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A beach strewn with forestry slash

Ecosystems are deeply interconnected – environmental research, policy and management should be too

research on environmental management systems

Lecturer in Marine Science, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau

research on environmental management systems

Professor of Marine Sciences, University of Waikato

research on environmental management systems

Director of the Institute of Marine Science, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau

Disclosure statement

Rebecca Gladstone-Gallagher receives funding from philanthropy, Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), including from the National Science Challenges, the Marsden Fund and the Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Conrad Pilditch receives funding from Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), including the National Science Challenge Sustainable Seas, Marsden Fund and regional councils. He is a member of the Sustainable Seas Challenge Leadership Team.

Simon Francis Thrush receives funding from MBIE, government agencies, international organisations and philanthropy. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.

University of Auckland and University of Waikato provide funding as members of The Conversation AU.

University of Waikato and University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau provide funding as members of The Conversation NZ.

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Why are we crossing ecological boundaries that affect Earth’s fundamental life-supporting capacity? Is it because we don’t have enough information about how ecosystems respond to change? Or are we unable, even unwilling, to use that information better?

We have a lot to learn still, but as we show in our research , using current ecological knowledge more effectively could deliver substantial environmental gains.

Our work focuses on improving links between research and ecosystem management to identify key trigger points for action in a framework that joins land, freshwater and sea ecosystems.

Specifically, we investigate solutions to environmental and societal problems that stem from the disparities between scientific research, policy and management responses to environmental issues.

We need managers and policy makers to consider ecological tipping points and how they can cascade though ecosystems from land into rivers and lakes and, ultimately, the ocean.

A graphic that shows the gaps between social, political, ecological and management approaches.

Our work’s standing among global research aimed at stopping ecosystem collapse has been recognised as one of 23 national champions in this year’s Frontiers Planet Prize .

Read more: Our oceans are in deep trouble – a 'mountains to sea' approach could make a real difference

More holistic solutions

This issue came into focus when New Zealand set up research collaborations known as national science challenges a decade ago to solve “wicked” social and ecological problems.

The challenges focused on environmental issues were deliberately created to concentrate on separate ecosystem and management domains (marine, freshwater and land). But all included research groups addressing ecological tipping points.

This was our inspirational spark. Our research highlights the consequences of managing land, freshwater and sea ecosystems in socially constructed bubbles. We focus on solutions where social and ecological connections are at the forefront of environmental management practices and decisions.

Small bits of plastics on a sandy beach

An example is the movement of pollutants such as microplastics from the land to the sea. Most of the microplastics found along coasts and in harbours are blown or washed off the land. While this pollution is a well recognised environmental threat to the marine environment, we have not yet focused on strategies to reduce the load.

Our work points to the ignored but critical issue that people’s impacts on land accumulate in the sea, but land management and consequent actions are not informed by these far-field effects.

This leads to lags in decision making which create undesirable environmental outcomes that are difficult to return from. But if we act on these connections, the environmental gains could be substantial.

Cyclones as a real-world example

As a result of massive soil erosion on the east coast of the North Island during Cyclone Bola in 1988, steep hillsides were retired from grazing and converted to pine plantations to help stabilise the land.

Fast forward three decades and a large proportion of the forest reached harvest at the same time. The exposed soil associated with clear felling was left draped in woody debris to protect it from rain.

However, Cyclone Gabrielle hit in February last year, with extreme rainfall washing both soil and woody debris into streams.

An upturned tractor in a flooded field

This destroyed habitats, transported vast amounts of silt and wrecked lowland farms, orchards and critical infrastructure. The debris also clogged harbours and coastal beaches, smothered seafloor habitats, destroyed fisheries and affected cultural and recreational values.

This real-world example demonstrates the severe consequences of lags in information flow and management responses. If land-use management decisions had considered the effects on other connected ecosystems and the potential for climate change to intensify those connections, the outcomes could have been different.

We could have implemented more diverse strategies in land use and put emphasis on restoring native forest and coastal wetlands.

Read more: Cyclone Gabrielle triggered more destructive forestry 'slash' – NZ must change how it grows trees on fragile land

Living with nature, not off it

Our vision is one where social and ecological connections across ecosystem domains are at the forefront of moving to a more sustainable future.

Living within planetary boundaries requires a paradigm shift in behaviours, including the way we link science and management to on-the-ground action. Crucially, we need to increase the speed at which new research is taken up and rapidly transition this into action that improves environmental outcomes at local scales.

This behavioural shift underpins the way to a more integrated, broad-scale ability to act and stay within planetary boundaries.

Our research shows we can, with trust and open minds, transcend the disciplinary silos to support new forms of research organisation. The challenge now is to extend holistic approaches into new practices.

Read more: NZ’s vital kelp forests are in peril from ocean warming – threatening the important species that rely on them

This means identifying opportunities where connected research can alter behaviours across society, from individuals to global finance and governance. Central to this transition is recognising we are part of complex social and ecological systems and our actions have indirect effects and long-term consequences.

We need new research to provide this evidence. It will inevitably lead to new questions about fundamental ecological and integrated Earth processes.

We believe these holistic approaches will allow science to be more readily incorporated into decision making and ensure environmental perspectives are captured. This will lead to relevant, locally appropriate, integrated and robust environmental management actions.

  • Extreme weather
  • Evidence-based policy
  • New Zealand stories
  • Microplastic pollution
  • Cyclone Gabrielle
  • Science + Environment

research on environmental management systems

Project Offier - Diversity & Inclusion

research on environmental management systems

Senior Lecturer - Earth System Science

research on environmental management systems

Sydney Horizon Educators (Identified)

research on environmental management systems

Deputy Social Media Producer

research on environmental management systems

Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy

Environmental management systems: History, theory, and implementation research

Duke scholars.

Deborah Gallagher

Publication Date

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The benefits of implementing an environmental management system for your business

Prioritizing environmental sustainability isn’t just a trend: it’s a vital strategy for securing the health and prosperity of an organization for years to come. Balancing growth with environmental stewardship is more important than ever as the impacts of climate change grow in their scale and frequency.

One effective way to do good for the environment and keep a business strong is the implementation of an environmental management system (EMS). Tools and approaches like ISO 14001 are used around the world by organizations that need to assess, manage and improve their impact on the environment.

Table of contents

What is an environmental management system.

So what is an EMS, and why is environmental management necessary? An EMS model is a framework of policies, procedures and practices that helps organizations manage and reduce their impact on the environment. It provides a structured approach to identify, evaluate and mitigate environmental impacts.

  • The primary goals of an EMS are to ensure:
  • Compliance with environmental requirements
  • The efficient use of resources
  • Waste reduction and minimal pollution
  • The continuous improvement of environmental performance

There are various examples of environmental management systems, but one of the best known and most widely used is ISO 14001 . This International Standard provides a systematic approach to environmental management and is recognized globally.

At first glance, an EMS might seem similar to a quality management system (QMS), but there are some important distinctions. The main difference between a QMS and an EMS is that a QMS (such as ISO 9001 ) usually focuses on improving performance related to products, services and customer outcomes. An EMS, on the other hand, has a specific focus on environmental impact. It allows organizations to establish an environmental management plan, set environmental controls, and track their environmental management objectives.

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Key EMS components

The key components of environmental management include:

  • Environmental policy: A statement that outlines an organization’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • Planning: This involves identifying environmental objectives, setting targets and establishing programmes to achieve them.
  • Implementation: This stage involves putting plans into action, allocating resources and assigning responsibilities.
  • Checking: Regular monitoring of performance against objectives and targets is critical to ensure the timely implementation of corrective actions.
  • Management review: A formal review of the EMS supports its continued effectiveness and suitability.

Understanding and implementing an EMS is crucial for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future. It provides a systematic and effective approach to environmental management, helping organizations achieve their environmental goals while maintaining profitability.

Benefits of implementing an EMS in your business

The benefits of implementing an environmental management system are numerous. One of the biggest is that it helps fulfil compliance obligations. By implementing an EMS, businesses can ensure that they meet relevant environmental requirements. This not only helps to avoid legal issues and penalties for non-compliance, but also demonstrates a commitment to environmental stewardship.

  • An EMS can also help address issues outside the realm of compliance, such as energy or water management, and can promote stronger operational controls and staff accountability. Some of these benefits are:
  • Reduced risks: This proactive approach helps prevent incidents that could harm the environment, and exposure to litigation, fines or sanctions, and reputational damage.
  • Enhanced image: By demonstrating a commitment to environmental sustainability through an EMS, businesses can attract environmentally conscious customers and build trust in their brand.
  • Increased efficiency: By identifying and addressing areas where resources are being wasted – such as energy, water or material management – organizations can optimize their operations and reduce costs.
  • Continuous improvements: A systematic approach helps businesses to continuously improve their environmental performance by setting goals, implementing measures, monitoring progress, and making necessary adjustments.

Ultimately, by integrating an EMS into their operations, businesses can foster a culture of sustainability and contribute to a more environmentally responsible future. Whether it’s about waste reduction, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, conserving resources, or promoting other eco-friendly practices, an EMS empowers organizations to make positive environmental changes while still achieving their business goals.

Types of environmental management systems

There are several types of EMS and approaches to environmental management, so it’s important for organizations to choose one that works best for them. Companies could opt to develop their own bespoke system from scratch that puts their objectives, resources and strategies at the core of their environmental management plan. An in-house EMS will gel seamlessly with an organization’s operations, but they take a great deal of time and capital to develop effectively.

A more practical, cost-efficient approach is to follow existing best practices. Using international standards and guidelines allows a business to focus on getting its environmental management right without needing to sink resources into developing its own EMS system. Standards such as ISO 14001 are already aligned with compliance obligations, providing approaches and guidelines that are easy for businesses to follow.

What is ISO 14001?

ISO’s environmental standards translate passion into effective environmental action. ISO 14001 provides the criteria for an EMS that an organization can use to identify, track and enhance its environmental performance, fulfil its compliance obligations and achieve its environmental objectives. The standard can be used in whole or in part by any organization – regardless of size or industry – that wants to strengthen its environmental action; whether that’s by improving the sustainability of a product, a company’s operations or the services it provides.

What is the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle?

ISO 14001 is based on the continuous improvement model Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). Through the PDCA cycle, businesses can stay ahead of changing environmental needs and expectations. They can identify areas for improvement, implement innovative solutions, and track their progress towards their environmental objectives. This iterative process ensures that the EMS remains effective and aligned with the organization’s business goals.

Practical steps to implement a successful EMS

Implementing an EMS can seem like a daunting task but, with a clear plan and stakeholder buy-in, any business can successfully integrate the methodology of environmental management into their operations. The following steps may serve as a useful starting point:

  • Assess environmental impact: Organizations should conduct an environmental review to identify the areas where they have the most significant impact on the environment. This will help to prioritize their efforts and set goals for improvement.
  • Establish environmental management objectives: Based on the findings from the environmental review, businesses should set specific and measurable objectives that align with their goals. These objectives might relate to reducing waste, conserving resources or improving energy efficiency.
  • Develop an implementation plan: Businesses should then create a detailed plan that outlines the actions needed to achieve their environmental management objectives. This plan should include timelines, responsible parties and required resources.
  • Engage employees: Organizations should engage their employees by communicating the importance of the EMS and their role in its success. Businesses should invest in training and resources to ensure that everyone understands their role and responsibilities in contributing to environmental sustainability.
  • Implement monitoring and reporting systems: Businesses should put in place systems to track and measure their progress towards objectives. Regularly reviewing and analysing the data to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes should be key actions.
  • Continuously improve: Organizations should use the PDCA cycle to continuously improve their environmental performance. Set new objectives, implement measures, monitor progress and make necessary adjustments – all these ensure the EMS remains effective and aligned with business goals.
  • ISO 14090:2019 Adaptation to climate change
  • ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse gases
  • ISO 14068-1:2023 Climate change management

The importance of continuous improvement

Continuous improvement is a fundamental aspect of any successful EMS. In order to effectively manage and reduce their environmental impact, organizations must be prepared to regularly measure their progress and change plans if they find a better way to do something.

Prioritizing continuous improvement allows businesses to achieve long-term sustainability and reap the benefits of reduced environmental impact and increased efficiency. It enables organizations to respond to new environmental requirements, industry trends and consumer demands, while staying competitive in the market.

By embracing the PDCA cycle and consistently striving for better environmental performance, businesses can make a lasting impact on their operations and contribute to a more sustainable future.

  • The benefits of implementing an environmental …

Climate change effects on aquaculture production and its sustainable management through climate-resilient adaptation strategies: a review

  • Review Article
  • Published: 23 April 2024

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research on environmental management systems

  • Nitesh Kumar Yadav   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4408-0199 1 ,
  • Arun Bhai Patel 1 ,
  • Soibam Khogen Singh 1 , 2 ,
  • Naresh Kumar Mehta 3 ,
  • Vishwajeet Anand 1 , 4 ,
  • Jham Lal 1 ,
  • Debojit Dekari 5 &
  • Ng Chinglembi Devi 1 , 6  

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Aquaculture witnessed a remarkable growth as one of the fastest-expanding sector in the food production industry; however, it faces serious threat from the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Understanding this threat, the present review explores the consequences of climate change on aquaculture production and provides need based strategies for its sustainable management, with a particular emphasis on climate-resilient approaches. The study examines the multi-dimensional impacts of climate change on aquaculture which includes the shifts in water temperature, sea-level rise, ocean acidification, harmful algal blooms, extreme weather events, and alterations in ecological dynamics. The review subsequently investigates innovative scientific interventions and climate-resilient aquaculture strategies aimed at strengthening the adaptive capacity of aquaculture practices. Some widely established solutions include selective breeding, species diversification, incorporation of ecosystem-based management practices, and the implementation of sustainable and advanced aquaculture systems (aquaponics and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). These strategies work towards fortifying aquaculture systems against climate-induced disturbances, thereby mitigating risks and ensuring sustained production. This review provides a detailed insight to the ongoing discourse on climate-resilient aquaculture, emphasizing an immediate need for prudent measures to secure the future sustainability of fish food production sector.

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The authors acknowledge the support from the Voice Chancellor, Central Agriculture University (CAU), Imphal and the Dean, College of Fisheries, Central Agriculture University (Imphal), Tripura.

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Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Central Agriculture University (Imphal), Lembucherra, Tripura (West), 799210, India

Nitesh Kumar Yadav, Arun Bhai Patel, Soibam Khogen Singh, Vishwajeet Anand, Jham Lal & Ng Chinglembi Devi

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Imphal, Manipur, 795142, India

Soibam Khogen Singh

Department of Fish Processing Technology, College of Fisheries, Central Agriculture University (Imphal), Lembucherra, Tripura (West), 799210, India

Naresh Kumar Mehta

ICAR — Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai, 400061, Maharashtra, India

Vishwajeet Anand

Department of Aquatic Health and Environment, College of Fisheries, Central Agriculture University (Imphal), Lembucherra, Tripura (West), 799210, India

Debojit Dekari

Department of Aquaculture, Dr. M.G.R Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thiruvallur District, Ponneri, 601 204, Tamil Nadu, India

Ng Chinglembi Devi

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The final manuscript was read and approved by all authors. The manuscript was conceptualized and written by all the authors. The authors specific roles are as follows: conceptualization: Nitesh Kumar Yadav, Arun Bhai Patel, Soibam Khogen Singh, and Naresh Kumar Mehta; review: Nitesh Kumar Yadav, Vishwajeet Anand, Jham Lal, Debojit Dekri, and Ng Chinglembi Devi; draft and review editing: Arun Bhai Patel, Soibam Khogen Singh, and Naresh Kumar Mehta.

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Yadav, N.K., Patel, A.B., Singh, S.K. et al. Climate change effects on aquaculture production and its sustainable management through climate-resilient adaptation strategies: a review. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-33397-5

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Received : 01 August 2023

Accepted : 16 April 2024

Published : 23 April 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-33397-5

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Ecosystems are deeply interconnected—environmental research, policy and management should be too

by Rebecca Gladstone-Gallagher, Conrad Pilditch and Simon Francis Thrush, The Conversation

Ecosystems are deeply interconnected—environmental research, policy and management should be too

Why are we crossing ecological boundaries that affect Earth's fundamental life-supporting capacity? Is it because we don't have enough information about how ecosystems respond to change? Or are we unable, even unwilling, to use that information better?

We have a lot to learn still, but as we show in our research , using current ecological knowledge more effectively could deliver substantial environmental gains.

Our work focuses on improving links between research and ecosystem management to identify key trigger points for action in a framework that joins land, freshwater and sea ecosystems.

Specifically, we investigate solutions to environmental and societal problems that stem from the disparities between scientific research , policy and management responses to environmental issues.

We need managers and policy makers to consider ecological tipping points and how they can cascade though ecosystems from land into rivers and lakes and, ultimately, the ocean.

Our work's standing among global research aimed at stopping ecosystem collapse has been recognized as one of 23 national champions in this year's Frontiers Planet Prize .

More holistic solutions

This issue came into focus when New Zealand set up research collaborations known as national science challenges a decade ago to solve "wicked" social and ecological problems.

The challenges focused on environmental issues were deliberately created to concentrate on separate ecosystem and management domains (marine, freshwater and land). But all included research groups addressing ecological tipping points.

This was our inspirational spark. Our research highlights the consequences of managing land, freshwater and sea ecosystems in socially constructed bubbles. We focus on solutions where social and ecological connections are at the forefront of environmental management practices and decisions.

An example is the movement of pollutants such as microplastics from the land to the sea. Most of the microplastics found along coasts and in harbors are blown or washed off the land. While this pollution is a well recognized environmental threat to the marine environment , we have not yet focused on strategies to reduce the load.

Our work points to the ignored but critical issue that people's impacts on land accumulate in the sea, but land management and consequent actions are not informed by these far-field effects.

This leads to lags in decision making which create undesirable environmental outcomes that are difficult to return from. But if we act on these connections, the environmental gains could be substantial.

Cyclones as a real-world example

As a result of massive soil erosion on the east coast of the North Island during Cyclone Bola in 1988, steep hillsides were retired from grazing and converted to pine plantations to help stabilize the land.

Fast forward three decades and a large proportion of the forest reached harvest at the same time. The exposed soil associated with clear felling was left draped in woody debris to protect it from rain.

However, Cyclone Gabrielle hit in February last year, with extreme rainfall washing both soil and woody debris into streams.

This destroyed habitats, transported vast amounts of silt and wrecked lowland farms, orchards and critical infrastructure. The debris also clogged harbors and coastal beaches, smothered seafloor habitats, destroyed fisheries and affected cultural and recreational values.

This real-world example demonstrates the severe consequences of lags in information flow and management responses. If land-use management decisions had considered the effects on other connected ecosystems and the potential for climate change to intensify those connections, the outcomes could have been different.

We could have implemented more diverse strategies in land use and put emphasis on restoring native forest and coastal wetlands.

Living with nature, not off it

Our vision is one where social and ecological connections across ecosystem domains are at the forefront of moving to a more sustainable future.

Living within planetary boundaries requires a paradigm shift in behaviors, including the way we link science and management to on-the-ground action. Crucially, we need to increase the speed at which new research is taken up and rapidly transition this into action that improves environmental outcomes at local scales.

This behavioral shift underpins the way to a more integrated, broad-scale ability to act and stay within planetary boundaries.

Our research shows we can, with trust and open minds, transcend the disciplinary silos to support new forms of research organization. The challenge now is to extend holistic approaches into new practices.

This means identifying opportunities where connected research can alter behaviors across society, from individuals to global finance and governance. Central to this transition is recognizing we are part of complex social and ecological systems and our actions have indirect effects and long-term consequences.

We need new research to provide this evidence. It will inevitably lead to new questions about fundamental ecological and integrated Earth processes.

We believe these holistic approaches will allow science to be more readily incorporated into decision making and ensure environmental perspectives are captured. This will lead to relevant, locally appropriate, integrated and robust environmental management actions.

Provided by The Conversation

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  4. Journal of Environmental Management

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  14. Environment and Energy? The Impact of Environmental Management Systems

    Problem definition: Despite the widespread adoption of environmental management systems (EMS), their relationship with energy efficiency remains unclear. This study investigates whether and how EMS adoption lowers energy efficiency and, if so, how to mitigate the impact. Academic/practical relevance: Understanding the relationship between EMS and energy efficiency is important because any ...

  15. Environmental Management Systems

    An environmental management system (EMS) is a component of a mining management system that creates a framework for the procedures, responsibilities, and processes required to prevent adverse environmental, economic, and social impacts and allows for continuous improvement. Successful implementation of an EMS requires some initial capital costs ...

  16. Potential of Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management Systems

    The potential of different advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT), within the context of environmental management systems are examined. Environmental management systems (EMS) are essential in promoting sustainable practices and mitigating the adverse effects of human activities on the environment. As technology ...

  17. (PDF) Environmental Management System: Environmental Impacts and

    In line with these ideas, our study aims to analyze whether the adoption of an environmental. management system would im prove the productivity of firm s operating in the manufacturing sect or. W ...

  18. Scholars@Duke publication: Environmental management systems: History

    Environmental management systems: History, theory, and implementation research. Regulating from the Inside: Can Environmental Management Systems Achieve Policy Goals. 2010. p. 31-60. Regulating from the Inside: Can Environmental Management Systems Achieve Policy Goals. 2010. p. 31-60.

  19. The benefits of implementing an environmental management system for

    One of the biggest is that it helps fulfil compliance obligations. By implementing an EMS, businesses can ensure that they meet relevant environmental requirements. This not only helps to avoid legal issues and penalties for non-compliance, but also demonstrates a commitment to environmental stewardship. An EMS can also help address issues ...

  20. What Is an Environmental Management System?

    ISO 14001 on ASQTV™. An environmental management system (EMS) can be developed in compliance with the ISO 14001 standard as part of an organization's strategy to implement its environmental policy and address governmental regulations. An EMS focuses resources on meeting the commitments identified in the organization's policy, which could ...

  21. A systematic analysis of environmental management systems in SMEs

    Implementing Environmental Management Systems in Small- And Medium-Sized Hotels: Obstacles: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research: A statistical analysis of questionnaires from 48 hotels in Hong Kong. Campos (2012) Environmental management systems (EMS) for small companies: A study in Southern Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production

  22. Climate change effects on aquaculture production and its ...

    Aquaculture witnessed a remarkable growth as one of the fastest-expanding sector in the food production industry; however, it faces serious threat from the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Understanding this threat, the present review explores the consequences of climate change on aquaculture production and provides need based strategies for its sustainable management, with a particular ...

  23. Environmental Management Systems: A Tool to Help Water Utilities Manage

    Evaluates the ISO 14001 approach for its applicability to water utility EMS. Provides guidelines to evaluate initial activities and programs (e.g., program components and steps) and ongoing activities (e.g., periodic reviews and audits). Includes performance measures and proposes strategies to communicate environmental commitments, successes, and approaches to customers and upstream and ...

  24. (PDF) Environmental Management From a Systems Perspective

    Principles of Environmental Management: A view -Research Review Column. January 2020. Ramamohana Reddy Reddy Appannagari; An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a framework that helps an ...

  25. Ecosystems are deeply interconnected—environmental research, policy and

    The challenges focused on environmental issues were deliberately created to concentrate on separate ecosystem and management domains (marine, freshwater and land). But all included research groups ...

  26. Systems

    This study aims to explore the significance of trust among companies within the supply chain and investigate its effect on collaborative supply chain risk management. In the current uncertain business environment, it is crucial for companies to establish trust relationships with their trading partners and collaboratively manage risks. This research seeks to understand how such trust ...

  27. An Experimental System for Strategic Flight Path Management in Advanced

    An Experimental System for Strategic Flight Path Management in Advanced Air Mobility In the concept envisioned for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) operations, fleets of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles would operate between vertiports distributed within a densely populated area. These operations would be largely independent from the existing air traffic control system and would ...

  28. Trends in Environmental Management Systems Research. A Content Analysis

    Abstract. Environmental Management Systems (EMS) represent a solid opportunity for companies that voluntarily undertake a path towards the adoption of environmental protection policies. Many ...

  29. What caused Dubai floods? Experts cite climate change, not cloud

    A low pressure system in the upper atmosphere, coupled with low pressure at the surface had acted like a pressure 'squeeze' on the air, according to Esraa Alnaqbi, a senior forecaster at the UAE ...