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Die 7 besten Executive Summary-Vorlagen mit Beispielen und Beispielen

Die 7 besten Executive Summary-Vorlagen mit Beispielen und Beispielen

Aakash Gupta


C-Level-Führungskräfte ähneln den preisbewussten Käufern bei Walmart. Keiner von beiden verschwendet Zeit oder Geld für Dinge, die nicht notwendig sind. Während Budgetkäufer Budgets oder Einkaufslisten erstellen, sind Geschäftsleute auf kurze Versionen von Dokumenten wie Executive Summarys angewiesen, um ihre Zeit zu verwalten. In der riesigen Landschaft von Berichten, Analysen und Vorschlägen, in der jede Minute zählt und Entscheidungen das Gewicht eines gesamten Unternehmens ausmachen, erweist sich die Executive Summary als strategisches Instrument, das die Essenz der Informationen in einem prägnanten Format zusammenfasst.

Zusammenfassungen: Ihre Abkürzung zum Informations-Nirvana

Eine Executive Summary ist ein prägnanter und komprimierter Überblick über ein Dokument, einen Bericht oder eine Präsentation. Es bietet vielbeschäftigten Führungskräften, Entscheidungsträgern oder Stakeholdern ein schnelles und umfassendes Verständnis der Hauptpunkte, wichtigsten Ergebnisse, Empfehlungen und wesentlichen Erkenntnisse des Dokuments. Eine Zusammenfassung erfasst wichtige Informationen auf eine Weise, die es dem Leser ermöglicht, die Hauptgedanken zu erfassen, ohne das gesamte Dokument lesen zu müssen. Hierzu sollte Folgendes enthalten sein:

  • Kontext und Zweck  : Der Hintergrund und Zweck des Dokuments verdeutlichen, warum die Informationen wichtig und relevant sind.
  • Ergebnisse  : Fassen Sie die wichtigsten Entdeckungen, Ergebnisse oder Schlussfolgerungen zusammen. Heben Sie die wesentlichen Daten, Trends oder Erkenntnisse hervor, die das Dokument präsentiert.
  • Empfehlungen  : Geben Sie gegebenenfalls Vorschläge oder Aktionspunkte an, die sich aus den Ergebnissen ergeben. Dies können Ratschläge für zukünftige Maßnahmen, Strategien oder Entscheidungen sein, die auf den im Dokument bereitgestellten Informationen basieren.
  • Kernpunkte  : Fassen Sie die Hauptpunkte jedes Abschnitts oder Themas zusammen, die im gesamten Dokument behandelt werden. Es hilft dem Leser, die Struktur und den Umfang des Dokuments zu verstehen.
  • Daten und Beweise  : Heben Sie wichtige Daten, Statistiken oder Beweise hervor, die die Ergebnisse oder Schlussfolgerungen des Dokuments stützen.
  • Fazit  : Fassen Sie die Gesamtauswirkungen oder die Bedeutung der präsentierten Informationen zusammen und betonen Sie deren Bedeutung für den Leser.

Zusammenfassungen  werden in der Wirtschaft, in der Wissenschaft, in der Forschung und in verschiedenen beruflichen Bereichen verwendet, um wichtige Informationen schnell an Personen zu übermitteln, die nicht die Zeit oder das Bedürfnis haben, das gesamte Dokument zu lesen. Diese prägnanten Momentaufnahmen bieten einen bemerkenswerten Vorteil, da sie es Entscheidungsträgern ermöglichen, das Wesentliche komplexer Sachverhalte zu erfassen, ohne sich in erschöpfenden Details zu verlieren.

Vereinfachen Sie Dokumente mit Executive Summary-Vorlagen

Die Wirksamkeit einer Zusammenfassung liegt in ihrer Struktur, Kürze und Fähigkeit, wichtige Erkenntnisse zusammenzufassen.

Unsere  Vorlagen für Executive Summarys  erweisen sich als unverzichtbare Werkzeuge, die Fachleuten dabei helfen, diese Dokumente mit weniger Zeit- und Arbeitsaufwand so effektiv wie möglich zu gestalten. Diese inhaltsfertigen Folien, die unter sorgfältiger Berücksichtigung von Best Practices erstellt wurden, bieten eine dringend benötigte Struktur, die den Prozess der Verdichtung umfangreicher Inhalte in ein prägnantes, aber wirkungsvolles Format rationalisiert. Der 100 % anpassbare Charakter dieser Designs bietet die gewünschte Flexibilität für die Erstellung professioneller Zusammenfassungen und Präsentationen, die Botschaften zugänglich und überzeugend machen und eine effektive Kommunikation der wichtigsten Punkte gewährleisten.

Von einer wichtigen Vorstandssitzung bis hin zur Präsentation von Forschungsergebnissen können diese Executive Summary-Vorlagen der Schlüssel zur Bereitstellung überzeugender Informationen sein. Lass uns eintauchen!

1. Zusammenfassung der PowerPoint-Präsentation

Betreten Sie eine Welt prägnanter Brillanz mit unserer vielseitigen Sammlung branchenspezifischer Vorlagen für Zusammenfassungen, die auf verschiedene Branchen wie Lebensmittel und Getränke,  IT-Organisationen  , Softdrink-Unternehmen, Automobilhersteller, Konsumgüterunternehmen, Modebekleidungsmarken,  Beratungsdienste usw. zugeschnitten sind.  und Zementunternehmen. Diese PPT-Designs verkörpern die Essenz Ihres Unternehmens und stellen sicher, dass wichtige Erkenntnisse effektiv vermittelt werden. Unser Deck wurde für Führungskräfte, Manager und Entscheidungsträger entwickelt und stattet Sie mit den Werkzeugen aus, mit denen Sie Ihr Publikum fesseln und wichtige Informationen vermitteln können. Ganz gleich, ob Sie Ihre Präsentationen vor Stakeholdern, Kollegen oder Kunden halten, mit diesen PowerPoint-Folien können Sie komplexe Daten in aussagekräftige, überzeugende Executive Summarys umwandeln. Jetzt herunterladen!


Laden Sie diese Vorlage herunter

2. Präsentationsdeck mit Zusammenfassung des Outsourcing-Vorschlags

Revolutionieren Sie die Art und Weise, wie Sie Ihre Outsourcing-Strategien mit einem einzigen Klick präsentieren – mit unseren sorgfältig und von Experten gestalteten Folien, die Klarheit und Wirkung neu definieren. Mit dieser umfassenden Sammlung können Sie die Mission, Vision und Tagungspläne Ihres Unternehmens kommunizieren. Zeigen Sie Probleme und Lösungen mithilfe von Executive-Dashboards, Finanzinformationen, Zielmarktanalysen und Wachstumsmatrizen präzise an. Steigern Sie die strategischen Fähigkeiten Ihrer Belegschaft, indem Sie einzigartige Verkaufsargumente, Wertversprechenserweiterungen, Feedbackschleifen und Gewinnmargenmöglichkeiten aufdecken. Von Produktverkaufsmengen bis hin zu Aktionsplänen und gewünschten Ergebnissen wird dieses PowerPoint-Set zu Ihrem Kompass bei der Ausarbeitung eines überzeugenden Outsourcing-Vorschlags. Hol es dir jetzt!

Zusammenfassung des Outsourcing-Vorschlags

3. Präsentationsvorlage für eine Zusammenfassung des Marketingplans

Die gut organisierten Abschnitte dieser  Executive Summary-Präsentationsfolie  bieten einen umfassenden Überblick über das Unternehmen, definierte Zielmärkte und die Quintessenz der  Marketingstrategien  , die exponentielles Wachstum fördern. Diese PPT-Vorlage ermöglicht es Unternehmern, Marketingexperten und visionären Führungskräften, komplexe Marketingpläne in meisterhafte Executive Summarys umzuwandeln, die Anklang finden. Von fesselnden Unternehmensgeschichten bis hin zu präzisen Zielmarktanalysen und wachstumsorientierten Strategien – jede Folie ist eine Leinwand, auf der Ihre Ideen gedeihen können. Schnappen Sie es sich noch heute!

 Zusammenfassung eines effektiven Marketingplans

4. Präsentationsvorlage für die Zusammenfassung des Projektberichts

Dieses gebrauchsfertige einseitige PPT-Layout bietet einen malerischen Projektüberblick und stellt die wichtigsten erreichten Meilensteine ​​und die visionäre Roadmap vor. Tauchen Sie ein in finanzielle Einblicke und navigieren Sie mit der nahtlosen Anleitung dieses prägnanten, aber umfassenden Präsentationslayouts durch den Zeitplan für die Lieferung und die Flut wichtiger Projektrisiken. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, komplexe Projektberichte in vereinfachte  Zusammenfassungen  zusammenzufassen , die Anklang finden. Fördern Sie Ihre Erkenntnisse mit visuellem Storytelling durch Diagramme und Zeitleisten, die Aufmerksamkeit erregen. Jetzt herunterladen!

 Zusammenfassung eines Projektberichts

5. Präsentationsvorlage für die Executive Summary eines Startup-Unternehmens

Entdecken Sie Ihre Brillanz auf einen Blick und entfachen Sie das Potenzial Ihrer Startup-Reise mit unserem einseitigen Design für eine  Startup-Zusammenfassung  . Diese Präsentationsfolie ist ein Meisterwerk, das Ihre Geschäftsvision, Erfolge und Fachkenntnisse auf einer zusammenhängenden Seite präsentiert. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, das Wesentliche Ihres Startups auf prägnante und dennoch wirkungsvolle Weise festzuhalten. Von der Geschäftslandschaft bis zur Finanzentwicklung ist jedes Element dieser einseitigen PPT-Folie ein strategischer Geniestreich. Mit unserer PowerPoint-Vorlage können Sie Ihre Geschäftsmission, Ihre Produkte und Ihr Kernteam präsentieren und gleichzeitig Ihre Bereitschaft, herausragende Leistungen zu erbringen, selbstbewusst unter Beweis stellen. Diese Folie wird zu Ihrem Leitfaden für Pitchings, Investorentreffen und Networking-Events. Hol es dir jetzt!

 Eine Seite

6. Präsentationsvorlage für eine Zusammenfassung des Investment Pitch

Diese einseitige Investitionsvorlage ist eine Symphonie von Erkenntnissen, kuratiert für Start-ups, Visionäre und mutige Unternehmer, die bereit sind, die Investitionslandschaft aufzumischen. Diese Vorlage ist eine beeindruckende Darstellung der Essenz Ihres Unternehmens, von Unternehmensdetails bis hin zu Ihrem Traumteam. Tauchen Sie ein in die Feinheiten von Kundenproblemen und enthüllen Sie, wie unübertroffen Ihre Lösungen sind. Präsentieren Sie Ihre Rivalen mit nur einer Bewegung der Folie und behaupten Sie Ihren Wettbewerbsvorteil wie ein Schachmeister. Das Umsatzmodell entfaltet sich und bringt Visionen von Gewinn und Wachstum in Einklang. Enthüllen Sie, wie die Gelder der Anleger verwendet werden und welche Ausstiegsstrategie verfolgt wird, um Anlegern einen VIP-Zugang zum spannenden letzten Akt der Übernahme durch Risikokapital zu ermöglichen. Schnappen Sie es sich noch heute!


7. Präsentationsvorlage für eine Business Executive Summary

Mit unserer einseitigen Präsentationsvorlage trifft Ihre geschäftliche Brillanz auf eine Leinwand voller Klarheit und Wirkung. Diese Vorlage entschlüsselt Ihr Unternehmen auf einen Blick und mit Raffinesse. Lassen Sie das Publikum Ihr Unternehmen mit einem Überblick verstehen, der die Bühne bereitet. Ihre Mission und Vision entfalten sich mit wichtigen Angeboten und Innovationen. Zahlen werden mit einem Balkendiagramm Ihrer finanziellen Reise und einem Kreisdiagramm, das die umkämpften Märkte und Marktanteile darstellt, lebendig. Heben Sie Ihre Wettbewerbsvorteile mit einer Tabelle zu Ihren Stärken und Schwächen hervor. Die Präsentationsvorlage  für eine Unternehmenszusammenfassung  bietet einen Überblick über Ihre historischen Fußabdrücke, die zu Ihrem aktuellen Schwerpunkt führen. Jetzt herunterladen!

 Zusammenfassung des Geschäftsberichts

Von Sekunden zum Erfolg!

In der heutigen schnelllebigen Geschäftslandschaft kann die Bedeutung von Executive Summarys nicht unterschätzt werden. Diese prägnanten Schnappschüsse zerlegen komplexe Informationen in wichtige Komponenten und ermöglichen es Entscheidungsträgern, wichtige Erkenntnisse schnell zu verstehen und darauf zu reagieren. Studien haben gezeigt, dass Fachleute im Durchschnitt nur wenige Sekunden bis Minuten mit der Durchsicht von Dokumenten verbringen, bevor sie ein kritisches Urteil fällen. Dies unterstreicht die entscheidende Rolle, die Executive Summarys spielen, wenn es darum geht, Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen und in kürzester Zeit Werte zu vermitteln.

Eine  effektive Zusammenfassung  ist für Führungskräfte wie ein Orientierungspunkt, der sich durch das Labyrinth aus Besprechungen, Berichten und strategischen Entscheidungen bewegt. In einer Welt, in der klare Kommunikation ein Eckpfeiler des Erfolgs ist, kann eine gut ausgearbeitete Zusammenfassung wirkungsvolle Präsentationen hervorbringen, Stakeholder einbeziehen und Unternehmen zu ihren Zielen führen.

Hier kommen unsere Executive Summary-Vorlagen ins Spiel. Diese gut durchdachten und von Experten gestalteten PPT-Folien sind leistungsstarke Tools, die es Fachleuten ermöglichen, prägnante, überzeugende und kristallklare Zusammenfassungen für Führungskräfte zu erstellen. Diese Designs sind so organisiert, dass sie das Wesentliche abdecken – vom Zweck und den Ergebnissen bis hin zu Empfehlungen und Auswirkungen – und rationalisieren den Prozess der Verfeinerung von Informationen, ohne dabei auf Substanz zu verzichten.

Sorgen Sie dafür, dass in Ihrer Präsentation jedes Wort zählt und jeder Moment zählt – mit diesen  Vorlagen für eine Zusammenfassung.

FAQs zur Executive Summary

Was ist eine executive summary.

Eine Executive Summary ist eine prägnante und komprimierte Version eines Dokuments, Berichts oder Vorschlags. Es soll einen umfassenden Überblick über die Hauptpunkte, Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen des Dokuments bieten und es vielbeschäftigten Fachleuten ermöglichen, die wesentlichen Informationen zu erfassen, ohne den gesamten Inhalt lesen zu müssen. In Wirtschaft, Forschung, Marketing und anderen Bereichen werden Executive Summaries verwendet, um wichtige Informationen an Entscheidungsträger, Stakeholder und andere interessierte Parteien zu übermitteln.

Was steht in der Executive Summary?

Der Inhalt einer Executive Summary kann je nach Art des zusammenfassenden Dokuments variieren, sollte jedoch Folgendes abdecken:

  • Zweck/Ziel  : Geben Sie kurz den Zweck des Dokuments und seine Ziele an.
  • Kontext/Hintergrund  : Geben Sie eine kurze Einführung in das Thema, den Kontext oder das Problem, auf das sich das Dokument bezieht.
  • Hauptergebnisse/Schlüsselpunkte  : Heben Sie die wichtigsten Ergebnisse, Erkenntnisse oder Schlüsselpunkte aus dem Dokument hervor.
  • Empfehlungen/Maßnahmen  : Beschreiben Sie ggf. die wichtigsten Empfehlungen oder Maßnahmen, die auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse vorgeschlagen werden.
  • Fazit  : Fassen Sie die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des Dokuments zusammen.
  • Vorteile/Auswirkungen  : Erläutern Sie die potenziellen Vorteile oder Auswirkungen der Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen.
  • Zielgruppe  : Geben Sie an, für wen das Dokument gedacht ist und wer von der Lektüre der Vollversion profitieren würde.
  • Umfang/Einschränkungen  : Informieren Sie über die Einschränkungen oder Einschränkungen der Ergebnisse des Dokuments.
  • Visuals  : Verwenden Sie Visuals wie Diagramme, Grafiken oder Diagramme, um wichtige Punkte zu untermauern.

Wie erstellt man eine Zusammenfassung?

So erstellen Sie eine effektive Zusammenfassung:

  • Lesen Sie das Dokument  : Bevor Sie die Zusammenfassung schreiben, lesen Sie das gesamte Dokument, um seinen Inhalt und die wichtigsten Punkte zu verstehen.
  • Identifizieren Sie wichtige Informationen  : Identifizieren Sie die wichtigsten Informationen, Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen aus dem Dokument.
  • Seien Sie prägnant  : Halten Sie Ihre Sätze kurz und prägnant. Vermeiden Sie unnötige Details oder Fachjargon.
  • Ablauf beibehalten  : Strukturieren Sie die Zusammenfassung auf logische Weise und folgen Sie dabei der Reihenfolge der Abschnitte des Hauptdokuments.
  • Verwenden Sie eine klare Sprache  : Schreiben Sie in einer klaren, unkomplizierten Sprache, die Ihre Zielgruppe leicht verstehen kann.
  • Fokus auf Wirkung  : Betonen Sie die Wirkung der Ergebnisse und warum sie wichtig sind.
  • Korrekturlesen und Bearbeiten  : Überprüfen Sie die Zusammenfassung auf Grammatik, Zeichensetzung und Klarheit. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Wesentliche des Originaldokuments effektiv erfasst wird.
  • Auf das Publikum zugeschnitten  : Passen Sie den Ton und den Detaillierungsgrad an die Kenntnisse und Interessen Ihres Publikums an.
  • Bildmaterial einbinden  : Fügen Sie gegebenenfalls Bildmaterial ein, um wichtige Punkte zu veranschaulichen.

Related posts:

  • Die 10 besten professionellen Berichtsvorlagen für die Präsentation von Geschäftsinformationen!
  • Die 10 besten Business-Executive-Summary-Vorlagen, die Ihren Geschäftsdokumenten einen Mehrwert verleihen!
  • Geschäftsinformationsvorlagen, um Investoren und Kunden zu begeistern!
  • 6 einfache Schritte, um eine „herausragende“ Folie zu erstellen und das Hintergrundrauschen zu überwinden

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Business Presentations in German – Your Ultimate Vocabulary List

Business Presentations in German – Your Ultimate Vocabulary List

Delivering business presentations is a stressful and challenging task in itself. Even more so if you have to do it in German! In order to help you with this task, we prepared an ultimate list of business German vocabulary and some additional phrases to help you put them in practice. Below you will also find a couple of tips that will help you prepare before the big day comes! We are sure you will rock it!

Some tips for delivering presentations in German

  • Send the agenda beforehand – this will help you make sure that all attendees know what to expect, and have the chance to prepare the right questions, or research the topic in advance.
  • Measure the presentation time – if you have a specific time allocated to your presentation, make sure to measure exactly how long it takes you, and shorten it if you don’t have enough time. German business culture is known for keeping their time and there is no worse thing than having to stop the presentation mid-way due to time constraints!
  • Leave time for questions – don’t assume that everything in your presentation will be crystal clear to your audience. Give them a chance to ask for additional explanations, whether it’s during the presentation itself or right afterwards.
  • Deliver the presentation in front of the mirror, ideally more than once – this exercise, although may seem tedious and uncomfortable, will help you improve the flow and boost your confidence during the actual presentation. Especially if you will be presenting in a foreign language, such as German, it’s a perfect opportunity to polish your grammar and pronunciation before facing the audience.

Learning business German?

There is a better way to do it. With our business German audio course you will be able to master Wirtschaftsdeutsch within weeks, and for a price of a single German class. 

This is because our course was designed by a team of professionals with real work experience in German-speaking companies, which gives you a guarantee that you will learn only relevant and up-to-date vocabulary and phrases. 

With Blangly, you learn by immersion – no grammar rules and no vocabulary lists. And thanks to our audio recorded with natural speed and intonation you will easily understand spoken German and master the perfect pronunciation. 

Ready to boost your career? Download our audio course and start learning immediately!

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Corporate German – vocabulary for Business Presentations

Here’s a list of the most important words to get you started. You can bookmark this page to have them at hand in the future. We hope it helps you with delivering your first business presentation in German!

Wirtschaftsdeutsch – phrases to use during presentations

Here’s a little bonus for you! Below you will find a list of business German phrases that may come in handy during a presentation. Learning through phrases, rather than vocabulary lists, helps you learn in context, which is crucial to achieve full fluency.

Wait! There’s more!

Thanks to our three innovative study modes – learning, immersion and test – you will be able to memorize whole German sentences in no time. Discover the best way to master corporate German here.

Business German: Intensive Audiocourse

Covers 20 essential business topics and only relevant vocabulary. Blangly is your way to land a dream job in Germany!

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The KAM Coach

Professional Skills Development

How to create powerful executive level presentations [+ template].

executive presentation deutsch

Taking these steps will start the process towards a more resilient, innovative, and client-focused approach to key account management.

How many times have you been in a presentation and drifted into a daydream? Thinking about what you’ll do when you get back to your desk or what you’ll have for lunch?

We’ve all been there.

Because we got bored listening to someone drone on about a topic we already knew (or didn’t care) about.

Don’t let that happen to your presentations. Especially when your audience is a room full of executives

Executive-level presentation framework in 22 minutes

  • Introduction (2 minutes) . Keep it simple – who you are and why you’re there.
  • The hook (2 minutes) . Introduce your value proposition and start with your conclusion. In other words, put the last slide first.
  • Current situation (3 minutes). Explain where your client is today.
  • New opportunity (3 minutes) . Explain your vision.
  • Evidence (2 minutes) . Be selective and choose one data set that gets their attention and they will remember.
  • More evidence (2 minutes) . Again choose a single data set that reflects the objectives of your presentation.
  • Alternatives (2 minutes) . Discuss alternative solutions.
  • Recommendations (2 minutes) . Which option is the best course of action and why?
  • Next steps (2 minutes) . Describe when and how you’ll implement your recommendation and the immediate next steps.
  • The grand finale (2 minutes) . Revisit the hook from your introduction to close the story and leave them inspired and compelled to act.

Transformation not information

FACT: At some point in your career, you’ll need to present to senior executives.

Either to someone inside or outside your organisation. The reasons are many:

  • relationship building;
  • confirmation of strategy or tactics;
  • seeking clarity to help deal with uncertainty;
  • advice on decisions;
  • get a decision changed;
  • get action.

A compelling presentation needs to answer the question, “so what?”

Transformation, not information.

Dan Roam, in his outstanding book  Show and Tell , describes the story lines of three different presentations – each delivers some sort of transformation.

  • The report.  Changes the audiences information and brings data to life by making the facts insightful and memorable.
  • The explanation.  Shows the audience how and changes their knowledge and ability effortlessly.
  • The pitch.  Changes the audiences actions. It provides not only a solution to a problem, but makes that solution undeniable.

How can your presentation inspire some sort of transformation? In one or two sentences describe the change your presentation will bring to the audience. It will help you stay focused on what’s important as you write it.

I am presenting to my audience because ____________________ so that by the end they will ___________________.

When you’re clear on the “why” and the “so what” you’re ready to create your executive level presentation.

Executive level presentation framework

This 10 step framework is designed to help you present anything and based on what executives want to know in the shortest amount of time.

Each step introduces a new element of your story to maintain interest and intrigue right up until the end.

It only runs 22 minutes. Which means for a 30 minute meeting you have plenty of time to answer questions, or get things back on track if you run overtime on a slide or end up in a detour.

It’s also format neutral. You don’t need to use slides. In fact I encourage you not to. But I’ve created this  executive level presentation PowerPoint template  you can download.

1. Introduction (2 minutes)

  • Keep it simple – who you are and why you’re there. Spend the briefest amount of time possible on introducing yourself, your organisation, the topic you’re there to discuss and any other relevant background information that adds some context.

2. The hook (2 minutes)

  • Introduce your value proposition and start with your conclusion. In other words, put the last slide first. Let them know the return on investment (ROI) and the impact to the bottom line right up front, so they sit up and take notice.
  • Brain research  shows we don’t pay attention to boring things and you’ve only got 30 seconds to grab their attention. So make the opening memorable:
  • Surprise them with interesting statistics.
  • Use humour. It lightens the mood and make your audience (and you) more comfortable.
  • Ask rhetorical questions. It gets the audience thinking without actually needing to answer.
  • Use an inspiring quote.

3. Current situation (3 minutes)

  • Explain where your client is today. Introduce the challenge they’re facing, why it occurs and the impact it has. Talk their language and frame this around metrics and key performance indicators that matter to your audience.

4. New opportunity (3 minutes)

  • Share your vision. How can you solve the problem or help them do even better? Discuss the opportunities you’ve identified, including potential upside.
  • Consider potential risk and any strategies you have to mitigate them.

5. Evidence (2 minutes)

  • Be selective and choose one data set that gets their attention and they will remember. What have you discovered they need to know? It’s not enough to share information. Share insights, in other words, what does the data mean?
  • The more specific, the easier your insights can be acted on. Look for something new or unusual that sparks curiosity and be clear on why it’s important to your audience.
  • Be prepared for questions on these slides. What data did you use? How did you calculate it? How will you measure it? Have you got any case studies or testimonials to demonstrate previous success?

6. More evidence (2 minutes)

  • Focus on what you believe things could look like in the future. Again choose a single data set that reflects the objectives of your presentation. For this slide think about how you can promote the good news like cost avoidance, cost reduction, efficiency, quality or satisfaction.
  • Executives love data but bombarding them will overwhelm them. Your goal is to highlight the most important numbers and to reassure them whatever your recommending has sound analysis behind it.

7. Alternatives (2 minutes)

  • Let them know you’ve considered other options, what they were and why they aren’t the right choice. Try to keep it to two – one you considered and one you chose (which you will reveal in the next slide)
  • Or this could be a good place to talk about what happens if they do nothing?

8. Recommendations (2 minutes)

  • Which of your options do you suggest is the best course of action and why. Be definitive and have a point of view. This is not the time to sit on the fence.
  • Bring them back to the ROI you shared at the beginning of the presentation. Be clear on time frames for which they will see a return.

9. Next steps (2 minutes)

  • Give a high level explanation of the when and how you will make this happen and the next steps, including anything you need from your audience. Save the details for the project plan.

10. The grand finale (2 minutes)

  • Finish big. Revisit the hook from your introduction to close the story and leave them inspired and compelled to act.
  • Have a very clear ask that makes it easy for them to say yes. Ideally it’s a simple one they can make on the spot rather than one they have to go away and think about.
The best way to conquer stage fright is to know what you're talking about Michael H. Mescon

How to avoid death by PowerPoint

Use PowerPoint sparingly for your presentation. Senior executives want a discussion not a lecture.

In fact, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has gone so far as to ban PowerPoint presentations at Amazon HQ and replaced them with  six-page structured memos .

However if the subject matter demands it, or you feel you’ll be more effective with slides, here’s some great advice to avoid “death by PowerPoint.”

Design principles

David Phillips is a leading authority on the art of making presentations and author of the book How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint . In his entertaining and informative TED Talk, he shares his five presentation design principles:

  • One message per slide.
  • Use an image and short phrases. Avoid sentences and you shouldn’t read the slide out loud.
  • The most important parts of your slide should be the biggest. Try making the headline smaller so it isn’t distracting.
  • Use contrast to make your point stand out. Use a dark background instead of white and highlight the text related to your current topic so that it stands out from other text on the screen.
  • No more than 6 objects per slide (for instance, one image and 5 bullet points). Your brain has to use 500% more energy and cognitive resources to understand what’s in your PowerPoint.

The glance test

It should be skimmable and still have your message come through loud and clear. Presentation guru, Nancy Duarte calls this the “ Glance Test “.

Duarte says to focus on your high level findings, conclusions, recommendations and next steps. Keep supporting data and other materials in the appendix so you can quickly pull up the slides and go deeper if you need to.

  • Can you audience understand the meaning of your slides in 3 seconds or less?
  • Do you have a single, clear message for each slide?
  • Are you using contrast and white space effectively to emphasis important information
  • Is there a logical structure and flow to your presentation?
  • Do diagrams, images and other visuals add clarity and highlight your main point?

Slide titles

Powerful executive level presentations begin with a good headline. Try writing  slide titles like a newspaper  and tell a story that conveys exactly what it’s about.

For example instead of a boring title like “Q1 2023 Results”, write a title that says “Record Growth” – can you see the difference it makes?

  • 5 to 10 words
  • Accurate and specific
  • Don’t use articles like  a ,  an ,  the
  • Don’t use conjunctions, like  and  use a comma instead.
  • Don’t repeat what’s on the slide. Titles summarise. For example say Record Growth, not Record Growth of 30% Year on Year

Visualise data

Don’t load up your slides with too much detail. Structure your presentation around high level concepts but be ready with the facts. Keep copies of the data and reports nearby just in case.

Tell your data story with charts and infographics instead of reports. Only include the best most compelling data that directly supports your conclusions and keep it simple.

According to one CEO, “Eighty percent of your success at the top is your facilitation skills. Only 20 percent is your content.”

Things may not go according to plan. Anticipate some of the more common challenges you may face and decide how you’ll respond to them.

Rick Gilbert, founder and chairman of  PowerSpeaking  says to expect these challenges when presenting to an executive audience and and how to solve them.

  • Time cut.  Be prepared with a shorter, five-minute version of your presentation. Use slides 2, 4, 5 & 10.
  • Disengaged executives.  When people start checking their email, reconfirm that the topic is still important.
  • Decision maker leaves.  Before this person gets out the door, ask her what to do next, such as wait until she returns or move forward with the decision.
  • Topic change . Be prepared to improvise the agenda and change directions.
  • Side talk.  Refocus the audience on the agenda. Request help from your sponsor or the most senior person.
  • Energetic discussion.  When executives are fully engaged and throwing out new ideas, capture what is said and then reconfirm after the meeting.
If companies would have as little respect for business as they have for presentations, the majority would go bankrupt Dr. John Medina

Presentation Resources

Bring your executive presentation to life with facts, figures and imagery that adds credibility to your recommendations. Here are a few of my favourite resources.

Presentation and diagram templates

Slide libraries with some exciting done-for-you presentations and a very executive, data-centric focus. They also have lots of diagram slides to help you visually explain your ideas.

There are many places to get statistics from: Government agencies, trade organisations, Chambers of Commerce and all the big consulting firms like PwC, Deloitte, KPMG and so many others. Or try these. Just make sure you quote your sources on your slides.

  • Google public data . Great place to find hot topics and trending data and also links up with  Google Dataset Search .
  • Knoema . The world’s largest integrated global data base with 2.8b time series from thousands of sources and topics.
  • Gallup . They practically invented the poll and have a vast number of research reports on business, politics, world, education, social and economics.
  • Statista . Online access to over 1 million statistics and facts within 600 industries and 50+ countries.

Free stock photos

Images can make or break your executive level presentation. Add a few relevant photos that represent the message of each slide.

Don’t be too literal. If your presentation is about saving money, don’t use a picture of piles of cash. Think about what saving money means to your client and choose that picture instead. Something that triggers an emotional reaction.

For example, if it means happy shareholders, you could use a picture of people applauding at an annual general meeting. If it means they’ll be in a better position to invest in new technology next year, use a picture of a sprinter at the starting blocks.

Go to these resources for stunning, royalty free, high quality stock photos:

Ditch the bullet points and use icons to illustrate your message. They’re very effective and creative. Here are the libraries I use.

  • Flaticon . Check out their free set of 380 essential icons.
  • The Noun Project . 2m+ diverse icons and they even have a plugin for PowerPoint.
  • Icons8 . Over 1m+ icons with new icons added daily. The best features is their consistent styles—over 30 of them. They have everything from hand drawn to retro to doodles and more. So your presentations will always look polished and professional.


Sometimes a stock photo just doesn’t convey the message you want to share. A useful alternative is illustration. They add a modern twist to your presentations. Try these:

  • unDraw . Completely free. Browse to find the images that fit your needs and click to download. Use the on-the-fly color image generation to match your brand identity.
  • Freepik . I use Freepik every day. They have hundreds of thousands of vectors available for free. You just need to provide attribution in your slides to the artist. The choice can be overwhelming so be sure to use the search features and filters. Power tip is to follow any artists you like and then you can search within their portfolio for illustrations.
  • Ouch, a free 3D and Vector illustration tool  if you need media for your presentations.

Picture of Warwick Brown

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Executive Presentations: A Guide to Achieving the Outcomes You Want 

Focus on the outcome and audience, not what you want to say.

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Learning to present to executives is a critical part of career growth and success. Your ability to articulate what you and your team do, and how that aligns with the long-term mission and goals of your company, can mean the difference between support and resources and the depreciation of your product or team.  

I have been on both sides of the table, as a presenter and an executive. I started out in consulting at Boston Consulting Group, where I learned to craft presentations that were shared with senior executives and boards. I spent time in Corporate Strategy, where I worked on strategies and decks for the CEO of PayPal. I have pitched dozens of products, from PayPal Integration with eBay to Games, Facebook Credits, and Facebook Marketplace.  I also helped to craft the Ancestry new vision and strategy for our board. On the executive side, I have sat through hundreds of presentations in my operating roles, during my time in board service, and now as the CEO of Ancestry.  

This is a compilation of the best practices for any team preparing for an executive review.  

Know the purpose of your meeting

If you don’t know what outcome you’re looking for, you will likely leave dissatisfied with the outcome you get. 

Here are a few ways of categorizing your meeting.

Decision-making meeting: The goal of a decision-making meeting is to make the final call during the discussion (or, if necessary, shortly thereafter). It is critical that you frame each question in the context of the following: 

Clear options

Stakeholders’ opinions on those options

The pros and cons weighed against the decision criteria

Brainstorming meeting: Early in product development or idea generation, some executives will host brainstorming meetings to get initial ideas on the table. This is also often done for new innovation and areas of exploration.

Resource ask meeting: Amazon has a well-known type of six-pager meeting dedicated to requesting resources for a specific product. Other companies have periods where new ideas or incremental asks are entertained during budgeting time.  

Approval meeting: These meetings are often considered “green light” meetings, where a product or initiative is ready to ship and the team is requesting final approval to proceed. Prepare with a press release, positioning statement, and rollout plans. 

Update meeting: Ask yourself before having an update meeting, “Could this have been an email?” Many executive update meetings are more for the team than the executives, so if you are invited to a meeting of this type, ensure that you leverage it to ask your questions and garner support.   

Write a quality pre-read 

Pre-reads ensure that the content has a separate space from the conversation, benefitting both. 

Pre-reads give those attending the meeting the chance to get context and ask questions ahead of time. The best practice is to send the pre-read at least 24 hours before the meeting. It is challenging in a live 30- to 60-minute meeting to both set context and discuss key points. Focus the education portion on the pre-read and use your time in the room for a guided discussion. The pre-read should stand on its own without additional live commentary, and it should clearly list out everything that will be discussed during the meeting.  

Provide context, context, context

You are the only one who knows what is in your head. Everyone else needs context.

Most executives do not have detailed knowledge of what your team does.  They are likely to run dozens of different products or teams. They are also constantly switching from one topic to another throughout the day. The teams that have the best executive presentations start with clear context, especially in the pre-read. 

Several years ago, we presented an idea for a new payments product. We started with a Payments 101 primer explaining the key players in the industry. This included what role the merchant, gateway, acquiring bank, card network, and issuing banks play, and how the $.30 + 2.9% transaction fee was broken down by player. We then went on to explain what role we wanted to play in the ecosystem. The conversation was richer because we started with clear context, even if it was basic for some of the people in the room.  

Speak to your audience

Don't focus on what you want to say. Focus on what you want your audience to take away.

Most teams start with what they want to talk about, and not the outcome they want. If you are asking for resources, focus on how your work ladders up to the goals of the organization. If you are giving an update, focus on the key points you want to get across and any things you need to flag. 

Tailor your communication to those in the audience. Help them understand your focus, your priorities, and your impact, rather than giving a superficial recounting of what you are working on. Talk about things in the context of the company’s mission, the executive team’s goals, and how the work you do helps with one or both. 

Think about how many levels the audience is away from where you and your team are. For every layer of management, reduce the detail by one level.  The more removed your audience is from the work, the less detail they will understand or be able to weigh in on.  

Use narrative storytelling

Few people remember the statistics. Nearly everyone remembers the story. 

Your presentation should have a clear story arc. Start with the narrative outline and ensure you have a story that gets your point across. Focus on leveraging stats and data to support your narrative, rather than the other way around. The story should stand on its own, and it should be readable and comprehensible to someone who is not close to the details of your work.  

I was the PM of a team that delivered straightforward executive updates that were factual recounting of how things were going, metrics, roadmaps, and progress.  While these were adequate, they didn’t garner much feedback. I later took on another area and switched to narrative storytelling since we didn’t yet have product-market fit and little to no data. The executives engaged actively, and I heard the stories retold both internally and eventually externally. Both products were equally successful in their time, but the latter became part of company lore, and the former has largely been forgotten. 

Focus on comprehension over comprehensiveness

Don’t aim to explain everything. Focus on making sure the right things land. 

I've seen some teams go for the “kitchen sink” presentation style. They put every detail in a hundred-page PowerPoint, making it impossible to have a focused conversation. Rarely are leaders impressed by the breadth of a presentation. Instead, they want clear thinking that will help them make decisions.  

Once, after a day of product reviews with several teams, one executive said, “The teams are bringing in 20-page Word documents for their products. We have a dozen of these reviews a week, and we are reading entire novels at this rate.”  

When we had mid-cycle product reviews, we limited each team to two written pages. The end of half product lookbacks and roadmaps were limited to four pages.  Ironically, the Product Managers chafed against these restrictions the most. As one said, “It is easier to write ten pages than it is to write four.” Though being concise is more challenging than including more, it made for richer and more focused conversations.  

Be truthful and transparent  

Focus on full transparency - on both good points and bad points - so that you can build a culture of trust. Shading in favor of the positive will erode trust in the rest of your presentation. 

Hiding bad news is never a good strategy. Companies where teams are constantly speaking only about good news risk running into “Emperor's New Clothes” syndrome. Sharing what is working well in addition to what is not working well ensures that you are giving a transparent and clear assessment of where you are. That way, you can ask for help in the areas where there are gaps.

In addition, truth-telling innoculates you when something goes wrong. If you are constantly selling the idea of a blowout success and then falling short, you risk losing the confidence of the leaders.  

We are often intimidated by executive meetings, but armed with the right preparation, you can leverage them to help your team and company. The key is to focus on the outcome you hope to achieve and work back from there.  Clear communication, focus, and purpose will drive the discussion forward, and the rest will take care of itself.  

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Executive Meeting

Executive meeting presentation, free google slides theme and powerpoint template.

If you need your next executive meeting presentation to include an organizational chart, graphs, a map, a roadmap infographic and/or a photo showcase, save yourself the design work and check out this minimalistic presentation template we have prepared for you! With its simple yet powerful design and easy customizability, it’s just what you need to get your ideas across in a clear way and make a lasting impression on your audience. Download it now for Google Slides or PowerPoint and start editing, you won’t regret it!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 20 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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A major Tesla executive left after 18 years at the company amid mass layoffs

  • Drew Baglino, Tesla's SVP of powertrain and electrical engineering, resigned on Sunday.
  • Baglino's departure came shortly before Tesla laid off 10% of its workforce.
  • The executive had worked at Tesla for over 18 years.

Insider Today

Drew Baglino, Tesla's senior vice president of powertrain and electrical engineering, announced on Monday that he'd left the company, becoming the latest major executive to depart Elon Musk's EV giant after the chief financial officer stepped down in August. The move came as Tesla announced sweeping job cuts.

I made the difficult decision to move on from Tesla after 18 years yesterday. I am so thankful to have worked with and learned from the countless incredibly talented people at Tesla over the years. I loved tackling nearly 🤣 every problem we solved as a team and feel gratified… — Drew Baglino (@baglino) April 15, 2024

Rohan Patel, Tesla's vice president of public policy and business development, also said on Monday he'd left the company. Patel told TechCrunch that he departed due to big "overall changes" at Tesla.

Baglino and Patel did not immediately respond to a request from Business Insider for comment, nor did a spokesperson from Tesla. However, Musk responded to X posts from both execs thanking them for their work.

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Baglino joined the company in 2006 — two years after Musk first invested in the automaker — and started out as an electrical engineer working on the Roadster , the company's first vehicle.

By the time he left, he had become one of only four execs named as "leadership" on Tesla's investor relations page, alongside Musk, Vaibhav Taneja, the chief financial officer, and Tom Zhu, the senior vice president of automotive. Baglino was in charge of the technology behind the company's energy products, including car batteries and motors.

Electrek , an EV blog, reported on Monday morning that Baglino had already lost his Tesla company X badge — a red icon next to his X username — shortly before he announced his departure on the platform. X is also owned by Musk.

Baglino appears to have resigned less than 24 hours before Tesla announced a round of job cuts that will affect about 10% of its workforce. Multiple Tesla employees told Business Insider there had been concerns about impending layoffs going into the weekend as rumors spread throughout the company that some managers had been told to provide upper management with a list of names.

Earlier this month, Tesla reported substandard quarterly sales numbers amid a general slowdown in EV demand. The company's stock is down about 33% year over year.

Tesla saw another key executive depart last year. Zachary Kirkhorn, the company's chief financial officer who was rumored to one day possibly succeed Musk, left the company in August after 13 years.

Do you work for Tesla or have a tip? Reach out to the reporter via a non-work email and device at [email protected]

Watch: What happens when Elon Musk moves markets with a tweet

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  • Feb 28, 2023

Russia: Magnit launches its second discount concept B1

Updated: May 5, 2023

Russian largest retail chain Magnit (owned by Marathon Group and list on MCX : MGNT, LSE : MGNT) launches its second discount format B1. The first three pilot stores were opened in Stupino, Elektrostal and Tuchkovo in Moscow region.

For this new discount project, Magnit appointed Anzhela Ryabova who has a wide spread retail experience where off discount retail at the Siberian-based store chain Baton (part of Krasny Yar).

The new format B1 will strengthen the presence of Magnit in the segment of discounters, where Magnit is represented from 2020 by the soft-discount proximity small size concept "My Price", and will allow to cover even more consumer missions. B1 are stores with a focus on a limited quality assortment at attractive prices, covering the basic needs of the consumer.

The new discount format is close to the classic discount concept and is aimed at consumers who do not accept compromises in quality, but strive for rational purchases. The range of B1 with 1,000 SKU is narrower than the soft discounters "My Price" (average of 2,500 SKUs), and own brands (private labels) in the future will occupy about 50% of the B1`s product offer.

B1 will adhere the EDLP (every day low prices) pricing strategy. But the basis of the assortment of the discount format will be products of the middle price segment with a small share of goods of the "first price".

Due to a deeper optimization of operational processes in stores and logistics, prices in B1 will be lower than in "My Price" and in "Magnit" stores. In the B1 assortment emphasis is placed on offering high-quality fresh categories, as well as fruits and vegetables. Another key category of the new format is fresh pastries: in B1 stores there will be bakeries for the production of fresh bread, buns and pies.

Another distinctive feature of B1 will be a wide offer of weight goods such as cereals, confectionery, frozen foods, seafood, etc. At the same time, a significant proportion of goods in B1 will be presented in large packages, which will also help customers optimize their spending.

The store area of B1 stores will be 330 - 400 sqm. Only pallet and boxed goods are presented, which requires additional merchandising space. In addition, the B1 layout provides wide aisles for the convenience of buyers, fast shopping and store productivity.

Another element of B1 will be the use of modern technologies in stores, such as self-service cash registers. It will test the so-called "cold rooms", separate rooms with a special temperature regime for chilled products (meat, fish, salads, dairy products). Cold rooms will allow B1 to reduce operating costs, as well as the time of personnel for laying out goods.

B1 is managed by Angela Ryabova, who joined Magnit in November 2022. Before that Ryabova headed the Krasny Yar group of companies, developing the Baton discounter successfully.

In the future, B1 will set-up a separate logistics, maximally adapted to the needs of the format in terms of speed and cost of operations. It is assumed that the first own B1 distribution center will be opened in the fourth quarter of 2023. In the near future, Magnit will open up to 15 pilot B1 stores in different configurations and types of locations in different cities of the Moscow region to test several hypotheses, operating models and business processes. After that, the company will form the optimal model of the hard discounter and will decide on scaling the format, supported by DRC .

"Discounters remain one of the fastest growing segments of the market and retain high potential for further development. We want to create a standard of "high-quality" hard discounters on the Russian market, a format that is very poorly represented in our country. Our hard discounter is a store for modern consumers who rationally approach their budget and time, but are not ready to sacrifice the quality of life," says Angela Ryabova, Director of B1.

Magnit is presented in all grocery retail formats covering basic consumer missions. The company develops a network of convenience stores for frequent purchases of basic basket goods, large-format stores (supermarkets and superstores) with a wider range for future purchases, drug stores for purchases of non-food products. The new B1 format is focused on purchasing a basic food basket for a few days and daily purchases of fresh goods, while "My Price" covers the wider needs for daily purchases of basic goods on a smaller space.

In 2022, Magnit expanded its network of soft discounters to 700 stores and in 2023 it will continue to expand this format.


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    Below you will find a list of business German phrases that may come in handy during a presentation. Learning through phrases, rather than vocabulary lists, helps you learn in context, which is crucial to achieve full fluency. The presentation will take about 30 minutes. Die Präsentation wird etwa 30 Minuten dauern.

  8. How to create a successful executive presentation

    1. Visual presentation style. The visual style is one of the most popular -- both in PowerPoint and other styles of presentation. They tend to be very dependent on images and video, often, with complementary audio. The tech industry does this all the time, with Apple among the most notable users of the style. 2.

  9. WIRKUNGSVOLL auf Deutsch präsentieren

    In diesem Video lernst Du, wie Du Deine Präsentation auf Deutsch wirkungsvoll gestaltest und die Aufmerksamkeit Deines Publikums garantiert gewinnst*****...

  10. Sentences to start a presentation

    When a presentation is more for entertainment (something like science slams comes to mind), a pure chaotic joy ride can be very entertaining and starting with an interesting question is definitely right there! - Benjamin. Aug 12, 2020 at 13:56 @Benjamin There are two problems with the table of contents. First, as a speaker, you want to get ...

  11. How to Create Powerful Executive Level Presentations + Template

    Executive-level presentation framework in 22 minutes. Introduction (2 minutes). Keep it simple - who you are and why you're there. The hook (2 minutes). Introduce your value proposition and start with your conclusion. In other words, put the last slide first. Current situation (3 minutes).

  12. Executive presentation

    Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "Executive presentation" - Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

  13. How To Give an Executive Presentation (With Key Questions)

    Here are five tips to help you give a successful executive presentation: 1. Be as concise and succinct as possible. When giving an executive presentation, it's important to be as concise as possible. This is because C-level executives may have packed schedules full of similar meetings, meaning they may have little time to offer you during your ...

  14. Executive Presentations: A Guide to Achieving the Outcomes ...

    Many executive update meetings are more for the team than the executives, so if you are invited to a meeting of this type, ensure that you leverage it to ask your questions and garner support. ... Your presentation should have a clear story arc. Start with the narrative outline and ensure you have a story that gets your point across. Focus on ...

  15. Executive Meeting

    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. If you need your next executive meeting presentation to include an organizational chart, graphs, a map, a roadmap infographic and/or a photo showcase, save yourself the design work and check out this minimalistic presentation template we have prepared for you! With its simple yet powerful design ...

  16. Other Presentations and Events

    June 10, 2020. James von Moltke, Chief Financial Officer & Stuart Lewis, Chief Risk Officer - Goldman Sachs European Financials Conference. PDF Transcript. May 26, 2020. Christian Sewing, Chief Executive Officer - Deutsche Bank Global Financials Conference, New York. PDF Presentation. PDF Transcript.

  17. Übersetzung für "Executive Presentation" im Deutsch

    Übersetzung im Kontext von „Executive Presentation" in Englisch-Deutsch von Reverso Context: Catalogue and service guidelines, and Executive Presentation. Übersetzung Context Rechtschreibprüfung Synonyme Konjugation. Konjugation Documents Wörterbuch Kollaboratives Wörterbuch Grammatik Expressio Reverso Corporate.

  18. Übersetzung für "executive presentations" im Deutsch

    Übersetzung im Kontext von „executive presentations" in Englisch-Deutsch von Reverso Context: This exciting experience will include executive presentations, live demonstrations, networking opportunities, industry guest speakers, and more.

  19. A major Tesla executive left after 18 years at the company amid mass

    Tesla saw another key executive depart last year. Zachary Kirkhorn, the company's chief financial officer who was rumored to one day possibly succeed Musk, left the company in August after 13 years.

  20. Russia: Magnit launches its second discount concept B1

    Russian largest retail chain Magnit (owned by Marathon Group and list on MCX: MGNT, LSE: MGNT) launches its second discount format B1. The first three pilot stores were opened in Stupino, Elektrostal and Tuchkovo in Moscow region.For this new discount project, Magnit appointed Anzhela Ryabova who has a wide spread retail experience where off discount retail at the Siberian-based store chain ...

  21. Plenary Book presentation: Nikolay Epplée (Moscow). The ...

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  22. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  23. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.