English Essay on “Bravery” Full-Length Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Exam.

Before considering real bravery it will be well to distinguish it from false bravery. One kind of false bravery arises from ignorance of the danger. If an infant should play with a cobra, it would be absolutely free from fear, and would do what brave men would fear to do; but we ought not to call it brave, for it has no appreciation of the danger. Yet such fearlessness is often mistaken for real bravery. If they want of recognition of danger is due to intoxication, the quality displayed is sometimes called Dutch courage, because the drink that was served out to troops before an attack was usually Dutch rum. Another spurious form of courage is actually due to fear, as when a soldier stands his ground in a battle because he fears the punishment which will be inflicted on him if he runs away. In such cases, the stronger fear overcomes the weaker fear, and surely the man who is actuated by any kind of fear cannot be said to be displaying bravery.

We now pass on to the consideration of true courage. The simplest form of courage is constitutional courage, which shows itself in the absence of trembling and of other signs of fear in the face of great danger. When Louis XVI was being led to execution, he is said to have exclaimed, “Am I afraid? Feel my pulse.” His steady pulse, when he was on the point of dying a terrible death, showed that he was physically brave. One of the most striking instances of constitutional bravery to be found in history is Nelson. In his childhood on one occasion, he happened to have lost himself, to the great alarm of his parents. On his being found, when wonder was expressed that fear had not driven him home, he replied: “Fear; I never saw fear. What is it?” All through his life, he showed himself absolutely insensible to fear. His spirits rose in the hour of danger, and, when the enemy’s cannonballs were flying round his head, he was perfectly cool and collected.

It is, however, possible for a man to be constitutionally timid and nevertheless to be brave. Indeed, the bravery of a man who, by determined resolution, raises superior to his fears is perhaps the highest kind of courage. Such was the courage of Turenne, one of the greatest French generals. Once when he was going into battle, he felt himself trembling all over. But instead of yielding to his physical fears, he exclaimed to his body, “What! are you trembling now? Just wait and see what you will have to go through presently.”

The excess of courage is condemned as foolhardiness. A man is foolhardy who, for some trifling object, runs into great danger. When a sailor jumps out of an express train to recover his hat, or smokes his pipes over a packet of explosives instead of being praised for his carelessness of danger, he is rightly blamed for foolishly risking his life.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when the word bravery is said? For most people, a war hero or a superhero comes into their minds. Probably every language has a word for bravery, but there is only one true meaning. The word bravery is “showing a brave spirit or courage” when tough times are thrust upon or happen to them.

Bravery is not only what people do, but also how they do it. The concept is also “showiness, splendor, and magnificence”. Bravery may be shown in different ways: a person may jump from a plane or walk on fire to show. that he/she is truly brave. Then again, sometimes bravery is something that a person has inside him or her and is never shown as an action at all.

For thousands of years, people have used words that describe the concept of bravery. The history, or etymology, of the English word bravery, is as follows.

The word originated in Latin as barbarous. The Romans who spoke Latin were warriors so it is logical they would have a word that talked about their courageous actions. The Vulgar Latin, which was spoken Latin, was transformed by Middle French in the Middle Ages as well as by Middle English. This form of English.was what was spoken in the 12th to 15th century. From Middle English evolved the English we speak today and with it, the word bravery.

Throughout history, people have talked about the concept of bravery in many ways. The Greek writer and philosopher Euripides said, “The man who knows when not to act is wise. To my mind, bravery is forethought”. In the Middle Ages, George II of England said that “bravery never goes out of fashion”. Later, Francois de la Rochefoucauld said, “True bravery is shown by performing without witness what one might be capable of showing all the world”. Bravery has seemed to be an important concept or action throughout history.

When Francois de la Rockefou could speak about bravery, he pointed out an important feature of the virtue’s true meaning. Then he made the distinction between people’s private actions versus their public ones, he made it clear that people who do good deeds only to get rich or famous are not practicing bravery.

True bravery is helping people or animals simply because their actions benefit mankind. It seems that we often misunderstand this aspect of bravery and make the wrong people famous while forgetting about others who show bravery throughout their lives.

The one person that, for me, most represents bravery in this century is Martin Luther King, Jr. Mr. King was born in Atlanta, Georgia when black men and white men did not mix. When he died, these two races were a little closer to peace. This was due primarily because of the great influence that Martin Luther King, Jr. had in the United States. He got on the bandwagon of the civil rights movement with the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

He kept leading the movement after his house Was bombed. That was bravery because he put his life on the like to make all American black people’s lives better. In 1963 he arid many other protesters in Birmingham, Alabama, were met by police with dogs and high-pressure water hoses. This event was shown on television. His resistance in Alabama was brave because when the police came, he and the others did not back down but rather stood up for their beliefs.

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Paragraph on Bravery

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Bravery in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Bravery in 100 Words

Bravery is like being strong in your heart. It is when you face something scary but still choose to do it. It’s like standing up to a bully in your class, or telling the truth even when it’s hard. Bravery isn’t about not being scared, it’s about being scared but doing the right thing anyway. Like a firefighter saving people from a fire, or a doctor helping sick people. You don’t need a cape to be brave, you just need a strong heart. Remember, even if you feel small and scared, you can still be brave.

Paragraph on Bravery in 200 Words

Bravery is a very strong trait that is about being brave or courageous. It means to stand up for what is right, even if it is scary or difficult. A brave person is not afraid to face challenges. They do not run away when things get tough. Instead, they stay and fight. They help others without thinking about their own safety. Bravery is not about being fearless. It is about feeling fear but still choosing to act. For example, firefighters are brave because they run into burning buildings to save people. Soldiers are brave because they fight for their country. Even kids can be brave. Like when they stand up to a bully or try something new, even if they are scared. Remember, bravery is not about being strong or powerful. It is about showing courage in the face of fear. It is about doing the right thing, even when it is hard. So, let’s all try to be brave in our own little ways because every act of bravery counts.

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Paragraph on Bravery in 250 Words

Bravery is a quality that isn’t about physical strength or fighting, but about having courage and showing fearlessness in the face of challenges. It’s about standing up for what is right, even if you might be standing alone. It’s about daring to dream big and then working hard to make those dreams come true. Bravery is not about not having fear, but about feeling the fear and still choosing to move forward. It’s seen in everyday heroes – like a student who stands up against bullying, a firefighter who rushes into a burning building, or a doctor who works day and night to save lives. Bravery is also about admitting when you’re wrong and saying sorry. It’s about being honest, even when it’s easier to lie. It’s about trying again after a failure, and not giving up. Bravery comes in all shapes and sizes, and it’s not always loud and flashy. Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is to keep going when things are tough. So, remember, you don’t have to be a superhero to be brave. Each one of us has the power to show bravery in our own unique ways. And every time we choose courage over fear, we become a little bit braver. In the end, bravery is about being the best person you can be, no matter what challenges life throws your way.

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Essay On Bravery

Essay On Bravery

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Bravery, a word often heard, carries more weight than its letters suggest. It holds a special place in our lives and society, signifying the spirit of facing fears and challenges head-on. Bravery is not just about being courageous but confronting physical or moral danger. It is a quality that can inspire individuals, change the course of history, and promote personal growth. This essay explores the multi-dimensional nature of bravery, from physical courage to the courage to uphold moral values and its deep impact on individuals and society.

Exploring the Concept of Bravery

Bravery is not limited to physical actions. It is about more than just showing off strength; it involves the willingness to face physical danger, moral dilemmas, and emotional struggles. Throughout history, bravery has evolved in meaning. In the past, it was often linked to acts of courage on battlefields. However, today, we understand that true bravery encompasses much more. It is about facing challenges head-on, driven by inner strength rather than external displays.

Bravery has a rich history. In ancient times, bravery was celebrated through epic tales of heroes who stood tall against insurmountable odds. These heroes demonstrated physical courage in the face of perilous battles. Over time, the concept of bravery expanded to include physical valor and the courage to stand up for one’s beliefs, champion justice, and navigate the complexities of human emotions.

Historical Examples of Bravery

Martin Luther King Jr. stands as a shining example of moral courage. His unwavering fight against racial discrimination through nonviolent means showcased a form of bravery that wasn’t just about physical prowess but about standing up for justice in the face of adversity. Other historical figures like Harriet Tubman and Mahatma Gandhi also displayed exceptional bravery, leaving a lasting impact on generations to come.

Harriet Tubman, an instructor on the Underground Railroad, exhibited unparalleled bravery as she led countless slaves to freedom, risking her life for the cause of liberation. Through his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, Mahatma Gandhi demonstrated a different facet of bravery – one that required immense self-control and the willingness to endure suffering for a greater purpose.

Types of Bravery

Bravery wears various faces. Physical bravery emerges when individuals confront danger to protect others or serve a greater purpose, like firefighters saving lives from burning buildings. Moral bravery shines when people raise their voices against injustice, even if it means going against the majority. Emotional bravery involves facing fears and vulnerabilities, such as admitting mistakes or confronting personal weaknesses. Intellectual bravery, often overlooked, involves challenging prevailing ideas and questioning the norm to bring about positive change.

In a world where conformity often feels safe, intellectual bravery requires the audacity to think independently, challenge assumptions, and pursue unconventional paths. This form of bravery has led to scientific breakthroughs, social progress, and cultural revolutions.

Cultural Perspectives on Bravery

Different cultures view bravery through their unique lenses. In some cultures, bravery might be associated with defending the community; in others, it is connected to upholding honor. These cultural perspectives shape how individuals perceive and demonstrate bravery. Y, a common thread among them is that bravery often involves sacrificing personal comfort for the greater good, highlighting shared human values.

For instance, in ancient Japanese culture, the samurai embodied the concept of bravery through their unwavering loyalty, self-discipline, and willingness to lay down their lives for their lords. Indigenous cultures around the world celebrate bravery as the willingness to protect their land and traditions in the face of external pressures.

Societal Impact of Bravery

Bravery’s impact extends beyond the individual. Witnessing acts of bravery can inspire us to push our limits. Bravery can ignite movements that lead to societal progress. For instance, the bravery of suffragettes played a pivotal role in advancing women’s rights. Bravery unites people, fostering resilience and demonstrating collective strength in facing challenges.

The civil rights movement in the United States, led by individuals like Rosa Parks and Malcolm X, exemplified collective bravery against systemic racism. These individuals and countless others stood up against oppressive forces, inspiring a generation and laying the foundation for greater equality.

Psychological Aspects of Bravery

Fear is a natural response, but bravery lies in overcoming it. When we confront our fears, we build self-confidence. Each act of bravery, no matter how small, contributes to personal growth. Bravery empowers us to believe in our capabilities, creating a positive cycle of self-improvement and self-discovery.

Facing one’s fears often involves confronting deeply ingrained psychological barriers. This process can lead to profound personal transformation, fostering resilience, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of one’s limitations and strengths.

The Connection between Bravery and Personal Growth

Bravery is a transformative journey. We learn and evolve whenever we invoke the courage to leave our comfort zones. Challenges leads to be roadblocks; they become stepping stones for Success and growth. Through the acts of bravery, we unearth our strengths and vulnerabilities, cultivating a deeper understanding of ourselves. It’s not solely about conquering external obstacles; it’s about mastering the inner hurdles as well.

Embracing personal growth through bravery requires a willingness to embrace discomfort and uncertainty. This growth is not limited to a single moment but is an ongoing process that shapes an individual’s character and outlook on life.

Bravery’s Role in Personal Development

The connection between bravery and personal growth is undeniable. Bravery challenges us to expand our horizons, confront adversity with resilience, and continuously strive for improvement. Each time we choose bravery, whether by speaking up for justice, facing our fears, or questioning established norms, we engage in a process of self-discovery and development.

Bravery is a catalyst for self-empowerment. It helps individuals recognize their own potential and capacity to effect change. Every small act of bravery contributes to a cumulative journey of personal development , leading to a richer, more meaningful life.

This Essay On Bravery concludes that Bravery serves as a guiding light through life’s trials. It encompasses more than physical valor; it is a beacon steering us toward justice and self-development. The lasting legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., with other historical figures, underscores the enduring power of bravery. Whether it manifests as physical, moral, emotional, or intellectual courage, bravery’s impact resonates in individuals and reverberates through society.

Let us embrace the diverse forms of bravery, for they have the potential to reshape both ourselves and the world around us. As we navigate life’s challenges, let us remember that bravery is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it – a triumph that leads to growth, progress, and a more courageous and compassionate society.

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Essay on Courage – What is Courage Essay and Importance of Courage Essay in English

June 16, 2021 by Manasi Shewale Leave a Comment

Table of Contents

What is Courage?

If we go to see for the actual or literal meaning of courage, it refers to “an act of bravery or to do a challenging task without being afraid”. Now, when we speak of doing a challenging or a difficult task that does not mean to go and act rashly or do some unlawful thing.

A courageous act can be a small act also which is done when a person overcomes his fear and then goes and performs the act. It can be anything, for example, a small girl who loves dancing but is afraid of the stage where she must perform. When she overcomes her fear and becomes brave enough to perform her dance, it is called a courageous act.

Why is Courage Important?

To be courageous or to have that much confidence to overcome our fear is courage. We fight our fear in our daily lives as well. For example, when a person goes for an interview, he or she will feel some kind of nervousness or anxiety or insecurity about his/ her skills.

These feelings and the emotional state of mind can affect one’s behavior and therefore, have a bad effect on his/ her interview. Therefore, it can be said that being courageous enough to make use of the given opportunity is a very essential factor in today’s world of competition.

We all know the hardships faced by every working person in our country. The hardships regarding studies, career, a person having a very good (but stressful) job, etc. all require some or the other courageous input to achieve the goal.

Even the first day of our college needs us to gather up some courage and make some good self-introduction and make some friends. The first impression is the best (or the last) impression. This is the most famous saying and therefore, we need to have enough courage to stand up for ourselves and make an impression.

Now, as there are some above mentioned situations where we need courage for our own benefit, similarly, there are other situations where we need to be brave, not for our benefit but for the entire society or our environment, etc.

For example, it takes courage for a person to fight against the injustice faced by him or his fellow companion. The best example of this can be of the farmers. Today’s situation of the farmers’ financial condition and the ongoing summer season is going to take a heavy toll on the farmer to earn the daily bread.

To fight against this condition, they need many things but courage will be the most basic thing required by all to at least stand up against the situation and demand for their rights.

There are many other unjust events happening in our daily lives, for example, eve teasing, a very bad aspect of today’s modern world. A girl has to face such rude and humiliating behavior everyday and neither the girl says anything against it nor does the people around her come to her aid to support if she is courageous enough to oppose to such public humiliation.

This is the real problem that is along with courage, one needs proper support and guidance to fight such events and bring out a change for the betterment of the society.

All these were examples of how a person needs courage and proper morals to fight for the injustice faced by himself and others. It is very difficult to keep up your morals and therefore, gather up the necessary courage to fight against the wrong situations.

Therefore, in todays date, it is even rarer to find a person with the proper morals required to live a satisfactory life.

Another aspect of having courage comes with adventurous activities. This type of courage is required to go on carrying physical adventurous activities. Many people of scared of adventures and therefore, they do not know how exhilarating it feels after completing the adventurous tasks or activity.

For example, a person wants to go scuba diving or sky diving but is afraid of the water or the height and the speed or maybe the pressure or anything which he finds will hurt him physically. Now, a person needs courage to overcome this fear and therefore, go ahead and live that adventure.

No third person is involved in pushing away one’s fear in case of such physical activities. The person should be brave enough and should have that mind set, that yes, he needs to jump of the cliff (adventure only) and then only will he be able to live the adventure and enjoy it to the fullest.

There are similar sensitive topics where courage is the need. We have the required strength to fight against the black holes but we do not have enough courage or we do not have the trigger that is needed to fight these social demons as well as our personal fears.

Courage is not a feeling neither is it an emotion, it is a trigger which when triggered with enough force can make wonders and bring in a change in his life as well as in the society to live the better and face the bitter aspects of life.

These are different aspects of life which may include some adventures, some social stressful situations, personal issues, etc. which require courage at both, physical as well as the moral level to overcome the fear and be brave enough to live our lives satisfactorily.

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About Manasi Shewale

Manasi Shewale loves to read novels and review them inturn. She is an avid reader of various topics of scientific interest in Chemistry and Biology.

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1. Unbreakable Spirit: Challenges and Achievements of Malala Yousafzai

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5. The Traits That Make Up A Hero: What It Means To Be A Hero

6. The Truth Behind What It Means To Be A Hero

7. Why Taking A Stand Or Winning Is Not Everything

8. The Bravery Of Julius Caesar

9. Phoenix Jackson’s Persistent Journey in Eudora Welty’s Novel A Worn Path

10. Overview of Characterization in An Irish Airman Foresees His Death

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12. The Heroism of Achilles in the Iliad

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14. The Exemplary Heroes in Thanks Ma’am and The Drummer Boy of Shiloh

15. Strong Presence of Bravery in To Kill a Mockingbird

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English Summary

Short Essay on Courage in English for Students

C ourage is the ability to face any dangerous or painful situation. Courage can be physical or moral. Physical courage is when one can face any physical pain. Moral courage is to do the right things in every situation. We have many examples of courageous people like freedom fighters and soldiers.

Courage comes from many things. Some people have courage in them and some people learn it. Confidence plays an important role. One can face a difficult situation when one is confident about one’s skills.

essay on bravery for class 7

Knowledge is also important because it helps to know how to deal with some situations. Some people train themselves with time to fight their fears. They do not run away and try to face those things which make them afraid. Moral courage comes from a strong will. A person always does the right thing if he knows that goodness is always rewarded.

Courage is good quality and it helps a person in many ways. It increases one’s confidence and he can do things easily. Courage helps a person to experience many situations. This helps him to know about different places, people, things. It also helps a person to live a true live. He does the right thing and so he lives happily. Such people are always admired by everyone and he becomes an example for others. This makes the entire society good.

Courage is a quality which we all should learn. It is a quality which helps us to stand against any wrongdoings. We should remember that even our small contribution can change society.

What is the importance of courage?

Courage helps to develop your personality. It helps to face the situations by being bold and wise. One should have both physical and moral courage.

What are the different kinds of courage?

These are different kinds of courage

  • Physical Courage
  • Moral Courage
  • Spiritual Courage
  • Emotional Courage
  • Social Courage
  • Intellectual Courage

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essay on bravery for class 7


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A Story of Self Sacrifice and Bravery

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  • Shivaji Maharaj Essay


Essay on Shivaji Maharaj

Shivaji Bhonsle, also known as Shivaji Maharaj, was considered the people’s king. His iron determination, valour, and dominance were the epitomes to follow. His courage knew no bounds. This article includes long and short Shivaji Maharaj essays for students. You can follow the historical facts and write an essay on Shivaji Maharaj on your own. Follow the format and maintain the proper sequence to score more in the exam. These essays can also be used to prepare for a Shivaji Maharaj essay writing competition.

Living for the people was a king. The fighter who strives for the wellbeing of the people by fighting against injustice. The Maratha Empire is one of the world's prestigious empires created by a leader who refused to live as a slave. Our goal in this article is to give you some insight into the life of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the great Maratha warrior.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was a Maratha warrior and founding ruler of the Maratha empire in western India. In India and even in other countries, he is still considered the greatest warrior of his time. An innovative military tactician and a skilful administrator, he is considered a valorous warrior. The great qualities he possessed as a leader and king helped him build the Maratha Empire into a powerful and massive power.

Long Essay on Shivaji Maharaj   

Shivaji Bhonsle was born in the royal family of Shahaji Bhonsle. He was a born leader and went on to establish the Maratha Empire that even terrified the mighty Mughals. Born on 16 th February 1627 in Shivneri, Shivaji was the proud son of Shahji. This Shivaji Maharaj essay in English will tell you about the glory and valour of the people’s king.

Shivaji’s mother Jijabai was also very strong in personality. She was virtuous and gave the proper education to her son to make him fearless. He grew up listening to the valour and glory of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. He also followed the teachings of these two epics but also imbibed the strong resilient features of an ideal Hindu’s character. He never learned to bow down to any force. In this Shivaji Maharaj essay, his life and achievements will be unfurled.

A Description of Shivaji Maharaj's Childhood

For the people whose lives were ruined by the Mughal Empire, the birth of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was a good omen. During the hardships of the Mughal rule, he came as a ray of hope for the people. Maharaj was born on 18th February 1630 according to the Julian calendar and on Falgun Krishna Tritiya (Falgun Krishna Tritiya) according to the Hindu calendar at Shivneri Fort, in Junnar city, near Pune district, to Shahaji Bhosale and Jijabai Bhosale. We have provided some information about Shivaji Maharaj's birthdate at the end of this article. (There are some controversies about Shivaji Maharaj's birthdate.)

During his childhood, his mother Jijamata called him "Shivba". He served the King of Bijapur during his young life. As well as being a "Jahagirdar," he lived in a certain area in Pune. Jijabai, Shivaji's mother, was a deeply religious and ambitious woman whose father was Sindkhed leader Lakhujirao Jadhav. The truth will triumph in the end, according to Shivaji, who has been taught that fighting for what is right no matter what challenges you face is the most important lesson she taught him as a child. As Shivaji was growing up, Jijamata's teachings had a profound effect on his mind.

He was encouraged by Dada Konadev to learn different warfare skills relevant to the contemporary era. His guru wanted him to survive any diverse condition by using such skills. Apart from his survival and warfare skills, he became a nationalist and the man of his words. Being a full-fledged warrior, he followed the teachings of Saint Ramdev and understood the importance of religion. This education included the importance of all religions, politics, and cultures. From the evidence of Shivaji Maharaj's essay in English of historians, you will observe that his skills and life lessons helped him to become one of the greatest leaders of India.

He quickly became adept at different life and warfare skills and entered into the reality of the world. He started to attack the enemies surrounding his kingdom and capture them one after the other to make a bigger and stronger empire. The moment his flag was hoisted in the forts of Toran and Purandar, the stories of his valour and strength reached Delhi and Agra. The rulers, whether they are tyrants or subject-loving, started to fear his name.

Adil Shah, the king of Bijapur, was afraid of his growing power. He then captured his father Shahji and imprisoned him. Learning about his father’s imprisonment, he was furious but did not lose his mind. He planned well and freed his father. This made Adil Shah even more furious. He ordered his commander Afzal Khan to plan a murder and eradicate Shivaji. Afzal acted as a friend to gain his confidence and kill him. Shivaji was one step ahead. He killed Afzal Khan by hiding a deadly dagger inside his cloak and fled.

Under his dominance and valour, the Maratha Empire grew stronger every day. He was known as a freedom fighter as he relieved commoners from the tyrants. He was considered to be anti-Muslim by many but it is not true. His two generals were Siddi and Daulat Khan. Historians suggest that his army consisted of soldiers from different races and religions. He never learned to differentiate between people in terms of caste, religion, or colour.

He focused his energy on eradicating the tyrants of the contemporary era. Most of them were Muslim rulers. He never instigated any religious war or motive to uproot a kingdom. All he did was to understand common people’s pain under the sabbatical Aurangzeb and other rulers. He freed many people and thus was given the name Chhatrapati Shivaji by his admirers.

He ruled the Maratha Empire for 27 years and created an example to follow. He then fell sick and suffered from an unknown fever for three weeks. He then succumbed to his illness and died on 3 rd April 1680 in Raigad Fort.

Short Paragraph on Shivaji Maharaj

Shivaji Bhonsle, also known as Chhatrapati Shivaji, was born on 16 th February 1627. He was the son of Shahji and Jijabai. At an early age, Shivaji got the right education from his mother and father. His indomitable spirit and intelligence were off the chart. He learned all the warfare skills alongside religious teachings. He imbibed the strong features of his character from his mother. He grew up learning everyone is equal, irrespective of caste and religion.

He grew up to be a formidable ruler and united the different kingdoms to form the Maratha Empire. His intelligence and valour made the Mughal Empire and other rulers shiver in fear. His enemy, Adil Shah wanted to kill him. He sent his commander, Afzal Khan to trick him and kill him on the spot. Shivaji was one step ahead. He hid a dagger and killed Afzal Khan and fled. He fought many battles and freed people from the tyranny of many rulers. This is why he got the name ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji’ or the people’s king. He died in 1680 due to illness.

This short and long Shivaji Maharaj essay tells us about the life and good deeds of Shivaji. We learn why he was named the people’s king. He united many kingdoms to form the Maratha Empire and wage war against the cruel rulers of then India. His valour made rulers terrified. He was intelligent enough to overcome any situation.


FAQs on Shivaji Maharaj Essay

1. Why was Shivaji called Chhatrapati?

In this Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj essay, you will learn that he used to uproot the tyrant rulers and free the common people. He used to think of everyone as the same. In the declining Adilshahi sultanate of Bijapur, Shivaji carved out an enclave that was the genesis of the Maratha Empire. His crowning as the Chhatrapati of Raigad in 1674 was officially recognized. Shivaji established a civil rule with an efficient administration and well-organized administrative structures.

2. Why do many think that he was Anti-Muslim?

In this Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj essay in English, we find that he waged war against Muslim tyrants of the Mughal Empire but he was not anti-Muslim. His two main generals were Siddi and Daulat Khan. The Indian king Shivaji Maharaj is taught to be depicted as Hindu, but he wanted independence from foreigners (swarajya). The foreigners were Muslims, but Muslim majority countries were not foreign countries. Aurangzeb was obsessed with Hinduism. Shivaji Maharaj was not anti-Muslim.

3. Among Shivaji Maharaj's achievements as a true king, what are they?

Analyzing the accomplishments of a true king and leader: As of 1645, he had conquered several forts and surrounding areas of Adil Shaha's sultanate, including Chakan, Kondana, Torana, Purandar, and Sinhgad. Soon Adil Shaha started feeling restless and threatened. As a result, Shivaji's father Shahaji was captured and imprisoned. During the release of Shivaji, Adil Shaha requested Shivaji end his campaign to conquer Adil Shaha's domains.

The year after Shahaji's death, Shivaji Maharaj renewed his conquests, acquiring the Javali valley from Chandrarao More, a Jahagiridar in Bijapur. Afzal Khan, one of Adil Shaha's powerful generals, was dispatched by Adil Shaha to conquer Shivaji.

As per Afzal Khan's plan, Shivaji Maharaj would be invited to a meeting on Pratapgad to assassinate him. Shivaji Maharaj was one step ahead of him, but he was unaware of that fact. Afzal Khan's motives were perceived by Shivaji, and they took hidden actions against him. The plan to kill Shivaji backfired for Afzal Khan when they met. This quick-witted king had no intention of being defeated.

4.  Was Shivaji Maharaj's birthday controversial?

Approximately the Birthdate, Year of Shivaji Maharaj and the controversy around them.

The birth date and birth year of Shivaji Maharaj are subject to some controversy. On Falgun Krishna Tritiya, Shivaji Maharaj was born according to the Hindu calendar. On 19th February 1630, according to the Julian calendar, he was born. According to the Hindu Calendar, Shivaji Maharaj's birth date would have been between March 1 and March 30 before the Julian calendar was converted to the Gregorian calendar.

So now people who live according to the Gregorian calendar celebrate Shiva Jayanti, the birthday of Shivaji Maharaj, which has also been recognized by the Government of India, each year on 19th February. Shivaji was a Hindu warrior according to the Hindu calendar, so we should celebrate his birth anniversary as per the Hindu calendar. The fact that we get the opportunity to honour another birthday of such a distinguished king and warrior is to be commended.

5. Can you please describe the Maratha Navy briefly?

Shivaji Maharaj deemed it necessary to construct a navy when he became master of such a long coastal strip. Shivaji Maharaj realized that the one who controlled the sea was the one who possessed a navy. As a means to secure and enhance revenues derived from maritime trade and customs duties, he concentrated on building the Navy to protect himself from the Siddi's depredations and to increase the number of merchant ships and ports. Navy ships ranged in size from forty to four hundred. Among them were battleships such as the Galbat, Gurab, and Pal. The inaugural keel of a Maratha naval vessel was laid down in 1654 in a creek near Kalyan by Chhatrapati Shivaji, who recognized the importance of a strong navy. During Shivaji's reign, Maharashtra (today's Maharashtra) was dotted with numerous naval bases. Maratha forces were always aware of the Portuguese navy's strength.

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A Story About Bravery from My Life

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Published: Jul 30, 2019

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Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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essay on bravery for class 7

Smart English Notes

Sympathy – Questions and Answers and Summary Class 7

Table of Contents

Sympathy by Charles Mackay


In this poem, the author explains that sympathy is a heavenly virtue because it cannot be repaid, in contrast to monetary assistance, which may be paid back.

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Summary of Sympathy

The Poem ‘Sympathy’ has been authored by Charles Mackay. In this poem, the virtue of “Sympathy” has been explained very beautifully. The states that sympathy is more valuable than gold. The poet concluded by narrating real-life situations.

The poet claims that he was formerly depressed, disturbed, apprehensive, and in poor physical health. When a wealthy man learned of him, he offered him money but showed no sympathy or empathy toward him. The poet spent the money, and his grief subsided. After recovering, the poet returned his money and thanked the proud man for his assistance, as well as blessings for his charitable work.

After some time, the poet found himself in the same state of grief and physical frailty. A poor man passed by him at this time. He became aware of his grief. The impoverished man assisted the poet by caring for him. The poor man bound his head and fed him food. He took care of the poet all day and night. After some time, the poet healed and regained his health, but he has no idea how to repay the poor man for his assistance and sympathy. According to the poet, the virtue of “Sympathy” is greater than wealth.

Theme of Sympathy

The poem “Sympathy” was written by Charles Mackay. The poet describes two sorts of assistance he received from a powerful guy and a poor man in this poem. A haughty man gave the poet money, while a poor man showed him kindness and sympathy. This poem’s core purpose is to develop moral principles such as sympathy among humans. It is not repayable by physical exchange. The poet believed that while gold is valuable, the virtue of “Sympathy” is superior.

Reading is Fun | Questions and Answers

1. When the poet was unhappy, who helped him and how?

Ans. When the poet was unhappy, the proud man helped him out by giving him gold.

Ans. The poor man tended to the poet around-the-clock. His head was bound, and he was given bread. The poor man stood by the poet till he regained his health.

4. The poet, could not pay back the poor man, why?

Ans. Sympathy is a feeling of caring and love for someone or something. It is not based on any selfish motive. It is not something you can pay back like gold or money. So, the poet couldn’t give the poor man his money back.

5. Why is sympathy, said to be heavenly?

Ans. It is said that sympathy is heavenly since it is not motivated by selfishness. It originates from within. It is a source of joy. It could not be repaid in precious metals or other valuables.

Language Work

1. Unscramble the words given in brackets and fill in the blanks. The first one is done for you as an example.

Gold is a __________ metal. (RESPUICO)

We must be very __________ to the poor (DINK)

Sympathy is, considered as __________. (LYNHEAEV)

Kind people are always __________. (FLUPLEH)

The __________ (CHIRNAM) helped the poet with gold.

We must respect our __________. (RETASHCE)

The poor man __________ (DAHCEWT) the poet day and night.

Gold is a precious metal. (RESPUICO)

We must be very kind to the poor (DINK)

Sympathy is, considered as heavenly. (LYNHEAEV)

Kind people are always helpful. (FLUPLEH)

The rich man (CHIRNAM) helped the poet with gold.

We must respect our teachers. (RETASHCE)

The poor man watched (DAHCEWT) the poet day and night.

2. You can find verbs in the poem. Read the poem once again and find out the verbs and write three forms of these verbs. First one is done for you as an example.

Sympathy - Questions and Answers and Summary Class 7 1

3. An abstract noun is the name of a quality, state, feeling, or idea that can only be thought of or felt but cannot be seen or touched.

Write the answers to the following questions selecting words from those given.

All the words are abstract nouns.

Honesty Laziness Kindness Foolishness Anger Cruelty Bravery Politeness Strength Generosity

What quality does a kind man show? ____________

What quality does an honest man show? ____________

What quality does a foolish man show? ____________

What quality does an angry man show? ____________

What quality does a cruel man show? ____________

What quality does a strong man show? ____________

What quality does a generous man show? ____________

What quality does a brave man show? ____________

What quality does a polite man show? ____________

What quality does a lazy man show? ____________

What quality does a kind man show?  Kindness

What quality does an honest man show?  Honesty

What quality does a foolish man show?  Foolishness

What quality does an angry man show?  Anger

What quality does a cruel man show?  Cruelty

What quality does a strong man show?  Strength

What quality does a generous man show?  Generosity

What quality does a brave man show?  Bravery

What quality does a polite man show?  Politeness

What quality does a lazy man show?  Laziness

Underline the abstract nouns in the following sentences:

Life is full of happiness .

Laughter is good medicine.

The rose has a sweet fragrance .

Kindness never goes unrewarded.

The cruelty of a cruel king made him unpopular.

The principal was pleased with the honesty of his staff.

Mother Teresa showed kindness to poor people.

Poverty can be eliminated by hard work.

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