
Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 150 to 500 Words

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  • Post category: Essay

Trees are silent witnesses to the world around them. From their roots to their leaves, they play a vital role in our ecosystem, providing countless benefits to humans and animals alike. But what if a tree could share its story with us?

In this essay, we will explore the autobiography of a tree, hearing its unique perspective on the world. This journey will help students understand the importance of trees and the challenges they face throughout their lives. By stepping into the tree’s bark, we will discover its experiences, from sapling to towering giant.

Let’s embark on this adventure to learn about the life of a tree, appreciating the lessons it teaches us about endurance and growth.

Table of Contents

Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 150 words

I am a mango tree, standing tall in a busy Indian village. My roots dig deep into the rich soil, and my branches stretch high, offering shade and sweet fruit. Every season, children gather under my canopy to play and rest. During summer, my branches are heavy with juicy mangoes, enjoyed by everyone. Birds build their nests in my branches, and I listen to their chirping every morning. I have witnessed many festivals, weddings, and everyday village life.

Farmers often rest under me, and travelers find comfort in my shade. My leaves whisper stories of the past to those who listen. As the seasons change, I shed my leaves and grow new ones, symbolizing the cycle of life. Through storms and sunny days, I stand firm, a silent witness to the passage of time and the beauty of nature.

Autobiography of a Tree essay

Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 250 words

I am a majestic banyan tree, located in the heart of an Indian village. For decades, I have stood here, watching over generations. My roots extend deep into the earth, grounding me firmly, while my vast branches provide shelter and shade. In the hot summer months, villagers gather under my canopy, escaping the harsh sun. Children play around me, their laughter filling the air, and elders sit beneath me, sharing stories and wisdom.

During the monsoon, my leaves glisten with raindrops, and the soil around me becomes a playground for frogs and insects. Birds of various kinds find refuge in my branches, building nests and raising their young. I have seen countless festivals celebrated with joy and fervor under my shade, from Holi to Diwali. Each event leaves a mark on me, a silent witness to the village’s traditions and culture.

Throughout the years, I have provided fruits, leaves, and even medicinal bark to the villagers. My presence has been a constant, offering comfort and resources to all who seek it. I have weathered storms, droughts, and the ever-changing seasons, yet I remain strong and resilient. My life as a tree is a testament to the endurance and beauty of nature, silently nurturing the community that surrounds me.

Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 350 words

I am a proud peepal tree, rooted deeply in the grounds of an ancient temple in India. For centuries, I have stood here, witnessing the ebb and flow of life around me. My wide trunk and sprawling branches provide shelter and shade to countless beings. The temple visitors often sit under my canopy, seeking solace and peace. The gentle rustling of my leaves seems to offer them comfort as they pray and meditate.

Throughout the year, I witness various rituals and festivals. During Diwali, the temple is adorned with lights, and my branches too are decorated, making me look magical. On special occasions, the priests tie sacred threads around my trunk, believing I bring blessings and good fortune. My leaves are considered holy, often used in religious ceremonies and offerings.

The changing seasons bring different experiences. In the summer, my dense foliage offers a cool refuge from the scorching sun. Children climb my branches, and villagers gather beneath me to escape the heat. During the monsoons, my leaves sparkle with rain, and the ground beneath me becomes lush and green. The winter brings a quiet serenity, as I shed some leaves, preparing for the renewal that spring will bring.

Animals and birds have made me their home. Squirrels scamper along my branches, and a variety of birds build their nests in my boughs. Their morning songs are a daily joy. I have seen generations come and go, observed changes in the village, and silently participated in its history.

Over the years, I have provided not only shade and beauty but also medicinal benefits. My bark, leaves, and figs are known for their healing properties, often used in traditional remedies. I stand as a symbol of life, growth, and continuity, deeply intertwined with the lives of those around me.

Through the centuries, I have witnessed countless stories, shared in the community’s joys and sorrows, and remained a steadfast presence. My life as a tree is a silent testament to the enduring beauty and resilience of nature, nurturing all who come to me.

Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 400 Words

I am an old banyan tree standing tall in a small village in India. My life started as a tiny seed, carried by the wind and dropped on fertile soil. Over the years, I have grown into a majestic tree with wide branches and deep roots.

When I was young, children would play under my shade, climbing my branches and swinging from my roots. I provided a cool and comfortable spot for villagers to rest during the hot afternoons. Birds made nests in my branches, and their cheerful songs filled the air.

My roots grew deeper into the ground, drawing nutrients and water to help me grow stronger. I witnessed many changes in the village. Small huts turned into brick houses, and dirt paths became paved roads. But I remained a constant part of the village, offering shelter and beauty.

During festivals, villagers decorated me with lights and flowers. I felt proud to be a part of their celebrations. The older villagers often told stories about how I had been there since their childhood, making me feel special and cherished.

In the monsoon season, the rain would wash my leaves and give me a fresh, green look. The gentle breeze would sway my branches, making me feel alive and vibrant. The villagers would take refuge under my canopy during sudden downpours, grateful for the shelter I provided.

As years passed, I grew even larger and stronger. My branches spread out, creating a large canopy that provided shade for a wider area. The village school was built nearby, and children would gather under my shade for their outdoor lessons. I enjoyed listening to their laughter and learning.

I have seen many generations come and go. The village has changed, but I remain the same, standing tall and providing shade, shelter, and beauty. I am more than just a tree; I am a witness to the history and life of the village. My existence is intertwined with the lives of the villagers, and I am proud to be a part of their world.

As I continue to grow, I hope to remain a symbol of strength, beauty, and continuity for many more years. My life as a banyan tree is filled with purpose and joy, and I am grateful for the role I play in the lives of the villagers.

Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 500 Words

I am a proud and ancient neem tree standing tall in the heart of a bustling Indian village. My journey began many years ago when a small seed fell to the ground and sprouted into a tiny sapling. Over the years, I have grown into a magnificent tree with strong branches and deep roots that anchor me firmly in the earth.

As a young sapling, I was nurtured by the villagers who watered me and protected me from harm. They recognized the potential I had to become a significant part of their lives. As I grew taller and stronger, my branches spread out, providing ample shade and shelter. I became a gathering spot for the villagers, especially during the hot summer months when my dense foliage offered a cool respite from the scorching sun.

Children played around me, their laughter echoing through my branches. They would climb my sturdy limbs, swinging and enjoying their carefree days. Birds built nests in my branches, and the melodious songs of my feathered friends filled the air. I provided a safe haven for various creatures, making me feel like an essential part of the ecosystem.

My roots grew deep into the soil, drawing nutrients and water that helped me thrive. I witnessed the village transform over the years. Simple mud huts gave way to brick houses, and the once dirt paths were replaced by paved roads. Despite these changes, I remained a constant presence, offering my shade and beauty to all who sought it.

During festivals, the villagers adorned me with colorful decorations, lights, and flowers. It was during these times that I felt most appreciated and celebrated. The older villagers often shared stories of how they had played under my shade when they were young, and how I had been a part of their lives for as long as they could remember.

In the monsoon season, the rains washed over me, refreshing my leaves and renewing my vigor. The gentle breeze would sway my branches, making me feel alive and rejuvenated. The villagers often took refuge under my canopy during sudden showers, grateful for the shelter I provided.

As the years passed, I grew even larger and stronger. My branches spread wide, creating a vast canopy that provided shade to a larger area. The village school was built nearby, and the children would gather under my shade for their lessons. I enjoyed the sound of their laughter and the excitement of their learning, knowing I was a part of their educational journey.

I have seen many generations come and go. The village has evolved, but I remain the same, standing tall and steadfast. I am more than just a tree; I am a living witness to the history and life of the village. My existence is intertwined with the lives of the villagers, and I am proud to be a part of their community.

As I continue to grow, I hope to remain a symbol of strength, beauty, and continuity for many more years to come. My life as a neem tree is filled with purpose and joy, and I am grateful for the role I play in the lives of the villagers. I am a silent observer of their joys and sorrows, and I stand as a testament to the enduring spirit of nature and community.

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Essay on Autobiography of a Tree

Students are often asked to write an essay on Autobiography of a Tree in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Autobiography of a Tree

Birth and growth.

I am a large oak tree, standing tall in a dense forest. My life began as a small seed, which a kind bird dropped. With sun, rain, and time, I grew into a sapling.

Life as a Tree

As a tree, I offer shelter to many creatures. Birds build nests in my branches, and squirrels scurry along them. I provide shade to weary travelers and absorb carbon dioxide to purify the air.

End of Life

As I age, my branches become weak. One day, I will fall, returning nutrients to the soil, completing the cycle of life.

250 Words Essay on Autobiography of a Tree


I am a towering oak, aged over a century, standing tall in the heart of a dense forest. My journey through time has been marked with profound experiences, each etching a distinct pattern on my bark and shaping my identity.

Witness to Time

As the decades rolled by, I became a silent observer of the world around me. I witnessed the changing seasons, the evolution of the forest, and the myriad creatures that sought shelter in my branches. I became a sanctuary for life, offering refuge and sustenance to countless species.

Human Interaction

I have also seen the impact of human activity on my kin and the environment. I have felt the sting of axes, the scorch of wildfires, and the encroachment of urbanization. However, I have also experienced the gentle touch of conservationists, striving to protect and preserve us.

Now, as a centenarian, I stand as a testament to resilience and survival. I am a living relic of the past, a witness to the present, and a beacon of hope for the future. My story is a gentle reminder of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of preserving our natural heritage.

500 Words Essay on Autobiography of a Tree

In the grand tapestry of life, I am but a humble entity, a tree. My existence may seem insignificant, but my life is a testament to the enduring power of nature and the intricate balance of life on Earth. I stand tall, a silent observer of the world, providing shelter, sustenance, and serenity to countless beings.

The Seed of Life

My journey began as a tiny seed, a speck of potential in the palm of nature. Carried by the wind, I was deposited in fertile soil, a perfect cradle for my nascent life. The sun’s warmth coaxed me from my shell, and rain’s tender touch nurtured me. I was a mere sapling, but I held within me the promise of life, the promise of a tree.

Growth and Development

Witness to the passage of time.

I am an unchanging constant in an ever-changing world. I have seen seasons change, witnessed the cycle of life and death. I’ve watched as civilizations rose and fell, as humanity evolved and advanced. I’ve silently absorbed their joy, their sorrow, their triumphs, and their defeats. I’ve been a mute spectator to history, my rings a testament to the passage of time.

The Role of Trees in the Environment

As a tree, my role in the environment is paramount. I am a natural air purifier, converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, a vital process for life on Earth. I am a cornerstone of biodiversity, providing food and shelter for a myriad of species. I am a protector of the soil, preventing erosion and maintaining its fertility. And, in the face of climate change, I am a crucial weapon, sequestering carbon and helping to regulate the Earth’s temperature.

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. » Autobiography Examples » Autobiography of a Tree

2 Essay on Autobiography of a Tree for Students of All Ages

Here is a fascinating essay titled “Autobiography of a Tree.” This essay presents a unique perspective on the world, offering insights through the eyes of a tree that is depicted as a living, sentient being.

Through the narration of the tree, you will be introduced to its life story and will experience the world from a new and unfamiliar perspective. The essay portrays the tree as a being that is alive, capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions and feelings that are similar to those of humans.

As you read the essay, you will be immersed in the world of the tree, hearing its innermost thoughts and emotions, and discovering its unique experiences. This essay aims to increase awareness and understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things, highlighting the importance of trees in our world and the critical role they play in sustaining life.

“Autobiography of a Tree” is a beautifully written and insightful essay that will change the way you think about trees and the natural world. So, join us on this journey and discover the unique perspective of the tree, and gain an appreciation for these amazing and often underappreciated creatures.

Autobiography of a Tree

  • Autobiography of a Tree

Autobiography of a Tree 1 –

I am a tree, a silent witness to the passing of time, and a keeper of memories. My life has been long, but it is a story worth telling.

I was born as a small seed, no larger than a speck of dust, and I was planted in a warm, sunny clearing in the forest. For many years, I grew slowly, drinking in the sun and rain, and reaching towards the sky.

As I grew, I came to know the other trees around me, and together, we formed a community of beings, each with our own unique personalities and gifts. I learned from the wise old oak trees, who had stood in the forest for centuries, and I basked in the youthful exuberance of the saplings around me.

And then, one day, humans came to the forest. They cut down many of my brothers and sisters, but they left me standing, and I soon realized that I had a special purpose. I was to be a home to the creatures of the forest, a shelter from the wind and rain, and a source of food and nourishment.

For many years, I served in this role, watching as generations of animals came and went, each leaving their own unique mark on the world. I saw families of birds build their nests in my branches, and I felt the soft paws of squirrels scampering across my trunk. I was content in my role as a provider, and I took pride in the life I was able to give to others.

But as the years passed, the world around me changed. The forest was cleared, and I was left standing alone in a sea of concrete and steel. But I refused to give up, and I continued to grow, reaching towards the sky and spreading my branches as far as they would go.

And then, one day, I caught the attention of a young girl, who came to sit beneath my branches and escape the noise and bustle of the city. She came to me every day, and we would spend hours talking and watching the world go by. I came to love her as a daughter, and I felt a renewed sense of purpose in my life.

Years passed, and the girl grew into a woman, and she brought her own children to sit beneath my branches. And so, my legacy continued, as I passed on the gift of solace and peace to another generation.

In conclusion, I am a tree, and my life has been one of growth, service, and love. I have been a witness to the passing of time, and a keeper of memories, but most of all, I have been a source of comfort and hope to those who have needed it. I may be just a simple organism, but I am a reminder of the resilience of nature, and the enduring power of the bond between living things.

Autobiography of a Tree 2 –

I am a tree, a towering giant in the forest, with roots that run deep and branches that reach towards the sky. My story is one of growth, change, and adaptation, a tale that spans centuries and encompasses the very essence of life itself.

I was born as a tiny seed, and for many years, I remained small and unremarkable. But as I grew, I came to understand the world around me, and I realized that I was a part of something greater than myself. I was a member of a community of trees, each with their own unique strengths and gifts, and together, we formed a vast and interconnected network of life.

As I continued to grow, I came to know the creatures that lived within the forest. I saw deer passing by, bears lumbering through the underbrush, and I heard the songs of the birds in the trees above. I was a part of this world, and I was proud to be able to contribute to it in my own way.

But then, humans came to the forest, and they changed everything. They cut down many of my brothers and sisters, and they altered the very landscape itself. But I refused to give up, and I adapted to the changes, growing stronger and taller with each passing year.

And then, one day, I was approached by a young sapling, who sought my guidance and protection. I took the young tree under my wing, and I taught it everything I knew about the world, passing on the wisdom of my years to the next generation.

Years passed, and the sapling grew into a mighty tree, and together, we stood tall and proud, a symbol of the strength and resilience of nature. And as the world continued to change around us, we remained steadfast, always adapting, always growing, always reaching towards the sky.

In conclusion, I am a tree, and my story is one of growth, change, and adaptation. I have seen the world around me transformed and remade, but I have remained steadfast, a symbol of the enduring power of life itself. I may be just a simple organism, but I am a reminder of the unyielding spirit of nature, and the infinite potential that lies within us all.

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Essay on ‘Autobiography of a Tree’ for Students in English

January 3, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Autobiography of a Tree: Trees are important sources of life on earth facilitating air, rainfall, wood, flowers, fruits and other essential commodities to mankind. A tree travels through different growth stages in its lifetime from a tender sapling to a huge adult tree. They change their appearances according to the seasons.

Essay on Autobiography of a Tree

Below we have provided Autobiography of a Tree Essay in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

“Trees are the poems that the earth writes upon the sky.” ~Kahlil Gibran

Situated near a temple in a village, I am a Peepal tree. I have lived for so many decades that now it is tough or even impossible for me to remember my exact and true age. I have so many brothers and sisters around me in this peaceful little village. Most of them are quite younger to me and also smaller in size. Their names are Banyan tree, Tamarind tree and Jamun tree. I love the lively chatting of the village ladies and the innocent giggles of the young children. I never feel alone or lonely here.

Just like the children playing with marbles, I was once a child myself, what you humans call as a plant. Slowly and steadily, with the help of water and sunlight, I became a giant tree. I still remember the purpose for which I was put on this earth. I have a significant responsibility towards humanity. I provide fresh oxygen to all living organisms while taking in all the harmful carbon dioxide gas at the same time. This process is known as photosynthesis.

Most trees release oxygen during the day and exhale carbon dioxide at night, just like human beings. But that is not the case with me. I give out plenty of fresh oxygen even in the night- time. My roots hold enormous amounts of water to prevent soil erosion and massive flooding. I also provide shade to passer-byes, travellers and the everyday village folks. I and my brothers and sisters are responsible for maintaining cool temperatures as well.

We bring ample rainfall to the village and feel happy when the farmers harvest their crops in abundance. I also provide a cure to more than 50 disorders with the help of my leaves, roots, bark, etc. The milk derived from my heart-shaped leaves can be used to cure eye pain. I also help in curing other diseases like diarrhoea, asthma, gastric problems, etc.

Whenever people come to visit the temple, they worship me as well. They tie a red thread around my trunk and take three rounds circling me. They also light a small earthen lamp near my roots and say their wishes and desires for God to listen. I am considered to be a holy tree in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. My roots represent Lord Brahma, my trunk represents Lord Vishnu, and my leaves represent Lord Shiva.

I am also known by other names such as Vasudeva and the Chaitanya tree. On Saturdays, people come in large quantities to water me. The reason behind it is that it is believed that Lord Vishnu and his other half, Goddess Laxmi resides in me every Saturday. It is also believed that Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment while meditating under a Peepal Tree. People worship me because they think that it will bring happiness, good luck and lots of wealth in their life.

People sit around me almost all day, and I can even listen to their stories and chit chat. I get to know about all that happens in the village and sometimes, even outside of it. I see mothers cuddling their children and helping them take a bath. Sometimes I wish I were a human so that even I could experience and feel what a mother’s love is. I feel thankful to have been born in a place where people are so kind to each other and me.

English Aspirants

Autobiography of a Tree – for Students and Kids

Autobiography of a Banyan Tree 500 Words

Autobiography of a Tree:  In this article, you are going to learn how to write an Autobiography of a Banyan Tree [100 words]. So, let’s get started.

Autobiography of a Tree in about 100-120 words

I was born in a garden as a seed of a mango tree. I was put in the soil by the gardener who was very fond of trees. I was born in a kitchen garden of a rich man. The gardener used to irrigate me every day. I started growing and soon green leaves covered me. The gardener took care of me in my childhood. He brought me up like a child. He fed me with the best quality of manure.

Now I have become a tree. I bear good quality mango fruit. I am tall, well built, and full of leaves. Children of my owner play under me in the summer vacations. They jump and hang on my branches.

When I become old and stop bearing fruit my owner will remove me from his garden.

Autobiography of a Tree

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Autobiography of a Tree Essay in English for Students

In this autobiography, I, a majestic tree, share the profound tale of my existence—a life intertwined with the rhythms of nature and the enduring connection I share with all living beings. From the moment I sprouted as a tiny seed to my towering presence in the forest, I have borne witness to the beauty and challenges of the natural world. Join me as I unfold the pages of my extraordinary journey.

Paragraph 1: Birth and Early Beginnings My life began as a small seed nestled in the embrace of fertile soil. With the gentle touch of sunlight and nourishment from the earth, I sprouted, my roots delving deep into the ground. As a sapling, I eagerly reached for the sky, my branches stretching towards the sunlight, and my leaves unfurling to catch the breeze.

Paragraph 2: Growth and Strength Through the passing years, I grew in stature and strength, standing tall amidst the forest’s lush canopy. The sun became my eternal companion, its warmth fueling my growth. Raindrops danced upon my leaves, quenching my thirst and nourishing me. With every passing season, I shed old leaves and embraced new growth, a testament to the cycle of life.

Paragraph 3: Witnessing Nature’s Symphony As I matured, I became a witness to nature’s symphony. Birds found solace among my branches, weaving intricate nests and serenading the world with their melodious songs. Squirrels frolicked playfully, scampering up and down my trunk. Insects and butterflies adorned my leaves, adding splashes of color to my canopy. The forest was alive, and I was an integral part of its tapestry.

Paragraph 4: Seasons of Transformation The ever-changing seasons brought a kaleidoscope of experiences. Spring arrived, and my branches bloomed with delicate flowers, attracting bees and butterflies. Summer brought lush greenery and vibrant life, while autumn painted my surroundings with a myriad of fiery hues. Winter’s icy touch brought a serene stillness, as I stood tall, adorned with glistening frost.

Paragraph 5: Human Encounters and Impact Humans, with their curious minds and bustling lives, often crossed my path. Some marveled at my grandeur, finding solace in my shade or seeking shelter during storms. Others, driven by necessity, utilized my timber for shelter, warmth, and tools. I silently endured, knowing that coexistence with humanity was essential, yet yearning to be cherished and protected.

Paragraph 6: Legacy and Conservation As centuries passed, I became an ancient guardian of the forest—a living witness to the ever-changing world. I recognized the significance of preserving the delicate balance of nature and the urgency of environmental conservation. My roots intertwined with the soil, binding me to the past and future generations. I urge mankind to embrace sustainability, understanding that the fate of our planet lies in their hands.

Conclusion: The autobiography of a tree unveils a life shaped by nature’s rhythms and the profound interdependence of all living beings. From a tiny seed to a majestic presence, I have witnessed the wonders and challenges of the natural world. Let us honor the legacy of trees, their enduring strength, and their vital role in sustaining life on Earth. Together, we can create a future where the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature thrives.

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How to Write an Autobiography of a Tree?

Trees are one of the most important natural sources of life on earth. Most importantly, they give us oxygen, preserve air quality, conserve water, and give food and other materials to mankind.

A tree goes through various growth stages in its lifetime, from a young sapling to a huge adult tree. An autobiography of a tree in English can include how it was planted, how it became a tree, and how it helped mankind.

An Introduction

Begin the essay as an autobiography of a tree. Imagine that you are the tree itself. Mention its birth and location, for instance, as a seed initially in a garden or in a jungle or elsewhere.

Describe the Tree Growth Stages

You can mention in the form of a story how you were born as a seed, who watered you , how you grew into a big tree. Describe the growth and development of trees.

Growth Stages of a Tree

You could also write differently if you are writing as a wild tree. Maybe you were born in a jungle. How you were cut to be used for wood furniture.

You could also mention being in an orchard. How did you stay with various kinds of trees? Write about the owner, gardener and people who would come there to enjoy it.

Mention About Any Notable Incident

Write about any notable incident or something that affected you.

Discuss How People or Animals Birds Treat the Tree

Mention how you were treated by people or animals, or trees. You can write about your experience with each of them.

Mention how you would like to lead the life of a tree in the future or what you would like to change.

Sample Essay on Autobiography of a Tree

I was born from a mango seed. I am a mango tree situated at the corner of a school ground. Today I am more than two decades old. I have been living among my small friends, the flowers and other small plants. On this ground, I am the tallest and the only tree on this side of the ground.

I have many branches with green leaves. I bear fruits that are very sweet and juicy.

The school gardener took great care of me during my childhood when I was a young sapling. He would water me daily. Slowly, I grew up into a huge tree. Sometimes the gardener or the housekeeping staff, or even the children, come here and pluck ripe and unripe mangoes.

Now I look after the gardener. When he is tired, he rests under me. I feel very happy when he takes home mangoes for his family. Children come to play and hide behind my trunk. They love my juicy mangoes. I felt happy to see them playing around me. I feel pain when they throw stones at me to get the mangoes. My fruit is popularly known as the king of fruits. It is sweet and delicious, with a slightly tangy taste.

During rains or storms, most of my fruits fall on the ground. Some even fall outside the compound. The locals take it as soon as the rain or storm subsides. They look thrilled. I feel happy when birds sit on my branches and chirp or eat my fruits and build nests to keep their little ones safe.

I have seen a few trees on the other side of the road being cut down. I felt sad seeing that. I know I will be axed like them.

I, too, have to be prepared for that though I wish to die a natural death. I pray to grant humans some good sense, let us live and make this earth a beautiful space to live.

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Autobiography of a Banyan Tree

The banyan tree, which is worshipped and symbolizes endless life, also represents humanity. Although some claim that banyan trees can live for more than 1000 years, the most commonly observed estimate is 200 to 500 years.

In this post, you will find a brilliant Autobiography of a Banyan Tree.

Autobiography of a Banyan Tree

I am an old banyan tree by the side of the road. I wrapped my branches around myself. Travellers rest in my shade, birds seek shelter in my branches, and wanderers sometimes come to live in my shelter. The villagers regard me as a god, and they worship me.

In my long life, I have witnessed both sad and happy events. I have seen many weddings and funerals pass by me. I frequently saw robbers under me dividing the loot. People and birds have come and gone, but I am still alive.

I’m not sure how long I’ll live. But as long as I live, I will devote my life to serving people, birds, and animals. I always follow Swamiji ‘s advice., “He who loves animals serves God.”

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autobiography of tree essay in english

  • The Autobiography of a Tree: A Story of Resilience and Growth

Table of Contents

The seed of life, roots of resilience, branches of growth, leaves of change, seeds of hope, in conclusion.

autobiography of a tree

As I stand tall and proud, with my roots firmly planted in the earth, I have witnessed the passing of many seasons and the changing of the world around me. I am a tree, and this is my autobiography.

My story begins with a tiny seed, carried by the wind and deposited in the fertile soil of a forest. From this humble beginning, I began to grow, reaching my roots deep into the earth and stretching my branches towards the sky. I soaked up the sun’s rays and drank in the rain, nourishing myself and growing stronger with each passing day.

My roots are my foundation, anchoring me to the earth and providing me with the stability I need to weather the storms of life. They reach deep into the soil, drawing up nutrients and water to sustain me through the harshest of conditions. When the winds howl and the rains pour down, my roots hold me fast, keeping me upright and strong.

My branches are my connection to the world around me, reaching out to touch the sky and the sun. They are my source of nourishment, soaking up the sunlight and converting it into energy through the process of photosynthesis. As I grow, my branches spread outwards, creating a canopy of leaves that provide shade and shelter to the creatures that live beneath me.

My leaves are my lifeblood, turning sunlight into energy and releasing oxygen into the air. They change with the seasons, turning from vibrant green to fiery reds and oranges in the fall before falling to the ground and carpeting the earth in a blanket of color. Each leaf is a testament to the cycle of life and the beauty of change.

As the seasons pass and the years go by, I produce seeds that will one day grow into new trees, continuing the cycle of life and ensuring that my legacy will live on. These seeds are my hope for the future, carrying with them the promise of new growth and new beginnings.

  • Q: How old are you?
  • A: I have been standing here for hundreds of years, witnessing the passage of time and the changing of the world around me.
  • Q: What challenges have you faced in your life?
  • A: I have weathered storms, droughts, and fires, but through it all, I have remained strong and resilient.
  • Q: What is your greatest achievement?
  • A: My greatest achievement is simply being here, standing tall and proud, and providing shelter and sustenance to the creatures that call this forest home.
  • Q: What do you hope for the future?
  • A: I hope that future generations will continue to appreciate and protect the natural world, ensuring that trees like me will always have a place to call home.

As I reflect on my life as a tree, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the beauty and wonder of the natural world. I have weathered many storms and faced many challenges, but through it all, I have remained strong and resilient. My roots run deep, my branches reach high, and my leaves dance in the wind, a testament to the power of growth and change. I am a tree, and this is my autobiography.

Siddharth Rao

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Image depicting Autobiography of a Tree

Autobiography of a Tree

My early days, listen to the autobiography.

Hi! Imagine you were a tiny seed, smaller than your littlest toy car. What would you dream of becoming? A mighty dinosaur, a beautiful butterfly, or perhaps, a tall, strong tree? I was once a tiny seed, no bigger than a marble, and I had big dreams too. I wanted to become a banyan tree, with long, stretchy branches and leaves that danced in the wind.

Let’s take our magical carpet and travel back in time. Can you guess where I was born? Right here in India, the land of colorful festivals and spicy foods. You see, every tree has a birthday. Just like you have cake and balloons, I had rain and sunshine to celebrate my sprouting day.

You might be wondering, “How does a seed turn into a tree?” Well, it’s kind of like how you grow. You eat healthy food, and you get taller, right? Trees need soil, water, and sunlight to grow big and strong.

School of Nature

As I grew taller, Mother Nature became my teacher. You go to a school with walls and a playground; my school had the open sky and the earthy ground. I learned how to take in sunlight and use it to make food—a process called photosynthesis. It’s like how you use crayons to create colorful drawings.

Mother Nature taught me, “Slow and steady wins the race.” I grew a little every day, reaching towards the sky while sinking my roots deep into the soil. You know, like when you practice writing your letters or tying your shoelaces, and you get better and better? It’s the same with trees; we grow stronger and more beautiful over time.

Friendships and Shelter

Now, let’s talk about friendships. Yes, trees have friends too! Can you believe it? Animals like squirrels, birds, and even humans like you became my friends. Imagine your school playground, but instead of slides and swings, there are branches and leaves. That’s how my animal friends see me—a fun place to play and a cozy home to rest.

A wise old owl once told me, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” In the heat of summer, I provided shade for passersby, and in the rain, my leaves were like tiny umbrellas. I felt proud and happy, just like you feel when you share your lunch with a friend who forgot theirs.

The Gift of Time

As years rolled by, I became a guardian tree for the village. Under my branches, people shared stories, and children like you played games. Grandparents sat on my roots, talking about the “good old days,” and little babies took their first steps on the ground I shaded. It’s as if I became a big, loving family’s home, a place where everyone felt safe and happy.

A village elder once told me, “To the world, you may be just one tree, but to this village, you are the world.” His words touched my heartwood—that’s the core of my being, like your heart is to you.

The Cycle of Life

Now, as an old banyan tree, I have many branches, and my roots are like wise, old feet that have walked many miles. I have seen many seasons come and go, but my wish for you, dear little friends, is to grow strong, be kind, and take care of nature, because nature takes care of us.

You see, life is like a circle, forever turning but always connected. New seeds will grow into new trees, just like you will grow up and become amazing adults. And so, the story of the Autobiography of a Tree will continue, written in leaves, branches, and the happy chirps of birds that call me home.

Isn’t it wonderful? How one small seed can become so much more. Just like you, every small act of kindness and love you show will help you grow into a beautiful person, making the world a better place for everyone.

And so, my dear little friends, as the sun sets and the moon takes its place in the sky, remember: you are never too small to dream big. And you know what? Dreams really do come true.

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Essay on “Autobiography of an Old Banyan Tree” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Autobiography of an Old Banyan Tree

l am an old Banyan tree standing in a school campus hail and healthy, planted years ago. I have some friends (trees) but they stand a little far away. The head of the school often visited me, admired my health-, dense leaves, prop roots and separate branches. The school too grew from just single block to a big school with good strength.

One day, the head of the school felt I was huge and provided good shade. So he decided to have the school assembly under me. I was thrilled and happy about the thought that so many children will begin their school day with prayers under my cool shade and I too could hear them.

Soon, a culvert or a raised platform was built around me and sooner I was the favorite spot in the school. Right from the morning prayers to the last bell I had company. I always enjoyed the company of children. I have seen tiny – tots grow- playing under my shade, swinging on to my dangling roots, exercising under me preparing for tests, having food during lunch breaks, leisurely sitting and chatting. The children were happy to be under my green cover and the teachers too were happy to conduct some of the classes under me. I often heard them say how grateful they were to me and how they loved me. Birds too loved my fruits and even one or two snakes had made holes in my trunk, their home. But, I prayed that they don’t scare away the children.

I have seen so many children grow, their activities, competitions, (some were very interesting, like the debates) and functions. Some of the eminent people were guests on occasions to address the students and teachers. I was the backdrop of the school function photographs to the envy of other trees. My most memorable moment was when a girl who passed out from my school few years back and now in good position and married came to visit it in the school campus, with her husband! She looked at me with awe, praised me and recollected the happy incidents that took place under my shade, and spent some time together.

The wonderful company of children has kept me evergreen and strong. I had been and I am the center of attraction for every new child or person who visits the school. I am a proud and happy banyan tree staying in the lovely memories of each child who studied here. Today, I am old but sturdy, growing in girth and ever expanding my green canopy.

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Autobiography of a Tree – Essay

I am a tree , tall and imposing, standing all alone near the campus of a temple. My life is ever so interesting as, I see a huge spectrum of society, funny gestures of people, and hear all kinds of conversation of the devotees who pass by me.

I was not always so huge. As is true of all living beings I was also a long time back, a young sapling with this huge tree within me. At that time I looked fresh and beautiful as all other beings who are young, but, at that time I was of course not so imposing. This is what I have seen about life that, every stage has something good about it.

I understand that, I am a peepal tree which just grows anywhere and everywhere. Ever since I was young, I remember several people coming to my root and worshipping me. They would light an earthenware lamp, and put it near my root, say their prayers and go away. This was a daily ritual which scores of people followed at my root ever since I can remember.

As I started growing up bigger and bigger, the temple authorities put a two feet wall like boundary around my trunk. This was done to protect me from being destroyed by crowds who thronged to me. Since I am near a temple, I have always had the pleasure of a lot of company daily and, the great honour of being worshipped by scores of believers every day.

Image Source: deacongarydumer.com

Now, I am a full grown tree, and that two feet wall has been converted into a broad platform all around me, with my root out of sight, and the trunk also somewhat covered from vision. Here on the platform people sit and say their prayers and relax. At times they also consume their temple prasad while sitting on this platform.

Oh, what a wonderful feeling it is to be so loved and cared for and, above all, being so honoured and respected. This honour is given to me as, I understand now that, a section of the Indian society considered me a holy tree to be worshipped. This is why there is so much hype about me and my kin.

As I stand here, near a temple, I never ever feel lonely I get all sorts of company throughout the day, so, where is the scope of feeling lonely. Early in the morning the temple is opened at 6 a.m. It is cleaned and washed so, I get the company of people who clean the premises. They come to me also and broom the area around me, wash the platform and I am trim and neat to welcome my guests for the day. After the temple is cleaned there is a pooja, and from 7 a.m. devotees start pouring in, and the temple bells start ringing and breaking the silence of the night.

Devotees continue pouring in the temple right from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., when the temple closes. These long hours of the day, there is no chance of my getting bored as, I have the company of so many people moving around the area. Even though I am alone, a lonely tree but, my life is full of thrill and excitement, as I get lots of, and variety of company. This in turn is an added honour for me that, while my friends have the company of trees only, I have the company of human beings who talk and walk and discuss matters to make my life more lively and enjoyable.

I often wondered to myself as to why there is so much of greatness thrust upon me, though I am just a tree like any other. Yes, here is the catch, I believe I am so revered because I am considered by the Hindus, a religious sect as a holy tree, an incarnation of their God. Aha! this makes me feel proud of myself and I am prone to thank God for this birth in which I get honour, respect, love and care. What else could any living being aspire for. I and my honour are further enhanced as, I stand near a temple of God.

Now, all my anxiety is put to rest as, I have learnt that I am also here to be worshipped just as God himself. I stand here alone yet in great company of human beings. My life is just wonderful, I pray to God that HE grant such a wonderful and eventful life to all humans.

One thing I forgot to tell you all, about my life. When people come and sit on the platform around me, I also get a lot of information about man’s world. I hear scandals, I hear about murders, thefts and what all evils that exist in this man’s world. At times I also get to hear small children saying lovely words to their mothers and, seeing the mothers cajoling them, I feel what a beautiful life men have.

Thus to add to my experience of life, I have come to know a lot about human beings and their lives. Their lives are also full of pleasures and disappointments. It is not that men only enjoy as, most of us lesser beings seem to feel. Men also have their own problems. So, to add up I’d say my life is a pleasure and a rich experience.

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Tree Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on tree.

Tree Essay- Trees are our best friends because they clean the air we breathe. Likewise, they also clean the water and soil and ultimately make the earth a better place. It is also a fact that people who live near trees are healthier, fit, and happier than people who do not.

Moreover, it is our responsibility to look after our friends who serve us in many ways. Most importantly by saving plants, we are not doing any favor to plants but to ourselves only. Because trees and plants life does not depend on us but our lives depend on them.

Tree Essay

Importance of Trees

Trees are important to us in a lot of ways and we cannot ignore their importance. They are important because they give us fresh air to breathe , food to eat and shelter/shade from sunlight and rainfall . Besides this, there are many medicines in the market that are made up of trees extracts. Apart from this, there are plants and trees that have medicinal value.

They bring peacefulness; create a pleasing and relaxing environment. Also, they help in reflecting the harmful rays of the sun and maintaining a balanced temperature . Besides, they also help in water conservation and preventing soil erosion . They also manage the ecosystem and from ancient times several varieties of plants are worshipped.

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Benefits of Trees

Trees provide us many benefits some of which we can’t see but they make a huge difference. They help in fighting back the climate changes by absorbing greenhouse gases which are the main cause of climate change.

Moreover, they replenish groundwater and filter the air from harmful pollutants and odors. Besides, they are a great source of food and the king of fruits ‘Mango’ also grow on trees.

autobiography of tree essay in english

Moreover, they are the cause of rainfall as they attract clouds towards the surface and make them rain. They can be teachers, playmates and a great example of unity in diversity.

Above all, they are a good source of reducing air, water, and noise pollution.

Value of Trees

When a seed of a plant or tree grow it makes the area around it greener. Also, it supports many life forms. Birds make their nests, many reptiles and animals live on it or near it.

Besides, all these many beautiful flowers, food growing on it. Moreover, many parts of trees such as roots, leaves , stem, flower , seeds , are also edible. Most importantly they never ask anything in return for their services and the gifts they give. Trees also keep the balance in the ecosystem and ecology.

To conclude, we can say that trees are very important and beneficial for every life form on earth. Without them, the survival of life on earth will become difficult and after some time every species starts to die because of lack of oxygen on the planet. So, to save our lives and to survive we have to learn the importance of trees and also have to teach our children the importance of trees.

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Autobiography Of A Book

Writing an autobiography of a book involves intense imagination and a personal attachment to the characters in the story. It also requires infinite assiduity while reading.

Table of Contents

A theme is a central idea that runs through an entire narrative. It’s a bit like the wooden studs hidden inside walls or steel beams holding up a skyscraper—whether your book is tiny or huge, hugs the ground or soars into the air, balanced or a little crooked, it depends on a sturdy inner framework to keep it together and give it shape.

It can be challenging to sort through a lifetime of experiences and come up with an overarching theme for your autobiography. Whether you’re writing for family or for a larger public audience, it’s important to focus on the themes that will appeal most to your readers. For example, a memoir about an illness or the death of a loved one can be emotionally gripping and also has universal appeal.

Similarly, an autobiography about the successes of a career or sport can be interesting and inspiring for people in similar situations. It’s human nature to be interested in others’ successes and to want to learn from their failures.

2. Characters

The word “autobiography” derives from the Greek words for self (auto) and life (bios). The first Western autobiographical work is generally attributed to Saint Augustine of Hippo Regius, who wrote his 13-book account of his life called Confessions in about 400 A.D. Today, there are many different types of autobiographies that vary in the amount of detail they include. Some are simply a chronological chain of events that recollects a linear timeline, while others offer a deeper analysis and explore the author’s emotional response to his or her experiences.

3. Point of View

The point of view is the perspective from which a story is told. Every piece of writing has a point of view, including novels, academic research papers, and your journal entries. It determines how the reader experiences a story and how the narrator interacts with characters. There are three different points of view: first person, second person and third person. First person involves a character telling their own story using personal pronouns (“I went to the store”), second person includes a narrator that tells a story about the audience or reader (using words like “you” and “yours”) and third person uses impersonal pronouns such as “he,” “she” and “it.”

Narrative point of view goes hand in hand with narrative style. Choosing the right point of view for a story enables an author to amplify certain themes and ideas. For example, Gregor Samsa’s transformation into a giant insect in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis would not have had as much impact had the story been told from a more traditional literary point of view.

4. Narrative Structure

Unlike some other forms of nonfiction, autobiographies often have the feel of a story. This is due to the fact that they often tell a narrative, and the narrative often has an emotional center and compelling plot. They also tend to incorporate storytelling elements such as an arc, protagonist, and antagonist.

Many autobiographies also contain a great deal of information, so the author must be careful to only include what is relevant for their readers. A good way to test this is to give the autobiography to a friend and see how interesting they find it. If the information is not interesting, then it does not belong in the autobiography.

Another element of an autobiography is its pacing. Autobiographies usually follow a chronology of the author’s life, beginning with their childhood and ending at the time of their writing. Memoirs, on the other hand, may be looser in their treatment of time. For example, a memoir such as Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot shifts back and forth in time.

One of the most important aspects to teach is that the style of an autobiography should be personal, intimate and engaging. The reader should feel as if the author is sitting across from them telling their life story. This is achieved by using rich sensory language that draws the reader into the moment, creating a feeling of closeness between the writer and the reader.

Another aspect of style to discuss is that an autobiography should be written in a logical and chronological order. This can help the reader to follow the story of the author’s life from beginning to end. It is often helpful to use the theme of the autobiography as a guide for organizing the chronology of events.

For example, an autobiography about a person who met the Pope or spent three weeks lost at sea may be best organized into sections that are of high interest to the reader. Choosing a consistent tone is also important. Some autobiographies are humorous such as Bossy Pants by Tina Fey, while others are more serious like Open by Andre Agassi.

Autobiography Of A Book Example 1

Chapter 1: Birth of Words My story begins amidst the rhythmic hum of the printing press. I remember the day vividly when I was brought into existence, my pages blank and waiting to be filled with knowledge and imagination. The ink flowed onto my pages, etching tales and ideas that would captivate minds throughout time. The smell of fresh ink and the touch of the printer’s hands left an indelible mark on my being.

Chapter 2: The Sheltered Library After my creation, I found myself in the embrace of a grand library. Rows upon rows of shelves housed countless books like me, each one waiting to be discovered. The library became my sanctuary, a place where I absorbed the wisdom and stories of the world. I witnessed the curious eyes of children and the studious gazes of scholars, knowing that I held the power to transport them to distant lands and unlock the depths of their imaginations.

Chapter 4: The Teacher’s Desk In the course of my travels, I found myself in the hands of a passionate teacher. I became an instrument of knowledge, accompanying her in classrooms filled with eager students. Through her guidance, I witnessed the transformation of young minds, the spark of curiosity ignited by my words. The teacher’s annotations and underlined passages became a testament to my influence on her teaching.

Chapter 6: A Second Chance My perseverance paid off when a curious soul stumbled upon me during a spring cleaning session. The dust was gently blown away, and my worn-out cover was lovingly repaired. I was once again introduced to the world, this time in the digital realm. Scanned and digitized, I became part of the vast online library, accessible to readers across the globe.

Conclusion: As the final chapter of my autobiography draws to a close, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the journey I have undertaken. From my creation to my rediscovery, I have witnessed the power of words to inspire, educate, and connect humanity. My pages have carried the weight of countless emotions and experiences, and I am honored to have played a part in the lives of those who have held me in their hands. As my story continues to unfold, I hope to inspire future generations and remind them of the profound impact that books can have on shaping their lives.

Autobiography Of A Book Example 2

Chapter 1: The Birth of Imagination In the hallowed halls of a publishing house, I came into being. A culmination of ink, paper, and dreams, I emerged from the creative minds of writers, editors, and artists. The printing press breathed life into me, and I took my first breath as a tangible entity. The weight of possibility settled upon me as I awaited my purpose and destiny.

Chapter 2: The Embrace of Readers From the printing press, I journeyed into the hands of readers, eager to share my story. They cradled me, carefully turning my pages, their eyes dancing across the words. With each reader, a unique connection was forged, as my narrative intertwined with their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Through their engagement, I discovered the power of storytelling to inspire, comfort, and provoke change.

Chapter 4: The Silent Companion Within the walls of libraries, I found solace and purpose. Surrounded by countless companions, I stood tall on the shelves, a silent witness to the pursuit of knowledge. Students, scholars, and seekers of truth turned to me, seeking enlightenment and guidance. The weight of their hands, the caress of their fingers, and the whispered conversations enriched my existence, affirming my importance as a repository of wisdom.

Chapter 6: Legacy and Transformation As the years passed, I witnessed the transformation of the literary landscape. New mediums emerged, challenging traditional notions of storytelling. Yet, I remained steadfast, adapting to the changing tides. My legacy lived on, passed down from one generation to the next, as readers discovered the magic within my pages, cherishing the intimate connection forged through the written word.

Conclusion: In the grand tapestry of literature, I, a book, have played my part. From my creation to the far-reaching impact upon readers, I have been a vessel of knowledge, empathy, and imagination. Through the ages, I have stood as a testament to the power of storytelling, transcending time, space, and societal boundaries. As my story continues to unfold, I eagerly await the turn of each page, knowing that within them lies the potential to ignite minds, shape perspectives, and inspire the endless pursuit of wisdom.

Autobiography Of A Book Example 3

Chapter 1: The Quill’s Dance In the quiet sanctuaries of monasteries, amidst the flickering candlelight, I was brought into being. Scribes meticulously transcribed words onto parchment, their quills dancing across the delicate surface. The aroma of ink and the rustle of turning pages filled the air, as I emerged as a treasure of wisdom and imagination. In the hands of scholars and seekers of knowledge, I became a gateway to enlightenment.

Chapter 2: The Renaissance of Ideas As the printing press revolutionized the dissemination of knowledge, I witnessed the birth of a new era. Printers pressed ink onto paper, breathing life into countless copies of myself. The world embraced the written word, and I found myself in the hands of scholars, philosophers, and artists. The Renaissance unfolded around me, as minds were ignited by the ideas and perspectives I held within.

Chapter 4: Libraries and Salons Within the hallowed halls of libraries, I found respite and purpose. Curators and librarians embraced me as a guardian of knowledge, placing me alongside countless companions. Scholars and intellectuals sought solace in the quiet corners of salons, where I became the catalyst for conversations that challenged conventions and expanded horizons. Through the hands of readers, I became a bridge connecting past wisdom to the present.

Chapter 6: Endurance and Immortality Though the medium may change, my essence remains eternal. From the fragile pages of ancient tomes to the intangible realms of e-readers, my stories persist. I am passed down through generations, cherished as a treasure of collective memory. In the hearts and minds of readers, I find immortality, forever etching my mark upon the tapestry of humanity.

Conclusion: As I reflect upon the chapters of my existence, I am humbled by the profound impact books have had on shaping human civilization. From the quill to the printing press, and from libraries to digital platforms, the power of words endures. Through the ages, books have been companions, teachers, and catalysts for change. As I continue to evolve in this ever-changing world, I embrace the knowledge that the story of books will forever be intertwined with the story of humanity itself.

About Mr. Greg

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909 The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes English (Handwritten Short & Revision Notes)

909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree is one of the most important chapters in English which every student should study if they want to score good marks in their examination. Keeping in mind, Selfstudys.com has decided to solve this issue of the students. 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes not only help the students to understand the concepts better but also boosts their confidence. 

909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes are created as per the latest pattern of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to ensure that the student covers each and every topic and does not miss any important topic. Class 10 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Notes are written in a well-detailed manner which clears every doubt of the students and helps them to score good marks in their examinations.

All the students are advised to study from 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes on a weekly basis to create a strong foundation of all the topics and memorise them in a way so that you remember them for a longer period of time. 

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All the students can have access to Class 10 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Notes at the official website of selfstudys i.e. selfstudys.com. 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes are created by the highly qualified subject matter experts who have their expertise in the field of education. 

Students can access 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes absolutely free of cost. These Notes are a success mantra for all the students who want to improve their marks and score well in their examinations. 

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Our highly qualified subject matter experts at selfstudys who have their expertise in the educational industry have created 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes. Also, they are familiar with the most common questions which often get repeated in the examinations. 

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There are numerous benefits of 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes. Some of the most important of them includes:

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Revision Tips to Study from 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes 

There are various revision tips which students should follow to study from 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes. Some of them are:

  • Note down your mistakes: While studying from 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes, it is advisable for all the students to make a list of their mistakes and then work on them. Students can improve their preparation level by noting down their mistakes and working on them.
  • Practise Study Materials: All the students are advised to practise from the study materials for example: previous year question paper, Mock tests and more. By practising them regularly, a student gets to know about the pattern of the examination, weightage per question, marking scheme etc. 
  • Blurting: Another great way which students can choose to do is by the blurting method. In this technique, a student has to read 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes repeatedly to memorise them. After following the blurting method, make sure that you test yourself by writing down the topics which you remembered so far during the revision time. 
  • Take short breaks between your exam preparation: Students are always advised to take short breaks between their exam preparation as it will ensure effective learning. Taking short breaks while studying 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes also improves memory and recalling power. So, make sure to follow this revision tip while doing exam preparation. 
  • Pomodoro Technique: Another important revision tip which is advisable for all the students is to follow the pomodoro technique as it helps to reduce distractions and improves the concentration of the students. This technique can be used by all the students to increase their accuracy and concentration when they are using 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes. 

How to Prepare for Annual Exam from 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes?

There are various tips which students should follow to prepare from 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes. The tips are:

  • Start reading or rewriting your Notes: The first tip which students should follow is that they should start reading their 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Notes repeatedly. After reading, they can write them to stick in their memory and remember them for a longer period of time. There are also various ways which you can use to rewrite them.
  • Start studying in advance: It is always advisable for all the students to start studying for their examinations in advance from 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes. If they study at the last moment, they will not be able to study effectively and chances of getting stressed and anxious will also increase. Studying in advance also helps to create a strong base of each and every concept. 
  • Always take food breaks in between your exam preparation: Students are advised to take short food breaks of 15-20 minutes in between their exam preparation to revive their energy levels and also to improve their memory. 
  • Get a good night’s sleep: All the students are advised to get a good night’s sleep as it will help the students to improve their brain function which will automatically improve the learning power of all the students. 

What are the Advantages of Having 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Class 10 Notes? 

There are various Advantages of Class 10 909. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree Notes. Some of the most important of them are:

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How to Write an Autobiography: The Story of Your Life

About the author.

Reedsy's editorial team is a diverse group of industry experts devoted to helping authors write and publish beautiful books.

About Savannah Cordova

Savannah is a senior editor with Reedsy and a published writer whose work has appeared on Slate, Kirkus, and BookTrib. Her short fiction has appeared in the Owl Canyon Press anthology, "No Bars and a Dead Battery". 

Anyone who’s lived a long, interesting life (as many of us have in one way or another!) may dream of someday turning their life into a book. However, the practicalities of how to write an autobiography can be daunting — especially to those who don’t have much writing experience.

If you feel ready to write your autobiography but aren’t sure where to start, this guide will take you from opening lines to (hopefully) publishing your autobiography for all the world to read.

1. Understand what an autobiography entails

When asked to picture an autobiography, you might think of a celebrity tell-all or political memoir. This isn’t inaccurate ; a memoir would definitely fall under the autobiography umbrella. But to be really precise, there are a few key differences between memoirs and autobiographies:

  • Memoirs tend to be more thematic and focus on a  central narrative (similar to a novel), whereas an autobiography is highly factual and reads more like “classic” nonfiction.
  • Memoirs focus on a specific period or theme in a person’s life, while autobiographies aim to give a complete, chronological picture.
  • Lastly, many memoirs are written while the writer is still young. An autobiography, though, should be written later in one’s life — at a point where one’s life story can be told comprehensively.

An autobiography is also different from a biography in that it is always narrated by the subject. Note that we’ve said “narrated” instead of “written” because, indeed, many autobiographies are created with the help of ghostwriters!

Ghostwritten autobiographies aren’t just for celebrities, either. People from all walks of life work with ghostwriters to record their stories or simply guide them through the process.

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Should you write a memoir or an autobiography?

In other words, if you’re still young (be honest here!), and/or if the book you want to write is more a series of vignettes revolving around a central theme, you may have a memoir on your hands. If that’s the case, check out our guide to how to write a memoir for more tailored advice.

But if you’ve already lived a long, interesting life — one that you feel prepared to share chronologically and completely — then an autobiography is the medium for you.

2. Outline your life's main “beats”

You might think you don’t need to be too picky about what to include in your autobiography since it’s supposed to be a “complete” account — and you’d be mostly right! That said, even in a fairly exhaustive autobiography, it’s still useful to identify the key “beats” before you begin.

What should you include in an autobiography?

While each person’s autobiography will be unique to them, readers expect certain “beats” to be covered. To get the ball rolling, here’s a list of classic autobiographical beats to hit:

  • 🐣 Your birth and family background – possibly including how your parents met, where they were living at the time of your birth, whether you have any siblings, etc.
  • 📚  Your early days at school – including the friends you made (whether long-lasting or not), your academic achievements (and failures), and any critical moments related to your future goals/actions.
  • 🧑🏽‍💻  Your first job – this is often enlightening for readers, particularly if it had some bearing on your later career; whether because you realized that you loved the work or, more likely, that you didn’t want to work your first job forever.
  • 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩  Your first relationship – similar to your first job, this is often a major stepping stone into adulthood and understanding your priorities.
  • Moving house;
  • Having children;
  • Getting promoted;
  • Receiving an award;
  • Traveling somewhere new;
  • Or discovering anything significant about yourself.
  • 💼  Your retirement – if applicable, this will likely be one of the last beats you cover; it might include why you decided to retire, how you are spending your time nowadays, and any plans for the future.

Remember that each beat you include should contribute to a holistic portrait of your life — whether it’s something that shaped your character or lends context to another parallel moment later on.

But not everything will be relevant. There’s no need to include random things that have no bearing on any other event or important element of your life; that said, the lucky thing about memory is that you likely won’t recall most of those things anyway!

Need some help outlining your autobiography? Check out our Biography Outline Template below — while not entirely chronological, it’s a great starting point for any aspiring autobiographical author.



Biography Outline Template

Craft a satisfying story arc for your biography with our free template.

3. Try to write in chronological order

Having come up with a solid outline, you should now feel (somewhat) prepared to start writing your autobiography… and, ideally, to start writing it in chronological order.

While many books can be drafted non-chronologically, an autobiography is not one of them. This is because each new chapter quite literally builds on the last; this is different even from a memoir, which often skips around in time and leaves out details. The best way to ensure you’re not missing anything is to write your autobiography as chronologically as possible!

How to start an autobiography

On the note of starting your autobiography, it’s pretty straightforward: begin either with your birth or slightly before, e.g., with your parents. Unlike a memoir, which can start in medias res ( in the middle of the action ), an autobiography should start ab ovo , or “from the egg.”

This is one of the biggest benefits of writing chronologically: you always know where to start, and indeed, what should come next. Here are two strong autobiography openings to give a sense of how yours might sound:

I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb

When I was born, people in our village commiserated with my mother and nobody congratulated my father. I arrived at dawn as the last star blinked out… I was a girl in a land where rifles are fired in celebration of a son, while daughters are hidden away behind a curtain, their role in life simply to prepare food and give birth to children.

Iacocca: An Autobiography by Lee Iacocca and William Novak:

Nicola Iacocca, my father, arrived in this country in 1902 at the age of twelve — poor, alone, and scared. He used to say the only thing he was sure of when he got here was that the world was round. And that was only because another Italian boy named Christopher Columbus had preceded him by 410 years, almost to the day.

Though each opening takes a different tack — Yousafzai’s autobiography begins with her actual birth, while Iacocca’s begins even earlier, with his father’s arrival in America — both serve as effective starts to their respective books and set the tone for what’s to come.

autobiography of tree essay in english

4. Include plenty of detail

In case we haven’t drilled down on this enough, let’s reiterate once more: an autobiography should be a complete overview of your life from beginning to end. That means that as you get into properly writing it, you should include as much detail as you can remember.

Taking one of our previous suggested beats — “your first job” — as an example, here are a few questions you might ask yourself to recount your memories in more detail:

  • How did you get your first job?
  • What made you want to work there?
  • What was the environment/atmosphere like — physically and emotionally?
  • What was your greatest accomplishment at this job? Your greatest failure?
  • What did you learn from working there? How did it affect your later career?

As you can probably tell from these questions, the natural corollary to the advice of “be detailed!” is to also be honest . Don’t shy away from your failures or regrets — an autobiography without mistakes is not an autobiography, but rather a puff piece.

Some of the cast of The Office

Examples of strong biographical detail

For those wondering how to inject detail into their writing, here are two examples from great autobiographies that do exactly that. Each takes a different approach to engage readers — perhaps you can pick up some descriptive techniques to suit your own life story.

Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

There was no natural light in my cell; a single bulb burned overhead twenty-four hours a day. I did not have a wristwatch and I often thought it was the middle of the night when it was only late afternoon. I had nothing to read, nothing to write on or with, no one to talk to [...] After a time in solitary, I relished the company even of the insects in my cell, and found myself on the verge of initiating conversations with a cockroach.

This passage’s evocative details — the single lightbulb, Mandela’s loss of his internal clock — convey the crushing loneliness of solitary confinement, yet also add levity with the bit about cockroaches.

This give-and-take style may be useful if you, too, are writing an autobiography which includes difficult or traumatic elements. Don’t shy away from the hard parts, but don’t let solemnity overpower your personality and voice!

Becoming by Michelle Obama

When you’re little, a piano can look like it has a thousand keys. You’re staring at an expanse of black and white that stretches farther than two small arms can reach. [...] The keys on Robbie’s piano had a subtle unevenness of color and shape, places where bits of ivory had broken off over time, leaving them looking like a set of bad teeth.

This passage uses sensory details and an intimate tone to draw readers in, describing not just how the piano looks, but how it feels to play. All this makes for a very compelling narrative style — almost like that of a novel. If you want your autobiography to flow this way, try reading more nonfiction in this style (indeed, many memoirs read quite similarly).

📚 Looking for more examples of brilliant biographical writing? Check out this list of The 30 Best Biographies of All Time to inspire you.

5. Do research to fill in the gaps

No matter how carefully you rack your brains, you won’t be able to recall every detail of your life. That’s where research comes in! Here are a couple of things you can do to learn more about yourself and your past.

Interview friends and family

While you’ve likely retained the core of each important life memory, some details will still elude you. For these, you might call on friends, family members, and anyone else who was in your life at the time — interviewing them should help flesh things out in your autobiography.

You might try a few different interview strategies, depending on what you’re hoping to achieve:

  • Ask specific questions based on what you can’t remember/don’t know (e.g. “Whose wedding was that again?” or “Why did Dad quit that job in Pasadena?”);
  • Ask your subject to recount everything they can about an event (e.g. “Tell me how you remember our high school graduation”); or
  • Ask them if they have any key memories of you which they would like to talk about.

The first interview style will be the quickest, but the latter two might yield more interesting results. If you’re prioritizing thoroughness, we’d highly recommend calling up a few old friends or close family members, sitting down, and recording your interview for a few hours.

autobiography of tree essay in english

Do “traditional" research if needed

Having written as much as you can, and interviewed other people to add their stories, you might still find yourself missing information. If applicable, this is where you could turn to “traditional” research — that is, looking up relevant records and documentation, or even taking a field trip or two to previous neighborhoods.

It’s up to you how far to go with this; just don’t go mad, and try to avoid any rabbit holes that tempt you to write an entirely new book. (Then again, that could always be your next project! Check out our post on how to write a nonfiction book to learn more.)

6. Give your draft a discerning edit

You’ve finally finished a detailed draft — congratulations! Even if you don’t do anything else with your autobiography, your friends and family will be wildly impressed, and your descendants will have a fascinatingly thorough record of your life.

But if you want to publish your autobiography — or even if you suspect it hasn’t turned out quite as expected — you’ll now need to enter the editing stage. There are a few different types of editing to consider for your autobiography, including:

  • Structural editing to heighten the impact of your key beats;
  • Line editing to improve the syntax, flow, and clarity of your sentences; and
  • Fact-checking and proofreading to ensure your book doesn’t contain any errors.

Again, it’s up to you how extensively you want to edit your autobiography. If you’re doing it yourself, we’d suggest going top-to-bottom — first structural editing, then line editing, then proofreading — to avoid unnecessary work. ( Check out this post on how to self-edit your book for key tips!)

And if this all feels overwhelming, you can always work with a professional editor to get your autobiography in tip-top shape . Autobiography and memoir specialists can help turn your work into an Iacocca-worthy masterpiece.



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7. Format and publish your autobiography

Now comes the really fun part, if you so choose it — formatting and publishing your autobiography for everyone to read!

Biography fans out there will know that auto/biographies often contain a selection of personal photos within the text. If you’re envisioning this, it will require specialty formatting; you’ll either need to intersperse photos throughout the text or format your book with a “photo section” in the middle (the more common option).

autobiography of tree essay in english

You can do this with free book formatting tools like Reedsy Studio . Or if you’re not confident in your formatting abilities, consider hiring a professional typesetter to help !

As for publishing, many autobiographers choose to self-publish their books to get them out as quickly as possible, and to have more control over the process. However, if you’re interested in selling your autobiography to a publisher — a reasonable option if you are a businessperson, and especially if you already have a decent following — we’d suggest this post on how to write a non-fiction query letter to get you started.

Whatever path you take, whether you decide to publish it or not, writing the story of your life is an incredibly enlightening endeavor. If you're interested in novels instead, check out this advice from NYT bestselling author Caroline Leavitt ! We hope this guide has helped you on your journey; indeed, as autobiographical writing teaches us, the journey really is the greatest reward.

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