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Speech On Social Media- Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance

speech in english on social media

Table of Contents

Speech On Social Media: In a world where clicks, likes, and shares have become the currency of our social interactions, there’s no denying the pervasive influence of social media. It’s a digital realm that has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our lives, altering how we connect, communicate, and consume information. From connecting with long-lost friends to voicing our opinions on global issues, social media has transformed the way we navigate our interconnected world. But what lies beneath the surface of those enticing timelines and trending hashtags?

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social media

Students often encounter the task of giving speeches on various topics, and social media is a fascinating subject for exploration. In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore the captivating and complex realm of social media. We have provided a few sample speech topics on social media, highlighting its advantages, disadvantages, and the profound impact it has on our lives.

Long and Short Speeches on Social Media in English

Speech on advantages and disadvantages of social media for students – sample 1.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that has become an integral part of our lives – social media. It’s hard to imagine a world without platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Social media has transformed the way we connect, communicate, and share information. But, like every coin has two sides, social media has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s start with the positive aspects. Here are the pros of social media. Social media bridges geographical gaps, allowing us to connect with friends and family worldwide. It’s a powerful tool for sharing our thoughts, experiences, and achievements. Students benefit from it as a valuable resource for learning and research. Moreover, it’s a platform for raising social awareness, promoting businesses, and even finding job opportunities.

However, we must also acknowledge the downsides. Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and affect mental health. It’s a breeding ground for cyberbullying, misinformation, and privacy invasion. Moreover, the constant exposure to idealized images and lives can negatively impact self-esteem.

In conclusion, social media is a double-edged sword. It has revolutionized the way we communicate and share, offering numerous advantages. Yet, we must navigate it cautiously, being mindful of its pitfalls. Let’s use it responsibly and harness its potential for good.

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Speech on Impact of Social Media – Sample 2

Good day, everyone,

The topic I’d like to address today is the impact of social media on our lives. There’s no denying that social media has become an inseparable part of our daily routine. From connecting with friends to keeping up with the latest trends, it’s all at our fingertips.

Let’s dive into the advantages of social media. Social media allows us to stay connected with friends and family, regardless of distance. It’s a treasure trove of information, news, and educational content. For students, it offers a platform to collaborate on projects and access a wealth of knowledge. Businesses utilize it for marketing and customer engagement.

However, there’s another side to the story. Social media can be addictive, leading to time wastage and reduced productivity. Privacy concerns are a pressing issue, with personal information often at risk. Cyberbullying and the spread of fake news are unfortunate consequences of its widespread use.

So, where do we stand? Social media is a tool, and its impact depends on how we use it. It can bring us closer or push us apart. It can educate or misinform. The choice is ours.

In conclusion, social media has its merits and demerits. It’s up to us to harness its advantages while being vigilant about its pitfalls. Let’s use it wisely, striking a balance between the virtual and real worlds.

Thank you for your attention.

Speech on Social Media Topic in English – Sample 3

I’m delighted to address you on a topic that has reshaped our world – social media. In today’s digital age, it’s nearly impossible to escape its influence. So, let’s explore the impact and significance of social media.

To begin with, social media has revolutionized communication. It connects people worldwide, making the world a smaller place. It’s a powerful tool for staying informed about current events and trends. For students, it’s a treasure trove of educational resources. Entrepreneurs and businesses leverage it for promotion and brand building.

Yet, there’s a flip side. The addictive nature of social media can lead to time wastage. Privacy concerns loom large, as our personal information is often shared and exploited. The spread of misinformation and cyberbullying are unfortunate consequences.

So, where do we go from here? It’s crucial to strike a balance. Use social media as a tool for enrichment, connection, and empowerment. But also, be mindful of its addictive nature and potential pitfalls. Let’s make informed choices in our digital journeys.

In conclusion, social media is a force that’s here to stay. It’s up to us to harness its advantages while being vigilant about its drawbacks. Let’s make our online presence a positive and enriching one.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we connect, communicate, and share information. From its myriad benefits to the nuanced drawbacks, understanding the multifaceted role of social platforms is crucial in today’s digital landscape.

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1. Global Connectivity and Networking Social media bridges geographical barriers, enabling individuals to connect globally. It facilitates networking opportunities, fostering professional relationships and personal connections.

2. Information Dissemination and Awareness Instantaneous sharing allows for rapid dissemination of information. Be it news, trends, or educational content, social media serves as a powerful tool for spreading awareness and initiating discussions on various topics.

3. Business Growth and Marketing Businesses leverage social platforms to expand their reach, engage with audiences, and market their products/services. Targeted ads and analytics help businesses create effective strategies.

4. Community Building and Support Social media brings people together around common interests, creating spaces for support, self-expression, advice, and finding similar-minded individuals.


1. Privacy and Security Concerns Privacy breaches and data misuse remain significant concerns. Users often share sensitive information unknowingly, leading to potential security risks and exploitation by third parties.

2. Addiction and Mental Health Impact Excessive usage can lead to addiction and have adverse effects on mental health. Constant exposure to curated, often idealized content can fuel feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.

3. Spread of Misinformation False information can spread rapidly, impacting opinions and beliefs. Misleading content, rumors, and fake news pose a challenge in maintaining an informed society.

4. Online Harassment and Cyberbullying Social media platforms can be breeding grounds for cyberbullying and harassment. Anonymity and easy accessibility empower individuals to engage in harmful behaviors.

1. Communication Evolution Social media has transformed communication by providing instant connectivity across the globe. It has redefined how people interact, share ideas, and collaborate.

2. Information Accessibility It democratizes information, making knowledge accessible to diverse populations regardless of geographic or socioeconomic barriers.

3. Catalyst for Change It serves as a catalyst for societal change by amplifying voices, raising awareness about social issues, and mobilizing movements for positive causes.

4. Business Adaptation For businesses, social media is an indispensable tool, enabling them to adapt to changing consumer behaviors, innovate marketing strategies, and engage with their target audience effectively.

Also Read: Disadvantages of Using Social Media During Online classes

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Why is social media important speech.

A speech on the importance of social media can highlight its role in connecting people, facilitating communication, sharing information, and its impact on various aspects of our lives.

What is social media in easy words?

Social media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content, connect with others, and participate in online communities by sharing thoughts, pictures, videos, and messages.

What is the importance of social media in students?

Social media offers students platforms for collaboration, learning, networking, and accessing information. It can aid in educational research, career opportunities, and building connections.

Why is social media important?

Social media is important as it helps in staying connected with friends and family, accessing news and information, promoting businesses, fostering communities, and providing a platform for self-expression.

Write a 1-minute speech on social media?

Social media has revolutionized the way we connect and communicate. It bridges distances, opens doors to new opportunities, and allows us to share our stories with the world. From keeping in touch with loved ones to exploring new interests, social media has become an integral part of our lives, shaping how we learn, work, and interact in today's digital age.

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Speech on Social Media

Still thinking about what to include in your speech on social media? How to make your speech stand apart from others? This article will help you to give a good speech on social media. Social media is considered to be both a blessing and a curse. Let’s see how social media plays a role in inspiring and motivating people as well as demotivating and distracting people.

Table of Contents

What do you mean by social media, advantages of social media, disadvantages of social media.

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We all have heard about the term ‘social media’ and are quite familiar with it, but what does the term mean? Social media is one of the mediums for communication and content development. Social media allows one to share information, opinions, ideas and many other things and also to create one. Now, there are two different views about social media. One group of people think that social media has a bad influence on people, whereas the other thinks that social media has a lot of positive outcomes. A good speech on social media will cover both aspects.

There are those who vouch for social media, these are the reasons why they do so:

  • It is through social media that one develops a large audience. If someone is all set to promote their art, business or work, social media turns out to be a tool to reach a large number of people easily.
  • Social media has a major role in connecting people. People who live far away from their families and friends who have grown apart with time can get connected to one another. With social media, the distance decreases between people.
  • It is through social media that people learn about events/happenings from around the world. Any news travels faster and reaches peoples’ ears within no time.

Apart from acting as a boon, social media has some disadvantages too. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • Frequent use of social media has increased the screen time, which in turn, has caused a rise in physical ailments.
  • Continuous use of social media can also make people lazy and lethargic.

Frequently Asked Questions on Speech on Social Media

Does social media have both pros and cons.

Yes, just like two faces of a coin, social media too, has both pros and cons.

What are the advantages of social media?

  • It is through social media that people learn about events/happenings from around the world. Any news travels faster and reaches peoples’ ears within no time.

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Speech on Social Media

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good [morning/afternoon/evening], and thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. We are here to delve into a topic that has become as integral to our daily lives as the air we breathe: social media. In this digital age, social media is not just a tool; it’s a landscape where our identities, communities, and even our realities are constructed, contested, and celebrated.

The Genesis of Social Media

Let’s begin by acknowledging how social media started as a simple platform for connection. A way to bridge the geographical divide, to reconnect with long-lost friends, and to share moments that define the tapestry of our lives. It was a revolution that promised to make the world smaller, more connected, and in many ways, it has.

The Power of Connection

At its best, social media is a powerful tool for good. It has democratized information, giving a voice to the voiceless and shining a light on injustice. It has fueled movements, from the Arab Spring to #MeToo, showing us the power of collective action. It has created communities, allowing people with rare diseases to find support, and enabling marginalized groups to tell their stories.

The Double-Edged Sword

However, like any tool, the impact of social media depends on how we wield it. It can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can uplift and unite. On the other, it can divide and disenfranchise. We’ve seen the rise of misinformation, cyberbullying, and the erosion of privacy. The very platforms that connect us can also be platforms where we compare our lives to the highlight reels of others, often feeling inadequate by comparison.

The Challenge of Misinformation

One of the most pressing challenges we face in the age of social media is the spread of misinformation. The speed at which false information can spread is staggering, and its consequences are real. It can undermine public health, influence elections, and incite violence. Combating this requires vigilance, critical thinking, and a commitment from both platforms and users to prioritize truth.

The Responsibility of Users and Platforms

This brings us to the question of responsibility. Social media platforms have a duty to safeguard their spaces, to ensure they are not breeding grounds for hate, falsehood, or harm. But as users, we too have a responsibility. We must be discerning about the information we consume and share. We must strive to build communities that are inclusive and respectful. We must remember that behind every profile is a human being, deserving of dignity and respect.

Looking Forward: The Path Ahead

As we look to the future, the role of social media in our lives will only grow. The question is not whether it will be a part of our future, but how. We stand at a crossroads, with the power to shape this future. We can choose a path that leverages the power of social media for good, one that fosters connection, community, and understanding.

In conclusion, I urge each of you to consider your role in this digital ecosystem. Let us be architects of a digital world that we are proud to be a part of. A world where we lift each other up, rather than tearing each other down. A world where we share not just what is sensational, but what is true, kind, and meaningful.

Let us not forget that social media, at its core, is about us, the users. It reflects our choices, our values, and our humanity. Let’s commit to making those reflections as positive, truthful, and inclusive as possible.


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social media 5 minutes speech

In an era defined by connectivity, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of digital advancement, there's a phenomenon that stands at the forefront of this technological revolution - social media. Today, I invite you to embark on a journey exploring the profound impact of social media in just a brief five minutes.

From its role in shaping our personal connections to influencing global conversations, and from redefining marketing strategies to challenging the way we perceive information, social media has become an undeniable force that shapes our world. Join me as we delve into the dynamic landscape of social media, examining both its triumphs and challenges in this ever-evolving digital age.

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Why Social Media Matters

Social media matters because it is a powerful tool for communication, connection, and influence in today's digital age. It has revolutionized the way we interact with others, share information, and build communities. With just a few taps on our smartphones, we can reach a global audience and have our voices heard. Social media allows us to stay connected with friends and family, near and far.

We can easily share updates, photos, and videos, bridging the distance between loved ones. It also provides a platform for networking and building professional relationships, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

Beyond personal connections, social media has become a channel for businesses and organizations to reach their target audiences. It enables companies to promote their products and services, engage with customers, and gather valuable feedback. Social media marketing has become an essential part of any successful business strategy.

Moreover, social media has played a significant role in shaping public opinion and driving social change. It has given a voice to marginalized communities, allowing them to raise awareness about important issues and advocate for justice. Social media has the power to bring people together, spark conversations, and create positive change.

Social media matters because it facilitates connection, empowers individuals and businesses, and drives social change. It has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing how we communicate, interact, and perceive the world. Harnessing the potential of social media can lead to personal growth, professional success, and societal progress.

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The Benefits of Social Media

Social media offers numerous benefits, making it an essential tool for anyone giving a 5-minute speech. It allows us to connect with a vast audience, share valuable information, and engage with our listeners in real-time. Social media platforms provide valuable insights into our audience's preferences and interests, enabling us to tailor our speech accordingly.

Furthermore, social media allows us to establish our expertise and credibility by sharing relevant content and engaging in meaningful conversations. It also provides an opportunity for networking and collaboration with other professionals in our field. By utilizing social media effectively, we can maximize the impact of our speech and reach a wider audience.

As Mark Zuckerberg once said, "The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that is changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks".

So, embrace the power of social media and harness its benefits to deliver an impactful and memorable 5-minute speech.

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The Dark Side of Social Media

Social media, despite its many benefits, has a dark side that is often overlooked. It can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, as individuals become engrossed in their online personas and neglect real-life relationships. Cyberbullying is another issue, with individuals facing harassment and abuse from anonymous users. The constant exposure to carefully curated images and content can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Privacy is also a concern, as personal information can be easily accessed and exploited. The addictive nature of social media further exacerbates these issues, with individuals spending countless hours scrolling through their feeds. It is crucial to be aware of the negative impacts and take steps to mitigate them. By fostering healthy online habits and promoting digital literacy, we can ensure a safer and more positive social media experience for all.

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Practical Tips for Using Social Media

Practical Tips for Using Social Media: In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It provides a platform for individuals and businesses alike to connect, engage, and share information. To make the most out of your social media presence, here are some practical tips to consider.

  • Define Your Goals: Before diving into social media, identify your objectives. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads? Clear goals will help you develop a focused strategy.
  • Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience's demographics, interests, and preferences. Tailor your content to resonate with them, ensuring higher engagement and interaction.
  • Consistency is Key: Regularly post fresh and relevant content to maintain a consistent online presence. This will keep your audience engaged and encourage them to follow and interact with your brand.
  • Utilize Visual Content: Visuals are a powerful tool to capture attention on social media. Incorporate high-quality images, videos, and infographics to make your posts more visually appealing and shareable.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Social media is all about building connections. Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly and authentically. Engaging with your audience fosters trust and loyalty.

By implementing these practical tips, you can leverage the power of social media to achieve your desired goals. Stay authentic, creative, and consistent throughout your social media journey.

💡 Tip: Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages promptly. This shows that you value their feedback and creates a sense of community on your social media platforms.

The Future of Social Media

The future of social media is bright and promising. As technology continues to advance, social media platforms are evolving and adapting to meet the changing needs and preferences of users. We can expect to see more interactive and immersive experiences, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, integrated into social media platforms. These advancements will enhance user engagement and provide unique opportunities for brands and businesses to connect with their target audiences.

In addition, artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a significant role in shaping the future of social media. These technologies will enable platforms to analyze user behavior and preferences, allowing for more personalized and tailored content. This will result in a more relevant and engaging social media experience for users.

Furthermore, the rise of influencer marketing and user-generated content will continue to be a driving force in social media. Brands and businesses are recognizing the power of authentic and relatable content created by real people. This trend will only continue to grow, as consumers value recommendations and opinions from their peers.

The future of social media holds immense potential. With advancements in technology and the changing preferences of users, we can expect to see more interactive, personalized, and engaging experiences on social media platforms. It is an exciting time for brands, businesses, and users alike as we embrace the endless possibilities of social media.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, social media is a double-edged sword. While it offers numerous benefits such as connecting people, spreading awareness, and fostering creativity, it also comes with its fair share of disadvantages. It is up to us to use social media responsibly and mindfully. By following the practical tips mentioned earlier, we can harness the power of social media for our personal and professional growth.

So let's embrace this digital revolution with caution, empathy, and a desire to make a positive impact!

Frequently Asked Questions

How has social media changed the way we communicate.

Social media has revolutionized communication by enabling instant messaging, video calls, and real-time updates, breaking down geographical barriers.

What are the benefits of using social media?

Social media allows us to connect with friends and family, access information, promote businesses, and express ourselves creatively.

What are the disadvantages of social media?

Social media can lead to addiction, cyberbullying, privacy breaches, and the spread of misinformation.

How can I use social media more effectively?

To use social media effectively, set goals, curate your content, engage with your audience, and prioritize quality over quantity.

What does the future hold for social media?

The future of social media is likely to involve more immersive experiences, augmented reality, and increased privacy measures.

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Speech on Social Media

  • Social Media Speech

A website or program that facilitates social interaction is known as social media. Information, ideas, opinions, images, and videos can all be shared. It is a "virtual space" where people may conduct business, follow their icons, and share information. Individuals like YouTubers, Instagram influencers, and others have made it their job to influence users on social media. A fresh avenue for self-expression is now available because of social media.

10 Lines Speech on Social Media

Short speech on social media, long speech on social media.

Speech on Social Media

Social Media refers to group interactions in which users build, share, or trade knowledge and concepts in online communities.

The ability to interact with others has evolved into a fundamental human need.

The remarkable advancements in communications and inventive, astounding entertainment have made knowledge more accessible and provided voices to those who otherwise would not have been heard.

The current generation has had the good fortune to experience some of the most astonishing technological advancements in human history.

Additionally, it is becoming increasingly obvious how significant social media has become in everyday life as the number of individuals using them keeps rising.

People can now purchase and talk to their friends about what they are buying easily due to B2B social, reviews, and travel sites on social media. To provide customers with an enjoyable shopping experience, certain websites provide group buying deals.

Because of the vast network of social media, distance is no longer a barrier. Through social media websites, you are consistently kept updated on the most recent events and news in the world.

The ability to teach from a distance is a benefit for academics and teachers.

It gives hackers the opportunity to conduct viral assaults and commit fraud.

Due to excessive usage and addiction to various social media platforms, people's productivity is being hindered.

Social media sites like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Twitter are becoming more and more essential as a result of their ability to link individuals all over the world.

Benefits of Social Media

Social media has several benefits, one of which is that it is a wealth of knowledge and contributes to education. For instance, kids use social media to find out what they want to know. It is an excellent tool for schooling. Online teaching is now available because of it. By simply sitting in front of a device in our country, we can attend a session taking place somewhere else in the world.

Social media is an excellent tool for keeping up with local news and events. Information can be found without us having to wait for the newspaper. There are numerous applications relating to news that can immediately inform us of any significant events taking place elsewhere in the world.

Drawbacks of Social Media

However, despite its several advantages, it has drawn criticism. Additionally, there are drawbacks. It is also regarded as one of society's darker sides. It is risky to share too much information online. Our privacy may be attacked. Additionally, excessive use results in hours spent on social media, which can divert kids from their education.

We can exchange our ideas and facts on social media, which is an interactive platform. In our everyday lives, we all use it. Our lives now revolve around it constantly. Both locally and internationally, they are used by every one of us for socializing and communication. Social networking offers both benefits and drawbacks.

Advantages of Social Media

We have countless options because of the social media platform's digital world, which is an entirely different world. The freedom of expression and action provided by social media is undoubtedly beneficial. The Internet has made everything possible, from communicating with our loved ones to posting happy moments and memories, learning from others and imparting information to our peers. We may collect money for charitable causes and public awareness of social issues via social media platforms.

Social media allows us to communicate with people all around the world, which is its main advantage. Today, anyone can voice their views on a national or international subject. People can promote their talents on social media, which is an additional advantage. Showing off their skills on social media has helped many people become famous. People can also make money from social media. The public can be made aware of issues by using social media. On this forum, those knowledgeable about issues like diet and health raise public awareness.

Disadvantages of Social Media

However, there are also restrictions and guidelines that each person must go by in order to use their rights on these platforms. Criminals conduct a vast list of crimes and wrongdoings that we innocent people become victims of, and such cases are growing daily. The issue is not the social media platform but rather our need for familiarity with how to interact with strangers.

The main disadvantage of social media is addiction. Checking one's social media profiles has become a frequent habit. Some information may be accurate, while other information may be false. Fake news may circulate over this medium like wildfire. On the Internet, many people have easy access to our personal information. Therefore, we must be careful against hackers. Another major downside of social media is cyberbullying. Some users annoy other accounts by leaving harmful and abusive comments.

The benefits of social interaction have made life easier and more convenient. A few drawbacks also exist. To maximize the potential of these new platforms, we must use them strategically and efficiently.

Real-Life Example

After the pandemic, I have lost my concentration and focus on my studies due to social media. I procrastinate, and because of this, I cannot manage my time correctly. Social media has impacted my academic life, and I had lost academic validation, which I used to have when I did not have an account on any social media applications, basically when I did not own a smartphone. Social media has created a trap that makes me spend hours just scrolling the whole day on Youtube or Instagram. I feel I have lost all my productivity; even when I want to learn or open some notes from my smartphone or laptop, I end up scrolling and watching unnecessary stuff which is of no benefit to me.

Explore Career Options (By Industry)

  • Construction
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Data Administrator

Database professionals use software to store and organise data such as financial information, and customer shipping records. Individuals who opt for a career as data administrators ensure that data is available for users and secured from unauthorised sales. DB administrators may work in various types of industries. It may involve computer systems design, service firms, insurance companies, banks and hospitals.

Bio Medical Engineer

The field of biomedical engineering opens up a universe of expert chances. An Individual in the biomedical engineering career path work in the field of engineering as well as medicine, in order to find out solutions to common problems of the two fields. The biomedical engineering job opportunities are to collaborate with doctors and researchers to develop medical systems, equipment, or devices that can solve clinical problems. Here we will be discussing jobs after biomedical engineering, how to get a job in biomedical engineering, biomedical engineering scope, and salary. 

Ethical Hacker

A career as ethical hacker involves various challenges and provides lucrative opportunities in the digital era where every giant business and startup owns its cyberspace on the world wide web. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path try to find the vulnerabilities in the cyber system to get its authority. If he or she succeeds in it then he or she gets its illegal authority. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path then steal information or delete the file that could affect the business, functioning, or services of the organization.

GIS officer work on various GIS software to conduct a study and gather spatial and non-spatial information. GIS experts update the GIS data and maintain it. The databases include aerial or satellite imagery, latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, and manually digitized images of maps. In a career as GIS expert, one is responsible for creating online and mobile maps.

Data Analyst

The invention of the database has given fresh breath to the people involved in the data analytics career path. Analysis refers to splitting up a whole into its individual components for individual analysis. Data analysis is a method through which raw data are processed and transformed into information that would be beneficial for user strategic thinking.

Data are collected and examined to respond to questions, evaluate hypotheses or contradict theories. It is a tool for analyzing, transforming, modeling, and arranging data with useful knowledge, to assist in decision-making and methods, encompassing various strategies, and is used in different fields of business, research, and social science.

Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

Database Architect

If you are intrigued by the programming world and are interested in developing communications networks then a career as database architect may be a good option for you. Data architect roles and responsibilities include building design models for data communication networks. Wide Area Networks (WANs), local area networks (LANs), and intranets are included in the database networks. It is expected that database architects will have in-depth knowledge of a company's business to develop a network to fulfil the requirements of the organisation. Stay tuned as we look at the larger picture and give you more information on what is db architecture, why you should pursue database architecture, what to expect from such a degree and what your job opportunities will be after graduation. Here, we will be discussing how to become a data architect. Students can visit NIT Trichy , IIT Kharagpur , JMI New Delhi . 

Remote Sensing Technician

Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Product manager.

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  

Operations Manager

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Stock Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a stock analyst examine the company's investments makes decisions and keep track of financial securities. The nature of such investments will differ from one business to the next. Individuals in the stock analyst career use data mining to forecast a company's profits and revenues, advise clients on whether to buy or sell, participate in seminars, and discussing financial matters with executives and evaluate annual reports.

A Researcher is a professional who is responsible for collecting data and information by reviewing the literature and conducting experiments and surveys. He or she uses various methodological processes to provide accurate data and information that is utilised by academicians and other industry professionals. Here, we will discuss what is a researcher, the researcher's salary, types of researchers.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

Conservation Architect

A Conservation Architect is a professional responsible for conserving and restoring buildings or monuments having a historic value. He or she applies techniques to document and stabilise the object’s state without any further damage. A Conservation Architect restores the monuments and heritage buildings to bring them back to their original state.

Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Field Surveyor

Are you searching for a Field Surveyor Job Description? A Field Surveyor is a professional responsible for conducting field surveys for various places or geographical conditions. He or she collects the required data and information as per the instructions given by senior officials. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Veterinary Doctor

Speech therapist, gynaecologist.

Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.

Are you searching for an ‘Anatomist job description’? An Anatomist is a research professional who applies the laws of biological science to determine the ability of bodies of various living organisms including animals and humans to regenerate the damaged or destroyed organs. If you want to know what does an anatomist do, then read the entire article, where we will answer all your questions.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.


Photography is considered both a science and an art, an artistic means of expression in which the camera replaces the pen. In a career as a photographer, an individual is hired to capture the moments of public and private events, such as press conferences or weddings, or may also work inside a studio, where people go to get their picture clicked. Photography is divided into many streams each generating numerous career opportunities in photography. With the boom in advertising, media, and the fashion industry, photography has emerged as a lucrative and thrilling career option for many Indian youths.

An individual who is pursuing a career as a producer is responsible for managing the business aspects of production. They are involved in each aspect of production from its inception to deception. Famous movie producers review the script, recommend changes and visualise the story. 

They are responsible for overseeing the finance involved in the project and distributing the film for broadcasting on various platforms. A career as a producer is quite fulfilling as well as exhaustive in terms of playing different roles in order for a production to be successful. Famous movie producers are responsible for hiring creative and technical personnel on contract basis.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Individuals who opt for a career as a reporter may often be at work on national holidays and festivities. He or she pitches various story ideas and covers news stories in risky situations. Students can pursue a BMC (Bachelor of Mass Communication) , B.M.M. (Bachelor of Mass Media) , or  MAJMC (MA in Journalism and Mass Communication) to become a reporter. While we sit at home reporters travel to locations to collect information that carries a news value.  

Corporate Executive

Are you searching for a Corporate Executive job description? A Corporate Executive role comes with administrative duties. He or she provides support to the leadership of the organisation. A Corporate Executive fulfils the business purpose and ensures its financial stability. In this article, we are going to discuss how to become corporate executive.

Multimedia Specialist

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager

A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Process Development Engineer

The Process Development Engineers design, implement, manufacture, mine, and other production systems using technical knowledge and expertise in the industry. They use computer modeling software to test technologies and machinery. An individual who is opting career as Process Development Engineer is responsible for developing cost-effective and efficient processes. They also monitor the production process and ensure it functions smoothly and efficiently.

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

Information Security Manager

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

ITSM Manager

Automation test engineer.

An Automation Test Engineer job involves executing automated test scripts. He or she identifies the project’s problems and troubleshoots them. The role involves documenting the defect using management tools. He or she works with the application team in order to resolve any issues arising during the testing process. 

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Speech on Impact Of Social Media On Youth

Social media’s influence on youth is like a double-sided coin, having both positive and negative effects. It’s a tool you use daily, shaping your ideas, behavior, and relationships.

On one side, it connects you with the world, boosting creativity and learning. On the flip side, it can lead to addiction, cyberbullying, and mental health issues.

1-minute Speech on Impact Of Social Media On Youth

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk about a topic close to all our hearts – social media and its impact on our youth. Let’s start with the good stuff. Social media is like a big classroom. It’s a place where young minds can learn new things, meet new friends, and share their ideas with the world. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter help us to stay connected with people far and wide.

But, as with everything in life, there’s also a flip side. Sometimes, social media can be a tricky place for young people. It’s easy to get lost in the world of likes, shares, and comments. Many young people feel pressured to look a certain way or to live a certain life – all because of what they see on social media. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression.

It’s also important to remember that not everything on social media is true. People often only show their best selves, leaving others to feel like they’re not good enough. This is a problem – it’s like comparing your behind-the-scenes with someone else’s highlight reel.

Let’s not forget that social media can also be a distraction. Too much time spent scrolling through feeds can lead to less time spent on important things like studying, playing, or interacting with family and friends in the real world.

In conclusion, social media is a tool. Like any tool, it can be used for good or bad. It’s up to us, the users, to decide how we want to use it. We need to help our youth understand the benefits and pitfalls of social media. With the right guidance, we can ensure they harness the power of social media to learn, grow and thrive, while staying safe and healthy.

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2-minute Speech on Impact Of Social Media On Youth

Good day, everyone! We’re here to talk about a topic that touches all of us – the impact of social media on youth. Let’s break this down into four clear parts – communication, learning, mental health, and privacy.

Firstly, social media has revolutionized communication. Today, young folks can chat with friends and family from any corner of the world in an instant. They share photos, videos, and thoughts, creating a global community that feels like a small village. It makes them feel connected and gives them a platform to express themselves. So, social media is a great tool for communication.

Secondly, social media is a powerful source for learning. Youth can access a world of information at their fingertips. They can learn about cultures, languages, science, arts, and so much more. They can follow pages that feed their curiosity, join groups of like-minded people, and even start online courses. Thus, social media is a rich resource for knowledge.

Next, let’s talk about mental health. Social media is like a double-edged sword. On one side, it can boost self-esteem and well-being by helping youth find their tribe and express themselves. On the other side, it can also lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. The pressure to look perfect, to get likes and followers, can be overwhelming. The constant flow of news and information can also be stressful. Therefore, it’s essential to use social media wisely and take breaks from it when needed.

Lastly, privacy is a significant concern. Social media platforms collect a lot of data about their users. This data can be used for good, like improving user experience and providing personalized content. But it can also be used for not-so-good things, like targeted ads and even cybercrime. It’s crucial for youth to understand this and to learn how to protect their privacy online.

As we wrap up, let’s remember that social media is a tool. Like any tool, it can be used for good or bad. What matters is how we use it. So, let’s encourage our youth to use social media responsibly. Let’s help them understand the risks and benefits. And let’s remind them that, while social media is a fun and useful tool, it’s not the only thing that matters. There’s a big, beautiful world out there to explore, and life is about much more than likes and followers.

Thank you for your time and attention. Let’s take this conversation forward and make social media a positive force for our youth!

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Speech on social media [1, 2, 3, 5 Minutes]

Speech on social Media

1 Minute Speech on social media

Hello to Everyone.

Social media has firmly established itself in our daily lives. We can stay in touch with friends and family, keep up with current affairs, and even learn new things thanks to technology. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that anything we publish on social media is a reflection of who we are and could damage our reputation over time. Prior to posting, we should consider our words and the information we share. Let’s appropriately use social media and turn it into a beneficial influence on our lives. I’m grateful.

2 Minute Speech on social media

Social media has firmly established itself in our daily lives. We can stay in touch with friends and family, keep up with current affairs, and even learn new things thanks to technology. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that anything we publish on social media is a reflection of who we are and could damage our reputation over time. Prior to posting, we should consider our words and the information we share.

It’s critical to be conscious of how much time we spend on social media in addition to how and what we share. The endless scroll makes it simple to lose track of time, and before we realise it, hours have passed. Finding a balance is crucial in order to prevent us from neglecting our offline obligations or connections in favour of social media.

Let’s appropriately use social media and turn it into a beneficial influence on our lives. I’m grateful.

Quotes of some internationally famous personalities for Speech on social media

  • “Change is never easy, but always possible.”
  • “We are the change we seek.”
  • “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”
  • “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.”
  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
  • “Follow your passion. Stay true to yourself. Never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost, and you see a path. By all means, you should follow that.”
  • “The biggest risk is not taking any risk.”
  • “The question isn’t, ‘What do we want to know about people?’, It’s, ‘What do people want to know about themselves?'”
  • “If not me, who? If not now, when?”
  • “Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do or achieve. Do what you want to do and be who you want to be.”
  • “The internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. May it be a space for building a more inclusive and fraternal world.”
  • “Let us not forget that authentic power is service.”
  • “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”
  • “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. Don’t let yourself be lulled into inaction.”
  • “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”
  • “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”
  • “If something is important enough, even if the odds are stacked against you, you should still do it.”
  • “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

3 Minute Speech on social media

Ladies and gentlemen!

I want to talk to you about social media  sites today and how it affects our daily life

On the one hand, social media  sites has greatly increased connectedness and made it simpler for us to communicate with friends and family, particularly during the epidemic when many of us were geographically separated.

Additionally, it has provided a forum for people and organisations to communicate information and ideas to a large audience.

But there are also drawbacks to take into account.

Social media  sites can be enticing and take up a lot of our time, which reduces productivity and in-person interaction.

As we compare ourselves to others and feel pressure to project a specific image online, it may also be a cause of anxiety and tension.

Concerns regarding privacy and the usage of personal information by social media  sites corporations are another issue.

When registering for these sites, it’s crucial that we read the terms of service and take precautions to protect our privacy.

Overall, even if social media sites offers numerous advantages, it’s crucial to utilise it carefully and sparingly.

I’m grateful.

5 Minute Speech on social media

Ladies and gentlemen! I want to talk to you about social media  sites today. Social media  sites has completely changed the way we engage and communicate with one another in our daily lives.

Social media sites offers a lot of advantages in our daily life including:

  • Connectivity: Social media enables us to maintain contact with loved ones who may be geographically separated.
  • Information access: We can keep up with current events and issues that interest us thanks to social media platforms, which are a great source of news and information.
  • Possibilities for self-expression: Social media provides us with a stage on which to communicate our ideas, emotions, and experiences to a large audience.
  • Marketing and advertising: Organizations can utilise social media to advertise and market their goods and services to a wide audience.
  • Networking: Professional networking and job prospects can be found using social media.
  • Community building: Social media enables users to interact and create online groups with shared interests.
  • Activism and social change: Social media has been utilised as a tool for activism and drawing attention to significant social and political concerns.
  • Amusement: The capacity to share and find fascinating stuff on social media makes it a potential source of entertainment.

But it’s crucial to keep in mind that social media  sites may also be harmful.

Additionally, there are a number of drawbacks to using social media, including;

Addiction: It is simple to develop a social media addiction and spend excessive amounts of time there, which reduces productivity and in-person interactions.

Cyberbullying: With the ability to reach a large audience, social media can serve as a breeding ground for this type of bullying.

Mental health: Regular social media use has been associated with detrimental effects on mental health, including elevated levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

Lack of privacy: There are worries regarding privacy on social media due to the possibility of third parties receiving access to personal information and data.

Misinformation propagation: False or incorrect information can be transmitted fast and widely on social media, which can be a source of misinformation.

Time-consuming: Social media may be a time waster and a source of distraction from other, more crucial pursuits.

Comparison and FOMO: Viewing highlight reels of others on social media can cause feelings of comparison and FOMO, which can be detrimental to one’s self-esteem.

Distraction: It’s simple to get sucked into social media and lose focus on other pressing obligations and chores. At the last, I want to say that despite the fact that social media  sites has a lot of advantages, it is crucial to use it properly and to be aware of any potential drawbacks. I’m grateful.

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Social Media Bane Or Boon? Short and Long Speech for Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Nov 7, 2023

Social Media Bane or Boon

Social Media Bane or Boon: We open our cell phones and search for something, say a restaurant or coffee shop. Within seconds, all our questions are answered. This is the power of social media , where we get to know any and every information across the world. Sitting in an Asian country, we can easily find out what’s happening in South America or any other continent. But as they say, as long as there is light, there will be shadows also. Social media is also like that. It does offer us several benefits and serves as a fundamental tool for the modern world, but it also has several drawbacks. Let’s understand why the concept of Social Media Bane or Boon is so popular these days.

speech in english on social media

Table of Contents

  • 1 10 Lines on Social Media Bane or Boon
  • 2 1-Short Speech on Social Media Bane or Boon
  • 3 Long Speech on Social Media Bane or Book
  • 4 Popular Quotes and Slogans on Social Media Bane or Boon

Also Read: Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

10 Lines on Social Media Bane or Boon

Here are 10 lines on social media bane or boon.

  • Excessive use of social media has resulted in a decline in face-to-face interactions, leading to a sense of isolation and disconnection in society.
  • Social media has empowered marginalized communities to voice their opinions and advocate for social justice and equality.
  • False information on social media creates confusion and societal discord.
  • Social media platforms have facilitated the spread of information and ideas, fostering global awareness and activism.
  • Social media has facilitated online learning and education, providing access to a vast array of resources and knowledge.
  • Social media creates the fear of mission out (FOMO).
  • India has the highest number of social media users, approximately 550 million.
  • Social media has helped people connect with others living in a far-off country.
  • More than 100 million businesses are flourishing on social media.
  • Social media offers immense knowledge, from the evolution of the world to the present day.

Also Read: Social Media Giving Day 2023  

1-Short Speech on Social Media Bane or Boon

‘I greet you all present here. I’m here to present a short speech on Social Media Bane or Boon. We are all connected to social media, directly or indirectly. Social media has transformed the traditional way we communicate, share information, and connect with the world around us. However, social media has a dual nature, which we must not neglect. 

We all know that social media platforms operate as powerful tools for facilitating global awareness, promoting businesses, and enabling rapid communication during emergencies. It has created opportunities for individuals to express themselves, share their stories, and find communities that resonate with their interests and values.

But, the pervasive nature of social media has led to the rise of various concerns. Incidents like the dissemination of misinformation, fake news, cyberbullying, online harassment, etc. have brought the darker side of social media to the surface. These negative aspects have a profound impact on our mental health and societal well-being.’

Also Read: Speech on The Best Day of My Life  

Long Speech on Social Media Bane or Book

‘I welcome you all present here. Allow me to present myself on Speech on Social Media Bane or Boon. Social Media has become an integral part of our everyday lives. What’s going on around the world can all be figured out in seconds on the social media platforms. But social media is not meant for everyone and not everyone can operate it.

That was just one side of social media, for there is another, which must not be neglected. The increase in fake news, misinformation, and online scams has underscored the need for critical thinking and digital literacy to discern the authenticity of information shared on these platforms.

The addictive nature of social media leads to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and social isolation among users, highlighting the importance of fostering a healthy balance between online engagement and real-life interactions.

Social media’s algorithms create echo chambers, which reinforce our existing beliefs and perspectives while limiting exposure to diverse viewpoints, leading to heightened polarization and a decreased willingness to engage in constructive dialogue and compromise.

At last, the bane and boon of social media must be understood in equal measure to ensure a healthy and responsible digital environment, promote digital literacy, and encourage mindful and balanced use of these platforms.

Sometimes using social media is very simple; we open an application and search for any information or a product. Social media has allowed us to express ourselves, share our stories, and engage in meaningful dialogues.

There is no doubt that social media has democratized the flow of information, allowing marginalized communities to voice their concerns, advocate for social justice, and catalyze movements for positive change. 

Social media platforms have transformed the dynamics of business and marketing, providing organizations with an unprecedented opportunity to reach a vast audience and promote their products and services. 

Also Read: World Social Media Day

Popular Quotes and Slogans on Social Media Bane or Boon

Here are some popular quotes or slogans on social media bane or boon. Feel free to use them anywhere.

‘Real Connections, Not Just Reactions: Navigating Social Media Wisely.’

‘From Likes to Real Life: Embracing the True Meaning of Connection.’

‘Online Empowerment, Offline Engagement: Harnessing the Power of Social Media.’

‘Filtering Facts, Fighting Fake News: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Posts.’

‘Beyond the Screen: Cultivating Relationships That Transcend Social Media.’

Ans: The bane and boon concept has been highlighted by debate competitions. Social media Bane signifies something that causes negative sides of using it, which causes distress, harm, or ruin. Boon refers to the positive sides of social media, which are beneficial, advantageous, or favorable.

Ans: Social media platforms facilitate instant communication and connectivity, serve as a vital tool for sharing information, and news, offer businesses a powerful platform for marketing their products and services, and enable the creation of communities and networks based on shared interests, values, and goals. Also, Social media is an excellent platform for educational services.

Ans: Cyberbullying, online harassment, the spread of misinformation and false news, privacy breaches, data leaks, and increased rates of depression, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy, due to its excessive use, are some of the major drawbacks of social media.

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Is social media good for you?

We often hear about the negative side of social media. But what are the benefits? Watch this video to find out.


Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the exercises. Remember you can read the transcript at any time.


Elena: Hello, my name is Elena. I'm 14 years old and I'm from Ruse in Bulgaria. My question is, what are the benefits of social media? This question is important to me because a lot of people consider social media unhealthy.

Joe: We see it all the time. There's loads of stories around about how bad social media is for us and how large parts of our lives are in the hands of a few massive companies.

I'm Cybersecurity Reporter at the BBC, which means that a big part of my job is holding these big companies to account. I spend a lot of time looking at the negative sides of social media and I pretty much take the positives for granted. So getting this question is actually really good for me because it can remind me of all the good things that have come about since social media was invented.

I grew up in a time before social media. Not quite that long ago! We still had mobile phones and the internet, but it wasn't quite like it is now. Everything was much slower and much more difficult. People still mainly communicated by phone call, which means that if you made plans, you had to stick to them. Or you could leave your mate waiting in the rain.

And now we're more connected than ever. Most of us are spending time every day with our friends online and sharing our lives with people across the world. If you're feeling isolated or lonely or if you feel like there's something you need help with, you can find a community through social media who can share their experiences and help you out. All this communication can lead to a greater understanding of each other and also bring some real change. It's hard to imagine something like the climate strike movement spreading as far or as fast as it has, without social media. It helped amplify the voice of a 15-year-old activist in Sweden, so she's been heard around the world. And there are some pretty direct benefits too.

Tools have been made that encourage people to make the world around them better, whether that's by giving money, telling your friends and family you're safe or by donating blood. In fact, this alone has led to more than 50 million people becoming blood donors around the world, literally life savers.

So, there really are some great benefits to social media but it's still really new. These apps are emerging technologies and when things affect the way that we live and work and do things as much as social media has, it takes a long time to work out what the knock-on effects could be. It's probably up to the next generation to work through some of these problems and hopefully, if they do a good job, we'll be talking a lot more about the positive sides of social media in the future.

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From domestic violence to terrorism and war, social media is a thread that connects all the issues that now challenge us

Analysis From domestic violence to terrorism and war, social media is a thread that connects all the issues that now challenge us

A composite image of Elon Musk, Anthony Albanese, Peter Dutton, and Julie Inman-Grant

It has become a standard, if unfortunate, part of Australian politics in recent years for politicians to pick up and run with some incident to crystallise public sentiment on an issue and let the media debate rage on it.

Think African gangs, needles in strawberries, Woolworths not selling enough Australia Day merchandise.

You might notice that these have tended to be the preserve of the Coalition side of politics more than the Labor side.

That Labor doesn't do it so much may be a testament to their better angels, or to the fact they have just never been good at the particular style of politics.

But we now face a perfect firestorm of issues that both challenge our community cohesion and present us with Australian society in all its ugliness.

It is a particularly complex set of issues that cannot be untangled from each other.

That makes this particular modus operandi dangerous for both those who might be tempted to practice it — and the rest of us.

We all know social media has become an unwieldy force in politics around the globe. But our political leaders are now being forced to confront, in very specific terms, the really difficult questions thrown up about when enough is enough.

A debate that has largely been framed in terms of freedom of speech has become conflated with a whole range of issues that now challenge us: from social cohesion, to terrorism, to domestic violence.

The killings, predominantly of women, at Bondi Junction and the stabbing attack on a bishop in the Western Sydney suburb of Wakeley have come at a time of horrendously relentless killings of women and amid heightened tensions provoked by the Gaza conflict.

Social media is a thread that has run through all these stories: from the misinformation and disinformation spread about the Bondi attacker while the attacks were still underway; to the live-streaming of the bishop's church service and subsequent misinformation that led to a violent riot; to questions about the growing aggression of misogynistic online content directed towards young men; to online abuse and threats of violence levelled at anyone on either side of the Gaza conflict.

Two mighty struggles

This week, e-Safety Commissioner Julie Inman-Grant took on X and Elon Musk in the Federal Court seeking to force the platform to take down 65 postings of graphic footage of the Wakeley knife attack.

She is seeking to do that under the powers the parliament granted her — under the Morrison government — in the Online Safety Act in 2021.

Elon Musk has a serious expression as he looks to his right and clasps his hands together.

While there had been a lot of political noise made in the wake of the Bondi attacks 48 hours earlier, about dealing with the disinformation and misinformation that had circulated at the time, social media platforms are currently only subject to voluntary codes of conduct about removing inflammatory commentary and misinformation.

Legislation dealing with these issues is currently being considered, as are changes to the Online Safety Act — which was already under review before these attacks all happened.

The ground has now shifted under the political debates about the specifics of both those legislative developments.

But in the meantime, there are now two mighty struggles going on over how we communicate and debate each other in future.

One concerns the fight in the courts with Musk and his assertion that, in trying to force his company to take down the posts, the Australian government is not only hindering free speech, it is over-reaching into an attempt to dictate what can be seen online outside Australia's borders.

The second struggle concerns the general position of our politicians about if, and how, we reset the terms of social media's social contract.

The challenges for Dutton

The political leader in the more difficult position on this is Peter Dutton, who not only faces divisions on this in his party — and in the conservative base — but also the problem of reconciling those divisions with his own strong views about social media when it comes to issues like law and order and child abuse.

It is instructive to look at comments Dutton made on April 8 — before the Sydney attacks — about social media and its role in facilitating things like young people posting crimes, like housebreaking or car theft, online.

The social media companies, he said, have to "make sure that they take content down so that these young offenders don't get the publicity that they're seeking".

Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese cross paths in the House of Representatives. 

The Coalition's private members bill would set up the power to do this, he said.

"Because at the moment, a lot of people are living in fear and they're worried about whether they're going to be broken into again. It's devastating, it's confronting to have somebody coming into your bedroom or coming into your living area, particularly when you've got young children."

In the wake of the Bondi Junction and Wakeley attacks, Dutton told Insiders on Sunday that there was "no question at all" that tougher action needed to be taken against social media companies and "I think there's a bipartisan position concerning this".

"We know that the companies — and we've seen some of the comments from Elon Musk overnight — they see themselves above the law. The Australian law here should apply equally in the real world as it does online ... you would be sued for defamation and you would be taken before the courts under various acts for publishing some of that which freely flows on the internet.

"They're allowing paedophiles to distribute through their networks, images and videos of children being sexually abused, they're impeding the investigations of the police."

The more difficult question

This issue of removing explicit content is the same one Inman-Grant is trying to deal with over the bishop's stabbing.

For some, including Senate crossbenchers Pauline Hanson and Ralph Babet, and the Institute of Public Affairs, this amounts to an attack on free speech.

Dutton also faces questions about his approach from some in his own ranks.

julie inman grant speaks at a press conference

But he can't really go too far on the question of removing violent content, given his position on things like kids posting themselves breaking the law or child exploitation.

The fact that the Australian Federal Police and ASIO emerged this week to explicitly link the violent content with terror threats also highlights the difficulties for Dutton, given his tough line on national security.

Our national security officials told us the Wakeley footage could be used just as footage of the Christchurch terror attacks had been used by IS as part of their recruitment of young men.

And we subsequently saw the arrest of five teenagers linked to the Wakeley attacker, some of whom we were told had just as graphic content on their phones.

The even more difficult question becomes how parliaments and governments deal with misinformation and disinformation, since it involves not just removing graphic images but people's opinions and, therefore, becomes a much clearer debate about censorship and free speech.

When the government put up some draft laws to deal with this last year, the Coalition howled it down.

You would have to think the optics and the policy imperatives have changed.

Who wins and loses in the Federal Court is just one aspect of the battle ahead.

Laura Tingle is 7.30's chief political correspondent.

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[OPINION] Social media and limits of protected speech

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[OPINION] Social media and limits of protected speech

Marian Hukom

Last of 2 parts

Part 1 : [OPINION] Badoy’s red-tagging and freedom of expression

Free speech in the context of criticizing or disagreeing with judicial decisions is a rich topic and a question that the Court has had occasion to address many times over. In answering these questions, the Court has adopted several tests to determine the proper balance of these rights, particularly when their exercise crosses over into abuse.

The Philippines has long upheld a robust tradition of championing freedom of expression, including the invaluable rights to free speech and press, passed from our colonial past to more recent struggles with censorships during dictatorships. These experiences have led our courts to acknowledge the indispensable necessity of allowing individuals the unfettered ability to articulate their views without the looming specter of censorship or retribution. The “chilling effect” of prohibiting speech would lead to the absolute downfall of our democratic society. But unfettered expression comes with its own challenges, hence the Court has on many occasions been called to settle what must be protected and what cannot be protected.  Accountability goes both ways between the public and the government. 

Article III of the 1987 Constitution is the Bill of Rights, a list of protected rights to be enjoyed by all persons, guaranteed by the fundamental law of the land. Section 4 of this article says:

“No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.”

It is of paramount importance to understand that while the right to freedom of expression is guaranteed, not all speech is constitutionally protected. Words can be weapons, and when they are allowed to travel, they carry the power to liberate and harm. The rule of law cannot condone speech that would act against it, inciting violence against others or the government. When speech is wielded in a weaponized way where words lead to violence, it cannot be protected. Objective criticism of the acts of our government are protected, even encouraged, as a democratic society reaches its full potential when citizens are empowered to speak truth to powerful institutions. 

Throughout our legal history, freedom of speech and the press have been staunchly defended by the courts. Yet, criticism is not the same as condemnation. Dissent isn’t a license to erode public trust in our judiciary. Instead, it’s a call to uphold the integrity of our institutions and ensure that our voices contribute to positive change. Even when dissenting, there is a responsibility not to sow distrust with the judicial system. Lorraine Badoy said the decision of Judge Marlo Magdoza-Malagar was penned under the influence of the NPP-CPA. Absent any judicial reasoning founded upon our laws, she says that the rule of law no longer protects Filipinos. That’s a blatant, hurtful, and dangerous untruth.

The decision of the Court here is not meant to stifle criticism, but a reminder that every exercise of a right needs to be individually weighed by its consequences. Given all these guarantees given to freedom of expression as a precious right of the people, Badoy’s own exercise of speech was carefully weighed by the Court against multiple tests and found to be far outside the ambit of what is allowable.

The mere existence of a right, even one granted the widest latitude and afforded the greatest importance, does not give a blanket pass for every exercise of this right.

The power of contempt

A stable judicial system is not merely a luxury afforded by the courts onto themselves, but a fundamental right of the people, indispensable for the functioning of a just and orderly society. 

What happens then when individuals disrespect the sanctity of the judicial system and diminish the faith we as people are entitled to have in our courts? 

The power of contempt is a judicial tool of paramount importance, wielded by courts to maintain their authority and ensure the proper administration of justice. 

This power has two primary forms: direct and indirect contempt. Direct contempt occurs in the presence of the court, constituting overt acts that disrupt the proceedings or insult the dignity of the institution. Indirect contempt, the charge levied against Badoy, involves actions taken outside the court, not in front of the judge, but nonetheless pose a significant threat to judicial authority and the administration of justice. 

This distinction is crucial, as it underscores the court’s reach in preserving respect for the judiciary, extending beyond the physical courtroom to behavior in the public sphere that impacts the legal process. Think of it this way: You commit direct contempt when you are in the audience of the court, standing before the bench. Facing the judge and office, you attack its legitimacy. Indirect contempt is the same attack, but done outside the courtroom, remote from the proceedings, yet still carrying the same damaging potentials and effects – yes, even on social media.

When speech is unprotected

Going back to the balance of rights, historically, the Philippine judiciary has exercised its contempt powers judiciously, aware of the implications for free speech and public discourse. The decisions to cite individuals for contempt are often accompanied by thorough reasoning that delineates the line between acceptable criticism and actions that undermine the court’s authority. It is important to remember the nature of contemptuous action is that is interferes with or frustrates the administration of justice.

Even in the Badoy decision, the negotiation between individual rights and the collective interest of all Filipinos in maintaining a functional legal system was carefully discussed. There are settled tests – and each were carefully discussed by ponente Justice Marvic Leonen – to support the conclusion of indirect contempt. Among these are the clear and present danger test, which determines whether speech is protected based on its potential to present a clear and present danger to public safety, and the Brandenburg test, which even further narrows the scope of earlier standards for the restriction of speech, limiting the threshold to when the use of force of law violation is advocated. 

In these tests, a common element is the likelihood that the speech will actually cause harm. Badoy, with her position of power being a former government official and a current influential figure in Philippine politics, does possess not only a significant audience but also significant sway over that audience. Given Badoy’s considerable influence, her statements carry a weight that could potentially translate into real-world actions, making the assessment of her speech’s impact under these tests both pertinent and necessary. 

Justice Leonen’s application of these tests to Badoy’s case, which included highlighting the discourse in the comments section of the posts, underscores the judiciary’s commitment to safeguarding both the principle of free speech and the public order. 

Social media, when protected and unprotected speech

In the day and age of social media, how do you know when a comment is just an angry expression of disagreement or a real and present threat that can be acted upon? When is it a call to action or a call to arms? Under the mask of anonymity or the guise of casual conversation, threats against the life of a judge are made, and who knows if someone will take them to be real invitations to cause bodily injury? These must be taken seriously and, in the decision, the Court did just that. Badoy sparked the dangerous fire to life and then fueled it. The Court cannot allow the flames to burn the system down, or, worse, claim a life.

Some may argue that social media posts do not carry with them the same weight as traditional publications. Badoy, in her defense of her posts, made similar arguments that her posts should not be construed so literally and seriously. However, the Court has already had the opportunity to weigh in on the matter, adapting to the changing landscapes of digital communication and acknowledging not only the legitimacy of social media communication but also the dangers it carries as a mode of media that lacks the checks and balances of print and broadcast media, yet has exponential capacity for the spread of information. 

The digital age has democratized content creation and mass communication, enabling voices like Badoy’s to reach far and wide, often without the mediating influence of traditional gatekeepers in journalism. This shift necessitates a reevaluation of how laws and societal norms around speech are applied in online spaces, where the line between personal expression and public impact is increasingly blurred. The dialogue between freedom of expression and the sanctity of judicial proceedings will undoubtedly continue as more mediums transmit more messages in the age of digital communication.

In short, the Court found that in using her platform to incite violence and disparage the integrity of the court, Badoy’s actions crossed the threshold from protected speech into a realm that the legal system has a vested interest in regulating. –

Ally Munda works as legal researcher at the Klima Center of Manila Observatory. She is a third year student at the University of the Philippines College of Law.

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I also appreciate the work of the illustrator, who creatively depicts the ideas of this article’s writers. Can their names be written below the illustration so that I can cite them in my appreciation?

Thanks to Tony La Viña and Ally Munda for their enlightening and inspiring article on “Social media and limits of protected speech.” Thanks also to Justice Marvic Leonen for his decision on Badoy’s case, especially for applying the so-called two tests. The Filipino People need these two groups of professionals: fair judges and journalists who can help the people understand the decisions of such judges. Lastly, I appreciate the effort of Rappler, which serves as the medium between these judges, journalists, and the Filipino people.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On The Impact Of Social Media On Youth In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on the impact of social media on youth. Social media plays a significant role in everyone’s life today, particularly for today’s kids. They are affected both favorably and unfavorably by it. On social networking platforms, making friends is simpler. Technology has altered how friends are made in general. It enables young people to establish friends anywhere in the world and communicate with them anytime and for as long as they like. Even video chatting is now cost-free. A social media platform like Facebook has made it possible to instantly connect with long-lost pals. Indeed, extroverts, introverts, students, penpals, and all sociable teenagers have benefited from social media.

Social networking sites not only allow everyone to get in touch with old friends, but it also helps them develop a new network of friends and other contacts. Friendship teaches young people empathy, a feeling crucial to their development into adults. After school, socializing also help kids unwind mentally and supports them in overcoming challenges.

Social media, on the other hand, can harm young people as well. These sites regularly receive numerous hours of youth time from them in the form of photographs, post updates, and map updates. It makes them simple to locate and can let criminals carry out heinous acts of violence including murder, kidnapping, and stalking. Unacceptable content sharing and privacy breaches can result from an irresponsible activity. The correct use of social media and the internet requires the implementation of serious protection and education. Thank you.

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Breaking down TikTok’s legal arguments around free speech, national security claims

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Social media platform TikTok says that a bill banning the app in the U.S. is “unconstitutional” and that it will fight this latest attempt to restrict its use in court.

The bill in question, which President Joe Biden signed Wednesday , gives Chinese parent company ByteDance nine months to divest TikTok or face a ban on app stores to distribute the app in the U.S. The law received strong bipartisan support in the House and a majority Senate vote Tuesday, and is part of broader legislation including military aid for Israel and Ukraine.

“Make no mistake. This is a ban. A ban on TikTok and a ban on you and YOUR voice,” said TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew in a video posted on the app and other social media platforms. “Politicians may say otherwise, but don’t get confused. Many who sponsored the bill admit that a TikTok ban is their ultimate goal…It’s actually ironic because the freedom of expression on TikTok reflects the same American values that make the United States a beacon of freedom. TikTok gives everyday Americans a powerful way to be seen and heard, and that’s why so many people have made TikTok a part of their daily lives,” he added.

Our CEO Shou Chew's response to the TikTok ban: — TikTok Policy (@TikTokPolicy) April 24, 2024

This isn’t the first time the U.S. government has attempted to ban TikTok, something several other countries have already implemented.

TikTok is based in Los Angeles and Singapore, but it’s owned by Chinese technology giant ByteDance. U.S. officials have warned that the app could be leveraged to further the interests of an “entity of concern.”

In 2020, former President Donald Trump issued an executive order to ban TikTok’s operations in the country, including a deadline for ByteDance to divest its U.S. operations. Trump also tried to ban new downloads of TikTok in the U.S. and barred transactions with ByteDance after a specific date.

Federal judges issued preliminary injunctions to temporarily block Trump’s ban while legal challenges proceeded, citing concerns about violation of First Amendment rights and lack of sufficient evidence demonstrating that TikTok posted a national security threat.

After Trump left office, Biden’s administration picked up the anti-TikTok baton . Today, the same core fundamentals are at stake. So why do Congress and the White House think the outcome will be different?

TikTok has not responded to TechCrunch’s inquiry as to whether it has filed a challenge in a district court, but we know it will because both Chew and the company have said so.

When the company makes it in front of a judge, what are its chances of success?

TikTok’s “unconstitutional” argument against a ban

“In light of the fact that the Trump administration’s attempt in 2020 to force ByteDance to sell TikTok or face a ban was challenged on First Amendment grounds and was rejected as an impermissible ‘indirect regulation of informational materials and personal communications,’ coupled with last December’s federal court order enjoining enforcement of Montana’s law that sought to impose a statewide TikTok ban as a ‘likely’ First Amendment violation, I believe this latest legislation suffers from the same fundamental infirmity,” Douglas E. Mirell, partner at Greenberg Glusker, told TechCrunch.

In other words, both TikTok as a corporation and its users have First Amendment rights, which a ban threatens.

In May 2023, Montana Governor Greg Gianforte signed into law a bill that would ban TikTok in the state, saying it would protect Montanans’ personal and private data from the Chinese Communist Party. TikTok then sued the state over the law, arguing that it violated the Constitution and the state was overstepping by legislating matters of national security. The case is still ongoing, and the ban has been blocked while the lawsuit progresses.

Five TikTok creators separately sued Montana, arguing the ban violated their First Amendment rights, and won. This ruling thus blocked the Montana law from going into effect and essentially stopped the ban. A U.S. federal judge claimed the ban was an overstep of state power and also unconstitutional, likely a violation of the First Amendment. That ruling has set a precedent for future cases.

TikTok’s challenge to this latest federal bill will likely point to that court ruling, as well as the injunctions to Trump’s executive orders, as precedent for why this ban should be reversed.

TikTok may also argue that a ban would affect small and medium-sized businesses that use the platform to make a living. Earlier this month, TikTok released an economic impact report that claims the platform generated $14.7 billion for small- to mid-sized businesses last year, in anticipation of a ban and the need for arguments against it.

The threat to “national security”

Mirell says courts do give deference to the government’s claims about entities being a national security threat.

However, the Pentagon Papers case from 1971, in which the Supreme Court upheld the right to publish a classified Department of Defense study of the Vietnam War, establishes an exceptionally high bar for overcoming free speech and press protections.

“In this case, Congress’ failure to identify a specific national security threat posed by TikTok only compounds the difficulty of establishing a substantial, much less compelling, governmental interest in any potential ban,” said Mirell.

However, there is some cause for concern that the firewall between TikTok in the U.S. and its parent company in China isn’t as strong as it appears.

In June 2022, a report from BuzzFeed News found that U.S. data had been repeatedly accessed by staff in China, citing recordings from 80 TikTok internal meetings. There have also been reports in the past of Beijing-based teams ordering TikTok’s U.S. employees to restrict videos on its platform or that TikTok has told its moderators to censor videos that mentioned things like Tiananmen Square, Tibetan independence or banned religious group, Falun Gong.

In 2020, there were also reports that TikTok moderators were told to censor political speech and suppress posts from “undesirable users” — the unattractive, poor and disabled — which shows the company is not afraid to manipulate the algorithm for its own purposes.

TikTok has largely brushed off such accusations, but following BuzzFeed’s reporting, the company said it would move all U.S. traffic to Oracle’s infrastructure cloud service to keep U.S. user data private. That agreement, part of a larger operation called “Project Texas,” is focused on furthering the separation of TikTok’s U.S. operations from China and employing an outside firm to oversee its algorithms. In its statements responding to Biden’s signing of the TikTok ban, the company has pointed to the billions of dollars invested to secure user data and keep the platform free from outside manipulation as a result of Project Texas and other efforts.

Yaqiu Wang, China research director at political advocacy group Freedom House, believes the data privacy issue is real.

“There’s a structural issue that a lot of people who don’t work on China don’t understand, which is that by virtue of being a Chinese company — any Chinese company whether you’re public or private — you have to answer to the Chinese government,” Wang told TechCrunch, citing the Chinese government’s record for leveraging private companies for political purposes. “The political system dictates that. So [the data privacy issue] is one concern.”

“The other is the possibility of the Chinese government to push propaganda or suppress content that it doesn’t like and basically manipulate the content seen by Americans,” she continued.

Wang said there isn’t enough systemic information at present to prove the Chinese government has done this in regards to U.S. politics, but the threat is still there.

“Chinese companies are beholden to the Chinese government which absolutely has an agenda to undermine freedom around the world,” said Wang. She noted that while China doesn’t appear to have a specific agenda to suppress content or push propaganda in the U.S. today, tensions between the two countries continue to rise. If a future conflict comes to a head, China could “really leverage TikTok in a way they’re not doing now.”

Of course, American companies have been at the center of attempts by foreign entities to undermine democratic processes, as well. One need look no further than the Cambridge Analytica scandal and Russia’s use of Facebook political ads to influence the 2016 presidential election, as a high-profile example.

That’s why Wang says more important than a ban on TikTok is comprehensive data privacy law that protects user data from being exploited and breached by all companies.

“I mean if China wants Facebook data today, it can just purchase it on the market,” Wang points out.

TikTok’s chances in court are unclear

The government has a hard case to prove, and it’s not a sure decision one way or the other. If the precedent set by past court rulings is applied in TikTok’s future case, then the company has nothing to worry about. After all, as Mirell has speculated, the TikTok ban appears to have been added as a sweetener needed to pass a larger bill that would approve aid for Israel and Ukraine. However, the current administration might also have simply disagreed with how the courts have decided to limit TikTok in the past, and want to challenge that.

“When this case goes to court, the Government (i.e., the Department of Justice) will ultimately have to prove that TikTok poses an imminent threat to the nation’s national security and that there are no other viable alternatives for protecting that national security interest short of the divestment/ban called for in this legislation,” Mirell told TechCrunch in a follow-up email.

“For its part, TikTok will assert that its own (and perhaps its users’) First Amendment rights are at stake, will challenge all claims that the platform poses any national security risk, and will argue that the efforts already undertaken by both the Government (e.g., through its ban upon the use of TikTok on all federal government devices) and by TikTok itself (e.g., through its ‘Project Texas’ initiative) have effectively mitigated any meaningful national security threat,” he explained.

In December 2022, Biden signed a bill prohibiting TikTok from being used on federal government devices. Congress has also been considering a bill called the Restrict Act that gives the federal government more authority to address risks posed by foreign-owned technology platforms.

“If Congress didn’t think that [Project Texas] was sufficient, they could draft and consider legislation to enhance that protection,” said Mirell. “There are plenty of ways to deal with data security and potential influence issues well short of divestment, much less a ban.”

What’s going on with the TikTok ban?
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President Biden signs law to ban TikTok nationwide unless it is sold

Bobby Allyn

Bobby Allyn

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President Biden has signed a law that gives ByteDance up to a year to fully divest from TikTok, or face a nationwide ban. Kiichiro Sato/AP hide caption

President Biden has signed a law that gives ByteDance up to a year to fully divest from TikTok, or face a nationwide ban.

President Biden on Wednesday signed a law that would ban Chinese-owned TikTok unless it is sold within a year.

It is the most serious threat yet to the video-streaming app's future in the U.S., intensifying America's tech war with China.

Still, the law is not expected to cause any immediate disruption to TikTok, as a forthcoming legal challenge, and various hurdles to selling the app, will most likely cause months of delay.

The measure was tucked into a bill providing foreign aid for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan. The law stipulates that ByteDance must sell its stake in TikTok in 12 months under the threat of being shut down.

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The move is the culmination of Washington turning the screws on TikTok for years.

Chinese tech giant ByteDance, in 2017, purchased the popular karaoke app and relaunched the service as TikTok. Since then, the app has been under the microscope of national security officials in Washington fearing possible influence by the Chinese government.

Despite concerns in Washington, TikTok has soared. It has become the trendsetter in the world of short-form video and is used by 170 million Americans, which is about half of the country. It is where one-third of young people get their news, according to Pew Research Center.

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Yet lawmakers and the Biden administration argue that as long as TikTok is owned by a Chinese company, it is beholden to the dictates of China's authoritarian regime

"Congress is not acting to punish ByteDance, TikTok or any other individual company," said Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell, who chairs the Senate Commerce Committee, in remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon.

"Congress is acting to prevent foreign adversaries from conducting espionage, surveillance, maligned operations, harming vulnerable Americans, our servicemen and women, and our U.S. government personnel."

In a video posted to the platform soon after Biden signed the bill, TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew said he is confident TikTok would win in court, adding that users should not expect issues with the app in the meantime.

"Rest assured, we aren't going anywhere," Chew said. "The facts and the Constitution are on our side and we expect to prevail again."

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Tiktok plans to take biden administration to court over the law.

If not sold within a year, the law would make it illegal for web-hosting services to support TikTok, and it would force Google and Apple to remove TikTok from app stores — rendering the app unusable with time.

It marks the first time the U.S. has passed a law that could trigger the ban of a social media platform, something that has been condemned by civil liberties groups and constitutional scholars.

TikTok has vowed to take the Biden administration to court, claiming the law would suppress the free speech of millions of Americans.

The sentiment was echoed by Kate Ruane, who runs the Center for Democracy & Technology's Free Expression Project, who said the law is unconstitutional and a blow to free expression in the U.S.

"Congress shouldn't be in the business of banning platforms," Ruane said. "They should be working to enact comprehensive privacy legislation that protects our private data no matter where we choose to engage online."

Selling TikTok won't be so easy

Any company, or set of investors, angling to purchase TikTok would have to receive the blessing of the Chinese government, and officials in Beijing have strongly resisted a forced sell.

In particular, ByteDance owns the engine of TikTok, its hyper-personalized algorithm that pulls people in and keeps them highly engaged with their feed.

Chinese officials have placed content-recommendation algorithms on what is known as an export-control list, meaning the government has additional say over how the technology is ever sold.

Law took TikTok by surprise

By almost any measure, the law passed rapidly, and it caught many inside TikTok off guard, especially because the company had just breathed a sigh of relief.

Last month, the House passed a bill to compel TikTok to find a buyer, or face a nationwide ban, but the effort stalled in the Senate.

The legislation gave TikTok a six-month window to find a buyer, which some senators said was too little time.

A new push, this time attaching the divest-or-be-banned provision to foreign aid, fasted-tracked the proposal. It mirrors last month's attempt, but it extends the sell-by deadline, now giving TikTok nine months to find a buyer, with the option of a three-month extension if a potential acquisition is in play.

Sen. Markey: 'American companies are doing the same thing'

Lawmakers from both parties have argued that TikTok poses a national security risk to Americans, since the Chinese government could use the app to spy on Americans, or influence what U.S. users see on their TikTok feeds, something that has gained new urgency in an election year.

But some have pushed back, including Democratic Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts. He said on the Senate floor on Tuesday that there is "no credible evidence" that TikTok presents a real national security threat just because its parent company is based in China.

National intelligence laws in China would require ByteDance to hand over data on Americans if authorities there sought it, but TikTok says it has never received such a request.

Markey said concerns about digital security, the mental health of young people and data privacy should be addressed with comprehensive legislation encompassing the entire tech industry, not just TikTok.

"TikTok poses a serious risk to the privacy and mental health of our young people," Markey said. "But that problem isn't unique to TikTok and certainly doesn't justify a TikTok ban," he said. "American companies are doing the same thing, too."


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  2. Speech on Social Media in English

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  4. Speech on Social media in English

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  5. Speech on Importance of Social Media

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  1. Speech On Social Media- Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance

    Speech on Social Media Topic in English - Sample 3. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to address you on a topic that has reshaped our world - social media. In today's digital age, it's nearly impossible to escape its influence. So, let's explore the impact and significance of social media.

  2. Short Speech on Social Media in English

    Social media has also created opportunities for people such as to show their talent. It is also great for advertisements. But despite being so many benefits, it has been criticized. It has disadvantages too. It is also considered as one of the harmful elements of society. The oversharing on social media can be dangerous. It can attack our privacy.

  3. The power of social media

    The power and the danger of online crowds. James Surowiecki pinpoints the moment when social media became an equal player in the world of news-gathering: the 2005 tsunami, when YouTube video, blogs, IMs and txts carried the news -- and preserved moving personal stories from the tragedy. 04:09.

  4. Speech on Social Media

    Social media is one of the mediums for communication and content development. Social media allows one to share information, opinions, ideas and many other things and also to create one. Now, there are two different views about social media. One group of people think that social media has a bad influence on people, whereas the other thinks that ...

  5. Speech on Impact Of Social Media

    1-minute Speech on Impact Of Social Media. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, let's talk about something we all enjoy, social media. It's like a friend who's always with us, always ready to share a laugh or a new idea. First, let's look at how social media brings us together. We can chat with our friends even if they live far away.

  6. Speech on Social Media

    2-minute Speech on Social Media. Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening. I am standing here today to talk about a topic that has greatly influenced our lives in the recent years - Social Media. Social media, as we all know, have changed the way we communicate, share information and perceive the world around us. In the past, the only way we could ...

  7. Speech on Social Media Example [Edit & Download]

    Explore the impact of social media in this insightful speech, highlighting its power to connect and inform while addressing challenges like misinformation and privacy. Discover the dual nature of digital platforms and our collective responsibility in shaping a positive online community. A call to action for users and platforms alike to foster a more inclusive, respectful digital world.

  8. Harnessing the Influence of Social Media: A Brief Presentation

    Social media has the power to bring people together, spark conversations, and create positive change. Social media matters because it facilitates connection, empowers individuals and businesses, and drives social change. It has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing how we communicate, interact, and perceive the world.

  9. Speech on Social Media

    Social Media Speech. A website or program that facilitates social interaction is known as social media. Information, ideas, opinions, images, and videos can all be shared. It is a "virtual space" where people may conduct business, follow their icons, and share information. Individuals like YouTubers, Instagram influencers, and others have made ...

  10. Speech on Social Media

    However, like all things, social media also has its downsides. Here are a few: Excessive use of social media has led to an increase in screen time, which can contribute to various health issues like eye strain and sedentary lifestyle diseases. The convenience of social media can also foster laziness and procrastination, hampering productivity ...

  11. Speech on Impact Of Social Media On Youth

    Social media's influence on youth is like a double-sided coin, having both positive and negative effects. It's a tool you use daily, shaping your ideas, behavior, and relationships. On one side, it connects you with the world, boosting creativity and learning. On the flip side, it can lead to addiction, cyberbullying, and mental health issues.

  12. Speech on social media [1, 2, 3, 5 Minutes]

    Quotes of some internationally famous personalities for Speech on social media. "Change is never easy, but always possible.". "We are the change we seek.". "One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.". "Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.".

  13. 5 Minute Speech on Social Media in English for Students

    5 Minute Speech on Social Media in English for Students. Social media is a platform so important in today's world. It is extremely powerful. It is a platform where it gives a person complete freedom to voice out their opinions. It has helped so many people all over the world in numerous ways. Communication has been made so much easier with ...

  14. 1 Minute Speech on Social Media in English

    Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, a wonderful morning to all of you. Today on this special occasion, I would like to speak some words on the topic- Social Media. In today's world where technology has invaded every aspect of our lives, social media has gained a lot of importance. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram ...

  15. Speech on Importance of Social Media

    Sample Speech (10 minutes) Good morning respected teachers and my dear friends. Today I am going to present before you a speech on importance of social media. Let us begin with understanding the very basics. We all know that the plural of medium is media, which refers to the contact networks we disseminate. The media is a term that refers to ...

  16. Social Media Bane Or Boon? Short and Long Speech for Students

    1-Short Speech on Social Media Bane or Boon. 'I greet you all present here. I'm here to present a short speech on Social Media Bane or Boon. We are all connected to social media, directly or indirectly. Social media has transformed the traditional way we communicate, share information, and connect with the world around us.

  17. Social Media, Freedom of Speech, and the Future of our Democracy

    The Future of Free Speech in the Social Media Era. One of the most fiercely debated issues of the current era is what to do about "bad" speech on the internet, particularly on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Problematic language, including hate speech, disinformation, and propaganda have been around throughout human history.

  18. Is social media good for you?

    I spend a lot of time looking at the negative sides of social media and I pretty much take the positives for granted. So getting this question is actually really good for me because it can remind me of all the good things that have come about since social media was invented. I grew up in a time before social media. Not quite that long ago!

  19. Social media speech in english || Social media advantages and ...

    Speech on social media, its advantages and disadvantages, boon or bane, positive and negative impact this video is all about. In this video you will see how ...

  20. Social Media: Revolutionizing Communication

    Social Media: Revolutionizing Communication. Social media has connected people at lightning speeds and upended long-held monopolies on information. But like past innovations, it has also created major societal challenges. Facebook Chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies at a House Financial Services Committee hearing in Washington, DC, on ...

  21. English speaking speech

    English speaking speech - social media. This is a speech that was given for a English speaking exam. Module. English Language. 20 Documents. Students shared 20 documents in this course. University Harrow College & Uxbridge College. Academic year: 2020/2021. Uploaded by: Anonymous Student.

  22. 6 Minute English / Is social media a distraction?

    rules of polite behaviour in society or among people in a certain group. wind someone up. say or do something deliberately in order to annoy someone. have a connection with someone. engage ...

  23. Using our social media channels to improve your English

    We have a team of expert English teachers working on our social media channels. You'll find an amazing variety of posts to help you improve your English, wherever you usually use social media. Our social media content is fun and engaging, so you'll learn new words and phrases without even noticing! You'll also keep up to date with special days ...

  24. Opinion

    The Best Way to Regulate Social Media Has Been Staring Us Right in the Face. There's a First-Amendment-friendly way to clean up social media. But tech CEOs won't like it. Left to right ...

  25. From domestic violence to terrorism and war, social media is a thread

    A debate that has largely been framed in terms of freedom of speech has become conflated with a whole range of issues that now challenge us: from social cohesion, to terrorism, to domestic violence.

  26. [OPINION] Social media and limits of protected speech

    Apr 28, 2024 11:00 AM PHT. Tony La Viña, Ally Munda. INFO. While the right to freedom of expression is guaranteed, not all speech is constitutionally protected. When speech is wielded in a ...

  27. 2 Minute Speech On The Impact Of Social Media On Youth In English

    2 Minute Speech On The Impact Of Social Media On Youth In English. Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on the impact of social media on youth. Social media plays a significant role in everyone's life today, particularly for today's kids. They are affected both favorably and unfavorably by it.

  28. TikTok says US House bill that could ban app would 'trample' free speech

    WASHINGTON, April 21 (Reuters) - TikTok on Sunday repeated its free-speech concerns about a bill passed by the House of Representatives that would ban the popular social media app in the U.S. if ...

  29. Breaking down TikTok's legal arguments around free speech, national

    Breaking down TikTok's legal arguments around free speech, national security claims. Social media platform TikTok says that a bill banning the app in the U.S. is "unconstitutional" and that ...

  30. U.S. bans TikTok unless it is sold : NPR

    Kiichiro Sato/AP. President Biden on Wednesday signed a law that would ban Chinese-owned TikTok unless it is sold within a year. It is the most serious threat yet to the video-streaming app's ...