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ESL Essay Writing: 7 Important Tips to Teach Students Plus Resources for Writing Lessons

“Every good story has a beginning, a middle and an end.”

This is true for a good essay, too.

An essay needs a coherent structure to successfully articulate its arguments. Strong preparation and planning is crucial to providing that structure.

Of course, essay writing can be challenging for ESL students. They must order their thoughts and construct their arguments—all in their second language.

So, here are seven ESL essay writing tips that will allow your students to weave together a coherent and persuasive essay, plus teacher resources for writing activities, prompts and lessons!

1. Build the Essay Around a Central Question

2. use the traditional 5-paragraph essay structure, 3. plan the essay carefully before writing, 4. encourage research and rewriting, 5. practice utilizing repetition, 6. aim to write a “full circle” essay, 7. edit the essay to the end, esl essay writing resources.

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Encourage your students to build all their writing around one central question.

That central question is the engine of the writing—it should drive everything!

If a word or sentence is not assisting that forward motion toward the explication of that question and its possible answers, then it needs to be reworded, rephrased or just plain cut out and discarded.

Lean writing is merciless. Focusing on a central question throughout the prewriting, writing and rewriting stages helps develop the critical faculties required to discern what to keep and what to throw away.

Providing a clear structure for the student to approach essay writing can do a lot to build their confidence. The 5-paragraph essay, or “hamburger” essay, provides that clear structure for ESL writers.

Generally, this structure employs five separate paragraphs for the entire essay. Each paragraph serves a specific purpose, melding together to form a coherent whole:

  • Paragraph 1: The introductory paragraph. This includes the thesis statement, orientating the reader to the purpose of the essay.
  • Paragraphs 2 to 4: The body paragraphs. These make individual points that are further backed up by various forms of evidence.
  • Paragraph 5:  The conclusion paragraph. This provides a summation of the arguments and a final statement of the thesis.

While students do not need to rigidly follow this format forever, the simple structure outlined above can serve as excellent training wheels for your writers.

Using the 5-paragraph structure as outlined above makes planning clear cut.

Once they have their theses and are planning their paragraphs, share with the students the ridiculously useful acronym P.E.E. This stands for Point, Explanation and Evidence.

Each body paragraph should make a point or argument in favor of the central thesis, followed by an explanation of this point and relevant evidence to back it up.

Students can make note of all their points, explanations and evidence before they start writing them in essay form. This helps take away some of the pressure ESL writers feel when faced with a blank page.

Extol the necessity for students to constantly refer to their planning. The mind-mapping techniques popularized by Tony Buzan can be useful at the planning stage and make for easy reference points to ensure focus is maintained throughout the essay.

Having a visual reference such as this can help ensure that your student-writers see each piece of the whole as well as that elusive “bigger picture,” so it becomes a case of seeing the forest and the trees!

Just as planning is crucial, so too is research.

Often ideas or connections do not occur until the writing process has begun. This is a good thing! Essay writing is a creative act, so students can have more ideas along the way and work them in as they go.

The key is to always be able to back up these ideas. Students who have done their research on their subject will be much more confident and articulate in expressing their arguments in their writing.

One way you can help students with context and research is to show relevant video content via FluentU . This language learning program uses authentic videos made by and for native speakers to help students learn English.

You can watch videos as a class or assign them directly to students for individual viewing. Videos come equipped with interactive bilingual subtitles and other learning tools such as multimedia flashcards and personalized quizzes so you can see how each student is doing.

No matter how your students do their research, the important thing is that they explore and understand their topic area before beginning the big task of writing their essay.

Even with thorough planning and research, writing oneself into a linguistic cul-de-sac is a common error. Especially with higher-level students, unforeseen currents can pull the student-writer off course.

Sometimes abandoning such a sentence helps. Going back to the drawing board and rewriting it is often best.

Students can be creative with their sentence structures   when expressing simpler ideas and arguments. However, when it comes to more complex concepts, help them learn to use shorter sentences to break their arguments into smaller, more digestible chunks.

Essay writing falls firmly in the camp of non-fiction. However, that doesn’t mean that essay writers can’t use some of the techniques more traditionally associated with fiction, poetry and drama .

One technique that’s particularly useful in essay writing is repetition. Just as poetry relies heavily on rhythm, so too does argument. Repetition can provide that sense of rhythm.

This is because written language has its origins in oral language. Think of the great orators and demagogues and their use of repetition. Speechwriters, too, are well aware of the power of repetition.

The writing principle of the “rule of 3” states that ideas expressed in these terms are more convincing and memorable. This is true of both spoken and written words and the ideas they express. Teach your students to use this method in their essay writing.

The very structure of the 5-paragraph essay lends itself to planning for this repetition, in fact. Each idea that is explored in a body paragraph should be outlined first in the introductory paragraph.

Then, the single body paragraph devoted to the idea will explore it at greater length, supported by evidence. And the third rap of the hammer occurs in the summation of the concluding paragraph, driving the point securely and convincingly home.

As mentioned at the start of this post, every good essay has a beginning, a middle and an end.

Each point made, explained and supported by evidence is a step toward what the writing teacher Roy Peter Clark calls “closing the circle of meaning.”

In planning for the conclusion of the essay, the students should take the opportunity to reaffirm their position. By referring to the points outlined in the introduction and driving them home one last time, the student-writer is bringing the essay to a satisfying full circle.

This may be accomplished by employing various strategies: an apt quotation, referring to future consequences or attempting to inspire and mobilize the reader.

Ending with a succinct quotation has the double benefit of lending some authoritative weight to the argument while also allowing the student to select a well-written, distilled expression of their central thesis. This can make for a strong ending, particularly for ESL students.

Often the essay thesis will suggest its own ending. If the essay is structured around a problem, it’s frequently appropriate to end the essay by offering solutions to the problem and outlining potential consequences if those solutions are not followed.

In the more polemical type of essay, the student may end with a call to arms, a plea for action on the part of the reader.

The strategy chosen by the student will depend largely on what fits the central thesis of their essay best.

For the ESL student, the final edit is especially important.

It offers a final chance to check form and meaning. For all writers, this process can be daunting, but more so for language students.

Often, ESL students will use the same words over and over again due to a limited vocabulary. Encourage your students to employ a thesaurus in the final draft before submission. This will freshen up their work, making it more readable, and will also increase their active vocabulary in the long run!

Another useful strategy at this stage is to encourage students to read their work aloud before handing it in.

This can be good pronunciation practice , but it also provides an opportunity to listen for grammatical errors. Further, it helps students hear where punctuation is required in the text, helping the overall rhythm and readability of the writing.

To really help your students become master essay writers, you’ll want to provide them with plenty of opportunities to test and flex their skills.

Writing prompts and exercises are a good place to start:

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You’ll likely also want to teach them more about the mechanics of writing :

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Essays are a great way not only for students to learn how the language works, but also to learn about themselves.

Formulating thoughts and arguments about various subjects is good exercise for not only the students’ linguistic faculties, but also for understanding who they are and how they see the world.

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how to write an essay esl students

How to Teach Essay Writing to ESL Students Better

23 December 2020 Guest posts

how to write an essay esl students

Teaching essay writing to ESL students is no easy feat. There's a lot of things to consider, such as making sure the language is correct, of course, as well things like structure, accurate covering of the topic, the context of the essay, and how well the points are represented.

Throughout this guide, I'm going to detail some of the ways you can make every essay writing task as beneficial as possible. Your students can take on board these tips with the aim of making their essays better than ever before.

There are lots of tips and advice I could share, but today I'm going to focus on the most important, hopefully giving you a great place to get started when it comes to improving your students essay writing abilities

Start with the Basics

The absolute first place you want to start is with improving your student's sentence structure since sentences, after all, are what go into making an essay what it is. You'll want to start with teaching your students about basic sentences and then move onto compound and then complex.

Build it up slowly and highlight the key differences between each sentence type and why they would be used and what effect each sentence type has.

There's plenty of information online on how you can approach the basics of essay writing, such as on websites like Revieweal , Boomessays , Studydemic , Ukservicesreviews , and Assignment writing service , or you can simply ask a question you may have in your preferred search engine.

Understanding the Topic

A student will not be able to write a proper essay if they don't truly understand the topic they're writing about. Whether your students get to choose their topics or not, it's important that you explain that they should take their time to research and have a proper grasp on the topic they're writing about.

"It's important to remember that you can also suggest topics if the students are struggling to think of their own, ones that you believe will play to their strengths. Remember, essay writing within the ESL community is all about building confidence. If the students believe they can do a task, then they will be able to do it," explains Fergie Marie, a writer at Ukwritings and Custom Writing .

It's all about overcoming that first hurdle.

Break the Essay Down

Most essays are written in the same way, very similar to how stories are written. They have a start, a middle, and an end, and highlighting this structure form is a great way to make essays seem a little less daunting.

After all, being tasked with a 1,000-word essay can feel overwhelming at first, but when you break it down into three main sections that can be focused on individually, the task seems a little more manageable.

Of course, each section of the essay has a specific purpose. The introduction is meant to grab the reader, hook them into the writing, and sets the tone for the essay ahead. The middle is for laying down and explaining the points that would answer the question of whatever the essay topic is about.

Finally, you have the conclusion, which wraps everything up, answers any questions that were asked, and rounds off the essay nicely. Focusing on these points can help massively when it comes to writing an essay because there's less thought needed on what you need to write and more focus on what the actual writing will be.

Practice, Practice, Practice

"It might seem a bit mean to set regular essays all the time, and you don't want to be that kind of teacher, but the best way to get better at essay writing, as with everything else in life, is to practice. This means giving your students essay tasks to complete, and then reviewing the mistakes and highlighting what they did well," shares Duncan Turner, an educator at Assignment Help and Essayroo .

And that's the important bit. Not only do you want to highlight the areas where your students can improve or perhaps correcting mistakes they made, you always want to make sure you're showcasing what they did well and congratulating them on the bits they got right.

This inspires confidence and will encourage your students to keep trying, keep writing, and keep getting better.

Katherine Rundell is a book writer at Essay Writing Service and BigAssignments . She writes about teaching and helping ESL students make the most of their educational efforts. Also, she is a proof-reader at Essay writing services reviews .

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Improve Your Writing Skills: 8 Writing Strategies for ESL Students

Adela B.

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You’re asked to write an English essay, and you’re in panic mode. You find yourself second-guessing every sentence you write; before you know it, it’s time to submit the essay.

Have you ever experienced this? After reading this article, we hope you aren’t in such a situation.

As someone who isn’t a native English speaker, we understand how unnerving essays, dissertations, research papers, and other assignments might be.

In this article, we outline eight useful writing strategies to help ESL students like you improve their writing.

8 Writing Strategies for ESL Students to Write Better

For ESL students, it can be difficult to find the right words or phrases to articulate or follow grammar and sentence formation rules while writing essays. Here are eight writing strategies to improve your writing skills.

Read multiple times

Reading books, novels, articles, biographies, or any other reading material helps enhance your vocabulary, familiarize yourself with metaphors, idioms, or even sentence structure, and guides you into constructing complex phrases.

Read everything in English that you can find -- form the words, and narrate them out slowly and coherently.

Pick out words from the text that you are not familiar with and write them down. You can continue finding the meaning of these words online or in dictionaries for better understanding.

You can also underline or highlight phrases or sentences that are confusing so that later you can ask your professors about what they meant.

In short: the more you read in English, the better you’ll be able to understand and write in English.

Use sentence frames

Your professor gives you a writing assignment, but it can be intimidating to write without any help. Use sentence frames to make the writing task more manageable. A sentence frame is a pre-written sentence with spaces in it for you to fill in the remaining words to complete it.

Using sentence frames can help in figuring out the correct structure and the flow of the English language, and can help you in easing the pressure of not trying to come up with your own sentences.

If you are unsure about what word to use, you can write the word down in your native language and continue with the rest of the sentences that you can fill in without any difficulties. After you finish, you can come back to the words that you don't know and try to find alternatives to make sense of the sentence given.

Work towards writing in the language you already know while also gaining the experience of using proper grammar and practicing writing in sentence frames until you are confident and comfortable in writing similar sentences independently.

You can find sentence frame structures for multiple writing tasks such as compare and contrast, persuasive, narrative , sequence, and many other forms of writing.

Organize your thoughts graphically

Graphic organizers are a very beneficial writing strategy for ESL students to help them learn how to read and write better in English. Using this method can help you learn how to organize your thoughts, points, or even sentences systematically with the use of different kinds of graphics.

These organizers can be used for every stage of the writing process -- from brainstorming, pre-writing, and drafting to revision.

Graphic organizing writing tools such as Word Clusters or Topic Wheels can be handy for brainstorming your thoughts and finding purposeful meanings every time you get stuck on a word or phrase.

Here’s what the word clustering method looks like.

how to write an essay esl students

You can also use Story Maps if you need guidance to learn how to write a story on your own.

Use templates instead of blank sheets of paper to note down points, and answers, and fill in sentences. You can use these templates to model your writing method and use it as a reference.

Use the Four Square Writing Method

The Four Square Writing Method is a tried and tested writing and organizing strategy that teaches students better structure and helps them write cohesively. Through this strategy, you can also learn how to properly organize a paragraph.

In this method, a blank square is divided into four quadrants. In the center, you make a smaller square and write your topic sentence. Fill in your opening statements and support in the first quadrant, and write down any important points and supporting facts that relate to the topic sentence in the other two quadrants. Leave the 4th quadrant for writing your closing statements.

This visual method will help you focus on writing, provide details and enhance your vocabulary. This will also help you conceptualize, understand and structure a piece of writing without difficulties.

Keep sentences simple and short

A sign of good writing is crisp, short, and easy-to-understand sentences. Some people use complex words because they think they sound more academic, but that is far from the truth.

Using complicated, formal words and unnecessarily long sentences will only make your readers get confused and bored with your writing. They will probably lose track of what you’re trying to convey. So instead, cut short your sentences, use terms related to your topic, include transition words correctly, and keep the language simple.

When editing your work, look out for long sentences and try to divide them into two separate sentences. This will allow you to break down what you want to say in manageable chunks of words.

As an ESL student, you might not be confident about using English words, and this might make you stick to one particular sentence structure, but try to vary your sentence length based on the purpose of what you want to say.

Check out this insightful video by Karen Dudek-Brannan on simple sentences

Practice writing

Practice makes you perfect, and what better way to enhance your English writing skills than just writing whatever you want on a blank piece of paper?

Every time you take notes, try to understand a novel, write an email, or even a text message, practice it in writing first to improve your English writing skills. Allot a period in your daily schedule to sit and write.

You can also practice by writing a paragraph about the day that you have had, some exciting experiences, your fears, goals, likes, dislikes, or literally anything else to increase your speed and dexterity of writing in English.

Use online tools

If you want to be clear and make it easy for your readers to understand what you want to convey in English, it is very important to know the grammatical rules because using the wrong verb tense or writing a sentence in the wrong order will make your readers confused.

That's why you can find multiple websites and online tools that can help you write better in a different language, such as:

  • Grammarly (one of the sleekest tools for checking grammar);
  • The Purdue Online Writing Lab (comprehensive online writing source that has a dedicated space for ESL students and teachers);
  • Merriam-Webster Online Dictionaries;
  • Quora (you can ask questions and seek answers from people in this online community).

Keep a journal

Suppose you still feel insecure about your English language skills. In that case, it’s good practice to keep a journal as a daily habit to write down anything that comes to your mind, thoughts, new phrases, unfamiliar words, etc., without having the pressure to show anyone what you wrote.

This creates an opportunity to write as much as you want in English and, if needed, words in your native language to understand the meaning behind the English words you’ve used.

When you are and feel skilled enough to read, write and speak fluent English, you can go back to your journals and re-read your notes. This will show you the progress you’ve made and can help you feel more confident.

It is okay to make mistakes in your journals because as you keep practicing how to write, you will only get better and faster and gain momentum and fluency in your English language skills. So, go ahead, and challenge yourself.

Using the right strategies and tools makes learning how to write in a different language much more accessible, interesting, and fun.

These eight writing strategies for ESL students will help you become more confident about writing in English and be open to feedback.

If you’re still in two minds about writing that essay, reach out to Writers Per Hour. Our native English speakers are not just well-versed in the language but also experts in the subject matter.

So, write to us with your requirements, and we’ll get back to you with a 100% original, high-quality essay.

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Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing

By: Author Rosie

Posted on Last updated: October 25, 2023

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Writing an essay can be an overwhelming task, especially if you are not familiar with the process. However, with a clear and detailed step-by-step guide, the task can become manageable and even enjoyable. This guide will take you through the essay writing process, from the initial planning and research stages to the final proofreading and editing.

It will provide tips and strategies for organizing your thoughts, constructing a clear and logical argument, and effectively presenting your ideas in written form. Whether you are a student, professional or just someone looking to improve their writing skills, this guide will help you to write clear, concise and well-structured essays every time.

Read the essay question carefully

  • Highlight keywords.
  • Use the dictionary to check the meaning of any unfamiliar words.
  • Identify the task words that indicate what needs to be done, eg “discuss”, “explain”, and “compare”.
  • Identify the topic words that indicate the particular subject of the essay, eg the character of “Juliet” in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the “causes” of World War 1.
  • Identify any limiting words that restrict the discussion to a particular area, eg in “Chapters 1-3”, during the “nineteenth century”.

Finish any necessary reading or research as background to the essay

  • Be selective: use sources that are relevant and accessible.
  • Write notes in your own words.
  • Write down quotations that may be particularly useful, but ensure the source of these quotes is acknowledged if they’re used.
  • Take note of sources so they can be provided in the footnotes and the bibliography.

Brainstorm ideas in response to the question

  • Jot down any relevant points.
  • Make note of any relevant evidence or quotes that come to mind.
  • Use a mind map to help stimulate lateral thinking.

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing

Develop a thesis (idea/argument) that encapsulates the response to the question

  • The thesis should be a statement that strongly expresses the overall response to the question.
  • Avoid a thesis that’s too simplistic – show thought has been put into some of the complexities behind the question.
  • The thesis is the backbone of the essay – it will be stated in the introduction. It also needs to be referred to several times in the essay before restating it and demonstrating how it has been proven in the conclusion.

Write a plan for the response

  • Order ideas in a logical sequence.
  • Make sure every point in the plan is relevant to the question.
  • After the plan has been written it should be clear where the essay is going.

Write the introduction

  • Open up the discussion.
  • Introduce the thesis.
  • Indicate how the questions will be answered.
  • Name any texts to be discussed, if appropriate.
  • Engage the reader.

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 1

Write the main body of the essay

  • Ensure each point is given a new paragraph.
  • Use words or phrases at the start of each paragraph that will indicate to the reader how it relates to the previous paragraph, eg, “however”, “in addition”, “nevertheless”, and “moreover”.
  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly links the paragraph to the rest of the essay, eg “A striking example of Gary Crew’s use of light and darkness imagery to suggest notions of knowledge and ignorance occurs in the scene on the jetty”.
  • Provide supporting evidence for each point that you make.
  • Revisit the thesis, and express it in different ways if possible, to emphasize how the question is being addressed.

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 2

Write the essay’s conclusion

  • Summarise the main ideas.
  • Demonstrate how you have proven your thesis.
  • Finish with an interesting or thought-provoking, but relevant, comment.

Edit the draft

  • Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
  • Delete any sections that are not particularly relevant.
  • Change vocabulary to improve expression.
  • Seek feedback from peers or a teacher before writing the final copy.

Write the final copy

  • Add any footnotes or bibliography if required.
  • Present a clean, neat copy.


Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 4

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Essay Writing

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 5

Top 5 Tips for Writing a Good Essay

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 6

Some Tips to Write “For and Against” Essay

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 7

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5 Tips for Teaching Essay Writing to ESL Students

Carol Duke

So your ESL (English as a Secondary Language) students have become more fluent in their new language. That’s great! Now, it’s time to learn and focus on more advanced forms of writing. But how can you get started?

One way would be to teach them to practice writing essays . This way, they can learn to conduct research, organize relevant information, and present their thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely.

But writing an essay in their second language isn’t as easy and your students will need some help. Following are 5 easy steps for teaching essay writing to your ESL students.

how to write an essay esl students

1). Get Down to Basics

Before teaching essay writing to your ESL students, make sure that you’ve already covered the fundamentals of sentence structuring. Start by teaching them how to write simple sentences, move on to compound, and then to complex sentences. Once they’ve mastered sentence formation, only then can you move on to teaching prepositions, conjunctions, and adverbs.

Next, have you r students focus on linking their language , as well as sequencing. For instance, you can ask them to come up with a process or guide , and then use language linking to connect the dots. One idea is to have them use bullets or numberings in a series of steps and link them by using time connectives .

2). Choose A Topic

Once your ESL students are ready to move on to essay writing , it’s time to come up with an engaging topic. This is an effective way to help a student maintain their interest throughout th e essay writing process.

I f they’re struggling to come up with a topic, feel free to give suggestions and then pick one that will get their creative juices flowing. If they choose a topic you think is too broad, help them narrow down their focus.

Once a student has picked a topic, it’s time to help them shape it into an actual stance . Have them form the topic into an argument, something that they can explain and justify in their essay. To encourage brainstorming, have your students think up ideas and draft them in a rough outline.

3). Writing the Introduction

Next, teach your ESL students to write a proper , attention-grabbing introduction. Show them how to get their readers hooked and interested in reading on, and share some examples or ideas. Some good essay writing prompts include a relevant quote or information from one of their sources, a fascinating fact or trivia, an adage, or even a joke, depending on their chosen topic.

Explain how this part of the essay should inform and prepare their readers to the central argument, as well as the main points that will be presented to defend their stance or argument.

Essay writing involves several steps and requires a number of skills. If your students are still struggling to work on more complex forms of writing, have them use resources that can help improve their writing. There are plenty of online tools and services they can use. For instance, they can visit IHateWritingEssays to find great insights and reviews on services that aim to assist students in their essay writing needs.

4). Working on the Main Argument

Since your students are new to writing essays in their second language, it’s best to have them stick to the traditional three-paragraph format of explanation. Teach them how e ach of these body paragraphs serve to explain and support one of their points of argument .

Have them start with a sentence that will explain each point, and then back it up with evidence from their research , which will comprise the rest of the paragraph. To improve clarity and con sistency , i nstruct them to explain complex point s by breaking them down to shorter and simpler sentences .

Teach your students the rule of three : The idea that readers will be more engaged and remember something better if they hear it reiterated in a set of three. Some examples are “blood, sweat, and tears” and “stop, look, and listen.”

5). Writing the Conclusion

Wrap it up with a conclusion that will sum up all the main points your students have written in the body of their essay.

This is the ir final opportunity to drive home their argument , so make sure they know they should no longer be adding new points in the conclusion. However, they can still include a quote or a thought for the future. Adding quotes or interesting facts is always useful in an essay because they add authority and credibility to one’s argument – not to mention they’re a great way to wrap things up.

Final Words

For ESL students, writing an essay in their second language can be challenging , but not with proper guidance and instruction from their teacher . Make sure your students have mastered the basics of writing . By following this guide, you’ll serve your ESL students wel l when putting together a written piece in the future.

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How to Teach Essay Writing

A guide on how to teach essay writing skills from the ground up

Jagseer S Sidhu / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 4.0

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As ESL students become more fluent, it's time to focus on how to use that fluency in specific tasks, such as making a presentation or writing an essay. The advanced topics you choose should depend upon what your students have planned for the future. In classes with mixed objectives, there's a need for balance to make sure that students who don't necessarily need the task at hand still profit from the lesson.

This is never truer than when teaching essay writing skills. Classes that are preparing for academic English objectives require the skills while " business English ," or English for specific purposes classes, might find the entire exercise a waste of their time. Chances are, you have a mixed class, so it is recommended to tie essay writing skills to other important skills — such as using equivalencies, the proper use of linking language, and sequencing in writing. Students not interested in essay writing skills will gain valuable experience in developing these skills regardless of the task.

Build Toward Essay Writing Skills

Start by modeling clear writing at the sentence level. The best way to approach essay writing skills is to start at the sentence level. Once students have learned to compose simple, compound, and complex sentences, they will have the tools necessary to write longer documents such as essays, business reports , formal emails, and so on. All students will find this help invaluable.

Focus on Equivalencies

I find the best place to start is with equivalencies. Before moving on, make sure students understand sentence types by writing a simple, compound, and complex sentence on the board.

Simple sentence: Mr. Smith visited Washington three years ago.

Compound sentence: Anna advised him against the idea, but he decided to go nonetheless.

Complex sentence: Since he was in Washington, he took the time to visit the Smithsonian.

Build up students' knowledge of equivalencies by beginning with FANBOYS ( coordinating conjunctions ), moving on to subordinating conjunctions, and finishing with other equivalencies, such as preposition and conjunctive adverbs.

Focus on Linking Language

Next, students will need to link their language, creating organization through the use of linking language, including sequencing. It helps to write out processes at this point. Ask students to think of some process, then use sequencing language to connect the dots. It's a good idea to ask students to use both numberings in a sequence of steps and linking through time words.

Writing Essay Practice

Now that students understand how to combine sentences into larger structures, it's time to move on to writing essays. Provide a simple essay to students and ask them to identify various structures and written objectives:

  • Underline linking language
  • Find examples of FANBOYS, subordinating conjunctions , conjunctive adverbs, etc.
  • What is the main idea of the essay?
  • How does the essay seem to be organized?
  • Essays generally contain an introduction, body, and conclusion. Can you identify each?

I like to help students by first explaining that an essay is like a hamburger. It's certainly a crude analogy, but students seem to get the idea of the intro and conclusion being like the buns, while the content is the good stuff.

Essay Writing Lesson Plans

There are a number of lesson plans and resources on this site that help with the many steps involved in developing the necessary writing skills. To focus on combining simple sentences into more compound structures, use a ​simple-to-compound sentence worksheet. Once students are comfortable at the sentence level, proceed from brainstorming through outlining to final essay production.

Challenges With Teaching Essay Writing

As previously stated, the main issue with essay writing is that it is not really necessary for every student. Another issue is that traditional five-paragraph essays are certainly a little old school. However, I still feel that understanding the structure of your basic hamburger essay will serve students well when putting together future written work.

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ESL Essay Writing: 7 Tips for Success

Table of Contents

ESL essay writing is crucial for students who must cope with organizing their thoughts and building their arguments using the second language.

5 Easy Steps to Teach Your ESL Students How to Write Essays

1. get back to the basics.

Before teaching your ESL pupils essay writing, ensure that you have taught the essentials of sentence structure .

Start by teaching them simple sentences, compound sentences, and finally, complex sentences.

Once they have mastered sentence building, you can teach them prepositions, conjunctions, and adverbs.

Next, have your students focus on linking and sequencing their language. For instance, you can request that they develop a method or guide and then utilize language linking to connect the dots.

One suggestion is to have them utilize bullet points or numbering in a sequence of steps and connect them using time connectives.

2. Select a subject

When your ESL students are ready to begin writing essays, choose a topic that will pique their interest. This is an efficient method for keeping students interested throughout the essay-writing process.

If they have trouble coming up with a topic, feel free to offer alternatives and then choose one that will spark their creativity. If you believe their chosen topic is too broad, assist them in narrowing their focus.

Once a student has selected a topic, it is time to help them formulate a position on it. Instruct them to transform the issue into an argument they can explain and defend in their essay. To promote brainstorming, have your pupils generate ideas and outline them roughly.

3. Introductory paragraph

Next, instruct your ESL students on creating a proper, captivating introduction. Show them how to captivate and engage their readers, and provide examples or suggestions. 

Depending on the topic, some fantastic essay writing prompts include:

  • A pertinent statement or information from one of their sources.
  • An intriguing fact or piece of trivia.
  • A proverb or even a joke

Explain how this essay section should enlighten and prepare readers to defend their position or opinion. Writing an essay requires multiple procedures and a variety of skills. If your pupils continue to struggle with more complicated forms of writing, advise them to utilize resources that will improve their writing. There are numerous internet tools and services available for their usage. 

4. Developing the main argument

Since pupils are new to writing essays in their second language, they should adhere to the standard three-paragraph pattern.

Teach them how these body paragraphs explain and support one of their claims.

Students should begin each paragraph with a sentence explaining the point followed by evidence from their study that makes up the rest.

To increase clarity and consistency, urge them to simplify and condense their explanations of complex concepts.

Teach the rule of three to your students. This is the belief that readers would be more engaged and retain information better if repeated three times. The phrases “blood, sweat, and tears” and “stop, look, and listen” are examples.

5. Creating the conclusion

Students should conclude their essays with a conclusion that summarizes the primary points made in the essay’s body.

This is their last opportunity to present their case, so make sure they understand they should not add new points in the conclusion.

However, they may still include a quote or a forward-looking notion.

Quotes and facts are essential to an essay since they provide credibility and authority in the argument, and they also make a great conclusion.

ESL essay writing: 7 tips for success

1. center the essay on a central question.

Encourage your students to organize their writing around the essay’s key question. This fundamental question should be the driving force for the entire composition.

If a word or phrase does not clarify a problem or its potential solutions, it must be reworded, rephrased, or eliminated.

A lean writing style is cruel. Prewriting, writing, and revising phases help build the necessary faculties necessary for determining what to retain and what to discard.

2. The 5-paragraph essay format

Providing students with a clear format for essay writing can do much to boost their confidence. The 5-paragraph essay, or “hamburger” essay, gives emerging ESL writers a clear format.

This arrangement often includes five paragraphs for the entire essay. Each paragraph has a distinct role and combines to make a unified whole.

First paragraph is the introduction. It provides the thesis statement and orients the reader to the essay’s objective. The 2nd to 4th paragraphs are referred to as are the body paragraphs. These make distinct arguments that are supported by various types of evidence.

The fifth paragraph is the conclusion. This section provides a summary of the arguments and a conclusion to the thesis. This simple structure can serve as fantastic training wheels for your students, even though they do not need to adhere to it rigidly forever.

3. Use the PEE method

Using the 5-paragraph framework mentioned in the previous section makes planning simple. P.E.E is an absurd acronym that represents the point, explanation, and evidence.

Body paragraphs should present arguments supporting the main thesis, followed by an explanation of the main point and supporting evidence.

Experts have pioneered mental mapping techniques that work in the planning phase and provide handy reference points to keep the essay focused. Having a visual reference will help ensure that your student-writers see each component of the whole as well as the elusive “larger picture”.

4. Research

As important as planning is, so too is research. Frequently, thoughts or associations do not emerge until the writing process has begun.

Since essay writing is a creative process, students can generate and incorporate more ideas as they work. The key is to always have evidence to support these claims. Students who have completed their assigned assignments will be far more confident and articulate when presenting their arguments.

Before beginning the daunting chore of writing an essay, students should explore and comprehend their topic area. Even with careful planning and research, it is common to write oneself into a linguistic dead end.

Once the plan is completed and the student begins writing the essay, it may or may not be smooth sailing. Often, especially with our higher-level pupils, unanticipated currents can steer the student-writer astray.

Sometimes it helps to simply abandon the sentence. Often, it is best to go back to the drawing board and rewrite it.

When presenting elementary concepts and arguments, students can be inventive with their phrase constructions. Help them learn to use shorter phrases to break down their arguments into smaller, more digestible portions when conveying more complicated ideas.

5. Repetition

Repetition is a particularly beneficial tactic in essay writing. Argument relies greatly on rhythm, much as poetry does. This sensation of rhythm can be achieved via repetition. Oral language is the ancestor of written language. Consider how great orators and demagogues utilized repetition. Speechwriters are aware of the effectiveness of repetition.

Writing an essay in English can be difficult for ESL students. Mistakes are bound to arise in any student’s essay because thinking and writing are two different skills.

Notwithstanding, ESL students can gain mastery of essay writing in no time with the techniques mentioned in this article.

ESL Essay Writing: 7 Tips for Success

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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how to write an essay esl students

Teaching Writing to ESL/EFL Students: Tips and Activities for Any Level

  • Linda D'Argenio
  • August 19, 2022

teaching writing to ESL students

Teaching writing to non-native speakers of a language presents a plethora of unique challenges and can feel overwhelming for new and seasoned teachers alike. However, teaching writing to ESL students can be dynamic and meaningful when approached with a bit of ingenuity.

If you’re new to teaching, you’ll want to get initial training and qualification with a TEFL certificate . You can explore our online TEFL courses to get started!

Why is it important to teach writing to ESL students?

In order to effectively participate as contributing members of society, individuals need to be able to communicate their thoughts in written form, whether they are using the English language as their vehicle or not.

Writing is an essential component of productive language, and ELs will need to demonstrate their ability to write in English if they hope to be competitive in a globalized world . Building competency in English-language writing supports reading comprehension, vocabulary expansion, and oral fluency , so there’s so much to be gained. And even if your students don’t plan to use the lingua franca on a regular basis, the skills gleaned from learning to write in another language transfer to all facets of life, making students more aware and more effective communicators in their native language(s) .

Teaching ESL writing aids in self-expression , which might be particularly meaningful for individuals who are hesitant to express themselves verbally. You might have the next Henry David Thoreau or Gabriel García Márquez in your class!

Why do ESL students struggle with writing?

Writing in another language is no easy feat, so it’s only natural that your ESL/ EFL students encounter difficulties when asked to do so.

First, it’s essential to recognize that writing conventions differ from one language group to another . Students from various linguistic backgrounds might declare that writing in English (particularly in an academic setting) is “boring,” something they perceive as formulaic. Often, these students come from backgrounds that value writing in a way that might seem “tangential” to native English readers.

In “Cultural thought patterns in inter-cultural education,” Robert B. Kaplan (1966) put forth a model for examining written discourse patterns, which illustrates how different thought patterns influence how speakers of other languages express themselves in written form.

how to write an essay esl students

You can observe that English is illustrated as being very straightforward, which aligns with the directness of spoken English. Kaplan poses here that other language groups tend to branch off in different directions in written form, pulling in supporting elements that might not be directly correlated to the main idea and that present as “off-topic” for native English speakers.

Secondly, it’s crucial to keep in mind that writing requires a vocabulary lexicon that can adequately support sharing . Often, even the most proficient English learners struggle to select the language they need to convey their point. When tackling writing instruction, make sure to consider how you’re supporting vocabulary development to support the conventions you’re teaching.

Lastly (and perhaps most importantly), writing is a form of self-expression, and self-expression through writing isn’t valued the same way in all cultures . There is a great deal of value placed on sharing one’s opinions in the U.S., for example, but this is not the reality all over the world. Some of your students might have been taught that they receive and process information, but that they are not in the position to make statements of their own or have the authority to teach others. Therefore, putting their thoughts down on paper might feel formal, high-stakes even, for your students.

What are some tips for teaching ESL writing?

Regardless of the age and proficiency level of your students, or whether you’re teaching writing in an ESL or EFL classroom, there is a myriad of strategies that you have at your disposal.

Don’t underestimate the value of conducting needs assessments

When it comes down to how to teach writing skills, even if you are teaching a group that is considered a certain proficiency level, recognize that there is always going to be a range of experience and ability present. Spend time getting to know what your students have been exposed to and in what ways before deciding on your approach. Teach to the middle to ensure no one is left behind.

Check out the following sample needs assessment to get started:

Think about how you can lower learners’ affective filters

A large portion of all successful teaching comes from relationship-building. In addition to getting a true sense of your learners’ experience and abilities, try to understand their attitudes towards writing as a process and any challenges that might be borne from those attitudes. How can you increase your students’ comfort level? How can you engage the individuals sitting in front of you?

Check out these 5 ways to build rapport with your students when teaching English.

Think about how the writing task can act as a building block for other assignments

Learning how to write in another language can be intimidating, and even more so if your students don’t enjoy writing in the first place. When wondering how to teach writing to ESL/EFL students, think about how you can integrate writing more often and more seamlessly into your lesson plans. Instead of approaching writing in isolation, teach writing skills alongside other “more engaging” activities that students tend to enjoy more. Have your students participate in role-playing and storytelling activities that require writing but don’t make writing the focus of the activity. This is your chance to be sneaky and get your students to build their writing skills without even knowing!

Present opportunities to examine authentic, written language

Providing students with examples of the target language is non-negotiable, but challenge yourself to move beyond the sample texts in your curriculum where possible. Students might feel bored by the selected works in their textbooks – they need to recognize that written language is all around them. Pull from authentic texts that cover an array of topics that you know matter to your students to keep them enticed.

Try incorporating pop culture into your ESL classroom to spice up writing activities!

Lead with function over form in instruction, and then alter your focus

Students can be discouraged to find their paper covered with red ink, highlighting their fallacies. While it is important to provide corrective feedback, consider the purpose of the assignment before marking up the composition. Was the output comprehensible? Did it touch upon everything that you asked for? Focusing on both function (the purpose of the assignment) and the accuracy in form simultaneously can feel overwhelming. Choose your objectives carefully, make them known to the learners, and provide corrective feedback accordingly .

Choose writing activities that pertain to your students’ learning goals. For example, the following clip, from a BridgeUniverse Expert Series webinar , covers how to teach Business English students to write an email in English:

Consider formative assessment and reflective strategies

Whenever possible, assess student work periodically, examining the process with various checkpoints and iterations throughout, instead of just evaluating the final product. Writing is an iterative process, and students benefit greatly when offered opportunities to reflect on their process. Create opportunities for students to participate in self- and peer-revision processes, which in turn will result in more conscientious and focused writers.

What are some ESL writing activities and lesson plans for beginners?

It can feel challenging to come up with writing activities for learners with beginner proficiency, but with proper scaffolding , writing can be inclusive and participatory.

Try group writing processes in class to get students comfortable

Writers with beginner proficiency might default to a deficit mindset, believing that writing is inaccessible for them due to a dearth of vocabulary or experience, so when you start to look at how to teach writing in the ESL/EFL classroom, your first job is to inspire confidence and get students into a growth mindset. To get them comfortable with the writing process, engage them in group writing activities.

  • Choose a familiar topic (or have your students choose a topic together), and explain that you are going to “group-author” a paragraph.
  • Have the students share what they know about the topic, and you, as the teacher, act as the scribe, jotting down their thoughts in a central location.
  • Continue gathering their ideas until everyone has shared, remembering to emphasize that this is a process and that there is no wrong contribution.
  • Examine the individual contributions and note overlap: How can a few thoughts be grouped together? In the process, ask students to elaborate on what they meant and provide examples.
  • Organize these preliminary thoughts to the best of your ability, involving the students and getting them to notice organizational structures and decipher between the main idea and details.
  • After celebrating what you can refer to as the “first draft,” provide specific and limited ways to improve the piece. Did they include everything they thought was relevant to the topic? Could the paragraph benefit from additional cohesive devices? Do the subjects and verbs agree? Provide ample support in the form of examples, formulas, and sentence frames alongside the piece. Invite students to examine the paragraph and seek out these common mistakes (in partners or individually).
  • Create your “final draft” together, and ensure that it’s displayed prominently in the space.

By engaging them in the writing process in this way, you are instilling habits that will aid them in writing autonomously when the time comes.

ESL students

Make the most of brainstorming – both individually and with others

Have you ever had students tell you that they don’t know what to write? Students, particularly those at the beginner level, need ample time to think about the content before diving into the actual writing process . Emphasize the importance of brainstorming as a way to collect their thoughts and aid them in their writing. Engage students in different kinds of brainstorming activities, going beyond “write down what comes to mind.”

Consider Think-Pair-Share as a framework for brainstorming, where students take time to think independently about the topic, share their ideas with their peers, and then share aloud to a larger group. Typically, the sharing is done orally, but you could also consider the independent writing portion of the activity as “sharing” with a larger audience, just in written form.

What are some ESL writing activities and lesson plans for intermediate and advanced students?

Facilitate a two-way journal experience with your students.

Create a way for individual students to exchange their ideas with you in an informal way with a two-way journal . Have the students maintain a writing journal that you periodically collect to write comments and ask questions. The objective of this exchange is not to formally evaluate your students’ writing, but to gather intel about your students’ progress and connect with them as individuals. Within these exchanges, not only are you building and sustaining rapport, but you are also augmenting critical thinking and meta-cognitive skills with strategies like noticing and annotation.

Cultivate peer revision routines

Learning to write in a non-native language is as much a social process as it is a cognitive process. Involving students in peer revision activities can be incredibly beneficial in that students can learn from their peers (potentially those who are stronger writers than themselves) and develop the ability to think more critically about their own writing. While getting students to effectively participate in peer revision activities requires a lot of frontloading and the establishing of routine, it is the gift that keeps on giving. If you’re interested in facilitating peer revision with your students, consider the following as general guidelines:

  • Start by determining your focus for the activity. What are you asking the students to do? Make it clear to the students what you’re looking for, and provide supports that they can use in the process (e.g., a checklist or rubric).
  • Demonstrate how students would use the rubric, and go through the revision process as a group.
  • Provide sample pieces to examine, and engage the students in discussion around the samples.
  • Make sure that students are aware of what is considered appropriate and useful feedback through modeling. Have them practice, and give them feedback on their feedback.
  • Monitor the peer review sessions and jump in as needed, ensuring the quality of feedback for all involved parties.
  • Reflect on the peer feedback activity in whole-group format, asking students to share what they got from reading their peers’ work, defining areas that they excelled in and areas for improvement.

Timed writing

Once your students feel comfortable with the writing process and the structure at hand, consider different contexts that they’ll be writing in. Perhaps they are planning to take the TOEFL or the Pearson Test of English (PTE) and hope to study abroad, or maybe they’re about to enter the workforce and work collaboratively with others.

In either case, your students will need to demonstrate their ability to communicate their ideas in written form while adhering to time constraints . Plan timed writing activities for your students on a variety of topics and with different parameters. In a standardized test prep context, have students write under the same conditions as the test that they’re preparing to sit for.

Take a Micro-credential course in Teaching TOEFL Test Prep or Teaching PTE Test Prep to help students ace these high-stakes exams.

In a workforce development setting, illustrate a scenario in which an email from management warrants an urgent (and polished) response. In either context, examine the output and discuss strategies that the students used. Student output from timed activities provides fertile ground for examining accuracy in form. Walk students through noticing activities, and challenge them to remember their tendencies in subsequent timed writing tasks.

Teaching writing to ESL/EFL students requires commitment and perhaps a bit of innovation on the part of the teacher, but if done well, it can prove immensely useful in a globalized world, aiding individuals in self-expression and beyond.

In addition to writing, there’s another subject that can sometimes fill teachers with dread: grammar! Here are 7 simple strategies for teaching grammar to English language learners , so you can tackle this topic with confidence .

how to write an essay esl students

Linda D'Argenio

Linda D'Argenio is a native of Naples, Italy. She is a world language teacher (English, Italian, and Mandarin Chinese,) translator, and writer. She has studied and worked in Italy, Germany, China, and the U.S. In 2003, Linda earned her doctoral degree in Classical Chinese Literature from Columbia University. She has taught students at both the school and college levels. Linda lives in Brooklyn, NY.

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How to write an essay in English

By ielts expert, 29 june 2023 - 16:00.

How to write an essay in English, blog image

Many students say writing is the worst part of their English, but it’s often just a case of confidence. With practice, and the tips in this post, you can gain the confidence you need to maximise your English and really show it off. This post will look at the three stages of writing - planning, writing the text and reading it back.

If you are preparing for an exam, please be aware that for the latest information on exam format you should always go straight to the source – IELTS website . You can practice free online IELTS Academic Writing tests or General Training Writing tests . You can also practice writing your answer by downloading an IELTS Writing Answer Sheet .

Planning is an integral part of your writing. You might say “I don’t plan”, but somewhere in your subconscious, you do! By raising your awareness of your own planning process you can improve enormously. As a teacher, I see many students who plan and many who don’t. In general, the students that plan produce much better work, so if you are in the “no plan” camp, you should at least experiment with some of the ideas coming up.

Planning 1: Address the question

If you are writing for a class assignment or an exam, it is crucial that you address the question given. Adequate planning (five minutes is better than nothing) will keep you on track. 

Start by breaking the question down into its parts. There will usually be two or three aspects to the question. You want not only to cover all aspects of the question, but also make it obvious to your teacher or the examiner that you have done so, and the best way to demonstrate this is to give each aspect its own paragraph.

Planning 2: Brainstorm vocabulary as well as ideas

Once you have identified your paragraphs, think about what vocabulary you have at your disposal. Perhaps you would like to write one paragraph from a particular angle, but when you start planning you might find there are holes in your vocabulary and you are better able to write from a different angle. Choose ideas which best overlap with what you can clearly state in English.

Planning 3: Write chunks of language

Even with all the vocabulary in the world, some ideas are complex to express in writing. Causality, speculation and hypothetical scenarios are all abstract concepts which make it more challenging to say exactly what you want, but these are also an opportunity to push your English ability to the max and show your grammatical range. 

Sound out in your head how you will make your arguments, and when you get stuck, try writing this part down in your plan. It might be a whole sentence of just a clause. This will help you decide if you have enough English ability to get across a really impressive idea, or if you need to simplify your thoughts in order to remain clear to the reader.

Writing the text 1: Use your plan!

I have seen many students write logical, competent plans that address the question, only to go off on a random tangent when they start writing! 

Of course, you might change some things as you go along, for example if you have a new idea, but keeping an eye on your plan will prevent you from getting distracted and bring you back to the question you must answer. It will also keep you aware of how you are doing for word count and time.

Writing the text 2: Write your introduction last

You should at least consider this idea. The purpose of an introduction is to tell the reader what they are going to read, so how can you write the introduction when you haven’t written the content yet?

Introductions are fiddly to write on a blank canvas, but much easier when we already have the content written in front of us.

If you are writing on paper, it is still possible to write the introduction last - you just need to leave a few lines for it.

Writing the text 3: Make sure your introduction and conclusion match

Your introduction and conclusion should also match the content of your main body paragraphs. This might seem obvious, but I wish I had a euro for every time I have seen an introduction passionately in favour of something followed by body paragraphs and a conclusion that were passionately against.

This problem can be avoided by writing your conclusion last, as suggested above. It will also be avoided by planning, and thinking a little more deeply how you feel about the question before you start. When I say a little more deeply, I’m talking about a minute or so, not hours.

Writing the text 4: Use linkers

Linkers are often misunderstood as simply a way of showing “formal English” but in fact, we use linkers all the time, even when chatting with friends. We use them in speech and in writing to indicate “I’m going to add to what was just said,”  “I’m going to contradict what was just said,” and generally to help the listener or reader understand where we are going next.

After writing the text

This is another area where many students are very reluctant - you need to read what you wrote! 

Check for spelling errors, missing third person s, capital letters, whatever errors you are prone to make… and if you don’t know what errors you are prone to make, it’s because you aren’t checking your writing, so you need to start today! You can be the expert on your own writing strengths and weaknesses, and this will just make you better and better.

Moreover, you should read back your text because it’s enjoyable to see how skillfully you put your ideas down and how convincing your arguments are. You did it! Well done! Enjoy the moment with some positivity!

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how to write an essay esl students

TESL Ontario Blog

A guide to teaching essay writing to your esl students.

As your students become more fluent in their new language, it’s a good idea to start focusing on more complex forms of writing. Essays are a great way for ESL students to practice researching, organizing information, and clearly representing their ideas. However, writing an essay in a second language can be difficult, so your students are going to need some help.

Have the Basics Down First

Before you begin teaching your students how to write an essay, you should make sure they have basic sentence formation down. Show them how to write simple, compound, and complex sentences. Start with a simple sentence, then instruct them on how to make it into a compound sentence, and then a complex sentence. Then you can move on to conjunctions, prepositions, and conjunctive adverbs.

Picking a Good Topic and Thesis

“The best way to teach essay writing is to have students become engaged by allowing them to pick a topic they are interested in,” writes David Muse, ESL teacher. Guide them towards something they can actually argue for or against. Once the student has a topic, it’s time for them to brainstorm and do their research. Teach them how to look up facts and statistics that will support their argument. Explain to your students what a thesis statement is.


Show you students how to write a proper introduction. Teach them ways to get the reader hooked and interested in reading on. Give them some ideas for how to hook their reader. Some good ones include a relevant quotation from one of their sources, an interesting fact, or even a joke, depending on their topic. Explain how an introduction should introduce the reader both to the central argument, as well as the main points that will be used to defend that argument.

Main Argument

Your students will probably find it easiest to stick to the traditional three main body paragraphs format. Each one of their body paragraphs will be concerned with one of their supporting arguments. They must explain each point and back it up with evidence from their research. Show them how to explain complex points by using shorter, more simple sentences to improve clarity. Teach them the rule of three. The rule of three is the idea that people will remember something better if they hear it reiterated in a group of three. A good example is “Stop, look, and listen.”

Wrapping Up

In the conclusion, your students will sum things up by reminding the reader of their main points. This is their last opportunity to really drive home their thesis. Make sure they know they should not be introducing any new points in their conclusion, but they can include a quotation or thought for the future. Quotations are useful because they lend some authority to the essay, and that’s a good way to end things.

Writing an essay in an unfamiliar language can be difficult, but your students can achieve it if they have the proper instruction. Remember to get them up to speed on the fundamentals of writing first. Follow this guide to teach your ESL students essay writing.

Grace Carter is an educator and curates teaching lessons, and improves the quality. She also teaches creative writing.

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ESL Teacher 365

B2 First (FCE) Essay Writing Guide

The Cambridge B2 First (FCE) essay is easier to write than you think! Follow these steps to write the perfect essay.

Post Contents

What is the Cambridge B2 First Essay?

  • Part 1 of the writing test – there are 2 parts total
  • 140-190 word limit
  • You have about 40 minutes to plan and write your essay
  • You must answer a question using two notes and your own idea
  • The topic requires general knowledge only
  • The essay is always formal because it is written “for your teacher”

Step One: Look at the Task (1 minute)

To begin, all B2 First essays have a similar format . This is great because you know exactly how to write the essay before seeing the question.

Read the essay question carefully and HIGHLIGHT any keywords you need to write about.

Tip: If you don’t understand the question or notes, DON’T PANIC. Try your best to write the essay. You will still get points for grammar, vocabulary, and structure.

B2 First essay writing instructions

Sample exam test from Cambridge English .

Step Two: Write a plan (5 minutes)

A lot of my students dislike writing a plan. However, a plan helps you organize your thoughts and helps you write a better B2 First essay. Your essay needs 5 paragraphs . We will use the sample task from above as an example:

Paragraph structure for an essay


  • Rivers and seas
  • Your own idea

Next, to create a plan, write a few words for each paragraph . DO NOT write whole sentences. This takes too much time. Try to focus on keywords and short phrases .

Tip: “Your own idea” DOES NOT mean your opinion. You need to think of another topic related to the question to talk about. Some ideas for this task could be: recycling, agriculture, industry, etc.

Additionally, you can prepare a list of linking words and related vocabulary . Getting these words written down before you start helps you remember to use them.

Look at the example plan below. You can draw something similar on a blank piece of paper.

B2 First essay plan

Tip: Time yourself – see how long it takes for you to write a plan. Try to reduce that amount of time as much as possible.

Step 3: Write your essay (32 minutes)

On the official test, you must write with a pen . No erasable pens or pencils are allowed. I suggest writing your plan and essay with a pen every time you practice .

Let’s take a look at each paragraph of the essay.

The introduction to your essay should be 2-3 sentences long . It introduces the essay topic in a general way .

Tip: DO NOT include your opinion in the introduction. Your opinion goes in the conclusion.

If you are unsure how to write an introduction, try this structure and look at the example :

Structure of the introduction  

  • 1 sentence about the topic in general
  • 1-2 sentences about the topic more specifically, including a question if you like.

Example Introduction

On every continent, the amount of trash and waste is increasing each year. Rubbish causes damage to ecosystems all over the world. Is there a way for countries to reduce their carbon footprint and save our planet?

Body of the essay

The body of the essay has three paragraphs . These paragraphs talk about one idea with supporting examples .

For each paragraph, you need to write a topic sentence. A topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph . DO NOT copy the notes. Instead, try to rewrite the idea in your own words. This is called “paraphrasing.” 

Your paragraphs should be 3-4 sentences .

Tip: Start each paragraph with a linking word .

Structure of a body paragraph

  • Linking word and topic sentence
  • Supporting sentences

Example body paragraph

Firstly, countries can decrease pollution and environmental stress by offering more public transportation. Cars and other vehicles which require petrol produce toxic fumes. If more electric buses and trams were available, fewer people would need to drive their cars.

Follow the same structure for each body paragraph.

Tip: Remember that “your own idea” is NOT your opinion . Write about an additional topic related to the question that you wrote down on your plan.

Finally, you get to say your opinion! In the conclusion, you need to summarize the topic and give your opinion on the question. A conclusion should be 1-2 sentences long.

Structure of the conclusion

  • Transition word and a sentence summarizing the topic
  • A sentence that gives your opinion

Example conclusion

To sum up, countries around the world must make changes in order to protect the environment. In my opinion, offering more public transport, reducing overfishing, and creating recycling programs are necessary for a cleaner planet.

Step Four: Review your writing (2 minutes)

This is another important step that students often miss. Take two minutes after writing your essay to check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Since you wrote in pen, simply cross out the incorrect word or words LIKE THIS and rewrite them.

How can I get a higher mark on the FCE essay?

Now that you know how to write an essay for the Cambridge B2 First exam, let’s look at how to get the best mark possible .

Increase your mark on your B2 First essay

  • Include 5-8 linking words – these words introduce paragraphs and connect ideas
  • Use a variety of grammatical structures – you should have both simple and complex forms. Try to use perfect and future forms, conditionals, comparatives, relative clauses and passive
  • Use formal vocabulary – do not use slang or simple words like “good, big, small, bad.” Also, do not use contractions. Write “cannot” instead of “can’t”
  • Make the essay interesting to read – the examiners read hundreds of essays so make yours easy to read and engaging
  • Use the correct amount of words (140-190) – it’s ok to be a few words over the limit, but not too many

Final Advice

The best way to improve your writing skills … is to write! Try to write a few essays each week and ask your teacher for feedback . I have had students who entered my class with very poor writing skills and with practice, they were able to pass the exam after only 10 weeks!

I help students prepare for the FCE exam with private lessons via Zoom. Email me at [email protected] or check out my private lessons page to learn more.

If you want more practice for the B2 First , try these Speaking exam tips , free writing checklist , and Reading part 1 practice.

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Literacy Ideas

Essay Writing: A complete guide for students and teachers

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Essay writing is an essential skill for every student. Whether writing a particular academic essay (such as persuasive, narrative, descriptive, or expository) or a timed exam essay, the key to getting good at writing is to write. Creating opportunities for our students to engage in extended writing activities will go a long way to helping them improve their skills as scribes.

But, putting the hours in alone will not be enough to attain the highest levels in essay writing. Practice must be meaningful. Once students have a broad overview of how to structure the various types of essays, they are ready to narrow in on the minor details that will enable them to fine-tune their work as a lean vehicle of their thoughts and ideas.

Visual Writing

In this article, we will drill down to some aspects that will assist students in taking their essay writing skills up a notch. Many ideas and activities can be integrated into broader lesson plans based on essay writing. Often, though, they will work effectively in isolation – just as athletes isolate physical movements to drill that are relevant to their sport. When these movements become second nature, they can be repeated naturally in the context of the game or in our case, the writing of the essay.


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  • 270  pages of the most effective teaching strategies
  • 50+   digital tools  ready right out of the box
  • 75   editable resources  for student   differentiation  
  • Loads of   tricks and tips  to add to your teaching tool bag
  • All explanations are reinforced with  concrete examples.
  • Links to  high-quality video  tutorials
  • Clear objectives  easy to match to the demands of your curriculum

Planning an essay

essay writing | how to prepare for an essay | Essay Writing: A complete guide for students and teachers |

The Boys Scouts’ motto is famously ‘Be Prepared’. It’s a solid motto that can be applied to most aspects of life; essay writing is no different. Given the purpose of an essay is generally to present a logical and reasoned argument, investing time in organising arguments, ideas, and structure would seem to be time well spent.

Given that essays can take a wide range of forms and that we all have our own individual approaches to writing, it stands to reason that there will be no single best approach to the planning stage of essay writing. That said, there are several helpful hints and techniques we can share with our students to help them wrestle their ideas into a writable form. Let’s take a look at a few of the best of these:


Whether students are tackling an assignment that you have set for them in class or responding to an essay prompt in an exam situation, they should get into the habit of analyzing the nature of the task. To do this, they should unravel the question’s meaning or prompt. Students can practice this in class by responding to various essay titles, questions, and prompts, thereby gaining valuable experience breaking these down.

Have students work in groups to underline and dissect the keywords and phrases and discuss what exactly is being asked of them in the task. Are they being asked to discuss, describe, persuade, or explain? Understanding the exact nature of the task is crucial before going any further in the planning process, never mind the writing process .


Once students have understood what the essay task asks them, they should consider what they know about the topic and, often, how they feel about it. When teaching essay writing, we so often emphasize that it is about expressing our opinions on things, but for our younger students what they think about something isn’t always obvious, even to themselves.

Brainstorming and mind-mapping what they know about a topic offers them an opportunity to uncover not just what they already know about a topic, but also gives them a chance to reveal to themselves what they think about the topic. This will help guide them in structuring their research and, later, the essay they will write . When writing an essay in an exam context, this may be the only ‘research’ the student can undertake before the writing, so practicing this will be even more important.


The previous step above should reveal to students the general direction their research will take. With the ubiquitousness of the internet, gone are the days of students relying on a single well-thumbed encyclopaedia from the school library as their sole authoritative source in their essay. If anything, the real problem for our students today is narrowing down their sources to a manageable number. Students should use the information from the previous step to help here. At this stage, it is important that they:

●      Ensure the research material is directly relevant to the essay task

●      Record in detail the sources of the information that they will use in their essay

●      Engage with the material personally by asking questions and challenging their own biases

●      Identify the key points that will be made in their essay

●      Group ideas, counterarguments, and opinions together

●      Identify the overarching argument they will make in their own essay.

Once these stages have been completed the student is ready to organise their points into a logical order.


There are a number of ways for students to organize their points in preparation for writing. They can use graphic organizers , post-it notes, or any number of available writing apps. The important thing for them to consider here is that their points should follow a logical progression. This progression of their argument will be expressed in the form of body paragraphs that will inform the structure of their finished essay.

The number of paragraphs contained in an essay will depend on a number of factors such as word limits, time limits, the complexity of the question etc. Regardless of the essay’s length, students should ensure their essay follows the Rule of Three in that every essay they write contains an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Generally speaking, essay paragraphs will focus on one main idea that is usually expressed in a topic sentence that is followed by a series of supporting sentences that bolster that main idea. The first and final sentences are of the most significance here with the first sentence of a paragraph making the point to the reader and the final sentence of the paragraph making the overall relevance to the essay’s argument crystal clear. 

Though students will most likely be familiar with the broad generic structure of essays, it is worth investing time to ensure they have a clear conception of how each part of the essay works, that is, of the exact nature of the task it performs. Let’s review:

Common Essay Structure

Introduction: Provides the reader with context for the essay. It states the broad argument that the essay will make and informs the reader of the writer’s general perspective and approach to the question.

Body Paragraphs: These are the ‘meat’ of the essay and lay out the argument stated in the introduction point by point with supporting evidence.

Conclusion: Usually, the conclusion will restate the central argument while summarising the essay’s main supporting reasons before linking everything back to the original question.


essay writing | 1 How to write paragraphs | Essay Writing: A complete guide for students and teachers |

●      Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea

●      Paragraphs should follow a logical sequence; students should group similar ideas together to avoid incoherence

●      Paragraphs should be denoted consistently; students should choose either to indent or skip a line

●      Transition words and phrases such as alternatively , consequently , in contrast should be used to give flow and provide a bridge between paragraphs.


essay writing | essay editing tips | Essay Writing: A complete guide for students and teachers |

Students shouldn’t expect their essays to emerge from the writing process perfectly formed. Except in exam situations and the like, thorough editing is an essential aspect in the writing process. 

Often, students struggle with this aspect of the process the most. After spending hours of effort on planning, research, and writing the first draft, students can be reluctant to go back over the same terrain they have so recently travelled. It is important at this point to give them some helpful guidelines to help them to know what to look out for. The following tips will provide just such help: 

One Piece at a Time: There is a lot to look out for in the editing process and often students overlook aspects as they try to juggle too many balls during the process. One effective strategy to combat this is for students to perform a number of rounds of editing with each focusing on a different aspect. For example, the first round could focus on content, the second round on looking out for word repetition (use a thesaurus to help here), with the third attending to spelling and grammar.

Sum It Up: When reviewing the paragraphs they have written, a good starting point is for students to read each paragraph and attempt to sum up its main point in a single line. If this is not possible, their readers will most likely have difficulty following their train of thought too and the paragraph needs to be overhauled.

Let It Breathe: When possible, encourage students to allow some time for their essay to ‘breathe’ before returning to it for editing purposes. This may require some skilful time management on the part of the student, for example, a student rush-writing the night before the deadline does not lend itself to effective editing. Fresh eyes are one of the sharpest tools in the writer’s toolbox.

Read It Aloud: This time-tested editing method is a great way for students to identify mistakes and typos in their work. We tend to read things more slowly when reading aloud giving us the time to spot errors. Also, when we read silently our minds can often fill in the gaps or gloss over the mistakes that will become apparent when we read out loud.

Phone a Friend: Peer editing is another great way to identify errors that our brains may miss when reading our own work. Encourage students to partner up for a little ‘you scratch my back, I scratch yours’.

Use Tech Tools: We need to ensure our students have the mental tools to edit their own work and for this they will need a good grasp of English grammar and punctuation. However, there are also a wealth of tech tools such as spellcheck and grammar checks that can offer a great once-over option to catch anything students may have missed in earlier editing rounds.

essay writing | Perfect essay writing for students | Essay Writing: A complete guide for students and teachers |

Putting the Jewels on Display: While some struggle to edit, others struggle to let go. There comes a point when it is time for students to release their work to the reader. They must learn to relinquish control after the creation is complete. This will be much easier to achieve if the student feels that they have done everything in their control to ensure their essay is representative of the best of their abilities and if they have followed the advice here, they should be confident they have done so.


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Learn English Team

Essay Examples & Writing Tips for ESL/EFL Students (updated 2024)

In this lesson you will find simple essay examples for ESL, EFL and university students. Additional writing tips also show how to write a proper essay with minimal mistakes.

Writing essays is a powerful way to improve your language skills and express your thoughts. In our article, “Essay Examples for ESL/EFL Students,” we embark on a journey through the world of essays, offering you valuable examples and insights to help you gain confidence in your English writing abilities.

Essay Examples and Tips For ESL Students

Sample essay 1. my hobby.

My favorite hobby is playing drums. I spend a lot of my free time playing drums. I started learning to play drums when I was 9 years old. I played in my school’s band. When I was 12, I got a private drum teacher and started to really enjoy playing.

My parents bought me a drum set and I started practicing every day after school. It was very loud, but my mother never complained. I improved a lot, and playing drums has been my favorite hobby ever since.

Now, I play drums in a band with my friend Dan, who plays guitar. We write songs, perform, and practice twice a week. It’s still as fun as it was when I first started playing!

Answer these questions in your essay:

What is your hobby? When did you start doing this hobby? Why do you like doing this hobby? How did you learn this hobby? When do you usually do this hobby? How often do you do this hobby?(every day, one a week, twice a month, on weekends, etc.)

Use this sentence pattern in your essay: start/stop verb+ing I started playing basketball when I was 5 years old. I started reading novels when I was very young

Sentence pattern: verb+ing

When you put a verb after start , begin , stop , finish , or quit , you must add “ ‐ing ”

Examples: I started studying English in 3rd grade. I finished writing my homework at 11:00 last night. My father quit smoking because it is unhealthy. We began dating when we met last year.

Check Also: Essay Writing Tips & How to Avoid Typical Mistakes  Short Essay Examples for ESL Students 20 Useful Vocabulary & Phrases to Start Your Essay  Argumentative Essay Topics With Points for Students

SAMPLE ESSAY 2. My Favorite Place

Usually when you ask people what their favorite place is, they will talk about a distant place – maybe a beach or a beautiful mountain. But my favorite place is not far away at all. My favorite place is the forest behind my house.

Although the forest behind my house is not very big, when I was little I thought it was huge! There are so many interesting places to play and hide. I can sit on the big rocks and have a picnic, I can climb the tall trees, or I can look for lizards and other little animals.

Even though I have played there many times, I can still spend all afternoon running, playing, and hiking in the forest behind my house.

The forest behind my house is a magical place. If I am in a bad mood, I will go there to be alone and think. When I was little, I liked to imagine that there were magical people who lived in the forest. When I grow up and have children, I hope that they can live near such a special place, too.

Sentence pattern: (not) …at all “at all” means “not even a little”, and you usually put it at the end of a negative sentence (a sentence with “not”).

Example: Brian: Are you hungry: Dave: I just ate dinner. I’m not hungry at all.

Check Also: Essay Writing Tips & How to Avoid Typical Mistakes ✅ Useful Academic Expressions & Phrases For Essay Writing

how to write an essay esl students

SAMPLE ESSAY 3. My Best Friend

A best friend is a person you can count on, someone who will always be there to put a smile on your face when you need it. This is why I call Nathan my best friend.

I first met Nathan in second grade. His family just moved here from another town and he didn’t have any friends. We started talking, and one day I went to his house to play video games. Soon, we were hanging out every day, and we stayed at each other’s houses on the weekends.

Nathan and I have a lot in common. We both like jokes, and we both love to play soccer. In summer, we go to the swimming pool and eat ice cream cones. Next year, we are going to learn to play tennis together.

Best of all, I can tell Nathan my secrets, and I know he won’t tell anyone. I call him my best friend because I trust him, because he is a lot of fun, and because we like the same things. I hope our friendship lasts forever!

Sentence pattern: [Subject] lasts [amount of time]

Use this to describe how long something is (how long it “lasts”)

Examples: That is a long movie. It lasts almost 3 hours . Summer vacation lasts about 2 months . The cell phone battery lasts about 1 year . After 1 year, you will need to buy a new one. When my girlfriend broke up with me, she said, “ Nothing lasts forever .”

SAMPLE ESSAY 4. Trip to the Zoo

Going to the zoo is a fun and interesting way to spend a day. The last time I went to the zoo was two months ago, during summer vacation. I went with my mother, father, and sister, and it was a trip that I will never forget.

We saw all kinds of animals at the zoo. We saw monkeys, snakes, and even a lion! In addition, there were birds, lizards, and several different kinds of fish. We got to see an eel, and octopus, and a small shark. My favorite animal was the elephant. It was so huge! We fed the elephants peanuts, and it sprayed us with water!

Although the zoo is very exciting, sometimes it makes me sad to see all the animals in cages. They cannot walk, run, or fly freely. However, it is good that people can go to the zoo and learn about these animals. Therefore, I’m glad we have such a nice zoo in my city

Essay Writing Tips For ESL students:

Writing essays might seem tricky, but with a few simple tips, you can make it easier and better. Especially if English is not your first language, here are some straightforward suggestions:

  • Start with a Plan: Before you begin writing, take a moment to think about your main ideas. Make a simple outline with your introduction, main points, and conclusion. It’s like making a roadmap for your essay.
  • Use Simple Words: Don’t try to impress with big words. It’s better to use words you know well. Simple words can be just as effective and make your writing clearer.
  • One Idea per Paragraph: Each paragraph should talk about one main idea. This makes your essay organized and easy to follow. Start a new paragraph when you move to a new topic.
  • Check for Mistakes: After you finish writing, go back and check for mistakes. Look for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. It’s a small step, but it makes a big difference.
  • Connect Your Ideas: Use words like “but,” “and,” and “so” to connect your ideas. This helps your writing flow smoothly. Remember to put a comma after these words at the beginning of a sentence.
  • Read Out Loud: After you’ve written your essay, read it out loud. This helps you catch mistakes and see if your sentences sound right.
  • Keep It Simple: Stick to the point. Don’t make your sentences too long or complicated. It’s better to have short, clear sentences.

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eSchool News

How to help ESL students improve writing skills

It's a challenge to learn a language, but your esl students were brave enough to accept it--and you have instruments to help them along the way.

Learning a new language is challenging, requiring a student to master four basic skills–listening, reading, speaking, and writing–from scratch. And it becomes even more challenging for ESL learners.

Not only do they learn a language but they also have to deal with other school subjects in it. And while listening and reading aren’t that difficult to conquer (both are passive skills about consuming the language, so they are easier for students to handle), active skills like speaking and writing are another thing:

Why is writing so critical for students to master?

Speaking and writing are about producing the language, requiring a different mental muscle from learners. ESL students won’t be able to succeed at school or college if they can’t use the language well enough: Their grades and overall subject knowledge will suffer.

The reasons for the importance of writing skills for ESL learners are obvious:

  • Mistakes make them look uneducated. It’s especially true when it comes to writing assignments: With poor writing skills, students can’t deal with essays and other homework the way they need to get a good grade. Not to mention their further education when the time comes to write dissertations and other research papers: Afraid of poor grades and stipend loss, ESL students get tempted to plagiarize from others or use writing services from third parties to prevent failures and get the desired diploma.
  • Writing is essential for professional and long-distance communication. Whether they’ll use English online in chat rooms, messengers, forums, and social media profiles, or they’ll need it for professional communication with colleagues and clients (business emails, project discussions, task setting, etc.), all these require proper writing skills to avoid mistakes and misunderstanding. A wrong vocabulary word or grammar error can change the context and cause problems with comprehension.
  • ESL students need stellar writing skills to pass exams and language tests or enter the university. Think of SAT requiring essay writing or IELTS and TOEFL measuring writing abilities. Above-average writing skills are a must here to succeed.

Ways to improve your ESL students’ writing skills

As a teacher, you can help your ESL students improve their writing skills. Here’s how:

Encourage them to find an online pen pal

The big chances are that your ESL mentees communicate with many native speakers, but it doesn’t mean those native speakers help them polish their writing skills. What they need is a written exchange with a person who is ready to correct them and help them actually see mistakes.

Specific websites for language learners, such as My Language Exchange or Interpals , can come in handy here.

They are platforms for practicing languages with native speakers, aimed at learning through communication rather than mere chatting. Introducing such websites or apps to your students can encourage them to try another instrument for writing practice.

Ask them to write short stories

Teachers know that students don’t like writing assignments, especially those with strict requirements and deadlines. To break up the monotony of those typical tasks, ask ESL students to write short stories from time to time.

Not only does it help awaken their creative side, but it also encourages them to think of language learning curiously. Short stories can be about everything: Let a student choose a plot, characters, and resolution.

Such creative writing tasks motivate students to explore new words and topics they might avoid in the classroom or everyday conversation. They will examine literary devices and play with word combinations for their texts to sound better – all this will strengthen their writing skills.

You can also reveal the power of journaling to students and motivate them to keep their diaries in English rather than their native language. It’s an actionable practice to learn new words, improve grammar, and smash doubts about their writing abilities.

Assign summary writing

As you know, summarizing things you’ve read is one of the best ways to practice writing:

ESL students read materials in their target language, learn new vocabulary and sentence structures, and then fix that newly acquired knowledge by writing a summary and using that vocabulary and grammar constructions in their works.

Encourage them to write for publication

If you haven’t thought about teaching digital writing to your students in 2022, it’s high time to start. Gen Z writes more than speak now, sharing tons of text messages, social media posts, and comments daily. As a teacher, you can use it for educational purposes.

Encourage them to participate in online writing contests in their target language: The idea of strangers reading your text is a powerful motivator to write it in the best way possible.

Or, suggest they try blogging in English: free platforms like Medium are perfect to start.

Teach specialized writing styles

As you understand, writing skills go far beyond academic essays, and ESL students will need different writing styles outside of classrooms. Help them master specific formats: emails, resumes, cover letters, reports, etc.

Each format requires using the correct vocabulary and writing rules, so teach proper greetings, set phrases, and punctuation for different types of writing to students. Be one step ahead of the curriculum to not just tell mentees how to write academic papers but to help them master the writing skills they will need later in life.

It’s a challenge to learn a language, but your ESL students were brave enough to accept it. As a teacher, you have instruments to help them along the way: You can find fun and appealing writing practices for mentees so they won’t feel like language learning at all. Make this challenge engaging and encourage your students not to give up halfway.

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Lesley Vos is a former teacher of the French language for high school students from Chicago. Now she blogs about college life and writing, contributes to publications on business and self-growth, and plans to visit Australia this year.

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First steps in essay writing for primary school students

It is often difficult to get young learners closer to understanding the main purpose and development of an opinion essay.

how to write an essay esl students

Posted by Karina Castro

This resource could become an easy starting point to help them generate ideas and produce consistent lines. A good source of inspiration is essential for this kind of task. A couple of months ago I found an essay in pictures by Neil Gaiman published in The Guardian. It is part of Gaiman’s larger work Art Matters, and of public access. It explains the importance of reading, libraries preservation and daydreaming.

The use of this material could benefit students both by connecting them with a different kind of literature and encouraging them to write their own ideas on the topic.

1. Start by showing on your classroom screen the different parts of the essay (or print them and paste them all over the classroom). Select students to read them aloud and invite them to make comments and provide their own opinion: Do they agree? What would they add to each sentence? What other ideas would they include?

2. Encourage your students to join in groups and write down their own ideas starting by those of the author. Eg: Reading is important because…; Books are …, etc.

3. Ask students to check grammar and spelling. Help them when necessary.

4. Share their final works.

You may take notes on the board of those sentences whose contents reflect their strongest points of view and guide them to reorder them so that they have a logical connection and result in a clear statement of what they think on the issue.

After that first try, you could encourage your students to write about different topics like:

- Our environment needs our help

- Learning languages is our gate to the world

- A creative mind will always make a free person

You may use any other topic you are working with or they suggest. This time you should let them work on their own: alone, in pairs or in small groups. Make sure they can count on you during the process.

Cross-curricular - Language + Art

As the last step for this task, you could join the Art teacher, who can work with the students to illustrate each of their lines/ideas. The final result would be a real “essay in pictures” which could decórate your classroom, the school’s reception, one of the school’s corridors or, why not, become the central part of the school’s Art Display this year! Give it a try, and writing an opinion essay won’t be that tough (or boring) for your students next time!

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Kayla McLaughlin

4 ways to get students excited about writing

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Growing up, I liked to write. More specifically, though, I liked to write about things I liked. While I could crank out a decent enough essay like the best of them, my real passion was in creative writing. Buried in the depths of my office closet is a box holding over a dozen spiral-bound notebooks and hundreds of loose pieces of paper (all adorned with my middle-to-high-school handwriting) spinning elaborate tales of drama and adventure, mostly inspired by my favorite fantasy novels.

A few pieces, though, stand out. There’s the short story I wrote for my honors English class in tenth grade, when we were studying the works of Edgar Allan Poe. My teacher gave us the option to either write an essay comparing the themes in multiple examples of Poe’s work or to demonstrate our understanding of the class material by writing an original short story mimicking Poe’s style. I chose the latter. And I got an A.

Looking back at my high school career, I realize how extremely fortunate I was to have English teachers who understood the importance of “leaning in” and getting to know me as a person. The Poe assignment was one of many in which my teachers found ways to tailor writing tasks so that they felt more interesting and relevant. It was their ability to create buy-in on my part that resulted in my not only wanting to write for school but also in my learning to see myself as a writer both inside and outside of the classroom.

There’s a great deal of focus in writing instruction on making sure students consider their audience. Just as we want students to know their audience, however, we, as teachers, need to also know our students so that we can empower them to use their writing voices. Here are four tips on how to go about this in your classroom.

1. Assign authentic writing tasks

My colleague Julie Richardson recently wrote about engaging student interest with authentic writing tasks . Namely, she calls out the importance of having students consider what they want to accomplish with a particular piece of writing, in addition to what their teacher wants. This callout is in keeping with research by scholars including Steve Graham and Sarah Freedman , among others, that demonstrates the importance of considering what sorts of writing tasks students might engage in outside the classroom. Authenticity is an excellent way to get students excited about writing.

By integrating authentic writing tasks into your curriculum, you can help your students see the value in school-based writing. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Making a thank-you card for a friend or family member
  • Using picture books to write simple stories
  • Creating comic books or graphic novels
  • Summarizing and critiquing movies or episodes of TV shows
  • Documenting a family story or recipe
  • Reporting on the unexpected origins of an everyday item
  • Leaving effective online reviews for products
  • Writing a cover letter for a potential job
  • Drafting requests to state and local representatives

2. Get to know your students

To get started identifying authentic writing tasks for your students, ask yourself: who are my students? What drives and motivates them? What are their strengths? What are their opportunities for growth? Why should knowing how to write—and to write well—matter to them?

One simple way to start the getting-to-know-you process is by asking students to complete a writer reflection survey. This not only allows you, as the teacher, to learn more about how your students view and approach writing, but it also gives them a chance to self-reflect and consider, perhaps for the first time, how they view and approach writing.

To gauge shifts in students’ perspectives, I recommend administering your survey multiple times (e.g., once at the beginning of the year and once at the end, or between major writing assignments). Some examples of potential statements you might include, asking students to indicate their level of agreement from strongly disagree to strongly agree , are:

  • I can stay focused when I write.
  • It’s hard for me to remember how to spell words.
  • I write differently depending on who will read my writing.
  • I like adding extra features to my writing, like illustrations or labels.
  • I know who I can go to for help with my writing.
  • I usually understand the directions in school writing assignments.
  • I see myself as a writer.
  • I believe writing is important in everyday life.

For younger students, consider adapting your survey into a classroom activity that gets students up and moving around the room. Designate certain parts of the classroom as “response areas,” then read each statement aloud and ask students to walk to the response area that best matches how they feel about the statement. For example, students who strongly agree with the statement “I can stay focused when I write” might go stand by the back wall, while those who strongly disagree might go stand up front by the whiteboard, while those somewhere in between could stand in the middle of the classroom.

Note, however, that a survey such as the one described here is simply the beginning of an ongoing conversation you’ll need to have with your students as you discover more about who they are and how you can help them feel more confident as writers.

To keep the conversation going, consider asking students to keep a writing journal that they regularly share with you and in which you can provide feedback and answer questions. You might also incorporate peer review sessions into your lessons, as these sessions allow students to hone their writing skills and share their work with peers. Both of these approaches can get students excited about writing and help them begin to see themselves as writers who understand and appreciate the value of writing in their everyday lives.

3. Prioritize an asset-based approach

When getting to know your students, take particular care to use an asset-based approach; that is, do not mistake difference for “less than.” For example, you may have students in your classroom who are more comfortable and fluent expressing themselves in a language other than English. You might have students with disabilities like dyslexia, which can make accurate spelling a challenge. You might have students with ADHD for whom the act of sitting down and quietly drafting a paper is difficult. Does that mean these students have less potential as writers than their peers? Of course not! It simply means that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing instruction.

Multilingual students, for whom weaving together words from two or more languages can be as natural as breathing, should be allowed and encouraged to incorporate translanguaging into their writing process. Students with dyslexia or for whom spelling is otherwise a challenge should be provided access to accommodations like spell check and speech-to-text, which research shows can lead to improved writing outcomes. Students with ADHD, meanwhile, may benefit from more explicit guidance on what is expected, prewriting activities such as mind mapping, and having a larger writing task broken down into smaller micro-assignments, as noted by educator Tracy Collins on Edutopia .

The importance of an asset-based approach can’t be overstated and is an invaluable way to get students excited about writing.

4. Aim for inclusivity

Consider that you may also have students whose lived experiences are such that they don’t find some popular assigned prompts relevant. For example, a student who spent their summer at home or working to help support their family probably isn’t going to feel particularly seen if asked to write about what sort of vacation they took while school was out. A student with same-sex parents, if tasked with writing about their family, may wonder if the instructor has considered the possibility that not everyone’s family includes a mom and a dad and whether it’s safe (or even allowed) to talk about their home life at school. Similarly, a female student of color might roll her eyes at being assigned an essay on yet another book written by a white male author who lived in England hundreds of years ago and who never had to deal with the intersection of racism and sexism she faces on a daily basis, or to consider how living at that intersection shapes one’s lived experiences.

Once you’re aware of the multitude of identities in your classroom, you can tailor your writing assignments appropriately. For example, instead of asking students to write about where they may (or may not) have gone on summer vacation, you can ask them to write about the ideal summer vacation, that is, what would they like to do? Where would they like to go, and why? Similarly, if asking students to write about their families, make sure you’ve established that your classroom is a safe space in which diverse family structures are celebrated and are well-represented in the books or other written texts you analyze with your class. Finally, do an author audit of the books assigned as part of your curriculum. Are they all (or mostly all) white male authors? If so, look into alternative books that you could use instead that might be more interesting and relevant for your students. Not sure where to start? Try your school librarian, who will more likely than not be happy to help!

It can be challenging to get students excited about writing. But as those delivering and differentiating the curriculum, it’s vital that teachers consider the needs, interests, and identities of their students. It is only by knowing them well that you can assign truly authentic writing tasks.

When choosing prompts and designing assignments, I encourage you to make a habit of asking yourself, how can I make this something my students want to write about? How can I cultivate a sense of community in my classroom so that each student-writer can show up comfortably and confidently as their whole, authentic self?

You may also wish to read through NWEA’s stances on writing , which contain a wealth of research-backed information demonstrating what effective, equitable writing instruction looks like.

As noted at the beginning of this article, it can be difficult to get students excited about writing. But if you’ve ever seen that spark in a student’s eyes the moment they realize they’re a writer, then you know it’s well worth the effort to try.

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The (AI) sky isn’t falling

Students using generative AI to write their essays is a problem, but it isn’t a crisis, writes Christopher Hallenbrook. We have the tools to tackle the issue of artificial intelligence

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Christopher R. Hallenbrook

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In January, the literary world was rocked by the news that novelist Rie Qudan had used ChatGPT to write 5 per cent of her novel that won Japan’s prestigious Akutagawa Prize. The consternation over this revelation mirrored the conversations that have been taking place in academia since ChatGPT was launched in late 2022. Discussions and academic essays since that time have consistently spoken of a new wave of cheating on campus, one we are powerless to prevent. 

While this reaction is understandable, I disagree with it. Students using AI to write their essays is a problem, but it isn’t a crisis. We have the tools to tackle the issue.

AI is easy to spot

In most cases AI writing can be easily recognised. If you ask multipart questions, as I do, ChatGPT defaults to using section headings for each component. When I grade a paper that has six section headings in a three- to five-page paper (something I have experienced), I see a red flag. ChatGPT’s vocabulary reinforces this impression. Its word choice does not align with how most undergraduates write. I’ve never seen a student call Publius a “collective pseudonym” in a paper about The Federalist Papers , but ChatGPT frequently does. AI is quick to discuss the “ethical foundations of governance”, “intrinsic equilibrium” and other terms that are rare in undergraduate writing if you haven’t used the terms in class. Certainly, some students do use such vocabulary. 

One must be careful and know one’s students. In-class discussions and short response papers can help you get a feel for how your students talk and write. Worst-case scenario, a one-to-one discussion of the paper with the student goes a long way. I’ve asked students to explain what they meant by a certain term. The answer “I don’t know” tells you what you need to know about whether or not they used AI. 

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Even when you can’t identify AI writing so readily, you will likely fail the paper on its merits anyway. I’ve found ChatGPT will frequently engage with the topic but will write around the question. The answer is related to what I asked about but doesn’t answer my question. By missing the question, making its points in brief and not using the textual evidence that I instruct students to include (but I don’t put that instruction in the question itself), ChatGPT produces an essay that omits the most essential elements that I grade on. So even if I miss that the essay was AI generated, I’m still going to give it a poor grade.

The summary is ‘dead and buried’

Careful consideration and structuring of essay prompts also reduce the risk of students getting AI-written work past you. A simple summary of concepts is easy for ChatGPT. Even deep questions of political theory have enough written on them for ChatGPT to rapidly produce a quality summary. Summaries were never the most pedagogically sound take-home essay assignment; now they are dead and buried. 

Creativity in how we ask students to analyse and apply concepts makes it much harder for ChatGPT to answer our questions. When I was an undergraduate student, my mentor framed all his questions as “in what manner and to what extent” can something be said to be true. That framework invites nuance, forces students to define their terms and can be used to create less-written-about topics. 

Similarly, when responding to prompts asking about theories of democratic representation, ChatGPT can effectively summarise the beliefs of Publius, the anti-federalist Brutus or Malcolm X on the nature of representation, but it struggles to answer: “Can Professor Hallenbrook properly represent Carson? Why or why not? Draw on the ideas of thinkers we have read in class to justify your answer.” In fact, it doesn’t always recognise that by “Carson”, I am referring to the city where I teach, not a person. By not specifying which thinkers, ChatGPT has to pick its own and in my practice runs with this prompt, it used almost exclusively thinkers I had not taught in my American political thought class.

Ask ChatGPT first, then set the essay topic

I select my phrasing after putting different versions of the question through ChatGPT. Running your prompt through ChatGPT before you assign it will both let you know if you’ve successfully created a question that the generative AI will struggle with and give you a feel for the tells in its approach that will let you know if a student tries to use it. I’d recommend running the prompt multiple times to see different versions of an AI answer and make note of the tells. It is a touch more prep time but totally worth it. After all, we should be continually re-examining our prompts anyway.

So, yes, ChatGPT is a potential problem. But it is not insurmountable. As with plagiarism, some uses may escape our detection. But through attention to detail and careful design of our assignments, we can make it harder for students to use ChatGPT to write their papers effectively and easier to spot it when they do.

Christopher R. Hallenbrook is assistant professor of political science and chair of the general education committee at California State University, Dominguez Hills.

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What I’ve Learned From My Students’ College Essays

The genre is often maligned for being formulaic and melodramatic, but it’s more important than you think.

An illustration of a high school student with blue hair, dreaming of what to write in their college essay.

By Nell Freudenberger

Most high school seniors approach the college essay with dread. Either their upbringing hasn’t supplied them with several hundred words of adversity, or worse, they’re afraid that packaging the genuine trauma they’ve experienced is the only way to secure their future. The college counselor at the Brooklyn high school where I’m a writing tutor advises against trauma porn. “Keep it brief , ” she says, “and show how you rose above it.”

I started volunteering in New York City schools in my 20s, before I had kids of my own. At the time, I liked hanging out with teenagers, whom I sometimes had more interesting conversations with than I did my peers. Often I worked with students who spoke English as a second language or who used slang in their writing, and at first I was hung up on grammar. Should I correct any deviation from “standard English” to appeal to some Wizard of Oz behind the curtains of a college admissions office? Or should I encourage students to write the way they speak, in pursuit of an authentic voice, that most elusive of literary qualities?

In fact, I was missing the point. One of many lessons the students have taught me is to let the story dictate the voice of the essay. A few years ago, I worked with a boy who claimed to have nothing to write about. His life had been ordinary, he said; nothing had happened to him. I asked if he wanted to try writing about a family member, his favorite school subject, a summer job? He glanced at his phone, his posture and expression suggesting that he’d rather be anywhere but in front of a computer with me. “Hobbies?” I suggested, without much hope. He gave me a shy glance. “I like to box,” he said.

I’ve had this experience with reluctant writers again and again — when a topic clicks with a student, an essay can unfurl spontaneously. Of course the primary goal of a college essay is to help its author get an education that leads to a career. Changes in testing policies and financial aid have made applying to college more confusing than ever, but essays have remained basically the same. I would argue that they’re much more than an onerous task or rote exercise, and that unlike standardized tests they are infinitely variable and sometimes beautiful. College essays also provide an opportunity to learn precision, clarity and the process of working toward the truth through multiple revisions.

When a topic clicks with a student, an essay can unfurl spontaneously.

Even if writing doesn’t end up being fundamental to their future professions, students learn to choose language carefully and to be suspicious of the first words that come to mind. Especially now, as college students shoulder so much of the country’s ethical responsibility for war with their protest movement, essay writing teaches prospective students an increasingly urgent lesson: that choosing their own words over ready-made phrases is the only reliable way to ensure they’re thinking for themselves.

Teenagers are ideal writers for several reasons. They’re usually free of preconceptions about writing, and they tend not to use self-consciously ‘‘literary’’ language. They’re allergic to hypocrisy and are generally unfiltered: They overshare, ask personal questions and call you out for microaggressions as well as less egregious (but still mortifying) verbal errors, such as referring to weed as ‘‘pot.’’ Most important, they have yet to put down their best stories in a finished form.

I can imagine an essay taking a risk and distinguishing itself formally — a poem or a one-act play — but most kids use a more straightforward model: a hook followed by a narrative built around “small moments” that lead to a concluding lesson or aspiration for the future. I never get tired of working with students on these essays because each one is different, and the short, rigid form sometimes makes an emotional story even more powerful. Before I read Javier Zamora’s wrenching “Solito,” I worked with a student who had been transported by a coyote into the U.S. and was reunited with his mother in the parking lot of a big-box store. I don’t remember whether this essay focused on specific skills or coping mechanisms that he gained from his ordeal. I remember only the bliss of the parent-and-child reunion in that uninspiring setting. If I were making a case to an admissions officer, I would suggest that simply being able to convey that experience demonstrates the kind of resilience that any college should admire.

The essays that have stayed with me over the years don’t follow a pattern. There are some narratives on very predictable topics — living up to the expectations of immigrant parents, or suffering from depression in 2020 — that are moving because of the attention with which the student describes the experience. One girl determined to become an engineer while watching her father build furniture from scraps after work; a boy, grieving for his mother during lockdown, began taking pictures of the sky.

If, as Lorrie Moore said, “a short story is a love affair; a novel is a marriage,” what is a college essay? Every once in a while I sit down next to a student and start reading, and I have to suppress my excitement, because there on the Google Doc in front of me is a real writer’s voice. One of the first students I ever worked with wrote about falling in love with another girl in dance class, the absolute magic of watching her move and the terror in the conflict between her feelings and the instruction of her religious middle school. She made me think that college essays are less like love than limerence: one-sided, obsessive, idiosyncratic but profound, the first draft of the most personal story their writers will ever tell.

Nell Freudenberger’s novel “The Limits” was published by Knopf last month. She volunteers through the PEN America Writers in the Schools program.

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Why writing by hand beats typing for thinking and learning

Jonathan Lambert

A close-up of a woman's hand writing in a notebook.

If you're like many digitally savvy Americans, it has likely been a while since you've spent much time writing by hand.

The laborious process of tracing out our thoughts, letter by letter, on the page is becoming a relic of the past in our screen-dominated world, where text messages and thumb-typed grocery lists have replaced handwritten letters and sticky notes. Electronic keyboards offer obvious efficiency benefits that have undoubtedly boosted our productivity — imagine having to write all your emails longhand.

To keep up, many schools are introducing computers as early as preschool, meaning some kids may learn the basics of typing before writing by hand.

But giving up this slower, more tactile way of expressing ourselves may come at a significant cost, according to a growing body of research that's uncovering the surprising cognitive benefits of taking pen to paper, or even stylus to iPad — for both children and adults.

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In kids, studies show that tracing out ABCs, as opposed to typing them, leads to better and longer-lasting recognition and understanding of letters. Writing by hand also improves memory and recall of words, laying down the foundations of literacy and learning. In adults, taking notes by hand during a lecture, instead of typing, can lead to better conceptual understanding of material.

"There's actually some very important things going on during the embodied experience of writing by hand," says Ramesh Balasubramaniam , a neuroscientist at the University of California, Merced. "It has important cognitive benefits."

While those benefits have long been recognized by some (for instance, many authors, including Jennifer Egan and Neil Gaiman , draft their stories by hand to stoke creativity), scientists have only recently started investigating why writing by hand has these effects.

A slew of recent brain imaging research suggests handwriting's power stems from the relative complexity of the process and how it forces different brain systems to work together to reproduce the shapes of letters in our heads onto the page.

Your brain on handwriting

Both handwriting and typing involve moving our hands and fingers to create words on a page. But handwriting, it turns out, requires a lot more fine-tuned coordination between the motor and visual systems. This seems to more deeply engage the brain in ways that support learning.

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"Handwriting is probably among the most complex motor skills that the brain is capable of," says Marieke Longcamp , a cognitive neuroscientist at Aix-Marseille Université.

Gripping a pen nimbly enough to write is a complicated task, as it requires your brain to continuously monitor the pressure that each finger exerts on the pen. Then, your motor system has to delicately modify that pressure to re-create each letter of the words in your head on the page.

"Your fingers have to each do something different to produce a recognizable letter," says Sophia Vinci-Booher , an educational neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University. Adding to the complexity, your visual system must continuously process that letter as it's formed. With each stroke, your brain compares the unfolding script with mental models of the letters and words, making adjustments to fingers in real time to create the letters' shapes, says Vinci-Booher.

That's not true for typing.

To type "tap" your fingers don't have to trace out the form of the letters — they just make three relatively simple and uniform movements. In comparison, it takes a lot more brainpower, as well as cross-talk between brain areas, to write than type.

Recent brain imaging studies bolster this idea. A study published in January found that when students write by hand, brain areas involved in motor and visual information processing " sync up " with areas crucial to memory formation, firing at frequencies associated with learning.

"We don't see that [synchronized activity] in typewriting at all," says Audrey van der Meer , a psychologist and study co-author at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She suggests that writing by hand is a neurobiologically richer process and that this richness may confer some cognitive benefits.

Other experts agree. "There seems to be something fundamental about engaging your body to produce these shapes," says Robert Wiley , a cognitive psychologist at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. "It lets you make associations between your body and what you're seeing and hearing," he says, which might give the mind more footholds for accessing a given concept or idea.

Those extra footholds are especially important for learning in kids, but they may give adults a leg up too. Wiley and others worry that ditching handwriting for typing could have serious consequences for how we all learn and think.

What might be lost as handwriting wanes

The clearest consequence of screens and keyboards replacing pen and paper might be on kids' ability to learn the building blocks of literacy — letters.

"Letter recognition in early childhood is actually one of the best predictors of later reading and math attainment," says Vinci-Booher. Her work suggests the process of learning to write letters by hand is crucial for learning to read them.

"When kids write letters, they're just messy," she says. As kids practice writing "A," each iteration is different, and that variability helps solidify their conceptual understanding of the letter.

Research suggests kids learn to recognize letters better when seeing variable handwritten examples, compared with uniform typed examples.

This helps develop areas of the brain used during reading in older children and adults, Vinci-Booher found.

"This could be one of the ways that early experiences actually translate to long-term life outcomes," she says. "These visually demanding, fine motor actions bake in neural communication patterns that are really important for learning later on."

Ditching handwriting instruction could mean that those skills don't get developed as well, which could impair kids' ability to learn down the road.

"If young children are not receiving any handwriting training, which is very good brain stimulation, then their brains simply won't reach their full potential," says van der Meer. "It's scary to think of the potential consequences."

Many states are trying to avoid these risks by mandating cursive instruction. This year, California started requiring elementary school students to learn cursive , and similar bills are moving through state legislatures in several states, including Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina and Wisconsin. (So far, evidence suggests that it's the writing by hand that matters, not whether it's print or cursive.)

Slowing down and processing information

For adults, one of the main benefits of writing by hand is that it simply forces us to slow down.

During a meeting or lecture, it's possible to type what you're hearing verbatim. But often, "you're not actually processing that information — you're just typing in the blind," says van der Meer. "If you take notes by hand, you can't write everything down," she says.

The relative slowness of the medium forces you to process the information, writing key words or phrases and using drawing or arrows to work through ideas, she says. "You make the information your own," she says, which helps it stick in the brain.

Such connections and integration are still possible when typing, but they need to be made more intentionally. And sometimes, efficiency wins out. "When you're writing a long essay, it's obviously much more practical to use a keyboard," says van der Meer.

Still, given our long history of using our hands to mark meaning in the world, some scientists worry about the more diffuse consequences of offloading our thinking to computers.

"We're foisting a lot of our knowledge, extending our cognition, to other devices, so it's only natural that we've started using these other agents to do our writing for us," says Balasubramaniam.

It's possible that this might free up our minds to do other kinds of hard thinking, he says. Or we might be sacrificing a fundamental process that's crucial for the kinds of immersive cognitive experiences that enable us to learn and think at our full potential.

Balasubramaniam stresses, however, that we don't have to ditch digital tools to harness the power of handwriting. So far, research suggests that scribbling with a stylus on a screen activates the same brain pathways as etching ink on paper. It's the movement that counts, he says, not its final form.

Jonathan Lambert is a Washington, D.C.-based freelance journalist who covers science, health and policy.

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Writing South Carolina Volume 11

Dark blue background with outlines of goldenrods decorating the top half of the graphic.

The Honors College is proud to showcase selections from the 11th annual South Carolina High School Writing Contest. Featuring submissions from high school juniors and seniors from across the state, the works are edited by Honors students from our SCHC 384 course.

Bright and strong, the tall goldenrod is South Carolina’s state wildflower. We think Solidago altissima also represents our state’s best young writers. Here are 18 of them, each of whom composed an original response to our annual question, “How can we make South Carolina better?” Read on and take heart. These writers are bright and strong indeed.

First Place – My Name, My Roots, My Home by Dayanara Reyes

Second Place – I Promise, You're Not Forgotten by Zayd Kidwai

Third Place – "Hands Up!" by Brookelynn Little

Honorable Mention – A Queer Child's Lullaby by Lily Heiner

Argumentative Essays

Savoring Heritage, Saving Health by Kensley Green

Education and the Role It Plays in the Development of Democracy by Brantley Metcalf

Navigating Towards Equity: We Need to Inspire Change by Raghav Pallapothu

The Red Flood of Ignorance by Davies Roberts

Education Inequality: The Need for Reform by Justin Schlag

Dollars for Scholars by Sophia Strobel

Thirty-One Seconds by Shaina Dashiell

Tangled Love by Catherine Milburn

The Dealer's Daughter by Kendall Pifer

Personal Essays

State-Owned by Abigail Bailey

Chronology of My Neighborhood by Avelyn Bailey

Roadkills by Kimora Brown

The State of My Identity by Eunwoo Choi

Subarus, Trucks, Giraffes, and Unity by Kristin Rotchford


The annual South Carolina High School Writing Contest wouldn’t be possible without other individuals and organizations. We thank South Carolina Honors College alumnus  Thad Westbrook , the  Pat Conroy Literary Center  (Jonathan Haupt, executive director); the  South Carolina State Library  (Leesa Aiken, director);  South Carolina Academy of Authors (Wilmot Irvin, chair); and the  South Carolina Writers Association  (Ash Smith, president). We also thank Felicia Mitchell , grand judge for this year’s contest, and the many high school guidance counselors and teachers who encouraged students to submit. The students in the fall 2023 semester of SCHC 384, Finding Your Voice: Writing and Editing for Life, were the first editors of volume 11. They are Alex Alleyne, Allison DeHart, Catherine DeMino, Lauren Douglas, Abigail Elliott, Seth Gould, Isabel Jordan, Hannah Augsbach Lamma, Sanskruti Patel, Paul Ward Pratz, Ronnie Rahenkamp, Rylyn Reynolds, Alexis Simpson, Caroline Smith and Kennedy Westendorff. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.


  1. How to Write an Essay in 9 Simple Steps • 7ESL

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  2. Short Essays For Esl Students

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  3. College Essay Format: Simple Steps to Be Followed

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  4. Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing

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  5. How to write an essay

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  6. Essay

    how to write an essay esl students


  1. Essay Writing Tips 📝

  2. ESL Lessons : Essay Writing

  3. Write an Essay Properly ! #essay #speaking #writing #eassywriting

  4. How to write #argumentative essays #essays @@AbiatalEnglish

  5. Essay My College Education ESL Writing Sample Composition

  6. Writing A Formal Essay In English #shorts


  1. ESL Essay Writing: 7 Important Tips to Teach Students Plus ...

    Of course, essay writing can be challenging for ESL students. They must order their thoughts and construct their arguments—all in their second language. So, here are seven ESL essay writing tips that will allow your students to weave together a coherent and persuasive essay, plus teacher resources for writing activities, prompts and lessons!

  2. How to Teach Essay Writing to ESL Students Better

    Practice, Practice, Practice. "It might seem a bit mean to set regular essays all the time, and you don't want to be that kind of teacher, but the best way to get better at essay writing, as with everything else in life, is to practice. This means giving your students essay tasks to complete, and then reviewing the mistakes and highlighting ...

  3. Improve Your Writing Skills: 8 Writing Strategies for ESL Students

    In this article, we outline eight useful writing strategies to help ESL students like you improve their writing. 8 Writing Strategies for ESL Students to Write Better. For ESL students, it can be difficult to find the right words or phrases to articulate or follow grammar and sentence formation rules while writing essays. Here are eight writing ...

  4. Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing

    Contents. Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing. Read the essay question carefully. Finish any necessary reading or research as background to the essay. Brainstorm ideas in response to the question. Develop a thesis (idea/argument) that encapsulates the response to the question. Write a plan for the response. Write the introduction.

  5. 5 Tips for Teaching Essay Writing to ESL Students

    1). Get Down to Basics. Before teaching essay writing to your ESL students, make sure that you've already covered the fundamentals of sentence structuring. Start by teaching them how to write simple sentences, move on to compound, and then to complex sentences. Once they've mastered sentence formation, only then can you move on to teaching ...

  6. How to Teach Essay Writing to ESL Students

    For students to begin writing a good essay, introduce them to the five steps of the writing process. The writing process guides the learner to write using the following steps. 1. Pre-writing ...

  7. How to Teach Essay Writing for ESL Classes

    Start by modeling clear writing at the sentence level. The best way to approach essay writing skills is to start at the sentence level. Once students have learned to compose simple, compound, and complex sentences, they will have the tools necessary to write longer documents such as essays, business reports, formal emails, and so on.

  8. ESL Essay Writing: 7 Tips for Success

    ESL essay writing is crucial for students who must cope with organizing their thoughts and building their arguments using the second language.. 5 Easy Steps to Teach Your ESL Students How to Write Essays 1. Get back to the basics. Before teaching your ESL pupils essay writing, ensure that you have taught the essentials of sentence structure.. Start by teaching them simple sentences, compound ...

  9. Teaching Writing to ESL/EFL Students: Tips and Activities for ...

    Teaching writing to ESL/EFL students requires commitment and perhaps a bit of innovation on the part of the teacher, but if done well, it can prove immensely useful in a globalized world, aiding individuals in self-expression and beyond. In addition to writing, there's another subject that can sometimes fill teachers with dread: grammar! ...

  10. How to write an essay in English

    Planning 1: Address the question. If you are writing for a class assignment or an exam, it is crucial that you address the question given. Adequate planning (five minutes is better than nothing) will keep you on track. Start by breaking the question down into its parts. There will usually be two or three aspects to the question.

  11. A Guide to Teaching Essay Writing to Your ESL Students

    Picking a Good Topic and Thesis. "The best way to teach essay writing is to have students become engaged by allowing them to pick a topic they are interested in," writes David Muse, ESL teacher. Guide them towards something they can actually argue for or against. Once the student has a topic, it's time for them to brainstorm and do their ...

  12. PDF Accuplacer-WritePlacer-ESL Sample Essays

    WritePlacer® ESL provides a direct measure of the writing skills of students who identify as English language learners. Students taking WritePlacer ESL are presented with a prompt and asked to write an essay of approximately 300 to 600 words. WritePlacer ESL prompts are carefully designed to be culturally accessible to English language learners.

  13. Basic Essay Structure

    This video answers the questions: What is an essay? What is the structure of and essay? and Why do I need to write one? For our English Language Learners - t...

  14. B2 First (FCE) Essay Writing Guide

    Part 1 of the writing test - there are 2 parts total. 140-190 word limit. You have about 40 minutes to plan and write your essay. You must answer a question using two notes and your own idea. The topic requires general knowledge only. The essay is always formal because it is written "for your teacher".

  15. PDF Strategies for Essay Writing

    Harvard College Writing Center 5 Asking Analytical Questions When you write an essay for a course you are taking, you are being asked not only to create a product (the essay) but, more importantly, to go through a process of thinking more deeply about a question or problem related to the course. By writing about a

  16. How to Teach Essay Writing

    Given these barriers to learning, good TESOL teachers will ensure they have a very clear lesson plan when teaching essay writing. I recommend that you start by giving your students a clear and defined process to follow - one that will work for whatever essay topic they need to answer. My process is called 'The 3 Ps' - Planning ...

  17. Essay Writing: A complete guide for students and teachers

    The number of paragraphs contained in an essay will depend on a number of factors such as word limits, time limits, the complexity of the question etc. Regardless of the essay's length, students should ensure their essay follows the Rule of Three in that every essay they write contains an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  18. Essay Examples & Writing Tips for ESL/EFL Students (updated 2024)

    Essay Writing Tips For ESL students: Writing essays might seem tricky, but with a few simple tips, you can make it easier and better. Especially if English is not your first language, here are some straightforward suggestions: Start with a Plan: Before you begin writing, take a moment to think about your main ideas. Make a simple outline with ...

  19. The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay

    Come up with a thesis. Create an essay outline. Write the introduction. Write the main body, organized into paragraphs. Write the conclusion. Evaluate the overall organization. Revise the content of each paragraph. Proofread your essay or use a Grammar Checker for language errors. Use a plagiarism checker.

  20. How to help ESL students improve writing skills

    Or, suggest they try blogging in English: free platforms like Medium are perfect to start. Teach specialized writing styles. As you understand, writing skills go far beyond academic essays, and ESL students will need different writing styles outside of classrooms. Help them master specific formats: emails, resumes, cover letters, reports, etc.

  21. First steps in essay writing for primary school students

    2. Encourage your students to join in groups and write down their own ideas starting by those of the author. Eg: Reading is important because…; Books are …, etc. 3. Ask students to check grammar and spelling. Help them when necessary. 4. Share their final works.

  22. 4 ways to get students excited about writing

    Documenting a family story or recipe. Reporting on the unexpected origins of an everyday item. Leaving effective online reviews for products. Writing a cover letter for a potential job. Drafting requests to state and local representatives. 2. Get to know your students.

  23. The Needs Analysis of ESL Learners' Expository Writing Challenges

    Effective communication in English, especially in writing, holds increasing global significance. Despite exposure to all four language skills, ESL learners often find writing most challenging. This sentiment is echoed within English education system and ESL learners in Malaysia, which highlight the importance of writing while acknowledging its difficulty to master. This research addresses the ...

  24. 5 College Essay Writing Mistakes to Avoid

    That's the tone to aim for in your essay. 4. Trying Too Hard to Impress. As mentioned above, the college essay is supposed to give the reader a glimpse of who you are - not necessarily a list of what you've achieved. Don't approach this part of your application as you would a cover letter for a job.

  25. Students using generative AI to write essays isn't a crisis

    Students using AI to write their essays is a problem, but it isn't a crisis. We have the tools to tackle the issue. AI is easy to spot. In most cases AI writing can be easily recognised. If you ask multipart questions, as I do, ChatGPT defaults to using section headings for each component. When I grade a paper that has six section headings in ...

  26. What I've Learned From My Students' College Essays

    May 14, 2024. Most high school seniors approach the college essay with dread. Either their upbringing hasn't supplied them with several hundred words of adversity, or worse, they're afraid ...

  27. Why writing by hand beats typing for thinking and learning

    Writing by hand also improves memory and recall of words, laying down the foundations of literacy and learning. In adults, taking notes by hand during a lecture, instead of typing, can lead to ...

  28. Report Writing Format with Templates and Sample Report

    2. Follow the Right Report Writing Format: Adhere to a structured format, including a clear title, table of contents, summary, introduction, body, conclusion, recommendations, and appendices. This ensures clarity and coherence. Follow the format suggestions in this article to start off on the right foot. 3.

  29. Writing South Carolina Volume 11

    The students in the fall 2023 semester of SCHC 384, Finding Your Voice: Writing and Editing for Life, were the first editors of volume 11. They are Alex Alleyne, Allison DeHart, Catherine DeMino, Lauren Douglas, Abigail Elliott, Seth Gould, Isabel Jordan, Hannah Augsbach Lamma, Sanskruti Patel, Paul Ward Pratz, Ronnie Rahenkamp, Rylyn Reynolds ...