The 10 Best Websites to Find Academic Writing Jobs

Looking for a job in academic writing? These websites round up the best job opportunities around the world for you.

If you're a student looking for some extra dough, academic writing is one of the best ways to encash your skills. At the same time, it enhances your knowledge and helps you grow as a learner. In fact, it's not just for students; you can do it full-time if you are a professional writer.

Having the freedom to work from home, at your own pace, and having opportunities to grow are just a few perks of this job. So, if you are ready to delve deeper, let's look at ten great websites for finding academic writing jobs.

1. WritingCreek

WritingCreek is one of the best academic writing sites to work with if you are a beginner. It has a simple and free-of-cost hiring process, which usually takes 24 to 48 hours to complete. Once the team approves your account, you can start bidding and earning straight away. It offers a rate of $4.00 per page to beginners and up to $12.00 to experts.

The site lets you choose the subjects you are proficient in and has a regular stream of academic tasks with short and long deadlines. WritingCreek gives you the liberty to choose your tasks and work at your own pace, and its support team is always available for a live chat whenever you need them.

It also helps you enhance your skills as its in-house editors give feedback on the papers accepted by the client, offering useful tips for improvement. WritingCreek usually pays twice a month through different payment methods like Payoneer and PayPal without deducting any extra charges. You can also check out these technical writing jobs if you have the expertise.

2. EssayShark

You can get started on EssayShark within a week after taking and passing its test. If you are a college student and have solid writing skills, this platform can help you earn a decent amount to aid you in your studies. The site lets you bid on papers that fall under your subject area.

You can choose your preferred subjects in advance to get relevant tasks and can chat with the customers directly to discuss the details of the paper. EssayShark pays you twice a month, and along with the pay, it also offers bonuses and rewards if the customers give you good ratings because of your timely submissions and high-quality work.


Being among the top academic writing websites, this platform targets professional-level writers and researchers to work for them. It usually takes 24 to 48 hours to review your application, and once approved, you can start working immediately. The site gets projects from all around the world and has a constant flow of work. It also offers 24/7 support to help you with any issues that you might face.

In addition, offers job promotions based on your performance, leading to status improvement and increased pay rates. It also has proofreading, editing, and presentation-related tasks, along with academic paper writing. Also, check out these great smartphone apps for freelance writers .

4. LancerHop

LancerHop provides you with multiple fields to work in. It hires academic writers, web developers, editing experts, web content writers, copywriters, editing experts, and bloggers. The hiring process is similar to that of other academic writing websites, where you need to create a profile, and after passing the test, you can start working.

It creates a dashboard where the system assigns you tasks. All of your information regarding payment, task completion, and editing is available on the dashboard. The platform allows you to set flexible timings for your work by choosing from different time zones and also flexible working days like weekdays only.

5. Academia Research

Academia Research offers you decent pay rates and career growth opportunities in the academic writing field. The registration process requires a test to get selected. Once the team approves your account, you start at a General level, where the pay is $3.00 per page for high school and college level papers.

You can move on to Advanced, Premium, and First Class levels to get paid $2.00 per page for master's and Ph.D. level papers. The site has a variety of tasks with flexible deadlines related to different subjects and education levels. It pays you twice a month through the payment method of your choice.

6. Essay Service

This platform provides you with an easy-to-use website with a mobile-friendly interface to let you access your account from anywhere. Moreover, it has an efficient system for competitive bidding that also offers a price negotiation facility.

Essay Service helps you build a career and a network, and you can share your professional portfolio with your clients and other contacts, helping you expand your customer base in the process. You also get a 24/7 online support system to guide you at each step.

You can withdraw money every 48 hours through Skrill or wire transfer. In addition, it lets you stay connected through SMS, email, and push notifications without needing to go online.

7. Writers Labs

Writers Labs provides you with a variety of opportunities, including academic writing, article writing, and essay writing. Its pay rates are pretty decent, varying from $5.00 to $26.00 for one page, and it also offers a 2% to 4% bonus on high efficiency.

You get a list of tasks on the site and can choose from those tasks based on your preference and availability. In addition, its support team is there to guide you through the process to help you get started. Check out these ways to source clients as a freelance writer .

8. Write My Essay Online

Write My Essay Online is a platform suitable for both academic writing beginners and experts. The website has a regular influx of tasks and helps you get assignments in the areas of your interest.

Registration on this website is free, much like on most sites on this list, and it has flexible work timing, allowing you to choose your projects as per your desire. Through bidding, you can decide your own rates and get paid twice a month.

9. Academic Minds

Academic Minds provides numerous services to help you unleash your academic writing potential. You have the option of taking up multiple roles, like tutoring, marking work, writing essays and dissertations, and editing. The website is UK based and helps international students in excelling in their academic tasks.

You can start bidding once your account is completely set up, and there is a potential to earn as much as $4000.00 per month through dissertations and tutoring. You can also showcase your online writing portfolio on these free platforms .

10. WriterBay

WriterBay provides you with projects and assignments in numerous fields. It has a free lifetime membership that offers a platform where you can get long-term work.

After registering with WriterBay, you can manage the workload at your own pace. In addition, it offers competitive pay and opportunities for personal growth. Most of its services are similar to those offered by other sites on this list.

Find Your Next Academic Job Through These Sites

Academic writing jobs provide a valuable opportunity for learning and growth. It is a huge field of work that allows you to earn and grow in your career.

Most of the websites shared above help you earn well and offer flexible timings for easier management. You can choose one or more of these sites to move forward while enjoying the rewards from the comfort of your home.

Logo for Dr Anna Clemens PhD who teaches scientific writing courses for researchers

19 Academic Writing Tools (that are completely free!)

19 Academic Writing Tools (that are completely free!)

A selection of tools for academic writing – from collaborating, time-tracking and project management to finding the perfect phrase or translation. We are continuously updating this list (latest update: April 2023).

I often get asked about my favourite academic writing tools. That’s why I compiled this scientific tools list for you with 19 great tools to support your academic writing. You can use all these scientific research tools for free and some of them have paid versions with additional features.

Just one word of caution: Exploring new academic writing tools can be a time-suck and distract you from getting your actual writing done. If you are one of those people who spend hours signing up for new software for academic writing and getting it set up, only to abandon the tool a few days or weeks later – then be careful reading this scientific tools list, and don’t get overenthusiastic. 😉

By the way, I don’t have any affiliation with any of the academic writing tools listed below, and none of these are affiliated links.

Here, we go, 19 tools for academic writing and scientific research I recommend in no particular order:

ACADEMIC Writing tools

1. writefull.

This proof-reading tool for scientific texts is powered by AI and big data. You can integrate the Writefull app into Word or Overleaf for free. A reader of the blog brought my attention to this tool (thank you so much!) and I’ve only recently started using it, so I can’t give you a full-blown review just yet but so far the results are promising. Writefull is owned by Digital Science, a company that has released several Open Science apps, such as figshare, Overleaf and Altmetric. 

2. Phrasebank

Created by Dr John Morley from “The University Language Center” of Manchester University, the Phrasebank is a database of common phrases used in papers, dissertations and grant proposals – a real goldmine!

The phrases are organised both by the common sections in a paper such as the Introduction, Methods, Results or Discussion section. For example, in the tab for the Introduction section, one can find entries for “establishing the importance of the topic for the world or society” or “identifying a knowledge gap in the field of study”. If you click on the latter, you can find among others the following suggested phrases: “It is still unclear whether…”, “However, the behaviour of X has not yet been investigated” and “Causal factors leading to X remain speculative”.

You can also look for phrases by choosing a general language function. Some of the choices are “being cautious”, “describing trends”, “signalling transition”.   

The Phrasebank is very useful to get inspiration for new wording but I do not endorse all entries. Sometimes you find language that is a bit clunky or overly complicated so do use your own judgement when you browse this academic writing tool. PS: You can also download the Academic Phrasebank as PDF or Kindle file.


If you’re looking for synonyms, is the best online thesaurus I’ve found so far. It divides the synonyms based on different meanings of the word and indicates the relevance of the synonym by using three shades of orange.

Just one word of caution: Don’t fall into the trap of using too many synonyms in your academic writing. Being precise is so much more important than varying the words you are using in your writing. In particular for field-specific terminology, I advise against using synonyms .

This is a hot tip for researchers who need to transcribe interviews (hello, social scientists!), who like to record research ideas or those who like to write by dictating text into their phone. Otter is an AI-based transcription tool that works for English language recordings. The quality of the transcriptions is comparable to other transcription services using AI, meaning they are often not accurate and can give nonsensical, even comical results — especially when the recorded voice has a strong or unusual accent. Still, the automated and quick transcriptions (real time transcriptions are available too!) can be a good starting point and are a huge time saver. What’s cool about Otter compared to its competitors is that they give you 300 minutes of transcriptions per month for free!

There are many online dictionaries but Linguee is my favourite for academic writing. It suggests a translation on the basis of previous translations published on the internet.  Therefore, this dictionary is especially great if you’re looking to not only translate a word but a certain turn of phrase or idiom. Linguee translates to and from English in over 20 languages. An essential academic writing tool for all non-native English speakers!


6. authorea.

The magazine “ TechCrunch ” describes Authorea as “a Google Docs for scientists”. On the academic writing platform, you can write, edit, and insert citations, figures and data. And it’s great for collaborative writing: Co-authors can access the same text at the same time, track the changes they made, insert comments and even live-chat during writing sessions. Documents can be imported from LaTeX and Word and exported as LaTeX, Word and PDF documents. You can also submit your article as a bioRxiv preprint straight from the Authorea platform. This software for academic writing is free for up to ten documents with limited sharing options.

7. Overleaf

Overleaf is to LaTeX users, what Authorea (see tool #6) is to Word users: an online editor that allows you to access and collaborate on your writing projects from anywhere. You can, for example, invite others to comment on your work. Overleaf offers some other neat collaborative writing features, such as a track-changes function, but – unfortunately – only on the paid plan. LaTeX may seem a bit intimidating at first but you actually get the hang of it quite fast (and feel like a coder 😎). Also, in my experience, you save a lot of time formatting your text (and feel smug about it when you talk to Word users 😁).

Slack is a chat tool that you can use in your lab or with your collaborators. Used in the right way, it allows you to save time by cutting down on emails and create a group atmosphere even if the members are not working in the same location. You can easily add files to the chats and create different channels for subgroups or certain topics. There also exist virtual communities on Slack you can join, such as the New PI Slack community for Assistant professors around the world. 

Loom is a great scientific research tool when you want to share a quick video with a colleague, student or collaborator. This could be a recorded presentation or lecture, your comments on the paper of a co-author, or a tutorial on using a piece of software. You can record your screen, camera and microphone. The neat thing is that after you’re done recording, Loom auto-generates a link you can share.

Academic writing tools for Productivity and project management

Toggl is a time-tracking app that you can install on your phone and computer. There’s only one way of knowing how long certain writing tasks typically take you, and that is by tracking the time they took you to complete . Time-tracking has another great advantage: You can identify time-sucks in your day. And these may be less obvious than you think.

I like to use Toggl for time-tracking because it’s quick to use and integrates with various other scientific research tools I am using. You just need to click the big red power button to start or stop a recording and assign tracked times to different projects. This scientific research tool has paid plans but for most people the free basic plan will be sufficient.

Are you easily tempted to check your phone when you really should be writing? This app called Forest may be just right for you then. Once installed on your phone, you can start planting a virtual tree whenever you want to focus. It grows from a little plant to a full-grown tree. When you pick up your phone and leave the app, the tree dies. This way, you can build your forest representing the time you have spent on focused work (or quality time with your family and friends…). I’m not using Forest myself, but I’ve heard that it works really as an academic writing tool well for some people. Give it a go!  

12. Focusmate

As Forest (see tool #11), Focusmate is an app to help you stay focused. Instead of  gamification, the concept of Focusmate is based on social accountability. Here is how it works: You schedule a 50-minute virtual co-writing session with another Focusmate member, turn on your webcam when your session starts, greet your temporary co-worker and then get to work silently.

Even though being filmed while working is a little strange in the beginning, co-writing sessions work really well for a lot of researchers. This is why we offer co-writing sessions as part of our academic writing program, the Researchers’ Writing Academy, as well.

13. Cold Turkey

If Forest (tool #11) or Focusmate (#12) don’t get you to focus on your writing, you may need to go Cold Turkey . This software for academic writing blocks any other application and turns your computer into a typewriter. You can choose whether you want Cold Turkey to prevent you from digital distractions for a certain amount of time or until you’ve hit a certain word count. With the paid version, you can even access integrated productivity soundtracks and text formatting.

Free writing training by the author of the blog post about free writing tools

Not an app exactly, but free as well: Click the orange button below to have me walk you through my step-by-step system to write clear & concise papers for your target journals in a timely manner . This free academic writing training is perfect for you if you’re reading this blog post because you are procrastinating on writing your paper.

Trello is an excellent project management tool for your academic writing, which you can use for managing each of your writing projects, for creating a publication pipeline and as a daily and weekly to-do list. Trello is a great introduction into project management because it’s a lot easier to learn and use than most other project management software. For each project called a “Board”, you can create different “lists”, which are vertical collection of “cards”, which you can move between lists. You can add due dates, checklist lists, links, files and text to each card. To work collaboratively, you can leave comments on cards and assign them to members on your team. You can also use Trello as a brainstorming tool, using the cards just as you would use post-it notes.

Members of my online course, the Researchers’ Writing Academy , get access to Trello templates I created to easily manage their publication pipeline, the writing process for each of their scientific papers and all of their other daily, weekly and monthly tasks and projects.

15. Todoist

Todoist is an alternative to Trello (see tool #16) or can be used in addition. It’s an online to-do list organiser and project management tool that comes as an app and browser version. You can organise your tasks in projects and schedule them for a certain day. This academic writing tool shows you today’s tasks as well as those for the next seven days. It also tracks your productivity, i.e. how many tasks you have completed.

academic writing Tools for finding and reading the literature

Feedly is a neat RSS feed manager that helps you stay up to date with the scientific literature. Instead of getting email alerts from journals (because who wants to get more emails…) you can view and organise the literature you are interested in by following journals’ RSS feeds. You can not only use this for scientific literature but also subscribe to blogs, for example the one you’re reading right now, by simply putting the URL in the Feedly search: .

Are you a mindmapper? Then you need Xmind , a free mindmapping and brain-storming tool. It’s intuitive, looks good and does exactly what you want a mindmapping tool to do. The free version allows for embedding of hyperlinks, images, attachments, so you can really use it however you like! That’s all I can really say about it as I’m not using mindmapping myself. But I know scientists who swear by it!

18. Audemic

Audio formats have become so popular (I’m a big podcast lover myself!) so it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that there now is an audio tool available for the scientific literature too: Audemic . This tool — completely free to use for individual researchers — creates summaries for you (that go beyond the abstract), lets you skip sections, highlight text and take notes while listening.

There are a few reference managers for your academic writing to choose from, some of which cost money. Zotero is free, open-source and doesn’t lack in functionality. You can easily save references from your browser, organise them in folders and with tags and create bibliographies with the right style. You can also create a citation library with your co-authors or share your library with others.

That’s it: 19 academic writing apps and scientific research tools to support your writing for free! However, the best academic writing software won’t make you more productive if you don’t rely on a streamlined writing process and if you aren’t using your writing sessions effectively. If you want to get your hands on a template to write scientific papers in a systematic fashion, sign up for this 1-hour writing training now. It’s free too!

Free writing training that goes beyond writing tools

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Photography by Alice Dix

SCI Journal

11 Best Academic Writing Tools For Researchers

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Best Academic Writing Tools

For many people, the academic writing process can be a daunting and exhausting experience. Papers and reports can take hours or days to complete and require intense dedication to perfect. However, there are tools that can make the process much easier for those who need them most. 

If you find yourself struggling with long-form writing projects, these tools will help you work smarter instead of harder. 

This article is organized into roughly 3 stages of writing:

  • Writing and editing a draft 
  • Rewording/ Paraphrasing
  • Organizing the manuscript

Table of Contents

I. Best Writing Software for Researchers 

#1. jasper (formerly jarvis) – game-changing ai writing bot.

best academic writing websites

Jasper is a clever AI that can help you with different parts of your writing. Jasper can identify the core argument in your writing and will provide an outline, create a title, and offer to write introductions and conclusions.

This tool is relatively new. And, I have become a heavy user. I can see how this tool will be VERY useful for knowledge work like professors and researchers. It takes a bit of a learning curve to master the tool. But, it’s absolutely worth it.

We recently negotiated a deal for our readers to get 10,000 words for free. You can grab it here.

But, let me say this first: this tool is great if you know when and how to use it (like most tools really…). And, no, this AI won’t replace you, yet… Your role as the researcher is to guide the AI. Be clear about the central thesis, arguments, and guide it through the process.  

Here is the deep dive review article on Jasper .

  • The writing document comes with the basic editing functions e.g.., Grammar, Rephrase, and Explain-it-to-5th-grade
  • Great tool for writing a cover letter or email to editors that show a bit of your personality (e.g., using its tone of voice function
  • Help you promote your work on social media with the “Quora Answers” template
  • Help you do polls and surveys with the “Poll Questions & Multiple Choice Answers” template
  • Help you write an opening paragraph of a press release that people will want to read “Press Release Title” Template
  • Flexible pay-as-you-go. To start with, Jarvis gives you some credits (5,000 in my case) for free. So, test Jarvis and pay for what you use
  • This tool is not ready yet to stand on its own. As I said, you will need to guide it through the process, so you will have to be more involved than with some other tools.
  • It does take a bit of learning like using a typewriter when most people are still using pen and paper. (Eventually, most people use a keyword to type. And, I believe it’s only a matter of time until most people realize they can do more and better with AI…)
  • Unused credits are not allowed to carry over to the next month. I wish it’s more like the Audible model, where you can save up the credit later on. 
  • The paraphrasing function only works for a short paragraph (<30 words) and often misses quite a lot of points once word count exceeds that

Update: Jasper is giving a one-off 10,000 words for free for five days to our readers. Check it out before it expires.

#2. ProWritingAid – Your paper enhancer before submission

best academic writing websites

As someone who works in academia, I understand the importance of producing quality writing that is clear, concise, and accurate. That’s why I love using ProWritingAid, an AI-powered writing tool that helps me perfect my work before submission.

The rephrasing tool allows me to improve any sentence in just a few clicks. The AI-powered grammar checker catches even the trickiest mistakes, ensuring my ideas shine without any easy-to-miss errors.

The learning tool for students provides in-depth analysis to get work publish-ready. ProWritingAid’s analytical language goals and power verb suggestions help me write professionally without sacrificing readability.

I would suggest you test this tool out using its guaranteed refund for 14 days.

One of the things I love is its unique 20 reporting functions from ProWritingAid (see image below), especially the Sticky, Overused, Pronouns, and Alliteration.

Overall, ProWritingAid is a powerful tool that can help you produce quality writing quickly and efficiently.

best academic writing websites

  • Comprehensive grammar checker that can catch and fix even the trickiest issues
  • Offers a rephrasing tool that allows you to improve any sentence in just a few clicks
  • Learning tool for students that provides in-depth analysis to get your work publish-ready
  • Analytical language goals and power verb suggestions to help you write clearly, concisely, and accurately
  • Can be used by both students and professionals for all types of academic writing
  • The free version has limitations, and you need to upgrade to access all features
  • While I love the detailed report feature, some users may find these functions overwhelming at first 
  • Can be time-consuming to use for long documents or research papers as this is not designed with the paper organization in mind

#3. Trinka – Designed for Academic and Technical writing

best academic writing websites

Trinka is an AI-powered English grammar and plagiarism checker, which we have covered in this article . It also doubles as a language enrichment writing assistant.

We have been testing Trinka recently and fell in love with it. Trinka is founded by Enago, an established academic service provider. So, they are well-versed in the needs of academic papers or technical writing. 

Using real-time writing recommendations, Trinka corrects contextual spelling problems and sophisticated grammatical issues.

It aids academics and professionals in ensuring that their writing is clear, succinct, and interesting.

Below is a comparison of its performance against Grammarly from a Trinka whitepaper. Trinka wins in Domain, Usage, and Style.

best academic writing websites

We are also delighted to see its Publication Readiness feature included in the free plan. If you have issues with publishing your paper, chances are something is wrong with your manuscript. This Publication Readiness Checker may just be that difference maker.

  • More suited for academic and technical writing 
  • Consistency Check that’s made for scientific writing
  • Publication readiness check is a lifesaver (included in the free plan!)
  • Flexible – credit-based pricing. Free-credits every month
  • No desktop or mobile app
  • Free version limits word count to 10,000 words/month

#4. Hemingway Editor – free and powerful

best academic writing websites

Hemingway Editor is one of my favorite writing tools. It helps you to simplify your writing. And, it’s free and easy to use.

It highlights problems with your writing based on the idea that dense, complex sentences are hard to understand. The program takes these long, winding sentences and breaks them into chunks with periods in between. 

This makes it easy to see where you can cut out unnecessary words or phrases. You can also use the Hemingway Editor mobile app, which is available for free on iOS devices!

  • Helps you spot your prose’s pitfalls, e.g., passive voice and convoluted sentence structure
  • Free tool that also checks grammar
  • Software can be downloaded so you can access it without the internet
  • Aids in finding alternatives for difficult sentences
  • Can make a large difference to the clarity of your writing
  • Helps improve reading comprehension and understanding  
  • Is available as a free mobile app on iOS devices
  • Great for essay writing
  • Sometimes the alternatives require the reader’s attention 
  • Can’t export to MS Word or PDF files
  • There is no browser plugin for this great tool
  • Not ideal for checking really long research or paper
  • You need to know what is the right reading level to set it

II. Best Re-Writing Software

#1. quillbot – best paid option for the professional .

QuillBot is a cutting-edge paraphrasing software that may reword part of the text or the entire article. After you’ve entered a sentence or piece of text, hit the paraphrase button, and QuillBot will rephrase your material while preserving its original meaning.

One of the primary strengths of this tool is that it uses machine learning to understand, reword, restructure, and improve on the paraphrases it makes. Besides paraphrasing and cutting your writing time, QuillBot offers a built-in thesaurus function to help you find the perfect word every time and change individual words.

Writing modes are included to help you enhance clarity and meaning, and a Word Flipper helps you change your writing instantly. 

The free version can paraphrase up to 700 characters, but you can purchase a premium account and paraphrase up to 10,000 characters. The premium plan also paraphrases text faster, has more writing modes, and shows you a single sentence in multiple modes so you can compare results.

  • High-quality results that preserve the original meaning
  • Has a slider to adjust the level of synonyms and different writing modes to help you enhance clarity and meaning, as well as style, tone, and grammar tools
  • Good interface that shows you the words that have been spun, not just shows you the result
  • Works with the writing tools you already use, like Microsoft Office , Google Docs, and Google Chrome.
  • Has a co-writer function that can rival Jarvis as a writing tool
  • Has a Citation Generator that can be handy with your academic paper
  • Has a Grammar Checker that rivals Grammarly with a one-click fix-it function
  • The free version allows only 125 words (paraphraser) and 1,200 words summarizer
  • The absolute price of $15 per month may scare many people off (until you have experienced the power of an AI writing tool, an editing tool like Grammarly, and a paraphrasing tool like WordTune – coming into one).
  • Premium starts with $15 billed monthly and $9.99 per month (billed every 6 months)

#2. WordTune – The most convenient option

best academic writing websites

WordTune can generate rewrite suggestions by analyzing vast amounts of text and finding human language patterns. As a result, it may occasionally change the meaning to convey a more common idea or to include information it believes is implied. 

During the rewrite suggestions, Wordtune is learning to preserve the meaning of your input text as best as possible. It may occasionally, however, offer suggestions that seem to be out of context since the tool is built with some creative freedom. Sometimes, it may misinterpret your text and give incorrect or irrelevant suggestions. 

  • Best onboarding process that allows you to feel the tool – has a floating W icon that follows
  • Works as a Google Extension which I use for my daily needs
  • Free version shows impressive rewording results with the highlighted changes
  • Most rewarding options I have seen from a tool (vs. others that don’t offer options)
  • Offers 40% discount to students and educators with a valid academic email address, or those who work for a non-profit or NGO 
  • To change the tone to casual or formal requires an upgrade
  • To use the shorten and expand function requires an upgrade
  • Can’t work on a mobile or tablet function 
  • The normal price of $10 a month may be too much for casual writers

We tested Wordtune and find the Quillbot to be a more powerful tool with more functions mentioned above. Who knows, Wordtune may change after seeing user feedback like ours one day.

#3. Spinbot – Best free option for starters

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Spinbot is a free summarizing tool that converts the substance you paste or write directly into an editorial manager. When you submit a request, the Spinbot framework modifies the text automatically.

Spinbot does not capitalize words, which protects uppercase terms like titles, professional people, places, and things while also preserving the main phrase of each sentence. You may modify this setting by checking the Spin Capitalized Words box.

  • Free version  that works up to 10,000 words which is quite amazing compared with QuillBot’s 125 words
  • The interface is simple, spotless, and straightforward to use, but it includes offers. When you get past the commercials, though, the summarizing method is simple
  • User experience is interrupted by ads sometimes
  • The results is not as transparent as the QuillBot which shows you what has been changed
  • The result can sometimes be quite bad (makes no sense) and you can’t adjust the rewording level like you can with QuillBot 

III. 3 Best Writing Organization Tools

#1. scrivener – best for academic researchers.

best academic writing websites

Scrivener is great for researchers who need to handle a large volume of research. Academic writing is more complicated than a grad school writing assignment. This tool costs a little bit of money. But, many top researchers use it for their research papers. 

It’s helpful that it has a mobile app, too. If you want to walk around and research ideas or write on your phone, Scrivener can sync with your device so everything is in one place.

Scrivener is very easy to use and helps you organize your writing. You can create chapters that have subpages for all of your research. You can also add images or text boxes that relate to your writing. It’s a great tool for organizing your research and thoughts, so you can produce a better academic research paper.

Scrivener also has a great free trial period – 30 days of use . So, if you use it 3 days a week, then you could have the trial for 10 weeks. Check the Discount here . 

  • Ease of use – allows you to easily rearrange your chapters and organize your research paper later without worrying about the order
  • Many guides along the research process 
  • Free app trial that most students can access and test 
  • Able to help you turn random articles and documents into a thesis and great research paper
  • Interface in the documents can be a bit confusing for first-time users

Further reading: 

  • Robin Nemesszeghy has written a great article on Scrivener vs. Dabble.

#2. Authorea – Best for Alternative Publication and Exposure

best academic writing websites

Authorea is this writing tool is a one-stop-shop for you to a) create/upload, b) disseminate your research paper, and c) get published in top journals. Authorea is great for young researchers who want to publish their academic work.

You can also use Authorea with Scrivener!

That’s right, you won’t have to leave your writing tool if you need to upload a research paper or just an article. 

One of the best features is that Authorea officials allow you to publish your work on their website, free of charge. You can also get a DOI from them so it’s easier for people to cite your original research paper.

  • One-stop shop for creating, disseminating, and getting published in top journals
  • Great tool for young researchers who want to do their academic work and publish their research paper without having to handle the document and other admin tasks
  • Can use Authorea with Scrivener
  • May be difficult to get published in top journals 

#3. Reedsy – Best for Aspiring Best-Selling Authors

best academic writing websites

Reedsy is a publishing company that helps authors and publishers connect with professionals to help them create beautiful books. They offer powerful tools and free educational content to help people become top researchers and have more academic success.

Reedsy’s Book Editor is a powerful digital tool used for writing and editing eBooks, print books, journals, and articles. It gives you all the features you need to write your manuscript, including unlimited revision history with comments sent via email; automatic backups; dynamic word count; advanced character filtering; track changes; export to .docx or .txt files; the ability to collaborate on your manuscript with several people at once; and much more.

Reedsy’s eBook Editor has all the features of an advanced word processor, meaning you can write your eBook with the same high-powered tools that are used by best-selling authors.

  • Reedsy offers a wide range of professional services to help you create a beautiful book
  • They have a lot of free educational content that can help you improve your research and writing skills
  • The Reedsy Book Editor is a powerful, yet easy-to-use, tool for writing and editing manuscripts
  • Reedsy is quite expensive compared to other publishing companies
  • More of a next-level tool for people who have some success or resources 

#4. LaTeX – Great tool but difficult for non-coder  

best academic writing websites

LaTeX is one of the most widely used academic writing tools that are free and reliable. We have even created a LaTex tutorial, where we help with the minimal programming knowledge that you need to use this too. 

Use LaTex if you haven’t started writing your research paper, have some time to learn it, and want to learn one of the absolute classic writing tools.

Download the LaTeX program here , and don’t forget to check out our guide on how to use it here .

best academic writing websites

  • LaTeX is free to use, which helps students on tight academic budgets.
  • The ability to create your own bibliography using Latex’s site function saves time for you and your librarian.
  • Creates a technical barrier for researchers who know how to use LaTex and those who don’t
  • It takes some time to learn how to use Latex and can take a few hours or even months for beginner writers
  • Certain word processing programs such as MS Word cannot be used with LaTex

#5. DraftIn – Minimalistic and free for laser-focus writing  

best academic writing websites

If Steve Jobs creates an academic writing tool, Draftin might be it. The tool is designed for people who just want to focus on words. It embraces Hemmingway’s motto of “Writer drunk. Edit Sober.”

I work with other people all the time, using Google Docs. But, sometimes there are issues with version control. This tool solves that problem by holding the version updated by the user in the user’s environment. So, you should review it first before accepting it. 

This is different from Google Docs’ showing the updated version and you figure out what has been changed. And, revert them one by one.  

The downside of being minimalist is that you can’t embed links in the text.

  • One of the good free online writing tools
  • Minimalist design with the Hemingway Mode that encourages “write first, edit later”
  • Version control is very helpful for keeping track of edits and updates
  • Great when you have co-authors to work on the same documents
  • Help you focus on the quality of your writing and notes
  • You can’t embed links in text in the document
  • Limited functions (by design) compared with other tools 

Final Thoughts

The best academic writing tools don’t have to be expensive or complicated. 

The most important thing you can do is use your time wisely. 

We are also curious about your experience with what works and what doesn’t.

What are the top three things you wish someone had told you about academic writing when you were starting out? 

Share them with us below!

Why should I use LaTeX?

One important but less obvious benefit is that LaTeX allows you to clearly distinguish the substance of your academic papers from the format. As a writer (scientist, researcher or not), this frees you up to concentrate on “what” rather than “how” will it look when printed out on paper (that is the job of LaTeX document class designers).

One big caveat is that the learning curve is quite steep. So, be sure to check out our tutorial here .

What are the best tips for academic writing?

  • 1. Make sure to spell-check and proofread 
  • 2. It’s not enough to merely quote your references 
  • 3. Try using different words than the ones you found in your research
  • 4. You have to accurately summarize and synthesize their ideas in a new way 
  • 5. Write clearly and simply 
  • 6. Avoid cliches
  • 7. Vary your SENTENCE STRUCTURE 
  • 8. Mix it up in terms of PUNCTUATION 
  • 9. Be CONCISE
  • 10. Use the VOCABULARY that you know 
  • 11. But also work on expanding your VOCABULARY 
  • 12. ***Be open mind and learn to use the tool that you need, not what others recommend

What are the tools for effective writing?

The most important tool is your mind as a researcher.

Good academic writing relies on clear thinking, orderly presentation, and sustained focus.

To be an effective researcher, it’s important to have a set of clearly defined priorities for how you will spend your time in the library or office, what questions you’re devoting attention to, which ideas are worth pursuing in more depth. 

Brainstorming is often part of drafting a paper in rhetoric, but in these earliest stages, it is also about figuring out one’s attitude toward the subject at hand. Who am I writing this essay for? Who am I disagreeing with? What are they saying about my topic that I need to refute – all this has implications when deciding where to look next or what hypothesis to pursue. 

One major problem for researchers is to actually “see” how much they know. Scapple  can be a great tool for organizing knowledge and connecting the dots. You can find out more about how we reviewed >30 mind mapping software here .

There is more.

Check out our other articles on the Best Academic Tools Series for Research below.

  • Learn how to get more done with these Academic Writing Tools  
  • Learn how to proofread your work with these Proofreading Tools
  • Learn how to broaden your research landscape with these Academic Search Engines
  • Learn how to manage multiple research projects with these Project Management Tools
  • Learn how to run effective survey research with these Survey Tools for Research
  • Learn how get more insights from important conversations and interviews with Transcription Tools
  • Learn how to manage the ever-growing list of references with these Reference Management Software
  • Learn how to double your productivity with literature reviews with these AI-Based Summary Generators
  • Learn how to build and develop your audience with these Academic Social Network Sites
  • Learn how to make sure your content is original and trustworthy with these Plagiarism Checkers
  • Learn how to talk about your work effectively with these Science Communication Tools

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10 thoughts on “11 Best Academic Writing Tools For Researchers”

Does quiltbot,save the changed text on its server, and then creata the problem of plagerisim.

Here is what it says about its plagiarism checker: “QuillBot stores your content in order to run the plagiarism report, so you can access your reports in the future. Our third-party vendor, CopyLeaks, does not store your content. QuillBot will never share your content with any third parties outside of CopyLeaks.”

Please provide information on resources for systematic review and meta-analysis; for conducting literature review

No it does not

i am a research scholar.i request you to kindly let me share information on rewrite cum plagiarism check, removal tool for best performance. Thank you all

Thank you, Dear Writer. It’s very much helpful.

These are very important for research students. Thank you very much for this piece of information. Great work Joannah.

Thank you for the kind words!

Thanks for sharing this well-researched article.

Nice article, might I suggest Writefull also, they have a number of tools designed for academic/technical writing…

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We maintain and update science journals and scientific metrics. Scientific metrics data are aggregated from publicly available sources. Please note that we do NOT publish research papers on this platform. We do NOT accept any manuscript.

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Top 20 Online Tools for Academic Writing


The strict guidelines and high expectations associated with academic writing tend to intimidate even the most confident writers, so I've compiled this list of the top 20 online tools for academic writing. If you utilize the tools available through these 20 websites, you can approach academic writing with confidence.

  • The Purdue Online Writing Lab features detailed guidelines and explanations to help you adhere to each particular style guide (such as AP , APA , MLA , and Chicago ). If you need to cite sources in your academic writing, the Purdue Owl is an essential online academic tool. The Purdue Owl is thorough and organized, so you can find information and answer specific format questions quickly. The site even includes sample papers of each citation style so you can see formatting examples and how the citation guidelines apply to an actual paper.
  • The University of North Carolina Writing Center is a comprehensive online writing resource that is available whether you attend UNC or not. UNC's Writing Center offers tutorials and tips that will answer all of your academic writing questions.
  • Trello is a site that makes it easier to work with co-authors and collaborate as a team. You can create custom boards, assign tasks, and manage information on the easy-to-use visual platform.
  • The Hemingway App uses artificial intelligence to analyze your text for run-on or complicated sentences, passive voice, and other habits that weaken your writing. The Hemingway App uses a color-coded system to highlight different issues and provides suggestions for how to reword the sentence.
  • Marinara Time is perfect for anyone who struggles to stay on task. The Marinara Timer provides a customizable adaptation of the Pomodoro technique so you can choose work intervals and break times that work best for your schedule. If time management doesn't come naturally to you, the Marinara Timer is here to help.
  • Trinka is an online grammar checking and language correction tool designed specifically for academic and technical writing. Flowery phrases that are suitable for an English 101 paper are inappropriate in formal academic writing, so Trinka will highlight phrases that are too casual or colloquial and provide suggestions for alternatives. Trinka offers both free and paid options to serve a variety of budgets.
  • Readable is a free online tool that uses artificial intelligence to score the "readability" of your content. The site will also evaluate other aspects of your writing such as your average number of words per sentence and syllables per word, and it will assign you a Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level to identify your text's approximate grade level. You can just copy and paste your text onto their documents page, and it will generate a readability score for you. They only give you one free readability assessment, so use it wisely if you don't have the money to pay for their subscription service.
  • Omni Calculator is ideal for academic writers who need a little external assistance with document planning and pacing. The Omni Calculator prompts you to enter your total word count and project's due date, and then it tells you how many words you need to write per day to stay on track. It calculates your average words per minute, keeps track of how much time you've spent writing, and estimates how long it will take you to finish the project. As long as you remember to use it, the Omni calculator is a useful tool for those of us who struggle with time management.
  • Paper Panda is a free browser extension that gives you access to previous studies and academic papers that otherwise might be inaccessible. If you keep encountering paywalls that prevent you from reading relevant studies that you want to cite, check out Panda Paper.
  • The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing is full of useful tips that are particularly tailored for academic writers. If you are looking for advice regarding clear and effective writing, look no further.
  • OneLook is an online thesaurus that suggests alternate words when you just can't think of the exact word you want to use or you've used the word "evaluated" too many times and you're desperate for a good synonym. OneLook even lets you choose the part of speech that you're looking for so you can narrow your results.
  • Phrase Bank is an online databank of phrases that are commonly used in academic papers and scientific journals. If you keep typing the phrase "for example," in your paper, visit Phrase Bank's Giving Examples page to find out what phrases other academic writers used. Phrase Bank offers suggestions for restating just about every part of a standard academic paper.
  • Grammark is an online tool created by Mark Fullmer that will evaluate your writing for passive sentences, academic style, nominalizations, sentence variety, wordiness, transitions, and a few other issues. However, Grammark clearly states that it does not check for fragments/incomplete sentences, comma splices, tense shifts, subject-verb agreement, apostrophe errors, or idiotic ideas, so it should not be the only tool that you use to check for grammar and punctuation errors.
  • Google Docs is a great online resource for collaborating with co-authors, and it also saves your work to the cloud so you won't have to worry about losing all of your hard work.
  • Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Outline Maker provides an easy-to-use outline format to help you plan your academic paper and conceptualize your thesis. To generate your personalized outline, fill in the basic text boxes on this simple website and input your title, thesis statement, and your main points along with your supporting evidence for each point.
  • Mendeley is a free reference manager that enables you to store all of your sources in one searchable place. Mendeley is available as a website add-on or as a downloadable reference manager to help you keep track of your sources as you write. The platform also provides space for you to record your thoughts, notes, and comments on the material.
  • EasyBib will help you generate in-text citations and a references list. The citation generator will adhere to your specified format, but it will not recognize typos or misspellings if you type the information incorrectly, so it is essential that you review the citations to ensure that they are correct. Every time that I've worked with a client who used an online citation generator, I have found errors in the citations, so check yours carefully.
  • Zotero is another free online citation generator that will help you organize your sources and cite them according to your specific citation style. As with any citation generator, make sure you proofread each citation and ensure that you've spelled names correctly and entered accurate years and page numbers.
  • is an online recording and transcription tool that will transcribe scientific interviews, meetings, or focus groups so you don't have to. Otter's live recording and transcription services will make it easy to get accurate participant quotes and statements.
  • XMind mind mapping tool is ideal for visual thinkers who organize their thoughts best with a mind map or visual web.

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The 28 Best Writing Websites of 2020


Written by  Scribendi

Updated in Feburary 2020 to reflect the best writing websites currently online.

Every writer needs a toolbox.

A writer's toolbox is filled with gadgets and gizmos that help a writer craft a story when he or she cannot do it alone. There are literal writers' toolboxes filled with assorted caffeinated beverages, napkins with plot outlines scribbled on them, and USB devices with novels backed up on them, and then there are metaphorical writers' toolboxes packed with character tics, favorite quotes, and—you guessed it—writing websites!

Writing websites are excellent resources to stash away in your toolbox (or browser bookmarks) to whip out in times of absolute distress (e.g., an existential crisis), piled-up excuses (i.e., writer's block), or uncertainty about the stages of writing (e.g.,  the publishing process ).

Scribendi's got a writer's toolbox fully stocked for you right here! Even better, these writing websites are categorized so you can find just what you're looking for at just the right moment. With everything from creative writing advice to publishing guidelines (and everything in between!), this list of the best websites for writers will be perfect for you to stow away in your bookmarks for when you need a helping hand.

Creative Writing Advice

These writing blogs give concrete advice for implementing literary techniques in your writing to help your work reach its full potential.

1. NaNoWriMo

The National Novel Writing Month blog provides inspirational posts year round for when you're stuck with writer's block, and offers guidelines on everything from the publishing process to finding feedback.

2. Write It Sideways

The articles for writers that can be found on Write It Sideways outline real-life advice (like writing grants, author branding, and gift buying) as well as writing tips and tricks, like spotting dialogue mistakes and learning how to build tension in your writing.

3. Helping Writers Become Authors

K.M. Weiland, the writer behind Helping Writers Become Authors, is an award-winning author who shares creative writing advice on story structure, character arcs, common writing mistakes, and much more!

4. Warrior Writers

Warrior Writers is run by the best-selling author Kristen Lamb, who guides writers using comprehensive and detailed posts that have a humorous and easy-to-read tone.

5. The Write Practice

Looking for articles and advice on creative writing? Consider checking out The Write Practice, which offers writing free (as well as paid) courses, and even holds writing contests for aspiring authors. 

Writer's Lifestyle

The following resources are great for writers who have some extra time, or need to take a quick, productive break.

6. Write to Done

Write to Done clearly outlines useful topics for writers, like treating imposter syndrome, recovering from destructive criticism, and finding a pen name.

7. Brain Pickings

Maria Popova's writings on culture, books, and other eclectic subjects are always extremely interesting reading material for any writer with some spare time.

8. Daily Writing Tips

With a blend of fun and fun damental writing topics, this writing website provides the tips you need to succeed.

9. Well-Storied.

Run by Kristen Kieffer, this writing website offers more than just blog articles; it links authors with writing communities on social media, provides tutorials on Scrivener (a word-processing software designed for authors), and offers free courses on a variety of subjects.

10. Writers in the Storm

This blog, written by a group of authors who specialize in different genres, is meant to inspire writers and help them to hone their craft. If you are struggling with the storms that rage internally (e.g., self-doubt) and externally (e.g., the publishing industry), this site will be a haven for you.


These blogs help writers market their books and create blogging personas to engage an audience more effectively.

11. The Write Life

This writing website offers solid ideas for blogging, including working from home, pitching ideas, guest posting, and much more.

12. Goins, Writer

National best-selling author Jeff Goins shares real-life experiences and reflections on building an audience, shortcuts to success, and engaging a community in the age of Internet fame.

13. The Book Designer

As stated in its tagline, The Book Designer gives "practical advice to help build better books," which includes writing creative disclaimers, choosing the right platforms, and using social media efficiently.

14. Angela Booth

Angela Booth, a copywriter, ghostwriter, author, marketer, and writing coach, writes ample posts to help authors improve book sales and ensure that a book will be a financial success.

15. Create If Writing

Need marketing advice on promoting your writing without coming off as too pushy? Create If Writing "is all about authentic platform building" for writers seeking to sell their work. Kirsten Oliphant, the site creator, offers relatable advice in her blog articles and podcasts.

Find some of the best writing blogs below for help with the publishing process, from behind-the-scenes intel to publishing tips and tricks.

16. Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman has more than 20 years of experience in the book publishing industry. She provides informative articles on both the writing process and the publishing process.

17. The Creative Penn

Run by  New York Times  and  USA Today  best-selling author Joanna Penn, this site offers articles and other resources related to book writing, publishing, and marketing.

18. Writers Helping Writers ®

This one-stop shop for writing resources includes links to informative sites on publishing, marketing, and professional services for writers. You can also find information on protecting your writing from scammers and online plagiarists.

19. Publetariat

Publetariat gives practical information on networking, author websites, and the publishing process. It also shares links to big news stories in the world of publishing.

20. The Independent Publishing Magazine

The Independent Publishing Magazine hosts articles about many different parts of the publishing process, such as growing a following, avoiding authorship problems, and finding the right editor.

21. The Complete Self-Publishing Guide for Authors

Thinking about the self-publishing route? If so, this writing resource is invaluable! Kirkus's free Self-Publishing Guide for Authors, available as a PDF or in print, covers everything you need to know about a book's design, format, distribution, and more.

Writing Inspiration/Prompts

These sites are excellent for writers who are stuck in a rut and need some inspiration or concrete prompts to get them writing again.

22. Writing Prompts

Writing prompts are posted here daily, offering inspiration for writers in all genres. Some of the prompts focus on breaking through writer's block, while others focus on building characters or refining your dialogue-writing skills. If you're feeling as though you're in a writing rut, the site also posts inspirational quotes from famous authors.

23. Positive Writer

Positive Writer was created for writers with doubt—like the website's author, Bryan Hutchinson—to provide inspirational posts that help writers keep on writing.

24. Blots and Plots

The Blots and Plots blog instructs writers to stay in the habit of writing, targeting specific problems and demonstrating how it's possible to write a novel even with a full-time job.

25. Writer's Digest

This well-known and comprehensive site offers all manner of advice and resources for authors. Of particular interest are the site's many creative writing prompts. New prompts are published weekly, and writers post their results in the comments section.

26. Poets & Writers

Poets & Writers is a non-profit organization that fosters creative writers. On this site, you can learn about professional development, connect with other authors in your area, and find weekly writing prompts on poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction.

With Reedsy's list of over 250 writing prompts to get you started on your next creative project, this is one of the best websites for writers to find inspiration. It also offers a search filter to help you find prompts from your writing genre (e.g., romance, fantasy, mystery). If you'd like to contribute to the site and help other aspiring authors, there is an option to submit your own writing prompts, too.

28. Live Write Thrive

Run by C. S. Lakin, an accomplished novelist, copyeditor, and writing coach, Live Write Thrive provides a wealth of information from proficient guest bloggers with the intent to instruct, motivate, and encourage aspiring and veteran writers alike.

We hope these tools are just what you need to continue crafting masterful writing. With a list of writing websites designed to help writers with everything from brainstorming to proofreading to publishing, you'll be unstoppable!

Don't forget about Scribendi’s very own  blog , which provides writers with all the guidance and tools they need to perfect their writing. Our articles cover every stage of the writing process, from planning and drafting any type of academic document to revising and finalizing it. Whether you’re looking for grammar tips, writing resources, or advice on any facet of the written word, Scribendi’s blog is the place for writers to perfect their craft.

Happy reading!

Image source: Lauren Mancke/

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Scribendi Editing and Proofreading

Scribendi’s in-house editors work with writers from all over the globe to perfect their writing. They know that no piece of writing is complete without a professional edit, and they love to see a good piece of writing turn into a great one after the editing process. Scribendi’s in-house editors are unrivaled in both experience and education, having collectively edited millions of words and obtained nearly 20 degrees collectively. They love consuming caffeinated beverages, reading books of various genres, and relaxing in quiet, dimly lit spaces.

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Stay connected, 15 best academic writing sites in 2024.

Emmanuel Chekumbe

If you’re looking to make some extra money, academic writing sites are a great place to start. Many academic writing sites will pay writers well for their work.

As an academic writer, it’s essential to know where writers can find the best-paying academic writing jobs so they don’t waste your time on lower-paying ones!

This blog post will discuss 15 of the best academic writing websites that pay writers well!

Best Academic Writing Websites

The academic writing sites listed below are in no particular order.

1. Writerbay

Writerbay is an academic writing website that pays writers well! Not only do they pay up to $25 per article, but you also get paid monthly with a minimum of $250. You can work on many different academic topics and make money as an academic writer or editor. makes two payments per month: the first (1 st – 5th) and the second (16 th -20 th ). This is if you’ve earned $100 or more, which is their payment threshold.

Their payment system is based on how long your articles are, so the more academic content you write, the more money you’ll make.

They always hire academic writers, so if you’re looking for academic writing jobs that pay well, Writerbay is a great place to start!

2. Uvorcorp

Another great academic writing site is Uvorcorp. Uvorcorp is a company that specializes in academic writing. They have many academic writers who work for them. They pay from $5 to $15 for an ESL writer and $26 for an ENL writer.! Uvorcorp offers more academic topics than many academic sites on this list, so if you’re looking for something specific, this may be the best academic writing website for you.

The only challenge with Uvocorp is getting in as they are always full. However, they only hire writers from Europe, Canada, Nigeria, Hong Kong, Pakistan, India, and the Philippines.

3. Essayshark

Essayshark is an online writing site focusing on custom essays and research papers. The site pays $30 for each article you write, above average! They also have many academic topics to choose from, so if you’re looking for something specific, Essayshark may be the best place for you.

Another perk of Essayshark is that it pays you for your work monthly. Essayshark makes two payments per month: the first (the 16th of the month) and the second (the 25th).

4. is a writing site that focuses on editing and rewriting academic content, especially essays. Edusson pays up to $24 per article, which is well above the average for these sites!

You can work as an Edusson editor or Edusson writer if you want. Edussons provides payment through PayPal, and the pay is monthly. Edusson also offers a referral system, so if you refer someone to Edussons, they will get $20 off their first order!

Edusson provides constant work for editors and writers alike. There are always new orders coming in. Edusson has many academic topics available, which means that this may be the best place for you if you’re looking for a writing site that provides more academic topics.

Another perk of Edusson is their bonuses! Edussons is one of the top buyers and sellers on Fiverr; they offer monetary rewards to all writers and editors to promote them through advertising campaigns.

5. Academia-Research

Another great academic writing website is Academia-Research. Established in 2004, The article writing site offers academic writers a platform to pay for their work. It has a lot of work from High School to Doctoral papers.

Other Academic Writing Sites

Here are other academic writing sites:


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Last updated on Feb 07, 2023

The 50+ Best Writing Websites of 2024

The Internet is full of writing websites and blogs to help people reach their creative goals . If you’ve always dreamt of writing your own book, but don’t know how to get there — or if you’re in the process of writing, but feel unsure about what to do next — then it’s your lucky day! Here we have all the best writing websites of 2024 in one single place for your convenience. They’re also organized by category, and alphabetically within each of those categories, to make each one easier to find. Enjoy!

Best writing websites for writing craft and inspiration

writing websites

1. Almost an Author

Offering up new content every day, Almost an Author covers a grand scope of writing topics. From genre-specific advice to emotional support on your writing journey, there's tons of useful info here for beginner and veteran writers alike.

2. Association of Writer & Writing Programs

Having just marked their 50th anniversary, AWP is one of the premier authorities on writing. The AWP website provides resources and ample opportunities for authors, teachers, and students at every point in their career. Here you’ll be able to find information about writing programs, career options, and conferences all over the world. Keep in mind, though, that access to some of these features is restricted to members only.

3. Creativity Portal

This is a wonderful hub for creative resources that has been around for a whopping nineteen years! Here you can find writing prompts , creative coaching, printable writing templates, and interviews with authors that will help nourish the right side of your brain.

4. Daily Writing Tips

As the name suggests, this site offers daily writing tips ranging from open-ended prompts and exercises to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary. It also covers all writing levels and professions, so it doesn't matter how far along you are in your writing career — DWT is sure to help you out.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on a master’s degree, you can get your own "DIY MFA" right here! This site (founded by Gabriela Pereira ) aims to cover everything you would learn in a graduate program, while giving you the freedom to choose your own areas of concentration and allocate your time as you please. 

6. Electric Literature

While not exactly a craft-focused website — so no straight-up writing advice or prompts — this nonprofit digital publisher showcases literature-related essays, criticism, and recommended readings. If you're looking to brush up on both literary theory and recent literary trends, Electric Lit is the place for you.

7. Fiction University

This virtual university, run by award-winning author Janice Hardy, contains tons of advice and concrete examples to help authors build a strong writing foundation. It's full of blog posts by professionals who share their own processes and techniques, providing tips not just on what you should do as a writer, but on how  to make it happen.

8. Helping Writers Become Authors

Longtime author K.M. Weiland offers writing advice that ranges from outlining and structuring to characterization and dialogue — plus all the little details in between. She updates her blog faithfully with topical posts that would pique any writer's (or non-writer's) interest.

9. Insecure Writer's Support Group

Writing is intimidating for everyone , whether you're a multi-published author or you're just starting out. That's why getting support, guidance, and motivation throughout the process is vital! On IWSG, you'll discover a wealth of information on writing, publishing, marketing, and anything else you might need to ultimately overcome your insecurities.

10. Literary Hub

LitHub boasts a superb selection of content for all things literary. Here you can get all the latest book-related news, posts on design and the craft, your daily dose of fiction, and sparkling reviews of new works. One of this site's best features is its section on literature in translation — a great resource for those who want to read books and authors from around the world.

11. LitReactor

The LitReactor blog consists of writing classes, workshops, and a myriad of posts on writing and books ( some of which are even written by us! ). There’s also an online magazine that includes interviews, criticism and analysis, and seasonally appropriate reads and recommendations.

12. LitRejections

An unfortunate occupational hazard of with writing is rejection. This is where a site like LitRejections comes into play! It offers personal stories to help discouraged writers persevere through rejection, and maintain hope and motivation as they move forward in their careers.

13. Live Write Thrive

In this website by professional writer and editor C.S. Lakin, you’ll find plenty of nuanced writing anecdotes and tips. Lakin also supplies annotated critiques that can help you prep your book for publication.

14. NaNoWriMo

Besides serving as the official information hub for NaNoWriMo , this site also lends constant support for those struggling to "win" National Novel Writing Month. Make sure to check out the NaNoWriMo forums, which are chock-full of other people's personal writing tips and strategies to get you through November — and every other month of the year — as a writer.

15. Now Novel

This comprehensive website, founded by author Bridget McNulty , is a go-to for just about every writing-related question you might have. Here you'll also find advice, courses, and even an author dashboard where you can keep track of your own writing progress.

16. Positive Writer

If you often feel uncertain about your creative abilities, this is the site for you. Bryan Hutchinson created Positive Writer to encourage and inspire all those who want to write, no matter how much experience or confidence they have.

17. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid offers a fantastic manuscript editing software that analyzes your writing and creates reports for you to learn from! This tool also includes a thesaurus, grammar checks, style suggestions, and more — you can learn all about it on the ProWritingAid blog, or in our review of the app !

18. She Writes

A well-established writing website with a feminist bent, She Writes is "the largest online community and content site for women writers... all around the world." The site features thoughtful posts and resources to help writers on their journeys, as well as a personal She Writes blog page for every user who signs up.

19. Well-Storied

Here you can find recent articles, workbooks, tutorials, and fascinating discussions on writing. Kristine Kieffer has an extensive archive of posts as well, where you can procure information on just about any topic related to books and writing.

20. The Write Practice

Fulfilling the promise of their name, every single post on this site emphasizes putting theory into practice! There's simply no better way to become a writer than by creating a routine, and that’s exactly what The Write Practice helps facilitate.

21. Writer’s Digest

Writer's Digest is one of the most encyclopedic writing websites out there — after all, the print magazine has been around for almost a century now! Here you’ll find genre and vocation-organized articles, events and competitions, webinars, templates, tutorials, and so much more.

22. Writer Unboxed

Writer Unboxed features articles by authors and industry professionals, focused specifically on the craft and business of fiction writing.

23. The Writing Cooperative

Plain and simple, this is a group of people who want to help each other become better writers. On Writing Cooperative, you will find articles that cover just about every aspect of the writing life. They also have monthly writing challenges to keep you incentivized, and there’s even a space where you can submit your own article to the blog!


This is an absolutely all-inclusive community for writers . It’s open to all levels and provides a creative, supportive environment for all members, as well as portfolios to store and display their writing. Like most writing websites, it also includes a plethora of writing tools , contests, and rewards.

25. Catapult: Don’t Write Alone

Don’t Write Alone is a blog written by the Catapult team dedicated to helping writers grow their skills. As a publisher and magazine founded in 2005, Catapult has seen a lot of works and now they’re spilling all the details. From interviews, to craft essays, to writer lifestyle essays, Catapult covers it all.

26. Kirkus Review’s Writers’ Center

Kirkus Review is known for its prestigious $50,000 dollar annual prize and its bi-monthly issues where they critique hundreds of recently published books. But, did you know they also have a section of their website devoted to helping emerging writers grow their skills and navigate the publishing industry? They’re always up to date on the latest trends — if they aren’t creating new trends themselves.

27. Writers Write

An invaluable resource for creative writers, business writers, or bloggers, Writers Write offers over 1400 articles, courses, and workbooks to help you take your writing practice to the next level. Alongside their educational content, they offer book reviews, trivia on famous authors, and prompts. Sign up for their inspirational newsletters for regular hits of motivation that will keep you writing.

28. The Narrative Arc

Beginning as a home to Andie R. Cranford’s writing journey, The Narrative Arc is now a treasure trove of practical tips and prompts to inspire your creativity. Breakdowns of popular books are particularly handy for the budding author — but whether exploring writing for the first time or tightening the bolts on your Franken-novel, the site's ideas on craft are elegant and inspiring.

Best writing websites in the publishing industry

writing websites

29. Agent Query

This database allows authors to perform in-depth searches for literary agents . You can narrow your search by genre and keywords, view agents’ full profiles, and see if they are currently accepting queries — all for free!

30. The Creative Penn

Besides being a bestselling author on various topics, Joanna Penn is also a leading voice in self-publishing . On her punnily named site, you’ll find abundant information related to writing, self-publishing, marketing, and everything else you mind need to make a living as a writer.

31. Digital Pubbing

Digital Pubbing provides industry news, interviews with indie authors, and resources for learning all about ebooks and the publishing industry. In accordance with the name, this is the perfect site for any author hoping to absorb some serious digital knowledge.

32. The Independent Publishing Magazine

We know it might seem like we're repeating ourselves, but this website really is all about publishing (both independent and traditional, despite what the name indicates). Whatever info you need about self-publishing, trad pub, or hybrid publishing , you’ll definitely be able to find it here.

33. Publishers Weekly

And if you have a specific question about the publishing world, you’ll most likely find the answer here. This weekly magazine is packed full of news, reviews, announcements, and many other resources on the industry. It has been dubbed as "the Bible of the book business" and with its extensive archive, it’s easy to see why.

34. Publishing Perspectives

Publishing Perspectives is another leading source of publishing info, specializing in industry news and topical articles. Aimed at publishers, agents , and authors alike, it features a variety of posts that cover book fairs, distribution, education, and much more.

35. Query Shark

Not sure where your query letter is up to snuff? Query Shark offers the opportunity to have your query critiqued, and to read detailed query critiques of other authors' letters, so you can get the best possible results for your book. Be warned, though, that this sharp-toothed feedback isn't for the weak of heart.

36. Writer Beware

This amazingly thorough site compiles information on schemes and scams that affect authors , especially those run through email and the Internet. It’s sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, but obviously applies to authors everywhere. If you're a fresh-faced author trying to get published, definitely check it out — it could save you from losing thousands of dollars in an elaborate scam.

37. The Darling Axe

When the industry professionals at The Darling Axe aren’t working on manuscripts, they flock to the internet to share their hot takes on the publishing industry. They also host writing contests throughout the year to build a writing community and give unpublished authors the chance to get feedback from professionals.

Best writing websites for marketing and design

writing websites

38. David Gaughran

An experienced author of historical adventures, short stories, and popular books for writers , David Gaughran is one of the definitive writing experts out there. His eponymous blog contains plenty of info on marketing and self-publishing, plus workshops to help aspiring authors. And similar to Writer Beware, he's the noble opposition of online publishing scams and scammers — so if you're frustrated by these issues, you'll discover a blissfully sympathetic voice on his blog.

39. Kikolani

Focused specifically on marketing, Kikolani offers tips and strategies for bloggers who want to grow their presence and attract more readers. Here you’ll find information on brand development , social media, customer retention, and other useful tips that you can put to good use as a blogger. (If you're just getting started, though, we'd recommend this course .)

40. Kindlepreneur

Dave Chesson is — in his own words — a “digital marketing nut.” His blog has all the information you could ever need about Kindle book publishing , how to write to market, increasing your rankings on Amazon, and lots more practical tips and advice.

41. Storiad

Storiad is a marketing platform that helps authors and publishers sell books. Go here for essential information on writing apps , databases, tools, and budgeting to help you run your own publishing campaign from start to finish.

42. Writers & Artists

Part of the distinguished Bloomsbury, Writers & Artists has quite a few articles on writing and the self-publishing process. They also offer editorial services and events on many different topics, like genre-specific writing courses and how to get connected with agents .

43. Your Writer Platform

Naturally, this site is dedicated to building your very own writer platform. There are tons of tips, resources, tools, how-tos, and even individual consulting services to help you build the platform that works best for you and your marketing needs.

Best writing blogs by industry professionals

writing websites

44. Goins, Writer

Bestselling author Jeff Goins created this blog to share his thoughts on writing and to inspire others to chase their creative dreams. He's especially good at breaking complex topics down into digestible bits — new writers, go here for your primers.

45. Jane Friedman

With copious experience in the publishing industry, Jane Friedman offers online classes and articles on the entire process of book publishing. She's a real goldmine of business knowledge, so keep her in mind for when you're ready to publish your book.

46. Nail Your Novel

As a bestselling former ghostwriter who now publishes under her own name, Roz Morris provides advice about writing, self-publishing, and of course, ghostwriting . If you're interested in becoming a ghostwriter, be sure to check out her courses!

47. Nathan Bransford

Nathan Bransford is a former literary agent who posts all about the inner workings of publishing, as well and information on agents and self-publishing. He also does consultations, edits, and critiques . 

48. Rachelle Gardner

Skillful agent Rachelle Gardner has negotiated over 200 contracts with over twenty publishers and helped more than 100 authors fulfill their dreams of publishing. On her blog, she offers writing, publishing, and social media coaching, along with general writing and publishing tips.

49. Kris Writes

For regular insights from a New York Times bestselling author, look no further than Kristine Kathryn Rusch's blog. On Mondays, she posts free short stories for authors to find inspiration in, and Wednesdays she posts in her “Business Musings” collection where she breaks down news from the publishing industry and offers her inside opinions. 

50. The Marginalian  

Maria Popova describes her site as “a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually, poetically — drawn from my extended marginalia on the search for meaning across literature, science, art, philosophy, and the various other tendrils of human thought and feeling.” She sends out a Sunday newsletter with thoughtful deconstruction of the week’s best liberal arts goings-on to help broaden her readers’ appreciation of the creative world.

51. John August

For all the screenwriters out there, John August co-hosts a weekly podcast with fellow screenwriter Craig Mazin discussing both the craft and business of screenwriting while breaking down popular movies. To help screenwriters really get a feel for the process of working with a studio, John has posted multiple versions of scripts from different stages in the production process on films and series he’s written, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , Big Fish , and Chernobyl .

What are some of your favorite writing websites? Let us know in the comments below!

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The 11 best AI tools for academic writing

Photo of Master Academia

By leveraging the power of the right AI tool, you can significantly improve the clarity, efficiency, and overall quality of your academic writing. In this guide, we reviewed and ranked 11 popular AI tools for academic writing , along with our top 3 choices, so that you can pick the best one.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase using the links below at  no additional cost to you.

What are the best AI tools for academic writing?

  • 3. QuillBot

4. Writefull

5. grammarly, 6. wordtune, 7. paperpal, 8. sourcely, 10. writesonic, 11. textcortex, summary and top picks.

With the rise of AI tools, academic writing is undergoing a remarkable transformation. The emergence of new AI-powered tools has revolutionized the way researchers, scholars, and students approach their writing tasks.

However, not all tools are created equal! And with the influx of options, it’s important for academics to discern between the high-quality ones and the mediocre ones that can hinder efficiency rather than enhance it.

High-quality AI tools for academic writing help you:

  • correct grammar and spelling mistakes,
  • paraphrase,
  • incorporate references,
  • and much more.

Having to use multiple tools for different purposes can be frustrating. Therefore, comprehensive testing was conducted on AI tools to assess their all-encompassing capabilities.

Furthermore, the optional functions were compared to their respective prices to ensure a fair pricing structure. AI support for academic writing should be affordable and not strain your budget.

Here are Master Academia’s top picks for the best AI tools for academic writing in 2023:

best academic writing websites

Best Overall for Academic Writing ($6.67/month)

best academic writing websites

Trinka is a unique AI-powered writing tool designed specifically for academic and technical writing.

What sets Trinka apart is its ability to go beyond basic grammar and spelling corrections. It assists writers in finding the appropriate tone and style for academic writing, while also improving conciseness and implementing formal syntax.

Trinka takes into account the specific research subjects, ensuring that the writing style, word choice, and tone align with disciplinary standards and scientific conventions.

In addition to these advanced writing enhancements, Trinka offers a range of additional features. It includes consistency checking to maintain a coherent writing style, publication readiness checks to prepare your work for submission, plagiarism checking to ensure originality, and a citation analyzer to assess the quality and relevance of your citations.

By providing these comprehensive tools, Trinka offers a convenient and all-encompassing solution for taking your academic writing to the next level.

Key Features:

  • Robust grammar and spell-checker – Real-time writing suggestions that also cover tone and style enhancement, syntax, and technical spelling make you a proficient academic writer.
  • Disciplinary and scientific conventions – Trinka provides specialized adjustments of language, style, and tone to adhere to scientific conventions in various research fields, based on existing academic publications.
  • Powerful plagiarism checker – Through the inclusion of a powerful plagiarism checker powered by iThenticate and Turnitin (renowned software for plagiarism detection), you do not have to worry about accidental plagiarism.
  • Wide range of additional features – Trinka offers extra features such as a citation analyzer, journal finder, and publication readiness checker, ensuring your academic writing is prepared for publication efficiently.
  • Customization – Trinka has a personal dictionary feature, allowing you to customize the spellchecker to suit your own research work, facilitating a seamless editing process.
  • Plug-ins – Plug-ins are available for your favorite browser, and work on Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Gmail, Evernote, Notion, and more.
  • For the Trinka Citation Checker and Plagiarism Check, you need to upload your file separately.

best academic writing websites

You can use the basic version of Trinka for free, which includes access to all features but with a monthly word limit of 5000 words. The pricing for Trinka’s premium plan starts at $6.67 per month with annual billing, which is extremely affordable.

Best for Summarizing ($15.99/month)

best academic writing websites

Genei has established itself as a prominent player in the realm of academic AI tools, and rightfully so.

As a comprehensive tool designed for academics, Genei goes beyond assisting with workflow organization and document storage—it also offers a plethora of features tailored specifically for academic writing.

Genei streamlines the academic writing process by utilizing AI-generated summaries and note-taking shortcuts, extracting information from academic articles.

Users can benefit from comprehensive summaries of entire articles or manually highlighted passages, which can be expanded, condensed, rephrased, and summarized with ease using Genei.

Moreover, Genei allows users to seamlessly adapt writing styles and effortlessly incorporate references.

For those heavily reliant on literature reviews in their academic writing, Genei proves to be a gamechanger.

  • Research article summaries – Academic writing often necessitates summarizing existing scientific articles, and Genei excels in simplifying this task with its high-quality AI-generated summaries.
  • Integrated workflow management – With Genei, you have the ability to save, store, and organize your publications and other documents, providing you with a comprehensive solution to manage your entire workflow within the tool.
  • Summarizing notes – When reading and summarizing within Genei, you have the option to utilize the note function, enabling you to highlight specific text passages and gather your thoughts, all of which can be conveniently converted into text format.
  • Control and customization over generated summaries: Genei allows you to provide specific instructions to the AI, such as requesting to “expand,” “rephrase,” or “summarize” a particular section. ‍
  • Academic discount – As an academic, you can receive a 40% discount on your Genei Pro subscription.
  • Genei does not offer the option to customize the style and tone to adhere to specific disciplinary standards.
  • To utilize Genei, it is necessary to access its online interface as the tool does not offer any integrations or plug-ins with other platforms.

best academic writing websites

Genei offers two pricing structures, one for professionals and another for academics.


  • The basic version costs £9.99 per month, providing unlimited projects and resources but excluding GPT3 summaries and AI-powered expand, paraphrase & rephrase functions, with a maximum individual file upload of 5GB. The professional pro version, priced at £29.99/month, offers unlimited file upload and full functionality. Annual discounts are available.
  • For academics, the basic version costs £4.99, while the pro version costs £19.99, which is essential for accessing the summaries and paraphrasing functions. With the annual discount, the pro version costs £15.99 per month.

3. Quil lBot

Best for Paraphrasing ($8.33/month)

best academic writing websites

QuillBot is an AI-powered paraphrase tool that helps you to rewrite, edit, and adjust the tone of your text for increased clarity.

With QuillBot ‘s all-in-one Co-Writer, you can access paraphrasing, summarizing, citation creation, and essay writing tools in a single location.

QuillBot’s online paraphraser allows you to modify the meaning of any text using a variety of options. It offers two free modes and five premium modes, allowing you to control the level of vocabulary change.

A synonym slider enables you to adjust the amount of rewriting, in addition to a built-in thesaurus for customizing your paraphrases.

In simple terms, QuillBot’s AI will collaborate with you to generate effective rephrasing. You have a lot of control as you can compare outputs from all seven available modes to choose the most suitable paraphrase.

QuillBot integrates seamlessly with Chrome and Microsoft Word, eliminating the need to switch windows when rephrasing sentences, paragraphs, or articles.

  • Paraphrasing options – QuillBot allows you to choose from seven different paraphrasing options (standard, fluency, formal, simple, creative, expand, shorten) to adjust your paraphrasing to your needs.
  • Built-in thesaurus – You can customize paraphrases with synonyms using the built-in thesaurus, which is extremely handy.
  • Track changes – You can view word count and percent change to feel confident about your revisions when paraphrasing.
  • All-in-one – Access all of QuillBot’s tools in one writing space, including paraphrasing, summarizing, access to its citation generator, and its plagiarism checker.
  • Translation option – Translate text into 30+ languages.
  • Seamless integration – It is easy to incorporate QuillBot into your existing writing tools via Word and Chrome extensions.
  • Pause subscription – Academics and students can pause their subscription to align with their academic writing periods.
  • QuillBot does not offer the option to customize the style and tone to adhere to specific disciplinary standards.
  • QuillBot has no built-in note-taking option.

best academic writing websites

The free plan of QuillBot allows paraphrasing of up to 125 words and summarizing of up to 1200 words at a time, but excludes advanced features like advanced grammar rewrites, comparing paraphrasing options, and the plagiarism checker.

With the premium plan, you gain access to full functionality, including unlimited word paraphrasing, summarizing up to 6000 words, faster processing, advanced grammar features, tone detection, and more. The premium plan is priced at $19.95 per month or $8.33 per month when paid annually.

QuillBot also offers a 100% money back guarantee for the QuillBot Premium Plan.

Solid Editing and Content Creation Tool ($5.46/month)

best academic writing websites

Writefull utilizes language models trained on extensive journal articles to provide tailored edits for academic writing and offers automatic paraphrasing and text generation.

With additional AI widgets like the Abstract Generator, Academizer, Paraphraser, and Title Generator, it provides inspiration and assistance for academic writers.

Writefull is a powerful editing tool designed for individuals who struggle with writer’s block and prefer to revise and edit existing text rather than creating it from scratch.

Writefull is available for Word and Overleaf, allowing users to revise, upload, and download documents with track changes. This can be particularly useful if a document with track changes is required for a journal submission.

  • Data security – Writefull provides secure and quick text revisions without storing any user data or search history.
  • Track Changes – Users can upload their text for a language check, evaluate overall language quality, and make corrections using Track Changes.
  • AI-generated abstracts and titles: Writefull helps you to write abstracts based on your input, and provides suggestions for titles.
  • Institutional Premium Accounts – Universities can purchase a license which makes Writefull free to their students and staff.
  • GPT detector – Writefull users can utilize a GPT detector feature to determine if a text comes from GPT-3, GPT-4, or ChatGPT models.
  • Writefull’s Academizer makes text is supposed to make texts sound more academic, but it does not adjust to different disciplinary standards.
  • The seven paraphrasing modes are not all suitable for academic writing.
  • While abstracts and titles generated by Writefull ard not be flawless and may require some editing. Nonetheless, they serve as an excellent source of inspiration.

best academic writing websites

Writefull can be used with limited functionality for free. Its Premium Plan offers unlimited use of all features at a cost of $15.37 per month.

However, there are significant savings if you choose to pay annually, as it amounts to only $5.46 per month.

Tried and Tested Writing Assistant ($12.00/month)

best academic writing websites

Grammarly is widely recognized as the leading AI-powered writing assistance tool. One of Grammarly’s key advantages is its versatility and convenience.

Grammarly stands out among other AI tools by having a widespread and popular institutional license, which universities readily embrace.

Despite the common reservations university administrators hold against AI usage, Grammarly has established itself as a widely accepted and trusted tool among academics, researchers, and students.

Once installed, it seamlessly integrates into various desktop applications and websites, providing suggestions and assistance as you write across different platforms, including apps, social media, documents, messages, and emails, without requiring separate installations.

Grammarly’s popularity in the academic community can be attributed to its support for citation style formatting and robust plagiarism detection, making it a valuable tool for academic writing.

  • Style and tone real-time assistance – Grammarly provides real-time suggestions and guidance on improving the style and tone of your writing.
  • Solid free version – The free version of Grammarly is reliable for basic grammar and spelling checks, as well as identifying unclear sentences and auto-citations.
  • Additional features: A range of advanced features, plagiarism detection, citation checking, and essay analysis, help you to identify unintentional plagiarism and enhance the overall quality of your writing.
  • Special offers for education: Grammarly for Education is available as an institutional license for universities. It ensures high security standards and data protection, which is particularly crucial when dealing with research data. This contributes to Grammarly’s acceptance in academia.
  • Grammarly is not directly targeted at academic writing, which means it may not fully cater to the specific needs and conventions of academic writing styles.
  • While Grammarly’s premium plan provides suggestions to improve the overall tone of your writing, it lacks subdivision according to research fields or disciplines, which may not meet the specific requirements for unique scientific tone required in academic research writing.

best academic writing websites

Grammarly’s free plan offers valuable basic writing suggestions to improve your writing.

The premium plan may seem expensive at $30 per month, but with the annual savings of 60%, it becomes much more affordable at $12 per month.

The business account may not be of interest to students or researchers. However, universities can opt for Grammarly for Education, which provides licenses for free premium plans to students and staff.

Efficient Paraphrasing Tool ($9.99/mo)

best academic writing websites

Wordtune utilizes sophisticated AI tools and language models that possess a deep understanding of written text, including its context and semantics.

Wordtune goes beyond mere grammar and spelling corrections, empowering you to express your own ideas effectively in writing.

The tool itself proclaims that it has gained the trust of students and researchers at renowned universities.

Although Wordtune excels in paraphrasing, providing synonym recommendations and an integrated plagiarism check for seamless usage, it is important to note that its focus is not primarily on academic writing, which influences the training of the system.

  • Synonyms – Wordtune provides contextual synonym recommendations for your sentences.
  • Grammar and spelling correction – With Wordtune you can rest assured that your text is free from grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Plagiarism-free writing – Wordtune helps you avoid plagiarism by rephrasing text while preserving its original meaning with its built-in plagiarism checker.
  • Wide range of extensions – Wordtune offers convenient extensions for Chrome, Microsoft Word, iOS, Teams, and more.
  • Affordable – Wordtune provides cost-effective AI-powered paraphrasing capabilities.
  • Wordtune does not have specific features or styles tailored for academic writing.
  • Wordtune primarily focuses on lengthening or shortening text and does not offer extensive tools for academic writing needs.

best academic writing websites

Wordtune offers a free version with limited features, while the premium version is priced at $24.99 per month. However, users can benefit from a significant 60% discount when opting for an annual subscription: With an annual subscription, the premium version of Wordtune is available at a reduced rate of $9.99 per month.

Academic Language Editor ($8.25 / month)

best academic writing websites

Paperpal, developed by, is a specialized AI tool designed for researchers and academic writers, leveraging the expertise gained from editing numerous manuscripts by professional editors.

With Paperpal , you can effortlessly enhance your writing by addressing grammar errors and improving sentence structure, ensuring your credibility remains intact.

Moreover, Paperpal offers advanced features such as accurate translation and contextual synonyms, along with the choice between Essential and Extensive editing modes, providing flexibility to tailor the editing process to your specific needs.

Available as Paperpal for Word, Web, and Manuscript, this comprehensive tool also checks for structural and technical inconsistencies in your writing.

  • Trained with expertise of academic editors – Paperpal is an AI system that has undergone training on academic writing and human-edited manuscripts, guaranteeing high standards.
  • Translation – With Paperpal, you can effortlessly translate academic texts from over 25 languages to academic English.
  • Compliance with technical language standards – The manuscript checker in Paperpal ensures technical compliance and maintains language quality standards required for journal submissions.
  • Consistency feature – Paperpal’s consistency feature checks for and detects stylistic inconsistencies unique to research content, allowing for seamless correction.
  • Data security – Your data is secure with Paperpal, as it adheres to a certified data security protocol and is compliant with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standards.
  • Paperpal does not offer a subdivision into research fields or disciplinary standards, meaning it does not cater to specific tones or styles required by different academic disciplines.
  • Currently, Paperpal only provides word integration and is limited to integration with Microsoft Word and web browsers.
  • Paperpal lacks a built-in plagiarism checker.

best academic writing websites

The Prime plan offers unlimited language suggestions and is priced at $99, which translates to just $8.25 per month when billed annually. For those who prefer a monthly plan, it is available at an affordable rate of $12 per month.

Smart Reference Tool While Writing ($3.00/mo)

best academic writing websites

Sourcely is an AI-powered source-finding tool developed by a team of students which offers an easy-to-use solution for academic writers in search of references.

By analyzing text and identifying key themes, Sourcely searches through a vast data set to locate relevant and reliable sources, providing academic writers with the information needed to support their work.

Good references are crucial in academic writing, as they provide legitimacy to arguments and claims.

Simply input your essay title or text, and Sourcely finds suitable sources to enhance your work.

  • Source discovery – Sourcely provides a unique approach where you can first write your content and then effortlessly discover relevant sources to support your ideas.
  • Summaries – Sourcely offers a convenient feature called “Summarize a Source,” allowing users to obtain a summary of an article or source they are considering for their work.
  • Affordability – Sourcely is highly affordable, making it an accessible option for users.
  • Sourcely’s feature of providing interesting source recommendations is appealing, but it is not comprehensive enough to solely rely on and neglect consulting resources from other reliable sources.
  • Sourcely has limited features compared to other AI writing tools.

best academic writing websites

Sourcely offers great affordability with a price of $5.99 per month or $36.99 per year. While it may have fewer features compared to other academic writing tools, its lower price point still makes it a valuable and useful tool for academic writing.

Fast Translating and Rewording Tool ($7.5/mo)

best academic writing websites

Rytr is an AI writing assistant that quickly generates high-quality content at an affordable price, primarily targeting marketers, copywriters, and entrepreneurs.

While it is recognized by G2 (business software reviews) as a leading brand in the AI Writing space and claims to be “loved by academicians,” it is important to note that Rytr is not trained on academic articles.

Rytr is a text-generating AI tool. Depending on the purpose, academics can find it useful for selecting from multiple languages and tones of voice, as well as rewording and shortening text.

With the convenience of a browser extension, Rytr saves time and ensures your copy is top-notch especially for emails, social media posts, or blogs.

  • 40+ use cases – Rytr is an AI writing assistant that offers content generation for over 40 use cases, including emails, cover letters, and blog posts, with the ability to both shorten and lengthen content as needed.
  • Generous free plan – While Rytr is not specifically targeting academic writing, it provides a generous free plan that can be beneficial for tasks such as writing emails and blog posts for research dissemination.
  • Translation – Rytr can help you to translate your texts into 30+ languages.
  • Customization – The platform offers a range of options to enhance the writing process, including language selection, tone customization, expanding or rephrasing text, formatting options, and even a readability score feature.
  • Rytr is not suitable for essay or academic writing purposes, as it lacks the necessary features specifically designed for these types of tasks.
  • It is not targeted towards researchers and fails to provide valuable tools like citation assistance, which is essential for academic writing.
  • While Rytr offers a range of features, some of them, such as SEO optimization, are irrelevant and not beneficial for academic writing purposes.

best academic writing websites

Rytr offers a free plan that allows users to generate content up to 10,000 characters per month. For more advanced features and increased usage, there is the Saver Plan priced at $9 per month (or $7.5 per month when billed annually).

Alternatively, the Unlimited plan is available at $29 per month or $290 per year. These different pricing tiers cater to the diverse needs of users, ensuring they can find the plan that best suits their requirements.

Paraphrasing and Translation Tool ($12.67/mo)

best academic writing websites

While Writesonic is primarily geared towards marketing teams and entrepreneurs, it offers an intriguing feature for academics: the paraphrasing tool. This tool allows users to rephrase content in multiple languages.

With Writesonic ‘s paraphrasing tool, you can effortlessly rewrite sentences, paragraphs, essays, and even entire articles with a simple click.

Produced content is 100% unique and free from plagiarism.

Upon generating a paragraph, Writesonic provides three different versions for you to choose from. It allows you to select the best option or make edits and revisions using the various variations.

  • Choice – Writesonic provides three paraphrased options for each paraphrase, ensuring you find the most suitable and impactful version for your content.
  • Switching from passive to active voice – Transform your writing by switching from passive voice to active voice. Active voice sentences provide clarity, conciseness, and impact, ensuring you don’t miss out on great opportunities. The rewording tool allows you to rephrase paragraphs and change the voice of your sentences effortlessly.
  • Paraphrase your content in different languages – Writesonic’s Paraphrase tool can be used to conduct AI paragraph rephrasing in up to 26 different languages.
  • Writesonic is not specifically designed for academic writing, and its features are not tailored to meet the specific requirements of academic writing.
  • The platform lacks an academic writing style, which is essential for maintaining scholarly integrity and adhering to academic conventions.
  • While Writesonic offers various features, some of them, such as SEO optimization, are not directly applicable or relevant to academic writing tasks.

best academic writing websites

You can start with a free trial of Writesonic to experience its features. If you decide to upgrade to the Pro version, it is available at a cost of $12.67 per month.

Summarizing and Paraphrasing Tool ($19.99/mo)

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With TextCortex you can say goodbye to any worries about wording and spelling mistakes. Furthermore, it can help you to speed up your reading process.

TextCortex is an AI tool which can condense long texts into concise summaries, capturing the essential points.

Moreover, it can enhance your fluency and adapting vocabulary, tone, and style to match any situation.

  • Paraphrasing – TextCortex offers a powerful paraphrasing tool to help you rephrase and enhance your text.
  • Translations – TextCortex’s translation feature allows you to effortlessly write in over 25 languages including French, German, Spanish, Swedish, and more.
  • TextCortex is not specifically designed for academic writing, catering to a broader audience instead.
  • It may not be cost-effective for academics due to its high price relative to the limited functionality it offers for academic writing purposes.

best academic writing websites

With the free version of TextCortex, you have the ability to create up to 10 pieces per day. For enhanced features and unlimited usage, the Pro version is available at a price of $19.99.

The landscape of AI writing tools is continuously evolving, witnessing the introduction of new tools regularly. However, not all these tools are equally suitable for academic writing, as their effectiveness depends on your specific goals and requirements.

While some tools, although not specifically designed for academic writing, can still provide valuable assistance in certain areas, there are standout options that are solely dedicated to enhancing academic writing.

Keeping this in mind, our top picks for academic writing support are the following AI tools:

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Make Money with Academic Writing Skills: 9 Websites where you can Apply

  • by Michelle
  • October 9, 2020

Make Money as Academic Writer online

The web industry has opened many doors for educators, among other fields. Now you can replace the conventional way of teaching with online tutoring and distance learning. There are some websites that offer the opportunity to make money with your academic writing skills. The work can either be related to writing articles, creating lesson plans, notes, or even home assignments.

In this guide, we are going to focus on such platforms. The pay varies from website to website. Some will pa you $150 to $300 per article. Some will pay you on hourly basis. As a writer, you can choose to work for any of the platforms that suit your needs.

List of Academic Writing Websites that Pay

Here are some of the most popular and credible websites where you can make money as an academic writer: is an online learning platform for students. It provides many, flexible work from home opportunities for freelancers. Users can work according to their own schedule at home.

As a teacher, you can earn by creating a curriculum and lesson plans in your area of expertise. You can also work as a tutor to help answer students that are struggling with their home assignments.

If you’re more interested in the academic writing area, you can apply as a writer to write about colleges, majors, career paths, and so much more. There are job openings for many subjects and areas of expertise. also offers opportunities in content reviewing and editing if that’s what you are looking for.

Once you find the right job, you can apply online right away. You will be taken to a form where you will be required to fill in details, attach a resume, and answer a few questions. The submitted application will then be reviewed, and you will be notified if accepted.


WriteAtHome is a website that helps students learn and improve their writing. The platform offers different writing courses for students to enroll in.

The program also offers online earning opportunities for writing experts residing in the U.S. You can apply to become a writing coach and guide a fixed number of allotted students. As a coach you can work flexibly according to your schedule, however, you will have to submit the graded papers of students within the deadlines. So it’s basically an online teaching job, just without the hassle.

To apply as a writing expert these are the two basic requirements:

  • You must be an individual with strong writing skills, excellent grammar, and writing aesthetic sense.
  • You must be a positive person who is willing to help and guide young students.

Interested people can apply on their website. You will be required to fill in your details, work experience, and a sample piece to demonstrate your writing skills and grammar.

Scribbr is an educational platform that helps students with academic writing like proofreading , reviewing, and editing. It also offers opportunities for editing scripts.

If you want to join Scibbr, you have to first take their grammar and language tests. After passing it, your CV and motivation letter will be reviewed. The next step will be to complete an assignment in which you review sample work. The Scribbr team will then assess your style of editing. You will then be given the task of completing 2-5 simulation orders in 24 hours.

Prompt is a service that provides feedback on student writing and offer help to improve it. The company provides opportunities to apply for the position of a writing coach.

As a coach, you will be required to provide constructive feedback to students to help them improve their writing. You must have a relevant degree to apply for this position and also some experience in teaching, tutoring, or professional writing.

AListApart is a web content site that explores design, development, and standards of web content. It offers opportunities for experts to write articles on their areas of expertise.

You can bring a fresh perspective to subject through your article and if the company likes it, you can get paid for it. Simply submit a rough draft or a short summary and outline of your work. Once you submit it, you will receive feedback from the review team. The review process could take a week or so.

American Federation of Teachers or AFT is an association that consists of Pre-K teachers, higher education faculty, and all related education personnel.

Currently, it is offering an opportunity for academic writers to publish their articles in AFT’s American Educator magazine. They publish on a wide range of topics such as politics, trends in education, professional ethics, and other thought-provoking articles. It’s important to know that the magazine does not publish research or thesis.

Teachers & Writer’s Magazine

The magazine publishes creative writing works of teachers of different levels. It also publishes lesson plans, articles, essays, and interviews. If you are a creative writing teacher, you can view the list of article prompts mentioned on their website and write articles according to the guidelines.


This is an online magazine that publishes articles to motivate and empower women in the higher education sector. If you’re a subscriber of the magazine, faculty member, or even an organization leader, you can contribute to the magazine.

Highbrow is a platform where teachers can create their online course and earn from it every time a student enrolls in it. Think of it as another Udemy platform.

To start, create a course on your area of expertise and prepare 10 lessons and a quiz on it. Once the course requirements are complete, just publish it so it’s visible to the public.

The above-mentioned websites will surely help you in your side income as an academic writer. However, if are not interested in academic writing, here are other ways you can make money as a freelance writer .

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Your Writing Assistant for Research

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Are you an academic researcher seeking assistance in your quest to create remarkable research and scientific papers? Jenni AI is here to empower you, not by doing the work for you, but by enhancing your research process and efficiency. Explore how Jenni AI can elevate your academic writing experience and accelerate your journey toward academic excellence.

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Enhanced Writing Style

Jenni AI excels in refining your writing style and enhancing sentence structure to meet academic standards with precision.

Competitors may offer basic grammar checking but often fall short in fine-tuning the nuances of writing style.

Academic Writing Process

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Competitors may not provide the same level of support, leaving users to navigate the intricacies of academic writing on their own.

Scientific Writing

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Competitors may offer generic writing tools that lack the specialized features required for scientific writing.

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Competitors may not provide robust plagiarism checks, potentially compromising academic integrity.

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Some competitors may not be as well-suited for technical writing projects.

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Some competitors may have steeper learning curves or complex interfaces, which can be time-consuming and frustrating for users.

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Jenni AI simplifies the citation management process, offering suggestions and templates for various citation styles.

Competitors may not provide the same level of support for correct and consistent citations.

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9 Best Freelance Ghostwriters for Hire: Great Results in 2024

Roxana David

  • How To Find a Ghostwriter

Browse Platforms

Define your project and set your goals, take a closer look at freelancer portfolios, message potential ghosts, read some of their writing.

  • Best 9 Ghostwriters for Hire
  • Developing full-length books, from non-fiction to novels.
  • Writing content geared towards children, including poetry.
  • Producing viral self-help books and content.
  • Crafting engaging blog posts and articles.
  • Helping with your CV, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile.
  • Writing clear and impactful product descriptions and other copy.
  • Producing detailed technical writing for specialized fields.
  • Writing lyrics and rap bars.

1. Seb_jenkins – Best for Novels and Long-Format Fiction

Ghostwriter Seb_jenkins Fiverr profile

2. Tonybostian – Best for Children’s Books and Poetry

Ghostwriter Tonybostian Fiverr profile

3. Coraliebelair – Best for Self-Help Books

Ghostwriter Coraliebelair Fiverr profile

4. Freelancemomma – Best for Food, Travel, and Parenting

Ghostwriter Freelancemomma Fiverr profile

5. Historydavid – Best for Historical and Academic Writing

Ghostwriter Historydavid Fiverr profile

6. Amyample – Best for SEO Content Ghostwriting

Ghostwriter Amyample Fiverr profile

7. Jadefrog01 – Best for Brands and Blogs

Ghostwriter Jadefrog01 Fiverr profile

8. Ajsiders – Best for Resumes, Cover Letters, and CVs

Ghostwriter Ajsiders Fiverr profile

9. Wimana – Best for Songwriting and Rap Lyrics

Ghostwriter Wimana Fiverr profile

  • How To Hire a Ghostwriter on Fiverr

The Fiverr homepage, with the word "ghostwriter" written in the search bar

  • Go to Search for “ghostwriter” or “[your specific niche subject] ghostwriter.” Then, hit the search button.

The result page for the word "ghostwriter" on Fiverr, with the filters highlighted

  • Use the filters to find freelancers that fit your requirements , including budget and delivery time. You can also see people that work through agencies. After you find one you like, click on their picture to go to their profile.

The Contact Me button highlighted on a ghostwriter's profile on Fiverr

  • To message the seller (which I advise you to do before purchasing a gig), click the Contact me button on the right side of their profile. If you don’t have a Fiverr account, this is the moment when you’ll need to sign up. You can use your email, Google, Apple, or Facebook account.

The message box on a freelancer's Fiverr profile

  • If you don’t know how to start the interaction, use one of the predefined prompts that appear in the conversation box.

The gigs on a freelancer's profile on Fiverr

  • The ghost’s profile has all the information you need, from reviews to prices and portfolios. Scroll down to see all their available gigs.

The "Compare packages" button highlighted on a ghostwriter's gig page on Fiverr

  • After you click on a gig, you’ll be directed to the gig’s page. To see what you get for different price tiers, click Compare packages .

The "Continue" button highlighted on a ghostwriter's gig page on Fiverr

  • To start the buying process, click Continue .

The "Continue" button highlighted on a ghostwriter's gig page on Fiverr on the order summary menu, along with order upgrades

  • Look at your order. You can add additional services here if you want faster delivery or other extras.

The billing and payment page after you order a gig from a freelancer on Fiverr

  • Now, you only need to add your billing and payment information to complete your order. Voila! You just hired a ghostwriter.

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  • What To Look For in a Ghostwriter
  • Affordable (but not too cheap). While budget is a significant consideration, when it comes to ghostwriting, extremely low rates might compromise the quality of the work. Investing a bit more leads to higher quality, more professional results that truly reflect your vision.
  • Genuinely passionate about the subject of the book/project. A ghostwriter who is genuinely interested in your topic will bring a level of enthusiasm and insight that shines through in their writing. This can make the difference between flat and vivid, engaging content.
  • Good reviews. Positive feedback from previous clients is a strong indicator of a ghostwriter’s reliability and quality of work. Reviews can tell you a lot about a writer’s professionalism and the overall satisfaction of those they’ve worked for.
  • Plenty of experience. An experienced ghostwriter has honed their craft and is likely to have dealt with a wide range of subjects and formats. They can bring a depth of knowledge and flexibility to your project that less experienced writers might not.
  • Good communication and timely delivery. Effective communication is crucial for ensuring the final product meets your expectations. A ghostwriter who keeps you updated and delivers on time respects your input and values your schedule, leading to a smoother and more satisfying collaboration.
  • Choose the Perfect Ghostwriter for Your Project

Is hiring a ghostwriter legit?

How do i find a freelance ghostwriter, what is the average cost of a ghostwriter, are ghostwriters worth it.

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Kenneth Maiyo

125 academic writing accounts: a complete list (updated for 2022)..

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Academic writing and online writing are the easiest ways to start making money online. Personally, I have been earning a consistent side income from Academic Writing since 2017.

I know what you are thinking. 

Where exactly do I get online writing work?

To answer your question, I have compiled a list of 126 online academic writing accounts. where possible I have commented on the potential of each account.

This way you can pick the online writing platform that suits you best.

If you are new to Academic writing I advise you to first read our fundamentals of online Writing blog post .

If you want to move past working for academic writing companies, read our how to get direct clients guide.

Quick notes on the Updates

What is new in the 2022 updated version of this blog post.

This blog post remains the most comprehensive list of academic writing accounts on the internet. Despite our best attempts we just couldn’t find any additional accounts to add to the list.

  • Accounts owned by the same parent account are now classified together.
  • The accounts are better categorized so that you can decide which to open or buy.
  • Essay Writers and its affiliate accounts have been downgraded. They don’t pay writers on time and have reduced their CPP significantly.

2020 update

The overwhelming feedback from you our readers was that you wanted more.

Well, we listened and added more accounts to our list.

The list now includes: 

  • 38 more academic writing accounts.
  • 5 more content writing accounts.
  • 1 bonus account (You definitely don’t want to miss this one).

One other complaint was the lack of an objective way to rank accounts.

We have added data on the year in which each account was established and the average users for each account.

The older the account and the higher the number of users the more reputable the accounts.

Source of data:

  • Year of establishment data: Whois.domaintools
  • Estimated Average Users: SimilarWeb

The Best of the Best Writing Account


Not all academic accounts are created equal. There are the 1 percent and the rest. The accounts in this section are the 1%. Get one of these accounts and you are on your way to making serious money.

Fun Fact: Most of these accounts are take accounts. More is discussed about take and bid accounts in the average accounts section.

1.    Uvocorp

This is the account that started the academic writing revolution. Many years later it is still considered by the majority of the writers to be the best. Uvocorp pays up to 26.5 dollars per page.

It is however close to impossible to open a Uvocorp account. For most of the time, there is an error message saying that they have received the maximum number of applications for the day.

Year Established: 2004

Average Monthly Visitors (peak Season): 250,000

2.    Writerbay

Writerbay is second to Uvocorp in both reputation and earning ability. Unlike Uvorcorp, the application page of Writerbay is always open. Opening this account is definitely worth trying.

Year Established: 2010

Average Monthly Visitors (Peak Season): 180,000


4writers is a very successful writing company. It has plenty of work during the high season. The pay is generally okay.

On the negative side, the team that runs this site are very strict on quality. You will get fines for plagiarism, lateness, and poor quality work.

To add to that, 4writer are currently not taking any new writers.

Year Established: 2008

Approximate Visits: 100,000 (Learn more about offpeak and on peak season in Academic Writing)


If you want to laugh, then visit the unemployed-Professor website. The selling point of this website is humor. This site has plenty of work throughout the year. I suspect that has something to do with the fact that they are not as boring as their competitors.

Like the rest of the accounts in this section, getting and unemployedProfessor account is not easy.

Year Established: 2011

Nerdify is an online writing account at the edge of technology.

They use artificial intelligence to match tutors and students.

Warning: The Application Process includes an interview. You might want to pass this if you are not comfortable with video interviews.

How old? Established in 2015.

6.   Simpletense  

Simpletense serves a very unique niche of students in US colleges, the Chinese students. The proposition is that Chinese students have the most challenges when it comes to writing English essays.

Simple tense is super focused on this category of clients. It even has a Chinese version of its website.

Average Monthly Visitors (Peak Season): 190,000

From the Best to the Worst Academic Writing Account

best academic writing websites

For years, and its affiliate sites has been up there with the great academic sites. 

However, the current management has become greedy and decided to maximize profits by turning writers to slaves.

They don’t pay on time. They will find excuses to penalize you by deducting your hard earned money. They pay pennies, expect income as low as $1 / page.

A more extensive collection of horror stories.

Unless you are running out of options. Avoid and its affiliates at all costs.


Essaywriters is a Ukraine based company. This company owns a number of affiliate sites and as a result has a large number of orders. The CPP (cost per page) is, however, super low. It ranges from $3 during the high season to $1 during the low season.

How old is It was established in 2005.

8.   Freelancer Careers

This is another affiliate site. All the processes are just like in Essay writers. It however has less work compared to the parent company.

Registered in 2017.


Initially, a Philippines based writing company but has since been acquired by Expect low payment on average $3 and mistreatment from management.


This is an affiliate of . It has less work compared to Essaywriters. The rest of the website and processes are however a mirror of the parent company. This includes the admission process and the questions they ask.

It was first registered in 2010

Mid-Level Academic Writing Acounts


These second set of accounts are your normal accounts. They have a significant amount of work during the high season. However, during the low season, they have little work.

Unlike the best of the best accounts, they are not too hard to open. All you need is a little determination. More on the technique I have used to open eleven Academic writing accounts and counting .

Dividing Academic Writing account into two:

The first category are the bid accounts .

In bid accounts you actively solicit the support team or customer for work. The customer or the support team then decide whether to assign you the work or not.

The second category of accounts are the take accounts.

In take account, you log in, pick an order and start working on it right away.

Mid-Level Bid Academic Writing Accounts


The trouble with bid account is that you spend a lot of time bidding for work. This hard work is however compensated by the fact that you have more freedom and control.

Whether the freedom is enough to compensate for the wasted time is open to discussion.

11.    Essay shark

In EssayShark you talk directly to the customer. It is then up to the customer to decide whether to pick you or not.

Essay shark is a fairly stable account with a large amount of work during peak season.

Business was registered in 2010

peak season average visits:360,000


Assignmentshark is an EssayShark affiliate. It specializes more in technical essays.

If you want an EssayShark account and can’t seem to open or find one. Assignmentshark is a good alternative.

If you are good at IT/ Natural Sciences/ Financial Economics/ Formal sciences then this is your site.

Has been in business since 2018.

13.    Thepensters

Thepenster was initially a tutor-based academic writing site (More about tutor-based sites below).

It was bought by EssayShark and transformed into a full essay writing platform.

EssayShark has also restricted the entry of new writers. Admission to the platform is now done once a year.

Have been in business since 2007 .

14.    Edusson

Edusson takes a similar approach to Essay Shark. You rarely interact with the support team. Edusson is especially good since they have good policies for their writers.

They also invest a lot of resources in ensuring their platform is easy to use.

Started in 2014

Average Monthly users: 290,000

15.  Edubirdie

Edubirdie is the parent site to Edusson.

It is a bid account that works more or less like Edusson.

It is less popular than Edusson because they no longer accept new writers.

work posted on Edubirdie is, however, available on Edusson.

Years in Business: Established in 2015

700,000 monthly visits

15.    Writingcreek

Writingcreek is the newest Edusson affiliate account.

If Edusson are not accepting writers signup for WritingCreek.

It is a well-maintained bidding account. The CPP is between 4$ and 12$.  As you advance up the ranks from beginner to expert, you get access to more work.

Writingcreek was established in 2018 (Young and in need of writers)

16.    Essaypro

This is another good bidding account. There are plenty of jobs for all writers.

The platform is also well developed. To register you have to get in touch with support through the chat area.

Established in the year 2000

Average Visits/month: 480,000

17.    Masterra

A bid account of average quality.

They don’t have a fixed CPP. You are free to set any price you want. However, you are mostly forced to set a low CPP (3-4 dollars) compete with other writers effectively.

The account does not have good controls against contact sharing. It is therefore mostly used by writers to get direct clients.

Established in 2004.

18.    Essaysupply

Essay supply is a bid account with a promising future. The owners have put a lot of effort into ensuring the platform is easy to use for both writers and customers. As such, it is loved by both writers and customers.

Registered in 2014

19.    Researcheden

The difference between Researcheden and the above sites is in who you bid to. Instead of messaging the customer, you message the support. 

Year registered 2007


ProficientWriters takes the Researcheden approach. ProficientWriters has a very high CPP.

The platform, however, has little work relative to the number of writers. Expect to do a lot of bidding before you get orders.

Work is only given to a few writers. New writers have to wait for a long time before they get any work. This is one of the negative consequences of the, ‘Bidding to the support team Model’.

Has been in operation since 2009.

21. Grade Miners

The majority of clients are Canadian.

Years of operation: Since 2013

240,000 visits on average

Mid-Level Take Academic Writing Accounts

best academic writing websites

Find the order you want, take it, start working on it. No need to talk to any third party.

This type of academic writing accounts are highly regarded by writers. You don’t waste any time looking for work.

22. Acematiks

This account has been a rising star for the past two years.

They have an awesome referral program  that has drastically increased their number of customers.

When was Acematiks started: 2016 (surprising considering their success).

23.   Writezillas

Writezilla offers both academic and business writing. It is a decent writing website with nothing much to complain about.

24.   Writers web

Writers web is a take account with an average number of orders. If you are willing to stay up late into the night, you won’t miss an order to take.

25.   Livingstone Research

Livingstone Research has been around for quite some time. They have plenty of work during the high season. The team at Livingstone cares about its writers. It is therefore a good platform to grow as a writer.

When was Livingstone Research Started: 2010

100,000 visits during peak Season

26.   Writerslab

This site categorizes writers into ENL (English Native Language) and ESL (English Secondary Language). ENL writers get paid more than ESL writers.

Has been in operation since 2015

27.   Academia-Research

This company started back in 2005. The platform has evolved over time to become extremely writer-oriented. The best way to demonstrate this is to assess the payment methods. There are numerous local payment methods including mpesa (Mobile money transfer in Kenya).

Years in Business: Since 2005.

100,000 average monthly users


This is the Kenyan affiliate of AcademiaResearch. They are mainly interested in signing up Kenyan writers.

29.   freelanceWritingCenter

The CPP (Cost Per page) for this account is between $6 and $20. This is fairly decent for an account in the average category. The downside is that it has weird payment options ( Ecopayz ). I guess PayPal and skrill are yet to reach Australia.

Established in 2015

30. was acquired by Academia-Research. The two accounts have now been merged into one. Visit the and you will be redirected to the Academic Research Account.

Started in 2005

31.   Bluecorp

Started in 2012, Bluecorpservices has grown rapidly over the years. It is now a large company with lots of work. The pay is slightly higher compared to the rest of the accounts in this section.

Bluecorp has been operational since 2012.


This is another Australian company that was started in 2006. Focusing strictly on Australian students means the pay is average. There is however plenty of work to go around.

When was ReseachWritingCenter started? 2006

33.   Academia

AcademiaResearch is a take account with lots of work during the high season. However, during the low season, work declines to zero.

Established in: 2013


This is not the best of writing account. There is not enough work for most of the time. On top of that, the platform is generally not well maintained. That said, it is ideal for a beginner.

FreelanceWritingServices has been partnering with writers since 2006.

35.    Writershub

A phillipines account that is quite popular among the writing community.

They have lots of work but the pay is low.

How Old? 7 years  

150,000 average monthly visits

36.    Town Writers

Your Average writing account.

If you are looking for a small account this maybe it.

8 years old.

  37.    Writerpass

UK based account that is well run.

Hard to get accepted but once you are in, they will take good care of you.

10 years old.

100,000 monthly visits (mainly from the UK & US )

38.    Bid4Papers

A well-run bidding account.

Although it is relatively hard to get accepted, it is worth a try.

Have been in business since 2013 .

100,000 monthly visits (Mainly from the United States)

Don’t know how to open an account?

Check out Our Open Your Own Account Blog Post

Tutor Based Accounts


Tutor-based accounts require writers to play the role of teachers. A writer on such a platform is required to choose a few lessons that he or she will specialize in.

All tutor based accounts are bid accounts.

Some of this platforms also sell study materials to students.

39.   Homeworknest

This is a replacement to the now-defunct, It operates like a typical bid account. Communicate directly to the customers and offer to work on their assignments.

established in: 2015.

40.    Homework market  

This platform is very popular with students in America, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Writers on this platform, therefore, have plenty of work.

established in: 2011 .

700,000 visitors during peak season.

41.   Studyacer

The core business of studyace is providing study material to students. Completing assignments for students is an add-on service. The earning potential of writers here is, therefore, limited.

Have been in business since 2012 .

42.   Studentlance

StudentLancer has taken a different approach. The platform focuses on a few subjects.

These subjects are Business, Computer Science, Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Humanities, and Natural Sciences. If you are good at any of these, join the platform.

established in: 2020 .

43.   Studypool

On this platform, you do more than just writing academic papers.

You also get paid for answering questions and explaining concepts.

Students can also buy revision papers and study guides from the platform.

On StudyPool most of the assignments are in the form of short questions. You should be willing to do lots of such assignments.

Since 2010 (10 years) .

Traffic: 600,000/month

44.   Coursehero

Coursehero is mostly known for the study resources it offers to students. These resources can also be used by academic writers to complete orders. More about that in a future post.

The work of a tutor on Coursehero is primarily to answer questions. You will earn between 2 – 4$ per solution. Over time this adds up to a significant amount.

This platform is ideal for beginners.

12 years old (since 2008) .

Over 30,000,000 users every monthly

45.    Homework Help Canada

This account focuses on clients from Canada. As a result, the CPP is as high as 18$/page. The downside is that the writer admission program is open for a brief period. Check out their careers page to find out whether they are currently accepting writers.

Started in: 2016

46.    HomeworkForYou

A bid account that is ideal for beginners. You are free to negotiate with writers on the exact price. To apply to HomeworkForYou send an email to [email protected] .

Find out more about the application process from the HomeWorkForYou Facebook page  

started in 2010.

47.    GreatAssignmentHelp

Perfect if you are just starting out.

Has been in operation since 2016 (that is like yesterday). As such they are still actively looking for writers.

Apply to GreatAssignmentHelp here .

Since 2016 .

48.  StudyGate

StudyGate is the tutoring site for . It was started in 2014

Apply to StudyGate Here .

49.    CourseCaP

It is a tutor-based site that is quite similar to HomeWorkMarket.  Ideal for a writer who is just starting out.

established in: 2018


A pro tutor account that has high-profile customers from the United States Military and Corporate America. only accepts writers from the United States of America. But since when do you allow the fact that you are not in America to Stand in your way of making money.

Get a VPN(Virtual Private Network) or RDP (Remote Desktop) and just like that you are in America.

Have been serving customers since 1998 .

600,000 average monthly visitors.

51.    Tutor Eye

Another tutor-based account that allows you to earn money by writing essays and tutoring via video.

Tutor eye has been around since 2015, as such, it is a reputable site.

52.    Eduboard

It only accepts writers with degrees from accredited US and Canadian Colleges.

If you can get a US/Canadian degree.


You just increased your chances of opening an account since you have less competition.

Year it was Founded: 2002

53.    Urgent Home Work

To apply chat with support. 

The year it was Founded: 2009

54.    Acemyhomework  

A decent account with an average amount of work.

Although I have placed it in the tutor accounts category, it is a normal account.

Has been operational since 2012

Beginner Academic Writing Accounts


These accounts are new entrants into the academic writing world and hence are easier to open. These new accounts have dealt a big blow to the established companies. Most of this sites offer lower prices to the clients. As a result, they have taken lots of clients from the established players. The low salary that they pay, however, makes life tough for you the writer.

Warning: Beginner writers should not exclusively focus on this category of accounts. The Average Accounts and Tutor accounts are also ideal accounts for newbies.

55.   Writerscash

This is one of the new online writing accounts with the most potential. The platform is well designed and they have a decent amount of work.

Negative: Expect to be paid less compared to the mid-range sites.

Has been around since 2011 .


They are a UK company and they pay in pounds (£) per 500 words.

CPP ranges from 17£ – 50£ per 500words.

ProspectSolution is 15 years old and counting. 

57. Essayjedii

This site has not been doing well. It has however gone through a rebrand recently. Let’s wait and see how things turn out for them.

established in: 2014.


Topwiterslist is a decent website run by a dedicated team. They however have challenges with getting enough work. As a result of this, they don’t add writers to their website that frequently.

59.   QualityWriters

QualityWriters has grown rapidly over the past few years. It is now a fairly decent take account. Work is available during the high season but not the low season.

established in: 2011

60.   VIP Writers

VIPWriters have their eyes set on joining the mid-range writing companies. Although it is new, it does not pay its writers poorly (up to $30 per page). The site also categorizes writers into ENL (English Native Language) and ESL (English Secondary language). Expect VIP writers to be a big player in the coming years.

61.   Hawk research

HawReseach is a relatively new account.

established in: 2016

62.   Studywriters

A decent website, with a reasonable amount of work. The process of getting orders in this account is a hybrid of the take system. 

You first get suggestions on orders that you are qualified to complete. It is then up to you to pick the orders you want to work on.

Year Founded: 2015

63.   Nerdy turtles

Welcome to India’s finest academic writing platform. This Indian website focuses on all sorts of writing. There is academic writing, copywriting, SEO writing, Blogging, Academic writing, and many more.

It also prefers working with writers from Asia (India, Pakistan)  and Africa (Kenya).

established in: 2016 .

100,000 average monthly visitors.

64.   Writedome

Writedome is just starting out. Already the company has serious challenges finding work. 

Beginners should however take advantage of the fact that it is easy to join writedome.

Started in: 2012.


This particular platform is neglected by the owners. The website looks unprofessional. Hopefully, the management will do a better job in the future.

Since 2006.

66.   Proessaywriters

ProEssayWriters is an affiliate of Writedome. These two sites face more or less the same challenges. 

Little work.

Since 2013 .


This is another decent account that is rapidly growing. Their homepage sends the message that they are in need of new writers to match their growth.

Registered in 2014 .

68.   Headwaywriters

Headwaywriters is another new account that has growth potential. They have a well-designed website optimized for both writers and clients. Join them, for an opportunity to grow.

Established in 2016 (4 years) .


This is another decent newcomer in the industry. They expect to grow rapidly and are therefore looking for talented writers.

5 years old

70.   Freelanscent

Freelancet has been experiencing challenges getting work. The availability of work is therefore haphazard at best.

The management has, therefore, stopped hiring to deal with the work availability issue.

How old is Freelancet? It was established in 2014


Your average newcomer site. The design is acceptable and they have few jobs. Of course, this could change in the future.

Started in 2009.

72.   Platinum

This is one of the few United Kingdom websites with a dedicated page for hiring writers. 

73.    Help in

A relatively new site in the industry.

Years in Operation: 4 years


Warning: It is not clear whether this is an academic writing site or an article writing site.

How old is myhomeworkshark? established in 2016.


As you can tell this company only focusses on UK customers.

Due to their focus on a small market, they have little work apart from during the peak seasons. More on Off-peak and peak seasons here.

9 years old

Client Focussed Academic Writing Account (Application Done Through Support)


The sites we have dealt with so far focus on the freelance writer. In such sites, there is a dedicated section for writers to sign up and do proficiency exams.

There are however sites on the extreme end. On such platforms, the writer is not even mentioned. The sole focus of such sites is to get essay customers. To apply for the position of a writer, you need to get in touch with the support team. This is done via chat or email.

Some sites will request for your CV; others will tell you they don’t accept writers, and some will even redirect you to their parent site.

I will not dwell much on these accounts since they have no standard policy on freelance writers.


It is based in the United Kingdom. This means the CPP is high.

77.   paper help. Org

This is the client-oriented website of Freelancercareers

How old is 12 years (since 2008) .

60,000 average monthly users.

78.   UK best

Another United Kingdom-based platform. High Cpp.

7 years (Established in 2013) .

79.   Academic

This is a United States focused site, they only accept United States citizens.

14 years old and counting as of 2020.

80.   Essay Factory. Uk

Do not have a dedicated page for writers, you have to apply.

Most of these ‘client-focused websites’ are based in the United Kingdom. This is because the UK has many students looking for essay writing services.

81.   MyAdmissionEssay

My-admission essay is different in that its core business is to write college admission essays. If you are good at writing admission letters, this may be your platform.

10 years as of 2020

82.   Academic writers Bureau

This is an American Based account. It is a high-quality platform that pays well. The only downside is that it is hard to be accepted as a writer.

Academic Writing Accounts that Only Accept Writers From Native English Speaking Countries


In theory it should be impossible to open these accounts if you leave in Africa and Asia. Surprisingly enough these accounts are sold and used by people in this regions. As you guessed it, buying them is quite expensive.

However, if you have a relative in a ENL (English Native Language) country, he should be able to help you open the account. You can then operate it using a VPN (virtual Private Network) or an RDP (Remote Desktop).

83.   TSM

TSM group United States runs this platform. It is a high-quality site with the ability to make you millions.

established in: 2014 .


This is another high-end academic writing platform run by Ultius group US.

2005-Established .

Content Writing Sites


These are websites focused on article writing. The majority of these articles end up in blogs.

Mixing academic and content writing platforms is a good strategy to mitigate the low seasons associated with academic writing.

85.   Iwriter

The core business of Iwriter is to connect writers to website owners. It is fairly easy to sign up to Iwriter.

Warning: No longer accepts writers from Africa. Use VPN/RDP to sign up.

All you have to do is to pass a simple grammar test. The pay is however very low compared to academic writing sites.

Iwriter was established in 2001 .

240,000 people use Iwriter every month

86.   Blogmutt AKA Verblio  

This is more or less similar to Iwriter. The only difference is that it has better pay. Additionally, it is tougher to get accepted.

Verblio was established in 2015 .

80,000 visits/ month

87.   Writing Jobs Online  

Writing jobs online deals with high-level clientele. They therefore only hire skilled writers.

 88.    Text broker

Text broker is the best content writing platform out there. The problem is that they only accept ENL writers.

Has been in business Since 1999

Used by 400,000 people every month


This is an unsuccessful spin-off of The website pulls writing jobs from different online freelance sites. You then have to place a bid and wait to be picked by the customer. It is close to impossible to get work as a beginner here.

Writology was established in 2014.

90.    Writerwiz

This is not really an academic writing account. It deals with other forms of writing including editorial work, journal article writing, and editorial work. 

Since  2015 .

91.    The content authority  

Six categories of work are available on content authority.

  • Writing Blog Content
  • Copywriting
  • eBook Ghostwriting
  • Article Marketing
  • Press Releases
  • Social Engagement

If you are good in any of the above, you will love Content Authority

Established in 2009 .

92.    Nisloresearch

This account tries to be a jack of all trade.

To individual clients, they offer academic writing services.

To businesses, they offer business consulting services including article writing and press release writing.

To research organizations, they offer data collection and data analysis services.

If you are a beginner Nisloresearch is worth checking out

Established in 2016.

93.   Hirewriters

Since the day Iwriter blocked writers from developing countries I have been busy looking for an alternative.

Ladies, and gentlemen, I am happy to announce that the Iwriter replacement is finally here.

Hirewriters is mostly like Iwriter.

The signup process is easy and the price is low (Just like in Iwriter).

If you want to earn some little money today then join Hirewriters .

Years in business: since 2003.

Monthly Visitors: 65,000

94.   Zerys

Another account that has numerous blogpost writing gigs.

As of August 2020, they are not accepting new writers.

The application will however be open in a few months.

Established in 2008.

95.    Contena

They have plenty of article/ blog writing tasks from clients all year round.

Has been around since 2015.

General Accounts


In this category of accounts, writing is a small part of the available work.

On such platforms you can also work on web design gigs, app development work, and social media management tasks.

96.   Upwork

Upwork is the largest site in this category. It has thousands of jobs from all around the world. If you have a skill other than writing this may be the best platform for you.

Years Established : 2002

Monthly Users: 30,000,000


Fiverr is similar to Upwork. The challenge with these kind of sites is that it is hard to get work as a beginner.

Years in business: since 2009.

Monthly Visitors: 55,000,000

98.    Authorglobal  

This is much much smaller than Fiverr and Upwork. There are both writing tasks and specialized skilll tasks on the platform.

Small account. Not worth your time.

Has been in operation since 2008

99.   Peopleperhour  

Similar to Fiverr and Upwork but on a smaller scale.

Years in business: 17 years old.

The average number of  visits to the site: 2,700,000

Bonus Account


100.   Remotasks  

Remotasks is not an academic writing account.

It is a site run by the Company Scalar AI.

On remotasks your job will be to label data that is used to train artificial intelligence systems.

The most popular category of tasks is lidar . Lidar data is used to train self-driving cars.

Why have I Included Remotasks?

It is a brand new type of online work and there is no competition.

The company is also in serious need of freelancers. Your application will not get rejected.

The disadvantage of remotasks :

You have to take courses on Lidar and data labeling. You are allowed to complete tasks after you pass tests.

That said, the tests are free and not that hard.

How old is Remotasks?  3 years (The opportunity to make money here is still wide open)

How many people use Remotasks every month? 2,000,000

Kenyan Academic Writing Accounts


Most of these websites are mismanaged and I would not recommend them. Nonetheless, they can be useful if you have no alternatives.


This site is no longer hiring as they have challenges getting work. At one point it had been closed as a result of no work.

Operational Since 2012

102.   Writedom

This is one of the few local websites that is run well. The site is well maintained and they are constantly adding more clients.


FalconWriters is also doing a good job. They have a professional site and they take good care of their writers. The only problem is that the pay is low. Falcon pays out a maximum CPP of $10.

Years in business: since 2014


This website tries to offer other services other than academic writing. This includes journalistic work and writing blog posts.

Established in 2013.

105.   Brilliant Writings  

BrilliantWritings is a relatively decent account. There is sufficient work during the high season. Brilliant writings will also pay you on time.

Brilliant Writing has been around since 2012.


 Researchwritersden has work but pays poorly. The maximum CPP they offer is $3. The average is $2.5. This account is only suitable for beginners. The application process is direct.

Operational since 2015

107.    Hamnic Solution

Part of a new brand of Kenyan sites that has what it takes to compete with the internationals.

It is definitely worth checking out.

Other Online Writing Accounts

Apply to these Accounts only after you have tried all the others.

Why did I include them then?

They look professional and some may be hidden gems.

108. : A subsidiary of HomeWorkMarket


110.   (Started in 2014)

111.    Assignment Geeks

112.    Instant Assignment Help

113.    Top Homework Helper

114.    All Assignment Help  

115. Custom Writing

116. FreshEssays

117.    Academic Experts. Deals with law and finance papers only.

118.    Academic Writers Bureau

119.   Assignment  


121.    Academic

122.    Powerpapers

123. Essay Hawk

124.    Cheapest Essay  

125.    Academic Writer  

What to do With This Information

The goal of this list is to give you options. Go through the list applying to be a freelancer on as many academic writing sites as possible.

For more instructions check out our how to open an online writing account guide.

Do that and I guarantee you will get accepted as a writer in one of the platforms.

You can also use the list to research whether a specific academic writing account it worth buying or not. More on how to buy an account here.

What should I do if I can’t find instructions on how to apply?

For the majority of the sites the ‘apply to be a writer’ sections is clearly visible.

Where the ‘apply to be a writer’ section is hidden we have made extra effort to link directly to the academic writer application section.

If you are having trouble finding the apply button, check the footer section (bottom) of the homepage.

If you still can’t find the apply button, talk to the support team.

Are this all the Available Academic Writing Sites?

Of course not. There are hundreds if not thousands of academic writing accounts not listed in this post.

The above list is a curated list of the accounts that are worth your time.  

Remember to sign up to our emailing list. We are working on an Academic Writing course that will help you take your Academic Writing income to the next level.

  • Best Scholarship Websites of 2023
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  • Our Experts' Advice for Choosing the Best Scholarship Websites

Best Scholarship Websites of 2024

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us and terms apply to offers listed (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate products and services to help you make smart decisions with your money.

Even the best student loans and other financial aid items don't always provide enough to cover all the costs of college. Scholarships are a great way to bridge the gap, with no obligation to repay the money. Finding scholarships you qualify for can be difficult. But there are several great scholarship websites that can help you do it.

Keep in mind, however, that many colleges deduct private scholarships from the amount of gift aid they provide, reducing how much "free money" you can get from the school. That would effectively negate the work you did in seeking out and applying for private scholarships. Therefore, you should consider looking at schools that offer merit-based scholarships or provide generous packages to students with financial need.

Collegeboard, scholarshipowl, compare the best scholarship websites.

We've rounded up the best scholarship websites for students looking to save on the cost of college, with an emphasis on those that provide a wide breadth of opportunities. Most of the sites are free to use. Some offer basic features at no cost, with an option to pay for additional functionality. 


Our experts for the best scholarship websites.

We consulted scholarship and financial experts to give their insights into finding the best scholarship websites — and when to avoid them altogether.

  • Christopher Rim, founder and CEO at Command Education
  • Jennifer Ledwith, owner at Scholar Ready
  • Neeta Vallab, founder at MeritMore
  • Ryan Wangman, former loans reporter at Personal Finance Insider

Best Scholarship Websites FAQs

There isn't a singular website that's the best to apply for scholarships. Instead, consider, Fastweb,, Peterson's, College Board, Scholly, GoingMerry, Scholarship Owl, and ProFellow.

Do your due diligence when looking to apply for scholarships you find on aggregation websites. Confirm that the scholarship's sponsor is legitimate by looking at reviews of the company, and check its Better Business Bureau grade, if available. 

Most private scholarships won't completely cover the cost of your education. You're better off looking for merit scholarships from individual colleges that cover your costs completely or filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)  to see if you're eligible for a need-based full ride. 

Generally speaking, you shouldn't pay someone to search for scholarships for you, though there are exceptions to every rule. Many scholarship websites are free to use. They only "cost" the time you spend searching on them. 

The timing on when you should start filling out applications for scholarships varies depending on the specific scholarship you're applying for. Some scholarships are even available to high school students, so it's never too early to start your search.

The GPA requirement varies from scholarship to scholarship, but the lowest GPA is usually around 2.0. In general, you'll have a better chance of success with a higher GPA. 

Some of the most common scholarship types include academic scholarships, athletic scholarships, identity-based scholarships, and first-generation student scholarships.

Our Experts' Advice for Choosing the Best Scholarship Websites

What are the advantages of private scholarships versus scholarships or grants from schools.

Neeta Vallab: 

"Honestly, there are very limited advantages to using private scholarships over grants directly from schools. Unlike private scholarships, most grants from schools do not require a separate application and are renewable for four years. Additionally, many colleges will deduct the value of a private scholarship from any award they give you. This is called 'displacement.' And because this practice is so prevalent, it often leaves students with no net financial benefit, despite the effort they invested in submitting an application."

Jennifer Ledwith:

"Unlike scholarships from schools, private scholarships can be used at multiple universities. Furthermore, unlike grants from schools, private scholarships don't have to follow federal or institutional financial aid methodology. Consequently, students can receive private scholarships without regard to other financial aid awards. Furthermore, some private scholarships send the money directly to the student, allowing greater flexibility in using the funds."

Should you always consider scholarships before loans? Are there any scenarios you should pick a loan?

Christopher Rim: 

"No, you should never pick a loan over a scholarship! You always have to pay back loans. Students should bear in mind that they may have their scholarship rescinded if they don't meet the terms and conditions. They should be absolutely sure to read the terms of their scholarship thoroughly to understand the possible consequences if they fail to meet the set conditions."

Ryan Wangman:

"You'll need to repay the money you borrow from any lender, so it's never a good idea to choose a loan over a scholarship, which is money you don't have to pay back. There aren't any scenarios I can think of where it is better to pick a loan than a scholarship. 

How do you know what scholarships you're qualified for?

Rim : 

"Many websites will allow students to filter through their databases to find scholarships they are eligible for. Others ask students to create a profile and then match them based on demographic information. Once students find the scholarships on databases, they should be sure to cross check eligibility requirements on the sponsoring organization's website."

Vallab : 

"Private scholarships will usually have a qualifications section in their description. Some colleges may publish a scholarship grid showing the GPA and test scores required for certain levels of eligibility. Not all merit scholarship information is published however."

What's the best way to track what scholarships you've applied for and are waiting to hear back from?

"Students should keep a spreadsheet to track their scholarship application status."

"Like Jennifer mentioned, a spreadsheet is usually the best way to track application status. Make sure you note how far along you are in each process, as well as any awards you have received — both private and from the schools you've been accepted to.

best academic writing websites

Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews, or recommendations expressed in this article are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer. Read our editorial standards .

Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

**Enrollment required.

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The Best in Kenya

The Best Paying Academic Writing Accounts in Kenya

The Best 10 Online Academic Writing Accounts

The availability of reliable internet connection across the country has opened doors to many Kenyans, especially youths. In 2019, 23% of Kenyans used the internet . Some use the internet to earn money through academic writing, transcription, and article writing accounts. 

There are different academic writing accounts you can use to earn your living. Also, you can work from anywhere once you own a writing platform. For years, the different freelancing accounts have served students who want their assignments done at a small fee. Although there are some issues with academic writing, most writers have bought cars, taken children to school, and bought land with the money they earn.

Online Academic Writing Accounts that Pay Well

1. essay pro .

best academic writing websites

Essay Pro is one of the best academic writing accounts in 2021. This is because the writers have over 20 years of experience. The academic writing account helps students with their academic tasks. Once you purchase your editing or writing services with Essay Pro, you are guaranteed quality work.

Essay Pro aims to help every student in their academics to achieve the best in their education. You can buy an Essay Pro account if you want to be among a team that helps students achieve their education dream. 

Get account 

2. Uvorcorp 

best academic writing websites

It is an academic writing assistance company launched in 2006. The company cares for writers and helps them to perfect their service delivery. Uvocorp’s writing account allows you to deal with essays, research papers, dissertation chapters, and creative writing.

Also, if you are a beginner with a passion for academic writing, Uvocorp helps you tap your writing potential. In each assignment given, Essay Pro gives you a deadline to complete the task. 

Register now 

3. WriterBay 

best academic writing websites

If you are a freelancer looking for an online academic writing account with various orders and a flexible schedule, Writer Bay has got you. All you need to start your job is an internet connection, writing skills, and passion. It is one of the academic sites looking for writers.

At Writer Bay, you are sure of a competitive income on each paper you tackle. Also, you receive your payment twice a month, and thus, your pocket won’t run dry. In addition, the academic writing account allows you to manage your workload. 

Register account 

4. Quality Writers 

best academic writing websites

Open an academic writing account with Quality Writers and get paid on time. Also, the website offers you the necessary support while working. This has made many writers who have gone through their hands experts.

You can choose the project you are comfortable working on from the Quality Writers platform. Also, you carry out the tasks at your pace. Therefore, you can earn as much money as you want. If you are good at content writing, resume writing, and editing, join the team. 

Join the platform 

5. Blue Corp 

best academic writing websites

At Blue Corp, you can earn up to $2500 per month. Also, you can increase your income from $600 to $1700 by working with Blue Corp during your free time. As one of the academic writing accounts for beginners, the freelancing company has a friendly team. They walk with you until you master the game.

The academic writing account also supports your professional growth. Once you prove your effort, desire to work, and responsibility, you can get a promotion and become highly ranked. As a result, your pay increases, and you have more benefits than the other writers. 

6.  Edusson 

best academic writing websites

Edusson has numerous academic writing accounts for sale in Kenya. To work with them, you only need to open an account. First, submit your personal information. Second, do a short test given and make sure you pass. Third, write an introductory essay to prove your skill.

Fourth, you should present your ID and a diploma for authentication. Finally, select the mode of payment you prefer. Once you complete the process, you can start working immediately on your area of interest. 

Register on the platform 

7. Essay Supply

The Essay Supply writing platform allows you to open an academic writing account free of charge. The process is easy and fast. Therefore, you can start earning as early as now. As one of the best academic writing accounts for sale in 2021, Essay Supply offers constant support to all writers.

If you have a passion for writing and advanced English skills, you can open an account with Essay Supply. You earn according to work done once you adhere to the given deadline. 

Join Essay Supply 

8. Essay Shark 

best academic writing websites

Essay Shark makes your academic tasks easy to handle. Students can check the progress of the assignment by chatting with the writer. Also, they can request a free preview from your writer to suit your need.

The online writing account handles the projects on time. In addition, the work delivered is non-plagiarized. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the copyright of your work. 

Register as a writer 

9. Power Papers 

best academic writing websites

The academic writing account began in 2008 through a group of experts with over 40 years of experience in research and writing. The team from Power Papers is hand-selected, therefore, the best.

If you have an advanced degree in any field and want to become a freelancer, you can open an account with Power Papers. Also, the payment of work done will warm the cockles of your heart. 

Become a writer 

10. Writers Labs 

best academic writing websites

Writers Labs brings your freelance writing career dreams to reality. You can register with them and open an academic writing account to earn dollars every month. There is a constant flow of orders in the Writers Lab account. Hence, you can work as much as you want.

Writers Labs also offers flexible working hours. This is because you can either work during the day or at night. Also, they offer 24/7 live support. Therefore, in case you have trouble with a project, you get assistance on time. 

Start freelancing 

What does CPP mean  in writing?

The meaning of CPP in writing is the cost per page. This is the amount of money charged for a single page of content. The average CPP in Kenya is between Ksh. 300-400 when working for a local account owner.

What does POA in writing mean?

POA in writing means payment on approval. This usually describes the payment option where you are only paid after the client approves your work. Most academic writing account owners use this payment method.

What is the meaning of POD in academic writing?

POD in academic writing refers to payment on delivery. This is where you deliver the work and then get paid. You don’t have to wait for the client to approve before you get your money. This payment arrangement is common in complex and urgent orders.

How much is an academic writing account in Kenya?

The average cost of an academic writing account in Kenya is around Ksh. 10,000-50,000. However, some accounts like Uvorcorp, Bluecorp, Essayshark, and Essaypro may cost hundreds of thousands, depending on the features.

Which is the best place to buy an academic writing account?

The best place to buy an academic writing account is Accounts Place. The website lists all the available writing accounts in Kenya and their prices. You can compare the features of each account before making your purchase.



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best academic writing websites

best academic writing websites

List of Best Academic Writing Websites in Kenya

Academic writing is one of the best options for many students and fresh graduates to earn a great income from home.  If you are good at writing academic papers from either your professional background or other backgrounds, then there are many academic writing freelancer websites for you on the internet.

Personally, I have been earning a good income from academic writing. As you can see, there are many academic writing sites. I have worked for a number of them. Some of the best academic writing sites are enumerated below.

Below is a list of the best academic writing websites in Kenya
















best academic writing websites

Victor Matara

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    1. WritingCreek. WritingCreek is one of the best academic writing sites to work with if you are a beginner. It has a simple and free-of-cost hiring process, which usually takes 24 to 48 hours to complete. Once the team approves your account, you can start bidding and earning straight away.

  2. Scribbr

    Help you achieve your academic goals. Whether we're proofreading and editing, checking for plagiarism or AI content, generating citations, or writing useful Knowledge Base articles, our aim is to support students on their journey to become better academic writers. We believe that every student should have the right tools for academic success.

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    6. Authorea. The magazine "TechCrunch" describes Authorea as "a Google Docs for scientists". On the academic writing platform, you can write, edit, and insert citations, figures and data. And it's great for collaborative writing: Co-authors can access the same text at the same time, track the changes they made, insert comments and even live-chat during writing sessions.

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    2. JSTOR. For journal articles, books, images, and even primary sources, JSTOR ranks among the best online resources for academic research. JSTOR's collection spans 75 disciplines, with strengths in the humanities and social sciences. The academic research database includes complete runs of over 2,800 journals.

  5. 11 Best Academic Writing Tools For Researchers 2024

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    Elham P. Mohammadi. Improve text. InstaText is a writing and editing tool that helps you rewrite your text to make it more readable and understandable. InstaText automatically improves the clarity and style of a text, corrects grammatical errors, enriches your content and helps you rephrase and paraphrase your academic texts.

  9. What Is Academic Writing?

    Academic writing is a formal style of writing used in universities and scholarly publications. You'll encounter it in journal articles and books on academic topics, and you'll be expected to write your essays, research papers, and dissertation in academic style. Academic writing follows the same writing process as other types of texts, but ...

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    9. Well-Storied. Run by Kristen Kieffer, this writing website offers more than just blog articles; it links authors with writing communities on social media, provides tutorials on Scrivener (a word-processing software designed for authors), and offers free courses on a variety of subjects. 10. Writers in the Storm.

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    3. Essayshark. Essayshark is an online writing site focusing on custom essays and research papers. The site pays $30 for each article you write, above average! They also have many academic topics to choose from, so if you're looking for something specific, Essayshark may be the best place for you.

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    Writing in the Sciences: Stanford University. Introduction to Academic Writing: O.P. Jindal Global University. Writing in English at University: Lund University. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course): École Polytechnique. Getting Started with Essay Writing: University of California, Irvine.

  13. The 50+ Best Writing Websites of 2024

    Best writing websites for writing craft and inspiration. 1. Almost an Author. Offering up new content every day, Almost an Author covers a grand scope of writing topics. From genre-specific advice to emotional support on your writing journey, there's tons of useful info here for beginner and veteran writers alike. 2.

  14. DeepL Write: AI-powered writing companion

    Get perfect spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Sound fluent, professional, and natural. Fine-tune your writing with word and sentence alternatives. Choose a writing style and tone that fits your audience. DeepL Write is a tool that helps you perfect your writing. Write clearly, precisely, with ease, and without errors. Try for free now!

  15. Academic Writing Courses and Certifications

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    Scribbr. Scribbr is an educational platform that helps students with academic writing like proofreading, reviewing, and editing. It also offers opportunities for editing scripts. If you want to join Scibbr, you have to first take their grammar and language tests. After passing it, your CV and motivation letter will be reviewed.

  20. AI Academic Writing Tool for Researchers

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    Hire Freelancemomma for $15 >>. 5. Historydavid - Best for Historical and Academic Writing. Historydavid is great for not just history but geography and culture as well. Historydavid (David) is the go-to ghostwriter for anyone needing expertise in history, geography, and academic papers.

  22. 125 Academic Writing Accounts: A Complete List (Updated for 2022)

    More is discussed about take and bid accounts in the average accounts section. 1. Uvocorp. This is the account that started the academic writing revolution. Many years later it is still considered by the majority of the writers to be the best. Uvocorp pays up to 26.5 dollars per page.

  23. Best Scholarship Websites of 2024

    The best scholarship websites on our top picks include, Fastweb,, Peterson's, CollegeBoard, Scholly, GoingMerry, ScholarshipOwl, and ProFellow.x

  24. The Best Paying Academic Writing Accounts in Kenya

    1. Essay Pro. Essay Pro is one of the best academic writing accounts in 2021. This is because the writers have over 20 years of experience. The academic writing account helps students with their academic tasks. Once you purchase your editing or writing services with Essay Pro, you are guaranteed quality work.

  25. List of Best Academic Writing Websites in Kenya

    Personally, I have been earning a good income from academic writing. As you can see, there are many academic writing sites. I have worked for a number of them. Some of the best academic writing sites are enumerated below. Below is a list of the best academic writing websites in Kenya . 1. 2. 3. 4.