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How to Write a Personal Statement of Faith: Examples and Writing Tips

  • oleh Solahart Handal
  • 18 Februari 2023

personal statement of faith example

How to Write a Personal Statement of Faith: Examples and Writing Tips – As a believer, writing a personal statement of faith is a way to articulate your beliefs and values. It serves as a testimony of your spiritual journey and reflects the core of your identity.

The personal statement of faith is a document that can be used for various purposes, such as job applications, college applications, or simply as a way to express your faith to others.

In this article, we will discuss the elements of a personal statement of faith, provide writing tips, and share an example to guide you in creating your statement.

Elements of a Personal Statement of Faith

A personal statement of faith should include the following elements:

Beliefs about God

The foundation of any personal statement of faith is a belief in God. It is important to articulate your beliefs about the nature of God and his role in your life.

For example, you may believe in the Christian God, who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present. You may also believe that God is loving, merciful, and just. Be specific about your beliefs and avoid generalizations.

Beliefs about Jesus Christ

Another essential element of a personal statement of faith is a belief in Jesus Christ. As a Christian, you may believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to earth to save humanity from sin.

You may also believe that he died on the cross and rose again on the third day. Explain how your belief in Jesus has impacted your life and what it means to you.

Beliefs about the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is often referred to as the third person of the Trinity. As a Christian, you may believe that the Holy Spirit is the presence of God in your life, who guides and comforts you.

You may also believe that the Holy Spirit empowers you to live a life of faith and obedience. Share your thoughts on the role of the Holy Spirit in your spiritual journey.

Beliefs about the Bible

The Bible is the primary source of Christian belief and practice. It is important to articulate your beliefs about the nature and authority of the Bible.

You may believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God. You may also believe that it is the final authority on matters of faith and practice. Explain how you approach reading and studying the Bible.

Beliefs about Salvation

Salvation is a central theme of Christian belief. You may believe that salvation is a gift of grace, which is received through faith in Jesus Christ.

You may also believe that salvation is a process of sanctification, where you are transformed by the Holy Spirit. Share your testimony of how you came to faith in Jesus Christ and what it means to you.

Beliefs about the Church

The Church is a community of believers who gather together to worship, learn, and serve. You may believe that the Church is the body of Christ, which is called to love and serve others.

You may also believe that the Church is essential to your spiritual growth and development. Explain how you are involved in your local church community and what it means to you.

Beliefs about the Future

As a Christian, you may have beliefs about the future, such as the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment.

You may also have beliefs about heaven and hell. Share your thoughts on these topics and how they shape your perspective on life.

Writing Tips for a Personal Statement of Faith

Writing a personal statement of faith can be a challenging task. Here are some tips to help you write a clear and compelling document:

Be honest and authentic

Your statement of faith should reflect your true beliefs and experiences. Avoid using language that is not genuine or that sounds like you are trying to please others.

Be honest about your doubts and struggles as well as your triumphs and joys.

Use clear and concise language

The purpose of a personal statement of faith is to communicate your beliefs clearly and effectively. Use language that is straightforward to understand.

Avoid using technical or academic language that might be difficult for others to comprehend.

Use personal examples and stories

Personal examples and stories can make your statement of faith more engaging and relatable. Share specific moments or experiences that have shaped your faith journey.

Explain how those experiences have impacted your beliefs and values.

Avoid controversial or divisive topics

While it is important, to be honest, and authentic, it is also important to avoid controversial or divisive topics that might alienate others.

Stick to the core beliefs of your faith and avoid topics that are highly debated or divisive.

Edit and proofread carefully

A personal statement of faith is a reflection of who you are as a person and a believer. Take the time to edit and proofread your document carefully to ensure that it accurately reflects your beliefs and values.

Read your document aloud to check for clarity and flow, and ask a friend or family member to review it as well.

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Example Personal Statement of Faith

Here is an example of a personal statement of faith:

Introduction: My name is John and I am a Christian. My faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of my life and informs every decision I make.

Beliefs about God: I believe in one God, who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present. He is loving, merciful, and just. I believe that God created the universe and everything in it.

Beliefs about Jesus Christ: I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to earth to save humanity from sin. I believe that he died on the cross and rose again on the third day. Through faith in Jesus Christ, I have been forgiven of my sins and have eternal life.

Beliefs about the Holy Spirit: I believe that the Holy Spirit is the presence of God in my life, who guides and comforts me. I believe that the Holy Spirit empowers me to live a life of faith and obedience.

Beliefs about the Bible: I believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God. It is the final authority on matters of faith and practice. I approach reading and studying the Bible with a spirit of humility and obedience.

Beliefs about Salvation: I believe that salvation is a gift of grace, which is received through faith in Jesus Christ. I also believe that salvation is a process of sanctification, where I am transformed by the Holy Spirit.

Beliefs about the Church: I believe that the Church is the body of Christ, which is called to love and serve others. I am involved in my local church community through worship, fellowship, and service.

Beliefs about the Future: I believe in the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment. I also believe in the reality of heaven and hell. My beliefs about the future give me hope and perspective in the present.

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Writing a personal statement of faith is a powerful way to express your beliefs and values. By following the elements and writing tips discussed in this article, you can create a document that accurately reflects who you are as a person and a believer.

Remember that your statement of faith is a testimony of your spiritual journey, and it has the potential to inspire others and strengthen your faith.

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Here are some FAQs related to personal statements of faith:

Anyone who wants to communicate their beliefs and values to others can write a personal statement of faith. It is a useful tool for Christians who want to share their testimony or explain their faith to others.

The purpose of a personal statement of faith is to communicate your beliefs and values to others. It can serve as a testimony of your faith journey, and it can help others understand what you believe and why.

A personal statement of faith can be as long or as short as you want it to be. It should include all the necessary elements to communicate your beliefs and values effectively.

Yes, a personal statement of faith can be a powerful tool for evangelism. It can help others understand what you believe and why, and it can inspire them to consider their own beliefs and values.

Yes, a personal statement of faith can be revised and updated over time as your beliefs and values evolve. It is important to be honest and authentic about your beliefs, even if they change over time.

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What is a Faith Statement and How Do You Write One? (with Examples)


What is a faith statement and how do you write one? This resource offers guidance from Lord’s Library editors and Christian thought leaders.

If you found this resource then you are probably looking to have the following question answered: “What is a faith statement?” You might also be trying to be find thoughtful advice on how to write a statement of faith. Christians write faith statements for confirmation, job applications, entrance into a church ministry, and Christian college and university applications.

This article will highlight the process for writing a good faith statement through various statement of faith examples, as well as advice from Christians with experience on the topic. It will also include faith statement outlines so you know what a statement of faith should include.

The motivation for creating this resource came after our launch of Lord’s Library last year. As a Christian media startup with a clear mission , we knew we had to construct a professional faith statement that our readers could reference. Our creation would also act as the personal statement of faith of our founders, making it a daunting task.

This article offers everything one needs to know when asking “what is a faith statement?” or when looking for a template on how to write a statement of faith.


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What is a faith statement.

A statement of faith is a description of spiritual belief as it pertains to an individual or community organization, structured by summarizing core tenets. Faith statements commonly include a description of belief on various Christian topics, including the nature of God, the Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Bible, creation, salvation , revelation, the role of the Church, denominational association , and how those beliefs are relevant to an individual’s personal mission, a ministry, or organization.

A statement of faith is not dissimilar to a creed, which is a confession of faith or a symbol representing it. The earliest known creed in Christianity was written by Paul the Apostle and states “ Jesus is Lord. “

Personal vs. Professional Faith Statements; What’s the Difference?

It may be a surprise to learn that no standard format exists for how to write a statement of faith, and they can be as unique as the individual or community organization writing them. A personal faith statement is akin to a creed while a professional statement of faith could be comparable to a Christian-centric mission statement. There are many organizations though, like Lord’s Library, that choose to align their professional faith statements with the personally-held beliefs of their founders.

One might write a personal statement of faith for confirmation , which is sometimes required as a prerequisite for youths to attain membership in a church. Young adults are commonly tasked with writing a faith statement as part of the application process to a Christian college or university along with a personal essay. Or maybe you’re an outspoken Christian with a personal blog and you want your readers to know where you stand on key ecumenical issues. However, one should be guarded not to write a statement of faith for the sole purpose of showing Biblical knowledge.

A professional statement of faith follows along this same path, but is often written for a business purpose or for acceptance into a community organization or church ministry. You might also want to write a professional faith statement if you’re starting your own Christian ministry or commercial project, like we are doing here at Lord’s Library. Our guess is that this is growing increasingly more common due to the pandemic and digital transformation that has come as a result of it.

Christian companies may require a statement of faith for their records and as part of the application process which shows you agree with their overall mission. The same might be true for installation as a church officer such as elders or deacons. In one good example we found in our research, a church may require members to be in general agreement on doctrine while understanding that different people may word things differently.

Personal and professional faith statements can differ depending on the writer and the purpose, but the goal should remain largely the same.

How to Write a Statement of Faith: Key Elements to Include

It can be a difficult process to put your personally held spiritual beliefs onto paper for multiple reasons. First, you may be worried about shutting others out who don’t have the same set of values. You might also be concerned with forgetting a key point. However, learning how to write a statement of faith can be an excellent exercise, both because it makes you contemplate deeply what you believe, and because it’s an ideal way to start communicating the faith with others.

We recommend beginning the process in prayer, asking The Lord for spiritual guidance on how best to communicate your declaration. Then you can begin to script your faith statement by starting with an outline of key elements that will act as a foundation of belief. And since the goal of a statement of faith is to communicate spiritual belief, Scripture ought to be used whenever possible. Next, begin adding supporting Scriptures to your faith statement outline to build it out.

A statement of faith can feature one all-encompassing paragraph that covers theological basics. Some may choose to devote an entire paragraph to each theological section, while others might combine some and highlight others specifically for added effect on a particular point. There are also faith statements which present as simple bullet point lists. The format isn’t important. Rather, the sequence and organization of the topics will make the statement distinct and personal.

To help you build out an outline, we listed below a number of key elements to consider including in your personal statement of faith.

  • The nature of God the Father
  • The nature of Jesus Christ
  • The Holy Spirit
  • The Trinity
  • Inerrancy of Scripture and the Bible
  • Role of the Church
  • Revelation (or eschatology)
  • Sin (or good and evil)
  • Heaven and Hell
  • Human nature
  • Your mission (as it pertains to the above)

These are the most common examples we discovered during our research and analysis of various faith statements from across the web. You may choose to add additional topics to this framework.

Statement of Faith Examples and Advice to Consider

Below we link out to several statement of faith examples from different Christian doctrines to help save you time:

  • Association of Classical Christian Schools
  • First Baptist Atlanta (Georgia)
  • Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ
  • American Anglican Council
  • Presbyterian Mission

We also thought it would be helpful to include tidbits of advice from other Christians who may have written their own faith statements in the past. So we took to LinkedIn and polled those in some of the most popular Christian user groups . The hope is that the advice they offered can be of some assistance as you begin your own writing process:

  • “ Recognizing that you are probably writing your statement for a reason, I would hope the reason does not color your language. That is, don’t say what you want others to hear, rather write what you have come to believe .” – Paul Mannes, Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies at Washington University of Virginia in Theology for Today
  • “ The statement must be Christ centered .” – Anthony Luckett, Pastor of Saint Paul Church in Milwaukee, WI in Bivocational Ministry
  • “ Be truthful and fearless. Tell what you truly experienced with God through His Son by the way His given Holy Spirit .” – Vicki Gann, Founder of Love4Love Ministry in Assemblies of God Ministers
  • “ If going it alone, a statement of faith should be built on a strong foundation and understanding of scripture with clearly articulated doctrinal points and a liberal use of Biblical citations .” – Lonnie Williams, Pastoral Counselor at Bethel Christian Church in Warren, MI in Inside Pastoral Care & Counseling

Are you currently writing your own statement of faith? Have tips, tricks, or techniques to share? Let us know !

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Timothy Andrew

Timothy Andrew

Tim is the Founder of Lord's Library. He believes the Bible commands us to minister "as of the ability which God giveth" (1 Peter 4:11). Tim aspires to be as The Lord's mouth by "taking forth the precious from the vile" (Jeremiah 15:19) and witnessing The Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15: 1-4) to the whole world.

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Personal Statement of Faith

My personal faith.

The most important part of my faith is the knowledge that there is nothing that I can do to earn the love of God as it is a gift, paid through the death and bodily resurrection of his His Son, Jesus Christ, who was God’s walking example of his Agape love on earth. I believe that this gift has been made available to every man, woman, and child;  however I believe that each must personally ask for this gift, therefore surrendering their life to God the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit. I believe that this surrender must be unconditional, and is done by inviting Jesus Christ to be Lord in all areas of one’s life – body, soul (mind, emotions and will) and spirit.

While I believe that the local church is not the only place you practice your faith,  I also believe it is almost impossible to experience the full accountability, encouragement, and support you receive from face-to-face fellowship with other believers.  I strong believe that participating in a local fellowship is crucial to the spiritual health and balance of every believer. Through the support, accountability and encouragement I receive in my local body, I am able to extend a practical expression of my faith worldwide through this web ministry and other means.

I have been a member of Harvest Vineyard Christian Fellowship, part of Vineyard Churches Canada since 1992 but over the years I have attended several denominations from Catholic to Presbyterian, from Baptist to Pentecostal.  I am unabashedly and unapologetically Spirit-filled, and I believe that physical and spiritual healing is for today, along with all the other Gifts of the Spirit that were evident in the gospels and Acts. I believe that is only right that we fully utilize all that was paid for through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Through the covering and blessings I continue to receive through my local church, I extend a practical expression of my faith worldwide through this web ministry and other means. I have been a member of Harvest Vineyard Christian Fellowship, part of Vineyard Churches Canada since 1992 but over the years, I have attended several denominations from Catholic to Presbyterian, from Baptist to Pentecostal.  I am unabashedly and unapologetically Spirit-filled, and I believe that physical and spiritual healing is for today, along with all the other Gifts of the Spirit that were evident in the gospels and the Book of Acts. I believe that is only right that we fully utilize all that was paid for through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Formal Statement of Faith


WE BELIEVE that God is the Eternal King. He is an infinite, unchangeable Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, goodness, justice, power and love. From all eternity He exists as the One Living and True God in three persons of one substance, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory.

WE BELIEVE that God’s kingdom is everlasting. From His throne, through His Son, His eternal Word, God created, upholds and governs all that exists: the heavenly places, the angelic hosts, the universe, the earth, every living thing and mankind. God created all things very good.\

WE BELIEVE that Satan, originally a great, good angel, rebelled against God, taking a host of angels with him. He was cast out of God’s presence and, as a usurper of God’s rule, established a counter-kingdom of darkness and evil on the earth.

WE BELIEVE that God created mankind in His own image, male and female, for relationship with Himself and to govern the earth. Under the temptation of Satan, our original parents fell from grace, bringing sin, sickness and God’s judgment of death to the earth. Through the fall, Satan and his demonic hosts gained access to God’s good creation. Creation now experiences the consequences and effects of Adam’s original sin. Human beings are born in sin, subject to God’s judgment of death and captive to Satan’s kingdom of darkness.

WE BELIEVE that God did not abandon His rule over the earth which He continues to uphold by His providence. In order to bring redemption, God established covenants which revealed His grace to sinful people. In the covenant with Abraham, God bound Himself to His people Israel, promising to deliver them from bondage to sin and Satan and to bless all the nations through them.

WE BELIEVE that as King, God later redeemed His people by His mighty acts from bondage in Egypt and established His covenant through Moses, revealing His perfect will and our obligation to fulfill it. The law’s purpose is to order our fallen race and to make us conscious of our moral responsibility. By the work of God’s Spirit, it convicts us of our sin and God’s righteous judgment against us and brings us to Christ alone for salvation.

WE BELIEVE that when Israel rejected God’s rule over her as King, God established the monarchy in Israel and made an unconditional covenant with David, promising that his heir would restore God’s kingdom reign over His people as Messiah forever.

WE BELIEVE that in the fullness of time, God honored His covenants with Israel and His prophetic promises of salvation by sending His Son, Jesus, into the world. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, as fully God and fully man in one person, He is humanity as God intended us to be. Jesus was anointed as God’s Messiah and empowered by the Holy Spirit, inaugurating God’s kingdom reign on earth, overpowering the reign of Satan by resisting temptation, preaching the good news of salvation, healing the sick, casting out demons and raising the dead. Gathering His disciples, He reconstituted God’s people as His Church to be the instrument of His kingdom. After dying for the sins of the world, Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day, fulfilling the covenant of blessing given to Abraham. In His sinless, perfect life Jesus met the demands of the law and in His atoning death on the cross He took God’s judgment for sin which we deserve as law-breakers. By His death on the cross He also disarmed the demonic powers. The covenant with David was fulfilled in Jesus’ birth from David’s house, His Messianic ministry, His glorious resurrection from the dead, His ascent into heaven and His present rule at the right hand of the Father. As God’s Son and David’s heir, He is the eternal Messiah-King, advancing God’s reign throughout every generation and throughout the whole earth today.

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church at Pentecost in power, baptizing believers into the Body of Christ and releasing the gifts of the Spirit to them. The Spirit brings the permanent indwelling presence of God to us for spiritual worship, personal sanctification, building up the Church, gifting us for ministry, and driving back the kingdom of Satan by the evangelization of the world through proclaiming the word of Jesus and doing the works of Jesus.

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is our abiding Helper, Teacher, and Guide. We believe in the filling or the empowering of the Holy Spirit, often a conscious experience, for ministry today. We believe in the present ministry of the Spirit and in the exercise of all of the biblical gifts of the Spirit. We practice the laying on of hands for the empowering of the Spirit, for healing, and for recognition and empowering of those whom God has ordained to lead and serve the Church.

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit inspired the human authors of Holy Scripture so that the Bible is without error in the original manuscripts. We receive the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments as our final, absolute authority, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

WE BELIEVE that the whole world is under the domination of Satan and that all people are sinners by nature and choice. All people therefore are under God’s just judgment. Through the preaching of the Good News of Jesus and the Kingdom of God and the work of the Holy Spirit, God regenerates, justifies, adopts and sanctifies through Jesus by the Spirit all who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. By this they are released from Satan’s domain and enter into God’s kingdom reign.

WE BELIEVE in the one, holy, universal Church. All who repent of their sins and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and form the living Body of Christ, of which He is the head and of which we are all members.

WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ committed two ordinances to the Church: water baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Both are available to all believers.

WE BELIEVE that God’s kingdom has come in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, that it continues to come in the ministry of the Spirit through the Church, and that it will be consummated in the glorious, visible and triumphant appearing of Christ – His return to the earth as King. After Christ returns to reign, He will bring about the final defeat of Satan and all of his minions and works, the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment and the eternal blessing of the righteous and eternal conscious punishment of the wicked. Finally, God will be all in all and His kingdom, His rule and reign, will be fulfilled in the new heavens and the new earth, recreated by His mighty power, in which righteousness dwells and in which He will forever be worshipped.

Download scriptural basis for this statement of faith here

The Apostles Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen

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How to Write a Statement of Christian Faith: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to write a statement of Christian faith. Crafting a statement of faith is an essential process that helps Christians to define their beliefs and values, and it’s a critical component in many church traditions . Whether you’re writing a statement of faith for yourself or your congregation, our guide will help you through the process step-by-step.

In this guide, we’ll cover the importance of writing a statement of faith, steps to follow in writing one, tips for crafting an engaging statement, common mistakes to avoid, examples of effective statements, and frequently asked questions about the process.

So, whether you’re a new Christian, a long-time believer, or a pastor leading your congregation through the process, keep reading to learn everything you need to know to write a powerful and meaningful statement of Christian faith.

Table of Contents

Importance of Writing a Statement of Christian Faith

Writing a statement of Christian faith is an essential part of many Christian traditions. A statement of faith outlines your beliefs and values, and it can serve as a powerful tool for personal reflection and growth. It can also be a means of connecting with others who share similar beliefs and values.

For some, writing a statement of faith can be a deeply personal and transformative experience. It forces individuals to contemplate their relationship with God and to articulate their understanding of God’s place in their life. For others, it can be a means of publicly proclaiming their faith and sharing it with others in their community.

Furthermore, a statement of faith can serve as a guide for making important life decisions. By putting into words what you believe and value, you can use your statement of faith as a reference point for staying true to your beliefs in all aspects of your life.

For those in leadership positions in the church or Christian organizations, a statement of faith can be particularly important. It can help to establish a shared understanding of the organization’s values and beliefs and ensure that all members are aligned with the same mission and purpose.

In summary, writing a statement of Christian faith is an important process for individuals and communities alike. It can help to deepen personal faith, connect with others, and provide guidance for important life decisions.

The Significance of Articulating Your Beliefs

Articulating your beliefs in a statement of Christian faith is a crucial step in the life of any Christian. It is a personal declaration of your faith that serves as a roadmap for your spiritual journey. Through your statement, you can reflect on your faith, clarify your beliefs, and create a foundation for your actions and decisions.

Writing your statement of faith can help you to understand your beliefs better and bring them into focus. It allows you to reflect on your personal experiences and the teachings of the Bible, which helps you to articulate what you believe and why you believe it. In turn, this can help you to live a more purposeful life as a Christian.

Articulating your beliefs can also be a way to strengthen your relationship with God. By expressing your faith in writing, you can gain a deeper understanding of the nature of God and His plan for your life. This can lead to a more profound and meaningful connection with Him.

  • Clarify your beliefs and values
  • Strengthen your relationship with God
  • Live a more purposeful life

As you write your statement of Christian faith, remember that it is a personal reflection of your beliefs. It is a way to honor God and the unique way He has worked in your life. In the following sections, we will discuss the steps you can take to craft a statement of faith that is authentic, meaningful, and true to who you are as a Christian.

The Role of a Statement of Christian Faith in Personal and Community Settings

A statement of Christian faith serves as a personal declaration of one’s beliefs and values. It helps individuals identify and articulate what they believe, and why they believe it, serving as a foundation for their spiritual journey.

In community settings, a statement of Christian faith can promote unity and understanding among members. It can help to clarify the beliefs and values that a community shares and guide them in decision-making and action.

A statement of Christian faith can also serve as a tool for evangelism, providing an opportunity to share one’s beliefs with others and explain the gospel message in a clear and concise manner.

Furthermore, a statement of Christian faith can be a source of comfort and inspiration during difficult times, reminding individuals of the hope and promises that their faith provides.

In summary, a statement of Christian faith plays an essential role in both personal and community settings, providing a foundation for one’s beliefs and values and promoting unity and understanding among members.

Benefits of Having a Well-Crafted Statement of Christian Faith

A well-crafted Statement of Christian Faith can have significant benefits for individuals and communities alike. Below are three ways in which having a clear and thoughtfully written statement can be beneficial:

  • Provides a foundation for personal beliefs: Crafting a statement of faith can help individuals clarify their beliefs and provide a foundation for their personal faith journey.
  • Strengthens community connections: A shared statement of faith can bring together a community of believers and create a sense of unity.
  • Communicates values to outsiders: A well-written statement of faith can help outsiders understand the beliefs and values of a particular community or denomination.

By crafting a well-written Statement of Christian Faith, individuals and communities can reap the benefits of a clear and articulate declaration of their beliefs and values.

Steps to Follow in Writing a Statement of Christian Faith

Step 1: Reflect on your beliefs. Spend some time reflecting on your faith and what it means to you. Think about what values and principles you hold dear and how they have impacted your life.

Step 2: Consider your audience. Think about who will be reading your statement of faith. Will it be a personal document or something you share with a larger community? This will help you tailor your writing to the appropriate audience.

Step 3: Write a draft. Start writing down your thoughts and beliefs in a rough draft. Don’t worry about making it perfect at this stage – just get your ideas down on paper.

Step 4: Edit and refine. Once you have a draft, go back through and edit your writing. Refine your language, clarify your points, and ensure that your statement is concise and well-organized.

Reflecting on Your Beliefs and Experiences

Before beginning to write your statement of Christian faith, it is important to take time to reflect on your personal beliefs and experiences. Take some time to consider the things you value most about your faith and the moments that have impacted your spiritual journey.

Reflecting on your beliefs and experiences can help you identify key themes and ideas that you want to include in your statement. It can also help you to articulate your beliefs in a clear and meaningful way.

Consider writing down your thoughts and reflections in a journal or notebook. This can be a helpful exercise as you begin to organize your thoughts and ideas for your statement.

Remember that your statement of Christian faith is a personal reflection of your beliefs and experiences. Take time to prayerfully consider what you want to include and how you want to communicate your faith to others.

Identifying Key Themes and Values

Once you have reflected on your beliefs and experiences, the next step is to identify key themes and values that you want to articulate in your statement of faith. Consider the following:

  • Biblical principles: What principles and teachings from the Bible are most important to you?
  • Personal values: What personal values guide your life and your faith?
  • Theology: What theological beliefs are most significant to you?

As you consider these questions, try to identify specific examples or experiences that illustrate these themes and values. This can help to make your statement of faith more concrete and personal.

Tips for Crafting an Engaging Statement of Christian Faith

Be clear and concise: Your statement should be easy to understand and communicate your beliefs in a straightforward manner. Avoid using complex language or jargon.

Use personal anecdotes: Share personal stories and experiences to illustrate your beliefs and make your statement more relatable.

Consider your audience: Think about who will be reading your statement and tailor it to their needs and interests. Make it relevant and engaging to them.

Use scripture and quotes: Incorporate relevant scripture passages and quotes from Christian leaders to support your beliefs and add depth to your statement.

Revise and edit: Take time to review and refine your statement. Ask for feedback from others and make necessary revisions to ensure it is well-crafted and effective.

Using Personal Stories and Examples to Illustrate Your Beliefs

One effective way to craft an engaging statement of Christian faith is to use personal stories and examples to illustrate your beliefs. Personal stories allow others to see how your faith has impacted your life and provide context for your beliefs. For example, you could share a story about how a particular Bible verse helped you through a difficult time.

Another way to illustrate your beliefs is to use examples from your life or the lives of others. For instance, you could describe a time when you saw God at work in the world or share how a friend’s faith inspired you. These examples help bring your beliefs to life and make them more relatable.

When sharing personal stories and examples, it’s important to be vulnerable and honest. Don’t be afraid to share moments of doubt or struggle, as these can make your faith journey more compelling. Additionally, try to use language that is inclusive and inviting, so that people from all walks of life can relate to your beliefs.

Remember, the goal of sharing personal stories and examples is not to boast or impress others, but to inspire and connect with them on a deeper level. By using these tools, you can craft a statement of Christian faith that is engaging, authentic, and meaningful to others.

Writing in a Clear and Concise Manner

One of the most important aspects of crafting a statement of Christian faith is to communicate your beliefs in a clear and concise manner. Clarity ensures that your message is easily understood, while conciseness ensures that it is not unnecessarily long-winded or repetitive.

To achieve clarity, use simple and straightforward language, avoid overly technical terms, and provide sufficient context for your beliefs. Avoid using jargon or phrases that may be misunderstood by those outside your faith community. Similarly, avoid repeating the same ideas or beliefs in multiple ways, as this can lead to confusion and detract from the impact of your message.

Conciseness is achieved by focusing on the most important aspects of your beliefs, and avoiding unnecessary details or tangents. It is also important to be mindful of the length of your statement, as overly long statements can be overwhelming for readers and may detract from the impact of your message. Consider using bullet points or subheadings to break up your text and make it more easily digestible.

Ensures that your message is easily understood Using technical terms or jargon that may be misunderstood Use simple and straightforward language, provide context for your beliefs
Ensures that your message is not unnecessarily long-winded or repetitive Repeating the same ideas or beliefs in multiple ways Focus on the most important aspects of your beliefs, avoid unnecessary details or tangents
Makes your statement more easily digestible for readers Writing an overly long statement Use bullet points or subheadings to break up your text, be mindful of the length of your statement

In summary, writing in a clear and concise manner is essential to crafting an engaging statement of Christian faith. By focusing on the most important aspects of your beliefs and communicating them in a simple and straightforward manner, you can ensure that your message is easily understood and impactful.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Statement of Christian Faith

Lack of clarity: It’s important to ensure that your statement is clear and easy to understand. Avoid using overly technical language or abstract concepts that may confuse readers.

Focusing on theology at the expense of personal experience: While theology is an important aspect of any statement of faith, it’s equally important to include personal stories and experiences that illustrate how your faith has impacted your life.

Ignoring the audience: When crafting your statement, it’s important to consider your audience. Tailor your language and examples to resonate with those who will be reading your statement.

Focusing Too Much on Technical Language and Jargon

One common mistake that people make when writing a statement of Christian faith is focusing too much on technical language and jargon. While it is important to be precise and clear in your language, using too much technical terminology can make your statement difficult for others to understand.

Remember that your statement of faith is meant to communicate your beliefs to others, not impress them with your knowledge of theology. Using plain language and avoiding technical jargon can help you to connect with a wider audience and ensure that your message is understood by all who read it.

If you feel that technical language is necessary to express a particular idea or concept, take the time to define the term and explain it in simpler terms. This will help ensure that your message is clear and accessible to everyone who reads your statement.

Not Being Authentic in Your Writing

Authenticity is key when it comes to writing a statement of Christian faith. Avoid copying what others have written or trying to sound overly impressive. Speak from your heart, and write in your own voice. Your statement should reflect your unique experiences, beliefs, and values.

Avoiding Vulnerability can also prevent authenticity in your writing. Don’t be afraid to share personal stories and experiences that have shaped your faith. Vulnerability can help connect you to your readers and make your statement more impactful.

Focusing Too Much on Perfection can also hinder authenticity. Remember that your statement does not have to be perfect, nor does it have to be a comprehensive summary of your entire faith journey. Focus on expressing your beliefs and values in an honest and authentic way.

Examples of Effective Statements of Christian Faith

Example 1: “I believe in the one true God who created the universe and all that is within it. I believe in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead, and in the Holy Spirit, who guides me in my daily life. I seek to live out my faith through acts of love, mercy, and justice, and to share the message of God’s grace with others.”

Example 2: “My faith is rooted in the belief that God is love, and that all people are created in God’s image and are deserving of dignity and respect. I strive to live out this belief by seeking justice for marginalized communities and by loving my neighbor as myself. I find strength and guidance in prayer, scripture, and community.”

Example 3: “As a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe in the power of forgiveness and redemption. I seek to live a life of humility and service, following Christ’s example of selflessness and sacrifice. I am committed to loving God with all my heart, soul, and mind, and to loving my neighbor as myself.”

Example 4: “My faith is grounded in the belief that God is present in all aspects of creation, and that all people are called to be co-creators with God in building a more just and compassionate world. I am inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and seek to follow his example of love, compassion, and service.”

Example 5: “I believe in the transforming power of God’s love and grace. I seek to live out this belief by loving and serving others, and by working towards a world where all people are valued and respected. I find strength and guidance in prayer, scripture, and community, and strive to be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.”

Statement of Faith Example: Personal Testimony and Values

As a follower of Jesus Christ, my faith is deeply rooted in my personal experiences and values. One of the most significant experiences in my faith journey was when I realized my need for a savior and accepted Jesus Christ into my life.

My core values are based on the teachings of Christ, such as love, forgiveness, and service to others. I believe that God created each of us with a unique purpose, and it is our responsibility to discover and fulfill that purpose with the gifts and talents He has given us.

Through my faith, I have learned the importance of seeking God’s will and living a life that honors Him. I strive to reflect His love and grace to others, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of a community of believers who support and encourage each other in our journey of faith.

Statement of Faith Example: Community Outreach and Social Justice

Community: As a Christian, I believe in the importance of building a strong and supportive community. I believe in the power of coming together to lift each other up and make a positive impact in our world.

Outreach: I am passionate about outreach and serving others, especially those who are marginalized and oppressed. I believe that as followers of Christ, it is our duty to serve and love our neighbors in practical ways.

Social Justice: I believe that social justice is an essential part of living out my faith. I am committed to working towards a more just and equitable society, and I believe that this work is central to the message of the gospel.

Statement of Faith Example: Theological Beliefs and Doctrines

As a Christian, I believe in the trinity , which means that there is one God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe in the infallibility of the Bible as the Word of God, which teaches that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I believe in the resurrection of the dead and eternal life for those who put their trust in Christ.

My faith is founded on the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only way to salvation. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again on the third day. I believe that through faith in Him, we can have forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God.

I also believe in the importance of living a life that reflects the teachings of Jesus Christ. This includes loving our neighbors as ourselves, serving others, and sharing the good news of the gospel. I believe that the Holy Spirit enables us to live a life that is pleasing to God and empowers us to do His will.

Frequently Asked Questions About Writing a Statement of Christian Faith

What is a statement of Christian faith?

A statement of Christian faith is a personal or communal declaration of beliefs, values, and experiences that shape an individual or a community’s understanding of Christianity and their relationship with God.

Who should write a statement of Christian faith?

Anyone who identifies as a Christian and wants to articulate their beliefs and experiences can write a statement of Christian faith. It can be written by individuals, families, or communities of faith.

How long should a statement of Christian faith be?

There is no set length for a statement of Christian faith. It can be a few sentences or several pages long. The length depends on the writer’s goals, audience, and personal or communal experiences.

What are some tips for writing an effective statement of Christian faith?

Some tips for writing an effective statement of Christian faith include focusing on personal experiences, using clear and concise language, avoiding technical jargon, being authentic, and seeking feedback from others.

How can a statement of Christian faith be used?

A statement of Christian faith can be used for personal reflection and growth, as a tool for sharing one’s beliefs and values with others, as a way to connect with a community of faith, or as a means of discerning one’s call to ministry.

What Should I Include in My Statement of Christian Faith?

When crafting your statement of Christian faith, it is important to include your personal beliefs and experiences that have shaped your faith. This can include your understanding of the Bible, the teachings of Jesus, and the role of the church in your life.

You may also want to include any spiritual practices that are important to you, such as prayer, meditation, or participating in religious ceremonies or rituals. It can also be helpful to articulate your beliefs about the afterlife and your understanding of salvation.

Ultimately, your statement of Christian faith should reflect your unique relationship with God and your understanding of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Don’t be afraid to be honest and vulnerable about your struggles and doubts, as well as your joys and blessings.

How Long Should My Statement of Christian Faith Be?

The length of your statement of Christian faith can vary, but it is generally recommended to keep it concise and focused. It should be long enough to express your beliefs and values clearly, but not so long that it becomes tedious or overwhelming to read.

Most statements of faith are between 500 and 1000 words, but some may be shorter or longer depending on the individual and the purpose of the statement. If you are writing a statement of faith for a specific purpose, such as for a job application or ministry opportunity, be sure to follow any guidelines or requirements provided by the organization.

Remember, the most important thing is not the length of your statement, but the authenticity and clarity of your beliefs. Focus on expressing your faith in a way that is meaningful and impactful to yourself and others.

Do I Need to Consult with a Pastor or Theologian Before Writing My Statement of Christian Faith?

While it is not necessary to consult with a pastor or theologian before writing your statement of Christian faith, it can be helpful to do so. They can provide guidance and feedback to ensure that your statement accurately reflects your beliefs and aligns with the teachings of Christianity.

Consulting with a pastor or theologian can also help you gain a deeper understanding of the theological concepts and doctrines that are central to your faith. This can lead to a stronger and more coherent statement that effectively conveys your beliefs to others.

Ultimately, the decision to consult with a pastor or theologian is up to you. If you feel confident in your ability to write a strong statement on your own, then you may not feel the need to seek outside help. However, if you have any doubts or concerns, it may be worthwhile to reach out to a trusted spiritual advisor for guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to write a statement of christian faith.

Writing a statement of Christian faith is an important way to clarify your own beliefs and share them with others. It can also help you to articulate your values and convictions, and to identify areas where you may need further growth or study.

Some tips for writing an effective statement of Christian faith include: being authentic and honest about your beliefs and experiences, using clear and accessible language, focusing on the most important aspects of your faith, and seeking feedback and guidance from others.

There is no set length for a statement of Christian faith, but it should be long enough to clearly articulate your beliefs and values. It’s generally a good idea to keep it concise and focused, avoiding unnecessary technical language or extraneous details.

Do I need to have a deep understanding of theology to write a statement of Christian faith?

While a deep understanding of theology can be helpful in writing a statement of Christian faith, it is not necessarily required. What is most important is that you are honest about your beliefs and experiences, and that you use clear and accessible language to communicate your values and convictions.

How can I use my statement of Christian faith in my personal and spiritual life?

Your statement of Christian faith can serve as a guidepost for your personal and spiritual life, reminding you of your core values and beliefs. You can use it as a basis for prayer and reflection, and as a tool for seeking feedback and guidance from others in your community of faith.

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How to write a statement of faith in 5 easy steps.

Hey there! If you’ve landed here, odds are you are looking at how to write a statement of faith. I’m so glad you’re here!

This article is designed to guide you step by step, making sharing your foundational beliefs in your own words not only manageable but deeply rewarding.

Let’s dive in.

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how to write a statement of faith

What is a Statement of Faith?

Think of it as a heartfelt letter to yourself or others, laying out the core beliefs that light up your spiritual world.

A statement of faith is a formal declaration of an individual’s or organization’s core beliefs and doctrines regarding religious or spiritual matters.

For believers in Christ, it often outlines foundational beliefs about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, salvation, and other central tenets of the faith.

how to write a faith statemtn

Why Write a Statement of Faith

A statement of faith acts as a guide, helping you (and others) understand you and your belief system or foundational beliefs.

Christians author faith statements for confirmation, job applications, entrance into a church ministry, and Christian college and university applications.

Writing a statement of faith can be a transformative experience, personally and communally.

Reasons why you might consider crafting a personal statement of faith:


Writing a statement of faith encourages deep introspection. It pushes you to clarify and articulate your beliefs, leading to a better understanding of your spiritual journey.

Solidify Beliefs

The process can help you solidify and reaffirm your beliefs.

A statement of faith can act as a spiritual compass. When faced with moral or ethical dilemmas, referring to your statement can provide clarity and direction.


It offers a clear way to share your beliefs with others. A written statement can be invaluable, whether discussing faith with friends or introducing yourself to a new religious community.

University or Job application

Some jobs and universities require a statement of faith to ensure applicants align with the institution’s religious values, foster community unity, and uphold their faith-based mission.

Teaching and Mentorship

If you’re in a position of spiritual leadership or mentorship, a statement of faith can guide your teachings and clarify those you’re guiding.

It can serve as a testament to your beliefs, something you can pass down to future generations, helping them understand your spiritual journey and perhaps inspiring their own.

Personal Growth

Writing, reflecting, and revising can lead to personal growth. You might discover new insights about your beliefs or find answers to lingering questions.


By writing down and sharing your beliefs, you’re holding yourself accountable.

It’s a commitment to uphold and live by the values and ideas you’ve outlined.

Therapeutic Value

For many, writing can be therapeutic.

It can help them process past experiences, doubts, or faith-related challenges.

before you start your statement of faith

Before you Start Your Statement of Faith

Introspection and prayer.

Seek Divine Guidance: Before you begin, pray for clarity and wisdom to articulate your beliefs genuinely.

Meditate: Spend quiet moments in reflection, allowing your thoughts to align with your core beliefs.

Understand Your Convictions

Personal Reflection: Recall personal experiences that have shaped your faith journey.

Document Initial Thoughts: Jot down spontaneous beliefs that come to mind first; these often represent your core convictions.

Pinpoint What’s Essential

Prioritize Core Beliefs: Identify the non-negotiable foundational beliefs in your faith.

Consider Personal Experiences: Consider personal testimonies or experiences that have significantly impacted your faith journey.

Use Scripture to Back Up What You Believe

Reference Relevant Scriptures : Cite specific verses or teachings that resonate with and support your beliefs.

Interpretation: Briefly explain how you interpret these scriptures in the context of your beliefs.

Affirm Your Own Beliefs

Use definitive language to express your beliefs. (don’t forget to use scriptures to back it up) Share Personal Testimonies: Personal stories can be powerful affirmations of your beliefs.

Addressing Misconceptions

If there are popular beliefs or misconceptions your faith aligns with, think about ways to address them. Again, use scriptures to back what you say up.

Aim to clarify your stance: Consider how to explain why certain beliefs don’t resonate with your understanding of faith.

Seek Guidance

Share your thoughts regarding your personal faith statement with trusted friends or mentors who can provide insights or ask probing questions.

step by step guide to writing a faith statement

How to Write a Statement of Faith (Step-by-Step)

Set the right tone.

Your statement is a reflection of your innermost beliefs. A good statement of faith is intimate and genuine. Envision a heart-to-heart with a close friend in a cozy café. How would you convey your faith?

What questions might they have that you can answer using a genuine, authentic tone?

Structuring Your Personal Statement


Kick things off with a compelling start. Whether it’s a poignant personal story, a powerful quote, or a bible passage close to your heart, make it memorable.

This is the heart of your statement. Delve into the core of your beliefs. Explore your convictions about God, the essence of life, eternal life, heaven, and everything in between.

Bring your statement to a close. Reflect on your faith walk thus far and express your hope for the future.

Stay True to You

You know that old saying, “Be yourself; everyone else is taken”? When you’re penning down your beliefs, let the real you shine through. Authenticity is key.

Less is more

Let’s keep it simple and relatable. Toss out the heavy religious lingo that might leave some scratching their heads.

Dive deep, but keep it concise. Remember, this is a statement of faith, not your full testimony. Less is more.

how to write a personal statement of faith

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how to write a faith statement

Essential Elements of a Faith Statement

If you’re a Christian crafting a statement of faith, there are foundational beliefs and statements that should be mentioned in your statement of faith. Use the following suggestions to guide you.

Key Points and examples of statements to consider:

The trinity:.

Affirm your belief in the triune nature of God – that God exists as three persons in one essence: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.

God the Father:

God the Father as the first person of the Holy Trinity a loving and compassionate Father to all of humanity.

His nature embodies perfect justice, mercy, and love. Throughout scripture, He is depicted as a guiding force, a protector, and the one who sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem the world.

God’s Creation

Emphasize the belief in God as the ultimate Creator of all things. God created the heavens and the earth, setting the stars in the sky and breathing life into every creature.

This wondrous act of creation reflects His majesty, power, and boundless love.

The Life of Jesus

Acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God, who came to Earth, born of the Virgin Mary, and lived among humans, teaching, performing miracles, and exemplifying perfect love and righteousness.

Be sure to include scripture from the New Testament describing.

The Death of Jesus

Recognize the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross as an atonement for the sins of humanity, emphasizing the significance of His sacrifice for salvation.

He is alive! (The Resurrection of Jesus)

Profess your belief in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, conquering sin and death, and seated in Glory at the Father’s right hand.

It’s not about Religion.

Describe your faith walk as not about religion but about a personal and intimate relationship with your savior, Jesus.

Resource: Jesus calls us “friend” in the bible John 15:15

The Bible (God’s Word)

Affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God, serving as the ultimate guide and authority in faith, doctrine, and Christian living and how it serves as a source of truth, wisdom, and instruction.

Forgiveness & Salvation

Declare the belief that salvation is a gift from God, attainable only through faith in Jesus Christ and not by human efforts or deeds. Ephesians 2:8-9

The Hope of Heaven

Share how salvation gives believers the hope of heaven. Yes! True believers in Jesus will spend eternity living in heaven with God for all eternity. You can find several beautiful verses about Heaven here .

The Holy Spirit

Recognize the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding, empowering, and sanctifying believers, helping them lead a Christian life.

Resource : This is a great article about understanding the Holy Spirit

Christian Living

Emphasize the importance of living a life that reflects the teachings of Jesus, including loving one’s neighbor, seeking justice, showing mercy, and walking humbly with God.

Acknowledge the church as the body of Christ, emphasizing the importance of community, fellowship, worship, and service.

The Second Coming

Profess your belief in the eventual return of Jesus Christ, the final judgment, and the establishment of God’s eternal kingdom.

Resource : 67 Bible Verses about the Second Coming of Jesus

Practical steps

Highlight the significance of prayer, Bible reading, community, service, baptism, etc.

Remember, while these are foundational beliefs for many Christians, it’s essential to articulate them in a way that genuinely reflects your personal relationship with God.

how to write a statement of faith 6

Conclusion: How to Write a Personal Statement of Faith

I hope this guide aids you in penning your personal statement of faith.

Before diving in, take a moment to pray, settle in with a coffee, and find your cozy spot.

Use the steps I’ve shared, drawing from your own personal faith walk. You’ll soon see the process isn’t just doable but truly enriching. Before long, you’ll have a statement reflecting your unique faith journey.

Happy writing!

In His Love,

christine mathews

I’ve been keeping it real since 1963. 🙂 I’m a child of God , a wifey, mama, grandma, full-time creative, domestic engineer, and self-care enthusiast .

I am obsessed with all things makeup and skincare and love getting my hands dirty out in the garden , my art room , or in the kitchen , whipping up something yummy for the fam. I’m always down to chat and love collaborating with other creatives and brands alike!

Feel free to reach out anytime!

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How to Write a Personal Faith Statement

Trudy brunot, 29 sep 2017.

People in your life influence your faith statement.

Personal faith statements reflect an individual’s thoughts about his relationship with God, church and Jesus Christ. Writers commonly use phrases beginning with " believe," include anecdotal accounts to describe their faith journeys and cite scriptures. Although usually only one typewritten page or less in length, no standard format exists for statements of personal faith; they are as individual as the people writing them.

Explore this article

  • Sources of Inspiration
  • Basic Theology
  • Ecclesiastical Thoughts
  • Affirmation of Denominational Beliefs

1 Sources of Inspiration

Some people use questions to help them define their beliefs. For example, asking yourself why and when you pray, or how you feel when you don't pray, can clarify your position about communication with God. Others find reading Bible passages helpful, such as New Testament verses that relate actions Jesus took, to reach their own conclusions about who Christ was and what he represents to them. Personal faith statements can develop from favorite Bible verses or the lyrics to a favorite hymn. Discuss why you find them meaningful and relate this to various theological and ecclesiastical topics.

2 Basic Theology

After contemplating what religion means to you and organizing your thoughts, begin by describing in your own words who God is and what the Trinity signify to you. Touch on your feelings about Christ and his role in your salvation, your interpretation of salvation and grace, and how the Holy Spirit is at work in your life. In addition to discussing the significance the Bible holds foryou, you might include the role of prayer and how you pray. Your statement of personal faith may have one, all-encompassing paragraph covering these theological basics; devote a paragraph to each; combine some and highlight others separately; or use bullet points.

3 Ecclesiastical Thoughts

Your opinions about the role of the church, the importance of Communion and your responsibilities as a Christian belong in your personal faith statement. Some people provide examples of actions they take or activities in which they participate and relate these to how they help fulfill the church's mission to help those less fortunate and to spread God's word. Those writing a personal faith statement as part of an application to theological school or for a teaching position at a faith-based school would tie their professional callings to what they feel is God's plan for them.

4 Affirmation of Denominational Beliefs

Members of a congregation facing installation as church officers such as elders or deacons, and young people becoming members through completion of the Confirmation process should profess agreement with their denomination's traditions and beliefs in their personal faith statements. Examples include the denomination's stance on baptism, the Word of God and worship, and any creeds used to define its basic beliefs.

  • 1 Making Disciples, Making Leaders: A Manual for Developing Church Officers; Steven P. Eason

About the Author

Trudy Brunot began writing in 1992. Her work has appeared in "Quarterly," "Pennsylvania Health & You," "Constructor" and the "Tribune-Review" newspaper. Her domestic and international experience includes human resources, advertising, marketing, product and retail management positions. She holds a master's degree in international business administration from the University of South Carolina.

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  • https://cautivoestrella.org/en/
  • What is personal faith statement and how do I craft one?

personal statement of faith examples

A personal faith statement is a written declaration of your religious beliefs and values. It is a way to express your faith in a clear and concise way, and it can be a helpful tool for sharing your faith with others.

There are many different ways to write a personal faith statement, but there are a few key elements that should be included in every statement. These elements include:

  • A statement of your belief in God. This is the foundation of your faith, and it should be the first thing that you include in your statement.
  • A description of your relationship with God. How do you experience God in your life? What does your faith mean to you?
  • A statement of your commitment to Christ. This is the practical outworking of your faith, and it should include your commitment to following Christ's teachings and living a Christian life.

In addition to these key elements, you may also want to include other things in your personal faith statement, such as:

  • Your testimony. This is a brief account of how you came to faith in Christ.
  • Your spiritual gifts. What are your unique talents and abilities that you can use to serve God?
  • Your goals for your Christian life. What do you hope to accomplish for God in your life?

Here are some examples of personal faith statements:

  • "I believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and that I am saved by grace through faith. I am committed to following Christ's teachings and living a Christian life."
  • "I believe that God is love, and that He created us to have a relationship with Him. I have experienced God's love in my life, and I am grateful for His grace and mercy. I am committed to sharing God's love with others and living a life that is pleasing to Him."
  • "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He died on the cross to save us from our sins. I am grateful for His sacrifice, and I am committed to following Him all the days of my life."

Your personal faith statement is a unique expression of your faith, and there is no right or wrong way to write it. The most important thing is to be honest and authentic, and to write from your heart.


Statement of Faith Example: A Guide to Understanding Your Beliefs

personal statement of faith examples

Sample Personal Statements Of Faith


  • *Academic +++Writing ***Help https://tinyurl.com/yafllsur
  • Personal Statement of Faith; Douglas DeCelle God the Son. Christ the Key. The Christian life begins for me and for all humankind when we answer Jesus’ invitation to follow. learn. and abide forever in his company. The life that Jesus lived in First Century Palestine. and continues to live. overflows with revelation. not only of God’s character. but also of the nature and purpose of human . . .
  • My Personal Faith The most important part of my faith is the knowledge that there is nothing that I can do to earn the love of God as it is a gift. paid through the death and bodily resurrection of his His Son. Jesus Christ. who was God’s walking example of his Agape love on earth.
  • Why I am making this personal statement of faith available to you. is not because the London Confession is insufficient. it is because you need to hear it from me personally. if you are going to listen to what I teach and preach. No teacher has the right to demand blind allegiance from his students or listeners.
  • A statement of faith reveals the doctrine of the church. Our church asks members to be in general agreement with our statement of faith. Understandably. people might word things differently. Additionally. as the lead pastor and main teacher in the church. I also realize people will not agree with everything I preach.
  • My personal faith and beliefs contribute to every aspect of my life. I come from a Christian family and a congregation of baptized believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. My parents have always given me unconditional love and dedication. while teaching me healthy boundaries pertaining to life.
  • The Bible’s message is that if we will admit our sins. accept the truth that we deserve God’s judgment. and turn in faith to Jesus. God will forgive our sins. That day. I came to believe the Bible’s message. I recognized that I was sinful and deserving of God’s punishment.
  • My journey in faith. the influences that have formed and informed my own life. especially my spiritual life. can be identified by a number of personal experiences. Throughout my faith journey. past experiences. current events. and specific individuals have all impacted my thinking.
  • Personal Statement Examples. Browse thousands of university personal statement examples below by subject. from A to Z. For more help and inspiration. check out our advice pages for Personal Statements. Uni Compare Top 100. A-Z of Personal Statements Personal Statements by Subject. Accountancy . 4 Accountancy statements have been submitted by past students. . . .
  • Personal faith statements reflect an individual’s thoughts about his relationship with God. church and Jesus Christ. Writers commonly use phrases beginning with “ believe. “ include anecdotal accounts to describe their faith journeys and cite scriptures.


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How to Write a Faith Statement for Confirmation

A statement of faith for confirmation indicates what you believe trust and hope in. Keep reading to find out what information you need to write a faith statement of confirmation.

Statements of Faith

A statement of faith for confirmation indicates what you believe trust and hope in. To start with, a faith statement is one in which you describe your hope, belief, and trust in the form of a summary. You can call it your personal statement of faith in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life. You might be seeking an answer to the question, “What is my relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit?”

personal statement of faith examples

Make it Personal

The statement of faith must be personal and unique. But some of the points are necessary to include in it. Others are up to you. You want to make sure your statement of faith is powerful so that anyone who reads it will know exactly how you feel about your faith. One example is the confirmation of faith that means a person acknowledges his/her faith in Jesus Christ, so what should you include in your own statement of faith?

personal statement of faith examples

Selecting Topics

1.  statements of faith frequently include a variety of predicted topics.

Topic selection is the first step toward writing a statement of faith for confirmation. If you are confused about the topic selection, you can ask church leaders to assist you. But if you are still a student, then perhaps a Sunday school teacher can guide you in topic selection.

The topics include God the Father, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Son of God, Creation, the Church, the Bible, the end times, evil, ethics, the Sacraments, the Kingdom of God, Heaven, and Hell. Other topics could include your beliefs about angels, missions, or other such things. And ask yourself, “How long will the statement of purpose range in words? Will it be from between 115 to 1000 words? A reasonable word count is one page or about 250 words.

2.  Write a Belief Paragraph

personal statement of faith examples

First off, describe the subjects; you should use conversational language in your introduction to capture the reader’s interest to let her see your point of view. Remember that a personal essay about ideas should inform the reader and elicit empathy rather than trying to persuade them.

When you’re ready to write an essay about yourself, remember that most people think that it is a challenging task, and it is, but before you start writing, you must keep in mind that you should create an outline of your family history, academic achievements, and your future goals or aims. An essay’s effective writing skills and organization can make your story attractive to the readers.

3.  Suggestions to Write the I believe statement

The beginning of the faith statement for confirmation can be as follows:

● I believe that failure can make the individual successful

● I believe that Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things

● I believe that our God is loving, kind, and forgiving God

● I believe in loving, understanding, and accepting God

4.  Describe Your Personal Faith Statements

Personal faith statements represent a person’s thoughts and their relationship with God, the Church, and with Jesus Christ. The common phrases used in the beginning are “believe” to show their faith journeys and mention scriptures.

A statement of faith for confirmation should clearly indicate your faith in God. The person writing a faith statement means that they show the importance of faith throughout his life. It must be brief, but it is mandatory to be informative.

You should acknowledge that you trust or believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior. You can also share the personal experience of your life and describe how faith in Jesus Christ helps you face the most difficult times in your life. You can also add some examples to show how your life changed or what you have learned since you believed in God.

5.  Ways to Express Faith

Different ways are used to express faith, however writing a faith statement for confirmation should make you feel comfortable because it’s something very personal that no other person can write about. Our faith is demonstrated each time we act in admiration of God. Our everyday actions should be motivated by what we read in His Word. It might simply be how we treat people and conduct ourselves in general. When we follow God’s Word, we demonstrate our faith in Him.

The biography helps us to understand an individual’s life starting from birth, educational background, experiences, and achievements, but you should know about the importance of biographies as it shows how they overcome challenges in life. For instance, if an artist wants to make an impact on other people’s beliefs so he writes about his own beliefs.

6.  Create a Draft of the Statement

Memorizing Bible Verses

If you’re writing a faith statement for the first time, it can be challenging to write it appropriately, but you can receive help from church leaders as most have experience in writing. You can also discuss your concerns and hurdles you face in writing to the church leaders. These conversations are valuable, just like writing. The faith statement is a very personal one. You cannot copy the statement of others, but you can use them as an example or as a guideline to get inspiration. You just need to keep practicing writing until your draft is the final statement.

You can seek help from the Holy Spirit as well. Always remember that the Holy Spirit is there to help you in hard times. You can fearlessly and confidently call on Him when you are having difficulties, and He will give you the motivation you need to complete whatever task is required.

Writing a faith statement about confirmation for the first time might seem challenging for many people, but you just need to be honest and creative while you’re writing it. Follow the suggestions mentioned above for the vital points when you begin your statement of faith for confirmation.

Author’s Bio: Emily Johnson is a renowned religious blogger and a member of a perfect essay writing team. She has written many blogs regarding religion and spirituality for faith-based magazines and even how to write your own essay . Apart from writing, she loves traveling and playing badminton.

Here is some related reading for you: Saved, Surrendered and Serving – A Personal Testimony

Resource – Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ® (ESV ® ), Crossway Bibles. (2007). ESV: Study Bible: English standard version. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway Bibles. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Tagged as: Confirmation , Statement for Confirmation , Statement of Faith , Writing a Statement of Faith

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An Example of a Statement of Faith

Statement of faith

I have a high view of church membership . The book of Romans refers to followers of Christ being  members of a body. I believe it to be a helpful way in which we can encourage one another and hold each other accountable. 

At my church, we emphasize two key areas with church membership. The first is doctrine. The second is expectations. We ask members to work towards fulfilling seven expectations, which is also our church covenant. The seven expectations involve worship, growing, serving, giving, praying, seeking unity, and being sacrificial.

Agreeing on doctrine is the starting point. Doctrine lets people know upfront what you believe. You can no longer assume people understand historical denominational differences. Additionally, churches within the same denomination in the same town can be quite different now. Don’t surprise people. Don’t downplay doctrine. Don’t confuse people. Be clear about what you believe and who you are.

A statement of faith reveals the doctrine of the church. Our church asks members to be in  general  agreement with our statement of faith. Understandably, people might word things differently. Additionally, as the lead pastor and main teacher in the church, I also realize people will not agree with everything I preach. Expecting  all  people to agree with  everything  is more cult-like than Christ-like. However, we must have parameters of belief. Otherwise, the church will break under the stress of disunity.

Our statement of faith includes only the most important non-negotiables. All other doctrines outside this statement of faith are not to be tests of fellowship. For example, our members may have differing views on eschatology or some issues within soteriology and still be considered like-minded members. 

Readers of this blog likely have widely different views on doctrine. I’m thankful for those of you who are different than me! My goal in providing an example of a statement of faith is not to stir up theological controversy . Rather, my goal is simply to provide a practical starting point for those who might be crafting a statement of faith for their churches.

I’ve provided our statement of faith as an example. You may “borrow” any or all portions if you like.

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God. God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.

We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe man was created in the image of God and the sin of Adam (the first man) marred that image, creating an eternal divide between God and man. Every person is born in sin.

We believe the only way a person can have a true, forgiven relationship with God is through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus became man without ceasing to be God. Our right standing with God is made sure because of His literal, physical resurrection.

We believe in the literal, physical return of Jesus to judge the living and the dead. 

We believe God offers eternal life as a free gift and that it must be received by faith alone through God’s grace alone. The life that comes from this gift is a permanent possession of the one receiving it.

We believe the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is a local body of believers on mission to enlarge God’s kingdom. The local church is autonomous, free of any external authority of control.

We believe believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the two ordinances of the church.

This article originally appeared here .

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25 Short Personal Christian Mission Statement Examples to Guide Your Life

Welcome to this heartfelt blog post where we explore the beauty and significance of crafting short personal Christian mission statement examples. As followers of Christ, we seek to live purposeful lives, reflecting the love, grace, and mercy that God has bestowed upon us.

Let us know why it is essential, and how it can inspire and uplift our lives. We will also provide you with 25 short personal Christian mission statement examples, demonstrating the diversity of expressions while encompassing the common thread of faith and devotion to God.

What is a Personal Christian Mission Statement?

A personal Christian mission statement is a succinct declaration of your faith, values, and purpose as a believer in Christ. It is an individual’s commitment to follow the teachings of Jesus and the principles laid out in the Bible. Such a statement serves as a guiding compass, helping you make decisions, prioritize your life, and align your actions with your faith.

Why Create a Personal Christian Mission Statement?

Creating short personal Christian mission statement examples can be a transformative experience. Let’s explore some compelling reasons why it’s worth investing time and effort into crafting one:

25 Short Personal Christian Mission Statement Examples

“To love and serve God faithfully, spreading His love to my family, friends, and community, and being a beacon of hope in the world.”
To use my talents and gifts to uplift others, sharing the message of God’s grace and mercy through my actions and words.
To seek God daily through prayer and study of His word, growing in faith and obedience, and being a witness of His transformative power.
To be a compassionate and loving presence to those in need, offering help and support as a reflection of God’s unconditional love.
To live a humble and grateful life, acknowledging God’s blessings, and being content with His provisions.”
To serve in my local church, contributing my time and skills to build a strong and vibrant community of believers.
To teach and mentor others in their faith journey, guiding them to a deeper understanding of God’s word.
To embrace every opportunity to share the gospel, inviting others to experience the life-changing love of Jesus.
To live in peace with all, seeking reconciliation and forgiveness as a testament to God’s reconciling power.
To be a joyful and positive influence in my workplace, demonstrating integrity and honesty in all that I do.
To be a dedicated spouse, parent, and friend, nurturing strong and loving relationships rooted in Christ.
To continuously learn and grow in my faith, embracing challenges as opportunities for spiritual development.
To be a source of encouragement and support to those going through difficult times, showing them the hope we have in Christ.
To worship God with all my heart, soul, and strength, expressing my gratitude for His everlasting love.
To practice generosity and giving, sharing my resources to meet the needs of others and support charitable causes.
To be a witness for Christ in every aspect of my life, letting my actions speak louder than my words.
To embrace diversity and promote unity within the body of Christ, celebrating our shared faith and purpose.
To be a responsible steward of God’s creation, caring for the environment and the world He has entrusted to us.
To seek forgiveness and extend mercy to others, as I have received forgiveness and mercy from God.
To live a life of prayer, communing with God and interceding for the needs of others.
To remain steadfast in my faith during trials, trusting that God works all things for my good.
To be a light in the darkness, showing others the path to salvation through Christ’s love.
To prioritize my family and create a home where God’s presence is felt, fostering an atmosphere of love and grace.
To use my creativity and talents to honor God, expressing His beauty and goodness through my art.
To lead with humility and servant-heartedness, following the example of Jesus, who came not to be served but to serve.

Different Ways of Using a Personal Christian Mission Statement

Short personal Christian mission statement examples can be versatile tools that impact various aspects of your life. Let’s explore different ways you can use it:

1. Guiding Life Decisions

A personal mission statement can act as a decision-making framework, helping you discern what choices align with your faith and values. Whether it’s a major life decision or a daily choice, refer to your mission statement to ensure that your actions and priorities align with your commitment to Christ.

2. Daily Devotion and Reflection

Incorporate your mission statement into your daily devotional time. As you spend time in prayer and study of God’s word, reflect on how your mission statement shapes your attitudes, actions, and interactions with others. Let it guide your thoughts and intentions as you seek to live a life that honors God in all you do.

3. Goal Setting

Set achievable milestones that reflect your mission, and celebrate each step taken in obedience to God’s calling.

4. Personalizing Scripture

5. teaching tool.

Your vulnerability and authenticity may lead to meaningful discussions and deeper connections with fellow believers.

6. Family Mission Statement

Display the family mission statement in a prominent place in your home, reminding each family member of their unique role in fulfilling the family’s mission.

7. Conflict Resolution

During conflicts, refer to your mission statement to seek resolution that reflects Christ’s teachings. Use your mission statement as a foundation for forgiveness, reconciliation, and seeking understanding. Instead of reacting emotionally, approach conflicts with a mindset of humility, grace, and a desire to preserve unity within the body of Christ.

As you embark on this journey with short personal Christian mission statement examples, may you find joy, peace, and fulfillment in serving God and others with love, compassion, and grace. Let your life be a witness to the transformative power of faith and inspire those around you to seek the abundant life found in Christ.

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How to Declare Your Personal Christian Statement of Faith (Protestant)

Last Updated: September 27, 2020

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 47,119 times.

You may have decided to declare your basic Christian statement of faith as found in The Holy Bible: this is so you can publicly declare and explain to other people that you walk with Jesus Christ. You might consider the following tenants to include in seeking agreement with others. This is not an exhaustive statement, but it is sufficient to build on Christ Jesus, especially as you study the scriptures given in each step.

Step 1 Advocate The Holy Bible.

  • General prayer requests
  • Salvation for yourself
  • Salvation for a loved one
  • Finances/Work/School
  • Family/Friends/Enemies
  • Emotions/Concerns/Sexual problems/Disorders
  • Drugs/Alcohol/Habits/Addictions
  • Pray for healing of the sick, thanking God that He has already provided it, giving Him the praise: expect to see examples of His healing power, as were illustrated in the life and ministry of Jesus, and included in the commission of Jesus to all His disciples, to as many as He shall call. This blessing of divine healing is given as a sign, which is to "follow believers". It is also a part of Jesus' completed work on the Cross and is one of the gifts of the Spirit. (See: Psalm 103:2-3; Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:16-17; Mark 16:17-18; Acts 8:6-7; James 5:14-16; I Corinthians 12:9, 28; Romans 11:29).

Step 17 Show God's will for provision for Christ's followers.

  • Spiritual (John 3:3-11; II Corinthians 5:17-21; Romans 10:9-10).
  • Mental and Emotional (II Timothy 1:7, 2:11; Philippians 4:7-8; Romans 12:2; Isaiah 26:3).
  • Physical (Isaiah 53:4,5; Matthew 8:17; I Peter 2:24).
  • Financial (Joshua 1:8; Malachi 3:10-11; Luke 6:38; II Corinthians 9:6-10; Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Psalm 34:10, 84:11; Philippians 4:19).

Step 18 Teach The Resurrection.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Read the Holy Bible including scriptures given in each step: Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Jesus said, "Come unto me all you who labor/work and are heavy loaded, and I will give you rest." -- but "Except you repent (change you mind) you shall all likewise perish..." So rest in Him alone; or perish separated by ones own choice. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, many churches will be closed. Wait until churches in your area reopen before attending any sort of meeting with a large group of other people. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

Things You'll Need

  • The Holy Bible

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An Example of a Statement of Faith

personal statement of faith examples

I have a high view of church membership. The book of Romans refers to followers of Christ being members of a body. I believe it to be a helpful way in which we can encourage one another and hold each other accountable.

At my church, we emphasize two key areas with church membership. The first is doctrine. The second is expectations. We ask members to work towards fulfilling seven expectations, which is also our church covenant. The seven expectations involve worship, growing, serving, giving, praying, seeking unity, and being sacrificial.

Agreeing on doctrine is the starting point. Doctrine lets people know upfront what you believe. You can no longer assume people understand historical denominational differences. Additionally, churches within the same denomination in the same town can be quite different now. Don’t surprise people. Don’t downplay doctrine. Don’t confuse people. Be clear about what you believe and who you are.

A statement of faith reveals the doctrine of the church. Our church asks members to be in general agreement with our statement of faith. Understandably, people might word things differently. Additionally, as the lead pastor and main teacher in the church, I also realize people will not agree with everything I preach. Expecting all people to agree with everything is more cult-like than Christ-like. However, we must have parameters of belief. Otherwise, the church will break under the stress of disunity.

Our statement of faith includes only the most important non-negotiables. All other doctrines outside this statement of faith are not to be tests of fellowship. For example, our members may have differing views on eschatology or some issues within soteriology and still be considered like-minded members. 

Readers of this blog likely have widely different views on doctrine. I’m thankful for those of you who are different than me! My goal in providing an example of a statement of faith is not to stir up theological controversy. Rather, my goal is simply to provide a practical starting point for those who might be crafting a statement of faith for their churches.

I’ve provided our statement of faith as an example. You may “borrow” any or all portions if you like.

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God. God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.

We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe man was created in the image of God and the sin of Adam (the first man) marred that image, creating an eternal divide between God and man. Every person is born in sin.

We believe the only way a person can have a true, forgiven relationship with God is through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus became man without ceasing to be God. Our right standing with God is made sure because of His literal, physical resurrection.

We believe in the literal, physical return of Jesus to judge the living and the dead. 

We believe God offers eternal life as a free gift and that it must be received by faith alone through God’s grace alone. The life that comes from this gift is a permanent possession of the one receiving it.

We believe the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is a local body of believers on mission to enlarge God’s kingdom. The local church is autonomous, free of any external authority of control.

We believe believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the two ordinances of the church.

14 comments on “An Example of a Statement of Faith”

' src=

Great words and awesome information.

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Thank you Cliff!

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Thank you Sam. I LOVE THIS!!!

Thanks Ron!

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I appreciate the warning that we could be “more cult-like than Christ-like.”

Thank you, Roberta

' src=

Great stuff. Would you be willing to share more about the 7 expectations?

Of course! I actually wrote a blog about it a while back: https://samrainer.com/2016/10/an-example-of-a-church-covenant/

  • Pingback: An Example of a Statement of Faith

' src=

Thank you so much this has really been helpful for i was not sure where to start with the so many things to believe.

  • Pingback: What is a Faith Statement and How Do You Write One? (with Examples)Lord's Library

' src=

Thank you dear. Great and finely woven to include the whole truth. God bless you so much.

' src=

Baptist church? Why not just adopt the 1689 Baptist Confession and be done with it? Why must everything be tuned/shortened to fit modern sensibilities, and to put an individual’s spin on it?

' src=

Thank you, dear This is superb, Precise and very helpful. Will help me in developing our church’s statement of faith. Bless you more Pst Dawit

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[Part II of my application for Candidacy in the PC(USA) Ordination Process]

I trust in one God who is the creator and sustainer of all worlds. I trust—even when I do not necessarily understand—that this one God is also somehow three: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As such, God reigns over all; God loves all.

I trust in Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine, sent by God to walk among us. He gathered crowds and small groups, using the technology and familiar images of his day to convey God’s love and reign to all. He particularly embraced those labeled by society as outcasts and unbelievers. He visited the sick and comforted the suffering. He challenged powerful institutions, calling them out on oppressive bureaucracy and legalism, and back to the heart of their best traditions. Ultimately, he was subjected to betrayal, torture, and execution. He willingly accepted a fate he did not deserve, so that we might know mercy and grace, and through this act be once and for all awakened to God’s love, saved and redeemed. I trust that God raised Jesus from death into life, giving hope and reassurance for the life to come, and the life today: We are a resurrection people.

Jesus promised that his presence would remain, even when his physical form did not. Because of this, I trust in the Holy Spirit, who comforts, guides, and binds together God’s people in all places. I trust that God calls together faithful believers in every age to be the church: To worship, pray, fellowship, study, and serve one another and the world. Through the teachings of the church, I recognize two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which serve as the signs and seals of my faith.

I read these things in God’s written word, the Bible, which testifies to Christ, God’s living word. I trust in the scriptures and the church as faithful guides to direct my paths closer and closer to God’s Kingdom.

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“This song is Copyrighted in U.S., under Seal of Copyright # 154085, for a period of 28 years, and anybody caught singin’ it without our permission, will be mighty good friends of ourn, cause we don’t give a dern. Publish it. Write it. Sing it. Swing to it. Yodel it. We wrote it, that’s all we wanted to do.” —Woody Guthrie

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Personal Statement of Faith

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Scripture: I believe that: The Bible is God’s Word and ultimate authority for faith and practice. The Holy Spirit’s inspiration of the Scriptures safeguarded the original writings from error, and so secured a trustworthy and true revelation from God concerning Himself and His works in history.

The Trinity: I believe that: There is only one true God, infinite in perfection and love. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are co-eternal and co-equal in power and glory. They are one essence and yet three distinct persons, distinguished by what they do and by their relationships within the God-head.

Person and Work of Christ: I believe that: Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who became fully human through the incarnation without ceasing to be fully God. He lived a sinless life and gave Himself as a perfect sacrifice for sins at the cross. He rose bodily from the grave and ascended into heaven where He makes intercession for all the saints.

Salvation: I believe that: We are all born sinners and under God’s just condemnation. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves. We must place our personal faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in order to be saved. When we place our trust in Christ, God declares us righteous and adopts us as children. God comes to dwell within us through the Holy Spirit, and we become a new person, growing in holiness and persevering in our faith.

The Church: I believe that: There is one universal church founded upon the Lord Jesus Christ and brought into being by the Holy Spirit. God calls the church to worship, evangelize, care for God’s people, and be light and salt in the world. Each local church should govern itself in accordance with Scriptural guidelines.

Eschatology: I believe that: Jesus Christ will return visibly to earth in great power and majesty. The dead shall be raised bodily and judged. The wicked will suffer eternal punishment and the righteous shall reign forever, worshiping and serving God in the glory of His presence.

Baptism: I believe that: Baptism signifies the believer’s union with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. Baptism should follow conversion as a testimony to the person’s new identity in Christ and entrance into the people of God. Baptism should be by immersion in water into the name of the triune God.

Lord’s Supper: I believe that: The Lord’s Supper commemorates the death of Christ until His return. The elements represent Christ’s body and blood given as a sacrifice for believers at the cross. Only believers who recognize Christ’s death for themselves may partake of the Supper without bringing judgment on themselves.

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My Faith Statement

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Here is my Faith Statement. I have always seen different people or churches, etc. writing their statements of faith.  I wanted to write one of my own.


I have confessed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  I believe Jesus is God, the living Word, who became flesh.  I believe He voluntarily atoned for my sin by dying on the cross.  I believe He rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father.  I believe in the Holy Spirit as a divine Person, sent to inhabit, guide and empower believers.

I believe that salvation is a work of God’s free grace and is not the result of human works, “being good” or taking part in religious ceremonies.

The basis of my belief is the Bible, the inspired Word of God found in the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments.

I believe in God, and I believe God.

I believe that being a Christian isn’t a thing we do just on Sundays, that church isn’t something that just happens at the altar, and that grace abounds everywhere – sometimes where we least expect it.  I believe that Jesus Christ is coming again.

I believe that I will live with Him forever.

I have always seen different people or churches, etc. writing their statements of faith. I wanted to write one of my own.

posted by Ashley on August 8, 2012

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6 comments on “My Faith Statement”

the link doesnt work, i want to see “my faith statement”

Thats perfect! Mine would say, “ditto.”

Thanks, Kelly!

Amen !! This is also what I believe…thank you.

Thanks for reading, Elisa!

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    I believe in one God, Eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (John 14:26-15:26).  The Triune God has created Humanity in His own image and has called us to manifest and reflect personal Holiness through trust and obedience to His Word and commandments.  Because humanity has purposely and woefully fallen from a perfect relationship of trust and obedience with God; the response subsequently entered us into a state of moral corruption and depravity, resulting in our exceedingly loss state; thus, separated and estranged us from our creator (Rom 3:23;19-26). 

    Because of the profound “agape” LOVE for His creation of Humanity, God has initiated a plan of redemption that He has accomplished on our behalf through temporal history (His-story!)(Acts 4:12).  The apex our redemption is centered upon the historical incarnation of God in the person and work of Jesus Christ.  I believe Jesus to be the Christ of Old Testament prophecy, being fully God and fully Man, I believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, and His miracles.  Jesus, through His replacement and substitutionary atoning death and bodily resurrection (John 5:28-29), has provided the incredible undeserving meritorious justification on our behalf, which is grace, that we receive by faith alone (1 Pet 1:18-19). 

    I believe the risen Christ and His ascension, has sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of all believers, effecting our regeneration and operating in our sanctification and personal gifting (1 Cor 12-14).  The Holy Spirit has been given to empower us for service and bearing witness to the kingdom of God (Acts 2:38).  The Holy Spirit has been given to us to form a corporate community of believers. I believe that Christ has established a visible church, which is called to live a life of Holiness by the power of the Holy Spirit under the regulation and authority of Holy Scripture, exercising discipleship, discipline, administering the sacraments, and proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. 

    I believe that the Bible is in its entirety, which is divine revelation, which is the only infallible, inerrant and authoritative word of God. That we are to submit to the authority of Holy Scripture, acknowledging it to be carrying the full weight of God’s authority (2 Tim 3:16). 

    I am committed to the implementation of the social and cultural implications of God’s commandments for humanity and His environment.  I believe our faith should be visible and a concrete model of Christ in all that we do. I seek to be a faithful disciple of Christ, enduring in love and obedience until He consummates His kingdom.  I firmly adhere to the historical confessions of our faith, such as the Westminster and Heidelberg Confessions of Faith. 

    I believe in the spiritual unity of all believers through our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph 4:3) 

    The above are fundamentals held by my confessing, reformed and evangelical theology.  The following are essential to the Christian walk of faith, which I strive my fullest to obey and practice daily:

 A caring, effective love relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • A lifestyle dedicated to obeying God’s will.
  • Daily devotional times, prayer and studying of God’s word.
  • A joyful love and willingness to serve our Lord, even through personal sacrifice.
  • A witness for Christ without hypocrisy.
  • A firm desire to be God’s child, through trust and obedience.
  • A working faith in God’s promises for all our needs and daily situations.  

Richard Joseph Krejcir

Pastoral and Personal Core Values  

One:  lead a spiritually surrendered life.

I strive to bring the gift of a life that is fully surrendered to God, through His Word and the Holy Spirit.

I approach all of my work and life controlled and led by Him. Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:1-17; I Tim. 4:7

The main Thing… is to keep the main thing… the main thing! 

TWO:  Maintain an Infectious, Optimistic & Enthusiastic Attitude

I strive to be a team player who encourages others, who has the best interests of the team at heart. Deut. 20:8; I Thess. 5:11 There’s no substitute for a great attitude.

It’s my choice… every day.  

THREE:  Be a Teachable Team Player

I strive to maintain a teachable heart; I believe this is the key to successful ongoing growth in life and ministry; to stay open to instruction, correction and improvement. II Tim. 3:16, 17; Prov. 1:28-33

With the hide of a rhino, which is tough, & the heart of a canary that is tender is the makeup of those committed to continued growth. 

FOUR: Approach Work with Passion & Intensity

I strive to maintain a fervent & dedicated spirit that remains faithful & perseveres in the midst of difficulty; I put my hand to the plow and don’t look back. I’m dedicated to serving the Lord & His church heartily & with purpose. Col. 3: 23, 24; Phil. 1:6; 3:10

Don’t wait for your ship to come in… Swim out to meet it. 

FIVE: Honor and Value Ministry and Prayer Partners

I fully strive to affirm, encourage & celebrate others efforts habitually. Without Prayer Partners there would be no ministry or success. Deut. 20:8; 1 Thess. 5:11

Together Each Accomplishes More  

SIX:  Hold Each Others’ Arms Up

A staff team is a special God-planned family brought together for a purpose – His purpose. Thus I strive to respect, love, protect and support others in all ways possible. Exodus 17:11-12

Circle the wagons to keep the enemy out 

SEVEN: Stay on Your Knees

I will Pray for God’s supernatural Involvement in the life of our church, mine and your family, ministry & personal walk with Jesus. Humble yourself before God & expect Him to do great things as you seek to serve Him with all your might. L Thess.5:17; 1 Pet. 5: 6,7

Pray as if all you do depends on God… and work as if it all depends on you. 

I strive to do this in the attitude of living with: Psalm 63:1; 89:7; 119:18; Prov. 1:7; 3:5-6; John 7:17-18  

  • Nothing to Prove , because peer pressure leads to pride, distraction and death.
  • Nothing to Hide , because Jesus paid our price, thus I do not need the distractions of lust and pornography. I give my Lord my very best, thus I must confess.
  • Nothing to Lose , because I cannot effect the world living in fear. I life with God’s best in mind, by His character and precepts. As Paul lived though his dedication and focus through despair and difficulty.  

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1 response to statement of faith & values.

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This is really Great Rev Richard. I appreciate you so much, how are you, how is your family and ministry. I am praying for you. I would love to involve in your ministry . Pl pray about it, I am a preacher and the teacher of the word of God, give talks to youths seminars, couple seminars, inner healing sessions, leadership training, stress management, motivational training, counsel addicts, depressed, divorced, broken families. Pl visit our website; thechannelofpeace.yolasite.com and blog; tcopseroc.blogspot.com , take care, Hope to hear from you, in Christ Rev Dr Augustine Joseph linkedin friend India

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