Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay

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Online Vs. In-Person Classes Essay – Introduction

Online and traditional classes differences, works cited.

The article compares and contrasts online classes and traditional classes. Among the advantages of online classes are flexibility and convenience, while in-person classes offer a more structured learning environment. The author highlights that online lessons can be more cost-effective, although they lack support provided by live interactions. Overall, the online vs. traditional classes essay is very relevant today, and the choice depends on the individual student’s needs and preferences.

Modern technology has infiltrated the education sector and as a result, many college students now prefer taking online classes, as opposed to attending the traditional regular classes. This is because online classes are convenient for such students, and more so for those who have to both work and attend classes.

As such, online learning gives them the flexibility that they needed. In addition, online learning also gives an opportunity to students and professionals who would not have otherwise gone back to school to get the necessary qualifications. However, students who have enrolled for online learning do not benefit from the one-on-one interaction with their peers and teachers. The essay shall endeavor to examine the differences between online classes and the traditional classes, with a preference for the later.

Online classes mainly take place through the internet. As such, online classes lack the regular student teacher interaction that is common with traditional learning. On the other hand, learning in traditional classes involves direct interaction between the student and the instructors (Donovan, Mader and Shinsky 286).

This is beneficial to both the leaner and the instructors because both can be bale to establish a bond. In addition, student attending the traditional classroom often have to adhere to strict guidelines that have been established by the learning institution. As such, students have to adhere to the established time schedules. On the other hand, students attending online classes can learn at their own time and pace.

One advantage of the traditional classes over online classes is that students who are not disciplined enough may not be able to sail through successfully because there is nobody to push them around. With traditional classes however, there are rules to put them in check. As such, students attending traditional classes are more likely to be committed to their education (Donovan et al 286).

Another advantage of the traditional classes is all the doubts that students might be having regarding a given course content can be cleared by the instructor on the spot, unlike online learning whereby such explanations might not be as coherent as the student would have wished.

With the traditional classes, students are rarely provided with the course materials by their instructors, and they are therefore expected to take their own notes. This is important because they are likely to preserve such note and use them later on in their studies. In contrast, online students are provided with course materials in the form of video or audio texts (Sorenson and Johnson 116).

They can also download such course materials online. Such learning materials can be deleted or lost easily compared with handwritten class notes, and this is a risk. Although the basic requirements for a student attending online classes are comparatively les in comparison to students attending traditional classes, nonetheless, it is important to note that online students are also expected to be internet savvy because all learning takes place online.

This would be a disadvantage for the regular student; only that internet savvy is not a requirement. Students undertaking online learning are likely to be withdrawn because they hardly interact one-on-one with their fellow online students or even their instructors. The only form of interaction is online. As such, it becomes hard for them to develop a special bond with other students and instructors. With traditional learning however, students have the freedom to interact freely and this helps to strengthen their existing bond.

Online learning is convenient and has less basic requirements compared with traditional learning. It also allows learners who would have ordinarily not gone back to school to access an education. However, online students do not benefit from a close interaction with their peers and instructors as do their regular counterparts. Also, regular students can engage their instructors more easily and relatively faster in case they want to have certain sections of the course explained, unlike online students.

Donovan, Judy, Mader, Cynthia and Shinsky, John. Constructive student feedback: Online vs. traditional course evaluations. Journal of Interactive Online Learning , 5.3(2006): 284-292.

Sorenson, Lynn, and Johnson, Trav. Online Student Ratings of Instructions . San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2003. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 25). Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay.

"Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." IvyPanda , 25 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay'. 25 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." April 25, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." April 25, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." April 25, 2019.

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Argumentative Essay: Online Learning and Educational Access

Conventional learning is evolving with the help of computers and online technology. New ways of learning are now available, and improved access is one of the most important benefits available. People all around the world are experiencing improved mobility as a result of the freedom and potential that online learning provides, and as academic institutions and learning organisations adopt online learning technologies and remote-access learning, formal academic education is becoming increasingly legitimate. This essay argues the contemporary benefits of online learning, and that these benefits significantly outweigh the issues, challenges and disadvantages of online learning.

Online learning is giving people new choices and newfound flexibility with their personal learning and development. Whereas before, formal academic qualifications could only be gained by participating in a full time course on site, the internet has allowed institutions to expand their reach and offer recognized courses on a contact-partial, or totally virtual, basis. Institutions can do so with relatively few extra resources, and for paid courses this constitutes excellent value, and the student benefits with greater educational access and greater flexibility to learn and get qualified even when there lots of other personal commitments to deal with.

Flexibility is certainly one of the most important benefits, but just as important is educational access. On top of the internet’s widespread presence in developed countries, the internet is becoming increasingly available in newly developed and developing countries. Even without considering the general informational exposure that the internet delivers, online academic courses and learning initiatives are becoming more aware of the needs of people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and this means that people from such backgrounds are in a much better position to learn and progress than they used to be.

The biggest argument that raises doubt over online learning is the quality of online courses in comparison to conventional courses. Are such online courses good enough for employers to take notice? The second biggest argument is the current reality that faces many people from disadvantaged backgrounds, despite the improvements made in this area in recent years – they do not have the level of basic access needed to benefit from online learning. In fact, there are numerous sources of evidence that claim disadvantaged students are not receiving anywhere near the sort of benefits that online learning institutions and promoters are trying to instigate. Currently there are many organisations, campaigns and initiatives that are working to expand access to higher education. With such high participation, it can be argued that it is only a matter of time before the benefits are truly realised, but what about the global online infrastructure?

There is another argument that is very difficult to dispel, and that is the response of different types of students to the online learning paradigm. Evidence shows that there are certain groups of students that benefit from college distance learning much more than other groups. In essence, students must be highly motivated and highly disciplined if they are to learn effectively in their own private environment.

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How Effective Is Online Learning? What the Research Does and Doesn’t Tell Us

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Editor’s Note: This is part of a series on the practical takeaways from research.

The times have dictated school closings and the rapid expansion of online education. Can online lessons replace in-school time?

Clearly online time cannot provide many of the informal social interactions students have at school, but how will online courses do in terms of moving student learning forward? Research to date gives us some clues and also points us to what we could be doing to support students who are most likely to struggle in the online setting.

The use of virtual courses among K-12 students has grown rapidly in recent years. Florida, for example, requires all high school students to take at least one online course. Online learning can take a number of different forms. Often people think of Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, where thousands of students watch a video online and fill out questionnaires or take exams based on those lectures.

In the online setting, students may have more distractions and less oversight, which can reduce their motivation.

Most online courses, however, particularly those serving K-12 students, have a format much more similar to in-person courses. The teacher helps to run virtual discussion among the students, assigns homework, and follows up with individual students. Sometimes these courses are synchronous (teachers and students all meet at the same time) and sometimes they are asynchronous (non-concurrent). In both cases, the teacher is supposed to provide opportunities for students to engage thoughtfully with subject matter, and students, in most cases, are required to interact with each other virtually.

Coronavirus and Schools

Online courses provide opportunities for students. Students in a school that doesn’t offer statistics classes may be able to learn statistics with virtual lessons. If students fail algebra, they may be able to catch up during evenings or summer using online classes, and not disrupt their math trajectory at school. So, almost certainly, online classes sometimes benefit students.

In comparisons of online and in-person classes, however, online classes aren’t as effective as in-person classes for most students. Only a little research has assessed the effects of online lessons for elementary and high school students, and even less has used the “gold standard” method of comparing the results for students assigned randomly to online or in-person courses. Jessica Heppen and colleagues at the American Institutes for Research and the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research randomly assigned students who had failed second semester Algebra I to either face-to-face or online credit recovery courses over the summer. Students’ credit-recovery success rates and algebra test scores were lower in the online setting. Students assigned to the online option also rated their class as more difficult than did their peers assigned to the face-to-face option.

Most of the research on online courses for K-12 students has used large-scale administrative data, looking at otherwise similar students in the two settings. One of these studies, by June Ahn of New York University and Andrew McEachin of the RAND Corp., examined Ohio charter schools; I did another with colleagues looking at Florida public school coursework. Both studies found evidence that online coursetaking was less effective.

About this series


This essay is the fifth in a series that aims to put the pieces of research together so that education decisionmakers can evaluate which policies and practices to implement.

The conveners of this project—Susanna Loeb, the director of Brown University’s Annenberg Institute for School Reform, and Harvard education professor Heather Hill—have received grant support from the Annenberg Institute for this series.

To suggest other topics for this series or join in the conversation, use #EdResearchtoPractice on Twitter.

Read the full series here .

It is not surprising that in-person courses are, on average, more effective. Being in person with teachers and other students creates social pressures and benefits that can help motivate students to engage. Some students do as well in online courses as in in-person courses, some may actually do better, but, on average, students do worse in the online setting, and this is particularly true for students with weaker academic backgrounds.

Students who struggle in in-person classes are likely to struggle even more online. While the research on virtual schools in K-12 education doesn’t address these differences directly, a study of college students that I worked on with Stanford colleagues found very little difference in learning for high-performing students in the online and in-person settings. On the other hand, lower performing students performed meaningfully worse in online courses than in in-person courses.

But just because students who struggle in in-person classes are even more likely to struggle online doesn’t mean that’s inevitable. Online teachers will need to consider the needs of less-engaged students and work to engage them. Online courses might be made to work for these students on average, even if they have not in the past.

Just like in brick-and-mortar classrooms, online courses need a strong curriculum and strong pedagogical practices. Teachers need to understand what students know and what they don’t know, as well as how to help them learn new material. What is different in the online setting is that students may have more distractions and less oversight, which can reduce their motivation. The teacher will need to set norms for engagement—such as requiring students to regularly ask questions and respond to their peers—that are different than the norms in the in-person setting.

Online courses are generally not as effective as in-person classes, but they are certainly better than no classes. A substantial research base developed by Karl Alexander at Johns Hopkins University and many others shows that students, especially students with fewer resources at home, learn less when they are not in school. Right now, virtual courses are allowing students to access lessons and exercises and interact with teachers in ways that would have been impossible if an epidemic had closed schools even a decade or two earlier. So we may be skeptical of online learning, but it is also time to embrace and improve it.

A version of this article appeared in the April 01, 2020 edition of Education Week as How Effective Is Online Learning?

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Online university education is the new normal: but is face-to-face better?

Interactive Technology and Smart Education

ISSN : 1741-5659

Article publication date: 2 August 2021

Issue publication date: 4 October 2021

Following the rapid shift to online learning due to COVID-19, this paper aims to compare the relative efficacy of face-to-face and online university teaching methods.


A scoping review was conducted to examine the learning outcomes within and between online and face-to-face (F2F) university teaching programmes.

Although previous research has supported a “no significant difference” position, the review of 91 comparative studies during 2000–2020 identified 37 (41%) which found online teaching was associated with better learning outcomes, 17 (18%) which favoured F2F and 37 (41%) reporting no significant difference. Purpose-developed online content which supports “student-led” enquiry and cognitive challenge were cited as factors supporting better learning outcomes.

Research limitations/implications

This study adopts a pre-defined methodology in reviewing literature which ensures rigour in identifying relevant studies. The large sample of studies ( n = 91) supported the comparison of discrete learning modes although high variability in key concepts and outcome variables made it difficult to directly compare some studies. A lack of methodological rigour was observed in some studies.


As a result of COVID-19, online university teaching has become the “new normal” but also re-focussed questions regarding its efficacy. The weight of evidence from this review is that online learning is at least as effective and often better than, F2F modalities in supporting learning outcomes, albeit these differences are often modest. The findings raise questions about the presumed benefits of F2F learning and complicate the case for a return to physical classrooms during the pandemic and beyond.

Digital learning

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Stevens, G.J. , Bienz, T. , Wali, N. , Condie, J. and Schismenos, S. (2021), "Online university education is the new normal: but is face-to-face better?", Interactive Technology and Smart Education , Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 278-297.

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Garry John Stevens, Tobias Bienz, Nidhi Wali, Jenna Condie and Spyros Schismenos.

Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

Rapid technological developments in digital education have seen wide-spread adoption of blended and fully online content across a range of educational institutions, including universities. Advocates of online learning (OL) cite a range of key advantages including greater access, cost-effectiveness and the creation of a democratised “community of learners” able to operate in real-time and asynchronous modes ( Beishuizen, 2008 ; Hass and Joseph, 2018 ). In 2020, the inherent agility of OL came into sharp focus with the international impacts of Covid-19. As a result of the pandemic and almost overnight, online university teaching has become the “new normal”. This rapid shift supported critical business-continuity in the sector, but some argued that it largely completed and was enabled by, the full structural integration of digital education that had been proceeding for decades ( Brown and Duguid, 1996 ; Hiltz and Turoff, 2005 ; Kaplan and Haenlein, 2016 ). While blended modes are quite commonplace in countries such as Australia ( Crawford and Jenkins, 2017 ), the UK ( Adekola et al. , 2017 ), Italy ( Previtali and Scarozza, 2019 ) and Singapore ( Jones and Sharma, 2019 ), many educators and higher education institutions faced both full online delivery, as well as the pedagogical implications of teaching digitally for the first time ( Dhawan, 2020 ). A raft of questions comes to the fore. Are some educators still “resistant” ( Blin and Munro, 2008 ) to digital learning in the contexts of a pandemic? When Covid-19 is still in circulation, why are there calls and initiatives to get students and staff back to campus and physical classrooms? What is the current evidence-base in support of OL? Are its learning outcomes broadly equivalent to face-to-face (F2F) modes and, if so, what is the case for a post-Covid return to F2F teaching?

A long-standing criticism of OL is that it cannot replace F2F modes because it lacks the capacity for the communicative processes that occur with physical presence; processes through which the cognitive, meta-cognitive and social/interactive aspects of learning optimally occur ( Francescato et al. , 2006 ). Learning is situational and materially embedded in the context of the classroom and being physically co-present to learn with fellow students and teaching staff ( Taylor, 2013 ). This is not to say that OL is not situated; it also takes place somewhere and has a physicality and materiality to it. While such presence appears important, it has also been argued that F2F teaching frequently defaults to a “teacher-centred” approach that promotes a passive, disengaged relationship between students and educational content; a factor contributing to poor comprehension and information retention ( Garrison and Cleveland-Innes, 2005 ). There is growing evidence that well-structured online courses which promote “active learning” (characterised by group problem-solving requiring higher-order thinking, task completion and reflection) and have high perceived levels of tutor leadership (or “presence”), achieve learning outcomes that are equivalent to or better than, those achieved via F2F teaching ( Cleveland-Innes and Emes, 2005 ; Garrison and Cleveland-Innes, 2005 ; McLaughlin et al. , 2013 ; Thomas and Thorpe, 2019 ). A comprehensive review of the history of online teaching and learning is beyond the scope of this paper, however, we highlight key aspects of the debate and evidence regarding the relative efficacy of F2F and online modalities, as well as “blended” approaches and their potential to optimise learning outcomes.

The great debate – does mode matter?

Since the early 1990s, much of the consideration regarding the comparative efficacy of digital education has been framed around a wider controversy often referred to as the “Clark/Kozma debate”. Clark’s original meta-analysis on the influence of media on learning ( Clark, 1983 ) led him to conclude that media do not influence learning outcomes under any circumstances. In what came to be known as the “no significant difference” position, Clark proposed that researchers should cease exploring the relationship between media and learning, unless they could also provide substantive theory as to why media-specific differences exist ( Clark , 1983, 1994 ). The debate “proper” commenced in 1991 when Kozma outlined a learner “interaction” theory which proposed a synergistic relationship between media, content and the learner ( Kozma , 1991, 1994 ). He argued that different media have distinct symbolic/relational systems and processing, that may both compliment an individual learner and provide effective learning experiences.

Kozma’s theory has been highly influential in framing the social/interactive theory behind blended learning and active learning approaches, including recent initiatives regarding online “community of inquiry” teacher/student collaborations to achieve educational outcomes ( Rubin et al. , 2013 ). Despite such developments, the evidence has remained largely inconclusive regarding any single media (i.e. primary F2F and OL formats) being capable of producing significantly better learning outcomes. While some studies have reported significantly poorer learning outcomes for online university courses ( Brown and Liedholm, 2002 ), such findings have been in the minority. Meta-analyses after 2000 examining learning outcomes ( Bernard et al. , 2004 ; Shachar and Neumann, 2003 ) typically concluded that modality, per se , was not a significant factor in learning outcomes; findings Clark drew upon to re-iterate his original claims ( Clark and Feldon, 2005 ; Clark, 2007 ). This position statement remains essentially unchanged ( Becker, 2010 ; Clark, 2014 ), despite some recent meta-analyses showing that university learning outcomes are generally better with OL modes ( Jayakumar et al. , 2015 ; Jurewitsch, 2012 ; Nguyen, 2015 ). Critics of this status-quo argued that Clark’s commentary reflected a lack of understanding regarding educational applications of “new media” and their educational applications (e.g. gaming platforms and social media) which may be found to provide qualitatively distinct outcomes ( Becker, 2010 ; Rideout et al. , 2010 ) and, many of the claimed “no difference” findings were drawn from studies with poor methodology (e.g. non-random selection, poor control of teacher/student variables and matching of content and contact hours) or which focus on aggregate-level outcomes (e.g. student course grades, tutor/student satisfaction) which may not identify process elements of specific media that are uniquely beneficial ( Francescato et al. , 2006 ; Garrison and Cleveland-Innes, 2005 ; Mullen, 2019 ).

More recent studies have tended to explore the factors associated with developing and delivering a student-centred curriculum that may be associated with optimal learning outcomes, irrespective of the primary teaching mode used. Educators are using digital technologies and new social media platforms to reconceptualise and reconstitute teacher-student relationships and extend learning conversations beyond the traditional classroom ( Condie et al. , 2018 ; Graham, 2014 ). Positioning higher education students as “colleagues in training” ( Condie et al. , 2018 , p. 14) and “students as producers” ( Hynes, 2018 ) is more possible with the affordances of the “participatory web” ( Costa, 2014 ) and within open digital educational practices ( Cronin, 2017 ). As such, earlier constructivist models of individual computer-assisted learning ( Crook, 1998 ) have been relegated in favour of cooperative learning based on social learning theory. These models posit that highly effective learning occurs through interactive work with others and shared task completion and reflection.

Cleveland-Innes and Emes (2005) found that social and academic interaction were critical factors in achieving quality educational outcomes, irrespective of whether the learning environments were F2F or online. However, related research ( Garrison and Cleveland-Innes, 2005 ) has shown interaction, per se , is not sufficient to achieve the kind of critical discourse (and related critical thinking) needed to achieve “deep learning” ( Biggs, 1998 ). Both student-student and tutor-student interactions are important in the creation of critical discourse. However, research indicates that the perceived structure and cohesion associated with the tutor role (often defined as teacher leadership or “presence”) is a stronger predictor of critical discourse and overall effectiveness of both OL and F2F teaching ( Hay et al. , 2004 ), but possibly a greater predictor in online environments ( Thomas and Thorpe, 2019 ; Wu and Hiltz, 2004 ). Educator presence, rapport and a sense of community and trust amongst learners are essential for effective digital learning experiences ( Lambrinidis, 2014 ; Ragusa and Crampton, 2018 ; Stone, 2017 ).

The aim of this review is to compare university learning modes, such that the substantive comparison is between fully online and F2F delivery. As such, our search is limited to studies involving a reasonably rigorous approach to comparing these modalities, that is, using an experimental or quasi-experimental design. Our research question is whether, based upon aggregate findings during the period 2000-2020, fully online or F2F learning modes are more effective in achieving commonly recognised learning outcomes such as test grades and course marks. In posing this comparison, we are mindful that digitised learning commonly blends these approaches, but our primary question goes to the matter of a possibly unique contribution of F2F modes and how this may inform future use of this format, particularly in a post-Covid environment.

This review adopts a scoping review methodology as outlined by Arksey and O’Malley (2005) . The scoping method follows a structured approach to map and presents a descriptive or summative overview of the literature on a topic. This method has been adopted across disciplines and is being increasingly recognised as an effective method when compared to a literature review ( Pham et al. , 2014 ). The focus of this review was to use existing data sources to address our research question, i.e. secondary data sources and did not include any primary data. The scoping process has four stages: identifying the research question; identifying relevant studies; study selection and charting the data and collating, summarizing and reporting the results. This process allows transparency and clarity of data collection, study selection and the collating of results.


There are a plethora of terms used to refer to these respective teaching modalities, as well as those which combine their use. Throughout this paper, we use the following standard terms to delineate teaching modes and roles; traditional, F2F and OL; combined F2F/OL (“blended” but also “flipped” when indicated); and teaching practitioners (“tutors” or “instructors”). We use the term OL in preference to e-learning and digitised learning as the latter is less specific to mode and often applied to blended formats. The terms “learning” and “teaching” are typically used as presented by the authors. Unless otherwise specified, “course” refers to a single unit of study (e.g. one-semester Introduction to Sociology unit).

Identifying the research question

The review examined the outcomes and relative efficacy of online (web-based) and F2F university teaching.

Identifying relevant studies

Google Scholar was used as the primary search engine with advanced search options. Google Scholar is multidisciplinary and has broad coverage across health, social science and education. The education-specific database of the Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC) was then used to identify any education-related studies that could have been missed in the primary search via Google Scholar.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Search items were restricted to articles that were: journal articles, published research dissertations and reports; published in the English language; published between 2000 and 2020; and based on key terms. The stated inclusion criteria allowed us to limit the search output to a manageable number of relevant items. This was particularly important regarding the restriction to “title search” only, as earlier searches of full-text articles produced a large number of articles (in the thousands).

Search terms

Primary search involved keywords combination: “online” x “face to face” x “learning” x “comparison”. Key synonyms were also used in a number of other combinations, notably: “eLearning”, “internet”, “web-based”, “teaching”, “traditional” (i.e. teaching), “experiment”, “outcomes”, “review” (to identify relevant descriptive/systematic reviews and meta-analyses). The selected search terms also reflect the review requirement which involves an experimental design or other direct comparisons of the relative learning outcomes of OL and F2F teaching.

Study selection and charting the data

The scoping review included studies that were within the parameters of our enquiry, with all other articles being excluded. These could be studies that did not directly compare teaching modalities; where the teaching modalities were unclear or did not provide a substantive comparison of the two modalities; or where the study predominantly involved non-tertiary students (e.g. high school students). Only journal articles, published research dissertations and reports were included. All other document types including books, non-empirical book chapters, articles that could not be found/opened and studies in a language other than English were excluded.

Our review was conducted in two stages; a preliminary search followed by a combined analysis. The preliminary search yielded 76 studies which, after review, were reduced to 28 relevant items ( Table 1 ). These 28 studies included 1 scoping review and 6 meta-analyses, which constituted a substantial number of individual studies that warranted more detailed review and the inclusion of those that met our study criteria. This combined analysis found a total of 131 studies for review. A number of studies were then excluded for these reasons; published before the year 2000 (4 studies), insufficient information in the meta-analysis to draw clear determinations or the individual paper was not accessible (10 studies), duplicates (6 studies) and outside the scope of this study such as non-university population (1 study) or not directly comparing primary OL and F2F conditions (e.g. using blended learning as a primary condition (19 studies). For the purposes of this analysis, a meta-analysis or scoping review was counted as a separate study/finding (i.e. 7 studies) in addition to the studies it contained and which met out criteria. The combined analysis yielded a final sample of 91 individual studies for review ( Table 2 ).

Collating, summarising and reporting the results

This review narrates the findings from the included studies using an approach consistent with Snilstveit et al. (2012) . The following method was used for collating and reporting the results. For individual studies, the results of statistical analyses and/or author direct statements were used to determine whether learning outcomes favoured OL or F2F or no significant difference was observed. To determine if an individual study within a meta-analysis favoured one mode, the effect sizes (g) were used (i.e. positive effect sizes were counted in favour of OL and negative in favour of F2F). Direct statements by the meta-analysis authors were also used. With regard to the outcome measures used to assess university student learning, the most recognised performance metrics used in meta-analyses are the scores of standardised tests, grade point average (GPA) or overall course grade ( Jayakumar et al. , 2015 ; Jurewitsch, 2012 ). Other measures assess specific learning processes such as cognitive/metacognitive processes ( Kurt and Gürcan, 2010 ) and stress adaptation ( San Jose and Kelleher, 2009 ). A range of other student self-report measures are also used such as satisfaction, confidence, knowledge and performance. Some authors of meta-analyses state that finding and qualifying performance measures between studies can be an issue ( Jayakumar et al. , 2015 ; Jurewitsch, 2012 ; Nguyen, 2015 ). Table 2 details the range of learning outcomes identified in these studies. While the meta-analyses include studies published in 2000–2015 there are several individual studies published between 2015 and 2020 that are included in this study, therefore expanding the time-horizon of previous research.

The combined analysis reviewed individual study reports, as well as the constituent individual studies within relevant meta-analyses and the scoping review. This identified an initial pool of 131 studies. This was reduced to a final sample of 91 studies, which met our inclusion criteria. From these, a total of 37 studies (41%) found online teaching was associated with better student learning outcomes, 17 studies (18%) reported better outcomes with F2F and 37studies (41%) found no significant differences ( Table 2 ). Summary findings from these respective categories are detailed below, including the breakdown of results within the composite studies.


Addis (2009) and Callister and Love (2016) found that F2F Elementary Education students performed better. The Addis (2009) study found gains in student learning were pronounced in each condition, but the F2F group significantly outperformed the online group on post-test scores due to easier collaboration in the F2F setting and OL students taking longer to get accustomed to the new mode. Callister and Love (2016) compared four master’s level Negotiation classes at two universities but taught by the same professor. Test scores indicated that F2F learners achieved higher negotiation outcomes than online learners. The researchers attributed this to increased instructor interaction and reduced hostility in the F2F settings, even when using the same technology (Google Chat).

Bond and Peterson (2004) found that F2F learners displayed better mastery of subject matter. The study assessed the quality of the problem-based learning (PBL) unit (for teaching delivery) based on several indices. The subjects of the study were university students in an Instructional Planning class. The study authors concluded that the on-campus group selected a wider variety of instructional materials, planned more detailed instruction, used more pedagogical terminology and placed a higher value on planning. They argued that observing the teacher and emulating the teacher’s preparation methods led to these differences in performance. Both groups were similar in problem selection, length of unit, number of materials, organisation of student groups and integration of technology. McKenzie (2013) found that medical students in F2F classes gave significantly higher ratings to teaching staff and reported greater knowledge attainment, which was supported by higher test scores. The researchers suggested these differences may have been due to both technical limitations with the online version of the course (which constrained the complexity of online activity) and the greater complexity and feedback opportunities that were permitted within the F2F course. Despite this both groups reported similar levels of confidence.

San Jose and Kelleher (2009) set up an experimental comparison based on the ecoshock index, a 12-item measure of stress adaptation to new learning environments, developed and tested to measure differences in university students’ responses toF2F and OL learning ecologies. They found that online students reported greater adaptive stress (ecoshock). The index yielded promising internal reliability scores in pilot testing and experimental conditions. Construct validity was supported with evidence from within-subjects experimental comparisons (N = 49) showing that ecoshock was significantly higher online compared to F2F conditions, as the authors had predicted. Also as predicted, ecoshock correlated negatively with an 8-item index of affective learning, which was found to be greater in F2F conditions than OL conditions. While such factors could potentially undermine learning outcomes(the authors, citing Fontaine, 2000 ), this report does not provide information as to whether higher reported adaptive stressor lower affective learning was associated with poorer performance.

In addition to these individual studies, the dis-aggregation of the meta-analyses produced 12 additional findings that met our inclusion criteria and reported results favouring F2F delivery; Lack (2013 : 1 study), Means et al. (2009 : 7 studies), Nguyen (2015 : 2 studies) and Voutilainen et al. (2017 : 2 studies).In total, 17/91 studies (18%)found that OL was the more effective delivery mode.

Heckman and Annabi (2005) found that asynchronous learning networks (ALN) executed through a web-based application generate high levels of cognitive activity equal to and in some cases superior to, the cognitive processes in the F2F classroom. The study also found that student-to-student interactions contain a greater proportion of high-level cognitive indicators than do student-to-teacher interactions. These cognitive indicators are grouped on different hierarchical levels corresponding to the respective level of cognitive activity. These commence with exploration and analysis and culminate with integration as the highest level of activity. Similarly, Williams and Castro (2010) investigated teams of organisational behaviour students about their perceived team performance and concluded that relationships in online teams were better. The authors found that “the flexibility provided by the online environment might allow for more ongoing learning and more frequent exchanges” (p. 141) than in F2F contexts. Team setting moderated the relationship that member teamwork orientation and member social interaction had on individual team-source learning; the relationships were stronger in online teams.

Raynauld (2006) investigated an Economic Policy and a Finance course where the author found that online students perform better (in terms of final grade) in Economic Policy, but there are no significant differences in Finance. While the online version of the Economic Policy course was well-tailored towards the needs of online students, it was the first time that the Finance course was conducted through an online format. This led the authors to propose that the type of course, the setup of the learning environment and the assessment decisions influence the success of online courses.

The scoping review of Nguyen (2015) found online delivery to be at least as effective as F2F delivery. From the 22 constituent studies, 5 met the inclusion criteria for this scoping review, of which 2 favoured OL, 2 favoured F2F and 1 found no significant differences. As the overall finding of the meta-analysis was also in favour of OL, it is categorised as an OL finding within our combined analysis. The report author offered this assessment, “Taken as a whole, there is robust evidence to suggest online learning is generally at least as effective as the traditional format” (p. 309).

The meta-analysis of Jayakumar et al. (2015) found that online students performed better. From the 38 constituent studies, only 3 met the inclusion criteria for this scoping review and all were in favour of OL. Jurewitsch (2012) drew a similar conclusion in his meta-analysis and found that online students performed better in problem-based learning. From the 5 constituent studies, only 3 could be located and accessed and all of them favoured OL. Overall effect size was found to be slightly in favour of online problem-based learning in terms of student performance outcomes (test scores).

The dis-aggregation of the other meta-analyses produced 24 findings that met inclusion criteria and supported OL delivery; Lack (2013 : 3 studies), Means et al. (2009 : 16 studies), McCutcheon et al. (2014 : 2 studies) and Voutilainen et al. (2017 : 2 studies).In total, 37/91 studies (41%)found that OL was more effective than F2F delivery.

No difference

In total, 11 studies, which used standard student performance metrics(e.g. test mark, final grade) found that there were no significant differences between F2F and OL modes ( Cavanaugh and Jacquemin, 2015 ; Driscoll et al. , 2012 ; Ghonsooly and Seyyedrezaie, 2014 ; Herman and Banister, 2007 ; Horspool and Yang, 2010 ; Johnson et al. ,2000 ; Pilbeam and Barrus, 2010 ; Rosell-Aguilar, 2006 ; Sussman and Dutter, 2010 ; Woolsey, 2013 ; Yen et al. , 2018 ).

Cavanaugh and Jacquemin (2015) examined a teaching database with information from 140,444 students enrolled across 6,012 university courses and taught by over 100 faculty members between 2010 and 2013. Notable findings were that students with higher GPAs perform even better in online courses or alternatively, struggling students perform worse when taking courses in an online format compared to a F2F format. Driscoll et al. (2012) conducted a quasi-experimental study of introductory Sociology students and found that differences in student performance between the two modes may be due to a selection effect. Herman and Banister (2007) found no difference in learning outcomes, post-graduate Education students. Johnson et al. (2000) found a similar result for students in a Human Resources course and noted that while those in F2F courses held slightly more positive perceptions about their tutors this did not affect course grades. Pilbeam and Barrus (2010) found that while grades in Computer Literacy courses varied little between modes the percentage of “A” grades were higher in F2F.

Nine studies used outcome measures, which assessed learning processes, mode-related adaptation,and a range of subjective appraisals of performance or engagement ( Driscoll et al. , 2012 ; Ghonsooly and Seyyedrezaie, 2014 ; Groves et al. , 2014 ; Horspool et al. , 2010; Johnson et al. , 2000 ; Kurt and Gürcan, 2010 ; Rosell-Aguilar, 2006 ; Woolsey, 2013 ; Yen et al. , 2018 ).

Kurt and Gürcan (2010) and Ghonsooly and Seyyedrezaie (2014) found that there were no significant differences in student learning strategies between F2F and OL. Kurt and Gürcan (2010) investigated the relationship of undergraduate students’ success with learning strategies and computer anxiety. No significant difference regarding cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies (assessed with separate scales developed by Namlu (2005) ) was found. However, the authors did find average scores for learning anxiety were significantly lower in the F2F instruction group. Ghonsooly and Seyyedrezaie (2014) found that there were no significant differences between the two groups of learners regarding preferences for language learning strategies and reading comprehension. The study measured the outcome of 200 language students with a 50-item translated version of the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning and a test of reading comprehension.

Rosell-Aguilar (2006) found that there were few differences between F2F and OL. The subjects were undergraduate students in a language course. The study found that there were not many differences between online andF2F learners but there are differences in course marks; 10% moreF2F learners achieved a distinction than online learners. Online learners expressed less intention to miss tutorials than theirF2F counterparts. However, more online learners never attended at all. There was a higher number of students who wished to switch from online to F2F rather than vice-versa suggesting a quarter of the online students did not have a good enough experience with the online tuition to wish to continue using the medium. In this and several other studies, it was noted that the students voiced a preference for F2F tuition but this statement was often qualified by stating that the quality of the online course was lacking (often because it was the first time the course was offered via an OL format). Groves et al. (2014) found that there were no significant differences in spiritual awareness between F2F and OL. The primary sample was health-care students and the study concluded that such awareness was achieved independently of the mode of course delivery.

The meta-analysis of McCutcheon et al. (2014) found no significant difference in nursing student performance measures examined across 19studies. Five of these met our inclusion criteria, of which 3 found no significant differences and 2 supported OL. The authors mention that the variation of the intervention made comparison difficult and that there is a clear need for well-structured and controlled research. Notably, the combined evidence suggests that online learning for teaching clinical skills is no less effective than traditional means. At the same time, this review highlights a broader lack of available evidence on the implementation of OL to teaching clinical skills in undergraduate nurse education and the need for further research in this area.

Means et al. (2009) is the largest available meta-analyses and determined that there were no significant differences between teaching modes. It includes 27 studies across a range of courses, which directly compared F2F vs OL conditions and found a small but non-significant effect in favour of OL modes (a mean effect of +0.05 and p = 0.46) This led the authors to conclude that “instruction conducted entirely online is as effective as classroom instruction but no better” (p. 18) Amongst these 27 studies 23 met our inclusion criteria of which 16 favoured OL and 7 supported F2F.

The two remaining meta-analyses were unable to draw a clear conclusion from the available data. Lack (2013) concluded that due to the difficulty of drawing on comparable results between the studies, the overall result of the study was unclear. However, of the 30 included studies, 20 met the inclusion criteria of the current review and did draw a clear finding. Amongst this group 16 found no significant differences, 3 favoured OL and 1 supported F2F. Voutilainen (2017) investigated 9 health-care studies of which 4 met the inclusion criteria of this scoping review. The review indicated that 2 studies supported OL and 2 studies supported F2F. The meta-analysis resulted in the weighted mean of 5.24 (0.13-10.3, CI) on a 0–100 scale, indicating that e-learning improved the knowledge/skill scores 5.24 points more than conventional learning, on average. However, as the range of the weighted mean was wide (−11.2 to 21.7), the authors concluded that generalisations could not be drawn. The authors of both meta-analyses indicated that the various studies differed substantially and that the results were too situational to make claims as to generalisability.

The dis-aggregation of the one remaining met-analysis in this category found a single study, which observed no significant difference ( Nguyen, 2015 ; 1 study). The combined analysis found 37/91 studies (41%) in which no significant differences were observed between the two teaching modes.

The primary focus of our review was to determine, based on the weight of evidence over the past two decades, whether F2F or online teaching modalities provide greater efficacy regarding university learning outcomes or whether the “no significant difference” position ( Clark , 2007, 2014 ) continues to reflect their relative status. Our combined analysis provided a clear answer to our research question. From the 91 identified studies which directly compared these two teaching modes, 37 (41%) found online teaching was associated with better learning outcomes, 17 (18%) favoured F2F teaching and 37 studies (41%) found no significant differences. Following the early “debate” of Clark (1983) and Kozma (1991) and more recent findings that modality, per se , is not a significant factor in learning outcomes ( Bernard et al. , 2004 ; Clark, 2007 ; Shachar and Neumann, 2003 ) the current data indicate that, in aggregate terms, online modalities are producing better learning outcomes for university students. Also consistent with the original thesis of Kozma (1991) are recent findings that the better outcomes associated with online learning are possibly due to the qualitatively different relationship that appears to develop between this media, the learning content and the learner ( Cavanaugh and Jacquemin, 2015 ; Heckman and Annabi, 2005 ; Jurewitsch, 2012 ; Nguyen, 2015 ; Williams and Castro, 2010 ).

If online university education appears to provide consistently better learning outcomes than F2F approaches, what factors may contribute to this difference? There is some evidence that OL and the working environments that it creates enable higher levels of cognitive activity which can lead to better performance. Heckman and Annabi (2005) found that student-to-student interactions foster higher cognitive activity and that students assume some parts of the teacher role in OL modes. Small group learning (e.g. “break-out” groups, team tasks) may afford a greater comfort in learning from peers, particularly as they are often distinctly “separate” spaces in the OL environment. This may allow higher functioning students to provide greater input and direction to the process, reinforcing their own learning and content-related leadership, while other students may feel more confident to address questions and uncertainties directly to fellow students ( Jurewitsch, 2012 ; Nguyen, 2015 ). This appears consistent with findings by Cavanaugh and Jacquemin (2015), who observed that well-performing students perform better when taking the online version of a class, although one small study (Kurt et al. , 2010) reported lower aggregate levels of learning anxiety in a F2F course. Another argument as to why OL results in better student performance is that geographical distance does not play a role in student enrolment, and therefore the range of potential students is increased ( Jurewitsch, 2012 ). Similarly, the flexibility of synchronous and asynchronous OL has been found to be associated with increased student performance ( Nguyen, 2015 ). This is consistent with the finding from Williams and Castro (2010) that OL allows “for more ongoing learning and more frequent exchanges” (p. 141).

Nguyen (2015) and Jurewitsch (2012) state that OL plays a specific role in enabling better performance by providing an accessible and safe learning environment. Both studies found OL can cater to more learning styles, enables learning through a variety of formats and materials and can more readily cater to individual learning needs, all of which contribute to increased performance. As such, it is critical that the course setup is well-tailored to the specific needs and strengths of OL environments, rather than simply transferring F2F-developed content to online platforms. Several of the included studies reported good and poor translations of such content to online platforms and their effects on student performance ( Jayakumar et al. , 2015 ; Jurewitsch, 2012 ; Raynauld, 2006 ). Raynauld (2006) concluded that the setup of the learning environment is a key determinant for student performance in online courses, as measured by final grade. He found that well-established F2F and OL Economics courses favoured OL, but an established F2F Finance course compared with an OL version delivered for the first time showed no difference, possibly indicating the advantage of online consolidation was lost(albeit the cross-compared courses were different). Jayakumar et al. (2015) found that the web offers significantly more tools for teaching and learning and that the combination of teaching methods is what creates superior performance outcomes for OL courses. Jurewitsch (2012) reported that optimal group size to support problem-based learning and the right mix of synchronous/asynchronous interactions with tutors are amongst key factors which result in superior performance with OL. Moreover, while digital technologies have developed rapidly, student cohorts are increasingly highly adapted to them and able to draw out the best of what these evolving platforms have to offer ( Jurewitsch, 2012 ; Yen et al. , 2018 ).

Challenges and opportunities with Covid-19

In a review of the pedagogical responses of 20 countries within the “intra-period Covid-19 response”, Crawford et al. (2020) found a range of approaches have been taken by universities, which are highly dependent upon their respective country’s political decisions on Higher Education policy, infection rates and pandemic control measures. In countries such as Jordan, the pandemic is enabling an arguably overdue digitalisation of Higher Education. In places such as Australia, there is a desire to keep campuses open and get back to F2F teaching with physical distancing protocols as soon as possible. The reasons for returning to or maintaining F2F teaching are complex. These range from (often unfounded) presumptions of teaching quality and student preference, to concerns about wider social and economic implications of moving away from physical campuses. This disruption is mirrored in the corporate sector where some companies, based on their pandemic experiences, now see a future with “much less real estate” ( Schatzker, 2020 ).

It is notable that while several studies in our review found the physical presence of a tutor conferred distinct learning advantages ( Addis, 2009 ; Bond and Peterson, 2004 ; Callister and Love, 2016 ) this was only observed in a small proportion of the total sample. More direct time with instructors and the ability to observe and emulate their practice (e.g. elementary school educators) were cited advantages, although some of these same studies noted adjustments to new online formats and technical constraints may have affected their relative outcomes. While newer digital platforms have likely reduced such gaps( Williamson, 2019 ), online delivery has the potential to compromise academic quality and curriculum standards, particularly where academics are overworked, inexperienced and/or unsupported by their institutions to make the digital transition. The rapid move of some teaching to fully online formats during the pandemic presents substantial risks in this regard and the heightened need for sharing good practice. Crawford et al. (2020) advise that universities “need to be conscious of their ability to continuously monitor the quality of the learning design” (p. 20) in such times of rapid change and uncertainty.

By grounding our review in the empirical comparisons between online and F2F delivery, we travel some way beyond Burns (2020) critique of the utopian discourse that digital technologies can and will save us and can and have saved higher education “the first time from austerity funding models, the second time from a pandemic” (p. 247) to find that many aspects of digital education are beneficial for student learning. However, there is also a warning here; that when digital technologies meet neoliberal policy reforms, academia and academics may not be able to respond to the kind of political-economic restructuring that follows ( Kornbluh, 2020 ). Beyond the surface issue of learning modalities, there is much at stake for higher education when it is reworked by the application of digital technologies for neoliberal purposes in a pandemic.

Limitations and future research

A broad limitation of the review findings relates to the substantial variability that exists regarding research-related terminology, examined learning processes and outcomes and the associated measures used to determine learning efficacy. This high variability made it difficult, within the scope of the current analysis, to be able to meaningfully compare outcomes between some studies. This issue has been highlighted by several researchers examining this topic ( Jayakumar et al. , 2015 ; Jurewitsch, 2012 ; Nguyen, 2015 ). The comparability limitations risk a lack of “critical mass” regarding well-aligned and controlled studies and an ability to address key issues at a level of detail. Many of, which did not randomly allocate subjects or otherwise control for variables, which could potentially confound outcomes (e.g. mode self-selection). For example, there is evidence of student preferences towards online courses, due to their convenience and other factors ( Jurewitsch, 2012 ) and that better students may adjust more readily and perform better in digital education ( Cavanaugh and Jacquemin, 2015 ). Similarly, better educators may adapt more readily to the online environment and are better capitalise on the learning advantages it offers. Such factors indicate that wider determinations regarding relative efficacy must be drawn with caution and with recognition of these existing limitations with study methods. As noted, future research could resolve some of this uncertainty using well-controlled studies. Such research could also move beyond the coarser indicators of learning effectiveness (e.g. final grade) to examine process elements associated with optimal learning such as group interactive processes ( Shea and Bidjerano, 2012 ) and cognitive analysis and integration in these contexts ( Heckman and Annabi, 2005 ; Kurt and Gürcan, 2010 ). Research is also needed to determine optimal mode combinations within synchronous hybrid OL/F2Fmethods such as Hyflex ( Beatty, 2014 ), including clarification of the “best use” of F2F delivery, particularly as classroom delivery will increasingly be embedded within such formats ( Brown et al. , 2020 ). Another limitation is that our analysis rests on a binary distinction between F2F and online teaching modes. While reflecting on a current reality for some educators, it is an increasingly difficult boundary to maintain given how integrated and enmeshed we are in digital infrastructures, systems and devices within our everyday lives. Costa et al. (2019) call for more advanced theoretical work around technology in education that goes beyond modes, individual tools and binary distinctions and conceptualise technology and its pedagogical impacts “in more nuanced and critical ways” (p. 396) to make new possibilities for higher education in the present and foreseeable future.


Our findings indicate that there is little consistent evidence after the year 2000 that F2F university teaching supports better student learning outcomes. Conversely, there is evidence at an aggregate level that OL is at least as effective and often confers a modest advantage compared with F2F modalities across a range of study disciplines. These results can inform university educators and administrators as to the broad-based efficacy of this teaching mode, particularly as the pandemic has brought its use and value into sharp focus. While it is possible that the current findings reflect forms of systematic bias, mitigating against this conclusion is the aggregate nature of these results; mode-specific findings favouring OL outcomes at a 2:1 ratio when compared to F2F delivery. Key factors within this appear to be the role and “presence” of online tutors and their capacity to create “well-scaffolded”, engaging learning activities, particularly those conducted through small-group interactive tasks which develop independent learning skills. Peer facilitation developed this way may be one of the best strategies to encourage participation, while also freeing the teacher’s role to focus on developing consensus or specific learning outcomes. Importantly, such student-to-student interactions appear to generate higher levels of cognitive challenge and activity, with the reviewed evidence indicating these specific relationships were often stronger in online team environments.

While the current findings highlight the mounting evidence-based regarding online learning, further research is needed to support its conclusions but also to better understanding the constituent elements contributing to effective learning outcomes across modalities and within hybrid approaches. This requires a greater body of well-designed studies with large, cross-institutional samples that can support statistically significant findings. These should also provide a detailed examination of interactive-process elements, including peer facilitation and teacher leadership/presence, their relationship with learning outcomes and whether mode-specific factors enable such processes. A final question of interest to our research group is whether the learning of instrumental (“hands-on”) skills is better achieved through F2F modes. The current review included studies, which found skills-based learning outcomes (e.g. musical performance and medical procedures) were similar in online and F2F modes, but the evidence-base remains limited. As university learning increasingly shifts to digitised formats, this is a key issue affecting higher education and industry sectors alike and is the focus of further research within our team.

Primary search combinations and relevant studies identified

Combination of key search terms Identified items (no.) Studies included post-review (no.)
Online learning comparison “face to face” 31 11
Online learning study “face to face” 23 6
Online learning outcomes “face to face” 19 4
Online study comparison “face to face” 6 2
“Web-based” comparison learning “face to face” 10 1
“Web-based” learning study “face to face” 2 0
eLearning “face to face” 9 0
eLearning learning “face to face” 0 0
eLearning study “face to face” 0 0
eLearning learning outcome “face to face” 0 0
eLearning study comparison “face to face” 1 0
Online learning review “face to face” 6 4

Summary of primary university learning outcomes by teaching mode

Primary outcome variables Greater efficacy Studies
Study/first author Subject Tests/grades Satisfaction Self-rated performance Other – rating:
tutor (t) student (s)
F2F OL No difference ( )
Human resource X X X X 1
Bond (2004) Social science X X Problem-based learning (t) X 1
Heckman (2005) Information management Cognitive process, group task (t) X 1
Economics and finance X X 1
Language X X X 1
Herman (2007) Teacher education X Class discussion and engagement (t) X 1
Teacher education X X X 1
Multiple X X 24
San Jose (2009) Communications Learning stress/adaptation (s) X 1
Horspool (2010) Music X X Musical performance (t) X 1
Kurt (2010) Unclear Cognitive strategy (t) X 1
Pilbeam (2010) Computer literacy X Tutor attitudes (s) X 1
Sussman (2010) Social science X Learning (s) X 1
Williams (2010) Organisational behaviour X Team perform (s) X 1
Social science X X X 1
Multiple X X X 4
Multiple X X X −− 21
Medicine X X Confidence X 1
Woolsey (2013) Communications X X X 1
Ghonsooly (2014) Language X Learning (s) X 1
Health-care (mixed) X Spiritual awareness (s) X 1
Nursing X X Performance and knowledge (t) X 6
Cavanaugh (2015) Multiple X GPA X 1
X Surgery speed (t)
Knowledge (s)
X 4
Multiple X X Learning and engagement (s) X 6
Callister (2016) Negotiation X X 1
Nursing X −− 5
Child development X X X 1

In composite studies/meta-analyses – indicated outcome variable is that most used

Composite/meta-analyses report overall efficacy finding; results of included individual studies were:

Means et al. (2009) F2F(7); OL(16); ND(0)

Jurewitsch (2012) F2F(0); OL(3); ND(0)

Lack (2013) F2F(1); OL(3); ND(16) [no clear determination from assessed data]

McCutcheon et al. (2014) F2F(0); OL(2); ND(3)

Jayakumar et al. (2015) F2F(0); OL(3); ND(0)

Nguyen (2015) F2F(2); OL(2); ND(1) [categorised OL based on main study finding]

Voutilainen et al. (2017) F2F(2); OL(2); ND(0) [no clear determination from assessed data]

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This study was supported by the School of Social Sciences, Humanitarian and Development Research Initiative (HADRI) and the Young and Resilient Research Centre at Western Sydney University, Australia.

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About the authors.

Garry John Stevens is a Senior Lecturer in the Humanitarian and Development Studies Programme at Western Sydney University. As part of the Humanitarian and Development Research Initiative (HADRI), he is involved in projects examining population preparedness for disasters and critical incidents, including occupational risk and resilience factors amongst emergency service workers, Disaster Medical Assistance Teams and humanitarian aid workers and trainees. His recent work with Aid practitioners focusses on worker self-care and well-being in the context of work-related stress. He is also involved in population mental health and epidemiology, including technology-assisted mental health-care in hospital and community settings.

Tobias Bienz holds a master’s degree in International Affairs from the University of St. Gallen. In the process of completing his degree, he consulted for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. He also taught a class on “Innovative Projects for a Sustainable Future”. Furthermore, he was selected as a Leader of Tomorrow at the 2018 St. Gallen Symposium, having successfully submitted an essay on the future of work, which was later presented in the adapted form at the Asia Pacific Humanitarian Leadership Conference in Melbourne. Tobias is also a social impact entrepreneur engaged in starting, growing and scaling social impact start-ups.

Nidhi Wali is a Senior Research Officer at the HADRI at Western Sydney University. She holds a master’s degree in Development Studies from the University of Sussex, UK and is pursuing her Doctor of Philosophy research at Western Sydney University focussing on “Child undernutrition in South Asia”. In India, she has worked with the national government, as well as with international organisations such as CARE, Public Health Resource Network and UNICEF on maternal and child health and nutrition programmes. Her present research focusses on international development, public health and migrant issues of settlement and access to services and has published across these issues.

Jenna Condie is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Society in the Social of Social Sciences and a School-based Research Fellow with the Young and Resilient Research Centre at Western Sydney University. Her interdisciplinary research traverses critical psychology, geography and technology studies. Jenna’s research is concerned with what people and places are becoming with digital technologies. Current projects focus on women’s safety, digital geographies of fear and equitable mobilities. She co-leads Travel in the Digital Age (TinDA) and Social Technologies (SoTech) research teams.

Spyros Schismenos is currently a PhD Fellow and Member of HADRI at the School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney University, Australia. Since 2016, he has been working closely with the UNESCO Chair on Conservation and Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems as the Focal Point for the Wider Region of Asia-Pacific. He is a Member of the Youth International Soil Governance Commission (YISGC) of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations. His research disciplines focus on Humanitarian Engineering, Disaster Management, Renewable Energy, Distance Learning, Disaster Education and Community Development.

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Online and face‐to‐face learning: Evidence from students’ performance during the Covid‐19 pandemic

Carolyn chisadza.

1 Department of Economics, University of Pretoria, Hatfield South Africa

Matthew Clance

Thulani mthembu.

2 Department of Education Innovation, University of Pretoria, Hatfield South Africa

Nicky Nicholls

Eleni yitbarek.

This study investigates the factors that predict students' performance after transitioning from face‐to‐face to online learning as a result of the Covid‐19 pandemic. It uses students' responses from survey questions and the difference in the average assessment grades between pre‐lockdown and post‐lockdown at a South African university. We find that students' performance was positively associated with good wifi access, relative to using mobile internet data. We also observe lower academic performance for students who found transitioning to online difficult and who expressed a preference for self‐study (i.e. reading through class slides and notes) over assisted study (i.e. joining live lectures or watching recorded lectures). The findings suggest that improving digital infrastructure and reducing the cost of internet access may be necessary for mitigating the impact of the Covid‐19 pandemic on education outcomes.


The Covid‐19 pandemic has been a wake‐up call to many countries regarding their capacity to cater for mass online education. This situation has been further complicated in developing countries, such as South Africa, who lack the digital infrastructure for the majority of the population. The extended lockdown in South Africa saw most of the universities with mainly in‐person teaching scrambling to source hardware (e.g. laptops, internet access), software (e.g. Microsoft packages, data analysis packages) and internet data for disadvantaged students in order for the semester to recommence. Not only has the pandemic revealed the already stark inequality within the tertiary student population, but it has also revealed that high internet data costs in South Africa may perpetuate this inequality, making online education relatively inaccessible for disadvantaged students. 1

The lockdown in South Africa made it possible to investigate the changes in second‐year students' performance in the Economics department at the University of Pretoria. In particular, we are interested in assessing what factors predict changes in students' performance after transitioning from face‐to‐face (F2F) to online learning. Our main objectives in answering this study question are to establish what study materials the students were able to access (i.e. slides, recordings, or live sessions) and how students got access to these materials (i.e. the infrastructure they used).

The benefits of education on economic development are well established in the literature (Gyimah‐Brempong,  2011 ), ranging from health awareness (Glick et al.,  2009 ), improved technological innovations, to increased capacity development and employment opportunities for the youth (Anyanwu,  2013 ; Emediegwu,  2021 ). One of the ways in which inequality is perpetuated in South Africa, and Africa as a whole, is through access to education (Anyanwu,  2016 ; Coetzee,  2014 ; Tchamyou et al.,  2019 ); therefore, understanding the obstacles that students face in transitioning to online learning can be helpful in ensuring more equal access to education.

Using students' responses from survey questions and the difference in the average grades between pre‐lockdown and post‐lockdown, our findings indicate that students' performance in the online setting was positively associated with better internet access. Accessing assisted study material, such as narrated slides or recordings of the online lectures, also helped students. We also find lower academic performance for students who reported finding transitioning to online difficult and for those who expressed a preference for self‐study (i.e. reading through class slides and notes) over assisted study (i.e. joining live lectures or watching recorded lectures). The average grades between pre‐lockdown and post‐lockdown were about two points and three points lower for those who reported transitioning to online teaching difficult and for those who indicated a preference for self‐study, respectively. The findings suggest that improving the quality of internet infrastructure and providing assisted learning can be beneficial in reducing the adverse effects of the Covid‐19 pandemic on learning outcomes.

Our study contributes to the literature by examining the changes in the online (post‐lockdown) performance of students and their F2F (pre‐lockdown) performance. This approach differs from previous studies that, in most cases, use between‐subject designs where one group of students following online learning is compared to a different group of students attending F2F lectures (Almatra et al.,  2015 ; Brown & Liedholm,  2002 ). This approach has a limitation in that that there may be unobserved characteristics unique to students choosing online learning that differ from those choosing F2F lectures. Our approach avoids this issue because we use a within‐subject design: we compare the performance of the same students who followed F2F learning Before lockdown and moved to online learning during lockdown due to the Covid‐19 pandemic. Moreover, the study contributes to the limited literature that compares F2F and online learning in developing countries.

Several studies that have also compared the effectiveness of online learning and F2F classes encounter methodological weaknesses, such as small samples, not controlling for demographic characteristics, and substantial differences in course materials and assessments between online and F2F contexts. To address these shortcomings, our study is based on a relatively large sample of students and includes demographic characteristics such as age, gender and perceived family income classification. The lecturer and course materials also remained similar in the online and F2F contexts. A significant proportion of our students indicated that they never had online learning experience before. Less than 20% of the students in the sample had previous experience with online learning. This highlights the fact that online education is still relatively new to most students in our sample.

Given the global experience of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), 2 with rapidly accelerating technological progress, South Africa needs to be prepared for the possibility of online learning becoming the new norm in the education system. To this end, policymakers may consider engaging with various organizations (schools, universities, colleges, private sector, and research facilities) To adopt interventions that may facilitate the transition to online learning, while at the same time ensuring fair access to education for all students across different income levels. 3

1.1. Related literature

Online learning is a form of distance education which mainly involves internet‐based education where courses are offered synchronously (i.e. live sessions online) and/or asynchronously (i.e. students access course materials online in their own time, which is associated with the more traditional distance education). On the other hand, traditional F2F learning is real time or synchronous learning. In a physical classroom, instructors engage with the students in real time, while in the online format instructors can offer real time lectures through learning management systems (e.g. Blackboard Collaborate), or record the lectures for the students to watch later. Purely online courses are offered entirely over the internet, while blended learning combines traditional F2F classes with learning over the internet, and learning supported by other technologies (Nguyen,  2015 ).

Moreover, designing online courses requires several considerations. For example, the quality of the learning environment, the ease of using the learning platform, the learning outcomes to be achieved, instructor support to assist and motivate students to engage with the course material, peer interaction, class participation, type of assessments (Paechter & Maier,  2010 ), not to mention training of the instructor in adopting and introducing new teaching methods online (Lundberg et al.,  2008 ). In online learning, instructors are more facilitators of learning. On the other hand, traditional F2F classes are structured in such a way that the instructor delivers knowledge, is better able to gauge understanding and interest of students, can engage in class activities, and can provide immediate feedback on clarifying questions during the class. Additionally, the designing of traditional F2F courses can be less time consuming for instructors compared to online courses (Navarro,  2000 ).

Online learning is also particularly suited for nontraditional students who require flexibility due to work or family commitments that are not usually associated with the undergraduate student population (Arias et al.,  2018 ). Initially the nontraditional student belonged to the older adult age group, but with blended learning becoming more commonplace in high schools, colleges and universities, online learning has begun to traverse a wider range of age groups. However, traditional F2F classes are still more beneficial for learners that are not so self‐sufficient and lack discipline in working through the class material in the required time frame (Arias et al.,  2018 ).

For the purpose of this literature review, both pure online and blended learning are considered to be online learning because much of the evidence in the literature compares these two types against the traditional F2F learning. The debate in the literature surrounding online learning versus F2F teaching continues to be a contentious one. A review of the literature reveals mixed findings when comparing the efficacy of online learning on student performance in relation to the traditional F2F medium of instruction (Lundberg et al.,  2008 ; Nguyen,  2015 ). A number of studies conducted Before the 2000s find what is known today in the empirical literature as the “No Significant Difference” phenomenon (Russell & International Distance Education Certificate Center (IDECC),  1999 ). The seminal work from Russell and IDECC ( 1999 ) involved over 350 comparative studies on online/distance learning versus F2F learning, dating back to 1928. The author finds no significant difference overall between online and traditional F2F classroom education outcomes. Subsequent studies that followed find similar “no significant difference” outcomes (Arbaugh,  2000 ; Fallah & Ubell,  2000 ; Freeman & Capper,  1999 ; Johnson et al.,  2000 ; Neuhauser,  2002 ). While Bernard et al. ( 2004 ) also find that overall there is no significant difference in achievement between online education and F2F education, the study does find significant heterogeneity in student performance for different activities. The findings show that students in F2F classes outperform the students participating in synchronous online classes (i.e. classes that require online students to participate in live sessions at specific times). However, asynchronous online classes (i.e. students access class materials at their own time online) outperform F2F classes.

More recent studies find significant results for online learning outcomes in relation to F2F outcomes. On the one hand, Shachar and Yoram ( 2003 ) and Shachar and Neumann ( 2010 ) conduct a meta‐analysis of studies from 1990 to 2009 and find that in 70% of the cases, students taking courses by online education outperformed students in traditionally instructed courses (i.e. F2F lectures). In addition, Navarro and Shoemaker ( 2000 ) observe that learning outcomes for online learners are as effective as or better than outcomes for F2F learners, regardless of background characteristics. In a study on computer science students, Dutton et al. ( 2002 ) find online students perform significantly better compared to the students who take the same course on campus. A meta‐analysis conducted by the US Department of Education finds that students who took all or part of their course online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional F2F instructions. The report also finds that the effect sizes are larger for studies in which the online learning was collaborative or instructor‐driven than in those studies where online learners worked independently (Means et al.,  2010 ).

On the other hand, evidence by Brown and Liedholm ( 2002 ) based on test scores from macroeconomics students in the United States suggest that F2F students tend to outperform online students. These findings are supported by Coates et al. ( 2004 ) who base their study on macroeconomics students in the United States, and Xu and Jaggars ( 2014 ) who find negative effects for online students using a data set of about 500,000 courses taken by over 40,000 students in Washington. Furthermore, Almatra et al. ( 2015 ) compare overall course grades between online and F2F students for a Telecommunications course and find that F2F students significantly outperform online learning students. In an experimental study where students are randomly assigned to attend live lectures versus watching the same lectures online, Figlio et al. ( 2013 ) observe some evidence that the traditional format has a positive effect compared to online format. Interestingly, Callister and Love ( 2016 ) specifically compare the learning outcomes of online versus F2F skills‐based courses and find that F2F learners earned better outcomes than online learners even when using the same technology. This study highlights that some of the inconsistencies that we find in the results comparing online to F2F learning might be influenced by the nature of the course: theory‐based courses might be less impacted by in‐person interaction than skills‐based courses.

The fact that the reviewed studies on the effects of F2F versus online learning on student performance have been mainly focused in developed countries indicates the dearth of similar studies being conducted in developing countries. This gap in the literature may also highlight a salient point: online learning is still relatively underexplored in developing countries. The lockdown in South Africa therefore provides us with an opportunity to contribute to the existing literature from a developing country context.


South Africa went into national lockdown in March 2020 due to the Covid‐19 pandemic. Like most universities in the country, the first semester for undergraduate courses at the University of Pretoria had already been running since the start of the academic year in February. Before the pandemic, a number of F2F lectures and assessments had already been conducted in most courses. The nationwide lockdown forced the university, which was mainly in‐person teaching, to move to full online learning for the remainder of the semester. This forced shift from F2F teaching to online learning allows us to investigate the changes in students' performance.

Before lockdown, classes were conducted on campus. During lockdown, these live classes were moved to an online platform, Blackboard Collaborate, which could be accessed by all registered students on the university intranet (“ClickUP”). However, these live online lectures involve substantial internet data costs for students. To ensure access to course content for those students who were unable to attend the live online lectures due to poor internet connections or internet data costs, several options for accessing course content were made available. These options included prerecorded narrated slides (which required less usage of internet data), recordings of the live online lectures, PowerPoint slides with explanatory notes and standard PDF lecture slides.

At the same time, the university managed to procure and loan out laptops to a number of disadvantaged students, and negotiated with major mobile internet data providers in the country for students to have free access to study material through the university's “connect” website (also referred to as the zero‐rated website). However, this free access excluded some video content and live online lectures (see Table  1 ). The university also provided between 10 and 20 gigabytes of mobile internet data per month, depending on the network provider, sent to students' mobile phones to assist with internet data costs.

Sites available on zero‐rated website

Browser access to the university intranet (ClickUp)Zero‐ratedPaid with internet data
ContentXX (Bb App)
Interactive videos and contentX
YouTube (only if linked in ClickUP)X
Blackboard Collaborate—live sessions
Blackboard Collaborate—recordingsX
Turnitin assignmentsX
Google Drive (accessed via Gmail)X
Google Hangouts/MeetX
Blackboard App (Bb App)X
Instructor AppX
UP & Library AppX
IT SchoolsX
McGraw HillX

Note : The table summarizes the sites that were available on the zero‐rated website and those that incurred data costs.

High data costs continue to be a contentious issue in Africa where average incomes are low. Gilbert ( 2019 ) reports that South Africa ranked 16th of the 45 countries researched in terms of the most expensive internet data in Africa, at US$6.81 per gigabyte, in comparison to other Southern African countries such as Mozambique (US$1.97), Zambia (US$2.70), and Lesotho (US$4.09). Internet data prices have also been called into question in South Africa after the Competition Commission published a report from its Data Services Market Inquiry calling the country's internet data pricing “excessive” (Gilbert,  2019 ).


We use a sample of 395 s‐year students taking a macroeconomics module in the Economics department to compare the effects of F2F and online learning on students' performance using a range of assessments. The module was an introduction to the application of theoretical economic concepts. The content was both theory‐based (developing economic growth models using concepts and equations) and skill‐based (application involving the collection of data from online data sources and analyzing the data using statistical software). Both individual and group assignments formed part of the assessments. Before the end of the semester, during lockdown in June 2020, we asked the students to complete a survey with questions related to the transition from F2F to online learning and the difficulties that they may have faced. For example, we asked the students: (i) how easy or difficult they found the transition from F2F to online lectures; (ii) what internet options were available to them and which they used the most to access the online prescribed work; (iii) what format of content they accessed and which they preferred the most (i.e. self‐study material in the form of PDF and PowerPoint slides with notes vs. assisted study with narrated slides and lecture recordings); (iv) what difficulties they faced accessing the live online lectures, to name a few. Figure  1 summarizes the key survey questions that we asked the students regarding their transition from F2F to online learning.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is AFDR-33-S114-g002.jpg

Summary of survey data

Before the lockdown, the students had already attended several F2F classes and completed three assessments. We are therefore able to create a dependent variable that is comprised of the average grades of three assignments taken before lockdown and the average grades of three assignments taken after the start of the lockdown for each student. Specifically, we use the difference between the post‐ and pre‐lockdown average grades as the dependent variable. However, the number of student observations dropped to 275 due to some students missing one or more of the assessments. The lecturer, content and format of the assessments remain similar across the module. We estimate the following equation using ordinary least squares (OLS) with robust standard errors:

where Y i is the student's performance measured by the difference between the post and pre‐lockdown average grades. B represents the vector of determinants that measure the difficulty faced by students to transition from F2F to online learning. This vector includes access to the internet, study material preferred, quality of the online live lecture sessions and pre‐lockdown class attendance. X is the vector of student demographic controls such as race, gender and an indicator if the student's perceived family income is below average. The ε i is unobserved student characteristics.


4.1. descriptive statistics.

Table  2 gives an overview of the sample of students. We find that among the black students, a higher proportion of students reported finding the transition to online learning more difficult. On the other hand, more white students reported finding the transition moderately easy, as did the other races. According to Coetzee ( 2014 ), the quality of schools can vary significantly between higher income and lower‐income areas, with black South Africans far more likely to live in lower‐income areas with lower quality schools than white South Africans. As such, these differences in quality of education from secondary schooling can persist at tertiary level. Furthermore, persistent income inequality between races in South Africa likely means that many poorer black students might not be able to afford wifi connections or large internet data bundles which can make the transition difficult for black students compared to their white counterparts.

Descriptive statistics

Columns by: Transition difficultyVery easy to moderately easyDifficult to impossibleTotal
(%)169 (61.5)106 (38.5)275 (100.0)
, (%)
African82 (48.5)69 (65.1)151 (54.9)
Colored9 (5.3)4 (3.8)13 (4.7)
Indian15 (8.9)7 (6.6)22 (8.0)
White63 (37.3)26 (24.5)89 (32.4)
Female82 (48.5)57 (53.8)139 (50.5)
Male87 (51.5)49 (46.2)136 (49.5)
, (%)
Mobile internet data33 (19.5)31 (29.2)64 (23.3)
Wifi122 (72.2)58 (54.7)180 (65.5)
Zero‐rated, (%)14 (8.3)17 (16.0)31 (11.3)
Post‐lockdown quiz average, mean ( )83.09 (8.50)79.76 (11.07)81.81 (9.69)
Difference pre‐ and post‐grades, mean ( )6.81 (12.35)3.99 (14.07)5.72 (13.09)
Self‐study, mean ( )0.61 (0.49)0.58 (0.50)0.60 (0.49)
Class attendance pre‐lockdown, mean ( )0.54 (0.50)0.57 (0.50)0.55 (0.50)
Quality collaborate: Picture/sound, mean ( )0.24 (0.43)0.31 (0.47)0.27 (0.44)
Below average income, mean ( )0.24 (0.43)0.06 (0.23)0.17 (0.38)

Notes : The transition difficulty variable was ordered 1: Very Easy; 2: Moderately Easy; 3: Difficult; and 4: Impossible. Since we have few responses to the extremes, we combined Very Easy and Moderately as well as Difficult and Impossible to make the table easier to read. The table with a full breakdown is available upon request.

A higher proportion of students reported that wifi access made the transition to online learning moderately easy. However, relatively more students reported that mobile internet data and accessing the zero‐rated website made the transition difficult. Surprisingly, not many students made use of the zero‐rated website which was freely available. Figure  2 shows that students who reported difficulty transitioning to online learning did not perform as well in online learning versus F2F when compared to those that found it less difficult to transition.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is AFDR-33-S114-g003.jpg

Transition from F2F to online learning.

Notes : This graph shows the students' responses to the question “How easy did you find the transition from face‐to‐face lectures to online lectures?” in relation to the outcome variable for performance

In Figure  3 , the kernel density shows that students who had access to wifi performed better than those who used mobile internet data or the zero‐rated data.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is AFDR-33-S114-g001.jpg

Access to online learning.

Notes : This graph shows the students' responses to the question “What do you currently use the most to access most of your prescribed work?” in relation to the outcome variable for performance

The regression results are reported in Table  3 . We find that the change in students' performance from F2F to online is negatively associated with the difficulty they faced in transitioning from F2F to online learning. According to student survey responses, factors contributing to difficulty in transitioning included poor internet access, high internet data costs and lack of equipment such as laptops or tablets to access the study materials on the university website. Students who had access to wifi (i.e. fixed wireless broadband, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) or optic fiber) performed significantly better, with on average 4.5 points higher grade, in relation to students that had to use mobile internet data (i.e. personal mobile internet data, wifi at home using mobile internet data, or hotspot using mobile internet data) or the zero‐rated website to access the study materials. The insignificant results for the zero‐rated website are surprising given that the website was freely available and did not incur any internet data costs. However, most students in this sample complained that the internet connection on the zero‐rated website was slow, especially in uploading assignments. They also complained about being disconnected when they were in the middle of an assessment. This may have discouraged some students from making use of the zero‐rated website.

Results: Predictors for student performance using the difference on average assessment grades between pre‐ and post‐lockdown

Difference pre and postDifference pre and postDifference pre and postDifference pre and postDifference pre and post
Transition−2.086 −2.216 −2.207 −2.020 −2.166
Wifi4.533 4.415 4.399 4.662 4.721
Self‐study−3.649 −3.360 −3.388 −2.824
Class−3.403 −3.195 −3.478
Attendance pre‐lockdown(1.557)(1.571)(1.578)
Below−3.165−3.436 −4.005 −3.685 −3.535
Average income(2.008)(1.996)(1.953)(1.967)(1.959)

Coefficients reported. Robust standard errors in parentheses.

∗∗∗ p  < .01.

Students who expressed a preference for self‐study approaches (i.e. reading PDF slides or PowerPoint slides with explanatory notes) did not perform as well, on average, as students who preferred assisted study (i.e. listening to recorded narrated slides or lecture recordings). This result is in line with Means et al. ( 2010 ), where student performance was better for online learning that was collaborative or instructor‐driven than in cases where online learners worked independently. Interestingly, we also observe that the performance of students who often attended in‐person classes before the lockdown decreased. Perhaps these students found the F2F lectures particularly helpful in mastering the course material. From the survey responses, we find that a significant proportion of the students (about 70%) preferred F2F to online lectures. This preference for F2F lectures may also be linked to the factors contributing to the difficulty some students faced in transitioning to online learning.

We find that the performance of low‐income students decreased post‐lockdown, which highlights another potential challenge to transitioning to online learning. The picture and sound quality of the live online lectures also contributed to lower performance. Although this result is not statistically significant, it is worth noting as the implications are linked to the quality of infrastructure currently available for students to access online learning. We find no significant effects of race on changes in students' performance, though males appeared to struggle more with the shift to online teaching than females.

For the robustness check in Table  4 , we consider the average grades of the three assignments taken after the start of the lockdown as a dependent variable (i.e. the post‐lockdown average grades for each student). We then include the pre‐lockdown average grades as an explanatory variable. The findings and overall conclusions in Table  4 are consistent with the previous results.

Robustness check: Predictors for student performance using the average assessment grades for post‐lockdown

Post‐lockdown quiz averagePost‐lockdown quiz averagePost‐lockdown quiz averagePost‐lockdown quiz averagePost‐lockdown quiz average
Pre‐lockdown0.171 0.171 0.177 0.175 0.181
Quiz average(0.050)(0.048)(0.049)(0.049)(0.049)
Transition−1.745 −1.875 −1.875 −1.744 −1.818
Wifi2.945 2.827 2.834 2.949 2.990
Self‐study−3.648 −3.558 −3.606 −3.325
Attendance pre‐lockdown(1.132)(1.148)(1.158)
Collaborate: picture/sound(1.202)(1.189)
Indian4.147 4.518 4.547 4.457 4.526
Below average1.4761.2040.9931.2781.319

As a further robustness check in Table  5 , we create a panel for each student across the six assignment grades so we can control for individual heterogeneity. We create a post‐lockdown binary variable that takes the value of 1 for the lockdown period and 0 otherwise. We interact the post‐lockdown dummy variable with a measure for transition difficulty and internet access. The internet access variable is an indicator variable for mobile internet data, wifi, or zero‐rated access to class materials. The variable wifi is a binary variable taking the value of 1 if the student has access to wifi and 0 otherwise. The zero‐rated variable is a binary variable taking the value of 1 if the student used the university's free portal access and 0 otherwise. We also include assignment and student fixed effects. The results in Table  5 remain consistent with our previous findings that students who had wifi access performed significantly better than their peers.

Interaction model

All assignment grades
Post × Transition difficulty−1.746 −1.005−1.008
Wifi × Post4.599 4.199 3.807
Zero‐rated × Post−1.138
Assignment FEYesYesYesYes
Student FEYesYesYesYes

Notes : Coefficients reported. Robust standard errors in parentheses. The dependent variable is the assessment grades for each student on each assignment. The number of observations include the pre‐post number of assessments multiplied by the number of students.


The Covid‐19 pandemic left many education institutions with no option but to transition to online learning. The University of Pretoria was no exception. We examine the effect of transitioning to online learning on the academic performance of second‐year economic students. We use assessment results from F2F lectures before lockdown, and online lectures post lockdown for the same group of students, together with responses from survey questions. We find that the main contributor to lower academic performance in the online setting was poor internet access, which made transitioning to online learning more difficult. In addition, opting to self‐study (read notes instead of joining online classes and/or watching recordings) did not help the students in their performance.

The implications of the results highlight the need for improved quality of internet infrastructure with affordable internet data pricing. Despite the university's best efforts not to leave any student behind with the zero‐rated website and free monthly internet data, the inequality dynamics in the country are such that invariably some students were negatively affected by this transition, not because the student was struggling academically, but because of inaccessibility of internet (wifi). While the zero‐rated website is a good collaborative initiative between universities and network providers, the infrastructure is not sufficient to accommodate mass students accessing it simultaneously.

This study's findings may highlight some shortcomings in the academic sector that need to be addressed by both the public and private sectors. There is potential for an increase in the digital divide gap resulting from the inequitable distribution of digital infrastructure. This may lead to reinforcement of current inequalities in accessing higher education in the long term. To prepare the country for online learning, some considerations might need to be made to make internet data tariffs more affordable and internet accessible to all. We hope that this study's findings will provide a platform (or will at least start the conversation for taking remedial action) for policy engagements in this regard.

We are aware of some limitations presented by our study. The sample we have at hand makes it difficult to extrapolate our findings to either all students at the University of Pretoria or other higher education students in South Africa. Despite this limitation, our findings highlight the negative effect of the digital divide on students' educational outcomes in the country. The transition to online learning and the high internet data costs in South Africa can also have adverse learning outcomes for low‐income students. With higher education institutions, such as the University of Pretoria, integrating online teaching to overcome the effect of the Covid‐19 pandemic, access to stable internet is vital for students' academic success.

It is also important to note that the data we have at hand does not allow us to isolate wifi's causal effect on students' performance post‐lockdown due to two main reasons. First, wifi access is not randomly assigned; for instance, there is a high chance that students with better‐off family backgrounds might have better access to wifi and other supplementary infrastructure than their poor counterparts. Second, due to the university's data access policy and consent, we could not merge the data at hand with the student's previous year's performance. Therefore, future research might involve examining the importance of these elements to document the causal impact of access to wifi on students' educational outcomes in the country.


The authors acknowledge the helpful comments received from the editor, the anonymous reviewers, and Elizabeth Asiedu.

Chisadza, C. , Clance, M. , Mthembu, T. , Nicholls, N. , & Yitbarek, E. (2021). Online and face‐to‐face learning: Evidence from students’ performance during the Covid‐19 pandemic . Afr Dev Rev , 33 , S114–S125. 10.1111/afdr.12520 [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ CrossRef ] [ Google Scholar ]

1 .

2 The 4IR is currently characterized by increased use of new technologies, such as advanced wireless technologies, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, robotics, among others. This era has also facilitated the use of different online learning platforms ( ).

3 Note that we control for income, but it is plausible to assume other unobservable factors such as parental preference and parenting style might also affect access to the internet of students.

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Student Opinion

Is Online Learning Effective?

A new report found that the heavy dependence on technology during the pandemic caused “staggering” education inequality. What was your experience?

A young man in a gray hooded shirt watches a computer screen on a desk.

By Natalie Proulx

During the coronavirus pandemic, many schools moved classes online. Was your school one of them? If so, what was it like to attend school online? Did you enjoy it? Did it work for you?

In “ Dependence on Tech Caused ‘Staggering’ Education Inequality, U.N. Agency Says ,” Natasha Singer writes:

In early 2020, as the coronavirus spread, schools around the world abruptly halted in-person education. To many governments and parents, moving classes online seemed the obvious stopgap solution. In the United States, school districts scrambled to secure digital devices for students. Almost overnight, videoconferencing software like Zoom became the main platform teachers used to deliver real-time instruction to students at home. Now a report from UNESCO , the United Nations’ educational and cultural organization, says that overreliance on remote learning technology during the pandemic led to “staggering” education inequality around the world. It was, according to a 655-page report that UNESCO released on Wednesday, a worldwide “ed-tech tragedy.” The report, from UNESCO’s Future of Education division, is likely to add fuel to the debate over how governments and local school districts handled pandemic restrictions, and whether it would have been better for some countries to reopen schools for in-person instruction sooner. The UNESCO researchers argued in the report that “unprecedented” dependence on technology — intended to ensure that children could continue their schooling — worsened disparities and learning loss for hundreds of millions of students around the world, including in Kenya, Brazil, Britain and the United States. The promotion of remote online learning as the primary solution for pandemic schooling also hindered public discussion of more equitable, lower-tech alternatives, such as regularly providing schoolwork packets for every student, delivering school lessons by radio or television — and reopening schools sooner for in-person classes, the researchers said. “Available evidence strongly indicates that the bright spots of the ed-tech experiences during the pandemic, while important and deserving of attention, were vastly eclipsed by failure,” the UNESCO report said. The UNESCO researchers recommended that education officials prioritize in-person instruction with teachers, not online platforms, as the primary driver of student learning. And they encouraged schools to ensure that emerging technologies like A.I. chatbots concretely benefited students before introducing them for educational use. Education and industry experts welcomed the report, saying more research on the effects of pandemic learning was needed. “The report’s conclusion — that societies must be vigilant about the ways digital tools are reshaping education — is incredibly important,” said Paul Lekas, the head of global public policy for the Software & Information Industry Association, a group whose members include Amazon, Apple and Google. “There are lots of lessons that can be learned from how digital education occurred during the pandemic and ways in which to lessen the digital divide. ” Jean-Claude Brizard, the chief executive of Digital Promise, a nonprofit education group that has received funding from Google, HP and Verizon, acknowledged that “technology is not a cure-all.” But he also said that while school systems were largely unprepared for the pandemic, online education tools helped foster “more individualized, enhanced learning experiences as schools shifted to virtual classrooms.” ​Education International, an umbrella organization for about 380 teachers’ unions and 32 million teachers worldwide, said the UNESCO report underlined the importance of in-person, face-to-face teaching. “The report tells us definitively what we already know to be true, a place called school matters,” said Haldis Holst, the group’s deputy general secretary. “Education is not transactional nor is it simply content delivery. It is relational. It is social. It is human at its core.”

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Essay Samples on Online vs. Traditional Classes

Benefits of blended learning for students: an overview.

As technology continues to transform the landscape of education, innovative approaches such as blended learning have gained prominence in classrooms around the world. Blended learning, a combination of traditional in-person instruction and online learning, offers a versatile and effective way to engage students. This essay...

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  • Online vs. Traditional Classes

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The Benefits Of Online Classes Over Face-to-face Traditional Classes

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Best topics on Online vs. Traditional Classes

1. Benefits of Blended Learning for Students: an Overview

2. The Value of Face-to-Face Classes: An Argumentative Exploration of In-Person Learning

3. Pros and Cons of Online Learning: A Comprehensive Approach

4. Online Classes or Traditional Classroom: An Argumentative Examination of Learning Formats

5. Exploring Educational Landscapes: Differences Between Online and Face-to-Face Learning

6. Exploring Educational Avenues: Disadvantages of Face-to-Face Learning

7. Advantages of Face-to-Face Learning: The Power of In-Person Education

8. Similarities and Differences Between Online and Traditional Learning

9. Contrast Of Classroom Learning and Online Learning: Online Learning Vs Classroom Learning

10. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online And Traditional Education

11. The Benefits Of Online Classes Over Face-to-face Traditional Classes

12. Online Learning Is As Effective An Approach To Education As Traditional Methods  

13. Technology In Education: Online Classes Versus Traditional

14. Why Tablets Should not Replace Textbooks in Schools

15. The Benefits of E-textbooks for Our Society

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Online Learning vs. Face-To-Face Learning

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The global education system has been characterized by face-to-face learning until recently. For centuries, people have depended on face-to-face learning until the proliferation of the internet led to online learning. Face-to-face education is a preferred method due to the opportunities for personal interactions that enhance learning. Online learning happens through the internet, and it is not suitable because it limits the educational processes of building social and professional skills. Face-to-face education is better than online learning because it offers opportunities for building interpersonal relationships, and it upholds the principles of a sound education system.

Face-to-face learning involves the meeting of an instructor and students for teaching sessions. The instructor shares information to students by word of mouth or by audiovisual presentations. The method of learning promotes the development of bonds between the two parties, which aids in the learning process. Face-to-face learning is a comprehensive system that helps to build students holistically through personal relationships, modeling, and sharing information.

Besides, most learning materials are physical and better understood in physical settings. According to Miliszewska, students perform better in projects and assignment submissions in face-to-face learning, indicating that the model fosters the transfer of skills and not just knowledge (499). Face-to-face learning also promotes the formation of a deep sense of community rather than individualism, which remediates feelings of isolation common among online learning students.

Face-to-face learning is a sound education system. It has the principles of student-instructor contact, student cooperation, active learning, prompt feedback from instructors, time discipline, high expectations, and values diverse talents (Stern 8). Face-to-face education allows the sharing of communal values and beliefs. Students learn to uphold community living that mirrors life in the larger society. Students learn the social skills necessary for success in the corporate world. Students also learn how to maintain discipline in life. It is, therefore, a holistic system of learning that not only informs, but also prepares students for the world.

Online learning has developed as an alternative to face-to-face education. The promoters of online education argue that the system offers convenience for learners. The providers of online education utilize course management software for designing and delivering course content to students (Stern 1). Online learning replaces the top-down relationships between an instructor and students with a more balanced approach where the teacher serves as a guide (Stern 2).

The basis of online learning is sharing information rather than modeling learning examples, passing skills, or building relationships to foster learning. Online learners do not have to interact with each other or build relationships. The lack of a sense of community predisposes learners to the feeling of isolation. Communication happens through learning software or email, further reducing the chances of holistic learning. The benefits of reduced costs, use of technology, and progressive storage of data do not outweigh the primary needs of building skills, community, and modeling examples

To sum up, face-to-face learning is better than online education because it offers experiences, skills, and relationships that are not available in online learning. Besides, some courses require the physical presence of a student, while others do not. Face-to-face education is a style that operates on sound learning principles for the holistic development of students. Due to various factors such as work and distance, students are increasingly opting for online learning. However, face-to-face learning is a better method of education, as it provides more learning benefits.

Works Cited

Miliszewska, Iwona. “Is It Fully ‘On’ Or Partly ‘Off’? The Case of Fully-Online Provision of Transnational Education”. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, vol 6, 2007, pp. 499-514. Web.

Stern, Joshua. “Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning.” Wlac.Edu . Web.

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ChalkyPapers . (2023) 'Online Learning vs. Face-To-Face Learning'. 16 June.

ChalkyPapers . 2023. "Online Learning vs. Face-To-Face Learning." June 16, 2023.

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Online Classes Essay Examples

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