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The Discipline of Building Character

  • Joseph L. Badaracco

Character is forged at those defining moments when a manager must choose between right and right.

The Idea in Brief

We’ve all experienced times when our professional responsibilities conflict with our values: A budget crisis forces us to dismiss a valued employee, for example. Or, a new MBA must choose between playing the role of a token minority or earning a coveted spot on a consulting team.

During these defining moments , we must choose between right and—right. Unlike other ethical decisions, where the options are clearly right and wrong, defining moments ask us to choose between two ideals. They force us to balance our idealism with the messy reality of our jobs. They determine whether we’ll uphold our values—or merely pay them lip service.

Resolving defining moments requires skills not listed on most job descriptions—probing self-inquiry, in particular. These skills enable us to craft an authentic identity based on our own, rather than others’, understanding of what’s right. Managers who brave the process renew their sense of purpose—and transform their values into shrewd, politically astute action.

The Idea in Practice

The workplace presents three increasingly complex types of defining moments—for individuals, managers, and executives. For each type, probing questions can clarify core values, helping us decide what to do.

1. Who Am I? Defining Moments for Individuals

This type of defining moment asks us to clarify our personal identity while grappling with two equally valid perspectives. Questions include:

What feelings and intuitions are conflicting? Example: 

When Steve Lewis, an African-American, realized his boss wanted him to attend a company presentation as “a token black,” two of his values clashed: He wanted to earn his professional advancement but also wanted to “be a team player.”

Which conflicting values mean the most to me? Example: 

Remembering his parents’ dignified, effective response to prejudice, Lewis felt deeply moved. He decided his race was a more vital part of his moral identity than his professional role.

How will I implement my personal understanding of what is right? Example: 

Lewis decided to attend the presentation—but as a participant rather than a “showpiece.” He successfully delivered part of the presentation, demonstrating he was a team player and would not be treated as a token. His ethically informed decision also advanced his career.

2. Who Are We? Defining Moments for Work Groups

As managers advance in an organization, their defining moments grow more complex. In addition to their own beliefs, managers must consider their work group’s values. Questions include:

What other strong, persuasive interpretations of the situation’s ethics exist, besides mine? This question prevents you from imposing your understanding of what is right. Example: 

Peter Adario’s new account manager, Kathryn McNeil, was highly qualified and competent. But as a single mother, she was also struggling to keep up with her work. Her supervisor, Lisa Walters (who reported to Adario), complained. The situation pitted Adario’s belief in work/family balance against his duty to the department’s bottom line. But before he could act, Walters went over his head to fire McNeil. If Adario had realized earlier that he and Walters saw McNeil’s situation through different lenses, he might have prevented the firing.

What point of view is most likely to win the contest of interpretations and influence others? Based on company culture and goals, group norms, and political jockeying, whose point of view would prevail in your organization? Example: 

By asking this question, Adario might have seen the McNeil issue within a larger work/family context. During these fast-paced, demanding times, employees with children struggled to keep up. Those without family demands resented working longer hours to compensate. Their viewpoint would likely prevail.

What can I do to help my interpretation win? This question enables you to plan for the resolution of defining moments before they arise. Example: 

Instead of waiting for the work/family issue to catch him and his group by surprise, Adario could have anticipated the problem and defined an organizational culture that valued both family and work. But Walters preempted him and filled the vacuum his inaction had created.

3. Who Is the Company? Defining Moments for Executives

Executives running companies face even more complex defining moments that test them, their work groups, and their entire firm. They must choose actions that protect all stakeholders’ interests.

Have I done all I can to secure my position and the strength and stability of my organization? Example: 

In deciding whether to market RU-486, the “French abortion pill,” Roussel Uclaf CEO Eduoard Sakiz faced a defining moment. Antiabortion groups, pro-choice groups, shareholders, and France’s government (part owner of the company) were all fomenting international controversy over the drug. Though Sakiz believed in making abortion safer, he also had a responsibility to protect employees’ jobs and security. He knew he’d need to secure his own position in the firm in order to bring RU-486 to market.

Have I thought creatively and boldly about my organization’s role in society and its relationship to shareholders? Example: 

Sakiz decided to define RU-486’s role in a daring way: supporting a core group of stakeholders (women seeking non-surgical abortions, and their physicians) through astute political activism. This path resonated with his own core values and the desires of the majority of employees and stakeholders. Sakiz needed to find a way to introduce the drug to the market. But how?

What combination of shrewdness, creativity, and tenacity will make my vision a reality? Carefully assess your opponents and allies, asking “Should I play the lion (coming out roaring) or the fox (taking an indirect approach)?” Example: 

Deciding to play the fox, Sakiz announced that Roussel Uclaf would suspend distribution of RU-486. When women’s groups, family-planning advocates, and physicians expressed outrage—and the French government threatened to transfer the RU-486 patent to another company—Sakiz reversed his decision.

By calling out to his allies indirectly, Sakiz sparked a series of events that helped achieve his ends—without appearing to lead the way himself. Results? He secured his future in the company; protected employees and the bottom line by deflecting the controversy away from the company; and established Roussel Uclaf as a technological and social leader.

We have all experienced, at one time or another, situations in which our professional responsibilities unexpectedly come into conflict with our deepest values. A budget crisis forces us to dismiss a loyal, hardworking employee. Our daughter has a piano recital on the same afternoon that our biggest client is scheduled to visit our office. At these times, we are caught in a conflict between right and right. And no matter which option we choose, we feel like we’ve come up short.

presentation on character building

  • Joseph L. Badaracco is the John Shad Professor of Business Ethics at Harvard Business School, where he has taught courses on leadership, strategy, corporate responsibility, and management. His books on these subjects include New York Times bestseller Leading Quietly , Defining Moments , and his latest book, Step Back: How to Bring the Art of Reflection into Your Busy Life (HBR Press, 2020).

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Exploring and Building Narrative Characters PowerPoint

Updated:  12 Dec 2023

A 14 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching younger students about how to build a character for a narrative text.

Editable:  PowerPoint

Pages:  14 Pages

  • Curriculum Curriculum:  CCSS, TEKS

Grades:  1 - 2

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Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.


Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.

ELAR 1.12(A)

Dictate or compose literary texts, including personal narratives and poetry;

ELAR 2.12(A)

Compose literary texts, including personal narratives and poetry;

Exploring and Building Narrative Characters PowerPoint teaching resource

This  PowerPoint presentation  has been designed to teach your students about building characters for narrative writing . It addresses the following content:

  • an overview of what characters are
  • an explanation of how to develop a character by focusing on their appearance, personality and feelings
  • a sample description of Jack from the fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk .

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Building Character & Values

Published by Torfinn Kristensen Modified over 5 years ago

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  • You cannot dream yourself into a character you must hammer and forge yourself one.
  • Provide them with challenges that are appropriate for them to tackle. Support them but never help them which is the key.
  • A need for manners from smiling to addressing is thought through cognitive abilities when they watch and learn from you.
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PPT Character Building

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Abstrak: Karakter sangat dibutuhkan untuk mencapai keberhasilan belajar siswa. Individu yang berkarakter baik adalah individu yang bias membuat keputusan dan siap untuk mempertanggungjawabkan setiap akibat dari keputusan yang telah dibuat. Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama adalah siswa siswi yang berusia sekitar 12 sampai dengan usia 16 tahun, merupakan anak yang memasuki transisi perubahan masa anak anak menuju masa remaja awal yang mana biasanya mereka ingin menunjukan jati dirinya dengan berperilaku mengimitasi idola-idolanya. Cara pembentukan karakter yang baik bagi para siswa agar kelak bisa menjadi warga masyarakat yang berkepribaian baik, yang bersikap dan perilaku religious, toleran, jujur, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, tanggung jawab, mandiri, demokratis, menghargai karya orang lain dan cinta damai adalah melalui penerapan disiplin tata tertib sekolah. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional mengamanatkan kompetensi lulusan yang menyangkut pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap yang dirumuskan berdasarkan kebutuhan pada tingkat individu, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara, serta peradaban tuntutan globalisasi yang menuntut agar semua mata pelajaran harus berkontribusi terhadap pembentukan sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan dan konteks pemahaman akan jauh lebih baik dimengerti melalui pendekatan pengetahuan multi disiplin. Sekolah merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang diciptakan oleh masyarakat untuk menyediakan lingkungan belajar dan ruang belajar untuk belajar dan mengajar serta tempat menerima dan memberi pelajaran. Kegiatan pembelajaran diselenggarakan untuk membentuk watak, membangun pengetahuan, sikap dan kebiasaan-kebiasaan untuk meningkatkan mutu kehidupan peserta didik. Atas dasar itulah pentingnya kegiatan pembelajaran yang memberdayakan semua potensi peserta didik untuk menguasai kompetensi yang diharapkan. Pemberdayaan diarahkan untuk mendorong pencapaian kompetensi dan perilaku khusus supaya setiap individu mampu menjadi pembelajar sepanjang hayat dan mewujudkan masyarakat belajar. Kegiatan belajar mengajar atau pembelajaran adalah proses penyampaian pengetahuan atau latihan kecerdasan, berbagai kecakapan untuk masa depan siswanya dalam terjun dimasyarakat kelak. Pada dasarnya sekolah harus mampu memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dibidang pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada pembentukan sikap,

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character building

Character Building

Mar 28, 2019

290 likes | 1.26k Views

Character Building. Basic Information. Name:. Homer Jay Simpson. Status:. Hungry. Gender:. Male. Age:. 39. Hometown:. Springfield. Married to Marge. Relationship Status:. Looking For:. The T.V remote. Political Views:. Less work, more donuts. Religious Views:. Christian.

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Presentation Transcript

Basic Information Name: Homer Jay Simpson Status: Hungry Gender: Male Age: 39 Hometown: Springfield Married to Marge Relationship Status: Looking For: The T.V remote Political Views: Less work, more donuts Religious Views: Christian

Favourite TV Programmes: ● Cop chases ● Adverts ● Late night TV Favourite Films: ● King Kong ● Star Wars ● Spinal Tap Favourite Books: ● Living for Dummies ● MAD magazine ● Weird magazine Personal Information Activities: ● Watching TV ● Eating ● Drinking beer Interests: ● American Football ● Bowling ● white shirts Favourite Music: ● Spinal Tap ● Rolling Stones ● The Who

Favourite Quotations: ● D’oh ● Woohoo ● Ummmm About Me: I have three children and an annoying neighbour, Flanders. The best day of my life was when I found a penny. Education and Work Qualifications (if any):  ● The 1st Annual Montgomery Burns Award For Outstanding Achievement In The Field Of Excellence ● won Grammy for "barbershop album of the year" (with the B-Sharps) Employer: Mr Burns Position: Safety Inspector Description: I sleep a lot and if you turn the security cameras around, they can’t see you sleep.

Most embarressing moment: Getting a plunger stuck to my head. I also got both my arms stuck in a vending machine because I wouldn’t let go of the chocolate bars. Most scariest moment: Sliding down the side of the power plant’s cooling tower My opinion of what the world will be like in 100 years: The world will be over populated with man eating robots,or aliens, with massive tentacles.

What makes me happy: ● Beer ● Chilli What makes me angry: ● Bart ● Flanders Aspirations: ● Own The Dallas Cowboys ● Eat the world’s biggest sandwich Additional Information Favourite Food: ● Donuts ● Waffles Who I live with: ● My wife Marge ● My three kids, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Pets: ● A dog- Santa’s Little Helper ● A cat- Snowball 2nd Phobias: ● Sock Puppets ● Hard work

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  2. PPT

    Character building places a premium on integrity and honesty. Teaching children the value of truthfulness and sincerity establishes a moral compass that guides their decisions, contributing to the development of trustworthy and principled individuals. Social interactions play a pivotal role in a child's life.

  3. Exploring and Building Narrative Characters PowerPoint

    This PowerPoint presentation has been designed to teach your students about building characters for narrative writing. It addresses the following content: an overview of what characters are. an explanation of how to develop a character by focusing on their appearance, personality and feelings. a sample description of Jack from the fairy tale ...

  4. 22 Best Character Building-Themed Templates

    Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 22 best character building templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text. The character building-related image or video you'll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the ...

  5. Character Building PowerPoint PPT Presentations

    Building your Iron Studios collection begins with selecting iconic characters from their vast array of meticulously crafted statues. Start by choosing a focal piece, like Iron Man or Batman, then expand with complementary figures. Consider themes, favorite franchises, or characters that resonate with you.

  6. Building Character & Values

    Presentation on theme: "Building Character & Values"— Presentation transcript: 1 Building Character & Values. 2 Complete the following sentences: 1. In ten years, I want to be: 2. The toughest decisions I've had to make lately was: 3. The last time I told the truth when it was tough was: 4.


    Useful Character Building Tips - Think of character like a stamp that you use to establish a connection in the way of yourself. Begin building it now by following the character building tips. Join our personality development course for further help - | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view

  8. Character Creation for Beginners (Google Slides Presentation)

    This presentation is a bare-bones rundown of the character creation with a little more emphasis made on the different features associated with each race and main class. Main sources for content include but are not limited to: TLDR: Google slides for character creation for DnD 5E.

  9. Useful Character Building Tips

    Think of character like a stamp that you use to establish a connection in the way of yourself. Begin building it now by following the character building tips. Join our personality development course for further help - - A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on - id: 8dac6b-OWQyN

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    Presentation Transcript. Character Building Kindness. KINDNESSCol 3:12 • "gracious, good, pleasant" • Treats others fairly, honorably and courteously • "Kindness reaching out to those we care about" • Fruit of the Spirit, Gal 5:22 • Trait of love (longsuffering), 1 Cor 13:4 • Commanded, Eph 4:31-32. Titus 3:4-7 God has been ...

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  12. Top 10 Character Development PowerPoint Presentation ...

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  13. Character Building PowerPoint Templates And Google Slides Themes

    More animated ppt about Character Building free Download for commercial usable,Please visit PIKBEST.COM. Follow Pikbest. Creative Design. Templates PNG Images Backgrounds Illustration Decors & 3D Models E-commerce Photo UI. Presentations. PowerPoint Word Excel. Video & Audio. Video Sound Effects Music. Personal Enterprise 1+1 Year.

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    Teach your children about the daily need to address essential components for character building. - A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on - id: 9084d9-NTk2M. Toggle navigation. ... The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "Character Building Exercises for Kids" is the property of its rightful owner.

  15. (PPT) PPT Character Building

    Character Building Final Project Achieving Goals Hendri 01PLJ. Azwar Anas. Download Free PDF. View PDF. Character Education. firdaus achmad. Pendidikan karakter merupakan salah satu bentuk pembiakan proses pendidikan yang berupaya menawarkan pola pembentukan karakter manusia melalui eksplorasi potensi kedirian. Download Free PDF.

  16. Free Character Building Google Slides And PowerPoint (PPT ...

    With these editable Character Building slides, you can directly use them in your presentation. We provide pptx file download or online edit. ... character building Presentation templates. Use this character building google slides and PowerPoint template as presentation or work report. Preparing a presentation about them. We have added some bar ...

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    Character Building. An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. Download presentation by click this link.

  18. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Character Building. Basic Information Name: Homer Jay Simpson Status: Hungry Gender: Male Age: 39 Hometown: Springfield Married to Marge Relationship Status: Looking For: The T.V remote Political Views: Less work, more donuts Religious Views: Christian. Favourite TV Programmes: Cop chases Adverts Late night TV Favourite ...