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A Beginner’s Guide for Becoming a Better Problem Solver

How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself. – Norman Vincent Peale

Three Methods of Thinking

Problem-solving, creative and critical thinking go hand-in-hand helping us to see the world from a number of different vantage points. Each of these ways of thinking strengthens our capacity to think flexibly and intelligently when faced with the unending problems that life throws our way.

This post will specifically focus on the process of problem-solving and how you can use it to break through life’s most difficult challenges. We will specifically explore the attitude, beliefs, habits, and qualities that are indispensable for effective problem-solving. We will also outline a primary problem-solving method that will help you to break down any obstacles that stand in your way. And to finish off we will look at some ongoing problem-solving tactics you can use to keep your mind focused and proactive when dealing with life’s daily challenges.

This article post is part of the  Effective Thinking  series of IQ Matrix maps that are designed to help you successfully deal with the problems and challenges confronting your reality. Topics within this series include:

• Part 1: Strategic Questions • Part 2: Creative Thinking • Part 3: Problem Solving • Part 4: Critical Thinking • Part 5: Six Thinking Hats

Indispensable Problem Solver Attributes

To become a great problem solver requires a little more than a set of effective problem-solving strategies. In fact, your ability to solve problem starts in your head at a psychological level.

If you do not take the time to fully condition your mind and prepare it for the act of problem-solving, then you will struggle to consistently adopt the daily behaviors and rituals that are required for effective problem-solving.

Within this section, we will identify the indispensable attributes required for problem-solving that you must learn to cultivate on a daily basis. If you fail to incorporate these qualities into your psyche, then you will struggle to apply the relevant problem-solving techniques and strategies discussed in this post.

A Problem Solver’s Attitude

A problem solver’s attitude determines how they consistently tackle problems on a daily basis. This attitude is evident in their thoughts, behaviors, and actions, and it is this attitude that helps build their resolve and shapes their character.

Let’s delve into the mind of an effective problem solver and identify some of the attitudes that are absolutely indispensable to their ongoing success:

“I will make sure to do things carefully.”

An effective problem solver always strives to work through their problems in a patient, meticulous and careful way. They fully understand that the care they give to a problem at the beginning will help them to realize better results in the future.

“This problem can be solved.”

An effective problem solver intuitively understands that any problem can and will be solved, given enough time, patience and meticulous careful attention.

“I must persist until a solution is reached.”

An effective problem solver knows that not all problems will be solved within the time frame they may have expected. However, they also understand that if they are persistent and resolute, that eventually a solution will be found.

“If I don’t solve it now, I will next time.”

An effective problem solver realizes that whatever cannot be solved now, will eventually be solved another time.

They fully understand that due to their current level of skill, knowledge, or simply due to circumstances out of their control, that a solution simply cannot be reached.

An effective problem solver will bide their time to acquire new information and knowledge, to develop and enhance their skill levels, and to gain insights from a variety of perspectives. They completely understand that eventually, the right solution will indeed come their way as long as they never give up.

“I am going to enjoy this process.”

An effective problem solver knows that unless they adopt a playful, curious and inquisitive attitude, that they will struggle to find appropriate solutions. They therefore always strive to find new and unique ways to enjoy the process of working their way through a problem.

Problem Solver Attitude, Beliefs and Habits

A Problem Solver’s Beliefs

An effective problem solver has a set of indispensable beliefs and convictions that direct and propels their thoughts, actions, and daily behaviors. These beliefs are so deeply ingrained in their psyche that it would take the force and willpower of the entire world to shake these feeling of certainty.

Beliefs are opinions that we have about things, ourselves, others and the world around us that are injected with an undeniable sense of certainty.

Let’s now take a look at a handful of beliefs that are critical for effective problem solving:

“There is no failure, only feedback.”

An effective problem solver believes that outcomes bring with them no failure, but rather only feedback. This feedback must be used as a source of knowledge, insight, and inspiration to help enhance the decision-making process.

“There is a way to make this work.”

An effective problem solver believes that there is always a way to make things work. They may not see the solution at this very moment, however with a little persistence they wholeheartedly believe that they will eventually reach a satisfactory outcome.

“Choice is better than no choice.”

An effective problem solver believes that it is better to have more choices than to be limited by the choices that one has. As such, they always strive to expand the possibilities, to expand the opportunities and avenues for answers — allowing for as many choices as possible to further their understanding of the problem.

“Success can be modeled.”

An effective problem solver believes that successful problem solving can be modeled. As such, they consistently seek out other people who have successfully overcome similar problems and they attempt to model their thinking, decisions, and actions in a meticulous way. This helps them to overcome the obstacles and challenges in their own life.

“Curiosity expands opportunities and possibilities.”

An effective problem solver believes that one must be curious at all times if one desires to spot the opportunities and possibilities that lie along one’s path.

Curiosity is an endearing characteristic that helps expand creativity, intelligence and one’s ability to think under pressure.

A Problem Solver’s Habits

An effective problem solver has a set of daily habits and rituals. These habits assist them to think more effectively and proactively about the problems and challenges they are confronted with.

Let’s take a look at three habitual thinking patterns that are indispensable for effective problem solving:

Deep Probing

An effective problem solver cultivates the habit of deep-probing. This involves the process of meticulous thinking, which takes into account all angles and perspectives about a problem — making sure that nothing is left to chance.

They fully realize that through a process of simple deduction that they will be better able to work their way through the problem in a more effective and efficient way.

The habit of deep probing can be compared to the simple act of peeling layers off an onion. Each layer that the problem solver peels allows them to dig deeper into the heart of the problem, and thusly closer to the inevitable solution.

Associating with the Past

An effective problem solver realizes that any new piece of information can effectively be associated with past memories, experiences, and learnings, to further their problem-solving ability.

Recognizing Patterns

An effective problem solver effortlessly recognizes patterns within every problem or circumstance.

Everything within our Universe is built upon patterns and rhythmic dances that create the events and circumstances of our lives. In fact, these same patterns cause and create our life’s problems and circumstances.

By identifying and learning to understand these patterns, effective problem solvers are able to decipher clues that will lead them to reliable solutions and answers.

When attempting to identify patterns look for similarities, differences, rhythms, errors, future scenarios and trends that the problem is bringing to light.

A Problem Solver’s Characteristics

An effective problem solver can easily be distinguished from others by the key personality characteristics that naturally help them to break down boundaries and attain the heights of logical and constructive thought.

The characteristics presented below are the primary traits we must cultivate within our own personalities if we seek to successfully overcome the problems and challenges that are confronting our daily lives.

An effective problem solver understands that many problems will never fully be solved if a risk isn’t involved.

A risk may mean overcoming a fear, thinking outside-the-box, or simply making the tough decisions that at the moment may seem uncertain and unclear.

Problem solvers are risk takers who believe that intelligent risk-taking will enable them to reach effective solutions to the challenges confronting their daily reality.

An effective problem solver is persistent in thought, decision, and action. They clearly understand that there are a means and way around any problem, fully believing that as long as they persist and persevere that they will always find an angle that will help them obtain a desired outcome.


An effective problem solver displays passion and enthusiasm at all times. These two qualities provide them with the energy and motivation they need to help them overcome the toughest of challenges.

An effective problem solver is meticulous with every step they take moving towards their desired outcomes.

This thoroughness allows them to work through their problems step-by-step — taking into account all angles and perspectives.

Adaptable and Flexible

An effective problem solver is constantly vigilant and aware of constantly changing circumstances. They clearly understand that problems can shift and change at a moments notice, and as a result, they must adapt their approach accordingly.

It is only through flexibility-of-thought that they are able to work through their problems in an efficient and effective way.

Open Minded

An effective problem solver is always humbly open minded to other people’s opinions and perspectives. They clearly understand that they do have all the answers and that others may indeed have alternative views that will help them to see things from new and unique perspectives. This likewise helps open the doors to new understandings that would not otherwise have been available to them.


An effective problem solver approaches their daily challenges in a light-hearted and playful manner. They fully realize the overwhelming power that problems can have on their psyche. To counteract this, they approach each problem in a playful and light-hearted way — helping them to find solutions and answers where others only see overwhelm and distress.

An effective problem solver is proactive. They understand, they just have to keep moving forward and continue to take proactive action no matter how uncertain events or circumstances may seem at any specific moment in time.

The opposite of being proactive is being reactive . When we are reactive  we become easily overwhelmed by the events and circumstances of our lives because we fail to take control of our emotional responses.

An effective problem solver is a curious thinker .

Curiosity naturally leads to a plethora of questions that need to be answered. Once answered, they can evolve into a myriad of solutions that will help you to attain your desired goals and objectives far more quickly.


An effective problem solver does not conform to the standards and norms of mainstream society. Instead, they think out of the box and break the rules in order to attain their desired outcomes.

The Primary Problem Solving Method

There are many problem-solving techniques and strategies that we could present here. However, there is essentially only one primary problem-solving method that will help you to structure and break down a problem step-by-step from the beginning to the very end. To view an advanced version of this problem-solving method, please check out the  Visual Thinking Path .

Within this section, we will work our way through a six-step primary problem-solving method.

By consciously learning to apply each of these steps/phases into your problem-solving regime, you will proactively take control of your daily decision-making process.

The Preparation Phase

This phase helps you to identify, define and decipher an overall picture and understanding of the problem that is currently confronting your reality.

As you progress through this phase, it is important to gain as much clarity about your problem as possible from absolutely every angle and perspective. Any assumptions or misunderstandings here could very well sabotage your ability to reach an effective solution. Therefore be very careful to clarify everything clearly and meticulously.

Identify the Problem

Your first step is to always clearly identify the problem that is confronting your reality. Many people fail to do this correctly, and as a result, they discover that what they thought was a problem is, in fact, a mistaken assumption that now requires a dramatically different approach.

Define Problem in Writing

Once you have identified the problem, your next step is to clearly define it on paper. It is only through the process of writing our thoughts down on paper that we attain the clarity we need to effectively deal with the challenges that stand in our way.

Question the Problem

To further clarify and expand your understanding about this problem, it is recommended that you ask yourself a set of open-ended questions that will help you to define the problem from a variety of angles and perspectives.

The questions you should be asking yourself must be focused on the What? When? Where? Why? Who? and How? of the problem under question.

Undertaking this process with meticulous attention will open new insights and understandings that will help you as you move through this problem-solving strategy.

It is important to understand that you are not seeking solutions or answers here but rather gathering insights about the problem from as many different angles and perspectives you can identify.

Here are a few questions to get you started:

What is the actual problem that is impeding my progress? When did this problem occur? Where did this problem first appear? Why is this problem impeding my progress? Who is involved in this problem? How is this problem influencing other areas of my life?

Determine Possible Causes

Once you have clarified the problem, your next step is to identify the possible causes that may have triggered these outcomes.

Again during this stage, you must continue asking What? When? Where? Why? Who? and How? questions.

What could be the potential causes of this problem? When did these causes originate? Where did these causes originate? Why did these causes originate? Who could have triggered this problem? How does all this help me with identifying the causes of this problem?

Reframe the Problem

Once you have identified and defined the causes of the problem, it is important to open your mind to alternative perspectives.

At this stage, you are not yet seeking answers or solutions but rather opening your mind to different perspectives that will help you to understand the problem from a variety of angles.

Here are a few reframing questions to get you started:

How might other people perceive this problem? How would I perceive this problem if I was to look back on it 12 months from this day? What if I was completely detached from this problem and its outcomes. How would I now perceive it? What has to be true for this to be a problem?

Define Desired Outcomes

Finally, you must gain clarity by defining the desired outcomes you would like to attain from successfully working your way through this problem.

These outcomes will help direct your mind towards solutions as you progressively move through the remaining phases.

The strategy you use to achieve this outcome isn’t important at this stage. The only thing that matters is that you clarify on paper the end objective or goal you would like to achieve.

Preparing for Problem Solving

The Generation Phase

This phase allows for free association and exploration of wild and crazy ideas that must not be judged, criticized or condemned for any reason.

The greater flexibility of thought you incorporate into this phase, the more effective the later phases will become.

It is important throughout this phase that you literally overwhelm your brain with as many solutions as possible. The greater the variety of solutions and strategies you come up with, the more insightful and effective the Incubation Phase will become.

Recall Past Learning, Experiences and Mistakes

Recalling your past life experiences will help you to gain a better perspective on your current predicament.

Many people constantly need to deal with the same ongoing problems because they simply fail to learn from their past experience and mistakes.

It is only through a process of self-reflection and understanding that we will gain the necessary insights to move through our current problems efficiently and effectively.

Keep in mind that any past experience — even if not directly related to your current problems — could potentially help you find the solutions you are after.

Explore Strategies and Solutions

Having brought your past learnings and mistakes into the present, you are now ready to brainstorm solutions and strategies that will help you to successfully overcome the challenge confronting your current reality.

While brainstorming it’s important not judge or criticize your solutions. Your thinking must flow effectively and efficiently from one idea to the next like water gently trickling off a leaf. All you are doing is generating possible and potential solutions that will help to expand your thinking and awareness about the problem you are currently experiencing.

You can lightly consider the drawbacks and obstacles that may be attached to each of your solutions, however primarily spend your time on the benefits of each strategy and how it could potentially lead you to the outcome you outlined within the Preparation Phase.

As a final thought, keep in mind that the how  isn’t important here. Instead, it is the what  that matters.

The Incubation Phase

This could very well be called the Resting Phase .

Your goal  here is to simply allow the solutions and ideas you came up with during the Generation Phase to harvest and grow within the recesses of your mind without ridicule or judgment.

The key here is to separate your mind from the problem so completely that it simply becomes irrelevant and insignificant.

Flowers cannot sprout and grow if weeds are dominating your thought process.

Indulge in Brainstorming Naps

Brainstorming naps are short 15 to 30-minute breaks you take throughout your day where you close your eyes and open yourself up to potential solutions.

Before you take these brainstorming naps, it is important that you partake in a good 30 to 45 minutes of intense thought and self-reflection about possible solutions to your problem.

As you lie back in a comfortable position and close your eyes, ask yourself the following questions:

How can I solve this problem in the most effective and efficient way? What must I do to attain my desired outcome?

Once your questions have been asked, simply settle down and observe your thoughts as though you are watching clouds drifting across the sky. Within these visual images, you may very well find the answers you are after.

Sleep on Problem

Simply put your problem to rest and go to sleep.

As you are nodding off, pose yourself insightful questions that will stimulate the thought process and encourage your brain to search for answers.

When you awaken the next morning, immediately reflect on your thoughts and dreams — they may hold the answers you have been searching for.

Change Your Environment to Improve Incubation

Stepping out into nature or simply into an inspiring and energetic environment will separate you from your problem and help you to think more effectively about potential solutions. However, since we are in the Incubation Phase, it is important to simply let go of the process of intense meticulous thinking. Instead, enjoy your surroundings and the answers you are after will eventually reveal themselves to you. And just in case, have a piece of paper and pen ready to write down inspiring solutions as they come your way.

Evolution Phase

Now that your ideas have had a chance to incubate within the recesses of your mind, you are now ready to take your thinking to the next level — becoming your worst and best critic.

Your goal throughout the Evolution Phase is to break down and clarify all your potential solutions progressively and meticulously allowing for deep insights and all round perspectives.

The more thorough you are while undertaking this process, the fewer problems you will face throughout the Implementation Phase that follows.

Prioritize and Evaluate Solutions

Collate all the solutions you brought forward throughout the Generation and Incubation Phases and evaluate them accordingly.

Evaluate the viability of these solutions by looking at them from a variety of different angles and perspectives. Also, take into account the time and energy you have available that will allow you to bring these solutions into the real world.

Once completed, prioritize your solutions to help you better decipher which ones could best assist you in overcoming your problems most effectively.

Speculate Potential Future Outcomes and Negative Consequences

Future-pace each solution and see it clearly helping you overcome your problem.

Identify the possible drawbacks, weaknesses, strengths and potential opportunities that may result.

The greater clarity you gain here, the easier it will be to settle on an ideal and clear-cut solution to your problem.

Settle on Solutions

Having accumulated a thorough and comprehensive list of solutions throughout the Generation and Incubation Phases, and having outlined the possible consequences of each of these outcomes, you are now ready to select one primary desirable solution that will help you overcome your problem in the most effective and efficient manner.

Take everything into consideration and decide which solution will best help you to achieve your desired outcome.

Implementation Phase

Your goal throughout the Implementation Phase is to progressively and meticulously work through the solution to your problem in a step-by-step manner using a process of logical decision making and action. You are basically bringing everything you have thought about and outlined on paper into reality.

Many people will struggle to get through this stage successfully because of the dreaded procrastination bug. Be sure that you don’t fall into this dirty trap. 🙁

Clarify Your Personal Vision of Outcome on Paper

Having settled on your ideal solution to this problem, take some time now to clarify this vision on paper.

Clarify the Personal Resources at Your Disposal

Identify the support, skills, knowledge, and tools you currently have at your disposal that will help you to successfully overcome this problem. These are your resources . If you find that you are lacking in some of these areas, then you may need to regroup and update your skills or knowledge to help you deal with this problem more effectively. Or you may simply need to obtain the help and support of a new group of people who can guide you through this problem in a more proactive and efficient way.

Create Three Alternative Plans of Action

Now that you have the necessary skills, knowledge, support, and tools you need to overcome this problem successfully, your next step is to draw up your plan of action.

As previously discussed, it is important to be flexible with your actions and to take into consideration all the drawbacks and potential pitfalls of these steps.

In order to minimize the possibilities of getting stuck, it is critical that you outline three alternative plans of action. If Plan A works out, then that’s great. However, if it fails miserably, then you still have Plan B and C at your disposal.

Set Clear Defined Deadlines for these Actions

Clear and defined deadlines will motivate you into action while providing you with a time sensitive objective to work towards.

Take Action Committing Yourself to the Result

How to Solve a Problem

The Learning Phase

This is an important phase that is very often overlooked. It will help you to clarify your thoughts, including the methods and strategies you used throughout the problem-solving process.

The learnings you gather from self-reflection will provide you with indispensable insights that will put your problem-solving methods in perspectives — improving the effectiveness and efficiency of your approach as you tackle similar challenges in the future.

Monitor Your Outcomes

As you progress along your journey towards implementing your solution, pay attention to the outcomes that result from every thought you make and every decision and action you take. This awareness will help you to better understand your personal traits and tendencies, which will likewise assist you with improving your problem-solving methods in the future.

Reflect on the Problem Solving Process

Once you have successfully overcome your problem, spend some time thinking and reflecting on the problem-solving process.

Here are some questions to get you started:

What did I do well, and what am I proud of about the way I conducted myself throughout this process? What problem solving traits did I cultivate and bring to the forefront throughout this process? What problem solving traits did I neglect? What mistakes did I make as I worked my way through this problem? What have I learned from these experiences? What could I have done better… more effectively and efficiently? How can I use these learnings and experiences to further my problem solving abilities in the future?

For a more advanced look at this problem-solving method, please check out the Visual Thinking Path .

Ongoing Problem Solving Tactics

Becoming an effective problem solver requires an ongoing process of conscious thought and action that opens new doors of opportunity to the solutions and answers you are after.

The solutions and answers you are after will be difficult to attain if you only apply the primary problem-solving method sporadically. Instead, you must consciously instill into your psyche habitual patterns of behavior that are consistent and aligned with a problem solver’s mentality.

Becoming an effective problem solver is not a part-time career, it is rather a full-time process that eventually becomes second nature.

Within this section, we will explore a number of effective ongoing problem-solving tactics you can use consistently throughout your day to keep your mind primed and ready for any challenge that may come your way.

Mindset Oriented Tactics

The following is a list of mindset oriented problem-solving tactics you can use on a consistent basis to keep your mind primed and ready for the challenges that come your way:

Visualize Your Desired Outcomes

It is said that we can only achieve our goals and objectives if we are able to clearly visualize them first in our minds-eye.

That which we are unable to visualize, we will likewise not be able to comprehend and realize within our physical reality.

When we were babies our motor skills developed over time through a process of observation and visualization. Only once we were able to successfully visualize in our minds-eye the process of picking-up physical objects, were we able to bring that same ability successfully into our physical reality. Given this, do you see how important it is to spend time visualizing your outcomes and the possible scenarios and strategies you will use to overcome your problems effectively?

Ask Questions Searching for Solutions

Questions are the keys that will unlock doors of opportunity and answers to even the most pressing of problems.

If you ask the ideal solution focused question , you will receive the right answers to help move you forward through your challenges in the most effective and efficient way.

Always See Opportunities for New Learnings

Problem-solving is essentially built upon the concept of opportunity-spotting.

Effective problem solvers don’t actually see problems as others do. Instead, they see only opportunities for new learnings, insights, and understandings that will help them to keep moving forward towards the attainment of their goals and objectives.

You must train your mind to look at every event or circumstance as an opportunity for you to become and grow to your full potential.

The challenges you face in life are there for a reason to help you attain your highest potential as a human being. See these problems as opportunities and you will move through them more effectively and swiftly than ever before.

Think Critically

By thinking critically about every problem and circumstance in your life, you will break down the walls of the assumption that tend to trap the mind within unhelpful thinking habits.

Think Creatively

Whereas problem-solving is very structured and logical, creativity , on the other hand, is unstructured and imaginative.

These two forms of effective thinking are in many ways tied together and will work in conjunction to help you break through the obstacles standing in your way.

Think is Solitude

In order to think more effectively about the problems in our lives, we must first clear the clutter from our heads.

This process begins when we remove ourselves from the physical distractions that could impede our thinking ability.

Within solitude, you will find peace, harmony and a sense of connection with your body, spirit, and mind. This will help release built-up tension while opening up the channels to intuitive, creative and logical thought — helping you to overcome your problems with far greater ease.

Let Go of Fears

Your fears will rob you of the ability to think effectively and problematically.

Effective problem solvers don’t allow their fears to control their thoughts, decisions, and actions. Instead, they usurp their fears and focus on the pleasures that will bring them the outcomes they desire to experience within their lives.

Let Go of Judgments and Criticisms

Effective problem solving requires us to let go of ill-fated judgments and criticisms.

The ideal solution can only be reached if we take time to harvest and cultivate it within the recesses of our minds for an extended period of time. This process thusly requires us to let go of the Devil’s Advocate role and milk our ideas for all their worth.

It is only towards the end of the problem-solving process that the Devil’s Advocate card should be played.

Let Go of Biases and Assumptions

For the same reason as mentioned above, we must let go of all biases and assumptions that may hold us back from successfully finding a solution to the problem at hand. This is often easier said than done because in many instances our assumptions and biases naturally color our understanding of reality.

If we mistakenly assume something, then we may redirect our thoughts, decisions, and actions down paths that we did not want to tread.

The solution is to ask insightful and carefully structured questions that will help us to break down the biases and assumptions we are holding onto at any one moment in time.

Allow for Fantasizing

Fantasizing can be an effective form of creative problem-solving.

Take time each and every day to remove yourself from physical reality and fantasize about creating a perfect life where everything you imagine becomes your reality.

This process will help to loosen your mind, and may very well open the doors to a set of insightful ideas that will assist you in overcoming your problems more effectively.

Allow for Playfulness

Playfulness is another endearing quality that you must cultivate every single day.

Perceive each and every problem as an intriguing game that you must win at all costs. Play this game, have fun, and enjoy the experience to its fullest.

Allow for Idea Incubation

No idea will fully evolve and grow to its fullest potential if you fail to incubate it within the recesses of your mind for a period of time.

Sometimes brilliant ideas can come to us quite effortlessly. As a result, our excitement takes over and we immediately take action in an attempt to bring the idea into physical reality. However, later we realize that the idea was incomplete or simply didn’t work as expected.

In instances such as these, it is easy to get disheartened. Our idea was great, but for some reason, it just didn’t evolve because little did we realize at the time, that this iceberg-idea was only the tip of a much larger, complete and comprehensive thought-pattern that was never brought to the surface .

In such instances, we must learn from this experience and take time to incubate our ideas as we move forward into the future.

Explore Funny and Foolish Ideas

No idea should ever be ruled out. Every idea is valid and useful no matter how foolish, crazy or funny it might seem on the surface. In fact, some of the most foolish ideas have indeed earned people millions and others billions of dollars. For this very reason, it’s critical that you never discount any idea until you have taken it through the entire problem-solving cycle discussed within this post.

Methods for Solving Problems

Explore Alternative Perspectives Using Lenses

Lenses are a form of creative problem solving that will help you to expand your understanding and awareness of your circumstances from a variety of unique and interesting perspectives.

Each lens will help you to see the problem from a new point-of-view — assisting you with identifying creative solutions you may not have thought of before.

The following list presents you with just a few lenses you can use to help trigger creative solutions to your problems:

Childhood Lens

Look at your problem from the perspective of an inquisitive and curious child.

See your problem as an innocent circumstance that isn’t tinged with pre-conceived biases or assumptions .

Ask yourself seemingly foolish, funny and creative questions that open new ways of thinking about mundane circumstances and problems.

How would a child approach this problem? What kinds of questions would they ask?

Athlete’s Lens

Look at your problem from the perspective of a motivated and determined athlete.

See your problem as a mountain that you will tame and conquer .

Ask yourself questions that will help you to persist and persevere — effectively expanding the possibilities of your solutions.

How would an athlete approach this problem? What kinds of questions would they ask?

Artist’s Lens

Look at your problem from the perspective of a creative and imaginative thinker.

See your problem as a work of art that progressively takes shape .

Ask yourself questions built around metaphors , stories, visual concepts and ideas that will provide you with a unique perspective on your problem.

How would an artist approach this problem? What kinds of questions would they ask?

Scientist or Inventor’s Lens

Look at your problem from the perspective of an analytical scientist or crazy inventor.

See your problem as an experiment that you must test and perfect .

Ask yourself questions that are built upon logical thought and experimentation.

How would a scientist or crazy inventor approach this problem? What kinds of questions would they ask?

Politician’s Lens

Look at your problem from the perspective of a confident, confronting and ambitious politician.

See your problem as a political campaign that you must win at all costs .

Ask yourself questions that help you poke holes in your problem, thus bringing its weaknesses to the forefront — much like what politicians do to their opponents during television debates.

How would a politician approach this problem? What kinds of questions would they ask?

Action Oriented Tactics

The following is a list of action-oriented problem-solving tactics you can use on a consistent basis to keep your mind primed and ready for the challenges that come your way:

Persistently Write Out Questions

Questions are the keys that will bring forth the answers and solutions to your problems.

Sit down for 30 minutes per day with two sheets of paper and a pen. Now, write out your problem in a question format on top of both sheets. Next, take your 1st sheet of paper and spend 15 minutes writing out as many questions as you can think of that will help expand your understanding and awareness of this problem. Finally, when your 15 minutes is up, take out the 2nd sheet of paper and write out as many solutions as you can think of that will answer the questions you posed on the 1st sheet of paper.

By undertaking this process consistently each and every day, you will develop a problem-solving knack that will help you breakthrough any obstacle standing in your way.

Read Broadly

Sometimes the answers to our problems can come from the most unexpected sources.

Keep your problem in mind as you read a book, magazine or newspaper and observe your brain in overdrive searching for new pieces of information that it can associate with old memories and experiences.

Within every piece of information you read, the pictures you see, and the sounds you listen to, lies the solution to your problem . This awareness will get you halfway to your answer. However, you must be fully committed to lifelong learning.

Update Your Skills and Knowledge

Our problems can only overwhelm us when we feel incapable of dealing with them in an effective and timely manner. The solution for this is to update specific skills and knowledge (pertaining to the problem) that will allow you to better handle and manage these types of challenges in the future.

Use Positive Language

A pessimist will naturally have a very difficult time finding solutions to even the simplest of problems. On the other hand, an optimistic realist who uses positive language will bring forth a great array of solutions that will further expand their thinking and creative potential.

Use Concept Maps and Mind Maps

Mind maps are extraordinary problem-solving tools that will allow you to easily brainstorm effective and creative ideas.

Mind Maps mimic our brain’s natural capacity to think, manage and organize large chunks of information in an efficient way. They will help you to put your problem into perspective while giving birth to new connections and associations that may not have been evident before.

Use Diagrams

Because our brains think in pictures and not words, it just makes sense that diagrams would help us conceptualize our ideas in a much more creative way.

You may be surprised with the insights you will gather from simply drawing up your problem and solutions in a diagrammatic picture format.

Create and Use a Problem Solving System

Finally, it is important to understand that our problems will never evaporate completely. Such is life, that it constantly and continuously tests our resolve in order to help us grow and achieve our most desired goals and objectives.

Those people who don’t seem to experience any problems in life have simply mastered the illusion of hiding their problems from others. They have learned methods that help them manage their problems using a potentially unconscious systematization process.

Every time you successfully work through your problems, it is important to draw up a systematic management plan that will help you to deal with these types of problems in a more effective and efficient way in the future.

Visit  Brian Tracy’s website  to learn more about his personal development and business courses, books, and programs.

Concluding Thoughts

It has been said that…

It’s not what happens to us that determines our fate, it’s rather what we do with what happens that shapes our destiny.

The problems and challenges that confront our everyday reality are drawn to us for a reason and purpose — teaching us life lessons that help us grow and attain new levels of insight, awareness and understanding.

Without problems we would never grow, we would never mature, we would never fully develop, and we would never experience the joy and satisfaction of attaining our most inspiring goals and objectives .

Yes, problems are indeed blessings in disguise for some, while for others they become steppingstones for misery, stress, mayhem, and dissatisfaction. These people just don’t get it…

Time to Assimilate these Concepts

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Did you gain value from this article? Is it important that you know and understand this topic?   Would you like to optimize how you think about this topic? Would you like a method for applying these ideas to your life?

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Gain More Knowledge…

Here are some additional links and resources that will help you learn more about this topic:

  • The Art of Complex Problem Solving @ iDiagram
  • Einstein’s Secret to Amazing Problem Solving @ Litemind
  • 16 Practical Tips for Solving Your Problems More Easily @ Positivity Blog
  • 10 Timeless Lessons on Better Thinking @ Life Optimizer
  • Your Guide to Get Spinning in the Idea Tornado @ Think Simple Now
  • How to Find Creative Solutions to Non-Creative Problems @ Scott H Young
  • Problem Solving Toolkit – 33 Tricks to Answer Tough Problems @ Scott H Young
  • Solve Tough Problems by Using Lenses @ Scott H Young
  • Square Watermelon Problem Solving @ Dumb Little Man
  • The Best Way to Solve a Problem: Give Up @ Paid to Exist

The Six Step Problem Solving Method

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Stuck on a problem? Here’s how to make progress

July 28, 2024 Problems are everywhere—at work, in our communities, and even in our daily lives. Figuring out what to do can feel like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces, especially when things get more uncertain and complicated around us. That's why being good at problem-solving is a need-to-have skill.

McKinsey research shows that organizations that have top-quartile problem-solving capabilities earn 3.5 times higher  total shareholder returns than those in the bottom quartile, according to a podcast episode featuring McKinsey’s Chris Bradley  and McKinsey director emeritus Rob McLean. Dive into these insights for some structured methods that can boost your knack for solving tricky challenges in the workplace and beyond.

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What Is Creative Problem-Solving & Why Is It Important?

Business team using creative problem-solving

  • 01 Feb 2022

One of the biggest hindrances to innovation is complacency—it can be more comfortable to do what you know than venture into the unknown. Business leaders can overcome this barrier by mobilizing creative team members and providing space to innovate.

There are several tools you can use to encourage creativity in the workplace. Creative problem-solving is one of them, which facilitates the development of innovative solutions to difficult problems.

Here’s an overview of creative problem-solving and why it’s important in business.

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What Is Creative Problem-Solving?

Research is necessary when solving a problem. But there are situations where a problem’s specific cause is difficult to pinpoint. This can occur when there’s not enough time to narrow down the problem’s source or there are differing opinions about its root cause.

In such cases, you can use creative problem-solving , which allows you to explore potential solutions regardless of whether a problem has been defined.

Creative problem-solving is less structured than other innovation processes and encourages exploring open-ended solutions. It also focuses on developing new perspectives and fostering creativity in the workplace . Its benefits include:

  • Finding creative solutions to complex problems : User research can insufficiently illustrate a situation’s complexity. While other innovation processes rely on this information, creative problem-solving can yield solutions without it.
  • Adapting to change : Business is constantly changing, and business leaders need to adapt. Creative problem-solving helps overcome unforeseen challenges and find solutions to unconventional problems.
  • Fueling innovation and growth : In addition to solutions, creative problem-solving can spark innovative ideas that drive company growth. These ideas can lead to new product lines, services, or a modified operations structure that improves efficiency.

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Creative problem-solving is traditionally based on the following key principles :

1. Balance Divergent and Convergent Thinking

Creative problem-solving uses two primary tools to find solutions: divergence and convergence. Divergence generates ideas in response to a problem, while convergence narrows them down to a shortlist. It balances these two practices and turns ideas into concrete solutions.

2. Reframe Problems as Questions

By framing problems as questions, you shift from focusing on obstacles to solutions. This provides the freedom to brainstorm potential ideas.

3. Defer Judgment of Ideas

When brainstorming, it can be natural to reject or accept ideas right away. Yet, immediate judgments interfere with the idea generation process. Even ideas that seem implausible can turn into outstanding innovations upon further exploration and development.

4. Focus on "Yes, And" Instead of "No, But"

Using negative words like "no" discourages creative thinking. Instead, use positive language to build and maintain an environment that fosters the development of creative and innovative ideas.

Creative Problem-Solving and Design Thinking

Whereas creative problem-solving facilitates developing innovative ideas through a less structured workflow, design thinking takes a far more organized approach.

Design thinking is a human-centered, solutions-based process that fosters the ideation and development of solutions. In the online course Design Thinking and Innovation , Harvard Business School Dean Srikant Datar leverages a four-phase framework to explain design thinking.

The four stages are:

The four stages of design thinking: clarify, ideate, develop, and implement

  • Clarify: The clarification stage allows you to empathize with the user and identify problems. Observations and insights are informed by thorough research. Findings are then reframed as problem statements or questions.
  • Ideate: Ideation is the process of coming up with innovative ideas. The divergence of ideas involved with creative problem-solving is a major focus.
  • Develop: In the development stage, ideas evolve into experiments and tests. Ideas converge and are explored through prototyping and open critique.
  • Implement: Implementation involves continuing to test and experiment to refine the solution and encourage its adoption.

Creative problem-solving primarily operates in the ideate phase of design thinking but can be applied to others. This is because design thinking is an iterative process that moves between the stages as ideas are generated and pursued. This is normal and encouraged, as innovation requires exploring multiple ideas.

Creative Problem-Solving Tools

While there are many useful tools in the creative problem-solving process, here are three you should know:

Creating a Problem Story

One way to innovate is by creating a story about a problem to understand how it affects users and what solutions best fit their needs. Here are the steps you need to take to use this tool properly.

1. Identify a UDP

Create a problem story to identify the undesired phenomena (UDP). For example, consider a company that produces printers that overheat. In this case, the UDP is "our printers overheat."

2. Move Forward in Time

To move forward in time, ask: “Why is this a problem?” For example, minor damage could be one result of the machines overheating. In more extreme cases, printers may catch fire. Don't be afraid to create multiple problem stories if you think of more than one UDP.

3. Move Backward in Time

To move backward in time, ask: “What caused this UDP?” If you can't identify the root problem, think about what typically causes the UDP to occur. For the overheating printers, overuse could be a cause.

Following the three-step framework above helps illustrate a clear problem story:

  • The printer is overused.
  • The printer overheats.
  • The printer breaks down.

You can extend the problem story in either direction if you think of additional cause-and-effect relationships.

4. Break the Chains

By this point, you’ll have multiple UDP storylines. Take two that are similar and focus on breaking the chains connecting them. This can be accomplished through inversion or neutralization.

  • Inversion: Inversion changes the relationship between two UDPs so the cause is the same but the effect is the opposite. For example, if the UDP is "the more X happens, the more likely Y is to happen," inversion changes the equation to "the more X happens, the less likely Y is to happen." Using the printer example, inversion would consider: "What if the more a printer is used, the less likely it’s going to overheat?" Innovation requires an open mind. Just because a solution initially seems unlikely doesn't mean it can't be pursued further or spark additional ideas.
  • Neutralization: Neutralization completely eliminates the cause-and-effect relationship between X and Y. This changes the above equation to "the more or less X happens has no effect on Y." In the case of the printers, neutralization would rephrase the relationship to "the more or less a printer is used has no effect on whether it overheats."

Even if creating a problem story doesn't provide a solution, it can offer useful context to users’ problems and additional ideas to be explored. Given that divergence is one of the fundamental practices of creative problem-solving, it’s a good idea to incorporate it into each tool you use.


Brainstorming is a tool that can be highly effective when guided by the iterative qualities of the design thinking process. It involves openly discussing and debating ideas and topics in a group setting. This facilitates idea generation and exploration as different team members consider the same concept from multiple perspectives.

Hosting brainstorming sessions can result in problems, such as groupthink or social loafing. To combat this, leverage a three-step brainstorming method involving divergence and convergence :

  • Have each group member come up with as many ideas as possible and write them down to ensure the brainstorming session is productive.
  • Continue the divergence of ideas by collectively sharing and exploring each idea as a group. The goal is to create a setting where new ideas are inspired by open discussion.
  • Begin the convergence of ideas by narrowing them down to a few explorable options. There’s no "right number of ideas." Don't be afraid to consider exploring all of them, as long as you have the resources to do so.

Alternate Worlds

The alternate worlds tool is an empathetic approach to creative problem-solving. It encourages you to consider how someone in another world would approach your situation.

For example, if you’re concerned that the printers you produce overheat and catch fire, consider how a different industry would approach the problem. How would an automotive expert solve it? How would a firefighter?

Be creative as you consider and research alternate worlds. The purpose is not to nail down a solution right away but to continue the ideation process through diverging and exploring ideas.

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Continue Developing Your Skills

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, marketer, or business leader, learning the ropes of design thinking can be an effective way to build your skills and foster creativity and innovation in any setting.

If you're ready to develop your design thinking and creative problem-solving skills, explore Design Thinking and Innovation , one of our online entrepreneurship and innovation courses. If you aren't sure which course is the right fit, download our free course flowchart to determine which best aligns with your goals.

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Tackling Workplace Challenges: How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills


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Tackling Workplace Challenges: How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

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Picture this: you’re in the middle of your workday, and suddenly, a problem arises. Maybe it’s a miscommunication between team members, a tight deadline that’s getting closer, or an unhappy customer you need to appease.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

The thing is, facing challenges at work is pretty much inevitable. But what sets successful professionals apart is their knack for tackling these issues head-on with a problem-solving mindset.

You see, being a great problem solver is a game-changer in any work environment. It helps us navigate through obstacles, come up with creative solutions, and turn potential setbacks into opportunities for growth.

In this article, we will dive into some common workplace problems and explore real-life examples of problem-solving scenarios.

We’ll also share practical solutions and strategies that you can use to tackle these challenges, ultimately empowering you to become a more effective problem solver and team player.

Common Workplace Problems Businesses Experience

Common Workplace Problems Businesses Experience

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of problem-solving scenarios, let’s take a quick look at some of the most common workplace problems that almost every professional encounters at some point in their career.

By understanding these challenges, we’ll be better equipped to recognize and address them effectively.

Communication breakdowns

Miscommunications and misunderstandings can happen to the best of us. With team members working together, sometimes remotely or across different time zones, it’s not surprising that communication breakdowns can occur. These issues can lead to confusion, missed deadlines, and even strained relationships within the team if left unaddressed.

Some examples of communication breakdowns include:

  • Unclear instructions
  • Lack of updates on project progress
  • Messages lost in a sea of emails

Fostering open communication channels and utilizing collaboration tools can help teams stay connected and informed.

Conflicting priorities and resource allocation

With limited resources and multiple projects competing for attention, it can be challenging to determine which tasks should take precedence. Juggling conflicting priorities and allocating resources efficiently is a common workplace problem that can result in decreased productivity and increased stress if not managed properly.

For example, two high-priority projects might be scheduled simultaneously, leaving team members stretched thin and struggling to meet deadlines. Developing a clear project prioritization framework and regularly reviewing priorities can help teams stay focused and manage their resources effectively.

Employee performance issues

It’s not unusual for team members to face performance-related challenges occasionally. Employee performance issues can affect team productivity and morale, whether it’s due to a lack of skills, motivation, or other factors. Identifying and addressing these concerns early on is crucial for maintaining a high-performing and engaged team.

For instance, employees may struggle to keep up with their workload due to a skills gap or personal issues. Providing coaching, training, and support can help employees overcome performance challenges and contribute positively to the team’s success.

Customer satisfaction challenges

Meeting customer expectations and delivering exceptional service are goals for most organizations. However, addressing customer satisfaction challenges can be tricky, especially when dealing with diverse customer needs, tight deadlines, or limited resources.

Ensuring a customer-centric approach to problem-solving can help overcome these obstacles and keep your customers happy.

For example, a product might not meet customer expectations, resulting in negative feedback and returns. By actively listening to customer concerns, involving them in the solution process, and implementing improvements, organizations can turn customer dissatisfaction into opportunities for growth and enhanced customer loyalty.

Adapting to change

Change is inevitable in the modern workplace, whether due to new technology, evolving market conditions, or organizational restructuring. Adapting to change can be difficult for some team members, leading to resistance or fear of the unknown.

Embracing a flexible mindset and developing strategies to cope with change is essential for maintaining a productive and resilient work environment.

For instance, a company might introduce new software that requires employees to learn new skills, causing anxiety and frustration. By providing training, resources, and support, leaders can help team members adapt to change more effectively and even become champions of new initiatives.

How to Identify Workplace Problems

How to Identify Workplace Problems

A problem-free workplace doesn’t exist.

Even if you run a well-oiled machine with many happy employees, it’s still a good idea to proactively search for any problems.

The earlier you can get ahead of issues, the easier it will be to put things right and avoid any breakdowns in productivity. Here’s how you can go about that:

Recognizing the Signs of Potential Issues

Before diving into problem-solving strategies, it’s essential first to identify the workplace problems that need attention.

Look out for signs that could indicate potential issues, such as decreased productivity and efficiency, increased employee turnover or dissatisfaction, frequent miscommunications, and conflicts, or declining customer satisfaction and recurring complaints. These red flags might signal underlying problems that require your attention and resolution.

Proactive Problem Identification Strategies

To stay ahead of potential issues, it’s crucial to adopt a proactive approach to problem identification. Open communication channels with your team members and encourage them to share their concerns, ideas, and feedback.

Regular performance reviews and feedback sessions can also help identify areas for improvement or potential problems before they escalate.

Fostering a culture of transparency and trust within the organization makes it easier for employees to voice their concerns without fear of retribution. Additionally, utilizing data-driven analysis and performance metrics can help you spot trends or anomalies that may indicate underlying problems.

Seeking Input from Various Sources

When identifying workplace problems, gathering input from various sources is crucial to ensure you’re getting a comprehensive and accurate picture of the situation. Employee surveys and suggestion boxes can provide valuable insights into potential issues.

At the same time, team meetings and brainstorming sessions can stimulate open discussions and creative problem-solving.

Cross-departmental collaboration is another effective way to identify potential problems, enabling different teams to share their perspectives and experiences. In some cases, it might be helpful to seek external expert consultations or benchmark against industry standards to gain a broader understanding of potential issues and identify best practices for resolving them.

Problem-Solving Scenario Examples and Solutions

Problem-Solving Scenario Examples and Solutions

Let’s dive into some real-life problem-solving scenarios, exploring the challenges and their practical solutions. We’ll discuss communication issues, conflicting priorities, employee performance, customer satisfaction, and managing change.

Remember, every situation is unique; these examples are just a starting point to inspire your problem-solving process.

Scenario 1: Resolving communication issues within a team

  • Identifying the root causes: Let’s say your team has been missing deadlines and experiencing confusion due to poor communication. The first step is identifying the root causes, such as ineffective communication tools, unclear instructions, or a lack of regular updates.
  • Implementing effective communication strategies: Implement strategies to improve communication. For example, consider adopting collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to streamline communication, establish clear channels for updates, and create guidelines for concise and transparent instructions.
  • Encouraging a culture of openness and feedback: Cultivate a team culture that values openness and feedback. Encourage team members to voice concerns, ask questions, and share ideas. Regularly hold check-ins and retrospectives to discuss communication challenges and opportunities for improvement.

Scenario 2: Balancing conflicting priorities and resource constraints

  • Evaluating project requirements and resources: In this scenario, you’re juggling two high-priority projects with limited resources. Start by evaluating each project’s requirements, resources, and potential impact on the organization.
  • Prioritization techniques and delegation: Use prioritization techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix or MoSCoW method to rank tasks and allocate resources accordingly. Delegate tasks efficiently by matching team members’ skills and expertise with project requirements.
  • Continuous monitoring and adjustment: Regularly monitor project progress and adjust priorities and resources as needed. Keep stakeholders informed about changes and maintain open lines of communication to ensure alignment and avoid surprises.

Scenario 3: Addressing employee performance concerns

  • Identifying performance gaps: When an employee’s performance is below expectations, identify the specific areas that need improvement. Is it a skills gap, lack of motivation, or external factors like personal issues?
  • Providing constructive feedback and support: Provide clear, constructive feedback to the employee, highlighting areas for improvement and offering support, such as training, coaching, or mentorship.
  • Developing performance improvement plans: Collaborate with the employee to develop a performance improvement plan , outlining specific goals, timelines, and resources. Regularly review progress and adjust the plan as needed.

Scenario 4: Improving customer satisfaction

  • Analyzing customer feedback and pain points: In this scenario, customers are dissatisfied with a product, resulting in negative feedback and returns. Analyze customer feedback to identify common pain points and areas for improvement.
  • Implementing customer-centric solutions: Work with your team to develop and implement solutions that address customer concerns, such as enhancing product features or improving customer support.
  • Monitoring progress and iterating for success: Regularly monitor customer satisfaction levels and gather feedback to assess the effectiveness of your solutions. Iterate and improve as needed to ensure continuous progress toward higher customer satisfaction.

Scenario 5: Managing change and uncertainty

  • Assessing the impact of change on the organization: When faced with change, such as the introduction of new software, assess the potential impact on the organization, including the benefits, challenges, and required resources.
  • Developing a change management plan: Create a comprehensive change management plan that includes communication strategies, training, and support resources to help team members adapt to the change.
  • Fostering resilience and adaptability among team members: Encourage a culture of resilience and adaptability by providing ongoing support, celebrating small wins, and recognizing the efforts of team members who embrace and champion the change.

Scenario 6: Navigating team conflicts

  • Identifying the sources of conflict: When conflicts arise within a team, it’s crucial to identify the underlying issues, such as personality clashes, competing interests, or poor communication.
  • Facilitating open discussions and mediation: Arrange a meeting with the involved parties to discuss the conflict openly and objectively. Consider using a neutral third party to mediate the conversation, ensuring everyone’s perspective is heard and understood.
  • Developing and implementing conflict resolution strategies: Work together to develop strategies for resolving the conflict, such as setting clear expectations, improving communication, or redefining roles and responsibilities. Monitor progress and adjust strategies as needed to ensure long-term resolution.

Scenario 7: Overcoming deadline pressure and time management challenges

  • Assessing project progress and priorities: If a team is struggling to meet deadlines, assess project progress and review priorities. Identify tasks that are behind schedule, and determine if any can be reprioritized or delegated.
  • Implementing time management techniques: Encourage the team to adopt effective time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking, to maximize productivity and stay focused on tasks.
  • Adjusting project scope and resources as needed: In some cases, it may be necessary to adjust the project scope or allocate additional resources to ensure successful completion. Communicate any changes to stakeholders and maintain transparency throughout the process.

Scenario 8: Tackling low employee morale and engagement

  • Identifying the causes of low morale: When faced with low employee morale, it’s essential to identify the contributing factors, such as lack of recognition, insufficient growth opportunities, or unrealistic expectations.
  • Implementing targeted initiatives to boost morale: Develop and implement initiatives to address these factors, such as offering regular feedback and recognition, providing professional development opportunities, or reassessing workload and expectations.
  • Monitoring and adjusting efforts to improve engagement: Regularly monitor employee morale and engagement through surveys or informal conversations. Adjust your initiatives to ensure continuous improvement and maintain a positive work environment.

Developing Problem-Solving Skills in the Workplace

Developing Problem-Solving Skills in the Workplace

As we’ve seen, problem-solving is a crucial skill for navigating the myriad challenges that can arise in the workplace. To become effective problem solvers, you must develop hard and soft skills that will allow you to tackle issues head-on and find the best solutions.

Let’s dive into these skills and discuss how to cultivate them in the workplace.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are non-technical, interpersonal abilities that help you interact effectively with others, navigate social situations, and perform well in the workplace. They are often referred to as “people skills” or “emotional intelligence” because they involve understanding and managing emotions and building relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

Soft skills are typically learned through life experiences and personal development rather than formal education or training.

Examples of soft skills include:

  • Critical thinking: Critical thinking is the ability to analyze a situation objectively, considering all relevant information before making a decision. To develop this skill, practice asking open-ended questions, challenging assumptions, and considering multiple perspectives when approaching a problem.
  • Effective communication: Strong communication skills are vital for problem-solving, as they enable you to express your ideas clearly and listen actively to others. To improve your communication skills, focus on being concise, empathetic, and open to feedback. Remember that nonverbal communication, such as body language and tone, can be just as important as the words you choose.
  • Collaboration and teamwork: Problem-solving often requires collaboration, as multiple minds can bring diverse perspectives and fresh ideas to the table. Foster a sense of teamwork by being open to others’ input, sharing knowledge, and recognizing the contributions of your colleagues.
  • Emotional intelligence: The ability to recognize and manage your emotions, as well as empathize with others, can significantly impact your problem-solving abilities. To cultivate emotional intelligence, practice self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy when dealing with challenges or conflicts.
  • Adaptability and resilience: In a constantly changing work environment, the ability to adapt and bounce back from setbacks is essential. Develop your adaptability and resilience by embracing change, learning from failure, and maintaining a growth mindset.

Hard Skills

Hard skills, on the other hand, are specific, teachable abilities that can be acquired through formal education, training, or on-the-job experience. These skills are typically technical, industry-specific, or job-related and can be easily quantified and measured.

Hard skills are often necessary for performing specific tasks or operating specialized tools and equipment.

Examples of hard skills include:

  • Project management: Effective problem-solving often involves managing resources, timelines, and tasks. Improve your project management skills by learning popular methodologies (e.g., Agile, Scrum, or Waterfall), setting clear goals, and monitoring progress.
  • Data analysis and interpretation: Many problems require data analysis to identify trends, patterns, or insights that inform decision-making. Strengthen your data analysis skills by familiarizing yourself with relevant tools and software, such as Excel or Tableau, and practicing critical thinking when interpreting results.
  • Technical proficiency: Depending on your industry, various technical skills may be crucial for problem-solving. Stay current with your field’s latest tools, technologies, and best practices by participating in workshops, online courses, or industry events.
  • Decision-making: Strong decision-making skills are vital for problem-solving, as they enable you to evaluate options and choose the best course of action. Develop your decision-making abilities by learning about decision-making models (e.g., SWOT analysis, cost-benefit analysis, or decision trees) and applying them in real-life situations.

Both types of skills—soft and hard—play a crucial role in achieving success in the workplace, as they work together to create a well-rounded and highly effective employee. When combined, these skills enable individuals to excel in their roles and contribute significantly to their organization’s performance and productivity.

Boosting Your Problem-Solving Skills in the Workplace

Boosting Your Problem-Solving Skills in the Workplace

Boosting your problem-solving skills in the workplace is essential for success, personal growth, and increased productivity.

To effectively improve these skills, consider the following strategies:

  • Cultivate a growth mindset by embracing challenges as learning opportunities, being open to feedback, and believing in your ability to develop and improve.
  • Enhance critical thinking and creativity by objectively analyzing information, considering multiple perspectives, and brainstorming innovative solutions.
  • Develop effective communication skills, including active listening and clear articulation of your thoughts, to facilitate collaboration and problem-solving.
  • Foster empathy and emotional intelligence to understand others’ emotions, perspectives, and needs, which can help you devise better solutions.
  • Learn from experienced colleagues, study successful problem-solving strategies, and participate in professional development courses or workshops to gain new insights and techniques.
  • Adopt a systematic approach to problem-solving by defining the problem, gathering and analyzing relevant information, generating and evaluating potential solutions, and implementing the chosen solution while monitoring its effectiveness.
  • Stay organized and manage your time effectively by prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance and breaking complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts.
  • Embrace change, be resilient and adaptable, and learn from failures and setbacks to stay flexible and open to new ideas.

By dedicating time and effort to improving these aspects of your problem-solving skills, you can become a more effective problem-solver, contributing positively to your workplace and enhancing your career prospects.

Problems in the workplace will continuously develop and evolve over time if left unaddressed. Proactively dealing with these issues is the most effective method to ensure a positive and productive work environment.

By honing your problem-solving skills, embracing a growth mindset, and fostering open communication, you can tackle challenges head-on and prevent minor issues from escalating into significant obstacles.

Remember, staying proactive, adaptable, and continuously refining your problem-solving strategies is crucial for professional success and personal growth in the ever-changing world of work.

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A knack for problem-solving?

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15 Impressive Traits Of People Who Are Natural Problem Solvers

15 Impressive Traits Of People Who Are Natural Problem Solvers

Natural problem solvers possess a unique set of traits that make them highly effective at tackling challenges. From resilience to effective communication, these individuals exhibit qualities that set them apart in problem-solving endeavors. Here’s 15 remarkable traits that define natural problem solvers and help them excel in finding solutions to complex issues.

1. They’re extremely resilient.

Natural problem solvers are resilient people . They bounce back from setbacks with determination and a positive attitude, seeing challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. This resilience not only helps them but also inspires those around them to stay persistent and optimistic in the face of difficulties.

2. They know how to communicate effectively.

These individuals excel at clear communication. They express their ideas in a way that everyone can understand and actively listen to others, making sure everyone’s voice is heard. Their open and productive communication style fosters collaboration and a free flow of ideas within their problem-solving teams.

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4. They’re patient and don’t rush the process.

Patience is their virtue. They tackle complex problems step by step, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor even in tough situations. They work well with others, allowing colleagues to share their thoughts without pressure. Their patience creates an environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing.

5. They’re resourceful.

Resourcefulness is their strength. They make the most of available resources and find creative solutions when needed. They’re like problem-solving wizards, always finding a way, no matter the constraints. This resourcefulness not only helps them solve problems effectively but also encourages innovative thinking within their teams.

6. They practice empathy.

Empathy is a key part of their approach. They understand others’ perspectives and needs, making them great team players. They consider the human side of problems, fostering compassionate and effective solutions. Their empathy creates a collaborative and understanding problem-solving environment.

7. They stay organized.

Organization is their secret weapon. They keep details, timelines, and tasks in order, ensuring a structured problem-solving process. They break down complex problems into manageable steps, making their approach efficient and effective. Their organizational skills streamline the entire problem-solving journey.

8. They take calculated risks.

They’re not afraid to take well-thought-out risks. They carefully consider potential benefits and drawbacks, fostering a culture of innovation and experimentation. Their calculated risk-taking encourages creative thinking and exploration of new ideas within their problem-solving teams.

9. They’re humble.

Humble and open to feedback, they admit when they don’t have all the answers. They seek input from others and collaborate effectively, creating a cooperative problem-solving environment. Their humility and willingness to learn from others strengthen the collective problem-solving effort.

10. They’re always learning new things.

Learning is a lifelong journey for them. They stay updated on industry trends and new approaches, enriching their problem-solving skills and staying ahead in their field. Their commitment to continuous learning ensures that they remain at the forefront of problem-solving challenges.

11. They’re decisive and don’t second-guess themselves.

Natural problem solvers exhibit decisiveness in their approach. They are quick to make well-informed decisions, even in complex and uncertain situations. This trait ensures that they maintain momentum and progress steadily toward effective solutions.

12. They’re creative thinkers.

Innovation is at the core of their problem-solving style. They constantly seek new approaches and technologies, thinking outside the box to solve challenges creatively. This innovative mindset often leads to groundbreaking solutions that push the boundaries of what’s possible.

13. They’re detail-oriented .

Attention to detail is a hallmark of natural problem solvers. They meticulously examine every aspect of a problem, leaving no stone unturned. This keen eye for detail ensures that their solutions are comprehensive and error-free.

14. They’re genuinely confident.

Confidence is a defining trait that empowers them to tackle even the most daunting challenges. They believe in their abilities and trust their judgment, inspiring confidence in those around them. This self-assuredness is a driving force behind their problem-solving success.

15. They’re proactive.

Proactivity is a key characteristic that sets them apart. They don’t wait for problems to escalate; instead, they take the initiative to identify and address issues before they become significant. This proactive approach ensures that they stay ahead of challenges and maintain a proactive problem-solving environment.

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knack for problem solving

Your problem-solving skills are truly impressive!

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Universality, emotional impact, originality, sporadicity, make your occasion unforgettable .

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Detailed compliment:

Your knack for problem-solving is truly remarkable! You have an exceptional ability to analyze complex situations and find efficient solutions. Your dedication and resourcefulness make you a valuable asset in any problem-solving team.

Daily Morning Affirmation:

Your dedication and resourcefulness make you an invaluable problem-solver.

"Your knack for problem-solving is truly remarkable. You efficiently analyze complex situations and find solutions."

This compliment praises someone's exceptional ability to solve complex problems efficiently. It acknowledges their dedication, resourcefulness, and value on any problem-solving team.

Use Cases for this compliment.

  • In a speech recognizing someone's exceptional problem-solving contribution
  • When introducing an award winner known for finding solutions amidst complexity
  • To acknowledge creative problem-solving in a toast at a ceremony
  • In an introduction for a keynote speaker renowned as an expert problem-solver


  • When recognizing a colleague's contribution in solving a difficult technical problem at work
  • In a job recommendation letter highlighting someone's problem-solving skills
  • During a performance review to praise an employee's problem-solving strengths
  • To acknowledge a friend's creative solution to an everyday problem
  • When your partner fixes a household issue using their resourcefulness
  • To praise your child's ability to analyze and overcome a challenging situation

Analyzing This Remarkable Problem-Solving Compliment

From Today's Compliment, we believe this compliment deserves high praise for recognizing someone's exceptional problem-solving abilities in a thoughtful and uplifting way. Let's take a closer look at why it stands out.

Scores Breakdown

On key metrics, we rate this compliment as follows:

  • Friendliness: 9/10 - Very warm, friendly tone. Makes the recipient feel valued.
  • Sporadicity: 5/10 - Reasonably unique and not overly commonplace.
  • Originality: 7/10 - Creative wording with some personalized details.
  • Clarity: 9/10 - Clear, easy to understand, and concise.
  • Depth: 8/10 - Provides thoughtful reasoning for the praise.
  • Positivity: 10/10 - Completely positive sentiment. Uplifting and encouraging.
  • Universality: 9/10 - Applicable to many contexts and recipients.
  • Emotional Impact: 8/10 - Makes the recipient feel appreciated and capable.

Overall, the compliment scores very highly, especially for friendliness, clarity, positivity and universality. It strikes a nice balance between being original yet easy to grasp. The personalized details also add thoughtful depth.

Use Cases and Applications

This compliment would be perfectly suited for:

Recognizing problem-solving excellence in the workplace, such as during a performance review. It praises professional skills in a motivational way.

Acknowledging someone's creative solution to a difficult personal, household or family issue. It shows gratitude for their resourcefulness.

Praising problem-solving in both formal ceremonies and casual conversations. Its warm tone applies well to various settings.

Encouraging children and students by highlighting their developing ability to analyze and overcome challenges. It builds confidence.

The compliment affirms strengths useful in almost any context - dedication, analysis, efficiency and creativity. It acknowledges the effort it takes to solve tricky problems, making it meaningful praise.

Affirmation and Quote

The affirmation, "Your dedication and resourcefulness make you an invaluable problem-solver," is uplifting and empowering. It affirms someone's problem-solving gifts in a heartfelt way.

Similarly, the quote is inspiring: "Your knack for problem-solving is truly remarkable. You efficiently analyze complex situations and find solutions." It captures the essence of the praise in a concise, positive way.

Both could be incorporated into a daily gratitude or affirmation practice, reminding oneself or others of their problem-solving talents. They make impactful motivational statements.

In summary, this compliment beautifully acknowledges someone's exceptional ability to find solutions amidst complexity. It highlights their dedication, efficiency, creativity and other strengths that make them a gifted problem-solver.

The warm, thoughtful wording makes it clear this isn't generic praise - it comes from a place of true appreciation. We rate this compliment highly for its balance of heartfelt sentiment and universal applicability. It is sure to uplift anyone's day and reaffirm their problem-solving gifts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i improve my problem-solving skills.

Improving problem-solving skills begins with embracing challenges as opportunities to grow. Practice critical thinking, break down complex issues into manageable parts, and seek diverse perspectives. Engaging in puzzles, brain games, and learning new subjects also sharpens your analytical skills, making you a more adept problem-solver.

What makes problem-solving an essential skill in the workplace?

Problem-solving is crucial in the workplace because it enables individuals and teams to tackle challenges efficiently, driving innovation and solutions. It enhances decision-making quality, supports conflict resolution, and fosters a proactive work environment. These skills are invaluable for adapting to changes and overcoming obstacles in professional settings.

Can problem-solving skills be a natural talent?

While some individuals may naturally exhibit a knack for problem-solving, these skills can certainly be developed and honed over time through experience, education, and practice. Problem-solving involves a combination of creativity, analytical thinking, and perseverance, all of which can be cultivated.

How do problem-solving skills benefit personal life?

In personal life, problem-solving skills can lead to better decision-making, improved relationships, and effective management of day-to-day challenges. They help in navigating complex social situations, planning for the future, and handling emergencies with calm and efficiency, enhancing overall life satisfaction.

What are some methods to effectively solve problems?

Effective problem-solving methods include the 5 Whys technique, to drill down to the root cause; brainstorming, to generate multiple solutions; and the IDEAL (Identify, Define, Explore, Act, Look) strategy, which provides a structured approach to tackling problems. Implementing these methods can lead to more innovative and effective solutions.

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See Another Compliments For Problem-solving ...

Your problem-solving skills are truly brilliant. you make even the toughest problems look easy., your passion for problem-solving in board games is truly inspiring, your passion for problem-solving makes you an invaluable asset., your passion and talent for problem-solving is truly admirable and makes you shine, see similar compliments..., your thirst for wisdom and commitment to learning inspires us all., your wisdom lights the way forward like a beacon for all., your thirst for knowledge makes you brilliant at board games., your passion for knowledge illuminates and inspires, your thirst for knowledge is truly inspiring, your creativity shines through when playing board games., we're amazed by your intellect and skill at board games, missing something.

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The Future World of Work

5 Examples of Problem-Solving in The Workplace

Christina J Colclough

By Christina Colclough

Last updated: January 12, 2024

When you’re in a job interview, you can almost bet on being asked about your problem-solving experiences. This skill is always high on employers’ wish lists. Walk in with a few solid examples up your sleeve and talk about them with confidence – that’s what grabs their attention.

Problem-Solving discussion

In this post, I’ll guide you through picking the right problem-solving in workplace examples and articulating them in a way that will make you stand out.

In this article:

What is problem solving.

At its core, this skill is all about spotting issues and then working out the smartest ways to sort them out. In the workplace, this skill keeps things running smoothly because challenges always pop up.

In any job, you’re bound to bump into a range of problems. It could be meeting a tight deadline, handling customer complaints, or resolving misunderstandings among team members. Each of these difficult situations needs a cool head and a clear strategy.

Dealing with these issues well is crucial because it keeps the wheels turning. Effective problem-solving means fewer hiccups in projects, better teamwork, and happier customers. It’s like oiling the cogs of a machine.

That is why interviewers like myself often drill down into the candidates’ problem-solving abilities with questions like “ Tell me about a time you solved a problem ” or “ Can you describe a situation where you had to overcome a significant challenge? “

We want to know if you’re the kind of person who faces challenges head-on or if you tend to sweep them under the rug. We’re looking for someone who not only spots issues but also comes up with smart solutions and puts them into action. It’s all about ensuring that, when the going gets tough, you’ve got the skills to keep things on track.

How to Answer Problem-Solving Interview Questions

Close up interviewer

When you’re in an interview and asked about problem-solving, it’s a golden opportunity to show your skills. In my experience, a great approach is to use the STAR technique. This strategy helps structure your answer in a clear and compelling way.

Let’s break down what each part of STAR stands for:

  • Situation : Describe the context within which you had to solve a problem.
  • Task : Explain the actual problem or challenge you were facing.
  • Action : Describe the actions you took to address the problem.
  • Result : Share the outcomes of your actions.

In this step, your goal is to give the interviewer a snapshot of your scenario.

Let’s say you had to deal with a significant drop in team morale and productivity. At the beginning of your response, you want to set the context for your story. This should include where you were working, your role, and the initial problem.

The key here is to be concise but provide enough detail to paint a clear picture like this:

“In my previous role as a team leader, I noticed a sudden drop in team morale and productivity. This was unusual for our normally energetic and efficient team.”

Common Situations

Here are some other common situations you can mention in your answer:

  • Resolving an issue with a difficult client when they complain about a product or service
  • Figuring out a solution when equipment or technology breaks down or fails
  • Dealing with a mistake you’ve made on an important project
  • Handling a tight deadline when unexpected challenges threaten completion
  • Settling a dispute between colleagues who aren’t getting along
  • Improving productivity for a team that is underperforming
  • Persuading colleagues to get on board with an idea they are resistant to

How to Answer With Limited Experience

answering questions during an interview

Don’t worry if you just graduated or have little work experience. Think about examples from school group projects, internships, or part-time jobs like these:

  • Coordinating schedules for a group presentation when everyone has different availabilities
  • Resolving a disagreement over roles for a big class project
  • Finding ways to improve your team’s process when a professor gives feedback
  • Managing deadlines and deliverables with classmates who had competing priorities
  • Convincing peers to adopt your proposed solution for an assignment
  • Addressing complaints from a classmate about unequal workloads

Clarify the problem you had to tackle. What was expected of you? What complex challenge did you need to address? Here, you’re setting up the specific problem that you were tasked with solving.

Remember, the focus is on the problem, not yet on your actions. Using the above example, here is what you can talk about:

“My task was to identify the causes of this decline and implement a strategy to boost morale and productivity. I needed to make sure our team could return to its usual high-performance level.”

Describe the steps you took to solve the problem. Think about how you analyzed the situation, decided on a course of action, and implemented it. It should show your critical thinking and analytical skills.

“To tackle this, I first conducted one-on-one meetings with team members to understand their concerns and gather feedback. Based on these insights, I realized that a recent change in company policy was causing stress.

I advocated for my team’s concerns with upper management and worked with them to modify the policy. At the same time, I initiated team-building activities and regular check-ins to foster a more supportive and open team environment.”

Finally, talk about the outcomes of your actions. Employers want to know your problem-solving drives real improvements. Also, highlight any positive feedback from your boss or team members, and if possible, quantify the success.

“As a result of these actions, we saw a significant improvement in team morale within a month. Productivity levels bounced back, and the team’s overall satisfaction with their work environment increased.

This experience not only taught me valuable lessons about team dynamics but also reinforced the importance of proactive communication and advocacy for team needs.”

Here are some other outcomes to highlight in your answer:

  • Resolving an issue with a difficult client : Client satisfaction restored, future business secured
  • Fixing broken equipment : Equipment operational again, no more disruptions to operations
  • Dealing with a mistake : Error corrected, a new process implemented to prevent recurrence
  • Handling a deadline : Project completed on time, client received deliverable as promised
  • Settling a dispute : Conflict resolved, team collaboration and morale improved
  • Boosting team productivity : Increased output, goals reached, performance metrics improved
  • Persuading colleagues : Proposal approved, a new initiative launched successfully

5 Examples Of Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-Solving Skills

1. Improving Collaboration in a Stalled Project

Here is a sample you can use when explaining how you improved team collaboration on a project:

“Our team was tasked with developing a new financial management web application. However, we hit a snag and missed two crucial milestones. The core issue was a breakdown in communication – team members were not proactively sharing updates on delays or challenges they encountered.

To address this, I instituted daily 15-minute standup meetings. These sessions provided a platform for everyone to voice concerns and update the team on their progress. We also started tracking tasks in a shared spreadsheet so everyone had more visibility into the project.

Within two weeks, collaboration and communication improved significantly. We renegotiated the timeline with stakeholders, and the project team delivered the web app only 1 week after the original deadline.

The processes we put in place didn’t just help us with this project but also significantly boosted our efficiency on later projects.”

2. Revitalizing a Marketing Campaign

This is how you can describe a time you turned around a marketing campaign:

“In my last marketing role, I was responsible for a campaign promoting a new line of eco-friendly skincare products. Midway through, we found that our engagement metrics were dismal, particularly with our targeted demographic of people aged 20-30.

Upon reviewing our approach, I realized our messaging was too generic and failed to connect with this specific group’s interests and values. I spearheaded a strategy shift, focusing on the environmental benefits and ethical sourcing, aspects we found resonated more with a slightly older demographic, females aged 25-35, who were more invested in sustainable living.

We also pivoted our advertising to platforms popular with this demographic, like eco-conscious lifestyle blogs and organic beauty forums. This shift led to a 40% increase in engagement and contributed greatly to the success of our product launch, exceeding our initial sales targets.”

3. Streamlining Operational Processes

Here’s an example to illustrate how you tackled inefficiencies in operational processes:

“As an operations manager at a mid-sized electronics manufacturer, I noticed our product delivery was consistently delayed.

I identified the root cause as a bottleneck in our supply chain. In particular, a stage where manual data entry from manufacturing to logistics was causing significant hold-ups.

Realizing the need for efficiency, I proposed automating this stage. We collaborated with the IT department and implemented a barcode scanning system that integrated manufacturing output with our logistics database.

This change cut down the processing time by 30%, drastically improving our on-time delivery rate. It not only led to an upswing in customer satisfaction but also streamlined our inventory management, reducing both operational delays and costs.”

4. Resolving Communication Barriers Between Teams

This example demonstrates a solution for inter-departmental communication issues:

“In my previous role, I observed recurring conflicts between the sales and product development teams. These were mainly due to misunderstandings and a lack of clear communication about product updates. This led to promises being made to customers that the product team couldn’t fulfill.

To bridge this gap, I proposed and facilitated a series of joint workshops between the two teams. These sessions focused on aligning the teams’ understanding of product capabilities and timelines. Additionally, I initiated a bi-weekly newsletter and a shared digital workspace where both teams could update each other on developments and feedback.

The result was a significant improvement in inter-team collaboration. The sales team was better informed about product limitations and timelines, leading to more realistic commitments to customers.

Meanwhile, the product team received valuable market feedback directly from the sales team. It helped them tailor developments to customer needs. This collaborative approach not only reduced conflicts but also led to better product-market alignment.”

5. Resolving Customer Complaints and Enhancing Service Quality

customer service

This highlights an approach to customer service challenges:

“In my role as a customer service manager, I was faced with increasing customer complaints regarding delayed response times. This issue was affecting customer satisfaction and had the potential to harm our company’s reputation.

I started by analyzing our customer service processes and discovered that our response system was outdated and inefficient. To rectify this, I led the implementation of a new customer relationship management (CRM) system that streamlined our customer service workflow.

This system included automated responses for common queries and a more efficient ticketing process for complex issues. I also organized a series of training sessions for the customer service team to ensure they were well-versed in using the new system and could provide more effective solutions to customers.

Implementing these changes led to a huge reduction in response time and a significant drop in customer complaints. Our team also received positive feedback for improved service quality, which was reflected in our customer satisfaction surveys.”

Tips on Improving Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving is a career-long skill, not just needed for some interviews. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, honing these skills can make a big difference in how you handle challenges at work.

Understand Before Assuming

Jumping to conclusions can be a trap. When a problem arises, take a step back and get a clear picture of what’s actually going on. This means holding off on assumptions until you’ve gathered all the facts.

Sometimes, the real issue isn’t what it seems at first glance. Doing a bit of digging to understand the root cause can lead you to a more effective solution.

Research and Learn from the Past

History often repeats itself, and this is true for workplace problems, too. When faced with a challenge, look into whether similar issues have popped up before.

How were they handled? What worked and what didn’t? Learning from past experiences, whether your own or someone else’s, can be a goldmine of insights.

Brainstorm With Creative Thinking

When thinking about potential solutions, avoid locking yourself into the first idea that comes to mind. Brainstorming can open up a world of possibilities and creative solutions. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Sometimes, the most unconventional ideas turn out to be the best solutions.

Always Have a Plan B

Even the best-laid plans can go awry. That’s why having a contingency plan is a must.

Think about what could go wrong and how to contain any further issues. This doesn’t mean you’re expecting the worst, but rather, you’re prepared to handle it efficiently if it does happen.

Team Decisions and Communication

Solving problems isn’t a solo mission. Make decisions as a team and keep everyone in the loop.

Clear communication is a valuable soft skill that helps everyone understand the plan and their role in it. Plus, this is how you can bring new perspectives and ideas to the table and make your solution even stronger.

Timeframe and Flexibility

Set a timeframe for your action plan, but be flexible. If something isn’t working, be ready to pivot and try a different approach. Sticking rigidly to a plan that’s not delivering results won’t do anyone any favors.

See more interview tips: How To Write A Follow-Up Email After Interview 3 Examples For Thank-You Email After Interview 8 Examples of Challenges You Have Overcome At Work 6 sample answers of accomplishments at work 5 Examples of Problem-Solving in The Workplace How To Ask for Feedback After Job Rejection How to Explain The Reason for Leaving a Job on Applications For Interview Question: What Do You Like To Do For Fun? What Are You Most Passionate About? What Are You Looking For In Your Next Job? Why Are You Interested In This Position? What Accomplishments Are You Most Proud Of?

Frequently Asked Questions

Are problem-solving skills that important.

Absolutely. No matter where you work, there’s always a curveball now and then. Having the knack to quickly think on your feet, break down a problem, and come up with a solution is a game-changer.

How Do I Sell Myself as a Problem Solver?

Storytelling is your best bet here. The trick is to paint a picture where you’re the person who spots the problem and then creatively solves it, not just someone who follows instructions.

How Do I Choose Good Examples for a Job Interview?

Pick examples that show you’re not just a one-trick pony. What I find impressive is when someone can demonstrate their thought process – how they analyzed the issue, got creative with solutions, and then put their plan into action.

What Are the Key Attributes of a Good Problem Solver?

They’re the kind of people who don’t rush to conclusions. Instead, they take their time to understand the problem, explore different angles, and weigh their options.

Adaptability is also key – they can roll with the punches and adjust their plans as needed. And, of course, they’re great at getting their point across, ensuring everyone’s on the same page.

What Are the Major Obstacles to Problem Solving?

From what I’ve seen, the big hurdles are often not having enough info, sticking too rigidly to old mindsets, and letting biases lead the way. It’s easy to get tunnel vision, especially if you’re used to doing things a certain way.

Also, not bringing different perspectives to the table can really limit your options.

As you step into the next interview, remember two key things: confidence and clarity. Trust in your abilities and the experiences you bring to the table. Learn how the above problem-solving examples can paint a vivid picture of your challenge and how you tackled it. Most importantly, let those stories reflect your skills and how you can be an asset to any team.

Christina J. Colclough

Dr Christina J. Colclough is an expert on The Future World of Work and the politics of digital technology advocating globally for the importance of the workers’ voice. She has extensive regional and global labour movement experience, is a sought-after keynote speaker, coach, and strategist advising progressive governments and worker organisations.

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5 Key Capabilities the Best Problem Solvers Have

knack for problem solving

Throughout my career, I have heard people say things like “He has a knack for fixing difficult bugs,” or “She has a knack for getting Ruby to work with OpenSSH.” The definition of “knack” according to the Oxford English Dictionary is “an acquired or natural skill at performing a task.” What we are really talking about here is the skill of “problem solving.” I tend to believe that in our industry it’s almost always an “acquired” skill. If you agree with this, then how and when was it acquired? Why are some of us exponentially better than others at problem solving? How can we become better problem solvers?

I believe what makes a great problem solver boils down to five key capabilities or skills.

knack for problem solving

  • Unrelenting willpower : How hard are you willing to work to solve this problem; will you give up after five minutes, five hours, five days, five weeks, or five years? When will you stop trying? How strong is your “will” to solve this problem? I always think about Star Trek and the Kobayashi Maru , a training exercise in the fictional Star Trek universe designed to test the character of Starfleet Academy cadets in a no-win scenario . Captain Kirk took the test three times while at Starfleet Academy. Before his third attempt, Kirk surreptitiously reprogrammed the simulator so that it was possible to rescue the freighter. Despite having cheated, Kirk was awarded a commendation for “original thinking.” In this case, Captain Kirk’s willpower was unrelenting, and he refused to give up, knowing that there must be a way to solve this problem. In my career, I can think of a handful of technical issues that took weeks to solve. I feel that my willpower to never give up got me through the frustrations of not being able to find the problem and fix it.
  • Breaking big problems into chunks : Sometimes problems are way too big to solve all at once. Great problem solvers take a big problem and break it down into small chunks that are solvable. In software, most complex problems traverse multiple levels of the stack. It could be a hardware problem, or a network problem, or an operating system level issue, or a framework issue, or an issue with your code. Being able to isolate an issue, by breaking it down, is key. One time in the early 2000s I was working on a WebLogic cluster problem, where the session replication was not working in some cases. When we would fire up the servers, it would work fine, but then after a few minutes, replication would stop working. This was a very tough problem that we spent weeks trying to solve. We finally solved it by creating a cluster of two servers on a simple switch (networking device); there the clustering worked fine, so we just started adding pieces until it stopped. By this elimination/addition approach we figured out that our load balancer had a security setting that was blocking the multicast protocol (which the cluster session replication was using) after an initial period of time. Once we disabled this, the problem went away and all was well. See my Networking 101 for Developers video for some good tips on network troubleshooting.

“ Being able to isolate an issue, by breaking it down, is key. ”

  • Big picture: Being a great problem-solving software engineer requires being a great software engineer, but also requires the skills of a passable system administrator (in Linux, Windows or Mac depending on your target), network administrator, security administrator, requirements analyst, data scientist and tester. Often in software, many of the toughest problems are caused by leaky abstractions, and having some basic experience in other parts of the stack can help you troubleshoot the problems and make you better at your core role. Being able to see the big picture helps you view your problem with perspective and come up with a good long-term solution.
  • Methodical : Often in interviews when someone is coding for us, and they encounter a problem, we see them flounder with some trial and error fixes. They keep trying new things at random hoping one of them will work. This approach is one many people take to fixing a problem. A better way is to take a step back and look at the big picture, figure out what things you should try that might fix the problem, and then order them by which is most likely to work. Once you have the list, you need to track each solution and combination of solutions you try and review the result. Additionally, part of being methodical is knowing when to bring in another “expert” to help; usually after you have broken down the problem and pinpointed a specific area where the problem is occurring. Once you’ve done the heavy lifting, and have perhaps spent some time investigating the issue, bringing in someone else who has domain knowledge can really be helpful and often speeds up the problem-solving process even if it’s just to have a second pair of eyes. If I only had a nickel for every time a developer asked for help and when I suggested the “obvious solution,” they said, “I already tried that,” then I responded with “Humor me,” and when they tried it and it worked they were shocked! The reason for this is they didn’t keep careful track of what they had tried.
  • Finding keywords that really match your problem and exclude other problems
  • Using double quotes to link keywords together: “Java developer” vs. Java developer yield very different results
  • Excluding sites using the “-”: Ruby help –
  • Searching within a specific site using “:”: Ruby help
  • Using OR to link two or more words together: ruby OR programming

Becoming a great problem solver is a life’s work for me – I am always looking for ways to improve my problem-solving skills! I hope my ideas here have helped you on your journey to becoming a better problem solver. If you have other ideas of ways to improve, please drop me a comment!


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5 Key Capabilities the Best Problem Solvers Have

Joel Nylund user avatar

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knack for problem solving

Throughout my career, I have heard people say things like “He has a knack for fixing difficult bugs,” or “She has a knack for getting Ruby to work with OpenSSH.” The definition of “knack” according to the Oxford English Dictionary is “an acquired or natural skill at performing a task.” 

What we are really talking about here is the skill of “problem solving.” I tend to believe that in our industry it’s almost always an “acquired” skill. If you agree with this, then how and when was it acquired? Why are some of us exponentially better than others at problem solving? How can we become better problem solvers?

I believe what makes a great problem solver boils down to five key capabilities or skills.

  • Unrelenting willpower : How hard are you willing to work to solve this problem; will you give up after five minutes, five hours, five days, five weeks, or five years? When will you stop trying? How strong is your “will” to solve this problem? I always think about Star Trek and the Kobayashi Maru , a training exercise in the fictional Star Trek universe designed to test the character of Starfleet Academy cadets in a no-win scenario . Captain Kirk took the test three times while at Starfleet Academy. Before his third attempt, Kirk surreptitiously reprogrammed the simulator so that it was possible to rescue the freighter. Despite having cheated, Kirk was awarded a commendation for “original thinking.” In this case, Captain Kirk’s willpower was unrelenting, and he refused to give up, knowing that there must be a way to solve this problem. In my career, I can think of a handful of technical issues that took weeks to solve. I feel that my willpower to never give up got me through the frustrations of not being able to find the problem and fix it.
  • Breaking big problems into chunks : Sometimes problems are way too big to solve all at once. Great problem solvers take a big problem and break it down into small chunks that are solvable. In software, most complex problems traverse multiple levels of the stack. It could be a hardware problem, or a network problem, or an operating system level issue, or a framework issue, or an issue with your code. Being able to isolate an issue, by breaking it down, is key. One time in the early 2000s I was working on a WebLogic cluster problem, where the session replication was not working in some cases. When we would fire up the servers, it would work fine, but then after a few minutes, replication would stop working. This was a very tough problem that we spent weeks trying to solve. We finally solved it by creating a cluster of two servers on a simple switch (networking device); there the clustering worked fine, so we just started adding pieces until it stopped. By this elimination/addition approach we figured out that our load balancer had a security setting that was blocking the multicast protocol (which the cluster session replication was using) after an initial period of time. Once we disabled this, the problem went away and all was well. See my Networking 101 for Developers video for some good tips on network troubleshooting.

                    “ Being able to isolate an issue, by breaking it down, is key. ”

  • Big picture :   Being a great problem-solving software engineer requires being a great software engineer, but also requires the skills of a passable system administrator (in Linux, Windows or Mac depending on your target), network administrator, security administrator, requirements analyst, data scientist and tester. Often in software, many of the toughest problems are caused by leaky abstractions, and having some basic experience in other parts of the stack can help you troubleshoot the problems and make you better at your core role. Being able to see the big picture helps you view your problem with perspective and come up with a good long-term solution.
  • Methodical : Often in interviews when someone is coding for us, and they encounter a problem, we see them flounder with some trial and error fixes. They keep trying new things at random hoping one of them will work. This approach is one many people take to fixing a problem. A better way is to take a step back and look at the big picture, figure out what things you should try that might fix the problem, and then order them by which is most likely to work. Once you have the list, you need to track each solution and combination of solutions you try and review the result. Additionally, part of being methodical is knowing when to bring in another “expert” to help; usually after you have broken down the problem and pinpointed a specific area where the problem is occurring. Once you’ve done the heavy lifting, and have perhaps spent some time investigating the issue, bringing in someone else who has domain knowledge can really be helpful and often speeds up the problem-solving process even if it’s just to have a second pair of eyes. If I only had a nickel for every time a developer asked for help and when I suggested the “obvious solution,” they said, “I already tried that,” then I responded with “Humor me,” and when they tried it and it worked they were shocked! The reason for this is they didn’t keep careful track of what they had tried.
  • Finding keywords that really match your problem and exclude other problems
  • Using double quotes to link keywords together: “Java developer” vs. Java developer yield very different results
  • Excluding sites using the “-”: Ruby help –
  • Searching within a specific site using “:”: Ruby help
  • Using OR to link two or more words together: ruby OR programming

Becoming a great problem solver is a life’s work for me – I am always looking for ways to improve my problem-solving skills! I hope my ideas here have helped you on your journey to becoming a better problem solver. If you have other ideas of ways to improve, please drop me a comment!

Published at DZone with permission of Joel Nylund . See the original article here.

Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.

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What are problem-solving skills? (Examples included!)

Last updated by Swaminathan Iyer on Apr 01, 2024 at 01:09 PM | Reading time: 13 minutes

Life in the 21st century is all about efficiency and development. The unending quench of discovering the unknown, materializing one dream after another, has helped push the limits through the sky. But have you ever thought what the key to all of these astronomical successes is?

It is the zeal to solve a problem with the resources available to generate the best possible results.

Here's what this article will cover:

What are problem-solving skills , how do problem-solving skills help or act as your pillars of success, how do employers assess your problem-solving skills , steps to execute problem-solving skills, skills to hone for an apt solution-finder, examples of problem-solving techniques.

Dos and Don'ts in interviews

How to improve your problem-solving skills ?

How to highlight problem-solving skills .

Problem-solving is hunting; it is a savage pleasure, and we are born to it." –Thomas Harris .

The truth is, problem-solving skills are acquirable for some people while others adapt to it like fish in the water. Working in IT, web development, coding, machine learning, and the likes demand the ability to make decisions at a moment's notice.

So, do you want to back off when the time comes or take it up as a challenge?

Brush up your problem-solving skills or better, enhance them, and make them your forte by reading this article. No technical interview preparation guide is complete without tips to improve such problem-solving skills.

Also read: Why do FAANG companies test for problem-solving skills in their interviews.

Larry and his team suddenly face a major crisis. Not a single developer in his team who is good with String is coming to the office, but there is an urgent client requirement. Larry asks his team if anybody is confident enough to pull it through, and surprisingly, he sees one solitary hand of Jim in the mix. But it is a 4-men job, at least. Realizing that there is no way out other than working with another team(s), he wastes no time. He sends out emails to other teams asking for at least two more developers, counting himself and Jim. 4 more fellow coders came to the rescue and delivered the project before the deadline!

Problem-solving skills enable you to observe the situation and determine the contributing factors of the issue. Identifying the root cause and the ability to take necessary steps with available resources are integral in finessing your problem-solving ability.

All technical interview preparation courses , therefore, cover this crucial aspect.

Employers seek problem-solving skills in their employees . And why not?

Who wouldn't want to have an efficient employee like Larry? The knack of not backing down from a challenge is the perfect catalyst for business expansion.

Problem-solving skills help you attain insight into the source of the problem and figuring out an ideal solution. However, several skills and their correct implementation are essential, which are listed below.

  • Patient listener : To identify a problem, you must first be all ears to gain information about the situation.
  • Eye for detail : Once you start listening minutely, you now need to identify the data's discrepancies and have an intuitive eye for detail.
  • Thorough research : Background research and data verification is bread and butter for efficient problem-solvers.
  • Innovative approach : It is not just about getting it done. It's about taking a challenging approach in a mission to maximize results.
  • Communication skills: Flawless communication skills are necessary to negate any misunderstanding and ensure conveying the message with clarity. You can indeed consider this as a great time saver!
  • Composure : Your ability to remain calm even in a demanding situation will always earn you dividends in the path to success. It is not a quality that you can imbibe easily, but rigorous practice can do the trick for you.
  • Decision-making ability : Having a knack for making the right decisions under pressure is a highly sought-after attribute by employers when hiring people. Taking quick decisions in dire straits is the reason why the company is paying you the big bucks.  
  • Team player : Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your team is instrumental in maintaining team spirit. Higher the team spirit, the better the performance!

Employers today prioritize hiring people with soft skills like problem-solving abilities to maximize business output even when the going gets tough. Your problem-solving ability is judged based on:

  • If you have accomplished any remarkable feat in a taxing situation. This gives an insight into the upper benchmark of your performance.
  • Presenting hypothetical problems for the interviewee to solve is another commonly used trick to ascertain your productivity metrics and creative problem-solving techniques in tough conditions.
  • Some organizations may even line up some challenging tests and exercises to have a firsthand look at the execution and effectiveness of your technical skills in the approach to problem-solving.

"We cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created them." – Albert Einstein

  • Analyze contributing factors

James was getting an error code during the execution of specific UI updates. He started analyzing the code and rechecking the repository for any possible mistake. To his delight, his hunch turned out to be accurate. He immediately made the necessary changes, and the updates were successfully executed.

Analysis of contributing factors and its repercussions in the ebb and flow of the task is a preliminary attribute of an able problem-solver. To acquire perfection in analysis and problem-solving skills, you must ensure a thorough:

  • Gathering of data
  • Diligent study of the collected data
  • Scrutiny to filter relevant data
  • Historical analysis
  • Generate interventions

Working at a software development firm, Donald is perturbed by the lack of advancement in the deep learning project. Lack of idea and innovation is leading to nowhere. He decided that enough is enough. He asked for a group session to brainstorm in the hope of generating some leads. The session was a huge success, and Donald was finally able to catch a breather.

It is not an unknown fact that 'we' is always more productive than 'I' under any circumstance.

Utilizing the versatility of your available resources with the help of various sessions can work miracles. Such sessions can be for:

  • Creative thinking
  • Brainstorming
  • Planning a project
  • Forecasting future trends
  • Prediction of possible outcomes
  • Designing your project with originality, etc.
  • Evaluate solutions

This is more up the alley for managers and team leads. To become adept at evaluating solutions, one must gain prolonged experience in corporate decision-making. The evaluation process needs to consider potential costs, available resources, and possible hurdles of project completion.

Remember Donald?

Yes, he is a team lead, and therefore, he had the authority to initiate a brainstorming session with multiple teams to bring in new ideas.

The secret to evaluating solutions?

  • Corroboration
  • Identifying change in trends
  • Prioritization
  • Implement a plan

Choosing the right course of action is the preliminary step to solve the problems. The success of the execution is streamlined with the help of quality benchmarks to indicate its effectiveness.

"A problem is a chance for you to do the best!" – Duke Ellington .

Knowing the right people to do it for you is essential for successful implementation. It is also crucial that you are accustomed to your organization's operating procedures before you formulate the best possible strategy.

Skills you need are:

  • Project management
  • Implementation of project strategy
  • Collaboration
  • Time management
  • Developing appropriate quality benchmark
  • Assess the solution's effectiveness

An ideal way to detect whether a solution is effective or not is to check if the problem still exists after applying the solution. Benchmarks need to be set as per organizational standards to help them assess the situation and if any further changes are required in the interim.

  • Data analysis
  • Communication
  • Close follow-ups
  • Troubleshooting

"A problem well stated is a problem half solved." –John Dewey

  • Research: Problem-solving is not complete without extensive research. It is otherwise impossible to identify the problem without gathering enough data on the errors and their analysis. Consulting with your team gives you an edge to find the solution quicker.
  • Analysis: Analysis of the situation is a must. Analytical skills further assist you in identifying the discrepancies and the possible actions which can resolve the issue.
  • Decision-making: The ability to make decisions in hours of need defines your mettle. The onus is on you to be proactive and choose the right course of action.
  • Communication: Are you great at conversations? If so, communication skills can help you garner much-required assistance for the project. Communication of the issues and how you want the project done are critical for the problem-solving process's smooth flow.
  • Dependability: Having dependable members boosts the morale of the team. If you are a problem-solver, taking responsibility and taking it on the chin to solve the issues needs to be your forte.
  • Select an example or situation that you can handle without any issue.
  • Do not stray off topic and stay on track.
  • Do not use jargon in your interview. So, choose your example and words wisely.
  • Do not choose a redundant issue.

Sam has come to an interview for a team-lead profile. The recruiter asks a situation-based problem in regards to machine learning software. Though tricky, Sam knew the exact way around for the problem and answered it precisely to the point. The recruiter is delighted and hires Sam for the position.

  • Thirst for knowledge : An insatiable thirst for knowledge is the secret door to success in problem-solving skills. If Sam was unaware of the tweaks needed to solve the problem, do you think the manager would have been impressed? No, managers at companies like Google and Facebook are looking for people who can act independently with their available resources. The question is, are you the problem solver who can be a catch to any company?
  • An intuition for challenge : You need to be intuitive and have a sharp nose for challenges. The more you take up difficult situations and handle them with panache and ease, the more you can hone your problem-solving skills .
  • Practice and more practice: Practice makes a man perfect – truer words have never been said. Effective problem solving is achieved not by slacking off but by acquainting yourself with various situations and applying your skills to resolve them. Remember, experience can never be substituted, and you have to take the long route to success!
  • Keen and observant eyes : Do you have an eye for detail, and are you quick to point out discrepancies in data analysis? If yes, you are already one step towards becoming a valued problem solver in your company. Also, if you are a person who observes closely what is being done and why others do it, it helps develop your decision-making skills in future. Don't forget to mention this in your resume.

Tom has been applying frantically for a job since he moved to Arizona but seemed unable to find just the right one. When he sees his attempts are futile, he decides to add some of his previous company's achievements, thinking it might help. Oh, boy, did it help! Tom writes about when he was asked to handle a team of 12 single-handedly while his manager suddenly went on a sabbatical. Tom had no prior experience of leading a team but appeared to come out of this fix with flying colors.

Megan is currently looking for a step up in her career. She carefully drafts a cover letter that entails her achievements with clarity. The cover letter explained her contributions in reviving team spirit in the office after her predecessor, with his poor man-management, had successfully built a wall of distrust among the employees.  

  • Problem-solving skills for resume : You can convey your achievements or even your hobbies to the person sitting in front of you, or not, depending on his/her nature. But you cannot afford to miss the chance to showcase your best achievement. It is in your best interest to build your CV around the achievements to give it maximum traction and attention. Mention the problem you faced and jot down the course of action you took to nullify the situation. Nobody can stop you if this is done right!
  • Problem-solving skills for cover letter : Use it as an opportunity to let the company delve into your success story so far and the factors leading to it. If you have done your research on the organization you're applying for, it will not hurt your chances of identifying some challenges of the company and suggesting some solutions. It goes down a long way if you indeed join forces!

If you are adequately seasoned with problem-solving skills with dedication and practice, you're already almost there. Proper interview preparation tips can further help you in this regard.

knack for problem solving

Swaminathan Iyer

Attend our free webinar on how to nail your next technical interview.

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6 Problem Solving Pitfalls and Countermeasures

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People that are viewed as good problem solvers are valued. We know they can help. They just seem to have a knack for figuring things out. In truth, we all have different abilities and skills, and some people ARE better at getting to the crux of the problem. But, how do they do it? Is problem solving a learned or innate skill?

There are pitfalls or mistakes that many people make when attacking problems. If we can recognize and avoid these mistakes and follow a clear process approach, all of us can become better problem solvers. Using the terminology of problem solving, we can deploy strategies to avoid these mistakes.

Pitfall #1 – We all think we know what the problem is. Many times, a problem solving team is assembled and they immediately discuss possible causes or solutions. Team members may have different information or a different understanding of the problem. Discussions are confusing, disjointed and inefficient. We do not have a common purpose.

Strategy #1 – Create a clear problem statement devoid of an unnecessary or distracting description. A clear problem statement contains an OBJECT (the thing which has the problem) and the DEFECT (undesirable condition or defect). The famous inventor, Charles Kettering, stated, “A problem well stated is a problem half solved.” Once we have this statement, we can start asking “why” questions to dig deeper into the causes, and all team members have a common focus and understanding.

Pitfall #2 – We ask, “How could this have happened?” The word “could” leads to conjecture and opinion. We rely on experts and the history of what we “think” we know without collecting the facts around the specific event in question.

Strategy #2 – Ask, “Why DID this happen?” Gather the evidence and collect facts. Think of the event as a crime scene and you are the investigator. Focus your actions on extracting any possible evidence starting with the most minute or microscopic detail so that nothing is overlooked. Dorian Shainin, a famed industrial problem solver and college professor, encouraged problem solvers to “talk to the parts.” The evidence or clues tell a story, which will lead to identification of the causes.

Create a structure from a microscopic to macroscopic view. Assemble your facts against this structure looking for signals or contrast. Where contrast or differences are observed, something is causing that difference. Continuing to ask WHY the contrast exists can lead you to the fundamental or root cause(s).

Pitfall #3 – We try to solve multiple problems simultaneously. Asking WHY questions and gathering evidence to answer them with confidence is essential. This approach is called the “5 Why” method. A why question is asked and is answered with a BECAUSE statement. We can ask another why for the new statement and so on. The number five implies that if we ask why five times, we will probably arrive at a fundamental or root level which, if addressed effectively, will eradicate the problem. It sounds very simple, but teams can become confused because they don’t follow a clear line of questions. Since the BECAUSE answer depends on the WHY question, teams can follow different paths of logic and arrive at different conclusions.

Strategy #3 – Separate the problem into three lines of questions. Once the team has created a problem statement, and collected the initial evidence about the problem, they should decide what questions make sense for the given problem. The initial questions originate from:

  • Why did the problem OCCUR?
  • Why did we not DETECT and CONTAIN the problem?
  • Why did we not PREDICT and PREVENT the problem?

As an example, we may have a customer that received a part from one of our processes. This process could be highly capable with very few defects ever occurring. It might be very costly to improve this process further to increase the capability, and it would not make good business or economic sense for us. Of course, the customer doesn’t want any defects, and shouldn’t have to pay for them. Therefore, it makes sense that we should focus on why we did not detect and contain the defect, and not expend any resources on why the defect occurred. We might also wish to review our quality planning or prevention (predict and prevent) to determine if we could improve our ability to avoid future detection problems.

Pitfall #4 – We spend a lot of time and resources and dig too deep. Not all problems are created equal! Some are big and some are small. Some are simple and some are complex. We may not need 5 why questions to arrive at the root. We might need seven or eight! We might need three. The problem and its severity should dictate our level of response. We want to use facts to explain the BECAUSE statement, and we can check the logic chain of our statements by starting with the final statement and adding the word THEREFORE after it, to lead us to the previous BECAUSE statement until we reach the original problem statement. But where do we stop? We don’t need to “cure world hunger” on every problem. We don’t have time to dig that deeply.

Strategy #4 – Decide how deep to question once you select which lines (Strategy #3) should be addressed. The WHY questions take us into deeper levels of complexity. We can define these levels as direct, process, and systemic, moving from basic to complex. Once we select a line of questioning (occurrence, detection or prevention), we will certainly need to answer a WHY question to identify a cause. We will typically need to focus on the process involved and identify what went wrong with perhaps a few more WHY’s. BUT, we may NOT need to delve into the system that created the process.

For example, we may have created a defect because a component on a machine failed to perform properly (direct cause). The component may have failed because there was no preventive maintenance performed on it (process). If we stop at this level, a reasonable corrective action would be to establish an appropriate preventive maintenance plan for this component. The systemic level question would focus on why our preventive maintenance management system failed to create an effective plan for this component. Obviously, that is a deep question and could lead to significant consumption of time and resources to address effectively. Maybe we “shouldn’t go there” for now.

It might also be helpful to think of YES/NO type questions, particularly at the process level, to help focus our WHY thinking:

  • Is there a defined process involved in this problem? This could be the occurrence, detection or prevention process depending on which line of questions we are pursuing. If there is not a defined process, we can focus our solutions on defining it.
  • If it was NOT followed, we need to ask why, and consider some mistake proofing.
  • If the process WAS followed, obviously, we need to improve the process so that the problem is reduced or eliminated.

Pitfall #5 – We assume we are right. We answer the why questions and identify our root causes, but we don’t perform any tests to confirm our conclusions. Did we miss something? Yes, the facts seem clear, but how do we know for sure?

Strategy #5 – Confirm the cause(s) where possible by performing trials/experiments. This is not always feasible, but should be performed whenever possible.

Pitfall #6 – Our actions are ineffective. All our best efforts to identify cause(s) can be for nothing if we don’t ensure we take appropriate, effective actions.

Strategy #6 – Align actions to specific cause(s) and verify they are effective. We may want to even take multiple actions against a specific cause, and we certainly need to test or monitor to ensure our actions work. Otherwise, we need to revisit these actions. If we’ve done a good job of confirming the cause(s), we don’t need to backtrack any further than our actions.

The following table summarizes the above discussion.

We all know what the problem is.

Create a clear problem statement.

We ask, “How COULD this happen?”

Ask how DID or why DID this happen.

We try to solve multiple problems simultaneously.

Separate into three lines/legs (Occurrence, Detection and Prevention). Address only those that are relevant and address them independently.

We dig too deep.

Select the level (direct, process, systemic) aligned with the lines/legs above and the problem severity.

We assume we are right.

Confirm the cause(s) where possible with trials/experiments.

Our actions aren’t effective.

Align actions to cause(s) and verify effectiveness.

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Problem solving/ Algorithm Skill is a knack or can be developed with practice? [closed]

Every time I start a hard problem and if can not figure out the exact solution or can not get started, I get into this never ending discussion with myself, as below:

That problem solving/mathematics/algorithms skills are gifted (not that you can learn by practicing, by practice, you only master the kind of problems that you already have solved before)

only those who went to good schools can do it, as they learned it early.

What are your thoughts, can one achieve awesomeness in problem solving/algorithms just by hard work or you need to have that extra-gene in you?

Ramadheer Singh's user avatar

  • SO is not intended for poll questions. See the faq at –  danben Commented Jun 11, 2010 at 17:49
  • Practice helps, even if you have no natural talent ;) Try to learn from others. –  Hamish Grubijan Commented Jun 11, 2010 at 17:53
  • 13 it's a real confusion rather than a poll. If you ask I can remove question but that does not end it here. I am sure many students like me have same confusion. –  Ramadheer Singh Commented Jun 11, 2010 at 17:53
  • 2 God! I was going to post the same Q @Nasgul fav and +1 –  Sobiaholic Commented Jan 7, 2012 at 23:30
  • 2 This is something I often think about too. As someone who went to work first before going to university. It always amaze me to see how fellow students who had no programming experience learn at a much faster pace than me and could solve hard programming problems without much practice (despite the gap initially). Meanwhile I have been trying to keep attempting harder problems to improve but my knack of solving problems does not seem to improve at all despite trying for a long time. It does makes me wonder if I have reached the limits of my intelligence and working memory :(. –  snowpolar Commented Nov 4, 2012 at 11:10

8 Answers 8

I spent a big part of my life wondering whether talent was something you developed or something you were born with. Then it occurred to me that the answer was irrelevant, at least if you want to achieve things yourself. Even if you have talent, it will only help you if you act as if talent only comes from practice, because you will work that much harder.

With regards to algorithms, as well as any other really difficult skill, it takes practice to get good. Whether or not you have to have some amount of talent too, I don't know. I do know for a fact, however, that people have made huge improvements in competitions like TopCoder by practicing. I myself have learned a lot from that.

If you set up a systematic training program, you will be way ahead of the pack, even if it is not perfect. I have written a few hundred programs on TopCoder by now and it has affected my thinking in a profound way. I have learned a lot of things that could only ever be learned by doing them wrong and then fixing my mistake. A friend of mine has written several thousand programs on TopCoder and he is way better than I am, even though his stats were worse when he started out than mine were. That is no coincidence.

I just came across this answer at math.stackexchange. I think it is one of the best explanations of how to learn algorithms I have read, even though he writes about chess and math.

Community's user avatar

1) Don't try to solve the problem in its most general abstraction. 2) Choose the right time when your mind is working at maximum.

I got the first point as an advice from a math instructor. It works! try to do different examples and scenarios of the problem. This helps greatly in identifying the edge cases which are the hardest to understand in most problems.

My favorite time for solving this kind of problems is the dawn(4-6 AM). Have a good sleep the night before, and wakeup ready to solve the problem. Silence is your friend.

I do believe that some people have extra intelligence than others, but it is not the most important factor. It is how you utilize this intelligence to solve the problem.

Khaled Alshaya's user avatar

  • I definitely do believe in every character you said and these two advice are the best I 've ever received. I am marking @Jørgen Fogh 's answer as the final as it clears my confusion. The Perfect answer would be yours and his combined. I think you said the same thing in your last sentence but verbose version somehow convinced me more. Thank you so much for your time and help :). –  Ramadheer Singh Commented Jul 16, 2010 at 1:01
  • 1 just wanted to tell you again, that your tips still help me (everytime I am way too deep, I try to recall your two tips) @AraK, Thanks a lot! –  Ramadheer Singh Commented Apr 22, 2011 at 6:05

I took magic lessons in a group setting when I was twelve years old. The magician's name was Joe Carota. He did a magic trick one time and I blurted out, "How did you do that?" He said something that day that has stuck with me ever since.

Joe's response, "Michael, if you really want to know how that trick is done you must figure out how you would do it yourself."

Well of course that's not what I wanted to hear but it did get my mind focused on problem solving. This was problem solving from my perspective. If my first attempt at solving the problem took seventeen steps and was really klunky, the good news was I solved the problem.

Then by looking at the solution I had developed and further looking for ways to refine that solution I would learn how to streamline the end result. Later on in my computer programming life I found out that this process was called "Stepwise Refinement".

It worked back in 1971 and it still works today.

Michael Riley - AKA Gunny's user avatar

For me, i think it's a bit talent, but much more important is experience and practice. If you know many problems and the best solutions to them, you can come up more easily with a solution to a new problem.

Example from my own past: There was some programming contest (good for training, btw) and I did not find a good solution. The winner solved the problem mainly by using a KD-Tree. To come up with this, you first of all need to know what, in this case, a KD-Tree is, and where it's useful. Today, this is clear to me and if i'd encounter a similar problem again, i'd be able to solve it really quickly.

zerm's user avatar

  • 1 what you said 100% makes sense. The many problems one will solve..the many confidences he/she will earn. –  Arup Rakshit Commented Apr 4, 2015 at 20:08
Hardwork beats talent if talent doesn't work hard. This above statement defines what the true potential of persistence is.Any skill in this world can be developed by practice.This process is analogous to nailing a nail in the wall.It not only requires correct magnitude but also appropriate direction.

cdroid9's user avatar

To answer the question, first we need to find the ingredients for the capability to solve an issue.

There is a so-called natural talent. This is the talent you are born with. This predetermines your potential. People born with more gray matter will tend to perform better than people with whom nature was less generous with. This means that a person having better talent has a higher probability to perform better than a person not as talented if they had the same parameters (education, personality, resistance to stress, willpower). If one observes that he or she tends to consume a great time to absorb new information until he or she is able to apply it, then the wisest decision for the person is to leave programming and prevent a life full of frustration. Naturally, one cannot expect as a beginner to be able to instantly understand the most complex phenomenon, but if a beginner is too slow to understand beginner concepts, then programming is not his or her cup of tea.

Developed talent. One has a natural talent, but that is, in itself not enough to solve problems. I have never seen newborns writing code. One has to get some education. The earlier, the better. Also, the quality of school is of high importance. We should never deny the fact that a person who did not have the chance to learn programming at a good school early, then he or she has a handicap in the race for success. However, if someone misses good schools early, then the handicap can be covered with hard work. For instance, my wife had an education in another field, but after finishing the university, she did not find proper jobs. So I started to educate her. After a month she learned how to learn and was able to solve almost any problems presented to her, but she was not yet effective. She gradually became to start learning in auto-didacting manner. After a year she was already a professional coder. She does not have a paper from a school that she can code, but she is doing a fantastic job. So, she missed early education, but was later able to neutralize the handicap. Developed talent can be described as the set of information learned and known, along with the right attitude, the scientific approach to new types of challenges.

Practice: Practice is good to increase the level of developed talent, yet, it SHOULD not be the sole source of developing talent. Along with practice, the theoretical horizons must be regularly expanded.

Working strategy: One can be extremely talented, can have a lot of knowledge. If he or she does not have a right working strategy, then he or she has a handicap. Whenever a new task is given, the right questions should be asked:

  • what was the closest task to this one? Can I reuse my solution to an extent?
  • what should I learn to be able to solve this problem?
  • how can I write clear and efficient code to solve the problem?

So the answer is: while it is good to have excellent education as early as possible, it is not necessary. Do not forget, that life is the best school and you can recuperate the lost opportunity later if you have talent, willpower and source of information. Practice is not only showing you the right steps to solve a problem, it also widens your horizons. For instance, if one understands number systems, then he or she will be able to understand a variety of things later, like colors in CSS, PSD, or number overflows. If one learns how to code in Java, then he or she will understand C# very quickly. So, practice is giving you knowledge about the solution to a given problem type, but also, gives new theoretical knowledge which will be useful in various areas. The core skill one has to develop is the ability to learn quickly.

Lajos Arpad's user avatar

There have been many examples of people having extraordinary talent with minimum success. You see such examples in sports,politics,business and also in general around you. So, I feel after a certain limit, talent is a meaningless virtue. Its mostly the hard word that rewards you with greater success. If you follow cricket, here is a link with good example. I feel same principle applies to algorithm and problem solving. An year back I use to pick up algorithmic problems to solve and used to find myself completely lost. An year invested in reading algorithmic books, solving its exercises and also practicing some more programming problems, I am confident that now I can solve most problems ( I still have a long way to go in making myself efficient in it). But the point is smart work is enough to develop this knack of solving problems.

chitresh's user avatar

Talent is cheap and useless without hardwork. Talent can only take you to some extent, but with hardwork and practice anybody can reach great heights - Josh Waitzkin, 8-time National Chess Champion, a 13-Time National and 2-time World Champion He himself says this in his voice over in Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition

sumanth232's user avatar

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A Knack for Problem-Solving | 2023 Emerging Pharma Leader

The recipe for cross-functional collaboration in drug development. (The story of Justin To, chief operating officer, skeletal dysplasias and gene therapy, for Bridge Bio and a 2023 Emerging Pharma Leader.)

Justin To, Chief Operating Officer, Skeletal Dysplasias and Gene Therapy, BridgeBio

Justin To, Chief Operating Officer, Skeletal Dysplasias and Gene Therapy, BridgeBio

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When asked about his hobbies outside of work, Justin To excitedly discusses his love for cooking. His skills have progressed since he first took up breadmaking during the pandemic. Now, he makes his own pasta and pizza from scratch. Cooking appeals to him because it’s very scientific—he finds the kitchen similar to working in a lab. To says perfecting recipes is therapeutic for him.

To’s work at BridgeBio is focused on skeletal dysplasia and gene therapies. Now chief operating officer of the two programs, he was one of the biotech’s first employees, although he says he initially passed on the offer.

“I was approached by Neil [Kumar, PhD], the founder and CEO of BridgeBio, and essentially would have been its second or third employee,” says To. “I made the not-so-wise decision to turn it down, and I joined a different company. Upon reflection, I realized I had more of a passion for therapeutics than working on the data and software side of things.” BridgeBio still had an open position for To, and he joined the then-startup in 2017.

Today, To is valued as a cross-functional leader at the company, helping to create connections across different functions, including regulatory, patient advocacy, and those in the labs. He says that his role is patient- and partner-centered and that he tries to incorporate both voices into decisions related to drug development.

“No two days are the same, and we as a company are dealing with very complex issues where there is effectively no correct answer,” says To. “This requires a lot of critical thinking and cross-functional team input to get to the best solution for patients. That’s satisfying because you’re doing things that are essentially uncharted territory.”

To is also proud of how BridgeBio avoids having bureaucracy get in the way of good ideas. Rather than holding frequent governance meetings that he says are more common at larger pharma companies, decisions are made by individuals closest to the science and patients in need, which empowers the people working on a problem to be involved in the solution. This, To believes, allows good ideas to float to the surface, regardless of one’s title, seniority, or experience.

This same attitude can be seen in To’s approach to leadership. “A leader is interested in other people’s experiences and languages,” he says. “What is the language of someone that works in clinical operations? For someone who works cross-functionally, it’s imperative to understand what their roles are like, what objectives they have, and how they see the world. These things determine how they are coming to the table to solve problems.”

To also believes that empathy is critical to being a good leader. It’s important for him to be able to put himself in others’ shoes to truly understand why something is an issue. This also makes it easier for him to listen to people. In To’s experience, people often already have a solution to a problem, they just need someone to listen to them.

To’s career has taught him to be ready to adapt to changes, and the past few years have been a perfect example. As an early employee at BridgeBio, To remembers the days when it was located in a small house in Palo Alto, CA. For him, part of what made the company special was that everyone was constantly running into each other and brainstorming solutions in informal problem-solving sessions.

“With the pandemic, things have changed,” says To. “When you try to do giant Zoom meetings, it makes problem-solving more difficult.” To and his team have found that mixing digital, such as quick, focused check-ins for smaller groups, with larger in-person meetings and strategy brainstorms helps them maintain their collaborative spirit and cross-functional decision-making.

If his career has taught him anything, To says that it’s this: drug development is a long time-scale process. It can take a decade to bring a project from the lab to FDA approval and then to market. Keeping that in mind, To says, much like perfecting his favorite recipes in the kitchen, it’s important to have a dash of patience and always keep long-term goals in mind.

Read the May 2023 issue

Read about the other 2023 Emerging Pharma Leaders :

  • Natasha A. Hernday, chief business officer, Seagen
  • Simon Holland, vice president, women's health commercial lead, Organon
  • Frank Watanabe, president and CEO, Arcutis Biotherapeutics
  • Hanadie Yousef, PhD, co-founder and CEO, Juvena Therapeutics

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A Guide to Problem-Solving for Software Developers with Examples

If I ask you, out of the blue, what’s the role of a developer, what would you answer? Coding all day? Drinking coffee? Complaining about the management?

To me, a developer is first and foremost a problem solver, simply because solving problem is the most important (and the most difficult) part of our job. After all, even if our code is perfect, clear, performing great, a masterpiece of form and meaning, it’s useless if it doesn’t solve the problem it was meant to solve.

So, let’s dive into problem-solving today. More specifically, we’ll see in this article:

  • How to define a problem, and the difference sometimes made between problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Why some problems should not be solved.
  • The two wide categories of problems you can encounter.
  • Why it’s important to correctly define the problem, and how to do so.
  • How to explore the solution space.
  • Why deferring a problem might be the best decision to make in specific situations.
  • Why reflecting on the whole process afterward can help you in the future.

This article is mostly based on my own experience, even if I apply here some ideas I found in books and papers.

We have our plan. Now, it’s time to dive deep into the difficult, but rewarding, process of problem-solving.

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master — that’s all.” Lewis Caroll Source

Words are ambiguous; they can mean different things for each of us. So let’s first begin to agree on the definition of “problem-solving” here, to be sure we’re on the same page.

Let’s first look at the definition of the word “problem” in a dictionary:

  • According to the American Heritage Dictionary , a problem is “a question to be considered, solved, or answered”.
  • According to the Oxford Learner’s dictionary , a problem is “a thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand”.

In short, in any problem, there is some degree of uncertainty. If you’re certain of the solution, the problem is already solved. Nothing would need to be “considered, solved, or answered”.

Information is useful to reduce this uncertainty. The quantity is often not the most important, but the quality will be decisive. If I tell you that 90% of my readers are extremely intelligent, would it help you to solve a problem in your daily job? I bet it wouldn’t. It’s information nonetheless, but its usefulness for you is close to zero.

This is an extreme example, but it highlights an important point: before collecting any data, define your problem clearly; then, according to the problem, decide what data you need. Yet, many companies out there begin to collect the data and then decide what problem to solve. We’ll come back to that soon in this article.

So, to summarize, a problem is a situation with some degree of uncertainty. Sometimes, this uncertainty needs to be reduced to come up with an appropriate solution, or, at least, a decision to move forward to your specific goal.

Is there a Problem to Solve?

Whenever you (or somebody else) see a problem, you should always ask yourself this simple question first: is it really a problem, and should we solve it now ?

In other words, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why is this problem important to solve?
  • Would be solving the problem creates some value? What value?
  • What would happen if the problem was not solved?
  • What desired outcome do we expect by solving the problem?

If the problem doesn’t bother anybody and solving it doesn’t create any value, why allocating effort and time to solve it?

It sounds obvious, but it’s an important point nonetheless. More often than not, I see developers heading first in solving problems without asking themselves if they should solve them at the first place.

The most common examples I can think of are useless refactoring. I saw developers refactoring parts of codebases which never change, or is rarely executed at runtime. In the mind of the developer, the code itself is the problem: refactoring is the solution.

I remember a similar case: a developer refactored part of the codebase which was basically never used. We discovered, months later, when we had more and more users using this specific part of the codebase, that the refactoring didn’t really simplify anything. To the contrary; we had to refactor the code again. The first refactoring tried to solve a problem which didn’t exists.

Of course, the developer could argue that the value created is a “cleaner” codebase, but it’s arguable, especially when the code is neither often modified nor used. The value created here is not clear, and it would have been easier if the first refactoring never happened. In this specific situation, I recommend refactoring when you actively change part of the codebase for another reason (implementing a new feature for example).

Whether a problem is worthy to be solved is subjective. It also depends on the problem: if the solution is clear and straightforward, it might be useful to solve it, if the consequences of the solution are also clearly known and the risks are low. Unfortunately, these kinds of problems, in practice, are quite rare.

Types of Problems

I would define here two wide categories of problems: the problems with a (or multiple) clear solution (what the literature call “problem-solving”), and the problems without clear solution (it’s sometimes called “decision-making” instead of “problem-solving”).

In fact, if the problem you’re trying to solve has a clear, accepted answer, it’s very likely it has been solved already. It’s often the case for mechanical, technical problems. For example, let’s say that you need to order a list; you just have to search on the wild Internet how to do so in your programming language of choice, and you’re done! You can ask an “AI” too, or stack overflow, or whatever.

In my experience, most technical problems have one (or multiple) accepted solution. I won’t speak about these kinds of problems at length in this article, since they’re the easiest to solve.

When you’re in front of a problem which has no clear solution (even after doing some research), it’s where things get more complicated. I’d argue that most problems you’ll face, as a software developer, are of this category. Problems which are directly linked to the domain of the company you work with are often specific (because they depend on the domain), and complex.

For example, I’m working for a company providing a learning platform for medical students who want to become doctors, among other services. This context is changing because the real world is changing; medicine is no exception.

Recently, we had to create new data structures for the knowledge we provide; these data structures are directly linked to the domain (medicine) here. But what data structures to create? How can they adapt to the ever-changing environment? How to capture the data in the most meaningful way, with understandable naming for other developers?

Decisions had to be made, and when there are no clear solutions, you need to come up with a couple of hypothesizes. They won’t feel necessary like solutions , but rather decisions to take to move forward toward the desired outcome. It often ends up in compromises, especially if you’re working in a team where the members have different opinions .

Also, architectural decisions have often no clear solutions because they depend, again, on the changing context. How to be sure that an architectural decision is good today and in three months? How can we make the architecture flexible enough to adapt to the blurry future?

As developers, we deal with complex codebases, which are somewhat linked to the even more complex real world. It’s difficult to know beforehand the consequences of our decisions, as well as the benefits, the drawback, and the potential bugs we introduce.

Before jumping into the solution space however, we first need a good detour in the problem space.

Defining the Problem

Correctly stating the problem.

After determining that we indeed have some kind of problem, it’s tempting to try to find a solution directly. Be patient: it’s better to look at the problem more closely first.

If you don’t specify well the problem, you might not solve it entirely. It’s also possible that you end up solving the wrong problem, or the symptoms of a problem, that is, other minor problems created by a root problem. Often, the ideal scenario is to find the root problem, even if you don’t want to tackle it first. In any case, it’s always useful information.

For example, not long ago, our users didn’t find the content they were searching for, using our search functionality on our learning platform.

We could have directly solved the problem by asking the search team to adjust that for us, but this problem was only a symptom. It wasn’t the first time that we had to spend time and energy trying to communicate to the search team what we wanted to fix; the real root problem here was that we didn’t have any ownership of our search results.

The solution: we created a better API communicating with the search team, to be able to adjust ourselves the search results in a more flexible manner.

When looking at a problem, a good first step is to write it down. Don’t do it once; try to find different formulations for the same problem.

Writing is nice (I love it!), but other ways to represent ideas can be really useful too. You can try to draw what you understand from the problem: a drawing, a diagram, or even a picture can help you understand the problem.

From there, you can ask yourself: do you have enough information to take a decision? The answer will be mostly based on the experience of the problem solver, there is no magical formula to be sure that you can and will solve the problem.

You should also try to look at the problem from different angles, to really frame it correctly. The best way to do so is to solve problems as a team.

Solving Problems in a Team

Trying to describe and think about a problem is a great beginning, but it’s even better if you do it as a team. You can exchange experience, opinions, and it’s easier to look at a problem from multiple angles when multiple developers are involved.

First, make sure that everybody in the team is aware of the problem. Defining it altogether is the best. If you have a doubt that somebody is not on the same page, you can re-explain it using different words. It might bring more insights and ideas to the discussion.

Don’t assume that everybody understands the problem equally. Words are powerful, but they are also ambiguous; never hesitate to ask questions (even if they seem stupid at first), and encourage the team to do the same. If your colleagues see that you’re not afraid to ask, it will give them confidence to do the same.

The ambiguity can also build overtime, after the problem was discussed. That’s why it’s really important to document the whole process, for anybody to be able to look at it again and fix the possible creeping misconceptions. Don’t try to describe everything, but try to be specific enough. It’s a delicate balance, and you’ll get better at it with experience.

If you don’t like writing, I’d recommend you to try anyway: this is a powerful skill which will be useful in many areas of your life.

Regarding the team of problem solvers, diversity is important. Diversity of opinion, experience, background, you name it. The more diverse the opinions and ideas are, the more chances you’ll have to solve the problem satisfyingly (more on that later). If the members of the team have enough respect, humility, and know how to listen to their colleagues , you’re in the perfect environment to solve problems.

As developers, we’re dealing with moving systems, because they need to reflect the ever-changing business domain of the company you’re working with. These problems are unique, and even if similar problems might have been solved in the past, they’re never the exactly same. The differences can have an impact on the solution, sometimes insignificant (allowing you to re-apply the solution found previously), sometimes important enough to change the solution entirely.

Exploring the Solution Space

Now that we’ve defined the problem, thought about it with our team, tried to look at it from different angles, it’s time to try to find solutions, or at least to make a decision.

What is a good decision? The one which will bring you closer to your desired outcome. It sounds obvious, but there can be some ego involved in discussions, which will push us to try to be right even if it’s not the best solution in the current context. Our personal incentives can conflict with the company’s best interest; it’s always good to try to stay aware of that.

The solution should also be the simplest possible, while still moving forward to the desired outcome. It should also have an acceptable level of risk when we decide to apply the solution. In my experience, complicated solutions are the ones which come up first: don’t stop there. Take some time trying to find the best solution with your team.

For example, here’s what we do with my actual team:

  • We define the problem altogether.
  • We try to think about different hypothesizes. Not only one, but a couple of them.
  • We write the benefits and drawbacks of each hypothesis (which can lead to more ideas, and possibly more hypothesizes).
  • We commit to a hypothesis, which then needs to be implemented.

What I meant by “hypothesis” here is a solution which might work; but only the implementation of the hypothesis can be considered as a solution. Before the implementation, it’s just an informed guess. Many things can go wrong during an implementation.

This process looks simple, but when you have multiple developers involved, it’s not. Again, if each member of the team have good soft skills and some experience, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding process. But you need a good team for it to work efficiently (that’s why it’s so important to ask the good questions when joining a company). It’s even better if the members of the team are used to swim in uncertainty, and take it as a challenge more than a chore.

The process described above is just an example; in practice it’s often more chaotic. For example, even when a decision is made, your brain might still continue to process the problem passively. If you find some flaws in the hypothesis you’ve committed to, congratulations! You have now a brand-new problem.

I can’t emphasize it enough: try to be as detached as possible from your ideas, opinions, and preferred hypothesizes. The goal is not for you to be right and feel good, but for your company to move in the good direction. It’s hard, but with practice it gets easier.

I also want to underline the importance of finding both benefits and drawbacks for the different hypothesizes you (and your team) came up with.

To find good solutions, we might also need to reduce the uncertainty around their possible consequences. Doing some external research can help, like gathering data around the problem and the possible hypothesizes. In the best case scenario, if you can find enough data, and if you feel confident that you can move forward with a hypothesis, that’s already a great victory.

If you don’t have enough external information to reduce the uncertainty to a level you feel comfortable with, look at your past experience. Try to find problems similar to the one your deal with in the present, and try to think about the solutions applied at the time, to see if they could also be applied in your current case. But be careful with this approach: complex problems are context-sensitive, and the context you were in the past will never be exactly the same as the present and future contexts.

For example, I recently changed the way we display search results in our system, because we had some data indicating that some users had difficulties to find what they really wanted to find. The problem: users have difficulties to find the good information; it’s a recurrent problem which might never be 100% solved. That said, thanks to the data gathered, we found an easy way to improve the situation.

The data was very clear and specific, but it’s not always the case. More often than not, your data won’t really prove anything. It might only show correlations without clear causality. It will be even more true if you begin by gathering data without defining first the problem you try to solve. You can find problems looking at some data, that’s true, but it needs care and deep understanding of what you’re doing; looking at data when you know exactly what you want to solve works better.

Using this kind of process, the hypothesis is often some sort of compromise. That’s fine; committing to a hypothesis is not the end of the process, and there will be other occasions to revisit and refine the solution.

If you don’t feel comfortable with the level of uncertainty of the problem (or the risk involved by applying your hypothesis), you need to dig more. Writing a prototype can be useful for example, if you hesitate between two or more approaches. If your prototype is convincing enough, it can also be useful to gather feedback from your users, even if the ones testing your hypothesis will always be more invested if they test a real-life functionality, instead of a prototype which might use dummy data, or be in a context which is too remote from the “real” context.

In my opinion, prototypes are not always useful for complex problems, because a prototype only test a new feature at time T, but doesn’t allow you to see if the solution stay flexible enough overtime. That’s often a big concern: how will the solution evolve?

But prototyping can still help gather information and reduce the uncertainty of the problem, even if the prototype doesn’t really give you the solution on a silver platter. It’s also great for A/B testing, when you’re in the (likely) case when you have not much information about the real needs of your users. You could ask them of course, but nothing guarantee that they know themselves what these needs are.

If you don’t find any satisfying hypothesis to your problem, you might also challenge the desired outcome. Maybe a similar, simplest hypothesis, with slightly different outcomes, could work better? If it makes things easier, faster, and less complex, it could be the best solution. Don’t hesitate to challenge your stakeholders directly on the desired outcomes.

Deferring the Problem

In some cases, you might be hesitant to try to solve a problem if there is still too much uncertainty around it. In that case, it might be best to defer solving the problem altogether.

Deferring the problem means that you don’t solve it now ; you keep things as they are, until you get more information to reduce the uncertainty enough.

We had a problem in the company I worked with some time ago: we have dosages which can be discovered in articles, but users didn’t really find them, and nobody really knew why. Because of this lack of information, the problem was not tackled right away, but differed. From there, data have been collected overtime, allowing us to understand the scope of the problem better.

Don’t forget that deferring a problem is already taking a decision. It might be the less disruptive decision for the application and its codebase, but it’s s decision nonetheless, and it can have consequences. Seeing a differed problem as a decision will push you to think about the possible consequences of your inaction, and you’ll look at it as a partial “solution”, with some uncertainty and risk associated to it.

In my experience, deferring the problem works well only when you try to actively seek more data to solve it later. It can be some monitoring to see how the problem evolves, or some data taken from users’ actions. Sometimes, simply waiting can also give you important information about the nature of the problem.

What you shouldn’t do is try to forget the problem. It might come back in force to haunt your sleepless nightmares later. Avoiding a problem is not deferring it.

Here’s another example: we began recently to build some CMS tooling for medical editors, for them to write and edit content on our learning platform. We had one GraphQL API endpoint at the beginning, providing data to two different part of the application:

  • Our CMS for medical editors.
  • Our learning platform for medical students.

We knew that using one single GraphQL endpoint for these two types of users could cause some problems.

But we didn’t do anything about it, mostly because we didn’t see any real, concrete problem, at least at first. When a minor symptom, related to this unique endpoint, popped up, we spoke about it, and we still chose not to do anything. We preferred deferring the problem once more, to try to solve the real problem (one API for two different kinds of applications) later.

Finally, when we had enough symptoms and some frustration, we decided to split our graphQL API in two different endpoints. It was the best moment to do so: we had enough information to come up with a good decision, we applied it, and we stayed vigilant, to see how our applied hypothesis would evolve.

Moving fast and breaking things is not always the best solution. In some situations, waiting a bit and see how things evolve can allow you to solve your problems in a more effective way. But, as always, it depends on the problem, its context, and so on.

Reading this article, you might have wondered: how much information is enough to be comfortable enough to apply a solution? Well, again, your experience will be the best judge here. You’ll also need to consider carefully risks, benefits, and drawbacks. It doesn’t mean that you need to chicken out if you don’t have 100% certainty about a problem and some hypothesizes; being a software developer implies to have some courage and accept that mistakes will be made. It’s not an easy task, and there is no general process to follow in any possible case.

In short: use your brain. Even if you’re totally wrong, you’ll have the opportunity to fix the bad decisions you’ve made before the implementation, during the implementation, and even after it. We don’t code in stone.

The Implementation: The Value of Iteration

You’ve gathered with your team, tried to define the problem, found multiple hypothesizes, and agreed to try one of them. Great! Problem solved.

Not so fast! We still need to apply the hypothesis, and hope that it will become a good solution to the problem. Doing so, you’ll gather more information along the way, which might change your perspective on the problem, on your hypothesizes, and can even create some baby problems on its own.

It’s where the agile methodology is useful: since we’ll never have 100% certainty regarding a problem and its possible solution, we’ll learn more about both while implementing the hypothesis. That’s why it’s so valuable to iterate on the implementation: it gives you more information to possibly adjust your code, or even the problem, or even switching hypothesizes altogether. Who knows? A solution which is not implemented is just a guess.

If the hypothesis applied is not the ones you would have personally preferred (compromising, or even giving up on your preferred solution is common in a team), only applying it will tell you if you’re right or wrong; that is, if the hypothesis can become a solution solving the problem, at least in the present context.

If you’re worried about how a specific solution will evolve overtime, it’s more complicated, because an implementation won’t give you the information you seek. Still, implementing a hypothesis can be a great source of learning (the most valuable to me is when I’m wrong, because I learn even more). If you think that your hypothesis can have better outcome at time T, you might also try to implement it and compare it. Again, it’s where prototyping is useful.

When applying the solution, you need to look at the details of the implementation, as well as the big picture, to judge if the solution you’re creating is appropriate (leading to the desired outcome). This is a difficult exercise. In general, a developer should be able to reason on different levels of abstraction, more or less at the same time. Again, if you’re aware of it, your experience will help you here, and you can also push yourself to think of all the possible risks and consequences at different levels.

If you work in a team, try to participate (at least a bit) into the implementation of the solution. It’s not good to create silos in teams (that is, only a couple of members have some information others don’t have).

You can go as far as looking at other projects, and ask yourselves these questions:

  • Did we had similar problems on these other projects? How did we solve them?
  • What was the context of these projects? Is it similar to our current context?
  • What did we learn from these other problems, and their implementation? Is the implementation similar to what we’re doing now?

In any case, I would definitely recommend you to write a development journal. I write mine for years, and it has been valuable in many cases. I basically write in there:

  • The interesting problems I had.
  • The decisions made.
  • How the implementation of the solution evolved overtime.
  • The possible mistakes we made along the way.

It’s a great resource when you have a problem and you want to look at your past experience.

To evaluate your decisions overtime, nothing will beat a good monitoring process: logs, tests, and so on. It’s what the book Building Evolutionary Architecture call “fitness functions” for example, some monitoring allowing you to measure how healthy your architecture stays overtime. It doesn’t have to stop to the architecture; you can think about different monitoring system to see how something evolve, especially if the solution has still a lot of uncertainty regarding its benefits, drawbacks, and risks.

You can also do that retrospectively: looking at how the code complexity evolve overtime using Git for example.

Retrospective on the Process

We defined the problem, implemented a solution iteratively, and now the problem is gone. That’s it! We made it! Are we done now?

Decisions are sometimes not optimal, and implementing a solution successfully doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a better (simpler) one to begin with. That’s why it can be beneficial to look back and understand what went right, and what went wrong. For example, we can ask ourselves these questions:

  • Looking at what we learned during the whole process, is there a potentially better hypothesis to solve the problem in a simpler, more robust way?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks we missed when speaking about the different hypothesizes, but we discovered during the implementation? Why we didn’t think about them beforehand?
  • What other problems did we encounter during the implementation? Did we solve them? Did we differ some? What should be the next steps regarding these new problems?
  • What kind of monitoring did we put in place to make sure that the solution won’t have undesired outcomes overtime? Can we learn something with this data?

Reflecting on past solutions is a difficult thing to do. There is no way to logically assess that the decision taken was better than others, since we didn’t implement the other hypothesizes, and we didn’t look at them overtime to appreciate their consequences. But you can still look at the implementation of the solution overtime, and write in your developer journal each time there is a bug which seems directly related to the solution. Would the bugs be the same if another solution would had been applied?

Bugs are often not an option; they will pop up, eventually. Nonetheless, it’s important to make sure that you can fix them in a reasonable amount of time, and that you don’t see them creeping back in the codebase after being solved. Some metrics, from the DevOps movement (like MTTR for example) can help here. Sometimes, bugs will show you a better, more refined solution to the original problem; after all, bugs can also give you some useful information. They are also the most direct result of the implementation of your solution.

If you want to know more about measuring complexity (which can be also used to measure complexity overtime after applying a solution), I wrote a couple of articles on the subject .

Humility in Problem-Solving

It’s time to do a little summary. What did we see in this article?

  • We need to ensure that the problem we found is really a problem we need to solve. Is there any value to solve the problem? Is it even a problem?
  • Try to determine what kind of problem you have: a problem which can have multiple, specific, known answers (like a technical problem), or a problem which depends on the real-life context, without known solutions?
  • Defining the problem is important. Try to define it using different words. Write these definitions down. Does everybody in your team understand the problem equally?
  • It’s time to explore the solution space. Draft a couple of hypothesizes, their benefits, drawbacks, and risks. You can also do some prototyping if you think it would give you more information to take the best decision.
  • Do you have enough information to implement a hypothesis, becoming effectively a solution? If it’s not the case, it might be better to keep the status quo and try to solve the problem later, when you’ll have more information. But don’t forget the problem!
  • If you decide to implement a solution, do it step by step, especially if you’re unsure about the consequences of your decisions. Implement an independent part of the hypothesis, look at the consequences, adjust if necessary, and re-iterate.
  • When the solution is implemented, it’s time to reflect on the whole process: did we solve the problem? What other problems did we encounter? Maybe another solution would have been better? Why?

As I was writing above, most problems you’ll encounter will be complex ones, embedded into a changing environment with different moving parts. As a result, it’s difficult to train to solve problems in a vacuum; the only good training I know is solving real life problems. That’s why your experience is so important.

Experience build your intuition, which in turn increase your expertise.

You’ll never have 100% certainty that a solution will bring you the desired outcome, especially if you are in front of a complex problem with a blurry context. If you are absolutely convinced that you have the good solution without even beginning to implement it, I’d advise you to stay humber in front of the Gods of Complexity, or they will show you how little you know.

  • How to solve it
  • Hammock Driven Development
  • When Deferring Decisions Leads to Better Codebases
  • Lean Development - deferring decision


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