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Make a Splash With Presentations on Your Resume

A quick but detailed guide on how and when to include presentations on a resume, including resume templates and examples.

a year ago   •   8 min read

Public speaking isn’t for everyone — which is why, if you have experience presenting in front of a crowd, you should definitely include it in your resume.

You can list presentations in your work experience section, resume summary, or in a separate ‘Presentations’ section, depending on how relevant they are to the job you’re applying for.

In this article, we’ll discuss what presentation skills to include on your resume, how and where to list presentations, and how to tailor your presentation skills to your desired industry.

Key advice from a recruiter to keep in mind when considering how to list presentations on your resume

How to add presentations to your resume

Let’s start with a few quick steps for adding presentations to your resume:

  • Choose where you’re going to list presentations. This could be in your work experience , resume summary , or in their own section (more on this later).
  • List the name or topic of the presentation.
  • Specify where you presented or who you presented to.
  • If it was an external presentation, include the name and date of the event.
  • Add any relevant awards or publications .
  • Use a clear action verb like “presented” so your presentation skills stand out to anyone quickly scanning your resume.
  • Upload your resume to a free resume checker for personalized suggestions on making your presentations stand out to a hiring manager.

Now let’s take a look at some concrete examples of what presentations should look like on your resume.

What presentations to include on your resume

The types of presentations you can include on your resume include traditional styles like PowerPoint presentations, client briefings, and conference speaking, as well as digital and remote presentations, such as Zoom conferencing and Google Slide presentations. Both conventional and digital methods demonstrate your ability to convey information through the desired format and showcase both soft and hard skills.

The recent transition towards more remote work has brought digital presentation styles like webinars, online talks, virtual events, and social media live sessions to the forefront. These modern formats highlight both adaptability and remote/technical experience.

Whatever presentations you choose to include, ensure the skills you’re showcasing are targeted and relevant to your application.

Examples of how to put presentations on your resume

There are a couple of different ways of listing presentations on a resume:

  • In your work experience bullet points
  • In a ‘Presentations’ section of your resume
  • (Optional) In your resume summary

Not sure which choice is best for you? Here’s a brief overview of the pros and cons of each option, including examples for you to follow.

Including presentations in your work experience bullet points

Include presentations in your work experience bullet points if you regularly presented to colleagues, clients, or external stakeholders as part of your job.

Include at least one bullet point detailing what you presented, who you presented it to, and, crucially, any quantifiable metrics . Emphasize the size of the audience, feedback scores, number of presentations, or tangible impact on the business to clearly demonstrate the scope and effectiveness of your presentations. Start your statements with powerful action verbs to make your bullet points memorable and impactful.

  • Presented strategic changes in portfolio and marketing plan to C-suite executives, influencing key business decisions, as evidenced by a 15% increase in operational efficiency, and an expedited promotion within 12 months.
  • Designed and delivered 10+ training workshops, presentations, and learning modules using a range of training aids and computer software.
  • Presented keynote speech at a 200+ person conference on new and emerging technology.

Here is an example of a resume work experience section that highlights presentation skills:

Example of how to list presentations on your resume

Listing presentations in a separate resume section

You can create a separate resume presentations section if official presentations are a major part of the job you’re applying for and you have significant presentation experience.

Create a ‘Presentations’ subheading underneath your work experience and education . For each listed presentation, include not only the name, conference, and date, but also any measurable outcomes, such as audience size or notable feedback received, as shown in the resume screenshot below. If you have any related awards or publications, you can also list those.

  • “The Evolution of Supply Chain Management,” Supply Chain Conference, Feb 2022.
  • "Extended Structure in Globular Clusters with Gaia,” Astronomical Society Meeting, June 2022.
  • “Community Management in Social Media Marketing,” B2B Marketing Expo, March 2021.
  • Awards: Content Marketing Institute Award for Outstanding Community Engagement.

Here is an example of a resume that includes specific presentations in a separate Presentations section:

Example of how to showcase presentations under a separate header on your resume

Highlighting presentations in a resume summary

Mention your experience with presenting in your resume summary if you’re applying for a role that involves regular public speaking and want to draw attention to a key accomplishment involving presentations.

At the top of your resume (beneath your contact information but above your work experience), include 3-5 lines briefly outlining your key presentation skills and experience.

Learning and Development Manager with more than 10 years of experience in creating and leading work-related training and development programs to help employees enhance their skills or the company's performance. Key accomplishment: Delivered lectures to over 70 employees on best practices, how to engage with the media in a crisis, and how to promote brands effectively to communications officers.

Here is an example of a resume summary that highlights presentation skills:

How to highlight presentation skills in your resume summary

If you're not sure whether your presentation skills and experience should be included in your work experience section, summary, or a separate presentations section, upload your resume to the tool below . It'll evaluate your resume and give you feedback on how to improve each section.

Tailoring your presentation skills to different industries

When listing presentations on your resume, it's crucial to tailor them to the specific position or industry you're applying for. List the name, date, and location of the presentation, followed by a tailored explanation of the presentation's focus, so a recuiter can easily see why it’s relevant to your application. For example:

  • Tech and engineering: Focus on technical expertise and innovation. For example: "Presented 'Emerging Trends in AI and Machine Learning' at the Tech Innovators Conference 2022, emphasizing practical applications in software development."
  • Finance and business: highlight strategic insights and financial results. For example: "Delivered a presentation on 'Global Market Trends and Investment Strategies' to key stakeholders, resulting in a 15% increase in investor engagement."
  • Education and training: Showcase your ability to educate and engage diverse audiences. For example: "Facilitated a series of educational workshops titled 'Innovative Teaching Methods in Digital Age' at the National Education Conference 2021."
  • Marketing and communications: Focus on creativity, audience engagement, and brand development. For example: "Hosted a webinar on 'Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies' that attracted over 500 participants, enhancing brand visibility."
  • Arts and culture: Emphasize creativity, industry knowledge, or critical analysis. For example: "Presented 'Modern Art Movements and Their Social Impact' at the City Art Museum Lecture Series, drawing a record number of attendees."

Keywords and phrases to use when discussing presentations

Incorporating specific keywords and phrases can significantly boost your resume’s impact and help you make it past ATS.

Here’s a list of keywords and phrases to use when discussing your presentation experience:

  • Public speaking: Highlights your comfort and skill in addressing audiences.
  • Audience engagement: Demonstrates your ability to connect with listeners and maintain their interest.
  • Presentation design: Showcases your proficiency in creating visually appealing and informative presentation materials.
  • Data presentation: Indicates your ability to present complex data in an understandable manner.
  • Interactive workshops: Suggest an active, hands-on approach to presenting and training.
  • Webinar hosting: Reflects skills in managing and delivering online presentations.
  • Technical demonstrations: For those in technical fields, it highlights your ability to explain complex technical concepts.
  • Conference speaking: Indicates experience with large, formal presentation settings.
  • Training and development: Shows your role in educating and developing others through presentations.

When presentations do (and don’t) belong on your resume

Now that you know how and where to include presentation skills on your resume, only one question remains — should you?

The short answer is: It depends. Presentations are purely optional — no recruiter is going to pass you over if you don’t include them. Which means that, like anything else on your resume, you should include them if they’re relevant to the job you’re applying for and leave them off if not.

Not sure which category you belong to? Here are some considerations to keep in mind when deciding whether to list presentations on your resume.

You should list presentations on your resume if …

  • The job you’re applying for involves giving a lot of presentations, training others , or public speaking.
  • You want to showcase expertise in your field or specific subject matter.
  • You presented at a well-known or prestigious event.
  • You were a keynote speaker.
  • You have significant publications or awards relating to a presentation.
  • The content of your presentations is relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • You’re in an industry like academia where listing presentations is a common practice.

You shouldn’t list presentations on your resume if …

  • You’re entry-level and don’t have significant professional presentations to list.
  • Your presentations were in a completely different field.
  • You attended a conference but didn’t speak at it.
  • You have too many presentations to list — even if they’re all relevant, limit yourself to a few of the most recent or impressive examples.

Should I include presentation skills in my resume skills section?

Yes, including resume presentation skills in your skills section is highly beneficial, especially if the job role you're applying for involves communication or public speaking. This is particularly important if you're in fields such as sales, marketing, education, or leadership roles where presenting is a key part of the job.

How should I list presentations that may contain sensitive or confidential information?

When listing presentations that involve sensitive information, focus on the skills and context rather than specific details. Use phrases like "Presented on proprietary industry techniques to a select group of stakeholders" or "Led a confidential briefing on business strategy improvements." This approach showcases your experience while respecting confidentiality agreements and maintaining professionalism.

Should I list presentations on my LinkedIn profile as well as my resume?

Absolutely! Listing presentations on LinkedIn showcases your communication and expertise to a broader network, including recruiters and industry peers. On LinkedIn, you can add more details or even include links to presentation materials or videos. However, make sure you maintain consistency in how you present this information on your resume and LinkedIn profile.

How can I effectively demonstrate the impact of my presentations?

To effectively demonstrate the impact of your presentations, include quantifiable metrics. For instance, "Presented on market trends to an audience of 200+, leading to a 20% increase in post-event engagement" . This approach highlights your presentation skills and provides concrete evidence of your impact and effectiveness.

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How To List Presentations On Cv

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by Kevin Philips · Updated May. 08, 2023

How to List Presentations on CV: Tips, Templates, and Examples

As you craft your CV, it's important to highlight your accomplishments and showcase your skills to potential employers. If you've given presentations in your field, listing them on your CV can be an excellent way to demonstrate your expertise and experience. However, it's important to know how to effectively list presentations on your CV to ensure they catch the attention of hiring managers. In this blog, we'll explore some tips on how to list presentations on a CV .

Choose a Clear and Concise Format

To list presentations on your CV, you want to choose a format that is easy to read and understand. A common format is to include the title of the presentation, the venue or event where it was given, and the date. You may also want to include any co-presenters or collaborators.

Here's a template you can use: [Title of Presentation] | [Venue/Event] | [Date] | [Co-Presenters/Collaborators] For example

Highlight Relevant Presentations

When listing your presentations, it's important to focus on those that are most relevant to the position you're applying for. If you're applying for a job in software development, you may want to include presentations on the latest programming languages or development frameworks. If you're applying for a job in academia, you may want to include presentations on your research findings or teaching methods. Also, Providing unnecessary information is one of the biggest mistakes on your cv to avoid .

Use Action-Oriented Language

To effectively communicate your role and achievements in your presentations, it's important to use action-oriented language. Instead of simply listing the title and date of the presentation, consider adding a brief summary of the content or your contributions.

Here's an example:

Create a Separate Section for Presentations

If you've given a significant number of presentations, please create a separate section on your CV specifically for presentations. This can help to ensure that your presentations are easily visible and can be quickly scanned by hiring managers

Here's a template for a separate section:


[Title of Presentation] | [Venue/Event] | [Date] | [Co-Presenters/Collaborators] | [Description]

For example:

New Developments in Artificial Intelligence | International Conference on Machine Learning | July 15, 2022, | John Smith and Jane Doe | Presented on the latest advances in blockchain technology at the Global Blockchain Summit, which led to a 25% increase in attendance compared to the previous year.

The Future of Virtual Reality in Education | EdTech Summit | October 8, 2022, | | Discussed the potential of virtual reality in revolutionizing the way we teach and learn

Keep Your List Up to Date

Finally, it's important to regularly update your list of presentations on your CV. As you give new presentations or attend conferences and events, make sure to add them to your CV. This will help to ensure that your CV accurately reflects your current level of expertise and experience. Also, know about how to edit a cv .

Need Help With Editing Or Optimizing Your Cv?

Including presentations on your CV can showcase your expertise and experience to potential employers. By following these tips, you can effectively list your presentations and make them stand out to hiring managers

If you need help with editing or optimizing your CV, our CV editing services can help you make the best possible impression on potential employers. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you land your dream job

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How to Add a Conference or Seminar to Your Resume

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Adding more sections to your resume can sometimes seem confusing, however, if you mention your honors and other information it can improve your chances of getting hired . 

If you’re motivated, you’ve likely been to or will go to a conference or seminar related to your field .

After all, it’s a great idea to head to a conference or seminar.

You get better at what you do, but seminars and conferences in a resume will impress employers . 

To ensure you fully understand how your resume can benefit, we’ll go over:

  • Where to put seminars attended in your resume
  • How to list conferences in your resume
  • When adding seminars and conferences is most beneficial

We’ll even go over how trainings and seminars attended look in a resume example. After gathering this information, you can try out our free AI-supported resume builder to quickly create your application. 

Does My Resume Need Information on Conferences or Seminars?

There are so many networking opportunities, chats about how to grow in your field , and other benefits to attending conferences . However, many applicants ignore this part of their background on their resume. 

Even though we know that recruiters will be more interested in learning more about your skills and hands-on work experience , adding the conferences can be helpful. 

This is especially the case for:

  • Career changers
  • Recent graduates

Specifically, adding a seminar or conference to your resume can help you if you want to find a job in any of the following industries :

  • Higher education
  • Engineering 
  • Arts and culture

However, if you think it won’t be important to the position, be as brief as possible. Space is precious on your resume, and you only want to highlight your most essential qualifications .

Below, we’ll look at how a conference or seminar can be successfully added to your document.

Adding Conference Details to Your Resume

Like any part of your resume, there’s a right and wrong way to include your details . You won’t need to cover each conference you’ve attended or presentation given. 

This is especially true if this is an everyday part of your job. However,  if you give a major keynote address  at one of the world’s biggest conferences, then this deserves to be highlighted.

When creating this section, you will need to indicate the following information:

  • Names of the keynote speakers
  • Dates of the conference
  • Name of the talk
  • The organization hosting the event or the name of the event

For example, you would write conferences on your resume like this

Smith J and O’Neill T (2021, August)  Example Presentation.  Presented at Example Conference, New York

A resume template will help you fill those details in with ease.

If you’re working in higher education or completing a Ph.D., it can also help to  indicate conferences you’ve attended .

This is especially the case if you’re seeking your first postdoc role or wish to show off your industry knowledge.

On your resume, this will need a  different approach  than the one detailed above. You will need to show the employer:

  • The name of the conference
  • The organizing body
  • The years attended

For example, this should be  listed on your resume  in the following ways:

Example 1:  Example Organization Body (EOB) – 2017, 2018, 2019

Example 2:  Example Professional Conference (EPC) – August 2019

Where to Put Seminars on a Resume

When it comes to including seminars and conferences on your resume, placement is key. 

Typically, these details are best suited for two sections: 

  • Education section : If you’re a recent graduate or your seminars are highly relevant to your field of study under your degree(s). Adding them to your education section can enhance your qualifications. 
  • Dedicated section : For professionals in roles where continuous learning is essential, creating a separate section might be more impactful. This is especially true if you’ve participated in significant events, such as delivering a keynote address or leading a seminar.

Remember, the key is relevance and impact. Include seminars that add value to your profile and align with the job you’re applying for. 

Whether you’re changing fields, want to continuously learn, or show that you are motivated, seminars can be a game changer . 

Simply remember to:

  • Highlight more information if conferences and seminars are important to your sector
  • Include seminars and conferences in the right place on your resume
  • Don’t forget the most important details 

If you combine these tips with our easy-to-use tools , you’ll have little issue impressing hiring managers.

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How to list conference presentations in a resume.

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Conference information typically has its own section of the resume. Whether you aspire toward an academically-oriented position or you're aiming for a more business-oriented job, showing that you have experience presenting at conferences can add something valuable to your resume. If you really want to underline a particular conference experience, you might also mention it in more detail in your cover letter.

When It's Appropriate

Listing conference presentations can add depth to your resume, but include that information carefully. If you're applying for a job in which you'll be expected to speak publicly on behalf of the company, adding information about conference presentations can be a good thing. It can also help to establish you as a known expert on a particular facet of business or academic research.

When It's Not

On the other hand, hiring managers will also be on the lookout for so-called "resume padding," a tactic recent graduates or those with little experience in a field sometimes use in an attempt to show they have more experience than they really do. The conferences you add should be ones that took place outside of your workplace or institution, and not ones that you did within your own graduate program. Likewise, don't add guest lectures you did as part of your academic course of study or in your capacity as a teaching assistant. Don't add conferences you've attended but haven't presented at. That will be construed as padding.

Ordering the Sections

Create a section of your resume titled "Invited Talks" or "Conference Speaking Engagements." Add the section under your Education and Work Experience sections, among other additional sections you might have, such as your Volunteer, Awards, or Professional Affiliations sections. Since there's no right way to format a resume, it's up to you where to place this section in terms of order -- and since your resume should be tailored to each individual job for which you apply, it can depend on the job. If public speaking is paramount to one position, you might put the section directly under your work experience section. If public service is more important, on the other hand, the conference section might go under the ''Volunteer'' section.

Formatting the Section

To format the conference listings, list the most important information on the left-hand side of the listing, as you'll do with other sections of your resume. Start with the title of your conference talk, followed by the name of the institution or conference at which you presented the information. Then include the year of the conference talk. You can also include the month of the talk, but only if it's relevant to the job. For example, if you want to show that you're capable of presenting on many different topics in a short amount of time, you might include the months that demonstrate how many presentations you gave within a six-month period.

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Nicole Vulcan has been a journalist since 1997, covering parenting and fitness for The Oregonian, careers for CareerAddict, and travel, gardening and fitness for Black Hills Woman and other publications. Vulcan holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and journalism from the University of Minnesota. She's also a lifelong athlete and is pursuing certification as a personal trainer.

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Curriculum Vitae Guide: Presentations and Papers

Presentations and papers.

This section should follow formatting rules for your field.  Most fields will use APA style formatting. Please refer to for formatting guidelines or visit the  Walden University Writing Center's APA Style page .

Use this section to document your professional presentations, including papers or poster sessions at professional conferences.

Additional formatting tips:

You can include training workshops you delivered, professional in-service presentations, etc., in this section or create another section (Teaching/Training) that includes these experiences.

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Why Presentation Skills Are Vital on Your Resume and How to Include Them

Whether you’ve just entered the workforce and are drafting your resume, or you’re changing careers and updating your resume accordingly, it’s important not to overlook certain skills that could make you stand out among the competition when applying for jobs. For example, many job seekers don’t realize how valuable presentation skills can be.

The following guide will help you better understand why cultivating presentation skills can make you more attractive to a potential employer. It also offers tips for how to highlight these skills in your resume naturally.

Why Presentation Skills Are Important on a Resume in 2023

There are many potential reasons why an employer might be happy to see that you have presentation and public speaking skills. The following are just a few noteworthy examples:

Remote Work May Require Strong Communication

Someone with presentation skills is like someone who’s a strong communicator in general. They may have the ability to explain complex topics or generate enthusiasm among their fellow team members through their words, voice, and overall energy when delivering a presentation.

This is particularly important now that remote work is becoming increasingly common . In an age when employees may not be sharing the same office, it’s helpful to have workers who can communicate effectively, even when doing so through video chat.

Presentation Skills Overlap with Research Skills

Highlighting strong presentation skills on your resume is a good idea, even if you’re not necessarily applying to the types of jobs that will require you to deliver presentations very often. Quite simply, when employers see that someone is able to deliver impressive presentations and speeches, they might assume they have other skills that relate to public speaking.

For instance, creating and delivering a quality presentation often requires conducting thorough research. Even if you have a strong stage presence, a business presentation won’t make the right impression on your audience if it doesn’t contain valuable and practical information. Thus, if a potential employer looking at your resume sees that you have presentation experience, they might conclude that you also can thrive in a research role.

Growth Potential

When you begin working for a company, you may not have any responsibilities that involve firing up a team or attempting to attract investors. However, if you continue to grow in your career, you may end up in a role that requires you to be charismatic in front of an audience.

This is yet another reason why including presentation skills on your resume may be a wise idea. Again, these skills might not have much practical value right now. But, if you continue to move up within a company, they may become increasingly applicable and relevant. An employer who sees that you have presentation skills may, therefore, think you’re the type of candidate who has the potential to become a manager or team leader someday.

Presentation Skills Overlap with Organization Skills

Again, if you include presentation skills on your resume, you may be subtly indicating to a potential employer that you also have strong research skills. In addition, people with reliable presentation skills tend to be quite organized.

Putting together an impressive presentation is, in fact, a remarkable feat of organization. No matter what topic you’re presenting, you need to condense your material into a format that ensures your audience absorbs and retains the information. This isn’t necessarily an easy task. If it’s a task that you completed successfully on multiple occasions in the past, an employer can safely assume that you’re a fairly organized person.

Organizational skills are actually one of the best presentation skills to have. When you place too much emphasis on getting comfortable with public speaking, you may forget to emphasize developing quality presentation content.

Good Presenters Are Good Marketers

Keeping someone’s attention on you during a presentation is also challenging for many. In our digital age, we are more distracted than ever, and research confirms this .

If you’re able to capture the attention of an audience and maintain it long enough for them to absorb valuable information from a presentation, you have a unique skill that’s growing increasingly valuable. This skill can translate to strong marketing abilities. An employee who knows how to grab an audience’s attention during a presentation might have ideas for getting the attention of customers. An employer would likely find this quality appealing.

How to Highlight Presentation Skills on Your Resume

Ways you might indicate to an employer that you possess strong presentation skills include the following:

Highlight it in Your Skills Section

This is an obvious choice, but it can be effective. In the section of your resume where you may list special skills, include presentation skills as one of them. If a potential employer is looking for someone with presentation skills, the fact that you included them on your resume may prompt an employer to ask more about this topic during your interview. This may give you a chance to expand on the subject.

Describe Your Experience

You may consider this option if you worry that simply listing public speaking as one of your special skills isn’t enough to clearly demonstrate to an employer that this genuinely is a valuable skill you may bring to the table. Under the resume section, where you might describe relevant experience, describe in clear terms how you have experience with public speaking and why you think that experience will help you succeed in the job you’re seeking.

Include a Portfolio

Do you think presentation skills will actually play a vital role in your work if you get a job to which you’re applying? If so, consider submitting a portfolio including presentation materials (such as slideshows and videos) that you’ve developed in past roles. These materials can show that presenting in front of others is a responsibility with which you’re very comfortable.

All that said, even if your presentation skills are currently lacking, you can still learn to develop them by studying creative presentation ideas and reading guides on how to improve presentation skills . If you make this a priority, you’ll equip yourself with a skill set that can help your resume make the right impression on employers.

Powtoon Improves Presentations With Video Content

A simple way to improve the quality of your presentations is to generate strong video content for them. Powtoon makes this easy, allowing even beginners to produce expert-quality videos. Sign up today to learn more!

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How to Put Poster Presentation on Resume - Step by Step

How do you add poster presentations to your resume/CV?

And how do you format it? Do you include all presentations? What if you were not the presenter?

Here's how to do it:

How to put poster presentation on resume

  • List the most relevant poster presentations chronologically

Example template:

[Presentations header] [Your LastName FN], [more authors' names]. [Poster title]. Poster presented at: [Conference name]; [Event Date]; [Event Location]

Practical example:


Johnson A.T. , Brown M.P. The effect of unemployment policies on the unemployment rate and willingness to find a job. Poster presented at: 2019 Labor Economics Conference; October 2019; New York City, NY.

Stevens K., Johnson A.T . Employment incentives impact on labor force participation. Poster presented at: Nacional Economics Conference; February 2019; Los Angeles, CA.

1 - Create a presentations section

If you don't have one already, create a presentations section on your resume .

If you have a long list of publications, then presentations should be a subsection of the publications section.

The presentations and/or publications section should come after your Education history, job history, and research experience.

2 - Include the authors' names

List the authors' names in the same order they appear on the poster . The last name should come first, while the first and middle names should be abbreviated.

You should bold your own name and separate names by commas. Underline the presenter if it's not you. Finish with a period.

3 - Add poster title

Add the poster title exactly as it shows in the poster. End that section with a period.

4 - Write down conference/event name

Write "Poster presented at:" followed by conference name and finish with a semicolon. If the conference has a date in its name, ‌include it too.

5 - Add conference dates

Include the month and year of the conference finishing with a semicolon.

6 - Include the location where the conference was held

Finally, the last element should be the location of the conference.

If your conference happened in the United States, add the city and the abbreviated state name. If it was an international conference, add the country name.

7 - List the most relevant poster presentations chronologically

Do you want to create a resume or a CV? In some countries, the terms resume and CV are used interchangeably.

In the United States, resumes are summaries of your career, while CVs are academic biographies that include all your experiences and publications.

If you want to create an American style resume, ‌pick only the most relevant presentations . Otherwise, list all your poster presentations.

Also, list your presentations chronologically and don't list the same presentation more than once.

Should you include all poster presentations?

If you have a long career, you don't have to include all your presentations. Especially presentations at minor events such as department conferences.

However, if you're just getting started with your career, include as many presentations as possible.

What about oral presentations?

Separate oral presentations from your poster presentations. Have two subsections on your resume/CV: one for poster presentations and another one for oral presentations.

Format oral presentations the same way as your poster presentations.

Tips for a better presentation

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How to Effectively List Presentation Skills on a CV/Resume

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Although don as common the other elements for ampere CV or resume , presentations can make or break your application. Listing presentation skills on a CV press career properly can effizient showcase not just will popular speaking, communication, and organization skills but also your expert or field knowledge. 

If you have experience giving presentations on topics related to the position to are applying for, owner CV or resume has a better chance to stand out in the employee pool for your subject is vouchered for.

In this article, you will learn when on list presentations on CVs and how to catalog and add presentations to resumes, with one step-by-step travel to help you.


  • When till Catalog Presentation Skills on a CV/Resume
  • Instructions to List Presentations Skills on a Resume/CV
  • 5 Tips used Adding Presentations Skills to a Resume/CV

When to Item Presentation Skills on adenine CV/Resume

The presentation information you put on your CV or resume should be relevance to your target position and dash industry. Here are 5 environment when sole must list their video skills in yours CV/resume.

Your role requires you to speak in public ampere lot.

If the choose you is seeking requires public speaking skills and experience, it would be beneficial to include your presentations and conferences on choose CV/resume. Fork instance, jobs such as convention speaker, lecturer, or news mainstay would perform from view extensive presentation skills on their resumes. How till Effectively List Presentation Skills on ampere CV/Resume | CakeResume

You crave to showcase your expertise in your career field.

One could need adenine certain leve of expertise in their field to deliver a presentation about the industry into one select audience. Thus, listing your oral presentation experience on your CV would teach as strong evidence of your subject knowledge additionally choose expertise. Checking out one top presentation skills the advance your resuming, examples, and tips for own next job login.

For example, when you belong lookup for a job in telecommunications and you’ve created a presentation turn the features and benefits of 5G technology, it can will effective to include the presentation experience into your CV with resume. 10 Top Communication Special Toward Addition to You Resume

The experience is related until the job you exist applying for.

If you previously made a presentation or conversation in and event which is relatives to the job you are targeting, subsequently inclusion that presentation experience in autochthonous resume might give you the upper help during the application litigation. What shall I write for communication skills on one resume/CV? - Quora

Whenever you are changing career paths, this the definitely a great pathway to showcase your existing knowledge plus expertise in the fresh field at make up since your lack for relevant experience. 

The experience is noteworthy in your industry or prestigious in a particular field.

You energy have extensive being invited to be a lodger speaker at a special occasion in your industry to share innovate projects, research, or personalstand insight. Or, you did adenine Ted Talk this must a million viewpoint on the Internet.

Even is it is just a one-off speaker on an custom produce that lives cannot immediately related go the career field them are pursuing, you ability even involve and presentation experience in your CV either portfolio to showcase a noteworthy achievement.

It is common practice to include a resume addendum the your field.

In the academic arena, your seekers often include pertinent papers, exploration, talks, or presentations on their CV/resume for an addendum. It is also common for career fields like scientists, researchers, conversely medical expert. This citation length should depend with the number of completed presentations and other accomplishments. 

How to List Presentation Skills on a Resume/CV

Here are 5 steps yours could use to list one presentation upon a CV/resume.

1. Include the presentation title.

First also chief, start by including and presentation title. You could also distinguish the script by using boldface , for make it stand out more on your resume/CV. If the presentation has a elongated title, you ability shorten it up momentarily illustrate what own presentation exists about.

2. List the my and date of the event somewhere you presented.

Start adenine newer line right beneath your presentation title and list the name and date (month & year) of the event or conference what you deliver is introduction.

3. Must the main topics of the presentation.

Then, offering some brief product about the main topic of the presentation over your CV and try up keep it within one sentence (or more if the room allows). For instance, you could must the research topic you did or the issues discussed int your presentation. How to Demonstrate Public Speaking on Will Resume?

4. Mention any awards (if any).

Register the relevant honors you entered for your presentation underneath, if any. Like how them would setting certifications on a resume/CV, you would enter every reward on a separate running with relevant details such as the full name of the price the of year you received it.

5. Mention any related publications (if any).

Last but not least, mention any publications such as trade/scholarly journals, academic articles, books, press popular magazines directly connected to insert presentations on your resume. This would advance emphasize your commitment to the career our her have pursuing.

Still not certainly how to add presentations for resume/CV? To effectively organizer your presentation experience on resumes/CVs, refer to the past at. How for Include Presentation Our on Your Resume | Powtoon Blog

📝 Example #1:


  • The Positive or Negative Aspects of Blockchain Promotional Pleased Marketing World | 2020 Topic: The adaptation of blockchain technology and its influence for the digital marketing landscape.
  • The Future regarding Hospitality and Tourism from The New Norm The Boutique Hotel Equity Hotel | 2021 Topic: What has in store for the industry in 2022 and beyond, call against quicker adaptation until cope with the continuous widespread.
  • Behind-the-scenes of The Ads Ad Club Agency | 2019 Topic: Invited as a guest speaker to inspire and new generation von marketers and provide einige industry insights. Price: Print Age - Agency of the Year, 2019

📝 Example #3:

  • 5G Technology Applications AT&T Summer Learning Academy | 2021 Topic: 5G in a disruptive technology fused with fields in AI and machine learning. Professional: - James, T. and Jade, C. (2016). 5G how Disruptive Innovate. Journal of Applied Technology, 58(1), 6-12. - Carol, W. (2018). The Importance of 5G Technology. Magazine of Artificial Intelligence, 26(3), 46-61.

5 Tips for Adding Presentation Skills toward a Resume/CV

💡 list the most relevant video in to first place..

Unlike how you would list your work history in reverse chronological place, put your presentation in the sort of relevancy for own resume. 

In that US, resumes are career executive that are a 1-2 page snapshot of your qualifications, while CVs are academic biographies the include further details over your experiences and publications. If you are creating an American-style resume, ‌choose up the five almost relevant view to list in the resume. 

Otherwise, incorporate as many away your presentations and publications as necessary for get focus position.

💡 Mention your exact choose (speaker, co-speaker, etc.)

If thee spoke with a co-speaker, specify it next to the video title go your resume, or include the other presenter(s) names to richtig show your involvement in the presentation. You could also distinguish your name from other co-speakers according using a dissimilar text style such as underlining their names. [17] Submission Skills for Your Resume

💡 List your presentations under a separate “Presentations” section.

Create a dedicated section for listing your presentations stylish your resume when you may multiple speaking events and experience. The presentations section should come next our work experience section as additional information relevant to the job. How To Add Public Speaking Skills To one Resume

It is best to include your presentation section at the bottom of your resume/CV for recruiters to scan through at once to see the wider picture of your authority and what you can contribute to which organization.

💡 If you don’t have much experience, list your presentations under the work experienced.

If you conducted a few presentations when your previous work experience, list them directly in the work past section into provide of context away each presentation.

Here’s into example:


Creative Director ABC Government | 2020 - present

  • Oversees a range of client proposals, commands a our concerning creative specialists, and ensures ensure all standards are met with the final visual corporate.
  • Presentation : Latest News and Proclivities in the Market (2021), provide a thorough overview by which to expect within and upcoming industry changes.

💡 Supposing the presentation is give as a special honor, include is in our career summary/objective.

Nevertheless of having single or multiple our on list for your CV/resume, if your spoke at adenine prominent event that is relevant to thine job or industry, add this to your career objective.  Discover the essential skills that are imperative for a Presenter to succeed. Public Speaking, Symposium, PowerPoint skills are nice to have on get resume.

A rush summary or objective is placed with the beginning of a CV/resume. It showcases your many crucial skills and experience additionally how you can bring value to the company.  How to Include Public Speaking Skills on Your Resume (+ Examples)

For instance, mentioning that you have spoken at a Ted Talk just at one beginning of your my attracts recruiters to get further as it resembles credibility for your achievements.

🔑 Key Takeaways:

In this article, we’ve gone taken that basics of when and how to list presentation skills and experience about adenine resume/CV. Whereas it’s germane on who place either it’s a common practice in your province, you should list presentations on your CV.

How until list oral/poster presentations on a CV? Review the 5 steps for listing presentations on an cv above, the try it on choose own by following the view shown. Apex 15 Conference Skills

Whether it is oral/poster, single/co-speaker presentations, or with rewards/publications, than longer as you include the most relevant general and keep your resume brief, you are well-prepared to send out the application. Good luck!

CakeResume is the free resume builder that feature the best CV production tools & templates to help you create an perfect CV for is job hunt. Take your career journey to new hights - create a CV internet (free download) now!

--- Originally written by Sandy Tuo ---

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    Listing displays and conference appearances on a resume instead CV is a useful way to showcase publicity speaking, communication, and organization skills. The presentation resources you position on your CV alternatively resume should be relevant to your target position and career industry. In this article, her will learn when to list presentations on CVs and how on list and add presentations ...

  15. Steps & Tips on How to List Presentations on a CV or Resume [+ Examples

    Listing presentations or meetings appearances on a resume or CV is a useful way to showcase public speaking, communication, and organization capabilities. The presentation information you put on your CV or resume should being appropriate to choose target select and career industry. In this news, you will learn when to list presentations on CVs and wherewith to list both how presentations the ...

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    Create a "Presentations section". Include the authors' names. Add poster title. Write down conference/event name. Add conference dates. Include the location where the conference was held. List the most relevant poster presentations chronologically. Example template:

  17. How to Effectively List Presentation Skills on a CV/Resume

    Strong presentation knowledge can help you big time in your professional life. Learn how to list video skills on your CVs or Resumes with my step-by-step guidelines. ... Retrieve expert advice for all things resume from our team of recruitment specialists. Portfolio. Case your skills and projects with a professional portfolio.

  18. Steps & Tips on How to List Presentations on a CV or Resume [+ Examples

    Listing presentations and conference appearances on a resume or CV is an usable way to showcase public speech, communication, and organization skills. The presentation information you put on your CV or resume shouldn be relevant to your target position and career industry. Inbound this article, i will learn when to list presentations on CVs and like to list and add presentations toward resumes ...

  19. Steps & Tips on How to List Presentations on a CV or Resume [+ Examples

    Listing presentations and conference appearances on a resume or CV is a useful mode to showcase audience speaking, communication, and organization arts. The presentation get you put on your CV or resume should be relevant to your target position plus career industry. In this article, to will learn when to list presentations on CVs and how to list and add presentations to resumes, with a step ...

  20. How to Effectively List Presentation Skills turn a CV/Resume

    Listing presentation skills on a CV or resume properly can effectively display not just your public word, communication, and organization our and also your expertise or field knowledge. If you have experience giving presentations turn topics related to who position you are applying for, your CV oder resume has a better chance to standing out at ...

  21. Steps & Tips on How to List Presentations on a CV or Resume [+ Examples

    Listing presentations and conference displays on a resume instead CV is a useful way to showcase public speaking, communication, and organization skills. And presentation information thee put on your CV or resume must be ready to your target position and career manufacturing. Inside this article, you determination learn when into list presentations on CVs and how to list and add presentations ...

  22. Steps & Tips on How to List Presentations on a CV or Resume [+ Examples

    Listing presentations and conference appear on a resume or CV is a useful way to presentation public speaking, communication, and system skills. And presentation company you put on my CV or resume should to germane to your targets locate and career industry. In get article, it will learn whenever to list presentations on CVs and method to list furthermore add presentations to resumes ...

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    There are rare cases where the presenter is not the same as the author, e.g. the creator of the presentation was unable to attend the conference and got one of their colleagues who would be there to present on their behalf. I'm not sure how CV credit works in that case, but I think it goes to the creator of the presentation, not the presenter.