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Search theses and dissertation sources, note - the  Library does not retain Masters works, for PhD/ academic research see campus Repository .

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Q. How do I access dissertations from the Library?

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Answered By: Andrew Willan Last Updated: Feb 09, 2023     Views: 7137

DISCOVER and the Library Catalogue have been replaced by Library Search . We're busy updating all of our links, but in the meantime, please use Library Search when searching for resources or managing your Library Account.

The terms ‘dissertation’ and ‘thesis’ are used interchangeably around the world, but dissertation usually (but not always) refers to a research project produced for a Masters level award (e.g.MA, MSc, MBA). Whilst ‘thesis’ usually refers to a doctoral level text produced toward the end of doctoral studies (e.g. for a PhD or other doctoral class award eg. M.Phil).  If you are searching for a thesis, please see FAQ link below.

Library Holdings

The Library holds old University of Liverpool Masters Dissertations, most which are kept at our Brunswick Library Store and in the Sydney Jones Library's Store 2 in the Abercromby Wing basement. To search for them use Library Search , select Dissertation under Material Type then using the search filters use the search term word Masters thesis project in the any field box.

To request them, once they have been found on Library Search ,complete the  Brunswick request form  to request them. If you have any difficulty filling in the form, please contact us.

If you are looking for a Masters dissertation after the year 2017/cannot find an older one you want, please contact the Department or School to check if copies are available there.

Final Year Psychology undergraduate dissertations from 2015 only have previously been kept in the Library but from February 2023 these are being withdrawn. For accesss to available psychology dissertations please see   How do I find the final year psychology dissertations? and/or contact the  School of Psychology.

External Collections

The University of Liverpool Library provides access to a range of external dissertation and theses collections. You can search for Masters level dissertations worldwide via collections such as ProQuest ,  NDLTD and OAIster .

Online Programmes

If you are an Online student, Laureate retain sample dissertations which you should be able to view in LENS. Your dissertation advisor or SSM should be able to provide you with access to these samples. These samples are masters dissertations which were submitted for online programmes. If you still have problems accessing sample dissertations after contacting your tutor or SSM, please contact our Online Support Librarian.

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UoL & XJTLU: PhD students from the University of Liverpool visit the School of Science for cooperation and exchange

14 Aug 2024

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In an era marked by rapid scientific advancements and global interconnectedness, the importance of international collaboration in research and education cannot be overstated. This sentiment was vividly embodied during a recent visit on July 26th and 27th, 2024 by a cohort of PhD students in Chemistry from the University of Liverpool (UoL), UK to the School of Science at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), China.

This visit marked another successful chapter in the ongoing student mobility initiative between our two world renowned partner academic institutions. These initiatives aim to foster and strengthen international collaboration, knowledge exchange, and personal connections among the next generation of researchers.

phd thesis university of liverpool

The visit began with a warm welcome event, setting the tone for two days filled with insightful exchanges and mutual learning. The UoL students had the opportunity to engage with XJTLU PhD students and faculty during a research seminar, where they discussed their current research projects and explored potential avenues for collaboration. The visitors were also given a comprehensive tour of our state-of-the-art labs and the beautiful campus, followed by an excursion to the vibrant Suzhou Center.

The hospitality extended by XJTLU’s PhD students played a crucial role in making the visit memorable and enriching for the UoL PhD students. From the campus tours to cultural excursions in the beautiful city of Suzhou, the visitors experienced the warmth and hospitality of their hosts, forging lasting friendships and connections.

Reflecting on the visit, Corinna Smith from UoL shared, "It was such a valuable experience to come and visit your campus and talk to your PhD students and hear about the interesting research work which is going on in your department! I think it’s extremely important to keep in touch with international contacts and make the most of the links between our two universities. Your PhD students are a credit to your department and I hope to see some over in the UK soon!"

phd thesis university of liverpool

Davide Sella expressed his gratitude, saying, "I really appreciated talking with you and all the other professors, exchanging knowledge, receiving really precious tips and information about a possible future career, and, pleasingly, joking and having a nice time all together. I really enjoyed the time passed with all the PhD students, they were extremely nice and kind. Sharing some time with them was amazing. I would like to thank you for the nice opportunity to visit the School of Science and XJTLU. Again, thanks to all the PhD students, it was a pleasure to meet you all and I hope to see you again."

Tom Abram added, "The visit to XJTLU was a wonderful insight not only into scientific collaboration but also into the wonderful students at the university and the research projects they are passionate about. I hope one day to visit again."

phd thesis university of liverpool

A gathering of PhD students, enjoying Chinese food

Professor John Moraros, Dean, School of Science at XJTLU said: “The success of this visit highlights the potential for expanding these initiatives between our partners at UoL and XJTLU. Strengthening these partnerships through regular exchange programs, joint research projects, and collaborative workshops can further enhance the academic and cultural ties between our two institutions as well as the UK and China.”

Professor Simon Jones, Dean for XJTLU at UoL stated: “Encouraging more students to participate in such exchanges will benefit their individual academic journeys and help contribute to the broader goal of fostering global scientific collaboration. By building on this foundation, UoL and XJTLU can play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of globally minded scientists and researchers.”

Overall it was a great and memorable experience. This visit helps underscore the importance of the XJTLU-UoL partnership and the value of student mobility in enriching their academic experience. In the School of Science, we look forward to continuing this fruitful collaboration and warmly welcoming more students from UoL to our friendly people and beautiful campus in the future.

Content source: Dr. Lifeng Ding Review: Professor John Moraros

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How to submit the final version of your PhD thesis

At the end of the examination process all successful PhD and MPhil candidates are required to submit the final version of their thesis to the appropriate College Postgraduate Office.

COVID-19 Update

The requirement for one hard copy thesis to be submitted has been waived during the current circumstances which require remote working for most staff/students. Submission of PhD theses will be electronic only.  A signed declaration is not required in the final version when the submission is deposited in Pure.  This concession from the regulations about physical thesis submission will continue for the foreseeable future, and will be reviewed by Academic Services once the pandemic is over. 

Before you submit your thesis

The University has an expectation that a PhD thesis is a document available for public consultation. As such, unless a legitimate reason for restricting access to the thesis exists, all PhD theses will be made publicly available on the internet via the Edinburgh Research Archive (ERA).

It is highly recommended that you discuss with your primary supervisor the implications of publishing your thesis online in ERA . If your thesis contains confidential or sensitive data it may not be appropriate to make the full text freely available online. Similarly if there is the intention to publish the whole, or extracts from, your thesis you may want to restrict access to the electronic version.

Submitting the PDF version

  • Go to Pure and log in with your EASE account
  • Click on the green ‘Add new’ button on the top right and select ‘Doctoral Thesis’, or alternatively click on ‘Student theses’ on the left-hand-side navigation bar followed by ‘Doctoral Thesis’
  • The record should be auto-populated with most of your thesis award information. Please check for completeness, and add in the title of your thesis in the appropriate box.
  • Upload your electronic thesis files by clicking on the ‘Add document’ button. If you require an embargo for the PDF add the date and reason in the appropriate boxes. The initial embargo length is one year from date of graduation. The date will be checked by Library staff and changed if a different value is added without permission.
  • Please remove any signatures, personal postal and email addresses from the PDF version.
  • Upload your Access to Thesis form alongside your thesis files.
  • Supplementary data can be added alongside the thesis text. Change the ‘Type’ to ‘Supplementary materials’ and upload the files as described above. The record Visibility needs to be set to ' Backend - Restricted to Pure users ' 
  • To finish, set the status to ' Entry in progress ', click the blue ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen and the submission is ready for validation by college office staff.

phd thesis university of liverpool

Submitting the final hardbound version is not required

Submission of PhD theses is now electronic only - see the steps above.

Data preservation and sharing

If your thesis has supplementary data (for example images, videos, source code or analytical data) we would like to store a copy of this data alongside the thesis text. We do this to try and preserve the fullest record of the work as possible. Datasets should be supported by good accompanying documentation which is appropriate to your subject discipline. The UK Data  Service offers some specialist advice in this area. We do not routinely allow public access to this data; however, if you wish to share your data with others we recommend the Edinburgh DataShare service.

Edinburgh Datashare

If you have a lot of supplementary files - for example lots of images, data in multiple spreadsheets or video formats - we don't recommend depositing them in PURE. Instead, contact the Scholarly Communications Team and we can advise the best way to send them to us.

Redacting material from your thesis

If you wish to make your thesis available to the public to consult, but there are  problematic elements that cannot be openly shared then it is possible to submit a redacted version. We typically recommend partial thesis redactions are suitable for the following scenarios:

Third-party copyright

Where third party copyright has not been obtained, students may submit an edited thesis, as an alternative to requesting an embargo. 

Sensitive material 

If the thesis contains confidential or sensitive information, e.g. transcripts of interviews, which cannot be shared or anonymised.


If your thesis contains photographs of people and you do not have their permission to publish their image online.

It is possible to design your thesis in a way which means the problematic material is easy to remove. For example, if you are planning to use a large number of photographs, you could layout your thesis with the photographs in a separate appendix which can be  easily removed.

Students who have chosen to submit a redacted version of their thesis would also need to submit a full unedited copy which will be securely kept stored by the Library. This is important to preserve the integrity of the academic record of the University. Both versions of the files should be uploaded to the Thesis Module in Pure with the files clearly named to differentiate between the two. We recommend the following file naming convention:

<Last name><First initial>_<Year>_COMPLETE    

<Last name><First initial>_<Year>_REDACTED

e.g. SmithJ_2023_COMPLETE.pdf  

Reasons for requesting an embargo period

If the redaction option is not possible then students are permitted to embargo their thesis under certain conditions described below:

Planned publication

Normally a longer embargo period may be granted when there are firm publication plans in place, e.g. where a manuscript has been submitted to a publisher and is in a formal stage of publication (submitted, accepted, in press). Vague plans for publication are not normally accepted.

Commercial confidentiality

There may be contractual restrictions imposed by a sponsor, which could include industrial sponsors or governmental agencies.

Patent application

Patent applications can be rejected by the premature publication of research. Where the research might lead to a commercial application or patent then we recommend that the Intellectual Property needs to be protected.

Contains personal data

Where a thesis contains personally identifiable or ethically sensitive data or where material obtained in the thesis was obtained under a guarantee of confidentiality we would consider placing an embargo. These issues should have been addressed at an early stage of the research project.

Where third party copyright has not been obtained, students may submit an edited thesis, as an alternative to requesting an embargo. They would also need to submit an unedited hard copy which will be secured kept.

Publication could endanger health and safety or prejudice national security

The thesis contains sensitive material (political or otherwise) which could put at risk the authors or participants if made openly available. These issues should have been addressed at an early stage of the research project.

How to request a Thesis Restriction

How to request a 12 month embargo.

You can restrict access to the electronic version of your thesis for one year without any special permissions. If an embargo is required, this must be indicated on the Access to Thesis form, otherwise, the thesis may be made publicly available. This form should be deposited in Pure alongside the full text of the thesis.

At the end of the embargo period, the University is under no obligation to contact you about extending the period of restriction. If towards the end of your embargo period you have any concerns that the forthcoming public availability of your thesis would be problematic please contact the Library ( [email protected] ) and the Scholarly Communications Team will be able to help.

Embargo requests longer than 12 months

Requests for embargoes that exceed 12 months starting from the date the work is added to the Library’s collection require Head of School approval and must be accompanied by a clear rationale as to why a longer period is required. Complete Section 2 of the Access to a Thesis form to request an extended embargo. Extended embargoes beyond five years will not normally be approved unless there are very exceptional reasons. Normally any relevant evidence to support a request for an extended embargo should be attached to the request, e.g. publishing contract or correspondence from industrial sponsors.

Click here to download the  ACCESS TO THESIS & PUBLICATION OF ABSTRACT FORM  , or visit the general  Doctoral Thesis Submission webpages for more information.

Further help and information

Scholarly Communications Team

Contact details.

Information Services Floor F East, Argyle House 3 Lady Lawson Street


You can book a one-to one video consultation with an expert from our team. If you want to find out more about open access (journals, funding, policies etc ), Copyright & Intellectual Property, General publishing activities (request an ISBN or DOI), or research metrics (using Web Of Science or Scopus) please contact our team via email to book a session at a time that suits you.

The University of Liverpool Repository

Browse by thesis from 2018.


Mahmood, ZH (2018) Cellular Processing of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Spike, Membrane and Envelope Glycoproteins, Their Role in Virus Biology and as Targets for Antiviral Therapy. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Trainor, E (2018) Acute gastroenteritis associated with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and norovirus in children in Malawi. Doctor of Medicine thesis, University of Liverpool.

Tiffney, EA (2018) Effects of cl-CD95L during in vitro Toxoplasma gondii infection. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Caddy, Amie (2018) Grotesque Bodies and the ‘Other’: Repulsive Attraction in the Work of Djuna Barnes. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Raison, MH (2018) The application of habit theory to oral health behaviours. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bonilla Bustillo, E (2018) Inkjet Printing for High Throughput Screening Arrays. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Morton, JC (2018) Evaluation of bioenergetic changes in acute pancreatitis. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Mulhearn, RM (2018) Beyond Surplus, Beyond Motherhood: British Migrant Women 1914-1929. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Butler, Jessica (2018) Representations of Paternal Child Killers in the English National Press, 1900 to 1939. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Robin, C (2018) Pets, purity and pollution: understanding the sociology of zoonotic disease transmission. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Mohamed, Z (2018) Modulation of Neutrophil Migration by the Pneumococcal toxin, Pneumolysin. PhD thesis, Institute of Infection and Global Health.

Al-Khateeb, ALI (2018) A Modelling Study of Transparent Cathode Discharge Breakdown. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Horwell, AL (2018) Investigating the Role of CCN2 in a Bleomycin Model of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

phd thesis university of liverpool

Edwards, RC (2018) Modulation in a New Key: Towards a Generalised Theory of Non-Diatonic Transformations in the Music of the Early-Twentieth Century. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hughes, AJ (2018) Impact of Exposure to Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets on Mosquito Survival and Behaviour at the Net Interface in Insecticide Susceptible and Resistant Strains of the Afrotropical Anopheles mosquito. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Avorkpoh, JK (2018) Towards Sustainable Banking in Ghana drawing on Stakeholder Value Maximization orientation: A case of the National Investment Bank Limited. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Zekeng, E (2018) Evaluating models of Influenza A virus Infection. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Clayton, JE (2018) xr and Modal Obligation in Earlier Egyptian. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Davis, G (2018) Follow the Leader: The Cascading Effect of Supervisory Ethical Leadership Behavior on Employee Work Outcomes: Action Research in an Academic Setting. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Yates, PJ (2018) Emerging Absorber Materials for Sustainable Photovoltaics. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Farrell, JC (2018) Local Cooperation: Self-Organisation in the English Planning System. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Amporndanai, K (2018) Structure-based therapeutic development against the Apicomplexan parasites. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Richardson, A (2018) Weaponised Imagination: Sibling Collaborations and Rivalries in the Brontë and Rossetti Families. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Solano Gonzalez, SC (2018) Optimising production of mannosylerythritol lipids by Pseudozyma graminicola through omic and molecular approaches. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hill, A (2018) Design of Gold Nanoparticles With Controllable Phase Transfer Properties. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Weaver, AM (2018) The Impact of Vector Control for Malaria on Lymphatic Filariasis in Tanzania. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Wraith, C (2018) The Evolution of Nuclear Structure in Odd-A Zinc Isotopes. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Cheng, C (2018) Sequence analysis of the merozoite surface protein 7 (PvMSP-7) multigene family: vaccine candidates for Plasmodium vivax. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Yan, S (2018) Visual Attention Mechanism in Deep Learning and Its Applications. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Albaqawy, GA (2018) Architectural Heritage in Saudi Arabia Between Laws, Organizational Structures and Implementation. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Straczowski, Joanna Tamara Maria (2018) From Paideia to Transaesthetics: The Concept of Aestheticization and Its Significance in the Digital Age. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Millen, AM (2018) A Comparison of Fenestrated Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (fEVAR) with Alternative Treatment Strategies. Doctor of Medicine thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hamdani, SU (2018) Measuring functional disability in children with developmental disorders: Cultural adaptation and validation of the World Health Organization’s Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) for children in rural Pakistan. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Kim, Sung Hye (2018) Expansion of lymphatic filariasis transmission assessment surveys (TAS) in Oceania as a pragmatic platform for key insights into the epidemiology of communicable diseases including intestinal parasite infections. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ahmadi, M (2018) Characterization of Neutral Trapped Antihydrogen in the ALPHA Experiment. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Forster, R (2018) Procuring Complex Products and Services: An Assessment of Acquisition Lifecycle Strategies and Practices. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Portugal da Costa Lobo Rodrigues dos Santos, L (2018) STOCHASTIC CLAIMS RESERVING IN INSURANCE WITH REGRESSION MODELS. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wanlapakorn, N (2018) Immunity to pertussis vaccination. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Gharssalla, M (2018) Exploring the use and the role of the Internet in Libya: A study of Tripoli University and Azzaway University students. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Horton, N (2018) The role of NRF2/KEAP1 antioxidant pathway in the regulation of circadian molecular clock: Implications for skeletal muscle homeostasis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Stigger, E (2018) Putting on an International Face: An Analysis of Japanese Universities’ English Homepages. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Murdoch, N (2018) The State of Governance in Private Higher Education in South Africa: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Pua, S (2018) A review of multiple hypothesis testing in relation to the use of lateral cephalometric variables as the outcome measure in orthodontic research. Doctor of Dental Science thesis, University of Liverpool.

Lazos, M (2018) Neutral Current Quasi Elastic Selection Study in the ND280 in T2K. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hirakawa, S (2018) Prediction of impact sound transmission with heavy impact sources in heavyweight buildings. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Elegba, THO (2018) IMPROVING ORGANISATION LEARNING IN ENGINEERING DESIGN. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Abdullah, AR (2018) Mathematical Modelling of Embryonic Tissue Development. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bosworth, AJ (2018) Characterising the host response to the emerging Ebola virus, Makona variant from West Africa. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Simms, R (2018) Exploring Higher Dimensional Quantum Field Theories Through Fixed Points. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Magee, Kieran James (2018) Addressing the Global Food Security Challenge – Discovery and Assessment of Sustainable Sources of Ingredients for Aquaculture Feed. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Parkes-Reed, CM (2018) Endometrial Cancer Cell Lines as a Model for Metastasis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Karia, DB (2018) Radiobiological Optimization of Lung and Prostate Radiotherapy Treatments - A Macroscopic Approach. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Koron, R (2018) DNA signatures as a predictor of breast cancer risk. Doctor of Medicine thesis, University of Liverpool.

Estecha Querol, S (2018) Understanding the experiences of cardiovascular disease management in low income areas. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Vadde, KK (2018) Application of Microbial Source Tracking Techniques to Characterize Fecal Pollution entering Taihu Lake (China). Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Davidson, NB (2018) Reducing the Impact of Rodenticides on Non-Target Wildlife. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Barry, CR (2018) Indications of CP Violation in the Lepton Sector from a Combined Analysis of Neutrino and Antineutrino Data in the T2K Experiment. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Cao, K (2018) Modelling of High Voltage Circuit Breakers Considering Interaction between the Driving Mechanisms and Switching Arcs. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Nagy, T (2018) Development of an automatic processing system for surface displacement maps using satellite images: Application to glacier displacement. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Reid, F (2018) Learning about student success from students’ stories: A narrative study of successful business degree students at a New Zealand university. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Sansom, HC (2018) Copper and Silver Bismuth Iodide Semiconductors as Potential Solar Cell Absorber Materials. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Pizzol, P (2018) SUPERCONDUCTIVE THIN FILMS FOR RF APPLICATIONS. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Khafaji, ALAA (2018) “Interactions between pathogenic and non-pathogenic Rickettsiales and the tick host”. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Evans, D (2018) Birationally Rigid Complete Intersections. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Eghbal, G (2018) Iranian Immigrant Educated Women and Their Challenges in Canadian Society and Higher Education. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Lem, RE (2018) Oceanic, Climatic and Vegetation Variability in Western Equatorial Africa since the Penultimate Glaciation. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Zarban, FM (2018) Indicators of urban health in the youth population of Kuwait City and Jahra, Kuwait. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Heys, CE (2018) Investigating the relationship between gut microbiota and animal behaviour. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wong, JSW (2018) The Effects of Concept Mapping in Student Nurses’ Learning of Medical-Surgical Nursing. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Lewis, H (2018) Gender role and sexuality in male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Mosawi, RH (2018) Exploring oxidative stress pathways in epilepsy. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Thomas, BD (2018) Collagen remnants in ancient bone. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Chen, Yanhua (2018) Modelling Financial Market based on Econometric and Complex Network Analysis. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Byrne, Emer (2018) Three-dimensional Assessment of Facial Asymmetry in Children with Operated Unicoronal Synostosis. Doctor of Dental Science thesis, University of Liverpool.

Powell, J (2018) Cotton, Liverpool and the American Civil War. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Antony Joseph, M (2018) Transmission Characteristics of the Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Cliff, JR (2018) Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Clinical Aspects and Molecular Genetics. Doctor of Medicine thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bay, V (2018) A study on the role of the foot skin microbiome and the host’s genetics in the development of lameness causing foot lesions in dairy cattle. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Owolabi, RS (2018) "Optimizing the diagnosis and management of Tuberculosis and assessing the burden of hypertension among HIV patients in a high TB and HIV burden setting". Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.


Ruhaak, RE (2018) The Development of Vulnerability and Resiliency to the Plague: from the ‘Big Bang’ of Yersinia pestis, Black Death and the Continued Geographic Expansion of the Zoonotic Outbreaks to the Present. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Kearney, JM (2018) Advertising for cariogenic food and drinks: A cross-over randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of cariogenic food and drink advertising on children’s dietary intake. Doctor of Dental Science thesis, University of Liverpool.

Shannon, ICN (2018) Convenient Constructs: How Chief Police Officers in England and Wales Understand the Right of Police to Exercise Power. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Sudani, AH (2018) Analyzing the Influence of Urban Morphology on Thermal Microclimate in a Temperate Maritime Climate. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Supharattanasitthi, W (2018) Investigation of the molecular signature of the ageing retinal pigment epithelium. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Williamson, H (2018) Exploring resilience amongst adults with Intellectual Disabilities and their care systems. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Syed, H (2018) Design, evaluation and application of methodology and software for time-to-event outcomes in pharmacogenetic genome-wide association studies. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Zeyadi, Mohammed Ghaiz (2018) Efficient and Effective Methodologies for Exploring and Prediction Movement Patterns in Large Networks. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Saengsoi, W (2018) The Role of Adipose Tissue in Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Gemson, L (2018) Experiences of Post traumatic Growth in the Long-Term Phase of Spinal Cord Injury: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Willets, L (2018) Exploring the Impact of Personal Therapy and Factors that Affect Disclosure of Mental Health Difficulties in Applied Psychology Trainees. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Owolabi, BE (2018) Characterisation of turbulent duct flows: experiments and direct numerical simulations. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hafiz, I (2018) Investigation of lymphatic filariasis distribution, morbidity management and disability prevention in Bangladesh. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Howell, PI (2018) Genetic components of insecticide resistance in Anopheles arabiensis. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Medialdea Carrera, R (2018) Improving the Diagnosis of Zika Virus to Study at Risk Populations. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Iaconis, G (2018) Characterization of molecular targets for differential regulation of the type I and III interferon induction and signalling pathways by rotavirus NSP1. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Manswr, BM (2018) Studies on immunopathogenesis and diagnosis of infectious bronchitis virus in chicken. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Barnes, M (2018) A Pulsed RF Discharge for a Caesium Free H‾ Ion Source. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Pouget, Marion (2018) Mycobacterium tuberculosis glycolipids and their effects on HIV-1 infection and replication. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Murphy, BL (2018) Situating United Nations Security Council Accountability: Between Liberal-Legal and Political Constitutionalism? PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hawkins, LM (2018) A Mid-Palaeozoic Dipole Low defined from new palaeointensity estimates from Russia and the UK. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Smith, CE (2018) The Impact of Mixing Over Topography on Plankton Dynamics. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Barday, MP (2018) Rapid access to heterocycles using transition-metal catalysed C–H and C–C bond activation. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Jakoobi, M (2018) Selective insertion of iridium into the coordinated arene ring in eta-4-arene complexes. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Quaranta, V (2018) Macrophages suppress anti-tumour immunity in metastatic pancreatic cancer. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Brownbill, N (2018) Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation Enhanced NMR of Low Abundance, Low Gamma and Difficult to Observe Nuclei. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Sangha, PS (2018) Independent Sets in Line of Sight Networks. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Fraser, Lyndell (2018) Changing Careers/Staying Relevant: Facilitating the Path of Mature Students in Higher Education. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Johnston, L (2018) Developing three-dimensional co-cultures of the small intestinal epithelium with intestinal dendritic cells as a disease model for enteric infections. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.


Foulkes, DM (2018) Biochemical analysis of Tribbles 2 pseudokinase using repurposed kinase inhibitors. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ireland, LV (2018) Understanding the role of the tumour microenvironment in chemoresistance and tumour progression. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Elbahi, AM (2018) Studies on equine eosinophilic granuloma and mast cell tumour. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Williams, KR (2018) The Modification of Nucleosides to Probe Decarboxylation and Denitration Processes. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Leckenby, AE (2018) Improved genomic assembly and genomic analyses of Entamoeba histolytica. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Whiteford, SA (2018) Sex Chromosomes and Evolutionary Genomics of Agricultural Pest Lepidoptera. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wu, Sirui (2018) Exchange Rate Risk Premium Estimation and an Analysis of Exchange Rate Pass-through into Import Prices. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ben Salah, KS (2018) Comparative immunohistochemical and molecular investigations of metabolic and stromal events in HPV positive and HPV negative oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ainslie, H (2018) An exploration of alcohol misuse, attachment and parental relationships. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Harrison, P (2018) The Development of Reflection Anisotropy Spectroscopy Instrumentation for the study of dynamic surface properties. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Miller, B (2018) SMARTPHONES FOR ONLINE STUDY: EFFECTS ON LEARNING AND ENGAGEMENT. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Garbuno Inigo, A (2018) Stochastic Methods for Emulation, Calibration and Reliability Analysis of Engineering Models. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Fundukova, L (2018) Leadership of Transformational Change: The Assessment and Development of Change Practice in a UN Agency. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Almtteri, Nassier (2018) Quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of composite structures based on glass fibre reinforced PEKK. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Zhu, Y (2018) Bayesian Modal Identification using Asynchronous Ambient Data. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Donnelly, GJ (2018) Against a Mahāyāna Absolute: Why Absolutism Need Not Be a Conclusion of Mahāyāna Philosophy. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Chan, HY (2018) Psychological help-seeking attitudes and perfectionism in different ethnic groups. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wang, Z (2018) Study on the Mechanisms and Prediction Methods of Arcing Contact Erosion of High-voltage SF6 Circuit Breaker. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Kay, E (2018) Search for New Heavy Gauge Bosons in √s = 13 TeV pp Collisions with the ATLAS Detector. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Jessop, AA (2018) Multiple Object Tracking Supports Thematic Role Features For Language. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Washington, F (2018) Factors Associated with Resilience After Paediatric Injury: Working Towards a Systemic Model of Resilience. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Cowley, GC (2018) Comparison of bioinformatics tools and transcriptome sequencing methodologies for optimal annotation of fungal genomes. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Stevenson-Leggett, P (2018) Investigation into infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) spike glycoprotein glycosylation, pathogenicity and tropism. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

O'Brien, J (2018) An investigation into psychological outcomes and experiences of adjustment for children and parents following paediatric epilepsy surgery. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ashford, BE (2018) Transforming a pollutant into a commodity: Utilising CO2 via plasma technology. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Readioff, CJ (2018) Pre-Chapter Epigraphs in the English Novel, 1750-1860. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Tempest, N (2018) Adult epithelial stem cells in the human endometrium: existence, location and 3D histo-architecture. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Kilfoyle, LS (2018) The Political Life of the 'Porcupine': Provincial Power and the Satirical Press, 1860-1880. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Shi, J (2018) Design and Evaluation of Sustainable Packaging in Supply Chain. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Williams, Sarah (2018) Molecular mechanism of regulation of the cellular protein levels of endonuclease III homologue (NTH1) in response to DNA damage. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Blinkhorn, VJ (2018) Narcissism in females: Relationships to attitudes towards violence, sexual coercion, and offending behaviour in a non-forensic sample. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Germanus, Soh Bah (2018) Immuno-chemotherapeutic Interactions in Bovine Onchocerciasis. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Cowman, SJ (2018) Elucidation of the Effects of Hypoxia on DNA Repair Machinery in Brain Tumour Cells. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Reichenbach, L (2018) Effects of temperature on gold single crystal electrochemistry. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Worsley, J (2018) Detached lives online: Understanding the relationship between mental health, well-being, and the online environment. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Rajasekar, A (2018) Calcite-precipitating indigenous bacteria in landfills and their application towards ground improvement. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Fang, Y (2018) Repurposing Bacterial CO2-fixing Organelles Using Synthetic Engineering. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Chang, Zhuo (2018) Nanoscale characterisation of arterial stiffening. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Medhtiy, MH (2018) The relationship between metastasis-inducing S100 proteins (MIPs) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in rat and human breast cancer. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Saadi, MH (2018) Pathogenesis of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.



Elramli, Ahmed Hamed (2018) Factors regulating cell shedding in mouse and rat small intestine. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

McCaldon, A (2018) The Orange Order in Northern Ireland: Has political isolation, sectarianism, secularism, or declining social capital proved the biggest challenge? PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Thomas, J (2018) Exploring integrin and growth factor receptor crosstalk mechanisms. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Irwin, SL (2018) The interaction of type 1 and 2 interferons with neutrophils in Juvenile-onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hargreaves, G (2018) AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP IN NATO: AN ACTION RESEARCH STUDY. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ellaby, N (2018) A Large Scale Metagenomic Analysis of the Faecal Microbiota in Preterm Infants Developing Necrotising Enterocolitis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Dodd, S (2018) Biomarkers of the effect of gastrin on Barrett’s oesophagus. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Abutaima, Rana (2018) In vitro, in vivo and in silico approaches to investigate pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics in HIV therapy. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Peatfield, EJ (2018) Race and Radicalisation: Examining Perceptions Of Counter-Radicalisation Policy Amongst Minority Groups in Liverpool 8 and 24. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Chen, W (2018) A Corpus Study of Differences in the Spoken English and Spoken Mandarin Chinese of Taiwanese EFL Students in Liverpool and Taiwan. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Vardhanabindu, P (2018) Use of low-cost photogrammetry to explore the link between soil microtopography and overland flow on hillslopes. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Smyth-Renshaw, J (2018) A 4-STAGE FACT FRAMEWORK FOR SOLVING PRODUCT QUALITY PROBLEMS. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Silvestri, Luciano (2018) Enteral vancomycin to control severe methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in the intensive care unit. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Alqarni, MS (2018) Spatial Temporal Distribution of Helical Gyrotactic Swimmers. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wang, X (2018) Investigation of the role of mTORC1 and MAPK/ERK pathways in cellular responses to amino acid deprivation. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Gong, Z (2018) Calibration of Expensive Computer Models Using Engineering Reliability Methods. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Marooden, S (2018) Discrete element modelling of concrete behaviour. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Carty, O (2018) Study on Facial Asymmetry in Children under 16 years from the North West of England using Three-dimensional Images (3dMD). Doctor of Dental Science thesis, University of Liverpool.

Puksuriwong, S (2018) Investigation of novel viral vector-based influenza vaccines for broad mucosal immunity against influenza viruses in human NALT. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Gini, J (2018) Investigating the Effectiveness of Antiretroviral Therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Morris, David (2018) Development Of A Prototype Atomic Interferometer For Fundamental Physics Searches. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Pagliuca, G (2018) Model Reduction for Flight Dynamics using Computational Fluid Dynamics. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

King, SC (2018) The Role of the Deubiquitylase UCHL3 During Alphavirus Infection. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

O'Leary, TA (2018) Rejected evidence reassessed: Wirral and the Mersey Basin in the Roman and post-Roman periods (first to seventh centuries AD). PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Clarke, J (2018) An investigation of the effect of route to university on UK Business School students’ experiences of a professional mentoring scheme. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Qaddoori, YB (2018) The Role of Extracellular Histones in Complement Activation and Phagocytosis. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hicks, OC (2018) The costs and consequences of parasitism in a wild population: an energetics approach. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Salagi, E (2018) Exploring the Changing Context of Initial Primary Teacher Education in Malawi: Towards Pre-service Teacher Retention from a Recruitment and Mentoring Perspective. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Karatasaki, S (2018) Phosphoproteomic profiling of BCR signalling identifies ARPC5 proteins as mediators of B cell migration. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Sule, Derick Seyram (2018) Theory-practice integration in radiography education: the role of teaching strategies. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Yafawi, A (2018) Incidence of aneurysm growth following endovascular aneurysm sealing of abdominal aortic aneurysms and their associations with stent movement: retrospective observational study. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Newman, J (2018) Real-time classifiers from free-text for continuous surveillance of small animal disease. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Jaber, RM (2018) Exploring the Relations between Social Presence and Individual and Social/Shared Metacognition in Learners within a Global Graduate Online Programme. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Keane, M (2018) Computational genomic analyses of long-lived mammals to study variation in cancer resistance, longevity and life history. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

McDonnell, SJ (2018) Study of novel protein-protein interactions modulating PERP-mediated apoptosis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Mehta, RR (2018) The neurological manifestations of Zika and chikungunya viruses. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Su, F (2018) Catastrophe bonds as innovations in an agent-based CAPM. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Broecker, B (2018) Bio-inspired multi-robot coordination. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Kappel, C (2018) An Environmental and Behavioural Analysis of Arson in a Danish Sample. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Quinn, P (2018) Applications of functional nutrition and nutrigenomics to improve public​ health through dietary interventions. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Cook, SL (2018) Variability and change in ancient Egyptian archery technology. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Thompson, I (2018) The role of peer-facilitated reflection in critical incident analysis amongst physical therapist assistant students. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Armitt, MP (2018) Teaching Discipline Space: Experimental Architectural Pedagogy at VKhUTEMAS (1923–1926)–Moscow. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Shiobara, F (2018) Paradoxes of Technology and Human Behaviour in Japanese Higher Education. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.


McGowan, WJ (2018) Facing the Consequences of Political Violence and Terrorism: ‘Resilient’ Subjects? Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Maltais, Cathy Florence (2018) Bilingualism in the Canadian Federal Public Service: The Value of the Bilingualism Bonus. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Segura, JV (2018) Examining the impact of anti-inflammatory and anti-viral treatments in human brain cell infection models for Herpes Simplex virus encephalitis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Altaf, K (2018) Gene expression and micro RNA profiling in acute pancreatitis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Unjit, KITTICHAI (2018) The effects of development and virulence on gene expression in the protozoan parasite Neospora caninum. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Meslé, MM (2018) Commercial airline travel and the international spread of emerging infectious diseases. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Walsh, TR (2018) Development of a Pen-side Diagnostic Test for Liver Fluke Infections in Cattle and Sheep. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Mulder, C (2018) Changing primary care performance measurement by getting started. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Buckland, MD (2018) Simulation and evaluation of HV-CMOS pixel sensors for the CLIC vertex detector. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Taylor, Z (2018) Synthesis and Analysis of New Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Nemr Noureddine, I (2018) Resonant tunnelling nanostructures for THz energy harvesting. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Fossel, J (2018) Improving Light Detection and Ranging based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with advanced Map Representations. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

McEwen, SA (2018) Characterising the adsorption process of the shigatoxigenic bacteriophage, ϕ24B, to its bacterial host via an essential outer-membrane protein, BamA. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Brougham, RI (2018) A Direct Method for Bloch Wave Excitation by Scattering at the Edge of a Lattice. Master of Research thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wilson, CN (2018) Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance profile of non-typhoidal Salmonella in pigs in Kenya and Malawi. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Taylor, J (2018) Exploring Experiences of Unusual Beliefs. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Van Zelm, J (2018) The Enumerative Geometry of Double Covers of Curves. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Pollock, LE (2018) Predictors of vaccine virus replication, immune response and clinical protection following oral rotavirus vaccination in Malawian Children. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

McCauley, ME (2018) Assessing Maternal Morbidity in India, Pakistan, Kenya and Malawi. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Barrett-Pink, C (2018) The Air Defence Task: Understanding what motivates automation usage to support classification decisions in practice. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Geleta, D (2018) Minimal Definition Signatures: Computation and Application to Ontology Alignment. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Lane, DJ (2018) Child-centredness in Decision-making in Public Child Law Proceedings in England and Wales: Perspectives of the Judiciary. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Dong, Y (2018) An Open Resource-Oriented Architecture for Decentralized Cyber Physical Systems. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Zhu, J (2018) Development of Advanced Mathematical Morphology Algorithms and their Application to the Detection of Disturbances in Power Systems. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Cheng, Hui (2018) Understanding the Role of Edge Cities in the Application of Polycentric Development in China’s Mega City Regions. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

LIN, Chen-Yu (2018) Questions of Chineseness: A study of China Wind Pop Music and the Post-1990s Generation in the PRC, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the UK. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Shah, NM (2018) The role of NRF2 in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML). PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ingham, J (2018) Towards cancer diagnosis via tissue discrimination using various infrared spectroscopy techniques. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Lester, K (2018) Reverse Engineering Glaucoma. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Talbot, WJ (2018) The development of new molecular tools to investigate epidermal Ca2+ homeostasis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al Maslahi, HA (2018) Understanding the Professional Socialisation of Omani Radiographers. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Fletcher, C (2018) Taxometric Analysis of Hallucinations: Are Hallucinatory Experiences Dimensional or Taxonic? Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hughes, M (2018) The relationship between self-compassion and psychological distress in chronic physical health conditions: Review of the literature and testing mediation by worry and rumination in breast cancer patients. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Kelly, MF (2018) The Development, Validation, and Integration of Aircraft Carrier Airwakes for Piloted Flight Simulation. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wei, Y (2018) Investigations Into Dual-Grating Dielectric Laser-Driven Accelerators. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Sorzabal Bellido, I (2018) Fabrication and Characterisation of Antimicrobial Surfaces. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Jackson, Cerian (2018) Emotional Distress in People with TBI: Exploring Psychological Processes. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Haq, Saba (2018) A Relational Perspective on the Development of Psychosis. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Casella, S (2018) Organization, dynamics and adaptation of the photosynthetic machinery in cyanobacteria. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Basnawi, A (2018) ‘if memory braided with history’: Figurations of Nomadic Subjectivity in Marilyn Hacker’s Later Work, 1994-2015. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Williams, KH (2018) Dynamic wetting with superspreading surfactants. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Waters, AM (2018) A core outcome set for clinical trials in oropharyngeal cancer. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Bander, BQ (2018) Retinal Image Analysis Based on Deep Learning. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Thakar, KP (2018) Quantifying the Value of Data obtained from River Gauging Stations in Scotland: A Users' Perspective. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Li, J (2018) Advanced laser beam shaping using spatial light modulators for material surface processing. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Abdullah, WR (2018) Diversity and Roles of Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Bee Orchid Ophrys apifera. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Goodman, SH (2018) Investigation into the Potential Application of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery on Unconventional Oil: A Field Specific Approach. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.


He, Y (2018) The influence of online logistics service mode on customer loyalty: the moderation effect of signal credibility and switching costs. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Mutter, FEM (2018) Investigation of Nrf2 activity measures for assessing the toxicological and pharmacological effects of drugs. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Almutawa, Y (2018) The Effects of Hypoxic Preconditioning on the Oxygenation and Metabolic Profile of Neuroblastoma. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ma, D (2018) Understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms of neurological diseases associated with cortical spreading depression: REST and P2X7 receptor. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Cheng, F (2018) Global Motion Compensation Using Motion Sensor to Enhance Video Coding Efficiency. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Worsley, SJ (2018) The Topology of Postsingularly Finite Exponential Maps. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Zhu, G (2018) Experimental Studies on Ultrafast Laser-Materials Micro-Structuring with Phase Only Spatial Light Modulators. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Leibl, MA (2018) Development Of Image Analysis Methods Applied To Collagen Imaged With Different Techniques. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Agwae, ME (2018) The role of iRhom2 in the pathogenesis of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wang, X (2018) Tomorrow’s Eco-city in China: Eco-City Development though a Culture of Collaborative Communication. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Peers, R (2018) Approach biases to food cues in eating disordered and healthy control populations: associations with bingeing and restrictive symptomatology. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Scott, AC (2018) Phenotypic and molecular characterisation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections from companion animals and potential reservoirs of antibacterial resistance in humans. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Sheehy, K (2018) Interpersonal processes and emotions in non-suicidal self-injury: shame, guilt and help-seeking. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

de Sousa, Paulo Alexandre Brito (2018) Testing the role of social isolation and social cognition in thought disorder in service users diagnosed with psychosis. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bhatti, JV (2018) Acculturation, Shame, & Self-Compassion: An examination of Mental Health Service Utilisation. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Cawley, R (2018) Rejection and Dating-app Experiences in Those with a History of Self-harm. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Keith, SA (2018) Exploring the Personal and Systemic Factors Impacting on Wellbeing and Effective Working in Mental Health Professionals. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hacking, M (2018) Exploring the Emotional Impact of Breastfeeding Difficulties in the Context of Continued Breastfeeding. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Tadjallimehr, Mahmoud (2018) Adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility in a Large International Financial Corporation in Switzerland from the Triple Bottom Line Sustainability Viewpoint. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bode, C (2018) Lateral compositional effects on aesthetic preference. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Mossanen-Parsi, A (2018) The link between mRNA 3’ tagging and Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay (NMD) in Aspergillus nidulans. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Nowak, V (2018) A Polanyian approach to understanding entrepreneurship in Liverpool. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Derrick, Jade (2018) The development of viral capture, concentration and molecular detection method for norovirus in foods to establish the risk to public health. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Riley, C (2018) Efforts Toward the Directed Evolution of a Bacterial Molybdenum-dependent Aldehyde Oxidase for Use in Synthesis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Watkins, ED (2018) Life-courses of young convicts transported to Van Diemen’s Land. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Shao, Juan (2018) Synonymy and Lexical Priming -- A Cross-Linguistic Investigation of Synonymy from Corpus and Psycholinguistic Perspectives. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bekemeyer, P (2018) Rapid Computational Aerodynamics for Aircraft Gust Response Analysis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Owolabi, TO (2018) Internal Marketing and Turnover Intentions in Nigerian Law Firms. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Nasr, Entesar (2018) Distribution Problems in Arithmetic. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Jary, HR and mortimer (2018) Household air pollution and adult pneumonia in Malawi. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Raphael, J (2018) An Exploration of Traffic Signal Control using Multi-agent Market-based Mechanisms. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wang, Meng (2018) On some aspects of quantitative risk management: theoretical and empirical implications for agricultural goods. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Sedeeq, Iman (2018) HTML Steganography Algorithms and Detection Methods. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bashal, Ali Habib (2018) Aqueous Phase Hydrogenation of Succinic Acid using mono-and bi-metallic Ruthenium-based catalysts. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Macfarlane, CL (2018) Circulating biomarkers of Onchocerca volvulus for diagnosis of infection and antifilarial treatment efficacy. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Yang, Y (2018) Essays in Quantitative Investments. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.



Liu, J (2018) Native-speakerism in ELT: A case study of English language education in China. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Preece, C (2018) A dual isotope approach to the study of nitrogen cycling in shelf seas. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Staton, Gareth (2018) Bovine Digital Dermatitis: A Reverse Vaccinology Approach. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

DeYoung, E (2018) Girdwood Barracks: power, politics and planning in the post-ceasefire city. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hajsadeghi, M (2018) Engineered Structural Fibres as Replacement for Traditional Reinforcements for Concrete. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Steele, CA (2018) Eating Behaviour And Neural Representations Of Hunger And Satiety In Patients With Acquired Structural Hypothalamic Damage: A Clinical And Functional Neuroimaging Study. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Hanbaly, Mohamad (2018) Managing in conditions of extreme market volatility A case study of the Middle East operations of a multinational agribusiness. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wooldridge, LJ (2018) Understanding the processes governing the origin of clay coated sand grains and sediment heterogeneity in petroleum reservoirs: insights from a modern marginal marine system. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Gill, AC (2018) THE ROLE OF THE VAGINAL MICROBIOME IN HPV INFECTION AND CARCINOGENESIS. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Chan, CY (2018) Assessment of degradation rate constants for quantitative predictions of drug-drug interactions arising from CYP450 drug metabolising enzymes. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Shukralla, AA (2018) Harms of Antiepileptic Drugs: Issues in Reporting and Systematic Reviews. Doctor of Medicine thesis, University of Liverpool.

Campbell, Neil (2018) A case study of a university-industry partnership (UIP) in science and technology: What drives extraordinary performance? Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Mousa, MA (2018) Optimisation in multi-mode systems. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Kastriotou, M (2018) Optimisation of storage rings and RF accelerators via advanced fibre-based detectors. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Pötschulat, Maike (2018) Constructing the ‘Student Experience’: Placing University Students in the Entrepreneurial City. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Tzitzeklis, CA (2018) Solid state synthesis and pulsed laser deposition of electroceramic materials. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Mondru, Anil Kumar (2018) EFFECT OF IMMUNOMODULATORY AGENTS ON CRITICAL PATHWAYS IN CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKAEMIA. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ramos, T (2018) An in vitro investigation of human ocular surface epithelial stem cell homeostasis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bickford-Smith, EA (2018) The Impact of Maternal Reflective Functioning on Parenting Outcomes in the Antenatal and Postnatal Period. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Gallacher, JO (2018) From Parnassus to the Scaffold: Movements of an Irish Bohemia. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Claes, D (2018) Decentralised Multi-Robot Systems Towards Coordination in Real World Settings. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Fei, Z (2018) Efficient Computation of Cable Electromagnetic Compatibility Problems with Parametric Uncertainty. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Chaguza, Chrispin (2018) Population genomics of pneumococcal strains from a high disease African setting. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Mangan, Julia (2018) Reliability of Cervical Vertebrae Maturation (CVM) Staging Method using Full versus Cropped Lateral Cephalograms. Doctor of Dental Science thesis, University of Liverpool.

Tezcan Unal, Burcu (2018) External international quality assurance at a higher education institution and becoming a learning organisation: A case study in the United Arab Emirates. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Griffiths, J (2018) Mineralogical and textural variation in modern estuarine sands: implications for sandstone reservoir quality. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.


Ameen, CE (2018) A new look at an old friend: A geometric morphometric approach to examining morphological diversity and investigating human-canid relationships in New World prehistory. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Faffelberger, J (2018) Implementing Sales and Operations Planning in an Electronics Company Using an Action Research Approach. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Gottmann, OF (2018) A STUDY INTO THE DRIVING FORCES BEHIND STRATEGIC DECISION-MAKING IN THE ONLINE GAMBLING INDUSTRY. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Almotawa, AA (2018) Prevalence and risk factors of diabetes and insulin resistance in patients attending a health care centre in Kuwait, and the accuracy of a point of care device to measure glycated haemoglobin to monitor patients with diabetes. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Naka, Poontavika (2018) Essays on Social Security Insurance. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Turner, NC (2018) Un-Silencing the Space of Eisenstein: A Contemporary Visual Analysis of the use of Space in Sergei Eisenstein’s Early Silent Films. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ghazali, N (2018) Personalising Head and Neck Cancer Survivorship: Intervention with the Head and Neck Cancer Patients Concerns Inventory in Routine Head and Neck Cancer Outpatient Visits. Doctor of Medicine thesis, University of Liverpool.

Green, KL (2018) When Literature Comes to our Aid: Investigations into Psychological Understanding in the Writing of Seneca and Montaigne, Wordsworth and George Eliot. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Chen, Y (2018) Investigating the Survival Response of Staphylococcus aureus to the Antimicrobial Lipid Sphingosine. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Takeshita, LYC (2018) The effect of immunogenetic variability on human health: bioinformatics investigations from different perspectives. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Mitchell, C (2018) The evolution of large brains and advanced cognitive abilities in animals. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Alghrair, ZK (2018) Functionalisation of gold nanoparticles with short synthetic peptides and their potential therapeutic use against the influenza virus infections. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Peckham, G (2018) A study into critical incidents and how they impact investors' view on risk. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Nuchjangreed, C (2018) AN INVESTIGATION OF GIARDIASIS AND CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS IN MALAWI AND CAMBODIA. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Taylor, LF (2018) Assessment of Disease Progression in the Rare Disease Alkaptonuria by Quantitative Image Analysis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Tayeb, FJ (2018) A Study of Genomic Instability in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL). PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Warner, Daniel (2018) Working-Class Culture and Practice amid Urban Renewal and Decline: Liverpool, c.1965-1985. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Abou-Zaid, C (2018) Exploring the teaching skills of the clinical nurse mentors of 4th year undergraduate nursing students in critical care placements. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Marí Clérigues, Maria del Carmen (2018) Three Essays on Exchange Traded Funds. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bowden Davies, KA (2018) Physical inactivity and sedentary time: impact on metabolic health and development of type 2 diabetes. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Gredley, AJ (2018) Spectroscopy of the highly neutron-deficient N=84 isotones 160Os and 159Re. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Zhao, S (2018) Measurement and Prediction of Temperature-rise in Switching Cabinet. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Rule, EJ (2018) Here Be Dragons: A Contextual Analysis of the Evidence for Society and Culture in Iron Age Central Western Britain. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hassell, JM (2018) Ecological and epidemiological consequences of rapid urbanisation at wildlife-livestock-human interfaces. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wang, W (2018) Contact Erosion and Nozzle Ablation in Gas Blast Circuit Breakers. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ramsden, L (2018) Stochastic Risk Processes Applied to Insurance Capital Recovery Methods. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

McNamee, J (2018) Investigating the molecular mechanisms of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia neuropathies. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Zhang, S (2018) Real Time Image Processing on FPGAs. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Song, L (2018) Exploring Community Building by Way of Community Construction in Contemporary China: A Case Study in City Z of Eastern China. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Gupta, JK (2018) Computational Investigations of New Functional Metal Oxide Materials to Assist Synthesis. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Poursaitidis, I (2018) Identification of differential nutrient starvation responses. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bennett, A (2018) Rotavirus transmission in the context of reduced vaccine effectiveness in low income countries. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Algamdi, AA (2018) Enhancing Trust Management in Cloud Computing. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wainwright-Stewart, AE (2018) Engaging with learning opportunities for positive outcomes: A study of post-secondary learners’ experiences in a rural college setting. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Calvert, S (2018) Studies of molecular responses in models of successful ageing. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bennett, RJW (2018) DOSCATs: Double Standards in Quantitative Proteomics. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Clement, M (2018) An investigation of emerging signature pedagogy for social entrepreneurship and the sharing of practice. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Blamire, J (2018) The Politics of Anti-Austerity in Liverpool: A More-than-Cuts Approach. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Tushar, P (2018) The role of transmembrane mucin protein MUC1 in anoikis and in EGFR activation of human epithelial cancer cells. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Zhou, Y (2018) Analysing Large-scale Surveillance Video. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Fletcher, CM (2018) Development of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Based Desorption-Ionisation Sources for Mass Spectrometry. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Moore, MA (2018) Interculturality from Below:An Ethnography of Maternal Health Encounters in the Peruvian Andes. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Apps, EM (2018) Assessing the Impact of Risk Contagion on Value-at-Risk and the Alternative Application of a Bayesian Factor Based Approach. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wais, U (2018) Multifunctional hydrophobic nanomedicine delivery/release system: preparation and evaluation. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Papageorgiou, G (2018) Nano- and Micro-structured CdTe Solar Cells. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ghouma, SM (2018) An investigation of the function of human IgM and IgG antibodies recognizing P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Robinson, LM (2018) An investigation of the predictors, barriers and facilitators to recruitment and retention of children and families to oral health trials. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Alotaibi, AA (2018) Alkylation of benzene and toluene with propane over bifunctional metal-acid catalysts. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Jimenez, Arturo Gonzalo (2018) MINDING THE CORPORATE GOVERNING GAP: The Institutional Construction of Corporate Governance in Chile. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Roberts, CA (2018) River-menting: Envisioning the Ganges in and around colonial Calcutta from 1757 to c.1855. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Santos, GS (2018) Selective Sharing; A dialogical approach to Ontology Matching. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Collier, ES (2018) The illusion of action-specific scaling effects: action capacity does not directly influence spatial perception. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Qabshoqa, MT (2018) Conceptual Operational Model of Architecture - An approach for capturing values in architectural practices based on Big Data capabilities. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Lunt, CA (2018) Impact of Day Care Services on Older People with Long Term Conditions. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Elmerhebi, E (2018) Improved recovery and detection of Salmonella enterica from complex matrices. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Davidson, AM (2018) High Resolution Characterisation of Gold Nanoparticle Coronae by Differential Centrifugal Sedimentation. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Fernandez Gimenez, M and Fernandez Gimenez, Marta (2018) Iridium-catalysed cleavage and formation of unstrained aliphatic carbon-carbon bonds. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Qian, R (2018) Detection and Recognition of Traffic Scene Objects with Deep Learning. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Low, RS (2018) Comparative approaches to genome evolution in Blastocystis and Entamoeba. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Siddons, JT (2018) The vertical distribution of phytoplankton in a turbulent boundary layer. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Page, VS (2018) The Laser Ignition and the In Combustion Event Feedback of Internal Combustion Engines. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Kirwan-Evans, JM (2018) A Fine Resolution Atmosphere-Ocean Model of the Bay of Bengal: Impact on the Storm Surge Forecast. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.


Karwacka, Ewa (2018) Well-being of Healthcare Staff. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

von Euw, R (2018) Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Blended Learning Course in Interview Training for Career Counsellors in Switzerland. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al Ishaqi, Suad Abdullah (2018) Performance Measurement Systems in Public Organisations; The case of PART in Oman. Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Martín Olivera, L (2018) Density Functional Theory screening of molecular strategies for emergent magnetism at Copper interfaces. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Semertzidou, P (2018) The distribution and transport of the natural fallout radionuclide 210Pb in the atmosphere and through catchment/lake systems. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Rompre, Gertrude (2018) Imagining identity: Enshrining hermeneutics of dialogue and reflexivity within the practices of Canadian Catholic higher education. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Alharthi, IJ (2018) Business Schools and Universities in Saudi Arabia: A stakeholder view of reputation. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Raphy, Puthri (2018) The use of QLF-DTM (Quantitative Light-induced Fluorescence-DigitalTM) as an oral hygiene evaluation tool to assess plaque accumulation and enamel demineralisation in pre orthodontic patients with suboptimal oral hygiene. Doctor of Dental Science thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ajayi, Aramide Titilayo Olufolake (2018) DRUM BEATS FROM THE RAIN FOREST: Leadership Development in the Àyàn Family of Drummers in Southwest Nigeria - A Grounded Theory (Short Title: 'Drum Beats'). Doctor of Business Administration thesis, University of Liverpool.

Smith, N (2018) Thiol Signalling in Skeletal Muscle Ageing. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Poonsiri, T (2018) Structural study of the C-terminal domain of non-structural protein 1 and capsid protein from Japanese encephalitis virus. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Sykes, PD (2018) Development and in vitro characterisation of a super-paramagnetic hybrid nanoparticle for multi-modal targeted drug delivery in pancreatic cancer. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Sadiq, S (2018) Atypical Antipsychotic (AAP)-induced Metabolic Toxicity: Study of Mechanisms, Biomarkers and Reversal Strategies. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Twiston-Davies, H (2018) "It is filled with an assortment": The Transmission of the Instruction of Ani and the Instruction of Amenemope. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Lyon, EC (2018) Optical Techniques for Multi-point and Variable Wavelength Laser Ignition. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Igwe, Tobenna (2018) An Empirical Study on Computation of Exact and Approximate Equilibria. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Smith, R (2018) Characterisation and Surface Modification of Graphitic Felts. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Waite, M (2018) Obligations to provide civil legal aid and the European Convention on Human Rights: a socio-legal study of the Exceptional Case Funding scheme in England and Wales. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Wu, Y (2018) Embedding Approaches for Relational Data. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Brasier, MJ (2018) Genetic level investigations into the species diversity, biogeography and trophic traits of Antarctic Polychaetes. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Garrood, WT (2018) Investigating the breakdown of chemical control in brown planthoppers from Asia. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Tidbury, Louise (2018) Development and biological assessment of prednisolone solid drug nanoparticles. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Gasmi, A (2018) An investigation of the impact of flipped instruction on EFL students’ engagement in academic writing classes: A case study of foundation students in Oman. Doctor of Education thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Krizi, AJ (2018) Communication Models and Protocols for Diffusion Based Networks. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Applegate, E (2018) Psychosis and Savouring. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hurst, A (2018) An exploration of relationships between greenspace, mindfulness, and perseverative thinking in relation to depression. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.


Zhang, P (2018) Body and City in Contemporary London Writing. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Bhattacharya, P (2018) Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas and their Genetic Variants in Association with Extra Capsular Spread. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Slade, D (2018) The Making of the National Planning Policy Framework: An investigation into the practices and (post)politics of doing pro- market planning reform in the UK central state. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Lee, JR (2018) Tailoring the Ligand Shell of Quantum Dots Towards Improved Photocatalytic Charge Transfer. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Rifaie, AK (2018) Lateral Impact Responses of Steel End Plate Beam-to-Column Connections. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool.

Alzahrani, AA (2018) Generation and characterization of dapsone- and nitroso-dapsone-specific T-cells: an insight into the molecular pathomechanism of dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Al-Libawy, HA (2018) Detection, Prediction and Modelling of Mental Fatigue in Naturalistic Environment. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Norman, J (2018) Λc+ baryon production measurements with the ALICE experiment at the LHC. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Jones, OP (2018) BI 6727 and gemcitabine combination therapy in pancreatic cancer. Doctor of Medicine thesis, University of Liverpool.

Rawlinson, ED (2018) The Relationship Between Adult Attachment, Early Maladaptive Schemas and Alcohol Use in a Student Population. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

Poole, CW (2018) Gradient-flow equations for general Quantum Field Theories. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Parisi, D (2018) Analysis of mRNA 3' tagging pathway components. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Haddad, J (2018) The Synthesis and Characterisation of Metal Organic Frameworks using Functionalised and Flexible Linkers. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ballal, H (2018) Investigation of Association between Natural Variants in Sub-Cellular Pathways and Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Response. Doctor of Medicine thesis, University of Liverpool.

Pour Sohrab, A (2018) UHF RFID Tags Mountable on Metallic and Challenging Objects. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Oldham, MF (2018) Perceptions of Weight Status in Overweight and Obesity. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Churchill, CE (2018) Direct and flanking transmission across timber concrete composite floors with cross laminated timber walls. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Ghattaoraya, G (2018) Implementing computational techniques to investigate immune-mediated adverse drug reactions. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Dodd, MN (2018) The use of CBCT as an aid to endodontic assessment of calcified canals. Doctor of Dental Science thesis, University of Liverpool.

Jacobs, Robert Peter (2018) Patient reported outcome measures in endodontics using a mixed methodology. Doctor of Dental Science thesis, University of Liverpool.

Alison, J (2018) How and where to restore habitat on farmland to increase the abundance and diversity of moths. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Essam, Obyda (2018) The development of the endodontic complexity assessment tool (E-CAT) for assessing endodontic complexity and its prevalence in general dental practice. Doctor of Dental Science thesis, University of Liverpool.

Zhu, Wei (2018) Fractional Differential Equations in Risk Theory. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Nightingale, Suzanne , Spiby, Helen , Sheen, Kayleigh and Slade, Pauline (2018) Posttraumatic stress symptomatology following exposure to perceived traumatic perinatal events within the midwifery profession: The impact of trait emotional intelligence. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.


Iyinbor, B (2018) The role of SLC4A4 in the pathogenesis of NSAID-induced upper gastrointestinal injury. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Alansari, AJ (2018) Exploring postgraduate development to demonstrate competency during endodontist specialist training at the University of Liverpool Dental Hospital. Doctor of Dental Science thesis, University of Liverpool.

McCarthy, C (2018) Risk prediction modelling in head and neck cancer : development and validation of a model using the UK Biobank. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Powell, Graham Arnold (2018) An assessment of the use of routinely recorded data in the UK in a randomised controlled trial. PhD thesis, University of.

Malone, Carmel (2018) The Indo-Roman trade : a re-evaluation. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

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Department of Languages, Cultures and Film

Sheneez amara, postgraduate research student.

[email protected]

Sheneez was awarded with a BA in Latin American studies from the University of Liverpool. After this she achieved her MRes in Latin American studies from the same university.

Research Interests

Thesis title.

"Unsettling the Norms of Academic Research" 

Sheneez is currently working on a project that critically examines the normative  methods of academic research practices and their epistemological and philosophical roots in European colonial and imperial pasts. The aim of Sheneez's research is to question that which we take for granted within our universities as "valid" knowledge and "valid" knowledge production processes. As a student of Latin American Studies from undergraduate through to PhD, Sheneez's work has a particular angle of critiquing, or "unsettling" (Wynter, 2008), the coloniality of Latin American Studies courses in Europe and the coloniality of much of the research on Latin America that is produced here (although Sheneez’s reflections comment upon mainstream academic research cultures in general). Sheneez is particularly interested in Sylvia Wynter's many philosophical contributions and reflections on the "intellectual struggle" and how academics/researchers must direct our work towards "undoing the narratively condemned status" of the world's most oppressed people (Wynter, 1994).”

Research Funding

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and North West Doctoral Training Centre (NWDTC)

Christina Balaska

[email protected]

Christina completed a BA in English Language and Literature at the University of Athens and a Master’s degree in Education Management and Leadership at the University of Roehampton. More recently, Christina has completed an MRes in Italian Studies at the University of Liverpool, conducting a sociolinguistics project entitled: Family Language Policy in Italian Transnational Families in the UK: Parental Ideologies and Language Management Challenges.

Outside academia, Christina has taught English for Academic Purposes in UK universities including UCL Institute of Education, Coventry University London and Liverpool John Moores University.

Research Interests 

Family Language Policy in Arabic-speaking Immigrant and Refugee Families in Greece: An Exploration of Parental Ideologies and Identity Formation.

In her research, Christina investigates Family Language Policy (FLP) in Arabic-speaking immigrant and refugee families that have arrived in Greece post-2015 as a result of the political unrest in the Middle East. The investigation focuses on how the migratory experiences of the parents have influenced their linguistic practices and the ethnolinguistic identity of their children highlighting the complexities that parents and their children face in transnational spaces. Qualitative research methods will be employed to study the linguistic practices and language ideologies of the participants including sociolinguistic questionnaires, observations, and interviews. This sociolinguistic study aims at expanding the theoretical development of the sociolinguistics of globalisation and transnational approaches to the study of FLP among immigrant families. Christina’s objective is to influence current discourses on migration in Greece and inform policy making.

Christina’s wider research interests include language attitudes and ideologies, language politics, transnationalism, and immigration.

School of Histories, Languages and Cultures scholarship

Manel Boualhia

[email protected]  

Manel Boulahia is a full-time PhD student, under the supervision of Professor Robert Blackwood and Dr Stefania Tufi.

Completed a Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics, in 2016, at the University of Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria. Completed a Master's Degree in Language and and Communication, in 2018, after having completed a Dissertation entitled: The Use of English in the Algerian Business Sphere: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Some Names of Algerian Brands and Companies, under the Supervision of Professor Fodil Mohamed Sadek.

Completed a PhD Pre-sessional programme at the Canterbury Christ Church University from January 2019 to June 2019.

Thesis Title 

"Competition Between the English Language and the Tamazight and French Languages in Algeria: A myth or a Reality?"

In my doctoral research, I intend to investigate the impact the visibility of the English language in the Algerian Linguistic Landscape might have on the positions Tamazight (also known as Berber) and French languages. The research adopts a case study at the Algerian capital Algiers.

Funded by the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, via the Algerian Consulate in London.

Michelle Buras-Stubbs

[email protected]

Michele’s first degree was in Medieval and Modern Languages from the University of Oxford in 1983. She then completed a Post Graduate Certificate for Education, again at the University of Oxford. She subsequently spent most of her working life in secondary education culminating in the roles of Secondary Headteacher, Ofsted Inspector and Education Consultant. In 1994, while working full time, she obtained a MBA Distinction from the University of Keele. In 2017 she returned to academia and completed a MRes in Modern Languages and Cultures (French Studies) at the University of Liverpool for which she obtained a Distinction. Her dissertation explored the representations of Saracen warriors from a chivalric perspective in two late-medieval French texts from the Library of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy: the account of the battle of Nicopolis in Book IV of Froissart’s  Chroniques , and the anonymous  mise en prose ,  Saladin.

Following the successful completion of her MRes, Michele started her PhD at the University of Liverpool in April 2019.

An exploration of the reflexive and determining nature of the interrelationship between crusader and Saracen identities as represented in French texts acquired or commissioned by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, and members of his court.

Michele’s research examines the reciprocal nature of the identities of Saracen and crusader as represented in works from the libraries of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, and members of his court.   

Late-medieval representations of Saracen warriors have at their heart a deep ambiguity. The existence of a threatening or oppressive Saracen – militarily, politically, theologically - is a pre-requisite for crusade; the nature of the medieval Christian crusader’s perception of his Saracen opponent helps determine both the shape and legitimacy of the crusader’s own identity. The very secular qualities, however, which underpin the chivalric and courtly aspirations of the crusader as applied to himself, provide an uncomfortable dislocation from a dogmatically deviant image, when applied to a cultured, and economically and militarily successful, infidel opponent.  

The court of Philip the Good provides a nexus for the exploration of the reflexive and determining nature of the interrelationship between crusader and Saracen identities. The concept of crusade preoccupied Philip both practically and ideologically throughout his adult life. He sought to position himself politically as a powerful leader willing to lead Christendom into a battle against the infidels, whilst seeking to underpin his actions with an intellectual rationale. As a cultured bibliophile, he acquired and commissioned an extensive collection of manuscripts. The crusade-related texts within his library, and those of members of his court, offer a key to the interplay between contemporary perceptions of Saracen opponents and their impact on the self-perceptions of members of the Burgundian court as crusaders.

Michele’s research offers a fresh perspective to existing scholarship on late medieval French crusading literature; it also has great relevance within the current global climate of tension between Western and Islamic politics and ideologies. It seeks to provide both a realignment of focus on representations of the past (albeit themselves presented through the prism of literary interpretation) and to offer a model for comparison with contemporary post-colonial twenty-first-century ambiguities and tensions within Western and Islamic relationships.

Stephanie Connor

[email protected]

I completed a BA in English Language (2017), and an MA in Linguistics (2020), both at The University of Manchester. Before beginning my PhD research, I was working as Research Assistant on the Multilingual Manchester project at the University of Manchester, carrying out sociolinguistic research on different aspects of urban multilingualism in the City of Manchester. Other university-based roles I have held have been in Research Administration and Outreach/Widening Participation, and outside of the university setting, teaching English as a foreign language (both in the UK and overseas).

My PhD project focuses on multilingualism, language provisions and language maintenance across online and offline spaces, with a focus on the city of Liverpool. I am carrying out a case study on Polish language practices across the city, and the role that social media plays in the maintenance of Polish language and the formation of language policies.

John Lennon Memorial Scholarship – University of Liverpool

Martina Delfino 

[email protected]  

Portuguese  L anguage  S pread : a n a nalysis of the relationships  among  policies of Portuguese language promotion  

After achieving a bachelor’s degree with Honours at the University of Turin (Italy) with  the  dissertation  Antonio Tabucchi: postmodern kaleidoscope. The last three days of Fernando Pessoa , I completed a  master’s  degree with Honours at the University of Bologna (Italy)  with  the  dissertation  Portuguese Language in  Brazilian  language policies   supervised by Dr Roberto Mulinacci and Dr Carlos Alberto Faraco ( University of  Paraná , Brazil).  

During the studies, I  participated in competitive exchange programs and I achieved the opportunity to  study at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal) for one year and at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brazil) for six months  where I contributed to the organization of the VII International Meeting of Language policy researchers.  

I am currently  a  member of  the  Associação Internacional  de  Lusitanistas  and the Society for Latin American Studies.  

Outside academia, I  have been passionately involved in language teaching as   a  Portuguese and Italian language Tutor for public and private institutions.

The research project positions itself in the interdisciplinary field of language policy studi es. It will be originally aiming at gaining a deep understanding of the  policies of international promotion of the Portuguese language formulated   by Portugal,  Brazil,  and the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP).   

The starting point of this research is a strong personal interest  in  the Portuguese language and  in  the postcolonial political relationship s  existing among the nine official Portuguese - speaking countries around the world.  Th e research will benefit  from  a  transdisciplinary analysis  and data  will be collected through a mix of  qualitative  methods.  

School of Histories, Languages and Culture  scholarship  

Holly Dempster-Edwards

[email protected]  

Gender, Race, Emotions and Text-Image Relations in Fifteenth-Century Burgundian Prose Epics and Chronicles

In 2019, I graduated with a First-Class BA (Hons) in French and Spanish from St Hilda's College at the University of Oxford, before spending a year teaching these languages at an international boarding school. 

I then undertook an MA Medieval Studies at the University of Leeds, graduating with a Distinction. Under the supervision of Professor Rosalind Brown-Grant, I wrote a dissertation entitled 'Emotions and Gender in  Berte as grans piés  and  L’Histoire de la Reine Berthe et du Roy Pepin ’.

I arrived at Liverpool in October 2021, and am carrying out a PhD in French under the supervision of Dr Rebecca Dixon and Dr Pollie Bromilow.

My current research is in the field of the History of Emotions, in particular in the later prose texts produced at the court of Philip the Good of Burgundy (r. 1419-1467). These are versions of verse texts from earlier centuries, reworked for a fifteenth-century Burgundian audience, which often took the form of lavishly illuminated manuscripts, so my research also focuses on text/image relations. I am interested in French epics and chronicles from across the Middle Ages, especially texts that deal with the themes of crusading, cross-cultural relations, and the identity categories of gender, race and religion. 

My PhD is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) via the North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership (NWCDTP).

Erika Drummond

[email protected]

Erika achieved her BA in Latin American studies during her time at the University of Liverpool. She then recieved an ESRC scholarship to commence her MRes and PhD relating to her interests in Mexico and Guatemala.

Outside of her studies, Erika has spent a lot of time researching in Guatemala and interacting with local communities there.

"Maternal mortality, reproductive risk, and obstetric violence: the pregnancy and childbirth experiences of the ‘otherised’ women in Guatemala"

Erika's research focuses on how Guatemalan women’s maternal health and child-birthing experiences reflect deep rooted processes of socio-cultural discrimination and gender based violence, which undermine their health and wellbeing. Previously, her research has emphasised the ways in which maternal mortality in Guatemala has made the conversation around childbirth incredibly emotive and politically charged in ways which have ‘otherised’ women and midwives, and reinvigorated social hierarchies within the health care setting. However, since beginning fieldwork in August 2017, rather than emphasising the ‘marginality’ of midwives, Erika's focus has been on highlighting the crucially political role that they play in their communities. This aspect of her work thus seeks to explore the very relevant position that midwives occupy in present day Guatemala, and how their work provides invaluable emotional and physical support for impoverished women, in ways which are culturally empowering to themselves, their patients and their communities.

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

Sarah Ellis

[email protected]

I am a Postgraduate Researcher and Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Liverpool, who fuses together a Spanish Golden Age literary phenomenon known as the picaresque, with modern-day Spanish national identity in times of political and socioeconomic crisis and corruption through exploring the shift in the lexical metamorphism of the term "picaresque" throughout key transitional moments past and present.

As of July 2022, I successfully passed my 30,000-word thesis and viva voce exam to be awarded a Master of Arts (MA) by Research in Spanish Literature through the University of Leeds. Prior to this, I graduated from the University of Exeter in 2017 with a BA (Hons) in Spanish and Italian with proficiency in Portuguese after also having completed a year abroad split between Salamanca, Spain and Venice, Italy.

I actively look for opportunities where I can disseminate my research, having presented at several conferences including Oxford University’s CLSG 2021 conference; with a subsequent publication in CLSG’s The Glass Academic Journal to follow, Leeds’ LCS Postgraduate Conference, Durham Castle’s 2021 conference and the 2021 CELPYC virtual conference.

‘Lexical Metamorphism of the Picaresque: Mapping Crisis, Criminality and the Catalan Question through its Evolving Identity’

Spanish literature in the XVI and XVII centuries, the picaresque, the Spanish Golden Age,  Lazarillo de Tormes , the neopicaresque, Spanish national identity, regionalism in Spain, the transition from Francoist Spain to democracy, modern-day Spain, Spanish politics.

Research Funding 

Sponsored internally by the Newton Bequest Graduate Teaching Assistant Scholarship in Iberian and Latin American Studies.

Louise Evans

[email protected]   

Louise earned both her BA in English & Hispanic Studies, and her MRes in Hispanic Studies, at University of Liverpool. Her MRes focused on the ways in which Spanish Instagram poetry (Instapoesía) is changing the face of contemporary literature through certain linguistic and visual changes afforded by the digital medium. Through analysis of a shorter, more concise style and the permeation of ‘el lenguaje informático,’ her research examined the ways in which contemporary digital poetry is changing not only the role of the reader, but the ‘acto de observar’ itself (Vilariño Picos: 2013).

Outside of her studies, Louise works as a Spanish Advisor for the University’s Language Lounge, assisting students by providing grammatical and conversational sessions. She is also learning French through the University’s Continuing Education department. She often writes about poetry published through social media (albeit in the Anglophone context) for monthly Brizo Magazine.

" ‘Tu cuerpo en verso:’ the representation of sexuality, (modern) relationships and the female body in Spanish Instagram poetry."

Not only to advertise but to publish their own poetry, a new generation of Spanish poets is transforming the art form by claiming digital media as its writing space. During his Peers Annual Lecture at the University of Liverpool in 2017, the great poeta de la experiencia Luis García Montero contemplated how Spanish lyricists are beginning to write with great entity, searching for ‘their own space.’ This ‘new space’ is allowing this phenomenon to become the most accessible form of literature in contemporary Hispanic consciousness, something which is making Maher ‘excited about [the trend’s] new capacity for poets to build something… toward larger change’ (2018).

This multi-faceted, virtual environment becomes a useful site to project societal concerns, rather than an online environment whose purpose is confined solely to the field of self-expression. Employing post-feminist and digital media critical theory (Kinnahan, 2005, Dobson, 2015 & Jackson, 2018) Louise’s research will aim to articulate the complexities of a feminine subject position in a Spanish, digital society.

Ultimately, acknowledging this genre of poetry as a valid part of literary culture in a broad sense, is beneficial as it ‘develop[s] an understanding of the literary that is adequate to the digital age because it takes into account the multiplicities and convergences of contemporary media culture’ (Schaefer, 2015: 179). The linguistic and visual representations of modern relationships and the female body through digital poetry address contemporary identity issues, whilst reworking or reclaiming traditional and historical poetic styles. Particularly salient to the research group ‘Media Histories: from Manuscript to Digital,’ at University of Liverpool, Louise’s project will charter a literary trajectory that is socially, culturally and intellectually relevant to the academic discourse of today.

E. Allison Peers Scholarship

Athanasia Francis

[email protected]

Athanasia (Nancy) was awarded with a BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature and a Master’s degree in European Studies. She holds a second Master’s degree in Social Anthropology and History focusing on gender and sexuality, and has worked as a field ethnographer in Greece. Nancy also holds a PGCert in History and Archaeology from the University of Leicester, focusing on phenomenological approaches and women’s history. She was awarded a European scholarship in 2004-5 for studies at the University of Cologne, and has attained First Class Honours awards across all degrees.

Outside academia, Nancy is a qualified teacher in the UK, has worked in education for over a decade, and has co-ordinated European student projects (Comenius- eTwinning). She has also worked in the heritage sector in audience engagement and learning programmes for several London museums, parallel to her work in refugee support services as a caseworker for refugee women seeking asylum in the UK. Nancy is a (trans)feminist activist involved in migrant women and non-binary people activist initiatives, and an advocate for campaign groups in support of European citizens in the UK post-Referendum. 

" Ahizpatasuna, Sororidad, Sisterhood: Embodied Entanglements of Iberian Feminisms and Transnational Socio-Political Claims in the Redefinition of Contemporary Political Agency - An Ethnography of Resistance, Othering and Belonging"

In this comparative approach, the researcher will follow the newly added and resurfaced initiatives in contemporary Basque/Iberian feminist activism, particularly as expressed after women’s general strike on 8 th  March 2018. This unprecedented coming together of the 8M Huelga/Greba, shortly followed by equally impressive demonstrations against the judiciary treatment of the Pamplona rape case of the male group calling themselves ‘La Manada’ in April 2018, suggested a new era in political reconfigurations. This paradigm shift was put forward by women and non-binary people in every major town in Spain and in the Basque Country, but also transnationally, including Latin America as well as the UK. In both cases, the enormous mobilisation brought together women and non-binary people from different backgrounds and political identifications under a unified feminist banner against systemic oppression and gender-based violence, redefining the political and its priorities in public discourse through the lens of their feminism and beyond national boundaries. Feminist activists in local and international groups aligned their specific interests to wider agendas, through solidarity against violence, illegal abortions, exploitation under neoliberal capitalism, and the rise of fascist, xenophobic discourse. Through the lens of a phenomenological paradigm, with its emphasis on corporeal and subjective lived experiences, combined with the multimodality of visual and digital anthropology, and applying sensuous ethnography, this project will trace the identifications and creative operations of feminist activists in initiatives that transform the notion of the ‘political’ and its resistance potential as advocated in these feminisms.

E. Allison Peers Scholarship 

Thomas Lockwood

[email protected]  

Tom graduated from the University of Bangor with a BA (MArts)  History and Archaeology  in 2016 and went on to complete a  Documentary Filmmaking  MA at John Moore’s University in 2018.

"Sinistro o spettacolo: A re-evaluation of the critical response to poliziotteschi."

In his research, Tom aims to analyse and re-evaluate the critical reaction to  poliziotteschi  films by analysing reviews and articles in Italian newspapers, magazines, fanzines and journals during the initial release of the films in the 1970s to now. This re-evaluation will allow for a deeper understanding of the critic response to these films than currently understood in modern discourse, in which discussions of the critic reaction to this  filone  are often over-simplified due to a lack of current research on this topic.

Joanna Morley

[email protected]

After careers in marketing and book publishing, I completed an MA in Understanding and Securing Human Rights at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies (School of Advanced Study, University of London) in 2015, during which time I also interned as a research assistant at the Human Rights Consortium. I completed an MRes in Social Research at University of Liverpool in September 2018 as part of the ESRC funded NWSSDTC 1+3 research pathway, moving on to begin my PhD research in October 2018. I was also Vice President of the Postgraduates in Latin American Studies (PILAS) Committee 2017/18 responsible for delivering the PILAS Annual Conference at University of Liverpool in June 2018. I live and work in London. 

I research and deliver guest lectures to both BA and MA students on the subject of Sustainable Development in Latin America and my particular research focus is in the area of natural resource governance, socio-environmental conflicts and the green energy transition. I have published articles on environmental governance in Brazil and the Amazon fires as ecocide (2020), environmental governance, sustainable development and oil in Ecuador (2017), as well as on Nicaragua's Grand Canal Project (2018).

"Social Understandings of the ‘Ecological Transition’ and the contested politics of Renewable Energy and Natural Resource Exploitation in Ecuador"

This research will explore attempts to diversify Ecuador’s energy matrix away from traditional fossil fuels, focusing specifically on the promotion of renewable energy projects in the country. The research is interview-based and will be conducted initially online from the UK, and also during a fieldwork trip to Ecuador, to allow for empirical data collected from local communities and people connected to energy projects, including NGO, industry, company and government representatives at the national and local level), as well as commentators on the energy transition in Ecuador and Latin America

The research aims to understand  how renewable projects redefine the political landscapes and social understandings of sustainable energy development at the national and local level, and what this reveals about the localisation of debates surrounding natural resource exploitation and governance within global sustainable development and climate mitigation policies.  It aims to bring a discussion of renewable energy projects to the academic debates surrounding socio-environmental conflicts and natural resource governance in Latin America, within the context of international governance agendas of sustainable development in the context of the post pandemic green recovery, negotiated within varied power dynamics at the international, national and local level.

NWSSDTC 1+3 pathway

Research Centre Membership

  • Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS)
  • Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
  • Human Rights Researcher’s Network (HRRN)
  • ENCA (Environmental Network of Central America)

Professional Experience

  • Apr - Nov 2021 - Research Assistant to Dr. Jewellord   Nem Singh   Editing and preparation of a monograph intended for use as a course reader, to be sent to publishers. Book title: Business of the State - Why State Ownership Matters for Resource Governance
  • Jan 2020 - October 2020 - Research Assistant to Professor Julian Burger Various research briefs, including for Professor Burger’s contributions to: Burger (2020)  Amazon: challenges for environmental and indigenous rights (European Parliament, June 2020)  UNESCO (2021)  Report on Endangered Languages  [ working tit le]
  • Jan - Mar 2015 - Research Intern, Human Rights Consortium (HRC), London Internship at the HRC at the University of London during my MA and worked with the Director to finalise a paper calling for a human rights impact assessment for fracking projects in the UK (see below) and a research grant application. 

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Dec 21)

     Guest Lectures:

  • Mar 2021 -  Lecture, seminars and delivery of course material for week 6 ‘Natural Resources and Sustainable Development in Latin America’ on LATI209  ‘ Globalisation and Development in Latin America’, module University of Liverpool (UK)
  • Oct 2020 -  virtual webinar ‘Sustainable Development in Latin America’, International Development MA, Aalborg University (Denmark)
  • Oct 2019  - ‘Sustainable Development’, International Relations BA, Aalborg University (Denmark)
  • Oct 2019  - ‘Green Energy Transition and Sustainable Development’, International Development MA, Aalborg University (Denmark)
  • Oct 2019 - ' Sustainable Development in Latin America’, International Development MA, Aalborg University (Denmark)
  • Nov 2018  - ‘Natural Resource Exploitation in Latin America: Buen Vivir and Sustainable Development in Ecuador’, Presentation for undergraduate module ‘Globalisation and Development in Latin America’, University of Liverpool (UK)


  • Co-authored Article: Raftopoulos, R and Morley, J (2020) ‘Ecocide in the Amazon: The Contested Politics of Environmental Rights in Brazil’  The International Journal of Human Rights  (24) 10
  • Book chapter (2017) ‘Human rights and socio-environmental conflict in Nicaragua’s Grand Canal project’.  Natural Resource Development and Human Rights in Latin America: State and Non-state Actors in the promotion and opposition to extractivism activities. University of London 2017.
  • Article (2017) ‘ ... Beggars sitting on a sack of gold’: Oil exploration in the Ecuadorian Amazon as buen vivir and sustainable development. International Journal of Human Rights: Special Issue: Social-Environmental Conflicts, Extractivism and Human Rights in Latin America . Volume 21 issue 4, 2017
  • Article (2015) Extreme energy, ‘fracking’ and human rights: a new field for human rights impact assessments? International Journal of Human Rights.  Volume19 issue 6, 2015

Luodeng Ouyang 

[email protected]   

The evolving Chinese ethnic minorities film  genre :  A case study of  Tibetan theme d   film s

Luodeng was awarded a BA in Radio and Television Directing (2013) and then awarded an MA in Film and Television Production from the University of Bristol (2016).  

Outside academia, Luodeng is a director and cinematographer for several years. He has also worked in the media company as  the  vice president and the Director of the video department.  

Contemporary Chinese   Ethnic Minorities Films / Tibetan Cinema  /  D igital   Cinematography   

Jemima Paine

Jemima Paine is a first-year PhD candidate in French working under the supervision of Prof Charles Forsdick and Dr Lisa Shaw.

Before starting at Liverpool, I completed a Bachelor degree in English and French and a Master of Studies in French at the University of Oxford. For the latter, I completed a dissertation entitled ‘Poet’s Corner: Black verse in the periodicals of Paris and Harlem, 1917-1934’ under the supervision of Profs Jane Hiddleston and Lloyd Pratt. This MSt study forms the basis of my current doctoral project.

My doctoral research centres on the poetry published in US and Francophone periodicals during the early twentieth century. Periodicals provided a unique locus for black verse during the New Negro Renaissance and Négritude movement, placing poetry in dialogue with editorials, articles and alternative art forms.

For this project, I aim to stage an internal reading of the poetry whilst paying close attention to how material properties of the periodical and its transnational circulation altered perceptions of the notions of black identity expressed therein.

Funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) via the North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership (NMCDTP).

Andrew Robertson

[email protected]

“Creating the Collective”: An exploration of the methodology used to represent a united community within 20 th  century Andean testimonio sindicalista."

After leaving school, I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Reading, graduating with First Class Honours in Spanish and History in the Summer of 2020. During this period, I spent a year in Spain working at a Valencian secondary school as an English Language Assistant. Following my undergraduate studies, I completed a Master of Research degree in Latin American Studies at the University of Liverpool, graduating in Winter, 2021. Immediately after the completion of my Master’s, I began a PhD in the same discipline, focusing on Latin American testimonial literature and, specifically, the representation of Andean organised labour within these sources.

Latin American testimonial literature, Andean ethnography, 20 th  century Latin American rural organised labour movements, Syncretistic religion. 

E. Allison Peers Doctoral Studentship.

Naiara Unzurrunzaga

[email protected]

“Imagining 'another' education: re-humanising education with a critical decolonial horizon."

I have a BA in Translating and Interpreting from the Universidad del País Vasco, where I am originally from. I moved to Liverpool in 2008 where I became interested in education and became a Modern Languages teacher after gaining a PGCE in Secondary at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). 

I have taught Spanish and French both at primary and secondary level first in the UK and then abroad for 10 years. When returning to the UK, I decided to go back to university and gained an MA in Education, Globalisation and Social Change at LJMU.

This was a turning point in my career as I then moved on to University of Liverpool to pursue further postgraduate studies in the area of Latin American Studies, from where I have now gained an MRes in Latin American studies.

I am interested in imagining another type of education that is radically human (Fanon, 1961: Wynter, 2003; 2015).

Inspired by Sylvia Wynter's theory of the human and her conception of historical discourse organised by a series of epistemic breaks (2000;2003), my project aims to interrogate the validity of Western philosophical thought, humanism and knowledge as universal and investigate the implication of this in knowledge production, education institutions and the epistemologies they uphold. This intends to provide a deeper understanding of how the dehumanisation in perpetuated by educational processes and institutions. 

In addition, my project also has an action research approach as it aims to explore existing alternative educational experiences (specifically in Latin America, but not necessarily limited to the region) that are unsettling the de-humanising effects of hegemonic Western epistemologies and knowledge production and the education system that uphold them. Engaging with existing alternative educational experiences will encourage critical reflection on the conditions of possibility and constraints on radically re-humanising education provisions and how to potentially create collective spaces to imagine ‘others’ anew.

The starting point of this research project is inspired by my own frustrated experience as a teacher as I was witness to what I consider to be a crisis in education. I believe it is critical for educators to continue engaging in and thinking new ways to re-humanise education. My main argument is that although it is undeniable that education has had and continues to have a key role in the dehumanisation of humanity, it is also exactly because of the powerful nature of this, that educational spaces hold a huge potential in which teaching can be done to transgress (hooks, 1994) in order to unsettle the coloniality of knowledge and power (Wynter, 2003).   This is where I position myself. My intention is for my research journey to be a contribution to the type of scholarship that imagines, rethinks, and seeks another type of education.

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) - NWSSDTC 1+3 pathway

Tatiana Wells 

[email protected]  

Digitofagia   SubXamânica : immersions in 20 years of tactical archives and practices in Brazil  

Tatiana is a journalist with a Masters in  Hipermedia  Studies and a great experience in collaborations with Brazilian Arts and Media collectives, producing festivals, workshops, publications  and art works . Some of these works can be found here  Arquivos   Táticos  and  She is now a PhD candidate at University of Liverpool.   

Free software, tactical media, intersectional feminism, decolonial media appropriations, archives, Brazil and Latin American technological imaginaries  


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    PhD thesis, University of Liverpool. Austin, Harrison (2022) An evaluation of hepatitis B virus in England and the host-virus interplay as a key determinant of disease outcomes. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool. Wilson, Catherine (2022) The epidemiology of Salmonella at a household level in Malawi.

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    Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Liverpool. Giorgi, Francesco (2021) Particles dynamics at the nanoscale. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool. Briscoe, Andrew (2021) The discovery of the alpha emitter 160Os, the beta emitter 156W and an electromagnetic decay branch from the 25/2 − spin gap isomer in 155Lu.

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    Requirements of a PhD at the University of Liverpool The full rules and regulations regarding PhD's are contained in Ordinance 57(B) (for students who started their studies ... Usually PhD theses (including footnotes and appendices) should not exceed 100,000 words and MPhil theses should not exceed 60,000 words. Finishing Your PhD: Thesis ...

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    Information on the requirements for submission of a PhD thesis at the University of Liverpoolcan be found in the PGR Code of Practice: ... LDC Development Team, Liverpool Doctoral College, University of Liverpool 126 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L69 3GW UK +44 (0)151 794 5106. Call the department +44 (0)151 794 5106. The Original Red Brick ...

  9. How do I access a thesis?

    The British Library in association with higher education institutions in the UK will provide online access to the full-text of UK doctoral theses through (Electronic Theses Online). The University of Liverpool is a contributor to this service. Some institutions lend their Masters theses within the UK. For these please contact.

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    PhD thesis, University of Liverpool. Shiggins, Connor ORCID: 0000-0001-8249-921X (2023) Iceberg distributions in Greenland's fjords. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool. Bunday, Tobias (2023) Assessment of the efficacy and safety of a novel pharmacological strategy designed to enhance liver regeneration following tumour resection.

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    PhD thesis, University of Liverpool. Morabit, Youssef (2020) Physicochemical effects of turbulence and entrainment in atmospheric pressure plasma jets. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool. Srikandarajah, Nisaharan (2020) Development of the Cauda Equina Syndrome Core Outcome Set for research studies.

  14. How to write a PhD research proposal

    What it should include. As a guide, research proposals should be around 2,000-3,000 words and contain: A title - this is just tentative and can be revised over the course of your research. An abstract - a concise statement of your intended research. Context - a brief overview of the general area of study within which your proposed research ...

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    PhD thesis, University of Liverpool. McAreavey, L (2019) Development of the DEPICT System for Gamma-ray Imaging in Molecular Radiotherapy. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool. Coca Clemente, J (2019) Electrochemical and surface study of lithium-rich transition metal oxides used as cathodes in lithium-ion batteries.

  16. UoL & XJTLU: PhD students from the University of Liverpool visit the

    In an era marked by rapid scientific advancements and global interconnectedness, the importance of international collaboration in research and education cannot be overstated. This sentiment was vividly embodied during a recent visit on July 26th and 27th, 2024 by a cohort of PhD students in Chemistry from the University of Liverpool (UoL), UK to the […]

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  18. How to submit the final version of your PhD thesis

    The University has an expectation that a PhD thesis is a document available for public consultation. As such, unless a legitimate reason for restricting access to the thesis exists, all PhD theses will be made publicly available on the internet via the Edinburgh Research Archive (ERA).. It is highly recommended that you discuss with your primary supervisor the implications of publishing your ...

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    Postgraduate Researcher Experience Team. Our Postgraduate Researcher Experience Team (PRET) offers support to postgraduate researchers at the University of Liverpool. PhDs and studentships at the University of Liverpool offer you tailored training and development and a vibrant research community.

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    PhD thesis, University of Liverpool. Hern, Faye , Tatham, Lee ORCID: 0000-0001-9448-8876 , Owen, Andrew ORCID: 0000-0002-9819-7651 and Rannard, Steve ORCID: 0000-0002-6946-1097 (2018) Direct synthesis of nanoparticles with spatial heterogeneity for tailored cellular interactions.

  21. Simply the best: Prestigious international prize for PhD thesis

    The Springer Theses series is a book series, published annually, featuring the `best of the best' PhD theses from around the world in the fields of chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering and materials science. ... University of Liverpool Liverpool L69 3BX Liverpool city centre campus map; Find us +44 (0)151 794 2000; All contact details;

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    Three minute thesis. The three-minute thesis (3MT) competition was developed by the University of Queensland to celebrate the exciting research conducted by doctoral research students. Since the inaugural event in 2008 the popularity of the competition has reached truly global heights with 900 universities holding events across 85 countries.

  23. PhD Students

    The PhD project I am undertaking, supervised by Robin Whelan and , began in late 2020. Prior to beginning my research at the University of Liverpool, I completed an MLitt in Medieval History at the University of St Andrews (2019-20), which itself followed my undergraduate study if History there (MA, 2015-19).

  24. PhD Students

    Biography. Manel Boulahia is a full-time PhD student, under the supervision of Professor Robert Blackwood and Dr Stefania Tufi. Completed a Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics, in 2016, at the University of Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria. Completed a Master's Degree in Language and and Communication, in 2018, after having completed a ...