A Winning Personal Statement Physician Associate UK

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The Personal Statement for the Physician Associate Programme

Becoming a physician associate (PA) can lead to a fulfilling career aligning with your personal and professional goals. PAs learn about human anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, and other basic sciences. In addition, they must complete two years of clinical training before being licensed to practice.

If you are passionate about caring for patients and have the required communication, leadership, empathy, and determination , this career will be perfect for you.

If you are interested in pursuing a career as a physician associate, you need to gain work experience or shadowing.

This will be useful to write about and will help you understand their roles as collaborators, empathetic clinicians, and problem-solvers in healthcare.

You can also supplement your experiences by volunteering to gain experience caring for patients in various healthcare settings.

What to add in a Personal Statement - Physician Associate

The personal statement for a physician associate applicant can MAKE or BREAK your application.

They provide admission committees with information on your professional experiences and characteristics to help them determine whether you will be an asset to their program.

Personal Statement Physician Associate UK Format

If you’re applying through UCAS, then you’re limited to 4000 characters (including spaces) and up to 47 lines. Check your length by pasting your draft here

Personal Statement Physician Assistant U.S. Format 

Those applying to Physician Assistant Studies in the U.S. will apply through CASPA (Central Application Service for Physician Assistants). The personal statement will be uploaded to CASPA and should be no more than 5000 characters.

Table of Contents

  • What to include
  • How to structure the personal statement
  • Winning Personal Statement Physician Associate Example UK

What to include!

A well-crafted personal statement for a physician associate course should show your strengths as an applicant. You must include details about your academic background, employment, volunteering , extracurriculars, and future goals .

If you’ve taken courses related to healthcare, you should include these too.

A personal statement begins with an introductory paragraph introducing the admission team to you and explaining your motivations, a bit about your background, and how your experiences have led you to this application.

The introduction also provides context for the rest of the statement by explaining how you chose PA school as a career path.

Physician Associate UK work

What makes you unique?

In addition to providing context for your application, the introductory paragraph should explain why you chose to become a PA.

You should demonstrate your interest in helping others through patient experiences, research, and wider reading while emphasising your desire to help patients in need.

The best way to stand out is to be very specific with your statement.

Think about it, if someone else can copy your personal statement and use it as their own, it’s far too generic.

To overcome this and make it more authentic , you want to be specific with your experiences.

Make it personal by using anecdotes from your experiences to explain your point.

To explain your journey, pick your most unique and influential work experiences, employment, and extracurriculars.

Physician Assistant in Theatre

How to structure the Personal Statement for the PA course


I am going to break it down as simply as possible with a short description and example of each:


Always remember that the admission tutors will skim through hundreds of application essays. It’s a competitive course, so how can you get them to slow down and really pay attention?


Grab their interest immediately , evoke their emotions and make them feel what you felt. Go straight to the point by starting with an anecdote or explaining the highlights of your experience.

“What if I’m starting with a negative experience, for example, a close family member receiving a cancer diagnosis?”

Same situation- get straight to the point

“ My mother came home, and her expression was enough to determine the outcome of her scan. “It’s cancer,” she mumbled as she slumped herself on the sofa, looking lifeless, and I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. At merely sixteen years of age, I found out my mother was diagnosed with metastatic cancer amid a pivotal academic stage of my life. I was helpless, heartbroken, and entirely unaware of the toll chemotherapy would have on our family. ” MY THOUGHTS ON THIS This story evokes sympathy and curiosity. We know the applicant was young, which would have impacted their family, home life, and education. We now want to know how things pan out, and it’s clear this is their biggest motivation for applying to become a physician associate.

Physician Associate Personal Statement

Body of the Personal Statement

This main chunk of the statement will include the essential ingredients to creating an outstanding personal statement.

Work experience/Shadowing

Discuss your experience in a healthcare environment—roles you had and what you observed. Note which skills are required in that role. Include any encounters that inspired you. If you don’t have work experience, talk about your employment or your undergraduate education – research, dissertation, clinical skills work.


Include your top two meaningful experiences. Alternatively, you can talk about tutoring, mentorship, leadership positions during your undergraduate, and involvement in societies. Relate these experiences to the skills you’ve gained. Reflect on each experience and relate it to your future goals.

Include any other extracurriculars, hobbies, or future goals – Work with a sports team, coaching, sports, cooking, listening to podcasts, wider reading, and content creation. This paragraph shouldn’t be too serious; it can show your human side and focus less on academia.

The personal statement for physician Associate

Summarise your experiences and how these have led you to your application. Tell them what you wish to bring to the university.

Do you hope to become a student rep, join their research team, continue existing research, create a society for likeminded PAs, contribute to a specific cause, etc…

Tell them EXACTLY how the physician associate course aligns with your personal and professional goals.

-What can they offer you that other programmes can’t?

-How will THEIR course structure and opportunities enable you to become a successful PA?

Personal Statement for Physician Associate Studies- Winning Example

“Mrs P eagerly asked if I would be coming to the residential home the following week. I was a weekly volunteer and would regularly catch up with her when I came to help. I reassured her I would be there weekly and offered to bring her favourite magazine during my next visit. During my time at the home, I came to learn about Mrs P’s time as a nurse in the 80s, and she was always keen to learn about my goal of becoming a physician associate (PA). Helping to provide for patients like Mrs P and many others confirmed my desire to serve patients in my community. Not only was it rewarding, but I expanded my knowledge of various physical conditions and the impact of ageing on one’s ability to care for themselves. This further drew me to becoming a physician associate, and I was eager to gain insight into the profession.” Transition into your second paragraph, where you will talk about your most meaningful academic experience or shadowing. Highlight the roles of the PA, skills required, and how your experience has developed those skills. Show, don’t tell. “Shadowing a physician associate at a primary care facility helped me to understand the skills required. I observed the variety that each patient brought. The most memorable aspect was the PA’s ability to determine the cause of their concerns, convey possible diagnoses, and calmly discuss the next steps of the investigation. His tone of voice suggested confidence, which I feel built the patient’s trust in his decision. I genuinely felt that he could effortlessly build a rapport and make a patient feel cared for by recognising how their issues were affecting their daily lives. This empathy was supplemented with superior teamwork, analytical skills, and organisation.” So we know they shadowed in a primary care setting. Observed a PA in action and noted their rapport-building and other essential skills. What else did they learn, and how have they developed the specified skills? “I aided the PA by relaying information between the staff and helping behind the reception desk. I gauged the pressure of meeting the demands of many patients and being unable to tend to their needs due to a lack of appointments. Nevertheless, I apologised and provided alternative options to help the patients. I learned to prepare for each day, write notes during consultations and organise the patient records during the afternoons to help the reception staff with any backlog. This experience enabled me to see the rewarding and challenging aspects of primary care. However, I was drawn to the dynamicity and variety .” What makes you a better candidate than others? In other words, how can your experiences make you stand out? “My work experience at my brother’s physical therapy clinic provided additional insight into another aspect of care. Rehabilitation brought patients with diverse conditions, from musculoskeletal issues and trauma to post-operative cases. I witnessed the practical side of care and the need for physicians to liaise with physiotherapists. From speaking to many patients, I learned that physical conditions took a mental toll on their lives. I recognised how simple activities that I would often overlook could become so complex for a patient. My brother would encourage preventive physiotherapy, which intrigued me. Prevention has become a running theme in my experiences, and I hope to use this knowledge to become a forward-thinking PA who can advise my patients on the best preventive measures, such as having balanced meals, regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and alcohol.” You should include any relevant extracurricular, leadership, research, mentorship positions, or tutoring experience. If you have volunteered in non-healthcare areas such as a local animal shelter, soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or other organisation, then you can add them. “Aside from my work experience, I often helped at homeless shelters in London and aided in providing nutritious meals to those on the streets. I delegated which team member would cook, prepare, and distribute food among the volunteers. As the most experienced volunteer, I was able to identify the task which best suited each member, which increased our efficiency, and we delivered the maximum number of meals – beating our record. Furthermore, I liaised with multiple organisations and the charity manager to plan how to expand our reach. This was a rewarding role, highlighting the medical issues that are more prevalent in the homeless communities. Many people I spoke to shared their fear of COVID-19 and blood-borne diseases. Being a volunteer enabled me to make a difference in their day. In the future, I wish to make a greater impact via preventive education, increased healthcare access, and offering medical care.” Now, reiterate the primary motivation, summarise the essential experiences, and conclude with what you hope to bring to the programme. “I have worked with many people in a range of healthcare and non-healthcare settings, which has taught me to connect with those of various backgrounds, sexual orientations, ages, and ethnicities. I truly feel these experiences have built my resilience and increased my awareness of prevalent issues in healthcare. I now wish to further supplement my knowledge and community work in a physician associate program dedicated to providing quality healthcare. An opportunity to meet these goals at your university would be invaluable to me.”

This personal statement for Physician Associate Studies led to interview invites from St. Georges University, the University of Reading and the University of Surrey.

**Disclaimer: Copying any part of this statement will lead to an immediate rejection due to plagiarism** The writer of this statement was highly ambitious and wanted to gain acceptance that year despite nearing the application deadline.

We worked closely to create this personal statement from scratch. This involved us detailing each and every experience that could be mentioned—determining the most valuable experiences and working through each paragraph to create a coherent and engaging personal statement. If you’re suffering from writer’s block or simply need a fresh pair of eyes to read your personal statement, please get in touch with Dr Radhika.

Sentence structure, flow, spelling, and grammar are equally important. Without flow and good transitional sentences, it becomes difficult to read, losing the admission tutor’s interest.

Therefore, I advise getting professional help with your personal statement. Invest in your future to increase your chances of getting into your dream physician associate course.

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Writing your Physician Associate Personal Statement

So, you’ve decided you want to become a Physician Associate. Great! Now its time to actually write your application. It can be a daunting task but I’ve put together some hints and tips that will help you stand out from the rest.

physician associate personal statement example uk

Why do you want to be a Physician Associate?

This is the obvious question you’ll need to think about and answer. Whatever your answer is, make sure its personal and honest because if you get an interview, its potentially something you will get asked about. There may be variations on this e.g. why PA Studies over Medicine? There are many advantages to being a PA such as the job flexibility (primary care to secondary care and vice versa), potential better work-life balance, providing continuity of care and much more. Again, its about being personal and honest to ensure your application is unique and reads well.

Sell yourself

This is not the time to be shy and modest. Don’t want to brag but I thought my application was pretty good. This was because I read the application requirements and made sure I matched nearly all if not all of the specification. Make sure to do the same. This course is intense so you want to be using key words and skills to show that you’re ready to take on those challenges. Time management, organisation, commitment and professionalism are just some examples. Don’t just dump them in there either, show examples of where/when you’ve been these things. Each uni might word their specification (what they’re looking for) differently so make sure you’ve read carefully and tweak if you’re applying for more than one course.

Any clinical or relevant experience

It’s not always possible to get clinical experience, sometimes you have to think outside the box. Hospitals aren’t the only place to gain experience. Although I worked as a Healthcare Assistant before applying for my PA course, I also volunteered twice a week at a Neurodisability centre which provided rehab and long-term care for patients. You can also consider approaching local GPs, walk-in centres, charities, anywhere that involves giving up your time to help and care for others.

I’m a big believer in turning past experiences into relevant experience. If you’ve worked or volunteered in positions where you’ve been public facing or worked with confidential public information you can turn this into relevant experience. You’ll find that a number of the skills you have are transferable to working in a medical environment, you just have to reflect on this and sell it the right way.

Show you know about the PA profession

You need to demonstrate that you understand the profession that you’re applying for as this will massively strengthen your application. It is also a topic that is likely to be discussed at interview. Here are a few topics you can think/write about:

Why does the NHS need PAs?

How you think the PA profession will improve patient experience?

How do you think PAs fit into the MDT (multidisciplinary team)?

Where do you see the profession in the future? – here you should read up on the situation with statutory regulation and what this means in terms of prescribing rights and furthering our scope

The Faculty of Physician Associates has information here

There are articles like this you can read with helpful information

You can also look at information and studies done in America looking at the impact of PAs on their healthcare system.

Check and Optimise

Give yourself enough time to write your application, you don’t want to be rushing and scrambling something together at the last minute. It took me a few drafts before I was happy with my application so give yourself a few attempts. Take a break and come back to it with a fresh pair of eyes. You’ll be more likely to phrase things better and find those mistakes you missed the day before. Obviously use a spell-checker and ask friends and family to have a read and get feedback. These are the people that are likely to remind you abut things you’ve done and not mentioned, or help you phrase things in a way that better reflects you.

All that’s left to do is apply! Hopefully you’re feeling more confident and inspired to write a great application using these tips. Good luck!

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Physician Associate Personal Statements: What are they after?

1st June 2021

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physician associate personal statement example uk

The medical profession has seen some considerable changes to how it approaches patientcare over the last few decades. In light of new technologies, budget cuts and shifts in societal perceptions, the medical field has somewhat vacated from a ‘Doctor knows best’ attitude to a position where greater emphasis is placed on patient involvement and patient-centred care. Equally, changing values and the growth of applied health professionals have allowed for the importance of multi-disciplinary teamworking to be seen. The standard inpatient will see many different professionals during their hospital stay and integrating different specialisms fuels the pursuit of a holistic approach that holds the patient at its core.

The Physician Associates post is one such profession that has developed in the healthcare field in recent years and offers an exciting career path for first-time students and those looking for a change in vocation. For those less familiar with the field, Physician Associates are medically qualified healthcare professionals who work in the multi-disciplinary team to support doctors and the delivery of care. The role encompasses a spectrum of responsibilities, from conducting physical examinations to performing diagnostic tests and delivering management plans.

In such a varied and interprofessional role, more and more opportunities are manifesting each year to train new Physician Associates in UK universities. Therefore, it is no surprise that the number of prospective students approaching us for support with their Physician Associate applications has swelled. But what are applications teams looking for? We have outlined a few top traits that are vital to the Physician Associate personal statement. As always, it is not just enough to write generic, unevidenced statements such as ‘I enjoy helping others’. Rather, it is vital to back up these points with experience, so we’ve outlined a few examples as well.

Values to Support Team Working

A fundamental part of the Physician Associate job is working in a multi-disciplinary team. Therefore, showing that you have the respect and skills necessary to work with a group of professionals is essential. Our experts are well-accustomed to tailoring examples of collaboration, communication, cultural awareness and respect for different ideas to your individual experience.

Examples: Inter-professional experience in the workplace; Team-based volunteer positions; Football and other collaborative sports

Academic Ability

Like most positions in the field, some evidence of medical or scientific knowledge is required. Where the bulk of your previous academic endeavours will be documented in the qualifications area of the application, it is important to highlight some specific examples of your knowledge that could be useful to the role. For example, if you have developed a foundational understanding of human anatomy through your Biology A-level or a knowledge of pharmacology through your degree then it is important to link this transferable knowledge to the Physician Associate programme.

Examples: Scientific or health-based A-Levels; Previous related degree; UCAT Test; Basic Life Support (BLS) or Advanced Life Support (ALS) training; Workplace Health Certificate.

Placing the Patient at the Centre of Care

This is perhaps the most important value that applications teams are looking for. The patient should remain at the heart of everything you do as a Physician Associate. Being able to demonstrate that you understand this and have both practiced and excelled at this in the past could raise your personal statement to the top of the pile.

Examples: Healthcare work experience; Care home experience; Working with vulnerable populations; Meeting the needs of elderly relatives

Compassion and Empathy

Compassion and empathy are central to working as a Physician Associate. Such professionals have a responsibility to act as an advocate for patients and, to do this, being open to patient’s views and perspectives is key. Illustrating that you understand the value of responding to patient distress and anxiety with kindness and respect, using personalised examples, will show the application’s team that you have what it takes to thrive in this exciting profession.

Examples: Care work experience; Call service support; Previous responses to co-worker distress; Supporting friends

So, there you have it. If you need assistance with your Physician Associate application, then get in touch with one of our friendly team members. You’ll have the opportunity to work in partnership with our academic writers to create a tailored statement that is head and shoulders above the competition.

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Physician Associate Studies MSc

Become part of a skilled new workforce, with the knowledge and practical experience to improve patient access to care. This course will train you to support doctors with the diagnosis and management of patients across general practice, hospitals and community healthcare.

  • Entry Criteria

Structure and assessment

Facilities and features, opportunities and careers, take your next steps.

Physician associates perform an integral and skilled role in healthcare, supporting medical supervisors in performing physical examinations, formulating differential diagnoses, interpreting diagnostic tests, and recommending treatment plans. 

Designed and delivered in collaboration with practitioners from local healthcare providers, this course will equip you with the experience and expertise required to practice as a physician associate. You will develop transferable skills that are invaluable in both the healthcare sector and across industries. 

We deliver teaching through tutor-led sessions and clinical placements, reinforcing your knowledge through self-directed study. We will develop your ability to work as part of a multi-professional team and provide contemporary and informed insight thanks to input and guidance from experienced clinical colleagues.

During the course you will cover a range of modules, gaining comprehensive understanding of clinical human anatomy and physiology, diseases and health conditions associated with major organ systems, an in-depth view of community health, and key clinical and professional skills such as history taking, physical examination and ethics. You will also complete an independent supervised practice-related project.

Key features

  • This programme is designed and delivered by dedicated academic staff and healthcare professionals who have a wealth of knowledge in the field.
  • Benefit from mandatory placements in general practice, community and acute hospital settings to equip you with the knowledge and skills to pursue a career as a physician associate
  • Purpose-built clinical skills areas will allow you to apply theory to practice in a safe environment
  • Improve your critical thinking skills and your ability to design, execute and present findings of practice-based research
  • Study a range of modules including; Anatomy and Physiology, Community Health, General Medicine and Speciality Medicine 
  • There is currently a high demand for physician associates in the East Midlands NHS workforce
I really enjoyed my time at placement, as I was able to apply my clinical skills in real time, which helped consolidate my learning. My favourite placement was at the General Practice, as I was able to hold my own clinics and was able to develop my skills in patient interaction. Joyti Verma - Second Year Physician associate student

physician associate personal statement example uk

DMU has been shortlisted for the Postgraduate Award in the 2024 Whatuni Student Choice Awards (WUSCAs), as voted for by students.

  • EU/International

Duration:  Two years full-time

Start date: September 2024

Attendance:  This is an intensive course; you should expect to attend university/placement full-time (e.g. 9am-5pm Mon-Fri) and complete self-directed study in your own time. Placements may include shift work outside of these hours.

Location of study:  All academic studies take place at De Montfort University, Leicester. Placements may take place at locations across the East Midlands (please note that you may be required to travel to attend placement).

Application deadline:  The application deadline for the next intake is 31 January 2024 . Due to limited number of places on the course, applications received after this date cannot be guaranteed an interview or place on the programme for an Autumn 2024 start.

Fees and funding:  

2024/25 tuition fees for UK students: £9,500 per year

How to apply

Application guidance document

Submit a study-related enquiry

Not available to international students

Entry criteria

  • Minimum of a 2:1 BSc Hons, or equivalent, in a life sciences or health-related subject (anatomy, biology, biochemistry, biomedical science, healthcare science, medical science, medical engineering, nursing, paramedic, pharmacy, physiology, etc.)
  • Alternatively, applicants with a 2:2 or equivalent and significant experience (6months) within a patient-facing healthcare/clinical role may be considered on an individual basis if the above requirement is not met.
  • Equivalent international qualifications will be reviewed with the Admissions Team.

English language requirements

If English is not your first language an IELTS score of at least 7.0 in each domain (speaking, listening, reading, writing), with an overall score of at least 7.5, is essential. This must be achieved in a single sitting and within 24 months of the time of application to this course.

English language tuition, delivered by our British Council accredited  Centre for English Language Learning  (CELL), is available both before and during the course.

As part of the application you will be required to write a personal statement outlining your motivation for becoming a Physician Associate, and your relevant experience and personal qualities.  

We will select candidates for interview based on their application and personal statement. If selected for interview, you will be invited to a Multiple Mini interview (MMI).

Non-academic requirements

Professional behaviour

Whilst working towards becoming a physician associate, you will be expected to display a high standard of professional behaviour, as you will be joining a soon to be regulated profession.  

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) 

You must complete a declaration form and enhanced Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) application form before starting the course, which needs to be cleared in accordance with DMU’s admission policy.

We strongly advise that you opt for the DBS update service as it is possible that future placement providers may request a recent DBS and not one from the start of the programme. If you decide not to opt for this service then you will have to pay for the DBS again if requested by your placement provided – the university will not cover this cost. 

Applicants must also complete a satisfactory health screening.

Please note that it is not currently possible for Physician Associates who have trained in the UK to practice outside of the UK.

Course modules

Teaching and assessment, accreditation.

Anatomy & Physiology (15 credits): This module will equip you with a comprehensive understanding of human anatomy and physiology. Clinical anatomy will be taught using a combination of lectures and hands-on workshops using 3D anatomical models. The knowledge gained on anatomical structure will be complemented with functional knowledge through teaching on medical physiology topics.

Community Health (15 credits): This module provides an in-depth view of community health, with a focus on populations and communities rather than individual patients. Content includes primary care, mental health and public health, with discussion on the impact of significant health issues upon local and national health services. 

Clinical & Professional Skills (30 credits): In this module, you will develop key clinical and professional skills related to working as a Physician Associate. For example; research methods, clinical skills, history taking, physical examination, ethics, communication skills, professional guidelines and regulation, evidence-based medicine, inter-professional education. 

General Medicine  (30 credits): This module provides a systemic approach to learning about organ systems and clinical pharmacology.  Content will include diseases and health conditions associated with major organ systems (e.g. muscular, skeletal, circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, endocrine, urinary,  and digestive), and how they are treated. The role of the Physician Associate in therapeutics and prescribing will also be discussed.

Specialist Medicine  (30 credits): This module will equip you with a sound knowledge of different areas in the clinical setting, and the role of such specialisms in primary and secondary care. Content includes: Dermatology, Ophthalmology, ENT (ears, nose and throat), Haematology, Neurology and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Practice-Related Project (60 credits): This module involves completion of an independent (but supervised) evidence-based, practice-related project. The project will develop your ability to relate research concepts and topics to a clinical setting.

You, in conjunction with a clinical supervisor, will identify a research question or area for development and then design an original project to highlight potential solutions.

You will also complete a clinical portfolio – this module is not credit-bearing, but essential for a qualification which enables eligibility to sit the Physician Associate National Exam administered by the Royal College of Physicians and once passed, allows practice as a Physician Associate. The cost for sitting this exam is borne by the applicant.

All modules are compulsory and all modules must be passed in order to complete the qualification of MSc in Physician Associate Studies.

Note: All modules are indicative and based on the current academic session. Course information is correct at the time of publication and is subject to review. Exact modules may, therefore, vary for your intake in order to keep content current. If there are changes to your course we will, where reasonable, take steps to inform you as appropriate.

Teaching typically includes lectures, group seminars, practical skills sessions and workshops. You are encouraged to become an independent and proactive learner, and we will recommend reading and electronic resources for independent study to help develop the breadth and depth of your knowledge.

The majority of your studies will take place at the university but we also incorporate hospital and community-based learning experiences on your placement activities.

Learning activities are designed to help you develop your teamwork, presentation and problem-solving skills, plus more traditional academic skills such as synthesis, evaluation and application. We also help you to develop your skills and understanding in professional areas such as ethics and reflective practice.

You will benefit from the support of a personal academic tutor, who you are encouraged to meet with regularly. We also offer a range of additional support services to help you develop the skills required for MSc level study.

Assessments include a variety of forms, including written and practical exams, case study reports and presentations. You will also be expected to undertake formative assessment, such as self-reflection and peer-review of fellow students. Bespoke guidance materials are provided for all forms of assessment on the course.

Year two of the course is largely placement based, however students will still be expected to attend university for revision sessions and engage in personal study

Physician Associate courses in the UK are not currently subject to formal accreditation; however this is going to change in the near future, as Physician associates will be regulated by the GMC. The course is working to meet the General Medical Council standards.  


Health and Life Sciences facilities

Substantial investment in Health and Life Sciences has developed our teaching and learning facilities to help you develop your practical experience and theoretical knowledge beyond the classroom.

The 19th century Hawthorn Building has facilities designed to replicate current practice in health and life sciences, including contemporary analytical chemistry and formulation laboratories, audiology booths and nursing and midwifery clinical skills suites.

Purpose-built clinical skills areas allow you to apply theory to practice in a safe environment. You will receive guidance and support from staff, to ensure that your practical ability in the clinical skills suites is accurate.

Library services

On campus, the main Kimberlin Library offers a space where you can work, study and access a vast range of print materials, with computer stations, laptops, plasma screens and assistive technology also available. 

As well as providing a physical space in which to work, we offer online tools to support your studies, and our extensive online collection of resources accessible from our  Library website , e-books, specialised databases and electronic journals and films which can be remotely accessed from anywhere you choose. 

We will support you to confidently use a huge range of learning technologies, including Learning Zone, Collaborate Ultra, DMU Replay, MS Teams, Turnitin and more. Alongside this, you can access LinkedIn Learning and learn how to use Microsoft 365, and study support software such as mind mapping and note-taking through our new Digital Student Skills Hub. 

The library staff offer additional support to students, including help with academic writing, research strategies, literature searching, reference management and assistive technology. There is also a ‘Just Ask’ service for help and advice, live  LibChat , online workshops, tutorials and drop-ins available from our  Learning Services , and weekly library live chat sessions that give you the chance to ask the library teams for help.

Learning zones

Our Learning Zones and The Greenhouse also provide space for group or individual work and study.

There are 1,600 study places across all library locations, more than 700 computer stations, laptops to borrow, free wi-fi and desktop power outlets.

You can also book rooms with plasma screens, laptops and DVD facilities for group work and presentations, secure an individual study room with adjustable lighting or make use of our assistive technology.

Find the people who will open doors for you


The first year of this programme will include some short clinical placements. The second year is predominantly placement-based, and you will spend approximately 41 weeks on clinical placement.

Placements will be provided in general practice, community and acute hospital settings. Placements will be across the east midlands and it will be your responsibility to arrange travel to placements.


Graduate careers

This programme is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills required to pursue a career as a Physician Associate.

Postgraduate events

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8 Standout PA Personal Statement Examples to Inspire Your Own

pa personal statement

Your PA personal statement is one of the most important  PA school requirements . A well-crafted, memorable statement is your golden ticket to a PA school interview and getting into the  best PA schools in the US or even a PA program in Canad a , so in today's blog, you'll learn what to include in your PA personal statement, common mistakes to avoid and you'll even be able to review PA personal statement examples.

>> Want us to help you get accepted? Schedule a free initial consultation here <<

Listen to the blog!

Article Contents 14 min read

Pa personal statement example #1.

During my kindergarten graduation, I walked on stage and gave my exit speech: “When I grow up, I want to be a teacher because it’s easy.” Reflecting back, I see the comedy in my naivety as every profession has its own unique challenges. I had no intention to pursue medicine, as I often had a sense of jealousy towards the field. Growing up, my mother was also attending school, first undergraduate then medical school. Exposed to the rigor and competition of higher education, she felt the need to share the importance of dedicating my time to education. While my classmates had work-free weekends, I spent my time completing extra homework, assigned by my mother. Initially, I misinterpreted her teachings as favoritism for studies over spending our days indulging in games.

My passion to become a physician assistant took root the day my grandmother fell from the top of a ladder. My mother shouted for my help with two simple tasks: grab a blanket and call 911. Trapped by fear and hesitation, I was unable to react. This response may seem understandable; however, I was my harshest critic and felt shame from my inability to aid. Sitting in the hospital waiting room, I reflected on my actions and vowed to never again be a mere observer. With this experience, my outlook on the medical field began to change from that of jealousy to intrigue. I started to understand that my mother’s intentions were not to spend less time with me but rather she aspired to be in a position where she could offer herself to support others, an attribute I strive to emulate. My kindergarten dreams to teach were expanded to embody care and compassion, with goals to empower and provide protection to others feeling helpless.

Aware of my lack of knowledge pertaining to handling trauma, I enrolled in an emergency medical response course that equipped me with the skills to handle unforeseen situations, and the strength to grow from criticism. Others questioned my ability to complete this physically rigorous course, given that my stature is a mere four feet and nine inches. Using this criticism as motivation, I excelled in the course and partook in a twelve-hour responder shift. This exhilarating experience strengthened my ambition to study medicine, as my interests lie in the shortcomings of human-design.

As an emergency medical responder, I felt qualified to take care of my grandmother who had developed Alzheimer’s. Having younger siblings, I am accustomed to watching over others; however, caring for someone suffering from disease requires a greater state of patience and serenity. When her memories began to slip away, I felt uneasy trying to converse about false stories and recollections. As I spent more time with her, I became accustomed to quick-thinking and no longer felt nervous or scared. I was able to speak with her about any topic and noticed an overall improvement in my confidence. My role as a caregiver tested my ability to handle stressful situations as I learned to deal with feelings of both frustration and anxiety, improving my compassion and understanding of others.

Losing my grandmother sooner than anticipated fueled my drive to provide quality care. Physician assistants require more than academic knowledge, additionally keen characteristics of sociability, emotional and mental strength, and the ability to educate. I have been fortunate to have adopted these lessons and skills. In an effort to pay these gifts forward by healing, supporting, and teaching, I began to shadow a physician assistant in internal medicine.

My experiences alongside my grandmother are not unique to me. Through shadowing, I have seen various forms of physical and emotional trauma that patients face. However, unlike my grandmother, not everyone has a support system. When it comes to dealing with such obstacles, I have a passion to serve as a guide; always trying to consider different perspectives. Some may see my empathetic nature as a weakness, but in a healthcare setting, it is my greatest strength. When rooming patients at the doctor’s office, I would converse and inquire about not only their medical concerns, but their feelings and experiences. When nervous patients thanked me for making them feel comfortable, and patients struggling emotionally held my hand for comfort, I knew I had succeeded in passing on both strength and encouragement.

Although I was raised in a household where education was prioritized over indulgences, I matured to form my own beliefs. Life is not about choosing between learning and pleasure, but rather intertwining the two. I have found a field of study that to me is both a sweet and bitter indulgence, but gratifying nonetheless. Medicine is balanced by both miraculous and shattering moments each requiring their own forms of nurturing. Negative occurrences do not weaken my belief in medicine but rather serve as my motivation to continuously learn and be active in political and research-based medicine. Similarly, positive patient outcomes serve as a reminder for why I cannot let setbacks get in the way of working towards progress. I promise to use my knowledge and experience to foster a tangible outcome of health and manifest invaluable relationships.

  • This statement utilizes strong transitional sentences to link paragraphs which creates an easy-to-read essay with excellent flow.
  • At the end of each experience, this writer does an excellent job of reflecting. They discuss what they learned, why it was significant, and how it will help them in a career in medicine.
  • Instead of discussing a variety of different experiences, the writer focussed on quality experiences over quantity. This allows each experience, whether the experience with their grandmother or the experience as an emergency medical responder to really develop throughout the essay, ultimately creating a unifying theme that ties together well in the conclusion.
  • The essay really comes to life due to the inclusion of details that describe experiences and interactions that were significant to the writer such as time spent with their grandmother and patient interactions during shadowing.

Potential areas of improvement

Sarah’s statement was, overall, very well written—this is one we’d have a student submit with their PA application. However, we still asked an advisor to critique this statement (just to provide some perspective) and here is what they shared:

While this statement is compelling, in my opinion, it could benefit from a tighter focus by refining or trimming some earlier details to keep the narrative more concise. Additionally, balancing the emotional reflection with more specific examples of clinical skills would strengthen the overall message and showcase readiness for a PA role. It’s well done and certainly acceptable as-is, but if I had the chance to sit down with this student and offer this as a piece of final advice before they submitted it, I would!

7 More PA Personal Statement Examples

Pa personal statement example #2, pa personal statement example #3, pa personal statement example #4, pa personal statement example #5, pa personal statement example #6, pa personal statement example #7, pa personal statement example #8.


The PA school personal statement is one of the most important of the PA school requirements.

Before you begin writing your physician assistant personal statement, it's important to understand the purpose of the personal statement. Essentially, your personal statement will serve as your introduction to admissions committees. It's a way for you to demonstrate why you have chosen to pursue medicine, and why you want to become a PA specifically.

Admissions committees want to understand where your first interest in becoming a physician assistant began, what memorable experiences you've had since that moment, and what steps you've taken towards turning that initial interest into desire and passion for the profession. As with all types of personal statements, your personal statement must address the “why” behind the profession. In this case, why do you want to be a PA? Why did you choose PA school over a related discipline, such as medical school or nursing school? What about the PA profession appeals to you and what have you done to explore the field? What contribution can you make to the PA profession?

Your PA personal statement is the first introduction of who you are and serves as a first impression to the admissions committees. It’s also a way to clinch a PA school interview and move on to the final round of admissions evaluations.

Keep in mind that you'll also be expected to answer this question, and other common PA school interview questions during your interview, so be sure to reflect a bit on your answer and craft a strong response for both your personal statement and your interview answer. Similar questions to this can come up during your PA school interview essay or you can explore your “why” when you’re asked “tell me about yourself” during your interview.

In short, your personal statement is an important tool to getting through the initial rounds of PA school admissions, it provides background information on you to admissions committees and puts a face to your application.

Here's a summary of the requirements for PA school:

How to Write an Impactful PA Personal Statement

#1 be honest.

No two personal statements should be alike, each person has had their own set of experiences that have led them to want to pursue this vocation. So don't try to fabricate your statement, butter up the admissions committees, or exaggerate your experiences. Instead, be honest, tell the admissions committees about your exposure to medicine, what you've learned, how you've grown, what you have accomplished, why it was important and how all of these experiences led to you wanting to become a PA. Stick to the main reasons why you want to be a PA and why you want to pursue the profession specifically.

#2 Highlight Your Experiences and Skills

You want to highlight a few experiences that have helped you understand more about the life and work of a PA and ultimately helped solidify your decision to pursue this field. You can talk about your reasons for choosing  PA vs MD  if its relevant to your experience. Reflect on the instances that sparked your interest in the field or made you consider a career as a PA. Think about your volunteering, shadowing, and clinical experiences and reflect on any moments that have stood out for you or were significant in developing your interest in the profession. Remember to use details and specific examples to highlight the skills and lessons you earned from these experiences, including how they’ll help you accomplish your goals as a future PA and why they motivated you in the first place. Perhaps your participation in creating a treatment plan for a particular patient stood out for you or you witnessed an interaction between a physician assistant and a patient during your shadowing that gave you further insight into the profession. In short, you need to be able to answer why the PA is the best route for you, and what you’ve done to prepare yourself for this career.

For example, if you want to work specifically with underserved communities, and you’ve taken on volunteering opportunities that put you into contact with such communities, this is a great experience to include in both your personal statement or as some of the  best extracurriculars for PA school . If you want to work among immigrant or refugee communities and took the time to learn a new language in order to better communicate with these individuals, that will not only show initiative, but also dedication to effectively communicating with patients you want to help serve in the future. Also think about which of the  PA specialties  you might want to work in and what experiences you have which can contribute to this specialty.

When it comes to sitting down and writing your PA personal statement, it's important to note that the most successful statements are those that tell a story. Not unlike a  medical school personal statement , your PA personal statement is not a recitation of your CV. Listing accomplishments, awards, and your education will not interest the admissions committee; as mentioned above, you have to be quite specific and choose only the most important experiences to touch on. Information about your life and accomplishments is already available in your  medical school resume  and elsewhere in your application; the personal statement is a piece of art, not a dry informational document. It should allow members of the admissions committee to gain insight into your personal story and take them on your journey to becoming a PA.

In addition to being captivating (humans love stories; they elicit emotional responses), writing your personal statement in the form of a story is also beneficial because it helps communicate vital information in a chronological manner. The last thing you want, other than a boring personal statement, is one that doesn’t make sense and leaves admissions committee members confused. Jumping from one point in time to the next, from one experience to the next without order will only create a disjointed, unstructured essay. Instead, tell your story chronologically, beginning with an introduction to your interest or exposure to medicine, flowing into a few significant experiences throughout your life, and ending with a powerful conclusion that ties the entire essay together.

#4 Be Original

You are not like anyone else; despite what you might think, you're an original personal with individual thoughts, experiences, and interests. Don't get sucked into using clichés, common quotes, and unoriginal statements. It's not about writing what you think the admissions committee wants to hear such as “I want to be a doctor because I want to help people” or “I've always dreamed of becoming a doctor”.

Let your personal statement highlight what makes you unique as an applicant, how your personal qualities complement the profession, and what skills and key competencies you can bring to the entering class. Overall, it's important to consider what experiences and skills distinguish you from other applicants. Admissions committees will be reviewing hundreds if not thousands of PA school personal statements; what is going to make your statement stand out? What do you have to offer? How can you contribute to the profession?

Why show, don’t tell is the #1 rule to follow for personal statements:

Common PA Personal Statement Mistakes to Avoid

#1 reciting your cv.

Admissions committees already have this information, so this isn't suitable for your personal statement. Focus on quality of experiences. When brainstorming, write down the most significant experiences, either professional or personal, which led to you pursuing a career as a PA.

#2 Casting Yourself as the Victim

Many people have experienced difficult situations, such as emigrating from another country or suffering an injury. This can be powerful to discuss in your PA personal statement, but only if you can show resilience and ensure you're not playing the victim. As a general rule of thumb, be sure to only include an experience if you can discuss how it shapes you as a person, how it helped you grow, and will help you become a better future physician assistant.

#3 Telling Instead of Showing

It's not enough to say statements such as “I am a good listener” or “My experience shadowing has made me compassionate”. You need to show, or demonstrate, how you are a good listener, and how shadowing has helped you become compassionate. Discuss how interacting with patients helped you develop compassion or how your listening skills helped a specific patient with their problem. Discuss real experiences that can support and provide evidence for any statements.

The opening sentence in your PA school personal statement is the hook for your entire essay. If it's not enticing, unique, and memorable, you risk your essay blending in with the thousands of other admissions essays and ending up at the bottom of the pile. Your opening sentence and paragraph need to be engaging, you want to create a sense of desire so that admission committee members won't want to put down your statement, they should want to continue reading to find out the rest of your story. Remember that admissions committees tend to read these essays quickly, so if you don’t grab their attention right away, your essay will be quickly forgotten. PA school personal statement editing can be a big help in rewriting or tweaking your essay so it is polished and engaging. It’s always a good idea to get another set of eyes on your essay, too, to make sure there are no mistakes or get objective feedback. For students who want professional feedback on their work, expert physician assistant application help can be a great resource to use.

Having trouble writing a good introduction? Check out our tips:

#5 Failing to Have a Strong Conclusion

Just like a strong introduction, a good conclusion bookends a strong PA personal statement. A strong concluding paragraph not only sums up the main points of your previous paragraphs, but it should end on an engaging note. You want to leave the admissions committee wanting to know more about you, as this makes them more likely to call you for an interview. Your conclusion should be more than just “this is why I’ll make a good PA”, or “and that is why the PA profession is for me.” Your conclusion should bring back your main points, but an excellent closing statement can call back to your engaging opening sentence while also inviting the reader to continue the conversation.

#6 Relying on Clichés

The purpose of your PA personal statement is to stand out, not blend in. So don't use clichés and popular quotes that are tired and dry. Be original and use your own thoughts instead of the thoughts of others. It can be easy to fall into the habit of using common phrases or cliched language, but revising your draft can help you pick these out and rewrite them.

#7 Failing to Reflect

Any experience you describe in your PA personal statement should be followed by thoughtful reflection. You can't simply state that you worked as a research assistant in a lab and contributed to a publication. Think about why you want to discuss an experience in the first place and always be answering, why was it significant? What did you learn from it? How will it help you in your career as a physician assistant? How did this experience encourage me to become a PA? Your personal statement should demonstrate a deeper understanding of yourself and your goals, so self-reflection and self-insight is key here. While you’re brainstorming ideas for your personal statement, take some time to ask yourself these questions.

#8 Grammatical Errors and Spelling Mistakes

Your PA personal statement should be free from all errors and mistakes. Keep in mind that your personal statement is a direct reflection of who you are as a person. Mistakes indicate that you rushed your statement, are not detail-oriented and that you're not really invested in your potential career. An excellent PA personal statement has been through many revisions and has had multiple reviewers. It's a good idea to seek professional help such as a medical school advisor not only to ensure your statement is free from errors but so that you can receive personalized feedback on your statement to ensure you are putting your best self forward.

Want more PA personal statement tips?

Your personal statement will be structured as a short essay, with an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. Your opening paragraph should serve as a short introduction of yourself and why you want to become a PA. The body paragraphs will outline specific examples or experiences you have which contributed to your journey to become a PA, and the conclusion will sum up your statement while inviting the reader to continue the conversation.

To write a good personal statement for PA school, you’ll need an intriguing and engaging introduction, 1-3 significant experiences or examples of how you are suited for the PA profession or why you want to become a PA, and a strong conclusion which invites admissions committees to learn more about you.

Your PA school personal statement should be between 500 and 750 words. The typical limit for personal statements is 5,000 characters, with spaces included.

PA school admissions committees are interested in your personal statement because they want to know more about your background, personal qualities and why you want to become a PA. It should include significant personal and professional experiences you have which led you to the profession and contributed to your desire to become a PA. Admissions committees expect to see some self-reflection and insight into your goals and motivations. They also want to see that you have the skills and qualities of a good physician assistant.

The best way to stand out in a PA personal statement is to have both strong writing and a strong story. Admission committees will read thousands of personal statements outlining many different stories, but you can stand out by providing interesting details and weaving an engaging story. The details of a personal story will be remembered more clearly by your reader than generic statements about your experience shadowing a PA, so remember to personalize your essay and make it unique!

In a PA statement, avoid reciting your resume or relying on cliches. It’s also important not to have any grammar or spelling mistakes. Most importantly, don’t talk about pursuing a career as a PA due to a failed medical school application or because you view it as a “back-up” option. You should have a strong reason for applying to PA school specifically, not because it is “easier” than medical school or related professions.

Yes. You should write out “physician assistant” in the first instance, but you can include the “PA” abbreviation in follow-up instances. 

Your opening statement needs to “hook” your reader or engage them right off the bat. A good way to start is with a personal story or statement that sums up the key theme of your essay. 

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MSc in Physician Associate Studies: Guide to Completing Your Personal Statement

Profile image of Nicole Holmes

Your Personal Statement is the opportunity for you to demonstrate that you have the enthusiasm and aptitude required to be a successful student and Physician Associate. This guidance will tell you what the Admissions Team look for in a personal statement. Use this opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm and aptitude for studying the Physician Associate programme. It is also an opportunity to provide an insight to the research you have carried out to develop your understanding of the role of the Physician Associate. We wish to hear about: General principles The MSc in Physician Associate Studies is aimed at students who have prior experience in health sciences or the health sector and who wish to undertake a clinical career in healthcare/medicine in the UK. As well as academic achievement, applicants for the Physician Associate Studies programme will need to be able to demonstrate they have the right skills and values to support effective team working in delivering excellent patient care and experience.

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The University of Manchester home

Completing the UCAS form

All applications are coordinated by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).

How to apply

You will need to register first if you do not have a UCAS account and then submit an application via  UCAS Hub .

A step-by-step guide is available on the same webpage. Please do not worry about any UCAS references to 'Undergraduate' and proceed to complete all the required sections.

You will need to enter The University of Manchester's UCAS institution code and the UCAS course code of your chosen Physician Associate course in the 'Choices' section as shown in the example below.

  • Institution code: M20
  • Course code for MSc Physician Associate Studies: A300
  • Course code for PGDip Physician Associate Studies: A301

Deadline and important information about completing your UCAS form

The deadline for submitting the UCAS form for the Physician Associate Studies course is 18:00 (UK time) on  31 January .

Applications received after this date may still be considered, but we recommend you to apply as early as possible to avoid disappointment as we reserve the right to close the course once we reach capacity.

The UCAS form is your opportunity to tell us about your current qualifications and how you match up to our published entry criteria. The form needs to be complete and accurate at the point of submission, and is assessed as it is received.

All qualifications, including those which are pending and any in which you have been unsuccessful, must be declared. For pending qualifications, a predicted grade from an appropriate educational professional at your current institution of study should be provided. Unfortunately, we cannot progress an application without predicted grades, so if none are present, the application will be rejected.

Please note that we do not normally accept subsequent declarations of additional qualifications or revised predicted grades that are provided to us after the January UCAS deadline, so it is important that your form is accurate at the point of submission.

Applicants who meet the minimum academic requirements for Physician Associate Studies at The University of Manchester progress to the next stage of the selection process.

Personal statement

You will be required to write a personal statement as part of your UCAS application, and this will be seen by the admissions departments for each of your course choices.

At Manchester, we do not usually read the personal statement that comes to us via UCAS; instead, we ask applicants to complete a Non-Academic Information Form. Applicants who do not submit a Non-Academic Information Form by the required deadline will be rejected. More information can be found on the  Non-Academic Information Form  page.

There are some circumstances where we will look at the personal statement, however, so it is important that you complete it. The sorts of areas we would expect to see covered in the personal statement are as follows:

  • reasons for choosing/changing to the Physician Associate Studies course;
  • amount of work experience relevant to the role of a physician associate;
  • knowledge/experience of the UK healthcare system;
  • interests/hobbies;
  • team-working skills;
  • communication skills;
  • abilities in dealing with difficult/complex situations;
  • determination;
  • conscientiousness;
  • intellectual potential.

A reference must be submitted as part of your UCAS application rather than sent to us separately by email. A member of academic staff who knows you from your previous university-level studies should write this reference. Alternatively, if you are currently employed in a healthcare role, this may be your employer.

A 'character reference' is not sufficient. We do, however, want to know what the writer of the reference thinks about you as a person, not just about your academic achievements and potential.

We strongly recommend that any mitigating circumstances that may have affected your academic performance or any other aspect of the information contained in the UCAS form should be included in the referee's report.

Once we have received an application, we would also expect to be informed of any mitigating circumstances that might occur during the application process. Please contact us for further information on mitigating circumstances.

physician associate personal statement example uk

Peninsula Medical School

MSc Physician Associate Studies

(with placements)
Programme code 6510
Course type


Study location Plymouth

This full-time, 2 year course is ideal for life sciences graduates wanting the opportunity to train for a new healthcare role, or for healthcare practitioners who would like to develop and expand their skills and scope of practice.

Key features

  • High graduate pass rate at National Certification Examination
  • Experience an integrated curriculum designed to prepare you for clinical practice
  • Sharpen your skills on this intensive programme which uses multiple forms of teaching and learning methods to support your personal and professional development
  • Benefit from early patient contact, continuing and increasing throughout the programme, ensuring that your personal, practical and professional development is patient-centred
  • Clinical placements with key NHS partners across the South West
  • Access highly-developed teaching resources
  • Learn and practice clinical skills in our advanced and dedicated clinical skills centre, including using high-fidelity simulation
  •  Advance your understanding with fully integrated clinical skill development and clinical placements throughout the programme
  • Join one of England’s top medical schools and make a difference to patient care

Course details

Core modules.

Foundations in Clinical Medicine 1 (PAS711)

This module advances students' knowledge in pathophysiology and clinical reasoning appropriate to clinical practice. Students are exposed to relevant basic medical and human sciences and their application to practice; and a wide range of clinical experiences using Inquiry-Based Learning. They will develop clinical reasoning skills for managing undifferentiated presentations of common and important medical conditions.

Clinical, Diagnostic and Communication Skills 1 (PAS712)

This module deals with the acquisition of the basic core clinical competences and communication skills underpinning modern clinical practice. Through supervised practice in a predominantly simulated environment students will develop and demonstrate the clinical competencies required of a Physician Associate and learn to effectively communicate with patients, carers and other healthcare professionals.

Personal and Professional Development 1 (PAS713)

Modern healthcare requires students to be reflective, holistic practitioners to provide patient-centred care. During this module, students work in small groups and on clinical placement to achieve the professionalism standards required of a Physician Associate (PA). They are exposed to the ethical and legal principles relevant to healthcare, and are expected to take an active role in developing as reflective practitioners.

Evidence-Based Practice and Research Methods (PAS714)

Medical knowledge is constantly evolving. Students must be able to 'keep up to date' with advances and know what evidence is relevant and appropriate to their clinical practice. This module enables students to develop the skills required to search, retrieve, critically appraise and synthesis conclusions from the current medical literature and make recommendations for clinical practice.

Foundations in Clinical Medicine 2 (PAS724)

The module gives students an opportunity to expand their theoretical knowledge and apply their learning to clinical practice. Students enhance their clinical reasoning skills in the management of a range of conditions. Students are exposed to advanced pathophysiological concepts relevant to their day to day practice.

Clinical, Diagnostic and Communication Skills 2 (PAS725)

During this module, students are predominantly based in the clinical environment. They are to develop their basic clinical competencies with real patient encounters, and in doing so are able to apply the skills learnt in the simulated environment within both primary and secondary care. Students are expected to develop their communication skills to successfully support shared-decision making and patient-centred care.

Personal and Professional Development 2 (PAS726)

As a qualified Physician Associate, students must exemplify the professional standards expected of a healthcare professional. This module enables them to develop the skills and values they have learnt in an immersive clinical environment. Students will also develop their skills of reflective writing and practice to enable them to use personal and professional experiences to enhance their future clinical practice.

Evidence in Practice (PAS727)

This module allows students to apply and expand their knowledge of evidence based practice and appreciate the need for continuous clinical evaluation and improvement. They will and combine this learning with their developing clinical knowledge to create and disseminate a clinical case report in the style of a published report

Every postgraduate taught course has a detailed programme specification document describing the programme aims, the programme structure, the teaching and learning methods, the learning outcomes and the rules of assessment.

The following programme specification represents the latest programme structure and may be subject to change:

MSc Physician Associate Studies Programme Specification 2023-24 6510

Entry requirements

  • Chiropractic Studies
  • Dietetics and Nutrition
  • Paramedic Medicine
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Biochemistry
  • Biomedical Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Human Biosciences
  • Combined or Integrated Science
  • Diagnostic Imaging, Diagnostic Radiography, Radiography
  • Medical Science
  • Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Science
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) band 7 or above.
  • Please view our entry requirements for international students page for more information.

Fees, costs and funding

£9,250 £10,000

How to apply

  • Evidence of qualifications (degree certificates or transcripts), with translations if not in English, to show that you meet, or expect to meet the entry requirements.
  • Evidence of English language proficiency, if English is not your first language.
  • Personal statement of approximately 250-400 words about the reasons for your interest in this course and outlining the nature of previous and current teaching experience. You can write this into the online application form, or send it as a separate attachment.
  • Two academic/professional references, confirming your suitability for the course. 
  • Two passport photographs.
  • Curriculum Vitae or résumé, including details of relevant professional/voluntary experience, professional registration/s and visa status for overseas workers.
  • Proof of sponsorship, if applicable.
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Student insight – alice hobbs.

“The way that the course is delivered is designed to teach us the skills needed to find the best way to manage any clinical scenario we may come across while working, rather than didactically teaching us the information.”

Alice Hobbs

Your career as a healthcare professional starts here

The first-class new home for our healthcare teaching and research providing students with skills to meet the needs of 21st century careers.

InterCity Place

Dr Michael Dillon

Lecturer in infection and immunity.

Mr James Edgar Lecturer in Clinical Education (Physician Associate Studies)

Mr James Edgar

Lecturer in clinical education (physician associate studies).

Mr Ross Raymond-Jones Lecturer in Clinical Education (Physician Associate Studies)

Mr Ross Raymond-Jones

Miss Tanya White Lecturer in Clinical Education (Physician Associate Studies)

Miss Tanya White

Dr Ann Rigby-Jones Associate Professor of Pharmacology (Education)

Dr Ann Rigby-Jones

Associate professor of pharmacology (education).

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Mrs Amanda Hardy

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Physician Associate (PA) personal statement

  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 7th October 2021
  • Word count: 840 words
  • File format: Text

Every day we face new experiences without knowing the impact any specific moment could have on our lives. However, at times, I think the greatest impact comes not from one moment but from the compilation of several of these potentially life changing events. In this respect, experience has been my greatest teacher, transforming my perceptions and motivating me to overcome challenges I otherwise would have cowered from. I believe that reminiscing about our experiences allows us to develop a thorough understanding of ourselves; who we are and where we have been and consequently allows us to see who we could become. It is for this reason that I believe that my experiences, particularly work experience, education and healthcare experience, have steered me to the path to becoming a PA. Furthermore, they have taught me invaluable lessons about caring and interacting with others which I intend to apply as a PA student in order to provide the highest quality patient care.

I did not grow up knowing I wanted to pursue a career as a PA nor did a single life changing event prompt my choice, however, this does not diminish my passion for this profession. I have thought strenuously about who I am and who I want to be. After high school, I was disheartened by my inability to have my life sketched out. I felt opposing pressure from society to become an educated, independent woman and from my mother to hastily find a suitor, get married and become a full-time house wife. Flustered, I decided to take time to discover myself and subsequently find a job. At the time I did not know this, but that was the best bad decision I ever made.

It was a bad decision since it made me miserable, albeit for a brief period of time. Initially I hated spending countless hours at Academy Sports catering to strangers, being treated as inferior due to my position. But now six years later I look back at that chapter with appreciation, since it taught me to have a strong work ethic and most importantly how to care for others. Daily interactions with customers taught me to be patient and courteous and also trained me to remember many minute details to assist them. As a PA I will use the tools I learned to listen attentively to my patients, analyze their stories to discover pertinent details, form conclusions based on evidence and ultimately form a close relationship with my patients by treating them as people not just patients.

It was the best decision because it rekindled my interest in attaining an education. Although my leadership position at Academy taught me imperative lessons about teamwork, maturity, and responsibility; I did not find the business aspect appealing. Additionally, it satisfied my desire to care for others marginally and I could not ignore its limitations. I returned to school and after taking my first biology courses my interest in science was piqued. It was during this exploratory phase that I had my first memorable encounter with a PA.

After an eighteen-year gap between pregnancies my mother gave birth to a baby. He spent his first days home incessantly crying for hours. We attempted several soothing techniques but nothing fazed the irate baby. Finally, scared and desperate we sought medical attention. Our medical provider was a PA and I was astonished at the rapport she immediately built. She was seeping compassion and made us feel comfortable and cared for. I watched enraptured as she selflessly educated us about different bottle types, methods for snuggling a baby, and she even wrote down different YouTube channels for new mothers. Her tender approach and serenity helped invoke my need to care for others. This, along with my past experiences, helped solidify my decision to pursue a career in healthcare since it perfectly unified my interest in science to caring for others.

Shadowing further fortified my decision by allowing me to attain a comprehensive understanding of the profession. I could see a reflection of my future as I observed PAs perform physical exams, order and interpret diagnostic tests and treat patients. Yearning to gain additional medical experience I attained an internship at the Yazji MD clinic. During my internship as a medical assistant I was able to take vital signs, perform EKGs and chart medical histories. I truly enjoyed the patient interaction and working in a medical setting but it intensified my desire to become a PA in order to play a larger role in their diagnosis and treatment.

Overall my unique life experiences, demanding course load and enlightening healthcare experiences have led me towards being a PA. I believe that my diverse background will make me a successful PA student. I possess essential qualities such as empathy, professionalism and strong interpersonal skills that other candidates may lack. I have an unwavering hope to continually grow and through this process will continue to challenge myself in order to build a solid foundation not only for success in PA school but also as a practicing professional.

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Are you interested in a career as a Physician Associate? Read on for everything you need to know if you're considering this option

  • Find out what a Physician Associate is
  • Understand how you can become a Physician Associate
  • See the entry requirements for Physician Associate studies
  • Learn what you can expect from being a Physician Associate

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Physician Associates are Allied Health Professionals that support Doctors in the diagnosis and management of patients. This page will give you a detailed guide to the Physician Associate role, PA studies and careers.

What Is A Physician Associate?

A Physician Associate is somebody who provides support to Doctors taking care of patients. Their range of tasks includes noting medical histories, analysing test results and diagnosing patients with the Doctor’s supervision.

The role is extremely varied: some Physician Associates may work in GP surgeries, or some may work in hospitals. Either way, you will have direct contact with patients.

Is Medicine The Path For You?

Get some advice on whether being A Doctor or Physician Associate is the role for you!

What Is The Salary Of A Physician Associate?

The Physician Associate salary generally starts at £31,072 after training and can rise to £35,000 per year. A standard working week is roughly 37.5 hours.

How Can I Take Physician Associate Studies?

Most Physician Associates will possess a Biomedical Sciences undergraduate degree – and then complete a Physician Associate degree. Currently, 29 universities in the UK run postgraduate Physician Associate Studies programmes. You can see these below:

Anglia Ruskin UniversityMSc Physician Associate Studies
Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolPostgraduate Clinical Diploma in Physician Associate Studies
Bucks New UniversityPostgraduate Diploma Physician Associate
Canterbury Christ Church UniversityPgDip Physician Associate Studies
Hull York Medical SchoolMSc Physician Associate Studies
Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and DentistryPgDip Physician Associate Studies
Sheffield Hallam UniversityPgDip Physician Associate Studies
London, St George’s University of LondonMSc Physician Associate Studies
BirminghamPgDip Physician Associate Studies
UCLan, University of Central LancashirePgDip Physician Associate Studies
Norwich, East AngliaMSc Physician Associate Studies
LeedsPgDip Physician Associate Studies
ManchesterPgDip Physician Associate Studies
Reading UniversityPostgraduate Diploma Physician Associate
SurreyPgDip Physician Associate
Bristol, University of the West of EnglandMSc Physician Associate Studies
WolverhamptonPgDip Physician Associate Studies
WorcesterMSc Physician Associate
BradfordMSc Physicians Associate Studies
London, Brunel UniversityMSc Physician Associate Studies
Newcastle UniversityPgDip Physician Associate Studies
SheffieldPgDip Physician Associate Studies
SwanseaPgDip Physician Associate Studies; MSc Physician Associate Studies
LiverpoolPgDip Physician Associate Studies
AberdeenPgDip Physician Associate Studies
Bangor, University of WalesPgDip Physician Associate Studies

These programmes usually last two years. The course structure will cover patient-centred learning approaches, clinical reasoning strategies for diagnosis and clinical practice. Most programmes will also usually involve weeks of clinical placements in primary care in the second year of study.

What Are The Entry Requirements To Become A Physician Associate?

Entry requirements for Physician Associate courses vary from school to school – so double check these before applying! Brighton and Sussex Medical School require that applicants will possess a first or second class honours degree in Life Sciences, or another healthcare-related undergraduate degree.

The University of Manchester requires a first or second class honours degree in a relevant subject – in this, they include Biochemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, as well as Nursing , Midwifery and Pharmacy. Some universities also highly value relevant work experience , so it’s a good idea to try to undertake work experience as a Physician Associate before applying.

What Can I Expect From A Physician Associate Job?

A career as a Physician Associate involves working across a wide range of areas in the NHS . Your day-to-day tasks can include diagnosing illnesses, developing treatment plans, managing patients with long-term chronic conditions, examining patients and analysing their test results. Physician Associates are unable to prescribe medicines or to conduct X-Ray scans.

Your work will largely focus on adult and general practice, rather than providing speciality care – and you will need to pass a recertification test every six years to demonstrate you possess this general medical knowledge. The two-year training at UK universities will include 1,600 hours of clinical training, and you will also spend 90 hours across the areas of mental health, surgery and gynaecology.

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    1 MSc in Physician Associate Studies: Guide to Completing Your Personal Statement Your Personal Statement is the opportunity for you to demonstrate that you have the enthusiasm and aptitude required to be a successful student and Physician Associate. This guidance will tell you what the Admissions Team look for in a personal statement. Use this opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm and ...

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    Physician Associate (PA) personal statement. 7th December 2021 7th October 2021 by PSE. Reading time: 3 minutes; Price: Free download; Published: 7th October 2021; ... Mental Health Nursing BSc personal statement example; Sports and Exercise Science BSc; Sport Science BSc (Hons) personal statement;

  20. physician associate personal statement help

    If you don't want to send it to me that's cool. You can send it to your lecturer, your academic referee and non-academic referee. Hey, I am applying to Queen Mary uni now and wanted to ask I did a future learn course about new cancer treatments and how nurses explain the treatments to a patients and a patients journey whilst taking the treatment.

  21. Physician associate personal statement

    Just really talk about your experiences, explain what skills learnt and as your courses require the same basic skill set you will have a personal statement that appeals to both courses. Gd luck! Hiya, don't worry it's completely do-able. Both of the courses you have picked are amazing courses and they both have similar skills.

  22. Physician Associate

    The Physician Associate salary generally starts at £31,072 after training and can rise to £35,000 per year. A standard working week is roughly 37.5 hours.

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    Hey guys, Im hoping to apply for the PG Dip PA studies. Im really struggling writing a personal statement at the minute. No idea where to start or how to link in my education/employment in regards to the role. Im a psychology graduate, with 4 years experience in health and social care (some voluntry i.e. working in a psychiatric ward, community ...