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Writing Jobs For Teachers: 13 Publications That Pay $100+ Per Article

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Hi friends! Jorden here, and I’m SUPER excited to share another guest post with you allllllll about the BEST education writing jobs for teachers. If you’re an educator and/or specialize in the education niche, get excited, because you’re about to find detailed information about 13 sites that pay $100+ each! If you enjoy the post, please show some love to the talented author, Tiffany Hathorn, by sharing the post on social media (you can hover over and Pin the image above!). 🙂 Let’s jump in!

Are you a teacher who needs to earn more income?

Or an education writer looking for your next writing gig?

Freelance writing can be a fantastic way to share your skills and knowledge – and get paid for it!

Whether you need to pad your bank account during school breaks or need a significant stream of income to support your family, we’ve done the footwork to get you started!

Below, you’ll find 13 education writing jobs that pay $100+.

For each publication, you’ll find information on what kind of content they look for, submission guidelines, and how much they pay.

(And I’ve included both online and print publications to offer more variety!)

Be sure to read all the way to the end, where you’ll find a few solid tips on pitching publications successfully so that you get more “yes” responses!

Education Writing Jobs For Teachers: 13 Sites That Pay $100+ Per Article

1. american educator.

The American Federation of Teachers publishes this professional magazine on a quarterly basis.

Topics of Interest

They’re seeking articles on a variety of topics, including (but not limited to):

  • New Educational Trends
  • Current Issues in Education
  • Education Law
  • Professional Ethics
  • Current American Social Issues
  • International Affairs and Labor Issues Relevant to Teachers

Writer Guidelines

Articles should be well-researched, but written for a general audience. No technical jargon!

Personal narratives should be short, concise, and relevant to the time of publication.

Article length may vary from 1,000 – 5,000 words, depending on the topic, and should adhere to Chicago Manual of Style.

Queries are preferred and should be sent to [email protected] . Visit their website for more info on article submission guidelines .

Payment varies based on length, but the minimum payment is $300 . Writers are paid upon publication.

2. Arts and Activities Magazine

Arts and Activities Magazine is available in both print and online formats.

They provide teachers with resources, information, ideas, and inspiration to spark creative visual expressions in student from kindergarten through high school.

This magazine is also used by students in teacher education programs in colleges and universities all over the world!

They’re seeking content that focus on art education topics, including (but not limited to):

  • Art and Creative Expression activities
  • Ways to relate art to other disciplines (especially STEM subjects)
  • Mixed Media lessons
  • Forms of art like digital art, weaving, photography, 3D design, etc.
  • Classroom management tips
  • Lesson plans and projects for substitutes

Articles should be 600 – 1,000 words. Before writing, make sure you get to know their formatting style by checking out past issues here .

Submit pitches to [email protected] .

View the full writer guidelines here .

Pay ranges between $35-$150 , depending on length. Payment is made upon publication.

3. Aurora Magazine

Published by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, this biannual magazine alumni and friends of the university in mind.

According to the university website, the goal of the magazine is to elicit emotions and provoke thought.

To get a feel for the type of content that might appeal to Aurora readers, check out the magazine’s online archives , where you can view issues from the past decade.

Manuscripts should be submitted for consideration to [email protected] . Be sure to adhere strictly to the submission guidelines .

Pay is 50 cents per word, which could come out to $100 (or much more!) depending on the length of your work.

Be aware, though, that you are only paid for the word count you are assigned.

If the scope of the project looks like it needs to be adjusted, you should reach out to the features editor as soon as possible!

4. Metro Magazine

Published by the Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM), Metro Magazine is Australia’s oldest film and media periodical.

The focus is on generating discussion surrounding film and media in not just Australia, but New Zealand, and Asia.

They specialize in essays, articles and interviews on Australian, New Zealand and Asian film and media – including television, radio, animation, games and new media.

…If you’re a teacher in any of those industries, this could be the perfect opportunity for you!

Submissions, pitches, and edits should all be submitted to Adolfo Aranjuez at [email protected] . Full submission guidelines can be found on their website.

Pay ranges from $80-$350 AUD which is between $52-$242 USD. Pay is made upon publication.

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The magazine of the University of Missouri Alumni Association, Mizzou discusses issues that face people in the community and around the world.

Some of the topics that they are looking for revolve around human interest, food, health, and the environment.

Submissions can be emailed to interim editor, Dale Smith at [email protected] . Learn more about submission guidelines on their website .

Fees are negotiated on an individual basis, so put your best foot forward when pitching and be prepared to show your value when sharing your rate.

Payment is made upon acceptance of the completed manuscript.

6. Notre Dame Magazine

Published by the prestigious University of Notre Dame, this quarterly magazine has a readership over over a quarter million people.

Notre Dame Magazine is composed of four departments: Campus News, Alumni Notes, Features, and CrossCurrents.

Freelancers create the majority of the content for the latter two departments.


The CrossCurrents essays are meant to appeal to “college-educated readers who take an active interest in the contemporary world (art, science, religion society, etc).

Generally written from the 1st-person point of view, these 750-1,500 word pieces can be topical or personal, with tones ranging from light-hearted to serious.

Features stories are a bit longer (2,000 to 4,000 words), but they’re also written with college-educated people who care about contemporary issues in mind.

Web Exclusives

The magazine also accepts pitches to be published exclusively online.

These web exclusives fall under three categories: personal essays (written in a style similar to CrossCurrents), short stories that highlight an aspect of the Notre Dame experience, and pieces that revolve around one of their recurring web series.

Before you pitch or submit a story, it is recommended that you become familiar with their publications. You can view past issues of Notre Dame Magazine here .

Depending on the department and format, you will be required to submit either a query letter (with published clips) OR a completed article/essay.

To learn about their full submission guidelines , please visit their website.

Payment is $250 – $300 , depending on length.

7. Screen Education Magazine

Another ATOM publication, Screen Education Magazine is written by and for primary and secondary teachers and students.

They are seeking articles centered on screen literacy in education. They also accept pitches for practical classroom ideas, lesson plans, essays, study guides, updates on new technology, and book/DVD reviews.

Submissions, pitches, and edits should all be submitted to David Heslin at [email protected].

Full submission guidelines can be found on their website.

Pay ranges from $150-$200 AUD which is between $103-$138 USD. Pay is made upon publication.

8. Teachers & Writers Magazine

If you teach about writing, this could be the perfect opportunity for you!

Teachers & Writers Magazine has its focus on teaching students of all ages (from kindergarten through college) how to write.

Their online magazine presents a variety of ideas, approaches, and explorations on teaching students to put their imagination into words.

They look for both practical theoretical pieces that are “vivid, concise, and geared toward a general audience”.

The magazine is composed of 4 sections. 3 of these sections are open to submissions from freelance writers. They’re:

The Art of Teaching Writing

This section includes articles, essays, editorials, and meditations. Some of the topics include current issues in arts education, literary arts advocacy, as well as the joys and challenges of teaching creative writing (regardless of the setting).

Pieces in this section are 1,000 – 2,500 words.

Lesson Plans

If you have experience with lesson planning or curriculum development, they also look for innovative lessons or ideas revolved around teaching creative writing.

Lessons should be so detailed that teachers should be able to teach the full lesson without needing to turn to outside sources. Lesson plans range from 500 – 2,500 words.

If you have connections in the literary world, use them! They’re looking for interviews with poets, novelists, nonfiction writers, and playwrights who are willing to discuss their work, the craft of writing, as well as their personal views on the field of creative writing education.

They also value interviews from individuals in other fields who have strong opinions on the impact of art in our lives and the value of arts education. Interviews should be 1,500-3,000 words.

Interested writers should submit a brief (500 words max) email inquiry describing the proposed piece.

If you have a completed article to submit, make sure that it meets the word count guidelines above.

Queries and submissions should be sent to [email protected] . Visit their website for full submission guidelines .

Pay ranges from $50 – $250 with lesson plans being on the lower end. You are paid upon publication and also receive copies of the magazine. There is no kill fee.

freelance education content writing jobs

SIDE NOTE: if you want to learn how to make your first $1,000 freelance writing with no experience, click here to take my FREE class . it’s been enjoyed by over 6,000 writers, and when you sign up, you get instant access so you can start learning right away. 🙂

9. Texas Homeschool Coalition Review

The Texas Homeschool Coalition’s mission is to inform, inspire, promote, protect, and advocate for homeschooling and homeschool families in Texas.

The Texas Homeschool Coalition Review is published quarterly (in February, May, August, and November).

They’re seeking relatable, shareable content in the following categories:

New to Homeschooling

Anything that will help people who are interested in or new to homeschooling.

This includes info on learning styles, curriculum options, book reviews, homeschool schedules, tips on teaching multiple children, tips on teaching only children, etc.

Extracurricular Activities

Articles on the extracurricular and socialization aspects of homeschool, including co-ops, field trips, sports, music, educational vacations, and DIY projects.

New to Texas

Tips and resources for people who are new to Texas, including places to visit, support groups, and staying in contact with loved ones.

Special Needs

Articles that provide support, encouragement and resources for homeschool families that deal with special needs, such as autism, Down Syndrome, dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, etc.

This can include activities, curriculum options, learning styles, extracurriculars, coping tools, and more.

Dads and Homeschooling

Articles centered on how dads can be actively involved in the homeschool process.

The Elementary, Middle, and High School Years

These topics should be tailored to fit each level and can focus on things such as curriculum options, co-ops, activities, socialization, and dual-credit.


Articles on finding support, collaborating with other families, making homeschool work, getting organized, and more.

This should focus on specific tips and resources for various subjects such as math, science, reading, writing, grammar, history, foreign language, and more.

This is also where you can share product reviews.

Articles should be between 650-1,250 words.

Pitch your ideas to [email protected] . Be sure to include a brief bio and links to your blog.

Visit their website for more info on writing opportunities .

Pay is $100 per article.

10. Teaching Tolerance Magazine

education writing jobs for teachers 3

Teaching Tolerance Magazine is focused on helping teachers and school educate students on being active members in our democracy, with a focus on social justice and anti-bias.

They are accepting manuscripts and pitches for feature stories that revolve around social justice and anti-bias education, personal reflections about life in the classroom, short stories, and articles that addressing teaching and education issues.

Submissions should be sent to [email protected] with “TT Magazine Article” in the subject line. For full instructions, visit their writer guidelines page.

Pay ranges from $150 for short articles to $1 per word for features and short stories .

11. The School Magazine

The School Magazine is a bit different than the education writing jobs mentioned so far.

Rather than being written for educators or parents, the readers of this Australia-based magazine are children. Specifically, children between the ages of 8 and 12 years of age.

In addition to having a call for specific topics (which will be announced around June of 2019 for 2020 issues), they are also looking for fiction, articles, nonfiction interviews, poetry, plays, and text activities.

You should submit full manuscripts tp [email protected] . They require non-exclusive, ongoing print and digital rights, as well as first rights to publish. However, writers retain copyright of their work. They also pay a repeat fee if they decide to reuse your article in the print version of their magazine. Go here to read full submission guidelines .

Pay is stated to be 300 Australian Dollars (AUD), which is about $207 USD. They pay upon publication.

12. Today’s Catholic Teacher

Today’s Catholic Teacher is a seasonal print publication is aimed at K-8 educators, specifically those who teach in private and Catholic schools.

School staff, boards of education, religious leaders, and parents also read this magazine regularly.

They accept submission ideas that are geared towards Catholic school education. They have a specific interest in the following topics:

  • Issues surrounding curriculum development, resting, technology, school relationships, creative teaching, community needs, and school administration.
  • National issues and trends that impact the catholic school system
  • Subject-specific teaching ideas

Send detailed queries to [email protected] . Full submission guidelines can be found on their website .

Writers are paid $300 upon publication.

13. Women in Higher Education

Women in Higher Education is a monthly newsletter designed to teach women on college campuses (and beyond) with insight and practical ideas for successfully navigating the male-dominated world of higher education.

The vast majority of readers are faculty.

The topics that readers are most interested in include:

  • Advice from successful women on campus
  • Communication techniques
  • Career strategies
  • Ethical values
  • Using intuition
  • Research on gender differences
  • Mentors and role models
  • Problems facing women chairs
  • Ending sexual harassment.

The publication departments are:

  • In Her Own Words – research results, personal essays and subjective insights on relevant topics
  • Moveable Type – synopsis of a useful book
  • Interview – profile a woman leader in higher education
  • Features -new programs, speeches, major research of interest

Email pitches or queries to editor, Kelly Baker at [email protected] . Visit their website for full submission guidelines .

Accepted guest contributors are paid $150 per piece.  

How to Find More Education Writing Jobs to Pitch

This list is not exhaustive. You can find tons of other publications that offer education writing jobs.

In fact, every week, there may be even more publications launching that might love to outsource content creation!

So, where does that leave you?

…With a ton of opportunity!

Chances are, if education is your niche or passion , you read a LOT of content on the subject.

Websites, magazines, books, blogs, etc.

Each and every publication you read might be an untapped source of income – even if they don’t have writer guidelines listed on their site!

So, I recommend you make a habit of seeking opportunities to write for publications you admire.

Always check their website and the inside cover of magazines to find out if they are actively seeking writers. If so, pitch them!

If they DON’T have readily available info on how to pitch them, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t interested.

You just have to show them the value that you offer.

Then, let them decide whether it’s something they feel they could benefit from.

Which brings us to the next big thing – how to pitch publications.

Tips for Successfully Pitching These Education Writing Jobs for Teachers

freelance education content writing jobs

Whether you are using a submission guideline or cold pitching a publication, there are a few best practices to follow.

Tip #1: Follow Directions

If you are following submission guidelines provided by the company – follow them!

Don’t just wing it and hope for the best.

Listen to what they want and then do things exactly as they’ve said.

More than likely, you’re not the only person pitching ideas.

You may not even be the only person pitching YOUR idea.

So, if they have to choose between someone who ignored a clear set of rules and someone who made their lives easier by following the rules, guess who they’re going to choose?

It’s one thing to break the mold and show your creativity.

But do so within the guidelines that make the process smooth for the people making the decision to give you a chance!

Tip #2: Do Your Research

Some people may think that pitching is all about numbers.

Yes, the more you pitch, the higher your chances are of getting work.

BUT, if you think that just pitching publications all willy nilly is going to work, you are sadly mistaken.

Let’s pretend that one person spent an hour using a basic pitch template and sent it to 30 publications.

Now, let’s imagine that another person spends an hour pitching 5 publications that she has read a few times.

The person who sent out mass pitches to 30 publications will be lucky to land a good-paying gig whereas the person who sent out 5 thoughtful pitches to publications she was familiar with might end up getting multiple yes’s.

So, the lesson here is to read the publications you want to write for.

Pay attention to the content they publish, their writing style, and the tone they use.

You will need all of that information to craft a pitch that is more likely to result in income ( and a better writing portfolio ).

Tip #3: No Fluff!

If you are prone to rambling, you need to break that habit.

Be clear and to-the-point.

Whether pitching or writing.

I hope that this list of education publications helps you on your path to make money writing from home on a topic you love!

Now here’s what I want you to do:

Pick one of the education writing jobs in this blog post (or another that you find!),  and pitch them THIS WEEK.

Then, share this post on social media to spread the love to your fellow educators!

Author Bio: Tiffany Hathorn divides her time between being a launch copywriter, homeschooling her son, performing in dinner theater, and being an unapologetic geek (Potterhead forever!). She lives in Central Arkansas with her son and 3 pets – Neville, Bruno, and Berlioz. You can find her on her website . Check out her article, 17 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block .

13 Freelance Writing Jobs for College Students (to Start an Online Side Hustle)

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If there’s two things that are probably difficult to balance as a college student, it’s focusing on your studies while making money.

There’s really no point in stressing yourself with a full-time or part-time job if it’s going to negatively impact your academic success.

I know for me, when I was in college I was juggling working as an ABA therapist for children with autism and my Psychology courses. There were times when I had to go to work at 5 am and then class at 8:30 am and BE AWAKE and ready to learn!

13 Freelance Writing Jobs for College Students (to Start an Online Side Hustle)

Tough times for sure. But there is another way you can make money online and on your own terms, while taking very little time out of your busy study schedule.

Freelance writing is an amazing opportunity to earn money during your free time.

Yes, it will take some legwork to get started but, as long as you have the time to write, you can start earning some additional income.

So if you’re looking for a way to make money online as a student , freelance writing may just be for you.

And with many different types of freelance writing jobs available, there’s sure to be one that suits your skills and schedule.

If you’re interested in some freelance writing jobs for college students and other student jobs on the side, check out my post.

Online Writing Jobs for College Students

1. blog articles.

It may seem like every person and their dog is writing for a blog but the truth is that many site owners either don’t have time to write all of their own content or lack the skills to do so.

As long as you understand the basic structure of blog content, you can easily write and sell articles online.

Peruse online job boards to find clients seeking writers or approach small businesses with websites. You can even search for websites that pay for blog posts .

For those that don’t have blogs, pitch your ideas and emphasize how having fresh and relevant content on their site can help to boost their business.

2. Magazine Articles

Magazines, whether online in or print, cover a range of topics and niches. This makes it easy to find one that suits your interests and expertise.

Many of them seek freelance writers in order to provide a diverse range of perspectives and information.

As long as you can provide unique and well-written content, you can stand to earn around $1.25 per word .

While getting your pitches accepted can be a trying endeavor, even one acceptance can earn you a couple hundred dollars!

3. Social Media Content

freelance education content writing jobs

Writing for social media is very different from writing blog or magazine content.

Social media posts are designed to be short and sweet while packing a punch when it comes to conveying the client’s message.

If you can write snappy and attention-grabbing content, you could market your services as a social media content creator.

And, if you’re really savvy with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you could expand your services into social media management.

This involves completely managing a client’s account, including content writing and customer communication.

Job boards are a great place  to start looking for social media content writing jobs.

4. Essay Writing

Despite popular belief, essay writing services are not a form of academic cheating.

This is because purchased academic papers are written as templates in order for students to produce their own original work.

With that being said, it is certainly a freelance writing job that could earn you some extra money while you are in college.

There are many job postings across the web looking for freelance essay writers. Your best bet is to get involved with an essay writing company to ensure you are following proper policy and procedure when it comes to selling essay templates.

5. Landing Pages

While many businesses use blogging to provide their clients with helpful information related to their service, they also use landing pages to detail what they have to offer and why a customer should purchase their services.

However, not everyone can write, so businesses often look to freelance writers to create compelling and converting landing pages.

A good landing page details a product or service while highlighting its benefits. The basic goal of a landing page is to have the reader become a paying customer.

With some convincing language and writing skills, you can easily write landing pages for businesses.

6. Emails and Newsletters

Successful businesses know the importance of marketing to their email subscribers list but may not have the time to craft compelling messages.

Just as busy businesses employ freelance writers to produce their content, they are also willing to pay to have emails and newsletters written for them.

They are also willing to pay freelance writers to answer emails and perform basic customer service duties.

When it comes to time management and businesses, there are multiple benefits to hiring freelance writers so the job opportunities are endless.

While some businesses and sites have the time to write, some lack the skills to create well-crafted content.

If you have an eye for spelling, grammar and punctuation, you could sell your services as a content editor.

These jobs tend to pay less than writing jobs do, but they also take less time. You could easily make a few extra dollars quickly by editing the work of others.

Check out freelance writing job boards for editing opportunities.

8. Resumes and Cover Letters

freelance education content writing jobs

Many job seekers around the world are willing to pay writers to craft a compelling resume and cover letter in order to land their dream job.

You don’t necessarily have to work for a resume-writing agency in order to make money from writing resumes and cover letters. You can contract this work as a freelance service.

Seek out potential gigs by advertising around your school as well as mentioning your service to friends and family.

It also wouldn’t hurt to make mention of your resume and cover letter writing services on your social media accounts.

9. Video Game Writing

Look –

I’m sure as a college student you have spent hours in the common room playing video games with your friends, right? Nowadays you can play on your computer or phone.

The wold of video games and gadgets is constantly changing and one thing that is always needed is content about video games and gadgets. As a college student, this would be a great side hustle freelance writing job for you!

To learn more about getting started as a video game writer and some jobs to look into, check out my video game writing jobs post .

10. Sports Writing

If video game writing isn’t your jam, how about sports writing? From newspapers to magazines to fantasy football sites and more, there is great potential for sports writing jobs for college students.

To help you find some writing jobs in sports, check out my post on sports writing gigs .

Ad Hoc Writing Jobs for College Students

While those who freelance write for a living will caution you to stay away from ad hoc pieces, it can be a great place to start when you are looking to make a little extra cash.

Plus, writing articles on an ad hoc basis can be a great way to get some experience under your belt if you wish to pursue a career in freelance writing or simply increase your income.

The reason why I’m making this recommendation is that chasing after good-paying recurring clients is time consuming (although certainly worth the effort in the end) and I understand that, as a college student, extra time is not always on your side.

In the freelancing world, good money is made by pitching projects to high-paying brands but it can be difficult to have those pitches accepted if you’ve never written professionally before.

Therefore, ad hoc clients are a great way to build up your portfolio and experience while earning some extra money on the side.

Here are some sites you can check out to get started with freelance writing jobs for college students:

11. Contently

On Contently , you don’t need to dig through job boards to find writing jobs. Instead, you create a portfolio on the site where editors and clients can search for content.

This service is a bit more high-end than other content mills, so you can stand to make good money here.

However, rates are negotiated between the freelancer and the client, so it’s hard to gauge how much you’ll make.

12. ClearVoice

ClearVoice is a similar service to Contently, but instead of putting up a portfolio and waiting for work, you can actually pitch to clients.

Clients can then view these pitches and choose what freelancers they want to work with.

On ClearVoice, you can also set your minimum rate and only receive notifications that pay that amount (or more). Be wary of setting your rate too high – you may notice a significant lack of proposals.

13. Writers Work

WritersWork is a freelance writing job board, but what’s unique about this platform is that you can create your own portfolio like ClearVoice and then start looking for some freelance writing jobs for college students.

freelance education content writing jobs

It’s also very budget-friendly for students!

Getting Started as a Freelance Writer

Apart from knowing what types of freelance writing jobs are out there for college students, and where to find them , there are other steps you can take to get your freelancing services successfully off the ground as a college student.

Start a Blog

Having a blog is not only a great way to demonstrate your writing skills but keeping up with one will help to hone your skills as well.

Choose a writing niche (your area of interest and expertise) and start writing articles. Even if you don’t know what to write about , that’s okay? Find something you want to learn more about – gardening, coffee, digital marketing – and read about it so you can write your writing samples.

Be sure to focus your posts on a challenge someone may face while providing clear and concise information on how to overcome it.

Part of good quality writing is knowing how to structure a blog post and take advantage of SEO (search engine optimization) tactics. Having your own blog will help you practice these skills.

To help you understand SEO better as a new freelance writer college student, check out my Fast Track to SEO Writing masterclass .

freelance education content writing jobs

Create a Writing Portfolio

If you don’t have time to upkeep a blog to highlight your work, you can always create a writing portfolio of samples to demonstrate your writing skills.

Write up a few pieces in your niche and either upload them as a Google Doc or publish them on a free site such as Medium.

This way, when potential clients ask to see your work, you can simply send them a link.

Learn How to Pitch

While you can certainly respond to ads on various freelancing writing job boards , some of the best paying writing jobs result from pitching directly to potential clients and businesses.

A writing pitch is a short email that explains how your skills and ideas are a perfect fit for the person you are messaging. It highlights your talent as well as reinforces the benefits of hiring your services.

Writing an effective pitch can be time consuming, but sending out these simple emails will eventually land you some great paying writing gigs.

Set Up a PayPal Account

When you start freelance writing as a college student, you want to make sure you get paid. The most highly recommended site to use is PayPal. PayPal allows you to set up a business account and link it directly to your bank account.

This is a safe and legit way to get paid since PayPal offers features such as payment security and fraud protection.

Through PayPal, you can also send invoices to clients and keep track of who owes you what.

Ready to Get Started Writing as a College Student?

When it comes to balancing your academic success with earning an income, freelance writing may just be the key!

With a little bit of time and focus, you could be well on your way to making extra cash as a college student while still focusing on your studies and having fun.

Have you tried your hand at freelance writing? How did it work out for you? Let me know in the comments!

freelance education content writing jobs

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2024/2025 Mabumbe

Dubna State University Admission, Courses, Fees, Contacts, online Application

About the university / university details.

Established in 1994, Dubna State University is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the small city of Dubna (The area population ranges between this figures 50,000-249,999 inhabitants), Moscow Oblast. Officially recognized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Dubna State University is a small (University enrollment / admissions ranges between: 5,000-5,999 students) coeducational Russian higher education institution. Dubna State University offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation), bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. This 26 years old Russian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations and students’ past academic record and grades. International applicants are eligible to apply for enrollment. Dubna State University also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services.

Table of Contents

Dubna State University’s website

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University Contacts, Phone Number, Location, Email and Postal Address.

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Dmitriy Alymov, Developer in Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Russia

Dmitriy Alymov

Verified expert   in engineering, software developer, dubna, moscow oblast, russia, toptal member since august 23, 2016.

Dmitriy is an iOS developer with more than seven years of experience. He delivers clean and compact code by using and improving best practices in his field of work. He's always looking for new challenges. Dmitriy has worked both as an individual and as a part of teams of different sizes.


Preferred environment.

Trello, Git, Sublime Text, Xcode, MacOS

The most amazing...

...iPad application I've built is an animated digital comic book.

Work Experience

Senior ios developer, clipo, inc..

  • Developed and maintained Polygram: a social app which was written in Swift, Objective-C, and C++.
  • Helping with app design by addressed multithreading issues.
  • Implemented a full CI workflow.
  • Led the development of LiveClip while leveraging low-level AVFoundation.
  • Integrated serverless back ends (Firebase).

Co-founder | Lead Mobile Developer


  • Developed iOS applications for various companies.
  • Developed a quiz game using Unity3D for iOS and Android.
  • Integrated in-app purchases and payment gateways into iOS and Unity applications.
  • Designed and implemented components and libraries for the iOS SDK for internal usage to speed up applications development.
  • Built custom controls for iOS applications.
  • Designed client-server interactions and assisted in API development.

Mobile Developer

  • Developed iOS applications for company clients.
  • Designed and documented APIs for mobile applications.
  • Implemented integrations with social networks APIs.
  • Implemented poker odds calculator as a part of an iOS poker companion application.
  • Performed code reviews and supported existing applications.
  • Developed iOS applications for Glex.com and Bonus.travel.
  • Designed client-server architecture for company mobile applications.
  • Reworked the server back end.
  • Assisted the team in the development and improvement of the CRM and front end for the management staff.

Web Developer

Freelance work.

  • Developed a wide variety of web applications.

UIViewController Keyboard Category

Suomen talot, newstracker, coursera | tensorflow in practice, coursera | deep learning specialization, coursera | fundamentals of machine learning in finance, coursera | machine learning, bachelor's degree in system analysis and management.

Dubna State University - Dubna, Russia

Bachelor's Degree in Robotics and Mechatronics

Moscow State Technological University “Stankin“ - Moscow, Russia


Tensorflow in practice, fundamentals of machine learning in finance, deep learning specialization, machine learning, libraries/apis.

Core Image, Facebook API, Google API, Facebook SDK

Xcode, Sublime Text, Git, Trello

Swift, Objective-C, C#, HTML, C, SQL, GLSL, PHP, JavaScript

Core Location, MapKit, UIKit, iOS SDK, ARKit, Cocos2d, Unity3D, Core Data

iOS, MacOS, Firebase

Realm, MySQL, MariaDB

Agile Software Development

AVFoundation, Development

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    Content Writer (Biology) Target Publications. Thane, Maharashtra. Create, Edit and Proofread educational content. Review existing content for further improvement and enhancement. Proficient with MS-Office and Internet tools. Just posted ·.

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    The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was established on the basis of an agreement signed on 26 March 1956, in Moscow by representatives of the governments of the eleven founding countries, with a view to combining their scientific and material potential. The USSR contributed 50 percent, the People's Republic of China 20 percent.

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    Austin based MyRoofingPal is currently looking for an engaging freelance content writer that can produce high-quality short-form content (75-250 words) on a variety of topics relating to home, business, family, and lifestyle for inclusion on our partner websites. This job will be 100% work from home or a remote location. Responsibilities:

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    Skip to content. Menu. Menu. Home; Jobs; Contact us; Dubna State University Admission, Courses, Fees, Contacts, online Application. November 18, 2023 by Rajvit. About the University / University Details . Established in 1994, Dubna State University is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the small ...

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    Dubna (Russian: Дубна́, IPA:) is a town in Moscow Oblast, Russia.It has a status of naukograd (i.e. town of science), being home to the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, an international nuclear physics research center and one of the largest scientific foundations in the country. It is also home to MKB Raduga, a defense aerospace company specializing in design and production of ...

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    259 Writer jobs available in Remote Flexible Work From Home on Indeed.com. Apply to Freelance Writer, Writer, Medical Writer and more! ... Freelance Content Writer (Remote, Flexible schedule) King's Dream Business Consulting, LLC. Remote. ... Education: Bachelor's (Required) Experience: Creative writing: 1 year (Required) Work Location: Remote

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    Savannah Magazine for MCC Magazines, LLC. Savannah, GA 31405. (Oakdale area) $45,000 - $55,000 a year. Full-time. Monday to Friday + 2. Easily apply. Recruit, develop and maintain a strong pool of freelance writers and content partners. Meet key deadlines (i.e. content to production/design, resources to sales….