Capital budgeting: a systematic review of the literature

Paula de souza michelon ; rogério joão lunkes ; antonio cezar bornia.

Abstract: Paper aims: The purpose of this article is to identify the research opportunities in capital budgeting. Originality: This research contributes to the literature by providing a methodology where researchers can potentially identify gaps from budgeting according to the existing scientific literature and contributes to the engineering management practice by to identifying the difficulties found by engineering managers that interfere in the capital budgeting process. Research method: It was used the Knowledge Development Process-Constructivist (Proknow-C) tool that can researchers potentially identify gaps from budgeting according to the existing scientific literature. It then explicitly define the frontiers of knowledge and possible opportunities to follow when investigating the field. Main findings: Capital budgeting is not shown as a macro research area for the researchers. Few authors have developed research with the same scopes or few of them still research on the theme. Implications for theory and practice: The academy advocates that capital budgeting has a key role in business management and, therefore, managers have to use more sophisticated analysis practices. Organizations should seek professionals with experience in capital projects appraisal and who are familiar with and knowledgeable in the use of adequate practices for decision-making.

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  1. (PDF) Capital budgeting: a systematic review of the literature

    capital budgeting literature review pdf

  2. Capital Budgeting Reviewer

    capital budgeting literature review pdf

  3. Capital Budgeting Summary

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  4. Review of Literature

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  5. Capital Budgeting

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  6. Chapter 2: Capital Budgeting: An Overview

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  1. What is Capital Budgeting Definition & Methods #capitalbudgeting #finance #financetips

  2. Perspectives on Capital Liquidity in the Banking System

  3. Capital Budgeting Part 4.mp4

  4. Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting SFM Revision by CA,CFA(USA),CPA(USA) Praveen Khatod

  5. Capital Budgeting Lecture 9 out of 21

  6. Capital budgeting techniques (By using Microsoft Excel)


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