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Time 4 Kindergarten

How to Support Students with Morning Work Binders

What are Kindergarten morning work binders?  Morning work binders are binders with pages that can be used repeatedly by your students.  These learning binders can offer a variety of academic learning opportunities to your students once they are prepared.

Kindergarten Learning binder

Materials Needed to Create the Learning Binders: 

  • Binders 1/2" or 1"
  • Plastic Sleeves
  • Dry Erase Marker

How to Sent Up Classroom Morning Work Binders

Make copies of all the pages you plan to put in your binders.  I suggest using your copy machine collator function. This makes it easy to prepare one binder at a time. I place the pages back-to-back in each sleeve. Next, I print a cover for each student with their name on it.

Procedures for Using Classroom Learning Binders

Before letting my students use these, we go over the expectations and guidelines for usage.  I talk about how we will be using only our dry-erase markers on the plastic part.  We do not write on any of the papers. We go over dry-erase pen procedures- snapping the cap till you hear it click. 

Then we practice with one page, writing, then erasing. Practice makes perfect .

When to Use Classroom Learning Binders

I use learning binders daily when introducing a number or a letter at the beginning of the school year.  I also use these when students finish work early, they can work in their binder.  They can also be used for morning work.  Students can work in their binders as the rest of the class is entering the classroom and getting settled.

At the end of the school year, students go through each page with a baby wipe.  We make sure all the pages are clean.  If there are pages where the dry erase marker won't erase, we use a Mr. Clean eraser.  Next, I or a volunteer goes through each Learning Binder making sure it is complete and ready for next year.

These Morning Work Binders are something that my students really like using and once they are set up they can be used again and again, year after year.

You can download a sample of the morning work binders below

Roll and Cover FREE Math Game for Learning Binders

Purchase them from TpT .

morning work binders for kindergarten

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Homework Binders for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade

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Our Weekly Binder System

This is our second year homeschooling and my first year teaching two kids. I have a first grader, kindergartener, and 3.5 year old. We have been using this weekly binder system for organizing our curriculum for a couple months and it’s just simplified the mornings so much for me! I feel organized instead of scattered.

Instead of grabbing 2-3 work books each, the kids just grab their binders with that week’s work in it. So I’ll show you what goes into each child’s binder, how we fill it once a week, and how you can easily set one up.

Organize a homeschool week using this a 3 ring binder system with tabs for homeschool subjects!

More homeschool posts for you to find

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How we organized homeschool curriculum for the week before switching to binders

Originally, I just had a metal cart on wheels that held all our our homeschool books.

Each day I’d take the kids’ stack of books (2 each for math and language arts), flip to that day’s page of a subject, and do that day’s lesson. It wasn’t a bad way to do it actually, but I could never really say, “Go grab your schoolwork” to the kids because there were so many different books and things I pulled from.

The binder solves this for me. They can get their binder with everything we need for that day (and week).

The second issue for me with the old way was that it was tricky to visually see how much work was left for the week. I thought maybe sticky notes in each book placed at the beginning and end of the work for the week might be helpful, but opted to try this binder system instead.

What is a weekly binder system?

This is the system that we have implemented in our home to organize and hold one week’s worth of homeschool work. With this system, each child has their own binder. It holds all the worksheets divided into subjects, and has a place for finished work to go in the back.

At the end of the week, all finished work gets filed away somewhere else, and you would fill up the binder again. (You could start a file for each child with the year on it and put the finished work in there.)

Most curriculum I’ve seen is ordered by days, so you could tear out the next 5 days worth of work.

Why a binder system has simplified homeschool for us

It’s helped me to be organized for the week. By tearing out 5 days worth of math and language arts, I can see how many pages we have to do at a glance.

I can print off a few extra activities and keep them in the binder in case we feel like it. No more searching for where I set that printable we were going to get out this week. It’s in the binder.

It motivates the kids. I notice the kids seem to love seeing their binder getting empty during the week. They see bite sized chunks instead of thick books. “Only 3 more pages!”

They can do all their week’s worth of math in a day, or spread it out lesson by lesson or day by day. Sort of step 1 towards being independently motivated I guess.

Switching subjects takes a lot less time. It is SO fast for me to just open the next tab in our binder to switch subjects…because the work is all there. I just feel more organized and less all over the place.

It’s a perfect place to store some of those homeschool printables. I love finding printables that look fun, can be cut out, or go along with our nature theme that week. Since these are loose papers, a binder is a great spot to put those. Usually things like this are just for fun if we get to them.

Supplies you’ll need to set up a weekly homeschool binder (for each kid)

You’ll need:

  • A thick 2 inch binder . The 1 inch binders don’t leave room for a wide ruled notebook and all your other tabs plus work, so I would not buy 1 inch.
  • Color coded plastic subject tabs (these are the ones I bought)

kindergarten homework binder

How I organize our binders by subject

You’ll want to label your tabs according to the subjects you have curriculum for.

Not all subjects will be paper based. For example, our 1st grade history and geography is not in our binder because we are reading living books on Early American History, and playing geography games to learn where states are with their matching capitals.

For my kindergartener:

  • reading (I wrote it as “Dash”, which is her Dash Into Learning activity sheets plus corresponding beginner reader book) Get yours 20% off with code BLUEANDHAZEL20
  • Extra (tracing pages and any fluff worksheets I find she can do just for fun…she loves that stuff!)
  • done (a folder for all finished work that week)

For my 1st grader:

  • language arts
  • science (mostly nature study)
  • done (to put all completed work for the week)

What goes into our homeschool binders for kindergarten and first grade

For kindergarten, we really only focus on reading, writing, and math.

Since Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons is a book and doesn’t go in the binder, math is the only “must do” tab each day for her. We are using Level 1 from Masterbooks this year. Side note, all Masterbook pages tear out very easily with their perforated edges!

We also aim to do some kind of handwriting, either one tracing page or a sentence of copy work from the bible. This goes into a wide ruled notebook, which I’ll store in her binder.

My 1st grader does math and language arts daily (this year we are using Masterbooks language lessons for a living education and math lessons for a living education). We also often use some kind of copy work from the bible or other form of writing if there’s not enough in that day’s language arts.

He does science once a week. We mainly focus on nature study as a family (all kids included, even my 3 year old) with Exploring Nature With Children I highly recommend this, and SO simple even for us non nature-y raised folk).

I did buy Adventures in Creation level 1 from Masterbooks to try with my 1st grader once a week along with Exploring Nature with Children. It’s also all nature study, and compliments our other nature curriculum so well! That’s where any of the worksheets come from for “science”.

How we decide what goes into each subject

I’m not sure how each company’s homeschool curriculum is organized, but the two I’ve used (The Good And The Beautiful and Masterbooks) have a set number of lessons for the year/ or level.

I never feel the need to plan out what lesson goes on which day, we simply do the lessons in order. So if you’re just starting a binder system and you’ve already finished through lesson 30 in math, then you would place lesson 31-35 in next week’s binder tab “math”.

Where it gets tricky is if a subject in your curriculum is made to do just 1, 2, or 3 times a week. Then you will just pull out that many lessons each week, not the full 5. Or add more if it seems too easy!

I generally pull about 5 lessons out for math and language arts. And even though we have a 4 day work week (5th day is our nature co-op), it’s not hard to do 5 lessons in 4 days.

And honestly, Masterbooks lessons are purposefully so short that we sometimes double up if the kids still have focus left in them.

Other items I keep in our binders

What goes inside of our kindergarten and homeschool weekly binders

A wide ruled notebook . This keeps a nice record of copy work to see handwriting improvement, and is where we write and practice copying spelling words.

Flash cards. I use Masterbook’s right brain math flashcards (they tell you the answer) for simple addition problems. We take them out when the curriculum tells us to and practice about 10 at a time.

Spelling words week by week for easy reference. Our list came with our language arts book, so I just tore it out and put it in the front.

A printable clock. I made ours, and it’s in both kids’ binders since they are both learning time. You can get this in my Etsy shop , and the clock comes in yellow, blue, and black and white.

Number tracing printable . Also in my Etsy shop and in both kid’s binders. These are an easy add on to any day to practice number formation.

kindergarten homework binder

What to do if your homeschool books don’t have perforated edges

A lot of curriculum does not come with handy little perforated edges you can tear out.

For instance, I’m supplementing my kindergartener’s math with some fun worksheets from The Good And The Beautiful Level K. I rip those pages out I want each week, but the edges are torn from a spiral binding so very choppy.

I learned that you can take your books to an Office Depot or similar place and they will cut off the binding for you! I’d just call ahead to ask if they do it.

Downsides to tearing out your curriculum

One thing I’ve run into with tearing out curriculum is that it’s tricky to ever go back and find something again. Once it’s out of order and filed away somewhere…your not likely to be able to look on your child’s work neatly organized in order. I’m not too worried about that since I don’t plan to keep it all, just a few samples throughout the year. But just a thought!

You can organize all 36 weeks using a crate system

We actually opted to try a crate system for organizing a full year’s worth of homeschool curriculum by week . I spent a day doing that, and now just go to that week in the crate and get all the worksheets in there to file in the binder.

However, I’m not sure I love it, because it’s not super flexible if you work ahead or get far behind. I think next year, we will simply keep all the work in the original books, and tear out one week at a time for the binder.

Other ways to organize your homeschool curriculum

The binder system is just one way to store curriculum.

I’ve seen people:

  • Keep a shelf for each child’s books.
  • Buy each kid their own metal rolling cart.
  • Simply keep curriculum on a shelf like I used to do and swap what books you need as you go for each kid.
  • Give each child a clear plastic bin (labeled with their name) with all their workbooks in it. It’s easy to store, doesn’t require tearing out pages, and you can keep pencils and personal reading books in there too.

Find a system that works for you

The most important thing is to pick a system that makes sense for you. It needs to make your life easier!

If the thought of tearing out pages for each subject for each kid stresses you out, then maybe just try getting each child a bin for all their books.

I hope you’ll share what works or what hasn’t below! And I’d love it if you would head over to Instagram to follow our daily homeschool activities there. You got this!

How to organize homeschool curriculum for each kid

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Wednesday 14th of February 2024

Love this! Thank you!

Wednesday 28th of December 2022

This is so dang great! I’ve been working this year at putting each day’s work in a clipboard but it’s very time consuming on a daily basis and if I miss an evening set up it cuts into the morning work because I have to catch up the clipboard. This is way easier and I’m annoyed I didn’t think of it! đŸ€Ł

Thursday 29th of December 2022

I think you'll love it! You can organize the tabs by day with all worksheet subjects to do, or organize by subject and put a week's worth in each subject. Hope it helps!

Tuesday 13th of December 2022

Thank you for post! I am homeschooling my son who is in kinder and he gets this long pouty face :( everytime I stack the books in the table. I'm going to try this and see if it helps with the moods. He's always asking how much we have to do so maybe if he sees exactly how much he has to do he'll have a better attitude.

Thursday 22nd of December 2022

I hope it helps!

Monday 18th of April 2022

We use a binder system but by month. It’s great to grab and go if we want to do school away from the house (library, cafe, friend’s house, park, etc).

Tuesday 19th of April 2022

O that's a neat way to do it. Do you still organize papers by week x 4 folders for a month? I'd love to hear more!

Wednesday 16th of March 2022

Super curious - does this mean curriculum cannot (and possibly should not) be reused? Will be homeschooling the up coming year for the first time.

Tiffany, most of the curriculum we use is one time use. Our math workbooks, handwriting pages, and some other subjects get written in and tossed. I buy again for each kid as needed. Some curriculums sell a PDF version, but not all. If you think you'll save money with multiple kids you might want to try that, but honestly it's not usually that much cheaper as you still have to buy the PDF version and then use your own paper and ink. Another option is to make copies of your books for your own family use if you want to just buy one physical copy to use for more than one kid.

Littles Love Learning

Let's Teach Your Child to Read Together


Looking for a way to structure your Circle Time that’s fun, interactive, & easy to prep? Keep reading to see why kindergarten & preschool Circle Time Printables (which I call Monthly Learning Binders ) are the way to go!

Preschool and Pre-K Circle Time Printables

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If you have a preschooler or kindergartener in your life, you know there’s ONE truth that’s universal for parents and teachers all over the world.

It’s not that our little ones are going to ask for a snack every 20 minutes (although that’s near the top of the list!)

And it’s not that they’ll love a certain food one day and hate it the next (although again, this is pretty common at this age!)

All parents and teachers know that our little ones thrive on ROUTINE .

  • If you’re a parent, have you ever gone on a vacation with your family that felt a little chaotic or unmanageable? 
  • If you’re a teacher, how does your class react when the routine changes because of a holiday party or assembly?

In both of those situations, things might feel out of control because your little ones weren’t following their usual routine.

Having a predictable routine gives our preschoolers and kindergarteners a sense of security and stability . It also helps them feel in control of their environment because they know what’s happening next.

When it comes to learning, routine is more important than ever for our little learners. They feel empowered when they know what to expect from the day, and the repetition of the activities helps them master crucial foundational skills.

And that’s why Circle Time is one of the most important parts of the day!


One way to add structure to your day is through CIRCLE TIME , which is also called Morning Meeting, Calendar Time, or Morning Basket if you’re homeschooling.

Circle Time is the time of day where our little ones gather together to learn, share, connect, and interact with each other.

Teachers structure their circle times in different ways, depending on the needs of their class, but some common activities you’ll see include:

  • Good Morning song
  • Poem, rhyme, or fingerplay
  • Review of the daily schedule 
  • Introduction of a new skill (mini-lesson)
  • Show & tell

Now don’t think you have to fit in ALL of those activities at once
circle time doesn’t have to be just one time of day.

You can break it up into smaller amounts of time and sprinkle them throughout your day. Some classrooms even have two or three circle times during the day, each with its own focus and purpose. 

But the idea is that you keep the routine the SAME . Whatever activities you pick for your circle time, keep them the same so your little ones know what’s coming. This will add structure and stability to their day.

That way, no matter what other activities you do during the day (or how the schedule changes!), your little ones feel confident that circle time happens in the same order each day.

Want to see the songs & chants I love to use during Circle Time? Check out this video!

Preschool and Pre-K Circle Time songs and printables


One way to make circle time more interactive is by having circle time printables that accompany the activities. These printables allow little ones to follow along with more engagement AND practice skills individually. 

In order to make this work for me, I created what I call LEARNING BINDERS for each month of the year. These Learning Binders are circle time printables that go along with our routine.

The activities stay consistent from month to month, but in order to keep things fresh, the theme of the activities changes to go along with the season or special event happening that month. That way, my little ones continue to feel excited for circle time!

I print out these printables for each student, place them in plastic sheets , and then put them inside a 3-ring binder or folder with brads . That way, the printbles stay organized and can be used all month long.

The 6 circle time printables I’ve included in each monthly Learning Binder include:


Name Writing Practice

One of the most important skills for our preschool and kindergarten students to master is writing their name . I created a name writing printable for each month with seasonal clip art so my students can learn this important skill.

This page is editable, so you can type your students’ names in the top two boxes. The first box is a solid font, and the second box is a traceable font. I want my students to spell, trace, build, and write their name each day of the month. Once they’ve mastered their first name, I move on to their last name, and even their middle name!

This printable doesn’t necessarily have to be used during circle time. You can instead use this as a way to take attendance or as a “sign-in” sheet in the morning. It could also be sent home for little ones to practice their name at home.

Only interested in the name writing practice sheets? Check these out!


Poem of the Month printable

Each month, I teach my little ones a brand-new poem and sign language to accompany the poem. We practice the poem each day, and by the end of the month, they are pros and can say it themselves! I love using poems as a way to develop phonological awareness and strengthen rhyming skills .

* You can see the September poem and sign language that goes along with it in this video *

You can send this poem home with your students so they practice with their families, or if you’re homeschooling, you can keep it hanging on your refrigerator to practice each day.

Only interested in the monthly poems? Check these out!


Monthly calendar with editable numbers

Before I dive into Calendar Time, I wanted to quickly note that Linear Calendars are a great beginning calendar for our youngest preschoolers. You can read about linear calendars here .

Once you’re ready to introduce a traditional calendar, these editable calendars are a great tool for you. You can type the year and numbers into the boxes so you can use them from year to year.

There are also plenty of weeks on the calendar so none of the days have to share boxes (I think calendars with slashes for the days 23/30 and 24/31 are SO confusing for kids!)

The numbers on the calendar are traceable, so your little ones can practice number formation, too. Or you can leave the calendar blank (like I did in the above photo) and have your little ones add the numbers on their own. So many math skills can be covered during calendar time!

Only interested in the editable calendars? Check these out!


Weather bar graph

After calendar, I like to talk about the weather outside. But I also wanted a way to sneak in more math during circle time, so I came up with the perfect solution.

Each month, we have 4 types of weather cards to choose from with a corresponding bar graph. After students choose the weather for the day, they color in a bar on their bar graph.

At the end of the month, we see which weather we had the most of and which weather we had the least of. Great way to mix in more math skills!

Only interested in the weather cards & bar graphs? Check these out!


Feelings tally chart

Another main focus of circle time is developing social emotional skills. I wanted to include a “feelings check-in” so my little ones can get in touch with how they’re feeling. Plus I wanted to introduce them to new vocabulary words for their feelings.

Each month, there are 4 new feelings words (the clip art changes to go along with the month). You talk about what each word means and act them out. Each day, your little ones can choose a word that best describes how they’re feeling. Then they can make a tally mark on their tally chart.

At the end of the month, we add up the totals and see which feeling they had the most of and which they had the least of. Another way to work on math skills!

Only interested in the feeling cards & tally charts? Check these out!


Monthly reading log

The importance of reading aloud to our preschool and kindergarten kiddos can’t be overstated. It is SO crucial to their reading development as it helps with vocabulary development, oral language skills, comprehension, and fluency. Oh, and it’s fun, too!

I love having my little ones color in a picture for each book we read during circle time as a way to track all of our amazing read alouds. You can also send this home to families so they’re encouraged to read more to their kids.

Only interested in the monthly reading logs? Check these out!


Following a circle time routine using hands-on printables is so beneficial because it allows little ones to feel confident in the predictability of the routine.

Each day the order of activities is the same, although each month includes variety with different feeling words, different weather words, and a different poem to keep things fresh & engaging.

Following a routine like this also helps parents and teachers feel confident and reassured that, no matter what the rest of the day looks like, your little ones have practiced basic preschool and kindergarten skills.

Just by using these Learning Binders , your little ones have already worked on:

  • Handwriting (Letters & Numbers)
  • Oral Language (Listening & Speaking Skills)
  • Phonological Awareness (Rhyming)
  • Days of the Week
  • Months of the Year
  • Tally Charts
  • Social Emotional Learning

These printables are perfect to use in your classroom or homeschool. I used these exact printables when homeschooling my 3 year old for preschool, and he loved them! I was so impressed with how much he learned just from following this routine.

I also love that each month has a different theme. The themes are fun, engaging, and keep things fresh. The themes for these circle time printables are:

  • August : School
  • September : Apples/Farm
  • October : Pumpkins
  • November : Turkeys
  • December : Winter/Snow
  • January : Polar Animals
  • February : Love/Hearts
  • March : Bees/Flowers
  • April : Spring
  • May : Sweet Treats
  • June : Beach
  • July : Camping


If you’ve read any of my other blog posts or you’re on my email list , you know I’m not a fan of worksheets. I love hands-on, interactive, and engaging printables to teach kids through PLAY !

But with that said, sometimes you just need a quick printable for your kiddos for a variety of reasons:

  • You have a little one who wants to do “homework” like big brother or sister
  • You have a little one who finishes their work fast and is always looking for a challenge 
  • You want to take an activity with you on the go, but you can’t pack tons of manipulatives 

I can totally relate! That’s why each monthly Learning Binder also includes 4 printables (2 literacy and 2 math). These are unique printables each month that cover a variety of skills. Just think of them as a “bonus” for purchasing the pack!

July literacy printables to practice syllables and letters


I hope these ideas are helpful to you when planning your circle time, whether that’s for your students in your classroom or homeschooling your own child.

And while I can’t guarantee your kiddos won’t ask for a snack every 20 minutes, or that they’ll always like the same foods, I CAN guarantee these monthly Learning Binders will help them establish a predictable, consistent routine that will keep them engaged, active, and learning during circle time.

You can grab your copy of the Yearlong Learning Binder Bundle HERE.

12 Month Learning Binder Bundle for Preschool & Kindergarten

You can also see each individual month HERE.

Monthly Binders of Circle Time Printables

How do you structure your circle time? What songs or printables do you use? Comment below or head over to Instagram [ @littleslovelearningblog ] and share there!

love these ideas? pin them for later!

Monthly no-prep circle time ideas, songs, & printables

Happy Learning!


kindergarten homework binder

Free Printable Student Binder

Student binder printables can help students keep all of their important school and class information organized, setting them up for success from the moment they head back to school!

Student Binder Cover

The student binder printables are baaaaaaccccckkkk! 🙂 Over the past few months, one of the most common questions I have received is, “When are you going to update the student binder?!” Well, I’m thrilled to say that it is here! This year’s binder still features two color scheme options and many, many printable pages that will help you stay organized throughout the school year!

(And even if you’re not a student, there are still some of these printables that you could use too, so don’t run off just yet! 😉

[You can see all 300+ pages of free printables that we offer on the blog in our Free Printable Library !]

Student Binder Supplies

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here .

Before we jump into the binder tour, here are a few of the items you’ll need to put together your student binder:

  • A 3-Ring Binder (I like this one and this one .)
  • Colorful Tab Dividers (I like these ones with pockets and these ones without .)
  • White Tab Dividers
  • 3 Ring Binder 3 Hole Punch (I have  this one .)
  • I like to use a label maker + clear tape to label my divider tabs.
  • Printer- I have this kind . I prefer to print my binder printables at home, but of course you could always send them off to your local print shop or office supply store to be printed as well.

Free Printable Student Binder Pages

A pretty binder cover.

The first thing that any binder needs to have is a pretty cover, and this binder is no exception! I made it bright and colorful with plenty of room for the owner’s name and/or contact information. I printed my cover out on white card stock just to make it a little sturdier.

Free Printable Student Binder Cover in a 3-Ring Binder

Class Schedule

Next, I was sure to include a class schedule. You can keep track of what class is happening when, where, and with whom with this simple printable!

Class Schedule Printable, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Student Binder: Planning

I then divided the binder into a few sections to keep everything neat and organized. The first section is planning, of course!

Goal Setting Sheet

You know I never create a binder without including a goals page! I am kind of obsessive about goals because I really think that they work!

Whether you’re a student or not, it never hurts to write out a few of the things you’d like to accomplish over the next year. I’ve also left room to write out some action steps you can take to get yourself closer to your goals.

Goal Setting Printable, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Monthly Calendars- Dated and Undated

Everyone– students and otherwise– can always use a monthly calendar. This one includes July 2023-December 2024 for over a full year of pretty planning! And if you’re thinking even further ahead than that, I’ve included undated calendar pages so that you can create a calendar for any year you want!

September 2023 Calendar Page in a Student Binder for Back-to-School

Two-Page Weekly Planner

Another printable that everyone could use is this two-page weekly planner. Each day is broken down by hour to make it easy to use time blocking or just keep a close eye on your schedule. There is even room at the bottom to set some goals for the week and make notes.

Weekly Calendar Printable, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Daily Planning Printable with Time Blocking

If you want to go even more in-depth, you can use the daily planning printable, which has even more room to schedule your time, make note of people you need to contact, and keep track of miscellaneous items in the notes section.

Daily Planning Time Blocking Printable, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Daily Routines Printable

The final printable in the “planning” section is a daily routines printable. Sometimes it’s helpful to clarify which items need to happen each morning (like packing a lunch or filling your backpack), afternoon (like finishing homework or doing chores), and evening (like picking out clothes for the next day or planning the next day’s schedule). This little printable can help you do all of those things!

Daily Routines Printable, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Everyone probably won’t need all of these different printables for planning their time, but I wanted to make sure I provided a bunch of different options so each person could choose the printable or printables that would work best for them!

Student Binder: Tracking

There are sooooooo many details to keep track of when you’re in school, and the next section of the binder is devoted to just that.

Assignment Schedule + Exam Schedule

I know I was always overwhelmed on the first day of class when I would get my syllabus from each teacher and immediately be bombarded by assignments and test dates. The next two printables– an assignment schedule and an exam schedule– will help organize those things so you never miss a deadline.

Assignment Schedule Printable, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Reading Log Printable

If there is one thing I’m thanking myself for as an adult, it is that I was an avid reader from an early age. I know I’m a former English teacher, so this is expected from me, but reading is so, so, so important! This reading log makes it easy to keep track of your minutes/pages read.

Reading Log Printable, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Student Binder: Subject Sections

I divided up the next section of the binder into the different subject areas and included the same few printables in each subject tab.

Colorful Tab Dividers with Pocket for 3 Ring Binder, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Grade Tracking Printable

First, I included a grade tracker. It’s never fun to get to the end of the quarter or semester and be surprised by your grade, so this printable will help you keep track of all grades  along the way so you know exactly what to expect.

There is a column to list each grade, and then one to keep a running total on the far right. Print one off for each class and get tracking!

Grade Tracker Printable, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Next I added a simple-but-pretty notes page so you can keep all of your class notes nice and organized. I would print out a bunch of these at a time to have them handy any time I need to take notes in class, make a list, or just get some thoughts down on paper!

Notes Printable, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Project Planning Printable

My very last printable in each subject section is a project planner. All of those school projects have so many little details, and this printable is the perfect place to keep track of them all! (Plus it’s cute, which always helps! 😉 )

Project Planner Printable, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

A Second Color Scheme for the Student Binder!

In past years I had several requests from moms of boys for binder printables that weren’t quite so pink! As a fellow boy mom myself, I completely understood the need for more options for boys, so I created a second color scheme option that would work for boys or for girls who just prefer blue to pink.

Blue Student Binder Printables, Weekly Planning Two-Page Spread, Student Binder with Free Printables for Back-to-School, study aids, high school organization, college organization, middle school organization, pretty printables, printables for girls, printables for boys, resources for students, back to school, graduation gift, student organization, teacher printables

Free Printable Student Binder: Frequently Asked Questions

I typically update this post every July with calendar printables for dated the upcoming school year. There are also undated calendar printables included with both color schemes, so if you’re thinking ahead to future years, those can help!

These printables are designed to be printed on standard letter-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″).

We sure do! If you’re looking for vertical calendar printables and/or calendars with a Sunday start, you can snag both in this calendar printable post .

You can get both full sets of binder printables sent straight to your inbox via the button below!

The student binder printables are simple, but when used consistently, they can truly help make your school year (and your life!) so much easier!

More Free Printable Binders

  • Home Binder
  • Budget Binder
  • Recipe Binder

Happy organizing, friends!

Abby Lawson, Just a Girl and Her Blog


My goodness, your printables are so dang cute! My oldest is in preschool, but these will certainly come in handy down the road. Love them!

Thank you, Alli! Mine are little too– we’ll see if they ever take to my printables, lol! Have a wonderful week!

is there any way to update the calendar and printables for college students starting their fall semester in 2016 (:

Hi, Makalla! Look for a new 2016-2017 Student Binder to come out sometime this summer! Hope you’re having a great week!

Thank Goodness I scrolled through the comments, I was trying to figure out how I was going to make it past my summer semester! These are INCREDIBLE! From someone who could NOT get organized for their spring semester…You’re my absolute savior!

Yay! So glad they’ll be helpful for you! Have a great week!

Hi, I am making a student binder for my cousin for her graduation gift. Is there any way you could update the calendar printables for this color scheme and design? Or is there any way I could update them myself with word?

Hi, Sierra! I will probably put out an updated version of the binder in July sometime. Hope you’re having a great week!

Hi! I love your printables, they are so pretty and useful! But i have 1 question, could you publish the same printables but with color for boys? Thank you!

Ooh that is a great idea, Sofia! I’ll add it to my list! 😉 Hope you’re having a wonderful week!

Do you have a march month….?

I’m not sure I understand your question?

could you tell me what dividers you ues

Hi, Grace! All the supplies are listed in the post!

Your printables are really cute! How can I get in touch with you? Thanks for your time 🙂

Thanks, Linda! Feel free to email us at hello {at} justagirlandherblog {dot} com.

Have a great week!

Hey Abby can you please help how to decorate my binder and can you also help me find a 2″ 3 ring binder a pretty binder but not expensive and in walmart please I wanna get ready for school.!!! ??â˜ș

I agree! I’m going into 8th grade and I thinks they will motivate me to work hard thanks!!

I’m not a student, but a teacher and I love your printable. Especially the fact that it is simple and the calendar starts with Monday <3 (I'm from Europe, I'm used to starting with Mon)

Thank you, Noemi! I never know which day to start them! Monday seemed to make sense for this one since it is geared toward the school week. 🙂 Hope you’re having a wonderful day!

I must say I am fairly new to your blog but I am absolutely in love! Thank you so much for sharing all of these amazing resources. The blog looks fantastic, congrats on all the success!

Thank you so much, Lindsey!! So nice to “meet” you! 🙂

I kinda wish I was in school, just so I could use these. :o) Super cute, as always Abby!

Lol! Thank you so much, Leah! You are the sweetest!

Both the former teacher and now parent in me love these! Aside from being beautiful, they help teach our kids time management and goal setting – so important. Great resource Abby!!

Thank you so much, Melissa! That really means a lot! <3 Hope you are having a wonderful week!

Thank for this awesome printable! Have a great week!

I wish I had had these back when I was in school, they are stunning!

Thanks for the printables! I went back to school two years ago to finish my degree, and my 4yo is starting preschool this year. This planner is perfect for organizing my busy class schedule, assignments, and study topics, as well as my family’s schedule and my toddler’s preschool commitments.

I am so happy to have found you. After NOT being a pre-school teacher for the past 15 years, i find myself back in the swing. I have very dated pages and these are so lovely and fresh . I know the parents and the students will enjoy them immensely. Thank you so much for sharing.

Abby, these printable are beautiful! Thank you SO much for sharing them for FREE! My daughter (5th Grader) and I are excited to use them to help keep track of all of her school work! They will also be a wonderful way to manage my volunteer work… and my Mommy work! Again thank you, Abby!

Bless your soul. I was looking for an attractive school printable. I may promote this in a youtube video! Thanks.

Those are really pretty. You do awesome work! Keep it up 🙂 from a university student

These are adorable! Thank you so much~

I was just wondering why with the my weekly planner the numbers on it start at 5? go to 12 then repeat from 1 to 12 again.. Im not sure I get why?

Hi, Sally! Those are hours of the day so that you can time block your tasks if you choose. 🙂 I hope this helps!

Oh I see, I am just used to using the 24 hour clock… 🙂

Hello! I am a current 7th grader and i have been looking EVERYWHERE for organizational supplies for a school binder I was working on. Thank you so much for these printables! I was looking for some stylish, matching, useful prints and you certyainly gave me exactly that! I will be sure to tell ALL of my friends where I got these prints 🙂 THANK YOU!

Yay! So glad they’ll be useful for you, Jordan! Happy organizing!

Abby, I love these! Sure wish I had these when I was in college 😉

Omg you are beautiful 😀

Hi! I’m a current 6th grader, and I LOVE to diy, clean, organize, and of coarse, watch my pet fish.? I absolutely LOVE these printables! I will be sure to print them! School can get very unorganized,so I just love this!? have an amazing thanksgiving!?? Rachel??????

That is awesome, Rachel! I’m so glad that the printables are helpful! You are going to be the most organized person in class! 🙂 Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!

Are you going to make planner printables for after July 2016?

Hi, Halie! I will probably make a new Student Binder for next school year. Right now I have a full 2016 planner available at . I hope this helps! Have a wonderful week!

As an online college student, it can be quite difficult at times to stay organized and on track. I ended up downloading the Assignment Schedule, Exam Schedule, and the Grade Tracker. I wish I would’ve seen these at the beginning of my Fall semester but now I have them all ready for the start of Spring semester. Thank you!!

So glad the printables are helpful! Best of luck in the upcoming semester!

What a HUGE help! Awesome design, awesome ideas! Thank you so Much!

I loved your planner! It is amazing! Thank you for sharing it! Pamela Buenos Aires, Argentina

I absolutely love this planner. Is so perfect for students, and ive found so many student planner but none like this one. Sadly I found it a little bit late I’ll not be able to take as much advantage of it as I would have liked. Really hope yo make one for the 2016-2017 school year. If you do I’ll be one of the first ones of getting it! So excited!

Hi Paola! The updated student planner will be available this summer! So glad it’s been helpful to you! ~Abby =)

I’m a college student and I’ve been looking for some studying printables and cannot seem to find any. Need something to organize my notes a little better and I love how you layout your printables. Is this something you’d consider making? PLEASE let me know! Thank you!

Hi Catherine! I’ll add it to my printables suggestion list! Thanks! ~Abby =)

I loved it! I’ve been looking for a while and this one is so complete. THank you! I wonder if your next planner is going to have a similar style? The school year in Argentina starts around March and ends around November (and exams are usually around December/January/February), so technically I can only use half of the planner :'(. And of course… I just found it haha. Nonetheless, I’m going to use it! Thanks!

Hi Carolina! It will be updated this summer and yes the style will probably be similar! Glad you like it! ~Abby =)

I love the printable student binder! Any chance of an update that includes the rest of 2016?or if it already exists could someone please show me where 🙂 🙂

Hi Amanda! The student binder will be updated this summer at some point! I’m glad you’re enjoying it! ~Abby =)

I love your printable student binder 🙂 Awesome! <3 -Sandra

This binder is so cool! One of my friends is a diverse learner and we are try ing to help her. This binder is exactly what we need!!

I love these! Are you going to create a new calendar for the upcoming months?

Hi Mila! The student calendar will be updated in the summer for the next school year. If you’re looking for a printable 2016 calendar, you can find it here: . Thanks and have a great day! ~Abby =)

Hi! I will be going to college in the Fall of 2016, will you be making a new set of printables with the updated calendar dates? Thanks! I love this

Yes! You can expect to see an updated set sometime this summer! Hope you’re having a great week, Cassie!

Hey! I really loved your student binder printables from this year 😀 I know it’s kind of early but could you make the calendars and stuff with dates for next year? It’s my senior year next year and I just want to get a head start on organization. Anyway, thanks for making so many awesome binder print outs, I find them very helpful! Thanks, Nicole 🙂

Hi, Nicole! The student binder will be updated this summer. Glad you enjoy them! Have a great week!

I was just looking through these and think they’re adorable!! I wish I saw them last year, now I can’t get the calendar but all the other things are SOO adorable!!

Thanks, Natilee! The student binder will be updated this summer so, maybe you’ll be able to use it next year. Thanks for stopping by!

Hi! All these printables are adorable! I want to make this planner for my daughter’s high school graduation… Are you going to be updating the calendar for the upcoming school year? Also, is there any way to edit them for her specific needs?

Thanks for making these! ?

Hi, Emily! The student binder will be updated this summer! It is not editable at this point. Thanks and have a great week!

Hi Abby! I absolutely love your student binder printables! They are so cute! I was wondering when would you have an updated printable of the student binder calendar? You currently have August 2015 – July 2016. Wanted one through July 2017 is possible. Thanks a million!

Hi, India! The student binder will be updated this summer! So glad you are enjoying it!

I love your student binder, however I’m not a student I’m a high school teacher, I would love a grade sheet for me to keep track of student grades on paper to match my student binder (which I have made my teacher binder)

Thanks for the suggestion, Tiffani! We’ll keep that in mind when updating the binder this summer. Have a great week!

Thank you for sharing this and for making them free. I am hoping to be better organized this summer and fall semester.

I assume this are geared towards having them all in one binder rather then in the binders for each college class?

You can use them however they will be the most helpful for your, Rachael! 🙂

Do you have the 2016-2017 calendar? If not, can you tell me when it will be available?

The planner will be updated this summer!

hi i am in love with your blog and thanks for the binder can i get the calender of 2017 to 2018 and 2018 to 2019

Those are not available yet. We update the student binder each summer. Thanks!

Hi Abby! I noticed that the binders you recommended were 1″ but I was wondering if that is the size binder you recommend or would a larger one would work better? Thank you!

Hi, Shannon! I use a one inch binder, but you can use whatever size works best for you. Happy organizing!

Hi I really like this student binder! I was wondering when you will post the updated version of it for this coming Year 2016-2017.

Hi, Chanelle. There was actually an update in the post. You can find it here: . Thanks!

I’m a Senior in High School this year and I’m starting to look around for college ideas. Came across this binder and it is probably the greatest idea I’ve seen! Saving this for when I start college!

So glad you like it, Kalysta!

This is so pretty…I almost wish I was a student so that I could use it myself! 🙂

This binder is perfect for my daughter who is just about to start high school! She really likes the layout and I love the useful pages. Thank you!

When will all 2017 binder items be available?

Hi, Donna! It has been updated and can be found here: . Scroll down and you will see the 2017 calendar.

First of all, I wanted to thank you for creating something as beautiful as an Erin Condren LifeBook for students, for free. I love it! Secondly, I wanted to ask why the weekly plan pages start with the number 5 and go to 12, then start over at 1? I’ve been racking my brain trying to think of why but can’t figure it out! Thanks!

Hi, Katherine! Those numbers are for time blocking. So you can schedule in what you plan on doing at 5 am to noon, and then it starts again for 1 pm. I hope this helps! Have a great day!

I found your blog not too long ago while looking for some organization tips and subscribed right away. I was so excited to see the information about the student binder in my email today. My oldest daughter and I both have ADHD and organization/follow through is the area we struggle with the most. She will be starting 7th grade next month and we can’t wait to see how well this works for her. Unfortunately our attempts to keep her organized and prepared for school last year were not successful. Thank you!!

I used this last year and I love it. Your printables inspire me to get stuff done

I LOVE this! I am a mom of 2 little ones, I work from home on the weekends, I’m starting a blog (still preparing for launch), and I’m going back to school for my master’s degree next semester. So to say the least I am BUSY! The idea of going back to school has intimidated and overwhelmed me. But this planner makes me feel so much better! I can definitely use this to help organize the many components on my plate. So thank you!

Love all your printables, Abby! You can tell you put a ton of work into creating this!

thank you abby for the printable, i think this will help my 3rd semester a lot. But, can i print it on A6 planner? I have A6 binder. Usually i printed it on my B5 paper, but i would like to make my B5 binder to be college binder. could it be possible for to print it on A6 paper? Thank you 🙂

Hi, Yasyfin! Sadly these printables are just in the standard 8.5″ x 11″ size. I would guess you could find a student binder in the A6 size on Etsy. Have a great semester!

These are great! Starting off as president or another officer for many clubs this year, this will help me keep track of everything while still saving me money, thanks for this!

So glad it’s helpful for you, Angelyn!

Hi, I love this binder!! I’m a student and can not wait to use this once school starts! I want to print this in a printing place like FedEx of something but I’m not sure what kind of paper to use. i was wondering if you could recomend which one would be best(30% recycled, 100% recycled, lazer 24 lbs, lazer 60 lbs, lazer, or gloss??) Thanks

Hi, Tali! The paper I usually use to print at home is 20#, 92 brightness, so it seems like the 24# would be closest to that. I hope this helps! Have a great day!

I’m entering my Freshman year, and this is just what I was looking for! These are so cute, and my style, too! And I’m even more happy about how they are free! Thank you soo much!

Thank you so so so much for doing this! It will be such a huge help this school year. Also, I absolutely fell in love with your fonts and was wondering what fonts you used for this? Thanks!

Oh my gosh, I love love love all of your organization tips and printables! They are so cute! You have inspired me to put my life in order:) Thank you so much for making and posting these. They will be so very helpful this school year. Just wondering- what fonts did you use for the school binder printables? Thanks again, Harmony

These are awesome! Do you use premade templates? Or come up with your own designs? Your printables are always adorable

Thank you so much, Kimberly! I come up with my own designs! Then sometimes I’ll do different versions of the designs that I really like. I hope this helps! Have a great day!

These printables are truly amazing! I will be a junior this year and these will definitely come in handy. Thanks!

These are absolutely awesome and adorable! I’m such a procrastinator and so unorganized and I think these will definitely help change that this semester and all the ones to come!! Thanks!

So glad you like them, Morgan!

Hi Abby, I have been trying to print the binder stuff and it let me print the calendar but not the rest of it. Can you help me? I just love this, and would really like it for 4 of my grandchildren. Sincerely, Christine

Hi Chistine! Can you email us at [email protected] and give us more details about the trouble you’re having? We will try to help out and we check email multiple times a day so it will be much faster to get through to us. Thanks!

Hi Abby, You student binder is just what we needed this year! Happy to be getting us all organized in our homeschool and have it all look fabulous. I’m actually at a planning weekend and just noticed the 2017 calendar runs Monday to Sunday rather than Sunday through Saturday. Funny I didn’t notice that in the picture you posted. Thanks for getting us off to a great start for 2016/17!

I love your files, but after I download the pdf it will not print. other files from other sites do. uh.

If you download the file to your desktop and open it with the default PDF viewer on your computer, you shouldn’t have any trouble printing from there. Please email [email protected] if you are still having trouble. Thanks!

How do you create your own printables? I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find a free and easy way to create my own schedule. I need to be able to edit it every once in a while for school. Please help!

Hi, Kathryn! Are you a subscriber of Just a Girl and her Blog? If so, you can login to the printables database and there is a free PDF on how to create your own printables. If you’re not a subscriber, you can gain access here: . Have a great day!

Abby, Thank you SO MUCH for all of the time and effort that you’ve put into creating these pages and offering them for free. I am ever so Grateful. I am starting to HOMESCHOOL for the first time this year and I believe these printables will aid me with this endeavor.

Yay! So glad they will be helpful for you, Kim! Love to hear that! Have a great weekend!

I love this! Would you mind if I use a link to this post and a picture from it for a “back to school” round up post I’m working on?

That would be great. Thanks for checking, Charlene!

Hi Abby! I loved this!!!!! Is there an option to print this 5.5 × 8.5? The so much, Martina (from Argentina)

Hi, Martina! The student binder is only available in full size at this time. We do have a planner that is available in 5.5 by 8.5 that you can find here: . Thanks and have a great evening!

Hi Abby! Let me start off with “I LOVE YOUR BLOG” it is amazing. I just stumbled upon your blog by accident, but I found it very intriguing and I cannot get enough of it. I just want to say I love your student planner. I have been looking for one that will fit my busy schedule for college. Again thanks and you are doing a wonderful job!!

You are too sweet! Thanks so much, Ramona! I’m so glad it will be helpful for you! Have a great school year!

I used the Exam and Project printouts back in Spring semester and it was super helpful! I ended up printing out enough for each of my classes and sticking them in sheet protectors at the front of each tab for each of my classes. I keep everything logged in my actual planner, but being able to look at what I’ll be doing for the entire semester was great! My classes for Fall start this coming Monday so I’m in organization/prep mod and I immediately came back to your site to get some more printables! I plan to do a short vlog on how I organize for school and I’ll most definitely be living your link on said vlog! Thank you again!

Awesome! So glad they’ve been helpful to you, Taylor! Have a great school year and definitely come back with a link to your vlog! I’d love to see it!

Hi! I adore these printables but just wanted to mention there is a error on the weekly plan. The numbered lines begin at 5.

Hi, Emile! The numbered lines are intended to help you plan out your day hour by hour. Since most people don’t generally wake up before 5 am, I started with 5 on purpose. So sorry for the confusion. Have a great day!

I like your creative binder so much =)) Hope there’ll be a 2017-2018 one too !!! By the way , could you tell me the font of the letters in the binder ? Love it !

Hi Chichay! So glad you like the binder! This one can actually be used any year as most pages aren’t dated and we have included an undated calendar as well as the 2016-2017 calendar! The print font is Futura. SignPainter is the cursive one. Have a great weekend!

Thanks so much , Abby =)) Have a great weekend , too ^^

Hi Abbey ?. I really L.O.V.E the student binder planner. It is amazing. Can you please tell me how to edit the monthly pages in word ? As, our school week starts from Sunday not Monday . If possible i’d like to know . Thnx ? 😉 Summer

Hi, Summer! The binder is meant to be printed out and written on. It is not editable in Word. Sorry!

I LOVE THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You!

So glad you like them, Sydney! Have a great week!


So glad it was helpful for you, Cindy!

I was wondering why the weekly plan starts out with a 5? Love these those, they are super cute

Hi, Karen! We just assume that most people aren’t up before 5am so that is why the day starts at 5! 🙂

Oh my goodness these are everything I wanted and needed and more!! I can’t get over how pretty they are, how perfect they are for my school life, and how dang FREE they are!! ? Thanks so much for making these!! I will definitely use them!!

Aw, yay! So glad they will be helpful for you, Megan! Have a great school year!

This is really great! My BFF is a diverse learner and all of my friends and I have been looking for ways to help her. This will work perfectly

So glad it will be helpful! Have a great evening!

I am wondering how to print

Hi, Indya! You can download each page of the student binder individually by clicking the link below each photo, or download the entire binder in one document using the link at the end of the post. Then you just print like you would a normal document. I hope this helps!

Wow! This is exactly what I have been looking for!!!! 2017 is going to be an insane year for our family, this is perfect and really stylist! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So glad it’s helpful, Emma! Merry Christmas!

Can you make a organizational sheet for kids sports?

Ooh that’s a good idea! I’ll add it to my list. Can you tell me a little bit more of what you had in mind? Like keeping track of their game and practice schedules? Or milestones they’re trying to hit in their sport? Or what? Hope you’re having a great day Brandi!

Thanks so much! Have a great weekend!

hi abby, thank you so much for these they are so cute and helpful!! I was wondering when the 2017 one was coming out?? I am from Australia and we start school in a few weeks

Hi, Isshell! If you scroll to the bottom of the post, you can download the entire binder which has been updated for 2017. Thanks!

Hey they look amazing but i dont know how to print them its not working it really sad they are really cute though. i believe they will work very well its sad i cant though

Hi, Maddie! Sorry you’re having trouble. Are you getting an error message? You should be able to download the file and open them in whatever program you use to view PDF’s on your computer and print from there!

I just started my first semester of Nursing school and this printable are great. Thanks! I absolutely love it!!!

Yay! So glad they’ll be helpful for you! Good luck with your first semester!

I love it, thanks I really wanted one of those planners

Yay! Glad it will be helpful for you, Catalina!

I love this binder, it has helped me to be organized in college this semester.

Yay! So glad it’s been helpful for you, Stephanie! <3

Hey are these for half size planners (5.5 X 8.5 inches?)

The Student Binder is full size. We have half size planners here:

Hi Abby, I am a student in high school and one of my goals is making sure that my life is organized. I could not find anything through other websites. But when I searched this morning and looked up life organization binder ideas and saw your blog. When I went into your website it was so simple and so easy to use. I have printed out the things and now going to start but it’s nice that you have them as free printable. I am on spring break right now and trying to organize my life because that was part of my new years revolution but never have been able to and could not find the type I want. So this has been one of the best blogs or organizing websites I have found. Thank you and I love your stuff.

Hi!! What font did you use on the calendar printable?

Hi, Melanie! The script font is called SignPainter and the other one is Futura. Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!

hey , I love your student planner and I was wondering if you are going to make one for 2017 – 2018.

Hi! Glad you love it! Most of the binder has no dates so it will work for every year but we do update the yearly calendar each year and update that post. There is also a blank yearly calendar included. Thanks!

hi I have another question what type of paper did you use for the planners?

I just use standard copy paper for mine. You can find more info about what I like to use here:

would cardstock work?

Sure! You can print on any kind of paper you would like!

Just wanted to thank you for these printables. I want to surprise my daughter who will be a freshman in August with a new planner she can personalize and this is just the thing. It’s not so basic like the school planners and she can do so much with it. Thanks!

Yay! So glad they are helpful, Rosa! Congratulations to your daughter!

Hi Abbey, I think your printables are really pretty and practical too. I seem to recall you had some YouTube tutorials on how to create our own using Word, but I cannot locate this? Coukd you please send me the link as it’s holidays here in Australia and I want to have a go at creating my own! Thanks so much!

Hi, Joanne! If you subscribe to our blog, you will be given access to our library of free printables which includes the tutorial you mentioned. Right under the 3 rectangles is the sign up: . If you are already subscribed, just look at the bottom of one of our Saturday emails and you will find the link and password. Thanks!

Have a great holiday!

Hi Abbey, I think your printables are really pretty and practical too. I seem to recall you had some YouTube tutorials on how to create our own using Word, but I cannot locate this? Could you please send me the link as it’s holidays here in Australia and I want to have a go at creating my own! Thanks so much!

Hi Abby! I’m back for my third year lol! Just wondering when will you update the calendar for the 2017/18 school year? Thanks for keeping my family so organized❀

A new student binder will be available next Tuesday! 🙂 Glad it’s been so helpful for your family! Hope you’re having a great week!

Omg! I am in my senior year of high school and these are going to make it so much easier to stay organized. You are my new hero!

Aw, yay! So glad it will be helpful for you! <3

Dear Abby, I love your free student binder coz it will be useful for me. Maraming Salamat po, it means thank you very much in Philippine language. Always a fan of your work. Rennie Lapuz

Aw, so glad! Thanks so much for your sweet message! Hope you’re having a wonderful week! <3

Thank you so much! Just printed the student binder! xxx from Greece with much love!

Yay! So glad! Hope you’re having a great week! <3

Wow that is absolutely beautiful! I love it! Makes me wish I was back in school again! LOL!! I have a question regarding your planners. I am new to planning and just getting ideas if I should go with a binder with all the beautiful printables, or one of those premade types? Or is there a way to work with both of them? You make such great printables and I would love to somehow incorporate them into a premade planner. What I don’t like about the binder type is that it’s so cumbersome because it doesn’t fold in half and takes up more room. So if you have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks, Sandi

Hi, Sandi! If your planner had the three rings in it, you could certainly add the printables to it. The new version of our Simplify printables are coming out in a few weeks, and they will include half sheets that fit in a small binder, so that would take up less space if that is the issue you’re having. Happy planning!

This is great! It sometimes takes so much to get students organized and the fact that this is so easily accessible is awesome! Just the fact you can print this out right at home and fill it out makes life 100% easier on individuals.

Aw, good! So glad it will be helpful for you, Charlotte! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!

Abby- this is amazing!!!! My son will be starting 8th grade in a few weeks and Ive been looking for something “perfect” to helo him get more organized and stay organized!! You never fail to amaze me with awesome printable. Thanks so much

Aw, yay! So glad it will be helpful for him, Carrie! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!

thank you so much…it is so nice.

Hi, I love all your printables!!!! they are awesome. I cant seem to get the student binder, when I press the link “I WANT PRINTABLES” nothing happens. Please help I really need this in my life!!!!!

Hi, Heidi! Shoot us an email at hello {at} justagirlandherblog {dot} com and we will get you those printables! Sorry you’re having trouble! Have a wonderful day!

helo abby i dont have email so cant print and sheets out how else can i do it i am a bit stuck because i kind of need them because they will help me out a lot in school please can you reply as soon as posible

Hi, Scarley! Email is the only way we are able to send the files because they’re so big. Maybe see if you can use a parent’s email address?

Hi I am in love with your student binder printable but I am having some difficulty understanding how to print them!

Hi, Nyssa! You should be able to open it and print it with any program that will open a PDF. If it’s not working, try a different program. I’ve heard Adobe Reader works well, but Preview (if you have a Mac) should work just as well. Thanks!

hey abby, love the binder i was just wondering if there is a way to download just one section?

Hi, Isshell. You aren’t able to download only one section but you don’t have to print it all. You can select certain pages in your printer settings I’m sure. Thanks!

Hello! I have a daughter with anxiety / ADHD. She wanted something to keep track of her homework and exams, I am hopeful this works for her as she is entering High School.

Aw, I hope it works for her, too! Have a great school year! <3

Love your organization ideas – so creative! Where did you get the colorful pocket tab dividers used in the pictures above? I love those colors!

Hi, Cydni! Just on Amazon! I have everything linked at the bottom of this post:

Thanks and have a great day!

Thank you so much for the printable, its just what I needed to help keep myself organized for my classes!

Oh, good! So glad it will be helpful for you! <3

I love this printable! I am ten years old and I love diy and printing out things like this to organize with! Even though I’m homeschooled these will be very helpful! Thank you for making these. Bye the way I subscribed to your channel.

So glad it will be helpful for you, Hannah! And thanks so much for subscribing! Have a great school year! <3

Love these! I’m a teacher in a really low income area and I asked my students to purchase a planner to help them keep track of assignments and stay organized but many of them can not afford one. I will use this for those students.

Aw, good! So glad it will be helpful for them! Have a great year with your students, Kelly! <3

Is there a way that you can send me the student school free printable’s?

Hi, Brianna! Can you let me know what email address to send them to? We tried to send them to [email protected] and it said the email address was not valid. Thanks!

If you could explain to me how to print this that would be great.Love the idea!!!!

Hi, Miranda! What trouble are you having printing?

Hello, I love these printables but as a nursing student A4 size is too big, do you do these in A5 (half letter size) also?

Sorry, Andrea! This is the only size we have available at this time. We have a half sheet organizer/planner here if you’re interested:

Have a great evening!

I wanted to ask if there was any chance you could make like divisions for classes with a blank space for us to fill in with the name of the course. It’s just I love your printables, they are so cute and useful and I will never find schemes like yours

Hi, Ariana! That is a great idea! I’ll add it to my list! Hope you’re having a great day!

Thank you so much. I’m so glad you liked my idea! Hope you’re having a great day too!

Thank you soooooooooooooooo much. These printables are so helpful to me and also thank you for making them free to read and enjoy. You are an angel Love you lots XOXO

So glad they will be helpful for you, Athaliah! <3

Hi, I was wondering if you are going to do one for the 2018-2019 school year.

Hi, Kayla! The new binder will be available this summer. Thanks!

Could you make a version of this printable that fits a Create 365 planner? I use that planner all the time and I really like these printables but I di not want to create a separate binder for school. Thanks!- Katie

Hi, Katie! This is the only version of the student binder, but our Intentional Life Planner is available in two sizes. Not sure what size your planner is. You can check it out here: . Thanks and have a great evening!

I don’t know where to find how to print these. I would love to, but it says I have to pay, I thought they were free printable s?

Hi, Lydia! They are free. Sorry you’re having trouble. If you send us an email at hello {at} justagirlandherblog {dot} com we can email you them in PDF form. Thanks!

Hi there. Just stopping by to see if you are planning to make a student planner (blue color scheme) for the 2018-2019 school year. I LOVE your printables.

Hi, Therese! The student binder should be updated by the end of the month. Thanks! 🙂

Hey Abby. I came across your student binder while I was in college. Now I am a teacher and I am going to give my students their very own binders. I have taken a few pages out because they are a younger class. I will let you know how they work out.

Great! Hope they’re helpful for you! <3

These are amazing!! Thank you so much for making these – and in 2 different color schemes!? These will be amazing at helping our family get more organized and in helping teach our children to become more responsible for their grades and projects. I think these will work amazingly well for alll our kids, grades 3rd-7th. I’m probably going to use these in my own lesson planning.?

Yay! So glad they will be helpful for you, Stefani! Love to hear that! Hope you all have a wonderful year! <3

Hi Abby!! I was just wandering if you could inbox me the class schedule, grade tracker, exam schedule, and the assignment schedule printables?

Hi, Aliyah! If you sign up via the form that pops up when you click the button, they should come right to your inbox!

Hi, Aliyah! Did you sign up to receive the binder? We can’t send things separately. They come all together. Thanks!

Thank you so much for the amazing printable. My daughter has dyslexia and organization is a challenge. I hope these will make things a little easier for her. One question… is there a specific reason why the daily and weekly plan start with the number 5 instead of 1? Thanks so much!!!

Hi, Debra! Those are times. We assume not many people are starting their day before 5am! 🙂

Thank you so much for sharing! I share your link with all my Early Childhood Education students each semester, and they love you! Michelle

Aw, yay! That is so sweet! So glad it has been helpful for them! Have a wonderful weekend, Michelle! <3

I am extremely picky when it comes to planners and printables, but this student planner looks terrific! What a wonderful and generous item to offer to your readers. We homeschool, and I am going to use this with my middle schooler and my high schooler. I think it will make my lesson planning simpler. I can just plug the lessons right into their individual planners. Thanks for the blue version. My son would have died rather than use a “My Little Pony” colored planner. Ha! My daughter and I love the colorful version

Thank you so much for your sweet words, Rachel! That really means a lot. I hope the planners will be helpful for you all! Have a wonderful week!

Hi Abby, the link you have to download these awesome printables isn’t there. Would you please check your link? I was soooo bummed to not be able to download these pages. Thanks!

Hi, Melissa! I just checked it and it is working for me. Sometimes if you try to click the link as soon as the page loads, you’ll get an error because the scripts haven’t had a chance to load yet. If it’s not working for you, try to give the page a minute to load, and then click the link, and it should work. So sorry for the confusion!

Thanks much Abby! 🙂

Hey Abby I can’t find where the actual documents are! I used them lady year but can find this one. I can easily view the article but can’t see the actual binder document

Hi, Ranai! You click the big pink button and enter your info, and we will send them your way! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

I’m not even a student but I’m still going to be able to get good use out of some of these. Thanks for making these and especially for letting us just have them for free! You rock.

So glad they will be helpful for you, Sarah! <3

HEYYY! this is absolutely amazing!! Im so thankful for this! should i print it out using the front and back settings?

Hi, Ayra! You can print it out that way if you want to but it’s not really meant to be printed front and back. Thanks!

I love that you have a blue option for my son! Thank you!

Yay! So glad it will be helpful for him!

Yes .Queen .I’m in middle school and i’m just know fining this no joke i just sent this to my friends love this .

Yay! So glad it will be helpful for you and your friends, Chasydi! Hope you’re having a great school year!

Hey Abby! Coming from a teacher of 19 years, teaching students to plan sets them up for success! I love all your ideas and your blog!

I love your printables! Thank you for offering these for free. I am homeschooling my 5 year old this year and I have been searching for free printables to help plan and organize. I especially love that you have blue, my favorite color and have a boy.

Oh yay! I’m so glad that they will be helpful for you! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Well, here I am back again! My Early Childhood majors love your student planner, and I send them your website link every year! Thank you again, Michelle

LOVE to hear that. So glad it is helpful for them. Hope you all have a great year! <3

This is absolutely amazing!! Im so thankful for this. Thanks for making these and especially for letting us just have them for free.

Yay! So glad it will be helpful for you, Olivia!

Have a great weekend!

Hi Abby, Thank you so much for the beautiful design. For some reason I never received the access information to print them out. Please help!

So sorry they’re giving you trouble, Cindy! I just sent you an email with the info!

This is a great resource. I’m just curious what age range you think this would be appropriate for. Thank you!

Hi, Bonnie! I had middle school/high school kids in mind when I created it, but some of the pages could certainly be used with younger students as well. And I’ve had some college students tell me they’ve used it too, so it can definitely be adapted for many ages!

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Free Printable Student Binders

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Teacher Binder for Early Childhood Teachers (preschool, pre-k, kindergarten & 1st)

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How to make a Teacher Lesson Plan Binder for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten teachers. Get organized! #teacherplanner #lessonplans #preschool #pre-k #backtoschool

Being organized is my jam;  it makes me so happy.  I love it when everything is organized and has a proper place.  I created a Teacher Binder to help me stay organized at school.  It’s an awesome tool that I use year-round.

I can just grab my binder and find what I need.  I don’t have to find this paper or that list.  It is all in one place.  I take it home every night just in case I need/ want to work on something for school.

This post contains affiliate links which means I earn a tiny commission when you use my links at no cost to you.

You will find all of these teacher binder items on my Amazon list !


First, pick if you want to use a regular 3-ring binder or Happy Planner rings. These are the big Happy Planner rings (you need a box of 11 rings), but if you want a thinner binder use the smaller Happy planner rings (you may need to buy 2 boxes, so you have 11 rings).

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Teacher binder for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten teachers. Get organized! #teacherplanner #lessonplans #preschool #pre-k #backtoschool

Next, print the pages/forms, the dividers, and covers you need.  You now have everything you need to create a custom organizational tool!  Now you can start the year organized.

You will find TONS of different organizational pages!  To help with lesson planning, I included a page for weekly lesson plans, centers plan, group plans, unit sketch, a year-at-a-glance, and a reflection page.

Keep track of student information using class lists, student birthdays chart, basic information pages, student services at-a-glance, and student interventions.  Organize all of your teacher resources using a professional development log, sick & personal days off log, usernames & passwords chart, favorite websites list, and book wish list (my favorite).

With everything we have to do, I created tons of different “To Do” lists.  I couldn’t forget about all the meetings we have to attend.   I created a way for you to track class notes and meeting notes page.

The pages and forms are now EDITABLE (PowerPoint file) and just print (PDF file).  Just print and write directly on the pages or type your lesson plans, print and put them in your binder!  This is perfect for those of you who have to turn in your lesson plans each week.

Teacher lesson plan binder (what to put inside) for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten teachers. Get organized! #teacherplanner #lessonplans #preschool #pre-k #backtoschool

The colorful binder spine labels, tabs, and covers/dividers pages (make sure you open the file in PowerPoint to edit) are EDITABLE.  If you are anything like me, you LOVE having things that match!  Pick the pages that match your classroom dĂ©cor!  The binder spines and matching covers/divider are also in a PDF.  It is all super simple; just print the ones you need!

You also get a monthly calendar for this school year.  THE CALENDAR IS EDITABLE!  Each year, I will update the calendar!  All you need to do is go to the “My Purchases” section on the TPT website and download the newest version for free (along with any additional pages I add to this product)!

Teacher lesson plan binder (what to put inside) for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten teachers. Get organized! #teacherplanner #lessonplans #preschool #pre-k #backtoschool

Think about how you want your lesson plans to be formatted (subjects across the top or the side).  These pages are editable, so type in your schedule and print double-sided.  On the other side of the Monday page (left side) is my center planning page, and on the other side of the Friday page (right) is my reflections and notes page.  You could also put your small group or RTI page on the back instead.

Type of Paper:

  • Cover (front and back): cardstock and laminated with 3mil laminating pouch
  • Dividers: cardstock (did not laminate, but you can if you want)
  • Tabs: cardstock (make sure you cut, laminate, then cut again to make them durable)
  • Planning inside pages: regular copy paper

Time to Hole Punch

If you are using Happy Planner Rings, you will need the PINK Happy Planner punch.   If you are using a 3-ring binder, use a regular 3-hole punch.  Make sure you line up the pages so the holes are in the right spot.

QUICK TIP >> Assemble the binder and flip through it to make sure it opens like you want it BEFORE you hole punch it.  This ensures that you are hole-punching the right side.  For example, the back cover will be hole-punched on the opposite side.

Teacher lesson plan binder (hole punches) for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten teachers. Get organized! #teacherplanner #lessonplans #preschool #pre-k #backtoschool

The other thing I put in my Teacher Binder is my year-long curriculum map!  It includes 2-week themes for the WHOLE year (summer too), sensory table ideas, STEM challenges, a book list for each theme, and MORE!  It has saved me so much time.  Grab it HERE for FREE !

 If you use something to help you plan every week, put it in your teacher binder.  Some ideas are:

  • Curriculum Map   (printed 4 to a page)
  • STEM Building Prop List s (printed 2 to a page)
  • Family Writing Center Ideas page (printed 4 to a page)
  • Green & Red Choices Teacher Pages    (printed 4 to a page)
  • Calm Down Kit Teacher Pages   (printed 4 to a page)
  • Name Cards Teacher Pages   (printed 4 to a page)
  • Name Mats Teacher Pages 
  • FREE 1st 10 Days of School Lesson Plans

Need help printing multiple pages to a single page to fit in your binder?   Watch this video HERE.

Teacher lesson plan binder (what to put inside) for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten teachers. Get organized! #teacherplanner #lessonplans #preschool #pre-k #backtoschool

See the teacher binder in action here !

Check out the teacher binder I created and have used for years in my preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten room.

Love this teacher binder?  Pin this image!

Teacher lesson plan binder (how to make it & what to put inside) for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten teachers. Get organized! #teacherplanner #lessonplans #preschool #pre-k #backtoschool

hey, i’m jackie!

I’m Jackie, your go-to girl for early childhood inspiration and research-based curriculum. 

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Home » Free Kindergarten Homework

Free Kindergarten Homework

  • Printables , Family Involvement


As teachers we want homework to be meaningful.  We want homework to enrich what you do in the classroom.  And let’s be truthful, we want homework to not be a burden to the teacher.  And so here is two weeks of Free Kindergarten Homework that I am sure will take all your homework woes away.

Kindergarten Homework with weekly family games and academic review! Try a week free at Simply Kinder! Free Kindergarten Homework your students, your families, and you will love!

Each week includes all of the elements you will need to keep your students extending what you teach, get your families involved in a fun way, and to practice essential skills you may not cover in class that are so important!

Each week has a cover page (check it out above).  The cover page is loaded with practice:

  •  Students will write their name neatly on the lines.
  • A reading log that asks families to read together.  The parents will initial in the boxes that they read and each week the student is asked to write or draw about a different story element from one of the books they read.
  • The practice of an essential skill.  Throughout the year the students will be asked to write their last names, initials, phone numbers, school name, city, state, and much more.

The upper left hand corner of the page has a fun graphic each week and is numbered on the right.  This will help you to organize them and help the students take some ownership in that process.

Kindergarten Homework with weekly family games and academic review! Try a week free at Simply Kinder!

Each week also includes two pages of content review.  The concepts are scaffolded throughout the year so they match the diverse range of skills we teach in kindergarten.  These skills are meant to be done mostly independently (of course depending on the child).  Each night the students will do the review and move onto the next fun activity.

Kindergarten Homework with weekly family games and academic review! Try a week free at Simply Kinder!

Each week also includes a family game.  These are print and play style games that the families can store in baggies to save to review all year long.  The families will color, cut, and play the game during the week.   Most of these games are two pages so they won’t put too much of a dent in your copying.

Most weeks are 5 pages in total (a few are 6 pages).  Print them off, put them in the copy machine, and hand them out.

It’s so easy, we want you to give it a try.  Click the quarter you are in below and we will show you exactly what is covered in it AND send you a free week:

First Quarter

Second Quarter

Third Quarter

Fourth Quarter

And if you are already in love and want to go full force with our Kindergarten Homework , you can save big when you buy the bundle!  And the best part is, the full file is editable so you can truly customize it to your needs.  If you are teaching the letter J one week, you can make the handwriting review be that letter.  Or maybe you need it in another language, no problem!   Click here to check out the full years set on Teachers Pay Teachers.


Have you tried our Kindergarten Homework?  Let us know what you think in the comments below.  

“I love love love the games that are included in this packet. The parents in my class love them too! I print them off for them, and keep a set of games to play in class for small group interventions! It is the perfect homework packet!”

“I hate giving homework, but these are so pretty that it makes it okay!”

“I’m a huge Simply Kinder fan!!! I don’t often buy anything off of TPT…but when I do, it’s from Simply Kinder. All of her products are so developmentally appropriate and well thought out…this homework bundle is no exception. Not to mention, it saves this very busy teacher a whole lot of planning time!! Thank you so much!!”

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Essay writing help has this amazing ability to save a student’s evening. For example, instead of sitting at home or in a college library the whole evening through, you can buy an essay instead, which takes less than one minute, and save an evening or more. A top grade for homework will come as a pleasant bonus! Here’s what you have to do to have a new 100% custom essay written for you by an expert.

To get the online essay writing service, you have to first provide us with the details regarding your research paper. So visit the order form and tell us a paper type, academic level, subject, topic, number and names of sources, as well as the deadline. Also, don’t forget to select additional services designed to improve your online customer experience with our essay platform.

Once all the form fields are filled, submit the order form that will redirect you to a secure checkout page. See if all the order details were entered correctly and make a payment. Just as payment is through, your mission is complete. The rest is on us!

Enjoy your time, while an online essay writer will be doing your homework. When the deadline comes, you’ll get a notification that your order is complete. Log in to your Customer Area on our site and download the file with your essay. Simply enter your name on the title page on any text editor and you’re good to hand it in. If you need revisions, activate a free 14-30-day revision period. We’ll revise the work and do our best to meet your requirements this time.

Customer Reviews

kindergarten homework binder

Can I pay someone to write my essay?

Time does not stand still and the service is being modernized at an incredible speed. Now the customer can delegate any service and it will be carried out in the best possible way.

Writing essays, abstracts and scientific papers also falls into this category and can be done by another person. In order to use this service, the client needs to ask the professor about the topic of the text, special design preferences, fonts and keywords. Then the person contacts the essay writing site, where the managers tell him about the details of cooperation. You agree on a certain amount that you are ready to give for the work of a professional writer.

A big bonus of such companies is that you don't have to pay money when ordering. You first receive a ready-made version of the essay, check it for errors, plagiarism and the accuracy of the information, and only then transfer funds to a bank card. This allows users not to worry about the site not fulfilling the agreements.

Go to the website and choose the option you need to get the ideal job, and in the future, the best mark and teacher's admiration.

What is the best essay writer?

The team EssaysWriting has extensive experience working with highly qualified specialists, so we know who is ideal for the role of the author of essays and scientific papers:

  • Easy to communicate. Yes, this point may seem strange to you, but believe me, as a person communicates with people, he manifests himself in the texts. The best essay writer should convey the idea easily and smoothly, without overloading the text or making it messy.
  • Extensive work experience. To start making interesting writing, you need to write a lot every day. This practice is used by all popular authors for books, magazines and forum articles. When you read an essay, you immediately understand how long a person has been working in this area.
  • Education. The ideal writer should have a philological education or at least take language courses. Spelling and punctuation errors are not allowed in the text, and the meaning should fit the given topic.

Such essay writers work in our team, so you don't have to worry about your order. We make texts of the highest level and apply for the title of leaders in this complex business.

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kindergarten homework binder

kindergarten homework binder

Customer Reviews

There are questions about essay writing services that students ask about pretty often. So we’ve decided to answer them in the form of an F.A.Q.

Is essay writing legitimate?

As writing is a legit service as long as you stick to a reliable company. For example, is a great example of a reliable essay company. Choose us if you’re looking for competent helpers who, at the same time, don’t charge an arm and a leg. Also, our essays are original, which helps avoid copyright-related troubles.

Are your essay writers real people?

Yes, all our writers of essays and other college and university research papers are real human writers. Everyone holds at least a Bachelor’s degree across a requested subject and boats proven essay writing experience. To prove that our writers are real, feel free to contact a writer we’ll assign to work on your order from your Customer area.

Is there any cheap essay help?

You can have a cheap essay writing service by either of the two methods. First, claim your first-order discount – 15%. And second, order more essays to become a part of the Loyalty Discount Club and save 5% off each order to spend the bonus funds on each next essay bought from us.

Can I reach out to my essay helper?

Contact your currently assigned essay writer from your Customer area. If you already have a favorite writer, request their ID on the order page, and we’ll assign the expert to work on your order in case they are available at the moment. Requesting a favorite writer is a free service.

Finished Papers

Alexander Freeman


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  2. Kindergarten Homework Folders and Binders

    As kids get older they will have homework and they will need to study. There's no better time than kindergarten to start developing good homework and study habits. Part of the homework routine for my classroom is to complete the homework, then place the homework folder back into the backpack to return to school the next morning. The daily ...

  3. Kindergarten Homework Binder

    I've always struggled with daily binders, but this setup has been a game-changer for us! 😊 This is my second year using this method, and it's been a lifesav...

  4. How to Support Students with Morning Work Binders

    They can also be used for morning work. Students can work in their binders as the rest of the class is entering the classroom and getting settled. At the end of the school year, students go through each page with a baby wipe. We make sure all the pages are clean. If there are pages where the dry erase marker won't erase, we use a Mr. Clean eraser.

  5. Homework Binders for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade

    * A plastic binder divider of a different color with a sticker on it that says, "Homework: Return at the end of the week." The homework is supposed to stay in the binder all week, and they are NOT supposed to do the whole thing in one night. Occasionally, the kids turned in their homework early, not realizing that it wasn't time.

  6. Smart Start Morning Work: Kindergarten

    Sample Format: PDF Grade: K-2 Pages: 266 BUNDLE & SAVE! Kindergarten Morning Work for the Entire Year! Simple and covers key standards for kindergarten science, math, art, reading, writing, calendar, geography, and more! No-Prep Activities you can print & go! This binder is a great way to review standards already learned as well as some new basic concepts and important everyday life situations ...

  7. Our Weekly Binder System

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  8. Kindergarten & Preschool Circle Time Printables (No Prep)

    That way, the printbles stay organized and can be used all month long. The 6 circle time printables I've included in each monthly Learning Binder include: 1. EDITABLE NAME WRITING PRACTICE. One of the most important skills for our preschool and kindergarten students to master is writing their name.

  9. Student Binder for Back-to-School (with Free Printables!)

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    Please note that this is for personal use only. Step Two: Open the file in your pdf software and choose FILE and then PRINT. Step Three: Select the Portrait Orientation and Full Page. Choose the pages you would like to use and print them. Step Four: Use a Three Hole Punch to add them to your binder. Ginny.

  11. Busy Binder

    Building Your Busy Binder Morning Work Book. To prepare your busy binders, you'll need a few supplies: 1 printed Busy Book printed worksheet pack for each student. 1 3-prong folder (the sturdier, the better) Clear Sleeves/Sheet Protectors (approximately 15 per student) Patience (and a little assembly time) Dry erase markers.

  12. Teacher Binder for Early Childhood Teachers (preschool, pre-k

    BUY THE TEACHER BINDER PRINTABLES HERE. First, pick if you want to use a regular 3-ring binder or Happy Planner rings. These are the big Happy Planner rings (you need a box of 11 rings), but if you want a thinner binder use the smaller Happy planner rings (you may need to buy 2 boxes, so you have 11 rings). This post contains affiliate links.

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  14. Kindergarten Homework Folders and Binders

    Organize and track your child's homework with these kindergarten homework folders and binders. Stay on top of assignments and help your child develop important study habits. Find tips and resources at

  15. Kindergarten Homework Binder

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  16. Kindergarten Binder Work Teaching Resources

    Kindergarten Morning Work Binder. Created by. Erin Durfey. This morning work binder is a great way to incorporate morning work into your routine. Once assembled, you can reuse this binder for the entire school year. The activities are aligned to Kindergarten Common Core Standards.

  17. Kindergarten Homework Binder

    Kindergarten Homework Binder, Doing A Psychology Research Paper, Biotech Lab Technician Resume Sample, What Is An Expository Essay Thesis, Write Shakespeare Studies Term Paper, Science Technology Essay In Urdu, Fine Motor Skills Critical Thinking Place an order ...

  18. Kindergarten Homework Binder

    They can complete any type of homework or coursework, regardless of field of study, complexity, and urgency. When you contact the company Essayswriting, the support service immediately explains the terms of cooperation to you. ... Kindergarten Homework Binder, Cause And Effect Essays On Bullying, 2 Page Essay For How Phones Affect Our Body, Esl ...

  19. Kindergarten Homework Binder

    Kindergarten Homework Binder. Essay writing help has this amazing ability to save a student's evening. For example, instead of sitting at home or in a college library the whole evening through, you can buy an essay instead, which takes less than one minute, and save an evening or more. A top grade for homework will come as a pleasant bonus!