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111 Alcohol Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Alcohol is a widely consumed substance that has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. It is often associated with celebrations, socializing, and relaxation. However, alcohol also has a dark side, as it can lead to addiction, health problems, and social issues. If you are tasked with writing an essay on alcohol, you may find it challenging to come up with a unique and interesting topic. To help you get started, here are 111 alcohol essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The history of alcohol consumption: From ancient civilizations to modern times.
  • The cultural significance of alcohol in different societies.
  • The impact of alcohol on the human body: Short-term and long-term effects.
  • Alcohol and the brain: How alcohol affects cognitive function.
  • The role of alcohol in social gatherings and celebrations.
  • The portrayal of alcohol in literature and art throughout history.
  • Alcohol addiction: Causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
  • The effects of alcohol on mental health: Depression, anxiety, and addiction.
  • The relationship between alcohol and crime rates.
  • Alcohol and domestic violence: Exploring the link between alcohol abuse and aggression.
  • Alcohol advertising: How it influences consumer behavior and perceptions.
  • Underage drinking: The consequences and strategies for prevention.
  • The economic impact of the alcohol industry on local communities.
  • Alcohol consumption and its effects on academic performance.
  • Alcohol-related diseases: Liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, and cardiovascular problems.
  • Alcoholism in the elderly population: Causes, challenges, and treatment.
  • Alcohol and pregnancy: The risks and consequences of drinking while pregnant.
  • The impact of alcohol on the developing brain: Adolescents and young adults.
  • The role of alcohol in religious ceremonies and rituals.
  • The effectiveness of alcohol education and prevention programs.
  • Alcohol and creativity: Does alcohol enhance or hinder artistic expression?
  • The portrayal of alcohol in movies and television: Glamorization or cautionary tales?
  • Alcohol-related accidents: Drunk driving and its consequences.
  • Alcohol regulation and policy: What measures can be taken to reduce alcohol-related harm?
  • Alcohol and sports: How alcohol consumption impacts athletic performance.
  • The genetics of alcoholism: Is alcohol addiction influenced by hereditary factors?
  • Alcohol and gender: Are there differences in alcohol consumption patterns between men and women?
  • The impact of alcohol on sleep quality and patterns.
  • The social stigma surrounding alcohol addiction and recovery.
  • Alcohol consumption and its effects on sexual behavior and consent.
  • Alcohol and creativity: Exploring the myth of the “drunken artist.”
  • The role of alcohol in self-medication for mental health issues.
  • Alcohol and aggression: Understanding the relationship between alcohol and violence.
  • The portrayal of alcohol in popular music: Lyrics, themes, and influences.
  • Alcohol and the LGBTQ+ community: Unique challenges and support systems.
  • Alcohol and college culture: The prevalence of binge drinking on campuses.
  • Alcohol and aging: How alcohol affects the elderly population differently.
  • The impact of alcohol on the immune system: Vulnerability to infections and diseases.
  • Alcohol and memory impairment: How alcohol affects the ability to retain and recall information.
  • Alcohol and creativity: Examining the belief that alcohol enhances artistic inspiration.
  • Alcohol and globalization: The spread of alcohol consumption patterns across cultures.
  • The role of alcohol in coping with stress and emotional pain.
  • The portrayal of alcohol in advertisements: Analyzing marketing strategies and target audiences.
  • Alcohol and the LGBTQ+ community: Exploring the role of alcohol in socialization and identity.
  • Alcohol and social media: How online platforms influence alcohol consumption habits.
  • The impact of alcohol on the economy: Job creation, tax revenue, and tourism.
  • Alcohol and religion: Different religious perspectives on alcohol consumption.
  • Alcohol and creativity: Debunking the myth of alcohol as a muse.
  • Alcohol and mental health stigma: How society views individuals with alcohol addiction.
  • Alcohol and crime: Analyzing the correlation between alcohol abuse and criminal behavior.
  • The role of alcohol in coping with trauma and PTSD.
  • Alcohol and environmental impact: The carbon footprint of alcohol production and transportation.
  • Alcohol and the legal drinking age: Should it be lowered or raised?
  • The portrayal of alcohol in video games: How virtual consumption shapes attitudes.
  • Alcohol and college campus safety: Strategies for preventing alcohol-related accidents and assaults.
  • Alcohol and risk-taking behavior: The link between alcohol consumption and impulsivity.
  • Alcohol and the elderly: Exploring the unique challenges of alcohol addiction in older adults.
  • The impact of alcohol on the digestive system: Gastritis, ulcers, and other conditions.
  • Alcohol and public health: The role of government policies in reducing alcohol-related harm.
  • Alcohol and workplace productivity: The effects of alcohol consumption on job performance.
  • Alcohol and driving: Analyzing the effectiveness of DUI laws and enforcement.
  • Alcohol and the military: Addressing the high rates of alcohol abuse among service members.
  • Alcohol and sexual assault: Understanding the role of alcohol in non-consensual encounters.
  • Alcohol and genetics: Identifying genetic markers associated with alcohol addiction.
  • The impact of alcohol on college students: Academic performance, mental health, and social life.
  • Alcohol and sports sponsorship: Ethical concerns and potential solutions.
  • Alcohol and cancer: The link between alcohol consumption and various types of cancer.
  • The portrayal of alcohol in reality TV: Examining the influence on viewership and behaviors.
  • Alcohol and creativity: Exploring alternative sources of inspiration beyond alcohol.
  • Alcohol and parenting: The effects of parental alcohol abuse on children.
  • Alcohol and substance abuse treatment: Effective approaches and challenges.
  • Alcohol and the LGBTQ+ community: Addressing substance abuse disparities and support needs.
  • Alcohol and the workplace: Implementing alcohol policies and employee assistance programs.
  • Alcohol and sexual health: The impact on fertility, sexual dysfunction, and reproductive health.
  • Alcohol and sleep disorders: The relationship between alcohol consumption and insomnia.
  • The portrayal of alcohol in video games: Analyzing the depiction of alcohol use and consequences.
  • Alcohol and social inequality: Examining the disproportionate impact of alcohol-related harm on marginalized communities.
  • Alcohol advertising and youth: The influence of marketing on underage drinking.
  • Alcohol and creativity: Exploring the role of alcohol in inhibiting or enhancing artistic expression.
  • Alcohol and mental health disparities: Examining the intersectionality of alcohol addiction and marginalized identities.
  • Alcohol and the legal system: The consequences and effectiveness of alcohol-related laws and penalties.
  • Alcohol and cardiovascular health: The impact of alcohol consumption on heart disease.
  • The portrayal of alcohol in literature: Analyzing the symbolism and themes associated with alcohol use.
  • Alcohol and social media influencers: The ethical concerns of promoting alcohol consumption online.
  • Alcohol and sexual consent: The role of alcohol in impairing judgment and communication.
  • Alcohol and pregnancy: The challenges of addressing alcohol use disorders during pregnancy.
  • Alcohol and sports culture: The normalization of alcohol consumption in athletic communities.
  • Alcohol and mental health disparities: Addressing the barriers to treatment for marginalized populations.
  • Alcohol and violence prevention: Strategies for reducing alcohol-related aggression and abuse.
  • Alcohol and cultural identity: How alcohol consumption practices shape cultural norms and traditions.
  • Alcohol and the military: The challenges of addressing alcohol abuse within the armed forces.
  • Alcohol and decision-making: The cognitive effects of alcohol on rational thinking and risk assessment.
  • Alcohol and aging: The impact of alcohol consumption on cognitive decline and dementia.
  • Alcohol and gambling: The connection between alcohol use and problem gambling behaviors.
  • Alcohol and sleep quality: The effects of alcohol on sleep duration and sleep architecture.
  • Alcohol and public transportation: The consequences of drunk driving and alcohol-related accidents.
  • Alcohol and the criminal justice system: The prevalence of alcohol abuse among incarcerated individuals.
  • Alcohol and mental health disparities: Addressing the stigma and access barriers faced by marginalized communities.
  • Alcohol and sexual orientation: Examining differences in alcohol consumption patterns within the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Alcohol and adolescent brain development: The long-term effects of early alcohol exposure.
  • Alcohol and risk perception: How alcohol consumption influences individuals' perception of danger.
  • Alcohol and body image: The relationship between alcohol use and disordered eating behaviors.
  • Alcohol and violence prevention: The role of bystander intervention in reducing alcohol-related aggression.
  • Alcohol and indigenous communities: Understanding the unique challenges and cultural factors.
  • Alcohol and sleep disorders: The impact of alcohol on sleep apnea and other sleep-related conditions.
  • Alcohol and college campus culture: Exploring the factors that contribute to high-risk drinking environments.
  • Alcohol and sexual assault prevention: Strategies for creating safer environments and promoting consent.
  • Alcohol and social media influencers: The impact of alcohol-related content on young audiences.
  • Alcohol and the LGBTQ+ community: Addressing the specific challenges and support needs of this population.
  • Alcohol and mental health: The relationship between alcohol use and the development of mental illnesses.
  • Alcohol and the criminal justice system: Alternatives to traditional punishment for alcohol-related offenses.

These essay topic ideas cover a wide range of aspects related to alcohol consumption, addiction, cultural significance, health effects, and social issues. Remember to choose a topic that interests you and aligns with the objectives of your essay. Conduct thorough research, provide evidence-based arguments, and present a balanced perspective on the chosen topic. Good luck with your essay!

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Alcohol Essay Topic Ideas & Titles

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NerdySeal . (2021) 'Alcohol'. 15 October.

NerdySeal. (2021, October 15). Alcohol. Retrieved from https://nerdyseal.com/topics/alcohol-essay-topics/

NerdySeal . 2021. "Alcohol." October 15, 2021. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/alcohol-essay-topics/.

1. NerdySeal . "Alcohol." October 15, 2021. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/alcohol-essay-topics/.


NerdySeal . "Alcohol." October 15, 2021. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/alcohol-essay-topics/.

"Alcohol." NerdySeal , 15 Oct. 2021, nerdyseal.com/topics/alcohol-essay-topics/.

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Alcohol is a chemical substance derived from the fermentation or distillation of various fruits, grains, or other natural sources. It is commonly consumed in the form of alcoholic beverages and is known for its psychoactive effects. Alcohol, specifically ethanol, acts as a central nervous system depressant, affecting brain function and altering behavior.

The origin and history of alcohol can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The earliest evidence of alcohol production dates back to around 7000 to 6600 BCE in China, where fermented beverages made from rice, honey, and fruit were consumed. Similarly, in the Middle East, evidence of alcoholic beverages made from barley dates back to around 5400 to 5000 BCE. Throughout history, alcohol has played a significant role in various cultures and societies. It was often associated with religious rituals, social gatherings, and medicinal purposes. The Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans had a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, and the art of brewing and distillation spread through trade routes. During the Middle Ages, monasteries in Europe became centers of brewing and distillation, and the production of alcoholic beverages became more organized. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Industrial Revolution led to the mass production of alcohol, contributing to social issues related to alcohol abuse.

Alcohol has both short-term and long-term effects on the body and mind. In the short term, alcohol acts as a depressant, slowing down the central nervous system and affecting coordination, judgment, and reaction time. It can cause relaxation, euphoria, and lowered inhibitions. However, excessive consumption can lead to negative effects such as impaired judgment, blurred vision, slurred speech, and increased risk-taking behavior. Long-term alcohol use can have detrimental effects on various organs and systems. Prolonged heavy drinking can damage the liver, leading to conditions such as cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis. It can also weaken the immune system, increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and contribute to the development of certain types of cancer. Alcohol misuse and addiction can have profound social and psychological consequences. It can strain relationships, lead to financial difficulties, and contribute to mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. It is important to note that moderate alcohol consumption can have some potential health benefits, such as a reduced risk of heart disease. However, these potential benefits must be balanced with the risks and individual circumstances, and it is always advisable to consume alcohol responsibly and in moderation.

Public opinion about alcohol varies greatly depending on cultural, social, and individual factors. It is a complex and multifaceted topic that elicits diverse perspectives. Some individuals and societies view alcohol consumption as an acceptable and enjoyable part of social gatherings and celebrations. They may see it as a way to relax, socialize, and enhance the enjoyment of certain experiences. In these contexts, alcohol is often seen as a normal and integral aspect of everyday life. On the other hand, there are those who hold more cautious or negative views towards alcohol. They may emphasize the potential risks and harms associated with its use, such as addiction, health problems, and impaired judgment. Concerns about alcohol-related accidents, violence, and addiction can shape public opinion and lead to stricter regulations and policies. Public opinion on alcohol is also influenced by cultural and religious beliefs, as well as personal experiences and values. Some individuals may have witnessed the negative consequences of alcohol misuse and therefore hold more critical views. Others may have positive associations with alcohol and view it as a benign or enjoyable substance when consumed responsibly.

Alcohol is a frequently depicted substance in various forms of media, including movies, television shows, music, and advertising. Its portrayal in media can range from positive and glamorous to negative and cautionary, reflecting the diverse perspectives and attitudes towards alcohol. In some media representations, alcohol is shown as a symbol of sophistication, celebration, and socializing. It is often associated with luxury and enjoyment, depicted in glamorous settings where characters are seen drinking champagne, cocktails, or wine. This positive representation can be found in movies like "The Great Gatsby" and TV shows like "Mad Men," where characters are shown indulging in alcohol as a part of their lifestyle. However, media also portrays the negative consequences and risks associated with alcohol consumption. Films like "Leaving Las Vegas" and "Flight" depict the destructive effects of alcohol addiction, showcasing the devastating impact it can have on individuals and their relationships. Such portrayals serve as cautionary tales and highlight the potential dangers of excessive alcohol use. Furthermore, there are public service announcements and campaigns that aim to raise awareness about responsible drinking and the harmful effects of alcohol abuse. These messages often depict the negative consequences of alcohol-related accidents, impaired judgment, and addiction.

1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol is responsible for more than 3 million deaths worldwide each year. This includes deaths from alcohol-related diseases, accidents, and violence. It is a significant public health concern that requires attention and prevention efforts. 2. A study published in the journal Addiction revealed that alcohol consumption is a leading risk factor for disease burden and premature death globally. It ranked as the seventh leading risk factor for both death and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in 2016, highlighting the significant impact of alcohol on population health. 3. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that alcohol-related problems cost the United States economy an estimated $249 billion in 2010. These costs include healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and criminal justice costs associated with alcohol-related incidents. This statistic emphasizes the economic burden of alcohol misuse on society.

Alcohol is an important topic to explore in an essay due to its widespread use and the complex implications it has on individuals, society, and public health. Understanding the various aspects of alcohol, including its history, effects, public opinion, and representation in media, can provide valuable insights into its impact on individuals and communities. By delving into the history of alcohol, one can examine its cultural, social, and economic significance throughout different time periods and regions. Exploring the effects of alcohol on the human body and mind helps shed light on the risks and potential consequences associated with its consumption. Analyzing public opinion allows for an understanding of societal attitudes, perceptions, and debates surrounding alcohol use and abuse. Furthermore, the representation of alcohol in media and popular culture plays a significant role in shaping public perceptions and behaviors. Investigating how alcohol is portrayed in films, advertisements, and literature can reveal underlying messages and narratives about its consumption.

1. Babor, T. F., Higgins-Biddle, J. C., Saunders, J. B., & Monteiro, M. G. (2001). AUDIT: The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test: Guidelines for use in primary care (2nd ed.). World Health Organization. 2. Dawson, D. A., Goldstein, R. B., Saha, T. D., & Grant, B. F. (2015). Changes in alcohol consumption: United States, 2001–2002 to 2012–2013. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 148, 56–61. 3. Grant, B. F., & Dawson, D. A. (2017). Alcohol and drug use disorder: Diagnostic criteria for use in general health care settings. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. 4. Gual, A., Segura, L., Contel, M., & Heather, N. (2013). AUDIT-3 and AUDIT-4: Effectiveness of two short forms of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 48(5), 565–565. 5. Koob, G. F., & Volkow, N. D. (2010). Neurocircuitry of addiction. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35(1), 217–238. 6. Rehm, J., Mathers, C., Popova, S., Thavorncharoensap, M., Teerawattananon, Y., & Patra, J. (2009). Global burden of disease and injury and economic cost attributable to alcohol use and alcohol-use disorders. The Lancet, 373(9682), 2223–2233. 7. Roerecke, M., & Rehm, J. (2010). Alcohol consumption, drinking patterns, and ischemic heart disease: A narrative review of meta-analyses and a systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of heavy drinking occasions on risk for moderate drinkers. BMC Medicine, 8(1), 1–23. 8. Room, R., Babor, T., & Rehm, J. (2005). Alcohol and public health. The Lancet, 365(9458), 519–530. 9. Schuckit, M. A. (2014). Alcohol-use disorders. The Lancet, 383(9929), 988–998. 10. World Health Organization. (2018). Global status report on alcohol and health 2018. World Health Organization.

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Persuasive Essay Topics

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  • Should kids learn sign speech instead of a foreign language at school?
  • Home economic classes: why or why not?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Do zoos help or harm animals?
  • Should chess be considered a sport?
  • Should kids be able to opt out of pledging alliance to the flag?
  • Can online school be as effective as traditional school?
  • Should kids under 18 be banned from playing dangerous sports like tackle football?
  • Informatics and computer classes: why or why not?
  • Should it be mandatory to volunteer some hours before graduating high school?
  • Should young adults graduating high school take a gap year before going to University? why or why not?

Descriptive Essay Titles and Topics

  • The best trip of my life
  • My first pet
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  • Special memories with grandpa and grandma
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  • This is why I love my family
  • What I want to be when I grow up
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  • A day at the park
  • I went to the dentist
  • My last birthday party
  • A magical animal
  • What I carry in my backpack
  • This is my house
  • What I like about my teacher

Advanced Topics (Middle and High School Essay Topics):

  • If I could meet any celebrity, dead or alive, that would be...
  • My daily routine
  • The books that I enjoyed the most
  • If I was a movie director, this would be the plot of my first movie
  • If I was a writer, this would be the plot of my first book
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  • My proposal for a new school subject
  • What I feel most excited about
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  • Traits that I have in common with my friends
  • The world needs a new superhero
  • If I was the president of the country this is what I would do
  • A perfect week would look like this
  • What I would take to an island
  • Where I would go if I could travel back in time
  • What will the future look like
  • A precious memory from childhood
  • How can a student make the world a better place?
  • What beauty means to me
  • What I could be famous for one day
  • Google vs Bing: Which is better?
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  • True love and fake love
  • Long-distance relationship vs short-distance relationship
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  • Advantages and disadvantages of working till late
  • What adults prefer: Reading or watching?
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Argumentative Essay Titles and Topics

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  • Is global climate change caused by humans?
  • Education should be free.
  • Is college tuition becoming way too expensive?
  • Is religion the cause of war?
  • Do we have a fair tax system?
  • Should working moms be given special privileges?
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  • Are cell phones dangerous?
  • Which secondary languages are worth studying today?
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  • Should euthanasia be illegal?
  • Alcohol usage should be controlled.
  • Is college admission too competitive?
  • Does social media fame impact one's life?
  • Will paper money be substituted by electronic money?
  • Third World War should be prevented by Russian and the US government.
  • Are schools and teachers responsible for low test scores?
  • Does the educational system prepare students for the real world?

Narrative Essay Topics

  • Tell me about your biggest success
  • Tell me about your biggest failure
  • Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult situation and how you overcame it.
  • An experience that left you feeling frustrated, and how you dealt with the feelings.
  • If you could have any superpower you wanted, which one would you choose? Elaborate on why and how you would use it.
  • Tell me about a random act of kindness that happened to you or somebody else.
  • Tell me about an issue that you care about.
  • When are you the most happy?
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  • A time where you were afraid.
  • A time where you looked up to your parents.
  • Have you ever met a famous person? If you haven't, which famous person would you like to meet and why?
  • A time where you stood up for your beliefs.
  • A time where you felt really proud of yourself.

Expository Essay Topics

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How To Write Your Best Alcoholism Essay?

Jessica Nita

Table of Contents

Writing alcoholism essay

To start off, alcoholism is a physical and psychological disease characterized by regular consumption of high qualities of alcohol and troubles with giving up drinking.

It is a well-known fact that alcoholism is quite an issue nowadays. It breaks the lives of people, their families, and the whole society. According to WHO (World Health Organization), excessive use of alcohol causes 5.3% of deaths yearly, which makes a total of 3 million deaths.

The topic is quite vast, so it won’t be hard to find a thrilling aspect to cover in your essay.

6 facts for your alcoholism essay

The main goal of writing an essay on alcoholism is to highlight the problem, it’s causes, reasons, and outcomes.

Keep things simple, precise and informative. Use only credible sources in references. Try visiting official websites of WHO, Medical News Today (website specialized on medical information), ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine, on different addictions), etc.

Also, here are several facts for you to start off somewhere.

  • Alcoholism is not only a disease but also an addiction. This may seem obvious. Therapists state that it can be as dangerous as drug addiction since a person gets used to it not only on a mental level but also on a physical. As a result, there are loads of difficulties when giving up.
  • Alcoholism shouldn’t be regarded as a personal choice. Like any other addiction, it differs from person to person. Usually, people can’t notice that something is wrong before they actually try to stop drinking.
  • Except for being a disease itself, alcoholism leads to health and social issues. Doctors claim that alcoholism results in liver disease, pancreatitis, cancers, brain damages, and others. Moreover, it leads to socialization problems as alcoholics can be depressed, aggressive and struggle from a negative attitude of society.
  • Alcoholism has a genetic complex. It is stated that children of alcoholics are 4 times more predisposed to alcoholism. Scientists claim that alcohol and drug addiction usually starts with families.
  • There are more men alcoholics than women. The research shows that men are more likely to become alcoholics than women. Investigation can’t actually explain this fact, but the main reason is considered to be the fact that men drink more alcohol overall.
  • Alcohol makes people feel worse. Some may say that they drink to “drown sorrows,” but it doesn’t work in a long-term perspective. Actually, alcohol is a depressant.

How to structure the essay on alcoholism?

A good structure is essential for any writing. As a rule, the essay is divided into three parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion.

You might also want to write an outline for your work. Here are some easy instructions to follow:

Outline. Basically, it is a table of contents. You briefly plan your essay and organize your thoughts. Write down the statement you are about to use in the introduction, note several arguments supporting your statement and think of how to summarize these thoughts in conclusion .

Introduction. Here you need to provide the reader with some basic information on the topic. It may include the definition of alcoholism, statistics, and rates of how many alcoholics are out there, the yearly amount of deaths, age statistics, and so on. Include a thesis explaining the main idea of your essay and your standpoint. It shouldn’t be longer than 1 sentence.

The Main Body. Explain your standpoint step by step. Add arguments gradually. Each supporting statement takes 1 paragraph and is accompanied by a brief explanation . Put them in a logical order.

Conclusion. Sum up everything you said before and confirm the thesis. Do not add new ideas , statements, or facts. Here, in the alcoholism essay conclusion, you may express your own vision of the problem.

catchy titles for alcohol essays

Causes and effects of alcoholism essay: what to cover?

Each case of alcoholism is unique and has its own set of reasons and consequences. Thus, you may need to know some general statistics and information on the causes and effects of alcoholism. Here are several prompts.

Causes of alcoholism essay:

  • A stressful environment that enforces the person to seek consolation.
  • Drinking at an early age.
  • Mental issues (like depression, apathy, etc.).
  • Genetics and family history.
  • Mixing alcohol with medicine: possible outcomes.
  • The experience of trauma.
  • Bad influence of the company.
  • Lack of family care.
  • Power of the mass media.
  • No awareness of the possible psychological problems.

Effects of alcoholism essay:

  • Health problems, like heart and liver diseases, brain damage, low immunity, cancer, etc.
  • Depression, apathy, suicidal thoughts.
  • Slurred speech, confusion, trouble remembering things.
  • Concentration issues.
  • Bad academic performance.
  • Increased chance of committing a crime.
  • Domestic violence.
  • Adverse effect on children.
  • Loss of job and financial troubles.
  • Mood swings.

Alcoholism is quite an issue in modern society. Essays, exploring this topic, are needed to spread the awareness of the risks we all encounter.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, what are some great title ideas for college essays.

Hey everyone! I'm working on my college application essays and having a tough time choosing the right title. Any suggestions or guidelines on creating an engaging title? Thanks in advance!

Hello! Coming up with an engaging title for your college essay is an important step because it can grab the reader's attention and set the tone for the rest of your essay. Here are some guidelines and ideas to help you get started:

1. Keep it simple and to the point : A concise and relevant title piques the reader's interest without revealing too much about the essay's content.

2. Use a specific and memorable phrase : If your essay has a unique or significant phrase that encapsulates its message, consider using it as your title. This helps create a strong connection between the title and essay.

3. Incorporate wordplay or puns : When used appropriately, witty wordplay or a clever pun can make your title stand out. Make sure it's not too cheesy and still relates to your essay content.

4. Employ a literary device : You could use alliteration, assonance, or parallelism to create a catchy title. For example, "Sailing the Storm: Navigating Life's Challenges" employs alliteration and a metaphor.

5. Pose a question : A thought-provoking question related to your essay's message or theme can engage the reader and encourage them to find the answer in your essay.

Here are a few title examples based on the guidelines above:

- "Fighting for Justice: My Journey as an Activist"

- "Finding Balance: The Impact of Yoga on My Life"

- "Don't We Deserve Education?"

- "The Hidden Beauty of Math"

- "Kitchen Chronicles with My Grandmother"

Remember to tailor the title to your essay's content and tone. It's essential to stay genuine and true to your voice while making it creative and engaging. Good luck with your college applications!

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CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

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How to Find a Catchy Title for Your Paper/Essay

Last Updated: February 23, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA . Stephanie Wong Ken is a writer based in Canada. Stephanie's writing has appeared in Joyland, Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and other publications. She holds an MFA in Fiction and Creative Writing from Portland State University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,073,105 times.

Coming up with an effective title can end up being the most difficult part of your essay. A catchy title can make your paper stand out from the pile and give your reader a sense of the content, slant, and perspective of your essay. To craft a strong title, you need to focus on the three elements of a standard title: the hook, the key terms, and the source or location. This structure applies specifically to academic essays, but you can also apply this structure to narrative essays.

Understanding the Structure of a Title

Step 1 Craft a hook.

  • The hook can be collection of keywords, an image, a play on words, or a quote from your essay.

Step 2 Choose one or two key terms.

  • Keep in mind good titles never state the obvious or contain generic terms or phrases. Titles like “Paper on 1950s China” or “Report on Shakespeare” are too general and do not give the reader a sense of the content of your paper. Avoid general and non specific terms like “society” “culture” “the world” or “mankind” in your title.

Step 3 Cite the source or location.

  • For example, a paper about Mao’s Great Leap Forward in Communist China in the late 1950s may have a title that has a hook (catchy phrase), one or two key terms, and the source or location (1950s Communist China). A possible title could be: “The Failure of One, the Fall of Many: Mao’s Great Leap Forward in 1950’s Communist China”.

Using Keywords or Images

Step 1 Consider the tone of your essay.

  • For example, the title of an essay about the Great Leap Forward might be something simple, professional, and clear, such as: "The Failure of the Great Leap Forward: China in the late 1950s". An essay about Shakespearean comedy may be more playful, such as: " Love's Labour Lost and Other Comedies."

Step 2 Sum up your paper in three words or less.

  • For example, an essay about the Great Leap Forward in 1950s China may focus on the failed use of industries like steel and farming by Mao’s government and the resulting mass famine in China. Three words that sum up the paper may be: steel, land, famine. A possible title of the essay could be: “Steel, Land, and Famine: The Failure of the Great Leap Forward”.

Step 3 Choose two to three keywords from your introduction or conclusion.

  • Look for two to three keywords that are short, descriptive, and clear. Consider if the words fit together in some way, or how they are very different. For example, your introduction on 1950s China may have keywords like “industrialization” “collectivization” and “collapse”. A possible title for the essay could then be: “The Collapse of Collectivization in 1950s China”.
  • In an essay on the conventions of Shakespearean comedy, the tone of the essay may be less serious or rigid, and you can look for keywords that are playful or humorous. For example, your conclusion may have keywords like “lovers” “obstacles” and “improbable” or “supernatural”. A possible title for the essay could then be: “Lovers in an Improbable Situation: The Conventions of Shakespearean Comedy.”

Step 4 Use a strange or unique image.

  • For example, a paper about a volcano could have the title: “The Day the Earth Bled: The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius”.

Using a Quote or a Play on Words

Step 1 Look for a key quote or phrase in your essay.

  • For example, an essay on Shakespearean comedy may quote A Midsummer Night’s Dream , where a character named Theseus professes his love to his betrothed, the Amazonian queen Hippolyta. “Hippolyta, I woo'd thee with my sword/ And won thy love doing thee injuries,/ But I will wed thee in another key,/With pomp, with triumph, and with reveling.”
  • A possible title for the essay may then be: “With pomp, with triumph, and with reveling: The Conventions of Shakespearean Comedy”.
  • Alternatively, you can look up a key quote or phrase that is not in your essay but reinforces central ideas or themes in your essay. Type keywords from your essay into a search engine, along with the word “quote” and see what comes up. You can then take a fragment of the quote and use it in your title.
  • For example, for an essay on Mao’s Great Leap Forward, you may use quotes from propaganda posters for the Great Leap Forward made by the Mao government, which are available online. A propaganda quote like “Brave the wind and the waves, everything has remarkable abilities” could be shortened to a title like: “Brave the wind and the waves: False Promises by Mao’s The Great Leap Forward”.

Step 2 Reword a cliche.

  • An essay on Shakespearean comedy could use the cliche “laughter is the best medicine” and change it into “laughter is thy best medicine.” A possible title could be: “Laughter is Thy Best Medicine: The Conventions of Shakespearean Comedy”.

Step 3 Go for a play on words, or a double entendre.

  • For example, an essay about missionaries in West Africa during the colonial period could have a title that plays on two key words, such as: “Prophets or profits: The European Colonial Invasion of West Africa”.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • There are also tools available online that can generate essay titles for you based on your topic. However, the effectiveness of these title generators vary and the quality of the titles may not be as high as if you take the time to create your own. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • Your title is the first thing readers will look at, so remember it's an important part of your essay! Pick one that really captures what your paper is about.
  • Take your time picking a good title. If you're stuck, take a break and come back to it later.

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  • ↑ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6398294/
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  • ↑ https://writing.umn.edu/sws/assets/pdf/quicktips/titles.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.grammarly.com/blog/essay-title/
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  • ↑ https://education.seattlepi.com/come-up-catchy-titles-college-essays-2131.html

About This Article

Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA

To find a catchy title for your paper or essay, start by thinking of 1 or 2 keywords or phrases to include in the title that applies to the topic of your essay and will hook your reader in. You can also try looking for a key quote or phrase and using part of it in your title. Alternatively, reword a cliche or familiar phrase so that it is specific to your essay. To give your title some punch, use a play on words or double entendre, like “Prophets or profits: The Colonial Invasion of West Africa,” which will show off your creativity. For more tips from our Writing reviewer, like where and how to find good keywords to use, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Drug Development Drug development is a lengthy process but rightly so since the result should be playing a curative role and not disease inducer.
  • Miami Drug Wars of the 70s and 80s Drug use is a subject that has raised controversies for decades. This paper focuses on the drug wars in Miami outlining their social, political, and economic impacts.
  • Drug Dealing on College Campuses Regardless of the attention given to the issue, the effects of drugs on students are always understated. It is typical because the entire scope of the problem is rarely understood.
  • Drug Interactions Prevention in Nursing Guidelines The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed new guidelines to dictate how and when medications should be provided.
  • Drug-Drug and Food-Drug Interactions Drug-drug interactions occur when a medicine interferes or affects the activity of a second drug when administered together.
  • Drug Criminalization: Causes and Effects A comparison of the points made by opponents and proponents of drug decriminalization shows the differences between their overviews of the causes of drug crimes.
  • The History of Drug Addiction and Control The paper states that drug initiation can be considered a system of relations between the adolescent, family, drug culture, and society.
  • Drug Abuse and Alcohol-Related Crimes in Adolescents The current paper focuses on the topic of drug abuse and alcohol-related crimes among teenagers, showing that substances remain the most notable factor in juvenile crime.
  • Drug Errors: Enhancing Care Quality and Safety Though numerous new technologies have been developed to improve healthcare delivery, drug errors continue to be an issue in the United States.
  • Drug Addiction and Best Treatment Practices This paper will determine the role of treatment in the recovery process and analyze the best evidence-based practices.
  • Assessment and Therapeutic Approaches for Drug Addiction Clients The paper uses various drug addiction assessment methods to examine the severity, give clinicians insight into the problem and assist in psychotherapy.
  • Victimless Crimes: Drug Abuse and Sex Work This work’s primary objective is to research and analyze victimless crimes, namely drug abuse and sex work, from the viewpoint of criminology.
  • Drugs and Social Life in Iceland The nature of drug use in Iceland can be described as experimental — young people see something new in them and decide to try it out.
  • Forensic Drug Analysis Course: Reflection The most interesting part of the course is the study of various techniques for the analysis of substances and their impact on forensic research.
  • Classification of Legal and Illegal Drugs The classification of drugs as either legal or illegal provides a baseline foundation for the effect on victims and the attribute of addiction.
  • Analysis of Drug Classification The article argues drug reactions depend considerably on patients and administration methods, that’s why employees must know the basics of drug classification.
  • How Can Illegal Drugs Be Prevented From Entering Prison?
  • Can Economic Aid Make a Difference in the Flow of Drugs?
  • Are Novel Drugs Riskier for Patients Than Less Novel Drugs?
  • Can the Drugs Problem Be Tackled Primarily Through Legal Enforcement?
  • Do Drugs Are Barriers to Our Future?
  • Are Anabolic Steroids Really Pernicious Deleterious Drugs?
  • How Can Kids Best Be Convinced Not for Do Drugs?
  • Have Newer Cardiovascular Drugs Reduced Hospitalization?
  • Are Illegal Drugs Inferior Goods in the U.S.?
  • How Dangerous Are Drugs?
  • Are Psychotherapeutic Drugs Overprescribed for Treating Mental Illness?
  • How Dangerous Are Drugs and What Can We Do About the Drug Problem?
  • Are Drugs Taking Away the Excitement in Sports?
  • How Antidepressant Drugs Work Effect Us?
  • Does Medicaid Pay Too Much for Prescription Drugs?
  • Are Drugs More Detrimental to Educational Attainment?
  • Are Diet Drugs Are Safe for People?
  • Can Pharmacogenomics Improve Drugs Safely?
  • Does Price Reveal Poor-Quality Drugs?
  • How Are Biosimilar Drugs More Extensive Than Those of Generic?
  • Are Illegal Drugs Inferior Goods?
  • Does Previous Marijuana Use Increase the Use of Other Drugs?
  • How Are Drugs and Alcohol Affecting the Teenagers?
  • Are Any Drugs Derived From the Ocean Presently Approved?
  • Are the More Educated More Likely to Use New Drugs?
  • Does Coffee Contain Drugs?
  • Has the Time Come to Legalize Drugs?
  • How Cost-Effective Are New Cancer Drugs in the U.S.?
  • Are Adolescents With Abusive Parents at a Greater Risk of Abusing Drugs?
  • Can Production and Trafficking of Illicit Drugs Be Reduced?
  • Drugs and Alcohol Influence on Drivers Excessive amounts of alcohol and drugs deprive the driver of conscious control over the vehicle, leading to catastrophic consequences.
  • The Practice of Nursing Research: Drug Round Tabards The study has several implications for hospitals and nurses involved in medication distribution. It demonstrates that the implementation of drug round tabards is worth attention.
  • Drug Abuse in Homeless Community The number of homeless people is continuously increasing, creating a severe threat to a country’s general well-being.
  • The Control the Availability of Illicit Drugs The purpose of this paper is to discuss that has the federal legislation has been effective in reducing the trafficking, sale, and use of drugs.
  • Drug Testing Problem Reflection The paper discusses a need for the maintenance of a drug test policy. In the present world, this issue is further exacerbated by the legalization of marijuana in all states.
  • Ilaris(R)-Drug Usage in U.S. and Australia Ilaris(R) has been approved for use in humans by the Food and Drug Administration (US) and The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australia).
  • The Relationship Between Drugs and Addiction to Crime Systemic crime emerges from the arrangement of drug circulation. It includes conflicts over the region in rival drug traders, attacks, and executions committed in involved groups.
  • Food and Drug Administration History The paper provides a brief introduction, background, and history of the FDA and the ways in which it operates, and the practices implemented.
  • Drug Legalization from the Utilitarian Perspective The focus of the paper will be mainly on marijuana use, and such utilitarian principles as the principle of utility and the felicific calculus will be primarily applied.
  • Drug Trafficking Reduction in the United States Drug trafficking is a serious menace to society. A deeper look into how this menace can be reduced is a logical and necessary endeavor towards securing a better tomorrow.
  • Drug Abuse and Its Impact on Creativity The boosting effect of drugs on creativity is a myth because changes in thinking are a brain reaction to a narcotic that is temporary yet severe.
  • Drugs: Myths and Misconceptions Starting from the very beginning of the twentieth century and ending even today, drugs as a topic have been surrounded by a mass of myths and misconceptions.
  • Effects of Drug Use on Society Every society encounters a variety of problems that it needs to address, and one of the most common is drug use among the population.
  • Overcoming the Drug Abuse Addiction The use of narcotic drugs brings irreparable harm to health and diminishes the quality of life. Opioid abuse is a predominant problem that continues to be a concern.
  • Psychotropic Drugs Usage, Effects, Consequences Numerous aspects determine the effectiveness of drug therapy with psychotropic medication, for example, the appropriateness of the choice of pills for the disease.
  • Drug Addiction: A Choice or a Medical Disease? This article examines two opposing points of view on the problem of drug addiction – does a person have a choice to be a drug addict or is drug addiction a medical disease?
  • The Drug Trafficking as Organized Crime Drug trafficking is among the recently organized crimes, and it has a direct influence on the economy as it earns a lot of money.
  • The Link Between Drug Abuse and Corruption This paper discusses that drug abuse and corruption deserve attention. It introduces causes and reasons for drug abuse and corruption.
  • Drug Trade. “Crack” Book by David Farber The purpose of the book “Crack” by David Farber is to study what influenced the development of the drug trade industry and how this process took place.
  • Juvenile Drug Abuse Problems Analysis This essay describes the problem of juvenile drug use and applies the relevant delinquency theory. Additionally, the interventions or programs to fix the issue will be highlighted.
  • Drug Addiction: The Problem of Xanax Abuse and Its Consequences Xanax as a drug can be very addictive and difficult to stop and it is very important for anyone using the drug to be cautious and follow the instructions that are provided.
  • Psychotherapy and Counseling for Drug Abuse Treatment Drugs are the biggest vice of humanity, along with the mental and moral deviations, horrible diseases of modern times, social neglect and abuse it causes and goes along with.
  • Performance Enhancing Drugs Legalization in Sports The question that was going to be answered through various arguments in this paper was whether these drugs should be legalized.
  • Apis Mellifica as a Homeopathic Drug for Headaches Homeopathy is one of the systems of alternative medicine. The paper investigates the effectiveness of using a homeopathic drug to address headaches.
  • Shoppers Drug Mart Company’s Retail Networks The paper presents the analysis of business concept applications on the example of the Shoppers Drug Mart company. It suggests ways to maintain the market share of retail networks.
  • Drug Addiction among Nurses The United States of America has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Drug abuse among nurses is a serious problem that threatens the quality care that is offered.
  • The Phenomenon of The Use of Prescription Drugs The need to have a prescription before the drugs are acquired is usually applied in order to prevent illegal distribution, and effective use of such medicine.
  • The Business Ethics Workshop: Sex and Drugs at Work Employees should not sleep with their bosses to get promotions and pay raises because it does not conform to honesty and fairness.
  • Drug and Prostitution Issues in the Local Community The present scenario concerns a patrol officer assigned to a truck stop near a major highway encountering crime and disorder problems.
  • What Are the Costs of Drug Addiction to Society? The essay will explore the overwhelming economic and social costs of drug addiction to society and outline how can confront and reduce the costs of drug addiction.
  • The Drug Legalization Debate: A Complex Issue With Compelling Arguments Numerous social issues and concerns require close attention from the American government, including the problem of drug legalization.
  • The Aspects of the Drug Use and Media The paper states that it is true when the media portrays drug and alcohol use in a glamorous light or when characters do not experience negative consequences.
  • Drug Abuse in Pregnant Women: Effective Ways to Combat Several policies have been proposed to tackle the problem, namely financial support for therapy, voluntary sterilization, and criminal persecution.
  • Monitoring Analysis of Drug Courts: The Value of Drug Courts The value of drug courts is expressed in their positive impact on drug-related crime statistics in the first years after completion of a drug treatment program.
  • Solutions to Drug Misuse in the United States Drug abuse is a major cause of concern in the United States, with a consequential impact on people’s health and societal psychosocial and socioeconomic problems.
  • The Issue of Misuse of Prescription Drugs The paper discusses the growing problem of prescription drug abuse in the United States, its consequences such as addiction and overdose, and possible solutions.
  • Drug Abuse During Pregnancy: Policy Options Heated discussions on whether or not drug abuse during pregnancy should be illegal due to the potential risks to the developing fetus or child persist.
  • Disclosure and Nondisclosure in Drugs Prescription The case focuses on the ethical and legal implications of prescribing new medication currently in the development stage for a child under the age of 12.
  • Illegal Drug Use in Nurses: Discussion There are reasons why nurses are at risk of developing a drug addiction, which means that there is a high chance for practitioners to work with nurses who illegally use drugs.
  • Leadership in Drug Abuse Program Development Within the context of a potential intervention for drug abuse, the roles and competencies of leaders are the primary emphasis of this paper.
  • The legalization of recreational marijuana: pros and cons.
  • Should drug users be criminalized or treated?
  • Are drug companies liable for the opioid crisis?
  • Are safe injection sites effective in preventing drug overdoses?
  • The gateway drug theory: reality or a myth?
  • Are mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses justified?
  • The impact of zero tolerance drug policies in schools.
  • The therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances.
  • Why is drug testing essential in the workplace?
  • Should drug education programs be mandatory in schools?
  • Drugs and Violence Go Hand in Hand From the point of view of American researchers, substance abuse increases the chances of subjects being drawn into conflict relationships.
  • Alcohol in the Drugs and Behavior Context It is no secret that alcohol and human health are incompatible things. The most significant influence of alcohol falls on the cerebral cortex.
  • Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Public Relations The campaign conducted by Alcohol and Drug Foundation is a vivid example of how the theories and practices of PR can help alter people’s behavior.
  • Illegal Drugs: Types and Influences Illegal drugs include substances that affect the body and the brain of a person. They are divided into several groups, depending on the method of use and the impact on the brain.
  • Drug Addiction: A Disease or a Choice? Drug addiction remains a serious health concern for contemporary society. The problem of whether drug addiction can be viewed as a disease or a choice remains topical.
  • Wellbutrin and Lexapro: Drugs Affecting Neurotransmitters Wellbutrin and Lexapro are effective drugs in the fight against depressive disorder. However, the drugs are addictive.
  • Drugs and Behavior: History of Alcohol in America The ordinary colonial American drank roughly twice as much alcohol in 1770 as it does today—about three and a half gallons annually.
  • Incretin Mimetic Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes In patients with type 2 diabetes, there is a significant decrease in the incretin effect and a decrease in insulin secretion in response to an oral load.
  • Drug Addiction: The Brain Disease Drug addiction acts similarly to neurological diseases. Substances directly affected the brain, with addiction being the most acute phase of substance use disorder.
  • Random Drug Testing at the Workplace Employees in law enforcement, public health and safety, and national security should all be subjected to random drug testing.
  • Drug Repurposing in Cancer Treatment This article examines the concept of drug repurposing in the context of pharmaceutical companies’ innovation policy: the methods and economic feasibility of repurposing drugs.
  • Ethics of Using Experimental Drugs It is necessary to examine whether terminal patients have a moral right to the experimental treatment and suggest possible outcomes for this type of cure.
  • Public Policies Related to Drug Addiction Public policies related to drug addiction need to be enforced in a compassionate manner that pays attention to the unique needs of American society.
  • Economic Evaluation: Prevention of Suicide and Drug Overdose The economic evaluation of the provided scenario was conducted in four dimensions: cost-of-illness, programmatic, benefit-cost, and cost-effectiveness analyses.
  • The War on Drugs in the United States The United States government’s combat with substance abuse is called the “War on Drugs,” addressing the campaign initiated by President Nixon.
  • Zero Discrimination for People Who Use Drugs From all of the above, it follows that HIV-infected prisoners should have the same access to timely and high-quality medical care as the population.
  • The Drug Abuse Problem in Indiana Drug usage is one of Indiana’s most serious societal problems, affecting the state’s health, economy, behavioral, and criminal elements.
  • The Effect of an Antimicrobial Drug on Gene Expression This paper critically evaluates methods and techniques that can be used to assess the effect of an antimicrobial drug on global gene expression.
  • Drug Addiction as Moral Failure The paper shows that drug abuse cannot be viewed as a moral failure. Kuhar’s scientific examinations made him come to that conclusion.
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases Transmission Involving Drug Use Preventive techniques need to target drug addicts and sex workers to combat the STD epidemic and offer interventions to reduce risky sexual behaviors and drug use.
  • The Problems of Drug Misuse and Abuse and Their Management This research aims to determine the best ways to prescript drugs, the importance of drug interactions, and the potential dangers of drug abuse.
  • Drug Misuse, Abuse, and Their Factors Addiction is a recurrent, chronic disorder characterized by compulsive substance seeking and use despite harmful consequences.
  • The Anti-Drug Programs in Boston The history of drug abuse across the US has been a challenge for decades. There were various anti-drug programs introduced in Boston to curb the spread of its use in the city.
  • Drug Prescription Issues and Abuse This paper aims to determine the best ways to prescript drugs, the importance of drug interactions, and the potential dangers of drug abuse.
  • History of Drug Use in Incarceration The history of drug use in prisons go beyond 2008 with some documents indicating a steady rise in drug use between 1980 and 2008.
  • Rohypnol and Illegal Drugs in Clinical Trials The current paper discusses Rohypnol. It is a generic drug known as flunitrazepam which contains lorazepam, diazepam, and alprazolam.
  • Media Misinformation About Drug Use The United States is one of the countries with the strictest policies, rules, and regulations against the peddling and abuse of illicit drugs.
  • A Spontaneous Reporting System for Drug Safety Surveillance Post-marketing in clinical trials uses a spontaneous reporting system for drug safety surveillance where potential AEs induced by the drugs are detected.
  • Drug Abuse Demographics in Prisons Drug abuse, including alcohol, is a big problem for the people contained in prisons, both in the United States and worldwide.
  • Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strains As with any other infectious disease, TB exhibits specific signs and symptoms that help distinguish it from other illnesses.
  • Correlation of HIV, AIDS in White Males Who Are Injection Drug Users The testable hypothesis for this work states that socioeconomic status is correlated with HIV/AIDS in white males who are injection drug users.
  • COVID-19 Epidemic and Alcohol and Drug Addiction The sudden life changes during the COVID-19 epidemic make it difficult for people who suffer from alcohol and drug dependence to fight their addictions.
  • High-Level Drug Trafficking in Australia Media articles explain the problem of narcotics trafficking across the Australian border. Australia is an effective participant in international drug trafficking organizations.
  • Drug Addiction and Stigmatization The horrifying nature of stigmatization is one of the perplexing factors of drug addiction, so society should understand the role of mental and physical help for such people.
  • Drug Addiction: Analysis of Goeders and Guerin Research Goeders & Guerin (1994) point out that anxiety and stress may be involved in drug use and increased risk of dependency, as these are involved in the etiology of cocaine use.
  • COVID-19 and Drugs at Schools as Public Health Issues This paper discusses two articles on community and public health issues, specifically, concerning COVID vaccination and drugs at schools.
  • Drugs for Neglected Disease Initiative There is a significant unmet need for the treatment of many neglected diseases, as well as for patient groups impacted by these.
  • Negative Effects of Drugs on Voice The essay explores the influence of drug intake on the singer’s voice and illustrate the importance of the topic for the singer’s vocal cords maintenance.
  • Drug Abuse at the Workplace and a Policy to Address It In this proposal, a policy to address worker substance abuse and addiction, will be discussed, with both its major goals and potential benefits being outlines.
  • Drug and Substance Abuse: Sociological Causes and Explanations It is normal to think that drug and substance abuse affects only consumers. However, it also affects various aspects of society.
  • The war on drugs: the causes of its failures.
  • The impact of the war on drugs on minorities.
  • The link between the war on drugs and mass incarceration.
  • Alternatives to the war on drugs.
  • The war on drugs and human rights violations.
  • The economic costs of the war on drugs.
  • The effects of the war on drugs on drug prices and availability.
  • The impact of drug prohibition on drug use patterns.
  • The influence of the war on drugs on drug-producing countries.
  • Unintended adverse effects of the war on drugs.
  • Drug Legalization: Arguments For and Against Some people would say that the U.S. should stop the war on drugs because this war caused enormous imprisonment of small-time drug dealers.
  • Act Liability for Price-Fixing of Generic Drugs The United States Department of Justice reported that Apotex Corporation, among other drug manufacturers, paid over $400 to settle violations of the False Claims Act.
  • The Emergence of Drug-Resistant Pathogens The drug-resistant pathogens phenomenon has endangered the efficacy of drugs such as antibiotics which have helped transform modern medicine and saved countless lives.
  • Non-Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports The use of drugs is prohibited in professional sports. As for the drugs that do not improve performance, they also require control.
  • The Adverse Consequences of Substance Use Tool and the Psychoactive Drug History The patient is a 25-years old White male, homosexual, currently single. He has a medical history of having a severe case of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, clinical depression.
  • Vaccine and Antiviral Drug Supply and Distribution Problem Once the cause of the vaccine and antiviral drugs supply and distribution problem is established, it becomes possible to offer a solution.
  • The Mexican Drug War and “Queen of the South” The purpose of this paper is to explore how the Mexican drug war and cartels and their influences on Hispanic culture are reflected in this Netflix series.
  • Decriminalizing the Simple Possession of Illegal Drugs The decriminalization of illicit drugs has been mentioned as one of the most effective ways of dealing with the crisis in America.
  • Drug Dependency: Construction of a Rehabilitation Center Creating a program that would act as a foundation to help drug addicts recover from drug usage would help lessen drug dependency.
  • National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors This paper will consider the fourth principle of the organization’s ethical code, which reads: “Working in a culturally diverse world.”
  • Evaluating Harm Reduction Program for Drug Users The target population of this quantitative study includes substance users with a focus on drug addicts. Harm reduction program addresses the needs of drug addicts who seek help.
  • Drug Cartels in Mexico: Definition, Background, Mexican War on Drugs Mexican drug cartels, as one of the most powerful and well-known internationally, present the primary focus of interest in the research paper.
  • Causes and Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Drug addiction is a psychological and physical disorder that affects the brain of an individual. It is caused by dependence on drugs, alcohol, and specific behaviors.
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization The paper explains why the FDA has created a global strategy for fulfilling its mission and what are the costs and benefits to society of a more globalized food market.
  • Six Stages of Change: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction Recovery from addiction leads to lifestyle change. Individuals whose loved ones undergo the recovery process may feel long when they have doubtful expectations.
  • Types of Drugs and Types of Domestic Abuse Correlation Understanding that the consumption of particular drugs causes physical changes is essential in ascertaining the probability of a specific type of domestic violence.
  • Drug Production During Crisis: The Case of COVID-19 The essay argues that the US healthcare system is not suited to properly address crises as COVID-19 has illustrated.
  • High U.S. Drug Prices: Health Policy Log This paper presents a health policy log on why are U.S. drug prices so high, including a brief summary of the topic discussed, and an analysis of the health policy issue.
  • Why Adolescents Take Drugs: Human Development Delinquent and irresponsible behaviors such as substance abuse, violence, and unsafe safe practices produce serious social and health implications.
  • Prescription Drug Abuse Problem Providing access to prescription drugs is among the key tasks that the modern healthcare system should fulfill to increase recovery rates.
  • The Influence of Drugs and Social Media Limitless online resources are used to search for helpful information and to harass, torment anonymously, or provoke others.
  • War on Drugs: Causes and Problems Ever since a declaration on the war on drugs was made a few decades ago, arguments have not been far off. Top on the list of these disputes has been the issue of drug legalization.
  • Drug War in Border Cities: Causes and Consequences This paper examines three topics: the situation in border cities, the consequences of drug wars, and the question of whether legalization can solve the problem.
  • Consumption of Illicit Drugs in the United States Tackling the drug problem in America requires a two-pronged strategy that focuses on the demand and supply side of the problem.
  • Court Decisions on Drug Offenders The research entails an investigation into the variables that influence the sentencing decisions of judges in drug offenders’ cases.
  • Drug Testing in Pharmacology The aim of this paper is to analyze and review drug tests within the population of third-world countries and define whether these trials are ethical.
  • Cause and Effect of Drug Addiction As a result of drug misuse, there are changes in the functioning of neurological pathways in the human brain, with the associated physical; and mental health deterioration.
  • Support for the Legalization of the Drug Consumption The appropriate use of drugs is everyone’s responsibility, and whether legalized or illegalized by the government may not reduce its abuse.
  • Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program Successful addiction treatment is comprised of three aspects, constructing the addiction treatment: body, mind, and soul.
  • Analysis of Drugs in American Society by E. Goode According to Goode, a number of scholars state that abuse is the use of drugs without a related medical prescription.
  • Mandatory Drug Tests for Nursing Students Nursing schools have therefore tried to address this issue and one of the most commonly used tools is the mandatory drug test.
  • Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among the Aboriginal and Torres Islander People The paper evaluates the patterns of alcohol and other drug usage among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and drug-related harms.
  • The Problem of Legalizing Drugs The problem of drugs legalization is a topic for debate in many countries where politicians, sociologists, philosophers, and other experts try to address the consequences of using drugs.
  • The Effect of Prohibition Alcohol and Drug Use Although Prohibition reduced consumption in the initial period, it does not imply that it realized success; neither did it make the community better.
  • How Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry is Used in Drug Screening Drugs like glucocorticosteroids are tested using LC/MS method. The paper has two different examples of how LC-MS is used in drug screening to understand better.
  • Random Drug Testing: Pros and Cons Random drug testing (RDT) is becoming a common practice in many industries. This type of testing involves the analysis of urine or blood samples of existing employees randomly.
  • Drugs in the Modern Sports Athletes can do almost anything to better their abilities, whether it is putting in extra hours in the gym, eating healthy, or experimenting with different workout routines.
  • Patient Rights to Experimental Drugs The paper discusses why patients should have the right to decide if they would like to use drugs that have not been proven effective when there are no other treatment options.
  • Drug Issues in Watertown, New York Every day, people smuggle drugs to the city to profit from peddling lethal drugs, calling a need for effective initiatives to root out drug trafficking in the area.
  • Racism, Racial Profiling and Bias in the War on Drugs Racial profiling occurs when law enforcement bases their criminal investigations on race, ethnicity, or religion, which in the process undermines human rights and freedom.
  • Variables That Impact Sentencing Decision of Judges in Drug Offender Cases
  • The Effectiveness of Drugs in Medicine
  • Doctors’ Knowledge on Drug Prescription
  • Drug Trafficking and Terrorism in the Middle East
  • Drugs and Crime Committed Under the Influence
  • Combating the Local Drug Distribution in Missouri
  • Colombian and Mexican Drug Cartels and Their Impact in the U.S.
  • Prescription Drug Abuse as a Community Health Issue
  • Crime Trends: Drug Abuse in Adults and Juveniles
  • Substance Abuse: Alcohol and Drugs in the Movie “Ray”
  • Trade and Usage Control: Drug Enforcement Administration
  • “Addicts Who Survived” by David Courtwright: American Addiction to Narcotics Problem and Anti-drug Policies
  • The Interrelationship Among a Bacterial Pathogen and Antimicrobial Drugs
  • Should All or Certain Drugs Be Legalized?
  • Drug Release: Ethical Dilemma in Pharmaceutics
  • Drug Abuse in Correction Facilities
  • Distribution of Fake Drugs: Analysis of a Criminal Case
  • An Overview of Drug Addiction
  • Medication Safety and Drug Therapy Process
  • Reducing the Number of Adverse Drug Events Among Older Adults: An Action Plan
  • A Study of Drug Allergy, Iron Poisoning and Abnormal Bone Mineral Metabolism
  • Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Amendment
  • The Role of Forensics in the War on Drugs
  • The Effects of Drugs on a Man’s Reproductive System
  • Schizophrenia Treatment With Approved Drug
  • Patients Receiving Antipsychotic Drugs: Neuroleptic Syndrome
  • Reducing Adverse Drug Events Among Older Adults
  • The U.S. Drug Prices Assessment
  • Drug Abuse in the United States’ Social Context
  • The Drug Courts: The Question of Drug Abuse
  • Drugs for Treating Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders
  • The Importation of Drugs into the United States
  • Regulation of Drug Compounding
  • Community Health: Prescription Drug Abuse
  • The Concept of the “War on Drugs”
  • Two Acts on Drug Law Comparison
  • Quality Patient Care: Drug Errors and Nurses
  • Drug Addiction: Elimination of Incarcerations
  • Health Issue Analysis: Prescription Drug Abuse
  • Carl Hart’s Talk on Racism, Poverty, and Drugs
  • “Addicts Who Survived” by David Courtwright: Crucial Work on Drug Addiction
  • Why Government Needs Drug Control Policy?
  • War on Drugs: Fighting the Way We Are Not Likely to Win
  • Pharmacogenomics Impact on Individual Drug Effectiveness
  • Drug Use and Biological Development in Adolescents
  • Reality in Drug Addiction Research: Ethnography
  • The Drug Abuse in the U.S. Navy: The Problem Analysis
  • The High Cost of Specialty Drugs
  • Overmedication of Children With Psychotropic Drugs
  • Misguided Perception of Drug Addiction
  • International Drug Policy in Russia and the US
  • OxyContin as a Legitimate Drug and a Drug of Abuse
  • “Should Drugs Be Legalized?” by William Bennett
  • Drug Abuse Factors: Substance Use Disorder
  • Prescription Drug Cost Transparency
  • Effects of Drugs on the State of Consciousness
  • A Right to Experimental Drugs
  • Legalization of Marijuana and Other Illegal Drugs
  • The Problem of Increased Morbidity From Adverse Drug Events in Older Adults
  • Drug Abuse and Addiction: Risk Factors
  • Bacterial Cells and Chemotherapeutic Drugs
  • Research Drug Safety Approaches
  • The Relations Between Drug Abuse and Criminal Justice
  • Cocaine as a Drug Chosen for Medical Research
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Organizations
  • Specialty Drugs Costs and Insurance
  • Legalization of Marijuana: The Pros and Cons of the Drug
  • Drug Abuse: Impaired American Society
  • The Issue of Drug Abuse in the Community of Kinsburg
  • Caffeine and Performance of Drugs in Adolescents
  • Support Services and the Case Review: Drug and Alcohol Addiction
  • Health Reform Bill on Drugs in the United States
  • The Theme of Drug Abuse in Egan’s Book
  • Arguments For and Against Allowing Drug Use in Sports
  • Drugs in Perspective: Models of Addiction
  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace
  • The Money Factor in Drug and Alcohol Treatment
  • The Problem of Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States
  • Performance Enhancing Drugs and the Student Athletes
  • Clandestine Drug Laboratory Dangers
  • Drug Use, Dealing and Violence
  • Global Trends Affecting a Local Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers
  • Criminalizing Drug Usage: Effects and Consequences
  • Drugs to Wipe Out Traumatic Memories
  • Mexican Drug Cartels: A Transnational Threat
  • Information Technology and Mexican Drug Cartels
  • Investigating the Issue of Drug Trafficking Through the Points
  • Profession of US Drug Enforcement Agent
  • Random Drug Test on College Athletes
  • Drugs and Society Violent Crime: Public Drunkenness
  • Opioid Drug Regulation: Legislative Letter
  • American Prohibition and the War Against Drugs
  • Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction and Various Policies Related to Drugs
  • Drug Abuse and Crime Correlation
  • Mandatory Job Drug Test Should Be Allowed
  • Physical Privacy and Drug Testing
  • Drugs and Drug Related Crimes
  • Sports Violations: Drug Use in Baseball
  • Anti-Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education Programs
  • Drug Enforcement and War on Drugs
  • “Blood for Sale” and “Drug Dilemmas”: Articles Reviews
  • Legalizing Drugs, an Irrational and Harmful Choice
  • Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
  • Mechanism of Action and Clinical Application of Antiviral Drugs
  • Pharmacology: Drug Licensing Opportunity
  • Mifepristone Drug: To Approve or to Disapprove?
  • Criminal Justice Ethics: Police Corruption & Drug Sales
  • Prescribed Drugs With Complementary and Alternative Medicines
  • Current Sources of Evidence-Based Standards and Guidelines for Prescribing Psychiatric Drugs
  • Drug Addiction Is a Chronic Disease
  • Drug Theme in “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin
  • Drug Trafficking: Investigation on Frank Lucas
  • Law: Drug Treatment and Testing Orders
  • Drug Use in the Workplace: The Case of Acme-Antiroadrunner Inc.
  • Violence in the 20th-Century Latin America: Colombian Drug Wars, Dictatorship in Chile, and Undiscovered Personal Tragedies
  • Drug Abuse Case: Jenny G
  • Nurse Misconduct and Drug Diversion as Legal Issue
  • E-Prescribing Drug Technology in the Healthcare
  • Computerized Provider Order Entry Against Drug Errors
  • Drug Prescription Policy Analysis
  • Prescription Drug Misuse in Elderly Patients
  • Food and Drug Administration – Regulatory Agency
  • Fear Appeal in Anti-Drug Abuse Public Campaign
  • Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Offenders
  • Soderbergh’s Traffic and the U.S. War on Drugs
  • Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients
  • Health Policy: 340B Drug Pricing Program
  • Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs
  • War on Drugs Through a Socio-Political Framework
  • Drug-Dealing Organizations in Latin American Politics
  • Drugs and Society: Drug Use and Its Impact on Culture and Society
  • Random Drug Testing in Schools
  • Psychoactive Drugs, Society, and Human Behaviour
  • Black Theology and Its Impact on Drug Addiction
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Effectiveness
  • Undercover Police Investigations in Drug-Related Crimes
  • “Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction” by Choate
  • Behind the War on Drugs
  • Drug Test on Welfare Recipients
  • Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Aspirin
  • Drug Abuse Treatment in Nursing
  • Pramlintide as Anti-Diabetic Drug
  • Antiseizure Medications and Antipsychotic Drugs
  • Eli Lilly and Company: Drug Firm Analysis
  • The Drug Enforcement Administration Business Model
  • Addressing the Growing Cost of the Prescription Drugs
  • Nurse Practitioner as a Drug Prescriber
  • Pharmacy and Policy: Inappropriate Prescription of Drugs
  • Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation’s Retail and Services
  • Teenage Drug and Substance Abuse
  • Drug Abuse Among Homeless People in Miami
  • The Problem of Drug Use and Heroin Addiction in US
  • Using Free and Secure Trade to Smuggle Drugs
  • Food and Drug Administration Fast-Track Approval
  • Computerized Entry of Drug Prescribing Order
  • Healthcare Financing and Drug Addiction
  • Ethics of Abortion and Over-the-Counter Drugs
  • Drug Therapy: Nicotine Interference with Contraceptives
  • Drugs Comparison: Montelukast, Flovent and Albuterol
  • Prescription Drug Use in the United States
  • Drug Safety Approach in Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS, and Songs on Social Issues
  • Drug War Failure and Associated Problems
  • Adverse Drug Events: Evidence-Based Project
  • Miami-Dade Community Needs: Alcohol and Drug Addiction
  • Can Hospitals Manufacture Drugs in the US?
  • Prescription Drugs Prices and Services in Florida
  • Female Drug Abuser’s Recovery Care Plan
  • Nonmedical Use of Drugs and Negative Sexual Events
  • The War on Drugs and the Corrections System
  • Understanding Drug and Non-Drug Addictions
  • Casinos: Occupational Safety and Drug-Free Workplace
  • Drug Safety Approach in Administration and Nursing
  • Adverse Drug Events and Nurses’ Awareness
  • Drug War’s Impact on the US Correction System
  • Racial Injustice in America’s Drug War: Policy Failures and Solutions
  • How Mexico Drug Cartels Are Supporting Conflicts?
  • Sentencing Policies on Drug Offences
  • Drug Dealing Reasons in East Harlem, New York City
  • Drug Courts Policy and Its Evaluation
  • Drugs and Jazz in James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”
  • American Great Wall to Reduce the Number of Illegal Immigrants and Illegal Drugs
  • Analysis of Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Characteristics, Treatment and Prevention
  • Illicit Drug Use Among American Youths
  • Minimizing Prescription Drug Abuse in Oklahoma
  • Performance Enhancing Drugs and Professional Sport
  • Sociology: Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problem
  • Crisis of Chemical Dependence: Drug Abuse
  • Drugs and Prison Overcrowding
  • Drug Abuse: The Prevalent Practice in Different Parts of the World

This article has covered:

Whether you’re looking for a topic about illegal drugs or those used in medicine, StudyCorgi has a suitable title for you.
Searching for drug research project ideas? On this page, you’ll find topics about various drug-related issues, including drug trafficking, drug testing, and drug addiction.
You’ll find many samples of persuasive and argumentative essays, analytical papers, and informative essays raising awareness of drug abuse and other drug-related problems.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/

"429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Drugs were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 21, 2024 .

39 spicy titles for my memoir or yours

Courtesy of Unsplash.com

Constructing the memoir of your life can be a truly grueling process. The most crucial element to consider, of course, is the enticing title. The stakes are incredibly high  — with the wrong label, your entire life could be inaccurately represented. For widespread applicability, I have laid out options for some niche lifestyles.

For the foodie:

  • BuzzFeed, what kind of cheese am I?
  • What to expect when you’re expecting a food baby
  • DTF: Down to feast?
  • I’m eating fries in my parked car
  • I’m just here for the cake
  • I almost just ate something healthy
  • The art of consuming Domino’s pizza
  • And then they gave me an oatmeal raisin cookie…
  • Boba for the soul
  • Coffee and carbs: A delicacy like no other
  • How did I get food on my forehead, again?
  • I put too much Kraft parmesan on my spaghetti
  • Are you going to finish that?

For the risqué:

  • I asked for a water cup and filled it with Coke
  • “This is my face. I’m not mad”: The plight of RBF
  • Nobody cares
  • Is it better to roast or to toast?
  • Sugar, spice and everything nice or sarcasm, Pepsi and everything sexy?
  • Do I want bangs, or should we just talk about my feelings?
  • Sorry, Mom.
  • “I’m 29. I can finally play a high schooler on TV. Thank you, Jackson Stewart”: On starting my Disney career later in life
  • I did a thing, and I’m not sorry
  • Goal Digger
  • I turned off my autocorrect, and I only journal in pen: A baddie’s guide to writing
  • Trial and lots of error

For the hot mess:

  • I never really know what’s going on
  • I’m late, and I’m sweating
  • Still in bed
  • Call me again in 3-5 business days
  • Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over my internal monologue
  • “I think I just said the funniest thing ever”: The story of my delusional comedy career
  • I haven’t changed my sheets in like a year.
  • Floor-seat mentality with a nosebleed budget
  • I wasn’t gonna cry in Starbucks though, yk?
  • Do I look like an Android user?
  • Rock my Crocs off
  • “Sorry, my Uber is here”: A beginner’s guide to exiting swiftly from awkward situations
  • Crap, I really need to finish my memoir

Okay, maybe these titles don’t reflect your life story in their simplicity, but hopefully they made you smile a bit.

For more stream of consciousness musings, contact Alanna Flores at alanna13 ‘at’ stanford.edu.

Alanna Flores '22 is a Managing Editor of The Grind. Contact her at alanna13 'at' stanford.edu.

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Home » Slogans » Catchy Slogans » 101 Examples of Catchy No Smoking Slogans and Taglines

101 Examples of Catchy No Smoking Slogans and Taglines

A list of 101 catchy no smoking slogans for fighting the cause of smoking. These taglines are targeted towards bringing attention to the harmful chemicals and long term effects of smoking cigarettes.

Arsenic kills if you swallow it. Tobacco kills if you smoke it. Be A Fighter; Put Down The Lighter. Be Cool – Don’t Be a Smoking Fool. Be Cool, Don’t be a Fool. Be important, don’t be impotent. Be smart. Don’t start. Breathe healthily, live happily. Bullying is like smoking, it can kill. Cancer cures smoking. Choice is yours but don’t be late. Cigarettes are killers that travel in packs. Cigarettes burn holes in your pocket. Cigarettes: You take my breath away. Cough twice for Philip Morris. Did you know your mouth is on fire? Do it before it’s too late. Don’t be a Butthead. Don’t let your future go up in smoke. Don’t pout, put it out. Don’t puff your life away. Don’t smoke – there are cooler ways to die. Don’t smoke you will choke! Don’t smoke, it’s not a joke. Don’t burn your life with cigarettes. Don’t let your life be destroyed by yourself. Everyone has a right to clean air. Hang tough, don’t puff. I don’t dig your cig. I like smoking. It kills off a lot of stupid people. I quit because my kids love me. If you can’t stop smoking, cancer will. Is smoking good for business? Not if you want long-term customers. Kill the cigarettes or they kill you. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. Lions, and Tigers and Bears oh my… Drinking and Smoking and Drugs? Goodbye! Listen to your lungs, they are crying. Live it or Burn it… Make it last forever. People are haters of smokers. Please keep smoking. Our planet is overcrowded. Put it down. Put it out before it puts you out. Quit and stay healthy. Quit smoking before smoking quits you. Quit smoking. It kills! Quitting has never felt so good! Save Money – Quit Smoking! Save your lungs, save your life. Say no to smoking. Say sorry to cigarettes. Say yes to life. Share clean air. Smart folks don’t use smokes. Smart people don’t smoke. Smoke and choke. Smoke away your worries, not your lungs. Smoke can cause a slow and painful death. Smoke. Stink. Die. Smokers are jokers – Don’t smoke. Smokers are losers. Smoking – Suicide for Cowards. Smoking and coughing live together. Smoking BATTERS your Health. No-Smoking BETTERS your health. Smoking cigarettes is so yesterday. Smoking FAIL your Health. No-Smoking BAIL your health. Smoking INJURES your Health. No-Smoking INSURES your health. Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They’re rich; you’re dead. Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics. Smoking is very glamorous, if you like deep wrinkles. Smoking makes you ugly. Smoking PACK-UP your Health. No-Smoking BACK-UP your health. Smoking prohibited. PEZing allowed. Smoking SCARES your Health. No-Smoking CARES your health. Smoking SLICE your Health. No-Smoking SPLICE your health. Smoking Stinks! Smoking the dope won’t help you cope. Smoking TORTURE your Health. No-Smoking NURTURE your health. Smoking? You must be joking… Smoking…a Grave Mistake. Stay healthy and stop smoking. Stop calling cancer. Stop smoking now. Stop smoking, or you will be croaking. Stop smoking. Start living. Tar the roads, not your lungs. The “Marlboro Man” died of lung cancer. The cigarette does the smoking – you’re just the sucker. The Cigarette is dead. There are cooler ways to die than smoking. Think smoking is cool then you are a fool. Tobacco companies kill their best customers. Tobacco is wacko. Tobacco or Health: Choose Health. Too much smoke will leave you broke. Trash the Ash. Who says being a quitter is a bad thing? You can live without it. You smoke, you die early, you save the government money. You take my breath away. Your health is in your hands. Your Money Going Up in Smoke.

The below infographic outlines statistics from the 1.3 billion people worldwide that smoke. This equates to a ratio of 1 in every 5 people that smoke globally.


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Tips and Examples to Create Catchy Titles and Get More Readers

An attractive title can trigger reader response, as your title is a snapshot of what to expect in your essay or book. Catchy titles for essays, newsletters, articles, blogs, science projects and autobiographies have a big effect on your readership.

Catchy Titles

Creative and tricky titles catch the attention of the readers. To fulfill the expectations of the readers, you should also have good content in your essay, article, or newsletter. Here are some examples of catchy titles in different areas of writing. Pay attention while reading the following titles and watch which titles grab your attention.

Science projects

School going children are often interested in science fair projects. A title in the ‘question form’ always arouses curiosity of the reader to know more.

Attractive Titles for Science Projects

Cow chewing cud

~ How do Mosquitoes Breed ~ How to Make an Egg Float ~ Tornado in a Bottle ~ Does Music Affect Plant Growth ~ Why Does the Cow Keep Chewing Cud? ~ Physics of Baseball

Creating unusual titles for essays is almost same as creating attractive titles for science projects. Essay writing is an art but title writing also requires skills.

Good Titles for Essays

Global warming

~ Three Ways in Which Chemistry is Related to Your Life ~ Importance of Media ~ Bad Effects of High Population ~ Ways to Save Money ~ Is Praying Beneficial ~ Global Warming and Deforestation ~ Pros and Cons of Zoos ~ Bilingual Education in School ~ Living Without Television ~ How Much is Too Much Homework ~ Mobile Phones – Necessity or Nuisance

Impressive Titles for Articles

Spanish wine

~ Why is the Sky Blue ~ Why is the Ocean Salty ~ Why Am I Always Hungry ~ Am I Overweight ~ Why Do Dogs Eat Grass ~ Side Effects of Fish Oil ~ Advantages of Internet Banking ~ What Women Want from Men ~ How to be a Good Husband ~ Rioja – Spain’s Great Wine


One of the most common naming techniques used by people is using the name of your niche in your newsletter. This explains what the content is about. The target market also plays an important role. Some names are creative, catchy and easy to remember. The risk in such names is that the audience can’t understand what your newsletter is about.

Appealing Titles for Newsletters

Working at home

~ Affiliate Marketers Weekly ~ Pet Lovers Tips & Trends ~ Christians Weekly Talks ~ Work at Home Moms ~ Blue Velvet Times ~ Zapping Tides ~ Daily Bread

These days, blogging is quite common. You can express and share your thoughts through your blog. You can even earn a lot of money through advertisements; but for that your blog should have good and authentic content. A good title can definitely bring more visitors. Blog name should be readable and memorable. One should find it easy to spell and pronounce. It should be short and obviously unique. Here are a few examples of good blog-titles.

Nice Titles for Blogs

Tea and book

~ Mind Salad ~ Slow Turtle ~ Fresh Kites ~ Thanks a Lot ~ Daily Insanity ~ Born Confused ~ Death Valley ~ Short Circuit ~ Here Comes da Pain ~ We Regret To Inform U ~ Caffeine in My Brain


Autobiographies of world-famous personalities are read by people with curiosity. They don’t need any introduction. In fact, a simple title is enough for a reader to pick up the book. Some autobiography titles are symbolic, revealing the facts in the life of the person.

Perfect Titles for Autobiographies

Mahatma Gandhi

~ Jackie Chan, I Am Jackie Chan: My Life in Action, 1998 ~ Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 1869 ~ Helen Keller, The Story of My Life, 1903 ~ Mark Twain, Mark Twain’s Autobiography, Posthumous, 1907 ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), 1925 ~ Mahatma Gandhi, The Story of My Experiments with Truth, 1927 and 1929 ~ Nirad C. Chaudhuri, The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian, 1951

~ Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1969 ~ Ronald Reagan, An American Life, 1990 ~ Nelson Mandela, Long Walk To Freedom, 1995 ~ Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father, 1996 ~ A P J Abdul Kalam, Wings of Fire, 1999 ~ Craig Thompson, Blankets, 2003 ~ Chelsea Handler, My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands, 2005 ~ Ronald Reagan, The Reagan Diaries, 2007 ~ Fidel Castro, My Life – A Spoken Autobiography, 2006 ~ Eminem, The Way I am, 2008

Writing Captivating and Creative Titles

The article title or the newsletter title is the key to getting people to open up and read your article. Catchy titles for science projects can make the reader enthusiastic. A good title sums up what the essay is all about. With the help of a nice title, you can influence a book buyer to buy your book. People do judge the book by its cover. Without an attractive title, the rest of your words may be in vain.

Splendid subject matter

~ For writing impressive titles, you should first take into consideration the subject matter, how you are going to argue, etc. If you have chosen one word, then you should look for the synonyms; as you may get a catchier word than the original word you’ve chosen.

Crisp title

~ Your title should not be either too long or too short. Don’t cram too much information into the title. Re-read your title aloud and check whether it sounds like a paragraph, cut out some words to make it as concise as possible. The title should sound catchy.

~ Being specific will make your reader pay more attention to your articles, essays or newsletters. The title should reflect the things which the audience is looking for.

Target audience

~ Determine your audience and then decide on a title. For writing a better title, you should put yourself in the reader’s shoes.

~ You can then try puns or play on words which can give your title a clever element as long as they’re not overly cheesy.

Imitating famous titles

~ You may try imitating any famous TV show title or select a phrase from any famous song which can work as a catchy title.

Simple words

~ You should avoid difficult to pronounce words in your title. The language should be simple.

If your articles or essays are on the Internet, title plays a major role in the whole phenomenon. By using title as a part of your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, you can cover the top 10, top 20 and top 30 results to increase your on-line exposure. Writing attention-seeking titles involves imagination and creativity. Skillfully designed titles lure people into clicking. These days, software that generate random albeit super catchy titles for articles that are bound to make people click, are available. You can enter subjects to generate titles related to them. So, generating attractive titles is no big problem.

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235 Smoking Essay Topics & Examples

Looking for smoking essay topics? Being one of the most serious psychological and social issues, smoking is definitely worth writing about.

🏆 Best Smoking Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

🥇 good titles for smoking essay, 👍 best titles for research paper about smoking, ⭐ simple & easy health essay titles, 💡 interesting topics to write about health, ❓ essay questions about smoking.

In your essay about smoking, you might want to focus on its causes and effects or discuss why smoking is a dangerous habit. Other options are to talk about smoking prevention or to concentrate on the reasons why it is so difficult to stop smoking. Here we’ve gathered a range of catchy titles for research papers about smoking together with smoking essay examples. Get inspired with us!

Smoking is a well-known source of harm yet popular regardless, and so smoking essays should cover various aspects of the topic to identify the reasons behind the trend.

You will want to discuss the causes and effects of smoking and how they contributed to the persistent refusal of large parts of the population to abandon the habit, even if they are aware of the dangers of cigarettes. You should provide examples of how one may become addicted to tobacco and give the rationales for smokers.

You should also discuss the various consequences of cigarette use, such as lung cancer, and identify their relationship with the habit. By discussing both sides of the issue, you will be able to write an excellent essay.

Reasons why one may begin smoking, are among the most prominent smoking essay topics. It is not easy to begin to enjoy the habit, as the act of smoke inhalation can be difficult to control due to a lack of experience and unfamiliarity with the concept.

As such, people have to be convinced that the habit deserves consideration by various ideas or influences. The notion that “smoking is cool” among teenagers can contribute to the adoption of the trait, as can peer pressure.

If you can find polls and statistics on the primary factors that lead people to tweet, they will be helpful to your point. Factual data will identify the importance of each cause clearly, although you should be careful about bias.

The harmful effects of tobacco have been researched considerably more, with a large body of medical studies investigating the issue available to anyone.

Lung cancer is the foremost issue in the public mind because of the general worry associated with the condition and its often incurable nature, but smoking can lead to other severe illnesses.

Heart conditions remain a prominent consideration due to their lethal effects, and strokes or asthma deserve significant consideration, as well. Overall, smoking has few to no beneficial health effects but puts the user at risk of a variety of concerns.

As such, people should eventually quit once their health declines, but their refusal to do so deserves a separate investigation and can provide many interesting smoking essay titles.

One of the most prominent reasons why a person would continue smoking despite all the evidence of its dangers and the informational campaigns carried out to inform consumers is nicotine addiction.

The substance is capable of causing dependency, a trait that has led to numerous discussions of the lawfulness of the current state of cigarettes.

It is also among the most dangerous aspects of smoking, a fact you should mention.

Lastly, you can discuss the topics of alternatives to smoking in your smoking essay bodies, such as e-cigarettes, hookahs, and vapes, all of which still contain nicotine and can, therefore, lead to considerable harm. You may also want to discuss safe cigarette avoidance options and their issues.

Here are some additional tips for your essay:

  • Dependency is not the sole factor in cigarette consumption, and many make the choice that you should respect consciously.
  • Cite the latest medical research titles, as some past claims have been debunked and are no longer valid.
  • Mortality is not the sole indicator of the issues associated with smoking, and you should take chronic conditions into consideration.

Find smoking essay samples and other useful paper samples on IvyPanda, where we have a collection of professionally written materials!

  • How Smoking Is Harmful to Your Health The primary purpose of the present speech is to inform the audience about the detrimental effects of smoking. The first system of the human body that suffers from cigarettes is the cardiovascular system.
  • Conclusion of Smoking Should Be Banned on College Campuses Essay However, it is hard to impose such a ban in some colleges because of the mixed reactions that are held by different stakeholders about the issue of smoking, and the existing campus policies which give […]
  • Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places? Besides, smoking is an environmental hazard as much of the content in the cigarette contains chemicals and hydrocarbons that are considered to be dangerous to both life and environment.
  • Smoking: Problems and Solutions To solve the problem, I would impose laws that restrict adults from smoking in the presence of children. In recognition of the problems that tobacco causes in the country, The Canadian government has taken steps […]
  • Should Cigarettes Be Banned? Essay Banning cigarette smoking would be of great benefit to the young people. Banning of cigarette smoking would therefore reduce stress levels in people.
  • Advertisements on the Effect of Smoking Do not Smoke” the campaign was meant to discourage the act of smoking among the youngsters, and to encourage them to think beyond and see the repercussions of smoking.
  • Smoking Cigarette Should Be Banned Ban on tobacco smoking has resulted to a decline in the number of smokers as the world is sensitized on the consequences incurred on 31st May.
  • Causes and Effects of Smoking Some people continue smoking as a result of the psychological addiction that is associated with nicotine that is present in cigarettes.
  • Quitting Smoking: Strategies and Consequences Thus, for the world to realize a common positive improvement in population health, people must know the consequences of smoking not only for the smoker but also the society. The first step towards quitting smoking […]
  • Smoking and Its Effects on Human Body The investigators explain the effects of smoking on the breath as follows: the rapid pulse rate of smokers decreases the stroke volume during rest since the venous return is not affected and the ventricles lose […]
  • Hookah Smoking and Its Risks The third component of a hookah is the hose. This is located at the bottom of the hookah and acts as a base.
  • On Why One Should Stop Smoking Thesis and preview: today I am privileged to have your audience and I intend to talk to you about the effects of smoking, and also I propose to give a talk on how to solve […]
  • “Thank You For Smoking” by Jason Reitman Film Analysis Despite the fact that by the end of the film the character changes his job, his nature remains the same: he believes himself to be born to talk and convince people.
  • Teenage Smoking and Solution to This Problem Overall, the attempts made by anti-smoking campaigners hardly yield any results, because they mostly focus on harmfulness of tobacco smoking and the publics’ awareness of the problem, itself, but they do not eradicate the underlying […]
  • Peer Pressure and Smoking Influence on Teenagers The study results indicate that teenagers understand the health and social implications of smoking, but peer pressure contributes to the activity’s uptake.
  • Smoking and Its Negative Effects on Human Beings Therefore, people need to be made aware of dental and other health problems they are likely to experience as a result of smoking.
  • Smoking Cessation and Patient Education in Nursing Pack-years are the concept that is used to determine the health risks of a smoking patient. The most important step in the management plan is to determine a date when the man should quit smoking.
  • Ban of Tobacco Smoking in Jamaica The first part of the paper will address effects of tobacco smoking on personal health and the economy. Cognizant of its international obligation and the aforementioned health effects of tobacco smoke, Jamaica enacted a law […]
  • Smoking Among Teenagers as Highlighted in Articles The use of tobacco through smoking is a trend among adolescents and teenagers with the number of young people who involve themselves in smoking is growing each day.
  • Aspects of Anti-Smoking Advertising Thus, it is safe to say that the authors’ main and intended audience is the creators of anti-smoking public health advertisements.
  • Health Care Costs for Smokers Higher Tobacco taxes Some of the smokers have the same viewpoint that the current level of taxes imposed on the tobacco is high, 68%, and most of them, 59%, are in agreement for the increase […]
  • Smoking: Effects, Reasons and Solutions This presentation provides harmful health effects of smoking, reasons for smoking, and solutions to smoking. Combination therapy that engages the drug Zyban, the concurrent using of NRT and counseling of smokers under smoking cessation program […]
  • Cigarette Smoking in Public Places Those who argue against the idea of banning the smoking are of the opinion that some of them opt to smoke due to the stress that they acquire at their work places.
  • The Change of my Smoking Behavior With the above understanding of my social class and peer friends, I was able to create a plan to avoid them in the instances that they were smoking.
  • Health Promotion for Smokers The purpose of this paper is to show the negative health complications that stem from tobacco use, more specifically coronary heart disease, and how the health belief model can help healthcare professionals emphasize the importance […]
  • Gender-Based Assessment of Cigarette Smoking Harm Thus, the following hypothesis is tested: Women are more likely than men to believe that smoking is more harmful to health.
  • Hazards of Smoking and Benefits of Cessation Prabhat Jha is the author of the article “The Hazards of Smoking and the Benefits of Cessation,” published in a not-for-profit scientific journal, eLife, in 2020.
  • The Impact of Warning Labels on Cigarette Smoking The regulations requiring tobacco companies to include warning labels are founded on the need to reduce nicotine intake, limit cigarette dependence, and mitigate the adverse effects associated with addiction to smoking.
  • Psilocybin as a Smoking Addiction Remedy Additionally, the biotech company hopes to seek approval from FDA for psilocybin-based therapy treatment as a cigarette smoking addiction long-term remedy.
  • Investing Savings from Quitting Smoking: A Financial Analysis The progression of interest is approximately $50 per year, and if we assume n equal to 45 using the formula of the first n-terms of the arithmetic progression, then it comes out to about 105 […]
  • Smoking as a Community Issue: The Influence of Smoking A review of the literature shows the use of tobacco declined between 1980 and 2012, but the number of people using tobacco in the world is increasing because of the rise in the global population.
  • Smoking Public Education Campaign Assessment The major influence of the real cost campaign was to prevent the initiation of smoking among the youth and prevent the prevalence of lifelong smokers.
  • Quitting Smoking and Related Health Benefits The regeneration of the lungs will begin: the process will touch the cells called acini, from which the mucous membrane is built. Therefore, quitting the habit of smoking a person can radically change his life […]
  • Smoking and Stress Among Veterans The topic is significant to explore because of the misconception that smoking can alleviate the emotional burden of stress and anxiety when in reality, it has an exacerbating effect on emotional stress.
  • Smoking as a Predictor of Underachievement By comparing two groups smoking and non-smoking adolescents through a parametric t-test, it is possible to examine this assumption and draw conclusions based on the resulting p-value.
  • Smoking and the Pandemic in West Virginia In this case, the use of the income variable is an additional facet of the hypothesis described, allowing us to evaluate whether there is any divergence in trends between the rich and the poor.
  • Anti-Smoking Policy in Australia and the US The anti-smoking policy is to discourage people from smoking through various means and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, as well as to prevent the spread of the desire to smoke.
  • Smoking Prevalence in Bankstown, Australia The secondary objective of the project was to gather and analyze a sufficient amount of auxiliary scholarly sources on smoking cessation initiatives and smoking prevalence in Australia.
  • Drug Addiction in Teenagers: Smoking and Other Lifestyles In the first part of this assignment, the health problem of drug addiction was considered among teens and the most vulnerable group was established.
  • Anti-Smoking Communication Campaign’s Analysis Defining the target audience for an anti-smoking campaign is complicated by the different layers of adherence to the issue of the general audience of young adults.
  • Smoking Cessation Project Implementation In addition, the review will include the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence presented in the literature while identifying gaps and limitations.
  • Smoking Cessation and Health Promotion Plan Patients addicted to tobacco are one of the major concerns of up-to-date medicine as constant nicotine intake leads to various disorders and worsens the health state and life quality of the users.
  • Maternal and Infant Health: Smoking Prevention Strategies It is known that many women know the dangers of smoking when pregnant and they always try to quit smoking to protect the lives of themselves and the child.
  • A Peer Intervention Program to Reduce Smoking Rates Among LGBTQ Therefore, the presumed results of the project are its introduction into the health care system, which will promote a healthy lifestyle and diminish the level of smoking among LGBTQ people in the SESLHD.
  • Smoking Cessation Programs Through the Wheel of Community Organizing The first step of the wheel is to listen to the community’s members and trying to understand their needs. After the organizer and the person receiving treatment make the connection, they need to understand how […]
  • Smoking: Benefits or Harms? Hundreds of smokers every day are looking for a way to get rid of the noose, which is a yoke around the neck, a cigarette.
  • The Culture of Smoking Changed in Poland In the 1980-90s, Poland faced the challenge of being a country with the highest rates of smoking, associated lung cancer, and premature mortality in the world.
  • The Stop Smoking Movement Analysis The paper discusses the ideology, objective, characteristics, context, special techniques, organization culture, target audience, media strategies, audience reaction, counter-propaganda and the effectiveness of the “Stop Smoking” Movement.”The Stop Smoking” campaign is a prevalent example of […]
  • Health Promotion Plan: Smokers in Mississippi The main strategies of the training session are to reduce the number of smokers in Mississippi, conduct a training program on the dangers of smoking and work with tobacco producers.
  • Smoking Health Problem Assessment The effects of smoking correlate starkly with the symptoms and diseases in the nursing practice, working as evidence of the smoking’s impact on human health.
  • Integration of Smoking Cessation Into Daily Nursing Practice Generally, smoking cessation refers to a process structured to help a person to discontinue inhaling smoked substances. It can also be referred to as quitting smoking.
  • E-Cigarettes and Smoking Cessation Many people argue that e-cigarettes do not produce secondhand smoke. They believe that the e-fluids contained in such cigarettes produce vapor and not smoke.
  • Introducing Smoking Cessation Program: 5 A’s Intervention Plan The second problem arises in an attempt to solve the issue of the lack of counseling in the unit by referring patients to the outpatient counseling center post-hospital discharge to continue the cessation program.
  • Outdoor Smoking Ban in Public Areas of the Community These statistics have contributed to the widespread efforts to educate the public regarding the need to quit smoking. However, most of the chronic smokers ignore the ramifications of the habit despite the deterioration of their […]
  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy for Adult Smokers With a Psychiatric Disorder The qualitative research methodology underlines the issue of the lack of relevant findings in the field of nicotine replacement therapy in people and the necessity of treatment, especially in the early stages of implementation.
  • Smoking and Drinking: Age Factor in the US As smoking and drinking behavior were both strongly related to age, it could be the case that the observed relationship is due to the fact that older pupils were more likely to smoke and drink […]
  • Smoking Cessation Clinic Analysis The main aim of this project is to establish a smoking cessation clinic that will guide smoker through the process of quitting smoking.
  • Cigarette Smoking Among Teenagers in the Baltimore Community, Maryland The paper uses the Baltimore community in Maryland as the area to focus the event of creating awareness of cigarette smoking among the teens of this community.
  • Advocating for Smoking Cessation: Health Professional Role Health professionals can contribute significantly to tobacco control in Australia and the health of the community by providing opportunities for smoking patients to quit smoking.
  • Lifestyle Management While Quitting Smoking Realistically, not all of the set goals can be achieved; this is due to laxity in implementing them and the associated difficulty in letting go of the past lifestyle.
  • Smoking in the Actuality The current use of aggressive marketing and advertising strategies has continued to support the smoking of e-cigarettes. The study has also indicated that “the use of such e-cigarettes may contribute to the normalization of smoking”.
  • Analysis of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act The law ensures that the FDA has the power to tackle issues of interest to the public such as the use of tobacco by minors.
  • “50-Year Trends in Smoking-Related Mortality in the United States” by Thun et al. Thun is affiliated with the American Cancer Society, but his research interests cover several areas. Carter is affiliated with the American Cancer Society, Epidemiology Research Program.
  • Pulmonology: Emphysema Caused by Smoking The further development of emphysema in CH can lead to such complications caused by described pathological processes as pneumothorax that is associated with the air surrounding the lungs.
  • Smoking and Lung Cancer Among African Americans Primarily, the research paper provides insight on the significance of the issue to the African Americans and the community health nurses.
  • Health Promotion and Smoking Cessation I will also complete a wide range of activities in an attempt to support the agency’s goals. As well, new studies will be conducted in order to support the proposed programs.
  • Maternal Mental Health and Prenatal Smoking It was important to determine the variables that may lead to postpartum relapse or a relapse during the period of pregnancy. It is important to note that the findings are also consistent with the popular […]
  • Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation For instance, the authors are able to recognize the need to classify the level of intensity in respect to the intervention that is employed by nurses towards smoking cessation.
  • Smoking and Cancer in the United States In this research study, data on tobacco smoking and cancer prevalence in the United States was used to determine whether cancer in the United States is related to tobacco smoking tobacco.
  • Marketing Plan: Creating a Smoking Cessation Program for Newton Healthcare Center The fourth objective is to integrate a smoking cessation program that covers the diagnosis of smoking, counseling of smokers, and patient care system to help the smokers quit their smoking habits. The comprehensive healthcare needs […]
  • Risks of Smoking Cigarettes Among Preteens Despite the good news that the number of preteen smokers has been significantly reducing since the 1990s, there is still much to be done as the effects of smoking are increasingly building an unhealthy population […]
  • Public Health Education: Anti-smoking Project The workshop initiative aimed to achieve the following objectives: To assess the issues related to smoking and tobacco use. To enhance the health advantages of clean air spaces.
  • Healthy People Program: Smoking Issue in Wisconsin That is why to respond to the program’s effective realization, it is important to discuss the particular features of the target population in the definite community of Wisconsin; to focus on the community-based response to […]
  • Health Campaign: Smoking in the USA and How to Reduce It That is why, the government is oriented to complete such objectives associated with the tobacco use within the nation as the reduction of tobacco use by adults and adolescents, reduction of initiation of tobacco use […]
  • Smoking Differentials Across Social Classes The author inferred her affirmations from the participant’s words and therefore came to the right conclusion; that low income workers had the least justification for smoking and therefore took on a passive approach to their […]
  • Cigarette Smoking Side Effects Nicotine is a highly venomous and addictive substance absorbed through the mucous membrane in the mouth as well as alveoli in the lungs.
  • Long-Term Effects of Smoking The difference between passive smoking and active smoking lies in the fact that, the former involves the exposure of people to environmental tobacco smoke while the latter involves people who smoke directly.
  • Smoking Cessation Program Evaluation in Dubai The most important program of this campaign is the Quit and Win campaign, which is a unique idea, launched by the DHCC and is in the form of an open contest.
  • Preterm Birth and Maternal Smoking in Pregnancy The major finding of the discussed research is that both preterm birth and maternal smoking during pregnancy contribute, although independently, to the aortic narrowing of adolescents.
  • Enforcement of Michigan’s Non-Smoking Law This paper is aimed at identifying a plan and strategy for the enforcement of the Michigan non-smoking law that has recently been signed by the governor of this state.
  • Smoking Cessation for Patients With Cardio Disorders It highlights the key role of nurses in the success of such programs and the importance of their awareness and initiative in determining prognosis.
  • Legalizing Electronic Vaping as the Means of Curbing the Rates of Smoking However, due to significantly less harmful effects that vaping produces on health and physical development, I can be considered a legitimate solution to reducing the levels of smoking, which is why it needs to be […]
  • Inequality and Discrimination: Impact on LGBTQ+ High School Students Consequently, the inequality and discrimination against LGBTQ + students in high school harm their mental, emotional, and physical health due to the high level of stress and abuse of various substances that it causes.
  • Self-Efficacy and Smoking Urges in Homeless Individuals Pinsker et al.point out that the levels of self-efficacy and the severity of smoking urges change significantly during the smoking cessation treatment.
  • “Cigarette Smoking: An Overview” by Ellen Bailey and Nancy Sprague The authors of the article mentioned above have presented a fair argument about the effects of cigarette smoking and debate on banning the production and use of tobacco in America.
  • “The Smoking Plant” Project: Artist Statement It is the case when the art is used to pass the important message to the observer. The live cigarette may symbolize the smokers while the plant is used to denote those who do not […]
  • Dangers of Smoking While Pregnant In this respect, T-test results show that mean birthweight of baby of the non-smoking mother is 3647 grams, while the birthweight of smoking mother is 3373 grams. Results show that gestation value and smoking habit […]
  • The Cultural Differences of the Tobacco Smoking The Middle East culture is connected to the hookah, the Native American cultures use pipes, and the Canadian culture is linked to cigarettes.
  • Ban on Smoking in Enclosed Public Places in Scotland The theory of externality explains the benefit or cost incurred by a third party who was not a party to the reasoning behind the benefit or cost. This will also lead to offer of a […]
  • How Smoking Cigarettes Effects Your Health Cigarette smoking largely aggravates the condition of the heart and the lung. In addition, the presence of nicotine makes the blood to be sticky and thick leading to damage to the lining of the blood […]
  • Alcohol and Smoking Abuse: Negative Physical and Mental Effects The following is a range of effects of heavy alcohol intake as shown by Lacoste, they include: Neuropsychiatric or neurological impairment, cardiovascular, disease, liver disease, and neoplasm that is malevolent.
  • Smoking Prohibition: Local Issues, Personal Views This is due to the weakening of blood vessels in the penis. For example, death rate due to smoking is higher in Kentucky than in other parts of the country.
  • Ban Smoking in Cars Out of this need, several regulations have been put in place to ensure children’s safety in vehicles is guaranteed; thus, protection from second-hand smoke is an obvious measure that is directed towards the overall safety […]
  • Smoking: Causes and Effects Considering the peculiarities of a habit and of a disease, smoking can be considered as a habit rather than a disease.
  • Smoking and Its Effect on the Brain Since the output of the brain is behavior and thoughts, dysfunction of the brain may result in highly complex behavioral symptoms. The work of neurons is to transmit information and coordinate messengers in the brain […]
  • Smoking Causes and Plausible Arguments In writing on the cause and effect of smoking we will examine the issue from the point of view of temporal precedence, covariation of the cause and effect and the explanations in regard to no […]
  • Summary of “Smokers Get a Raw Deal” by Stanley Scott Lafayette explains that people who make laws and influence other people to exercise these laws are obviously at the top of the ladder and should be able to understand the difference between the harm sugar […]
  • Smoking Qualitative Research: Critical Analysis Qualitative research allows researchers to explore a wide array of dimensions of the social world, including the texture and weave of everyday life, the understandings, experiences and imaginings of our research participants, the way that […]
  • Motivational Interviewing as a Smoking Cessation Intervention for Patients With Cancer The dependent variable is the cessation of smoking in 3 months of the interventions. The study is based on the author’s belief that cessation of smoking influences cancer-treated patients by improving the efficacy of treatment.
  • Factors Affecting the Success in Quitting Smoking of Smokers in West Perth, WA Australia Causing a wide array of diseases, health smoking is the second cause of death in the world. In Australia, the problem of smoking is extremely burning due to the high rates of diseases and deaths […]
  • Media Effects on Teen Smoking But that is not how an adult human brain works, let alone the young and impressionable minds of teenagers, usually the ads targeted at the youth always play upon elements that are familiar and appealing […]
  • Partnership in Working About Smoking and Tobacco Use The study related to smoking and tobacco use, which is one of the problematic areas in terms of the health of the population.
  • Causes and Effects of Smoking in Public The research has further indicated that the carcinogens are in higher concentrations in the second hand smoke rather than in the mainstream smoke which makes it more harmful for people to smoke publicly.
  • Quitting Smoking: Motivation and Brain As these are some of the observed motivations for smoking, quitting smoking is actually very easy in the sense that you just have to set your mind on quitting smoking.
  • Health Effects of Tobacco Smoking in Hispanic Men The Health Effects of Tobacco Smoking can be attributed to active tobacco smoking rather than inhalation of tobacco smoke from environment and passive smoking.
  • Smoking in Adolescents: A New Threat to the Society Of the newer concerns about the risks of smoking and the increase in its prevalence, the most disturbing is the increase in the incidences of smoking among the adolescents around the world.
  • Smoking and Youth Culture in Germany The report also assailed the Federal Government for siding the interest of the cigarette industry instead of the health of the citizens.
  • New Jersey Legislation on Smoking The advantages and disadvantages of the legislation were discussed in this case because of the complexity of the topic at hand as well as the potential effects of the solution on the sphere of public […]
  • Environmental Health: Tabaco Smoking and an Increased Concentration of Carbon Monoxide The small size of the town, which is around 225000 people, is one of the reasons for high statistics in diseases of heart rate.
  • Advanced Pharmacology: Birth Control for Smokers The rationale for IUD is the possibility to control birth without the partner’s participation and the necessity to visit a doctor just once for the device to be implanted.
  • Legislation Reform of Public Smoking Therefore, the benefit of the bill is that the health hazard will be decreased using banning smoking in public parks and beaches.
  • Smoking Bans: Protecting the Public and the Children of Smokers The purpose of the article is to show why smoking bans aim at protecting the public and the children of smokers.
  • Clinical Effects of Cigarette Smoking Smoking is a practice that should be avoided or controlled rigorously since it is a risk factor for diseases such as cancer, affects the health outcomes of direct and passive cigarette users, children, and pregnant […]
  • Public Health and Smoking Prevention Smoking among adults over 18 years old is a public health issue that requires intervention due to statistical evidence of its effects over the past decades.
  • Smoking Should Be Banned Internationally The questions refer to the knowledge concerning the consequences of smoking and the opinions on smoking bans. 80 % of respondents agree that smoking is among the leading causes of death and 63, 3 % […]
  • Microeconomics: Cigarette Taxes and Public Smoking Ban The problem of passive smoking will be minimized when the number of smokers decreases. It is agreeable that the meager incomes of such families will be used to purchase cigarettes.
  • Tobacco Debates in “Thank You for Smoking” The advantage of Nick’s strategy is that it offers the consumer a role model to follow: if smoking is considered to be ‘cool’, more people, especially young ones, will try to become ‘cool’ using cigarettes.
  • Alcohol and Smoking Impact on Cancer Risk The research question is to determine the quantity of the impact that different levels of alcohol ingestion combined with smoking behavioral patterns make on men and women in terms of the risks of cancer.
  • Indoor Smoking Restriction Effects at the Workplace Regrettably, they have neglected research on the effect of the legislation on the employees and employers. In this research, the target population will be the employees and employers of various companies.
  • Hypnotherapy Session for Smoking Cessation When I reached the age of sixty, I realized that I no longer wanted to be a smoker who was unable to take control of one’s lifestyle.
  • Social Marketing: The Truth Anti-Smoking Campaign The agreement of November 1998 between 46 states, five territories of the United States, the District of Columbia, and representatives of the tobacco industry gave start to the introduction of the Truth campaign.
  • Smoking Experience and Hidden Dangers When my best college friend Jane started smoking, my eyes opened on the complex nature of the problem and on the multiple negative effects of smoking both on the smoker and on the surrounding society.
  • South Illinois University’s Smoking Ban Benefits The purpose of this letter is to assess the possible benefits of the plan and provide an analysis of the costs and consequences of the smoking ban introduction.
  • Smoking Cessation in Patients With COPD The strategy of assessing these papers to determine their usefulness in EBP should include these characteristics, the overall quality of the findings, and their applicability in a particular situation. The following article is a study […]
  • Smoking Bans: Preventive Measures There have been several public smoking bans that have proved to be promising since the issue of smoking prohibits smoking in all public places. This means it is a way of reducing the exposure to […]
  • Ban Smoking Near the Child: Issues of Morality The decision to ban smoking near the child on father’s request is one of the demonstrative examples. The father’s appeal to the Supreme Court of California with the requirement to prohibit his ex-wife from smoking […]
  • The Smoking Ban: Arguments Comparison The first argument against banning smoking employs the idea that smoking in specially designated areas cannot do harm to the health of non-smokers as the latter are supposed to avoid these areas.
  • Philip Morris Company’s Smoking Prevention Activity Philip Morris admits the existence of scientific proof that smoking leads to lung cancer in addition to other severe illnesses even after years of disputing such findings from health professionals.
  • Tobacco Smoking and Its Dangers Sufficient evidence also indicates that smoking is correlated with alcohol use and that it is capable of affecting one’s mental state to the point of heightening the risks of development of disorders.
  • Virginia Slims’ Impact on Female Smokers’ Number Considering this, through the investigation of Philip Morris’ mission which it pursued during the launch of the Virginia Slims campaign in 1968-1970 and the main regulatory actions undertaken by the Congress during this period, the […]
  • Tuberculosis Statistics Among Cigarette Smokers The proposal outlines the statistical applications of one-way ANOVA, the study participants, the variables, study methods, expected results and biases, and the practical significance of the expected results.
  • Smoking Habit, Its Causes and Effects Smoking is one of the factors that are considered the leading causes of several health problems in the current society. Smoking is a habit that may be easy to start, but getting out of this […]
  • Smoking Ban and UK’s Beer Industry However, there is an intricate type of relationship between the UK beer sector, the smoking ban, and the authorities that one can only understand by going through the study in detail The history of smoking […]
  • Smokers’ Campaign: Finding a Home for Ciggy Butts When carrying out the campaign, it is important to know what the situation on the ground is to be able to address the root cause of the problem facing the population.
  • Mobile Applications to Quit Smoking A critical insight that can be gleaned from the said report is that one of the major factors linked to failure is the fact that smokers were unable to quit the habit on their own […]
  • Behavior Modification Technique: Smoking Cessation Some of its advantages include: its mode of application is in a way similar to the act of smoking and it has very few side effects.
  • Effects of Thought Suppression on Smoking Behavior In the article under analysis called I suppress, Therefore I smoke: Effects of Thought Suppression on Smoking Behavior, the authors dedicate their study to the evaluation of human behavior as well as the influence of […]
  • Smoking Cessation Methods These methods are a part of NRT or nicotine replacement therapy, they work according to the principle of providing the smoker with small portions of nicotine to minimize the addiction gradually and at the same […]
  • Understanding Advertising: Second-Hand Smoking The image of the boy caught by the smoke is in the center of the picture, and it is in contrast with the deep black background.
  • People Should Quit Smoking Other counseling strategies such as telephone calls and social support also serves the ultimate goal of providing a modern approach in which counseling can be tailored to suit the counseling needs of an individual smoker. […]
  • Importance of Quitting Smoking As such, quitting smoking is important since it helps relief the worry and the fear associated with possibility of developing cancer among other smoking-related illnesses. It is therefore important to quit smoking if the problems […]
  • Anti-Smoking Campaign in Canada This is not the first attempt that the federal government of Canada intends to make in reducing the prevalence of smoking in the country.
  • Electronic Cigarettes: Could They Help University Students Give Smoking Up? Electronic Cigarettes An electronic cigarette is an electronic device that simulates the act of smoking by producing a mist which gives the physical sensation and often the flavor and the nicotine just as the analog […]
  • Psychosocial Smoking Rehabilitation According to Getsios and Marton most of the economic models that evaluate the effects of smoke quitting rehabilitation consider the influence of a single quit attempt.
  • Combating Smoking: Taxation Policies vs. Education Policies This is a considerable provision in the realms of health; hence, the efforts created by the government to curb this trend should be supported fully. In this regard, there is need to reduce the mentioned […]
  • The Program to Quit Smoking The second stage of the evaluation proves revealed the benefits of the program for the hospital in terms of discount rates for employees, age categories involved in the program. This process consists in selection of […]
  • Smoking Culture in Society Smoking culture refers to the practice of smoking tobacco by people in the society for the sheer satisfaction and delight it offers.
  • Possible Smoking Policies in Florida Majority also think that went it comes to workplaces hotels and bars it would be more appropriate to provide specific smoking zones as opposed to total bans The implications of the policy adopted therefore affect […]
  • Smoking Ban in the State of Florida These are the Total Ban Policy, the Partial Ban policy and the Liberated Smoking policy. The policy is authoritarian and ignores the interests of the smokers.
  • Core Functions of Public Health in the Context of Smoking and Heart Disease In the relation to our problem, heart attacks and smoking, it is important to gather the information devoted to the number of people who suffered from heart attacks and indicate the percentage rate of those […]
  • Putting Out the Fires: Will Higher Taxes Reduce the Onset of Youth Smoking? According to the article under consideration, increase in price of cigarettes can positively or negatively affect the rate of smoking among the youth.
  • Smoking Bans in US The issue of whether to ban smoking indoors by the governments of various countries is popular as they try to take a step towards curbing the harmful effects of smoking.
  • Smoking as Activity Enhancer: Schizophrenia and Gender Once learning the effects which nicotine has on people’s health and the relation between gender and schizophrenia, one can possibly find the ways to prevent the latter and to protect the people in the high-risk […]
  • Medical Coverage for Smoking Related Diseases However, one of the most oblivious reasons is that it is a deterrent to this behavior, which is harmful to the life of the smoker.
  • Exposure to mass media proliferate smoking The chronological array of events in the study with actual days of research and findings, prints out reality and easily enable the readers to connect the subjects of the study with the actual events that […]
  • The Realm of reality: Smoking In a nutshell, it can be argued that the definition of a man or a woman is different and not the same as in earlier days.
  • Ethical Problem of Smoking Since the job is urgent and therefore needed in a few days time, I would request her to work on the job with the promise that I will communicate her complaints to Frank and Alice […]
  • The Rate of Smoking Among HIV Positive Cases. To determine if use of group work among HIV positive smokers will be an effective strategy in reducing smoking habit among the target cases, then it is essential that this study establish if use of […]
  • Studying the Government’s Anti-Smoking Measures The methodology of study includes the review of the articles devoted to the anti-smoking measures of the Federal Government and application of economic theories to them.
  • Smoking Should Be Banned In the United States For numerous decades, smoking has remained the most disastrous problem in the universe in spite of the full awareness of the risk accompanied with its use.
  • Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Theory on Smoking Cessation
  • Effectiveness of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation
  • Wayco Company’s Non-smoking Policy
  • Adverse Aspects of Smoking
  • Negative Impacts of Smoking on Individuals and Society
  • Cannabis Smoking in Canada
  • Smoking Ban in the United States of America
  • Dangers of Smoking Campaign
  • Smoking Ban in New York
  • Smoking and Adolescents
  • Trends in Smoking Prevalence by Race/Ethnicity
  • Business Ethics: Smoking Issue
  • Should Smoking Tobacco Be Classified As an Illegal Drug?
  • Where Does the Path to Smoking Addiction Start?
  • Public Health Communication: Quit Smoking
  • Are Estimated Peer Effects on Smoking Robust?
  • Are There Safe Smoking and Tobacco Options?
  • What Are the Health Risks of Smoking?
  • Does Cigarette Smoking Affect Body Weight?
  • Does Cigarette Smuggling Prop Up Smoking Rates?
  • What Foods Help You Quit Smoking?
  • How Can People Relax Without Smoking?
  • Does Education Affect Smoking Behaviors?
  • Is Vaping Worse Than Smoking?
  • Do Movies Affect Teen Smoking?
  • What Is Worse: Drinking or Smoking?
  • Does Smoking Affect Breathing Capacity?
  • Does Smoking Cause Lung Cancer?
  • Does Having More Children Increase the Likelihood of Parental Smoking?
  • Does Smoking Cigarettes Relieve Stress?
  • Does Time Preference Affect Smoking Behavior?
  • How Does Smoking Affect Cardiovascular Endurance?
  • How Hypnosis Can Help You Quit Smoking?
  • How Does Smoking Affect Brain?
  • How Nicotine Affects Your Quit Smoking Victory?
  • How Does Secondhand Smoking Affect Us?
  • Why Is Smoking Addictive?
  • How Smoking Bans Are Bad for Business?
  • Why Smoking Should Not Be Permitted in Restaurants?
  • Why Public Smoking Should Be Banned?
  • Why Has Cigarette Smoking Become So Prominent Within the American Culture?
  • What Makes Smoking and Computers Similar?
  • Does Smoking Affect Schooling?
  • What Effects Can Cigarette Smoking Have on the Respiratory System?
  • What Are the Most Prevalent Dangers of Smoking and Drinking?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 235 Smoking Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/smoking-essay-examples/

"235 Smoking Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/smoking-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '235 Smoking Essay Topics & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "235 Smoking Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/smoking-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "235 Smoking Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/smoking-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "235 Smoking Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/smoking-essay-examples/.

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17 Techniques to Craft Irresistible Titles [Free Templates!]

catchy titles for alcohol essays

How to create titles?

No matter what title you want to create, it's a good idea to stick to these 6 basic rules:

  • Fulfill with a promise
  • Test different variants
  • Use the language of benefits
  • Write concisely and specifically
  • Remember about SEO
  • Appeal to the emotions of your audience

1. Keep your promise

2.test, test, and test again - test.

Create several versions of one title. The first thought in creating a headline may not always be the best one. A good headline needs to be analyzed. Having several variants to choose from will make it easier for you to choose the perfect one. You can also try A / B test and change the titles from time to time even after the text is published. Thanks to the statistics from analytical tools, you will find out which title brings better results. Use different techniques of persuasion and choose different keywords. See what works for your audience and what search engines like. Remember that there is no single recipe for a successful headline for every article. Choose a formula that reflects the nature of your text.

3. Use the language of benefits

Use your title to tell the users what they will gain from reading the article. Use the information gap and include interesting facts or specialist knowledge in the article. It is worth sharing your own experience - this will make your article unique. Revealing secrets in the form of a case study or a guide based on your own experience will undoubtedly be perceived by your users as valuable.

4. Write concisely and specifically

The catchy headline should be short. It's best if you can fit in 70 characters with spaces. It is also essential in terms of positioning. Search engines will not display the full title if you exceed the maximum of 600 pixels. The more extended title will be cut off and thus will lose the original message and power of persuasion.

5. Remember about SEO 

The title is the perfect place to put your keywords. Choose the most important keywords that define your industry or are closely related to the article's topic. Use free keyword planning tools for this. However, remember not to overdo it with the number of keywords in the header. Otherwise, you'll get an effect keyword stuffing that looks unnatural.

BOWWE Growth Hack

Use long-tail phrases. Extended terms are more unique - with their help, you can describe the problem in detail. It can be difficult for you to break through the competition in search engine rankings with really popular single keywords.

6. Appeal to your audience's emotions.

Use language that will touch your readers' emotions. Instead of referring to the facts themselves, express your enthusiasm in words (Learn SEO basics easily - it's possible). Personalize your title and address the recipient directly, preferably you. Formal phrases can be dissuasive, while too general, impersonal phrases will lose their force in the message.

17+ proven patterns for building catchy titles

Are you struggling to create headlines that grab your readers' attention and leave them wanting more? Do you find yourself staring at a blank page, searching for inspiration and ideas?

Don’t worry because copywriting formulas are here to save the day! These powerful writing techniques have been used by copywriters and marketing gurus for years, and for a good reason. They are incredibly versatile and can be adapted to fit almost any type of content. Simply input your topic into one of these formulas, and voila - a captivating headline is born.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's dive into the world of copywriting formulas and discover the secret to crafting titles that will drive traffic to your website and keep your readers engaged.

How to create catchy headlines?

  • Apply the information gap
  • Create lists and tips
  • Use numbers
  • Start with How
  • Show a faster way to achieve your goal
  • Use storytelling
  • Reveal a hitherto unknown secret
  • Create guides and tutorials
  • Keep others from making a mistake
  • Show ready solutions
  • Help save others time and money
  • Start with Why
  • Show what your content contains
  • Stay updated
  • Show the recipient what they should do
  • Refer to others
  • Use Power Words

1. Apply the information gap

Have you ever heard of the curiosity gap? It's the gap between what we know and what we can know. Whenever our mind encounters incomplete information, we experience this gap. Our natural instinct is to satisfy our curiosity and quickly fill in the missing pieces.

As a content creator, you can leverage this information gap to ignite the reader's thirst for knowledge. And the best way to do this is through a captivating title! By withholding essential details in the headline, you can create an untold story that entices readers to click and explore further. This approach works particularly well when the topic addresses the reader's personal situation and provides valuable insights.

So, how can you create an information gap with a title? Here are some examples to inspire you:

  • Revealed: The Shocking Cost of Hiring a New Employee
  • Is Your Profession Among the Top Gainers in Today's Job Market?
  • Brace Yourself: The Unstoppable Rise in Price of Your Favorite Smartphone
  • By using these tried-and-tested techniques, you can create titles that engage readers and drive traffic to your content.

Curiosity gap vs. clickbait

It's crucial to distinguish the curiosity gap from clickbait. Unlike clickbait, which manipulates readers' emotions and lures them into clicking a title by making false promises, the curiosity gap technique piques readers' interest without misleading them.

Clickbait often leaves readers disappointed as the article fails to deliver the promised value. Such poor quality content can trigger readers' fury, and this tactic is frequently employed by gossip websites to increase clicks.

2. Create lists, guides, and tips

One of the most effective ways to write an engaging article is to transform it into a list of practical tips, inspirations, or a checklist.

By dividing the content into easy-to-follow steps or sub-items, you can create a specific hierarchy that organizes the text and makes it easier to read. This approach not only makes the content clear and understandable for the reader but also makes it easier for you to write. 

Furthermore, listed texts tend to go viral and increase the chances that readers will choose this type of article. This is because they provide a guarantee that the reader will find specific information in the article rather than having to sift through a massive amount of text. 

Additionally, listed texts allow readers to quickly scan the article during a short break at work and find the most exciting information.

3. Use numbers

Person pushing a number into the title

Looking to attract more eyeballs to your content? Consider using numbers in your title - they're a proven tactic that can draw in readers with their numerical structure. By starting your title with a number, you can make it stand out from the crowd of letter-based titles out there.

For maximum impact, try using odd numbers - they're more attention-grabbing than even ones. Instead of the tired and true "5" or "10" ways to do something, go for something like "7 secrets to skyrocket your website traffic".

Need some inspiration? Here are a few examples of compelling number-based titles:

  • 6 must-visit destinations in Italy that will leave you breathless
  • 8 steps to building the perfect website, even if you're not a tech expert
  • 11 creative ideas for writing articles that readers can't resist

4. Start with the How 

When searching for information, people typically use the word "How" to formulate their queries. By incorporating this word into your title, you can pique the reader's interest and guarantee the popularity of your content.

If your article is a tutorial or you're sharing your experience, starting your title with "How" suggests that your text contains the answer to a specific question. The beauty of this technique lies in its directness, as the reader expects a clear and concise solution. However, it's important to deliver on your promise and provide the reader with the answer they're seeking.

Consider these examples:

  • How to Effectively Stay in Shape After Losing Weight
  • How to Create Engaging Blog Content When You're Not an Expert
  • How to Earn Your First Blogging Income

But don't limit yourself to just "How" questions. You can also turn your title into any other thought-provoking question, like:

  • At What Age is it Best to Launch Your Own Business?
  • Should You Combine Work and Passion for More Income?
  • What Are the Traits of the Best Project Managers?

5. A faster way to achieve a goal

As humans, we crave fast and impressive results with minimal effort, and this holds true for online content as well. To captivate your audience and encourage them to take action, it's crucial to provide them with intelligent solutions, tutorials, or beginner's guides that can expedite their progress. Crafting titles that offer shortcuts is an effective way to do this, and here are some proven examples:

  • Start Your Own Blog in Just a Month
  • Increase Your Earnings with Only 5 Hours of Work Daily
  • Master Coding by Practicing for Just an Hour a Day

6.  Storytelling

The word title that has the growth of a tree inside of it

There's nothing that resonates more with readers than authenticity. And what better way to achieve that than by telling a captivating story or sharing a personal experience?

Incorporating storytelling into your content can work wonders, whether you're writing an article or a case study. To create an effective title, try using this formula: "How did we get there" or "How I did it."

Check out these examples to get an idea of what we're talking about:

  • "Here's How We Developed an App Prototype in Just 3 Weeks"
  • "How I Transformed My Qualifications and Became a Programmer at 50"
  • "From a Garage Computer to the Most Valuable Company in the World: The Story of Apple"

If you want to boost your traffic to the next level, consider using these proven techniques to create captivating titles.

7. Reveal an unknown secret 

Unlock exclusive knowledge and make your readers feel special with these proven techniques. Everyone loves a good mystery, and by sharing insider secrets from successful companies, such as cracking the Google algorithm for more effective positioning, you'll keep your readers hooked.

  • "7 Sins No Manager Will Confess"
  • "Biggest Corruption Scandals in History"
  • "How to Write an Article to Alienate Everyone? The Biggest Mistakes of Copywriters"

These attention-grabbing titles will help you achieve the highest traffic and keep your readers coming back for more.

8. Create guides, tutorials

One effective way to create engaging titles is to provide clear and helpful instructions on how to do or use something. Guides can take many forms, including articles, videos, or infographics, and can establish you as an expert in your field. Updating them is also a breeze, as you can simply add new threads to keep them fresh and relevant.

  • Ahrefs' Mega Guide: Effective Competition Analysis
  • The Indispensable Guide to Uploading Your First YouTube Video
  • Whip Up Your First Course in Just 15 Minutes with This Simple Mixer Instruction Manual

Another effective approach is to use the "How..." formula to offer a ready solution to users' problems. For instance:

  • How to Create a Portfolio Even Without Much Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • How to Start Coding from Scratch: A Comprehensive Tutorial

With these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to crafting irresistible titles that will drive traffic to your site and establish your authority in your niche.

9. Protect others from making a mistake

Making mistakes can be costly, which is why we all want to learn from those who have more experience. Be the wise mentor for your audience by sharing your knowledge and advising them on what to avoid. By imparting your expertise, you can help them achieve their highest traffic goals.

Some title examples to inspire you:

  • Don't make these 9 common copywriting mistakes – learn from the pros
  • Wedding planning disasters: Top mistakes to avoid at all costs!
  • How to outsmart hackers: Tips and tricks to keep your website safe

10. Show solutions

It's important to remember that your title should offer value to your readers. By providing them with advice that can simplify their lives or save them time, you're more likely to capture their attention. Make sure to highlight the specific benefits that your solution can provide, such as a six-pack in six weeks or getting rid of greasy stains in just four steps.

Another key factor in crafting an irresistible title is to make it sound achievable. People love shortcuts, so if you can promise success with minimal effort, you'll instantly pique their interest. Just be careful not to over-promise or suggest something that's impossible to achieve in a short amount of time.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Achieving a Six-Pack in Just Six Weeks!
  • Say Goodbye to Greasy Stains: Four Proven Ways to Keep Your Clothes Looking Fresh

11. Save others time and money  

A clock that has instead of numbers, coins

In the world of product and solution options, there's always room for improvement. It's crucial to present your audience with the most advantageous alternatives to save their time and money. It's time to show them that they're not stuck with just one solution. Adding descriptive adjectives like "free," "fast," and "cheap" can help attract them even more.

Check out these captivating titles that will surely attract your audience and increase your traffic:

  • Unleash your creativity with a free Photoshop alternative!
  • Don't have the budget for a social media specialist? Discover practical content tweaking tools!
  • Are influencers' favorite powders too pricey? Try this cheap and effective alternative!

12. Start with Why

Give your recipient a question that accurately reflects their doubts and answer them satisfactorily way. This solution also gives a chance to appear in recommended fragments (features snippets) from Google. 

Recommended fragments (featured snippets) 

These are fragments of the website that correspond in the best way (according to Google) to the entered query in the search engine. They should not be confused with paid advertising. Google selects the fragments that best fit the query itself. They can be in the form of a list, answer to a question, instructions, etc. 

Three fragments

Search for a phrase "featured snippets"

To write a captivating title that attracts maximum traffic, it's important to pose a question that reflects the reader's doubts and provides a satisfactory answer. Here are some examples of attention-grabbing titles that utilize this technique:

  • Why is the grass green? Unveiling the Science Behind Nature's Color Palette
  • Why should you take out health insurance even if you have never been seriously ill? Exploring the Importance of Preemptive Health Measures
  • Why is it worth saving money? List of the most important benefits that you never thought of

Alternatively, you can use similar word combinations to pose intriguing questions in your title. Here are some more examples:

  • What are the top secrets of successful entrepreneurs? Lessons from the World's Top Business Leaders
  • How to create an SEO strategy that will skyrocket your website's ranking? A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering SEO
  • Where can you find the best travel deals in 2023? Insider Tips for Budget-Friendly Travel

13. Show what your content contains

When it comes to writing captivating titles, there are plenty of proven techniques that can help you stand out in the crowded online space. One such technique is to highlight unique elements of your content, such as an interview or a photo gallery, in the title itself. 

Another effective strategy is to promote additional resources or content, such as downloadable PDFs, right in the title. 

By doing so, you'll be able to entice readers with valuable information and resources, increasing your chances of driving more traffic to your site.

Check out these examples of captivating titles that utilize these proven techniques:

  • "How to Slash Your Daily Calorie Intake: Our Expert Tips and Tricks [+ Table]"
  • "Discover the Hottest Reads of the Year: Vote in Our TOP 10 Books Poll"
  • "Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Look: Our Photo Report from the 2023 Oscars"

Incorporate an intriguing quote from an interview or conversation. By doing so, you'll grab your audience's attention and pique their curiosity.

Need some inspiration? Check out these examples:

  • "I've always felt this was the right way." - Katy Perry reveals her secrets to success
  • Expert opinion: "Social Media is bad for children's mental health" - What you need to know
  • James Oliver on the growing popularity of Asian cuisine: "It should have happened a long time ago" 

Remember to choose quotes wisely - they should be concise and add value to the title. With this technique, you'll be one step closer to achieving your highest traffic yet!

15. Stay informed

Add the current year to your title when creating tutorials, guides, or summaries. This not only adds a sense of urgency but also signals to your readers that the information is fresh and relevant.

Check out these examples of captivating titles that use this technique:

  • Ahrefs Competitor Analysis: The Ultimate Guide (2023 Edition)
  • What's On: The Top Events in Warsaw for June and July 2023
  • Fashion Forecast: The 10 Trends That Will Dominate in 2023

By incorporating this easy hack, you'll be on your way to creating titles that grab attention, pique curiosity, and drive traffic to your content.

catchy titles for alcohol essays

Here are some examples of captivating titles that follow these principles:

  • Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights: 17+ Proven Ways to Beat Insomnia
  • Boost Your Website Traffic Today: Start Your Mailing Campaign with These Simple Steps
  • Upgrade Your Style Game: Discover the 10 Upcoming Fashion Trends You Need to Know

17. Cite others

One strategy that works wonders is showcasing real-world success stories. By including the names of well-known figures in your niche, you can instantly boost your credibility and establish trust with your readers. Check out these examples:

  • Here's how Warren Buffet made a fortune. You also can!
  • Learn to sing like Beyonce! Just follow these simple rules!

But be careful not to choose famous names just for the sake of it - make sure they are truly relevant to your content and audience. 

18. Use Power Words

A tittle with the word Irresistible highlighted

Utilizing power words not only in your title but also throughout your content is a quick and effective way to encourage your audience to read on. However, it's essential to use these power words wisely, as not all of them will fit your niche. You can even include several power words in one title to make it even more compelling!

Here are some examples of winning titles that utilize power words:

  • Discover the Ultimate Secrets to Boost Your SEO Rankings Today!
  • Unleash the Untold Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Your Business
  • Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Spirit with These Simple Yet Effective Strategies
  • Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your E-commerce Business with These Proven Tips

Power Words

These words have the ability to stir up a range of emotions in your audience, encouraging them to take action. Categorized by feelings and moods such as greed, curiosity, laziness, lust, vanity, trust, anger, and fear, incorporating powerful words in your title can be the key to increasing engagement and conversion rates. 

How to apply knowledge in practice? Check out our heading ideas! 

A person

The forms of headlines vary depending on what content they present and where they are located. They will look different in a gossip newspaper than in articles for a company blog. Therefore, always remember to adapt them to the subject of your content and your audience. Below is an example of a list of headings. Find out which category suits you best.  

Shortlist of titles: 

1. Titles for the website

2. Article titles

3. Blog titles

4. Newsletter titles

5. Headlines for newspapers

6. Fun titles

7. Emotional titles

8. Creative titles

9. Unique titles

10. Clever titles

11. The best titles

Website title

Website headings are an essential part of its positioning in search engines. They help organize the content and navigate through the users' side. An attractive and good headline will attract the audience and encourage them to review what the website offers. To create the proper headline for a website, SEO principles cannot be ignored. You have to remember especially about:

  • Appropriate length - the title should not exceed 70 characters with spaces.
  • Keywords (including those from the long tail category)
  • Power Words - words that evoke emotions and encourage action

Website title example:

  • Are you here for the first time? Meet BOWWE and see how to create your website without coding.
  • See all configurations of our products! Choose the perfect one for you!

Article titles 

Contrary to appearances, the most crucial part of an article is not its content but its title. As already mentioned, people decide to read an article based on its headline alone. This means that you actually have a few seconds and a maximum of two lines of text to attract the recipient and encourage him to read at least the introduction to your article. 

Journal title ideas: 

→ 8 featured free photo manipulation apps

→ What do you know about the bird world? 7 Shocking Facts You Didn't Know About

Blog titles

These types of titles are usually made of ready-made and well-known copywriting formulas. Just browse through two or three blogs to understand what they're all about. They are built according to SEO principles, matching the keywords entered in the search engine. Some of the best-known formulas for such headlines include: How…, Top [Number]…, Why… etc. 

Examples of blog titles:

→ 13 ways to have a successful and romantic wedding

→ Greek salad recipe? Make her 10 minutes!

A newsletter titles 

The newsletter is another form of gaining new audiences and keeping your current audience. That is why it is worth taking the time to refine each email sent as part of it. In this case, the headline is a vital element, if not the most important one. When you receive an email, you first see its title and decide whether to open it or throw it into the trash. So the title must contain attention-grabbing words that will grab your recipient's attention and convince them that it is worth reading the rest of the message.

It's also worth trying out personalized titles and using the recipient's name or recent actions on the website. Thanks to this, e-mail recipients will feel honored. You will also establish a closer relationship with them and show that you care for them.

Examples of newsletter titles:

→ Rafal, a historical moment has come and we want you to experience it with us!

→ Ania, we have something special for you. Do you want to find out?

→ A beautiful candle set for your freshly purchased table. See more proposals.

Magazine headlines

Press titles can be controversial and very sensational. This is mainly seen in gossip newspapers. The headlines are flashy, and sometimes they do not fully reflect the content they present. However, as with online titles, they must compete for the attention of the recipient. To this end, they are full of words that evoke strong emotions and contain multifunctional signs such as exclamation and question marks. They may also include excerpts from statements, e.g. from interviews. 

An example of titles for magazines or newspapers: 

→ Scandal! The famous singer left her dog in a hot car (Photos)

→ Only with us: Backstage of the Oscars. Watch the interview with the winners!

Funny titles

This type of headline is usually found on entertainment sites. These can be the headings of, for example, columns or movie reviews. They are supposed to amuse the recipient and convey that the rest of the content they advertise will also be equally entertaining. Fun titles can also be used on company blogs as long as they fit the way the brand itself communicates.  

Examples of funny titles: 

→ Very strange (but hellishly effective) ways to avoid responsibilities

→ How to quit your job in 7 steps. Instructions for the desperate!

Emotional and cute titles 

You will see them most often in content that is intended for younger audiences or in content that is romantic. Children's titles need to be friendly, fun and arouse their curiosity. In the case of older recipients, they evoke strong emotions, such as emotion or delight. These are ideal for real-life stories about love or family. 

Emotional and cute titles ideas:

→ Sweetness itself! Watch the latest video of cute pandas from the Korean Zoo 

→ It was love at first sight. Learn the romantic history of this retired couple with 60 years of service

Creative titles

They can be found in entertainment and cultural content. In their case, they don’t always clearly indicate what, for example, a given article is about. They often contain play on words and all kinds of appeal. They are supposed to intrigue the audience and arouse their curiosity. 

Examples of creative titles:

→ Water your floral business! Check out these 5 floral arrangements and get inspired

→ I promise I am combining something wrong! So I review all 7 parts of Harry Potter

Unique title

Those are impressive titles that are remarkable. They can surprise and be somewhat controversial. Their unique character intrigues viewers and promises them unique content that will not bore them. They belong to cool titles that perfectly catch the attention of the recipient. 

Examples of unique titles:

→ 7 stupid things you need to do at least once in your lifetime

→ I quit social media ... and you must too!

Clever headlines 

That is, titles that are often a contradiction of typical copywriting headlines. They attract recipients with their unconventional nature. They show it through a play on words or various types of references. These headlines can be risky as they don't always clear what the rest of the content they describe is about. 

Examples of clever headlines:

→ Still, pouring boiling water over your tea? Stop! Now it's done like this ...

→ If you don't read this article today, you'll regret it! Don't lose this chance

What does a good headline look like? 

First of all, it must accurately reflect the problem of the audience. It is supposed to evoke emotions and encourage you to read the rest of the content presented by it. It should be consistent with SEO principles ( contain keywords , Power words , and appropriate length etc.). 

Here is a list of ready-made formulas for really good headlines that are effective and proven:

→ What to do when ...

→ Top [number] ...

→ Best ways to ...

→ ... Step by step tutorial

→ [product, brand etc.] vs. [product, brand, etc.]. Comparison…

catchy titles for alcohol essays

A good title can bring you closer to your goal, no matter what you do! You already know the appropriate copywriting formulas. Thanks to them, you will be able to create an exciting headline for any content and gain experience in the skillful use of advertising language without much effort.

What now? Choose the formula that best suits your content and start experimenting! Develop some title ideas. Then test them and watch the changes on your website. This way, you will find the perfect headline - which will give you colossal clickthrough rates!

Catchy titles - FAQ

What are catchy titles.

Catchy titles are titles that effectively capture the reader's attention and intrigue them enough to want to read further. They often use humor, wordplay, or emotive language to create a sense of curiosity or excitement.

How do you write a catchy title?

What are some catchy headlines.

Here are a few examples of catchy headlines:

  • "10 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Website Traffic"
  • "The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing for Beginners"
  • "How to Write a Killer Blog Post in Less Than 30 Minutes"
  • "5 Simple Hacks to Double Your Email Open Rates"
  • "Why Your Business Needs a Strong Online Presence Now More Than Ever"

How do you write a clever headline to attract more attention?

catchy titles for alcohol essays

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catchy titles for alcohol essays


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  2. How to Title an Essay? The Complete Guide to Essay Title

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  4. ⚡ How to make a catchy title for an essay. How To Make Catchy Titles

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  5. Alcohol Abuse and Dependence Essay Example

    catchy titles for alcohol essays

  6. essay on alcohol

    catchy titles for alcohol essays



  2. More Great Australian Drag Racing from the Nineties

  3. 8 Essential Beer Hacks

  4. Straw

  5. 10 Most Expensive Alcohol Drinks In The World The Luxury Liquors

  6. Do I quote book titles in essays?


  1. 303 Alcohol Titles & Essay Samples

    Isopropyl Alcohol in Cosmetics and Medicine. Isopropyl is synthesized in two steps: through the reaction of propylene with sulfuric acid and the consequent hydrolysis. In the context of isopropyl alternatives as sanitizers, ethyl alcohol serves as a solid option. Drug and Alcohol Addiction: Abby's Case.

  2. 257 Alcohol Essay Topics & Research Titles for Students

    Earl Rochester suggests a national system of licensing to combat the public health crisis of alcohol consumption. Alcohol Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The paper raises the topic of increasing adherence to alcoholic beverages. An increasing number of people acquired this bad habit during the lockdown.

  3. 111 Alcohol Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    111 Alcohol Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. Alcohol is a widely consumed substance that has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. It is often associated with celebrations, socializing, and relaxation. However, alcohol also has a dark side, as it can lead to addiction, health problems, and social issues.

  4. 149 Alcohol Abuse Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Concept and Treatment of Alcohol Abuse. Alcoholism is the taking of alcoholic beverages to an extent that it can interfere with the physical behavior and activities of the alcoholic person. Definition of Alcohol Misuse (Alcohol Abuse and Addiction) in Youth Population Age 18-29.

  5. Alcohol Essay Topic Ideas & Titles

    How Long Term Alcohol Abuse Affects the Brain. The concentration of alcohol, the type of drink, and whether the stomach is full or empty depends on how fast the alcohol is absorbed. The liver is in charge of breaking down all of the alcohol in the body.2). Alcohol Abuse Thesis Essay Sample.

  6. Essay Title Generator (Free & No Login Required)

    The Essay Title Generator is an AI-based tool that creates original and thought-provoking essay titles. By analyzing your input keywords or themes, it generates a range of titles suitable for various academic disciplines and writing styles. This tool is a helpful resource for students and writers looking to create titles that accurately reflect ...

  7. 99 Alcoholism Essay Topics & Research Titles at StudyCorgi

    This article describes the treatment of alcoholism in the novel "Charming Billy" by McDermott. Billy Lynch is a character from Charming Billy and is the focus of the novel. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are associated with a broad range of medical, psychiatric, social, legal, occupational, economic, and family problems.

  8. Alcohol Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Excessive drinking of alcohol has significant impacts on an individual's breathing, gag reflex, and heart rate. As a result, alcohol poisoning or excessive drinking has the potential of leading to coma and death. This condition can also be attributed to binge drinking, which is consuming five or more drinks in a row.

  9. ≡Essays on Alcohol

    ≡Essays on Alcohol - Get Ahead in Your Studies with ...

  10. Persuasive Essay Title Generator

    How To Use the AI Persuasive Essay Title Generator. Our AI essay title generator uses the power of large language models to generate interesting and unqiue titles for your essays. Simply enter a topic in the textbox above and click the "Get Titles" button. A title will be generated for you.

  11. How To Write Your Best Alcoholism Essay?

    Each supporting statement takes 1 paragraph and is accompanied by a brief explanation. Put them in a logical order. Conclusion. Sum up everything you said before and confirm the thesis. Do not add new ideas, statements, or facts. Here, in the alcoholism essay conclusion, you may express your own vision of the problem.

  12. Essay Title Generator

    The essay title generator tool can help you come up with even more ideas for topics. Browse through the drop down menu and select various topics that you find interesting. Run the search for titles and then generate additional titles at the end of the search. After you do this process a few times, you will have a list of great essay topic ideas ...

  13. 170 Alcoholism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Alcoholism Among the Adult Population in Wisconsin. Alcohol dependency, which is an offshoot of excessive alcohol consumption, has been noted to lead to behaviours such as child abuse and neglect, poor dietary habits and absenteeism among the adult population in Wisconsin. Alcoholic Cirrhosis: Symptoms and Treatment.

  14. What are some great title ideas for college essays?

    5. Pose a question: A thought-provoking question related to your essay's message or theme can engage the reader and encourage them to find the answer in your essay. Here are a few title examples based on the guidelines above: - "Fighting for Justice: My Journey as an Activist". - "Finding Balance: The Impact of Yoga on My Life".

  15. How to Find a Catchy Title for Your Paper/Essay: 10 Steps

    Understanding the Structure of a Title. Download Article. 1. Craft a hook. Most titles have the same basic structure, especially if the title is for an academic essay. The hook is the creative element that draws the reader in. It's a catchy phrase that lets the reader know what the essay is going to focus on. [1]

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  17. 39 spicy titles for my memoir or yours

    39 spicy titles for my memoir or yours

  18. Title Generator

    Generate Relevant Titles - The titles generated will be relevant to the industry, niche, topic, etc., that you want. It wouldn't be some random or irrelevant keyword. Generate Customized Titles - Whether you want your title result to be a sentence case, title case, or all caps, etc., you can customize.. Generate Category Based Titles - You will get a host of suggestions based on the category.

  19. 101 Examples of Catchy No Smoking Slogans and Taglines

    These taglines are targeted towards bringing attention to the harmful chemicals and long term effects of smoking cigarettes. Arsenic kills if you swallow it. Tobacco kills if you smoke it. Be A Fighter; Put Down The Lighter. Be Cool - Don't Be a Smoking Fool. Be Cool, Don't be a Fool. Be important, don't be impotent. Be smart.

  20. Tips and Examples to Create Catchy Titles and Get More Readers

    Catchy titles for essays, newsletters, articles, blogs, science projects and autobiographies have a big effect on your readership. An attractive title can trigger reader response, as your title is a snapshot of what to expect in your essay or book. Catchy titles for essays, newsletters, articles, blogs, science projects and autobiographies have ...

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  22. 17 Techniques to Craft Irresistible Titles [Free Templates!]

    13. Show what your content contains. When it comes to writing captivating titles, there are plenty of proven techniques that can help you stand out in the crowded online space. One such technique is to highlight unique elements of your content, such as an interview or a photo gallery, in the title itself.