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Waqt ki Pabandi Essay in Urdu for class 3 4 5 6 7 8 2023 | وقت کی پابندی پر ایک مضمون

Today in this blog, we will write about a Waqt ki Pabandi Essay in Urdu with headings, pdf, quotations and short wording for classes 3 4 5 6 7 8 and others. Waqt ki Paband is an Urdu phrase which translates to “Time Management” in English. An essay on “Waqt ki Pabandi” typically focuses on the importance of managing one’s time effectively and efficiently in order to achieve personal and professional goals.

It discusses the various ways in which time management can be practiced, such as creating a schedule, prioritizing tasks, avoiding distractions, and setting realistic goals. The essay may also touch upon the consequences of not managing time well, such as stress, missed opportunities, and failure to achieve one’s objectives. Overall, the essay emphasizes the significance of time management in leading a successful and fulfilling life.

essay on waqt ki pabandi in urdu for students and all classes

Waqt ki pandai par mazmoon urdu mai download

وقت کی پابندی سے مراد انسان کی یہ عادت ہے کہ وہ اپنے کاموں کو وقت پر مکمل کرتا ہے۔ ہم کہہ سکتے ہیں کہ وقت کی پابندی ایک عظیم عادت ہے جس کے نتیجے میں یقینی طور پر کامیابی حاصل ہوتی ہے۔

تمام رہنماؤں میں وقت کی پابندی مشترک ہے کیونکہ عادت ایسی ہے۔ دوسرے الفاظ میں، جب آپ وقت پر ہیں، تو آپ اپنی زندگی میں نظم و ضبط اور نظم و ضبط کو برقرار رکھیں گے. اس کے نتیجے میں، آپ کو ایک مقررہ وقت کی مدت کے اندر اندر اپنے .مقاصد کو تیزی سے حاصل کرنے میں مدد ملے گی.

اس کے علاوہ، یہ بھی آپ کو عادت کا ایک آدمی بناتا ہے. اس سے دوسروں کے سامنے بہت اچھا تاثر پیدا ہوتا ہے۔ وقت کی پابندی ایک ایسا آداب ہے جو ہمیں اپنے کام کو بروقت انداز میں مکمل کرنے کی ترغیب دیتا ہے۔ اس سے ہمیں وقت کی اہمیت کا احساس بھی ہوتا ہے۔ ایک شخص جو وقت کا پابند ہے وہ ہمیشہ جانتا ہے کہ اپنے وقت اور دوسروں کا بھی احترام کیسے کرنا ہے۔

Importance of Waqt ki Pabandi

وقت کی پابندی کی اہمیت.

وقت کی پابندی بہت اہمیت کی حامل ہے، اس کو صحیح معنوں میں نظر انداز کیا جاتا ہے اور اسے انتہائی اہمیت دی جانی چاہئے۔ جبکوئی شخص وقت کا پابند ہو جاتا ہے تو باقی سب کچھ اپنی جگہ پر آجاتا ہے۔ آپ کو زندگی میں نظم و ضبط ملتا ہے اور دوسروں کی عزت بھی ملتی ہے۔

اس کے بعد، ایک وقت کا پابند شخص بغیر کسی رکاوٹ کے وقت پر کام کرتا ہے. فوجوں اور بحری افواج میں ملازمت کرنے والے افراد کو نظم و ضبط اور وقت کے پابند بننے کی سخت تربیت دی جاتی ہے۔ وہ کسی بھی صورتحال پر کوئی توجہ نہیں دیتے چاہے وہ بارش ہو یا گرج، وہ اپنے وقت کی پابندی کا خیال رکھتے ہیں۔

Key to Success

کامیابی کی کلید.

اب ہم محفوظ طریقے سے کہہ سکتے ہیں کہ وقت کی پابندی یقینی طور پر کامیابی کی کلید ہے۔ جیسا کہ ہم جانتے ہیں کہ جب ہم وقت کے پابند ہو جاتے ہیں تو باقی سب کچھ ترتیب میں آتا ہے، اسی طرح، کامیابی بھی ہوگی. جب آپ کامیاب ہوجاتے ہیں تو ، آپ جانتے ہیں کہ آپ آسانی سے اپنی منزل پر پہنچ سکتے ہیں.

یہ صرف اس وقت ہوسکتا ہے جب کوئی شخص وقت پر کام کرتا ہے اور اپنے وقت کے اہداف کو حاصل کرتا ہے۔ وقت کی پابندی کے ساتھ ساتھ سخت محنت بھی ضروری ہے۔ اگر آپ دنیا کے تمام کامیاب لوگوں سے پوچھیں تو آپ دیکھیں گے کہ یہ ان کی کامیابی کا راز بھی ہے۔

Door to Success

کامیابی کا دروازہ.

یہ واضح ہے کہ وقت کی پابندی زندگی میں کامیابی حاصل کرنے کے اہم پہلوؤں میں سے ایک ہے. جو شخص وقت کو سمجھتا ہے اور اس کی قدر کرتا ہے وہ آسانی سے وقت کا پابند فرد بن سکتا ہے اور اس کے بدلے میں کامیاب ہوسکتا ہے۔ اس سے وقت کی قدر کو سمجھنے میں مدد ملتی ہے۔ اور جیسا کہ ہم سب جانتے ہیں کہ وقت ہماری زندگی میں سب سے قیمتی چیز ہے. وقت ایک بار کھو گیا، کبھی واپس نہیں آ سکتا. ہم کھوئے ہوئے وقت کو نہیں بنا سکتے اور واپس نہیں آ سکتے ہیں۔ یہ وقت کی پابندی کی عادت ہے جو ہمیں سمجھاتی ہے اور ہمیں وقت کی قدر کا احترام کرنا سیکھتی ہے۔

زندگی میں ایک کامیاب شخص بننے کا مطلب مناسب منصوبہ بندی اور لگن کے ساتھ وقت پر اپنے مقاصد کو حاصل کرنا ہے ، جو زندگی میں وقت کی پابندی سے ہی دوبارہ حاصل کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ وقت سے آگاہ ایک فرد کی قدر کو جاننے کے لئے وقت کو بہترین طریقے سے استعمال کرنے کے لئے. اور وقت کو بہترین طریقے سے استعمال کرنا وقت کی پابندی کی تعریف ہے۔

Advantage of Waqt ki Pabandi

وقت کی پابندی کا فائدہ.

وقت کی پابندی ایک خوش دماغ کی طرف جاتا ہے. یہ خوشی اور صحت مند دماغ رکھنے کی کلید ہے۔ لہذا، اس معیار کے حامل کسی بھی شخص کو ہمیشہ اپنے کام کو کرتے ہوئے آرام دہ اور پرسکون محسوس کرے گا. وہ صبح سویرے اٹھتا ہے اور زیادہ سے زیادہ کام کرنے کے لئے ہمیشہ متحرک محسوس کرتا ہے۔ وقت کی پابندی ہمارے ذہن اور دل میں مثبتیت لاتی ہے۔ انسان اپنے خیالات، منصوبہ بندی اور سرگرمیوں کے بارے میں واضح ہے، جو زندگی میں آگے بڑھنے کے لئے ایک لازمی عنصر بھی ہے.

10 Lines on Waqt ki Pabandi Essay in Urdu 150 words

وقت کی پابندی پر 10 سطریں اردو میں مضمون 150 الفاظ.

.وقت کی پابندی وقت کا احترام کرنے کے بارے میں ہے

وقت کی پابندی ایک مضبوط کردار کی تعمیر میں مدد کرتی ہے۔

وقت کی پابندی کے لئے نظم و ضبط کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔

وقت کی پابندی میں وقت پر کام کرنا شامل ہے۔

زندگی میں کامیاب ہونے کے لئے وقت کی پابندی کرنا ضروری ہے۔

وقت کی پابندی نہ کرنا نقصان دہ ہوسکتا ہے۔

وقت کی پابندی نہ کرنا کسی کے کیریئر کو برباد کر سکتا ہے۔

طالب علموں کو ہمیشہ وقت کی پابندی کرنے کی کوشش کرنی چاہئے

جاپانیوں کو دنیا بھر میں بہت وقت کے پابند ہونے کی وجہ سے احترام کیا جاتا ہے۔

وقت کی پابندی میں دی گئی ڈیڈ لائن کو عبور نہ کرنا شامل ہے۔

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Allama Iqbal Essay In Urdu | علامہ اقبال پر ایک مضمون

Today, we write Allama Iqbal essay in Urdu.Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a philosopher, mystic, poet, and politician in British India who inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is considered one of the most influential figures in Urdu literature. He is one of my favorite poet personality.

allama iqbal essay in urdu

Some people may think that Allama Iqbal was strictly a religious poet, but that is not. He was, in fact, a philosopher and thinker who used poetry as a medium to get his message across. In this essay on Allama Iqbal in Urdu, we explore some of his most famous quotes and see how they relate to life and religion.

He is one of the most famous and influential poets and philosophers of Urdu. His poetry has been translated into many languages all over the world. He is considered one of the most significant literary figures in south Asia. According to a variant account, Iqbal was born in Sialkot on 9 November 1877 in Allahabad in 1876.

He received his early education in Sialkot, and then he went to Lahore for higher studies. In his honor, a poetry festival is held every November, having seminars, speeches, and mushairas of national and international poets. Iqbal was well versed in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian languages.

He has composed several poems and is also known as shair e mashriq (poet of the east). His famous works include “Asrar-e-Khudi”, “rumuz-e-bekhudi”, “Payam-e-Mashriq”, “Zabur-e-Ajam”, “Bal-e-Jibreel”, “Pas Che Bayad Kard Ay Aqwam-e–Sharq

IQBAL Essay Poetry in Urdu – شاعری


200 words Mera pasandida shair essay in urdu

200 words allama iqbal essay in urdu

IQBAL 10 lines mazmoon in Urdu 100 words

allama iqbal 10 lines in urdu

This article provides an essay on Allama Iqbal in Urdu for class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10, 12 and others with headings, poetry, and quotation, and it is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about this legendary poet and philosopher. Please like and comment if you found this allama iqbl mazmoon helpful.

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Allama Iqbal was a philosopher, poet, and politician in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is considered one of the most important figures in Urdu literature, with literary work in both the Urdu and Persian languages. Iqbal is known for his poems, which are written primarily in Persian, that discuss themes of spiritual awakening, the nature of God, and the role of Muslims in the world. He is also known for his political activism, particularly his support for the creation of a separate Muslim state in the northwest of British India. Iqbal was born in Sialkot, in the Punjab region of British India, in 1877, and studied at some of the most prestigious universities in British India and Europe. He was a member of the All India Muslim League, and his ideas and writings continue to influence political and religious thought in South Asia and beyond.

Allama Iqbal was never formally titled “Sir”. The title “Sir” is typically used as a honorific for knights in the British honours system, or for other individuals who have been knighted by the British monarch. As far as I know, Iqbal was never knighted and therefore never held the title of “Sir”. Iqbal was a philosopher, poet, and politician in British India, and he was known for his political activism and his poetry, but he was not a knight and did not hold the title of “Sir”.

It is not clear how many sisters Allama Iqbal had. Iqbal was born into a family of nine siblings, but the exact number and genders of his siblings is not known. Some sources indicate that Iqbal had four brothers and four sisters, while others suggest that he had three brothers and five sisters. Without more specific information, it is difficult to say for certain how many sisters Iqbal had.

Allama Iqbal was born in Sialkot, in the Punjab region of British India, in 1877. Sialkot is a city in the northeast of modern-day Pakistan, near the border with India. Iqbal’s family was part of the Kāshmirī Pundit community, a Hindu minority group that had converted to Islam several generations before Iqbal’s birth. Iqbal grew up in Sialkot and studied at some of the city’s most prestigious schools, before going on to study at universities in Lahore, Cambridge, and Munich. He returned to Sialkot after completing his studies and spent much of his life there, before moving to Lahore in the 1930s.

It is not clear on which day Allama Iqbal was born. Iqbal was born in 1877 in Sialkot, in the Punjab region of British India. While the exact date of his birth is not known, it is generally accepted that he was born in November of that year. Some sources indicate that he was born on November 9, while others suggest that he was born on November 11. Without more specific information, it is difficult to say for certain on which day Iqbal was born.

It is not clear whether Allama Iqbal drank alcohol or not. There is no mention of alcohol consumption in his biographies or personal writings, and it is not considered to be a part of his personal or religious beliefs. Iqbal was a devout Muslim, and as such, he would have been expected to follow the Islamic prohibition on the consumption of alcohol. However, without concrete evidence one way or the other, it is difficult to say for certain whether he drank alcohol or not.

If you are interested in learning more about the Urdu poetry of Allama Iqbal, there are several resources that you can use. One option is to look for books or articles that provide analysis and explanation of Iqbal’s poetry. You may be able to find these at a local library or bookstore, or you can search for them online. Another option is to look for websites or forums where people discuss and interpret Iqbal’s poetry. These can be a good source of information and can provide insight into the meaning and significance of his work. You may also be able to find recordings or videos of Iqbal’s poetry being recited, which can provide a deeper understanding of his work.

Allama Iqbal is revered in Pakistan as its national poet. So many schools, public institutions and even a province are named after him. But the information about his life is scarce. Few people are aware that allama iqbal was born in 1877 at Sialkot, in a house on a hill overlooking the city. The house is now a school called ‘Allama Iqbal Academy’ but the house holds very few memories of the poet.

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3 comments on “allama iqbal essay in urdu | علامہ اقبال پر ایک مضمون”.


Iqbal pe essay please jaldi ap k pas time 9:45 tak Hai date 8-11-2022

check kroo update kr dya hai

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Essay On Allama Iqbal

This essay delves into the life, contributions, and legacy of Allama Iqbal , a renowned poet, philosopher, and political leader pivotal in the establishment of Pakistan. It encompasses an exploration of his life events, literary works, visionary perspectives, and lasting impact. The essay sheds light on his crucial role in fostering Muslim unity and advocating for a distinct homeland for the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. Additionally, it delves into the profound philosophical and spiritual themes embedded in Allama Iqbal’s poetry . Notably, Allama Iqbal was born on November 9, 1877, and he departed from this world on April 21, 1938.

Essay On Allama Iqbal 100 Words

Allama Iqbal, born on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab, British India, earned renown as a poet, philosopher, and political thinker, playing a pivotal role in the independence movement of Pakistan.

A strong proponent of Muslim unity, Iqbal underscored the necessity for a distinct homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent. His extensive writings delved into Islamic philosophy, spirituality, and nationalism.

His poetry stands out for its profound philosophical insights and spiritual depth, with notable works including “Asrar-e-Khudi,” “Zarb-i-Kalim,” and “Bang-i-Dra.” The widely recited poem “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri” is particularly famous in schools and gatherings across Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal’s visionary outlook anticipated the challenges confronting the Muslim world, and he advocated for their elevation through education and intellectual empowerment. His passing on April 21, 1938, in Lahore marked the end of a life dedicated to leaving behind a lasting legacy of poetry, philosophy, and political thought.

Allama Iqbal essay in English for class 1

Allama Iqbal, a distinguished poet and intellectual figure in Pakistan, came into the world on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot, a city situated in Punjab. Proficient in both Urdu and Persian languages, he earned the title of the “Poet of the East.”

Deeply devoted to his country and religion, Allama Iqbal ardently desired a separate homeland for the Muslims of India. This vision took shape during his renowned speech in Allahabad in 1930, where he proposed the idea of Pakistan. His vision emphasized the creation of a distinct state for Muslims to uphold their unique culture and values.

In addition to his poetic pursuits, Allama Iqbal was a learned scholar and philosopher. Having pursued education in various countries, including England and Germany, he authored numerous books on Islamic philosophy and history. His lectures on the reconstruction of religious thought in Islam aimed at fortifying Muslims and fostering self-reliance.

Allama Iqbal breathed his last on 21st April 1938 in Lahore, where he found his final resting place near the Badshahi Mosque. His tomb draws many admirers who pay homage to his legacy. Recognized as the national poet of Pakistan, Iqbal’s birthday is commemorated annually as Iqbal Day, serving as a perennial source of inspiration for all Pakistanis.

Essay on Allama Iqbal in Urdu for class 2

علامہ اقبال پاکستان کے عظیم شاعر اور رہنما تھے۔ وہ 9 نومبر 1877 کو سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوئے، ان کے والد کا نام شیخ نور محمد اور والدہ کا نام امام بی بی تھا۔ اس کے دو بھائی اور ایک بہن تھی۔

علامہ اقبال کو بچپن ہی سے لکھنے پڑھنے کا شوق تھا۔ انہوں نے اردو، فارسی، عربی اور انگریزی زبانیں سیکھیں۔ انہوں نے اردو اور فارسی میں خوبصورت نظمیں لکھیں۔ انہیں شاعر مشرق بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔

علامہ اقبال چاہتے تھے کہ ہندوستان کے مسلمان انگریزوں کے تسلط سے آزاد ہوں۔ انہوں نے 1930 میں الہ آباد میں اپنی مشہور تقریر میں پاکستان کا نظریہ دیا، انہوں نے کہا کہ مسلمانوں کا ایک الگ ملک ہونا چاہیے جہاں وہ اسلام کے مطابق زندگی گزار سکیں۔

علامہ اقبال بھی ایک عقلمند اور بہادر رہنما تھے۔ انہوں نے مسلم لیگ میں شمولیت اختیار کی اور قیام پاکستان کے لیے قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح کے ساتھ کام کیا۔ انہوں نے قائداعظم کو خطوط بھی لکھے اور مشورہ بھی دیا۔

علامہ اقبال کا انتقال 21 اپریل 1938 کو لاہور میں ہوا۔ وہ بادشاہی مسجد کے قریب دفن ہیں۔ ان کا مقبرہ ایک خوبصورت جگہ ہے جہاں بہت سے لوگ آتے ہیں اور احترام کرتے ہیں۔ وہ پاکستان کے قومی شاعر ہیں اور ان کا یوم پیدائش ہر سال یوم اقبال کے طور پر منایا جاتا ہے۔ ہمیں علامہ اقبال اور پاکستان کے لیے ان کی خدمات پر فخر ہے۔

Allama Iqbal Essay in Urdu for class 3

علامہ اقبال پاکستان کے مشہور شاعر، فلسفی اور رہنما تھے۔ وہ 9 نومبر 1877 کو سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوئے۔ ان کے والد شیخ نور محمد اور والدہ کا نام امام بی بی تھا۔ اس کا ایک بھائی اور ایک بہن تھی۔

علامہ اقبال بہت ذہین اور محنتی تھے۔ انہوں نے اردو، فارسی، عربی اور انگریزی زبانوں کا مطالعہ کیا۔ انہوں نے اردو اور فارسی میں نظمیں لکھیں جو بہت خوبصورت اور معنی خیز ہیں۔ انہیں مشرق کا شاعر بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔

علامہ اقبال چاہتے تھے کہ ہندوستان کے مسلمان انگریزوں کے تسلط سے آزاد ہوں۔ انہوں نے 1930 میں الہ آباد میں اپنی تقریر میں پاکستان کا نظریہ دیا، انہوں نے کہا کہ مسلمانوں کا ایک الگ ملک ہونا چاہیے جہاں وہ اسلام کے مطابق زندگی گزار سکیں۔

علامہ اقبال بھی ایک بہادر اور دیانتدار رہنما تھے۔ انہوں نے مسلم لیگ میں شمولیت اختیار کی اور قیام پاکستان کے لیے قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح کے ساتھ کام کیا۔ انہوں نے قائداعظم کو خطوط بھی لکھے اور مشورہ بھی دیا۔

علامہ اقبال کا انتقال 21 اپریل 1938 کو لاہور میں ہوا۔ وہ بادشاہی مسجد کے قریب دفن ہیں۔ ان کا مقبرہ ایک خوبصورت جگہ ہے جہاں بہت سے لوگ آتے ہیں اور احترام کرتے ہیں۔ وہ پاکستان کے قومی شاعر ہیں اور ان کا یوم پیدائش ہر سال یوم اقبال کے طور پر منایا جاتا ہے۔ ہمیں علامہ اقبال اور ان کی شاعری سے پیار ہے۔

Allama Iqbal essay class 4

Allama Iqbal, a distinguished poet, philosopher, and statesman of Pakistan, entered the world in Sialkot on 9th November 1877. Born to Sheikh Noor Muhammad and Imam Bibi, he had a brother named Sheikh Ata Muhammad and a sister named Fatima Jinnah.

Demonstrating remarkable talent and diligence, Allama Iqbal immersed himself in the study of Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English languages. His poetic prowess extended to both Urdu and Persian, earning him the title of the “Poet of the East.”

Driven by a desire for the freedom of Muslims in India from British rule, Allama Iqbal proposed the concept of Pakistan during his 1930 speech in Allahabad. He envisioned a separate nation where Muslims could live in accordance with the principles of Islam.

In addition to his role as a visionary poet, Allama Iqbal displayed courage and integrity as a leader. Aligning with the Muslim League, he collaborated with Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the endeavor to establish Pakistan. His letters to Quaid-e-Azam served as insightful advice during this crucial period.

Allama Iqbal departed from this world on 21st April 1938 in Lahore, finding his final resting place near the Badshahi Mosque. His tomb, a serene and revered site, attracts numerous visitors paying homage. Recognized as the national poet of Pakistan, his birthday is commemorated annually as Iqbal Day, a testament to the enduring love and admiration for Allama Iqbal and his timeless poetry.

Essay on Allama Iqbal in English for class 5

Allama Iqbal, a renowned poet, philosopher, and statesman of Pakistan, was born in Sialkot on 9th November 1877. His parents were Sheikh Noor Muhammad and Imam Bibi, and he had a brother named Sheikh Ata Muhammad and a sister named Fatima Jinnah.

Allama Iqbal’s exceptional talent and diligence were evident in his mastery of Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English languages. His poems in both Urdu and Persian gained widespread acclaim, earning him the epithet “Poet of the East.”

Driven by a fervent desire for the freedom of Muslims in India from British rule, Allama Iqbal presented the concept of Pakistan during his 1930 speech in Allahabad. He envisioned a separate nation where Muslims could live in accordance with Islamic principles.

In addition to his role as a visionary poet, Allama Iqbal displayed courage and integrity as a leader. Aligning with the Muslim League, he collaborated with Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the efforts toward the creation of Pakistan. His letters to Quaid-e-Azam offered valuable advice during this critical period.

Allama Iqbal passed away on 21st April 1938 in Lahore and found his final resting place near the Badshahi Mosque. His tomb, a serene and revered location, attracts numerous visitors who come to pay their respects. Recognized as the national poet of Pakistan, his birthday is celebrated annually as Iqbal Day, a testament to the enduring love and admiration for Allama Iqbal and his timeless poetry.

Allama Iqbal essay in English for class 6

Allama Iqbal, a renowned poet, philosopher, and statesman of Pakistan, entered the world in Sialkot on 9th November 1877. His parents were Sheikh Noor Muhammad and Imam Bibi, and he had a brother named Sheikh Ata Muhammad and a sister named Fatima Jinnah.

Demonstrating exceptional talent and diligence, Allama Iqbal immersed himself in the study of Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English languages. His poems in both Urdu and Persian, including notable works like Shikwa, Jawab-e-Shikwa, Asrar-e-Khudi, and Bang-e-Dara, are celebrated for their fame and inspiration. He is also recognized as the “Poet of the East.”

Fueled by a fervent desire for the freedom of Muslims in India from British rule, Allama Iqbal presented the concept of Pakistan in his 1930 speech at Allahabad. He envisioned a separate nation where Muslims could live in accordance with Islamic principles. His famous song, “Saare Jahan Se Achha,” expresses his love for India.

In addition to his role as a visionary poet, Allama Iqbal displayed courage and integrity as a leader. He joined the Muslim League, collaborating with Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the efforts towards the creation of Pakistan. Allama Iqbal’s correspondence with Quaid-e-Azam showcased his insightful advice. He also engaged with other leaders such as Gandhi, Nehru, and Jinnah.

Allama Iqbal departed from this world on 21st April 1938 in Lahore, finding his final resting place near the Badshahi Mosque. His tomb, a serene and revered location, attracts numerous visitors who come to pay their respects. Recognized as the national poet of Pakistan, his birthday is celebrated annually as Iqbal Day, a testament to the enduring love and admiration for Allama Iqbal and his timeless poetry.

Allama iqbal essay in urdu class 6

علامہ اقبال ایک مشہور شاعر، فلسفی اور سیاسی مفکر تھے جنہوں نے پاکستان کی تحریک آزادی میں نمایاں کردار ادا کیا۔ وہ 9 نومبر 1877 کو سیالکوٹ، پنجاب، برطانوی ہندوستان میں پیدا ہوئے۔

اقبال مسلم اتحاد کے داعی تھے اور انہوں نے برصغیر کے مسلمانوں کے لیے علیحدہ وطن کی ضرورت پر زور دیا۔ انہوں نے اسلامی فلسفہ، روحانیت اور قوم پرستی کے موضوعات پر وسیع پیمانے پر لکھا۔

ان کی شاعری اپنی گہری فلسفیانہ بصیرت اور گہری روحانیت کے لیے مشہور ہے۔ ان کی مشہور تصانیف میں “اسرارِ خودی،” “ضربِ کلیم،” اور “بنگ درا” شامل ہیں۔ وہ اپنی مشہور نظم “لیب پہ آتی ہے دعا بن کے تمنا میری” کے لیے بھی جانا جاتا ہے، جسے پاکستان کے اسکولوں اور اجتماعات میں بڑے پیمانے پر پڑھا جاتا ہے۔

علامہ اقبال ایک وژنری تھے جنہوں نے مسلم دنیا کو درپیش چیلنجز کا پیش خیمہ کیا اور تعلیم اور فکری بااختیار بنانے کے ذریعے ان کی بہتری کی وکالت کی۔ وہ 21 اپریل 1938 کو لاہور میں وفات پاگئے، شاعری، فلسفے اور سیاسی فکر کی ایک بھرپور میراث چھوڑ گئے۔

Allama iqbal essay in English for class 8

Allama Iqbal, a renowned poet, philosopher, and leader of Pakistan, was born in Sialkot on 9th November 1877 to Sheikh Noor Muhammad and Imam Bibi. His familial ties included a brother named Sheikh Ata Muhammad and a sister named Fatima Jinnah.

Known for his exceptional talent and unwavering diligence, Allama Iqbal delved into the study of Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English languages. His poetry, resonating in both Urdu and Persian, has gained widespread acclaim, earning him the title “Poet of the East.” Some of his notable works include Shikwa, Jawab-e-Shikwa, Asrar-e-Khudi, Bang-e-Dara, Zarb-e-Kaleem, and Bal-e-Jibril.

Driven by a fervent desire for the freedom of Muslims in India from British rule, Allama Iqbal proposed the idea of Pakistan during his 1930 speech in Allahabad. He envisioned a separate nation where Muslims could live in accordance with the principles of Islam. His famous song, “Saare Jahan Se Achha,” expresses his love for India.

In addition to his role as a courageous and honest leader, Allama Iqbal was a scholar and thinker. His educational journey took him to various countries, including England, Germany, and Spain. He authored numerous books on Islamic philosophy and history, delivering lectures on the reconstruction of religious thought in Islam. His vision was rooted in the aspiration for a strong and self-reliant Muslim community.

Allama Iqbal departed from this world on 21st April 1938 in Lahore and found his final resting place near the Badshahi Mosque. His tomb, a serene and revered location, attracts numerous visitors who come to pay their respects. Recognized as the national poet of Pakistan, his birthday is celebrated annually as Iqbal Day, a testament to the enduring love and admiration for Allama Iqbal and his timeless poetry.

Allama Iqbal essay in English for class 12

Allama Iqbal, a distinguished poet, philosopher, and intellectual luminary, served as a profound inspiration for the Pakistan movement. Widely acknowledged as the national poet of Pakistan, he stands as one of the most influential figures in Urdu literature, celebrated for the depth, beauty, and originality of his poetry in both Urdu and Persian. Beyond his poetic accomplishments, Iqbal authored numerous works on Islamic philosophy, politics, and history.

Born on 9 November 1877 in Sialkot, Punjab, a part of British India at that time, Iqbal hailed from a family where his father, Sheikh Noor Muhammad, was a devout Muslim and a skilled tailor. His mother, Imam Bibi, played a pivotal role in nurturing his education and encouraging his pursuits. Iqbal’s early education was acquired from a local madrassa and a Scottish Mission School, where he mastered Arabic, Persian, and Urdu languages, fostering a profound interest in poetry and religion.

Continuing his educational journey, Iqbal earned his B.A. and M.A. degrees in philosophy from Government College Lahore. Subsequently, he taught Arabic at the Oriental College Lahore before embarking on further studies in England. There, he acquired another B.A. degree from Trinity College Cambridge and a law degree from Lincoln’s Inn. During his time in England, Iqbal had the opportunity to engage with prominent British poets and writers such as Thomas Hardy and William Butler Yeats, whose influence left an indelible mark on his literary style.

Iqbal then moved to Germany to pursue his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Munich. His doctoral thesis was titled The Development of Metaphysics in Persia and was later published as a book. He also wrote some of his famous poems in German language, such as Das Geheimnis des Selbst (The Secret of the Self) and Die Lieder des Orients (The Songs of the Orient).

Iqbal returned to Lahore in 1908 and started his law practice. However, he soon devoted himself to writing and teaching. He became a professor of philosophy at the Government College Lahore and later at the Punjab University. He also joined various political and social organizations, such as the Muslim League, the Anjuman-i-Himayat-i-Islam, and the All India Muslim Educational Conference. He participated in the Khilafat Movement, the Aligarh Movement, and the Pakistan Movement.

Iqbal’s poetry reflects his vision of a cultural and political ideal for the Muslims of India. He advocated the revival of Islamic values, the unity of Muslim ummah, and the creation of a separate homeland for Muslims. He also expressed his love for his country, his faith in God, and his quest for self-realization. Some of his famous poetic works are Bang-e-Dara (The Call of the Caravan), Bal-e-Jibril (The Wings of Gabriel), Zarb-e-Kalim (The Blow of Moses), Javed Nama (The Book of Javed), and Armaghan-e-Hijaz (The Gift of Hijaz).

Iqbal died on 21 April 1938 in Lahore after a long illness. He was buried near the Badshahi Mosque in a tomb that is visited by millions of people every year. His legacy lives on in his poetry, his philosophy, and his role in the Pakistan movement. He is widely honored as the Shair-e-Mashriq (The Poet of the East), the Mufakkir-e-Pakistan (The Thinker of Pakistan), and the Hakeem-ul-Ummat (The Sage of the Ummah). He is also considered as one of the greatest poets of all time.

Essay On Allama Iqbal 200 Words

Allama Iqbal, also recognized as Muhammad Iqbal, emerged as a distinguished poet, philosopher, and statesman in the Indian subcontinent. His birth took place on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab, during the British India era.

Iqbal fervently advocated for Muslim unity and championed the idea of establishing a separate homeland for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. His extensive writings delved into Islamic philosophy, spirituality, and nationalism, continuing to serve as a source of inspiration for millions worldwide.

Renowned for his poetry’s profound philosophical insights and spiritual depth, Iqbal composed verses in both Urdu and Persian. Notable among his works are “Asrar-e-Khudi,” “Zarb-i-Kalim,” and “Bang-i-Dra.” His poem “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri” holds a special place, resonating widely in schools and gatherings across Pakistan.

Beyond his poetic endeavors, Allama Iqbal engaged in political activism, affiliating with the All India Muslim League. His pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan materialized his vision for a nation where Muslims could live freely and independently, culminating in the establishment of Pakistan in 1947.

Allama Iqbal’s demise occurred on April 21, 1938, in Lahore, leaving behind a profound legacy encompassing poetry, philosophy, and political thought. His enduring influence extends to individuals globally who cherish values of freedom, independence, and spiritual enlightenment.

Essay On Allama Iqbal 250 Words

Allama Iqbal, also recognized as Muhammad Iqbal, stood as a distinguished poet, philosopher, and political visionary, leaving an enduring impact on the intellectual and political landscape of the Indian subcontinent. His birth occurred on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab, within British India.

Iqbal ardently championed the cause of Muslim unity and championed the notion of establishing a distinct homeland for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. His prolific writings spanned Islamic philosophy, spirituality, and nationalism, sustaining a pervasive influence on countless individuals globally.

Renowned for his poetry’s profound philosophical insights and spiritual profundity, Iqbal crafted verses in both Urdu and Persian. Prominent among his creations are “Asrar-e-Khudi,” “Zarb-i-Kalim,” and “Bang-i-Dra.” His renowned poem, “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri,” enjoys widespread recitation in schools and gatherings throughout Pakistan.

Beyond his poetic pursuits, Allama Iqbal engaged actively in political activism, aligning himself with the All India Muslim League. His pivotal role in the establishment of Pakistan realized his vision for a nation where Muslims could live autonomously and unrestricted, culminating in the country’s formation in 1947.

Iqbal’s philosophy underscored the imperative for Muslims to rediscover their spiritual and intellectual heritage, which he believed had eroded due to colonialism and westernization. He advocated for an embrace of modern education and science while remaining anchored in Islamic principles.

Allama Iqbal passed away on April 21, 1938, in Lahore, leaving behind a substantial legacy of poetry, philosophy, and political thought. His enduring influence continues to resonate globally among those who esteem values of freedom, independence, and spiritual enlightenment. His ideas and works have indelibly shaped the intellectual and cultural narrative of the Indian subcontinent.

Essay On Allama Iqbal 300 Words

Allama Iqbal, revered as a distinguished poet, philosopher, and political thinker in the Indian subcontinent, entered the world on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Punjab, British India. Widely acknowledged as one of the greatest Urdu poets in history, Iqbal’s literary contributions remain a source of inspiration for millions worldwide.

A fervent advocate of Muslim unity, Iqbal strongly supported the idea of establishing a separate homeland for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. His extensive writings on Islamic philosophy, spirituality, and nationalism continue to be subjects of study and analysis for scholars and students globally.

Iqbal’s poetry stands out for its profound philosophical insights and spiritual depth, conveyed in both Urdu and Persian. Notable among his renowned works are “Asrar-e-Khudi,” “Zarb-i-Kalim,” and “Bang-i-Dra.” His widely recited poem, “Lab Pe Aati Hai Dua Ban Ke Tamanna Meri,” resonates in schools and gatherings across Pakistan.

Beyond his poetic pursuits, Allama Iqbal actively engaged in political activism as a member of the All India Muslim League. His instrumental role in the creation of Pakistan realized his vision for a nation where Muslims could live freely and independently, culminating in the country’s establishment in 1947.

Iqbal’s philosophical stance underscored the imperative for Muslims to rediscover their spiritual and intellectual heritage, which he believed had suffered due to colonialism and westernization. He advocated for an embrace of modern education and science while staying true to Islamic roots.

Allama Iqbal’s ideas and works have left an enduring impact on the intellectual and cultural history of the Indian subcontinent. Recognized as a national poet in Pakistan, his birthday is celebrated as a national holiday. Translated into numerous languages, his works continue to inspire people globally.

Allama Iqbal’s passing on April 21, 1938, in Lahore, marked the conclusion of a life that bequeathed a rich legacy of poetry, philosophy, and political thought. His enduring inspiration resonates with those worldwide who value freedom, independence, and spiritual enlightenment, serving as a testament to the potency of human imagination, creativity, and perseverance.

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(If I Were a Bird) Essay in Urdu | اگر میں پرندہ ہوتا مضمون

آج ہم اُردو میں اگر میں پرندہ ہوتا مضمون فراہم کرنے جا رہے ہیں۔ یہ مضمون یاد رکھنے میں بھی آسان ہے۔ اس مضمون کو آسان اور سادہ الفاظ میں لکھا گیا ہے لہذا کوئی بھی طالب علم اس موضوع پر لکھ سکتا ہے۔

(If I Were a Bird) Essay in Urdu

اگرمیں پرندہ ہوتا مضمون

کل ہمارے اسکول نے ایک تعلیمی سفر (Educational Trip) کا اہتمام کیا تھا، جس کے لیے ہمیں ایک طویل سفر طے کرنا تھا۔ اس سفر کی وجہ سے میں بہت تھک گیا تھا اور مجھے نیند آنے لگی تھی، سوتے وقت میرے ذہن میں ایک خیال آیا کہ اگر میں پرندہ ہوتا تو کیا ہوتا؟

جب میرے ذہن میں پرندہ بننے کا خیال آیا تو میں سوچنے لگا کہ اگر مجھے پر مل جائیں اور میں پرندہ بن جاؤں تو کتنا مزہ آئے گا۔

میرا پرندہ بنننا

کچھ دیر بعد جب میں نے اپنے ہاتھوں کو دیکھا تو وہ خوبصورت لمبے پروں میں بدل چکے تھے جو مور کے پروں کی طرح رنگے ہوئے تھے۔ جب میں نے ان پروں کو کھولا تو مجھے لگا کہ میں ایک پرندہ ہوں اور میں پرندے کی طرح اڑنے کے لیے پرجوش ہوگیا۔

میں نے اپنے پروں کو کھولا اورایک چھوٹی سی چھلانگ لگائی، مجھے ایسا کرنے میں بہت مزہ آیا۔ میں اب بہت پر جوش تھا اور بس یہی سوچ رہا تھا کہ اب میں کیا کروں اور کہاں جاؤں؟

میں جب بھی آسمان کو دیکھتا تھا تو سوچتا تھا کہ بادل کیسے ہوں گے۔ مجھے ہمیشہ ان بادلوں پر چلنے کا شوق تھا لیکن اُس وقت میرے لیے یہ ممکن نہیں تھا لیکن اب میرے پر ہیں اور میں پرندہ بن گیا ہوں۔ میں جب چاہوں آسمان پر جا سکتا ہوں اور بادلوں کی سیر کر سکتا ہوں۔

دوسرا خیال جو میرے ذہن میں آیا وہ یہ ہے کہ ہم بچپن سے قوس قزح (Rainbow) کو دیکھتے آرہے ہیں کیونکہ یہ کافی خوبصورت ہوتی ہے۔ میری ہمیشہ سے یہ خوائش تھی کہ اگر میں اس قوس قزح (Rainbow) کو چھو سکتا تو کتنا اچھا ہوتا۔

پرندہ بننے کے فوائد

پرندہ بننے کے بہت سے فائدے ہیں۔ جب بھی ہمیں کسی بھی وجہ سے گھر سے باہر بازارجانا ہو تو ہمیں اپنے والدین سے اجازت لینی پڑتی ہے اور اگر انہوں نے ہمیں اجازت دے دی تو ہمیں بازار وغیرہ میں بہت بھیڑ کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے جو کسی بھی انسان کو بلکل بھی پسند نہیں ہوتا۔ لیکن ایک پرندہ ہونے کے ناطے ہمیں باہر نکلنے کے لیے نہ اجازت کی ضرورت ہے اور نہ ہی ہمیں باہر اس بھیڑ کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے۔ اگرہم پرندے ہوں تو سفر کا مزہ دوبالا ہوجائے گا۔

جب ہمیں بھوک لگتی ہے تو کھانا پکانے میں اتنا وقت لگتا ہے اور کھانا تیار کرنے کے لیے بھی کام کرنا پڑتا ہے۔ لیکن ایک پرندہ ہونے کے ناطے مجھے کھانا بنانے کے لیے کام نہیں کرنا پڑے گا اور نہ ہی اس کا انتظار بلکہ میں کسی بھی درخت سے پھل لے کر کھا سکتا ہوں۔ میں سونا بھی چاہوں تو کسی بھی درخت پر سو سکتا ہوں اور سوتے وقت کوئی بھی مجھے پریشان نہیں کرے گا۔

پرندہ بننے کا نقصان

کیا میں پرندہ بن کر صرف زندگی کا لطف اٹھاؤں گا، کیا کوئی پریشانی نہیں ہوگی؟ یہ خیالات بھی میرے ذہن میں آئے۔

تو میں سوچنے لگا کہ اگر میں پرندہ بن گیا تو مجھے درخت پر رہنا پڑے گا لیکن انسان درختوں کو تباہ کر رہے ہیں۔ اگر درخت نہ ہوں تو میں کیسے زندہ رہوں گا؟ آج سارا ماحول آلودہ ہے پھر ہوا میں سانس کیسے لوں گا؟ پرندہ ہونے کے ناطے زندہ رہنا کتنا مشکل ہے۔

خواب سے بیداری

میں ابھی تصور ہی کر رہا تھا کہ آواز آئی  ”اٹھو تمہیں سکول کے لیے دیر ہو جائے گی“  اور میں نیند سے بیدار ہوا تو دیکھا کہ میرے خوبصورت پرغائب ہو چکے ہیں۔ پھر میں نے یہ سوچ کر ہی ہار مان لی کہ اگرمیں پرندہ ہوتا۔

نتیجہ (Conclusion)

آخر میں، ایک پرندہ ہونے کے ناطے میں ان کے ساتھ رہنے کے طریقوں کے بارے میں جان سکوں گا۔ میں سکون سے زندگی گزارنے کا وہ راز جان سکوں گا جو عام طور پر انسانی دنیا میں موجود نہیں ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ اور بھی ہزار چیزیں ہیں جو میں بطور پرندے کرنا پسند کروں گا۔

(اگرمیں پرندہ ہوتا) پر  دس جملے

1) میں نے ہمیشہ پرندوں سے محبت اور ان کی تعریف کی ہے۔

2) اگر میں بھی پرندہ ہوتا تو کتنا اچھا ہوتا۔

3) میرا پرندہ بننے کا خواب اس وقت پروان چڑھا جب میں نے پرندوں کو اپنی زبان میں ایک دوسرے سے بات کرتے دیکھا۔

4) اگر میں بھی پرندہ ہوتا تو میں ان کے ساتھ رہنے کے طریقوں کے بارے میں ضرور جانتا۔

5) اگر میں بھی پرندہ ہوتا تومیں صبح صبح الله کی حمد و ثناء بیان کرتا۔

6) اُن کی آزادی اور اُڑنے کی صلاحیت مجھے بہت پسند ہے۔ میں بھی اکثرآسمان میں، ایک پرندے کی طرح اڑنے کا خواب دیکھتا ہوں۔

7) اگر میں پرندہ ہوتا تو مجھے باہر جانے کے لئے کسی کی اجازت بھی نہ لینی پڑتی

8) اگر میں پرندہ ہوتا تو میں دوسرے پرندوں کے ساتھ کھیلتا۔

9) اگر میں پرندہ ہوتا تومیں بادلوں کی بھی کھل کر سیر کر سکتا تھا۔

10) مجھے لگتا ہے کہ اگر میں پرندہ ہوتا تو میں بھی اپنے گھر یا کسی بھی جگہ سے اڑ سکتا تھا۔

مزید پڑھیے:

طوطے پر مضمون

غربت پر مضمون

گھوڑے پر مضمون

ایک تبصرہ شائع کریں

Urdu Wisdom

Allama Iqbal Essay in Urdu | علامہ اقبال پر مضمون

Allama Iqbal essay in urdu . Doctor Muhammad Iqbal is also known as Allama Iqbal. He was a scholar, poet and diplomat in British India. Iqbal was born on 9 November 1877 and died on 21st April 1938.

He is evaluated as one of the most significant figures in Urdu literature. He is famous for his literary work in both Urdu and Persian languages۔

Allama Iqbal was a poet and thinker. His struggle stimulated the doctrine of self-hood. His poetry dealt with the scholarly and artistic reconstruction of the Islamic world۔

Due to his dream and struggle, On 14 August 1947 , Pakistan became an independent country.

Allama Iqbal essay in Urdu

Allama Iqbal essay in Urdu

 علامہ محمد اقبال ہمارےقومی شاعر ہیں۔آپ 9 نومبر 1877ء کو پاکستان کے شہر سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہو ئے۔ان کے والد کا نام شیخ نور محمد تھا ۔آپ کے والدین نیک دل اور مذہبی خیالات کے مالک تھے

آپ کے خاندان کا تعلق کشمیری پنڈتوں سے تھا۔انہوں نے بہت پہلے اسلام قبول کر لیا تھا۔ ہجرت کے بعد وہ سیالکوٹ میں آباد ہو گئے تھے۔

Allama Iqbal Mazmoon in Urdu

علامہ اقبال کی ابتدائی تعلیم وتربیت ایک دینی مدرسے سے ہوئی۔اس کے بعد آپ سیالکوٹ کے مشن ہائی سکول میں داخل ہو گئے۔اس ادارے میں آپ کو سیدمیرحسن جیسے بہترین استاد ملے۔ جنہوں نے آپ کی تربیت بھی کی اور آپ میں دین سے متعلق ذوق پیدا کیا۔

اقبال نے میٹرک کا امتحان مشن ہائی سکول سے پاس کیااور پھر مرے کالج سیالکوٹ میں داخلہ لے لیا۔وہاں آپ نے ایف۔اے کا امتحان پاس کیااور بی۔اے آپ نے گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور سے کیا اور پنجاب بھر میں اوّل آئے۔

گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور میں آپ کو بہترین اساتذہ سے مستفید ہونے کاموقع ملا جن میں سر فہرست پروفیسر آرنلڈ  کا نام آتا ہے۔ایم۔اے کرنے کے بعد آپ نے تدریس کے شعبے میں اپنی خدمات انجام دیں۔ آپ پہلے اورینٹل کالج اور بھر گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور میں پروفیسر رہے۔اس کے بعد اعلیٰ تعلیم حاصل کرنےکے لیے1905ء میں آپ انگلستان روانہ ہو گئے۔

انگلستان میں اقبال نےکیمبرج یونیورسٹی سے بارایٹ لا کی ڈگری حاصل کی۔ اس کے بعد جرمنی کی میونح یونیورسٹی سے پی۔ایچ۔ڈی کی ڈگری حاصل کی۔ بالآخر آپ 1908ء میں وطن واپس آگئے۔علامہ اقبالؒ کو اپنے استاد پروفیسر آرنلڈ سے بہت عقیدت تھی۔قیام انگلستان  کے دوران  اقبال نےپروفیسر آرنلڈ کے کہنے پر اپنی شاعری کے فن کو بھی جاری رکھا

اقبال کو شعر و شاعری سے بہت لگاو تھا۔آپ کی لکھی گئ نظمیں سیاسی جلسوں اور ادبی حلقوں میں بڑے شوق اور جذبے سے پڑھی جاتی تھیں۔

Allama Iqbal essay in urdu

علامہ اقبال کے ابتدائی دور کی شاعری قدرتی مناظراور  وطن سے محبت کا اظہار ہے۔ ”کشمیر“ جیسی نظموں میں انہوں نے پرندوں ، پہاڑوں ،ندیوں اور قدرت کے خوبصورت مناظر کے بارے میں لکھا ہے۔ گزرتے وقت کے ساتھ ان کی شاعری میں پختگی اورنکھار آتا گیا۔اپنی شاعری کے زریعے،اقبال نے سوئی ہوئی قوم کوخواب غفلت سے بیدار کر کے مذہبی اور سیاسی شعور بیدار کیا۔

اقبال نے ایک شاعر کی حیثیت سے بے پناہ شہرت حاصل کی۔ خصوصا ان کا مکالمہ مابین خدا اور انسان”شکوہ“ اور ”جوابِ شکوہ“ بہت مشہور ہے۔ ان کی بہترین  کتابیں بانگ درا ، بال جبریل اور ضربِ کلیم ہیں۔ اقبال گہری مذہبی سوچ کے حامل اور بہترین مفکر تھے۔

انہوں نے بچوں کے لئے بھی کئ نظمیں لکھیں۔ان میں بچّےکی دُعا ،ایک پہاڑ اور گلہری اور پرندے کی فریاد شامل ہیں۔آپ نے 21 اپریل 1938ء کو وفات پائی۔اقبال کا مزار  لاہور میں واقع ہے۔

In his 1930 presidential lecture at the Muslim League’s annual meeting in Allahabad, he developed a political framework for Muslims in India. After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, Iqbsl was titled the national poet ۔

In his special speech on 30 December 1930, Iqbal summarized a perception of a self-sufficient state for Muslim-majority regions in northwestern India۔

Because of his understanding and awareness, people soon started calling him ‘Allama’ Iqbal. In 1923, King George V of Britain awarded him with the title of Allama ‘Sir’ Muhammad Iqbal

He was a poet, scholar, reformer, philosopher, and great Islamic visionary. Not only this but also he was the developer of the Ideology of Pakistan.

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Free 150-Word Essay Samples

187 samples of this type

A 150-word essay is a short piece. It might be assigned by a school teacher to test the student’s knowledge of the topic and their ability to formulate thoughts concisely. The most common genres for texts of 150 to 200 words are a discussion board post and a personal statement for a college application.

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Is a 150-Word Essay Long?

A 150-word text usually takes about 0,5 pages. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

How Many Paragraphs Is 150 Words?

A 150-word essay should include 1 to 3 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

What Does a 150-Word Essay Look Like?

A 150-word essay is quite a short piece. However, it should be properly planned. Your essay should contain four to five concise paragraphs. It is to consist of an introduction paragraph, two to three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

How Long Does a 150-Word Essay Take?

It will take you about 3 to 6 minutes to type 150 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 0,5 hours for 150 words.

How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 150 Word Essay?

An average 150-word essay contains 1 to 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

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Considering the scenario described in the third vignette, one may assume that Hannah Arendt would choose the path of telling the truth and publishing the study. She would justify her choice by interpreting a Latin idiom meaning “Let the truth be done, though the world perish” (Arendt 546). In such...

Organizational Structure: Zara

Zara is a brand that belongs to Spain’s most prominent fashion retail company called Inditex (Inditex, 2021a). The latter’s executive chairman is Pablo Isla and CEO is Carlos Crespo González. The owner, founder, and leading board member is Amancio Ortega Gaona, and the head of the Zara brand is Óscar...

“The Person Who Bled Hearts”: A Unique Tale of a Captain

‘The Person who Bled Hearts’ is a unique tale of a captain who encountered a strange woman described as having an uncertain age, old and dusty, yet with a “childish Flutter” (Chamoiseau, 1997). In my opinion, the old woman represented the end of slavery. Before being thrown overboard, she pointed...

Biopsychosocial Factors of Stress

Stress is a biopsychosocial phenomenon, as it affects a person’s physical well-being, emotional stability, and social interactions. Stress can also be explained by a myriad of biopsychosocial factors that contribute to its development described by Sarafino and Smith (2017). First, stress is correlated with social support, which implies that increased...

Sima Qian: Reasoning on the Concept of “The Root”

When analyzing “the root” that Qian puts into the essence of The First Emperor, one can conclude that this term implies a natural order, which is the root cause. In his description of Li Si, the author notes that all attempts to interpret the consequences of the minister’s actions were...

The Philippine-American War or a Tagalog Insurgency

During this time, most people called the Philippine-American war a Tagalog Insurgency because the Philippine troops commenced surrendering to the U.S army. The war commenced on February 4th, 1899, lasting until July 2nd, 1902. The war was a struggle for independence, which had early begun in 1896 under the Philippine...

  • Christianity
  • The Great Gatsby

Principle of Interpersonal Communication on the Example of Image

The chosen artifact demonstrates an informal interpersonal communicative situation between a man and a woman of approximately the same age. They are sharing a personal moment on what appears to be a lunch date. The two people are sharing a hug and holding hands, looking pleased with each other’s company....

Nevada Harsh Land: Roughing It by Mark Twain

Roughing It was written by Mark Twain in 1872 to present his first-hand experiences from Nevada. He learned to write there and found inspiration that brought his talent to the surface. His adventures and impressions from this city are described in the piece Roughing It. Mark Twain never returned to...

The Greenhouse Effect, Clouds, & Atmospheric Warming

The Earth’s energy budget describes the balance between the radiant energy that reaches the Earth from the Sun and the energy that leaves the Earth back into space. The atmosphere absorbs a large amount of energy and radiates it into space, as well as back to the surface of the...

Animal Experimentation: Arguments For and Against

Science is very important in society because it is through it that different discoveries are made. Scientific methods for instance are used to discover a medicine to cure different diseases and come up with innovations that improve the lives of human beings (Brundage and Michael 10). In the field of...

The Role of Followership in Supporting Servant Leaders

Leadership and followership are inseparable as they always depend on each other. However, followership seems to be often overlooked because leaders tend to be in the spotlight due to their power, influence, and authority. This paper aims to discuss the role of followership in supporting leaders and highlight the importance...

Motor Performance and the Activity of the Primary Motor Cortex

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study was to determine whether the focus of attention affected the motor performance and the activity of the primary motor cortex when implementing strenuous tasks involving the right index finger (Kuhn, Keller, Ruffieux, & Taube, 2017). How the Goal Relates to...

Social Media and Social Networking in Modern Life

Social media and social networking are relatively new phenomena that already have a significant effect on society. As our current understanding of these phenomena is limited, studying them is critical to answering the questions their development raises. Indeed, social media exposes people to a previously impossible amount of social communication....

Championing Quality and Patient Safety

The study by Mastal, Joshi, and Schulke (2007) reports that chief nursing officers (CNOs) need to be provided with an opportunity not only to play a key leadership role in closing the knowledge gaps and reshaping values about quality and patient safety in the boardroom, but also to apply leadership...

The Cultural and Psychological Aspects of Marriage

Marriage is a long-standing social and legal institution, and studying it through social sciences can change how we view it. Recognizing the cultural and psychological aspects of marriage and the shifts these aspects are currently experiencing is also important. For instance, separating marriage from childbirth and the rearing of children...

Socrates’ Understanding of God

Socrates is accused of impiety, or “not believing in the gods in whom the city believes (West & Plato, 1979, 24b).” At first glance, it appears as if Socrates is charged with atheism, but the philosopher is, in fact, ostracized for believing in “other new spiritual things (West & Plato,...

  • Professionalism
  • Hypertension
  • Social Networking

The Effects of Globalization on the Environment

The far-reaching consequences of globalization can sometimes be very obscure. Just like preeminent technological developments, globalization contributes to civilization as a whole but also inconveniences others. In terms of global trade, helps in reducing the isolation of poor countries by increasing specialization, it expands access to information through trade, increases...

Interview: Additions to Five Journalistic “W”s

As a means of communication and learning about a specific person or issue, an interview incorporates both ample opportunities and significant challenges. Although the format of an interview opens a plethora of chances for addressing multiple issues, reliance on the interviewee’s honesty requires that an interviewer should approach the task...

The Interview “I’m a Runner: Haruki Murakami”

I listened to Haruki Murakami’s interview “I’m a Runner: Haruki Murakami.” The writer explains how exercise has changed his social and physical lifestyle (Lee, 2005). In the second interview, Murakami talks about his writing process, general life, and characters that appear in his writing. Murakami reveals that he loves cats...

Discussion of the Film “The Batman”

Did you know that Batman has returned on the big screen? The hero, often known as the Dark Knight, is ready to fight villains again and protect people. If you have not watched the recent movie yet, here are some reasons why you should. The Batman does not have an...

Metabolism in Inorganic Systems

The definition of life and the definition of its criteria are debatable. Metabolism is the most important attribute of life, but many inorganic systems possess this property, albeit in a more primitive form. Without attempting to list all attributes of living matter, since this is impossible, in determining the criterion...

Migration Flows and Their Socio-Economic Impact

The deepening of globalization is associated with an ever-increasing level of international migration (Artal-Tur et al. 8). In order to better understand the implication of the phenomenon, it is necessary to explore it from the demographic, social, and economic points of view. One should understand that migration is a powerful...

Boston’s Experiment: Harvard Business Review’s Lessons

In Harvard Business Review’s Lessons from Boston’s Experiment with The One Fund, Mitchell discusses lessons that anyone can learn from his experience with fund distribution to the victims of the Boston bombing. What stands out about Mitchell’s opinion piece is his entrepreneurial approach to charity. Many of the lessons described...

Sanitation Workers and Compensation for Their Efforts

Sanitation workers usually ride, drive, or push garbage trucks while collecting trash and fecal matter from people’s residences and workplaces. They carry out valuable tasks of tidying up communities by collecting waste and ensuring its safe or proper disposal. Sometimes their job entails washing toilets, emptying septic tanks and dustbins,...

“My Mother’s Strange Definition of Empowerment” TED Talk by Khadija Gbla

In this TED talk, Khadija Gbla discusses the two different definitions of empowerment she learned from her mum when they lived in Sierra Leone and the one she got when they migrated to Australia. Her mother’s definition of empowerment was circumcision. She told her that it stifled her sexual urges...

The War on Drugs in the United States

The United States government’s combat with substance abuse is called the “War on drugs,” addressing the campaign initiated by President Nixon and supporting the modern attempts to control the use. Drugs disapproved by diverse societies enable the administrations to offer strategies to influence the situation and eliminate abuse via addiction...

  • Ernest Hemingway
  • Animal Abuse
  • Animal Testing
  • Contract Law

Biopsychologic Model of Alcohol Consumption

Treatments To achieve the best results, it is vital to incorporate methods effective against a specific type of addiction. Reportedly, medical treatment is the most effective in combating alcoholism (Anderson Redal, Thomas, Sim, & Campbell, 2019). The second and third best treatments are Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and non-medical outpatient care...

Rules and Formal Requirements of the Mathematical Sciences

The mathematical sciences are full of rules and formal requirements that must be met to follow academic standards. One such requirement is the rules for working with data graphs, namely the appropriateness and desirability of connecting individual points with a single line or curve. In particular, individual points on a...

“Unemployment and Terrorism” TED Talk by Mohamed Ali

In this TED talk, Ali explores the relationship between unemployment and terrorism. Unemployment is one of the challenges facing young people in big cities around the world. As young people pursue their dreams of creating wealth and attaining their goals, they encounter many obstacles that cause frustration and push them...

Training and Development for Employees

The purpose of this proposal is to instruct the employees in order to increase their performance in the organization. There are several delivery methods for development programs, the most popular of which is instructor-led training (Lacerenza et al., 2017). It is best for creating an overall understanding of the raised...

The Funding Request of the Business Plan

Introduction: The Basis of the Project The business plan has: Information about the company, products; Calculations, prospects for the years; Further actions, methods to improve efficiency; Strategies for further promotion. The Business Plan Based on the Coffee Shop The coffee shop’s uniqueness is in: Aromatic tea and fragrant coffee; Freshly...

Sociology: Role in the Life of Society

Why exactly sociology now occupies a priority position among social and humanitarian disciplines, and how does it fit into the general system of social knowledge? The answers to these questions explain the reason for sociology being among the choices of required courses for Liberal Arts Majors in most college campuses...

Afghanistan’s Location as a Cause of Conflicts

It is possible to say that the history of the emergence of Afghanistan and its physical location has become the prerequisites for the “troubles” that take place on the territory. Afghanistan emerged as a “buffer” state that separated the territories of interest of Russia and Britain (Blijde et al 265)....

Global Health Problems: The Epidemic of COVID-19

In the discussion post dedicated to global health problems, my colleague clearly indicated the need for international cooperation and underlined the universal nature of health concerns, such as the recent epidemic of COVID-19. The statistics and numbers on premature infants support the author’s position, who claims that preterm birth is...

The League of United Latin Americans’ Activity

The League of United Latin Americans (LULAC for short) is an alliance whose campaign focuses on equalizing the rights of Latin Americans (“Mexicans”) with white Americans and fighting to preserve the socio-cultural specificities of Latin America. Its goal was to create an environment where discrimination based on race and nationality...

Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody Song Analysis

I think that Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody is a song of the decade for the 70s. It is an obvious choice, but I think it is really difficult to name a more iconic and long-standing track. Being a rock ballad, it combines unexpected shifts of melody and style to the point...

  • Homelessness
  • Intelligence
  • Marine Life
  • Negotiation
  • Hills Like White Elephants

Leadership Transition Challenges in the Intersex Society

The Intersex board has experienced a few significant processes during its existence. Initially, Chase asked her friend and colleague, Alice Dreger, to chair the board that consisted mainly of friends. However, the further development of business required to make this body more extended and professional. That is why Chase decided...

Integrative Literature Review in Developmental Psychology

Name of the Domain Developmental Psychology Rationale Yau et al. (2021) highlight the existence of the relationship between societal expectations and individual performance, which eventually results in various courses pursued during the transition to adulthood. Similar conclusions and results may be related to the results of the study by de...

The Circle Packing Chart on “Kobe Bryant Shoots” Database

This circle packing chart shows values of variables in a hierarchical structure by using circle areas. The shot type variable creates two outer circles which display two types of shots in the database: 2PT Field Goal and 3PT Field Goal. Inside each of them, many other circles represent unique action...

Methods of Forecasting Currency Market

Methods of forecasting the currency market include Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis. Fundamental analysis helps in evaluating and assessing the assets based on their intrinsic value. It is dependent on external factors where decisions are based on available information and evaluated statistics (Lyle & Yohn, 2021). Its primary purpose is...

Eating Disorders and Social Interactions

One of the possible aspects that affect the persons’ perception of their bodies and attractiveness is the closest social surrounding. Family, friends, or romantic partners sometimes unknowingly can make people feel insecure and push them towards the development of the eating disorder. It can happen by criticizing the body, compassion...

North Africa or Southwest Asia Area Classification

There is certainly controversy about classifying the North Africa/Southwest Asia realm. In (Blijde et al), we see that there are several approaches to classifying it. First, it is defined as the “Dry World” due to its climate (230); however, the majority of people live in the territories where they have...

American Psychological Association and Racism

For the past years, minority individuals in the U.S suffered from segregation in all fields including schools. For instance, the Negros had trouble in the past years when it came to academic issues. The experienced problems led to retardation of educational and intellectual development of Negro children. To solve this,...

The Film “A Time to Kill” by Joel Schumacher

In the film “A Time to Kill,” my opinion is that Carl Lee Hailey was right to have murdered rapists who assaulted his daughter. This is because of anger and the weight of the two white men’s injustice to his daughter. Therefore, he was justified in murdering the men in...

Investment. Net Present Value vs. Payback Period

Net Present Value (NPV) is a better indicator than Payback Period (PBP) because it tells precisely which value would be earned by the investors if they decide to undertake it. In general, NPV as an investment appraisal method is based on the idea that the project would be beneficial if...

Zappos: Servant Leadership

Introduction Servant leadership is defined as an organizational style within a company where the leader’s purpose is to serve their customers and help their employees grow within the field. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how this philosophy is supported at Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer....

  • Discrimination
  • Vaccination

“All Aunt Hagar’s Children: Stories” by E. P. Jones

Edward P. Jones’ stories are classic examples of the influence of urban infamy on one’s personality and reconnection to society. The main character Caesar is not evil by nature, instead, he is simply a victim of his social environment and a series of highly stressful circumstances that led him to...

Managing Task Clusters in Organizations in Practice

Introduction At the Mixing Department, a range of staff members was unaware of the goals to which they contributed by performing their routine functions in the organizational setting. As a result, the arrangement of work was deplorable, with most staff members being quite disorganized. Experimentations However, after thorough clarifications and...

Rationale Strategy: PetSafe Pet Insurance

These emails are directed at buyers who have subscribed to the newsletter. Pyroplasmosis is an infectious disease triggered by a tick bite and leads to the loss of appetite, decreased energy, and other long-term effects on animals (Niu et al., 2017). This text attracts people who care about their pets,...

Events in the American History Since 1980

The three events I consider the most important in American history are the pneumocystis pneumonia report in 1981, which states the discovery of the virus known as “Pneumocystis carinii” as the cause of the AIDS epidemic. The discovery of AIDS brought more attention to sex education and insight is gay...

Jay Gatsby by F. S. Fitzgerald and the American Dream

“In his blue gardens, men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.” (Fitzgerald 32) The chosen quote is important as it illustrates that Fitzgerald brilliantly portrayed the American society’s carnival lifestyle of the so-called dreamers, excited with fun and carelessness. The...

Modeling Methods and Techniques

Summary Analytical modeling consists in constructing a model based on the description of the behavior of an object in the form of formulas. Simulation modeling involves the construction of a model with characteristics adequate based on any of its physical or informational principles. Heuristic modeling is a mechanism of self-learning...

Hunger and Homelessness Consequences on Development

Consequences of Hunger and Homelessness on Children’s Development The article “New study reports strong links between food insecurity and negative developmental consequences for young school-age children is available on the FRAC website. The article discusses the consequences of hunger and homelessness during the early developmental years on children’s growth and...

Jerrold Amplifiers Advertisement in the 1980s

Everyone wants a music system with crystal clear sounds that are appealing and entertaining. Jerrold Company presents the Jerrold amplifier, which is the absolute solution to the voice problems in homes, business places, and even campaigns. The amplifier has the Alternating Current (AC), making it easy for the user to...

Nursing Ethics in Patient Advocacy

Mr. Lilly needed to receive an increased dose of morphine, but his condition made health care professionals doubt whether he was looking for painkillers just to overcome his pain or he wanted to satisfy his addiction. It was also important not to harm his health in this way. The nurse...

Summary of Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue”

Amy Tan reflects on the varieties of English she uses as an Asian American. She notes the differences between the grammatically impeccable language she uses in her writing and the often incorrect phrasing she uses when conversing with her mother and husband. Amy’s mother does not possess the same grammatical...

The Idea of Robert Frost’s Poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay”

The poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost is only nine lines long, but the author discusses complex topics through it. In early spring, the golden buds appear on the trees, but soon their color fades. Then flowers bloom, but they also soon turn into fallen leaves, reminiscent of...

Gender Representation in American Pop Culture

The selected excerpt of the book called “The Pop Culture Freaks” focuses on the representation of gender in American pop culture that is a powerful tool capable of impacting social tendencies and relations or creating particular attitudes. The objectification of women (or female bodies, to be more precise, since their...

Geographies of Race and Ethnicity I: Summary of Article

“Geographies of race and ethnicity I” compares and contrast two forms of racism: white supremacy and white privilege. These topics are then connected to a more generalized issue of environmental racism, with the author providing evidence of who might be responsible for its dynamics. Lastly, choosing the case of Exide...

The Treponema Pallidum Prokaryote Analysis

Treponema pallidum’s structure is similar to that of other spirochaetes: it is helical, a protoplasmic cylinder twisted into 8–12 whorls; 3 periplasmic flagella extend from the ends of the cell. Studies of the morphology of pale treponema conducted using electron microscopy showed that the central structure of the Treponema pallidum...

‘The Last Night of the World’ by Ray Bradbury

‘The Last Night of the World’ is a short story by Ray Bradbury written in a genre of speculative fiction. It presents an evening dialogue between spouses who are drinking coffee and watching their daughters play on the rug. It is an entirely ordinary evening except for the dream they...

Was Gunpowder the Cause of England’s Defeat in the Hundred Years’ War?

Although gunpowder was extremely important at the final stages of the Hundred Years’ War seemingly, it would just prolong the conflict, but France would still be a victor in the end. Usage of artillery, indeed, helped the French army to conquer the territories at faster rates. Also, it was a...

The Link Between Collaboration and Penetration Testing

Collaboration is critical to an organization’s information security because its lack can be exploited by an attacker as a vulnerability. There is also a tendency to use compartmentalized security measures that can be bypassed individually to gain access to an organization’s sensitive data (Secude, 2020). Furthermore, it is possible that...

The Scope Trial Legal Case and Social Implications

Although the main issues in the scope trial were Education and Science v. Religion, the proceedings had a substantial impact in defining the roles of the judicial system and individual’s trust in the administration of justice. Politics, religion, and other social civilities have conflicted for centuries. However, the judiciary plays...

How the Internet Transformed Design Fashion

Digital sketches help add changes to the existing work without starting drawing from the beginning. By using the Internet, people can shop online and avoid overcrowded shopping malls. It saves time, and people do not get tired while looking for a specific product. The Internet use allows people who love...

Symbolic Ethnicity in the United States

Nowadays, many people, especially in the U.S., do not show their ethnic identity and pride daily, and such an occasional display is known as symbolic ethnicity. Primarily, this concept describes citizens who demonstrate their ethnic pride in a rather expressive way during religious or national celebrations or by using bumper...

The Essay “Salvation” by Langstone Hughes

I was intrigued by Langstone Hughes’s “Salvation”, a story concerning the lessons and challenges that everyone can witness in the lives of youths. He discusses young people’s social and emotional difficulties by relying on his life experiences, including the time he was supposed to witness a 12-member revival while actively...

“Kill the Indian, and Save the Man” Historical Context

The time of the source’s creation is known to be one of the hardest in U.S. history. The Civil War and political fight for slavery abolishment brought up social issues. The point of this essay is to analyze the period, the world, culture, and atmosphere during the “Americanizing” of Native...

The Impact of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Agents on Marine Mammals

The development of ecosystems is affected by various physical, biological, and chemical agents, and these effects can be both positive and negative. It is noteworthy that in the majority of cases this is an adverse impact. For instance, such physical agents as oil spills or surface plastic debris can be...

Supply Chain Disruptions and the Effects on the Global Economy

The research aims to define the key problems that appear during the supply process and how they affect the economic situation in many countries worldwide. The study will also show the recovery process and possible solutions to the existing issues in the sphere like planning and risk prediction based on...

Japanese Internment Camps in American History

The term “Japanese internment camps” refers to the ten centers created to incarcerate many Japanese Americans in 1942. The camps were established following the Executive Order 9066 signed by President Franklin Roosevelt. The camps were in Arizona, Idaho, California, Utah, Colorado, Arkansas, and Wyoming (Nicholas and Scherbina 282). The targeted...

“Epic of Gilgamesh”: Enkidu’s Lack of Caution

The Epic of Gilgamesh of ancient Mesopotamia introduces to the reader two outstanding characters. The protagonists of the epic are Gilgamesh himself and his best friend and companion, Enkidu. The latter is one-third human and two-thirds beast, which explains his lack of caution in tablets three through eight. By nature,...

Bach’s “Little” Fugue

Bach’s Fugue in G minor, commonly referred to as “Little” Fugue, is an organ piece and one of the composer’s best known fugues. Right from the beginning, the listener can distinguish four voices that enter the melody and continue to play throughout the work. The voices used in the piece...

Essentials of Negotiation

Negotiation is the process of discussion aimed at reaching a compromise or a mutually beneficial solution to an issue. It is a complex skill that involves analyzing information and making strategic decisions, often under time pressure. Naturally, there are common mistakes one should try to avoid when negotiating. One fundamental...

“The Double Image” by Anne Sexton: Poem Analysis

“The Double Image” is a rather significant and famous confessional poem written by Anne Sexton. This is an increasingly severe and profound literary work that can have various meanings and interpretations. The poet tells about her most intimate parts of life and her way through post-traumatic stress disorder. It is...

Contract Law: Comedy Club, Inc. v. Improv West Associates

Facts: The agreement between Improve West associates’ and the Improve Comedy Club prohibits the Improve Club from opening any non-improve clubs till 2019. When Improve Comedy Clubs failed to open eight clubs by the end of 2002 Improve West commenced arbitration. The arbitration award of 2005 stated that CCI had...

Ethical Dilemma in Nursing

Definition of Ethical Nursing Practice An Ethical Nursing Practice is a decision-making challenge between two potential normative choices, neither of which is undoubtedly desirable to a nurse. Typically, nurses encounter the problem in almost every aspect of their personal, social, and professional life. Consequently, due to their complexity, it is...

The Six-Day War’s History and Consequences

The Six-Day War was one of the shortest, but at the same time extremely large-scale, confrontations of the 20th century. In this brief Israeli war against the Arab coalition of four states, the first gained control of territory more than three times its pre-war area (“Six-Day War,” 2020). In the...

George Washington’s Farewell Address: Description and Key Aspects

George Washington’s Farewell Address (1796) was a letter from one of the greatest American leaders to the citizens of the country providing explanations about his choice to not seek a third term. The Farewell was something deeper, it was guidance and support for American residents to have a safe and...

International Human Resource Management

International Human Resource Management (HRM) practices must differ from domestic HRM due to the nature of activities involved in each of the two sectors. In international HRM, activities are performed in a wider context and ensure it is relevant to a particular location. Extra training is required at the international...

Nursing Practice Acts in North Carolina and Iowa

Board of Nursing Practice Acts from North Carolina and Iowa: A Comparison Developing the guidelines that will provide the foundation for further improvements in nursing services’ quality is crucial for improving patient outcomes in a community (Hunt, 2014). Practice acts help outline the essential values, strategies, and philosophies that will...

Music Listening: “Firestone” Song by Kygo

The composition “Firestone” is performed by Kygo, who is its composer, featuring Conrad Sewell released in December 2014 (“Kygo – Firestone ft. Conrad Sewell (Official Video)”). The song belongs to the genre of tropical house, which has been perceived as a sub-genre of deep house. The reason for listening to...

Network Security, Threats and Vulnerabilities

In my understanding, a cyber vulnerability is an opening in one’s security that presents an opportunity for malicious agents to perform a cyberattack. It presents a chance for attackers to act upon their threats once discovered. At the same time, a cyber threat is an already discovered opening in one’s...

Christianity: Peculiarities and Principles

Chapter eight focuses on defining Christianity’s significant peculiarities as one of the world’s main religions. The chapter highlights that this religion is mainly centered on historical events. The chapter emphasizes Christianity’s considerable principles, discussing the possibility that contributed to forming the people’s trust in the Bible. The chapter presents the...

Huston Smith’s “The World’s Religions” Book

In his book The World’s Religions, Smith (2009) attempts to describe and analyze the major world’s religions. In Chapter 3, in particular, he addresses Buddhism, its origins, specifications, and geographical location characteristics. Smith (2009) begins with outlining the known facts about Buddha, as he is the root of this religion...

Potentially Dangerous Products or Services: False Promises or Marketing Moves

A few weeks ago, I saw an advertisement for a course that promised that one would start making millions after taking it. I wondered how this magical course could affect a person enough to change his earnings and his thinking in general. I read the description and several reviews and...

The Author’s Personal Experience

Tanya Maria Barrientos starts her essay with an anecdote to make her writing more credible, emotional, and appealing. Clearly, the use of the first-hand experience always makes it seem more credible as people tend to believe personal accounts rather than anonymous stories. Apart from making people believe her, Barrientos uses...

Cultural and Emotional Intelligence Differences

Cultural and emotional intelligence have a certain similarity in the way they work because both require the person to examine the situation before acting upon it. Rash decisions are often incorrect and lack understanding of the subtle intricacies of human behavior. However, while emotional intelligence deals with more universal aspects...

Qing China’s and Tokugawa Japan’s Response to the Coming of the Europeans

After defeating the Qing Empire in the Opium Wars, European powers entered into unequal treaties with China, introducing free trade, extraterritoriality, and free ports under foreign control. Later China restricted trade with Europeans and forced them to stay on Canton Island. In Japan, after 1720, when the shogun Tokugawa relaxed...

Project Team Resources: Project Resource Management

Availability of resources is one of the main factors to consider while deciding how to staff a project. This will help to ensure that the resources are optimally utilized to avoid wastage (Viter, 2021). It is possible to staff a dedicated team of resources if there is a constant, reliable...

Employers’ Perspectives on Workplace Communication Skills: The Meaning of Communication Skills

The article primarily focuses on the perceived and actual relevance of cross-cultural communication for United States business program undergraduates. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to assess the students’ attitudes towards cross-cultural communication and its potential importance for their careers. The findings illustrate that majority of undergraduate students believe...

William Shakespeare, His Life and Works

The exact date of the birth of William Shakespeare has not been preserved. It is believed that he was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564. His childhood passed in a large and wealthy family; he was the third child among seven brothers and sisters. At the age of 20, Shakespeare...

Social Media’s Impact on Psychological Distress

This systematic study examined the impact of social media usage on depression, anxiety, and psychological distress among teenagers. The results were categorized into four core contexts: time spent, activity, investment, and addiction. There was a correlation between all dimensions and depression, anxiety, and psychological discomfort. As a result of the...

The Importance of Literature in Society

The emergence of books once revolutionized the teaching process, allowing people to transfer knowledge indirectly, making it more accessible. People can develop new skills independently of others or learn more about the world by merely reading the material on a topic. Written history invites a reader to imagine life before...

Investing in Medical Services: The Necessity of Health Expenditures

Introduction Medical services are imperative for the nation’s welfare. Life expectancy is impacted by service quality. Technological equipment and professional education are required. Public health programs are also necessary. Tremendous expenses are connected to health care (Deb & Norton, 2018). Financial input increases positive healthcare effects. Finances and the clinical...

The “Robots on Earth” Article by Jerry West

Robots on Earth by Jerry West is a work of non-fiction that attempts to discuss the ways in which the perception of robots and AI are misrepresented within society. While the media tries to paint robots as villainous and dangerous creations, in practice, they merely exist as equipment to help...

Workplace Diversity and Intercultural Communication

The research mainly focuses on intercultural communication experiences between non-native English-speaking women and native English speakers. Thus, the purpose of the study is to examine the work interaction experience of these groups in order to understand the underlying barriers of communication. The major finding is the fact that both groups...

Christianity: Afterlife and Relationship With Jesus

The Christian concept of the afterlife differs from other worldviews mostly due to its rigorous entry and inclusion criteria. Entry into Christianity is dependent on rituals as opposed to actions and birthrights. According to Christianity, a person’s belief in certain truths is just as important as conduct in matters of...

Rhythm in Byron’s So, We’ll Go No More a-Roving Poem

Rhythm is characterized as a poem’s beat and pace; a poem comprises patterns that stress certain words and syllables. In (So, We’ll Go No More a-Roving) George Gordon Byron’s poem, the poet uses rhythm to stress some words, the words stressed are “So” and “we’ll” in the poem from (So,...

The Future of the Space Missions

The current obsession with space discoveries leaves enough room for innovative developments in the area that are expected to take humanity closer to interplanetary missions. According to Thisdell, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) represents one of the most vigilant countries when it comes to space missions. With the aid of...

The State of Women Inequality Worldwide

Education is a prevalent concern issue of women’s inequality in the world. Regardless of advancement toward gender impartiality in education, girls still represent a greater proportion of dropout’s children than boys. In the less industrialized world, a section of girls does not join the school. Characteristically, low-income families select educating...

“Showing the Way with Gracious Leadership”: Article Summary

Nurses require leadership skills for healthy relationship building. Gracious type of leadership affects the level of satisfaction of staff and customers (Kroning et al., 2020). This implies building a balance, when the environment in the team, happiness of the clients and success of the company are of the same importance....

“Google’s Backpedaling Shows Why It’s Hard Not to Be Evil” Article by Bensinger

The New York Times article “Google’s Backpedaling Shows Why It’s Hard Not to Be Evil” argues that famous tech companies disregard consumer demand and specific governmental regulations. The author, Greg Bensinger, suggests that Big Tech corporations are willing to engage in unethical behavior that compromises their reputation and the customers’...

Social Security Plan After Retirement

Life after retirement can be challenging, with several needs to satisfy. For a comfortable life after employment, one needs to have a reliable saving plan enabling an individual to easily access services like healthcare. The social security plan formulated to protect people after retirement faces a financial crisis due to...

Peer Pressure and Fear in “The Dentist and the Crocodile” by Dahl

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Essay On Quaid-e-Azam 200 & 500 Words For Students

200 words essay on quaid e azam, introduction.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the esteemed founder of Pakistan, was a charismatic leader whose pivotal role in the creation of an independent nation for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent remains indelible. His exceptional qualities and unwavering determination continue to inspire individuals to this day. This essay sheds light on the unique and captivating attributes of Quaid-e-Azam that made him an iconic figure in Pakistan’s history.

Visionary Leadership

Quaid-e-Azam’s visionary leadership served as a beacon of hope for millions. With resolute conviction, he envisioned a separate homeland where Muslims could live with dignity and freedom. His farsightedness, coupled with his ability to articulate the aspirations of the people, inspired a sense of unity and purpose among his followers.

Unyielding Determination

Quaid-e-Azam’s determination knew no bounds. Despite facing formidable challenges, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of a separate nation. His resolute stance during negotiations with the British and his unwavering commitment to the cause of independence were instrumental in realizing the dream of Pakistan.

Charismatic Persona

Quaid-e-Azam possessed a magnetic personality that captivated the masses. His eloquence, grace, and dignified demeanor left an indelible impression on all who encountered him. His ability to connect with people from all walks of life made him an influential leader and an inspiration for generations to come.

Defender of Rights

Quaid-e-Azam was a staunch advocate for the rights of all individuals. He firmly believed in upholding justice, equality, and freedom for every citizen. His tireless efforts to protect the rights of minorities and marginalized communities showcased his unwavering commitment to building a just and inclusive society.

Quaid-e-Azam’s visionary leadership, indomitable spirit, and commitment to justice continue to inspire and guide Pakistan toward a brighter future. His legacy remains a testament to his remarkable character and enduring impact.

500 Words Essay On Quaid E Azam


Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, stands as the eminent founding father of Pakistan. His influential role in the creation of Pakistan and his exceptional leadership during the independence movement has shaped the destiny of the nation. This essay delves into the remarkable life and achievements of Quaid-e-Azam, presenting a captivating account of his invaluable contributions to the birth of Pakistan.

Early Life and Education

Born into a privileged family on December 25, 1876, Quaid-e-Azam hailed from Karachi, which was then part of British India. His family background instilled in him a sense of dignity and honor. With a strong educational foundation, he pursued his studies in Karachi and later moved to England to refine his legal education at Lincoln’s Inn. Quaid-e-Azam’s unwavering dedication and commitment to his work as a lawyer earned him immense respect among his peers.

Political Career

Quaid-e-Azam’s journey in politics commenced with his early association with the Indian National Congress, where he sought to advocate for the rights of all Indians. However, growing disillusionment with Congress’s inability to protect the interests of Muslims led Quaid-e-Azam to part ways and spearhead the All India Muslim League. Under his astute leadership, he aimed to unite the fragmented Muslim population and secure their rightful place in the Indian subcontinent.

Demand for Pakistan

Quaid-e-Azam’s historic Fourteen Points and the Lahore Resolution are emblematic of his resolute determination to establish an independent Muslim state. He envisaged a land where Muslims could thrive and flourish without fear of marginalization. His unwavering commitment and persuasive negotiations with the British and Congress paved the way for the creation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947.

Leadership during the Independence Movement

As the leader of the Muslim League, Quaid-e-Azam emerged as a skilled diplomat and negotiator during the tumultuous partition process. Despite facing numerous challenges, he navigated the delicate political landscape with remarkable resilience, ensuring the rights and protection of minority communities. His indomitable spirit and steadfast leadership provided the strength needed to overcome the trials of independence.

Vision for Pakistan

Quaid-e-Azam’s vision for Pakistan was rooted in democratic values, inclusivity, and social justice. He championed the cause of religious freedom and emphasized the importance of equality among all citizens. Through his impassioned speeches and addresses, he outlined his vision for a modern, progressive, and prosperous Pakistan, where every individual had the opportunity to succeed.

Quaid-e-Azam’s enduring legacy remains etched in the fabric of Pakistan’s history. His contributions to nation-building, such as the drafting of the country’s constitution, continue to shape the nation’s trajectory. As Pakistan’s first Governor-General, he nurtured unity and stability during the early years, setting a precedent for future leaders.

In conclusion, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s exceptional leadership and visionary guidance played a pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan. His unwavering commitment to the rights of Muslims and his relentless pursuit of a separate homeland have left an indelible mark on the nation. Today, Pakistan stands as a testament to Quaid-e-Azam’s principles, serving as a source of inspiration for generations to come. As we remember his illustrious legacy, we must strive to uphold the values of unity, equality, and progress that he ardently advocated.

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✍️Essay on Fashion: Samples in 100, 150, 200 Words

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  • Oct 26, 2023

essay on clothing

Fashion is a non-verbal form of expression that describes a person’s character and sense of style. Before, it was just the realm of the famous, and aristocracy. However, the average person, particularly young people, can now afford to wear fashionable clothing. Additionally, fashion started out as a trend but through time came to be accepted as a certain way of living, whether it be in terms of behaviour, apparel, or lifestyle. Speaking of which, in this blog, we will talk about how fashion has evolved over time in our sample essays. Let’s dive in. 

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History of fashion, essay on fashion in 100 words, essay on fashion in 150 words, essay on fashion in 200 words.

Not just fashion designers but other people are curious to know the history of fashion. According to historians, Charles Frederick Worth was the first fashion designer. When clothing was still created by unidentified seamstresses, he founded the House of Worth, a fashion design studio, in Paris. Contemporary fashion is characterized by a blend of diverse influences, styles, and trends from various cultures and time periods. Fashion has become more accessible and inclusive, with designers experimenting with sustainability, technology, and innovative materials to create unique and socially conscious clothing

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Fashion encompasses clothing, accessories, and even behaviours, reflecting culture and individuality. Fashion evolves continuously, driven by designers, influencers, and changing norms. It has the power to convey identity, status, and creativity. Whether classic or avant-garde, fashion allows individuals to make statements and connect with others through a shared aesthetic.

It mirrors the zeitgeist, responding to economic, environmental, and social shifts. In a world of fast fashion and sustainability concerns, redefining our approach to style becomes essential. Fashion’s allure lies in its ability to blend art, identity, and innovation, shaping our visual language.

Fashion is a form of self-expression that plays a significant role in our lives. It includes clothing, accessories, and personal style, reflecting one’s personality and cultural influences. Fashion trends constantly evolve, influenced by designers, celebrities, and societal shifts.

The 1920s saw the rise of flapper dresses and a rebellious spirit, while the 1960s embraced mini skirts and the counterculture movement. In recent years, sustainability and ethical fashion have gained prominence, emphasizing the need for eco-friendly choices and responsible consumption.

Fashion is more than just aesthetics; it is an industry that impacts economies, employing millions worldwide. It serves as a medium for creative expression, and social movements often utilize fashion to convey powerful messages.

In conclusion, fashion is a versatile cultural force that goes beyond mere clothing. It reflects our society’s values and artistic expression.

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Fashion is an evolving form of self-expression that has penetrated our daily lives, bringing more clothing choices to become a reflection of culture, identity, and individuality. 

Fashion, throughout history, has mirrored societal norms and values. It has been a canvas for rebellion or conformity. Whether it’s the flapper dresses of the 1920s, the bell-bottoms of the 1970s, or the minimalist styles of the 21st century, fashion has been a powerful communicator.

Moreover, the fashion industry is an economic powerhouse, shaping global trends and contributing significantly to various economies. It influences not only what we wear but also the jobs we create and the environmental impact we have.

Fashion’s role in personal identity is undeniable. People use clothing to express their personalities, tastes, and beliefs. It empowers individuals to feel confident and unique.

However, the fast fashion industry has been criticized for its environmental footprint and labor practices. However, over time calls for sustainable, ethical fashion have gained momentum, emphasizing the need for responsible consumption.

In conclusion, fashion is more than just attire; it’s a reflection of our culture, an economic force, a personal identifier, and a global conversation. As we navigate the complex world of fashion, it’s essential to strike a balance between personal expression, industry responsibility, and environmental sustainability.

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The development of clothing, footwear, accessories, cosmetics, and jewellery with varied cultural aesthetics and their mixing and matching to create outfits that represent distinct styles of dressing are referred to as fashion. 

Fashion is a form of expression that is not restricted to clothing, this term often refers to designer clothing and accessories.

Dressing up shows how we look at someone. They help create an idea of what we think of someone’s personality. Wearing makes someone comfortable and people will respect your individuality. Therefore, this is an important part of fashion. 

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay-writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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دوستی پر ایک مضمون | Essay On Friendship In Urdu

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دوست کے معنی ہیں رفیق، ساتھی۔دو دوست ایک قالب اور دو جان ہوتے ہیں عربی میں ان کو خلیل کہتے ہیں۔ جن دو شخصوں میں بے حد موافقت ہو ان کو حبیب کہتے ہیں۔ انسان سماج میں تنہا بھی رہ سکتا ہے لیکن تنہا آدمی کے لیے زندگی گزارنا تھوڑا سا مشکل ہو جاتا ہے۔

عام طور پر ہم عمر لوگوں میں دوستی پیدا ہونے کا زیادہ امکان رہتا ہے۔ دو آدمیوں میں کوئی مناسبت نہ ہو تو دوستی پیدا نہیں ہوسکتی۔ لڑکے اور بوڑھے میں، عالم اور جاھل میں، توانگر اور مفلس میں،دنیا دار اور درویش میں دوستی ہونا ناممکن ہے۔جن کی طبیعت کا میلان ایک ہی کام کی طرف ہوتا ہے ان میں فطرتاً دوستی پیدا ہوتی ہے۔

طبیعت کے اعتقاد کی یکسوئی دوستی کو قائم اور زیادہ مضبوط بناتی ہے۔ غیر مناسب عمر، مختلف فطرت والے لوگوں کی دوستی عموماً ناپائیدار اور محض غرض مندانہ ہوتی ہے۔ اس جہان میں دوست صادق کا پایا جانا بہت مشکل ہے اور جس نے اسے پایا وہ خوش نصیب ہے۔داناؤں کا قول ہے کہ جو خوشی، غم ،افلاس اور زندگی موت میں ساتھ دے وہی دراصل سچا دوست ہے۔

سچا دوست اپنے دوست کی کامیابی کے لئے ہمیشہ کوشاں رہتا ہے۔ وہ اپنے دوست سے کسی خدمت کا عوض نہیں لینا چاہتا اور نہ اپنا کوئی مطلب حاصل کرنا چاہتا ہے۔ وہ اپنے دوست کو خراب راستے سے روک کر اچھے راستے پر لگاتا ہے۔ اس کی برائیوں پر وہ پردہ ڈالتا ہے اور اس کے عمدہ اوصاف کا اظہار سب کے سامنے کرتا ہے اور دل و جان سے اس کی بھلائی میں مشغول رہتا ہے۔ وہ غم کی حالت میں دوست کو تسلی اور تشفی دیتا ہے۔ اچھے کاموں کا شوق دلاتا ہے۔ وہ اپنے دوست کے لئے اپنی جان قربان کرنے کو تیار رہتا ہے۔ جھوٹے دوست کے سبب سے مختلف قسم کی مصیبتیں پیدا ہوتی ہیں۔ وہ اپنے دوست کی برائیاں اصلاح کرنے کی بجائے انہیں ساری دنیا میں مشہور کردیتا ہے۔ وہ اپنے دوست کے نزدیک باتیں بناتا ہے اور پیٹھ پیچھے اس کی شکایت کرتا ہے۔آرام میں اس کے ساتھ رہتا ہے اور تکلیف میں اس کا ساتھ چھوڑ دیتا ہے۔ جب تک اس سے کوئی غرض رہتی ہے تب تک محبت کو ظاہر کرتا ہے لیکن جب مطلب حاصل ہوجاتا ہے تو اس سے الگ ہو جاتا ہے۔اگر موقع ہاتھ آ جائے تو اپنی غرض حاصل کرنے کے لئے اپنے دوست کی جان تک لے لیتا ہے۔ ایسے دوست سے ہمیشہ ہوشیار رہنا چاہیے۔

ہم اکثر اوقات اپنے ماں باپ اور بھائی بہن وغیرہ سے بعض باتوں میں رائے لینے میں پس و پیش کرتے ہیں۔ مگر ہچکچاہٹ دوست سے نہیں ہوتی۔ جب اپنے والدین اور بھائی بہن کی محبت کے باوجود ہمیں ان سے راز دل کہنے میں تامل ہوتا ہے تو ہمیں لازم ہے کہ اس زندگی کے سفر کو طے کرنے کے لئے کسی سچے اور پرخلوص دوست کی تلاش کریں اور اس کی محبت میں زندگی آرام اور اطمینان سے گزاریں۔


100+ Best Vocabulary Words with Urdu

Table of Contents


Vocabulary encompasses the words and phrases a person knows, understands, and uses to communicate and express themselves. It includes both general words and specialized terms related to specific fields or areas of interest.

Communication : Vocabulary plays a crucial role in communication. Having a wide range of words at your disposal allows you to convey your thoughts, ideas, and emotions accurately. It enables effective verbal and written communication with others.

Comprehension : A strong vocabulary enhances comprehension skills. When reading or listening to others, a broad vocabulary helps you understand the meaning, nuances, and subtleties of the language. It enables you to grasp complex concepts and ideas more easily.

Writing and Expression : A rich vocabulary enhances writing skills. It allows you to choose appropriate words, employ varied sentence structures, and create vivid descriptions. A diverse vocabulary enhances your ability to express yourself clearly, creatively, and persuasively.

Critical Thinking : Vocabulary aids critical thinking and reasoning. When faced with complex problems or situations, a wide range of words allows you to analyze, evaluate, and articulate your thoughts effectively. It helps you express your opinions, engage in discussions, and present logical arguments.

Importance in Daily Life:

Personal Growth : Expanding your vocabulary promotes personal growth. It broadens your knowledge, understanding, and awareness of the world. It enables you to engage in various topics, explore new ideas, and appreciate different cultures, thus enhancing personal development.

Academic Success : A robust vocabulary contributes to academic success. It helps in understanding textbooks, lectures, and academic materials across different subjects. A wide vocabulary aids in comprehending complex concepts, writing essays, and performing well in exams.

Career Advancement : A strong vocabulary is beneficial for career advancement. Effective communication and expression are highly valued in professional settings. A diverse vocabulary enables you to articulate ideas, engage in discussions, write reports, and convey your expertise, contributing to career growth and success.

Social Interaction : A rich vocabulary enhances social interaction. It allows you to engage in meaningful conversations, connect with others, and express empathy. A varied vocabulary facilitates effective communication, building relationships, and understanding diverse perspectives.

Confidence and Self-expression : Having a wide range of words at your disposal boosts confidence and self-expression. A strong vocabulary enables you to express yourself fluently, precisely, and with clarity. It allows you to communicate your thoughts, opinions, and emotions effectively, fostering self-assurance.

Vocabulary words with Urdu and English

Feel free to incorporate these words into your writing or expand your vocabulary by exploring their meanings and usage in different contexts .

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  21. 100+ Best Vocabulary Words with Urdu

    سکیچ بک. 165. Notebook. نوٹ بک. Feel free to incorporate these words into your writing or expand your vocabulary by exploring their meanings and usage in different contexts. Learn Tenses in English and Tenses in Urdu. Test your knowledge: Quizzes. Best Freelancing in Pakistan Guide 2023. Vocabulary Words with Urdu: Vocabulary ...

  22. Essay on Responsibilities of A Good Citizen in 150 words

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