160 Questions to Ask After a Presentation

Asking questions after a presentation is not just about seeking clarity on what was discussed. It’s a golden opportunity to delve deeper, engage with the speaker, and enhance your understanding of the subject matter. But knowing which questions to ask isn’t always straightforward.

In this piece, we’re about to break down the art of crafting impactful questions post-presentation that will not only benefit you but also add value to the entire audience’s experience.

Table of Contents

Questions to Ask After a Presentation for Feedback

Questions to ask after a presentation interview, questions to ask students after a presentation, questions to ask after a research presentation, questions to ask after a business presentation, questions to ask after a marketing presentation, questions to ask after a book presentation, reflection questions to ask after a presentation, frequently asked questions, final thoughts.

  • Can you summarize the key points of the presentation?
  • What aspect of the presentation did you find most engaging?
  • Were there any areas that were unclear or confusing? If so, what were they?
  • How would you rate the overall organization and flow of the presentation?
  • Did the visual aids (such as slides or charts) enhance your understanding of the topic? Why or why not?
  • Did the presenter maintain good eye contact and use body language effectively?
  • Was the presenter’s tone and pace suitable for the content and audience?
  • Were there any statistics or facts presented that stood out to you? Why?
  • Did the presenter address potential counter-arguments or opposing views adequately?
  • Were the objectives of the presentation clearly stated and met?
  • How well did the presenter handle questions or interruptions during the presentation?
  • Was there anything in the presentation that seemed unnecessary or redundant?
  • What would you suggest to improve the presentation for future audiences?
  • How did the presentation change or influence your thinking about the subject?
  • Did the presentation feel tailored to the audience’s knowledge and interest level?
  • Was there a clear and compelling call to action or concluding statement?
  • Did the presentation feel too short, too long, or just the right length?
  • What was your overall impression of the presenter’s credibility and expertise on the subject?
  • How would you rate the relevance and importance of the topic to the audience?
  • Can you identify any biases or assumptions in the presentation that may have influenced the message?
  • How did you determine what content to include in your presentation?
  • Can you explain the rationale behind the structure and flow of your presentation?
  • What challenges did you face while preparing this presentation, and how did you overcome them?
  • Were there any points in the presentation where you felt you could have elaborated more or less? Why?
  • How did you decide on the visual elements and design of your presentation?
  • Can you describe your intended audience and how you tailored the content to engage them?
  • How did you ensure that the information presented was accurate and up-to-date?
  • Were there any counter-arguments or opposing views on this topic that you considered including?
  • How would you adapt this presentation for a different audience or context?
  • How do you handle unexpected questions or interruptions during a presentation?
  • Can you give an example of how you’ve handled negative feedback on a presentation in the past?
  • How do you measure the success of a presentation? What metrics or feedback do you seek?
  • What techniques do you use to engage an audience that may not be familiar with the topic?
  • How do you balance the need to entertain and inform in a presentation?
  • How do you prioritize information when you have a limited time to present?
  • What strategies do you employ to ensure that your main points are memorable?
  • How do you deal with nerves or anxiety before or during a presentation?
  • Can you describe a situation where a presentation did not go as planned and how you handled it?
  • How do you keep up with the latest trends and best practices in presenting?
  • Is there anything you would change about this presentation if you were to do it again?
  • How did you feel about the presentation? Were you confident or nervous, and why?
  • What was the main message or goal of your presentation, and do you think you achieved it?
  • How did you decide on the structure of your presentation?
  • What research methods did you use to gather information for this presentation?
  • Were there any challenges you encountered while preparing or presenting, and how did you address them?
  • How did you ensure that your visual aids or multimedia elements supported your key points?
  • What part of the presentation are you most proud of, and why?
  • Were there any areas where you felt uncertain or that you would like to improve upon for next time?
  • How did you tailor your presentation to fit the knowledge level and interest of your audience?
  • What techniques did you use to engage the audience, and how do you think they worked?
  • How did you practice your presentation, and what adjustments did you make as a result?
  • Did you feel the time allotted for your presentation was sufficient? Why or why not?
  • How did you decide what to emphasize or de-emphasize in your presentation?
  • What feedback did you receive from peers during the preparation, and how did you incorporate it?
  • Did you have a clear conclusion or call to action, and why did you choose it?
  • How do you think your presentation style affects the way your audience receives your message?
  • What would you do differently if you were to present this topic again?
  • Can you reflect on a piece of feedback or a question from the audience that made you think?
  • How has this presentation helped you better understand the subject matter?
  • How will the skills and insights gained from this presentation experience benefit you in the future?
  • Can you elaborate on the research question and what prompted you to investigate this topic?
  • How did you choose the methodology for this research, and why was it the most suitable approach?
  • Can you discuss any limitations or constraints within your research design and how they might have affected the results?
  • How do your findings align or contrast with existing literature or previous research in this field?
  • Were there any unexpected findings, and if so, how do you interpret them?
  • How did you ensure the reliability and validity of your data?
  • Can you discuss the ethical considerations involved in your research, and how were they addressed?
  • What are the practical implications of your findings for practitioners in the field?
  • How might your research contribute to theoretical development within this discipline?
  • What recommendations do you have for future research based on your findings?
  • Can you provide more details about your sample size and selection process?
  • How did you handle missing or inconsistent data within your research?
  • Were there any biases that could have influenced the results, and how were they mitigated?
  • How do you plan to disseminate these findings within the academic community or to the broader public?
  • Can you discuss the significance of your research within a broader social, economic, or cultural context?
  • What feedback have you received from peers or advisors on this research, and how has it shaped your work?
  • How does your research fit into your long-term academic or professional goals?
  • Were there any particular challenges in conveying complex research findings to a general audience, and how did you address them?
  • How does this research presentation fit into the larger project or research agenda, if applicable?
  • Can you provide more insight into the interdisciplinary aspects of your research, if any, and how they contributed to the depth or breadth of understanding?
  • Can you elaborate on the primary objectives and expected outcomes of this business initiative?
  • How does this strategy align with the overall mission and vision of the company?
  • What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you’ll be monitoring to gauge success?
  • Can you discuss the risks associated with this plan, and how have you prepared to mitigate them?
  • How does this proposal fit within the current market landscape, and what sets it apart from competitors?
  • What are the potential financial implications of this plan, including both investments and projected returns?
  • Can you provide more detail about the timeline and milestones for implementation?
  • What internal and external resources will be required, and how have you planned to allocate them?
  • How did you gather and analyze the data presented, and how does it support your conclusions?
  • How does this proposal take into account regulatory compliance and ethical considerations?
  • What are the potential challenges or roadblocks, and what strategies are in place to overcome them?
  • Can you explain how this initiative aligns with or affects other ongoing projects or departments within the company?
  • How will this plan impact stakeholders, and how have their interests and concerns been addressed?
  • What contingency plans are in place if the initial strategy doesn’t achieve the desired results?
  • How will success be communicated and celebrated within the organization?
  • What opportunities for collaboration or partnership with other organizations exist within this plan?
  • How does this proposal consider sustainability and the potential long-term impact on the environment and community?
  • How have you incorporated feedback or lessons learned from previous similar initiatives?
  • What are the key takeaways you’d like us to remember from this presentation?
  • How can we get involved or support this initiative moving forward?
  • Can you elaborate on the target audience for this marketing campaign, and how were they identified?
  • What are the main objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) for this campaign?
  • How does this marketing strategy align with the overall brand values and business goals?
  • What channels will be utilized, and why were they chosen for this particular campaign?
  • Can you discuss the expected return on investment (ROI) and how it will be measured?
  • What are the creative concepts driving this campaign, and how do they resonate with the target audience?
  • How does this campaign consider the competitive landscape, and what sets it apart from competitors’ efforts?
  • What are the potential risks or challenges with this marketing plan, and how will they be mitigated?
  • Can you provide more details about the budget allocation across different marketing channels and activities?
  • How have customer insights or feedback been integrated into the campaign strategy?
  • What contingency plans are in place if certain elements of the campaign do not perform as expected?
  • How will this marketing initiative be integrated with other departments or business functions, such as sales or customer service?
  • How does this campaign consider sustainability or social responsibility, if at all?
  • What tools or technologies will be used to execute and monitor this campaign?
  • Can you discuss the timeline and key milestones for the launch and ongoing management of the campaign?
  • How will the success of this campaign be communicated both internally and externally?
  • How does this marketing strategy consider potential regulatory or compliance issues?
  • How will the campaign be adapted or customized for different markets or segments, if applicable?
  • What lessons from previous campaigns were applied in the development of this strategy?
  • How can we, as a team or as individuals, support the successful implementation of this marketing plan?
  • What inspired the main theme or concept of the book?
  • Can you describe the intended audience for this book, and why they would find it appealing?
  • How did the characters’ development contribute to the overall message of the book?
  • What research was conducted (if any) to ensure the authenticity of the setting, characters, or events?
  • Were there any challenges or ethical considerations in writing or presenting this book?
  • How does this book fit into the current literary landscape or genre? What sets it apart?
  • What do you believe readers will find most engaging or thought-provoking about this book?
  • Can you discuss any symbolic elements or literary devices used in the book and their significance?
  • How does the book’s structure (e.g., point of view, chronological order) contribute to its impact?
  • What were the emotional highs and lows during the writing or reading of this book, and how do they reflect in the story?
  • How does the book address or reflect contemporary social, cultural, or political issues?
  • Were there any parts of the book that were particularly difficult or rewarding to write or read?
  • How does this book relate to the author’s previous works or the evolution of their writing style?
  • What feedback or responses have been received from readers, critics, or peers, and how have they influenced the presentation?
  • What are the main takeaways or lessons you hope readers will gain from this book?
  • How might this book be used in educational settings, and what age group or courses would it be suitable for?
  • Can you discuss the process of editing, publishing, or marketing the book, if applicable?
  • How does the book’s cover art or design reflect its content or attract its target readership?
  • Are there plans for a sequel, adaptation, or related works in the future?
  • How can readers stay engaged with the author or the book’s community, such as through social media, book clubs, or events?
  • How do you feel the presentation went overall, and why?
  • What part of the presentation are you most proud of, and what made it successful?
  • Were there any moments where you felt challenged or uncertain? How did you handle those moments?
  • How did you perceive the audience’s engagement and reaction? Were there any surprises?
  • What feedback have you received from others, and how does it align with your self-assessment?
  • Were there any technical difficulties or unexpected obstacles, and how were they addressed?
  • How well did you manage your time during the presentation? Were there areas that needed more or less focus?
  • How did you feel before the presentation, and how did those feelings change throughout?
  • What strategies did you use to connect with the audience, and how effective were they?
  • Were there any points that you felt were misunderstood or could have been communicated more clearly?
  • How did the preparation process contribute to the overall success or challenges of the presentation?
  • What did you learn about yourself as a communicator or presenter through this experience?
  • Were there any ethical considerations in the content or delivery of the presentation, and how were they handled?
  • How does this presentation align with your long-term goals or professional development?
  • How would you approach this presentation differently if you had to do it again?
  • How has this presentation affected your confidence or skills in public speaking or presenting?
  • What resources or support would have enhanced your preparation or performance?
  • How will you apply what you’ve learned from this presentation to future projects or presentations?
  • How did your understanding of the topic change or deepen through the process of preparing and presenting?
  • What steps will you take to continue improving or building on the skills demonstrated in this presentation?

What if I disagree with a point made during the presentation?

It’s important to frame disagreement in a constructive and respectful way. You might say, “ I found your point on X intriguing. From a different perspective, could Y also be considered…? ” This opens up a dialogue without dismissing the presenter’s viewpoint.

How can I formulate my questions to encourage a more detailed answer?

Use open-ended questions that start with “ how ,” “ why, ” or “ could you explain… ” as these require more than a yes or no answer and encourage the presenter to provide depth. For example, “ Could you explain the process behind your research findings in more detail? “

By asking insightful questions, you’re not only cementing your understanding of the material presented but also opening doors to further knowledge and collaboration. Remember, the quality of your questions reflects the depth of your engagement and willingness to learn.

So, the next time you find yourself in the audience, seize the opportunity to ask meaningful questions and watch as simple presentations transform into dialogues that inspire and illuminate.

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Bea Mariel Saulo

Bea is an editor and writer with a passion for literature and self-improvement. Her ability to combine these two interests enables her to write informative and thought-provoking articles that positively impact society. She enjoys reading stories and listening to music in her spare time.

350 Top Q&A Questions to Expect for Any Presentations (Save Them Now!)

Zhun Yee Chew

Zhun Yee Chew

350 Top Q&A Questions to Expect for Any Presentations (Save Them Now!)

Preparing the slide content is nothing compared to dealing with daunting questions during the Q&A session of a presentation. Sometimes, if we are not lucky, we will face a tough crowd with even tougher questions that may leave us feeling challenged on the spot. And none of us likes the awkward moment of not being able to provide a satisfactory response to the audience.

Answering Q&A questions is a skill that everyone can master with the right resources and the right amount of preparation. You’ve searched, and we have them for you.

In this article, you will find more than 300 Q&A questions that are most commonly asked in a wide range of presentation occasions. Save them so you can be ready for even the most unexpected questions in your upcoming presentations!

What Are Q&A Questions?

Q&A questions, short for “Questions and Answers”, are inquiries posed by an audience or participants to the speaker or presenter during the Q&A session of a presentation . This Q&A segment typically follows a presentation, a talk or a lecture, providing the opportunities for the audience to seek clarification, ask additional information, or understand the speaker’s perspectives.

The whole point of Q&A sessions is to make the presentation more interactive and foster engagement . It’s a chance for the audience to pick the speaker’s brain and get a better understanding of the subject. 

What Are the Different Types of Presentations?

Types of Presentations

Business Presentations:

  • Sales pitches
  • Quarterly or annual reports
  • Performance reviews
  • Project proposals/updates
  • All-hands presentations

Academic  Presentations:

  • Lesson presentations
  • Conference/research presentations
  • Classroom quiz games

Training Sessions:

  • Employee training
  • Onboarding sessions
  • Skills development workshops

Public Speaking:

  • Motivational speeches
  • Commencement addresses

Informative Presentations:

  • How-to presentations
  • Demonstrations
  • Informational sessions

Social Events:

  • Celebration speeches
  • Team-building activities
  • PowerPoint nights
  • Presentation games

Technology Presentations:

  • Software launches
  • Product launches

Crisis Management:

  • Crisis communication
  • Emergency response briefings
  • Contingency plans

Virtual Presentations:

  • Online conferences

Different presentations involve different audience types, and the nature of questions posed can vary significantly based on presentation formats and occasions. However, the core of a successful and engaging presentation remains constant – ensuring  interactivity in a presentation  and transforming it into a two-way street through Q&A questions and adding interactive elements or using interactive tools in your presentations.

Academic Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for lecture presentations.

Lecture Q&A questions

  • Can you provide more examples for the concept/theory you just explained?
  • Are there any common misconceptions about this topic that we should be aware of?
  • What are the main differences between this and [related topic]?
  • Can you explain the steps involved in [specific process] in more detail?
  • What are the current research trends or developments in this field?
  • How does this concept connect to what we learned in the previous lesson?
  • Are there any alternative approaches to solve the problems here?
  • Can you recommend additional resources or readings?
  • Can you provide some tips for studying this material effectively?
  • Are there any real-world examples where this concept has been successfully applied?
  • What are the most common mistakes students make when working on assignments for this topic?
  • Can you explain the significance of this concept in the context of future careers?
  • What are the ethical considerations associated with the topics we are discussing?
  • Are there any current debates or controversies related to this topic?
  • How does this topic connect with interdisciplinary subjects or other courses?
  • Can you share examples of how this concept might be used in different industries or professions?
  • Can you summarize the key takeaways of today’s presentation?
  • Can you discuss any historical or cultural context that influences this topic?
  • How might this information be relevant to current events or societal issues?

Q&A Questions for Academic Conference Presentations 

Academic conference Q&A questions

  • How did you decide on the research question or topic for your study?
  • How did you select your sample or participants, and how representative is it of the broader population?
  • Can you explain the methodology you used in your research and why you chose that approach?
  • What are the main findings or key results of your study?
  • How do your findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your field?
  • Can you discuss any limitations or challenges you encountered during your research?
  • What implications do your findings have for practitioners in the field?
  • Can you elaborate on the theoretical framework that guided your study?
  • What ethical considerations did you address in your research, and how were they managed?
  • How did you validate the reliability and validity of your research instruments or methods?
  • How did you address potential biases or confounding variables in your research?
  • How do your findings compare to previous research on the same or similar topics?
  • Can you discuss any unexpected or surprising results that you discovered during your study?
  • How did you handle data analysis, and what statistical methods were employed in your study?
  • What alternative explanations or interpretations of your data did you consider?
  • How does your research contribute to addressing specific gaps in current knowledge?
  • How did you control for potential confounding variables in your research design?
  • What recommendations do you have for policymakers based on your research findings?
  • How does your study relate to other recent or ongoing research in the same area?
  • Are your findings generalizable to different populations or settings?
  • How did you ensure the rigor of your data analysis and interpretation?
  • What role did collaboration play in your research, and how did you handle disagreements within the research team?
  • Can you share any unexpected challenges you faced during the research process?
  • How might your findings be applied in a practical context, such as in industry or education?
  • How did you establish the validity of your conclusions in light of potential bias or subjectivity?
  • What potential areas for future research did your study uncover?
  • Can you discuss the relevance of your research to current global or societal issues?
  • How did you handle any limitations in available resources or funding for your research?
  • What key takeaway message or lesson would you like the audience to remember from your presentation?

Q&A Questions for Student Presentations

Student presentation Q&A questions

  • Can you elaborate on the research process you used to gather information for your presentation?
  • Can you discuss the process of selecting and organizing the visual elements in your presentation, such as charts or graphs?
  • How did you decide on the topic or key elements to include in your presentation?
  • What challenges did you encounter while preparing for your presentation, and how did you overcome them?
  • What did you learn about the topic that surprised you during your research?
  • Can you explain the significance of your topic or its relevance to the course content?
  • Can you discuss any alternative perspectives or counter-arguments related to your topic that you considered?
  • What sources did you consult to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented?
  • Can you explain the connection between your topic and current events or real-world applications?
  • Can you share any specific examples or case studies that support the points you made in your presentation?
  • Can you elaborate on any implications or applications of your findings beyond the scope of your presentation?
  • Can you discuss any ethical considerations related to your topic that you addressed in your presentation?
  • How might your presentation contribute to the understanding of the broader course themes or objectives?
  • What aspects of the presentation are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

Q&A Questions for Project-Based Lessons

Project-based lesson Q&A questions

  • What is the main goal or objective of this project, and how will our work contribute to it?
  • Can you provide more details about the criteria for success in this project?
  • How will our progress be assessed, and what are the key milestones or deadlines?
  • Can you clarify the roles and responsibilities of each team member in the project?
  • Are there specific resources or materials that we should use or reference for this project?
  • Can you provide examples of successful projects from previous classes or students?
  • Are there specific presentation or communication requirements for showcasing our project?
  • What opportunities for feedback and revision will be available throughout the project timeline?

Business Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for sales pitches.

Sales Pitch Q&A questions

  • What makes your product or service different from competitors in the market?
  • Can you provide some specific examples of companies or clients who have successfully used your product/service?
  • How does your product/service address specific pain points or challenges that customers commonly face?
  • Can you share some success stories or case studies related to your product/service?
  • How does your product/service integrate with existing tools or systems our company uses?
  • What kind of support or training is provided to customers after they purchase your product/service?
  • Can you explain the implementation process and how quickly we can expect to see results?
  • Are there any customization options available to tailor the product/service to our specific needs?
  • What kind of ongoing maintenance or updates does your product/service require?
  • How do you ensure the security and privacy of our data when using your product/service?
  • Are there any limitations or restrictions we should be aware of when using your product/service?
  • How often do you release updates or new features to your product/service?
  • Can you explain the scalability of your solution and how it can grow with our business?
  • What is your company’s roadmap for future developments or enhancements to the product/service?
  • What is the typical return on investment (ROI) that your customers experience after implementing your product/service?
  • How do you handle issues or challenges that may arise post-purchase?

Q&A Questions for Work Presentations

Work Meeting Q&A questions

  • How does your proposal align with our company’s overall goals or strategic objectives?
  • What potential challenges do you foresee in implementing this plan, and how do you plan to address them?
  • Can you explain the specific roles and responsibilities of each team member involved in this project?
  • What kind of timeline are you envisioning for the different phases of this project?
  • Have you considered alternative approaches to achieve the same goals, and if so, what are they?
  • What resources, budget, and manpower will be required to execute this plan successfully?
  • How do you plan to measure the success or effectiveness of this project?
  • Are there any potential risks associated with your proposal, and what mitigation strategies do you have in place?
  • Can you provide examples of similar projects that have been successful in the past, either within our company or in other organizations?
  • How will you keep stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the project lifecycle?
  • What kind of collaboration and communication tools do you plan to use to keep the team connected?
  • Are there any dependencies or external factors that could impact the timeline or success of this project?
  • Can you explain how this project aligns with current industry trends or best practices?
  • What are the potential roadblocks or obstacles you anticipate, and how do you plan to overcome them?

Q&A Questions for Performance Review Presentations 

Performance Review Q&A questions

  • Can you highlight specific projects or tasks where you feel you excelled?
  • How have you demonstrated leadership skills and the ability to take initiative?
  • Have there been any instances of conflict or difficult situations, and how did you handle them?
  • What accomplishments are you most proud of since our last performance review?
  • Where do you think you could have performed better, and what challenges did you face?
  • How well do you think your current responsibilities align with your career goals?
  • What new skills or responsibilities would you like to take on in the next year?
  • How have you found the feedback and communication within the team or organization?
  • How well do you feel you have contributed to team projects and collaborations?
  • Are there ways we can enhance teamwork and collaboration within the team?
  • Is there anything we can do to support you better in your role?
  • What additional resources or training do you think would benefit you in your role?
  • What motivates you in your work, and how can we ensure your continued motivation?
  • What steps can we take to help you achieve your long-term career goals?

Q&A Questions for Annual/Quarterly Report Presentations

Annual or quarterly report Q&A questions

  • How did specific projects or initiatives contribute to the overall success or challenges outlined in the report?
  • What challenges or obstacles did the team face during the reporting period, and how were they addressed?
  • Are there any unexpected or significant changes in the industry landscape that may affect future performance?
  • What steps were taken to mitigate risks and uncertainties identified in the previous reports?
  • Can you discuss the budgetary implications of the results presented in the report?
  • How did the team adapt to changes in customer preferences or demands during this reporting period?
  • How do the results align with the long-term strategic objectives of the organization?
  • Can you discuss any feedback or concerns received from clients, customers, or stakeholders mentioned in the report?
  • How did internal collaborations or cross-functional teamwork contribute to the outcomes presented?
  • What initiatives or projects are planned for the upcoming quarter or year in response to the findings in the report?
  • Can you elaborate on the return on investment (ROI) for specific marketing or promotional activities mentioned in the report?
  • How do the current results compare to benchmarks or industry standards for similar organizations?
  • Can you discuss any changes or improvements in operational processes that were implemented during the reporting period?
  • Can you provide insights into any potential areas for improvement or focus in the coming reporting period based on the data presented?

Q&A Questions for All-Hands Presentations

  • What are the key priorities and goals for the team in the upcoming quarter/year?
  • Can you provide more details about the recent changes in team structure or leadership?
  • How will recent industry trends or developments impact our team’s strategies moving forward?
  • Can you discuss the reasoning behind recent policy changes or updates within the team?
  • How will the team address challenges identified in recent performance reports or feedback?
  • Can you provide insights into the budget allocation and resource planning for the team?
  • How will the team adapt to changes in technology or tools that may affect our workflow?
  • What professional development opportunities will be available to team members in the coming months?
  • Can you share updates on recent achievements or milestones reached by the team?
  • Can you discuss the team’s approach to fostering diversity and inclusion within the workplace?
  • What strategies will be implemented to maintain team morale and motivation?
  • Can you elaborate on the team’s strategy for managing workloads and preventing burnout?
  • How will the team address any challenges related to communication?
  • What steps will be taken to recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements in the future?

Public Speaking Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for motivational presentations.

Motivational Speech Q&A questions

  • How did your background or experiences shape your perspective on the topic you discussed?
  • How can individuals or communities apply the ideas you shared in their own lives or work?
  • What impact do you hope your work will have on the future of [your topic]?
  • How has your perspective on [your topic] evolved throughout your journey, and what lessons have you learned?
  • How do you suggest we, as individuals, can contribute to or support the goals you outlined in your presentation?
  • What advice do you have for someone who wants to get involved in or pursue a similar field or project?
  • What are the common misconceptions or misunderstandings about [your topic] that you’d like to address?
  • How can the audience stay informed or engaged with ongoing developments in your field or topic?
  • Can you share personal experiences where you overcame significant obstacles and found motivation in [an area]?
  • What advice do you have for dealing with [a personal issue]?
  • How do you handle setbacks and failures in [an area]?
  • What daily habits or routines do you recommend for sustaining long-term motivation?
  • How can individuals at various career stages benefit from the insights you shared?
  • Can you share examples of successful individuals who have been a source of inspiration for you?

Informative Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for youtube or online webinar presentations.

Online webinar Q&A questions

  • How can I access the recording of this webinar for future reference?
  • Can you recommend any additional resources for further learning on this topic?
  • How does this information apply to different industries or professions?
  • How do you suggest we adapt these concepts to our specific organizational context?
  • How can we stay updated on new developments or research in this field?
  • Can you suggest strategies for overcoming resistance to change when implementing these ideas?
  • What role does ongoing professional development play in mastering the skills you discussed?
  • How can individuals without a background in this field apply the principles you discussed?
  • Can you explain the potential challenges or common mistakes people might encounter when trying this on their own?
  • How do you foresee the future trends or developments affecting the subject of this webinar?
  • Can you recommend specific tools or software that would enhance our implementation of these strategies?
  • What are some key indicators of success when implementing the strategies you discussed?
  • Can you discuss any industry standards or benchmarks related to the topics covered in this webinar?
  • What would be the first step you recommend for someone looking to implement these ideas in their organization?

Q&A Questions for Demonstration Presentations

Demonstration presentation Q&A questions

  • Can you clarify the purpose or goal of the demonstration?
  • What specific steps are involved in the process you just demonstrated?
  • Are there alternative methods or tools that can be used for this demonstration?
  • How long does it typically take to master this skill or process demonstrated?
  • Are there any safety precautions that should be considered?
  • Can you provide tips for troubleshooting or overcoming obstacles in the demonstrated activity?
  • How does this demonstration apply to real-world scenarios or practical situations?
  • Are there variations or advanced techniques related to this demonstration that you didn’t cover?
  • Can you share examples of successful applications or projects that used the demonstrated technique?
  • How does this demonstration align with current trends or innovations in the field?
  • What feedback or suggestions do you have for individuals attempting the demonstrated task for the first time?
  • Can you discuss any modifications or adaptations that may be necessary for different skill levels or abilities?

Training Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for training workshops.

  • Can you provide more examples or practice exercises to reinforce the concepts you just covered?
  • Are there any additional resources or recommended readings for further learning on this topic?
  • Can you explain the specific steps or strategies for applying what we’ve learned in a real-world context?
  • How often is this training updated to reflect changes in industry standards or best practices?
  • How can we track our progress and measure the effectiveness of this training?
  • Are there opportunities for practical application or hands-on exercises to reinforce the learning?
  • Can you discuss any potential challenges or common difficulties participants might encounter during the training?
  • Can you provide insights into how this training aligns with current trends or innovations in the industry?
  • How will successful completion of this training impact our professional development or career advancement?
  • What kind of ongoing support or resources will be available to participants after completing the training?
  • Can you explain the relevance of each module or section of the training to our specific roles or responsibilities?
  • Can you discuss any case studies or success stories related to individuals who have completed this training?
  • Can you outline the specific skills or competencies participants are expected to gain by the end of the training?

Creative Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for brainstorming presentations.

Brainstorming Presentation Q&A questions

  • How did you arrive at the ideas presented during the brainstorming session?
  • Can you provide more context on the criteria used to evaluate and prioritize the proposed ideas?
  • Are there specific goals or objectives that the brainstormed ideas aim to achieve?
  • How do the ideas generated align with the overall vision or mission of the team or organization?
  • Can you discuss any potential challenges or constraints that may impact the implementation of these ideas?
  • What steps will be taken to further develop and refine the selected ideas from the brainstorming session?
  • How will the team decide which ideas to prioritize or move forward with?
  • What role do you see each team member playing in the implementation or development of these ideas?
  • What steps will be taken to test or prototype the most promising ideas before full implementation?
  • Are there any potential synergies or connections between the different ideas presented?
  • Can you discuss the anticipated impact or outcomes of implementing these ideas on the team’s objectives?

Q&A Questions for Creative Work Showcase Presentations

Creative showcase Q&A questions

  • What inspired your creative concept or idea?
  • Can you discuss your creative process and how you generated or developed your ideas?
  • How did you overcome creative blocks or challenges during the project?
  • Can you share any unexpected twists or turns that occurred during the creative process?
  • What influenced your choice of colors, themes, or visual elements in your presentation?
  • Can you discuss any alternative concepts or ideas that you considered before finalizing your creative work?
  • How did you decide on the overall tone or mood of your creative piece?
  • Can you discuss any specific techniques or tools you used to bring your creative vision to life?
  • How do you balance originality with meeting the expectations or objectives of the project?
  • Can you elaborate on the symbolism or deeper meaning behind certain elements in your creative work?
  • How did you ensure your creative work aligns with the intended message or purpose of the project?
  • Can you share any unexpected challenges you encountered while executing your creative ideas?
  • What advice do you have for others looking to enhance their creativity or embark on similar projects?
  • Can you discuss any future plans or developments related to your creative work?

Q&A Questions for Portfolio Presentations

  • How did you curate or select the pieces included in your portfolio?
  • Can you discuss the overarching themes or concepts that tie your portfolio together?
  • What criteria did you use to determine which projects or works to include in your portfolio?
  • Can you provide insights into your creative process for one of the featured projects?
  • How do you believe your portfolio reflects your growth or evolution as a professional or artist?
  • Can you discuss any challenges you encountered while working on specific projects in your portfolio?
  • What inspired the overall design and layout of your portfolio presentation?
  • Can you share any feedback or critiques you received during the creation of your portfolio?
  • How do you handle showcasing both personal and professional work in your portfolio?
  • How do you stay updated on current trends or techniques in your industry, and how does this influence your portfolio?
  • Can you elaborate on any technologies or tools you used to create or present your portfolio?
  • How do you handle showcasing a diverse range of skills or talents in your portfolio?
  • How do you balance consistency with variety in the presentation of your portfolio pieces?
  • Can you provide insights into the decision-making process behind the visual and aesthetic choices in your portfolio?

Subject-Based Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for history presentations.

  • Why is it important for us to study this particular historical period or event?
  • Can you provide more context on the social and cultural aspects of the time you discussed?
  • Are there any alternative perspectives or interpretations of the historical event you presented?
  • How did political or economic factors contribute to the events you covered in your presentation?
  • Can you discuss the impact of this historical period on contemporary society or global affairs?
  • How do historians generally view or interpret the significance of the events you discussed?
  • Can you elaborate on any controversies related to the historical topic you presented?
  • Can you discuss any parallels or connections between the historical events you covered and current events?
  • Can you elaborate on any lesser-known or overlooked aspects of the historical topic?
  • What were the main causes and consequences of the events discussed in this lesson?
  • How did global events or other regions influence the events in this specific historical context?
  • Can you share more details about the key figures or individuals involved in the historical events?
  • Can you discuss any social movements or cultural shifts that occurred during this time?
  • Were there any controversies or debates among historians regarding the interpretation of these events?
  • What primary sources or historical documents can we explore to gain a deeper understanding of this time?
  • What lessons or insights can we draw from the mistakes or successes of the past?

Q&A Questions for Geography Presentations

Geography Q&A questions

  • Can you explain the significance of the geographical features discussed in this lesson?
  • What are the cultural or societal aspects that make this geographic area unique?
  • Can you discuss the environmental challenges or changes occurring in the region you shared?
  • Are there any connections between the geography of a region and its cultural practices or traditions?
  • How has human activity impacted the natural landscapes and ecosystems in the region?
  • Can you provide insights into the economic factors shaping the geography of the area?
  • How do political boundaries or geopolitical factors influence the geography of the region?
  • Can you discuss any current or historical conflicts related to the geography you presented?
  • Can you share examples of how globalization has impacted the geography you discussed?
  • How does the geography of the area influence migration patterns and population distribution?
  • Can you discuss any challenges or opportunities related to urbanization in the region?
  • Can you provide examples of how transportation infrastructure shapes the geography of the region?
  • How do the geographical features discussed impact the local economy and lifestyle?
  • Can you discuss the role of sustainable development in shaping the geography of the region?
  • How does the geography of a region impact the availability and distribution of resources?

Q&A Questions for Science Presentations

  • How does this scientific theory or principle apply to real-world situations?
  • Can you provide examples of experiments or demonstrations that illustrate the principles being taught?
  • How do current advancements or research in technology influence our understanding of this science?
  • Can you provide examples of how this scientific concept has been applied in various industries?
  • Can you share insights into any ongoing or future research related to the subject of the lecture?
  • Can you elaborate on any potential interdisciplinary connections between this science and other fields?
  • How do you see the future developments or advancements shaping the field of science you discussed?
  • Can you discuss any recent advancements or breakthroughs in the field related to your presentation?
  • What experiments or studies have been conducted to support the information presented in your topic?
  • Are there any unanswered questions or areas of uncertainty in the scientific understanding of this topic?
  • Can you discuss the importance of peer review in the scientific process?

Q&A Questions for Social Science Presentations

Social Science Q&A questions

  • Can you provide some background information on the topic?
  • Can you explain the significance of any statistical analyses or data presented in this studies?
  • How might cultural or societal factors influence the interpretation of the findings?
  • Are there any primary sources or case studies used in the lesson to illustrate these social science concepts?
  • What are the alternative opinions or perspectives that one should consider for this topic?
  • How can we critically evaluate bias in the research?
  • What are the roles of globalization or international perspectives in this topic?
  • Why is [a perspective/opinion] the case?
  • What are the potential objections for [a perspective/opinion]?
  • How does the topic of this lesson relate to broader social issues or current events?
  • Are there any conflicting theories or perspectives within the field related to this lesson’s content?
  • Can you explain the practical implications of the theories or concepts covered in this lesson?
  • How do the concepts covered in this lesson contribute to a deeper understanding of human behavior or society?
  • What are some potential criticisms or limitations of the theories presented in this lesson?

Q&A Questions for Art and Design Presentations

  • How do different artistic techniques contribute to the overall aesthetic of the piece?
  • Can you explain the cultural or historical influences behind the art or design style being taught?
  • How can personal experiences or emotions be expressed through art and design?
  • Can you provide examples of famous artists or designers who are known for this particular style or technique?
  • How does the use of color, shape, and composition impact the visual impact of the artwork or design?
  • Are there any contemporary or modern trends in art and design that relate to the topic of this lesson?
  • How does the art or design being taught relate to broader movements or styles in the art world?
  • How can art and design contribute to social or cultural change?

Fun Presentation Q&A Questions

Q&a questions for powerpoint night  presentations.

PowerPoint night Q&A questions

  • Do you remember the time when we [shared a memorable adventure or experience]?
  • What’s your favorite memory from our past travels together?
  • If we were to plan a group vacation, what destination would you suggest for our bucket list?
  • What’s one place you’ve always wanted to visit that we haven’t explored together yet?
  • What’s the most spontaneous or unplanned adventure we’ve had?
  • What’s our favorite inside joke?
  • If we were to create a time capsule representing our friendship, what would you include in it?
  • What’s the craziest or most unexpected thing we’ve ever done together?
  • What’s your go-to travel snack or comfort food?
  • What’s a shared goal or dream destination you’d like to achieve with the group?
  • Can you recall the first time we met, and what was your initial impression of me?
  • What’s a skill or talent of mine that surprised you when you first discovered it?
  • If our group had a theme song, what do you think it should be and why?
  • If we were characters in a movie, how would you describe our dynamic or roles?
  • What’s a shared goal or aspiration that you think our group could work towards together?
  • What’s your favorite thing about our friendship that you cherish the most?
  • If we had a group motto or slogan, what do you think it should be?

Q&A Questions for PowerPoint Games

Trivia Q&A questions

  • What are the rules of the game?
  • How long is the expected duration of the game?
  • Are there any specific materials or equipment needed to play the game?
  • Can you explain the objective or goal of the game?
  • Are there any hidden surprises in the game that players might not immediately notice?
  • Any secret tips for success in the game?
  • Are there any special prizes or incentives for winners of tonight’s games?
  • How is the game scored, and what determines the winner?
  • What happens if there’s a tie in the game?
  • Are there any variations or optional rules we should be aware of?
  • Can you explain the order of play and how turns are determined?
  • Are there penalties or consequences for certain actions during the game?
  • Can participants form teams, or is the game strictly individual play?
  • Are there any restrictions on player movement or interaction during the game?
  • Can you provide examples of common strategies or tactics used in the game?
  • How is cheating or rule violations handled in the game?
  • Can you recommend any strategies for newcomers or first-time players?

Feedback Q&A Questions

Feedback Q&A questions

  • What specific aspects of the presentation do you think were most effective?
  • Can you provide suggestions for improving the clarity of certain points in the presentation?
  • How well do you think the presenter engaged with the audience during the presentation?
  • Were there any areas where you felt the presentation could have been more engaging or interactive?
  • Can you offer insights into the pacing of the presentation and whether it was appropriate?
  • What are your thoughts on the visual elements, such as slides or graphics, used in the presentation?
  • Were there any technical issues or challenges that affected your experience during the presentation?
  • Can you provide feedback on the overall organization and structure of the presentation?
  • Were there any moments in the presentation that you found particularly memorable or impactful?
  • Did the presenter effectively convey the key messages or takeaways of the presentation?
  • How well did the presenter connect with the audience’s level of understanding or familiarity with the topic?
  • Can you discuss any specific examples or anecdotes that resonated with you during the presentation?
  • Were there any instances where the presenter could have provided more context or background information?
  • What are your thoughts on the presenter’s use of language, tone, and overall communication style?
  • Can you suggest ways in which the presenter could improve audience engagement or participation?
  • Were there any aspects of the presentation that you found confusing or difficult to follow?
  • Can you share your overall impression of the presentation and whether it met your expectations?
  • What recommendations do you have for the presenter to enhance the overall impact and effectiveness of future presentations?

Closing Thoughts

With more than 300 Q&A questions to help you with your preparation, you can save so much time thinking and anticipating the questions your audience may ask during the Q&A session of your presentation. Now, you can focus on what matters most – acing your presentation! 

BONUS: Lazy to create PowerPoint presentations from scratch? Try these  11 top-rated AI PowerPoint generators (they’re free!), as well as these  4 ways to use ChatGPT to create PowerPoint presentations . 

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class presentation tips for students

31 of the best class presentation tips for students

Katie September 20, 2022 communication , grades

presentation questions for students

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.

Giving class presentations is just part of the school experience. Some students dread presenting to their classmates, and others prefer class presentations to written assessments. If you’re new to this, or if you’re just looking for some ideas, I share my best class presentation tips for students in the post below. 

Class presentations often involve a visual component, and an audio and delivery component. The tips in this post are for class presentations that involve SLIDES, such as Google Slides or PowerPoint. Therefore, I break down the class presentation tips for students into the following categories:

  • text and content
  • Audio and delivery class presentation tips
  • Bonus class presentation tips to up-level your game

Class presentation tips for VISUALS

The following tips will enhance the visual component of your school presentation. The strategies are further categorized by format, text, and images.

Class presentation tips for slide FORMAT 

The visual format of your presentation must be clear and easy to read.

1. Use a slide deck.

This class presentation tip is obvious, but I can’t leave it off the list. If you’re presenting to your fellow students, you will need some kind of visual representation of the information you’re delivering. Very rarely will you present to your class without slides. Google Slides and PowerPoint are the two primary products to make slides. 

2. Use the right number of slides.

Class presentations in high school and college will likely be 5 minutes or less. Follow your teacher’s guidelines, of course, but generally, students will use 1-2 slides per minute. (That would be 5-10 slides for a 5-minute presentation.)

3. Use an appropriate slide template and theme.

PowerPoint and Google Slides come with default slide templates (themes). Most of the default templates are suitable for class presentations, and so you should be fine choosing one of those. You can also find templates on the free version of Canva. I like slidesgo.com for free templates (it’s not sketchy – I’ve personally used it. I also like SlidesCarnival.com but you have to import the templates into Canva first, and then export them from Canva into Google Slides or PowerPoint. 

4. Use clear fonts.

Pick your font based on clarity, not creativity. Your audience should be able to read your text effortlessly and from the back of the classroom. Here are some rules:

  • Avoid cursive / script fonts
  • Avoid writing in all capital letters
  • Avoid fonts that are entirely in italics (slanted)

5. Use a maximum of two fonts.

Stick to two fonts: one for headings and titles, and one for body text. More than two fonts make your slides hard to read.

6. Use 3-4 colors.

Stick to a basic color palette of no more than four colors. It’s fine to use images that are outside your color scheme, but besides images, avoid too many colors. Most default templates stick to four colors or less, so you’re safe if you use a pre-made template. 

7. Use high-contrast text-on-background combinations.

Your text needs to stand out from the background color. Black font on a white background or white font on a black background provides the highest contrast and best readability. This website here provides excellent information and examples about color combinations.

Class presentation tips for slide TEXT and CONTENT

8. start with a simple title slide..

Your teacher will likely require a title slide in the syllabus. Even if it’s not required, make one anyway. A title slide should be simple: the name of the presentation, your name, and a simple graphic or image. 

9. Include a roadmap slide.

A roadmap slide (I made up that term, but it works) is like a table of contents. It tells your classmates what they will learn from your presentation. Even if your presentation is only 6 slides long, a roadmap slide can be helpful. Below is an example. 

tips for class presentations for students - roadmap slide

10. Include enough white space.

White space is the blank space that doesn’t contain text or images. White space is very important for readability. In the image below, you can see the impact white space has on readability. 

tips for class presentations for students - include margin

11. Use bullet points.

Whenever possible, use bullet points instead of complete sentences. Most slides should include no more than 5-6 bullet points. If you need to say more, continue the bullet points on another slide.

12. Leave some text off the slides.

Your slides should include minimal to moderate text that you will elaborate on during your class presentation. In other words, don’t cram the slides full of everything you want to share on the topic. The only exception to this rule is if you are not verbally presenting to the class, but are instead just sharing the slides with your classmates to view on their own.

13. Include examples.

Examples make most things clearer. When possible, include an example for all your main points. 

14. Include statistics and other quantitative information.

Use numbers in place of text when you can. Numbers and statistics can be easier for your audience to process. Example below:

  • Instead of saying this: There is one-third as many Giant Pandas living in 2020 as there were in 2014.
  • Say this: Giant Panda population in 2140 = 1864 | Giant Panda population in 2020 = 600 [ source ]

15. Include a summary slide

Consider adding a final summary slide to your class presentation. This is an excellent strategy because it will increase your audience’s understanding of your main points. The text on this slide should be in bullet-point format. The information on this slide might align with the information on your roadmap slide.

tips for class presentations for students - summary slide

Class presentation tips for slide IMAGES

16. include an image or graphical element on each slide..

Every slide should have some kind of graphical element to complement the text. Some slides might even have an image and no text. (You would explain the image in your verbal presentation to the class.) Note: be sure to cite all images.

17. Use images / graphics for illustration and emphasis, not decoration .

Avoid using images for decoration. Images and graphics should do one of the following:

  • Add something valuable to the text
  • Illustrate the idea on the slide
  • Represent the idea on the slide
  • Emphasize an element of the slide (such as underlines, stars, etc.)

18. Resize and reformat images.

Resize images and graphics to fit the scale of your slide. It should be big enough to see clearly, but still allow for plenty of white space (Class Presentation Tip #10). You can remove the background of an image using a mobile app, or something like the paid version of Canva or PicMonkey. Again, be sure to cite your images.

19. Use video when appropriate.

If your presentation calls for it, include short video clips. Only use video if it adds value. 

20. Use icons for emphasis.

Use icons like stars, 3D shapes, speech bubbles, and arrows to emphasize important text. Keep these icons within your color scheme. You can find free icons within Google Slides and PowerPoint, or you can use Google Images or Canva.

21. Use graphs and charts.

Too much text is confusing. Too many images is boring. Solve this problem by using pie charts, bar graphs and other graphical ways of representing data.

Class presentation tips for SPEAKING

You might have the best slides in the class, but your presentation is not complete until you deliver it to your classmates. The following tips are for improving your audio and delivery.

22. Never read directly from the slides.

Use the slides as a reference, but don’t read word-for-word. How do you do this? First change to the next slide. Then look at it for cues. Next, speak directly to your classmates, making eye contact as your speak. It’s okay to glance back at the slide if you need to.

23. Face your audience.

Your body should always face the audience. Stand or sit either straight on, or at a 45-degree angle. Never have your body square to the presentation screen.

24. Explain the images.

When you present each slide, you should spend some time on the text and some time on the images. If your images add value (which they should), then this should be simple to do.

25. Speak slowly and clearly.

Speak slower than you naturally speak. Practice difficult words until they are smooth.

26. Use verbal transitions between topics.

When you change topics, use transition expressions such as “Next, we are going to look at …” or “Now, let’s move on to …”

27. Practice more than you want to.

Practicing your class presentation over and over improves your delivery and increases your confidence. Practice in front of the mirror, in front of others, or in front of your camera (to be watched later, of course).

Bonus class presentation tips for students: How to up-level your game 

The following bonus tips are for students looking to take their class presentations to the next level. Keep in mind that some of the ideas below are best suited for college and university students.

28. Provide a printed note-catcher.

An engaged audience is the best audience. To increase your classmates’ active focus, provide each student a printed note-catcher they can use to follow along with your presentation. PowerPoint and Google Slides both have features that enable you to print out your presentation with the slides on the left and space to take notes on the right. 

29. Ask questions and survey your classmates.

Another way to engage your audience is by asking them questions. You can build these questions into the slides themselves, or you can pause your presentation to ask questions before moving to a slide with the answers.

30. Use the Speaker Notes section .

The text on your slides should vary from the words you speak to your classmates during your presentation. Either you practice your presentation so much that you memorize it, or you use the Speaker Notes section on PowerPoint or Google Slides.

31. Open with a question, and close with an answer . 

A great class presentation tip for students is to open with a question you pose to your classmates at the beginning, and then close with the answer. You could put the question on its own opening slide and then close with another slide that re-poses the question and features the answer. 

For example, if you are presenting on Susan B. Anthony, your question could be Who was Susan B. Anthony? and the answer – which is the point of your presentation – could be Susan B. Anthony was one of America’s greatest champions for freedom and equality of women and slaves. College-level presentations would have more complex question-and-answer pairings than this example, but you get the idea.

Class presentation tips for students – summary notes

It’s important to follow your teacher’s requirements when creating your class presentation. Use these tips and strategies to maximize your grade, impression on the class, and your content delivery – but always consult your syllabus first. 

And finally, the greatest tip of all is to PRACTICE. In Tip #27 I emphasize the importance of practicing more than you want to. Watch TED talks and other notable speakers to see how smooth they speak – these presenters have practiced the same presentation hundreds of times. Practice is the key.

More resources

  • How to ask for help in school: 4 tips for self-advocacy
  • What to do when you’re confused in class
  • 5 life skills all students need to be functional adults

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Student presentations

In this article I would like to give you a few tips and some advice on what I've learned from helping students prepare and deliver presentations.

Student presentations - speaking article

  • Why I get students to do presentations
  • Syllabus fit
  • Planning a presentation lesson
  • Classroom Management

Why I get students to do presentations Presentations are a great way to have students practise all language systems areas (vocabulary, grammar, discourse and phonology) and skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening). They also build confidence, and presenting is a skill that most people will need in the world of work. I find that students who are good presenters are better communicators all round, since they are able to structure and express their ideas clearly.

  • Presentation skills are extremely useful both in and outside the classroom. After completing a project, a presentation is a channel for students to share with others what they have learned. It is also a chance to challenge and expand on their understanding of the topic by having others ask questions. And in the world of work, a confident presenter is able to inform and persuade colleagues effectively.
  • Presentations can also form a natural part of task based learning. By focussing on a particular language point or skill, the presentation is a very practical way to revise and extend book, pair and group work. The audience can also be set a task, for example, a set of questions to answer on the presentation, which is a way of getting students to listen to each other.

Syllabus fit Normally the presentation will come towards the end of a lesson or series of lessons that focus on a particular language or skill area. It is a type of freer practice. This is because the students need to feel relatively confident about what they are doing before they stand up and do it in front of other people. If I have been teaching the past simple plus time phrases to tell a story, for example, I give my students plenty of controlled and semi controlled practice activities, such as gapfills, drills and information swaps before I ask them to present on, say, an important event in their country's history, which involves much freer use of the target grammar point.

Planning a presentation lesson Normally a presentation lesson will have an outline like this:

  • Revision of key language areas
  • Example presentation, which could be from a textbook or given by the teacher
  • Students are given a transcript or outline of the presentation
  • Students identify key stages of the example presentation – greeting, introduction, main points in order of importance, conclusion
  • Focus on linking and signalling words ('Next…', 'Now I'd like you to look at…', etc.). Students underline these in the transcript/place them in the correct order
  • Students are put into small groups and write down aims
  • Students then write down key points which they order, as in the example
  • Students decide who is going to say what and how
  • Students prepare visuals (keep the time for this limited as too many visuals become distracting)
  • Students practise at their tables
  • Students deliver the presentations in front of the class, with the audience having an observation task to complete (see 'Assessment' below)
  • The teacher takes notes for feedback later

It is important that the students plan and deliver the presentations in groups at first, unless they are extremely confident and/or fluent. This is because:

  • Shy students cannot present alone
  • Students can support each other before, during and after the presentation
  • Getting ready for the presentation is a practice task in itself
  • When you have a large class, it takes a very long time for everyone to present individually!

I find it's a good idea to spend time training students in setting clear aims. It is also important that as teachers we think clearly about why we are asking students to present.

Aims Presentations normally have one or more of the following aims:

  • To inform/ raise awareness of an important issue
  • To persuade people to do something
  • Form part of an exam, demonstrating public speaking/presentation skills in a first or second language

I set students a task where they answer these questions:

  • Why are you making the presentation?
  • What do you want people to learn?
  • How are you going to make it interesting?

Let's say I want to tell people about volcanoes. I want people to know about why volcanoes form and why they erupt. This would be an informative/awareness-raising presentation. So by the end, everyone should know something new about volcanoes, and they should be able to tell others about them. My plan might look like this:

  • Introduction - what is a volcano? (2 minutes)
  • Types of volcano (5 minutes)
  • Volcanoes around the world (2 minutes)
  • My favourite volcano (2 minutes)
  • Conclusion (2-3 minutes)
  • Questions (2 minutes)

Classroom Management I find that presentation lessons pass very quickly, due the large amount of preparation involved. With a class of 20 students, it will probably take at least 3 hours. With feedback and follow-up tasks, it can last even longer. I try to put students into groups of 3 or 4 with classes of up to 20 students, and larger groups of 5 or 6 with classes up to 40. If you have a class larger than 40, it would be a good idea to do the presentation in a hall or even outside.

Classroom management can become difficult during a presentations lesson, especially during the final presenting stage, as the presenters are partly responsible for managing the class! There are a few points I find effective here:

  • Training students to stand near people who are chatting and talk 'through' the chatter, by demonstration
  • Training students to stop talking if chatter continues, again by demonstration
  • Asking for the audience's attention ('Can I have your attention please?')
  • Setting the audience an observation task, which is also assessed by the teacher
  • Limiting the amount of time spent preparing visuals
  • Arranging furniture so everyone is facing the front

Most of these points are self-explanatory, but I will cover the observation task in more detail in the next section, which deals with assessment. 

Assessment The teacher needs to carefully consider the assessment criteria, so that s/he can give meaningful feedback. I usually run through a checklist that covers:

  • Level - I can't expect Elementary students to use a wide range of tenses or vocabulary, for example, but I'd expect Advanced students to have clear pronunciation and to use a wide range of vocabulary and grammar
  • Age - Younger learners do not (normally) have the maturity or general knowledge of adults, and the teacher's expectations need to reflect this
  • Needs - What kind of students are they? Business English students need to have much more sophisticated communication skills than others. Students who are preparing for an exam need to practise the skills that will be assessed in the exam.

I write a list of language related points I'm looking for. This covers:

  • Range / accuracy of vocabulary
  • Range / accuracy of grammar
  • Presentation / discourse management- is it well structured? What linking words are used and how?
  • Use of visuals- Do they help or hinder the presentation?
  • Paralinguistic features

'Paralinguistics' refers to non-verbal communication. This is important in a presentation because eye contact, directing your voice to all parts of the room, using pitch and tone to keep attention and so on are all part of engaging an audience.

I find it's a good idea to let students in on the assessment process by setting them a peer observation task. The simplest way to do this is to write a checklist that relates to the aims of the lesson. A task for presentations on major historical events might have a checklist like this:

  • Does the presenter greet the audience? YES/NO
  • Does the presenter use the past tense? YES/NO

And so on. This normally helps me to keep all members of the audience awake. To be really sure, though, I include a question that involves personal response to the presentation such as 'What did you like about this presentation and why?'. If working with young learners, it's a good idea to tell them you will look at their answers to the observation task. Otherwise they might simply tick random answers!

Conclusion Presentations are a great way to practise a wide range of skills and to build the general confidence of your students. Due to problems with timing, I would recommend one lesson per term, building confidence bit by bit throughout the year. In a school curriculum this leaves time to get through the core syllabus and prepare for exams.

Presentations - Adult students

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How a Simple Presentation Framework Helps Students Learn

Explaining concepts to their peers helps students shore up their content knowledge and improve their communication skills.

presentation questions for students

A few years ago, my colleague and I were awarded a Hawai‘i Innovation Fund Grant. The joy of being awarded the grant was met with dread and despair when we were informed that we would have to deliver a 15-minute presentation on our grant write-up to a room full of educational leaders. If that wasn’t intimidating enough, my colleague informed me that he was not going to be in Hawai‘i at the time of the presentation. I had “one shot,” just a 15-minute presentation to encapsulate all of the 17 pages of the grant I had cowritten, but how?

I worked hard to construct and deliver a presentation that was concise yet explicit. I was clear on the big picture of what the grant was composed of and provided a visual of it in practice. I made sure the audience understood the “why” behind the grant. I showed how it worked, the concrete elements of it, and how they made it successful. I finished with a scaffold that would help others know how to initiate it within their context, giving them the freedom to make it authentically their own.

I received good feedback from the presentation, and more important, what was shared positively impacted student learning in other classrooms across the state.

A Simple Framework for Presentations

That first presentation took me over a month to prepare, but afterward I noticed that my prep time for presentations shrank exponentially from a few months to a few (uninterrupted) days. Interestingly enough, as a by-product of creating the original presentation, I created an abstract framework that I have used for every professional learning presentation I have delivered since then. The “What, Why, How, and How-To” framework goes as follows:

  • What? What can the audience easily connect to and know as a bridge to the unknown for the rest of the experience?
  • Why? Why should they care to listen to (and learn from) the rest of the presentation? What’s in it for them to shift from passive listeners to actively engaged? The audience needs to know why you believe in this so much that you are compelled to share it.
  • How? What are the key elements that make it unique? How is it effective in doing what it does? What are the intricacies of how it works?
  • How-to? How could they start doing this on their own? How could this knowledge serve as a foundational springboard? Connect it to “why.”

Benefits for Students

One of the best parts of presentations is that they help the presenter to improve their communication skills. The presenter is learning how to give a presentation by doing it. To prepare a presentation, the presenter must know the intricate elements of what they are presenting and the rationale for their importance. In the presentation delivery, the presenter must be articulate and meticulous to ensure that everyone in the audience is able (and willing) to process the information provided.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that preparing and delivering presentations could provide a valuable learning opportunity for my students.

I recall teaching mathematical concepts whereby students would immediately apply knowledge learned to accomplish the task in silence and without any deeper questioning. Only after I asked them to provide presentations on these concepts did they regularly ask me, “Why is this important, again?” or “What makes this so special?” My students’ mathematical literacy grew through preparing presentations with the “What, Why, How, and How-To” framework, which supported them in their ability to demonstrate content knowledge through mathematical rigor (balancing conceptual understanding, skills and procedural fluency, and real-world application).

  • The “what” served as the mathematical concept.
  • The “why” demonstrated the real-world application of the concept.
  • “The “how” demonstrated conceptual understanding of the concept.
  • The “how-to” demonstrated skills and procedures of the concept. 

In addition to content knowledge, the sequential competencies of clarity, cohesiveness, and captivation ensured that the presenter could successfully share the information with their audience. When combined, these framed a rubric that supported students in optimizing their presentation deliveries. The competencies are as follows:

1. Content knowledge. The presenter must display a deep understanding of what they are delivering in order to share the “what, why, how, and how-to” of the topic.

2. Clarity. The presenter must be clear with precise, academic language. As the content they deliver may be new to the audience, any lack of clarity will alienate the audience. Providing multiple modes of representation greatly addresses a variety of processing needs of a diverse audience.

3. Cohesiveness. When making clear connections, the presenter bridges gaps between each discrete component in how they all work together as integral elements of the topic. Any gaps too large may make the elements look disjointed or, worse, the audience feel lost.

4. Captivation. The presenter must captivate the audience through any combination of audience engagement or storytelling . They make the presentation flow with the energy of a song , and in the end, they leave the audience with a delicate balance of feeling fulfilled and inspired to learn more.

Anyone can build an effective presentation with the “What, Why, How, and How-To” framework, along with competencies of content knowledge, clarity, cohesiveness, and captivation. The better we teach and coach others on how to create and deliver presentations, the more we learn from these individuals through their work.

In my class, one multilingual learner responded to the prompt “What are the non-math (life lessons) you have found valuable from this class?” with “I learn what is learning and teaching... I truly understood how teaching is actually learning when I had presentation. I found a bit of desire to being a teacher. I hope you also learned something from this class.” I always learn from my students when they present.

Frantically Speaking

The Art of Question & Answer: Handling Audience Questions Like a Pro

Hrideep barot.

  • Presentation , Public Speaking

Question answer session

If you have ever given a presentation , you might know how witty and challenging a question-and-answer session can get. Not knowing the answer to a question can be quite unnerving and leave a bad impression even after a fabulous presentation. This blog will help you bridge that gap before your next presentation. We will talk about how to maintain your composure as you deal with questions and also the different types of difficult questions one can face.

Why should I have a Question-and-answer session?

Having a Question and Answer (Q&A) session serves multiple valuable purposes. It transforms one-sided communication into a two-way exchange, turning lectures or speeches into engaging discussions. This interaction not only enhances audience engagement but also promotes collaboration and the collective building of knowledge. Historically, great questions have driven innovation and change, such as Isaac Newton’s curiosity about gravity. During a Q&A , encouraging audience participation by inviting questions and making eye contact with various attendees creates a sense of connection and keeps the session lively, much like a talk show host engaging their audience. 

Including a question and answer (Q&A) session after your presentation holds numerous advantages and is a pivotal aspect of engaging with your audience effectively.

Let’s delve into these reasons:

1. audience engagement and participation: .

Inviting questions at the end of your presentation allows your audience to actively participate, transforming your session into an interactive experience. As Albert Einstein aptly put it, “The important thing is not to stop questioning.”

2. Addressing Confusion and Skepticism:

 Your presentation might leave some audience members perplexed or unconvinced. Before you begin, it’s vital to gauge your audience’s understanding. As Aristotle noted, “Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.” Q&A provides an excellent opportunity to clarify doubts and bolster your argument.

3. Expanding on Your Message: 

Often, time constraints force you to condense crucial information during your presentation. Q&A, however, empowers you to elaborate on your points, share practical examples, and address any opposition, creating a more comprehensive understanding. This aligns with Robert Frost’s sentiment: “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.”

4. Fostering Natural Interaction: 

Effective public speaking thrives on interaction. Audiences seek speakers who communicate openly and naturally. Q&A brings a conversational and relatable dimension to your presentation. As Maya Angelou wisely said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

5. Challenging Your Expertise: 

The unpredictability of Q&A keeps you on your toes. You must be well-prepared and nimble to handle a variety of questions and objections. Eleanor Roosevelt’s words resonate: “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face.”

How do you answer Questions effectively?

Handling a question-and-answer session effectively requires preparation, communication skills, and adaptability. Whether you’re conducting a Q&A session as a speaker, presenter, or moderator, here are some tips to help you manage it effectively:

1. Preparation is Key:

Know your audience: Research your audience’s demographics, interests, and knowledge level. Tailor your responses to their needs and expectations. Imagine you’re hosting a Q&A session about pets. Knowing your audience means finding out if they’re mostly cat lovers, dog enthusiasts, or perhaps reptile fans. This helps you tailor your answers to their specific interests, like offering dog training tips for dog lovers and habitat ideas for reptile enthusiasts.

Anticipate questions: Develop a list of potential questions that might arise during the session. This can help you prepare concise and informative answers. If you’re giving a presentation about a superhero movie, anticipate questions like “Who’s the main villain?” or “What are the special powers of the hero?” Prepare concise answers to these common questions to keep the audience engaged.

Review your material: Revisit your presentation or discussion content before the Q&A session. This will help you recall key points and examples that may be relevant to questions. For Ex: You’re a teacher conducting a Q&A after a science class. Before the session, review your notes on the periodic table. This ensures that when a student asks, “What are the noble gases?” you can confidently explain their properties.

2. Set Expectations:

Clearly explain how the Q&A session will be structured. For example, inform the audience whether questions will be taken throughout the session or only at the end. Mention any time constraints.

Let the audience know if you have topics you’d like to cover or all questions are welcome. 

For example: Think of a cooking class where you’re the instructor. Before starting, inform your students that they can ask questions anytime during the class. This sets the expectation that it’s an interactive learning experience.

3. Active Listening:

Give the questioner your full attention. Make eye contact, nod to acknowledge understanding, and avoid interrupting.

Repeat or rephrase the question if needed to ensure clarity and show that you are actively engaged with the questioner.

Imagine you’re a detective in a mystery novel. When a witness asks, “Did you see the suspect?”, listen attentively, nod to acknowledge, and ask follow-up questions to gather all the details. This demonstrates active listening.

4. Take a pause

Before answering any question there is a key aspect that makes you look smart and composed- “The Pause.” The Pause is where you gather your thoughts and prepare your answer in a gist. You decide how to answer the question and tackle it swiftly. If you perhaps don’t know the answer, what is the best way to say you will get back with an answer, and so on? You can get a firm grip on your audience as they wait for you to speak and then speak with utmost clarity, that is the power of Pauses. 

5. Be Concise and Clear:

Answer each question briefly and directly. Avoid going off on tangents or providing excessive background information.

Use plain language and avoid jargon that might confuse the audience. Suppose you’re explaining how to play a video game. Instead of going into a lengthy backstory, say, “To win, you must collect all the magical crystals and defeat the dragon boss.” This clear and concise explanation keeps players engaged.

6. Stay Calm and Confident:

If you don’t know the answer to a question, admit it gracefully. Offer to research or follow up later, and don’t try to bluff your way through.

Maintain a calm and composed demeanor even in the face of challenging or critical questions. Focus on addressing the question, not the tone.

This is also where your preparation becomes your backbone and provides you the confidence to deal with your audience. 

Also, I want you to remember that knowledge is very vast- The more you gain knowledge the more you realize how little you know! Do not worry about admitting that you don’t know an answer, you can provide whatever information you have and later get back to them when you do find one.

7. Manage Time:

Allocate a specific amount of time for the Q&A session and communicate this at the outset. Stick to the schedule to ensure you cover all planned topics. If necessary, prioritize questions based on relevance or importance.

Think of a soccer coach during a practice session. Allocate specific time for different drills and stick to the schedule. This ensures that all aspects of the game are covered within the session.

8. Field Diverse Questions:

Encourage a wide range of questions, including those that challenge your viewpoint or prompt discussion. This diversity can lead to more engaging and informative sessions.

For Example: In a book club discussion, encourage members to ask questions about various aspects of the book, from plot details to character motivations. This diversity of questions leads to a more engaging conversation.

9. Moderate Effectively:

As someone who has to give direction to the discussion, try to maintain control of the session and ensure questions are relevant to the topic and audience. Politely redirect or filter out off-topic or inappropriate questions.

Give everyone a chance to ask questions, and manage time to allow for a variety of voices to be heard.

Pretend you’re a radio DJ taking calls from listeners. If someone goes off-topic, gently steer the conversation back to the music or topic of the show to maintain a cohesive experience.

10. Encourage Feedback:

After the Q&A, ask the audience for feedback on the session’s effectiveness. This can help you improve future sessions and tailor them to the audience’s needs. 

Example: After a group art project, ask each participant what they liked and what could be improved. This feedback helps everyone learn from the experience and create better art in the future.

11. Follow-Up:

If you promised to provide additional information or research an answer, do so promptly after the session. This demonstrates your commitment to addressing the audience’s needs.

12. Reflect and Improve:

After each session, take time to analyze what went well and what could be improved. Consider seeking feedback from colleagues or mentors to refine your Q&A skills for future engagements.

Can I answer a Question with a Question?

Many a time we think is it disrespectful to answer a question with a question, or perhaps even condescending? However, answering a question with a question can be an effective communication technique when used thoughtfully, but it’s essential to be mindful of the context and tone to avoid coming across as disrespectful or condescending. 

Consider, for instance, a scenario where someone asks, “Do you know where my keys are?” Responding with, “Have you checked your coat pocket?” instead of a direct “yes” or “no” can be helpful. However, if someone in a team meeting asks, “How do we solve this problem?” replying with, “Well, what solutions have you considered?” can encourage collaborative problem-solving. So, while answering a question with a question can be a valuable tool for prompting critical thinking or guiding discussions, it’s crucial to gauge the situation and intent to ensure it’s used appropriately.

Types of Difficult Questions:

Often times in presentations we don’t get softball questions that are easy to handle but rather some sort of pushback. The audience tries to gauge your authenticity or simply disagrees with you. These are what we call Difficult questions. They are inquiries that pose challenges beyond their surface. They require careful consideration, provoke thought, or test one’s knowledge, often demanding more than a simple yes or no answer. Handling difficult questions effectively is a skill that involves not only providing accurate responses but also managing the dynamics of the discussion and the emotions of those asking. In this exploration, we’ll delve deeper into these challenging types of questions, dissect their nuances, and offer strategies for responding adeptly and constructively.

1. When You Don’t Know the Answer:

  • Challenge: It’s common to face questions to which you don’t have an immediate answer, especially in complex or unfamiliar topics.
  • Example: In a technical presentation, someone asks a highly technical question beyond your expertise.
  • Admit it gracefully: Acknowledge that you don’t have the answer, but express your willingness to find it.
  • Offer a partial answer: Share what you do know or suggest possible resources or experts to consult.
  • Follow up: Make a commitment to research and provide a comprehensive response after the session.

2. Too Many Questions at the Same Time (Machine Gun Questioning):

  • Challenge: Some audience members may bombard you with multiple questions all at once, making it difficult to respond coherently.
  • Example: An audience member asks, “How does this technology work, and what are its applications? Can you explain its impact on the industry?”
  • Politely request clarification: Ask the person to specify which question they’d like you to address first.
  • Address one question at a time: Break down the multiple questions into individual responses to maintain clarity.
  • Control the pace: Politely request that questions be asked one at a time to facilitate a more organized discussion.

3. Audience Member Makes a Statement and Tries to Take Over:

  • Challenge: Some individuals may attempt to dominate the Q&A session by making lengthy statements or challenging your expertise.
  • Example: An audience member insists on sharing their own knowledge and experience, seemingly to undermine your credibility.
  • Acknowledge their input: Politely thank them for their perspective and acknowledge their knowledge.
  • Redirect the focus: Gently guide the conversation back to the topic or the question at hand.
  • Set boundaries: Establish ground rules for the Q&A session at the beginning, emphasizing that questions should be concise and relevant.

4. Emotional Questions Driven by Anger:

  • Challenge: Emotionally charged questions, often stemming from anger or frustration, can be challenging to handle without escalating tension.
  • Example: An audience member confronts you with anger about a controversial topic you’re discussing.
  • Stay calm and empathetic: Maintain composure, listen attentively, and acknowledge the person’s emotions.
  • Avoid confrontation: Refrain from responding with defensiveness or aggression, as it can escalate the situation.
  • Reframe the question: Politely ask the person to rephrase their question in a more constructive and specific manner.

5. Off-Topic Questions:

  • Challenge: Sometimes, audience members ask questions that are unrelated to the topic of your presentation or discussion.
  • Example: In a business presentation on marketing strategies, someone asks about your personal hobbies.
  • Politely redirect: Acknowledge the question but gently steer the conversation back to the main topic.
  • Offer to discuss later: Suggest discussing off-topic questions after the session to avoid derailing the current discussion.

6. Provocative Questions:

  • Challenge: These questions are designed to provoke a reaction or create controversy.
  • Example: During a political debate, someone asks a loaded question aimed at stirring up emotions rather than seeking a constructive answer.
  • Stay composed: Maintain a calm and respectful demeanor when responding, regardless of the provocation.
  • Address the core issue: Focus on the underlying topic or concern within the provocative question rather than getting drawn into the emotional aspect.

7. Incomprehensible Questions:

  • Challenge: Some questions are poorly phrased or unclear, making it challenging to discern the intent behind them.
  • Example: An audience member asks a question with convoluted language and vague references.
  • Seek clarification: Politely ask the person to rephrase or clarify their question to ensure you understand it correctly.
  • Paraphrase and respond: Restate what you believe the question is about, and answer based on your interpretation. The person can then confirm or correct your understanding.

8. Condescending Questions:

  • Challenge: These questions are posed in a belittling or patronizing manner, often implying that the person asking believes they know better.
  • Example: An audience member asks, “Do you even understand the basics of this topic?”
  • Maintain professionalism: Respond with professionalism and confidence, avoiding any temptation to match the condescension.
  • Address the question’s substance: Focus on providing a well-informed and concise response to demonstrate your expertise.

9. Overly Technical Questions:

  • Challenge: In technical or specialized discussions, questions may become overly complex, making it challenging for a broader audience to follow.
  • Example: A highly technical question filled with industry-specific jargon is asked in a general audience setting.
  • Simplify the response: Offer a simplified explanation or analogy to make the answer accessible to a broader audience.
  • Offer follow-up resources: Suggest additional reading or resources for those interested in delving deeper into the technical details.

Handling these challenging question scenarios effectively requires a combination of good communication skills, patience, and tact. Remember that the goal is to maintain a productive and respectful dialogue with your audience while addressing their concerns and inquiries.

People Also Ask:

Why is it important to know how to take the audience’s questions when you are presenting.

It is crucial to know how to handle audience questions when presenting for several reasons. Firstly, audience questions signify engagement and interest in your topic, making it an opportunity to further connect with your audience and demonstrate your expertise. Secondly, addressing questions allows you to clarify any misunderstandings or provide additional context, ensuring that your message is well-received and understood. Moreover, handling questions effectively helps you maintain control over the presentation’s flow, ensuring that it stays on track and doesn’t deviate too far from your intended message. Lastly, audience questions can provide valuable feedback, enabling you to gauge the audience’s comprehension and adapt your presentation in real time if necessary, leading to a more successful and impactful presentation overall.

Who is responsible for answering questions from the audience at the time of the presentation?

The responsibility for answering questions from the audience during a presentation primarily falls on the presenter (most likely You). You’re the one who’s been preparing and practicing your presentation for weeks, months, or maybe even years. You’re the guru on the stage, the oracle of information. When those curious souls in the audience raise their hands or type away with their burning questions, it’s your time to shine. You get to flex your brain muscles and give them answers that will make their heads spin (in a good way, of course). It’s your duty to facilitate a productive Q&A session by actively listening to each question, providing thoughtful and accurate responses, and ensuring that the discussion remains relevant to the topic at hand. However, in some cases, especially during larger presentations or panel discussions, a moderator or facilitator may assist in managing the question-and-answer

In conclusion, mastering the art of Q&A, and handling audience questions like a pro, is a skill that can transform any presentation, discussion, or public speaking engagement. By understanding the diverse types of questions that may arise and adopting effective strategies to address them, you can create an interactive and engaging dialogue with your audience. From riddles that stimulate creativity to emotionally charged inquiries that demand empathy, each question offers a unique opportunity to connect, educate, and inspire. 

Remember, the key to success lies in active listening, clear communication, and maintaining composure, even in the face of challenging questions. Whether you’re a speaker, presenter, moderator, or simply someone engaged in a meaningful conversation, the ability to navigate difficult questions with finesse not only enhances your credibility but also fosters a more enriching and enlightening exchange of ideas. So, embrace the art of Q&A, and with practice and patience, you’ll continue to refine this valuable skill, ensuring that your interactions with your audience are both memorable and impactful.

To learn more about how to conduct presentations and improve your communication skills in the workplace you can try our coaching program here .

Hrideep Barot

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Dealing With Presentation Questions

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Many otherwise extremely competent and confident presenters will tell you that they really dread the question and answer session of a presentation.

They seek ways to ‘avoid’ difficult questions. But it doesn’t have to be like that.

Dealing with questions in a presentation is a skill which anyone can master.

Perhaps the most important thing to understand is that, as a general rule, if people ask you questions, even hostile ones, it’s not to trip you up but because they genuinely want the answer.

Staying in Control of the Questions

Most people dread the question session because they fear losing control.

A little thought and some early planning can avoid this risk. But you can also avoid it by remembering that any presentation is an information exchange. It is as much for you to hear what people want to know as for them to hear from you.

However, if your presentation starts to get diverted by an interesting question, try saying something like:

“I think we’re getting a bit off topic here. Let’s put that to one side and you and I can chat about it later. Come and find me at the end and we’ll exchange contact details.”
“I’d really like to get on with the presentation, otherwise I may not have time to finish, but let’s talk about this later.”

Setting out some Ground Rules

At the start of your presentation, you should make it clear whether and when you would prefer to deal with questions - as you go along or at the end of the presentation.

Some speakers prefer questions to be raised as they arise during the presentation. The advantage of this approach is that any misunderstandings can be dealt with immediately. However, there is also a danger that the question will disrupt or distract the speaker, or that questions are raised that would have been covered later in the presentation.

Top tip! Categorising Questions

If you like to deal with questions as they arise, but you are concerned about the pitfalls, there is an easy way to handle this. In your introduction, explain that there are three types of questions:

  • The sort that seeks clarification of something that has just been said – you will answer those immediately;
  • The sort that asks a related question about something that you plan to cover later – you will answer those later in the presentation; and
  • The sort that is best dealt with offline because most of the audience probably won’t be interested, or it’s outside the topic of the presentation – you will make a note of the question and come back to the questioner afterwards.

When a Type 2 or 3 question is asked, you can then say something like:

“ That’s a Type 2 question, so I’ll park that for now, and cover it later. If you don’t think I’ve covered it by the end, remind me, and I’ll go over it.”

Other speakers prefer to deal with questions at the end of the presentation.

If you prefer this approach, ensure that you set aside sufficient time for questions but also limit the amount of time available. The amount of time will depend on the type of presentation you are giving but usually 10 minutes of question time should be sufficient.

The big advantage of this approach is that if you talk too quickly, you will simply have a longer question session: a big incentive to talk slowly and carefully, and make sure that your audience understands everything as you go.

You should not close the presentation with the question and answer session.

When you have finished answering questions, make sure that you have the last word with a strong assertion of your main message(s).

In other words, you can thank the audience for their questions and then summarise once again the main point or points that your presentation was designed to communicate.

An Introduction to Question Sessions

The main rule of question sessions is to treat your audience with the respect you would like to have shown to you, and answer their questions directly and honestly.

If they have asked a question, it is because they want to know the answer.

It is very unlikely that anyone will ask a question solely to trip you up, although this does happen.

If a question is provocative, answer it directly. Never be rude to the questioner or show you are upset. Do not compromise yourself but maintain your point of view and never lose your temper.

This tactic can be difficult to maintain but the key is being assertive.

Visit our section on assertiveness to learn some more tips, start with: Assertiveness - An Introduction .

Managing Questions

Listen carefully to the question and, if the audience is large, repeat it to ensure everyone in the audience has heard.

If you’re not sure you understood correctly, paraphrase it back to the questioner and check that you have it right. Answer briefly and to the point.

If you do not know the answer, then say so and offer to find out. Then ensure that you follow up . To be able to respond, you will need the questioner’s name and email address, so make sure that you speak to them before they or you leave.

“ I don’t know ” is a very acceptable answer to some difficult questions and it is much more acceptable than stumbling through an answer or making something up. “ I don’t know, but I’ll find out and let you know ” is even more acceptable.

Relax and do not feel as if you have to know everything. If you don’t know it is better to be honest than to try to pretend.

Trust takes a long time to build up, but it can be lost in moments, and audiences will almost always know when you are not being genuine.

An Alternative Tactic: Involving your Audience

If you are speaking to a well-informed audience, a professional group for example , and the question is a fairly general one to which you do not know the answer, consider asking the room if anyone else would like to respond. You may have the world expert on that subject sitting there who would be delighted to share their expertise with you all. If you have noticed someone in particular, you can even say:

“ I noticed that Professor X is in the room, so I wonder if he would like to comment on that to save me displaying my ignorance ”
“ My colleague over there is more familiar with that area than I am so, while I don’t want to put him on the spot, maybe he would be prepared to shed some light on this? ”

Most people will be fine with that approach, especially if they really do know more about it than you, and it will mean that the room gets a much better response. Yes, you’re the one standing at the front, but you don’t know everything.

You may also find our general pages on questioning useful see Questioning and Question Types .

Continue to: Coping with Presentation Nerves Managing the Presentation Event

See Also: Preparing for a Presentation | Organising the Material Deciding the Presentation Method Working with Visual Aids

How to Present a Presentation in Class? An Ultimate Guide

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How to Present a Presentation in Class? An Ultimate Guide

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Ever faced the dreaded presentation day in college? Panic not! Mastering the art of presenting is like adding extra cheese to your academic pizza. In this guide, we'll sprinkle some wisdom on how to give a presentation in class without turning into a nervous noodle. Let's make your classmates go, "Wow!"

How to Give a Presentation in College

Ready to conquer the stage without tripping over your own words? Nail that presentation in college with a sprinkle of wit and a dash of confidence. Mastering how to give a presentation in college is about as tricky as herding caffeinated cats. But we have got you fully covered! Say goodbye to sweaty palms and hello to applause. 

1. Pre-Presentation

Pre-presentation journey is like setting sail before the main event - it's where we plot our course, dodge the iceberg of nerves, and make sure our ship of wisdom is ready to set sail. Here are a few steps to understand the things required for how to present a presentation in class.

1. Prepare Well

Presenting in college isn't just about sharing information; it's an opportunity to connect with classmates. Successful presentations hinge on understanding your audience, aligning content with their interests, and setting clear goals. Thorough preparation and rehearsal boost confidence, making the experience enjoyable and potentially earning better grades. Remember, mastering how to do a presentation in class starts with solid preparation and good research.

A quick search on Google might help you find the answers to most of the questions that cross your mind, but what about the ones that haven’t been answered yet? Research helps with just that! Want to know how to do that correctly and fast? Here is a step-by-step guide for you to conduct research easily .

2. Visualize Yourself Giving the Speech

Imagine that you are confidently standing before your college peers, delivering a presentation that captivates and inspires. Visualizing yourself giving the speech is crucial when mastering how to present in class. It transforms nerves into charisma, answering your doubts on how to present a presentation in class.

3. Dress Properly

Presenting in college? Dressing appropriately is key!​ It's not just about looking good but about exuding confidence and professionalism. This is necessary for understanding how to present a presentation in class.

4. Arrive Early and Be Prepared

Want to know how to present a presentation in class? Arriving early sets and being prepared. It offers a chance to familiarize yourself with the environment and organize thoughts and materials confidently.

5. Rehearse Thoroughly

To ace your performance, meticulous rehearsal is a non-negotiable step. Unveiling the secrets of how to do a presentation in class involves more than just talking— it's about confidence, clarity, and captivating your audience.

Speaking in front of a crowd can be done in various situations or events and they all have one thing in common, a game of nerves and remembering what to say. While many can pull off public speaking, it is not easy for even more. But, worry not. Here are the best public speaking tips for you to ace that big game!

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2. During Presentation

Now that you have a fair understanding of a good presentation, we’ll give you some tips on how to give a presentation in class that will help you make an impact and earn you the highest grade. Here are some tips on how to give a presentation in college which you can use before the big day. 

1. Correct Posture

Maintaining the right posture while delivering a presentation is crucial for effective communication. So, when pondering how to give a good presentation in college, remember to stand tall, speak confidently, and let your posture amplify your words.

2. Manage Your Anxiety

Facing a class presentation can be nerve-wracking, but managing anxiety is key. Breathe deeply, focus on your message, and visualize success. Confidence transforms how you present in college. 

Public speaking is one of the most common fears out there, right up there with clowns and spiders. But fear not, my friends - here are some of the top tips on how to calm down before a presentation .

3. Open Strong

How to start a presentation in university? Start strong! Capturing your audience's attention from the start is crucial when presenting in class or college. An open strong sets the tone, sparking curiosity and ensuring an engaging journey throughout your presentation.

4. Start With a Mind Map

If you are looking for how to give a presentation in class, begin with a mind map. It's your GPS, plotting the route through your ideas, ensuring a smooth and confident presentation journey.

5. Tell a Story

Sharing a compelling story in class presentations captivates your audience, making your content memorable. It humanizes information and enhances your ability to engage effectively.

6. Speak Slow and Clear

If you want to know how to do a presentation in class, speaking slowly and clearly is vital. It enhances understanding, captivates your audience, and boosts confidence. 

7. Don't Read From the Slides

Engaging your audience is crucial when presenting in class or college. Speak naturally, connect with your audience, and make your presentation memorable.

8. Connect with Your Audience

Want to know how to do a presentation in class? Capturing your audience's attention is vital when presenting in class or college. Engage them by connecting on a personal level, making your content relatable and memorable.

9. Be Interactive

In class, mastering how to give a presentation is crucial. Be interactive! Engage your audience by asking questions, sharing anecdotes, and using visuals. It transforms a lecture into a conversation, making your college presentations memorable and impactful.

10. Look at the Audience While Talking

How to give a presentation in college? Maintaining eye contact with your audience is crucial when presenting in class or college. It builds a connection, shows confidence, and keeps them engaged. 

11. Manage Your Time

Nobody likes long presentations. Manage your time wisely when giving a presentation in class or college. Keep it concise, engaging, and to the point for maximum impact.

12. Include Group Activities

Want to learn how to present a presentation in class? Boost your presentation prowess by incorporating group activities. Engage your audience with interactive elements. This will keep them entertained and enjoy your presentation more!

13. Address Key Points

Effectively addressing key points is crucial in presentations. It ensures clarity, engages your audience, and enhances understanding.

14. Conclude With a Strong Ending

Want to know how to do a presentation in class? Conclude with a strong ending to leave a lasting impression. Summarize key points, or say a strong quote! 

Creative Presentation Ideas

Are you tired of the same old PowerPoint routine? Want to know how to give a PPT presentation in college? Here are some of the tips to innovate styles that breathe life into your class presentations. 

1. Incorporate Universal Design Principles

Using large fonts and providing various formats ensure accessibility, while sign language interpreters and a barrier-free environment cater to diverse needs. Maintain clear communication through audible voices, well-lit rooms, and diverse multimedia. This inclusive approach transforms how presentations are given in college, making them accessible to all.

2. Limit Number of Slides and Texts

Crafting a captivating presentation for class involves a delicate balance. Limiting slides and text sparks creativity, ensuring ideas flow seamlessly. Keep it concise, let visuals speak, and ace your college presentations effortlessly!

3. Plan your Slide Layout

Crafting an effective presentation begins with thoughtful slide layout planning. Organized visuals enhance understanding, captivate attention, and make your ideas shine during class presentations.

4. Make your Presentation Interactive

Instead of lengthy lectures, facilitate discussions on real-life situations attendees have encountered. Encourage interactions among them, fostering a dynamic learning environment. Allocate ample time for questions, either addressing them within the presentation or guiding participants to relevant resources. Your presentation should be a collaborative journey, ensuring active participation and a lasting impact on how to give a presentation in college.

Presenting a PowerPoint presentation is as important as making it. It is an ally that lets you get your aims and ideas across to the audience. To help you out with a good PPT presentation, here are the best PowerPoint presentation tips for you.

That was our detailed guide on how to present a presentation in class. We know we’ve packed in a lot of information, but if you break everything down step by step, it's all incredibly simple. If you follow all our tips on how to do a presentation as a student, we can ensure that you’ll give a killer presentation! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to present a presentation in class, how to start a presentation in class, how do you end a presentation, what is the 10 second rule in presentation, how to do a presentation in class, what is the 666 rule in presentation, which text is best in presentation.

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Conference speaker answering questions from audience.

#30: Questions from the audience you should be prepared to answer

November 5, 2019 by Tress Academic

You can never know the exact questions that the audience will ask after you have finished a conference presentation. This uncertainty can cause additional stress for you, and put you on edge during your presentation. There are, however, a few questions you can assume that someone from your audience might ask. So why not prepare yourself for these questions just in case? We’ll tell you which type of questions these are, and how you can easily prepare yourself for them. Having answers ready for these standard questions will make the Q&A part so much easier for you and alleviate unnecessary stress on the big day.

When we recently held our course “How to present at international scientific conferences” at a Swiss university, we discussed the Q&A part that comes right after a conference presentation with the participants. They spoke about their experiences at conferences where they presented their research, and everything that made it especially difficult for them. The presentations were always a big cause of stress and anxiety for them – is it for you as well? If so, we have another post from the Smart Academics Blog that will help you to deal with being nervous, see #3: “How to cope with stage fright?” .

If you are not an experienced presenter, it is a pretty big thing to go out and stand in front of a large crowd of colleagues from your field and tell them about your work. What our course participants were most scared of – even more than giving the talk – was the moment after they had delivered their presentation and the session chair opened the floor for questions. This was the moment where the unexpected could happen because they didn’t know what the questions would be. The biggest fear in the moment was to receive questions that they cannot answer or that make them look inexperienced, ignorant or worse! 

We totally understand this fear. Imagine you were well-prepared for a talk and had a good feeling throughout the presentation,  but the questions from the audience could spoil the good impression. Just imagine if you would have no idea how to answer relatively simple questions – this would be a waste of!

Do you have the same fears? We’d love to help you overcome them! There are actually a handful of questions that are very likely to be asked. These are the type of questions that so often come up at conferences, especially when early-career researchers are presenting. You should be prepared for these questions, with an answer in hand, which is not difficult to do! It should be a part of your preparation for the conference talk to think about these questions. You will see, it takes a lot of stress off your shoulders! 

Let us tell you about the most common audience questions at conferences below. If you want to prepare yourself for the next talk, download our free worksheet “Questions I should be ready to answer” . 

Typical audience questions you should have an answer for

1. what’s next … .

Of all the questions that people from the audience could ask you, this is for sure one of the most friendly and helpful ones. This question offers no critique of your work, and it does not ask for clarification of anything you said in your talk. The questioner simply wants to know what your next research steps are. They are interested in your research and express curiosity of how it might go on. 

So, make sure you have an idea about which follow-up steps you want to take with your research. Be prepared to tell the audience a little bit about how you might progress. Think about what you want to say before the question is asked and make a structure of the points you want to say, so you don’t leave out anything important. Use our free worksheet “Questions I should be ready to answer” to help you. 

2. Why should we know more about this?  

If you hear this question right after finishing your talk, you might feel a bit frustrated, or even threatened. Why is the audience asking this at the end? Wasn’t your talk clear enough? Have they not listened to you? It can sound as if the questioner doubts the value or necessity of your work. Or it could feel as if you were not clear enough when describing why you research what you do. 

In fact, this is again a very friendly and helpful question. It has no negative connotation and the questioner has no intention of criticising you or your work. He or she may just want to know more explicitly from you why you did this research and why it is worth doing in such detail. It is a question about the relevance of your work. 

So, what do you do? Tell the audience why you did your research, what you expect as its outcome and give some examples or applications to help them better understand why your work is needed. Use our free worksheet “Questions I should be ready to answer” .  

3. How have you done this …? 

This is a question about your methods or the overall approach you’ve applied. You will probably be surprised to get this question because you’ll think you had explained everything very clearly in your talk. Obviously, this was not the case for the person asking. 

Don’t be scared! You have most likely not failed to talk about your methods, but in presentations, the reporting on the scientific methods that were applied to address a certain question is often the most difficult part for the audience to comprehend. Thus, it is not surprising that questions arise on the matter. 

Properly describing the methods you applied in your research in a conference presentation is challenging. You hardly have the time to go into such detail in order to make the audience fully understand it. In a typical 15-minute presentation slot, which requires time for questions and discussion, so it is really more like a  10-12 minute talk, you have only a few minutes available to explain your approach. 

For this reason, we advise participants in our courses to always keep the methods part of your presentation short, by reducing it to the main steps and avoiding too much detail. You should give only a rough outline of the steps because it is difficult, tiring, and sometimes also a bit boring for the audience to listen to a specific set-up of a workflow or a project when you have not been part of the project.

Instead, spend time in your talk presenting your problem, your findings, your examples, and your take-home message. This is what the audience needs to understand! But of course, it might then trigger a question about HOW have you done it, which again, you can prepare yourself for. It is really a friendly and helpful question from an interested person. The audience shows that they want to better understand how your work was done. 

In your preparation phase, determine which methods or method steps could be unclear to your audience and what kind of information they would need to have for a quick understanding of a complex issue. Use our f ree worksheet “Questions I should be ready to answer” to help you prepare for this step.  

4. What do you mean by …? 

The fourth most common question that you can expect to receive is probably the easiest one to answer. It is a clarifying question where the questioner has not understood a specific term, a process, or an aspect of your presentation that you referred to. 

Questions like this pose no threat but are necessary for your audience to fully get your talk. Don’t forget, you will also have some listeners in your audience that come from other fields and they might not be familiar with your specialist terminology. We can never know what the exact level of knowledge of our audience is, therefore, you will sometimes be surprised to get questions about aspects you think are common knowledge – they probably are not. 

If you follow our rule to only include what you can explain yourself in your presentation, you will never have a problem with this question. If you fully comprehend what you talk about, you will always be able to address this question professionally. If you try to illustrate your vast knowledge by alluding to processes that you do not fully comprehend, you run the risk of not being able to further explain to them when asked by the audience. Keep your presentation air-tight to what you know you know!

You can prepare yourself with an overview of topics and aspects that probably somebody in the audience who isn’t from your field wouldn’t know and potentially need a clear explanation. Our free worksheet “Questions I should be ready to answer” will help you to prepare for this. 

presentation questions for students

Naturally, the Q&A part of a conference presentation is the part that you can’t prepare for as precisely as the actual delivery of your presentation. There will always be an element of surprise for you and this is of course also the purpose of this interaction with the audience. They want to experience you off the cuff, where you have to show a bit of spontaneity. They are not coming to see a well-rehearsed play, but a glimpse of the scientists who are conducting this cutting edge work. 

That does not mean everything taking place during the Q&A is random and you have to give yourself over to fate. An audience can feel when you are nervous and they feel for you when you are a less-experienced presenter. Therefore, they sometimes deliberately ask some of the questions above, because they know these are ‘soft-ball’ questions that you can answer. So, make sure you are prepared for them and show your audience that you have done the work and deserve their attention. We wish you best of luck with your next Q&A session! 

Relevant resources:  

  • Worksheet “Questions, I should be ready to answer”  
  • Presentations course “How to present at international scientific conferences”  
  • Smart Academics Blog #03: How to cope with stage fright?  
  • Smart Academics Blog #24: New to the PhD? – 5 tips for a great start! 
  • Smart Academics Blog #26: First conference presentation? 17 life-saving tips
  • Smart Academics Blog #95: Apply these 5 tips to improve any presentation

Relevant courses and services:

  • 1-day course: Presenting successfully at virtual conferences
  • 3-day course: How to present at international conferences
  • 1-to-1 advice: Presentation Check

More information:  

Do you want to present successfully at conferences? If so, please sign up to receive our free guides.  

© 2019 Tress Academic

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What Are Effective Presentation Skills (and How to Improve Them)

Presentation skills are essential for your personal and professional life. Learn about effective presentations and how to boost your presenting techniques.

[Featured Image]: The marketing manager, wearing a yellow top, is making a PowerPoint presentation.

At least seven out of 10 Americans agree that presentation skills are essential for a successful career [ 1 ]. Although it might be tempting to think that these are skills reserved for people interested in public speaking roles, they're critical in a diverse range of jobs. For example, you might need to brief your supervisor on research results.

Presentation skills are also essential in other scenarios, including working with a team and explaining your thought process, walking clients through project ideas and timelines, and highlighting your strengths and achievements to your manager during performance reviews.

Whatever the scenario, you have very little time to capture your audience’s attention and get your point across when presenting information—about three seconds, according to research [ 2 ]. Effective presentation skills help you get your point across and connect with the people you’re communicating with, which is why nearly every employer requires them.

Understanding what presentation skills are is only half the battle. Honing your presenting techniques is essential for mastering presentations of all kinds and in all settings.

What are presentation skills?

Presentation skills are the abilities and qualities necessary for creating and delivering a compelling presentation that effectively communicates information and ideas. They encompass what you say, how you structure it, and the materials you include to support what you say, such as slides, videos, or images.

You'll make presentations at various times in your life. Examples include:

Making speeches at a wedding, conference, or another event

Making a toast at a dinner or event

Explaining projects to a team 

Delivering results and findings to management teams

Teaching people specific methods or information

Proposing a vote at community group meetings

Pitching a new idea or business to potential partners or investors

Why are presentation skills important? 

Delivering effective presentations is critical in your professional and personal life. You’ll need to hone your presentation skills in various areas, such as when giving a speech, convincing your partner to make a substantial purchase, and talking to friends and family about an important situation.

No matter if you’re using them in a personal or professional setting, these are the skills that make it easier and more effective to convey your ideas, convince or persuade others, and experience success. A few of the benefits that often accompany improving your presentation skills include:

Enriched written and verbal communication skills

Enhanced confidence and self-image

Boosted critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities

Better motivational techniques

Increased leadership skills

Expanded time management, negotiation, and creativity

The better your presenting techniques, the more engaging your presentations will be. You could also have greater opportunities to make positive impacts in business and other areas of your life.

Effective presentation skills

Imagine yourself in the audience at a TED Talk or sitting with your coworkers at a big meeting held by your employer. What would you be looking for in how they deliver their message? What would make you feel engaged?

These are a few questions to ask yourself as you review this list of some of the most effective presentation skills.

Verbal communication

How you use language and deliver messages play essential roles in how your audience will receive your presentation. Speak clearly and confidently, projecting your voice enough to ensure everyone can hear. Think before you speak, pausing when necessary and tailoring the way you talk to resonate with your particular audience.

Body language

Body language combines various critical elements, including posture, gestures, eye contact, expressions, and position in front of the audience. Body language is one of the elements that can instantly transform a presentation that would otherwise be dull into one that's dynamic and interesting.

Voice projection

The ability to project your voice improves your presentation by allowing your audience to hear what you're saying. It also increases your confidence to help settle any lingering nerves while also making your message more engaging. To project your voice, stand comfortably with your shoulders back. Take deep breaths to power your speaking voice and ensure you enunciate every syllable you speak.

How you present yourself plays a role in your body language and ability to project your voice. It also sets the tone for the presentation. Avoid slouching or looking overly tense. Instead, remain open, upright, and adaptable while taking the formality of the occasion into account.


Incorporating storytelling into a presentation is an effective strategy used by many powerful public speakers. It has the power to bring your subject to life and pique the audience’s curiosity. Don’t be afraid to tell a personal story, slowly building up suspense or adding a dramatic moment. And, of course, be sure to end with a positive takeaway to drive your point home.

Active listening

Active listening is a valuable skill all on its own. When you understand and thoughtfully respond to what you hear—whether it's in a conversation or during a presentation—you’ll likely deepen your personal relationships and actively engage audiences during a presentation. As part of your presentation skill set, it helps catch and maintain the audience’s attention, helping them remain focused while minimizing passive response, ensuring the message is delivered correctly, and encouraging a call to action.

Stage presence

During a presentation, projecting confidence can help keep your audience engaged. Stage presence can help you connect with your audience and encourage them to want to watch you. To improve your presence, try amping up your normal demeanor by infusing it with a bit of enthusiasm. Project confidence and keep your information interesting.

Watch your audience as you’re presenting. If you’re holding their attention, it likely means you’re connecting well with them.


Monitoring your own emotions and reactions will allow you to react well in various situations. It helps you remain personable throughout your presentation and handle feedback well. Self-awareness can help soothe nervousness during presentations, allowing you to perform more effectively.

Writing skills

Writing is a form of presentation. Sharp writing skills can help you master your presentation’s outline to ensure you stay on message and remain clear about your objectives from the beginning until the end. It’s also helpful to have strong writing abilities for creating compelling slides and other visual aids.

Understanding an audience

When you understand your audience's needs and interests, you can design your presentation around them. In turn, you'll deliver maximum value to them and enhance your ability to make your message easy to understand.

Learn more about presentation skills from industry experts at SAP:

How to improve presentation skills

There’s an art to public speaking. Just like any other type of art, this is one that requires practice. Improving your presentation skills will help reduce miscommunications, enhance your time management capabilities, and boost your leadership skills. Here are some ways you can improve these skills:

Work on self-confidence.

When you’re confident, you naturally speak more clearly and with more authority. Taking the time to prepare your presentation with a strong opening and compelling visual aids can help you feel more confident. Other ways to improve your self-confidence include practicing positive self-talk, surrounding yourself with positive people, and avoiding comparing yourself (or your presentation) to others.

Develop strategies for overcoming fear.

Many people are nervous or fearful before giving a presentation. A bad memory of a past performance or insufficient self-confidence can contribute to fear and anxiety. Having a few go-to strategies like deep breathing, practicing your presentation, and grounding can help you transform that fear into extra energy to put into your stage presence.

Learn grounding techniques.

Grounding is any type of technique that helps you steer your focus away from distressing thoughts and keeps you connected with your present self. To ground yourself, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and imagine you’re a large, mature tree with roots extending deep into the earth—like the tree, you can become unshakable.

Learn how to use presentation tools.

Visual aids and other technical support can transform an otherwise good presentation into a wow-worthy one. A few popular presentation tools include:

Canva: Provides easy-to-design templates you can customize

Powtoon: Animation software that makes video creation fast and easy

PowerPoint: Microsoft's iconic program popular for dynamic marketing and sales presentations

Practice breathing techniques.

Breathing techniques can help quell anxiety, making it easier to shake off pre-presentation jitters and nerves. It also helps relax your muscles and get more oxygen to your brain.  For some pre-presentation calmness, you can take deep breaths, slowly inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

While presenting, breathe in through your mouth with the back of your tongue relaxed so your audience doesn't hear a gasping sound. Speak on your exhalation, maintaining a smooth voice.

Gain experience.

The more you practice, the better you’ll become. The more you doanything, the more comfortable you’ll feel engaging in that activity. Presentations are no different. Repeatedly practicing your own presentation also offers the opportunity to get feedback from other people and tweak your style and content as needed.

Tips to help you ace your presentation

Your presentation isn’t about you; it’s about the material you’re presenting. Sometimes, reminding yourself of this ahead of taking center stage can help take you out of your head, allowing you to connect effectively with your audience. The following are some of the many actions you can take on the day of your presentation.

Arrive early.

Since you may have a bit of presentation-related anxiety, it’s important to avoid adding travel stress. Give yourself an abundance of time to arrive at your destination, and take into account heavy traffic and other unforeseen events. By arriving early, you also give yourself time to meet with any on-site technicians, test your equipment, and connect with people ahead of the presentation.

Become familiar with the layout of the room.

Arriving early also gives you time to assess the room and figure out where you want to stand. Experiment with the acoustics to determine how loudly you need to project your voice, and test your equipment to make sure everything connects and appears properly with the available setup. This is an excellent opportunity to work out any last-minute concerns and move around to familiarize yourself with the setting for improved stage presence.

Listen to presenters ahead of you.

When you watch others present, you'll get a feel for the room's acoustics and lighting. You can also listen for any data that’s relevant to your presentation and revisit it during your presentation—this can make the presentation more interactive and engaging.

Use note cards.

Writing yourself a script could provide you with more comfort. To prevent sounding too robotic or disengaged, only include talking points in your note cards in case you get off track. Using note cards can help keep your presentation organized while sounding more authentic to your audience.

Learn to deliver clear and confident presentations with Dynamic Public Speaking from the University of Washington. Build confidence, develop new delivery techniques, and practice strategies for crafting compelling presentations for different purposes, occasions, and audiences.

Article sources

Forbes. “ New Survey: 70% Say Presentation Skills are Critical for Career Success , https://www.forbes.com/sites/carminegallo/2014/09/25/new-survey-70-percent-say-presentation-skills-critical-for-career-success/?sh=619f3ff78890.” Accessed December 7, 2022.

Beautiful.ai. “ 15 Presentation and Public Speaking Stats You Need to Know , https://www.beautiful.ai/blog/15-presentation-and-public-speaking-stats-you-need-to-know. Accessed December 7, 2022.

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Questioning Strategies to Engage Students

Asking students challenging and thought-provoking questions encourages students to tap their existing mental models and build upon previous knowledge. Faculty can ask key questions to get students to see the relevance of a topic. In turn, it is hoped that students will then ask follow-up questions, engaging in dialogue while critically analyzing viewpoints shared. Therefore, by encouraging students to ask questions faculty provide opportunities for students to become actively engaged in the learning process while also developing valuable metacognitive skills that will benefit them the rest of their lives.

. . . by encouraging students to ask questions faculty provide opportunities for students to...[develop] valuable metacognitive skills that will benefit them the rest of their lives.

This article shares tips for designing and asking effective questions, during the beginning, middle and end of class, as well as asking questions outside of class.

Tips for Designing and Asking Effective Questions

In his book, The Craft of Teaching , Kenneth E. Eble (1988) shows the essential connection between “the art of asking questions” with meaningful class discussions (p. 88-89). Eble suggests “three cardinal principles” when forming questions:

  • “Ask real questions even though they may seem off-hand, simple, or imprecise.” Avoid using stock questions that fail to match course content and worst of all, your teaching style. Instead, form questions that are related to course content, current and ongoing discussions, and ones that are interesting to your students. Finding students’ interests can be achieved through an early course survey and more intimate classroom discussions.
  • “Be ingeniously responsive to the students’ answers and questions.” Class conversations, as Eble suggests, should be accepting of all points of view, whether or not the answer is correct, “vague, wandering, irritating, or whatever” (1988, p. 89). In other words, everyone should feel comfortable answering questions without fear of ridicule, non-acceptance, or laughter. This is especially important when asking questions in a classroom of diverse learners. Some students not educated in western cultures may not be comfortable answering questions—they learned by listening to more autocratic instructors and did not ask questions because doing so questioned the authority of the instructor. Other students could have learning disabilities or are fearful of speaking in class. It is important, then, to create a learning environment in which you welcome and encourage questions. Model your expectations at the beginning of the semester and provide examples of ways you expect questions to be asked and answered. “Never deliberately ignore a question or demean the questioner” (Eble, 1988, p. 89). If class time is coming to an end and you feel students have questions yet to ask, have them write the questions on a note card that they submit before leaving class. You can address these questions at the beginning of the next class period or comment directly on the card which you can return to the student.
  • “Try to achieve a rhythm in a series of questions so that the group arrives at moments of larger understanding.” Prepare a series of questions that begin with less complicated content that eventually leads to more complex content. Present questions with just enough information to encourage students to think deeply and form a meaningful answer. Instead of expecting one person to answer the question, ask students to pair up and discuss the question and prepare a shared answer—this allows them to talk about and share their collective knowledge with the class.

Avoid using language that is ambiguous or not yet relevant to course content. Do not assume students know the “terminology du jour.” Asking vague questions by virtue of ambiguous or out-of-context language may elicit vague answers. Therefore, “questions should be definite and unmistakable” (Eble, 1988, p. 90, citing Fitch).

Avoid using language that is ambiguous or not yet relevant to course content.

The following tips and techniques have been compiled from of a number of sources (see references) that provide ways to prepare and deliver effective questions in the classroom. Although this list is not exhaustive, the points provide a range of ways to integrate questions in the classroom. The list begins with preparing questions and ends with ways questions can be used outside the classroom.

Preparing Questions

First and foremost, design course goals and learning objectives to help students achieve what you want them to learn. Once course goals and objectives have been developed you can begin to prepare complementary and effective questions.

Get acquainted with your students so you can customize questions that challenge them to think more critically about course content to help them learn. This does not mean that you must scrap the foundations, key concepts and content that drives your course. It means, however, that you can meet your students along the way—to challenge the knowledge they bring to the classroom and to present content through questions that is useful and relevant to them.

...customize questions that challenge them to think more critically about course content to help them learn.

Questions to Ask Students at the Beginning of Class

  • Arrive in the classroom early to help students who have questions about previous lectures, readings and exam preparation.
  • Begin the semester—the very first class, by asking students the type of questions you plan to ask throughout the semester. This will set the stage for the class, and help students form more complete impressions and establish expectations
  • “How will the proposed economic stimulus package affect you as a college student?” 
  • “Why should we be concerned about melting arctic ice?”
  • “How will your successful completion of this class prepare you to enter the work force?”
  • Why did some societies get in boats and go bother other people while others stayed at home and tended to their own affairs?
  • Why are human beings occasionally willing to leave home and hearth and march off into the wilderness, desert, or jungle and kill each other in large numbers?
  • Why are some people poor and other people rich?
  • How does your brain work?
  • What is the chemistry of life?
  • Can people improve their basic intelligence?
Ask provocative questions to energize students into saying something.
  • Tell stories about your life, your friends, and other people that provide meaning to the topic of the day. Stories can provide the springboard some students might need to ask questions. For example, as an instructor in a University Experience class, you could tell the story of your first experiences away at college and some of your struggles with study and time management skills. Personal stories might compel students to ask questions about study skills, time management and taking exams.

Questions to Ask Students During Class

  • Teach with the notion that students are naturally curious and have them “develop an intrinsic interest that guides their quest for knowledge, and an intrinsic interest…that can diminish in the face of extrinsic rewards and punishments that appear to manipulate their focus” (Bain, 2004, pp. 46-47). In other words, provide content in such a way that students can see how it can be used in their professions and the relevance of course content to job-related skills. Provide meaningful comments on graded papers and exams—show them the “why” so they can learn “how” to improve.
. . . provide content in such a way that students can see how it can be used in their professions and the relevance of course content to job-related skills.
  • Be aware of how you present questions—do you ask questions in a friendly or authoritative manner? What is the purpose of asking questions? Do you want your students to learn from the question or are you asking the question “just because”?
  • Avoid “schooling” where “bulimic learners” (Bain, 2004, p. 40, citing Nelson) memorize facts and short-ranged information to later purge, “making room for the next feeding” (Bain, 2004, p. 41).  This “force fed” competitive-type of schooling reduces students to be mere receptors of information to compete for grades and have little interest in learning something new.
  • Incorporate relevant vocabulary when responding to a student’s question. For example, when a student asks why her computer is not operating as fast as it had been, you can tell her that she might need more RAM. The student can then ask, “What is RAM?” a question she would not have asked except in this context (the idea for this example was improvised from Bain, 2004, p. 104).
  • Ask students to bring one or two questions to class based on textbook readings or content covered in the previous class. Provide some sample questions to help students write meaningful questions. These questions can then be submitted (a good way to take attendance) and randomly addressed at the beginning of the class period or used to develop exam questions.
  • Avoid answering your own question by giving students a few seconds to form a good answer. If the first answer is not what you had expected, do not discount the effort the student has made. Instead, ask the student if they could re-phrase their answer or to elaborate a bit more. If they are still having some difficulty, ask another student to help form the correct answer. Ask questions that students can think for themselves (McComas & Abraham, 2004).
Avoid answering your own question by giving students a few seconds to form a good answer.
  • Engage other students by having them answer the question of one of their peers. It has been shown that students can learn from other students if given the opportunity to do so.

  Questions to Ask Students at the End of Class

  • “What questions do you still have about today’s topic?”
  • “If you were to ask one last question, what would it be?”
  • “What was the muddiest point today?”
  • “What was the most meaningful point we covered today?”
  • Ask end-of –class questions to help students synthesize the information and draw conclusions. Their responses to one last question and muddiest point can be submitted for your review—you can address student issues at the beginning of the next class period or review to clarify content.
  • Make notes about how students responded to questions asked during the class as well as the type of questions students asked of you. These notes can help you prepare for and modify subsequent classes (Gross Davis, 1993 citing Kasulis).

Questions to Ask Students Outside the Classroom

  • “Please take particular note of pages 13-14 of Kaisha’s article in which he comments on decision-making in Japanese business. Recall our discussion of decision-making in the American auto industry last week. What comparisons and contrasts can you draw between the two approaches to decision making? We will be using these two approaches in a simulated decision-making exercise Thursday” (Meyers and Jones, 1993, p. 129).
  • What [material from] the chapter do you think we should review?
  • What item in the chapter surprised you?
  • What topic in the chapter can you apply to your own experience? (Meyers and Jones, 1993, p. 130 citing Gaede).
  • Finally, use online discussion boards to pose questions that can help extend course content asynchronously. Online discussion boards give students extra time to form their answers and can benefit those students who are less inclined to join in on face-to-face class discussions.

Using questions in the classroom can help students engage with course content, the instructor, and other students. Good instructor-generated questions can also guide students in developing better answers and help them to form questions of their own.

Good instructor-generated questions can also guide students in developing ... questions of their own.

Bain, K. (2004). What the best college teachers do. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Eble, K. E. (1988). The craft of teaching (2nd.ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Gross Davis, B. (1993). Tools for teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Meyers, C., & Jones, T. B. (1993). Promoting active learning: Strategies for the college classroom. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

McComas, W. F., & Abraham, L. (2004). Asking more effective questions. http://cet.usc.edu/resources/teaching_learning/docs/Asking_Better_Questions.pdf

Selected Resources

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Suggested citation

Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. (2012). Questioning strategies to engage students. In Instructional guide for university faculty and teaching assistants. Retrieved from https://www.niu.edu/citl/resources/guides/instructional-guide

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Creative Resources for ESL/EFL Teachers

ESL presentation topics

ESL Presentation Topics: 12 Mini Presentations

ESL presentation topics for intermediate and upper intermediate students. Great as a warm-up or a speaking lesson.

You can use the slideshow and share your screen on Zoom or other app when teaching online. Just click on the full screen option in the top right corner of the slideshow.

I used it with my students during our online lesson and we didn’t even have time to discuss all the topics, because they couldn’t stop talking. I was quite impressed how much they knew and also how well they could express their opinions.

One of the reasons why I love conversation activities is that I learn so much about my students. I think that we often underestimate our students and see them as the stereotypical lazy teenagers. Activities like these can show us that they are much more than that.

You can also download the PDF for easy printing below.

Other picture-based resources:

ESL Exam Speaking Picture Description and Questions

No-Prep ESL Picture Description Speaking Activity

Picture Based Speaking Activity For ESL/EFL Classes

Picture Prompts for Speaking and Writing: An ESL Activity

ESL Picture Description: Exam Skills Practice

Food and Travel ESL Lesson: Interactive Online Lesson

Conversation resources:

Popular Conversation Topics for (not only) Adults and Teenagers: 50 Questions

Conversation Starters: 30 Interesting Conversation Questions Not Only For ESL Students

Conversation Questions Gerunds and Infinitives: ESL Speaking Activity

30 Hypothetical Conversation Questions for ESL Students

ESL Conversation Topics

ESL conversation topics

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  • Pingback: ESL icebreakers, warm ups, back to school activities and more | EFL Ideas
  • Pingback: Phrasal Verbs Activity Exercises Discussion Questions | EFL Ideas
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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > How to create an educational presentation

How to create an educational presentation

Using presentations can be an effective way to teach lessons and ensure that your audience can retain new facts. With visual aids, video and animated clips, and even interactive quizzes, you can use presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint to dazzle your students.

A group of people having a conversation over coffee

The advantages of PowerPoint presentations in education

Students have different learning styles : some are visual learners, who retain images and videos more effectively than speech. Some take to audio and sound more easily. Others prefer to interact with their lessons—which usually refers to holding physical objects but can also be directly related to guessing answers and responding to questions.

Fortunately, PowerPoint’s versatility means that it can appeal to all of these diverse learning styles. You can embed multimedia elements such as videos, audio clips, and interactive graphics, creating a multi-sensory experience. PowerPoint can also be helpful when considering any visual impairments that your audience members may have so that you can present with different forms of media to cater to all learning styles.

Tell your story with captivating presentations Banner

Tell your story with captivating presentations

Powerpoint empowers you to develop well-designed content across all your devices

Before diving into PowerPoint, consider the following factors to help your audience retain as much information as possible:

  • Define lesson objectives: Set a goal for what kind of lesson you want to impart to your audience. What do you want students to learn? You can answer this question by outlining your lesson objectives and clearly defining your goals, which will also guide the structure and content of your presentation.
  • Organize your content: Divide your lesson into key points and organize them into a logical sequence that builds in complexity. Start with basic points or even a review of previous concepts before diving into more intricate or complicated aspects of your lesson. Each point should be presented on a separate slide to maintain clarity and focus.
  • Use visuals effectively: Enhance your presentation with relevant visuals such as images, videos, audio clips, or interactive simulations to cater to different learning preferences and keep the presentation engaging. These can convey complex information more efficiently than text alone. At the same time, it can be easy to be carried away by inundating your audience with too many visual elements, so ensuring smooth flow and transitions is key.
  • Encourage interaction: Foster active participation by including interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or discussion prompts to prompt student engagement. After you introduce a new concept in your lesson, these interactive elements can reinforce them and make them stick.
  • Practice delivery: Public speaking isn’t always easy. One of the most effective ways to sound confident is to practice delivering your presentation before the day of your lesson. Familiarize yourself with the content and also the way that it’s presented: pacing, transitions, and interactive elements. This preparation will boost your confidence, ensure a smooth flow, and help you address any potential challenges during the actual presentation.

Staid lessons can be livened up thanks to the power of presentation! No matter what you’re teaching—the ABCs to a kindergarten class, or nuclear physics to a graduate department—you can check out more tips for effective presenting such as how to create compelling presentation designs , using the 10-20-30 rule for presenting, or discovering the history of PowerPoint .

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14 Fun & Interactive Presentation Games for Teams and Students

14 Fun & Interactive Presentation Games for Teams and Students

So you've got an audience to energize, students to engage, or a team that needs a little extra fun — playing an interactive presentation game is an easy way to do just that.

We've done the research and found the best of these games for you: we looked specifically for games that are simple to set up, fun to play, and flexible enough to be used with a variety of presentations and audiences. Most of these activities work virtually with Zoom/PowerPoint and can also be used in person.

Which of these 14 presentation games do you like best? Take a look and let us know your favorites:

1. Live Trivia Competition

A great way to ramp up the excitement and engagement is to enable a little bit of friendly competition. Trivia is an easy way to do this—plus, it can be whole-group inclusive and large-audience friendly (if you use the right tools).

Here's a great trivia game you can run with your team, students, or any large audience. It's already created for you with questions and scoring built in to make it even easier:

Here's how to play:

  • Make a free account here: https://slideswith.com/  
  • Click the slide deck and copy it. 
  • Launch the trivia game by clicking "Start Event."
  • Invite your group to join in and submit answers using their mobile devices (show the winners automatically).
  • Interact and play during your presentation!

This trivia game has questions on many topics to keep your audience's attention and appeal to everyone. It only takes 10-15 minutes to play, so it's a great game for long discussions! Also, this interactive activity is free for up to ten participants and is totally customizable.

2. Sing and Swing 

To really liven up your group, encourage your listeners to play Sing and Swing. This activity is best for long presentations because it boosts energy, creates a fun, light-hearted environment, and makes people laugh a lot. 

Here's how to play: 

  • Before your presentation, pick a well-known song and rewrite the chorus (replace parts of it with words and phrases from your presentation) 
  • When you're ready to play, show the song on your screen. 
  • Invite your audience to sing it with you!

If you have a fun group or a class of energetic students, consider adding choreography to engage your audience even more. 

presentation questions for students

3. 20 Questions

If you want a presentation game that requires your listeners to talk more than you, 20 Questions is the one to play! A classic and simple activity, this game immediately boosts engagement and gets people laughing. 

Here's how to play: Have someone put an appropriate image or word on the screen behind you (this can be an audience member you trust or a colleague or co-presenter). To make things more fun, put on a blindfold so that everyone knows you can't cheat. From there, ask 20 "yes or no" questions to guess what's displayed on the screen. Your group should respond "yes" or "no" to guide you to the correct answer. 

4. Scavenger Hunt Challenge

To get your audience out of their seats, a scavenger hunt challenge is one of the best interactive games for presentations. It'll immediately energize your audience , team, or students while giving them a fun way to learn.  

There are tons of in-person and virtual scavenger hunt ideas you can use to dive deeper into your topic or help everyone learn about one another. But if you want a ready-to-play game that you can instantly launch without having any tech skills, here's a fun one to play: 

  • Use an email address and password to create a free account here: https://slideswith.com/ (a free account guarantees up to ten people can play at no charge). 
  • Click the game and press "Copy and use this slide deck." 
  • In the top right corner, click "Start Event."
  • Ask listeners to join the game by using their mobile devices to scan the QR code. Players should continue using their mobile devices to submit answers to questions.
  • Have everyone start hunting for items! 

This activity is a particularly fun game because it's a photo-hunt, show-and-tell challenge! That means your audience will not only get out of their seats to find items, but they'll also get to take pictures and share and discuss photos of what they find. This conversational element will help engage your group! 

5. Group Word Clouds

Whether you're speaking to team members, students, or conference-goers, this activity lets you ask questions and get your listeners' thoughts on specific topics. 

This game is the perfect way to start your presentation, especially if you're discussing something with a wide range of opinions or are unsure how much your listeners know about a certain subject. Group Word Clouds is also beneficial if you want to do a quick meeting pulse or know how your listeners feel going into your presentation—understanding their energy levels and mood can help you adjust (if necessary) to get maximum engagement and excitement.

To enjoy this activity, keep things simple by using a tool that already offers a ready-to-play Group Word Clouds game. Here's a popular one you can launch immediately: 

  • Create a free account by entering an email and password here: https://slideswith.com/  
  • Click the game and then copy it (the button to do so is right underneath the slide deck).
  • Press "Start Event" in the top right corner. 
  • Tell participants to play by scanning the QR code. 
  • Create word clouds and have fun!

This interactive game only takes 5-10 minutes to play, so it's a fast, fun way to engage your audience and feel out the room. Players can use their mobile devices to answer questions. This activity is also free for up to 10 people and is easy to personalize.

6. The Get to Know You Game

This activity is one of the best presentation games if you have a small group that doesn't really know each other. The Get to Know You Game is a creative way to do introductions, and it's really simple.

Here's how to play the game: Before the event, ask group members to bring a favorite song or item to the presentation (you can do this by emailing them). When you're ready to play, ask each person to introduce themself, present their song or item, and explain why they picked it. For those sharing a song, have them play it on their phones before they explain why it's their favorite. 

7. Live Poll Questions 

When you have a large group, it's not easy to find ways to boost engagement—but poll questions are the solutions, especially when they're live and interactive. With this unique setup, large groups engage by answering questions and seeing their answers displayed in a fun way. 

Your job is to make sure you actually find a game that showcases responses uniquely to captivate your group. For a quick and great option, here's a popular icebreaker activity that promises to display responses using fun formats like word clouds, donut charts, live graphs, and per-player: 

  • Create an account for free to access the game:  https://slideswith.com/  
  • Click the slide deck and press the button to copy it. 
  • Look in the top right corner of the deck and press "Start Event."
  • Invite your group to play the game. They only need to use their mobile devices to scan the QR code. 
  • Start polling your audience!

This activity is one of those fun presentation games everyone will want to enjoy, so invite all of your team members and students to participate. This game can accommodate up to 250 players and takes 5-10 minutes to complete. Tell your group to use their mobile devices to submit their responses. 

8. Assumptions 

This interactive game is a great way to break up your presentation to see who's paying attention and who can answer questions pertaining to your topic. 

  • Ask your audience to stand up (for virtual presentations, make sure everyone's video is on). 
  • Show true or false statements on the screen one by one. 
  • Tell people to raise a hand if they think the statement is correct and sit down if they think it's incorrect.
  • Continue until one person is left standing.
  • Award the winner. 

This activity can be as short and challenging as you want. Also, if your presentation is long, you can play multiple rounds to break up your speaking time and test your audience throughout your discussion.  

presentation questions for students

9. Controversial Questions 

Want to see where your audience, students, or team lands on controversial topics? Then, energize your presentation with a fun, creative game called Controversial Questions. This activity has prompts that inspire lively debates, so it's a great way to get your group excited and chatty. 

However, to maintain a positive environment, make sure to find a tool that offers an office-friendly, classroom-friendly, and conference-friendly game. You don't want to sour the mood by creating uncomfortable division during your presentation. To make sure this game is fun and light-hearted, here's a popular one that's suitable for all audiences and ages: 

  • Sign up for a free account by inputting an email address and password here:  https://slideswith.com/pricing  
  • Click the game and press the button that says, "Copy and use this deck." 
  • Press "Start Event" (the button is in the top right corner). 
  • Have participants join the fun by asking them to scan the QR code with their mobile devices. 
  • Get controversial and play! 

This interactive game for presentations asks fun (but appropriate) questions like:

  • Does pineapple belong on pizza?
  • Does the person flying in the middle seat get both armrests?
  • Should the toilet roll go over or under? 

Players should use their mobile devices to submit answers. Up to ten people can play for free, and you can customize the game by updating the questions!

10. Word of the Day 

With this activity, you can keep your audience, team, or students engaged throughout your entire presentation. This  game requires listeners to be alert and recognize whenever you say the word of the day. 

Here's how to play: At the beginning of your presentation, tell your group the word of the day (it can also be a phrase if you'd prefer). Say that you'll weave the word into your presentation and that your audience must shout it out whenever you mention it. 

11. Mini Activity: Group Icebreaker

Whether you're doing an in-person or virtual presentation, you need to warm up your audience to get things started on a positive note. The best way to do that is with a quick icebreaker game. 

However, make sure your questions are fun, positive, and engaging. You can easily do this by finding a game that already has the best icebreaker questions included. Here's one that's ready to play (and requiring no tech skills to launch): 

  • Input an email address and password to make a free account here: https://slideswith.com/  
  • Click the deck and copy it (press "Copy and use this deck). 
  • Click the button in the top right corner that says "Start Event."
  • Invite participants to play by asking them to scan the QR code. 
  • Break the ice to warm up your audience!

Your group should use their mobile devices to submit responses to poll questions. Also, this game accommodates up to 250 players, but only ten people can join for free.

12. Process of Elimination 

This activity is one of the best games for presentations because it's simple yet fun and great at helping listeners get to know each other. You can play it at the beginning of your presentation or in the middle to give your group a chance to stretch their legs. 

  • Before your event, create a list of "yes or no" questions. 
  • Once you're ready to play, tell your group to stand up (if you're doing a virtual presentation, make sure everyone's video is on). 
  • Ask each question one by one. 
  • Tell attendees to stand if their answer is "yes" and sit if their answer is "no." 

The questions can relate to your topic or be totally random. Also, if you'd prefer to thin out the number of people standing, you can take a creative twist and ask your questions by saying something like this: "Stay standing if (insert scenario)." When phrasing each question this way, the game will end with one person standing. To acknowledge the winner, you can give them a round of applause or award them a prize. 

13. Conference Opener Icebreaker 

If you're speaking at a big conference, you need an interactive game for presentations that can get everyone involved and ensure every voice is heard. To achieve these goals, you should create an icebreaker game that works for large groups . 

Using an easy, intuitive template is the best step to take. That way, you don't have to start from scratch or spend hours making your game. For a template that requires no code or tech-savviness to build on, here's the best option: 

  • Sign up by making a free account here: https://slideswith.com/  
  • Click on the game. On the next page, click the button to copy and use the deck. 
  • Customize the template using the instructions HERE . 
  • During your presentation, press "Start Event" in the top right corner. 
  • Ask the group to use their mobile devices to scan the QR code and join the fun. (Also, make sure participants use their mobile devices to submit answers.) 
  • Play and engage your audience!  

This template has fun, interactive features built in to keep your large audience engaged. Those features include polls, word clouds, and ratings. Just make sure you sign up for a paid plan to accommodate the large number of people in your group—the free account only works for up to ten players. 

14. Two Truths and a Lie 

This classic game is a fun, energizing way to help your listeners get to know one another. It's perfect for small in-person or virtual groups and is an ideal activity for the beginning of your presentation. 

Here's how to play: Pick any topic (for the purposes of this article, the topic will be "movies"). In no particular order, say two movies you've really watched and one you haven't watched. Ask your audience to guess which statement is the lie. The winner picks the next topic and says two truths and a lie. 

Be Memorable With Presentation Games

Oftentimes, people forget presentations within a week or even days, and that's because the discussions are boring. But you don't work hard preparing a presentation for it to be forgotten. If you want your message to stick, all you have to do is make it enjoyable without being corny.  

If you want to be remembered and actually get people engaged, you need to make your presentation fun and enjoyable, without coming off as corny or desperate to please. Ivan Dimitrijevic, 10 Secrets of Making Every Presentation Fun, Engaging, and Enjoyable

Luckily, the interactive presentation games in this article are unique and exciting—they're far from corny. So, use them for your upcoming presentations to make your messages compelling and memorable. 

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How to Handle Research Presentation Q&A Sessions

presentation questions for students

Answering Research Presentation Questions Effectively

Dealing with questions from audience members can be one of the most difficult aspects of presenting your research. In addition to the pressure of speaking in front of a crowd of your academic peers, presentation questions can often be difficult to answer for a number of reasons: communication difficulties, lack of information, inability to understand the exact question, or even difficulty hearing the speaker. Even if you know your research topic inside and out, these questions can cause a lot of frustration for even the best researchers.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for the Q&A session and make it a productive part of your presentation. The following guidelines provide a comprehensive approach to answering questions you are likely to encounter during your research presentations and give you some simple advice on how to respond to these difficult questions and awkward situations.

Before Your Research Presentation

Before you even give your presentation, there are some basic strategies you can use to make sure you are not caught off guard by any questions you will be asked.

Create a list of the possible presentation questions you will be asked

Imagine you are a fellow researcher sitting in the audience. Which questions would you ask about your study? Break down your questions as they relate to different sections of your research paper (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion), and write down as many questions are possible regarding this information.

List questions you CAN answer and those you CANNOT (or do not want to) answer

Among the questions you write down, some you will be happy to answer, some you will be incapable of answering, and still others you may not  want  to answer (at least not in front of an audience). Divide your questions into these categories so you know exactly how you will begin your response to them if they come up.

Practice asking and responding to the questions out loud

Go through each question and ask it in a couple of different ways (as there are several ways to ask the same question). Practice giving your answers using both your own knowledge about the topic you are researching and the sample sentences provided in this guideline. Practice makes perfect!

During the Presentation Q&A Session

Step 1: open the q&a session.

Tell your audience that you are starting the Q&A session.

Presenter : “I will now answer any questions you have about this research. Please speak slowly and clearly.”

Step 2: Clarify the question asked

You should understand a question before you try to respond. Here are some phrases to use to respond to clarify the question in different situations.

Step 3: Respond to the question

Once you understand the question, you can respond to the audience member.

3a. Begin your response with a polite comment —When you respond, it is a good idea to first thank the audience member for the question and/or give them a compliment.

3b.  Give an appropriate answer —Every question is unique and there are many kinds of responses. However, here are some phrases you can use to respond to questions depending on your ability to answer it.

When you cannot or do not want to answer the question:  If you are unable to or would rather not answer a question, you can let the audience members know this using these phrases.

Examples of this kind of response:  Here are some real examples of research-related questions and responses.

When you can answer but need a little time or more details : Sometimes you need to further clarify a question or give yourself some time to respond. Here are some responses to tell the audience what you need.

Examples of this kind of response:  Here are some real examples of research-related questions and responses.

More Q&A Questions by Research Paper Section

In addition to answering general questions about the research, you can also respond to questions about parts of your paper with some general answers to get you started.

Questions about the Methods section

Questions about  findings/results and implications, reviewing and referencing visual aids.

You can also review your presentation notes and use materials such as visual aids to help answer questions.

Presentation Q&A Session Techniques for Success

It is just as important to be prepared in attitude, posture, and voice as it is to practice your Q&A responses. These simple tips will help things go smoother throughout your presentation.

  • Stand up straight and tall —this will give you more confidence when speaking publicly.
  • Be friendly and warm— smiling and answering politely will make your Q&A session more relaxed.
  • Delay your answers and take your time— speak slowly and don’t rush through the questions or answers; make sure you understand each question before trying to answer it.
  • Display a slide with your contact information— this will allow you to easily tell audience members where to contact you if they have further questions.

When preparing your presentation, be sure to get professional editing and proofreading services to ensure you get off to a great start with academic language and style enhancement.

Wordvice Resources

How to write a research paper introduction, which verb tenses to use in a research paper, how to write an abstract for a research paper, how to write a research paper title, useful phrases for academic writing, paraphrasing in research papers.

90 Questions to Ask After a Presentation

Have you ever found yourself mulling over a presentation, wishing you had a treasure trove of questions to uncover the speaker’s insights and wisdom fully?

The right question isn’t just a follow-up; it’s a key that unlocks a deeper connection with the topic. This guide is designed to arm you with a curated collection of inquiries that will enhance your understanding, invite valuable discourse, and help you to apply what you’ve learned.

Let’s dive into the art of the post-presentation conversation and transform every ending slide into an opportunity for continued learning and engagement.

Table of Contents

Clarifying Understanding

  • Could you elaborate on the main thesis of your presentation?
  • What inspired the topic of your presentation?
  • Can you summarize the key points you’d like us to take away?
  • Is there an aspect of your presentation you think deserves deeper understanding?
  • How does your presentation relate to current trends or issues in the field?
  • Were there any counterarguments or challenges to your points that you didn’t mention?
  • In what way does your presentation build on or differ from existing research?
  • Could you clarify the methodology behind your study or findings?
  • How would you explain the significance of your findings to a layman?
  • Is there a particular slide or section you can revisit for further clarification?
  • Could you give an example that illustrates your point about [specific detail]?
  • What were the assumptions underlying your analysis or argument?
  • How do definitions used in your presentation compare to industry-standard ones?
  • Can you clarify the statistical significance of your data?
  • Where might we find more information on this topic if we wish to understand it better?

Digging Deeper into Content

  • Can you expand on how your findings compare to similar studies?
  • How might emerging technologies impact the relevance of your findings in the future?
  • Are there ethical considerations linked to your presentation topic?
  • What are the limitations of your research, and how can they be addressed in the future?
  • How can your research be applied in other fields or industries?
  • In what ways do your findings challenge conventional wisdom?
  • Could you walk us through the process of how you collected your data?
  • How would different theoretical frameworks affect the interpretation of your results?
  • What unanswered questions remain after your presentation?
  • How do you expect the discussion on this topic to evolve in the next five years?
  • What are the implications of your findings for policy or practice?
  • How does cultural context play into the outcomes of your research?
  • Can you discuss any relevant case studies that connect to your presentation?
  • What follow-up research would you recommend based on your work?
  • In your research, what was the most surprising discovery you made?

Gathering Practical Applications

  • How can we apply your research findings in our everyday work?
  • What steps can organizations take to implement your recommendations?
  • Can you suggest tools or resources for applying the insights from your presentation?
  • How might your research influence day-to-day decision-making?
  • Could you provide a real-world example where your findings have been put into practice?
  • What are the short-term and long-term benefits of applying your findings?
  • Who stands to benefit most from the practical applications of your research?
  • Are there certain industries or sectors where your findings are particularly relevant?
  • How will applying your findings change existing systems or processes?
  • What are some common obstacles to implementing your research, and how can they be overcome?
  • How do you recommend staying up-to-date on applications in your research area?
  • Can you suggest partner organizations or groups that are working on applying these concepts?
  • What measures can be put in place to evaluate the efficacy of applying your research?
  • How do you foresee your findings impacting future innovations?
  • What action can individuals take to support the practical application of your research?

Providing Constructive Feedback

  • I found [specific point] very compelling; have you considered expanding on this?
  • Your presentation makes a strong case for [topic]; how could it be enhanced with additional data?
  • I noticed [aspect] during your presentation; could this be a point for further refinement?
  • The visual aids were helpful; have you thought about using more interactive elements?
  • The section on [specific area] was very informative; how can it be made more accessible for beginners in the field?
  • In terms of delivery, would you be open to exploring other formats for your presentation?
  • Your research draws important conclusions; how else might you support them?
  • The pacing of your presentation was effective; could you use a similar approach to emphasize other key points?
  • Given the complexity of your topic, have you considered a follow-up session or workshop?
  • What additional resources or readings would you recommend to enhance our understanding of your topic?
  • Your narrative was engaging; might there be a way to incorporate more storytelling?
  • How might audience participation be facilitated in future presentations to enhance understanding?
  • Were there alternative viewpoints you debated including in your presentation?
  • How did you decide on the structure of your presentation, and what could be changed to improve it?
  • Is there a component of your research that you feel requires more visibility or discussion?

Fostering Engagement and Discussion

  • What questions do you have for the audience that might help further the discussion?
  • How can the audience keep the conversation going outside of this presentation?
  • Are there forums or networks where this topic is actively discussed?
  • Could you propose a thought experiment or hypothetical scenario for us to consider?
  • How can we encourage more interdisciplinary dialogue on this subject?
  • What common misconceptions should we address to clear up understanding?
  • In your opinion, what are the most controversial aspects of your topic?
  • How can we contribute to the body of research or thought around this subject?
  • What role can non-experts play in the discussion of these findings?
  • Can you suggest a way to create a community or collective around this area of research?
  • How would you like to see this information shared or disseminated?
  • What would be an ideal outcome of the discussions that stem from this presentation?
  • Are there collaborative projects or initiatives we could start as a result of your findings?
  • Would you be interested in hosting a series of discussions to delve deeper into certain aspects?
  • How do you suggest we handle differing opinions or debates that arise from your topic?

Exploring Next Steps and Actions

  • Based on your research, what should be our immediate action?
  • What are the first steps to be taken for those who want to delve deeper into this topic?
  • Who should be contacted or involved in further development of this topic?
  • Are there upcoming events or conferences where this topic will be featured?
  • What can we do as individuals to further the research or findings you presented?
  • How can we best track the progress and development in this area?
  • What practical steps would you recommend for a follow-up study or project?
  • Could you outline potential obstacles we might face in advancing this topic and how to overcome them?
  • Are there policy changes or advocacy needed to move this conversation forward?
  • How can the general public be engaged in the action steps related to your findings?
  • What are the most critical areas for immediate exploration or action?
  • Is there a need for collaboration with other disciplines to advance this topic?
  • How can educators integrate your findings into their curriculum or teaching?
  • What funding opportunities should be looked into to support further research?
  • How can we measure the impact of the actions taken as a result of your presentation?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i provide feedback on the presentation style as well as the content.

Yes, but always aim to be constructive and polite. Feedback on presentation style can be as valuable as feedback on content.

What should I do if my question isn’t answered during the Q&A session?

If time runs out, try approaching the presenter afterward or sending a follow-up email with your question.

How can I encourage a discussion rather than just a Q&A session?

Ask open-ended questions that invite the presenter or audience members to share thoughts and perspectives, thus fostering a more interactive dialogue.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it—a comprehensive guide to quenching your intellectual curiosity and contributing valuable insights after a presentation. From uncovering the nuances of presented content to setting the stage for future collaboration, asking these questions ensures that no stone is left unturned.

Remember, the journey of understanding and exploration doesn’t end with the closing slide; it’s merely the beginning. Now, go forth and turn those questions into conversations that matter!

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Bea Mariel Saulo


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