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Basics of Computer Networking

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Computer Networking is the practice of connecting computers together to enable communication and data exchange between them. In general, Computer Network is a collection of two or more computers. It helps users to communicate more easily. In this article, we are going to discuss the basics which everyone must know before going deep into Computer Networking. 

Computer Networking

Computer Networking

How Does a Computer Network Work?

Basics building blocks of a Computer network are Nodes and Links. A Network Node can be illustrated as Equipment for Data Communication like a Modem, Router, etc., or Equipment of a Data Terminal like connecting two computers or more. Link in Computer Networks can be defined as wires or cables or free space of wireless networks.

The working of Computer Networks can be simply defined as rules or protocols which help in sending and receiving data via the links which allow Computer networks to communicate. Each device has an IP Address, that helps in identifying a device.

Basic Terminologies of Computer Networks

  • Network: A network is a collection of computers and devices that are connected together to enable communication and data exchange.
  • Nodes: Nodes are devices that are connected to a network. These can include computers, Servers, Printers, Routers, Switches , and other devices.
  • Protocol: A protocol is a set of rules and standards that govern how data is transmitted over a network. Examples of protocols include TCP/IP , HTTP , and FTP .
  • Topology: Network topology refers to the physical and logical arrangement of nodes on a network. The common network topologies include bus, star, ring, mesh, and tree.
  • Service Provider Networks: These types of Networks give permission to take Network Capacity and Functionality on lease from the Provider. Service Provider Networks include Wireless Communications, Data Carriers, etc.
  • IP Address : An IP address is a unique numerical identifier that is assigned to every device on a network. IP addresses are used to identify devices and enable communication between them.
  • DNS: The Domain Name System (DNS) is a protocol that is used to translate human-readable domain names (such as into IP addresses that computers can understand.
  • Firewall: A firewall is a security device that is used to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Firewalls are used to protect networks from unauthorized access and other security threats.

Types of Enterprise Computer Networks

  • LAN: A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network that covers a small area, such as an office or a home. LANs are typically used to connect computers and other devices within a building or a campus.
  • WAN: A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a network that covers a large geographic area, such as a city, country, or even the entire world. WANs are used to connect LANs together and are typically used for long-distance communication.
  • Cloud Networks: Cloud Networks can be visualized with a Wide Area Network (WAN) as they can be hosted on public or private cloud service providers and cloud networks are available if there is a demand. Cloud Networks consist of Virtual Routers, Firewalls, etc.

These are just a few basic concepts of computer networking. Networking is a vast and complex field, and there are many more concepts and technologies involved in building and maintaining networks. Now we are going to discuss some more concepts on Computer Networking.

  • Open system:  A system that is connected to the network and is ready for communication. 
  • Closed system:  A system that is not connected to the network and can’t be communicated with.

Types of Computer Network Architecture

Computer Network falls under these broad Categories:

  • Client-Server Architecture: Client-Server Architecture is a type of Computer Network Architecture in which Nodes can be Servers or Clients. Here, the server node can manage the Client Node Behaviour.
  • Peer-to-Peer Architecture: In P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Architecture , there is not any concept of a Central Server. Each device is free for working as either client or server.

Network Devices

An interconnection of multiple devices, also known as hosts, that are connected using multiple paths for the purpose of sending/receiving data or media. Computer networks can also include multiple devices/mediums which help in the communication between two different devices; these are known as Network devices and include things such as routers, switches, hubs, and bridges. 

Network Devices

Network Topology

The Network Topology is the layout arrangement of the different devices in a network. Common examples include Bus, Star, Mesh, Ring, and Daisy chain. 

Network Topology

OSI Model  

OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection . It is a reference model that specifies standards for communications protocols and also the functionalities of each layer. The OSI has been developed by the International Organization For Standardization and it is 7 layer architecture. Each layer of OSI has different functions and each layer has to follow different protocols. The 7 layers are as follows: 

  • Physical Layer
  • Data link Layer
  • Network Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Session Layer
  • Presentation Layer
  • Application Layer

A protocol is a set of rules or algorithms which define the way how two entities can communicate across the network and there exists a different protocol defined at each layer of the OSI model. A few such protocols are TCP, IP, UDP, ARP, DHCP, FTP, and so on. 

Unique Identifiers of Network 

Hostname: Each device in the network is associated with a unique device name known as Hostname. Type “hostname” in the command prompt(Administrator Mode) and press ‘Enter’, this displays the hostname of your machine.   


IP Address (Internet Protocol address):   Also known as the Logical Address, the IP Address is the network address of the system across the network. To identify each device in the world-wide-web, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns an IPV4 (Version 4) address as a unique identifier to each device on the Internet. The length of an IPv4 address is 32 bits, hence, we have 2 32 IP addresses available. The length of an IPv6 address is 128 bits.

In Windows Type “ipconfig” in the command prompt and press ‘Enter’, this gives us the IP address of the device. For Linux, Type “ifconfig” in the terminal and press ‘Enter’ this gives us the IP address of the device.

MAC Address (Media Access Control address):  Also known as physical address, the MAC Address is the unique identifier of each host and is associated with its NIC (Network Interface Card) . A MAC address is assigned to the NIC at the time of manufacturing. The length of the MAC address is: 12-nibble/ 6 bytes/ 48 bits Type “ipconfig/all” in the command prompt and press ‘Enter’, this gives us the MAC address. 

Port:  A port can be referred to as a logical channel through which data can be sent/received to an application. Any host may have multiple applications running, and each of these applications is identified using the port number on which they are running. 

A port number is a 16-bit integer, hence, we have 2 16 ports available which are categorized as shown below: 

Number of ports: 65,536  Range: 0 – 65535  Type “ netstat -a ” in the command prompt and press ‘Enter’, this lists all the ports being used. 

List of Ports

List of Ports

Socket:  The unique combination of IP address and Port number together is termed a Socket. 

Other Related Concepts 

DNS Server:   DNS stands for Domain Name System . DNS is basically a server that translates web addresses or URLs (ex: into their corresponding IP addresses. We don’t have to remember all the IP addresses of each and every website. The command ‘ nslookup ’ gives you the IP address of the domain you are looking for. This also provides information on our DNS Server. \

Domain IP Address

Domain IP Address

ARP:   ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol . It is used to convert an IP address to its corresponding physical address(i.e., MAC Address). ARP is used by the Data Link Layer to identify the MAC address of the Receiver’s machine. 

RARP:   RARP stands for Reverse Address Resolution Protocol . As the name suggests, it provides the IP address of the device given a physical address as input. But RARP has become obsolete since the time DHCP has come into the picture.

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computer networking devices

Computer Networking Devices

Jul 29, 2014

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Computer Networking Devices. Seven Different Networking Components. What is a network device?. Components used to connect computers as well as other electrical devices together in order to share resources such as printers and fax machines. Devices used in Networking.

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Presentation Transcript

Computer Networking Devices Seven Different Networking Components

What is a network device? • Components used to connect computers as well as other electrical devices together in order to share resources such as printers and fax machines.

Devices used in Networking • The different devices or components used in networking include: • Hubs • Switches • Routers • Network bridges • Gateways • Firewalls • Wireless AP (Access Points)

What is a Hub? • A small rectangular box that joins computers together through ports on the back of the hub. • Picture of a 4 – Port Ethernet Hub (below) J Ethernet hub – Wikipedia. [online image]. Available hub

How does a Hub work? • A hub receives data packets and passes on all the Information it receives to all the other computers connected to the hub. • Information is also sent to the computer that sent the information! • Example: if computer 1 wants to communicate with computer 3, the data will be sent to all the computers on the network since hubs do not know the destination of the information it receives.

Diagram of a hub network Main PC Hub Ethernet PC 1 PC 2

Additional Information about Hubs • Most hubs contain 4 ports some have 5 or more ports. • Hubs can be used for a smaller network such as a home network or a small office network. • Hubs are not that expensive most range for less than $30. • Hubs may not be the best option for sophisticated or complex networks.

What is a Switch? • Switches look similar to hubs in that they are rectangular in shape. Manageable switches are usually a little bigger than unmanageable switches. A switch also has ports on the back. Network switch – net gear.[online image]. Available, July 9, 2013

How does a Switch work? • Switches work about the same way as hubs. Unlike hubs, switches can identify the destination of a packet. • Switches send information only to the computer that is suppose to receive the information. • Switches can also send and retrieve information at the same time which makes sending information faster to retrieve than hubs.

Diagram of a Switch Network Switch Diagram. LindyConnectionPerfection.[online image]. Available, July 9, 2013

Additional Information about Switches • Switches are a better option than hubs for larger networks or home networks with 4 or more connected computers. • Switches can range in price from $30 up to $100 or more depending on if the switch is manageable or unmanageable, usually unmanageable switches are less in price versus managed switches.

What is a Router? • A specialized computer programmed to interface between different networks. • Netgear-wndr4000-ddwrt-450 – Most Popular VPN Service Providers & DD-WRT Routers. [online image]., July 12, 2013.

How does a Router work? • A router receives data from the user. • Looks for the remote address of the other computer making routing decisions along the way • Forwards the user data out to a different interface that is closer to the remote computer

Diagram of a Router

Additional Information about Routers • Routers make sure data sent over the Internet goes where it needs to go and not where it is not needed. • Acts like a traffic controller, working to cut down congestion throughout the network and keeps everything flowing smoothly along the best path. • Routers are the only type of equipment that looks at every single packet passing by on the network. • Home network router including wireless routers can cost anywhere from $40 to $150 or higher.

What is a Bridge? • A hardware device used to create a connection between two separate computer networks or to divide one network into two. • Filters data traffic at a network boundary and reduces the amount of traffic on a LAN dividing it into two segments. • I -4E to Ethernet (10/100M) Network Bridge. [online image]. Network Bridge. Available at July 12, 2013.

How does a Bridge work? • Each bridge consist of a MAC address and operates at layer 2 of the OSI model • When a packet is received on the bridge ports the forwarding table including the MAC address is automatically updated to map the source MAC address to the network port from which the packet originated • The gateway then process the received packet according to the packet’s type.

Diagram of a Bridge

Additional Information about Bridges • A bridge examines each message on a LAN and passes the ones known to be within the same LAN. • Computer addresses have no relationship to location in a bridging network. • A bridge is sometimes referred to as a brouter. • Wireless network bridges can costs anywhere from $100 to $1000 or more depending on the type of bridge purchased.

What is a Gateway? • A communication device that provides a remote network with connectivity to the host network. • Gateway Network Communications [online image]. Available

How a Gateway Works • The gateway node acts like a proxy server and firewall • The gateway uses forwarding tables to determine where packet are to be sent

Gateway Diagram

Additional Information about Gateways • On the Internet a node or stopping point can be a gateway. • The computers controlling traffic within a network are gateway nodes. • A gateway is also associated with a router.

What is a Firewall? • Hardware or software device that protects a computer network from unauthorized access. • Firewall Sling Secure Smartphone. [online image]. Available

How a Firewall works • Firewalls filters the information coming through the Internet connection into a user private network. • To control traffic in and out of the network firewalls one or more of the three methods are used including: • Packet filtering • Proxy service • Stateful inspection

Diagram of Firewall

Additional Information about Firewalls • Most home network routers have built in firewall. • The term “firewall” originated from firefighting, where a firewall is a barrier established to prevent the spread of a fire. • A firewall works with the proxy server making request on behalf of workstation users. • There are a number of features firewalls can include from logging and reporting to setting alarms of an attack. • Costs for host based firewalls usually costs around $100 or less. Some may costs more depending on different things such as features included or if its an enterprise based system.

What is a Wireless Access Point? • A small hardware device featuring built-in network adapter, antenna, and radio signals. • Configured nodes on a WLAN. • Wireless Access Points, Page 2. [online image]. Available

How a Wireless Access Point works? • Operates using radio frequency technology • Broadcast wireless signals computers can detect and use • A wireless network adapter is implemented while using a wireless access point, most computers today already have network adapters built into the computer.

Diagram of Wireless Access Point RxNT – The eprescribing System. [online image]. Available

Additional Information about Access Points • The access point usually connects to the router • A hotspot is a application wireless users can connect to the Internet. • Aps are used throughout a home network, usually through only one AP. • Wireless access points can cost anywhere from $30 and up depending on the type purchased.

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Computer Presentation templates

Use these google slides themes or download our ppt files for powerpoint or keynote to give a presentation about a computer-related topic, including information technology..

Software Development Company Profile presentation template

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Software development company profile.

Download the Software Development Company Profile presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Presenting a comprehensive company profile can be a game-changer for your business. A well-crafted profile connects with potential clients and vendors on another level, giving them a deep understanding of your organization. This company profile template can help...

Computer Science Degree for College presentation template

Computer Science Degree for College

Computer science degrees prepare students for the jobs of the future (and the present!). If you are interested in getting an education about coding, math, computers, and robots, this is the degree for you! Speak about it with this futuristic template that will take the viewers to another digital dimension....

Virtual Slides for Education Day presentation template

Virtual Slides for Education Day

Digital learning is making its way into the world of education. For this reason, we've designed this new template so that the slides look like the screen of a laptop (complete with reflections!). Apart from graphs and infographics, the font is quite "computer-esque" and a perfect fit for this theme....

Computer Science College Major presentation template

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Computer Science College Major

If you are a guru of computers, most likely you've studied computer science in college. Would you like to show others what a major in this field has to offer and what it could contribute to their professional development? Customize this template and let them feel the future, at least...

Soft Colors UI Design for Agencies presentation template

Soft Colors UI Design for Agencies

Agencies have the most creative employees, so having boring meetings with traditional Google Slides & PowerPoint presentations would be a waste. Make the most out of this potential with this creative design full of editable resources and beautiful decorations in calming, pastel tones. Let the creativity of your agency be...

Silicon Valley Programmer Minitheme presentation template

Silicon Valley Programmer Minitheme

No matter your actual profession, you can’t say you’ve never ever imagined being one of those fabled Silicon Valley programmers that make alternate realities come to life and can make us question the structures that govern our world. The good news: With this minitheme, you can join them for a...

Sales, Merchandising & Marketing Pitch Deck presentation template

Sales, Merchandising & Marketing Pitch Deck

Download the Sales, Merchandising & Marketing Pitch Deck presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out...

AI Essentials Workshop presentation template

AI Essentials Workshop

Download the AI Essentials Workshop presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. If you are planning your next workshop and looking for ways to make it memorable for your audience, don’t go anywhere. Because this creative template is just what you need! With its visually stunning design, you can provide your...

Retro Video Games Newsletter Infographics presentation template

Retro Video Games Newsletter Infographics

Download the Retro Video Games Newsletter Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics like...

Marketing Trends: Digital Games and Applications presentation template

Marketing Trends: Digital Games and Applications

Download the Marketing Trends: Digital Games and Applications presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and take your marketing projects to the next level. This template is the perfect ally for your advertising strategies, launch campaigns or report presentations. Customize your content with ease, highlight your ideas and captivate your audience...

Multimedia Software Pitch Deck presentation template

Multimedia Software Pitch Deck

Download the "Multimedia Software Pitch Deck" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks to...

Web Project Proposal presentation template

Web Project Proposal

We live in the internet era, which means that web design is currently one of the most demanded skills. This free template is perfect for those designers who want to present their web project proposal to their clients and see a preview of the final work.

Cloud Computing Computer Science Bachelor's Degree presentation template

Cloud Computing Computer Science Bachelor's Degree

Download the Cloud Computing Computer Science Bachelor's Degree presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations...

How to Code Workshop presentation template

How to Code Workshop

Are you an expert of Java? Yes, it's a beautiful island in Indonesia and more than half of the population of this country lives there... No! Well, yes, those facts are true, but we were talking about the programming language! We think workshops on how to code are a necessity,...

Network Monitoring Software Pitch Deck presentation template

Network Monitoring Software Pitch Deck

Download the Network Monitoring Software Pitch Deck presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for funding or a sales professional trying to close a deal, a great pitch deck can be the difference-maker that sets you apart from the competition. Let your talent shine out thanks...

Linear Grid Newsletter presentation template

Linear Grid Newsletter

Give an original touch to your employee newsletters with this grid design. It perfectly combines colors like green, yellow or orange with geometric icons to give dynamism to your news. You can use a different tone for each section, so they can be easily differentiated. Report on the latest company...

SEO Strategy Agency presentation template

SEO Strategy Agency

Download the SEO Strategy Agency presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Your agency is set to reach new heights and milestones. Allow us to accompany you on the journey to success with this all-rounded template. No need for typical sales fluff, this template speaks its cutting-edge design loudly. Display your...

Tech Startup Newsletter presentation template

Tech Startup Newsletter

Download the "Tech Startup Newsletter" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Attention all marketers! Are you looking for a way to make your newsletters more creative and eye-catching for your target audience? This amazing template is perfect for creating the perfect newsletter that will capture your audience's attention from the...

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WATCH: 2024 PBS National Memorial Day Concert

This Sunday, PBS is broadcasting the 35th annual National Memorial Day Concert, hosted by Joe Mantegna and Gary Sinise.

Watch the event in the player above.

With all-star performances and tributes from Washington, D.C., the concert honors United States servicemen and women, military families, veterans and all those who have given their lives for the nation.

WATCH: Remembering and honoring the nation’s fallen on Memorial Day

The broadcast features celebrities sharing real-life stories spanning the history of U.S. military conflicts, tributes from award-winning musicians and performances from U.S. military choirs and ensembles.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Chiefs of Staff will also speak at the concert about the value military service and the challenges that veterans and their families face.

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Unlocking your Galaxy phone lets you use your device with a different provider and network. Disclaimer: When you purchase a Samsung phone from a carrier, your phone is locked to their network for a specified period of time according to the contract. You must contact your carrier to find out the conditions of your contract and obtain an unlock code.

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  3. SOLUTION: Introduction to computer networks ppt 1

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  4. Free Computer Network Diagram Template Powerpoint

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  5. PPT

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  1. Presentation Computer Network Mini Project ( Group 110)

  2. 1. #computernetworks,#introduction Computer Networks -Introduction

  3. Presentation on Computer Networking

  4. Part 1

  5. Introduction to Computer Network በአማረኛ

  6. What is Computer Network? full Explanation and It's Advantages || BCA #networking || Video 1


  1. Presentation on computer networking

    3. Computer network A computer network is a system of interconnected computers and peripheral devices. For example, it may connect computers, printers, scanners and cameras. Computer network communication We transmit information or data by using two types of signals, namely analog and digital.

  2. PDF Lecture 13: Introduction to Networking

    Learn how to create a simple server and client program using sockets and ports. See examples of network communication, multithreading, and common ports.

  3. PDF Chapter 7 Networking: Connecting Computing Devices

    Networking Fundamentals •Computer network -Two or more computers connected together -Devices connected to networks: nodes •Benefits of a network -Sharing resources and peripherals -Transferring files -Sharing of broadband connection with use of a router

  4. Computer network ppt

    Learn about computer networks, their types, topologies, and functions with this slideshow. Download as PPT or PDF, or view online for free on Slideshare.

  5. PDF Networking Fundamentals

    Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical The Seven Layers of the OSI Model (Cont.) Data Delivery: • Provides connectivity and path selection between two host systems • Routes data packets • Selects best path to deliver data • The Network layer prioritizes data known as Quality of Service (QoS)

  6. Basics Of Networking (Overview)

    WLAN is a wireless computer network that links two or more devices (using-spectrum or OFDM radio) within a limited area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, or office building. WLAN is a marketed under the Wi-Fi brand name. Wireless LANs have become popular in the home due to ease of installation and use.

  7. PDF CSE 461: Computer Networks

    To learn the fundamentals of computer networks 2. Learn how the Internet works • What really happens when you "browse the web"? • TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP, NAT, VPNs, 802.11 etc. 3. Understand why the internet is designed how it is designed • SDN, Load Balancers, Architectures.

  8. Introduction To Computer Networking

    Learn the basics of computer networking, such as transmission media, network size, management method, and topology. See examples of LAN, WAN, and WAN technologies, and how they differ in speed, cost, and distance.

  9. Chapter 1: Introduction to Networks and Networking Concepts.

    Download presentation. Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1: Introduction to Networks and Networking Concepts."—. Presentation transcript: 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Networks and Networking Concepts. 2 Guide to Networking Essentials, Fourth Edition2 Learning Objectives Understand basic networked communications and services Identify essential ...


    A presentation on the basics of computer networks, covering topics such as transmission media, network size, management method, topology, protocols, and operating systems. Learn the definitions, advantages, disadvantages, and examples of different network types and technologies.

  11. Basics of Computer Networking

    Computer Network falls under these broad Categories: ... Presentation Layer; Application Layer; Protocol. A protocol is a set of rules or algorithms which define the way how two entities can communicate across the network and there exists a different protocol defined at each layer of the OSI model. A few such protocols are TCP, IP, UDP, ARP ...

  12. Computer Network Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Give your computer network presentations a professional touch with a computer network PowerPoint template. Whether you're an IT professional, a student studying networking, or a business owner presenting your network infrastructure, these templates will help you deliver your message with clarity and style. With a range of customizable slides ...

  13. PPT

    Download a free presentation on computer network basics, types, topologies, connection models and OSI model. Learn the definitions, advantages and disadvantages of different network components and concepts.

  14. Download Computer Networking PPT and Slides

    This diagram slide has been designed with graphic of computer network and devices. This diagram contains the wireless and wired networking of computers. Download this diagram for computer networking related topics and to build professional presentation for your viewers. Slide 1 of 3.

  15. Network Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    For a network-themed slideshow presentation, you can insert elements like interconnected nodes, network diagrams, data flow charts, computer screens displaying network connections, and images of people collaborating digitally. These visuals will enhance the relevance of your presentation and effectively convey the concept of a network.

  16. The Basics of Computer Networking

    The Basics of Computer Networking. Slide deck from our Basics of Computer Networking webinar lead by instructor Daniel Cummins. Networks are as different as the people and organizations that use them. Despite those differences, there are some foundational components that all networks share. Explore different types of networks and the common ...

  17. Major for College: Computer Networking & Telecommunications

    Tags. Gray Modern Geometric Picture Minimalist Abstract Science Education Math University Internet Computing Communication Editable in Canva. Get the best grade in your computer science and mathematics major with this professional template for college. Edit it in Google Slides and PowerPoint.

  18. PPT

    Diagram of a hub network Main PC Hub Ethernet PC 1 PC 2. Additional Information about Hubs • Most hubs contain 4 ports some have 5 or more ports. • Hubs can be used for a smaller network such as a home network or a small office network. • Hubs are not that expensive most range for less than $30. • Hubs may not be the best option for ...

  19. 690+ computer network PPT Templates

    Social network Simple PowerPoint Templates. Modern, simple, and clean design. 100% fully editable PowerPoint slides. Scalable vectorial PowerPoint shapes and PowerPoint icons. Easy to customize without graphic design skills. Perfect themes for business or educational. Data charts editable via Excel. IT/Commerce 50 slides.

  20. Computer Networking Project Proposal

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Here you have a template that gives a technological vibe to your computer networking project proposal! The slides are designed with dark backgrounds and pictures of computer networking that perfectly complement your proposal with an innovative touch. To make it even ...

  21. What is computer networking?

    Computer networking definition. Computer networking is a system of connected computers or devices that share data and network resources. The computers and devices on the network use standardized network protocols (communications) to exchange data with any other device on the network. These protocols are defined by the Open Systems ...

  22. Best Networking Courses Online [2024]

    For those looking to get started in networking, a great place to begin is with the Computer Networking course offered . Additionally, the Introduction to Networking and Storage course is a great primer for understanding the basics of networking technologies. For those interested in a deeper exploration of IT fundamentals and cyber security, the IT Fundamentals and Cybersecurity Specialization ...

  23. Introduction to computer network

    A computer network is defined as the interconnection of two or more computers. It is done to enable the computers to communicate and share available resources. Components of computer network Network benefits Disadvantages of computer network Classification by their geographical area Network classification by their component role Types of servers.

  24. Free Computer Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Download our Computer-related Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates and create outstanding presentations Free Easy to edit Professional ... Use these Google Slides themes or download our PPT files for PowerPoint or Keynote to give a presentation about a Computer-related topic, including Information Technology. Filter by. Filters ...

  25. WATCH: 2024 PBS National Memorial Day Concert

    Nation May 26, 2024 7:36 PM EDT. This Sunday, PBS is broadcasting the 35th annual National Memorial Day Concert, hosted by Joe Mantegna and Gary Sinise. Watch the event in the player above. With ...

  26. Product Help & Support

    Unlocking your Galaxy phone lets you use your device with a different provider and network. Disclaimer: When you purchase a Samsung phone from a carrier, your phone is locked to their network for a specified period of time according to the contract. You must contact your carrier to find out the conditions of your contract and obtain an unlock code.

  27. Computer Networks

    A computer network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data. The physical connection between networked computing devices is established using either cable media or wireless media. The best-known computer network is the internet. 3. Based on the size and the coverage area, networks are categorized into the following ...

  28. Construction of a dynamic network for retinal vessel segmentation based

    This paper is focused on the field of computer vision in order to investigate the presentation properties of retinal blood vessels. Combining the structure of convolutional neural networks, activation functions, and common metrics in semantic segmentation, a dynamic network model for retinal vessel segmentation based on computer vision is constructed.