land law essay plans

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How do I tackle advising on a land law problem?

It is not possible to provide an infallible method of dealing with all land law queries but I hope that those tackling them may find the following guidance of some assistance. Used correctly, the same approach works both for a young lawyer who has to advise a client on such issues for the first time and for a law student facing examination questions or assessed work.

Break the issues down into smaller pieces

1. As is true of all legal problem-solving, the key to success is to–

  • break the issues into a series of smaller questions to be addressed,
  • arrange the questions into a logical order,
  • check that you have made all the necessary links in the chain of questions,
  • and answer the questions.

What follows is an attempt to help you through the process of asking yourself the right questions because once you are asking yourself the right questions there is every chance that the answers will become fairly clear. Land law is a legal subject in which much of the art lies in spotting what questions lie beneath the surface of the problem you are addressing.

Advise the client

2. The second key point is that it is essential to advise the person you are asked to advise. Do not fall into the trap of writing a general essay about the area of law in question that does not really address the particulars of the client. In this, advising follows the same rules as answering examination questions - answer the questions that you have been asked, plus any others that arise from and must be answered in order to settle the main question. Do not forget that, in order to advise the client properly, you must also consider anything that is against the client’s case. Make sure that you address any issues that an opponent would be likely to raise.

How to begin

3. I would start by asking myself the following questions to help collect my thoughts.

  • To what general area of land law does this query relate (e.g. is it generally about leases, easements, trusts or whatever?).
  • Do I know whether the land is registered or unregistered title?
  • Is the issue chiefly about whether an estate or right exists or about whether one party can enforce it against another party or parties, or does it involve both?
  • What are the basic rules that relate to the type of estate or right in question and which I need to go through in order to establish that it exists?
  • What are the rules that I need to apply in order to determine whether one party can enforce the estate or right against another party?

Thus far you may just want to do your thinking in your head and this should require only a moment or two.

4. You should now be able to construct a plan for your research and for advising or for answering an examination question. As a former academic and an examiner I can tell you that your examination answers will be much better if properly planned and, as an advisory lawyer, planning your advice is absolutely crucial. If you have not been in the habit of writing a plan for your work, PLEASE START NOW.

5. Assume that your client, A, wants to claim a right of way over B’s field and that A has been using the footpath in question for 21 years but yesterday B erected a fence to prevent this.

Your rough plan might read like this –

  • Right of way = easement
  • Rules of recognition for easement Re Ellenborough Park
  • dominant/servient tenements
  • different owners
  • accommodation
  • right “lies in grant”.
  • Right of way – a common easement.
  • Acquisition– If no express or implied grant
  • (a) necessity
  • (b) implied grant
  • (d) prescription
  • Need for protection: registration?
  • What remedy should be sought? Injunction? Damages?

6. By the time you have scribbled such a plan for yourself you will realise that, while you must mention all those points in your advice or answer, you will probably need to spend more time on prescription than other points. The plan helps you to decide where to spend your time. In the case of a right of way, you need to explain the matters in (1) and (2) but this will probably be straightforward. 4(d) will need more consideration and may need further sub-divisions into–

  • (i) Common Law Prescription;
  • (ii) Prescription Act prescription; and
  • (iii) lost modern grant.

If you drill down further and look again at the facts you have been given, you will realise that you will also have to consider the relevance of the new fence and thus the law relating to interruptions.

Get any needed additional information

7. Having worked out what the key areas you will need to cover are, if you are advising a real client or are involved in a role playing exercise, you should now decide what if any additional information you will need before advising. One of the key advantages of having a real client, or a person playing a client, is that a meeting, questions or letter may serve to cut down the range of possibilities and allow you to focus your advice.

8. When answering examination questions one does not have this luxury and thus one has to consider all the possibilities given rise to by the few facts provided. Your answer may have to include a certain amount of ‘If X is the case, then Y will apply.’. However, examiners usually give all the basic information that you need to deal with most of the question.

9. In the instance given above, if you have a client, it might well be possible to rule out the possibility that section 62 of the LPA 1925 is relevant by asking the client some questions about prior arrangements in relation to the land affected. You may also want to ask about what discussions (if any) have taken place with the owner of the neighbouring land (or his or her predecessors) and what, if any, documentation exists. If the land is registered, a land registry search will also be advisable in order to ensure you know the current state of the register entries. If you are having a meeting with the client, rather than writing a letter, make a list of questions you will need answered and check that you have gone through all of them. Clients do not always give information in a methodical manner and you will have to ensure that you structure the meeting in such a way that you are sure that you have all you need. There is nothing worse than realising 10 minutes after the client has gone that you forgot to ask something vital.

10. If you are in practice, you will realise that ensuring you ask the right questions means doing some research before any meeting or before writing a letter. You will almost certainly also need to do further research after you have the client’s answers.

11. If you are a student dealing with a piece of assessed work or a practical exercise, once again you will need to do research in order to ensure that you thoroughly understand all the legal background to the questions raised by the facts you are given. You may well find that you need to go outside the reading on your reading lists in order to do this.

12. When doing your research, do not rely simply on what textbooks, however eminent, say. It is essential to go back yourself to original materials (cases and legislation) in order to advise properly. If you do so, you may be surprised to discover that, sometimes, what the books say about the case or legislation is not quite the same thing as what the case or piece of legislation actually says.

13. When reading cases, read the case in its entirety - do not be selective. You can select the materials you need later but first you need to understand the full context of the decision on which you may wish to rely, or which you may have to counter, should your client ever have to go to court.

14. When reading legislation, do not forget that it must be read as a whole. As a student you may have got into the habit of reading just the relevant sections of an Act but this is a bad habit. Make sure that you check for definitions and, if in any doubt as to construction, you should find it easier to advise accurately if you read the provision in the context of the whole Act of Parliament, or the whole statutory instrument plus its parent Act.

15. If you are answering questions in an examination, you will have to rely on your memory, plus any materials that are permitted in the examination. If materials are permitted, bear in mind that there will not be enough time to start looking things up from scratch. You need to have a good structure in your head of the relevant law and where to find any useful materials. While you are studying the law, try to structure your notes into a logical format. If you get a strong structure into your notes while you are learning, you will find revision and remembering the material in the examination becomes much easier.

16. By this point you should have a fairly clear idea as to the advice or answer you are going to give. The next stage is for you to plan your advice. This can be done by making a fresh plan or by adapting your original plan. Use whichever system works best for the particular case but do not start writing without having planned what you intend to write or say (if you are going to advise in a meeting). In many cases you will be advised to summarise your answer at the start of your argument (this is now normal practice when giving advice as a professional lawyer). If you have planned thoroughly, you should know the answer before you start writing.

Other points that may help your thinking

17. A recurrent theme in land law is that the legal ownership and the beneficial (equitable) ownership of an estate or interest may differ. Consider whether this is relevant to the issue that you are addressing.

18. You may also need to consider whether a particular right exists in law or only in equity (for example, “Is this a legal lease or simply an equitable lease?”). Watch out for this issue, whether as the main thrust of problem or an ancillary part of it. This point is often linked to the issue of whether the right in question has to be protected in some way in order to bind a third party.

19. For example, if you are told that A has charged his estate to B for the repayment of a loan and B has now discovered that A has sold the estate to C, you will need to establish –

  • that B has a right in land (a mortgage or charge);
  • whether it is legal or equitable (was there a deed?);
  • what, if any, steps B would have to have taken for his right to bind C; and
  • whether B took those necessary steps.

The final answer in this question may depend upon whether the land is registered or unregistered. That, in turn may depend upon the date of the transactions.

20. All of this emphasises that you need to consider separately, whether–

  • (1) an estate or interest exists; and
  • (2) if so, whether it is binding on a particular

You may find that the right or estate does exist but that your client or the person you are advising cannot enforce it against the one person that matters (it may, nonetheless, be enforceable against others).

21. In some areas of land law (such as co-ownership) the separation of legal and equitable title is so complete that you may need to work out separately:

  • (1) how the legal estate has devolved, and
  • (2) how the equitable interests have devolved.

I have always found it helpful to map this out in diagrammatic form and you will find examples of how to do this in the Co-ownership chapter in the book (Chapter 17). Diagrams can also be useful in helping a lay client to understand what might otherwise be a difficult area of law to understand for someone without legal training.

22. It is also worth remembering that examiners have a tendency to ask questions that require you to know about the results of recent cases, particularly if they develop the law in some way or clarify earlier decisions.

23. Examination questions and assessed work also often are written in order to see whether you identify exceptions to a general rule. So it may be worth considering whether there is anything in the material that you have been given that raises one of those ‘oddities’. This may not be relevant, but sometimes it will enable you to spot that you have been given a set of facts that requires you to go beyond the basic answer.

Make sure you advise or answer the question

24. One of the most common mistakes of examination candidates, and even of young practitioners, is to write generally about the law relating to an issue, without sufficiently relating the law to the given facts and answering the given question or advising the client. Once you have completed your plan, decide what the answer is or what it may be, subject to the additional information you have identified is needed. At all costs, COME TO A CONCLUSION.

Keep to time

25. In an examination, it is absolutely vital to keep to the correct timing for each question. You will probably know in advance the number of questions on the paper and the mark weighting each carries (if they are not all equal). Make sure that you calculate ahead of the examination the amount of time you may spend on each question and never break those time limits.

26. Exam candidates often make the mistake of thinking that they know more about some questions and therefore will spend more time on them and just sketch in a vague answer to their last question. This is a very foolish approach. It is far easier to get the marks for the basics of an answer than to get additional marks for extra flourishes on your ‘good’ answers. Therefore, spend an equal amount of time on any ‘weak’ questions and dredge up from your memory as much information as you possibly can that is relevant to the issue, and apply it in a structured and logical way.

27. In many professional role playing exercises, and often in court, there will also be a time limit. It is essential to stick to that limit and to ensure that you have structured your work in such a way that you can deal with the whole issue in the time given. There is nothing worse than the reaction of a judge, when the case you estimated would take one day is clearly going to take two because of the way you are presenting the matter.

Question spotting

28. Some examination candidates like to question spot. You might be lucky and just get asked about the few areas you have revised, having concluded that, ‘There are always questions on A, B and C.’. However, it is not at all unusual for there to be a change of examiner or for an examiner to change his or her approach. In such a case you might be unable to tackle the examination at all and this could ruin your career. I have seen many students come badly unstuck in this way. I can only advise you not to rely on question spotting.

29. Do make sure that you know what the syllabus covers and assume (unless your lecturer or tutor clearly says otherwise) that anything on the syllabus can appear on the examination paper.

30. Also bear in mind that, in professional practice, you will have to know all the basics that every lawyer is expected to know, as well as the details of any specialist area in which you work. It is no use telling a judge that you cannot recall the basic rules relating to contractual consideration because you only deal with property matters! So while a law student, it is essential to learn all the basics required in order to be a lawyer.

31. The best way to learn how to deal with something well, and on time, is to practise. Get old examination papers and practise doing them to time. If you can get the results marked by one of your tutors, ask them to do this. Some students try to get away with doing the minimum of written work. This is highly inadvisable because you are simply depriving yourself of practise in writing well-structured answers and the feedback your tutor can provide.

32. In the same way, if you are a new practitioner, practise your application to the court and check that you have kept to time and have covered everything necessary and in the correct way. If possible, get your pupil-supervisor or supervising solicitor to hear you practise and ask them to comment. If this isn’t possible, practise in front of a mirror.

Best wishes

If you do all of this, you should be a much stronger performer in an examination, when advising a client or when addressing a court. My best wishes for your success in whatever you want to achieve.

Judith-Anne MacKenzie May 2020

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Land Law Problem Question Framework Notes

Updated land law problem question framework notes.

Land Law Notes

Land Law notes fully updated for recent exams at Oxford and Cambridge. These notes cover all the LLB land law cases and so are perfect for anyone doing an LLB in the UK or a great supplement for those doing LLBs abroad, whether that be in Ireland, Hong Kong or Malaysia (University of London).

These were the best Land Law notes the director of Oxbridge Notes (an Oxford law graduate) could find after combing through dozens of LLB samples from outstanding law students with the highest results in ...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Land Law Notes . Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:


Legal v Equitable Rights

Is proprietary right legal or equitable:

Is it capable of existing as legal or equitable?

S1 LPA 1925 – rights which may be legal

Estates – fee simple (freehold) & leasehold

Interests – easements, mortgages, rights of entry contained in legal lease &rentcharge

Did it come into existence as legal or equitable right?

Legal – falls within s1 LPA 1925 + created by deed + registered in acc. w/LRA 2002

if not registered = equitable (s7 & 27(1) LRA 2002)

Equitable – a proprietary right could be equitable for one of 3 reasons :

not included in s1 (e.g. proprietary estoppel, restrictive covenant etc)

included in s1 but no deed used

included in s1 & deed used but no registration

+ created in writing OR satisfies conditions for prop. estoppel/implied trusts (CT/RT)

Effect of Legal & Equitable Rights

Unregistered land

Legal right –binding on all disponees

Equitable right

Pre-1925 - binding on disponees, except BF purchaser for value of legal estate w/out notice

Post 1925 – binding on disponees but there may be a defence

Registered land

Registered legal/equitable right in rem or overriding interest – binding on all disponees

Once electronic conveyancing system is complete, may make distinction redundant

Unregistered Land Framework

A transfers unregistered land to C = B’s pre-existing legal property right will always bind C& his pre-existing equitable right will bind C, unless C has a defence :

Scenario 1: B’s equitable right is a registrable land charge and either

B hasn’t registered it ( Midland Bank v Green – applies even against P w/actual notice, as long as s4 LCA 1972 is satisfied)); or

B has registered it against incorrect name & C has requested a search against correct one

Scenario 2: B’s equitable interests is one of the following :

Beneficial interest under trust

Proprietary estoppel

Equitable easement/restrictive covenant created pre Jan 1926 –falls outside LCA 1972

.... in which case it’s governed by doctrine of noticeC has a defence to B’s interest if he’s a BF purchaser of legal estate w/out notice (defence not resurrected on subsequent sale to P w/notice)

BF Purchaser requirements :

bona fide – acted in good faith in the purchase

purchaser of value – acquired the estate by act of parties rather than by operation of law (e.g. no adverse possession or gift)

of a Legal Estate – leasehold/freehold

w/out notice :

actual – matters of which C was aware (hearing rumours not sufficient - but will be for constructive notice)

constructive – C failed to enquire & law fixed him w/ notice (s199 LPA& Kingsnorth Finance v Tizard )

C entitled to inspect deeds up to 15 years back; if unusual docs, possibly further

P needs to discover identities of occupiers & make enquiries to them – once a person’s in possession, P has notice of all his rights, regardless of how unusual ( Hunt v Luck )

imputed – constructive notice of agent/solicitor imputed to P (if same transaction/not fraudulent)

Can’t use BF? Consider:

Did B consent out of his right by representing to C that he didn’t have an interest? ( Bristol & West Buildings v Henning )

Yes = B’s right is defeated (unless consent is vitiated see below)

Did the seller, A, contract to sell to P1 and P2 inconsistently?

Yes: P1’s estate contract has priority

Registered Land Framework

A registers property for the 1 st time Sch1 (overriding interests re 1 st registration)

A transfers registered land to C B’s pre-existing interest ( in rem ) will affect C if (ss28, 30 LRA):

entered on the register

an overriding interest - Sch 3 (unregistered interests which override registered dispositions)

Main overriding interests under Sch 3 :

Para 1 – lease not exceeding 7 years (can be registered if under 3 years voluntarily by Notice - City Permanent BS v Miller )

Para 2 – almost any right in rem of person in actual or apparent occupation at the time of disposition

“sufficiently proprietary rights” ( National Provincial Bank v Ainsworth )

obvious on reasonable inspection + express undertaking (in context of CT such as Binnions, Ashburn ) ( Lyus v Prowsa )

Actual Occupation

In occupation

Lives there but is absent @ precise moment of disposition for short/ longer spell

Not main/real home

Employee ( Lloyds Bank v Rosset ) or spouse ( Strand Securities ) is present

Not there but belongings are

Unless they’ve been there for a short time b/f disposition ( Abbey National v Cann )

Not in occupation

Mere fleeting presence (need degree of permanence + continuity) ( Abbey National Building Soc v Cann )

Tenant or guest

Children under 18 ( Hypo Mortgages Services v Robinson )

Use of right to pass & re-pass + metal staircase on the land ( Chaudhary v Yavus )

Has a no of houses & moves b/w them but happens to be there @ the time of disposition

if 1 st visit in a year = no occupation ( Stockholm Finance Ltd )

NB: Pre 2002 : actual occupation only where disponee could easily discover the occupant’s right changed by para. 2 Sch. 3 req. that occupation also be apparent; i.e. discoverable&disponee makes inquiries. If he dos & occupant doesn’t disclose where reasonably expected to, disponee isn’t bound, unless knew about it anyway.

NB: Post 2002 : actual occupation = physical occupation ( Williams and Glynn’s Bank v Boland )

Consenting Out

Person w/overriding interest or registered right consents that disponee won’t be bound

Bristol and West Buildings v Henning – unregistered land

Paddington Building Soc v Mendelson – registered land

B as holder of right in rem (e.g. via CT) goes along w/A’s steps to sell/mortgage the property, he’ll be prevented from setting up against disponee of any interest that would otherwise bind him, on the basis of being estopped from doing so. requirements:

B must represent that he won’t enforce it (apply interpretation of reasonable bystander) by:

explicit statement


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Really well organised course- the readings are the shortest I have done and just cover the key concepts. An interesting mix of equity, contract and land law.

Sincerely I find anything related to law to be very simple, I did not need help of anyone to pass this subject. Overall this was an amazing subject that I passed seamlessly

I loved studying Land Law. My lecturer was Brendan Edgeworth in Semester 1 2018. I found the course to achieve a good balance between history (particularly in relation to Native Title) and blackletter law. While the readings were quite content heavy, I found that the law could be applied in quite a methodical way and the legal tests were not conceptually difficult to grasp.

Merrick Garland calls Trump's claims about Mar-a-Lago search 'false' and 'extremely dangerous'

Image: Merrick Garland

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday rejected former President  Donald Trump 's claim that the Biden administration authorized the FBI to use deadly force against him during a search of his Mar-a-Lago property for  classified documents .

"That allegation is false, and it is extremely dangerous," Garland said at a news conference.

Garland was responding to Trump’s writing this week on Truth Social that he had been shown reports indicating “that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, in their Illegal and UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago, AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE.”

The Trump campaign made a similar claim in a fundraising email that alleged “Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out.”

Trump was in New Jersey when the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago, his home in Palm Beach, Florida.

In making the allegations, Trump appeared to be citing  newly unsealed court filings  related to the 2022 search.

Garland said Thursday that the document in question stated standard policy.

“The document that has been referred to in the allegation is the Justice Department’s standard policy, limiting the use of force. As the FBI advises, it is part of the standard operations plan for searches. And in fact, it was even used in the consensual search of President Biden’s home ,” Garland said.

A Trump campaign spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

Garland's comments were not the first time the Justice Department has pushed back against a Trump characterization.

In a rare statement Tuesday night, the FBI said that it had "followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants" and that no additional steps had been ordered for Mar-a-Lago.

According to Justice Department policy , law enforcement officers are allowed to use force only in the absence of other safe alternatives. Deadly force is permitted only “when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person,” the policy states.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to charges that he willfully retained national defense information in connection with classified documents that were uncovered at Mar-a-Lago after he left office and that he ordered a Mar-a-Lago staffer to delete security video at the property. The trial has been indefinitely postponed.

Zoë Richards is the evening politics reporter for NBC News.

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Judge Mark D. Clarke recommended granting summary judgment to five environmental nonprofits that the US violated the National Environmental Policy Act by failing to conduct an environmental impact statement when it approved the Integrated Vegetation Management for Resilient Lands Program. Clarke also recommended granting summary judgment to four of the nonprofits that the government violated the Federal Land Policy and Management Act when it granted commercial ...

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land law essay plans

  • Housing, local and community
  • Housing and communities
  • Freehold and leasehold property

Leasehold reforms become law

The Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act has become law today.

land law essay plans

Homeowners will receive more rights, power and protections over their homes under the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act which has become law today.

The Act will make it easier and cheaper for leaseholders to buy their freehold, increase standard lease extension terms to 990 years for houses and flats, and provide greater transparency over service charges. The Act will also remove barriers for leaseholders to challenge their landlords’ unreasonable charges at Tribunal.

It will further ban the sale of new leasehold houses other than in exceptional circumstances, end excessive buildings insurance commissions for freeholders and managing agents, and scrap the requirement for a new leaseholder to have owned their house or flat for two years before they can buy or extend their lease.

The new powers also grant freehold homeowners on private and mixed tenure estates the same rights of redress as leaseholders, and equivalent rights to transparency over their estate charges, and help more leaseholders take over the management of their property if they want to. Leaseholders in some buildings are barred from taking over the management of the site or buying its freehold if more than 25% of its floor space is commercial – such as shops or offices on the ground floor. But this limit will now be increased to 50% to enable more homeowners to access Right to Manage or the right to a collective enfranchisement.

The Act – which has officially received Royal Assent – strengthens existing, and introduces new, consumer rights for homeowners by:

  • Making it cheaper and easier for people to extend their lease or buy their freehold so leaseholders pay less to have more security in their home.
  • Increasing the standard lease extension term to 990 years for houses and flats (up from 50 years in houses and 90 years in flats), so leaseholders can enjoy secure ownership without the hassle and expense of future lease extensions.
  • Giving leaseholders greater transparency over their service charges by making freeholders or managing agents issue bills in a standardised format that can be more easily scrutinised and challenged.
  • Making it easier and cheaper for leaseholders to take over management of their building, allowing them to appoint the managing agent of their choice.
  • Making it cheaper for leaseholders to exercise their enfranchisement rights as they will no longer have to pay their freeholder’s costs when making a claim.
  • Extending access to redress schemes for leaseholders to challenge poor practice. The government will require freeholders, who manage their building directly, to belong to a redress scheme so leaseholders can challenge them if needed – managing agents are already required to belong to a scheme.
  • Making buying or selling a leasehold property quicker and easier by setting a maximum time and fee that for home buying and selling information.
  • Granting homeowners on private and mixed tenure estates comprehensive rights of redress, so they receive more information about what charges they pay, and the ability to challenge how reasonable they are.

The Act will further benefit leaseholders by:

  • Scrapping the presumption that leaseholders pay their freeholders’ legal costs when challenging poor practice that currently acts as a deterrent when leaseholders want to challenge their service charges.
  • Banning opaque and excessive buildings insurance commissions for freeholders and managing agents, replacing these with transparent and fair handling fees.
  • Banning the sale of new leasehold houses so that, other than in exceptional circumstances, every new house in England and Wales will be freehold from the outset.
  • Removing the requirement for a new leaseholder to have owned their house or flat for 2 years before they can extend their lease or buy their freehold.

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Money blog: Manchester United staff 'given week to resign' in WFH crackdown

Manchester United staff have reportedly been given a week to decide whether to resign under Sir Jim Ratcliffe's plans to end working from home. Read this and the rest of today's consumer and personal finance news in the Money blog below, and leave your thoughts in the comments box.

Wednesday 29 May 2024 20:25, UK

  • Get your holiday money now! Pound hits nearly two-year high against euro
  • Popular broadband provider hiking monthly payments from July 
  • Manchester United staff reportedly given week to resign in Sir Jim Ratcliffe's WFH crackdown
  • Spotify launches cheaper deals - but there's a catch
  • UK has highest diesel prices in Europe

Essential reads

  • Head chef at UK's number one gastropub shares favourite cheap pasta recipe
  • Women in Business : 'A truck unloaded a £600 car that her son bought on eBay thinking it was a toy' - the schoolgate stories that led to GoHenry
  • Money Problem : 'My mortgage lender is ending my two-year fix and I haven't been in the house for two years - can they do this?'
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive

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By Daniel Binns, business reporter

Pets At Home has reported a dip in profits – which it has partly blamed on owners spending less on toys and accessories for their animals.

The chain, which also provides vet services, said pre-tax profit for the year to March was £105.7m, down 13.7% on the same period the year before.

The retailer said on Wednesday that profitability had been "impacted by short-term availability issues as we transitioned to our new DC [distribution centre] and weaker performance of discretionary accessories".

However, the company also said it was confident in its growth strategy and insisted it was "not threatened" by a new watchdog investigation into the vet industry.

The Competition and Markets Authority recently launched the probe following concerns that pet owners could be paying too much for healthcare.

Pets At Home also reported that revenues for its vet business jumped 16.8% as it continued to expand into the sector.

It said total revenue grew by 5.2% to £1.5bn for the year.

Whoever wins the general election, one potential headache for the new administration will be Thames Water.

The current government has already drawn up contingency plans, known as Project Timber, for the possible collapse of a company currently saddled with debt of £15.4bn.

The scenario also features strongly on a dossier of potential crises compiled by Sue Gray, Sir Keir Starmer's chief of staff, that an incoming Labour government would face.

Talk of a potential collapse has moved up the agenda because Thames Water's owners, which include the Canadian pensions giant Omers, the Universities Superannuation Scheme, a unit of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and the China Investment Corporation, have declined to inject more equity into the business. They had previously offered to inject a further £3.25bn, on top of £500m last year, were Ofwat, the regulator, to support the company's plans.

But Ofwat is refusing to allow Thames to raise its levels of investment and customer bills to the extent that the company is proposing . 

Thames had asked Ofwat to approve an £18.7bn investment which would have entailed a 44% average increase in customer bills over the next regulatory period due to run from 2025-30. It tweaked this submission in April to raise investment to £19.8bn during the period with no extra increase in bills.

Ofwat was due to publish its "final deliberation" on investment plans and customer bills for the entire water industry, including Thames, on 12 June but has moved it back to 11 July due to the general election.

The Guardian reported earlier this week that Ofwat is set to refuse the requests of most water companies, including Thames, with some operators being allowed to raise bills by as little as half of what they had asked for.

Such an approach is consistent with Ofwat's historic approach of keeping water bills low as its main priority rather than, for example, permitting higher investment to tackle sewage spills.

However, there are signs that Ofwat may be prepared to compromise, at least to an extent.

The Financial Times reports today that the regulator is drawing up plans for a special "recovery regime" for Thames and other financially stressed UK water companies in a bid to avoid nationalisation.

It suggests that companies with "recovery regime" status could receive fewer or no regulatory penalties to encourage them to invest in infrastructure improvements instead, as well as being given more "realistic" targets for reducing sewage and water leaks and outages.

The regulator finds itself with a dilemma. Ofwat does not want Thames to collapse, not least because such an event would intensify criticism that the regulator allowed Thames's previous owners – most notably the Australian investment bank Macquarie – to load the company with debt while extracting enormous dividends (the current investors have received no dividends since 2017).

Ofwat's ministerial overlords – of both parties – will also be aware that an administration of Thames would deter the very international investors the UK desperately needs to attract to pay for infrastructure improvements.

On the other hand, though, Ofwat does not want to face accusations that it is being unduly lenient on a company that has been badly behaved in the past.

Now, it is fair to say that Ofwat is offering an olive branch here. Only two weeks ago, it said it was "minded" to punish Thames for breaching licence conditions over a £37.5m dividend paid to shareholders in October last year (Thames points out the payment was made to Kemble Water, its parent holding company, and was necessary to maintain the latter's solvency). That could result in another fine worth tens of millions of pounds.

The big question is whether this compromise will be enough to shore up Thames's financial situation. Ofwat has fined Thames £175m during the last three years which, while being a large sum, is a relatively trifling amount set against Thames's debts.

So it probably would not be enough, of itself, to persuade Thames's owner to pump more equity into the business. Omers, the biggest single shareholder in Thames, has already written down the entire value of its 31.7% stake in the company to nothing. USS, which has more than half a million scheme members in British universities and which owns nearly 20% of Thames, has written down the value of its shareholding from £956m at the end of 2022 to just £364.4m as at the end of last year.

What today's news reveals is that there is a compromise to be reached here. The extra month before Ofwat is due to publish its draft deliberation has bought both sides a little more time.

But it feels as if, with Ofwat in no mood to back down with Thames over its proposed increase in investment and customer bills, the latter's shareholders have run out of patience.

A "special administration" of Thames – something neither Rishi Sunak or Sir Keir Starmer would want to see – still feels like the way to be betting.

NOW Broadband is raising prices by an average of £3 a month from 5 July.

The company, owned by Sky, didn't raise prices in line with inflation in April - making it somewhat of an outlier.

But the summer raise will add an average of £36 a year to customer bills.

However, the company offers a no-penalty exit option.

Sabrina Hoque, telecoms expert at, said: "Another mid-contract price increase unfortunately means bigger bills for already cash-strapped consumers. 

"However, it is encouraging that NOW Broadband customers have the option to leave penalty free if they don't want to accept this change."

By Sarah Taaffe-Maguire , business reporter

The pound reached a 19-month high against the euro this morning as £1 equalled €1.1784. 

Not since late August 2022 was sterling so strong against the currency of Eurozone states. 

So if you're going on holidays to somewhere using the euro, now would be a good time to exchange pounds as you'll be getting more for your money than you would have.

Rates have come down slightly this afternoon - though are still high at €1.1746.

The pound buying more euro will mean it's cheaper for UK importers to buy goods - so some prices could come down. 

It's happening because the interest rate-setters at the European Central Bank (ECB) look set to bring rates down at their meeting next week.

Manchester United staff have reportedly been given a week to decide whether to resign under Sir Jim Ratcliffe's plans to end working from home.

The club's non-football staff were invited to take redundancy by next Wednesday in an email sent on Tuesday, The Daily Telegraph reports .

Sir Jim has taken over the day-to-day running of the club and is making it compulsory for staff to work from their offices in Manchester or London from 1 June, the paper says.

Staff who do not wish to do so can quit and are being offered early payment of an annual bonus, it added.

A United spokesman told The Daily Telegraph the move "isn't a voluntary redundancy programme". 

They added: "The club recognises that not everyone wants to work from the office full-time so has provided options for staff who don't wish to return to the office to step away now."

Sky News has contacted Manchester United for comment.

Junior doctors in England are set to strike for five days starting next month - part of a long-running dispute over pay.

The strike is set to run from 7am on 27 June to 2 July.

It means the dispute clash with the  general election campaign, with polling day on 4 July.

Read the full story here ...

Parents see personal finance as a more important life skill than maths for schoolchildren, according to new research.

A poll by Nationwide suggests the majority (89%) of parents of children aged eight to 13 think finance education would help their kids understand the value of money.

The survey of 2,000 UK adults found that personal finance even ranked above maths, digital skills and cooking as vital skills for children - coming second only to literacy.

More than eight in 10 parents (84%) said their child hadn't had any finance education at school, despite the vast majority saying it was important for children to understand money.

The top subjects parents value at school are:

  • Literacy (66%)
  • Personal finance (59%)
  • Maths (51%)
  • Cooking (41%)
  • Digital skills (26%)

Personal finance was deemed the most important subject for children and young people among parents polled in Brighton, Belfast and Newcastle. 

Amanda Beech, director of retail services at Nationwide, said financial education can "help young people get to grips with the world of money". 

One of the big gainers on the stock market this morning is International Distributions Services, the owner of Royal Mail.

Shares in the company are up more than 3% on the FTSE 250 index after the company's board announced it had agreed to a takeover by "Czech Sphinx" Daniel Kretinsky.

Read more on that here...

While the deal is yet to be approved by shareholders and regulators, investors are clearly excited at the prospect of the £3.6bn agreement.

At the other end of the scale, online delivery firm Ocado has plunged more than 6% in early trading.

It comes after reports that it is a leading candidate to be relegated from the FTSE 100 - along with asset manager St James's Place, which is down 1.6%.

The FTSE 100 overall is down 0.2% this morning amid ongoing uncertainty over interest rate cuts in the US.

Gainers include mining firm Fresnillo and water firm United Utilities, which are both up more than 2.4%.

On the currency markets, £1 buys $1.27 US or €1.17 - similar to yesterday.

A barrel of benchmark Brent crude has climbed to almost $85 (£66.60) this morning, a rise of nearly 1%.

Spotify subscribers have the chance to nab a slightly cheaper deal after it quietly launched new plans - but you'll have to be willing to give up one thing.

If you pay for an individual, duo or family subscription, you can save up to £24 a year by switching to one of the music platform's new "basic" plans, according to Money Saving Expert .

The catch, though, is that you'll lose audiobooks. All the other benefits such as no ads, song downloads and higher-quality audio will remain for existing subscribers.

The "basic" plans are the same price as Spotify's premium options used to be before it hiked prices last month. Most of the premium plans include 15 hours a month of audiobook listening time.

Only existing Spotify subscribers can get the new basic option for now - there's no date set for when they'll become available to everyone, Money Saving Expert said.

Every Wednesday we ask Michelin chefs to pick their favourite Cheap Eats where they live and when they cook at home. This week we speak to Dave Wall, head chef at the UK's number one ranked gastropub, The Unruly Pig in Suffolk.

Hi Dave , c an you tell us your favourite places in Suffolk  where you can get a meal for two for less than £40?

Honey + Harvey . A cracking spot for breakfast, brunch or lunch. They have the most delicious coffee and a cracking full English, the vibe is super-chilled and laidback and I always feel so relaxed there.

Lark . A beautiful little independent restaurant in Bury St Edmunds with the most incredible selection of small plates and top-drawer cooking. Admittedly, I find myself spending a fair bit more than £40 at Lark because I love James Carn's cooking so much that I end up going way over the top and ordering far too many dishes.

What's your go-to cheap meal at home?

Anchovy pasta is one. I get that anchovy is often considered a Marmite ingredient. I love them, but if you are in the "hate" camp, then please bear with me, as I want to persuade you to give these versatile little wonders a second look (and perhaps not tar all anchovies with the same brush).

My recipe below uses both brown and brined anchovies. It is an easier but still utterly delicious version of the dish I've served at The Unruly Pig (which also comes with an oyster velouté). This is comfort food at its best. Buon appetito!

  • 250g butter
  • 70g brown anchovies (ideally Cantabrian)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 30g double cream
  • 25g of brined anchovies

Add all the ingredients to a pan. Bring to a slow simmer on a low heat. Once the mixture starts to boil, remove, and transfer to blender. Blend for two minutes until the mixture is well emulsified. Set aside.


Three bread slices, crusts removed (staler the better)

  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 lemon zest
  • Pinch salt & pepper

Blend all the ingredients in food processor, making sure the crumb is fine. On a low heat, gently toast the crumbs until they become golden.

  • 125 g of fresh spaghetti per person
  • Grated Parmesan, brined anchovy, celery leaf to garnish 

Gently the cook the pasta in simmering boiling water, add plenty of salt to the pasta water so it tastes like sea water. Cook for 1-2 minutes - or to instructions if using dried.

Bring it all together

Meanwhile, gently heat the anchovy pasta sauce in a large pan so it becomes warm. Be careful not to boil. Once the pasta is cooked, gently remove and put it straight in to the warmed anchovy sauce. Add a splash of the pasta water to retain some of the starch (as this will help thicken your sauce).

Gently cook the pasta in the anchovy sauce until it becomes thick and creamy, and the sauce coats the pasta. Serve into a bowl and add the Parmesan, fresh anchovies and celery leaf on top.

Generously sprinkle the pasta with the golden pangrattato to add a wonderful texture and crunch.

We've spoken to lots of top chefs and bloggers - check out their cheap eats from around the country here...

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Roma communities in Perm Krai: historical and ethnical aspects

Profile image of Dmitrii  Vaiman

Two large groups of Roma are settled in the territory of Perm Krai, the Ruska Roma and Kalderari. Roma live both in cities and countryside. Roma living in the countryside keeps elements of traditional culture. In Perm Krai we can find different families of the Ruska [Russian] Roma: Gorbovichi, Nemzengery, Bashnengery, Polyaki, Sapuny, Gubany. In contrast to the Kalderari the community of Ruska Roma is based not only on family-territorial principle. Sometimes community is based on ethnic-territorial ground when the Ruska Roma living in an urban area despite family ties can be a part of the community. Traditional activity of Ruska Roma living in countryside is a seasonal grazing of livestock. One of the main sectors of activity is trading. Roma sell cars and jewelry. Kelderari live in compact groupings in Perm. They call themselves Moldavska Roma and consider themselves to be part of Ruvoni [wolf in Romani language] family. Traditional activity of Kelderari is metal work (especially tin-smith’s work) which impact also their modern business. The main work activity of men till now is working with metals such as base metal trading and metal items repair. Traditional women activity is fortune-telling. Bilingualism, traditional way of living, ethnic isolation, unique and particular material and spiritual culture are common for all of Roma. The main problems for Roma nowadays are safeguarding of ethnicity and as well as some educational and social issues.


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    CONCISE LAND LAW POLICY NOTES WITH DETAILED ESSAY PLANS (Trimester System) These land law policy/essay notes were used to achieve a HD mark in the exam (and 83 overall). These... 25 pages, 10879 words ... I loved studying Land Law. My lecturer was Brendan Edgeworth in Semester 1 2018. I found the course to achieve a good balance between history ...

  16. Merrick Garland blasts Trump claims about FBI's Mar-a-Lago search

    Attorney General Merrick Garland rejected former President Donald Trump's claim that the Biden administration authorized the FBI to use deadly force against him during a search of his Mar-a-Lago ...

  17. Leases Land Law Lecture

    A leasehold is defined in the Law of Property Act 1925 as an estate in the land for a term of 'years absolute' (Law of Property Act 1925, s.1 (1) (b)). A lease (or as it is otherwise called, a leasehold) is conferred by a landlord (also called the lessor) on the tenant (lessee). The lease grants to the lessee a right of exclusive possession ...

  18. Judge Recommends Cutting Commercial Logging from Forest Plan

    Land use plan can continue with non-commercial forest thinning; The US Bureau of Land Management should exclude commercial logging from its management plan of a southwestern Oregon forest, but its land use project otherwise complies with federal law, a federal magistrate judge said.

  19. Las'va Map

    Las'va is a village in Perm Krai, Urals and has about 451 residents. Las'va is situated nearby to Мошни and Новосёлы. Mapcarta, the open map.

  20. Essay Plans

    ESSAY PLANS: PROPERTY LAW Co-ownership "Between them, George Joseph Bell (Principles of the Law of Scotland), Lord Justice Clerk Cooper (Magistrates of Banff v Ruthin Castle) and Professor Kenneth Reid(Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia vol Property) may be said to have shaped the modern law in respect of the co-ownership of property -and in particular immoveable property -in Scotland.

  21. Leasehold reforms become law

    Government activity Departments. Departments, agencies and public bodies. News. News stories, speeches, letters and notices. Guidance and regulation

  22. Money blog: Manchester United staff 'given week to resign' in WFH

    Manchester United staff have reportedly been given a week to decide whether to resign under Sir Jim Ratcliffe's plans to end working from home. Read this and the rest of today's consumer and ...

  23. Detailed Road Map of Perm

    Detailed street map and route planner provided by Google. Find local businesses and nearby restaurants, see local traffic and road conditions. Use this map type to plan a road trip and to get driving directions in Perm. Switch to a Google Earth view for the detailed virtual globe and 3D buildings in many major cities worldwide.

  24. Land Law Essays

    The Nature of Lease. Example essay. Last modified: 17th Jul 2019. Over the decades, the extensive debates on license and leases has been very much rooted in the heart of English land law due to it similarities, nonetheless, it come into sight that one major different which is the right gained under each is dissimilar....

  25. Easement essay plans

    LAND LAW Essay; L4 Seminar Summary; Seminar 8 economic loss; Related documents. Seminar 13 nuisance - ygv u hgb 7 ... Related Studylists Land Law Landlaw II land. Preview text. Easement essay plans. The rule against exclusive user: To what extent is the current approach to the 'no exclusive user' requirement for a valid easement ...

  26. Youth policy

    Project initators: Alexandre Protasevich is a Minister for Culture and Youth of Perm krai with 20 years institutional experience at all levels within the cultural project management. He works at the Ministry of Culture since 2008 and has worked in cultural field in the public sector for 15 years in Russia. Mr Protasevich is now…

  27. Roma communities in Perm Krai: historical and ethnical aspects

    A new research stage of the Rozhdestvensk archaeological complex, the largest medieval complex in Perm Krai, began in 2008. During the study, new data on the structure and typology of fortifications of the Rozhdestvensk settlement were obtained: along the eastern boundary of the site at the edge of a ravine an ancient filled up moat and a later constructed palisade were discovered.