Tips for Reading an Assignment Prompt

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by Gordon Harvey

Students often do their best and hardest thinking, and feel the greatest sense of mastery and growth, in their writing. Courses and assignments should be planned with this in mind. Three principles are paramount:

1. Name what you want and imagine students doing it

However free students are to range and explore in a paper, the general kind of paper you’re inviting has common components, operations, and criteria of success, and you should make these explicit. Having satisfied yourself, as you should, that what you’re asking is doable, with dignity, by writers just learning the material, try to anticipate in your prompt or discussions of the assignment the following queries:

  • What is the purpose of this? How am I going beyond what we have done, or applying it in a new area, or practicing a key academic skill or kind of work?
  • To what audience should I imagine myself writing?
  • What is the main task or tasks, in a nutshell? What does that key word (e.g., analyze, significance of, critique, explore, interesting, support) really mean in this context or this field?
  • What will be most challenging in this and what qualities will most distinguish a good paper? Where should I put my energy? (Lists of possible questions for students to answer in a paper are often not sufficiently prioritized to be helpful.)
  • What misconceptions might I have about what I’m to do? (How is this like or unlike other papers I may have written?) Are there too-easy approaches I might take or likely pitfalls? An ambitious goal or standard that I might think I’m expected to meet but am not?
  • What form will evidence take in my paper (e.g., block quotations? paraphrase? graphs or charts?) How should I cite it? Should I use/cite material from lecture or section?
  • Are there some broad options for structure, emphasis, or approach that I’ll likely be choosing among?
  • How should I get started on this? What would be a helpful (or unhelpful) way to take notes, gather data, discover a question or idea? Should I do research? 

2. Take time in class to prepare students to succeed at the paper

Resist the impulse to think of class meetings as time for “content” and of writing as work done outside class. Your students won’t have mastered the art of paper writing (if such a mastery is possible) and won’t know the particular disciplinary expectations or moves relevant to the material at hand. Take time in class to show them: 

  • discuss the assignment in class when you give it, so students can see that you take it seriously, so they can ask questions about it, so they can have it in mind during subsequent class discussions;
  • introduce the analytic vocabulary of your assignment into class discussions, and take opportunities to note relevant moves made in discussion or good paper topics that arise;
  • have students practice key tasks in class discussions, or in informal writing they do in before or after discussions;
  • show examples of writing that illustrates components and criteria of the assignment and that inspires (class readings can sometimes serve as illustrations of a writing principle; so can short excerpts of writing—e.g., a sampling of introductions; and so can bad writing—e.g., a list of problematic thesis statements);
  • the topics of originality and plagiarism (what the temptations might be, how to avoid risks) should at some point be addressed directly. 

3. Build in process

Ideas develop over time, in a process of posing and revising and getting feedback and revising some more. Assignments should allow for this process in the following ways:

  • smaller assignments should prepare for larger ones later;
  • students should do some thinking and writing before they write a draft and get a response to it (even if only a response to a proposal or thesis statement sent by email, or described in class);
  • for larger papers, students should write and get response (using the skills vocabulary of the assignment) to a draft—at least an “oral draft” (condensed for delivery to the class);
  • if possible, meet with students individually about their writing: nothing inspires them more than feeling that you care about their work and development;
  • let students reflect on their own writing, in brief cover letters attached to drafts and revisions (these may also ask students to perform certain checks on what they have written, before submitting);
  • have clear and firm policies about late work that nonetheless allow for exception if students talk to you in advance.

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Academic writing

Advice and resources to support you with effective academic writing.

Approaches to writing

Assignment writing is a process which involves planning, drafting and reviewing what you are going to say. You will find you need to review your initial plan and edit it as you go along. You should expect to have to redraft some sections of writing.

You should also check any guidance given to you as part of your course, as conventions vary between subject areas.

One of the hardest things can be to get started writing an assignment. Sometimes this is a question of taking the time to reflect on what you are being asked to do in the assignment brief. 

Getting started with an assignment

The handout Getting started suggests a way in which you can break down your task, think about aspects of it and commit some of your initial ideas to paper. It also suggests ways you can start to adapt this method to suit you. Alternatively you may prefer to use a prompt list to start to analyse your title.

Getting started (pdf)       Getting started (Word rtf)

Essay title prompts (pdf)       Essay title prompts (Word rtf)

You will want to respond to the assignments you have been set as well as you can. This means paying attention to key words in the question or assignment brief. These are sometimes known as command or directive words because they tell you what to do. The document Directive words provides definitions of some of the commonly used words.

Directive words (pdf)       Directive words (Word rtf)   Directive words – British Sign Language translation (Media Hopper video)

Getting your ideas in order

In any written assignment you will be expected to organise and structure information which is synthesised from a range of sources. You will need to make notes from your readings to help you consolidate and connect your research to your question. The Reading at university page has strategies to help you develop effective skills for making notes from reading.

Reading at university

Making notes means you end up with lots of bits of writing which you need to link together for your reader. Sometimes it can be hard to know what to select and how to identify relationships between ideas and concepts.

There are suggestions in the Getting your ideas in order handout of practical ways in which you might reorganise your material in response to the task set. Playing around with the order can help you arrive at a line of reasoning that will convince the reader. Aim to experiment and find out what works for you.

Getting your ideas in order (pdf)           Getting your ideas in order (Word rtf)

Essay parts and paragraphs

If you have been asked to write an academic essay, and you haven't done this before, you may be unsure of what is expected. The Parts of an essay handout gives a brief introductory overview of the component parts of an essay.

Parts of an essay (pdf)           Parts of an essay (Word rtf)

Paragraphs are the building blocks of an essay and are a way of organising your thinking and making your meaning clear in your writing for your reader. The handout Developing writing in paragraphs encourages you to think about the way you shape your paragraphs and when to move on to a new one.

Developing writing in paragraphs (pdf)          Developing writing in paragraphs (Word rtf) 

Build an argument as you go

Identifying and writing about good evidence is not enough. You need to build an argument. An argument is:

Using reasons to support a point of view, so that known or unknown audiences may be persuaded to agree. Cottrell, S. (2011)Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and argument. 2nd edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p52.

You can develop your argument as you read and write by creating a working hypothesis or basic answer in response to the assignment brief.  

Building an argument as you go (pdf)            Building an argument as you go (Word rtf)

As you move through your studies lecturers will expect more from your written work. They will expect the accurate attribution of ideas from others (including academic and other authors, and the ideas of those who teach you). There is general advice and resources for referencing and citations (and avoiding plagiarism) on the Referencing and citations page.

Referencing and citations

Your marker(s) will expect written pieces to be logically structured with fluid expression of thought, and with deeper and more critical engagement with the subjects and ideas you are reading and learning about. 

Aim to become familiar with the level of writing required by reading good quality examples.  At an advanced level you are aiming to write to the style you read in academic journals. 

As your written tasks become longer and more complex it can be helpful to reflect on your own writing process.

Reflect on your writing process (pdf)            Reflect on your writing process (Word rtf)

Different types of academic writing

Academic writing is much more than just an essay. You might be asked to write a lab or business report, a policy brief, a blog post, a journal article or a reflection piece for example. These tend to be subject and task specific so you need to check the assignment brief and any criteria for details of their purpose, formatting, structure, things to include etc.

Reflective academic writing

In some subjects, assessment may be based on critical reflection. This can be a challenge as it is a very particular style and form of writing which you may not have come across before. As well as check your assignment brief for specifics, the University’s Employability Consultancy have created a Reflection Toolkit of resources, models and questions to help you develop your reflective writing skills.

The Reflection Toolkit

School-level support

Take advantage of any writing development sessions organised through or learning materials offered by your School, Deanery or course. These will help you develop the specific writing skills you need for your discipline or subject area.

Writing your own title

If you have to write your own title in response to the brief you have been set, you need to think about how to frame this.  The Formulating your own title handout suggests some aspects to consider.

Formulating your own title (pdf)          Formulating your own title (Word rtf)

Differences from non-academic writing

If you are studying during a career break, or part-time while still working, you need to be aware that academic writing is a very different skill from other forms of writing you may have done in the workplace. Academic writing tends to be more formal, requiring succinct prose rather than bullet points, and it is more about the argument than simply conveying, or describing, information. Writing for assessment requires you to think carefully about your assignment and criteria, your argument and content, use of your subject specific conventions (e.g. language, style etc.), and your audience.

Your written work needs to be grounded in and backed up by appropriate and informed opinion and sources, rather than solely by personal opinion and experience. Academic written work will also make fewer absolute statements. Language is often more tentative or cautious.

Academic Phrasebank is a collection of general phrases taken from academic sources created by John Morley at the University of Manchester. The phrases are sorted into writing and assignment themes such as being critical and writing conclusions.

This article was published on 2024-02-26

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Assignment writing guides and samples

If you're looking for useful guides for assignment writing and language skills check out our range of study skills resources

Essay writing

  • Writing essays [PDF 240KB] . Tips on writing a great essay, including developing an argument, structure and appropriate referencing. 
  • Sample essay [PDF 330KB] . A sample of an essay that includes an annotated structure for your reference.  

Writing a critical review

  • Writing a critical review [PDF 260KB] . Tips on writing a great critical review, including structure, format and key questions to address when writing a review. 
  • Sample critical review [PDF 260KB] . A sample of a critical review that includes an annotated structure for your reference.  

Writing a business-style report

  • Writing a business-style report [PDF 330KB] . A resource for business and law students Find out how to write and format business-style reports.
  • Sample of a business-style report [PDF 376 KB] . A resource for business and law students. A sample of a business-style report with an annotated format.  

Investigative report sample

  • Sample of an investigative report [PDF 500KB] . A resource for science, engineering and technology students. How to write an investigative report, including an annotated format.  

Assignment topics and editing

  • Interpreting assignment topics [PDF 370 KB] . Find out how to interpret an assignment topic, including understanding key words and concepts. 
  • How to edit your work [PDF 189KB] . A guide for all students about how to edit and review their work.   

Language skills

  • Building your word power (expanding your knowledge of words) [PDF 306KB]. A guide to expanding your knowledge of words and communicating your ideas in more interesting ways.
  • Handy grammar hints [PDF 217KB] .  A guide to getting grammar and style right in your assignments.

Resources relevant to your study area

Science, engineering and technology.

  • Writing a critical review [PDF 260KB].  Tips on writing a great critical review, including structure, format and key questions to address when writing a review. 
  • Sample critical review [PDF 260KB] . A sample of a critical review that includes an annotated structure for your reference. 
  • Sample of an investigative report [PDF 500KB] . A resource for science, engineering and technology students. How to write an investigative report, including an annotated format. 
  • How to edit your work [PDF 189KB] . A guide for all students about how to edit and review their work.  
  • Building your word power (expanding your knowledge of words) [PDF 306KB]. A guide to expanding your knowledge of words and communicating your ideas in more interesting ways. 
  • Handy grammar hints [PDF 217KB] . A guide to getting grammar and style right in your assignments. 

Health, Arts and Design

  • Sample essay [PDF 330KB] . A sample of an essay that includes an annotated structure for your reference. 
  • Writing a critical review [PDF 260KB]. Tips on writing a great critical review, including structure, format and key questions to address when writing a review. 
  • Sample critical review [PDF 260KB]. A sample of a critical review that includes an annotated structure for your reference. 
  • How to edit your work [PDF 189KB] . A guide for all students about how to edit and review their work. 
  • Handy grammar hints [PDF 217KB]. A guide to getting grammar and style right in your assignments.

Business and Law

  • Sample essay [PDF 330KB]. A sample of an essay that includes an annotated structure for your reference. 
  • Writing a business-style report [PDF 330KB]. A resource for business and law students. Find out how to write and format business-style reports.
  • Sample of a business-style report [PDF 376 KB]. A resource for business and law students. A sample of a business-style report, with an annotated format. 
  • Interpreting assignment topics [PDF 370 KB]. Find out how to interpret an assignment topic, including understanding key words and concepts. 
  • How to edit your work [PDF 189KB]. A guide for all students about how to edit and review their work.

Creating Your Assignment Sheets

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In order to help our students best engage with the writing tasks we assign them, we need as a program  to scaffold the assignments with not only effectively designed activities, but equally effectively designed assignment sheets that clearly explain the learning objectives, purpose, and logistics for the assignment.

Checklist for Assignment Sheet Design

As a program, instructors should compose assignment sheets that contain the following elements.

A  clear description of the assignment and its purpose . How does this assignment contribute to their development as writers in this class, and perhaps beyond? What is the genre of the assignment? (e.g., some students will be familiar with rhetorical analysis, some will not).

Learning objectives for the assignment .  The learning objectives for each assignment are available on the TeachingWriting website. While you might include others objectives, or tweak the language of these a bit to fit with how you teach rhetoric, these objectives should appear in some form on the assignment sheet and should be echoed in your rubric.

Due dates or timeline, including dates for drafts .  This should include specific times and procedures for turning in drafts. You should also indicate dates for process assignments and peer review if they are different from the main assignment due dates.

Details about format (including word count, documentation form) .  This might also be a good place to remind them of any technical specifications (even if you noted them on the syllabus).

Discussion of steps of the process.  These might be “suggested” to avoid the implication that there is one best way to achieve a rhetorical analysis.

Evaluation criteria / grading rubric that is in alignment with learning objectives .  While the general  PWR evaluation criteria  is a good starting place, it is best to customize your rubric to the specific purposes of your assignment, ideally incorporating some of the language from the learning goals. In keeping with PWR’s elevation of rhetoric over rules, it’s generally best to avoid rubrics that assign specific numbers of points to specific features of the text since that suggests a fairly narrow range of good choices for students’ rhetorical goals. (This is not to say that points shouldn’t be used: it’s just more in the spirit of PWR’s rhetorical commitments to use them holistically.)

Canvas Versions of Assignment Sheets

Canvas offers an "assignment" function you can use to share assignment sheet information with students.  It provides you with the opportunity to upload a rubric in conjunction with assignment details; to create an upload space for student work (so they can upload assignments directly to Canvas); to link the assignment submissions to Speedgrader, Canvas's internal grading platform; and to sync your assigned grades with the gradebook.  While these are very helpful features, don't hesitate to reach out to the Canvas Help team or our ATS for support when you set them up for the first time. In addition, you should always provide students with access to a separate PDF assignment sheet. Don't just embed the information in the Canvas assignment field; if students have trouble accessing Canvas for any reason (Canvas outage; tech issues), they won't be able to access that information.

In addition, you might creating video mini-overviews or "talk-throughs" of your assignments.  These should serve as supplements to the assignment sheets, not as a replacement for them.

Sample Assignment Sheets

Check out some examples of Stanford instructors' assignment sheets via the links below. Note that these links will route you to our Canvas PWR Program Materials site, so you must have access to the Canvas page in order to view these files: 

See examples of rhetorical analysis assignment sheets

See examples of texts in conversation assignment sheets

See examples of research-based argument assignment sheets

Further reading on assignment sheets

PRTH 988 Dissertation Writing in Practical Theology II

  • Course Description

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the  Academic Course Catalog .

Course Guide

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*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

This course is the first course comprising dissertation writing for the PhD in Practical Theology candidate, under the direction and guidance of their faculty supervisor. Based on an approved prospectus, the student will compose a minimum of the first three chapters of their PhD dissertation within the PRTH 988 course. The initial stages of dissertation writing are essential for eventual success at the defense level, so intentional, regular supervision, and mentoring are critical components within the first 16 weeks of dissertation development.

Course Assignment

Textbooks readings and lecture presentations.

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations , the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Chapter One: First Draft Assignment

The student will write and submit the first draft of chapter one of their dissertation. Special focus is on the introduction to the dissertation topic and thesis. The l ength of the first chapter will vary according to the nature of the dissertation topic but will typically be 4000 to 6000 words. A bibliography for chapter one is also required (the contents of each chapter’s bibliography will eventually be combined into the dissertation’s bibliography). (CLO: C, D)

Chapter One: Final Draft Assignment

The student will submit the final draft of chapter one of their dissertation. This draft should reflect revisions based on supervisor feedback from the first draft submission. The l ength of the first chapter will vary according to the nature of the dissertation topic but will  typically be 4000 to 6000 words. A bibliography for chapter one is also required (the contents of each chapter’s bibliography will eventually be combined into the dissertation’s bibliography). (CLO: C, E)

Chapter Two: First Draft Assignment

The student will write and submit the first draft of chapter two of their dissertation. Content should follow that proposed in the dissertation prospectus. The length of the second chapter will vary based on the nature of the subject matter but will typically be 5000 to 8000 words. A bibliography for chapter two is also required (the contents of each chapter’s bibliography will eventually build into the complete dissertation bibliography). (CLO: C, D)

Chapter Two: Final Draft Assignment

The student will submit the final draft of chapter two of their dissertation. This draft should reflect revisions based on supervisor feedback from the first draft submission. T he length of the second chapter will vary based on the nature of the subject matter but will  typically be 5000 to 8000 words.  A bibliography for chapter two is  also required (the contents of each chapter’s bibliography will eventually build into the complete  dissertation bibliography). (CLO: C, E)

Chapter Three: First Draft Assignment

The student will write and submit the first draft of chapter three of their dissertation. Content should follow that proposed in the dissertation prospectus. The length of the third chapter will vary based on the nature of the subject matter but will typically be 5000 to 8000 words. A bibliography for chapter three is also required (the contents of each chapter’s bibliography will eventually build into the complete dissertation bibliography). Note Well : Depending on dissertation design and the total number of chapters in the dissertation, this assignment may include more than chapter three of the dissertation. (CLO: C, D)

Chapter Three: Final Draft Assignment

The student will submit the final draft of chapter three of their dissertation. This draft should reflect revisions based on supervisor feedback from the first draft submission. The length of the third chapter will vary based on the nature of the subject matter but will  typically be 5000 to 8000 words.  A bibliography for chapter three  is also required (the contents of each chapter’s bibliography will eventually build into the  complete dissertation bibliography).  (CLO: C, E)

Dissertation Progress Report Assignment

The candidate will complete a Dissertation Progress Report to assess progress in dissertation composition as the candidate comes to the end of PRTH 988 and as a metric for determining whether the candidate is ready to move on to PRTH 989. (CLO: B)

Quiz: Candidate-Supervisor Consultations (8)

The PhD candidate will meet with their supervisor (either in person or virtually) to review progress and to establish expectations moving forward. This meeting will be verified through a quiz that will contain 1 true/false question and have no time limit. (CLO: A, B)

Quiz: PRTH 989 Registration

The candidate will contact his/her supervisor to request registration in PRTH 989. This will be verified through a quiz that will contain 1 true/false question and have no time limit. (CLO: B)

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    hardest thinking, and feel the greatest sense of mastery and. growth, in their writing. Cour. es. and assignments should be planned with this in mi. d. Three principles are paramount:1. Name what you want and imagine students doing itHowever free students are to range and explore in a paper, the general kind of paper you're inviting has com.

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    implemented. Assignment writing uses prac tical examples to show clearly how to approach and write an. assignment. Contents include the following: The process of assessing, planning, writing ...

  10. PDF Assignment Writing and Academic Style

    Assignment Writing • The information in this guide outlines some important academic writing conventions. Information regarding a tutor's specific preference or expectation relating to presentation o f your work should be sought from the tutor. • Clarification of points in this guide can be sought from Academic Learning Advisors. To

  11. PDF Academic Writing @ Harvard Structure, Style, & Strategy

    Writing is a creative process. Writing strategy depends on what you are writing and who you are writing for. Writing is articulating and supporting your ideas. Kurland (2000) notes that "critical readers recognize not only what a text says, but also how that text portrays the subject matter.". Goals of critical reading:

  12. PDF 1 The Essentials of an Effective Writing Assignment

    nts we create must fulfill all these re quirements. The essential elements of an. ffective writing assignment may seem quite obvious. Students should be asked to engage in higher level writing that. focuses on interpretation, analysis, and synthesis. They should be given supp.

  13. PDF Planning and Writing University Assignments

    faced with their first writing assignments. assignments take many shapes, from the narrative essay to the structured report - not to mention the case analysis, reflective journal, editorial, or critique. each of these has its peculiar characteristics and requirements, and for many students, producing a successful assignment depends

  14. PDF Writing Assignment Framework and Overview

    A writing assignment encompasses any writing task a teacher asks of students that involves one or more of the following thought processes: analysis, evaluation, interpretation, narration, synthesis, reflection, clarification, summarization, creative expression, and application or demonstration of knowledge or learning.

  15. (PDF) Assignment writing guide Introduction

    See Full PDFDownload PDF. Assignment writing guide Introduction The first few attempts at academic assignment writing can be a worrying and uncertain time. Writing an assignment is never easy but the process does become less arduous and more focused through experience and reflectio n. To a certain extent assignment writing is a skill learned ...

  16. Designing Essay Assignments

    Courses and assignments should be planned with this in mind. Three principles are paramount: 1. Name what you want and imagine students doing it. However free students are to range and explore in a paper, the general kind of paper you're inviting has common components, operations, and criteria of success, and you should make these explicit ...

  17. PDF Effective Writing Assignments

    While students are writing at the beginning and end of class, walk around the room and read over shoulders. This technique is especially easy if you have students writing on computers. Stop to talk to or jot a note on the writing of 3-4 students. If students don't like having you read over shoulders, ask them to select a few


    uctions from your professor. Also be aware that these types of essays may. verlap for some assignments. Always make sure that you understand your particular assignment before starting the writing process; this can sa. ample 1: Argumentative EssayThe Basics: An argumentative, or position, assignment asks you to argue for a particular point of v.

  19. Academic writing

    Approaches to writing. Assignment writing is a process which involves planning, drafting and reviewing what you are going to say. You will find you need to review your initial plan and edit it as you go along. You should expect to have to redraft some sections of writing. You should also check any guidance given to you as part of your course ...

  20. Assignment-Writing Guides & Samples

    Writing a critical review [PDF 260KB]. Tips on writing a great critical review, including structure, format and key questions to address when writing a review. Sample critical review [PDF 260KB]. A sample of a critical review that includes an annotated structure for your reference. Interpreting assignment topics [PDF 370 KB]. Find out how to ...

  21. PDF Student Paper Setup Guide, APA Style 7th Edition

    Indent the first line of every paragraph of text 0.5 in. using the tab key or the paragraph-formatting function of your word-processing program. Page numbers: Put a page number in the top right corner of every page, including the title page or cover page, which is page 1. Student papers do not require a running head on any page.

  22. PDF An Introduction to Writing of Assignments in Sociology

    2 Planning the assignment The assignments that you write at the university should be answers to research questions. Therefore, arguing convincingly for your answer is totally essential when writing an assignment. This applies to assignments that are primarily of an empirical nature (such as 'Do

  23. Creating Your Assignment Sheets

    Canvas offers an "assignment" function you can use to share assignment sheet information with students. It provides you with the opportunity to upload a rubric in conjunction with assignment details; to create an upload space for student work (so they can upload assignments directly to Canvas); to link the assignment submissions to Speedgrader ...

  24. 1: Compare and Contrast Writing Assignment with Cited Sources

    1.3: Compare and Contrast Writing -- Assignment Add summary 1: Compare and Contrast Writing Assignment with Cited Sources is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 1.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.

  25. PRTH 988 Dissertation Writing in Practical Theology II

    Chapter Three: First Draft Assignment The student will write and submit the first draft of chapter three of their dissertation. Content should follow that proposed in the dissertation prospectus.