English Summary

Good Deeds Essay

A good deed can be defined as helping someone without expecting something in return. Doing good deeds is important for all of us. It helps us to become better people. It affects our lives and the lives of other people (for whom good deeds are performed) positively. It’s our moral responsibility to help others.

When we do good to someone, it inspires him/her to do good, help others as he/she received well. This way it affects our society as a whole and makes it a better place to live.

We should help others as much as possible. When each one of us will do so, it will make a huge difference and make this place a happy world. 

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Unleashing Positive Impact: The Power of Good Deeds

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"Unleashing Positive Impact: The Power of Good Deeds." StudyMoose , 19 Mar 2016, https://studymoose.com/good-deeds-can-make-a-difference-essay

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"Unleashing Positive Impact: The Power of Good Deeds." StudyMoose, Mar 19, 2016. Accessed August 21, 2024. https://studymoose.com/good-deeds-can-make-a-difference-essay

"Unleashing Positive Impact: The Power of Good Deeds," StudyMoose , 19-Mar-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/good-deeds-can-make-a-difference-essay. [Accessed: 21-Aug-2024]

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Unleashing Positive Impact: The Power of Good Deeds essay

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Essay on Good Deeds Reflect Good Character

Students are often asked to write an essay on Good Deeds Reflect Good Character in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Good Deeds Reflect Good Character

What are good deeds.

Good deeds are kind actions we do for others. They can be as simple as helping an old person cross the street or sharing lunch with a friend. These acts show we care about people and want to make their day better.

Good Deeds Show Kindness

When someone does good deeds, it shows they have a kind heart. Kindness is a part of good character. It means thinking about others before ourselves and doing things to help without wanting anything back.

Good Deeds and Respect

Good deeds also show respect. When we act kindly, we are treating others the way we want to be treated. This respect is a big piece of having good character.

Good Deeds Inspire Others

Seeing good deeds makes others want to do the same. This creates a chain of kindness. One good action can lead to many more. This is how good deeds can make a big difference in the world.

250 Words Essay on Good Deeds Reflect Good Character

Good deeds show who we are.

Our actions speak louder than our words. This means that what we do shows our true character more than what we say. When someone does good things for others, it shows that they have a kind heart and think about other people’s feelings. This is what good character is all about.

Good Deeds Make Us Feel Good

When we do something nice for someone, it makes us feel happy inside. This is because being kind and helpful is a part of who we are as humans. We feel good when we do good. So, doing good deeds not only shows we have good character but also makes us feel better about ourselves.

When people see us doing good deeds, it can encourage them to do the same. It’s like when one person smiles, it can make others smile too. Good actions can spread from person to person, making a chain of kindness. This shows that one person’s good character can really make a difference in the world.

In short, good deeds are a clear sign of good character. They show kindness, caring, and a willingness to help others. By doing good deeds, we not only prove our good character but also spread positivity and inspire others to do the same.

500 Words Essay on Good Deeds Reflect Good Character

Understanding good deeds.

Good deeds are actions that help others and make the world a better place. They can be as simple as helping an old person cross the street or as big as starting a charity to help those in need. When we do something good for someone else, it not only brings a smile to their face but also warms our own hearts.

Good Character Shines Through Actions

When we do good things for others, people tend to respect us more. This is because they see that we are thinking about others and not just ourselves. For example, if a student helps their classmates with homework, those classmates will think of the student as helpful and kind. This respect comes from seeing the good character the student shows by doing a good deed.

Good Deeds Create a Ripple Effect

One amazing thing about good deeds is that they can start a chain reaction. If you do something nice for someone, they might feel happy and do something nice for someone else. This is called a ripple effect. It’s like throwing a stone into a pond and watching the ripples spread out. Good deeds work the same way, spreading kindness and good character from one person to another.

Learning from Good Deeds

Challenges to good deeds.

Sometimes, doing good deeds can be hard. We might be busy, or we might not feel like helping. But it is important to remember that every good deed counts, no matter how small. Even when it is tough, choosing to do a good deed shows that we have a strong and good character.

In conclusion, good deeds are a clear sign of a person’s good character. They show that we care about others and want to make a positive difference in the world. Good deeds earn us respect, start a ripple effect of kindness, and help us learn important values. Even when it is difficult, we should always strive to do good deeds because they reflect who we are inside. Let’s all try to do more good deeds and show the world the best of our characters.

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Stories of Good Deeds

Npr listeners share tales of kind strangers, acts of generosity.

Susan Stamberg at NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C., May 21, 2019. (photo by Allison Shelley)

Susan Stamberg

good deed essay example

Beverly Jordan keeps this photo of an anonymous couple who donated supplies after Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida in 1992 as a reminder of their generosity. Beverly Jordan hide caption

good deed essay example

Clara Delfino, seen in a photo taken around 1960, taught her daughter Donna the meaning of "good deeds" when she gave food to a stranger. Donna Delfino Dugay hide caption

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Peter Strupp, seen on graduation day in front of the Christian fellowship house that took him in at the University of Wisconsin. Peter Strupp hide caption

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Co-workers chipped in to help David Hutmacher at a time of financial strain. David Hutmacher hide caption

Acts of kindness and generosity come in many different forms: Giving food to a hungry stranger, donating one's time to aid homeless people or helping a fellow tenant make the rent. But it's their ability to touch us and stick in our memories that makes sometimes even small gestures a powerful and lasting force in our lives.

Last month, Morning Edition invited listeners to share stories about "good deeds" they had witnessed or heard about. NPR's Susan Stamberg reports on some of the many responses that came in. And npr.org offers a few stories that did not make it on the air.

After the Storm

Beverly Jordan witnessed an extraordinary act of generosity after Hurricane Andrew slammed into South Florida in 1992, leaving a wide path of destruction in its path. Jordan, a nurse, volunteered to go door to door in Miami delivering emergency relief.

Her relief van pulled up to a house that was nothing but a shell. She asked the young owners if they needed anything. "They said, 'No, but can you wait a minute here?' They came back out with a case of diapers and four or five bags of food and said, 'Would you please give this to somebody who needs it worse than we do?'"

Jordan says she never got the couple's name and wishes that she could thank them for their generosity.

The Most Memorable Christmas

Amy Scharman of Mapleton, Utah, remembered the Christmas after her parents divorced. Her mother was raising 13 kids with no child support. The holiday was looking pretty grim.

"It was about dusk on Christmas Eve and we heard a knock on the back door," Scharman says. When they opened it, no one was there. But someone had left 10 big bags filled with presents for the children, including clothes and toys.

"It was such an overwhelming feeling to see such generosity from I don't even know who it was," she says. Ten years later, Scharman and her family still don't know who did that good deed. Amy Scharman ends her note, "If you're out there, thank you for making that Christmas the most memorable of all."

A Mother's Good Example

Sometimes witnessing a good deed leaves a lasting impression. Donna Delfino Dugay of Harper Woods, Mich., remembers a day in California when she was 11 years old, and her parents took their six children for a special day at the beach. Donna's mother brought a picnic lunch — fried chicken and her famous potato salad — and prepared a plate for each of them.

"When I looked up from my plate, my mother was fixing one more plate... She turned away from us and walked over maybe 20 or 30 feet to where there was a man by himself. And he was picking his way through the trashcan. And my mother — I don't know whether she just put the plate there or whether she touched him gently or whether she said a few words — but I remember him turning to her in a gesture of thankfulness."

Dugay's mother came back and sat down at the table. "Years later, Dugay asked her mother if she remembered the incident. "She laughed and said, 'Not at all.' But for me, I remember it very well because for me, it was the touchstone for what good deeds became in my life."

Never Too Young to Help

Many listeners wrote of the generosity of very young people, Stamberg reports. Four-year-old Justin Dingman took the hand of a frightened fellow pre-schooler, serving as the welcoming committee on the boy's first day at school. Liadan Susoeff, 7, took books to a shelter in Pittsburgh at holiday time and read to the children there. Eight-year-old Luke O'Neill took one of his own coats to school so a less fortunate classmate could go outside at recess.

'A King's Ransom'

Peter Strupp of Boston remembers being "flat broke" his senior year at the University of Wisconsin. When he could no longer afford the rent at his fraternity, he found refuge in a campus Christian fellowship house.

Strupp would sneak into the kitchen to take food bought by his fellow tenants. "Inevitably the month came that I couldn't make the rent...

"The night before I was going to tell my housemates I was leaving, one of them stopped me in the kitchen. We were alone... He reached into his pocket and handed me a month's rent, in cash. Before I could say anything, he said, 'Don't pay me back.' Though the rent was less than $100, Strupp writes, "in a dark hour, it was a king's ransom."

Kindness in Passing

A simple act of kindness on a hot day nearly 50 years ago left a lasting memory for Dan Sullivan.

"There is hardly anything more boring than traveling in a military convoy," Sullivan writes. "In late 1955, a deuce-and-a-half truck filled with a dozen GIs and I were crawling across northern Iowa. It was hot, even with the canvas sides rolled up. There were no stops for sodas, and the 30 thirsty miles per hour took us nowhere forever. One of the few entertainments was watching an occasional car pass, so when a convertible pulled in behind, we took notice — even more notice when the beautiful woman in the passenger seat waved and smiled. And oh, miracle, she reached back into a cooler and pulled out two bottles of ice-cold Royal Crown Cola, which she passed up to us as they went by. Wherever that woman is, I hope she sleeps well tonight."

Giving at Work

David Hutmacher of Marietta, Ga., wrote of the generosity he received from co-workers when he became seriously ill three years ago. After three hospital stays, including two surgeries, he had used up all of his vacation and sick leave.

"It was the end of the year and my last paycheck at the first of December was for approximately 10 percent of its usual amount. I was worried it was fast approaching Christmas and I wouldn't be going back to work until mid-January at the earliest. I am married and have two daughters who at that time were 8 and 5, respectively. My wife, who is a schoolteacher, was just barely keeping things together. I really didn't think there would be much if any Christmas that year. So I was very surprised when on the 15th of December I received a paycheck. When I opened it there was not only a full pay period but also the pay I was missing from the previous check. I immediately called our comptroller for an explanation. It seems that all the employees had gotten together and donated any vacation that they had left for the year so I could get paid. I cried. It was truly a Good Deed."

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A Good Deed

“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.”

A Good Deed is one act, big or small, of kindness which makes life a wee bit easier for someone other than you. Acts of kindness can be so many that you actually do not have to plan it or think about it too much. All you need to do is be good at heart and when the occasion presents itself be sure to act. It is not good enough to be moved by the miseries of others without pitching in to help. A good deed is something that should come naturally to you, so much so that you do not think about it after it is done. Helping a child cross the road, stopping to give directions to a person who is lost, running errands for your old neighbor, soothing a hurt child….the list of good deeds are endless.

Small niceties lead to good deeds. If you give someone the right of way or smile when you enter an elevator, you are being polite and soon, this very habit of just being nice will be synonymous with just being “you” and unknowingly, you will be doing many good deeds without effort and without any expectations whatsoever. Just think how much better this world will be because of you!

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Good Deeds Essay Examples

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5 Inspiring Good Deeds from the Pages of History

Random acts of kindness go way back..

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Stories of kindness throughout the ages (Shutterstock)

The phrases ‘ Random Acts of Kindness ’ and ‘ Pay it Forward ’ are used often in the modern age - especially in the circles of people and organizations who want to make the world a better place. And this month on March 15, people from all corners of the earth will come together for a global celebration of doing good - Good Deeds Day . But kindness isn’t a new fad - it goes way back. These five inspiring stories take us through religious traditions, sporting events and hard times for humanity - revealing the love, kindness and compassion that underlies the human experience.


WHO: Ivan Fernandez Anaya WHEN: 2012 WHAT: In December 2012, Kenyan runner Abel Mutai was in first place during a cross-country race in Burlada, Spain. When he was some 10 meters away from the end of the race, he mistakenly thought he had crossed the finish line and won the race - so he slowed down - giving Spanish runner Ivan Fernandez Anaya the chance to overtake him and claim victory. Instead, Fernandez caught up to his rival and guided him to the finish line - choosing honesty and sportsmanship over victory. Watch the good deed play out in this video from the event .

Ivan Fernandez Anaya guides Abel Mutai to the finish line ( Screenshot ) 


WHO: Pope John Paul II WHEN: 1981 WHAT: On May 13, 1981 Pope John Paul II survived an attempt on his life in St. Peter’s Square, Vatican City. Just four days later, John Paul publicly forgave his would-be assassin, saying that he’d actually already forgiven the Turkish man - Mehmet Ali Agca - when he was in the ambulance on the way to the hospital in a serious condition. This historical good deed shows that forgiveness is always possible.

Pope John Paul II greets pilgrims, 2004 (giulio napolitano / Shutterstock.com)


WHO: Captain Wilm Hosenfeld WHEN: 1944 WHAT: Wladyslaw Szpilman, the talented Polish pianist on whom the movie The Piano was based, was rounded up and transported to Treblinka (a concentration camp)  in 1942 after the Germans invaded Poland. He survived via a series of lucky incidents and was somehow left behind in Warsaw, where he stayed in hiding throughout the following years of World War II. In 1944, he was discovered by a German officer, Captain Wilm Hosenfeld. Szpilman expected to be turned in, but in an act of kindness, Hosenfeld did the exact opposite - he helped Szpilman evade capture, bringing him food for sustenance and giving him a safe refuge.  The surprising act of kindness at the end of this story reminds us that there is good in everyone.

Captain Wilm Hosenfeld in uniform ( Yad Vashem )


WHO: The Prophet Muhammad WHEN: Around 600 CE WHAT: According to the Muslim tradition, Muhammad once saw a man working on a grinding mill, sobbing to himself all the while. Muhammad asked the man why he was crying, and he replied that he was sick and couldn’t work well - but he was worried about the repercussions if his master were to find out. Muhammad stepped forward and ground the grain in his place, saying: "Always call me if you have any grain to grind. I will do it for you." This classic good deed shows how the simple act of relating to other human beings can present opportunities to show compassion and help out.

An ancient hand mill (Shutterstock)


WHO: Jesus WHEN: Around 30 CD WHAT: Among the many stories of Jesus’ acts of kindness from the Christian tradition is this story from the Gospel of Luke, which saw the central religious figure speaking to his followers about helping others. “And the crowds asked him, "What then shall we do?" And he answered them, "Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise." This story shows the importance of giving positive, compassionate advice to those who follow our example.

A classical depiction of Jesus and his followers (Shutterstock)

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Doing Good Deeds

Updated 16 September 2022

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Topic Good Deeds

Doing good deeds is a way to make someone else's life better, whether it's by helping them out financially or donating to a local charity. There are many ways to show kindness, from leaving a grocery coupon at someone's door to making anonymous gifts to colleagues or random contacts. No matter who you're trying to help, remember that God's law is the only standard.God's law is the only standard of good deeds The Law of God is the only standard that will justify us from our sins. According to Paul, this Law has been written in our hearts and consciences. We can only obey it if we love our neighbor as ourselves. Otherwise, we will be guilty of committing sin.It is important to keep God's law in mind when doing good deeds. This law does not change with time or society. In order to satisfy God, we must love him and obey his commands.Planning helps you do good deeds Good deeds are acts of kindness performed with intention and purpose. They are different from ordinary actions, because they require thoughtfulness and attention. For example, you can help a friend run errands or help an aging family member with housework or child care. These actions are more likely to be successful if you take the time to plan them beforehand.One of the best benefits of doing good deeds is the feeling of well-being you get from helping someone in need. Performing good deeds can also help you to control your own emotions. Studies have shown that performing an act of kindness makes you happier and makes you more likely to perform another good deed.Being honest with the recipient The best way to do good deeds is to ask yourself, "How can I make someone smile today?" When you do good deeds, your reward will come from the fact that you made someone happy. It's a great feeling to know that you were able to make someone's day! Of course, you don't want to brag about your good deeds, but it's a good idea to make sure that the person you're doing good deeds for is aware of it.Donating books is another way to help someone's day. Libraries are often run on donations, and you can help them by donating your unwanted books. This will help them save money on book costs. In addition, libraries sometimes sell donated books in order to raise funds for new computers, printers, and property costs. Donating books is a great way to help someone in need and benefit yourself at the same time.Leaving coupons at the grocery store Doing good deeds is a great way to help people and the environment. Leaving grocery store coupons can help those in need. If you have young children, consider offering to watch their children for free. In addition, you can always return shopping carts at the grocery store.Visiting a nursing home Visiting a nursing home is a perfect opportunity to do good deeds and give back to the community. You can also volunteer with a nonprofit organization to build a home for low-income families. Many companies will pay for employees to take paid time off to volunteer. You can choose to volunteer weekly, bi-weekly, or annually.Donating fresh flowers to a nursing home is also a great way to give back to the community. You can also take a well-behaved dog to a local facility and visit with residents. Even a short visit can lift spirits. Another way to make a difference is to offer to rake leaves or change light bulbs or install new batteries in smoke alarms. Another way to give back is by making scrapbooks for seniors or reading stories to them.Visiting a hospital One of the most common forms of good deeds is visiting a hospital. In order to visit a patient, all visitors must follow the hospital's rules and regulations. They must wear a mask issued by the facility and practice proper hand hygiene. Some hospitals also restrict the number of visitors per patient, and the length of the visit may also be limited. Visitors may only be permitted to visit a patient during ambulatory or outpatient services. Hospital staff may also prevent visitation if the patient tests positive for COVID-19.In addition to visiting a hospital, you can visit a loved one in the hospital. Some patients are chronically ill and are fighting for their lives. This is one way to show them that you care. It is also a way to give your time to others and to help the hospital achieve its mission.Giving to a hospital Donating to a hospital is a great way to help the sick and injured in your community. You can also make a donation by giving to local nonprofits. Many small nonprofits have a wishlist that you can help fulfill. You can also volunteer to help out at a local hospital.You can send cards to hospital patients and send them home-cooked meals. Since these meals are usually unavailable in hospitals, it is a great way to show how much you care. Providing a gift card to a local restaurant can also be a nice change from the bland hospital food. Additionally, you can send encouraging notes to the patients. Having a heartfelt note from friends and family will help their spirits.

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Good Deeds which I am Proud of

Good Deeds which I am Proud of

The author shares some of the good deeds they have done and are proud of. One of the greatest deeds was visiting their sick grandmother in the hospital for five to six hours a day, even though their grandmother had no clue they were there. They also visited other people in the nursing home and helped their aunt when she pulled a back muscle, taking care of their seven-year-old cousin. The author also helps students in their class with homework, schoolwork, and studying for tests. These good deeds make the author feel content with themselves and less selfish.

There are many good deeds which I have performed and am very proud of. I will now discuss a few of them. One of the greatest deeds I did was to visit my sick grandmother in the hospital, although I had a long school day and was very tired. Even though I was only eight years old, I would visit her for five to six hours a day. I did this despite the fact she had no clue that I was even there. Even though my friends invited me to stay overnight while she was sick, I refused. All I could think about was being with her.

A short time afterwards, my grandmother was transferred to a rehabilitation center near my school. On the Sabbath and Passover I walked a mile each way just to visit her. I did this on Friday nights too. I am very proud of this since it shows how much I truly care about and love my grandmother. Even though I was still quite young, I really appreciated my grandmother and understood all she had done for me. In addition, I also visited other people in the nursing home, which made them quite happy and improved their spirits.

These were some of my grandmother’s friends, and it made her proud that I made them happy. This was especially rewarding since some of them did not make it and it was their last chance to be happy. Another special deed was helping out my aunt when she pulled a back muscle. Her pain was so unbearable that she was unable to cook or keep my seven-year old cousin entertained. Although I cannot cook, I took care of my cousin by playing with him and taking him out for long walks.

Indeed, we all pitched in to help her. I take pride in this since now I could finally show my aunt, with actions and not just words, how much I appreciate everything she does for me. Besides these positive deeds, another daily deed is helping students in my class with homework, schoolwork and studying for tests. This deed helps me to reduce my selfishness and be generous and helpful. As I have clearly proved, these good deeds and the rest of my deeds make me feel very content with myself.

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52 Good Deeds to Do Every Week in 2023

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So, for a moment, let’s remember how bad these past few years have been for most people. People cried. People got sick. People died. Businesses collapsed. And so naturally, anxiety, depression, and mental illness increased. And yet, with all this chaos, people still went out to do good deeds. You don’t always need a lot of money to make someone else very happy. In this article, we’re going to share our list of good deeds that you can do for other people with no budget at all. With your help, we can spread kindness throughout the world with our actions to make 2023 a better year for all of us.

What Is A Good Deed?

good deed essay example

A good deed is an action you take for the betterment of another person or society as a whole. However, good deeds need to be perceived as good even if the intent is positive. Otherwise, they may not be considered good deeds.

Can Good Deeds Be Seen Negatively?

When I moved into my new home, I decided to surprise my new neighbors with cupcakes. I knew that my new neighbor was a huge fan of baseball, so I ordered special baseball cupcakes for one and a beautiful floral bouquet of cupcakes for the other neighbor. A funny thing happened after that, though. One neighbor was upset I didn’t bake them but bought them. And the other neighbor was disappointed that she didn’t get anything for me in return. She felt like she was now indebted to me, which was in no way my intention, nor did the idea ever cross my mind. 

Thus, good deeds need to be seen as good by the recipient. Otherwise, they don’t count. So you might need to do some trial and error while trying your best to make the world a better place. 

good deed essay example

A Good Deed Dies When It’s Spoken About

While sharing a good deed online can help spark kindness in others. Bragging about your good deeds takes away the essence of the action. Good deeds should be done out of love in your heart, rather than winning likes or views on Instagram or TikTok.

When doing a good deed, aim to do them secretly or at least privately if you can. For example, if you know someone in your family who struggles with depression, you might send them flowers to cheer them up . You can still sign that it’s from your family. However, if down the road you begin to struggle, and they don’t send you flowers back, this isn’t the time to brag about how you once did a good deed for them and now expect the same treatment back.

The best way to perform good deeds is to think to yourself, “How can I make someone happy today?” Their happiness is your reward for your good deed. After all, knowing that you made a positive impact on someone’s day can make you feel pretty good. Beyond that, there shouldn’t be an expectation of what you’ll get from doing good deeds. 

52 Good Deed Ideas List

1. wish someone a happy birthday.

Birthday cake with lit candles

A birthday is everyone’s most important day. It’s the one day in the year that’s all about them. Instead of ignoring a former acquaintance’s birthday, go out of your way to wish every Facebook friend a happy birthday on their special day this year. That’s a good deed that will make people feel special on their special day.

2. Congratulate Someone’s New Accomplishment

Often, we think, “oh, poor me” when someone has a significant accomplishment in life. You’ll get your turn, too, you know. But in the meantime, if you see someone having a big moment, help them celebrate. Use this week’s good deed to make them feel high about their new win. Whether it’s a life milestone or a career one, be sure to be vocal with your praise. 

3. Check-In On A Friend With Mental Illness

One good deed you can do this week is check in on a friend with mental illness. The worse their mental health gets, the more hostile they become. The more aggressive they become, the more people tend to distance themselves from them. When people are struggling, they need all the support they can get. So, check-in, listen without giving advice, and be there for them. 

4. Send A Surprise Thank You Card In The Mail

The next good deed idea to try is to send mail to a friend or family member without telling them. You can write a heartfelt letter as to why you love them, what you admire about them, or how you’ve grown because of them. If it’s near Valentine’s day, you can write a ‘reasons why I love you’ card. If no occasion is near, just writing a card thanking them for being in your life is enough. This good deed beats bills. 

5. Invite a Lonely Friend Over For Coffee

Two friends having a coffee together

Self-isolation  can cause people to feel quite lonely. If you know a neighbor or a friend who is isolated, invite them over for a coffee. Feeling lonely can cause them to talk more than the average person. So, aim to be a good listener, asking questions to help them feel heard. 

6. Volunteer Your Services

Everyone has a unique talent. What’s yours? Maybe you’re a savvy marketer or a social butterfly who can excite a crowd; either way, it’s time to put your skills to good use by doing the good deed of volunteering. Helping people is the number one cause of happiness. By finding time to help people this week, you’ll notice an elevated mood. So, this good deed idea comes with an additional benefit.

7. Cook Your Family’s Favorite Meal

So, we all know that kids and sometimes our partners can be picky eaters. This week indulge in it a bit. Cook your family their favorite meal this week. If your kids only eat chicken nuggets, head out to buy their favorite dipping sauce so they can eat their favorite treat in the best way imaginable. 

8. Leave An I Love You Note for Family Members

Families rarely spend time together, even when stuck under the same roof. People often sit in front of their laptops or phones, fixated on their technology. Instead, they should be with those closest to them. To break people out of it, write a handwritten note telling each household member why you love them. Slip the note under their bedroom or office door to help make them feel special. If someone heads out the door to work or school, you can slip the message in a lunch bag. 

9. Share Your Experience With Others Online

There are countless forums where people share how they’re struggling. Instead of sharing what’s going wrong in life, be the person who shares their experience of how they overcame a big challenge in life. Doing this can help give people hope. By letting people know that there is a way out of their struggles, they’ll learn the tools and skills to get themselves out of the chaos. Share your life lessons with the world so people can heal.

10. Spend Time With Friends and Family

A family eating breakfast together

People are in either two extreme groups this year. They’ve either seen too much of their family or not enough of them. Either way, finding time to spend with friends and family is a great way to keep your social life active. After all, those with the happiest relationships live the longest. So, you too benefit from this good deed.

11. Buy a homeless person a warm meal

Often, there are homeless people outside of coffee shops or convenience stores. Take the time to buy some warm food for a homeless person the next time you drop by one. Ask them if they’d like anything to ensure you order them precisely what they’d like. Sometimes, they have pets that could also use some milk or water. 

12. Donate used books to a library

So many people hoard books on bookshelves that they never get around to reading or read once and never reopen again. Libraries live on donations. Donating your books can be a great way to help libraries save money on book costs. They might also sell your books to help fundraise for computers, printers, and property costs. Libraries are one of the only genuinely free places people can visit, so this good deed truly supports people of all walks of life. 

13. Avoid gossiping for an entire week

One of the good deeds you can do to  be kind  is to avoid gossip to others and about others. If you struggle to keep secrets to yourself, consider telling them to a pet when no one is around. Have them listen to the gossip because at least they won’t spread the hatefulness to others. Gossip can be subtle sometimes, but all cases put people down instead of uplifting them. 

14. Write a positive review for your favorite small businesses

Small businesses have suffered a lot in the past year. If you’re considering a good deed you can do for free, write a positive review about the companies you’ve been to and loved. Is there a restaurant you’ve always visit? Write a lengthy review of what your favorite meal is, why you’ve loved the experience, and add a five-star rating. 

15. Let someone go ahead of you in line

Woman using her credit card at a cashier

Lineups have increased in waiting times the past year. If you’ve got some spare time in your day, consider letting someone ahead of you in line to help them have a more efficient day. You never know how busy other people’s schedules are. This simple act of  loving-kindness  can help other people feel appreciated and valued.

16. Donate gently worn clothing to charity

Some people donate gently worn clothes for every new item they buy. Others donate unwanted clothing that they’ve outgrown or haven’t worn in a long time. If you’re looking to help a cause, your used clothing donations might be used to help fundraise for a charity or are donated to someone in need. You might personally know a new parent who is struggling financially and donate your children’s clothing to them to help support them. 

17. Shovel a neighbors driveway for free

You might have an elderly neighbor or two who find it challenging to shovel snow. Consider asking your children to join you in a good deed to help them. Every time there’s a bit of snowfall, join together to help shovel your neighbor’s driveway and sidewalk.

18. Compliment someone so much that they smile

So many people think that being honest means criticizing someone. But you can also be open to someone by praising them. When was the last time you compliment-bombed someone? That means an endless string of compliments back to back to uplift someone. Have you ever complimented someone so much that they laughed or smiled? Try it. It’s a game-changing good deed to try. 

19. Join a friend who’s considering a new good habit

A group of woman in a yoga class

Another good deed idea to try is joining in with a friend who’s starting a new  good habit . Maybe their doctor told them to try keto to help with fertility, or they’ve started walking every day to get more steps in. The most successful habit adopters are those who have someone joining in with them. So be their biggest ally by taking part in their newly formed habit with them. They’ll surely appreciate it.  

A Few More Good Deeds to Try

20. Listen to someone who’s had a bad day without giving advice

21. Clean up your local park or lakeshore

22. Help someone find a job

23. Support a friend’s business

24. Buy a coffee for the person behind you

25. Get to know a coworker

26. Mow a neighbor’s lawn

27. Care for an animal

28. Help with chores without being asked

29. Call your parents daily

30. Surprise someone with cake

31. Leave a positive comment in a Facebook group

32. Talk to a coworker you usually don’t chat with

33. Tell someone who’s helped you how grateful you are for them

34. Forgive someone who hurt you

35. Be extra kind to someone who triggers you

36. Reward someone for doing an  act of kindness

37. Plant a tree

38. Chat up a homeless person

39. Leave a note in your favorite book at the library

40. Surprise someone you love with a gift

41. Video chat with a family member in a nursing home

42. Check in on a new mom

43. Donate blood

44. Change a negative trait you have to become a better person

45. Call up lonely family members

46. Make environmentally conscious choices

47. Hold the door open for someone

48. Help a friend with their errands

49. Spend phoneless time with friends and family

50. Donate children’s toys and clothes to expectant parents

51. Don’t complain for a whole week

52. Help a family member or friend enjoy a relaxing day

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Good Deed report - Essay Example

Good Deed report

  • Subject: Business
  • Type: Essay
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  • Author: vanceglover

Extract of sample "Good Deed report"

Memorandum The supervisors reaction and other consequences of request 29 September Employees, who go above and beyond the call of duty, have to be appropriately commended to reinforce their good behavior. A recommendation memo has been sent to the supervisor, where a request for a public commendation for Roseanne’s positive performance of her job has been proposed. On 25 September 2012, Roseanne Blythe, a customer service and sales agent, was about to end her shift when an irate customer called in.

She did not only restore a disappointed customer’s faith in the company, she also increased revenues, when that customer opened twenty accounts amounting to $5,000 every month. The supervisor approved the commendation and agreed to send it the next day; furthermore, he added a $300 bonus for Roseanne’s actions and a commendation for her trainer.The supervisor is pleased with Roseanne’s handling of the concerns of the customer, which shows her training and personal work ethics, so he includes a bonus for her and a commendation for her trainer.

He describes the work of customer representatives as sensitive emotional labor. He emphasizes the importance of bonuses in financially compensating excellent workplace actions. This bonus shows that the company values exemplary employee attitudes and behaviors. In Roseanne’s case, it is impressive that after only two weeks in the job, she shows remarkable dexterity in handling complex cases and infuriated customers. The supervisor further commends her trainer, who is also happy with Roseanne’s performance.

The trainer uses Roseanne as an example for new trainees.Customer service agents are at the forefront of serving and making customers happy. If they do something right, they get a commendation and positive performance review. But if they go beyond their duties and excel in doing so, they deserve a bonus. Hence, the supervisor approved the request and positively reinforced commendable workplace behaviors.Sincerely,MemorandumTO: Teddy Banks, SupervisorFROM:SUBJECT: Request for Commendation for Roseanne BlytheDATE: 29 September 2012Employees, who go above and beyond the call of duty, have to be properly commended to reinforce their good behavior.

Reinforcement studies in the workplace suggest the importance of timing positive rewards in sustaining and spreading positive behaviors. On 25 September 2012, Roseanne Blythe, a customer service and sales agent, was about to end her shift when an irate customer called in. She did not only restore a disgruntled customer’s faith in the company, she also increased revenues, when that customer opened twenty accounts amounting to $5,000 every month. Hence, I recommend for her to get a public commendation for the positive performance of her job.

In order to understand the situation further, the call has to be described with some details. The customer complained of his cellphone, which he received. It was not working. He was very angry because it was his second replacement phone. Despite his high tone of voice, Roseanne managed to placate him and helped him to check his phone and do some troubleshooting. After twenty minutes of troubleshooting, the customer had his phone working. He was so happy that he said that as the human resources manager of his company, he will promote our firm to his own organization.

The next day, he opened twenty accounts amounting to $5,000 every month. He said he recommended more companies to our firm, which can result to $10,000 more sales every month, if they went through.Based on Roseanne’s exemplary behavior as an employee and her financial impact on the company, she deserves a commendation which should be provided as soon as possible, hopefully within the next two days. This way, we do not only reinforce her positive behavior, but we can also model her for others to follow.

I hope to hear a feedback from you soon.Respectfully,

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    Thoughtful Good Deeds Examples. Focusing on good deeds helps you become a better person so let's make a positive change for people in our lives. Here are some ideas…. Buy a meal for a homeless person. Buy a coffee for the person behind you in line. Cut your neighbour's lawn or shovel their driveway in the winter.

  13. Free Essays on Good Deeds, Examples, Topics, Outlines

    Essays on Good Deeds. The Journey of Good Deeds. The Main Idea of the Play The main idea of the play is that the journey of righteousness is a long journey and everyone is entitled to create his or her account that shall determine one's fate after death. It is very apparent that everyone needs support and they have been... Good Deeds. Words: 882.

  14. 52 Good Deed Ideas To Make A Positive Impact

    Give 10 percent of your salary to charity. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Answer the phone in a cheerful voice. Recycle whatever paper, bottles, and plastic items possible. Hold a charity day at work. Encourage your colleagues and supervisors to bring in non-perishable items to be donated to a worthy cause.

  15. 5 Inspiring Good Deeds from the Pages of History

    The phrases ' Random Acts of Kindness ' and ' Pay it Forward ' are used often in the modern age - especially in the circles of people and organizations who want to make the world a better place. And this month on March 15, people from all corners of the earth will come together for a global celebration of doing good - Good Deeds Day. But kindness isn't a new fad - it goes way back.

  16. Good Deeds Essay Examples

    66 samples on this topic. The array of written assignments you might receive while studying Good Deeds is stunning. If some are too bewildering, an expertly crafted sample Good Deeds piece on a related subject might lead you out of a deadlock. This is when you will definitely praise WowEssays.com ever-widening directory of Good Deeds essay ...

  17. Doing Good Deeds

    Doing good deeds is a way to make someone else's life better, whether it's by helping them out financially or donating to a local charity. There are many ways to show kindness, from leaving a grocery coupon at someone's door to making anonymous gifts to colleagues or random contacts. No matter who you're trying to help, remember that God's law ...

  18. 8 acts of kindness: Stories of good deeds during a pandemic

    Illustrations by Amber Vittoria. Kindness often costs very little, yet its value is immense. During these challenging times, we asked readers to share stories of sweet, unexpected gestures from ...

  19. ⇉Good Deeds which I am Proud of Essay Example

    Another special deed was helping out my aunt when she pulled a back muscle. Her pain was so unbearable that she was unable to cook or keep my seven-year old cousin entertained. Although I cannot cook, I took care of my cousin by playing with him and taking him out for long walks. Indeed, we all pitched in to help her.

  20. 52 Good Deeds to Do Every Week in 2023

    17. Shovel a neighbors driveway for free. You might have an elderly neighbor or two who find it challenging to shovel snow. Consider asking your children to join you in a good deed to help them. Every time there's a bit of snowfall, join together to help shovel your neighbor's driveway and sidewalk. 18.

  21. Essay On "A Good Deed" || PLS Education

    Hello Friends Today I Am Writing Essay On, Essay On "A Good Deed" || PLS Education || Essay Writing || Letter Writing ||Please Like The Video And Subscribe T...

  22. Doing a good deed Essay Example For FREE

    Get a verified expert to help you with Doing a good deed. Nora was lining up in a long queue at a food-stall when she saw one of her schoolmates, Liming, in the same queue in front of her. Although it was his turn to order, Nora notice that he had suddenly turned around and left the IEEE.He walked away empty-handed. Nora was suspicious.

  23. Good Deed report

    Extract of sample "Good Deed report". Memorandum The supervisors reaction and other consequences of request 29 September Employees, who go above and beyond the call of duty, have to be appropriately commended to reinforce their good behavior. A recommendation memo has been sent to the supervisor, where a request for a public commendation for ...