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Public Speaking Essay | Importance of Public Speaking Skills, How To Improve Public Speaking?

December 24, 2021 by Prasanna

Public Speaking Essay: Public speaking is an important part of today’s life. If a person can master the art of public speaking then there is a lot of chance for him or her to make a successful career in life. In whichever field you look at today, public speaking is very important to establish your identity and brand image. We need to know what public speaking is and why we need to master it. Public speaking refers to delivering some important topic in front of a group audience. This group could be small or at times big. But the main objective of public speaking is to catch the attention of the audience and convince them of the idea that the speaker wants to convey. This task is not very easy.

One may think that public speaking is easy as he has the knowledge on a particular subject but there are a lot of intricate things one needs to take care of. Some common mistakes are very often committed by people while delivering a topic on public speaking. All knowledgeable persons can’t become good public speakers. So the first step to public speaking is to go through the process systematically and master the skill. Public speaking is an art so it needs to be learned both in theory and practice. It is a test of an individual’s knowledge and expertise in certain fields. It also helps to develop an individual’s communication skills and confidence. This is a very basic thing and one needs to practice a lot to improve the oratorical skills.

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Long Essay on Public Speaking

Public Speaking Skills

A good public speaker must have the required skills to create a substantial impact on the audience by communicating his points clearly and by building a connection with the audience. The key to success in public speaking depends on the expressions and body language of the speaker which helps to keep him connected to the audience while speaking. To be a successful public speaker one needs to work on the content as well. The content has to be different from boring lectures overflowing with data and facts but should be made interesting to draw the attention of the audience. This can be done by adding some inspiring and motivational stories, quotes, and real-life examples within the speech.

Another important aspect is to create an environment for effective interaction between the speaker and the audience. It is a special skill of a good public speaker to keep the audience involved all the time so that their mind can never get diverted. The effectiveness of public speaking depends primarily on the speaking skills that keep the audience engaged and engrossed in the topic being discussed. These speaking skills involve some modulation and variations in voice, expression, and delivery. The purpose is to draw the attention of an audience and get you noticed in front of a large gathering.

The Trend in Public Speaking

In the current scenario, public speaking has become a successful career in terms of earning opportunities. People want to hear from certain eminent personalities about their experience and their journey towards success. It is also a professional approach adopted by many coaches and guides to building a brand of their own by appearing as public speakers in a gathering of selected people. It has become a part of organizational culture to conduct sessions for working professionals where an expert public speaker is invited to provide insights into some topics of relevance in a motivational and interesting manner.

One aspect is to provide the audience with some updated knowledge but the main motive is to make the people present in the session more charged and motivated in work with some increased energy. The success of a public speaker depends on how well he can influence the thought process, views, ideas, and corresponding actions of the people after attending the session.

Essay on Public Speaking

Short Essay on Public Speaking

Opportunities in Public Speaking

There are plenty of situations where good public speaking skills are required, be it in a social or organizational setup. You might be asked to make a speech at an award function or in a cultural event or talk to a group of volunteers or recruits. In the virtual platform, speaking to an audience also includes online presentations or discussions, consulting a team, or speaking to a group of customers in an online meeting. Showing good public speaking skills helps to open up new career opportunities and build your identity in social circles as well.

Strategies for Public Speaking

To become a better public speaker, one has to use the following strategies:

Plan appropriately: Work on the content that can resonate with your audience. As a good speaker, you need to intrigue your audience from the very beginning. It is better to start with an interesting fact, headline, or story in the context of what you’re going to talk about.

Engage with the audience: It is necessary as a speaker to keep everyone involved with your speech so that you don’t feel isolated from the audience. It is very effective to interact and ask questions and encourage people to participate and give feedback.

Pay attention to body language: The gestures and body language of a speaker generates positive vibes to the audience constantly. The confidence and belief can be communicated to the audience through your body language and voice. Instead of standing, walk around and present yourself as more active and passionate.

Think positively: A positive approach with confidence brings effective results in public speaking. The primary focus should be that you’re trying to help a group of people in some way, so convey your message in a more meaningful way.

The essence of public speaking lies in the way you create awareness and educate others to bring some tangible results. As a public speaker, you must ensure your communication is always natural, confident, and authentic.

FAQ’s on Public Speaking Essay

Question 1. How are the main types of public speaking?

Answer: There are mainly three types of speeches public speakers use to influence their audience. The informative speech conveys information, the persuasive speech motivates people to take action and the special occasion speech is given to commemorate a person or event.

Question 2. How one must practice the habit of public speaking to gain confidence?

Answer: One of the best ways to practice public speaking is to be involved in situations that require public speaking, such as volunteering to speak at team meetings and events.

Question 3. How do voice modulation and pace of speech help in building engagement with the audience?

Answer: A vocal variation in volume, pause and pacing can help to break the monotony of speech and create better engagement with the audience.

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Why Is Public Speaking Important? Because It’s Useful

essay on importance of public speaking

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: February 9, 2020


Why is public speaking important? The reason is that everyone encounters a situation where public speaking skills are necessary. It could be at work, school, or in your personal life. Whether you are looking for tips on conquering stage fright, looking to improve your public speaking skills, or trying to motivate others on the importance of public speaking, we have all the info you need here. Find out all the benefits of public speaking below.

Public Speaking Definition

According to Merriam-Webster , public speaking is “the act or process of making speeches in public,” or “the art of effective oral communication with others.”

Everyday Public Speaking

Public speaking for the everyday person is still extremely important. Public speaking has many benefits in everyday life and can be grouped into the following categories:

1. Informative Speaking:

This type of speaking is the most common and happens to most people daily. It involves speaking in order to inform others, or get information out. This can be academic or professional knowledge, but can also be to report your progress on a project, or tell someone how to use something.

2. Persuasive Speaking:

Public speaking will often be in order to persuade others. This can be in a debate or formal speech, but can also be minor persuasions such as going to a place you choose for lunch. Persuasive public speaking is a very valuable skill to have.

3. Entertaining Speaking:

Public speaking for entertainment is used for award ceremonies, wedding speeches, comedy sketches, poetry reading, and much more. The purpose of this type of public speaking is to entertain the audience, instead of merely informing.

Why is Public Speaking Important?

Photo from  pexels, 1. win over your crowd.

No matter the crowd in front of you — whether at a social gathering, business meeting or large audience at a conference — being able to speak publicly is a very important asset. With public speaking skills and experience, speakers are able to captivate the interest of their listeners and keep them interested in order to deliver the message.

2. Motivate Others

Public speakers motivate their listeners to make a change. It could be to stop or start something, try something new, or reach their goals. Public speaking is important because the speaker can motivate others to go in the direction they wish, and the speaker can motivate others to be their best selves.

3. Inform People

When you have information to share, you don’t want it to be portrayed in a boring way. You want people to listen! This is done with public speaking skills. Inform people about something that matters by using great public skills and they will be sure to listen and be more likely to understand the information.

Benefits of Public Speaking In Your Life

Photo by  christina morillo  from  pexels, career benefits.

If you’re currently working in sales, the benefits of public speaking are many. You can reach for higher sales goals, get more customers and make more sales with public speaking skills.

2. Career advancement:

When you are a good public speaker, you will be more comfortable in interviews , be better able to sway others in your favor, and convince your boss to give you a promotion.

3. Stand out in the workforce:

Most will avoid speaking up and putting themselves in the spotlight at work, but with public speaking skills you have the confidence to do so!

4. Bring people together:

Within your company or on your team, public speaking is a way to bring workers together. When many people feel confident in public speaking, workers will speak their mind and collaborate better together.

5. Become a thought leader:

A thought leader is someone that people go to for ideas, consult on problems, and more. Being a good public speaker makes you that person and will get you ahead in your job when people know they can come to you.

Make New Social Connections

1. Find supporters:

When you practice public speaking, you are championing for others or a cause, and you will find a tribe of supporters to surround yourself with. These will be people who are like-minded or who share your values.

2. Get comfortable in social settings:

Public speaking allows you to relax in a group situation or when the spotlight is on you. This will make you more comfortable around people and easier to make connections.

3. Increase your professional network :

As you speak in more public settings such as work events and conferences, you will undoubtedly meet other speakers in your field, as well as audience members who are interested in what you have to say.

Developing Leadership Skills

If you want to do well and get ahead in school or your career, leadership is part of the equation. As a leader, you will have many public speaking opportunities.

1. Good speaker = good leader:

Most of the great leaders in human history were also great public speakers.

2. Good leader = opportunities:

As a good leader, you will be given more opportunities in social settings, your career, and other aspects of life.

Personal Benefits of Public Speaking

Photo by  startup stock photos  from  pexels, 1. boost confidence.

Public speaking repeatedly is a great boost of self confidence. Every time you speak, you gain a bit more confidence as you see your ideas and yourself were well-received by your audience.

2. Personal Satisfaction

Being able to speak in front of a crowd is a huge accomplishment. The first time can be very nerve-wracking, but coming out on the other end of the speech is a huge win! After the first time, you will keep getting better and better at public speaking and will get great personal satisfaction from this skill.

3. Critical Thinking

When preparing and conducting a speech, you also increase your critical thinking skills by working through problems, imagining positive and negative consequences, and finding solutions.

4. Improve Communication Skills

When you practice public speaking, you are practicing both verbal and nonverbal skills — and both will improve. The more you speak out, the better you get at communication . Public speakers are better overall communicators in all facets of life.

5. Learn to Argue

Presenting an argument in a formal setting will help you in informal settings as well. Public speaking helps you form better arguments, and you can increase your arguing skills even more through public speaking by engaging in Q&A with your audience.

6. Be a Better Listener

Attending conferences as a speaker means you will also listen to other speakers. As you listen to other speakers, you will have a greater appreciation and understanding of their material and craft, as a speaker yourself.

Public Speaking Helps You Drive Change

Photo by  denniz futalan  from  pexels.

Public speaking is one of the most effective ways to get your message across. With public speaking, you can influence the world around you. If you see something that needs to change, use public speaking to change it!

  • Make the difference:

Every public speaking opportunity you come across is a time to spread you influence for the greater good.

  • Reach people fast:

Instead of waiting for your message to spread by word of mouth, social media , or print media, put it in front of a huge audience and you’ll instantly inspire many.

  • Your message comes to life:

Written information is useful in some cases, but when you really want to make a difference in the world, you need to campaign for your cause and the best way to do so is to get it to come to life with public speaking.

How to Get Better at Public Speaking

Writing the speech.

1. Be prepared:

When you are comfortable, you are confident. Write a good speech that makes sense to you and that you are prepared to deliver.

2. Research the topic:

When you have thoroughly researched the topic, you will feel more confident when writing and delivering the speech.

3. Outline or write it out?

When you write out an entire speech, it will be easier to memorize as it can be stored word for word in your memory. The downside is that it could sound robotic and you risk reading it straight from the page. When you write an outline for a speech, it may sound more natural and you can glance at your outline as you. However, it is more difficult to rehearse and some people feel less confident with only an outline in front of them. It all depends on what you prefer.

Overcoming Your Stage Fright

Photo by  mentatdgt  from  pexels.

Fear of public speaking is a common one, but it can be overcome. Use these tips to help you overcome the fear:

1. Read your speech out loud:

Even if it’s just to yourself, reading it aloud will help you work out any hiccups and have you feeling confident with your voice.

2. Practice in front of a group:

Don’t just practice in the mirror or with a friend. To get over a fear of speaking in front of a crowd, try to practice in front of a small group first.

3. Should you picture the crowd in underwear?

The answer is, probably not. Even though this is common advice to get you to relax, it can be distracting. The best thing to do is to make eye contact, but if that starts to make you nervous, pretend the crowd is not there and just look straight ahead.

4. Pump yourself up:

Whatever gets you going before a test or a game, the same applies here. Listen to your favorite music on the way, or go for a run in the morning.

5. Use the power of knowledge:

When you know both your speech and your topic inside and out, completely by heart, you will have the confidence to focus on delivery and staying relaxed in front of others.

Things To Remember As You’re Giving The Speech

1. eye contact:.

Know your speech well so that you can maintain eye contact with the audience. This is important to engage them and make yourself more personable.

2. Move your view:

Make sure to move your eye contact around the room. Slightly shift your body or head at times towards a new direction if the crowd is large.

3. Talk, don’t read:

Try to talk to your audience as if you are inviting them into your thoughts. Do not read your speech word for word off the paper.

4. Your voice is a tool:

And people need to hear it! Make sure you are speaking loud enough so that you are heard.

5. Body language:

This is another important tool for public speakers. Try recording yourself so you are aware of your body language and fix any fidgets you find on the recording.

When you are good at it and practice often, the benefits of public speaking are many. Being an excellent public speaker is important for your career, social life, personal development , and for making a change in the world.

Each time you speak, you get better and better. So get out there and make your voice heard!

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The Importance of Public Speaking & How to Do it Well

How does one form connections, encourage change, impact decisions, and inspire people?

Through the power of public speaking and communication.

Public speaking skills are useful in every area of life, from personal to professional. From being able to discuss your ideas with your friends, to addressing important information at a company-wide meeting, effective communication proves to be a crucial skill in our lives.

Public speaking is a vital skill to have and hone. We utilize these skills when we speak to coworkers, bosses, employees, clients, and maybe even big audiences. Having the ability to deliver your message confidently and effectively can have an enormous impact on your career path and your success in your industry.

The Importance of Public Speaking

Why is public speaking important? What are the benefits of public speaking ? 

Public speaking is useful in every area of life, personal and professional. Being an effective public speaker can escalate your career, grow your business, and overall improve the quality of your life. The benefits of public speaking are obvious; you can spread your message to audiences and create a lasting impact in their lives.

From business pitches in work meetings to TedTalks, having confident and passionate public speaking skills and oral communication skills, in general, can get you far. Regardless of the size of your audience, your communication skills need to be top-notch in order to effectively inspire people.

Communication Skills

Before learning how to improve in the world of public speaking, you must learn to listen. Being an active and attentive listener allows you to develop your communication skills, as well as your critical thinking skills. Your ability to listen will help you adapt to and understand what it is the audience is looking for, even if they don’t tell you.

Being an open-minded listener will teach you how to communicate effectively. Understanding what is being said, the meaning behind it, and what hopes to be gained from it will strengthen your ability to communicate your own message.

Being an effective communicator helps in everyday life as well. Being able to attentively listen to what someone is saying and processing what they said before formulating a response will allow for less miscommunication and better overall understanding. If you can be a good listener, the people you interact with will feel heard and understood.

Your communication skills are also effective in helping you achieve your goals and get what you want. If you can effectively communicate your needs in a way that the other person – or audience – relates to, it is much more likely that your message will be heard.

Leadership Skills

Being a great public speaker goes hand in hand with developing leadership skills. Public speakers are often seen as leaders in their field. Their knowledge and expertise allow them to be thought leaders .

Being a powerful leader and having a strong public speaking ability can also help you rise in the ranks of your organization or even scale your own business exponentially.

Being a powerful leader and speaker will also improve your networking skills. Being able to communicate your message confidently and passionately will make others keener to listen and engage. Being confident in your approach can open doors for you that may have never been possible before.

Becoming a great leader and establishing better skills takes time. Learn and watch other great leaders; consider their routines and the steps they took to get where they are. You can even learn how to be a great leader by listening to those who have been led by great leaders. What did they appreciate about that leader? What did that leader do to inspire them?

Learning how to improve your public speaking skills will also help in developing leadership skills you will learn how to inspire people and help them expand their scope. 

Critical Thinking Skills

To be a great leader and public speaker, you must also have impressive critical thinking skills. According to the University of Louisiana’s studies of definitions of critical thinking, it was determined that “critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.”

Being a critical thinker means that the information you intake can be analyzed and utilized in even the most stressful situations, like public speaking engagements. Being able to reframe the delivery of your message based on the audience’s reaction can prove to be incredibly helpful.

In order to develop critical thinking skills on your own, you should always be open-minded and willing to listen. Process the information you hear and consider your own opinion of it, rather than falling back on the opinions of others. Stay up to date on current events, and always challenge your own dated and limited beliefs. Keep your mind sharp, while also being open to learning more.

Personal Development & Everyday Life Skills

With heightened communication, leadership, and critical thinking skills, you will be able to level up in your personal and professional life. You will notice how the benefits of public speaking and the skills you develop prove to be instrumental in your everyday life.

These skills will help you achieve an increased sense of confidence. They will help you connect with the people around you more effectively. They may even motivate you to reach for goals you previously thought were out of your reach.

How to Improve Public Speaking

So now, we can begin discussing how you can improve the essential skill of public speaking. Whether you’re interested in learning how to master persuasive speaking, informative speaking or entertaining speaking, I have many tips and tricks that I’ve discovered in my own speaking journey. Here are the important few .

Pick A Topic You’re Passionate About and An Expert In

What is your message? What are you hoping to inspire people with?

When you are public speaking, always speak about the topic you have expert knowledge on, have studied, have a strong interest in, and have personal experience with. You should be an expert in your field, a thought leader.

You will notice that the audience will always be engaged if you speak with passion and knowledge.

Speaking about something you are confident in and knowledgeable about will also help prevent public speaking anxiety, as you know you’re already the expert in the room when it comes to what you’re talking about!

Know Your Audience And What They Want To Achieve

Even if you know the topic like the back of your hand, you also want to make sure you’re tailoring your speech to resonate with your audience. The more you understand your audience and what they are hoping to achieve from your speech, the more you can cater the speech to resonate with them. The more they benefit from what you say, the more you can inspire them.

Remember, they are there for a particular reason — so make sure you speak directly to them and use your words to relate to them. Let’s say you’re speaking about digital marketing at a sales convention. A great speaker will ensure that the speech they deliver refers to digital marketing strategies most beneficial to online sales. The salespeople should come out of your speech with new information and tools they can use to generate more sales online.

Be Confident

As every great public speaker will tell you, confidence is key. Your level of confidence can determine how impactful your speech will be. Don’t overthink and get too in your head — think positively and stand up straight. Be confident in your knowledge, abilities, and speaking skills. When you do talk, talk with confidence … however, your confidence can get you very far.

Take Public Speaking Courses

Taking a public speaking course may sound like a beginner’s move, but I am here to tell you that even the most accomplished public speakers take courses and have public speaking coaches, regardless of their skills. Remember – you should never stop learning.

You may believe that some people are just born with the ability to be an incredible public speaker. But, those people will tell you that public speaking is a skill that can be learned and improved. Finding a great teacher can be a pivotal moment in your public speaking career.

In public speaking, there is always something new to learn. Just like in most areas of life, public speaking has trends. One type of speech delivery may be more effective in one time period than it was in the previous. That’s why it’s so important to stay up to date with the trends and refer to people that can help.

Taking a public speaking course can give you all the necessary tools to help you develop your speaking skills. It will also give you a structure to follow when learning how to use these tools.

Here’s a cliché that we have all heard many times in our lives – practice makes perfect. This cliché rings true in all areas – especially public speaking. All great public speakers will tell you how important it is to practice your speech. This is not the time to “wing it”.

Practicing allows you not only to perfect your delivery but also to prepare for any scenario that may arise. For example, your microphone goes out and the audience can no longer hear you. It’s a minute before someone can fix the sound. Although a nerve-wracking moment, it’s something you have practiced for. You take a deep breath, have a sip of water, and once the sound is fixed, you crack a joke – that you practiced in case a moment like that arose – and you continue with your speech.

A great speaker never stops practicing. There is always something to work on, and perfect.

While it’s incredibly useful to practice the meat of your speech, it’s also very necessary to perfect the start and end of your speech. When starting a speech, you have the audience’s full attention. If you can create a good impression right off the bat, you will keep your audience engaged and focused throughout. Practicing effective ways to start your speech will help you start off strong and remain confident throughout.

The same rule applies to the end of the speech. It’s important to practice how you plan to end your speech with a bang . The end of your speech should strongly tie the points you may throughout the speech together, so they leave a lasting impression in your audience’s minds. The closing statement should be powerful and stirring, as those are the words your audience leaves with. Practicing those words, their tone, and their delivery, can make a huge impact on the effectiveness of your speech.   

Network with Other Speakers

Public speaking can feel like a lonely endeavor sometimes. You are on the stage by yourself, with a spotlight overhead. It can be very isolating.

But one must remember that there are many opportunities in public speaking to connect with other speakers. There will be times in your speaking engagements that you are not the only public speaker there. This is the perfect opportunity to network.

Networking allows you to connect and make connections with like-minded individuals. This is especially useful if they work in your field and can become an ally in your career. Those connections can turn into friends, colleagues, and even mentors. They may help you find other speaking engagements, introduce you to new people, and teach you something new throughout your public speaking journey.

Even if they are an expert in a different field, their knowledge and experience can be the ultimate learning opportunity. If you are just starting out in your public speaking career, they may have some useful tools and tricks for overcoming your public speaking fears and boosting your confidence. Your openness to learn and connect with those around you can help you achieve your goals of being an effective and well-known public speaker.

Read More And Improve Your Vocabulary

As I’ve mentioned before, learning never stops. Boost your confidence and effectiveness by always learning new information by reading and improving your vocabulary. Language is a powerful tool, and the better you are at wielding it, the more effective your speeches can be.

If you want to engage your audience’s interests, you need to develop exceptional communication skills. A big part of improving your speaking skills is by learning how to improve your vocabulary and public speaking abilities.

The more you read, the more your vocabulary will grow. With an extensive vocabulary, you will always be able to find a way to construct your message with the most effective words. The words you use could turn your speech from good to extraordinary .

Being a public speaker has been one of the greatest achievements in my life. The benefits of polishing public speaking skills have tremendously helped me grow my career and get to where I am today. Now, I hope to pass along my skills and expertise to help you. If you’re looking to take your public speaking up a notch, check out my free 5-Minute Speech Formula   to turn almost any idea into a compelling speech.

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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest , Linkedin and Youtube .

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Essay on Public Speaking

Students are often asked to write an essay on Public Speaking in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Public Speaking

What is public speaking.

Public speaking is when you talk in front of a group of people. It’s not just about giving a speech. It’s about sharing your ideas, telling stories, or teaching something new. Everyone, from teachers to leaders, uses public speaking to share their thoughts with others.

Why is it Important?

Public speaking is important because it helps you share your ideas with more people. It’s a way to make your voice heard. Good public speaking skills can help you do better in school, get a good job, and make new friends.

Getting Better at It

To get better at public speaking, practice is key. Start by talking in front of a mirror or with friends. Listen to feedback and try again. Remember, everyone gets nervous, but with practice, you can become confident and clear in your speaking.

250 Words Essay on Public Speaking

Public speaking: the art of communicating effectively.

Public speaking involves delivering a presentation before an audience, sharing a message, or informing a group of people about a certain topic. It is a valuable skill that helps individuals communicate effectively, share knowledge, and engage others through eloquent words.

Importance of Public Speaking

Key elements of public speaking.

Effective public speaking involves careful preparation, clear structure, and confident delivery. Speakers need to research and gather relevant information related to their topic. They must organize their ideas logically and arrange them into a coherent structure, including an introduction, main points, and conclusion. Additionally, using captivating visual aids, speaking expressively, and practicing effective body language enhance the impact of the speech.

Preparation Tips for Beginners

To excel at public speaking, beginners should start by choosing a topic they are passionate about, allowing them to connect with the audience authentically. Practicing in front of a mirror or with friends helps build confidence. Also, speaking slowly and clearly, using simple language, and engaging the audience through questions or stories can make speeches more captivating.

Overcoming Nervousness

It is common to feel nervous before speaking in public; however, deep breathing exercises, positive self-talk, and visualization techniques can help manage anxiety. Speakers should remember that being authentic and passionate about their topic goes a long way in making a successful presentation.

Public speaking is a powerful tool for sharing ideas, informing audiences, and influencing others. It is a skill that can be developed through practice and preparation. Effective public speakers are admired and make a positive impact on society. Therefore, if you’re given a chance to stand before the public and speak, seize it with confidence, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

500 Words Essay on Public Speaking

Public speaking: making your voice heard.

Public speaking is the art of talking to a group of people in a structured, purposeful manner. It involves delivering a message, sharing information, or persuading an audience to take action. Public speaking can be intimidating at first, but with practice, anyone can become a confident and effective speaker.

Preparation and Organization

Be confident and engaging.

Confidence is crucial in public speaking. Practice your speech in front of a mirror, a friend, or a family member to build up your confidence. Maintain good posture, make eye contact with your audience, and use hand gestures to emphasize your points. Keep your voice clear and vary your tone to keep your audience engaged.

Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice, the better you will become at public speaking. Look for opportunities to speak in different settings, such as a school debate or a community meeting. You can also join a public speaking club, where you can get feedback and encouragement from fellow speakers.

Handle Fear and Anxiety

Effective speech delivery.

When delivering your speech, speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Use a confident tone and project your voice so everyone can hear you. Maintain eye contact with your audience, and move around the stage or platform to keep their attention. Use visual aids, such as PowerPoint slides or flip charts to enhance your message.

Handling Questions and Feedback

After your speech, be prepared to answer questions from your audience. Listen attentively, and respond thoughtfully and respectfully. Welcome feedback, both positive and negative, as a chance to improve your public speaking skills.

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Chapter 1: Why Public Speaking Matters Today

Public speaking in the twenty-first century.


Nadine Dereza – ‘Insider Secrets of Public Speaking’. – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Public speaking is the process of designing and delivering a message to an audience. Effective public speaking involves understanding your audience and speaking goals, choosing elements for the speech that will engage your audience with your topic, and delivering your message skillfully. Good public speakers understand that they must plan, organize, and revise their material in order to develop an effective speech. This book will help you understand the basics of effective public speaking and guide you through the process of creating your own presentations. We’ll begin by discussing the ways in which public speaking is relevant to you and can benefit you in your career, education, and personal life.

In a world where people are bombarded with messages through television, social media, and the Internet, one of the first questions you may ask is, “Do people still give speeches?” Well, type the words “public speaking” into Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com, and you will find more than two thousand books with the words “public speaking” in the title. Most of these and other books related to public speaking are not college textbooks. In fact, many books written about public speaking are intended for very specific audiences: A Handbook of Public Speaking for Scientists and Engineers (by Peter Kenny), Excuse Me! Let Me Speak!: A Young Person’s Guide to Public Speaking (by Michelle J. Dyett-Welcome), Professionally Speaking: Public Speaking for Health Professionals (by Frank De Piano and Arnold Melnick), and Speaking Effectively: A Guide for Air Force Speakers (by John A. Kline). Although these different books address specific issues related to nurses, engineers, or air force officers, the content is basically the same. If you search for “public speaking” in an online academic database, you’ll find numerous articles on public speaking in business magazines (e.g., BusinessWeek , Nonprofit World ) and academic journals (e.g., Harvard Business Review , Journal of Business Communication ). There is so much information available about public speaking because it continues to be relevant even with the growth of technological means of communication. As author and speaker Scott Berkun writes in his blog, “For all our tech, we’re still very fond of the most low tech thing there is: a monologue” (Berkun, 2009). People continue to spend millions of dollars every year to listen to professional speakers. For example, attendees of the 2010 TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference, which invites speakers from around the world to share their ideas in short, eighteen-minute presentations, paid six thousand dollars per person to listen to fifty speeches over a four-day period.

Technology can also help public speakers reach audiences that were not possible to reach in the past. Millions of people heard about and then watched Randy Pausch’s “Last Lecture” online. In this captivating speech, Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon University professor who retired at age forty-six after developing inoperable tumors, delivered his last lecture to the students, faculty, and staff. This inspiring speech was turned into a DVD and a best-selling book that was eventually published in more than thirty-five languages (Carnegie Mellon University, 2011).

We realize that you may not be invited to TED to give the speech of your life or create a speech so inspirational that it touches the lives of millions via YouTube; however, all of us will find ourselves in situations where we will be asked to give a speech, make a presentation, or just deliver a few words. In this chapter, we will first address why public speaking is important, and then we will discuss models that illustrate the process of public speaking itself.

Berkun, S. (2009, March 4). Does public speaking matter in 2009? [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://www.scottberkun.com/blog .

Carnegie Mellon University. (n.d.). Randy Pausch’s last lecture. Retrieved June 6, 2011, from http://www.cmu.edu/randyslecture .

Stand up, Speak out Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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The Benefits of Public Speaking: Why It's Important for Students

Linked table of contents:, is public speaking important for students, let’s define public speaking, why is public speaking important for students, how to help students in becoming better at public speaking.

public speaking important for students

Communication is the key to growth- the only medium that can influence a large number of people in a short duration of time. Right from birth, an individual uses communication to express himself/herself. 

Without effective communication, a child cannot ask for water or food from his/her mother; a student cannot ask for help from his/her teacher; and when the same student goes out into the world for a job, he or she finds it difficult to navigate in the professional life without effective communication.

One of the subsets of communication is public speaking. Public speaking is that pillar of communication that helps a person at different stages of life starting from a school student to a working professional in communicating with their peers, superiors and subordinates. 

Public speaking is the art of using verbal or oral communication in expressing oneself, asking someone what they wish to know or telling someone what they know. It is also an efficient art of persuasion.

In the words of Joseph Conard,” He who wants to persuade should put his trust, not in the right argument, but the right word. The power of sound has always been greater than the power of sense.” 

Public speaking is an art that begins at school. A student is introduced to it in the form of debates and orations but many fear it because of stage fright or speaking anxiety and since it's easy to escape from during student life.

 However, escaping it becomes highly challenging in professional life where it becomes a daily affair.  

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Public Speaking Important For Students

This brings us to our topic of discussion: what is the meaning of public speaking?

In simple terms, public speaking is a live presentation or speech given by a person to a large audience to educate or influence or entertain them. It can be given by a school student in the form of a debate, a team leader of a company or a politician asking for votes. 

Public speaking doesn't always mean giving a speech, it is also related to other activities such as leading a meeting, pitching a proposal in a meeting, or narrating a story.

 A situation where there is a lone speaker in front of the audience is considered public speaking.

Every person, at least once in their life, gets a chance to speak in front of a group of people. Teaching students this important skill at an early stage in school will help them speak more fluently.

 As a result of the practice, students show an increase in general confidence as personality development . Students get nervous when asked to speak in front of their classmates but with practice, this nervousness subsides and they begin to enjoy the process. 

Public speaking can help a student in building confidence 

It is important to note that those who gain the confidence to speak in public are more capable of influencing decisions and having an impression on the audience. 

Before any big event, you or your child can achieve and build your confidence by practising public speaking. Speaking in front of a group might help you gain confidence.

 It is very inspiring to overcome the anxieties and hurdles that come with public speaking. Furthermore, engaging with a group of individuals can serve as a firm reminder that a child has valuable knowledge and viewpoints to share with the world.

When a child delivers a speech or leads a team with his/her communication skills, it presents them with a sense of achievement. As the child progresses from speaking to small groups of people to large crowds, his/her confidence improves.

Confidence helps students to have faith and trust in their instincts, whereafter their need for validation for being right or wrong reduces. 

For example, when a student participates in a debate competition, the student not only learns how to speak fluently but also learns how to convince the audience and respond to the questions to prove their point. 

Such an exercise makes the student be more comfortable around a crowd and present their point more sensibly. 

Public speaking helps in enhancing leadership skills 

One develops leadership skills through public speaking. A leader's worth is enhanced by confident speech. A good speaker makes a better leader, and the two skills are interlinked. Starting a student at a young age to speak effectively will help them in connecting with the audience whilst motivating them. 

The ability to make people understand your vision and hard work are the traits of a good leader. A good speech instils confidence as well as a sense of power in the audience. 

Good leaders use their speech to not only put their thoughts across to their audience but also to make the audience believe in what they are saying. Such leaders focus on reaching that level where they attract the crowd with their words. 

Quick question: Did you know that Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook wasn't good at public speaking, but worked hard on the skill for years to grow in the world of business?

Public speaking helps in developing vocabulary and attaining fluency in the language

Good public speaking skills help listeners in understanding the point of view of the speaker more clearly, but for that using the correct words and right tonality is important.

 For instance, if a student is asked to talk about global warming, he/she will go for an informative tone which will help their fellow students in understanding what they are trying to say. 

This helps the students in learning new words, which expands their vocabulary and how to fix their tone ie. either positive or negative accordingly. 

Public speaking helps in better communication

The more you practise giving speeches, the better you'll become at communicating orally. Improved oral communication skills can be applied not only to future speeches but also to everyday conversation. A speaker is either really good at communication or gets really good at communication with time.

 They reach a level of confidence that makes them comfortable around people and talking to them. For example, a student who participates in school debates or storytelling competitions, etc. speaks better. 

Public speaking helps students build upon their general knowledge

Public speaking might seem like an easy task, but it requires a certain amount of preparation. When you go for public speaking, you cannot simply stand at the podium and talk on any random topic, it has to be meaningful and informative.

 So when a student prepares for public speaking he/she starts with collecting the information related to its topic by reading books or searching the internet. 

This way he/she builds upon their general knowledge which remains with them for a good part of their life. 

Public speaking helps in developing better writing skills:

Did you know that public speaking can help a child improve his/her writing abilities as well? Writing techniques used to write a good speech can also be used to write other content, such as reports, articles, memos and letters, research papers etc. Good writing skills can lead to better work assignments and grades in school.

Public speaking teaches children to stay calm in high-stress situations:

Learning to be calm in a stressful situation is perhaps the most transferable public speaking benefit. Public speaking is a stressful experience for the majority of us.

 As a child gets more proficient in public speaking, he/she also learns how to stay calm, which is necessary to deliver the speech successfully. 

Public Speaking Important For Students

Here are a few ways which can help students in becoming better at public speaking:

Make it fun and interesting

It is important to make a child comfortable with the art of public speaking before emphasising on them to be perfect in it. You can do this by turning it into a game that will make it more interactive and fun and will make it sound less intimidating.

 Let the child begin with speaking aimlessly, which will help them build the desired confidence and later teach them the attributes of public speaking by working on the mistakes or teaching new ways. 

Teach them to focus on delivering a message before focusing on the technique

It is imperative to teach a child how to deliver a good message to their listeners instead of focusing on the technique, which can be learned anytime. 

Teach them how to begin their story, the voice in which they should narrate it, and how to change their tone at relevant parts to make it sound more fun. 

Regularly interact with the child

Talk to the child and ask questions related to his interest, igniting his curiosity by teaching him something so that he talks and questions about it wholeheartedly. This is an exercise that can be done at any time of the day while going for a walk or before bedtime but develops a habit of doing it regularly. 

What are the best practices of public speaking?

Public speaking might make a child nervous in the beginning or he might stammer while speaking. Here are a few practices which will help them overcome these fears and become fluent in them:

Prepare them with enough practice

Teach them about their audience since they would speak for these audiences

Don't let them go overboard with heavy words, try to keep it simple

Teach them to ask for feedback to improve their flaws

Do not ask them to just read text out of a sheet of paper, ask them to understand it and make it interactive for them

On which platform does PlanetSpark take these classes?

PlanetSpark takes these classes online, which helps the kids in attending them comfortably from their homes without hampering their normal study schedules.  

How long is the PlanetSpark course?

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Important Aspects of Public Speaking Report

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A person’s life is impossible without communication with other people. The need to convey one’s thoughts and experiences gave rise to oral, then written speech. To clearly and logically share one’s thoughts with the interlocutor, it is necessary to know the basic rules of speech culture. A person speaking publicly should talk beautifully, build phrases correctly, and establish contact with the audience. Reading from a sheet is always perceived superficially, which is why the speaker must skillfully use both verbal and non-verbal means of language. This work is devoted to body language during the speeches of Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream” and Alicia Garza from the movement “Black Lives Matter.” Both speakers are charismatic and can win the audience’s attention due to their high command of body language.

In his public speech, King called for civil and economic rights and an end to racism in the United States. In addition, he spoke about equality and fraternity among people of all colors and nationalities. King’s speech contained aspects describing the need for jobs and freedom for the black population (Rare Facts, 2018). In her speech dedicated to the Black Lives Matter movement, Garza also speaks about the importance of equality and tolerance towards the black population (Center for Constitutional Rights, 2015). She argues that racism and racial prejudice have no place in modern civilized society and calls on the audience to fight against any manifestations of racism.

These speeches have certain similarities and differences, which are first expressed in the manner of the speaker. The similarities of the speeches lie in the common theme they are dedicated to the fight against racism and inequality towards black people. Both speakers talk about unfair treatment, bias, and the need for tolerance since all people were created equal. King and Garza actively use the optical-kinetic sign system, including gestures and facial expressions (Center for Constitutional Rights, 2015). In addition, both speakers know the techniques of paralinguistics and extralinguistics, that is, the range and tonality of the voice and the inclusion of pauses in speech. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to notice differences in the approach to the performance of King and Garza.

King’s voice seems much more staged and saturated with intonations; it flows slowly and then accelerates, becoming more exciting and passionate. During King’s speech, it is difficult to tear eyes away from him and distract oneself with something else since his voice and somewhat imperious manner of speech completely capture and do not let go until the end (Rare Facts, 2018). Garza’s performance seems calmer, and her intonations are balanced, as if she is not trying to convince the audience of her point of view but only stating facts (Center for Constitutional Rights, 2015). In addition, King’s speech is full of metaphors and vivid images and repetitions of the exact phrase, which is also the name of the address itself. All this creates a unique imprint and allows the speaker’s performance to occupy the audience’s thoughts for a long time.

It can also be added that the place where the speech was delivered plays a significant role in influencing the audience. King’s speech was delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, which adds to its significance and the necessary atmosphere since this place is one of the most important for Americans (Rare Facts, 2018). Garza’s speech, on the other hand, cannot boast of a particular place of utterance, and therefore does not remain so much in memory, being only one of many speeches on this platform (Center for Constitutional Rights, 2015). Finally, the audience, which is present during the speech, is essential. For the most part, King’s audience, consisting of ordinary black workers, understood well what he was talking about and therefore supported him. Garza’s audience is also well aware of the issues raised in the speech, thereby giving more weight to the speaker’s speech.

Center for Constitutional Rights. (2015). RadTalks: Alicia Garza [Video]. Web.

Rare Facts. (2018). I have a dream speech by Martin Luther King.Jr [Video]. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, January 13). Important Aspects of Public Speaking. https://ivypanda.com/essays/important-aspects-of-public-speaking/

"Important Aspects of Public Speaking." IvyPanda , 13 Jan. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/important-aspects-of-public-speaking/.

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IvyPanda . 2023. "Important Aspects of Public Speaking." January 13, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/important-aspects-of-public-speaking/.

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IvyPanda . "Important Aspects of Public Speaking." January 13, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/important-aspects-of-public-speaking/.

Module 1: Introduction to Public Speaking

The benefits of public speaking, learning objectives.

Explain the benefits of public speaking to your education, your personal life, and your career.

A woman is speaking to five colleagues around a table.

It may be self-evident to you why speaking more confidently, clearly, and effectively would help you in a variety of ways. From speaking up in class or at work to communicating with your children, partner, or friends, making yourself heard and understood has some obvious benefits. You may not realize, however, that the study of public speaking covers far more than just speaking in front of an audience. To succeed in this class, you will learn how to listen actively and provide productive feedback, think about the ethical implications of public communication, build your research skills, practice analyzing and constructing arguments, and to anticipate and incorporate the needs and expectations of your audience for any kind of communication. At the same time, of course, you’ll gain skills and confidence to speak publicly in a variety of situations, from persuading an audience with facts and logic to entertaining a crowd with a well-prepared toast.

Educational Benefits

Many of the skills you learn in this class are directly transferable to other classes and academic pursuits. Here are just a few ways that public speaking can help you in your educational journey:

Research Effectively

Whether for a speech, a written essay, or a multimedia presentation, you need to have relevant and trustworthy information. How do you know which facts are accurate? How do you know which experts are credible? In putting together your presentations, you will learn the key skills of researching a topic and gathering the most compelling, relevant, and reliable data to make your argument.

Make Stronger Arguments

Rhetoric, the art of persuasion, was originally framed in terms of persuasive public speech (In ancient Greece and Rome, a rhetor was an orator). And in fact, you will likely find that preparing arguments for public speech helps to clarify broader questions of argumentation. After all, what better way to test the power of your argument than to try it out on a live (or virtual) audience?

Organize Your Ideas

As you probably know from experience, it’s harder to follow a complex argument in spoken form than an argument in writing. When writing a speech, you may find that you grapple with organizational questions in a different way than you do when writing a paper, which in turn can provide insights about organizing strategies more generally.

Increase Your Confidence in Class Participation

The more you speak in public, the more confident you’ll feel about making your voice heard.

Life and Career Skills

Year after year, research has shown that employers rank the ability to communicate effectively as one of the most sought-after competences from new employees. Many of the top-rated soft skills necessary to succeed in a shifting work environment and evolving career fields are found in this public speaking course.  [1] [2]  In a survey of college graduates, Zekeri (2004) found that former students rated “skill in oral communication” at the top of a list of crucial academic skills. [3]

Skill in written communication 3.25
Skill in motivating and managing others 3.27
Skills in personal time management 3.27
Skills in setting personal goal 3.18
Skill in setting organizational goals & objectives 3.15
Skill in effective group leadership 3.07
Skill in project and/or program evaluation 2.90
Skill in negotiating employee/employer differences 2.84
Skill in finance and cost management 2.80
Skill in handling consumer/customer relations 2.80
Skill in computer use 2.54
Skill in basic statistical techniques 2.43

Zekeri, A. A. (2004). College Curriculum Competencies and Skills Former Students Found Essential to Their Careers.  College Student Journal , 38(3), 412–422.

By honing the skills learned in this course, you can stand out at work and advance your career, and you’ll probably discover benefits in your personal life as well.

Inspire People

Being able to persuade and inspire clients, stakeholders, team members, and leadership will help you to ensure buy-in for your ideas and build a positive workplace culture.

Grow Your Confidence

Understanding apprehension and leveraging the techniques to reduce and persevere through anxiety will help you to speak up, take on special projects, and seek out opportunities to network and gain visibility in your career.

Be a More Effective Leader

A good leader, like a good speaker, places their audience at the center of the communication process. The skills you learn in this course will help you to focus on others and consider the thoughts and feelings of your team when making decisions and presenting ideas.

Be a Better Listener

Among the central competencies of this course are the crucial—and challenging—skills of listening actively and sharing feedback productively. Purdy (1997) enumerates a plethora of benefits of conscious listening, including greater success in school and at work, more fulfilling interpersonal relationships, and even health benefits [4] The advantages of active listening extend from our most personal relationships to the realms of mass politics and entertainment, and outward to all aspects of our interconnected society.

Become a Powerful Advocate

Whether negotiating with a family member, persuading a co-worker, or winning over a contentious crowd at a school-board meeting, the argumentation strategies you learn in this course will help you become a stronger advocate for the values, ideas, and causes you believe in.

Develop Your Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills

Public speaking teaches us to build sound arguments, follow logical reasoning, and evaluate sources. It also helps us to see past our own perspective and adapt, which is necessary when problem-solving in all areas of our lives.

Hone Your Presentation Skills

Rather than adding to the number of boring and inapplicable presentations employees and clients will sit through, you will be able to command attention from the room, use your speaking time effectively, and create visual aids that enhance rather than detract from your presentation. Whether prepared or speaking off the cuff, you will have the storytelling skills to effectively use data points and research to create a comprehensive story.

  • (Lazzaroni) Pate, Deanna. The Top Skills in Demand for 2020—And How to Learn Them , 13 Jan. 2020, http://www.linkedin.com/business/learning/blog/top-skills-and-courses/the-skills-companies-need-most-in-2020and-how-to-learn-them . ↵
  • Marr, Bernard. “The 10+ Most Important Job Skills Every Company Will Be Looking For in 2020.” Forbes , Forbes Magazine, 28 Oct. 2019, http://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2019/10/28/the-10-most-important-job-skills-every-company-will-be-looking-for-in-2020 . ↵
  • Zekeri, Andrew A. “College Curriculum Competencies and Skills Former Students Found Essential to Their Careers.” College Student Journal , vol. 38, no. 3, 2004, pp. 412–422. ↵
  • Purdy, Michael. "What Is listening?" Listening in Everyday Life: A Personal and Professional Approach , edited by Michael Purdy and Deborah Borisoff. University Press of America, 1997, pp. 1–20. ↵
  • Benefits of Public Speaking. Authored by : Anne Fleischer with Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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Ready, Set, Speak

By  Aisha Langford

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Public speaking is a critical, but often underdeveloped, skill among higher education professionals. Your ability to convey ideas with confidence and clarity is essential for articulating the importance of your research, getting buy-in for your projects and obtaining funding from sponsors.

Many people are afraid of public speaking. They think that effective public speakers are “naturals” who were born with strong oratory skills. Luckily, it is practice and not genetics that will make you a better public speaker. With practice and a few tips, you can improve your skills in a relatively short amount of time. This article will discuss five tips to becoming a better public speaker.

WAIT Method

WAIT stands for Why Am I Talking ? Before you jump right into making Powerpoint slides or writing a speech, take some time to think about why you’re speaking and what you want the audience to remember. That is, begin with the end in mind (habit number two from Stephen Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ). For example, pick three things you want people to take away from your presentation and then work backward. A clear understanding of your end goal will keep your thoughts cohesive as you prepare. More details can be found on Loren Ekroth’s webpage .

10/20/30 Rule

Introduced by the entrepreneur, author and speaker Guy Kawasaki, the general idea behind the 10/20/30 rule is that your Powerpoint presentations for most talks should:

  • Have only 10 slides
  • Last no more than 20 minutes
  • Use 30 point font or greater so the audience can actually read your slides.

Keep in mind that these guidelines were created with the business community in mind and may not always apply to academic situations (e.g., dissertation defenses). However, it’s worth noting that our attention spans are short. There’s nothing worse than listening to a talk that goes on and on, or seeing slides that you can’t read.

Content Over Medium

The content of your presentation is far more important than fancy slides without substance. Powerpoint is a wonderful tool; however, it isn’t a requirement for effective presentations. Let’s repeat. Powerpoint isn’t a requirement for effective presentations.

Sometimes speaking without Powerpoint slides is even more effective and engaging. This may be especially true if you’re sharing aspects about your life (e.g., how you landed in higher education) or giving a motivational speech.

Unfortunately, Powerpoint is often used as a script instead of the visual aid tool it was designed to be. Using the analogy of a music concert, you are the lead singer and Powerpoint is your backup singers -- there to support you, but not the main focus. You are the show.

If you choose to use Powerpoint slides, avoid common Powerpoint mistakes like reading every slide and presenting crowded tables. Your audience will thank you.

Control the Controllables

The marketing and management consultant Somers White once said, “90 percent of how well the talk will go is determined before the speaker steps on the platform.” Reduce your public speaking anxiety by following these steps:

  • Organize your thoughts. This blueprint for a presentation by Eleni Kelakos is a good guide.
  • Decide which format is best (Powerpoint, no slides and/or paper handouts).
  • Practice by yourself and refine.
  • Practice in front of others and refine.
  • Time yourself. Staying within allotted time limits is crucial.
  • Decide what you’re going to wear. Be comfortable, but look professional.

If possible, practice in the room where you’ll be speaking. Test the equipment to make sure it works. If using your own laptop, remember to bring your charger and adapters. This is especially true for Mac users. Also ask about:

  • Wireless clickers
  • Laser pointers
  • Internet connections
  • Sound system
  • Microphones

Speaking of microphones, please use one if you’ll be in a large room. As we present, our voices get tired. Tiredness makes it hard to project our voices to the back of the room. If people can’t hear you, then you’ve missed an important opportunity and wasted everyone’s time, including yours. Lastly, if you have interactive exercises or surveys that require writing, be sure to bring pens.

Body Language and Other Distractions

A few years ago, I attended a job talk. The candidate -- we'll call him John -- had great training and an interesting program of research. Unfortunately, all I remember about John’s talk is that he spoke too fast, fidgeted a lot and rambled during the Q and A. He didn’t seem prepared, and he didn’t get the job. The selected candidate was probably a better fit overall for the department. However, I still wonder if John’s poor public speaking skills were a factor in the final decision.

Keep these things in mind when you’re giving presentations:

  • Make good eye contact and scan the room. Force yourself to look to the left, center and right portions of the room.
  • Eliminate filler words like um and ah . Take a pause instead.
  • Reduce excessive hand movements, including taking your hands in and out of pockets.
  • Try not to sway or rock in place.

Finally, it’s okay to move around the stage and interact with the audience. If you do so, use a wireless microphone so the audience can hear you.

For more information on public speaking, check out Toastmasters International , a nonprofit organization focused on public speaking and leadership development. If you own a smartphone, this article, Fearless Public Speaking: 6 Apps to Help You Prepare for Presentations (pages 46 and 47), may also be helpful.

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What are the Benefits of Public Speaking?

August 18, 2017 - Dom Barnard

Public speaking is a great way of  building personal development  on many levels, since improving communication skills is helpful in almost every area of life. Whether your goal is to engage in political debate, make a career as a motivational speaker or gain confidence in front of an audience, public speaking can help you meet your goal.

We’ve listed the top benefits of public speaking, which will encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and sign up to speak at a few events in the future.

The benefits of public speaking are numerous

1. Career advancement

Effective  public speaking skills  can help with career advancement, as they indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, poise, and professionalism, qualities which are very valuable for the job market.

Speaking at events and conferences is a good way of building credibility. The more well known the event the better, as you can add these speaking achievements to your resume.

Public speaking can also help you stand out at work. You’ll learn to speak up in meetings, to promote your ideas, and to present yourself as a professional. Speaking skills can also help you  excel in job interviews .

After speaking at a few events, people will remember you and begin to see you as an authoritative figure on your area of expertise. You’ll find yourself getting new client and business from people who watched you speak. All sorts of new business and speaking opportunities will open up for you.

2. Boost confidence

Public speaking can significantly boost your confidence. Overcoming the fears and insecurities that accompany public speaking is empowering. Furthermore, connecting with audiences can be a strong reminder that you have valuable insights and opinions to share with the world.

Your confidence levels will grow as you go from speaking to small groups of people up to large audiences. This will benefit you not just on stage, but in everyday life as well, whether it be in a meeting or on a date.

A study by  North Carolina Cooperative Extension  of people aged 9 to 18 who participated in a public speaking program found that public speaking increased confidence. The study found that meeting a goal was an important factor when it came to increasing the students confidence.

While the nervousness that comes with speaking in front of a crowd won’t entirely disappear, it will teach you how to deal with your fears and turn your weakness into strength.

Regularly speaking in public boosts confidence

3. Critical thinking

Public speaking is an excellent way to build critical thinking skills.  Writing a speech  requires a great deal of careful thought, from the audience analysis to the closing sentence. It’s not enough to have a message, you also need to figure out how to tailor the message to fit the needs of your audience.

How can you make your points relevant to your listeners? How can you help the audience understand your views? If you start thinking critically about your speaking style, you may find ways to improve your general communication style at home and at work.

4. Personal development

Communication skills are crucial for personal and professional success and improving this area is one of the greatest benefits of public speaking. Preparing a speech forces speakers to take a step back and think critically about  effective ways to communicate . In everyday life, it’s easy to fall back on communication habits we formed many years ago.

5. Improve communication skills

When you write a speech, you have to think carefully about the best framework, persuasive strategy, and diction to communicate your message to the audience. This type of thinking can help you improve your communication skills in other areas of your life.

Personal relationships, social interactions and work situations require you to communicate ideas to other people. Public speaking focuses on communicating ideas. You can learn to calmly take up an opposing view, to present your ideas in an organized and coherent manner, and to defend your views to others.

6. Make new social connections

Public speaking engagements are good places to meet other people who share your interests. You’ll find that people approach you after your presentation to engage in conversation. It makes it much easier to make  new social connections . Try to mingle with the audience for as long as you can after your speech, answering questions and seeking fresh perspectives on your topic.

Give audience members the option of getting in touch with you at a later date by listing contact information on handouts or slides. If you have a website, direct audience members to find more information there.

If you are part of a speaking line-up, reach out to your fellow presenters. Congratulate them or, if you miss a talk, ask how it went. There are lots of opportunities for networking in the realm of public speaking, so plan ahead and make use of them.

Make new social connections with public speaking

7. Personal satisfaction

Public speaking is a  very common phobia , right up there with spiders and heights. Many people would prefer to do almost anything instead of standing up and talking in front a crowd of people. Delivering a speech can feel intimidating and risky.

Fears and insecurities tend to multiply as the speech draws closer: “What if I forget my speech?” “What if I can’t answer the audience’s questions?” Public speaking is a way of showing yourself that, with practice, you can do the things that scare you the most. What starts out as a nightmare can turn into a personal boost.

8. Expand your professional network

Another benefit of public speaking is that when you speak at an event, you will suddenly find that everyone wants to talk with you. This is a valuable opportunity for making friends, building business contacts and generating business.

Not only this, but you also get the opportunity to network with other speakers, some of whom may be very difficult to contact normally. Speaking events may also have guest rooms for speakers where they are given food and drink and can network together.

9. Learn to persuade

Public speaking has a long history as a catalyst for nonviolent activism and  political change . It is a powerful way to unite people under a common cause and motivate them to take action. It’s no secret that people throughout history have used the power of public speaking to make a difference.

You’ll hardly ever have a better opportunity to speak to a captive audience about what really matters to you. You’ll get a chance to influence your peers. You won’t change the world with every speech, but you can easily impact someone in some small way.

10. Build leadership skills

If you let others do your talking for you in the past or found it hard to express what you wanted to say, that will fade. Not only will you be able to fluently speak your mind but you’ll find yourself doing it for others too.

In standing up and speaking in a way that is powerful, you’re speaking in a way that will change people’s minds about something. If you’re able to master that skill, changing hearts and minds and learning how to persuade, you will be already honing one of the major aspects of leadership.

If you’re able to do it in public to a group of people, chances are you’ll be able to do it in a more individualized setting. Leaders require the capacity to drive change, public  speaking skills are vital  in learning that ability.

Public speaking skills help leadership

11. Learn performance skills

You’ll have become conscious of timing, when to pause and how long for. You’ll know about vocal variety, how to shift through changes of volume, speech rate and tone. Your articulation will be clearer. As you become more confident you’ll know about mime, using props and storytelling. All of these  acting skills  enhance your speech.

12. Develop your vocabulary and fluency

You’ll know the effect of the words you choose to express your message and you’ll also know they need to be different for different audiences. As well as having a flexible vocabulary, you’ll no longer use  common filler words  we hear in everyday conversation indicating that the speaker may be unsure about what they’re saying or anxious about speaking.

13. No fear of impromptu speaking

When called upon to say a few words at a moment’s notice at a wedding, awards ceremony or other special occasion, your heart will not pound. Instead you’ll find yourself graciously accepting the opportunity for an  impromptu speech . This is a huge benefit of public speaking and you’ll stop constantly worrying at formal events about being asked to speak.

Public speaking helps with impromptu speeches such as wedding speeches

14. Learn to argue

When you present, you often need to put forward a well thought out argument. In the preparation, in the practice and on the actual stage, you will learn much about the art of argument, especially if you get to engage with your audience in some form of question and answer.

15. Helps you drive change

Who do we listen to more, someone talking to us in person or an email? The person speaking is always going to be more convincing than a note sent across the internet. You could spend your time going from person to person, if that’s your comfort zone.

But think about how many more people you could reach if you stood up on stage and had them all gathered together in an audience. If you’re speaking to an audience of 300 versus one-on-one, then you’re driving serious change. The more people you’re able to speak to, the more change you can implement.

16. Be a better listener

Listening may be a lost art, but a public speaking course actually teaches you to become a  better listener . When you attend conferences, you’ll hear several different types of speeches about a wide variety of topics, from people who may be very different from you. This will passively build your listening ability and note taking.

These benefits of public speaking make getting out of your comfort zone and giving a speech absolutely worth it. You’ll be nervous the first few times you speak, however you’ll quickly learn to enjoy the experience.


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Don’t Underestimate the Power of Your Voice

  • Dan Bullock
  • Raúl Sánchez

essay on importance of public speaking

It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it.

Our voices matter as much as our words matter. They have the power to awaken the senses and lead others to act, close deals, or land us successful job interviews. Through our voices, we create nuances of meaning, convey our emotions, and find the secret to communicating our executive presence. So, how do we train our voices to be more visceral, effective, and command attention?

  • The key lies in harnessing our voices using the principles of vocalics. Vocalics primarily consists of three linguistic elements: stress (volume) , intonation (rising and falling tone), and rhythm (pacing). By combining vocalics with public speaking skills, we can colors our words with the meaning and emotion that motivates others to act.
  • Crank up your volume: No, we don’t mean shout. The effective use of volume goes beyond trying to be the loudest person in the room. To direct the flow of any conversation, you must overtly stress what linguists call focus words. When you intentionally place volume on certain words, you emphasize parts of a message and shift the direction of a conversation toward your preferred outcome.
  • Use a powerful speech style: The key to achieving a powerful speech style, particularly during job interviews and hiring decisions, is to first concentrate on the “melody” of your voice, also called intonation. This rise or fall of our voice conveys grammatical meaning (questions or statements) or even attitude (surprise, joy, sarcasm).
  • Calibrate your vocal rhythm with the right melody: Our messages are perceived differently depending on the way we use rhythm in our voices. Deliberately varying our pacing with compelling pauses creates “voiced” punctuation, a powerful way to hold the pulse of the moment.

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  • Dan Bullock is a language and communications specialist/trainer at the United Nations Secretariat, training diplomats and global UN staff. Dan is the co-author of How to Communicate Effectively with Anyone, Anywhere (Career Press, 2021).   He also serves as faculty teaching business communication, linguistics, and public relations within the Division of Programs in Business at New York University’s School of Professional Studies. Dan was the director of corporate communications at a leading NYC public relations firm, and his corporate clients have included TD Bank and Pfizer. 
  • Raúl Sánchez is an award-winning clinical assistant professor and the corporate program coordinator at New York University’s School of Professional Studies. Raúl is the co-author of How to Communicate Effectively with Anyone, Anywhere (Career Press, 2021). He has designed and delivered corporate trainings for Deloitte and the United Nations, as well as been a writing consultant for Barnes & Noble Press and PBS. Raúl was awarded the NYU School of Professional Studies Teaching Excellence Award and specializes in linguistics and business communication.

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The Importance of Public Speaking

Updated 19 September 2023

Subject Mental Health ,  Emotions ,  Communication

Downloads 49

Category Health ,  Life ,  Sociology

Topic Anxiety ,  Fear ,  Public Speaking

Public Speaking and its Challenges

Public speaking is an oratory that involves the art of speaking to a large audience. This form of communication facilitates passing of information to people for education, entertainment, motivate change, and sometimes influence people to change for the better (Coopman & Lull, 2014). However, communicating with a large number of audiences is not an easy task for everyone, sometimes people develop fear and anxiety that may prevent people from communicating successfully and effectively. Nervousness and anxiety are common fears that people experience prior to speaking to the public. This fear leads to poor communication skills, like inaudibility, vague messages, and sometimes stage fright that make people unable to speak.

Tips for Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

There are helpful tips that help individuals to speak without any fear. An organization is important as it helps one get a logical flow of ideas and materials (Duck & McMahan, 2011). The organization also helps in relaxation. Research and preparation about audience analysis, the topic in question and the venue is a critical factor. Knowing ones audience prepares one on what to expect and also identify the right message that suits them (Duck & McMahan, 2011). Knowing and visiting the venue before the actual date helps one in familiarization. Many individuals also prefer to practice and perfume their speech before their friends to increase their confidence. Practicing provides one with confidence and deeper understanding of the topic (Duck & McMahan, 2011). It makes it easy for one to answer any questions that the audience might ask. I also find it hard to talk to a large audience. Conversely, to ensure that I eliminate my fear I write my points down and practice before a mirror and sometimes colleagues who point out my mistakes and offer suggestions for improvement. This does not only help me perfect my speech but also increase my confidence. I also love to conduct an audience analysis before the actual presentation as it aids in the gathering of information that allows for better speech preparation.

Coopman, S. J., " Lull, J. (2014). Public speaking: The evolving art. Cengage Learning.

Duck, S., " McMahan, D. T. (2011). The basics of communication: A relational perspective. Sage.

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