English Summary

3 Minute Speech On Actions Speak Louder Than Words In English

Good morning one and all. Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, it is my pleasure and privilege to stand before you today. I am honored to have this opportunity to speak to such a distinguished audience.

In other words, it’s not enough for someone to simply pledge to do something; it’s crucial that they follow through on their commitments. While it is cheap and simple to speak words, it takes work, commitment, and time to do action. The whole idea revolves around the notion that although words are assuring, actions are entrusting. One could say something and gain confidence but if the pledge is not fulfilled it will lead to distrust and the person will be called a deceiver. 

This idea holds true not just for people but also for businesses and governments. They may pledge to make changes, but only their deeds will show whether they are sincere in their intentions.

Have you ever wondered what would have occurred had the talks of revolutions and freedom been only talks? Words might ignite and unite the masses but it is only when the leaders came together and immersed in struggle and revolt for freedom, truly sacrificed themselves for the nation, that the public awoke and revolted in true sense and thus independence was attained. 

Therefore, acting to bring about change is necessary rather than just talking about it. Be the change we want to see in the world by setting an excellent example.As the saying goes, “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”

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Thu, 08 Mar, 2018

A Speech on Action Speaks Louder Than Words!

“Words are from the lips, while actions are from the heart.” Isn’t it so true? The phrase actions speak louder than words means actions are effective and more valuable than words. A person may say one thing and do another. You should not believe in what anyone says until they prove it through their actions. It is always easier for people to create sandcastles through their words.

Actions speak louder than words

Words can be sugar-coated, but actions cannot be. In other words, a person can say, “You are special. I will take care of you throughout your life”. These words remain empty until actions follow them. Actions are small steps/work you do to stay true to your word. In the above instance, words should be followed by appropriate actions. For instance, when a person is sick, taking care of the person by giving them medicines and allowing them to rest is shown through actions.

Words, when said from the mouth, produce sound. Actions, when performed, do not have any sound and are still louder. Actions speak volumes about a person. Such a person is appreciated and liked by all.

When someone appreciates you for the first time, it feels good. However, if actions depict something else, words lose their credibility. Also, people use words to boast about themselves. They build castles in the air. For instance, a person says he/she can help you get promoted. They will recommend you and tell their boss about your achievements. They do this with so much affirmation that you believe them.

However, after some time, you realize that they were mere words. The next time you call them, they won’t pick up your call. It depicts those words not followed by actions carrying no importance.

Remember, actions add more credibility to what goes out of your mouth. If you are determined and say that you will win the race, you have to take action and prove the same to others. You will have to work hard for the same. When you win the race, everyone will start believing in your strong willpower and determination.

Thus, words should always be accompanied by some action. It could be in the form of hard work as well. Be a man of your words. Do not allow your words to lose their importance, as it will diminish the value of whatever you speak.  

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Action Speaks Louder Than Words Essay for Students and Teacher

500+ words essay on action speaks louder than words.

Several wise proverbs in the world are quite old in origin. Similarly, the proverb “action speaks louder than words” is an age-old proverb. Like much older proverbs, this proverb is also valuable, wise, and mature in its teaching. Furthermore, the phrase implies that what one does has a stronger impact on people than what one says. Most noteworthy, the phrase means that people would probably believe what you do than what you say.

When Does Action Speak Louder than Words?

First of all, actions carry much more weight than words when building trust. Furthermore, trust is very important in every type of relationship. Without trust, no relationship can survive.

Moreover, it’s easy to try to build trust by speaking some words. However, building trust through actions is not so easy. Merely speaking words will never create a long-lasting healthy relationship . What really matters in building solid relationships are the actions.

Actions are a huge requirement when committing to goals. Many people make great claims when it comes to goals. However, those claims or words will be without any value if not backed by action. Similarly, people make grand New Year resolutions for their careers. But these resolutions will certainly be nonsense talk if the person makes no effort to pursue his goals.

Actions are essential when it comes to parenting . Kids quickly learn that words are a bunch of false promises if no action takes place. Furthermore, many parents warn their kids of the punishments in case of certain wrongdoings.

But some of those parents refuse to punish kids after they do wrongdoing. Due to this, kids don’t value the warnings and threats of their parents. Similarly, some parents make promises of a gift but later on, let go of the idea. In this case, too, kids will not take words of parents seriously.

Actions are certainly of paramount importance when it comes to leadership. The orders and instructions from a leader will not matter much if the leader is actionless. Furthermore, in an organization employees often see a lazy boss doing nothing. This creates tremendous demotivation among them. Hence, the leader must take suitable action to show everyone that he means what he says.

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Real-Life Examples of “Action Speaks Louder than Words”

Mahatma Gandhi is probably the most noteworthy example here. This man did a huge contribution to Indian independence through his actions. Furthermore, his actions like non-violence, non-cooperation, civil disobedience, supporting farmers, supporting oppressed people made a huge impact. He was not one of those who only made grand speeches. Rather, he was a man who stood by what he said.

The soldiers of our country India form another suitable example. Most noteworthy, these soldiers risk their lives every day for the nation’s security. Unlike many politicians who only make speeches, these soldiers actually do something meaningful. Moreover, these soldiers work selflessly without any desire for fame. Certainly, many people will never know their names.

In conclusion, the proverb “action speaks louder than words” is a valuable life lesson. Furthermore, when an individual uses words, it is much easier to lie. However, an action strongly correlates with what one wants and believes. Actions certainly speak the truth.

FAQs on Action Speaks Louder Than Words

Q1 Why is it essential to act on promises made to kids?

A1 It is certainly essential to act on promises made to kids. This is because; kids quickly learn that words are a bunch of false promises if no action takes place.

Q2 Why soldiers of India do more meaningful work than most politicians?

A2 Soldiers of India certainly do more meaningful work than most politicians. This is because, unlike many politicians who only make speeches, these soldiers risk their lives every day. Most noteworthy, they do so for the nation’s security.

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Proverbs are traditional sayings based on common sense and wit of a person related to practical lives. Lots of proverbs in different languages are present. The English language has a rich store of such witty proverbs. With our increasing maturity level, we understand the inner meanings of wise proverbs and their relevance to our daily practical lives. Out of this rich store of English proverbs ‘action speaks louder than words is a relevant easy proverb used at the school level. Usually, the creation of proverbs has a history beyond it. This proverb was also used by a famous parliamentarian at the time of the English Civil War. He meant that there is no need to shout strong words especially when action can do the work better.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

In the long run, trust is grown in those people who do not speak much but do the right action at the right time. In any situation, people believe those who actually act and do not claim to act. Talks can bring momentary satisfaction but only proper action can bring trust and respect in the long run. Thus the wise men rightly used this proverb to make people say what they understood much before but could not express. Action is the actual deciding factor of a word and justifies what you claim to do. Wise men never speak about their plans and claim to do this and instead they prefer to show the energy only in their actions. If your actions are implemented successfully, they themselves will speak the unspoken words with better understanding and faith. People will respect you when they understand that you can actually do what you claim and this will earn trust for you and a better world for you to survive.

Nobody's a fool that can make them understand anything you want. Maybe that can happen a few times but not for long. Your claims alone can never make you a trustworthy person in the eye of others but your actions can.  Your labour can bring you the fruits of success but not your big talk. Your action can make the path easy for you to gain the confidence of others. You need to prove your capabilities by your action since no one is going to believe your words without a result. You need to build a foundation of trust to get respect from society and ultimately build a strong personality that will gain people’s admiration. Action is the other word for commitment. Suppose in a class of students a particular student speaks big words and claims to bring top marks in the class but does not give any effort or labour to do so and ultimately land up with poor marks. Then the student will not only lose his or her reputation but also will never be believed by anyone. Instead, he or she will create a mockery of themselves.

Importance of Action than Words

People who show action and speak less are actually the ideal persons who are given big tasks and important responsibilities. The most important criteria of a successful professional life are to gain the trust of your boss and colleagues and that can be achieved only by your actions and not big words. All your claims will be useless and laughed at if your action is not up to the standard.

It’s wise to never speak more than that you can actually perform. Words should get the stamp of recommendation only with your right actions. Empty words will bring you neglect and disrespect from others so never use them if you are not sure that you can actually perform them.

A strong personality makes your life smooth and better livable and for that act smartly and speak less. This is true for every phase of your life. A successful team leader, a successful professional, a successful parent or even a student needs the right actions and efforts, not big talks.


FAQs on Action Speaks Louder than Words Essay

1. What does ‘action speaks louder than words’ mean?

This proverb has a very important inner meaning. It brings a good message for those who usually speak before thinking. They should understand that a person is judged by his actions, not words. To build a proper image your words will be less than your actions since at the end your actions will actually speak the words for themselves.  Maybe your actions always do not bring good results but still, then your actions will prove your capability. This serves as the reflection of one’s actual personality and character. Many times you may not be sure about the result of your actions so leave it to your labour and skills but don't claim a result before you perform it. You will be misunderstood if you cannot work up to the level of your claims. So it is always wise to follow the proverb in your practical life. Students who want to learn this for future prospects can download the PDF format in Vedantu website.

2. What changes can we make to follow this proverb?

The first thing is to judge your skills before claiming anything big. Always chalk out your plan according to your capabilities before claiming anything. If you are sure about your plan try to act on it so that you can follow and fulfil every bit of the plan. Never be lazy and waste time instead utilize every second to do the action better than the one you actually claimed. These changes are necessary for others to follow you and be their example and goal. Be active and make your target higher than you claimed so that maximum you may end up to the level you claimed.

3.  Where can we find real-life examples?

If we search the pages of history, we will find thousands of examples to follow. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose made history by creating his own army when no big leader of India’s independence movement was beside him. Madam Curie became a Nobel laureate twice when there was no one to believe in her work. We see soldiers guarding our borders so that we can sleep whereas we speak big words regarding patriotism. These are the real-life examples we need to follow.

4.  What are the real-Life examples related to this proverb?

There are thousands of real-life examples pertaining to this proverb. Often it has been seen that a student claims big about his marks but cannot put effort to bring good marks and end up getting fewer marks and ends up making a mockery of themselves. Sometimes we claim high and boast of our patriotism but do nothing for the country whereas the soldiers stay awake day and night to protect us in unfavourable weather but they never speak and boast about their work. None of the great scientists ever spoke big words about their work but we understood their work gradually and understood the real meaning of this proverb. Often a professional in a team speak big words and makes claims but cannot act accordingly and ends up getting disrespect from others and remains unsuccessful in his work.

5. What is the role of using proverbs in our daily life?

Proverbs are framed on the basis of events and actions of our day-to-day lives. It connects to truths that one person cannot understand at a particular moment. They have been created traditionally with the experience of wise men. It can give knowledge to people about certain things which are going to happen in the near future. Proverbs are actually attractive words to give you knowledge gathered from wise men’s experiences. They are based on authentic and practical outcomes of incidents in daily lives. It itself comprises ancient wise men’s wisdom and common sense applied to the real world. These are words that can often explain a situation that you are not able to express in your words.

6. How to use proverbs in your composition to make it more attractive?

Proverbs are often ornaments to decorate and make your composition more attractive. However, you have to be extra careful to use the right proverb in the right place or otherwise the whole message will be wrong. Some useful tips to use them to make a piece attractive are as follows:

Try to use them in the introduction and conclusion part mainly.

Make your dialogues attractive by the use of proverbs.

Try to express your hidden emotional attitudes to someone with proverbs so that they can understand your feelings without expressing them in clear words.


Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Act More, Talk Less

By: Author ESLBUZZ

Posted on Last updated: September 5, 2023

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Actions speak louder than words is a phrase that has been used for centuries to convey the idea that one’s actions carry more weight than their words. It is a powerful message about the importance of living out your beliefs and taking action rather than simply talking about them. This phrase is often used to encourage people to be more proactive in their lives and to take responsibility for their actions.

This article will explore the meaning of actions speak louder than words and provide examples of how it can be used in different contexts. We will also look at related vocabulary and phrases that can be used to enhance our understanding of this important concept.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Act More, Talk Less

Understanding the Phrase Actions Speak Louder than Words

The phrase “actions speak louder than words” is a well-known English proverb that means that what people do carries more weight than what they say. The phrase has been used for centuries and has its roots in ancient Greek philosophy. In this section, we will explore the origin of the phrase and its evolution over time.

Ancient Greek

The idea that actions speak louder than words can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophy. The philosopher Plato, for example, believed that “words are the shadow of deeds.” This means that what people say is not as important as what they actually do. Aristotle also believed that actions are more important than words, stating that “the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”

John Pym and the English Civil War

The phrase “actions speak louder than words” was first recorded in 1628 in Hansard, the record of the proceedings of the UK parliament. John Pym, a Member of Parliament for Tavistock, Devon, used a version of the proverb in a speech he gave during the English Civil War. He said, “A word spoken in season is like an Apple of Gold set in Pictures of Silver, and actions are more precious than words.” This version of the phrase emphasizes the importance of timing and the value of actions over words.

Thomas Manton’s Book of Sermons

Another early reference to the phrase can be found in Thomas Manton’s Book of Sermons, which was published in 1670. Manton, a Puritan clergyman, used the phrase “actions speak louder than words” in one of his sermons. He said, “The tongue is but a windy instrument of no power, unless it be seconded with actions.” This version of the phrase highlights the idea that words alone are not enough and that actions are needed to back them up.

Understanding the Proverb

Symbolically, actions speak louder than words means that your behavior speaks more about your character than your words. It suggests that people are judged by their actions rather than their words. For example, if you say you care about the environment but litter on the streets, your actions contradict your words, and people will judge you based on your behavior.

How to Use the Phrase in Conversations and Writings

In everyday conversation.

In everyday conversation, the phrase “actions speak louder than words” is often used to emphasize the importance of actions. It is a reminder that what we do is more important than what we say. Here are some examples of how the phrase can be used in everyday conversation:

  • “Don’t just tell me you’ll help me move, show up on moving day. Actions speak louder than words.”
  • “I know you said you’re sorry, but your actions don’t show it. Actions speak louder than words.”
  • “I don’t want to hear your promises, I want to see results. Actions speak louder than words.”

In Formal Contexts

In formal contexts, the phrase “actions speak louder than words” can be used to make a point or to emphasize the importance of action. Here are some examples of how the phrase can be used in formal writing:

  • “The company’s commitment to sustainability is not just talk. Their actions speak louder than words.”
  • “Politicians often make promises they can’t keep. It’s time for them to show us that actions speak louder than words.”
  • “In order to create a culture of inclusivity, it’s not enough to just say the right things. Actions speak louder than words.”

Verbs to Use with “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”

When discussing the phrase “actions speak louder than words,” it’s helpful to have a list of verbs that can be used to describe actions. Here are some examples:

Verbs Meanings
Accomplish To successfully complete a task or goal
Demonstrate To show or prove something
Implement To put a plan into action
Practice To regularly do something in order to improve
Prioritize To give something more importance than other things
Support To help or assist someone or something
Uphold To maintain or defend something

Using these verbs can help to make writing more specific and impactful.

Words Related to “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”

Here are some words related to the phrase “actions speak louder than words” that can be used to add more depth to writing:

Words Meanings
Commitment The act of dedicating oneself to a task or goal
Integrity The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
Authenticity The quality of being genuine or real
Accountability The act of taking responsibility for one’s actions
Consistency The quality of being reliable and unchanging
Trustworthiness The quality of being worthy of trust
Reliability The quality of being dependable

Impact on Character Evaluation

Personal relationships.

In personal relationships, a person’s actions can have a significant impact on how they are perceived by others. For example, if someone claims to love their partner but consistently fails to show them affection or support, their partner may begin to question the sincerity of their feelings. On the other hand, if someone consistently goes out of their way to help their loved ones and prioritize their needs, they will likely be viewed as a caring and trustworthy individual.

Here are some words and phrases that can be used to describe someone’s actions in personal relationships:

Word/Phrase Meaning
Affectionate Showing love or fondness
Supportive Providing assistance or encouragement
Reliable Consistently trustworthy
Selfless Putting others’ needs before one’s own
Considerate Thoughtful and caring

Example sentence: “Samantha’s selfless actions in always putting her family’s needs before her own show that she truly cares about them.”

Professional Scenarios

In professional scenarios, a person’s actions can also impact their character evaluation. For example, if someone claims to value teamwork but consistently takes credit for their colleagues’ work, they will be viewed as dishonest and untrustworthy. On the other hand, if someone consistently works hard and goes above and beyond their job requirements, they will be viewed as a dedicated and reliable employee.

Here are some words and phrases that can be used to describe someone’s actions in professional scenarios:

Word/Phrase Meaning
Diligent Hardworking and thorough
Honest Truthful and transparent
Dependable Reliable and trustworthy
Respectful Treating others with consideration and professionalism
Collaborative Working well with others

Example sentence: “John’s diligent work ethic and collaborative attitude make him a valuable asset to the team.”

In conclusion, the idiom “actions speak louder than words” emphasizes the importance of taking action rather than just talking about it. It is a reminder that progress is made through concrete steps, not just empty promises. By taking action, we can demonstrate our commitment to a project or goal and show others that we are serious about achieving it.

Throughout this article, we have explored the meaning of the idiom “actions speak louder than words” and provided several real-life examples of its usage. We have also discussed the importance of taking action and how it can lead to progress and success.

To summarize, here are some key takeaways from this article:

  • “Actions speak louder than words” means that what we do is more important than what we say.
  • Taking action is crucial for making progress and achieving our goals.
  • We should strive to be people of action, not just talk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you provide examples of ‘actions speak louder than words’ in sports?

There are many examples of ‘actions speak louder than words’ in sports. For example, a team that talks a lot about how good they are but consistently loses games is not as impressive as a team that quietly goes about their business and consistently wins. Similarly, an athlete who talks a big game but doesn’t put in the work to improve their skills is not as impressive as an athlete who works hard and consistently performs at a high level.

How can I make my actions speak louder than words?

To make your actions speak louder than your words, you need to focus on following through on your commitments and promises. This means setting realistic goals for yourself, making a plan to achieve those goals, and then putting in the work to make it happen. It also means being consistent in your actions and behaviors, and being willing to take responsibility for your mistakes and shortcomings.

What are some good examples of actions speaking louder than words?

There are many good examples of actions speaking louder than words. For example, a person who consistently volunteers their time and resources to help others is demonstrating their commitment to making a positive difference in the world. Similarly, a company that invests in sustainable practices and ethical business practices is demonstrating their commitment to making a positive impact on the environment and society.

What is the origin of the phrase ‘actions speak louder than words’?

The phrase ‘actions speak louder than words’ is an old proverb that has been used in various forms for centuries. The exact origin of the phrase is unclear, but it has been used in literature and other forms of communication throughout history.

What is the literary device used in the phrase ‘actions speak louder than words’?

The literary device used in the phrase ‘actions speak louder than words’ is a metaphor. The phrase compares the impact of actions to the impact of words, suggesting that actions are more powerful and meaningful than words.

The idiom 'actions speak louder than words' means that people's actions carry more weight than their words. It suggests that what people do is more important than what they say, and that actions are a more accurate reflection of a person's true intentions and character.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can you provide examples of 'actions speak louder than words' in sports?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

There are many examples of 'actions speak louder than words' in sports. For example, a team that talks a lot about how good they are but consistently loses games is not as impressive as a team that quietly goes about their business and consistently wins. Similarly, an athlete who talks a big game but doesn't put in the work to improve their skills is not as impressive as an athlete who works hard and consistently performs at a high level.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I make my actions speak louder than words?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some good examples of actions speaking louder than words?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the origin of the phrase 'actions speak louder than words'?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The phrase 'actions speak louder than words' is an old proverb that has been used in various forms for centuries. The exact origin of the phrase is unclear, but it has been used in literature and other forms of communication throughout history.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the literary device used in the phrase 'actions speak louder than words'?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The literary device used in the phrase 'actions speak louder than words' is a metaphor. The phrase compares the impact of actions to the impact of words, suggesting that actions are more powerful and meaningful than words.

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Essay on Action Speaks Louder Than Words

Students are often asked to write an essay on Action Speaks Louder Than Words in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Action Speaks Louder Than Words


“Action speaks louder than words” is a popular saying that emphasizes the importance of doing rather than just talking. It means that what we do has more significance than what we say.

Understanding the Phrase

This phrase implies that actions are more revealing of one’s true character since it’s easy to say things, but difficult to act upon them.

Real-life Examples

For instance, a friend who helps you when you’re in trouble is more valuable than a friend who just says comforting words. Similarly, a leader who works for the welfare of his people is more respected than one who only makes promises.

In conclusion, actions are more powerful than words. They are a true reflection of one’s intentions and character.

250 Words Essay on Action Speaks Louder Than Words

The power of action, actions as a reflection of character.

Our actions reflect our character and values more accurately than words. Words can be deceptive and used to manipulate others. However, actions are difficult to fake and often reveal the true nature of a person. A person’s actions, therefore, serve as a reliable testament to their character.

The Impact of Actions

Actions have the power to influence and create change. While words can inspire, it is action that brings ideas to life. For instance, leaders are revered not for their words, but for their actions that bring about tangible results. Words can initiate change, but it is the action that ultimately drives it.

Actions Over Words in Relationships

In relationships, actions are more powerful than words. Saying “I love you” is much less significant than showing love through actions. Similarly, promising to change is less impactful than demonstrating change through consistent actions.

In conclusion, while words have their place, actions carry more weight. They are a more reliable reflection of one’s character, have a greater impact, and are more meaningful in relationships. As the saying goes, “Action speaks louder than words”, it is imperative to remember that what we do matters more than what we say.

500 Words Essay on Action Speaks Louder Than Words

“Action Speaks Louder Than Words” is a well-known proverb that signifies the importance of actions over mere words. This phrase holds a profound truth that has stood the test of time, and it is especially relevant in today’s fast-paced, action-oriented world.

The Essence of the Phrase

Actions as a measure of character.

Actions are the most accurate measure of a person’s character. They reflect our innermost beliefs and values. While words can be deceptive, actions rarely lie. A person can promise to help others, but it is the act of helping that truly defines their character. Similarly, leaders can make grand promises, but it is their actions that determine their effectiveness and credibility.

Actions in the Professional World

In the professional world, actions hold paramount importance. Employers value employees who demonstrate initiative, responsibility, and commitment through their actions. For instance, an employee who consistently meets deadlines, takes on additional responsibilities, and contributes positively to the team is more likely to be rewarded than an employee who merely talks about their abilities and intentions.

The Power of Actions in Relationships

In conclusion, “Action Speaks Louder Than Words” is a powerful statement that underscores the importance of actions over words. It encourages us to move beyond mere rhetoric and translate our words into meaningful actions. It reminds us that our actions are the true reflection of our character, values, and intentions. As we navigate through life, it is essential to remember that it is not what we say, but what we do that truly defines us.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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actions speak louder than words speech for 2 minutes

‘Actions Speak Louder Than Words’: Definition, Meaning and Examples

actions speak louder than words speech for 2 minutes

Did someone say to you, 'actions speak louder than words', and you’re wondering what it means? In this article, we’ll take a look at the meaning, origin, examples, and more.

  • 'Actions speak louder than words' means that who a person says they are or what they say they will do isn't nearly as important as what they actually do.

What Does 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words' Mean?

'Actions speak louder than words' means that what a person does is more important than what they say.

There are two ways you can interpret this idiom:

  • Acting directly is more effective than speaking about what you plan to do
  • The true sentiments of a person are more reliably understood by their actions rather than their words

To better understand these two related meanings, let's look at a couple of examples.

For the first example:

  • Let's say that you have a friend that is constantly saying that they are going to quit their job and start their own business. After hearing this hundreds of times, you might wonder whether your friend is ever going to pull the trigger and do what he says or if it's all talk. You might even say to him that 'actions speak louder than words' if you grow particularly frustrated with him making this claim without moving toward achieving his goal.

As a second example:

  • Let's say there is a person you work with that is always patting himself on the back for being compassionate. However, you've paid attention to him in his interactions with other people and noticed that he actually seems rude and condescending in conversation. The wisdom of the idiom 'actions speak louder than words' indicates that your co-worker can be better understood by the way that he actually treats people rather than the way that he describes himself with words.

Where Does 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words' Come From?

'Actions speak louder than words' is an idiom that has appeared in literature for many hundreds of years. An early variation of the phrase shows up in the 1628 record of the proceedings of the UK parliament known as the Hansard :

'A word spoken in season is like an Apple of Gold set in Pictures of Silver,' and actions are more precious than words .

A few decades later, we find an example of the 'speak louder' version of the phrase in Thomas Manton's Book of Sermons from 1693:

So they would give him Glory, praise him with their Lips, and honour him with their Lives. They would make that their Work and Scope, that this may be the real Language of their Hearts and Actions, which speak much louder than Words .

'Actions Speak Louder Than Words' in Publications Since the 1800s

Using the Google Books Ngram Viewer , we see that 'actions speak louder than words' has not waned in popularity in the last two hundred years. In fact, its usage has increased since 1800.

A publication from 1845 entitled Proverbs mentions this idiom, and explains that 'actions speak louder than words' is:

"...a very common observation, and by long and frequent usage has become an established maxim; and it has its significancy. In illustrating its meaning, it may be observed, that words are often deceptive, are hypocritical, false, flattering, and insincere, and therefore are not to be considered so decisive evidences of the truth and reality of things, as actions. Actions may be, and indeed sometimes are, deceptive in a measure, though not as much so as words; and, accordingly are received in general as more full and satisfactory proofs of the real disposition and character of persons than verbal expressions."

Here is an example of the phrase in use in 1830 in the Warder Cresson text Babylon the Great Is Falling:

"Well may even the heathen call thee and thy subjects infidels; for thou hast been a stumbling block to them, in professing one thing and acting directly contrary; thou hast been thy own judge and passed they own sentence; when thou has cried from thy pulpits and galleries that " Actions speak louder than Words ," they most assuredly do..."

Examples of 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words' In Sentences

How would 'actions speak louder than words' be used in a sentence?

Let’s take a look at some examples:

  • " He and I have always been close, but he's starting to get on my nerves. He always promises that he will do things and never follows through. I try to tell him that actions speak louder than words , but he never seems to listen."
  • "Sally is tired of wasting time talking about how we are going to grow the company. She says that ' actions speak louder than words ' and wants to start making some moves right away."
  • "I know that she is coming from a good place , but ultimately actions speak louder than words. "
  • "All you talk about is how you're going to turn your life around, but then you spend all of your free time lying in bed . Don't forget, actions speak louder than words !"

Other Ways to Say 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words'

What are some other words and phrases that have a similar meaning to 'actions speak louder than words'?

Here are some options for related idioms:

  • By their fruits, you will know them
  • Talk is cheap
  • Talk the talk
  • Walk the walk

Final Thoughts About 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words'

'Action speaks louder than words' is an idiom that means that what you do carries more weight than what you say. This implies that acting directly is more effective than talking about action, and the fact that the way a person acts can be a better way to understand who they really are than what they say.

Are you ready to learn more English phrases and expand your vocabulary? Be sure to check out our idioms blog for idioms, expressions, sayings, and more!

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Action Speak Louder Than Words – Meaning & Examples

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| Candace Osmond

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

We’ve all heard the idiom “action speaks louder than words.” It’s repeated throughout the years in different cultures, implying that people value deeds over mere talk. But what exactly does this phrase mean? Stay tuned as I explore an age-old saying with which you can impress your friends next time you discuss fascinating English idioms!

Action Speaks Louder Than Words

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The phrase actions speak louder than words carries a powerful message about the importance of living out your beliefs and taking action rather than simply talking about them. Actions are what truly demonstrate commitment, courage, and progress. By taking action, you can show people that there’s more to life than mere words and that your beliefs have substance.

What Is Meant by “Action Speaks Louder Than Words”?

The phrase “action speaks louder than words” often emphasizes that actions are more important and influential than words.

This phrase highlights the importance of living out your beliefs rather than just talking about them. It also encourages people to take action, as it’s one of the most effective ways to get results.

By being a person of action, you can show others and yourself what kind of person you truly are, and it will help you develop meaningful relationships with other people based on trust and respect.

Taking the initiative to take action instead of just talking about it shows commitment, courage, and a sense of purpose in life that extends beyond just words.

Why Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words?

Actions speak louder than words because they demonstrate rather than simply tell.

When someone is taking action, it shows that they are invested in the outcome and believe in what they are doing.

Actions demonstrate commitment and dedication, while words can often be empty promises or claims with no real meaning. By taking action, you tangibly prove the truth of your words and intentions.

Who Said, “Action Speaks Louder Than Words”?

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Ngram

The common phrase “action speaks louder than words” is traced back to a sermon in 1200. It was first said by St. Anthony of Padua .

This insightful statement was later used with different phrasing by personalities such as Benjamin Franklin, Dale Carnegie, and Mark Twain.

“Action Speaks Louder Than Words” Example and Uses

The phrase “action speaks louder than words” can be used in various circumstances:

  • When people are more inclined to take action rather than just talk about it.
  • To point out the clear hypocrisy of someone who talks about doing something good or morally right but then doesn’t actually do it themselves.
  • To acknowledge someone that did a good deed without bragging about it.

“Action Speaks Louder Than Words” Shown in a Sentence

Here is how to use this popular idiom in a conversation:

  • You say you love animals, but I saw you kicking a cat the other day. Action speaks louder than words, you know.
  • He is an introvert but quite a philanthrope. He believes action speaks louder than words.
  • I’m a doer, not a talker. I think action speaks louder than words.

“Action Speaks Louder Than Words” Similar Idioms

Here are some other ways to say “action speaks louder than words”:

  • You are what you do.
  • Less talking, more doing.
  • Watch what they do more than what they say.

One More Thing

Taking action shows that you are invested in the outcome and willing to work towards a meaningful end goal. Ultimately, “action speaks louder than words” is an age-old maxim highlighting the practical value of doing rather than talking.

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What Does Actions Speak Louder than Words Mean?

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Actions Speak Louder than Words Meaning

Definition : What you do has a stronger impact on people than what you say.

Oftentimes, people will say one thing and do another; the phrase actions speak louder than words means that people are more likely to believe what you do rather than what you say, be there is a difference between the two.

It is much easier to lie with your words than with your actions because what you do more strongly correlates with what you want and what you believe. You can say anything without believing strongly in it.

It is an important axiom for parents, who must remember that they lead by example. Children are more prone to feel allowed to do what the parent does, even if the parent tells them not to do it.

Origin of Actions Speak Louder than Words

Meaning of actions speak better than words

My little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. -1 John 3:18

In the 1500s, the French writer Michel de Montaigne said,

Saying is one thing and doing is another.

And later, in 1628, the Englishman J. Pym made a speech where he reworded the phrase as

A word spoken in season is like an Apple of Gold set in Pictures of Silver, and actions are more precious than words.

Finally, in 1736, we see the current incarnation of the phrase in a letter titled “Melancholy State of Province” in Colonial Currency by A.M. Davis,

Actions speak louder than words, and are more to be regarded.

President Abraham Lincoln confirms the phrase is in the vernacular by 1856 writing,

“Actions speak louder than words” is the maxim; and, if true, the South now distinctly says to the North, “Give us the measures, and you take the men.”

Example of Actions Speak Louder than Words

Actions Speak Louder

For example, consider this dialogue between a father and his child,

Child: Dad, I promise I’ll be on time for dinner, and I’ll do my homework as soon as I get it.

Father: Well, that sounds great, but actions speak louder than words. I’ll believe it when I see it.

It is also a common piece of warning in modern relationships when someone’s partner consistently says that he loves her but doesn’t back it up with his actions. The recipient of these words is often warned to pay attention to the actions of his or her partner to find the truth of how he or she feel.

Consider the following dialogue,

Samantha: He tells me he loves me every day. But he didn’t do anything for my birthday, and he still doesn’t want to meet my parents.

Claire: Careful, actions speak louder than words.

More Examples

  • “Going into games it is about action rather than words,” he said. “When you speak you can sometimes say things that can add fuel to the fire or underestimate a game- we’re not going to underestimate it.” – London News Online
  • Hanabusa, who says she is probably the only member of Congress who has had a relative killed in the atomic bombing, believes an apology in words is not necessary between the United States and Japan since actions speak louder. – The Asahi Shimbun

The proverb actions speak louder than words reminds us that what we do has more significance than what we say.

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What Does “Actions Are Louder than Words” Mean?

Last Updated: May 4, 2024 Fact Checked

“Actions Are Louder than Words” Meaning

  • Famous Quotes

This article was co-authored by Ebony Eubanks, MSW, ACSW, CAMS-II and by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey . Ebony Eubanks is a Therapist, and Founder and CEO of Peaceful Living Counseling and Professional Services of Philadelphia, PA and in Hockessin, DE. With over a decade of experience providing counseling and coaching to individuals, couples, and groups, she specializes in depression, anxiety, couples work, life guidance coaching, and anger management. Ebony holds a Master’s in Social Work from Temple University and is a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers. She is a Certified Anger Management Specialist-II, Level II trained Gottman Couples Therapist. and Certified Gestalt Therapist. Ebony also holds additional certifications in Advanced Clinician Training. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 5,959 times.

The English language is full of idioms (sayings that have a figurative meaning), and “actions are louder than words” is one of the most common and recognizable. But what exactly does it mean, and where did it come from? In this article, we’ll review what people really mean when they say “actions are louder than words” and show you how to use it. Plus, we’ll dive into the history of the phrase and highlight some quotes from famous figures throughout history that believed actions truly speak louder than words.

Things You Should Know

  • “Actions are louder than words” means that what a person does is more important and meaningful than what they say.
  • Say “actions are louder than words” to encourage someone to keep their promises or to show you’re skeptical of the intentions behind someone’s words.
  • The earliest recorded phrase similar to “actions are louder than words” in English comes from UK Parliamentary records from 1628.

This saying means what a person does is more important than what they say.

  • On the flip side, if the spouse offers to clean the house, does favors for their partner, and shows other signs of appreciation, then they’re demonstrating that they meant it when they said “I love you.”
  • “Actions speak louder than words” is another common way to express this idiom.

How to Use “Actions Are Louder than Words”

Step 1 Say “actions are louder than words” to encourage positive behavior.

  • “You promised you’d have that report turned in by Tuesday morning, but now it’s Friday and it’s still not here. Actions are louder than words, and I hope you still plan to get it done soon.”
  • Son: “I promise I’ll clean my room today.” Father: “I hope you do! Remember, actions are louder than words.”

Step 2 Use “actions are...

  • Girlfriend: “I said I love you! Don’t you believe me?” Boyfriend: “You’re never on time for our dates and I’ve seen you flirting with other guys. Actions speak louder than words, you know!”
  • Student: “I promise I’ll turn in my midterm paper on time, this class is really important to me.” Professor: “Well, most of your other assignments have been late and you were on your phone during the entire lecture today. Actions speak louder than words, remember that.”

Origins of “Actions Are Louder than Words”

Step 1 Similar phrases to “actions are louder than words” appeared in the 1600s.

  • The “louder” part of the phrase seems to come from English clergyman Thomas Manton’s Book of Sermons , published in 1693: “So they would give him Glory, praise him with their Lips, and honour him with their Lives. They would make that their Work and Scope, that this may be the real Language of their Hearts and Actions, which speak much louder than Words.”

Step 2 The earliest version of the phrase as it’s known today comes from 1736.

Famous “Actions Are Louder than Words” Quotes

Philosophers and politicians have used similar phrases for centuries.

  • —Joe Biden (b. 1942), 46th President of the United States [5] X Research source
  • —Mark Twain (1835–1910), American writer and entrepreneur
  • — Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790), American scientist and politician [6] X Research source
  • —Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592), French philosopher [7] X Research source
  • —Rashida Costa, Jamaican-American author and actress
  • — Confucius (551–479 BCE), Chinese philosopher
  • —Arabian proverb [8] X Research source
  • —Jewish proverb

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Ebony Eubanks, MSW, ACSW, CAMS-II

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Actions Speak Louder Than Words Meaning, Usage With Example

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Actions speak louder than words

The idiom ‘Actions speak louder than words’ means that one’s actions have a more significant impact than mere words. It implies that what someone does has more meaning and truthfulness than what they say.

In different conditions, it is believed that someone’s actions can provide a more accurate reflection of their character, values, and true intentions.

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Usage With Examples

Consider this example, ‘If someone consistently claims to care about nature and fails to take any initiative to reduce their own carbon footprint or engage in eco-friendly activities, they are just big talk. But on the other hand, if someone who is actively participating in environmental activities or initiatives and lives a sustainable lifestyle highlights the fact that they genuinely care about the environment, instead of making big promises.’

Here are some more examples of the idiom ‘actions speak louder than words’ which you can use in different contexts and situations.

  • ‘To maintain strong relationships and last forever, your actions should speak louder than words.’
  • ‘Maya focused on her studies instead of making big promises, resulting in scoring the highest marks in the class. Her actions spoke louder than words.’
  • ‘In the last 5 overs of the cricket match, Shreyas scored 30 runs. His actions were louder than words.’

The phrase ‘actions speak louder than words’ reminds us that people’s true intentions and character can be better understood through observing their behaviours and actions rather than solely relying on their verbal expressions.

Also read – Penny Wise and Pound Foolish Meaning

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Synonyms and Similar Words

There are many similar words and phrases to the term actions speak louder than words. Here are some of the popular synonyms for this idiom which can be used in different contexts.

  • You are what you do
  • Less talking, more doing
  • Watch what they do more than what they say

Also read – To Feel Under the Weather Meaning

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quiz

She keeps saying she loves him, but actions speak louder than words because

  • She barely talks to him
  • They are getting married
  • They are childhood friends

Ans. She barely talks to him

This was all about the idiom actions speak louder than words with its example and synonyms. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu .

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Shiva Tyagi

Shiva is a professional content writer with an experience of 2 years. Most of his content is focused on helping students with their education and future plans. In his spare time, Shiva enjoys reading biographies and real-life stories.

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Actions: Do They Really Speak Louder Than Words?

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My early memories are dominated by being both in awe of – and intimidated by – my older brother Mike. He knew exactly how to appear smart, useful, funny, and cool. He was usually a good brother but, when the mood struck him, he was quick to remind me just how far I fell short of these qualities.

As I got to know Mike's friends, I saw him react to one in exactly the same manner. Mike glowed under Dick Barnhorst's approval , but quaked in his boots when that approval seemed in question.

In my early school days, Mike had to look after me once school had finished. It was on one of these days that I accompanied him to Dick's house. Sure enough, Dick had an older brother, Don – an athletic genius with a booming voice, a driver's license, and a gorgeous girlfriend. As you can imagine, it was Dick's turn to be struck with both awe and terror. For me, however, the social hierarchy that I saw in front of me felt like it was reaching insurmountable heights.

The Barnhorsts moved away before I reached my teens. But as fate would have it, I met Don again. I was a college freshman. A friend of mine had cancelled an event because he had to stay home for dinner. His brother-in-law, Don Barnhorst, was returning home from his army service in Korea, and the family were getting together to welcome him back.

When I was re-introduced to older brother Don, I saw the intelligence and insightfulness that I remembered. No longer subject to my childish dread, I could also see that he was just a normal human being (albeit with some temperamental shortcomings). We soon became friends – I helped out with his football coaching and he mentored me through my college years. But once again we each moved far away from each other.

Until, a couple of years later, we met again, t his time while working at the same company. I was a bright, young star rapidly ascending the corporate ladder. I thought that all I had to do was adopt certain actions or behaviors (ones that I admittedly didn't like but that I felt would accelerate my rise to the top). I assumed that, once there, others would get to know "the real me" and I could simply return to my true self.

But Don, or, as he had now become, Don "Mahatma Gandhi" Mahoney (his new  nom de plume ), warned me of what he called the "Ordinal Fallacy."

"Be careful! Don’t think you can do something 'just for a little while' and then, after you achieve your goal, go back to being 'the real you.' You will become what you do," he said. In case you are wondering, the actions I planned to mimic were not blatantly unethical . They just weren't exactly the actions of the person that I've always wanted to be.

If the Ordinal Fallacy applies to less-than-desirable actions, then the flip side might be called a valuable "Cardinal Truth." Tony Robbins, for example, encourages us to embrace many new behaviors , knowing it could positively impact our character when he says , "You become what you do most of the time ."  T he same sentiments are echoed by Sean Covey in his book  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens ,  in which he writes, "We become what we repeatedly do."

These expressions bring to mind other idiomatic expressions: "Actions speak louder than words" and "Talk is cheap." Words flow quickly and, usually, without consequence. But changing our behavior requires time, energy and effort. We live with the after-effects of what we do , not what we say we are going to do, after all.

The 20 th century's most popular motivational speaker, Zig Zieglar, understood that – unlike words – behavior has a transformational effect. While he urges his listeners to work hard, he also warns that, "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."    

Don's caution had an enduring effect on me. I learned that action and behavior are self-reinforcing. The emotional commitment that goes into acting or behaving in a certain manner has a way of bending one's beliefs into submission.

When it came to goal setting , my focus had always been two-fold: Did I have the ability to achieve my goals and what would I obtain by achieving them? I never gave much thought to how the mere pursuit of these goals might have an enduring effect on my values , my character , and my self-esteem .

We've heard my old friend Don Mahoney's position on the subject, but what about Mahatma Gandhi himself? He chimes in with, "Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it …,"  and I will close by adding, "... and not just say it."

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Actions speak louder than words

The words we choose are important. The way we say those words matters too. Our words can absolutely influence other people.

But our actions always speak louder.

We can tell people what a good leader, manager, father, mother, or friend, or colleague should be, or we could show people through our behaviours.

We can wax lyrical about what a good artist should be, or we can show the world our art.

We can argue about which direction is right, or how a process should work, or what a good business should look like, or we could simply do the work and work it out – then show people. And adapt from there. There really is such a thing as too much planning.

We could tell people what behaviours we’d like for our company culture, or we could role model them and show people.

Our actions (behaviours) always speak louder than our words. When we say one thing but do something else, we send a clear message – and not a good one.

When we ask people to behave in a positive way and we do the opposite, we send a message. And trust me, people resent hypocrisy.

And of course, we shouldn’t hold people to a higher standard than we hold ourselves. We shouldn’t expect people to behave in ways we’re not prepared too as well.

The best way to lead is to set an example through your behaviours. The best way to become an artist is to create art. To be a musician we must make music. To build a business we must build it – not talk about how amazing it will be and what it will look like – we must do the work through our actions.

What you say is less important that what you do. Actions speak louder than words.

Behaviours, actions, results – they count way more than grand theories, ideas, arguments and self-promotion.

t’s why I’ve focussed my career on building two strong elements to my management and leadership service and style. The first is a relentless focus on communication behaviours – so that the words (and non-verbal) I choose have the right effect, and are congruent with my actions.

The second is a deep focus on behaviours, both mine and the people I work with. Behaviours matter. They help to make a business better, or move people into action, or set a bar to aim towards, or get things done, or create a caring environment. Behaviours, when added together across the sum of everyone in your company, is your company culture.

Behaviours are also your individual character.

John Wooden (the legendary basketball coach who I often refer to) said that we cannot do anything about our reputation, but we can control our character. What he’s referring to is that we can control our own behaviours and who we are, and then let the world come up with their own perception of us (reputation).

When we focus on our behaviours we build a solid core and we show people who we are. People will follow us (the definition of a leader) and they will trust us (because we show up consistently for them) and we will build a strong character.

Of course, we all slip from time to time. We all need help. We often have bad days. But it’s our job to develop the behaviours that serve us (and others) and build our character. And if we can support that with congruent communication skills – then all the better. You really, at this point, have an uber super power in the world of work – congruence between actions and words.

5 areas to direct energy and attention on

10 behaviours of effective employees.

Laura Deutsch

When Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Movements, facial expressions, and past actions can convey more than words..

Posted December 31, 2019

cherylholt / pixabay

I was reluctant to see the film The Artist for months after it was released, because there was virtually no dialogue, nary a clever word. It looked corny in the coming attractions. But my mother, who had excellent taste when it came to books, movies and theatre (i.e., I usually agreed with her) insisted “it should not be missed.”

When I finally saw it, I was struck how instructive a film without words could be. Settings, facial expressions and physical movement tell us what’s important. Granted, in this paean to silent films, actors sometimes mugged or exaggerated with a toothy grin or downcast eyes to get their points across. The ingénue was happy; her ivories glinted into the camera. The leading man, washed up when talkies took over, set his reels of silent films on fire. Even his dog communicated through behavior, signaling a policeman to come to his owner’s rescue by rolling over and playing dead. When the leading man discovered the ingénue had secretly bought all his possessions at auction, we saw the shame in his eyes, felt it from the circumstance of his discovering a room in her home where his personal effects were shrouded in white sheets.

A pulling motion can say “come;” a push can say “go.” Characters can pantomime their meanings, just as I do in foreign countries. To indicate cold, I might shiver; for hunger, I might pretend to spoon food into my mouth.

With “show, don’t tell” as our mantra, in workshops I let people choose from a list of adjectives—say, nervous, depressed , and pompous—and ask them to write a few sentences describing a character who is experiencing one of the named emotions. While you can do this as a freewrite, this exercise calls for a bit of thinking. What mannerisms would convey the feeling?

For nervous, I might write: She lined up her bread crumbs on the kitchen table with her knife and crossed her legs, left heel tapping the floor at 60 beats a minute, right leg swinging as if she were doing the Charleston .

After each person reads their description aloud, we guess which emotion they chose. We seldom get it wrong. While the writing may include the character’s inner thoughts, usually it’s the body language , gestures, and actions that express the state of being.

In his book, The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch describes the scene where he learns he has terminal pancreatic cancer. The doctor enters the room and knows that Randy and his wife have seen the CT scans of the tumors. A part of Randy, the scientist, collects facts and quizzes the doctor. Another part stands back, impressed by how well rehearsed the doctor is for this difficult conversation, appearing both heartfelt and spontaneous. Dr. Wolff rocks back in his chair, closing his eyes before answering questions. He leans in to Randy’s wife, his hand on her knee. But Randy notes that the doctor doesn’t put his arm around his wife, which might be presumptuous. We are in the scene. The doctor’s body language expresses concern without overstepping the line.

Facial expressions, too, convey a character’s feelings, often “the very soul of what one says,” according to Helen Keller. Instead of saying someone is angry, tell us her mouth was a tight horizontal. Instead of saying someone is uncertain, tell us how they have teeth marks in their lower lip from gnawing as they contemplated their next move.

I don't want to get political, but "No quid pro quo" when past actions belied it. What are we to make of that?

Writing exercise

Choose one of the following adjectives. Write for five minutes describing a character who embodies the quality without naming it: shy , exuberant, or critical.

Copyright © 2019 by Luara Deutsch

Laura Deutsch

Laura Deutsch is a San Francisco-based writer. Her work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times , San Francisco Chronicle , and More magazine, among others.

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41 Powerful Quotes To Remind You That Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Abraham Lincoln knew a thing or two about human nature and how we can often deceive ourselves and others with hypocrisy and broken promises.

When he used the popular idiom, “ Actions speak louder than words ” in the form we use today, he reminds us that it’s not what we say but what we do that reveals our character.

Words are cheap and have become a dime a dozen in recent years.

You don’t know whose words to believe or even what they mean sometimes.

It’s only when someone follows up their words with matching actions that we can trust them. 

Our collection of actions over words quotes would make even old Abe Lincoln smile, knowing his wisdom has lasted through many decades.

What Does ‘Actions Speak Louder Than Words' Mean?

  • 37 Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

The phrase ‘Actions Speak Louder Than Words' emphasizes that what we do carries more significance than what we say. It points out the inherent importance of showing, not telling.

  • Our actions reflect our true intentions, showcasing sincerity and commitment that words may fail to convey.
  • Demonstrating values through behavior can build trust and credibility, outweighing verbal assurances.
  • Actions often carry an emotional impact that words cannot match, offering deeper, more visceral understanding.
  • Behavior patterns over time reveal consistency, which can validate or contradict verbal expressions, offering an authentic perspective.

41 Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

If you or someone you know needs the courage or fortitude to follow through and take action, these “action, not words” quotes can give you the push you need. 

Read through the sayings and allow them to inspire you to prove that you are as good as your word. Others will notice – and you’ll feel good about yourself.

1. “If we don't fight for what we stand for with our passionate words and honest actions, do we really stand for anything?” ― Tiffany Madison.

2. “If your actions don't live up to your words, you have nothing to say.” ― DaShanne Stokes

3. “So who's more adult – somebody who works like mad to avoid a problem or somebody who works like mad to solve it?” ― Janet Kagan

4. “In the end, people should be judged by their actions, since in the end, it was actions that defined everyone.” – Nicholas Sparks

actions speak louder than words speech for 2 minutes

6. “Thoughts do more. Words do much. Actions do much more.” – Israelmore Ayivor

7. “Love is one of those topics that plenty of people try to write about but not enough try to do.” ― Criss Jami

8. “I think ‘actions speak louder than words' is one thing, I think, I always took from my mom. And to this day, I think about that in everything I do.” – Ginni Rometty

9. “Now the thing is not to get into unnecessary quarrels by talking too much and not to indicate any weakness by talking too much; let our actions speak for themselves.” – Henry L. Stimson

10. “You are not just for the right or left, but for what is right over the wrong.” ― Suzy Kassem

11. “I can influence others, but I'm not responsible for others.” ― Brittany Burgunder

12. “People can play dumb all they want, but they always give themselves away in actions. In the small moments, like that.” ― Stephanie Perkins

13. “In the dating game, the world is difficult because people don't communicate, or they communicate, but then their actions speak louder than words.” – Hayley Kiyoko

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

15. “Words will hold some water, but actions carry buckets full” ― Christine Szymanski

16. “Positive self-talk isn't enough… if you want to overcome more put in the work.” ― Wesam Fawzi

17. “The superior man acts before he speaks, and afterward speaks according to his actions.” —- Confucius

actions speak louder than words quotes

19. “A woman of mystery is one who also has a certain maturity and whose actions speak louder than words. Any woman can be one if she keeps those two points in mind.” — Alfred Hitchcock

20. “Everybody has a personal decision to make but hopefully my actions speak louder than words.” — Luke Zeller

21. “You need to know it’s your actions that will make you a good person, not desire.” — Matthew Quick

22. “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” — Robert Frost

23. “Words may show a man’s wit but actions his meaning.” — Benjamin Franklin

24. “Actions speak louder than words. All companies say they care, right? But few actually exercise that care.” — Simon Sinek

25. “If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.” — Anthony Robbins

26. “I am not imposed upon by fine words; I can see what actions mean.” — George Eliot

27. “When you are purposeful and take daily action, more opportunities come into your life. Believe and build more.” — Wesam Fawzi

28. “Rather than wait to be discovered, discover yourself. Whatever it is that you intend to do later, start doing it now, get good at it, and show people what you’ve done. Actions speak louder than words.” – Steve-O

29. “Talk is cheap. Actions speak.” – Robin S. Sharma

30. “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

31. “If your actions don’t live up to your words, you have nothing to say.” – DaShanne Stokes

32. “Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind.” – Theodore Roosevelt

33. “A tongue doesn’t get things done.” – Amit Kalantri

34. “Being all talk speaks volumes about you.” – Frank Sonnenberg

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

36. “Your actions will always speak volumes louder than your words ever will!” – G Swiss

37. “No plan and no action will lead to no results.” – Germany Kent

38. “Action is the real measure of intelligence.” – Napoleon Hill

39. “”What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

40. “Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.” – Alfred Adler

41. “I never listen to what a person says. I look at what a person does because what they do tells me who they really are.” – Patty Houser

If you’ve read all of the quotes about actions and words, then there are no words left to say except, “Take action!” There’s no better time than right now to do the thing you’ve promised or act in accordance with your word.


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  2. 2 Minute Speech on Action Speaks Louder Than Words In English

    When we talk about taking action, we always mean making sure that our attitudes, deeds, and conduct are such that we may appropriately refer to each action as a "Right Action.". The saying "Action speaks louder than words" is from ancient times. No matter how skillfully we may strive to always speak in a positive way, we shall fail to ...

  3. Actions Speak Louder Than Words Speech

    The phrase "actions speak louder than words" is often used to emphasise that it is more important to do something than to simply talk about it. In other words, people are more likely to believe what you do rather than what you say. This principle is true in many aspects of life, from personal relationships to business and politics.

  4. 3 Minute Speech On Actions Speak Louder Than Words In English

    Actions are more significant and tell more about a person's character and intentions than words, according to the adage "actions speak louder than words.". It implies that despite what they may say, people's genuine ideas, values, and intentions are revealed by their deeds rather than their words. In other words, it's not enough for ...

  5. Speech on Actions Are Louder Than Words in English for Students

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  6. A Speech on Action Speaks Louder Than Words!

    The phrase actions speak louder than words means actions are effective and more valuable than words. A person may say one thing and do another. You should not believe in what anyone says until they prove it through their actions. It is always easier for people to create sandcastles through their words. Words can be sugar-coated, but actions ...

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    The phrase "actions speak louder than words" was first recorded in 1628 in Hansard, the record of the proceedings of the UK parliament. John Pym, a Member of Parliament for Tavistock, Devon, used a version of the proverb in a speech he gave during the English Civil War. He said, "A word spoken in season is like an Apple of Gold set in ...

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    500 Words Essay On Actions Speak Louder Than Words. The proverb "action speaks louder than words" is a valuable life lesson. An action strongly correlates with what one wants and believes. Actions certainly speak the truth. It is much easier to lie with your words than with your actions. You can say anything without believing strongly in it.

  12. Essay on Action Speaks Louder Than Words

    The Power of Action. The phrase "Action speaks louder than words" is a universally accepted truth. It signifies the superiority of action over mere words, underscoring the idea that what we do holds more significance than what we say. Actions are a clear reflection of our thoughts and intentions, while words can sometimes be misleading.

  13. 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words': Definition, Meaning and Examples

    Final Thoughts About 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words'. 'Action speaks louder than words' is an idiom that means that what you do carries more weight than what you say. This implies that acting directly is more effective than talking about action, and the fact that the way a person acts can be a better way to understand who they really are than ...

  14. Essay on Actions Speak Louder Than Words for Students

    Q.2 How is the phrase "Actions speak more than words" applicable in a professional environment? A.2 In a professional environment, employers value those who believe in doing rather than just claiming. Employees who believe in completing their jobs on time have a greater chance of professional growth than employees who only talk about their ...

  15. Action Speak Louder Than Words

    The phrase "action speaks louder than words" often emphasizes that actions are more important and influential than words. This phrase highlights the importance of living out your beliefs rather than just talking about them. It also encourages people to take action, as it's one of the most effective ways to get results.

  16. What Does Actions Speak Louder than Words Mean?

    Actions Speak Louder than Words Meaning. Definition: What you do has a stronger impact on people than what you say. Oftentimes, people will say one thing and do another; the phrase actions speak louder than words means that people are more likely to believe what you do rather than what you say, be there is a difference between the two. It is ...

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    Quick answer: "Actions speak louder than words" means actions are more significant than verbal promises. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch's decision to defend Tom Robinson, despite societal ...

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    The meaning behind "actions are louder than words" predates the first written records of the phrase and can be found in quotes from many cultures and languages (not just English) throughout history. Some quotes from well-known historical figures include: "Don't tell me what you value, show me your budget.".

  19. Actions Speak Louder Than Words Meaning, Usage With Example

    3.1. ( 23) The idiom 'Actions speak louder than words' means that one's actions have a more significant impact than mere words. It implies that what someone does has more meaning and truthfulness than what they say. In different conditions, it is believed that someone's actions can provide a more accurate reflection of their character ...

  20. Actions: Do They Really Speak Louder Than Words?

    The same sentiments are echoed by Sean Covey in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, in which he writes, "We become what we repeatedly do." These expressions bring to mind other idiomatic expressions: "Actions speak louder than words" and "Talk is cheap." Words flow quickly and, usually, without consequence.

  21. Actions speak louder than words

    Actions speak louder than words

  22. When Actions Speak Louder Than Words

    Facial expressions, too, convey a character's feelings, often "the very soul of what one says," according to Helen Keller. Instead of saying someone is angry, tell us her mouth was a tight ...

  23. 41 Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes

    20. "Everybody has a personal decision to make but hopefully my actions speak louder than words.". — Luke Zeller. 21. "You need to know it's your actions that will make you a good person, not desire.". — Matthew Quick. 22. "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.". — Robert Frost.