13 SMART Goals Examples for Studying Abroad

Studying abroad presents a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth. To make the most of this experience, use the SMART method to maximize learning and development.

With this in mind, here is a list of 13 SMART goals examples for studying abroad that cover a range of areas, from enhancing language skills to fostering inclusivity.

You will be able to make the most of your time abroad and come back with valuable experiences and knowledge that will last a lifetime.

Table of Contents

What is a SMART Goal?

Studying abroad can be life-changing, but you must set goals that guide your development while away. You can benefit greatly from using the SMART methodology .

Let’s take a closer look at each SMART element:

Specificity is crucial when it comes to studying abroad. By setting well-defined goals, you know exactly what you must achieve and how to do it. Examples of measurable goals for studying abroad may include “passing a language proficiency exam” or “obtaining a 3.8-grade point average.”

By tracking your progress, you can determine whether or not you’re making meaningful strides toward reaching your goals.

For instance, instead of wanting to improve your writing skills while studying abroad, a measurable goal would be to boost your essay grades by one letter for the semester.

Take into account your current ability level in order to set yourself up for success. After all, it’s important to pursue goals that are challenging but still achievable, which will inspire you to continue striving toward them.

You’ll be more motivated to attain goals if they align with your passions, values, and interests. And when you’re studying abroad, it’s imperative to pursue meaningful and relevant objectives to your unique study abroad adventure.

By setting a robust time frame, you’ll be able to prioritize tasks and allocate your time efficiently . That way, you can stay on track and avoid burning out or getting sidetracked by distractions.

Here are various examples of SMART goals for studying abroad:

1. Become More Culturally Competent

“To become more culturally competent, I’ll attend at least two cultural events each month until the end of this year. I hope to understand better and appreciate different cultures.”

Specific: The goal is clear, detailing the actions to be taken (attending cultural events) and for how long (one year).

Measurable: You can gauge progress by counting the events attended over time.

Attainable: It is feasible for the person to attend two cultural events per month.

Relevant: This statement is pertinent to promoting cultural competency and understanding.

Time-based: There is a one-year window for accomplishing the goal.

2. Learn a New Language

“I will achieve proficiency in Spanish within 12 months by attending a language school and practicing with a language partner for two hours weekly.”

Specific: The goal details which language to learn (Spanish), how long it will take to learn (12 months), and how often classes and language exchange sessions are held.

Measurable: Progress can be assessed through proficiency tests taken regularly.

Attainable: This is doable by attending classes and practicing consistently with a language partner.

Relevant: Learning a new language can lead to growth in many areas of life.

Time-based: Twelve months are required to accomplish success.

3. Enhance Leadership Skills

“I will develop my leadership skills by attending workshops, enrolling in courses on international relations, and participating in study abroad programs. I hope to understand different cultures, customs, and values by the end of my program.”

Specific: You’ll develop your leadership by attending workshops and courses and participating in study abroad programs.

Measurable: Determine whether or not you have followed the recommended action items.

Attainable: This goal is possible since it involves participating in activities within the individual’s control.

Relevant: Enhancing leadership skills can be beneficial for personal and professional growth.

Time-based: The end of the program is when success should be reached.

4. Connect With Local Communities

“I’ll engage with the local communities I come in contact with while studying abroad. I’ll learn more about their culture and customs by visiting businesses and attending events. I want to understand the foreign culture and build relationships with people in my host community.”

Specific: This SMART goal is explicit because the person is trying to learn more about the culture and nurture relationships with those in the host community.

Measurable: Going to businesses and events will help measure progress in learning more about the host community.

Attainable: It’s possible to connect with locals when studying abroad, depending on the location and resources available.

Relevant: Connecting with local communities is an appropriate goal for a student studying abroad.

Time-based: This is an ongoing effort while studying abroad.

5. Gain International Work Experience

“Within the following year, I will secure an international internship in my field of study and gain experience working in a different country. I’ll research available positions and apply to at least 10 internships with well-prepared and polished application materials.”

Specific: You are seeking an international internship and applying to several positions.

Measurable: Evaluating progress can be done by noting how many internship applications have been sent.

Attainable: This goal is achievable by researching different positions and tailoring application materials.

Relevant: International work experience can provide unique learning opportunities and enhance professional growth.

Time-based: There is a one-year deadline to meet this particular goal.

6. Make Friends Abroad

“I will try to connect with local students and find like-minded people in my host country by the end of two months. I want to make meaningful relationships that will last beyond my study abroad experience.”

Specific: The goal is well-defined, with a clear outcome and time frame.

Measurable: Ensure you keep track of the number of meaningful connections you make.

Attainable: This is feasible by taking the initiative to connect with people and introducing yourself.

Relevant: Making meaningful relationships is vital for a robust social support system while you’re abroad.

Time-based: You have two months to reach goal achievement.

7. Develop Intercultural Communication

“I want to develop strong intercultural communication skills to better understand someone else’s values for the next 10 months. I will attend cultural and language classes and any other related events to further my understanding.”

Specific: You want to develop intercultural communication and understand what it takes.

Measurable: The person can determine progress by attending classes and events regularly.

Attainable: Developing intercultural communication skills is achievable and requires dedication and practice.

Relevant: Intercultural communication is a crucial skill for studying abroad.

Time-based: Ten months are needed to reach long-term success.

8. Increase Self-Confidence

“I will complete various activities and challenges to build my self-confidence in order to become a successful student abroad. I hope this will allow me to gain new experiences and knowledge while studying abroad.”

Specific: The goal is clear and concise, stating the overall objective and how it will be met.

Measurable: By completing various activities and challenges, the student can track their progress in boosting confidence.

Attainable: This SMART statement can be accomplished through practice and dedication.

Relevant: This is relevant because it ensures that students will be more confident in their abilities when navigating a new country.

Time-based: You want to pursue this goal for the entire time you study abroad.

boost your self confidence

9. Be Open to New Perspectives

“I will actively seek out conversations with students from different countries to broaden my worldview by the end of 5 months. I hope to gain valuable insights into different cultures that will make me more tolerant.”

Specific: This goal is explicit because you plan to gain new perspectives by talking to students from different countries.

Measurable: Track your conversations with students from different countries over the course of 5 months.

Attainable: This is possible since connecting with international students during study abroad is relatively straightforward.

Relevant: By talking to other students, you will better understand different cultures, which is valuable.

Time-based: You know that success is expected after 5 whole months.

10. Actively Participate in Class

“To improve my study abroad experience, I’ll commit to actively participating in my classes within the next two months. That means taking notes, asking questions, and engaging in discussions related to the course material.”

Specific: This statement outlines which activity you should commit to (active participation in class).

Measurable: You could count the number of classes you’ve participated in for the time period.

Attainable: Participating in class can be accomplished with some effort.

Relevant: Active participation in class is essential to your study abroad experience.

Time-based: Goal completion should be expected within two months.

11. Boost My Academic Achievement

“I will take steps to further increase my GPA for this semester. I’ll try to attend all lectures, workshops, and seminars that are related to my chosen field of study. I’ll also look into potential avenues for independent research projects and strive to succeed academically.”

Specific: You have clear activities—attending lectures, workshops, and seminars related to your field of study.

Measurable: You can measure the goal by tracking your GPA at the end of each semester.

Attainable: Assuming you’re already achieving good grades and want to take them higher, this is definitely feasible.

Relevant: This goal directly applies to your main objective of boosting academic achievement.

Time-based: There is a time limit of the end of this semester.

12. Expand Global Mindedness

“For 6 months, I will expand my global mindedness by expanding awareness of cultural and socioeconomic challenges. I also want to develop skills and knowledge to engage in proactive conversations related to global issues.”

Specific: The individual wants to expand their global mindedness by boosting awareness of cultural and socioeconomic challenges.

Measurable: You’ll count the number of conversations related to global issues.

Attainable: With the right resources, this certain goal is absolutely doable.

Relevant: The statement relates to learning about different cultures and the world.

Time-based: This SMART goal should be reached within 6 months.

13. Appreciate Diversity and Inclusion

“I want to appreciate and value diversity and inclusion in my study abroad experience. This means actively seeking out diverse people, cultures, and activities to learn from and respect. I aim to foster a more inclusive, respectful learning environment by the end of my semester abroad.”

Specific: The goal is to actively appreciate and value diversity in the study abroad experience.

Measurable: This can be evaluated by looking at how many diverse people, cultures, and activities the student has interacted with.

Attainable: Understanding and appreciating diversity is something that can be easily achieved.

Relevant: Diversity and inclusion are a major focus in many educational institutions worldwide, so this statement is pertinent.

Time-based: You can reach this particular goal within this semester.

Final Thoughts

Developing SMART goals is key to maximizing your studying abroad experience. You’ll ensure that you remain focused and motivated throughout your time abroad.

Whether you aim to improve your language skills or enhance your leadership, the goals outlined above are designed to provide a well-rounded experience that fosters growth.

Remember to periodically evaluate progress and adjust your goals to utilize this transformative opportunity. Your study abroad adventure will be full of positive, lasting memories.

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How to Write an Outstanding Study Abroad Application Essay

Dave Harriman

For some students who wish to study abroad, the statement of purpose can be one of the most daunting components of the program application. The good news: it’s not as difficult as it may seem at first! After all, you’ve come this far in the study abroad research process , so chances are you’ve already given thought to what the essay requires you to write about. As long as you don’t rush and take the time to create a solid outline, your study abroad application statement of purpose will truly shine.


Common statement of purpose requirements

Although each program application may have program-specific essay requirements to address, most will ask students to address the following two components:

  • Goals for studying abroad (i.e. academic, career, and personal) – Most likely, you will have to briefly describe your goals, outlining specific ways in which studying abroad will help you achieve these goals.
  • Reason you chose this program/location – This aspect of the statement of purpose is more specific to why, out of all the programs and locations on Earth to study, you’re applying to this one.

Creating an outline

Before rushing into writing out your statement of purpose, make sure you’ve carefully read the instructions and prompts for the essay. The worst way to sabotage an otherwise excellent essay is to miss a key requirement outlined in the instructions. To help keep essay requirements fresh in your mind, consider copying and pasting the requirements at the top of essay document so that they are there for quick reference.

After you fully understand what points you are required to touch on in your statement of purpose, drafting an outline will help keep your essay organized, clear, and succinct. Consider following the steps below to help make this process easy and straight-forward.

Open up a blank Word document, and get down the general essay components:


Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Now that you have the foundation laid out, you can complete your outline by creating a couple compelling sentences for each paragraph. Having these sentences drafted will help you quickly move forward after your outline is complete. Let’s take a look at each paragraph, and sample sentences for each.

Introduction – Create a strong thesis sentence that sums up your overall purpose for studying abroad.

  • Example: Studying abroad at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid will be a monumental step in realizing my personal, academic, and career goals to my highest potential.

This thesis sentence portrays to the reader that you have identified personal, academic, and career goals in relation to studying abroad in a specific program, and will describe them below.

Paragraphs 1-3 – Draft a sentence that sums up your response to the each point, then a second sentence that provides a specific outcome that this study abroad program will provide.

Paragraph 1 (e.g. personal reason/goal for studying abroad in this program):

  • Example: My grandfather migrated to the United States from Madrid, and since an early age I’ve wanted to see and experience the city and culture he grew up in. By the end of my study abroad program, I plan to have developed a deeper understanding and appreciation for my family heritage by becoming more fluent in Spanish and familiar with Spanish customs and cultural practices.

Paragraph 2 (e.g. academic reason/goal for studying abroad in this program):

  • Example: As a history major, I plan to utilize my time in Spain to contribute to my overall academic success and focus within the history program at my home university. Throughout my time studying abroad, I will visit historical sites around Spain relevant to my intended topic for my graduate thesis topic: Moorish architectural and cultural influences in modern Spanish society.

Paragraph 3 (e.g. career reason/goal for studying abroad in this program):

  • Example: I plan to one day teach Spanish history and culture at the college level, and this program will give me the first-hand experience I believe necessary to be qualified and successful in this position. By being completely immersed in the Spanish culture, and by having access to a large number of relevant historical sites and resources, I will enter this study abroad experience with my career development in mind.

For the conclusion, come up with a strong sentence to sum-up (again) why this program and location is the best choice.

  • Example: After extensive research of all possible programs, I am convinced that studying history and Spanish culture at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid is an ideal match for my personal, academic, and career goals outlined above.

Drafting suggestions

Now that you have a strong outline, filling in the rest should come easily and naturally. As would be normally expected in college-level essays, it’s important to make sure that each sentence you write relates directly to the main sentences in its respective paragraph you came up with in the outline.

After you’ve written your completed first draft of your study abroad application statement of purpose, save the document and take a break for a week. After you’ve had some time to clear your mind, you’ll likely come back to edit your essay with a fresh perspective and as a result more easily catch mistakes you may not have otherwise caught!

Finally, before you send it off, double (and triple) check to make sure that you haven’t overlooked any requirements for the statement of purpose. Also, consider having at least one other person look at your essay – your campus’s writing center is a great resource you might consider utilizing!

Congratulate yourself

After you’ve sent in your essay, congratulate yourself! You are well on your way to one of the most exciting journeys of your life, and you certainly deserve to be proud of this accomplishment.

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Dave Harriman

Dave Harriman

Dave Harriman, SHRM-CP, has a background in human resources, anthropology, and international education. His experience teaching English abroad during a gap year as an undergraduate student in Spain ignited his passion and advocacy for student travel. As a human resources professional, Dave is interested in helping students prepare for future career growth, and for helping facilitate social & cultural inclusion in the workplace.

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Crafting the Perfect Study Abroad Essay

Follow these tips to make your study abroad essay stand out.

  • Applying to Study Abroad

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Whether you just want to do a semester or an entire program abroad, it’s likely a study abroad essay will be required. Students are beginning to realize what a great opportunity it is to take their studies abroad. Not only is it a great way to make new friends, practice your language skills, and travel while studying, it’s also great to put on a resume . So, it’s no wonder students are lining up to pick their top destinations and programs to study abroad.

To make sure they pick students who are ready and serious about studying abroad , most schools will, therefore, require a study abroad essay. The essay is a chance to make a great first impression and show the university administration that you’re ready to make the commitment to take your education even further by going abroad.

Consider some of the following tips to really make your study abroad essay stand out!

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Use our search to browse programs abroad!

1) Explain Why Study Abroad Will Make a Difference for Your Studies

A lot of students want to study abroad just for the experience and the excitement of living and learning abroad. These are important aspects, of course; however, school administration wants to know why going to your top study abroad destination will make a difference to your education.

Be specific! Explain the impact studying abroad will have on your personal and professional growth. Don’t just highlight how you think you will learn a lot. What do you expect to get from the program specifically? Is there a reason you picked one country over another to study in?

The more specific you are the better. It shows the university that you have given serious thought to your studies and that you are ready for the commitment!

2) Let Them Know Why You Picked Where You Want to Study

study abroad

Instead of just saying you will study anywhere, as long as it’s abroad, tell the university why you picked your top study abroad destination. Write with enthusiasm and let admissions know what you are excited to see and do in your new home.

Make sure you do the research in advance! Name some museums you would be interested in exploring or some monument you would be interested in seeing. It’s in your favor if you can also tie these back to your study program!

This will show your school that you will not take your study abroad experience for granted, and that you already have things to do to integrate into your new home easier.

3) Describe Why You’re Qualified

Whether you've recently entered college or are ready to graduate, your experience says a lot about what you will accomplish on your study abroad. If you want to make your study abroad essay stand out, make sure to make mention of your previous experience.

Mention major academic accomplishments, work experience, or skills that you might find useful abroad, such as knowledge of a second language.

The university knows you will learn a lot during your time abroad, but the more you can bring to the program, the better!

4) Show Your Personality


The best study abroad essays are the ones with a little bit of personality! Your essay should still sound professional, but don’t be afraid to let yourself shine through as well. Studying abroad comes with challenges, and if the university gets a sense you are ready for them, you will move to the top of the list.

Add a personal story about something relevant to living and studying abroad. Describe a time you traveled somewhere new or met a friend from a different country. A well-rounded individual with some experience is the perfect candidate for studying abroad.

Showing some enthusiasm while also keeping your expectations realistic is the right way to show the admissions team that you have thought long and hard about your decision to study abroad, and that you are ready to pack up and move abroad.

5) Follow Instructions

It might sound simple, but if you don’t want your study abroad essay to be immediately tossed aside, make sure to read and follow all the instructions given. Some universities will ask specific questions or ask students to format their essays in a particular way.

Don’t ignore these instructions! It’s the first step to making a great impression.

If the essay is open-ended — great! Follow our tips to get inspired. But, if there are specific questions, make sure you answer them clearly and concisely. There might not be any right or wrong answers, but your school will still be looking for students who are able to express themselves and get their point across.

The Perfect Study Abroad Essay

If you followed our advice so far, you’ll be looking at the study abroad essay that’s going to get you into the program of your choice at the study abroad destination of your dreams!

Don't forget to proofread before handing in your essay. If possible, it's great to have someone take a look over it as well, especially if it's a professor or someone who has written a study abroad essay before.

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Check out our handy country guides!

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The Keystone Team is comprised of experienced educators and advisors dedicated to providing valuable resources and advice to students all over the world.

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Our 10 best tips for writing the perfect study abroad essay.

Asako Maruoka's picture

We’re so excited for you to study abroad ! Whether you’re going for a semester or year through your institution or with an external program, or direct enrolling at a university overseas, chances are that you will need to write an essay to get in. This essay could be for admission or for scholarship opportunities. 

This is a chance for you to shine! Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn abroad, and had your eye on a specific country. Perhaps you have taken a language for a few years, and are ready to experience living and speaking in that country. Or, maybe there’s a study abroad program within your degree program that perfectly complements your interests, job prospects, and passions.

Whatever the case, we’re here for you to help you succeed.

Our 10 best tips for writing the perfect study abroad essay

Here are our ten best tips for writing the perfect study abroad essay from the experts we interviewed:

1. follow the instructions.

Before you get into “what” to write, research carefully the “how” aspect of your custom study abroad essay. Typically, each educational institution or scholarship program is trying to make sure that only the best candidates will attend their program, university, or win a scholarship. If you already know the details of what you need to write, but aren’t sure how to follow them correctly, just ask for the help of a professional academic writer from an online essay service like AdvancedWriters.com . The company specializes in academic writing, and they provide assistance with solving tricky puzzles, such as study abroad essays. With this as a start, you can be sure to craft a compelling, interesting essay.

2. Answer the very important question, “Why our program?” 

After you review the requirements, think over the hidden questions about your own reasons to study abroad. Create a logical connection between your motivation and studying ambitions and resources, academic specialization of the university or program, and what professors you will be studying with. Connect these points precisely, as studying abroad is not about just collecting experiences. 

Too often, we’ve seen students fall into applying for opportunities without thinking the reasons through...maybe their best friend is going, or they heard it was a good thing and are just starting to think about it. Having a deeper reflection as to why you want to go—and why you want to go on this program or directly enroll in this university overseas—is key to writing a successful admissions or scholarship essay. The same is true for your success in the program, obviously.

3. Show an interest in the local culture

You might think that it’s not an important point, but your home university wants you to feel comfortable in the local culture. Incorporate information that you have gleaned from current or past study abroad students, the program details, and location. Don’t shortcut this information by visiting some restaurants from the top-10 list on a review site. Dive deeper into the local experiences you can get while studying abroad, and showcase WHY you’re so interested in studying at that location. 

4. Describe your experience

Writing only about how you sincerely want to study abroad won’t make a good impression—everyone that is applying is in the same situation. You should describe what value you bring with your previous global experiences and interests, your skill set, and your achievements. These things will impress the admissions office, program administrators, or scholarship committee much more than a simple statement of fact that you want to be their student. 

Our 10 best tips for writing the perfect study abroad essay

5. Look to the future

This is a fascinating trick that helps to demonstrate your vision of studying abroad. All study abroad essays are quite narrowly specialized in getting into an educational institution or study abroad program, or being rewarded the scholarship. But your life won’t end with this event! Think about how your life is going to change if you study abroad. While you can have no idea of the actual impact of study abroad, you know that it WILL change you, and you will emerge from the experience a much broader, more culturally aware person . Perhaps include details of how studying abroad greatly improves your career prospects, lifetime financial earnings, and global worldview.

6. Follow the guidelines

We can’t say this enough—answer the questions asked, and in the format required. Even the deepest motivation to study abroad won’t make any impact on admissions committees or scholarship readers if this doesn’t happen. Each character matters in that 500-word essay. Without proper headlining, abundant vocabulary, logically intertwined paragraphs, and well-considered points, your essay might stay only a bunch of messy notes. Make each line work to the general goal of the essay...and be sure to submit it on time!

7. Never submit your first try of an admission or scholarship essay...ever

Whatever level of self-respect and admiration you feel for yourself because of the first writing of your study abroad essay, just don’t submit it. Ever. To avoid the fate of Icarus, you should find someone who’ll give your masterpiece a look. If you don’t have a professional writer or editor in the family or as a friend, hire someone. Every published book and article has gone through rounds of editing to make it the best possible product. Do the same for your essay.

8. Respect the deadlines

Time is always running out; we never have enough time to do everything we want. An essay submitted after the deadline speaks for itself. No beautiful words, deep motivation, and life goals will work if you haven’t managed to finish it in time. Here’s a cool tip from us: try to trick yourself and give yourself an earlier deadline. You’ll have some time to review and edit it before submission, which is always a good thing.

Our 10 best tips for writing the perfect study abroad essay

9. Have a professional email address and email

No “mylittlekitten @ yahoo.com”, no “please, choose me, I’m your most talented Pokemon!” in the subject line. Be serious, even if you’ve never been before. It’s worth creating a new email address if your personal one is not professional. If you are using your university email address, that’s even better.

10. Don’t give up 

You know the old adage, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”? If you didn’t get in to your dream university abroad, study abroad program, or scholarship, don’t give up! Try again, whether with a different program or university, or the next available opportunity to do so. Persistence is an important life trait!

Soon you’ll be on your way to new beginnings. Congratulations!

Our 10 best tips for writing the perfect study abroad essay

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Top 18 Study Abroad Tips

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As you prepare for the study abroad adventure of a lifetime, consider our inside study abroad tips to make your experience smoother.  

Follow along as we break down our tips for studying abroad into five categories: Study abroad application tips, study abroad essay tips, studying abroad packing tips, safety tips, and even a few pointers once you’re on program.  

Read More: Your Study Abroad FAQs [Answered!]

Study Abroad Application Tips  

Our CIEE study abroad application is pretty straightforward. You can even watch a few of our application FAQ videos to help you with the process.  

Here, we’ve highlighted a few key tips when filling out your application.

Tip #1: Get expert advice.

Before you start your study abroad application, it’s a good idea to check in with your school’s study abroad office and academic advisor to ensure your study abroad plans align with your academic goals and discuss any additional details. They might even offer some of their own tips for studying abroad!  

Tip #2: Fill out the scholarships and grants portion of your application.  

To assist with the cost of your study abroad program, pay close attention to the scholarships and grants portion of your application. We break down our scholarships and grants into three categories:  

  • Need-Based: Offered to students with demonstrated financial need
  • Merit-Based: Offered to students with strong academic achievement  
  • Other: Offered to students based on alumni status or specific program choice

See what type of financial support you may be eligible for!  

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Read More: Study Abroad Scholarships: Everything You Need to Know

Tip #3: Keep track of important deadlines.  

This is one of our most important study abroad tips: Stay organized throughout the application process; including keeping track of important deadlines. Depending on the study abroad program you choose, your deadlines will vary. Mark them on a calendar, schedule reminders on your phone, and do whatever else to help ensure you fill out your application on time!  

And if you have any questions, feel free to contact us . We’re happy to help.

Tip #4: Obtain your passport and visa as soon as you can.  

If you don’t already have your passport when you start your CIEE study abroad application, take the necessary steps to get one, or renew an existing one as soon as possible. And depending on the length of your study abroad program, you’ll likely need a visa as well. We recommend having your passport and visa in hand six to nine months before you take flight.  

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Study Abroad Essay Tips  

The essay is an integral part of the CIEE study abroad application. Note a few of our study abroad essay tips to help you craft a meaningful narrative – you got this!  

Read More: How Do I Write a Personal Statement for Study Abroad?

Tip #5: Find your why.  

Before writing your study abroad essay, identify what you’re truly passionate about. Getting to know you and learning more about your interests is important when assessing study abroad applicants, and getting personal will help provide context about how a study abroad experience will benefit you.  

Read More: What are Your Goals for Studying Abroad?

Tip #6: Explore how your passions translate to your future.  

After identifying what you’re passionate about, discuss how you plan on practicing your interests in the future, either as a career or as a meaningful hobby. For example, you might have set your sights on continuing your education and learning more about a specific subject area .  

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Tip #7: Align your goals with a CIEE Study Abroad program.  

This is where you put it all together: After detailing your passions and how you want to incorporate them into your future, pinpoint which CIEE study abroad program will help you fulfill your goals.

Read More: Why Study Abroad? Top 7 Benefits of Studying Abroad

Your study abroad essay is really a chance for us to get to know you and learn more about why a study abroad experience will enrich your personal, academic, and even career goals. Our study abroad essay tips will help you assemble your thoughts in one impactful piece!  

Study Abroad Packing Tips  

Before you jet off to your study abroad destination, you’ll want to know what to stuff in your suitcase. Let’s dive into some of our study abroad packing tips.

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Your Study Abroad Packing List (10 Essential Items!)

Tip #8: Make copies of the essentials.  

To be extra careful, it’s a good idea to make copies of your essential documents, like your passport, driver’s license, and travel insurance, before you go.  

Tip #9: Pack comfortable walking shoes.  

When you study abroad, you’re going to explore a lot. And that usually means walking nearly everywhere. That’s why one of our top study abroad packing tips is to include comfortable walking shoes to make your treks more enjoyable! Save your nicer pair of shoes for the occasional night out.  

hiking in rabat study abroad student

Tip #10: Look up the country’s currency ahead of time.  

You’ll want to bring some cash along with you for souvenirs, a few meals out, and more. And that means converting your U.S. dollars to the currency available in your study abroad destination. A country’s currency is relatively easy to find online. For example, much of Europe uses the Euro, Japan uses the Japanese yen, and Australia uses the Australian dollar.  

Tip #11: Download a few language learning apps or pack a language book.  

While you’re not required to know the official language of your study abroad destination, it’s a smart idea to at least familiarize yourself with common words and phrases in the language that is widely spoken there so you can better communicate with locals and navigate your new international city while on program.  

Try downloading a few language learning apps or including a language book in your packing list – this will go a long way!  

mandarin lesson study abroad students

Study Abroad Safety Tips  

Just like when you visit any new place, you want to be aware of your surroundings and follow any safety guidelines in an unfamiliar environment. The same goes for your study abroad program. While CIEE offers best-in-class safety and a 24/7 support team , it’s always smart to travel as safely as possible. Note a few of our study abroad safety tips here.  

Tip #12: Avoid traveling alone at night.  

No matter where you visit, it’s always best to avoid traveling alone at night. When you’re exploring after the sun sets, try tagging along with friends, or at the very least, let a few friends know where you’re going and what you’re up to.  

Tip #13: Keep valuable items on your person.  

When you’re adventuring throughout your study abroad location , it’s a good idea to keep valuable and important items, like your driver’s license or cash, in a secure location on your person – like a crossbody bag, fanny pack (also known as a waist pack), or backpack. You can even get a padlock. It’s always best practice, no matter where you are in the world, to keep valuable items close to you and in safe gear.  

gaborone student group traveling

Tip #14: Ensure your tech is always charged.  

Another vital thing to look up before your travels is which type of electrical outlets your new international city has. Y ’ll want to buy some converters to make sure you can charge your electronics, like your cellphone and laptop or tablet, in your new study abroad location.

And as a study abroad safety tip, it’s important to keep your tech charged at all times, just so you’ll always have a way of communicating with others, looking up directions if you get lost exploring, or researching available emergency contact numbers in your new city if ever needed.  

Tips for Study Abroad on Program  

We’ve compiled a few bonus study abroad tips, too – particularly for when you’re actually on your study abroad program!  

Tip #15: Budget as much as possible.  

It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a study abroad program; trying delicious new restaurants, spending nights out, and visiting obscure museums with high fees might get out of hand quickly. Try to be mindful of your spending during your program and try to budget as much as possible.  

Utilize the public transportation system in your new international city, grocery shop when you can and try making culturally authentic recipes at home, take advantage of any possible student discounts, and download apps like Ryanair for more affordable plane tickets. You can navigate your study abroad destination in a cost-effective way – it might just take some research ahead of time to find the best deals! 

Read More: Budgeting Tips and How to Afford Studying Abroad  

Tip #16: Get to know the locals.

Studying abroad is an authentic experience; you’ll get to meet people from all over the world and dive into new cultures. And a really great way to deepen your global perspective even further is by getting to know the locals.  

When you find yourself out and about, start conversations with others respectfully and thoughtfully – you’ll learn more about their views and backgrounds, and most importantly, you’ll be making connections throughout the world.  

rabat moroccan tea ceremony study abroad student

Tip #17: Find some hidden gems.  

In addition to the courses and cultural excursions in your CIEE program, when you live and study in a new place, you’ll get to do lots of exploring on your own. Try to find some lesser-known sites and attractions and uncover a few hidden gems during your study abroad adventure. It’ll make your experience even more exciting.  

Tip #18: Document your experience in a travel journal.  

Our last, but certainly not least, tip for studying abroad is to document your study abroad experience in a travel journal or similar log. Journaling your experience will serve as a pretty cool keepsake to look back on and help you reflect on and enrich your experience during your study abroad program. Include photos, postcards, and little mementos like receipts to make it fun!  

Get on Your Way

Studying abroad is the experience of a lifetime, and following our study abroad tips and advice will help you better prepare and enjoy the experience that much more. Use these recommendations – no matter where you decide to travel – as study abroad Europe tips, study abroad Australia tips, and more!  

Bon voyage!  


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  • How to Write an Outstanding Study Abroad Application Essay

in Studying Abroad February 2, 2018 at 9:14:54 AM | Valentin - Nicușor Barbu | 3 minutes, 56 seconds to read | 0 comment

The study abroad application essay is an important part of the college application process.It is a great opportunity to provide valuable information about yourself and your career interests. The content is significant because it gives insight on why you should be selected for a program or school.It provides why you want to participate in the program and why you are the best candidate.Completing the assignment is easy when planning ahead. Here are the basics to help you get started.

Collect Ideas via Brainstorming

How can I write my essay online and get the help I need for my paper? Start by reviewing guidelines and instructions for the paper. Based on the topic information they provide start coming up with ideas for writing.Think about the course or school you are applying. Consider the atmosphere and your career goals and personal interests. Use these aspirations to create original topics for writing.Think about the importance of studying abroad and why it is significant to your learning needs and experience.Narrow down the list of ideas until you find something you can write in full detail.

Develop an Outline

An outline is essential for writing and it breaks up the task into easier segments. Your paper will have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Your outline will have each of these sections but you can mention significant points to discuss. You can focus on developing each one at a time. Your intro will mention your thesis statement. The body will mention three points each having its own paragraph. The conclusion is last summarizing main and supporting points discussed throughout your paper. Essay help through writing tools such as an outline is beneficial for any form of writing.

Explore Supporting Details

As you work on your outline your attention will turn toward supporting statements for your main idea or thesis statement .You'll brainstorm information to support your idea.You will discuss why you want to study abroad and mention experiences or things you have learned contributing to your decision.What you are passionate about should be connected to your main and supporting points to give insight about your educational intentions. Spend time developing a solid thesis statement and supporting details to help your paper come together.

Be Comfortable with Yourself

Comfortable with Yourself

As you provide information about your career goals, be true to who you are and what you aspire to be.It is important to be professional and formal with your content, but don't lose the essence of who you are. Let your personality come through your words.It will help distinguish your application from the others.Sharing who you are lets the school know why you are a match. Be creative to make a connection but at the same time be you.

Provide Proof You Are a Fit

Give a clear reason why you should be considered for the school or program.Detail your self-worth and show why you are deserving of the opportunity.The program wants to make sure they have the best students for what they have to offer. They want assurance whoever they choose will complete the program successfully.Use this essay to highlight your abilities by discussing what you have to offer and how it fits in with the school or program mission. An essay writing service can assist if needed.

Finish Your Paper Strong

Your conclusion will provide a summary of what you discussed earlier in the paper.It is your last chance to make a good impression and bring your paper to a strong close.You should have a few sentences that are solid, clean, and clear about you are and why you qualify.Make these last few words stand out. Use this time to connect the main idea (thesis statement) with supporting points (body paragraphs) to complete your personal statement.

Revise and Edit

revise study abroad application

Did you know it is recommended to review your work at least two or three times before you submit it? Much time and effort was spent developing content for your essay. It deserves to be reviewed for typos and errors.Make necessary changes to improve chances of approval.Take a break after writing your draft and come back to it for review. How can I get help with my essay writing ? Hire an editor to do it for you if don't have time. Whatever you do, don't submit without reviewing it first.

In conclusion, planning your work is easy when familiar with essential steps of the writing process.Brainstorming, outline creation, developing discussion points, and revising your work are all important steps to complete for your study abroad application. The time spent planning and writing will be worth it. Make sure to submit your work on time by the deadline.

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Aljawaz Your guide to study abroad

Tips for crafting the perfect study abroad essay.

Herilalao Study abroad tips 1 Comment

Studying abroad offers an incredible opportunity for students to explore new cultures, gain valuable international experience, and broaden their horizons. One crucial element of the study abroad application process is the essay or personal statement. 

A well-crafted study abroad essay can make a significant impact on the selection committee and increase your chances of being accepted at your dream university. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips on how to create the perfect personal statement. One that will hold the reader’s attention and highlights your unique qualities. So, let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

So, what is a study abroad essay, and what’s its purpose?

In the context of a college application, a study abroad essay is a written document that presents an applicant’s motivations, aspirations, and qualifications for participation in an international academic program.

It is a carefully crafted piece of writing that provides a comprehensive overview of the applicant’s academic and personal goals. It also highlights their reasons for choosing a particular study abroad program and destination .

In addition, the essay provides an opportunity for students to highlight how study abroad aligns with their future career aspirations, academic pursuits, and overall personal growth. It may also address the applicant’s cultural curiosity, adaptability, and willingness to embrace new experiences.

Finally, a study abroad essay for a college application serves as a persuasive tool. It should convince the admissions committee of the applicant’s aptitude, passion, and potential for success in their chosen program.

Admissions committees review these essays to assess an applicant’s commitment, preparedness, and potential contributions to the university and the global community.

Purposes of a study abroad essay / personal statement

This application document, called personal statement in the US , serves multiple purposes. The essay is an opportunity for the applicant to articulate their motivations, goals, and readiness for studying abroad.

Here are the reasons why writing a study abroad essay is necessary:

Display your motivation

A study abroad essay allows you to explain why you are interested in studying abroad and what motivates you to pursue this opportunity. It helps the admissions committee understand your personal and academic reasons for wanting to study in a different country.

Highlight academic goals

The essay provides an opportunity to display how studying abroad aligns with your academic goals. Therefore, you can explain how the program or university you’re applying to will enhance your studies, offer unique academic opportunities, or complement your major or field of interest.

Demonstrate cultural sensitivity

Studying abroad generally involves immersing oneself in a different culture. Through your essay, you can demonstrate your cultural awareness, openness, and ability to adapt to new environments. This, therefore, can assure the admissions committee that you will be respectful and embrace the diversity of the host country.

Reflect on personal growth

Studying abroad is a transformative experience that can foster personal growth and development. Your essay allows you to reflect on how you expect to grow personally, develop new perspectives, and gain valuable skills that will benefit you both during your time abroad and in your future endeavors.

How do you write an essay about studying abroad?

Here are our tips on how to craft the best essay for your university application. 

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating the perfect study abroad essay that increases your chances of being accepted into your desired program. 

Understand the Purpose of the Essay

The essay or personal statement serves as a medium for you to express your motivations, aspirations, and goals for studying abroad. It is an opportunity for the selection committee to get to know you beyond your academic achievements.

So, before you start writing, take some time to reflect on why you want to study abroad, at this particular university. Also, ask yourself: what do you hope to gain from the experience?

Research Your Chosen Program

To create a standout study abroad essay, it’s essential to research the program you’re applying to. Understand the core values, specific requirements, and the overall culture of the institution you’re applying to.

Tailoring your essay to align with the program’s objectives can only be for the best, as it demonstrates your genuine interest and dedication.

Begin with a Compelling Introduction

Your essay should captivate the reader right from the start. Consider starting with an engaging anecdote, a thought-provoking quote , or a personal experience related to your interest in studying abroad. This will grab the reader’s attention and make them eager to continue reading.

Highlight your Motivations

A good personal statement should articulate your motivations for wanting to study at this particular university. Whether it’s a desire to immerse yourself in a different culture, develop language skills, or pursue specific academic opportunities. Moreover, make sure to express your genuine passion and curiosity. This will show the selection committee that you have a clear purpose for your study abroad journey.

Emphasize your Unique Qualities

Every student is unique, and your study abroad essay is an excellent opportunity to display what sets you apart. Highlight the skills, experiences, and personal qualities that make you a strong candidate. Develop on how these attributes will contribute to the study abroad program and how you will positively impact the campus community. 

Demonstrate Cultural Sensitivity

Studying abroad inevitably involves interacting with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Showcasing your cultural sensitivity and open-mindedness in your essay is crucial. Mention any experiences you’ve had that have exposed you to different cultures. Also explain how these experiences have shaped your worldview and ability to adapt to new environments.

Connect your Academic and Career Goals

Another way to make your essay stand out is to write it in a way that demonstrates the connection between your academic and career goals and the program you’re applying for. Explain how studying abroad will help you gain skills, knowledge, or experiences that align with your long-term aspirations. This will show the selection committee that you have a clear vision for your future and that you are serious about maximizing your study opportunity.

Be Authentic and Honest

It’s important to be true to yourself when writing your study abroad essay. Avoid exaggerating or inventing stories just to impress the selection committee. Instead, focus on sharing genuine experiences that reflect who you are as an individual. This authenticity will resonate with the readers and make your essay more memorable.

Aim for a Well-structured and Succinct Essay

If no word count limit is given, avoid unnecessary repetition or tangents. Also, make sure to prioritize the most relevant information to showcase your motivation, preparedness, and alignment with the university program. Ultimately, the key is to strike a balance between providing sufficient information and keeping the reader engaged. Exceeding the word limit is risking the essay becoming overly lengthy or losing the reader’s attention. 

Be Careful about Structure and Grammar

A well-structured essay is easier to read and comprehend. Use headings to organize your thoughts and guide the reader through your essay. Moreover, ensure that your grammar, spelling, and punctuation are impeccable. And last, proofread your essay multiple times and consider seeking feedback from teachers or peers to ensure its quality.

A few challenges you may encounter when writing your study abroad essay

While the personal statement can be very beneficial for your university application, be ready to face some challenges when crafting your essay. 

Length and Time commitment

Writing a well-crafted study abroad essay can be time-consuming and require considerable effort. It absolutely needs additional research about the host country and program, as well as careful planning and organization to put your ideas effectively on paper.

Competitive Application

Study abroad programs often receive numerous applications, and the admissions process can be highly competitive. So, your essay needs to stand out among others to increase your chances of acceptance. This requires creativity, thoughtful writing, and a unique perspective.

Pressure to Meet Expectations

Applicants may feel pressure to present themselves in the most favorable light. This sometimes leads to a tendency to exaggerate or be less authentic in their writing. As stated in the tips above, it is important to maintain honesty and integrity while presenting directly your motivations and goals.

Limited Word Count

Many personal statement essays have a word limit. It typically ranges from around 500 to 1,000 words, depending on the institution. Therefore, it can be challenging for applicants to condense their thoughts and their ideas. The solution is to prioritize the most relevant information and make every word count.

Read also our tips on how to succeed at your IELTS exam .

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I got to admit, this post is fairly good. In fact, it’s one of the best I’ve come across in quite some time.

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63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics

Looking for study abroad topics to write about? Studying in another country is one of the most beneficial experiences for students.

  • 🏆 Best Essay Examples
  • 📌 Research Titles
  • 🗺 Topics to Write about

❓ Questions About Studying Abroad

In your studying abroad essay, you might want to write about advantages and disadvantages of being an international student. Another option is to describe the process of making application for a scholarship. One more idea is to share your personal experience. Whether you’re planning to write an argumentative, descriptive, or persuasive essay, our article will be helpful. Here we’ve collected top studying abroad essay samples and research titles ‍‍‍‍for scholarship papers.

🏆 Best Studying Abroad Essay Examples

  • Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education For most people, especially in developing nations, the only way to gain an education that will satisfy the demands of the international job market is by studying abroad.
  • Should Students Study Abroad? Studying abroad offers students an opportunity to travel to new countries and have new experiences that expand their perceptions of the world.
  • Specifics of Studying Abroad The purpose of this paper is to discuss the most common benefits and drawbacks, as well as overall outcomes that are related to studying abroad and to recommend the ways to handle the drawbacks.
  • Challenges of Studying Abroad A closer look at the information provided by the majority of the companies specializing in student transfer and the related services will reveal that a range of essential data, especially the information concerning the financial […]
  • Declining Direct Public Support for Higher Education in USA Partisanship interest in the debate for renewal of the Higher Education Act and a Senate inquiry to validate the governance of the non-profit economic sectors of the United States has demonstrated the complexity of public […]
  • The Social Role of Higher Education in UK In addition to this, higher education provides a set of values that changes the students to face the existing and the future problems facing the society and the various sectors of work that they operate […]
  • International Education in Australia China is a good market for Australian education and in the year 2010 a sum of 284700 students from China left the country to further their studies most of them on their own expenses.
  • The Criteria and Benefits That Allow Students to Work Abroad The most direct experience that a person gets while studying abroad is the understanding of the business world and economics. There is no doubt that the environments and culture of a country are the major […]
  • Education in Australia as a Tool of Promoting Equality of Opportunity The main objective of vocational education and training is to promote the people, the society, and the economy and to upgrade the labor market.
  • A Benefits of Education Abroad One of the qualitative aspects of the educational reality in today’s world is the fact that, as time goes on, the number of students who decide in favor of studying abroad increases rather exponentially.

📌 Research Titles about Studying Abroad

  • Do Study Abroad Programs Enhance the Employability of Graduates
  • The Effect Of Study Abroad On Studying Abroad
  • Culture and Study Abroad and Some Drawbacks
  • How Does Study Abroad Affect A Student ‘s View Of Professional
  • Analysis Of Some Of The Benefits Of Study Abroad
  • Do People Who Study Abroad Become More Successful
  • Increasing Number Of Worldwide People Go Study Abroad
  • The Lowering Ages of Students Who Study Abroad
  • Colleges Should Make It Mandatory: For Students To Study Abroad For Specific Major’s
  • Should Students Spend Lots Of Money For Study Abroad

🗺 Study Abroad Topics to Write about

  • The Cultural Shock That Students Face When They Study Abroad
  • Advantages and Dis Advantages of Further Study Abroad
  • Interlanguage Pragmatic Competence in the Study Abroad
  • The Study Abroad Trip On Australia
  • History Of Study Abroad And Exchange Programs
  • An Analysis of Many Students Wishing to Study Abroad
  • Most Study Abroad Program Should Be Rename Party Abroad They Are Waste of Time
  • Why College Students Should Study Abroad
  • Analysis Of Michelle Obama ‘s Reasons For Study Abroad
  • Study Abroad Is Beneficial For All College Students
  • The Journey of Traveling and The Study Abroad
  • Analysis: Why Student Chose to Study Abroad
  • The Benefits of Choosing to Study Abroad
  • How Is Studying Abroad Helps Improve Language Skills?
  • Which Country Are More Successful for Studying Abroad?
  • Is Studying Abroad a Good Idea?
  • Does Studying Abroad Induce a Brain Drain?
  • Why Is Studying Abroad Beneficial?
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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/study-abroad-essay-examples/

"63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/study-abroad-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/study-abroad-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/study-abroad-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/study-abroad-essay-examples/.

How to Write a Kick-Ass Application Essay

Pin now for later! If you have an application essay coming up and you don't know where to start, look no further - this post will help you submit a kick-ass essay!

If so, read on – after reading hundreds of essays for applications and scholarships during my career, I can say with enthusiasm what the best essays contain (hint – the answer lies in the essay prompt).

I’ve been thinking about writing this post for quite some time; however, recently I was a reviewer for a national scholarship competition and it’s time that I share the step-by-step process that I wish all students would take for essays.

Step 1: Read the prompt.

No, really.  Read it.  The whole thing.  Yep, even that little bit at the end that describes the formatting.

Yes, there are a lot of words.

We know.  However, all of those words were used for a reason.

Keep in mind that for these kinds of prompts, your essays likely determine a significant part of your future .

All right.  Now that you’ve read the prompt, it’s time to move on to…

Step 2: Re-read and dissect the prompt.

Ah HA!  You thought you were done with the prompt!

This time,  realllllllly  read that sucker.  It maybe looks something like this:

For the blah blah blah program/scholarship/college, describe your personal, professional, and academic goals and how this program will help you achieve those goals. Also, give us some information about your background.

With your favorite highlighting tool, find all of the things that the reviewing committee might be looking for.  This is why you’ve read the prompt at least twice by this time.  Here is what the prompt should look like now:

For the blah blah blah program/scholarship/college, describe your personal , professional , and academic goals and how this program will help you achieve those goals .  Also, give us some information about your background .  

It sounds suspiciously like the reviewers will be looking for 4 things – how the program will help you personally, how the program will help you professionally, how the program will help you academically, and your background.

(Side note: usually essay prompts provide really specific questions that address what the reviewers want to hear about your background.  Keep your response in this part focused on what they ask to hear.)

It looks like you have all of the sections of your essay by now.  Now, it’s time for…

Step 3: Brain dump into your essay sections.

A more sophisticated description of this part is “brainstorm” or “outline.”  I don’t care what you call it – just get your ideas into the appropriate areas.

Let’s say I’m planning on studying abroad in China for an immersive language program because I’m a linguistics major.  My application outline would probably look something like this:

  • Always fascinated by Chinese culture because of my third grade teacher
  • Started studying Mandarin when I was 8 and have wanted to immerse myself in Chinese culture ever since
  • Became a linguistics major to develop a better understanding about the world and international relations
  • Primary language goal is to develop working knowledge of 20,000 Chinese characters
  • Adding an East Asian studies minor
  • Required to have a global component as part of studies; this will fulfill it
  • Hope to work with Chinese immigrants by providing relocation help
  • Plan to move to China or Taiwan after graduation for a year as a translator
  • Ultimately want to develop a bilingual business that works with incoming Chinese students
  • Studying abroad in an unfamiliar context will challenge me in every way
  • Will be better equipped to assist immigrants and refugees, like I currently do as a volunteer
  • I hate being alone; I hope that this experience will allow me to be more comfortable with being alone

Notice that each section is fairly even.  This is important – sometimes it is very easy to provide more details in one section over another (yep, that infamous “tell me about yourself” section).  You don’t want to get distracted from the overall point of the essay.

Now that you have an outline of sorts, you can move on to…

Step 4: Put your brain dump into complete sentences.

Create the sentences!  Use all of the tools you have learned in every writing class you have ever taken to form non-caveman-like sentences.  Use the appropriate writing style for your audience.

Once you feel like you are out of sentences (or you have reached the word limit), you can proceed to…

Step 5: Tear your paper apart (figuratively).

That escalated quickly.

Before you destroy your work, take a breather.  Take some time away.  Grab a coffee (or a beverage of your choosing) and think about things that are not your essay for a little bit.

Then, sit back down and read your essay while pretending like you didn’t write the essay.

Identify the parts where even you felt a little bored (be honest).  Think about the following questions: can you clean up the language to make it less “blah?”  Is this absolutely necessary for the overall essay?  What can you take out?  What should you move around?

If something doesn’t make sense, change it so it does.

I know that it is horrendously hard to edit your own essay.  Everything in your essay feels important to you, but for your own good it’s important to politely break up with some not-so-strong sentences that could bring down your essay overall.

If you need to tell the sentence “it’s not you, it’s me” before you delete it, that’s fine.  Just let go of the sentences that aren’t supporting you in the way that they should.  Be strong.  You can do it.  We all believe in you.  Now…

Step 6: Make the paragraphs!

Realize that, before, I only said to write in complete sentences.  If you already naturally created paragraphs, fabulous!  If you didn’t, think about your future and break your sentence groupings into those paragraphs.

As you read along, are there transitions between your paragraphs, or do things still feel disjointed?  Transitions are sometimes tricky, but are incredibly important – they can make your entire essay seem well-reasoned, while their absence can make you appear unsure about why you should be considered for the program.

Finally, now you can go to…

Step 7: Review your beautiful essay.

Look at the prompt again.  It will always be following you.

After a quick read of your essay, ask – did you answer all of the questions?  Did you  really answer all of the questions?  Did you put similar examples behind each portion, or are you a little heavy-handed at parts?

This is a good time to tweak some of your word choices, review your paragraph order, and double check that everything makes sense.

Generally speaking, application reviewers might cringe at incorrect word choice, grammar, or punctuation, but these errors won’t make or break most applications (unless the application is for a position with an emphasis on attention to detail).  For example, my soul quivers with anxiety when I see the wrong form of to/too/two, your/you’re/yore and other similar words, but that’s the worst that can happen with that.

Reviewers will, however, be able to tell if you skipped large portions of an essay prompt and can remove your application from consideration for not answering part of a question.

This is why, at the end of the day, your success or failure all comes back to the essay prompt and your attention to it.

Some final thoughts:

  • If you are asked at any time to talk about your goals, make sure that they are  SMART : S pecific, M easurable, A ttainable, R elevant and T ime-bound.
  • Use punctuation.  Commas save lives.
  • Transitions between your paragraphs will make your essay fluid (and keep your reviewer happy).
  • Avoid stream-of-conscience writing.  You know, like this entire post.
  • Search your paper for idiomatic phrases.  Change them.
  • Ask a friend, trusted neighbor, stranger on the street, or someone who knows nothing about your program to read your essay (in exchange for something, of course).  If any parts seem unclear to them, retool the parts that are unclear.
  • Proofread all of the things.

Hopefully now you will be on your way to completing a competitive essay!

For more study abroad inspiration and tips, follow me on Pinterest !

Related posts: Ask an Advisor: Where Should I Study Abroad? How to Get Credit for Study Abroad Programs Why Students Prefer Spring Study Abroad (and Why You Should Consider Fall!) 7 Habits of Successful Study Abroad Students Study Abroad Guide: Preparation Phase

Do you have any tips for writing a kick-ass essay?  Share below!

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Essay on Goals For Studying Abroad

Students are often asked to write an essay on Goals For Studying Abroad in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Goals For Studying Abroad

Learning new languages.

When you study in a different country, you get to learn their language. This is exciting because speaking more than one language can open up new chances for you in work and making friends.

Understanding Different Cultures

Living in another place lets you see how people from there live, eat, and have fun. It’s like being on an adventure where you discover new traditions and maybe even take some home with you.

Getting Better at Studies

Schools abroad might teach in ways you’re not used to. This can challenge you to study harder and learn things you might not learn in your home country.

Making International Friends

Studying abroad means you’ll meet students from all over the world. These friendships can last a lifetime and help you learn about different countries.

Building Confidence

250 words essay on goals for studying abroad, learning new cultures.

When we go to study in a different country, one big goal is to learn about new ways of living and different cultures. This means seeing how people in other places eat, talk, have fun, and go about their daily lives. It’s like opening a book with stories from all over the world and becoming part of them.

Improving Language Skills

Another goal for studying abroad is to get better at speaking and understanding a new language. If you go to Spain, you might learn Spanish. When you talk with local people, go to their markets, or listen to their music, you learn to speak their language in a fun and easy way.

Making New Friends

Going to school in another country lets you meet kids from all over the world. You can make new friends who can teach you about their countries and share adventures with you. These friendships can last a long time and make your life more exciting.

Getting Ready for the Future

Studying abroad can also help you get ready for the future. You learn to be independent, which means doing things on your own without your family’s help. This can make you stronger and smarter. Also, when you grow up, jobs often like people who have lived in different countries because they know how to work with all kinds of people.

Seeing the World

Lastly, a goal is to see the world. You can see famous places, try new foods, and see things you’ve only seen in books or on TV. This makes your life richer and full of memories.

500 Words Essay on Goals For Studying Abroad

Gaining new skills.

Another big reason students go to study in other countries is to see new places. By living and studying in a new country, students get to visit places they have only seen in pictures or movies. They can experience life in a big city or enjoy the quietness of a small town. This is a chance to see famous buildings, museums, and natural wonders while they are still young.

Making Friends from Around the World

Studying abroad gives students the chance to meet and make friends with people from all over the world. These friendships can be very special because they help students learn about different ways of living and thinking. Also, having friends in different countries can be fun and useful later in life, like if they want to travel or need help with international work.

Learning About Oneself

Studying in a different country is also a chance for students to learn more about themselves. Being away from home means they have to make decisions on their own and solve their own problems. This can help them become more confident and independent. They might also discover new hobbies or interests that they would not have found if they stayed at home.

For students who want to get better at speaking another language, there is no better way than living where that language is spoken every day. They can practice by talking to locals, listening to the radio, and doing their schoolwork in that language. This can help them speak the language more fluently and understand it better.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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How to Write a Winning Study Abroad Scholarship Essay

Studying abroad is a big and expensive part of many students' education, and scholarships can help with that. Here's how to ace those study abroad scholarship essays.

by Ashley Halsey Professional Educator and Writer

Last Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Originally Posted: Nov 23, 2019

Studying abroad is a dream opportunity that can have so many benefits, some of which you may not even realize as you head into your application or daydream about having the chance to go. The most obvious benefit is that you get to experience a different culture, different people, or a different way of life. This is fascinating on its own and could be considered reason enough to start your application. Add to that the opportunity to freshen your perspective with a change of scenery, make new friends, potentially pay lower tuition and living fees, learn a different language, and broaden your understanding of the world, and you’ve got something all students should at least think about doing while at university.

Of course, study abroad isn’t as easy as signing a form and away you go. Most of the time, you’ll need to have some financial support from an institution before you can go galloping off. To earn this, you’ll almost always have to write an essay and compete with your peers for the opportunity. So, here are some tips for making sure that it’s you getting on that plane and not anyone else.

Read the prompt carefully

The most classic error students make with any essay is not answering the question. This goes for travel abroad writing as much as anything else. “You can write the most incredible essay full of perfect demonstrations of your intelligence and passion, but if it doesn’t answer the question, it won’t get considered at all,” says Jake Cole, an educator at Writinity . You’ll also write a more informed essay if you really understand the parameters of your question. You might easily be vague in how you respond if you don’t really know what you’re responding to. A good technique is to reread the question several times, highlighting operative words when they occur to you as a way to keep things under control.

Related: How to Read a College Application Essay Prompt

Surprise your reader

It’s easy to write formulaic essays —an intro, a few body paragraphs, a conclusion, and you’re done. A study abroad essay is unorthodox by nature, so you definitely don’t want to limit yourself in form or substance. The other thing you’re up against is how much competition there is for each spot in the program. The people who make decisions will read hundreds of essays, and you want to make sure yours stands out so come decision time, they haven’t forgotten yours exists. Take an approach to your essay that’s different from what you suspect others are going for. Use your alternative approach as a connection to how strongly you feel about the application. It’s easy to dash off a standard essay, but it’s difficult to slowly piece together something more unusual and specific. It shows care and attention, two traits they’ll want to see to prove you actually deserve the scholarship. 

Run your essay past the right people

It’s easy to get too insular as you work on an essay. They tend to take a good amount of time, and most people prefer to work in isolation. This means you could write an essay for six hours without even stopping to let your own mind have a subjective overview, let alone get an outside opinion. “Whenever I write anything extended, I will always run it past people around me. In the case of a scholarship essay, past winners, parents, people from where you are hoping to transfer to, and your professors are going to be your biggest resources as you try to put something of consequence together,” explains Kaya Gopal, tutor at DraftBeyond and ResearchPapersUK . Always get second, third, and fourth opinions on your content to make sure you’re in the best position to avoid getting lost in your own work, which can definitely happen if you aren’t careful.

Related:   Secrets to Writing an Amazing Scholarship Essay  

This is always important! Making mistakes in a standard essay is bad, but you’re fighting so hard in a study abroad scholarship essay that if you aren’t vigilant about the small things, those judging your work will be eager to cut you out to save themselves the trouble. Proofreading is a complex process. It’s harder than just passing an eye over your work. There are different layers to it: Does your essay’s logic stand? Have you done everything you said you’d do? Is it structured correctly? Is all the spelling correct? The grammar ? The syntax? Each of these details is as important as the rest. Again, getting these things correct helps demonstrate to readers how committed you are to your application and how much work you’re willing to put in to be accepted. Conversely, if you fail to proofread, it comes across like you don’t care about your application.

Do your research

Before you write your essay, you need to research the country, city, and institution you’ll attend if you get the scholarship and, in a different sense, you need to research yourself. Researching yourself means knowing why it is that you actually want the scholarship and how it will be instrumental in making a difference in your life. This means taking some time for reflection.

Related: List: The Experts’ Choice: Terrific Study Abroad Programs

Studying abroad is such an incredible opportunity, so you have to do everything in your power to ensure the application you put in to secure funding is as strong as possible. Hopefully these tips will help as you think about writing your essay.

Find scholarships to fund your study abroad goals with our Scholarship Search tool.

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studying abroad goals essay

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Why Do I Want to Study Abroad

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1. Cultural Immersion

2. language proficiency, 3. academic excellence, 4. personal growth and independence, 5. global perspective, 6. networking opportunities, 7. personal challenge, 8. long-term goals.

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