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How to Make Checkboxes in HTML: My Simple Step-by-Step Guide

Navigating the world of HTML can seem daunting, but don’t fret! Today, I’m going to walk you through one of its fundamental elements: checkboxes.  Checkboxes  are a crucial part of any form that you’ll find on websites all over the internet. They provide a simple way for users to select one or more options from a list.

From online surveys to sign-up forms, checkboxes play an essential role in gathering user data. But how do we go about creating these nifty little tools? Luckily for us, it’s not as complicated as you might think.

HTML or  Hyper Text Markup Language , is a standard language used to create web pages and web applications. With HTML, creating checkboxes is straightforward and requires only basic knowledge in coding. Let’s dive right into it, shall we?

Understanding HTML and Checkboxes

Diving into the world of website development, I can tell you that HTML is the backbone. It’s what shapes our web pages and gives them structure. Now, if you’re looking to add interactive elements like checkboxes on your page, it’s critical to get a good grasp of how HTML works.

HTML – or Hyper Text Markup Language – isn’t as intimidating as it sounds. Think of it as the architect’s blueprint for your website; it lays down where each element goes and how they interact with one another. A checkbox in this context provides an interactive feature that allows users to select or deselect options based on their preferences.

Creating a checkbox involves using the  <input>  tag with a type attribute set to “checkbox”. Here’s an example:

In this case, ‘subscribe’ is the unique identifier (id) for the checkbox which is then referenced by the  <label>  tag. The label displays text next to our checkbox saying “Subscribe to newsletter”. You’ll notice that clicking on this label also toggles our checkbox – nifty right?

Now let’s say you want multiple checkboxes under one category. You’d simply give them all the same ‘name’ attribute, like so:

In this example, users can select multiple options from a list. Once submitted, the form data sent to the server will include all selected options.

There’s power in checkboxes when it comes to user interaction and preference selection. HTML gives us this tool, and it’s up to us to wield it effectively in our design. The possibilities are as limitless as your imagination lets them be!

Basic Structure of an HTML Checkbox

Let’s dive into the world of HTML checkboxes. If you’ve ever filled out a form online, it’s likely you’ve encountered these helpful little boxes. They’re pretty straightforward to create with HTML, and in this section I’ll guide you through the process.

The basic structure of an HTML checkbox involves using the  input  element. This vital tag is part of any HTML form that collects user input. For creating checkboxes specifically, we pair it with the type attribute set as  checkbox . Here’s what that looks like:

That simple line of code will render a checkbox on your webpage! The  name  attribute is optional but recommended. It helps identify which checkbox was selected when the data gets sent to server-side scripts.

Now, let’s enhance our checkbox by adding a label for clarity:

With this snippet, our checkbox now has accompanying text telling users what they’re agreeing to by checking the box.

You might be wondering if there are variations we could add? Well, yes indeed! For instance, if you’d like your checkbox to be pre-selected when the page loads, you can use the  checked  attribute:

In essence, creating checkboxes in HTML is about understanding how to use the  input  element effectively. By playing around with its attributes and wrapping it inside a  label , you can create clear and user-friendly forms on your webpages.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create Checkboxes in HTML

Diving right into the world of HTML, let’s explore how to create checkboxes – a fundamental tool for interactive user experience. It’s incredibly easy, and I’ll guide you through every step of the way.

To start with, you’ll need to use the  <input>  tag. This is a self-closing tag that doesn’t require a closing  </input>  tag. What specifies it as a checkbox is its  type  attribute set as “checkbox”. So your basic HTML checkbox code will look like this:

Now we’ve got an unlabelled checkbox on our page. Let me show you how to add some context to it. We do this by using the  <label>  element which wraps both the input element and text description like so:

With this snippet of code, we’ve now added a label next to our checkbox that says “Remember me”.

Variations? Absolutely! Let’s say we want our checkbox pre-selected when users land on our form – we can achieve this by simply including the  checked  attribute:

This piece of code will display a pre-checked box next to the phrase “Sign up for newsletter”.

How about creating multiple checkboxes? Just repeat these steps! Here’s an example:

In this case, three options are presented with option 3 already selected.

We can also group these checkboxes together using fieldsets. But that’s a topic for another section. All in all, creating checkboxes in HTML is a breeze once you get the hang of it. Happy coding!

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Diving into HTML can be quite the adventure, but it’s not without its pitfalls. Let me shine a spotlight on some common mistakes I’ve seen when creating checkboxes in HTML, along with tips to avoid them.

First off, forgetting the ‘name’ attribute is a mistake I see more often than you might think. In HTML forms, the ‘name’ attribute helps identify form data after it’s submitted. When you’re crafting your checkboxes, make sure they have this crucial piece of information included:

Next up is neglecting to pair each checkbox with a unique ‘id’. Why does this matter? Without an individual identifier, clicking on a label won’t toggle the corresponding checkbox. Don’t let that happen! Here’s how it should look:

Another pitfall involves going overboard with values. Now don’t get me wrong – every checkbox can have a ‘value’ attribute assigned to it. But remember: if no value is set, the default when checked will be ‘on’. So unless you specifically need different values for server-side processing, keep things simple:

Lastly but certainly not leastly – watch out for unchecked boxes! If left unchecked in your code (pun intended), these sneaky elements won’t send any data at all when your form is submitted. To ensure data is sent regardless of whether the box is ticked or not, consider using hidden input fields:

By being aware of these common mistakes and knowing how to avoid them, you’ll be well on your way to mastering HTML checkboxes. Keep practicing, keep learning, and above all – keep creating!

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of HTML Checkboxes

I’ve walked you through the process, and now we’re standing at the other end together. We’ve learned how to create checkboxes in HTML, and I hope it’s clear that it’s not as daunting as it may have seemed initially.

Let me give you an example code:

In this example, we have three checkboxes labeled Milk, Butter, and Cheese. When a user checks any box or boxes, its corresponding label gets selected.

But don’t forget – with great power comes great responsibility! It’s essential to use these tags responsibly and ensure they enhance your webpage’s functionality rather than hinder it.

Now let’s look at an alternative way of using checkbox tag:

In this variation, by just adding the ‘checked’ attribute within our input tag we can make a pre-checked checkbox.

HTML checkboxes are versatile tools in your web design toolbox. You can use them in forms such as surveys or questionnaires where users can select multiple options from a list. They also become helpful while creating task lists or even interactive features like games!

Learning to master HTML checkboxes is akin to learning another language – with practice comes fluency. So keep practicing until you feel confident about implementing them into your projects effectively.

Remember, HTML is the backbone of web development and every tag you master brings you one step closer to being a proficient web developer. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different uses for checkboxes or any other HTML elements. Innovation is the name of the game in web design.

It’s been my pleasure guiding you through this process. Keep exploring, keep learning, and soon enough, you’ll be mastering more than just checkboxes!

html checkbox input element assignment expert

Cristian G. Guasch

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Love2Dev - The Progressive Web Application Experts

Using the HTML Checkbox ✅ and Managing the Check State ✔ with JavaScript [Tutorial]

Chris Love

Last Updated - Sat Jan 09 2021


Managing checkboxes in HTML, specifically using JavaScript and jQuery can seem a bit unnatural. I hope to resolve common problems you may be having with this tutorial.

Checkboxes are good to use when you need to collect either a true/false (boolean) choice or multiple values from a list of options.

Radio buttons offer a similar boolean selection metaphor, but are used when there is a single choice available within a list.

There are two general use cases for a checkbox:

  • When You Need Confirmation or Acknowledgement, for example acknowledging a terms of use
  • When Multiple Values Can Answer a Single Question

Checkboxes are used for instances where a user may wish to select multiple options, such as in the instance of a "check all that apply" question. HTML Checkboxes Selected. A checkbox element can be placed onto a web page in a pre-checked fashion by setting the checked attribute with a "yes" value.

The Correct HTML For Making a Checkbox

There seems to be confusion over the proper or correct way to write checkbox html. I have been there too, so I empathize with everyone.

As far as the checkbox user interface you should include a checkbox and label element, in that order. This will naturally place the checkbox to the left of the label.

If you need to swap their order you can either by swapping their html or using CSS. However, I will caution you again that unless you know you can keep related or grouped checkboxes horizontally aligned.

By nature checkboxes are small targets, which for the desktop and mouse is normal, but in today's mobile, touch first world can be problematic.

The good news is you can relate a checkbox's label to the checkbox, extending the actionable area the user can click or touch to toggle the check state.

This is done by adding either a 'name' or 'id' attribute to the checkbox element and a corresponding 'for' attribute to the label. The label's for attribute value should match the checkbox's name or id value.


The Value Property or Attribute

Programatically you can get the current value or check state from the value property, which is also an attribute. The value is not true or false, even though the nature of the checkbox is to indicate if a value is selected or not.

You can get the value property independent of the checked state. So make sure you add the logic to your validation and serialization code to account for this behavior.

Rendering Checkboxes Checked By Default

When rendering a page with a checkbox you want selected or checked by default you need to include the 'checked' attribute. There is no required value for the checked attribute.

However, per the checkbox specification only an empty value or 'checked' are valid.


When checked is added to the checkbox element the browser will render it as selected.

How to Detect if a CheckBox Was Checked?

When a form is submitted or serialized a checkbox's value is associated with the name of the checkbox. It is the responsibility of the server to handle this key/value relationship. This is when a form is posted directly to a target URL using form encoding.

When using form encoding checkboxes of the same name values are all serialized:

You are responsible for handling the form submission on the server. Since there are hundreds of platforms I wont even try to demonstrate that in this article.

If a checkbox in unchecked the corresponding value is not serialized.

When you are handling the serialization in your JavaScript you are responsible for this serialization. I generally intercept any form submission and perform validation and serialization before posting JSON to an API,which means I need to handle these scenarios.

The best practice is to serialize the selected values in an array. You could make a more complex structure if needed, but I think an array should handle just about all cases.

The checkbox value property is not required. If no value is used when submitted the value is set to 'on' if the input is selected. If the checkbox is not selected there is not value supplied. This means your server-side processing code needs to be robust enough to handle this null or empty state.

Handling the Checkbox State Change Events

You want to trigger a real-time response to a change in checked state. You can do this by binding an event handler to the checkbox's change event.

Here I bound event handlers to all checkboxes with the name 'interest'. I am simply logging the activity to the page to demonstrate handling the change. You would want to add your own logic in the handler.

Grouping Checkboxes

As I have already mentioned checkboxes specialize is collecting a single value choice. But what about needing a choice of many options?

This is where the checkbox becomes even better, through grouping. Here you have two or more checkboxes with the same name, but different values. We have already seen how this can be used in the previous examples.


In this example both checkboxes chare the name 'interest' but have unique id and value values.

Defining a Large Hit or Touch Area

Checkboxes are small targets. With the rise of Smartphones and touch screens small targets are a problem. Small targets are also a problem for assitive technologies and users with poorer eyesight.

This is why you should always associate the checkbox's label with the checkbox. The touch area is not limited to just the checkbox's immediate rectangle, but also includes the associated label's rectangle when they are associated.

I also think this is a best practice because many users first attempt to tap and click the label instead of the checkbox. I think this is becaue they assume, on a touch screen specifically they are a single button. Of course this is just my opinion, but based on observation and conversation with typical end users.

You associate a label with a checkbox with the 'for' attribute. The checkbox should include a unique id value. The label's for value should match the checkbox's id value.

Because checkboxes are often done as a list you should craft some sort of unique naming convention. For example, a spaghettie and meatball grocery list might use:

  • 'spaghettie-meatballs-spaghettie'
  • 'spaghettie-meatballs-meatballs'
  • 'spaghettie-meatballs-sauce'

Notice how each one start with the same value, 'spaghettie-meatballs-'? This helps logically group the related checkboxes. The unique value is the id's suffix value, which correlates to the value property.

Just be sure to what I call slugify the id values if you are generating them automatically. By this I mean removing spaces and 'odd' characters. Just use common characters, dashes and underscores. And don't forget to make the server smart enough to use these values!

The Indeterminate State

There is a third state a checkbox can be in beside checked and unchecked, indeterminate. This can only be set via JavaScript and causes the checkbox to render with a horizontal line in the box instead of just a box or a box with a check.

You may be wondering when you might want to use this state?

The indeterminiate state is commonly used when there are multiple child or sub-options available. You can set the state to indeterminate when a minimal number of child options are not selected.

This scenario could use an indeterminate enabled checkbox as a visual queue or part of a select/deselect all UI.

You could pair the logic setting indetermine with your form validation logic. Often when a checkbox is in indeterminate state the form is not yet complete, so you can enforce your form validation logic accordingly.

If the form is submitted while in indeterminate state it is serialized as unchecked.

indeterminate state checkbox

I hope this has help clear up some common questions you may have about using the HTML checkbox. This is one of the original HTML elements and has retained most of its original capabilities, but as with anything web we have grown to make checkboxes do much more.

Be sure to read upcoming articles on how to create custom styled checkboxes so you wont be limited to the boring check in the box UI!

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<input type="checkbox">

Indeterminate state checkboxes.

element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user."> <input> elements of type checkbox are rendered by default as square boxes that are checked (ticked) when activated, like you might see in an official government paper form. They allow you to select single values for submission in a form (or not).

Note : Radio buttons are similar to checkboxes, but with an important distinction — radio buttons are designed for selecting one value out of a few, whereas checkboxes allow you to turn single values on and off. Where multiple controls exist, radio buttons allow one to be selected out of them all, whereas checkboxes allow multiple values to be selected.

A DOMString representing the value of the checkbox. This is never seen on the client-side, but on the server this is the value given to the data submitted with the checkbox's name . Take the following example:

In this example, we've got a name of subscribe , and a value of newsletter . When the form is submitted, the data name/value pair will be subscribe=newsletter .

If the value attribute was omitted, the submitted data would be given a default value of on , so the submitted data in that case would be subscribe=on .

Note : If a checkbox is unchecked when its form is submitted, there is no value submitted to the server to represent its unchecked state (e.g. value=unchecked ); the value is not submitted to the server at all.

Using checkbox inputs

We already covered the most basic use of checkboxes above. Let's now look at the other common checkbox-related features and techniques you'll need.

Handling multiple checkboxes

The example we saw above only contained one checkbox; in many real examples you'll be likely to encounter multiple checkboxes. If they are completely unrelated, then you can just deal with them all separate like we showed above. If however they are all related, things are not quite so simple.

For example, in the following demo we include multiple checkboxes to allow the user to select what interests they like (see the full version in the Examples section).

In this example you will see that we've given each checkbox the same name . If both checkboxes are checked and then the form is submitted, you'll get a string of name/value pairs submitted like this: interest=coding&interest=music . When this data reaches the server-side, you should be able to capture it as an array of related values and deal with it appropriately — see Handle Multiple Checkboxes with a Single Serverside Variable , for example.

Checking boxes by default

To make a checkbox checked by default, you simply give it the checked attribute. See the below example:

Providing a bigger hit area for your checkboxes

In the above examples, you may have noticed that you can check a checkbox by clicking on its associated element represents a caption for an item in a user interface."> <label> element as well as on the checkbox itself. This is a really useful feature of HTML form labels that makes it easier to click the option you want, especially on small screen devices like mobiles.

Beyond accessibility, this is another good reason to properly set up <label> elements on your forms.

There exists an indeterminate state of checkboxes, one in which it is not checked or unchecked, but undetermined. This is set using the HTMLInputElement object's indeterminate property via JavaScript (it cannot be set using an HTML attribute):

A checkbox in indeterminate state has a horizontal line across it rather than a check/tick in most browsers.

There are not many use cases for this property, but the below example shows one (thanks to CSS Tricks for the inspiration). In this example we keep track of the ingredients we are collecting for a recipe. When you check or uncheck an ingredient's checkbox, a JavaScript function checks the total number of checked ingredients:

  • If none are checked, the recipe name's checkbox is set to unchecked.
  • If one or two are checked, the recipe name's checkbox is set to indeterminate .
  • If all three are checked, the recipe name's checkbox is set to checked .

So in this case the indeterminate state is used to state that collecting the ingredients has started, but the recipe is not yet complete.

Note : If you submit a form with an indeterminate checkbox, the same thing happens as if the form were unchecked — no data is submitted to represent the checkbox.

Checkboxes don't participate in constraint validation; they have no real value to be constrained.

The following example is an extended version of the "multiple checkboxes" example we saw above — it has more standard options, plus an "other" checkbox that when checked causes a text field to appear to enter the "other" option into. This is achieved via a simple block of JavaScript. The example also includes some CSS to improve the styling.


Browser compatibility.

  • element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user."> <input> and the HTMLInputElement interface which implements it.

Document Tags and Contributors

  • Input Types
  • element represents a clickable button."> <button>
  • element contains a set of <option> elements that represent the values available for other controls."> <datalist>
  • element is used to group several controls as well as labels (<label>) within a web form."> <fieldset>
  • element represents a document section that contains interactive controls to submit information to a web server."> <form>
  • element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user."> <input>
  • element exists to facilitate generation of key material, and submission of the public key as part of an HTML form. This mechanism is designed for use with Web-based certificate management systems. It is expected that the <keygen> element will be used in an HTML form along with other information needed to construct a certificate request, and that the result of the process will be a signed certificate."> <keygen>
  • element represents a caption for an item in a user interface."> <label>
  • element represents a caption for the content of its parent <fieldset>."> <legend>
  • element represents either a scalar value within a known range or a fractional value."> <meter>
  • element creates a grouping of options within a <select> element."> <optgroup>
  • element is used to define an item contained in a <select>, an <optgroup>, or a <datalist> element. As such, <option> can represent menu items in popups and other lists of items in an HTML document."> <option>
  • element represents the result of a calculation or user action."> <output>
  • element represents the completion progress of a task, typically displayed as a progress bar."> <progress>
  • element represents a control that provides a menu of options:"> <select>
  • element represents a multi-line plain-text editing control."> <textarea>
  • element (or anchor element) creates a hyperlink to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, email addresses, or any other URL."> <a>
  • element represents an abbreviation and optionally provides a full description for it. If present, the title attribute must contain this full description and nothing else."> <abbr>
  • ) allows authors to clearly indicate a sequence of characters that compose an acronym or abbreviation for a word. This element has been removed in HTML5. Use <abbr> element."> <acronym>
  • element supplies contact information for its nearest <article> or <body> ancestor; in the latter case, it applies to the whole document."> <address>
  • ) identifies the inclusion of a Java applet."> <applet>
  • element defines a hot-spot region on an image, and optionally associates it with a hypertext link. This element is used only within a <map> element."> <area>
  • element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable (e.g., in syndication). Examples include: a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, or a blog entry."> <article>
  • element represents a section of a document with content connected tangentially to the main content of the document (often presented as a sidebar)."> <aside>
  • element is used to embed sound content in documents. It may contain one or more audio sources, represented using the src attribute or the <source> element: the browser will choose the most suitable one. It can also be the destination for streamed media, using a MediaStream."> <audio>
  • element represents a span of text stylistically different from normal text, without conveying any special importance or relevance, and that is typically rendered in boldface."> <b>
  • element specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within a document. There can be only one <base> element in a document."> <base>
  • ) establishes a default font size for a document. Font size then can be varied relative to the base font size using the <font> element."> <basefont>
  • element (bidirectional isolation) isolates a span of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it."> <bdi>
  • element (bidirectional override) is used to override the current directionality of text. It causes the directionality of the characters to be ignored in favor of the specified directionality."> <bdo>
  • <bgsound>
  • ) makes the text font size one size bigger (for example, from small to medium, or from large to x-large) up to the browser's maximum font size."> <big>
  • ) is a non-standard element causing the enclosed text to flash slowly."> <blink>
  • Element (or HTML Block Quotation Element) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation. Usually, this is rendered visually by indentation (see Notes for how to change it). A URL for the source of the quotation may be given using the cite attribute, while a text representation of the source can be given using the <cite> element."> <blockquote>
  • Element represents the content of an HTML document. There can be only one <body> element in a document."> <body>
  • element produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant."> <br>
  • element with the canvas scripting API to draw graphics and animations."> <canvas>
  • element represents the title of a table. Though it is always the first descendant of a <table>, its styling, using CSS, may place it elsewhere, relative to the table."> <caption>
  • ) is a block-level element that can contain paragraphs and other block-level and inline elements. The entire content of this element is centered horizontally within its containing element (typically, the <body>)."> <center>
  • element represents a reference to a creative work. It must include the title of a work or a URL reference, which may be in an abbreviated form according to the conventions used for the addition of citation metadata."> <cite>
  • element represents a fragment of computer code. By default, it is displayed in the browser's default monospace font."> <code>
  • element defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells. It is generally found within a <colgroup> element."> <col>
  • element defines a group of columns within a table."> <colgroup>
  • element—an obsolete part of the Web Components suite of technologies—was used inside of Shadow DOM as an insertion point, and wasn't meant to be used in ordinary HTML It has now been replaced by the <slot> element, which creates a point in the DOM at which a shadow DOM can be inserted."> <content>
  • element links a given content with a machine-readable translation. If the content is time- or date-related, the <time> element must be used."> <data>
  • element indicates the description of a term in a description list (<dl>)."> <dd>
  • element represents a range of text that has been deleted from a document. This element is often (but need not be) rendered with strike-through text."> <del>
  • element is used as a disclosure widget from which the user can retrieve additional information."> <details>
  • element represents the defining instance of a term."> <dfn>
  • element represents a dialog box or other interactive component, such as an inspector or window."> <dialog>
  • ) represents a directory, namely a collection of filenames."> <dir>
  • element is the generic container for flow content and does not inherently represent anything. Use it to group elements for purposes such as styling (using the class or id attributes), marking a section of a document in a different language (using the lang attribute), and so on."> <div>
  •  element represents a description list. The element encloses a list of groups of terms and descriptions. Common uses for this element are to implement a glossary or to display metadata (a list of key-value pairs)."> <dl>
  • element identifies a term in a description list. This element can occur only as a child element of a <dl>. It is usually followed by a <dd> element; however, multiple <dt> elements in a row indicate several terms that are all defined by the immediate next <dd> element."> <dt>
  • element marks text that has stress emphasis. The <em> element can be nested, with each level of nesting indicating a greater degree of emphasis."> <em>
  • element represents an integration point for an external application or interactive content (in other words, a plug-in)."> <embed>
  • element represents a caption or a legend associated with a figure or an illustration described by the rest of the data of the <figure> element which is its immediate ancestor."> <figcaption>
  • element represents self-contained content, frequently with a caption (<figcaption>), and is typically referenced as a single unit."> <figure>
  • ) defines the font size, color and face for its content."> <font>
  • element represents a footer for its nearest sectioning content or sectioning root element. A footer typically contains information about the author of the section, copyright data or links to related documents."> <footer>
  • is an HTML element which defines a particular area in which another HTML document can be displayed. A frame should be used within a <frameset>."> <frame>
  • is an HTML element which is used to contain <frame> elements."> <frameset>
  • is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically."> <h1>
  • is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically."> <h2>
  • is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically."> <h3>
  • is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically."> <h4>
  • is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically."> <h5>
  • is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically."> <h6>
  • element provides general information (metadata) about the document, including its title and links to its scripts and style sheets."> <head>
  • element represents a group of introductory or navigational aids. It may contain some heading elements but also other elements like a logo, a search form, and so on."> <header>
  • element represents a multi-level heading for a section of a document. It groups a set of <h1>–<h6> elements."> <hgroup>
  • element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements (for example, a change of scene in a story, or a shift of topic with a section). In previous versions of HTML, it represented a horizontal rule. It may still be displayed as a horizontal rule in visual browsers, but is now defined in semantic terms, rather than presentational terms."> <hr>
  • element represents the root (top-level element) of an HTML document, so it is also referred to as the root element. All other elements must be descendants of this element."> <html>
  • element represents a range of text that is set off from the normal text for some reason, for example, technical terms, foreign language phrases, or fictional character thoughts. It is typically displayed in italic type."> <i>
  •  element represents a nested browsing context, effectively embedding another HTML page into the current page. In HTML 4.01, a document may contain a head and a body or a head and a frameset, but not both a body and a frameset. However, an <iframe> can be used within a normal document body. Each browsing context has its own session history and active document. The browsing context that contains the embedded content is called the parent browsing context. The top-level browsing context (which has no parent) is typically the browser window."> <iframe>
  • element represents an image in the document."> <img>
  • element represents a range of text that has been added to a document."> <ins>
  • is an obsolete HTML element that puts a text field in a page for querying the document."> <isindex>
  • element represents user input and produces an inline element displayed in the browser's default monospace font."> <kbd>
  • element is used to represent an item in a list. It must be contained in a parent element: an ordered list (<ol>), an unordered list (<ul>), or a menu (<menu>). In menus and unordered lists, list items are usually displayed using bullet points. In ordered lists, they are usually displayed with an ascending counter on the left, such as a number or letter."> <li>
  • element specifies relationships between the current document and an external resource. Possible uses for this element include defining a relational framework for navigation. This element is most used to link to style sheets."> <link>
  • ) renders text between the start and end tags without interpreting the HTML in between and using a monospaced font. The HTML 2 standard recommended that lines shouldn't be broken when not greater than 132 characters."> <listing>
  • element represents the main content of the <body> of a document or application. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to, or expands upon the central topic of, a document or the central functionality of an application."> <main>
  • element is used with <area> elements to define an image map (a clickable link area)."> <map>
  • element represents highlighted text, i.e., a run of text marked for reference purpose, due to its relevance in a particular context."> <mark>
  • element is used to insert a scrolling area of text. You can control what happens when the text reaches the edges of its content area using its attributes."> <marquee>
  • element represents a group of commands that a user can perform or activate. This includes both list menus, which might appear across the top of a screen, as well as context menus, such as those that might appear underneath a button after it has been clicked."> <menu>
  • element represents a command that a user is able to invoke through a popup menu. This includes context menus, as well as menus that might be attached to a menu button."> <menuitem>
  • element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>."> <meta>
  • element represents a section of a page whose purpose is to provide navigation links, either within the current document or to other documents. Common examples of navigation sections are menus, tables of contents, and indexes."> <nav>
  • element prevents a text from breaking into a new line automatically, so it is displayed on one long line and scrolling might be necessary. This tag is not standard HTML and should not be used."> <nobr>
  • is an HTML element which is used to support browsers which are not able to support <frame> elements or configured to do so."> <noframes>
  • element defines a section of HTML to be inserted if a script type on the page is unsupported or if scripting is currently turned off in the browser."> <noscript>
  • element represents an external resource, which can be treated as an image, a nested browsing context, or a resource to be handled by a plugin."> <object>
  • element represents an ordered list of items, typically rendered as a numbered list."> <ol>
  • element represents a paragraph of text."> <p>
  • element defines parameters for an <object> element."> <param>
  • element is a container used to specify multiple <source> elements for a specific <img> contained in it. The browser will choose the most suitable source according to the current layout of the page (the constraints of the box the image will appear in) and the device it will be displayed on (e.g. a normal or hiDPI device.)"> <picture>
  • ) renders everything following the start tag as raw text, without interpreting any HTML. There is no closing tag, since everything after it is considered raw text."> <plaintext>
  • element represents preformatted text. Text within this element is typically displayed in a non-proportional ("monospace") font exactly as it is laid out in the file. Whitespace inside this element is displayed as typed.'> <pre>
  • element indicates that the enclosed text is a short inline quotation. This element is intended for short quotations that don't require paragraph breaks; for long quotations use the <blockquote> element."> <q>
  • element is used to provide fall-back parentheses for browsers that do not support display of ruby annotations using the <ruby> element."> <rp>
  • element embraces pronunciation of characters presented in a ruby annotations, which are used to describe the pronunciation of East Asian characters. This element is always used inside a <ruby> element."> <rt>
  • element embraces semantic annotations of characters presented in a ruby of <rb> elements used inside of <ruby> element. <rb> elements can have both pronunciation (<rt>) and semantic (<rtc>) annotations."> <rtc>
  • element represents a ruby annotation. Ruby annotations are for showing pronunciation of East Asian characters."> <ruby>
  • element renders text with a strikethrough, or a line through it. Use the <s> element to represent things that are no longer relevant or no longer accurate. However, <s> is not appropriate when indicating document edits; for that, use the <del> and <ins> elements, as appropriate."> <s>
  • element is an element intended to identify sample output from a computer program. It is usually displayed in the browser's default monotype font (such as Lucida Console)."> <samp>
  • element is used to embed or reference an executable script."> <script>
  • element represents a standalone section of functionality contained within an HTML document, typically with a heading, which doesn't have a more specific semantic element to represent it."> <section>
  • element—an obsolete part of the Web Components technology suite—was intended to be used as a shadow DOM insertion point. You might have used it if you have created multiple shadow roots under a shadow host. It is not useful in ordinary HTML."> <shadow>
  • element—part of the Web Components technology suite—is a placeholder inside a web component that you can fill with your own markup, which lets you create separate DOM trees and present them together."> <slot>
  • element makes the text font size one size smaller (for example, from large to medium, or from small to x-small) down to the browser's minimum font size.  In HTML5, this element is repurposed to represent side-comments and small print, including copyright and legal text, independent of its styled presentation."> <small>
  • element specifies multiple media resources for either the <picture>, the <audio> or the <video> element. It is an empty element. It is commonly used to serve the same media content in multiple formats supported by different browsers."> <source>
  • is an obsolete HTML element which allowed insertion of empty spaces on pages. It was devised by Netscape to accomplish the same effect as a single-pixel layout image, which was something web designers used to use to add white spaces to web pages without actually using an image. However, <spacer> no longer supported by any major browser and the same effects can now be achieved using simple CSS. "> <spacer>
  • element is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent anything. It can be used to group elements for styling purposes (using the class or id attributes), or because they share attribute values, such as lang."> <span>
  • element (or HTML Strikethrough Element) places a strikethrough (horizontal line) over text."> <strike>
  • element gives text strong importance, and is typically displayed in bold."> <strong>
  • element contains style information for a document, or part of a document. By default, the style instructions written inside that element are expected to be CSS."> <style>
  • element defines a span of text that should be displayed, for typographic reasons, lower, and often smaller, than the main span of text."> <sub>
  • element is used as a summary, caption, or legend for the content of a <details> element."> <summary>
  • element defines a span of text that should be displayed, for typographic reasons, higher, and often smaller, than the main span of text."> <sup>
  • element represents tabular data — that is, information expressed via a two-dimensional data table."> <table>
  • element groups one or more <tr> elements as the body of a <table> element."> <tbody>
  • element defines a cell of a table that contains data. It participates in the table model."> <td>
  • element is a mechanism for holding client-side content that is not to be rendered when a page is loaded but may subsequently be instantiated during runtime using JavaScript."> <template>
  • element defines a set of rows summarizing the columns of the table."> <tfoot>
  • element defines a cell as header of a group of table cells. The exact nature of this group is defined by the scope and headers attributes."> <th>
  • element defines a set of rows defining the head of the columns of the table."> <thead>
  • element represents either a time on a 24-hour clock or a precise date in the Gregorian calendar (with optional time and timezone information)."> <time>
  • element defines the title of the document, shown in a browser's title bar or on the page's tab. It can only contain text, and any contained tags are ignored."> <title>
  • element defines a row of cells in a table. Those can be a mix of <td> and <th> elements."> <tr>
  • element is used as a child of the media elements <audio> and <video>. It lets you specify timed text tracks (or time-based data), for example to automatically handle subtitles. The tracks are formatted in WebVTT format (.vtt files) — Web Video Text Tracks."> <track>
  • ) produces an inline element displayed in the browser's default monotype font. This element was intended to style text as it would display on a fixed width display, such as a teletype. It probably is more common to display fixed width type using the <code> element."> <tt>
  • element renders text with an underline, a line under the baseline of its content. In HTML5, this element represents a span of text with an unarticulated, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation, such as labeling the text as being a proper name in Chinese text (a Chinese proper name mark), or labeling the text as being misspelled."> <u>
  • element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list."> <ul>
  • element represents a variable in a mathematical expression or a programming context."> <var>
  • element to embed video content in a document."> <video>
  • element represents a word break opportunity—a position within text where the browser may optionally break a line, though its line-breaking rules would not otherwise create a break at that location."> <wbr>
  • ) renders text between the start and end tags without interpreting the HTML in between and using a monospaced font. The HTML2 specification recommended that it should be rendered wide enough to allow 80 characters per line."> <xmp>
  • ASP.NET WebForms

Using checkboxes is a good option when you want to give your visitors the option to choose several items from a group of choices. In that regard, the checkbox works opposite of a radio button, which only allows you to select one item from a group of choices. In its most simple form, a checkbox is simply an input element with the type property set to checkbox , like this:

However, as with all input elements, you need to define a name for it to be usable - without a name, the element won't be identifiable when posting the form back to a server for processing. You also want to set a value - this will be the value sent to the server if the checkbox has been checked. Here's an example:

With this example, if the checkbox has been checked and the form is submitted to a server, the server will be able to read the form element "nameOfChoice" and its value will be 1.

Checked or not checked?

Notice how all the checkboxes so far have not been checked from the beginning - the user would have to interact with the checkbox to change its state from unchecked to checked. This might be what you want, but sometimes, you want the checkbox to be checked by default, either to suggest a choice to the user or because you are showing a checkbox with a value that corresponds to an existing setting, e.g. from a database. Fortunately, this is very simple - just add the checked attribute to the checkbox:

In the old days of XHTML, where each attribute should always have a value, even the boolean attributes, it would look like this:

Either way should work in all modern browsers, but the first way is shorter and more "HTML5-like".

Multiple choices

So far, all our checkboxes have been simple switches, e.g. for defining whether an option is on or off. Checkboxes are great for that, but as mentioned, they can also be used to allow the user a selection of possible options. Let me show you a neat example where this makes sense:

Notice how we now have multiple checkboxes, but they all share the same name ("favorite_pet") but different values (e.g. "Dogs"). When this form is submitted back to the server, all these checkboxes will be represented by a single name, but the value will be an array of 0-3 items. If you had used radio buttons instead of checkboxes, the user would only be allowed to pick a single favorite animal, but with checkboxes, they can select none of them, all of them or some of them.

Labels for checkboxes

If you tested the previous example, you will notice that we can put text next to a checkbox, but they are still two separate things - you can't click the text to trigger the checkbox. This can be really annoying for the user, but fortunately for us, it's easy to solve: Just use the label element! Here's a basic example to show you the difference:

Two checkboxes - one without a label and one with. They might look almost identical, but the one with the label can be triggered by clicking both the actual checkbox and the attached label. This is nice if you're sitting on a desktop PC with a mouse, but even better when you're using a touch device like a smartphone, where small checkboxes can be hard to hit with your finger.

The label is very simple - it uses the for attribute to attach itself to a form element with a matching id attribute (notice how I have "dogs" in both places).

Working dynamically with a checkbox

Just like any other DOM element, you are able to manipulate a checkbox using JavaScript. In that regard, it could be interesting to check whether a checkbox is checked or not and perhaps add some logic to control how many options a user can select. To show you how this can be done, I have extended a previous example (the "Favorite Pet" selector) to include some JavaScript magic:

Allow me to quickly run through what this code does. We have the same form as before, but we have added an event handler to each of the checkboxes, which causes them to call a JavaScript function ( ValidatePetSelection ) when the user clicks them. In this function, we get a hold of all the relevant checkboxes using the getElementsByName function and then we loop through them to see if they are checked or not - for each checked item, we add to a number. This number is then checked and if it exceeds two, then we alert the user about the problem (only two pets can be selected) and then we return false. Returning false will prevent the checkbox from being checked.

This was just a simple example of how to work with checkboxes using JavaScript. You can do much more, especially if you use a JavaScript framework like jQuery, which will make it a lot easier to select and manipulate DOM elements.

Checkboxes allow you to setup selectable options for your users - either to toggle a single setting on or off, or to allow for multiple choices, like in the Favorite Pet example. You should use labels to tie your checkbox and the descriptive text together, to allow the user to click a larger area when manipulating the checkbox - this is also good for assisting technologies like screen readers for visually impaired.

  • HTML Tutorial
  • HTML Exercises
  • HTML Attributes
  • Global Attributes
  • Event Attributes
  • HTML Interview Questions
  • DOM Audio/Video
  • HTML Examples
  • Color Picker
  • A to Z Guide
  • HTML Formatter
  • HTML | <input type = "button">
  • HTML | <input type="checkbox">
  • HTML | <input type="color">
  • HTML <input type="date">
  • HTML <input type=”email”>
  • HTML | <input type="file">
  • HTML <input type="hidden">
  • HTML <input type="image">
  • HTML <input type="month">
  • HTML | <input type="number">
  • HTML <input type=”password”>
  • HTML <input type=”radio”>
  • HTML | <input type="range">
  • HTML <input type=”reset">
  • HTML | <input type="search">
  • HTML | <input type="submit">
  • HTML | <input type="tel">
  • HTML | <input type="text">
  • HTML | <input type="time">
  • HTML | <input type="url">
  • HTML | <input type="week">

HTML | <input type=”checkbox”>

The HTML <input type=”checkbox”> is used to define a checkbox field. The checkbox is shown as a square box that is ticked when it is activated. It allows the user to select one or more option among all the limited choices. 



html checkbox input element assignment expert

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JS Reference

Html events, html objects, other references, html dom input checkbox object, input checkbox object.

The Input Checkbox object represents an HTML <input> element with type="checkbox".

Access an Input Checkbox Object

You can access an <input> element with type="checkbox" by using getElementById():

Tip: You can also access <input type="checkbox"> by searching through the elements collection of a form.

Create an Input Checkbox Object

You can create an <input> element with type="checkbox" by using the document.createElement() method:

Input Checkbox Object Properties

Standard properties and events.

The Input Checkbox object also supports the standard properties and events .

Related Pages

HTML tutorial: HTML Forms

HTML reference: HTML <input> tag

HTML reference: HTML <input> type attribute

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Answer to Question #318197 in HTML/JavaScript Web Application for vicky

Bike Search

The goal of this coding exam is to quickly get you off the ground with HTML search input element and Bootstrap spinner

Use the below reference image:


  • Add the id searchInput to the HTML input element
  • Add the id searchResults to the HTML container element

Achieve the design with HTML, CSS, and functionality with JS

  • When the page is opened or a value is entered in the HTML input element with id searchInput and press on Enter key
  • Make an HTTP Request (GET method) using Fetch with URL
  • The value entered in the HTML input element with id searchInput should be the value for the query parameter of the given URL
  • Add the loading status with the Bootstrap component spinner while making HTTP Request (GET method) as shown in the image.
  • Create HTML elements dynamically to set the data i.e, the bike name and city, and add the newly created element to the HTML container element with id as 

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