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Elements of Creative Writing

elements of creative writing

J.D. Schraffenberger, University of Northern Iowa

Rachel Morgan, University of Northern Iowa

Grant Tracey, University of Northern Iowa

Copyright Year: 2023

ISBN 13: 9780915996179

Publisher: University of Northern Iowa

Language: English

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Reviewed by Robert Moreira, Lecturer III, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley on 3/21/24

Unlike Starkey's CREATIVE WRITING: FOUR GENRES IN BRIEF, this textbook does not include a section on drama. read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

Unlike Starkey's CREATIVE WRITING: FOUR GENRES IN BRIEF, this textbook does not include a section on drama.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

As far as I can tell, content is accurate, error free and unbiased.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The book is relevant and up-to-date.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is clear and easy to understand.

Consistency rating: 5

I would agree that the text is consistent in terms of terminology and framework.

Modularity rating: 5

Text is modular, yes, but I would like to see the addition of a section on dramatic writing.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

Topics are presented in logical, clear fashion.

Interface rating: 5

Navigation is good.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

No grammatical issues that I could see.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

I'd like to see more diverse creative writing examples.

As I stated above, textbook is good except that it does not include a section on dramatic writing.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter One: One Great Way to Write a Short Story
  • Chapter Two: Plotting
  • Chapter Three: Counterpointed Plotting
  • Chapter Four: Show and Tell
  • Chapter Five: Characterization and Method Writing
  • Chapter Six: Character and Dialouge
  • Chapter Seven: Setting, Stillness, and Voice
  • Chapter Eight: Point of View
  • Chapter Nine: Learning the Unwritten Rules
  • Chapter One: A Poetry State of Mind
  • Chapter Two: The Architecture of a Poem
  • Chapter Three: Sound
  • Chapter Four: Inspiration and Risk
  • Chapter Five: Endings and Beginnings
  • Chapter Six: Figurative Language
  • Chapter Seven: Forms, Forms, Forms
  • Chapter Eight: Go to the Image
  • Chapter Nine: The Difficult Simplicity of Short Poems and Killing Darlings

Creative Nonfiction

  • Chapter One: Creative Nonfiction and the Essay
  • Chapter Two: Truth and Memory, Truth in Memory
  • Chapter Three: Research and History
  • Chapter Four: Writing Environments
  • Chapter Five: Notes on Style
  • Chapter Seven: Imagery and the Senses
  • Chapter Eight: Writing the Body
  • Chapter Nine: Forms

Back Matter

  • Contributors
  • North American Review Staff

Ancillary Material

  • University of Northern Iowa

About the Book

This free and open access textbook introduces new writers to some basic elements of the craft of creative writing in the genres of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. The authors—Rachel Morgan, Jeremy Schraffenberger, and Grant Tracey—are editors of the North American Review, the oldest and one of the most well-regarded literary magazines in the United States. They’ve selected nearly all of the readings and examples (more than 60) from writing that has appeared in NAR pages over the years. Because they had a hand in publishing these pieces originally, their perspective as editors permeates this book. As such, they hope that even seasoned writers might gain insight into the aesthetics of the magazine as they analyze and discuss some reasons this work is so remarkable—and therefore teachable. This project was supported by NAR staff and funded via the UNI Textbook Equity Mini-Grant Program.

About the Contributors

J.D. Schraffenberger  is a professor of English at the University of Northern Iowa. He is the author of two books of poems,  Saint Joe's Passion  and  The Waxen Poor , and co-author with Martín Espada and Lauren Schmidt of  The Necessary Poetics of Atheism . His other work has appeared in  Best of Brevity ,  Best Creative Nonfiction ,  Notre Dame Review ,  Poetry East ,  Prairie Schooner , and elsewhere.

Rachel Morgan   is an instructor of English at the University of Northern Iowa. She is the author of the chapbook  Honey & Blood , Blood & Honey . Her work is included in the anthology  Fracture: Essays, Poems, and Stories on Fracking in American  and has appeared in the  Journal of American Medical Association ,  Boulevard ,  Prairie Schooner , and elsewhere.

Grant Tracey   author of three novels in the Hayden Fuller Mysteries ; the chapbook  Winsome  featuring cab driver Eddie Sands; and the story collection  Final Stanzas , is fiction editor of the  North American Review  and an English professor at the University of Northern Iowa, where he teaches film, modern drama, and creative writing. Nominated four times for a Pushcart Prize, he has published nearly fifty short stories and three previous collections. He has acted in over forty community theater productions and has published critical work on Samuel Fuller and James Cagney. He lives in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

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Top 10 Elements of Creative Writing: All you Need to Know

Learn the art of storytelling with our comprehensive blog on the Elements of Creative Writing. Discover the vital components that transform ordinary words into extraordinary tales. Dive into character development, plot intricacies, and more as we cover the core aspects of crafting captivating narratives. Read more to find out!


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Whether you're an aspiring novelist, a poet, or simply someone who loves to pen down your ideas, understanding the key Elements of Creative Writing can significantly enhance your skills. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 Elements of Creative Writing that are essential for creating compelling and impactful written works, along with tips. 

Table of Contents  

1) The i mportance of Creative Writing elements 

2) Top 10 Elements of Creative Writing 

   a)  Imagery and descriptive language  

   b)  Character development 

   c)  Plot structure 

   d)  Dialogue and conversations 

   e)  Point of View (POV) 

   f)  Setting and world-building 

   g)  Tone and Style 

   h)  Conflict and resolution 

   i)   Theme and symbolism  

   j)  Editing and revision 

3)  Conclusion 

The importance  of Creative Writing elements  

Creative writing isn't confined to the pages of novels or the lines of poetry; it's a fundamental human expression that predates recorded history. It has been a conduit for cultural preservation, knowledge transfer, and emotional catharsis. But how exactly mastering these elements can improve your writing?   

Every art has its tools, and Creative Writing is no different. The elements we'll delve into aren't just guidelines; they're the building blocks that transform your words from ordinary to extraordinary. By understanding and mastering these Creative Writing elements, you'll be equipped to craft narratives that draw readers in, keep them engaged, and leave an indelible mark on their minds and hearts. 

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Top 10 Elements of Creative Writing    

Generally, there are various Elements of Creative Writing, each possessing its own unique features. However, many forms of Creative Writing also share some common features. Here’s a detailed explanation of each element every Writer must follow:  

Top 10 Elements of Creative Writing

1) Imagery and d escriptive l anguage   

Imagery and descriptive language are the brushes with which writers paint vivid mental pictures for their readers. By skillfully weaving sensory details, you bring scenes to life and evoke emotions. The rustling leaves, the scent of freshly baked bread, the gritty texture of sand beneath one's feet—these details create a sensory symphony that immerses readers in your world.    

Metaphors, similes, and analogies act as bridges, connecting the familiar with the unfamiliar. Through them, you can compare the indescribable to the known, enriching your narrative with layers of meaning. Mastery of imagery and descriptive language transforms passive reading into an active experience where readers can taste, smell, hear, see, and feel the world you've created.   

Tips :   

a)  When selecting details, focus on the ones that have the most impact and avoid including unnecessary clutter.   

b)  Use metaphors and similes sparingly, making them truly resonate.   

c) T ailor your descriptions to the tone and mood of the scene or story. 

2) Character d evelopment   

Character development is the art of breathing life into your fictional personas. Well-crafted characters are not only relatable but also complex, with layers of personality, desires, flaws, and history. They drive the plot forward, compelling readers to invest emotionally in their journeys. Backstories provide context, explaining why characters behave the way they do.   

Effective character development allows readers to understand, empathise, and even dislike characters. The key lies in making them authentic and evolving. Just as people change, so should your characters. They learn, grow, and adapt, making their arcs believable and satisfying. The beauty of character development is in its ability to mirror the human experience, forging connections between fictional worlds and real hearts.  

a)  Explore your characters' pasts to understand their motivations and fears.  

b) Create a character profile detailing their appearance, background, and personality traits. 

c) Show character development through actions and decisions rather than telling.  

Creative Writing Training Course

3) Plot s tructure   

Plot structure is the architecture that holds your narrative together. Think of it as a roller coaster, with highs and lows that keep readers engaged. The introduction sets the stage, introducing characters, settings, and the initial conflict. Rising action builds tension, propelling the story forward. At its peak is the climax, the turning point that determines the characters' fate.   

Falling action allows for a gradual untwisting of events, leading to the resolution. Effective plot structure balances pacing, ensuring readers remain intrigued without feeling rushed. Twists and turns add surprise, while cause-and-effect relationships maintain coherence. A well-structured plot keeps readers invested, eagerly flipping pages to discover what happens next.  

a)  Introduce the main conflict early to hook readers' curiosity.  

b) Use cliffhangers and unexpected twists to maintain suspense.  

c)  Ensure each scene contributes to character development or plot progression.  

4) Dialogue and c onversations   

Dialogue and conversations are windows into your characters' minds and hearts. Natural and dynamic dialogue conveys information and reveals personalities and relationships. Each character's speech patterns, vocabulary, and tone should be distinct, reflecting their backgrounds and emotions .   

Through dialogue, conflicts can be ignited, alliances forged, and secrets unveiled. Subtext—the unspoken thoughts beneath the spoken words—adds depth and intrigue. Conversations can quicken the story's pace, providing relief from dense narrative passages. Dialogue-driven scenes foster engagement, inviting readers to eavesdrop on captivating interactions that fuel the narrative's fire.  

a)  Listen to real conversations to capture natural rhythms and speech patterns.  

b)  Use interruptions and nonverbal cues to make dialogue dynamic.  

c)  Balance dialogue with narrative to avoid overwhelming the reader.  

5) Point of View (POV)  

Plot structure

Point of view (POV) is the lens through which your story is perceived. The choice of POV shapes the reader's relationship with characters and events. First-person offers intimacy, allowing readers to see the world through a character's eyes. Second person immerses readers directly into the narrative. Third person limited provides insight into a character's thoughts, while third-person omniscient offers a broader perspective.   

Consistency in POV is vital; changing viewpoints can confuse readers. The chosen POV influences what readers know and when they know it. It also affects emotional connection and empathy. Selecting the appropriate POV requires consideration of the story's needs and the desired reader experience.  

a)  Experiment with different POVs to find the best fit for your story.  

b)  Consider the level of intimacy and distance you want between characters and readers.  

c)  Be aware of the limitations and advantages of each POV.   

6) Setting and w orld- b uilding   

The setting isn't just a backdrop; it's a dynamic element that influences mood and plot. A well-defined setting isn't merely a stage but an active participant, influencing characters and events. You transport readers to a different reality through meticulous detail, allowing them to immerse themselves fully.  

Effective world-building extends beyond the physical, encompassing societal norms, rules, and even magic systems in speculative fiction. The environment can reflect themes and impact mood. Whether in a fantasy realm or a contemporary city, the authenticity of the setting enhances the reader's experience.   

a)  Research settings thoroughly to ensure accuracy and authenticity.  

b)  Show how characters interact with their environment to convey their experiences.  

c)  Create a sense of place by using unique and specific details.  

7)   Tone and style   

Tone and style are the fingerprints that make your writing uniquely yours. The tone is the distinctive way you express yourself through words—a combination of tone, diction, and syntax. It reflects your personality as an author. Style encompasses sentence structure, pacing, and word choice, influencing the overall feel of your work .   

A comedic style might employ wordplay and witty dialogue, while a dramatic style could use evocative descriptions and emotional introspection. Finding your voice and style involves self-discovery and experimenting with different approaches until you uncover what feels authentic. A strong voice and style leave an indelible mark on readers, making your work instantly recognisable   

a)  Read more to familiarise yourself with different writing styles.  

b)  Practice writing in different tones to discover your preferred voice.  

c)  Revise with a focus on refining your voice; eliminate elements that don't align. 

8)  Conflict and r esolution   

Conflict and resolution are the engine that drives your narrative forward. Conflict introduces challenges that characters must overcome, making their journeys compelling and relatable. There are various types of conflict—internal struggles within characters, external conflicts with other characters or nature, and interpersonal conflicts between characters. Conflict creates tension, propelling the story toward its climax.   

The resolution, whether happy or bittersweet, provides closure and offers insights into the characters' growth. Well-crafted conflicts test characters' limits, forcing them to confront their fears, flaws, and desires. Through the resolution, readers witness the transformation and the culmination of the character's arcs. 

a)  Vary the types of conflict to maintain reader engagement.  

b)  Build tension gradually; escalate the stakes as the story progresses.  

c)  Avoid convenient solutions; resolutions should arise from the characters' choices and actions.  

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9) Theme and symbolism  

Theme and symbolism

Theme and symbolism lend depth and layers to your writing. Themes are the underlying ideas, beliefs, or messages that resonate with readers. They can explore love, friendship, power, or mortality, connecting the narrative to universal human experiences. Symbolism employs objects, actions, or concepts to convey abstract ideas, often adding an element of intrigue.  

A red rose might symbolize love or passion, while a broken mirror could represent self-perception. Themes and symbols intertwine, enriching the story's interpretation and emotional impact. Skilful use of theme and symbolism transforms a tale into an exploration of human nature and society.  


a)  Reflect on the themes that resonate with you and explore them in your writing.  

b)  Use recurring symbols to reinforce thematic elements.  

c)  Allow themes to emerge naturally from the characters' struggles and growth. 

10) Editing and r evisi on    

Editing and revising are the crucial phases that turn your initial draft into a polished masterpiece. Writing is rewriting; the initial draft is a raw exploration of ideas. Editing involves refining sentences for clarity, coherence, and flow. It ensures grammar and punctuation are correct. Revising delves deeper, examining plot holes, character consistency, and thematic resonance.  

Seeking feedback from peers or professionals is invaluable, offering fresh perspectives. The revision process is where your story truly comes to life. It's an opportunity to tighten narrative threads, enhance descriptions, and amplify emotions. Embrace the iterative nature of editing and revising; each pass brings your writing closer to its full potential.  

a) Revise in multiple passes, focusing on different aspects in each round.  

b)  Cut unnecessary details or scenes that don't contribute to the narrative.  

c)  Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling to ensure a polished final product.  


Creative Writing is a journey of discovery, both for the Writer and the reader. In this blog post, we've explored the essential elements that constitute effective Creative Writing. From the foundation of imagination to the nuances of dialogue, style, and conflict, each element plays a pivotal role in crafting a compelling narrative. By mastering these top 10 Elements of Creative Writing, you'll be equipped to create stories that resonate, inspire, and captivate audiences.  

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Creative Writing

The Complete Guide to Creative Writing: Master Storytelling, Craft Characters, and Unleash Your Creativity

Ever dreamed of crafting captivating narratives that transport readers to new worlds and stay with them long after the final page?

Do you yearn to breathe life into unforgettable characters and weave intricate plots that keep readers on the edge of their seats? If so, then unlock your inner storyteller with this comprehensive guide to mastering the art of creative writing!

Whether you’re a budding author seeking to lay the groundwork for your first novel or a seasoned writer looking to refine your craft, this guide equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to take your storytelling to the next level.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Engage in creative writing exercises to enhance imagination and writing skills
  • Develop well-defined characters with authentic personas and meaningful relationships
  • To bring the setting to life and set the mood, use specific descriptions and sensory details
  • Craft compelling dialogue to reveal subtext, create tension, and develop memorable characters

Understanding the Basics of Creative Writing

To be a successful writer, you need to understand the basics of creative writing. You can improve your imagination and writing skills by doing creative writing exercises .

Try exercises like giving colors personalities or imagining superpowers to boost your creativity .

To improve your writing, focus on using metaphors and literary devices to make it better.

Finding inspiration in everyday life is also crucial for creative writing. To be more creative, you can ask questions and analyze writing . You can also use personal journals to connect with your emotions and experiences .

When you write about things you love, like food or travel, it adds passion and authenticity to your work.

Reading like a writer is important for creative writing. It helps you learn different writing styles, vocabulary, and storytelling.

Elements of Creative Writing

Explore the vibrant characters that bring your creative writing to life. In any story, characters are important. It’s essential to develop them in a captivating way for readers.

Creative writing prompts can help you create characters with interesting traits and quirks.

You can test your characters and their growth by creating various storylines.

Using symbolism in stories adds depth and meaning, helping readers comprehend the work.

Use methods to describe settings and characters in a way that makes them come alive. This will immerse readers in your world.

Research is important in creative writing . It makes your story authentic and credible.

When you include these elements, your writing will be memorable and stand out to readers.

The Art of Character Development

Bring your creations to life with skillful character development. Exploring your characters intricately leads to captivating narratives for your readers.

Here are some key elements to consider when developing your characters:

  • Character motivations : Understanding what drives your characters will help you create authentic and relatable personas. Explore their desires, fears, and goals to add depth to their actions and decisions.
  • Character arcs : Crafting a well-defined character arc allows your characters to grow and change throughout the story. Consider their starting point, the challenges they face, and how they evolve as a result.
  • Character relationships : The dynamics between characters can add richness to your storytelling. Develop meaningful connections, whether they be friendships, rivalries, or romances, that contribute to the overall narrative.
  • Character flaws : Imperfections make characters more realistic and relatable. Give your characters flaws that they must grapple with, allowing for personal growth and conflict within the story.
  • Character descriptions : Paint a vivid picture of your characters through detailed descriptions. From physical appearances to unique personality traits, these details help readers visualize and connect with your characters.

The Importance of Setting in Creative Writing

Setting is more than just a backdrop; it can be a character in itself. Through thoughtful setting selection and description, you can set the desired tone and atmosphere for your story, be it a murder mystery or tranquility.

The setting enhances your writing’s mood. Whether it’s a dark and foreboding forest or a bright and bustling city, the ambiance of the setting can evoke specific emotions in your readers.

The setting defines both time and place in your story. Specific details like architecture and clothing styles transport readers to different eras and locations.

Techniques for describing the setting include using sensory details, such as sights, sounds, and smells, to paint a vivid picture in your readers’ minds. Using figurative language, such as similes and metaphors, can help create a stronger and more evocative image of the setting.

Crafting Compelling Dialogue

You can create compelling dialogue by using a personal pronoun and a coordinating conjunction. Develop authentic characters by giving each one a unique voice and speech pattern. This will establish their personality and make their dialogue more natural.

Craft compelling conflict by using dialogue to reveal subtext and create tension between characters. Show what’s left unsaid, and build scenes that leave the reader wanting resolution.

Use dialogue to establish unique voices and reflect each character’s personality. This will make them more memorable and relatable.

Remember that dialogue should always move the story forward , reveal character information, and help the reader understand the relationships between characters.

The Role of Conflict in Storytelling

The conflict plays a crucial role in storytelling, shaping the narrative and creating tension for the reader.

There are various types of conflicts in storytelling, such as internal conflicts within a character or external conflicts between characters or with their surroundings.

These conflicts are essential because they contribute to the character’s development by challenging their beliefs, values, and motivations.

Conflict also drives the plot in storytelling, as it presents obstacles and challenges that the characters must overcome.

Resolving conflicts in creative writing is important because it allows for character growth and resolution of the story’s central conflict.

To create realistic conflicts, writers must consider the characters’ goals, desires, and fears, ensuring that the conflicts are relatable and believable.

Mastering Show, Don’t Tell

To master creative writing, grasp and apply the ‘show, don’t tell’ rule . By utilizing effective storytelling techniques , you can engage the reader and create immersive experiences that enhance narrative depth.

Showing instead of telling allows you to develop nuanced characters, giving them life and depth through their actions and dialogue. It paints a vivid picture, immersing readers in the story alongside the characters.

By using sensory details and descriptive language, you can transport the reader into the world you’ve created, making the story come alive in their minds.

Creative Writing Styles Examples

Crafting compelling characters and employing various literary devices are crucial components of creative writing styles and techniques.

To enhance your creative writing skills, there are several methods you can explore:

  • Descriptive Writing: This style focuses on vividly describing people, places, or things, allowing the reader to visualize the scene without effort.
  • Narrative Writing: In this style, writers tell a story, usually in a chronological order, creating engaging plots and characters.
  • Poetry: A creative style that uses rhythm, rhyme, and metaphor to convey emotions, ideas, or stories in a condensed and artistic form.
  • Expository Writing: This style aims to inform and explain, often found in essays, articles, and non-fiction books, presenting facts and information clearly.
  • Dialogue Writing: Writers use this style to bring conversations to life, capturing the voices and interactions of characters in a story.

Writing exercises enhance storytelling skills. Experiment with different techniques, such as stream of consciousness or nonlinear narratives, to add freshness and creativity to your writing.

Understanding story structures , such as the hero’s journey or the three-act structure, can provide a framework for your story and keep readers engaged. Exploring character archetypes can help you create well-rounded and relatable characters.

Lastly, incorporating symbolism in storytelling can add depth and layers of meaning to your work. These techniques elevate your writing and captivate readers.

The Process of Plot Development

Developing a solid plot for your story requires careful planning and a clear understanding of the narrative structure. To truly captivate your audience, consider the following:

  • Developing Conflict : Introduce opposing forces or goals that create tension and drive the story forward. Explore internal conflicts within your characters, adding depth to their journey.
  • Creating Suspense : Strategically reveal information to keep the reader guessing and engaged. Utilize cliffhangers and foreshadowing to maintain a sense of anticipation.
  • Plot Twists : Surprise your readers with unexpected turns that challenge their assumptions. Ensure that plot twists are believable and enhance the overall story.
  • Character Arcs : Develop multidimensional characters who undergo personal growth and transformation. Show how their experiences and actions shape their journey throughout the plot.

Techniques for Creating Suspense and Tension

Foreshadowing and cliffhangers create suspense, keeping readers engaged and on edge.

One technique for building anticipation is creating conflict within your story. Introduce opposing goals or conflicting characters that will keep the protagonist’s desires from being easily achieved.

Another technique is manipulating pacing. Alternate between fast-paced and slower-paced chapters to keep the tension mounting.

Craft immersive experiences for your readers by engaging all their senses and creating a vivid world they can get lost in.

Use language strategically to convey the desired tone and atmosphere. Choose words that evoke emotion and heighten tension in your writing.

The Power of Perspective in Creative Writing

When writing creatively, you can explore the power of perspective by viewing the world through multiple lenses and weaving together different narratives.

  • Narrative perspective: The way a story is told can greatly impact the reader’s experience. By experimenting with different narrative perspectives, such as first-person, second-person, and third-person, you can shape the reader’s perception of the events and characters in your story.
  • Shifting viewpoints: Switching between different characters’ perspectives allows you to delve into their unique thoughts, emotions, and motivations. This adds depth to your story and helps the reader develop a more comprehensive understanding of the narrative.
  • Character perception: Each character in your story will have their own perception of the world around them. Exploring how different characters interpret events and interact with each other can create rich and dynamic relationships within your story.
  • Emotional interpretation: Perspective plays a crucial role in how emotions are conveyed in your writing. By adopting different viewpoints, you can explore how emotions are experienced and expressed by different characters, adding complexity and authenticity to your story.
  • Reader engagement: The power of perspective lies in its ability to engage and captivate readers. By offering diverse viewpoints and allowing readers to see the world through different eyes, you can create a more immersive and thought-provoking reading experience.

Exploring Different Genres in Creative Writing

How can you effectively explore different genres in your creative writing? To expand your repertoire, consider delving into genre exploration. For instance, historical fiction allows you to transport readers to different time periods, bringing history to life through compelling characters and narratives.

Engaging in writing exercises like flash fiction can help you develop concise storytelling skills while experimenting with different themes and genres. Using creative writing prompts, such as fantasy worldbuilding, can spark your imagination and enable you to construct intricate and immersive fictional worlds.

If you’re interested in exploring the depths of the human psyche, try your hand at character analysis in a psychological thriller.

Don’t shy away from craft techniques like experimental poetry, where you can push the boundaries of language and form to create unique and thought-provoking pieces.

Utilizing Imagery and Symbolism

Immerse readers in powerful imagery to enhance the symbolism in your writing. Use descriptive language for an immersive experience.

Experiment with symbolism analysis by incorporating symbolic elements that represent deeper meanings or themes in your writing. Engage in creative writing exercises that challenge you to incorporate symbolism and imagery in unique and thought-provoking ways.

Expand your repertoire of literary tools by using metaphorical expressions that add layers of meaning to your writing.

Remember to write with sensory details, appealing to your readers’ senses and making your writing come alive in their minds.

Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block

When you find yourself stuck, creative prompts can serve as a catalyst to generate ideas and inspiration.

Overcoming perfectionism is crucial; allow yourself to write freely and without judgment.

Sometimes, changing environments can provide a fresh perspective and stimulate your creativity.

Incorporating mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, can help you relax and focus your mind.

Seeking feedback and collaboration can also be beneficial; join writing groups or share your work with trusted individuals for constructive criticism and support.

Revision Editing and Proofreading Techniques for Creative Writing

To improve your creative writing, start by revising, editing, and proofreading your work using various techniques. Here are some revision and editing strategies to enhance your writing:

  • Experiment with different revision techniques to refine your work and make it stronger.
  • Try reading your work aloud to identify any awkward phrasing or errors.
  • Use the ‘cut and paste’ method to rearrange scenes or paragraphs for better flow.
  • Take a break from your manuscript and come back to it with fresh eyes.
  • Seek collaborative feedback to gain different perspectives and improve your writing.
  • Join writing groups or workshops to receive constructive criticism and suggestions.
  • Work with skilled editors or writing coaches who can provide valuable insights.
  • Value the importance of collaboration in refining and perfecting your work.
  • Develop a distinctive voice to captivate readers and create a memorable reading experience.
  • Ensure your characters’ voices reflect their background, beliefs, and values.
  • Pay attention to word choice and language to create a unique and engaging voice.
  • Aim for an emotional and storytelling drive in your writing.

The Role of Feedback in Creative Writing

Feedback techniques play a crucial role in honing your writing abilities. When giving constructive criticism, focus on providing specific, actionable suggestions aligned with the writer’s goals.

It does not tell the recipient ‘you are bad’ or ‘I am better’. Rather, it is driven by an ethos of ‘let’s make this stronger, together’.

Start with positive elements before addressing areas that need improvement.

By incorporating the peer review process, you can receive valuable insights from fellow writers. Receiving feedback gracefully is essential.

Assess the tone of the feedback, ignore mean-spirited comments, and detach yourself from the feedback by pretending it’s for another author. Look for supporting statements and examples that can help you grow as a writer.

Clearly state the type of feedback you’re seeking upfront and disregard feedback that doesn’t align with your specific needs.

Incorporating feedback effectively is the key to enhancing your creative writing skills.

Understanding the Publishing Process

Understanding the publishing process is vital. Here are key points to consider:

  • The publishing industry in the digital age : The rise of digital platforms has changed the way books are published and consumed. E-books and self-publishing have gained popularity, offering authors more control over their work. Traditional publishing still has its advantages, such as wider distribution and professional editing.
  • The role of literary agents in the publishing process : Literary agents act as intermediaries between authors and publishers, helping authors find the right publishing opportunities. They negotiate contracts, provide editorial guidance, and help build the author’s career.
  • Challenges faced by first-time authors in getting published : Competition is fierce, and publishers receive countless submissions. Building a strong author platform and networking can increase chances of getting noticed. Rejection is common, but persistence is key.
  • The future of book publishing in a changing market : Technology will continue to shape the industry, with the rise of audiobooks and immersive reading experiences. Self-publishing will continue to grow, giving authors more opportunities to get their work out there. Adapting to changing reader preferences and embracing new technologies will be crucial for success.

The Impact of Digital Media on Creative Writing

While digital media has transformed the landscape of creative writing, it has also presented new opportunities and challenges for writers like you.

One major impact is the emergence of online communities, where writers can connect, share ideas, and receive feedback on their work. These communities provide a supportive environment for writers to grow and improve their craft.

Interactive storytelling has become more prevalent , allowing readers to actively engage with the narrative and shape the outcome. Digital storytelling platforms have also revolutionized the way stories are told, with multimedia elements enhancing the reader’s experience.

Writing in the digital age has opened up online publishing opportunities, giving writers the chance to reach a global audience and showcase their work in new and exciting ways.

Exploring Careers in Creative Writing

If you’re passionate about creative writing, there are various career paths you can explore. Here are some options to consider:

  • Fiction Writer : Understanding the basics of storytelling, character development, and the importance of setting. Crafting compelling dialogue and narrative arcs to engage readers.
  • Screenwriter : Learning the art of visual storytelling and scriptwriting. Developing strong characters and creating captivating dialogue for film or television.
  • Playwright : Mastering the techniques of dramatic writing and stagecraft. Creating dialogue that brings characters to life on the stage.

Exploring these careers in creative writing will allow you to express your creativity, engage with audiences, and bring your stories to life in various mediums.

Books for Improving Your Creative Writing Skills

Check out these recommended books that cover a wide range of topics to help you become a better writer.

Whether you want to understand character development, craft compelling dialogue, explore different genres, overcome writer’s block, or learn effective revision techniques, these books have got you covered.

These books offer valuable insights, practical tips, and techniques to help you improve your creative writing skills. So, whether you’re struggling with character development, dialogue, finding your writing style, or just need some inspiration, pick up one of these books and take your writing to the next level. Don’t let writer’s block hold you back—unlock your creativity and unleash your potential with these essential resources.

Further reading

Once you have finished reading the recommended books, you can delve deeper into the world of creative writing with these additional resources.

Here are some further resources to help you enhance your writing skills:

  • Online writing communities : Joining online writing communities can provide you with valuable feedback, support, and inspiration from fellow writers.
  • Creative writing workshops : Participating in creative writing workshops can help you refine your craft, learn new techniques, and receive expert guidance.
  • Writing prompts : Utilize writing prompts to spark your creativity and challenge yourself to write in different styles and genres.

These resources won’t only expand your knowledge of creative writing but also provide you with opportunities to connect with other writers and gain valuable insights from experienced professionals.

Keep exploring and honing your skills to become the best writer you can be.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i find inspiration for my creative writing.

Try unconventional sources like nature or everyday objects. Use visual prompts to spark your imagination. Draw inspiration from your travel experiences, music, and childhood memories.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid in Creative Writing?

When writing creatively, be mindful of common misconceptions, such as overusing cliches. Don’t neglect character development, maintain consistent pacing, and execute dialogue effectively. Avoid these mistakes to enhance your creative writing skills.

How Do I Develop a Unique Writing Style?

To develop a unique writing style, experiment with structure, explore different genres, embrace personal experiences, incorporate vivid imagery, and balance dialogue and narrative. These techniques will help you to stand out and create a distinct voice in your writing.

What Are Some Effective Strategies for Self-Editing and Revising My Work?

To effectively self-edit and revise your work , use proofreading techniques, seek peer feedback, utilize grammar checkers, follow an editing checklist, and employ revision strategies. These methods will help refine and improve your writing.

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Eduardo Carvalho

Eduardo has been teaching creative writing since 2020 at a Brazilian publishing house and created the Driven Writer website to help more people with writing tips. He has written the novel Over the river with a releasing date somewhere in 2024.

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What Is Creative Writing?

What Is Creative Writing? (Definition & 11 Best Steps)

Creative writing is the celestial dance of words, an art form that transcends the ordinary to forge literary constellations that illuminate the human experience.

At its core, creative writing is a cosmic exploration of imagination, a journey into the uncharted realms where storytelling becomes a vehicle for self-expression, creativity, and connection.

It encompasses a diverse array of genres, from the poetic landscapes of verse to the intricate narratives of fiction and the introspective reflections of creative nonfiction.

Creative writing is both an ancient practice, rooted in the oral traditions of storytelling, and a contemporary force, shaped by the dynamic currents of literary movements and the digital age.

In this cosmic voyage of words, writers become cosmic architects, crafting worlds, characters, and emotions that resonate across the galaxies of human thought and emotion.

This exploration delves into the historical evolution, elements, genres, and the transformative process of creative writing, inviting both novice stargazers and seasoned explorers to embark on a literary odyssey through the cosmos of human imagination.

Table of Contents

What Is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is the process of expressing thoughts, ideas, and emotions through the artful use of language. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

Idea Generation

Start by brainstorming and generating ideas. This could be inspired by personal experiences, observations, or purely imaginative concepts.

Organize your thoughts and structure your writing. This might involve outlining the plot for a story, creating characters, or planning the flow of a poem.

Choosing a Form or Genre

Decide on the type of creative writing you want to pursue – whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, or any other form.

Setting the Tone and Style

Define the tone and style of your writing. This could range from formal to informal, humorous to serious, depending on the intended effect.

Creating Characters or Themes

Develop characters, themes, or central ideas that will drive your narrative and engage your audience.

Begin writing your first draft. Allow yourself the freedom to explore ideas without worrying too much about perfection at this stage.

Review and revise your work. This involves refining your language, improving clarity, and ensuring your writing effectively communicates your intended message or story.

Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Edit your work to eliminate errors and enhance overall readability.

Seek feedback from peers, writing groups, or mentors. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your work.

Make final adjustments based on feedback and your own revisions. Polish your creative writing until you are satisfied with the result.

Publishing or Sharing

Decide whether you want to share your work publicly. This could involve submitting it to literary magazines, self-publishing, or simply sharing it with friends and family.

Creative writing is a dynamic and iterative process, allowing for continuous refinement and exploration of ideas.

What Is Creative Writing?

Historical Evolution of Creative Writing

Embarking on a literary time-travel, the historical evolution of creative writing unfolds like an intricately woven tapestry, blending the whispers of ancient oral traditions with the bold strokes of individual expression that emerged during the Renaissance.

Picture storytellers captivating audiences with folk tales around ancient campfires, only to witness the metamorphosis into written words that took place during humanity’s transition from the spoken to the written word.

As the winds of change blew through literary landscapes, the Renaissance breathed life into personal narratives, and Romanticism embraced the turbulent storms of emotion.

Modernism then shattered conventional boundaries, paving the way for experimental forms that mirrored the tumultuous twentieth century.

Today, creative writing stands at the intersection of tradition and innovation, a dynamic force shaped by the echoes of the past and the untamed creativity of the present.

Origins in oral traditions

The origins of creative writing can be traced back to the rich tapestry of human storytelling woven through the fabric of oral traditions.

In the dim glow of ancient campfires, our ancestors spun tales that danced between reality and imagination, passing down knowledge, wisdom, and cultural identity from one generation to the next.

These oral narratives, often rooted in folklore and myths, were the heartbeat of communities, connecting individuals through shared stories.

From the captivating epics of Homer to the enchanting fairy tales whispered in the corners of the world, the oral tradition laid the foundation for the written word, embodying the essence of human creativity, imagination, and the innate desire to communicate through the power of narrative.

Development through literary movements

The historical journey of creative writing unfolds through the dynamic currents of literary movements, each a vibrant chapter in the evolution of human expression.

The Renaissance, a cultural rebirth, marked a pivotal shift as writers embraced the power of individual expression and departed from medieval constraints.

Romanticism followed, a tempest of emotion that stormed the structured landscapes of literature, championing nature, passion, and the sublime.

Modernism emerged as a bold departure from traditional forms, ushering in experimental narratives and fragmented perspectives that mirrored the complexities of the 20th century.

Today’s creative writing landscape, shaped by these movements, is a kaleidoscope of diverse voices and styles, a testament to the enduring influence of literary evolution on the human experience.

Elements of Creative Writing

Dive into the alchemy of creative writing, where the elements of storytelling blend and dance like cosmic particles in a celestial ballet.

Picture the plot and structure as the architectural skeleton, a blueprint for worlds yet to be born. Characters, like sentient constellations, come to life, breathing the very essence of authenticity into the narrative cosmos.

Amidst the vast expanse of setting and atmosphere, landscapes materialize like dreams, painting scenes that are both vivid and haunting.

Style and voice emerge as the enchanting melodies, each writer composing a unique symphony that resonates in the reader’s soul.

In this literary crucible, the elements fuse, giving birth to tales that are not just written but are crafted, where words become spells, and the act of creation is nothing short of magical.

Genres in Creative Writing

Step into the kaleidoscope of creative expression, where genres in creative writing are the vibrant hues that paint the literary canvas with boundless imagination.

Fiction, a realm where novel universes unfurl with every turn of the page, beckons explorers to traverse landscapes of intrigue and emotion.

Poetry, the language of the soul, weaves verses that resonate in the heart’s chambers, from the traditional sonnets to the avant-garde free forms that defy gravity.

Creative nonfiction becomes a literary mirror, reflecting the kaleidoscope of reality through memoirs and essays, blurring the lines between experience and artistry.

These genres are not mere labels; they are portals into worlds where storytelling transcends boundaries, and writers become architects of realms that captivate the mind, stir the emotions, and linger in the echoes of the reader’s imagination.

Fiction, the enchanting realm where the alchemy of words transforms imagination into reality, beckons readers into worlds unknown.

It is the literary tapestry where storytellers weave tales that dance on the precipice between reality and fantasy. Novels, the architects of this fantastical landscape, sculpt characters with palpable depth, crafting intricate plotlines that unfold like secrets waiting to be revealed.

From the classic works of timeless masters to the contemporary symphonies of emerging voices, fiction transcends time and space, inviting readers to escape the ordinary and venture into the extraordinary.

In this boundless expanse, emotions become tangible, and the echoes of imaginary footsteps resonate long after the last page is turned. Fiction is not merely a genre; it is a passport to alternate realities, a magic carpet that carries readers to places uncharted and emotions unexplored.

Poetry, the language of the heart and the echo of the soul, is an art form that transcends the boundaries of ordinary expression.

In the symphony of words, poets become maestros, conducting emotions and experiences into verses that sing with rhythm and grace.

From the structured elegance of traditional forms to the unbridled freedom of free verse, poetry captures the ineffable and distills it into the purest essence.

Every line is a brushstroke painting vivid imagery, and each stanza is a melody that resonates in the chambers of the reader’s spirit. Poets wield words like alchemists, transforming mundane moments into profound revelations.

In the delicate dance between language and emotion, poetry stands as a testament to the human capacity to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the beauty of finely crafted language and the endless possibilities of the poetic imagination.

Creative Nonfiction

Creative nonfiction, a captivating blend of factual precision and artistic expression, serves as a literary bridge between the realms of truth and imagination.

In this genre, writers embark on a compelling journey of storytelling that mines the depths of reality to craft narratives as rich and engaging as any fiction.

From memoirs that illuminate the intricacies of personal experiences to thought-provoking essays that dissect the tapestry of the human condition, creative nonfiction is a mosaic of authenticity painted with the brushstrokes of literary finesse.

The genre encourages writers to artfully blur the lines between fact and narrative, weaving a tapestry that captures the essence of life in all its complexities.

It is a genre where truth is not merely recounted but elevated to the status of art, inviting readers to explore the profound and the ordinary with fresh eyes and a heightened appreciation for the power of storytelling.

What Is Creative Writing?

The Creative Writing Process

Embark on the enigmatic odyssey of the creative writing process, where inspiration is a clandestine muse that whispers in the stillness of creativity.

The inception, a cosmic spark, ignites the imagination, unleashing a torrent of ideas that cascade like shooting stars across the writer’s mind. The drafting phase is a dance with chaos, a raw manifestation of thoughts and emotions onto the blank canvas of the page.

Yet, the revision process emerges as the phoenix rising from the literary ashes, where words transform and refine, revealing the alchemical magic of refining ideas into a harmonious narrative.

Seeking feedback becomes a cosmic conversation, where the writer navigates the cosmos of criticism to unveil hidden constellations in their work.

The creative writing process is not a linear trajectory but a celestial dance , where writers traverse the nebulae of creativity, forging galaxies of prose and poetry that linger in the reader’s universe long after the final punctuation mark.

Idea generation, the pulsating heartbeat of the creative process, invites writers into the boundless cosmos of imagination.

It is an ethereal dance with inspiration, where sparks of creativity ignite the mind like constellations in the night sky. Whether drawn from personal experiences, fleeting observations, or the whispers of dreams, ideas are the raw stardust that writers mold into narrative galaxies.

The process is as unpredictable as a meteor shower, with writers navigating the celestial expanse to capture elusive fragments of brilliance.

From the quiet corners of introspection to the cacophony of the world, the art of idea generation transforms the mundane into the extraordinary, inviting writers to embark on a cosmic odyssey where every fleeting notion has the potential to blossom into a literary supernova.

Drafting and Revising

Drafting and revising, the twin constellations of the writing process, encapsulate the transformative journey of turning nebulous ideas into polished prose.

In the initial act of drafting, writers plunge into the creative abyss, weaving words into a tapestry of raw emotions and vivid imagery.

It is an untamed exploration, where the exhilarating rush of creation takes precedence over perfection. Yet, the true alchemy occurs in the refining crucible of revision. Like a sculptor chiseling away excess stone to reveal a masterpiece, writers meticulously carve and reshape their narratives.

It is a dance with words, a delicate balancing act of preserving the authenticity of the initial draft while enhancing clarity, coherence, and resonance.

Revision is not merely correction; it is the conscious evolution of a narrative, where every nuanced change breathes new life into the prose.

The tandem of drafting and revising, akin to the ebb and flow of cosmic forces, is the dynamic heartbeat that propels a piece of writing from its embryonic stages to the polished brilliance that captivates the reader’s soul.

Publishing and Sharing

Publishing and sharing mark the culmination of a writer’s odyssey, where the crafted words are prepared to venture beyond the solitary realm of creation.

It is a moment of revelation, where the manuscript, once a private universe, prepares to meet the wider cosmos of readership.

The publishing process, be it through traditional avenues or the burgeoning world of self-publishing, involves the meticulous preparation of the work for public consumption.

The act of sharing becomes a cosmic ripple, as the writer’s voice resonates across the literary landscape, forging connections with readers who may find solace, inspiration, or sheer enjoyment in the words.

It is a dance of vulnerability and courage, as writers release their creations into the literary cosmos, hoping their narrative constellations will find a home in the hearts and minds of others.

The symbiotic relationship between writer and reader transforms the act of publishing into a shared cosmic experience, where words transcend the individual and become part of a collective literary universe.

Challenges and Rewards of Creative Writing

Navigating the cosmos of creative writing reveals a celestial dance of challenges and rewards, where each word penned is a step into the cosmic unknown.

The challenges emerge like elusive comets, from the gravitational pull of writer’s block threatening to derail creativity, to the constant cosmic quest for a harmonious balance between originality and marketability.

Yet, these challenges are the cosmic forge that tempers the writer’s mettle, honing resilience and creativity in the crucible of adversity.

The rewards, akin to dazzling supernovae, illuminate the journey. The cathartic joy of crafting a sentence that resonates, the cosmic connections formed with readers who find solace or delight in the prose – these are the celestial jewels that make the struggles worthwhile.

In the vast expanse of creative writing, challenges and rewards orbit each other like binary stars, their gravitational pull shaping the unique trajectory of every writer’s cosmic odyssey.

Overcoming writer’s block

Writer’s block, that elusive shadow cast over the creative landscape, can feel like navigating a cosmic void where inspiration is but a distant star.

It is the gravitational force that stymies the flow of words and leaves the writer stranded in a sea of blank pages. Yet, overcoming writer’s block is an act of cosmic resilience.

Writers embark on a journey through the nebulae of creativity, employing various strategies to break free from the entangled cosmic web.

Whether it’s the cosmic power of free writing to unravel mental knots or the meteoric inspiration found in changing the writing environment, overcoming writer’s block becomes a transformative process.

It is the writer’s spacecraft pushing through the cosmic fog, a testament to the indomitable spirit that seeks to create even in the face of cosmic resistance.

In this dance with the muse, writers rediscover the cosmic symphony of their imagination and emerge from the creative void with newfound brilliance.

Balancing originality and marketability

In the cosmic dance of creative writing, striking the delicate balance between originality and marketability is akin to navigating the gravitational forces of two celestial bodies.

Originality, the pulsating core of creativity, propels writers into uncharted literary realms, forging unique constellations of thought and expression.

Yet, the cosmic reality of marketability orbits nearby, where commercial considerations seek gravitational stability.

It’s an intricate interplay; too much originality may risk veering into the obscure, while an excessive focus on marketability might compromise the authenticity of the creative vision.

Writers become cosmic architects, constructing narratives that not only resonate with their individual voice but also align with the gravitational pull of audience preferences.

Balancing these cosmic forces is a perpetual challenge, requiring writers to dance on the edge of innovation while staying tethered to the gravitational pull of a wider readership.

In this cosmic balancing act, writers discover the celestial equilibrium where originality and marketability harmonize, creating literary galaxies that captivate both the cosmos of creativity and the earthly realms of audience engagement.

Impact of Creative Writing on Society

Creative writing is the cosmic echo of the human soul, resonating through the annals of time and leaving an indelible imprint on the fabric of society.

It serves as a literary constellation, illuminating the collective consciousness with narratives that mirror, challenge, and redefine societal values.

From ancient epics that shaped cultural identities to contemporary works that spark revolutions of thought, creative writing is a cosmic force that fosters empathy, dismantles prejudices, and holds a mirror to the complexities of the human experience.

It is the catalyst for societal metamorphosis, a cosmic dance that encourages dialogue, fuels revolutions, and shapes the very contours of cultural evolution.

In the vast cosmos of creative expression, the impact of writing is not merely confined to the pages; it permeates the collective psyche, becoming a celestial force that guides, questions, and ultimately shapes the destiny of societies on this cosmic voyage through time.

Educational and Professional Opportunities in Creative Writing

Embarking on the cosmic odyssey of creative writing isn’t just a journey into the realms of imagination; it’s a launchpad to educational and professional constellations that illuminate diverse career trajectories.

Creative writing programs become celestial academies, nurturing literary supernovae through workshops, mentorship, and the exploration of narrative galaxies.

The academic pursuit of the craft transforms writers into cosmic architects, honing not only their creativity but also the analytical skills essential for dissecting the intricacies of language.

Beyond the academic cosmos, the professional opportunities in creative writing are as vast as the universe itself.

Writers may navigate the celestial waters of journalism, become starry-eyed screenwriters crafting cinematic adventures, or soar as literary explorers, publishing novels that leave an indelible mark on the literary cosmos.

In the intersection of education and profession, creative writing unfolds as a cosmic tapestry where words aren’t just written but become portals to boundless opportunities in the vast expanse of the literary universe.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about What Is Creative Writing?

What exactly is creative writing, and how does it differ from other forms of writing.

Creative writing is the vibrant, expressive art of using words to craft narratives that go beyond mere conveyance of information. It stands apart by prioritizing imagination, self-expression, and often blurs the lines between reality and fiction.

How does the historical evolution of creative writing influence contemporary practices?

The historical journey of creative writing, from ancient oral traditions to the digital age, has shaped the very DNA of the craft. It influences contemporary practices by offering a rich tapestry of literary movements, styles, and themes that writers can draw inspiration from or subvert.

Can anyone become a creative writer, or is it a skill reserved for a select few?

Absolutely anyone can become a creative writer! While innate talent can be an asset, the essence of creative writing lies in practice, exploration, and the willingness to cultivate one’s unique voice and perspective.

What are the key elements that make up creative writing, and how do they contribute to the overall narrative?

The elements of creative writing, such as plot, characterization, setting, style, and voice, are the building blocks that construct the literary cosmos. They contribute by creating immersive worlds, memorable characters, and distinctive narratives that resonate with readers.

How can one overcome writer’s block, a common challenge in creative writing?

Overcoming writer’s block is like navigating through a cosmic fog. Strategies include engaging in free writing, changing the writing environment, seeking inspiration from different mediums, or simply taking a cosmic break to recharge creative energies.

Is creative writing limited to novels and poetry, or are there other genres to explore?

Creative writing spans a diverse universe of genres. While novels and poetry are prominent, there’s also creative nonfiction, flash fiction, screenplays, and more. The cosmos of creative writing is vast and welcomes exploration.

How does one balance the fine line between originality and marketability in creative writing?

Balancing originality and marketability requires navigating a cosmic dance. It involves maintaining authenticity while considering the audience’s preferences, creating a celestial equilibrium where the writer’s unique voice resonates within a broader readership.

What educational and professional opportunities are available in the field of creative writing?

The educational galaxy offers creative writing programs and degrees, nurturing writers with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Professionally, opportunities range from traditional publishing avenues to scriptwriting, journalism, and the expansive realm of digital content creation.

In conclusion, creative writing is a cosmic odyssey, an ever-expanding universe of imagination, expression, and connection.

From its ancient roots in oral traditions to the dynamic currents of contemporary literary movements, creative writing has evolved into a diverse and influential art form.

It is a transformative process that involves the careful balance of elements, the exploration of various genres, and the persistent journey through the challenges and rewards of crafting narratives.

Creative writing is not confined to the realms of novels and poetry; it encompasses a vast cosmos of possibilities, from memoirs to screenplays, flash fiction to creative nonfiction.

As writers embark on this celestial exploration, they become architects of worlds, sculptors of characters, and composers of narratives that resonate across the collective human experience.

The educational and professional opportunities within this realm further amplify its significance, turning creative writing into both a personal pursuit and a communal force shaping the literary landscape.

In the grand celestial tapestry of human expression, creative writing emerges as a luminous constellation, inviting writers and readers alike to traverse the cosmic expanse of imagination and storytelling.

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7 Elements of Fiction: ProWritingAid's Expert Guide

Hannah Yang headshot

Hannah Yang

Elements of fiction title cover

Table of Contents

Elements of fiction: definition, the 7 elements of fiction, examples of the most famous elements of fiction in literature, elements of fiction: conclusion.

We live in a world full of stories. Novels, short stories, myths, and even plays are all forms of fiction.

All works of fiction are built using the same blocks. So what exactly are those building blocks, and how do they work?

This article will explain the seven elements of fiction and show you examples of what they look like in famous novels.

There are seven elements of fiction that can be found in any story, regardless of the form the narrative takes. These elements are character , plot , setting , theme , point of view , conflict , and tone.

7 elements of fiction

All seven elements work together to create a coherent story. When you’re writing a story, these are the fundamental building blocks you should use.

You can approach the seven elements in any order. For example, you can start with tone—you might know you want to write a funny story, or a scary story. Or you can start with setting—you might decide you want to set the story in your own hometown.

Eventually though, you’ll need all seven elements to make your story complete.

Here’s an in-depth guide to the seven elements of fiction that every fiction writer and reader should know.

Element 1: Character

Characters are the players within a story. They can be human beings, animals, aliens, or even sentient objects. As long as they make decisions within the story, they’re characters.

Most stories have a main character , or multiple main characters. Some have antagonists who prevent the main characters from achieving their goals. There are also side characters , romantic interests, and many other roles that fictional characters can take in a story.

In a well-written story, each character has a distinct appearance, personality, and motivation. They should be rounded characters who drive the story forward by pursuing their individual goals rather than flat characters who behave like cardboard cut-outs.

Element 2: Plot

Plot refers to the events that happen within the story. It includes every major turning point that the characters experience.

In general, every story has a beginning , middle, and end.

The beginning is the exposition, where the key events of the story are set into action. The middle is the rising action, where progressive complications raise the stakes. And finally, the end is the resolution, where the story gets wrapped up.

Element 3: Setting

Setting is a broad term for the world the story takes place in.

On a macro level, setting might include the country the characters live in and the climate of that country. On a micro level, setting can include the room the characters are standing in, the time of day a scene takes place, or even the day-to-day weather.

Settings can sometimes take on symbolic meanings. For example, the never-ending winter in Narnia in C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe represents the tyranny of the White Witch’s rule.

Setting includes time as well as place. A story might take place over the span of a single night, like in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, or an entire lifetime, like in A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman.

You can use ProWritingAid’s Sensory Report to make sure you’re using all five sense to describe the setting in your story. The more sensory descriptions you use, the more your setting will come to life.

ProWritingAid sensory report

Element 4: Theme

Theme refers to the philosophical questions your story explores.

Often, theme is revealed in the lesson the protagonist needs to learn. For example, one of the themes of Shelley’s science fiction book Frankenstein is that scientists shouldn’t use their powers to create new beings without considering the consequences.

Theme can also be revealed through the core conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist.

For example, in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, the antagonist, Voldemort, doesn’t love anybody, while the protagonist, Harry, is protected by the love of his family and friends. Thus, the power of love is a major theme in the series.

Element 5: Point of View

Point of view (POV) is the perspective from which a story is told.

In English class, you might have learned about the four basic POVs:

First person (“I”)

Second person (“you”)

Limited third person (“he, she, they” in one character’s head)

Omniscient third person (“he, she, they” from an all-seeing perspective)

POV is closely intertwined with form and structure. For example, if your story takes the form of advice offered to someone else, second person makes sense. On the other hand, if your story takes the form of a diary entry, first person makes sense.

Element 6: Conflict

Conflict is what prevents the protagonist from achieving their goals. All fiction writing requires conflict because otherwise there would be no story, just a happy ending.

For example, imagine your protagonist’s goal is to get back home as quickly as possible. The conflict can be as small as a late bus that delays their return, or as large as an earthquake that tears their hometown apart.

There are seven types of conflict: character vs character , character vs self , character vs society , character vs fate , character vs nature , and character vs technology .

Conflict is important because it’s what makes the story interesting. There would be no story if everyone could easily achieve everything they wanted. Adding meaningful obstacles for the characters to overcome is key for creating a compelling story.

Element 7: Tone

Tone helps the author evoke emotion.

When you’re reading or writing, ask yourself: What feeling is this story meant to evoke in the reader? Fear? Amusement? Thoughtfulness? Dread?

Tone is closely related to genre. If you’re writing a thriller, you might want to go for a scary and suspenseful tone. If you’re writing a romantic comedy, you might lean toward a lighter and more humorous tone.

Stories can vary their tones on a scene level. Even a thriller should have lighthearted scenes, and romantic comedies should have serious scenes.

(SPOILER ALERT: There are minor spoilers ahead for The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.)

Let’s look at the seven elements of fiction in The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, a young adult (YA) dystopian novel.

Character : The protagonist is Katniss Everdeen, who competes in the Hunger Games. Other major characters include her love interest Peeta Mellark, her younger sister Primrose Everdeen, and the other contestants in the Hunger Games.

Plot : The plot kicks off when Katniss volunteers for the Hunger Games to protect her sister. The rest of the plot follows Katniss training for and competing in the Games.

Setting : The setting is the nation of Panem. Specific settings include District 12, the impoverished district where Katniss grew up; the glittering Capitol, where the rich citizens live in blissful ignorance; and the arena, where the Games take place.

Theme : The themes of the story include power and oppression, suffering as entertainment, and inequality.

Point of View : Katniss is the first-person narrator.

Conflict : The primary conflict is character vs character when Katniss and the other tributes battle one another. Other forms of conflict are present as well, such as the character vs society conflict when Katniss confronts the dystopian society she lives in.

Tone : The writing style of the book is fast-paced and suspenseful, often evoking fear and excitement, as Katniss tells the reader about the life-and-death situations she’s experiencing.

Now let’s look at the seven elements of fiction in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, a classic work of literary fiction.

Character : The protagonist is Jay Gatsby, the Great Gatsby himself. Other key characters include his friend Nick Carraway, his love interest Daisy Buchanan, and Daisy’s husband Tom Buchanan.

Plot : The plot follows Jay Gatsby as he throws lavish parties in an attempt to win back Daisy, the love of his life. Over the course of the story, he courts her and nearly convinces her to leave her husband for him, but ultimately loses his life as a result of his efforts.

Setting : The setting is New York in the 1920s during the Jazz Age. Specific settings include West Egg, East Egg, the valley of ashes, and New York City.

Theme : The themes of the story include the American Dream, love and marriage, and dissatisfaction with life in spite of wealth and status.

Point of View : The book is written in the first person from Nick’s point of view. This POV is sometimes called first-person witness, since the narrator isn’t the same person as the protagonist.

Conflict : The primary conflict is character vs self conflict as Gatsby tries to achieve the American Dream and prove to Daisy he’s a great man. There’s also character vs character conflict between Gatsby and the other characters.

Tone : The tone of the book is serious and reflective while Nick reflects on Gatsby’s story and relays it to the reader.

Now you know the key elements that make a story work! Here’s a quick recap:

Point of view

What do these elements look like in your favorite stories? Let us know in the comments.

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Hannah Yang is a speculative fiction writer who writes about all things strange and surreal. Her work has appeared in Analog Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, The Dark, and elsewhere, and two of her stories have been finalists for the Locus Award. Her favorite hobbies include watercolor painting, playing guitar, and rock climbing. You can follow her work on, or subscribe to her newsletter for publication updates.

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Creative Writing: Everything You Need to Know

elements of creative writing


In the heart of every storyteller lies the vibrant pulse of creative writing, a world where imagination reigns and where emotions, thoughts, and ideas find their voice. But what exactly is creative writing? At its core, creative writing is an art form that revolves around expressing oneself through narratives, poetry, scripts, and other forms of literature. It’s not just about stringing words together, but about crafting worlds, moulding characters, and eliciting emotions, all from the power of the pen (or keyboard).

The importance of creative writing stretches beyond the pages of a novel or the verses of a poem. Creative writing cultivates cognitive development , fosters empathy, and offers a therapeutic escape. Whether you’re penning an epic tale, jotting down a heartfelt poem, or expressing your thoughts in a personal diary, you’re delving into a form of self-exploration. Additionally, in the academic world, initiatives like the 11+ creative writing and A-level creative writing emphasise the pivotal role this skill plays in shaping young minds, boosting their analytical thinking, and enhancing their linguistic abilities.

With this guide, we hope to unravel the many facets of creative writing, from its foundational elements to the benefits it offers and how you can master it. Whether you’re a budding writer a seasoned author, or simply a student looking to learn, there’s always something to discover in this expansive world of creativity. 

The Foundations of Creative Writing

Creative writing, much like any art form, has its foundational principles that guide and enrich the craft. Whether you’re preparing for 11+ creative writing or diving into A-levels, understanding these foundations is crucial.

The 4 Types of Creative Writing

    1. narrative fiction.

This involves storytelling, and it’s what most people think of when they hear “creative writing.” Examples include novels, short stories, and novellas.

    2. Poetry

A rhythmic and metaphorical form of writing, poetry allows writers to express feelings, thoughts, and stories in a condensed and poignant manner.

    3. Drama

 Written to be performed, drama includes scripts for movies, plays, and television shows.

    4. Creative Non-Fiction

 This merges the truth and the artistic flair. Memoirs, biographies, and personal essays fall under this category. 

The 5 Genres of Creative Writing-Breaking down the Differences

    1. fantasy.

A genre that uses magic and other supernatural elements as main plot elements, themes, or settings.

    2. Mystery

 This centres on a mysterious event, often a crime, exploring the solution and the circumstances around it.

    3. Romance

A narrative driven by a relationship, exploring the nuances of love and connection.

    4. Horror

Aimed at evoking fear and excitement in the reader, it often delves into the supernatural and unknown.

    5. Science Fiction

 Utilising futuristic settings, advanced technology, space exploration, and often commenting on the state and direction of society.

The 6 elements of creative writing: What makes a story resonate?

    1. plot.

 The sequence of events or the main story arc.

    2. Characters

The individuals who move through the narrative, driving and being affected by the plot.

    3. Setting

 The time and place where the story unfolds.

    4. Theme

The central idea, message, or lesson that’s conveyed.

    5. Point of View

 Through whose eyes or perspective we understand the narrative.

    6. Style/Tone

 The manner in which a story is told can dramatically affect its reception and impact.

Whether for GCSE creative writing exercises or other creative writing courses, always remember the power and impact of these foundational principles. They serve as the backbone of compelling narratives and resonate deeply with readers.

Education and Creative Writing

Creative writing, while inherently artistic, is also deeply rooted in the educational fabric. Through structured courses and examinations, students are offered an avenue to hone their skills, understand key techniques, and showcase their abilities. Two critical facets in the UK’s education system that emphasise creative writing are the GCSEs and 11+ exams .

GCSE Creative Writing Learning from Real-world Samples.

Many students often wonder how to write creative writing in English for the GCSE or how to get an A in English GCSE creative writing. One of the best ways to grasp the expectations is to analyse real-world samples. By understanding the structure, tone, and content of top-scoring pieces, students can identify the qualities that examiners look for. 

    How to Get an A in English GCSE Creative Writing

 Achieving a top grade requires a combination of factors:

        1. Understanding the Prompt

Ensure you’ve fully grasped the theme or topic.

        2. Planning

 Before diving into writing, structure your thoughts, plot, and character arcs.

        3. Using Varied Vocabulary

 Showcase your linguistic prowess without overcomplicating the narrative.

        4. Engaging the Reader

The opening should hook the reader, and the narrative should maintain interest throughout.

        5. Editing and Refining

Always review and revise. It’s at this stage that good writing often becomes great.

11+ Creative Writing

The 11+ examination , aimed at students transitioning to secondary education, places a significant emphasis on creative writing. The 11+ creative writing segment tests a student’s ability to construct a coherent narrative, use varied vocabulary, and demonstrate grammatical prowess. 

Why is it Essential?

The 11+ creative writing not only evaluates a student’s writing capabilities but also their cognitive abilities like imagination, logical structuring, and time management . High-quality 11-plus creative writing examples showcase a blend of creativity and structured thinking, essential skills for further education and life in general.

Incorporating the educational aspects into your creative writing journey can seem challenging, but remember, every exam and grade is merely a stepping stone. What truly matters is the continuous growth, learning, and love for the craft.

The Career of a Creative Writer

Choosing a career path often involves aligning one’s passion with practicality. For those drawn to the art of storytelling and expression through words, creative writing emerges as a captivating choice. But is it a viable profession? What does the day-to-day life of a creative writer look like? Let’s delve into these queries.

Is Creative Writing a Good Major? The Pros and Cons


       1. Passion for Profession

For those who have an innate love for writing, this major allows them to pursue what they genuinely love.

       2. Versatility

 A degree in creative writing isn’t just limited to penning novels or poetry. Graduates can venture into journalism, content creation, advertising, scriptwriting, and more.

       3. Skill Development

Beyond writing, this major hones skills like critical thinking, communication, research, and more, which are valuable in numerous professions.

       4. Networking

 University programs often provide opportunities to meet authors, agents, publishers, and other industry professionals.


       1. Job Market Competition

While there are opportunities, the writing domain can be competitive, with many vying for the same positions.

      2. Income Variability

Unlike some professions, writing may not always offer a stable monthly income, especially for those freelancing or looking to publish.

       3. Subjectivity

 Writing is subjective. What one editor or publisher loves, another might reject. This can be challenging for emerging writers to navigate.

What Do Creative Writers Do? An Overview of the Profession

At the core, creative writers craft stories, narratives, poems, articles, and content that resonate with readers. Their days might be spent:

      Brainstorming Ideas

This is where every piece begins—finding a theme, message, or story worth sharing.


Especially crucial for genres like historical fiction or specific articles. Research ensures accuracy.

      Writing and Re-writing

Crafting the initial draft and then refining it multiple times to ensure it aligns with the desired quality.

      Pitching and Submitting

For those looking to publish, a significant time might be spent pitching to agents, editors, or publishers.

      Continuous Learning

Like any profession, trends and techniques in writing evolve. Writers often attend workshops, seminars, or courses (like online creative writing courses) to enhance their skills.

In conclusion, the life of a creative writer is multifaceted. It’s a blend of creativity, determination, continuous learning, and, at times, resilience in the face of rejection. But for those truly passionate, the joy of creating worlds with words and impacting readers is unparalleled.

Starting with Creative Writing

Diving into the vast ocean of creative writing might seem overwhelming at first, especially for those new to the craft. It’s like staring at a blank canvas, waiting for that first brushstroke of inspiration. But fear not, every writer, renowned or budding, has been there. With the right guidance and techniques, that daunting blank page can turn into a canvas filled with words, stories, and imagination.

Creative Writing Ideas-Where They Come From and How to Cultivate Them


Everyday life is brimming with stories. Observe people, places, and situations. Ask yourself, “What if?”.


Books , articles, blogs – they all can spark an idea. Notice what intrigues you in others’ writings.


Our subconscious mind can be a treasure trove of bizarre, exciting, and unique ideas.

    Mind Maps

Start with a central theme and branch out with related concepts, characters, conflicts, and backgrounds.

  Current Events

News stories can provide a backdrop for a timely and relevant narrative.

Creative Writing Exercises

   free writing.

Set a timer (maybe 10 minutes) and write without stopping or editing. Let your thoughts flow onto the page.

   Word Association

Begin with a word and jot down everything it makes you think of. It can lead to unexpected connections and ideas.

   Character Development

Invent a character from scratch. Consider their background, fears, dreams, and quirks, and then place them in a situation.

   Image Inspiration

 Look at a photograph or artwork and craft a story around it.

   Story Prompts

There are countless prompts available online. They give a starting point, and you take it from there.

There will be moments of uncertainty, thrill, discovery, and enlightenment. But with the right tools and mindset, the process can be incredibly rewarding. So, grab your pen or keyboard and let the stories unfold.

Benefits of Creative Writing

Creative writing, often viewed as a whimsical hobby or a tool for academic enhancement, harbours a depth of benefits that many overlook. Its impact resonates not just in the literary world but also in our cognitive and emotional development.

Does Creative Writing Make You Smarter?

Contrary to the isolated image of a writer lost in their imagination, creative writing demands a lot from our brains. It sharpens our cognitive abilities, enhancing analytical thinking, vocabulary, and understanding of complex concepts. Storytelling requires a blend of logic and imagination, thus exercising both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. So, while it might not raise your IQ overnight, it undeniably sharpens your mind and hones your critical thinking skills.

How Creative Writing Helps Students: Academic and Personal Advantages

Beyond the realms of grades and classroom performance, creative writing offers students a unique set of advantages:

  Academic Growth

It improves vocabulary, grammar, and writing structure, which are vital across various subjects.

  Enhanced Empathy

Crafting stories allows students to step into different characters’ shoes, fostering a deeper understanding of human emotions and perspectives.

   Boosted Creativity and Imagination

Regular writing can expand a student’s horizon, encouraging them to think outside the box.

   Problem-Solving Skills

Developing plots and resolving story conflicts cultivate a student’s ability to tackle real-life challenges.

   Self-expression and Confidence

Creative writing provides an outlet for emotions, ideas, and opinions, boosting self-worth and confidence.

Creative Writing and Mental Health

The intertwining of pen, paper, and emotions runs deep. Creative writing is more than an art form; for many, it’s a lifeline.

Does Creative Writing Help Depression?

While creative writing isn’t a replacement for professional treatment, many individuals battling depression have found solace in the written word. Writing allows a release of pent-up emotions, creating a safe space for expression without judgment. Narrating their experiences provides a form of self-reflection and understanding, offering a means to navigate their feelings and potentially find a path towards healing.

How Creative Writing Helps Mental Health and Provides Therapeutic Value?


Writing about traumatic or emotional events can serve as a release, helping individuals process their feelings.


The act of writing focuses the mind, keeping it in the present moment, similar to meditation.

   Sense of Accomplishment

Completing a piece, regardless of its length, provides a boost of self-worth and achievement.

   Reduction in Stress

Translating thoughts into words has been shown to lower anxiety levels, promoting a state of calm.

   Enhanced Self-awareness

It offers insights into one’s own emotions, behaviours, and triggers, promoting personal growth.

In conclusion, creative writing is a multifaceted tool that enriches our minds, enhances academic prowess, and offers therapeutic value. Whether pursued as a profession, hobby, or therapy, its benefits are profound and far-reaching.

11-Plus Student Practicing Creative Writing

Online and Traditional Creative Writing Courses

Creative writing in education has seen a significant transformation in recent years. With the rise of digital platforms and the ever-evolving nature of traditional institutions, aspiring writers are now spoilt for choice. Let’s delve into the contrasts and benefits of both.

Where to Learn Creative Writing: Physical Institutions vs. Online Platforms

Traditionally, universities and colleges have been the primary source for structured creative writing programs. These institutions offer comprehensive curriculums, renowned faculties, and the immersive experience of a classroom setting. Engaging directly with professors and peers can be invaluable, fostering a sense of community and providing hands-on feedback.

On the flip side, the digital era ushered in online learning platforms that break geographical boundaries. Online courses offer flexibility, allowing learners to progress at their own pace and often at a fraction of the cost of traditional programs. Whether you’re a working professional, a parent, or someone who resides in a remote location, online platforms can make learning accessible.

Online Creative Writing Courses: The Digital Learning Revolution

The proliferation of online courses has revolutionised how we perceive education. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and MasterClass, among others, have democratised access to top-tier instructors and curriculums from around the world. From beginner workshops to advanced storytelling techniques, there’s a digital course for every level of writer.

Another advantage is the myriad of formats available: video lectures, webinars, interactive assignments, peer reviews, and more, catering to diverse learning styles.

Advantages of Online Learning and Where to Find the Best Courses

    Flexibility and Convenience

Study anytime, anywhere. This adaptability is especially beneficial for those juggling multiple responsibilities.

    Diverse Course Offerings

With no physical constraints, online platforms can offer a broader range of courses, from niche genres to unique writing techniques.


Without the overheads associated with physical institutions, online courses often come at a reduced price.


Engage with a global community of writers. Online forums and discussion boards allow for networking opportunities that span continents.

    Up-to-date Material

Online platforms can quickly update their content, ensuring that courses remain current with evolving literary trends and technologies.

As for finding the best courses, thorough research is essential. Check for reviews, curriculum details, instructor qualifications, and any available trial periods or sample lessons. Edumentors is a great platform when it comes to online tutoring. They offer assistance from tutors from UK’s top universities-weather you’re a GCSE, A-level or 11-plus student looking for some guidance. With individually fitted assistance, you can be sure of a positive teaching experience.

Register And Find The Best Online Tutors From Oxford University In UK

In conclusion, whether you’re drawn to the allure of a traditional classroom or the flexibility of online platforms, the options for creative writing education are diverse and expansive. It’s a golden era for aspiring writers, with quality education just a click or a campus away.

Debates in Creative Writing

As with any art form or discipline, creative writing isn’t without its controversies and debates. At the heart of these discussions lie questions about the teachability of the craft and its influence on cognitive processes. Let’s delve into these topics.

Can Creative Writing Be Taught? Exploring Both Sides of the Argument

   the affirmative side.

Proponents of creative writing courses argue that while innate talent can’t be instilled, the skills and techniques that refine this talent can be imparted. They point to the structured environment of a class or workshop where students learn about plot development, character arc, pacing, and other foundational elements. Further, a guided environment can provide feedback, enabling budding writers to identify their strengths and areas of improvement.

  The Skeptical Side

 Detractors, on the other hand, believe that writing, especially its creative facet, springs from personal experiences, innate talent, and individual interpretation of the world. They assert that while techniques can be learned, genuine creativity cannot be taught. Moreover, they warn against the risk of homogenising voices, where students might end up emulating the style of their instructors or popular trends rather than finding their unique voice.

Regardless of where one stands on this debate, the surge in creative writing courses, both online and offline, suggests a significant demand and belief in the merits of guided learning.

For many, creative writing becomes a sanctuary—a space free from the confines of reality, where thoughts, emotions, and experiences metamorphose into stories, characters, and worlds. It provides a canvas for our deepest fears, joys, dreams, and hopes. As writers shape narratives, they’re not just building stories; they’re often reconstructing their understanding of life and their place in it. This continuous process of introspection and externalisation fosters personal growth, making creative writing an invaluable tool for self-awareness and development.

With the plethora of resources available today, from online courses to local workshops, there’s a platform for everyone. But the most crucial tool in your arsenal will always be your unique perspective and voice. Nurture it, believe in it, and let it resonate.

In the final reckoning, creative writing isn’t just about producing literary masterpieces. It’s about evolution, both personal and societal. It’s about finding clarity amidst chaos and deriving meaning from the mundane. So, as you close this blog and ponder over the world of creative writing, remember it’s a journey, and like all journeys, it’s best enjoyed one step, or in this case, one word at a time.

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Elements of Creative Writing

Elements of Creative Writing

Grant Tracey , University of Northern Iowa Follow Rachel Morgan , University of Northern Iowa Follow Jeremy Schaffenberger , University of Northern Iowa

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This free and open access textbook introduces new writers to some basic elements of the craft of creative writing. The authors—Rachel Morgan, Jeremy Schraffenberger, and Grant Tracey—are editors of the North American Review, the oldest and one of the most well-regarded literary magazines in the United States. We’ve selected nearly all of our readings and examples from writing that has appeared in our pages over the years. Because we had a hand in publishing these pieces originally, our perspective as editors permeates this book. As such, we hope that even seasoned writers might gain insight into the aesthetics of our magazine as we analyze and discuss some reasons we think this work is so remarkable—and therefore teachable. -- Provided by the publisher

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Tracey, Grant; Morgan, Rachel; and Schaffenberger, Jeremy, "Elements of Creative Writing" (2023). Faculty Book Gallery . 531.

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Creative Writing Explained: A Guide for all Writers

What is creative writing, the elements of creative writing, what are the forms of creative writing, understanding creative fiction and creative non-fiction, how to get started in creative writing, effective tips for writers, interesting creative writing exercises for writers.

Creative Writing Explained

Creative fiction and its types

Short stories, plays and screenplays, creative nonfiction and its types.

elements of creative writing


Juxtaposition, show, don’t tell, narrative structure and plotting, spend time with your characters, take a step back.

I am interested in writing, but I cannot classify my writings

10 Impactful Elements of Creative Writing

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Wondering how can you think like J.K. Rowling and craft a creative masterpiece like Harry Potter? Is that even possible for you? Of course, it is quite doable for anyone having a flair for creative writing. But only a passion would not be enough as you need to know how things work in creative writing.

It means you must be aware of the elements of creative writing. Speaking of which, this exciting blog post sheds light on each of these elements in detail for you to form a good base for such writing. So, without further ado, let’s get to read them all.

Table of Contents

The Elements of Creative WritingYou Should Know


Development:  Characters with a range of features including emotions, depth, and complexity can capture readers’ attention and propel the story along. Character development is an important element of creative writing! 

Arcs and Growth:  The development of characters throughout the narrative can create an interesting journey that viewers can relate to.

Plot and Structure

Engaging Plot:  A series of occurrences that intrigue readers, containing components such as suspense, opposition, and resolution.

Structure:  A structure that is carefully constructed either to adhere to conventional formats or to attempt unconventional storytelling for a stronger effect.

Setting and Atmosphere

Vivid Settings:  Writing that creates vivid imagery and allows readers to experience the story’s environment.

Atmospheric Elements:  Creating an atmosphere with vivid descriptions of the setting to add to the emotion of the story.

Dialogue and Voice

Authentic Dialogue:  Discussions that expose personality attributes, propel the storyline forward, and sound realistic.

Distinctive Voice:  The writer’s style and character are expressed through the storytelling.

Theme and Symbolism

Exploration of Themes:  Implicit ideas or themes that give the story more substance and significance.

Symbolic Elements:  Employment of symbols or figures of speech to express additional layers of meaning and interpretation.

Emotional Resonance

Eliciting Emotions:  Evoking feelings in readers, encouraging understanding, bonding, and making a lasting impression.

Authenticity of Emotions:  Depiction of real feelings and events that are true to life.

Language and Style

Vivid Language:  Employing vivid language, figurative comparisons, and sensory details to form pictures in the mind and to stimulate the senses.

Narrative Style:  Developing a distinctive writing style to establish the mood and pacing of the narrative.

Foreshadowing and Pacing

Foreshadowing:  Scattered hints and clues placed throughout the story, sparking curiosity and suspense.

Pacing:  Varying the pace of the story to keep the reader engaged and emotionally invested.

Suspense and Tension

Suspenseful Elements:  Creating excitement about what will happen next in the narrative.

Tension Creation:  Factors that create suspense and keep readers interested in the conclusion.

Originality and Innovation

Innovative Storytelling:  Trying out different ways of telling a story, such as different narrative forms, genres, and perspectives, which can result in interesting and original stories.

Unexpected Twists:  Unanticipated features that defy expectations and draw in viewers.

Understanding Elements with the Help of a Creative Writing Example

Going through creative writing examples is often a good way to adapt the right technique for tackling this task. Here you go with an example.

The Creative Writing Piece

In a peaceful spot in the city, surrounded by towering skyscrapers, was an old house. Its worn-out exterior didn’t give away the secrets inside, especially in the attic, where forgotten gems were collecting dust.

Anna, once full of life as a cellist, now found comfort in the peace and quiet of her home. Her music stopped playing after a heartbreaking incident that took away her brother, Daniel, leaving her with a deep sadness in her heart.

On a stormy afternoon, Anna was trying to avoid thinking about painful memories, so she went into her attic. She found an old music box, with tarnished edges, and she nervously wound it up. A sad melody filled the quiet room.

Anna’s body shuddered as the melancholic tune filled her soul, bringing up memories she had wanted to forget. Daniel’s favorite song was playing, the song they’d shared during their happiest times together. Her eyes blurred with tears as a mix of nostalgia and pain overwhelmed her.

Anna ran her fingers over the detailed carvings on the music box in a trance. The grooves reminded her of all the good times she had with Daniel – his wide grin, and the bond they had. She was filled with emotion as she remembered it all, tears streaming down her face.

As the music tapered off, Anna’s determination increased. She held onto the music box tightly, dead set on figuring out what it meant. She stayed up all night and kept searching, and eventually found hints – a worn-out photo, an outdated show ticket – each one being a small lead to a song that had been forgotten.

Anna had a moment of self-reflection and remembered how much she loved music. She carefully picked up her cello and slowly plucked at the strings, feeling the music stir up her emotions. Gradually, the forgotten melody came back to her and filled the house, blending with the pitter-patter of rain hitting the windows.

Anna used music to find her way to recovery. Every tune she played was a step towards accepting her situation, a reminder of Daniel’s presence. The attic, which had once been a place of grief, now filled with the bittersweet sound of reflection and optimism.

In her music, Anna found that even when she had forgotten certain melodies, they still had the power to bring healing and renewal.

Breaking Down Elements of Creative Writing from the Story

You can get all the ideas about composition and more about creative writing in the comprehensive guide to master creative writing by experts.

Element 1: Idea Generation

Anna, a disheartened cellist who can’t stop thinking about the awful accident that involved her brother, finds comfort in a dusty attic. There she finds an old music box that plays a sorrowful tune, and it brings back memories, causing her to go on a mission to understand its importance.

Element 2: Character Development

Anna:  A once-passionate cellist now withdrawn, struggling with unresolved emotions stemming from her brother’s accident.

Brother:  A pivotal character in flashbacks, portrayed as a source of inspiration and unresolved grief in Anna’s life.

Element 3: Plot and Structure

The narrative alternates between the present, where Anna discovers the music box, and poignant flashbacks revealing her relationship with her brother and the accident’s aftermath. The structure slowly unravels the emotional layers of Anna’s journey.

Element 4: Setting and Atmosphere

The attic serves as a metaphorical space for introspection, filled with forgotten relics that evoke nostalgia and pain. The contrast between the melancholic tune of the music box and the present silence heightens the emotional atmosphere.

Element 5: Dialogue and Voice

Conversations between Anna and her brother in flashbacks reveal their bond, regrets, and unspoken emotions. Anna’s internal monologue and interactions reflect her inner turmoil and gradual emotional healing.

Element 6: Theme and Symbolism

Themes of loss, healing, and the restorative power of music are explored. The music box symbolizes Anna’s unresolved emotions and her quest to rediscover joy amidst grief.

Element 7: Emotional Resonance

Readers empathize with Anna’s grief and find hope in her journey toward healing. Authentic emotions and gradual healing resonate throughout the narrative, evoking a range of emotions in the audience.

Element 8: Language and Style

Descriptive prose paints vivid images of both physical and emotional landscapes, evoking nostalgia and heartache. The narrative style, with its lyrical prose and introspective reflections, establishes a poignant and contemplative tone.

Element 9: Foreshadowing and Pacing

Clues within the narrative hint at the music box’s significance, building anticipation. Alternating between reflective moments and revelations maintains a pace that allows emotions to linger while propelling the story forward.

Element 10: Originality and Innovation

The blend of music, memories, and emotional introspection creates a narrative that resonates uniquely. Unexpected revelations within Anna’s journey offer hope amidst sorrow, adding depth to the story. The expert writers working with professional paper writing service providers also vouch this element to be very important for the effectiveness of creative writing.

Creative writing is like painting with words! You create characters, plots, and settings and inject emotions to make stories come alive. With interesting characters, emotional appeal, an exciting story, and vivid descriptions, you can draw readers in and make them feel like they’re right there in the adventure. It’s a great way to evoke emotion and fire up imaginations!

This blog post was all about helping you get better with creative writing with knowing the elements of creative writing in good detail.

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8 Elements of Effective Creative Writing (The Art of the Craft)

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elements of creative writing

January is International Creativity Month, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to discuss the basic, but crucial, aspects of creative writing. The Art of the Craft article series will go in-depth into the various elements and techniques that go into crafting a work of creative writing. From novel writing to poetry, The Word Count will cover it all!

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What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is the act of using your power of storytelling to create literary productions or compositions in an imaginative and original way. Creative writing is the artistic expression of a lens through which to view the world, a message conveyed through an inventive tale.

What Counts as Creative Writing?

Any work which uses imagery, drama, and narrative to communicate to an audience is considered creative writing. Examples include poems, short stories, novels, scripts, screenplays, and creative nonfiction.

What are the 8 Main Elements of Creative Writing?

Voice refers to the unique style and way a writer expresses oneself on the page. This is similar to how you can recognize someone through the nuances of their personality. A successful creative piece will have a natural, clear, and consistent voice.

The tone of a creative work is the attitude that the writer showcases toward what they are sharing in the story.

Style is the deliberate way in which writers choose words and place them together to craft the story.

4.) Characters

Characters are the people, animals, inanimate objects, or natural forces, etc. whose actions carry the story forward. The crucial act of developing characters takes time and consideration. Creative writers must know their characters in precise detail to effectively develop a connection with their audience.

The sequence of incidents that befall characters in a story is known as the plot. The plot of creative works includes elements, such as suspense-building and conflict that guide the characters throughout the story.

6.) Point of View

Point of View (POV) refers to the perspective that the narrator has on the characters and the events transpiring in the story.

7.) Setting

The setting of a creative work is the place and time period in which the characters dwell and the story takes place.

Theme is the underlying meaning of a creative story, the important statement that the writer aims to share with their audience.

How Do I Get Started Writing my Book?

Step 1: Make Time to Write This is the most important, but oftentimes forgotten, rule of being a writer of any kind. You need to make consistent time in your schedule to write. Not only will this help you develop a stronger sense of commitment, but over time it will train your brain so you can get into “writer mode” even quicker during your writing sessions.

Step 2: Get Ideas for Writing Just as it is crucial for a creative writer to make time to write, so is it important for them to set aside time to observe the world, and comb through the story ideas that pop up along the way.

Step 3: Write Aurally and Visually Even well-written works can become dull and dry without dialogue, interactions, and details that bring them to life! Be thorough when researching genres, setting details, cultures, etc.

Step 4: Draw from your Experiences Besides researching, you can look back at your experiences for ways to bring a character, their dialogue, or the overall story to life.

Step 5: Read One of the best ways to grow as a writer is to explore what others in your genre are doing and understand the specific aspects of what you like or dislike in what you see.

International Creativity Month is a time to embrace your creative muse. If you were looking for a sign to pursue creative writing, here it is. Don’t wait for the perfect time or the right level of confidence to embark on the journey.

As a good friend once told me, “Anything worth doing is worth doing it scared.”

If you are unsure or anxious at the prospect of being a creative writer, The Word Count is here to help guide you because every word counts .

Do you want to learn more about the craft of creative writing? Subscribe to our blog today and get notified when our next post goes live!

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elements of creative writing

Creative Writing 101

You love to write and have been told you have a way with words. So you’ve decided to give writing a try—creative writing.

The problem is, you’re finding it tougher than you thought it would be.

You have a great story idea , but you’re not sure how to turn it into something people will read.

Don’t be discouraged—writing a compelling story can be grueling, even for veterans. Conflicting advice online may confuse you and make you want to quit before you start.

But you know more than you think. Stories saturate our lives.

We tell and hear stories every day in music, on television, in video games, in books, in movies, even in conversation.

  • What is Creative Writing?

Creative Writing is prose that tells a story featuring someone who wants something.

That person runs into trouble and begins an adventure, a journey, or a quest, faces obstacles, and is ultimately transformed—for the good or for the bad.

While Creative Writing can also educate and/or entertain, but it does its best work when it emotionally moves the reader.

  • Elements of Creative Writing

Writing a story is much like building a house.

You may have all the right tools and design ideas, but if your foundation isn’t solid, even the most beautiful structure won’t stand.

Most storytelling experts agree, these 7 key elements must exist in a story.

Plot (more on that below) is what happens in a story. Theme is why it happens.

Before you begin writing, determine why you want to tell your story.

What message do you wish to convey?  What will it teach the reader? 

Resist the urge to explicitly state your theme. Just tell the story, and let it make its own point.

Give your readers credit. Subtly weave your theme into the story and trust them to get it.

They may remember a great plot, but you want them thinking about your theme long after they’ve finished reading.

2. Characters

Every story needs believable characters who feel knowable.

In fiction, your main character is the protagonist, also known as the lead or hero/heroine.

The protagonist must have:

  • redeemable flaws
  • potentially heroic qualities that emerge in the climax
  • a character arc (he must be different, better, stronger by the end)

Resist the temptation to create a perfect lead. Perfect is boring. (Even Indiana Jones suffered a snake phobia.)

You also need an antagonist, the villain , who should be every bit as formidable and compelling as your hero.

Don’t make your bad guy bad just because he’s the bad guy. Make him a worthy foe by giving him motives for his actions.

Villains don’t see themselves as bad. They think they’re right! A fully rounded bad guy is much more realistic and memorable.

Depending on the length of your story , you may also need important orbital cast members.

For each character, ask:

  • What do they want?
  • What or who is keeping them from getting it?
  • What will they do about it?

The more challenges your characters face, the more relatable they are.

Much as in real life, the toughest challenges result in the most transformation.

Setting may include a location, time, or era, but it should also include how things look, smell, taste, feel, and sound.

Thoroughly research details about your setting so it informs your writing, but use those details as seasoning, not the main course. The main course is the story.

But, beware.

Agents and acquisitions editors tell me one of the biggest mistakes beginning writers make is feeling they must begin by describing the setting.

That’s important, don’t get me wrong. But a sure way to put readers to sleep is to promise a thrilling story on the cover—only to start with some variation of:

The house sat in a deep wood surrounded by…

Rather than describing your setting, subtly layer it into the story.

Show readers your setting. Don’t tell them. Description as a separate element slows your story to crawl.

By layering in what things look and feel and sound like you subtly register the setting in the theater of readers’ minds.

While they’re concentrating on the action, the dialogue , the tension , the drama, and conflict that keep them turning the pages, they’re also getting a look and feel for your setting.

4. Point of View

POV is more than which perspective you choose to tell your story: First Person ( I, me ), Second Person ( you, your ), or Third Person ( he, she, or it ).

Determine your perspective (POV) character for each scene—the one who serves as your camera and recorder—by deciding who has the most at stake. Who’s story is this?

The cardinal rule is that you’re limited to one perspective character per scene, but I prefer only one per chapter, and ideally one per novel.

Readers experience everything in your story from this character’s perspective.

For a more in-depth explanation of Voice and POV, read A Writer’s Guide to Point of View .

This is the sequence of events that make up a story —in short, what happens. It either compels your reader to keep turning pages or set the book aside.

A successful story answers:

  • What happens? (Plot)
  • What does it mean? (Theme: see above)

Writing coaches call various story structures by different names, but they’re all largely similar. All such structures include some variation of:

  • An inciting incident that changes everything
  • A series of crises that build tension
  • A resolution (or conclusion)

How effectively you create drama, intrigue, conflict, and tension, determines whether you can grab readers from the start and keep them to the end.

6. Conflict

This is the engine of fiction and crucial to effective nonfiction as well.

Readers crave conflict and what results from it.

If everything in your plot is going well and everyone is agreeing, you’ll quickly bore your reader—the cardinal sin of writing.

If two characters are chatting amicably and the scene feels flat (which it will), inject conflict. Have one say something that makes the other storm out, revealing a deep-seated rift.

Readers will stay with you to find out what it’s all about.

7. Resolution

Whether you’re an Outliner or a Pantser like me (one who writes by the seat of your pants), you must have an idea where your story is going.

How you expect the story to end should inform every scene and chapter. It may change, evolve, and grow as you and your characters do, but never leave it to chance.

Keep your lead character center stage to the very end. Everything he learns through all the complications you plunged him into should, in the end, allow him to rise to the occasion and succeed.

If you get near the end and something’s missing, don’t rush it. Give your ending a few days, even a few weeks if necessary.

Read through everything you’ve written. Take a long walk. Think about it. Sleep on it. Jot notes. Let your subconscious work. Play what-if games. Reach for the heart, and deliver a satisfying ending that resonates .

Give your readers a payoff for their investment by making it unforgettable.

  • 14 Types of Creative Writing 

Novels are fiction by definition. Lengths typically fall between 75,000 to 100,000 words. The author must create a story that can carry an entire book.

Novellas usually run between 10,000 and 40,000 words and typically follow a single character’s point of view. Otherwise, they tend to feature the structural and narrative elements of a full-length novel. Example: Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome.

Short Story

Short stories, including super short micro or flash fiction—which can be as short as just a few words, are usually between a thousand and five thousand words and thus must telescope the creative writing techniques and properties of a novel. This creative writing type gained popularity during the 19th century in literary magazines, and many such magazines still carry short stories.

Narrative Nonfiction

Also known as Creative Nonfiction, this form displays techniques and literary styles such as story and tone to convey emotion in nonfiction narratives. A common example is a personal essay.

Biographies capture the stories of individuals whose lives can provide a lesson to readers.


An autobiography is written by the author, about the author, following a chronological account of their life.

As opposed to an autobiography, a memoir emphasizes takeaway value to the reader and is thus theme-oriented. Readers should be able to see themselves in the anecdotes chosen to show life transformation. Creative writing techniques similar to those in a novel will bring the story to life.

Poets use traditional structures such as rhyme, rhythm, and subject matter to tell their stories. They can also experiment with prose-poetry or free verse.

Song lyrics

Song lyrics are another form of poetry, the aim being to tell a story in the fewest, most evocative words possible.

Speeches require creative writing to keep audiences engaged.

A blog is usually based on the writer’s own life and interests. The best ones tell stories readers relate to and interact with.

Journaling, usually intended for the author’s eyes only, can become, in essence, a creatively written diary.


Screenwriting is a form of scriptwriting specific to television shows, films, and other visual media. Screenwriting relies heavily on dialogue to tell a story, but not exclusively. The writer must include action and response takes.


Playwriting is a form of scriptwriting specific to theater productions, again relying heavily on dialogue and action. Playwriting also requires stage direction suggestions for lighting, sound, and actors.

  • 11 Creative Writing Tips

In How to Write a Novel , I cover each step of the writing process:

Come up with a great story idea .

That may sound obvious, but make sure it’s compelling enough to draw you back to the keyboard every day.

Determine whether you’re an Outliner or a Pantser or a Hybrid.

If you’re an Outliner, you prefer to map out everything before you start writing your novel.

If you’re a Pantser, you write by the seat of your pants, putting, as Stephen King advises, interesting characters in difficult situations and writing to find out what happens.

I cover both types and how to structure a novel here .

And though I’m primarily a Pantser, I never start writing a novel without an idea where I’m going — or think I’m going.

Create an unforgettable main character.

Resist the temptation to create a perfect character, even if it’s a superhero. Main characters must exhibit human flaws to make them relatable.

For more on character development, check out my blog posts Your Ultimate Guide to Character Development: 9 Steps to Creating Memorable Heroes , How to Create a Powerful Character Arc , and Character Motivation: How to Craft Realistic Characters .

Expand your idea into a plot.

Regardless of whether you’re a Panster or an Outliner, you need some semblance of a structure.

Dean Koontz calls this the Classic Story Structure (in his How to Write Best-Selling Fiction ):

  • Plunge the main character into terrible trouble
  • Everything the character does to get out of trouble makes things worse until…
  • All appears hopeless
  • The qualities the main character develops trying to fix the trouble make him heroic enough to succeed in the end

Conduct your research.

The best fiction must ironically feel believable.

You must research to add flavor and authenticity.

One caveat : Resist the urge to show off your research by loading your story with every esoteric fact you’ve learned. Add specifics the way you would season food. It enhances the experience, but it’s not the main course.

Choose your Voice and Point of View.

Point of View (POV) is more than simply deciding what voice to use:

First Person ( I, me ), Second Person ( you, your ), or Third Person ( he, she, or it ).

It also involves deciding who will be your perspective character, serving as your story’s camera.

The cardinal rule is one POV character per scene .

For a more in-depth explanation, read my post A Writer’s Guide to Point of View .

Start in medias res (in the midst of things).

Grab the reader by the throat on page one.

Avoid what’s called throat clearing—too much scene setting and description. Get to the good stuff—the guts of the story .

The goal of every sentence, in fact of every word , is to compel the reader to read the next.

Intensify your main character’s problems.

Do not give him a break. Remember, conflict is the engine of fiction.

(For more on conflict, read my post Internal and External Conflict: Tips for Creating Unforgettable Characters )

Your main character’s trouble should escalate with his every attempt to fix it.

Make the predicament appear hopeless.

You’ll be tempted to give your protagonist a break, invent an escape, or inject a miracle. Don’t do it!

This darkest, bleakest moment forces your hero to use every new skill and muscle gained through battling those obstacles.

The more hopeless the situation appears, the more powerful your climax will be.

Bring it all to a climax.

This is where your hero faces his toughest test yet. The stakes must be dire, the prospect of failure catastrophic.

The tension that has been building throughout crescendos during an ultimate confrontation, and all the major book-length setups are paid off.

Note: the climax is not the end. The real conclusion ties up loose ends and puts the journey into perspective.

Leave readers wholly satisfied.

A great ending :

  • Honors the reader for his investment of time and money.
  • Aims for the heart.
  • Keeps your hero on stage till the last word.

Don’t rush it.

A fully satisfying ending drops the curtain with a resounding thud.

  • More to Think About

1. Carry a writing pad, electronic or otherwise. I like the Moleskine™ notebook . 

Ideas can come at any moment. Record ideas for:

  • Anything that might expand your story

2. Start small. 

Take time to learn the craft and hone your skills on smaller projects before attempting to write a book . A book is not where you start; it’s where you arrive.

Journal. Write a newsletter. Start a blog. Write short stories . Submit articles to magazines, newspapers, or e-zines.

Take a night school or online course in journalism or creative writing. Attend a writers conference.

3. Keep perfectionism in its place. 

Reserve it for the editing and revision stage.

While writing, take off that perfectionist cap and just get the story down. At that stage, perfectionism is the enemy of progress.

  • Time to Get to Work

Few pleasures in life compare to getting lost in a great story.

Learn how to write creatively, and the characters you birth have the potential to live in readers’ hearts for years.

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What Are The Elements Of Creative Writing?

  • by Derek Bruce
  • August 9, 2022 January 7, 2023

What Are The Elements Of Creative Writing_featured image

Table of Contents

How to define creative writing

Creative writing is a process that involves writing to bring into being something that has never existed before. It is the act of producing something new.

Key takeaways about the literary devices in elements of creative writing

In all creative fiction the main character is crucial to the narrative structure , particularly strong if the first person is used. Creative nonfiction may or may not have a main character or hero. Either form could be in first or third person.

A common point between all forms of writing whether a personal essay or other creative work is the central theme . Fixing the them in place is the first step of a good creative writing course and is one of the basic creative writing techniques.

Other story elements work within the theme and setting to form the narrative craft designed to hold the attention of the target audience .

Any form of writing requires good grammar and basic writing skills, as well as good plot development and a logical sequence of events. Academic writing doesn’t need this and deals in the clear presentation of facts or the results of research papers .

An important literary element in all fictional worlds is rising and falling action, perhaps the story climax being the most important element of creative writing . Out of all the literary elements, a satisfying conclusion to a novel becomes a part of the reader’s personal experience and stays with them for a long time.

How do you do creative writing?

Creative writers work with ideas and imagination, with words made up on the spot.

Creative writing can be just as elaborate as creating an entire world for your story — but at it’s most basic level, creative writing involves creating characters and background settings to tell a simple story.

A well-structured creative writing work is made up of different elements. These elements determine the quality of the work and helps readers understand what is going on in a story. It is important to keep these elements in mind when writing your creative writing work .

Creative writing is a written work composed of several main elements for creating strong story structure.

  • Plot is the series of events.
  • Characters react to each other and plot events.
  • Characterization is how the characters are created to be realistic and authentic
  • Setting is where the events are mostly taking place.
  • Theme is the overall message the author wants to relate.

Video – Elements of creative writing

What are the main elements of creative writing?

Below are defining points about each element, as well as examples from some famous novels.

Plot – This is a summary of events that happen in a work. It reveals the main problem, who caused it, and details about how it may be resolved. A good plot will essentially have three parts.

Setting – A setting is where a work takes place. It is the background on which the characters are played out.

Setting shows us more about characters than it does about setting itself, because while some fiction might be set in New York City while others might be set in the Sahara desert, both stories have specific settings that help create an atmosphere or tone for the authors’ ideas.

Characters – Characters are people who appear in a work of literature or art. Characters must be able to act and think like humans, even if they are animals or mythical creatures like giants or dragons.

Characterization – Characterization is the process of making something appear real, such as a character who exists in a book or play.

Once the reader or audience can identify with a character, they are able to relate to that character. It is important to understand the broader outline of the text before you get too deep into writing.

Voice – Voice refers to whether a character is unique and unique in what they express, how they express it, and what this expression represents in their uniqueness.

Voice is a key element when creating a creative writing work because it makes the work different from other ones.

If characters in a piece of writing all express the same thing, it will sound either boring or monotonous. For this reason, you should make each character’s voice different and unique.

Theme – The theme is the central idea of a work of literature or art. It is an underlying feeling that unites the many parts of the work, and runs throughout it.

The theme may be moralistic (for example, “Greed is evil”) or it may be simply that beauty needs to be preserved through action (for example, “Beauty can’t survive alone”).

The Elements of Creative Writing

What creative writing means?

Creative writing is used to describe the act of writing something that has never been written before. It is the process of producing something new from imagination and thought, not solely from words made up on the spot .

Creative writers work with ideas and imagination, not words made up on the spot. Creative writing can be done either in a very detailed way or in a broad way.

A well-structured creative writing work is made up of different elements, which help readers understand what is going on in a story or how it’s being told.

What does creative writing mean?

What is creative writing and its purpose?

Creative writing is a form of written expression used by people to reveal their thoughts and feelings .

This is why creative writing includes more than just penning down thoughts. It involves thinking about different ways to make the story memorable, which means you should also think about your character’s voice and how that voice should sound like.

What kind of words should they use? Where do these words come from?

These are all aspects that should be considered when creating a story rather than just blindly spilling out the first thing that comes to mind when you start working on your creative piece.

What is an example of creative writing?

In the story, “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin, Edna Pontellier is a woman who is completely dissatisfied with her life. She married and had two children and became a housewife and she does not like what life has become.

As the story goes on, Edna starts to realize that she can do whatever she wants with her life, but feels constrained by social conventions.

This revelation occurs when Edna starts taking tea in the mornings at Madame Valmonde’s plantation while their conversation turns to relationships between men and women in marriage.

Edna speaks up during this conversation: “And women cease to be women,” said Mrs. Pontellier; “they seem like eunuchs.” “No,” replied Madame Valmonde, “they seem like angels.”

Edna feels like she becomes an entirely different person. She is slowly becoming suicidal throughout this story. Edna Pontellier is her creative writing name that she uses to try to be independent and break the social conventions that bind her.

However, when Madame Valmonde looks at Edna, she sees an angelic apparition because of all the flowered vines that entangle Edna’s body while sitting in the window of her bedroom.

The Higher Purpose of Creative Writing

What are the 4 forms of creative writing?

  • Poetry: a form of creative writing that uses rhythms and rhyme to create patterns and create meaning.
  • Short Story: a short work of prose fiction with a plot driven by incident and dialogue.
  • Novels: extensive, extended fictional narratives that can be divided into subgenres such as science fiction, dystopian novels, magical realism novels, etc.
  • Essays are written in response to particular events or ideas.

4 Different Forms of Creative Writing

What is the main element of creative writing

How do I start creative writing?

In order for you to start creative writing , you need to break from the normal perspective on life. It is essential that you stop seeing things as they are and start seeing them as they could be or as they should be.

In order to create a successful creative piece, it is also essential that your reader can understand your work on their own terms.

One way of doing this is through symbolism, which can help illustrate a more complex meaning behind what you are trying to say. It gives a sense of completeness by providing a familiar image or scene in the work.

8 Tips for Getting Started With Creative Writing

How can I improve my creative writing skills?

The first tip for how to improve your creative writing skills is to get feedback about your writing. This can be done by writing a draft and asking two friends, family members, or coworkers to review it before moving on with their revisions.

Another way of getting feedback that can help you improve is by joining a writers’ group. A writer’s group that provides input and even critiques for people’s pieces could give you great insight and suggestions on how to perfect your work.

What are some techniques in creative writing?

In creative writing, you will learn how to describe a scene in a way that will captivate the reader and make them feel like they are a part of the story.

There are different techniques for this that can be used when writing a scene from your story.

Description is one of the most important or prominent techniques that can be applied when describing a scene from your story. In order for your reader to get a vivid image of what you want them to see, you have to use specific wording and descriptive vocabulary words.

Descriptive words help paint a picture of what you want them to see in the mind’s eye.

What are the techniques used in creative writing?

What makes a good creative writer?

A good creative writer is someone who can stir up emotions and create conflicts within the story. A good creative writer is the one who can bring an imaginary world alive and make it seem like its happening right in front of you.

A good creative writer also has to be able to balance out contradictions, such as an interesting scene but not enough dialogue between characters.

What skills do you need to be a creative writer?

Being a good creative writer is difficult. There are many challenges that you will have to face in order to become a better creative writer . One of the challenges is overcoming fear.

Reading through your entire story and not being afraid to change it when it feels awkward can also help improve your skill as you go along.

You can even find editing classes in your area so that you can get feedback on how to improve your writing skills with examples, including writing exercises and critiques with guidance on where to improve your piece which is why finding assistance through an editing class is crucial if you hope to become a better writer sooner.

Creative Writing Skills: Do You Have Them All?

Why creative writing is important?

Creative writing is important because it helps people get to know themselves and their emotions , whether it be happiness or fear. Creative writing is an outlet for different thoughts and stories that need to be told, while also providing a new perspective on life.

Creative writing helps people open up to their emotions and share them with others in a way that they don’t normally do. It can allow them to live out some of the fantasies that they would like but may not feel comfortable with doing in real life. This is why creative writing is so therapeutic and can help people of all ages.

What are 7 elements of creative writing?

  • Character Development
  • Mood of Novel or Poem
  • Style of Writing/Language/Dialects used in the Piece, etc.

What are the four main elements of creative writing?

The four main elements of creative writing are plot, characters, setting and tone. There are many more elements that can be considered and some of the other main ones include characterization and characterization development, mood and style.

4 Elements of Great Short Stories

What is the purpose of a creative writing?

Creative writing can be used in many different ways, but it has one common goal: to express an individual’s thoughts and feelings in a way that is understandable to readers.

Creative writing can be used in any kind of writing, from novels to essays. It can help people feel more connected with others and with themselves. It can also help people share their feelings in a way that they don’t normally do.

Creative writers need to have their own style in order for them to express themselves properly without being too stiff or copy-pasting something they have heard on TV or heard on the radio.

What is the most important element in creative writing?

The most important element of creative writing is the mood. The mood is an elusive concept, but it’s important because it can change the way a piece comes across to readers. This includes the tone of a story and language used in a piece.

One thing that will make a piece more interesting would be if it contains a plot twist or has many twists throughout the narrative.

How many types of creative writing are there?

There are many types of creative writing . One type is poetry, which sometimes has strict rules for how to write it in order to make it easier to read.

Poetry is based on using images and sounds in order to evoke certain feelings or reactions in readers. Another type of writing that can be classified as creative writing would be a prose poem , which also uses imagery and sound effects but doesn’t follow any particular rules other than being a poem.

Creative writing can also be used for plays or movies because it helps the writer get into the character’s head and feel what they’re feeling, which can then transfer from reader to reader who might have a similar experience because the writer was able to successfully convey their thoughts onto paper.

What do you think is the essential element of creative writing?

What is rhetoric triangle?

A rhetorical triangle is a great way for people to learn how to present an argument in an effective manner. Presenting an argument is one of the first steps in thinking more critically about something, and this triangle provides three points on which the speaker can base their argument.

The three points are ethos, logos, and pathos.

Ethos goes after the credibility of the speaker or writer. This would be what kind of person they are professionally or personally that makes them qualified to speak about this subject.

Ethos helps establish some authority granted by their expertise, but it needs to be backed up with good evidence for things like experience or prior work history. This would also include credibility coming from other people who can vouch for him or her in the situation.

Credibility with logos is based on the logical argument that can be found, which helps to show why something is believable.

This is with good evidence for things like research, statistical data, or other documents used in an argument for why someone might believe in a certain idea or claim.

Logos is based on the logic in the argument. This would be what kind of reasoning someone uses when they are trying to prove something in order to get people to agree with their argument more easily.

This might include things like common sense, but it also has some more technical aspects of things like numbers or facts that could help support an idea or claim that needs some evidence before it can be believed.

Pathos would be based on the emotions and feelings in and outside of the argument that are brought up in support for it. This is when someone is using their own emotions or thoughts in order to get other people to agree with them.

Emotions like love , compassion, and passion help persuade someone when they can use these kinds of feelings to make an argument more convincing, but they will also lose credibility if there isn’t any evidence to back them up.

Understanding and Using Logos, Ethos, and Pathos

What are the 4 types of discourse?

There are four types of discourse: written, spoken, improvised, and broadcast. It is important to consider the type of discourse for different situations.

Written discourse is usually linear and has completed its point before continuing on to the next point.

This type of discourse can be considered more formal than other types because it follows the conventions of written language , which are typically more restrictive than spoken language’s conventions.

However, people can still use creative techniques in this form so that it engages readers without interrupting the flow of information. A trained writer might use punctuation or numbers to break up their argument into coherent parts with clear structure and logical progression between them.

Other forms used in written prose include dialogue or direct speech that must be distinguished from reports of speech which do not include speakers.

Spoken discourse is usually more fluid and can flow easily from one point to the next without a lot of transition. It also tends to use a more informal dialect with less structure and more irregularities in syntax.

This can sometimes cause problems in delivery. In addition, it is influenced by factors such as the setting of the discourse, the cultural context in which it takes place, and features of speakers or listeners that may affect how it is delivered or received.

Speakers may also use gestures that add meaning to their words, for instance when a politician points his finger at an audience during a speech to emphasize a point he is trying to make.

What are examples of narration?

Narrations generally use a first-person point of view and can be considered third-person narration . They might also be called stories or tales. It is also possible for narrations to take place in the past, present, or future.

The narration’s author may use a variety of writing styles and prose forms such as poetry, memoirs, literature or film scripts to narrate an event or story. Narration is generally considered a creative writing technique.

A Guide to All Types of Narration, With Examples

Resources relating to elements of creative writing:

The elements of creative writing – newberry library, essential elements of creative writing, what are the main elements of creative writing, how to get started with creative writing.

In conclusion, creative writing is the process of producing something new through writing and involves several key elements, including plot, setting, characters, characterization, voice, point of view, and theme.

These elements work together to create a strong story structure and engage the reader’s attention. It is important to pay attention to these elements and to have a clear understanding of the broader outline of the text before beginning the writing process.

Good grammar, basic writing skills, and a logical sequence of events are also important in creative writing, as is a satisfying conclusion that stays with the reader.

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2.2: Elements of Creative Nonfiction

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  • Heather Ringo & Athena Kashyap
  • City College of San Francisco via ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative

The main elements of creative nonfiction are setting, descriptive imagery, figurative language , plot , and character . The overarching element or requirement that distinguishes creative nonfiction from any other genre of writing is that while other literary genres can spring from the imagination, creative nonfiction is, by definition, true. As you complete the assigned readings in this chapter, keep track of the following elements as they arise in your readings: see if you can identify each of them. Learning these elements now will form a solid foundation for the rest of the class.

Each story has a setting. The setting is the place where the story takes place. Usually, an effective story establishes its setting early in the story: otherwise readers will have a difficult time visualizing the action of the story. Below is an example of how a writer might establish setting in a way which immerses the reader: by showing rather than telling.

Which of the above lakes would you want to visit? Which one paints a more immersive picture, making you feel like you are there? When writing a story, our initial instinct is usually to make a list of chronological moments: first I did this, then I did this, then I did that, it was neat-o. That might be factual, but it does not engage the reader or invite them into your world. It bores the reader. Ever been stuck listening to someone tell a story that seems like it will never end? It probably was someone telling you a story rather than using the five senses to immerse you . In the example above, the writer uses visual (sight), auditory (sound), olfactory (smell), tactile (touch), or gustatory (taste) imagery to help the reader picture the setting in their mind. By the final draft, the entire story should be compelling and richly detailed. While it's fine to have an outline or first draft that recounts the events of the story, the final draft should include dialogue, immersive description, plot twists, and metaphors to capture your reader's attention as you write.

an aquamarine alpine lake surrounded by trees with a snow-capped mountain in the background

"Eibsee Lake" by barnyz , 2 August 2011, published on Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Descriptive Imagery

You have probably encountered descriptive imagery before. Basically, it is the way the writer paints the scene, or image, in the mind of the reader. It usually involves descriptions of one or more of the five senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste. For example, how would you describe a lemon to a person who has never seen one before?

activity: describe a lemon

a lemon cut into slices

"Lemon" by André Karwath (2005) is licensed CC BY-SA 2.5

Imagine you are describing a lemon to someone who has never seen one before. How would you describe it using all five senses?

One might describe a lemon as yellow, sour-smelling and tasting, and with a smooth, bumpy skin. They might describe the sound of the lemon as a thump on the table if it is dropped, or squelching if it is squished underfoot. By painting a picture in the reader's mind, it immerses them in the story so that they feel they are actually there.

Figurative Language

As a counterpart to descriptive imagery, figurative language is using language in a surprising way to describe a literary moment. Figurative language can take the form of metaphor, such as saying "the lemon tree was heavy with innumerable miniature suns." Since the lemons are not actually suns, this is figurative. Figurative language can also take the form of simile: "aunt Becky's attitude was as sour as a lemon." By comparing an abstract concept (attitude) to an object (lemon), it imparts a feeling/meaning in a more interesting way.

Plot is one of the basic elements of every story: put simply, plot refers to the actual events that take place within the bounds of your narrative. Using our rhetorical situation vocabulary, we can identify “plot” as the primary subject of a descriptive personal narrative. Three related elements to consider are scope, sequence, and pacing.

The term scope refers to the boundaries of plot. Where and when does the story begin and end? What is its focus? What background information and details does the story require? I often think about narrative scope as the edges of a photograph: a photo, whether of a vast landscape or a microscopic organism, has boundaries. Those boundaries inform the viewer’s perception.

The way we determine scope varies based on rhetorical situation, but I can say generally that many developing writers struggle with a scope that is too broad: writers often find it challenging to zero in on the events that drive a story and prune out extraneous information.

Consider, as an example, how you might respond if your friend asked what you did last weekend. If you began with, “I woke up on Saturday morning, rolled over, checked my phone, fell back asleep, woke up, pulled my feet out from under the covers, put my feet on the floor, stood up, stretched…” then your friend might have stopped listening by the time you get to the really good stuff. Your scope is too broad, so you’re including details that distract or bore your reader. Instead, focus on the most exciting or meaningful moment(s) of your day: "I woke up face-down to the crunch of shattered glass underneath me. When I wobbled to my feet I realized I was in a large, marble room with large windows overlooking the flashing neon lights of the Las Vegas strip. I had no idea how I got there!" Readers can expect this story will focus on how the storyteller arrived in Las Vegas, and it is much more interesting than including every single detail of the day.

The sequence of your plot—the order of the events—will determine your reader’s experience. There are an infinite number of ways you might structure your story, and the shape of your story is worth deep consideration. Although the traditional forms for a narrative sequence are not your only options, let’s take a look at a few tried-and-true shapes your plot might take.

Freytag's Pyramid is in the public domain

Freytag's Pyramid: Chronological

A. Exposition : Here, you’re setting the scene, introducing characters, and preparing the reader for the journey.

B. Rising action : In this part, things start to happen. You (or your characters) encounter conflict, set out on a journey, meet people, etc.

C. Climax : This is the peak of the action, the main showdown, the central event toward which your story has been building.

D. Falling action : Now things start to wind down. You (or your characters) come away from the climactic experience changed—at the very least, you are wiser for having had that experience.

E. Resolution : Also known as dénouement, this is where all the loose ends get tied up. The central conflict has been resolved, and everything is back to normal, but perhaps a bit different.

In Medias Res

While Freytag's Pyramid tends to follow a linear or chronological structure, a story that begins in medias res begins in the middle of the action. In fact, the Latin translation for this term most literally means "in the middle of things." This is a more exciting way to start a story in that it grabs the readers' attention quickly.

There I was floating in the middle of the ocean, the sharks with laser beams attached to their heads circling hungrily, the red lights bouncing off of the floating disco ball upon which I clung to for dear life, when I thought back to the events which led to this horrifying situation...

The best In Medias Res beginnings make the reader go "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?" and want to continue reading. They will usually follow the following inversion of Freytag's Pyramid:

C. Climax : This is the peak of the action, the main showdown, the central event of the story where the conflict comes to a head. A. Exposition : Here, you’re setting the scene, introducing characters, and preparing the reader for the journey.

B. Rising action : In this part, things start to happen. You (or your characters) encounter conflict, set out on a journey, meet people, etc. C. Climax : the story briefly returns to the moment where it started, though usually not in a way which is redundant (not the exact same writing or details)

Nonlinear Narrative

A nonlinear narrative may be told in a series of flashbacks or vignettes. It might jump back and forth in time. Stories about trauma are often told in this fashion. If using this plot form, be sure to make clear to readers how/why the jumps in time are occurring. A writer might clarify jumps in time by adding time-stamps or dates or by using symbolic images to connect different vignettes.

While scope determines the boundaries of plot, and sequencing determines where the plot goes, pacing determines how quickly readers move through the story. In short, it is the amount of time you dedicate to describing each event in the story.

I include pacing with sequence because a change to one often influences the other. Put simply, pacing refers to the speed and fluidity with which a reader moves through your story. You can play with pacing by moving more quickly through events, or even by experimenting with sentence and paragraph length. Consider how the “flow” of the following examples differ:

A major requirement of any story is the use of characters. Characters bring life to the story. Keep in mind that while human characters are most frequently featured in stories, sometimes there are non-human characters in a story such as animals or even the environment itself. Consider, for example, the ways in which the desert itself might be considered a character in "Bajadas" by Francisco Cantú.


Whether a story is fiction or nonfiction, writers should spend some time thinking about characterization: the development of characters through actions, descriptions, and dialogue. Your audience will be more engaged with and sympathetic toward your narrative if they can vividly imagine the characters as real people.

Like setting description, characterization relies on specificity. Consider the following contrast in character descriptions:

How does the “cry-smile” detail enhance the characterization of the speaker’s parent?

To break it down to process, characterization can be accomplished in two ways:

  • Directly , through specific description of the character—What kind of clothes do they wear? What do they look, smell, sound like?—or,
  • Indirectly , through the behaviors, speech, and thoughts of the character—What kind of language, dialect, or register do they use? What is the tone, inflection, and timbre of their voice? How does their manner of speaking reflect their attitude toward the listener? How do their actions reflect their traits? What’s on their mind that they won’t share with the world?

Thinking through these questions will help you get a better understanding of each character (often including yourself!). You do not need to include all the details, but they should inform your description, dialogue, and narration.

Point of View

The position from which your story is told will help shape your reader’s experience, the language your narrator and characters use, and even the plot itself. You might recognize this from Dear White People Volume 1 or Arrested Development Season 4, both Netflix TV series. Typically, each episode in these seasons explores similar plot events, but from a different character’s perspective. Because of their unique vantage points, characters can tell different stories about the same realities.

This is, of course, true for our lives more generally. In addition to our differences in knowledge and experiences, we also interpret and understand events differently. In our writing, narrative position is informed by point-of-view and the emotional valences I refer to here as tone and mood.

point-of-view (POV): the perspective from which a story is told.

  • This is a grammatical phenomenon—i.e., it decides pronoun use—but, more importantly, it impacts tone, mood, scope, voice, and plot.

Although point-of-view will influence tone and mood, we can also consider what feelings we want to convey and inspire independently as part of our narrative position.

tone: the emotional register of the story’s language.

  • What emotional state does the narrator of the story (not the author, but the speaker) seem to be in? What emotions are you trying to imbue in your writing?

mood: the emotional register a reader experiences.

  • What emotions do you want your reader to experience? Are they the same feelings you experienced at the time?

A Non-Comprehensive Breakdown of POV

Typically, you will tell your story from the first-person point-of-view, but personal narratives can also be told from a different perspective; I recommend “Comatose Dreams” to illustrate this at work. As you’re developing and revising your writing, try to inhabit different authorial positions: What would change if you used the third person POV instead of first person? What different meanings would your reader find if you told this story with a different tone—bitter instead of nostalgic, proud rather than embarrassed, sarcastic rather than genuine?

Furthermore, there are many rhetorical situations that call for different POVs. (For instance, you may have noticed that this book uses the second-person very frequently.) So, as you evaluate which POV will be most effective for your current rhetorical situation, bear in mind that the same choice might inform your future writing.

dialogue: communication between two or more characters. For example...

"Hate to break it to you, but your story is boring."

"What? Why do you say that?" he stuttered as his face reddened.

"Because you did not include any dialogue," she laughed.

Think of the different conversations you’ve had today, with family, friends, or even classmates. Within each of those conversations, there were likely pre-established relationships that determined how you talked to each other: each is its own rhetorical situation. A dialogue with your friends, for example, may be far different from one with your family. These relationships can influence tone of voice, word choice (such as using slang, jargon, or lingo), what details we share, and even what language we speak.

Good dialogue often demonstrates the traits of a character or the relationship of characters. From reading or listening to how people talk to one another, we often infer the relationships they have. We can tell if they’re having an argument or conflict, if one is experiencing some internal conflict or trauma, if they’re friendly acquaintances or cold strangers, even how their emotional or professional attributes align or create opposition.

Often, dialogue does more than just one thing, which makes it a challenging tool to master. When dialogue isn’t doing more than one thing, it can feel flat or expositional, like a bad movie or TV show where everyone is saying their feelings or explaining what just happened. For example, there is a difference between “No thanks, I’m not hungry” and “I’ve told you, I’m not hungry.” The latter shows frustration, and hints at a previous conversation. Exposition can have a place in dialogue, but we should use it deliberately, with an awareness of how natural or unnatural it may sound. We should be aware how dialogue impacts the pacing of the narrative. Dialogue can be musical and create tempo, with either quick back and forth, or long drawn out pauses between two characters. Rhythm of a dialogue can also tell us about the characters’ relationship and emotions.

Contributors and Attributions

  • Adapted from "Chapter 2: Telling a Story" from EmpoWord by Shane Abrams, Chapter 2, licensed CC BY NC 4.0 by Portland State University

Fundamentals of Creative Writing

7 minutes reading time

A notebook, pen, and laptop

  • 03. Characters
  • 04. Setting
  • 05. Point-Of-View (POV)
  • 07. Dialogue
  • 09. Learn The Elements Of Creative Writing With An Accomplished Writer

Like any other form of writing, creative writing takes time to excel at. However, it may be complicated to grasp because of the layers that make up a good piece of creative work.

It demands a set of skills and elements combined to form valuable work. And an author cannot succeed in their creative writing career unless they use every aspect in their writing.

Therefore, if you wish to practice and master them, you should register for online creative writing courses .

In the meantime, here are the key elements of creative writing to brush up on:

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You might be thinking, what is creative writing , and how does it have themes? A theme isn't the plot of the story; instead, it is the fundamental message being passed on.

Themes are usually common narratives, which means readers can easily perceive the subject of the story regardless of the culture they belong to or the country they live in.

A few great themes for you to practice creative writing include:

  • Good vs. evil
  • Circle of life

While themes convey moralistic messages, they must never be openly instructive. This is known as didacticism – preaching a subject so openly that readers lose interest in the story and ignore its true meaning.

There may be primary and secondary themes in a story. And books for kids usually only have a single primary theme, which is the central message of the story.

However, books for older people might have more than one theme as adults are capable of greater understanding.

Furthermore, creative writing embraces two kinds of themes:

  • Explicit theme : A theme openly and directly stated
  • Implicit theme : An indirectly hinted or indicated theme

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A library stocked with books

Style in creative writing is defined as the kind of language used. A writer is responsible for creating a writing style as they put their words together to form a story.

Most story writers use a standard writing style. It might sound natural at first, but when you read it closely, you may realize that it is quite formal.

Utterances like "uh," are avoided, and the sentences are better tied together. Moreover, the use of contractions is also minimized. And as easy as it is to understand, it is nothing like conversational English.

Stories written in conversational style are informal as they sound like regular speech. The storyteller's part and the character's dialogues both sound like a normal conversation.

However, a decorative or unusual style of creative writing is used in historical fiction or extreme-fantasy novels.

Furthermore, the earlier editions of traditional English literature might have some examples of unusual writing styles.

But, unfortunately, old-age poetry also uses the same style, so it is pretty challenging to read and comprehend.

Log story short, authors use a various mix of styles to write captivating stories.

Character development is the most crucial element of creative writing! It is the element that explains your narrative to the readers and investigates your subject.

Yet, characters are more than that. They permanently reside in the memories due to the impact they make on the reader's mind.

Characters are often used to help the reader relate to the story. Readers connect themselves to the personalities in the novels they read, which creates a sense of intimacy.

Spending long hours thinking about the best possible character arcs is an essential element of composing fiction.

Any story holds two main types of characters:

  • Protagonists : The main character in the story's plot
  • Antagonist: The opposing force against the good character. This could also either be a person, civilization, nature, or destiny

Other characters in the story are considered side roles or minor roles. Therefore, they have little effect on the proceedings.

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A writer writing in her journal

The setting  involves the location and the era in which the story occurred, according to the writer.

However, it might not have as significant an impact on the story as other elements of creative writing have.

There are two types of settings in creative writing;

  • Integral setting is crucial and relevant to the plot as it inspires the kind of activities, characters, or subject that any other location could not have
  • Background setting, on the other hand, is comparatively less plot-pertinent. We can say that it plays the role of a bland curtain or regular scenery set in a theater

However, it depends on the readers to interpret the setting as they like. For instance, if the story should occur in a vast city, it could be considered an integral setting. This is better explained in these tips .

But other readers might perceive the same location differently because the story could occur in any city according to them.

The setting is still an essential element of creative writing as it simplifies conflict, highlights characters, and influences moods.

Furthermore, if the conflict is "human against nature" then, the setting can play the antagonist's role in the story.

Point-Of-View (POV)

Point of view is the storyteller's perception of the characters and events. In fictional stories, it is either shared by using a first person or third person speech.

The first-person point of view is always a self-witnessed opinion by the author, while the third-person point of view helps describe the events happening to other characters.

A plot is an artistic tool used by writers to structure the events in a story . It is the responsibility of the plot to introduce an occasion, event, or defining moment .

Then, this moment may lead to tension, struggle and bring up the primary narrative in the book. The plot always leads to a series of events that are associated with unlocking the dramatic mystery.

Often, it may also involve a conflict, which is usually the main fight between the protagonist and antagonist.

Either way, it is supposed to be a life-altering event for the protagonist as they either defeat their fears, foes, or inhibitions.

Meanwhile, the beginning of any story holds incredible worth. It needs to:

  • Catch the reader's interest
  • Define the characters
  • Lay the setting
  • Materialize the conflict mentioned above

Moreover, the beginning also weaves into the eventual plot of the story. This plot also ends up developing towards the ending of the story.

This is how a plot focuses on maintaining the reader's attention throughout the story. The goal is that the story leaves the reader with a feeling of fulfillment and content.

Another valuable element of creative writing is creating natural scenes. To compose great scenes in your tale, you must already be able to visualize them.

A writer needs to realize what their scenes will be about and what they want the characters to say – the dialogue!

Dialogues are not just about what the characters say; it is also about what they wear and where they reside.

A good writer figures these details out beforehand. However, if you are just beginning your creative writing career , you should focus on the following questions to comprise a great dialogue:

  • What details is your audience to be told?
  • Is there any information you can skip without hurting the quality of your piece?

Details are good; they allow the reader to imagine and see the writer's story practically. But adding unnecessary amounts of irrelevant information can curtail your writing progress.

This might also bore your readers and make them lose interest. Remember, the dialogue and scenes should always be moving towards the climax.

The last question you should consider is how you will compose your dialogue. If you wish to learn how to be a good composer, you must focus on your dialogues' tempo, sound, and fluency.

A collection of books laid out open

The tone is the most crucial element of creative writing as it sets a connection between the reader and the writer.

It can be described as the attitude displayed by the writer towards their subject of writing. To put it simply, the tone is the gravitas that you, as a reader, get from the author's writing.

You may have noticed that it is pretty difficult to describe the concept of tone. This is because the tone is the toughest creative writing element – it is easy to identify but harder to put into words.

Authors use various tones in their novels; however, humor is the easiest one to identify. Therefore, if you are trying to describe the style of your writing to a friend or professor, you should use adjectives like:

  • Straight-forward
  • Suspenseful

Learn The Elements Of Creative Writing With An Accomplished Writer

This might have provided you with a detailed understanding of the elements of creative writing.

However, if you wish to practice, learn and improve your writing, sign up with Superprof for the best creative writing classes.

Superprof is a platform where teachers and students can find each other. Enter your preferences and choose from a list of experienced professionals in your area.

You may find someone who will offer a free first lesson alongside flexible class schedules and creative writing guides .

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  • What are the main elements of creative writing?
  • Self Publishing Guide

What are the main elements of creative writing?

As the name implies, creative writing is a type of writing that extends beyond the traditional boundaries of normal, professional, academic, or technical writing.

Instead, it encompasses a wide range of genres and styles in both fiction and nonfiction writing, including storytelling, playwriting, poetry, prose, journalism, and more.

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Though the definition is somewhat ambiguous, creative writing is generally defined as any type of writing that is original and expressive of oneself. It is usually distinguished by an emphasis on narrative craft, with an emphasis on elements such as character development, narrative, and plot, infusing its structure with imagination, invention, and story.

In this sense, creative writing can be defined as any writing of contemporary, original composition that is not bound by standard conventions and employs a wide range of elements in its craft. 

In an academic setting, creative writing classes are usually divided into fiction, poetry, or scriptwriting, with a focus on writing in an original style that is not defined by pre-existing structures and genres.

Here’s the list of top 9 elements of creative writing-

  • Point of views

• Character

Characters  are essential in creative writing. While it is possible to write a book creatively in the second person, you must still develop the character in order to tell the story. Character development is the discovery of who a character is and how they change throughout the course of your story. Readers should be able to fully comprehend your main characters from beginning to end.

Characters are either round or flat, or dynamic or static.

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Flat characters are two-dimensional in the sense that they are simple. Round characters, on the other hand, are multifaceted beings with many diverse traits that evolve, sometimes to the surprise of the reader.

Dynamic characters  fluctuate during the plot, whereas static characters remain the same throughout.

• Dialogues

Your characters can only be explained to an extent – to make your story more dynamic, the need of  dialogues  is abundant.  Dialogues  help people know the varieties of emotion in which the writer would convey certain sentences through a dialogues; also, it sets the characters’ personalities strongly.

• Narration

The  narration  helps you understand what all is happening together. Writing the scenes itself, the flesh of the world you’re building, is another important aspect of fiction writing.

Knowing what needs to be communicated is one of the most crucial writing methods in this. What are the folks wearing, and where are they from? What information does your target audience require? What can you omit without causing harm? A lot of unnecessary information slows down the pace of your piece.

The literary element setting involves the historical moment in time and geographic area in which a story takes place, and it helps create the main backdrop and mood for a story.  Setting  has been referred to as narrative world or milieu to incorporate a backdrop (particularly society) outside of the story’s immediate surroundings.  Setting elements  may include culture, historical period, location, and time. Setting, along with story, character, topic, and style, is regarded as a key component of fiction.

• Structure

Will you compose an ode or a sonnet, a ballad, a novel, a short tale, or a limerick? And, once you’ve made that decision, how do you deal with the particularities of these forms? Furthermore, how and why did you make that decision? The spacing, paragraph, or verse  structure  all contribute to the reader’s aesthetic experience. The  structure of your text  is the font play to display emphasis, distinct elements, or changes in different features.

Creating  conflict  is the cornerstone to effective narrative. The  conflict in a story  is established by the writer soon after the main character is introduced. Conflict is the catalyst for action and the beginning of a story. Every writer should understand how to create interesting conflict.

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You can use six different sorts of conflict to move your story:

  • Character vs. self
  • Character vs. character
  • Character vs. society
  • Character vs. supernatural
  • Character vs. technology
  • Character vs. nature

What distinguishes creative writing from other types of writing is that the former always includes a  plot  of some kind – and a distinctive one. Yes, remakes are called  creative writing ; but, the majority of creative writers build their own plot based on their own unique ideas. There is no story without a storyline.

• Point of Views

You can express yourself in a variety of ways. However, the two most prevalent in creative writing are first person and third person.

  • First Person – The narrator is the major character in this  point of view . This means that you will read sections beginning with “I” and recognize that the primary character is narrating the story.
  • Second Person – This point of view is most typically employed in educational writing, such as this blog post, rather than creative writing. It’s  second person point of view  when you see the word “you” and the narrator is speaking directly to you.
  • Third Person – There are several versions of this  point of view . Third person limited, third person many, and third person omniscient are all options. The first is commonly encountered. When speaking about the character you’re following, the narrator in third person limited uses “he/she/they.” Nobody else knows that character’s inner thoughts and feelings. It’s similar to first person, but instead of the character delivering the story, a narrator does. Third person multiple is similar to limited in that the narrator now knows various characters’ inner thoughts and feelings. The last form, third person omniscient, occurs when the narrator continues to use “he/she/they” but has complete knowledge. They know everything there is to know about everyone.

While non-creative writing can include conversation (as in interviews), it is not employed in the same manner that creative writing does. Aside from silent films, creative writing requires language to reinforce the tale.

A  theme  is the central topic of a piece in contemporary literary studies. The most popular modern definition of theme is an idea or point fundamental to a story that can often be summed up in a single word (e.g. love, death, betrayal). A story can have multiple themes.  Themes , which are usually inferred rather than addressed openly, frequently examine historically widespread or cross-culturally recognizable topics, such as ethical problems.

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These elements are the soul of your story. Keeping them all in will help you create an enigmatic and alluring story that compels the readers to read your book.

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