn, and know many things with the shows on Television.
  • Today TV has become a part of our daily life.

FAQs on Television Essay

Question 1. Who invented the first Television?

Answer: John Loggie Baird, a Scottish amateur scientist invented TV in 1878.

Question 2. What is the name of the first color Television?

Answer: The name of the first color Television set is CT -100.

Question 3. What is the full form of CRT?

Answer: The full form of CRT.

Question 4. How does old TV get channels?

Answer: Old TVs get channels by catching the radio waves.

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Our site collects English news articles from various news sources, such as:

  • The Guardian
  • New York Times

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

Current and Easy-to-Read News in English

Engaging with current news through reading and comprehension is a great way to improve your English language skills.

Would you like to stay informed and improve your level of English at the same time? Read our easy news articles adapted to easy-to-understand English, it won’t even feel like studying!

Did you like our simple news articles? Share our content and discuss it with your friends. We are also on X (Twitter) and Facebook , join the community!

All Our Resources Are Free

Visit the About page for more information on how our method works and for some simple study ideas. You will also find a section with the best tips for learning English and information on official exams (such as TOEIC, TOEFL).

If you are an English teacher, you will also find a section dedicated to suggestions for your lessons using news articles in easy English.

I am passionate about languages, and we created Practice English with News to relieve you from hours of studying books. I want to help English students improve their English language skills in a fun and engaging way.

Not Just Reading

For each of the easy English news articles you find here, you can try different methods and challenges:

  • Read the article we have adapted for you in easy-to-understand English
  • Listen to the simple news stories in clear, natural and simple voices. You can listen to the articles read aloud and improve your oral comprehension level
  • In the Vocabulary section you will find the definitions of the most difficult words and phrases used in the articles
  • Test yourself in the Quiz section and check your comprehension level by answering a series of multiple-choice questions

Practice English with News is Your Resource for Improving English

This site is completely free and designed for simple navigation.

Our priority is to offer you a pleasant and fun learning experience while you learn new vocabulary and improve your understanding of written and spoken English through news stories written in simple English. Come back and visit us whenever you want!

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Learn English with News: 30+ Online English News Resources

English news articles will expose you to important everyday vocabulary and help you master English sentence structure. 

To get you started, I’ll show you my 30+ favorite English learning news resources.  

1. Choose English News Learning Sources at Your Level

The times in plain english.

  • The New York Times ESL Articles

“Words in the News” on BBC Learning English

Learning english with cbc, 2. add high-quality authentic english news sources, the guardian newspapers, the new york times’ times minute, bbc world service’s global news podcast, the wall street journal, 3. watch and read english news that matches your interests, espn soccer, sports news lists, kids’ news sites, instyle magazine, runners world, this american life, the new york times’ modern love, bbc news’ youtube channel, good news network, the irish times, “the daily show”, 4. read the news out loud with a pen in hand, why learn english through news, learn relevant, up-to-date vocabulary, improve both listening and reading skills, an abundance of free resources, and one more thing....

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

If you’re a beginner, no problem: you can watch and read the news online at a level that works for you, then go to more difficult stories at your own speed.

essay on news channel in english

With FluentU, you can browse hundreds of authentic English videos, including news broadcasts. There are a few different kinds of news you can find on FluentU, including news segments about current events, special programs about specific topics, debates, sports coverage, discussions of new technology and much more.

FluentU makes every video easy to follow no matter what level you are: Just read along with the accurate subtitles. If you hear a word you don’t know, click on it to see an in-context definition, read example sentences, hear an audio pronunciation and see the word in use in other FluentU videos.

You can also add words to flashcard decks and review them with personalized quizzes. If you’re using the iOS or Android app, you’ll even get a chance to speak each word thanks to speaking questions.

Plus, after every video on FluentU , you can take a quiz to see how well you understood the language in the video.


As clearly stated on the front page,  The Times in Plain English  is about “clear writing” for “global reading.” It makes authentic English news articles easier to understand for a worldwide audience.

  • Thousands of learner friendly videos (especially beginners)
  • Handpicked, organized, and annotated by FluentU's experts
  • Integrated into courses for beginners

essay on news channel in english

This means that beginners can get a daily dose of easy English news without having to pick up their dictionary every five words!

The site takes articles from various publications, including  The New York Times , and rewrites them in short, concise sentences using common vocabulary. Topics include health, education, law, immigration, money and work. You can find a link to the original article, for when you want some more challenging English news reading practice.

The site is easy to navigate and you can also subscribe to a newsletter to receive new articles straight to your inbox.

The New York Times  ESL Articles


The Times in Plain English is not directly connected to  The New York Times , but this ESL news resource is.

It’s a weekly column on  The New York Times Learning Network that’s  perfect for American English language learners . It features stories that are written in a way you can understand.

After you read, take the quizzes on punctuation and word choice .

  • Interactive subtitles: click any word to see detailed examples and explanations
  • Slow down or loop the tricky parts
  • Show or hide subtitles
  • Review words with our powerful learning engine

essay on news channel in english

And it’s free!


The BBC offers a daily program called “Words in the News” for upper levels of British English learning . The reports show you important words, then show you a news story that includes those words.

The words can be difficult, though. Don’t be surprised if you need to review the words in the quiz that comes with the program.


ESL Video features a range of English videos, including news clips, which are accompanied by content made by teachers.

The site is free and the additional content includes quizzes.

The news videos sometimes have transcripts available, so you can read along with what’s being said during the video.

As we mentioned above, not all of their videos are news videos. However, the ones that are can be divided into categories like “science and technology,” if you want to practice specific vocabulary.

  • Learn words in the context of sentences
  • Swipe left or right to see more examples from other videos
  • Go beyond just a superficial understanding

essay on news channel in english

This Canadian news site is geared toward English learners and has plenty of news videos and some audio clips.

The videos are labeled with their English level , so you can choose the one that suits your study needs.

The subjects cover everything from Canadian news to sports to children’s news.

Each video is meant to help you practice English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation while learning about current events and cultural facts about English-speaking countries.

The site also has an extensive archive of stories from 2017 and earlier, including news interviews and longer stories.

Lots of really mediocre (not so good) content is out on web. When you learn English through news, you want to go for quality.

Seek out authentic (designed for native speakers) English news articles and videos with crisp, clear language. The sentences should be short and declarative , which means they should use a subject-verb-object pattern . The writing in the story should be as easy to read as the headline (the title at the top of the story).

  • FluentU builds you up, so you can build sentences on your own
  • Start with multiple-choice questions and advance through sentence building to producing your own output
  • Go from understanding to speaking in a natural progression.

essay on news channel in english

Try to find news sites where the staff comes from different cultures. The stories are more likely to give you more than one viewpoint (perspective) on a problem.


USA Today has a lot to offer language learners, because the writing style is very direct.

There are countless stories on current events, American politics, national news and more. There are even videos covering these topics you can use to improve your listening comprehension.

Although it’s most popular for its news and political articles, USA Today also has several pieces covering money, sports, business and wellness topics, among others.

The Guardian  is another great source for varied English news stories. Plus, with a click on a tab, you can switch to English language vocabulary and news more suited to Americans , Brits  and Aussies .


  • Images, examples, video examples, and tips
  • Covering all the tricky edge cases, eg.: phrases, idioms, collocations, and separable verbs
  • No reliance on volunteers or open source dictionaries
  • 100,000+ hours spent by FluentU's team to create and maintain

essay on news channel in english

There are news reports and opinion pieces with high-quality writing, which often require an upper-intermediate to advanced level of English .

The Guardian’s Long Read provides some exciting additional materials to improve both reading and listening skills.  The Guardian’s Learning English section has a crisp, clean writing style as well.


This video channel from The New York Times features short current affairs videos. They contain smart analysis from the Times reporters and editors. They don’t take long to watch, as most videos are within two minutes. Basically, they’re short and sweet—ideal for improving your listening skills while you learn English with news.

The videos are accompanied by a related article, which makes for excellent, relevant reading material. Here’s a neat exercise to take advantage of both:

  • First, read the article. Read at your own pace but give it your full concentration.
  • Second, summarize the article based on what you read. Try to do the summary verbally in under two minutes, and ideally, use a voice recorder.
  • Finally, watch the video.  Compare your summary with the Times Minute’s video. The aim of this exercise isn’t to determine who did a better job, but to learn how to transform a story from a written format to a spoken one and pick out the core ideas.

You may also want to subscribe for full access to The New York Times . As The New York Times is of the best-known newspapers in the world, it’s one of the best resources for English news reading practice.


theSkimm is a daily e-newsletter that claims to give you all the most important news you need to start the day. Every morning, you’ll get pithy (short but expressive) summaries and insightful commentaries regarding the day’s headlines.

essay on news channel in english

The newsletter’s popularity is thanks to the writers’ ability to turn sometimes dull news into something fun and quick to read. Rather than having to visit various sites to get all the important news of the day, you can skim it all quickly right in your inbox. It’s a lot more convenient!

As a language learner, you’ll also benefit from the news being shorter and down-to-earth. As humor plays a large part in theSkimm’s style, beginner learners without much exposure to American culture might miss a joke or two.

However, you’ll likely still find the newsletter engaging and will be motivated to use it for English news reading practice every day. (I know I am!)


This daily podcast from BBC World Service is ideal for improving your listening skills while commuting or doing chores around the house. On the podcast, a learner can listen to worldwide reporters who have various English accents (including American, British, Australian and Indian) or who speak English as a second language.

That makes valuable listening practice for English learners, because in the real world—the workplace, universities or social occasions—not only will you encounter accents from across the Anglophone world, but you may also rely on English to communicate with other non-native speakers who don’t share your mother tongue.

huggpost logo

Previously known as  The Huffington Post, HuffPost offers a more entertaining perspective on news and current events.

Depending on the edition, you can read American , Canadian , British and Australian coverage of a variety of topics. It is an ideal resource for intermediate English learners.

the wallstreet journal logo

The Wall Street Journal is another major publication based in New York City that is famous the world over. You will find financial, political and culture news covered in every issue. It is often sold in newspaper kiosks even outside the US.


Politico is an American newspaper and journalism company dedicated to sharing political news. They’re non-partisan, which means they tend to stick to the facts rather than twisting the story to suit their political beliefs.

They’re one of the top American news sites when it comes to political news, and they’re constantly adding new videos to their website.

Politico focuses on American politics , so it’s very specific in terms of subject matter. This makes it a great source to use if you’re looking to become more familiar with how the U.S. government works.

It’s also a great place to  learn about American politics and foreign policy , which can affect countries around the world.

Additionally, you can expect to learn a ton of great vocabulary by studying words related to government, economics, policy, etc.


CTV News is a Canada-based news site that has tons of videos.

Their news videos cover both national and international stories. You’ll have access to just about any type of vocabulary you can think of, as there’s also extensive coverage of lifestyle news, such as pop culture, health and entertainment.

The best thing about this news source is that  English captions are available with most of the videos . That means that you can check your understanding of pronunciation, learn how to spell a word or use the subtitles to help you know what words to look up in a dictionary.


SBS News is based in Australia , exposing English learners to yet another unique English accent.

This is another resource that provides tons of opportunities to expand your vocabulary, as it covers a wide array of topics like small businesses, sports and cultural news.

While many of SBS News’ videos are focused on Australian news, there are tons of them that talk about world news as well.

New videos are added every few hours, so you’ll never run out of stories to watch.

Plus, just about every story is accompanied by a longer summary and additional photographs to provide you with more insight into what’s happening in the video.

While most videos are short, there are occasionally longer options that provide you with a deeper look at a story, which is perfect if you’re looking for a longer English lesson.

Politics isn’t your thing? Plenty of other types of English news are out there.

Finding news on topics you care about will keep you motivated to learn . Plus, it’s just a more interesting way to learn English through news!


Love football/soccer? You know there are websites for that. If you’re an advanced speaker, ESPN may be a great site for you .

ESPN Soccer offers all the soccer coverage you want, including stories about the game in just about every country in the world. You may be able to see some broadcast videos if your cable provider can give you access.


As a beginner, you want to find the right kind of easy English news site that’ll talk about sports in a way you can understand. Lots of sports commentators speak very fast and seem to shout. You also usually don’t get to see the commentator as he or she speaks, which can make it hard to understand.

So instead, pick sources that break information down into smaller pieces. The Midfield Dynamo Football Site creates all its news in Top 10 lists.

The site is great for picking up on British idioms and humor. Real Clear Sports similarly regularly organizes news into Top 10 lists.

For example, you can find out the top NCAA tournament scorers and the top dumbest plays in sports history.


Sites designed for younger readers also work well for easy English news and still provide specific information that you find interesting .

For example, travel buffs will love  National Geographic Kids and science fans will enjoy  Kids Discover .  Sports Illustrated for Kids can give beginning and intermediate learners their sports in text and video forms.


How-to stories give information that you care about in a detailed way. How-tos do exactly what the name suggests: tell you how to do something that you want to learn.

InStyle Magazine offers instructions on everything from selecting the best lipstick to getting a good fit in petite (small) clothes. InStyle’s writing is clear and the words are ones you most likely want to know.


If you like to jog for fitness , Runners World gives you lots of how-to information and videos on everything from picking the right shoes to getting ready for a marathon. As with lists, how-to stories put information together in an organized way. That structure helps you find patterns because the information comes in pieces that fit together neatly.


Are you interested in learning more about American cultures and issues? This American Life offers fascinating, in-depth stories about life in the U.S.

This American Life is one of the first podcasts I ever subscribed to and remains my longtime favorite. You’ll hear everything from personal stories to investigative reports, always with powerful storytelling. You’ll find exciting, heartbreaking and inspiring insights into the lives of American people.

The stories from This American Life are ideal materials for advanced English listening practice. You’ll be exposed to natural conversational speech and a range of English accents. You can also test your understanding using episode transcripts available on the website.

If you’ve never heard of This American Life and feel overwhelmed by its large archive, I recommend starting with Serial , a spinoff podcast that went viral in 2014 and 2015.


Modern Love is a very popular column in The New York Times , and it’s perfect for people who are interested in true personal stories . It focuses on stories of love, loss and redemption (being saved or making things better) and can stir up emotions that most of us have experienced at some point in our lives. The column has beautifully written personal essays, which are engaging and not too difficult to read.


For listening practice, check out the  Modern Love podcast , which turns the stories into theatrical reading performances. There’s also a short interview with the people mentioned in each story in the second half of each episode.

The column and the podcast make a great resource for language learners. You can work on reading, listening and even speaking skills. The podcast performances by professional actors provide excellent examples of the rhythmic flow of English speaking, which you can practice imitating to perfect your own.


MSN News gathers their news videos from the top U.S. news outlets , such as CNN , CBS, the Associated Press (AP), USA Today, The Washington Post and NBC.

You’ll find tons of high-quality videos on world news, U.S. news, politics, technology, etc.

You can use the website for free , and you can easily sort through the news by topic.

With such a wide variety of subjects, you can  easily add new vocabulary  to your repertoire (set of skills). Plus, you’ll never run out of videos to watch since the site  adds new content daily.

bbc news logo

They have playlists for related news stories, making it easy to learn about topics you’re interested in.

They have short videos around one to three minutes but also longer documentaries around 25 minutes to give you a fuller, more in-depth English lesson.

Since it’s a YouTube channel, you also won’t have to sort through written news articles to find the videos.


The Good News Network shares positive, happy news stories from around the globe. Their news categories include happier options, such as “inspiring” and “laughs.”

You can expect to watch videos about animals, families and kids.

The Good News Network typically provides more in-depth written summaries with its news videos.

In other words, there’s a longer summary of each video to help you understand what’s happening if you have trouble following the story.


Despite being based in Ireland and focusing on local and national news, The Irish Times also supplies plenty of videos covering international news.

Their news covers  everything from sports to politics to culture , so there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

What makes these videos nice for English learners is that  each news segment is quite short . Videos can last as little as 30 seconds and typically don’t run much past two minutes.

This makes them a perfect, bite-sized English lesson for learners who have busy schedules.


TechCrunch specializes in international news related to technology, including stories about the latest electronics, cars, apps, robotics and startups.

You can easily divide news videos by subject, such as interviews, reviews and gadgets (tech tools).

The best thing is that some of the videos have  captions available in several languages, not just English.

That means that you may be able to find subtitles in your native language, which can be a big help when it comes to understanding the English videos.

Some caption options I’ve seen include Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch and Japanese.


“The Daily Show” is an American news TV show that also lets you enjoy American comedy.

The show is currently hosted by Trevor Noah and pokes fun at current affairs, politicians and news stories.

You’ll learn a lot about American culture and how U.S. citizens perceive and interpret different news.

The great thing about this site is that there are thousands of shorter video clips to choose from and hundreds of full-length episodes available for free online.

Finally, if you can follow along with the news videos, you will surely have a good laugh!

Instead of just reading words to a story inside your head, read the words out loud. Reading out loud helps you slow down and sort out the words’ meanings . This means you will actively learn English with news, rather than reading or hearing the words and then forgetting them.

If you don’t know a word, highlight it or write it down. If the meaning doesn’t become clear later in the paragraph, go back and look it up in a dictionary . Reading news is a great way to learn English because the articles tend to be short and the vocabulary tends to stay the same on each topic.

Let’s say you’re reading the Time for Kids article “Should Plastic Straws Be Banned?” As you read, you’re going to find unfamiliar words and idioms.

Right away, you’ll encounter the word ban.  You’ve got your pen ready to write down the phrase. Rather than dragging out a dictionary, keep reading. It probably will become clear quickly that ban  means to prevent people from having/using something. If the meaning doesn’t become clear, you don’t have to hunt for the word later. You’ve got your list ready.

If you don’t know a word in an online video, hit the pause button and write the word down. Come back to it later and find the definition.

Having the subtitles available for videos can make all the difference in learning English. Play the video with the sound on and listen carefully to the pronunciation. Rewind and play the same section again, but this time with the sound off. Read the subtitles (those words at the bottom of the screen) out loud.

You’ve already selected content at your learning level and on topics you care about. Reading the text with the video will help you build English vocabulary on things that interest you, plus give you more confidence in your pronunciation.

As mentioned earlier, you might find  FluentU and its interactive English subtitles useful here. FluentU also has a video-based quiz that you might want to check out.

Language is about making sense of real-life issues. News programs focus on issues that you care about and on how you live your life. It makes sense to learn English in a context you can actually use.

Reading or listening to news keeps you up-to-date with the current discourse (conversations people are having) in English. Not only will you pick up essential vocabulary for political, economic and cultural issues, but you’ll also learn how these issues are framed and approached in the Anglophone world.

For example, let’s look at the way feminist issues have been discussed in the news throughout history. In English news articles from the early 20th century, you’ll find a major focus on women’s right to vote and you’ll frequently encounter the word “suffrage.”

In the early 21st century, feminist issues including equal pay at work or abortion options have become more topical (talked about), and you’ll find headlines like these: “Feminism, Abortion Rights and the Women’s March” (The New York Times) or  “Gender pay gap means women ‘working for free from now until 2017′”   (The Guardian) .

It’s interesting to see how issues and language evolve (develop or change) throughout history. During your lifetime, which term do you think you’ll hear and use more often in English: “suffrage” or “gender pay gap?”

The news is accessible in many forms: broadcast on TV, aired on the radio (or through podcasts), printed in newspapers or displayed on websites.

English news articles are written clearly and directly , making them perfect for learning new vocabulary. Similarly, TV news reports are always spoken with a clear, standard accent from the region (like the U.S., U.K., etc.). This will help boost your listening comprehension skills.

Print and online news are useful for reading practice , as their content is relevant to your daily life. This means you can guess the meanings of words that you don’t know and remember them for longer. For example, if you check today’s weather section and see the word “downpour,” then go out and get soaked in the heavy rain, you’ll surely remember what “downpour” means in the future (and will know to grab your umbrella).

Similarly, radio and TV news is a great resource for practicing listening and picking up useful words. It’s also helpful for language learners because news broadcasters tend to speak clearly and slowly compared to conversational speech. Some TV news videos even come with subtitles, which means you can improve your listening and reading skills at the same time.


Many news publications and broadcasters have gone online to find a larger readership. Though some publishers ask for a subscription fee for premium or unlimited content (or appeal for some financial support through a membership program, like The Guardian does ), you can choose to read countless pieces of news for free on the web, or get news delivered to your email inbox.

Whether you’re interested in entertainment, business or general headlines as you learn English through news, you’ll have at least limited free access to many major publications. You’ll also be able to find entirely free magazines and newspapers. Popular news sources with free online access include Vice , BuzzFeed News  and  Fast Company .

Learn English through news in a way that works for you! These four steps and tons of valuable recommendations for English news articles and broadcasts will get you started.

If you like learning English through movies and online media, you should also check out FluentU. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials , as you can see here:


If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it.

The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.


FluentU lets you learn engaging content with world famous celebrities.

For example, when you tap on the word "searching," you see this:


FluentU lets you tap to look up any word.

Learn all the vocabulary in any video with quizzes. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.


FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. Learn more.

The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a truly personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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essay on news channel in english

  • Essay On Newspaper

Essay on Newspaper

500+ words essay on newspaper.

The newspaper is one of the oldest means of communication, which provides information from all around the world. It contains news, editorials, features, articles on a variety of current topics and other information of public interest. Sometimes the word NEWS is interpreted as North, East, West and South. It means that the newspapers provide information from everywhere. The newspaper covers topics related to health, war, politics, climate forecast, economy, environment, agriculture, education, business, government policies, fashion, sports entertainment, etc. It covers regional, national and international news.

Here, we have provided an essay on ‘Newspaper’, which will help students to improve their writing section. So, students must try to write a ‘Newspaper Essay’ in English after going through this sample essay . This essay on ‘Newspaper’ will give them ideas on how to organise their thoughts in a structured format to frame a good essay.

The newspaper is the most authentic and reliable source of information as it only prints the news after proper investigation. Newspapers are delivered to our doorstep early in the morning. We can read the news by having a cup of tea and get to know what is going on around the world. Newspapers are economical as we get information at a very low cost. They are easily available and are also printed in different languages. Thus, newspapers make it easier for people to read news in their native language.

Newspapers cover different columns, and each column is reserved for a particular topic. The employment column provides information related to jobs. This column is very useful for youth who are searching for suitable jobs. Similarly, there are other columns, such as the matrimonial column for finding the perfect match for marriages, a political column for news related to politics, a sports column for analysis and opinion on sports updates, etc. Other than this, there are editorials, readers, and critics’ reviews that provide a wide variety of information.

History of Newspapers in India

The first newspaper to be printed in India was called Gazette Bengal. It was published by an Englishman, James Augustus Hicky in 1780. This newspaper was followed by the publication of other newspapers like the Indian Gazette, Calcutta Gazette, Madras Gazette Courier and Bombay Herald in the coming years. After the first freedom struggle of 1857, the number of newspapers appearing in different languages of India continued to grow. At the time of this freedom struggle, media expansion in India was not large. However, after India became independent, the expansion of newspapers continued.

Importance of Newspaper

A newspaper is an important prerequisite for democracy. It helps in the proper functioning of government bodies by making citizens informed about government work. Newspapers act as powerful public opinion changes. In the absence of a newspaper, we cannot have a true picture of our surroundings. It makes us realise that we are living in a dynamic world of knowledge and learning. Daily reading of the newspaper will help improve English grammar and vocabulary, which is especially helpful for students. It also improves reading skills along with learning skills. Thus, it enhances our knowledge and broadens our vision.

Newspapers contain advertisements which are essential to run a paper. So, along with news, newspapers are also a medium of advertising. Advertisements related to goods, services and recruitment are broadcast. There are also missing, lost-found, and government-release ads. Though these advertisements are useful most of the time, sometimes they result in misleading people. Many big companies and firms also advertise through newspapers to enhance their brand value in the market.

Disadvantages of Newspaper

There are numerous advantages of the newspaper, but on the other side, there are some drawbacks too. Newspapers are a source of exchanging diverse views. So, they can mould the opinion of people in positive and negative ways. Biased articles can cause riots, hatred and disunity. Sometimes immoral advertisements and vulgar pictures printed in the newspaper can severely damage society’s moral values.

Deletion of the vulgar ads and controversial articles removes the above-mentioned demerits of the newspaper to a great extent. Thus, an active reader cannot be misled and deceived by journalism.

Keep learning and stay tuned with BYJU’S for the latest update on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study videos.

Frequently Asked Questions on Newspaper Essay

Is the newspaper still in use as much as in the earlier days.

Although news feeds and news channels instantly update us on the happenings around us, daily newspapers are very much still in use. Many people still refer to and wait for the news to be updated in these newspapers, even today.

What are the 5 main sections of a newspaper?

The five main sections of a newspaper are national/international news, sports, entertainment/amusement, classified advertisements, and neighbourhood news.

Who invented the newspaper?

Johann Carolus invented the first newspaper in Strasbourg, Germany.

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Essay on Newspaper for Students and Children

500+ words essay on newspaper.

Newspaper is a printed media and one of the oldest forms of mass communication in the world . Newspaper publications are frequency-based like daily, weekly, fortnightly. Also, there are many newspaper bulletins which have monthly or quarterly publication. Sometimes there are multiple editions in a day. A newspaper contains news articles from around the world on different topics like politics, sports, entertainment, business, education, culture and more. The newspaper also contains opinion and editorial columns, weather forecasts , political cartoons, crosswords, daily horoscopes, public notices and more.

essay on newspaper

History of Newspapers

Newspaper’s circulation started in the 17 th century. Different countries have different timelines to start the publication of Newspapers. In 1665, the 1 st real newspaper was printed in England. The first American newspaper named “Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick” was printed in 1690. Similarly, for Britain, it all starts from 1702 and in Canada, in the year 1752 the first newspaper named Halifax Gazette started its publication.

In the late 19 th century, newspapers became very common and were cheaply available due to the abolishment of stamp duty on them. But, in the early 20 th century, computer technology started replacing the old labor method of printing.

Importance of Newspaper

Newspaper is a very powerful medium of spreading information among people.  Information is a very vital thing as we need to know what is happening around us. Also, awareness to the happenings at our surrounding helps us in better planning and decision.

Government and other official announcements are done in a newspaper. Government and private sector employment-related information like job vacancies and different competitive related information are also published in the newspaper.

Weather forecasts, business-related news, political, economic, international, sports and entertainment-related all information are published in the newspaper. Newspaper is the ideal source of increasing current affairs. In most of the household in the current society, the morning starts with a reading newspaper.

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Newspaper and other Communication Channels

In this age of digitization, abundant data are available on the internet. Most of the news channel and newspaper publishing houses to cope up with the trend of digitization have opened their own website and mobile application. Information spreads instantly via social media and websites.

In this current scenario where information is almost available at real-time on the internet, the newspaper in its original form seems to face a treat of existence. However, the daily, weekly papers still hold its importance in this digital era. The newspaper is still considered as the authentic source of any information.

Most of the newspapers also have a special section for the young and school students to express and show their talent. Several articles on the quiz, essay, short story, painting are published which makes newspaper articles interesting among school students. It also helps in inculcating the habit of reading the newspaper from an early age.

Newspapers are a great source of information that can be available at home. Each and everyone must ensure to imbibe the habit of reading newspapers in their lives. In today’s digital world, online source of information is readily available but the authenticity and credibility of such information are not known. It is the newspaper which ensures to provide us accurate and verified information. Newspapers are permanent as because they have been able to earn the faith of the people with its validated information. Socially, the newspaper plays an important role in the upbringing and maintaining the morale and harmony of society to a larger extent.

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Paragraph On News Channel: The Role And Impact Of News Channels In Today’s Society

Paragraph On News Channel: The Role And Impact Of News Channels In Today’s Society

Paragraph On News Channel: News channels play a crucial role in our society by keeping the public informed, providing diverse perspectives, and promoting democracy and accountability. In the fast-paced world we live in, news channels serve as the primary source of information for millions of people around the globe.

Table of Contents

Paragraph On News Channel

In this blog Paragraph On News Channel, we include About Paragraph On News Channel, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Paragraph On News Channel for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Paragraph On News Channel is also available in different languages. In this, Paragraph On News Channel, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Importance Of News Channels

News channels serve as a vital bridge between events happening locally and globally and the public. They act as reliable sources of news, covering a wide range of topics such as politics, economy, social issues, sports, and entertainment. Let’s explore the significance of news channels in more detail:

Keeping The Public Informed News channels fulfill the important task of keeping the public informed about current events. Whether it’s reporting on political developments, natural disasters, or societal issues, news channels provide up-to-date information, allowing individuals to stay connected with the world around them.

Providing Diverse Perspectives A healthy republic thrives on different opinions and perspectives. News channels play a vital part in furnishing a platform for colorful voices to be heard. Through interviews, panel conversations, and debates, they offer observers a range of shoes, helping them form their own informed opinions.

Promoting Democracy And Accountability News channels act as trols, icing translucence and responsibility in society. They play a vital part in exposing corruption, holding public figures responsible, and keeping the government in check. By slipping light on important issues, news channels contribute to a more informed and engaged crowd.

Role Of News Channels In Society

News channels fulfill multiple roles in society, ranging from news reporting and investigative journalism to public awareness campaigns.

News Reporting At the core, news channels are responsible for timely and accurate news reporting. Journalists gather information, verify facts, and present news stories to the public. Their work involves thorough research, interviews with key individuals, and on-ground reporting.

Investigative Journalism Investigative journalism plays a vital role in uncovering hidden truths and exposing corruption or wrongdoing. News channels invest resources in investigative reporting, delving deep into issues that affect society. This form of journalism helps uncover the truth, holding individuals and institutions accountable.

Public Awareness Campaigns News channels often initiate public awareness campaigns on important social issues. They highlight problems like climate change, health crises, and social injustices, aiming to educate the public and stimulate action. These campaigns serve as catalysts for change, creating awareness and fostering public dialogue.

News Channels And Technology

News channels have embraced technology to enhance their reach and engage with audiences effectively.

Live Reporting And Breaking News With live reporting, news channels bring real-time events directly to viewers’ screens. This allows for immediate coverage of breaking news, providing minute-by-minute updates as events unfold. Live reporting brings a sense of immediacy and urgency, keeping viewers informed in the moment.

Social Media Integration News channels leverage social media platforms to reach a broader audience. They share news stories, engage with viewers, and encourage discussions on current events. Social media integration allows news channels to extend their reach beyond traditional television broadcasts, reaching younger demographics who consume news primarily through digital platforms.

Online Streaming And Video On Demand To cater to the changing preferences of viewers, news channels have embraced online streaming and video on demand services. This allows individuals to access news content at their convenience, whether it’s watching live news broadcasts or catching up on missed programs. Online platforms also offer additional features like interactive graphics and supplementary information to enhance the viewer’s understanding of news stories.

Challenges Faced By News Channels

While news channels play a vital role in society, they also face several challenges in the modern media landscape.

Maintaining Credibility Credibility is crucial for news channels to gain and retain the trust of their audience. In an era of rampant fake news and misinformation, news channels must uphold high journalistic standards, fact-check their stories, and provide accurate and balanced reporting. Maintaining credibility requires constant vigilance and a commitment to journalistic integrity.

Balancing News And Entertainment News channels often find themselves walking a fine line between delivering informative news content and catering to audience preferences for entertainment. Balancing the need for ratings and viewership with the responsibility of delivering reliable news can be challenging. Striking the right balance ensures that news channels remain informative while engaging their audience.

Coping With Fake News And Misinformation The proliferation of fake news and misinformation poses a significant challenge for news channels. In an era of information overload, it is increasingly important for news channels to verify sources, fact-check information, and debunk false narratives. Adopting stringent editorial policies and investing in robust fact-checking mechanisms are essential in combating the spread of misinformation.

Challenges Faced By News Channels

The Future Of News Channels

The landscape of news channels is continuously evolving, and they must adapt to the changing dynamics of the media industry to stay relevant.

Embracing Digital Transformation News channels must embrace digital transformation to meet the changing preferences of their audience. This involves leveraging technology, expanding their online presence, and developing innovative ways to deliver news content. Embracing digital platforms allows news channels to reach a global audience and engage with viewers across different devices and platforms.

Adapting To Changing Audience Preferences Audience preferences and consumption habits are constantly evolving. News channels need to adapt their content formats and delivery methods to cater to these changing preferences. This may include incorporating shorter news segments, producing visually engaging content, and providing interactive elements to enhance viewer engagement.

Expanding Global Reach In an increasingly interconnected world, news channels have the opportunity to expand their global reach. By forming strategic partnerships, establishing international bureaus, and offering localized content, news channels can provide a global perspective on news stories. Expanding their reach beyond domestic boundaries allows news channels to contribute to a more global understanding of events.

Conclusion (Paragraph On News Channel)

In Paragraph On News Channel, News channels serve as indispensable sources of information, playing a vital role in keeping the public informed, providing diverse perspectives, and promoting democracy and accountability. They face the challenges of maintaining credibility, balancing news and entertainment, and combating fake news. By embracing digital transformation, adapting to changing audience preferences, and expanding their global reach, news channels can navigate the evolving media landscape and continue to fulfill their crucial role in society.

Read More: Bad Effects Of Watching Television Paragraph

Paragraph On News Channel (FAQs)

Question 1. How do news channels gather information for their news stories?

Answer: News channels gather information through various means, including conducting interviews, monitoring official sources and press releases, deploying journalists for on-ground reporting, and monitoring social media and online platforms for emerging stories.

Question 2. How do news channels ensure the accuracy of their news content?

Answer: News channels have dedicated teams of journalists and fact-checkers who verify the information before presenting it to the public. They rely on multiple sources, cross-check facts, and adhere to strict editorial standards to ensure the accuracy of their news content.

Question 3. How do news channels address biases in their reporting?

Answer: News channels strive to maintain impartiality and objectivity in their reporting. They have editorial guidelines in place that emphasize fairness, balance, and providing diverse perspectives. However, biases can sometimes be inherent in human reporting, so it is essential for viewers to consume news from multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding of a story.

Question 4. How do news channels combat the spread of fake news and misinformation?

Answer: News channels combat fake news and misinformation by employing rigorous fact-checking processes, verifying sources, and debunking false narratives. They often run awareness campaigns to educate the public about identifying and avoiding fake news. Additionally, news channels collaborate with fact-checking organizations and leverage technology to detect and counteract the spread of misinformation.

Question 5. How can viewers contribute to responsible news consumption?

Answer: Viewers can contribute to responsible news consumption by critically evaluating the sources of information, fact-checking claims before sharing them, and seeking out multiple perspectives on a given topic. It is important to be discerning and cautious when consuming and sharing news to ensure the spread of accurate and reliable information.

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Essay on Television in English for Students and Children

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Table of Contents

Television Essay: Television is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Since the invention of first ever electronic television in 1927, the television has undergone a number of changes in shape and size as well as in terms of transmission technology and picture quality.

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Today, the sleek, wall mounted televisions of different sizes are found in billions of houses across the world. They come in different sizes and are also equipped with latest technology, capable of showing hundreds of channels.

The television has gained immense popularity over time and today it is found in almost every household, the world over. Sure, it is good for entertainment purposes and is informative, but it also has its set of disadvantages, which we will discuss further in the essay.

Long and Short Essay on Television in English

Below we have provided long and short essay on television in English language. These Television essay have been written using the simple vocabulary and easy to understand sentences.

After going through the essays you would know – what is television; when and who invented it; how a television acts as a medium of education; is the television a boon or a bane; is television corrupting the minds of youth; what are the advantages and disadvantages of television, is television better than books, is television harmful to the society, etc.

Short Essay on Television (200 Words) – Essay 1

Today a television is found in almost every house across the world. The rich, the poor all have it and it is one of their most entertaining possessions. However, the television that we see today is completely different from its predecessor in a number of ways.

The first televisions were very basic and started appearing in the early 1800s. Though, they were rudimentary and worked purely on mechanical principles. The concept involved scanning an image and then transmitting it onto a screen.

A major breakthrough came when the mechanical scanning system was combined with a cathode ray tube in 1907 by a Russian Boris Rosing and English A.A. Campbell Swinton.

World’s first electronic television was invented in 1927 by a 21 years old inventor – Philo Taylor Farnsworth. He used radio wave technology to remotely transmit images to a device with screen. His technology was way ahead of mechanical TV concept.

Today, the television has become most important household equipment, so much so that it is almost impossible to spot a house without a television set. It is great for entertainment purpose and could be really informative too, but also has certain disadvantages like addiction, explicit and violent content, social and psychological effects on a person etc.

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Essay on Television as a Medium of Education (300 Words) – Essay 2

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Television could really be a great source of education if only informative and knowledge based channels are viewed or subscribed. There are various channels which offer educational programs for school and college going students. There are also tutorial channels based on specific subjects for the students. A television has a variety of educational programs to cater to a variety of audiences. It has educational programs for the children, the young and also the old.

Role of Television in Education

The role of television in education building has been acknowledged by many countries around the world. It is used as a tool for effectively teaching both formal and non formal education. A television could be synchronized with school curriculum and used to teach a specific subject.

Television is also an efficient method of effectively obtaining non formal education, for those youth and adults who didn’t have a chance to obtain formal education. It could be effectively impart skills, provide vocational training and other necessary cultural and civic education, when used properly.

Educational Television Programs

Today you don’t need to approach your physics teacher, after school hours to understand the Newton’s laws of motion. You just need to switch to educational section in your television and choose from a number of tutorial programs in Physics.

Despite subject oriented programs, a television offers various other non formal education programs which enhance your overall knowledge on issues other than subject matter. To state a few examples History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel and various other science based Channels do a great deal of imparting education.

Essay on Is Television Better Than Books (350 Words) – Essay 3

Television is an audio visual machine which provides entertainment in the form of various programs, transmitted through air, in the form of radio signals, to be received by your Television. Books on the other hand have no electronics involved and have printed pages, to be read by their prospective Reader and are also aimed at conveying some useful information or entertaining him.

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Is Television Better Than Books?

Both, books and television are two different modes of information exchange, aimed at providing useful or sometimes bogus information to the user and entertaining him. But the environment in which they are used and the effect that they have on their respective users are totally different. Television in a normal household is generally placed at common place-a place where the family, friends or visiting relatives gather.

People meet in front of Television, to watch their favorite shows, or to just listen lazily to the News. Whatever the reason may be, TV is only a short term entertainment option which does not provide you much useful information except when you are listening to News.

Books unlike Television are to be read in silence , stressing upon every word, every sentence and letting it slowly seep into your memory through your eyes, while you lie relaxed on your favorite chair or lying down on your bed. Reading Books is like a spiritual exercise, which satisfies your desire to be entertained in a silent but effective way. Watching Television on the other hand, after sometime will leave you stressed, looking for peace and silence. TV slowly drains your inner peace and tranquility, leaving you stressed and flabbergasted. Whatever the TV does to you, Books do just the opposite.

Reading a favorite Book in silence sitting on your favorite chair will relax your soul and mind, and the more you read, the more you will feel content and informed.

Essay on Television a Boon or Bane (400 Words) – Essay 4

Today, the television is found in billions of houses the world over. As per global statistics, nearly 79% of total households own at least one TV set. With such immense popularity and acceptability television has also hugely influenced individuals and even societies. In this essay we will discuss on the boon and bane factors of the television, ending with conclusion.

Television as a Boon

Television, when properly used is a vast sea of knowledge and information as well as the best source of entertainment. There are a number of ways to justify the usefulness of television in our lives. First of all, it is the most primary and most popular source of entertainment. It provides a number of entertainment programs, ranging from daily soaps, singing and dancing competitions, news channels, movie channels, science and fiction channels, business channels, automobile channels and lot more. Moreover, you can view these channels in the language of your choice.

Apart from being entertaining, television is also a tool to gain education and information. There are various channels based on subject matters for school and college going students as well as for the students of PhD level.

There are also a number of NEWS channels running live news from various corners of the world, covering every significant political, social and educational event. A Television set provides all of this useful information in the comfort of our homes, thus proving that television is a boon to humanity.

Television as a Bane

Despite of all the advantages that make television a boon to human race, there also are certain traits of television which could make it really annoying. Speak of the television as annoying and the first thing that flashes through our minds is noise. The sound of a highly emotional soap opera coming from the next room when you are trying to study or sleep could be quite frustrating and annoying.

Moreover, a television also transmits adult and violent programs which could be really misleading for youngsters. Exposure to such malicious contents impacts the personality and social skills of the youngsters, often making them arrogant, hostile, corrupt, violent and socially obscure. Also, addiction to television is an added disadvantage which along with the mentioned effects makes television a bane to humanity.

Essay on Television Is Harmful To the Society (450 Words) – Essay 5

Television is an audio visual device which entertains you through various visual programs transmitted through air. The information that it provides is not always useful, however that depends on the user to a larger extent. Television since its inception has a vast affect on Civilization, ranging from health to sociological and sometimes psychological. Though it is a source of information, the incessant use of Televisions has led to many medical conditions and a drastic change in the social fabric.

Television is Harmful to the Society

Today the younger generation is more susceptible to myopic vision (a medical condition in which person looses his/her normal eyesight) as a result of watching Television for longer duration than advised. Watching TV closely or for longer duration also results in tired eyes, headache and lost concentration.

In past few years there has been a reported increase in the number of children suffering from visual disorders, lost concentration and headache as a consequence of watching TV. Apart from injuring their eye sight, TV slowly makes them inactive turning them into introverts. Instead of going out and playing, mingling with other children, making new friends, they sit motionless and watch TV for hours. The effect that the TV has on their overall persona is not very hard to imagine. Television basically transforms fun loving, outgoing, little enthusiastic wanderers into dumb, visually impaired and introvert kids.

The TV ahs also affected the society in the same manner as it has affected the kids. Today if you visit any locality your town, city or village in evening, you will find closed doors with different sounds of Television coming from the houses. Instead of socializing in their free time, people have taken to watching their favorite program on TV, which provides no informational value at all.

In the past years, when there was no TV, people spend their time socializing, asking about each other’s health and well being, reading their favorite books or newspapers, playing sports and helping one another in the time of need. Now with the invention of TV, all the doors of socialization got closed and people are silently watching TV behind their closed doors, while there neighbor might be looking for help.

Essay on Is Television Corrupting the Mind of Youth (500 Words) – Essay 6

Television is the most widely used and most popular audio visual device used for entertainment and informative purposes. Wide acceptability has made television a household name and its popularity cuts across ages and classes. Youths, however are more vulnerable to the negative effects of television, due to immaturity and tender age. In the following essay we will discuss on how television is corrupting the minds of youth and what remedial measures could be taken to eliminate it.

How is Television Corrupting the Minds of Youth?

First of all, watching television could be a waste of time if not watched for informative or knowledge purpose. Many television programs show inappropriate adult contents, teen violence, drug abuse, sexual and other similar offences, undesirable language, bullying etc. Also, most of the movies shown today contain high degree of violence and bloodshed. Such programs hugely affect the psychological and social behaviour of the youth.

An uncontrolled exposure of violent and corrupt programs make the youth arrogant, violent and more prone to corrupt practices. For example, watching crime based serial or movies make the immature minds of youths to follow the same corrupt practices. Also, teens tend to copy undesirable activities like eve teasing and staking, as is shown in many programs and movies.

Moreover, smoking and liquor consumption are some of the most common activities shown in television programs. Such activities have high influence on the teens, who relate them with manhood. Somehow, they tend to believe that they could only be a complete man if they smoke as well as consume liquor as the actors on the television do it.

Necessary Measures to Keep the Youth Safe from Ill Effects of Television

The most effective method to keep the youths safe from the influence of television is to provide limited access to them. Also, there should be a restriction on the channels they view and they must only be allowed to view informative and knowledgeable programs. Viewing malicious and violent content by youngsters must be strictly prohibited.

Parents and guardians should be more communicative with their wards, discussing on the derogatory effects of television among other issues. Children should be told on how to use television for gaining information and education.

Youths should be well informed about the advantages as well as the disadvantages of television and also that watching inappropriate content on television will adversely affect their behaviour and social life as well as distort their thought and morale.

These days a number of youths are taking up bullying, smoking, consuming liquor other corrupt practices under the influence of television.

Long Essay on Television – Advantages and Disadvantages (600 Words) – Essay 7

Television, despite being immensely popular, once the TV was called an “Idiot box”, because back then it was less informative and more entertaining. But as the time passed, the advantages of television have also increased. Still, the advantages are countered by the disadvantages, a narration of which is provided below. In the concluding paragraph we would be able to know, whether the advantages of television weigh more than the disadvantages or vice versa.

Advantages of Television

The advantages of television are discussed below-

  • Cheap Entertainment

Television is the cheapest source of entertainment available to a common household. Various programs on information, education, entertainment, religion and other topics provide a pool of options to choose from, that too sitting in the comfort of your house. The options never seize and you will never be left bored in front of the television.

  • Educational and Informative

Television is a good source of education and information. There are various educational channels dedicated to teaching students about a specific subject. 24 hour news channels will keep you up to date about the world affairs. Channels based on wildlife, science and travelling enhance your knowledge about various subjects apart from entertaining you.

  • Skill Development

Television could be an effective tool for skill development. There are various programs dedicated to skills like cooking, drawing, singing, dancing etc. Anyone who desires could learn a skill of his choice by watching it done on television by the program host. If you have a hobby of cooking then you just have to switch the channel and make mouth watering dishes as your host is instructing.

  • Motivational

Some television programs could also be motivational for any one in need. Channels offer motivational speeches and talk shows by some of the best in class motivational speakers. Listening to them will surely leave you feeling much better in the end.

  • Wide Exposure

Television provides a wide exposure on a variety of topics ranging from world issues, news, wildlife, science and fiction, history, geography, upcoming world and national events, sports, hobbies and much more. Such vast exposure, while sitting in the comfort of your house is only possible because of television.

  • Family Ties

Television also increases family ties as all the family members sit together to watch a movie or their favorite sport tournament.

Disadvantages of Television

  • Violent and Inappropriate Content

This is one of the most prominent disadvantages of television. A television offers a number of violent contents and inappropriate languages which has adverse effects on youths as well as elders.

  • Derogatory to Health

Sitting for longer hours in front of the television has a negative effect on the health too. It is the cause for many lifestyle diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, obesity etc.

  • Social Obscurity

Person, who is addicted of television, often avoids socializing with friends and relatives, making himself a sort of introvert. Such persons become emotionally vulnerable and often show hostile behavior towards others.

  • Emotional Vulnerability

Watching too much of drama on television might make you emotionally vulnerable. People are seen to face the same pain when their favorite character dies, than they would have felt on losing a real friend. Such emotional upheaval isn’t good for mental and overall health of a person.

  • Hidden Agenda

Various businesses have a hidden agenda of targeting vulnerable customers through TV commercials. Every TV program has commercials, where the manufacturers frantically try to lure customers by making false claims and promises about their products.

  • Shallow Information

The information that is provided by news channels on television is often only half the truth. Moreover, regular commercial breaks and an effort to glamorize the issue, keeps the real information hidden and leave you confused and wondering in the end.

  • Highly Addictive

Television is highly habit forming and children are seen to be more vulnerable to its addiction. Once addicted, a person loses all interest in other hobbies and always wants to watch television whenever s/he gets the time.

FAQs on Television Essay

What is the importance of television essay.

The importance of television lies in its ability to inform, entertain, and educate, serving as a powerful medium for communication and connectivity.

t is the importance of television essay?

Television is important for its role in disseminating news, entertainment, and educational content to a wide audience.

What are the 10 advantages of television?

Ten advantages of television include: information dissemination, entertainment, educational programs, connectivity, cultural exposure, advertising opportunities, real-time news coverage, convenience, family bonding, and accessibility to a variety of content.

What is television in simple words?

Television, in simple words, is a device that displays audio and visual content, allowing people to watch shows, movies, news, and more on a screen in their homes.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of television?

Advantages of television include access to information and entertainment, while disadvantages include potential health issues and excessive screen time.

Who is the father of television?

Philo Farnsworth is often credited as the father of television for his pioneering work in developing the electronic television system.

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Improving Your English

How to learn English with news: 13 ESL news sites, podcasts & apps

essay on news channel in english

There are many ways you can learn English with news , including websites, apps, podcasts, and newspapers.

Whichever medium you prefer, listening to or reading English news is a fantastic way to learn new words, improve comprehension, and stay up-to-date with current affairs.

Here we will list our favorite news resources for English learners, as well as some tips for making the most of learning English in this way.

Why learn English through the news?

When you use written and spoken news to learn English you:

  • Test your understanding of words relating to different topics
  • Expand your vocabulary
  • Improve your listening skills
  • Expose yourself to different accents
  • Gain reading practice while learning about interesting topics
  • Stay up-to-date with what’s going on in the world

In short, it’s one of the best ways to learn English for free ! So, let’s get started looking at where you can find ESL news stories.

man trying to learn english with news in a newspaper

How to learn English with news websites and newspapers

Here are our tips to learn English by reading news articles or watching English videos with subtitles or a transcript.

1. Choose resources at your level

If you have tried reading or listening to English language news before and found it hard to understand, don’t worry. It may just be that you need to try some different resources for your English proficiency level .

We recommend beginning with ESL news websites that present news articles using language that is easier to read than those written for native speakers.

Here are some good websites to learn English by reading news online:

  • News in Levels : Take a free test to assess your level, then browse thousands of articles written with appropriate language for your level. Each lesson has an audio file so you can choose to read, listen, or read along as you listen. Level 1 is written in simple language that is easier to understand, while Level 3 uses more advanced vocabulary and grammar. This site is especially good because it publishes fresh daily news for English learners.
  • Practice English with News : On this news website for learning English, you will find news articles written for intermediate and elementary level, or around CEFR level B1. Each story is intended to be easy to read, but with some more challenging vocabulary thrown in. You can listen to an audio recording of the text to check your pronunciation and comprehension. There is also a vocabulary list, a quiz, and a link to the original article for each story. Browse topics by category, including Business, Entertainment, Sport, and Technology.
  • Breaking News English : This website has news delivered in 7 different levels. Each version of the article has various activities and quizzes to help with learning useful words, building sentences, and general comprehension of the text. This turns each news article into a helpful English lesson, so take some time to study not just the text, but do the additional exercises as well. New articles are published several times a week.
  • BBC Learning English News Review : Weekly activities are published here, with a video about a particular news topic recorded specifically for English learners. The news broadcasters use British English accents , and with each video, you can find accompanying materials that cover key words and phrases used. It’s also possible to download an audio file and pdf for future reference or offline use.

2. Introduce native-level news when you’re ready

If you are already comfortable with intermediate or advanced level on some of the resources above, you can try moving on to news articles that are written for native English speakers.

These tend to be written at upper-intermediate to advanced level, although some publications use quite formal language while others adopt a more conversational tone.

Here are some high-quality publications where you can learn English with news written for native speakers:

  • BBC News : One of the world’s best-known news outlets, accessible via their website or app. You may also be able to watch their TV news channel in your country. Coverage tends to use British dialects, although they have many international reporters around the world as well.
  • The Guardian : Most of the top British newspapers are hidden behind a subscription paywall or riddled with ads, but The Guardian is an exception. Find everything from current affairs to opinion pieces to film reviews.
  • USA Today : A daily newspaper with a wide readership in the US. Also available online and via a mobile application, it is known for delivering information in a concise, accessible manner.
  • CNN : You can access CNN news via their website or news channel. Their articles give information on a wide variety of topics, from breaking news and politics to travel and health.
  • HuffPost : If you prefer a less formal style of reporting, HuffPost has a mixture of serious news stories alongside lifestyle and human interest pieces, but all written with a more casual tone.

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3. Analyze the headline

Here’s a good tip when you’re reading news to learn English: Before you even glance at the article content, take a good look at the headline.

News headlines are typically written in a format that concisely conveys the topic of the news story. See if you can work out what the article is about just from reading the headline. Could you write it differently? Does it leave you with any questions that you hope the article will answer?

4. Make a note of new words and phrases

When you come across an unfamiliar word, try not to turn straight to a dictionary to look it up. Instead, write it down and continue reading. You may well be able to find out what it means from the context of the article, especially if it occurs several times (you can skim the article to check if it appears again).

When you get to the end, you’ll probably have a list of words you want to learn. Now you can look up their meanings, discover some synonyms, and make sure you understand how they are used in the context of the news story.

5. Read about topics that interest you

Learning English with news is much more enjoyable and engaging if you read about topics that interest you. Whether it’s a sport, a hobby, or a lifestyle interest, pick something you actually want to learn about. Equally, if you’re learning business English then you’ll find a wealth of news articles on this topic, and they will help immensely with advancing your vocabulary.

Most of the websites listed above have different categories for you to browse, but there are other specialist sites that cover individual topics in greater detail.

If you’re interested in a different topic, just type it into a search engine and add the word ‘news’ to the end (e.g. “gaming news”, “knitting news” or “bodybuilding news”). You’ll find plenty of resources to keep you busy.

You can also check out some other great websites for learning English here.

6. Discuss the news with friends

Once you have read about something that interests you, don’t keep it to yourself! It’s even better if you can discuss the topic with an English-speaking friend or language exchange partner. Ask their opinion about it, and see where the conversation leads you.

One of the many benefits of studying English is that you get to have interesting conversations with people from all over the world, learning more about their cultures and opinions on different topics.

Does listening to news improve your English?

Yes, absolutely! Listening to the news on the radio or via a podcast is another great exercise. It will stretch your English listening skills, especially if you listen to news broadcasts from various countries with different English accents.

Podcasts are especially good because you can access them from anywhere in the world, at any time of day. You can also adjust the playback speed and skip back to listen to certain parts as many times as you like.

Podcasts often involve informal conversations between news reporters too, so you can get used to listening to everyday spoken English. News reports, on the other hand, tend to be delivered in a formal way.

Here are some great places to listen to the news in English:

  • Learning English News Review from the BBC : We mentioned their website above, but they also have each installment available as a podcast. Stream from their website or download for unlimited listening. Don’t forget, you’ll get the most out of these if you also access the extra teaching materials on their website.
  • The Daily from The New York Times : Access the news from this prestigious newspaper publisher without paying the subscription for their website content. The Daily podcast is an in-depth look at a particular news topic, and it comes with a transcript for anyone who prefers to read along.
  • As It Is from VOA : Daily news stories from around the world. Each episode has a transcript available, and you’ll also find a list of featured words and their definitions.
  • Newscast from the BBC : A conversational news podcast that reviews a selection of stories from the day’s news in the UK and internationally.

Check out some more podcasts for learning English .

Is reading the news a good way to learn a language?

Whether you’re learning English or another language, news coverage is a great way to access free and varied topics to study. By exploring these resources with news for English learners, you can expand your vocabulary and learn about new topics in a natural and interesting way.

If you are a beginner, we recommend starting with an ESL news site. Once you progress further, you can continue to learn English with news channels or websites written for native English speakers.

Aim to read at least one news article per day, take notes of any new words, and do the accompanying activities or quizzes provided on the website.

Learning English with news is just one of many easy ways to learn English – check out this article for more ideas!

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Where to watch Nottingham Forest vs. Wolves live stream, TV channel, start time, lineups, prediction for Premier League match

Author Photo

Wolverhampton Wanderers hit the road as they take on Nottingham Forest at the City Ground for a Premier League contest on Saturday.

Nottingham Forest were knocked out of the Carabao Cup on penalties earlier this week, but the Tricky Trees will aim to rebound as they welcome Wolves to the Premier League on Saturday.

The visitors are still searching for their first point of the season after suffering consecutive league defeats.

Forest began their campaign with a draw against Bournemouth, followed by a victory over Southampton in their second match.

Now, they prepare to take on Wolves, who secured a midweek Carabao Cup win against Burnley. Recent encounters between these two sides have been closely contested.

STREAM: Premier League action LIVE on Fubo (free trial)

The Sporting News looks at the key details ahead of this game, including how to watch the match, kickoff times and the latest lineup news.

Nottingham Forest vs. Wolves   live stream, TV channel

Here's how to watch this Premier League clash in the U.S.:

TV channel:  — Live stream: Peacock

In the United States (US), the game will be exclusively available to stream on Peacock.

Another great live TV streaming service is Fubo , which includes NBC and USA Network as part of its channel lineup. Don't want to commit? Test out Fubo with a seven-day FREE trial, and start streaming Premier League action live online and on-demand for free.

STREAM: The biggest Premier League games LIVE on Fubo this season (free trial)

If this match is not available to watch live in your location or if you’re traveling abroad, you can use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPNs offer a secure and private online connection, allowing you to bypass geographical restrictions to access your favourite streaming services from any device anywhere in the world. WATCH FROM ANYWHERE:   Sign up for NordVPN (30-day moneyback guarantee)

What time does Nottingham Forest vs. Wolves   kick off?

This Premier League clash takes place at The City Ground in Nottingham, England and kicks off on Saturday, Aug. 31 at 3:00 p.m. local time (BST).

Here's how that time translates across the U.S.:

Sat, Aug. 3110:00 a.m.
Sat, Aug. 319:00 a.m. 
Sat, Aug. 318:00 a.m.
Sat, Aug. 317:00 a.m.

Nottingham Forest vs. Wolves  lineups, team news

Forest midfielder Danilo is out with a broken ankle and won't be back until December. Ryan Yates  could feature after missing the midweek cup game against Newcastle United due to sickness.

Alex Moreno , who recently joined Forest on loan from Aston Villa, played in the aforementioned match and could start again at left-back instead of Ola Aina . Nikola Milenkovic and Murillo could form the centre-back pairing in defense.

Wolves academy graduate  Morgan Gibbs-White  will play up front alongside Callum Hudson-Odoi , Anthony Elanga  and Chris Wood .

Nottingham Forest predicted XI (4-2-3-1, right to left):  Sels (GK) — Williams, Milenkovic, Murillo, Moreno — Anderson, Sangare — Elanga, Gibbs-White, Hudson-Odoi — Wood.

Injured:  Danilo

Suspended:  None

Wolves will be missing Sasa Kalajdzic and Enso Gonzalez as they both remain sidelined, continuing their recovery from knee issues.

Boubacar Traore is also doubtful with a similar concern, but the visitors will receive a lift as Nelson Semedo is back from suspension.

Semedo could come in place of Pedro Lima , who played well in his last game. Yerson Mosquera and Toti Gomes could play in defense instead of Craig Dawson and Santiago Bueno .

Goncalo Guedes scored two goals in their last game and wants to start again, but O'Neil might keep Matheus Cunha and Jørgen Strand Larsen up front. Hwang Hee-chan and Jean-Ricner Bellegarde will play on the sides.

Wolves predicted XI (4-2-3-1, right to left):  Sa (GK) — Semedo, Mosquera, T. Gomes, Ait Nouri — J. Gomes, Lemina — Hwang, Cunha, Bellegarde — Larsen.

Injured:  Sasa Kalajdzic, Gonzalez, Traore

Suspended: —

Nottingham Forest vs. Wolves prediction

Nottingham Forest and Wolves have drawn their last three Premier League encounters, and another close contest could be on the cards on Saturday.

Both clubs will see this game as winnable on paper, but it is tough to separate them at this point and will have to settle for a point.

Prediction: Nottingham Forest 1-1 Wolves

Premier League fixture schedule this week

All times ET

Saturday, August 31

  • Arsenal vs. Brighton (7:30 a.m.) 
  • Brentford vs. Southampton (10:00 a.m.) 
  • Everton vs. Bournemouth (10:00 a.m.) 
  • Ipswich Town vs. Fulham (10:00 a.m.) 
  • Leicester vs. Aston Villa (10:00 a.m.) 
  • Nottingham Forest vs. Wolverhampton (10:00 a.m.) 
  • West Ham vs. Man City (12:30 p.m.) 

Sunday, September 1

  • Chelsea vs. Crystal Palace (8:30 a.m.) 
  • Newcastle vs. Tottenham (8:30 a.m.) 
  • Man United vs. Liverpool (11:00 a.m.) 

Pankti Parmar Photo

Pankti Parmar is a content producer working across The Sporting News' English-language editions.

After years of training, 4 Wisconsin women swim across the English Channel

4 women from northern Wisconsin finish swim across English Channel in 11 hours and 21 minutes

WisconSWIM Mermaids

When she was a kid, Michele DeYoung of Barnes recalled watching a documentary about American Gertrude Ederle, who became the first woman to swim across the English Channel. “I just thought, ‘Well, I can do that,’” she said. Throughout her life, the 58-year-old DeYoung, whose mother is from England, had asked people whether they would be willing to swim the roughly 21 miles from the English port of Dover to the shores of France. But she never had any takers. That all changed three years ago when she began training with Pam Toshner, 48, of Barnes for the Point to La Pointe swim race that runs from Bayfield to Madeline Island on Lake Superior. When DeYoung asked Toshner, she was game.

Jen Titus, 43, of Hayward, and Lisa Weispfenning, 51, of Washburn, were also in, committing to swimming the channel as a four-person relay team. On Aug. 17 , years of cold-water plunges in Lake Superior and saltwater swims off the coasts of California and Florida paid off as the four women swam ashore the beach of Cap Gris-Nez in France. “We were just so grateful. When (Lisa) finished on the shore, she knelt down and kissed the ground on the beach,” DeYoung said. “We all came in behind her, and we just cheered.” Titus said the four women, known as the WisconSWIM Mermaids , swam 23 miles through changing tides and a minefield of jellyfish in 11 hours and 21 minutes. The Wisconsin women finished with the 8th fastest time out of 78 teams and swimmers overseen so far this year by the Channel Swimming & Pilot Federation. It’s one of two organizations that accompanies swimmers as they attempt to cross the English Channel.

Around 300 people attempt to swim across the channel each year, according to the BBC .

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WisconSWIM Mermaids

Women spent several years training in the icy waters of Lake Superior

On Aug. 17, the WisconSWIM Mermaids met up with Paul Foreman, captain of the Optimist, at the marina in Dover. Reached by phone in Dublin, DeYoung said she was the first woman in the water at 8 a.m. as each one took turns swimming one-hour legs across the English Channel with the boat traveling alongside them. “I’m guessing the water temperatures were between probably 55 and 63 degrees (Fahrenheit),” DeYoung said. For the past three years, the women trained in Lake Superior to prepare for water temperatures in the channel that can vary from 59 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer months. DeYoung said they would mostly swim along the lakeshore near the Washburn marina. Titus, who was reached by phone in London, said they also logged many hours at area pools and cold-water plunges in the Eau Claire River near Barnes, swimming in temperatures as low as 48 degrees or even colder. As part of the federation’s rules, all those who take part in a relay swim across the English Channel must complete a swim in temperatures no warmer than 61 degrees without the aid of a wetsuit.

WisconSWIM Mermaids

Earlier this year, the four women also took part in an icy swim to Alcatraz, a former prison located on an island off the San Francisco shoreline, to prepare for swimming in saltwater conditions. During training, Titus said they would monitor each other for any signs of hypothermia. “First your lips go purple, and obviously your hands go purple and numb and stuff like that. But then, then you’ll start getting a little facial paralysis,” Titus said. “We would kind of push that to the limit.” Prior to the swim, they also had to submit medical forms for approval by the federation, and the trip was not cheap. Titus estimated they spent about $10,000 each on flights, lodging, transportation, training and fees for the boat. On the day of their swim, DeYoung said they lucked out with beautiful, sunny weather and waters much warmer than they had anticipated. “The scariest part was we hit, for the last two hours, hundreds of jellyfish that we had to navigate through,” DeYoung said. “Each of us were stung by the jellyfish. It was jellyfish after jellyfish just coming at you.”

WisconSWIM Mermaids

Swimmers navigated through hundreds of jellyfish

Lion’s Mane jellyfish are common in the English Channel, and the four women came prepared with vinegar and ointment to treat jellyfish stings. Even so, Titus said it was daunting to swim through blue and brown jellyfish the size of bowling balls. “I was freaking out. Literally, my worst nightmare, and it was so bad that I couldn’t even kick my legs,” Titus said. “If you kicked your legs, you were going to kick jellyfish.” Between gulps of air, Titus said sometimes she sometimes head butted jellyfish in her path, ending up with minor stings on her face and back. After one leg, she said, she came out of the water bawling her eyes out. At the same time, a judge aboard the boat was watching their every move to ensure swimmers followed the federation’s rules. As the women climbed in and out of the water, they each had to do so without assistance from anyone else. One silver lining is that they were swimming with the current as they drew closer to the shores of France. Titus said her friend Lisa Weispfenning steeled herself and jumped in the jellyfish-laden waters to finish the last leg of the swim. When she reached the shore, she climbed over barnacle-encrusted rocks before she stood up and blew a whistle to signify she had made it.

WisconSWIM Mermaids

The other three women swam out to meet her on the shore, holding up their team flag and cheering. “I think we were kind of like, ‘Holy cow. I can’t believe we just did that!’” Titus said. “We had a goal. We trained for it, and we completed it. That was a huge, successful feeling. We just felt proud and grateful and thankful that we were all healthy enough and able to do this.” The following day, the WisconSWIM Mermaids went to the White Horse Inn , the oldest pub in Dover, and recorded their swim time on the door alongside other successful swimmers. Titus said the women made the swim because they wanted to raise awareness about clean water, encourage people to take risks and “do epic things.” As part of keeping that momentum going, Titus said she plans to take part in a 411-mile relay swim next year that’s being held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

essay on news channel in english

Wisconsin Public Radio, © Copyright 2024, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and Wisconsin Educational Communications Board.

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Supreme Court rejects bid to restrict access to abortion pill

In a blow for anti-abortion advocates, the  Supreme Court  on Thursday rejected a challenge to the abortion pill mifepristone , meaning the commonly used drug can remain widely available.

The court  found unanimously  that the group of anti-abortion doctors who questioned the Food and Drug Administration’s decisions making it easier to access the pill did not have legal standing to sue. 

President Joe Biden said in a statement that while the ruling means the pill can remain easily accessible, “the fight for reproductive freedom continues” in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s ruling two years ago that overturned abortion rights landmark Roe v. Wade.

“It does not change the fact that the right for a woman to get the treatment she needs is imperiled if not impossible in many states,” he added.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh, writing for the court, wrote that while plaintiffs have “sincere legal, moral, ideological, and policy objections to elective abortion and to FDA’s relaxed regulation of mifepristone,” that does not mean they have a federal case.

The plaintiffs failed to show they had suffered any injury, meaning that “the federal courts are the wrong forum for addressing the plaintiffs’ concerns about FDA’s actions,” he added.

“The plaintiffs may present their concerns and objections to the president and FDA in the regulatory process or to Congress and the president in the legislative process,” Kavanaugh wrote. “And they may also express their views about abortion and mifepristone to fellow citizens, including in the political and electoral processes.”

The legal challenge was brought by doctors and other medical professionals represented by the conservative Christian legal group Alliance Defending Freedom.

“We are disappointed that the Supreme Court did not reach the merits of the FDA’s lawless removal of commonsense safety standards for abortion drugs,” said Erin Hawley, one of the group’s lawyers. She told reporters she is hopeful the underlying lawsuit can continue because three states — Idaho, Missouri and Kansas — have brought their own claims and have different arguments for standing.

By throwing out the case on such grounds, the court avoided reaching a decision on the legal merits of whether the FDA acted lawfully in lifting various restrictions, including one making the drug obtainable via mail, meaning the same issues could yet return to the court in another case.

Another regulatory decision left in place means women can still obtain the pill within 10 weeks of gestation instead of seven. 

Likewise a decision to allow health care providers other than physicians to dispense the pill will remain in effect.

The court’s decision to roll back abortion rights two years ago led to a wave of new abortion restrictions in conservative states.

Then, the court suggested it was removing itself from the political debate over abortion, but with litigation continuing to rage over abortion access, the justices are continuing to play a pivotal role. 

Abortion rights supporters welcomed the ruling, with Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, saying she was relieved at the outcome but angered about the case lingering in the court system so long.

“Thank goodness the Supreme Court rejected this unwarranted attempt to curtail access to medication abortion, but the fact remains that this meritless case should never have gotten this far,” she said in a statement.

Danco Laboratories, manufacturer of Mifeprex, the brand version of mifepristone, praised the ruling too, saying it was good for the drug approval process writ large.

In rejecting the challenge, the court “maintained the stability of the FDA drug approval process, which is based on the agency’s expertise and on which patients, health care providers and the U.S. pharmaceutical industry rely,” company spokeswoman Abigail Long said.

Anti-abortion groups expressed disappointment, saying that the ruling highlighted the importance of this year’s election in which Democrat Biden, who has pledged to defend abortion rights, faces off against Republican Donald Trump, who has the strong backing of conservatives who oppose abortion.

“Joe Biden and the Democrats are hell-bent on forcing abortion on demand any time for any reason, including DIY mail-order abortions, on every state in the country,” Marjorie Dannenfeiser, president of SBA Pro-Life America, said.

If Trump were to win the election, his appointees to the FDA would be a position to impose new restrictions on mifepristone. Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez-Rodriguez, alluded to the possibility in a call with reporters after the ruling. Calling the case “one tactic in a broader, relentless strategy” by anti-abortion activists, Chavez-Rodriguez said if Trump is elected, his advisers and allies would try to ban abortion nationwide “without the help of Congress or the court,” and also restrict access to contraception — a threat, she said, to blue as well as red states.

The mifepristone dispute is not the only abortion case currently before the court. It is also due to decide whether  Idaho’s strict abortion ban  prevents doctors in emergency rooms from performing abortions when a pregnant woman is facing dangerous complications.

Mifepristone is used as part of a two-drug FDA-approved regimen that is now the most common form of abortion in the United States.

Abortion is effectively banned altogether in 14 states, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that backs abortion rights.

The FDA had the backing of the pharmaceutical industry, which has warned that any second-guessing of the approval process by untrained federal judges could  cause chaos and deter innovation.

Last year, Texas-based U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk issued a sweeping ruling that completely invalidated the FDA’s approval of the pill, leading to panic among abortion-rights activists that it would be banned nationwide.

The Supreme Court last April put that ruling on hold, meaning the pill remained widely available while litigation continued.

The New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in August then narrowed Kacsmaryk’s decision but left in place his conclusion that the FDA’s move to lift restrictions starting in 2016 was unlawful.

Both sides appealed to the Supreme Court. The court in December took up the Biden administration’s appeal in defense of the later FDA decisions, but it opted against hearing the challenge to the original approval of mifepristone in 2000. 

The Supreme Court focused solely on the later FDA action, including the initial 2021 decision that made the drug available by mail, which was finalized last year.

This article first appeared on .

Lawrence Hurley covers the Supreme Court for NBC News Digital.

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English Aspirants

Essay on Newspaper in English [100, 200, 300, 500 Words]

Essay on Newspaper 100, 200, 300, 500 Words

Essay on Newspaper in English : The newspaper is called the voice of the people. It tells us about what is going around us. It makes us aware of our society and surroundings. In this article, you are going to read a couple of essays on newspaper ( 100, 200, 200, and 500 words). These essays will be helpful for the students of all classes (class 1 to class 12). So let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Newspaper Essay in English: 100 Words

One of the most important organs of public opinion today is definitely the newspaper. This is, in fact, as essential to modern life as the breakfast to a man. A newspaper gives daily news. It enables a reader to know easily the events of the world. So we come to know all that happens around us.

But this is not all. The newspaper does many other useful functions. It comments on the news. It deals with social, religious, political, and economic questions. The newspaper also reviews books and periodicals. It gives valuable information about market prices and conditions. Railways and airways time-tables, weather conditions, and other daily matters are published in it. It is truly a vital limb of modern life.

Essay on Newspaper 100, 200, 300, 500 Words

Also Read: Paragraph on Newspaper

Essay on Newspaper: 200 Words

The primary object of a newspaper is to supply news. Man is basically curious by nature and wants to know what is happening around him. The newspaper is the best medium to meet this curiosity. That is why it plays such an important role in modern life. The newspaper has a great educative value.

Modern newspapers deal with a wide range of subjects – political and economical news, literary and scientific matters, games and sports, the stage and the cinema, the stock market. Thus it caters for the interests of all classes of men. The editorials and letters to the editor help the growth of public opinion and keep the government informed of it.

Newspapers keep us abreast of the current events all over the world and widen our mental horizon. It educates the people in all matters of public interest and helps mobilizing public opinions on the burning issues of the day.

By putting advertisements, businessmen bring their products and goods to the notice of a wide circle of people very quickly and cheaply. Thus newspapers serve all sections of people this way or the other.

Newspaper Essay in English: 250-300 Words

A newspaper is a paper which we read for news. So the primary object of a newspaper is to gather news about the world and reach them to us. As a window is to a house, so is a newspaper to a nation. A window lets in air. A newspaper gives out news on different subjects, about political and economical matters, sports and games, cinema and theatre and also the stock markets.

In the editorial, the editor writes what is good or bad in society or in the government. A newspaper also publishes the works on education. By reading a newspaper in a regular way we may enrich our knowledge about various things a world. When we feel tired and lonely, we read it for recreation. A newspaper has a great influence over its readers.

A newspaper is a good means of advertisement. Traders bring their goods to the notice of the buyers through advertisements in newspapers. A newspaper has a lot of good things for people. But most newspapers support party men and admire them blindly. So people cannot know correctly about them. Its influence over people is so great that it can divert people’s attention from an issue. Generally, people believe what a newspaper says. It is the craze that keeps the newspaper running. So we read it even in the days of telecommunication.

newspaper essay in english

Importance of Newspaper Essay: 500 Words


Newspaper is an important media. Its role in the making of the nation or the state cannot be denied. Newspaper lays emphasis on democracy by way of representing public opinions quite objectively. Its approach is certainly impersonal. Objective criticisms of state affairs lead the public to choose the right ways and to uphold the right ideas.


Social, political, economical, and other changes take place due to the awareness of the people of a state or a country. And newspaper enables people to be aware of all phenomena which are happening in the country and abroad. Besides, newspaper presents the past and the present days, thereby helping us draw a contrast between the past and the present world. By this way, newspaper helps people predict the future.

Thus, reading of a newspaper strengthens one’s consciousness of the world. If one negates the newspaper, there is little doubt that he or she must retard gradually. The utility of newspaper is not only informative but also constructive because it presents diverse, contradictory views to form a general and well-accepted opinion.

Newspaper is also a common medium of advertisement. Popular brands use to promote their product through newspaper advertisements.


But unfortunately, most of the newspapers have now become commercial. Advertisements have been quite oddly covering most of the pages of a newspaper. Political issues and news have been disproportionately highlighted. The news of scientific discovery and the narrations of the lives of the scientists have not been emphasized in the newspaper.

Consequently, reading of newspaper nowadays seems to be rather dull and boring. Even the reporting often misleads the public. What is most ignominious is that some of the leading newspapers are now politically biased. It causes bad effects to the mind of people. People, therefore, begin to lose faith in newspapers. A certain kind of chaos is now being created because of the subjective reporting and unjustifiable information.


The most hideous consequence of this commercial attitude is that readers of newspapers are now divided. Certain newspapers uphold certain political views in order to draw the attention of certain people. None can begin to read a newspaper with the strictest sense of objectivity. But without the presence of proper media, no nation can progress well. Therefore, the editors of newspapers must be aware of the fact that they are not only doing business but also doing noble jobs in the making of the nation.

Read More: 1. Paragraph on Newspaper 2. Blood Donation Essay in English 3. APJ Abdul Kalam Essay in English 4. Essay on Mother Teresa in English

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  5. Essay on Television for Students [100, 150, 200, 350 Words]

    Essay on the Television: 200 Words. No other thing is as familiar as Television in our present times. It was invented by John Baird in 1925. It first appeared in India in 1959. It is really a wonder of science today. It is a two-in-one. It is the radio on one side and the cinema on the other. Television is a very useful instrument in many ways.

  6. Essay on Television for Students and Children

    In this Television Essay will discuss the pros and cons of Television. Learn. CBSE. Class 5 to 12. Physics. ... > English > Essays > Essay on Television for Students and Children ... The most dangerous of all is the fake information that circulates on news channels and more. Many media channels are now only promoting the propaganda of the ...

  7. Television Essay for Students and Children in English

    Long Essay in English on the Topic Television 500 words. Such long essays are usually helpful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. They are asked to write these essays for assignments and exams. ... On the TV we can watch movies, cartoons, news, dance & drama, and listen to songs on various channels. We can explore, learn, and know many ...

  8. Television Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Television. Television has become a crucial part of our lives now. It not only impacts our social life but also our educational life. Just as newspapers and computers are significant modes of communication, Television also counts as one. With a television, you can connect to the world outside.

  9. The State and Future of Television News Studies: Theoretical

    The news readers also stated that their local station, of course, told the truth and was beyond reproach. Yet, such an effort by the broadcast company to influence local journalism, which was criticized by journalists in and outside the corporation, were matched by other overt efforts by the White House to shape journalistic content, particularly on television news.

  10. Harris explains in exclusive CNN interview why she's shifted her

    Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday offered her most expansive explanation to date on why she's changed some of her positions on fracking and immigration, telling CNN's Dana Bash her ...

  11. Home

    The articles are designed to help you learn English through reading and having fun. Our site collects English news articles from various news sources, such as: BBC News. The Guardian. New York Times. Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

  12. Learn English with News: 30+ Online English News Resources

    English news articles are written clearly and directly, making them perfect for learning new vocabulary. Similarly, TV news reports are always spoken with a clear, standard accent from the region (like the U.S., U.K., etc.). This will help boost your listening comprehension skills.

  13. Essay on Newspaper for Students in English

    500+ Words Essay on Newspaper. The newspaper is one of the oldest means of communication, which provides information from all around the world. It contains news, editorials, features, articles on a variety of current topics and other information of public interest. Sometimes the word NEWS is interpreted as North, East, West and South.

  14. Essay on Newspaper for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Newspaper. Newspaper is a printed media and one of the oldest forms of mass communication in the world. Newspaper publications are frequency-based like daily, weekly, fortnightly. Also, there are many newspaper bulletins which have monthly or quarterly publication. Sometimes there are multiple editions in a day.

  15. Paragraph On News Channel: The Role And Impact Of News Channels In

    Paragraph On News Channel: News channels play a crucial role in our society by keeping the public informed, providing diverse perspectives, and promoting democracy and accountability.In the fast-paced world we live in, news channels serve as the primary source of information for millions of people around the globe.

  16. Essay on Television in English for Students and Children

    Below we have provided long and short essay on television in English language. These Television essay have been written using the simple vocabulary and easy to understand sentences. ... There are also a number of NEWS channels running live news from various corners of the world, covering every significant political, social and educational event ...

  17. BBC Learning English

    Learn English from news headlines. Vocabulary and topical discussion. Learn from our news programme archives. Learn from news headlines . Learn topical English here. Learn to be a critical thinker.

  18. Essay

    The former President is on trial in a courtroom that has banned cameras. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is deciding whether his other trials should even happen. The Kids Are Not All Right. They Want ...

  19. Learn English with news: 13 best websites, apps & podcasts

    Their articles give information on a wide variety of topics, from breaking news and politics to travel and health. HuffPost: If you prefer a less formal style of reporting, HuffPost has a mixture of serious news stories alongside lifestyle and human interest pieces, but all written with a more casual tone. 3.

  20. Where to watch Nottingham Forest vs. Wolves live stream, TV channel

    The Sporting News looks at the key details ahead of this game, including how to watch the match, kickoff times and the latest lineup news. Nottingham Forest vs. Wolves live stream, TV channel ...

  21. After years of training, 4 Wisconsin women swim across the English Channel

    The Wisconsin women finished with the 8th fastest time out of 78 teams and swimmers overseen so far this year by the Channel Swimming & Pilot Federation. It's one of two organizations that accompanies swimmers as they attempt to cross the English Channel. Around 300 people attempt to swim across the channel each year, according to the BBC.

  22. The Papers

    Masks back in classrooms and 'Andrew must go'. Sunday's papers cover new rules for England's schools and the fallout of the Maxwell trial for Prince Andrew. The Papers. 16 Mar 2021.

  23. Supreme Court rejects bid to restrict access to abortion pill

    The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the abortion pill mifepristone, meaning the commonly used drug can remain widely available.

  24. BBC News

    Welcome to the official BBC News YouTube channel. Interested in global news with an impartial perspective? Want to see behind-the-scenes footage directly fro...

  25. Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

    View the latest news and breaking news today for U.S., world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at

  26. Essay on Newspaper in English [100, 200, 300, 500 Words]

    Newspaper Essay in English: 250-300 Words. A newspaper is a paper which we read for news. So the primary object of a newspaper is to gather news about the world and reach them to us. As a window is to a house, so is a newspaper to a nation. A window lets in air.

  27. Astonishing moment dinghy overloaded with migrants almost sinks in Channel

    Astonishing moment dinghy overloaded with migrants almost sinks in the English Channel More than 60 people were crammed onto the inflatable boat, many of them dangling their feet over the sides.

  28. Home

    Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also ...

  29. 31 Aug: Ukrainians Tighten Noose. Russians Run Away Leaving ...

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