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Resources tagged with: Angles - points, lines and parallel lines

There are 70 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Angles - points, lines and parallel lines , you may find related items under Angles, polygons, and geometrical proof .

angles problem solving ks2

Angles Inside

Draw some angles inside a rectangle. What do you notice? Can you prove it?

angles problem solving ks2

Robotic Rotations

How did the the rotation robot make these patterns?

angles problem solving ks2

Polygon Pictures

Can you work out how these polygon pictures were drawn, and use that to figure out their angles?

angles problem solving ks2

Triangle in a Trapezium

Can you find and prove the relationship between the area of a trapezium and the area of a triangle constructed within it?

angles problem solving ks2

Isosceles Seven

Is it possible to find the angles in this rather special isosceles triangle?

angles problem solving ks2

Polygon Rings

Join pentagons together edge to edge. Will they form a ring?

angles problem solving ks2

Same Length

Construct two equilateral triangles on a straight line. There are two lengths that look the same - can you prove it?

angles problem solving ks2

Olympic Turns

This task looks at the different turns involved in different Olympic sports as a way of exploring the mathematics of turns and angles.

angles problem solving ks2

National Flags

This problem explores the shapes and symmetries in some national flags.

angles problem solving ks2

Which Solids Can We Make?

Interior angles can help us to work out which polygons will tessellate. Can we use similar ideas to predict which polygons combine to create semi-regular solids?

angles problem solving ks2

What Shape?

This task develops spatial reasoning skills. By framing and asking questions a member of the team has to find out what mathematical object they have chosen.

angles problem solving ks2

The Numbers Give the Design

Make new patterns from simple turning instructions. You can have a go using pencil and paper or with a floor robot.

angles problem solving ks2

Making Sixty

Why does this fold create an angle of sixty degrees?

angles problem solving ks2

Use your mouse to move the red and green parts of this disc. Can you make images which show the turnings described?

angles problem solving ks2

Six Places to Visit

Can you describe the journey to each of the six places on these maps? How would you turn at each junction?

angles problem solving ks2

How Safe Are You?

How much do you have to turn these dials by in order to unlock the safes?

angles problem solving ks2

Round and Round and Round

Where will the point stop after it has turned through 30 000 degrees? I took out my calculator and typed 30 000 ÷ 360. How did this help?

angles problem solving ks2

Semi-regular Tessellations

Semi-regular tessellations combine two or more different regular polygons to fill the plane. Can you find all the semi-regular tessellations?

angles problem solving ks2

Right Angles

Can you make a right-angled triangle on this peg-board by joining up three points round the edge?

angles problem solving ks2

Subtended Angles

What is the relationship between the angle at the centre and the angles at the circumference, for angles which stand on the same arc? Can you prove it?

angles problem solving ks2

Triangles in Circles

Can you find triangles on a 9-point circle? Can you work out their angles?

angles problem solving ks2


Join some regular octahedra, face touching face and one vertex of each meeting at a point. How many octahedra can you fit around this point?

angles problem solving ks2

Estimating Angles

How good are you at estimating angles?

angles problem solving ks2

Watch the Clock

During the third hour after midnight the hands on a clock point in the same direction (so one hand is over the top of the other). At what time, to the nearest second, does this happen?

angles problem solving ks2

Angle Trisection

It is impossible to trisect an angle using only ruler and compasses but it can be done using a carpenter's square.

angles problem solving ks2

Quad in Quad

Join the midpoints of a quadrilateral to get a new quadrilateral. What is special about it?

angles problem solving ks2

Flexi Quads

A quadrilateral changes shape with the edge lengths constant. Show the scalar product of the diagonals is constant. If the diagonals are perpendicular in one position are they always perpendicular?

angles problem solving ks2

Virtual Geoboard

A virtual geoboard that allows you to create shapes by stretching rubber bands between pegs on the board. Allows a variable number of pegs and variable grid geometry and includes a point labeller.

angles problem solving ks2

Pegboard Quads

Make different quadrilaterals on a nine-point pegboard, and work out their angles. What do you notice?

angles problem solving ks2

Angle Measurement: an Opportunity for Equity

Suggestions for worthwhile mathematical activity on the subject of angle measurement for all pupils.

angles problem solving ks2

Watch Those Wheels

Have you ever noticed the patterns in car wheel trims? These questions will make you look at car wheels in a different way!

angles problem solving ks2

Sweeping Hands

Use your knowledge of angles to work out how many degrees the hour and minute hands of a clock travel through in different amounts of time.

angles problem solving ks2

Right Angle Challenge

How many right angles can you make using two sticks?

angles problem solving ks2

Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek philosopher who lived from about 580 BC to about 500 BC. Find out about the important developments he made in mathematics, astronomy, and the theory of music.

angles problem solving ks2

Coordinates and Descartes

Have you ever wondered how maps are made? Or perhaps who first thought of the idea of designing maps? We're here to answer these questions for you.

angles problem solving ks2

Maurits Cornelius Escher

Have you ever noticed how mathematical ideas are often used in patterns that we see all around us? This article describes the life of Escher who was a passionate believer that maths and art can be intertwined.

angles problem solving ks2

Six circles around a central circle make a flower. Watch the flower as you change the radii in this circle packing. Prove that with the given ratios of the radii the petals touch and fit perfectly.

angles problem solving ks2

Lunar Angles

What is the sum of the angles of a triangle whose sides are circular arcs on a flat surface? What if the triangle is on the surface of a sphere?

LOGO Challenge 7 - More Stars and Squares

Can you use LOGO to create a systematic reproduction of a basic design? An introduction to variables in a familiar setting.

LOGO Challenge 8 - Rhombi

Explore patterns based on a rhombus. How can you enlarge the pattern - or explode it?

LOGO Challenge 1 - Star Square

Can you use LOGO to create this star pattern made from squares. Only basic LOGO knowledge needed.

angles problem solving ks2

Take the Right Angle

How many times in twelve hours do the hands of a clock form a right angle? Use the interactivity to check your answers.

angles problem solving ks2

Parallel Universe

An equilateral triangle is constructed on BC. A line QD is drawn, where Q is the midpoint of AC. Prove that AB // QD.

angles problem solving ks2

Similarly So

ABCD is a square. P is the midpoint of AB and is joined to C. A line from D perpendicular to PC meets the line at the point Q. Prove AQ = AD.

angles problem solving ks2

My train left London between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. and arrived in Paris between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. At the start and end of the journey the hands on my watch were in exactly the same positions but the minute hand and hour hand had swopped places. What time did the train leave London and how long did the journey take?

angles problem solving ks2

On a clock the three hands - the second, minute and hour hands - are on the same axis. How often in a 24 hour day will the second hand be parallel to either of the two other hands?

angles problem solving ks2

The points P, Q, R and S are the midpoints of the edges of a non-convex quadrilateral.What do you notice about the quadrilateral PQRS and its area?

angles problem solving ks2

A Problem of Time

Consider a watch face which has identical hands and identical marks for the hours. It is opposite to a mirror. When is the time as read direct and in the mirror exactly the same between 6 and 7?

angles problem solving ks2

Square World

P is a point inside a square ABCD such that PA= 1, PB = 2 and PC = 3. How big is angle APB ?

angles problem solving ks2

Clock Hands

This investigation explores using different shapes as the hands of the clock. What things occur as the the hands move.

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Missing Angles

Related worksheets.

Find the missing angles in a triangle, around a point, in a quadrilateral, find opposite and supplementary angles, or find angles which require multi-step problem solving skills.

For more shape and space resources click here.

angles problem solving ks2

Game Objectives

New Maths Curriculum:

Year 3: Identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle

Year 4: Identify acute and obtuse angles and compare and order angles up to two right angles by size

Year 5: Identify: multiples of 90°, angles at a point on a straight line and ½ a turn (total 180°); angles at a point and one whole turn (total 360°); reflex angles; and compare different angles

Year 6: Find unknown angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, and are vertically opposite

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  • Knowing Tables – 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 10x
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  • Doubling and Halving
  • Primes, Factors & Square numbers
  • 2D & 3D Shapes
  • Direction, Movement & Logo
  • Reflection Only
  • Rotation Only
  • Coordinates
  • Mixed Symmetry
  • Angles – Measuring
  • Measurement
  • Problem solving
  • Angles – Problem Solving
  • Decimals – Problems Solving
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  • Money Equivalence
  • Using Money
  • Patterns and Sequences
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Maths Games and Learning Activties for Fun

Category: angles – problem solving, angle chase – transum.

Angle Chase Use knowledge and reasoning to fill in the angles on the geometrical diagrams drawn inside rectangles. Level 1 – 31 angles to be found in a diagram with one set of parallel lines Level 2 – 42 angles Read More …

Kung Fu Angles – BBC

angles problem solving ks2

A quest that is solved using angles. Nice backdrops.

Gorilla – Count On

angles problem solving ks2

Two player game – gorillas throw bananas at each other across skyscrapers. Adjust force and angle to hit.

Bunny and Angles

angles problem solving ks2

A game to test estimation of angle size  – using 360 degrees – High level of accuracy required  

Gorilla – Mark Hanley

angles problem solving ks2

Two player game – gorillas throw bananas at each other across skyscrapers. Adjust force and angle to hit.  

Sailing Challenge – eChalk

angles problem solving ks2

Measure and estimate the angles of the boat’s courses.  

angles problem solving ks2

A quest that is solved using angles. Nice backdrops.  

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Angle Worksheets: Add Insight to Your Preparation

This far-from-exhaustive list of angle worksheets is pivotal in math curriculum. Whether it is basic concepts like naming angles, identifying the parts of an angle, classifying angles, measuring angles using a protractor, or be it advanced like complementary and supplementary angles, angles formed between intersecting lines, or angles formed in 2D shapes we have them all covered for students in grade 4 through high school. Application seals concepts in the minds of children, and hence adding a little challenge into the routine in the form of free worksheets is definitely not a bad idea.

List of Angle Worksheets

Parts of an Angle

Naming Angles

Acute, Right, and Obtuse Angles

Classifying Angles

Reading Protractors

Measuring Angles

Drawing Angles

Estimating Angles

Angles on a Straight Line

Angles Around a Point

  • Complementary & Supplementary Angles

Adjacent Angles

Vertical Angles

Linear Pairs of Angles

Pairs of Angles

Angles Formed by a Transversal

Angles in Shapes

Explore the angle worksheets in detail.

How about some practice in identifying the vertex and arms of an angle? Get ahead of the pack with these parts of an angle pdfs and practice identifying and naming the vertex and arms of an angle.

Are you aware of the four ways of naming angles? Buckle up with these printable worksheets, and watch how accurately and effortlessly children name angles using the three points.

Spark interest and encourage children to identify acute, right, and obtuse angles with a bunch of fun-filled exercises like recognizing angles in a clock, angle types in real-life objects, and a lot more!

Become twice as conversant with identifying, classifying, and drawing all six types of angles: acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex, and complete angles with this collection of pdfs.

Use the protractor tool like a pro to measure and draw angles. Printable protractor templates, a chart illustrating the parts and use of the tool, and protractor reading exercises await students in elementary school.

Reading the correct scale of the protractor to measure angles: the inner or outer scale, measuring and classifying angles, and solving linear equations are the skills grade 4 and grade 5 students acquire with these exercises.

Show your students how to construct angles using a protractor with these drawing angle pdfs. The exercises include constructing angles with 1° increments or 5°, drawing reflex angles, and more.

Expert-level skills aren’t built in a day, to acquire superior skills in estimating angles 4th grade and 5th grade children need to bolster practice with our printable estimating angles worksheets.

Work your way through this compilation of worksheets and examine the angles on a straight line that add up to 180°. Grade 4 and grade 5 students find the measures of the unknown angles by subtracting the given angles from 180°.

Did you know that the angles around a point add up to 360°? Keep this fact in mind as you figure out the measures of the unknown angles by adding the given angles and subtracting the sum from 360°.

Complementary and Supplementary Angles

If it's a pair of angles you see and are trying to figure out if they make a complementary or supplementary pair, the trick is just adding them up and if their sum is 90° they are complementary and if it is 180° they are supplementary. These worksheets are a sure-shot hit with 6th grade and 7th grade learners.

Explore this bunch of printable adjacent angles worksheets to get a vivid picture of the angle addition property exhibited by angles that share the same vertex and are next to each other.

Linked here are exercises on angles formed by intersecting lines! Know the congruent properties of vertical angles or vertically opposite angles and apply them to determine unknown angle measures.

Two angles that are both adjacent and supplementary are a linear pair. The measure of such a pair sum up to 180°. Get to the heart of such angle pairs with these pdf worksheets and solve equations for the unknown angle measures.

Tap your grade 7, and grade 8 student’s potential in identifying the different pairs of angles such as complementary and supplementary angles, linear pair, vertical angles and much more with our engaging set of worksheets.

Construct additional and experiential knowledge with these 8th grade and high school handouts to comprehend the seven types of angle pairs formed by a transversal that include corresponding angles, alternate angles, and consecutive angles.

Sample Worksheets

Measuring Angles

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Reasoning with Angles

Reasoning with Angles

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

22 February 2018

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Unit 10 - 3 weeks

The PowerPoint file contains slides you can use in the classroom to support each of the learning outcomes for this unit, listed below. Geometry topics are not covered by the NCETM Primary Mastery Professional Development materials. Therefore, some slides for this unit have been additionally created to provide the high-level overview to address each learning outcome. However, they do not provide the level of detail seen in other units, so teachers will need to supplement slides with other high quality materials available to them. You should also refer to the national curriculum to ensure coverage. There are also links to the ready-to-progress criteria detailed in the DfE Primary Mathematics Guidance 2020 .

Classroom slides for this unit

All summer term units, learning outcomes, related pages.

  • Curriculum prioritisation in primary maths

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  1. angles and degrees worksheets

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  2. Free Year 4 Identify Angles Lesson

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  3. Identify angles at a point on a straight line and ½ a turn (total 180

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  4. Calculate the missing angles

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  5. Algebraic Problems involving Angles

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  6. Angles Problem Solving Fall 2013 (Editable) by Peter Jonnard

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  3. A Nice Algebra Equation • X=?

  4. Q10 The One With Towers Made of Red and Green Cubes

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  6. Maths: Angles & Problem Solving


  1. Angles, polygons, and geometrical proof Angles

    Hand Swap. My train left London between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. and arrived in Paris between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. At the start and end of the journey the hands on my watch were in exactly the same positions but the minute hand and hour hand had swopped places.

  2. Lines and angles

    Learn how to draw angles up to 180 degrees using a protractor. Learn how to solve problems about angles made between straight lines. Learn how to use a formula to find out the internal angles ...

  3. KS2 Primary Resources on Angles

    KS2 Angles Resources. Examine the relationship and space between two intersecting lines with our primary resources on angles. Our worksheets, PowerPoints and angles games for KS2 cover varied challenges such as identifying acute and obtuse angles, estimating angles, calculating missing angles in shapes and more.

  4. 7,390 Top "Angles Problem Solving" Teaching Resources curated ...

    Level 1 Temperature: Overview. Explore more than 7,390 "Angles Problem Solving" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Problem Solving Angles". Instant access to inspirational lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment, interactive activities, resource packs, PowerPoints, teaching ideas at Twinkl!

  5. Angle Challenge Cards (teacher made)

    Use these great angle challenge cards for students to further practise drawing and measuring angles. Great for independent work, part of a group rotation or as an early finishers task card. Twinkl Australia 3 - 4 Australian Curriculum Resources Mathematics Measurement Problem Solving. angles word problem angles angles word problems angles year ...

  6. KS2 Maths: Investigating angles

    The Ugly Sisters and Puss in Boots have a challenge to investigate the angles within a circle. Suitable for Key Stage 2, Early and 1st Level and Second Level ... Maths KS2: Problem solving with money.

  7. Calculating Angles in Triangles Activity Sheets

    Engaging and interesting, these calculating angles in triangles activity sheets are ideal additions to support your teaching of this topic to KS2 pupils. Use as a main lesson activity, extension tasks or even home learning activities. To download this useful resource, just click on the big green 'Download Now' button.

  8. KS2 Maths: Understanding right angles and acute angles

    This clip explores right angles, acute angles and how angles in a circle total 360 degrees as Ambrose invents pizzas with toppings of various angles around the circle. ... Maths KS2: Problem ...

  9. Missing Angles Practice Questions

    angle, right, straight line, point, full turn, vertically, opposite, basic, facts, triangle, quadrilateral

  10. Angle problems

    Two tricky angle problems to get your children thinking. Answers included. Creative Commons "Sharealike" Reviews. 5. Something went wrong, please try again later. mgp108. a year ago. report. 5. Excellent resource to get the children to think deep. Thank you. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user. Submit reply Cancel. jeant1. a ...

  11. Missing Angles

    Missing Angles KS2 maths game. Find the missing angles in a triangle, around a point, in a quadrilateral, find opposite and supplementary angles, or find angles which require multi-step problem solving skills.

  12. KS2 Primary Resources on Angles

    KS2 Angles Resources. Examine the relationship and space between two intersecting lines with our primary resources on angles. Our worksheets, PowerPoints and angles games for KS2 cover varied challenges such as identifying acute and obtuse angles, estimating angles, calculating missing angles in shapes and more.

  13. Measuring Angles with a Protractor Worksheet KS2

    Measuring angles is a key skill for KS2 children. Use this 'Measuring Angles with a Protractor Worksheet' to help children develop their protractor proficiency. ... Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving Year 5 Geometry Shape. Parents Ages 5 - 11 Everything You Need for Children Aged 5 - 11 Parents Ages 9 - 10 (Year 5) Year 5 Maths Angles and ...

  14. PDF Year 4 Identify Angles Reasoning and Problem Solving

    Reasoning and Problem Solving Identify Angles Reasoning and Problem Solving Identify Angles Developing 1a. 60° -25°; 30° -40°; 75° -10°. 2a. B is the odd one out as it is a right angle and the other angles are all acute. 3a. I can make 9 acute angles; 29o, 25o, 21 o, 59 , 52 , 51o, 19 , 12o and 15o. Expected 4a. 67° -19°; 23 ...

  15. Angles

    Angle Chase Use knowledge and reasoning to fill in the angles on the geometrical diagrams drawn inside rectangles. Level 1 - 31 angles to be found in a diagram with one set of parallel lines Level 2 - 42 angles Read More …. KS2 Upper.

  16. PDF Year 5 Calculating Angles around a Point Reasoning and Problem Solving

    More than 5 steps. Using increments of 1 ̊. Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Problem Solving) Developing Use the hints to work out what the 3 angles around a point are. Using increments of 5 ̊. Expected Use the hints to work out what the 4 angles around a point are. Using increments of 1 ̊. Greater Depth Use the hints to work out what the 5 angles ...

  17. Angles Worksheets

    Angle Worksheets: Add Insight to Your Preparation. This far-from-exhaustive list of angle worksheets is pivotal in math curriculum. Whether it is basic concepts like naming angles, identifying the parts of an angle, classifying angles, measuring angles using a protractor, or be it advanced like complementary and supplementary angles, angles ...

  18. PDF Year 3 Turns and Angles Reasoning and Problem Solving

    Reasoning and Problem Solving - Turns and Angles - Year 3 Developing. 4a.Sallah is thinking of a shape. The shape has 3 angles and 3 sides of the same length. Draw the shape that he is thinking of. 4b. Katie is thinking of a shape. 4 angles and 4 sides all the same length. Draw the shape that she is thinking of.

  19. Calculating Angles Around a Point

    Through the carefully planned fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving activities included in this angles around a point resource pack, children will be able to calculate angles around a point with a secure knowledge of angle types. ... angles ks2 . types of angles . angles on a straight line . angles around a point year 6 . angles in a circle ...

  20. Angles Textbook Exercise

    Next: Measuring Angles Textbook Exercise GCSE Revision Cards. 5-a-day Workbooks

  21. Reasoning with Angles

    Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. docx, 120.89 KB. rtf, 4.3 MB. docx, 17.17 KB. docx, 13.53 KB. This is the planning for my Yr6 class after looking at angles. We found that with the new curriculum (March 2016) we needed to focus more on reasoning and children having the opportunity to explain their thinking so ...

  22. Reasoning Test: Angle Questions Year 6

    There are plenty of exercises to support and challenge year 6 students and prepare them for their SATs. Our angle questions resource pack is perfect for year 6 students to learn about how to calculate missing angles. Use it to practice for the KS2 Maths Reasoning tests or as revision. Check out all our revision materials for year 6 maths here!

  23. Angles

    2. Pupils use the terms acute, obtuse and reflex when describing the size of angles or amount of rotation with relation to right angles. 3. Pupils use a unit called degrees (°) as a standard unit to measure angles. 4. Pupils estimate the size of angles in degrees using angle sets. 5. Pupils measure the size of angles accurately using a protractor.