May 12, 2024

A movie you recently watched

Talk about a movie you recently watched recently. You should say:

  • What was the movie?
  • When and where did you watch it?
  • Did you like it? Why?

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Sample Answer 1

Lately, I haven’t had much time to go out for a movie since I’ve been up to my eyeballs in reports and presentations. Hence, to relax and boost my mood, I rented some good old movies and made myself some healthy snacks for a late-night treat. “Silver Linings Playbook” is one of my all-time favorites and I’ve lost count how many times I replayed it.

The last time I watched it was a week ago on Saturday night. Oscar-nominated movies were usually not my taste due to their complexity and lack of entertainment but Silver Linings Playbook was an exception. I’ve always preferred something a little sentimental, light-hearted, yet meaningful and this movie had it all. Silver Linings Playbook was an adaptation from the novel written by Matthew Quick, starring two incredibly talented actors Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence.

This romantic comedy movie was about two wounded souls who once again found beauty in the most unexpected place. Pat (Bradley), a former teacher, was just released from a mental institution and trying to reconcile with his cheated wife despite his family’s protest. He met Tiffany (Jennifer), a woman with problems of her own, and things got complicated. Two people bearing hidden scars with no hope in the future finally had lights in their lives again.

The movie was not heavy at all but extremely entertaining with some laugh-out-loud moments. No matter how many times I’ve watched it, I still got emotional every time I replayed it. The underlying message was also a shout-out to anyone who believes they have hit rock bottom: “When one door closes, another door opens”. Therefore, keep moving forward and don’t lose hope. If anyone runs out of movies to watch, I highly recommend the “Silver Linings Playbook” as a change of appetite.

Sample Answer 2

Watching movies is one of my hobbies. To be more specific, I enjoy the animated movies more than any other types of movies. The stories and plots of such movies are great and enjoyable. Besides, I also enjoy the making of such movies – they require more focus and attention from the makers. I am happy to discuss the movie that I have recently watched.

The movie I watched was Kung Fu Panda 3. This is the latest instalment of the series and the two earlier series were heavily successful. This instalment has a different plot than the earlier parts. This movie shows that Po meets with his own people – the other Pandas at the Panda village. But he experiences another problem with this meeting and has to play the role of rescuer against the problem. Accordingly, he teaches and forms his own soldiers to fight against the evil and finally, wins the battle.

I watched the movie a couple of days ago. On that day, I did not attend my college for physical illness. As I had to stay at home, I decided to pass some quality moments. I sit to enjoy some television shows. While browsing on the television channels, I found that one of the movie-showing channels is telecasting the movie. I missed the initial part of this movie but later guessed the events. It was almost noon when the movie began and continued for over two hours. Actually, the movie run time is less than two hours I think and it is the advertisement which makes the movies longer than they actually are. So, it was a bit distressing for me to sit around the advertising hours during the movie time.

I love to watch movies with my friends. But this time, I was alone. Though one of my friends was supposed to come to meet me, he could not keep the promise for some other reasons. I asked my younger sibling to be with me during the movie time. But he also denied showing some excuses. As a result, I was all alone to enjoy the movie. In fact, I do not find it interesting to enjoy a movie alone. One should talk with the other viewers about different aspects of the movie, make comments on the movie-making process, share relevant information with each other and more. When all the things are done, the movie becomes more enjoying. And for that, you will need at least another viewer with you. But I could not manage so, and hence, I had to watch the movie alone. But I discussed several aspects with myself and compared the events together.  

I liked this animated movie for some particular motives. This appears as an educative movie to me. In fact, I have watched the earlier episodes of this series and got entertained. But this particular instalment was a bit different. The movie dealt with the issues like how Po trained up his own people and engaged them in fighting against Kai, another spirit warrior. He took lots of responsibilities and also the assistance of his martial art companions. Besides, the direction of the movie was wonderful. All the shots were perfect. I know that a good number of people had worked hard to make it a success and they are successful in every term of the movie. So it received positive criticisms all around.

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Describe A Movie You Recently Watched Speaking Cue Card Sample Answers

Courtney Miller

Updated On Nov 24, 2023

the last film that i saw essay

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Describe A Movie You Recently Watched Speaking Cue Card Sample Answers

Guide to Achieving Band 8+ on IELTS Speaking Cue Cards

This article contains the Describe A Movie You Recently Watched Cue Card Sample Answers.

During Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, you will have exactly one minute to prepare and speak on a specific topic. This is the IELTS cue card task. You can learn how to communicate clearly and successfully by reviewing sample answers.

This IELTS cue card gives you an opportunity to share one of your memories of a movie you recently watched.

Practise IELTS Speaking Part 2 by referencing the Cue Card Sample Answers below.

Learn some useful idioms for IELTS Speaking with the guide below!

Check out more Movie – Cue Cards .

For more Cue Cards, take a look at IELTS Speaking Part 2 | Topics, Questions and Samples Answers .

Talk about a movie or performance that you watched recently.

Please say :

  • What was it about?
  • When and where did you watch it?
  • Did you like it? Why?

Sample Answer 1

Well, to tell you the truth, I am not a movie buff. However, whenever stultified, I prefer watching something spellbinding, be it a movie or a web series. So, just last week, when I was finding it difficult to sleep at the night, I began navigating through the options available on Netflix. And then, I stumbled upon Kodachrome.

The movie was about Matt, a struggling executive. He found his world going upside down the moment his estranged father’s nurse showed up in his office unexpectedly. Matt’s father, who was a well-acclaimed journalist, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and his last wish was to go on a road trip with Matt – from New York to Kansas. He wanted to process his last Kodachrome film rolls before closing his lab forever.

One of the reasons why I liked this movie is because it is road-trip-oriented. The movie speaks largely about relishing the moments of life and never regretting anything. When it comes to movies based on a theme of a road trip, the journey is highlighted well than the destination. And that is exactly what this movie celebrates as well. Right from the presentation to the lessons, the movie is enthralling and hooking till the end.

Sample Answer 2

Lately, I haven’t had much time to go out for a movie since I’ve been up to my eyeballs in reports and presentations. Hence, to relax and boost me, I rented some good old movies and made myself some healthy snacks for a late-night treat. “Silver Linings Playbook” is one of my all-time favorites and I’ve lost count of how many times I watched it.

The last time I watched it, was a week ago on Saturday night. I don’t prefer Oscar-nominated movies due to their complexity and lack of entertainment but Silver Linings Playbook was an exception. I’ve always preferred something which was sentimental , light-hearted , yet meaningful and this movie had it all. Silver Linings Playbook was an adaptation of the novel written by Matthew Quick, starring two incredibly talented actors Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. This romantic comedy movie is about two wounded souls who found solace again. Pat (Bradley), a former teacher, was just released from a mental institution and was trying to reconcile with his betraying wife despite his family’s protest. He met Tiffany (Jennifer), a woman with problems of her own, and things got complicated. Two people bearing hidden scars with no hope in the future finally had lights in their lives again. The movie was not heavy at all but extremely entertaining with some laugh-out-loud moments. No matter how many times I watched it, I get emotional every time. The underlying message was also a shout-out to anyone who believed they had hit rock bottom : “When one door closes, another door opens”. Therefore, keep moving forward and don’t lose hope. If anyone runs out of movies to watch, I highly recommend the “Silver Linings Playbook” as a change of appetite.

  • Be up to one’s eyeballs (idiom): to be very busy with something. Eg: Since the elections are ahead, the party members are up to their eyeballs in preparing for it. 
  • Boost (v): to make something increase, or become better or more successful. Eg: The addition of electronic gadgets boosted his income from the store.
  • Lose count : forget how many of something there are, especially because the number is so high. Eg: There were so many bikes parked that I lost the count. 
  • Complexity (n): the state of being formed of many parts; the state of being difficult to understand. Eg: He understood the complexity of the problem. 
  • Sentimental (a): producing emotions such as pity, romantic love, or sadness, which may be too strong or not appropriate; feeling these emotions too much. Eg: The ring given by her grandmother has great sentimental value to her. 
  • Light-hearted (a): intended to be amusing or easily enjoyable rather than too serious. Eg: I prefer watching light-hearted movies rather than action movies. 
  • Adaptation (n): a film/movie, book, or play that is based on a particular piece of work but that has been changed for a new situation. Eg: The film is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. 
  • Wounded (a): feeling emotional pain because of something unpleasant that somebody has said or done. Eg: After being hit by a car, the puppy was badly wounded. 
  • The mental institution (n): a building where people with special needs are taken care of, for example, because they are old or mentally ill. Eg: Rose sent her grandmother to a mental institution. 
  • Reconcile (v): to make people become friends again after an argument or a disagreement. Eg: She reconciled with her at the party last night. 
  • Entertaining (a): interesting and amusing. Eg: Fast and Furious is an entertaining movie. 
  • Underlying (a): important in a situation but not always easily noticed or stated clearly. Eg: We were not sure about the underlying motives. 
  • Shout-out (n): a message of congratulation, support, or appreciation. Eg: The influencers gave a shout-out to their fan pages. 
  • Hit rock bottom (idiom): being in the worst possible situation. Eg: After years of being hospitalized, Meera has hit the rock bottom. 
  • Run out of : (of a supply of something) be used up. Eg: When I decided to bake a cake, I ran out of cocoa powder. 

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Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

Courtney is one of our star content writers as she plays multiple roles. She is a phenomenal researcher and provides extensive articles to students. She is also an IELTS Trainer and an extremely good content writer. Courtney completed her English Masters at Kings College London, and has been a part of our team for more than 3 years. She has worked with the British Council and knows the tricks and tips of IELTS.

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The last movie I enjoyed, paragraph

Movie is the way to keep my mind fresh and give me entertainment. By watching movie, I also can introduce myself with nature and our surrounding places. Movie makes us emotional and practical also. By this wecan learn many things and gain knowledge . I watch movies a lot. Watching movie always inspires me to learn something from them. It also gives my mind peace. The last movie which I really enjoyed and also touched my heart is ” Cutir Ghonta”. its about a boy of eight years who gets struck at the school bathroom for a month. The school has gven a vacation for one month to enjoy Eid. After finishing the school, the boy named Ashik goes to the bathroom. That time the Peon closes the school and everyone goes out from there. The boy gets trapped in the bathroom and he has no food , no water. He always afraid of darkness but that time he becomes strong becasue he determineshis mind that he has to live for saving his own life. He eat his filth and drinks his own urine.  But after ten days he loses his life and his lifeless body keeps lying on the surface . When saw this movie,I became very emotional and burst out into tears. The move was really amazing . It was the last movie which I will never forget in my future

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In the deep core of my heart,I am and English writer. I love writing about life. So your life can be the subject of my writing too. But I love writing the aspects of life which are related to beauty, Justice, kindness, ampathy, sympathy, charity, smile, innocence, love, sacrifice, perseverance, childhood, treasure, endeared object, memories, hope, dream etc. In profession , I am English teacher and lawyer. I inspire my dear students the ways how they can enjoy and learn using English in their real life and achieve the best academic reward and results. My voice-+8801838332381. Facebook--- View more posts

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Night Water

I just remembered the last movie I saw in theaters was Color Out of Space

Reflecting on movie theaters during the COVID shutdown.

Adam Cecil

For a while, I thought the last movie I saw in theaters was Uncut Gems —for the second time, at Cobble Hill Cinemas—but this was wishful thinking, or an attempt to fit my memories into a larger metanarrative about early 2020.

@drewcshannon on Twitter: "it's jan 23, 2020. you're seeing uncut gems for the 2nd time in an alamo drafthouse. your TL is mostly 'this is how I win' screengrabs and iowa canvass launch pics. this is the high point of your year"

In any case, the actual last film I saw in theaters was the science fiction horror film Color Out of Space , adapted from the H.P. Lovecraft story of approximately the same name and starring the one-and-only Nicolas Cage. If you know anything about Cage's career, you can probably guess the type of movie this was: pure B movie schlock, messy, slow, goofy, grotesque, and for some reason halfway through Cage starts doing his accent from Vampire's Kiss , but dialed up to eleven.

A selfie of the author, a young man with glasses, with the film poster for Color out of Space.

I went to see it with some friends at Cinema Village, one of the last truly independent theaters in New York. It’s a tiny, old-school three-screen theater. The screen we saw Color Out of Space on is upstairs, and the staircase comes up through the middle of the theater right under the screen. While it's just two blocks away from Regal Union Square, it's about as far away from that experience as possible; you won't find gimmicks like 4DX at Cinema Village. Tickets are also much cheaper at Cinema Village than at the big chains: an adult ticket is $12 and students can go for $8, while a ticket at Regal can easily run over $20 for the splashiest new releases.

@bobby on Twitter: "i miss going to the movies so bad. i would pay a hundred dollars to watch a two and a half star foreign film with no good nudity in a room full of geriatrics who can't shut up at the fuckin angelika and the subway is rattling the building the entire time. and i dont have any snacks even."

I’m harping on about the specifics because I would do a lot of unsavory things to go to the movies right now, and even just writing about movie ticket prices is soothing to me. A lot of people really miss going to the movies, even though being stuffed into a room with anywhere between ten and a hundred other people, all with different understandings of movie theater etiquette, can be a frustrating, grating night that you’ll pay good hard cash to experience. Not going to the movies has truly broken some people spiritually, as evidenced by this tweet going semi-viral:

@duneho on Twitter: "What's your biggest 'I watched that movie in theaters' flex? Mine are probably interstellar, raw, and mother"

I cannot comprehend how seeing a movie in theaters—particularly a film that played on thousands of screens across the US alone such as Interstellar —could possibly be a "flex" on anyone, but I sympathize with the desire to just talk about going to the movies, even if the prompt to get there is absurd. Like this tweeter, I also saw Raw —alone, at Angelika (the theater was mostly empty, with minimal geriatrics, which I guess could count as a niche flex), and I would rather be talking about that than wondering when the next time I'll see a movie in theaters will be, and which theaters will even survive.

An aside: last October, my girlfriend and some friends and I went to Skyline Drive-In in Greenpoint to see Rocky Horror Picture Show . We don’t have a car, but luckily they did have some folding chairs for the walkers among us. I'm not counting this as a movie theater experience—no roof, for one, and by the time Meatloaf showed up I couldn't feel my fingers—but I did at least get to buy some overpriced chips and guacamole from the snack bar. When I handed over my credit card to spend $7 on an anemic serving of dime-sized corn chips and a spoonful of store bought guac, I smiled and thought: Aah, the magic of the movies.

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tell me about your last movie that you see?

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Answer / pooja

it was Rab ne banja di jodi..i loved the film very much .in this film the hero depicts himself as a tradional kinda boy and tries to impress the girl.they got married but still girl doesnt love him anymore.then he changes his looks,learns dance and makes her understand that how much he loves her,.all in all this movie is full of drama,comedy and emotions.

Answer / bhagwant singh

the last movie i have seen in hall is 3 idot, This is a very insperational film . This film give the inspreation to the people to develop their own idea and do some thing different in life .

Answer / subhasish dutta

the last movie i've seen is PK ... it's basically a story about an alian(amir khan) he came to our planet for research ... coz they were found a planet like they are live in,where people looks like them .. that's why he came to our planet(earth) .. but after landing earth the alian's remote controller were stole by someone ... without the remote control he can't go back to there planet .. so he used to find the remote control ...  as well as the movie is full of drama,comedy,love,emotions.

Answer / rohit

the last movie i have seen is rockstar where the leading role was played by ranbeer kapoor he wants to be a musician a rockstar and the character played his girlfriend's role is nargis fakri they both love each other and the whole story revolves around both of them. The end was very emotional as nargis was suffering from cancer and ranbeer used to keep on meeting her but her parents doesn't allow them to meet. The conclusion of the story was that if we want to achieve something don't wait for the perfect time just make the time perfect for yourself.

Answer / gagan

I saw "life of pie" movie in the last Monday. In this movie Suraj Sharma and Irfan Khan were the lead actor. The whole story was revolve around sea, tiger and a boy who fought fights against unpredictable nature and Hunger. Bengal Tiger and pie(Suraj) stay in the same for many days. This movie got many awards. The background animation of this movie was awesome. This movie gives a moral that Wild Animals would be act as friend when there will be difficult situation for both. It was amazing moment when i saw last scene of the movie. that was awesome movie

Answer / vishal saini

Recently, I saw movie URI. It was a nice movie. The concept is based on real story about surgical strike. It was a very inspirational movie for the youngsters. I love Vicky Kaushal acting. I also saw his last movie Sanju. He did a very good job. The movies is worth watching. Woh Kya khte hai Paisa Wasool movie.

Answer / shashikant jogai

the last movie i've seen is THE WALL.....its basically a story bout a band PINK FLOYD...the lead role is of PINK a rockstar who was locked in a hotel room in NEWYORK...thinkin' bout his past he was abducted the love of a he was denied by the TEACHERS in teen age his GIRLFREN ditched him...and PINK resembeled all these situations as a BRICK...and brick by brick he build a WALL around him and he was left alone in it....n in the last he face a TRIAL...where he revealed all his deepest fear and this fiils the JUDGE to DEFFECATE...n...sentenced PINK to be inexposed before his PEERS....n....TEAR DOWN THE WALL....

Answer / sowjanyababji

Recently, i saw a movie jai lava kusa, it was an awesome movie. three identical triplets jai, lava, kusa roles are played by jr.ntr. Rashi kanna and nivetha thomas lead a heroins role. The story is about how they are get seperated in a very small age and in what circumstances they meet and what happens after they get together. Coming to the story these 3 brothers are stage artists who work their maternal uncle. Jai was dominated by lava and kusa and their uncle also not letting him to act drama due to his stammering problem. Later, jai becomes a passionate devotee of raavana and blast the stage where lava and kusa are acting. At that moment three brothers are seperated. Lava was a innocent guy and kusa was a kind hearted cunning guy and jai was dangerous person ruled the people with cruelly. Destiny brings the brothers together due to some unanticipated situations.

Answer / shaikh arif

I have recently seen a movie name that is Kuch kuch hota hai . It's an old movie but i have seen it recently. Shahrukh Khan has played the lead role in this movie, Shahrukh Khan and Kajol both are my favourite superstars. So let me tell you the main story begins here,in the movie sharukh name is Rahul and Kajol name is Anjali Rahul and Anjali both studied in the same college and they are best friends in there life ,they play basketball in there free time Both are best friends One day Rahil is attending a class then suddenly the teacher asks what is love nobody answered over there after that teacher is asking to Rahul same question wahts is love Then Rahul answer to her love is friendship And Anjali is also in the same classroom After listening the Rahuls answer Anjali felt that rahul is loves me After that one day Anjali decided to propose Rahul And she met Rahul out of college and she propose him then Rahul clearly said to anjali he doesn't like Anjali ,but Anjali have a true feelings, and after that Anjali went to her hometown. And after a few years Anjali found Rahul and Rahul also fell in love to anjali and they both got married and they are happy in there life so moral of ther story you will get what you want but keep some patients.

Answer / papisetty sukanya

The movie which i have seen last is jai lava is prity good inspired me .is is completely based on love and is directed by vila.the name itself three charecters ae played by ntr he given full effort on the movie if i talk about story jaya, laya, and kusa are brothers .jai is elder brother. jai shows a lot of love on his brothers but kusa and lava used to make joke on jai.thats very hearted to jai.they used to give stage performances .both lava and kusa did very well in dialogues delivering but jai was not able to deliver words perfectly as he has stammer .jai love on his brothers turned into angry as his brothers insulted him some reasons made them to separated jai became a villan as he ruled the bhairav pur and lava settled as bank manager ans kusa was trying to settle in usa. both lava and kusa met accicendetly .they started live together later lava and kusa kidnaped by jai for his political needs.later both his brothers tryied to convience him finally three brothers understood to eachother .another villan in bhairavpur did attack on lava and kusa.jai sacrified his life for his brothers.

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Essay on The Film I Saw

the last film that i saw essay

I recently saw an American movie which had impressed me much with its technical, screenplay and acting excellence. ?Witness? comes from Hollywood and it is an enjoyable crime thriller. ?Amish? is an old forgotten culture in Pennsylvania. They live secluded with their unchanged 18th Centuary culture away from the modern society. They live a peasant life without any modern gadgets. As Amish boy unconsciously becomes an eyewitness to a murder. Killers belong to the police force and are very powerful. An honest detective takes the responsibility of saving the little boy from the killers and busting the crime. He becomes successful ultimately.

The main attraction of the film is the excellent picturisation of ?Amish? culture. Every frame brings out the elegant beauty of a forgotten innocence with a contrast of modern ?organised crime?. A small 5-years old boy, the ?witness? is no natural with his stunning performance. Their faith, clannish loyalty and social discipline are filmed with a visual perfection. No overacting, melodramatic scenes and unrealistic car-chase and fights.

The effect of the story strikes our thoughts so forcefully but nowhere the characters overplay their emotions. Harrison Ford, as a leading character expresses the pain of knowing the killers in all his tired and agonized looks. Here crime is not glorified. Hard truth of responsible people turning into betrayers is depicted quite efficiently in this movie.

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A middle-aged version of Owen (Justice Smith) in a button-up shirt and high-viz yellow vest walks through a dimly lit arcade with neon game machines all around him in Jane Schoenbrun’s I Saw the TV Glow

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I Saw the TV Glow is a powerful call to action — any action

Digging into the ending of Jane Schoenbrun’s powerful, painful, personal movie

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I Saw the TV Glow has the kind of ending that sends people running to the internet looking for explainers and conversation — not because they didn’t understand it, exactly, but because they don’t necessarily believe what they just saw. Jane Schoenbrun’s follow-up to 2022’s We’re All Going to the World’s Fair is a dark movie: dark in the visuals, since so much of it takes place in queasy late-night spaces and dim, muddy interiors, and dark in the narrative specifics, which are not designed to comfort or coddle the viewers. This is not a feel-good film with a pat, heartwarming ending.

But it is a film that seems designed to get under viewers’ skins, and leave them examining their lives and their choices. Schoenbrun invites people to take any lingering discomfort that comes out of the end of the movie, and go do something with it. It’s a call to action, though what exactly “action” means is left wide open. Schoenbrun has a specific intention in mind, but the metaphor here is also broad enough that anyone watching this movie can wrap it tightly around their own lives and their own bodies until it fits for them.

[ Ed. note: End spoilers ahead for I Saw the TV Glow .]

Twentysomething movie-theater employee Owen (Justice Smith) stands in a dark theater and looks at the camera, with a slide on the screen behind him that says “Thank You for Watching” atop a cartoon bucket of popcorn in Jane Schoenbrun’s I Saw the TV Glow

The movie follows many years in the life of Owen (Ian Foreman in his younger years, Justice Smith thereafter), a hesitant, socially awkward kid who clearly struggles to relate to other people, at school and at home. When he meets hostile, disconnected Maddy (Brigette Lundy-Paine), he manages a tentative connection with her by sharing her fandom for a late-night TV show about teenagers Isabel and Tara, who fight the world’s darkest, most evil forces with their powerful psychic connection. (The show, The Pink Opaque , was inspired in part by Schoenbrun’s childhood obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer .)

Eventually, Maddy runs away from home and disappears without a trace, while Owen trudges from high school to early adulthood without shedding any of his adolescent awkwardness. Maddy returns eight years later to tell him she’s been inside the show — from her perspective, Owen and Maddy are Isabel and Tara in The Pink Opaque , but they were captured by their enemies and buried alive, their hearts cut out and stuffed in a refrigerator.

Maddy says she escaped and rediscovered her true identity as Tara, but back in the real world, where time runs differently, Isabel is still buried, and the vision she’s been forced into — the false identity as Owen — will soon end when they both die. Maddy wants Owen to accept this, and go through the dangerous, deadly-sounding ritual she endured to wake herself up.

Maddy (Brigette Lundy-Paine) in extreme closeup in Jane Schoenbrun’s I Saw the TV Glow

For viewers, Maddy’s version of reality is likely to sound much more compelling than Owen’s. It’s a classic escapist fantasy: “This boring life we’re living isn’t real. We’re actually heroes from another world, with superpowers, and a mission to save the world.” But the route to get there is so dark and frightening — Maddy literally wants Owen to let her seal him in a coffin and bury him alive — that he rejects it and resists her. And that’s understandable, too. Maddy’s story could also be interpreted as a dangerous, paranoid delusion, and her solution sounds potentially fatal. Schoenbrun doesn’t pull punches about this particular call to adventure: There’s no clear evidence that Maddy isn’t unintentionally luring Owen into joint suicide. There’s no overt evidence that anything she’s saying is true.

Schoenbrun has been clear about seeing all of this as a trans coming-out story . Within the Pink Opaque narrative, Owen’s authentic self is female. He has periodic visions or dreams, quick flashes where he’s in the Pink Opaque setting as himself, but wearing Isabel’s dress. Maddy wants to take him on a journey to find his real body and his true identity as Isabel, but the path to get there will be painful and take real commitment.

Owen recoils from it, refuses to accept Maddy’s revelations, and chooses to stay in his old life. Even though the Pink Opaque narrative haunts him, he takes the passive route, muddling through his existing life and claiming that it’s gratifying, that he’s found peace, family, and contentment there.

Ahead of the movie’s wide release, Schoenbrun talked to Polygon about that kind of passivity , and about feeling it’s a familiar part of the trans experience:

I think that kind of “passivity” feels inherently tied to an experience that I — and I think many other trans folks — can relate to on a deeply visceral level. It indicates exactly how our ideas about what proper narrative or progress is is not only woefully limited in the experiences it’s showing, but also like maybe by definition, masculine and cis. [It’s] reflective of an idea of agency and individual agency that doesn’t resonate with other experiences, like my own. And so I am trying to rewrite or call into question or challenge or simply just like, exist within alternative ideas of narrative structure, to express something that feels emotionally truthful to my experience in the world.

Schoenbrun clearly feels sympathy for Owen’s dilemma, and for his uncertainty about redefining himself as someone else. At the same time, though, the director repeatedly suggests that Owen is lying to himself. While he defends himself to the audience by saying he built a family of his own and that he loves them, we never see them or hear any details about them. They never seem real, and even their existence might be a hallucination or an outright lie. As Owen continues to reject Maddy’s version of the truth, years blur by for him, with no sense of grounding or connection in the reality he’s chosen.

Owen (Justice Smith) and his mother (Danielle Deadwyler) sit outside on a bench together at night in Jane Schoenbrun’s I Saw the TV Glow

Toward the end of the movie, he’s clearly stuck in an unsatisfying place in life, surrounded by unpleasant people and working at an unfulfilling job. In two of the movie’s most vividly painful moments, he screams that he’s dying and he pleads for help, but no one around him hears him or sees his distress. Then he cuts his own chest open, and sees the staticky glow of the TV screen inside. As Schoenbrun explained it to Entertainment Weekly :

After half a lifetime of resistance, when Owen finally sees that glow inside himself — and to do so, he literally has to open himself up and see the heart that’s been taken from him, and see that it’s been replaced by this signal that could be something beautiful, but also carries the ambivalence and sinister nature of the emptiness of glow; the thing that it is representing what isn’t there inside him. This was my attempt to capture the ambivalence and overwhelming joy and possibility, but also things that feel sinister and terrifying about an egg crack — the moment when, as a queer or trans person, you understand that you aren’t yourself and that you need to become something else to conjure that magic that was maybe there in childhood and maybe there in these other moments in life.

Even faced with this visible, obvious sign that his chosen mundane reality has cracks in it, though, Owen still doesn’t take that next step. He closes up his chest and goes back to his work in a shrill, dark, oppressive arcade — and he humbly apologizes to everyone he encounters, embarrassed about that outburst that no one else saw, remembers, or cares about.

It’s a horrifying sequence: He’s living out a series of intense private agonies and doubts, and instead of giving those doubts space, he’s muffling them for the sake of all the utterly indifferent people around him. Instead of examining the source of his terror and trying to find a solution, he begs for forgiveness from absolute strangers, out of anxiety that his impending death might have impinged on their fun. It’s hard to say which is more horrifying: his humility and humiliation, or everyone else’s apathy and inability to even see his pain.

Young Owen (Ian Foreman) sits on a red couch in a dark living room, staring at the TV, in Jane Schoenbrun’s I Saw the TV Glow

It’s a dark, sad ending — there is no rescue coming for Owen, no sudden breakthrough where Maddy saves him in spite of himself, or where the world of The Pink Opaque sends him even clearer proof that he’s on the wrong track and needs to reverse course. The message is clear enough: No one can force Owen to find his own identity or his own satisfaction in life. No one can make his choices for him, or tell him who he really is.

But while the ending is heavy and painful for Owen — and, if we accept Maddy’s version of events, for Isabel — it has a clear purpose beyond scaring, startling, and saddening viewers. It’s a reminder that not making choices is a form of choice — one we have to live with, one that has consequences. It’s a vibrant call to action, and a warning about how passivity and fear can be their own kind of living death. Watching Owen “decay,” as Schoenbrun puts it , is tragic and alarming — and seemingly meant to show viewers the repercussions of holding still in their lives, of refusing to confront or examine their own questions about themselves. Owen isn’t a classic hero, he’s a cautionary tale about self-repression.

Does that mean The Pink Opaque is real, Isabel is real, Owen is trans, and there’s only one possible way forward for him that doesn’t lead to suffocation and death? Not necessarily. Schoenbrun doesn’t leave him another obvious way out of his oppressive life, but given that he never seems to seek one, or to discuss his feelings of unreality and emptiness with anyone but Maddy, it seems that his inertia and willingness to live in apologetic misery are the problems, not just his refusal to be buried alive. He’s afraid to even explore his feelings with Maddy herself, both as a young man and an old one. He finds it safer to be stuck — and to be baffled, sad, and lonely — than to take action. And Schoenbrun shows us all the consequences of that decision.

That metaphor certainly isn’t limited to coming out as queer, or trans. Schoenbrun is reflecting a personal experience and a personal feeling, one that some trans viewers certainly identify with . But Owen’s withering, shrinking life is a memorable image for anyone facing similar questions about who they are, who they want to be, and whether they can find a way to that future by exploring their options and choosing change. His story doesn’t ever find a happy ending. But it’s an emotional, heartfelt plea to anyone watching I Saw the TV Glow to go do the frightening work of seeking out one for themselves.

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The Last Time I Saw Them- New Democracy Seminar Forum

On the uses and disadvantages of historical comparisons for life.

This new forum engages authors and artists—from very different places and writing in very different genres—in an ongoing conversation on “the uses and disadvantages of historical comparisons for life” (title stolen from Nietzsche). The idea initially arose in response to the American administration’s southern border policy of taking children away from their parents: might this not be a moment to revisit testimonies by Holocaust survivors describing parent-child separation? The result of that revisiting is a short documentary film,  The Last Time I Saw Them , which serves as a point of departure. The forum’s purpose is not to polemicize the use of the word “fascism” or “concentration camps.” Its purpose is rather to provoke a discussion that could be an  Aufhebung  (sublation) of the ‘is Trumpism fascism?’” debate. 

Can understanding distant parts of the world inspire deeper ways of thinking about our own? Can understanding moments in the past help us to think more creatively about the present? The Nietzschean “on the uses and disadvantages” is intended to suggest that thinking across time and space is not a yes/no question, but a how question: How can intense description of what is irreducibly particular help us to extract elements that are universal? 


Marci Shore Introduction: On the Uses and Disadvantages of Historical Comparisons for Life (Vom Nutzen und Nachteil historischer Vergleiche für das Leben)

‘The Uses and Disadvantages of Historical Comparisons for Life’: a discussion with Tyrone Chambers, Krzysztof Czyżewski, Vera Grant, Jeffrey Goldfarb, Dan Shore, Marci Shore

‘ On the Uses and Disadvantages of Historical Comparisons for Life ‘ A conversation between Irena Grudzińska-Gross and Dwayne Betts

Daniella Doron Historical Analogies and Separated Families

Erica Johnson Debeljak The Counter

Slavenka Drakulic Boy Number 84

Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Instead of Comparing: Six thoughts about engaging with a post-historical past

Eneken Laanes The Universal within the Particular

Rahul Pandita  Being ahead of all Departures

Arielle Rubenstein Creating Linkages: Witnessing the trauma of child separation

Jason Rubenstein Memory’s Fragile Thread: Judaism’s view of – and response to – family separation as theological crisis

Radu Vancu Child Separation

Elaine Lingyuan Wang On the Uses of the Palm

Sebastian Ward Empathy: The only avenue in which humans can understand tragedy

Brett Warnke Separation: Deserts, hurricanes, and classrooms

Jeffrey Wasserstrom We’ve Never Been Global: How Local Meanings Mattered in 1900 and Still Matter Now

A middle school teacher in Baltimore Universalizing Racism in Public Schools in 2020

The project is a collaboration between the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale University, the Democracy Seminar , and the Transregional Center for Democratic Studies (TCDS) at the New School for Social Research . 

Jeffrey C. Goldfarb

Jeffrey C. Goldfarb

Founding Editor of Public Seminar, Senior Fellow at the Transregional Center for Democratic Studies, and chair of the Democracy Seminar

Marci Shore

Marci Shore

Associate Professor of History at Yale University


Stephen Naron

Director of the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale University

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13 Popular Actors Who Died Before They Saw Their Last Films

Posted: May 23, 2024 | Last updated: May 23, 2024

<p>Death is another part of life, one that we all must face. It’s undoubtedly a haunting sentiment, yet it’s an important reminder to live our days fully.</p> <p>Actors who weren’t around to watch their final works on the big screen powerfully exemplify this notion before passing away. This may unintentionally promote whichever film they worked on, yet it leaves a sense of dread when the moving pictures start playing.</p> <p>An actor’s death can send tremendous waves across the film industry, making it all more apparent to consider their final works. However, the work these artists put into is forever solidified in the entertainment world, breathing new life into art. It allows us to celebrate their lives and careers, no matter how brief or extensive they lived.</p>

Death is another part of life, one that we all must face. It’s undoubtedly a haunting sentiment, yet it’s an important reminder to live our days fully.

Actors who weren’t around to watch their final works on the big screen powerfully exemplify this notion before passing away. This may unintentionally promote whichever film they worked on, yet it leaves a sense of dread when the moving pictures start playing.

An actor’s death can send tremendous waves across the film industry, making it all more apparent to consider their final works. However, the work these artists put into is forever solidified in the entertainment world, breathing new life into art. It allows us to celebrate their lives and careers, no matter how brief or extensive they lived.

<p>Known to some as the <a href="" rel="noopener">“vegan James Dean,” River Phoenix</a> is an icon in youth-related acting. After starring in Rob Reiner’s adaptation of Stephen King’s <em>The Body</em> novella with <em>Stand by Me</em>, Phoenix became a star. He accepted roles in various film and television projects. Indiana Jones fanatics will immediately recognize him as the young Indy from <em>Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.</em></p><p>When River Phoenix held the world in his hand, he quickly released and died from an overdose. His brother Joaquin, sister Rain, and girlfriend Samantha Mathis were with River when he passed outside a club in West Hollywood. </p><p>Phoenix was 23 when he passed, leaving behind S<em>ilent Tongue</em> and <em>Dark Blood</em> to premiere without him.</p>

River Phoenix

Known to some as the  “vegan James Dean,” River Phoenix  is an icon in youth-related acting. After starring in Rob Reiner’s adaptation of Stephen King’s  The Body  novella with  Stand by Me , Phoenix became a star. He accepted roles in various film and television projects. Indiana Jones fanatics will immediately recognize him as the young Indy from  Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

When River Phoenix held the world in his hand, he quickly released and died from an overdose. His brother Joaquin, sister Rain, and girlfriend Samantha Mathis were with River when he passed outside a club in West Hollywood. 

Phoenix was 23 when he passed, leaving behind S ilent Tongue  and  Dark Blood  to premiere without him.

<p>Certain actors die from unknown circumstances, which unfortunately applies to <a href="" rel="noopener">actress Brittany Murphy</a>. With starring roles in films like <em>8 Mile, Sin City, and Uptown Girls</em>, Murphy stole viewers’ hearts and attention. Moreover, she voiced Luanne Platter in <em>King of the Hill</em> in its entirety.</p><p>However, life stopped at age 32 for Brittany Murphy after succumbing to supposed pneumonia. The coroner assembled the verdict, though there’s wide speculation about the results. Viewers can further explore the mystery behind Murphy’s death with <em>What Happened to Brittany Murphy</em>? Max documentary. Her death did initiate the <a href="" rel="noopener">Brittany Murphy Foundation</a>, though it appears it’s now defunct.</p><p>Her final films were <em>Abandoned and Something Wicked, </em>both of which came out after her death. </p>

Brittany Murphy

Certain actors die from unknown circumstances, which unfortunately applies to  actress Brittany Murphy . With starring roles in films like  8 Mile, Sin City, and Uptown Girls , Murphy stole viewers’ hearts and attention. Moreover, she voiced Luanne Platter in  King of the Hill  in its entirety.

However, life stopped at age 32 for Brittany Murphy after succumbing to supposed pneumonia. The coroner assembled the verdict, though there’s wide speculation about the results. Viewers can further explore the mystery behind Murphy’s death with  What Happened to Brittany Murphy ? Max documentary. Her death did initiate the  Brittany Murphy Foundation , though it appears it’s now defunct.

Her final films were Abandoned and Something Wicked,  both of which came out after her death. 

<p>Speaking of unknown circumstances, actress Natalie Wood mysteriously drowned at age 43. Some sources point to <a href=",Side%20Story%E2%80%9D%20actress%E2%80%99%20death%3A%20Natalie%E2%80%99s%20husband%2C%20Robert%20Wagner." rel="noopener">Wood’s husband, Robert Wagner, as the perpetrator</a>, though this isn’t confirmed. Instead, Wood’s death remains an enigma, with Wagner labeled a person of interest in the 21st century.</p><p>Before her untimely death, Natalie Wood performed as Karen Brace in <em>Douglas Trumbull’s Brainstorm</em>. Alongside her starred Christopher Walken, who was also at the scene when Wood drifted away. Despite Walken’s presence, he’s not targeted as a person of interest. As such, Wood’s death is a Hollywood puzzle no one’s solved.</p>

Natalie Wood

Speaking of unknown circumstances, actress Natalie Wood mysteriously drowned at age 43. Some sources point to Wood’s husband, Robert Wagner, as the perpetrator , though this isn’t confirmed. Instead, Wood’s death remains an enigma, with Wagner labeled a person of interest in the 21st century.

Before her untimely death, Natalie Wood performed as Karen Brace in Douglas Trumbull’s Brainstorm . Alongside her starred Christopher Walken, who was also at the scene when Wood drifted away. Despite Walken’s presence, he’s not targeted as a person of interest. As such, Wood’s death is a Hollywood puzzle no one’s solved.

<p>Some Hollywood fans, critics, and families receive closure when an actor’s autopsy report surfaces. One such actor is Heath Ledger, who worked tirelessly to portray the Joker in <a href="" rel="noopener">Christopher Nolan’s </a><em><a href="" rel="noopener">The Dark Knight</a></em><a href="" rel="noopener"> film</a>. Additionally, he worked with Terry Gilliam to bring <em>The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus</em> to life — a project that would not come out until after his death.</p><p><a href="" rel="noopener">Ledger took prescription pills</a> to cope with his troubling mental health. The problems began when he started taking multiple drugs, thus abusing them and leading to his death. Sources indicate that pharmaceutical malpractice is to blame, for Ledger didn’t possess a history of drug abuse. Nevertheless, Ledger posthumously received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor as the Joker.</p>

Heath Ledger

Some Hollywood fans, critics, and families receive closure when an actor’s autopsy report surfaces. One such actor is Heath Ledger, who worked tirelessly to portray the Joker in  Christopher Nolan’s  The Dark Knight  film . Additionally, he worked with Terry Gilliam to bring  The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus to life — a project that would not come out until after his death.

Ledger took prescription pills  to cope with his troubling mental health. The problems began when he started taking multiple drugs, thus abusing them and leading to his death. Sources indicate that pharmaceutical malpractice is to blame, for Ledger didn’t possess a history of drug abuse. Nevertheless, Ledger posthumously received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor as the Joker.

<p>Nicknamed “The Voice” by many, Whitney Houston is a cultural icon in the entertainment business. Both an actress and a singer, Houston captivated audiences and critics timelessly with her chart-topping hits and film roles. Despite some negative public opinions regarding her marriage to Bobby Brown and drug usage, Houston endured.</p><p>The drugs took hold of Whitney Houston. Upon stepping into a bathtub, Houston experienced her final moments. Paramedics discovered her unconscious body, leaving it up to the coroner’s hands to uncover the sad truth. <a href="" rel="noopener">Houston passed away from drowning</a> and the effects of atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use. Her final film, <em>Sparkle</em>, is dedicated to her memory.</p>

Whitney Houston

Nicknamed “The Voice” by many, Whitney Houston is a cultural icon in the entertainment business. Both an actress and a singer, Houston captivated audiences and critics timelessly with her chart-topping hits and film roles. Despite some negative public opinions regarding her marriage to Bobby Brown and drug usage, Houston endured.

The drugs took hold of Whitney Houston. Upon stepping into a bathtub, Houston experienced her final moments. Paramedics discovered her unconscious body, leaving it up to the coroner’s hands to uncover the sad truth. Houston passed away from drowning  and the effects of atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use. Her final film,  Sparkle , is dedicated to her memory.

<p>While it’s true that some Hollywood stars turn to drugs, others rely on heavily smoking cigarettes. One actor that usually comes to mind with this scenario is John Cazale of <em>The Godfather </em>fame. He played Michael Corleone’s (played by Al Pacino) brother in the first two films and also offered his talents to off-broadway productions.</p><p>As John Cazale continuously enjoyed cigars, he worked with director Michael Cimino for <em>The Deer Hunter.</em> As a result of his chain-smoking habit, Cazale’s health deteriorated, thus receiving a lung cancer diagnosis. His <a href="" rel="noopener">partner, Meryl Streep</a>, stood by his side in his final moments in 1978.</p>

John Cazale

While it’s true that some Hollywood stars turn to drugs, others rely on heavily smoking cigarettes. One actor that usually comes to mind with this scenario is John Cazale of  The Godfather  fame. He played Michael Corleone’s (played by Al Pacino) brother in the first two films and also offered his talents to off-broadway productions.

As John Cazale continuously enjoyed cigars, he worked with director Michael Cimino for  The Deer Hunter. As a result of his chain-smoking habit, Cazale’s health deteriorated, thus receiving a lung cancer diagnosis. His  partner, Meryl Streep , stood by his side in his final moments in 1978.

<p>Many fans of the <em>Addams Family</em> franchise know <a href="" rel="noopener">actor Raul Julia</a> for portraying Gomez Addams in Barry Sonnenfeld’s duology in the 1990s. Of course, Julia’s résumé dates back to the 1960s, when he starred in numerous theatre productions. His talents grabbed the audience’s interest, thus giving him additional roles in film and television.</p><p>The next big spotlight for Raul Julia involved playing General M. Bison in the <em><a href="" rel="noopener">Street Fighter</a> </em>film adaptation. Unfortunately, Julia’s health declined due to stomach cancer. Despite this sickness, Julia continued working, even on his hospital bed. Complications of a stroke ended up taking away Julia’s last breath before the film’s debut. </p>

Many fans of the  Addams Family  franchise know  actor Raul Julia  for portraying Gomez Addams in Barry Sonnenfeld’s duology in the 1990s. Of course, Julia’s résumé dates back to the 1960s, when he starred in numerous theatre productions. His talents grabbed the audience’s interest, thus giving him additional roles in film and television.

The next big spotlight for Raul Julia involved playing General M. Bison in the  Street Fighter   film adaptation. Unfortunately, Julia’s health declined due to stomach cancer. Despite this sickness, Julia continued working, even on his hospital bed. Complications of a stroke ended up taking away Julia’s last breath before the film’s debut. 

<p><em>Citizen Kane</em> is recognized as one of the most influential films ever produced, and audiences have <a href="" rel="noopener">Orson Welles</a> to thank. Considered an effective creator, Welles is responsible for several cultural moments in history. This includes the notorious radio broadcast of the <em>War of the Worlds</em> in 1938, which startled listeners, believing aliens invaded Earth.</p><p><a href="" rel="noopener">Orson Welles lived a busy life and career</a>, producing and directing quite a few films while womanizing like a madman. Sadly, he suffered from a heart attack at age 70 and passed away. Even at his age, Welles continued working, lending his voice as Unicron in <em>The Transformers: The Movie.</em> De Laurentiis Entertainment Group released the film ten months after Welles’ passing.</p>

Orson Welles

Citizen Kane  is recognized as one of the most influential films ever produced, and audiences have  Orson Welles  to thank. Considered an effective creator, Welles is responsible for several cultural moments in history. This includes the notorious radio broadcast of the  War of the Worlds  in 1938, which startled listeners, believing aliens invaded Earth.

Orson Welles lived a busy life and career , producing and directing quite a few films while womanizing like a madman. Sadly, he suffered from a heart attack at age 70 and passed away. Even at his age, Welles continued working, lending his voice as Unicron in  The Transformers: The Movie. De Laurentiis Entertainment Group released the film ten months after Welles’ passing.

<p>Hollywood history fondly remembers Orson Welles for his contributions to film, though the same doesn’t wholly apply to Marlon Brando. While Brando is famous for portraying Vito Corleone in the aforementioned <em>Godfather</em> film, he’s received some poor press. From harassment suits to assault allegations on the <a href="" rel="noopener">set of </a><a href="" rel="noopener"><em>Last Tango in Pari</em>s</a>, Brando’s reputation steadily declined.</p><p>In 2004<a href="" rel="noopener">, Marlon Brando</a> noticed his health was getting rough, so he required an oxygen mask. Doctors recommended oxygen tubing, though Brando refused. As a result, Brando died of respiratory failure, leaving behind several children and <em>Big Bug Man</em>, an animated movie that <a href="">never</a> saw audiences. </p>

Marlon Brando

Hollywood history fondly remembers Orson Welles for his contributions to film, though the same doesn’t wholly apply to Marlon Brando. While Brando is famous for portraying Vito Corleone in the aforementioned  Godfather film, he’s received some poor press. From harassment suits to assault allegations on the set of  Last Tango in Pari s , Brando’s reputation steadily declined.

In 2004 , Marlon Brando noticed his health was getting rough, so he required an oxygen mask. Doctors recommended oxygen tubing, though Brando refused. As a result, Brando died of respiratory failure, leaving behind several children and Big Bug Man , an animated movie that never saw audiences. 

<p>Some actors hit our cores the hardest; Chadwick Boseman is one example. Best known for starring roles as James Brown, Jackie Robinson, and T’Challa/Black Panther in the <a href="" rel="noopener">Marvel Cinematic Universe</a>, Boseman enthralled audiences with his believable acting range. His role in Ma Rainey’s <em>Black Bottom</em> also earned him Critic’s Choice and a Golden Globe for Best Actor.</p><p>Unfortunately, unbeknownst to the public, <a href="" rel="noopener">Chadwick Boseman had colon cancer</a>. Without sharing the news with many, Boseman continued working, though he received treatment during this time. The cancer spread, and Boseman passed away at age 43. Boseman died during post-production of Ma Rainey’s <em>Black Bottom.</em></p>

Chadwick Boseman

Some actors hit our cores the hardest; Chadwick Boseman is one example. Best known for starring roles as James Brown, Jackie Robinson, and T’Challa/Black Panther in the  Marvel Cinematic Universe , Boseman enthralled audiences with his believable acting range. His role in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom  also earned him Critic’s Choice and a Golden Globe for Best Actor.

Unfortunately, unbeknownst to the public,  Chadwick Boseman had colon cancer . Without sharing the news with many, Boseman continued working, though he received treatment during this time. The cancer spread, and Boseman passed away at age 43. Boseman died during post-production of Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.

<p><a href="" rel="noopener">Aaliyah Dana Haughton</a> is another star who passed away at an early age. Regardless of her passing, Aaliyah cemented her presence in the music world as the “Princess of R&B.” Hits like “Try Again” and “Are You That Somebody?” rocked the radio stations; millions of copies of her albums sold gracefully. Furthermore, director Andrzej Bartkowiak utilized her acting talents alongside famed martial artist Jet Li in Romeo Must Die.</p><p>Aaliyah enjoyed her life to the fullest despite some troubling news with singer R. Kelly involving illegal marital allegations. Her life ended abruptly, along with eight others, when her plane crashed. Aaliyah passed away at age 22, with <em>Queen of the Damned</em> premiering as her final film.</p>

Aaliyah Dana Haughton  is another star who passed away at an early age. Regardless of her passing, Aaliyah cemented her presence in the music world as the “Princess of R&B.” Hits like “Try Again” and “Are You That Somebody?” rocked the radio stations; millions of copies of her albums sold gracefully. Furthermore, director Andrzej Bartkowiak utilized her acting talents alongside famed martial artist Jet Li in Romeo Must Die.

Aaliyah enjoyed her life to the fullest despite some troubling news with singer R. Kelly involving illegal marital allegations. Her life ended abruptly, along with eight others, when her plane crashed. Aaliyah passed away at age 22, with  Queen of the Damned  premiering as her final film.

<p>Child actors either grow up to become big Hollywood stars or not at all. For Cameron Boyce, he hardly had the opportunity for either. After audiences noticed Boyce’s acting skills on the Disney Channel, they began seeing more prominent roles for the young actor. Films like <em>Grown Ups</em> and the <em>Descendants</em> trilogy saw Boyce’s stardom and philanthropic efforts soar.</p><p>Tragically, <a href="" rel="noopener">Cameron Boyce had epilepsy</a>, and an unexpected seizure rendered his demise.  <em>Descendants 3 </em>soon premiered, dedicating the project in Boyce’s memory. Boyce was only 20 years old when he passed.</p>

Cameron Boyce

Child actors either grow up to become big Hollywood stars or not at all. For Cameron Boyce, he hardly had the opportunity for either. After audiences noticed Boyce’s acting skills on the Disney Channel, they began seeing more prominent roles for the young actor. Films like  Grown Ups  and the  Descendants  trilogy saw Boyce’s stardom and philanthropic efforts soar.

Tragically,  Cameron Boyce had epilepsy , and an unexpected seizure rendered his demise.  Descendants 3  soon premiered, dedicating the project in Boyce’s memory. Boyce was only 20 years old when he passed.

<p>Actress Carrie Fisher is Princess Leia to all <em><a href="" rel="noopener">Star Wars</a></em> fans. In addition to starring as the space princess in the original <em>Star Wars</em> trilogy, Fisher appears in other cinematic works. These include <em>The Blues Brothers, When Harry Met Sally…, Soapdish,</em> and plenty of others spanning decades of work.</p><p>Regardless of her success, <a href="" rel="noopener">Carrie Fisher battled mental health issues</a> and drug addiction her entire life. Such were the factors that led to her death in 2016, a year plagued with celebrity passings. Her mother, Debbie Reynolds, died the day after Fisher’s death. Her final film, <em>Wonderwell,</em> was released seven years later in 2023.</p>

Carrie Fisher

Actress Carrie Fisher is Princess Leia to all  Star Wars  fans. In addition to starring as the space princess in the original  Star Wars  trilogy, Fisher appears in other cinematic works. These include  The Blues Brothers, When Harry Met Sally…, Soapdish, and plenty of others spanning decades of work.

Regardless of her success,  Carrie Fisher battled mental health issues  and drug addiction her entire life. Such were the factors that led to her death in 2016, a year plagued with celebrity passings. Her mother, Debbie Reynolds, died the day after Fisher’s death. Her final film, Wonderwell, was released seven years later in 2023.

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Everything to know about ‘yellowstone’ season 5, part 2.

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Kelly Reilly and Kevin Costner in Yellowstone.

After lengthy production delays last year, filming has begun on the second part of Yellowstone ’s fifth and final season in Montana. Read on to learn everything to know about Yellowstone Season 5, part two , from the release date to the latest on Kevin Costner’s involvement.

Yellowstone is Paramount Network’s modern-day Western drama created by Taylor Sheridan ( Tulsa King, Mayor of Kingstown ). The show centers around the Duttons, the owners of the largest ranch in Montana, and chronicles the family’s struggles to protect their land from land developers, political rivals, and other external threats. Kevin Costner, Luke Grimes, Kelly Reilly, Wes Bentley, Cole Hauser, Kelsey Asbille and more also star.

When Is The Yellowstone Season 5, Part 2, Release Date?

Yellowstone on Paramount Network.

Season 5 of Yellowstone was divided into two parts. The first eight episodes were broadcast between November 2022 and January 2023, while the remaining second part will premiere sometime in November 2024. Paramount has yet to announce the exact release date for part two.

How Many Episodes Will Be In Yellowstone Season 5, Part 2?

Kelly Reilly on Yellowstone.

The final season of Yellowstone is expected to be wrapped up with six episodes. However, Sheridan told The Hollywood Reporter in July 2023 that he felt that Paramount could give him 10 episodes if he needed them.

“If I think it takes 10 episodes to wrap it up, they’ll give me 10,” Sheridan said. “It’ll be as long as it needs to be.”

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Netflix’s new #1 movie is an overlooked, must-watch crime comedy thriller, reacher season 3 casts a villain that looks like he ate reacher, who is in the yellowstone season 5, part 2, cast.

Kevin Costner, Kelly Reilly and Wes Bentley on Yellowstone.

Most of the Yellowstone Season 5 cast are expected to return for the super-sized finale, except for Kevin Costner, whose involvement is uncertain. The main cast members likely coming back include Beth (Kelly Reilly), Jamie (Wes Bentley), Kayce (Luke Grimes), and Monica Dutton (Kelsey Asbille).

Is Kevin Costner Returning To Yellowstone ?

Kevin Costner on Yellowstone.

As of May 2024, it’s unknown whether Kevin Costner will appear in Season 5, part two. However, the actor has been vocal in recent weeks about wanting to finish the series. He also opened up about what exactly went down between him, the show’s creator, and Paramount, last year.

“I’d like to be able to do it but we haven’t been able to,” Costner told Entertainment Tonight in April. “...I thought I was going to make seven [seasons] but right now we’re at five. So how it works out — I hope it does — but they’ve got a lot of different shows going on. Maybe it will. Maybe this will circle back to me. If it does and I feel really comfortable with [it], I’d love to do it.”

As for last year’s drama that captivated news headlines, Costner told GQ in May that his actual issue with the show was more straightforward than the media portrayed it to be. When he set out to make Horizon, he said he imagined the four-part feature film to complement Yellowstone. “I’ve always wanted to do this movie,” Costner told the site, “and I was doing Yellowstone. I love Yellowstone. ”

But he said he was waiting and holding time in his schedule to make Yellowstone when production was delayed for various reasons, including COVID, the writers’ strike, and further disagreements about scheduling. “We very rarely started when we said we would and we didn’t finish when we said we would,” he added.

Then, the show decided to split Season 5 into two parts. “And their big plan was to suddenly do eight now and then in the fall do eight more,” he explained. “I said, ‘I have a contract to do Horizon, and I have people and money.’ I think there was a belief that I couldn’t get it mounted, but I didn’t really care what anybody believed.”

Why Is Yellowstone Ending With Season 5?

Mo Brings Plenty and Gil Birmingham on Yellowstone

In May 2023, Paramount Network announced that Yellowstone was ending after Season 5 following scheduling disputes with Costner. The network also announced that it had greenlit two spinoff series, 1994 and 2024, to join its growing franchise — which already consists of 1883, 1923, Lawmen: Bass Reeves and the upcoming 6666 series.

Last year, Matthew McConaughey was in talks to star in one of the upcoming Yellowstone spinoff series, potentially bringing some of the original cast over to the new series. However, it’s unknown whether that’s still the case.

Stay tuned to learn new updates about Yellowstone Season 5, part two.

Monica Mercuri

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Margot Robbie never thought she'd have 'empathy for a doll.' Then she made 'Barbie.'

the last film that i saw essay

For Greta Gerwig, making “Barbie” was a divine calling.

The Oscar-nominated director brings tenderness and care to Mattel’s candy-coated summer comedy (in theaters Friday), elevating it far beyond what audiences might expect from a film about a plastic doll . Take, for instance, a scene where Barbie (Margot Robbie) meets Ruth Handler (Rhea Perlman), the toy’s inventor.

“There’s this shot where Ruth hands Barbie a cup of tea, and the way we lined it up is the exact way that God is touching Adam on the Sistine Chapel," Gerwig says. Rodrigo Prieto, the movie’s cinematographer, “was like: ‘Throw it in! Barbie deserves it. Michelangelo, let’s go!’ ”

Greta Gerwig's 'Barbie' movie looks at a 'complicated icon from all angles'

The film begins with Barbie living in perpetual bliss in Barbie Land, where she and her fellow Barbies have all the power and throw dance parties and sleepovers every night. But one day, Barbie wakes up feeling off: She has cellulite, flat feet and nagging thoughts of death. So she journeys to Los Angeles to find the girl who owns her – only to learn that Barbie dolls have been shunned by a new generation of kids.

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Robbie, 33, produced the long-gestating project and sought out Gerwig and her partner, Noah Baumbach, to write the script. As a fan of Gerwig’s movies “Lady Bird” (2017) and “Little Women” (2019), she knew the filmmaker could bring something “dimensional and unexpected” to the story.

“ ‘Lady Bird’ feels like someone telling you, ‘We’re going to get through this experience together,’ ” says Robbie, speaking to USA TODAY prior to the Screen Actors Guild strike . “Same with ‘Little Women’ – it feels like a hug. It seems fitting and almost inevitable that the Barbie movie would feel that way. We can look at something that’s complicated and spiky, and not be mean-spirited and cynical. This movie is brimming with optimism, and maybe people weren’t expecting that from a Barbie movie.”

'Barbie' review: Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling dazzle in hilariously heady toy story

The film doesn’t shy away from the ridicule Barbie has received ever since she was introduced in 1959. Some critics say that the doll promotes consumerism and unrealistic body ideals and that she lives a vapid existence with her hunky arm candy, Ken (Ryan Gosling). But the movie astutely suggests that perhaps we’ve been holding Barbie to the same double standards that women across the globe have faced for centuries.

“One thing we really wanted to do was look at this complicated icon from all angles, but always approach everything with a big heart,” Gerwig says. “For every character, we wanted to give them a hug.”

Ryan Gosling's daughters helped him find the 'emotional core' of Ken

Gerwig, 39, says she has “never known Barbie without knowing the argument against Barbie.” Growing up, “my mom was one of those moms who wasn’t so sure about Barbie, so my first experience with Barbie was that she was a bit forbidden. I got a lot of hand-me-downs from girls in the neighborhood who were already missing shoes and had crazy hair.”

Talking to the film's cast and crew, she found that “everyone has an opinion about Barbie,” regardless of whether they grew up with them. Robbie would occasionally play with her cousin’s dolls, although she preferred building forts and making mud pies. Gosling’s daughters, meanwhile, helped him unlock “the emotional core” of Ken, who feels insecure and forgotten by Barbie.

“When we first talked, he said his daughters have Barbies and they did have a Ken somewhere, but he couldn’t find it,” Gerwig recalls. “And then he called me and said: ‘I found it. He’s under a rotting lemon outside, and I think that man’s story needs to be told.’ I was like, ‘You’re exactly right!’ ”

Margot Robbie says the film sparked 'big, profound conversations'

Since the movie’s most recent trailer in May, much of the excitement on social media has been around Gerwig’s ingenious eye for detail, whether it’s Barbie’s extravagant all-pink Dreamhouse or how she gracefully floats into her car (mimicking how a child might move their doll).

“Greta literally said, ‘I want everyone to feel like they can reach into the screen and pick everything up: every set, every prop, every costume,’” Robbie says.

Although she always figured the movie would be funny, what surprised the actress most was just how “moving” it ultimately is. After arriving in the real world, Barbie slowly starts to discover the breadth of human experience, from the catharsis of a good cry to the realization that change is inevitable.

“I didn’t know this character was going to get down into my bones in this way,” Robbie says. “I just didn’t ever expect to have so many big, profound conversations about the meaning of life or what true happiness is. I mean, we joke about an existential crisis, but it all did become very existential.”

As with every movie she has made, “you go on a journey with the character you’re playing and don’t really come out the other side the same. I just never expected to have this much empathy for a doll!”

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  27. Everything To Know About 'Yellowstone' Season 5, Part 2

    Courtesy of Paramount. Season 5 of Yellowstone was divided into two parts. The first eight episodes were broadcast between November 2022 and January 2023, while the remaining second part will ...

  28. 'Barbie' movie was 'very existential' for Margot Robbie, Greta Gerwig

    Gerwig, 39, says she has "never known Barbie without knowing the argument against Barbie.". Growing up, "my mom was one of those moms who wasn't so sure about Barbie, so my first ...

  29. The Last Movie I Saw Example Papers

    The Last Movie I Saw Essays and Term Papers. Salvador Manuchin General systems theories emerged in the biological and social sciences following World War II. This led to the conceptualization of the individual as an interdependent part of larger social systems. Systemic therapy does not focus on how problems start, but rather on how the ...