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Everyone struggles with homework sometimes, but if getting your homework done has become a chronic issue for you, then you may need a little extra help. That’s why we’ve written this article all about how to do homework. Once you’re finished reading it, you’ll know how to do homework (and have tons of new ways to motivate yourself to do homework)!

We’ve broken this article down into a few major sections. You’ll find:

  • A diagnostic test to help you figure out why you’re struggling with homework
  • A discussion of the four major homework problems students face, along with expert tips for addressing them
  • A bonus section with tips for how to do homework fast

By the end of this article, you’ll be prepared to tackle whatever homework assignments your teachers throw at you .

So let’s get started!


How to Do Homework: Figure Out Your Struggles 

Sometimes it feels like everything is standing between you and getting your homework done. But the truth is, most people only have one or two major roadblocks that are keeping them from getting their homework done well and on time. 

The best way to figure out how to get motivated to do homework starts with pinpointing the issues that are affecting your ability to get your assignments done. That’s why we’ve developed a short quiz to help you identify the areas where you’re struggling. 

Take the quiz below and record your answers on your phone or on a scrap piece of paper. Keep in mind there are no wrong answers! 

1. You’ve just been assigned an essay in your English class that’s due at the end of the week. What’s the first thing you do?

A. Keep it in mind, even though you won’t start it until the day before it’s due  B. Open up your planner. You’ve got to figure out when you’ll write your paper since you have band practice, a speech tournament, and your little sister’s dance recital this week, too.  C. Groan out loud. Another essay? You could barely get yourself to write the last one!  D. Start thinking about your essay topic, which makes you think about your art project that’s due the same day, which reminds you that your favorite artist might have just posted to you better check your feed right now. 

2. Your mom asked you to pick up your room before she gets home from work. You’ve just gotten home from school. You decide you’ll tackle your chores: 

A. Five minutes before your mom walks through the front door. As long as it gets done, who cares when you start?  B. As soon as you get home from your shift at the local grocery store.  C. After you give yourself a 15-minute pep talk about how you need to get to work.  D. You won’t get it done. Between texts from your friends, trying to watch your favorite Netflix show, and playing with your dog, you just lost track of time! 

3. You’ve signed up to wash dogs at the Humane Society to help earn money for your senior class trip. You: 

A. Show up ten minutes late. You put off leaving your house until the last minute, then got stuck in unexpected traffic on the way to the shelter.  B. Have to call and cancel at the last minute. You forgot you’d already agreed to babysit your cousin and bake cupcakes for tomorrow’s bake sale.  C. Actually arrive fifteen minutes early with extra brushes and bandanas you picked up at the store. You’re passionate about animals, so you’re excited to help out! D. Show up on time, but only get three dogs washed. You couldn’t help it: you just kept getting distracted by how cute they were!

4. You have an hour of downtime, so you decide you’re going to watch an episode of The Great British Baking Show. You: 

A. Scroll through your social media feeds for twenty minutes before hitting play, which means you’re not able to finish the whole episode. Ugh! You really wanted to see who was sent home!  B. Watch fifteen minutes until you remember you’re supposed to pick up your sister from band practice before heading to your part-time job. No GBBO for you!  C. You finish one episode, then decide to watch another even though you’ve got SAT studying to do. It’s just more fun to watch people make scones.  D. Start the episode, but only catch bits and pieces of it because you’re reading Twitter, cleaning out your backpack, and eating a snack at the same time.

5. Your teacher asks you to stay after class because you’ve missed turning in two homework assignments in a row. When she asks you what’s wrong, you say: 

A. You planned to do your assignments during lunch, but you ran out of time. You decided it would be better to turn in nothing at all than submit unfinished work.  B. You really wanted to get the assignments done, but between your extracurriculars, family commitments, and your part-time job, your homework fell through the cracks.  C. You have a hard time psyching yourself to tackle the assignments. You just can’t seem to find the motivation to work on them once you get home.  D. You tried to do them, but you had a hard time focusing. By the time you realized you hadn’t gotten anything done, it was already time to turn them in. 

Like we said earlier, there are no right or wrong answers to this quiz (though your results will be better if you answered as honestly as possible). Here’s how your answers break down: 

  • If your answers were mostly As, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is procrastination. 
  • If your answers were mostly Bs, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is time management. 
  • If your answers were mostly Cs, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is motivation. 
  • If your answers were mostly Ds, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is getting distracted. 

Now that you’ve identified why you’re having a hard time getting your homework done, we can help you figure out how to fix it! Scroll down to find your core problem area to learn more about how you can start to address it. 

And one more thing: you’re really struggling with homework, it’s a good idea to read through every section below. You may find some additional tips that will help make homework less intimidating. 


How to Do Homework When You’re a Procrastinator  

Merriam Webster defines “procrastinate” as “to put off intentionally and habitually.” In other words, procrastination is when you choose to do something at the last minute on a regular basis. If you’ve ever found yourself pulling an all-nighter, trying to finish an assignment between periods, or sprinting to turn in a paper minutes before a deadline, you’ve experienced the effects of procrastination. 

If you’re a chronic procrastinator, you’re in good company. In fact, one study found that 70% to 95% of undergraduate students procrastinate when it comes to doing their homework. Unfortunately, procrastination can negatively impact your grades. Researchers have found that procrastination can lower your grade on an assignment by as much as five points ...which might not sound serious until you realize that can mean the difference between a B- and a C+. 

Procrastination can also negatively affect your health by increasing your stress levels , which can lead to other health conditions like insomnia, a weakened immune system, and even heart conditions. Getting a handle on procrastination can not only improve your grades, it can make you feel better, too! 

The big thing to understand about procrastination is that it’s not the result of laziness. Laziness is defined as being “disinclined to activity or exertion.” In other words, being lazy is all about doing nothing. But a s this Psychology Today article explains , procrastinators don’t put things off because they don’t want to work. Instead, procrastinators tend to postpone tasks they don’t want to do in favor of tasks that they perceive as either more important or more fun. Put another way, procrastinators want to do long as it’s not their homework! 

3 Tips f or Conquering Procrastination 

Because putting off doing homework is a common problem, there are lots of good tactics for addressing procrastination. Keep reading for our three expert tips that will get your homework habits back on track in no time. 

#1: Create a Reward System

Like we mentioned earlier, procrastination happens when you prioritize other activities over getting your homework done. Many times, this happens because homework...well, just isn’t enjoyable. But you can add some fun back into the process by rewarding yourself for getting your work done. 

Here’s what we mean: let’s say you decide that every time you get your homework done before the day it’s due, you’ll give yourself a point. For every five points you earn, you’ll treat yourself to your favorite dessert: a chocolate cupcake! Now you have an extra (delicious!) incentive to motivate you to leave procrastination in the dust. 

If you’re not into cupcakes, don’t worry. Your reward can be anything that motivates you . Maybe it’s hanging out with your best friend or an extra ten minutes of video game time. As long as you’re choosing something that makes homework worth doing, you’ll be successful. 

#2: Have a Homework Accountability Partner 

If you’re having trouble getting yourself to start your homework ahead of time, it may be a good idea to call in reinforcements . Find a friend or classmate you can trust and explain to them that you’re trying to change your homework habits. Ask them if they’d be willing to text you to make sure you’re doing your homework and check in with you once a week to see if you’re meeting your anti-procrastination goals. 

Sharing your goals can make them feel more real, and an accountability partner can help hold you responsible for your decisions. For example, let’s say you’re tempted to put off your science lab write-up until the morning before it’s due. But you know that your accountability partner is going to text you about it tomorrow...and you don’t want to fess up that you haven’t started your assignment. A homework accountability partner can give you the extra support and incentive you need to keep your homework habits on track. 

#3: Create Your Own Due Dates 

If you’re a life-long procrastinator, you might find that changing the habit is harder than you expected. In that case, you might try using procrastination to your advantage! If you just can’t seem to stop doing your work at the last minute, try setting your own due dates for assignments that range from a day to a week before the assignment is actually due. 

Here’s what we mean. Let’s say you have a math worksheet that’s been assigned on Tuesday and is due on Friday. In your planner, you can write down the due date as Thursday instead. You may still put off your homework assignment until the last minute...but in this case, the “last minute” is a day before the assignment’s real due date . This little hack can trick your procrastination-addicted brain into planning ahead! 


If you feel like Kevin Hart in this meme, then our tips for doing homework when you're busy are for you. 

How to Do Homework When You’re too Busy

If you’re aiming to go to a top-tier college , you’re going to have a full plate. Because college admissions is getting more competitive, it’s important that you’re maintaining your grades , studying hard for your standardized tests , and participating in extracurriculars so your application stands out. A packed schedule can get even more hectic once you add family obligations or a part-time job to the mix. 

If you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions at once, you’re not alone. Recent research has found that stress—and more severe stress-related conditions like anxiety and depression— are a major problem for high school students . In fact, one study from the American Psychological Association found that during the school year, students’ stress levels are higher than those of the adults around them. 

For students, homework is a major contributor to their overall stress levels . Many high schoolers have multiple hours of homework every night , and figuring out how to fit it into an already-packed schedule can seem impossible. 

3 Tips for Fitting Homework Into Your Busy Schedule

While it might feel like you have literally no time left in your schedule, there are still ways to make sure you’re able to get your homework done and meet your other commitments. Here are our expert homework tips for even the busiest of students. 

#1: Make a Prioritized To-Do List 

You probably already have a to-do list to keep yourself on track. The next step is to prioritize the items on your to-do list so you can see what items need your attention right away. 

Here’s how it works: at the beginning of each day, sit down and make a list of all the items you need to get done before you go to bed. This includes your homework, but it should also take into account any practices, chores, events, or job shifts you may have. Once you get everything listed out, it’s time to prioritize them using the labels A, B, and C. Here’s what those labels mean:

  • A Tasks : tasks that have to get done—like showing up at work or turning in an assignment—get an A. 
  • B Tasks : these are tasks that you would like to get done by the end of the day but aren’t as time sensitive. For example, studying for a test you have next week could be a B-level task. It’s still important, but it doesn’t have to be done right away.
  • C Tasks: these are tasks that aren’t very important and/or have no real consequences if you don’t get them done immediately. For instance, if you’re hoping to clean out your closet but it’s not an assigned chore from your parents, you could label that to-do item with a C.

Prioritizing your to-do list helps you visualize which items need your immediate attention, and which items you can leave for later. A prioritized to-do list ensures that you’re spending your time efficiently and effectively, which helps you make room in your schedule for homework. So even though you might really want to start making decorations for Homecoming (a B task), you’ll know that finishing your reading log (an A task) is more important. 

#2: Use a Planner With Time Labels

Your planner is probably packed with notes, events, and assignments already. (And if you’re not using a planner, it’s time to start!) But planners can do more for you than just remind you when an assignment is due. If you’re using a planner with time labels, it can help you visualize how you need to spend your day.

A planner with time labels breaks your day down into chunks, and you assign tasks to each chunk of time. For example, you can make a note of your class schedule with assignments, block out time to study, and make sure you know when you need to be at practice. Once you know which tasks take priority, you can add them to any empty spaces in your day. 

Planning out how you spend your time not only helps you use it wisely, it can help you feel less overwhelmed, too . We’re big fans of planners that include a task list ( like this one ) or have room for notes ( like this one ). 

#3: Set Reminders on Your Phone 

If you need a little extra nudge to make sure you’re getting your homework done on time, it’s a good idea to set some reminders on your phone. You don’t need a fancy app, either. You can use your alarm app to have it go off at specific times throughout the day to remind you to do your homework. This works especially well if you have a set homework time scheduled. So if you’ve decided you’re doing homework at 6:00 pm, you can set an alarm to remind you to bust out your books and get to work. 

If you use your phone as your planner, you may have the option to add alerts, emails, or notifications to scheduled events . Many calendar apps, including the one that comes with your phone, have built-in reminders that you can customize to meet your needs. So if you block off time to do your homework from 4:30 to 6:00 pm, you can set a reminder that will pop up on your phone when it’s time to get started. 


This dog isn't judging your lack of motivation...but your teacher might. Keep reading for tips to help you motivate yourself to do your homework.

How to Do Homework When You’re Unmotivated 

At first glance, it may seem like procrastination and being unmotivated are the same thing. After all, both of these issues usually result in you putting off your homework until the very last minute. 

But there’s one key difference: many procrastinators are working, they’re just prioritizing work differently. They know they’re going to start their homework...they’re just going to do it later. 

Conversely, people who are unmotivated to do homework just can’t find the willpower to tackle their assignments. Procrastinators know they’ll at least attempt the homework at the last minute, whereas people who are unmotivated struggle with convincing themselves to do it at a ll. For procrastinators, the stress comes from the inevitable time crunch. For unmotivated people, the stress comes from trying to convince themselves to do something they don’t want to do in the first place. 

Here are some common reasons students are unmotivated in doing homework : 

  • Assignments are too easy, too hard, or seemingly pointless 
  • Students aren’t interested in (or passionate about) the subject matter
  • Students are intimidated by the work and/or feels like they don’t understand the assignment 
  • Homework isn’t fun, and students would rather spend their time on things that they enjoy 

To sum it up: people who lack motivation to do their homework are more likely to not do it at all, or to spend more time worrying about doing their homework than...well, actually doing it.

3 Tips for How to Get Motivated to Do Homework

The key to getting homework done when you’re unmotivated is to figure out what does motivate you, then apply those things to homework. It sounds tricky...but it’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it! Here are our three expert tips for motivating yourself to do your homework. 

#1: Use Incremental Incentives

When you’re not motivated, it’s important to give yourself small rewards to stay focused on finishing the task at hand. The trick is to keep the incentives small and to reward yourself often. For example, maybe you’re reading a good book in your free time. For every ten minutes you spend on your homework, you get to read five pages of your book. Like we mentioned earlier, make sure you’re choosing a reward that works for you! 

So why does this technique work? Using small rewards more often allows you to experience small wins for getting your work done. Every time you make it to one of your tiny reward points, you get to celebrate your success, which gives your brain a boost of dopamine . Dopamine helps you stay motivated and also creates a feeling of satisfaction when you complete your homework !  

#2: Form a Homework Group 

If you’re having trouble motivating yourself, it’s okay to turn to others for support. Creating a homework group can help with this. Bring together a group of your friends or classmates, and pick one time a week where you meet and work on homework together. You don’t have to be in the same class, or even taking the same subjects— the goal is to encourage one another to start (and finish!) your assignments. 

Another added benefit of a homework group is that you can help one another if you’re struggling to understand the material covered in your classes. This is especially helpful if your lack of motivation comes from being intimidated by your assignments. Asking your friends for help may feel less scary than talking to your teacher...and once you get a handle on the material, your homework may become less frightening, too. 

#3: Change Up Your Environment 

If you find that you’re totally unmotivated, it may help if you find a new place to do your homework. For example, if you’ve been struggling to get your homework done at home, try spending an extra hour in the library after school instead. The change of scenery can limit your distractions and give you the energy you need to get your work done. 

If you’re stuck doing homework at home, you can still use this tip. For instance, maybe you’ve always done your homework sitting on your bed. Try relocating somewhere else, like your kitchen table, for a few weeks. You may find that setting up a new “homework spot” in your house gives you a motivational lift and helps you get your work done. 


Social media can be a huge problem when it comes to doing homework. We have advice for helping you unplug and regain focus.

How to Do Homework When You’re Easily Distracted

We live in an always-on world, and there are tons of things clamoring for our attention. From friends and family to pop culture and social media, it seems like there’s always something (or someone!) distracting us from the things we need to do.

The 24/7 world we live in has affected our ability to focus on tasks for prolonged periods of time. Research has shown that over the past decade, an average person’s attention span has gone from 12 seconds to eight seconds . And when we do lose focus, i t takes people a long time to get back on task . One study found that it can take as long as 23 minutes to get back to work once we’ve been distracte d. No wonder it can take hours to get your homework done! 

3 Tips to Improve Your Focus

If you have a hard time focusing when you’re doing your homework, it’s a good idea to try and eliminate as many distractions as possible. Here are three expert tips for blocking out the noise so you can focus on getting your homework done. 

#1: Create a Distraction-Free Environment

Pick a place where you’ll do your homework every day, and make it as distraction-free as possible. Try to find a location where there won’t be tons of noise, and limit your access to screens while you’re doing your homework. Put together a focus-oriented playlist (or choose one on your favorite streaming service), and put your headphones on while you work. 

You may find that other people, like your friends and family, are your biggest distraction. If that’s the case, try setting up some homework boundaries. Let them know when you’ll be working on homework every day, and ask them if they’ll help you keep a quiet environment. They’ll be happy to lend a hand! 

#2: Limit Your Access to Technology 

We know, we know...this tip isn’t fun, but it does work. For homework that doesn’t require a computer, like handouts or worksheets, it’s best to put all your technology away . Turn off your television, put your phone and laptop in your backpack, and silence notifications on any wearable tech you may be sporting. If you listen to music while you work, that’s fine...but make sure you have a playlist set up so you’re not shuffling through songs once you get started on your homework. 

If your homework requires your laptop or tablet, it can be harder to limit your access to distractions. But it’s not impossible! T here are apps you can download that will block certain websites while you’re working so that you’re not tempted to scroll through Twitter or check your Facebook feed. Silence notifications and text messages on your computer, and don’t open your email account unless you absolutely have to. And if you don’t need access to the internet to complete your assignments, turn off your WiFi. Cutting out the online chatter is a great way to make sure you’re getting your homework done. 

#3: Set a Timer (the Pomodoro Technique)

Have you ever heard of the Pomodoro technique ? It’s a productivity hack that uses a timer to help you focus!

Here’s how it works: first, set a timer for 25 minutes. This is going to be your work time. During this 25 minutes, all you can do is work on whatever homework assignment you have in front of you. No email, no text messaging, no phone calls—just homework. When that timer goes off, you get to take a 5 minute break. Every time you go through one of these cycles, it’s called a “pomodoro.” For every four pomodoros you complete, you can take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes.

The pomodoro technique works through a combination of boundary setting and rewards. First, it gives you a finite amount of time to focus, so you know that you only have to work really hard for 25 minutes. Once you’ve done that, you’re rewarded with a short break where you can do whatever you want. Additionally, tracking how many pomodoros you complete can help you see how long you’re really working on your homework. (Once you start using our focus tips, you may find it doesn’t take as long as you thought!)


Two Bonus Tips for How to Do Homework Fast

Even if you’re doing everything right, there will be times when you just need to get your homework done as fast as possible. (Why do teachers always have projects due in the same week? The world may never know.)

The problem with speeding through homework is that it’s easy to make mistakes. While turning in an assignment is always better than not submitting anything at all, you want to make sure that you’re not compromising quality for speed. Simply put, the goal is to get your homework done quickly and still make a good grade on the assignment! 

Here are our two bonus tips for getting a decent grade on your homework assignments , even when you’re in a time crunch. 

#1: Do the Easy Parts First 

This is especially true if you’re working on a handout with multiple questions. Before you start working on the assignment, read through all the questions and problems. As you do, make a mark beside the questions you think are “easy” to answer . 

Once you’ve finished going through the whole assignment, you can answer these questions first. Getting the easy questions out of the way as quickly as possible lets you spend more time on the trickier portions of your homework, which will maximize your assignment grade. 

(Quick note: this is also a good strategy to use on timed assignments and tests, like the SAT and the ACT !) 

#2: Pay Attention in Class 

Homework gets a lot easier when you’re actively learning the material. Teachers aren’t giving you homework because they’re mean or trying to ruin your weekend... it’s because they want you to really understand the course material. Homework is designed to reinforce what you’re already learning in class so you’ll be ready to tackle harder concepts later.

When you pay attention in class, ask questions, and take good notes, you’re absorbing the information you’ll need to succeed on your homework assignments. (You’re stuck in class anyway, so you might as well make the most of it!) Not only will paying attention in class make your homework less confusing, it will also help it go much faster, too.


What’s Next?

If you’re looking to improve your productivity beyond homework, a good place to begin is with time management. After all, we only have so much time in a it’s important to get the most out of it! To get you started, check out this list of the 12 best time management techniques that you can start using today.

You may have read this article because homework struggles have been affecting your GPA. Now that you’re on the path to homework success, it’s time to start being proactive about raising your grades. This article teaches you everything you need to know about raising your GPA so you can

Now you know how to get motivated to do homework...but what about your study habits? Studying is just as critical to getting good grades, and ultimately getting into a good college . We can teach you how to study bette r in high school. (We’ve also got tons of resources to help you study for your ACT and SAT exams , too!)

These recommendations are based solely on our knowledge and experience. If you purchase an item through one of our links, PrepScholar may receive a commission.

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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English Grammar: MUST & HAVE TO

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Test your understanding of this English lesson


I See if want to learn English in an appropriate way, watching these kinds of lessons is a must. another thing, please would you explain the differences between “toward and towards” if there is or are any? Thank you, Ronnie, such a nice choice for lessons.

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Great site!

' src=

Thank you for the help. I have been learning a lot from your lesson. I have to keep up in order to be a good writer.

' src=

thanks so much mum i can learn english how to using words now i no that please yours expleaning is good

' src=

thanks ronni

' src=

mus’t’n’t arrgg’h’h’h”h’!!! hahah, Ronni, you are very funny..kkk..tks.

' src=

Thanks a lot Ronnie!!

' src=

I don’t have to kiss Ronnie for this class, but I should. Thanks, it was a clear and helpful lesson.

' src=

Thanks so much, I’ve got 8 out of 10 but I must get 10/10.

' src=

First of all congratulations, your class is amazing. May I use “HAVE NOT or HAS NOT” to negative of “HAVE or HAS”? Thank you; have a good one. Nilson…

' src=

No you cannot use has not only doesn’t and don’t with suitable subject. He/She/it doesn’t + have + base verb I/you/they/we don’t + have + base even It grammatically incorrect to use hasnot

' src=

thank you. I like this place. :)

' src=

Could you please explain question no. 5 a little bit??

' src=

I also had a problem with that one

' src=

You know that when using have in the negative form it is an option or advice not like must so you can take your break before or after noon

Thank you, thank you ! It’s the first time I unterstand the difference between these two words

' src=

Hi Ronnie, thank you for this improtant lesson.I’ll say that if someone isn’t good in english, he/she must watch this video.

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Thank you Ronnie :)

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thank teacher for making videos.

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Muy buena explicación.

' src=

Thanks, I loved this lesson.

' src=

thank ronnie

' src=

I got the short form of “must not” wrong.. I can’t believe this. So, let’s practice: mustn’t, mustn’t, mustn’t, mustn’t, mustn’t, mustn’t, mustn’t, lol

' src=

Thank you a lot, Ronnie, you are amazing! I’ve heard that there is a slight difference in meaning between “must” and “have to” in the positive form. It’s like we use “must” when we don’t mind to do something, and “have to” when there are some circumstances that force us to do it. What do you think about that?

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As she said in the video you only mind that they have basically the same meaning in the positive form which is a law or rule but in the negative form must is a strong obligation while have with doesn’t and don’t is an advice and option you can follow if you want or not

Excellent your advice, thanks so much.

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It’s awsome her way she explains the lesson. I love it!

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It clear Ronnie, thank you!

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I have to eat healthy food, but I don’t have to. haha This class was awesome! Thx a lot.

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You don’t have to, but you should.

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I have to download as many videos as possible from

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that is true

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There should be correct answer if we do wrong then how we know that so plz there should kept a correct answer too for our reference.

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I have to learn English from Ronnie, to boost my language!

Many thx to you Great woman!

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This was my first quiz. I liked it!

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Thanks a lot Ronnie. That was interesting and supportive.

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I got 8 out of 10! Thank you for teaching this lesson!

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Thank you for waking my sleeping brain up

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Thanks a lot for your clear teaching.I finally understand the usage between must and have to.

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I got 10 i cannot believe that , thanks a lot Ronnie

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Thank you Ronnie!

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thanks, I love the lesson

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This is very interesting. Thank you

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thank you for your teaching me

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i got 6 thanks for this lesson

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i got 6 thanks

Thanks Ronnie I’am also got 9/10 in my quiz

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Thank you, teacher Ronnie ?

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Hello, evgvid i don’t want talk with stanger people but they find my email From here then they Are enoying me on Facebook please help me!

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You can block them maybe

Thank you,This first lesson with you and made me enjoy with english.

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great! You got 10 correct out of 10. :D

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Thank you, teacher Ronnie.

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Thank you, I learnt something

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I get 7/10 marks in quiz very less marks

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Thank you I got 10 out of 10

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Thank you! I got 100!

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hello mdme ronnie please answear me i want to study in canada would you telll more informations

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Thank you. I got 7/10

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This is a helpful website. I must continue to study on this website. Thanks.

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Thanks Ronnie I’am also got 9/10 in my quiz

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Very helpful lesson like me having English as second language. EngVid team is doing a great job for those who want to learn English.

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Very good lesson

mus’t’n’t’ arrgg’h’h’h”h’h’!’!’!’! you don’t have to use these kinds of answer options, but it is funny:))))

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Ronni; Thank You

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Thanks a lot teacher Ronnie.

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Thanks Ronnie.

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thanks Ronnie. You are great teacher and very fun.

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Thanks a lot, Ronnie. Your classes are great

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I got 8/10. Thanks Ronnie. I can’t wait to visit Canada and enjoy that amazing country =) See you next video. Bye

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thank you, Ronnie, I have to tell my friend to watch this video, but I have a suggestion how can I get different between Gereoun and Ver Infinitive

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Many thanks Dear Ronnie really you have great class . and also I have to continue with you .See you in the other lesson .

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Thanks a lot, your class is great see you in the next lesson

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i like this lesson, thanks a lot

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I made some mistakes, but I liked a lot thanks very much for this lesson, my dear teacher..

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It’s very cool

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oh my… it really helped me a lot with my grammar skills thankyou very much to this site

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Thanks Ronnie!

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Tanks Ronnie.You’re the best.

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Tks Ronnie, but I’m confused where to start, there are so many lessons and I want your help where to start since I’m a new member in the engVid.

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thanks ronnie you make me laugh

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Ronnie i love thanks for the best lesson and best teacher

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Mission impossible: make grammar fun. You really did it. Thank you Ronnie!

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Thank you teacher Ronnie!

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Great Teacher

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Thank you so much Ronnie! You’re fun teacher

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You got 8 correct out of 10.

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Tanks Teacher Ronnie,i like the way you Teach us.Thank you very much

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Very useful! If someone wants to practice english – welcome.

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Well done, you are a great teacher…you have a clearly accent and understandable…Always be well…Kind regards from Athens………..

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Thank you very much Ronnie for share with us your knowledge. You have to continue teaching us. Good lesson!

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thank u ronnie <3

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Thanks a lot Ronnie❤..i got 10 of 10 ?

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Thank you for Ronnie

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i liked this lesson,thanks a lot Ronnie

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I got 6 out of 10 thanks Ronnie

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thanks Ronnie

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Thanks a lot..:)

' src=

Got a perfect score! Thank you Ronnie! You always make me laugh :)

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Thank you Ronnie! It is so fun to learn English with you! I always smile and even laugh during your lesson)))

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There are so many lessons in the I have to study hard every day. If I want to finish those lessons, I must study 5 lessons every day in the next two years.

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thank you ronnie you are the best

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Im happy for my first class today ;)

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Thanks Ronnie I want to learn about supposed to, Kindly make a video on it..

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thanks ronni❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

' src=

i feel my language get better than before thanks

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very funny ,thank you

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' src=

9/10 Thanks!

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Thank you so much I learned a lot

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Ronnie i lovely you!!! your voice is music for my ears..

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Hi, this was very useful. tanks

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hi Ronnie I’m happy to meet you and I like watching your video ??

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It was awesome I have got 90% mark…

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Interesting Thank you Ronnie

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i like your method of teaching ..keep going..thanks

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Thank you very much Ronnie!

' src=

I have a question ! you don’t have to take your lunch break.dose this mean you can choose to not take lunch break? And you don’t have to take your lunch brrak at noon means you can choose to have lunch break earlier or later than noon ?

' src=

Thanks roani

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Good, explain.

' src=

thanks =) you guys are best

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thanks, Ronnie

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Thanks for the lesson ronnie

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thing you ronnie

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I don’t have to going to work. I mustn’t treat badly other people. She doesn’t have to go to bed with this man. He has to pay employees a salary.

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hi Ronnie thank you for your lesson

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thank you so much teacher i got 8 tnks again Ronnie

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i love your way of Teaching!!!

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thank you so much for this lesson..

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It’s fabulous video, is fact! to learn with. I must agree everyone, congratulations Roni, hug strong.

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Thank you so much for you videos, you are a great teacher love you,God bless you and your. Juanita from Wisconsin USA

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Grrrr . I hate my self i didnt familiar any words in english

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I don’t hear any sound on the video pls help

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Hi, Enajzednanreh ! Make sure the volume is up on the YouTube video. The volume button is right beside play/pause, in the lower left corner of the video.

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That’s great!

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thank you for helping me

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Awesome class, i love your classes Ronnie . :)

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That’s great!

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please explain question #9 ronnie mam :)

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Hi ronnie thanks but when do we use should and shoudnt.

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i have to thank you for this informations

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dear ronnie thank u

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tnk you very much for this .. so helpful :)

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This is great, thanks and may the Lord gaide you!

' src=

thank u alot :)

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i get 10/10 waw :D

' src=

Thank you, Ronnie)

' src=

thank you Ronnie,you are the best!

' src=

Great lesson, thank you!

' src=

Thanks a lot

' src=

9/10 Auu! So goood class. Ronnie! Yor are the Best! Thanks a lot)

' src=

Thank you, teacher.

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Thank you, teacher Ronnie <3

' src=

You re a wonderful teacher ronnie… I touched score 100,ty alot

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thankyou very mach

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You’re very funny and incredible in your explantion. Thanks! Cya.

' src=

thank you. 9 out of 10. you’re the best ever

' src=

It’s helpful me to learn English in good manner.thank you

' src=

Thank you,Ronnie!I have 100!You have too many jokes:)

' src=

big thank ronnie

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Thank you ma’am Ronnie, very nice lectures.

' src=

Thanks so much Ronnie. You are amazing person and teacher.

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Wonderful site

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We have to say thanks for great teacher

' src=

Thanks Ronnie, Great Site!

' src=

Ronnie, you are funny :)) mus’t’n’t’ arrgg’h’h’h”h’h’!’!’!’!

' src=

thank you very much Ronnie. you have to continuing because we must follwing you course to improve our english.thank a loooooooot again.

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It seemd easy but it is difficult in practice.

' src=

Thank you .

' src=

It was very useful

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Ronnie Thankiu Thankiu Thankiu. First time i’m understand english pronuntiation

' src=

excellent examples for must and have/has to. I learned them already. thanks.

' src=

The Lesson was funny!!! Great :*

' src=

I love your lessons, they’re really funny and practical. Finally i understood how to use must and have to, both in their positive and negative forms.

' src=

Ronnie, you are the best. I learn and and laugh with your videos. Congratulations

' src=

I have to change my picture profile but I can’t

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I must to pay my bills every month but I don’t have watching TV everyday.

I have to thank you Ronnie for this helpful lesson.

Thank you very much mam for this great lesson!It’s clear and informative.I watch your lessons daily.I like your lesson as always.I have to do the quiz after learn any explain every lesson clearly with fun.

' src=

Very Good :)

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Hi Ronnie! I’m from Brazil. Thank you very much for this video. I love your explanations, they are very clear. I hope I don’t confuse more most and have to.

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yey i got 8

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I have to congratulate you for your English lesson

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Ilove to make quiz, I learn a lot

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can any one commenecate with me to practic english on facebook or watsapp ??

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Splendid explanation Ronnie and thanks for your effort

' src=

9/10! Good! Nice teacher! You make this lesson easy to understand. I will use must and have to correct.

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Tanks a lot

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I got 8/10. Thank you so much, Ronnie!

' src=

Before starting the video my score was 7/10, However, after the Ronnie Class, it is 10/10.

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thanksss ronnieehhh!

' src=

Ronnie,thank you for the video! You say that must and have to have the same meaning in positive sence, but here: , Alex says that must is more formal and strong. Still, are they different?

' src=

I have 90/100

' src=

Thank You Ronnie. I got 10/10.

' src=

I don’t understand the third question! what is difference between 2&3 answers?

' src=

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Modals - 'must' and 'mustn't'

Do you want to practise using the modals must and mustn't in English?

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Modals – 'must' and 'mustn't'

We can use must and mustn't to talk about rules and obligations.

I must do my homework. We must wear our school uniform. You mustn't be late for class. We mustn't speak when the teacher's speaking.

How to use them

Must means 'Do it!' If you don't do it, you will be in trouble.

You must listen to the teacher.

Mustn't means 'Don't do it!' If you do it, you will be in trouble.

We mustn't forget our books.

Use the infinitive without to after must and mustn't .

Children must respect their parents. Parents must take care of their children. You mustn't shout in the library.

Mustn't mean do not do and must mean you have to do. I'll give you some examples. You must listen to the teacher because if you don't, you don't know what to do. You must wear the correct school uniform. You mustn't be rude to your friends. You mustn't shout in someone's ear.

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How to Motivate Yourself to Do Homework

We all know the drill: homework can be a real drag sometimes. It’s tough staring down a mountain of assignments and not knowing where to even start. And let’s not even talk about those last minute all-nighters just to hit ‘submit’ right before class starts.

Feeling stuck and uninspired to do your homework? Get scrolling for quick and easy strategies to motivate yourself to do homework!

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1. Break It Down

If your to-do list seems too large, try breaking it down into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Have 10 chapters of your textbook to read? Try reading the first paragraph only. Need to write a 1000-word paper? Start by writing the first sentence. Treat each chunk as a mini-goal that can be easily achieved. Soon enough, you’ll be surprised by how much work you’re able to accomplish already, and the momentum will keep you going.

Looking for a way to stay on top of your workload? Here are some of the best Notion assignment trackers to help you out.

2. Develop Routine & Structure

When motivation fails, discipline takes over. By making doing homework a habit, it’s easier to jump back into your study routine and get your tasks done. Start by creating a daily schedule that works for you and do your best to stick with it. Make use of digital planners, grade calculators, and assignment trackers to make doing homework streamlined and more efficient.

Check out some of the best Notion templates for students that you can incorporate into your work routine!

3. Elevate Your Study Space with Aesthetic Tools

The right visuals can be game-changers for your work sessions. A captivating background or well-designed tool can make the difference between slogging through your work and truly enjoying it. When your workspace is a feast for the eyes, you’re naturally more inclined to hunker down and get things done.

Whether it’s a Pomodoro timer set against a Parisian café backdrop or a virtual escape to Mount Fuji, aesthetics can turn your study grind into something you actually look forward to.

If you’re on the hunt for a one-stop-shop for all your study aesthetics, give Flocus a try. It’s a free browser-based productivity dashboard with customizable Pomodoro timers, inspiring quotes, and personalized greetings. Flocus brings a bit of romance to your daily grind. For more options, check out our full round-up of aesthetic study websites .

4. Form a Study Group

Sometimes, all we need is that extra push from our classmates who are doing the same thing to keep us motivated to finish our homework. Share your concerns, bounce ideas off each other, and lean on one another for support. That said, forming a strong support group early on in your school life can really make all the difference.

Not in the mood to meet up with friends at the library? Join the Flocus Discord server with thousands of productivity lovers and students to help you stay accountable and motivated.

5. Connect to Your “Why”

If you’re feeling unmotivated while sitting on a pile of math problems, why not try thinking about the bigger picture? Reflect on how mastering this specific topic can contribute to larger goals that you might have. The homework you’re doing might seem insignificant right now, but it’s slowly building the way for future successes in life.

6. Progress over Perfection

One of the main reasons why students usually procrastinate doing homework is the desire to do it perfectly — but this unhealthy need for perfection might be what’s killing your productivity and motivation. If you’ve spent the last three hours trying to curate the perfect plan to do your assignment, you’re probably doing it wrong. Just get started, and let the momentum guide you! You can always come back and improve later on.

7. Look for Inspiration

Reading self help books, watching study vlogs, or listening to podcasts are all effective means to learn how to stay motivated and boost your productivity. Don’t worry, motivation also often comes from the most unexpected places — a random sticky note, an unexpected text message, or a line from your favorite TV show character.

Check out our curated list of the best study motivation movies to get going with a dose of inspiration!

8. Rest When Needed

Knowing you have loads of schoolwork coming is stressful enough. Maximize the long breaks between Pomodoro sessions by grabbing a snack, doing breathing exercises , stretching, or taking a nap. Having a good amount of rest is a part of being productive and staying motivated.

That wraps up some of our best homework motivation strategies! With these techniques at your disposal, we can only hope that those long overdue assignments will become a thing of the past.

Did we miss any strategies to stay motivated while doing homework? Which strategy is your favorite to use? Let us know in the comments below!

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September 22, 2022

How to encourage students to do their homework.

i must do my homework

Homework is one of those things you do because it needs to be done. But what happens when students struggle to complete assignments? Researchers have discovered that children who have difficulty completing homework tasks often lack executive function skills. Executive function refers to a set of abilities that allow people to plan, organize, prioritize, problem solve, and pay attention.

The good news is that there are ways to teach students the skills necessary to complete homework effectively. In this article, we explore the various factors that keep students from completing their homework, and how these factors can be dealt with.

What can you do if a student refuses to do work?

Most teachers have been in a situation where students refuse to do the work they are assigned. Whether it is because they don't understand the assignment or because they feel like they can’t do it, there are several things that teachers can do to help them learn to overcome obstacles.

For example, you can ask the student to explain the reasoning behind his or her refusing to do the work. If he or she is struggling because of personal reasons, you can allow the student to hand in the work later, or even assign an extra credit for the completed assignment. You can also provide additional instructions if needed.

How to get homework done quickly

What are the reasons why students don't do their homework?

There are different reasons why a student might not complete his homework but this problem is generally attributed to two primary factors:

Lack of understanding: Sometimes students don’t understand their homework assignments so they ignore them instead of reviewing what they learned in class.

Lack of motivation: Some students may not want to do the work because they are bored with the subject matter. Others may believe that they are incapable of completing the task. They may also dislike the way you teach the material. Whatever the reason, it is important to remember that every person learns differently so it’s important to find ways to motivate each student.

Tips to encourage students to do their homework

Getting kids to do their homework, after going through an entire school day, can be complicated. However, there are things that you can do to encourage students to complete their homework and elevate their learning experience .

Use a digital student planner

It can be difficult to get student learning practices right. However, there are things you can do to help your students optimize time management. A digital student planner makes it easier for today's Internet-savvy students to stay on top of their work.

With so much homework being assigned every day, it’s easy for students to get overwhelmed. Thankfully, with a planner, they can easily see what they have to do, by day and by week, and therefore dedicate time to each homework assignment. This helps improve grade levels and prevents late assignments.

Why are planners helpful for students?

Create a clear homework policy

With a clear homework policy, you communicate expectations consistently. This helps students understand what they must do to meet these expectations. You might say something like "I expect my students to turn in homework on Monday" or "I expect my students' homework to resolve math practice questions every night".

Break down tasks

One thing that works really well is breaking down large assignments into smaller ones . Instead of tackling a huge project all at once, try breaking it up into smaller pieces. For example, say you want to write a paper for English class. Instead of writing the whole thing at once, start by writing a rough draft of the introductory paragraph. Once you've finished that, move on to the body paragraphs. When you finish those, go back and add the conclusion.

Talk through problems

Students are often frustrated when they hit a roadblock while completing assignments so it’s important to find a way to help them overcome those challenges. The best way to do this is to simply talk to them about the issues they are facing and provide help when needed.

Provide adequate support

If you want your students to succeed, make sure that they have access to sufficient resources. For example, provide ample time for students to complete their homework. If you've got limited time, consider providing additional materials, such as worksheets or study guides. You can also leverage online tools to help them keep track of their progress. You might even want to consider integrating team-based learning into your homework policy to allow students to collaborate on project ideas. This will also encourage the development of listening skills and social skills .

The best digital student planner

A planner can help students manage their time better and develop good study habits. Studyo developed a digital student planner that allows students to easily stay on top of the work they have to do. Whether it is a quick math paper, or a long-term project, they will know exactly what they need to do and by what date.

Our planner automatically syncs to Google Classroom. This means that assignments are instantly uploaded to it and  ensures that students don’t miss assignments. Our student planner is personalized to your school and allows students to track their progress.

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Learn English

Grammar - to have to do something

Use have to do something to talk about your responsibilities and necessities.

I have to wear a suit to work.

Do we have to give our teacher our homework now?

They're had to rewrite the report.

Although must has the same meaning, it is used when the action is not a rule or law.

I must do my homework after school. - An obligation that is my choice.

I have to do my homework after school. - An obligation that comes from someone else, for example this rule was decided by a parent.

When there is no obligation (you can choose if you want to do it), we use the negative form.

You don't have to attend the meeting but you might find it useful. She doesn't have to help her parents with the housework.

Now complete these sentences:

  • 1) We have to ___ up after dinner. washing wash washed
  • 2) I always ___ to go to bed at 9 pm when I was a child. hasn't have had
  • 3) We ___ have to wear our school uniform on the last day of term. doesn't not don't
  • 4) Do I ___ to take him there? has have had
  • 5) She ___ to work on Saturdays. has have hasn't
  • 6) He __ to pick his mother up from the airport last night. had has hasn't
  • 7) They ___ have to carry my bags. don't doesn't doesn't


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Do My Coursework

I Must Do My Homework Everyday, So I Better Do It!

You may think that this sounds like a lot of work for just a little bit of work. Well, actually, there’s really nothing much work involved. It does involve some organization on your part. For example, instead of going to sit at home in front of the television and watching mindless entertainment for the television show, you need to sit down somewhere quiet with a paper and pencil and write out your homework assignment for the next day. So, instead of going to watch mindless television, you need to sit down in front of the computer or laptop and type out your assignment.

Of course, there are tons of reasons you might want to do your homework daily. If you’re in school, then your goal is to get good grades. In order to do this, you must do your coursework on a daily basis. This allows you to learn and memorize things quickly so they will be on your test. Not only will this help you get better grades, but it will give you the extra edge needed to get into that college of your dreams. Just make sure you don’t get behind on your assignments by accident!

If you’re trying to improve your grade point average (GPA), then you need to do all of your coursework on a daily basis. For some students, this can be almost impossible. If you’re in this category, I recommend taking an online course that can show you how to do your coursework and what to study. Also, get as much information about the course as you can. This way, if you have any questions, you can always check the Internet for answers. Most online classes offer forums and chat rooms that you can join so you can ask questions to other students.

Do your homework by hand. Some people like to use computers, but they tend to get sloppy and make mistakes when doing their homework by hand. I also hate to fold and tape papers because it’s such a hassle. Instead of using a crumpled piece of paper, just take a plain notebook and start writing. It’s much easier to do this than it is to look for a pen and write down notes that you think are important.

Attend all of your classes. You need to show up for all of your classes, even if you don’t want to. Sometimes there will be unforeseen circumstances where you won’t be able to go to class, such as illness or an accident. You might not be able to find the materials you need on time, so you’ll have to fill them up in whatever way is easiest for you. The best way to do this is online. There are a lot of sites that will let you download everything you need to get done.

Write your assignments online. If you’re like most people, you hate going to a class and sitting through a boring lecture. If you have assignments to do, why not put them online where everyone can see them at any time? You can easily email them or print them out. This way, you can look at them at home, during work, or when you have some down time.

I must do my homework every day, so I better do it! You need to show your child the importance of their papers. Tell them how important it is to do well in school. You might also want to start taking extra notes during class, so you’ll know what the main points are. When he or she does good, then you’ll know that they are on the right track. That’s the best way to motivate any child to do their homework!

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by Ernesto (Italy)

Hi Ola, I'd like to know the difference between MUST and HAVE TO as far as school rules are concerned. I mean, is it better or more correct to use MUST or HAVE TO? For example: Students must wear uniforms. / Students have to wear uniforms. Student must do their homework. / Students have to do their homework. Students must be punctual. / Students have to be punctual. And so on, and so on. In the above examples, the obligation comes from school authorities, but they are about rules as well. So, which is better or more correct: MUST or HAVE TO? Thanks a lot, Ernesto Ola's answer: Hi Ernesto, Both MUST and HAVE TO express obligation. In British English there is some difference between them. MUST is used to talk about what the person himself wants. For example: "I must park my car over there. Otherwise, I will have to walk around the fence." (Meaning: It is my wish to park my car over there.) HAVE TO is used to talk about rules, laws, etc. For example: "I have to park my car over there. If I park on the pavement, I will get a ticket." (Meaning: there is a rule which states I cannot park on the pavement.) So in British English, I would use HAVE TO for these sentences: Students have to wear uniforms. Students have to do their homework. Students have to be punctual. For more information:

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i must do my homework

can and must in sentences and questions

1.1. affirmative sentences with can.

  • I can play football.
  • You can sing .
  • My sister can read .
  • We can speak English.
  • They can write the words.

1.2. Negative sentences with can

1.3. questions with can.

  • Can I go to the cinema?
  • Can your budgie talk ?
  • Can he play the trumpet?
  • Can they spell their names?

2.1. Affirmative sentences with must

  • I must do my homework.
  • My sister must wash the dishes.
  • We must ask Frank.
  • They must make their beds.

2.2. Negative sentences with must

2.3. questions with must.

  • Must I help in the garden?
  • Must you go ?
  • Must she sing in the bathroom?
  • Must we watch this film?

We often used have to instead of must.

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Need, have to, must

  • Thread starter WesołaBiedronka
  • Start date Jan 7, 2019



Senior member.

  • Jan 7, 2019

Example 1 The teacher to the students: You must do your homework! According to the book I use it's against the rules to use "have to" in this sentence, is this a rule that when authority talks about his own rules he has to use "must" instead of "have to"? The same seem to be applying to signs as well. Now let's have a look at these 3 sentences and tell me if my reasoning is ok I have to do my homework - this emphasizes the fact someone imposed an obligation upon me I must do my homework - this highlights the fact I feel the inner need to do the homework, maybe because I believe it's just right thing to do the homework. I need to do my homework - this puts a stress on the fact I'm convinced doing a homework is good for me. I;m going to do it not because the teacher asked to or because I feel it's right but because I believe it's going to be beneficial for me. Do these make sense to you? Example 2 The teacher to his student: You need not call me Sir. The same question as the first one, can I replace need not with "don't have to" or is it an error? When authority informs people about them not having an obligation he has to use "need not" (or don't need to) or maybe he can use "don't have to"?  


WesołaBiedronka said: The teacher to the students: You must do your homework! According to the book I use it's against the rules to use "have to" in this sentence, Click to expand...

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dojibear said: Does the book say why? I don't know of any rule like this. Maybe it is a rule in BE. Click to expand...


dojibear said: Maybe it is a rule in BE. Click to expand...

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Modals to express obligation: MUST, HAVE (GOT) TO

Present and future.

Must refers to obligations which come from the speaker and may be directed at the speaker or the listener:

I really must give up smoking. (directed at the speaker) You must keep this secret. (directed at the listener)

Have to expresses external obligations, which come from outside of the speaker. These may be rules and regulations imposed by an external authority:

I have to get to work by 9 every day. Do you have to wear a uniform at your school?

Absence of obligation is expressed with the negative form of have to , not with mustn't . Mustn't is used to express that it is necessary not to do something:

I don't have to get up early tomorrow. It's a holiday. (I can get up late.) You mustn't tell anyone. It's a secret. (Don't tell anyone.)

Have got to has the same meaning as have to , but it is more common in informal, spoken language. The affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of have to and have got to are:

Must and will have to can be used to refer to future obligations:

You must be home by 10 o'clock. I' ll have to pay my bills next week.

Must has no past form. Instead, we use had to to express past obligations:

When I was at primary school, I had to wear a uniform. We had to start all over again.

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Expressing “must” or “have to”

When there’s something that must or must not be done.

In life, there are things that we must or must not do whether it’s taking out the trash or doing our homework. We will cover how to say this in Japanese because it is a useful expression and it also ties in well with the previous section. We will also learn how to the say the expression, “You don’t have to…” to finish off this section.

Using 「 だめ 」, 「 いけない 」, and 「ならない」 for things that must not be done

  • 駄目 【だめ】 – no good
  • ここ – here
  • 入る 【はい・る】 (u-verb) – to enter
  • それ – that
  • 食べる 【たべ・る】 (ru-verb) – to eat
  • 夜 【よる】 – evening
  • 遅い 【おそ・い】 (i-adj) – late
  • ~まで (particle) – until ~
  • 電話 【でん・わ】 – phone
  • する (exception) – to do
  • 早い 【はや・い】 (i-adj) – fast; early
  • 寝る 【ね・る】 (ru-verb) – to sleep

If you’re not familiar with the word 「 だめ 」( 駄目 ), though it can be used in many different ways it essentially means “no good”. The other two key words in this section are 「 いけない 」 and 「ならない」 and they have essentially the same basic meaning as 「 だめ 」. However, while 「 いけない 」 can be used by itself, 「ならない」 must only be used in the grammar presented here. In addition, while 「 いけない 」 and 「ならない」 conjugate like i-adjectives they are not actual adjectives. Let’s learn how to use these words to express things that must not be done.

  • Take the te-form of the verb, add the 「は」 (wa) particle and finally attach either 「 だめ 」、「 いけない 」、or 「ならない」. Example 入る → 入って + は + だめ / いけない /ならない = 入って は だめ / 入って は いけない / 入って はならない
  • ここ に 入って は いけません 。 You must not enter here.
  • それ を 食べて は だめ ! You can’t (must not) eat that!
  • 夜 、 遅く まで 電話 して は ならない。 You must not use the phone until late at night.
  • 早く 寝て は なりませんでした。 Wasn’t allowed to sleep early.

The difference between 「 だめ 」、「 いけない 」、and 「ならない」 is that, first of all, 「 だめ 」 is casual. While 「 いけない 」 and 「ならない」 are basically identical, 「ならない」 is generally more for things that apply to more than one person like rules and policies.

Expressing things that must be done

  • 毎日 【まい・にち】 – everyday
  • 学校 【がっ・こう】 – school
  • 行く 【い・く】 (u-verb) – to go
  • 宿題 【しゅく・だい】 – homework

You may have predicted that the opposite of “You must not do” would use 「 いける 」 or 「 なる 」 because they look like the positive version of 「 いけない 」 and 「ならない」. However, 「 いけない 」 and 「ならない」 must always be negative, so this is not correct. In actuality, we still use the same 「 だめ / いけない /ならない」 and use the opposite of the verb that goes in front of it instead. This double negative can be kind of confusing at first but you will get used to it with practice. There are three ways to conjugate the verb before adding 「 だめ / いけない /ならない」 and two of them involve conditionals so aren’t you glad that you just learned conditionals in the previous section?

  • Negative te-form + 「は」 (wa) particle + だめ / いけない /ならない
  • Negative verb + 「と」 conditional + だめ / いけない /ならない
  • Negative verb + 「ば」 conditional + だめ / いけない /ならない

The first method is the same as the “must not do” grammar form except that we simply negated the verb.

  • 毎日 学校 に 行かなくて は なりません。 Must go to school everyday.
  • 宿題 を しなくて は いけなかった Had to do homework.

The second method uses the natural conditional that we learned in the last lesson. Literally, it means if you don’t do something, then it automatically leads to the fact that it is no good. (In other words, you must do it.) However, people tend to use it for situations beyond the natural consequence characterization that we learned from the last section because it’s shorter and easier to use than the other two types of grammar.

  • 毎日 学校 に 行かない と だめ です。 Must go to school everyday.
  • 宿題 を しない と いけない Have to do homework.

The third method is similar to the second except that it uses a different type of conditional as explained in the last lesson. With the 「ば」 conditional, it can be used for a wider range of situations. Note that since the verb is always negative, for the 「ば」 conditional, we will always be removing the last 「い」 and adding 「ければ」.

  • 毎日 学校 に 行かなければ いけません 。 Must go to school everyday.
  • 宿題 を しなければ だめ だった。 Had to do homework.

It may seem like I just breezed through a whole lot of material because there are three grammar forms and 「 だめ / いけない /ならない」 adding up to nine possible combinations (3×3). However, some combinations are more common than others but I did not explicitly point out which were more common because any combination is technically correct and going over style would merely confuse at this point. Also, keep in mind that there is nothing essentially new in terms of conjugation rules. We already covered conditionals in the last lesson and adding the wa particle to the te-form in the beginning of this section.

※ Reality Check

Although we spent the last section explaining 「~なければ」 and 「~なくては」, the reality is that because they are so long, they are practically never used in real conversations. While they are often used in a written context, in actual speech, people usually use the 「と」 conditional or the various shortcuts described below. In casual speech, the 「と」 conditional is the most prevalent type of conditional. Though I explained in depth the meaning associated with the 「と」 conditional, you have to take it with a grain of salt here because people are inherently lazy.

Various short-cuts for the lazy

  • 勉強 【べん・きょう】 – study
  • ご飯 【ご・はん】 – rice; meal
  • 食べる 【た・べる】 (ru-verb) – to eat
  • 死ぬ 【し・ぬ】 (u-verb) – to die

You may have been grumbling and complaining about how long most of the expressions are just to say you must do something. You can end up with up to eight additional syllables just to say “I have to…”!

Well, others have thought the same before and people usually use short abbreviated versions of 「なくては」 and 「なければ」 in casual speech. Teachers are often reluctant to teach these overly familiar expressions because they are so much easier to use which is bad for times when they might not be appropriate. But, on the other hand, if you don’t learn casual expressions, it makes it difficult to understand your friends (or would-be friends if you only knew how to speak less stiffly!). So here they are but take care to properly practice the longer forms so that you will be able to use them for the appropriate occasions.

  • Simply replace 「なくて」 with 「なくちゃ」
  • Simply replace 「なければ」 with 「なきゃ」

Right now, you may be saying, “What the?” because the “abbreviations” are about the same length as what we’ve already covered. The secret here is that, unlike the expressions we learned so far, you can just leave the 「 だめ / いけない /ならない」 part out altogether!

  • 勉強 し なくちゃ 。 Gotta study.
  • ご飯 を 食べ なきゃ 。 Gotta eat.

The 「と」 conditional is also used by itself to imply 「 だめ / いけない /ならない」.

  • 学校 に 行かない と 。 Gotta go to school.

There is another 「ちゃ」 abbreviation for things that you must not do . However, in this case, you cannot leave out 「 だめ / いけない /ならない」. Since this is a casual abbreviation, 「 だめ 」 is used in most cases.

One very important difference for this casual form is that verbs that end in 「む」、「ぶ」、「ぬ」 use 「じゃ」 instead of 「ちゃ」. Essentially, all the verbs that end in 「んだ」 for past tense fall in this category.

  • Replace 「ては」 with 「ちゃ」
  • Replace 「では」 with 「じゃ」
  • ここ に 入っちゃ だめ だよ。 You can’t enter here.
  • 死んじゃ だめ だよ! – You can’t die!

On a final note, in general, 「ちゃ」 sounds a bit cutesy or girly. You’ve already seen an example of this with the 「ちゃん」 suffix. Similarly, 「なくちゃ」 also sounds a bit cutesy or childish.

Saying something is ok to do or not do

  • 全部 【ぜん・ぶ】 – everything
  • いい (i-adj) – good
  • 飲む 【の・む】 (u-verb) – to drink
  • 大丈夫 【だい・じょう・ぶ】 (na-adj) – ok
  • 構う 【かま・う】 (u-verb) – to mind; to be concerned about
  • もう – already
  • 帰る 【かえ・る】 (u-verb) – to go home
  • これ – this
  • ちょっと – just a little
  • 見る 【み・る】 (ru-verb) – to see

Now let’s learn how to say either that it’s ok to do or not do something. I decided to shove this section in here because in Japanese, this is essential how to say that you don’t have to something (by saying it’s ok to not do it). The grammar itself is also relatively easy to pick up and makes for a short section.

By simply using the te-form and the 「も」 particle, you are essentially saying, “even if you do X…” Common words that come after this include 「 いい 」, 「 大丈夫 」, or 「 構わない 」. Some examples will come in handy.

  • 全部 食べ ても いい よ。 You can go ahead and eat it all. (lit: Even if you eat it all, it’s good, you know.)
  • 全部 食べなく ても いい よ。 You don’t have to eat it all. (lit: Even if you don’t eat it all, it’s good, you know.)
  • 全部 飲ん でも 大丈夫 だよ。 It’s ok if you drink it all. (lit: Even if you drink it all, it’s OK, you know.)
  • 全部 飲ん でも 構わない よ。 I don’t mind if you drink it all. (lit: Even if you drink it all, I don’t mind, you know.)

In casual speech, 「~ても いい 」 sometimes get shortened to just 「~て いい 」 (or 「~で いい 」 instead of 「~でも いい 」 ).

  • もう 帰っ て いい ? Can I go home already?
  • これ 、 ちょっと 見 て いい ? Can I take a quick look at this?

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  2. Brainly

    Get personalized homework help for free — for real. Join for free. Brainly is the knowledge-sharing community where hundreds of millions of students and experts put their heads together to crack their toughest homework questions.

  3. English Grammar: MUST & HAVE TO · engVid

    Do we say I must do my homework or I have to do my homework? In English, we use must and have to to express a strong rule or law. In this grammar lesson, I will teach you about the modal verbs must and have to in both their negative and positive forms. In the positive form, their function is the same, but their subject-verb agreement is different. In the negative form, we use dont have to to ...

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  5. "I should be doing my homework." Vs. "I should do my homework."

    I should be doing my homework. This implies that I am doing something else, but the right thing to do would be to stop that and get started on my homework. I should do my homework. This does not imply anything about what I am doing right now. Therefore, it also lacks a strong sense of value judgement about doing homework now.

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  7. I must do my homework in Spanish

    a. debo hacer la tarea. I must do my homework right after school. If not, I forget.Debo hacer la tarea justo después de la escuela. Si no lo hago, me olvido. b. tengo que hacer la tarea. I must do my homework now. See you later.Tengo que hacer la tarea ahora. Hasta luego. c. debo hacer los deberes.

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    Limit Technology Usage. It's easy to lose track of time browsing social media or responding to messages. Create a tech-free bubble during your homework time. Keep your phone, tablet, or other distractions in another room. If you need a device for your work, consider using apps that block distractions.

  9. Studyo

    With a clear homework policy, you communicate expectations consistently. This helps students understand what they must do to meet these expectations. You might say something like "I expect my students to turn in homework on Monday" or "I expect my students' homework to resolve math practice questions every night". Break down tasks.

  10. Grammar

    Although must has the same meaning, it is used when the action is not a rule or law. I must do my homework after school. - An obligation that is my choice. I have to do my homework after school. - An obligation that comes from someone else, for example this rule was decided by a parent.


    I must do my homework. 2) For an opinion that you think has a good possibility of being true. Look at his uniform. He must be a policeman. MAY. HAVE TO. 1) Probability. She may come tomorrow. 2) In a very polite question.

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    Student must do their homework. / Students have to do their homework. Students must be punctual. / Students have to be punctual. And so on, and so on. In the above examples, the obligation comes from school authorities, but they are about rules as well. So, which is better or more correct: MUST or HAVE TO?

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  15. Need, have to, must

    Now let's have a look at these 3 sentences and tell me if my reasoning is ok I have to do my homework - this emphasizes the fact someone imposed an obligation upon me I must do my homework - this highlights the fact I feel the inner need to do the homework, maybe because I believe it's just right thing to do the homework.

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  17. "need" American Sign Language (ASL)

    For example, "i need to do my homework" and "i need money" use "need" in slightly different ways. I supposed the homework sentence is the same as saying "i must do my homework"....either way, I have Deaf friends that all sign "need to" by using the sign for "need" and then fingerspelling "to." They themselves are not sure if they are using ESL ...


    TO HAVE TO / MUST Exercise 1: Match the pairs of sentences with the best meanings. A/ I must do my homework. 1/ Tomorrow I have an important test. r B/ I have to do my homework. 2/ I'm telling myself it's important. r A/ I must wear this new shirt for the party. 1/ I will look smarter. r B/ I have to wear a shirt and a tie to go in. 2/ It's the rule. r A/ I must have a drink of water. 1/ The ...

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  21. Modals to express obligation: MUST, HAVE (GOT) TO

    Present and future. Must refers to obligations which come from the speaker and may be directed at the speaker or the listener:. I really must give up smoking. (directed at the speaker) You must keep this secret. (directed at the listener) Have to expresses external obligations, which come from outside of the speaker. These may be rules and regulations imposed by an external authority:

  22. Expressing "must" or "have to"

    The first method is the same as the "must not do" grammar form except that we simply negated the verb. 毎日 学校 に 行かなくて はなりません。 Must go to school everyday. 宿題 を しなくて は いけなかった Had to do homework. The second method uses the natural conditional that we learned in the last lesson.

  23. Must Do My Homework

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