120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

Jenny Romanchuk

Updated: January 15, 2024

Published: August 09, 2023

Cooking is easy. The puzzle is figuring out what to eat. As soon as you know that, you can get started. The same holds for presentations. The sooner you can whip up a good, informative, and catchy topic, the easier the rest of the process becomes.

 man presents presentation topics to a group

Pick a good topic that resonates with you and your audience to set a strong foundation. But select the wrong topic, and it becomes difficult to connect with your audience, find mutual interests, or hold their attention.

So, let’s learn how to develop thought-provoking and relevant topics for your presentations. You’ll also find some best practices to make your presentation memorable.

presentation topics on software

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Table of Contents

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic in 5 Steps

120 presentation topic ideas, 5 presentation tips.

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic. Be novel. Begin with the end in mind.

4. Choose an appropriate presentation style.

There are many ways to present a topic. Your personality, the topic at hand, and your audience’s personas will help you determine which style would best fit you and your audience.

Select a presentation style that will communicate the main idea clearly and have a lasting impact on your audience.

For instance, explore a freeform style presenter by Sir Ken Robinson.

5. Engage with your audience.

Work on your presentation skills to make a strong connection with your audience, get through to them and leave a mark.

Think of the presenter as the link between the topic and the audience. A strong or a weak presenter can make a difference between a presentation being a thriving success or a boring failure.

Hone your skills by engaging and interacting with your audience. Make them feel like a part of the presentation and not just spectators. 70% of marketers have found presentations with interactive content to be more effective than those without.

Here are a few ways you can make your presentation interactive:

  • Start your speech with uncommon questions to your audience. Involve them from the get-go, like ask to raise their hands if X.
  • Make eye contact to build credibility and show confidence. Don’t stare at your slides or notes. Smile occasionally and talk to the audience directly.
  • Have an active and confident body language. Don’t stand in the same place the entire time. Move around the stage.
  • Don’t be monotonous. Speak as you would to a colleague — with enthusiasm.
  • Ask close-ended questions in between to keep the audience engaged without losing time. Address them using their names to keep things interesting.
  • Share personal experiences and stories that your audience will find fascinating and relatable.
  • Practice thoroughly before you present so you’re fluent with the material and delivery.
  • Energy and excitement can be quite contagious. Make sure you exude enough to spread some to your audience.

Feeling Inspired Yet?

Now you have all the right ingredients for choosing amazing topics and a hundred ideas to drive inspiration from. So, go ahead and start cooking presentations that will blow your audience away.

Don’t forget to choose a super-relevant topic and add meaty information. Do it with excitement to make it enjoyable for you and your audience. Best of luck!

Blog - Beautiful PowerPoint Presentation Template [List-Based]

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151+ Computer Presentation Topics [Updated 2024]

Computer Presentation Topics

For both professionals and fans, keeping up with the most recent developments and trends in the rapidly evolving field of technology is essential. One effective way to share and acquire knowledge is through computer presentations. 

Whether you are a seasoned presenter or someone looking to enhance your tech presentation skills, choosing the right topics is key to delivering a compelling and informative session. 

In this blog, we’ll explore various computer presentation topics, their relevance, and provide insights into tailoring presentations for different audiences and occasions.

How do you Tailor Topics According to Audience and Occasion?

Table of Contents

Tailoring topics according to the audience and occasion is a crucial aspect of delivering an effective and engaging presentation. Here are some strategies and considerations to help you customize your computer presentation topics based on your audience and the specific occasion:

  • Know Your Audience
  • Assess Knowledge Levels: Understand the expertise of your audience. Are they beginners, intermediate users, or experts in the field? This assessment will guide you in selecting the appropriate depth and complexity of your topics.
  • Consider Backgrounds: Take into account the professional backgrounds, interests, and industries of your audience. Tailor your examples and case studies to resonate with their experiences.
  • Identify Audience Needs and Goals:
  • Address Pain Points: If possible, research or survey your audience to identify their challenges and pain points. Tailor your presentation to address these concerns, providing practical solutions and insights.
  • Align with Goals: Understand the goals and objectives of your audience. Tailor your topics to align with their aspirations, whether it’s professional development, problem-solving, or staying updated on industry trends.
  • Adapt to the Occasion:
  • Event Type: Consider the type of event you are presenting at. Is it a conference, workshop, seminar, or a more informal gathering? The format and expectations of the event will influence your choice of topics.
  • Time Constraints: Be mindful of the time allotted for your presentation. Tailor the scope and depth of your topics to fit within the designated time frame.
  • Customize Content:
  • Relevance to Industry: If your audience belongs to a specific industry, tailor your topics to address challenges and innovations relevant to that industry. Provide concrete examples and case studies that resonate with their professional experiences.
  • Localize Examples: Consider the cultural context and geographic location of your audience. If possible, use examples and references that are familiar to them, making the content more relatable.
  • Engage in Interactivity:
  • Q&A Sessions: Plan for interactive sessions, allowing the audience to ask questions. This helps you gauge their interests and tailor your responses to address specific concerns.
  • Polls and Surveys: Incorporate interactive elements such as polls or surveys to gather real-time feedback. Use the results to adjust your presentation on the fly if necessary.
  • Provide Actionable Takeaways:
  • Practical Applications: Tailor your topics to include practical applications and actionable takeaways. Ensure that your audience can apply the knowledge gained from your presentation in their professional or personal endeavors.
  • Workshops and Demos: For hands-on sessions, tailor your topics to include workshops or live demonstrations. This enhances the learning experience and allows the audience to see practical implementations.
  • Be Adaptable:
  • Read the Room: Pay attention to the audience’s reactions during the presentation. Be adaptable and ready to adjust your approach based on their engagement levels and feedback.
  • Flexibility in Content: Have backup content or supplementary materials that can be introduced based on audience interest or questions.

Software Development and Programming

  • Trends in Programming Languages: A Comprehensive Overview
  • Introduction to Python: Basics and Beyond
  • Exploring the World of JavaScript Frameworks
  • Best Practices in Software Development Methodologies
  • The Evolution of Mobile App Development
  • Low-Code Platforms: Revolutionizing Software Development
  • The Impact of Microservices Architecture on Modern Applications
  • DevOps Practices: Streamlining Development and Operations
  • Code Review Techniques for Quality Assurance
  • GUI vs. Command Line Interfaces: Pros and Cons

Emerging Technologies

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): An Introduction and Applications
  • Machine Learning Algorithms: A Deep Dive
  • The Role of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in AI
  • Computer Vision: Applications and Challenges
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and its Transformative Power
  • Blockchain Technology: Beyond Cryptocurrencies
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in Computing
  • Edge Computing: Enhancing Network Performance
  • Quantum Computing: A Glimpse into the Future
  • 6G Technology: Enabling the Next Generation of Connectivity


  • Cyber Threats: Types, Trends, and Prevention Strategies
  • Ethical Hacking: Unveiling Security Vulnerabilities
  • Biometric Security Systems: Enhancing Authentication
  • Cryptography: Ensuring Secure Communication
  • Security Measures for Computer Networks: A Practical Guide
  • Privacy Concerns in the Digital Age: Safeguarding Information
  • Incident Response Planning for Cybersecurity
  • Cloud Security Best Practices
  • Cybersecurity Awareness Training for Employees
  • The Future of Cybersecurity: Emerging Challenges

Data Science and Big Data

  • Introduction to Data Science: Concepts and Applications
  • Data Analysis Techniques: From Descriptive to Predictive Analytics
  • Big Data Technologies: Hadoop, Spark, and Beyond
  • Data Warehousing: Storing and Retrieving Massive Datasets
  • Data Visualization Tools: Making Sense of Complex Data
  • Predictive Modeling in Business: Leveraging Data Insights
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Integration
  • Real-Time Analytics: Turning Data into Actionable Insights
  • Data Ethics: Navigating the Challenges of Responsible Data Use
  • Data-driven Decision Making in Organizations

Computer Hardware and Networking

  • Latest Advancements in Computer Hardware
  • The Role of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) in Modern Computing
  • Networking Protocols: A Deep Dive into TCP/IP, UDP, and More
  • Wireless Technologies: Wi-Fi 6 and Beyond
  • Cloud Computing Models: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS Explained
  • Edge Computing vs. Cloud Computing: Choosing the Right Approach
  • Green Computing: Sustainable Practices in IT
  • Quantum Computing and its Potential Impact on Industry
  • 5G Technology: Revolutionizing Mobile Communication
  • Wearable Technology: Integrating Computing into Everyday Life

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications

  • AI in Healthcare: Transforming Diagnosis and Treatment
  • AI in Finance: Applications and Risk Management
  • AI in Customer Service: Enhancing User Experience
  • AI in Education: Personalized Learning and Assessment
  • AI in Autonomous Vehicles: Navigating the Future
  • AI in Agriculture: Precision Farming and Crop Monitoring
  • AI in Cybersecurity: Detecting and Preventing Threats
  • AI in Natural Language Processing (NLP): Conversational Interfaces
  • AI in Robotics: Innovations and Challenges
  • AI in Retail: Personalized Shopping Experiences

Internet and Web Technologies

  • Evolution of the Internet: From ARPANET to the Present
  • Web Development Trends: Responsive Design and Progressive Web Apps
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Choosing the Right Platform
  • E-commerce Platforms: Building Successful Online Stores
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies for Web Visibility
  • Cloud-based Web Hosting Solutions: Comparisons and Best Practices
  • Web Accessibility: Designing Inclusive and User-Friendly Websites
  • Social Media Integration: Enhancing Online Presence
  • Web Security Best Practices: SSL, HTTPS, and Beyond
  • The Future of the Internet: Trends and Predictions

Mobile Technologies

  • Mobile Operating Systems: A Comparison of iOS and Android
  • Mobile App Monetization Strategies: Ads, Subscriptions, and Freemium Models
  • Cross-platform Mobile Development: Pros and Cons
  • Mobile Payment Technologies: From NFC to Cryptocurrencies
  • Mobile Health (mHealth) Applications: Improving Healthcare Access
  • Location-based Services in Mobile Apps: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Mobile Gaming Trends: Augmented Reality and Multiplayer Experiences
  • The Impact of 5G on Mobile Applications
  • Mobile App Testing: Ensuring Quality User Experiences
  • Mobile Security: Protecting Devices and User Data

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

  • User Experience (UX) Design Principles: Creating Intuitive Interfaces
  • Usability Testing Methods: Evaluating the User-Friendliness of Products
  • Interaction Design Patterns: Enhancing User Engagement
  • Accessibility in Design: Designing for All Users
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and User Experience: Design Considerations
  • Gamification in User Interface Design: Enhancing Engagement
  • Voice User Interface (VUI) Design: Building Natural Interactions
  • Biometric User Authentication: Balancing Security and Convenience
  • The Evolution of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
  • Wearable Technology Design: Integrating Fashion and Functionality

Cloud Computing

  • Cloud Service Models: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS Explained
  • Cloud Deployment Models: Public, Private, and Hybrid Clouds
  • Cloud Security Best Practices: Protecting Data in the Cloud
  • Serverless Computing: Streamlining Application Development
  • Cloud Computing in Business: Cost Savings and Scalability
  • Cloud-Native Technologies: Containers and Orchestration
  • Microservices Architecture in the Cloud: Breaking Down Monoliths
  • Cloud Computing Trends: Edge Computing and Multi-cloud Strategies
  • Cloud Migration Strategies: Moving Applications to the Cloud
  • Cloud Computing in Healthcare: Enhancing Patient Care

Robotics and Automation

  • Robotics in Manufacturing: Increasing Efficiency and Precision
  • Autonomous Robots: Applications and Challenges
  • Humanoid Robots: Advancements in AI-driven Robotics
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Streamlining Business Processes
  • Drones in Industry: Surveillance, Delivery, and Beyond
  • Surgical Robotics: Innovations in Medical Procedures
  • Robotic Exoskeletons: Assisting Human Mobility
  • Social Robots: Interacting with Humans in Various Settings
  • Ethical Considerations in Robotics and AI
  • The Future of Robotics: Trends and Predictions

Ethical Considerations in Technology

  • Responsible AI: Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Privacy Laws: Navigating Compliance and Regulations
  • Bias in Algorithms: Addressing and Mitigating Unintended Consequences
  • Ethical Hacking: Balancing Security Testing and Privacy Concerns
  • Technology and Mental Health: Addressing Digital Well-being
  • Environmental Impact of Technology: Green Computing Practices
  • Open Source Software: Community Collaboration and Ethical Licensing
  • Technology Addiction: Understanding and Combating Dependencies
  • Social Media Ethics: Privacy, Fake News, and Cyberbullying
  • Ethical Considerations in Biometric Technologies

Future Trends in Technology

  • The Future of Computing: Quantum Computing and Beyond
  • Edge AI: Bringing Intelligence to the Edge of Networks
  • Biocomputing: Merging Biology and Computing
  • Neurotechnology: Brain-Computer Interfaces and Cognitive Enhancement
  • Sustainable Technologies: Innovations in Green Computing
  • 7G and Beyond: Envisioning the Next Generation of Connectivity
  • Space Technology and Computing: Exploring the Final Frontier
  • Biohacking and DIY Tech: A Look into Citizen Science
  • Tech for Social Good: Using Technology to Address Global Challenges
  • The Convergence of Technologies: AI, IoT, Blockchain, and More

Miscellaneous Topics

  • Technology and Education: Transforming Learning Experiences
  • Digital Transformation: Strategies for Modernizing Businesses
  • Tech Startups: Navigating Challenges and Achieving Success
  • Women in Technology: Empowering Diversity and Inclusion
  • The History of Computing: Milestones and Innovations
  • Futuristic Interfaces: Brain-Computer Interfaces and Holography
  • Tech and Art: Exploring the Intersection of Creativity and Technology
  • Hackathons: Fostering Innovation in Tech Communities
  • The Role of Technology in Disaster Management
  • Exploring Careers in Technology: Opportunities and Challenges

Tips for Effective Computer Presentations

  • Mastering the Art of Public Speaking in the Tech Industry
  • Designing Engaging Visuals for Technical Presentations
  • The Dos and Don’ts of Live Demonstrations in Tech Presentations
  • Building a Compelling Narrative: Storytelling Techniques in Tech Talks
  • Handling Q&A Sessions: Tips for Addressing Audience Questions
  • Time Management in Tech Presentations: Balancing Content and Interaction
  • Incorporating Humor in Technical Presentations: Dos and Don’ts
  • Creating Interactive Workshops: Engaging Audiences in Hands-on Learning
  • Leveraging Social Media for Tech Presentations: Tips for Promotion
  • Continuous Learning in the Tech Industry: Strategies for Staying Informed

Case Studies and Real-World Applications

Real-world examples and case studies add practical relevance to computer presentations. Showcase successful projects, discuss challenges faced, and share lessons learned. 

Analyzing the impact of technology in real-world scenarios provides valuable insights for the audience and encourages a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Future Trends in Computer Presentation Topics

Predicting future trends in technology is both exciting and challenging. Presenters can offer insights into upcoming technological developments, anticipate challenges and opportunities, and encourage continuous learning in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Discussing the potential impact of technologies like 6G, augmented reality, or advancements in quantum computing sparks curiosity and keeps the audience abreast of the latest innovations.

In conclusion, computer presentations serve as powerful tools for knowledge sharing and skill development in the tech industry. Whether you’re presenting to novices or seasoned professionals, the choice of topics, presentation skills, and a thoughtful approach to ethical considerations can elevate the impact of your presentation. 

As technology continues to evolve, staying informed and exploring diverse computer presentation topics will be instrumental in fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation. 

Embrace the dynamic nature of technology and embark on a journey of exploration and enlightenment through engaging computer presentations.

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+20 Technology Topics For Presentation | Best Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners in 2024

+20 Technology Topics For Presentation | Best Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners in 2024

Jane Ng • 07 Apr 2024 • 7 min read

Are you struggling to prepare your technology topic for presentation ? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we provide you with a step-by-step definition guide to craft a well-rounded and informative presentation. Whether you’re exploring Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, or Cybersecurity, this post will equip you with 20 technology topics for presentation to captivate your audience and showcase your expertise.

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Let’s get started with top technology presentation topics!

Table of Contents

#1 – who is your target audience.

  • #2 – What Is Your Technology Topic?

#3 – Why Do You Choose This Topic For Presentation?

#4 – when & where will you make your presentation, #5 – how to make your presentation effective , 20 technology topics for presentation , key takeaways.

presentation topics on software

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Identifying your presentation’s target audience is the first step in choosing a technology topic that will resonate with them and meet their needs.

You can define your audience by the following aspects:


Consider the demographics of your audience, such as age, gender, education, and professional background. Different demographics may have different levels of familiarity and interest in technology. 

  • For example, an audience of tech-savvy professionals may require an advanced or specialized topic, while a general audience with diverse backgrounds may benefit from a broader subject matter. 

Take into account your audience’s interests and areas of focus. 

  • Are they primarily interested in the business applications of the technology?
  • Are they more concerned with the social or ethical implications? 

Understanding their interests will help you tailor your topic to capture their attention and engage them throughout your presentation.

presentation topics on software

Technical knowledge 

Evaluate the level of technical knowledge your audience possesses by answering these questions:

  • Are they beginners with a limited understanding of the technology, or are they experts in the field? 

Then you can adjust the complexity and depth of your subject accordingly. Make sure that the presentation strikes the right balance between being easy to understand to people with limited technical backgrounds while providing value for those with more advanced knowledge.

Specific needs

Consider the specific needs and challenges of your audience. 

  • Can the problems they are facing be solved by technology? 
  • Can you offer solutions, strategies, or real-world examples that work for their situation? 

Tailoring your theme to meet their needs will improve the relevance and applicability of your presentation.

By carefully considering your audience’s demographics, interests, and technical savvy, you can choose a technology topic that aligns with their interests and captures their curiosity. 

#2 – What Is Your Tech Presentation Ideas?

Defining technology topics for presentation involves clarifying its scope, purpose, and key aspects. You can effectively define your tech topics for presentation in the following steps:

  • Start by conducting preliminary research on broad technology topics that interest you. 
  • Explore technology trends and industry news to identify potential topics that align with your presentation goals. 
  • Once you have a broad idea, narrow the focus of your topic to specific sub-topics, applications, or challenges in the technology sector that you find interesting or relevant. 
  • Consider the resources available, such as research materials, case studies, or expert interviews. 
  • Consider the time constraints of your presentation and determine the appropriate scope and depth for your topic. Ensure that the content can be adequately covered within the allocated time.

By following these steps, you can effectively define a technology theme for your presentation. 

presentation topics on software

Understanding why you chose particular technology-related topics is essential as it helps define the purpose and goals of your presentation. Here are some common:

Educational purpose

If your objective is to educate your audience, explain why you chose this topic. 

  • Is it because the technology is new, and you want to provide an overview? 
  • Are you aiming to share technology-related insights, knowledge, or best practices? 

Communicate the educational value your chosen topic brings to your audience.

Purpose of persuasion

If your goal is to convince your audience, explain why you believe the topic is important and deserves their attention. 

  • Highlight the potential impact or benefit that technology can have.
  • Present compelling evidence, case studies, or examples that support your argument. 

Emphasize why your audience should be interested in this topic and how it can positively affect their lives, work, or industry.

Inspirational purpose

If you aim to inspire your audience, explain what makes this tech theme so inspiring or innovative. 

  • Share stories of successful implementations or groundbreaking progress. 
  • Discuss the transformative power of technology and how it has the potential to change lives, industries, or society as a whole. 

Inspire your audience by showcasing the possibilities and encouraging them to embrace the potential of technology.

Awareness purpose

If your goal is to create awareness, explain why this topic deserves attention and recognition. 

  • Discuss any social, environmental, or ethical impacts associated with the technology. 
  • Highlight challenges or risks that need to be addressed. 

Raise awareness of the importance of understanding and interacting with the subject for the betterment of individuals, organizations, or the world at large.

When you clearly define the purpose and objectives of your presentation, you provide a guiding framework for structuring your content, selecting supporting examples or data, and tailoring your delivery to achieve the desired impact on your audience.

presentation topics on software

By considering the “When” and “Where” aspects of your presentation, you can effectively plan and prepare for the logistics and environment for your presentation. This ensures that you are equipped with the necessary resources to deliver a successful and engaging presentation experience.

Here are some pointers you need to check about time and location when preparing a presentation: 

  • Timing: Determine the date and time of your presentation. Take into account any deadlines, event schedules, or specific timeframes that may impact the availability or attention of your target audience. 
  • Location: Identify the venue or platform where you deliver your presentation. Will it be an in-person event at a physical location or an online presentation through a video conferencing platform or webinar? 
  • Setting and Environment: If it is an in-person presentation, evaluate the seating arrangement, stage setup, audio-visual equipment, etc. If it is an online presentation, ensure that you have a quiet and well-lit space with a stable internet connection.
  • Technical Considerations: Pay attention to any technical considerations associated with your presentation. Make sure you have access to the necessary technology, equipment, and technical support. 

Choosing technology topics for presentation effectively requires the right approach, and AhaSlides can be a valuable tool to enhance the process. By following these steps, you can effectively select technology topics for your presentation: 

  • Understand your audience: Take into account the interests, needs, and background of your audience. Analyze their level of technical knowledge to identify topics that will resonate with them. Utilize AhaSlides’ live polls to gather audience feedback and tailor your topic accordingly.
  • Research current trends and emerging technologies: Stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends and advancements. Interactive quizzes and trivia sessions can be used to engage your audience and share knowledge about these trends.
  • Evaluate impact and relevance: Consider practical applications, benefits, and challenges associated with each topic. You can use spinner wheel , word cloud , idea board and Q&A to gather audience opinions and perspectives on different technology topics.
  • Balance complexity and simplicity: Choose technology topics that balance between being informative and understandable for your audience. AhaSlides allows you to create visually appealing slides and rating scale , prdinal scale to simplify complex concepts and enhance audience comprehension.

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Here are some popular and interesting IT presentation topics for a presentation that you can consider:

  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Applications, benefits, and Challenges.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Homes: Enhancing convenience and efficiency.
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting digital assets and safeguarding personal information.
  • Blockchain Technology: Revolutionizing industries
  • Augmented Reality (AR) in Education: Transforming learning experiences.
  • The Impact of 5G Technology: Faster Connections and new possibilities.
  • Cloud Computing: Advantages, deployment models, and use cases.
  • Biometric Authentication: Ensuring secure and convenient access control.
  • Robotics and Automation in Manufacturing: Improving productivity and efficiency.
  • Sustainable Energy Technologies: Advancements in renewable energy sources.
  • Data Science and Predictive Analytics: Extracting insights for informed decision-making.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) in Training and Simulation: Enhancing Learning and skills development.
  • The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): Innovations in healthcare technology.
  • Quantum Computing: Unlocking new levels of computational power.
  • E-commerce and Digital Payments: Trends, challenges, and prospects.
  • Autonomous Vehicles: Advancements and implications for transportation.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Applications in chatbots and voice assistants.
  • 3D Printing: Revolutionizing manufacturing and prototyping processes.
  • Big Data and Business Intelligence: Leveraging data for strategic decision-making.
  • Edge Computing: Powering real-time applications and reducing latency.

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By following the step-by-step guide we’ve provided for choosing technology topics for presentation, you’re on your way to delivering a successful presentation that resonates with your audience. 

And don’t forget to utilize AhaSlides’ templates and interactive features to make your presentations captivating, intuitive, and engaging for your audience. 

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How to Make Interesting Presentations for Software Projects .

presentation topics on software

No matter how good your website or app might be, if you cannot communicate its value to your client or employer, your hard work will be overlooked. Here's a guide on how to create interesting presentations for your next software project.

Know Your Presentation Audience

Don't start by just slapping a bunch of slides together. Instead take a moment and think about who you're going to present to. This might be your boss, a potential client or an interested crowd at a conference. Think about the background knowledge your audience will posses or what it might be missing out on. Reflect on their interests. Most of the time people are not attending presentations just because they like hearing you talk. So figure out what they're looking to get out of your presentation. This might be technical knowledge, inspiration as well as strategical or economical insights.

Besides knowing such on-topic aspects about your audience, it could also come in handy to have some general conditions on your mind. This might include the time your audience is willing to spend with you. Will your listeners be relaxed or are they in a hurry and barely able to attend your presentation? You don't want people to miss your key points because they already had to leave.

Define a Goal for Your Presentation

Now that you know the people you'll be talking to, you can figure out what to give them. What's the message you want to get across? What's the goal you're trying to achieve with your presentation? You might want to get support for your next software project. You'd like to get funding for building a website or app. Maybe you're trying to sell some software you've created. Or maybe you want to show the progress of your software project to your employer or client.

Defining a specific goal for presenting your software makes crafting the actual presentation a lot easier. At every step you can ask yourself whether some slide you're going to show or a certain thing you're going to say is beneficial for reaching that goal - if it's not, throw it out.

Defining Goal and Audience for Your Software Project Presentation

Outline A Story

Creating a story doesn't mean you have to write a screenplay. Instead construct a cohesive outline for your presentation. I like doing this by creating some placeholder slides with certain keywords and topics. Make sure that every part of your presentation fits with the next one so that your listeners won't get lost.

I'm not a book author, but just like design has it's principles, storytelling has some as well. Start with a brief setup explaining what your presentation is all about and foreshadow where the story will be going. It's highly subjective whether a story is good. Relatability is a key factor for liking a story - that's why you researched your audience. Now you can carefully select on which parts you'd like to go into details.

All good stories have a twist. It's still a presentation so there might just not be a real twist to your topic. Still, what I mean by that is don't spill all your beans in the first five minutes. Try to intrigue the audience by leading up to something. That could be the demonstration of your software, some exciting feature or the results of a proof-of-concept trial.

Address obstacles you overcame along the way, but don't make yourself look bad by mentioning every mistake you made - that's not an interesting story, is it?

Slide Design

Don't get me wrong, I know that some people are that good at public speaking, their slides don't matter. Other times you might not even need slides and rather just stand there by yourself or with some other props. However, when presenting software projects, having some slides is usually a good idea because it's pretty difficult to convey designs and technical concepts with words only. Having off-putting slides though might still be worse than having none at all. Here are some tips that can go a long way.

Less Text, More Content

You've probably heard some arbitrary upper limit for bullet points to slap on a slide - like no more than four or five. The problem with this rule is how people apply it: they just move their remaining bullet points to the next slide.

You'll get out of this dilemma, if you stop thinking in bullet points. Instead focus on the goal of your presentation and design slides that'll help you reach it. Below you can see some layouts I like to use.

Layouts for Content-focused Slides

Replace text with graphics wherever possible. People are naturally more receptive for graphical representations. An ad-hoc diagram you create directly on the slide can convey much more than plain bullet points. It does so by the means of boundaries, grouping and connections.

Ad-hoc diagram for conveying technical concepts

When doing these kind of diagrams don't try to fit everything in them. Focus again on what kind of understanding you want to achieve. You can also leverage diagram standards like UML or BPMN, but keep in mind that not everyone knows these notations by heart. Some plain boxes and arrows can go a long way and it's better to have a simple diagram that's helping people instead of a complex one that's not.

If you've developed a website or app, or anything with a user interface really, you've probably got a lot to show. You can also include design iterations describing how you got to your final result. However, don't bore people by showing every single interface (or state of the same interface) there is.

Mockup Showcasing User Interface on Tablet

It can also be illustrative to see a mockup of your project in action - like someone holding a phone with your app open or a laptop showing your website. This will display your product in a professional and realistic look allowing people to easily picture themselves using it.

You'll find mockup resources and templates on graphics marketplaces which you can then assemble using photo editing software like Photoshop.

If you prefer an easier solution that doesn't require you to search for assets and install software, try SceneLab. Just drop your images onto phone, tablet or laptop screens right in your browser. You can choose from an ever-growing collection of professional design templates and adjust them to your needs with custom colors and texts.

Don't be afraid to sacrifice a whole slide to one word or number - the impact will be worth it. This could be the number of users you have, the revenue your app made or how many orders your software processed. You might also put a quote from some famous figure to give your statements more weight - though don't overdo it with that, rule of thumb: one quote max per presentation.

When you're showing images you never want to ask during presentation whether everyone can make out what's on it. Either zoom into the parts you're talking about or slice up the image.

Simple and Consistent

Limit yourself to a few font configurations consisting of font-family, font-size, font-style and color. This will give your presentation a clean look and provide consistency. Also, especially when working with little diagrams like shown above, try to work meaning into your color coding by using the same colors for roughly the same things.

Having a limited set of layouts can also be beneficial because it will allow viewers to know faster where they should be looking.

One thing I also sometimes like to do is picking an icons for each specific topic and use those consistently throughout the presentation. This could be a map when you're talking about how you planned things out or a target when it's about goals reached. If you keep to a handful different icons, you'll make these topics easily recognizable allowing you to spice up what would've otherwise been just text.

Templates & Resources

I often see people creating their presentation with a theme based on a popular movie or show. I'd advise you to refrain from doing so as you probably don't want to get into problems with copyright infringement when your slides or a video of your presentation end up on the web. Rather stay with unlicensed resources and give credit where credit is due.

Just because you think you're not very skilled at design doesn't mean your presentation has to look bad - there are templates for that! SlidesCarnival and Slidesgo are great places for free-to-use presentation templates. They list them by color, style and occasion enabling you to always find something that fits your project. They come with inspiring placeholder slides, pre-defined color schemes and a bunch of icons.

Besides presentation templates you might also find these resources helpful:

  • you can find royalty free stock images on Unsplash , Pixabay or Pexels .
  • if you're looking for some sweet icons try flaticon .
  • when you're in need of a stimulating quote go to BrainyQuote .

Showing your app or website in action or doing a live coding session is somewhat the holy grail of software presentation. They can leave a major impact but might seem a bit daunting. The key here is preparation and some practice. Figure out the conditions for your demo and prepare accordingly:

  • Will you have access to internet? Can your demo work without internet?
  • What kind of connections are available for the projector? Bring your own adapters if necessary.
  • Does your demo rely on external services (like some API) and what will you do if those services are not available?

When all falls apart skip the demonstration or, even better, have a pre-recorded video of it ready to show. This way you won't waste your precious presentation time and the audience's attention span on fixing your demonstration.

Also, for a professional impression, do some cleaning up. Clear your desktop of anything that's not related to the presentation. Close every program you don't need as you probably don't want to have delicate mail notifications during showtime. Hide the bookmarks bar of your browser not only to keep those from prying eyes but also to have more room when showing a website or web app.

Practicing Your Presentation

Practicing your presentation will not only make you more confident, you'll also know roughly how long it's going to take. Therefore don't rush while practicing because it's just practice .

You can write down some speaking notes but don't script your presentation to a point where it feels awkward. It's not the end of the world if you say something differently or forget to say it at all - after all a presentation is a live performance.

It can also be really helpful to have a test audience while practicing. This will make transitioning to a real audience much easier and you get valuable feedback early on. If there's no one available, you could still record yourself using your phone.

Following some basic steps will give you a solid foundation for crafting presentations. Knowing your audience, having a clearly defined goal and proper slides might also reduce stage fright, allowing you to have a good time when presenting your next software project. By having a focus on content, not being afraid to go bold and some consistency your slides will help you communicate your message much better. With a professional presentation template your slides are almost guaranteed to be interesting. Throw a carefully prepared live demonstration and some practice into the mix and you're ready!

Nils Mehlhorn

Nils Mehlhorn

Co-Founder of SceneLab & Software Engineer

presentation topics on software

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Over the last months we've been working intensively on an exciting new feature for SceneLab. Now, we're proud to roll-out extensive mockup…

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151+ Interesting Computer Presentation Topics For Students

In the dynamic world of technology, effective communication is key, and mastering the art of computer presentations is more crucial than ever. Whether you’re a student looking for captivating topics for your next presentation, a professional aiming to enhance your presentation skills, or simply someone intrigued by the intersection of technology and communication, this blog is tailored for you. Explore diverse computer presentation topics, from the latest software innovations to strategies for creating visually compelling slides. Join us on a journey of discovery and empowerment in the realm of computer presentations. Let’s turn your ideas into impactful presentations!

Table of Contents

About Computer Presentation Topic

Selecting an engaging computer presentation topic is crucial for captivating your audience. The chosen topic should resonate with the audience’s interests, incorporate current trends, and possess interdisciplinary appeal. Whether you’re addressing elementary students or higher education classes, tailoring the topic to the educational level is essential. Integrating technology trends, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and cybersecurity, adds a modern touch. Successful presentations involve overcoming challenges like stage fright and technical glitches, while effective delivery includes mastering body language, vocal modulation, and humor. Stay updated with future trends to keep your presentations innovative and impactful.

Benefits of Choosing Computer Presentation Topics

Choosing the right computer presentation topics offers a multitude of benefits for presenters and their audiences:

  • Capturing Audience Attention: Intriguing topics immediately grab the audience’s interest, creating a positive first impression and setting the tone for an engaging presentation.
  • Encouraging Active Participation: Interesting topics inspire audience involvement, fostering a dynamic environment where questions are asked, discussions arise, and participants actively contribute to the presentation.
  • Enhancing Learning and Retention: Well-chosen topics promote effective learning by making the material memorable. Engaged audiences are more likely to retain information and apply it beyond the presentation.
  • Building Presenter Confidence: Presenting on a topic that excites you boosts confidence, making it easier to connect with the audience and deliver a compelling presentation.
  • Creating Memorable Experiences: Choosing intriguing topics ensures that your presentation leaves a lasting impression on the audience, increasing the likelihood that they’ll remember and appreciate your message.

Also Read: Botany Research Topics

List of Computer Presentation Topics For Students

Here is a complete list of computer presentation topics for students in 2024:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Machine Learning Algorithms for Image Recognition
  • Natural Language Processing in Virtual Assistants
  • Ethics in AI: Bias Detection and Mitigation
  • Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Systems
  • Explainable AI: Making Complex Models Understandable
  • AI in Healthcare: Predictive Diagnosis Models
  • Robotics and AI Integration for Industrial Automation
  • AI-powered Chatbots for Customer Service
  • AI-based Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions
  • Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning Techniques
  • AI-driven Personalized Learning Systems


  • Blockchain Technology for Secure Transactions
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence and Analysis
  • Biometric Authentication Systems
  • Quantum Cryptography: The Future of Secure Communication
  • IoT Security Challenges and Solutions
  • Ransomware Detection and Prevention Strategies
  • Threat Hunting in Network Security
  • Cloud Security Best Practices
  • Social Engineering Awareness and Training
  • Endpoint Security in a Remote Work Environment
  • Security Challenges in Smart Cities

Data Science

  • Predictive Analytics for Business Forecasting
  • Big Data and Healthcare Analytics
  • Data Privacy in the Era of Big Data
  • Recommender Systems for E-commerce Platforms
  • Time Series Analysis for Stock Market Prediction
  • Data Visualization with Augmented Reality
  • Fraud Detection using Machine Learning
  • Ethical Considerations in Data Science
  • Social Media Analytics for Market Insights
  • Predicting Disease Outbreaks with Epidemiological Models
  • Geospatial Analysis for Urban Planning

Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Smart Home Automation Systems
  • Industrial IoT for Smart Factories
  • IoT-enabled Environmental Monitoring
  • Wearable Technology for Health Tracking
  • Smart Agriculture: IoT Applications in Farming
  • Connected Cars and Vehicular Communication
  • IoT-based Energy Management Systems
  • Retail IoT: Enhancing Customer Experience
  • Security Challenges in IoT Devices
  • Smart Cities: Enhancing Urban Living with IoT
  • IoT in Education: Interactive Learning Environments

Cloud Computing

  • Serverless Computing: Architecture and Applications
  • Hybrid Cloud Solutions for Enterprise IT
  • Edge Computing and Its Impact on Cloud Services
  • Cloud-native Development Best Practices
  • Multi-cloud Management Strategies
  • Cost Optimization in Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Security and Compliance
  • DevOps in a Cloud Environment
  • Containerization with Docker and Kubernetes
  • Cloud-based Data Warehousing
  • Disaster Recovery Planning in the Cloud

Mobile App Development

  • Cross-platform Mobile App Development with Flutter
  • Augmented Reality Apps for Enhanced User Experience
  • Mobile Health Apps for Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Their Advantages
  • Mobile Gaming: Trends and Future Developments
  • Location-based Services in Mobile Applications
  • Accessibility in Mobile App Design
  • Mobile Wallets and Digital Payment Solutions
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Integration in Mobile Apps
  • Mobile App Security Best Practices
  • Voice Recognition in Mobile Applications

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

  • User Experience (UX) Design Principles
  • Gamification in Interface Design
  • Accessibility Technologies for Differently-abled Users
  • Virtual Reality (VR) for Immersive User Experiences
  • Usability Testing and User Feedback Analysis
  • Gesture-based Interfaces in Computing
  • Emotional Design in User Interface
  • Cognitive Load Reduction in Interface Design
  • Human-Centered Design for Healthcare Applications
  • Ethical Considerations in HCI Research
  • Cross-cultural Aspects of User Interface Design

Software Engineering:

  • Agile Development Methodologies in Software Engineering
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD) Practices
  • Microservices Architecture: Design and Implementation
  • Software Design Patterns and Their Applications
  • Code Quality Metrics and Analysis Tools
  • DevSecOps: Integrating Security into DevOps Practices
  • Scalability in Software Systems
  • Software Maintenance and Legacy Code Refactoring
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Strategies
  • Software Project Management Best Practices

Computer Graphics and Visualization:

  • 3D Modeling and Animation Techniques
  • Virtual Reality (VR) for Architectural Visualization
  • Data Visualization for Business Intelligence
  • Augmented Reality (AR) in Educational Materials
  • Computer-generated Imagery (CGI) in Film Production
  • Interactive Infographics for Information Presentation
  • Visual Analytics for Complex Data Sets
  • Real-time Rendering in Video Games
  • Geometric Algorithms for Computer Graphics
  • Motion Capture Technology in Animation
  • Computer Vision for Image Recognition

Computer Networks

  • Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Applications
  • Edge Computing in Network Architecture
  • 5G Technology and Its Implications
  • Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) Implementation
  • Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
  • Wi-Fi 6 and the Future of Wireless Networking
  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks and Applications
  • Network Traffic Analysis for Security
  • Quantum Networking: Concepts and Challenges
  • Network Performance Optimization Strategies
  • Mobile Edge Computing in 5G Networks

E-Learning and Educational Technology

  • Adaptive Learning Systems for Personalized Education
  • Gamified Learning Platforms for Student Engagement
  • Virtual Labs for Science Education
  • Learning Analytics: Data-driven Insights in Education
  • Augmented Reality (AR) in Educational Settings
  • Blockchain in Education: Credential Verification
  • Online Assessment and Proctoring Solutions
  • Artificial Intelligence in Educational Chatbots
  • Mobile Learning Apps for Skill Development
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Field Trips in Education
  • Social Learning Platforms for Collaborative Education

Quantum Computing

  • Quantum Algorithms for Optimization Problems
  • Quantum Cryptography and Key Distribution
  • Quantum Machine Learning Models
  • Quantum Error Correction Techniques
  • Quantum Supremacy and Its Implications
  • Topological Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Computing in Drug Discovery
  • Quantum Computing for Financial Modeling
  • Quantum Internet: Connecting Quantum Nodes
  • Quantum Simulation for Physical Phenomena
  • Quantum Cloud Computing Services
  • Biodiversity Monitoring using Technology

Biotechnology and Computational Biology

  • Computational Drug Design and Discovery
  • Genomic Data Analysis for Precision Medicine
  • Bioinformatics Tools for DNA Sequencing Analysis
  •  Protein Structure Prediction Algorithms
  • Systems Biology Approaches in Biotechnology
  • Computational Modeling of Biological Systems
  • Metagenomics and Microbiome Analysis
  • Computational Epidemiology for Disease Modeling
  • CRISPR-Cas9: Computational Challenges and Solutions
  • Synthetic Biology and Computational Design
  • Computational Neurobiology and Brain Modeling

Social Media and Networking

  • Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Content
  • Social Network Analysis for Influencer Marketing
  • Deep Learning for Fake News Detection
  • Recommender Systems in Social Media Platforms
  • Ethical Implications of Social Media Algorithms
  • Virality Prediction in Online Content
  • Social Media Analytics for Business Strategy
  • User Behavior Modeling in Online Communities
  • Privacy Concerns in Social Media Data Mining
  • Augmented Reality Filters in Social Media
  • 1Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Green Computing and Sustainability

  • Energy-Efficient Computing Technologies
  • Sustainable Data Centers and Green IT Practices
  • E-waste Management in the Digital Age
  • Carbon Footprint Analysis of Cloud Services
  • Renewable Energy Integration in Computing Systems
  • Green Software Development Practices
  • Sustainable IT Policies for Organizations
  • Eco-Friendly Hardware Design Principles
  • Environmental Impact Assessment in Tech Projects
  • Circular Economy Approaches in Electronics

Explore these diverse “Computer Presentation Topics” across various categories to inspire and inform your next compelling project or presentation. Each topic promises to unravel the fascinating intersections of technology and its diverse applications in our rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Future Trends in Computer Presentation Topics

The landscape of computer presentation topics is continually evolving, and staying ahead of future trends is key to delivering impactful presentations:

Emerging Technologies Influence Topics

Future presentations will likely delve into cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence , augmented reality, and blockchain, shaping the landscape of discussion topics.

Interactive and Immersive Presentations

Expect a shift towards more interactive and immersive presentations, leveraging technologies like virtual reality to engage audiences on a deeper level.

Sustainability and Ethical Tech Discussions

With increasing awareness, future presentations may focus on sustainable practices and ethical considerations in technology, reflecting the industry’s evolving values.

Integration of Smart Devices

As smart devices become more prevalent, presentations may explore topics related to seamless integration and collaboration between various technologies.

Adapting to Remote and Hybrid Settings

Future trends will likely involve addressing challenges and opportunities associated with remote or hybrid presentation settings, emphasizing effective communication in a digitally connected world.

In conclusion, mastering the art of computer presentation topics involves a dynamic interplay of creativity, technology, and effective communication. By selecting intriguing topics, presenters can capture the audience’s attention, encourage participation, and leave a lasting impression. Embracing emerging trends such as interactive presentations, ethical tech discussions, and seamless integration of smart devices prepares presenters for the evolving landscape. Overcoming challenges, refining delivery techniques, and staying attuned to audience needs are essential aspects of successful presentations. As technology advances, so too must presentation approaches, ensuring that speakers continue to inspire, educate, and connect with their audiences in the ever-changing world of computer presentations.

1. Can I suggest a presentation topic?

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2. Are the computer presentation topics suitable for all skill levels?

Certainly! Our topics cater to a broad audience, accommodating both beginners and seasoned professionals. Whether you’re starting your journey or seeking advanced insights, there’s something for everyone.

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Best presentation software of 2024

Make perfect slides for speeches and talks

Best overall

Best for branding, best for marketing, best for themes, best for media, best unique.

  • How we test

The best presentation software makes it simple and easy to create, manage, and share slideshow presentations.

A person setting up files to import into Powerpoint.

1. Best overall 2. Best for branding 3. Best for marketing 4. Best for themes 5. Best for media 6. Best unique 7. FAQs 8. How we test

Presentation software runs at the heart of business sales, management, and development, so it's important to ensure you have the best presentation software for your needs. This is especially when looking to share ideas, concepts, and workflows, and the ability to present these in a simple and understandable way is essential.

However, while presentation software has been traditionally limited to text and images, it has widened its ability to work with different media such as video and audio . 

Therefore it's important for the best presentation software to not simply be easy and simple to use, but also be able to support additional media so that presentations can be more engaging, lively, and ultimately serve their purpose in educating and updating their intended audience.

Below we've listed the best presentation software currently on the market.

We've also listed the best free presentation software .

The best office software in the world is: Microsoft 365

The best office software in the world is: Microsoft 365 There are many different office software suites out there, but Microsoft Office remains the original and best, offering an unsurpassed range of features and functionality that rivals just can't match.

Even better, Microsoft 365 - previously branded as Office 365 - is a cloud-based solution which means you can use it on any computer, mobile device, or smartphone, without having to worry about compatibility. All your files are saved in the cloud and synced between devices, so you can begin work on a document at home or in the office, then continue working on it on the go.

You can sign up to Microsoft 365 here .

The best presentation software of 2024 in full:

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

Microsoft PowerPoint website screenshot

1. PowerPoint

Our expert review:

Reasons to buy

For most people, Microsoft 's PowerPoint remains the original and best of all the presentation software platforms out there. While other companies have managed to catch up and offer rival products worthy of consideration, the fact is that PowerPoint's familiar interface and ubiquitous availability means it remains a favorite for the majority of people.

On the one hand, it's long been a staple of the hugely popular Microsoft Office suite, meaning that for most users this is going to be the first - and last - presentation software they are going to need to use.

Additionally, Microsoft has made PowerPoint, along with their other office products, available as free apps (with limited functionality) on both iOS and Android for mobile use, meaning it's even harder to avoid them. And this is before we even consider the inclusion of PowerPoint in Microsoft's cloud-based Microsoft 365.

It does everything necessary that you'd expect of presentation software, allowing you to add text and media to a series of slides, to accompany a talk and other presentations. There are easy-to-use templates included to help spice things up a little, but even a general user with little experience of it is likely to find themselves able to use PowerPoint without much trouble at all.

Overall, it's hard to go wrong with PowerPoint, and although Microsoft 365 has a nominal cost, the apps are free to use even if they do have more limited functionality.

Read our full Microsoft PowerPoint review .

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CustomShow website screenshot

2. CustomShow

Reasons to avoid.

Branding says a lot about a business, and it’s something firms need to get right from day one – from a good logo to a suitable font. CustomShow is business presentation software that puts all these elements of branding first.

Using the system, you can design and present customized, branded presentations that reflect your company and the products you offer, featuring the aforementioned logo and custom fonts. As well as this, you get a slide library and analytics to ensure your presentations are a success.

What’s more, you can import presentations into the software, and use it to tweak them further. There’s also integration with SalesForce , and because the platform is cloud-based, you can access your presentations on computers, tablets, and smartphones. 

Considering the focus on branding, this offering could be good for marketing and sales teams, and it's used by major companies such as HBO and CBS Interactive.

ClearSlide website screenshot

3. ClearSlide

Just like CustomShow, ClearSlide has a niche focus for companies. The platform is targeted at firms looking to generate successful marketing campaigns, pushing sales via presentations (and more), not least through a range of analytics and metrics to work for sales and marketing.

With the product, you can upload a range of files, including PowerPoint, Keynote, PDF, and Excel. ClearSlide is integrated with other platforms, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Salesforce.

This system is pretty complex and may offer too many irrelevant features for some businesses, but you can create customized content that reflects your company and the message you’re trying to get out to customers. There are also some good metrics and analysis features, and you can sign up for a free trial before making any decisions.

The real strength of ClearSlide comes from its focus on sales and marketing data, not least being able to track user engagement alongside other metrics.

Haiku Deck website screenshot

4. Haiku Deck

Any presentation app will allow you to personalize your slides to at least some extent, but Haiku Deck goes one step further than the competition. It comes with a wide range of themes suited to different needs, and you also get access to 40 million free images from the Creative Commons collection.

When it comes to creating a presentation, you have the option to do so on the web, which means your presentation is accessible across a range of mobile devices as well as desktops. Regardless of the device used, you’re able to select from a variety of different fonts, layouts, and filters to make the perfect presentation.

The great thing about these various customization options is that they’re categorized into different industries and use cases. For instance, you’ll find themes for teaching, cooking, real estate, and startups. Most of the features require you to be online, but hopefully, you’ll have a sturdy net connection wherever you go.

SlideDog website screenshot

5. SlideDog

It’s all too easy to end up creating a presentation that’s unappealing, and the last thing you want to do is make the audience fall asleep. SlideDog lets you combine almost any type of media to create a rich presentation that’s sure to keep the viewers’ peepers open, avoiding the ‘cookie cutter’ look that makes presentations seem dull.

Marketed as a web-based multimedia presentation tool, it gives you the ability to combine PowerPoint presentations, graphics, PDF files, Prezi presentations, web pages, pictures, videos, and movie clips. You can drag these into custom playlists and display them to your audience with ease.

You’re able to remotely control your presentations and playlists from your smartphone, the web, or a secondary computer, and there’s also the option to share slides in real-time. Audience members can even view your slide from their own devices by clicking a link. That’s a handy feature if you’re looking to create an immersive presentation experience.

SlideDog is probably the cheapest of the presentation software featured, with a free account that will cover the essential features. However, for live sharing and premium support, you need to upgrade.

Read our full SlideDog review .

Prezi website screenshot

Prezi is one of the more unique presentation tools. Instead of presenting your graphics and text in a slide-to-slide format, you can create highly visual and interactive presentation canvases with the goal of “emphasizing the relationship between the ideas”.

Presentations can also be tailored to the specific audience, as this is a flexible platform that’s capable of skipping ahead, or veering off into a side topic, without having to flip through all the slides to get to a particular bit.

For business users, there are a variety of handy tools available. By downloading Prezi , you can build and edit presentations with your colleagues in real-time, which is perfect for companies with teams based around the globe.

When you have created a presentation you’re happy with, you can present it live (in HD) and send a direct link to viewers. There are some analysis tools here, too – you can see who’s accessed your presentation, which parts of it, and for how long. The app is available for Mac and Windows devices.

Read our full Prezi review .

Other presentation software to consider

Google Slides  is part of the Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) office platform intended as an online alternative to Microsoft Office. It may seem a little limited by comparison to PowerPoint, but as it's browser-based that means cross-platform compatibility. Additionally, it allows for collaborative work, and Google Slides really works well here. On top of the fact that it integrates with the rest of the Google Workspace apps, not least Google Drive, and you have a contender. 

Zoho Show  is another of the many, many tools and apps that Zoho has made available for business use. It also operates in the cloud so it's accessible to any device with a browser, and it also allows for collaborative work. You can also easily share the link for users to download, or provide a live presentation online. The updated version has a simpler and easier to use interface and comes with a free version and a paid-for one with expanded features.

Evernote  is normally thought of as just note-taking software, but it does provide the option to create a presentation you can share online or with an audience. In that regard, it's a little more limited than the other options in not being dedicated presentation software. However, as an easy and handy way to pull together a presentation quickly, it could serve as a backup or last-minute option, especially if Evernote is already being commonly used by you.

LibreOffice Impress  is part of the open-source suite offered as a free alternative to Microsoft Office, and comes with a powerful array of tools and editing options for your presentation, not least working with 3D images. It's supported by a large community, so it's easy to find an array of additional templates. If there is a limitation it's that it's software you download and install rather than web-based, but any presentations created should be easily portable to the web if needed.

Adobe Spark  does things a bit differently, as rather than just use images it's geared toward video as well. This makes for potentially more powerful multimedia presentations, especially as Adobe also has a big selection of photos and images available for its users. There is a free tier for core features but requires a subscription for custom branding, personalized themes, and support.

Slides  comes with a lot of features in an easy-to-use interface, and involves setting up presentations using drag and drop into an existing grid. It's also internet-based so there's no software to download, and it only requires a browser to use and access. 

Presentation software FAQs

Which presentation software is best for you.

When deciding which presentation software to download and use, first consider what your actual needs are, as sometimes free platforms may only provide basic options, so if you need to use advanced tools you may find a paid platform is much more worthwhile. Additionally, free and budget software options can sometimes prove limited when it comes to the variety of tools available, while higher-end software can really cater for every need, so do ensure you have a good idea of which features you think you may require for your presentation needs.

How we tested the best presentation software

To test for the best presentation software we first set up an account with the relevant software platform, whether as a download or as an online service. We then tested the service to see how the software could be used for different purposes and in different situations. The aim was to push each software platform to see how useful its basic tools were and also how easy it was to get to grips with any more advanced tools.

Read how we test, rate, and review products on TechRadar .

We've also featured the best alternatives to Microsoft Office .

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Nicholas Fearn is a freelance technology journalist and copywriter from the Welsh valleys. His work has appeared in publications such as the FT, the Independent, the Daily Telegraph, The Next Web, T3, Android Central, Computer Weekly, and many others. He also happens to be a diehard Mariah Carey fan!

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presentation topics on software

Man presenting at Nordic design for best presentation header image

Best presentation software of 2023

Let’s put on a slideshow.

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Whether you’re a student or a working professional, everybody has to make presentations from time to time and that usually involves presentation software. But when you’re frantically Googling around to refresh your PowerPoint knowledge, it’s only natural to wonder what is really the best presentation software out there. Yes, everybody knows that Microsoft’s the biggest player in the slideshow game but there are actually a lot of alternatives to explore. If you expand your horizons, you may find another app that makes more sense for you. Expand your office app horizons and see how the best presentation software can make your job a little easier.

Best overall: Microsoft PowerPoint

Best for professionals: canva, best for zoom: prezi.

  • Best for Mac: Apple Keynote  

Best for students: Beautiful.ai

Best budget: google slides, how we chose the best presentation software.

As a journalist with over a decade of experience, I know how to present information to all sorts of audiences effectively and efficiently. Over the years, I’ve worked with a variety of clients to craft copy for presentations, as well as the slideshows themselves. I’ve used the best software in the business, as well as quite a lot of the bad stuff, so I know what will work for you and your needs. 

In making this list, I relied on my own firsthand experience with presentation software, as well as consulting professional tutorials and critical reviews. I also personally created a number of sample slideshows using prebuilt templates and custom layouts of my own in order to put the programs through their paces. I used both the stalwart software suites that everyone knows, as well as a number of lesser-known alternatives that have emerged over the past few years. If an impressive new program hits the block, we will update this list accordingly once we get some hands-on time with it.

Things to consider when buying presentation software

There has been an explosion of presentation software over the past few years, and each of the program’s developers has their own pitch to lure people away from PowerPoint. The most important things to consider when choosing presentation software will vary from person to person. A small business owner putting together a professional presentation with original branding may need different tools to make an appealing pitch, versus a student building a last-minute slideshow for a group project to present the results of their research in Econ class.

There are a wide variety of bells and whistles that presentation building programs boast as their killer features, including brand kit integration, easy social media sharing options, offline access, seamless collaboration, AI suggestions, and analytics. These extra features will seem very helpful to enterprise customers, but the average person should realistically prioritize more traditional factors like ease-of-use, customizability, and cost. There are, however, a few elements that every single person who uses presentation software needs, so let’s walk through the fundamentals.

Ease of use

No one wants to spend hours learning how to make a basic slideshow. While all of these programs take time to master, some of them are easier to pick up quickly than others. An intuitive piece of software grabs your attention and allows you to perform basic actions like adding slides and assets without time-consuming tutorials. The more professional-grade programs out there might take a little more time to master, but they’re rarely difficult to use.

Prebuilt templates

The number one thing that you want from a presentation software is a good-looking final product, and templates help you achieve that goal quickly and easily. All of the competitive presentation software suites out there have a library of pre-built templates that let you plug in information quickly. Quality and quantity separate the good programs from the great ones, though. Some apps have more templates than others, and some templates look better than others. On top of that, some programs lock their best templates behind a premium subscription, which leaves you relying on the same basic structures over and over. 

The truly professional-grade software also includes a selection of prebuilt art assets to help you bring a personal touch to the presentation. If a program doesn’t have an impressive set of templates, it isn’t worth using.


While most people want to start building their presentations with a template, you need to change some things around if you want to keep things looking fresh. Professionals, in particular, will probably want to customize every aspect of their slideshows, from the color of the background to the exact pixel position of images. This obviously increases the amount of time it takes to craft a presentation, so it’s important that the systems for making those tweaks are intuitive and easy to use. Not every user is going to need the level of customizability, but it’s definitely something worth considering.

Who’s it for?

Every presenter needs to build a slideshow for their audience. They should probably ask that question when they pick which presentation software to use as well, as it can help determine what software they should use. Students might need the expansive collaboration tools of certain platforms but might not need the pinpoint design controls in others. While the presentation software listed below can all make a great slideshow with enough time and effort, your own use case and the intended audience will have a big impact on your choice.

Cost & affordability

Very few presentation builders have a simple, one-time price tag. Most operate on a subscription model, where you can buy a month’s use for a certain amount, or save money by buying a year at a time. A few are free, though many appear to only offer a free trial or stripped-down version that will allow you to put together something basic before quite literally buying in.

If you’re looking to build just one or two presentations a year, it’s probably best to stick to one of the free options. However, if you have to build slideshows on a regular basis, it’s probably worth sinking your money into a subscription to the program you really like.

Generally speaking, as you might expect, the more impressive and in-depth software costs more than the more traditional fare. However, because many of the most popular programs in the space (such as Microsoft PowerPoint) come as part of a suite, you will need to weigh the benefits of not only the presentation software but also the other programs that come along with it. If you’re a die-hard Microsoft Word user, for example, you’re already paying for the Microsoft Office suite, but the calculus gets more complicated if you prefer Google Docs.

The best presentation software: Reviews & Recommendations

By now, you probably have a good idea of what you should be looking for in presentation software, so now we’ll get into the interesting part. As mentioned above, we’ve broken down our picks based on a few common use cases, as well as the criteria we mentioned above. Regardless of which one you decide on, all of these programs are powerful tools that can produce a slick slideshow with a little time and effort, and you’d be well served by any of them.

Microsoft PowerPoint is the best presentation software overall.


Why it made the cut: Whether you’re a broke student or a busy professional, Microsoft PowerPoint can do whatever you need. It’s also reasonably priced.

  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web
  • Suite or standalone: Microsoft Office 365 Suite
  • Special features: Designer, MS Office integration
  • Free version: Yes
  • Well-known interface imitated by competitors
  • Powerful and accessible
  • Good templates
  • Part of a popular software suite
  • Slight learning curve

Even after testing more than a dozen programs, Microsoft PowerPoint remains the go-to presentation software for most people. Setting the industry standard, it offers great templates, an accessible interface, an impressive library of prebuilt art assets, and plenty of tools for building a slick slideshow. It also supports real-time collaboration, offline editing, and third-party content embedding. At $70 a year, PowerPoint is significantly cheaper than most of its competitors and it’s part of Microsoft Office, a software suite that most companies pay for and workers can’t live without. 

Of course, it isn’t perfect. PowerPoint makes it very easy to make a basic presentation, but it will likely take you longer to make something that looks polished and professional in PowerPoint than with design-forward programs like Canva or Prezi. Even top-flight presentations are achievable, though, in a reasonable timeframe. PowerPoint might not be the best presentation program for every situation, but it’s certainly the best for the average person.

Canva is the best presentation software for professionals.

Why it made the cut: Canva creates beautiful, professional-grade presentations faster than its rivals, and it’s easier to use than most.

  • Platforms: Web, Windows, iOS, Android
  • Suite or standalone: Standalone
  • Special features: Amazing templates, very customizable
  • Excellent free version
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Makes beautiful presentations fast
  • Eye-catching templates
  • Harder-to-use advanced features
  • Limited offline use

If you need to make a striking business presentation in an hour, Canva is absolutely the software for you. Designed from the ground up for business professionals who don’t want to have to use another program (i.e., Photoshop or GIMP) to create visually compelling content, Canva delivers on this promise in spades. 

Canva’s gorgeous templates are the best of any of the programs we tested, and its free version is far more robust than you’d expect for a costless trial. Unlike many of these other programs, it creates virtually any marketing material you can imagine, including videos, logos, social media posts, and even resumes. It also includes splashy features that most people won’t use, like brand kit support and easy sharing to social media.

Canva’s simplicity has drawbacks, too, though. It can be a bit difficult to get it to make complicated charts, tables, or diagrams, and it lacks the familiar (but clunky) customizability of PowerPoint. However, if you’re looking to make the most beautiful presentation you can, Canva is a great choice for your business.

Prezi is the best presentation software for zoom.

Why it made the cut: Prezi is a strong program that structures its basic features in a completely different manner than its competitors. It also has very good Zoom integration.

  • Platforms: Web
  • Special features: Zoom integration, unique structure
  • Free version: No (Two-week free trial)
  • More creative structure than competitors
  • Intuitive interface
  • Expansive feature set
  • Doesn’t work for everyone
  • Must pay more for advanced features

If you’re really tired of the straight-line structure mandated by other presentation software, Prezi gives you a little more freedom to build things your way. Prezi uses a topic-oriented form that allows you to easily string your ideas in an order that makes sense to you. The basic idea behind Prezi is that you create bubbles of individual content, and then you thread a path through those ideas to create a presentation with a physical form that’s more enticing and conversational than just a linear succession of slides.

While this unique approach makes Prezi a worthy alternative on its own, the app also boasts plenty of specialized features you’d want in a premium program, including a large asset library, social media integration, and collaboration support. 

Though any presentation software can work with Zoom via the screen-share function, Prezi features a very useful video call-focused mode, Prezi Video, which allows you to build a presentation as an overlay that appears in your Zoom window so people can see you and your slides.

Prezi’s freeform structure isn’t going to work for everyone, but if Powerpoint feels stifling, it might open new doors for you.

Best for Mac: Keynote

Keynote is the best presentation software for Mac.

Why it made the cut: Apple’s answer to PowerPoint might not be as popular as its competitor, but it’s still pretty powerful in its own right.

  • Platforms: macOS, iOS, Web
  • Suite or Standalone: Apple Software Suite
  • Special features: iCloud support, multiple formats
  • Free version: Yes (with an Apple account)
  • Familiar to most Mac users
  • Better asset library than most
  • No-frills feature set
  • Lacks unique selling points

If you’re a Mac user , you’ve probably at least considered using Keynote to put a presentation together. While all of the other programs on this list work on a Mac as web apps, Keynote is the only app made specifically for the platform.

Like PowerPoint, Keynote is a wide-reaching program designed to help anyone make a sharp-looking presentation, from students to professionals. It has a more robust feature set than other PowerPoint competitors–including better default templates, a bigger asset library, and desktop support. It doesn’t quite have the versatility of enterprise-facing apps like Canva, but you can put together a great-looking slideshow for school or a recurring meeting.

On the other hand, it can be a little tricky to pick up: The interface isn’t quite as intuitive as Google Slides, which is also free. If you have access to both, you get a choice: Build a more striking presentation in Keynote, or put something together quickly in Slides.

Beautiful.ai is the best presentation software for students.


Why it made the cut: Beautiful.ai’s AI-powered presentations allow you to make a sharp slideshow in no time flat, and its generous free trial gives time to try it out.

  • Special features: AI integration
  • Clean interface
  • Modern features
  • Simple and effective
  • Expensive for what it is
  • Limited assets and templates

Looking to build a clean, modern presentation in as little time as possible? Beautiful.ai uses AI to help you build a visually stunning presentation in no time flat. While it’s less of a household name than our other picks, it’s the choice of many tech companies for its uncluttered interface, eye-catching templates, and overall no-fuss approach. 

Compared to PowerPoint or Canva, Beautiful.ai does not have a rich feature set or an infinite variety of template options. What the content library lacks in volume, it makes up for in style, though. Its appealing, elegant content elements lend themselves to clean, modern presentations. More importantly, the program’s AI assistant knows how to use those assets. It automatically tailors your slideshow’s design to fit the information you want to present, so you’ll wind up with something thoughtfully prepared before you know it.

Google Slides is the best free presentation software.

Why it made the cut: Google Slides is not only an excellent presentation program—it’s also one of the only ones actually free with no strings attached.

  • Platforms: Web, iOS, Android
  • Suite or standalone: Google Workspace
  • Special features: Easy collaboration, Google integration
  • Free for anyone with a Google account
  • Familiar interface
  • Easy to share and collaborate
  • Decent templates
  • Somewhat basic in functionality
  • Clunky for some users

When it comes to software, there’s “free to use,” and then there’s free. Most of the software on this list offers either a restricted free mode or a time-limited trial. Google Slides is actually free, fully free, for another with a Google account. And it holds its own, even compared to its premium competitors.

Google Slides feels like a simplified version of PowerPoint. It’s a little easier to learn the basics, but also offers fewer templates, screen transitions, and content. It also lacks a built-in asset library to fill dead space, though the program’s Google Drive integration makes it easy to add your own. Like most Google programs, it also supports add-ons that give it enhanced features, like the ability to solve equations within the slideshow.

If you’re looking to make an extremely sharp presentation, Google Slides will take a bit more effort than most. If you need to make a basic slideshow and you grew up on earlier versions of PowerPoint, you’ll feel right at home using Slides.

Q: What are the three most popular presentation software options?

Based on our research, the three most popular programs are Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote, roughly in that order. PowerPoint is far more popular than the other two, though. All three are good options, depending on what you’re looking for. All things being equal, though, we recommend PowerPoint.

Q: How much does presentation software cost?

Generally, most of the programs listed here cost between $7 and $15 a month for their premium packages. However, Google Slides and Keynote are free, so we recommend those for customers on a budget.

Q: Is Canva better than PowerPoint?

Canva and PowerPoint are both great programs that offer about equal value. It’s much easier to create a beautiful, eye-catching presentation in Canva, but PowerPoint’s advanced features give you more options. If you need to make slick-looking professional presentations on a frequent basis, we recommend Canva for its superior ease-of-use.

Q: Does Adobe have presentation software?

Adobe had its own competitor to PowerPoint, Adobe Presenter. The company recently ended support for Presenter on June 1, 2022.

Final thoughts on the best presentation software

While everyone wants to use the best program for the job, the truth is that all presentation builders have a lot in common with each other. If you’re familiar with one, it often makes sense to stay put. Despite all the similarities, it can take some time to learn a new system. If you’re constrained and frustrated, or are using presentation software for the first time, you should consider a wide range of options beyond PowerPoint.

Though alternatives like Beautiful.ai, Canva, or (especially) Prezi cost a bit more, they each have strong features that may work better for your purposes. That said, sometimes the most popular presentation software options are the best. If you don’t have specific expectations or need to clear a high bar for design, PowerPoint and free options like Google Slides should work well, and have the benefit of wide adoption in corporate workplaces.

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The 11 Best Presentation Software to Use in 2023

best presentation software to use in 2021, presentation software list

The ability to effectively share ideas, illustrate a concept, and convince an audience is invaluable whether you’re a student or a C-level executive. These days, the presentation software you use to create presentations is just as important as your public-speaking skills.

On top of that, most companies have transitioned to remote work recently due to the current coronavirus situation, and now need to share their stories online through a virtual conference room with their distributed teams and external audience members.

That’s why we’ve come up with a list of some of the best presentation software available right now, so you can choose a compatible and innovative presentation maker that includes the best presentation tools to suit your specific needs.

Choose the best presentation software by weighing the pros and cons

You’ll see some of the most popular presentation apps: from free to paid subscription platforms, and slideshow applications to full-blown visual design presentation software with interactive features and more.

Each presentation software has its pros and cons, so it’s up to you to figure out which suits your needs best; consider the software learning curve, whether your company is made up of Mac users or Windows users and the software compatibility, if you need an enterprise account or free account, etc.

Let’s dive in!

1. Piktochart

presentation software piktochart, best presentation software

Piktochart is a presentation software that can create a variety of design visuals, from infographics to social media stories.

An area in which Piktochart shines is crafting unique presentations. 

On Piktochart, users can choose from a wide range of professionally-designed presentation templates .

These custom templates include everything from monthly marketing reports to employee onboarding templates.

This broad selection of customizable templates is especially useful for those who don’t have much design experience or know-how but need to create a visually stunning unique presentation in a pinch. 

Piktochart’s presentation maker also makes it easy to edit presentations and include design elements such as lists, timelines, comparisons, graphs, and different types of charts through drag-and-drop tools.

You can even make visual maps and interactive charts to keep your audience engaged throughout your presentation. 

And if your company uses a Piktochart TEAM plan , you can enjoy the platform’s ability to store brand assets , color schemes, and bespoke templates. Here, replicating company-branded visuals is a breeze. 

Piktochart comes with a free version but with certain limitations. Active visuals are capped at five per month and published visuals have a Piktochart watermark.

If you want features such as team template collaboration, project sharing, and annotated commenting, you’ll have to get a Team account. To sum it up:

  • Lots of professionally-designed templates 
  • Good for both design professionals and non-professionals 
  • Easy to store brand assets and bespoke templates for future presentations
  • Access presentation tools from anywhere via a web browser
  • Free presentation app version available
  • Might take some getting used to if you’re used to PowerPoint presentations

2. Microsoft PowerPoint

microsoft powerpoint, powerpoint presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint is often the first presentation software that comes to mind.

Once considered the “O.G.” and best presentation software available, it is still widely used and has a familiar interface—which means most users are comfortable with it. 

This presentation app has everything you need to create a presentation: from animated transitions for interactive presentations to pre-installed fonts and graphic elements.

Users can also upload their own fonts, graphics, and images into their finished presentation.

Lastly, it’s available as part of the Microsoft Office software package; and you can work on your presentations via the web and mobile devices, for offline viewing as well as online. 

However, PowerPoint is no longer considered the best presentation software, as it has very few templates to choose from, and these tend to fall quite flat compared to modern apps and software.

It’s easy to fall back into boring slideshow PowerPoint files if you don’t know what you’re doing.

And because most people use PowerPoint, you’re likely using the same template as the next guy. 

As standalone presentation software, PowerPoint is pricey at US$139.99—and accessible through only one device unless you upgrade your package.

And while PowerPoint is primarily a slideshow application and presentation maker, its strengths are limited to this category. 

So if you’re looking for the best presentation software, and bang for your buck for a robust presentation tool, you might want to look elsewhere. 

  • Market leader in slideshow applications to create slides
  • Widely used and familiar interface for the presentation process
  • Reliable and usable on most devices as well as being a desktop app
  • Flat templates
  • Limitations with its standalone-presentation software price

3. Google Slides

google slides, presentation software example

Google Slides is a slideshow application that is very similar to PowerPoint.  But there are three main differences: it’s fully online (while also allowing for offline viewing), collaborative, and free. 

The great thing about Google Slides (besides the fact that it’s completely free for anyone with a Google account) is that you can log on via your browser or through its official app. 

You can access all Google Slides presentations from any device (mobile, tablet, and desktop), and share them with other people so you can collaborate in real-time. 

Google Drive allows all your presentations to live on the cloud, accessible to all marketing and sales teams, with unparalleled ease of use.

And there’s no need to worry about disruptions as all changes are saved as they happen, as long as you have an active internet connection. 

Additionally, anyone familiar with PowerPoint will be comfortable using Google’s iteration and likely be delighted by Google Drive and the slide library available. 

It’s also a lot simpler, so even those new to presentation-making will find it easy to navigate. 

However, some might find Google Slides too simple as it lacks the wealth of features available on PowerPoint. 

These include embedding videos from sources other than YouTube, plus adding audio tracks and sound effects, limiting the ability to create unique interactive presentations. 

Some users also encounter issues with downloading and exporting to different formats, including PowerPoint. 

Some slides may even turn out completely different from the original version. 

All in all, Google Slides is a great option for those who are looking for a free application and only need to create simple presentations. 

  • The free plan supports professional presentations
  • Web-based and collaborative to create presentations
  • Simple and familiar interface for an online presentation software
  • Too simple for advanced presentation making
  • Difficult to export to other formats
  • Limited templates and customization options for interactive content

keynote, keynote presentations

You could say Keynote is Apple’s version of PowerPoint. It’s also a slideshow application—but in typical Apple fashion, it comes with a sleek, minimalist interface and is considered one of the best presentation apps on the market. 

There are 30 different themes to choose from, which serve as templates for those who need a quick fix. And it can do most of what PowerPoint can. 

Keynote’s main perk is that it’s part of the Apple ecosystem. 

That means it has built-in iCloud and Apple Watch support so users can control their presentation from their mobile device or even their wrists with just a click. 

This presentation app comes pre-installed on most Mac devices. Otherwise, you can purchase it from the Apple store for just US$9.99 for mobile and US$19.99 for OS X. 

The big downside is that Keynote is exclusive to Mac OS. 

Non-Apple users can create, upload, and sync their own Keynote presentations through their iCloud Drive, but this presentation app is only truly helpful only for those who use multiple Apple devices. 

And if you’re used to working on PowerPoint, you might find Keynote a bit confusing in the beginning, especially when editing presentations. 

  • Sleek, minimalist interface 
  • Free with most Apple devices
  • No access for PC and Android devices except through iCloud

5. SlideDog

Sliding away from straightforward slideshow applications and other presentation apps, SlideDog is a web-based multimedia presentation tool that lets users combine different types of media to create and edit presentations. 

This includes everything from PowerPoint decks to videos and even PDFs that can all be played side by side without any awkward transitions. 

It’s also extremely easy to customize a SlideDog presentation. 

You just need to upload the files into the SlideDog web browser application, and then drag and drop them according to the order in which you want them to play. 

You can control your presentations and playlists from another device, and audience members can view your slideshow on their devices by clicking a link. 

SlideDog has a free presentation app version that provides all of the basic features. 

However, live sharing and premium support are only available with a Pro account that costs US$99 per year, and not via the free version alone.

While SlideDog is technically considered presentation software, you can’t actually create presentations on it. 

You can simply stitch together different pre-made presentations in various formats into what is essentially a playlist. 

Lastly, SlideDog supports only Windows devices, so Apple and Linux users can’t use it. 

  • Supports a lot of different media
  • Provides live-sharing
  • More dynamic compared to the usual slideshow presentation
  • Only collates media; doesn’t create them

6. Haiku Deck 

haiku deck, presentation software example

Ever come across presentations with size-eight fonts and blocks of indecipherable paragraphs on each slide? 

You can avoid such an unfortunate scenario with Haiku Deck. 

HaikuDeck is a web and mobile application that favors images over text. 

It works by limiting the number of words users can put on each slide, and allowing them to search for images on their platform related to the slide’s main idea. 

This makes it ideal for those who want to simplify their thoughts and let the images do all the talking. 

Users have over 40 million royalty-free photos to choose from, plus dozens of simple slide layouts on the platform itself. 

While this certainly simplifies the process of creating a visually rich presentation, it can be limiting for those who need to include more information into their slides. 

It’s a great option for someone giving a TED Talk, for example.

But for others who need to pass on more facts and figures, having a built-in word limit might be too restrictive.  

  • Simple and easy to use 
  • Access to millions of royalty-free stock images
  • May be too simple for some
  • No Android support
  • Limited features

7. Prezi Business

prezi business, business presentation software

Among the other presentation software on this list, Prezi Business might be one of the most unique presentation tools. 

Rather than offering a regular slideshow format, Prezi looks more like a 3D interactive mind map where viewers jump dynamically from one idea to the next. 

You can zoom in on one “slide” and then zoom out for the next. 

Prezi has over 100 templates to choose from and comes with a very simple interface and a drag-and-drop style of editing. 

It’s compatible with both Mac and PC desktops as well as smartphones. 

It’s also similar to a regular PowerPoint deck in that you can jump back and forth from one “slide” to the next. 

And like SlideDog, you can send viewers the link to the presentation as you’re presenting. 

Also, up to 10 people can work on a Prezi presentation at the same time, one of its main selling points. 

This is great for collaboration, but having so many hands-on deck at once can get messy. 

  • Dynamic and immersive presentations
  • Highly visual
  • Easy to use
  • May not be appropriate for all types of presentations

screenshot of ludus presentation software

In a world of slides and presentations, standing out is the key. Ludus brings the flair of graphic design into the world of presentations.

At its core, Ludus is the bridge between presentation tools and design software. It enables users to infuse their slides with the kind of design elements you’d typically find in advanced design platforms.

Not only can you import assets from design giants like Adobe, but its seamless integration with tools like Unsplash and Giphy makes sourcing visuals a breeze.

It’s a fairly affordable tool for all its features compared to the other paid options in this list, as users pay 12.49 euros monthly (if billed annually).

However, while Ludus’ robust design capabilities can elevate the look of your presentation, those unfamiliar with design tools might find there’s a learning curve.

  • Merges presentation creation with advanced design tools.
  • Seamless integration with popular design platforms and visual databases.
  • Offers a unique edge in presentation aesthetics.
  • Might be a tad overwhelming for non-designers
  • Can have a steeper learning curve for those used to more straightforward platforms

9. Slidebean

screenshot of slidebean presentation software

Crafting a compelling presentation demands not only compelling content but also a design that can captivate your audience. Enter Slidebean.

Slidebean offers an intelligent design solution, using AI to transform raw content into professionally styled presentations. This platform streamlines the design process, allowing you to focus on the message rather than fretting over aesthetics.

The basic plan is free and allows you to create a presentation. But if you want to share or download your presentations, as well as unlock the full suite of features, you’ll need to sign up for the All-Access plan priced at $199 per year.

While it provides a quick and efficient method to produce polished slides, it also offers features for sharing, collaboration, and viewer analytics, adding an edge to your presentation strategy.

However, for professionals who prioritize granular design control, the automated design might feel limiting at times.

  • AI-driven design ensures visually appealing presentations.
  • Features for collaboration and viewer insights.
  • Efficient design process reduces time and effort.
  • Might not offer the detailed design customization some users desire.
  • Automated choices may not always align with specific branding or style preferences.

10. ClearSlide

screenshot of clearslide presentation software

Having great visuals to drive your point home can be the difference between getting a sale across the line or customers walking away. ClearSlide stands out in this area as a presentation tool for businesses laser-focused on boosting their sales and marketing game.

At its core, ClearSlide is all about leveling up business presentations. Whether you’re marketing a new product or tracking client engagement, it’s got tools that cater to every need.

Whether it’s a PowerPoint, a PDF, or something from Google Drive or Dropbox, ClearSlide makes it simple to upload and work with these files.

The unique edge? ClearSlide’s virtual meeting space pops open with just a click. It’s all about seamless, professional presentations without the hassle.

Beyond just slides, the platform dives deep into metrics and analytics, ensuring every presentation is backed by data-driven insights. And the tool is available for $35 per month, which isn’t too pricey for medium-sized businesses.

However, its complexity isn’t for everyone. For some, the variety of features might seem a tad overwhelming, and its focus on metrics might be a bit much for those just wanting a basic presentation tool.

  • Seamless virtual meetings and presentations
  • Integrates with popular platforms
  • Offers insightful analytics for sales and marketing
  • Might feel complex for some users
  • Limited transition and design effects
  • Mobile experience could be better

screenshot of vyond presentation software

Stepping into the world of animation, Vyond, once known as GoAnimate, allows users to turn their narratives into professional animated videos. For those looking to elevate their content without diving deep into animation complexities, Vyond can be the go-to tool.

This platform is more than just drag-and-drop animations. It integrates AI capabilities with Vyond Go, which transforms text prompts into rough-cut videos.

Fancy a quick draft for your upcoming project? This AI assistant is up for the task. And if perfection is your game, take it to Vyond Studio, filled with an array of characters, templates, and backgrounds.

The Essential Plan at $25 per month is suitable for individuals on a budget. However, if you want to export videos at 1080p and above, have collaboration tools, or different export options, you’ll need to sign up for the Professional Plan at $92 per month.

As robust as the tool is, there are still some kinks to iron out. AI voiceovers might still need some tweaks, and detailed color customizations can be a bit tricky, but the tool’s strengths, especially for businesses, are undeniable.

  • Hassle-free video creation for beginners to experts
  • Generous library of pre-made assets
  • AI-powered video and script creation with Vyond Go
  • AI voiceovers might feel a bit robotic
  • Some customization limitations for specific props and scenes

The best presentation software is…

 …completely up to you! 

When it comes to presentation software, the world is your oyster. 

Each of these tools either has a free or trial version for you to check out, so you don’t have to commit just yet. 

When it’s time to choose, consider the following aspects to find the right presentation software for you: 

  • Ease of use. Is it easy for you to understand or will it require lots of training before you can start creating presentations? 
  • Accessibility. Can you access your presentation software from any device or are you limited to carrying your laptop to every presentation? 
  • Real-time collaboration. Can multiple people work on the same project or do you have to keep downloading and emailing drafts? 
  • Create design tools. Can you create presentations with dynamic design elements or are you stuck with the same kind of slide each time? 
  • Template availability. Is this tool only accessible to a design professional or can anyone create stunning presentations through pre-designed and updated templates? 
Piktochart , for example, would be a fantastic presentation software choice among the long list of PowerPoint alternatives for teams looking for a variety of eye-catching designs without requiring much technical know-how. Meanwhile, Microsoft PowerPoint might be the best presentation software for those who are just looking to play it safe. 

Hopefully, this best presentation software list sheds some light on the tools at your disposal. Choose wisely! 


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Blog Graphic Design 12 Best Presentation Software for 2024

12 Best Presentation Software for 2024

Written by: Krystle Wong Jan 12, 2024

12 Best Presentation Software

Whether you’re a student, professional or entrepreneur, having access to the right presentation tools can make all the difference.

When you craft a well-executed presentation , your message becomes more memorable. You’re not just sharing information; you’re weaving a story, painting a picture and leaving a lasting impact on your audience’s minds. 

We’re living in the age of information overload, where attention spans are shorter than ever. A good presentation slide takes this into account, breaking down complex information into bite-sized chunks. It guides your audience through a logical flow, allowing them to digest information effortlessly and retain key points without feeling overwhelmed.

To help you stay ahead of the game, I’ve compiled a list of the 12 best software for presentations. These PowerPoint alternatives offer a combination of user-friendly interfaces, stunning visuals, collaboration features and innovative functionalities that will take your presentations to the next level. 

Let’s dive in and explore these top presentation software picks!

1. Venngage 


Allow me to be a little bit biased here but my top pick is none other than, you guessed it — Venngage! Venngage goes beyond just presentations to focus on data visualization and transforming complex information into visually appealing and engaging visuals. 

One of the standout features of Venngage as a presentation software is the extensive library of infographic elements. Gain access to a wide range of pre-designed elements such as icons, charts, maps as well as illustrations to simplify the process of creating data-driven and visually appealing presentations.

You don’t have to be a pro when designing with Venngage. Venngage’s drag-and-drop interface allows you to customize your presentations by simply dragging and dropping elements onto the canvas. You can tweak sizes, colors and layouts with ease, making your presentations visually cohesive and personalized, even if you’re not a design wizard. 

Just so you know, some of our features and templates are free to use and some require a small monthly fee. Sign-up is completely free, as is access to Venngage’s online drag-and-drop editor. Here’s how Venngage’s presentation maker can become your secret weapon in the quest for presentation success.

Vast selection of templates

Venngage boasts an extensive library of professionally designed templates, catering to a wide range of industries and presentation purposes. Whether you’re creating a marketing report, educational presentation or business pitch, Venngage’s presentation tool offers templates that provide a solid foundation for your designs. 

Save 20+ hours of designing with Venngage’s fully customizable, pre-designed infographic templates. These presentation templates provide a good foundation with well-structured layouts and visually appealing aesthetics. 

Presentation templates

Data visualization made easy

Venngage simplifies the process of data visualization, making it accessible to users of all backgrounds. With a few clicks, you can transform dull statistics into visually engaging charts and graphs that tell a compelling story.

Data visualization

Seamless real-time in-editor collaboration tools

Venngage brings teamwork to the next level with our seamless collaboration tools designed to foster collaboration across teams, departments and the entire organization. Whether you’re in the same room or across the globe, Venngage enables real-time collaboration that makes working together becomes a breeze. 

Consistently brand your designs with smart Autobrand features

Effortlessly infuse your presentation slides with your brand’s colors, fonts and logos with Venngage’s My Brand Kit . Upload your brand assets and create engaging presentations by applying your branding to any template you create on Venngage.

Who is it for

Marketers, designers, educators and businesses that require data-driven and visually appealing presentations.

Key features 

Infographic elements, data visualization tools, collaboration options, customizable templates.

Create your first 5 designs with Venngage for free and upgrade to a premium or business plan for $10 USD/month per user and $24 USD/month per user to enjoy premium features. For larger teams who need extra support, controls and security, the enterprise plan starts from $499 USD/month for 10+ seats.

Additionally, there are also plans available for classrooms priced at $99 USD/year for up to 35 students per instructor. Non profit organizations can also apply for a nonprofit discount to any Venngage plan.

2. Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint

Source: Screenshot from Microsoft PowerPoint

Even with dozens of presentation software and tools out there, PowerPoint presentations have stood the test of time as one of the best presentation software. In fact, 89% of people still use PowerPoint presentations over competitor services . 

Whether you’re a student, teacher, business professional or just a creative soul, PowerPoint’s user-friendly interface allows both beginners and experienced users to create presentations with ease.

PowerPoint delivers captivating and engaging presentations through its advanced animation and transition effects. You can create interactive PowerPoint presentations by captivating your audience and guiding them through your content with seamless transitions and eye-catching animations. 

Seamless integration with other Microsoft Office tools is another significant advantage of PowerPoint as a presentation software. As part of the Microsoft Office suite, PowerPoint effortlessly integrates with other familiar applications such as Word and Excel. This integration allows you to incorporate charts, graphs and written content from these tools directly into your presentation. 

However, collaboration features in PowerPoint can be somewhat limited compared to dedicated collaboration platforms. While you can share and co-edit presentations with others, the collaboration options may not be as robust as those offered by specialized presentation tools.

Suitable for individuals, students, educators and businesses of all sizes.

Customizable templates, multimedia support, extensive slide editing options, robust animations and transitions.

You can subscribe to PowerPoint as part of your Microsoft 365 subscription with various plans tailored for businesses, ranging from $6 to $22 USD/month. Additionally, there is also the option to purchase an unbundled PowerPoint account separately, priced at $159.99 USD.

3. Google Slides

Google Slides

Source: Screenshot from Google Slides

Unlike PowerPoint which requires file sharing and manual syncing for teamwork, Google Slides enables real-time collaboration and easy access from any device with an internet connection. 

Google Slides shines in its seamless collaboration capabilities. Multiple users can work on the same presentation simultaneously, enabling real-time editing and fostering efficient teamwork. The integrated commenting feature on Google Slides allows for shared feedback and discussions, enhancing collaboration even further.

Google Slides’ cloud-based storage and auto-saving feature ensures that your work is constantly saved, minimizing the risk of losing progress or important changes. No more panicking over unsaved slides and changes. 

But that also means that Google Slides heavily relies on an internet connection for full functionality and access is more limited compared to desktop-based software. Although an offline mode is available, Google Slides has certain limitations and may not provide the same level of functionality as when connected to the internet.

Templates and customization features-wise, Google Slides also have fewer design options compared to other presentation tools. This may limit the level of visual creativity and flexibility for those seeking intricate designs or specialized effects.

Ideal for remote teams, educators, students and anyone looking for easy collaboration and access from any device.

Real-time collaboration, shared commenting, offline mode and built-in sharing options.

Google Slides is accessible to all individuals with a Google account at no cost, providing all users with access to its full range of features. However, for businesses and teams looking for additional organizational capabilities, there are subscription plans available ranging from $6 to $18 USD/month.

4. Keynote (for Mac users)


Source: Screenshot from Keynote

For Apple users, Keynote is a presentation tool designed exclusively for your Apple devices and is available on macOS, iOS and iPadOS. Keynote is known for its sleek and intuitive interface, reflecting Apple’s design aesthetics. 

It offers visually appealing templates, animations, and transitions, allowing users to create polished and modern-looking presentations. Keynote users can seamlessly incorporate images, videos, audio files and interactive elements into their presentations. The presentation software also includes a wide range of animations and transitions, enabling smooth and cinematic effects that bring slides to life.

Keynote presentations is known for its seamless integration within the Apple ecosystem. It works effortlessly with other Apple applications, allowing users to combine different elements and data from various sources. Presentations created in Keynote can be easily shared and accessed across Apple devices, ensuring a consistent experience for both the presenter and the audience.

Additionally, Keynote as a presentation software offers collaborative editing capabilities, enabling multiple users to work on the same presentation simultaneously. Users can share their presentations with others, who can then provide feedback, make edits and contribute to the project in real-time.

That said, since Keynote is exclusively designed for Apple devices, it may not be accessible or fully compatible with non-Apple platforms. Hence, sharing presentations created in Keynote with users on different platforms may require exporting or converting the files to a compatible format, which can lead to potential formatting issues or loss of certain features.

Mac users, creatives, professionals, educators and anyone who wants visually stunning presentations.

Elegant templates, advanced multimedia options, cinematic transitions and collaborative editing.

Keynote is available for free on Apple devices, including macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. As it comes pre-installed with these devices, users can access and use Keynote without any additional cost.


Source: Screenshot from Prezi

Known for its distinctive zooming presentation style, Prezi revolutionizes the way you create presentations by offering a visually engaging and non-linear approach. 

One of Prezi’s renowned features is its unique zooming and transition effects, allowing presenters to navigate through a virtual canvas seamlessly. This dynamic presentation style enhances engagement by creating a sense of movement and spatial relationship between ideas.

Moreover, Prezi offers cloud-based collaboration, making it easy for multiple users to collaborate on a presentation in real-time. This feature facilitates seamless teamwork, enabling users to collectively develop and refine their presentations regardless of their physical locations.

Prezi presentations also include interactive elements, such as embedded videos, images and hyperlinks. Utilizing these elements would allow presenters to create interactive presentations and engage their audience on a deeper level.

However, Prezi has a steeper learning curve compared to more traditional presentation tools. Users may require some time and practice to become proficient in navigating the canvas, creating smooth transitions and effectively utilizing all of Prezi’s features.

Creative professionals, educators and individuals who want to create visually captivating and non-linear presentations.

Zooming presentation style, interactive elements, cloud-based collaboration and reusable templates.

For individuals & business professionals

Basics: Create and share up to 5 visual projects for free

Standard: Starting at $5 USD/month

Plus: Starting at $12 USD/month

Premium: Starting at $16 USD/month

Teams: Starting at $19 USD/month per user (billed annually)

For Students & Educators

EDU Plus: Starting at $3/month

EDU Pro: Starting at $4/month

EDU Teams: Enquiry required with Prezi sales team


Source: Screenshot from Canva

One of the great things about Canva as a presentation tool is its user-friendly interface, which makes it super easy to use even if you’re not a design pro. You can simply drag and drop elements to create your presentation slides without breaking a sweat.

Canva’s vast collection of pre-designed templates caters to various purposes and occasions. The availability of these templates allows users to jumpstart their design projects with professional-looking layouts, saving valuable time and effort.

For businesses or educational institutions working on group projects or marketing campaigns, Canva also offers collaboration features that enhance teamwork and co-creation. Users can invite team members or clients to collaborate on a design project, enabling real-time feedback and efficient design processes. 

While Canva does offer some basic slide transition effects, the range and customization options for transitions may be limited compared to dedicated presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote. 

Individuals, students, small businesses and startups seeking professional-looking marketing materials and presentations.

Extensive template options, intuitive drag-and-drop interface, ability to share presentations as downloadable files or online links and built-in multimedia support for adding videos , images, and audio to slides.

The free version of Canva provides a wide range of features and resources, with the only limitations being the use of premium resources that can be acquired either through separate purchases or by subscribing to the Canva Pro plan. The Canva Pro plan is available for $12.99 USD per month or $119.99 USD per year.

For collaborative purposes, Canva Teams is available at a price of $14.99 USD per month, with an additional charge of $14.99 USD per month for every team member beyond the initial five.

7. Adobe Express

Adobe Express

Source: Screenshot from Adobe Express

As part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, Adobe Express is a presentation software that offers a simplified and user-friendly interface. With its intuitive interface, Adobe Express allows users to create visually stunning presentations with ease. Users can access both design professionals and individuals without extensive design experience.

One of the notable advantages of Adobe Express is its seamless integration with other Adobe products, such as Photoshop and Illustrator. This integration enables users to leverage the power of these industry-standard design tools within their presentations, providing access to advanced design features and a vast library of high-quality assets. 

Adobe Express is also great for creating interactive presentations. Its extensive multimedia support, allowing users to incorporate videos, audio files and interactive elements to keep your audience engaged.

That being said,  some of its advanced features may require familiarity with other Adobe tools, which can be challenging for beginners who are not already familiar with the Adobe Creative Cloud ecosystem.

Designers, creative professionals, individuals and businesses seeking professional-grade presentation design.

Professional design options, multimedia support, easy integration with other Adobe products and cloud-based collaboration.

While the free version for Adobe Express includes all the core features, users can gain access to premium templates and features when they upgrade to the Premium subscription for $9.99 USD/month. 

For businesses and teams, Adobe provides tailored plans that include additional features like collaboration tools, centralized license management and enterprise-level support. The pricing for these plans depends on the number of licenses and the specific needs of the organization. It’s best to consult with Adobe or their authorized resellers to get accurate pricing information for business plans.

8. Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck

Source: Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is all about visual storytelling, offering a simple and minimalist approach to designing presentations. With its clean and minimalist templates, Haiku Deck makes it a breeze to create presentations that focus on eye-catching images.

Haiku Deck is a user-friendly presentation software that offers a straightforward and intuitive interface. It’s designed to be easily accessible on both computers and mobile devices, giving you the flexibility to create quick and practical presentations on the go.

Plus, the presentation tool seamlessly integrates with image search engines, making it a piece of cake to find and add high-quality visuals that enhance the overall look and feel of your presentation.

However,if you’re looking for advanced features like complex animations or interactive elements, you might not find them here. While the clean and minimalist templates are gorgeous, they don’t offer as much flexibility for customization.

Educators, individuals and professionals who appreciate the power of visual storytelling and minimalist design.

Image-focused templates, easy-to-use interface, cloud-based collaboration and seamless image search integration.

Haiku Deck offers a free trial that allows you to experience the software with one presentation. If you decide to upgrade, they have different pricing plans available. Additionally, Haiku Deck also offers special pricing to qualifying nonprofit organizations, students and educators.

The Pro plans are available at $9.99 per month with annual billing or $19.99 per month with monthly billing. For those seeking advanced features, the Premium plans are priced at $29.99 per month.

presentation topics on software

Source: Screenshot from Ludus

Ludus brings together the best of both worlds by offering the traditional slide deck format along with interactive and multimedia elements that take presentations to a whole new level.

The presentation software is rich in multimedia capabilities, allowing users to seamlessly integrate videos, audio and elements to create interactive presentations that captivate the audience.

Ludus offers unique presentation tools that enable users to incorporate interactive elements like clickable buttons, hover effects and embedded web content, enabling a more dynamic and engaging presentation experience. 

This makes Ludus a great choice for designers, creatives, marketing professionals, and anyone who wants to create interactive and visually appealing presentations that leave a lasting impression. Collaboration is another area where Ludus excels. The software offers collaborative editing, allowing multiple users to edit presentations simultaneously. 

However, it’s worth mentioning that Ludus has relatively limited templates compared to some other presentation software options. While the customization options are vast, users might find themselves starting from scratch or investing more time in creating the initial design. Additionally, for individuals new to the platform, there might be a learning curve involved in fully harnessing all of Ludus’ features and capabilities.

Designers, creatives, marketing professionals and anyone looking for interactive and visually appealing presentations.

Interactive and multimedia elements, collaborative editing, extensive design customization, real-time comments and feedback.

Ludus offers a starting price of $14.99 USD/month per user for teams consisting of 1-15 members with all features included. For larger teams requiring additional licenses, Ludus encourages reaching out for more information on pricing. It’s worth noting that Ludus provides a 30-day free trial, allowing users to explore the platform and its features before committing to a subscription.

10. Slidebean


Source: Screenshot from Slidebean

Slidebean offers a unique approach to slide design by automating the process and simplifying the creation of well-designed presentations. With its automation features, Slidebean streamlines the design process, saving users valuable time and effort.

The highlight of Slidebean is its automated slide design functionality. Using artificial intelligence (AI), the software generates visually appealing slide layouts based on the content provided. Slidebean also offers collaboration options, allowing multiple team members to work on a presentation simultaneously. 

Another advantage of Slidebean is its AI-powered content suggestions. The software intelligently analyzes the presentation content and provides helpful suggestions for improving the messaging and overall flow. This feature ensures that users can effectively communicate their ideas and engage their audience. 

Unlike Ludus, Slidebean may not cater to users who prefer extensive customization and control over their slide layouts. Certain advanced features are only available in premium plans, which may require an upgrade for those seeking more advanced functionality.

Startups, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and individuals who want to create polished presentations quickly.

Automated design, content suggestions, collaboration tools and pitch deck-specific templates.

The free version offers limited functionalities, but it provides a sufficient opportunity to experience Slidebean’s capabilities and understand its workflow. However, to export your presentation and access advanced features, upgrading to a higher plan is necessary. 

The all-access plan is available at $228 USD/year, while additional services such as startup expert consultations and pitch deck and financial model services are available for separate purchase. 

11. Beautiful.ai


Source: Screenshot from Beautiful.ai

Beautiful.ai aims to simplify the process of creating visually stunning and professional-looking slides with minimal effort. One of the notable strengths of the presentation software is its collection of smart templates and design suggestions. 

Their templates are intelligently designed to provide visually appealing layouts, saving users valuable time and effort in creating presentations. Unlike other types of presentation software, the platform leverages AI-powered technology to offer layout optimization, ensuring that slide elements are positioned optimally for maximum impact.

Beautiful.ai also offers time-saving features that streamline the presentation creation process. The software automatically adjusts the layout and formatting as users add or modify content, eliminating the need for manual adjustments. 

As the software provides smart templates and design suggestions, customization options may be somewhat limited. Users may find that certain design elements or layout adjustments are not as flexible as they would like. 

Individuals, startups and professionals who want visually impressive presentations without extensive design skills.

Smart templates, automated design suggestions, AI-powered layout optimization and easy slide customization.

Beautiful.ai provides two subscription options for users. The Pro plan is available at a monthly cost of $12 USD /month, while the Team plan is priced at $40 USD/month. Both plans are billed annually. You can also subscribe to the monthly subscription for ad hoc projects and gain access to all pro features for $45 USD/month (billed monthly). 

There is a 14-day free trial period that allows users to thoroughly test and explore the features and capabilities of the tool before committing to a subscription.


Source: Screenshot from Pitch

Pitch is a modern video presentation maker that stands out with its collaborative and iterative approach to presentation creation.

One of the key strengths of Pitch lies in its collaborative features. The presentation software provides robust collaboration tools that allow team members to work together in real-time. This makes it easy for users to collaborate on presentation content, provide feedback and make revisions collectively.

Pitch boasts an extensive slide library, offering a wide range of professionally designed templates to choose from. These templates serve as a foundation for creating visually stunning presentations while providing a starting point that saves time and ensures a polished look.

The availability of diverse templates caters to different industries, topics and presentation styles, allowing users to create presentations for their needs.

Seamless integration with project management tools is another advantage of Pitch. The software integrates well with popular project management platforms, enabling users to streamline their workflow by syncing tasks, deadlines and other project-related information with their presentations. 

For teams, startups and businesses that value collaboration, feedback and the ability to iterate on their presentations

Collaboration tools, version control, project management integration and template library.

Users can create unlimited presentations and enjoy the starter plan for free or upgrade to Pro for $8 USD/month, billed annually. 

There you have it — the top 12 best presentation tools for the year! Whether you value simplicity, collaboration, automation, design versatility or data visualization, these presentation software examples have a solution out there for your future presentations.

Got your mind set on your to-go presentation software? Great! Now it’s time to start creating your slides and ace that presentation. 

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15 Best Presentation Software for 2021

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By Bilyana Nikolaeva

in Insights

3 years ago

Viewed 8,316 times

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The Best Presentation Software for 2021

On average a presentation takes up to 20 minutes and experts say we make an impression within the first 30 seconds. That is why it’s important to “dress” our great product/idea with an equally exciting design. Most often, presentations are cooked up by non-designers, which creates a specific need – for powerful presentation software, which can help communicate a message beautifully, effectively, and to suit any user’s skill level. We hand-picked 15 of the best presentation software for 2021 , which will help you create presentations online, share them, while shining in your best light. In the meanwhile, check out some useful ideas tips to spice up your presentations .

A web-based presentation tool, which means you can access your presentations wherever you are, with an internet connection. It is known for its animations, cartoons, and infographics, which help the user to create more interactive presentations and explainer-style videos.

Example by Focusky

Best Features:  Very interactive; you can create a unique to your story by combining different “frames” (slides); create your own animations within the presentation Price:  Free, but heavily subscription-based Learning curve:  Very intuitive, nicely organized by categories, but it would require some time to learn the animation controls Available for:  Online Perfect for: Marketing and education

To summarize, this presentation tool is best for marketers and education, where the creator can get the most out of the cool animation and cartoons available. In the last years, there is an increased interest in Powtoon and RenderForest and we expect that more and more people will use them in 2021. No surprise – if you look at our article about Graphic Design Trends in 2022 , everything is moving towards animation, cool 3D-s, cartoons, and illustrations – and these are all things that this software can offer for your presentation.

Prezi is an online presentation software, which resembles a mind map. In comparison, PowerPoint offers a linear way of presenting, whereas Prezi allows you to better show relationships between different elements of your presentation, show details, zoom in and zoom out and show an overall view of your topic. Compared to PowerPoint is more interactive, but with fewer functionalities and a choice of templates.

Example by PreziBase

Best Features:  Interactive presentations and interesting transitions, zoom in/out details Price:  The very basic features are free, but most of the interesting ones are paid, starting from $3/month and reaching up to $59/month. They offer a free trial. Learning curve:  it requires learning and going through a lot of menus and functionalities, similar to PowerPoint Available for:  Online / Limited use for iOS and Android (only viewing, not creating and editing) Perfect for: teachers, businesses, more experienced designers, and specific presentations needs, but not recommended for newbies

Prezi is best in showing relationships between different parts of your presentations. There are some challenges in editing, and viewing across devices and its best features are paid for. We recommend it for quick, mind-map-like presentations without the need for ultra-special design.

3. RenderForest Presentation Maker

RenderForest is an online presentation tool, which is famous for its explainer style and whiteboard animations. The presentation templates often offer various motion/video backgrounds, which helps to grab your audience’s attention. Currently, the company is working on releasing its Graphic Design Software, which will allow users to create printables and beautiful designs for social media. This shows that RenderForest’s team knows the market well and does its best to cater to its needs!

presentation topics on software

Example by Renderforest

Best Features:  Video holders with text on shapes, cool transitions Price:  There is a free version, the paid ones start at $20.34 per user/month Learning curve:  Relatively easy to use, the simple interface helps the user Available for:  Online / iOS / Android Perfect for:  Education and business

Although not one of the cheapest solutions, it allows you to create engaging and interactive presentations with lots of cool animations. That makes RenderForest a great choice for more educational and marketing explainer-type videos/presentations.

4. Mentimeter

Mentimeter is a very interesting online presentation software. It allows your audience to engage with your presentation in real-time and you can create polls, ask questions, which are then displayed to your presentation. The answers from the audience remain anonymous so people are even more encouraged to participate.

Example by Mentimeter

Best Features:  Launch live, interactive polls, surveys, quizzes and create things like word clouds in real-time Price:  It has a free version, but the paid plans offer most of the attractive features – the basic plan costs $9.99 per user/month and the more advanced plan is $24.99 per user/month Learning curve:  Easy to use; might need to explain to a less tech-savvy audience how to connect to your presentation Available for:  Online / Android / iOS Perfect for:  Educators, speakers, business and competitions

An excellent choice for educators, speakers, and businesses who want to engage the audience in real-time and display the results immediately. Clean, simple designs, that help you focus on the content.

5. Libre Office Impress

Libre Office is free presentation software, an open-source alternative to PowerPoint. As you can expect from a free product, it offers only the main features of its “big brother”, but it’s a good solution for people used to Microsoft’s productivity suite. The interface is very similar to PowerPoint, which again makes it comfortable to use for a certain audience. Users who need collaboration on presentations, clean interface, and more creative design solutions should steer away from this free presentation software because it will simply not cover their needs.

presentation topics on software

Example by Theodoros Bousios

Best Features:  Free, compatible with older versions (Windows XP for example) Price:  Free Learning curve:  It will take some time to go through all the options and to get familiar with the interface; Available for:  Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS. Perfect for:  people who want to use a free product and people with older operation systems

To summarize, Libre is free, compatible with older versions, it can cover your basic needs for a presentation, but the options are too many and available templates too little.

6. Zoho Show

Zoho Show is also an online presentation software, which has a very friendly user interface and great collaboration features. There are many functionalities, which help you create a beautiful design, but require some time and design knowledge to get it right. The premade templates are limited and this presentation software needs an internet connection to be able to edit and present.

presentation topics on software

Image by Zoho

Best Features:  Live broadcasting a presentation with live chat and commenting Price:  Zoho Show is free for personal use. For business users, Zoho Show is included in the Zoho Docs enterprise pricing packages – €5 or €8 per user/month Learning curve: Available for:  Online / Android / iOS Perfect for:  non-profits, start-ups, personal use, teachers

To summarize, Zoho offers great collaboration features, but you need a connection to edit and present. It is suitable for quick, non-pretentious presentations, where you need some kind of collaboration.

7. ClearSlide Presenter

ClearSlide is a sales engagement platform, including an online presentation tool. Another online tool – SlideRocket, was acquired by ClearSlide and one of the differences is that ClearSlide is more costly and targeted at larger businesses. It’s a great platform for very specific needs – collaborating between sales and marketing teams, to achieve the company’s goals. It’s clear even by the interface:

presentation topics on software

Image by ClearSlide

Best Features: Analytics for costumers’ engagement, video conferencing, screen sharing Price:  They offer a free trial and you can see more about the payment plans here. Learning curve:  Clear and simple interface, but it requires some time to get used to the tools Available for:  Online Perfect for: Sales/business, managers (for coaching); not suitable for newbies, teachers, students

To summarize, ClearSide is perfect for presenting sales pitch , graphics, collaborate in larger teams. It is somehow restrictive for a non-designer because the templates are specific.

8. Piktochart

Piktochart allows you to make infographics, presentations, and printables quickly. Primarily known for its easy customizable infographics, Piktochart also has simple presentation templates and the company is constantly trying to update its library.

Example by Piktochart Knowledge Base

Best Features:  Turning data-heavy content into simple visuals; nice transitions between slides Price:  There is a free version and a paid one, starting at $29 per user/month. They offer a free trial. Learning curve:  It requires time to get used to the options available and to navigate through Available for:  Online Perfect for:  Designers, teachers; it does not offer collaboration options, which might be needed by teams, students, etc.

Compared to other online presentation software is a bit costly and we could still ask a bit more from the presentation templates. We’d recommend it to someone who often uses infographics and wants to use a single platform to combine the infographics with a presentation. But why not check our free infographics as well?

Slides is online presentation software, initially aimed at developers and covering their presentation needs. Thus said, it does not offer offline editing, but you can present offline, after exporting your presentation.

Best Features:  It allows you to use your phone as a remote control; Live Present Mode allows you to control what your audience sees; drop in code, iframes, and SVGs with ease. Price:  Free, with paid plans starting at $7.00/month and $14-$18/month for pro and team packages. They offer a free trial. Learning curve:  friendly interface, but too many functions and options, which might overwhelm the average user and beginner Available for: Online Perfect for:  developers, designers, a little bit too specific for newbies

To summarize, it’s a very cool tool, giving you complete design freedom, but that is also why we do not recommend it to teachers, non-designers, or marketers. Developers and design gurus will love it.

Canva is a web-based solution that started with a mission – to make beautiful designed content available to everyone. The whole platform is organized so that a person without any prior design knowledge can easily create graphs, images, and presentations to impress. Although it is not the best tool for data visualization, it scores high in any other category. Needless to say, it has become a popular choice amongst non-designers.

Image by Iconfinder

Best Features:  Plenty of beautiful templates to choose from and Canva school has plenty of tutorials and tips for free. It offers more free functionalities compared to other competitors. Price:  Free, the offer different subscription plans, starting at $9.95 per user/month Learning curve:  Very easy to use, most of the actions can be performed by drag-and-drop Available for:  Online / iOS / Android Perfect for:  newbies, marketers (who need a unified look across all their social media), non-profits, and teachers

Canva is becoming one of the most popular tools amongst non-designers for creating beautiful unified content. You can create entire presentations, flyers, and other materials with a single drag and drop.

11. Slidebean

Slidebean is the go-to online presentation software for last-minute projects, that look original and professional. Slidebean offers clean and easy-to-use templates and keeps track of your audience’s engagement.

Source Slidebean

Best Features:  It allows you to arrange your content with the help of AI, which saves time creating a beautiful layout. You just pick a template, upload content, and let the AI offer you a nice layout. Premade animations, effects, and alignments are automatically applied to your content and create a cohesive look. Price:  Free, paid versions starting from $8/month Learning curve:  very easy to use since everything is made to fit the premade templates Available for:  Windows / Mac / Android / iOS Perfect for:  financial, academic, pitch, marketing, sales; everything quick with a clear structure

To summarize, if you are in a hurry, Slidebean will offer several layouts for your slides and speed up the process of creation. The platform targets primarily sales, marketing, and financial fields, and the available templates reflect that.

12. Google Slides

Google Slides is part of the G Suite business application. Its popularity has increased in the last years since it’s a web-based platform, allowing you to store, edit, and share your presentation, without the need of installing presentation software on your computer. All you need is a Google account and you are good to go.

Image by G Suite Updates blog

Best Features:  It’s free for personal use, and offers great paid features for business – for example, seamless collaboration and commenting on a presentation, converting other presentations to Google Slides. Some other great features are the wide variety of fonts available (GoogleFonts, not need installing), easy embedding, plus it’s super intuitive and easy to use! Price:   It’s free for individual use. For business use, the price starts at $5/user/month and plans of $10 and $25/user/month, for unlimited cloud storage and extra features Learning curve:  Simple interface, but it will require some time to pick up. Similar to PowerPoint, only a bit lighter. Available for:  Windows / Mac / Online Perfect for:  businesses, freelancers, who need a user-friendly app with elementary features; great for collaborating teams, not so perfect for complex designs and tools, required by big enterprises

Perfect for personal use, well synchronized across different devices, similar to PowerPoint. Maybe you are a teacher and you like GoogleSlides because it is free and easy to use? Well, we’ve gathered some awesome FREE GoogleSlides and PowerPoint templates , specially made for education needs.

If you need something along the lines of PowerPoint but need the option for collaboration – a paid plan for GoogleSlides is your go-to choice.

13. Keynote

Keynote is an Apple product, very similar to Google Slides. All you need to do is create an iCloud account (similar to a Google account) and start using Keynote from there. Running Keynote on Windows also requires an internet connection and a modern browser. The latest version can also import and export PowerPoint formats if needed. All this sends Keynote higher in the list regarding the accessibility and shareability of this presentation software.

presentation topics on software

Image by Envato tuts+

Best Features:  Simplicity of design, great drag and drop functions, polished transitions and animations, easy image editing/cropping; works great with multimedia; design templates with better aesthetic than an average slide deck; Price:  Free for macOS and iOS Learning curve:  Pretty easy to use for Mac users, a bit of learning curve for users, having experience with other software. Available for:  Mac / Windows / Online Perfect for:  businesses, marketers, people with not much of a design experience

Bottom line, if you are a Mac user, you love the sleek design and you are looking for cool aesthetics – Keynote is simple to use and free, why not use it?

14. Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark is a web and mobile-based media creation application, which helps you create social graphics, short videos, and web pages. What is immediately noticeable is the clean, crisp, simple, and modern designs, which focus you on the content. If you are looking for a funky, ornate design – Adobe Spark is not the right pick for you.

Example by Cikeys

Best Features:  Beautiful templates, user-friendly interface, step-by-step creation, you can add audio to your slides (narrating) Price:  There is a free version, the paid on starts at $9.79. The best templates, as with the competitors, are paid. They do not offer a free trial. Learning curve:  Easy to use Available for:  Online / iOS / Android Perfect for:  quick presentations, teachers, basic presentations without jamming them with too much cool stuff.

Adobe Spark eliminates the cluster of design options and leads you step-by-step in creating elegant, simple presentations. Ideal for basic presentations, not the best for sales and marketing.

15. PowerPoint

PowerPoint certainly is a “classic” – it’s has been the most popular tool for creating presentations so far. What first started as a component of the Microsoft Office suite, now has improved shareability and accessibility. It can be used on the web (as part of Office on the web), works with Android, and iOS, and there is a Mobile app, as well as presentation software for mac.

Example by Abris DC

Best Features:  Many people are familiar with the software, a wide variety of templates; improved accessibility across platforms; extensive tools and options Price: If you want to enjoy the full features of PowerPoint, you’ll need to subscribe to Microsoft 365 – they have payment plans for personal or business use. The price for personal use starts at $5.99/month or $59.99/year, and business plans start at $12.50 per user/month with an annual commitment. You can find more information here . The mobile applications are completely free to use, of course with some limitations. You can compare the available features across different platforms  here. Learning curve: Due to the variety of options and the complexity of the menus, it might take some time to master all of its features. Something that could take a lot of time is editing the text, arranging the visuals, and picking the right transitions – overall, is time-consuming. Still, the interface remained easy to navigate over time and if you trust your design sense, you can achieve satisfying results. Available for: Windows / Mac / Online Perfect for: business, medical, accounting and students; creating concise presentations; but not so suitable for teachers, educators, start-ups and marketers who want to create more interactive and story-based presentations.

To this date, PowerPoint is keeping the lead as the most popular tool for creating presentations. Some of the downsides are that sometimes it can be time-consuming to come up with a good design and PP doesn’t offer collaboration tools and compared to other platforms. But we have a solution for at least one of your problems – we’ve selected 31 Modern PowerPoint templates to set the right tone for your presentation. 

We made a quick summary for you…

Ok, not that we’ve looked at the 15 best presentation software for 2021, we decided to go one step further and compare them by price and popularity. Let’s have a look first at the new-comers:

presentation topics on software

As you can see, the leaders from the uprising platforms are Canva and Mentimeter, with relatively low prices and with huge success amongst users . Powtoon, Piktochart, and Renderforest are a bit costly , but they are popular since they offer a lot of animation and interactive elements. Hey, but maybe some of the other tools are right for you? We encourage you to go on their websites, contact their support team, and see what they have to offer.

Then, let’s see how the veterans are ranking:

presentation topics on software

It’s no surprise that PowerPoint and Google Slides are at the top – people are used to their products, have familiar interfaces, and offer a lot of functionalities at a good price. Although, for quick, unpretentious results, their competitors are a very attractive solution.

Final words

We can conclude that there are many useful tools to help you create beautiful presentations. Some of them are well-known and have been here for a while, while others are uprising… No matter the case, we notice a trend for presentation tools catering not only to the designers’ needs but also to the newbies, marketers, and teachers. That way, enabling everyone to create stunning presentations in no time and share them easily.

We hope this presentation software list shed some light on different options out there and that we helped you evaluate quickly what would work for your situation best.

You may also be interested in these related articles:

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Bilyana Nikolaeva

Bilyana is an inspiring content writer and illustrator at GraphicMama with years of experience in art and design. When she’s not busy writing for the blog, you will usually see her working hard on new illustrations and graphic resources.

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How to Present to an Audience That Knows More Than You

  • Deborah Grayson Riegel

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Lean into being a facilitator — not an expert.

What happens when you have to give a presentation to an audience that might have some professionals who have more expertise on the topic than you do? While it can be intimidating, it can also be an opportunity to leverage their deep and diverse expertise in service of the group’s learning. And it’s an opportunity to exercise some intellectual humility, which includes having respect for other viewpoints, not being intellectually overconfident, separating your ego from your intellect, and being willing to revise your own viewpoint — especially in the face of new information. This article offers several tips for how you might approach a roomful of experts, including how to invite them into the discussion without allowing them to completely take over, as well as how to pivot on the proposed topic when necessary.

I was five years into my executive coaching practice when I was invited to lead a workshop on “Coaching Skills for Human Resource Leaders” at a global conference. As the room filled up with participants, I identified a few colleagues who had already been coaching professionally for more than a decade. I felt self-doubt start to kick in: Why were they even here? What did they come to learn? Why do they want to hear from me?

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  • Deborah Grayson Riegel is a professional speaker and facilitator, as well as a communication and presentation skills coach. She teaches leadership communication at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and has taught for Wharton Business School, Columbia Business School’s Women in Leadership Program, and Peking University’s International MBA Program. She is the author of Overcoming Overthinking: 36 Ways to Tame Anxiety for Work, School, and Life and the best-selling Go To Help: 31 Strategies to Offer, Ask for, and Accept Help .

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Latest Technical Paper Presentation Topics

  • by Ravi Bandakkanavar
  • April 14, 2024

This post contains a wide variety of technical papers chosen from various Engineering streams. The latest Technical Paper Presentation Topics include trending topics from emerging Technology like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, 5G Technology, Cybersecurity, and Cloud Computing. It also includes topics from different Engineering streams like Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics Communications and Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Automobile Engineering. 

  • Blockchain Technology
  • Chat GPT and its capabilities
  • How 5G Technology can Revolutionize the Industry?
  • 5G Wireless Technology
  • Impact of the Internet on Our Daily Life
  • The technology  behind Face Unlocking in Smartphones
  • 3D Printing Technology
  • Anti-HIV using nanorobots
  • Humanoid Robots
  • Virtual Reality: working and examples
  • Metaverse and how Apps are developed in Metaverse
  • Smart Eye Technology
  • Augmented Reality
  • Automatic Video Surveillance Systems
  • Automatic number plate recognition
  • Cloud Computing vs. Distributed Computing
  • Importance of Cloud Computing to Solve Analytical Workloads
  • Attendance Monitoring Intelligent Classroom
  • Automatic Mobile Recharger Station
  • Automatic sound-based user grouping for real-time online forums
  • Bio-computers/Biomolecular Computers
  • What is Big Data?
  • Biomedical instrumentation and signal analysis

Latest Technical Paper Presentation Topics

  • Artificial intelligence and the impact of AI on our lives
  • Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat or a Benefit?
  • Top 10 Ways Artificial Intelligence Future will Change the World
  • Artificial Intelligence: Technology that Hosts Race between Enterprises
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry
  • How AI Technology Can Help You Optimize Your Marketing
  • Narrow AI vs General AI: Understanding The Key Differences
  • Future Of Industrial Robotics With AI
  • Causes of CyberCrime and Preventive Measures
  • What is Phishing? How to tackle Phishing Attacks?
  • What is the Dark Web? How to Protect yourself from the Dark Web?
  • Cyberbullying: The emerging crime of 21 st Century
  • Anatomy and working of search engines
  • Bionic Eye – a possible path toward the Artificial retina
  • Bluetooth-based Smart Sensor Networks
  • Broadband access via satellite
  • Brain-computer interface
  • Blue eyes technology
  • Brain-controlled car for the disabled using artificial intelligence
  • Brain Port device
  • Brain Finger Print Technology
  • BrainGate Technology
  • Digital jewelry
  • Development of an Intelligent Fire Sprinkler System
  • Capturing packets in secured networks
  • Digital Speech Effects Synthesizer
  • Aqua communication using a modem
  • Serverless Edge Computing
  • Intrusion detection system
  • How to prepare for a Ransomware attack?
  • What is the Dark Web? How to Protect Your Kids from the Dark Web?
Artificial Intelligence Topics for Presentation
  • Carbon nanotubes
  • Cloud computing
  • Mobile Ad hoc Networks  (MANETs)
  • Narrow AI vs General AI
  • Security aspects in mobile ad hoc networks  (MANETs)
  • Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols and applications
  • Graphical Password Authentication
  • GSM-based Advanced Wireless Earthquake Alarm System for early warning
  • Computerized Paper Evaluation using Neural Network
  • Deploying a wireless sensor network on an active volcano
  • Data Mining and Predictive Analytics
  • Understanding Data Science and Data-Driven Businesses
  • Dynamic Car Parking Negotiation and Guidance Using an Agent-based platform
  • Real-Time Street Light Control Systems
  • Data Security in Local Networks using Distributed Firewalls
  • Design of a wireless sensor board for measuring air pollution
  • Design of diamond-based Photonics devices
  • Design of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
  • What is LiDAR Technology?
  • Tizen Operating System – One OS for everything
  • Authentication using Biometric Technology
  • Speech Recognition
  • The working of Self-Driving Vehicles
  • Speech Processing
  • Digit recognition using a neural network
  • Digital Audio Effects Control by Accelerometry
  • Digital Camera Calibration and Inversion for Stereo iCinema
  • Dynamic resource allocation in Grid Computing
  • Dynamic Virtual Private Network
  • Earth Simulator – Fastest Supercomputer
  • Electromagnetic Applications for Mobile and Satellite Communications
  • Electronic nose & its application
  • Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC)
  • Cryptocurrency Wallet – is it the Future of Blockchain Technology
  • Reactive Power Consumption in Transmission Line
  • SPINS – Security Protocol For Sensor Network
  • Smart Bandage Technology
  • Embedded web server for remote access
  • Encrypted Text chat Using Bluetooth
  • Electronic toll collection
  • Electronic waste (e-waste)
  • Apache Hadoop Introduction
  • Embedded web server for industrial automation
  • Eyegaze system
  • Fuel saver system
  • Guarding distribution automation system against cyber attacks
  • Face detection technology
  • Falls detection using accelerometry and barometric pressure
  • Fast Convergence algorithms for Active Noise Controlling Vehicles
  • Fault-tolerant Routing in Mobile ad-hoc network
  • Ferroelectric RAM
  • Fingerprint recognition system by neural networks
Technical Paper Topics on CyberSecurity
  • Flexible CRT Displays
  • Fluorescent Multilayer Disc (FMD)
  • Fluorescent Multilayer Optical Data Storage
  • Forecasting Wind Power
  • Fractal image compression
  • Fractal robots
  • Geometric Invariants in Biological Molecules
  • Global positioning response system
  • Broadband over power line
  • Card-based security system
  • Face Recognition Technology
  • GSM Digital Security Systems for Printer
  • Groupware Technology
  • Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
  • GSM Security And Encryption
  • Hardware implementation of background image modeling
  • HAVI: Home Audio Video Interoperability
  • Hawk Eye – A technology in sports
  • High Altitude Aeronautical Platforms
  • High-Performance Clusters
  • High-Performance DSP Architectures
  • High-speed circuits for optical interconnect
  • High-speed LANs or the Internet
  • Holographic Data Storage
  • Holographic Memory
  • Holographic Versatile Disc
  • Holt-Winters technique for Financial Forecasting
  • HomeRF and Bluetooth: A wireless data communications revolution
  • How does the Internet work?
  • Hyper Transport Technology
  • How does a search engine work ?
  • How does google search engine work ?
  • Human-computer interaction & its future
  • Design of a color Sensing System for Textile Industries
  • GSM-based Path Planning for Blind Persons Using Ultrasonic
  • Imbricate cryptography
  • Implementation of hamming code
  • Implementation of QUEUE
  • Image transmission over WiMAX Systems
  • Implantable on-chip Power Supplies
  • Integrating Wind Power into the Electricity grid
  • Integration of wind and solar energy in smart mini-grid
  • Intelligent navigation system
  • Intelligent Patient Monitoring System
  • Intelligent RAM: IRAM
  • Intelligent Software Agents
  • Interactive Voice Response System
  • Internet architecture and routing
  • Internet Protocol duplicate address detection and adaptation
  • Investigation of the real-time implementation of learning controllers
  • IP spoofing
  • IP redirector features
  • iSCSI: The future of Network Storage
  • ISO Loop magnetic couplers
  • Jamming and anti-Jamming Techniques
  • Light-emitting polymers
  • Load balancing and Fault-tolerant servers
  • Light Interception Image Analysis
  • Lightning Protection Using LFAM
  • Liquid Crystal on Silicon Display (LCOS)
  • Location estimation and trajectory prediction for PCS networks
  • Low-Power Microelectronics for Biomedical Implants
  • Low-Power Oscillator for Implants
  • Magnetic Random Access Memory
  • Managing Data In Multimedia Conferencing
  • Microchip production using extreme UV lithography
  • Modeling of wind turbine system for an Interior Permanent magnet generator
  • Moletronics – an invisible technology
  • Power generation through Thermoelectric generators
  • Multi-Protocol Label Switching
  • Multiuser Scheduling for MIMO broadcasting
  • Multisensor Fusion and Integration
  • Parasitic computing
  • Password paradigms
  • Polymer memory – a new way of using plastic as secondary storage
  • Programmable logic devices (PLD)
  • Non-Volatile Static RAM
  • Optical coherence tomography
  • Open source technology
  • Ovonic unified memory
  • Personal satellite assistant systems
  • PH control technique using fuzzy logic
  • Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
  • Power Efficiency and Security in Smart Homes
  • Proactive Anomaly Detection
  • Prototype System Design for Telemedicine
  • QoS in Cellular Networks Based on MPT
  • Quad-Core Processors
  • Real-Time Operating Systems on Embedded ICs
  • Real-Time Speech Translation
  • Real-Time Systems with Linux/RTAI
  • Reliable and Fault-Tolerant Routing on Mobile Ad Hoc Network
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Vehicle monitoring and security system
  • Space-time adaptive processing
  • Radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology
  • Rapid prototyping
Paper Presentation Topics for Computer Science Engineering
  • Secured web portal for online shopping
  • Securing underwater wireless communication networks
  • Security analysis of the micropayment system
  • Security requirements in wireless sensor networks
  • Semantic web
  • Sensitive skin
  • Snake robot the future of agile motion
  • Software-Defined Radio (SDR)
  • Importance of Software-Defined Wide-Area Networks
  • SPWM(sinusoidal pulse width modulation) technique for multilevel inverter
  • Switchgrass
  • Solar Powered Speakers
  • Security on Wireless LAN Adaptive cruise control
  • Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
  • Shallow water Acoustic Networks
  • Significance of real-time transport Protocol in VOIP
  • Simulating Quantum Cryptography
  • Single photon emission computed tomography
  • Smart cameras for traffic surveillance
  • Smart Fabrics
  • Space Mouse
  • Space Robotics
  • Speech Enhancement for Cochlear Implants
  • Speed Detection of moving vehicles using speed cameras
  • Swarm intelligence & traffic safety
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar System
  • Systems Control for Tactical Missile Guidance
  • The Architecture of a Moletronics Computer
  • The Evolution of Digital Marketing
  • Thermal infrared imaging technology
  • Thought Translation Device (TTD)
  • Three-dimensional password for more secure authentication
  • Ultrasonic motor
  • Wearable biosensors
  • Traffic Light Control System
  • Wireless integrated network sensors
  • Ultrasonic detector for monitoring partial discharge
  • Ultra-Wideband Communication
  • What is IPaaS? Trending IPaaS Services Available In the Market
  • Wireless Computer Communications Using Sound Waves
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213 thoughts on “Latest Technical Paper Presentation Topics”

' src=

Hello sir! Hope you are doing well. I have a technical paper presentation this semester, so I would like some suggestions in the domain of HCI, AI- ML, and Data science. Thank you sir.

' src=

Hello sir! , Can you help me on what kind of application that are very useful in the present?

' src=

Are you looking for mobile applications or web applications? Automating the manual processes will add more value.

work automation (can be delivery, operations, movement, robotics, AI/ML etc) Traffic control systems Communication/Data transfer VR/AR

Hi sir! Can you help me what can feature can i add in Log In System for Covid 19 . Thankyousmuch sir❤️

If you are looking for a Covid application for the information purpose, it may include the following things: 1. Covid statistics (country/state/city/daily/weekly/monthly wise) 2. Individuals health history 3. Vaccination status 4. Hospitals and health centers information

You can add many more things like health hygiene shops, tourism etc.

' src=

need some technical topic related to ECE

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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Software Engineering Subjects

Save your time and attract your audience with our fully editable ppt templates and slides..

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This complete presentation has PPT slides on wide range of topics highlighting the core areas of your business needs. It has professionally designed templates with relevant visuals and subject driven content. This presentation deck has total of fifty slides. Get access to the customizable templates. Our designers have created editable templates for your convenience. You can edit the color, text and font size as per your need. You can add or delete the content if required. You are just a click to away to have this ready-made presentation. Click the download button now.

Software Engineering Playbook Report Sample Example Document

This is Software Engineering Playbook Report Sample Example Document featuring A4 size content and graphics. It is designed in PowerPoint using various tools. However, you can also access it with Google Slides.

Software Engineering Tools Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

Deliver a lucid presentation by utilizing this Software Engineering Tools Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Use it to present an overview of the topic with the right visuals, themes, shapes, and graphics. This is an expertly designed complete deck that reinforces positive thoughts and actions. Use it to provide visual cues to your audience and help them make informed decisions. A wide variety of discussion topics can be covered with this creative bundle such as sixteen. All the sixteen slides are available for immediate download and use. They can be edited and modified to add a personal touch to the presentation. This helps in creating a unique presentation every time. Not only that, with a host of editable features, this presentation can be used by any industry or business vertical depending on their needs and requirements. The compatibility with Google Slides is another feature to look out for in the PPT slideshow.

Software Engineer Healthcare powerpoint presentation and google slides ICP

This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the healthcare industry from the perspective of a software engineer. It covers topics such as the current state of software engineering in healthcare, the challenges faced by software engineers in healthcare, and potential solutions to these challenges. It also provides an overview of the opportunities available to software engineers in healthcare, and the skills and experience required to be successful in this field. The presentation is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the healthcare industry and the role of software engineers in it.

Software Analysis Performance Process Engineering Implementation Evolution Requirements

Deliver a lucid presentation by utilizing this Software Analysis Performance Process Engineering Implementation Evolution Requirements. Use it to present an overview of the topic with the right visuals, themes, shapes, and graphics. This is an expertly designed complete deck that reinforces positive thoughts and actions. Use it to provide visual cues to your audience and help them make informed decisions. A wide variety of discussion topics can be covered with this creative bundle such as Software Analysis, Performance, Process, Engineering, Implementation. All the twelve slides are available for immediate download and use. They can be edited and modified to add a personal touch to the presentation. This helps in creating a unique presentation every time. Not only that, with a host of editable features, this presentation can be used by any industry or business vertical depending on their needs and requirements. The compatibility with Google Slides is another feature to look out for in the PPT slideshow.

Advantages model software engineering ppt powerpoint presentation show layout cpb

Presenting Advantages Model Software Engineering Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Show Layout Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Advantages Model Software Engineering. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Top down software engineering ppt powerpoint presentation summary cpb

Presenting Top Down Software Engineering Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Summary Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Top Down Software Engineering. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Software Engineer Performance Improvement Plan Icon

Introducing our Software Engineer Performance Improvement Plan Icon set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Software Engineer, Performance Improvement, Plan Icon. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Business KPI For Software Engineering Industry

This slide outlines major business KPIs for software engineering industry to measure work efficiency of computer software and annual productivity of developers. It includes KPIs such as number of developers, number or releases, number of bugs, running cost and average downtime Presenting our set of slides with Business KPI For Software Engineering Industry. This exhibits information on five stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Running Cost, Average Downtime.

Software Engineering KPI Metrics Dashboard

This slide depicts software engineering KPI to analyse performance metrics of software for particular time period. It involves parameters such as new issues, outstanding issues, days remaining in sprint, daily pull requests, sprint velocity, daily average response and cumulative task flow. Presenting our well structured Software Engineering KPI Metrics Dashboard. The topics discussed in this slide are New Issues Created Last, Outstanding Issues Left.This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Software Engineering Management KPI Icon

Presenting our set of slides with Software Engineering Management KPI Icon. This exhibits information on three stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Software Engineering Management.

Software Engineering Business Analyst In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Software Engineering Business Analyst In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Software Engineering Business Analyst. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Software Engineering Subjects In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Software Engineering Subjects In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Software Engineering Subjects. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Agility Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Revenue Cycle Healthcare In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases Three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Agility Software Engineering This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Software Engineering Computer Science Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This colourful PowerPoint icon is perfect for any computer science presentation. It features a laptop with a blue and white background, representing the digital world of technology. It is a great way to add a professional touch to your presentation.

Software Engineering Computer Science Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This monotone PowerPoint icon is perfect for any presentation on computer science. It features a simple, black-and-white design with a computer monitor and keyboard, symbolizing the world of technology. It is a great way to add a professional touch to your presentation.

Jobs Software Engineering Graduates In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Jobs Software Engineering Graduates In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Jobs Software Engineering Graduates. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Software Engineer Exit Opportunities In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Software Engineer Exit Opportunities In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Software Engineer Exit Opportunities This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Software Engineer Reddit Career In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Software Engineer Reddit Career In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Software Engineer Reddit Career. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Software Engineer Salary Per Month In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Software Engineer Salary Per Month In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases six stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Software Engineer Salary Per Month This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Software Engineering Tutorial In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Software Engineering Tutorial In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase six stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Software Engineering Tutorial. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Risk Mitigation Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Risk Mitigation Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Risk Mitigation Software Engineering. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Stress Testing Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Stress Testing Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase seven stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Stress Testing Software Engineering. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Mock Interview Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Mock Interview Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Mock Interview Software Engineer. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Optimizing Search Engine Content Best SEO Content Management Software Strategy SS V

This slide shows comparison between top SEO content management tools which can be used by organizations to improve SEO content quality and performance. It includes features, price, pros and cons of different tools. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Optimizing Search Engine Content Best SEO Content Management Software Strategy SS V. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Software, Features, Price using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Optimizing Search Engine Content Key Features For SEO Content Management Software Strategy SS V

This slide shows various features which can assist SEO managers to identify and select good SEO content management software for the organization. It includes customizable page elements, URL settings, blogging tools and navigation menus. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Optimizing Search Engine Content Key Features For SEO Content Management Software Strategy SS V. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Customizable Page Elements, Blogging Tools, Navigation Menus. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Transforming Software Engineering With Generative Ai Generative Ai Artificial Intelligence AI SS

This slide provides information regarding transformation of software engineering with the advancement of generative AI systems along inception and planning, system design, coding, etc. It helps in improving productivity, lower time spend, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Transforming Software Engineering With Generative Ai Generative Ai Artificial Intelligence AI SS. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Inception And Planning, System Design, Maintenance using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Best B2B Software Tool For Search Engine Optimization Developing B2B Marketing Strategies MKT SS V

The following slide showcases the best search engine optimization SEO software tool which can be used to target quality web traffic. It contains detailed information about keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink tracking, rank tracking, and automated reporting. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Best B2B Software Tool For Search Engine Optimization Developing B2B Marketing Strategies MKT SS V. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Competitor Analysis, Backlink Tracking. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Interview Processes Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Interview Processes Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases Three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Interview Processes Software Engineer This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

UX Strategy Guide Engineering To Create Software And Hardware Solutions In UX Strategy SS

This slide showcases engineering UX design which can help designers to create software and hardware solutions within app or web interface. It provides details about design, front end and back end. Introducing UX Strategy Guide Engineering To Create Software And Hardware Solutions In UX Strategy SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Design, Front End, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Tpm Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Tpm Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase Four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Tpm Software Engineering. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Climate Change Software Engineer Jobs In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Climate Change Software Engineer Jobs In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Climate Change Software Engineer Jobs. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Code Development Software Engineering Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This vibrant coloured PowerPoint icon is perfect for illustrating code development. It features a computer monitor with a blue and green code background, and a red arrow pointing upwards. Ideal for presentations on coding and web development.

Code Development Software Engineering Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This monotone powerpoint icon is perfect for illustrating code development. It features a laptop with a monitor displaying a code editor, with a keyboard and mouse in the foreground. It is a great way to illustrate coding projects and software development.

Qualifications Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Qualifications Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Qualifications Software Engineer. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Software Engineering Interview Questions In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Software Engineering Interview Questions In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Software Engineering Interview Questions. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Levels Testing Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Levels Testing Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Levels Testing Software Engineering. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Software Engineering Work Experience In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Software Engineering Work Experience In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Software Engineering Work Experience This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Safety Cases Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Safety Cases Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Safety Cases Software Engineering. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Apprenticeships Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Apprenticeships Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Apprenticeships Software Engineering. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Cad Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Cad Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases six stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Cad Software Engineering This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Software Engineering Internships In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Software Engineering Internships In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Software Engineering Internships. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Software Engineering Project Ideas In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Software Engineering Project Ideas In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Software Engineering Project Ideas. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Construction Engineering Software In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Construction Engineering Software In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Construction Engineering Software This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Interview Questions Software Engineering Manager In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Interview Questions Software Engineering Manager In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Interview Questions Software Engineering Manager. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Interpersonal Skills Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Interpersonal Skills Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Interpersonal Skills Software Engineer This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Innovation Governance Icon For Software Engineers

Introducing our Innovation Governance Icon For Software Engineers set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Innovation Governance Icon, Software Engineers This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Areas Improvement Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Areas Improvement Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Areas Improvement Software Engineer This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Software Engineer Associate In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Software Engineer Associate In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Software Engineer Associate. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Quality Function Deployment Icon In Software Engineering

Introducing our Quality Function Deployment Icon In Software Engineering set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Quality Function Deployment,Icon In Software Engineering. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Associate Software Engineer Jobs In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Associate Software Engineer Jobs In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase six stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Associate Software Engineer Jobs. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Software Engineering Importance In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Software Engineering Importance In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Software Engineering Importance. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Applications Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Applications Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Applications Software Engineering This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Software Engineer In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Software Engineer. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

News Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

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Software Engineer Quality In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Software Engineer Quality In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Software Engineer Quality. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Manual Testing Strategies For Quality Gray Box Testing In Software Engineering

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Internships Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Internships Software Engineering In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Internships Software Engineering. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Google Reviews

Cloud Computing Platform CloudWeaver Wins at Spring 2024 Spark! Demo Day

Project was one of nearly 100 student presentations on display at bu’s semiannual experiential learning expo.

Photo: Max Karambelas (ENG’24, CDS’24) (from left), George Trammell (CDS’24), Luis Mavarez (CAS’24), Andrea Rojas Doupovec (CFA’25, CAS’25), and Jimin Park (CAS’24) (not pictured) are the inventors of CloudWeaver. They all hold up their certificate showing they won.

Created by Max Karambelas (ENG’24, CDS’24) (from left), George Trammell (CDS’24), Luis Mavarez (CAS’24), Andrea Rojas Doupovec (CFA’25, CAS’25), and Jimin Park (CAS’24) (not pictured), CloudWeaver took home the judges’ choice award at the spring 2024 Spark! Demo Day competition. Photo courtesy of BU Spark!

Molly Callahan

Cydney scott.

Imagine that you are a student at Boston University. You’ve made a name for yourself around campus for the handmade crafts you create from your dorm room. Your wares have gotten so popular in fact, that you consider selling them online—a side hustle that might just bring in some extra dough for better supplies (and maybe a nice dinner at a nearby restaurant).

You could list your crafts on existing sites such as Etsy or Amazon, but these platforms take a cut of your profits. Plus, you’ve taken a computer science class or two, so you know a bit about building a rudimentary website. But to get beyond the basics requires access to more powerful servers, not to mention a certain finesse that you just haven’t learned, or haven’t wanted to learn, yet.

Enter: CloudWeaver. The project would connect would-be website builders with easy to navigate, cloud-based computing services. CloudWeaver would help users generate code to build out their own websites and connect users with helpful tools to navigate the maze-like process.

Created by Max Karambelas (ENG’24, CDS’24), George Trammell (CDS’24), Luis Mavarez (CAS’24), Jimin Park (CAS’24), and Andrea Rojas Doupovec (CFA’25, CAS’25), CloudWeaver took home the judges’ choice award at the spring 2024 BU Spark! Demo Day competition on May 2.

“It meant a lot to win,” says Karambelas. “It was rewarding to see that the work I and my team put into this really came to fruition.” He says the team is planning to present their project, which is still in development, at DevConf.US 2024 , a professional technology conference being held at the University in August.

“This has been such a great learning experience,” he says, “not only trying to solve a real problem that my friends and I have encountered, but also getting to experiment with the technology to make it possible.”

Photo: Students present their apps to judges, stakeholders, and visitors May 2 at CDS for BU Spark! Demo Day. They sit in a large room with floor to ceiling windows.

In addition to the judges’ choice award, Demo Day presenters competed for an audience choice award. This year, that award went to the team behind chatsqrd , a web application designed to enhance children’s educational experience with an interactive AI component. The chatsqrd team: Milo (Min Sung) Park (CAS’25), Jiehoon Lee (Sargent’25, CAS’25), Thanh Huynh (CAS’25), and Emmeline Chung (CAS’24).

“BU Spark! Demo Day is always so refreshing, energizing, and inspiring,” says Azer Bestavros , BU associate provost for computing and data sciences, a William Fairfield Warren Distinguished Professor, and a College of Arts & Sciences professor of computer science.

“It speaks volumes to the creativity of our students as they put their tech skills to work on real-world problems, whether these problems are ones that they encountered and feel motivated to solve, or ones that are presented to them from our partners in industry or the public sector,” Bestavros says. “There is nothing more empowering to our students than the realization that they possess what it takes to change the world. Experiential learning is all about empowerment and impact. CDS is so lucky to have the BU Spark! team deliver on this promise year in and year out.”

Spark! Demo Day, the twice-annual showcase of innovation by BU Spark! students, was part of the larger Experiential Learning Expo, also held May 2. Taking over two floors of the Center for Computing & Data Sciences, the expo featured more than 100 student projects undertaken in conjunction with the University’s Cross-College Challenge (XCC) and the Learning Assistant Program , which trains undergraduates to be Learning Assistants. The training consists of weekly preparation sessions with faculty and a pedagogy course so they can facilitate discussions among groups of students in a variety of classroom settings that encourage active engagement.

Photo: Students present their apps to judges, stakeholders, and visitors May 2 at CDS for BU Spark! Demo Day. They sand off to the side on the left, looking over the crowd in the foreground.

The Cross-College Challenge is the signature project-based experience of the BU Hub general education program, open to juniors and seniors from all the University’s undergraduate schools and colleges. The Learning Assistant Program gives students an opportunity to redesign a small aspect of the course they teach. Students in the program combine the theory they learned throughout the semester with their in-class experiential practice of teaching. 

Students from all three programs presented projects at the expo that highlighted a semester’s worth of learning and experience, and CDS was buzzing with the results. The projects covered a wide range of issues—one team created a data visualization that explored the Boston area’s commuter rail usage; another created an app that pulls together various education platforms into one easy interface; yet another designed a machine-learning algorithm that would spot evidence of human trafficking in photos. 

As for Karambelas, the experience was one that he hopes will launch him forward in a career soon. “It absolutely embodies the kind of work I want to do,” he says. And, along the way, he’s learned that it’s OK not to have all the answers right away. “What we learned was that if you just stick with it and have the final goal in mind, you can make mistakes along the way. You can learn from those failures to make a better product in the end.”

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Senior Writer

Photo: Headshot of Molly Callahan. A white woman with short, curly brown hair, wearing glasses and a blue sweater, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

Molly Callahan began her career at a small, family-owned newspaper where the newsroom housed computers that used floppy disks. Since then, her work has been picked up by the Associated Press and recognized by the Connecticut chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. In 2016, she moved into a communications role at Northeastern University as part of its News@Northeastern reporting team. When she's not writing, Molly can be found rock climbing, biking around the city, or hanging out with her fiancée, Morgan, and their cat, Junie B. Jones. Profile


cydney scott

Cydney Scott has been a professional photographer since graduating from the Ohio University VisCom program in 1998. She spent 10 years shooting for newspapers, first in upstate New York, then Palm Beach County, Fla., before moving back to her home city of Boston and joining BU Photography. Profile

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Student email transitions to Gmail

By UM News 05-08-2024

Beginning Aug. 1, University of Miami students will transition to Gmail for their University email communications.* Based on feedback provided via the 2023 IT client satisfaction survey , students indicated Gmail as their preferred email system and will now have access to features such as 50GB of email storage and use of Google's collaborative tools, including Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Learn more about the new features available and how to prepare for the transition.

What happens next?

Starting Aug. 1, students will use Gmail to send and receive University-related communications.*  

How do I set up my account?

Additional information, including a login URL with instructions, will be sent to your miami.edu Outlook account prior to Aug. 1. Your UM email address will not change during the transition to Gmail.

Emails prior to Aug. 1 will not be transferred.

Current emails in Outlook will not be transferred to the new Gmail account. However, existing Outlook mail will be accessible for archival purposes for one year, until Aug. 1, 2025.

Access to Microsoft 365 does not change.

Students will continue to have access to Microsoft 365 tools, including Teams and Office applications. Find additional information and get answers to frequently asked questions regarding the email transition, or contact the Student Technology Help Desk for technical support.

*Exception: Medical students (in the MD program) will not be converted to Gmail for UM email; instead, this exception group will continue to use Outlook for UM email.

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Flexing financial muscles, Arm aims to elbow into Windows PC market

Despite record revenues, wall street doesn't expect growth to last.

Chip designer Arm predicts that PCs based on its architecture will account for a significant share of the Windows market within three years as the company claims record revenues for the quarter just ended.

The biz is pinning growth prospects on more than just AI, despite riding the coattails of the industry craze for anything AI-related, and believes it is now on the cusp of stealing a decent chunk of the Windows laptop market.

While Windows on Arm kit has until now largely been built on silicon from licensee Qualcomm, Arm says there are more players coming that will deliver greater choice for buyers.

"I think one of the things that's needed for the PC industry to grow, particularly the Windows on Arm segment, is going to be a diversification of the supplier base to provide multiple units, multiple SKUs, multiple price points, and multiple experiences for end consumers," Arm chief Rene Haas said on the company's earnings call for Q4 of FY2024.

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"Everything I'm hearing says that there are going to be multiple suppliers to serve that market over the next 12 to 36 months," Haas claimed.

"And with that, we think now will be the time, over the next two, three years, where the Arm ecosystem will take a significant level of market share, primarily because of the level of experience that we've seen in the other ecosystem, the fantastic performance, the great battery life, the fact that you can build a high-performance machine minus a fan."

Haas said all of these things will "add up for significant growth," and once the vendor base diversifies, that growth will "start to kick in over the next 12 to 36 months."

According to Canalys research published in October , Arm accounted for one percent of the PC market (excluding Macs) in Q3 2023.

Arm posted record results yet again for the last quarter, topping its own guidance of between $850 million and $900 million to reach $928 million in revenue for Q4 FY24, up 47 percent on the same period a year ago.

Royalty revenue was up 37 percent to $514 million, thanks to the growth of chip designs based on the ARMv9 architecture, for which it typically charges a higher royalty rate. Meanwhile, license revenue was up an impressive 60 percent year-on-year to $414 million, which Arm attributed to "multiple high-value license agreements being signed as companies increase investment in Arm-based technology for AI across all end markets."

Full year revenue for fiscal 2024 came in at $3.233 billion, up by 21 percent over the previous year.

But despite the healthy results, Arm shares dropped nearly 10 percent in after-hours trading yesterday. The problem, it appears, is that the chip designer isn't expected to keep up this rate of growth, leaving stock market traders disappointed.

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Chief financial officer Jason Child said Arm is forecasting revenue for Q1 FY25 to be between $875 million and $925 million, which would represent a 30 to 37 percent year-on-year increase if met, although down on the quarter just finished.

For the whole of FY 2025 ending March 31 next year, Arm expects to see revenues of between $3.8 billion and $4.1 billion, Child said, representing a 17 to 27 percent increase. Not good enough for Wall Street, apparently.

"Arm has been a beneficiary of the boom in AI-related spending even though it's not directly involved in the same way as Nvidia, and its latest results are impressive. But investors, who sent shares in the SoftBank-backed group soaring on its IPO last September, were apparently unimpressed by the forecast for the coming year," TechMarketView analyst and CEO Tola Sargeant commented.

However, she added: "Arm is confident that it will achieve revenue growth of at least 20 percent in fiscal 2026 and 2027. By most standards, that's a pretty good outlook!"

In Arm's letter to shareholders , Haas reiterated that the company's long-term growth strategy will be driven by royalty revenue and also by the need for more energy-efficient compute and AI capability

"We finished our financial year achieving over $3 billion in revenue for the first time, and with strong tailwinds heading into FYE25 as AI is driving increased demand for Arm-based technology across all end markets," he stated.

Haas also commented that it took Arm 20 years to get to $1 billion in revenue, then 10 years to get to $2 billion. This year, the company passed $3 billion after just a further two years, and it expects to be at or around the $4 billion this year. ®

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Added complexity —

Deepmind adds a diffusion engine to latest protein-folding software, major under-the-hood changes let alphafold handle protein-dna complexes and more..

John Timmer - May 8, 2024 7:45 pm UTC

image of a complicated mix of lines and ribbons arranged in a complicated 3D structure.

Most of the activities that go on inside cells—the activities that keep us living, breathing, thinking animals—are handled by proteins. They allow cells to communicate with each other, run a cell's basic metabolism, and help convert the information stored in DNA into even more proteins. And all of that depends on the ability of the protein's string of amino acids to fold up into a complicated yet specific three-dimensional shape that enables it to function.

Up until this decade, understanding that 3D shape meant purifying the protein and subjecting it to a time- and labor-intensive process to determine its structure. But that changed with the work of DeepMind, one of Google's AI divisions, which released Alpha Fold in 2021 , and a similar academic effort shortly afterward. The software wasn't perfect; it struggled with larger proteins and didn't offer high-confidence solutions for every protein. But many of its predictions turned out to be remarkably accurate .

Even so, these structures only told half of the story. To function, almost every protein has to interact with something else—other proteins, DNA, chemicals, membranes, and more. And, while the initial version of AlphaFold could handle some protein-protein interactions, the rest remained black boxes. Today, DeepMind is announcing the availability of version 3 of AlphaFold, which has seen parts of its underlying engine either heavily modified or replaced entirely. Thanks to these changes, the software now handles various additional protein interactions and modifications.

Changing parts

The original AlphaFold relied on two underlying software functions. One of those took evolutionary limits on a protein into account. By looking at the same protein in multiple species, you can get a sense for which parts are always the same, and therefore likely to be central to its function. That centrality implies that they're always likely to be in the same location and orientation in the protein's structure. To do this, the original AlphaFold found as many versions of a protein as it could and lined up their sequences to look for the portions that showed little variation.

Doing so, however, is computationally expensive since the more proteins you line up, the more constraints you have to resolve. In the new version, the AlphaFold team still identified multiple related proteins but switched to largely performing alignments using pairs of protein sequences from within the set of related ones. This probably isn't as information-rich as a multi-alignment, but it's far more computationally efficient, and the lost information doesn't appear to be critical to figuring out protein structures.

Using these alignments, a separate software module figured out the spatial relationships among pairs of amino acids within the target protein. Those relationships were then translated into spatial coordinates for each atom by code that took into account some of the physical properties of amino acids, like which portions of an amino acid could rotate relative to others, etc.

In AlphaFold 3, the prediction of atomic positions is handled by a diffusion module, which is trained by being given both a known structure and versions of that structure where noise (in the form of shifting the positions of some atoms) has been added. This allows the diffusion module to take the inexact locations described by relative positions and convert them into exact predictions of the location of every atom in the protein. It doesn't need to be told the physical properties of amino acids, because it can figure out what they normally do by looking at enough structures.

(DeepMind had to train on two different levels of noise to get the diffusion module to work: one in which the locations of atoms were shifted while the general structure was left intact and a second where the noise involved shifting the large-scale structure of the protein, thus affecting the location of lots of atoms.)

During training, the team found that it took about 20,000 instances of protein structures for AlphaFold 3 to get about 97 percent of a set of test structures right. By 60,000 instances, it started getting protein-protein interfaces correct at that frequency, too. And, critically, it started getting proteins complexed with other molecules right, as well.

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    Free online presentation maker. Try our new tool to edit this selection of templates for people that want to let their creativity run free. Create interactive resources easily, quickly and without the need for any software. A really useful tool for teachers and students. Move the content, add images, change colors and fonts or, if you prefer ...

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    Read more on Presentation skills or related topic Public speaking Deborah Grayson Riegel is a professional speaker and facilitator, as well as a communication and presentation skills coach.

  20. 13+ Best Presentation Software to Bid Farewell to PowerPoint

    The presentation software lets users create personalized presentations using ready-to-use templates with custom fonts and styles, color schemes, animations, transitions, and background images. If you're a larget team, you can also upload files from Google Drive or Dropbox. 5. Microsoft Sway.

  21. PDF Software Engineering Presentations

    Software Engineering Presentations CSCI 5828: Foundations of Software Engineering Lecture 28 — 04/26/2012 1 ... • As you know, students in this class were asked to create presentations that would explore a topic related to software engineering in depth • 40 presentations were submitted and are available on the class website

  22. Latest Technical Paper Presentation Topics

    The latest Technical Paper Presentation Topics include trending topics from emerging Technology like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, 5G Technology, Cybersecurity, and Cloud Computing. It also includes topics from different Engineering streams like Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics Communications and Engineering ...

  23. Software Engineering Subjects PowerPoint Presentation and Slides

    Software Engineering Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This complete presentation has PPT slides on wide range of topics highlighting the core areas of your business needs. It has professionally designed templates with relevant visuals and subject driven content. This presentation deck has total of fifty slides.

  24. Cloud Computing Platform CloudWeaver Wins at Spring 2024 Spark! Demo

    More than 100 student presentations filled the first two floors of the Center for Computing & Data Sciences with an exciting buzz for the spring 2024 Experiential Learning Expo. The Cross-College Challenge is the signature project-based experience of the BU Hub general education program, open to juniors and seniors from all the University's ...

  25. Student email transitions to Gmail

    Beginning Aug. 1, University of Miami students will transition to Gmail for their University email communications.* Based on feedback provided via the 2023 IT client satisfaction survey, students indicated Gmail as their preferred email system and will now have access to features such as 50GB of email storage and use of Google's collaborative tools, including Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and ...

  26. 18 Best Presentation Tools for Beautiful Presentations [In 2023]

    Tool #4: Color Themes. While many of the presentation themes and templates come with an already established color scheme, absolutely nothing is set in stone. You can switch out the color of every item in your presentation to match your company or your topic. One great presentation tool that Visme has is color themes.

  27. Arm eyes on-ramp to 'significant share' of Windows PC market

    "I think one of the things that's needed for the PC industry to grow, particularly the Windows on Arm segment, is going to be a diversification of the supplier base to provide multiple units, multiple SKUs, multiple price points, and multiple experiences for end consumers," Arm chief Rene Haas said on the company's earnings call for Q4 of FY2024.

  28. DeepMind adds a diffusion engine to latest protein-folding software

    The software wasn't perfect; it struggled with larger proteins and didn't offer high-confidence solutions for every protein. But many of its predictions turned out to be remarkably accurate .

  29. Bain Pursues Takeover of Education-Software Provider

    Takeover could value PowerSchool at around $6 billion including debt. By . Laura Cooper. May 8, 2024 8:59 am ET

  30. Engineers develop innovative microbiome analysis software tools

    Rice University. (2024, May 7). Engineers develop innovative microbiome analysis software tools. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 8, 2024 from www.sciencedaily.com / releases / 2024 / 05 / 240507145907.htm