90 Day Korean

Korean Grammar Checker – Your Personal Mistake Catcher

Last modified: Mar 29, 2024 | 6 min read | By Joseph Gerocs

Have you ever wished you had a native Korean tutor next to you to check your writing?

If so, then a Korean grammar checker may be just what you need!

A guy holding a book with a Korean flag on the cover while using a magnifying glass

This tool can help find errors and correct them on the spot to help you learn how to use Korean grammar properly, especially when you self-study.

In this article, we’ll show you the ins and outs of using a Korean grammar checker to supercharge your Korean language skills. We’ll also introduce the top Korean grammar checkers we recommend.

  • 1 Quick Summary
  • 2.1 Korean Grammar Checkers Tools for Korean Language Learners
  • 3.1 1. Pusan National University’s Korean Spelling/Grammar Checker (한국어 맞춤법/문법 검사기)
  • 3.2 2. Naver Grammar Checker (네이버 맞춤법 검사기)
  • 3.3 3. Daum Grammar Checker (다음 맞춤법 검사기)
  • 3.4 3. kGrammar (App)
  • 4 Practical Tips for Using Korean Grammar Checkers
  • 5 What to do next after using grammar checkers

Quick Summary

  • ✅ Korean grammar checkers help identify and correct grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling errors in Korean texts.
  • ✅ The Korean Grammar checkers we recommend are Pusan National University’s Korean Spelling/Grammar Checker, Naver Grammar Checker, Daum Grammar Checker, and the kGrammar app.
  • ✅ Most of these tools interfaces are in Korean, so they will be more handy if you are an intermediate or advanced Korean learner.
  • ✅ These tools can definitely help you learn Korean grammar , but you need to make sure you also balance out learning the basics; don’t just rely on the tools.

What is a Korean Grammar Checker?

A Korean grammar checker is a tool made to help check grammar mistakes or errors in Korean texts. It functions as a sentence analyzer.

For example, if you enter this sentence “학교에 않갈거예요” to a grammar checker, it will return with “학교에 안 갈 거예요.”

In this case, 않갈거예요 is using incorrect spelling and spacing. It removes the “않” and replaces it with “안.” Then, it adds in the appropriate spacing, which makes it 안 갈 거예요.

않갈 거예요 –> 안 갈 거예요.

Similar to the grammar tool “Grammarly” for the English language, a Korean grammar checker gives feedback on grammar, syntax, punctuation, spelling, and sometimes style or clarity issues.

This will be useful to you as a Korean learner. Native Koreans also use this to make sure their writing is correct.

Korean Grammar Checkers Tools for Korean Language Learners

Grammar checkers will help you understand complex grammar rules. With the help of these tools, you can easily check for errors and quickly grasp the proper sentence structure because they offer immediate feedback.

Once you start using grammar checkers, you’ll realize that they’re more than just a tool for checking sentences. You will already be able to identify the parts of a sentence and improve the related grammar rules. As a result, you gain a deeper understanding of Korean and become more confident in using it in various situations.

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Top Korean Grammar Checkers

We’ve analyzed the top Korean grammar checkers, and here are the ones we recommend:

  • Pusan National University’s Korean Spelling/Grammar Checker (한국어 맞춤법/문법 검사기)
  • Naver Grammar Checker (네이버 맞춤법 검사기)
  • Daum Grammar Checker (다음 맞춤법 검사기)
  • kGrammar (App)

1. Pusan National University’s Korean Spelling/Grammar Checker (한국어 맞춤법/문법 검사기)

To use Pusan National University’s Korean grammar checker , just paste your text into the field and click on the blue button that says “검사하기.” It is very simple to use.

korean essay checker

If there are any errors in your work, you will see the corrections on the left side of the screen. If you click on the suggestion, it will correct the part where the error was.

korean essay checker

If you want to try a new text, click on the green button that says “다시 쓰기” (rewrite).

This Korean grammar checker is recommended for intermediate and advanced learners since it is entirely in Korean.

2. Naver Grammar Checker (네이버 맞춤법 검사기)

Naver Grammar Checker is another tool you can use to check your grammar. It is recommended to get a quick correction on grammatical errors including spacings and spellings.

korean essay checker

To use it, type your sentences in the box and click on the green button below the box that says “검사하기 (check).”

korean essay checker

This Korean grammar checker is also recommended for intermediate and advanced learners since it is entirely in Korean.

3. Daum Grammar Checker (다음 맞춤법 검사기)

Daum Grammar Checker is also a very simple tool to use. This Korean grammar checker can check your text up to 1000 characters at a time.

korean essay checker

Type or paste your text into the text box where you can enter the Korean text you want to check for grammar or spelling errors. Then click the “검사하기” (check) button to check.

To clear the field to rewrite, click 다시쓰기 (rewrite). If you’d like to use the corrected text, you can copy it by clicking 교정문 복사 (copy correction)

korean essay checker

This tool will give you any grammatical or spelling errors it finds immediately. Based on the suggestions, you can review and correct these errors.

3. kGrammar (App)

The kGrammar is an app with a clean interface and is accessible to learners at all levels. It features a spell-checking tool that you can use to type in your sentences to get corrections.

korean essay checker

With this app, you can look up any Korean grammar rule from its database by typing a keyword in the search bar.

korean essay checker

Practical Tips for Using Korean Grammar Checkers

Incorporating a Korean grammar checker into your daily learning routine is very useful. Here are some practical tips and common mistakes to avoid.

Best Practices for using grammar checkers in your daily learning routines:

  • Consistent Use: Check your practice sentences after your study sessions using grammar checkers to get used to the correct grammar usage.
  • Active Learning: As you get the corrections, check your work and learn from your mistakes.
  • Diverse Application: Expose yourself to various rules and contexts by applying grammar checkers across different types of writing. For example, use it when writing things such as text messages or emails to a friend , a personal diary, or a speech.

Common mistakes:

  • Overreliance : Remember to use them as a supplement only.
  • Ignoring context: Grammar checkers can sometimes fail to grasp the context fully. Review suggestions to make sure they fit the intended meaning.
  • Skipping fundamentals: These tools won’t replace the required studying of grammar rules and practice.

What to do next after using grammar checkers

Now you know what grammar checkers are and how they can help with your Korean language learning journey. Once you start using them, you may be wondering: What’s next?

Check out these tools that go hand in hand with grammar checkers:

  • Korean sentence structure – Learn the basic sentence structure and order of the components.
  • Korean Particles – Understand the markers commonly used in sentences.
  • Best Korean Textbooks for Language Learning – Review of the top Korean language textbooks.
  • Korean Courses – The Top 23 Online Language Programs – Check out the top online Korean language courses.

If you’re ready to take Korean learning to the next level, you might want to consider looking for an online Korean course that suits your needs. You can learn more about our courses and join us here . You can learn the fundamentals and put your knowledge to the test with the grammar checkers.

화이팅 (hwaiting)! ^^

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Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121

The Only Guide You Need to Pass TOPIK Test

Best Self-Study Material to Prepare for TOPIK Test

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TOPIK Essay Writing Guide (쓰기 가이드)- Beginner Level

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And here is how the TOPIK examiners evaluated it:

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Second model essay

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Third model essay: 

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Dr. Satish Satyarthi

Satish is the Founder and CEO of TOPIK GUIDE. He is passionate about languages. He created TOPIK GUIDE website to help Korean language learners learn Korean effectively, succeed in TOPIK test and achieve their goals. He has a PhD in Korean language. His research area has been 'Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language (외국어로서의 한국어교육)'. He is a Seoul National University (GKS) alumni. He has been active in Korean language teaching and research for more than 10 years. We are a team of passionate researchers from Seoul National University specializing in Korean language and linguistics. We are committed to helping international students prepare for the TOPIK test. You can connect with us on Facebook , Twitter , Google+ or YouTube


@Serife OK.. so you were finally able to download the papers.. that’s good… All the best..

Thanks for ur great work TOPIK GUIDE.I also request to upload about essay writting guide For Inter-Mediate level too.

It’s very interesting to see examples of how the essays are evaluated, thank you very much for this post. I’d also be glad if you could do something similar for the Intermediate level as well.

Appreciate ur efforts thanks for the papers….

Very useful information….

Hey useful information..

Hey can you plz let us know the eligibility for appearing for TOPIK

Thanks for the details…can you plz tell how much weightage is given for essay writing?

It’s 30% of the writing section…


thank you for all the information its helps a lot….GOD bless you and your family!

yes tax alot u,,,these are real instructions

Where did you find the evaluation rubric and sample evaluation scores? I’ve looked for days over much of the Internet to try to find your source, but I can’t find anything. Were these posted to topik.go.kr long ago?

Yes, it was released long ago. I don’t have the exact link but I think it was somewhere in their 공지사항 in Kroean.

Hi are there any downloadable files of these lessons available? thanks

Hello sir I wanna give topik exam this year 2020 i wanna know all details and when to register for topik exam and can i give any level exam

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    Satish is the Founder and CEO of TOPIK GUIDE. He is passionate about languages. He created TOPIK GUIDE website to help Korean language learners learn Korean effectively, succeed in TOPIK test and achieve their goals. He has a PhD in Korean language. His research area has been 'Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language (외국어로서의 한국어 ...